#no one goes on that many double dates and doesn’t come out of it for lifers
mostly-imagines · 3 months
Things About My Jason
aka things that might weasel their way into details of stories one day, might not
your boy is clocking in at six feet three inches and about 235 lbs (he’s the only batkid to be taller than bruce). 
he cusses a lot it, usually doesn’t correlate w anger or intensity its just how he expresses himself. he’ll cuss at you sometimes but not at you and he tries his best to never do it out of anger.
he’s never said it out loud but he would drop all the vigilante shit for you in a heartbeat if you wanted him to (i think he’s also the only batfam member who would do that).
you have an agreement in place to never make any big decisions in the middle of the night/post patrol—this came into place after a few too many bad nights had him coming home shaking and panicked about your safety and convinced he needed to leave you alone for good. 
he kind of zones out sometimes, its bordering on dissociation.
you have a black cat, salem, that’s been around since before you and jason had even met. his yellow eyes pierce you in a way that feels like he’s glaring straight into your soul and judging what he sees. he was suspicious of jason for a while but over time has come to love and protect jason almost as much as you.
he has a lot of nervous habits that have built up over years of stress and trauma. he’ll often double or even triple check locks and cameras. his hand tends to go to where his gun holster would be, regardless of whether or not its there. he’s very conscious of your breathing, especially when you’re asleep, and when he’s stressed or upset he’ll try to align his breathing with yours. he worries that you might get annoyed with how often he checks up on you, be it asking directly, texting you, or just looking you over to make sure you’re doing okay, that you’re happy. he’s also made a habit of standing directly behind you when you’re wearing anything short, especially skirts or dresses. You’re not entirely sure if it’s intentional or not.
day to day, he runs on very little sleep naturally so he’s awake early goes to bed late. he used to not focus much on making meals that actually taste good and have thought put into them until he started dating you. he started catering his grocery trips specifically with you in mind and the things you might like. he actually prefers going on grocery trips and little mundane errands with you bc he had no idea that these tiny aspects of life could bring him so much joy and peace. he also buys you new towels and updates your first aid kit constantly, though the latter is more out of his necessity than yours. depending on his mood, he’ll usually either take scalding hot or freezing showers. 
he’s 100% down to let you decorate the apartment however you want, even if you move into his place. his only ask is that he’s left with space to put his books (of which ne needs plenty). if he had to choose, he probably likes a warm atmosphere best, in terms of like lighting and colors. he’s really just not a fan of anything that feels cold or impersonal like the manor can sometimes seem. other than that he doesn’t really have opinions on it, whatever makes you happy he’ll like. but he’ll still happily go shopping with you to find stuff. but really that’ll just look like you saying “ooh look at this” and him saying “great, lets get it” at every single thing you pick up. 
there are unloaded guns and ammo hidden around your apartment and also stocked generously in a closet or two. he cleans them regularly, you think he does it partially as a kind of stress reliever. before you he didn’t have too much regard for his own safety, so he would sleep with one under his pillow. 
he does everything he can to keep you safe and he’ll insist on adding extra locks to the doors and windows, ones the landlord wont have keys to. yeah he’s paranoid so he’ll keep the bed as far from the door as possible and is unrelenting in his insistence that you sleep on the wall side. if you’re too tired to move, that’s okay, he’ll gently move you over himself. honestly though, your apartment is just as secure, if not more, than any of his safe houses. as such, he absolutely can and will easily hack into the lobby security cameras to check up on things. if he has to go away for a while he’ll send one of his siblings to stop by to check on you and make sure you're okay. 
he prefers to wear layers, it makes him feel more secure and comfortable. he does like cutoff sleeves sometimes but only because you like them on him. aside from that, he’s usually not such a fan of showing much skin because of a) his scars and b) he feels exposed to attacks. he has so many long sleeved and warm clothes in his closet that he heavily encourages you to bundle up in some of them when its cold. 
he goes through phases of bad sleep and they can vary greatly in severity. there’s nights he just physically cannot sleep and this usually originates from intense anxiety. these are easier to ease him back from and some simple comforting will be enough to get him to at least try to sleep. most commonly its the nightmares that make it hard for him. it’ll usually be a one-off that he just can’t fall back asleep afterwards. the worst is when he goes through phases of frequent nightmares, like every night, multiple times a night. when that happens, he will do everything in his power to stay awake for as long as he can. you’ve yet to find any techniques that hands down prevent or even slow the nightmares, but you’ve been able to find some remedial measures that work pretty well.
kissing him helps get his mind off scary thoughts (but not joker related) but not just like single peck it’s got to be a whole session to really work. the one that works best is having a hand on one of your pulse points while you sleep, or directly over your heart. unfortunately this did lead to him to accidentally choking you after a particularly bad nightmare. he was absolutely horrified and removed his hands from you completely the second he gained recognition. he actually fully got out of bed and backed away from you. he wouldn’t even hear you out about him not sleeping on the couch and continued to not budge on it for over a week. 
him punishing himself like that made you feel extra bad because that had occurred during a round of the relentless nightmares and you were sure he was still waking up panicked constantly without you there to help soothe him. you actually know for a fact he was because every couple of hours the bedroom door would creak open slightly before shutting again like he was checking to make sure you were there and okay. you ended up having to literally lay on top of him on the couch and refuse to leave him for him to agree to sleep in bed with you again, although he was still not willing to fall asleep with his hands on you for a while. 
he always needs it to be quiet when he goes to sleep so he can stay on alert which usually leads to him waking up to the littlest sounds, which is technically the point. if there’s any kind of white noise he’ll force himself to stay awake. if he does get woken up he’ll go from 0 to 100 like that. he also needs the door to be shut, non negotiable, and really prefers the apartment to be colder > hotter. it also helps that you’ll cuddle into him for warmth.
all of these things are things he did before you met, but he’d also developed some new habits after you got together. he used to sleep in the middle of the bed but now he absolutely insists that you sleep on the wall side so he can act as a protective barrier between you and any incoming danger. unless its after a rough patrol, he tends to wait to sleep until after you’ve fallen asleep. he doesn’t really have a reason for this, it just makes him feel better.
his relationship with bruce is complicated, of course. in my canon, the extent of it is that bruce didn’t kill the joker, prevented jason from doing it, and has made many attempts to stop jason from killing at all. obviously it’s not the fact that batman won’t let anybody die that broke jason’s heart, it’s that his father couldn’t let go of his moral code for a second and avenge his murdered son. the resulting anger stems from so much sadness and grief over his own death and it caused him to isolate himself even further from bruce. on a conscious level, he wanted to be far away from him emotionally as possible to protect himself while still enacting his own kind of revenge towards bruce. and so yeah, he did try to kill batman a couple times, whatever.
on an unconscious level, he’d hoped that bruce would take the initiative to try to close the space between them and apologize, and while jason didn’t know it yet: that was all he really wanted from him. inwardly, he still cares what bruce thinks and wants his approval and affection but its so conflicting for him. it also doesn’t help that it took bruce such a long time to swallow his pride and even consider that he was wrong before he could apologize. a lot of negotiations had to take place before they could even begin to really reconcile. 
about a year later they’d come to a steady, solid agreement that mostly worked for both of them. jason was allowed to kill, but only within his territory in gotham and only under agreed upon circumstances. there’s also a separate rule that jason’s not allowed out on patrol when the joker is loose—it used to be a whole thing before you’d met and oftentimes several bats were assigned to keep him away. even with these guidelines in place, things were still rocky between them and jason had only just started to come back around the manor when he’d met you. honestly you and bruce meeting was a major step in this process and everyone could feel the shift.
his relationship with his brothers is different, but just as complicated. he kind of views dick as being perfect in spite of also acknowledging his flaws. in his head, its sort of like, in comparison to himself, dick had the perfect life with perfect versions of all the same pitfalls jason had to go through. he knows its not really fair to think of it this way, but it’s hard sometimes. all in all though, he does look up to dick a lot. 
with tim, he thinks he’s a crazy rich kid—which, fair—but also in a weird way holds a lot of respect for tim for not being afraid of him. realistically, the way jason showed back up and his relationship  with tim started is insane, so its even more insane that tim was like ‘yeah, chill’ and that probably jump started their bond as brothers more than anything. 
for as much shit as he gives him, he honestly feels really bad for damian and all the shit he was raised believing. he couldn’t quite explain why, but he does see a lot of himself in damian, even past the surface level anger. 
he’s not good at resolving fights, his mind tends to jump to the absolute worst and he assumes you’re done with him, you resent him, it’s all over. it was really bad at the beginning of your relationship when he hadn’t even begun to consider that you love him half as much as he loves you. now, you’ve been able to help him understand that you still love him, even when you fight, and fighting does not equal breaking up. however, he still has trouble taking initiative in making amends. not because he doesn’t want to but more so because he feels vulnerable in ways that terrify him, having to acknowledge and speak into existence that he’d done something wrong feels like setting himself up to be exposed with no defense. 
another part of him feels like he already hurt you and if he tries to remedy things with you, he could just make it worse. So for a while at least, you’ll have to be the one to start the conversation, though not necessarily meaning you have to apologize first. 
as we know, Jason’s not immune to bouts of fear and stress. there’s times when he panics and there’s times when he has full blown panic attacks. the panic attacks are rarer, but much more severe. he’s known to lash out (especially when he’s not at your apartment) and has definitely broken a nose or two of people who got too close/tried to touch him. you’re not sure if it’s an intentional action or not, but he tends to claw at his skin or hit himself in the head when he’s very upset. after going through a couple of these with him, you’ve compiled a thorough list of DOs and DONTs for these times. DONT hold his wrists, move suddenly, touch him without warning, or corner him. DO keep your touches light, words soft, rooms vacant of other people, and loud noises. slowly but surely they’re getting less severe and overcome quicker.
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riordanness · 7 months
slow motion, double vision - [w.scobell]
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wordcount: 0.8K
warnings: self harm (reader)
requested: yes!
a/n: please do not read this if you struggle with self harm and won’t feel comfortable reading about it (it’s not described at all and reader doesn’t do it in this but it’s said that she has and a brief description of her wrist is also in this. don’t read this if you aren’t going to cope with that. and if you are struggling w self harm, reach out to me, please!! <3)
Another day on the Percy Jackson set. Today, we are filming a scene between Percy and Annabeth, an argument.
Walker gives me a grin once he’s finished up with the makeup crew. “Hey, you,” he says with an easy smile.
I try to replicate it. Walker has this gift. He’s so good at it. At everything. Life, acting, smiling.
All the things I struggle with.
“Hey,” I say back. “Looking good.”
“Says you.” He gives me an appreciative look. “My girlfriend looks adorable.”
I immediately get flustered. No matter how many days I’m dating Walker for, I think him calling me his girlfriend will always make me flutter inside.
“I'm not your girlfriend anymore,” I joke. “I’m Annabeth Chase, Seaweed Brain.”
He grins. “See you out there.”
As soon as he’s gone, my heart sinks again. It’s like he’s the only thing in the world that brings any kind of light to my darkness. The only smile on my sad face. The only sweet words I can say.
“The chair is the bargain,” Walker, as Percy, says. “One of us goes in, the other gets the shield.”
“I’ll do it,” I say, stepping forward, a determined look on my face.
“What? What a minute!” Walker reaches over and grabs my wrist. A flicker of pain crosses my features, but quick as lighting, I go back into character, hoping he didn’t notice.
“Whoever goes in isn’t coming out!” I say, my voice rising a little at the end.
“I know, that’s why I said wait.”
“This isn’t the arch, Seaweed Brain,” I snap in response.
“Cut!” someone yells, and I instantly break character, as does Walker.
The directing team is talking amongst themselves, which is usually a sign for us to just chat and wait for them to be ready to film again.
“Hey,” Walker comes close to me, his voice quiet. “Are you okay?”
I look at him, feigning a frown. “Course I’m okay. Why?”
He looks concerned, his blue eyes staring deep into mine. “You flinched just now. When I grabbed you.”
“Oh,” I laugh, which comes out so brittle I almost wince. “Nah, it’s all good. Just acting.” I’m brushing him off, and he knows that.
“I’m gonna grab a drink,” I tell him, and disappear before he can argue with me about it.
He finds me in the bathrooms. I’m standing over a sink, gripping the sides like a dramatic Draco Malfoy-wannabe. I have tears in my eyes, but the second I hear someone behind me, I brush them away.
“Y/n?” Walker asks quietly. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
I can’t answer, his sweet words just making me want to cry harder. I can only shake my head.
He buries me in a hug, his chin on top of my head, and his arms encircling me tightly. “Love,” he says again, speaking softly into my hair, “tell me what’s wrong.”
“Walker, I—“ I cannot bring myself to say the words, so I pull back from the hug, and pull up the sleeve of my Annabeth jacket. Across the inside of my left wrist are stripes of harsh red, jagged and fresh.
Walker’s eyes shatter, a million emotions and words and thoughts all inside their clear blue at once. His mouth opens a little.
“I’m sorry,” I blurt. “I’m so so sorry.”
He immediately folds me back into his arms. “You have no reason to be sorry,” he says roughly. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry you feel this awful about yourself. I’m so sorry you felt like you had no other choice. But please—“ I can tell by his voice that he’s upset. Somehow, that makes me feel even worse.
“Please come talk to me before you do something like that,” he whispers.
“Okay,” I manage.
“Do you promise?” he asks, his voice ragged.
“I promise on the River Styx.”
I feel his smile through my hair. “I love you.”
I smile too, his warmth and love spreading through me like an antidote. “I love you too, Walk.”
He pulls away from the hug, his fingertips brushing the broken skin of my wrist as lightly as he can. “Come on,” he says. “Let’s get this cleaned and dressed properly, okay?”
I let him take me by the hand, and for the first time in my life, I feel completely and totally safe and understood.
With him.
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buddierecs · 2 months
jealous!eddie diaz buddie fics
all mature rating!!! make sure to kudos/comment on these amazing works :)
eddie diaz vs the pta agenda by: mmtion "really, eddie doesn’t care that the pta aren’t his biggest fan. he knows he misses too many meetings, and it’s not like he’s best friends with any of the other parents. it doesn’t affect christopher, so it doesn’t bother him. he’ll pay for the annual fundraising mugs and consider his duty done. but then buck picks christopher up from a class trip and it all goes to hell. like, of course buck is everyone’s dream guy. he’s responsible with kids, and kind, and funny and interesting and hot to touch. that’s obvious. but now eddie’s fighting to keep the pta moms, teachers, and dads, all off an unsuspecting and tempting buck. because eddie is a good friend. right?" word count: 19k important tags: idiots in love, oblivious!eddie diaz ripples all the way down by: iriswests "christopher partakes in some parent trapping" word count: 57k important tags: jealous!evan buckley, slow burn, miscommunication, happy ending a thousand ways to say i hate you by: morganofthefairies "five times eddie buys taylor fuck-you flowers, and one time he doesn't need to" word count: 8k important tags: 5+1 things, petty!eddie diaz, double dates, eddie/ana, buck/taylor, ana flores bashing, pining, ableism let me roll it to you by: woodchoc_magnum "in which eddie starts dating ana and buck starts dating around; eddie does not cope that well with change, buck is oblivious and everyone else thinks they're a pair of idiots." word count: 22k important tags: idiots in love, mutual pining, angst, humor, worried firefam i'm not the guy you're taking home by: woodchoc_magnum "in which buck discovers the wonders of bisexuality and eddie spends the entire fic pining for him in a big bad way." word count: 63k important tags: pining, oblivious!evan buckley, friends with benefits, team as family, coming out, angst, getting together did you know that my dreams, they're all the same by: sourwolfseblaine "tk visits los angeles to forget about his break up with carlos, buck needs to forget about his painful (what he thinks is unrequited) feelings for eddie. buck thought him and tk becoming rebound buddies would solve their problem, at least for one night, but it only makes it more complicated for him." word count: 7k important tags: 911 lone star, rebounds, pining, first kiss, love confessions, getting together, light angst this is josh, what's your emergency? by: eightpackdiaz "josh knew eddie was into buck way before eddie realised it himself" word count: 6.2k important tags: eddie & josh friendship, gay disaster!eddie diaz, getting together, feelings realisation, kissing eddie diaz vs garfield the cat by: sonayesul "buck brings home a cat one day and he and christopher love her. however, eddie doesn't and swears the cat is trying to steal buck from him." word count: 4k important tags: established relationship, crack, fluff, mild hurt/comfort, domestic fluff traded by: princessfbi "eddie wasn't trying to go viral. he just wanted to trade his jersey. but then something called booktok got involved." word count: 23k important tags: hocky au, bartender!eddie diaz, hockey player!evan buckley, social media, protective!eddie diaz, possessive!eddie diaz, mutual pining, getting together in my heart i wanted more by: woodchoc_magnum "set post-season 5, Episode 4 and 5 - in which buck and taylor's relationship is slowly crumbling, eddie has some big realisations about his sexuality, and true feelings are revealed." word count: 47k important tags: faling in love, getting together, team as family, mutual pining, protective!eddie diaz, panic attacks, first kiss let me fix it for you by: smilingbuckley "5 times eddie fixes or builds something for buck + 1 time buck thanks him for it (... sort of)" word count: 10k important tags: 5+1 things, getting together, eventual smut, mutual pining, fluff, idiots in love
161 notes · View notes
shuadotcom · 11 months
Room with a View (M)
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🩸Pairing: Vampire!Kim Mingyu x Human fem!Reader x Vampire!Jeon Jungkook
🩸Summary: “Yes, they clearly want in your pants, but at least Mingyu wasn’t lying about a much better view.”
🩸Genres & AUs: Smut, supernatural au, vampire au, pwp
🩸Words: 6.3k
🩸Warnings: Mention of alcohol, profanity, mentions of blood, shameless Mean Girls references
🩸Smut warnings: Threesome, vampire kink ig, oral (f & m receiving), semi-public sex, window sex, fingering, anal fingering (f receiving), biting, marking, dirty talk, pet names (baby, little mouse), unprotected sex (vampires can’t impregnate humans in this world bc i said so!) rough sex, double penetration, using cum as lube
🩸Note: For @kpopsblackcreatorsociety 's Blood & Bane event! Vampire Prompt: “Did you just fucking bite me?!”
This AMAZING banner is by my bby @playmetheclassics / @classicscreations and beta’d by my other bby @the-boy-meets-evil! A million smooches for you both!! 😙❤️ Oh and tagging the lovely @gyuwoncheol ❤️
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“I’m a mouse, duh!” You’ve had to clarify that at least ten times tonight, much to your displeasure. You assumed that the black nightie, silver calf-high boots, and mouse ears would make your costume obvious, but so far, it’s seemed that everyone you’ve run into at this party either has never seen Mean Girls or doesn’t remember it. It’s a tragedy, truly.
It doesn’t help that most of your time at this party has been spent with just you by yourself. When only one of the four parts of a group costume is together, the whole idea doesn’t make the same impact. But, Jihyo and Jeongyeon, the Regina George and Grethen Wieners of your quartet in that order, disappeared together fifteen minutes after arriving. They’re likely hooking up in a room somewhere, still trying to hide from you and Sana that they’re dating. That’s added to the fact that Sana, the Cady Heron of the group, is spending time with the busy boyfriend she hasn’t seen in weeks. They had offered to let you hang out with them, but the last thing you wanted to be was a third-wheel.
That leaves just you, lingering by the back door with the same wine cooler you’ve been nursing for the last hour. 
You don’t know many people here except for the host, Dongmin, and a few of your co-workers you’ve recognized, but aren’t close with. He’s the sweet, wealthy vice president at the new company you work at who always goes out of his way to greet you when he sees you in the office.
You’ve only spoken to him a handful of times at the few company events you’ve been to and during shared elevator rides, so you were surprised when he invited you to his annual Halloween party, but you wouldn’t dream of turning him down. You also knew he had a good amount of money, what with the company doing so well, but you had no idea he was this well-off. 
His house has two floors and all of the rooms are spacious, bustling with people in Halloween costumes, dancing, talking, and knocking back drinks. Once you look past all of the partygoers, the view from the backdoor looks out at the city, all the lights in the distance looking magical from where the house sits on a hill in the nice, suburban part of town.
The view is honestly the most interesting part about tonight. You typically love Halloween, but this is the first party you’ve been to in a few years, plus you’re not friends with anyone else other than the three girls you came with. So far, this Halloween has been extremely uneventful.
“Karen Smith from Mean Girls, right? You’re a mouse?” A male voice you don’t recognize catches you off guard as you spin to see who it is.
To say you’re breathless at the sheer presence of the two men you come face-to-face with would be an understatement. They’re both tall and buff-looking - buff in the way that has your stomach doing flips. They’re clad in all denim outfits, their white shirts hugging each muscle underneath the cotton. Cowboy hats and boots complete their costumes, so you can easily deduce what they’re supposed to be. The man who you assume is the one who speaks is closest to you, smiling at you, pretty lips decorated with double lip rings.
They’re beautiful in the most stunning of ways that makes them not even seem real.
When you finally get a grip on yourself, you clear your throat, plastering on a smile. “Finally, someone at this party with taste! You’d be surprised how many people here have never seen Mean Girls.”
“A lot of people at this party aren’t much fun so that makes sense,” The other man speaks, rolling his eyes before fixing you with a look that appears as what you can only describe as hungry. “Speaking of, we haven’t seen you at one of Dongmin’s parties before.”
“Oh, yeah this is my friends and my first time here. Dongmin and I have worked at the same company for a few months. He invited me and as many people as I wanted to bring.”
“Remind us to thank Dongmin for that when we see him next,” Liprings smiles at you again, eyes sweeping over you from head to toe and you can feel the hairs on your arm stand on end under his appraisal. “I’m Jungkook, by the way.”
“And I’m Mingyu,” Both men reach for your hands, each of them placing a kiss on them. The gesture is cheesy, but it still makes your skin heat up, cheeks burning as they gently let your hands go.
“I-I’m Y/n.” Forcing out a nervous laugh, you glance at their hat and boots and attempt to pivot the conversation. It’s not as though you didn’t want the attention they’re so clearly giving you, but you’ve never had men that looked this good so blatantly ogling you. Especially not two at the same time. You’re one more flirtatious look away from giggling like a schoolgirl in front of them.
“You know, just putting on cowboy boots and hats doesn’t make you cowboys.”
“And just wearing a headband doesn’t make you a mouse.” Jungkook fires back, grinning at you. Touché.
“You said you and your friends - where are they?” Mingyu asks, eyes sweeping the room. 
“They’re all with their significant others.” You shrug, not trying to sound bitter. You’re happy for your friends, truly you are - you’re just reminded of how alone you are right now.
“Aw, well we’ll keep you company, little mouse,” Mingyu winks at you and the way you feel your thighs clench together at his words is utterly embarrassing. You’re almost mortified with yourself when you watch as both he and Jungkook glance down at your exposed thighs, noticing the gesture. That mortification is quickly washed away when Jungkook bites his lip and Mingyu’s smile grows. 
All of a sudden, you’re acutely aware that it’s just you and two of the most handsome men you’ve ever been around. Face to face. There are plenty of people buzzing around you, but none of them are paying your trio any mind. Your heart races at this thought, glancing back out the window at the view into the backyard again.
“Everything okay, Y/n?” Jungkook’s voice is closer than you expect as he sidles up to your left, Mingyu moving to stand to your right.
“Yeah, of course, why do you ask?”
“You just seem nervous is all.”
“Nervous? I’m not nervous. I’m just…distracted. The, uh, the view of the city! It’s just so pretty. I’ve been admiring it all night.”
“Hmm. This is a really nice view,” Jungkook agrees.
“I know where you can see an even better view,” Mingyu adds, drawing both your and Jungkook’s attention to him.
“You do?”
“Yeah. We’re super close to Dongmin and we’ve been here a million times. He has a room upstairs that faces out to the backyard, but it’s a much better view than this. Wanna go check it out?”
You’d have to be an idiot not to guess where this was going and what else he intended with his words. He waits patiently, smiling at you and letting you think it over. A glance over your shoulder at Jungkook shows that he’s also waiting, eyes shifting to gaze outside while you think. Two hot guys basically tell you that they want to take you upstairs and hook up with you. It’s not the exact type of excitement you were looking for on Halloween, but it’s excitement nonetheless. 
“Sure, let’s go. I’ll text my friends.”
“Perfect.” They wait for you to send a quick text to the group chat, letting the girls know who you’re going upstairs with and you see someone sends back a winky face emoji before you slip your phone in the clutch on your wrist. 
Mingyu has you follow him out of the kitchen and through the crowd to the stairs with Jungkook behind you, his hand hovering over your lower back as he follows. When you reach the top of the stairs, Mingyu leads you to the left, down a hallway, and into a room at the end of the hall.
As soon as you step in, you see the wrap-around windows spanning the length of the wall in front of you. The curtains are all drawn and the expanse of the starry night is laid out so clearly. This room is in the corner of the house, but still faces the back, so you can see into the backyard and well across to the city skyline.
Yes, they clearly want in your pants, but at least Mingyu wasn’t lying about a much better view.
As if reading your mind the man in question chuckles, gesturing to the view. “I was right, wasn’t I?”
“Yeah, yeah you were,” you wave at him, feeling flirty and brave enough to throw him a wink as you beeline straight for the window. The glass is clean enough that you can just make out your reflection. 
“Why are you so attached to looking outside?” Jungkook questions from your left. When you turn to find him, he’s lounging in a plush chair that sits near the foot of the luxurious bed.
“I can just appreciate a good view is all.”
“So can I,” Jungkook’s voice is so confident when he says it. He’s likely used that same line a million times before and it’s worked.
You refuse to admit it works on you too. 
“Smooth,” you still can’t help but roll your eyes. “This view is honestly just the most interesting thing I’ve looked at all night.” 
A big, firm, body presses into your back, your breath catching in surprise. You hadn’t even heard Mingyu approach.
“Oh yeah? That’s the most interesting thing you’ve seen all night?” His voice is low as he speaks against your ear, this close to making your knees weak.
“Mmhmm. Haven’t really been given much else to look at,” you hope neither of them can hear how your voice trembles as Mingyu runs his hands down your arms, pressing his body against you more. He has you so close to the glass you need to raise your hands to stop yourself from becoming flush against it. 
“Is that so?” Mingyu’s hands are soft as he brushes the edge of your lingerie, his fingertips grazing your bare thighs that the hem hangs above. His hands are colder than you thought they’d be, but the chill is welcome on your blazing skin.
“I guess I need something more interesting to look at.” Your eyes shift up in an attempt to meet his in the reflection of the glass but…all you see is yourself and nothing else? “Mingy-oh!,” your last word is clipped when Mingyu steps back and takes hold of your hips to pull you a little ways away from the window. Immediately after, he pushes you forward to bend at the waist. Your hands press against the glass again, this time to keep you from toppling forward onto your face.
“Be careful, baby.”
“Wh - sh-shit!” Your question dies on your lips when you feel Mingyu spread your plush thighs and presses his face against your exposed pussy, his tongue prodding at the fabric of your panties to push both into your wet hole.
“You can look at your reflection while I eat you out. I’m sure the face you make when you cum all over my tongue will be interesting enough.”
“Oh, or how about all those partygoers outside in the backyard? Isn’t it just so interesting how if anyone looked up and stared long enough, they’d see you bent over with your tits falling out?” Jungkook’s tone is so aggravatingly teasing, but he’s right. 
There are quite a few people stationed and talking around the yard. If someone truly wanted to, it would be pretty easy to see what’s going on in the room. The thought sends fear and another wave of arousal throughout you. 
“Mm, I think she likes that thought, JK. She got so much wetter.” 
“So dirty, little mouse.” 
“I - fuck!” It’s frustrating how Mingyu keeps touching you in all the right ways, his movements constantly scrambling your brain and derailing your train of thought.
His fingers push your panties to the side and his mouth immediately latches onto your clit, sucking a few times before his tongue eases into your entrance, the intrusion pushing out an unabashed moan from your chest.
Your fingers scramble to grip the glass, only to slide with a squeak as Mingyu laps at you as far as his tongue can reach. Your hips begin rolling against his face as he works at you, the need to cum dangling dangerously close. 
There have been plenty of other times you’ve let someone eat you out, but nothing can compare to the way this beautiful stranger plunges his tongue into your dripping hole, the obscene slurping sounds he makes are the only sound ringing in your ears other than your desperate whines.
“God, you look so good like this, little mouse. Your legs are trembling.” Jungkook’s voice cuts through the haze clouding your brain. “Can’t wait to get my hands on you.”
“What are you w-waiting for, then?” You attempt to sound confident and sexy, but your words are more whiny than anything. Even so, you hear Jungkook chuckle before the sound of him getting out of the chair and making his way over you catches your attention. He’s taken his denim jacket off at some point and you practically drool at the sight of his fitting white t-shirt and tattoo-decorated arm on display. 
He raises one of his hands, trailing it over your back and down to your ass. Mingyu already pushed your nightie up enough to get access to you, but Jungkook bunches it up all the way, the delicate fabric resting above your ass to give him access. He brings his hand down once, landing a spank on one of your cheeks.
Electricity surges through your body at the sting and you jump. Your hips respond by pushing back, obviously begging both men for more.
From behind you, Mingyu grunts, and, as if answering your wordless request, you feel his finger ease into your entrance, replacing his tongue. He’s still cold and you let out a yelp at the temperature, but you easily melt into him as his digit plunges into your heat.
Jungkook is still standing next to you, chuckling at the way you writhe, even bending over a little more.
“Asking to be spanked again, baby?” He hums, cold hand caressing your ass. 
“Yes, please!” Your knees are so, so close to giving out as you can feel your orgasm creeping up closer and closer. Mingyu’s finger keeps working at you and he soon adds a second. Heart hammering against your chest, you rest your forehead against the cold glass, nearly ready to collapse at the pleasure.
“Alright, well now you gotta share, Gyu,” Jungkook’s voice reminds his friend before he grabs at you to stand you upright. 
Mingyu, still on the floor, makes a displeased sound, frowning up at his friend.
“Yeah, yeah. You can still eat her out, but I want her mouth. Is that alright with you, little mouse?”
“Hell yes, it is,” you breathe out, still trying to right yourself after Mingyu’s assault on your pussy.
Jungkook smiles at you, and it takes your breath away in another way. How the fuck were you so lucky to end up here like this with men who looked this good?
With his hand holding yours, he leads you to the bed, Mingyu trailing behind as his fingers graze any part of your skin he can reach. Once you reach the bed, both men work together in lifting your nightie over your head and slowly peeling away your bra and panties, leaving kisses over your newly exposed skin. 
The three of you are a flurry of hands as you tug on the hem of Jungkook’s shirt with one hand while reaching behind your back to find the button on Mingyu’s jeans. 
When you’re finally naked, (save for your mouse ears which both men beg you to leave on), Mingyu spins you around and leans down to pull you into a kiss. His lips are impossibly soft as you melt into him, his tongue poking out to brush against your bottom lip a few times. You open for him immediately, allowing the man to wrap his tongue around yours before sucking the muscle into his mouth. 
Tiny mewls slip out of you, getting swallowed by Mingyu as he kisses you hard enough to bruise you, letting you taste yourself on him. Jungkook’s hands skate over your hips, your stomach, and up to your breasts. He rolls your nipples between his fingers, tugging on the buds as his teeth graze your shoulders and neck. Mingyu continues to muffle every sound you make, and one hand, the one not currently cradling the back of your head, snakes down, down, down until he dips a finger between your thighs. He’s met with your wetness, already coating the tops of your inner thighs. 
Your eyelids flutter as both sets of hands hold you, your arousal building with every tweak and every poke.
A different kind of poke on your neck makes you yelp though, flinching your head back from Mingyu to try and get a look at Jungkook.
“Did you just fucking bite me?!”
The tattooed man chuckles and cocks his head at you, amused at your reaction.
“Sorry, I guess I should’ve asked if you’re into that?”
“I am, I was just surprised. Your teeth are sharp.” You don’t mind marking and being bitten, but it’s never been almost painful when past partners have done it. 
Although truth be told, you didn’t mind one bit that it hurt.
He pouts at you, apologizing but still asking if you’re sure you’re okay with it. You promise you are and that’s all Jungkook needs to spin you around and crash his lips into yours. The chill of his lip rings is as cold as his lips, but just like every other chilled part of both him and Mingyu, you don’t mind at all.
Jungkook’s kisses are messier than Mingyu’s, his tongue immediately diving into your mouth to lap at every part of you. He alternates between making out with you as if his life depended on it and nibbling at your bottom lip, his teeth catching on the swollen skin now and again. It’s Mingyu’s turn to lavish your shoulders and neck with attention as he too sucks and nips at your skin, his teeth pricking your hot skin as he goes.
He leaves you panting when he finally lets you up for air and you can practically feel your arousal dripping down your thighs from the dual sensations.
“Your lips are fucking amazing,” Jungkook grumbles, dark eyes fixing you with a look that has you swooning. “I wanna feel them on my dick now,” 
You nod eagerly, likely resembling a bobblehead, and he and Mingyu both laugh at your eagerness. They help you get comfortable on the bed, having you kneel across it on all fours. Jungkook takes his position in front of you, his cock hard and already leaking precum. Mingyu shuffles on the bed behind you, running his hands over your ass, and you instinctively arch for him.
“Such a pretty pussy,” he hums, swiping his finger through your wetness and you hear him suck it into his mouth behind you. “And you taste even better.”
“Hey, you need to share, remember? I wanna taste,” Jungkook pouts at Mingyu over your shoulder and you feel Mingyu’s hand between your thighs again, gathering more of you, and this time, he reaches forward and offers his finger to Jungkook. The man in front of you cranes his neck forward to suck his friend's finger into his mouth, hollowing his cheeks for a moment before letting go with a ‘pop.’ 
Jungkook flashes a sly smile, licking his lips as he looks down at you. “Gyu is right. You’re absolutely delectable, little mouse. I’ll have to taste it straight from the source some other time.” 
The gears in your brain work overtime, registering that he’s alluded to there being a next time for the three of you. 
Mingyu’s tongue is diving into your cunt again which derails any other train of thought. Your mouth hangs open, a moan tumbling out in response. Jungkook uses that opportunity to tap the head of his cock against your bottom lip.
“This okay, baby?” He asks. When you let out an affirmative noise, he eases it into your mouth and you eagerly wrap your lips around it.
Jungkook’s cock isn’t extraordinarily long, but it’s thick, the girth stretching out the corners of your mouth the more he pushes in. When you almost get all of him in, he takes a moment, giving you time. When he feels you relax your jaw and sees you look up at him through your lashes, he starts to move his hips, helping you bob your head over his dick. 
His fingers weave into your hair, making sure not to disturb your mouse ears, gripping the strands at the base as he slowly rolls his hips into your face. You close your eyes, both to concentrate on taking him and to relish in the frantic way that Mingyu laps at your folds. He grunts into you with each swipe of his tongue and you can feel each deep vibration that slips out. 
You can feel your earlier orgasm creeping up again with each flick of Mingyu’s tongue. When he reaches under you to run his finger over your clit, the heat in the pit of your stomach gets hotter, bubbling up and spreading through your veins.
Unable to help yourself, you push your hips back into his face chasing your high. Jungkook’s cock is heavy and your tongue, his pace quickening too. His fingers tug at your hair harder than when he started. Each time he surges forward, the tip of his dick just barely hits the back of your throat, but it’s still enough to have you choking.
Drool starts to pool in the corners of your mouth as you cry out around his length, finally toppling over the edge as you cum. Your words are garbled and you have to anchor yourself to not fall fast forward into Jungkook’s crotch.
“Shit, yes baby like that. Cum all over Gyu’s face and take my cock. So good,” Jungkook’s words sound far away. Your brain is foggy, but you still clench around Mingyu’s enthusiastic tongue as he cleans you up.
When Mingyu finally pulls back you’re still whimpering around Jungkook and he’s switched to shallow thrusts, his cock dragging almost lazily against your tongue.
“Fuck, little mouse. I think I might be addicted to your delicious little cunt now.” Mingyu punctuated his words with a light smack to your still throbbing pussy, making you jolt. 
“Her mouth is a fucking dream too. She looks so pretty with it full. We’re so lucky to have found you, baby.”
“So lucky,” Mingyu agrees. You attempt to nod, trying your best to agree with them because you also feel incredibly lucky tonight. You’d gone from lamenting about being a third wheel in the awkward, almost lonely ways, to being the third wheel in a threesome with two beautiful men. Lucky indeed.
“Gonna let us get even luckier, baby?” Jungkook’s finger settles under your chin, tilting your head up just a bit to look down at you. “Gonna let us fuck you?”
This time you pull away, letting his cock fall out and giving you a chance to rest your jaw.
“God yes. I need more,” your voice is a little scratchy but still needy.
“Good girl. Who do you want first?” Mingyu rasps in your ear, his lips brushing over the shell of your ear.
“Both of you.” 
“Oh? You hear that, Gyu? She wants us both.”
“Fuck, you’re so goddamn dirty, baby. Sure you can take us both?” Mingyu presses his length against your asscheeks, letting you feel just how big he is.
“I can do it. Just prep me real good?” Casting a look over your shoulder, you meet Mingyu’s eyes, batting your lashes at him, wearing your best pleading face.
His expression darkens, smirking at you as his eyes sweep over your back, fixing on your ass before meeting your eyes again. “I’ll take care of you, little mouse, don’t worry.”
Mingyu peppers your cheeks with kisses while his finger swipes through your wetness again. He slowly spreads your cheeks, and a glob of spit hits your puckered hole followed by the tip of his finger prodding you. 
You wince when he slips in, moving oh so slowly until he’s one knuckle deep. Jungkook’s hand still under your chin turns your head to face forward and redirects your attention back to him. 
“Lemme distract you,” he taps the tip of his dick against your lips and you open immediately, almost greedy to take him in again. It’s easy for him to set a pace; each push of his hips forward pushes you back against Mingyu’s finger. They easily find a rhythm and Jungkook tugs on your hair, moaning loudly above you. 
Listening to his melodic voice making these breathy exhales for you - because of you - serves to make you wet all over again and determined to make him cum. He’s still guiding your head, but you curve your tongue, letting it wrap under his cock, gliding along a thick vein on the underside. 
“Fuck, Y/n. Keep doing that,”
So you do, hollowing your cheeks for good measure to make the inside of your mouth feel tighter around him. You’re moaning around his length as Mingyu slips a second finger into you, scissoring his fingers as he gets both digits in you.
“Look at you, little mouse. Taking my fingers and Jungkookie’s cock so well. I just know you’ll take both of us so good when we fill you up,” Mingyu’s words make you clench around nothing, but he feels the way your body tenses up and he chuckles at you. He lands a sharp smack on your ass, pushing a muffled shriek out of you. 
You get lost in the slide of Jungkook’s dick down your throat and the stretch of Mingyu’s fingers in you. It isn’t very long until you’re fucking back against his fingers. Jungkook’s grunts are getting more high-pitched and frantic, curses falling from his lips.
“Yeah, yeah, fuck. I’m - fuck!” Jungkook pulls his cock from your mouth, leaning back and gliding his hand over his length at light speed. 
When he cums he makes sure he’s angled towards him, so the sticky liquid spurts onto his chest and hand. You watch in awe as he tugs at himself a few times. His eyes are closed as he swipes his fingers through the mess on his skin and rubs it over his still-hard dick, sighing as squelching echoes in your ears.
“You doing okay, little mouse?” Mingyu’s voice cuts through to you and you finally manage to nod.
“Good. Come’re,” Mingyu’s fingers slip out of you and his hands wrap around your ankles and slide you down the bed, flipping you onto your back in one swift motion. “Legs and arms, wrap them around me.” He helps you loop your arms around his neck and you do your best to lock your legs around his waist. 
You expect to stay splayed out on your back, but he has other ideas as he picks you up with ease, as if you weigh absolutely nothing and you’ll be damned if it isn’t one of the hottest things that’s happened tonight.
Mingyu’s mouth is on yours again as his hands grip your ass, keeping you up and close to his body. He moves you both across the room, his back leaning against one of the large windows. One of your hands grips his shoulder while the other cards through his dark locks.
A second set of hands ghosts over your shoulders and back followed by Jungkook’s lips, his teeth grazing your skin between kisses. 
“Gonna let us fuck you at the same time, little mouse?” Jungkook speaks next to your ear, biting your lobe.
“I would if you’d hurry up,” you mumble, now laying your head back on Jungkook’s shoulder as Mingyu licks up the column of your throat, biting your collarbone hard enough to make you yelp. 
“So impatient, baby,” he murmurs against your skin. “But I guess we should give her what she wants, JK.”
“Guess so, Gyu,” 
Mingyu leaves a final kiss on the mark he’s left on your collarbone and adjusts you in his hold. He lifts you a little, quite effortlessly at that, and begins sliding you down in his length. Mingyu’s cock is long - long and thick enough that you feel full before he’s even halfway in, but you take it, gnawing at your lip as he enters you inch by inch.
Once he’s completely sheathed inside of you, you two lock eyes, the dark glint unmistakable. He gives a few shallow thrusts, already making you pant in his grasp.
“My turn, baby,” Jungkook says, reminding you that you’re only halfway done.
You crane your neck to the side to look down, and you watch Jungkook stroke himself a few times, using his cum to get himself as slick as possible for you, spitting into his hand for extra help. Mingyu tips you forward, your head resting on his shoulder as he spreads your cheeks for Jungkook. 
You ignore the fact that when you look at your reflection in the window, yours is the only one you see, clinging naked around seemingly nothing.
The nudge of Jungkook’s thick cockhead against your rim makes you gasp. He slides in much slower than Mingyu, letting your walls accommodate him at a much gentler pace. When he finally bottoms out, your head is spinning at the sensation of being packed to the absolute brim. Neither men say anything as you get used to them, using the opportunity to litter any skin they can reach with their mouths with bites, sucking more marks into you. 
When you’re finally ready, you wriggle in Mingyu’s hold, attempting to pivot your hip to get them to move.
“Mm, you ready, baby?” Mingyu whispers, running his tongue along your jaw.
“Yes, please. Fuck me,” 
“Since you asked so nicely…” Jungkook laughs, his hands now holding onto your ass while Mingyu wraps his arms around your waist.
Both men take a millisecond to adjust and that’s truly all they need before they both thrust into you, drawing a long, gasp of breath out of you. Mingyu snaps his hips forward, using the window behind him as momentum to fuck into you. It pushes you back down into Jungkook who’s glued to your back. 
They fuck you roughly, see-sawing you back and forth on their cocks, their grips on your flesh never loosening. You cry out each time, babbling out what sounds to you like their names surrounded by nonsense.
Mingyu’s gaze stays locked on your face, occasionally trailing over the rest of you, practically growling with each powerful thrust. 
“Look at you. Taking two cocks so well. You’re so good for us, little mouse.” Each word is punctuated with even more power behind his movements, drawing a whimper out of you each time.
“So good. Letting me into this tight little ass. Fuck you’re squeezing me so much, baby.” Jungkook’s comments are also followed by thrusts that take your breath away, his balls slapping against the back of your thighs each time.
You feel a million miles away from your body as these beautiful men with their big dicks stuff you full. You can feel every vein and every ridge battering and rubbing against your spongy walls and you clench with each thrust in, your second orgasm rushing to the forefront.
At some point, you think you black out, but that could just be the pleasure. The only thing you see is Mingyu smiling salaciously at you, sharp teeth on display, and half-lidded eyes drinking you in. The only thing you hear is Jungkook growling in your ear, praising how good you are for them and how fucking amazing you are. 
The only thing you feel - well you feel everything. The way they stretch you out, the way their fingers and blunt nails press bruises and half-moon marks into your skin. You feel the scrape of their teeth when they bite at you and it’d be a lie to say you didn’t want them to bite you a little harder.
“Look at our little mouse, JK. She’s so pretty and so fucked out.” Mingyu moves a hand up to grip your chin and tilts your head back to rest on Jungkook’s shoulder.
“Shit, look at you, baby. So cockdrunk for us. You gonna cum?” You think you say words, but maybe it’s more of affirmative sounding noises.
Somehow, someone’s hand - you’re not sure who - reaches between your legs to rub your clit. You’re so fucking full and so fucking wet that it only takes a few rubs at your bundle of nerves to have you cumming with a scream that sounds much too loud to your ears.
Every inch of you is red hot and in flames as your throat dries up and your eyelids sag and that’s when you feel it: the sharp, piercing feeling of being bitten. Hard. One on your shoulder from behind and one on the opposite side of your neck. Your eyes fly open and all you see is Mingyu's dark head of hair. Somewhere in the room, along with the wet, slapping, sounds of them drilling into you, you hear slurping. The slurping of your blood in the mouths of these men that you now know for sure are not just men.
They’re drinking your fucking blood.
And that realization alone has you falling apart again, your mouth falling open in a silent scream, body twitching in their holds.
“Fuck - fuck! Gonna stuff you so fucking full, baby!” Mingyu removes his mouth from your neck, shooting his load into you first, the sensation making you groan out, albeit weakly. 
Jungkook tumbles over the edge right after him, his sticky seed coating your insides, dripping out, and sliding down your cheeks.
You’re still reeling from what is likely the most powerful orgasm you’ve ever experienced, body sagging, feeling completely boneless.
“Did you cum again after we drank from you?” Jungkook mumbles as they slide out of you, still keeping you in their arms.
“Mmhmm,” is all you can manage, eyelids fluttering, fighting to stay open.
“Fuck. You really are perfect, baby. We gotta keep her, Gyu.” 
Mingyu chuckles, finally setting you on the bed, and letting you flop onto the comforter. 
“Yeah, I think we might have to. Would you like that, little mouse? Wanna be ours?” 
“Mmhmm…” You think you have something else to say, but instead, you finally lose the battle to exhaustion, your eyes sliding closed and sleep taking hold of you.
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“Y/n? Hey, Y/n?” 
The sound of your name jerks you awake, and your eyes shoot open to take in your surroundings. 
Sana’s face is peering down at you when you finally focus, concern etched into her features.
“You’re up! We were getting a little worried, you’ve been sleeping for a while. Feeling okay?”
You sit up slowly, your head feeling groggy as you take in your surroundings. You’re on your couch in your apartment. You can see Jihyo in the kitchen staring at you looking concerned too. In the distance a toilet flushes and you assume it’s Jeongyeon.
“I’m fine,” you finally say. “Why are we at my apartment?”
“Well, your boyfriends texted us that we should take you home because you were so exhausted you passed out. They carried you out to the car and everything. Very gentlemanly.”
“By the looks of those marks, I think they treated you the opposite of gentlemanly in the bedroom?” Jeongyeon eyes your neck as she enters the room wiggling her eyebrows.
When you glance down, you see what she means. Your chest and what you see of your shoulders are covered in bruises. When you touch your neck you feel two small punctures in the skin and you flush from head to toe. You had almost wondered if you dreamt about the whole encounter with Mingyu and Jungkook, but you hadn’t.
“Oh, yeah. They definitely weren’t gentle,” you can’t but help giggle at the memory of the night you’ve had. The ache between your legs and your cheeks is also a stark reminder.
Your friends don’t say anything about where either Mingyu or Jungkook went when they left you in their care, but they wouldn’t just disappear, right? They said they wanted to keep you which means something, you’d like to think.
Lucky for you, it’s not something you have to ponder for long. As you’re settling into bed for the night, your phone vibrates with a text from an unknown number. 
When you go to your messages you see a group chat with you and two other people. Opening it rewards you with an image - two familiar-looking mouths smiling widely. You can only see from their noses down to their chins, but both grins show off very pointy canines, one mouth decorated with two lip rings. 
You’re trying to rack your brain as to what to respond with - it’s not like you could have anticipated that being bitten by actual fucking vampires would be so damn hot.
A text from the other number comes in a minute after the picture.
Good night, little mouse. Let us know when and where we can see you again. 😉
You start to type, then erase the message three times, unsure of how desperate you want to sound. 
Then you decide, fuck it. It’s obvious they want you just as much as you want them, so who cares if you sound desperate? 
So, you keep it short and sweet.
Whenever and wherever you want. Duh.
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Net tags: @kflixnet @kbookshelf
I’ve wanted to write a Mingyu/Jungkook threesome since they did that live together that one time. And then the 3D challenge happened and my brain said NOWNOWNOW so here we are!
570 notes · View notes
togrowoldinv · 10 months
Firefighter!Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
When Natasha takes you on a date, she asks you to take the next step with her
Warnings: 18+ please! Smut! Kissing, cursing, oral (R and N receiving), Natasha being feral for reader
Note: Hehe firefighter Nat. Enjoy!
Burning Red AU, Main Masterlist
Natasha arrives at your front door right on time. She straightens up her leather jacket and knocks twice, holding a bouquet of flowers in her hand.
Your roommate, Wanda, opens the door with a grin.
“Come on in,” Wanda says.
“Nice to see you again, Wanda,” Natasha says.
“You too, Nat. Y/n will be right out.”
Nat glances around at the room and notices way too many fire hazards.
“Do you think you could unplug a few of those devices?” Natasha asks Wanda. Wanda chuckles and gives Nat a look. She understands it’s your stuff. “Oh, I’ll tell her then.”
You emerge from your room at that moment. Natasha looks you over and smiles.
“What will you tell me?” You ask as you approach her. You drop a kiss to her cheek in greeting. She hands you the flowers she brought you.
“Fire hazards,” Wanda answers for her. She shrugs and walks to the kitchen, leaving you with Natasha.
“You look amazing,” Natasha says.
“You do too, babe. I love this jacket,” you tell her, grabbing the lapels of the leather to pull her closer.
“Mhm, I figured you would,” Nat says. “It will likely end up on your bedroom floor later.”
Natasha places her lips so close to yours that you can feel her breathing, but she doesn’t kiss you. She brushes her nose against yours and smirks.
“Are you ready to go?” She asks.
“I am,” you tell her. “Did you make reservations?”
“I did,” Nat says. She glances at her watch. “And we have to drive a little fast to keep them.”
“Safety expert Natasha Romanoff wants to drive fast?” You tease her.
“Hey, I am a fire safety expert not a road safety one,” she replies. “Let’s go, babe.”
You two walk to Natasha’s car. She opens the door for you and helps you inside. The drive to the restaurant goes quickly, partially due to Natasha’s driving.
Natasha smirks at you as she orders a bottle of wine for you two. She seems like she is up to something tonight, but you can’t figure out what.
“How has work been?” You ask her.
“Not bad. I haven’t had to pull doubles lately, so I am satisfied,” she answers. She leans over the table to be a bit closer to you. Her eyelashes flutter at you. “I would still quit to spend more time with you though.”
“Could the department survive without their best hero?” You ask her.
“You have a point.” She chuckles.
Your conversations remain light as you eat dinner. Dessert is on the way when Natasha suddenly seems nervous.
“Are you okay, Natasha?” You ask her.
“Oh yeah, I’m okay,” she replies nonconvincingly.
She reaches into her pocket and places a small silver key on the table between you. You look at it and back up to her. You can tell she’s trying to gauge your reaction.
“So, I’ve been thinking, and we’ve been together for a while now. I- um- I was hoping we’re ready to take it to the next level. My place is plenty big enough for the two of us and the future we have,” Natasha explains. “Would you want to move in with me?”
“Yes,” you say without hesitation. “I would love to.”
“Really?” She asks with a grin on her face.
“Really, Natasha,” you tell her. “I love you.”
“I love you more,” Natasha says.
She leans over the table and kisses you softly. She wants more, but you’re in a restaurant after all. You two finish up dinner and walk to Natasha’s car. She drives to her place.
“Welcome home,” she says as she opens the front door. The place looks the cleanest you’ve seen it. “I already have plenty of ideas of how we can make it ours. For now, why don’t we take this to the bedroom?”
Natasha practically pulls your hand to lead you to the bedroom. You can tell she’s in one of those moods. She kisses you as she backs your knees into the bed. She pushes you down less than softly onto the bed.
Natasha’s hands find your shirt hem, but you don’t let her lift it up. She groans in annoyance as she continues to kiss you. Nat’s plump lips move to your neck. She licks and sucks against you, leaving marks where she can.
“Natasha,” you moan out as she presses her knee between your leg. The pressure you feel is already causing her movements to make you need her.
“I want to fuck you,” Natasha says. “I want to fuck you so hard.”
“Yeah?” You ask her.
“Yeah, baby,” she breathes out against your neck. Her hand holds pressure against your neck just enough to make you feel hotter. “Can I fuck you?”
“You can,” you tell her. So much for thinking you might want to tease her tonight. “Please, Natasha.”
“Good girl,” Nat says.
She finally gets ahold of your shirt and lifts it over your head. Her lips attach to your nipples quickly. She never gets tired of sucking them. Her hand works to unbutton your pants. She slides them down your legs with her strong hands.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” Natasha says. She kisses between your breasts as her hands find your core.
Natasha grinds her own core against your leg as she rubs her fingers over your pussy. She gathers wetness from between them and brings them up to her lips. It’s absolutely sinful as Natasha licks her fingers while maintaining eye contact with you.
You see the hungriness in her eyes as she moves down your body. Your head falls back in pleasure as she dives into your core. Her tongue works expertly to devour you.
“Fuck, fuck,” you moan out as you feel yourself getting close. Nat reaches up and massages your breast as she continues to eat you out. “Natasha!”
She hums against you as you fall apart under her touch. Licking you clean, Natasha can’t get enough of the taste of you.
“Come here,” you say as she emerges from your legs. She kisses you deeply. You help her take her clothes off. The muscles of her body never cease to amaze you. Natasha pulls away from you and you miss her already.
She leans over the bed and grabs a strap from her dresser. The thick fake cock looks amazing attached to her. When she is about to put lube on it, you take the opportunity to lean forward and take it into your mouth.
Natasha groans at the sight of you taking the thick strap into your mouth. She loves this. Pushing her hips further into you, you choke but keep sucking on her.
“That’s it, baby,” Natasha says. “Let me fuck you until you can’t stand tomorrow.”
You release her strap and she repositions herself to slide into you. You are more than wet enough for her to slip inside of you easily. That final push presses the tip exactly where you need it. Natasha picks up the pace of her hips.
“Fuck, you look so pretty taking me like this,” Natasha says. “Will you come for me, sweetheart? So quickly. I barely even have to try.”
Her slightly degrading tone is enough to put you over the edge. You come again for her. She doesn’t stop her movements until you’re practically pushing her away.
Natasha lays next to you and catches her breath while you catch your own. She interlocks her fingers with yours by your side.
“I’m really glad you asked me to move in with you,” you say. Nat turns her head to look at you.
“Me too, sweetheart. It will be really fun to do this together,” Natasha says. “I love you.”
“I love you most,” you say, skipping the more versus most fight.
“Show me?” She asks.
“Always,” you reply.
You kiss down her body and situate yourself between her legs much like she did yours. This moving in together thing is a great idea. You can do this anytime you want.
The future with Natasha is looking bright.
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Hey love ! Hope you’re having a wonderful day/night 🩷
Could you please do a Tommy X reader where the reader works for him ( it could be his maid or secretary) and someone says something mean to them and they feel so humiliated that they leave. At first Tommy doesn’t know what happened until someone tells him and he goes ballistic and ends up defending her then they end up together 🩷 it could be angst to fluff please :) thank you so much
Sorry for any mistake !! English is not my first language
Hey lovelie! Thank you so much for your ask, I can definitely do that for you!. Hope you guys enjoy.
This fic will be based around season three, this means that Tommy and grace do not get married, in this she had Charles then left Tommy. Also, in this Lizzie is a bitch but its only for the purpose in the fic x.
Summery: request above
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Word count: 2,321
When you were twenty, you had graduated from bed-ford college, which was very uncommon since not many people could read or write, but luckily your mother learnt you from a young age how to both which allowed you to complete your studies.
However, this meant that when people found out you were from London and had gone to one of the most prestigious colleges for young women, you were judged. Most people thought you were a privileged woman from a rich family. Unknownst to anyone but yourself, you aren't. You lived in a one bedroom apartment with your mother and two younger sisters. Your father had left your mother ,after your youngest sister was born, for a younger woman.
As you grew up, your mother had become ill, she had began to suffer from Melancholia, as her doctor described it. She never recovered from it and died when you had moved back home after graduating. When your mother died, your young sisters were left in your care and you decided you wanted to leave London and find somewhere else for your sisters to grow up. After nearly four years, you found your current home, Birmingham.
You loved your job, all you had to do was respond to letters for Tommy, make sure his schedule was up to date, make sure there weren’t any over laps and make meetings on his behalf. The only bad part of the job was sharing the room with tommys other secretary, Lizzie stark. At first, when she had started working two weeks after you started. She was nice, you spoke everyday, had lunch together whilst on break but once you started to get closer to Tommy she began to change.
At the beginning, you pretended not to notice, thinking maybe she was just having a bad day but every time you went into tommys office without knocking or every time Tommy comes in work, he stops to speak to you and asks you how your weekends been and how you sisters are, Lizzie would grumble under her breath and when you weren't looking would steal the paperwork Tommy gave you to sort out so she could do it and claim you weren't.
Today was one of the days that Lizzie was being extremely bitchy, it was a Friday afternoon which meant Tommy wasn't in the office most of the day. He was either at a meeting or in the betting shop. This left you and Lizzie alone.
You had just gone into tommys office to put the paperwork Tommy needed on his desk when Lizzie walks in as well.
“ Tommy has a lot of whores, one for each month, which one are you?”she sits down at the round oak table, getting out a cigarette then lights it.
You turn around to look at Lizzie and frowns, not understanding the purpose of this conversation “ what Mr Shelby does in his personal life is none of my business”
“don't act dumb, you know what i'm talking about Y/N” Lizzie spits, venom lacing her voice.
“ i don't think we should be having this conversation when Mr Shelby isn't here, its not appropriate” you asserted, picking up another pile of paperwork, being to walk back to the double doors that leads out to you desk and Lizzie.
The sound of scuffing catches your attention, making you stop walking and look towards Lizzie once again “ get off your high horse Y/N, this is Birmingham everyone is a whore, they don’t have money to act like they are better then everyone” Lizzie barked, pointing a finger at you.
Your heart begins to race, the blood running through your veins begin to rush to your face, causing your cheeks to begin to heat up, it was like someone had turned up your internal thermostat to the maximum and now your face is a shade of red that would make a tomato jealous.
“ i'm sorry if i offended you in some way, i did not intend too” you apologise, you knew you hadn't said anything offensive but you didn't like confrontation and you wanted to avoid yelling in any possible way.
Lizzie takes a drag of her cigarette “ you are so insufferable, i dont know how your family deals with you” she chuckles under her breath.
At the mention of your family, you take a shakey breath and turn away from lizzie “ i need to start this paperwork” . As soon as you sit back at your desk, you began to look through the paperwork but you couldn't concentrate. what Lizzie said to you runs laps in your head, making your chin begin to quiver as your eyes begin to fill with tears.
Unfortunately, at the same time polly walks through the main doors into the building, she walks over to you. Wiping under your eyes quickly,putting a smile on your face.
“ hello Polly, what can i do for you?” you ask softly, your voice breaking slightly as you try to hold in your emotions.
Polly raises an eyebrow and places her purse down on your desk, watching as Lizzie walks out of tommys office with a smirk on her face but as soon as she sees Polly, she quickly covers it with a smile.
“whats happened?” Polly asks, suspicion filling her words, looking between Lizzie and you.
“ nothing pol, just talking business” Lizzie puts on a smile and looks towards you, her eyes widening for a second to tell you not to say anything.
“yes, just business” you agree, nodding slightly.
Polly hums “ if you say so, anyway is Tommy free in the afternoon this week” she asks.
You grab his schedule from your draw and begins to look through this weeks page he's free Wednesday afternoon from two o'clock onwards” you grab your pen “would you like me to write you in for a meeting with him”
Polly smiles and grabs her purse again “ yes, thank you Y/N, your a doll” she kisses your cheek softly then leaves.
The visit from Polly, helped you distract yourself from the situation with Lizzie, you smile happily as you begin to write down the information bout polly's meeting in tommys schedule. As you begin to write in the book, the ink tub falls onto the page causing you to gasp.
You look up and see Lizzie standing in front of your desk, smirking. she lights another cigarette “opps, i guess you'll have to tell Tommy you ruined his book” she tuts, shaking her head.
Once again, your pulse begins to race, your heart starts to beat so incredibly loudly, louder then gunshots. Your hands shake as you begin to try and pat the ink with her handkerchief but it wasn't working.
“no,no,no” your eyes begin to well up with tears for the second time, in less them an hour. You look up at Lizzie, disbelief in your eyes.
“ why would you do that, this has all of Tommy's schedules” you ask astonished.
“ you don't belong here, I've known Tommy before you even were in Birmingham, i should be sat in your chair. Everyday i have to see you prim and proper, giggling at Tommy” Lizzie rants angrily.
Unknownst, to both of them. Polly was still behind the door listening to the conversation. she knew something was wrong so she wanted to listen in case they were hiding something.
Polly leaves the office, determined to find Tommy to tell him what she heard between his secretaries. however, she couldn't find him.
It had been a few hours since the incident, you were quiet s you write a letter to Tommy, you have decided to leave your position of head secretary, you couldn't cope with the daily taunting from Lizzie.
The sound of the door opening and close catches both of the women's attention, you stand up immediately when you see Tommy.
“ Mr Shelby, i need to speak with you if that's alright” you ask softly as you walk around your desk, to stand beside Tommy.
Tommy nods and lights the cigarette that was resting between his lips “ come through to my office miss Y/N” he gently places his hand on the small of your back as you begin to walk to his office with him.
As the door to his office closes, you didn't notice Lizzie watching you. Her eyes like daggers.
“please sit” Tommy nods to the chair by his desk as he sits in his own chair, slowly blowing out the smoke from his mouth. You gulp and nod, sitting down slowly on the cold brown leather seat. the coldness helping to cool down your skin.
“ I've been thinking for the past couple of weeks, and i didn't want to do this but its the best thing for me” you explain, nervously fiddling with the letter in your hands. Your hand shake as you give Tommy the letter “ i'm giving in my notice as Secretary, i will be leaving this company after we finish this conversation”
Tommy frowns, taking the letter gently “ may i ask why” he raises an eyebrow, looking towards your direction. you end up making eye contact for the first time during this conversation.
You smile slightly, your eyes showing that you were distressed “ no reason, i just feel ready to move on”
The next day
Tommy had organised a company/ family meeting, he had some business to talk about. Lizzie had to sit in the meeting since you use to but now you had left your position, no one else can do it.
Tommy had ordered two peaky blinders to watch your flat, wanting you to be protected since people knew you were associated with them.
The meeting had started nearly half an hour ago, however Polly just noticed Lizzie sitting at the table. She frowns “ Thomas, where is Y/N?”
Tommy sighs and leans against the wall, taking out his cigarette holder then opens it “Y/N has decided to move on with her career and no longer work for me” he announces.
Polly raises an eyebrow, glancing at Lizzie, seeing her smirk slightly “ have something to say Lizzie?” her voice full of bitter.
Lizzie shakes her head, no saying anything. Tommy nods and lights his cigarette “ Lizzie, by tomorrow afternoon i need an advert in the paper for a new head secretary” he explains.
Lizzie frowns “you're looking for someone else, i thought i would take that position” she admits.
Polly chuckles and shakes her head “ is that why you forced Y/N to leave? or is it because you want to fuck Thomas?” she quizzes.
Lizzie blushes slightly as Tommy raises an eyebrow and looks towards her.
“is that right Lizzie?” he asks, his eyes turning cold.
“ it wasn't fair Thomas, she came in and you gave her the job straight away without even knowing her” she snaps, putting down her pen. The room went quiet after lizzies confession.
“you were jealous of her so you made her feel bad about herself so much that she left her job? ey? are you fucking proud of yourself” his voice begins to rise as he speaks.
“it wasn't-” Lizzie begins to defend herself when Tommy interrupts her.
“ By the end of today, i want your desk cleared and you stuff gone, you're fired” he points to the door as he speaks, Polly smirking as she watches Lizzie stand up and rush out of the door. As soon as Lizzie left, a blinder rushes into the room.
“Tommy, shes leaving. we followed her to the train station. shes got bags and her sisters are with her as well” he states, catching his breath.
Tommy immediately grabs his coat and cap, rushing out of the betting shop.
At the train station
The sound of people yelling and rushing to and from trains fills your ears as you carry your bags, your sisters infront of her, walking towards the platform where your train back to London would arrive. The clunking and screeching of train engines makes you flinch slightly, you never get use to that sound.
Your train was due for another hour but you wanted to have enough time for your sisters to say goodbye to their friends before you went to the train station.
As you sat on the bench with your sisters, you didn’t hear Tommy calling your name since the platform was extremely loud. However, in the corner of your eye you see him walking over.
“ girls, stay here” you instruct, standing up.
You walk over to Tommy, looking up at him as you both stand infront of each other. However, you didn’t have time to say anything before Tommy kisses you. You didn’t know what to do at first but after a few seconds you felt your shoulders relax as you ease into the kiss.
Time slows, your lips felt like they were made to connect with each other. The feeling of Tommys hand on your cheek causes goosebumps to arrise on your skin. You had wanted his mouth on your for months, but now it’s happening, you want to savour the moment.
Your lips part softly, chasing tommys as he pulls away “ what was that for?” You whisper, biting your lip ever so softly.
“ I should have done it awhile ago” he whispers, stroking your cheek bone gently “ come back, I know what happened, lizzies gone” he explains, looking into his eyes. His pupils blown.
You smile, chuckling under your breath “ okay” you whisper, putting your hand over his.
Tommy brushes his pad of his thumb over your bottom lip. A silent harmony parts your lips as a soundless breath leaves your mouth. Your eye lids slide shut as Tommy leans in, brushing his lips across yours, feeling the coldness of his skin, like snowflakes trundling down from the sky. The soft pillow of your mouth gives Tommy the pressure that he longed for.
This is the light at the end of the tunnel, and you’re so glad you survived.
A/N: hey guys, I don’t really like this one. It feels rushed and it’s unedited so there are a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes. Please do like and comment, I appreciate all of your support ❤️
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suhkusa · 1 month
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Sakusa is nervous. Extremely. 
For many reasons but more so because this “hangout” the two of you are at right now is too intimate that it borders on the title of a “date”. He wouldn’t mind that, but it’s not what he called it when he asked to meet up.
Another reason being that he’s going to ask you out today, he looks down at his phone’s lock screen, in approximately 33 minutes. He doesn’t know why he chose a time, maybe something that his horoscope said.
He sits across from you on a soft throw blanket he pulled from his storage closet. Laid in front of the two of you are many of your favorite foods that he has learned of from the past month together. 
Sakusa doesn’t have much doubt that you’ll say no. You had shown interest from the very beginning, and while there were some obstacles, the two of you overcame together and ended up getting closer than he had expected.
“Omi, are you okay?” your voice pulls him from his thoughts.
“Ah, sorry,” he smiles.
“The weather is a bit more chillier than the weather app had predicted, huh?” you look off into the distance. 
He doesn’t think so. In fact, he feels warmer because of how flustered he is. Nonetheless, he still agrees with the nod of his head, “Yeah, do you have a jacket?”
You cover your mouth as you finish the food in your mouth, “Mm, yeah, it’s in the car. Do you mind if I grab it?”
He raises his eyebrows in approval, reaching in his pocket to pull out his car keys, “Did you want me to come with you?”
“Nono, you should eat some of the foods before it cools down, I’ll be quick,”
The two of you offer a smile to one another before you quickly make your way to his car.
Ah, maybe he should tell Jane he’s about to ask her out. She hadn’t responded to his other texts, but maybe she didn’t see the notification.
IMOAsukas: I’ve got flowers in the trunk that I’m going to give to her after the date. When she comes back from the car I’m going to ask her. I’M SCARED [image attachment]
He laughs at his message before clicking send. To think he liked this online stranger a while ago. Crazy, right?
Crazy is what he thinks when he hears the MysMatch notification noise. Sakusa thinks he’s hallucinating as he looks around to find where it came from, had Jane texted back already? When he looks at his own device, the notification center is bare.
His eyes catch on your phone. You had MysMatch, too? All he does is lift your phone. But he couldn’t see what the notification said.
[MysMatch: 1 notification]
Coincidence, maybe?
He double checks to see if you were around. To double check his theory, he sends another keyboard spam to thewurldismine. Sakusa stares back at your phone after the message goes through.
[MysMatch: 2 notification]
And then another. And another. Each time the same jingle met his ear.
You were Jane.
Your phone slips from his hand.
“Hey,” his eyes snap up at you, you were clothed in a thick jacket now, “There’s this really cute pond over there, we should—”
“You’re Jane, aren’t you?”
He observes your facial expression as it goes to a shocked look then forces itself to go back to normal. 
“W-What? Who’s Jane?” you ask, nervousness written all over your tone and face.
“Did you know?” he asks, and you just look away, “You did, didn’t you?”
Sakusa Kiyoomi feels like a fool. 
“You did this to manipulate me into getting with you, huh? Is that what this was?” his voice is accusatory, and it makes all the blood drain from your face.
“No- No— Kiyoomi, that’s not what-” 
“You really had me going, you know? But I should’ve known from the start,” he’s getting up, gathering his stuff. “To think I really liked you,”
He’s not even sparing you one last look before he’s walking away. 
Leaving you alone. And in his place, exactly where he sat, lies your phone.
[MysMatch: 7 notifications] displayed on the screen.
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y/n cried the whole car ride to tsukishima’s house then knocked out
when tsukishima arrived at the park y/n was just sitting on the picnic blanket slowly putting things away
sakusa feels so betrayed but even so regrets leaving y/n behind
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© all writings belongs to suhkusa 2024. do not repost or change.
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miguelschamp · 8 months
let the light in
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pairing: conrad fisher x fem!reader
summary: conrad visits you at college after noticing you overwork yourself
warnings: none. just fluff :)
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conrad was conflicted.
you two were just on the phone and he could tell you weren’t doing okay. you both were in college and he knew how badly you wanted to keep your grades up, so it was normal for you to study most nights and try your hardest to keep up with your homework.
but you two had been dating for three years and he knew your tells. he knew from your facetime that you were antsy and anxious. finals were coming up in the next few weeks and you were doubling down on studying trying to get projects done perfectly.
he suggested many times that you take a small break, but he knew you weren’t listening. despite you telling him that you would after you finished said assignment.
you guys had just hung up with one another, but from what he could tell, you were getting worse. you were barely able to keep up with the conversation as your eyes jumped from page to page. the test wasn’t for another week, but you insisted on trying to study as much as you possibly could.
conrad knew that if you kept going like this, you would drain yourself and possibly have a breakdown, so he needed to do something and quick.
on a whim, he decided he’d go and see you. you two went to two different colleges, but you weren’t that far away from him. only a couple of hours.
he quickly packed a bag for the weekend before heading to his car. he sent a quick text to his roommate that was out at the time letting him know that he’d been gone for the weekend. he sighs as he gets in and starts the car.
he thought over how you’d probably be upset at him for driving so far for him, but he couldn’t just watch you wear yourself out.
he doesn’t give himself another second to think as he backs out of the parking space.
you sigh as you make your way up the steps to your dorm. you were exhausted, but knew you had to study for your tests.
you wished you could convince yourself to take just one night off, but some voice lingering in the back of your mind told you that just one night off would lead to you completely failing yourself.
you didn’t know how that worked, but you knew it constantly ate away at you.
your feet drag as you approach your door. as you pull keys from your pocket, they drop to the floor. you huff as you close your eyes and tilt your head back.
you slowly bend down and pick up the key before unlocking your door and walking in. you close the door behind you before turning toward the room. you stop suddenly as you see your boyfriend sitting on your bed.
“connie ?” you say
he smiles nervously as he stands up, “hey, baby.”
you could feel tears start to brim your eyes as you drop your bag by your desk chair. you legs quickly bringing you into his embrace. he holds you tight as his arms go around your waist.
“what are you doing here ?” you say, but it’s muffled as you face goes into his shoulder
“i came to check on you.” he says. he pulls away, which brings a frown to your face. “on facetime yesterday you seemed off.”
you sigh, “i’m just tired. i’ve been studying like crazy.”
“i know. which is why i’m here.” he says. your frown deepens as he cups your cheek, “you need a break, y/n/n.”
“i can’t connie, you know that.”
“i know you’re trying to make sure you do good on your tests, but you still have another week before your first test.” he says, “you’re not giving yourself enough time to relax.”
“i can’t relax.” you say pulling away. conrad sighs as his hands fall to his side, “i have to make sure i do good on these tests, they’re worth so much of my grade.”
“i get that.” he nods as he takes your hands again, “i know, but you’re gonna drive yourself into a wall if you keep going like this.”
you knew he was right. even your roommate would tell you that you needed a break, but you just brushed her off. you were just terrified of failure and a break seemed like you were setting yourself up for that.
“i don’t want to fail, conrad.” you say softly. he sits down on your bed pulling you to stand between his legs.
“you’re not going to. you’re one of the smartest people i know.” he says rubbing your leg, “but you need a break. you’ll feel so much better once you get your mind off of school for just a second.”
as you look down at your boyfriend, you knew that he had already convinced you. you hadn’t actually seen him in a couple of months and you’d be stupid to shut him down and study instead. and a weekend with him sounded like heaven on earth to you right now.
“okay.” you say as you intertwine your fingers. his smile is enough to make your heart flutter even after being together for so long.
“i’m glad you agree because i was not ready to make that 6 hour drive back.” he laughs as he pulls you to straddle his waist.
you laugh as you both fall onto the bed. you raise yourself up slightly before you lean down and kiss him. his arms wrap around your waist as he pulls you closer. you pull away before he pecks your lips again.
you smile softly as you look down at him. his blue eyes shining back up at you.
“i love you.” you say as your thumb caresses his cheek.
“i love you.” he says back as he rubs your back. you lean down to lay your head on his chest. he wraps his arms around your back as you nuzzle in the crook of his neck.
it’s only a few minutes of him rubbing your back in comfortable silence before you’re lulled to sleep. finally taking the break you both knew you deserved.
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partycatty · 8 months
i want to give old man mk11 johnny little kisses all over his face with lipstick on and leave little kissy marks that he doesn’t know are there so when he goes out everyone sees them but he doesn’t.
i love ya ����💙
older!johnny cage > peppered
johnny didn't know your makeup wasn't smudge proof when he went off to work.
[ masterlist ]
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• "i'm headin' out!" johnny calls from the foyer, grabbing a bag and keys from the hook beside the door. "don't miss me too much, alright?!"
• "wait!!" you sprint down the steps, the biggest grin on your face. you were wearing your usual face of makeup, bright red lipstick included. johnny returns your grin, beaming down at you when you charge yourself at him and wrap your arms around his neck. "i love you."
• johnny chuckles, eyes flicking between yours. "i love you more." his voice is gentle, honest. it was always nice to see his domestic side when he wasn't kicking ass or talking about how amazing he was.
• you kiss him, smushing your face against his in a strange competition to see how hard you could kiss him before he'd complain. your noses squish together and you can hear johnny giggle into your lips. when you pull away, your smile only grows when you notice there is a firm print of your lipstick on his mouth.
• "what's that look for?" he asks, noticing your staring. you decide to take advantage of his lack of knowledge, leaning in for another kiss on the side of his mouth. he smirks, nose scrunching at your contact which only makes you kiss him more.
• "i love you-" you plant a kiss on his cheek. "i love you-" one on his eyelid. "i love you-" one on his jaw. after some time of this, you've thoroughly peppered his face with lipstick marks, one in each section of his face and even a couple on his neck. you made art of his skin, and he was none the wiser.
• "okay, okay—" johnny laughs, pulling you away by your shoulders and kissing your forehead. "i'll be late if you keep loving on me like that." you manage to squeeze in one last kiss before he heads to work.
• when johnny arrives on the compound, he's greeted by an amusing amount of stares - which isn't unusual, considering he's a part-time movie star, but this time he felt more like a clown than an action hero.
• he stumbles into jacqui before the meeting, and she tenses up, at first raising a finger to inform him of his new face paint but opting not to — maybe cassie would be better to bear the news?
• arriving in front of the SF army, he notices that his daughter is already commanding the troop, standing front and center. johnny slinks in casually, so as to not disturb the routine.
• the sunglasses come off, and he notices that the crowd falls eerily silent, some even biting their lips to stop a smile. cassie takes notice and pivots to include herself on what seems to be so funny.
• "commander cage," johnny says with a nod, scanning the crowd nervously. "is... is everything...?"
• cassie bursts into laughter, doubling over and completely breaking from her professional stoicism. johnny can only throw his hands up exasperatedly.
• "seriously, what the hell is going on? people keep looking at me like i'm crazy." johnny pinches the bridge of his nose as cassie finds her handheld pocket mirror, one that he gave her many years ago.
• taking the mirror, he opens it and inspects his shirt, wondering if maybe he spilled his coffee. but when he catches a glimpse of his neck, he notices two reddish smudge marks. slowly angling the mirror upward, he realizes what's so god damn funny.
• he flushes red. sure, everyone knew you two were dating, but this was the least professional thing he'd done in a while — which is really saying something.
• "jesus, dad, you couldn't have washed them off before coming to work?" cassie asks, still cracking a smile. "reader's nice, but i didn't need to know how nice she is to you. oh my god, it's everywhere—"
• "i didn't know i had 'em," johnny mutters, wiping his face embarrassingly.
• you were in for one hell of a phone call when his break rolls around.
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
Part Two out of Six of Meddling ;). Part One. AO3 Link.
“That’s good! Now Steve, don’t look like you’re in so much pain.”  
It’s only been about five minutes, and Steve is already tired of the pictures. Robin has put them in so many awkward stock photo poses that he has started to wonder how this could ever be fun like Eddie said.  
What makes things worse is he knows that Eddie feels the same way because he’s so damn tense. Honestly, the whole thing feels fake and unnatural, and for some reason, it upsets Steve although this is exactly what he signed up for.  
Nancy winces at the most recent photo she’s taken and says, “Okay, how about we take a break?”  
“Thank god,” Steve sighs in relief and sits on the couch. Eddie ends up sprawling out next to him until he shoves him a bit.  
“Move a little so I can get comfortable.”  
Steve nudges him back. “It’s an L-shaped couch. Take the other side.”  
“I’m not moving away from that sweater. Come here, my love,” Eddie says dramatically while reaching out to the sweater.  
Steve rolls his eyes again and sprawls out next to Eddie until he’s basically spooning him. “Close enough to it?”  
Eddie pulls him in a little closer. “Maybe now.”  
Steve smiles a bit to himself and closes his eyes. He doesn’t know why the pictures have been so exhausting, but he’s glad it’s led to this moment.  
The camera shutter goes off again. Steve cracks an eye open.  
Nancy smiles at him and walks away, staring at whatever picture she just took.  
Steve feels himself begin to doze off when Robin shakes him awake. “Break time is over.”  
Eddie groans behind him and squeezes Steve - or rather his sweater - one last time before hesitantly getting up.  
“I have an idea,” Nancy announces. “I’m going to take some candid photos of you two. No more poses. Just you two hanging out.”  
“While still acting like a couple, right?” Steve asks.  
For some reason, the comment is funny to Nancy who tries and fails to hide a laugh behind her hand before she confirms, “Yeah, of course.”  
Eddie must miss it though because he just nods and replies, “Okay. So, what do we do?”  
Robin holds up two very ugly Christmas sweaters with a big smile. “It’s Christmas time, and you two are going to dance.”  
Steve shoots Eddie a look. What have they gotten into?  
Robin starts playing Christmas music over their speaker as Steve and Eddie prepare to slow dance.  
It had taken them a while to get here after Eddie insisted on saying a very tearful goodbye to his sweater. Steve had even cut it short by offering to wear it during the fake double date with Veronica as long as they stayed inside.  
Robin had agreed to have the date at their place and keep it simple – just dinner and a movie. Nancy had even thrown in the idea of having a practice run where she would pretend to be Veronica. Honestly, it all kind of eased the tension for Steve, so he agreed quickly.  
Now, he wishes he would’ve stalled as he takes his place in front of Eddie and awkwardly holds his arms out. “How are we supposed to do this?”  
“You think I know?” Eddie asks as his hands begin to move to hover over his shoulders then his waist before repeating the process, just as unsure about where to put them.  
Steve shrugs. He’s had his good share of slow dances with girls at prom and homecoming growing up, but the only experience he’s had dancing with men has been at bars when he’s been fairly intoxicated.  
It’s not that he doesn’t want to slow dance with guys. He’s a romantic. But he’s just... never had the opportunity. And here’s Eddie standing right in front of him giving him that opportunity.  
He doesn’t want to mess it up. But does he put his hands around his shoulders or his waist or??  
Eddie’s arms slowly slide around Steve’s waist as he pulls him close. Steve’s arms automatically come up to wrap around Eddie’s shoulders. It reminds him of the way they hug, but he’s still able to see Eddie’s face.  
It feels right.  
“Silent Night” comes on, and Steve smiles and sways to the very slow beat.  
Eddie smiles back and gently rests his forehead against Steve’s. “I’ve never done this before.”  
“Really?” Steve pulls back to ask.  
Eddie nods and looks down at his feet.  
“I’ve never done this with a guy,” Steve confesses.  
It seems to lessen Eddie’s tension a bit as he melts into his arms. He drops his head to Steve’s shoulder, and Steve closes his eyes and rests his head against Eddie’s, letting himself stay in the moment for a bit.  
When the song ends and transitions into “O Holy Night”, yet another slow Christmas song, Eddie’s head comes up a bit and he whispers, “I’m having a bit of an impulsive thought.”  
Steve turns to whisper back. “Care to share?”  
Eddie giggles – like actually giggles – then says, “I want to squeeze your ass.”  
Steve throws back his head and laughs loudly.  
“My hands are down there already! You can’t blame me!” Eddie protests with a laugh.  
Steve looks back at him and says, “Go ahead.”  
Eddie’s jaw drops open slightly then closes. “You’re not joking?”  
“Let me know what you think,” Steve says with a wink.  
Eddie laughs again then his hands slowly slide down to lightly cup his butt, then he squeezes.  
“Okay! Next activity!” Robin yells.  
Eddie startles as much as Steve which only results in him grabbing his ass again. Steve laughs as Eddie’s hands snap up in surrender. “Oops,” Eddie says looking equal parts guilty and proud.  
“I need to wash my eyes with bleach,” Robin comments as she walks off somewhere. “But before that, I have a very special request.”  
Steve reluctantly looks away from Eddie only to have all his senses fill with horror as Robin slowly lifts up a leafy looking plant out of a box on their coffee table that he hadn’t noticed before. “Mistletoe,” Robin says with a big smile.  
Steve freezes.  
“Come on, guys. You’ve been dating for two years. You have to have some pictures of you two kissing. We already have one of Eddie groping you,” Nancy says as if that helps.  
Steve cringes. How did he forget that there’s a camera capturing his every move? He’s terrified to see how the pictures turn out since he’s going to have love written all over his face.  
Maybe Steve can convince Robin that she’s the only one who needs them. Or he can just select a few to send to Eddie where his face is hidden. He really doesn’t want to ruin their friendship.  
Robin shakes the mistletoe again, and Steve suppresses a groan. This is definitely going to ruin things.  
“It’s just a kiss. People do it all the time. Platonically,” Eddie reasons.  
Steve swipes a hand over his face and looks at Eddie. “Can I talk to you alone please?”  
Eddie nods and follows him to his room. While Steve opens the door for Eddie, he shoots Robin an I know what you’re doing look that he will discuss with her later. Then, he closes the door behind him.  
“Steve, we really don’t have to kiss. We can fake it and make Nancy take it at an angle that makes it look believable. We can also just tell Veronica that we’re not super big on PDA, so we don’t take pictures like that.”  
All of what he’s saying makes perfect sense, and they’re the perfect excuses.  
But instead of taking any of it, Steve says, “I’m fine with kissing you. I just don’t want my first kiss with you to be in front of Nancy, Robin, and a camera. No one deserves that.”  
Eddie’s eyes soften a bit at the admission, and he smiles softly. “Okay.”  
Steve takes Eddie’s hands and slowly approaches him. Then, he pauses and backs away with a thought. “Wait.” He hurriedly strips off the ugly Christmas sweater and ignores Eddie’s, “Uh, are we kissing shirtless or something?” Then, he digs to where he carefully hung his yellow sweater and tugs it off the hanger again before putting it back on.  
“I don’t know what it is about this sweater that makes you so-”  
Steve is cut off by Eddie kissing him.  
His hands cup his jaw and slide into his hair while Steve finally snaps back into reality although he feels like he’s in a dream. His hands come up to grip Eddie’s shoulders as he deepens the kiss, tasting the candy cane Eddie had snagged earlier from Robin’s décor.  
The thought has Steve remembering why he’s even gotten here in the first place, so he begins to slow down the kiss as if to help ground himself. But he’s hopeless when Eddie’s lips move gently against his until they reluctantly pull away before moving to kiss him again. Then, again.  
Steve pulls back so he can rest his forehead against Eddie’s, and he can’t help but think how they’re almost mirroring how they appeared earlier when dancing. He lets himself drown out the rest of the world as he listens to his and Eddie’s heavy breathing start to even out and slowly go back to normal. But Steve’s heart is still pounding in his chest the same as it was when Eddie was kissing him.  
He thinks he may never be the same.  
There’s a loud knock on the door that makes Steve desperately want to say Go away!  
But then Robin is asking, “You two didn’t die in there, did you? I’m not forcing you two to kiss if you don’t want to just to be clear!”  
Steve’s hand flies up to his mouth as he muffles his laugh. Eddie whispers, “Stop it, you’re going to make me laugh, and that’ll give us away.”  
Steve hides his face in the crook of Eddie’s neck, but his shoulders start to shake.  
“We’re about to come in if you don’t answer,” Nancy warns.  
“Don’t worry! I just wanted to give Steve’s sweater another speech because I missed it! Why did you have to put us in these ugly things, Buckley?” Eddie lies quickly.  
“Because I love torturing you. Now hurry up!”  
Steve pulls away reluctantly and grabs the hideous red sweater. He leaves the yellow one out this time though – just in case.  
They both take a few more seconds to not appear so frazzled before they go back to the living room. Robin gives him a questioning look, but Steve looks away. He’s not going to spill the stuff about Eddie right now with both him and Nancy in the room. Plus, he doesn’t want to give Robin the satisfaction of knowing that she finally made him deal with his feelings for him. She can suffer a little longer not knowing.  
Eddie walks right up to the mistletoe and grabs it. “This seems like something I would do more so than you,” Eddie says.  
Steve crosses his arms. “And why’s that?”  
Eddie smiles and walks up to him. “Because you love acting irritated about stuff, especially in front of other people.” Steve can’t begin to defend himself before Eddie turns to Nancy and asks, “Camera’s ready?”  
“Ready,” she confirms.  
Eddie looks at Steve. “You’re sure this is okay?”  
Steve nods. He thinks he’ll take any excuse to kiss Eddie again.  
So, Eddie holds up the mistletoe in his right hand, and Steve wraps his arms around his shoulders. He leans forward and slowly kisses Eddie.  
He barely hears the camera go off.  
When he pulls away, he looks Eddie in the eyes and almost kisses him again. But Eddie puts the mistletoe down and digs into his pocket. “Wait, I want one that’s not so professional or whatever,” he says as he pulls up his phone and swipes to the camera. “One more?” he asks.  
Steve nods and lets Eddie kiss him this time so he doesn’t take him off guard when he takes the picture. When he pulls away, he and Eddie turn to his phone and watch as Eddie presses on the picture gallery.  
Steve’s heart starts pounding so hard, he’s sure Eddie can feel it based on how close they are.  
Eddie forgot to hold up the mistletoe this time, but... they look perfect together.  
“Okay, next up is our outdoor dates. You’ll have to take some of these from your phone instead of Nancy’s nice camera to make it more realistic. But this also means we can’t sit near you where we’re going next.”  
Robin really needs to learn how to read when the moment is over, but it seems like she has a whole day planned with a tight schedule, so he can’t blame her for pushing things.  
“Where are we going?” Eddie asks. He swings one arm around Steve’s waist to keep him close.  
“You’ll see,” Nancy says with a suspicious wink. “But pack your clothes. All casual things.”  
Steve reluctantly steps away from Eddie to find a duffle bag to put their clothes in. Although he doesn’t want to admit it, he’s actually starting to look forward to the rest of the day.  
Part three
Tag list <3:
@little-gae-shit @dreamingtheimpossibe @leethegay @lazyavenuewhispers @olibxr @thegayestpersonever
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antlerclxws · 2 months
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- She is autistic! She often uses noise canceling headphones or earplugs during sword practice, the sounds of the swords hitting each other makes her teeth grind.
- Lesbian! But not very out and open about it, Chad is the only one that knows apart from Red but she is certainly trying to come out! Mostly on her own terms.
- Has ADHD (Audhd girlie!) and often forgets to eat meals when really hyper-fixated on something, like her history books or her swords training, a lot of the times Red does have to remind her or bring her small snacks in between her breaks
- After coming back to the present time with Red, her relationship with her mother was very protective(?) in a way. She was a little worried about being away from her mother and would take many opportunities to be back with Cinderella. It took months for her to get a hold on the idea that her mother was safe again.
- Chloe is a chronic clothing stealer, her closet is full of Red’s clothes even though they stand out so bright in her closet and color scheme. It makes her laugh to have people shoot her some odd looks as they see bright red with golds, whites and baby blues. It serves as a reminder in Chloe’s mind that Red loves her, enough to share her clothes with her.
- Uses ASL! Since Chloe has some bad meltdowns sometimes when too overwhelmed or simply overtired, she uses sign language and has been since she was a kid and King Charming taught it to her! The entire Charming family uses it to communicate with Chloe when she goes nonverbal and Red is actively on her way to becoming fluent in it to understand and aid Chloe better.
- Her and Chad used to be double trouble when they were kids, they would run around the castle in races and narrowly avoid knocking over a servant or two in the process. They would make anything a competition; Who could get to dinner faster, who could read a chapter of Mom’s favorite book faster, who loves Mom and Dad more, so on and so on!
- Chloe’s favorite place to go on a date is to the museum!! She likes to look at all the museum of cultural history has and she loves to go on long rants about some of the exhibits there. Her second favorite place is a botanical garden because she likes how peaceful there are, and Red loves taking her any where when they’re allowed to.
- Chloe still wonders about Wonderland, even more so now that they’ve come and gone in the past. She doesn’t want to get Red upset with her by asking after them but she still thinks about it from time to time. (“Did flamingo feathers always taste good?”)
- She is actually one of the biggest sort of advocate for anything if she or someone else needs it, even if it means being a bit mean to get there. Chloe doesn’t find it fair that she has to ask for certain things and have people get a bit snotty in response, although it’s Auradon, what should she expect with women like Audrey’s grandmother?
- Chloe age regresses! A coping mechanism sometimes for her mind when she’s too stressed or too anxious, she has a mental age range of around 7-9 and tends to only be around her brother or Red when she does regress, she’s only comfortable around them.
- Chloe was actually the one to first ask Red out instead of Red asking her out! She did it at the enchanted lake, it was a planned hangout where they were supposed to swim, but her nerves made her too nervous to even get near the water. She asked Red to be her girlfriend while they were sitting at the edge of the water, blurting it out so suddenly that it made them both stare at each other with wide eyes.
(She did go for a swim after, practically dunking herself under so she didn’t have to hear Red reject her at first, but she never did. So she had a girlfriend AND soaking wet clothes.)
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idkwhatever580 · 5 months
Her pt. 2
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Prompt: after y/n gets rescued what is in store in the next chapter of her life with Natasha?
Warnings: cursing
Pronouns: she/her
A/N: I’m super excited about this one. Make sure you read chapter one first so you have some insight on how nat and y/n met!!! I hope y’all like it :)))
Here’s part one :))) I’m working on a master list I swear -> https://www.tumblr.com/idkwhatever580/749750524015984640/her-pt-1
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Y/n’s pov
I cannot believe it’s been a whole year since I met Natasha.
She and the avengers immediately took me in and I found myself going over to the compound much more than I expected.
I still have my house in Long Island. But I never stay there really anymore. Ever since Natasha and I started dating I haven’t spent too much time there.
It only took three months for me to virtually move in with her. Although I do wish she’d come with me sometimes.
But I don’t really worry about that since one of the floors in the tower is my new soup kitchen. It’s open twenty four hours a day and there are at least 2-6 people working there at all times.
As promised Tony Stark and SHEILD helped me get my business up and running.
I make homes for the homeless. Sometimes they are bigger more communal homes and sometimes they are tiny one or two person homes.
My first two homes are side by side. They were for gran and pops. They were always my biggest supporters and still are.
My program has changed so many lives. There are so many people out there who just need a little bit of love.
Sometimes the homeless people will use the homes as a forever home but most often they get jobs. Become more financially stable and independent and then they will move out. It’s really great. Because I see so many people I’ve helped become something. Someone.
There are so many who have told me they thought they would never amount to anything. And a few of them have become very successful even as far as becoming a CEO.
I am incredibly proud of my work.
And honestly it’s so exciting to see what changes I can make every single day.
For example. Today is the release date of my nationwide program.
All over the country a program is being launched where homeless people can find shelter, rehabilitation centers, and other necessities for free so they can have a second chance at life. I am doing some interviews today.
Unfortunately Natasha isn’t here. She has a mission. I’m a little sad that she won’t be with me tonight as the program launches but the show must go on.
I check my watch and see it is time to leave for the opening ceremony and I go downstairs to find Happy.
I smile and say
“What’s up Happy! Are you ready?”
He smiles sadly and says
“Yes I am ready. But I must inform you that I am only your chauffeur tonight. Unfortunately I cannot be your plus one.”
I frown when he says this because he was supposed to fill in for Natasha and now I have nobody.
“Oh. Well. That’s okay!”
I smile and cover up my disappointment. He drives me to the red carpet and helps me out. I kiss his cheek accidentally leaving a lipstick stain and I say
“Thank you. Have a good night Happy.”
He usually goes home and I have a different driver drive me home.
I walk to the red carpet by myself and put on my best smile. I make it about halfway through the carpet and an arm snakes around me and this mystery person says
“Am I late?”
I jump and put my hand to my chest and I look at my beautiful girlfriend with a huge smile on my face and I say
“Jesus! You scared me!”
My brain doesn’t even register that she’s back since I’m in the zone and then I do a double take and say
“Wait! What!?”
She giggles when I realize and I slap her chest and say
“I thought you were at a mission?!”
She chuckles and says.
“I got off early enough to make it. That’s why Happy isn’t here with you. I tried my best. But I couldn’t get the best suit”
She looks down at her suit and I look her up and down and say
“You look amazing baby. Perfect right here with me.”
I smile and give her a kiss. We always wear matching lipstick colors so that we can kiss and not get it messed up.
Then I put my hand on her chest and we keep taking pictures.
The rest of the night goes smoothly and I give a speech. I talk to a few people who have helped my journey and then we head home.
I get changed and wait in bed for Natasha. She takes a while so I complain
She comes out of the bathroom and smiles and says
“Yes baby?”
I hold my arms out for her and pout
“I missed you”
She gets into bed with me and says
“I missed you too.”
Once we’re comfy she looks me in the eyes and says
“Goodnight my love. You have done such amazing things for so many people and I am so lucky to be yours.”
I smile and say
“I love you baby. Goodnight”
We kiss and drift off into a nice comfortable sleep.
A/N: guys this is so bad. It feels rushed and blah. Idk how I feel about it. I became so unmotivated and just wanted to move on to the next thing but I didn’t want to just leave it. 😭🔫
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thedevilspearl · 1 year
Hmm for the trope association ask maybe a good “they don’t realize they’re dating but literally everyone else can tell” two friends who are both secretly pining for each other so badly except it’s only a secret to each other to the point where some people might even actually think they’re dating lol.
anonymous asked: “oh oh oh! so the oblivious pinning for each other without realizing the other person is also in love with them!! adorable.”
oblivious pining
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mammon is at the top of this list because he may not be the best with words, but he’s an acts of service type of guy and he does things for you that most people wouldn’t do for someone who’s just a friend. and you are constantly chasing after him, it’s questionable how much time you spend with him doing the most random and silly things. it’s so obvious to everyone, but they also think your obliviousness to one another’s feelings is cute so they don’t get involved and just wait for the two of you to come to the conclusion yourselves.
no matter how many times his brothers tell him you’re into him, he absolutely will not believe them. you’re just friends....that stick by each other every second of the day, hang out with each other 24/7 and go on outings that sound exactly like dates. but noooo, you’re friends. of course he has feelings for you, but he doesn’t want to ruin the friendship. likewise, you don’t want to share him away with your feelings. it isn’t a surprise to know the others have placed bets on who will fold first.
the way you’re so flirty and touchy and comfortable with each other wasn’t surprising at first. it was more that asmo had finally met his match and it was a double trouble kind of situation. but as time goes on, the tension grows, both sexual and romantic but you’re both still reluctant to admit your feelings because you still don’t know how the other feels. you will literally make eye contact whilst eating breakfast and you’ll hear “get a room already”, that’s how obvious it is, to everyone else but you.
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starboy-sirius · 4 months
without touching his skin (how can i be guilty as sin?)
jegulus modern au (with a sprinkle of wolfstar) based off this post by @starchaserdreams because i saw it and couldn't not write it (hope that's okay!!) 7642 words | read it on ao3 here! |
James laughs at his best friend Sirius, who is staring at his phone in horror, his eyes wide and unblinking as he looks at the text James just sent from his phone. His mouth is open and he looks ridiculous. He’s likely to catch flies at this rate and James can’t help but cackle at his shocked face. 
It’s no secret that Sirius has been crushing on their friend Remus for the past year, following him around with puppy eyes and hanging off his every word. James has told him time and time again to make his move, that Remus won’t be horrible to him if he confesses because when has Remus ever been horrible to either of them? Never. So he wouldn’t so much as hurt a hair on Sirius’ head if the boy confessed. 
James also has it on good authority that Remus has fancied Sirius for nearly two years now, so he isn’t setting Sirius up for failure by urging him to confess. Of course, he’s sworn to secrecy by both of them so it’s not like he can spill either of their secrets to the other, even if it would help things along immensely. But Sirius being Sirius wouldn’t stop whining about how he wishes he could just confess already. 
James was only trying to make it easier for him.
So it has come to this. James grabbed Sirius’ phone before he could realise what he was doing, and sent Remus a text saying hey can we talk? I need to tell you something. It’s genius if you ask James because he’s done half the work for him. Making the initial move is always the most nerve wracking and James has gotten that out of Sirius’ way. 
Honestly, James isn’t sure why Sirius isn’t on his knees thanking him. Where’s the excitement? Usually James would be engulfed in a hug by now. 
“James, what the fuck?” Sirius whispers, eyes glued to his phone at the very unsendable text message. 
“It’s a good thing, mate! Now you just have to confess and boom! Dating,” James grins, patting Sirius’ thigh and leaning back into the beanbag he’s currently sitting in with an air of victory to him. 
Finally, Sirius lifts his eyes from the phone and tosses it across the room. He serves James a deadly stare. “James.”
Feeling apprehension dance along his spine, James sits up straighter. Sirius doesn’t say anything else, only stares at James with a look that gets more intense the longer it goes on. James fidgets uncomfortably. “Um, Sirius? You okay there, bud?”
“James,” Sirius repeats unblinkingly. “Because I love you, I am going to give you a ten second head start, but if you don’t run right now I am going to kill you.”
Alarmed, James jolts in the beanbag and tenses his legs as his flight mode activates. He wavers, mainly because he’s unsure as to whether Sirius is joking or not, but he gets ready just in case. “Really? I was only trying to help you out!”
“Really,” Sirius confirms gravely. “Ready? Countdown starts now.”
“Wait, Sirius—”
“I really don’t think this is nece—”
“I was only help—”
“Fuck, okay,” James scrambles upwards and dashes out of Sirius’ bedroom. 
The positive to this situation is that Sirius’ house is fucking enormous. He’s a little on the richer side, which isn’t a huge shock because James is fairly wealthy himself, but Sirius moved into this place with his younger brother and his eldest cousin because his parents were verbally and physically abusing them. His cousin took them in immediately and Sirius helped buy them this place with the money that was left to him by a relative. 
The house, if one could call it that, is ornately decorated and very tasteful. It is more of a manor, James thinks as he rushes up a double staircase and onto the next floor’s landing. There are many paintings hung on the wall, some of them James knows were painted by Regulus, Sirius’ younger brother, and some are the works of Sirius’ niece, who also lives with them. Even the toddler’s paintings are encased in the same intricate, golden frames as some of the priceless antique ones and it makes James smile, even as he’s racing for his life. 
He can’t hear Sirius counting anymore but he knows that the boy must have stopped by now and is on the hunt for him. Honestly, James thinks he’s being a little dramatic but that’s an average day for Sirius, and so James thanks his lucky stars that Sirius hasn’t decided to go truly overboard. This is actually quite mild for him. 
A sudden bang from downstairs has James panicking and diving into the first door he comes across. It’s steamy when he first enters, a thick haze of heat hitting him in the face and James tries not to choke on the sudden onslaught. The smell is delicious, however, and James finds himself moving further into the room as his nose leads him to the pleasant scent. As he moves further into the ridiculously large room, James identifies that it smells of lavender, bergamot and pine. 
He wishes he could bottle it and spray it on his pillow so that he could get a guaranteed night of good sleep, because holy fuck does he want to ingest this smell right now. 
The sound of rushing water vaguely registers in his mind because suddenly it ceases, James now coming to the dawning realisation that the room he’s in is a bathroom and that there is definitely someone in here with him. Someone who was showering not seconds ago. Which means that whoever is in the shower-tub combo is probably about to step out of it. Naked. The person in the shower is going to step out of it dripping wet and completely naked. 
It could be Andromeda, Sirius’ cousin, or her husband Ted, or Regulus, Sirius’ brother. James doesn’t know which option is worse, they’re all awful for different reasons. Ah yes, a dripping wet, naked Regulus, how awful indeed, his brain supplies and James feels his skin flush. 
Listen, okay. James has known Sirius since they were eleven and met at some fancy, rich boarding school that all their ancestors had apparently gone to, which meant they had to as well. So he’s known him for quite a while, given that James is now twenty-one and at another prestigious university that their ancestors also went to. This means that he’s known Regulus for that time as a result of his unbreakably close friendship with Sirius. 
At first, James had thought Regulus was adorable with his cherub cheeks and his little curls. He looked like a child that would be modelling for kids clothing brands, but when he opened his mouth? Goddamn, he was such a little shit. He’d taken one look at James and spat the most unhinged insults James had ever heard. At age ten, no less! It had knocked James down a peg initially, but truthfully? James had become a little enamoured with Sirius’ spiteful younger brother. 
Sirius had apologised profusely to James, worrying that his little brother had put him off being best friends. He rushed to explain that it was a result of the way they’d been raised, which had then prompted the conversation about their parents which had James equally furious as he was heartbroken. James promised him that he had nothing to worry about, that he liked Regulus and his biting comments. You’re not getting rid of me that easily, James told him before crushing him in a tight hug.
So James had grown up with Sirius and therefore Regulus, and he’s watched the younger boy blossom in his own ways. He’d never hung out with them much at boarding school, having his own group of equally sarcastic and sharp-minded friends who looked at James like he was prey they could hunt and destroy. Despite their less than friendly demeanors, James always tried to talk to them when he could, wanting to get on with them because he cared for Regulus and they were his best friends. Openly, his favourite was Pandora, who was always the most receptive to him. Secretly, his second favourite was Barty because the boy had a wicked sense of humour when it wasn’t aimed at James with his incessant need to take the piss out of him. 
Regulus and his friends had followed in their footsteps and gone to the same university, which James knows Sirius was secretly happy about because it meant that he could spend more time with him before they got jobs and lives of their own. A part of James was happy too but he hadn’t wanted to look into why exactly that was. 
Of course, James knew deep down why exactly it was. 
Watching Regulus grow up from someone he classified as ‘Sirius’ little brother’ to Regulus, a young man who had his own name, his own personality, dreams and desires. A young man whom James could no longer deny to himself that he found effortlessly attractive. 
Which left James with the problem he has now: fancying Regulus. James is well aware that Regulus is his own person, but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s still Sirius’ brother, and James knows that Sirius would throw the hissy fit to end all hissy fits if James reveals that he fancies him. So James pines silently for the boy who throws insults at him like its second nature, like it’s as easy as breathing. It only makes James like him all the more, because the majority of people in James’ life trip over themselves to please him, but not Regulus. Regulus would rather set his hair on fire than be nice to James, he knows. 
Speaking of his hair, goddamn. 
Still curly as ever, only it’s longer now and it wafts elegantly around the nape of his neck, some parts of it wavier than curly. It looks like a halo, James thinks. He’s an angel. A fire spitting angel, which James thinks is the best kind. He’s elegant and lean and perfect, his skin like a doll’s and his lips pouty and shaped like Cupid’s arrow. James would do anything to kiss him. 
But James is a gentleman and he will not try anything on Regulus because he is Sirius’ brother, and he knows it would only complicate things between everyone. He also has no idea whether Regulus even likes him like that, everything seems to point to the negative considering they can’t have a conversation with Regulus insulting him at every opportunity. James thinks he’s rather insane to enjoy the way Regulus’ words cut into him, and he knows that just because he’s apparently gone mad doesn’t mean Regulus has. It doesn’t mean Regulus enjoys their verbal sparring as James does. 
James is a gentleman. He isn’t going to attempt anything with Regulus, end of story. 
He wishes he could remember that as a creamy, pale leg appears from behind the shower curtain and his brain completely short circuits. As the leg touches the ground an equally creamy and pale arm darts out to grab at the forest green towel hanging up on the wall, and then his entire body is out and James only just misses being flashed as the towel is brought up over the man’s crotch. 
Regulus’ crotch, because that is Regulus who has just gotten out of the shower. Regulus, who was naked a moment ago. Who is still naked now technically. He hasn’t even wrapped the towel around himself yet, is only holding it over his crotch and James feels like he’s going to faint. He's so lightheaded. He wants to believe it’s the steam but he can’t bring himself to pretend that it’s not all that exposed skin in front of him. 
Regulus hasn’t noticed he’s there yet as he brings the towel up to his face to wipe the water from his eyes. His skin is tinged pink from the heat of the water and James briefly wonders what it would be like to mark that skin, to leave it mottled with purples and reds and teeth marks. He grows hotter at every passing thought. 
He’s broken from his reverie when Regulus attempts to bring the towel up to his hair to dry the edges briefly. James knows that he only does it a little because the towel is too heavy on his curls and usually he uses an old t-shirt of Sirius’ that he stole, but all this information flies out of the window with what’s left of his melting brain as Regulus raises the towel high enough that it threatens to expose him. 
James lets out a rather embarrassing, strangled squeak at the prospect and is met with a frozen Regulus, who pauses and locks eyes with him, the steely grey going wide before narrowing playfully. He brings the towel down slowly, far too slowly for someone who is naked and vulnerable and naked, James thinks. 
Regulus wraps the towel around his waist, slinging it so low on his hips that James thinks he’s going to go into cardiac arrest, and leans back against the wall behind him. He smirks at James as he runs a head through his curls. Beads of water drip from his hair, down his neck and tantalisingly down his torso, traversing the divots of his toned abdomen. James follows a single drop from his prominent collarbones, past his pink nipples and down, down, down his lovely stomach. Just as the droplet is falling into the trail of hair underneath his belly button, James is brought back into the present by a teasing cough. 
Snapping his eyes back up to Regulus’ face, he finds that the boy is already looking at him with a single raised eyebrow. James feels his face flush and he prays that he doesn’t look like a tomato. Especially since Regulus is standing there like a Greek god, like someone who would be honoured by a multitude of sculptures that people like James would pay exorbitant amounts of money to stare at. 
“Hi, James,” Regulus purrs, his eyes never leaving James’ face.
“Hi,” James replies faintly, his voice slightly croaky from where it’s mostly been open since Regulus stepped out of the shower. 
Regulus grins like a shark but softens it when his tongue pokes out to wet his bottom lip. James is attached to the movement like a limpet to the side of a ship. “Did you step in here so that you could catch me naked, James?”
“What?! No! Of course not! It was an accident, I swear,” James proclaims, arms waving around like a madman as he tries to remain calm. He can’t believe Regulus caught him in his bathroom, naked from his shower, and is just lounging against the wall with a permanent smirk on his face. 
James feels incredibly out of depth. 
Regulus hums, a delicate hand coming up to trace at his collarbone and play with the water droplets there. He tilts his neck to give himself more access and huffs out a laugh as James’ eyes follow the movement religiously. “That’s a shame.”
James nods, blindly agreeing without really listening, intently focused on the longer finger as it trails back and forth on Regulus’ marble-like skin. James wants to bite it. He snaps back to reality when his brain catches on to what Regulus has said. “Wait, what?”
“You know,” Regulus changes the topic, bringing his hand down to rest at the knot of the towel and James feels like his heart is going to give up on him. And that his dick is going to become very noticeable in his trousers. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you blush this much. What’s gotten you so worked up, James?”
James wants to curse him because he knows what’s gotten him so worked up, the little shit. James was wrong, Regulus is not an angel, he's the devil incarnate and he refuses to stand here and be embarrassed by him. Not long ago were the days where James used to tease him until he was beaming a bright red. James doesn’t like how the tables have turned. 
Distantly, James hears a victorious shout followed by what is definitely Sirius yelling his name like a madman. Regulus’ eyes flicker from James to the bathroom door and the latter realises that it’s the first time Regulus’ eyes have left him since he realised James was in here too. 
James sends him a sheepish smile as he begins to walk himself backward, as if Regulus is a wild animal he needs to keep his eyes on at all times lest he turn his back and allow himself to be attacked. “Well, that’s my cue! Lovely seeing you again, Regulus.”
Regulus’ eyes twinkle as he runs a hand over his wet curls. “Truly a pleasure, James. Try not to make a habit of following me into the bathroom when I’m wet and naked, hm?”
The laugh that forces its way out of James’ mouth is strained and bordering on hysterical as he tries not to trip on his way out. He’s still looking at Regulus, who’s staring at him like he’s a meal he wants to devour, and he can’t even find himself able to speak English. Garbled noises are the only thing that he’s able to come up with and it only makes Regulus’ smirk ever more shark-like. With one last look at the enticing boy in front of him, James fumbles with the door handle and practically sprints out of the bathroom. 
The alluring pull of Regulus’ silver eyes doesn't leave his mind. 
When James makes it back to Sirius’ bedroom on the floor below, Sirius is right where James left him, only that he’s sprawled out on his bed on his stomach, legs swishing back and forth with one hand twirling his wavy hair. James feels like he’s entered a rom-com. 
“Er, Pads?” He asks, bewildered by the image he’s presented with. The nickname is a long standing one that James can’t even remember the origins for, only that he, Sirius and their two friends Remus and Peter all have corresponding animal nicknames. 
“Prongs!” Sirius bellows as he jumps up and throws himself into James’ arms, his legs wrapping around his waist. 
Huffing at the sudden weight, James pulls away to look at Sirius’ face. “Hey, sexy. Fancy meeting you here.”
Sirius laughs, throwing his head back. When he returns his gaze to James it’s mischievous. “You know I love you, Jamie, but I’m afraid we cannot continue flirting like this. You see, I’m about to be a taken man.”
James almost drops him. “Oh shit, it worked?!”
“Well, almost,” Sirius informs as he unwraps his legs and pulls James to the bed with him. “Just as I was about to come and kill you, he responded saying that he also had something to tell me. I didn’t want to do it over the phone though, so I’ve invited him here. He’s on his way.”
“Fuck yeah!” James shouts and piles on top of Sirius, planting wet kisses all over his face as Sirius laughs and wraps his limbs around him like an octopus. James begins to dig his fingers into Sirius’ sides, delighting in the breathless giggles he lets out. “Hey, I’m just trying to get my fill, alright? My best mate is about to get a boyfriend.”
“James!” Breathless and bordering on hiccups, Sirius manoeuvres James so that they’re laying side to side facing each other. “James, if it all goes wrong I need you to beat Moony up for me.”
“What?! I can’t beat Remus up! Have you seen him angry? He’d kill me!” James exclaims, wrapping an arm around Sirius’ waist. 
“James, you have to! You’re my best friend, it’s basically the law,” Sirius whines, snuggling into the crook of James’ neck. 
Sensing the undertones of the conversation, James quietens down. Amongst all the joking and laughing, James can tell that Sirius is scared to confess his feelings for Remus. He can’t help but find it sweet because he has nothing to worry about, but James isn’t going to spoil that for him. 
“Listen to me, Sirius. You’re going to be okay. Remus isn’t going to hurt you or be mean to you, and even if he miraculously is then we’ll sic Regulus on him, okay?” James strokes a hand through Sirius’ hair, speaking softly. 
Sirius seems to mull this over, humming as he does so, and comes to a positive conclusion. “Oh, that’s brilliant. I mean, Regulus quite likes Remus so it might be a little hard to convince him, but if he sees how upset I am then I’m sure he’ll oblige. Good thinking, Prongs.”
They lay there silently after that, neither of them speaking but rather enjoying the moment they’re sharing in each other’s arms. It took a while for Sirius to get to this stage with James because of the way he was raised. James was always showered with love and affection from his parents, growing into a very physically affectionate person, whereas Sirius was the complete opposite. Love wasn’t given freely if at all in his family home, and the only other person with whom he shared affectionate physical touch was Regulus. Both brothers took a while to get used to James’ love language (one of them, anyway), but Sirius was the first to succumb to his cuddles. 
“Hey,” Sirius breaks the silence. “I’m probably going to talk to Remus in the garden because the flowers he helped plant are blooming and I want to show him. Do you mind staying up here by yourself? You can always go off and find Regulus if you get lonely.”
The thought brings James back to the bathroom and all that creamy skin on display, beckoning him like a blank canvas desperate to be brought to life by some paint. James never thought of himself as an artist but right now he would gladly take to Regulus’ body with his mouth as the brush. 
Holy fuck, he cannot be thinking of Regulus like this when he is literally wrapped around his older brother. Sirius would surely kill him if he knew what James was thinking about. Would hunt him down to the ends of the earth if he knew that James wants to kiss Regulus until his lips are red and swollen, and wants to mark every inch of his body until no one questions that Regulus is his. He wants to have Regulus whining and panting underneath him, or on top of him, or quite literally in any position, in any place and at any time. James isn’t fussy, he’ll take Regulus however he can get him.
Right, totally failed at not thinking filthy thoughts of Regulus when he’s cuddled up to Sirius. Shit. 
“Jamie? Are you alright?”
“Yes!” James nearly shouts and clears his throat when Sirius pulls away to look at him funny. “Perfectly well, thanks Pads.”
Before Sirius can object, there’s a knock at the door followed by the doorbell, and both boys shoot up so quickly that they trip over one another and fall into a heap on the floor. For a moment all they do is lie there as they contemplate getting up. They’re groaning, elbows and knees in places where those should never be, and James is pushing at Sirius’ shoulders in an attempt to make him get up.
“I’ve changed my mind, I can’t do it. You go and answer the door, Jamie. Tell him I’ve fallen ill.”
James rolls his eyes at Sirius who flops onto his back and throws an arm over his face like a fainting maiden. “Really, Sirius? What am I supposed to tell him you’ve come down with in fifteen minutes?”
Sirius contemplates it for a second before he’s snapping his fingers. “I know! We’ll tell him that it’s something you’ve come down with and I’ve caught it because it’s contagious. The whole house is on lockdown. It’s perfect!”
“Pads, that is the worst idea I’ve ever heard. There’s no way Remus will believe that.”
Huffing, Sirius throws his arms over his head and practically melts into the floor. “Well, I don’t see you coming up with any genius ideas!”
“Here’s one,” James responds sarcastically. “How about you go down and answer the door like a normal person? Take him to the garden to look at his flowers and then confess? You know, the original plan?”
Sirius looks at him. “James, that is just ridiculous.”
“Dumbest idea you’ve ever had.”
James watches Sirius as he stares up at the high ceiling, fondness creeping over his features. “Sirius, do you not think you’re going to hurt Remus if you turn him away now? After you’ve said you need to tell him something?”
The doorbell rings a second time.
In a rare moment of vulnerability, Sirius turns pleading eyes on James. “I can’t get the door, James. I can’t.”
James nods encouragingly. “You can, Sirius.”
“I can’t.”
The two of them are interrupted by the sounds of feet padding down the stairs. Unfortunately, James knows the sounds of those feet, and has practically committed them to memory. Regulus doesn’t enter the bedroom but he does call past the door, “I’ll get it, then, despite being a whole floor above. Tossers.”
Sirius and James stare at each other with wide eyes before they’re scrambling to get up, yelling out to Regulus, a cacophony of deep voices shouting up and down the stairs at each other.
“No, we’ll get it!”
“Reggie, you little shit, come back here!” 
They bound down the stairs, practically flying past them as they race to get to the door before Regulus. It’s not like they’re worried Regulus will say or not anything harmful, as Sirius said Regulus is surprisingly fond of Remus and often seeks him out for intellectual conversation, or so he says. It’s just that Regulus is well aware of Sirius’ feelings toward Remus and he makes it his life’s mission to make every possible hint known to man. 
James laughs wildly as they race against Regulus to get to the front door, Sirius cursing at the size of the house as they go, and once they reach the final set of stairs James hops on the bannister to slide down the the bottom.
It’s in vain, no matter how fun it was, because Regulus is already opening the door to a bored looking Remus. His expression changes dramatically when he sees the shit-eating grin on Regulus’ face, along with a panting James who looks wild with his hair sticking up everywhere, and Sirius who is a third of the way down the steps and clinging to the bannister as if he’s going to faint. 
“Er, is this a bad time?” Remus asks, eyes darting between the three of them. He looks faintly amused. 
Sirius shouts, “Yes, this is a terrible time, actually!” 
Just as Regulus croons, “This is a wonderful time, Remus, do come in.”
The younger boy practically drags him in and Sirius’ eyes burn at the contact of their hands. James grins at Remus and brings him into a hug that is quickly reciprocated. “Hey, Moony.”
“James, good to see you,” Remus murmurs before he pulls away to stare at Sirius who still hasn’t moved from the stairs. Remus ignores the snickering from Regulus and walks towards him. “Hi, Sirius.”
Sirius feels as though he’s going to faint. God, Remus is just so pretty. He’s all caramel hair and tan skin, scars from a childhood accident crossing from his eye, over his nose and to the corner of his lip, and Sirius hasn’t seen anyone as beautiful as him. He’s tall, towering over Sirius and making him feel as though he could be devoured in one bite. Sirius would let him. He would let Remus do anything he wanted, even if it meant consuming him whole. 
“Remus,” he breathes, heart pounding as Remus offers his hand out to him and he takes it, letting Remus assist him in walking down the stairs. 
Once he’s at the bottom he has to look up to meet Remus’ eyes, crinkled and warm, and he still hasn’t let go of his hand. In fact, Remus’ thumb is caressing his hand, the touch gentle and loving. Sirius is definitely going to faint. 
“Something you wanted to tell me, sweetheart?” Remus asks quietly, but it doesn’t matter because Regulus still hears it and fails to smother his laughter. 
Before James realises what he’s doing, he’s bringing one hand up to cup the boy’s nape and the other presses firmly against his mouth, cutting any sounds off and muffling them under his large palm. Regulus’ eyes flash with promise and danger, and James feels it dance along his skin like lightning. He doesn’t say anything as they continue to stare at each other, but it’s okay because now Remus and Sirius can continue without Regulus teasing them. 
“Not here,” Sirius sends a glare towards Regulus, who is paying him no mind now that James has his hands on him. “Do you want to go to the garden? Your flowers we planted are blooming. We can talk there.”
Intertwining their fingers, Remus nods with a smile. “I would love to.”
The two of them make their way towards the garden, but Sirius turns back at the last second, looking at James and Regulus who are still staring at one another. “James? You okay, mate?”
Snapping out of the haze, James flies away from Regulus as though he’s been bitten. He has to look at his hand to check that Regulus didn’t actually nip him. The boy sends that infuriatingly hot smirk his way, like he knows every dirty thing that James has ever thought about him, and James can feel himself beginning to sweat. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” James responds, voice abnormally high pitched. “Think I’m going to go and play video games in your room.”
“Alright, mate! Have fun,” Sirius chirps before he’s dragging a sappy looking Remus along with him. 
The silence in the foyer is so loaded that James thinks he could fire a gun with it. He’s instantly brought back to half an hour ago when he was in the bathroom, steam clouding his judgement and Regulus leaning back against the wall, water dripping down his lithe body looking like the figment of James’ wildest dreams and worst intentions. 
It’s clear to him now, he wants to do the dirtiest, most filthy things to Regulus. 
It’s also clear that he can’t do them without possibly ruining his friendship with Sirius, so he nods once to Regulus and attempts to make his way back upstairs. Regulus’ voice stops him like a siren’s call, and James is but a lowly sailor lost at sea and begging for a miracle. “Wouldn’t you rather play with me, James?”
It’s all he can do not to groan aloud. “Regulus,” he strains, voice tight.
“It’s okay,” Regulus purrs, stalking forward like a predator until his front is up against James’ back. The older boy sucks in a sharp breath. “I know you want to, James. Just let go. Give in to me.”
The thought is so tempting. All James wants to do is turn around and press his lips to Regulus’ in a smouldering kiss. He wants to walk him backwards until he’s shoving Regulus harshly into a wall, licking his way into the boy’s mouth and pressing a thigh against his crotch. 
James whines at the thought, and he can’t even bring himself to be embarrassed at the sound when he feels Regulus smirk against his neck. He gasps when Regulus’ lips brush the sensitive skin of his neck, “Regulus.”
“I know you want me, James,” Regulus taunts, his naughty fingers brushing against James’ hips. “Turn around. You can have me.”
It’s the press of his soft lips against his neck that forcibly pulls James from the moment, eyes snapping open so quickly that he doesn't recall ever closing them. He practically jumps away from Regulus, the laughter that bubbles from his throat sounding more hysterical and breathless by the second.
He doesn’t turn around as he shouts, “Have to go! Great to see you again, Reg!”
James makes it two floors up in record speed, diving into Sirius’ double bed and groaning loudly. He ignores the aching problem in his trousers and tries to think of anything else. It’s a while before he can bring himself to unbury himself from the pillows of Sirius’ bed and actually play a game like he said. 
All he can think about is that he would much rather be playing with Regulus and how he won’t allow himself to. 
It’s the middle of the night, sometime past one o’clock, and James is wide awake.
After he’d spent most of the day playing video games alone, Sirius and Remus had entered his bedroom with matching grins and shiny red lips. James took one look at them before he lept up from the bean bag and pulled them both into a tight hug. He took great pleasure in telling both of them that he knew their feelings were reciprocated and that sitting watching them both pine was beyond painful, but that he’s happy they’re together now. 
Sirius looked incredibly put off that James had kept the secret from him, because they don’t do secrets, which in turn made James feel guilty because he was keeping his secret desires for his brother from him. James tries to reason with himself that he’s keeping it from him for his own good. After all, it isn’t like James is going to act on his feelings, so it’s never going to come to light. James is going to die with this secret. 
Remus looked pleased at the news that James had kept his secret, and James had pouted at him because really, Moony? Do you have such little faith in me? Remus had rolled his eyes and pulled James into his side. 
They spent the rest of the day talking about everything and anything, as they so usually do, but this time it was more geared towards Sirius and Remus and their endless yearning for one another. They played video games and spoke of the literature Remus was currently reading that James took an interest in. He'd recently read Pride and Prejudice and loved it, so Remus was giving him more recommendations every day. 
Once their conversation featured more yawning than words, Sirius had dragged the two of them into his bed and snuggled up facing Remus, pulling James close behind him and sighing in content when both boys wrapped their arms around his middle. Remus rolled his eyes at him before getting comfortable, a small yet happy smile on his face. James had snuggled right in, comforted by the familiar smell of Sirius’ shampoo and Remus’ cologne. 
He thought he’d sleep through the night soundly, but he was wrong. 
So now he lies awake on his back, staring at the ceiling because if he doesn’t then he’ll end up staring at the way Remus and Sirius are curled perfectly into one another like puzzle pieces. At some point, Sirius had turned around and Remus had pulled him tightly into the curve of his body, his face burying into Sirius’ neck almost possessively. 
James hadn’t felt like he was particularly welcome after that. 
He sighs dramatically, very happy for his friends but unable to stop the loneliness from creeping in. Fidgeting, he tries to get comfortable but ultimately he knows that it’s going to take a while for him to fall asleep again, if he ever will. Once he’s had enough of pretending to sleep, James carefully lifts the blanket from his body and sneaks out of the bed, cautious not to wake his two friends up in the process. 
He shuffles from the bed, careful not to stand on the floorboards that squeak or trip over the bean bags he knows they didn’t tidy up. Having been to Sirius’ house since he moved in years ago, treating it as his second home, James knows all the spots in the house that make noises, like the spot just in front of Sirius’ bedroom door, the fifth and eighth step in the staircase up to Regulus’ floor, and the three in a row on the staircase down to the kitchen. James hops over those but miscalculates due to his tiredness and accidentally steps on the third one. 
He winces as he pauses, waiting to hear the telltale sign that someone has woken up, and breathes a sigh of relief when he doesn’t hear anything. The house is still slumbering, as James wishes he was, which he’s thankful for because little Dora is a nightmare when she gets woken up. James completely understands because he, too, gets incredibly grumpy if he’s woken up randomly in the night. Sirius jokes that it’s the only time he isn’t a ray of sunshine. 
Manoeuvring his way quietly down the rest of the stairs, James pads into the kitchen and goes about getting himself a glass of water. He thinks he could find his way around this kitchen even if he was drunk, blindfolded and under some temporary spell of amnesia. 
Leaning against the counter, James admires the way the moon shines in through the windows. It’s full, James having to squint to make sure it is actually a full moon, and it looks ethereal sitting in the dark blue of the midnight sky. Looking up at it, James wonders if the moon ever gets lonely hanging in the sky by itself and he can’t help but feel like the moon sometimes. It’s surrounded by glistening stars and yet it is still alone, shining brightly. James wonders if it has a favourite star.
James sure does. 
A creak that sounds very similar to the one James caused on the stairs earlier interrupts his train of thought. He waits with bated breath to see who he’s going to have to have an awkward midnight conversation with and prays it isn’t Remus or Sirius, because he doesn’t know how to tell them that sharing a bed with them makes him feel lonely. 
He’s saved from that conversation when his favourite star walks through the archway. 
Regulus is as beautiful at night as he is in the day, only now he’s softened by sleep and looking deliciously rumpled. His pale skin gleams in the moonlight making him look like his namesake and James just wants to bask in his glow for the rest of his life.
He’s wearing the smallest shorts known to man, so little as they ride up his creamy thighs that James thinks they look more like underwear. Perhaps they are, but James’ brain has melted from his head and he’s now trying to operate without one. All he can manage to do is stare at Regulus unblinkingly. The boy still hasn’t noticed James as he shuffles in the kitchen, one hand combing through his dark hair, which gives the older boy more time to ogle.  
Besides the tiny shorts, Regulus is wearing a dark green crop top, a colour that too closely resembles his bath towel and James feels his face heat at the memory. His perfectly toned stomach is on display, showcasing his lithe figure and James is so tempted to give in to his desires and mark that skin. He wants to see the indents from his teeth littered all over that body.
But James is a gentleman and a good friend. He will not maul Regulus. He will not even entertain the idea. 
His luck runs out when he takes a rather large gulp of water and Regulus’ eyes snap to him immediately. He doesn’t do anything for a second, other than halt in his tracks with groggy eyes, but then he’s moving towards James with the determination of a snake waiting to strike. James knows that these animals have the patience to wait it out until the very best moment and he has no doubt that Regulus is willing to do just that. 
Eyes shining with promise and pleasure, Regulus stops a few feet in front of James. “Fancy seeing you here.”
James raises an eyebrow, looking more confident than he feels. “We’re in your house. It’s not really much of a surprise, is it?”
Humming, Regulus makes his way to the fridge to pour himself a glass of milk. Setting the carton down on the counter, he reaches up to grab a glass from the cabinet. James watches the way his cropped top rises even more, the hint of a pink nipple teasing him and he places the glass of water down before he does something stupid like drop it. 
He pours the milk into the glass, places the carton back in the fridge and then leans back against the counter, looking at James intensely. They’re further apart now, but the atmosphere in the kitchen is so delicate, so loaded that James feels like they’re trapped in a box together. He can smell Regulus from where he leans against the sink. He smells like seduction and ruin.
“I just assumed you’d be fast asleep with your boyfriend and his boyfriend.”
James rolls his eyes. “Sirius is not my boyfriend.”
Raising the glass of milk to his lips, Regulus shrugs. “Could have fooled me with all that kissing I heard earlier.”
“Are you jealous, Regulus?” James prods, knowing it’s likely to stir up something he can’t entertain but unable to stop himself. Maybe it’s because they’re here together in the dead of night under a full moon that James feels as though he might give into the insanity calling his name. 
When he lowers the glass there’s a little drop of milk sitting in the corner of his lips and James thinks he’s going to go crazy if he doesn’t lick it right now. Regulus places the glass down on the counter and stalks over to James very slowly, slinky and sensual like a cat. “You know I am, James.”
James feels his breathing quicken as Regulus doesn’t stop until he’s face to face with him, nose to nose like Regulus doesn’t realise how badly he’s affecting him right now. Or maybe he does and he doesn’t care. Maybe this is what he wanted all along. 
Regulus places his hands either side of James, effectively caging him in and ceasing any escape that James may attempt to make. He whispers into the quiet, tension filled space between them, James’ shaky breathing the only sound other than his voice. “Maybe now you won’t run away from me, baby.”
“Regulus,” James breathes, bumping his nose against Regulus’ as the younger boy toys with him, bringing his face closer to James’ as though he’s going to kiss him and then pulling away again. “We can’t do this.”
Smirking at the already worked up state, Regulus stares into James’ hooded brown eyes. “We can. Just let go, James. I know you want this. Why not just give in?”
Speaking hushedly, James’ eyes flutter against his will, breathless at the intensity of the silver eyes staring him down. “I can’t. Sirius would never forgive me.”
Regulus groans quietly, hands flexing where they’re gripping the counter. “Sirius has nothing to do with this.”
“You’re his brother, Regulus. And I’m his best friend. I’m not meant to feel what I do for his younger brother.”
“And what is it that you feel, James?” Regulus asks, one hand sneaking along the counter to rest at James’ hip. “Tell me, what do you feel for me? Is it platonic?” James whines softly and shakes his head. Regulus continues, “Tell me, James. Tell me what you want.”
“I want to ruin you,” James breathes passionately, his already weak resolve crumbling pathetically. “I feel like every time I’m near you I’m going to go insane because all I want to do is reach out and kiss you. I want to consume you whole. I want to do every wicked, filthy thing I’ve ever thought about and let you do even worse to me. When I saw you in the bathroom I wanted nothing more than to join you in that shower and fuck you against the wall. Regulus, I dream of you and nothing else.”
Regulus’ breath hitches and he fails to stifle the moan that threatens to leave his throat at the dirty words James says to him. He can’t help the way his hips stutter forward and press into James’, their bodies aligned against the counter top. “Fuck, James. I want that too. I want it all.”
“But that’s not all,” James gasps at the feeling of hardness that rocks into his own. “I want to stay up talking to you about everything and nothing. I want to sleep in your bed and pull you into my arms as we fall asleep. I want you to explain the essay you’re writing for your literature degree and all the books you love. I want to impress you with my knowledge of Pride and Prejudice so much that you kiss me. I want to go on walks with you, have picnics and lick every insult from your lips as you berate me for being sappy and idiotic. I want you to be mine not just for the night but forever.”
“James,” Regulus responds before he’s crashing his lips to James’, moaning in delight as the older boy responds instantly, his hands coming up to cup Regulus’ jaw. He mumbles into James’ mouth, “You fucking idiot, I’ve been in love with you since I was fifteen.”
(part two?)
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serenhoshi · 2 years
𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
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I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while! I was working for my finals, and now that I’m done I can post again! 
Here is the beginning of the “Ateez as your boyfriend” series, I haven’t done all the members of seventeen yet, but I’m working on it as well, it’ll come very soon!
So, Kim Hongjoong!
based on his mbti, the man is a lover of love
he is a hopeless romantic, and has a crush 24/7
he loves having a crush, daydreaming a bit about the person that attracted him
it kind of frees him from his busy everyday life
it inspires him for some of his lyrics as well?? (like i know ateez songs are about rebellion and stuff but i’m sure that this man right here has many romantic and cheesy songs about his ex-lover(s) or/and crushes)
anyways, so as I said, he has a crush on basically anyone
he never truly expects anything, like no relationship whatsoever, he really just enjoys the feeling of liking someone
so when he has a crush one you, he doesn’t expect much from it
maybe he saw you at a museum or in a shop or whatever
and he double-checked you like “oh- oh, they look great” (in his head ofc)
and maybe he liked your vibe, your outfit, whatever
he ended up giving you quick looks during your whole visit (if it’s a museum), like a shy kid
he knows he won’t see you again anyway because of his work, and [insert city name] is a big city, so he makes sure he memorizes you well
it really sounds weird but like
he WILL write about you, so he needs to remember details to talk about in his lyrics
As soon as he got home, he started writing his song, it was very quick lmao
so when he was done, he was satisfied and could go back to his work
until he saw you again, at the agency
his eyes opened wide and his jaw almost fell to the floor
he was clearly confused so he played it cool and ignored you as if he never knew you in the first place
like “damn, that not how it always goes”
but turns out you had to work together, because you were in charge of the production of some music videos, so you had to meet with the members to talk about the aesthetic and the mood of the songs, and what to tell in the video
the members quickly saw that hongjoong was acting weirdly around you
like during a meeting, anytime you looked at him he would look away from you, anytime he spoke up his ears would turn red because he knew you were watching him
so they mocked him lmao
and he threatened them back
but they’re ateez, they don’t really care, so they continued
until it got to you
you heard the members being like “hongjoong-hyung have you seen y/n’s haircut today? oh i’m sure you have right?”
“remember when he drew them?? in a cartoon-ish way, it looked cute tho”
“yeah, i want you to draw me too!- why not? is it because they’re your crush and i’m not??”
you were very confused and curious at the same time
so one time your curiosity took over, and you called hongjoong after a meeting with the members (ofc they mocked him when they heard you call him lmao)
you blutly asked if there was someting going on, because you heard stuff from the members, and you needed to know if you had done something wrong, or is they were mocking you for something. not even once considering he could actually like you
he would giggle shyly, hiding his face with his hand
and then he was fully honest with you
he said in a suprisingly confident way, that he hoped something would develop between the two of you, because he really appreciates you
and he asked you on a date btw
i know right
he couldn’t believe it either
the date went very well, you went to the cinema and then ate at the convenience store bcs you were hungry
it was very fun! and both of you started to get attached to each other
you got close very fast, you saw each other a lot at dates, your appartment, or his recording studio
you would just mess around a lot, laugh, eat, sleep, whatever
at some point he just HAD to tell you how much he loved you
you were both in his studio, you had drank a bit, hongjoong more than you, to give himself a bit of courage
he played the song he made after meeting you for the first time
the silence was pressuring to him, while you listened attentively to the song
then you looked at him, confused at what it meant (not really understanding that it was about you)
so he told you
his confession was a bit clumsy, he wanted to do well but he was too stressed, so stressed that he stuttered a lot
but it was also very sincere, his eyes did not leave you, the light reflecting in them made them look so bright and passionate that your heart started speeding up
when he finally said “i love you”, you smiled, and giggled like a child
his eyes were still on you, and you felt your ears burn and redden
you told him that you loved him too, in a quieter voice, shy to let the three words out
he smiled widely, he heard what you said, but he just had to tease you a bit
so he came closer, his face inches away from yours
“what did you say?” 
so you said it again, with a tiny pout on your lips
and he kissed you right after
Now, let’s see how the pirate king is as a boyfriend :D
i’m sure that even though he keeps showing his hate for physical touch on TV, he actually loves it
but only with you :)
when he gets home from work he comes to you and kisses you on the forehead, a hand holding your waist or caressing your back
will get grumpy if you don’t accept taking a bath with him >:(
while watching tv he either holds your hand or puts it on your thigh
same when he drives
loves spending special evenings or afternoons with you
like you both going shopping, taking pictures and enjoying the city
or discovering the new pet cafe <3
maybe an evening customizing some of your clothes, sat on the floor of the living room, with some 2000s songs playing in the back
or you dyeing his hair !
you also cook together at least 2 to 3 times a week
because you’re both bad at cooking but you want to get better
at first it was chaotic, now it’s better
having hongjoong as a boyfriend also means being a new parent for ateez
some of the members (like wooyoung and mingi) will call you mom as a joke
when they come to the appartment (randomly most of the time), you’ll have to handle them with your boyfriend, as much as you can
but hongjoong’s patience is so low you end up handling them yourself while he tries to beat up yunho in the back
hongjoong really has no patience, in your relationship its better
but he still gets angry easily
luckily, he doesn’t give you the silent treatment, he directly confronts you about what he thinks and what made him upset
very jealous, protective, and a bit possessive as well
at first it annoyed you a lot, so you told him and now he controls himself better
but he still always has a hand around your waist during social events, just so people know that you’re taken
i think that hongjoong “weak” side would be how shy he is when it comes to compliment you
he shows support through actions, he encourages anything you do in life and makes sure you know how proud he is of you
but its always hard for him to put it into words
when you’re not here he can describe you with the most loving words, and praise you as if you were a goddess (which you are for him)
but once you’re there he just giggles and smiles like a child
if you get prepared for an important event for example, and you arrive with a gorgeous outfit, beautifully done hair and all that
he’ll stop moving (maybe even breathing) for a while, his cheeks as red as cherries
and then he’ll hug you lovingly, maybe kiss you if you don’t have lipstick on 
it is very rare for him to put it into words
maybe if you get married he’ll finally praise you while you’re here, in front of him? ;)
anyways we’re done here :)
smutty part below!
I don’t think hongjoong ever had sex before you
or if he did it was with some one night stands he doesn’t remember
but still he was quite shy during your first time
he wouldn’t dare look at you at first, both because he thinks his face would go fully red, and because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable
he still touches you a lot, a bit awkwardly at first because it wasn’t the same with no clothes on anymore :’)
might stare a bit even though he tries to control himself so you don’t feel too oppressed lmao
moans a lot, he can’t stay quiet, even when you’re just making out
no matter what position you’re in, he likes having a hand in your hair, caressing it as if praising you for whatever you were both doing
he talks quite a lot too
saying how he feels, asking you questions to make sure you’re okay, it’s like he says each and every thoughts that goes in his mind
“woah,, again please”
“do you like it that way? should i go on?”
“moan again for me honey”
“you can’t keep your hands to yourself, huh?” 
ofc he has to be a tease when he feels the most confident
i feel like he’s a switch, but still more on the dominant side
like he goes sub mode when you ask him to, but the rest of the time hes dominant
prefers doing it in bed, in your shared bedroom
maybe sometimes in the living room or in the bathroom, but never out of the appartment, even for a quickie
(so making him horny outside of home is very fun to watch, because he cannot do anything on the spot, and just glares at you while hiding his bulge as much as he can)
even tho he is a dom, i think he likes it when you ride him
he loves watching you on top of him
but still orders you around with his hands on your hips, his fingers tracing on your stretch marks
overall he has a great stamina, he could go for 2 rounds easily, maybe 3 sometimes :)
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TPOF Ren Hana Heat headcannons with you as his pet!
(Coming from someone who has very little understanding on the omegaverse)
WARNINGS: NSFW, mentions of somnophilia, bondage, bodily harm, forced pregnancy, hiding medication
I WILL be incorporating these heat/rut headcanons into my TPOF Ren fanfic, Pleasure, Pain, and Power, at a later date. Not sure when it'll come out, but I'd like to do one chapter per day he's going through it :)
Technically it’s a rut, but who cares
It happens once a year in early/mid September
Lasts one week, with the first few days making him more horny than usual, but his main focus is on nesting, stocking up on food, lube, medical gear, etc. He also takes the whole week off work
He’s gonna get super clingy, and will make sure all your needs are met…for these few days
Want him to make your favorite snack? Done. When him to get you new shoes? Done. Want him to do that weird sex thing you really like but he doesn’t? Double done. He wants you happy and taken care of
Clinginess starts with him mindlessly pawing at you, and following you everywhere, but escalates to not letting you leave the nest at all
He tries to restrain himself during this time, as he knows it’s about to get bad, and wants to protect you from it as much of it as possible
He nests on the bed and brings out all of his blankets, pillows, and soft clothes. He likely has to replace all of these after his rut since they’re all going to get ripped apart
During his peak he will bite, scratch, and keep fucking you till he passes out. Many times he’ll pass out while still inside you and keep fucking you when he wakes up, or even hump at you while still asleep
All your clothes will be ripped to shreds, so you both go mostly nude for a few days
If you try to leave the nest without him, even to use the restroom, he’ll drag you back by any means necessary. He might even tie you to the bed or attach you to a leash
His peak lasts a day or two, then starts to decline. He uses this time to lick your wounds, patch you up, and assure you that he loves you
Way prefers topping/domming, but will power bottom if he needs to
Might use toys? I could see him using a fleshlight while he’s still somewhat in control, and even let you peg him on the first or last day
Breeding kink goes through the ROOF and might even try to prevent you from taking birth control if you’re on it. -hiding pills, clawing out an IUD, etc, even if you don’t actually want to get pregnant
A LOT of cockwarming, especially with his knot becoming much more prominent and more painful to take out. Again, will absolutely fall asleep after knotting you
Barely sleeps, and with much more restlessness than usual when he eventually passes out
He gets insanely hungry, and packs in as much protein and carbs as quickly as possible
His only focus is making sure you’re full of his cum, in the nest, and on your way to being pregnant. It’s the only way to ease the pain of going through his rut, poor guy!
Edit: this is getting a lil attention!! If anyone wants to write with these HCs in mind, please tag me!Purely for…science :)
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