#nice shells. shells. shells <3333
ajournalingtrex · 2 years
sometimes you sit and just stare. maybe you’re somewhere, maybe you’re listening to music, but your perpetual state of motion has ceased for a few minutes. and there’s something at the top of your chest and just below your throat.
it’s not a piece, not yet, but it’s a feeling. it’s heavy. dark but not in a menacing way. a lot of the time, it’s green or purple.
the heavy feeling hasn’t risen up and blanketed your brain yet. it hasn’t forced the words out onto a google doc or a blank note page until your brain’s weight evens itself out into something light and airy and then you’re back to just sitting with thoughts hastily typed all over the page.
i like this part better than after it’s written, i think. sure it’s lopsided and i hate the feeling, but i know why it’s lopsided, which is somewhat liberating. it’s a promising kind of feeling. like once it’s here there’s no turning back. something Will happen with this
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d011zk1ll · 2 days
I have very strong opinions on the Heros season 6 designs and I'm not afraid to share them.
Let me start this off by saying, I do understand that It will look better in motion!! I am extremely hopeful this is the case and I don't necessarily distrust that this is the case, and actively wish it to be. I've seen the clips so far and they're gorgeous (Alya's bob omg <3333) so i do hope it looks better in the actual show. I love this show, a lot. Like a lot a lot, and this isn't any form of hate just my opinions!!
Okay, lets go left to right with what we've seen so far hero wise.
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You know what? I don't hate it. He looks a younger than before but then again, they're only 14/15 so hey! I like how it didn't change that much, and i like the additions. They kept the hood and googles, the pattern is similar and all together they didn't change him much. They could have done more, but with his shell this will look pretty nice! And i love the way part of his suit juts out for texture difference!! 2. Ladybug
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It's not that bad. I do think the spandex is still weird, and wish she had some cool jacket and it doesn't seem like she has actual shoes (some combat boots would be FIRE) but i like the black. It's different but not overwhelmingly so and her hair being a bit longer reminds me of the anime PV ladybug (who was still quite awesome). Her iconic ribbons and her gloves reign supreme. I wish she could have some extra layers or cool textures but compared to the following two she isn't all around that bad.
3. Chat noir
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Wow. I know he's a twink but wtf guys. That's not even his face shape he looks so strange. His hair looks tamer which i hate so much because he's supposed to be wild and scraggly. AND THEY KEPT THAT GOD DAMN BELL. It's pretty much the same, but TWINKIER??? And i'm a twink, i love the twink vibes but they fucked him up SO bad its painful oh my god. Why. Please. I do not like Chat's design his face shape is really putting me off. :((( BUT it will probably grow on me. I just hope they don't fuck up felix :(((
4. Rena rouge
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Look. I love her. She's gorgeous. But. Wow. I cannot belive they made her skinny. as a chubby person, i want her to be like, back to how she was as ALYA in season 1-5. I'm so upset they didn't keep her body shape it's so upsetting. I hope they don't do anything like this to Mylene. Other than that, i love her. Her ears are so cool, pointy and almost look like a bow. Her hair looks gorgeous, stunning, beautiful. It's so cool. I love how they kept her suit similar because i've always adored her suit. I like the white palms and her flute looks a lot nicer now. The only qualm i have with her really is how they made her skinny.
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I had to add this in there, just because i love it so much, Look at her hair oh my god. Short hair Alya is something I never knew i needed and they kept her clothes similar <33333 (I adore her outfit as is) gosh i cant wait to see her.
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hella1975 · 2 months
5. who do you feel the most you around?
6. say six nice things about yourself (3 physical and 3 non physical)
16. 😜
5. who do you feel the most you around?
oooo im assuming internet besties count if so then the tbosutuals EASILY like it is so ridiculous how like. much of myself i give you guys compared to how i am w people irl even people im super close with. we need another roadtrip boomstie
6. say six nice things about yourself (3 physical and 3 non physical)
i love my moles! this is a weird one but they're all over my arms and ive got two on my face and some on my back and stomach and they're like groupies to me. let's go girls!
i have naturally thick + dark eyebrows and i love them. the other day i was on tiktok like ohhh i really want to properly attempt alt make-up instead of half-assing it like i have been for years but the thin eyebrow is SUCH a staple of alt looks and i'd honestly rather die than do that
MY EYELINER <3 this is probably cheating but idc my eyeliner is more important to my wellbeing than a good portion of my organs
i have quite a confident, laid-back aura that as a result allows other people to feel at ease. that's probably a weird way of putting it idk how to explain it but like. i have a habit of even the most introverted do-not-approach-me people coming out of their shell in my company and it's always so <3333
my writing. probs should've put this first. she's like a brother to me
16. compliment the person who sent you this number
BOOMSTIE MY BELOVED MY BESTIE <3333 hmmm just one thing is hard. i think my favourite thing about you is how kind you are and how hard you work to keep that kindness :)
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5eraphim · 1 year
Who do you like writing more? Yandere medic or yandere engie?
but they are my baby boys... 🥺 how could i chose???
The boring answer is, I love them both sm and preference between the two is rather mutable. They are so unique and there is some but not enough overlap in regard to their appeal to me personally, or to their appeal as characters for me to really pick a #1 favorite.
Like Engie is so much fun bc it's taking the "good guy" of the team (not the straight man character, but the nice guy character, big difference here) and trying to imagine what he would be like- or what it would be, to push him over the edge into something completely sinister. Turning him into something so unlike what he's known himself to be. Like what would have to happen to make someone like this snap? It's fun to consider thing like, was he always like this deep down? Or how has he confronted issues like this in the past? There are so many fun ways to run with his character.
Medic is more like, yeah he's evil and crazy, let's dial that up to 11. which is great too! He's an absolute hottie and it's not at all surprising the fanbase he's cultivated over time! He's unhinged <3 He's cruel and unusual <3 He is possessive <3 His tits <3
but, metaphorical gun to my head, if I had to pick one- it's Engie for sure 🙈 he's simply the short king we NEED!!!
Its also so funny I got these two suggested together bc like-  ok i know its probs bc anyone who follows knows they are my faves- but! I've had these two ideas for fics I’ve been working on for a lil while now (drabble ideas in the read below xoxoxo)
One which is Medic x reader x Heavy basically reader and everyone is chilling enjoying some drinks, they are super shy and inexperienced and get a little tipsy and is joking around like when the topic of sex is brought up. They're like, "ahaha yeah I'm waiting for the right person, idk~" the chit-chat is all fun and playful, only a little heated, but reader is sure they’re all just messing around. Reader sitting next to Heavy on one couch, medic sitting in an armchair right across. Feeling a lil drowsy, and less shy given the circumstances, they're leaning up against Heavy bc he’s a human space heater, soft, so mellow and cozy!!! They don't bat an eye when he loops a strong around them to pull them closer and kiss the top of their head. Though by the time the kisses and bear-hugs intensify, it’s far too late to try and get away now. The guilt of taking this too far with a friend as well as the knowledge he isn't single only make things worse, making Reader remember themself all at once, and lock up. Becoming frigid and awkward to Heavy's advances. Heavy doesn't miss a beat however, justifying himself with a sort of "we've noticed you're always so shy, you just need to get out of your shell a little :)" and after a bit of warming up Medic would be the one to try and intensify things.
Getting cornered like that by someone like Heavy would be scary, but if that happened WHILE Medic was right across the room like 😊💕🍺 would be TERRIFYING. Very hot and erotic, but also terrifying.
The other imagine/one shot I'm not sure what a plot/framing device would be, but its Engie and demo. Maybe something like, newbie to the defense squad is learning the ropes and gets flustered and like- very obviously distracted checking out the other two guys, and messes up some easy traps and; quite similarly to the situation above, a  little teasing and joking around goes further and further until reader ends up pinned under demo, Engie holding them down from behind trying to see if they can keep up. 
The idea/”plot” of this one is much foggier in my head rn, but,,, hotties. Dad bods, even.
anon i love you for giving me another chance to simp for my waifus i love youuuuu <3333
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3, 5, 14, 19, 24 (for Gyro), 25 (for Gyro)!
3. NoTP?
delro <3333 (derogatory) andddd delpad
5. Out of all your fanworks that include [character], which is your favourite?
mine???? hmmm. thinking about Welcome to the Madhouse lately dldlflfl for both Gyro and Mads
14. Is there a character or ship you were so sure you would never write/draw but now you've changed your mind?
fun fact originally I didn’t like gravesbeaks or fenro originally sldldlfkf crazy to think about
19. What's your favourite thing about [fandom] (the people in it, not the media you're all enjoying together)?
omg from what I’ve seen everyone is so like genuinely nice here I fucking love it 💕💕💕
24. What's your favourite thing about Gyro?
oooohhhh idk! probably how silly and pathetic he can be sometimes <3333
25. What's your least favourite thing Gyro said or did?
hmmm I didn’t like how little visible character development he had during Beaks in the Shell. We saw some in the finale but really not in that episode
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cosmic-kaden · 4 days
I'm sending in another gush ticket 🎫, this time for whoever you most want to talk about rn :> Have at it! (dragonsmooch)
I'm late getting at this sorry! I tend to save some of these for days like this when it's hard so I got something nice to talk about! Thank you so much Dragon~!
U-Uhm I'm gonna go off about Phillip~! <3333
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I won't get super into it but I've been attaching myself to him a lot today because I feel like out of all of my f/o he understands to an extent of what it feels like to have family troubles as he is always seen as the "screw up" of the family. His isn't as bad as mine but he is such a great comfort to me... <3 Awe Phillip is one of my comfort characters!
at first my initial reaction about wanting to gush about him was "I love everything about him!" Which is true, I do but I want to go into better detail! Wouldn't be much of a gush post otherwise.
Phillip has a very infectious energy, he strolls into the room and all eyes are zeroed in on him, he has this amazing ability to make everyone around him feel special. He is the type of person to know every single person in the room and a specific niche detail about said person! He's very much an extrovert which I kinda love. Helps bring me out of my shell a bit but I also love that he'll know when I need a break!
This man can make me laugh like no one else. Much like myself he can find some humor in any kind of situation even if its bad. He's got a very quick wit and I adore his playful banter! He gets this adorable little goofy grin on his face that instantly brightens my mood when I'm feeling sad. His smile is contagious and his laughter is infectious, It's incredibly hard not to smile or laugh whenever I with him.
He's also so adventurous which I absolutely adore!! He's always up for trying new things and going on spontaneous adventures! When we first met I asked "wanna walk through the forest?" he goes "It's midnight..?" and I'm all "Yes….your point?" He got this goofy little grin and said "I'll get the flashlights!" He has an enthusiasm for life and every day feels brand new and thrilling whenever I am with him~
Phillip is so passionate as well~ He goes after what he wants and he has the drive and the determination, he puts his whole heart into everything he does, now sometimes it doesn't last too long but nobody can ever say he never had his heart in that specific thing be it a job or a hobby. He makes the most out of every moment.
Phillip is also so caring and attentive. He really listens, he makes me feel like I matter and that I'm heard, he's the first one to offer help to anyone who may need it and he likes to make sure those he loves are taken care of. Doesn't matter what it is either, run an errand, a shoulder to cry on, being there for a midnight vent when the world just seems to be too much, he is an endless support for me <3
Phillip makes my world a brighter place just by being in it and I feel so incredibly lucky to have him by my side. He means so much to me and I love him so dearly. He's helping me a lot right now and I couldn't be more grateful to him.
I just hope he knows how much he means to me. <3
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angelpuns · 10 months
AAAAAAHHH APRIL HAS A STAR NECKLACE <3 <3 <3 I will never be over the matching star motifs it is SO important to me. I am also LOVING the ballpoint pen style you’re going with it looks sooooo nice. Also also I’m so excited for the angst in your iteration I am such a sucker for it. And I’m sure the whiplash of going between your happier comics to these is just going to hit so hard I am so excited for it! You have the range darling!! (I also see Donnie got to be a southern painted turtle and I am very happy I could help in that decision cause that’s my guy!)
heheehe ty, hopefully I can figure out a good process fr this style as well!!!
I'm very excited to be able to draw some darker/more sad stuff as well as explore the style and how it can contribute to that <3333 the colors are gonna be so fun to play around with!!!!
YEAHHHH I definitely need to make a shell ref for them just so I can draw his pretty line and also cause I wanna draw Raph's shell so so so bad <333
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Hi!! I've already asked for a Pedro pascal and stranger things matchup before and I was wondering if I could request one again? I'm going through a harry potter brainrot and I was wondering if I could please get a romantic and platonic ship for both eras? Feel free to ignore this though!
I'm a straight female and my pronouns are she/her
I'm fairly introverted and it takes me a while to warm up to people. I love reading, my room is filled with stacks of books. I especially enjoy true crime, poetry and Russian literature! I adore adventures, witty and playful banter, joking around and having indepth discussions on anything and everything. I love helping out and people come to me to vent or for advice and comfort. I'd consider myself really smart and I'm very ambitious; I love being the best at everything I do. I daydream a lot and I'm a hopeless romantic! I enjoy all forms of art and I have quite a few creative hobbies! I'm 5'9 and I have long and curly dark brown hair and brown eyes. I dress mostly in relaxed suits, blazers and coats and I love the occasional dress or sweaters layered over a white button down! My love languages are acts of service (giving) quality time and physical touch (recieveing)
Thank you very much!! I adore your writing sm <3
Hi! Welcome back! Thank you for requesting another matchup! I hope you enjoy this one! Also thank you! <3333
Harry Potter -
Marauders Era;
(Platonic) -
Remus Lupin:
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🐾 You met Remus in the library of Hogwarts when you were studying for your Potions quiz coming up, and low and behold, Remus saunters in, finding the book he needed in an instant before realizing there were no other open tables... Guess where he decided to sit? With you; With hushed voices, Remus asked to sit at your table and you said yes, and that was the day you and Remus became friends
🐾 It took you a little bit to warm up to him, but you could see that he was similar to you in the fact that he was a bit introverted as well, and he loved books, a win for you; now you had someone to rant to about the newest book you've read
🐾 Remus is actually very glad that you are his friend, you were more sane than Peter, James, and Sirius, so he finally had someone to talk to that wasn't going to promptly ignore him; though he loved his friends and just knew that going to James and Sirius about homework wasn't the best idea
🐾 Aside from reading and studying, you and Remus would go on little adventures around the castle or Hogsmeade, just talking about anything and everything; it was nice to have someone understand you, and also like your style, it was easy for Remus to find you gifts for your birthday since he wore blazers and sweaters practically all the time
🐾 You two are the best of friends, always there for one another, for school or for furry problems; even with the occasional joking around and having fun, Remus was glad to have you as his friend, you you felt totally the same
Marauders Era;
(Romantic) -
Sirius Black:
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🐺 You met Sirius through your friend, Remus, it was obvious of course, you were friends with one Marauder, it was only time before you met and became friends with the other three; and a bit... more friendly with a certain Padfoot, not your fault really, he was gorgeous and how could you saw no to that face
🐺 Yep, three weeks after getting to know you a bit and helping you out of your shell, Sirius asked you out, but you knew about his rep with the ladies, so you, (sadly), turned him down; but Sirius was a man of his word and he promised to himself that he'd show you that he was... We... Serious, he really liked you and really wanted to get to know you more
🐺 James liked to tease him about you, "Sirius is whipped", he say, "Mate's been staring at her all day!" Only after James, Peter, and Remus came to you and begged that you put Sirius out of his misery did you agree to go on that date; and you were so glad you did, Sirius was whipped, and your hopeless romantic self was loving it
🐺 Sirius was being all sweet, holding the doors open for you, listening to you, and even asking questions; even during your relationship with the man, he kept being adorable, and sweet, and perfect to the point you thought you were going to explode with awe and admiration
🐺 You didn't know that you were in it bad until Sirius wrote an entire poem for you, even with a slight bit of help from Remus, the poem was beautiful and you knew that you were going to marry the man; Sirius was on the same page, he'd do anything and everything for you, no more casanova Sirius, Sirius was serious about you
Lightning Era;
(Platonic) -
Neville Longbottom:
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🍀 You met Neville when he was a first year and you were a fifth year, you actually helped him find his toad, Trevor; Neville was ridiculously shy and you were pretty shy too, so talking and making conversation went at a snail's pace, but by the end you found out that Neville loved plants and he found out that you loved reading and poetry
🍀 Since the year gap, you didn't see Neville that often, but during the times you did see each other, you both had a great time; if you shared the same house, you'd both read by the fire together or talk about your favorite hobbies and interests
🍀 As the years went on, you helped Neville overcome some of his shyness, help him gain come courage, and help him if Draco Malfoy said anything terrible to him; Neville on his end, helped you overcome your own shyness, helped you with your courage if you were feeling a bit out of it, always paying you back for mentoring him though his years at the school
🍀 Neville is the sweetest and is always there if you need him, if you need him, he'd drop anything just to make sure you were alright, (he won't drop plants, if he's holding them, he'd gently set them down before going off to find you)
🍀 You helped Neville, the same with him, you would always be there if he needed you; you even helped Neville ask Ginny out to the Yule Ball, and Neville was always grateful, you were a great mentor and friend, and for a graduation gift, Neville got you a nice plant
Lightning Era;
(Romantic) -
Charlie Weasley: (Fancast: Sam Heughan)
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🐲 You actually met Charlie after Hogwarts, though you both knew about each other's existence in school, and let me just say, you had a schoolgirl crush on him in your fourth year; Charlie didn't really mind you, he had never met you and only heard about you from Ron and his friends
🐲 Though, after you graduated, you were selected to go to Romania to work at one of the Dragon Sanctuaries, it turns out that reading up on dragons and getting all O's on your Care of Magical Creatures was a fast-pass to working with those fire-breathers; and that was when you got to meet the infamous Charlie Weasley
🐲 You actually thought your crush on him was gone, but nope! Yes, there was a bit of an age gap, only a couple of years, but that didn't stop you from daydreaming about him asking out out; and that dream would later come true, even though Charlie was a real dragons man and said he'd never date or marry anyone, he was lying... He'd date and marry you
🐲 It took a bit of time for Charlie to warm up to you, (and vise versa), he was used to more... Scaly friends with cold blood, you were the opposite of that, a human being with thoughts, feelings, used words, (and had warm blood); Charlie was worried that if he tried to start anything with you, he'd mess it all up and you'd hate him; the exact opposite ended up happening
🐲 One day, after taking care of some dragons, you and Charlie decided to hang out, talking about true crime, books, and well... Dragons as you took a walk through the nearby woods; It was that day, a whole year into working together, that Charlie asked you out on a date, and of course, you said yes
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yuckydraws · 2 years
This is the second part of @lordressviper ‘s prize for winning first place in my dtiys contest!! She wanted a Wine/reader where he’s a big prominent designer, and the reader is a smaller, upcoming designer. It’s from his POV, and I hope y’all enjoy!! The reader is gender neutral and unnamed :]
This oneshot correlates with the first part of her prize, which can be found here.
(I also want to thank @kalquinn who gave me the idea for the introduction that sets the scene <3333 ily bro!!)
Music plays at a pleasant volume as models (humans and monsters alike) strut down the runway, showcasing the work of many aspiring artists. The lights are low, illuminated only by the spotlights on the stage, and the smells of intermingling expensive cologne and perfume wafts around the space - tickling Wine’s nasal ridge as he sits amongst the crowd.
He observes the runway with an air of boredom, legs and arms crossed with a calculative frown as his eye-lights take in the work on the models as they walk by him.
His fashion company puts on these competitions to recruit new designers. He finds promising upcoming local designers, and if they accept the offer, they compete against each other for a chance to rise up in the fashion world - as his company has risen in the ranks as an inclusive monster brand.
Since he selected these designers - and has… personal relationships with some, he is not a part of the judging to avoid bias. That’s left up to some of his most trusted designers whose eye for beauty he respects.
These designs are all… subpar. As though the designers were afraid to take a risk with something too out there.
They’re missing that bit of flair that he’s looking for.
And their portfolios were so promising!
He sighs as another model pivots and makes their way back down the runway. Checking his watch, he notes that it’s nearing its end with disappointment yet anticipation filling him.
And then it happens.
A model emerges wearing a design that has your name all over it.
Colorful, yet not loud, bold and effortlessly elegant all at the same time.
Wine’s frown morphs into an almost smile as he observes more of your designs make their way out on models. Your creativity always astonishes him.
Ever since he’s met you, a small designer who’s lack of confidence tends to be your downfall, he knew you were more than what meets the eye. Shy and polite, yet so very very passionate. It’s that passion that shines through and creates such a vivid piece each time.
He remembers approaching you when scouting for new talent. You were quiet and secluded, not reaching out to any of the other designers there. He might have missed you, if it weren’t for the dashing suit you were pinning together. He’ll never forget the look of awe on your face as you realized who he was, and he found your stammering to be quite cute as well as you gushed about some of his older works.
However, he wasn’t expecting you to excitedly show him a new design the next time he saw you, coming out of your shell as you spoke about your new projects with practical stars in your eyes.
It was then he decided to have his company send you an invitation to this competition.
He enjoyed meeting up with you on the regular, discussing projects with each other, yet also learning more about each other as well. He quickly found himself quite fond of that soft smile of yours… the way your eyes lit up when you made a breakthrough… the way you would slightly lean on him when showing him your sketches… and the way his soulbeat flutters around you.
The crowd, who were previously whispering amongst themselves, seem to hold their breath as your last outfit makes an appearance.
Wine smirks.
You have this competition in the bag.
He was right.
Well, he usually is, and he had little doubt, but it was nice to hear your name be called as the winner. He personally handed you your award, smiling as you stood in shock and what he assumed was excitement. The award of course, is just for show which he informed you of. The real prize would start in a few days, with a contract signing you on as one of the company’s designers as well as a tour of your new office, introducing you to the team, etc.
You looked quite shaken at the news… he hopes you’re alright. It is a lot to take in at once. However, he had to manage the party set-up and you had to get ready… so, he stands by the main entrance of the after party, waiting for you to arrive.
He scans the party for you, just in case he’s missed you entering, though he knows it’s unlikely. Models, designers, investors, and VIP members walk about, chatting with one another as they enjoy drinks and catching up… yet you are nowhere to be found.
The plastic around the bouquet of roses he holds as a gift for you crinkles as he moves to check his watch.
It’s ten after, you should be here by now.
You’re never late.
That little inkling that something might be wrong grows stronger.
Wine leans over to his assistant, who stands greeting people as they enter, they lower their guestlist and lean in too, ready to listen to whatever he needs.
“I Am Going To Step Out For A Second.” He whispers. They nod and motion to one of the less crowded doors.
“Go through there, sir. It’ll be quicker.” They mention. He nods in understanding. While it does lead to the parking lot, there’s less people to stop him as he is a very prominent figure in this event.
Wine strides across the room, sadly getting roped into some unavoidable exchanges of pleasantries, but he does make them quick, excusing himself with a promise of being back in a little bit.
He finally makes it outside, taking a breath and composing himself. Panicking will help nothing, he reminds himself as he puts that careful mask up. Surveying the parking lot for faculty members, he finds that your car is still here.
His shoulders relax slightly. So, you’re still here.
That makes this a little easier.
His dress shoes clack on the concrete stairs as he makes his way down them. Sure, you’re most likely inside somewhere, but he has to loop around to the entrance by the dressing rooms, closer to the backstage area anyways - so while you’re probably not out here, he still keeps his sockets peeled for you.
Turns out he doesn’t have to look too hard for you, because as he turns the corner to walk up the other entrance’s stairs he hears sniffling.
His steps slow.
He shifts his weight in a practiced way, quieting his steps as he makes his way closer to the sound.
He makes his way up the steps and peers over the railing, finding your curled up form leaning against the side of the concrete stairs, hidden from sight if it wasn’t for the sound of your soft sobs. Wine frowns, grabbing onto the railing with his free hand as he makes his way back down the stairs, steps no longer concealed as he doesn’t wish to scare you with his sudden approach.
He hears your breath hitch as you hear him coming, hunching in more on yourself in a desperate effort to hide yourself.
“Dear?” He calls as he now stands in front of you. You freeze at hearing his voice. “Are You Alright?” His voice is impossibly soft.
You shake your head, curling your knees up to your chest and burying your face in your arms.
Wine realizes that’s the only answer he’s going to get out of you quickly, and finds his soul beating faster in worry. He carefully lowers himself next to you, not caring if he gets dirt on his suit, as he hesitantly reaches out a comforting hand to rub your back.
He’s never been the best at comforting people… that’s more Coffee’s thing.
But you don’t flinch away from his touch, so he assumes it’s alright. He traces circles onto your shoulder blades as he turns his body towards you.
“What Happened? Are You Hurt-” He’s cut off as he makes an omf sound at you suddenly turning and yanking him into a hug.
He’s stiff at first, as you cling to his dress shirt, but soon relaxes into it, setting down your bouquet, and wrapping his arms securely around you. You bury your face in his chest and he brings a hand up to cradle your head.
“It’s Alright, Dear. I’m Here.” He murmurs into your ear, as you let it all out. Those sweet nothings continue, his smooth low voice is a quiet constant that grounds you.
He has a knack for that.
For, despite not knowing why you’re upset, his simple presence is enough to have your panicking heartbeat easing and your sobs slowing.
He rubs gentle circles on your back, and when your tears come to a stop, he finds his worry growing stronger. He pulls away, his hands moving to cup your cheeks to make you look at him.
“What happened?” Wine asks, his eye-lights searching your expression, his own panic rising a bit at how little he can infer about this situation.
He’s quite a perceptive (and some may say nosy) man, but even his skills have their limits.
Has someone been harassing you? Maybe one of the competition losers? He was sure-
“I’m sorry!” You finally say, averting your gaze as the words spill out of you. “I was stupid! I had no confidence that I-I was going to win this competition, and it’s just so much so fast! I thought I would ha-have to scrape and claw my way up this industry or get stuck being local for the rest of my career! I can’t tell if this is a dream o-or a nightmare! And not only that b-but I made a dumb promise to myself that I never thought I would have to go through with since there was no w-way I would win! But I did! I did! And now I have to-”
“Breathe.” Wine reminds, squishing your cheeks a bit to get your attention and focus back on him. It works and you finally meet his gaze again, your eyes welled with tears.
He mimics taking in a breath with you, one big inhale in, and one big exhale out. He repeats this action with you until your sobs cease, breath only hitching every once and a while.
“Now, I Understand The Pressure And Stress. This Is New To You, And That’s Alright. We Aren’t Just Going To Throw You To The Wolves. I Will Be With You Every Step Of The Way And You’ll Be Working With A Team Of Designers Who Are Just As Passionate About Creating As You Are.” Wine pauses, searching your expression before adding, “Plus, If This Turns Out To Be Too Much For You, You Do Not Have To Accept The Offer. No One Will Force You To.”
“But-” You start, and he can tell by the way your shoulders tense up that you’re about to spiral again, so he interrupts.
“And You Have Time To Think. You Do Not Have To Decide Now. I Can Even Postpone That Meeting Scheduled Tomorrow.” He gives you a hesitant, teasing smile. “I Have That Kind Of Influence, You Know.”
You give him a halfhearted chuckle - but you’re smiling a bit.
“There’s That Smile!” He teases, pinching your cheeks in his hands. You giggle, raising your shoulders and hands to push him away.
His smile grows soft as he lets you push him away playfully.
Your giggles die down as you look up at him with mirth, rubbing your cheeks with your hands with a little sniffle. Wine pulls his handkerchief from his jetted pocket, handing it to you. You blink down at it before taking it thankfully.
“Now,” He starts after you finish blowing your nose. You glance at him to show that you’re listening, but as he continues, he notices the way you tense. “What Was This Promise, And Why Does It Trouble You So?”
You shake your head to yourself as you drop your hands and stare down at your lap.
“Heh, I was hoping you forgot about that…” You mumble, and he tsks.
“I DO NOT FORGET. YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT BY NOW.” He says in his regular volume.
You laugh humorously.
“I’m painfully aware.” You grumble as you bring your knees to your chest and rest your chin on them.
Wine simply waits, content to sit in silence until you break.
It doesn’t take long.
“I’m surprised you don’t know, with all my bumbling around you… but I promised myself that I would tell you that… I… have feelings for you.” You glance at him, and elaborate. “Romantic feelings.”
Wine blinks.
Well, that wasn’t what he was expecting.
“I See.” He says, rather lamely. You sigh staring forward into the dark parking lot as if it’ll give you answers.
“... ever since I saw how you listen to my ideas and give me the time of day despite being so high up, I was drawn to you. You got me with that stupid charm of yours. You’re all I think about in quiet moments. As I work on new designs, I always wonder to myself ‘is Wine going to like this one? Will he give me advice? Is this going to impress him?’...”
Wine starts to chuckle, you seem to tense at the sound of it.
“It’s ridiculous, I know. Why would you ever want to be with me? You have it all. I’m just… a nobody who was in the right place at the right time. Stars, this is harder to handle than that competition!” You raise your voice, looking at him furiously, tears once again streaming down your face. “Can you just reject me already so I can move on?!”
Wine frowns at your self-deprecating words. It seems as if you’ve misinterpreted his amusement.
“I Apologize, I-”
“Thank you. See? That’s all. Now I’ll go back to my station, finish crying and we can pretend this didn’t-” You start to get up, your words shaky. Wine places a calming hand on your shoulder, stopping your movements as he gives you a vulnerable look.
“Let Me Finish. Please.”
You settle back down, watching him carefully - teary eyes searching his face.
“I Apologize, I Wasn’t Laughing At Your Feelings… I Shouldn’t Have Laughed At All. I Am Just Stunned. Do You Really Not Know How I Feel For You? I Thought I Was Laying It On Rather Thickly With All my Flirting.” He explains, yet you still seem confused.
“I Care For You A Lot, My Dear.” He clarifies. “One Might Say I ‘Like’ You, Though That Word Doesn’t Hold The Weight Of Just How Much I Admire You. Or Of How I’m Often Daydreaming Of Seeing You. Or How I Can’t Get Enough Of Your Lovely Presence.”
You open and close your mouth, many emotions passing over your face as you think, but you land on a hesitant smile.
“I-I… I wasn’t expecting this…” Your voice comes out as a whisper, and Wine reaches for that bouquet of roses, the plastic crinkling as he does so. He presents it to you as his eye-lights soften and dilate.
“I Was.”
The roses are slightly smushed from being on the ground, but they are still just as beautiful.
Gingerly, you take them, bringing them to your face to smell them as best as you can with your now stuffy nose.
“I Knew You Would Win. You Need To Have More Confidence In Yourself.” He reaches and grasps your chin between his thumb and forefinger, looking at you with lidded sockets.
“You Are Incredible.” He murmurs as he leans closer, pressing his teeth to your lips in a gentle, brief kiss.
Stars, his soul is beating so fast.
He pulls away and watches your reaction, you stare up at him wide eyed, hugging the roses to your chest with your lips parted in surprise. His teeth quirk up in a small smile.
You’re adorable.
“Come On, My Dear,” He says, standing himself up and brushing his suit off before bending and offering you a clawed hand, “Let’s get you to that party, they must be wondering where we are.”
You gingerly take it, holding the bouquet with one hand as you let him help you up.
With your hands entwined like this, Wine takes the opportunity to bring your hand to his teeth so he can leave a nuzzle on your knuckles. He looks up at you through and smirks at how flustered you seem.
“We’ll Talk More About Us Later, Okay?”
You break out that shy grin of yours as you nod happily, and Wine feels himself blush a bit at the sight of it. He turns away, hiding his face.
“YES, WELL. COME ALONG NOW.” He says as he starts to lead you back inside. He hopes you didn’t see it, but hearing your little giggles, he’s sure you did.
“Your magic is a pretty color. I don’t know if I’ve ever told you.” Your voice has a teasing tone, and Wine huffs as his blush deepens, but he’s smiling.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Mario Au.
Shy guy Mariano playing with the baby toads and bombs
we need some fluff anyway, with all this angst lately, we’ll definitely need it 💀💀
Mariano hid behind his mother as he sheepishly looked up to Madame Soul, who had just entered the room.
The Soul Queen herself had come to visit their territory; Mariano knew it was to discuss some grown up things, things that he was still in training for. He could see Isabela, Luisa and Dolores riding on her shell, all waving at the boy, who timidly waved back.
Everything seemed normal until Mariano heard some noises come from one of Señora Soul’s arm; and then he saw two small heads peek over. A toad and a bomb. They were new. Mariano didn’t recognize them. Were those the new babies that he had heard his mama talk about last time they had come over?
Alma seemed to notice Mariano’s curiosity and gently ushered him over. “Do you want to see them?” She said, smiling. The 8 year old boy was pushed forward by his mother. Alma didn’t seem phased as she bent down, lowering her right arm so the boy could see the new little ones.
They were cute. He liked them. The toad seemed older than the bomb. Little toad was around maybe 9? 10 months? And the little bomb girl was probably about 5 or 6 months. Both stared up at him, and he simply stared back.
“What…are their names?” Mariano asked pointing to them.
“Well, this one is Camilo,” Alma pointed to the toad. “And this little one is Mirabel.” She gestured to be bomb, making a point to hold them both with her hand. Both babies sat in her hand, still staring at Mariano. “Do you want to hold them?”
Mariano snapped his head up, looking at the old Queen. Could he do that? Was he allowed to? It would be a lie if he said he didn’t want to…
“Here,” Alma used her free hand to gently place Camilo in his one arm, and Mirabel in the other.
He excepted them to much heavier, but honestly, they really couldn’t have been more than 20 pounds together. Mariano and two smaller ones in his arms went back to their staring contest. It was like they were having a whole conversation with no words.
Mariano liked them. He liked Camilo, and he liked Mirabel. They were so cute, and they didn’t try to pull on his mask like the other kids did. These two were different. He cuddled them a bit closer, the smile under his mask growing a little wider. This was nice.
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I LOB THEM…I need more fluff/sweet but. It’s super late and I have school tomorrow so. More tomorrow. Sorry I didn’t do much art today, I had to take a bit of a break 😩😩 I’ll do more come tomorrow tho
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selfshippinglover · 1 year
Could you do 2 and 10?
"For what it's worth / There's no more looking back it's looking up or looking down!" (BlackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA by Will Wood): What sort of advice would your f/o give? Are they good at giving advice or awkward?
Rick shells out advice like he's some fucking god and we're all just working his dirt. Like, we'll get advice whether we want it or not anytime, anywhere khggsdkh
Some examples include:
~"The universe is basically an animal. It grazes on the ordinary. It creates infinite idiots just to eat them."
~"To live is to risk it all—otherwise, you're just an inert chunk of randomly assembled molecules drifting wherever the universe blows you."
~"Stealing stuff is about the stuff, not the stealing."
~"Weddings are basically funerals with a cake."
"Depollute me, pretty baby / Suck the rot right out of my bloodstream..." (We'll Never Have Sex by Leith Ross): First kisses and first time falling asleep together is nice...but what about the first time they held your face in their hands? Did they do the little thumb stroke on your cheek? Gush on!
Oh wow uhhh I mean i wish? It was more like:
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and then he slapped me *shrugs*
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cryapie · 1 year
As a Mario fan, ofc
Things the Movie excelled in
It was actually pretty nice and refreshing
The set pieces
Immaculate attention to detail.
Mario Movie References
Mario Galaxy
The blue star child in the cage
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When Peaches ship thing dis-attaches from the castle in the beginning of the film
Super Mario 3D World
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The music when they enter the mushroom town is the same as in Super Mario 3D World
In one of the stalls in the town, the Toad is selling the bell powerup
The town has the same colour scheme & clear pipes as the game
Mario gets the same bell/cat powerup as in the game
Super Mario Odyssey
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Pauline Reference
Bowser’s wedding outfit is the same as the one in the game (flowers, suit, the whole bit)
Same with Peach
The wedding music that plays is the same that plays in the Odyssey game
The desert area with the floating pyramid is an actual world in Odyssey
MarioKart Eight Deluxe
Blue shell
Rainbow road
The Kart mechanics (hovering, glide )
Nice attention to detail with drifting
When picking their karts the music that plays is the same as on the customisation screen of the game(also the scrolling thing to pick the kart components is neat)
Peach has the iconic bike and outfit
Mario has the standard kart
Also, toad having the big car is a nice touch
Mario Party
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The superstar
The shot in which Boswer holds the star is the EXACT SAME as when you win the star in the game
Luigi’s Mansion
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The “Dark Lands” trees have the same gnarly design as in the game
“The princess is in another castle” joke
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Captain Toad looks very good, his bag is on point, love the attention to detail (I wish they actually named him tho)
The soundtrack
When the brothers discover the underground pipes in brooklin, the music is the same as when u are in an underground tunnel in the Mario games
The music that plays when they use the star to defeat bowser is the same as in the games
The music that plays when the toads cheer for Peach and Mario is the same as in the Congratulations screen in Mario Kart Wii
Love their mannerisms
I like how Peach’s fighting style comprises mostly of kicks, like in super smash bros
How Mario jumps
Nailed the outfits (Peach’s fire and ice outfits, cat power, racoon power etc) and how they looked as kids
Love how they managed to fit all of bowsers army
Yoshi cameo <3333
The design of DK’s village is spot on
Like how they included the different characters, with DK, Diddy Kong and the old guy (sorry DK fans, Idk his name)
Not a massive DK game player, so any references were lost on me tbh
Things the Movie sucked at
The plot was generic at best, actively terrible at worst
The Peach’s song sucks, and I hope it is mem-a-fied
The Jokes were a hit or miss
Rosalina my beloved
Daisy :(((
Overall Thoughts and Opinions
The creators definitely loved the franchise, I adored the attention to detail. It’s not the peak of cinema by any means, but it’s a good time. Though, if you’re not a Mario fan, you might want to skip this one.
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Could you answer your question? What did you collect as a kid vs now?
I can. Collected as a kid: -Shells (fresh water shells. Also for some reason crayfish claws?) -Nature bits (I collected stuff like birds nests if someone cut one out of the tree, I'd ask for it. But also feathers, bird shells, leafs, bones, interesting sticks, old hives, bark bits... etc. I like collecting a lot of naturalist stuff.) -Bottle caps and the pull-y tabs for pop -Gemstones and rocks. -Yugioh cards. (also there was there metal thingies for yugioh. I had a couple, loved them. but then they disappeared in shops.) -Crazy Bones (these) -Pokemon Figures -Digimon Figures -Pokemon cards (rare for me. I was really only into yugioh. I also had *some* digimon cards. But again I was a bigger fan of yugioh cards.) -Stickers -Bangles Bracelets. (I really loved nosy things) -Oh CHARM BRACELETS (same reason. Again I loved the soft chime sound. Plus that bit of weight was nice.) -Beanie Babies -Kinder egg toys -Anything little mermaid. -Anything *ANYTHING* sailor moon -Film (Idk I was really into taking pictures when I was 11-12 so I constantly would have new roles of film to take point and click pictures xD) -Manga / Anime Merch -Oh lip smackers -Nightmare before Christmas I know I had *some* polly pockets and some other stuff, (transformers, TMNT, hot wheels) but these are what stuck out to me as things I really liked collecting. =3 Collection as adult: -Pokemon cards <3333 -Calico critters -Rocks/fossils/gemstones -Sea shells/ Ocean stuff -Uhhh I don't know how to explain them, there figures from mostly oversea's creators. (These are what I like to collect) -Skulls/bones (tbh I only have a couple. but yes, I love bones and skulls and stuff. ) -Anime merch/ manga / Video games (A lot less now. I go through periods were I don't actively collect due to just not feeling so much interest. Plus merch is pricey. & I'm not typically a huge fan of "blind" stuff so much anymore. aside from those figures I linked above because I end up liking all the designs xD But yeah. ^-^) -Plushies/squishmellows/soft squishy things -Stim toys. (I have a lot xD) -OH PLANTS!! Like aloe and stuff. :3 -Halloween bits and bobs. (like nightmare before christmas merch. But also other "traditional" halloween decor I really like) Also both as a child/tween/teen and as an adult I really liked drawing so I collected a lot of drawing/painting stuff and I still do. But I'm unsure if it's really a collection so much XD
_______________________ I feel like I'm probably missing some stuff. There's also things I wanna collect but I never really got around to finding. Like I really love old keys, but finding those is hard in the wild, plus also the price. @_@; But yeah =3 These are some things.
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megistusdiary · 2 years
Heyyyyyy this is my first time sending anyone an ask I'm so excited lmao. Can you write brat tamer scaramouche plsplspls I need him. Preferably with gender neutral stuff but if you don't want to that's ok. Thank you ily <3333
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wowowow i like this concept ♡♡. brat taming has been on my mind lately. also sorry i am answering asks out of order ;w; and welcome to my page!! if you ever wanna request more stuff, feel free ^^
warnings: mean-dom!scaramouche and sub!gender neutral anatomy/pronouns reader
brat taming, blowjob (scara receiving), penetration (sub!receiving), no foreplay (rip your hole), spanking, mentions of bondage, begging, degradation, dacryphilia, lots of cussing, scaramouche calls reader 'doll,' reader calls him 'sir'. condom usage 🤌
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"oh, now you're fucking crying? how pathetic."
you sat on your knees in front of him, tears pooling in your eyes with your nose pressed to his abdomen. your hands rested atop his thighs, resisting the urge to dig your nails into the milky skin.
"move your hands. i don't remember telling you to touch me. if you can't keep them to yourself, i will chain them to the bedposts." scaramouche slapped one of your hands away before moving his own to the back of your head. he controlled your pace, moving you back and forth on his dick as he pleased. your fingers balled into fists at your sides, and you could hear groans from under his breath while he chased his high.
but, just before he came, he pulled himself away, yanking you backwards by your hair. you spluttered, wiping the spit and pre-cum away from your lips as you struggled to catch your breath.
"i'm considering just coming on your face and leaving your sorry ass here. you better start begging for me to fuck you." scaramouche stood up, towering over you from your position on the floor.
"please, sir. please, i'm sorry- it won't happen again. please, please, fuck me, sir." you cried out, falling forward on the carpet. he scoffed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"i don't know why i bother with humans. mortals are all so pathetic." he couldn't help the absolute rush he felt with only you. he could definitely deny it though. "get up."
you tried to stand on shaky legs, scaramouche aiding you by practically throwing you onto the bed. you opened your mouth to speak but were silenced by scaramouche leaning over you.
"you know what i want, doll. don't tell me you're this forgetful." he snapped, ego stroked as you moved to rest on all fours. you presented yourself to him so nicely, he almost considered rewarding you.
he landed a harsh spank on your ass, watching you grip the bedsheets tightly. scaramouche grinned as he felt heat begin to radiate from the skin. "how cute." he chuckled, slapping you again as you lurched forwards. gasps spilled from your lips along with pleas and cries of 'sir.'
"what do you want now?" scaramouche rolled his eyes as you pressed your face into the blankets. "are you sorry?"
you nodded rapidly, ass feeling hot and sore. he stroked the skin softly once before rearing back to deliver one last harsh smack. "well, that's too damn bad. you know what happens to stupid little humans who don't listen. you made me look like a fool in front of the other harbingers. you can give me your pitiful 'sorry's all you want. cry about it." he snapped, moving back to undress himself fully.
you heard the sound of ripping and bottles, feeling the blunt head of his cock against your entrance, spreading slick over the skin. even after all of the harsh treatment, you couldn't help but continue to be a brat. you wiggled your hips against him, feeling the tip slide over your hole before he smacked your ass again.
"looks like i was right." he gripped you by the hair, yanking your head up. he shoved his dick into you, forcing your back into an arch as he stretched you wide. scaramouche leaned over, resting his lips on the shell of your ear. "you better pray to your archons that you're able to walk tomorrow."
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milkybunbuns · 3 years
Hi there~! I'm the anon from way back then that requested how the guys would propose hehe I'm back! Silently reading all you guys have wrote tbh 🙊
But it's my birthmonth...is it ok to request for a weekend trip to the beach with Tendou or Noya whichever of the two really hehe you can make as fluffy or as crack as you want I don't mind as long as at some point we look for seashells and relax on the shore 🙊❤️
I hope this is OK 🙈thank you so much!!
Hii!! I'm glad to see you're still around <33 and happy birthday!! ofc you can request this, thank you for it,,, hope you enjoy :))
beach trip w/ tendou
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- You guys set up the picnic area and pull out the grill and everything
- There’s a wide variety of food and then while you’re searching through the bags yall brought to the beach, you realised there’s no cooking utensils 😀😀😀
- “TENDOUUU, WE DIDN’T BRING A PLATE OR ANYTHING!!!”, your just there panicking while he panics right back at you (nah he was just mimicking hehe)
- “It’s all fine, because I, your only and THE best boyfriend in this universe,, can just go and buy some! There’s a convenience store right there!”
- insert dramatic movements ✨✨
- If you want to sunbath with him er have fun :D
- he’ll be very fidgety and keep rolling around in the sand, trying to bury you lol
- but if you do tell him off to let you sunbathe in peace, he’ll respect your wishes and sit by your side, throwing a beach volley ball up and down while he waits
- speaking of beach volleyball,,, he’ll ask you to play and if you refuse, well-
- “Y/n~~, come on, lets play volleyball!! Or are you too scared, don’t worry though, your brave and tough boyfriend will protect you from harm!!”
- proud uwu face <3333
- splashing in the sea is a must
- like just the idea of like splashing each other with water in the sea and then tendou just out of nowhere whips out a water gun and sprays you in da face makes me feel all warm and squiggly(??)
- it’s on, this means war man.
- feet and hands all come into the fight and like ya’ll just thrashing in the water getting the other person as wet as possible 💅😌
- but ofc after all that, poor bby is out of energy :(( and quite frankly, so are you--
- he’ll do his best to help out with your seashell collecting <33, something nice and calm to come towards the end of the day
- “BUT Y/N, THIS SHELL IS SO PRETTY!!”, proceeds to bring the crab closer to you-
- “Aww :((”, he tries his best, I swear, but it’s like luck ain’t on his side. he’ll present slightly chipped shells, unique strange coloured shells and other sorts
- ofc you all accept them lovingly, how could you not >:((
- but when he does find a really good shell, it’s actually one of the curly shells that like you can hear the sea in or smthing and you praise him his eyes will like light up
- precious 🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖💕💕💕
- “wowie! we collected so many!”, he’ll say in awe as the two of you lay down on the shore after a long day
- “yeah we did, thank you for today <33″
- “your welcome, i’ll always love you y/n <33″
- he’ll gently hook his pinky around yours as the two of you gaze at the orange sky <333
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astxroiid · 3 years
What It’s Like
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Fandom: YouTube
Pairing: Ethan Nestor x Reader
Word Count: 1,623
Warnings: a short moment of angst, crying,
Summary: Y/N invites Ethan, her roommate, to come play Mario Kart and eat takeout with her after his Twitch stream.
Author’s Note: This is just a quick little thing I thought about the last night! Am I procrastinating to keep from writing those series? Yes. Yes I am. [thank you @soft-haas16 for proof reading and giving me feedback! Ur the best <3]
Tags: @bigdickdaddysatan , @staxryskxes , @soft-haas16 , @cas-loves-pizza
Masterlist // Read Before Requesting
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Ethan sat in his gaming chair in front of his monitors spinning side to side as he read the chat that was gliding up one of his screens.
“Spidie-cents, thank you for the bits!” He calls, eyes still following the words coming in.
He’d had an average day, nothing too outstanding and interesting about it. So why not spice things up with a surprise stream?
“When am I playing Among Us again? I don’t know. Hopefully sometime soon. I’ve been trying to get a lobby going with Seán, Corpse, Chris, and the rest of the usual bunch.”
He takes a sip of his water and checks his phone real quick. Nothing. He sighs and sets it back on the table, looking up at the chat.
“Are me and Y/N dating?” 
Ethan becomes visibly uncomfortable at the question. “Uh, no. We just live together. Not dating.”
Chat goes wild, teasing him and asking a thousand more questions.
Ethan struggles with reading while the chat is going so fast. Only making out different ship names and heart emotes.
“Guys. Guys. Calm down. I can’t read chat.”
There’s a soft knock on his recording room door. “Yeah?” Ethan calls out. You step in, looking slightly shy and nervous. The stream can’t see you, which your thankful for. But they can see the way Ethan is looking at you. Smiling with loving eyes and excitement running through him.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Oh, am I interrupting?” You ask, concerned.
“Oh. No, your fine. What do you need?” He reassures
“Well, I was gonna see if - when your stream ends - you would want to come play some Mario Kart with me? And maybe order some takeout?” You’re fidgeting with your hands, trying to maintain eye contact.
Ethan smiles warmly and nods enthusiastically. “Yes! Totally. I’m ending my stream in about an hour,” he checks his phone for the time, “is that okay?”
You grin. “It’s perfect. Thank you. I can’t wait.”
Ethan expresses the same feelings before you both say goodbye and you leave the room, giddily preparing to order food.
✩ ✩ ✩
Ethan comes downstairs after his stream, excited for a game night with you.
You’re sitting on the couch, scrolling through your phone. You’re wearing a pair of dark grey sweatpants that you might or might not have stolen from Ethan, a black spaghetti strap shirt, and a silver chain necklace Ethan had gotten you for your birthday last year.
He smiles at the memory of you opening the box he’d been holding behind his back, gasping and giggling and completely at a loss for words.
You struggled for a few minutes trying to find a way and thank him for such a beautiful piece of jewelry.
You look up from your phone and smile wide. “Hey,” you greet, “whatcha smiling about?”
Ethan looks into your eyes. “Nothing, just thinking about your birthday present I got you.”
You absentmindedly reach for the chain resting on your chest and play with it, smiling.
“Thank you, again.”
He shakes his head, grinning, and saunters over to the couch. Ethan flops down beside you, placing his arm behind your shoulders on the back of the couch.
He slides down slightly, spreading his knees and rubbing a thumb on your shoulder bone opposite him.
Chills cover your body at every little gesture Ethan does. Especially the way his arm is around you and his thigh is pressed flat against yours. Your cheeks heat up and you pretend to focus on your phone.
“U-uh the food should be here soon. In ten minutes maybe,” you look over at Ethan.
He looks back at you, a goofy smile on his face. “Nice,” he squeezes your body against his with his arm and rests the side of his head on top of yours.
You start to get ready for a round of Mario Kart, choosing your characters and load outs and then moving on to which cup you should play.
“What cup do you wanna play?” You look over to Ethan.
“Well, I believe there’s only one good answer - the greatest cup out of the entire game.”
“The Star Cup.”
“The Bell Cup.”
You both blurt at the same time.
“What?” You ask incredulously.
“Star Cup?!” Ethan looks at you, shocked.
“What do you mean ‘Star Cup’? It’s the best one! It’s got Dolphin Shoals - which is hands down the best map in the game, Mount Wario, and Sunshine Airport. That’s the big three all in one cup!” You flop your hand to your thighs for dramatic effect.
“No. No. No. No. See, I hate to break it to you - but that’s where you’re wrong.”
You raise a questioning eyebrow and cross your arms over your chest.
“The best map on the game is Wild Woods, but the rest of the maps on the Crossing Cup suck. So that leaves Ribbon Road, Super Bell Subway, and Big Blue which are a trifecta of greatness.”
You shake your head. Before you can retort - there’s a knock on the door. The food has arrived. You thank the delivery person and grab the food, taking it to the living room and sorting out your’s and Ethan’s food.
“At least we can agree that Bowser’s Castle is the absolute worst,” you say, setting Ethan’s box in front of him. He nods his head, agreeing.
“Yes. Definitely.”
You both decide on Ethan’s Bell Cup first, eating your food and goofing the whole time.
✩ ✩ ✩
Halfway through the night Ethan realizes that he’s losing. In a desperate attempt to redeem himself; he snakes an arm around you and begins to tickle your side.
You jolt upward, almost throwing your controller while trying to fight him off.
“E-Ethan!” You cackle. “St-op!”
While you’re distracted, Ethan manages to send a blue shell your way and slowly crawl his way up to first.
You press the pause button and catch your breath. You both set your controllers on the coffee table and look at each other.
You’re panting and smiling at the goofy man next to you. “That... was so... unfair,” you accuse breathlessly.
“You never told me to play fair,” Ethan states like the five year old he is, smiling like a dork.
You roll your eyes and get up to throw your box of food away. Before you can get to it, there’s a hand gently in yours, pulling you towards him.
You crash into Ethan’s lap, giggling. “Lemme put my food in the trash,” you look up at him.
“In a minute,” Ethan looks down at you, pulling you closer to his chest - hugging you. You bury your face into his shirt, inhaling his scent. Your body relaxes into him and you smile to yourself.
This is all you could ever want in life. You and Ethan, holding each other, at peace. Then reality sets in. And you realize that you couldn’t be truly happy like this. Just friends.
All this is - is one friend holding another friend. And that’s all it’ll ever be. No ‘I love You’s. No kisses. No holding each other in bed every night. Just friends being friends.
You feel tears welling in your eyes and you try and hold them back but before you can Ethan pulls back to look at your face, smiling.
His face falls at the sight of yours, being replaced by fear and concern.
“Hey. Hey, what’s wrong? Did I do something?” He grabs your face, looking into your eyes.
A tear slips down your cheek and you shake you head but Ethan knows better. “No. Talk to me. What’s wrong?” He asks again.
You take a deep breath and move his hands from your face. “I—” you start but decide against it. Having no idea how to tell him. And do you really want to ruin your friendship?
Ethan’s eyes plead with you and there’s no way you can refuse him.
“It’s just,” you take a deep breath. “I don’t think I can do this,” you admit gently.
“Do what?” Ethan asks, concerned.
“Be just friends with you. It hurts too much to keep going,” another tear slips out. “I see you every day and I’m filled with this overwhelming sense of loss. And the pain in my chest everytime you look at me is so overbearing and I can’t keep putting myself through this every single day,” you look away from him, closing your eyes tight.
“Especially when I know you don’t feel the same. That’s the worst part about it, Eef. Knowing you’ll never feel the same,” you collapse into his chest, crying.
Ethan places a hand on your back, moving the other to the base of your skull and kisses the top you your head.
“Hey,” he says, softly. “Look at me.”
You look into his eyes, your own red and puffy.
“Who said I’d never feel the same?”
“What?” Your face contorts in confusion.
“Y/N, I’ve felt that exact way about you for so long. You have no idea...”
Your heart melts and you smile. “Really?” You wipe a tear from your cheek.
Ethan uses his thumb to wipe away your other tears and smiles. “Yes. Really.”
He slowly starts to lean in and you grin. “I think I do have an idea of what it was like.”
Your lips connect and move together in a sweet dance of love and tender longing.
You pull away and giggle, pressing your forehead against his.
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him to the side, laying with him on the couch. You kiss him for longer this time with more intent.
“Can I go throw away my food now?” You almost whisper.
“As long as you take mine with you.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Ty guys for reading! And for 300 followers!! Ahh words can’t express how thankful I am for you guys <3333!
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