#new rory & mal
music-bahx · 1 year
Love the new live music part of this pod. "My Karma is Beautiful "
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freshthoughts2020 · 2 years
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yomtunes · 6 months
Might Apologize Later | Episode 258 | NEW RORY & MAL
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theartofsupafly · 1 year
Ari Lennox 🌹
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insoleunfiltered · 2 years
Rory and Mal go sneaker shopping in London w/Kick Game!
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almostbroadway · 11 days
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┈➤ ( LINDSEY MORGAN ) —  Era Uma Vez… Uma pessoa comum, de um lugar sem graça nenhuma! HÁ, sim, estou falando de você LORELAI D'ANGELO. Você veio de NEW YORK, USA e costumava ser GARÇONETE E CANTORA por lá antes de ser enviado para o Mundo das Histórias. Se, infelizmente, você tiver que ficar por aqui para estragar tudo, e acabar assumindo mesmo o papel de MUSA ESQUECIDA  na história HÉRCULES… Bom, eu desejo boa sorte. Porque você VAI precisar!
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♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎marley rose ( glee ) ; ‎ ‎lane kim ( gilmore girls ) ; haley james scott ( one tree hill ) ; francesca bridgerton ( bridgerton ) ; bess ( my lady jane ) ; karolina dean ( the runaways ) ;
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♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Lorelai ♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Rory ♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 27 anos ♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Escorpião ♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Bissexual ♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ + perseverante ; fiel ; obstinada ; ♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ - fechada ; carente ; desconfiada ;
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♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎No bairro de Washington Heights em um apartamento apertado demais, viva o patriarca da família com os 5 filhos, sendo Lorelai a mais nova entre os irmãos, uma família simples e muito unida, mas que passavam mais dificuldade do que a maioria. Desde muito jovem, Lorelai sabia que precisaria trabalhar muito se quisesse ter uma vida melhor e levar sua família junto consigo, afinal, eles eram tudo o que ela tinha.
♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Começou a trabalhar muito cedo, em um mercadinho local, ganhava pouco, mas já era o suficiente para ajudar nas despesas de casa. Lorelai era apaixonada pela cidade em que vivia, gostava de dizer que Manhattan era o lugar onde seu coração pertencia, e com o pouco dinheiro que conseguia guardar para si, juntava o que podia para conseguir assistir os musicais da Broadway, onde tudo sempre parecia estar bem e o mundo era um lugar melhor.
♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Apesar de todas as dificuldades e tendo sido abandonada pela mãe com apenas 3 anos de idade, sendo assim criada pelos irmãos mais velhos, já que o pai, apesar de amoroso mal tinha tempo para eles, ela era feliz. E eles foram os seus maiores incentivadores e primeiros fãs, fazendo o impossível para que a irmã conseguisse ter aulas de canto e dança, pois queriam mais do que tudo que ela conseguisse realizar seus sonhos.
♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Quando completou 19 anos, conseguiu finalmente uma vaga para trabalhar na Ellen's Stardust Diner, uma lanchonete onde os garçons cantam músicas da Broadway enquanto fazem o pedido e trazem a comida, ali ela sentia que poderia estar a oportunidade de ser reconhecida, fazia aulas de teatro musical na faculdade comunitária e trabalhava no máximo de empregos que conseguia. As coisas estavam melhorando, ela tinha uma ótima reputação dentro da lanchonete e um dia fora até apresentada para alguns produtores que viram muito potencial na menina e a ajudaram como podiam, mesmo muito desconfiada, Lorelai se permitiu acreditar.
♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎E finalmente, seu sonhos estava a um passo de se realizar, tinha finalmente chegado sua vez, os produtores lhe deram uma chance, e depois de milhares de audições, ela conseguiria, iria ser Christine. Foram meses de ensaios e mais ensaios, e ela não poderia estar mais realizada, tudo se encaixara de forma perfeita, aquela oportunidade mudaria sua vida por completo. E fora no dia anterior a sua estréia, após uma tarde cansativa de ensaios que Lorelai recebera aquele livro estranho, pensou ser algo de seus irmãos, mas estava tão exausta que acabou não mexendo no mesmo naquela noite. Decidiu leva-lo para o camarim, para lhe trazer boa sorte na estreia, o problema foi que poucas horas antes de estrear, o livro simplesmente começou a brilhar e ela foi transportada para o reino das histórias.
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♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Lorelai já teve os mais diversos empregos, trabalhou entregando jornais, estoquista em uma loja de bairro, ajudante de mecânica, garçonete e cantora de rua nas horas vagas;
♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Seu primeiro papel no teatro, foi como chapeuzinho vermelho no teatro comunitário de seu bairro. Já o primeiro papel em um musical foi como Ariel, em A pequena sereia, também no teatro comunitário;
♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Musicais são sua grande paixão, se fosse possível ela gostaria de viver em um eterno musical, onde todos os problemas são resolvidos com uma bela canção;
♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Foi criada pelos irmãos mais velhos, então, aprendeu a se defender desde muito cedo, e também foi um pouco mimada por eles, que buscavam fazer tudo o que podiam por ela;
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speakergame · 2 years
Okay, random question. so we know Rory drives a motorcycle, and Kana drives a convertible, But what do the other RO's drive or would drive if they had a car?(since you mentioned the possibility of Az not driving in the car scene) Hope you have a good day/night/afternoon aswell!!
with added specifics because researching cars was actually a lot of fun 😆:
Rory drives a blue '85 Harley-Davidson FXEF Super Glide that they rebuilt themself. they call her Beatrix
Kana drives a white 2018 BMW series 4 convertible
I haven't settled on an exact car for Sebastian yet. Something intentionally "boring" that doesn't stand out in a crowd, that has enough headroom for someone his size, and is at least 10 years old
Li can drive, but doesn't own a car. Borrows Gavin's car, if they need to go somewhere.
Azalea can't drive and doesn't own a car. If she did, she'd probably own a hybrid or electric.
Gavin owns a powder blue late-60's Chevelle, which has been mentioned in passing once or twice already. He doesn't drive very often, though, so it's kind of become the family vehicle.
Audrey drives a red Volkswagen Beetle. the new model, not the old 60's one.
Nellie drives a hatchback, either black or dark green. I haven't decided if it's a Mazda 3 or Ford Focus, but it's one of the two. has a few aftermarket upgrades
Luke, Mama, Henry, Ana, and Casey all borrow Gav's car instead of owning one of their own.
Mal can drive, but hates doing it, and doesn't own a car.
Anya is 7. Owns a Hot Wheels version of her dad's car
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thefoxinateacup · 1 month
Reading Recap: The Bardugo Bash
It's been quite the Leigh Bardugo year so far. I've filled my time with four of her books in the first half of 2024, and I'm sure I'll throw in another reread of Six of Crows before the year ends.
First up, back in January, I finally got my hands on the pocket version of Hell Bent. I really wanted this size so it would fit with my copy of Ninth House because I'm extra like that. It took me two weeks to devour Hell Bent which I took everywhere with me. I read it at home, at the cafe, on my lunch break at work, even on my walks to and back from work. It was impossible to put it down. After a solid first entry in the series with Ninth House, Bardugo expanded the dark fantasy parallel universe of Yale's secret societies.
I say parallel because it's wild to me to even think that the grimy and dangerous Yale of Alex Stern could possibly be the same as the light and cosy Yale of Rory Gilmore. But then again, Rory's world revolved very much around herself so who's to say she just wasn't completely oblivious to the dark deeds performed on her precious college campus. Anywho.
We meet up again with our ragtag team of supernatural investigators and shit-stirrers as they more or less willingly embark on a mission to rescue Darlington from whichever circle of hell he ended up falling into in the first book. The antagonists this time around are more demons than ghosts but keep the spooky vibe very much alive. Alex leads the charge out of a sense of duty towards Darlington, but also an irresistible sense of attraction, which the Gentleman Demon can't deny either. (Cue the countless pieces of stunning fanart hehehe.) In classic Alex fashion, whenever things can take a turn for the worse, they do, but it also allows her to learn more about her purpose and powers. No pain no gain, I guess.
In conclusion, I was hooked from the start and can hardly wait for the final installment in the series to come out, see where our dashing demon and wicked witch take us for one last ride in the dark underbelly of New Haven.
Next up, I cruised through Siege and Storm and Ruin and Rising. Ahead of the Starfury convention where I was finally going to meet Jessie and Archie, I figured it was about time I finished the original trilogy. Bardugo's writing style is so pleasant to read, I finished both books in two weeks. I already knew I liked Nikolai from the King of Scars duology and Paddy Gibson's delightful portrayal on the Shadow and Bone TV series, but boy oh boy did Siege and Storm confirm that, after the Crows obviously, Nikolai is my favourite Grishaverse character. And if I'm honest, as riveting as the plot is in Ruin and Rising, Siege and Storm is my favourite book of the original trilogy. Because it has the most Nikolai? Well yes, duh. But also the domesticity of being at the Little Palace again, even if Alina's newfound leadership and isolation brings its own challenges.
I will say that, as much as it makes sense plot-wise, Alina losing her powers after she spent so much time earning it and owning it feels a little bit disappointing, but at least now her and Mal can be equally ordinary people who live a simple but good life, in love for the rest of their days. Regardless of how it ends, it's amazing to witness the care and detail that Bardugo put into creating a fantasy world that still feels tangible. What a time to be alive!
Finally, another two weeks to savour The Familiar. My boss ordered me the pretty hardback copy with black edges straight from the US so that one was definitely a home book. (Cue Gollum voice: my precious.) The world building was very nicely done, dropping information about the historical context without it feeling like a history textbook, and introducing the special kind of magic that Luzia possesses in a very "show don't tell" way. Bardugo tried out a different point of view style, relying less on first person narrative or character specific chapters to blend the points of view of Luzia and Santangel, for the most part, creating a fuller scope of understanding for the narrative.
You could cut the tension between Luzia and Santangel, the disillusioned ancient magic wielder who takes her under his wing because he doesn't have a choice, with a knife until finally the last thread of propriety snaps, much to the enjoyment of the adult reader. Because it is, dear reader, very much a book for adults. It is full of dark magic, messy and sexy, pain and betrayal, questions of one's mortality, however the tone felt less tragic to me than the Ninth House series. Luzia takes initiative and follows her ambition, even if it might cost her everything. Luzia's rage against a world that would condemn her for merely being alive makes her all the more willing to not settle for less than she is worth. Damn be the consequences!
The 16th century Madrid depicted adds charm to the setting while also grounding it into the sinister period of the Spanish Inquisition. The background of religious persecution adds a layer of urgency to Luzia's dangerous path to greatness. It begs the question of whether she can even escape certain doom. Does she even want to? Read The Familiar to find out.
My point is: if Bardugo writes it, I will read it. Her writing style is so electrifying, it perfectly scratches the itch in me that craves great storytelling and beautiful words weaved into mind-bending sentences. And I'm looking forward to being consumed by her next masterpiece.
Bookishly yours!
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 10 months
1989, Taylor Swift
(this edit series is currently in the works!! so not to 100% spoil my own edits but like, this is the same list I used to plan it!) but also as a rule, this album is 100% Abbie Hudson & Arianne Martin!
Welcome To New York: Kirsty Gilmore
Blank Space: Arianne Martin
Style: Betty Fabray x Mac Hudson, Amethyst Andrews x Sweet Pea, Anastasia Andrews x Jughead Jones
Out Of The Woods: Arianne Martin x Stiles Stilinski, Selena McCall x Derek Hale
All You Had To Do Was Stay: Helena x Klaus Hargreeves
Shake It Off: Kirsty Gilmore
I Wish You Would: Finley Rider x Prince Ben
Bad Blood: Willow Dell & Rory Gilmore, Arianne Martin & Allison Argent, Avalon & Mal, Amethyst Andrews & Veronica Lodge, Alia Kelly & Serena Van Der Woodsen
Wildest Dreams: Rosabelle Legume x Harry Hook x Prince Ben, Ariel Blossom x Malachai
How You Get The Girl: Ivy Knight x Oliver Queen
This Love: Abbie Hudson x Quinn Fabray
I Know Places: Bella Pressman x Harry Bingham
Clean: Kirsty Gilmore, Helena Hargreeves
Wonderland: Ophelia Wayne x Leander Zane Hayes, Anastasia Andrews x Jughead Jones
You Are In Love: Jacqueline Grant x Jess Mariano
New Romantics: Kyla Keller, Coco Bates, Abbie Hudson
Slut!: Sophie Dugray, Kyla Keller, Coco Bates
Say Don’t Go: Jeremy St James x Sebastian Smythe, Roxie Flores x Noah Puckerman
Now That We Don’t Talk: Evie Van Der Woodsen x Jenny Humphrey
Suburban Legends: Margot Kline x Neal Caffrey
Is It Over Now?: Sidney Hopper x Steve Harrington (ft. Billy & Nancy)
Sweeter Than Fiction: Aurora & Blaine & Cooper Anderson
Send me an album and, if I know the artist, I will try to associate to every song an oc/ship/crossover
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jessmalia · 2 years
also mal u must know u are turning me into a jess mariano girl...idk if imma watch yet (brain has to want new content first) but I found some Great edits of rory and jess to both taylor and olivia rodrigo 👀
Hahaha yess I love that! There's certainly a lot of Edmund/Jess overlap. Though I think Jess might be surpassing Edmund for me, which feels crazy, but he's just so insanely relatable to me in every way, I seriously couldn't write a character more like me if I tried. I cried myself to sleep thinking about Jess two days ago, cause I'm rewatching Gilmore Girls and it's all hitting me way harder the second time for some reason.
Personally, I respect Jess x Rory a lot, but I wouldn't say I ship them. Like, I love examining their relationship and I think it's really important because it says a lot about both of them as characters, but I actually don't want them to be endgame. Can't get into why without spoiling too much but I just want Rory independent, and I also CANNOT for the life of me picture them in a domestic setting. It feels so weird to me. But yes, the Rory/Jess Taylor edits are all amazing!
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freshthoughts2020 · 2 years
Yes Ma'am | Episode 127 | NEW RORY & MAL
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As some of you may know, this month will be happening the fanfiction event Multiamory March (hosted by @polyamships), which is similar to Femslash February - but instead of fanfics centered on femslash ships, it's fanfics centered on polyamorous ships. So just like I did last month with Femslash February, I'll be taking prompts through all this month for Multiamory March and posting them in my account on AO3 iammyownsaviour (ant1hero). Here's the list of all the fandoms and ships I want to write on march, you can send me an anonymous or non anonymous inbox with your prompts which can be more than one (I'd actually love if people send multiple prompts 'cause it helps a lot) and you can even say in the inbox, in case you have an AO3 account, if you want me to gift the fanfic to you!
*I'll accept prompts from any prompt list you find, you can even create them if you want. I have a preference for AU's, Tropes and Taylor Swift lyrics but any kind of prompts is fine!
Xavier & Wednesday & Bianca
Bianca & Wednesday & Enid
Evan & Casey & Izzie
Game of Thrones
Jojen & Bran & Meera
House of the Dragon
Aemond & Luke & Rhaena
Gossip Girl (2021)
Audrey & Max & Aki
Gossip Girl
Blair & Nate & Serena
Serena & Dan & Vanessa
Blair & Dan & Nate
Blair & Nate & Jenny
Emily in Paris
Camille & Emily & Gabriel
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Ferris & Sloane & Cameron
That '70s Show
Jackie & Hyde & Eric
Ginny & Georgia
Abby & Ginny & Marcus
The Magicians
Eliot & Quentin & Margo
The Shannara Chronicles
Amberle & Wil & Eretria
Betty & Archie & Veronica & Jughead
The Walking Dead
Rick & Beth & Daryl
Enid & Carl & Ron
From Dusk till Dawn
Richie & Kate & Seth
Richie & Santanico & Seth
Richie & Santanico & Seth & Kate
Cobra Kai
Johnny & Daniel & Amanda
Demetri & Eli/Hawk & Moon
Robby & Eli/Hawk & Tory
Ben & Mal & Evie
Harry & Uma & Gil
Mal & Evie & Jay & Carlos
Outer Banks
JJ & Kie & Pope
John B & JJ & Kie & Pope
John B & JJ & Kie & Sarah
John B & JJ & Kie & Pope & Sarah
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Prudence & Sabrina & Caliban
Sabrina & Harvey & Roz
Prudence & Agatha & Dorcas
Sabrina & Prudence & Agatha & Dorcas
The 100
Bellamy & Clarke & Octavia
Bellamy & Clarke & Raven
Raven & Clarke & Octavia
Octavia & Clarke & Lexa
Stranger Things
Steve & Nancy & Jonathan
Mike & El & Max
El & Max & Lucas
Mike & El & Max & Lucas
Eva & Jonas & Isak
Noora & Eva & Jonas
Noora & Sana & Yousef
Eva & Noora & Vilde
Eva & Noora & Sana
Star Wars
Padmé & Anakin & Obi-Wan
Anakin & Padmé & Sabé
Sabé & Padmé & Dormé
Breha & Padmé & Sabé
Padmé & Anakin & Obi-Wan & Sabé
Sabé & Padmé & Dormé & Cordé
Luke & Han & Leia
Poe & Finn & Rey
Poe & Finn & Rey & Rose
Steve & Peggy & Bucky
Peter & MJ & Shuri
Jane & Valkyrie & Sif
New Mutants
Illyana & Roberto & Sam
Saiki Kusuo no Psi-nan
Mikoto & Saiki & Toritsuka
Teruhashi & Yuhemara & Mikoto
Cardcaptor Sakura
Syaoran & Sakura & Tomoyo
Steven Universe
Pearl & Garnet & Amethyst
Ricky & Nini & Gina
EJ & Ricky & Gina
Ricky & Nini & Gina & EJ
The OC
Marissa & Ryan & Seth
Ryan & Seth & Summer
Seth & Taylor & Summer
Ryan & Marissa & Seth & Summer
Ryan & Taylor & Seth & Summer
Anna & Alex & Lindsay
Doctor Who
Doctor & Rose & Jack
Eleven & Amy & Rory
Twelve & Clara & Missy
Ashildr & Clara & Missy
Snow & Red/Ruby & Charming
Emma & Red/Ruby & Regina
Teen Wolf
Boyd & Cora & Erica
Scott & Allison & Isaac
Allison & Scott & Stiles
Scott & Stiles & Lydia
Scott & Kira & Malia
Stiles & Lydia & Cora
Malia & Stiles & Lydia
Allison & Erica & Lydia
Boyd & Cora & Erica & Isaac
Scott & Allison & Stiles & Lydia
Scott & Malia & Stiles & Lydia
Harry Potter
Harry & Ron & Hermione
Harry & Luna & Ginny
Harry & Cho & Ginny
Ginny & Luna & Neville
Hermione & Fleur & Ginny
Cho & Ginny & Luna
Astoria & Pansy & Daphne
Cho & Luna & Padma
Astoria & Narcissa & Pansy
Lily & James & Sirius
Snape & Lily & Narcissa
Bellatrix & Lily & Narcissa
Lily & Pandora & Molly
Godric & Salazar & Rowena & Helga
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dovesdreaming · 3 months
Character guide
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These are the characters i write for at the moment but if you see a fandom without a certain character you would like you are welcome to ask me! (Not guaranteed to write for them aswell tho) i will also take recommendations on movies/series if you think i would like it based off of these, i'm always looking for new things to obsess over! last updated: 20/09/24 |29/06/24|
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Stranger things-> Steve harrington ✰ Eddie munson ✰ Robin buckley ✰ Jonathon byers ✰ Mike wheeler
Marvel-> Bucky barnes ✰ Tony stark ✰ Natasha romanoff ✰ Spider-man(Andrew's & Tom's) ✰ Spider gwen ✰ Loki laufeyson ✰ Peter quill ✰ wolverine ✰ Deadpool ✰ domino ✰ cassandra nova
Dead poets society-> Todd anderson ✰ Neil perry ✰ Charlie dalton
Harry potter-> Draco malfoy ✰ Harry potter ✰ Luna lovegood ✰ George weasley ✰ Blaise Zabini ✰ Mattheo riddle ✰ Theodore nott
Maurauders-> Remus lupin ✰ Sirius black ✰ Newt scammander ✰ Barty crouch jr ✰ Regulus black ✰ Bellatrix Lestrange
My babysitters a vampire-> Rory keaner ✰ Benny weir ✰ Ethan morgan
The bear-> Carmen berzatto ✰ Richie jerimovich
Pirates of the caribbean-> Jack sparrow ✰ Hector barbosa ✰ Elizabeth swann
Descendants-> Mal ✰ Evie ✰ Carlos de vil ✰ Jay ✰ Uma ✰ Harry hook ✰ Ben Florian ✰ Chad charming
Top gun->
Once upon a time-> Peter Pan ✰ Regina mills ✰ Rumplestiltskin ✰ killian jones
Misc-> Hazel callahan ✰ Rodrick heffley ✰ chase Davenport ✰ Alex karev ✰ Donnie darko
Possibilities in the future: maze runner, mean girls, Max thunderman, hunger games
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Anyone is free to request!! please be kind and respectful! And don't be scared to send anything in even if its just a rant about a character.
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thehiphopcollege · 5 months
New Rory & Mal – Episode 258 (Might Apologize Later) [Video]
New Rory & Mal – Episode 258 (Might Apologize Later) [Video]
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hiphopnewsonline · 6 months
Mal of the ‘New Rory & Mal’ Podcast Reveals Drake’s Reaction to “7 Minute Drill” an Hour After Release
Mal of the ‘New Rory & Mal’ Podcast Reveals Drake’s Reaction to “7 Minute Drill” an Hour After Release
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thehiphopunderground · 6 months
Mal of the ‘New Rory & Mal’ Podcast Reveals Drake’s Reaction to “7 Minute Drill” an Hour After Release
Mal of the ‘New Rory & Mal’ Podcast Reveals Drake’s Reaction to “7 Minute Drill” an Hour After Release
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