#new pairing
ladylucksrogue · 6 months
You know...I have written smut in my time, and I have read plenty...but I have never written smut between two men, now I'm sitting here contemplating things and making this way more complicated than it is. I think it's bed time 😆
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eternityunicorn · 8 months
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Introducing possible new pairing/fanfiction: Loki x OC Eternity aka Lokinity!
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 9 months
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"A secret laid bare"
Pairing: Tulkas x Maedhros
Themes: Angst-ish | Soft
Warning: Mentions of weapons use (swords)
Word count: 1.2K words
Summary: Maedhros finally confesses to something he had kept secret for quite a while.
Minors DNI
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Tulkas clapped him on the shoulder. "You falter, Maitimo. Your thoughts linger somewhere else. Why?"
Maedhros refused to answer him. He simply picked up his sword and walked away. Perplexed by such behavior, Tulkas ran after him, something he was not accustomed to doing.
"Maitimo," he said, reaching for his student’s hand. "Something troubles you. Pray tell me what it is. Perhaps I can help you."
Maedhros refused to look at him. He did not want Tulkas to see the tears that sprang without warning. If he did, Tulkas would insist on an explanation, and Eru save him, he could be like a hound with a tasty bone sometimes. Tulkas would not let him be until he confessed.
Besides, how could he confess? How could he tell one of the Ainur of the feelings he harbored towards them? The pain he felt whenever they had to part? The sorrow that lashed at him again and again like a new whip whenever he thought about them seeking the hand of another?
"Tis nothing, my lord." Maedhros’ voice cracked, betraying him in an instant. He flinched. "I will be well soon enough."
Something was indeed troubling him. Tulkas knew it, could see it, even. He took a step closer, his voice barely over a whisper.
"What troubles you?" He entreated. "Talk to me, Maitimo. I will not be angry. I give you my word."
Maedhros opened his mouth once. Then twice. Tulkas did not let go of him. He was not going to let go of him, not until he had been given a satisfactory answer. Maedhros sighed and turned around, his eyes still full of unshed tears. Tulkas took note of his student, his slumped form, the wet, red eyes. He looked over his shoulder. They were still within the courtyard and exposed.  
"Come. Let us go somewhere where we can speak in peace."
It was not long before they reached Tulkas’ private chambers. The Vala pulled out a chair for Maedhros, offered him a cup of fine wine. Maedhros refused the offer of hospitality. His stomach was a roil. Tulkas came over and sat back on his haunches, his eyes never leaving his student.
"Now," he began, "you have been withdrawn, inattentive, and, unless I am mistaken, more than a little unhappy for quite some time. Has some new trouble come to life within your family?"  
That was one thing Maedhros could give a ready answer to. "No, my lord. Nothing is disturbing the peace within my family."
For now. Tulkas knew enough and more about the children and grandchildren of Finwë. There will be no true, lasting peace between them for long.
"Good," he replied. "Good. Then what upsets you?"
Maedhros tried to speak again. He failed. He looked away, to the window. He could hear the clash of swords, the clangor of armor, and above it all, the curses of other warriors fighting and winning and yielding. He would miss them if he had to leave, and leave he must, should he ever confess.
"Nothing." Maedhros turned his attention to his lap next.
Tulkas lifted his chin with a curled finger and forced him to meet his gaze. "Your eyes tell me another tale, Maitimo. What bothers you so? Is it your father?"
"No, my lord."
"Your mother?"
"Not her. Never her."
"Other kinsman perhaps?"
"A maiden then? Were you refused, by any chance? Is that it?"
"No. There is no maiden. I have no desire to seek their company."
"I see." Tulkas rises, his curiosity piqued. He turned to face the window, thinking and thinking, his arms folded across his chest. "Who then? Is it another ellon? Another lord?"
"No, and no," Maedhros answers quickly.
"Then who?" Tulkas insisted, more than a little frustrated. "Answer me, Maitimo. That is an order."
"I..." Maedhros dares to glance at his lord. What courage he has left attempts to flee him. "I... I... I cannot. Forgive me."
Tulkas clenched his jaw; his frustration was palpable now. True, he promised not to get angry, but this creeping about vexed him to no end. "Why?"
"Because I... I..."
Maedhros pauses, hesitates. He steals a second glance. Tulkas was determined. Maedhros could see it in the squared shoulders, the narrowed eyes. There would be no escape for him, not through lies or refusal. Finally, he confesses. 
"The cause of my unhappiness is one of the Ainur." Maedhros hesitates again. "You. My lord."
Tulkas stood like he had been hewed out of stone, unable to move or speak for a long while. Realization dawned, bright and clear. The wistful looks thrown his way, the distance, the sadness. It was him. The cause of Maedhros' distress was him. 
"I am distressed because... because you hope to wed another." Maedhros continues in a rush, thinking that it would be best to reveal all now that a portion of his secret has been laid bare. "I... I do not wish for that... my lord. I... I desire you for myself. Forgive me, my lord, if my words offend."
He hung his head, strengthening himself for the chastisement that was sure to follow. Who was he, after all, to even think such things about one greater than himself? 
Chastisement may have been what he was expecting, but it was not what he received. Tulkas stirred himself. He dipped to his haunches once again, took a pair of trembling hands into his. He gave them a gentle squeeze. 
"I am not offended," he replied, hoping to soothe frayed nerves. The confession he heard, the courage it must have taken to even form the words... It stirred something within him, something he could not yet name. Tulkas needed to hear more. "But why did you not tell me sooner?"
Maedhros refused to look up, so fearful was he still. "Because you are Ainu. I am elf-kind. You would never set your eyes on one such as me. I was afraid you would spurn me, and then be lost to me forever. I could not bear that."
"I see." Tulkas considered his next course of action and then settled on the most direct path. He believed it would be best for both of them if he did. "Well. You need not worry about my seeking the hand of another. I may have made it known that I am looking to marry, but no one has caught my eye. Yet."
Maedhros did not know what this meant. Still, he held his tongue. Tulkas was not done speaking.
"I will make no promises, Maitimo, but perhaps, you and I can become better acquainted with one another? Right here, away from the others? Would you like that?"
Maedhros lifted his head with such speed that Tulkas could not help but smile.  "You mean... as more than just a mentor and student?"
"More than just mentor and student," Tulkas repeated, his smile spreading even more. It made his eyes sparkle. "So much more, if Eru wills it. But you have to say yes."
It was Maedhros' turn to question. "But why, my lord? Why?"
"Your confession," Tulkas said. "The courage it took to even tell me. That is something I value greatly. Now, dry those beautiful eyes, hmm? And join me for a meal. We have much to learn about each other, you and I."
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 Tags: @cilil @asianbutnotjapanese @wandererindreams
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astaldis · 1 year
Shimmering Scales and Stormy Seas
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Prompts: Shimmering scales, mermaid, seduction
Rarepair Bingo Challenge: Type in a new pairing
Fandom: The Witcher (all media types)
Rating: Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Relationship: Jaskier/Mermaid
Additional Tags: First Time, Oral Sex, Sex with a mermaid, POV Jaskier | Dandelion, Smut
Words: 800
Summary: This is the story of Jaskier's first time. Decide yourself if it is true or just a tall tale.
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Warning: slight NSFW under the cut!
“Mm, you taste good, human," she says in this euphonious version of the Elder Speech he only understands half of, if he understands it at all. However, it is so melodious and pleasing to the ear that she could say something like ‘I’m going to eat you neck and crop’ and he would still find it sexy as hell. Anyway, even if she were going to eat him alive, there is nothing he could do about it, mesmerised as he is by not only her exceptional beauty and her sing-songy voice, but also by what she is doing. He cannot really see it at the moment for her flowing, celadon green hair is all over his lower body - his very naked lower body - but he can feel it. And how he can feel it! Her lips are of the same light green colour as her nipples, and they are moving up and down his cock in a way that gives him the holy shivers. Who would have thought he would end up lying on the beach at dawn having his first time with a fucking mermaid? He definitely did not imagine anything like it when he rowed over to the island to have a look at the famous mermaid rock. Just for curiosity’s sake, of course, and because of the heartbreaking poetry of the legend, not because he believed for one second that mermaids actually exist. Now he does. And how they exist!
Continue reading on Ao3: 
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st-dorothy-minority · 2 years
Saw Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero for the 3rd and final time in theaters tonight and had an epiphany:
Piccolo/Gamma 2
How had I not seen it previously?!!!! Now I'm in love with this pair and I must somehow create content.
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theyellowroseofsodor · 9 months
OK, kind of a big update for The Yellow Rose, but not terribly big though. After a lot of thought and consideration, I have decided to change a background pairing for the series, which I’m going to have to fix some shorts and what not, but it’s something that has just been bothering me. I really like the original pairing but at the same time, it’s just not the one that gets me going for this fic.
Anyway, I am splitting City of Truro and Scotsman up. I really, really, really like this pairing in the Young Iron series, but honestly, I can’t see my Scotsman with him. Which was kind of a hard decision because like I said, I really like the pairing and love the way their written in another series. My Scotsman though, I just can’t see him with another male. So, I created a new character just for him and I’ve decided that when I have time I’m going to write their story, but it’s probably going to be a while so don’t get your hopes up. Anyway! So, here she is (and you should notice something different about her): Jessica!
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That’s right! I’ve paired him with a jet engine! There was a part of me that was really struggling into making Jess into an engine and that’s when I realized her personality and everything that I’ve created around her weren’t engine at all, but actually that of an aircraft. It also just absolute sparked something in me with Scotsman being interested in someone that wasn’t an engine. He would explore a whole other world being with someone who could soar in the sky and touch the stars. It also got this whole dynamic going between the two of them that she would quite literally make him the Flying Scotsman. She’s fiery and fun, but not in a way like Camille. She’s got an energy to her that he just is captivated by and it excites him a great deal.
There will be more about the dynamic between them, but for now, you’ll probably notice that I’m going to be going back to some of the short’s I’ve written and some of the actual main fic and changing some things up. ALSO, she’s being added to the ASK list. So, feel free to ask her anything, including insights to her and Scotsman’s relationship.
Anyway, some people might not like the change, but it’s something that I just couldn’t get over and it had to be done. 🤷‍♀️
I really do hope that everyone comes to like her, I’m so excited to start writing more about her character!
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catfindr · 1 year
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clefadrylcorner · 1 year
Obsessed with lovers and piners calling the object of their affections their best friend. Like yessss blur the lines between platonic and romantic love. show how important they are to you in a multifaceted way. Cover up your feelings with another kind of love that is just as true. One type of love does not negate the other and but tragedy can rip both out from under you single handedly, and it will hurt so much more that way. Losing a friend and a lover. Gaining both and not needing any labels for what they are. Using labels but having it be so much more than a title. Were they friends before they were lovers? Or were they lovers whose friendship grew inside of their love? Unclear! Who cares!
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biting is a love language biting is a love language Biting Is A Love Language-
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daddiesdrarryy · 1 month
James: I don’t want to hurt their feelings
Regulus: Hurt their feel—you just walk around all day thinking about other people’s feelings, James?
James: Yeah. Don’t you?
Regulus: No! How do you get anything done?
James: It’s hard!
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froopa-coopa · 3 months
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mellozheist · 5 months
Bdubs our beloved // Secret Life Animatic
Secret life is over but I'm not over this silly interaction yet :D
also happy new year everyone! <33
Thank you for sticking around and being a wonderful ppl
more silliness to comes
Youtube Link
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eternityunicorn · 2 years
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Part One
Pairing: Dream of the Endless||Morpheus/OC Eternity
Fandom: The Sandman (Netflix Show)
Genre: Romance/Drama/AU
Warnings: Violence/Smut (*Smut chapters marked +18)
Summary: Rescued from his imprisonment not by aid of his siblings nor opportunity, but a mysterious ethereal lady, Morpheus finds himself unable to forget her. Once his revenge against his captures is done and he recovers his tools, he sets out to find the lady that saved him since he cannot seem to forget her. He cannot find her in the Dreaming, but Matthew finds her the waking world. So, to the waking world Morpheus goes to see his rescuer, unaware of what fate has in store for him and for her. A bond unlike any other is born, one that will change them forever.
NOTE: OC and any other original material is from my up and coming novel series!
Read Here: AO3/Wattpad
Tagging: @elejah-wonderland @darknightfrombeyond @beautyandwords @bidisasterforben @elijahfangirl1984 @arrthurpendragon
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sylvansleuth · 3 months
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🤣Tasha's Hideous Laughter: Freshman Year vs Junior Year🪄
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starhoodies · 1 month
One of these days I'll make a proper soriku VN
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lelelego · 1 year
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waiting and waiting
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