#no... surely.... my mother couldnt have been right
avo-kat · 4 months
i honestly think its baffling that to this idea you cannot easily change the font, font size and colours on websites. this should be such an easy accessability feature that simply isnt available, even though so many different people could benefit from it.
while there is the option to zoom, it doesnt help with font or colour choices.
and whats with this strange occurance the full titles of videos, articles, images, products etc arent shown? why are there so many different websites where half the words are cut off?
or for images next arrows being either extremely small, or even insivible unless you hover over them.
i do wear glass and while im not a kid anymore, im really not that old and yet i notice myself getting increasingly frustrated at websites.
not trying to see that things were better in the past, but they sure as fuck arent great now.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
yakuza 5′s plot makes me feel bad for haruka ngl
like Y5 really had great potential to focus on her and her internal struggles, though i guess Obviously that wasn’t really somethin they could expand too much on
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this-doesnt-endd · 10 months
Also I know its very hard to be a 911 operator and like ur trained to keep people calm and collected and to reassure people on the line it will all be okay but when i had to call for what i thought was an attempted break in she did not help whatsoever in fact i felt so much more stressed cause i didnt believe a word she said cause she sounded so unsure
#so i used to have such a major fear of being awake and turning to look at my front door and seeing the knob turn and the one night it did#i was watching fucking mindhunter of all things and i heard something weird looked up at the door and the knob was turning#it was 2 in the morning and dark and i quietly but quickly got up grabbed my pepperspray and my bat and went to look thru the peephole#and its just some fucking dude in a hoodie and hes like looking down at the knob so i cant tell anything and i go to wake my mom up#so hard to wake her and then when i do shes no help shes whisper yelling at me and i end up having to dial 911 cause she wont#and ive been down this road i tell her everything so efficently and clearly and quickly and shes asking for description#and i tell her thats all i can give her i cant see him and im watching thru the peep hole on the phone like tryna prep myself best w my bat#just incase i gotta use it and then he walks away a bit and stops and like stares at the door and goes and like trys to do the same thing#on the neighbors door but no ome lived in either at the time#and shes like well do u wanna go outside and like ive given her a real description at this point im just kinda narrorating at this point#and im like no and shes like are u sure? and il like yeah and he left to the parking lot at this point and i gave her every detail i coulds#but i like honestly couldnt make out much if his face cause he was looking down mostly and had a hoodie on#he comes back to the door and is doing it again and at this point im like mother talk on the phone im just gonna be ready#and we have a deadbolt lock which im very greatful for so i feel decently confident they arent gonna get thru it#eventually he stopped and left and no one and come to help and so it was kinda just like okay whatever then a bit after#two cops show up and they're like hey is it this guy? and my mom went to look cause i had jsut gotten a ton of adreneline#and was tryna not to puke and it was and they ended up calling emts#it turned out to be like an older guy and they were like he might have taken something but they were pretty sure he had dementia#cause if i remember right they got a simillar call and it was also him and they said they were told at some point that#he used to live in the general area#so they took him to the hospital to get checkd out#but 911 lady did not help at all and my mom wasnt any help either so i spent a good 2 hours being like okay be ready to bed broken into
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sky-high-standards · 1 year
Yandere!!Stepson!! x reader
(warning implied rape getting pregnant this is more of an x fem reader slight smut)
I edited this recently
He absolutely hated you and was convinced you where the reason his parents divorced.
He was always cold towards you and thought you were a manipulative whore due to the age gap between you and his father.
But he slowly realized how sweet and caring you where and started to like you a little more each day.
By the time you moved in he saw you as an older friend than a step parent.
Pretty soon he started to have a crush on you but he knew it was messed up but he couldnt help thinking how sweet you lips would taste or what it would be like to make love to you.(Yes I know how messed up this is)
When he saw you kiss his father realization struck and it was clear that a relationship between the two of you was not gonna happen but he didn't give up yet.
He decided to embrace his position as step son by hugging you and kissing your cheek which you saw as sweet little gestures but you had know idea what his intentions were.
He went as far as asking to sleep with you after claiming he had a "nightmare" but soon he went too far by slowly rubbing his fingers up your thigh and almost kissing you before you awkwardly got up and left.
He knew he messed up bad when you started keeping your distance from him and showing him less affection.
When he found out you where planning on having a baby with his dad he lost it why is his dad living his dream.
So he beat his dad to it by finally taking you as his when his dad was out on a business trip he lured your in by claiming there was a strange noise in his room then he pinned you down onto his bed and tied you up and lets just say it was a long and rough night for you.
The way he roughly pulled down your pants and went at it his hard length pumping in and out of you at an inhuman speed and he was far from gentle all that time holding back made him a beast right now the way he shamelessly moaned your name saying he's been waiting to fuck you for the longest time as you squirmed underneath him trying to escape.
After he was sure you where pregnant he took you away with him to one his his father's holiday homes which is where you are now sitting pretty in bed while the man who was supposed to be your step son caresses your growing belly whispering sweet nothings into your ear saying how you'll be such and amazing mother to his children.
And you're stuck with him because he threatened to kill his father if you ever left him and it worked he hated to admit it but you actually did love that old man but he might as well use it to his advantage.
Oh my sweet I can't wait to fill you up with more of my children oh don't worry I'll be gentle next time~
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whoreanghae · 1 year
wedding ; jeon wonwoo
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genre - fake relationship, friends to lovers, kinda slow burn
wordcount - 8.6k
disclaimers - lowercase on purpose, no proofreading, fic under the cut, female/feminine aligned reader, mentions of alcohol and being drunk
a/n - this one has been in the works for a loooong time, finally got the energy to finish it! hope you enjoy, i put a lot of work into this one. happy holidays! <3
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you put down your phone with a sigh. your mother had just given you a call to let you know that one of your cousins was getting married in a month, and your mother wanted to let you know the plan for their wedding early on so you could get started on planning your trip back to your hometown. she gave you dates and dressing codes, and other wedding things that blended together into one blur in your head as you mindlessly responded to your mothers queries and requests. 
one of the things she brushed over was the fact that you had to bring a date for the entire wedding. the ceremony, the dinner, the dance, you always had to have someone on your arm. it was a rule that your cousin was apparently very adamant about. in the blur of questions from your mother, you had accidently answered a question that you should have saved for a later time, when you hadn’t been just getting home from a 2 hour long exam.
“so, y/n, you do have a date right?”
“yes, i do.”
your mother gasped, bringing herself to a conclusion that you had not written. “my baby has a boyfriend? oh, how sweet!” her coos were quickly pushed aside when you heard a door creak open on her end of the line, followed by your fathers voice asking her if she was ready for dinner. your mother quickly said goodbye as you pressed the red ‘end call’ button, and the reality of the belief your mother was under finally pieced together in your head.
your family are expecting you to show up at a family gathering with a boyfriend you do not have.
you leaned forward, elbows digging into your knees as you tangled your hands in your hair. every thought of how you could fix this raced through your head at once, but every solution made less sense than the last. in the end, you came to the conclusion that you would have to find someone willing to be your boyfriend for a weekend, which is a statement that is easier said than done. 
laughter echoed around the room as you sat on the sofa of hoshi’s apartment with your head in your hands. while you thought the entire situation was simply traumatic, everyone else thought it was hilarious. some of them had pity, but even the sympathetic ones were stifling their laughter as they comforted you. 
you couldnt help but laugh along at the absurdity of the entire thing. it was really something that could only happen to you. 
“guys, i seriously have no idea what to do! its not like i can just rent a boyfriend for a couple days!” dokyeom was holding onto mingyus arm as he laughed so hard he was out of breath. joshua faked a serious face as he looked towards you. “thats not true, im sure you could rent hoshi for the right price.” 
you sighed a dramatic, exasperated sigh as you flopped back onto hoshis sofa, staring at the ceiling as you laughed. the laughter fizzled out and everyone realized it was getting late. 
“i should probably get going and try to find a desperate guy who would free up a weekend to go to my cousins wedding with me.” you laughed as you stood up, brushing your hair back behind you. wonwoo stood up with you. “y/n, i could give you a ride home, since its the same building anyways.” you smiled and nodded towards him as you said goodbye to everyone and followed wonwoo to his car. 
the ride back to your apartment building was quiet, with the low radio being the only sound filling the car. car rides with wonwoo always had a peaceful silence, never awkward. it was comfortable. 
you thought over the sentence a thousand and one times in your head before you finally broke the silence. “uh, wonwoo.. can i ask you, um, a big favour?” you looked down at your hands before looking over at the man next to you, a grin now plastered across his face as he glanced in your direction. “i wonder what this could be?” he said, followed by a chuckle. your ears turned pink as you fiddled with your fingers in your lap, a smile wide on your face to match his.
you took a deep breath before finally asking, “wonwoo, could you be my date to my cousins wedding?” you smiled over at him from the passenger seat, trying your best to look convincing enough for him to say yes. all things considered, something must have worked. “of course i will, it’d be an honour to be your boyfriend for a couple days.” the pink flush on your ears travelled all across your face as you smiled ear to ear. he parked at your apartment complex as you leaned over and wrapped your arms around his neck. “thank you so so so much wonwoo!” he laughed, wrapping his arms around your waist and lightly squeezing as you pulled away and opened the car door. “ill send you all the details when i know all the details,” you told wonwoo as you walked into your apartment building together. he nodded as he pressed the button for the elevator. “hopefully ill be able to impress your family.” you and wonwoo smiled at each other as the elevator door beeped open and you stepped inside. 
you sat at your dinner table, a notepad and pen sitting in front of you. your mother had just called and informed you of all the details of the wedding, and you decided that it would make your life easier if you wrote down everything she said this time. she gave you details on where everyone would stay, the timeline of events, and every little thing in between. the phone call had lasted for at least 20 minutes. you had always said, your mother was nothing if not thorough. after overlooking the list in front of you, you picked up your phone and typed a text.
y/n : hey, are u busy rn?
wonu 🐱 : I’m at practice, is everything ok?
y/n : oh yeah its fine, its just stuff about the wedding. call me when you get home :)
wonu 🐱 : Will do. :)
while you waited for wonwoo to finish practice, you absentmindedly scrolled on your phone. as you did, you saw countless pictures of people from your hometown posting pictures with their significant others. you liked their pictures and kept scrolling, but the photos made you feel.. off. since you had moved away from your hometown, you hadnt had any relationships. you had met people, but nothing ever amounted to anything more than a coffee date or a study session at your campus library. you were just always so busy with school and spending time with the boys that you had simply never sought out a relationship in your years of living away from your family. while you were content with your independence, seeing photos of couples happy and in love made you feel left out. not envy, just a feeling of ‘i would be happy with what they have’. 
since starting university, romance has been on your back burner to say the least. you had barely considered your own feelings between exams and essays. maybe this was why every time your friends caught someone checking you out, or blatantly flirting with you, your response was always “really? i didnt notice.” your group of friends from university had always been suspicious of your relationship with the 13 men you spend most of your freetime with. they were convinced that if you did end up having a secret relationship, it would be with one of them. you shut down the accusations every time, insistent that they were just friends. and thats all they were. just friends.
breaking you out of your mindless scrolling, your phone rang. you shook out of your daze as you accepted the call. “hey! how was practice?” wonwoo groaned dramatically. “you dont even understaaaand!” you laughed and shook your head at his complaining. “but im sure ill make it. alright, whats the deal with the wedding?” he said, leaving his dramatics behind. “yes! okay, so there is one major difference than what i was told.. it will be a whole week, not just the weekend. if you cant make it its fine i understa-” wonwoo cut you off. “oh thats okay! i dont mind.” you paused in shock. “you dont mind? like you dont mind being a fake couple for a week?” you had expected him to back out, not because he was unreliable, but because it was a big thing to agree to. but, wonwoo insisted. “im serious! id be happy to, itd be nice to get out of this place for a bit and spend time with your family.” lots of people saw wonwoo as being a cold person, but anyone who knows him knows hes a huge softie. you were overjoyed at wonwoos willingness to do this for you. 
you went on to explain everything to wonwoo, as he listened attentively and was eager to help you and your family in any way he was able to. the wedding was on a thursday afternoon in the middle of june. your mother wanted you to come home a couple days before the wedding, so you decided that you would get there on the sunday before the wedding, and leave the day after the wedding. wonwoo agreed and said he could even drive (as long as you gave him directions). you had thought you had everything all in order, but wonwoo piped up with something you havent even considered up until this point.
“wait, so what about our fake relationship? we need details to make it believable.” wonwoo really was an actor at heart. until now, you had entirely forgotten that you would actually need to seem like a couple in order to be perceived as a couple. “yeah youre right, what kind of things would we have to detail though?” you both thought about the bare minimum for a second, before deciding the things you would decide on beforehand and the things you could just make up on the spot if necessary. “alright, i think we should figure out how we met and how long we’ve been together. those are the stereotypical new couple questions.” wonwoo sounded like he knew what he was talking about, so you just went along with it. “how about, we met when i was working at that convenience store on the corner, and we’ve been together… 6 months?” you were completely pulling this out of thin air, but wonwoo hummed in agreeance on the other end of the phone call. “convenience store, 6 months. sounds believable to me.” 
with everything clarified about your cousins wedding, all there was left to do was wait. well, besides finding something to wear, and packing, and tying any lose ends in your schoolwork. but other than that it was a breeze. the month did seem to fly by. in no time, you were fitting your suitcase into the trunk of wonwoo’s car and leaving to make the drive to your hometown. along the way, wonwoo made sure to ask lots of questions about your family and childhood friends, and you told him lots of stories as well. as you pulled into the driveway of your family home, you were hit with a wave of nostalgia. the house hadnt changed a bit in the years you were away. 
as you and wonwoo got out of the car and began taking your luggage out, the front door of the house swung open and your mother rushed out, eager to see you after so long. she ran down the driveway in order to engulf you in a bear hug. you laughed as she squeezed you so hard you thought youd explode. your father stood in the doorway, arms crossed and a toothy grin across his face as he leaned against the doorframe. wonwoo shut the trunk of his car, and your mothers attention immediately switched to him. you laughed as he squeezed his cheeks and gave him an equally tight bear hug. 
“oh its so nice to meet you dear! what did you say your name was?” your mother had her hands firmly planted on wonwoos shoulders as she smiled up at him. wonwoos eyes were bright and happy. “im wonwoo, its lovely to meet you mrs l/n.” your mother cooed at wonwoo as she pulled him in for another hug. she admired you and wonwoo together, until the fire alarm started blaring from the kitchen, prompting her to run past your father and back into the house. wonwoo picked up the bags as the two of you followed your mother into the house, albeit less rushed than she was.
your father automatically took a liking to wonwoo, talking to him at the table as you helped your mother finish dinner. the sight of them laughing together and your father lightly hitting wonwoos shoulder with a smile was such a warm moment. the domesticity of it all made your heart swell. with the ding of a timer, you and your mother brought the dishes over to the table and laid them in front of wonwoo and your father. wonwoo looked at the table in awe. you made sure to tell him that your mother wasnt the best at making the right portions, which was evident by the mountains of food sitting in front of you. 
your mother took her seat next to your father, and you took the one across from her, on wonwoos right. he smiled at you as you sat down, and you smiled back, trying to ignore the pink flush you could feel hazing across your face. all the time you had known wonwoo, why was being around him making you feel this way now? you quickly pushed the thought aside as your mother began asking questions between bites. 
“so, how long have you two lovebirds been together?” she had a smirk on her face as she glanced between you and wonwoo. wonwoo spoke before you got the chance. “we’ve known each other for longer, but i officially asked her to be my girlfriend 6 months ago.” the fond look on his face as he said this would make anyone melt. if you hadn’t been a part of the ruse, you wouldve never questioned the love in his eyes. damn, hes a good actor. he gazed over at you as he finished his sentence. you smiled back at him before turning to your mother. “our 6 month anniversary was actually last week.” your mother held her hands to her chest as she congratulated you both. wonwoo held your hand on the table as your mother began telling a story about how your father had originally asked her to be his girlfriend. you didnt hear much of the story over your own heartbeat ringing in your ears. wonwoos hand was warm, and much bigger than yours. you had decided that wonwoo was simply too good at acting the boyfriend role. did he have some secret girlfriend none of you knew about? was he taking classes? you tried to act casual as he rubbed his thumb along the back of your hand. you knew you couldnt overthink anything that would happen over the next week. it was all just for the act, right? right.
dinner went by in a blur, and soon you were being led to the spare room your mother had cleaned out for you and wonwoo to share. you shivered as you walked in. it was cooler in this room than the rest of the house. it wasnt major, though, so you didnt say anything to your mother about it. she smiled as she disappeared down the hallway, leaving you and wonwoo in the bedroom, alone. as soon as your mother left, wonwoo flopped down onto the bed in the middle of the room. you looked at him and laughed. he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, even though the growing smile on his face as you stood over him with your hands on your hips gave him away. you shook your head as you walked to the other side of the room where wonwoo put your bags. you rumaged through your bag for a sweater. you dug through the bag, but you couldnt find the one hoodie you swear you packed. defeated, you sat on the floor next to your bag and pulled out every item of clothing and put it in your lap. no sweater. with a frustrated sigh, you scooped everything back into your bag and stood up. at this point, wonwoo had sat up, his arms supporting his weight as he watched you get up. 
“whats wrong?” he quirked an eyebrow. you gestured to your bag. “i forgot to pack a hoodie, i swear i did, but i mustve left it on my sofa.” wonwoo thought for a second before sitting up entirely. “here, take this.” he began taking off the hoodie he was wearing, and for a second, you couldnt take your eyes off of him. as he pulled the sweater over his head, the shirt he wore underneath rose with it, revealing his bare abs. you stood watching, mouth agape. everyone had said that wonwoo worked out a lot, but you had never seen the proof for yourself. you snapped out of it as he fixed his shirt and ran one hand through his hair, passing the sweater to you in the other. “oh wonwoo, its fine, i was just gonna ask my mom for one.” but, he wouldnt take no for an answer. he tilted his head to the side as he tossed the sweater in your direction. you caught it, and he smiled that gorgeous smile youve been seeing all day.
you pulled wonwoos hoodie over your head, and you were engulfed by the smell of his cologne. the scent overtook your senses as you situated yourself into the sweater. the warmth of the material mixed with wonwoos leftover body heat warmed you up instantly. so much that when you caught wonwoo staring at you wearing his hoodie, you didnt even feel the way your face instantly heated up as you sat on the bed next to him. he moved over to give you room to move further onto the bed, and suddenly the thought of being closer to wonwoo made your heart race. 
wonwoo sat on the bed, typing away on his phone as you slid onto the mattress next to him. you watched him, focused on the message he was sending. the black tshirt he had been wearing under his hoodie was tight enough that it hugged all the parts of his body in the right ways. the way the fabric draped across his chest, and was rolled up at the sleeves. as wonwoo put his phone down and looked in your direction, you were quick to look away and take your own phone out of your pocket. luckily, he didnt seem to notice your staring. wonwoo looked past you, towards the clock above your head. “is it really that late already?” you glanced up at the time on your phone screen. “11:30? yeah, i guess.” wonwoo raised his eyebrows in surprise and stood up, leaving you by yourself on the bed. he began rummaging through his bag before pulling out a pair of sweatpants and another tshirt. he left the room without a word, presumably to go to the bathroom to change and get ready for bed. you did the same, shutting the door and quickly getting changed before he came back into the bedroom. 
after getting changed, you lightly knocked on the bathroom door so you could brush your teeth. as you did, the door swung open and you were greeted by wonwoo with a toothbrush already hanging out of his mouth. you laughed to yourself as you walked past him in order to get to the sink. as you started brushing your teeth, you straightened your back and stood next to wonwoo in the mirror. not able to easily smile, you both did your best to smile at each other with your eyes through the vanity mirror. the two of you stood there in the mirror together, before wonwoo finished up and you followed behind him not long after. 
when you walked into the bedroom, you were greeted with wonwoo creating a sort of barrier in the middle of the bed made of decorative throw pillows that your mother had laid out on the bed for when you got there. you stood in the doorway, letting him finish whatever he was doing before you began to question him. hearing the door shut, he turned around, and gestured to the bed. “i thought itd make you feel more comfortable.” you smiled at the sentiment, but you hadnt really thought to this point yet. you completely forgot about the fact that you and wonwoo would be sharing a bed for the next week. while you or wonwoo could have just slept on the sofa, the facade that you were busy putting on was more important. so, pillow barrier it was. you shivered as you snuggled under the duvet that was on the bed, still feeling that same chill that you did when you first walked into the room earlier that day. “goodnight, y/n.” wonwoos voice came from behind you. “goodnight, wonwoo.” you smiled as you said it, and wonwoo clicked the switch for the lamp, enveloping you both in the darkness of the night.
warmth. when you woke up the next morning, the first thing you noticed was the sudden warmth that you felt, compared to the chill from the night before. at first, you equated it to the shine of the sun that was streaming in through the cracks of the blinds. but it was a different warmth. you opened your eyes, curious to find the answers to your questions. somehow, as soon as your eyes fluttered open, all of your questions were answered in one glance. on the floor next to the bed laid one of your mothers decorative pillows, the ones that should have been in the middle of the bed, and not on the floor next to the (obviously broken) space heater. as you started to fully wake up, you felt slow, light breaths on the back of your neck. you also felt the arms snaked around your waist, and the hands that lightly rested on the mattress in front of you. your mind went blank. what were you supposed to do? move and wake him up? leave it and pretend it didnt happen? in the moment, you decided to go with the latter. carefully stretching towards the nightstand on your side of the bed, you grabbed your phone and pulled your arm back to your body. wonwoo stirred slightly, but stayed asleep. the clock on your phone read 6:00am, so you felt no reason to wake him up already.
you had no idea at what point in the night this had happened, but some part of you wasnt mad it happened. wonwoos body heat was enough to keep you warm, and youd be lying if you didnt like the feeling of his arms wrapping around you as you slept. the almost silent snores coming from behind you had somehow lulled you back to sleep, as you woke up 20 minutes later with your phone on the bed next to your pillow. you also noticed how your back was suddenly no longer covered, sending a shiver down your spine. when you heard the footsteps approaching the bedroom, you decided to just pretend you were still asleep instead of facing the events of the night. the door creaked and shut, as you felt the bed dip back down behind you. you didnt say anything, but soon after you felt the same arm creep back around your waist and settle back onto its previous place on the mattress. wonwoo settled into place, as did you. 
the questions in your head did make some points. if wonwoo had accidentally started cuddling you at night, why would he return to the same position while awake? how would you address this? you just decided not to. the comfort of having him flush against your back overpowered the thoughts of wanting to stop it. you never wanted the morning to end, although you knew you obviously couldn’t stay in bed all day. it was still pretty early, so you just didn’t bother to worry about getting up just yet. your strategy of pretending to be asleep had been successful before. you closed your eyes as sun began to shine more brightly through the small opening in the curtains. maybe it was just your own, but as you felt yourself drift asleep again for the second time that morning, it was as if you could feel wonwoo’s own heartbeat against your back. 
you weren’t sure how long you had slept, but you felt a light push on your shoulder as you began to feel yourself wake up again. “hey, wake up. it’s 8:00.” your eyes slowly opened as you looked over at wonwoo sitting on the edge of the bed. his hair was messy, and flat on one side. you smiled at the sight in front of you, as he scrunched his nose and ruffled his hair. god, he really was beautiful. you had always known that wonwoo was conventionally handsome. but seeing him in this context, just waking up as the sun shone on him, he was breathtaking. you quickly realized that you had been staring at him for longer than what seemed normal, so you began to sit up and try to wake up fully. you yawned and stretched as wonwoo walked in front of you to open the blinds all the way. you groaned and covered your eyes dramatically. wonwoo laughed, smiling down at you as you opened one eye and glared up at him. he picked up his clothes and made his way out of the bedroom. you watched as he left and shut the door behind him, and you sighed. this week just started, and the outcomes are already looking questionable for keeping your relationship the same as it was before. 
as you left the bathroom after brushing your teeth, the smell of breakfast filled the hallways. your mother had always been the best chef, and her cooking was one of your favourite things about coming home. you walked back to the bedroom and peeked through the door, only to notice that wonwoo was nowhere to be seen. thats when you heard your parents laughter travel up the staircase. you briefly smiled to yourself as you grabbed your phone from the bed and shoved it in your pocket. you headed downstairs and saw your parents and wonwoo sitting in the same seats as they had been the evening before. they all smiled brightly as you walked through the kitchen. “good morning sweetheart!” your mother beamed as she gestured for you to come eat. you sat down with wonwoo on your left again, and smiled at him as you reached past him for a pitcher of water to pour some into your glass. your mother gushed at this small interaction, making a comment to your father about how much the two of you remind her of them as young adults. “how did you both sleep? well rested for the festivities?” you both smiled and nodded as wonwoo spoke. “we slept well! i cant wait to meet more of your family, if they’re all like you three im in for a great week.” he grinned as your parents erupted with laughter and joy. wonwoo was always one for buttering up people, and god was he good at it. a small smile crept onto your face as your parents started telling wonwoo all about your family. you ate quietly as he sat listening intently to everything your mother was telling him.
the wedding wasnt for another two days, but your family had planned a small get-together prior just for everyone to warm up and see each other before the wedding. yourself and wonwoo had decided to just tag along with your parents rather than drive two separate cars. this party was more casual than the wedding, so you didn’t have to dress up that much. the two of you sat in silence in the backseat as your parents spoke amongst themselves. without warning, wonwoos hand made its way to your thigh, just above your knee. you looked down as his hand made contact with your skin through the rip in your jeans. he didnt bat an eye. he continued looking out the window, or looking at his phone. meanwhile, you tried to act like his touch didnt send electricity coursing through your body. without any second thought, you rested your hand on his and looked straight ahead as you tried to ignore your heartbeat pounding in your ears.
as you arrived at your aunts house, you noticed the amount of cars parked outside. you know your family is large, but visualizing it like this makes it seem crazy. your eyes widened at the sight, and you could even hear some of your families laughter before you even got inside. wonwoo walked by your side into the house. the same hum of talking remained for moments before everyone realized that more family had joined them. the house erupted, with aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents all rushing over to greet the four of you. you hugged all of them, muttering quick ‘hello’s and giving smiles to relatives you hadnt seen in years. after some time everyone began returning to their prior seats, and you all followed suit. in the commotion, you hadn’t even noticed wonwoos hand had come to rest on your lower back.
as you sat down, it felt as though all eyes in the room gravitated to yourself and wonwoo. you looked around before clearing your throat. “everyone, this is my boyfriend wonwoo!” wonwoo smiled and gave a small wave. your family all smiled and started introducing themselves at once. you both laughed at the acts, but he made sure to speak to every person who was there. they all immediately adored him. you spent the evening catching up with family and exchanging old childhood memories. wonwoo chatted with your family as well, telling them about his life and family, as well as your ‘relationship’. throughout the night, his arm stayed wrapped around your shoulders the entire time. every so often when conversation died down you would look up at him to notice he had already been looking at you. you both giggled and turned away, somewhat flustered by the other. 
your parents checked the time, noticing that it had been way later than they thought it was. you all stood up and began saying your goodbyes. as you spoke to your cousin who was getting married, you stifled a yawn. wonwoo noticed and smiled to himself as his arm found its way around your waist. he congratulated your cousin, and talked to her for a bit as you found yourself slowly sinking into wonwoos side. “i think someones tired, we should get going.” he and your cousin laughed as you nodded your head. you gave her one last hug as you followed your parents out of the house and back into the car. on the way back to the house, you had rested your head on wonwoos shoulder. as you fell in and out of consciousness, wonwoos hand lightly patted your head as you yawned.
you felt the car come to a stop as you pulled back into your parents driveway. you lifted your head and looked around, catching wonwoos eye as he gave you a fond look. you both got out of the car and went straight to your room after saying goodnight to your parents. rooting through your suitcase, you grabbed some pajamas and headed for the bathroom to change and get ready for bed. you drowsily brush your teeth, as theres a quiet knock at the door. opening the door, youre met with wonwoo, toothbrush in hand. you try to give him a smile as you move over to give him some room. since coming to your parents house, brushing your teeth together had become a common occurrence. it was peaceful, and the silence was never awkward. although, it was rare for you and wonwoo to encounter awkward silence at any moment. silence with him was always calm, never awkward. you both just enjoyed each others company, and you both knew that. after a couple minutes of standing together at the sink, you both finished getting ready and went back to the bedroom. too tired to worry about wonwoos pillow ‘solution’ from the night before, you both just crawled into bed facing away from each other. you muttered goodnights as he flicked off the lamp.
you found yourself waking up at some point in the middle of the night shivering. the room had cooled off more than it was before, and the one blanket you had wasnt doing the best job. the air conditioning had to be on the lowest setting possible. you could still hear wonwoos soft snores as you moved gingerly and stood up, so you assumed he was still fast asleep. as you walked past the end of the bed, you heard him speak in a low whisper. “where are you going?” he was groggy, his eyes barely opening to look at you in the dark. “oh, im cold so im just going to grab another blanket. you can go back to sleep.” he nodded gently as his head layed back down on the pillow. you made your way to your mothers linen closet and grabbed a fluffy blanket from the top of the pile. as you got back in bed and snuggled back in with the other blanket, you heard wonwoos voice again. “wanna come over here?” you turned over in confusion to look at him, but them you saw what he meant. his arm was lifted, inviting you to snuggle into him. as you shivered again, you thought, ‘whats the worst that could happen?’ so, you shifted towards wonwoo until you met his chest and his arms wrapped the blankets around the two of you. with one of his arms under your head and the other around your waist, you pressed your head to his chest and drifted away to the sound of his heartbeat.
waking up in wonwoos arms again was a shocking experience for half asleep you. as you slowly felt yourself waking up, the warmth surrounding you yet again confused you for a moment. you blinked yourself awake before remembering the events of the middle of the night. the air in the room remained slightly cool as you began to slip out from underneath the blankets. wonwoo had always been a heavy sleeper, as he didnt budge when you snuck out from his hold. you made your way out of the room, the air in the rest of the house feeling the same as it did in your bedroom. you noticed the early morning sun that had been shining through the blinds. suddenly, you realized it may have been earlier than you thought. you shut the bedroom door as quietly as you could behind you when you returned, even though you knew wonwoo was sound asleep anyways. sitting on the side of the bed, you picked up your phone from the table where it sat. 5:47am. so it was way earlier than you thought. you settled back into the blankets, glancing over to see wonwoo in the same way he was when you left. lips slightly parted, long eyelashes resting on his cheeks. he looks so content. as carefully as you can, you lift his arm up and nestle back into his body. although he seemed as though he was in deep sleep when you got back, you couldnt help but notice the arm around your waist lightly squeeze as you nuzzle your face into the crook between his neck and his shoulder.
the next couple of days went by generally the same as the past two did. visiting family, spending time with your parents, just taking time to relax and be at home. acting as a couple actually wasn’t as difficult as you expected it to be. the most you would have to do is recite the backstory you had both made up, or hold hands every now and then to look believable. it felt like no time before it the day of the wedding, and you were all getting ready to head to the wedding hall. you fought to curl your hair in the mirror, but couldnt quite reach one part in the back. this caught wonwoo’s attention, as he made it was over to you behind the mirror. you sighed, making eye contact with him in the mirror. “do you want some help? i can finish it for you.” he reached for the curling iron as you nodded. “i just cant get that one piece, does the rest look okay?” you watched as he tilted his head in concentration while he curled the last few pieces of hair on the back of your head. “turn around.” you turned to face him as he inspected your hair. he fluffed up some pieces, then moved his hands to rest on either side of your face. “it looks great.” for a second, you couldve sworn the love in his eyes was genuine. well, you knew he had love for you, but in a platonic way. but this look felt like a different type of love. before you could process anything that had happened, your mother appeared in the doorway. “oh, arent you two just beautiful?” she crossed her arms and leaned on the doorway. you both stood to face her so she could admire your dress and wonwoos suit. wonwoo had made an effort to get a tie that matched your dress. it didnt take long for your mother to notice the small sentiment as she raved about how cute it is and left to go tell your father. after close to an hour of getting ready in preparation for a wedding that wasnt even your own, you all made your way into your parents’ car and were officially enroute to the wedding. 
the wedding venue was absolutely beautiful. decorated from floor to ceiling with white and gold decorations, you walked in and your jaw dropped. you admired everything as wonwoo stood by your side, also taking in all the glamour of the space. after taking the time to appreciate the decor, wonwoo lightly takes your hand and pulls you into the wedding hall, trailing behind your parents. your parents picked a seat close to the front in order to get a good view of the ceremony. with different members of your extended family surrounding you, you felt right at home. wonwoos hand never left yours from the moment you both stepped into the venue. everyone quietly spoke amongst each other as they all waited for the wedding to begin. you told wonwoo about all the family members you could see, telling him small anecdotes and childhood stories. wonwoo always seemed to be so attentive. you loved that part of him. it didnt feel like long before the music queued and the wedding party began entering the room. you watched as your aunts, uncles, cousins, and their partners all walked into the room in pairs. you began tearing up at the sight of your family all looking so proud of your cousin. wonwoo noticed, squeezing your hand and lightly running his thumb along your knuckles. you wrapped your arm around his as your cousin turned the corner. she was absolutely stunning. you looked towards the front of the room to see her soon-to-be husband in tears at the sight of her. the display of love made you cry as well. all you had wanted since you were a young child was a love like they have now. as your cousin made her way down the aisle, wonwoo silently wiped your tears and squeezed your hand yet again. you gave him a thankful smile as he put his free hand on top of your intertwined fingers.
the rest of the wedding was just as heartwarming as the beginning. more tears were shed, smiles were had, it was a beautiful experience. as the wedding party all exited the room, you sat in wonwoos presence as the guests around you broke out into a chatter about how beautiful the wedding was. in the hum of the crowd, wonwoo watched you in a silent effort to make sure you were feeling okay. you had told him in a drunken rant in the weeks preceding the wedding how much you didnt want to go home because everyone was in love and happy together, and all you had was school and friends. you reassured wonwoo that you appreciate what you have, but as he practically carried you through your apartment, he could hear the sadness and disappointment in your voice through the intoxication. he never brought this up after, but this did make him want to go to this wedding and take care of you even more. as everyone in the wedding hall began standing up and getting ready to leave, wonwoo patted your thigh gently as you both joined everyone else. your parents waited by the door for the two of you to exit through the flood of people. on the drive back, your parents had plenty to say about the newlyweds and the wedding as a whole. you chimed in occasionally, but you were perfectly content with listening to your mothers rambling uninterrupted.
when you get home, you decide to stay in the same dress you had worn for the wedding ceremony, as the wedding dance and reception were only hours later. you relax in the family room with wonwoo, watching whatever your parents had been watching on tv before you left. you sit in the same comfortable silence that you two always manage to seek out. you drape your legs across his lap as he mindlessly draws invisible patterns along your legs with his fingers. interrupting the tv show, your phone rings. hoshi? you answer the phone and put it on speaker.
“y/n!! hows it going, loverboy giving you any trouble?” wonwoo rolls his eyes at hoshis obnoxious tone, but cant help the laugh escaping his body. you flash him a teasing smile. 
“no hosh, im keeping him in line, dont worry.”
“you better be, im not there to do it so i was getting worried.”
wonwoo began playfully arguing with hoshi through the phone as you hold the phone and giggle at their antics. they go on and on for a couple minutes, before wonwoo inevitably gives up. hoshis persistence is truly something to be reckoned with. hoshi has some last final parting words before abruptly ending the phone call.
“have fun lovebirds, see you soon! i dont want to be a godfather yet though!”
you both laugh at him again, letting the silence fall back into the room. before long, its time to go back to the wedding hall for the reception. you find your seats next to your parents as the food begins to be served. wonwoo spots the open bar across the room, and asks if youd like a drink. you give him a nod and hes off to grab refreshments. you dont bother with specifics, as you trust wonwoos knowledge about your taste. he comes back with two glasses, and places one on the table in front of you. smiling in acknowledgement, he gives you a nod. you listen to speeches and songs, before the meal is over and the crowd is brought to the dance floor. being a couple drinks deep so far, you try to convince wonwoo to get up and dance with you. youve always been sort of a lightweight, but you also know your limits. sometimes. wonwoo, however, doesnt have the same taste for alcohol that you do. so he has one or two, and switches to soda before he even feels the slightest bit tipsy. still trying to drag him to the dance floor, you ask wonwoo to come with you in the nicest most stable voice you could muster. he gives in, following you out and joining the many people already enjoying the dj’s music.
you both get a taxi home, as your parents arent the party animals they used to be. wonwoo tries to bring you in quietly, but youre as stable and discrete as a baby giraffe in a china shop. after managing to successfully sneak you into the bedroom without angering your parents, he closes the door as you stumble to the bed and flop back into the blankets. wonwoo hangs his suit jacket on the back of the door and begins gathering his clothes to go get changed in the bathroom. as his hand touches the doorknob, he hears distinct babbling coming from the bed behind him. he turns around to see you staring at the ceiling, and he’s unsure if youre talking to yourself or him. 
“what was that?”
you turn your head towards him and smile. “youre sooo handsome woo. im just so happy that youre my fake boyfriend.”
he laughs at this sudden proclamation. he sits on the bed next to you and leans back onto his arms, gazing down at you. “you're pretty sweet too, y/n. i couldnt ask for a better fake girlfriend.”
“but you knowww…” you attempt to whisper to him, as if it was a secret to him and yourself. “i couldddd be your real girlfriend toooooooo..” you give him a gleeful smile, your eyes closed. he brushes a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “is that so?” you nod profusely as he says this. he chuckles and stands up, tapping your leg. 
“youve got to get ready for bed, you cant sleep in your dress and makeup.” you sit up in a slouch, giving wonwoo a disapproving look. he puts his hand out to help you up, and you gladly take it. he brings you to the bathroom and hoists you onto the counter, shutting the door to create a barrier between your elevated drunken volume and your parents’ bedroom. he takes a makeup wipe out of its packaging as he places his hand along your neck with his thumb on your jaw, holding your face in its place. you close your eyes as the cold cloth comes into contact with your face. you shiver a little as wonwoo readjusts his grip on your face. when hes done, he pats your thigh as a signal to slide off the countertop. you jump down and try to follow him back into the bedroom, but before you leave he passes you your pajamas to get changed into. you reluctantly return back to the bathroom and try to change as carefully as you can. once you get back into the bedroom, wonwoo is in his pajamas, climbing into bed. you jaunt across the room onto your side, and as soon as wonwoo is settled in, you slowly snuggle into his side. he wraps both arms around you, wrapping you in a warm cocoon of blankets and his body. before you drift off, you mumble “love you woo” into his chest. he knows it was the drunk you speaking, but he makes sure to whisper “love you too y/n” into the quiet night. 
the last morning waking up in wonwoos arms was no different from any of the other days. you try to savour this time a little bit longer, but he soon starts to stir and slowly gets out of bed. you can tell that he thought you were asleep by how carefully he was moving. when he comes back, youre sitting up in the bed on your phone. he’s taken aback, and begins to apologize for waking you up. you reassure him that you were already awake which calms his nerves. while wonwoo is in the bathroom, you begin packing your stuff back into the suitcase you brought with you. when hes ready, you switch places, now with you in the bathroom and wonwoo packing his stuff. you both decide to hit the road early, so youre not getting home tired late at night.
after saying many goodbyes to your family you're hitting the road again. after some time, wonwoo suddenly chimes in. “um, do you remember anything you said last night when we got back from the reception?” youre taken aback by the question, trying to replay every moment of the night. you shake your head. “but im definitely sorry for whatever it may have been.” you both chuckle, as wonwoo turns it over in his head, trying to decide whether or not to continue on this train of thought. “its just…” hes made his decision. “i was thinking about how people say drunk words are sober thoughts, and your drunk words said some things that i actually agree with.” at this point youve turned fully towards him in your seat, trying to figure out what he was about to say next. he takes a deep breath before continuing. “when we were getting ready for bed you said.. you said you wished that this-” he gestures between the two of you, “-wasnt fake. and ive been turning that over and over in my head because… i feel that way too.” the tips of his ears are bright red, and his grip on the steering wheel has tightened slightly. you watch as he tries to calm himself down enough to continue. you decide to let him finish before speaking. “the last few days has made me feel so happy. being around you makes my days better. you don't have to feel the same, you dont even have to say anything if you don't want to. i just.. i had to say something.” you smile at him as you place your hand lightly on his arm. now, its your turn to speak. “wonwoo, you don't understand how difficult it has been to try not to fall for you in the last week. everything you do makes my heart flutter. ive been dreading the day this whole scheme was over. i do wish this wasnt fake. i want this to be our everyday life wonwoo. i want this to be us.” his hand finds yours as a smile overtakes his face. you hold his hand in yours, not wanting to ever let go. wonwoo glances over at you. “i cant believe that the girl i met at the convenience store is finally my girlfriend after us dating for 6 months.” you laugh, letting your head rest against the car headrest as you let the quiet music from the radio fill the silence. 
you should've known this fake relationship would last longer than the week you signed up for.
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rosezza · 5 months
࿐Give up on me
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— i'll love you till my breathing stops.
Warnings: soft!rafe, crying, strong language, no happy ending. I honestly love dark Rafe much more but yk
"What the fuck! Is wrong! With you?!" You yelled as cold tears streamed down your makeup smeared face. Sobs coming from you as you stared at Rafe.
The secret that yours and Rafes relationship was only a bet had came out to you. Over a year of dating had all been a lie. And it hurt you. All those mornings he had you wrapped close to him as he kissed you all over your face was a lie. All the times he had said he loved you was a lie. All the things you and Rafe every shared was a lie. And it cut you deep. Your throat tightened as you watched Rafe with blurry eyes. Your heart ached and your stomach was twisting. You loved him, you really did. And it hurt to know that he never loved you back. Your mind going through all the small things you and Rafe had experienced only hurt even more.
"Y/n please-.. Listen to me i didnt- i-" Rafe tried as he locked eyes with you. His heart shattered as he saw your tears. Especially since he was the one that caused them to fall down your pretty face. He had promised to make sure whoever made you cry never placed a hand on you ever again. And now he was the one making you cry.
"No!- no! Dont even fucking talk to me Rafe!.." you cried as you began sobbing even more. His soft voice reminded you of the sweet things he said to you. And it hurt you even more.
Rafe stood there as his anexiety creeped up. He was scared to say something wrong and he didnt want to lose you. He never wanted to. It was all a bet yes. But he had fallen inlove with you. And it was something he couldnt let go of, he thought he was unlovable. No girl had ever showed him as much love as you did. You had understood him in different ways then his past relationships ever had. He had actually managed to think of a future with you. And it destroyed him to think that all if that could possibly end now. You were the first girl he actually cared about and respected.
He was always the tough guy, always the one who was in control. But to you he was different. Only to you. And he had grown attached to you.
But you didnt know that.
You were stuck thinking he never cared about you. And it wouldnt even be a surprise considering you got with Rafe Cameron. Everyone had warned you about him but you gave him a chance.
And you actually thought he was the right one. The way he held you, the way he kissed you, the way he tied your shoes even if you were out in public, the way he took care of you, the way you danced to stupid little tunes whenever you felt like it, the way he bought you flowers, The way he loved you
"I spoke to my mother about you Rafe, i told everyone that i found the right one. I was so fucking stupid werent i? Because all you are after is a slut." You cried as you pointed a finger at Rafe. Which hit a soft spot in him. His eyes began tearing up as he watched this whole situation unfold right infront of him. The person he loved and truly wanted in his life was sad because of him.
Your anger just turned into complete sadness as you realised that this was it. This was the end
"I should have listened when people told me.." you cried. Your voice high pitched because of the way your throat was tightened.
"Y/n I love you.." Rafes voice was weak and he took a step closer to you. The tears in his eyes made you feel slightly bad but you couldnt give in to him again. Not now. Not anymore.
"Stop saying that when you dont!-" you cried out again. You had a lump in your throat and you felt lightheaded. You hated this and you just wanted to go away.
"I give up on you"
Your words hit him like a thousand bricks at once as you snatched up your bag from the counter. Rafe was speechless as you began to walk towards the door. "No-.. no, no no. Y/n!-" Rafe called out with desperation and guilt in his voice, finally acting. He didnt want this to end. He never did. A tear ran down his cheek as he caught up to you before you could leave. He took a hold on your arm but you quickly pulled away and turned to him. Looking in his eyes. Both of your eyes red because of the tears that were both plastered on your faces.
"Never fucking touch me again." You sneered at him and his eyebrows frowned. He didnt want this. He wanted you in his arms again, but the chances if that completely faded as you began walking away from his house. Leaving him heartbroken at the doorframe. Guilt washed over him. Regretting that he ever agreed on that bet. Thinking about how different things would have been if you didnt find out you were a bet.
You heard his cries as you walked. A part of you wanted to turn around and run to him, hug him and tell him its going to be alright. Because a part of you still loved him. You could never stop loving him because you once showed the love you had for him. But all of that was gone. Your future with him was over. Your heart ached. It wanted to re-connect with his. But it hurt you to know this wasnt real.
You had given up on him. Forever.
Taglist: @necroflame 💗💗
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pastanest · 1 year
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to the very lovely friends who have relentlessly sifted through tumblr archives to recover them, thank you all so much!! ♡
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Legolas & Aragorn - You Give Him The Silent Treatment
- emotional cues are a little difficult for elves
- at first, Legolas doesnt even register that he’s done something to upset you. he assumes that for whatever reason, you want your own space for a while, and he doesnt mind that
- the tension between the two of you in passing is utterly lost to him, he genuinely doesnt even feel it because he’s an oblivious boy
- it’s only when his father, King Thranduil, alerts him of the situation that Legolas begins to understand
“The two of you had a disagreement and you refused to look at her while you were watching the hills, is this true?”
“My son, when you talk to your love with eyes that linger anywhere but her, it will raise doubts from the grave that then torment her mind.”
- Legolas went on a mission to find you after that, and it didnt take him long
- you were sitting under a tree, reading a book of spells
- Legolas sat down in front of you
“Melamin(My love), are you alright?”
- you hummed in response, refusing to lift your gaze from the book
- Legolas sighed
“I am deeply sorry for the pain I have caused by being so oblivious to your feelings, it was not my intent. Human emotion is a subject I am yet to master, but I am sure that verbal communication could resolve this, so what do you say?”
- you didnt say anything. you slammed your book shut, stood up and walked away from him
- alarm bells rang inside the young elf’s head, this was far worse than he anticipated
- he ran after you and grabbed your wrist with determination, but enough sense to be gentle in his gesture
“Please, do not part with me when the storm still follows you.”
- it was your turn to sigh
“What is there to say? You thought you resolved the issue of ignoring me in sight by ignoring me in every other sense.”
- Legolas finally understood, you felt neglected
“Lirimaer(Lovely one), I have been a dreadful partner to you in allowing you to believe such falsehoods. There is no existence I treasure more than yours! I swear on my mother’s last breath, I will do everything to show my adoration in further ways that you understand.”
- you turned to face him, your eyes finally meeting his for the first time in a week
- you smiled, and his heart sang songs of pure bliss as he pulled you into his arms
“Will you give me the opportunity to prove that I am worthy of caring for your heart?”
“Legolas, proving that would be fruitless; my heart is yours for eternity regardless of your actions.”
“Then I will do well to make that a blessing rather than a burden.”
- your relationship with Aragorn remained a secret during the time spent with the Fellowship
- you didnt want to be recognised as a distraction to Aragorn or a tag-along, you wanted to be treated as an equal member of the team
- but in keeping your relationship a secret, Aragorn was a free man to any woman’s eyes, including Éowyn
- considering the circumstances, you had no right to be angry at her advances, but they boiled the blood in your veins to a heat even that Balrog couldnt stand
- the final straw came when your beloved drank from a goblet presented to him by Éowyn, and once he had gone, her uncle congratulated her on establishing a romance with Aragorn
- you stormed out of the bar and Aragorn ran after you, the streets of Rohan were quiet while every voice that resided there was hollering in the bar, meaning there was no reason to hide
- Aragorn ran in front of you and stopped, holding your shoulders and trying to read your countenance as you avoided his eyes
“My love, what vengeance is it that fuels you this night?”
- you just shook your head and tried to break free from his grasp, Aragorn frowned
“You wish to escape me, am I the source of your rage?”
- you scoffed and lifted your gaze to look at him with fire in your eyes
“Your ‘love’ is among the sea of voices concealed by those walls, is she not? The fair maiden who stole your heart, may the skies bless the happy couple! It is not my business to interfere with a man who is spoken for, I beg your forgiveness and part with sweet sorrows!”
- with that, Aragorn released you and you hid yourself away at the inn
- Aragorn was shaken, he could not believe how careless he had been with your feelings
- in keeping your relationship a secret, he had broken his promise of protecting you from harm, and he was to blame for your anguish
- he visited the door of your room at the inn every single day, bringing you flowers and fruits he had picked himself, but you never answered the door
- on the seventh day, there was a gentle tap on the window that awoke you from a restless sleep
- you tried to fall back into your slumber, but another tap on the window disturbed you
- rubbing your eyes tiredly, you stepped out of bed and shuffled over to the window in your nightdress
- you frowned as you remembered you were on the second floor, nobody could reach you from the window, could they?
- pushing open the small wooden doors, you were greeted by the early morning sun, and the view of Aragorn standing on the grass below you, a collection of pebbles in his hand
- he grinned as he saw you, clearing his throat before he began to dramatically shout up at you
“And there she is! My sweet angel, the only mortal fairer than any elf could dream of being! The keeper of my heart, my sun, my sea, my skies - who need not bless the happy couple, because the happy couple is blessed enough to be!”
- a crowd began to gather around Aragorn as he drew attention to himself with his monologue, the Fellowship joined him at his sides, all of them appearing unsurprised by his confession, Pip and Merry even exchanging food in the form of a bet, had they known all this time?
- Éowyn watched on from a few feet away, appearing happy and also unsurprised, had Aragorn spoken to her about this?
- Aragorn looked at the ground in disdain
“But I have wronged her, scorned her, brought tears to the delicate flower I promised to protect! I am a fool, not of a Took, but of a man!”
- he lifted his head to smile at you again
“It is I, who must beg your forgiveness, and I will do so in a way that reveals my heart’s devotions.”
- with that, Aragorn lowered himself to his knees, everyone in the crowd gasping, your eyes widening as you covered your mouth with your hands
- Aragorn raised his hands to you in a prayer position
“Will you give a beggar one last kiss?”
- you grinned and ran from the window, out of the door to your room, down the stairs and out of the inn, directly into the (still kneeling) Aragorn, who immediately wrapped his arms around you
- you kissed him with passion that was perhaps inappropriate given the number of witnesses, but neither of you seemed to care
- when you pulled away from each other, you were breathless, and Aragorn grinned
“Was that the last kiss?”
- you shook your head
“The first of many.”
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i-cant-sing · 11 months
Hey snow I don't know the difference between an ask or a request but yesterday I had my second seizure and was wondering how yanderes from any of your Aus would react to us having a seizure right in front of them like a grand mal seizure if that's ok (I've been stalking you for a while and remember that request for an epilepsy reader!!)
I REMEMBER MAKING THAT POST BUT FORGOT BECAUSE I COULDNT CHOOSE A CHARACTER😭😭 I still cant, but imma go with yandere Surgeon dad Dabi because u can't go wrong with Dabi (plus lawyer Hawks)
Anyways, imagine that after the whole Keigo and Dabi calling CPS on reader's parents and having them arrested, with Keigo pretending to help reader's mom by taking her case pro bono but is actually framing her to be an unstable and unfit mom so that Keigo and Dabi can officially adopt you. Meanwhile, reader is pulling her hair out because her innocent mom is in jail and she's living with practically two strangers whose kindness apparently knows no bounds but there's still a gut feeling that is telling her to leave these guys as soon as possible but with no money and no contacts, she can't bail her mom out unless it's Keigo and his firm who helps her out and sure hes telling her to not worry and focus on school or whatever, but reader can't not worry because everytime she asks about her mother, things only seem to be getting worse for her case so now she is skipping school and lying to Keigo and Dabi about her whereabouts so that she can spend time by herself to work on her mom's case... she just needs one- one evidence to prove her innocence.
Now I imagine that for a teen who's just about to enter into adulthood and can already feel all the weight of responsibilities, she's absolutely stressed af and idk how or what triggers it, maybe she hit her head/was beaten by someone, maybe she forgot to take her meds, maybe she took too much caffeine and has been missing out on sleep for too long, but the seizures occurred... that too at the worst possible time.
Keigo and Dabi had noticed that something was up with you, you looked far too miserable and always had dark circles under your eyes, and when Keigo decided to pick you up early from school one day for a quick lunch with him and Dabi, he was surprised that you had been skipping school for many days. Later that day, when you finally returned home, they decided to confront you.
"So, how was your day?" Keigo approached the gentle approach. You shrugged, just playing with the food on your plate. "Fine."
Keigo looked at Dabi, who was practically watching you like a hawk, gaze piercing as he analysed every movement, every breath you took. He was clearly pissed; Keigo recalled his reaction when he told Dabi about how you've been skipping school for some time. Dabi was ready to send Amber Alert on your ass (he and Keigo both have contacts at the police station) but Keigo was able to calm him down, knowing well that Dabi wasnt truly mad at you, he was just worried. Concerned that you may be hurt, and although both of them care about you, Dabi is a very overprotective type of dad. And since Dabi struggle to show vulnerability, he usually masks it with anger.
"Yeah? School giving you a tough time, hm?" Keigo asked softly, ready to see if you'd lie or come clean. You paused, finally looking up from your plate.
"No... school's fine." You placed your fork down, pushing your seat back. "Can I be excused? I have a test to prepare for-"
"No." Dabi said harshly, and Keigo moved his hand to hold Dabi's, but the latter pulled it away.
You looked at them confused, more so at Dabi's tone. "Um, what?"
"Honey-" Keigo tried one more attempt at gently approaching you, but Dabi had other plans.
"You're lying." He stated, throwing his utensils on the plate. "We know youre lying. Wanna come clean now?" He asked with his arms crossed across his chest.
Your eyes widened slightly, but you composed yourself. He couldn't- they couldn't possibly know?
You cleared your throat. "I don't know what you're talking about. Now, may I be excused? I need to study-" you started standing up, hoping to leave this interrogation as quickly as possible.
"Sit down!" Dabi yelled, and you immediately sat down. "You've been lying to us! How long did you think you'd get away with it? Did you really think we wouldn't know you've been skipping school?!"
"I- I don't know-" you tried to lie again but Dabi slammed his hands on the dinner table, making you and Keigo jump.
"I swear to god- if you say you don't know one more fucking time-" Keigo sprang up and held Dabi's arm, squeezing it to tell him to calm down.
Dabi pulled his arm away from Keigo, and wagged his finger at you. "One chance- you have one chance to explain. And you better not lie this time."
Realising you had no chance to avoid this, you confessed that you had been skipping school to work on your mom's case, looking for evidence, asking around your alcoholic dad's addicted friends to tell the jury that your father was abusive to your mom both physically and emotionally, basically you were looking for anything that would help prove your mother's innocence.
So... you went back to your old house, the one in the "bad neighbourhood" and even met your dad's even worse friends, endangering yourself.
"Why didn't you just come to us? We would have helped." Keigo asked, brows raising in concern.
You nodded. "I know but I didn't want to- you're doing what you can for my mom, and I just needed to do something. I cant just sit here while she rots in her cell because of my mistake!" You looked at Dabi. "And I found something that could help her! Look, if you just- if you just come to the court and tell them that my injuries were because of some medical condition or some accident, they could potentially throw out the whole case!"
Dabi narrowed his eyes at you. "And your mom would be free."
"And your father would be free too."
You nodded. "I mean, yeah. If there isn't a case, there's. no reason for him to stay in jail."
"Have you completely lost it?! Do you hear yourself?!!" Dabi yelled, pushing away Keigo who was pulling him away from you. "No! She needs to hear this!" He looked back at you. "I dont know whether you've hit your head or if you inhaled something when you met your father's druggie friends, but suggesting to free that piece of shit, TUB OF LARD, WASTE OF SPACE, HUMAN EXCREMENT just so that you can bail schizophrenic mommy out is fucking INSANE!"
Your mouth dropped open as tears welled up in your eyes, your breathing getting shallower as Dabi's words echoed in your head.
"Dabi, stop-" Keigo started, getting in the middle of you two, but it didn't stop Dabi from yelling awful things.
"All she's done by lying to us is endanger herself! Look at her, she's not sleeping, she not eating! And all we wanted was to take care of her! But all she wants is her mentally sick mother, who news flash-! Is still not a good fucking human being! She may have been abused by her husband to become how she is, but she had plenty of time before to leave him and run away with Y/n!" And this time, Dabi looked over from Keigo's shoulder and directly at you. "And I'm not making this up, this is what the psychiatrist said in the court after she had examined your mother! She's just as much to blame as your father, Y/n! They're both shitty-!" He stopped when you broke into a sob, making Keigo turn around as well.
"Y/n, honey-" the blonde came closer, only for you to fall down to your knees as you clutched your head with your hands, eyes squeezing shut. Your breathing became shallower and your body began to slowly shake.
And Dabi instantly knew something was wrong. This was not- this is not some normal reaction to an awful reality check.
"Y/n?" Keigo called softly, pulling your hands away from your head, as you finally snapped open your eyes and they held all the dread in the world.
Dabi realised it before it actually happened.
"She's seizing!"
Your eyes rolled back and your body began convulsing violently, your body falling back, but Dabi rushed forward to catch you before you could hit your head.
"Keigo, grab a pillow!" He ordered as he glanced at the clock and began timing your seizure. Keigo grabbed a pillow and as Dabi lifted your head, he slid it underneath to cushion your head.
Dabi then turned your body to the side, looking over your body going through alternating tonic clonic stages. Your limbs would violently jerk first, your eyes blinking rapidly before falling into the next stage where your entire body would stiffen and your back arches at an unusual angle, your body losing control of your muscles and bowel incontinence follows.
Keigo could only watch in horror as your body went through painful movements and you urinated yourself unconsciously.
"Dabi-" the dread in his voice wasn't missed by Dabi, but the doctor only told him to calm down and wait as he kept looking between you and the clock.
4 minutes. For 4 minutes, you convulsed.
Dabi had already narrowed down the causes for your seizure, as you never had a history of epilepsy, and now you had one episode probably because of all the stress you've been under, coupled with lack of sleep and food and excessive intake of caffeine, making him feel awful for yelling at you instead of-
"Dabi." Keigo called, nodding his head at you.
You slowly opened your eyes, your vision still blurry but you could make out Dabi and Keigo's faces.
From all prolonged contractions, your muscles were now fatigued and you felt extremely tired and confused.
"W-what happened?" You asked, not realising that you were on the floor or that you had wet yourself.
Dabi swallowed thickly, pushing all his concern down. "You- you had a seizure."
"I did?"
"Yes. But you don't need to worry, I'll take care of it. You must be feeling tired, hm?"
You closed your eyes and hummed. You did feel tired.
"Its okay, you go to sleep, then. I'll be here when you wake up, okay?" You only hummed as Dabi leaned down to kiss your sweaty forehead, while Keigo took off his jacket and wrapped it covered you with it.
As you fell into a deep slumber, Dabi collected you in his arms and nodded at Keigo to take the car out. They were gonna take you to the hospital, just to confirm his diagnosis and make sure that you don't actually have epilepsy. And if you do, then get you all the proper medication and treatment for it.
Your cheek rested against Dabi's chest, his heart melting as you nuzzled closer. Keigo broke several traffic laws as he sped through the streets, but he only had to take one look at you to remember how utterly helpless he felt while you seized. To do nothing but wait... until that 5 minute mark hit and realise the danger you were in.
One thing is for sure-
Dabi and Keigo are never letting you out of their sights ever again. Ever.
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rainstops · 9 months
thank you for saving me
alhaitham x reader angst/comfort
summary: you and alhaitham clearly liked eachother. but fate did not have in store for you what you had hoped for.
warnings: arranged marriage, you argue with your mom
words: 2.4k
you and alhaitham always got along really great. some people would say that youre the only one who he ever really got a long with. always kind and respectful to you.
kaveh was the first one to notice alhaithams blatant favoritism towards you. whenever he tried to bring it up, alhaitham quickly shut him down. but this time he wasnt going to let that happen.
"so? when are you going to ask [name] out?", he immediately asked when alhaitham walked through the door of their shared apartment. "ask her out? why would i do that?", alhaitham was quick to answer. "come on dude, everyone knows that you like her. "like her? sure i like her as a friend", alhaitham hung up his coat.
a moment of silence followed.
"oh so you wouldnt mind if i asked her out?", kaveh asked. alhaithams head shot into his direction. no words needed. the expression on alhaithams face was far more than enough for kaveh. "Ha, see you do like her!" "whatever im going to sleep"
kaveh was right though. alhaitham did hold feelings in his heart that he didnt understand very well.
you on the other hand also just arrived at home. you took off your shoes and were immediately confronted with a "[name] we have to talk", of course from no one less than your mother. you tried to avoid her as much as you could, but with how controlling she is, that was more than just hard.
you both sat down at the kitchen table, and your mother immediately started talking. and you wished you wouldnt have come home that night.
"so you know that the fact that our family keeps on living, and keeping up our status is important, right?", your mother started. she had been giving you the same talk lately over and over again. she kept reminding you about how you had to get a boyfriend soon and get married soon. for archons sake, you were 19!
your family had a fairly high status in sumeru, and your mother lived for continuing the family. she had an early marriage and an early pregnancy, just to ensure that the family reproduces.
"mom get to the point", you sighed. you couldnt hear the same talk over and over again. she would just tell you how its important that you have children and its for the family and-
"i've arranged a marriage for you"
what? she what?
"you did WHAT?", you slammed your hands on the table and stood up from your chair. "[name] you know its just so-" "i dont CARE what its about!" "now how about you sit back down and listen to me. ive found you a lovely guy whos just a year older-" "no, how about you listen to ME for this first time in your life? all the time you were trying to control my life and manipulate me and you kept telling me over and over again how its 'for the family'!, well in all honesty fuck this family!", all your pent up anger from your nineteen years of living was now let out at the person who caused it all.
"young lady that is no way to talk to your mother, and especially no way to talk about your family!", your mother stood up from her chair as well. "youre not fucking listening to me! i am not getting married!", you screamed while putting your shoes back on.
you stormed out the door, although you were very aware that she was going to get whatever she wants one way or another.
it doesnt matter. she never even mattered. you needed to go somewhere, somewhere else than that place you lived in. and you knew exactly where.
kaveh opened the door for you. "alhaitham theres someone here for you!" he shouted through the whole apartment. its not like you were never here for you. whenever your mother got too much, you slept at alhaithams place. kaveh also told you a million times already that youre the only one who alhaitham allows to sleep in his room.
"same fights as always?", kaveh asked. you shook your head. "worse" "worse? what did she do?", alhaitham was suddenly standing right in the hallway. it took you everything you had to stop you from ugly crying right then and there.
you were still mad. you were always gonna be mad, but the fact that you almost sprinted all the way to the shared apartment, took away a little of the rage.
"its kind of really hard to say", you really didnt want to say it. it for some reason felt even more wrong to tell alhaitham, but you didnt know why. "i dont think theres really anything that we dont expect from your mother by now", alhaitham said looking at kaveh, and then back at you. your eyes started watering. not at the thought of having to say it out loud, but at the thought of having to spend most of your life with someone you didnt even know.
"she arranged a marriage for me", you said. your words were followed by a long silence.
alhaitham looked irrated at you. or maybe he was angry. who knows. kaveh on the other hand was shocked. his eyes wide, and lips slightly apart. never of them knew what to say.
"youre kidding", alhaitham said, more wishing than actually asking. his voice was barely above a whisper. you could only shake your head.
a shaky, long sigh escaped your lips, and even though you didnt want it, the tears started falling. your body tensed up, and you could feel alhaithams arms wrap right around you. all you could do was lay your head onto his chest, and kaveh went to grab some water for you.
the rest, you dont remember.
you woke up, in alhaithams bed. the apartment sounded empty. what time was it? you honestly couldnt care less about going to school today. you didnt want to go anywhere today. but you also couldnt stay here another night, that was decided. one way or another you had to confront your mother, and who knows, maybe you could also convince her to stray from her plan.
but you knew, you could not convince her.
you discussed and fought with her for quite a long time.
"youre getting married to that man, and if i have to drag you to that wedding. besides everything is already paid for"
"wait- already paid for? when is the wedding anyways?", "next month"
without another word, you stood up from the kitchen table and went to your room. you threw yourself onto your bed.
your body felt so heavy, and especially your heart. your eyes felt as if they were going to close any second, but you didnt feel like you could sleep. you were angry, but you were also disappointed and sad. disappointed in your mother, that she saw you as nothing else other than an a way to extend the family. and disappointed in yourself, for not being able to convince her.
well at least you still had alhaitham. he was the best friend you could ever ask for, although you ever wondered if you felt more towards him than just friendship.
your question was answered pretty quickly. you had no idea what had caused it. if it was the upcoming marriage, or just because he was always there for you. but recently you wanted to be closer to him than before. you wanted to always stay by his side, but maybe you just wanted to avoid being home.
but alhaitham... was it just an illusion or was he getting more and more distant by the minute? he used to always make time for you. if you were struggling with something, he stopped what he was doing just to help you. he wanted to talk to you over all of the people he knew. he talked to you daily, but now the days you two talked were moving apart further and further.
what was happening?
"alhaitham can we talk?", you carefully asked, not wanting to disturb him. this was one of the first time you felt like you were walking on eggshells around him. "not right now [name], im busy", he replied, not even bothering to take his eyes off the paper he was working on.
"but its kind of important...", you tried again. suddenly he slapped his paper down onto the table. "what is it?", he finally looked at you for once.
you sat down right across from him. "well... how do i start this" "just say it, i have important things to do"
... were you not important to him anymore?
"alhaitham, i feel like we are drifting apart", those were the best words you could find to describe what you were feeling. "so what? its not like we're a couple or anything" "so i dont matter to you at all"
a moment of silence. thats not true, is what alhaitham wanted to say.
"alhaitham dont ignore me" "im not ignoring you" "then answer me"
huh wait what? did he just say that?
"did i just say that...?", he mumbled to himself, kind off hoping you would hear it, but you were already out of the room, heading home. your mind was blank. where did you go wrong? what did you do that couldve possibly made him act this way?
alhaitham got home, closed the door, and sunk into the couch. his hands were traveling through his hair, and he was rubbing his face as if he was trying to rub away the words he said.
"woah what happened to you", kaveh asked as he walked past him, just wanting to get a glass of water.
"nothing", alhaitham mumbled, his hands still in his face. "doesnt look like nothing to me", kaveh replied. honestly he shouldve just dropped it right then and there.
"kaveh what do you think gives you the right to nag me like theres no tomorrow?" kaveh just stared. "seriously man what is up with you recently? is it because of... you know, [name] getting married?", it almost felt hard to say. his heart dropped to his stomach and a shudder went down his spine, hearing kavehs words.
the reminder that you were getting married takes him right back to the day when you told him whats happening. he couldnt help his heart feeling like it was getting ripped apart, like its nothing more than just a piece of paper. from that day on he couldnt concentrate on anything. everything felt like a reminder of you, everything reminded him of the daggers that were send through his heart of the mere sight of you.
so he did the only thinkable thing, which was to distance himself. maybe his heart and mind would go back to the way things used to be. but everyday where he would be spending less time with you, felt like someone was taking half his soul away. he was even less focused on things, and was living in a trance, like a depressed man. but in no way was he trying to hurt you. no that was even worse than anything he could think off.
everything felt like it circled around you. it almost felt like...
"it feels a little like youre living for [name], doesnt it?", kaveh suggested. yeah exactly that.
kaveh sat down next to him. "alhaitham, do you remember the exact date [name]'s wedding is?" alhaitham looked at kaveh. "its tomorrow, alhaitham"
wait wait, no, when did time pass so fast? you cant get married. no way.
you were standing there, in your white dress. it wasnt really yours. it was your mothers old dress, meaning you did not choose your own dress. but maybe it was better like that, since you didnt want to get married anyway. the reception wasnt very pretty, it almost looked like a church. but maybe only you felt this way. you didnt want to be here. you didnt want to be anywhere. well there was one place that couldve been nice. you wanted to be wherever alhaitham is right now, but he didnt seem to want you arround.
you were staring at the bouquet you were holding. everything felt so surreal. you looked up at the guy you were marrying. he looked absolutely happy to be where he was. it almost made you uncomfortable to look at the wide grin on his face.
you looked at your mother, who seemed to be crying. everyone seemed so happy, except for you.
you were not picking up any words, until the question was asked.
"do you take [name], as your wife, your partner, for all eternity?", the sentence almost made you throw up. "yes", the guy so quickly replied. he smiled at you. and you felt the urge to slap him. and maybe your mother while you were at it.
"now, do you take [guys name], to be your husband, your partner, for all eternity?" "I.. uh", you wanted to say no so bad, but it seems you didnt have to.
you looked up from the floor you were staring at to avoid any gazes, when suddenly the doors to the reception slammed open. "stop... the fucking wedding", alhaitham stood there, out of breath, his hair messier than ever, and he looked like he had been... crying?
he walked up to you and took your hand. "you dont want to marry this guy right? forget this, forget everything, and just come with me"
he looked at you like he had never seen anything he loved more. and in that moment, you indeed forgot everything. like nothing was important, nothing other than the happiness of you and the one who was holding your hand.
you dropped your bouquet right there and ran. your mother shouted something, and the guy was standing there all confused.
as soon as the both of you had left the reception, you started stumbling. "alhaitham im wearing heels!", without hesitation, alhaitham picked you up like you weighed nothing.
a few more steps and you both hid in an allyway. to some people this might looked weird, but they dont know what was happening. to you you couldnt be happier than this.
but yet, tears were streaming down your face. and you arms wrapped themselves around alhaitham, quicker than he could react. your head was already pressed into his chest. and he hugged you back.
"im so sorry, im sorry for shouting at you and im sorry for not helping you earlier. i love you, [name]", his voice was wavering, but it had an odd certainty in it. without someone having to tell you, you knew from this day on everything was going to be okay.
a/n: sorry that this is kinda rushed, but i just wanted to get a genshin fic done before im flying to england :) thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed
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eclipse-rain · 1 year
Fwel Tsaheylu (Broken Bond) Part 2
Warnings; slight angst
Part 1 •Part 3 •Part 4
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What was ment to be an experience for the benifit and furthering of mine and my brothers education ended up turning into a complete disaster.
Not only did all three of us disobey father by being present on the battlefield (Albet, in my case, it was more of an uncontrollable circumstance, but i wouldnt dare say so out loud) instead of observing from the sky, mentally noting down tactics used and getting a feel for the real action of battle from afar. But we also blew just about any chance of being able to get such first hand experience like that for a long time. No more battlefields for us, i was sure of it.
I was also sure of one other thing. That father would bring all of this up as soon as we landed. It was another unavoidable circumstance of sorts. And while i also knew it would not be the worst for me but rather for the eldest of us three, i could not help feeling anxious on the back of my mothers ikran as we flew home.
I would give anything so that father would not question me when we got back. I would even let Neteyam take all the responsibility this time, just so father would not be given reason to indulge me, as i would not be the main target of his focus. Even when i used to step in so Neteyam would not have to shoulder these burdens alone, no matter how much father hated when i did.
But this time, this time was diffrent. This time i had something to lose. A secret that could be let out. With just a little prodding in the right place the dam could break. The wall could crumble and i didnt know how well i could patch it up if it did. If i would be able to keep living while hiding the truth or if it would be ripped out from under me and i didnt know if i could handle when it did.
If they find out that i couldnt fly my ikran they will think somethings wrong. The questioning will begin, the concerned expressions will start up again. The poking and the prodding for more information will double. The never being left alone or feeling like you never have the chance to properly rest or think will bear down with all its might and the burden on my own heart will increase. Nevermind them doing it out of concern as parents for their beloved daughter, I've lived this way for long enough that any thought of changing it makes me feel physically sick.
Others might call me ridiculous or overdramatic for feeling as much but its different when your the one in the position. When the spotlight is bearing down on you and you alone. When the light shines so brightly into your eyes it seers, like its trying to melt the icy cold wall of your exterior and uncover all the dirt beneath. Every speck, every morsel and not clean away an inch. Only leaving it there to gather dust and have you continue the journey alone. If at that stage you still can.
As we arrived back home, flying overhead, i heard excited shouts from the other na'vi people awaiting the war partys return. None of us had spoken a word as we flew home, collectively knowing the sh*t storm that awaited us the moment we got back. The ikrans came to a hault on the ground and mother slipped off first. She held her arms out to me to help me down.
I swung my legs over and hopped off her ikran by myself in one swift motion. I felt sort of embarrased. I felt like a child needing to be helped off their steed by their parents because they were too inexperienced to get down themselves. Yes she was well aware i could get down on my own, since i had my own ikran, and was probably just trying to baby me because i was hurt. She probably thought i had gotten a fright after what had just happened, and she would be right of course, i had been terrified, but i would not show it. I was hurt but i would not show that either.
My adrenalin had started to wear off on the flight back and my survival mode started to shut down. Now i could feel the seering pain where the uneven gashes in my palms bled, turning my hands an awful red color in the process. I felt the sting of the bruises that had started to form and show through my skin on my back from my fall. On my shoulder blades, my spineal chord and my tail bone especially.
But i would power through the pain, the hurt, so that i wouldnt look weak, so that i wouldnt look like a child who needed to be helped everytime one little thing went wrong. So that i looked strong, i looked like i could be relied upon in times of crisis. So that i looked like the brave warriors of my clan, one of the people, one of the true people, not who i was and not who i really am.
In the meantime, the youngest of the family ran up to our mother, arms out streached in welcome. My brothers and father had gottten off their own ikran and started to gather together just a little ways away. Neteyam had ridden back with our father much the same as i had done with our mother only he was sat in front by father, where as i had sat myself behind mother. From what i saw out of the cornor of my eye he was also heped off the ikran by my father like my mother had tried to do for me.
In that moment a sudden thought occured to me for the first time. I wondered if i was what Neteyam was for father but to mother. Neteyam, the first born son, taught by my father. I, the first born girl and the only one in the family who was taught by my mother. I had always assumed that her teaching me had something to do with being the first born girl but i never put two and two together until now.
And that made me see a whole new outlook on my place in the family, which in turn made a pit of unease settle in my stomach. Neteyam was the first born, the perfect son the perfect heir. I thought i lived as the middle child between the middle children. Someone not to be taken notice of. I was not the eldest nor the youngest, i was not even second rate to. I thought i was invisable to eyes looking for expectation higher than just to be a normal na'vi, one of the people.
But i was wrong. My family, my people, expected of me. They expected me to be like them, to be one of them and i tired myself just to live up to the expectation of what was considered normal. If i now had to bring myself beyond that point, i feared it would break me. It would be my breaking point.
Nevertheless, if i found my realisation came to be true i would try and try and try again. Because thats all you can do until you can try no more.
Mother started towards them, steering me in the same direction. It felt like she was almost hurding me towards my imminent doom. Tuk followed silently trailing along behind the both of us. As we got closer i clenched my hands, my long sharp nails digging into the fresh wounds that formed there not too long ago. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from over thinking the situation but also to avert my attention away from the pain in my body, in my hands and the fresh bruises i could feel blooming along my spinal chord.
"Fall in" father said in a voice that sounded like any second it would raise an octive higher in something akin to anger. Not that i would be able to find the right word to completely describe how it felt like nails scraping down a chalkboard and just when you think its coming to a stop it keeps going.
When the three of us, Neteyam, Lo'ak and I finally gathered close enough, in one fast move father whirled around to meet us face to face. And we all knew what was coming next.
"You're suposed to be spotters" he said sounding somewhat impatient through the other emotions he portrayed at that moment. "You spot boogies and call them in"
I tried not to cringe as my fathers voice finally broke through the lid that was bearly containing it.
"From a distance!" His voice came out gruff and annoyed
"Does that sound familiar? Jesus! I let you two geniuses fly a mission and you disobeyed direct orders" he continued
I brought my head up slightly in confusion as to why i had suddenly been left out of the equation.
"Kiri can you go help your grandmother with the wounded. Please."
Kiri who came over in the middle of fathers lecture to us was regarded with a much softer tone of voice.
"My brother is wounded" she replied calmly and definitively
More urging from father for kiri who was not budging and now Tuk as well to leave brought fathers attention to me, the eldest of the three sisters.
A quick glance in my direction was all it took for him to walk over until he was standing right in front of me.
"What's this?" He asked in a flat voice, not too soft but not too loud
Confused, i followed the length of his arm with my eyes down to where his hand was pointed towards.
Small drops of dark red liquid fell to the ground just by my feet. I tried once again, like i had learned to do as i grew up, to tame the urge my body had to shuffle my feet under the intese pressure i now felt with fathers attention solely on me. His eyes bore down onto my hand stained with blood. They then shifted to my other blood stained hand and he seemed to have made up his mind before i got the chance to respond to his question.
"Kiri if you want to treat your hurt family than i think your older sister would be needing it more than your brothers would" he said turning back to face her
"Ah, its nothing, im fine-" i started but got cut off
"You always say your fine" he said dismissing the idea of my protest "Go have kiri treat you, we'll talk later"
Kiri, now also seeing my injuries for the first time, ran over and grabbed my hands to get a closer look. I flinched involuntarily at the spike of pain that shot through my hand at her action.
"Dad's right" She said now on even more of a mission than before "You need to get treated so these dont become infected! Lets go"
Tuk skipped up to us and grabbed my wrist on my other side to aid in pulling me away from the other members of our family and towards the tent our grandmother was in. Mother who stayed behind with father, Neteyam and Lo'ak gave an approving nod at me as we left them. I could vaguely make out more of what was said as voices were once again raised behind me, before i decided on blocking them out completely.
"Jesus Kiri cant you be a little more gentle"
"Oh so this hurts but when you were digging your nails into your palms, which already had fresh wounds on them, might i add, it didnt?" She said sarcastically. "Because i honestly doubt it hurts more than that"
I bit my tongue, feeling like i had sort of just shot myself in my own foot at her comparison.
"What's this i hear, big sis cant take the pain from a little healing herb." Spider who appeared out of seemingly nowhere like a stray cat said jokingly.
'Ah, Spider' i thought
He who had as many problems as i in this family. If you could even call him a part of it. Of course, i did, we all did, all except one. And that one person made it very hard for me to fully accept spider as part of the family, because how could i completely let my guard down when i know my mother does not feel the same, how she does not think of him as one of hers. How she looks at him, its not like how she looks at us, at her children.
I think i was the first of my siblings to realise this as it was around the time my eyes had been opened, opened because of my own problem that i could not ignore. My eyes that had been recently opened saw past the things that a person that age should not have been able to quite yet. Like my glossed over eyes filled with childhood wonder started to see, truly see, for the first time. See past the world that my parents had created for my happiness, and past the saftey that they gave me. Its like in one swift motion i jumped out of that safety net, like a baby bird jumping out of its nest before its mother has taught it to fly.
And i saw how mother looked at him, at Spider. I saw how she looked at him and only saw one thing when she did. Human. Demon.
To her he was one of them and always would be and i truly did not know if that would ever change. If even my father could not change her mind when he accepted Spider as one of his own, i feared no one could. Even when father was living proof that not all humans were demons.
I think thats how it grew. The uneasiness inside of me. In the back of my mind, hidden in the shadows fuling it to get bigger and bigger. When my eyes had been stripped clean and i finally saw through the hollow words that were 'i will always love you, no matter what' and i saw something that could smudge it. A stain, that could make even mother turn away from me.
Especially when that thing is a part of you.
As a child when you first find that out, at an age not yet able to comprehend and figure out the right path in such a situation, you could very well end up taking the wrong one. When you hide it away and therefore have no guidance on the matter, you end up taking matters into your own hands.
Hide it away so it can never be found, so your fears can never be realised. Put up a wall so they cant see through and find it hiding on the otherside, like a dog in a cage, eager to be let out, like a dam about to break, that could burst open with enough cracks.
"You zoned out again." Spider seemed to need to point out
"Its called thinking. You should try it sometime" i countered 'Wow that was such a cringy comback' i thought
But Kiri laughed as she finished up aplying the healing remedy to my wounds and proceeded to bandaged them tightly with thick woven leaves. Grandmother watched her through the process from the cornor of her eye as she worked grinding herbs for more remedies just a little ways away from where we were sat in the tent.
She was no doubt checking to make sure Kiri was doing her work as a healer properly and efficiently. We all knew how seriously grandmother takes her job as a healer and as a mentor for other young healers, just starting out who she can pass all her tips and tricks onto. To them she could pass on her special recipies that she has built up from years of being a healer, give them advice and ensure that the next generation of the clans healers would be well prepared for any future events.
Spider made a face at me, acting like he was offended and hit me lightly on the shoulder with his fist. Yes, he was my brother all right. I was sure of it. I just wasn't as sure as to if i could show it outright in front of mother. Especially with the added presure of my earlier realisation. If wheather or not mother had higher expectations of me than to just fit into the na'vi peoples version of normal, which i tried so hard to be, to the point of exhaustion, but deep down knew i was not.
I was not like the other na'vi people, i was not like my mother or my siblings, some of whom had the features of humans from father but never acted in a way that was not like the people. I was not even like father who was once a human and was even born and raised on Earth, the humans planet. Even if he was, he was now Toruk Macto, a true na'vi, perhaps even the truest given his title. I dont have their trueness, their strong connection to eywa that makes them part of the people.
I had never spent more time than i had to around Spider when i was a child. For what i thought were the right reasons, for my sake, so that i would not become more human than na'vi, so i could lock that part of myself in the deepest cornor of my heart.
As a very young child, before my eyes lost their gleem, before they were opened to the truness of the world around me, i had been just like Lo'ak. Perhaps a little more refined, unlike him i never fought with Kiri and i never tried to rival Neteyam as he did either. But i was high in energy and would often be found troublesome and in bad situations as i ran everywhere my brothers went and did as they did. Lo'ak and i were almost never separate from each other, almost joined at the hip at that time. Willingly or not.
The only time we were not to be found making all kinds of trouble together was when Kiri and i would go off on our own or when we were being taught to hunt, me by our mother and lo'ak by father. I would mess and run and play with them all, Spider included. Although as twins we definitely had our fair share of scruffs, i was alot closer to Lo'ak, to them, than i am now. Thats not to say we are not close now because thats not true.
But i guess thats just how growing up works, we tend to become independant, from our parents and even each other. Thats also the diffrence between me and them though, the people, all the people are one, through eywa. They are one big family, one safe space, where even the toughest are open with each other with eywa as their guide. This shows how human i really am, how i can hardly connect to eywa, so i cant connect to the people, i cant share my emotions with them, my burdens.
As i grew older, I would sit aside when my siblings would play with spider. I stopped going to star gaze with Kiri, i shut out anything that could possibly have the opposite effect of what i wanted.
Lo'ak and Kiri grew closer, to the point that sometimes i wondered if those two were twins instead of Lo'ak and i. Lo'ak remained troublesome while i became stonefaced and unreadable. That ended up boiling down to 'girls mature faster than boys' in my parents minds. Kiri even shared the human traits that lo'ak had gotten from father which i never inherited. Like having four fingers instead of three and having eyebrows when normal na'vi people dont.
Lo'ak and i never talked about our feelings together when we were kids. We just werent the type to do so, but i think we sort of just knew, a twin thing. Its like how i knew that his apperance and the rumors he said didnt bother him actually did. Though i was never sure if he felt this as well. Nevertheless he was still my brother, we were still twins. We shared the same blood, the same DNA, the same soul, even if we did not share all the same human features.
Kiri and i talked about everything together when we were younger but she was my younger sister, like Tuk, i couldnt put the weight of my feelings my problems onto her shoulders.
The one i would always go to when i was younger was Neteyam, mabey this was why father always came down so hard on him about the responsibility of us. To me Neteyam always felt like the one i could rely on, the eldest, who would have the answers to all my problems. He made me feel like i could rely on him which in turn ment as i grew he made me feel the weakest out of all my siblings.
Mabey thats why i pushed him away from me. That was probably it. I had no reason to push him away otherwise. There was nothing human about him that i tried to run away from. Actually he reminded me of my mother the most. Caring, loving, determined but change the circumstances and they could be ferocious.
Soon after i was all bandaged up we were joined by a grim looking Neteyam and Lo'ak. They strode into the tent and were sat down, or more like almost tackled to the ground, by Kiri immediately after arriving so she could check their wounds.
Father and mother came around as the sky was begining to darken, seemingly to have finished any other responsibilities they had after getting back. I noticed them out of the corner of my eye just a little ways away having a conversation that was just out of ear shot. I thought back to how angry father was about what happened. How angry he was at Lo'ak and Neteyam especially but how even so he had Neteyam ride in front of him on the way back home on his ikran. Almost like he was trying to shield him with his own body against anything else that might want to harm his son. He helped him down from said ikran, perhaps subconciously but nevertheless an action i didnt miss seeing out of the corner of my eye and just like how mother tried to do for me.
(Change of Pov : Jakes Pov)
"What is it?" I asked.
"Neteyam and Lo'ak try to live up to you. It is very hard on them" Neytiri replied.
"You are very hard on them" she turned from where she was looking through the opening of the tent and walked slowly towards me.
"I am their father. Its my job." I stated, reloading my gun as i sat on the ground.
"This is not a squad. It is a family." She said definitively, crouching down to where i was sitting to look me in the eye in hopes to gets her point across more.
"I thought we lost him" I said earnestly in a whisper. Able to show my most vulnerable side and inner most thoughts and doubts with the person i shared my life with.
That earned me a sympathetic look from my mate. She placed her hand on mine in a effort of comfort and knowing.
I had promised myself a long time ago that i would never again let anything happen to this family, to our family. Neytiri's and mine. Since the destruction and collapse of home tree and the war with the humans. Since i mated with Neytiri for life and since i first found out she was pregnant.
I had never felt those words be in danger as much as i did today. My promise had never come so close to falling short, to falling through my grasp on them and it would have been my fault if they did. It was my decision to bring them with us today and it would have been my fault if they got badly injured or worse in the process. And for that i never would be able to forgive myself.
I felt a pair of eyes lingering on me from behind and i turned around slightly to make out who those eyes belonged to. I turned only to catch a glimpse of my eldest daughter as she turned her head away from our direction and towards her siblings. I saw Mo'at applying a healing remedy to Neteyams wounds as he flinched away from her hand and grumbled some annoyances in the process. He took Y/n's bandaged hands in his and proceeded to look over them as if he could see if she was badly injured or not through the bandages.
Lo'ak seemed to think the same thing as me and proceeded in pointing it out to Neteyam, laughing in the process. Neteyam who i was sure hated the feeling of his younger brother, who made a point to rival him, making a fare point, turned towards Kiri and looked like he started to ask a series of questions. I assumed he was probably now trying to learn how hurt Y/n was from Kiri who had a knowledgeable perspective as a healer and was the one who treated Y/n instead of trying to magically be able to see through the bandages that encased Y/n's hands.
Neytiri followed my gaze and i saw a familiar look pass over her face as she looked at our children, a motherly one, one of love. Spider had learned to make himself scarce most of the time Neytiri was around. He seemed to have gone off on his own, walking through the camp.
"You should talk to her" Neytiri said softly, my attention was turned back to my mate.
It took me a moment to realise what she ment as my mind had been on Spider rather than what, or rather who, i had been looking for when i glanced over. It had been Y/n who had been watching me from behind.
"She doesnt like to talk" i replyed
"To you? Or just in general?" Neytiri said with an innocent smile
I frowned slightly at her. She knew as well as i did that Y/n was not the same girl she had been when she was a child. Yes, thats how it worked, i know it did. I myself was definitely not the same as i had been when i was a child. Nevertheless it was hard to know what she was thinking now. When she was younger she was just like how Lo'ak had been and how he still is now. They were both troublesome and she ran after him as he did Neteyam. You could even say that Lo'ak was almost what Neyeyam was for him but for Y/n. They both were so ambitious and energetic.
Although as Y/n grew she stopped following them around. She stopped going out late at eclipse with Kiri too, which at first i was pleased about to be honest, since so many times i had to drag them both back home and wrangle them into our hammock to sleep. Now though i wasnt so sure it was a good thing.
She doesnt communicate with Neytiri or i as much as she used to anymore either. I guess mabey at the start i just thought it was her growing up. It started from a young age but it was always said that girls matured faster than boys. Neytiri comfirmed this and i couldnt tell myself, (as even though i had been put in a diffrent body than my original, i had yet to be in the body of a teenage girl or have their mindset), so i had no reason to push any further on a matter i didnt know much about. It was slight at first, hardly noticeable but by the time she became a teenager it felt like we had somewhat drifted apart.
She may not communicate as much to myself and Neytiri anymore but at least from where i stood it seemed, in the way she acted, that nothing much had changed with her siblings. That they hadnt drifted apart from her as we did, theyre dynamic had stayed the same as they grew up. They could still depend and rely on each other as siblings, even if they still bickered and fought along the way. Of course, that was only what i saw from my perspective. I had no way of knowing if what i saw was the truth. It was just like the way Y/n's said 'im fine' , i could never really tell if it was the truth or not anymore even though it was so easy when she was a child to see what she was thinking, what she was feeling.
I know Neytiri also thought about this. I had told her about how i missed how close we were when she was younger. We would always venture out into the forest together.
The memory came rushing back to me and I remembered it vividly. We would walk hand in hand, when she was a child, her little hand wrapped around my pinky finger. Something she did since she was a baby, something that made me glad i had that extra finger. The first thing she did when i first layed eyes on her after she was born was latch onto my pinky finger and not let go like if she did she wouldnt be safe. That moment changed my life, my first babygirl, and i was gonna make sure id protect her. Id protect all of them.
I gathered myself and my thoughts and decided that it was time to make do on the words i said earlier.
"I said i would talk to her after she went with kiri to get her wounds treated and im going to now" i said, noticing Mo'at had finished with Neteyams treatment and had left the tent.
I felt Neytiri's gaze on me as i stood up and made my way over to our children. Coming into earshot of them they seemed to have relaxed since earlier, now messing around with each other as usual. I was glad that they didnt seem to be too badly affected by what happened on the outing earlier. I didnt want to ruin their time together by butting in but i had said i would talk to Y/n and i couldnt put it off any longer for fear i might actually end up changing my mind.
Its weird, you can have fought in many battles and even wars but still be more anxious to talk to your teenage daughter, when youre a parent. Even if you try to give them the safest and happiest childhood possible there are things that you cant always see. Things that are hidden on the outside and concealed within. Because no parent is perfect, you can never get things right all the time, its just not possible, no matter how hard you try. You can only try your best. Thats all you can do and thats all you should expect from them in return.
"Kiri go over and help your grandmother treat the rest of the wounded, take your brothers with you, they can make themselves useful" i urged so i could have some needed alone time with my eldest daughter.
Please write in the comments if you want a part 3 because i need to stay motivated and its so hard, im so tired 🥲
Although, its my birthday this weekend so part 3 will probably be out next weekend-ish or later, i hope you guys understand.
Also please be patient with me. I am still very new to this. I havent even been on the tumblr app for more than like a month or two, and this is only my second post. I even had too look up how to tag people💀. Any tips would help, thanks.
Submissions are now also open, i think, (if I've done it right), so i would love to take a look at any requests or ideas you might have or want me to do. Bye lovelies. 🤗
@bongwaterflavoredgatorade @octopi-on-drugs @bobojojoba69 @pearlrosegardener @thicc101q @lovelyygirl8 @abbersreads
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onskepa · 6 months
Stxeli: I promise
Hellooooooo~!! Here is a new chapter of my stxeli series! Hope you all like this one! enjoy~!!
Stxeli series
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“As a tsahik, you are busy every day sa’nok, what time would you have for my baby sister?” Little Neytiri asks as she narrows her eyes, placing her hands on her hips. Mo’at doing the same stance, “and as a warrior in training, you have lessons to attend to ma’ite. Being with your teacher and helping with the clan, what spare time do you have with stxeli?”. 
Eytukan couldnt help but let out a slow chuckle. They are at it again, his mate and child fighting over who can have stxeli for the day. It has become a daily thing, see who wins over stxeli. The baby in question was playing with some toys he carved for her, oblivious that her mother and sister are arguing over her. 
But eytukan decides to take matters in his own hands. He has a rare free day today, why not have a nice father-daughter day? Liking the idea, he grabs stxlie in his arms, and quietly tells his family he will take the baby for the day. But he doesnt think mo’at or neytiri heard him as they continue to argue. 
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Walking around with stxeli in his arms, he lets her see their village, something the baby will never get tired of. Many young children say hello to him and his daughter, and he happily greets back. There is a lot they can do, but what exactly? She is fed and cleaned, so for the meantime he won't have to worry about that. 
“Aaaaababababa!!” Stxeli squeals happily, her chubby legs kicking in the air. Lately she has been getting more physically active. She can crawl, but hopefully, she will walk too. “I think I know exactly where to go,” Eytukan says. Stxeli looks up at him with her gummy smile, already showing two little white peaks growing. Her teeth are also coming too. 
They had her for a few months now, and already stxeli is growing up right before their eyes. Putting her on a carrying sling on his back, he sets out to a littler river not too far from the village. A place where children are often taken to learn the basics of fishing. And to enjoy fresh water. 
“Abaaaa?” Stxeli calls out, curious where her father is taking her. Smiling softly, he answers her, “you will have fun where I am taking you, perfect to play around”. 
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The waters were calm and it wasn't that deep, perfect for stxeli to dip her little toes. Carefully bending down into the river, where it reaches up to his ankles, eytukan gently puts down his child. Firmly get gently holding her hands up as she laughs and giggles at the texture on her feet. 
Laughter fills the area, the child's innocent giggles eytukan’s ears. Pleased and happy that his daughter was enjoying the water. Splashing water around as she kicks around. Even jumping at times. Her smile is ever so contagious. 
Chuckling, eytukan sways her a bit, “alright lets try it, ready ma’ite?” he asks. Stxeli coos as if to answer her father. So, slowly, eytukan guide her step by step. Making sure the water doesn't slip her stance. “There you go, soon you will learn to walk and run. I am sure you will most likely hide behind our backs and scare us half to death” eytukan says while chuckling at his imaginary future. 
The more steps stxlie took, the more confident she got, taking bigger eager steps. “Easy my child, why in such a hurry?” he wonders while easily keeping up pace. Stxeli only said some baby words to answer him, still gripping tightly on his fingers. 
And to his surprise, stxeli took one big step and letting go of his grip. Was this the moment? 
No, one step and she fell on her bum against a rock. 
Not liking the stinging pain, with trembling lips, stxeli cries. Eytukan was quick to pick her up and rubs her little bum to soothe away the pain. “Sssshhh my young stxeli, no need to cry. It happens my child. Accidents happen and we learn from them” he softly whispers to her little round ear. 
Gently bouncing her on his arm, her little cries died down as she sniffs away her tears. Eytukan wipes away his daughter’s remaining tears and smiles, “see? All better. Want to try again?”. Stxeli was quick to shake her head in protest.  Eytukan accepts her choice and placed her on his lap as he sits near the river. 
Stxeli explores his giant hands, tracing his hand wrinkles and band armor. Her soft coos of wonder bring warmth to his heart. He lets her wonder more and she stumbles upon his songchord. The na’vi remembers how stxeli has taken a liking to mo’ats and neytiri’s songchords. Of course stxeli has her own, but it is safely tucked away back at their home. 
So, he takes out his song chord and swings it gently across stxeli’s face as she giggles, her hands chasing it. “You love my songchord don't you? One day, you will have your own, perhaps longer than mine. Long and beautiful, to sing and tell your story too” he tells her. Stxlie’s giggles are truly something. Her innocence and cheerfulness tug at eytukans heart. Every day he loves his child more and more. 
“Here, this is my story” giving his songchord to stxlie, he begins to tell of his beginning to now.
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After a nice lunch of fruit, which is what stxeli seems to only eat. Eytukan takes her further down the river, where it leads to a little pond. Water seems to be an element stxeli has come to enjoy. Eytukan wouldn't be surprised if his child learns to swim before walking. But as they made their way, there were sounds coming from the forage in the forest. Sounds of leaves being moved, twigs break. 
He was quick to notice how silent the forest had become around them. Which can only mean one thing. 
A predator is near. Very near. 
And just like nothing, a growl was heard from his left, eytukan dodged it effortlessly. He grabbed his hunting knife as he held his child tightly. Stxeli began to whimper in fear. 
Taking a good look at what tried to attack him, it was a viper wolf. Not good. They always hunt in packs. Meaning there is more he doesn't see. Not waiting for the viper wolf to make its move, eytukan ran quickly. And like a trigger, many more viper wolves appeared from their hiding 
This only made stxeli scream and cries out of fear. He would try to calm her, but right now her safety is his priority. 
If he could just-
Eytukan couldn't go farther as another viper wolf stood in his way. He can't fight with his child in his arms. The animal releases a mocking laughter, ready to lunge at the father. But eytukan was faster. Jumping high, he reaches for a vine and begins to climb. 
Stxeli was crying her little soul out, eyes puffy and cant seem to stop. Once eytukan reached high enough, he found a small nook in a tree. Perfect. Quickly he grabs giant leaves and makes a cushion for stxeli. 
“Ssshhh ma’ite. I'm here, I won't let anything hurt you” eytukan promises. Gently rocking his daughter to soothe her fears. “See? We are safe, come now. I believe it is time for you to nap” he coos. 
Hopefully she sleeps very soon, eytukan knows those viper wolves will find them. He took a wrong turn and now they are farther away from the village. He needs to drive them far away before he could proceed heading back. And there is only so much daylight left. He needs to think fast. 
So he takes his songchord out and sways it in a hypnotizing way. Stxeli follows his songchord, her eyes moving side to side. 
Hearing her fathers soft voice and his melody, stxeli closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep. 
Gently he places her in the nook of the tree, adding more leaves for her head, cover and hiding the entrance as a disguise. Looking at his songchord, eytukan places it in stxelis chubby little hand to which she grabs it tightly in her sleep. 
Making sure he closes it well, he whispers a prayer. 
“Great mother Eywa, please do not let the dangers reach my daughter. Protect as I will guide the viper wolves back to you” 
And as if on cue, he can hear the distant mocking laughter of the pack. A plan began to form, moving away from where he hid stxeli, he yanks off a thick branch, and makes a weapon out of it. 
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Viper wolves are vicious creatures where numbers are important. Attacking as one, will they get what they want equally. A clear strategy is there and it always works be it attacking a group, or a large prey. 
But clearly they underestimate the mighty olo’eyktan. 
One by one the viper wolves were taken down. Each slayed, and numbers dwindled in the pack. 
Eytukan roared out as he brought the viper wolves back to their great mother. With his makeshift spear, tough woof and a sharp stone in front, he pierces the animals in the vital parts of their body. 
What remained of the pack backed away and left. No longer seeing the worth of losing blood over one man. So they leave, running back to where they came from. And eytukan cries out his victory, raising his spear out to Eywa. 
Falling to his knees, fresh blood paint on his hands and body, he prays to the animals he had to end. And to hope they make a safe travel when they meet with Eywa. 
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Atokirina surrounded the little nook where eytukan placed stxeli, quickly climbing to reach her. Mentally slapping himself, who knows how much time has passed, it was dark and he wasnt sure how long he was knocked out. 
However, he was forever grateful to see his precious daughter being protected by the great mother. Removing the leaves that hid her well, he looks inside. 
Stxeli was wide awake, with his songchord in hand and a little atokirina floating playfully around her. Her contagious giggles melted away his worries. Noticing him, stxeli reaches out for him. 
“Aba!” she calls out. Complying to her demand, he grabs her and holds her in his arms. Letting out groans of worry and relief. How close was he to losing another daughter. Gently stroking her soft little head, taking in her scent, its her. Stxeli is with him, alive and well. 
“Thank you great mother, I am forever grateful to you” he says to the atokirina. 
Eytakan was tired but he had to take stxeli back to the village before more danger lurks. So steadily, he makes it back. And does he have a story to tell. It might give mo’at a fightful scare, and probably a lecture. But it will be worth it. Any fight is worth it. All to keep his children safe. 
And so, after arriving safely back to the village. Eytukan was right. Mo’at wouldn't stop lecturing him as she tended to his bloody wounds, shoving medicine in his scares and mouth. And neytiri wasn't too far off either. Giving her piece of mind to him too. 
Yet after all that, he still clinged on to stxeli, who in return didn't want to be apart from him and happily clinged on to him too. Her little head always listening to his heart beat, while chewing on his songchord beads. 
So, in the fit of the moment, he held stxeli up, where they eyes could meet. A little drool escaped the baby’s mouth, but she was happy either way. Cooing at her father, her little fingers tickling his nose. So, placing his forehead against her smaller head, eytukan speaks. 
“As long I am alive ma’stxeli te taksha mo’at ite, I promise you I will protect you. To make sure no harm ever comes to you. So please, smile, laugh, live at your best. Your happiness is my greatest gift. I love you forever. That is my vow. My promise”. 
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Aaaaaaaand that is it for this one! Yes I pulled some inspiration from kataru's screen time. Hope you all enjoyed this one! until next time! see ya!
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Taglist: @galactict3a , @alastorhazbin , @vivangothic , @spookymomfriendtm , @moonchildxoxx , @thehoneymushroomhealer , @kat-the-kit , @my-skeleton-hats . @hoodiepandaninja16 , @sugurupookie
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
Blip on the Radar pt. 3
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This was definitely not how Simon saw himself. Sitting in a run down chinese resturant infront of his former one night stand and a toddler ready to fight for some chopped egg rolls.
It felt like a odd episode of the Twilight Zone for him. Simon had been trying to meet you and his child in a far better way, having called the night before to the clinic to ask if you'd be there which they had said no to- So Simon's plan was to go to get flowers, call to ask to meet and go down that road. However the phone number he had was bad so he wanted to see if he could convince someone at your work- which lead him to this awkward interaction...
Thinming about it the flowers he was pretty sure was wilting in his rental car outside-
"So.. Simon right?" You say softly, breaking the awkward tension between you two. He nodded softly, on edge as well but hiding it well with his natural intimidating feature.
"What clued you in to us? Or wanting to meet at all?" You ask, wanting to keep up the conversation as light and open for the father of your child.
"It was the Ancestory you took. Due to my part in the Military they alerted me to you two" He explained looking to Erik once again- the toddler happily munching on his lunch as he blinked those big eyes at him- They were exactly like his mothers...
"That and I wished to see my child" You felt a level of guilt at that, you always assumed that most men would rather not know they had a child in this way- but he seemed genuinely interested and his accent clued you in he had come from far away to do so.
"I understand.. I do apologize you found out in well a unique way" You say softly, chuckling at the oddity of this all and Simon bowing his head also in amusement.
Erik fussed as he reached for more eggrolls, but you giving him the finely chopped Broccoli instead which he looked ready to box you over.
"No Mama" He whined at first and pouted. However Erik's curious gaze fell to the large man staring at him, Erik had been oddly quiet and just observing the masked man in confusion. Simon smirked at this under his mask- he could tell his biy was observing him, Grabbing his fork as he stabbed into his own food taking up some Broccoli to eat himself pulling up his mask just enough to do so-
The child narrowing his eyes as he took a spoon of his own chopped Broccoli and shoved it into his mouth.
"Huh- Usually I have to force him to eat anything green" You mused, impressed that Erik was willingly eating the broccoli. Simon chuckled at this, admiration in his eyes as he stared at his son.
"Oldest trick, they see you eat it they will" He said as he stared at the boy clumsily eating the chopped food infront of him.
"Whats his name?"
"Erik, Erik Wyett (Y/L/N)-"
"Erik hm? Good name.. Little fighter hm?" He hummed, you giving the most deadpan exhausted look possible.
"You have no idea-"
Simon laughed at this, a hearty laugh at that which made Erik stare at the man and giggle. Erik's little dimples showing as he smiled at the man, you couldnt but assume Simon had the same.
"Do you want to hold him?"
After a moment he softly nodded, you standing up from your seat pulling a wiggling Erik with you and handing him to the man. You were hesitant of couse- but that was neither here or there, Sitting back down as you stared at the two.
Erik was staring at Simon confused by the face mask and who was holding him- Simon holding the toddler like he was made of glass, you could see he was unsure of himself now that he was holding the child.
"Hefty Lad, you give you Mum trouble?"
"No No" Erik's little voice said shyly, Making Simon's heart damn near melt. The toddler looking over Simon calmly, reaching his hand to mess with the drawstring of his jumper then to touch the short locks of blonde hair peaking from under the hoodie then finally his mask- reaching to pull it from his face but Simon reached a gentle hand up to wrap around Erik's fist before he ripped it off.
Simon paused at this glancing around calmly like at any moment someone would pop out before taking his free hand and pulling the mask away calmly.
There you and Erik saw his face, you couldn't lie. He was pretty in a rugged way, a crooked thin nose which had clearly been broken and set many times, thin stubble over his square jaw and hints of dimples on his muscular cheeks but it was the thick scars on his face that really took notice. One across his nose and another down the right side of his lip- He was like a well worn boxer.
Simon handing the toddler the mask who looked it over before focusing on his face again. Erik's chubby fingers tracing the scars that stretched across his nose and another over his lip and chin.
"Scary no?" Simon chimed, expecting the toddler to be uncomforble with his scarred face. However he was met with a surprise when Erik patted his scars with the forever sticky toddler hands.
"Boo Boo go away- No hurt?" Erik said softly, trying to rub the 'pain' away from the scars thinking they hurt the soilder. Simon smiled at this, which turned into the two looking in a mirror- Having the same almost Goofy crooked smile along with deep dimples, it just made your heart flutter.
"No hurt Mate, no hurt"
For the rest of your lunchbreak you and Simon agreed to meet up later at your home to talk about child arrangements and more important matters- Simon holding Erik the rest of the time getting him to finish his kunch and crawl over him till Erik fell asleep on his shoulder still clutching the mask in a tight fist.
Stepping out of the resturant Simon a bit reluctantly handed Erik back to you. Clearly wanting to hold the boy forever it seemed-
"Thank you for being so.. accommodating" Simon said calmly, knowing most wouldn't be so interested in something like this- However you smile as you hold your heavy boy.
"It's no problem, I appreciate the effort and how interested you want to be in Erik's life" You say sincerely. Simon felt a fluttering in his chest at your kindness towards them-
"Oh I had these for you" He said softly before going into the rented car and pulling out a bouquet of absolutely devastated Peonies and Lilies.
Simon mentally slapped himself as he held the clearly almpst dead flowers- He felt like a awkward teenager again. However you giggled at this and gently took the flowers from his hand, smiling at the sweet gesture.
"Thank you, That's really sweet Simon" He gave another smile which made your heart flutter, however your phone chimed snapping you back to reality.
Exchanging quick goodbyes you run back to the Clinic holding Erik who was starting to wake from his nap by the sudden movement. Simon watching you run off as he stood by the car dazed-
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@maliemoon @elvyshiarieko @gaida-511 @im-as-mad-as-a-wax-bananna @elvyshiarieko
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bridgyrose · 12 days
Ruby took a few deep breaths as she tried to focus on her comic book, a blush crossing her cheeks as she started to lose a bit of focus. She glanced over towards Weiss and Blake, still not sure what about them kept drawing her to look at them. Her heart fluttered for a brief moment as she looked away, no longer able to focus like before. 
“Everything okay, Ruby?” Weiss asked as she looked over. “You’ve been a lot quieter than normal.” 
“I-I’m fine,” Ruby said, her voice cracking as she spoke. “I think I’m getting a bit sick.” 
“Then maybe I can help-” 
“I’m fine!” Ruby quickly got up and made her way to the door. “I’ll be back once I’ve gotten checked.” 
“Oh, well, dont be out for too long.” 
Ruby nodded and started to make her way down the hall, heart still fluttering as she thought about Weiss and Blake with each step. They way they moved anytime they fought in training, the way their eyes almost seemed to glisten in the light mimicking precious stones and colored glass, and then there was the way they felt when her hands brushed up against their soft hands… 
She shook her head to try to get the thoughts out of her head. She needed to focus on class, not on her teammates. And yet, no matter how much she tried, she couldnt get Weiss and Blake out of her head. It was enough to make her fall behind on her studies and struggle with her own training, though she was sure that if she had brought it up to Yang, she’d be told she should have boys on her mind instead. 
Instead of making her way to the nurse, Ruby made her way to the training hall to clear her head in the only way she knew how. Training until she could forget about Weiss and Blake no matter how long it took. 
“Ruby, where are you going?” Coco asked as she saw Ruby in the halls. “Shouldnt you be studying?” 
“I couldnt focus,” Ruby answered as she continued to walk. “So I’m going to clear my head.” 
Coco nodded and started to follow Ruby. “Then maybe I can come with you and you can tell me what’s going on.” 
“Its nothing-” 
“Doesnt sound like nothing to me. I’ve watched you since your initiation, so I can tell when something’s up with you.” 
“Its Weiss and Blake.” Ruby paused in her step for a moment as a blush ran over her cheeks. Once again, her teammates filled her mind when she’d prefer they didnt. “I… I cant stop thinking about them. I know we’re all teammates and we need to think about each other, but this feels excessive. I cant focus on school work or training, my grades are starting to suffer and when Weiss brings it up, I cant help but feel terrible for letting her down.” 
Coco smiled a bit. “Sounds like you love them.” 
Ruby froze at the thought. Loving Weiss and Blake? No, that couldnt be it. Love wasnt an emotion she felt, at least not for people the way others did. She loved weapons, Crescent Rose in particular, the taste of strawberries and cookies, fighting grimm to be a hero like her mother. But to love someone, to love an actual person…
“I-I dont think its anything like that,” Ruby said quietly as she forced the words out as her voice cracked and her heart raced in her chest. The mere thought of Blake and Weiss made her legs feel like jelly and gave her a warmth in her chest that nothing else seemed to. “We’re just good friends, nothing more. Teammates, partners… that sort of thing.” 
“Then if that’s the case, you should be able to focus long enough to have a competition with me, right?” Coco asked with a smirk. “If you can destroy more targets than I can, I’ll believe you. If not, then you and I are going to have a long talk.” 
“Fine. But I dont see why you’re so interested.” 
“Because you remind me of how I am with Velvet. And I dont want to see you make the same mistakes that I’ve been making.” 
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goingthirteen · 1 year
Seeming as u want requests i got one 4 ya :)
So its for Leon because im an absolute freak when it comes to him but i saw that u will write about stepcest so hear me out..
step brother leon (preferably re2) who isnt actually ur step brother yet. U meet him at a house party and talk to each other and hit it of. U end up fucking him and dont see him again.
MONTHS pass by and ur mom has met a new man. But u just think it'll be a one time thing but one thing leads to another and ur mom was eventually proposed to by this man.
Ur new step father mentioned he had a son ur age a few times but u thought nothing of it. When his son came to ur house for the first time u couldnt believe it was (leon) the guy u fucked at the houseparty a few months ago 🤯
Reader and leon continue fucking around although their siblings now 😝
btw readers mom has already met leon multiple times it was just the reader that hadnt met him until he moved in.
~ neo 😘
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⋆ ★
stepbrother re2 leon x fem!reader
disclaimer . porn with plot , stepcest , stepbrother!leon , re2!leon , bathroom sex , keeping quiet
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It’s been months ever since you fucked that guy at the house party you attended. You didn’t even remember his name , and his face slowly disappeared from your brain over time. You didn’t think you’d see him again after what happened.
Your mother had started to date another man again , and you didn’t think it’d last long. It would just be another quick relationship and she’d forget about him entirely right after it. But , this one had more chemistry to it than the others. The man , your new stepfather, proposed to her and she gladly accepted it. He had mentioned he had a son your age a few times , but you just shrugged it off. It wasn’t until he finally came to the house to meet you that you realized who he was.
“Honey? Can you come here , please?” your mother called her bedroom. You paused the TV show you were watching with a groan and got up to walk to her room. “Yeah?” you responded as you sat down next to her on her bed. “You remember how your stepfather has a son your age , right?” she asked with a smile. “Uh .. yeah.”
“Well , he’ll be bringing him over so you two can finally meet! Exciting , right?” She announced , taking your hand in hers. “Don’t worry , you’ll both love each other.” your mother reassured with a bright smile. You opened your mouth to say something but the doorbell ringing interrupted your train of thought. “C’mon , that must be them.”
Your mother got up from her bed and made a gesture for you to follow her. You stood up and followed behind her to the living room. She walked over to the front door and opened it , your stepbrother and stepfather standing outside. “Hey , (name)!” your stepfather said with a grin , patting your shoulder before walking into the house. You gave him a half-hearted smile before turning your gaze to his son.
“Leon.” he introduced, holding his hand out to you. It took you both a minute to recognize each other , and when you did , a look of shock was displayed on your faces. “Oh my god,” you muttered under your breath. Leon chuckled nervously, lowering his hand as he rubbed his neck. You were both so still so shocked , you didn’t even hear both of your parents calling your names. “Why don’t you both talk to each other for a bit? I’m sure you’ll both get along.” your mother suggested as your stepfather nodded. “Y-yeah , sure..” you awkwardly agreed.
Leon walked into the door , closing it behind him. As you both stood there, looking at each other, you couldn't help but feel a strange sensation in your stomach. Memories of that night at the house party came flooding back to you. The way you both felt , the way you both moaned each others names , and much more.
"Um, so, how have you been?" Leon asked, breaking the silence and snapping you out of your thoughts. "Oh, um, I've been okay," you replied, trying to act casual. "Just busy with school and stuff." Leon nodded. "Yeah, same here. Work is .. hard.” he said, scratching his head. "It's been a while."
"Yeah, it has," you agreed, feeling a bit awkward. You didn't know what to say or how to act around him. You were supposed to be stepsiblings now, after all. He stood in the doorway , avoiding your gaze best he could. You clear your throat , chuckling nervously. “So..” you trail off , trying to find something to talk to him about. “My room is just down the hall. We can watch a movie or something.” you say.
“Yeah, seems cool.” Leon said , his gaze finally turning back to yours. You gave him a small smile before walking towards your room. You heard him sigh and follow behind you. You opened your bedroom door and stepped aside so Leon could take a peek. “Nice.” he commented. You both walked into the room and sat down on your bed. “So , how’s school?” he asked as you both sat next to each other. “It’s okay. I just wish I had more time for friends.” you replied.
“I know that feeling.” Leon laughed as you both looked at each other. That same feeling you felt that night at the party slowly came back to you. You couldn't help but thinking about his lips against yours , your hands exploring each others bodies. You know it’s wrong and weird to think about that now , considering he’s now your stepbrother.
You tried to fight off those dirty thoughts of yours , but god , you still find him so attractive.
It’s been a while since you first met , and now you’re both seeing each other during family reunions. Leon would be lying if he said that the way your ass looked in those jeans of yours didn’t stir something in him. You were both sitting next to each other at your stepfather’s house for a family reunion. Sometimes , Leon would sneak a glance at you, silently admiring you and your body. He didn’t have the guts to express how badly he wanted you , he barely had the guts to look at you without thinking about that night.
“Hey , (name)?” He called as he tapped your shoulder. “Yeah?” You responded as you turned in your seat to face him. “C-could we talk? Like , somewhere private?” Leon asked nervously as he stood up out of his seat. “Uh .. sure.” you said with a shrug as you stood up out of your seat as well , following behind Leon to a more private area in the house. “What is it?”
“I-I’ve been thinking about you a lot , (name). More than I should.” he confessed in a shaky voice , trying not to show how nervous and embarrassed he is. You nodded as you listened to him talk , interested in where this could go. “Most of my thoughts are .. inappropriate,” he continues as he looks at his feet in shame and embarrassment. “And I know we’re stepsiblings now , but I just can’t shake these feelings. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable , you have every right to be.”
“I’m not uncomfortable , Leon. I-I’ve been feeling the same way for a while as well.” you told him , trying your best to give him a reassuring smile. Leon looked up from the ground to glance at you , eyes wide in surprise. “R-Really?” You nod at him and stare at him. The moment went from being a confession about love for each other , despite being step-siblings , to being as close to each other as possible in the bathroom.
“Fuck,” Leon whispered as he held you close by your waist , chest against your back while he sloppily thrusted in and out of you. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting just to feel you again.” You could only let out hushed moans while trying to keep your voice down , careful to not let your parents hear. He kissed along your neck while he sloppily continued his movements in and out of you. “Y-You’re so tight around me , (name),” he growled against the skin of your neck while his hands gripped tightly at your breasts , squeezing lightly. “L-Leon .. Oh god,” you whimpered as your legs tremble from the stimulation.
“I-I’m gonna cum , (name)..” Leon moaned , his thrusts speeding up as he chases his high. “Fuck , cumming!” He moaned with one more thrust into your cunt , his body shaking. You moaned as your body trembled , your hands barely supporting you as you bent over the sink. When you both catch your breath , Leon pulls up his pants and you do the same. “Damn , you make me feel so good.” He said with a small smile. “W-We should probably head back,” he muttered , making sure you two didn’t look too messy.
“Yeah,” you agreed , fixing your jeans and hair. “I’ll see you later then?” Leon asked with an awkward smile. You nod at him in response , turning to head for the door. It was definitely going to a bit hard to pretend everything was normal after you fucked your stepbrother , half of you wished you both could just forget about this and go on with your awkward lives. But , more of you wanted this to keep going.
And Leon secretly wished it too.
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lilveeblog · 16 days
sisters to the rescue
the group get a surprise visit from jj’s mum and it sends the poor girl into a crazy, scared headspace
but penelope can’t have that! read as she looks after her big sister in the best way.
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it had been a rough day. both girls started off quite small, jj smaller than penelope with her cute pull up on and nightshirt waddled into emily’s room this morning for nursing and cuddles and penelope trudged in with as many teddies as she could carry not long after. it was a slow morning for the girls, a nice one. they made pancakes, with their matching aprons from uncle rossi tied around their waists. then they went for a walk around the nearby lake which was needed to get their energy out and then it was nap time but they were all awoken by a rude intruder. jj’s mum.
the knock on the door was hard and sudden and woke up jj instantly. penelope stayed asleep. jj sat up and rubbed her eyes, she’d fallen asleep in emily’s bed but there was no emily, only her little sister and all her stuffies. she felt herself older but not by much. she stretched and slid out from under the covers before heading to the stairs to try get a sneak peak at who had knocked. she could hear her mama talking.
“you can’t be here right now,” emily said to the stranger at the door.
“she’s my daughter, i can’t pay her a visit?”
“not without permission. you know this sandy-“
sandy? it was jj’s mum. her throat went tight and she felt herself instantly going to that headspace she hated. she wanted to be sick. she needed to be sick. she hadn’t seen her mom in 3 years, ever since the restraining order had been put into place.
“sandy i can call the police.”
“oh please, just let me see my daughter.”
“no can do.”
“fine. i’ll go but i’ll be back.”
and that’s what terrified jj. is her mother knew their new address, her mother very much could come back at any point.
“jj, is that you?” emily asked when she made sure sandy had left the premises. she turned to the girl curled up at the top of the stairs, sobbing into her knees.
“she found me,” she cried out. penelope then came out of the bedroom, smaller than before. she was confused why her sister was crying, who had found her?
“jj she won’t come back. i’m going to call the police and get this figured out.”
“no she will come back. she’s going to come get me, take me away!” jj sobbed.
“no jay, that won’t happen.”
“emily it will!” jj cried out! she got up from the stairs and charged to her bedroom .
“jay,” emily called out, heading after as quick as she could but was met with a door slamming in her face.
“jj otay?” penelope asked sadly, pulling at her caregivers shirt.
“oh pen,” emily sighed and turned around. she took the girl into her arms and held her tight and penelope hid her head in her neck. she hated seeing her sister hurt. so hurt.
that was hours ago and jj hadn’t left her room since and it worried emily. she was notorious for a lot of bad things when in this headspace and although her room had been checked for drugs and alcohol they hadn’t done a sharp objects sweep in a while and emily couldnt get it out of her head. derek was on his way over to look after penelope but pen wouldn’t leave the house without knowing her sister was okay.
emily had made penelope a snack to keep her occupied and decided to bed upstairs.
that was how we got to the current predicament. emily knocked softly and opened the door. jj was lying on the bed with her headphones on, curled up against the wall, in her safest place. having a bed in the corner made everything safer.
“how you feeling kiddo?” emily asked and jj glared at her; she hated nicknames.
“jay,” emily sighed and jutted out her hip.
“don’t want to talk. leave me alone.”
“jj, i have to make sure you’re safe can you at least come downstairs?”
“jj, i can’t keep an eye on you up here.”
“you don’t need to, fuck off.”
at that, penelope appeared behind her caregiver and jj let out a mighty groan. penny whimpered and emily reached out to hold the younger girls hand.
“emily, just get out!! both of you! out!” jj screamed and threw the pillow at the door where her two bestest friends stood.
“jj, i know you’re upset but-“
“are your deaf? fuck off emily!” another pillow was thrown in emily’s direction. penelope whimpered from behind her caregiver.
“both of you,” jj added, more quieter and emily sighed. she turned around and put a hand on penelope’s shoulder.
“come on love, let’s give jj her space,” she said. penelope looked at emily, pleading her to stay and help her big sister who was so clearly in a lot of emotional pain but emily shook her head. jj was in no way able to communicate right now, not effectively at least. they had to give her space.
not an hour later, derek arrived but even two caregivers weren’t enough to keep an eye on the sneaky penelope. while derek went to the toilet and emily prepared dinner, pen gathered up as many stuffies as she could, two colouring books and her pencil case before scurrying up the stairs to her sisters room. she didn’t both knocking.
jj sat there with a scowl on her face as she took in the sight of penelope. pen shut the door with her foot and came further into the room. she dropped the things at the foot of the bed and jj moved her knees closer to her chest. she didn’t want to colour but she couldn’t turn down penelope.
“i came with some things to make you feel better,” penelope said in her sweet little voice.
“don’t want it,” jj grumbled and turned away.
“jj, no be grumpy,” penelope said and climbed onto the bed, she crawled beside her sister.
“leave me lone,” jj whispered and turned more toward the wall.
“no.” penelope said stubbornly. she crossed her arms and legs and faced jj. jj whimpered. “i not leaving.”
“why? i’m no good anyway.” jj sighed.
“cus you need a friend an i your best one,” penelope said. she reached over and grabbed jj’s favourite stuffie her teddy bear which looked just like your traditional teddy bear. it was jj’s favourite toy of all time.
“this you next best one,” penelope said and handed it over. jj whimpered.
“don’t want that pen.”
“take it, for cuddles.”
“don’t want to,” jj whimpered louder.
“it make you feel good.”
“no!” jj shouted suddenly. she desperately wanted to cuddle it but she felt so embarrassed in this headspace. she wanted to colour but she couldn’t. she wanted to cuddle with pen but couldn’t. she wanted to do it all and be nice to her little sister who was only trying to help but couldn’t. she felt useless and stupid. penelope sighed and crossed her arms on a huff and the door opened again. it was emily and derek.
“what’s going on here?” emily asked in her strong voice.
“nothing,” penelope said, glaring at jj.
“penelope, jj?” derek asked, looking between them.
“nothing, she said,” jj sassed. she climbed off the bed in a huff, knocking the colouring books and most of the stuffies off the bed in the process. she stormed to the bathroom but emily grabbed her wrist before she could.
“let go; need a wee.” jj whimpered and pulled at her arm.
“jj,” emily warned.
“just a wee for gods sake!” jj screamed and ripped her hand away, she went into the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind her. emily sighed and turned to penelope.
“what did i tell you about giving her space young lady?”
“mama i jus wanted to see her. be there for her!” penelope replied.
“but i gave you specific instructions to leave her alone.”
“she need friends.”
“she needs alone time.”
“i don’t always need to be alone,” jj said from the bathroom door. she shook her hands dry and walked through the room.
“jj you told me to fuck off.”
“that was earlier. pen can stay. you and derek can leave,” jj explained. she got herself comfy on the bed again, hiding in the corner and emily looked at her sadly but didn’t argue.
“dinner will be ready in 20.”
the caregivers left and jj sighed. she watched as penelope piled her teddies back onto the bed.
“sorry,” jj muttered.
“no need be. they all fall all the time, they clumsy.”
jj couldn’t help but let out a crack of a smile.
“clumsy huh?”
“yeah they always fall off my bed too,” penelope explained. “it’s just cus they’re stuffed.”
“oh yeah; stuffing does that,” jj teased. penelope nodded and smiled and sat back in her spot.
“you wan cuddle?” penelope asked and opened her arms. she tapped her lap and jj sighed. she did want a cuddle, not a proper one though- that was embarrassing. instead, she laid her head down on penelope’s lap and let the younger girl run her fingers through her hair.
“i know your mum is scary,” penelope said, almost coming out of her headspace now.
“pen you- you don’t have to,” jj said, going to sit up but penelope held her down.
“i’m here for you.”
“you can do both.”
“i know and i am. i know your mum is scary but you don’t need to act so hostile towards us all okay?”
jj sighed, she hated how she treated everyone. “i know i just get so angry.”
“i know but mama always says to take deep breaths when we’re angry.”
jj whimpered. penelope was right. “i’m sorry i got so angry at you penny, you don’t deserve that.”
“it okay sis. i understand,” she whispered, slipping again now.
“i love you penny,” jj sighed. she never said things like that in her headspace and penelope knew that. she smiled wide.
“i love you.”
not long after, emily entered again.
“dinners ready downstairs, come on you two,” she said, smiling softly at the cuddles they were having, jj was half asleep on penelope’s knee. penelope slid out from under jj and headed off downstairs and emily waited patiently for jj to move. she did so, slowly. she rubbed her eyes and whimpered, looking up at her caregiver sadly.
“you okay?” emily asked, knowing her girl was in fact not okay. and at the question, a flood of tears came. emily sighed sadly and walked over to her little one and sat beside her, jj curled herself up and emily pulled her into her side. jj tried to fight but emily was having none of it, she held her little one with a closeness of love and promise.
“mama’s here,” emily whispered and pulled jj’s cross her lap. jj clung to her caregiver.
“mama’s right here, you’re so so safe.”
“jj bad.”
“jj isn’t bad baby,” emily sighed and rubbed her girls back. “she’s so good but just hurting and that’s okay. it’s okay to hurt, it’s okay to have big feelings.”
“was mean.”
“you was mean but i know you feel bad about it and i know you want to say sorry and i also know you’ve already said sorry to penelope. everything is going to be okay.”
“jj scared.”
“oh baby you don’t need to be scared. mama is going to keep you so so safe.”
“even from mum?”
“especially from her my little love. you’re safe with mama, okay?”
“otay,” jj whispered and cuddled into her caregivers neck, feeling smaller than she has all day.
“mamas got you,” emily whispered and held her girl tighter. “i’m right here.”
for the rest of the night, jj didn’t let go of her mama. wether it was holding her hand, being in her arms, sitting on her lap, it was all about being close to her mama. penelope was just the same. emily didn’t mind having two girls stuck to her hips, it just meant extra cuddles in bed that night. and that’s how they slept, all three of them cuddled under the millions of jj’s comfort blankets and hundreds of penelope’s teddy bears.
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roe-and-memory · 3 months
mack is seriously one of my favourite side characters. i literally adore him SO much
- i think mack has like. 5 sisters. and hes the oldest and only boy of all of the siblings. this is a hc roe and i have had for a while, he just has such oldest brother of the family vibes but also like hes so gentle as if he grew up with sisters. i can imagine him, 17, the second oldest being somewhere around 11 or 12, and theyve convinced him to bake cupcakes with him. hes got his mothers pink apron on, hes doing all the work, while his sisters are hanging off of him and playing with their toys all over the kitchen floor. he couldnt bake for shit, but anything for his baby sisters
- adding onto above, i dont think he did too much in school. his mother worked two jobs and his father was away a lot on business trips, so he very willingly and very happily took care of his younger sisters 24/7. and im not saying his parents were neglectful - not at all. i think his parents worked hard to take them on trips and keep them afloat. the did family trips as many times a year as they had the chance to and their parents made sure the kids knew they were loved.
- AMAZING driver. hes been driving since he was young, and he can maneuver his hauler better than most other drivers. both his parents contributed to teaching him how to drive, and they both gave him their separate tips and tricks, so he is quite literally the collective bunch of his parents driving habits all in one.
- he left to work for rusteze as a truck driver when he was around 22/23, when the second oldest sibling was old enough to hold down the fort. a lot of his extra cash went to his family back home, but he stayed on the road.
- not too interested in relationships, he’s always been kind of held down and its nothing against his family but now he likes the freedom of home being on the road
- his truck (1985 mack superliner) was his grandfathers cab. he bought it brand new and never used it much, trucking ran in his family (even his father was a trucker before he met macks mother and settled down), so his grandfather gave him the cab for free as a gift one year and he’s used it and kept it in tip-top shape ever since
- lightning is like that little brother he never had. he found the kid at a truck stop, a distressed fifteen year old looking to get out of town (he was running away from home) and saved him from getting his shit rocked by some pissed off old guy because he’d asked for two dollars for chips and the guy took a personal offence to it. mack literally felt sick at the idea that this kid was out this far from the city alone. lightning had WALKED from henderson to vegas to see the race, and then just decided he wasnt going home. mack was so heartbroken because the thought of one of his sisters ever being in the situation that this kid is in right now made his stomach churn. the kid had begged to go with him, and mack felt so guilty he said yes. he initially tried to take the kid somewhere safe, like a home for kids or something, but lightning was quite content to stay, and it felt like having a little brother around and it was Different (mack checked the news every day for any missing child reports and Nobody reported lightning missing. it literally destroyed mack emotionally because How do u not report ur own child missing when he leaves and doesnt return.)
- his truck has bunk beds since its a sleeper cab and he let lightning decorate his bunk with posters and those glow in the dark stars and literally anything the kid wanted he could plaster on the walls and mack did not care. this also included a bunch of stickers, because oh Lord that boy is obsessed with little stickers
- mack had no idea how to bond with lightning considering he himself had grown up being forced to play barbies with his little sisters (they would try to make him be evil ken but then they’d get mad because he was too nice. he got to play as the dollhouse dog instead) whereas lightning grew up with Nothing. lightning didnt really know how to interact with toys without feeling ridiculous because he’d been conditioned to believe toys were for Babies. mack eventually gave up trying to guess what lightning liked and just took him to a toys r us, where lightning Immediately found a stuffed dinosaur he liked and got like 2 hot wheels cars and then proceeded to profusely apologize for wasting macks money on such stupid stuff. mack did not give af, as long as his little brother was happy he was ok
- he gave lightning his first ever hug. before that not a Single person had ever hugged that child and mack was so sad to learn it because how do parents go 15 years without ever hugging ur own flesh and blood
- he taught lightning how to drive in a field with the truck during break days, and realized the kid’s potential and signed him up for late model stock races after a bit of talking. rusty and dusty also took an interest in racing at this point, and allowed mack to carry the kids late model stock car in the truck (they figured out a way for him to get both product and the car in the truck, and conveniently every delivery was for the city lightnings next race was in)
- hes kept all of lightnings late model stock trophies, the kid was a real good winner even back then and he’s even got photos that photographers had taken of the wins when little 15 year old lightning mcqueen was standing on the roof of his car holding his trophy above his head with the biggest smile in the world plastered on his face (those wins were like the proudest big brother moments ever until he got into the piston cup)
- hes a MASSIVE harv hater but hes too nice to say it. when doc starts expressing his own dislike for harv, mack starts talking to him about it and they bond over the fact they hate that man so fucking much that they end up managing to get him fired
- during the piston cup off season he goes back to delivering product for rusteze
- even though lightnings older now he still sees him as a younger brother
i think this is it.. THANK U FOR THE ASK!!! i love talking about mack :3
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