#no one who has become my friend has ever regretted it I swear to you
emimayooo · 4 months
can everyone be my friend. I’m so fucking good at it.
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glorystark · 2 months
Empty eyes | Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Dean doesn't take Charlie's death too well and because of the Mark of Cain affecting him, he tells you things that will regret.
Warnings: moc!Dean Winchester, Dean being a dick, minor mentions of injury, swearing, ANGST, major character's death
Pairing: Dean Winchester × reader
Featuring: Sam Winchester
Word count: 2,3k
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We watched in agony as Charlie's body, wrapped around a white sheet, burned in the flames. This should never have happened to her kind soul. She died so we could save Dean. I couldn't help but feel guilty; my heart ached because I lost a friend, again. I knew Sam felt the same. We both asked Charlie for help with the Book of the Damned, and we both lied to Dean about the book being destroyed. Now it was too late to make things right. Memories flashed through my eyes, making me tear up. I remembered when she helped us with the Dick situation, or when I taught her some hunter-kind-of-tricks. How happy she was and wouldn't stop thanking me. She didn't deserve this, anyone but her.
“Charlie,” Sam started, grabbing my and probably Dean's attention. “We are gonna miss you. You're the best.” He stopped when his voice cracked, and now I was sure he felt far worse than me because looking back, he suggested not telling Dean about the Book of the Damned not being destroyed, which I didn't agree with at first. But seeing Dean, my Dean, slowly fade away right in front of my eyes changed my opinion. Maybe it was selfish, me and Sam both were. But we couldn't let Dean become something he fears, a Monster. We couldn't lose another person, another family member, but we didn't realize who we were putting in danger on this path.
“We love you, Charlie, and I'm so sorry,” I said, blinking through tears.
“Shut up,” Dean said coldly, making Sam and me look at him. “You got her killed. You don't get to apologize.” He continued.
“Dean-“ Sam started, but Dean cut him off.
“You too, you two are the reason she is dead,” he said, not taking his eyes off the flames.
“We were trying to help you,” I said, still looking at him.
“I didn't need help,” he said bitterly. "I told you to leave it alone.”
“What were we supposed to do, just watch you die?” Sam asked, not letting me be the only one receiving the cold tone from his older brother.
“The mark isn't gonna kill me.”
“Maybe not, but when it's done with you, you won't be you anymore,” I stated. “Dean, you're all we got. So of course we were gonna fight for you because that's what we do,” I said softly.
“Yeah, she's right, we had a shot-“ Sam was cut off again by Dean.
“Yeah, you had a shot. Charlie is dead.” He finally turned his head to look at me and his brother, who was standing next to me. His dark emerald eyes bore into mine, and I couldn't recognize them. Never have I ever seen him look at me with those eyes. Because no matter how much crap we went through, he always made sure I was fine, and his eyes held nothing but sweetness and, on most occasions, worry. “Nice shot.”
“Are you even listening to me? You think I'm ever gonna forgive myself for that?!” I snapped, not being able to keep my voice down anymore. He is grieving, but so am I. If I could, I would trade places with her.
“You know what I think,” he started, still with the same voice tone. “I think it should be you up there and not her.”
I felt my heart break for the hundredth time today. I parted my lips, not taking my teary eyes off him, which clearly showed how hurt I was. Sam let out a small gasp and widened his eyes after he heard Dean's words, clearly not expecting his brother to go that far.
I knew he blamed me, probably even more than Sam. But knowing that he wanted me dead hurt more than any physical torture I've experienced.
Sam called his name, still shocked after what he heard, but his brother just walked away, breaking my heart more and more.
It has been a week since I lost Charlie, since I lost my Dean. He has been searching for the Stynes ever since but has been having a bit of trouble finding their location. So meanwhile, he went on a few solo hunts. He hasn't said a word to me and to Sam, just a few like ‘buy some beers’ ‘did you find anything about the Stynes’.
He found another hunt for today and was packing his bag in his own room. We both haven't stepped in our shared room ever since the accident, which meant we weren't even sleeping on the same bed. I'm done with being ignored, so I knocked on his door and opened it without waiting for any response. He didn't even turn around, probably knowing it was me.
“Dean,” I called his name, not even knowing what I wanna talk about, but getting him to look at me was the first step. “Dean,” I called, this time louder, and when he still didn't turn around, I walked towards him and grabbed his arm. “Alright, I'm done. When will you finally stop ignoring me?!”
He looked at my hand, which was grabbing his arm, and slowly turned around, finally looking at my face. “I'm not ignoring you, I just don't want to talk to you or be near you,” he said bitterly, pulling his arm away and reaching for his door.
“Dean, you know you're not the only one who lost someone, okay? And believe me, I know it's my fault she's gone, and I'll never forgive myself for that. But, god, you're practically killing me. I miss you,” I said desperately, waiting for something in his eyes to change, waiting for him to embrace me in his strong arms, but... Nothing. His eyes didn't even hold hatred anymore, just emptiness.
“I don't know what you expect me to say, ‘I'm sorry you were so stupid’ ‘I'm sorry you got another person killed off’ ‘I'm sorry you're so fucking useless’ Huh?! Is that what you want me to say? You want me to feel sorry for you?!” he yelled, showing the anger and darkness in his eyes while he harshly slammed me to the wall, making me whimper slightly. His words cut deep into my skin, but I tried my best to ignore them, knowing this Dean wasn't really my Dean.
“I want you to understand, I want you to know that I'm sorry. I want you to tell me that we're gonna go through this like we always do,” I said softly, looking deeply into his eyes, trying to crack him.
He let out a dark chuckle and grasped my shoulders, lowering his head to be on the same height level with me. “You want me to tell you that we're gonna go through this? Well, baby, in that way, I'd be a big liar.”
“Dean, me and Sam, we are so close to saving you. Please, just don't let the mark control you,” I begged, feeling small under his touch.
“I don't want nor need you two saving me, and believe me, at this very moment, I'm trying to not let the mark control me, so don't provoke me,” he whispered against my ear, sending shivers down my spine.
"I thought you trusted me.”
“Well, that trust was destroyed when you got someone who was like a sister to me killed. Have you ever noticed how many innocent people died because you were being too stupid?” he said harshly.
"We all have made mistakes, Dean," I said, as I thought about the hunts where innocent people died, and I couldn't save them. I didn't want Dean to know how much his words were affecting me, but, god, I felt like a crumpled paper.
“Seems like that's the only thing you ever do,” he smirked, letting his eyes fall on the floor again before looking up at my eyes again. “Tell me, how does it feel knowing you don't mean anything to anybody and you're just a burden in our lives? How does it feel knowing nobody loves you?”
That's it. That was the punch line to make me break into tears.
“Y-you love me, you said that before.”
“You know I lie to get laid,” he said, smirking, proud of his response.
My heart was racing more and more, and I felt nauseous.
“Dean, please-“
“You're nothing, do you hear me? Nothing!” he grabbed my cheeks harshly. “Your existence doesn't matter. You.don't.matter.” he said, spitting the words out before letting me go. He took his bag and walked out of the room, not even glancing at me. I slid down the wall as I started sobbing silently.
Then I heard a buzz from my phone.
New message from Sammy:
“Y/N, Dean just said he found a hunt, probably three to four werewolves, and he told me to go with him. I was really surprised but didn't question him. I think he's getting better. I'll also talk to him on the road. Next time, he'll definitely ask you too, just like old times. Don't stay up and don't worry; we got this :) love you.”
He asked Sam to go, but not me. If he hadn't told me that he hated me a few minutes ago, I'd think he was worried. But if it was really 3 or 4 werewolves, there's nothing to be worried about. He just wants to stay away from me. He told me I was a burden to them; he'll probably throw me out of the bunker soon.
Dark thoughts ran through my mind, and suddenly a rush of anxiety ran through me. What if there were more than a few werewolves? What if they get hurt? What if Dean hates me even more?
I checked Sam's message again and saw that he sent me the address of where the werewolves' location is and where the hunt would probably take place. I quickly rushed to my room, grabbed my car keys, and went to drive to the location.
I was hiding behind some of the trees in the forest, watching as each of the boys fought one werewolf, two already dead ones on the floor.
Everything seemed good so far; I mean, their guns were on the floor, but they were fighting each werewolf single handed and there was no need for me to make my presence known. The boys were winning as always. And that's when I realized they don't really need me in their life. I knew the words that came out of Dean's mouth tonight weren't really Dean's, my Dean. But he was somehow right; before I became the hunter I am today, I made many mistakes. Some were small, and some led to people getting hurt or even killed. I also put their lives in danger multiple times because I was being reckless. Finding the demons that killed my parents blinded my vision. I was ready to get back to the bunker when I saw both of the werewolves giving up until I noticed something.
A werewolf close to Sam's back, and it seemed like none of the brothers noticed him. I searched for my gun but remembered I forgot it in the backseat of my car. I cursed under my breath and did the only thing possible right now to save Sam. I couldn't let Dean lose another person, especially his brother, who I knew meant the world to him. I couldn't put him through something like that again when there's a chance to save the younger Winchester.
So I ran towards Sam, trying my best to not slip because of the woods on the floor. The Werewolf was close, and nobody noticed him. I'm not the only stupid one after all. The boys turned their heads to me for a slight second, surprised at my presence, but didn't stop fighting the other werewolves.
Until I pushed Sam away from the werewolf he was fighting onto the floor. He seemed confused at first, until he saw it. I assumed Dean did too but couldn't be too sure since he was behind me. I let out an agonizing scream when the werewolf grazed his claws into my stomach and the other one, which Sam was fighting before, grazed his claws into my back before my lifeless body fell on the floor. Dean didn't hesitate more seconds before getting his gun from the floor and shooting all the werewolves.
I was bleeding like a waterfall from my body and my mouth. But the good thing is-
I didn't feel any pain, or anything in that matter…
Dean Winchester’s Pov:
No no no.
This can't be happening.
It's all a nightmare, just another stupid nightmare.
I heard Sam's crying voice telling the love of my life, his best friend, to wake up, holding her torn apart body in his arms, asking her why she pushed him away. But there was no answer.
It's a nightmare happening in real life.
Her beautiful y/e/c are open but so empty, unrecognizable.
I stood over her body, not being able to move from my spot.
There is so much blood everywhere.
Her blood.
This is hell.
No, I’ve been to hell and it's worse than hell.
I started tearing up more and more, reality hitting me more every second.
I let out an angry scream and fell on my knees when I remembered my last words to her.
“You're nothing, do you hear me? Nothing! Your existence doesn't matter. You.don't.matter.”
She wasn't nothing, she was my everything.
She mattered, she was the reason I kept going, now she's gone and it's all my fault.
All my fault.
All of the words I said came back to me, making my chest hurt.
As I knelt beside her lifeless body, surrounded by the aftermath of our shattered world, I whisper into the silent abyss, "I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm so sorry."
And deep down I felt the Mark laughing…
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rafesapologist · 5 months
the set up — rafe cameron; part twenty two
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summary: you've been one of the pogues since childhood, and your loyalty has always lied within your friend group, who is practically your family. when a threat by the name of rafe cameron begins to threaten the pogue's plans, they assign you to gain the trust of the dubious kook and keep an eye on what he's up to. however, now it's been six months since your friends set you up to spy on the kook prince himself, but what you didn't anticipate was to fall head over heels for the boy. your relationship had soon become inviolable shortly after your guys' first exchanges, much to your friends' dismay, and you two became practically inseperable. that was, until rafe discovers the truth.
warnings: angst, swearing, fighting
author's note: cue silver springs by fleetwood mac
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Rafe's voice breaks through the haze of your tears. The mixture of surprise and pain tightens your chest as you look up to see him standing there, concern etched across his face.
For a moment, neither of you say anything. The weight of the past, the hurtful comments, and the unexpected encounter at the restaurant hangs in the air. Rafe takes a hesitant step closer, his eyes searching yours for any sign of what you're feeling. The silence stretches between you until he finally speaks, his voice gentle, "Are you okay?"
Your laughter is bitter, laced with the pain you've been trying to bury. "Why does it matter to you?" you retort, the words escaping your lips sharper than intended. The question hangs in the air, heavy with the weight of unspoken emotions.
Rafe's initial surprise is replaced by a somber expression as he responds, "I was just worried. What Topper said was harsh, and I didn't want you to be alone after that." His words carry a hint of remorse, as if he regrets the pain caused by the cruel banter at the table.
You meet Rafe's gaze, a mix of frustration and hurt in your eyes. "There's nothing Topper said that wasn't true, Rafe. I don't need your pity," you reply, your voice edged with bitterness.
He sighs, "You're still as stubborn as ever, Y/N." Rafe runs a hand through his buzzcut, his gaze heavy with regret. "Look, I'm not here to pity you. I just… I couldn't stand hearing that shit back there. You don't deserve that."
Your voice wavers as you admit, "This is all my fault, Rafe. Everything that happened, it's because of me." You hesitate, struggling to find the right words to explain the tangled mess of emotions within you.
Rafe's eyes soften as he takes a seat beside you on the cold pavement. "Y/N, it's not all on you. We both made mistakes." His voice is gentle, carrying the weight of shared history and pain.
A dry laugh escapes your lips as you shake your head. "We should've never been together, Rafe. It was a disaster waiting to happen." The weight of your own words hangs in the air, and you feel a mixture of bitterness and regret.
Rafe winces, the impact of your words hitting him like a sudden blow. His expression transforms into one of genuine sadness, and his eyes reflect the pain he feels. It's as if each word you uttered dug a little deeper, reopening wounds he thought were healing. His gaze, once hopeful, now reflects a mixture of pain and longing, as if he's grappling with the harsh reality of the situation. The sadness in his eyes is palpable, a silent plea for understanding, forgiveness, or perhaps just a glimmer of the connection you once shared.
Rafe's voice carries a gentle sincerity as he responds, "I don't regret being with you, Y/N. It was the most alive I've ever felt." His words hang in the air, laced with a vulnerability that echoes the depth of his emotions. The sincerity in his voice reflects a raw honesty, baring a glimpse into the profound impact your relationship had on him. Despite the hardships, his admission seems to convey a genuine appreciation for the moments you shared, no matter how fleeting or tumultuous they may have been.
Tears glisten in your eyes as you confess with a trembling lip, "You're the only person I've ever been in love with, Rafe." The weight of your words hangs heavy in the air, each syllable carrying the magnitude of your emotions. In that vulnerable moment, you lay bare your heart, expressing a depth of feeling that transcends the pain and turmoil that has defined your recent history. The admission is both a testament to the intensity of your connection with Rafe and a painful acknowledgment of the fractures that have now severed that bond.
Rafe's eyes flicker between your lips and eyes, his expression a mixture of longing and contemplation. The weight of your words hangs in the air, and for a moment, silence envelops you both. Finally, Rafe breaks the quiet with a raw admission, "I still think you were the love of my life, Y/N." His words carry a heaviness, echoing the profound impact you've had on his heart. The vulnerability in his gaze reveals the depth of his emotions, laying bare the scars left by your shared history.
Your voice trembles with vulnerability as you question Rafe, "Why didn't you call?" The ache of unanswered questions and lingering emotions permeates the air, and your eyes search his for an explanation, seeking closure in the midst of the pain.
"I... I felt like I had to let you go," he confesses, his gaze fixed on some distant point. "You wanted a lifestyle that I couldn't give you. I thought I was doing what was best for you, even if it hurt like hell."
You scoff, a mixture of anger and hurt in your voice. "So, what? You just decided I wasn't worth it? That I couldn't handle your world, your problems? Is that what you thought of me, Rafe?"
Rafe's jaw tightens, and he sighs. "No, Y/n, it's not like that. I thought I was doing the right thing for you. I didn't want you to get caught up in the mess I was in."
"You think leaving me alone made me happy, Rafe?" you retort, pulling away from the hug, wiping away your tears. "I needed you, not some grand gesture of 'figuring things out.' You abandoned me, and now you're telling me it's because you thought it would make me happy? That's just a messed-up excuse."
Rafe looks down, unable to meet your gaze. "I know I messed up. I should have communicated better, but I was dealing with my own demons. I thought I was doing what was best for you."
"You don't get to decide what's best for me, Rafe," you say, your voice quivering with a mix of anger and hurt. "And you certainly don't get to come back now acting like you're the hero trying to save the day. It's too late."
Rafe takes a deep breath, his shoulders slumping with the weight of the conversation. "You're right, Y/n. We both messed up, and we were on a destructive path. Maybe we needed this time apart to heal, or else we would've kept hurting each other."
You nod, acknowledging his words but not ready to fully accept them. The wounds are still fresh, and the pain runs deep. "Maybe," you say, your voice softer. "But that doesn't change what happened, Rafe. We can't go back and undo the past."
Your voice trembles as you ask, "Is she the one, then?"
Rafe's eyes search yours, and for a moment, you see a flicker of hesitation. "Sofia… she's different. It's not that simple, Y/n."
Your heart sinks, and you avert your gaze, focusing on the distant waves crashing against the shore nearby. "Different how?"
He takes a moment before responding, choosing his words carefully. "She's been there for me, Y/N. After everything fell apart, after I.. left, she was there. I wasn't in a good place, and she helped me get through some tough times."
The words sting, and you clench your fists, trying to contain the flood of emotions. "So, she's the one now," you state, more as a realization than a question.
Rafe looks torn, conflicted by the complexity of the situation. "I don't know, Y/N. I care about her, but it's not that simple to replace what we had."
The pain is palpable, and you fight back tears. "I see," is all you manage to say, your voice barely above a whisper. The weight of the revelation hangs heavy in the air, and the silence between you stretches on, mirroring the vast expanse of the darkening parking lot.
You wipe your tears with the back of your hand, a mixture of frustration and sadness evident in your eyes. With a deep breath, you manage to steady yourself, brushing off the gravel from your clothes. Looking down at Rafe, you speak, your voice strained, "I'll leave you alone. It's clear you've moved on."
Rafe watches you rise to your feet, a pained expression on his face. "Y/n, it's not that simple. It's complicated, and—"
Cutting him off, you shake your head, not wanting to hear any more explanations. "Save it, Rafe. I can't keep doing this to myself. Do you have any idea how much pain I've been through since you left? I waited for months, hoping against hope that you'd call. But here I am, finding out that you've been busy with somebody else all this time."
Rafe scoffs, his expression a mixture of shock and hurt. He shakes his head, as if trying to dispel the weight of your words. "You think I haven't been hurting?" he retorts, his voice laced with frustration. "This decision wasn't easy for me either, especially after I found out what you did with JJ. I had to live with that."
Anger and hurt surge through you like a storm, and without thinking, you walk up to Rafe. Fueled by a mix of emotions, you shove him, your hands colliding with his chest. "Go to hell, Rafe!" you spit out, your voice a mixture of anger, betrayal, and a touch of lingering pain. The push is both a physical and emotional release, a manifestation of the pent-up frustration and heartache that have consumed you for months. The tears in your eyes threaten to spill over as you turn away, not wanting to witness the aftermath of your outburst.
The doors swing shut behind you, muffling the distant sounds of the restaurant. The cool evening air greets your flushed face as you storm off into the kitchen, leaving behind the remnants of a shattered encounter with Rafe. With swift, determined movements, you rip off your waist apron, the fabric protesting with each forceful tug, and hurl it to the ground.
The metallic clatter echoes in the confines of the kitchen, a sharp punctuation to the emotional turmoil brewing within. The kitchen staff casts furtive glances in your direction, sensing the storm of emotions you carry. As you reach for your tote bag, hands trembling, a bitter taste of tears lingers in your mouth.
Each item you retrieve from your bag feels like a lifeline, a small attempt to regain control in the midst of chaos. The rhythmic thud of your heart matches the intensity of the moment, a stark contrast to the bustling energy of the restaurant beyond those swinging doors.
With your belongings in hand, you take a moment to compose yourself. The cool tiles beneath your feet offer a fleeting sense of grounding, a brief sanctuary before reentering the outside world. The air seems charged with the residual tension of the encounter, a palpable reminder of the fractures that now mar the once-shared history.
The doors open before you, revealing the fading sunlight of the evening. As you step out, the weight of recent emotions clings to you like an invisible cloak. The discarded apron remains on the kitchen floor, a symbolic release from a life that once felt whole. The echoes of your footsteps resonate in tandem with the echoes of a fractured heart.
Rafe remains seated at the table, his posture a carefully crafted facade of nonchalance. He keeps his eyes fixed on the remnants of a meal that now feels like a distant memory, each bite a bitter reminder of the emotional turbulence that unfolded. The subtle clinks of cutlery against plates provide a rhythmic backdrop, a stark contrast to the chaos within.
His friends continue their chatter, oblivious to the storm raging within Rafe. He steals a furtive glance toward the kitchen doors, heart sinking at the realization of the pain he inadvertently caused. The sight of you storming out, shoulders heavy with the weight of unspoken words, lingers in his mind.
An uneasy tension settles in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the fractures in relationships that were once unbreakable. Rafe clutches his drink, the condensation from the glass doing little to quell the warmth spreading through his veins. A pang of regret tightens his chest as he grapples with the aftermath of the encounter.
The night unfolds around him, the ambient noise of the restaurant morphing into a distant hum. Rafe feigns engagement in the conversation, a masterful act to conceal the turmoil beneath the surface. Yet, with each passing moment, the weight of what transpired grows heavier, casting a shadow over the once carefree gathering.
As the evening wears on, Rafe wrestles with the internal conflict, his gaze occasionally drifting toward the kitchen doors, half-expecting you to reappear. The air is thick with the unspoken, a lingering tension that refuses to dissipate. In the midst of the restaurant's buzz, Rafe grapples with the consequences of his choices, uncertain of how to navigate the fractured landscape he finds himself in.
The screams echoed in the confined space of your room, a cathartic release for the overwhelming emotions tearing at your insides. Clothes flew haphazardly, a chaotic dance of fabric and frustration. The once neatly organized closet transformed into a disarray of colors and textures, mirroring the chaos within your heart.
Each discarded garment seemed to carry memories, both beautiful and painful. The pile grew as you continued, an unintentional metaphor for the wreckage left in the wake of shattered love. The room bore witness to your unraveling, the air thick with the weight of unspoken words and unshed tears.
The act of tearing through your wardrobe became a physical manifestation of the emotional turmoil. Each discarded piece carried a story – a date night, a shared laugh, a stolen kiss – and with each memory, the pain deepened. The room bore witness to your silent battle, the walls absorbing the echoes of your distress.
As the last piece was added to the growing pile, you sank to the floor, surrounded by the remnants of a life that once felt whole. The room held a solemn stillness, interrupted only by the occasional hiccup of a sob. The disarray mirrored the storm raging within, a tangible representation of a heart in ruins.
Alone in the midst of the wreckage, you clutched at the fabric of a discarded shirt, the material soft against your trembling fingers. The room held the residue of your anguish, a silent witness to the unraveling of a love story.
You were sitting on the edge of your bed, surrounded by the remnants of your emotions scattered across the room. The pain in your chest was suffocating, and the thought of facing Rafe again felt unbearable. As the realization of your turmoil hit, you began to frantically pull your clothes out of the closet, creating a chaotic pile on the floor.
JJ's voice cut through the tumult as he knocked on the door, calling out your name. The concern in his tone made your heart ache even more. Swallowing hard, you wiped away a stray tear and mustered the strength to respond.
"I want to leave the cut, JJ," you admitted, your voice shaky and choked with emotion.
The door creaked open, and JJ stepped into the room. His eyes widened at the sight of your disarrayed belongings and the distress etched across your face. He moved closer, his hand gently resting on your shoulder.
"Leave the cut? Y/n, what do you mean?" JJ's words held a mix of surprise and worry.
You took a trembling breath, attempting to articulate the overwhelming emotions. "I… I can't stay here, JJ. Everything's falling apart, and I can't bear to be around it anymore."
JJ's grip on your shoulder tightened, and he tried to reassure you. "Hey, hey, listen. Leaving the cut isn't the answer. We'll figure this out, okay? You're not alone in this."
Your head shook in despair as fresh tears spilled down your cheeks. "I can't face Rafe, JJ. Not after everything that happened today. It's too much."
JJ sighed, his thumb gently wiping away a tear from your cheek. "You don't have to face it alone, Y/n. We're a team, remember? Let me help you."
Through tear-streaked eyes, you confided in JJ about the pain that seemed to resurface with a vengeance. "I thought I'd be healed by now, JJ. I really did. But seeing Rafe again… it's like everything I felt the day he left came rushing back. I can't escape it, and I can't keep pretending like I'm okay."
JJ's expression softened as he listened, understanding the depth of your struggle. He pulled you into a comforting embrace, offering silent support. "Y/n, healing isn't always linear. It's okay to feel this way, and it's okay to take the time you need. You're not alone in this, and you don't have to carry the weight by yourself."
You rested against JJ, allowing his presence to provide a momentary reprieve from the storm of emotions raging within you. The road to healing was proving to be more challenging than you anticipated, but JJ's unwavering support offered a glimmer of hope in the darkness that surrounded you.
Tears streamed down your face as your head rested on JJ's shoulder. The weight of the pain, the memories, and the recent encounter with Rafe seemed almost unbearable. JJ held you close, offering a silent understanding that went beyond words. In that moment, the vulnerability you shared created a bond, a lifeline in the storm of emotions that threatened to engulf you. Together, in the embrace of a friend, you allowed the tears to flow, releasing some of the pent-up anguish that had been haunting you.
Rafe pushed through the restaurant doors, the cool evening air hitting his face. His mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions – the encounter with you, the revelation of your pain, and the weight of his own regrets.
As he stepped onto the sidewalk, Sofia's voice reached him, calling out his name. He paused, glancing over his shoulder to find her catching up. Her expression was a mix of curiosity and concern.
"Hey, where are you going in such a hurry?" Sofia asked, her tone light but probing.
Rafe's jaw clenched, and he ran a hand through his hair. "Just need some air. I'll catch up with you later."
Sofia's eyes narrowed slightly, sensing that something was amiss. "Is everything okay? You seem off."
He sighed, attempting a reassuring smile. "It's nothing, really. Just some stuff on my mind. Don't worry about it."
She studied him for a moment, then reluctantly nodded. "Alright, but don't disappear on me, okay? We're supposed to be having a good time."
Rafe managed a nod before turning away, distancing himself from the chaos of the restaurant and the complexities that lingered within. Sofia watched him go, a flicker of concern in her eyes, but Rafe's focus was elsewhere – on the tumultuous emotions echoing in his chest and the haunting memories of the past.
As he walked into the night, he couldn't shake the image of your tear-streaked face from his mind. The pain etched in your eyes cut through him, a stark reminder of the consequences of choices made and the irreversible damage inflicted. Unbeknownst to both Rafe and you, the threads of fate continued to weave intricate patterns, bringing forth challenges, revelations, and the potential for healing.
In the quiet solitude of the night, Rafe found himself wandering aimlessly through the dimly lit streets. Each step felt heavy with the weight of the past, the memories of his time with you, and the recent revelation of your lingering pain. The distant hum of the ocean and the cool breeze offered little solace as he grappled with the turmoil within.
Lost in thought, Rafe's mind replayed the moments of your encounter at the restaurant. The pain in your eyes had struck a chord deep within him, resurrecting emotions he thought he had buried. He couldn't shake the haunting images of you in tears, the hurt evident in every line of your face.
As he walked, Rafe's footsteps led him to a familiar place – the beach. The rhythmic sound of crashing waves greeted him as he approached the shoreline. The moon cast a gentle glow on the water, creating a serene backdrop that contradicted the storm raging within him.
Rafe sank onto the sand, his hands digging into the cool grains beneath him. The weight of regret settled on his shoulders, the reality of the choices he'd made sinking in. The pain in your eyes, the words left unspoken – it all echoed in the stillness of the night.
The sound of footsteps approached from behind, and Rafe turned to find Topper and Kelce walking toward him. They exchanged glances, noting the troubled expression on Rafe's face.
Topper nudged him playfully. "Hey, man, what's eating you? You look like you've seen a ghost."
Rafe forced a half-hearted smile. "Just a lot on my mind, you know?"
Kelce raised an eyebrow. "Trouble in paradise? Sofia seemed pretty concerned back there."
Rafe's jaw tightened, and he clenched his fists in the sand. "It's complicated. Let's not get into it."
Topper and Kelce exchanged knowing glances, realizing that Rafe wasn't in the mood to share. The three of them sat in silence for a while, each lost in their own thoughts, the distant murmurs of the ocean providing a somber soundtrack to their contemplations.
After a prolonged pause, Topper spoke up. "Well, whatever it is, you've got us. We're your friends, man."
Rafe nodded, appreciating the sentiment. Despite the camaraderie, the weight of the unresolved emotions lingered. The complexities of the night had only deepened, and Rafe found himself caught in a web of conflicting feelings.
As they sat by the shore, the waves continued their relentless dance, a metaphor for the ebb and flow of the challenges ahead. Little did Rafe know that the night held more revelations and twists, setting the stage for a journey that would test the boundaries of love, forgiveness, and self-discovery.
taglist: @ellesalazar, @champomiel, @vadinaleme, @kys4-20, @gills-lounge, @allsmilesreally7, @sublimepenguinpeach-blog, @sp00ky-spr1te, @bibliophilewednesday, @haroldpotterson, @i-love-rafe, @ellesalazar, @calmoistorm, @abundantxadorations, @fals3-g0d, @gillybear17, @oiiviagrande, @hockeybabe87, @augustlikesdeath, @wpdailyminimeta, @palmwinemami, @loxleys-blog, @ikisscline, @flyestvenustrap, @ilovesteveharrngton, @ijustwanttoreadlols, @fastlovela, @wickedlovely121, @fals3-g0d, @givemylovetoall, @lucfics, @briefwinnerpersonaturtle, @maybankslover, @peachy4u2, @hockeybabe87
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wonnieluv · 9 days
Rainy Duet ☔️
Summary: you get caught in a downpour with your best friend (that you maybe have feelings for)
Warnings: kissing + implied skinship
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Best friend! Riki x reader
You don’t know how you got to here and you’re not sure if you regret it yet.
It’s currently 11:45pm and a quick trip to an ice cream parlor about a 15 minute bus ride away turned into the two of you being out so late that you missed the last bus back to your neighborhood.
“Riki I swear this is all your fault” you say accusingly after trudging up the third hill of the evening. It’s not that you’re that out of shape, it’s just hard to want to trudge up a hill at almost midnight when you could be lazing at home eating chips, but that’s what you get when you have Nishimura Riki as you’re best friend.
Just as you finish the sentence you feel the first droplet… and then the second… and the next thing you know it’s down pouring and the two of you are bolting under the nearest empty bus stop. Once you made it under cover safely riki immediately bursts into laughter.
"Is this funny to you riki? What if i get sick?"
"You worry too much. Live a little"
The second he finishes speaking, before you could even register his words, you’re being shoved into the pouring rain to the sound of even more melodious laughter coming from the boy you adore. You don’t even try to escape the rain, you just stand there in defeat and slowly trudge your way back to where Riki stood with your head down. His laughter slowly died down, beginning to think he had maybe overdone it this time
“Hey are you okay, I’m sorry I went to far I shouldn’t have pushed you.” He begins, worry lacing his voice. He reaches out his hand to grab your arm “come back under the cover before you get more soaked—“ He couldn’t even finish his sentence before you grabbed his arm that was reaching out to you and yanking him out into the downpour with you with a bright smile on your face.
“Get over here” the next thing you know, Riki is chasing you around the street. Any exhaustion you were previously feeling has completely evaporated and you’re now full sprinting from a relentless Riki hot on your tail.
When he finally caught up to you you felt his arms circle your waste as he latched onto you from behind. As you both slowed to a stop with his arms holding you tight your heartbeat began to rapidly increase. Not sure if it was from the adrenaline or the fact that the boy you’ve been crushing on who ALSO happens to be your best friend is back hugging you as you two sway side to side slowly in the rain.
After noticing your silence he lets you go and comes in front of you “you ok? What are you thinking about” he snaps you out of your thoughts as you look him in the eyes.
You’re not sure where the confidence came from but the next moment you know you’re moving closer and connecting your lips to his. It’s very awkward. You can tell he’s taken aback by the fact that he was standing there eyes and lips both gaping when you pulled away.
“I- I’m sorry… I’ll just… yea… sorry” you stutter out as you begin to walk away in the direction you believe your house is in. A mixture of sadness and embarrassment hits you as tears begin to well in your eyes. Yes you wanted to kiss him but you’re now worried you’ve just lost the best friend you’ve ever had.
“Don’t run away from me without the chance to hear my answer” he says as he grabs your wrist. Your heart races again as you face him again.
“Now… can I try that again” he says as he grabs your hand. You give him one look before he’s the one moving closer. The kiss is more natural this time. Both of you smiling and even giggling the kiss as it all becomes playful. You pull away pressing your foreheads against each other smiling as you take in the moment. He wraps his arms around your waist as your go around his neck as he begins to slow dance with you.
“You know how incredibly cheesy this is right?” You ask through a smile.
“Well, I’m excited to check this off of my ‘cheesy things to do with my girlfriend’ list. On day 1 at that.” He says with the biggest shit eating grin you’ve ever seen.
“Girlfriend huh? I guess I like the sound of that”
By the time you two make it home the rain has fully passed and it’s a few hours closer to sunrise than you would’ve liked. As you expected, you were both bed ridden with fevers the next morning but, despite your protests that you’ll never get better, he was fast to come to your house and climb in bed and cling to you like a Koala until your fevers broke.
That night in the rain was the first of many cheesy things the two of you did together. At this point the list is actually being added to rather than having things checked off.
I hope you all enjoyed this one 💜
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bobbin-buckley · 21 days
Cairo Sweet Comfort Headcanons
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Cairo Sweet x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, comfort, Cairo being manipulative, mentions of writing porn, R being sad, Mr. Miller
(This kinda became more of a Drabble than headcanons but it is a list of how she comforts reader)
Cairo may have always been mean. Mean to anyone infact. But she never tries to be mean to you.
-For the longest time Cairo denied her feelings for you, saying they were wrong and that she was confused.
-Her feelings for you wouldn’t go away though, she pushed you away at a young age and you came back with a massive glow up. She fell even harder. Her new best friend Winnie tells her maybe you are the one instead of her professor, Mr. Miller.
-Ever since Mr. Miller brought up a madman’s love she’s been fascinated by how he described it. She felt things for him then. Winnie urged it on with how a older man’s pride is his sex, how he takes virginity well. It corrupted Cairo.
-You on the other hand, we’re jealous and disgusted at this. Irritated some old guy could manage to make her be so obsessed. You’re irritants caught Cairo’s eye, seeing how you’d challenge Miller during his lectures or how you’d send glares at him.
-Besides this. After all this, Cairo was certainly confused. She came to you, crying and claimed she wanted you. She needed you after Miller rejected her. Even if she lied to you and maybe even used you, you still took her back into your arms.
-Along the lines of becoming girlfriends, she’s been good about giving you the affection you should receive in a relationship. She tries to make you feel loved and cared for while you do the same for her
-There are moments where she just can’t take it anymore and bursts her anger out at you, calling you names, insulting you, making you feel bad about being with her
-It breaks your heart when she acts like this, though you let it slide most days when she does apologize. Which is rare…sadly
-As you being a wonderful girlfriend you’re always there for her. Giving her the chance to be in your open arms if she needs it, and she does come to you sometimes.
-She has a hard time opening up, too. She’s never really talked about herself, how she likes life, how she feels mentally and physically, or about her parents. Yet she’s opened that up to someone who didn’t even want her, Miller of all people. It made you rage.
-Although you gave Cairo time to talk to you, respected what was meant to be kept hidden. One thing that bothered you is that she’d always be in that journal of hers, writing god knows what. More porn? More fantasies with Miller? Talking shit about you? You never know and are afraid to ask
-Cairo is also a scary person. She’s always terrified you, even as a kid. Her threats always become real, she’s incredibly manipulative and can destroy you in a week. You prefer to keep off her bad side.
-One time you angered her so much she combusted and threatens she’d harm you. Physically too. It never happened luckily, that just says how much she cares for you without you even knowing it.
-And Cairo, could never ever ever harm you physically. Mentally, yeah probably. She can be selfish at times. But she never will hurt you physically, it would break her heart if she ever laid a hand on you.
-Let’s get into that category. If Cairo ever did harm you physically, wether it was a slap across the face, a shove or maybe even a punch. She’d have so much regret right after.
-There was a time she wasn’t having it. She slapped you, and dear god did it hurt. Left a red mark on your left cheek, making you hold back tears because you didn’t want to seem like a baby in front of her.
-“Wait, my love I didn’t mean it. I swear I didn’t mean it.” She’d say immediately after she’d regret it. Kissing you on the head if you let her, caressing the spot she smacked gently. She’s lay down with you and kiss you all over, explaining why she did that.
-She wouldn’t let harming you slide by her, ever.
-Now Mentally. It hurts, it honestly hurts worse being hurt on the inside rather than the outside sometimes. With Cairo having that ability to make someone so upset, it can hurt real bad. She broke Winnie’s heart, real bad. And if she did it to you it’d take time for her to regret it, depending on what you did or how she feels
-When you we’re both younger, she pushed you away because of her parents. They were strict, and when they had a fight with your parents they immediately blocked you out. But that didn’t stop you from seeing Cairo
-You went to her house, sneaking into her bedroom. She was found sobbing while trying to sleep, and it was late at night:
“Cairo?” You spoke above a whisper. She recognized your voice, sitting up as she looked over at you in shock. “What’re you doing here? My parents told you to stay away.” She cried, hiding her face. “And don’t look at me, I look awful.”
Cairo wasn’t an ugly crier at all, she just hated crying in front of people. “Cai, just because you’re parents push me away doesn’t mean I won’t stop seeing you.”
“Yeah well maybe that’s what’s best.”
Those words hit you like a truck going eighty miles per hour. Cairo never talked at you like that before, especially basically telling you to leave her. “But Cai, I can’t leave you. You’re my best friend, I love you.” You confessed. Though those words meant nothing to her then.
They do now
-Every time Cairo sees you with those glistening eyes, filled with tears she always thinks of that night. That night she told you to leave. To never come back. And it hurt her when you listened, but she never came to you when it hurt.
-Because that’s who she is, how she’s always been. She hated sharing her feelings, the only way she would share her feelings, is by making people suffer with her. That’s how she did it with Winnie, Mr. Miller. You.
“I don’t understand, why can’t you just talk to me?” You asked, standing in the middle of her bedroom.
“Because I don’t want you to know. It’s something I keep to myself.” She replied, her left hand holding her journal, and the other with a pen.
“But why? You can talk to me, if you don’t talk to me maybe counseling is better off to help you.” She scoffed at your words, she’d rather vent to a beetle than a therapist or a counselor.
“I write in my journal, that’s where my story goes.” Well that makes you relieved. She isn’t talking shit about you or writing about her fantasies with someone else.
“I understand, but I’m here for you. We’ve been together for six months, and I am still waiting to hear your voice even if it sounds broken when you speak.”
Cairo though to herself. She knew how much she was hurting you mentally by not talking to you, telling you she was either okay or not okay.
“If you can at least tell me if you are okay or not okay. That’s fine.” You pause, “I love you, Cairo. You’re the moon to my Saturn.” Tears were running down your face. “And it hurts, hurts knowing how I think I’m not good enough for you. If it’s my fault that you’re scared. I’m scared too, Cai.”
It was silent, but only for a moment.
“I’m sorry, Y/n.” Cairo sobbed, “I just don’t want to push you away. I love you too, I love you so much. And all the bad things I’ve done, have made me stop talking about them or my problems.”
-That very day Cairo opened up to you. You held her the entire time, comforting her, rubbing her back, kissing her tears away. Telling her it’s okay to not be okay. She talked to you slowly about things, only opening so much and you kept that respect.
-You gave her one big kiss after each session. You were her lover, her therapist, her best friend, her girlfriend, her future wife, her everything. She loves you. But sometimes love is hard to show when you’ve had a broken heart for quite some time.
-Most nights were kept peaceful, sad, private and loving. Wether it’d end with promise kisses or making love.
-Her comfort is nothing but a song that started as a melody and become stronger as you promise to be there for her. As well as she’d return it.
-Maybe replace that all with a madwoman’s love.
I really hope this is good because I felt like I did fast, I even reread it over and over to make sure I got everything I could possibly put in 😭
But I was also emotional making this, I got way to into it
I also had more time than I thought I would lmao
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lesbianpepsi · 11 months
Fuck it I love you
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pairing: sam carpenter x fem!reader
summary: When paired with Tara Carpenter for a project you were expecting a B or maybe even an A. Not falling in love with Tara's older sister, Sam.
series masterlist
words: 2.320k
warnings: mean sam, light swearing, reader being down bad for our sammy, bad writing
authors note: alright my darlings the first chapter to the sam mini series as promised. the wonderful anon who requested this, my dear i am so sorry it took so long for me to get to this. although it's taken a while, i do hope you still enjoy this! feedback and comments are greatly appreciated:)
The wonders of college. 
You get to meet new people, explore your sexuality, party like there’s no tomorrow, try new things and staying up till three in the morning  crying over a piece of work that’s due that very morning that you decided to wait till the last minute to do only to instantly regret it, saying you’ll never do the same mistake next time but  knowing deep down inside you will. 
And of course the trials and tribulations of group projects. Something everyone loathed, and if anyone said otherwise they’re lying. 
You have never been a fan of group projects; so when your professor announced that you’ll be doing a pair project you couldn’t tell if you wanted to slap him or cry. Probably both. The absolute worst thing about projects that involve more than one party member is awkwardly asking a stranger if they’re willing to work with you.
That’s why when you heard that familiar sweet voice speak to you, you couldn’t help but smile. 
“You cool with doing this together?” Tara Carpenter asked you with a nervous smile. 
You and Tara aren’t exactly friends, more like acquaintances; if one missed a presentation the other would give them their notes to copy off of, saving a seat next to each other, saying hello if you ever see each other around campus. 
It isn’t the fact you don’t want to be friends with Tara, she seems like a really kind woman but she’s quite distant and quiet. You can’t judge her or shame her for it since you’re shy, awkward and always in a state of anxiety. 
Maybe this would be the push to make you and Tara become friends. 
You smile at the brunette with an appreciative gleam in your eyes. “Please. I was already planning a speech on why the professor should allow me to do this alone.” Tara laughs, covering her mouth with her hand as the corner of her eyes crinkled with delight. 
“Lucky for me then.” Tara stays silent for a few moments before she added. “Do you wanna just get the whole awkward phone exchange now?” 
You chuckled, nodding your head as you dug out your phone from the pocket of your hoodie, unlocking it and passing it over to her. Tara stares between and your phone almost bewildered with the fact you just passed your phone over to her without hesitation, rather than just saying your number. 
She slowly takes your phone and adds her phone number into your contacts texting herself before passing it back to you. You smiled at her as you pocketed your phone back into its original space of your pocket. 
A few days have passed ever since you and Tara exchanged phone numbers but no plans had been made on when you two should start. You refused to leave this till the last second like you’ve done so many times before, swallowing your nerves you unlock your phone and send Tara a message.
Me (11:32am): hey tara it’s y/n from class, i was wondering what day we can meet to start our project. i was thinking we could meet in the library whenever you can :) 
Instantly you shut your phone off after the message is delivered; there always has been something so weirdly intimidating about messaging someone you don’t really know. Deciding to distract yourself you go make yourself a sandwich for lunch, leaving your phone in your room. 
After two episodes of New Girl and a delicious sandwich had been eaten you returned to your room in search of your phone. Flopping down on your bed you grab your phone and see Tara has messaged you back.
Tara (12:15pm): hi y/n:) if you’re free we can meet today to get started on our project? the only issue is that i can’t come to the library
Me (12:23pm): im more than good with today!! :D
Me (12:23pm): do you wanna come over to my apartment then??
Tara (12:24pm): actually is it alright if you come over to my apartment, around half two?
Me (12:24pm): yeah idm, just as long as we start it lol. where do you live?
Tara (12:28pm): the apartment complex near Blackmore, apartment number 56
Me (12:28pm): okie dokie, see you soon :D 
Tara (12:29pm): 😊👍
You grinned to yourself slightly proud you’ve decided to be smart and start this project early. You just hoped the actual planning of the project would go just as smoothly. 
At two you decided to leave your apartment, wearing a simple white shirt along with some mom jeans. Not even ten minutes into your walk it began pouring down with rain, leaving you sprinting towards the complex as your heavy backpack hit your bag with every step. 
Slamming the double door entrance to the apartment complex open, you instantly gasp for breath as water drips off of every part of you. 
How fucking typical. 
You pull out your phone and with wet fingers you send Tara a quick message before slowly starting to walk up the stairs. 
By the second floor you started to get tired, by the third you began wondering why the fuck there isn’t an elevator in this place, by the fourth you’re questioning your life choices and by the time you arrive on the fifth floor you’re breathing like a life long smoker who just ran towards the store after noticing they’re out of cigarettes.
Like a zombie you walk over to the apartment door with the number ‘56’ on it, sluggishly you raise your hand and knock on the door two times.
After a painstakingly long time a woman answers the door, and you’re pretty sure your heart explodes at the sight of her. 
She’s got olive skin that looks so irresistibly smooth, dark brown eyes that glared at you, she’s around the same height of you if not maybe a bit taller. She’s leaning against the door frame as she’s only opened the door a small amount so her figure could be shown. 
Her lips are pulled in a tight straight line as her arms crossed over her stomach, the tight grey vest top she’s wearing showing off her impressive biceps. She’s glaring at you with her cold eyes as she glowers down at you. 
“Who are you?” She asks in a voice that is ever so raspy, her eyes gazing up and down your body. Your ears burn scarlet red at her eyes checking you out as you stare at her in awe. “I’m, uhm, Tara’s project partner. Y/n L/n.” You stutter out as you can feel your heart beating erratically in your chest. 
If this isn't gay panic you don’t know what is. 
“Why are you so wet?” She questions with judging eyes.
‘Cause of you
“It started raining after I left my apartment and I didn’t bring a coat.” You explained with a nervous smile as you locked eyes with the woman’s. 
She hummed as she turned to look behind her, after a few seconds the door opened wider and Tara appeared next to the woman, the height difference between the two almost making you laugh.
Tara smiled a small smile to you before it faded and changed into shocked one. “You’re soaked.” She states in a matter of fact way. You laugh nervously as you nod your head, rubbing the back of your neck with your hand. “Started raining on the way here.” 
She frowned concerned as she took a step back, allowing you to enter, while the older woman still stayed in the doorway, glaring daggers at you. You swallowed nervously as Tara glared at the woman. “Sam, she's fine, don't be a bitch.” 
Sam stares at you for a while before she reluctantly leaves the doorway and back into the apartment, you smile at Sam’s behaviour as you turn to look at Tara.
“Sorry about her, she's just really protective over me.” Tara apologises with a smile as you enter the apartment, closing the door behind you. 
As you get a good view of the apartment you notice two other people talking to Sam, you've seen them around Blackmore.
The three of them are glaring at you as they whisper among each other. When they notice you’re looking at them they silence, all silently staring back at you.
Without thinking, you wave your hand at them as you smile. “Hi, I’m Y/n. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you two before around campus.”
Tara doesn’t allow you to say more as her slender fingers wrap around your wrist as she drags you towards the dining table, your eyes remained on her beautiful sister Sam.
“I'll get you a towel, you prepare.” Tara tells you with a smile before taking off. You nod your head as you do as she said, take off your backpack and take out everything from inside it and place it onto the table.
Tara thankfully returns a few minutes later with a towel and a dry hoodie, she passes them over to you.
“You can borrow the hoodie if you want since your shirt is more than less see through.” She says with an amused laugh, you look down at blush at the fact it’s quite obvious you’re wearing a black bra.
“Thank you.” You tell her with an embarrassed laugh as you shamelessly take off your shirt and throw it into your bag before putting on the hoodie. It's warm and slightly too big for you, but you don’t mind it. 
Grabbing the towel you place it under you, making sure you wouldn’t utterly soak the chair from the rain on your pants.
She gives a smile before she begins talking about her plans on what you two could do, stretching to reach the notebook full of notes you had brought with you. 
You tried listening to Tara, you truly did, but not even five minutes after Tara had begun talking Sam had entered the kitchen to make a drink.
Suddenly every word Tara uttered it went into one ear and flew right through the other. 
Her back faced you as she grabbed the glass from the top cabinet, not even having to go on the tip of her toes to reach it, something the shorter Carpenter would definitely have to do.
You smiled without noticing the longer you gazed at the gorgeous woman as she carried on making her drink. 
You snapped your head back at Tara who had her eyebrows raised. “Did you listen to anything I said?”
Sam turned to look at the both of you as she leaned against the counter, sipping her drink. Her eyes focused on you as she drank at a slow pace.
You smiled nervously at her to which Sam only scowled back at you. 
“Yeah, uhm, work and stuff right?” You waffled with a smile, Tara simply sighed as she shook her head. She went to say something but got interrupted by her older sister.
“Is that my hoodie?” Your head whips back towards Sam’s direction, Sam’s eyes focused on you. You blushed as you noticed Tara and let you borrow McHottie’s Sam's hoodie, not hers.
Your fingers toyed with the bottom of the hoodie nervously, before you could reply with utter gibberish Tara answered over you. “I let her borrow it since she was completely soaked.” She explained with a brief tight smile.
Sam hummed as she dropped the glass onto the counter. “But why give my hoodie to her? Why not yours?” 
“Because It was closest to me, Sam. Jesus she isn’t going to do anything so calm down.” Tara defended you in an annoyed tone now, her eyes glaring at Sam as she leaned on her hand. “And tell Chad and Mindy to cut it out with the staring.” 
“I can give it back if you’d like?” You gingerly asked. Both of the girl’s heads snapped towards you at your words. 
“You don’t have to-” Tara started before Sam interrupted her speedily 
“Yes. Give it back.” She demanded, pushing herself off the counter as she advanced towards you. Without hesitation you ripped the hoodie off of you, pulling it over your head quickly as your shirt rolled up with it.  
You smiled sweetly at her as you passed her the hoodie with your right hand, your left hand not so subtly pulling down your shirt. Her fingers grazed over your knuckles as she retrieved the jumper from your hand, her eyes ogling at your shirt momentarily. 
Her eyes connected with yours again as she pulled the hoodie to her side, she glowered over you as you looked up at her with a nervous smile. 
She’s so fucking pretty, oh my fucking-
“Don’t give my stuff out again, Tara.” Sam told her sister as her eyes stayed glued to yours, “Sure, whatever, will you just leave now?” Tara says with annoyance clear in her tone, Sam stared at you for a few more seconds before she fulfilled her sister’s wish by leaving the kitchen silently. 
Your eyes followed her leaving until she was out of your sight. Your eyes landed on the glaring twins to which you smiled awkwardly at them before you returned your attention back to Tara. 
The shorter girl huffed as she flicked through a few pages of a notebook. “Sorry about her, she’s just really protective over me.” She apologised again.
You smiled dreamily at her as you thought more of the older sister. “You don’t have to apologise, it’s actually kinda sweet.” 
Tara gives you a funny look as she snorts a laugh, her fingers finally stopping as she lands on the particular page she was looking for. “You must be delusional if you think Sam is sweet.” 
Guess I’m delusional then, you thought with a smile as your eyes gazed over the half full glass Sam had left in the kitchen. 
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igotanidea · 11 months
Single parent struggles : father!Dick Grayson x mother!reader
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summary/request: single Father Dick Grayson x single Mother reader? Where at some kids birthday party also can the kids be between the ages of like 3 and 4.
A/N: writing this was just so cute and heartwarming and pleasant and fluffy. I think this is going to be my new verse, so if anyone ever get any ideas in that - please ask me to write more UwU <3
„Thomas, please stop running around!” Y/N laughed happily when her 4 year old son slipped on the floor and run into her legs. She was quick enough to catch him, before he actually landed on his bottom and started crying.
“Sorry mum!” he grinned with the cutest smile there was, and not paying much attention to his mother’s admonishment regained his balance and followed the friends that he was chasing. “Wait for me!” he yelled before disappearing.
Her son was invited to a birthday party of his kindergarten friend, and obviously, she happened to be a tag along. Helping with the service and acting as a supervisor.  Not that  she complained. Being a single parent was rewarding, but also happened to be her bread and butter and she didn’t have many occasion to go out the house and spend time with actual adult outside of work. Sure, she loved Thomas with all her heart and never regretted the decision of having him, even when his failure of a father took off running the second he found out about the pregnancy, but sometimes she was just tired. And having an opportunity to hang out and relax and watch her son being so happy around other kids were simply heartwarming. Thomas shed too many tears and experienced sadness asking about the other parent and Y/N swore, that to the maximum of her  abilities, she would protect him from that pain.
“God….” she muttered to herself, gathering the fruit bowl from the counter. “I swear the kids never get tired……” her son’s energy was exhausting, but the serene expression in her eyes were showing the truth feelings behind the sigh. Lost in her own thoughts Y/N turned around not noticing the man standing right behind her, bumping straight into the sculpted chest, immediately being caught by two strong arms, the bowl serving as some sort of airbag.
“I know, right?” the man let out a laugh still holding onto her “I’m dealing with the same problem with my daughter. Don’t know who said that girls are quieter and more polite than boys but it does not apply in this case.”
“Hello Richard.” Y/N tilted her head “didn’t see you around for a while.”
Richard Grayson, more often than not called “Dick” was the treat for all the mothers. Handsome, well-build, kind with charming, boyish attitude and most importantly, single father. Rumor has it that the mother had some mental problems and one day escaped the hospital where she and the daughter were getting some treatment and observation, took the kid and left it on the threshold of Dick’s house before disappearing herself. Despite Dick’s attempt to locate her (and boy, that man definitely had the resources, being the son of the Bruce Wayne) he never succeeded, giving up after some time.
And that gave the soccer mothers plenty of opportunities to get him involved in all possible kids’ activities. Kindergarten play? Picnic? Cinema sally? Birthday party? He was pretty much everywhere. Much to all the husbands’ displeasure.
But, since both he and Y/N were the only single parent and  the subjects of many rumors that gave them the opportunity to get close and become really good friends. After all, there’s no one better to understand the struggles of raising a kid alone.
“Yeah….” He scratched his head awkwardly, letting go of her arm “I’ve been running after Abby, making sure she does not get in any troubles. But it seems like the fire is fought for a moment and I can finally catch a breath. “
“Really?” Y/N mocked putting the bowl away, crossing arms over her chest “guess the apple does not fall far from the tree, right? Abby takes a lot after you.”
“Are you calling me a troublemaker?” Dick caught his chest and his eyes widened in a fake shock. “Me?”
“Yes.” She teased “Aren’t you?”
“Maybe a bit” he muttered taking a step forward. This made Y/N take a step back and in no time she was trapped between the kitchen counter and his body. “But there’s one more thing me and Abby have in common.”
“And what may that be, Mr. Grayson?” she raised an eyebrow, observing his face carefully and impatiently awaiting the answer.
“We both happen to like the member of the l/n family.” He smirked, grabbing her waist and pulling her towards him closing the distance between them.  Her hands found a way towards his neck, locking around it and bringing his lips down for a kiss. It’s been a while since they had any opportunity to be alone, and they were not going to miss it. Even if that meant making out in a messy kitchen in someone else’s house, hiding from their kids. They were acting like teenagers, sneaking around and trying to keep their relationship a secret. And despite the fact that they were both adults this courtship was gentle, careful, soft. They have been hurt before and the cautiousness was making them both take it slow.
But obviously it didn’t mean that there was no passion between them when Dick grabbed onto her tighter, wanting her closer, his hands travelling around her back, sneaking under her shirt, craving to feel her skin, but still keeping the slow, loving pace.
“Behave….” She mumbled into the kiss, but not really stopping him. “Someone can see us…..”
“Oh, please…” he fought the urge to roll his eyes, moving to brush her cheek, jaw and neck in the teasing attempt to make her whine for him  “you can’t keep your hands to yourself either.” The bastard was right since her fingers were playing with his hair, pulling lightly.
“I can stop….” She started withdrawing her hands but he was quick to grab her wrist keeping it in place.
“Don’t.” his soft whispers and touches were literally making her melt. “I missed you, Y/n. I missed this…. us……” God, how she loved his attention, even when he pulled back and stopped kissing her, instead looking her straight in the eyes. “I .... wish to have more of you just for myself…..”
“I know. I feel the same.”  She smiled and her eyes glistened. Before she met him, after Thomas’s father left, she didn’t believe she could find love again. But life can be surprising and even if they haven’t really said the L word to each other,now she was trapped in the arms of a man who did love her with the undying passion and with whom she felt save and taken care of us as never before. And every time they stole a kiss or a secret touch or just talked or spent time together she felt like crying because of that warm feeling inside her chest and belly. This time was no different as  few tears rolled down her cheeks.
“Crying again?” Dick cupped her face, brushing those drops away with his thumb “don’t cry on my account princess.” He brushed his nose over hers, forehead meeting forehead, eyes closing, breathing each other in.
“How can I not?” she sighed deeply, unable to hold back everything he was making her feel. “Dick, I….”
“I know, baby. Trust me, I know.” he planted a chaste kiss on her forehead, rocking her gently to the sound of music coming from the garden causing her to smile again.  
He knew.
He knew the heartbreak, the pain, the unanswered question why. He’s been through it all. And it was not his intention to play around with Y/n’s emotions and feelings or to hurt her. Ever. Not with everything she’s been through.
“I’m not like him…..” he whispered, almost inaudibly and she had to swallow the lump in her throat.
“How long do you think since one of the mums start looking for you to move the chairs or ask for another stupid favor?”
“Y/N Y/L/N. Are you jealous?”
“And what if I am?” she twirled a strand of hair on her finger, eyes fixed on his.
“Well, than I’m flattered, but you have no reason for that, baby.” His hands intertwined with hers, caressing tenderly “I lo…..” he almost said it. Almost.
“Daddy?” a quiet, girl’s voice cut him off and it took massive amount of energy to muffle the annoyed groan. Of course it was kids who interrupted him.
“Yes, sweetheart?” he pulled back
“I cut my finger….” Abby pouted, her gaze switching between her father and Y/N. “what are you doing?”
“We were just getting some fruits for you.” the older girl smiled “I’m gonna go and let your father take care of you, little one. See you around, Richard.” She moved away from him and with one final lingering secret brush of hands left him, still aching for her, not able to ever get enough of her presence.
“Daddy?” Abby asked again once Y/N was out of sight.
“Do you like Thomas’s mum?”
“Do you?”
“She’s nice and pretty. And gives the best hugs. “ the girl frowned, thinking deeply “so yes, I think I like her.”
“That’s good to know.” Dick smiled pecking the top of Abby’s head.  He was not going to let this woman out of his life and his daughter’s acceptance was very important for the future purposes.
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yrbladie · 7 months
˖ ࣪ neuvillette, thoma
warnings :slight angst at the end with neuvillette with implied body and death (yours), hurt no comfort at the end with thoma, childhood friends to lovers with thoma, got carried away in thoma's piece srry, contains some hc about when he left mond too, gn!reader, reader has hair(?), reader really loves mondstadt lol, spoiler free (kinda), non fluent writer
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ㅤYou were a delivery person, meaning you always had to be the one to receive weird requests from all over Teyvat. Varying from bringing a single tomato all the way over to Snezhnaya, to this new request.
ㅤA container with water from the highest peak of Dragonspine. You didn't even know there was water in the highest places there.
ㅤBut work was work, and no matter how weird the request was, it was your job to attend to it being the adventurer you were.
ㅤAnd as you finally carried back the water container to Fontaine again, your eyelashes almost gluing themselves onto your cheeks and your trembling jaw, you swore you would have so many things to say to whoever was the idiot that asked for it.
ㅤBut as you entered the huge office after having to convince the Melusine outside that the policies of your company made you have to see the person who commissioned you directly receive the item so that she would finally let you inside, you regretted even having these thoughts in your head.
ㅤOf course you had imagined that it would be someone rich for being able to afford such a distant trip and an adventurer just for water. But the Judge of Fontaine himself? You would’ve never expected that.
ㅤNow all your insides felt exactly like your skin, ice and frigid cold.
ㅤYou were trembling — not just from the cold— as you gave him the package he had asked for. And no words came out of your mouth to complain about anything.
ㅤYou were ready to promptly leave before you heard a baritone tone of voice call for you.
ㅤ“I thank you for your trouble. And… excuse me if this may sound rude on my part, but I noticed you seem cold, allow me to fetch you a warm drink as an apology for inconveniencing you.”
ㅤYou turned around completely dumbfounded as you stared at Monsieur Neuvillette's stoic face. He seemed pretty serious and looking closely into his eyes, he also almost seemed guilty. He had seen your trembling hands and assumed it was his fault. And it was, just not for the exact reasons he was thinking.
ㅤAt that you finally smiled. Maybe, just maybe you could forgive this man for making you almost freeze to death.
ㅤYou both ended up becoming friends quickly thanks to that encounter, you were always amused with Neuvillette's curiosity towards your adventures around the world and of course, with his weirdly endearing hobby of tasting water.
ㅤYou could even swear that after tasting for a few weeks with him, Mondstadt's water seemed to get a tad bit sweeter than the others.
ㅤAs for Neuvillette, he found your strength so impressive and worth admiring that he couldn't help but want to get closer, despite his position. He had a front to maintain but seeing you acting always so carefree and true to yourself had him wanting to become more like you.
ㅤOf course, he couldn't exactly just throw everything to the air and go live with you in an isolated cottage in the middle of nowhere—although he wished he could.
ㅤBut instead, he could love you, he figured one day. When he looked at your smile and how you paid attention to every small little detail about those around you, and how you always asked what he liked first, how you were always just right there somewhere when he felt like needing you the most, or how you cradled his heart with care on rainy days every time you whispered to the skies, "Hydro dragon, hydro dragon, don't cry".
ㅤHe loved you. And that was the best thing he could've ever done in his long life.
ㅤAnd one day, Neuvillette promised you, as he carefully held your hand, "I promise, my love, I won't ever hurt you.", and you could feel how your heart melted around his warm embrace.
ㅤHe loved your mortal soul and human heart, he loved the hands that gently clasped his and that held his cheeks with care, and he adored the places that you walked upon and the people you cared about.
ㅤOne day, he'll envy even the earth that'll wrap your body and the wind that'll carry your last breath.
ㅤEven then, don't you worry about his love for you, for his love is for your soul, not the body or the heart that exists only at the present time. The soul is enduring, and his soul calls for yours. And he knows, one day you'll be back in his arms or he will go meet you himself, wherever may you be.
ㅤFor all eternity, just as you both promised to each other. In this life, and all others. He'll find you and love you all over again.
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ㅤYou both used to be the closest of best friends, in Mondstadt there was no one who didn't know the two kids who were always running around together. You, being the one that always caused trouble, and Thoma, being the one that always took you out of said trouble.
ㅤMany would ask, how did such a pair meet?
ㅤAnd the answer was a silly secret only the both of you were to know.
ㅤYou had received a cute small plush puppy as a birthday gift, given to you by your parents. You were so happy with it that you decided to take your new friend for a stroll around the city.
ㅤYou had cherished the plushie so much that you clutched it tightly in your small hands. Then the vibrant threads of your favorite toy met an unexpected fate when a pair of overenthusiastic dogs that were running around the street collided with you in a whirlwind of fur and excitement.
ㅤAll that was left after the dogs went their ways was the audible sound of a kid crying while their plushie laid torn and forlorn on the ground.
ㅤYou didn't even remember how much you had cried, under a tree while holding to your chest the shreds of what was left of the plushie. All the filling leaking out of its body and all the small you could do was try to hold on to its pieces.
ㅤ"Hey... hey, excuse me. Is this yours?" And when you looked up to see, you found yourself staring right into the empty eyes of a ripped plushie dog's head that was without its body.
ㅤYou ended up crying even harder at the sight, as the boy, who seemed to be just a few years older than you, helplessly waved his hands in front of you, quickly deciding to hide the poor looking piece of your plushie.
ㅤInstead of immediately leaving at the sight of you crying, he sat by your side, while silently helping you to pick the scattered pieces around that kept falling down from your arms. He didn't say anything but you had never felt more comforted before.
ㅤHe waited and waited, right there, never leaving your side, until the loud sobs turned to sniffles.
ㅤ"Sorry to have scared you! I'm Thoma, by the way." And smiled. His smile, it was like a ray of sunshine in the middle of your storm.
ㅤYou couldn't help but smile along with him.
ㅤAs he gathered the pieces of your toy in his arms, he kept a gentle smile on his lips while saying, "It's going to be fine! Mama taught me how to take good care of stuffed animals." and you felt like you could believe his words.
ㅤHe was your knight in shining armor, although armed with not a sword and a shield, but with a needle and thread. And so he began a journey of intricate repair.
ㅤSoon, it was as good as new before you even noticed. The only thing being the red colored thread that now mended the little dog plushie.
ㅤ"Are you afraid of dogs now?" You remembered he asked, your answer being only a meek nod, "Hm, it's okay! But I'm sure they didn't mean to destroy your plushie, they must have also liked it so much that they couldn't help but go after it."
ㅤYou understood what he had meant, but it was still hard not to tremble and clutch your stuffed animal closer to your chest at the sight of a dog wandering the streets close to where you were.
ㅤ"So... why don't you come with me and we can make some toys for them? This way, they'll never even need to go after yours! Here, I'll hold your hand if you're scared." And you happily followed him at that, your fear completely forgotten.
ㅤThe days that followed were filled with adventures and shared secrets, your friendship blossoming like the wildflowers in the meadow where you both often played.
ㅤMondstadt now seemed to be filled with much more laughter in the breeze, the melody of kids' bright happiness surrounding the city freely.
ㅤAs the years unfolded, so did your affection for each other. Unspoken glances lingered a little longer, and the laughter between you held a melody only the heart could comprehend. The stitches that once mended a torn plushie now seemed to mend the very fabric of your emotions, drawing the both of you closer with each passing day.
ㅤEven after a long time, the plushie that had been stitched up was still holding on, placed upon the desk by your bed. A forever reminder of the day you met Thoma, the boy with a shining smile and sun colored hair.
ㅤAnd only time, with its subtle hands, could reveal whether this story would unfold into a timeless tale of love or remain as a fond memory.
ㅤThe answer to that question arrived quicker than the both of you had expected. With the parting of Thoma's father back to his homeland, Inazuma. Such a faraway land that you had barely known it existed.
ㅤYou thought nothing of it, of the way your friend's eyes would sometimes wander off to the ocean, seeking a kind of solace not even you could give him.
ㅤUntil one day, the boy you had known the longest came looking for you, a guilty look on his face and you knew then that all was over.
ㅤ"Sorry, but tomorrow I'm going to Inazuma to look for my father."
ㅤHis excuse was Dandelion wine, saying that his father would miss it too much. And you wondered if that was truly all.
ㅤThoma's hands had always been warm, but now they were cold as he held yours tightly as you paid your goodbyes to each other. You saw how they trembled as he turned around to join the boat that would take him to far away. Far away from his home, and from you.
ㅤThe town that witnessed your love story seemed to stay frozen in time, a silent witness to the fleeting nature of youthful promises. The cedar trees, though rooted firmly in the earth, could only watch as the love that once flourished beneath their branches transformed into a bittersweet goodbye. With words left unsaid.
ㅤSo many things happened that you would never know, and Thoma was left completely lost in an unknown nation and without his father. Before he got to know the Kamisato family and make colleagues over the land.
ㅤThoma also used to write letters addressed to you, even though he knew none of them would ever reach your hands as the decree started, and some, he never even had the courage to send.
ㅤIn them, he would let his quiet longing show, wondering if you were happy and healthy, if you weren't moping around too much after him leaving. He missed just being by your side while you told him about your day.
ㅤIn some, he expressed his regret. He regretted leaving behind those days of laughter between the breeze, leaving behind the chance of breathing in the smell of flowers in your hair. In those, he apologized more than once, he felt like he should somehow. Maybe he was the only one to blame, in the end.
ㅤIn the letters, he wondered if you had found someone you liked already. If you had found your place after all. If you had made friends. If you were eating well or if you still had your bad habits of taking off anything green from your food to give it to him.
ㅤAfter all, he wasn't there anymore to eat those, so you should eat them in his stead.
ㅤThoma wondered if you were disappointed with him, maybe even angry. He wondered if you knew how he forced himself to stare at your saddened face the last time you both saw each other. To look at your eyes that were getting redder by the second and wishing with his everything that you wouldn't cry, because he knew that if you did, his resolve to leave would wither in an instant.
ㅤStill, he kept his eyes on you, until he couldn't see the shore of Mondstadt anymore. Until all he could see was the endless ocean that seemed to mock the stream of tears that ran across his cheeks. Maybe deep down, he knew that was the last time he would see you. Somehow he knew, and he blamed the gut-feeling you always praised him for, the one that always took the both of you off any trouble.
ㅤAnd the one that above all times, the one time he should've listened to it, he ignored.
ㅤAnd above all the things Thoma wondered about, the one he wondered the most is if he would ever see you again.
ㅤBecause perhaps he still loved you.
ㅤFor you, you never wished for him to leave but you also knew that your presence would never be enough to make him stay. To forsake his worry for his father.
ㅤThere, at the Mondstadt port where you saw Thoma last, you wished you could have held his hand and never had let go. But instead, all you did was gently smile, tell him to write often, and wish him the best.
ㅤAfter months of waiting that eventually turned to an entire year, one day it dawned on you. Thoma would probably never come back.
ㅤAnd you wished, more than anything, that you could say that your life was empty and bleak without his sunlight smile there, but it wasn't. Life had kept going without him. You had made new friends and even found a job with your parents in the nation you loved the most.
ㅤYour life was still happy, and maybe that was what hurt the most. Knowing that it was probably the same with him. And you would be left wondering if he felt as much guilt as you did at that.
ㅤYou did still miss his green eyes that would look at you like you were his entire world. But above all, you wanted Thoma to be happy, wherever he was, whoever he was with.
ㅤYour story with each other was destined to tragedy. And one that would forever remain a cherished chapter in your favorite book.
ㅤThe only thing you regretted the most, was not being able to tell him how much you had loved him too.
ㅤAnd maybe someday you both would meet again, in some corner of the world. But for now, all you both had were dreams and what-ifs. For all the eternity and the freedom the gods had wished upon their nations.
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💙 I'm finally done help. Loved to write Thoma's part and that was the first time ever writing something for him, my baby. I pity him for being the only one with an angsty ending in this small series lmao.
ㅤ ⏤ ty for reading 💗
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jaylienpotter · 7 months
Jegulus one-shot
Warning: Lily Evans bashing (kinda)
"Why don't you give me a chance? Even to be friends?!"
Regulus turned around and walked towards the source of the noise. He knew that voice very well.
"I hate you, Potter!"
Seemed like Black's crush was getting rejected again. Part of him was sad for his brother's best friend, another, more selfish side of him, was relieved.
"Why?! What did I ever do to you? I know I was a prick to Snape sometimes-"
"You're a bully!"
"I'm not a bully! Snape isn't stupid, nor weak, nor innocent. He does the exact same thing we did to him! He's not a victim." He wasn't wrong, to be a bully meant it was one-sided. Snape and Potter were more like mortal enemies.
"Even then, you're still a rich, obnoxious, arrogant, selfish prat who doesn't shut up about himself! You're so bloody conceited!"
That hit. He could see the hurt in those dark brown eyes. People didn't know the effort the tanned skinned boy put into helping others, making sure everyone is happy, included, safe. He could have all eyes on him yet no one noticed. Except Reg. He noticed James.
"That's not true." The pair turned to him in surprise, pale hands becoming fidgety with the sudden notion of being watched. He kind of regretted speaking up.
"James doesn't talk about himself. Yes, he's sometimes a bit obnoxious and loud, and he does talk a lot but it's never centered around himself. You're getting confused with my brother, Evans."
"Oh, please. Those two are the same. You're not in Gryffindor, you don't hear them all the time." Right, but he did hear from the boy in private. In their late night talks that started after Sirius ran away. Because James didn't want Reg to feel alone. He noticed. He cared. He helped.
"What does he say then? About himself. Not about his friends. Or the stupid pranks they all pull." He dragged the word 'all', making it a point that it didn't count.
"Do you know his favourite colour? Favourite animal? Favourite classes and professors? His grades? How many people he's dated? Anything about his home life? His life goals and dreams?" It was too late to back out, the rant had begun, and you bet Blacks finish what they start.
"Because I don't think so. He might talk a shit lot, but it's about his group plans, his friends, making jokes, making others laugh when feeling like shit as so many do nowadays," himself included. "It takes a lot to get him to talk about himself as an individual, actually. You would know if you gave him a chance. But for someone so against judgemental people, you really do focus on his appearance." Green eyes wide, pink lips shut tight. Regulus contained his smirk.
"He's a good person. A great friend. Selfless and caring despite being from an old pureblood family. And he fights for what he thinks is right. He fights for others. With his big personality comes a big heart. So if you don't make space for the love he has to offer just because you think you don't believe he has it in him, he's not the conceited one." Red hair nearly flew with Lily's stormed exit. She hadn't liked their interaction in the slightest. It was better that way. She wasn't deserving.
Piercing dark eyes were burning a whole through black curls. Reg avoided James's gaze, afraid of what he'd say. He only faced him when he felt the boy closer, and he could swear Potter's eyes were sparkling.
"You meant that...?"
"Of course. You care so much about everyone else that you forget yourself. You couldn't tell me what you wanted to do in the future because it would depend on what your friends decided to do with their lives. You're the most selfless person I know, and if she thinks otherwise, she doesn't deserve your love or friendship."
Silence. He really wanted the older boy to say something, but he just stared, lips slightly parted. Icy blue eyes looked away, shoulders tensing from the attention.
Warm strong arms surrounded his small figure, nearly making him halt. But Potter's sweet, intoxicating smell had him relax and melt in his arms, wrapping his much slimmer ones around his tanned waist.
"Thanks, Reggie." His heart skipped a beat at the nickname and he hoped James didn't feel it against his own chest. He was also thankful to have his face covered, absolutely certain that his white cheeks had turned fully pink.
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thexmistress · 8 months
Happy Anniversary Ch. 2
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5 years later Friday. March 20, 2023, 8:05am
It would be a lie if Satoru said he felt any regrets at this moment laying in bed with Utahime while their son came barging in their room and jumping on their bed making them laugh at his hyperness. “Look what I made dad! I drew a picture of me,” the boy pointed to the small blob on paper, “mommy,” pointing to the bigger blob in the middle, “and you!” Pointing to the even bigger blob making Satoru chuckle taking in the family portrait. Satoru sat up and placed Ren in the middle of him and Utahime.
He took the picture from the snaggle tooth child and examined it closer “This is a masterpiece Ren! I knew you took after me in many talents but this just takes the icing on the cake…. but why do I have black hair?” Satoru questioned the boy making the raven-haired child smile at him sheepishly “uh... I can’t find my white crayon, so I just made your hair the same as me and mommy” Utahime giggled and snuggled their child closer to her “well it’s perfect honey” she peppered kisses over Ren’s face making him giggle.
At that moment Satoru felt free watching the woman he loves with their child. He wanted nothing more than to savor this moment forever. Getting out of bed he looked towards them “Well how about we celebrate our son becoming the next Picasso and go out to eat for breakfast! I can call Uncle Suguru too so he can join us.” What Satoru thought was going to be another good day turned out to be the worst day ever in his life.
Breaking News: A car accident reported in Tokyo, Japan at 10:46am. A side-impact collision between 2 cars leaving 1 child in critical condition. The remaining passengers have been reported to face minor to no injuries.
JR Tokyo General Hospital 4:35pm
It has now been hours since they been at the hospital. Satoru never felt so scared and guilty in his life. It all happened so fast he didn’t see the truck coming from the side of them he blames himself for being too busy singing on the top of his lungs with his son and Utahime that he didn’t even had time to register the truck speeding towards them, towards Ren’s side. He had his face in his hands the entire time his son was in the operating room.
Utahime was embracing the sobbing man telling him it’s going to be okay trying to ease the pain they both were going through. They were so engrossed with one another they didn’t even notice Suguru running towards them looking frantic. Suguru stood in front of them and crouched down in front of Satoru before taking one of his hands, he turned to look at Utahime “Where is he? I came as soon as you called, what happened?”
Satoru was still looking down at the ground with tears that were silently flowing, face masked with guilt and anguish. “I-I… I didn’t see the truck Suguru, I swear I didn’t… we should’nt have left the house... it’s all my fault.” The man in front of them broke down again causing Utahime to reach out to him and pull him towards her into an embrace, rubbing her hands up and down his arm trying to console him. Suguru let go of his friend hand and looked at Utahime. They locked eyes for a few seconds sharing a moment of grief before she focused her attention on Satoru.
Another hour passed and the doctor came to them telling them their child was in stable condition but would need a blood transfusion due to the loss of blood during surgery. Satoru being the father hastily agreed to donate blood making Suguru glance at Utahime who was refusing to look the raven-haired man way. Satoru gave a quick kiss to Utahime before following the Doctor to do the blood transfusion while one of the nurses came to escort Utahime and Suguru to the new room Ren was transported.
Entering the room Utahime almost broke down seeing her child hooked up to an IV bag and a breathing tube. She quickly went to the side of the hospital bed and embraced her child’s hand tearing up at the sight of her baby. Suguru who was quiet this whole time was soaking everything in. It pained him to see Utahime and Ren in this state and he walked to the same side Utahime was on looking at her before glancing at the child that was unconscious……. “Is this our Karma?”
Blood transfusion denied. Reason: Not a match
“What?” Satoru srunched his face in confusion as he looked between Utahime, Suguru, and the nurse. Only two of them was refusing to make eye contact with him while the nurse looked at him with a look of pity. Utahime continued looking at their son laying in the hospital bed with tears threatening to flow down. “What do you mean it’s not a match? Is this a prank?” Satoru took a step towards the nurse “How am I not a match when that’s my son?!” Satoru yelled at the nurse who only looked at him with that same look that he didn’t want. She took a step towards him and placed her hand on his arm before saying the very thing Satoru was too blind to see. “It means you are not the father Mr.Gojo, I am sorry. But we need to find a match soon... When you all find a match, please come get me or the doctor so we can arrange the blood transfusion as soon as possible.”
With that the nurse left the 3 adults in the suffocating room. The tension in the room was unbearable and with Satoru still standing in the same position for the past 3 minutes the other 2 adults were starting to squirm in their seats. Suguru foot was tapping the moment the nurse told Satoru the news and it was at that moment Suguru realized he had enough, he couldn’t do this anymore so knowing the next few words that would come out his mouth would ruin the friendship him and Satoru shared he knows he couldn’t keep living in this lie. So, he stood up and faced Satoru who only looked at him with teary eyes and opened his mouth to say “It’s me. I’m the father of your child.”
It all happened to quick for Suguru to react because next thing he knew he was on the ground after getting punched in the face by Satoru. Security was called after many of the nurses tried to get Satoru to let Suguru out of a chokehold and soon after the white-haired man whose strands were painted red with blood had to be escorted off the premises. As he was being escorted out the room by police Utahime was clinging on to his arm rambling her sorries to him.
Her crocodile tears were making his ears ring and at that moment for the first time he truly felt regret, he couldn’t believe he was living in a lie for 5 years. He yanked his arm from her grasp and looked down at her with a look that made her stop her ramblings, “I don’t want to hear shit from you anymore, we’re done! I wasted 5 years! 5 years! That’s not even my kid in there! If you can lie to me about that, what else were you lying about?!” Before she could answer the police nudged him to continue walking out the hospital doors leaving the tear faced woman alone watching his silhouette grow smaller in the distance.
(Y/n)’s Apartment 11:20pm
You were glad you finally had a night off and Aimi was fast asleep on the floor with her blanket wrapped around her. Her white hair (that unfortunately she took after her father) was sprawled out in a tangled mess from all the playing she did at Yuji’s 6th birthday party earlier. You groaned because you could’ve sworn you dropped her off with a nice ponytail and was mortified when you came to pick her up and watched her running out the house with a bird nest on top of her head.
‘It’s going to be a pain to brush her hair tomorrow’ you thought to yourself. ‘She’s still adorable though… even with that bird nest on her head.’ You giggled to yourself before turning your attention back on your show taking a few sips of your wine. You hate to admit it but ever since you gave birth to Aimi you’ve been drinking a lot more and now it became a habit, a routine. If you didn’t have at least 1 glass of wine before going to bed you were going to get a little cranky.
Your parents mentioned going to counseling because they were convinced you were depressed…. which they’re right of course but you felt like talking about the hurt you went through with your divorce and the 2nd half of your pregnancy wasn’t going to change anything. You just wanted to stop feeling hurt, but you wouldn’t even say you’re still hurt…... oh, who are you kidding, you’re still hurt but it’s more on the numb side. You don’t feel your heart leaking but it’s leaking.
Having to take care of a spitting image of him doesn’t help either and don’t even get you started on how Satoru’s instagram was filled with the birth of him and Utahime’s child but none of yours…. he didn’t even show up to the labor. He came the day after and in the words of Satoru “I guess that counts for something right?” You started feeling irritated again thinking about that while you take another sip or four of your wine. You weren’t even paying attention to your show at the moment. Just thinking how lousy of a baby father he is. He barely even sees his daughter, the agreement between you both was you have her on the weekdays, and he would have her on the weekends. Before she could even turn 1 the agreement of him having her on the weekends turned into every other weekend which now turned into once a month or whenever he can “make time”. ‘That lousy son of a-’
*ring**ring* *ring* your phone going off interrupted your thoughts and your face immediately sours after reading the name. Now what business do he have calling this late at night? “What is it Satoru?” You asked answering the phone. You were met with silence and white noise. You were starting to get impatient and almost hung up until he sighed and spoke in a low voice. “Sorry to call so late.. I-I was wondering if I can come over tomorrow night to see you and Aimi… I-I want to discuss some things… there’s some things I need to apologize to you for. To apologize to both of you.” It was now your turn to be silent. He wanted to apologize? ‘Aren’t you about five years too late?’ Is what you really wanted to say and end the call right then and there but at the same time it’s been about 4 months since Aimi got to see her dad and she has been asking about her “Toru-ru” (a nickname she came up with since she learned to talk) you sighed and internally rolled your eyes before saying “okay, come over around 7pm.” You hung up tossing your phone beside you and eyed the wine that you still had in your glass…. After 5 years now he wants to apologize. You gulped down the rest of the wine feeling it warm your belly. ‘I guess that counts for something right?’
Saturday. March 21st, 2023, 6:52pm
“Mommy! Are we really going to see Toru-ru?” Your daughter was excited, her blue eyes were gleaming as she swayed in her seat. You never thought to correct your daughter into saying daddy instead of the nickname she came up with because in your eyes he was never really a good father to her anyways. “Yep. He’ll be over here in a few minutes, and we’ll spend some time with him, he wants to see his little princess.” You gave her a kiss on the forehead and finished adding the final touches to dinner.
You made creamy shrimp pasta with sun-dried tomatoes since pasta was Aimi’s favorite meal to eat. She loves pasta so much you always tease her that she’s going to turn into one which she would reply “That would be the best thing to ever happen!” You turned the stove off and started to wonder to yourself if you were really cooking this for Aimi or for yourself. Well…. you’re really doing this for yourself. You hate to feel this way but you long for the look in your daughter eyes when the 3 of you are all together spending time even though it doesn’t happen that often. You can’t help but to feed your crazy delusions in having that family moment of just you 3 eating dinner together because you felt like you were robbed of it. Of everything. And it hurts you that you couldn’t provide Aimi with that stable family environment like her friends. She may not mention it, but you know deep down it affects her.
The doorbell to your apartment broke your thoughts and before you could react your daughter is already opening the door yelling “Toru-ru!” Holding her hands out for the blue-eyed devil to pick her up. He chuckled and tried to match her enthusiasm as he picked her up giving her kisses all over her face “Hey my princess, now why are you answering the door?? What if I was a stranger? That’s not safe” He gave her more kisses to her face making her giggle “But you’re not a stranger to me dad” She gave him a toothy grin. ‘Bullshit. He damn near is’ you thought to yourself before setting up the dinner table.
Satoru walked into the kitchen looking at you and taking the sight of you in. It’s been about 4 months since y’all seen each other and he can’t help but to feel a little awkward, not knowing what else to say he put Aimi back on the ground before walking closer to you making you look up at him. He smiled at you, and you noticed his eyes were a little puffy. ‘Was he crying?’
“Hey (y/n) thank you for allowing me to come over and spend time with you and Aimi” he took a seat at the table and you placed a plate in front of him, “I mean you are her dad, you’re supposed to spend time with her right?” You couldn’t help but to let the attitude show through your voice and you scolded yourself because you didn’t want Aimi to catch on, it wouldn’t be healthy for her to know you absolutely hated her dad’s guts. Aimi took the other chair and scooted it closer to her dad so she can soak up as much quality time with him as she can. “Toru-ru! You wouldn’t believe what happened at Yuji’s birthday party yesterday!” She started rambling to her dad and as you were placing the food on their plates you were started to relish this time
With Aimi catching up with her dad you glanced at Satoru who was giving his daughter all his devoted attention laughing when she would say something ridiculous. You started to feel your heart leak again. You took your seat at the table near them after you filled your plate with food telling them they can eat. “And one time mommy had a friend over, and he was helping make spaghetti, but they spilled ALL the sauce on the floor, and they fell! It was so funny!” At that Satoru head perked up from his plate and he glanced at you “Mommy has a friend?”
The question was geared more towards you, and you couldn’t help but to feel irritated of that accusing tone. “Yes, I had a friend over last week and his name is Toji. He came over with his son for a play date.” Satoru only looked at you as his ears perked up at the name and couldn’t help but to feel jealous. Throughout the whole 5 years he knew you were single so hearing you have a new ‘friend’ and it’s a guy that also has a kid was kind of eating at him as selfish as it sounds, he knows he has no place to say anything but Satoru being Satoru couldn’t help but to let his jealousy show. “So, you’re setting up my daughter on play dates with boys now?” You scoffed because you couldn’t believe the audacity this man has. “You’re daughter? Do you even have the right to say that?”
You both were glaring at each other and Aimi wasn’t a dumb child she started to have a feeling this family time wasn’t going to go well so she sneaked out carrying her plate to the living room with her iPad trying to hold in her tears. You noticed the change in your daughter demeanor which made you even angrier at the man glaring at you. “Do you see what you are doing? She wants to spend time with you and you’re just letting yourself absorbed feelings get in the way of that!” It was now his turn to scoff
“me? You’re the one who just denounced my fatherhood in front of our child!” You rubbed your forehead already getting tired. You’ve been so tired for so long and the emotions your heart was leaking was starting to get a bit too much for you to handle. You got up grabbing your plate “you know what, you’re right I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that in front of her. I’m going to go upstairs you can still spend time with her.” You put the scraps of food in the trash and the plate in the sink and began to head out the kitchen until Satoru grabbed your hand softly turning you to face him. You looked up at him trying to hold back tears. He looked at you with so much emotion and he bit his bottom lip to keep him for crying for the 10th time today.
“What is it Satoru?” You softly asked as you glanced away. You were suddenly taken aback when he embraced you into a hug. You felt him place his hand on the back of your head while his other arm was wrapped around your torso. He held you so close to him that you could hear his heartbeat and you swore you could hear his heart leaking like yours. “I’m so sorry (y/n), for everything, for cheating on you to abandoning you when you were pregnant, God, for not being there for Aimi,” he started sobbing on your shoulder and a part of you wanted to console him, but your arms just laid to your side. “Satoru please let me go so we can sit down and talk.” he didn’t want to let you go but he listened and sat down at the same table where he left you 5 years ago. It felt like déjà vu for him and if he could rewind time to stop himself from betraying you, he would. At this moment he would give up his kidney to be able to go back in time. He couldn’t help but to feel like this was his Karma and he never felt so wrong in his entire life.
“Why now? Why after 5 years?” You broke his train of thought as you stared at him from across the table with a stoic expression and arms crossed. “I –“ He began to answer but you cut him off, “why didn’t you show up when I was in labor? Why didn’t you keep your promise to see your little princess every weekend? How could you cheat on me while I was pregnant? While you were living with Utahime in her big house playing daddy I was here working overtime as a single mother…. And I still am, we would’ve got evicted out of this apartment if it wasn’t for Toji who paid our rent 3 months in advance to give me breathing room. God! I’ve only known him for half a year and he’s already been more of a father to Aimi than you ever been for the whole 5 years she’s been on this earth. He’s spent more time with her than you ever did, and I’m not even dating the guy, he does it because he wants to!” You sighed rubbing your face with your hands feeling the tingling sensation of your eyes water,
“I just felt so abandoned and alone Satoru. The trauma from the pregnancy to the birth to now is just too overwhelming for a simple Im sorry. I honestly don’t even want to hear it because it’s not going to change anything that I went through. It’s not going to change the hurt Aimi would feel when she can’t spend time with her dad cause she doesn’t ‘fit in his schedule’…. So why now after all of that are you here to apologize?”
You were breathing a little heavy after your rant and you still sat across from him waiting for his response. It was like your words knocked the wind out of him. He was so riddled with guilt and regret that he couldn’t keep his eyesight from blurring due to the tears. “I wasn’t a man… I’m not going to make excuses for my actions because there are none…. I found out yesterday that Ren isn’t my son. Suguru is the father and at that moment I felt so betrayed by both of them that I thought about you and how I betrayed you. I’m sorry that it took all this time for me to see that…. I... came here to apologize to you and I want to do better for our daughter. I wasted five years raising a son that wasn’t mine when I neglected my own daughter. I know what we had is over and what I did to you is unredeemable but,”
Satoru got up from the chair and walked in front of you and started to get on his knees keeping eye contact with you before bowing to the ground with his head touching the floor. “Please let me redeem myself to our daughter, please let me show you both that I will be a better father for her, please.” He was still bowing on the ground, and you couldn’t help but to feel a little pity for him…. But at the same time, you felt like why should you give grace to the man that was literally the cause of your depression until you remembered the sight of your daughter when Satoru came and how happy she was. You may not be as forgiving but a child seems to always forgive their parent for their shortcomings. You ran your fingers through your hair and sighed before giving in. “Okay... let’s start with you having her on the weekends.”
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(A/N: “Fuck it let’s do it, fuck it let’s do it.” We making this shit into a series, fuck it lol! But please excuse any editing, grammar, or whatever mistakes I may have in this chapter…. I may or may not have been writing this while sipping wine :P ANYWAYYSSS With the news of Ren actually being Suguru’s and Utahime’s child and the addition of Toji being in y’all’s life I just can’t leave the story with too many loose ends like that lol. I was writing this with the intention of this being the finale, but we still got a few questions and topics that need to be answered. So, I’m giving this series at least 10 chapters. And I don’t even know what will happen. Did Ren survive? Why was Satoru such a deadbeat father? Will Suguru and Satoru friendship ever return to what it was? Will Satoru and Utahime get back together? Will you and Satoru get back together? Will Satoru still see Ren as his own? And what is the truth behind this ‘friendship’ between you and Toji? Ugh. I just opened a can of worms yall…. I made more work for myself lol. But I hope y’all enjoyed this chapter!!!! I will try to update on my off days this week. So, chapter 3 and 4 might come out this Wednesday and Saturday? All I know is we might need a Valium and 3 shots of tequila once we get finished with these people)
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starsomens · 6 months
“Where did she go Nick?” Noah was frantic, on the verge of tears and just flipping the room upside down
“Listen even if I wanted to tell you I swore to her I wouldn’t say a word” the drummer raised his hands.
Things between you and Noah were rocky. Time, schedules, petty arguments, even to the point of just ignoring each other and Noah staying over other places. You just couldn’t take more arguments or nights spent alone crying….you left him a note, blocked his number and never looked back.
Noah came home to your things gone, and a cold dark home. He thought you were just trying to get back at him, until the hours grew later into the afternoon. You had blocked him, on everything. Your friends wouldn’t say a word to him, and Nick had apparently known about it. You made him promise you not to crack and tell Noah, and he kept his promise.
He loved both of you. Noah was his close friend and front man, but you had also grown on him like a sister. He saw how unhappy you were becoming, so he kept his promise
“Nick I swear to fucking God, all she leaves is this note and it doesn’t solve shit for me!” Noah begins to become frustrated as he waves the note you left for him in the air.
“What does the note say?” Nick asks, before Noah could argue back “just read it”
“…..on the corner of first and amistad.”
Noah stares at his band mate and friend and it has finally hit him.
“….oh fuck…Fuck!” He grabs his jacket and speeds out of the door.
Where were you? When everything was falling apart…
He races down the street, making every turn possible to get to you as fast as he could. His mind was racing, his hands shook as he zipped through traffic. He had met you on the corner of a train station, and you were listening to The Fray, so it was always a reference you’d make….but this time it was different.
“Come on,come on” his mind races back to the days where he was stubborn, or when you were petty. How stupid those arguments were. How dumb it was to just ignore you, and now he was on the verge of losing everything he loved.
All my days were spent by telephone. That never rang, and all I needed was a call…
He makes it to the train station and park horribly. He’d probably get a ticket but that didn’t matter. What mattered right now was finding you, and stopping you from leaving. He could feel his chest filling with ache, his eye burned, and his head was pounding. He runs through the stations looking for you. Searching for you familiar face in the crowd
Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me, lying on the floor. Surrounded, surrounded, why’d you have to wait?
Once he finds you, he’ll hold you, and apologize and fix every wrong he’d done. He cousins lose you! He refused to let you go. His eyes land on a hat he knew too well. The one he had gives you from his closet to keep you warm. He makes his way through the crowded platform, praying the train wouldn’t arrive before he could reach you.
Well, in the end, everyone ends up alone. But losin her, the only one who’s ever know. Who I am, who I’m not, who I wanna be…
“E-excuse me, sorry. Y/N!” He calls out your name, the sweet beautiful name he adores. Each time he said it he couldn’t help but smile. He regretted every time he’d say it with venom in his tone. Your name deserved to be spoken only with love “Y/N!!”
Now way to know how long she will be next to me…
He finally reached the end of the endless crowd and reaches out to you. His hand lands on your shoulder and you spin around. You pluck the ear buds from your ears and stare at him in shock.
“Y/N…I…I found you…” he said out of breath
“You….did…” was all you responded to him
“Y/N…please don’t do this. Not like this please just come home” he tells you as he looked at your luggage.
I’ve been callin, for years and years and years, and you never left me no messages…
“Noah. I can’t…not anymore” you didn’t look at him. Keeping you eyes down to the ground, or on the recaps waiting on your train “…I…I wasn’t important enough for you to take the time and fix things…so why now?” You asked him still keeping you gaze lowered
“I was stupid Y/N, please believe me I want to fix this I really do. I was….just…..lost and insecure…” he said as he realized exactly where you were
“….so why’d you have to wait?” You finally look at him “….wait until it was broken for you to try and fix it?! I…I loved you Noah…I-i…” it broke his heart to hear you so broken, to hear your voice cracking and breaking, the tears that ran down your blushed cheeks
“And I love you Y/N! I loved you then, now and I will forever please. I love you” you takes a hold of your hands and brings you close to him, resting his forehand against yours, holding your knuckles to his lips “I love you so much….please don’t leave….i found you..”
“You found me…” you reply back “where were you?”
“…just a little late”
“Why’d you have to wait?” You retreat your hands and take a step back from Noah. You take the hat off and hand it to him. You walk toward the edge of the platform as your train pulls in. He watched as you slipped form his fingers, his grip trying to hold on to your hands, before they finally slipped. The doors opened and you take your first step into the train
“Y/N! Please!” He calls out to you gripping the hat in his hand as tears ran down his cheeks. Your heart ached at the sight but you cousins gave him anymore. In fear that both do your tears would bring you both back to where it all started.
“To find me? (To find me..)”
You were gone.
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Vhagar's diary (The Point of view of a dragon) ((Slight spoof)
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This fanfic has been dedicated to my friends, who told me to start writing and to kinda dont give a f what people think about it, tbf people will always moan.
The majestic dragon Vhagar shares her story, in a exclusive interview/tell all biography. What does she remember and what can she tell us about the past? What do we know? Vhagar tells all is part of a mini series featuring three parts of Vhagars life leading up to house of the dragon, with her ...unique thoughts and perspective!
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I have always been a simple, elegant and well-educated dragon. I was born at Dragon Stone, which would become the ancestral seat of the Targaryens. The Targaryen family has plagued me for as long as I’ve been alive. From the very moment I hatched, I was wary and paranoid of those white-haired people. It was very clear to me, as with any other sane soul, that there was something incredibly wrong with them. So, naturally: I felt right at home in their presence!
I could hear the swords clash whenever Aegon, Visenya and Rhaenys were around. I could smell the sweet smell of blood whenever they were near and feel the fire burn in their veins, yes all that is true. But I must admit that I never felt more comfortable as I did at Dragonstone. It is perhaps a bit childish, but I hatched there. It shall always be my home.
What did I think of the three conquerors personally? Aegon smelled funny. He smelled like cattle and he had a big dragon called Balerion. Aegon was a true Targaryen in name, and birthright, and shared this wonderful bloodthirsty mind that befitted a Targaryen. He also gave me treats whenever Visenya would look away. Aegon married both Rhaenys and Visenya, for some reason I as a dragon quite don’t understand. But he preferred Rhaenys over Visenya, unfortunately. 
It was difficult for me when he died, I’ll admit it. I wish I had killed him for the pain he inflicted on Visenya. That will forever be my greatest regret, dear reader. I lit his funeral pyre, but I must admit it is no fun lighting a corpse that has been killed by a better, clever and stronger someone before you.
Rhaenys was a sweet boring woman and therefore never interested me, personally. But as Visenya’s first soldier, loyal servant and beloved pet I had to see and watch how Aegon treated Rhaenys and Visenya and let me tell you it was so difficult to not breathe fire at each of them whenever i saw them together.
Visenya. Visenya was the cleverest sweetest most generous and greatest woman that ever lived and shall ever live, mark my words and count my scales! From the moment we bonded, I knew, that woman was a special soul, like me. I could tell, because these are my words, so you have to either buy them, or leave it. 
I remember after she and I bonded; she did a victory ride, with me, soaring through the skies. I never had been bonded before, and no rider’s bond would be as strong as the one I shared with her. I always suspected that Visenya and I were part of the same soul, brought together by fate. We were meant to die together, too. 
Aegon, the pervert, was watching us, and now that she did have a dragon, he was interested in marrying his other sister as well. Visenya was happy. I think I know why. She was finally noticed. She was finally good enough.
From the moment I hatched, I always have been in Balerion’s shadow. Quite literally. Have you seen the size of that beast? But sadly, it is true, I swear on my beautiful horns. The Black dread, they called him. He inspired genuine fear, true terror in ways I could only dream of. You must know, that I was quite the pathetic baby lizard at that time, but I grew and I grew harder out of pure spite, jealousy, and determination. 
It was a sight to behold, the conquest. So many burning things, so many fleeing things! Visenya and I flew to Stokeworth. I never understood humans very well, but according to Visenya StokeWorth was not first in line when the gods handed out brains. They shot bolts at us until I turned the castle roofs to crisp and ash. 
At some point, they crowned Aegon too, I can’t recall when it happened, as I don’t really care about Aegon, much as you can probably tell.  I do recall Visenya feeding me a nice big cowhead as a thank you for my loyal servitude. I never had any friends, but she comes close to what I would consider a friend if you must know.
Castles fell at our feet, men begged us for mercy, they screamed prayers at their gods as I and the other dragons soared above the skies of Westeros, teaching it the meaning of ‘Fire and Blood’. It felt great to be a part of something bigger than me, something that I would know would last centuries. Something that I would know would last long after I had left behind this, earthy crispy shell of a ball.
It was great. But like all great things, this came too an end. 
The Dornish people killed Rhaenys and the dragon Meraxes in Dorne. Aegon never was the same after their deaths, neither was Visenya. There was this hole left in her soul that no dead body could fill. We went on a beautiful trip to Dorne, avenging the fallen Queen and her dragon. I did not care much for revenge; I was just happy to be invited and to taste Dornish. 
Aegon died in 37 AC, and I was invited to light his funeral pyre. I did so with great pride and effort, happy to see the flames lick away the remains of that man. Visenya had again lost something very dear to her, and she remained close to me. The eldest of the three, yet the last alive.
In 41 AC, I saw my birthplace again. Visenya had taken me back to Dragonstone, when Aenys, one of the sons Aegon had fathered, named another Aegon, the prince of Dragonstone, which made him the heir of the Targaryen kingdom we just conquered. I pray to their ‘gods’ whatever these might be, that this is the final man named Aegon in the Targaryen dynasty, as this dragon already finds this incredibly confusing.  I understand my lady was very upset. We passed the moon, and it turned red, according to witnesses. Well, those had a little bit too drink, I think. I did not see such a thing. 
It fell from the skies and shattered. I did see that. But what they claim? No that’s a lie, my apologies. 
The rest of the tale that follows is the tale of the maesters, of corrupt men writing on powerful women. I would not speak ill of the dead, though I do so with much pleasure, but my Visenya was no evil woman. She was gentle with me, she was good and kind. She had given dozens of reasons to burn her sister and brother alive, jealousy being the main one. I must admit, perhaps time erased all the horrible things Visenya did, and only made her sweet in my memory. I do not see Visenya as some beacon of goodness. I see her as any dragon should see their riders: Once upon a time, I was confronted by a girl who stared into my eyes, tears running down her face, begging for a chance to become a Queen. And I gave it to her.
As a dragon, it is hard for me to remember all this stuff. I did not become attached to much humans in my lifetime. Most I ate. But Visenya was unique for I felt we had a connection. A deep connection that threw us together and bound us. 
It was terrifying watching Visenya visit me, every time a little thinner, and a little thinner. I once shared my cow with her, but she did not like the meat, I think. Visenya was declared dead in the year 44 AC, but she died much earlier, I tell you. I watched her die, multiple times a day, multiple times a year, until I finally felt this, horrible emptiness. I wept and screamed, breathed fire until I had blackened the walls of dragonstone, but none of it mattered. I knew she was gone. Nothing could bring her back. I felt alone, truth be told.
At that moment, all I wanted was to join her. We should have died together, fighting as warriors. They call my lovely lady a Kinslayer, perhaps a Kingslayer and a murderer and an unfaithful witch. Well, let them, I say. My lady remains one of the most iconic queens of the Targaryen dynasty, and I shall forever be proud she was my first rider. 
She was amazing.
Not as amazing as me, but be honest: Who even can be?!
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Vhagar's diary ends here. A part two might be in the works, I love vhagar very much and i like imagining her life but clearly she forgets/misremembers things and its so fun to write something else for a change.
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amiharana · 1 year
revalink flower shop x tattoo shop omgg... who runs which shop how do they meet are they competitive with their businesses do they give each other cute things from their shops 👁
god it would work either way, but ultimately i think link would own the tattoo shop and revali would own the flower shop. i only decided it because revali seems like the type to have to do multiple sessions for the tiniest tattoo because his pain tolerance is low for tattoos LMAO bro is sitting there like "it doesn't hurt i swear" meanwhile his face is red and he's sucking in his lips trying not to burst into tears ready to shit his pants, but the needle hasn't even touched his skin yet ✋😭
this au could go in a couple different ways: (1) link and revali hate each other and fight all the time about being the better store (boring!), (2) there's no rivalry and link and revali are mutually interested in each other (better, but a bit ooc i feel), or (3) link moves in and becomes more and more curious as he catches glimpses of his (((attractive))) store-neighbor while secretly hopeless romantic revali is grumpy and annoyed about how off-putting a tattoo shop will look next to his flower shop and there's a very mild one-sided rivalry mentality on his end, but as link tries to get to know revali better, revali thinks, perhaps this wouldn't be so bad. you already know what i'm about to write about rn lmfao.
revali's flower shop "the meadow" has been open on tabantha street for a couple years now. he thinks of himself as a very good florist, probably the best in the entire city of hyrule, and he's actually won a couple floral design competitions??? revali inherited the shop from his parents after they passed and he gets fairly good business, especially because everyone who lives on this street are hopeless romantics who are always buying bouquets for dates or to bring home to their spouses. revali will roll his eyes and scoff lightheartedly to his customers about how mushy it all is (but inside, he wants the same for himself; to go home to someone he loves with a bouquet of flowers. revali wonders sometimes, when he watches customers leave with red roses in hand, if he was meant to ever find love. he looks over at the vase of forget-me-nots on the counter; perhaps, one day).
the retail space next to revali's shop has been empty for a couple years and revali is thinking about expanding into the space when suddenly, the space gets rented out and in moves some blond twink with a fully tatted up arm with his dumb little tattoo shop called "master ink zero" or some shit. revali comes in to work one day only for there to be construction going on in the empty space he's been eyeing for a while, and that cute blond twink is standing in front of it talking to one of the workers. what the fuck. all this construction noise is going to scare revali's soft-hearted hopeless romantic customers away! the blond notices him and holds a hand up to wave a little, but revali just glares and turns away to unlock the door to his shop. he could really let that kid have it, but he holds his tongue because he needs to open the store. (he is kind of cute though... stop it, bad revali!)
the day continues as smoothly as it can with construction noise muffled through one of the shop's walls giving revali a migraine. fortunately, his regulars still come but unfortunately, every single one of them comments on the construction.
"you're going to get a new neighbor!" amali says as revali rings up the regular bouquet for her husband kass. "how exciting! you won't be lonely anymore."
"what a curious mix," muses saki when she enters the shop. "a flower shop and a tattoo parlor next to each other. you know, my teba and i are quite the opposites ourselves and they say opposites attract, so—" and revali flushes, squawking and ushering her out. she only laughs at him and bids him well.
the moment his friend urbosa steps into the store to visit, revali knows that she knows and immediately regrets his entire life. "have you proposed marriage to him yet?" she asks, smirking and sits on the counter.
"get off of my counter, i just wiped that down," revali snipes at her, frowning. "whatever do you mean, propose?"
"to blondie next door," she says, cocking her head to the side towards the construction. revali rolls his eyes but she continues. "he's your type down to a T."
"and he's going to scare off my customers," he replies and returns to spraying his vase of forget-me-nots. "i could care less whether or not he's my type."
urbosa hums. "well he's cute and he seems like a nice kid." suddenly, her gaze shifts into something more serious and revali's shoulders tense. "revali... forgive me if i overstep, but i know you've been alone for a while. you've been running this shop for years, working nonstop. i don't think you've ever had a moment to yourself. it might be nice to take a leap of faith on this one, you know?"
revali reverts his attention back to the forget-me-nots and doesn't say anything else, touching the petals with gentle fingers. urbosa sighs. "just consider it, okay? i care about you and i want you to be happy."
"i know," he murmurs. "i know. i'll think about it. only because you asked me to, though. not because he's my type." urbosa smiles and punches his shoulder lightly, to which revali wrinkles his nose at her. he'll think about it.
somehow, the tattoo shop finishes construction in the next week (that bolson construction company sure is efficient...) and opens. revali should probably go over to congratulate his new neighbor with a bouquet of daffodils and white carnations, but he's already glared them down the first time he saw them. with an oddly uncomfortable feeling in his chest, he keeps to himself in his little flower shop, tending to his vase of forget-me-nots and all his other flowers.
(but just because revali doesn't want to visit doesn't mean that link won't 👁️)
the soft chime of a bell alerts revali that a customer has stepped into the store. "welcome to the meadow," he starts, looking up from his computer to the door, "what can i help you with—?" and the rest of his words are stuck in his throat. there, in the threshold of his store, is the blond twink with the fully tatted arm staring at revali with wide, bright blue eyes.
revali never actually got a good look at him when they saw each other the first time. the blond is wearing a loose green tank top, black leather jeans, and combat boots, and his tatted arm is fully on display, swirling with deliberate strokes of ink. he's quite toned and lean, now that revali has gotten a closer look. definitely not his type. he's not!
"hi," the blond says, his voice as soft as the doorbell. "i'm link. i'm the... owner of the tattoo shop next door." he's got freckles, revali thinks faintly before he can actually process any other words.
"really? i wouldn't have ever known with your entire arm covered in tattoos," he says instead. "perhaps you were actually a receptionist or a dog walker who stumbled upon my humble shop." revali cringes internally after the words leave his mouth; he didn't mean to come off that rude for their first proper interaction. he just wanted to be a little rude.
but link only smiles at him, small but genuine, and a feeling grows in revali's chest that he can't quite name. "i'm not sure i'd be very good at either of those things," he says and steps a little closer to the counter, hands in his pockets.
"and who's to say you're any good at tattooing either?" revali mutters, and he doesn't mean for link to actually hear it, but he does, much to revali's chagrin.
link cocks his head, still smiling. "you could come by and find out," he says, and revali blinks at him. they maintain each other's gaze for a couple moments, link's eyes bright and wide, until revali finally tears his gaze away back to his computer. he can't read a single word on the screen.
"revali," he says instead, still keeping his eyes on the screen. it's almost feels difficult to get the words out. "my name is revali."
"hi revali," link says, leaning against the counter now. "it's nice to meet you." then, he glances up at the clock mounted above revali's head. "i have to get back now, i just wanted to properly introduce myself to you now that we'll be working next door to each other. i hope to see you around." with that, link stands up, bows his head a little, and gives revali another smile before leaving.
(and if revali stared after him and the way those leather jeans hugged his figure quite nicely, no he didn't.)
and that's how it starts 😳 at first i considered having link also keep to his own shop at first, but i don't think that does his "character" justice in the game. if you consider us as players to be equivalent to botw link's character (i.e. how we maneuver link in-game, what dialogue options we choose, etc), then link has this natural curiosity about the world around him and wants to explore and talk to new people. so of COURSE if he sees that his neighbor is hot, he's going to want to come over and say hiiiii *twirls his hair*
revalink shenanigans ensue <3 in the beginning, link would randomly drop by during the week for a minute or two, to say hi and make small talk with revali and at first, revali wouldn't say much eyeing the blond. but his short responses and cold demeanor don't deter link; it seems to spur him on, the blond smiling brightly at him with every greeting and with every goodbye.
one day, link comes in and after he says hello, he starts walking around the store looking at the flowers like he's a customer. revali blinks and watches link walk around, dumbfounded.
"what are you doing?" revali says.
"looking at the flowers," link says. he gently touches the edges of the flowers' petals as he moves between the aisles, the same way that revali treats the flowers. "i want to put some on our reception desk. i think it would look really nice." he stops before a cluster of sunflowers and then looks at revali. "can i get some of these?"
revali faintly notes how well link resembles the bright flowers, before scoffing. "if you're going to get flowers to greet your customers, you might as well put some effort into it!" he snips, crossing his arms. "sunflowers are a good choice, but sunflowers only are bland. here, if you were to add some of these—"
he ends up walking link around the entire adding flowers to the ones in link's hand and talking about the different meanings and nuances of flowers, until the arrangement has become a bouquet of sunflowers, gladiolus flowers, jasmine flowers, and calendulas, surrounded by a bunch of little white chamomiles.
"there," revali says, putting his hands on his hips and puffing up proudly. "now that is a bouquet worthy to greet customers."
"it's very beautiful," link comments. he gazes at the bouquet and touches the flowers with those ever so gentle fingers skirting the edges of the petals. "thank you for helping me put it together. how much does it cost?"
and that stops revali in his tracks, his hands dropping to his sides. he totally forgot that link wanted to get flowers for his own store and came here acting like a customer. "yes, the matter of payment," revali starts, blinking and brain scrambling, "well, then, just think of it as a welcoming gift."
"a welcoming gift?" link echoes, cocking his head at revali with those wide blue eyes.
"yes!" revali says, his face beginning to flush. "because your store is still brand new and i hadn't welcomed you properly either..." revali looks away, feeling his cheeks burn. "it's the least i can do..."
when he looks back at link, that familiar smile has returned to his face, eyes sparkling. "thank you, revali," link says, voice soft. "that's really nice of you." and revali's heart flutters.
"well, of course!" he stammers, willing his face not to burn brighter than it already is. "you're fortunate enough to be neighbors with me, the kindest, most benevolent, and gentlemanly florist in all of hyrule." link smiles brighter at him, holding the flowers to his chest and revali looks away, the pounding in his heart so intense he wonders if it will punch through his ribcage out onto the floor.
link starts coming in on mondays and wednesdays during his lunch break just to talk to revali, and gets him to talk more about the meanings of the flowers and the nuances of different colors, the best way to arrange flowers, etc., link happily listening along. it takes some time for revali to get used to, the sound of their voices filling the usually quiet shop for that sacred half hour but once it's set into place, revali looks forward to it every week (though he'll never admit it out loud).
"don't you eat during a lunch break?" revali comments once, after finishing a spiel about invasive flowers to never plant. link hums questioningly at him. "it's a lunch break. aren't you hungry?"
"oh," link says. "i guess?" and right on cue, a rumble comes from the blond's stomach and he looks up at revali with a sheepish smile. "ahah... i got so caught up talking to you i forgot i had to eat."
revali rolls his eyes, then sighs looking up at the clock. "we still have 20 minutes," he says. "come on, let's go to the cafe."
"cafe?" link repeats, as revali grabs his phone, wallet, and keys. "there's a cafe here?"
"had you paid much more attention to anywhere else but me, you'd have known," revali says, but link still stares at him with his head tilted, waiting for an answer. "one of my regulars, amali, runs the 'birdbath' cafe just down the street. she has an assortment of meals for you to choose from, you can just get one to-go."
they enter the cafe and amali starts greeting them until she realizes it's revali and then realizes it's revali with a guest and she's like IS THIS YOUR NEW NEIGHBOR??? and he's reservedly like Yeah... and now amali is fussing all over link and asking him about how he's settling in, is everything going okay, is revali nice to you, you can come in anytime you'd like! revali is like Pls....... we have 15 minutes until link has to go back to work just give him food girl
link is very excited about the entire menu because everything looks really good. "i'll have to come back here to try everything!" he tells amali and she's ecstatic. "i'm telling you, come back anytime! you're always welcome here," she says warmly.
and when link gets ready to pay, revali brushes him aside and offers his card to amali. amali gives revali a knowing look and accepts the card, but link looks up at him confused. "you don't have to..." he starts.
"i'll pay for you this time," revali mutters, averting his eyes. "i'm the one who dragged you out here after all." and link stares with those huge blue eyes.
"thank you," he says softly. "you're so kind, revali."
"that's our revali!" amali chuckles, handing revali his card back. "he might seem like all high and mighty, but he's really just a softie inside. why do you think he runs a flower shop?"
"amali!" revali gripes, flushing. "please just get link his food." he glances back at link, who's still gazing at him with an expression that revali doesn't know how to read. he looks at revali so softly, so tenderly, and... fond. revali swallows and adjusts his collar. is it hot in here or is it just him?
god this post is already so long but there is so much potential for so many revalink shenanigans in this au 🥺
link coming to get bouquets every week for his own store and learning how to make bouquets with revali
link showing revali his portfolio of tattoos and offering to give revali a tattoo for a discounted price only for revali to decline and link gets sad, until revali quickly says that he's scared of needles and link is like ohhh (but he's still kind of disappointed because he likes the idea of tattooing revali)
link secretly sketching and designing tattoos in his off-time that he think would look really beautiful and fit revali really well. and fantasizing about touching revali's biceps to tattoo him LOL
what if link had a tramp stamp. link with a tattoos on his ribcage and groin. tattoos behind his ear. he shows revali all of these irl in the shop and revali's face is so red he's just like Um. Yes Those Are All Very Nice. Yes. Please Put Your Clothes Back On.
link coming in to buy a bouquet of lilies for zelda and revali goes all tense and upset and is like. is that your gf. and link is like GOD NO that's my twin sister and lilies are her favorite flower and revali relaxes and is like oh. that's nice of you to get her some (but is secretly pleased that link doesn't have a significant other)
urbosa coming to visit the store at a time when link is there on his lunch break, and they get to introduce themselves to each other properly. revali is sitting there sweating the entire time and when link tells urbosa about how he comes here to spend his lunch breaks, urbosa smirks at revali, who's ready to shit himself
(urbosa texting revali later congratulating him on tapping that ass. revali screams at her that he has NOT done that. and she replies with "yet?". he threatens to block her)
everyone else on tabantha street realizing that link and revali are kind of having a Thing™ going on between them. and they all start planning to try to get them together. there's a reason why i have "i won't say i'm in love" from disney's hercules on my revalink playlist because everyone is getting in on Operation: Revalink trying to push revali into asking link out and he's like no nothing is going on between us i swear except he's spends all his breaks and off-time with link, taking him to cafes and paying for everything link orders, sitting in on tattoo sessions because link invites him over, teaching link how to make bouquets... ok so maybe they have something going on, leave me alone saki, i'm not going to ask him out
THIS WILL BE THE LAST SCENARIO I TALK ABOUT bc this post is so damn long now, but i imagine a scene where link asks revali about the vase of flowers on the counter and what kind of flowers they are. revali looks over at the forget-me-nots he's been carefully tending to and inhales, and tells link.
"those are forget-me-nots," revali says, in a voice that's uncharacteristically soft and vulnerable. it makes link sit up, becoming much more attentive to revali's demeanor. "they're perennial hardy flowers that die in the winter but regrow again during the spring. there's an old story about these little ones, where a knight and his lover were walking alongside a river. the knight reached down to pick the flowers that were growing near the river, but his armor was too heavy and he ended up falling in, only to be swept away by the river's current. if you ask me, it's a foolish way to go; why was he wearing such heavy armor anyway? but as he floated away, he threw the flowers he picked to his lover and shouted, 'forget me not!' and the flower was named as such."
revali reaches over to pull the vase closer and places it in between him and link. the flowers are small and delicate little things, a sweet shade of blue with a yellow center. both he and link touch the flowers as they do, with gentle fingers against the edges of the petals.
"these were the flowers that my father offered when he was courting my mother," revali says, gaze faraway. "as you can see, it worked out." he gestures to himself and link smiles. "they're supposed to represent everlasting love, a love so true and strong that it can't be forgotten." he pauses, rubbing a petal in between his fingers before continuing. "i've always wanted to offer a bouquet of these to someone that i love, in the same way my father did for my mother. as sentimental as it is, it's... romantic and meaningful."
"it is," link agrees softly. "whoever you give these flowers to will be very lucky to have someone like you." and revali makes the mistake of looking up to meet link's gaze, because that's where everything about him changes.
when he looks at link, the sun is shining through the windows of the shop, casting a golden glow over the blond. he gazes at revali with those wide blue eyes, the ones that revali has become increasingly enamored with in the time they've spent together, the same color as the forget-me-nots. beautiful, revali thinks and this time he doesn't shy away from the thought because it's true.
then, he takes a flower from the vase and reaches over the counter to slip it behind link's ear, tucking his hair as he goes. link stills, his eyes growing wider and his cheeks turning a faint shade of pink as revali's fingers touch his skin, gentle and featherlight, and for a moment in time, they're the closest they've ever been to each other since they've met. revali could probably count all of the freckles on spread across link's nose and cheeks. in this moment, revali wouldn't mind if they got closer than this. he'd like it a lot, actually.
but he pulls away and sits back down, admiring the way the flower sits prettily behind his ear, contrasting against link's golden hair and tan skin in the sunlight. link is still wide-eyed and pink-faced and it makes revali smile (just a little!). "yes, they'd be very lucky," he murmurs. "blue is definitely your color, by the way. you should wear it more often."
"th-thanks," link whispers, reaching up to touch the flower in his hair. "i'll keep that in mind."
yes, they could be closer than this. revali hopes that one day they could.
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terrarain · 10 months
raining cats 'n dogs
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character(s): miya atsumu
summary: the rain doesn't seem to want to stop anytime soon. kind of unfortunate, because you really want to go home and become one with your bed. but hey, at least you aren't suffering alone!
notes: reader's pronouns unspecified. this takes place sometime during highschool! the reader is implied to be shorter than atsumu. also, there's swearing.
wordcount: 2.1k
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The rain is relentless.
It's deafening and you're sort of impressed at how intense the downpour is; who knew rain could be so aggressive?
Still, it was a hindrance.
Would it work if I just stand here and try to will away the clouds through sheer will and determination?
Probably not.
You try anyways.
Your eyes close and you furrow your brows a little, trying to imagine an endless sea of cloudless blues up above. Your hands are clasped together, lips pursed. Pretty quickly, you lose focus and start thinking back to how you were really regretting not going home earlier.
Club activities be damned. You should've just gone home earlier with one of your friends so you could share an umbrella with one of them.
You couldn't text one of them now and drag them back to the school just to save you from your current situation. You'd feel bad; who wants to come back to school on a Friday?
"The fuck are ya doin' standin' around like that for?"
One eye opens slowly to look at the newcomer. You blink a few times, both eyes now open and sparing the fake blonde a brief glance.
Miya Atsumu. Your seatmate.
You decide to explain the little bout of excitement you feel as excitement towards the prospect of potentially being saved from your predicament.
"I'm trying to make the rain go away through my secret weather powers."
"Yer powers suck," he says, eliciting an eye roll from you. "The rain's still pourin' hard 'n steady."
Your clasped hands drop to rest comfortably at your sides. "So where's your brother?"
" 'Samu went an' abandoned me," he pouts. "He left after practice. Didn't want ta do some extra practice with me. Traitor. What're ya still doin' here?"
"Was working on something for my club," You hum in response, rocking back and forth on your feet. You lick your lips as you stare at the unrelenting, torrential downpour. "Would I be expecting too much from you if I were to ask for a spare umbrella?"
Atsumu grins roguishly as you turn back to him. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think that yet tryin' to pull the shared umbrella trope with me in an attempt ta get closer ta me."
"Has anyone told you that your ego is unreasonably big? Should I pop your inflated ego for you? Y'know, humble you a little?"
"Naw, 'm good," he chortles, callused hands shoved into the pockets of his pockets.
Atsumu isn't making any moves to take out an umbrella. You narrow your eyes.
"So, you forgot to bring an umbrella too?"
"Woulda left by now if I had one."
"Damn. You wouldn't have even offered to walk me home?"
With a flirty eyebrow wiggle (that is decidedly not attractive at all; it just makes him look silly), he leans towards you a little. "Wooow. Ya really want ta walk home with me, hmm?"
"I am so sorry for the people who are around you on a daily basis," is your solemn response. Your attention turns back to the rain, still as heavy as ever. The streets are painted in a humid grey with large, murky puddles gathered at the sidewalks. "Including me, of course, as your unfortunate seatmate."
"Hey," Atsumu protests. "I'm a great seatmate."
"I think I'm growing shorter everyday with how many fangirls I get squashed under during free periods. Their dedication to seeing you is scary."
"Ya can't grow shorter."
"That's what you get from that?"
A pause.
"Hey," you drawl, looking at Atsumu from the corner of your eyes. Honey brown meets your gaze, curious. "You think you could summon one of your fangirls or something to give you an umbrella?"
He ugly-snorts in response. "Didja not get enough sleep last night or somethin'? Tryin' to magic away the weather an' now summoning fangirls."
You are kind of tired. And slightly loopy. You're pretty sure you only got around two hours of sleep last night.
But Atsumu didn't need to know that.
"I don't see you offering up any solutions," you shoot back.
Atsumu stays quiet at this, eliciting a mildly concerned look from you. Surprisingly, there's a contemplative look on his face - it's not a look you see on him very often.
The longer he stands around in silence, the more you start to feel restless.
Now, though you had only moved to Hyōgo just this year and thus has only known the Miya for a few months, you liked to think that you knew a fair amount about him. You saw him every school day, after all, and spent a good amount of time in close proximity with him.
The tapping on the desk. The snarky side comments muttered underneath his breath. His finger poking you in the side. The note exchanging that almost never failed to distract you from the lessons. One scribbled sentence turned to two. Then three. Then ten. Then thirty. Then the bell was ringing as you realize belatedly that the entire class had been spent talking to Atsumu on a piece of paper.
Unexpectedly, Atsumu wasn't so bad to talk to. He made boring classes a lot less dull. He had a lot to say, most of which usually ended up drawing a quiet snicker from you.
Miya Atsumu was kind of a dork. It was something you had decided after seeing the horribly drawn, lopsided volleyball he had doodled in the corner of one of his notebooks.
Not that you frequently paid attention to your seatmate or anything.
Anyways. Your seatmate was never silent. Maybe he was in volleyball? You wouldn't know; you'd never attended one of his matches.
Point is. Seeing Miya Atsumu standing around all silent and unmoving was kind of off-putting.
"What's going on in that volleyball-brain of yours?"
"Let's jus' book it," he says, finally, lips curling up into a grin.
"Let's book it," the setter repeats himself confidently, gesturing towards the rain. "S'not like the rain will let up anytime soon. So let's jus' run. My house isn't too far from here."
You don't have any witty retorts to reply with. Instead, you just stare at Atsumu, who's grinning down at you.
"I mean..." you start, trailing off. "I guess you're right. Y'know what - yeah, why not. Let's go, then."
Atsumu fucking glows at this, his radiant smile making your heart flutter in an odd way-
Oh hell no.
You do not find his boyish smile cute. You do not want to reach up and pinch at his cheeks. You kind of want to press a short, chaste kiss to his cheek.
"Great," he replies, eyes twinkling with a childish excitement as he starts pulling his blazer off. Though it's with much less eagerness, you do the same.
"So, where's your house?"
Of course, his response is cheeky. "Eager now, aren't we?"
"Miya Atsumu."
"Jus' follow my lead, babe," he smirks, blazer now over his head. "Ready?"
"Sounds good," he says with a shit-eating grin. "On three. One-"
You raise your blazer over your head with a small sigh.
For a completely unrelated reason, you think about how Atsumu has some nice muscle going on.
Immediately, he bolts and you're left sputtering before you follow suit. Unsurprisingly, he's pretty far ahead despite you running along the rain-soaked sidewalk with all of the speed you can muster.
The rain is heavy against the arms holding your blazer above your head and the blazer does little to keep you dry. Your socks are getting wetter with every puddle you run through.
(It's kind of fun. You never left the house as a kid; instead, you were always bundled up in bed. Usually with a cold.)
(Because you had such a weak constitution as a child - an only child - to say your parents were overprotective would be an understatement.)
(So, even though your lungs are starting to burn and you feel wet and, there's a small thrill coursing through your body and an small smile is threatening its way onto your face.)
A pause to catch your breath. At some point, Atsumu had stopped a few blocks ahead of you, standing there and waiting with the rain still pelting him from all sides.
"You're horrible," you wheeze, laughing a little. "This is a terrible idea. We're going to get sick."
"Don'tcha worry yer pretty little head 'bout it. House is just 'round the corner, a few more blocks ahead," he coos encouragingly, though the way one of his hands reach out to pat your head makes you feel like a child. You squint up at him.
"I'm going to eat your kneecaps."
"What?" Atsumu says, caught off-guard. His recovery is quick. "Say that when yer not dyin' after runnin' a few blocks."
"Some people aren't athletes like you."
"Yeah, yeah," he snorts, wrapping an arm around you and shifting his other arm so he's covering you a bit with his own blazer. He's just as soaked as you are and you wrinkle your nose at the unpleasant feeling of wet clothes being pressed together.
(Still, you want to snuggle up against him. The arm around you is heavy but reassuring.)
"Less talkin', more runnin'," Atsumu declares, tugging you along with him as the two of you continue to run again.
He's noticeably slower than before, though still somewhat fast. He's more or less dragging you along as you stumble forward next to him.
You sneak a glance his way. Unexpectedly, warm, dewy brown eyes are looking right at you with adoration, causing you to trip over your feet in surprise.
The arm around you wraps around your waist and effectively stops you from falling and you manage to mutter out a flustered "thank you" once you're back on your feet.
Oh, fuck.
Certain feelings are stirring in your gut and you don't know how you feel about that.
"Yer clumsier than I thought," the blonde teases, looking at you. Your response is to narrow your eyes at him, because you don't know if you can manage words. Quickly, you return your attention to the path in front-
"Atsumu," you hiss, tugging him to the side. He stumbles to the side, off-kilter, though he manages to regain his balance.
He blinks a few times, turning slightly to look at the telephone pole he had almost run into.
"Who's the clumsy one now? Keep your eyes forward," you scold him.
"Sorry, sorry," he laughs breathlessly, shooting you a charming smile. " 's why I have you here, eh?"
You roll your eyes good-naturedly, tugging him along as you mutter. "Keep moving. How much further do we have?"
"Not much. 's that house over there, actually.''
"Oh, finally," you breathe a sigh of relief. You think you've done enough physical activity for the year.
Atsumu eventually slows to a stop, pulling you along with him to the front door. He all but drops the blazer onto your head and you sputter as he fumbles around his pants pocket for something.
It's a bit of a struggle, trying to get both your blazer and his blazer off of your head when his arm remains resolutely around you. It's distracting.
You had just realized that you feel something towards Atsumu a few minutes ago. It's hard to think clearly when your seatmate's arm is wrapped around you tightly.
Shortly after Atsumu's cheer, you hear a click and you're following Atsumu into his home.
He lifts both your blazer and his off of your head and you shut the door behind you to stop anymore rain from coming in. When you turn around, the gentle, golden glow of the artificial lighting behind him frames him perfectly as he flashes you a frustratingly charming smile.
"Welcome ta the Miya house. I'll get ya a towel, one sec."
There's some muffled shouting from above - Osamu and Atsumu shouting at each other, you figure. Without much else to do, you're left to observe your surroundings.
The entryway area is actually pretty tidy - save for the shoes Atsumu had haphazardly kicked off upon entry. There's a few pictures framing the walls and your gaze lingers on one with a brunette Atsumu.
There's a pattering of thunderous footsteps coming down from the stairs and you look over to see Atsumu standing there with two towels - one in his hair and one in his arm.
He throws the towel in his arm to you and you catch it. Off-handedly, you think about how much it smells like Atsumu.
"Yer free ta stay for a while," Atsumu clears his throat. He's the first to break the silence that had fallen upon the two of you. "Y'know. To dry off. Ya can take my umbrella with ya on yer way home after."
You swallow thickly and you ignore the way your cheeks are heating up. Outside, the rain is as loud as ever.
Slowly, you nod. "Then, if you'll have me."
Atsumu smiles, eyes crinkling at the edges slightly.
"Of course. 'm glad ta have ya."
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a/n: i want to get better at writing dialogue but it's so HARD,,, this was supposed to be a short drabble that was supposed to end at atsumu suggesting they run in the rain but i... i can't keep things short n sweet,,,,,, aha..
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killersfool · 7 months
You Might Get What You Want | ROBERT KEATING
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PAIRING: robert keating x original f!character
GENRE: childhood frenemies to lovers
SUMMARY: lucia (luz), nieve ella’s keyboardist, has an estranged history with inhaler—especially with the band’s bassist, bobby. their fiery hatred for eachother rapidly blossoms into something sweet, especially when she learns that he wrote a song about her.
WORDS: 5.8k
WARNINGS: kissing, swearing, alcohol use, mild sexual content
Being Nieve Ella's keyboardist has completely altered the course of my life. Only eight months ago, I was doing my second year of uni, trying to get through a Music course and completely regretting all of my life choices. My favourite part of the day would be getting home and sitting at my piano, writing songs and posting them on Tiktok. Views racked up, followers kept coming in and I think I realised how well everything was going when Laufey commented on my cover of 'Like The Movies'. Then about two weeks later, an email shot through my phone—literally like a bullet to skin. I dropped the rectangular device to the ground mid-lecture, hand on my mouth, teeth in my lip. 
Nieve Ella had asked me to join her on tour. With Inhaler.
At first I was laughing, then I was bawling with endless tears of happiness and now I'm on my final show still feeling woozy and adrenaline is banging through my brain. The whole band have become my best friends. And, quite shockingly, me and Inhaler have a weird shared history. I've known them since I was really young. I used to watch their first gigs at tiny venues where they'd run around in the crowd and hardly anyone knew the lyrics. I went to the same school as Bobby, Eli and Ryan who were a bunch of madmen. They'd let me hang out with them backstage or at practice and jam before they finally found a 'proper' keyboardist (Louis). To be honest, I'd always been slightly salty that I never got into the band. But I guess we were never close enough and I could be quite horrible to Bobby — but honestly, he deserved it. He was a whiny, teenage nightmare. Still is. Except he's not a teenager anymore.
Thankfully, Nieve Ella and the band take a train separate to Inhaler. I don't have to hear Bobby's jests 24/7.  Today we're heading to Dublin. The final stop of the Cuts and Bruises tour. It's been a long ride but it's all been worth it. I've had the best time ever. I'm listening to the Strokes, a song Bobby recommended to me a few weeks ago. It's been on my mind ever since and I can't stop hearing the same chords and riffs over and over. Even when my headphones leave my ears. The song is 12:51 and funnily enough Bobby has a tattoo right on his bicep with those exact numbers. The lads gave us a rather enjoyable tattoo tour with reasons for each of their inked designs. 
I lay back my head against the cushioned seat.  I like this, I prefer it to what I was doing before. The constant stress, the exams,  the structure. I like the freedom of doing shows and seeing new people and travelling to new places. Never sure what you're in for. Crowd after crowd with all different energies and enthusiasm. The adrenaline rush is the best part of the day but when you wake up the following morning, it's like the life has been sucked out of you. You feel like nothing. Human. A person with legs and arms. Flailing around with no thoughts in your head. A billion times worse than a hangover. Post concert depression.  The lull after such a powerful high. It's nice to go through that hell with a group of friends who all feel the same way. Becomes a strange group therapy.
For the past hour, I've been begging Josh to tell me what is on the set list. I'm praying they'll add some different songs. Older ones. Seeing as it's the last show of the tour. Something to surprise the fans. Maybe 'Falling In' or 'There's No Other Place' or even my favourite 'You Might Get What You Want'. That was one that was written when Rob was the lead singer of the band. When I'd bang the keys in that garage. When we'd sing the lyrics together and sound like an awful church choir. I never got the chance to listen to it live, performed properly by the band. I'm still heartbroken they didn't leave it on the track list for the album. I have to resort to listening to illegal Spotify versions. 
I feel like crying everytime I remember this is the last show I might ever do with Inhaler. The last time I might see the lot of them. They'll surely disappear off into the shadows once tour is over, making their next album, cutting off all contact to focus solely on their music. After spending so much time with a group of people, then completely losing them from your life, you just feel so very empty. Like a swimming pool with no water. Or a mug of tea left hollow after spilling it all by accident. Last night — I would never dare to admit this to anyone — I cried for two hours straight into the pillow of my hotel room. Tour is a glorious thing. Fun, exciting, terrifying all at the same time. But the thought of finality is what split me into pieces, broke me up and squeezed tear after tear from my eyes.
Fran keeps looking at me with raised eyebrows like she's about to ask a question. She's scribbling on her set list, making sure she knows exactly what's happening and when. Her earrings twinkle as she tilts her head, her eyeliner sharp and perfect. Her mouth parts the slightest bit to reveal white teeth, a small smile. "You alright there, Luz?"
God, anytime someone asks me that, it makes me want to cry ten times more. I look down the train compartment, stare at the bathroom and decide whether to make my move. Do I run and hide in there for the duration of the trip, two hours of crying into mouldy train toilet paper? Or do I try to brave it and tell her how I feel? Or just lie through gritted teeth? She's good at reading me. She'll know that I'm not telling the truth.
"Don't tell Nieve this but I feel like absolute shite." There it is. I said it. Fire sinks into my skin, blood rushes up to my head. I squeeze my cheek to make sure I am actually sitting here and that I'm not hallucinating. Lack of sleep had made me seem some weird shit. I need caffeine. Quick.
"We all do." Fran puts her hand on top of mine. "Look, one more show, then we can sleep for as long as we want."
"That's the thing. I don't want this to end."
Fran gets up from her seat and swivels around the table. She sits down beside me, arms opening up and embraces me until I think I see stars. No one has ever hugged me so tightly. My bones seem to audibly shift. 
"Nieve's doing a few shows in February, remember? And I'm sure next time Inhaler tours, they'll be on their hands and knees begging for us to come back." She strokes my hair. "Although, Bobby might be telling us to bugger off instead. You two need to sort out this drama. It's driving us all mad."
"He started it." I sound like a three-year-old irritated at my brother. 
Fran laughs to herself. "Fucking hell. I bet he did." 
Arguing. It's happened again. Our last day together has gone to a great start.
First stop of the day—a random restaurant that Ryan dragged us to. Hugs were shared, kind words uttered, teeth glowing under dim lights. I sit down on a wooden chair, peel my jacket from my body and place it on the back. The cool wind is slamming against the windows. I'd forgotten how cold Dublin was. Especially in November. Some Christmas lights adorn the streets and pubs are lively with masses of people. We were stopped a only once on the way there by a group of fans—even our attempt at scuttling through empty alleyways didn't work when five friends with Inhaler-themed cowboy-hats impeded our trail. They were lovely. Photos taken and compliments exchanged. Sadly, Bobby was in a bad mood. When I say a bad mood, I mean a 'I want to kill everyone on this planet and throw myself on a train track' kind of bad mood. He hid away from the fans, behind me and Nieve. His height wasn't particularly helpful in that instant. The blonde, 'Amelie', had said in her thick French accent, "Is that Bobby? I was wondering where he was."
Caught. Found. He thought staying there for a while longer would make them think he wasn't there at all. Amelie was persistent, however, and said softly, "Please could I take a picture with you?" 
Her friends all started whispering. Eli was tapping his friend on the shoulder to get him to move. He was frozen. Eli frowned and shook his head. 
"Sorry but Rob's being a bit weird today," Josh explained. "I don't think he wants any photos."
Amelie nodded, but the sadness in her eyes was apparent. "That's okay."
I felt bad for the girl. I turned around, looked at Bobby. He was on his phone. Scrolling through Tiktok still crouched down. A quick look at his phone screen showed me that he was watching edits — edits of himself. I had to take a double take to actually believe what I'd just seen. He was staring at clips of himself, smiling, and wouldn't even stand for five seconds next to a girl who'd paid to see his band. He continued to swipe his thumb against the screen, blue eyes lit up by his bright phone.
Then his eyes caught mine and he closed the Tiktok tab. "You didn't see that, did you?" He worriedly spoke so unbelievably quickly, I had to scramble my brain to decipher the words. His smile flipped upside down. Shock written all over him. Blush rising right up to the tips of his ears. 
"The hell is wrong with you?" I muttered. Nieve heard. She stepped away. She did not want to be involved in whatever the two of us were plotting. 
"What's wrong with me?" He breathed. It's like he was asking himself the question but there was an unyielding harshness to his voice, raspy and agitated. I was sure that this argument was going to be just as bad as the Sid Vicious incident, or worse. Halloween Bobby was on a different wavelength — bordering on depravity.
"You're watching fucking Tiktok edits of yourself. Didn't think you could be that self-centered—"
"Can we not do this now? Please?" Bobby tried to get me to calm down. Amelie and her friends were still only metres away, asking Josh about the tour, about the next album. Fran was listening in. She was smiling to herself. Part of her definitely enjoyed the beef between us. 
"Show me your Tiktok."
He sighed. I grabbed his phone, opened Tiktok straight away. His whole 'For You' page was edits of himself. The account he was on was a fake user account. I couldn't believe my eyes.
"What the hell..." Was all I could manage to say.
"I can explain."
"Can you? Go on then."
He didn't say anything. Took his phone back and kicked the brick wall beside him. He shook his phone around like he was going to throw it as well. That wouldn't change anything. I'd seen the worst of it — at least I hoped I'd seen the worst of it.
"Take that photo with those girls and I'll shut up about this." I gave him an option. A way to let him get out of the hole he'd dug for himself. 
He was so tall. Sometimes I forgot that. But there, back straight, no longer slouched and his neck craned to meet my eyes. I couldn't hold eye contact. His clenched jaw was making me nervous. 
"Fine." He finally concluded the argument with a single word. His index finger then pointed towards me, just beneath my neck. "But you don't tell anyone about this."
I grinned. "I promise." 
Stepping over towards Amelie, he smiled widely, put an arm over her shoulder and allowed Fran to take the picture of the group. Moments later he was complaining about his shoes. How they were too small. If Robert Keating had a chance to complain about anything, he'd take it and wouldn't shut up about it. I just knew at that point that we'd be hearing about his shoes for the rest of the day.  
Tension is thick in the restaurant. I can almost taste it in my mouth. Rob sits beside me. I don't want to look at him, don't want to hear him talk, don't want to have anything to do with him. He's only the only person I won't miss once this tour is over.
Before anyone can get a word out, Eli taps his fork against his glass. All eyes fall to him. Grace is next to him, she's appeared out of nowhere. 
"I just want to say thank you to Nieve, Fran, Lucia, Finn and Matt for being such great openers on our tour. We're so grateful for all of you. This wouldn't have been the same without you."
"Aw, Eli, I might cry a bit, please stop." Nieve shakes her head, holding her napkin to her eyes. "This has been such a dream. We should be thanking you for giving us this opportunity."
"We need to do this again sometime." Ryan pitches in. "Next time we tour, you're coming with us."
"Yeah. That would be grand," Josh exclaims, pulling up his pint of Guinness and crashing it against everyone else's.
Bobby, after all his hours of complaining, has gone back to silent, angry mode. Playing around with his fork, he stares blankly at the menu, fingers tracing the lettering. I watch him as the others melt into conversation. I just want to know what is going through his head. Why is he acting like this? Last week, he was fun to be around and we had a good time. Especially when he's drunk, he loosens up a bit and stops with the facade. He even kissed me once. As a joke. I think.
It was a mess of alcohol. A 'midnight tour bus party'. We were in London and instead of going to the hotel, we ended up spending the night in the lovely green tour bus. We all got so drunk we could hardly speak. I can't remember all that we got up to but when we were sobering up, Bobby dragged me outside of the bus. He gave me his jacket, placed it over my shoulders. We sat down on a random doorstep, hugging each other to keep warm. Two penguins. Two people who usually hated eachothers guts, finding comfort in the warmth that emanated from our bodies. I'd never thought his hair was nice until that moment. How it grazed over my neck. How the curls twisted perfectly and his overgrown mullet framed his face. Or how pretty his eyes were as they shone under streetlights. Dreamy, long eyelashes, sea-like waves. He'd kissed me. His long fingers over my cheeks. His pink lips slotting between mine. I pulled away, shocked. Electricity had sparked between us, my heart was pounding, my body was a torch. Then I ran away from him. I couldn't understand what If just felt. I had never seen him in that way. We never mentioned it again.
Maybe that's what has made him colder. I still haven't acknowledged what happened that night. I keep thinking that he was too drunk to even remember it, but maybe he does. I'm not going to bring it up. Especially now. Especially in this restaurant with everyone sat with us.
"I'm sorry, Lucia."
My heart drops. Bobby is looking at me. Downcast. Entire state is disjointed. His mouth just said that, his brain just formulated those words. 
"What?" I must've heard him wrong. Imagining it. This time I must be hallucinating.
"I'm sorry about that night."
Mindreader. He knew what I was thinking about. What my mind has been lingering on. The weather reminds me, his scent reminds me, his hands remind me, his jacket reminds me. That night. London. The night after Troxy. The wind — cut-throat, sharp, steely — the rain, and my tear-stained bedsheets. The taste of his mouth and the dejction locked into his eyes as I left him. Like I'd made a terrible mistake. Like running into my hotel room, alone, was the worst possible option I could've chosen. 
I'm wearing the same earrings as I did that night — these ribbon ones that a fan made for me. Bobby had pointed them out — which he shifted between his fingertips and said they suited me. He's eyeing them now, hands curving, resisting any urge to touch them again, to drag us back to that moment. 
The waiter takes my order. Bobby's words properly forage the depths of my mind, the veins and the arteries circling around my body, the aching crevices of my heart. I ask for the first thing I see on the menu and a Fanta. I want to stay sober. I want to savour all that will happen beyond this second. Bobby also doesn't get alcohol. Shockingly. The Bobby I know would never turn down a pint of Guinness. But he gets a 7up instead and takes a long, hard gulp of it when the waiter comes back. I'm counting the cracks on the table, how squeaky the chair is, the coffee stain on the ceiling — trying to guess how they managed to get up there. Musicians like to occupy their brains. They don't like to think too much - just do. 
"I'm sorry..." I whisper. Finally giving him a reponse after a long pause for thought. 
He had been waiting for an answer. He catches it. Twists uneasily in his seat. Wood creaks. Rain patters.
"...It was wrong of me to leave you." The image of his despair still rings through my bones. I swear when my cells divide they keep trying to recreate that look on his face.
"I shouldn't have..." his voice lowers, heat pf his mouth glides by my ear "...kissed you."
I'm trying to drink my Fanta with no reaction. Sugary greatness. Cold, slightly wet fingers. Orangey flavouring. But his voice is so low, trickling, burning, goosebump-inducing. I can't look at him. He's too close to me. It's too hot in the restaurant. Soundcheck is in 20 minutes. I want to run away again. I always want to run away. 
Down my Fanta, smooth my skirt, breathe in deeply. 
"I liked it." I similarly glide my lips over his ear when he's least expecting it, returning the favour.
He coughs. Chokes a bit on his drink. Then he eats his Pesto pasta with the pinkest neck I've ever seen on a person. Jacket off to reveal long, tattoo-covered arms, and the muscles that have progressively been getting bigger over the months. I join Ryan and Matt's drummer conversation to stop staring. It's weird. Being attracted to him feels wrong. Teenage Lucia would be ashamed. She’d slap some sense into me.
Dinner ends quickly. We're thrusted back into Dublin air before we can even adjust to the complete switch in environment. Running to the venue, through alleyways, shooting splashes of water all over the place, we realise how late we are. I feel better than I did in the morning. That dreaded train ride. Bobbys giving me the silent treatment again. I hate it. I hate it more than when he's being downright horrible to me. 
Our set was unbelievable. The best show I've ever done. The crowd was unreal, the size of the place was absurd. We had never sounded so great. Everything went according to plan. We're crying now that we're offstage. We need something to uplift us. Nieve's idea is to party in the back. Which is one of the best parts of the night.
We find a spot just before Inhaler goes on. Screams bleed through the room, adoration written in teenage faces, phones held up to capture the moment. The five lads on stage. One final time. I scream like I'm sixteen all over again, dancing as the first song 'These Are The Days' begins to play. Shouting along, throwing my hands in the air. I don't think I've ever been so happy and fulfilled before.
The setlist is the usual. I didn't expect them to change it. Eli gives a little 'thank you' speech, mentioning us at the end. Then suddenly encore starts and I'm met by a mildly unfamiliar song. The crowd seems just as confused as I am. Bobby is wearing that stupid black vest and I swear his bass has been lowered all the more. The next time they perform, it'll surely be grazing the floor. 
Bobby doesn't normally speak to the crowd at shows. It's always Eli. But as they play the intro, he begins to speak, "Hi everyone. Hope you're all having a good time." Commotion, screams, chanting 'Bobby' as if it's a cult gathering, not a concert. His eyes are searching through the crowd. The party in the back turned into moshpits and luckily I got pushed near to the front. His eyes land on mine. I can tell he's looking at when he plays with his earring — like it's a code between us. He keeps playing the same few notes on the bass lazily as he grabs the mic stand. Everyone is silent and listening as he says, "This is 'You Might Get What You Want'.
I recognise it now. I'm sent back to high school. 6 years ago. Practice room at school. Instrument cases strewn all over tha place, broken drumsticks leant against the wall. I'm sat at the piano as Bobby announces, "This is a new song I wrote." He passes me the chords starts singing. My thoughts are quiet. The external world is too loud for me to think. I'm lost in the music. The song is beautiful — lyrics, chords, arrangement, Bobby's voice. That was the day when I wanted to ask to join the band. Then Bobby was horrible to me so I changed my mind. I even asked him what the song was about. He looked at the Jim Morrison poster on the door, hand against his buzzed head as he thought up a response. "A girl," was his final conclusion. I thanked him for his specificity. He told me, quite frustratedly, it was 'none of my business'. Then he was riled up and told me to leave because I was 'playing it all wrong'. One of the last times I ever played with the band. So when I hear the song again — I'm back, sitting at the piano with my school uniform, waiting for cues to play the next chord.
The crowd goes wild at the fact that Bobby is singing alone. This is unusual. The majority of the crowd don't know the song. Reminds me of their first gigs in tiny venues. I sing along, staring at Bobby as he stares back. I wonder which girl the song was actually about. At seventeen, he hung out with every girl in sight - parties, random town meetups, gigs. The way he is looking at me is shattering me down to my core — eyes painted with affection and how he keeps moving his earring. For some reason, I wish the song is about me. Then he sings, 'You Might Get What You Want' whilst pointing right at me. Has anyone else noticed his staring? Nieve and Fran seem clueless. It could all be in my head. His face appears on the screen. I stare. Not ashamed. Appreciating his beauty for as long as we have left. Only tonight. Then nothing. Only the possibility of seeing eachother once again. It won't be set in stone.
I'm a sweaty mess by the end of the show. Last goodbyes, last waves, last shocked stares at the extent of the crowd. I always forget how boiling it gets in the standing area. I'm almost at the point of suffocating. We leave with the crowd, taking a few selfies with fans along the way. I stand in the merch queue. I need something to remember this. Something I can keep and wear and just be brought back to this venue, to this atmosphere. I buy a black tour shirt with the bubbly lettering, slipping it over my tank top. I just know the change in temperature will murder me. The more layers I have on, the better.
We slip through the crowd. Thankfully, it's quieter after my long time in the merch queue. I'd never seen such a long amalgamation of people. 
Back at the hotel, I crash straight down onto my bed. Don't even turn on the lights or take off my clothes. I just close my eyes and stretch out my body like a cat. It all happened too quickly. I left the band early to head back, although I heard the rest of them were going to the tour bus to get drunk. I've already had so much fun. I just need to relax. Alone time. Silence. Comfort.
A knock on the door.
I jump up. Still in my Inhaler shirt and lacy white skirt, I feel like taking a shower. But whoever just knocked has impeded any plans. I could just pretend I didn't hear them. I could fall asleep and they'll just walk away. 
Another knock. I jolt up this time. It's louder.
This time I reach the door. Sliding the keyhole open, I see him. Of course it's him. Of course. Of all the people that could be here right now. His hair is wet, mussed up. He's holding his jacket under his arm as it's completely drenched. Looking from side to side, he seems to contemplate giving up and leaving me solitary.
I open the door. Let my guard down. I want to talk. Rant. Let out all the garble mixing up and stuffing my skull. He'd listen to me. 
"What are you doing here?" I ask. I don't say it rudely. Make sure to keep my tone quiet and curious. The rise of his head to meet my eyes is almost film-like, tracing along my skin, photographic.
"I need to talk to you."
"Come in then." 
Close the door behind him. He drops his jacket onto the floor. Slides off those shoes with a groan. They really are too small on him. He can hardly untie the laces without sucking in a quick breath. He looks at himself in the dodgy mirror, trying to fix any flying pieces of hair. His beard is growing a little — little moustache fading in above his mouth.
He sits down on a chair by the table.  His lengthy legs reach up to the end of the bed where I'm sat. He picks up a tea bag, sniffs it then puts it back. I'm worried about what he's about to say. He looks like he's gone through hell and back to get here. I've never seen him so dishevelled. 
"You were amazing today." I hate the silence. I fill it up. "You all get better every time."
He's been so serious since he came in but the ghost of a smile haunts his lips. They twitch then fall. "So do you."
“Is this about your weird For You page because I’m pretty fucking worried.” I’m trying to forget I saw any of those edits. 
“It’s not that.” He shakes his head. He's hugging his chest, arms shivering. My eyes narrow. Each hair on his arm is stood to attention.
"Do you want a blanket?" I'm about to look for something to warm him up when his hand clasps around my wrist. He's stood up. I'm sat down, looking up at him. His thumb traces the inside of my wrist, over a bracelet I have. One that he gave me when I was sixteen. A friendship bracelet he'd brought to one of the rehearsal sessions. I wore it just to get a reaction out of him. This is the first time he’s noticed it. 
I want to ask him what he's doing. But then he's sat next to me with his arms around my body and I forget what I was going to say. 
"Robert..." I don't normally say his full name. It's the only word that's coming to mind. His wet hair is dripping all over my skirt, his head is against my chest, he won't look up at me.
When I pick up his face, stretch my hands over his cheeks, I find his crystal eyes glossed over. Tears. He's crying. I don't know how to react. He buries his head back into the crook of my neck like he's embarrassed. Then he's breathing heavily. Heaving. Sniffling.
"What is it?" I whisper. I stroke every inch of his hair, the nape of his neck, the thin material of his vest. I trace the tattoos on his arm. Finally landing on the music notation inked into his wrist.
"I don't want you to leave." He holds onto my waist, under my shirt, cold skin. "Stay here. With me. Please."
I wipe the tears from his face. I must look like a beetroot. I'm boiling. 
"Really?" I think I'm crying as well. I can't help it. This is the first time I’ve ever seen him so unguarded, so helpless.
"I only sang that song so you'd hear it." He looks up at the ceiling, cogs turning in his brain. "It's not just about a girl. It's about you."
"You're kidding." I have to laugh. 
"I'm not. I wrote it during the summer holidays before high school. I had some weird thought that you were going to call me and ask me out. I was always a prick to you so I don't know where that idea was coming from exactly. It's just when you want something so badly—I guess your brain manifests it into reality. Like every time I turned around a corner, I thought you'd magically appear. I thought you'd say that you liked me. But then you went off to Uni, the band got big. And now this. You're in fucking Nieve Ella's band. I thought I was going to throw up when I saw you get out of the train. Everything just came back. I didn't put the song on the album because every time I hear it, I just remember what an idiot I am for not treating you well and for not telling you how I feel. Singing it brought me back to the practice room, to that shitty piano with pedals falling off the hinges. How you made such a disgusting piano sound divine. I don't want to make the same mistake. If I let you go now, I'll be regretting it for the rest of my life."
"So you were looking at me? When you were singing?" I tilt my head, thumb below his eye. 
"I might have been." He's not crying anymore. His voice is less rough. He sounds like normal Bobby again.
"I'll stay with you. As long as you want."
"Bit too long. I can only deal with you for about three hours at a time."
"Then we should make good use of the—" He looks down at his watch. "—Two hours and 43 minutes we have left."
"What do you have planned?" I'm getting closer to him. His nose bumps against mine.
"What do you want to do, Luz?" He's challenging me. Thumb swirling over my lips. 
"This." I kiss him. Lips to lips. Two notes in perfect harmony. Everything we've been through culminating into one simple kiss. It's a peck. A tease. I pull away as I feel him yank me closer. 
His hands find my ears and it's like that night again. His mouth tastes the same. Sweet. Lukewarm. He still grazes my bottom lip with his teeth when he feels me shift back. 
"You're an angel," he says.
At that, I'm kissing him again. This time with more passion. Exploding fireworks. Jumping into the ocean, water floating around you. The ringing in your eyes after an explosion. An earthquake. A tidal wave. So many feelings at once. He's trying to take my shirt off. I let him. Pulled it over my head so quickly I thought he might get my neck off as well. He throws it onto the nearby chair, looking at me, with those glimmering eyes and perfect eyebrows. Beauty spots and smooth skin. I attempt to take off his shirt too, although it's pretty much stuck to his chest. He helps me out, laughing at my stress. 
"It's not that hard." He smirks, tugging at the top as I manage to unstick the bottom. 
"Fuck off." I roll my eyes. 
He pushes me down onto the bedsheets, helping me up until my head is on the pillow. I look over his frame. Long torso, large biceps, chain around his neck. It's too much to deal with. Hooded eyes, smirk on his lips, happy trail leading down to his belt. He knows how he's making me dizzy. He leans down, curling over me, scent hanging, cool skin against mine. I throw my head back. I've never been touched like this. So precise. So gentle. Like I'm his favourite bass guitar. I'd never noticed how long his fingers were until they were splayed over my bra, until the other hand was sliding up my thigh.
He kisses my neck, my shoulders, my collarbones, the valley between my breasts, tongue flat, teeth sharp. I hold onto his hair, then onto his toned shoulders. This morning, I would never have expected that this would happen. That the boy I loathed was admiring me and tasting me with unrelenting adoration. Now, the thought of leaving him makes me sick to my stomach. I pull him a little closer, kiss him a little harder and remember just how red teenage Bobby's face was after he'd sang that song to me. How defensive he was when I asked him about it. Now it all makes sense.
I won't ever leave him again.
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neteyamyawne · 1 year
hey! i have a request for tsu’tey x na’vi reader, where he is hit with sex pollen on a hunt and realizes after. and the only thing he craves is reader, even though they are best friends. he caves after a couple hours of constant pain and they mate <3
A/n: this is my first ever fic and first ever NSFW fic so please go easy on my 🥹 thank you so much for requesting, i hope i did justice to your request ☺️🤍
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Love fest..
Pairing: tsu'tey x fem!Navi!reader
Summary: request
Warning: angst, sex pollen, p in v, masterbating, fingering (f receiving), stupid from lust, confessions? Daddy kink! Pet names etc
Word count: 1.4k, not proof read
Note : "word" - dialogue, word - thoughts , yawne - love/beloved
Read below the cut...
Never has the smell of Pandora been so intoxicating to tsu'tey, as he stumbled towards his pa'li…
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One misleading foot step, one uprooted root that's all it took as he fell into a strangely glowing bush,he got up annoyed at himself for not watching his steps, sticky yellow grain like spots stuck to his skin as he tried his best to pry them off, he swatted at his face , inhaling few of them as he walked forward, he felt his body warm up and a familiar kind of tightness growing in his loincloth, his head going numb every thought swirling in his mind, his own touch felt too hot, already heightened sense of smell and hearing were almost blaring, everything felt hot and cold at the same time, goosebumps running down his spine and body with the slightest of breeze, never had the smell of Pandora been so intoxicating to tsu'tey, as he stumbled towards his pa'li , getting on it was proving to be a different task, somehow saddling himself he let the creature make its way to the home tree
The communal area was bustling with life and laughter, as everyone talked about the spring to come, y/n sat with her group of friends happiness bubbling in her chest with seeing her clan in such joy, she drifted off in her thoughts about a certain warrior, he may be her best friend but that didn't stop her from looking at him in more than just a friendly way, she was brought out of it as one of the girls wolf whistled and her eyes trailed towards where her friends pointed stares lingered..
There.. staring right back at her, tsu'tey…. eyes solely fixated on her, pupils blown wide, swear beading on his forehead and chest, for all y/n cared she can jump on him and take him right then and there with no regret whatsoever as she stared for a few seconds before looking elsewhere as her brain no longer made sensible thoughts nor did it help as warmth pooled in her belly..
Even looking at her was becoming a torture, she's just my best friend, that's all- , but his mind reeled back to the explicit scenes of her in various positions made his already tight problem to worsen, he decided staying anywhere near her vicinity was unfavorable as he treaded towards his tent for more than one reason, one actually being to relieve himself from the tension.
A couple hours passed and however badly he tried to get himself off it just wasn't happening, he couldn't help himself but imagine you on his cock, bouncing up and down, taking him inn beautifully, his head rolled back as he tugged at his length to no avail, he decided it finally time to take matters in his own hands as he got up, cleaned himself and put on the best pieces of clothing he had as he made a beeline towards the only woman who buzzed around his mind
All my friends, except a few, were asked out by men for a dance while i sat back and watched them enjoy only if someone would walk up to me and ask me out for a dance, sighing i took another sip of the drink in my hand, the liquid leaving a warm hug down my throat as it settled in my stomach, i wasn't particularly enjoying myself here, but this was fun, right?
Too into her mind she didn't notice a figure walking up to her and her friends as he bent down speaking and successfully bringing y/n out of her day dreams only to be face to face with it
Tsu'tey stood in front of them as a smirk graced his sharp face, honey eyes light and pupils blown wide as he said "may i borrow y/n for a few minutes?" Her few friends that still sat with her were giggling as they eyed the warrior with intent not so innocent, y/n just ignored as she smiled back and stood up walking beside him as he took them to a secluded area in the forest
Forest sang with various howls and chirps coming now and then, tsu'tey stopped in the clearing taking the hands of the woman in front of him in his, love evident in his eyes with waves of lust still crashing inside him
" y- y/n, i don't know how or when this happened but something has changed, my love for you has changed" his words felt music to her ears but the last sentence made her come back to reality, " your love for me had changed? You don't love-" before she could even finish the sentence his lips crashed into hers as she stood their too stunned to react as he pulled back a few seconds later, her eyes were now just as blown away as his were, without saying another word she responded with her own kiss, her hands going up his neck, while his traveled down her waist and hips, his tongue swiping on her bottom lip for entrance as she was too happy to decline, his tongue darted in fighting hers for dominance but the fight didn't last long as he completely overpowered hers…
Sinking down on their knees without breaking the kiss, tsu'tey traveled his wet kisses from her mouth to cheek , to her neck and throat, a languid moan spilled out of her as he sucked at her pulse point on her neck, venturing downwards his trail of kisses stopped just above her chest , looking up at her through lidded eyes for permission , all she could do was nod hurriedly for him to continue his pace, with her permission giving he continued down, stopping to suck on the perked up nipple, trailing down his hands and untieing her loincloth with quick deft moves as he lazily stroked two fingers down the slit of her cunt, he grunts shifting down and spreading her wide as the pad of his thumb gently rubbed slow circles on her clit, kissing her lower abdomen, he, just as gently, slid one of his finger into her sopping hole, string of mewls and moans sang out of her vocal cords, her body reacting on its own to his actions, a few pumps inn and he swiftly add another digit making her groan from the delicious stretch as he scissors her through and through while still kissing her on the sweet spots and continued his assualt on her clit, another few thrust of his fingers and circles on her clit, she came in no time, as he helped her ride down her high, he undid his own loincloth and quickly lining up against her, with a quick look of aproval from her , he tugged at his length and pushed into her folds, moans and sighs filled the air between them , as he finally sunk down to the hilt with a sweet moan falling from her mouth as they both throw their head back in ecstasy, mind turned to mush, he slowly started moving setting a slow pace as he placed his head in her neck inhaling her sweet scent as he snapped his hips into her,the pace turning faster and faster as he held her to his chest, her nails digging into the skin of his back leaving bloody crecents behind, he groaned has he felt his cock twitch inside her and as her gummy walls clamped him down from inside, with the little sense left in him, he bent down towards her ear as he whispered "s'good for me, taking daddy in so well"
Shivers ran down her spine as she couldn't hold on any longer "I'm gonna come, daddy- please ahh" her mind fogging over as he fucked her dumb, his pace brutal as he rutted into her, kissing the skin beneath her ear he raspped out "come with yawne, come with daddy"
She screamed as she reached her edge, tumbling down as tsu'tey hissed and groaned as he came inside her, hanging his head in her neck with her legs wrapped around his waist, he didn't pull out, filling her up to the brim, as they both got down from their high, he kissed the side of her neck and face as he smiled down at her, " this was way better than i ever imagined" she gasped out, he chuckled darkly, pulling out of her as she whined at the loss of fullness, " well babygirl I'm not finished with you just yet.." giving her one of his signature smirk that he only reserved for her……..
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© neteyamyawne 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐬
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A/n: this is my first ever fic, please let me know if there are mistakes or if i should improve on something, I'm all open for suggestions, no hate and thank you 🫶🏼🤗☺️ I'm making a taglist so if you wanna be in the taglist please comment on the pinned posts on my acc, or through asks and navigation 🧭☺️💙
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Tags 🏷️ : @fanboyluvr @callmeoncette @lu-the-ghost-reader @brisbriskett @saltedcoffeescotch @ducks118 @itscheybaby @jackiehollanderr @zoetrope1997 @yeosxxx @persefolli
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