#non binary lesbain
iatebees · 15 days
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I might share this here
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seyelence · 2 years
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26 ✨️
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kalcifers-blog · 1 month
The funniest thing might've happened to me during lesbian visibility week.....
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noodleshark · 2 years
it is too late make a bigger pride image for both games so take this. I'll put other lgbtq+ characters and headcannons in the tags
(click for better quality)
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hi-im-you · 2 years
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finnleygreyh8tsu · 2 years
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Mmmmm smells like queer
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p3p1zp · 11 hours
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iatebees · 12 days
I have seen this Pinterest comment somewhere on a pin and I decided to share it here:3
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ebbinear · 1 year
I will first share the game that got me into Visual novels
Butterfly soup by Brianna lei!
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And it’s squal, Butterfly soup 2, which imho is just as good if not better then the first one.
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it’s a very wholesome free vn about two girls being very gay, it helped me alot as a 16 year old in a bad situaltion, and it will always hold a speaical place in my heart, I love all the characters, and I luaghed and cried so much while playing it, it was also what made me realize that there is content for the lgbt, I strongly sugjust if you haven’t, you play this game.
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murdermitties · 1 year
If you haven’t done it yet,how about Non-binary or Lesbain Mothwing?Your design for her is so pretty!
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alts & blank
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ceoofmetagala · 23 hours
Pride hcs for Kirby characters💥💥💥
Warning: long and made by someone who projects too much
Meta knight:
Gender: non binary
Attraction: Asexaul greyromantic gay
Galacta knight
Gender: trans male
Attraction: pan,demisexaul.
King dedede
Gender: cis male
Attraction: Aroace ‼️‼️‼️‼️💥💥💥 I LOVE AROACE DEDEDE RAHHHHHH
Bandanna waddle dee
Gender: varies wildly I can't quite decide but apples non bainry somewhere. She hasn't quite decided perhaps.
Attraction: AROACE BEAM the entire staff of dedede had to be aroace beamed sorry. It's just the law if u work for ddd u must be aroace/j /j
He/star/cake+ more neos prbly ..
Gender: he's fine with being called a boy I think. He don't care.
Attraction: pan, demiromantic
Gender: nonbairny
Attraction: bisexual
He's a sapphic in my eyes btw 💥
Morpho knight
Gender: pangender. It ate them all. It's collecting whoever it kills gender. Run/j
Attraction: bisexual
Dark meta knight
Gender: non binary
Attraction: bisexual but claims to be straight until he just walks in one star allies meeting holding hands with Daroach and doesn't say anything
Gender: xenogender (sillyabomination)(ty my gender board on Pinterest)(it prbly identifies by more but thats the main one i see him going by)
Attraction: bisexual demiromantic
Gender: cis male
Attraction: bisexual
Gender: cis female
Attraction: Lesbain who has comp het 100% she pbrly accepts she's a girl kisser by star allies which is the pride parade celebration interrupted by void temrina/j
Gender: nyan-binary. (Catgender)
Attraction: aroace trixic (nby attracted to non men)
Gender: cis male
Attraction: gay
The 3 mage sisters are all lesbains.
Sailor dee
Gender: bigender
Attraction: unlabelled, doenst really care to figure it out herself. That and he isn't too interested in getting a romantic partner.
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jaymesdoodles · 9 months
OF COUSE TONS OF LESBAINS WILL NEVER LIKE MEN AND THATS OKAY AND I LOVE LESBIANS LIKE THAT BUT TO TRY AND SAY THAT BI LESBIANS DONT EXIST AND THAT SOMETIMES A LESBIAN MIGHT LIKE A MAN WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING THEY'RE A MAN AND SEXUALITY IS FLUID YALL FUCK YOUUU. PEOPLE ARE ALLOW3D TO MAKE DEFINITIONS OF THEIR CHOOSING. I'm sosososoz done with being told I can't be a lesbian because of some arbitrary rules. This is who I am. If lesbians can't have fluid sexuaity I guess they can't be non binary or trans or use he/him or have a weird gender. Yall start with "lesbian will always exclude men" it doesn't take long AT ALL to turn into terf and radfem and just in general transphobia and queerphobia. Like yall need to stop caring SO MUCH about how other people identify
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alexissara · 7 months
Trans Awareness and Remembrance
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Being trans is something special, it means so many things to so many people and even people who should feel the same things the internal sense of something can still be so wildly different. Being trans is a core part of who I am, not just in that a core part of who I am is a woman but that being trans is a core part of me as well. I've often said if I was AFAB I'd probably say that my gender was just Lesbian but given the cards I was dealt with at birth being a woman and a lesbian are both important to me.
For me, coming out as trans was a long journey from when I found out about trans woman, and the reason it took so long was because of my status as a lesbain. It was the early internet, I lied about my age online so I could access age gated websites doing my best to type and behave like an adult to not get caught. I enter a fourm for trans women and gender change fetishists. Here, I learned more in detail about trans women. However, early 2000s internet trans women were 200% what we in the modern day would call truescum. You had to desire many surgeries, be utterly dysphoric, and the biggest barrier for me, you had to be straight. I fought back, and I was a passionate defender of trans lesbains on that fourm and around the net, but I did internalize it. I didn't want to be a woman, I wasn't a woman, I liked women. If I got with women, I'd not want to magically wake up as one, I'd stop fixating over ways to become a woman, at least beyond the way it had become a fetish. So I did, I dated a lot of women in my freshmen year of high school, I was always chasing after girls, especially bi women and women who wanted to dress me up like a girl. At the end of my freshman year, I would get with my current Fiancée who would explore their own gender and sexuality along with me.
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I would spend several years convincing myself my desires were just a fetish even my telling my partner about my fetish came out in weepy tears as if I was coming out as trans because at that point I had to tie that to my identity, it was something that consumed a lot of my time with roleplays and what not becoming my central light in my life where I could play a woman or play someone becoming a woman. I'd eventually meet my long time long distance GFs through and through her status and a out trans woman started to push me towards finally leaving behind the pretext of fetish to explain my deep depression, my deep longing and my deep desire. After many years of concealing and doing my best to not be feeling my Fiancé and GF had a little intervention for me. They talked to me about being non binary and about my own transness and that I was probably trans and that both of them would happily accept me and that it was okay for me to be myself. I rejected it that night but the very next morning, I looked into the mirror, realized I couldn't keep up what I was doing and came out as gender fluid to them.
It would take a bit longer for me to admit what I had known since I was in middle school and first saw the world Trans Woman, when I first read Ramana 1/2, when I saw the body swap episodes of TV shows, that I wanted to be a girl, to have a woman's body, to live in community with other women and be a woman, that I was a woman and I had pushed it back for so long. I'd go to a university therapist to get formally diagnosed with gender dysphoria, I did get it and a letter of recommendation for a gender change and for getting on meds. I would start soon after and never look back. I spent so long doubting that once I was on the path to being a woman it was clear to me.
At that point being a lesbian seemed pretty obvious to me, it would take me a while to be set on what kind of asexual I was and before accepting I was trans I did for a few years ID as bisexual just because I knew I was some kind of queer but it was really just me trying to find a way to be in community while not being able to express my other aspects of queerness yet. I did talk about my label with my partner who was on his own gender journey but they were insistent that me being a lesbian didn't invalidate their own non binary masculinity or make them feel bad so I finally reached the point I had wanted to hit all those years ago, being a Lesbian and a trans woman.
I explain all this just to say to other people who might feel like because their sexuality or whatever else they can't be a woman, that they need to be some platonic ideal of the average cis/het white woman to be a trans woman it isn't true. You can be your true self whatever sexuality you have and whatever presentation you might want and anything else. You get to decide what being a woman means to you. It's worth being yourself even when I was in the pit of Texas, even when I lost family, I never regrated being myself, I finally wanted to be alive and I would trade any danger for the enjoyment of the living.
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wafflenati0n · 3 months
Does anybody else feel like this, especially my fem people out there. Like I'm fem non binary, and I of course wanna dress in pink frilly dresses and high heels and look like a Barbie. But on the other hand I wanna be a masc badass lesbain. Tumblr help please.
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squipy · 3 months
what it's like being me (a lesbain)
me: *gets into a poly* oh no one of you is a guy...why do i like you..fuck oh no *sexuality crisis*
guy a few weeks later: *has a gender cirsis and relizes they are non binary*
me: okay that makes sense so yay lesbain makes sense :3
one of our friends admitting he likes all 3 of us:
my recipromantic ass realizing if i develop feelings i will have another sexuality crisis:
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ennabear · 3 days
can u please explain by "not all lesbians are wlw"? totally mean this in the best way, just trying to learn.
hi sweetie pie i’d love to tell you!!!
so basically, lesbians can be women loving women, but that isn’t always the case. instead of referring to lesbian as women loving women, i refer to it as non-men loving non-men.
some lesbians label their gender as butch or femme but not woman, some lesbians label their gender as just lesbain or dyke but not woman, some lesbians are non-binary, some lesbians are genderfluid, some lesbians don’t know/have a gender, etc. thanks for asking!! :P
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