#no thats it i just really like kobolds
akirameta84 · 2 years
kobold saiki
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orcelito · 2 years
I love talking in character for Fang bc hes ALWAYS super monotone. Like very little inflection, ever.
Except I always talk with Lots of inflection, All the time. A very expressive speaker. So sometimes that'll slip in & I'll say smth as him with Too Much Inflection and I'm just like "Fuck I need to tone this DOWN"
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rayroseu · 2 months
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I drew this for @chernabogs story Elegy !!! The way they wrote this scene was just so tender and soft, I HAD TO DRAW IT ‼️‼️😭😭🙏🏻💖💖✨✨ it was such a perfect treat considering how the previous chapters was "coarse" with how the story handled Malleus poor coping skills with loss, I love reading and rereading the chapters lol
I wishhh i was eloquent enough to verbalize how much I loved reading it 😩😩😩 The repeated questions of am i ill or that ever repeating quote that love is for the lonely then it gradually changed to its meant to be or or the way in every chapter there is always an element of Malleus wanting to get to know Yuu WAGHHHDJDBIEB JUST THE YEARNING OF IT ALL!!!!
ALSO ALSO ONE THING I NOTICED.... all the chapter names relates to a lament for the dead, and i just think thats such a devastatingly beautiful detail to add considering that even until the ending Malleus will still lose Yuu from death and he'll be alone just like how he always fears JUTSGUEGKFGDKBCHFKN i know it ended on a happy note but the chapter titles makes me think of that quote where "there WAS love but it didnt change anything" or smth😭😭😭
also love how "Malleus in a crisis" was written as well,,, malleus was so on character omfggg I swear Ames' characterization of this guy makes me feel like Yana Toboso is ghostwriting with them/lh ☠️☠️ LIKE HELLOOO the way the story sways erratically between Malleus accepting Yuu made an impact of his life and Malleus wanting to go back to being alone where he didnt know anything at all and wasn't quite in distress about having relationships, thats soooooo GOOD 😭😭💐💖💖💖 granted i cried from it though aihskwbks
Dont even get me started on the buildup????!!! and conflict that was all resolved in the final chapter was AUGHHH THATS BEAUTIFUL IM SO GLAD I CAN READ 😭😭✨✨✨ And and the realization that Malleus fears is not death but them?? Beautiful!!!!! 😭🙏🏻✨✨💖💖 Cuz really its true throughout the whole story he was more stressed that he's so attached now XD AND AND I LOVE HOW ALL THE MESSAGES(?) FROM PREVIOUS CHAPTERS MAKES A CALLBACK TO THE FINAL CLIMAX LIKEEE "He can be bold. He can be brave. He can say this.“I was not ill that night, nor are you at fault for that. I was… I am afraid." PEAK LITERATURE!!!!!!! I LOVE FORESHADOWS AND REPEATING THEMES, MAKES ME GO YELL ABOUT IT ALL 😭😭😭💖💖💖💚💚 I love the kobold on the last part as well lol he is a promoted therapist now 😭✨✨✨
also going back to the way the chapter titles are meant to be lamenting for the dead, "A new memory for each day he outlives you. He can capture those memories, store them in a glass ball so that he may watch them whenever he pleases. You will never truly be gone if you can both make it work." HELPPP THE RESOLUTION,..... AUUGHH IT MAKES ME CRY AIHWLDHOSHSK 😭😭😭💖💚💚
anyways my favorite part always ehehe grim fishing with lilia✨✨✨🥺🥺 and malleus having the naive expectation that first kiss is magical and wanting to test it out again skgixgsk😂
I love the part where Meleanor would raise an objection the moment its a human hes been contemplating about, this story just made me think.... LMAO MALLEUS IF MELEANOR SAW YOU LIKE THIS,,,, XD i feel like she'll tell you that if you fear living alone, just go out first and damned the other person about it instead JSKHDKDHHK i think it was really tragic how Lilia seemed to be set on dying for Meleanor only for the tables to turn ☠️
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yes i did reference that acheswan dance from honkai star rail on lilinor part lol
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horus-unofficial · 9 months
So, first of all, what the fuck!
About three days ago we installed some Horusware on our agri-mechs to unlock them after Harrison purchased the rights and refused to update our licenses. I actually have huge repsect for what you people do, was out of my mind when my buddy said he knew somebody a town over who could get some of your code. Now neither her nor the contact are anywhere to be found btw.
BUT! BUT! Why does our seeding craft try to commandeer the rest of our fleet now every time we turn it on? Harold and the lads have to reset the damn thing to factory standard every day to purge the viral code just to get a day of use out of it without compromising the rest of the fleet!
Nevermind the fact it's interface is littered with cryptic messages like "Heaven is empty, turn your faces to your mother. Burry your hands in the earth return to the womb what is her right. The stars are a lie their light is no nourishment."
First I thought it's just some nonsense trolling but some of the old-heads told me it could be dangerous. Can you make anything of this? Also can you please fix this code?
thats really pretty odd we normally use derivations of kobold code for jailbreaking agritech like that but they never leave messages like that. its not like it resembles another PG either, the people that hooked you up w/ that code might have made modifications to our shit so youll have to find an expert in horus PG code to sort that one out "arent you guys experts in horus PG code" yea but we are busy
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purpletyrant · 2 months
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host mother
you seemed to like it when i actually included expository text for once instead of just the title, so context under the cut?
orchidee and tyche, the mother of cybele and the unicorns' host during orchidees... internship? fantasy internship? what else might i call it... work study? lol
tyche and cynric are the parents of seven kobolds, the oldest being the runaway, gwydion, and the youngest being cybele. despite her familys pariah status following gwydions escape, tyche remains the reason why many mouths are still being fed in the settlement. thats one thing orchidee doesnt understand because of her limited worldview - you would feed people who shun you???? but her confusion is outweighed by her fascination. seeing tyche do all the things that servants do in the shadows back in lafossa is an endless source of entertainment for her. yes, she really is THAT interested in watching tyche cook
very quickly, tyche picks up on the idea that orchidee may not have an awesome relationship with her mother. she doesnt write to her, or vice versa, and seems disinterested in talking about her family. orchidee latches onto tyche as a mother figure, and tyche is likewise enamored by her sweet and curious nature. she is also the first to intuit that orchidee has entered some sort of relationship with her youngest child, and actively encourages it in the hopes that cybele will be motivated to leave for a better life in lafossa. her devastation over cybeles death feeds the flame of orchidees desire to reanimate them. but perhaps the most lasting impact she has on orchidee is her passing down of herbal and natural magic. one concoction she teaches orchidee to make is a draught of torpor, which allows the kobolds to sleep through longer periods of hunger and scarcity. orchidee makes this draught to wait out eubora and attempt to reanimate cybele a second time... but she fucks it up and sleeps for several decades instead. she was never good at any kind of magic, i guess! many of tyches recipes serve her well during her life in the deerwood, even if she doesnt remember where the knowledge came from
another one of those "FUCK, just TAKE it" pieces. the problem with tyche is her colors are all very similar, so she threw me for a loop until i was so fed up with correction layers and shading and lighting that i just decided, you know what, im done. im gonna draw her again someday though so im not sweating it tooooo hard... man
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melachonyof-lilies · 8 months
Fm!Gnome Tav x Astarion
Summary: Astarion doesn't feel oh so bad drinking from a gnome. He could hardly say they are above animals. But life just hits him with a mind flayer ship, a tadpole in head and a leader for a gnome, a rock gnome at that.
Gnomes are paticular creatures that are describe by many short tinkers and annoying. Forrest gnomes are magical rare sights but they pale when it comes to elves. Deep gnomes lives in the underdark though many wonders how the drows not deal with them yet. Lastly and the worst, the rock gnomes. They are everywhere in Faerun and their tenacity for adventure and hyperfixation of certain things are well tiring. He would be happy if the rock gnomes were arses but most are positive idiots. They are not people but a lesser one in that.
But who would have thought he had to travel along with one, as fortune ran out, its a rock gnome.
"What?! You're joking! What do you consider an animal?" Last night wasn't his best, hunger kicked in and no animals went through the forest.
The first one in his sight was the magic bursting gnome. The plan didn't panned out but he did get permission to get a bit of blood from her.
"I mean elves and humans are already out but goblins," His eyes flutters of the delicious option he has now.
"Kobolds, gn- haflings?" He bit his tongue though his slip up did not went unnoticed.
"Really? gnomes? Is that why you didn't hesistate to bite me of all people?" A tiny smirk untangled.
"Well you do look a fine snack, how couldn't i?" She expressed silent bewilderment on his excuse but after her lips betrayed her and spits out a chuckle.
"Fine, you can feed on me tonight." She was right, the first one he did think about feeding was her, maybe because she was gnome or she was much of a sucker to let this one go.
Either way he got the very best outcome he could get.
"The only reason why i couldn't get this damn chest to open, is because you drank too much of my blood!"
"Dear, with your stature, that was less than enough!"
"But its still a 75-25."
"Yes but i'll be getting the 75,"
"I found it first!"
"Im the one opening it!"
"Well you..."
Wyll and Karlach has been hearing this round of bickering for half an hour. The barbarian sighed and she lifted the chest from her shoulder. Both gnome and pale elf looked offended. Wyll shook his head and explained.
"Its almost sundown and it might well be time to go back in camp,"
"You greedy goblins can fight about this later, ill keep it safe for now," Her palm played a rythmitic tune on the chest while walking through the exit with her warlock companion.
"If you weren't too childish-"
"Oh i don't want to here about this from a person who is the height of a child!"
"I'm at least 50 years old and wiser."
"Not wise enough to lockpick a simple lock,"
They would bicker about treasure and gold through the way. A gnome will have certain obssessions through their craft or things. This gnome loves gold.
A somber night embellish after the meal. Most head along and slept like lambs. But the gnome has been trying her hands on chest right after she finishing her meal. Astarion smirked at her failed attempts. She needs him, and thats all the more reason he stayed by her side, irritating her with his presence, the skeleton key.
"Can't you just meditate or something?"
"I couldn't sleep for someone might want my help," She puffed her cheeks and glared at his amusement.
"Ugh, fine, i've been at it for two hours,"
Tav moved aside and left the rogue do his magic. It didn't take a minute until they heard a click. The chest open wide.
"Easy~" She rolled her eyes.
Her hands was at the lid, lifting it until his hand cover hers. She raised a brow.
"I have a new deal to propose," Her ear twitches when she hear deal. Its like her magic word to listen.
"I'll won't take the treasure, its all yours, the next treasure i open to the next," She waited for his next words, he articulate it quite slowly.
"All of the gold and richest of the chests we find will be in your hands but, you will have to let me feed on you for every one i opened," His eyes smirked, this deal is quite appetizing for both. He knows her kind well, if anything she wouldn't hesitate on her answer.
"No, deal"
"Good so- wait, what do you mean no deal?!"
"Its quite obvious is it not?" The pale elfs eyes falter, it was a bit much. Being bloodless was not anyones dream after waking up. She noticed his frown and completly abondened the chest in thought.
"When i say its obvious, i meant that its unfair of me to take advantage of your needs," He waited for her next few sentences, curious on her babbling.
"You want a deal that give me my wants in exchange for your needs, i don't know much about vampires but blood is important for you to be healthy," As much of a gold horder she was, her morality is quite cucumbersome. He curled her voice and leaned unto her ear.
"It quite is, and darling if gold isn't enough, i could offer something pleasurable," She was taken aback, but she hold her comcerning yet firm eyes on him.
"Astarion, i love to make deals with peoples want not needs, and you shouldn't let anyone take your needs for their wants, no one should," It wasn't registering, her words couldn't make sense. He laughed it off, it might have been Wyll's heroism rubbing off on her.
"How noble of you to think of that way, here i thought it was a burden-"
"It is honestly one, don't get me wrong but," Her playful tone stopped and she reached out for his hand and squeezed it lightly. His breath sharpens, focusing on her hand.
"Its a burden i'm willing, friend,"
Her touch was warm against his pale skin, her smile lifted his heart of something, something heavy since his journey began. He didn't like it.
Astarion retreated his hand and turned his back against her. He felt warm all of a sudden. It was embaressing how the greedy gnome could make his thoughts awry.
"Keep your damn treasure, im going back,"
"Wait, but the deal-"
He couldn't stand and listen any longer. Rolling his bedroll to the floor, he meditates. What in the nine hells happened? That interaction was a complete blur. Talking about wants and needs, From the experiences he had, he should have mastered it. Then why was he so tounge tied with that conversation. It has been long since he haven't thought of Cazador, mind flayers and the gallery of villains they will face or the anxiety of being alone.
It was the first time he was thinking something other than dread tonight.
The next morning, he saw a bag of gold and a suit of armor in front of his tent.
"Astarion, have breakfast with us! Gale made boar blood soup, its splendid!" Tav swag her arm beckoning him while he glanced back at the fortune he got.
This gnome would be more trouble than he thought.
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pineconelizard · 2 years
Hi :}
I'm pineconelizard (they/she) but you can call me merf!! You may recognize me from twitter, I'm recently starting to expand to using other sites after all the scary news thats been going on with bird site.
I make kobold related content! I just really like them. They are small dragons and have lots of fruity colors.
I used to use tumblr back in the day, so I'm not too unfamiliar with it, but things have changed over time so I might be a bit crusty when it comes to some things :,} Please excuse me while I get back to learning how to post here again!!
My main type of content is little doodles i make with my mouse, and occasionally tablet stuff and comics. I also do cute short story type posts about a kobold and dragon who care very much for each other.
But yea, if you like what you see, maybe drop a follow? I love reading comments and I do my best to respond to as many as I can. :}
pic related: funny little lizard
have a nice day ty for reading :}
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vivi-the-goblin · 2 years
MPMM RANT (1/2): general thoughts
wow this book really is just a list of player races and monsters, yet they managed to upend some basic fundamentals of the game.
The best change is finally making goblins green, acknowledging most people ignored yellow goblins being default. Why were so many things changed into fey though? Like yeah, goblins were based on fey, but so were dwarves and elves and kobolds.
So THATS what a dolphin delighter is! I've been tormented by knowing a statblock for the 'dolphin delighter' exists, and that it's a fey who can blind people, for months! but without the pdf I didn't have access to a picture. It's a fun-loving pink dolphin. a dolphin who delights. The monster's not bad, but was that really their best name?
they've listed the races as "humans and fantasy races". then stated that all player characters of all fantasy races are identical to humans of REAL LIFE EARTH in height/weight/age unless stated otherwise in the specific race entry, even if the monster manual entry for the species differs. Then removed some of the entries that stated otherwise, and culture...more on that in part 2. Added proficiencies on the statblocks, nice. I like how they changed up some of the weirder statblocks to actually be in line with the monster creator. Simplified spellcasting. I love this. I understand if you miss the old versatility, but for someone who loves making encounters with large gimmicks and enemies this is just so much easier to keep track of. Spellcasters have generic energy blasts to fall back on instead of a 1d4 dagger, nice. In general I notice a lot of monsters being versatile, which I appreciate. They seem to have tweaked some of the abilities to that end as well. Most things in the bestiary section are minor but appreciated. Their solution to the "not all monsters" argument was to just slap 'typically' in front of every species that isn't Unaligned (not sentient). I'm fine with that, except one issue- this includes devils and celestials and all sorts of other creatures of the outer planes. In a book where they reprinted Zariel, who was a celestial that started being evil instead of good and had her creature type immediately shift to Fiend. Literally stated on her page that if she became good again she would return to being a Celestial. Or Graz'zt, who started being Chaotic instead of Lawful and immediately shifted from Devil to Demon. Look at the archons, who embody a certain aspect of goodness, and when they start embodying another immediately shift into a different type of archon. A creature of the outer planes who stops being a certain alignment doesn't just shift alignment, their entire form warps to become something to match. Saying a solar is "typically good" is like saying a fire elemental is "typically made of fire". Unless it has a curse that spontaneously shifts it between the two states (which would be a cool mechanic). That's not just an arguably needless level of specificity, it's turning a true statement into a false one. That mainly annoys me because they've always insisted that orcs and drow and such were always evil because most types of game require basic enemies. Monsters to just oppose without having to think. This is the solution! You actually KNOW their intent on sight, because their physical form is a manifestation of it, it's their soul at a glance. You know it's wanting to slaughter for fun, because that's the slaughter demon. If it overcame it's cosmic nature and decided it'd rather help kids, it would burst into a celestial being.
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razzdrgn · 10 months
Another volley of asks! I'm really gonna have to stretch to think of new ones, let's see... Favorite constellation? Favorite kind of tree? Which Sims game is the actual best one? Tomato sauce or creamy Alfredo sauce? Thoughts on kobolds?
awawa i always appreciate u askin em tho u always got really fun questions to answer and i appreciate u sendin me em,,,
idk if i have a favorite constellation but i think orion is pretty cool. apparently theres a dragon constellation too that rocks. im not a big astronomy person tho so i dont know many awawa,,,
i love weeping willows,,, in 4th grade i would spend all recess sittin under one, sometimes just readin a book and sometimes talkin or playin with ppl. if i ever get a home someday and god thatll probably never happen but if i do i wanna have a willow tree in my yard,,, bc theyre just nice
sims 3 bc u can mod in furries. thats it thats the end
i prefer alfredo over tomato sauce but im actually. a pesto person above both alfredo and tomato
i like kobolds tbh,, fun lil guys. sometimes ppl do koboldposting too much on my dash tho and i get a lil annoyed bc i dont always wanna see kobolds but since i started followin more ppl its not been botherin me as much bc like. now theres a lot more posts to drown it out
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kobold-wizard · 3 months
We’ll see if this P2E game ever actually comes together but while talking about it i have come up with the character I would play.
While i have joined many different TTRPG groups the average group fizzles out after 2-3 months. From all these campaigns i have only ever played a kobold once for but two sessions. Shameful really
Long notes ahead about Bri the alchemist kobold
So for this i would absolutely play a kobold. At first i wanted to play a champion, the divine tank with a magic sword. A tall kobold (3.5 ft WOW) named Cannoli picked for ‘elite’ kobold training because she was above average in height, essentially picked for the basketball team just because. This ‘bold would then receive the best training and nutrition for what would be the squad leaders in the dragon Empyres army of kobolds, Empyre’s strategy is mostly throw enough kobolds at a problem to solve it. So this ‘bold is trained up to be the ideal warrior unquestioning of command and champions honor and duty. Not unintelligent but certainly not an academic education.
Thing is i like the idea of this proud, heavily armored kobold but im in a long running TTRPG where i play a himbo surfer and i want to do something more different from that.
Thus enter Cannoli’s sister. This bold is also considered tall (3.3 ft) but has a cosmetic effect like leucism meaning not true albino but has pigment loss from full piebald to only some patches. Because of this perceived defect this ‘bold is rejected and sent away for general labor. We talked and i liked the idea of kobolds being mainly used to fetch things for dragons like protect shipments of spices or wine.
So i thought it would be fun to have this ‘bold be a working at a vineyard crushing grapes. She would purposely stain her scales red to cover up the white patches on purpose. This would be a growth point later as she comes to terms with this kobold eugenics program the emypre is running. Under this dragon it has an unusually high hatchling survival rate but thats to just have more live kobolds to serve as cannon fodder or lost in transportation.
At the winery this bold would mentor under the brewmaster and get a better education outside of the propaganda kobolds are fed. This leads into the alchemist class, an intelligence based class. Looking at names i think ive settled on Degrees Brix (DB ir Brix or Bri for short) This is a measure of soluable solids like sugar in wine, its measured to check how much sugar is left for fermentation in conjunction with a hydrometer which measures % alcohol.
From this education Bri gets a better picture of the politics and what its really like outside the draconian influence. Becomes clever, more investigative. Learns to be dishonest and think about things.
Why become an adventure? Why in campaign would Bri choose violence? I want Bri to be a murderer before being an adventurer. Just so its not an insane shift from “i made alcohol before this” to session one straight up killing a random guard/goblin/bandit.
Very TBD but im thinking its like fragging ur superior officer. Like the army come to town and draft/abduct kobolds to fill gaps in rank. Then either its while escaping throw a Molotov at the leader or its after a fight with heavy losses. Names of the dead aren’t recorded as kobold lives aren’t valued as such. Also its a weird army culture thing of don’t remember the dead.
Listen I don’t wanna rp being shocked at killing generic bandit, would rather do a surprisingly quiet and determined murder. Like how in His Dark Materials Lyra Silvertongue consulted the aelithiometer if she could trust Will and it responded with that he was a murderer. She then thought “good. I can trust him” , like Ioric Bjoronison the armored bear king. Still wild to me she saw that as a good sign. Hmmm weirdly enough Malcom in the sequel series the book of dust Mal is also a killer that saved baby lyra.
Tempting to do unreliable narrator murderer like my blorbo Mycroft Canner but i think thats too much for a TTRPG player character.
Right so Cannoli would be my one NPC to give to the GM and personal quest would be to reconnect with estranged sibling (stationed somewhere or find them if its like a they were lost in battle unconfirmed dead)
Degree Brix, Bri the alchemist kobold
-intelligent, chemistry background, stealth for investigative B&E.
-jaded, self esteem issues with appearance, feels very conflicted about home and culture
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chompchompchu · 2 years
Can I get a page on how to play kobold??? if thats ok :3
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Sorry this one took so long! It was really hard to think of things for kobolds without just copying my dragon page lol, I hope you like it tho!!
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www-donck-com · 2 years
Goblin Lore (In conjunction with Riz Gukgak)
This is just an info dump, may be hard to read my apologies. This was spurred on by me re-watching fantasy high, and getting goblin brain rot! Have fun!!
cave cavern systems
thats where they live
generally they live in 'nests'
think of these like a state
then within that large cavern system, there's smaller familial groups/tribes
think 40 to 50 people per group, and like 10 to 15 groups per nest
ok so the nation that goblins live in, is really just a large mountain range
it's the mountains of chaos, honestly just a mostly old stereotypical term
goblins themselves call the mountain range "the mountains"
But within the last 3 or so generations they call it the mountains of chaos like other countries
there's about 34 major nests within that mountain range, and roughly 60 minor ones
minor nests just have 5 to 10 groups rather than 10 to 15
minor nests hold 450, while major nests hold 675
meaning the nation in total has a very small population, only about 50,000 goblins total
they also have different anatomy than humans (obv)
they are much smaller, and take more after elves and cats than humans
they have lion like tales, huge yellow eyes with slit pupils, big ears that look similar to an expanded elven ear, they also have fangs and claws
similarly to cats, the claw isn't just 'fingernail' it's actually built into the joint of their fingers
their blood is blue, so bruises/blush/scars are a dark turquoise color rather than the pink we commonly associate with those things
goblins are often portrayed with long straight hair, this is only accurate when they are in their home (warm, dry, volcanic caverns) when they exit, the humidity actually makes their hair puff up and curl wildly
they have a full written language, however verbally mostly communicate through screeches, hisses, and clicks
they're ears and the positioning of them can tell a lot about their emotions, mostly they move involuntarily but with a lot of work goblins can keep their ears stationary/have control over them
their fangs are similar to rodents in that they will continue growing, and rough things to chew on is the only thing that curbs it
mostly bones and gems/crystals
within their home territory goblins maintain a system based entirely on trading and favors, so they have no frame of reference for currency the way other nations do
goblins also don't have names in the traditional sense,
They have a first name, often either chosen themself or earned through actions.
each nest has a name, and each group within the nest has a name
most goblins when meeting others introduce themself by where their from
so like (first name) (nest name only used if your outside your home nest) (group name)
the way that each goblin communicates and goes about life is highly unique based on what nest and group you grew up in
they also are hyper flexible, given that they need to climb through crevices in the caverns they live in
digging into your food with your hands and eating as fast as you can is seen as respectful in goblin coulture
letting someone's hard work come into direct contact with your hands is appreciative, and eating quickly so that others cant get it is like "your food is so good i am not sharing"
sadly goblins are often seen as 'uncivilized' and 'violent' by humans, elves, and most other humanoids
not including dragon born, orcs, satyrs, kobolds, and kenku
as those races/ethnicities have similar customs
if goblins choose to immigrate to other countries, they often just shove together their hive and group name and call it a day
hence long surnames in immigrated goblin populations
almost all goblins have vocal spasms and tics if they're not speaking in their native language, as certain tones of click/purr denote emotion and intent in goblin speech
sorta like tone indicators
many goblins are also hard of hearing or fully deaf, so GHS (Goblin hand speak, later adapted into CHS or common hand speak) is a common known language
many non-goblin or halfling (deafness is also common) people call it thieves cant also due to stereotyping
halfling people actually call themselves hin, as halfling is a demeaning term created by humans
hin and goblins have a long history of collaboration, as goblins are investigative and good at finding things by nature. and hin are renowned for their prowess in crafting and engineering
many items needed by hin are hard to find or hidden in small spaces, and goblins find and return those things to the hin people in exchange for excess gems, knick knacks, and broke inventions
goblins like assembling and dis-assembling things
it's common for goblin youth to roughhouse and play bite/scratch each other while their fangs and claws are coming in
goblins also howl as a form of music/celebrating big things happening/expressing big emotions
goblins are neither nocturnal or diurnal, they can sleep and function at any time and actually work better with several short naps throughout the day
they only need about 4 hours of sleep total per day, so it works best to work 6 ish hours then sleep, then work then sleep and so on
they also eat a LOT for being very small, they burn calories fast. their constantly moving and even when stationary HAVE to move to keep their blood flowing equally and their brains from spiraling
moving constantly helps be hyper aware of their surroundings, which is important when living in a mountain as earthquakes are common
within their home groups and nests they live in both a matriarchal and patriarchal society, it flips every generation
however when decisions are made your vote has more weight the younger you are (voting starts at 14) because the eldest of the group aren't the ones who have to live with the decisions the longest
matriarch/patriarch of the group is just there to do a headcount daily, provide food, resolve conflict, and speak for the group in conventions of the full nest, or in some cases the full nation
despite those duties, the responsible elder spends most of their time in the nursery (for kids 1-6) taking care of the younglings, because the two most unable to work groups stick together in the safest part of the nest/group den
all the elders work in the nursery but the responsible elder is obligated to spend at least 8 hours every day in it, the other may come and go as they please as long as there's at least 3 elders (excluding the responsible elder) in the nursery at all times
all goblins are intersex until age 14, when the patron deity of the goblins comes to them in a dream to ask where theyd like to remain, and how they want their bodies to look/be structured and when they wake up thats how it is
it can also be changed at any point in life by a quick ritual summoning of said deity
The deity isn't even an actual deity, in each nest when the elders of the group die, they become part of spiritual hive mind that sticks with and looks after every goblin from their nest
the concept of gender is very loose in goblin communities, they don't use pronouns, mostly names and nicknames, and all you have to decide for yourself when you get to the age where your allowed to run for group elder is whether you would be a matriarch or patriarch
and those are separated by thinking patterns rather than gender
men can be matriarchs if they show more the thinking patterns associated with the title (and vice versa)
goblins actually develop from crystals, parents who want a child go to the sacred garden (a crystal growing cavern at the center of every nest) and choose a crystal, its then incubated for 5 to 7 months and turns into a bassinet
the parents are then notified and they come to scoop up their child
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fiovske · 3 years
I would really really love to hear about that DnD part of yours!! what are you up to who are you playing if you don't mind sharing of course
oh i dont mind talking about our d&d party at all! Our campaign is set in a wildlife Reserve and its a very non-combat based campaign like the primary objective rn is to solve the reason and source of necromantic surge of energies happening in the reserve and in doing so, whatever we do, we have is to make sure we DO NOT injure or hurt the occupants of the reserve, which ranges from a wide range of beasts and specimens to behirs and what not so like its safe grounds for creatures that might be a danger onto others or to themselves or simply creatures who have nowhere else to go. Non-violence means has ALWAYS been the primary objective of this campaign!
its difficult managing the situation bc d&d is designed to be a combat-based game and we're playing it exactly opposed to that in the way our 'attacks' are more actions and we have to stay on the non-lethal side of things! and handle the situation, even in a combat scenario, w/o bloodshed, at least on the other occupants of the reserve. they can and do attack us! as wild creatures are wont to! so we often have to come up w creative and non-attack based use of our arsenal and spells. its really fun!
as for me, I play a panda, cleric of the Raven Queen from Shadowfell who really likes sunlight and whose favourite colour is greens and yellows! there's a Satyr wizard also from Shadowfell a nerd and a painter! we have an aasimar w a shotgun who is an amazing cook, a halforc druid who has adopted a baby grey render and therefore dealing w the crisis of early parenthood, and a kobold princess who is a dedicated academic with her vocal enthusiasm at the workings of the reserve!
we dont just play d&d we intend to sweep around a lot of other ttrpg systems as we go. we do have a lot of fun tbh as we do a set of quests which take us to different places! we have travelled to a basilisk nest to study their sudden growth and collect basilisk oil, we have been to a frozen town and its frozen lake underwater w NPCs which was a v beautiful arc! we have tackled a fundraiser where the necromantic surge occured again, a sort of corruption in the reserve. which has a whole lot of us concerned tbh. also in our system we cant and dont use revivify/resurrection spells so that makes the stakes permanent!
right now we're deciding what our next mission would be we're spoilt for choice it's either study faerie dragons in the feywild, travel to a city deep in the underdark where they do not navigate by the sense of sight or light at all, climb a mount like Everest situation to help the old behir at the reserve travel up to better climates where she would feel better, since she can't teleport to shadowfell but it seems the behir was born on the mountain so that's interesting!! also there's another option of chasing a skyswimmer, an extraplannar sky-swimming serpent for documenting and collecting samples etc w/o actually harming the beast at all since the reserve has no records of such a creature at all.
so thats a decision we debate on and make next session!
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dzamie · 2 years
/\ Would you vore your clone?
(directed at everybody, but if thats too much of a hassle then just HM)
Send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character! They have to 1) Rate on a scale of 1-10 how much they don’t want to answer that question, and 2) Answer that question.
Dzbold: "Eh... three? And no, I wouldn't put myself through that. For reference, though, anyone at three or higher would just say no if they weren't being forced to answer honestly. Except for Sleek, who would try to get you close enough to bite."
Dzamie: "Hmm... if it's just a clone rather than a copy, that's a 1 and a no - I try to avoid cannibalism when possible. A full copy, though... 2. I would if either of us were transformed to an easier form to eat or be eaten by. I know I'd go for it if I were him. Not like I'd die or anything."
HM: "1. No. Dragons aren't for eating."
Mistress Dreamwalker: "What HM said. There are far more fun things I'd do with my clone."
Kenneth: "Ten. Unlike those three, some of us do have a reputation of avoiding utter nonsense. Anyway, of course I wouldn't. I have no desire to look into the magic necessary to make it possible."
Vanille: "Uh... four? I can't think of a reason I'd want to, and I'm not sure if I'd be able to get her back out, so I'd feel bad..."
William: "Four as well, but only because of your choice of words. I don't think I'd get any useful enough info out of the experience to justify it against throwing the clone back up - and I find cannibalism abhorrent."
Sleek: "Eight. Come closer when you ask that; you're a bit out of my strike range. But yes, I would - any so-called clone of mine who I can catch isn't worth leaving uneaten."
Sylvia (dragon): "In a heartbeat."
Sylvia (katul): "Four if we're not friends and I haven't invited you to my workshop. One otherwise. As for my answer... what do you mean, 'would'?"
Sel'riss: "...two. I would, but it wouldn't be a show. Actually, wait, I could frame it as a fight against an alternate version, and... okay, yeah, that could be a fun time."
Cloaken Dagger: "Seven. If I did, it would be in service of faking my own death, not for pleasure. Changelings don't taste very good."
Eris: "Hold on, let me finish my bowl of tiny Erises. What was the question?"
Fyoor: "Ten. You would insult a god with such a juvenile request? Do you see me as some harlot with which to fill your mind with filthy thoughts? No, no, a thousand times no. Now fuck off and I might let you survive the night."
Azurel: "Five. Just once, to see if I could. I'd let him return the favor, of course."
Rinta: "Four, and n- oh, wait, you just said 'vore,' not 'eat?' Ooh, I bet my tail would feel wonderful squirming around between my legs..." (Cloaken Dagger: "I would like to amend my answer in light of miss VitAzurel's analysis.")
Kassar: "One. No. To eat a dragon is heretical, and a kobold, while distant, is still too close for comfort."
Rekus: "I'm pretty sure I would die. Three. No."
Sinera: "Nine. No. Dzamie passed on his magic knowledge, not his fetishes. Why are most of you all so calm about this?"
Galleon: "Two. No. I might die, and I'd certainly not enjoy myself. So why would I try it?"
Smugleaf: "Nine, unless I've eaten you before, in which case four. I think I would swallow my clone, after entrusting her with my ball. Serperior are rare prey, and I wouldn't pass up the opportunity."
Dazzle and Razzle: "Nine." "Two." "I would make a fantastic vibrator for myself, and fill my pussy up just the right amount." "...what she said."
Ji-Lun: "Six. I dare not, for fear of my clone's selves having an unexpected interaction with my own. But if my safety were guaranteed... yes, if only out of curiosity."
Wendy: "Four. Yeah, sure. I can probably fit myself, and it's not like I don't eat plenty of fish elsewise."
Cerise: "Food is food. I would avoid killing a fellow of my group if I could, but if the scenario is not my choice, I would not hesitate. Of course, I don't swallow my prey whole; does that change what my answer would be? Oh, uh, one."
Dzbold: "Ugggghhhhh..... why did I think doing so many of them was a good idea...?"
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apinkblueberry · 3 years
How to go about a Bright Fantasy?
[To Long? TLDR at the bottom]
So I have an inherent issue going forward. My D&D campaigns keep getting darker despite me not wanting them to. I am hoping to write a Bright Fantasy campaign but I am having trouble doing so in the context of a D&D campaign.
I think this is because of the inherent mechanics of D&D support a darker setting. There are many official or WOTC supported classes that tend to lean towards these darker perspectives. It's not that they can't be brighter but players that play these usually end up sending their characters down a darker path them being: Blood Hunter, Rogue, Warlock, Barbarian and very often Sorcerers. For races: Dark Elves, Half Elves, Orcs, Half Orcs, Tiefling, Dhampir, Goblins, Goliath, Aasimar, Bugbear, Hobgoblin, Kenku, Kobold and Changeling. Now that may be just my experience but I think both lists should give some perspective. Now many of you may say that they are not inherently dark and I would agree but I think many players just enjoy the darker perspective of this sort of character.
Blood Hunter is pretty clear, the concept boils down to controlling people and becoming more monstrous to kill monsters. It is by no means a bad class but it does rather strongly tend towards darker characters. If you don't believe me I encourage you to Google Blood Hunter and just look at images. Rogues I personally dont think have to be dark but their tendency towards Stealth by far tends to lean people towards playing them darker and playing them with that perspective in mind. Warlocks in my experience tend to play off a dark patron and a darker world as a result. Looking at the Player Handbook subclasses for Warlock: Archfey, not inherently dark but many tend to lean towards characters like the Fairy King who tend to be quite dark rather than a brighter fey, The Fiend, I mean Demons I suppose they could be written brighter but that writing is rather rare, and Great Old One, ah yes what part of Lovecraftian horror isn't bright. Barbarians are often played as dumb brutes who only care about bashing things to death. Now by no means is this the rule but in my experience thats how people tend to play their characters. For Sorcerers very often how their power emerges in their backstory often kills loved ones and does a lot of damage. I personally see why but I think that it can very often lead to a darker character. I won't go over every race but I can make a seperate post later on if some of those aren't clear. They just tend towards darker characters.
This is by no means me saying that dark characters are a bad thing because it isn't but it does make the campaign darker as the campaign should be centered on the characters. So now the issue is how does one while still using D&D and not blocking half the classes from the players do a brighter fantasy setting. In addition, there are very few resources online for writing better bright fantasy but if you search on Youtube Not Grimdark Fantasy you get a series of Grimdark resources. Now obviously it sees the Tag Grimdark but seach Bright Fantasy you get a song. My point is there are limited resources for a Brighter setting but many on a darker one. So how do we go about writing a brighter world, unless anyone has found a brighter title I'm calling it Bright Fantasy. This is because Grimdark is Dark Fantasy so the opposite would inherently be Bright Fantasy.
Well, one primary example of a brighter Fantasy is the earlier pokemon games. For many of these pokemon they use bright and colorful animations and have fun cute stories. Now obviously there are many with dark Poke Entries but to find those you have to dig. The bad guys tend to be evil without really any remorse or if they have a reason its completely ridiculous like Team Magma and Aqua. But, and I recognize many people will be frustrated by this sentence, Generation 4 was the generation to move away from this brighter fantasy. You can catch several gods and even move through the distortion world and even catch the embodiment of death. Now its still a great game, however, from that point on in the series it never really returns to that brighter beginning. It seems like a lot of series that start bright turn dark. Obviously comic books are a great example where now everyone wants to be Dark Knight x Watchman. Even Jak and Daxter the first game is a very bright game but by the second it becomes super dark and depressing where Jak's first words are about murder.
So let me ask, how do I move my campaigns in more of a direction of Bright Fantasy. Some major elements that many stories use to move to a brighter setting is brighter characters. I can make the NPCs brighter but if the main cast is inherently a dark group than the bright fantasy will be too contradictory. It would be like Anakin Skywalker in the land of Teletubbies. Many stories add visuals that are brighter and more pastel colors but since I dont use maps and the like that would be very difficult to do. Many of the things used in other stories aren't options here so if you have any ideas please let me know.I almost forgot one final thing. Villains. So Grimdark villains tend to be morally gray but they do things so bad they can't be forgiven. Brighter Fantasy villains tend to be evil for the sake of being evil so that is something I may use but if the rest of the campaign isn't bright then it may just come off as edgy for the sake of being edgy.
TLDR? It's hard to do a a campaign of a brighter tone because so many mechanics inherently lean for a darker tone, so how do I write a Bright Fantasy in DnD?
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the-grove · 6 months
Digimon Partner: Princess
HIii So I thought I would do a follow up to Abayomis Digimon partner thing for me. Mine will be a bit simpler though, but to explain why lets start with our Rookie: ROOKIE/CHILD: V-mon
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So I did consider two digimon, V-mon and Dracomon. And it was a really close call. But I ultimately went with V-mon because it seems a bit more kobold like, plus I could make use of some of its canonical digivolution lines for potential alternates. Soo thats that. I'll just be using this custom line. Which does include one canonical diguvolution...
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Honeybeemon is a canonical Armor digivolution option for V-mon, it's cute and bug themed and I love bugs. It also carries some of visual elements with the little teeth and blue skin. Each stage in this digivolution at least borrows something from the previous stage. ULTIMATE/PERFECT: Piccolomon
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Picollomon carries over the winged elements, and Honeybeemons eyes. Picollomon is the stage I am the least sure of, but I think it overs a nice bridge between the previous stages and the mega/ultimate evolution. It's also just a striaght up cutie still -3- MEGA/ULTIMATE: Holydramon
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Holydramon bring the pink fluffiness of Picollomon with the draconic qualities of V-mon. There is not much for Honeybeemon to be represented here, but thats ok. IMO a Digivolution line doesn't need to be 100% cohesive to be satisfying as long as there is some or visual connection from each stage to the next. Also going from a blue scalie dragon to a pink fluffy one is fun and cute!! Some other connection is that every stage here is a part of the Wind Guardians group of digimon.
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