#next year will go smoother hopefully
xrd · 1 year
No theyre not due until Jenuary 7th. You can post yours already if you've finished though just make sure to dm the recipient and and dm me the post so I can rb it
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sekhmetswrath-if · 9 months
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DEMO RELEASE (01.09.23)
word count: 6.3K (it’s not huge, but chapter two will be a larger one, so that should bulk it out a bit).
mobile friendly and playable in browser.
meet n and mads.
get spooked by weird noises in the museum.
put your translating skills to good use.
rant about your boss. just a little.
next update:
chapter two.
fix the stats because they don’t currently work (this is the main issue that has been plaguing me, but hopefully i’ll be able to patch this in soon).
play around with the ui (a massive thank you to @/innerdemons-if for their incredible template, i wouldn’t have been able to do this without it).
more personality choices.
a fuller (and smoother) character creator.
note: while i was originally going to code twos on dashingdon, i heard that it was potentially going to stop updating in a year or so. i decided that i wasn’t going to take the risk and switched to twine.
my writing is never going to win me any awards, but i still hope you’ll enjoy reading it! please send me an ask or a message on tumblr if you find any bugs or mistakes.
ava <3
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seraphinitegames · 11 months
The Wayhaven Chronicles Update - 30/June/2023
The week started off less than ideal with yet another family medical emergency after just recovering from the last!
Luckily at this point, I’m quite used to working from hospital, so it hasn’t impacted too much into planning.
In fact, I had some MAJOR revelations and real light bulb moments!
There’s a different kind of branching- I suppose is the best way to describe it- through book four that will only be used for this particular story. And I was really worried about balancing the two very differing ways it could go.
One of them was obvious and really strong but the other felt weak in comparison, and in Wayhaven I always want each branch or variation to feel as good as another.
So I kinda let it mull in the back of my mind as I worked on the rest of the plan and the BAM! It just came to me! And I love it :D I know it works for sure as I can’t decide which is my favourite variation, which is always the way I know that it’s well balanced.
Also had to start getting out a lot more of my Echo World notes out that I’ve gathered over the years as this book involves far more of that than the others. Completely forgot some of the stuff I’ve written over the years for it! Was fun and kinda nostalgic to read through the mountains of it, lol!
I do have a specific date I want planning to be done by, and it’s looking good for that. Want to give myself enough time to really plan this time as things are getting very intertwined! But also I’m making sure to actually plan out specific important choice sets this time so as writing will hopefully go smoother and faster.
Next week it was planned to be social media days, but with my nan still in hospital I’m not entirely sure what will be happening, but for sure Patreon content will be going up. But I’ll definitely be pushing on with planning as that’s paper and pen and not internet reliant!
Hope you all have the most amazing weekend! We’ll be offline as usual so I’ll talk to you all again on next week!
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andydrysdalerogers · 1 year
Sliding Into Home - A Frank Adler AU
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Pairing: MLB!Frank Adler x Abigail Hernandez (OFC)
After a trade from Boston to Los Angeles, first baseman Frank Adler would seem to have it all. Money, women, an amazing niece, yes Frank should have it all. Except for one thing. One thing that left after a mistake five years ago. Los Angeles should be the chance to start over. Except she is supposed to be in Boston. Not his new medical director.
* A Frank Adler AU x Major League Baseball Story**
Warning: ANGST (i can't stress this enough), second chances, cheating, eventual smut, slow burn, drug use, abandonment issues, betrayal, domestic violence (i may have missed some), flashbacks
AN: This is my new series I'm starting next week! I hope you all will like this one. Tagging my usual tag list but please let me know if you would like to be added or removed!
Taglist: @patzammit @firephotogrl74 @texmexdarling @slutforchrisjamalevans @jennmurawski13-writes @tinkerbelle67 @before-we-get-started @bunnyforhim
Master List and Preview below:
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Frank was looking at a Los Angeles icon, Dodger Stadium.  It was his new home, his new team and hopefully his new life.  He asked a security guard where to go and was met at the door by an assistant.  She was a shameless flirt, commenting on Frank’s forearms and his tattoos, cooing about how good of a player he is.  There was zero chance of Frank being interested.  His Friday Night adventures were reserved for road trips only. His one-night stands worked out just fine, in his opinion.  
As he was guided into the conference room, Frank was met with the president of operations, Nick Stanton. “Mr. Stanton.” 
“Frank! Good to see you again.” He shakes hands with Frank. “We’re waiting for everyone so can I offer you a drink?” He gestures to Frank to sit at the table. 
“Just a cola, thanks.” Frank took the seat next to the head of the table.  
“How was the move?” 
“Smoother than I thought it would be. Mary, my niece, threw a couple of tantrums but between me and my nanny, we managed to get her here.”  
“Oh yeah, Scott, he’s great. He was willing to move with us, which is great since Mary seems to only listen to him.” Frank chuckles. “Who would listen to your uncle/pseudo father?” 
“I remember that story,” Nick replies. “You are brave to take on a baby right after bring drafted.”  
Frank shrugged. “Its not that big of a deal. You would do anything for family, especially Mary.”  
More voices float towards the conference room and Frank stands as he sees his agent and lawyer walk in and shake his hand. Then the general manager for the Dodgers comes in, making small talk with Frank.  
“Ok, I think we are just missing the team doctor and our legal team,” Nick tells everyone. “Its not Natasha, she’s busy with another client.  She’s sending in their new associate.”  
Frank just nods as the GM goes over the training schedule and when he would meet the team.  The conference room door opens and Frank turns to see and his stomach drops. He feels himself become clammy and pale. Because this shouldn’t be happening.  
He looks at the brunette that walked in.  
she’s definitely not supposed to be here.  
What the FUCK! 
Abby Hernandez, his ex-girlfriend, love of his life, walked into the room.  
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It Doesn't Stay In Vegas
The Future is West
Are You Sure We Aren’t Going Crazy
You Were Enough; You Are Everything
Fastballs and Fiancés
You Left Me
Take Your Niece to Work Day
Don't You Know How to Spell Assume?
Wanna Feel Safe Again
Maybe I should Have Ducked?
When It All Falls Apart
WTF Just Happened!
D N A: Diane Nicole Adler
Not Just a Pretty Face
It's A Ruff Life
Status: All Star
Since When is Ice Cream Evil
On the Hunt for Mike Weiss
The Next Adventure
A Bump in the Road
Unexpected Surprises
For Reasons Unknown...
Evidence, Emotions, Whatever
Trial By Fire
The One With the World Series
Oh Captain! My Captain!
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qwanderer · 29 days
Okay so the housing situation is hopefully permanently stabilized now, so I was hoping for my life to go a little smoother going forward. And in some ways it is! But also.
I had the only existing key to my apartment while I was renting it for the past four years. For most of that time I thought the management company had a copy; turns out they didn't, so it's a good thing I never lost it.
When I bought the building they gave me the backup copy of the keys they made during the sale process, and I left them at my parents' house like "hey I have a backup key now but I probably won't need it, I haven't lost these keys in the four years I've rented!"
I lost my keys somewhere between grocery store checkout and my front door so I had to call my parents like "guess what... I was wrong..." anyway very lucky about when I lost my keys!
That was last night so this morning I woke up and my phone did not.
FUCKING LUCKY that it didn't die last night! While I was locked out of my house!
Nothing like a sequence of events like this to remind me that even though I have my life pretty well organized, certain elements of it are always going to be hanging by a thread.
I got out my laptop and signed up for like "steal people's hotspots for thirty days" internet so I could look up info, took the bus out to the hardware store and copied my keys, and now I'm in the parking lot of the cell phone place next door waiting for it to open and borrowing their wifi to write this tumblr post on my old laptop in the drizzly rain.
The bus options were like, an hour early, or an hour late, and I would like to get this done with and move on with my day. And also I have been "brain very full, do everything" mode for a while and sitting in a parking lot for an hour is actually a stabilizing force in my life right now, I think.
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yagamisdiary · 5 months
Hey girlie!!! Happy new years!! Do you have any advice on relationships and communication???
happy new years!
so this is something i definitely struggled with for a LONGGGG time i was the “im upset but im not gonna tell u why” person for yearsssssss (ew btw that shit is NOT cute)
it’s definitely a challenge communicating especially if u feel like ur partner isn’t going to hear u out or take u serious bc it makes u want to open up even less
so with that being said, i definitely think it’s important to find someone who is also going to communicate with u because there’s truly no point in saying how u feel to someone who dgaf
next, put ur pride aside !!!!!!!! this was a big problem for me because i tend to be very prideful at times. i have a lot of feelings and emotions but it takes forever for me to admit someone hurt them even though i make it extremely obvious
ever since i started communicating efficiently in my relationship, things have gotten so much healthier and smoother! once u get over the whole pride thing, it’s so easy
normally what i do is i allow myself some time to be dramatic aka go somewhere private and cry or rant etc ( DO NOT RANT TO FAMILY OR FRIENDS TRUST ME YOU WILL REGRET IT)
once u get all the gooey emotions out, that’s when u communicate with ur partner. i say this because if ur like me, you’re going to say things u don’t mean out of anger and because ur emotions are heightened, it’s better to speak when ur levelheaded
i usually start by just pulling them aside or shooting them a text and saying “hey something happened that bothered me and to avoid being passive aggressive and weird, i wanna talk about it”
HOPEFULLY* ur partner is ready to sit and listen to what happened and it’s important u try to say it all as clearly as possible! don’t try to speak rudely (it’s hard i know) because if u upset the person, they’re more likely to walk away from the conversation and it was pretty much useless
u can say things like “i know u probably didn’t mean it that way but when u said/did this, it made me feel this way.”
if the person immediately gets defensive or angry, you should take that as red flag because they’re probably guilty of whatever it is u caught them doing
an unguilty person will tell u the truth and say “i’m sorry you feel that way but that’s not how it happened” and then they’ll go on to their side of the story
sometimes… their side of the story WILL PISS U OFF especially if it’s contradicting your story but again u just respond calmly and say “i get that but im just telling u how it made ME feel”
if they keep giving u push back, just end the conversation and say let’s just talk later
normally, when the person has some time to think and put themselves in your shoes, they’ll come back later and say “ok i get where you’re coming from now and i would feel the same way; i’m sorry for making u feel that way”
it seems hard to believe because ppl aren’t necessarily built for communicating that easily… SPOILER ALERT!!!! it’s not supposed to be easy! it’s supposed to be hard that’s the whole point!
no one likes to admit they’re wrong, no one likes to admit they got their feelings hurt but in order to grow and get past it, u gotta just rip the bandaid and get it over with
and TRUSTTTTT ME it feels so fucking good afterwards and the two of u will gain so much respect and admiration for eachother and ur relationship will get so much stronger everytime because each time u two get upset, you’ll be able to communicate it much easier since u got it over with
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jay-avian · 5 months
Writing Update
Hey there Tumblr! It's been a bit, how are you? I'm currently working on my writing goals for next year and I thought I'd share them to keep me accountable. Can't wait to write alongside everyone again!
TL;DR - Gonna try to finish two WIP drafts by the end of 2024 and post about progress and other WIP things
General Goals
I want to finish draft 0 of my two bigger WIPs. I plan on doing this by going week by week. This works for me because my energy levels, interests, etc change so frequently. This also works since I'll be doing creative writing for college as well. So no matter what, I'll still be working on something.
I don't really have any particular word count goal. What matters to me is getting certain plot points in first. If I need to write more, I can easily add (possibly relevant) filler later. So instead of writing, say, 2000 words a week, I'll work by what scene/chapter/plot point I want to get done.
I want to start posting about my WIPs, whether it be exerpts, character info, or other random stuff. This is not only so I have proof that I'm working, but it's to get you guys hyped for my projects (which will hopefully keep me even more accountable)
"The Court Magician" Update: I've already plotted out the main points. I just need to actually buckle up and write the draft. I've got 2 and a half chapters written out (kinda), but I think I want to edit those first so the rest can flow smoother
"Kraken's Bane" Update: I need to rework the plot quite a bit. I've had the backstory and plot twists/reveals done for a while. I just need a better reason for the MC (whoever that will be) to discover them. [I could also just start from the backstory or make it its own thing... Now that I think about it.. maybe as a prequel].
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townofcadence · 6 months
-I am tracking the tag townofcadence!
-This is an in-character rp and ask blog for my OCs, with a focus on Artair as my main! Please don't take my OCs designs or adopt them as a muse for yourself, unless you have my explicit permission (though a writing gift for me would be entirely fine!)
-My social anxiety is really bad-- if I follow you, I definitely want to interact! But also, I really struggle to initiate conversation. If a person reaches out I'll happily interact with them though; I'm kind of a social-vampire, and feeling invited in helps a lot. On the other hand, once I'm spoken to, I talk a LOT, so I apologize in advance and hope it isn't too overwhelming. Feel free to tell me to tone it down!
-I think communication is vital to a hobby like this. If you have a question or issue, please let me know! Also, If I do something insensitive or hurtful, please let me know and I'll try to do better next time. Also, this blog does not condone any bigotry, and I refuse to write anything depicting incest or pedophilia.
- I’ve been writing Artair for years, so Artair has a lot of background history that might get alluded to, but not actively explained. If you have questions, feel free to throw them my way and I’ll answer what I can!
-I am 25+, and may do mature threads (I'm not sure yet though, if i will. I may choose to stick to fade to black and leave anything salacious to other spaces). If I do anything sexual, I will tag it and put it under a read-more. It will be tagged ‘NSFT’ and ‘Not Safe For Tumblr’. I will try to use community labels too, though I have not done so before so forgive me if I have trouble !
-I likely am going to be selective in what I rp. I will answer asks and reply to things from anyone, so feel free to send in! But while I want to interact, I also only have so much energy. I have the right to refuse to answer RPs or starters or asks.
-I am also chronically ill in a few different ways, so sometimes I will disappear to recover or not have much energy. I have no problem waiting for replies to rp or messages, and I hope we can be patient with each other as needed to have a fun time. Take your time, and I'll get to you as soon as I'm able, too.
-No autohitting, godmodding, or metagaming. If you want something to happen specifically, talk to me and we can work out why or how.
- I will always give at least a paragraphs or two in an rp response but even if you give me several pages, my reply may be succinct. I'm trying to be better about not putting filler in a reply just to match lengths. I also don't really enjoy backtracking dialogue in a thread, since it gets confusing really fast. I totally get wanting to respond to everything, but doing so to every talking point ends up with the muses having like six differing conversations at once. So I might skip things I want to respond to, to avoid that, and my replies may be smaller to keep the flow of interactions smoother. Hopefully I'll give my partner enough to work with. If not, let me know!
-Please understand that if you DO rp with me, I do not ship characters unless it develops naturally. If something happens, it happens, but I refuse to pair anyone unless the muse legitimately develops feelings over their interactions. Those actions do not need to be written necessarily, and do not need to be on Tumblr, but they need to happen first. I feel it’s only safe to let people know, since some muns are looking to ship as their primary goal.
-All Icons I use I either have permission from the artist to use, or made myself! All Icons will be tagged specifically with the artist on the posts they occupy. I will likely use icons sometimes as I begin to amass them, but I don't expect anyone to use them to write with me. I also don't format my posts except for fun on rare occasions where it feels fitting. I don't expect anyone to match my format, and I hope my simplicity won't be an issue for anyone.
-I am a person who deeply enjoys horror threads and dark themes, so please be aware there will be threads and art/writing containing that on this blog.
-Anything triggering or issue causing I will try to tag. The format for tagging will be ‘#cw *insert trigger here*’. Example being #cw injury. I will try to be consistent! Please feel free to ask me if I need to tag anything!
If you read through this, then thank you very much! I hope to interact with you soon, and if not, then I hope your day is great and I appreciate you looking at my blog! If you want to break the ice, you can send me the password '*Gives the Trimst a scritch*'!
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milkweedman · 1 year
Ok so ! Some experimentation is afoot (pun intended). I've blended several potential fibers with southdown babydoll roving in an attempt to find a good thread to hold alongside the toe of the next sock.
Context for the newcomers--i wear through the toes/ball of the foot of my socks ridiculously quickly, and have been trying on and off to design a sock blend that is kolya-proof for the last several years (mostly to no avail. I do a lot of sock mending 😔). @swords-n-spindles suggested i hold a thread alongside. I want it to add some support to the rest of the yarn, but it also needs to be stretchy enough that it will still conform to the shape of my foot. So, im currently trying to find a good blend to spin into a thin singles (perhaps even a felted singles, in honor of the yarn design spin along since i still havent done february's).
I'm using southdown babydoll because thats what the socks im currently knitting are made of, but i also think it might have been a good choice anyway, since sdb is extremely elastic and fairly durable.
Everything was blended using combs and pulled off without dizzing, bc my elbow already hurts.
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So, from top to bottom: plain southdown babydoll roving. Then sdb + firestar (aka nylon). There's a little sample of it so you can see. Then sdb + kid mohair combing waste. I chose waste specifically bc the staple length of the mohair is about double the staple length of the sdb, which does not lead to good top. So the waste was the much shorter bits, which integrate a lot better.
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Then we've got sdb + bactrian camel hair. I have a bit of partially dehaired bactrian camel down floating around in my room, and i used my combs to skim the hair off, to reasonable success. The bit on top is just the partially dehaired camel down as i got it, the bottom is partially dehaired camel down that's been de-downed, if you will, so that it's mostly hair. Now, these are much shorter and finer hairs than what youd find if you got a totally intact piece of bactrian camel fleece, but i sadly don't have any. If this sample works out i may need to acquire a piece of intact fleece and see how that goes (i'll need to cut the hair to a suitable staple length, but still). Lastly, we have sdb + karakul fleece. The staple lengths were identical and it blended really nicely.
I plan to spin each sample on my supported spindle, as fine as i can reasonably manage, and see what looks most promising.
My predictions:
FIRESTAR: i'm a little wary of this bc i couldnt blend it effectively. The firestar is very slippery and the sdb is not, so it's not well integrated. I think this sample will end up uneven, with sections of entirely firestar and sections of entirely sdb. I may need to make another sample where i cut the staple of the firestar in half and see if that helps at all, at least when doffing the comb.
MOHAIR: i think it will look and behave almost identically to the 100% sdb. The problem with mohair for these kinds of things is that it is extremely inelastic, so a mohair blend needs to be very sparing with the mohair if you want to retain any elasticity. I could probably have added a little more, though, so if it is identical i will make another sample with more mohair, and see how it is.
BACTRIAN CAMEL HAIR: really excited about this one. Camel hair is very very durable, and of course, quite inelastic. I added as much as i thought i could get away with. I think it will be a little wiry, but very strong.
KARAKUL: also excited about this one. Karakul is extremely durable as well, tyoically used for rugs and such. I added a fair amount to the sdb. I think it will be smoother than the camel hair, but hopefully just as strong. The one caveat is that the micron count is pretty high (30 is average, but i think this might be on the thicker end), which limits how fine i can spin a singles from it. So it may end up a little too thick for this application, but we'll see.
I'm going to spin these either tonight or tomorrow, and perhaps take a stab at felting them. I'll report back when they're spun and all :)
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studying-with-k · 2 years
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It's almost time for my next sem to start ✨. Tho I've been going through some old photos on my first and hopefully not last solo trip I made to a different city 👀✨
Hopefully the next year is gonna be kinder to everyone who's going through things and hopefully it's going to go by smoother atleast on my end lol
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mental-mario · 8 months
Star Fox Assaulted
Hi all, I apologize for the absence, but I was hospitalized this week in a psych ward, and they took my phone and no internet access. I am planning to post about my experience in there, which will likely need to be spread out across several posts. So be on the lookout for that. To let you in on a quick preview, I had a rough time of it last week and did harm myself (cutting). That led to my psych doc telling me to either go to the hospital myself or he was gonna have me go in cuffs. I was hospitalized for three days, and it was my first experience in an inpatient institution, as a patient (I do have some experience as a former medical professional). It was interesting to see the perspective from the other side of the coin, to say the least.
Star Fox 64 is obviously one of the greatest games of all time. If you disagree with that statement, you're wrong. The Star Fox series has had a rough go of it since way back then, including the wonky control schemes of the DS and Wii U games. And as interested as I was to play SF2, which they finally let see the light of day on the SNES online, that game didn't really keep my interest either, tbh. The GameCube, however, was an awesome console with a bunch of great games that ran quite smoothly in comparison to the N64. I spent a lot of days and nights as a senior in high school and college freshman playing games like Smash Bros Melee and Star Fox Assault.
Unlike Star Fox Adventures, Assault was an actual SF sequel, and I think it is highly underrated because I don't see much mention of it anywhere I look. The game, of course, had smoother graphics and ran at better framerate, and it was also a blast to play from what I remember. It's been a long time (and I don't currently have a GameCube), but I remember the controls were fluid with a compelling story as a cannon entry in the series. The Arwing action returned, and I particularly enjoyed some of the on-foot missions, including running around Corneria city and one mission where Fox is on foot and shooting up at the sky to help Falco in his Arwing.
I could be wrong on this, but I feel like a lot of people perhaps missed playing this game, since I rarely ever hear it mentioned. If you have a GC, I highly recommend trying it out for yourself, and if you do, let me know what you think! I personally am hoping and wishing that Nintendo will add GC games to Switch Online, and I hope they release a GC Switch controller to go with it! I feel like that is one move they could make for the Switch in its (rumored) final year before an alleged new console is announced and released. As a side note, the ability to play Melee online would be amazing!
Anyway, that is the end of my SF rant, and I will plan to recount my experience in the psych ward, hopefully starting with my next post. If anyone else has prior experience with hospitalization for mental health issues, please chime in and share! I wish you good health and take your meds!
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bellamyblakru · 2 years
quick tutorial for merging in photopea for @lightasthesun ♥️♥️
1 - okay first is to color the two gifs you want to blend together! after you color and such, save and then reopen so that there are no * next to the name of the gifs (and there are no open layers besides the gif itself)
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2 - duplicate one of your gifs into the other by right clicking the folder! im using the scene here that i absolutely hate LOL but you can change which one is on top by just moving the folders when they are in the same place
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3 - now you should see that there is an * in the one you just duplicated the gif into - this shows us that this one is bein edited. you can put either one on top, its up to you and what your making! but i like having the pink one on top and the more solid color on the bottom here.
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4 - now you can line up the top layer how you want it! since arthur is more to the left, i can put more of merlin's heartbreaking eyes in the frame without covering arthur too much. then you make sure the gif you want to blend is the one selected, go to layer, raster mask, and click add (reveal all). a white box should show up next to the name of the gif like this!
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5 - a little thing here that ive learn is that you have to make sure that the two colors in the bottom left corner is white and then black second. if it isnt, it wont erase what u want it to!
6 - now you can go to the erasure tool and get rid of anything you dont want! i like using it with no hardness bc i think it goes on better, but it up to you ofc. if the gifs aren't just layered over the other and i want to move the top one to the side, i like to do 100% opacity to get rid of the hard separation line and then go to like 50% or 20% to make the gif flow into the bottom one more. also!! i sometimes change the opacity of the top gif to like 85% so it could be more blend-y (esp if i am not erasing and just layering one on top of the other), but if both gifs allow 100% opacity, then i usually do that!
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7 - LAST STEPPP wooo okay so now that you have it blended and stuff to your liking, you go to layer, go down to animation, and click merge! now when you export as a gif, they will be together. and instead of having two layers on top of each other, you will now have on the side like a3 + a4!
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and voilà, you are complete!! here is the final gif! i like to dither the gifs (even though it takes 100 years to load) bc i think it makes them smoother LOL
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hopefully this helps♥️🥺!! please lmk if you ever want me to make anythin else for photopea!! i am not an expert at all but ive been fuckin with it for over a year now LMFAO rumi taught me this actually!! and how to change the coloring of fonts and such :')
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st-louis · 11 months
marc-antoine godin in conversation with lane hutson
Some said he was beat on a pivot vs GER, but Hutson views it differently. “Sometimes people forget other teams make good plays too. … One thing I’d change is I’d want to get a stick in there, or even before that, shoot one of the pucks that I passed hopefully to end the game.”
As for the day after, in the bronze medal against Latvia, Hutson referred to the pass that deflected on his skate and ended up on a Latvian stick for the winning game as “just a bad bounce”. Which it was.
On his amazing freshman year, Hutson was happy with his improvement. “Biggest thing is, throughout the season I wanted to get faster & I feel like towards the end of the season I felt a bit faster, I felt smoother on my edges. Everything just felt better than that the start.”
Hutson added that he felt like he developed even more of a shooting mentality as the season went on. “And then defensively, I felt like I’ve made it more simple. I simplified my defending. I’m still playing hard but I’m playing smarter.”
As for the process of deciding to go back to school next year ago and how the Canadiens involved in that process, he said Montreal was looking favorably at his chance to win next year at Boston University.
“Everyone wants to play pro hockey whenever the chance comes. It definitely crossed my mind as something I’d want to do, but also I feel like I have so much more growing to do at BU to get even stronger and faster.”
“Having games under your belt is a huge thing. A lot of guys will go too early and they won’t play too much. Right now I just need to play and play meaningful games.”
Hutson will show up at the Canadiens development camp at around 163-164 pounds. He barely took any time off after the Worlds, and he’s been on the ice, but his primary focus will be to put on some weight.
“I won’t be on the ice too much, or as much as in the past, so I can put on a little more mass and put it on the right way. On the ice, I still want to fine tune things I'm working on, whether it’s stickhandling or shooting, and obviously defensive skating work and use my edges.”
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devilishmango · 2 years
Demo Paranormal [DEVLOG 11/30/2022]
​Hey guys!
November has been a very hectic month for me, so I didn't get much done in terms of story or coding. 😢
First, I got a new computer and I've been slowly transferring things from my laptop onto it. It's taking a long time mostly because I have a lot of shit to move over, but also my laptop is 6 years old and overloaded with files and whatnot. But hopefully, once everything is moved, updating DP will go a lot smoother and quicker. 😊
Second, I just got over a really bad cold and haven't been feeling well enough to work on anything for about 2 weeks.
Third, obviously, the holidays are really taking up all of my time.
I've managed to work on a bit, but once the holidays are over I'll double-down on the work and get some shit DONE.
Anyway, that's all I've got for now! Thank you for supporting me and DP, it means a lot to me. And I'll see you next dev log!
CURRENT WORD COUNT: 80,438 91,622 [+11,438]
ALSO here is a picture that kind of... summarizes the next chapter lol
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gremlin-project-x · 2 years
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I started today off by pressing the bolts and mounting pin out of the spring perch. Easy stuff.
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Next up, all the smaller suspension parts I pulled out of the car yesterday got cleaned with my Marine Clean solution and hosed off outside. Then into the electrolysis bath! I decided to put all of them in at once to see if the process could be sped up. Turns out, it wanted to chug along nicely at four amps.
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After a quick lunch and some errands run, I got my dad to help hold the suspension arms while I chiseled the rivets out. They went a lot smoother this time than last. A couple good swings with the 2.5lb persuader, and the old ball joints popped right out.
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For the lower arm, I was going to press the old bushing out, but I found that over the last 50 years, the bushings had shifted and now the mushroomed ends were hanging over the lip of the bushing sleeve. I had to take a hack saw to the small end, which took a surprisingly long 15 minutes to saw through. After my cardio saw workout, it was easy to press the bushing out the rest of the way.
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The upper arm gets my makeshift Upper Arm Bushing Puller tool, which works surprisingly well. I make sure to squirt some WD-40 on the bushings and my tools before doing any pressing work, it just makes things go smoother and easier.
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The smaller parts after coming out of the bath of 4-7 hours. They have some surface rust after drying, but that's going to be brushed away tomorrow.
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And lastly for today, I cleaned off the control arms and put them in the bigger bath. The system was going around three amps when I put them in at 9:30, hopefully getting a little higher as crud flakes off.
Tomorrow, I hope to get the parts wire brushed and then painted.
August 1 2022
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fbwzoo · 2 years
I’m sorry Seven died… I wish you had gotten them for longer <3 I hope next year everything goes smoother and I hope you’re ok
Thank you 💙💜 I still miss her, and it'll be worse now if we lose Squash too. They were our chaos twins, causing all the trouble. We just don't get to keep ratties for long and it sucks when it's even less time than we should get.
I think the next year comment is about the baby crabs? I'm not sure if I'll attempt them again next year yet, it will depend on what's going on in life, as well as whether I have a fish tank going. Nova is set up in the spot where the kreisel was, and I promised Jack, no babies while I have a fish.
This year was in particular a bad timing for it, but it did also kind of show me that if I'm going to do baby crabs....I need to be better prepared and have things set up better in general beforehand. They take so much time and energy that it's impossible to give the other animals the attention I normally would. I think there are ways I could manage that without issues or neglect for any of them... but I did not manage that this year. I discovered issues in Charis's viv before the trip, and while it's fixed and she's fine, it wasn't okay and I'm not happy with myself for it. Part of this attempts learning experience, I guess - hopefully if I do attempt again at some point, I'll be more prepared, just as I was more prepared this year than I was last time.
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