#nlw positivity
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Happy 2nd Wedding Anniversary to my love, who is the butter to my bread and the breath to my life, @becausefuckyouthatiswhy ❤🧡💛💚💙💜 You're my sweet adzuki bean, and I love you sososososososoooooooooo much 🥺💕
Here's some pics from today (which isn't over yet!!) 🥰
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transcendragon · 2 years
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Two variations of water themed digital art based on the nlw (nonbinary loving women) flag. The first is NLW Fountain - a digital painting of a fountain based on the nlw flag colors. The second one is NLW Caldera - a watery volcanic caldera based on the NLW flag. 
[Image descriptions: the first image is a digital painting of two large cylindrical stone fountains of light orange colors on a sandy ground. The taller fountain lets water stream down into the shorter fountain. Sunlight shines down from a light pink sky above and reflects down on the water of the shorter fountain. The second image looks down on a volcanic caldera inspired vaguely bye Yellowstone. It’s in a sandy basin. The edges are white with minerals and it steams gently. The water is bright orange and turns purple deeper toward the center. Stones within the caldera are just visible, though they disappear deeper into blackness in the depths of the caldera. End description.] 
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sunkern-plus · 8 months
i know there should be more yuri (because of this website being the yuri website and the woman prioritizer website, and i agree as a woman prioritizer), but...there should also be secret third thing, secret fourth thing, and secret fifth thing stuff too (n/n stuff, women x nonbinary stuff, and men x nonbinary stuff)
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raphaelesbian · 2 months
F or I
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oh wow thank you for asking! ;P
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Oooh, dialogue!!! Lmao, I skimmed through the ENTIRETY of PTS and NLW thus far to try and pick a fav.... There's a few fahsdghsdg but I think I'm going to go with this one, from chapter 1 of NLW
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Just because I think it was my first attempt at being, like, FUNNY? There's HUMOR throughout PTS and the various one-shots, bc TMNT 2012 is very funny at its core, but this was a straight-up attempt at, like. A joke dsahglsdgk. Which I was very insecure about, tbh! Like it is SO easy for a joke to fall flat, which I guess is true of all writing, but I was a lot more nervous about the jokes not landing than the seriousness, for whatever reason. And NLW is still quite serious, but it has a much more humorous tone than PTS, so. It was either going to work, or it wasn't.
But I thought it worked! I got several positive reactions to this bit in particular (always a great feeling), and I was very happy with how in-character it felt (to me). Donnie's frustration, Raph's deadpan, Casey's general dumbassery (/aff), the way they all bounced off of each other, I thought it turned out well c:
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
fdhalsghkgkl tbh, probably the massive amounts of angst? which may seem very counterintuitive as it's like My Whole Brand, but genuinely I always feel so awkward about it XD Like at SOME point someone is going to be like "hey, what the FUCK is wrong with you" and I will have no answer.... like, damn, at least if I wrote smut that's something people GET. but no, I love when my favorite characters suffer.
I know that's not exactly WEIRD, it's a very common thing people say, but I always have this thought in the back of my head like "you're taking it too far. they like angst, but they still think you're a freak."
.....sorry that was kind of a serious answer LMAO, but yeah. Angst++++++++
thanks awz!!!! <3 <3 <3
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Inbox check?
Also how y'll been?
Fine, I think. My cohost continues singing for me for two days straight (no/silly), I haven't even noticed that Amp got into pilot yesterday aaaand I am changing my names again, but as they are becoming permanent like Iacon and Camil were, I think of a place to hoard. But mostly I am just being positive, I am still not very comfortable with community, aaaand I think it's showing itself fldjgklds. Neu ofc
Inbox Check!
4 Userboxes
9 asks containing EPIC lyrics
Biantigender Flag
Xenial Attraction Alt Flag with a symbol
Succubus Allion
Ask with Silly animals
Space Beast Gender
Two Videos I still need to watch
A term which I need to save f;lkdsl;
Trombone Skyze from Trombone Champ soundtrack Sonar
Shapeshifter Vesil
Audistos for Killing Butterflies - Lewis Blissett, Trombone Skyze - Trombone Champ soundtrack, Watery Depths - Blooftube Bloof, Dr. Voldtritch's Background Theme Extended - Blooftube Bloof, EEEAAAOOO, When I Was Done Dying - Dan Deacon
This user is dyslexic Userbox
NLW/WLN version of toradonic
A gender that feels like sitting on the bottom of the ocean and looking up and seeing sunlight shining on the water
Working Dogs Umbrella
Sapphilunamore but Objectum/Objectix
Magnus archive themed names and pronouns
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georgeshutcheson · 10 months
UK National Minimum Wage 2023
New Post has been published on https://www.fastaccountant.co.uk/uk-national-minimum-wage-2023/
UK National Minimum Wage 2023
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In April 2023, the national living wage (NLW) and national minimum wage 2023 (NMW) saw an increase. The new rates include £10.42 per hour for those aged 23 and over, £10.18 per hour for 21 and 22-year-olds, £7.49 per hour for ages 18 to 20, and £5.28 per hour for those under 18. Additionally, the apprentice rate went up to £5.28 per hour. These changes were to ensure fair compensation for workers across various age groups. Furthermore, this article highlights other statutory rates that will be implemented and emphasizes the importance of adhering to the minimum wage standards for each pay period. HR support services are also offered to assist employers with understanding and implementing these wage requirements effectively.
UK National Minimum Wage 2023
From April 2023, the national living wage (NLW) and national minimum wage rates (NMW) in the UK were increased. These rates were set to ensure workers receive fair payment for their labour. It’s important for both employers and employees to be aware of these changes to ensure compliance with the law.
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NLW and NMW Increases
The national living wage (NLW) was increased from the previous £8.91 per hour to £10.42 per hour for individuals aged 23 and over. This rise is significant, reflecting the government’s commitment to ensuring individuals receive a fair wage for their work. Previously, the NLW applied only to those aged 25 and over, but now it includes individuals aged 23 and above.
Rate for Those Aged 21 and 22
For individuals aged 21 and 22, the new minimum wage rate is £10.18 per hour. This increase reflects the government’s recognition that younger workers also deserve fair payment for their work. It aims to address pay disparities based on age and promote equality in the workplace.
Individuals aged between 18 and 20 had their minimum wage rate increased to £7.49 per hour. This rise acknowledges the importance of providing fair wages to young workers who are starting their careers and may have limited experience or qualifications.
Rate for Those Under 18
For individuals under the age of 18, the minimum wage rate is £5.28 per hour. This rate recognizes the position of young workers who may still be in education or training and may be working part-time or in entry-level positions.
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Apprentice Rate Increase
The apprentice rate increased to £5.28 per hour. This change was to support individuals who are undergoing apprenticeships and gaining valuable work experience while studying towards a qualification. It reflects the government’s commitment to investing in the skills and development of apprentices.
Accommodation Offset Increase
The accommodation offset is the maximum amount that an employer who provides live-in accommodation to staff, and pays the minimum wage, is allowed to deduct from daily pay. From April 2023, this offset increased to £9.10 per day. It is important for employers to understand that this offset applies only to accommodation costs and not to other expenses such as utilities, council tax, or uniforms.
Other Statutory Rates from April 2023
Aside from the NLW and NMW increases, there were also changes to other statutory rates from April 2023. The rate for statutory maternity, paternity, adoption, shared parental, and parental bereavement pay increased to £172.48 per week. The rate for statutory sick pay increased to £109.40 per week. These changes were to provide adequate support to employees during life events or periods of illness.
NLW/NMW per Pay Period
It’s important to note that the NLW and NMW rates apply to each pay period. Whether a worker is paid weekly or monthly, employers must ensure that the minimum wage is met for the hours worked in that period. Employers cannot balance out lower earnings in one pay period with higher earnings in the next to meet the minimum wage 2023 requirement.
Accommodation Offset is for Accommodation, Nothing Else
Employers need to be aware that the accommodation offset only applies to accommodation costs. It cannot be used to offset expenses such as utilities, council tax, uniforms, tools, or any other expenses related to the employee’s job. It’s essential to separate and accurately account for accommodation costs separately from other expenses.
HR Support for Employers
Understanding and implementing the national minimum wage rates can be complex, especially for businesses with multiple employees and varying pay structures. Seeking HR support can provide guidance and ensure compliance with the law. HR support services, such as those offered by myHRdept, can assist employers in understanding minimum wage requirements, conducting audits, and developing salary and benefits strategies for their organizations. Whether the employer is a charity, not-for-profit, or a commercial company, HR support services can provide the necessary expertise in navigating minimum wage regulations.
In conclusion, the UK national minimum wage rates increased from April 2023. These changes aim to promote fair wages for workers of different age groups and ensure compliance with employment laws. Employers must be aware of these changes and take the necessary steps to meet the new minimum wage 2023. Seeking HR support can provide guidance and ensure adherence to the law, ultimately benefiting both employers and employees.
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Pikachu says Nonbinary People are Fantastic! 
Reminder that I love nonbinary sapphics, wlw, and aspec folks! I drew the white background by hand today for a friend of mine who just came out as nonbinary, and decided to add some flag backgrounds for this blog :) 
Free for personal use, if posting elsewhere please credit! It’s pretty easy for me to swap the background, if you have any requests, feel free  -Mod Amelia
Flags, in order: Sapphic Flag, @apersnicketylemon‘s Inclusive lesbian flag, Sappho lesbian flag, aro flag, aroace flag by @aroaesflags, aro flag, pan flag, bi flag, poly flag
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genderqueerdo · 4 years
just wanna say that he/him, he/they, and they/them wlw & nlw are so amazing and powerful. sending love to you all 😘
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getawaygreenbean · 5 years
Presenter: *to a group of wlw and nlw* Ladies and gentlethem
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If this comic ain't sapphic af.... for obvious reasons lmao
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An 3 panel image of a separated pair of scissors missing the screw that connects them. The first panel is of the two of them with one of them thinking, "Do it now, be brave." In the second panel, the one who was thinking presents a screw to the other. In the third, they are connected by the screw and kissing.
End ID.]
Source: wawawiwacomics on Instagram
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transcendragon · 4 years
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Nlw moodboard for nonbinary people who love women! Today’s feature of pride moodboards for pride month! Us nonbinary people who love women are all totally stupendous!
All images are my own, please credit if you re-use.
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positivelybutch · 2 years
Chivalry isn’t dead, have you met a butch?
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queer-love-4-women · 2 years
Arospec QLW your love for or attraction to women is wonderful and queer and you don't owe alloromanticism or allonormativity to anyone!
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pbscore · 4 years
My new transition goal is to look queer enough to attract other queer folks yet terrifying enough to scare away cishet men from ever speaking to me like anything they have to say is relevant or entertaining lmao Like, no Bryan, I don’t want to hear about your intro to law class nor do I want to hear about why you ‘relate’ to The Joker on any level! What I want is that handsome butch in the corner to come over here and talk to me about why they love music, women, and anarchy🙌🏽😩😤🥴🔥❤️ What I want is that pretty genderqueer guy to come over here so I can compliment him on his dangly earrings and bright, rainbow makeup💄💅🏼👏🏽😘🤩🌈 What I want is to be a visible queer person that other queer folks can be themselves around, without any fear of being told they’re ‘sinful’ or ‘wrong’ or ‘gross’ or any other negative drivel that’s detrimental to their self-image. A walking ‘queer positive’ sign is the ultimate goal for me!🌿🍄☀️🌱
Edit: yes, y’all can reblog this but if you clown on this post, I’m blocking you.
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lesbiantherian · 3 years
being a lesbian is so inherently cool... like heck yeah im Lesbian
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