#no mermaids this chapter lol
sulfies · 4 months
Mermay Fic pt1
Ezio always felt bad about the small number of humble gondoliers he sent into the canale for a swim, he really did. He did try to apologize the first couple of times but honestly, he just did not have the time for it anymore. He usually did just toss them coins if anybody did walk up to him all angry the next day at the square.
And it truly was not that big of a deal, It's just water… 
“Oh did you hear-”
Ezio picked up his freshly repaired boots from the apprentice of the cobbler when trained ears picked up on the two ladies gossiping about the latest in Venice.
“No wait he did not! The assassin?!”
Who? Did what? What did he get up to this time? Ezio nodded at the shop as he slowly walked closer getting into the earshot more to get the full story on his new supposed doings…
“Yes Yes! Elena saw it too! He was docked as he always is around those times, you know that man likes a schedule” The other woman nodded agreeing and Ezio held a sigh.
Stalling aren't we… get to the juicy bits woman. His foot tapped on the stone ground
“and suddenly the brute jumps down on him and throws him into the canale, doesn't even yell sorry or look back, just takes off with the gondola!”
The other woman did an offended gasp as Ezio finally also clocked what they were talking about
“And I normally like the assassin guy too! So I was shocked ofcourse, everyone was-”
He tilted his head remembering yesterday's run-ins, Yes maybe he did throw another one into the Canales torrents as he was on a chase but what was the big deal this time, if he got legs he can swim, it's not like the gondolier was-
“I mean what kind of a sane man throws a paralyzed man into the water and steals his boat!”
The gondolier was Paralyzed...
Nothing is True everything is allowed so might as well toss a disabled towner into the water Ezio!
“Well was he all right? Is he injured?” 
Yes was he? Ezio wanted to rush out to the woman and shake her asking if his victim was okay, what was his address and would he accept a sorry in payments.
“Thankfully no, but he refused to let us help him out…” The woman's tone took a curious tune. “It was weird but he was probably embarrassed and didn't want people to see… you know…” The hand gesture around the legs told what she meant and it only drew another stake at Ezios heart so Ezio took it as his cue to leave and look for the man.
Well… He fucked around too much and now has to beg this old dude for forgiveness…. 
He looked at the new boots in his hand… can't even give him these, great fuckup Ezio. Leo will laugh his ass off about this.
It took him two days to track the man down, turns out when half the city is traversable via water everyone tries being a gondolier at least once, but this one has made a name for himself, which did not help Ezios conscience because all everyone said was;
“Oh, that man? yes, you can find him around here when the sun is up midday, very sweet and strange that one, always jokes with the others, nice to talk to.”
”Oh you mean him? Such a nice fella always chats to me about my day…”
”Paralyzed Gondolier…. ah you mean the nice one that hangs around here all day?”
So needless to say Ezio was sweating a bit but he was here to make things right!
His purse was heavier than usual today with an apology gift added into it, he walked the middle district scanning over any water he could see as he passed the bridges, he came to an opening of a small courtyard where people were sitting under the tree on benches and some street kids were playing around. It was one of those areas that had access to the water via stairs and docks. It was one of the busier yards since it had few shops around it too.
Ezio realized this was, in fact, the route he took 3 days ago, hopefully finding him will be easy, there can't be that many disabled gondola rowers. His eyes moved over the body of water,  there were 5 gondoliers docked near just hanging about, 2 of them sitting on a dock near their boats. He tried to look for an old weak man but the one he did notice did not show up on his eagle vision at all. 
When the same man also got up to stretch Ezio erased him off of possible victims.
Then he caught a flicker of gold light and his eyes zeroed into a golden bright figure on the left,
He blinked turning the vision on and off a couple of times...
”Ah cazzo, just my luck”
He didn't almost drown an old man who couldn't walk, he almost drowned one of the most handsome gondoliers in Venice.
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ohno-the-sun · 6 months
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Some Luca au Moons for the new chapter here!
Really rough animation still practicing, not really canon just trying out how the transition looks
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hey-sherry · 27 days
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And... a little surprise! The actual beach day pic - just for you, Tumblr peeps! ;)
With big thanks to @turnipkeeper for all the support. We came up with the mermaid Jon idea a while ago, joking that he must be who saves Sherlock when he faints in the water. Maybe a version of Jon is real, after all? :D
Close-ups behind the cut:
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I used a vintage TLM cover, the difference being that the original was green. I thought red would look nicer in this case.
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Both are without the effects added, if you're wondering why they look a little different than the art above. The effects only look nice in the zoomed-out version.
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ofmdee · 3 months
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keeping his scales clean 🤭
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good-wine-and-cheese · 4 months
Mermay fic prologue because I have no sense of self control heehoo
Summary: A fearsome sea monster has made a name for itself, haunting sailors and attacking ships. Many such beasts have existed through folktales, each slain by a righteous hero; this is a story which must end the same. Or, at least, it would, were there not an interloper – a strange man who happens upon the dying sea-spirit and elects to save him. But was that such a good thing? Can such a folktale have a happy ending, with the monster spared its death?
Relationship: Tenma/Ochanomizu
Characters: Dr. Tenma, Professor Ochanomizu
Warnings: Canon Typical Child Death, Racism, Graphic Injury, Gore, Dehumanization
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senkukohaku · 10 months
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I’m in the midst of eight thousand things, namely xmas gifts lmao, but instead I draw mermaid Kohaku bc I love her <3 and I’m working on a mermaid au bc I believe every fandom should have one ignore the fact I’m mid another fic that I haven’t finished lol anyway this was a fun little experiment :)
Accidentally day 1 (ish) of senhaku week: sunrise/sunset
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daffodillydilly · 1 year
Bottom of the deep blue sea - Chapter Two (Yandere sea creature x reader)
I looked at the strange live fish that the creature held out to me, its slimy texture glistening under the dim light of the cave. The scent wafted up to me, mixing with the damp salty air.
"No, thank you," I said softly, shaking my head. The creature's three-eyed gaze locked onto me, emitting a low, questioning trill, their long arms still extended, offering the still wriggling fish to me.
I tried to communicate my refusal, pointing at the fish, and then shaking my head more vigorously. "I can't," I murmured, "I appreciate your kindness, but I…I can’t."
The creature's expression shifted, and they produced a series of clicking sounds, perhaps trying to convey reassurance or convince me otherwise. But I couldn't understand the meaning behind their words.
With a slow, deliberate movement, they opened their cavernous mouth, their gaze never leaving mine as if they were making sure I wasn’t frightened, and then slipped the fish inside. They trilled, before diving down into the pool and returning with another squirming fish clutched in their large hand.
As the creature held it out to me, I felt a mix of guilt and gratitude. It was clear that they were trying to provide for me, but the sight of the raw, wriggling fish made my stomach churn. I couldn't bring myself to eat it, despite the creature's intentions.
"I can't," I repeated softly, "I really appreciate it, but I don't know if it's safe for me. And…I don’t know what I’d do if I got sick here.”
With a low hum, the creature slowly withdrew their extended hand, the fish slipping back into the water with a gentle splash.
They stared at me, as if considering what to do, as if trying to figure out what to bring me. Then with a flash of recognition, their eyes widened, and they dove down once more into the pool, before returning with a large hand full of assorted plants, none remotely looking edible.
They trilled enthusiastically as they presented it to me. An amused smile crept to my lips even as my stomach rumbled in disappointment. Their gestures showed a genuine desire to help, even if their understanding of my needs was limited.
"Thank you," I said, my voice filled with gratitude. "I appreciate your effort. You're very kind." I pointed at the plants they had gathered and shook my head, indicating that I couldn't eat them. "But these... I don't think I can eat them either.”
The creature tilted their head, repeating their trill.
"I wish I could understand you," I sighed, feeling a pang of loneliness and frustration.
The creature's eyes softened, and they emitted a gentle cooing sound. They reached out again, this time with an empty hand, and gently stroked the top of my head. I leaned into the creature's touch, appreciating the comfort it brought. Despite our language barrier, their actions spoke volumes.
"You're trying your best, aren't you?" I murmured.
The creature emitted a soft, melodic hum, their touch becoming even more soothing. It was as if they understood the sentiment behind my words, even if they couldn't comprehend the specific meaning.
Several hours passed and my rock ledge became littered with their various attempts at feeding me. From semi-edible clumps of seaweed that I had half heartedly chewed, to the remains of small sea creatures that I couldn't even bring myself to touch.
I sat against the cave wall, lost in my thoughts. The creature had retreated to the depths of the pool, leaving me to contemplate my situation. I wondered if there was any hope of finding my way back home or if I would be forever trapped in this mysterious place.
I had spent at least an hour slowly walking around the confines of the cavern, tapping on the stone wall, searching for any opening while the creature was away. There were a few finger sized holes near the far roof of the cave, seemingly leading into other wider open air caverns, but they were inaccessible to me. The pool was the only entrance and the only exit.
Suddenly, a splashing sound caught my attention, and I turned to see the creature emerging from the water emitting an enthusiastic trill.
“Hi…” I greeted softly. “What did you bring me this time?”
They darted towards me, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. In their arms was a waterlogged cooler, adorned with colorful beach-themed stickers. It was clear that they had retrieved it from somewhere nearby, perhaps stolen from a beach.
They carefully set the cooler down in front of me, and I eagerly pried it open to discover a treasure trove of water bottles, Gatorade, and various snacks - granola bars, packets of crackers, and even some dried fruit.
I let out a delighted gasp, and immediately reached for a water bottle, unscrewing the cap, and gulping down the contents in a second, hardly having realized the extent of my thirst until that moment. I reached for a second one, drinking it down just as quickly.
The creature emitted a joyous trill, their eyes conveying satisfaction and happiness as they watched as I enthusiastically tore open a packet of crackers and devoured them, relishing the taste of something familiar and comforting.
As I savored the snacks, my gratitude swelled within me, and I thanked them between each bite. The creature responded with a pleased purr each time, clearly overjoyed at having been able to provide for me. Once I had finished indulging in the snacks, with enough left over for at least another meal, I sat back, staring at the creature in appreciation.
"Thank you," I said again, my voice filled with emotion. "I feel bad for whatever family you stole that from but thank you for bringing it to me. Thank you so much!”
As the creature leaned in to nuzzle their head against mine, a brief flicker of apprehension crossed my mind. Although the cooler no longer had ice and several of the snacks had been damaged or dented, the expiration dates on the plastic packaging indicated they had been purchased not too long ago. I must be near a beach somewhere. Close enough to land that the creature could return within an hour or two.
If so, why hadn’t they taken me there after they rescued me? It seemed strange that they would spend all this effort attempting to feed me, when they could have just dropped me off.  
I leaned back to meet their gaze, searching for any hints of their intentions, but all I saw was a sense of overjoyed contentment, as if providing for me was enough for them. It was clear that they genuinely cared for my well-being, but the question of their motives remained unanswered.
I pointed towards the cooler and then gestured towards one of the stickers of a beach at sunset, trying to convey my curiosity about where they had obtained it. The creature tilted their head, seemingly pondering my gesture.
The creature's three-eyed gaze locked onto the sticker I was pointing at, and their expression shifted into something darker. They let out a low rumbling sound, before nuzzling against me once more.
“Do you understand me?” I asked, despite the feeling of their damp face against the hollow of my neck. “The beach. That’s where you got this from, right?”
Another low rumble.
“Can you take me there? Take me to where you got the cooler?”
The creature seemingly ignored me as they cooed in my ear. I gently disentangled myself from the creature's embrace and sat back, staring at them. They emitted another soft cooing sound, their expression filled with what I could only interpret as affection.
"I appreciate you taking care of me," I spoke softly, "But I really want to go to the beach, to see where you found this cooler. Can you understand me?"
One of the creatures’ long tentacles sought out an unopened Gatorade bottle and held it up to me. It seemed that they were offering me the drink, perhaps as a way to divert my attention or express their inability to fulfill my request.
I took it from their grasp but set it back down on the rock shelf.
“The beach.” I repeated, “I want to see it. Can you take me there?”
I watched as their eyes narrowed, in a now familiar look of annoyance, just like the last time I had asked to go to the surface.
“You know what I’m saying, don’t you…?” I asked, feeling a sudden strange sense of unease. “You know that I want to go back to land. Back to people. You know what I’m asking, don’t you?”
The creature's three-eyed gaze met mine, and for a moment, there was a sense of tension in the air. Their expression seemed to blacken, and they emitted another low rumbling sound, but this time eerily resembling a growl.
I leaned back, maintaining eye contact with the creature, trying to convey the urgency and importance of my request. "I need to go to the beach," I said firmly, "I need to find my way back home. Please, understand me."
The creature emitted the sound again, their gaze shifting between the cooler and me. It was difficult to discern their true intentions, but I couldn't ignore the gnawing feeling that they were blaming the presence of the cooler for my request.
I reached out and gently touched one of their long tentacles. "You can understand me, can't you?" I whispered, my voice tinged with both desperation and hope. "Please, take me to the beach. Help me find a way back."
The creature's gaze softened, and they emitted a trilling sound, almost resembling a sigh. They withdrew their tentacle from my touch, and for a moment, there was silence. Then, with a sudden burst of movement, they turned and swiftly disappeared into the depths of the pool with the unmistakable energy of someone leaving the room to avoid an argument.
I sat there, staring at the empty space where the creature had been, a flurry of emotions swirling within me. The creature's actions left me feeling both disappointed and confused. I was certain they had understood my plea, but for some reason, they were unable or unwilling to grant it.
As I contemplated my next move, the realization dawned upon me that I couldn't rely only on the creature's assistance. If I wanted to find my way back home, I would have to take matters into my own hands. Now that I had eaten and drank, I felt a steady thrum of energy flowing through me.
I stared at the pool of water with a sudden sense of determination. Carefully I peeled a clump of bioluminescent algae from the wall and scooted towards the edge.
As I gazed down into the black abyss, I felt my courage immediately waver. Still, I lowered my feet into the bath-like salt water, the ominous dark void staring back at me, with no indication of how deep it was or where it led.
As I eased my body into the water, the familiar feeling of weightlessness embraced me, momentarily sending a wave of panic coursing through my veins. I told myself that I was only taking a quick look, a glimpse into what lay beneath the surface.
After a deep, calming breath, I submerged myself in the water. The world around me instantly transformed into a distorted blur of shadows and muted colors and I fought against the immediate instinct to resurface.
Using the algae in my hand as a feeble source of light, I glanced around, my eyes stinging painfully from the saltwater. The faint glow and my searching hand revealed the rocky walls of an underwater cave, covered in moss and barnacles. There were small fish darting in and out of crevices, and the occasional flicker of movement caught my attention.
As I started to swim deeper, I felt a sudden rush of movement behind me. Startled, I turned my head to see three intense balls of light bolting towards me. Before the fear even had a chance to settle, I felt the sudden suffocating grip of several panicked tentacles wrapping themselves around my body.
Desperate, I reached out, grabbing onto the creature's tentacles, hoping to pry them loose. But it only seemed to further enrage the creature. Their eyes burned with a ferocity I had not witnessed before, and they emitted a low, guttural growl that reverberated like an earthquake through the water.
With a swift motion, the creature jerked their body, violently propelling us upwards and back into the grotto. The force of their movement sent us airborne for a moment, and they landed on the rock shelf with a loud wet smack.
My eyes stung from the salt, and tears streamed freely down my face as I violently coughed out the water I had swallowed from my brief futile struggle.
Lying on their chest, gasping for air, I looked up to see the creature’s face hovering above me, its three-eyed gaze filled with anger and worry as the bioluminescence in their cheeks glowed a threatening, vibrant red, casting an eerie light on the rocky walls of the cave. Their rumbling voice reverberated deafeningly loud, the vibrations shaking my entire body.
Struggling to catch my breath, I reached out with trembling hands, "I’m sorry!" I panted, "Please! I just... I’m sorry. I…I just wanted to…”
The creature's three-eyed gaze bore into mine as I trailed off, and for a moment, the rumbling subsided. Their grip on me loosened, allowing me to draw in deep, ragged breaths, but their tentacles remained wrapped around me, nearly covering my entire body.
“I’m sorry.” I coughed. “I didn't mean to make you mad! I’m sorry.”
Slowly, the creature's expression softened, and the vibrant red glow in its cheeks began to fade into a simmering green blue. In a gentle motion, the creature loosened their grip further, and they let out a soft mournful cry as they nuzzled their face against mine. I remained cautious, not wanting to make any sudden movements that might reignite its anger.
Their hands prodded around my neck, and for a brief moment I thought they were going to choke me, but instead they just rested their fingers against my jugular notch, caressing the shell from my makeshift tentacle necklace, as if making sure it was still there.
“Yes I…I didn’t lose it.” I murmured, feeling my heart race a million miles a minute. “You, uh, you tied it really well.”
The creature let out a responding coo, their body relaxing beneath mine as if relieved. Their hands swept up my neck, and caressed my face, running their fingers over my cheekbones and clearing the stinging salt from my eyes in a surprisingly gentle and soothing touch.
“I…I’m sorry.” I repeated in a hesitant voice as they swept my soaked hair from my face. “I didn’t mean to make you so upset.”
The touch of their webbed hands sent a peppering of goosebumps down my limbs, and the creature swept them away, running their fingers down my arms. They seemed to be checking if I was hurt in some way, and when they discovered no injuries, their body relaxed further.
As the creature's touch continued to soothe me, I asked softly, "Why... why can't I leave?”
The creature trilled a high-pitched question, and I tentatively pointed to the pool of water. The creature's grip immediately tightened around me, their touch momentarily intensifying as a warning as they let out a sharp click.
"No, no!" I reassured them, "I'm not trying to leave again. I…I just want to know why."
The creature's grip strengthened, their three-eyed gaze searching mine for understanding. They emitted a series of clicks and trills, a melodic language that resonated with both caution and affection. Slowly, they eased their hold on me, their touch transitioning from protective to gentle once again.
"But please, tell me why." I implored, my words barely above a whisper, my eyes locked with theirs.
In response, the creature emitted a trill that conveyed both confusion and longing. With a slow, deliberate movement, they released their grip on me, setting me down on the rock shelf and allowing me a modicum of freedom, but their watchful gaze never wavered.
Summoning my courage, I repeated my gesture, pointing toward the pool of water. In an instant, the creature's response was rapid and resolute. They swiftly swept me into their arms, their grip tightening with a sharp click, a clear indication that straying beyond the bounds of the cave was not permitted.
My heart pounded in my chest as frustration and fear welled up within me. "But why?" I protested, as they nuzzled their head against mine, trailing their webbed fingers down the back of my hair. "That's the only way out. Why am I not allowed to leave? There are people who care about me, who need to know that I'm alive. I need to leave."
They briefly pressed their forehead to mine, their lantern-like eyes closing, before they lowered their head to press a strange kiss to the tulip shell of my tendril necklace, the gesture incredibly tender and reverent.
A shiver coursed through me as I felt the direct pressure of teeth around the delicate skin of my neck. As the creature grazed my skin, a surge of panic shot through me, and I instinctively tensed, expecting the worst.
But instead of pain, I felt only delicate contact as their teeth caressed my throat, in a dangerous display of trust and caution. Their touch became gentler, almost apologetic, as they emitted a soft, sorrowful trill.
With a tremor in my voice, I whispered, "I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I just... I need to know. I need to know why I can't leave."
The creature lifted their head to meet my gaze, their eyes brimming with a strange combination of emotions. They released their hold on me, their webbed hand trembling as they reached up to touch my necklace once more.
They wrapped their other hand around my own and brought it up to their neck placing my fingers on the black stone embedded in their jugular notch. The stone I had picked out for them was now glowing with vibrant pink bioluminescence.
Struggling to find my voice amidst the intensity of the moment, I whispered in a tremulous tone, "What... what are you trying to tell me?”
The creature let out a gentle, loving purr that reverberated through my fingertips.
With a dawning realization, a chill crept up my spine. I stared at the black stone, its pink glow pulsating in sync with their rapid breaths.
Dread swelled within me, twisting in my gut as I tried to make sense of it all. The creature's intimate actions, their eagerness to provide for me, their longing gaze, and now this gesture with the shell and the stone - it all painted a picture I hadn't dared to imagine before.
I had thought I was just expressing gratitude towards the creature for rescuing me, but in their eyes, I had unknowingly bound myself to them. Unintentionally accepting their offer of some sort of unbreakable union.
The stone and shell seemed to be as significant as a wedding ring.
The creature, sensing my growing unease, emitted a soft, pleading trill. Their eyes searching mine for understanding. In that moment, I saw a vulnerability in them that mirrored my own. They had opened their heart to me, and now they longed for reciprocation.
I struggled to find my voice, the words stumbling out in a shaky whisper. "I... I don’t understand…”
The creature's grip tightened around me once more, their three-eyed gaze filled with a mix of affection and possessiveness. It was as if they were silently claiming me, marking me as theirs. The realization sent a surge of panic through my veins, making my heart pound even faster as I now found myself entangled in a relationship I hadn't even realized existed.
Every instinct in me screamed to break free. The creature's touch, once comforting and gentle, now felt suffocating and invasive. "I... I never meant for this to happen. I didn't realize... I didn't understand.”
Their eyes flashed with hurt and desperation, their trills and clicks echoing through the cavern, a language I struggled to comprehend. It was a plea, a plea for me to see the depth of their feelings, to acknowledge the bond that had formed between us.
But the weight of their emotions only added to my fear. The thought of being tied to this creature indefinitely, unable to escape the confines of the cave, filled me with a profound sense of claustrophobia.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I implored, my voice cracking, "I'm sorry... I never meant to lead you on. But I can't stay here.”
The creature's response came in the form of a mournful cry, a sound that reverberated through the cave. The cry echoed in my ears, haunting and filled with a profound sadness that pierced my heart.
The creature's grip on me tensed, their three-eyed gaze locking onto mine with unwavering intensity. Their trills and clicks filled the air, conveying a raw blend of frustration, hurt, and a firm insistence that I honor the commitment I had unintentionally made. The cavern seemed to shrink around us, suffocating and closing in on every side.
A surge of fear coursed through my veins as the force of their gaze made it clear that they were not willing to let me go. Their arms tightened like a vice, restricting my every movement, and leaving me gasping for breath. In that moment, the creature's hold on me became not only possessive but also threatening. Their insistence on honoring the vow I had unknowingly made began to smother any rational thought, trapping me in a claustrophobic nightmare.
My mind raced with thoughts of escape, but as their shrill cries and clicks filled the air, desperation and hurt emanating from their very core, a new realization dawned upon me - I was in grave danger. The creature's eyes bore into mine, demanding a response and panic seized my body.
I had to calm the creature down, to ensure my own safety. With a trembling voice, I spoke the words that would seal my fate.
"Yes, alight" I croaked, my voice barely audible amidst the creature's wailing. "Yes, I understand.”
The cave fell deathly silent as the creature stared at me. Wide lantern-eyes swallowing me whole in their effort to understand my words. A momentary stillness settled over us, hanging in the air like a heavy fog. But beneath the surface calm, an undercurrent of possessiveness remained, like a predator ready to strike.
“I’ll stay.” I whispered in a rush. “I…I understand. I’m sorry. I’ll stay.”
Relief washed over the creature's features, their grip on me loosening slightly as their eyes softened. They began to emit soft, gentle coos of contentment, filling the cavern with a strange sense of serenity.
But deep inside, I felt a growing sense of terror. The choice I had made was not one of genuine acceptance, but rather a desperate attempt to appease the creature, to quell the storm that raged within them. I had succumbed to fear, sacrificing my own independence to ensure my immediate safety.
As the creature released their achingly strong hold on me, their touch now gentle and loving, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of loss. The freedom I longed for seemed even further out of reach, as I found myself bound to a creature I barely understood.
The creature let out a deep, purposeful purr, closing their headlight bright eyes, and enveloping me in their arms once more as they carried me further into the cave and away from the only exit.
There was a smooth dip in the rock where a smaller ring of stone created a natural cozy alcove. The creature had spent a small part of the day relocating my makeshift bed from last night into this area, and during their excursions to find me food, had collected several armfuls of soft plants and even a couple of damaged beach towels to add to the budding nest.
After the creature carefully placed me down, they gazed at me, cooing gently with a glimmer of satisfaction at having achieved their desired outcome. They settled in beside me, their large sinewy body forming a protective circle around me. Or a barrier to the only escape route.
As I lay there, enveloped by the creature's gentle touch and defensive presence, a wave of resignation and fear overwhelmed me. The reality of the situation sank in, and I understood that, for the time being, my best chance of survival relied on playing along with the creature's desires.
They cooed at me, as if asking if I was comfortable, and I stared up at them. My gaze met the creature's three eyes, and I mustered a weak smile, trying to convey a sense of gratitude and acceptance.
“Yes, thank you.” I mumbled, although I wasn’t in the least bit tired.
I watched as their tendrils wriggled in the soft light cast by their glowing eyes and the bioluminescent algae surrounding us. They replied in a gentle chirp, curling a tentacle beside my head, forming a strange writhing pillow.
I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond to this unusual gesture before cautiously resting my head against the creature's tentacle, feeling its soft and slightly cool touch against my cheek.
The creature emitted a soft purr, their vibrations reverberating through the rock beneath us. They seemed to take my response as a positive sign, confirmation of the relationship that they believed existed between us. Their three eyes closed in contentment, and I could sense a growing sense of satisfaction emanating from it.
Their arms enveloped me once again, and I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of comfort. The touch of their hands on my face, the gentle caresses, and their soothing presence began to ease the tension within me. It was as if they understood my fears, offering solace and reassurance in their own unique way.
I allowed myself to relax slightly in their embrace, all the while wondering how I had gotten into this situation.
As they nuzzled their head against mine, a realization began to dawn on me. The creature's possessiveness and insistence on my staying with them weren't born out of malice but rather a deep-rooted longing for connection. They had saved me, cared for me, and in their own way, they believed they were reciprocating the bond that had formed between us.
But their understanding of that bond and mine were worlds apart. While they saw it as an unbreakable union, I saw it as an accidental promise made under pressure.
I knew deep down that I had to find a way to escape. But for now, I had to tread carefully, to appease the creature and gain their trust, while waiting for the opportunity to run.
Or more likely swim.
Far far away from here.
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avegool · 1 year
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Five Nights at Freddy's Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Sun/Reader, moon/reader, Sun - Relationship Characters: Sun (Five Nights at Freddy's), Moon (Five Nights at Freddy's) Additional Tags: MerMay, MerMay 2023, Mermaids Summary:
You're researching tidepools and shallow ocean water for your thesis. And you stumble upon a creature you've never seen before. Turns out there's two, and they're obsessed with you.
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weather-mood · 1 year
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atzloverr · 1 month
My favorite fics/blogs!!!
The answer by @berryunho
this might me by favorite ateez fic y’all… It’s literally so GOOOODDDDD I’m obsessed… (atz x reader, cult au)
this entire blog is everything !! (never stop posting girl your stories are amazing) lovely yandere atz x reader stories
A blog with lots of yan bts x reader and I’m here for it!
Abundance by @angelicyoongie
ot7 hybrid bts x reader, I’m literally obsessed with this story and I still hope that the author picks it up again 😭
Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea
(ao3) LOVE this ot8 ateez x reader fic!! The story is so good I’ve literally cried reading it…
(ao3) yandere Jungkook x reader. I don’t need to say more. Read it.
The obsidian pearl by @angelicyoongie
yandere mermaid!Seokjin x reader, only a few chapters, but still amazing!!!
(wattpad) I don’t know how many times I’ve reread this story… It’s my comfort fic i think😭 a bts x reader soulmate au fic.
The four kingdoms
(wattpad) another AMAZING bts x reader story. This fic is the first part of the “blue eyes” series, and I’ve read all four parts like a million times… The following parts:
pyramids, dynasty, mist (mist isn’t finished)
Seven sins
(wattpad) seven deadly sins!bts x reader.
Blood ink
(wattpad) tattoo artist!Jungkook x reader, gang au
Circus by @lani-heart
A sweet (and angsty) fic about ot8 hybrid!ateez x reader!!! I highly recommend it! (ongoing)
suuuuuch a good blog, has atz x reader and some svt x reader
Amazing bts x reader stories!!! (two of them are mentioned in this post lol)
lovely nsfw ateez x reader, I’m so happy I found this blog likeeee, obsessed with their work dirty little secret (mingi x reader)
Guerilla by @sorryimananti-romantic
serial killer!Yunho x reader, literally obsessed with this and their entire blog!!!! And I’m Yunho biased so this hit the spot
One of if not THE best atz nsfw x reader fics… Literal art, go follow right now!!!
Heavy and sticky by @k-hotchoisan
some filthy Seonghwa x reader smut!!!
When flowers bloom in the dark by @makeitmingi
Already so invested in this mafia au Hongjoong x reader story. Only two chapters so far but I really like it!!
Atz as boyfriends (nsfw ver) by @sorryimananti-romantic and @eightmakesonebraincell
explicit ateez ot8 headcannons (I’m obsessed)
I’ll update this post if I find new works that I enjoy!
my masterlist
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angelicdanvers · 9 months
a charlie bushnell x fem!reader social media fic.
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liked by iamcharliebushnell, walker.scobell, leahsavajeffries, and others
y/n — life lately 🎬🎞️
leahsavajeffries AINT NO WAY THE FILMING'S STARTED?? ↳ y/n 😏
walker.scobell can i be a part of your film 🫢 ↳ y/n sure kidlet
dior.n.goodjohn IM SCREAMING RN WHY TF IS EVERYONE SILENT ↳ walker.scobell pretty sure that's why everyone's silent di ↳ y/n ITS OKAY I LOVE THE SILENCE WHEN IT'S CAUSED BY YOU
dior.n.goodjohn but can we pls address the photoshoot omg 😮‍💨
iamcharliebushnell you're pretty ↳ dior.n.goodjohn SQUIRRELS. IN. MY. PANTS. ↳ iamcharliebushnell yo you're the bigger simp here ↳ aryansimhadri both of y'all just confessed to being simps
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liked by iamcharliebushnell, dior.n.goodjohn, leahsavajeffries, and others
y/n — mgmt’s 'oracular spectacular' should be the official soundtrack for this film just sayin
walker.scobell CAN I CAMEO ↳ y/n yes ↳ walker.scobell can i do the floss to time to pretend ↳ y/n YES
user walker and y/n's antics are the best fr
user2 the last shot is gorgeous ↳ user3 lowk looks like charlie but isnt ↳ user2 charlie could be inspo??
iamcharliebushnell hey i need pic creds >:( ↳ y/n guys charlie took the first two pics
dior.n.goodjohn good golly you're a fine woman ↳ y/n babes you need to get your prescription checked i'm literally a mirror wdym
iamcharliebushnell when can i come backkk ↳ y/n when you don't try to peek at the script ↳ iamcharliebushnell hey that's mean! ↳ y/n oliviarodrigo make a song called "hey that's mean!" ↳ oliviarodrigo YOU BET BBG
aryansimhadri i feel funny ↳ y/n WHAT 😭 ↳ aryansimhadri liv's "hey that's mean!" is gonna be the next i feel funny and i'm LIVING for it ↳ y/n LMFAO YOURE RIGHT
iamcharliebushnell i'm back wanna go get acai bowls ↳ y/n bro i'm in canada . . . ↳ iamcharliebushnell im coming back
leahsavajeffries THIS COMMENT SECTION IS THE FINEST FORM OF CHAOS ↳ dior.n.goodjohn what can i say she's a fine woman ↳ leahsavajeffries dior your love's boiling up 🤭
user4 i love this girl sm ↳ iamcharliebushnell i wish i could relate :( ↳ y/n i love you user4
— taglist.
@shokocoded @istillremberthefirstfallofsnow @surftrips @svtsimp22 @gcidrvsh @idontevencare1223 @thames-fig @captainshischier @reggieslifeboat @multifandom-loser @wheelerslover @mermaid-mqtel @randomnpc456 @kaithoughs @isab3lita @mariposa555 @sunshinessky @myr-cheri @thedeadlynights @ella33 @c1nn4mng1rl @poppysrin @breadbrobin @lucy-the-ant @jules-loves-lukecastellan @taloulalila @tom-pls-fuck-me @mia-luvs @iknowyoureabigfan
i tagged everyone i could find thus far! i love you so much, thank you for all the support <33 i will update the taglist if more people wish to join :)
i hope you enjoyed chapter one, stay safe and drink water!
i love you and i’m proud of you <333
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soukokumychildren · 7 months
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@sensitiveheartless Tis done yes I imagined the mermaids like that because...well, I was only raised on two types of mermaids >:) Everyone else, enjoy my most favorable angst from Dazai's moving castle lol (If anyone's wondering which chapter it was featured in, it was the 13th :})
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valsdelulucorner · 4 months
Heya! How's ya doing?
Just wanted to drop in and ask if ya had any ideas or concepts or even fandom thoughts you have bouncing around. I personally don't really have much to come up with but that's what cause my brain is a bit slow right now and moving on auto-pilot so it takes a bit for me to think up stuff lol.
Just curious about any thoughts and concepts and such. Anything at all! (Au's, OC's, headcanons or just anything really)
I love this question! here is a few i like with a little description of each<3 I have three fandoms here, obey me, twst and Stardew
Obey me<3
Self aware normal - In this Au they know they are in a game and have managed to access your camera, actually managing to make contact with the pretty human behind the screen. They actually love talking with you and come with you everywhere thanks to your phone, sometimes you get a call and its just them so you can talk to them. They know your boundaries and know when to turn the camera and microphone off but if something happens or if they find something that excites them, they'll send you a message. Really sweet overall, they don't try to leave the game.
Self aware yandere - This is like the previous Au but instead of it being wholesome, its really sinister. They manage to escape the game and become 7 sentient beings on the internet, tracking your every move online and tracking your location in real life. They have a unhealthy obsession with you to the point they torment you at every turn if you try and get rid of them, they love you too much. They get rid of your friends by either pretending to be you and sending nasty messages to them, or they will make fake accounts to black mail them to make sure they wont try and contact you, They'll know when you talk to you irl.
Mermaid Au - Mc gets caught in a bad storm which causes their cruise ship to crash and sink, causing them to plumet into the cold water. Lucifer sees that your still alive and decides to save you by bringing you to the island close by their home. One the situation with belphie happens, the brothers warm up to you and make a large cove on the island your home, taking you on little adventures in the ocean while trying to keep you from leaving the island.
Werewolf Mc Au - While MC is visiting the human world, they get bitten by a werewolf, mistaking the guy for just a crazy homeless guy so they think nothing of it. After heading back to devildom that night, they start to shift during dinner time at the house of lamentation. The brothers freak out and try and found out what happened to you, all while they try and grab a panicked werewolf MC
Dimension hop Au - In this Au, Obey me is simply just a game until a bad electrical storm comes over your Neiborhood. You were playing Obey me when a large lightning bolt hit your house, and before you could drop your phone you were somehow transported inside the game. Your already past lesson 20 when you wake up in the house of lamentation, you apparently passed out on your birthday celebration when a birthday present shot you with something. (I dont know, im making this up as i go). You try and get back to your own world with the help of the others, including the royals and angels
Dimension hop Alt scenario Au- This is basically the same as the previous AU but instead of MC coming to obey me, obey me comes to them
Twisted wonderland<3
Dimension hop Au - While your playing Twisted wonderland on your ipad, you fall asleep during the middle of a chapter with autoplay on, your Ipad plugged into the wall for charging. During the night, a powerline falters after a tree falls down on it, the sparks causing a glitch on your Ipad that was still plugged into the wall. In the morning you felt something heavy on your chest, opening your eyes only to find the whole cast of twst in your house, teachers and all. They all knew who you were and were good friends with you, but they had zero clue about where they were
Dimension hop alt senario Au - Basically the same as the AU above but Yuu goes down to twisted wonderland instead
Body swap Au - Self explanatory
Overblot yuu Au - Yuu gets pushed to far, everything was to much. Yuu had to deal with all the overblots, they got hated on for not having any magic, they missed their home, they barley could afford to live, and Crowley was being a absolute fucker about money and their living conditions. One day Yuu just snapped, full on screaming at crowley as the black ink started to cover their body, only to come out as the worst of all of the overblots yet
Stardew Valley<3
Yandere Au - Instead of one of the bachelors/bachelorettes being yandere, its one big brawl for your affection. There is blackmail, blood, violence as all 12 bachelors/bachelorettes fight it out for you. Couples may form a truce and share you, some might just steal you for themselves, its up to you how things turn out
Cryptid farmer Au - You took the spot of the old farmers grandchild, it was the only way you were able to have a normal life. After making friends with all of the villagers and all the bachelors/bachelorettes, the fear of people finding out got higher and higher as more and more of the villagers want to speak and hang out with you. One night it got too much for you and your human form started to painfully slip away, panicking in your own home as the group of bachelors or bachelorettes come to see if your ok, only to walk in on you having multiple panicked eyes growing from your arms and neck.
Werewolf farmer Au - The residents of Stardew valley started hearing noises coming from the forest and the farmers place, sounds that were alot worse than the slimes living in the secret forest. Each villager got more and more suspicious of the farmer when they started to observe their behaviour, they always ran home quickly before the sun set, they refused to touch anything silver, and they always seemed to have different hair lengths. One night you were in the saloon for too long and forgot about the time, no one had ever seen you more panicked. One of them tried to hold your arm and calm you down but you swiped at them, not realizing your fingernails have grown to claws. You sprint back to the farm and collapse on the hard rock paths, shifting painfully into a werewolf as the town people followed you from the saloon, but you are conscious the entire time
This is not proof read lmao, things may be abit scuffed but please dont mind that
If any of you want to use this as insperation for a fic or some art, please @ me! I dont want credit because they have probably been done before, I would just love to see your creations<3
What should I do next?
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inuiiwonderland · 6 months
Twisted captivity
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Chapter 1
Twst third years x fem reader
A/n: here is the first chapter of my new series “twisted captivity” !! Again this is a yandere series so it will have some dark themes! Also, the first couple chapters will be more on the short side since It has been a while since I wrote anything and also because of my major writers block and motivation for writing. So I’m taking baby steps rn lol. But I genuinely wanna write this since it’s been on my mind for MONTHS! So enough about my rambling I really hope you guys enjoy this!
You walked down the long hallway as Crowley explained to you the rules and things you would be in charge of.
“Since your father told me you’re a researcher, you will be in charge of writing down every detail and interaction you have with the mers and also help us understand more about them and their biology!”
You simply nodded, still not believing that he has REAL mermaids and mermen’s in his care.
“You will also be in charge of feeding them, cleaning and taking care of their tanks! Though do be careful, some of them can be very wary and may attack when they feel threatened!”
“Ah that’s…good to know”
“Great! Now it’s time for you to come meet them so follow me” You followed him as he led you down a long hallway before walking through a double door which led you to a giant lab. In there you can see a big window as people rush in all sorts of directions.
“This is our lab! Here we run all our experiments and test” Your eyes grow wide as you see a couple of people roll in a big cart with an equally large tank which has a mermaid inside.
The poor thing was thrashing around in the tank as she clawed on the glass. The tank must have been made with really strong glass since it didn’t crack or break by how hard the poor thing was banging on it. The cart was rolled to another room, which you did NOT want to know about.
“Don’t worry she’ll be fine”
Something tells you she wouldn’t….
“Come follow me! I’ll show you the less aggressive ones first”
Okay now you were slowly starting to regret this
Maybe you should’ve stayed home and made yourself a good meal as you watched your favorite show. But no, you decided to show up instead.
What if this is all illegal? What if the government or whoever doesn’t even know such a thing exists?! Or maybe Crowley is working for the government?!
As you begin to panic, you accidentally bump into said man as he comes to a stop.
“We’re here!” You step aside and you stare in awe as you are met with a beautiful sight.
The place looked absolutely gorgeous. It definitely didn’t look like it belonged in a research facility.
The place had a huge waterfall along with some beautiful trees and huge rocks and caves. You noticed a bridge in the center of it all and it had beautiful long vines surrounding it.
This definitely looked like it came from a fairy tale
“Welcome to the heartslabyul enclosure!” He says with a big smile.
“This place is so…”
“Amazing right? I’m glad you think so because I spent millions on this place!”
“Hey Crowley!” You both turned around to see a man with black and white hair. The man looked annoyed as he glared down at Crowley.
“Ah! Crewel! Nice seeing you here today, say why are you here?” The man scowled.
“I work here you idiot”
“Hey now that’s not a good way to talk to your boss! I have a new worker here with me and you can’t make it seem like calling me an idiot is okay!” Crowley says as crewel turns to look at you.
“You should still run while you have the chance” He says which causes Crowley to gasp.
You just awkwardly laugh as crewel and Crowley continue to bicker back and forth. You step away from the two as you decide to explore the area a bit more.
You walk down the bridge and to a small path that leads you to another beautiful part of the area. As you continued exploring, you didn’t notice the pair of eyes that peeked from under one of the lily pads.
Red eyes followed you as you continued to walk down the path.
Weird….never seen her around before
He watches you like a hawk before quickly ducking down as you turn around.
You eye the water curiously
“Weird….could’ve sworn I heard something” As you were about to walk a little closer towards the water, the sound of your name being called made you stop. You look up to see Crowley waving at you from the bridge.
“Come! I have more things to discuss with you in my office!” You just nodded but before you left, you looked back at the water one last time before walking away and to where crowley was.
As you leave, the boy slowly comes back up with curious eyes.
She looks nice….
Again sorry for such a short chapter😓 but as I said, baby steps!
Taglist: @ruisann @roseapov @0ffth3rec0rd @anunholyabomination
Ask if you wanna be put on the taglist!
Also! Reader will have more like a mother/older sister relationship with the 1st and 2nd years! I will explain more as the story goes:)
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ofmdee · 9 hours
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gifs 🔞
this is why i need to learn to stop writing scenes before i do the animations, because i've written stede riding the hell out of ed, but then this animation came on random and i was like oh..... ohhhhhhhh heck 🥵
so i think ed's gonna take over halfway and mount stede instead which is great and all but now i gotta rewrite stuff 😂
as always, i have a whole series about these guys on ao3 😉
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realmermaid333 · 1 year
A Guide to Using the "Inspired By" Function on AO3
The "inspired by" function allows writers to display fanfics that inspired their own fanfic neatly in the "notes" section via a link. It is used to credit inspiration, for archival purposes, and also for translations, remixes, and podfics.
It is a very fun function because it encourages community, and even gives your readers something else to read while they wait for your own fic to update. It can help people who really like a certain trope or writing idea easily find another fic just like it. And, if you use the function, the writer you are inspired by can choose to link it back to their own fic. So, at the end of their fic it will say, "works inspired by this one," and list yours.
"How can I tell if I should use the "inspired by" function or not?"
You should use the inspired by function if you are directly inspired by another fic. I have done this twice, and it is splendid. One of my besties and I have fics that are attached by this function. It's like they're holding hands via "inspired by" links :' )
If you read a fic, and at the end you're like, "Wow, this was totally radical, and now my gears are turning with an idea just like this one, but I'm gonna add my own spin to it." That would be a moment that calls for the "inspired by" function.
A situation that doesn't call for the inspired by function is two fics that are similar in trope, but the second one was not inspired by the first. For example; let's say person A writes a coffee shop AU fic, which is a very common trope, and person B also writes one, but without having ever read person A's fic, or without directly getting the idea directly from person A. Person B was not inspired by person A.
Let's say person B did read the fic, then also eventually decided to write a coffee shop AU that was completely different, and had very little in common with A's fic. That would not be a moment where the "inspired by" function would be necessary. B could use their own judgement to gauge how inspired they were by A's fic.
But, let's say person B really, really loved person A's fic, and wanted to show everyone another coffee shop AU. Person B very well could still use the "inspired by" function just to have the link. Or, they could just link the fic in their "Notes" section, but i personally think the inspired by function is a little easier than creating a "notes" link on ao3 LOL.
However, I have seen some people just list a fic they are inspired by in the notes section without any issues, but I encourage people to use the inspired by function. If you're unsure, maybe ask the author that you're inspired by if they care. If you ever don't use the "inspired by" function, and step on another writer's toes, just simply talk it out and credit.
"But, Mermaid, if I use the "inspired by" function, won't it look like my fic belongs to the original person?"
No?? I am including this because I've seen a surprising amount of people say this and it bugs me. If you use the "inspired by" function, it links the fic you were inspired by in the "notes" section in first chapter. That's it. It doesn't say, "this fic belongs to this other writer," lol. It says, "Inspired by (insert fic) by (insert author)," one single time. After that, it will not be listed in future chapters. Your name will always be on it, and it will only be listed on your account like usual.
To conclude, you should use the "inspired by" function if you are directly inspired by another person's fic. if you're not, then don't use it. Easy peasy. I encourage its use because it's very fun, it is part of fandom etiquette to use it when needed, it allows people to recommend fics similar to theirs, credit another person's idea they used, etc.
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