#none of my other photos of them turned out great ugh
pumpkinbxtch · 5 months
HI! I don’t know if ur taking recs,but I would wanna rec a fem!model!reader x frank zhang :3 extra points if she’s a daughter of hades.
the fic can be anything,all the power to u<3 maybe like just a cuddle sesh after a shoot?? I just wanna see a frank fic that’s not hcs cus no one writes him :((
u don’t have to do this ask if u don’t wanna :33 great writing!! have a great day/night <3🤍💗 :3
my cover girl
— frank zhang x daughter of hades!model!fem!reader
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warnings: none, just too much fluff
.a/n: hiii always is a pleasure to write for Frank, he's soo ugh. Ilovehimmmm. Thank you and have a good night/ day
The flashes were partially blinding him, but he didn't care. He couldn't and didn't want to take his eyes off you, his beautiful, precious, and talented girlfriend.
— Simply dazzling!— the photographer said once another flash went off, voicing Frank's thoughts. He hugged your coat to his chest and couldn't help but smile when your eyes glanced at him for a microsecond.
The assistant brought him a chair, but he rejected it like before. He was just too lost in the way you moved for his mind to think about any kind of fatigue, but he imagined yours. For a little over an hour, you had been doing poses that he couldn't even achieve with all the training from Camp Jupiter. He watched the way your muscles tensed and your legs stretched, how your toes supported your weight, not to mention that you were only leaning on those heels.
He was relieved to know he had a box of ointments and medications especially for you in the glove compartment of his car, but what caught his attention the most were the microexpressions that only he could notice in you, the way your brow trembled between each photo, fighting not to frown. That's when Frank knew that beyond any physical fatigue, your social battery was less than half, as a daughter of Hades, you had some well-defined characteristics besides the intriguing beauty you possessed.
— One more! — the photographer shouted, and Frank eagerly stepped forward to greet you, ready to scoop you up in his arms to the car.
For your last photo, you turned your back to the camera and looked over your shoulder, searching for a point to focus on, and of course, that was your boyfriend.
Flash! It was as if another arrow had pierced Frank's heart for you. A few meters away, the assistant suppressed giggles at the stupid way Frank still smiled at you while you were already heading to your dressing room to change, and it was only a few minutes that he had to wait to see you return in much more comfortable and loose clothes, just as you liked after a session. He watched you drag your feet while a pout appeared on your face with each step you took towards him.
— There you are... — Frank sang, opening his arms, and you jumped into them to be enveloped and given that bear hug you loved. His cologne was soothing to your tired senses, almost like a lullaby, and he understood it by the way your weight leaned almost entirely on his chest.
The journey back home was like almost every time you returned from a session. Frank drove with the music barely audible, the heating on to give you some air, and you nestled in the back with a teddy bear that you had bought wich you insisted to Frank that it looked just like him when he turned into a bear, although in his opinion, he thought he simply looked like any other bear, but the thought that you could recognize him in any shape or way warmed his heart.
—Come here — Frank said, opening the back door once they had arrived. You rose slowly, but his hands climbed up your legs to lift you, and the only time you touched the floor was when he sat you on the edge of his bed. You looked at him for a few more seconds in silence while he took out some provisions and left them in their place.
— Frank —His head was buried in the refrigerator, probably inspecting what other supplies were missing.
—Frank....— You tried again, and your weak voice made him sit up a little so quickly that he did it before pulling his head out, causing him to hit the appliance. You only heard the thud.
—Yes?— He peeked out while rubbing his head, and you smiled. You didn't say anything else, just opened your arms.
Sometimes he found it hard to read you. Taking care of you as you did of him was important to him, so he always took the time to look into everything, while for you, although you appreciated that, some days all you wanted was... him, and he often forgot that because he never thought you would prefer to lie down with him rather than enjoy some delicious food or have him do all the cleaning alone. As he walked towards you, he felt his cheeks tingling.
— Sorry, it wasn't my intention to forget you— For you, it wasn't like that, in fact, it was quite the opposite, but you just kept your arms open with a sleepy smile that almost made Frank blink slower. He bent down to be at chest level with you, and with his arms wrapped around your waist to lift you so that both of you could fit on the mattress. Unlike other days, you wanted to settle into his arms facing each other, and his stomach churned as he was able to smell those expensive fragrances that suited you so well.
—You're the best — you whispered, your eyes struggling to stay open, and your well-manicured hand caressed his cheek. He had won you over, nothing could be better than cherishing your affection, but if things could be better, it was with that.
—No, you're the best.— he cooed as he gently traced the features of your nose with his finger, causing you to close your eyes. When you smiled slightly, gradually falling asleep, he gave you a soft kiss and held you to his chest until he had the same need to close his eyes.
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sydsaint · 1 year
Roxxie! 💜💜💜💜
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Summary: The reader is a member of the D'Angelo family. She's got a crush on Roxanne but doesn't have the courage to tell her. So Tony takes it upon himself to help them out.
It's a routine night for the NXT roster. The backstage locker rooms are buzzing with activity when you arrive with your bag slung over your shoulder. People pass by and you shoot them all friendly smiles as you head through the staging area. Normally you'd immediately head for the locker room of Tony D'Angelo, your cousin, and partner in crime here on the show. But something pulls you towards the women's locker rooms instead.
You pull open the door to the women locker room and are met by Zoey Starks as soon as you enter. "Ugh, what are you doing here?" She sneers at you. "Shouldn't you be hanging around your lame cousin and his idiot boyfriend?"
"Bite me, Starks." You roll your eyes and push past her.
Zoey glares at you as you muscle past her and make your way to the row of lockers on the back wall of the room. You scan the area for anyone friendly and spot Roxanne rummaging through her locker at the end of the row.
"Roxxie, hey!" You walk over to the former champ with a grin.
"Hmm?" Roxanne looks up from her locker. "Oh, hey, Y/N!" She greets you with a wide smile. "Long time no see. What are you doing back here?" She asks you curiously.
You shrug and take a seat on the bench next to her. "Oh, I got tired of listening to my cousin and Channing gossip about everyone." You joke.
Roxanne giggles at your joke and your heart skips a beat. 'Gosh, she is so damn cute.' You think to yourself.
"Those two do seem like the gossipy type." She laughs. "Are you scheduled for anything tonight?" She asks you.
"Oh, you have no idea." You snort. "Yeah, I've got a match against that surfer girl. Sol Ruka, right?"
Roxanne nods with an eager smile. "Yeah! She's cool. And so good in the ring. That ought to be a great match. I'll have to catch it." She pushes at your arm playfully.
"What about you?" You ask nervously. "Do you have a match tonight?"
"Not tonight." Roxanne shakes her head. "I just have a photo shoot to do in like....crap like right now." She glances at the clock on the wall. "I've gotta go. But I'll talk to you later, Y/N."
You nod and watch Roxanne hurry off to her photoshoot. Once she's gone you collect your bag and head out of the locker room. You would have stayed and changed for your match there. But Zoey looks like she's in a foul mood tonight so you'd rather not stick around.
You correct your little detour and end up in the locker room of the D'Angelo family. But you barely make it through the door before you're bombarded by questions from your cousin.
"Y/N! Where the hell have you been?" Tony jumps to his feet. "I've been worried sick about you. I was about to send Stacks out to look for you." He gestures to Channing on the other side of the room.
"I dropped by the girl's locker room is all." You shrug. "Geez Tony, I don't need a babysitter." You remind him.
Tony scoffs and hovers at your side. "The girl's locker room? What were you doing in there?" He asks you. "None of those girls are worth your time anyways."
"It's none of your business." You huff.
"She was probably looking to talk to Roxanne Perez," Channing comments with a chuckle.
You whirl around to Channing and give him the death glare. "Channing Lorenzo!" You confront him. "Say another word and I will beat you!"
"What?" Tony turns to Channing. "Stacks, what is she talking about?" He asks him.
"Listen, boss." Channing coughs.
"Channing!" You warn him again.
Channing glances between you and Tony a couple of times and weighs his options. "Sorry, Y/N." He flashes you an apologetic look. "Roxanne Perez, boss. Y/N's got a thing for her. She was telling me about it a couple of weeks ago when we were at the gym."
"Channing!" You stalk towards him but Tony catches you by the arm and stops you.
"Alright, that's enough." Tony pushes you back. "Roxanne Perez huh? Why didn't you tell me, N/N?" He asks you.
You take a deep breath and give yourself a moment to calm down. "I don't know." You sigh. "It feels weird talking to you about this kinda stuff, Tony." You rub your arm sheepishly.
"Does Perez know that you like her?" Tony asks you.
"I doubt it." You shake your head. "She's got no reason to be into me." You assure yourself.
Tony scoffs and shakes his head. "What? Bullshit." He insists. "Your my cousin. Y/N, you're a great gal. Roxanne would have to be delusional not to be into you."
"Yeah, come on, Y/N." Channing agrees.
"Look, just get dressed and ready for your match with that surfer girl." Tony sighs.
You do as told and slip into the other room to change into your ring gear. You change and head out to your match with Sol while Tony and Stacks hang out backstage.
Tony and Stacks are hanging around backstage when Roxanne happens into the room after her photoshoot. "Hey, Tony, Channing." She greets them both with a friendly smile.
"Roxanne, what's up shortie?" Tony smiles back at her. "What are you doing all the way down here?" He asks her.
"I came down to see Y/N's match," Roxanne explains casually. "How is she doing?" She glances past Tony at the monitor on the wall.
"She's doing great, as usual," Tony replies. "Say, I've seen the two of you hanging out a few times now." He comments. "What's all that about?"
Roxanne tilts her head to the side in confusion. "What do you mean?" She asks Tony to clarify.
"I wanna know your intentions with my cousin." Tony stares Roxanne down. "Cuz I ain't about to let some cute little thing lead my favorite cousin on."
"Lead her on?" Roxanne replies.
A few seconds later you come through the curtain after winning your match and see Tony and Channing talking to Roxanne. You hurry over to them and push past your cousin and his subordinate.
"Hey! Roxanne! What's up?" You smile at her.
"Hey. You looked great out there, Y/N." Perez smiles at you. "Tony, Stacks, and I were just talking." She assures you.
You nod and glance at Stacks since he's the weaker link between him and Tony. His eyes tell you that Roxanne is lying. "Right, I'm sure." You look back at Roxanne.
"Hey, do you want to get out of here?" Roxanne suggests. "I'm sure that you're dying for a shower after that match."
"Yeah, you're right about that." You laugh. "I'll catch up with you later, Tony." You nod to your cousin.
Tony watches you walk off with Roxanne at your side. "You'd better treat my cousin right, Perez!" He shouts right before the two of you turn the corner. 
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hollowhornets · 2 years
i thought it would be fun to write out how my dottore segment oc got his vision and his guns! so here you go dottore enjoyers, i really hope you like my funny little segment oc as much as i do! ________________________________________________________________ He stood in front of his desk in the cold air of his lab, tinkering with his toys in an attempt to create something new, something original. Maybe it wasn't fully original, he still took inspiration from Khaenri’an technology as he did with many things, yet it was still original enough to set it apart from other weapons across Teyvat. His “creation” was some strange cross between the trigger component of a crossbow and the machinery of a ruin guard eye, granting the wielder a fraction of the power from the great machines at their fingertips.   He finally clicked the last piece into place, taking a moment to look over one of many attempts to make the ‘perfect weapon’. He took two steps back and looked up, carefully pointing the gun at his target, making sure he would hit dead center on a small photo of the Omega build he’d pinned to the corkboard in his lab. He closed one eye and tilted his head, his focus suddenly shifting to something on the gun that made him stop and open both his eyes.  Kaeya knew full well Dottore preferred to be alone while he was working in his lab, but one little surprise visit from the Cavalry Captain surely wouldn't hurt.  “I figured you'd be here-” The movement was far too fast for Kaeya to react, the star shape of the end of the gun perfectly aligning with the star shape of his pupil. Dottore tightened his grip on the gun, eyes blown wide and finger just barely pulling the trigger until- Click. He returned his eyes to their half lidded state and dropped his hand with the gun to his side, two red eyes met one blue that was still wide open, recovering from the sudden unexpected greeting with his hands hanging in the air uselessly. Dottore let a small ‘ugh’ leave his lips turning back to his table and tossing yet another failure onto it, he walked a bit to his left and looked over the notes and blueprints that were sprawled out next to the failed weapon, tapping his finger on the table as he read over his borderline illegible notes, “doctors handwriting” as Kaeya calls it.  “...A simple ‘hello’ would have been nice..” Dottore noticed the slight shake in his voice, he glanced back at Kaeya who still looked rather rattled, maybe his “greeting” was a little excessive, he certainly didn't care about the knights fears or feelings but looking him up and down he couldn't help but feel a little bad, only a little. “I wouldn't have pointed it at you if it worked,” he sighed and quickly gathered the notes, carelessly organizing them into a stack before throwing them on the ground next to his desk into a pile of many others.  “Good to know, Dot.”                                                                                                                       “Stop calling me that.” Dottore ran a hand through his messy hair, pulling off his goggles and tossing them on the table, one of the lenses shattered but he was far too fixated on his failure to notice or care. He walked further away from Kaeya as he ran both of his hands through his hair and pulled at the ends, something he did often when he was particularly frustrated. He dropped his head and shut his eyes tightly, resisting the urge to scream or pull his hair any harder. He let both of his hands fall to his side and turned his head to the side to look at the diagrams of ruin machines all pinned to his corkboard, he looked over every single word just as he’d done a million times and yet none of the words change to tell him exactly what he’s doing wrong. He sighs and drops his head before bringing his hands back up to rub his eyes.  Kaeya takes a moment to glance around his lab properly, looking at the notes pinned up, the scraps of metal, the broken pens and ripped paper scattered on the tables, and finally the gun that was discarded on the desk. The same gun that was pointed at him moments before. Looking at everything around this cave that Dottore was given as a place to stay so he could stay out of the city, Kaeya wondered if he ever slept, did he even need to? He finally looked over and locked his eyes on Dottores hunched figure, despite being a “robot” he could definitely feel, his gears and wires working overtime to make a jumbled mess of confusion and frustration. He opened and closed his mouth, struggling to find the right words before deciding to walk over and stand in front of him.  “Dot.” Dottore quickly brought his hands down to his chest level, preparing himself to yell at the man in front of him, take a deep breath and scream at him to get out of his lab and stop using that stupid nickname. But something in Kaeya’s expression made him falter, the way his eyebrows curved into something of concern and the way his eye seemed to stare right through him, right through his gears and wires and feelings. Kaeya gently grabbed both of his wrists and held them between the two of them, Dottore flinched a bit but allowed it, relaxing his shoulders and staring at Kaeya’s hands.  “It’s okay to get things wrong, it doesn't make you any less intelligent.” “I can’t get it right.” “But you will, I believe in you.” Dottore’s eyes widened a bit at the words that hung in the air, repeating in his head and getting louder with each syllable. “Okay to get things wrong”, “believed in him”...what foreign concepts, when he worked for the Fatui, when he was given a task he was to complete it to perfection, lest he be subjected to the Originals “tweaking”, something every segment experienced at least once in their existence. Dottore stared at him for a moment before glancing back at the board, the same words he looked at a million times and yet he recognized something missing this time. he ripped his hands away from Kaeya’s and practically sprinted over to the pile of notes on the ground, he quickly but carefully sifted through them before pulling one out and running back to the board. grabbing a pin on his way over and quickly stabbing it through the paper and then to the corkboard. He looked over it all again for a millisecond before grabbing a piece of paper and scribbling something down, breaking his pen once he was almost done due to his excitement and how fast he was writing.  He stepped back to look at everything again, running a hand through his hair while letting his mouth twist into a toothy grin. Kaeya knew Dottore was in his own little world at this point so he opted to take a seat on an open space on one of the tables to watch Dottore construct his masterpiece.  ________________________________________________________________ Dottore held the gun in his hand, staring at it for a moment before looking over to Kaeya, signaling him finally snapping out of mad scientist creation mode. Kaeya flashed him a proud grin and gave two thumbs up before covering his ears. Dottore nodded before taking two steps back and carefully aiming the gun at the same photo of the Omega build. He held the gun tightly in his hand, he titled his head a bit before finally pulling the trigger. Bang. He stared in awe at the newly formed hole in his corkboard, dead center at Omega’s head. He let out two short breathy laughs before letting it develop into a maniacal laugh, as expected. Kaeya hopped off the table and walked to his side, staring at the now ruined photograph and board, he let himself smile as well, albeit not as wide or shark toothed as Dottores, but just as proud and impressed. Dottore gently put the gun down on his desk and stepped back, running his hands through his hair again. He let his sheer excitement get to him and wrapped his arms around Kaeya’s waist, picking him up and spinning him around once before setting him back down as gently as he could. Kaeya stumbled a bit after being set down, still processing what just happened.  Dottore grabbed his creation and looked it over again, after so many failed attempts and wasted paper and pens it finally worked, Kaeya was right. He turned to Kaeya again, excitedly stuttering out his words to the point where he was just barely comprehensive, Kaeya mostly just heard different versions of “it worked!” and, “you were right!” They both stopped at a sudden bright light at the entrance of the cave. They snapped their heads to it and locked eyes on a small glowing orb. Dottore held his free hand out and the vision fit perfectly in his palm. He stared at it as Kaeya walked over to his side, they could only stare in disbelief at it, was this some cruel joke? Would the gods really look down on him in favor?  He slowly closed his fingers around the cryo Mondstat vision, he now possessed something neither the Original or the Omega build would ever possess, something that matched the man next to him and still glowed bright despite him not being really alive, the strange proof of his free thought and feelings. And no one, not even himself, was about to take this from him.
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the-replicator · 5 years
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the protomen
the broadberry, richmond, va
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viking-raider · 3 years
Summary: Swiping on someone means taking a chance on them, and you and Henry take a big chance on each other!
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 6,523
Warning: PG-13 - Cotton Candy Fluff, Angst, Break up, Open Secret, Long Distance Relationship
Inspiration: Something I read.
Author’s Note: Takes please before Sand Castle! I hope you enjoy it! Line divider by @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLIST and turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy!’
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Henry felt stupid for downloading the app, who on this planet would believe the real Henry Cavill would have a profile on Tinder.
But, here he was, sitting on his couch in London, starting at his blank profile, they asked about his passions and for photos of him, he added one from his camera roll that he had taken at an after party and never posted on social media and took a selfie, figuring if he added photos that weren't anywhere on the great wide web, it might make his profile look a bit less fake and like someone trying to be a catfish.
He shook his head at the profile, it wanted to know everything, which he figured was understandable. He added music, gaming, dog lover, running, football, board games, military, reading and cooking to his list of passions and interests. Filled Taurus as his Zodiac and a dog for having pets, before giving the job title, a hard stare.
“What do I put?” Henry asked, looking across the couch to Kal. “Movie Star? Actor? Celebrity—no that's not a fucking job title. Ugh, I'll come back to it.” He huffed, skipping and put none for company and Stowe Boarding School in the next blank section, for education.
“Okay, that's a complicated question!” He laughed, shaking his head. “Where am I living?”
“London, Florida, Los Angeles.” He snorted, before bringing up his phone's keyboard and typed in, the world. “I'm definitely not linking my Instagram to this! Granted, it'll probably help with people not thinking I'm a fake! But the amount of traffic I'd probably get would be insane, and that's not what I want with this profile.” He said, ignoring that field.
But he did add his Spotify to his Tinder, before putting in his gender, sexual orientation and allowing his age and distance to be shown.
“All right, buddy.” Henry sighed, clicking save on his profile, and set his phone down beside him, with an anxious heart. “This is so dumb, no one is going to swipe on me.” He mumbled, chewing on his bottom lip and drumming his fingers on his thighs.
“Fuck it.” He snapped, snatching up his phone and started looking at profiles.
Many of the women he saw in the profiles were very pretty and gorgeous, but either something in their profile turned him off or he just didn't feel a click with them, causing Henry to swipe left on them. He sat on his couch, unaware of the two hours that passed while he checked out profile after profile. He noticed a couple Blue Stars on profiles he looked at, knowing they Super Liked his profile, but felt unease and overly cautious about liking them back.
“I just don't know.” Henry sighed, shaking his head and staring at his phone. “I'm just going to delete it.”
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“Seriously!” You yelled, tears dripping down your face. “Now? Now, is when you decide to break up with me!”
“I can't do it!” Your boyfriend of six years screamed back, a vein bulging in his neck. “I can't do this anymore! Keep the fucking flat! Keep the fucking dog too, for all I care! I'm over you and all of this.” He hissed, arms wildly pointing around the living room.
You beat your clenched fists against the sides of your thighs and let out a shrill scream of frustration. “Fine! Then, pack your shit and fuck off!” You huffed, trembling and trying to swallow down your growing influx of tears.
“GET OUT!” You bellowed, stabbing a finger towards the door.
He stared at you for a long time, his brown eyes burning with hateful words and actions he wanted so badly to say to you, but instead, he turned on his heels and stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door with such force it rattled the door frame and walls. You choked on your tears for a moment, before turning away and sitting down on the couch, pressing your hands to your damp face as fresh tears washed over you. You felt the nudge of something cold against your arm and a low whine, the dog you and your boyfriend had gotten together a year and half ago came and sat beside you, poking his chilly, black nose against your elbow, concerned.
Rubbing your palms over your face, you looked down at the pup, staring into his spooky, ice blue eyes, he was your baby. He was a Northern Inuit, all silver, except for a faded mask on his head, that was a soft charcoal color between and up his ears and eyes, before fading off just short of his muzzle. You loved his big, satellite dish ears, especially when he was a puppy, even now, they were still just a bit too big for him, and his plush, double-coat, that you honestly didn't mind shed like crazy. It was no wonder that these dogs were so commonly used as wolves in tv shows and movies, they looked a lot like them.
But, your pup was the sweetest marshmallow in the whole world.
“I'm sorry.” You whimpered, your jaw quivering. “I'm so sorry.” Your voice cracked, before you threw your arms around his thick neck and sobbed anew into it.
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“You need to get back out there.”
“No, I don't.” You sighed, shaking your head at your best friend, as the two of you sat in a restaurant, having lunch. “I'm over dating. I have my dog and he's the only man I need in my life.” You told her, picking at the plate of food in front of you.
“Besides, no one will want me, Kelly.”
“Well, too bad!” Kelly proclaimed, picking up her phone. “I made you a Tinder profile this morning.”
“You what!?” You barked, shocked. “You did not!”
“I did, and you'll like it!” She grinned, pulling the app up on her phone. “Now, I only filled in the basic stuff I know about you.”
“Which should be more than I know, we've only been friends since we were toddlers.” You countered, rolling your eyes at her.
Kelly gave you a look, before looking back at the app. “Anyway, the only thing left, that I didn't fill in, was the 'about me', which I was sure you would want to fill in yourself.”
“I don't want to fill in any of it, Kelly.” You told her, sighing heavily and took a sip of your ice water.
“Again, too bad.” She replied, sarcastically. “What do you want to put on it?” She pressed, determined not to take no for an answer.
You drew in a deep breath, knowing she wasn't going to give in, and rolled your eyes at her, before holding out your hand for her phone. “I'll type it in myself, thank you very much, my Fairy Tinder God Mother.” You told her, snarkily.
“If I find out you deleted it, I'll put it back up and run that bitch myself!” Kelly threatened, handing her phone over to you. “Have those men showing up at your apartment, like a blind date.”
“I would kill you.” You remarked, focusing on her phone as you tried to think of something to put in the about me that summed you up; short and sweet. “All right there, done.” You sighed, finishing up and passing her the phone back.
“I'll text you the login information, so you can download the app, then we can look at the guys on it and see if there's any good ones.” She said, sending it to you.
“Really, [email protected] and I love hand jobs 45.” You frowned, looking over at her, brow lifted. “That's the email and password you set up for me.”
“Yep!” Kelly grinned, incredibly proud of herself, before sliding into a chair beside you. “Now, let's see who Tinder suggests you match up with.”
You sighed, rolling your eyes and shaking your head, you really didn't want to do this, but you humored Kelly. “Fine.” You grumbled, going to the matches and frowned at the first match. “God, no! He looks like he has more beauty products in the bathroom than I do.” You groaned, shaking your head at the profile picture.
“And what the fuck is that about me?” Kelly replied, grimacing at it. “'No special snowflakes, not into plague ridden vaginas.' You are so swiping left on that guy.” She said, reaching out to do it for you.
“Oh, well.” You perked up a little bit. “He's cute, he has a great smile and seems to have a really good job and loves dogs.” You said, glancing to Kelly for approval.
“No, he looks like a dude that takes a girl to an expensive restaurant, makes her pay the bill, then ghosts her.” She shook her head, her face twisting with disgust. “Left!”
“Hey!” You protested, trying to stop her, slapping at her hand. “I still wanna swipe right on him!”
“Friends to let friends swipe on ghosts!” Kelly argued, managing to finally get the swipe on him. “Holy crap, look at this!” She giggled, pulling your phone out of your hand. “There's a Superman profile.”
“What's a Superman profile?” You frowned at her, leaning against her to see what she was looking at.
“This is the guy that played Superman, Henry Cavill.” She explained, checking out his profile. “He is such a hunk, I would let the man fuck me silly and break me in half.” She giggled, licking her lips and rubbing her thighs together.
“It's probably fake though, how could a man like that need the help of Tinder?” You asked, doubtful, looking at the profile over her shoulder.
“Probably, but let's have some fun with it.” Kelly grinned, swapping up.
“What, no!” You protested, grabbing at your phone. “You won't let me swipe right on a real profile, but you'll Super Like a fake one. What's the deal, Kelly?” You groaned, shaking your head at her.
“Oh, just have some fun with him, if this poser is going to try and act like a celeb, then why not play along for a bit.” She chuckled, clearly amused by the thought of fooling this guy.
“I don't like it, Kelly. It's not right.” You sighed, looking at the other profiles.
“You're no fun.” Kelly pouted, batting her lashes at you.
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Henry didn't even notice the noise of the airport that he was sitting in, his focus on his screen. He had told himself a hundred times that he would delete his Tinder profile, but here he was, a month later, still on and using it. He had swiped right a few women and spoken to a couple of them, even less believed it was truly him they were speaking too. So, in the end, they stopped speaking. One of the women did end up believing in him, but the connection and conversation started to become strange and a bit on the stalker side, so Henry had to block her.
But, while he was sitting there, waiting for his flight, he got the notification that someone had passed him a Super Like. He sighed, readying himself for another possible disastrous encounter, and opened the notification, but paused seeing the four photos belonging to the profile.
“She's beautiful.” Henry mumbled out loud, licking his lips and shifting in his seat, tapping to see more of profile. “Oh!” His mouth dropped open, seeing the about me, gulping. “That's quite something.” He said, biting his lip, and scrolled back up to the photos. “But, there's something about her. There's just something about her.” He mumbled, his thumb hovering to swipe.
“Oh, what the hell.” He grinned, his thumb shifted and swiping up, just as his flight was announced to board.
While standing in line, Henry opened the private messages and thumbs poised above his keyboard, tapping his foot as he tried to come up with something to say to his Match, he didn't want to come off too strong or awkward, he especially didn't want to come off fake.
“It's so much easier meeting people in person.” Henry mumbled, pocketing his phone, feeling intimidated.
Getting on the plane and finding his seat, Henry settled in with Kal, the thoughts of the private message still tugging on his mind. Groaning, he pulled his phone back out and quickly typed in a message before the flight crew started their safety demonstration and all the passengers' cell phones had to be turned off for take off.
Henry: Hi, I'm Henry.
It was simple, polite and to the point, at least Henry felt like it was, as he shut his phone off and put it back into his pocket, resting his hand on Kal's neck, to settle his nerves.
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You were sitting at your work desk, pinching the bridge of your nose as you tried to get your brain flowing on the work on your computer screen, when your phone buzzed loudly on the stack of files next to your elbow.
“Please, Jesus, don't let it be Craig, asking me about the damn report again, or I swear to all that's holy, I will go down to his cubicle and beat him with it.” You growled under your breath, picking up your phone, squeezing your eyes shut as you activated the screen, before looking at the notification. “Oh Jesus.” You gulped, an icy lump of anxiety forming in your chest as you noticed the notification was from Tinder.
Someone had Matched and messaged you.
“Don't be a creep, don't be a creep.” You chanted, opening the notification and felt another blow to your psyche. “You have to be kidding me. I'm going to kill Kelly for doing this to me.” You sighed, reading the message.
Match: Hi, I'm Henry.
“Why, God! Why?” You whined, dropping your phone to your desk and slapping your palms to your face. “Why do I attract the nuts?”
“Because nuts like being in shells.”
You yelped in startled surprise, jumping in your seat and twirling around to face the voice. “Craig, I swear to God, if you sneak up on me again, I'll run over your foot.” You threatened, pressing a hand to your chest.
“Yeah, it's probably not a good thing, with a woman in your condition.” He retorted, narrowing his eyes at you.
“Fuck off.” You hissed, rolling your eyes at him and turning back towards your desk.
“I will, when you give me that report I asked you to finish for me.” Craig answered, glaring at you, hotly.
Rolling your eyes shut and swallowing down the insult you really wanted to spit at him, you turned sideways to the stack of files you had and rifled through them, until you came upon the manila file folder he wanted. “The Lincoln and Monroe case.” You said, handing it back over your shoulder to him, not wanting to see his face, even for the second it took to give him the folder.
“Thank you.” He smiled, smugly, then returned to his cubicle.
“I hope you choke on it.” You mumbled under your breath, then sighed, rubbed your face and turned your phone back over, looking at Henry's message. “When on Tinder, act like Kelly.” You sighed, picking it up.
You: Hey, how's it going?
You stared at your reply for a moment, should you have given him your name back? He gave you his, if he actually was Henry Cavill. But, he could also see your name on your profile, so maybe it didn't matter. If it did, he could simply ask you. Closing the app, you messaged Kelly, sure she would get a real kick out of the Henry Cavill profile swiping up and messaging you.
Kelly: How long are you going to string him along?
You: I don't know, depends on how much of an ass he makes of himself.
Kelly: That should take too long with fakers like these!
You laughed at her comment, knowing she was right, people that cat-fished couldn't help themselves, showing off and causing trouble for the person they try and peg as a victim, but you weren't going to fall for it with this guy, you knew his game.
It wasn't until you were on the way home that you got a reply to your message from Henry, but you decided to wait until you were home to read and reply to it. Setting your bag and keys on the counter and loving on your dog, you made yourself a cup of tea and got comfortable on the couch.
“All right, bud, let's see what this guy's got up his sleeve.” You said, opening Tinder.
Henry: It's going well. I hope you're doing all right. How was your day?
You snorted. “Look at this, Ghost.” You grinned, showing your screen to your dog, as he sat beside you. “Mmhm.” You chuckled, taking a sip of your tea and set it on your side table, beside you.
You: Good to hear. My day went the same it always does, full of legal reports and mountains of file folders. How about yours, Henry?
You tucked your phone between the couch cushions and grabbed the tv remote, flicking the tv on and looking for something to watch, while also waiting to see if you got a reply. Which came a few minutes later.
Henry: Legal reports, you a lawyer or something? As for my day, it's going pretty well. I am a bit tired though, because I had to travel from London to LA for some work.
You: No, I'm a legal researcher for one of the biggest law offices in my area. But, your day does sound a lot better than mine. I would rather be on an airplane, then stuck in a freaking cubicle all day long.
“If he thinks I believe this, he can get wrecked.” You said, looking over at Ghost, who just lifted an uninterested brow at you.
Henry: I wouldn't wish that on anyone, honestly. I saw in your pictures, you have a dog, what is it?
“Oh, he wants to know about you, bud.” You grinned, chuckling.
You: He's a Northern Inuit, almost two years old, called Ghost.
Henry: Ghost? Seems very appropriate by the looks of him.
You: Indeed. I know about your pup, Kal. Haven't seen him on your Tinder though.
You bit your lip, wondering if he would take the bait you set out for him.
There wasn't a message from him for a several long minutes, making you wonder if you had scared him off, but you noticed a new photo uploaded to his profile. Tapping on the photo, you saw it was the Bear, half standing with his front paws on the bottom of a bed, his mouth open and long pink tongue rolled out, like he was smiling at the camera and a clear pair of human legs also showing at the bottom of the photo, like Henry was sitting up against the headboard, when he took the picture.
“Well, I'll be damned.” You choked on your sip of tea, setting your cup down and patting yourself on the chest. “Let's see how easy it is to find this photo, shall we?” You said, doing a reverse search on it, but came up empty. “What do you know, looks like it might be real.” You mumbled, rather surprised and caught off guard.
You: That's absolutely adorable. I would totally steal him from you!
You: I'm kidding. Not really though. Ghost is dying for a brother. Lmao!
Henry: Maybe, when I'm back in the area, Kal and Ghost could have a doggy date?
You bit your lip, staring at his message for a long moment, gulping.
You: Maybe, we can see.
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“So, this is the photo he posted, after I mentioned he didn't have a photo of Kal on his Tinder profile last night.” You were telling Kelly during your lunch, the next day. “I did a reverse search on it, and it didn't come up anywhere on the internet and it's not even on his official Instagram.” You told her, finally taking a bite of your lunch that had arrived several minutes before.
“He even suggested a doggy date for Ghost and Kal, when he gets back from LA.” You added, despite your mouth still being full.
“Seriously?” Kelly smiled, setting your phone down, so she could dig into her own food.
“Yeah, part of me thinks it's kinda cute.” You smirked, sipping your water.
“Woman, this dude is a damn catfish, you can't fall for him!” She protested, kicking you in the shin under the table.
“Ouch!” You jerked, rubbing at your leg. “If he's a catfish, how did he get an unreleased photo?” You asked, scowling at her.
“I don't know, but I still don't think it's the real Superman.” She replied, narrowing her eyes at you. “If you fall for this shitter, I'm going to hide your slip on shoes.”
“Ugh! That's horrid!” You retorted, outraged.
“You falling for this guy is horrid!” She said, just as your phone rang. “Is that him!?” She asked, trying to grab your phone before you did.
“Back off, demon!” You barked, smacking her hand with your fork and swiping up your phone. “And yes, it is him.”
Henry: How's the office going?
You: I'm at lunch with my demon at the moment.
Henry: ...Your Demon?
You: My friend Kelly, she's demonic as all get out.
“What is he saying?” Kelly asked, leaning over the table to see your screen.
“Woman, sit down!” You laughed, grinning at her. “What do you care, he's a fake shitter, remember?”
Your phone buzzed and you looked down at your messages, before you busted out laughing. “Okay, Real Superman or not, he's got a great sense of humor.” You giggled, seeing his message about an Amazon sale for Same-Day delivery of Holy Water.
You: That is pure gold!
Henry: You have to do what you have to do. Lol!
“What did he send you?” Kelly asked, seeing you grinning at your phone.
“He sent me an ad for holy water, so I can deal with your demonic butt!” You said, before dipping your fingers into your water glass and flicking droplets into her face. “I just might have to order a case too.” You chuckled, licking your lips.
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Henry laughed as he kicked out of his running shoes, returning from his afternoon run and seeing your message. The pair of you had been speaking pretty regularly for the last two weeks and it was going so well, you hadn't gone all creeper, fan girl on him and talking to you was one of the easiest things Henry had ever done in his life. He looked forward to your messages throughout the day, you were usually the first person he spoke to in the morning or the first message he read, as well as the last person or message he sent at night.
He found you to be funny, lighthearted and incredibly intelligent, you clearly loved your dog, which meant a lot to Henry, since he loved Kal just as much, and you didn't seem to mind that he was a big time actor and celebrity, but he did still get the feeling you weren't entirely convinced he was who he said he was; though he couldn't blame you either. Henry respected your caution and even appreciated it, to a point, that you weren't willing to blindly believe he was who he said he was and follow along, it told him a lot.
But, he also wanted to reassure you that he was being truthful with you. He just wasn't entirely sure how to do it, in a way that would cause you to be comfortable. He could be returning home in another two weeks and there was that possible meet up for a doggy play date, you both could take Ghost and Kal to a local dog park, but that worried Henry because he was a celebrity and the possibility of paparazzi being in the area and catching sight of him, then taking photos of the two of you, wasn't something Henry wanted to put you through. Though he did know of a private, indoor dog park he could take the two of you too, he had taken Kal there several times.
There was also the possibility of Face Timing each other or just talking on the phone in general, allowing you to hear his voice. However, asking you to Face Time or talk on the phone made Henry nervous and shy, him asking you on a doggy date had been impulsive.
“What do you think, Kal?” Henry asked, pulling a bottle of Rosemary water out of the mini fridge. “Should I ask her to video call or speak with me on the telephone?” He said, cracking open the white and green bottle, and chugged down the still, Rosemary-infused water. “I want her to trust me, to really trust me, before and if we actually meet in real life.” He sighed, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand.
His phone vibrated on the small table in his hotel room and Henry bit his lip. “Maybe, just speaking on the phone first, would be easier. Then, if that goes well, we can Face Time and when I get back home, we can meet up for that play date with you and Ghost.” He said, staring at his phone, trying to gather the strength and courage to pick it up and ask if you would swap phone numbers with him.
You: The only place I can run to is my bathroom.
Henry chuckled at your message, before staring at it for a moment longer and answering; I was thinking, but this is totally up to you, if you wanted to talk on the phone? He bit his lip and paced the room, phone clutched in his hand.
It took nearly an hour and a half for your reply to finally come, giving Henry the time to shower and have something to eat. His heart was in his throat as he checked your answer, worried you were going to tell him no or that you didn't want to talk to him anymore.
You: Sure.
“Oh, thank god.” Henry laughed, falling back against the couch cushions, a huge smile on his face. “She said yes, Kal!” He called out to the Akita.
Henry: When's good for you?
You: I get off tomorrow, at four. So, any time after that. If it's good for you.
Henry: How about five-thirty? Give you time to relax and eat dinner.
You: Sounds good.
You and Henry exchanged phone numbers, you even installed WhatsApp to make it easier to interact with him and the two of you started texting there, it gave you and Henry a freedom to chat that the DMs on Tinder didn't, like being able to call each other or send photos and videos, if you liked. The first thing Henry sent you through text message on WhatsApp was a video of Kal getting the zooms around the sitting area of his hotel room, making you chuckle at him.
You: Ghost can do tricks too!
“Ghost, you wanna sing for Kal and Henry?” You asked, getting up and turning on your Bluetooth speaker, then found Ghost's favorite song on your Spotify. “You ready?” You grinned, turning your video feed on the Inuit and hit play on the song.
“Let it rip!”
Henry received the video and felt giddy, pressing play on it, he was met with the song, Great Unknown by the X Ambassadors, and Ghost sitting in front of your phone, his big silver body wiggling as the lyrics streamed out of the speakers and every time there was a pause, Ghost would bark and if they were drawn out, he would howl along; even jumping up on his back legs, like he was doing a little dance. Henry laughed at the video, finding it incredibly cute and felt his heart flutter, when he caught the sound of you laughing a little bit at one point.
“I can't wait to talk to her tomorrow.” He mumbled, playing the video again, as he laid back on the bed. “I bet she has a sweet voice.” He grinned, biting his lip, a dreamy look in his blue eyes.
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You chucked your shoes across the room as you entered your flat, your heart thundering in your chest as you dropped your bag on the side table and rushed for the bathroom. Henry was supposed to be calling you at five-thirty. Which was in forty-five minutes! You would have been home sooner, if Craig hadn't been an ass and held you later, so you had to scramble, showering and changing into something more comfortable than your work clothes and tossed something simple together for dinner. You had been intermittently talking to Henry throughout the day, but not as much as most days, since your workload was heavier than usual and Henry was up to something of his own.
You had just managed to finish eating and to load your dinner bowl and fork into the dishwasher, when your phone started to ring, a sudden rush of anxious nausea hitting you. But, you quickly nabbed your phone off the coffee table, took a deep breath as you stared at Henry's caller ID on the screen, then hit answer.
“Hey.” You squeaked, feeling the last of your doubt get pushed out as Henry's soft and deep voice came over the connection. “Did you have a good day?” You asked, grasping to get a hold on yourself.
“I did, for the most part.” Henry replied, smirking, excited that he finally got to hear your voice. “I hope that you did?” He cooed, shifting to get comfortable on the bed.
“It went all right, I suppose.” You sighed, taking a seat on the couch and crossing your legs.
“You sound tired.” He pointed out, his brow pinching with concern. “You all right?” He asked, worried.
“Yeah, I'll be fine, promise.” You chuckled back, shaking your head. “The downfalls of an asshole boss deciding he wants to dump an extra case on me.” You groaned, racking a hand over your face.
“Should he be doing that?” Henry frowned, taking an instant disliking to your boss. “Given, you know?” He mumbled, biting his lip.
You took a deep breath and bit your lip. “It'll be fine. It's nothing I can't deal with. I'm almost done with one of the cases I'm researching for the firm, so it'll blow over.” You tried to reassure him, a lump in your throat, knowing Henry's concern was well placed, but you also wondered why he was even interested in you because of it.
“Anyway, all that's just boring and depressing, what've you been doing all day?” You asked, putting a light and cheery tone in your voice.
Henry laughed, smiling shyly. “I don't know how exciting what I've been doing all day really is.” He admitted, picking at the blanket next to him. “I just met up with my agent about a couple of possible role opportunities and discussed the future of a few roles I'm already tied to.” He explained, resting his head back against the headboard.
“Anything you're excited about?” You asked, hugging a pillow to your chest.
“Maybe.” He sighed, tilting his head as he thought about it. “There's a possible war movie out in Jordan, I've been specifically asked to play a part in. I'd play a Captain in the Special Forces during the 2003 Iraq war.”
“That sounds like it would be a lot of fun.” You replied, propping your feet up on the coffee table and flexing your swollen toes. “If not a tad demanding, it's hot out in the desert.” You chuckled, smirking.
Henry chuckled back at you. “Yeah, it definitely is that.” He agreed, raking a hand through his hair. “And relations aren’t great over there, from what I've heard either. So, it is a tad dangerous, but I do like how the character reads on the script.”
“Well, if they can keep you safe and you like the character, is there anything stopping you from taking it?” You asked, lifting an arm as Ghost came to lay his head on your lap.
“Nope.” He replied, shaking his head. “It doesn't start filming for about a month, and it'll take two or three to film. So, it shouldn't take too much to do.” He said, slowly licking his lips.
“Then, I say go for it.” You said, stroking between Ghost's ears.
“I think I will.” Henry grinned, relaxing against the headboard. “I come home soon.” He said softly, just in case you didn't hear him.
“Do you?” You replied, drawing lazy patterns in Ghost's fur.
“I do.” He answered a little bit louder, before pausing.
You looked down at Ghost and felt your stomach flutter, then felt a shy confidence wash over you. “I think Ghost wants to take Kal up on that Doggy Date.” You said, pressing your lips together and shaking your head, feeling so silly.
You just managed to ask Superman, himself, out.
Henry chuckled, bashfully, grinning like a schoolboy asked out to the dance. “Kal would love that.” He told you, his eyes flickering to the sleeping Bear at the foot of the bed. “We'll be back in a week. We can discuss a good time to meet up, whenever.” He suggested, excited about going out with you.
“Sounds like a plan.” You agreed, letting out a soft breath.
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Henry was starting to grow worried, and if he was honest, a bit paranoid. He had returned back to home three days ago, and up until then, you and him texted as usual, you had even spoken on the phone again several times. But the night before he returned, he told you good night, like always, but unlike always, you never replied back, you didn't even read his message.
He paced the mews, a million scenarios bubbling over in his mind.
“What if something's happened to her?” He said, ranting at Kal. “She typically walks to The Tube after she gets off work, what if she'd gotten mugged and she's in the hospital. Perhaps her phone's dead, but why the hell would her phone be dead for three days straight. That's ridiculous.”
A sick feeling washed over Henry and his shoulders slowly relaxed.
“Or she's ghosted me.” He sighed, face falling and stopping in place. “I suppose I can't blame her. Being a celebrity is a pain in the ass on a good day, but being associated with one is just as big a pain in the ass, or she sufficiently got me to relax with her enough and she'll be posting everything we talked about online.” He shook his head and slapped his hands against his thighs and began pacing again.
“No, she wouldn't do that! She's not like that, I just—I just feelit. There's something wrong, there must be something wrong. But...”
It suddenly punched Henry square in the brain what was wrong and he felt like a complete moron for not realizing it first, the two of you had never openly spoken about it, it was the quiet acknowledgment, the bombshell in your 'about me' that had almost cause Henry not to swipe up on you.
“I'm such a fucking idiot! Of course, she would be terrified about meeting me like this, talking and texting on the fucking phone is one thing, but meeting in person makes it real and concrete.” He rambled, scrambling to find his phone and dialed your number, half hoping you would answer it, but knew you probably wouldn't.
However, he prayed you would listen to his voicemail.
“Hey, I know I've been messaging you, and you're clearly not reading them, and I know you watched this call ring, and ignored it. But—God, I hope you listen to this.” He paused, licking his lips and carded a shaky hand through his curls, he was about to make a potentially life changing move. “I know why you're ghosting me, and I want you to know that I don't care. If I had cared, I would have never swiped up on you. But I did, because I saw something in you, I feel something with you. I don't know what the hell it is and I want to know what it is. If you would only give me a chance to.” He cleared his throat and took a deep breath.
“But I'm serious, when I tell you, that I don't care that you're pregnant.” He declared, his voice softening. “Another man's baby or not. I just want a chance to prove myself, and that, to you.” He said, his back straightening as he did.
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frogecstacy · 4 years
MA'AM may I please request MC getting a new lipstick and goes around kissing the brothers (or just Mammon if all 7 is too much) and leaving lipstick marks on them and the brother's walk around with the lip marks without noticing????? 🥺🥺🥺🥺 Thank youuuu
Hi Anon!! Thank you so much for requesting this.
I did them all separately I hope this is ok
I am always open to asks or like if you have questions about me or how I write or me> I just love getting asks
The Obey Me brothers not noticing your lipstick on them
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You had recently bought a new lipstick and wanted to wear it to RAD one morning.
At the act of wearing your new lipstick, it had come to his attention
Was it him or were your lips just looking absolutely amazing today
Did this lipstick have a spell on it because he wanted to kiss your lips pretty bad right now
During the day at RAD he couldn’t contain himself and he pulled you aside and starting kissing you
Your plush lips peppered his face
You kissed his lips and cheeks, before heading to class
However you having to leave quickly and Lucifer not noticing. He had a whole face of lipstick marks
Walking around RAD felt strange as he was getting some stares from lower level demons
He didn’t really think about it till he met up diavolo
Diavolo chuckled and said “you and MC must have been busy.”
Lucifer gave a puzzled look. “What do you mean?”
“Have you looked in the mirror lately.” Diavolo now finding this hilarious and snapping a photo of Lucifer
Lucifer now rushing to a mirror, his face turning red of embarrassment
His face and especially his lips were covered with bright lipstick marks
For once in your life you’ll probably see Lucifer pass away but at the same time rise from Pride
I mean after getting over the lipsticks marks, he basically just showed everyone he is an active relationship that sure as hell is doing good
 He’ll feel better about himself and make sure to show off your marks next time
However as gift back to you he’ll shower your neck with some hickeys to show the other demons you belong to someone
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Okay so this man definitely just lives for your kisses
Like if he could sell his soul for your kisses he would
Now this man is shy so I think he’ll just steal you while your just walking by a classroom
Like you’ll be walking and all of a sudden someone is grabbing your waist and you are being dragged into an empty classroom
In such classroom is your lovely boyfriend Mammon having a pouty face
He’ll be standing there like 👉👈🥺
Totally expecting to just know what he wants
He’ll start to tug at your sleeves and whispers so faintly “I missed ya kisses”
Okay so if you wanted to tease him you’ll be like “Sorry, what was that Mammon? I didn’t quite get it” with a cocky grin plastered on your face
And then all of a sudden he just blurts out “Gah humans! Are ya going deaf. I want kisses alright. Are ya satisfied?”
Now being satisfied with yourself you whisper “yes” quietly into his ear and you will than start kissing his cheek and make your way to the corner of his mouth
He’ll be a blushing mess saying he doesn’t like it but the redness on his ears say otherwise
Now you had totally forgotten that you were wearing a new lipstick and forgot to mention to Mammon that he should wipe his face before leaving
However the bell had rang already and you were going your separate ways assuming Mammon would look into a mirror before class
This man did his whole class with your lipsticks marks over his face
Now he was getting stares but he just assumed The Great Mammon was finally getting noticed
IT wasn’t until after class that Levi said “Ugh you normies and making out. Wow Mammon looks like you finally got some action”
He should talk
This confused Mammon. There was something on his face?
He went to the mirror and... 
He almost had to catch himself from embarrassment
Now he didn’t want to show his vulnerability so he used this to his advantage and was like “Yeah MC are making out. You got a problem with that”
Now just showing off he was in a relationship he was more than happy to boast
After he’ll ask if you can do that again because puppy just loves attention
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Okay so we already know Levi does a lot of online schooling
On the rare occasions he does go into school to write a test he was particularly nervous
You being the amazing S/O you are just shower him with kisses
I mean I think you just killed him
He’s just standing there like 🧍🏼
It will take a moment and than he’ll be like “OH MY GOSH!!”
And this startles you so you’re like “What’s wrong? Did you not like?”
His neck and ears are just fully red and he’s like no I saw a couple do this at RAD one day. Is this how normies feel?”
After realising you kissed him he’s quiet now and he’s silently hinting he wants some more kisses
And again since you are so amazing you’ll be like of course bb
Now smothering him with kisses and forgetting that you are wearing a new lipstick
He just walks into the classroom feeling confident without the knowledge that he has lipstick all over his face
Now he’s getting stares in class but he just knocks it up as he doesn’t go into class often his classmates are just wondering why he’s here
It isn’t until he gets home and starts streaming with his camera on that someone points out that he has lipstick all over his face
He just faints and the comment section blows up saying their boi Levi finally getting some action
He ends the live right there from embarrassment 
It isn’t until you get home and see him and you’re like “What’s wrong?”
Now thinking back on the memory gets to embarrassed to talk about it he just says “I like your new lipstick”
 “Oh thanks for noticing” you cheerily reply
He over all loves your kisses to he’d rather have your kisses than be getting none of your kisses
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Okay so another cocky mf who loves you and your lips
He’ll probably be reading in the library at school
You’ll show up for your daily chat
You and Satan often meet up in the library for private time to chat quietly
You would meet in the library at the House of Lamentation, but you’re always bound to be interrupted by one of the brothers
So you say your greetings and you’ll kiss Satan on the cheek and you saw the lipstick mark
Now thinking he looked cute you didn’t bother to tell him about it
You guys start to study soon after your catch up and Satan notices you keep staring at his lips and cheek
A sly grin makes it way on his face and he’s like “MC do I have something on my face?”
And not wanting to tell him about the lipstick mark  your like “N-no”
This mf just beckons you over to his lap and you sit down
Now staring at each other you start smiling
Man just initiates takeout session 
I want to make out with Satan in a library
Mid make out you get a call from Mammon to hurry over he needs your help
Satan has an annoyed expression on his face
You tell him you’ll continue this when you see him at home
If you know what I mean
You had forgotten to tell Satan he had lipstick marks on his face so it wasn’t until he goes to check out some books that the lady at the desk goes “Ooh Satan! I guess you must've been busy reading someone’s lips”
Satan blushing wondering if the librarian had seen you two
He decided to go to the washroom before he left and he noticed all the marks on him
He was a blushing mess
He was definitely going to give you twice as many marks and litter your neck
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Okay so he probably was the one he got you this new lipstick
And when your trying it on he’s like out it looks so good, you should wear it at RAD tomorrow
Little did you know he just wanted to make out with you at school tomorrow 
So you’re at school and Asmo kinda just shows up and he’s ask “Do you want to go for a walk with me on the field”
And you love spending time with your boyfriend 
So your walking on the field and he has his hand on your lower back 
He is guiding you to the back of the field 
When you get to the back he turns to you and lifts your chin
He goes “I see you are wearing the new lipstick”
You smile and nod hoping he would have noticed
It’s Asmo I pretty sure he can read you easily when it comes to looks and attention 
So he just holding your chin up and he slowly leans into kissing you
At this act, if you don’t object or show any signs of discomfort he literally picks you up and lays you on the ground to be more comfortable
Damn his clothes when i comes to your lips
As soon as you hear the bell for you next class, Asmo leans away and you’re red in the face
You notice the lipstick marks and your about to say something about it and apologise because he usually doesn’t like messing up his look
He shushes you and says “I like it when you mark me up”
So he just walks around RAD for the rest of the day with your lipstick marks on him
Boy does he make Mammon jealous when he shows Mammon all your lipstick marks
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Alright so this man is always hungry 
And what does he do when he can’t have food
He satisfies his hunger with your kisses
Okay so you and Beel we’re studying and he starts to get hungry and you here his stomach grumble
A literal earthquake might I add
And Beel’s like “baby I’m so hungry”
Of course you don’t like to see your big bear boyfriend upset
However he finished the whole fridge yesterday and Lucifer told him if he touched anything in the fridge until dinner he wouldn’t eat dinner
This man is the cause of world hunger
But he’s your cause of world hunger
So when he gets to hungry to continue studying you ask “is there anyway I can help”
Beel thinks for a minute and he says “your kisses always distract me when I’m nervous. Maybe they’ll do the same.”
So he literally just picks you up like your a feather puts you on his lap
He start to kiss up his neck and than the corners of his mouth
And make your way to his eyelids and you lightly kiss them
At this rate your going to drive Beel mad for your kisses
So he just kinda pushes himself onto your lips and he kisses them till their so puffy
Beel sometimes forget humans need much more air than demons so we he pulls away he sees you are out breath
This reminds you still have work so he puts you down and says “I’ll see you later baby. You helped a lot thanks”
You didn’t have a chance to properly look at his face when he leaves so none of you noticed the amount of lipstick marks on his face
He goes to hang out with Belphie and he’s like “Did you eat MC’s lipstick or something?”
Beel goes to look in the mirror and see’s are your lipstick marks
Now the hunger had subsided and he feels every spot that has been touched
He loves your kisses
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Okay so you and Belphie often nap a lot
So one day you guys come together from RAD and are absolutely exhausted 
At this feeling Belphie suggests you two take a nap in the attic
After you guys lay down on the huge pile of pillows and blankets 
Belphie is already knocked out when you turn to look at him
You think he looks so cute when he sleeps
You couldn’t help yourself and kisses his forehead
Quietly snuggling into his embrace you fall asleep
It wasn’t until Belphie had woken up he saw your sleeping figure beside and kissed your cheek
He still had some homework to finish so he thought he would wake you up when he’s done
When he goes downstairs to get hi stuff Mammon goes “Woah that’s some mark you got there”
Belphie now has a confused look and is like “What do you mean?”
“Go look in the mirror”
Belphie heads over to the washroom and sees your lipstick mark flat on his forehead
He gets embarrassed and think its must’ve been when he fell asleep 
It calms his heart to when thinking about your act of affection
And he was heading right back up to show you how much he loves you
I hope ya’ll liked it
I literally wrote Levi’s four times because it wasn’t saving
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vibraniumwing · 3 years
only girl in the world.
a sam wilson x fem!reader wherein the reader cleans the apartment due to jealousy.
WARNING: NSFW (18+, minors DNI. ), praise kink, oral stimulation (f receiving), fingering, vaginal penetration (wrap it before you tap it lovelies), light choking, swearing, the setting is set somewhere in between AoU and CACW so like around the time in Ant-Man ?? also slight au ( i think )
A/N: so this is for @anchoeritic's 3k writing challenge! seeing that she’s a fellow sam wilson simp, i chose him for this fic (and we are seriously lacking in sam wilson content i hate this) and because it’s sam’s birthday we’re gonna celebrate >:)))) icb he’s an aries though. uGh
prompt/scenario: character A catching character B singing
word count: 3.7k
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Dating a superhero meant there was a lot of restrictions; cuddles and movie dates with them are fleeting moments since you never know when they would get a call about a grape-headed alien terrorizing the planet and you couldn’t flaunt them as much as you wanted to because your safety would be greatly affected if their arch nemesis finds out about your existence.
But regardless of it all, you were thankful because Sam never made you feel less of what you really are to him. A lot of your friends who know about your relationship with The Falcon were envious about how mature the both of you are, managing to balance both of your work lives and your personal ones at home; none of them really knowing how immature the both of you are behind closed doors.
Making this another reason why you loved the privacy being hidden from the public eye; you felt like you were in your own coming-of-age, rom-com movie with Sam with all the hidden rendezvous at The Washington Mall at midnight and drive around the empty streets of the city just until the crack of dawn or just stay at home and cook countless of meals, teaching each other recipes from both sides of your families
It was the relationship anyone could have ever dreamed of.
“You’re not making this any easier for me, baby girl.” Sam said, sighing inwardly as he stuffed his duffel. He was going over to New York for a few days, probably on another mission with the Avengers (or training with them) and you weren’t having any of it; wanting nothing more than to have him home and with you for a few more days一 possibly forever if that was even possible.
You groaned softly at his response, sitting on the bed with your knees hugged to your chest as you watch him ready his things for yet another mission. “Then don’t go” You simply told him, face holding the same sad expression as your lower lip was jutted out in a small pout as you looked away, not waiting to tear up once again; him leaving for missions was always the hardest.
A chuckle left his lips, setting the suitcase down on the carpeted floor of your shared room before claiming his spot next to you; the dip of the bed from his weight caused you to look at him. “You know I wouldn’t dare to leave if I had the chance to, right?” He asked, his scooting closer to you and pressed a kiss to your shoulder. “But I always come back, right? Because you’re my home.”
You relaxed under his touch, stretching your legs unto the bed and wrapped your arms around his muscular frame, hugging him close to you in fear that he might disappear all of a sudden. “I know, but do you really have to go?” You murmur, hiding your face against his neck, the way your breath falls on his skin causes goosebumps to rise on his own.
“I have to, they need me, sweets.” He explains, wrapping his arms around your own frame and squeezes gently, enough to convey that he’ll be fine; that he’ll be safe and unharmed after all of the fighting he has due.
“I’ll be back in no time.” His reassurance made you sigh inwardly, knowing that you can’t convince him otherwise. Sam was always just like that, once something is set on his mind on something, he won’t stop until he gets it done. He rarely second guesses what he wants and he does, you’re the person he talks to.
You didn’t speak anymore, opting to let the warmth from his body consume you and lull you into sleep, his hand tracing small shapes into your back as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Go to sleep, baby. I love you.”
The sunlight that peeked in through the sheer fabric of the curtains was enough to wake you up, reaching over to Sam’s side, expecting to feel him there but instead you were greeted with the sound of paper crumpling from the side of your hand. Stirring awake, you sat up and grabbed the note that was folded neatly.
“I’ll be back soon, baby girl. Don’t miss me too much, I love you.” You read outloud, adoring how neat his handwriting was, hugging the paper to your chest before whispering, “I love you too” before placing the note by your bedside table, rolling out of bed to get on with your day when your phone dinged. Looking at the lit up screen, you smiled at the message from Sam.
[ from: birdman lover ]
- It hasn’t even been a day and I already miss you.
- This’ll be a long week.
- Have a great day though.
- I love you.
- Steve’s still clueless on how phones work but he’s getting there. He “greets you a hello”.
The rest of the week was your normal routine, aside from the occasional texts and calls you would get from Sam whenever he had the chance to check his phone; telling you how much he missed you and sharing stories of what’s going on inside the compound. It was like he never left, the only difference being he wasn’t physically there to give you the affection.
Saturday morning soon rolled around and you were bouncing off the walls excited that you had to wait just one more day before Sam could come back home; come back to you. You practically bounced off the walls as you did all your errands一 mainly you getting your car cleaned and your weekly Target run一 and your day was all rainbows and sunshines.
Until it wasn’t. You were scrolling through your Instagram when you saw a picture that made your blood boil immensely. It was a photo of an actress (who was extremely good looking) in the arms of The Falcon. You had to take a few moments in to fully register the fact that the woman had managed to snag a photo with him, “He’s even hotter in person.” You read the caption out loud, eyes rolling in irritation, even replying to some comments from her fanbase, making it seem like they were dating.
You rarely get jealous about anything with Sam, being so secure with your relationship with him but seeing someone who has a platform freely post him made you writhe in your seat about how you should be the one flexing him like that, not her or anyone else.
You opted to call your lover to tell him how you feel but there was this side of you that didn’t want to go through a whole discourse with him through the phone so you went with the better option, cleaning the fuck out of your apartment until your agression washes away.
Plugging your phone to the sound system, you started off with Rihanna’s Only Girl in the World before grabbing the broom from the small closet in your apartment's kitchen, starting to sweep the floor. “You’re a bad bitch, Y/N. Now go clean,” You hyped yourself up in the mirror before strutting back to the living room to sweep your emotions away.
Unbeknownst to you however was the fact that Sam was well on his way home. He got to go back home earlier than expected and he didn’t tell you, wanting to give you a surprise. Jogging up the stairs of your apartment complex, he was practically rushing to make it your door so he can finally kiss you.
Finally finding the keys to your shared apartment, he opened the door and slowly creeped in, expecting to see you seated on the couch but what he saw was something else. He was stunned beyond words to see you clad nothing but his shirt and a messy bun while holding a broom, singing your heart out.
“Want you to make me feel like I’m the only girl in the world” you sang out loud, holding onto the broom as if it was a mic while you danced, awkwardly body rolling to the beat. “Like I’m the only one that you’ll ever love, like I’m the only one who knows your heart” You continued, starting to “sweep” the floor again while grooving to the beat of the song, not noticing Sam who was silently watching you.
“Like I’m the only one who’s in command” Your voice blending into the music as you rocked around the room, singing your heart out to the chorus. “Cause I’m the only one who understands how to make you feel like a ma一 Sam!”
You dropped the broom, jumping up in the air as you turned around to see your boyfriend leaning by the wall, watching you with an amused expression while holding his arms out to you. “Are you just gonna stand there or come here and give me a hug?” He questioned, raising up an eyebrow at you.
Wasting no time, you paused the song before making your way over to him and jumped into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist as you hugged him. “How long have you been here? Why are you here already? Shouldn’t you be coming home tomorrow?” Your bombardment with questions made him chuckle, his arms going under your thighs to support your weight, walking towards the couch and settling the both of you on there.
“I wanted to surprise you, baby. We finished a little bit earlier than expected so the moment we got back to the compound I was well on my way home.” He answered, one of his hands retreating from your backside to sneak up and cup your jaw, thumb tracing it gently. His eyes were locked with yours, filled with adoration and love as he continued, “turns out you have a surprise of your own for me. What’s got you cleaning so aggressively?”
You laughed, the anger you had just moments ago melting away as you lean into his touch, “It’s nothing, Sammy. Just me being a little jealous, is all.” You explained, finding it easy to admit your feelings. Your relationship with him was just like that; centered on honesty, understanding, and love. The reason why you’re so assured with him.
“Jealous? What’s got my baby jealous?” His brows were furrowed at the answer, mind trying to remember his actions prior to this conversation to see if he had done anything wrong but came up with nothing. “Did I do something?” He questioned, sitting up a bit as the conversation got more serious.
“I just saw this picture of this you and this actress posted on her instagram and一” you paused, finding it silly now that you’ve even been this jealous about this in the first place. “一I just got jealous that she could post you on their social media so freely. Kind of made me realize that I’m still not existent in the eyes of others; I should be the one posting you like that. Kind of made me realize that I’m not the only girl in the world that wants you.” you finished, not wanting to look into his eyes anymore at the sudden sadness from being hidden.
Normally, you wouldn’t even bat an eye on it but seeing how broken you were, Sam was shattered that you had to go through that thought. “There’s no need to feel ashamed that you got jealous, Y/N.” He said, the hand that was on your jaw now going under your chin to make you look at him again. “I know I insisted that I hide you from the public eye so you can be safe from harm and I’m sorry that because of it makes you feel like this.”
He sighed softly, leaning in to press a chaste kiss against your lips. “But if you’re ready to be introduced to everyone, even to the team, then I’ll be more than glad to show you to the world.” Sam said, his lips just millimeters away from yours, “The only girl I’ll ever love.” He finished, locking his lips with yours.
You swore on the fact that Sam’s lips were made for your own, the pace slow and sensual, enough to relay that he was sticking to his words and that you didn’t need to worry about anything. His plush tiers felt soft against yours, his teeth sinking into your bottom one, nibbling against it softly before swiping his tongue against it.
“Does my angel want me to show her how much she really means to me?” He whispers, pressing one more kiss to your lips before pulling back, locking his gaze with yours, pupils blown with love and adoration clouded with a hint of lust over the thought of seeing you squirm under him.
Given the fact that you were sitting on his lap, you could feel how hard he was under you. “You feel that, darling? You do that to me.” He groans as you shift, the friction causing his dick to twitch inside his tight jeans. “Be a good girl and use your words, baby.”
“Want you, Sam.” You say, mind too aroused and clouded with perverse thoughts due to the lack of touch you had from him this week to make a concise sentence. “Want you to make me feel good, please.” You beg, brows furrowing lightly in need as you watch him study your expression, a small smile forming on his lips as he easily hoists you up, arms gripping your thighs.
“How can I resist such a good girl begging for me to make her feel good?” He questions, gracing your lips with another chaste kiss as he carries you into your shared bedroom, placing you on the bed as he hovers above you. “I’ll make you feel so good tonight, sweets.”
His lips are then on yours again, his lower half grinding on yours a few times to rile you up, making you elicit a few moans that caused him to go overdrive. He grunts, taking in the scandalous sounds you make before sitting back up, taking the shirt off from your body, throwing his head back at the sight of you clad in only your underwear. “You do know how to make me go wild, baby doll.”
You smiled at him, happy that you were able to make him go haywire at just the sight of you not even fully naked. “My clothes never seem to stay on with you around anyways.” You answer, making him chuckle lightly as he started to attack your neck with kisses, nipping at the skin quite harshly making you hiss in pleasurable pain.
“You look better naked” was all he said before taking in one of your breasts, tongue swirling around the hard nub as his hand teased the other, fingers pinching on it lightly making you take a sharp gasp. He did this for a few moments before kissing his way from the valley of your breasts all the way down to the top of your panties.
Sam looked up at you with a devilish grin upon the realization of what lingerie you were wearing, “My angel looks so good.” he praises, taking a moment to admire your already fucked out appearance with lips swollen and hickey littered skin. He was quick to take off your underwear, eyes filled with hunger at the sight of your soaking cunt.
This feeded his ego to no ends, seeing you so needy for him. “I haven’t even touched you yet you’re already so wet for me, baby girl.” he commented, hands caressing your inner thighs teasingly as he took a moment to drink in the sight of you.
The way his rough and slightly calloused hands were in juxtaposition to the smoothness of your skin granted goosebumps to run along your skin, the cold air of the room adding on to your arousal. “Sam, please. Need you.” You begged once more, attempting to close your legs for some needed friction but his sudden grip on it making you think otherwise.
“Almost there, baby. Patience.” He said, bringing two digits to very lightly graze upon your slit before bringing it up to your lips, his thumb tapping your bottom lip, “Open up, sweets. Wanna see you taste yourself first.” He ordered, wanting to see you suck on his fingers.
Wanting nothing more than his touch, you easily obliged and took his fingers in without him prying them open. Your eyes were locked with his as you sucked on it, setting a blaze inside his eyes that you haven’t seen before, that lone making your stomach twist in knots.
As soon as Sam was satisfied at how wet you made his fingers, he finally gave your throbbing pussy the attention it yearned for. Inserting the two digits inside of you with ease as he slowly started to pump it in and out of your heat while his thumb rubbed circles on your sensitive bundle of nerves.
You were a moaning mess under his touch, back arching at the slightest touch he would do to your clit. You were overwhelmed with the pleasure he was providing you. “F-fuck!” You breathlessly moan, hips bucking up as you wanted more of his touch.
Sam then leaned, tongue lapping up your sweet juices as he sucked on your aching clit, the gentle suckling was sinful to your ears. He moaned at the taste of you, its vibrations against you making you whine at the contact. He curled his fingers inside you, easily finding your sweet spot upon seeing how you writhed under his touch.
With Sam’s tongue abusing your clit to no end and his digits mercilessly pumping in and out of you, the tension was all too much to handle that the knot that was in your stomach finally broke. “Go on, baby. Come for me, why don’t you.” He said, feeling how your walls were clamping up around him. The euphoria that followed made your legs tremble as you reached your high, shamelessly moaning Sam’s name mixed with profanities as he continued to finger you through your orgasm.
“Such a good girl for me” Was his words, rising up from his position. You watched as he licked up every last drop of your cum off his fingers, rolling off the bed to rid himself off from his own clothes, your mouth practically watering at the sight of his rock hard length that sprung out from the tight confinements of his boxers.
You were gonna reach out to feel him when he stopped you, “No, baby. Tonight, it’s all about you, remember?” he said, stroking his length a few times, thumb circling around his tip that was glistening with pre-cum as he got back on the bed, positioning himself on top of you. “You ready?”
“Y-yes, Sam.” and upon hearing your answer, he eased into you. Both moaning at the longing of feeling each other intimately. No matter how many times the two of you would fuck, you still couldn’t get used to his size. He filled you up quite easily, his hips meeting yours as he filled you in deep.
Ever the gentleman, he waited for you to give the signal that you were ready and upon your nod, he started to move slowly, wanting to ease you into the pace.. Sam’s groans were music to your ear, “So fucking tight, angel.” He said, one of his hands reaching up to wrap around your neck, pressing against its sides lightly.
“F-faster, Sam. Please” You said and he complied, like your words were pressed a switch in him, he started to relentlessly slam into you, fucking you into the bed and into oblivion. His other hand was on the headboard, palm spread out to gain some support, the bed shaking violently as he continued.
“Let me hear those moans, angel. Let everyone know who you belong to.” Sam said, the hold around your neck tightening slightly, wanting to see you slowly gasp out for air as you let out those heavenly yet sinful sounds, “Who do you belong to, baby?”
“Y-You, Sam!” You answer, feeling your body writhe as another orgasm was already brewing at the pit of your stomach. “F-fuck, I-i’m yours!” You continued, eyes practically rolling to the back at the immense amount of pleasure you got from him drilling you into the mattress.
With those words that left your lips, he started to pound to you even rougher, not caring if the neighbouring apartments heard your cries of pleasure or the squeaking of the bed. You were his and it was his very intention to let everyone know that. “That’s right, doll. You belong to me.” he said, his eyes on your fucked out face. “Mine to fuck and mine to love.”
Feeling the knot in your stomach about to burst, your hands were gripping the bed sheets as you cried out in pleasure, “I’m gonna cum!” body unable to handle the amount of pleasure being handed to you as Sam continued to fuck you out, riding out your high until his own climax hit with one final slam, moaning as he filled you up with his own cum.
Pulling out slowly, Sam took the time to admire his own cum mixed with your drip down from your cunt, a feeling of satisfaction spread through his chest at the sight of you. He leaned in to kiss you once again, this time it was soft and just filled with love, hand running along your sides gently, “Such a good girl for me.” he whispered, pressing one last kiss before he stood up and walked over to the bathroom.
You attempted to follow him, but ultimately failed as your legs were shaking too much from your recent orgasm. You could hear Sam chuckle as he re-emerged from the other room, a wet washcloth in his hand as he approached you. “Let me take care of it, alright princess?” He said softly.
He then started to clean you up, making sure to whisper soft praises about how you took him so well and of how you were so good for him. The moment he was done, he mindlessly threw the cloth into the hamper, collapsing on the bed and took you in his arms, eager to cuddle you. Sam pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, “I love you, Y/N. You’re the only girl I’ll ever love.”
You hummed softly, making yourself comfortable in his arms, reaching up to steal a kiss from him, “I love you too, Sammy. I’ll always love you.”
TAGLIST: @harrysweasleys @selenasprompts @weasleytwins-41 @anchoeritic @darthwheezely (hello fellow the falcon simp)
if your name is in bold, it means that i can't tag you for some weird reason. join my taglist! find the link in my main masterlist!
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moeyy-writes · 3 years
No One Else But Us
Jay Wasley x Reader
Warnings: It’s just disgustingly cheesy and fluffy. That’s it.
Word Count: 645
My Full Master List
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Zak chuckled as he stared into the camera mounted on the SUV’s dashboard. He was sporting an eye patch, something he discovered in the glove compartment and decided to wear for the rest of the night.
“That’s a great look on you, dude,” Billy chuckled from the driver’s seat beside him. “You should cover even more of your face.” Zak scoffed, offended, then stared back at the camera.
You sighed and stared out the window, rain pelting the glass and distorting the image of the outside world. It was rare that Vegas got rain this time of year, but you weren’t complaining. It was the perfect night for the four of you to head to Aaron’s house and go over the plans for the next run of investigations.
A large hand gently covered yours on the seat beside you. You turned to see Jay smiling at you, his eyes soft in the dim lighting. His thumb slowly stroked over the top of your hand, over the ring he had given you just two months before. Your heart leapt for the thousandth time as you thought about marrying your best friend.
“Hey,” he whispered softly. He cocked his head a little in silent question. You weren’t usually this silent. You were the one laughing and joking with the guys, kicking Zak’s seat or messing up his perfect hair. But tonight, you were deep in thought. Not gloomy, just taking in the recent events of your life.
Jay had asked you to marry him exactly two months ago, and it was almost the three-year anniversary of being a full-fledged member of the GAC team. You got to work with the best people life had introduced to you so far. You and Jay had bought a house just over a month ago, and were even thinking of getting another dog.
Overall, life was freaking awesome.
Jay’s hand squeezed yours as he offered his heart-stopping smile. “I love you,” he mouthed as his eyes locked on yours. Your smile enveloped your face as your heart fluttered. After two years, he still had that effect on you.
“I love you too,” you mouth back, maintaining eye contact. The two of you just stared at each other for a little while, the world around you fading. Jay’s dark amber eyes and those slightly disheveled waves were all you could see as you felt the warmth from his fingers transfer to yours.
Jay’s thumb encircled your ring, his smile growing as he glanced down at it. He was so nervous when he had popped the question, between takes on the set. That was his style. He was never one for theatrics. No, he had just pulled you aside, behind a building in old Virginia City, and got down on one knee. Luckily, nosy Aaron had gotten the pose on camera, but only a few photos. None of them had even known of his intentions until it happened.
Now, he was your fiancé, and you were ready to plan your life together.
“Hey, heart eyes, we’re almost there. You guys good?” Billy teased, glancing at the two of you through the rearview mirror. You glared over at him, rolling your eyes.
“Yeah, we’re good,” Jay answered for you. He turned back to you and squeezed your hand, fueling your smile again.
“Ugh, you guys are so gross,” Zak whined from in front of you. His face scrunched, making you laugh.
“Good, our plan is working,” you teased, forcing Zak to gag. Billy sighed beside him.
You turned back to Jay, who was still staring at you like you were the entire world. You returned his gaze, getting lost again in him. You didn’t care about the guys teasing; you were used to it by now. In this moment, it was just the two of you, and you were going to ravel in it.
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Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated. <3
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tommybaholland · 3 years
I would like you to write tom holland x actress!reader, so y/n is getting ready for photoshoot but tom holland was facetiming y/n hoping how's it going, he misses her. they haven't seen each other for a month. After that they do photoshoot and Wired autocomplete interview. then the crew got surprised and y/n misses tom, she sooo surprise and he came to visit for her. i luv them!
missing you
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featuring: tom holland (x actress!reader)
you thanked the hair stylist once they were done with your hair and remained in the dressing room to have a quick facetime with your boyfriend. 
“hey, love,” tom answered, his voice slightly raspy. “wow, you look really beautiful.” 
“thank you,” you smiled. you couldn’t see him too well but you could make out the grainy outline of his facial features and part of his bare shoulders and chest. he looked like he was still in bed. “why is the room so dark?” 
“i’m just laying down for a bit,” tom explained.
“how are you feeling?” 
“okay. i just wish you were here.” 
you frowned. “yeah. i wish i was there to take care of you.”
“nah. then i’d just get you sick. your company is really all i need. i’m so lonely,” he pouted playfully. “but if i get you sick then i get to take care of you so it could be a win-win for me.” 
you laughed at his very ‘tom’ logic. “i know. i miss you too. i think we have some time off soon but if you’re sick then we can always see each other when we’re done with promotion stuff.” 
tom groaned. “ugh. i don’t know if i can wait that longggg, love.” 
“i know this has been a long one but what you do you normally do when i’m away?” 
he didn’t respond, his face buried in the pillow. then after a few minutes, he started giggling. 
“what’s that one line from spongebob? where spongebob’s like, ‘what do you normally do while i’m at work?’ and patrick says--”
“‘wait for you to get back,’” you finish for him, laughing along. 
“yeah. i feel like patrick right now, babe.” 
“aww. well, just focus on getting better and maybe do some golfing and i’ll be back before you know it,” you promised.
the pout was still present on his face. “okay. i’ll try to survive until you come home.”
you smiled before you looked at harrison in the mirror, seeing that he had entered the room. 
“we’re getting ready to start-- oh, is that tom?”
“harrison?” tom spoke through the phone. 
you nodded, raising the phone up to harrison so he could see his sickly best friend.
“hey, mate,” harrison greeted. they had a quick chat about harrison’s recent debut. 
“it’s been fun to see you on the other side of things, dude. i’m so happy for you,” tom praised. “i’ve been watching your interviews and they’re hilarious.”
harrison laughed. “thanks, tom. we have to get going if we’re gonna make this next one, though,” he reminded, looking down to you. 
you nodded. “okay, babe. looks like i have to go.”
“alright, baby. i love you and miss you so much,” he blows a kiss to the camera.
“love you. miss you too,” you smile. 
“see you, harrison.”
“yeah, see you, man.” 
you end the facetime and follow harrison out to the set where you would be doing a promo shoot for the irregulars. like harrison, this was your first major role and the promotional part was just as important as the actual shooting of the show. you had been with tom through several of his press junkets but now you understand how taxing and exhausting it can be, especially when you’re away from your boyfriend for so long. 
you would’ve liked to have him with you for some of it, like you had with him. but lately your schedules haven’t been matching up so easily. once you were done filming the show, he had gone off to film for spider-man and once he was done with that, you had started the promotional period for the show. there were short periods in between when you got to see each other but it wasn’t nearly enough time. 
the heart certainly grows fonder when you’re apart from each other. 
besides all that, you found press stuff to be pretty fun for the most part. photoshoots were really easy and usually didn’t take that long. this one took a little longer because harrison was with you and you both took some individual pictures as well as some photos together. if anything, you’re glad he was your co-star. you knew this wouldn’t be the case for every job you get so you tried to enjoy it while it lasted. 
after the photoshoot, you and harrison went over to the studio where they film the wired autocomplete interviews. interviews were a bit more daunting part of press, mostly because you felt the pressure to be liked by the general public and that could put a lot of stress on you to be more performative. luckily, your actor boyfriend has been there to remind you to just be yourself and that’s really the best way to handle it. 
you had seen several of the autocomplete interviews and always thought they were funny so you were actually looking forward to this one. 
once you arrived at the studio, you got all set up with harrison beside you and then the director explained how it was going to work. it seemed like it was pretty lax, which was nice because there was no one asking questions. rather, the questions were actual google searches that people had made so you and harrison were the ones who really got to lead it. 
“you guys ready?” 
you and harrison nodded. 
“three...two... one...action!”
harrison started. “hi! i’m harrison osterfield.”
“and i’m y/n.”
“and this is our wired autocomplete interview.” 
“ladies first,” harrison insisted, prompting you to grab your board. 
“okay,” you agreed with a laugh. 
“here. i’ll hold it and you can rip the tape off,” he offered.
“good idea.”
a lot of the questions were pretty basic like where you were from, where you went to school, if you went to acting school, what your favorite food is, etc. but then you got to a certain one. 
“‘is y/n--’ okay. let’s see,” you said as you peeled off the masking tape before reading the full question. “‘is y/n dating tom holland?’” 
you laughed awkwardly before answering, as this was the first question about your relationship status in an interview. 
“yes. we are dating,” you responded. your mind suddenly wandered to your earlier conversation with him, causing your mouth to keep moving. 
“i haven’t seen him in a bit but--” you paused when you realized what you were saying. “um, i’m pretty busy these days.” 
you ended with another awkward laugh and shrug as harrison nodded. 
“okay. that’s all for me. your turn, harrison.” 
you continued on with the interview despite feeling put off by the fact that you missed tom. fortunately, harrison’s questions were more entertaining and perked you up again. 
“‘does harrison osterfield drink the juice?’ wait. what does that mean?”
you bursted out laughing at the vague question. 
“y/n, what’s so funny? i don’t get it.”  
“nothing, nothing,” you replied. “just answer what you think it means.” 
you had finished the interview on a high note. 
“you seemed to be in a better mood than earlier,” harrison remarked. 
“are you okay?” 
“i just,” you started. “we’ve never been apart for this long and it’s just really hard. i didn’t think it was going to be a big deal and i thought i could handle it but i can’t.”
harrison frowned. “hey. no, no. you’re doing a great job. i promised,” he comforted before looking down to his phone. 
you stood up off your chair. “i’m going to get some water.” 
you began to walk away until harrison abruptly stopped you. “wait, y/n!” 
you looked back to him as there was some commotion at the back of the set. you ignored it, looking incredulously at harrison. 
“what?” you asked in an annoyed tone. you just wanted some water. 
suddenly, a third voice appeared. 
“aww, love. don’t be mean to harrison like that.”
you turned to see none other than your boyfriend standing there. you couldn’t react in any other way other than clapping a hand over your mouth and beginning to cry in disbelief that he was actually there.
“baby, it’s okay,” he cooed, walking over and wrapping you up in a hug. some of the crew watching the whole reunion began clapping and cheering. 
he rubbed your backed as you sobbed into his shoulder for a few moments before lifting your head up to wipe your eyes.
“how, how-- what-- i,” you stuttered, wanting to know how this could be happening right now. 
“what? are you not happy to see me?” he pouted playfully, brushing some hair out of your face. 
“no! i am but i thought you were sick.” 
“well,” he smirked. “i am an actor, darling.”  
you rolled your eyes facetiously before he continued his explanation. 
“i got in late last night and stayed in a hotel. i wasn’t sick but i gotta admit, i am pretty tired.” 
you laughed. “you’re so dumb.” 
“don’t blame this all on me! harrison was in on it too!”
you looked over to harrison who was still sitting there, watching this all go down. he held his hands up. 
“guilty. but i’d like to add that tom was freaking out that you had found out somehow and has been texting me all day.”
“no. i really had no idea but i was worried about you,” you prodded at tom’s shoulder with a finger. 
“i’d say it was worth it. wouldn’t you?”
you nodded. “i suppose.”
“can i have a kiss now, please?”
you leaned in and pressed a short kiss to his lips but of course, that wasn’t enough to satisfy him. he kept pulling you in for more before you began to get embarrassed with the other people around. 
“alright, i’ll stop. but don’t think you can escape from my sneaky kisses!” he took your hand in his and began leading you out of the studio.
“wait, we still have some promo stuff to do for today.” 
tom shook his head. “you don’t. can’t say the same for him,” he nodded over to harrison. “i’ve sorted it all out with your manager and it’ll just be me and you for the next two days. does that sound good?”
well, you couldn’t argue with that.
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welcome to wild card night! requests are open and ready..
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cloudybarnes · 4 years
Birthday Presents | S.S
Pairing: Stefan Salvatore x reader
Summary: Stefan hasn't seen his two best friends y/n and Lexi for years. Upon his return to Mystic Falls (set in season 1), Lexi and Y/n decide to surprise him for his birthday.
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: none
A/N: this will not follow exactly how Lexi met up with Stefan for his birthday!
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You couldn't stop the grin that was eating up your face as you packed your small bag. Lexi stood leaning on the doorway, watching you with a smirk. "I don't see why you're even packing. We could just get new clothes when we get to Mystic Falls."
You shook your head, still smiling, and turned to her. You zipped your bag shut, and sauntered over to her. When you were close enough, you poked her nose. "You silly goose, I'm not packing clothes. These are for Stefan's birthday." You placed your bag down and unzipped it, crouching to open the flap and show her what you packed. "A framed picture of the three of us from 1948, the first letter I wrote to him in the war, a framed photo of him, Damon and I, and this," you pulled out a dangling sword pendant.
Lexi gasped, crouching down next to you. "You didn't." She grabbed the necklace from you and very gently examined it. "There's no way you could have found this. I watched Stefan throw it into the ocean during one of his ripper phases. Is it a dupe?"
You smirked and lifted the matching one you wore out from under your shirt. Grasping the necklace back from Lexi, you held them side by side, and looked at her expectantly. "Come on, put yours here, too."
She grabbed hold on the tiny sword that was dangling around her neck, and brought it closer to the other two. When placed together, the tips of the swords linked from a magnetic pull, and changed colors. Lexi laughed, "Oh my god, this is amazing. How did you ever find it?"
You shrugged, zipping your bag and standing up to leave. "After Stefan threw it into the ocean, I just swam down for it. Honestly, I forgot I had put it in my box for when he was back to normal, so now his lost friendship necklace is a birthday present."
Lexi shook her head a grinned, slinging her arm over my shoulder. "You're amazing, you know that?"
You chuckled, "Yes, but keep reminding me; it inflates my ego."
She cackled, and shoved your shoulder away from her. In a flash, the two of you started on your run to Mystic Falls.
Once you arrived in Mystic Falls, your first place to look was the old Salvatore Boarding House. At the front door, you turned to Lexi. "We aren't actually going to knock, are we?"
She chuckled, "Hell no. I say we give Stefan a scare. Nothing like lurking vampires to get your blood pumping, right?"
You smirked. Lexi and you together were a devilishly good combination. You get into trouble, pull pranks, and just have a load of fun. "Let's do it."
You silently opened the door of the boarding house, and used your vampire hearing to locate those inside. You could hear Stefan talking, and after waiting a few seconds, you heard the sounds of his brother Damon arguing with him.
You snickered, and Lexi rolled her eyes at the sounds of them bickering. You set your bag down in the living room, and motioned up the stairs for Lexi and you to get up with the Salvatores.
You used my super speed to get up the steps and into Stefan's room where the brothers stood. Lexi trailed behind you. Without them seeing, you sped in between them so they could just make out the flash of someone running by. Then, you hid behind a dresser waiting for your time to come out again.
"Looks like we have company, brother." Damon stated, looking around the room wide-eyed. "Guess your rant will have to wait."
Lexi sped behind Damon, causing him to spin around, trying to see her.
Stefan growled, "Show yourself! Quit playing games and come out."
His eyes scanned the room, as Damon not-so-stealthily grabbed a wooden stake and threw it to Stefan.
You rolled your eyes and super sped up to Stefan, pushing him back against the wall, pinning the hand of his that held the stake against the wall. You grinned as he took in the sight of me, "Hello, Stefan."
His eyes were wide, but his smile was even wider. "Y/n," he breathed out.
Next to him on the wall, Lexi pinned Damon, hitting his head in the process. "Ugh," Damon groaned in pain, "and Lexi."
You giggled, releasing Stefan from the wall so you could give him a hug. "Happy Birthday, Stefan! Lexi and I missed you and wanted to celebrate together."
Lexi released Damon, and you stepped out of Stefan's hug so he could greet her as well.
Damon came up to you and lightly punched your shoulder. "Finally decided to come pay us a visit, Y/n?"
You grinned, and jokingly slapped him upside the head before pulling him into a hug as well. "Yeah, yeah. A girl's got a life, Damon. I've been really busy these last few years."
Damon chuckled as you pulled back and walked over to Stefan to give him a light punch in the shoulder. "I missed you, dude. It's been too long since I've actually been able to come with Lexi and celebrate with you."
Stefan grinned, "Yeah, finally you decide to pay your best friend a visit."
Damon shook his head, "Are we sure Y/n is really here to see you, Stefan? I mean, we all know she likes me more than she likes you."
You rolled your eyes, "Sure, Damon. That's why in 1942 I pushed you off that cliff; cause you're my favorite Salvatore." You teased with a light smile.
Damon chuckled, "knew it."
"Anyway," Lexi grinned, "Stefan, because it is your birthday, we're spending the entire day together!"
You perked up, "Oh! I also got some things for you for your birthday."
Stefan groaned, smiling. "You didn't have to get anything for me, Y/n/n. Just you two being here is good enough."
Lexi scoffed, "Yeah, right. Y/n, go get the presents."
You giggled and super sped out to the living room and back, returning with your bag in hand. "Okay, I didn't have time to wrap anything, so just close your eyes and I'll place things in your hand one at a time."
Stefan rolled his eyes, but complied. Once his eyes were shut, and his hands were outstretched, you placed the first gift in his hands.
Opening his eyes, he saw the framed photo of him, Lexi, and you. Stefan stood in the middle of you two with his tailored suit. You and Lexi stood wearing old dresses, and matching hats. Your hair was perfectly curled to the style of the 40s.
"Wow," Stefan gasped. "I can't believe you have this picture, thank you so much, Y/n."
Lexi peered over his shoulder to look at it. "Wow, we looked so posh in the 40s, Y/n."
You smiled, "Yeah we did. And you're welcome, Stefan. Now close your eyes again; I have a few more gifts for you."
He closed his eyes once more, and you put the framed photo of you, him, and Damon in his hands. This peeked Damon's interest, because he was now the one to look over Stefan's shoulder.
"Well would you look at that." Damon sighed.
Stefan looked at the picture and smiled sadly. Things must not be going so well with Damon, especially after that arguing you walked in on. "This is great, Y/n. It's nice to look back and see us all when things were simpler."
You nodded, "I'm glad you like them, but I have two more gifts for you, which I think you'll like more than the photos."
You giddily handed him the first letter you wrote to him before he even had the chance to close his eyes.
"The first letter you wrote to me when I went off to war." Stefan stated, amazed. "How do you even have this? I thought it got burned up in battle."
You grinned, "Have more faith in me, Stefan. You know I never lose important things."
"Brother, read it to us. I want to know what Y/n said while you were away." Damon said, crossing his arms and leaning back against the wall.
Stefan looked at me, seemingly remembering what you had written on that sheet of paper. "Are you all right with me sharing this?"
You nodded, "Of course. It's your letter, you can do what you like with it." You smiled. Lexi came over and wrapped her arm around your shoulder, placing her head on yours. Seems like she remembers what you wrote on this as well.
"Okay then," Stefan cleared his throat and began reading.
"My Dearest Stefan,
We have not been a part from one another since before our initial meet, so you may be able to see how this is effecting me. I truly miss your presence more than anything the world has to offer. Your smile, your laugh, your wit, and your charm are all missing from my life, and I do not wish for it to be that way. I do not want to ever see another time we are not with each other. Alas, I sided with Lexi on the decision to send you off in search of finding your self, or I would be right beside you.
Lexi and I are taking care of Damon for you. (More so me; you know how Lexi feels of him). I will do my best to make sure he is someone you can depend on for when you return. If I am unsuccessful, and Damon is still Damon, you will at least have Lexi and I for the rest of eternity. (While I do think the time I am spending with Damon is helping, he is still ruthless. I will do my best to show him humanity and kindness before your return).
Though I do thoroughly enjoy my time spent with Damon, I tremendously miss my favorite Salvatore man. Lexi is great company as well, but she does not make me feel the way you do, Stefan. My heart aches to be with you again, and maybe when that day comes I will be able to confess how I feel. I am counting down the days til we meet again. For now, I leave you with this letter, and a piece of my love.
Y/n Y/l/n"
A faded lipstick mark is left on the bottom of the stained paper.
Damon hummed, "Intense. I like the talk of me, though I thought you were spending time with me because you liked me."
You giggled, "I do like you Damon. You're a good friend when you want to be, and the time I spent with you while Stefan was away made my days more fun. I was never forced to spend time with you, Damon. You were my friend, not my experiment."
He smirked, "I know, I was messing with you. Now how about we talk about that little love confession at the end of your letter? I take it Stefan didn't feel the same? I don't recall you two ever getting together."
You rolled your eyes, "We just never brought it up when he came back."
Stefan lightly smiled at you, "we can talk about the letter later. Let's see my last present, yeah?"
You grinned and looked to Lexi who smiled back at you. "Okay, but you actually have to close your eyes this time. This is the one I've been waiting to give to you."
Stefan playfully rolled his eyes, but still shut them and held his hands out.
You giggled as you placed the sword necklace into his hands. When he opened his eyes and saw what it was, Stefan gasped.
He started slowly shaking his head, looking from the necklace, to you, to Lexi, then back to the necklace. "There's no way. There is literally no way this is my necklace from 1874. I, I threw it into the ocean. How did you get this?"
You smirked, and grabbed it from him. You walked over and stood behind him to fastened it around his neck. "I told you Stefan, I never lose things that are important."
Taking out your necklace that dangled under your shirt, you motioned Lexi to come over. She grinned and pranced over to us so we stood in a close triangle. You stretched yours out and touched tips with both of theirs. The metal sword tips stuck together, and the necklaces started to glow different colors.
Pulling yours back, you looked at Stefan who couldn't stop the grin from eating up his face.
You giggled, "I take it you like your birthday gifts?"
Stefan didn't respond. He instead pulled you into a tight hug and whispered in your ear. "These are amazing, Y/n. You're amazing; I can't believe you're here and you brought all of this back for me."
He pulled away and stared into your eyes. With your  super hearing, you noticed Lexi and Damon leaving the room.
"I never did get to address your letter. I was scared to talk about it when I got back home in fear of your mind being changed." Stefan lightly smiled.
You stared up at him, your heart beating. Stefan definitely heard your heart rate pick up because he chuckled. "I still have feelings for you, Stefan. I know not seeing each other for a little while may have put a strain on our relationship, but I feel as if we never parted."
He grinned, "I feel the same way. I've loved you since you first said hello to me, Y/n, and I'd be a fool to turn you away now that I finally have my chance to be with you."
You giggled, "Technically you had a chance back when you came home from war, but I'll let it slide."
Stefan playfully rolled his eyes and cradled your cheeks in his warm hands, "Good. That means I can do this."
Stefan confidently closed the distance between your lips. You eyes fluttered shut as you felt the soft touch of Stefan's lips. You trailed your fingers up to his hair and got lost in the moment. Kissing Stefan was like riding on top of clouds. He was soft and light with his kiss. It was confident but not overbearing.
Out of breath, you pulled back from him, but kept your faces close by resting your forehead on his. Your eyes slowly opened and saw his already staring back at you.
He grinned, "I think that was my favorite present of them all."
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embrassemoi · 3 years
Surrounded by the Moon and Stars • 16
Pairings: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, [F]Reader Content: Language, possible errors Author’s notes: Thanks for the support! xx (also kinda personal but I just got accpected into uni?! Crazy!) 
Masterlist: Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
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Chapter 16: Everything Goes According to Plan
January 30th, 1976
“Where’s my camera?”
“Be careful — Oi! Don’t step on me!”
The squeaking of floorboards creaked throughout the small room as everyone kept on stumbling into each other, all fidgeting from excitement. That morning, they’d all woken up earlier than usual, decorating the room with streamers, leftover Christmas decor and a large banner that hung above the entrance of the doorway that read, Happy Birthday, Petals! (which was Y/N’s idea — she was very proud of the nickname). Even Mary snuck into their dorm, making everyone wear small pointy party hats as they huddled around Lily’s bed, circling her like vultures and raised their hands high. With a quiet count of three from Marlene, their hands lowered, hovering over Lily’s arms and legs, then shook.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” They bellowed.
Lily woke with a jolt; her eyes flew open as she let out a scream. Her back slammed against the bed frame while Toulouse swiped at them, specifically at Marlene and hissed.
Lily’s heart hammered against her chest and she felt the small prickles of needles subside all over her body. Her hand clutched her nightgown, attempting to even out her breathing. “You could’ve given me a heart attack!”
“Happy birthday, Lils!” Mary repeated before climbing into her bed, hugging her.
She grunted at the impact as a smile replaced her features. Her eyes hopped from person to person before landing on Y/N who gave a sweet smile which had Lily blushing as she averted her eyes back to Mary.
When the group realized that Lily’s birthday fell on a weekend, it left them giddy and beyond excited for the endless opportunities that lay ahead of them. Not only did it leave the entire group to have a small break from their ruthless studying, but they could thoroughly celebrate the day and have enough time to spare for any last-minute plans for the surprise birthday party that night.
“Get your arse up and get ready to start the day!” Marlene declared, already trying to tug her crimson blanket away.
Lily yawned, rubbing her eyes, “Do we have to? I’m tired…”
“Come on! Life is short! It’s time we make memories,” she cried, “You never know when you’re going to die! Would you rather celebrate your birthday as a ghost or six feet under?! I, for one, will not visit your grave.”
Lily rolled her eyes, getting up with a stretch. Dorcas moved to turn on Marlene’s record player, settling a record by Nancy Sinatra as everyone continued with their usual morning routines. Lily got dressed in her favourite long sleeve lilac dress, pulling on tights to prevent herself from freezing. Mary wore her usual gold eyeshadow and wore a red jumpsuit while Marlene dressed coolly in all black. Although, Dorcas decided to stay in bed, still recovering from her nasty flu.
“You look very pretty today,” Y/N told Lily while detangling her hair from the loose braid she had it in. She took a brush and hair styler, primping her hair to Lily’s usual style and placed a headband in her hair.
“I — I, er — thanks!” She replied somewhat flustered.
“No… problem — there! Finished!” She handed Lily a handheld mirror, letting her go over her appearance. Pleased, she turned around to the group.
“So, first order of business, what did you want to do today?” Dorcas asked before going into a fit of coughs. Marlene rushed up to her side and popped off a cork from a nearby potion for her to drink.
Everyone had been slightly worried. It had been four days now and Dorcas still wasn’t recovering from the flu despite the ad of magic and potions. Thankfully today she seemed to perk up, even just a little, but they worried she was pushing herself.
“How about we just stay here, with you? We can all up a Healer and —”
“No,” Dorcas coughed again, she waved her hands in front of her, “I’ll be fine. Don't worry about me. What do you want to do?”
Lily remained quiet for a moment and Y/N assumed she was going to suggest staying in their dorm with Dorcas again, but her eyes gleamed with unusual mischief. Her eyes hopped from person to person before landing on Y/N. “I want to do a prank and I think you’ll love it.”
Everyone’s brows rose. Lily, the goodie-two-shoes prefect, Evans and pranks?! Those two do not belong in the same sentences.
“Okay…” said Mary, nodding her head despite being confused, “We’re listening.”
Lily sat down on her bed, crossing one leg over the other as she motioned everyone to sit. “Do you think it’s possible if we can dye someone’s hair? Obviously, safely,” she used her prefect voice, “But do you think we can?”
A beat went by — that was strangely out of character. What happened to the Lily they knew?
“Yeah,” Marlene begins, “What colour are you thinking?”
“Orange — bright orange with a bit of green.”
Then, Lily turned over to look at her again, a ghost of a smile appearing that told Y/N that whatever she was planning was going to be worth it — especially if Lily out of all people, was going to pull it off.
“Someone's going to be sorry for calling me Carrots.”
At breakfast, they arrived later than usual after they all planned out their prank. Marlene, who had been a part of too many pranks with Sirius and James, helped the most, while Y/N and Lily created a hair-changing potion using one of Dorcas’ old cauldrons — but unlike James, they stuck to a potions textbook with a reversal potion. Since it was Lily’s idea, she would be the one to slip the potion into Sirius’ drink. So, she tucked the vital into the sleeve of her dress, hidden from prying eyes.
They all huddled around her as they entered the Great Hall; their hands were pushed forward protectively, guarding Lily as if she were a celebrity being swarmed by adoring fans and they were her bodyguards. They paved her way from students while shouting:
“She’s declining photos at the moment!”
“Birthday girl coming through!”
“She’s a very busy lady! Out of the way!”
Lily kept on protesting for them to stop, hiding her face in her hands. As they reached their table, they sat beside the marauders while Lily made sure to take a seat next to Sirius. But, that wasn’t the end of Lily’s humiliation. Mary stood up, clapping to gain everyone’s attention. Once she realized what was about to happen she quickly got up, but Y/N and Sirius clapped a hand on Lily’s shoulder, shoving her back down on the bench.
They opened their mouths, singing,
“Haaaaapppppy birthday to you!” The six of them hollered before the rest of the hall caught on and started singing. “Haaaaapppppy birthday to you! Haaaaapppppy birthday dear Lily —” “CARROTS!” Shouted Sirius at the top of his lungs.
Lily kept shaking her head, blushing incredibly hard — even the tips of her ears started to turn pink. She covered her ears, attempting to muffle out the singing.
Y/N snapped a few photos of her, shoving them into her pockets.
“Haaaaapppppy birthhhhdaaaay tooooo youuuuuuuu!”
The Gryffindors and any Ravenclaws or Hufflepuffs that knew Lily cheered loudly. A few teachers, like Slughorn or McGonagall, made their way over to her, congratulating her along with a few other of her friends from different houses. Well wishes could be heard, along with a few people even handing her cards too.
Even an owl came swooping by when she had her back turned, dropping off a small package addressed from her parents and her sister, Petunia.
Swarmed and distracted, this left the group to huddle together as they leant over the table, forming a small circle of sorts. James was excluded as he sat back and drank a cup of tea flicking through the Daily Prophet.
“Operation: Lily’s birthday party,” said Marlene, “Let’s go over what our positions are for tonight.”
Mary was assigned with Dorcas to decorate the common room while Remus distracted Lily tonight during their rounds. Marlene and Sirius were in charge of drinks and snacks, leaving Peter and Y/N to bake a cake and bring any additional food.
They all quickly pulled apart once the crowd around Lily subsided. She settled back down, nodding and faking a cough. This signalled to the girls as Marlene quickly roped Sirius into a conversation about a New-Maj band he liked; Y/N talked to James about the upcoming Ravenclaw and Slytherin Quidditch match which left Mary to distract both Peter and Remus.
When none of the marauders were looking, Lily popped the corkscrew from the vital and grabbed a bowl of muffins on Sirius’ left. While she lent over, the potion poured directly into Sirius’ cup and she sat back down, smirking to herself. Y/N gave a discreet small high-five to her as they waited.
After a few minutes, parched from his talk with Marlene, Sirius picked up his goblet and tipped back the drink. He took a large gulp, wincing at the taste as he pulled it away from his face, but returned to his conversation like normal.
For several minutes, nothing happened. The girls kept quickly glancing upwards to check out his hair, but nothing: still bleached blond. They sighed, dejected that their plan hadn’t worked and Y/N nudged Lily underneath the table and gave a small smile, trying to cheer her up.
Another ten minutes went by and only then did the root of Sirius’ hair begin to tint into a bright orange colour rather than his dyed hair. This caught the girl's attention, however, the rest of the marauders who were still engaged in their conversations, did not notice as their heads were turned away from him.
His hair rapidly turned into orange as the tips were tinted green. Sirius didn’t seem to notice until James laughed, quickly turning to him to tell him a joke until his eyes widened at his hair.
“Ugh — Padfoot?!”
Sirius looked at him bewildered at his worried tone and expression before catching his reflection in James’ glasses. By now, Peter and Remus looked at him, their eyes widened, leaving the girls to force down their laughter, showing false concern.
“What the fuck?!” Sirius exclaimed, running a hand through it. She’d never seen Sirius this panicked before. More than anything, he looked shocked and even a bit… happy? No — definitely not happy. He continued to chuckle nervously before fretting over his appearance. For once, his laughter did not bother her.
Students began to take notice, pointing over at the Gryffindor table while some even began gossiping with others about the prank. As soon as the bell rang, everyone got up from their seats while the marauders surrounded Sirius, trying to help him out. The girls, on the other hand, got up and ran out of the Great Hall, practically howling.
“Oh my god! I can’t believe I just did that! I did that! We did that!” Lily exclaimed in disbelief before taking a seat down at their usual hangout near the library. “Did you see his reaction?! Jeez! I see why they pull so many pranks now!”
Y/N was about to burst into tears. That was by far the funniest shit she’d ever seen before. Marlene was in a similar boat as she clutched her side. Her stomach hurt from how hard she laughed.
“Lily! You little minx!” Mary cried as flopped beside Lily, her head dropping into her lap.
Their day was jammed packed. They went skating on the black lake, hit up the library, walked around school grounds which ended up in a huge snowball fight. After a bit, they decided to take a moment to separate themselves to give each other a bit of space while Lily went to find Snape.
This left the rest of the group two hours tops to themselves.
Y/N walked over to Honeydukes, buying a bunch of Jelly Slugs and a couple of other things before dashing back to the castle; she needed to wrap all of her presents and she promised to help Dorcas wrap hers too.
Before she entered Hogwarts again, Y/N took a moment to herself and enjoyed the small moment of peace around her. The soft crunching of snow, the cold breeze and the stillness — how quiet it was — there was hardly a moment since the break that Y/N had felt the comfortable peace Hogwarts had to offer.
Stepping inside the corridors, the atmosphere suddenly changed with the torches ablaze and a constant bubbling ambience that never seemed to settle.
In the distance, to her right, she could hear distant shouting and a rush of footsteps nearing. Out of nowhere, James seemed to come barreling towards her.
“Whiskers!” He yelled, sending her a fast wink as he continued to run down the corridor, making a sharp turn. Then, Marlee popped out, dashing after James.
“Marls?! What’s happening?”
“Running from Filch — get him off my trail!”
“What did you do?!”
“Told me to cover up, so I hexed him — Potter called him a rent boy!”
“Are you going to miss the party?” She yelled as Marlene’s body kept getting smaller and smaller as she ran. Y/N began to panic, without Marlene, surely things would take a lot longer than planned.
“Like hell I am! I won’t be late!”
Marlene disappeared, shortly being replaced by Filch who ran in a strange mixture of running and hopping.
“Where did they go?” He breathed, bending down and clutching his knees. “I heard them over here, where are they?”
And so Y/N decided to have some fun. “Who?”
“You know!”
“Um — you mean the one with blond hair?” “And the boy with black hair!”
“Oh! Yes, I know who… What’re their names again? Severus Snape and —” she paused, trying to think of another blond person, “Ugh — Sirius Black?”
Well, he used to be blond.
“No! The Potter boy and McKinnon! Where are they?!”
“Hmm… Oh! Oh! I think they went,” she pointed outside to the thick, cold snowy path, “That way!”
Filch didn’t even question her and ran off. Laughing, Y/N ran away from Filch; the last thing she wanted to do was face his wrath once he knew she lied.
Opening the door to her dorm, Dorcas was asleep. She walked up to grab a nearby folded blanket and placed it over her body to keep her warm before starting working.
She cleared off a table, unfolding her wrapping paper and wrapped the sides before creasing them, taping everything down with a pretty bow.
Nobody had seen Marlene or James for the past couple of hours — they’d even skipped dinner which caused everyone to go into a state of panic. Without Marlene, Sirius would be in a lot of trouble completing his task alone.
The common room was filled with fighting in hushed whispers as Lily and Remus were set to leave for their rounds in a couple of minutes.
“I’m going to kill her,” Mary fumed, “The one day they’re not supposed to go mucking around, they pull this!”
“How about we find them —” “And lose the little time we have now?”
Sirius, in particular, was on edge, aggravated, as he turned towards Y/N, “Why didn’t you think of saying anything sooner?”
“Because I didn’t think Marlene and James would be stupid enough to get caught! Not today!”
He closed his mouth, his lips pressed into a tight line. Even he hadn’t expected them to be that stupid either — not today.
“Everyone, shut up. All of you! Why don’t we take a moment to breathe?” Remus said calmly, effectively shutting the entire group up. In moments like these, Y/N understood why he was a prefect. He breathed in and looked to Sirius, “You can do this by yourself, can you?”
“Course not, Moony. Have a little faith in me!” Sirius gave a tenacious laugh, although forced.
Remus’ eyes then flicker to Y/N and Peter, “This shouldn’t affect you, will it?”
They shook their heads.
“Okay then, we’ll continue as planned. I’ll buy you as much time as —” He quickly cut himself off as everyone’s ears perked up. They all heard it, Lily’s footsteps. With that, Y/N, Sirius and Peter weaved their way out of the common room, walking quickly to avoid Lily and Remus from catching up to them. Unfortunately, Sirius took the invisibility cloak before she or Peter had the time to ask for it.
They sneakily made their way down a flight of moving stairs, passing several empty corridors and made their way down to the kitchens.
Once they began working on Lily’s cake, Y/N instantly knew why Peter was assigned to the kitchens.
He instructed her most of the time, telling her which ingredients or utensils to find. Currently, she grabbed a metal ladle and watched as Peter churn the ingredients, watching as they blend into a seamless, smooth mixture. She sat back most of the time, baking and cooking was never something she was great at. 
Y/N rifled through the cabinets, searching for a cake tin. “Ah-hah! Found some!”
They were heart-shaped, rather than the usual circular ones. She placed them onto the counter before turning her attention to grease the pans and focus on making a couple of sandwiches.
“So,” she started, trying to make small talk, “Where’d you learn to bake so well?”
Peter went pink as he wordlessly flicked his wand; the cake tin and floated it into one of the pre-heated ovens and turned to make the frosting. “Erm — it was James’ mum, Euphemia, who taught me. She’s a great baker — honestly she’s good at everything.
“James and I grew up close to each other; we’re childhood friends. He never did fancy baking — liked cooking more and I felt bad he never wanted to help out Euphemia. So one day I offered to help and now whenever I’m at their house, I help around — like a tradition — and I do it in my spare time now. Helps clear my head.”
Just then, two house-elves popped in, each holding a cup of tea for each student. Y/N gave her thanks while Peter turned to talk to them, making them laugh and asking questions that seemingly were a follow-up from a previous conversation. A light dust of flour scattered the side of his cheek while he smiled with them. The more he spoke with the elves, the more Y/N grew fascinated.
Out of all the marauders, even beating out Sirius and James who were amongst the most popular students at Hogwarts, Peter was the most liked out of all of them, especially amongst her friend group.
He wasn’t James who at times was a bit too much and talked an awful lot. He wasn’t Sirius who was dramatic, nor was he Remus who was quiet and intimidating. Peter was just Peter — who was a bit skittish, insanely good at Wizard’s chess, bold enough to sneak into the Slytherin's common room all by himself and loved to bake, clearly was in the kitchens often enough to have full-blown conversations with the elves when most people would so much as spit on before walking away.
It spoke volumes of his character, especially since he was from a Pureblood family; bound to grow up entitled and look down to his inferiors.
She noticed Peter had quite a lot of friends, mostly women, always seeming willing to help someone in dire need whether it be listening, giving advice or comforting another person. It only made her recollect the time Peter had engaged in small conversations with her, seeking to make her feel more included. Like that one time he’d mentioned the Holy Harpies. Small, ostensibly insignificant, but contemplating it now; he'd been trying to make her comfortable — settled — welcoming her with open arms into his group; into the marauders and the girls.
Within moments, there was a newfound appreciation towards the boy.
The sandwiches they made, along with pork pies stolen, were stuffed into a bag, ready to be transported. Y/N boredly spun her wand between the length of her finger while Peter whirled around in his seat until the ring of the timer went off. The elves were already gone, zipped away into thin air as they grew tired with sleep.
Placing a cooling spell onto the cake to avoid the icing from melting off, Peter began layering on a thin layer of icing.
“What’s Lily’s favourite colour? Is it still purple?” He asked. Y/N gave a curt nod.
“Never been a fan of purple. One time I walked into my Grandmum’s room, she only wore purple knickers for my Grandad. Makes me shiver all the time — honestly, the woman traumatized me. S’pose it might be my Boggart.”
Peter also had a sense of humour.
While diligently working, she marvelled at his creation. A two-layer heart-shaped cake, decorated all in light purple icing covered the surface before Peter piped small designs and swirls onto it.
“Wow. I feel like I can barely hold my wand at times yet you —”
“My, my — what do we have here? Students out of bed?” A voice came from behind them. “Tut, tut, tut.”
The two craned their heads backwards where Peeves smiled and let out a squeal of delight.
“Peeves,” Peter began politely. He slowly set down his piping bag and put his hands up in a submissive, yet defensive manner, as if he’d encountered a feral animal. “Please — please, we’re doing something for a dear friend. Don’t get us thrown out.”
“What would happen if I told Filch about you,” the ghost responded in a saintly voice, but his eyes glimmered wickedly. He brought a finger to the side of his face, tapping his index finger to his cheek, thinking.
“What to do, what to do…”
“Psst, Pete, what’s happening?”
Nobody answered her. With Sirius gone with the cloak, it left her and Peter completely out in the open wishlist a ghost threatening them — not to mention the lie she told Filch earlier, there was no way she nor Peter were going to get out of this unscathed.
“Please,” he pleaded.
She looked at him, wide-eyed and started panicking. She repeated louder, “What’s happening? What do we do?”
Peeves then grinned largely and started doing large loops into the air. His cackling rang through the empty corridors, becoming progressively louder.
“Shit. Run.”
Peter grabbed the cake while Y/N swiped the bag filled with the rest of the food, piping bags and a small jar of edible decor. They ducked under Peeves, dashing out of the kitchens leaving a huge mess for the unfortunate elves to clean up the next morning.  
Peeves floated behind them slowly as he watched them run. Peter ran slower, trying to make sure he didn’t face plant into the cake while Y/N urged him to run faster.
“He usually helps us,” Peter grits out, “But he’s a two-faced git! Never trust him unless you’re doing a prank! Never!”
Just then, Peter lost his footing and tripped over his feet, letting out a half-shriek, mixing in with Peeves’ evil laughter. They sucked in a sharp breath, watching as the cake flew through the air but Y/N, quick on her feet, grabbed her wand, casting a quick non-verbal charm and watched as the cake and plate froze mid-air before the plate clanked down first, the cake following and settling ontop. She ran up to it, cradling and wrapping a protective arm around it to prevent the cake from dropping again. She called out for Peter to get up before he took the cake again, this time with a shout from Y/N to not drop it, before leading her into a secret passway down the corridor.
Peeves could be heard laughing maniacally down the hall before they both could hear Filch’s footsteps running towards his shouts.
Peter maneuvered through the passage while Filch’s voice became more and more distant as they continued to hurriedly walk. Lily and Remus’ shift was going to end soon and it would be a lost cause if they didn’t make it up to the common room.
They both turned sharply, about to exit before Y/N crashed into a shadowy figure, tripping but being caught swiftly by the figure. They cradled her head to keep her from falling, but the sudden scare caused both students to open their mouths to scream, loudly.
“It’s me! It’s me!” Sirius’ familiar voice runs out, waving a hand to shush Peter while the other was still on her back. Y/N felt herself relax and erratic heartbeat to calm. She’d never been so happy to see Sirius before. Until she realized that they were still touching and they both ripped away.
Her heart spiked, and she felt oddly light headed. Soon enough, her eyes then immediately went to his hair and held back from chuckling — perhaps right now was not the time.
“I came once I heard people shouting and I figured it was you two. You okay?” His eyes darted to her at the last part.
Perhaps her eyes tricked her, that she was too tired or bumping into Sirius too hard, but it felt like he’d been making sure if she was alright. Since when did Sirius care? Although, Peter didn’t seem to notice or he’d ignored the interaction entirely.
“F-fine,” he wheezed out, “Peeves… Peeves caught us while we were decorating the cake. We’re not done yet.”
“What time is it?” She asked.
Sirius placed his wand in his mouth while pulling out a silver pocket watch from his trousers. “Ten to ten.”
“We have time then.” 
Peter placed the cake down gently on a nearby ledge in the passage, causing Sirius to cast Lumos. Sirius kept a watch out, his head moving from side to side every so often as he listened for anyone or anything walking past them.
Pulling out the icing bags and sprinkles, Peter began to finish his work. He continued to create flowers as Y/N wrote on the cake (although with help from her wand), ‘Happy 16th Birthday, Lily!’ and then placed a couple of candles around.
As Peter continued to add his small touches, Y/N’s eyes drifted around, not landing on anything in particular but zoned in on the shining of Sirius’ rings. Her eyes slowly drifted upwards, studying him. The remainder of the full moon that recently passed spilled a muted milky light onto the stone floor and touched Sirius’ face. He wasn’t wearing his normal school robes but dressed in Muggle clothing. Black jeans, a nice sweater, notable messy hair and his body language was relaxed. This Sirius was tolerable, likeable even. She liked this Sirius — but perhaps it was because he finally wasn’t talking. This Sirius gave her an insight into what he was like aside from his annoying, bitchy self. Loose, wild, messy in an elegant way, confident — in his prime — looking for a thrill, sneaking around; mischief.
Suddenly, Sirius’ wand went out as he ducked down, huddling beside her and Peter.
“What —”
They met each other’s eyes, locking, as he brought a finger up to his lips which made her flicker down to look at them, quickly.
Their eye contact was brief, so brief, nonetheless, it contained a flurry of emotions too complicated for Y/N to process.
But being up close for those brief seconds, she was able to examine him — truly, for the first time. Her eyes traced over the singular scar on his face, hidden by his hair that made her wonder where he’d gotten it from. Soon the questions enclosed her mind like an overflowing river.
His small, unexpected gesture had been one of many which had been nicer and oddly thoughtful recently.
Sirius’ brain was written in cryptic code — so advanced and intertwined — too complicated for her to understand. She wanted to understand his actions.
Even if she didn’t like to admit it, Sirius had a depth that greatly attracted her. She had so many unanswered questions.
And since her brain ran a mile a minute, her emotions weren’t filled with that annoyance of ranger — no, for once she didn’t feel any kind of resentment towards him.
Maybe it was because they both had one goal in mind: Lily’s party and that working against each other during something as high stakes like this would fail a good friend of theirs. Or maybe it was that instead of her or him starting something — or maybe — maybe it was because the boy was so close to her, closer than they ever had been before. Or maybe it was the adrenaline that set every fibre of her being on fire — making her feel like honey-dipped in tea — or the odd thunderous throbbing of her heat spiking suddenly; Y/N grew warm all over.
It didn’t help that Sirius didn’t look angry either, but rather a sudden cognizance filled his gaze, looking both shocked and calm.
But quickly, she just chalked up her flurry of emotions to adrenaline or wanting to hex him — either worked.
For Sirius, he felt utter disdain as his gaze fixated on her. He was tempted to flicker down to her lips but her eyes, bright and filled with glittery stars, were enchanting. It scorned him — made his heart beat in an iambic pentameter, creating its own sonnet that would make even the most accomplished poets jealous.
He wanted to refuse her presence. Wanted to focus on anything but her.
But Sirius was a weak man. He failed. He always did.
Their eyes ripped away and they heard the familiar sound of footsteps and voices neared them as they spotted the familiar red hair and tall figure.
Their voices were slightly muffled.  
“— times have changed! You aren’t a second year anymore.” Lily chimed while they walked.
Remus shook his head, instead of flicking his wand as a dozen torches lit up in mere seconds. “Whatever you say, Red.”
She swatted at his shoulder while Remus ruffled her hair, his smiling becoming genuine.
“Seriously, I support it.
“Merlin, Evans — it’s not going to happen. Look at me!”
“Not with that attitude and you look more than fine!”
Peter shifted his eight onto his other foot which made an audible scuffle. However, it was so quiet that neither she nor Sirius caught on but Remus, whose head swirled in their direction, did. He took a deep inhale, a look in his eyes, confusion melting into realization — there and gone — as if he knew they were there despite being hidden by the shadows of the night. He turned his head once more and started walking faster while Lily skipped down, trying to catch up to him.
Remus Lupin was an odd one alright.
Nobody moved until they were positive they were gone.
The entire night had been a shitshow.
“Okay,” Sirius exhaled, he felt his entire body tense up, “Let’s get out of here.”
“Do you think the cake is okay?” Y/N asked Peter as Sirius tossed the invisibility cloak over their bodies, hiding them from onlookers.
“Bloody well hope so,” he grunted, “We didn’t get caught almost three times, freeze our arse, almost get a month's detention, and probably destroyed the kitchen for it not to be great.”
Without another word, they made their way back to the common room where everyone made a fuss about how late they were. Quickly, Peter placed any last-minute designs, Mary handed everyone small party horns, Dorcas put up last-minute balloons while Y/N and Sirius helped each other layout all the snacks and drinks — this time, civilly.
“God… How’d you even get this much? Me and Peter were in the kitchens and we couldn’t even get half of what you got.”
At this, Sirius smirked before collapsing into the plush velvet couch behind him, an exhausted sigh as he sank further in. But as soon as the smirk was there, it was gone as everyone heard the clicking of the portrait open.
“Hide — HIDE!”
All the lights were blown out as they all hid behind the couches — they heard quiet footsteps — someone shuffling towards the middle — footsteps getting louder — louder — and —
Sirius lit the entire room as they all sprung up and Y/N quickly held her camera to her face and snapped a photo as everyone shouted,
“SUPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHD —” “Godric fucking Gryffindor!”
“... I’m going to KILL YOU MCKINNON! POTTER!”
Everyone groaned in disappointment at James and Marlene’s arrival before they heard the faint sounds of footsteps outside of the portrait again. Mary yanked Marlene down, shoving her behind the couch along with forcing a party hat on her head and confetti in her hands. Sirius grabbed James by his red sweater and rushed him up the stairs before getting back into place.
“Told you,” Marlene whispered into her ear, “Wasn’t going to be late.”
The real Lily could be heard as she spoke excitedly with Remus. The portrait swung open — everyone waited before she stepped inside — they put most of their weight onto their toes, waiting to jump — Sirius’ wand was about to light up the room — Y/N held her camera — Dorcas and Marlene were going to throw up the confetti —
“Why is it so dark —”
Light rushed back into the room and Lily’s face lit up brighter than the sun. Mountains of sweets were piled into bowls while a small table was lined with drinks. Sirius outdid himself, seemingly raiding Honeydukes; there was taffy, Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans, Chocolate Frogs, sherbet lemon, caldron cakes — plus the food Y/N and Peter had hauled from the kitchen; sandwiches, fruit, crisp (she made the mistake of saying chips in front of James and Marlene only to then be hassled by them for it) and pork pies.
ABBA played in the background, much to Remus’ demise as her purple cake sat in the middle on a table, all the candles lit. They all ushered Lily to blow out the candles while they all held wrapped gifts, cards and small gift bags.
“You didn’t need to do this!” Lily said, although there was a thankful look in her eyes, “This is too much! Thank you!”
“Anything for you, Evans!”
“You’re lucky we didn’t bring fireworks!” Marlene and Sirius grinned.
“You would have all gotten detention —” “Stop being a goody goody, not today, Lils!” Sirius slung his arm around the redhead.
Gifts went around; Lily had gotten so many cards from other teachers and students, handmade jewellery from Dorcas, Remus knit her a sweater with hearts, Mary and Marlene gave a joint gift, Peter bought her a small yet overly fancy tea set Lily had mentioned offhandedly before, Sirius gave her a first edition books she loved while Y/N gave her the gifts she bought from that old book store. Alice had even dropped by and given her a small package before heading back up for the night.
They all smiled widely at her and were thrilled to see her so happy. Y/N lifted her camera and took an abundance of photos throughout the entire night, before shoving them into the back pocket of her pants.
By the time everyone reluctantly returned to their dormitories, it was three o’clock in the morning and everyone was beyond tired, deciding it was time for bed.
“Night,” Dorcas called out. Marlene yawned loudly before falling into her bed, muttering out another round of happy birthdays to Lily. They were out the fastest — soft snores filling the room.
White specks seemed to blur through her vision as Y/N rubbed her tired eyes. She was about to call over to Lily, say goodnight, roll over and sleep before the creaking of her bed altered her to Lily padding her way to the bed. Y/N looked up at her, confused before scouting over for Lily to slip in, under her blankets.
“Are you okay, Petals?”
“Beyond perfect,” she replied with a wistful voice, “I’m so thankful. Thank you.”
Y/N chuckled, although she was a tad perplexed, “Y’know, it wasn’t just me who helped.”
“I know, but still. This birthday feels different from all the other ones I’ve had and I can’t help but think it’s also because of you.”
Lily Evans never ceased to amaze her. “Well, I hope you mean that in a good way,” she teased.
Silence fell around them before Toulouse hopped onto Y/N’s bed and settled himself between the two friends.
Y/N’s eyes wondered to the banner: petals... “What’s your favourite flower? Surely it’s not lilies, are they?”
Lily gave a small huff of amusement and shook her head, “No. Peonies or irises. What about yours?”
“I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll just say lilies for now.” She said absentmindedly before her eyes shot open. “Shit! I forgot —” Y/N reached over Lily and opened her drawer with the pouch of Jelly slugs before placing them into Lily’s hands. “Forgot to give you these.”
There was a soft look in Lily’s eyes and something Y/N couldn’t quite place. Her friend was acting quite strange.
“It feels like I’ve known you forever,” Lily says softly, her face flushed a rosy colour.
She stayed silent for a while, at a complete loss for words. Even a slight look of confusion crossed Lily’s face. 
“Yeah, you too.”
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Legend Lake: Chapter 7
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Charlie Gillespie X Fem!Reader
Series MasterList
Summary: You bring your boyfriend of three years with you to your grandparent's lake house for the first time.
Warnings: None that I know of.
Inspo: Miggie Snyder's song Legend Lake.
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Charlie stuck his tongue out at the young baby. Carter giggled clapping. Your smile couldn't be hidden seeing your boyfriend and your nephew be friends is so sweet.
"You're so in love." Aubrey laughed sitting next to you. "I've never seen you this head over heels." Unlike Melody, and Camilla you've known Aubrey your whole life. Her dad is your dad's friend so you guys were always around each other. And she ended up falling in love with your brother so that's interesting.
"Shut up." You groaned pushing her. "He's perfect though. He's good with kids, he's funny... ugh I found the man I want to marry."
"That's great! Do you think he'll propose on this trip?"
"I hope so."
"What're we talking about?" Charlotte asked sitting with you too.
"What do you think of Charlie?" You asked your baby sister. It was important to you that your family likes whoever you marry.
"He's cool. He stole my nickname though." She scoffed. "And embarrassed me when I was talking to my girlfriend but he's alright."
"Wow glad to see you like him." You laughed.
"Like who?" Charlie walked over, Carter on his shoulders, and Koa following close behind.
"No one." You shrugged.
"Mhm. Y/n wanna come for a walk with me, Carter, and Koa?" Charlie asked you.
"Sure." You smile.
"You two are disgustingly cute." Charlotte scoffed before walking away.
"You're just jealous!" You shouted to her. "Let's go!"
"Do you think we'll ever have a little one for Cadter to play with?" Charlie asked you smiling before adjusting the baby on his hip.
"Definitely. They'd have your amazing hair, and my amazing personality." You joked.
"Eh I don't know your personality on a toddler might be a bit- ow! I'm joking!" He gasped as you smacked his shoulder.
"Whatever." You rolled your eyes.
"Seriously! A toddler with your sass would be cute." He assured.
"You're so believable." You laughed rolling your eyes.
"Your aunt is so mean to me." Charlie cooed to Carter.
"He's my first cousin one removed." You said taking your cousins son.
"But he's gonna call you aunt so does it matter?" Charlie raised an eye brow.
"No. But either way. A kid with your hair would be adorable." You changed the subject.
"Yeah. I was an adorable kid." He nodded.
"I was talking about our kid we don't have not you." You scoffed.
"Oh. Well I was cute." He gave you an adorable smile.
"Sure you were."
"And so are you!" He assured.
"Your so cheesy." You laughed.
"Oh you know you love it!"
"I do." You pecked his cheek before continuing your way toward the water. "Just imagine, coming to the lake with our baby. Oh man! The photos of them and Carter together swimming and stuff would be so cute."
"That reminds me when doing you guys usually take the family photo?"
"It just depends. I think Melody brought her camera so she'll just set it up and we'll take a photo in front of the lake house like every other year. But your be on the end."
"Makes you easier to photo shop out if we break up."
"What??" He looked at you slightly offended.
"No I'm joking." You assured laughing.
"You better be." He said.
"Me and Carter are leaving this is unacceptable." He said dramatically taking Carter from you and storming off.
"That's not the way home!" You shouted watching him walked away.
"I knew that." He said turning around and going the opposite way.
You laughed shaking your head. At least he's good with kids. You thought before following them with Koa.b
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Taglist: @ifilwtmfc @charliegillespiewife @wanniiieeee @killerqueenfan
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prettiestvulcan · 3 years
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pairing: enji todoroki x oc
rating: explicit
summary: a summer getaway gets heated, in more ways than one.
warnings: none
a/n: part of @delirieum's hot milf summer collab!
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She’s always had a dislike for summer. The sticky, humid heat. The influx of tourists, which meant more crime. The increase in her number of patrols. Summer meant more work in near unbearable conditions.
There is one plus to summer, though. It means the kids are out of school, so she gets to spend more time with them. Sure, during the day she’s always on patrol, but then she gets to pick them up from her parents’ house and take them to pick out dinner. They don’t have to be in bed for school, so she can introduce them to her favorite childhood movies.
This summer is different, though. Her parents are taking their grandkids on a vacation and she can’t go with them. Work is having their own week-long mandatory ‘vacation’, which involves flying out to an island for team-building exercises disguised as fun. It’s the first time the agency has done something like this, but her guess as to why is as good as anyone else’s.
“Mommy, do you have to go?” Her youngest asks. She kneels before him, giving him a soft smile.
“I’m sorry, sweetie, but mommy has to go because of work.” He pouts, crossing his arms with a frown.
“I don’t want you to go.” Isaac looks close to tears. “I don’t want to go with Nanny and Pappy. I want to go with Mommy.”
“Isaac,” she brushes tears from his cheeks with a thumb. “Don’t cry, sweetheart. Mommy will be back. And I’ll call every night before bedtime.”
“Promise?” He sniffles. She nods, holding out her pinky. He grins, wrapping his much smaller pinky around hers.
“I pinky-promise,” she answers. His tears have started to dry up.
“Okay,” he finally relents. “I’ll go with Nanny and Pappy.”
“That’s my boy,” she ruffles his hair, the curls catching occasionally. He doesn’t seem to notice.
He runs off towards the front door, giggling the whole way. She stands, watching him go with a smile. He’s always been a cheerful kid, willing to do as she asks. She’s grateful for it. However, her eldest isn’t as agreeable. Perhaps being close to ten, she’s just going through a face. She was a fussy baby, though, so something tells her she just takes too much after her father.
“Why do I have to go?” Hazel starts. “I’m old enough to make my own decisions.”
“Hazel,” she reproaches. “I don’t have time to find you a babysitter. Nanny and Pappy already agreed to take you somewhere fun.”
“Ugh,” she groans. “Whatever, mom.” Hazel storms off without another word. She frowns, watching her go. If only there was some way she could make both of them happy. She hadn’t lied, though; the trip for work was very sudden and she didn’t have time to look for a babysitter. It was only through luck that her parents had agreed to take them on vacation with them this year. Perhaps because they were both old enough not to need as much supervision and constant care.
With a sigh, she grabs her suitcase once more and climbs into the taxi. She really wishes she could have given Hazel a goodbye hug, but she knows her daughter well enough to know that wouldn’t have gone down easily. There would have been a lot of yelling and pushing, possibly some kicking. She really hopes Hazel doesn’t regret not saying goodbye.
The taxi drops her off outside the entrance of the airport. She takes her suitcase from the trunk before heading inside. The layout is huge, but everything is clearly marked and mapped. She has no issues finding the check-in for the airline. Finding the gate is even easier, since each gate is in a specific order. She sits down to wait for their boarding time, taking her phone out to make sure there are no calls or texts from her parents. Thankfully, there are none so everything must be alright.
She decides to look around the area from her seat, spotting several familiar faces in the seats around her. They all seem absorbed in their own activities, so she leaves them be. She was never really familiar with any of the other sidekicks, anyway. Being a single parent meant she didn’t have much time for get-togethers, so she was always turning down invites after patrols. They’re always friendly towards her, however, so she thinks they’re all on good terms. They probably understand her hesitance to leave her kids at home with the babysitter longer than needed.
After a while, it’s time to board the plane. It’s her first time flying since before Isaac was born, but she still remembers the drill. Show your boarding pass, get it scanned, find your seat. It’s very straightforward. Everything about the trip so far has been, which is something she’s grateful for. She’s not a huge fan of surprises. Never has been. Although she supposes Isaac and Hazel are two surprises she absolutely couldn’t live without.
Soon, the pre-flight announcements are beginning. She’s surprised to see no one in the seat beside her. It’s nearly a full plane, though she’s not going to complain. It just means she has more room to stretch out. She listens to the pre-flight announcements, turning off her phone as instructed. She takes her in-flight bag off the floor, putting it in the empty seat beside her. She couldn’t quite reach the overhead bin and had been too embarrassed to ask for help.
The plane takes off, bringing with it a slew of emotions. She’s excited to be going somewhere, even if it’s for work, but she’s going to miss her kids. Not being able to see them for an entire week? It’s an entirely new experience for her. She’s been home with them basically since they were each born. She’s been there to kiss ouchies better, to read them stories before bed, tuck them in with a kiss on their foreheads. She’s been there to wipe their tears, to make them smile and laugh. Being away from them will be a new experience for all of them, but at least they won’t be completely alone. She trusts her parents to take care of them, just like they cared for her as a child.
She takes comfort in that thought, relaxing back against the seat. She hadn’t realized how tense she’d been the whole time, but once she relaxes the soreness of her muscles makes itself known. She rubs at her thigh, trying to soothe some of the pain. It works, to some degree. She’ll just have to remind herself to relax and take something for the pain once the plane lands.
She rests her head against the headrest, closing her eyes. Nothing wrong with a nap on the flight. Just as long as the turbulence of landing wakes her, she’ll be fine. She feels herself slipping into unconsciousness….
The island is beyond anything she could have imagined. It’s lush and tropical, palm trees dotted everywhere. The air smells like salt from the sea, but somehow still refreshing compared to city air. Even the hotel is magnificent. There’s an indoor spa! She’s never stayed anywhere with its own spa.
They arrive late the first day, so they’re told to find their rooms and get settled in. They’ll receive instructions the next day, according to Burnin who is giving the orders. She wonders if Endeavor will show or if this whole event is being organized by Burnin. She’s certainly capable of doing it.
She spends the first night unpacking and familiarizing herself with the hotel. There’s so many extra amenities and she hopes she has time to try out some of them. She takes photos of the view from her hotel window, sending it to her parents so they can show Isaac and Hazel. When she’s finished exploring, she retires to her room and makes the promised call.
Everyone is doing great, of course. They also made it to their hotel, which Isaac excitedly informs her has an indoor pool. Hazel is much less talkative, but seems to be in high spirits even if she doesn’t outright say it. She’s glad they’re enjoying their trip so far and hopes they keep up the momentum. When they finish swapping stories, she wishes them goodnight and tells them she’ll talk more tomorrow.
The next day, they all have breakfast in the hotel’s café before convening outside. It’s more upscale dining than what she’d have expected. Once outside, Burnin gathers everyone close before speaking.
“Hello, everyone!” Her voice easily carries across the crowd. “I hope you’re ready for a fun week!”
There are cheers from the other sidekicks.
“Well, have I got a surprise for all of you.” She’s close enough to see Burnin grin. “There’s no agenda for this week, aside from getting out there and having fun together!”
No agenda? She’s a little surprised by that. She thought this was a mandatory team-building trip, not just a vacation. She feels conflicted. On one hand, she’s glad for the opportunity. On the other, she had fully expected the week to be planned out for her so now she’s at a loss.
What does one even do on vacation? It’s been eighteen years since she’s done anything by herself. Sure, she’s taken weekend trips with Hazel and Isaac but never alone. And never somewhere so opulent or tropical. She doesn’t know what to do with herself now.
“Now get out there and have fun!” She snaps back to reality at the sound of everyone’s cheers, before shuffling back inside the hotel. Whatever she wants to do, huh?
She changes into something more comfortable, having expected there to be training. Thankfully, she had thought ahead and packed extra clothes on the off-chance there was any free time. It looks like her foresight had come in handy, as she takes out her bathing suit and coverup. Nothing like a trip to the beach.
She’s surprised that there’s no rigorous training. Endeavor is known for running a tight ship, so this whole trip seems out of character. Then again, ever since his last major fight, something had changed. He’s still just as strict, but he seems almost approachable now. A little more lenient. She’s certainly not as terrified of being called to his office anymore.
She wonders if he’s come on this trip, as well, or if he’s staying back at the office. He could use the trip, she feels. He’s always working so hard. Besides, she swears she saw his youngest in the crowd. If his son is here, surely he would’ve come as well.
Someone clears their throat behind her and she startles, realizing she’s just been staring at the open elevator doors. She shakes her head, murmuring an apology, and enters the elevator. The figure behind her enters, as well, and as she turns her eyes go wide.
“Endeavor, sir,” she hurries to greets, giving a polite bow. “Thank you for this opportunity.”
He doesn’t say anything, just looks at her with a grimace. She wonders if she’s said something wrong before he grumbles something under his breath, inclining his head in acknowledgment. He doesn’t say anything else, but she’s shocked to see him. She wants to comment on it, but the elevator arrives at the ground floor before she can figure it out.
“Ah, Endeavor, sir,” she calls out without thinking.
“Please call me Enji.” She can’t help the eyebrow that raises. “We’re on vacation. I’m not your boss right now.”
“Of course, Enji, sir.” He doesn’t look pleased with the added ‘sir’ so she tries again. “Alright. Enji.” It feels awkward coming out of her mouth. He’s been her boss for the better part of a decade and never once called him by name.
He seems pleased by the amendment on her part, though it’s hard to tell with him. She shifts her weight from foot to foot, trying to figure out why she even called out to him. He waits, turquoise eyes trained on her.
“Would you like to come to the beach with me?” She almost smacks herself with how bold she’s being. Sure, he’s been nice to her over the past few months, but that doesn’t mean he wants to be friendly.
He looks just as surprised by the offer, one eyebrow raised. She purses her lips to keep from saying anything more, waiting on an answer. Her heart pounds in her chest. Finally, he speaks.
“You’re going to the beach?” She nods. “I’ll accompany you. I was headed there regardless.”
She takes in his appearance for the first time, noting the swim shorts. He’s wearing a white t-shirt, a towel slung over his shoulders. She nods to show she understands, eyes moving back up his hulking frame, to find his eyes also looking over her.
Had she just been caught checking out her boss?
Had she just caught her boss checking her out?
The thought brings warmth to her cheeks. She ducks her head down, though she’s sure he’s already seen her blush. She decides to take the lead, brushing past him towards the door. She can feel him follow, after a few tense seconds.
She feels a little silly. She’s too old to be checking out other men, let alone her boss. It doesn’t matter if he’s older; he has his own family. She knows he has at least three kids, though she’s never heard about their mother. He has to be married, though. There’s no way a man like him hasn’t been snatched up.
She tries to push those thoughts aside, instead focusing on walking down to the beach. It’s not far from the hotel; might as well consider it the backyard. The closer they get, the more of the ocean she can smell. She’s not sure it’s an entirely pleasant scent.
There isn’t much in the way of conversation. For her, it’s just too awkward to start one and he’s not exactly known for being chatty. She’s sure he doesn’t find it awkward at all, the silence. But she does.
As she scrambles to come up with something to say, they finally arrive at the beach. There’s a few others on the beach, rainbow color of towels spread along the sand. She tries to find a spot some distance from the main crowd, not wanting to interrupt or intrude.
She expects him to part once they reach the beach, but he keeps pace with her easily. She did invite him to come with, but she hadn’t actually expected him to follow through. Sure, they talk at work about work. But conversations about patrols are entirely different from conversations about life and the weather.
They lay their towels out, red and blue side by side. It’s a little closer than she’d been expecting, but still a respectable distance apart. She hesitates a brief moment before pulling her coverup off, folding it and setting it aside. She has nothing to be embarrassed about.
Hero work has been good to her. Even after two kids, her physique is still desirable. She’s not exactly slim, but she’s muscular enough to hide the chub from two kids. She has very few major scars, the most notable being the faded white scar on her right leg from a piece of metal out of a falling building. She’s lucky it didn’t take her entire leg.
“I’m going to swim,” she announces to her company. He inclines his head, again not saying anything. She leaves him where he’s reclining on his towel, heading down to the water.
She feels more comfortable in the water. It’s cool and refreshing, compared to the sticky heat on the beach. She takes her time in the water, swimming around and floating. She even rides a few waves to the shore before swimming back out. When she’s had enough, she returns to her towel.
Endeavor—Enji, she corrects herself. He’s still laid out on his towel, but his eyes open when he hears her approach. She flops down onto her towel, feeling energized after her swim. She turns her head to face Enji, having felt his eyes on her.
He’s wearing an inscrutable expression. He’s not exactly easy to read, but it looks as if he’s taking extra care not to express any emotion. She offers him a smile, not sure what to do or say. He doesn’t return it, but he does finally look away.
She peers up at the clear blue sky, wondering what kind of exchange that was. She rests her arms behind her head, closing her eyes. It’s a vacation. She’s going to get in as many naps as possible….
She wakes sometimes later, having been shaken awake. She blinks a few times to clear the sleep from her vision.
“The tide is coming in,” Enji tells her. She nods to show her understanding before sitting up. She stretches with a yawn. “Dinner?”
She’s not sure if it’s a question or a demand.
“Sure,” she agrees. “I could go for something to eat.” She stands, grabbing her towel. She shakes off as much sand as possible before slipping her coverup back on.
“We should change at the hotel,” he says.
“Good idea.” She looks down at herself. “A quick shower might be good, too.” She gives him a crooked smile. He nods and she swears she sees the ghost of a smile on his lips.
She feels significantly less uncomfortable on the walk back, perhaps because he’s actually not that scary. He’s just not very talkative. And if she doesn’t think about how he’s her boss, it’s almost like hanging out with a friend. A very new friend. Okay, maybe it’s still a little awkward.
Dinner is a quick and quiet affair. He doesn’t say much and she isn’t sure what to say. When they finish, they bid each other a good night and go their separate ways. She takes the time to call her parents so she can speak with Isaac and Hazel. They tell her all about their trip so far and she shares hers.
“You spoke with Mr. Endeavor?” Isaac seems in awe.
“Yeah, sweetie. I spoke with Mr. Endeavor.”
“Can you get his autograph for me?” She can hear the excitement in his voice.
“His autograph?” She repeats.
“Yes!” Isaac is definitely bouncing on the other end. “I saw him on the TV! He’s my new favorite Hero!” She chuckles.
“Sure thing, sweetie. I’ll get his autograph for you.” It shouldn’t be too difficult. He is her boss and she’s sure he’s used to being asked for it.
“You’re the best, Mommy!” She smiles at that.
“Love you, too, sweetie.”
“Okay, I’m gonna give the phone to Hazel now.” There’s a shuffling noise before she hears Hazel’s voice.
“How are things going, Mom?”
“They’re going well,” she answers. “How are you doing?”
“It’s okay.” She hears Hazel shrug. “Nanny took me to the museum, so I guess it’s alright.”
“The museum?” She prompts. “Which one?”
“The Hero Museum,” there’s a smile in her voice. “It was pretty cool.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.” She really is. Hazel is a difficult child sometimes, but her interests aren’t outside the realm of any other ten-year-old. “I love you, sweetheart.”
“Love you too, Mom,” Hazel huffs. “I’m giving you back to Nanny now.” More noise as the phone is swapped to another.
She talks to her mom for a few more minutes, just to be sure the kids are behaving. Her mom assures her that everything is fine and to enjoy her own vacation.
The next day is spent much the same: at the beach with her boss. Enji. She keeps having to remind herself. She does manage to get his autograph, explaining it’s for her youngest. He asks about him, and she’s more than happy to talk about her kids.
He speaks about his own children, much older than her own, but there’s pride in his voice as he speaks about them. She can’t help but smile, her laughter coming freely when he tells embarrassing stories about them. It feels like she’s getting to know him and she can’t help but like what she’s seeing.
It’s hard not to find him physically attractive, but she’s old enough to not be distracted by a pretty body. She’s worked for his agency for nearly ten years; she’s long gotten used to the way he looks. But something about their conversations has her reassessing him.
The third day on the island, something feels different between them. He feels warmer, somehow. It isn’t exactly anything particular he does. It’s in the way they lean towards each other when they speak, the way they keep bumping into each other, the way they keep finding ways to spend time together. It’s a combination of all these things that has her heart pounding when she sees him.
She decides to make a move. Either he ignores it or he reciprocates. Either way, there’s no harm done. They’re on vacation. Perhaps she’s feeling a little risky because of it. Away from work, away from her kids, she’s feeling a little more brave than usual.
It’s been years since she last was with anyone. After Isaac’s father left, she swore off dating and catching feelings in general. It was just too much of a hassle. Why now, after all these years, she isn’t sure. Something about it just feels different. Feels right.
They go out for dinner as usual, but she invites him to the hotel bar afterwards. She doesn’t fully expect him to agree, so when he does she’s feeling more confident. They sit next to each other at the near empty hotel bar, drinks in hand.
When she makes a joke, laughing at it while he gives a slight grin, she reaches out to put her hand on his arm. He looks surprised by it at first, eyes going slightly wider. She wonders for a brief moment if she’s overstepped, pulling her hand back, but he quickly grabs it before she can withdraw.
They stare at one another, neither saying anything. It’s like he’s waiting for a signal. She nods. He moves into action, pulling her up from her seat. He keeps their fingers entwined, tugging her along to the elevator.
It’s actually happening, she realizes, as she leads him to her hotel room. She didn’t think this would ever actually happen.
He presses her against the hotel door, mouth hot and heavy on hers. She grasps at his arms, his shirt, anything she can reach to keep herself afloat. She’s quickly giving in, sinking further into his desires. She doesn’t think she wants to fight them anymore.
His mouth moves down to her neck, biting and kissing. She can’t help the sounds spilling from her and just hopes no one in the rooms around can hear her. His hands—big, so big—tug at her dress until she’s slipping the straps from her shoulders and letting it fall to the ground.
His bright turquoise eyes stare at her, wearing nothing more than a pair of lacy underwear. She feels intimidated by that heavy gaze, feels the urge to cover herself.
“Don’t,” he growls as he grabs her hands, pulling them away. “Let me see you.”
She lets her hands fall to the side, trying not to feel so self-conscious. She tries not to think of all the stretch marks across her belly and thighs, on the tops of her breasts. She tries to remind herself that they wouldn’t be here if he didn’t see something desirable about her body.
“Beautiful,” he murmurs, cupping a breast. It fits perfectly in his hand, his thumb rubbing circles against her nipple. She squirms, a moan slipping from her parted lips.
“You too,” she tosses back. “I want to see you, too.” He grins, something crooked and slightly menacing. But he pulls away from her, tugging off his shirt and shorts. She reaches for the last piece separating them from each other, pulling them down.
She can’t help but stare. She knew he was a large man, but it couldn’t have prepared her for how proportionate that made him. Long and thick, red at the head. She wraps her hand around him as best she can, giving a few short tugs, and hears him groan. Will it even fit?
She doesn’t have much more room for thought as he pulls her in for another kiss, tugging her towards the bed. She goes willingly, wanting nothing more than to feel him against her. He nibbles at her bottom lip and she licks at his; soon their tongues tangle together. It’s been so long since she’s been with anyone like this. She hopes she can make it as good for him as it feels for her.
She lays on the bed, situating herself against the pillows. She beckons him, wanting to close the distance between them. He lays himself atop her, balanced by his hands on either side of her hips. He kisses her, sweeter this time. Not as desperate.
He kisses a path down her neck, across her shoulder, before dipping to take a nipple into his mouth. She shudders, pleasure welling within her. She runs a hand through his hair, red strands tickling between her fingers. He hums, licking and sucking her nipples.
“Enji,” she whines, pushing on his head. He chuckles, moving lower. He plants kisses across her stomach, still a little pudgy from her last pregnancy nearly eight years ago. She feels self-conscious about it, but the way he worships her body makes it a little better.
Finally, he’s exactly where she wants him. He wastes no time, diving right into his task. Her head knocks against the headboard, but the brief bloom of pain is nothing compared to the sensation between her legs.
He eats her out like a man starved. A little uncoordinated, but enthusiastic. His tongue circles her clit before flicking it, a single thick finger toying with her hole. She grips the blankets beneath them, unable to stop the noises slipping out of her kiss-swollen lips.
He slips a single finger in finally. It’s as thick as two of her own, but she knows she’s going to need the preparation if he’s going inside of her. She squirms, wanting to clamp her legs shut, but his shoulders keep her spread. She has no choice but to give in to the onslaught of sensations.
And give in she does. Head thrown back, mouth open and spilling profanity with his name mixed in. She couldn’t keep quiet if she wanted to and she can tell he definitely doesn’t want her to keep quiet. That single finger pumps in and out, stretching her, before he adds a second.
It’s almost too much, but she forces her body to relax. She’s soaking, giving him plenty to work with. His spit and her fluids ease the way for that second finger. She moans, pressing down against him. She feels his laughter, a gentle vibration through her cunt.
“Please,” she begs. “Want you inside.”
She’s ready for it. She can handle it. He pulls off, looking up at her, and she can’t help but flush at the sight of him. His chin is wet with her juices, his lips swollen. He shifts up, towering above her, and reaches down to line himself up.
Her mouth opens on a silent moan as he pushes in, stretching her beyond what she thought she was capable of. It’s painful at first, but as she has time to adjust it morphs into pleasure.
“Finally,” his voice rumbles through her. “Been wanting to do this.”
She whines, pushing her hips down and against him. She needs him to move already. It’s been ages since she last got fucked and she’s eager for it. She wants him to pound her into the mattress until she forgets who she is.
He delivers on those fantasies. He fucks into her roughly and with abandon, until she’s moaning his name and his name only. He shoves two of his fingers into her mouth and she sucks on them, drool seeping from the corner of her mouth. She doesn’t even care, too busy with the feel of him.
She doesn’t even care anymore when things changed between them. The only thing she cares about in that moment is coming around his cock. She can worry about feelings and emotions later. Right now, she’s only focused on reaching that high.
He reaches between them to roll his thumb against her clit and she can feel her eyes roll to the back of her head. Just a few circles and she’s cumming hard around his cock. He fucks her through it, fingers shoved deep in her mouth.
When she comes down, she takes a moment to appreciate the fucked out look on his face. The squinting of his eyes as he concentrates, the sweat beading on his temples, and the slack-jawed grunts and groans spilling from his lips.
“Inside,” she tells him. “Come inside me.” It’s a risky request, but she wants it. He does, too, judging by the way his thrusts speed up until he growls and spills inside of her.
When he pulls up, she feels his semen trickle down the inside of her thighs. He collapses onto the bed beside her, but searches for her hand among the sheets. He laces their fingers together and she smiles up at the ceiling.
The mood is ruined by the sound of her ringtone, however. She’s tempted not to answer, but it might be her parents calling about the kids. With a sigh and a silent promise to return, she gets out of the bed to answer.
“Mommy!” Her son, Isaac, shouts from the other side. “Are you coming home yet?”
“Not yet, sweetie,” she laughs. “In a few more days.”
“Awww,” he pouts. “You’re with Mr. Endeavor, right, mommy?”
“Yeah,” her voice is soft with affection as she gazes towards the bed, where Enji is lounging.
“Did you get his autograph for me?” She chuckles, but confirms she did.. “Yay! You’re the best, mommy!”
Isaac hands the phone off to her mother, who updates her on her eldest who refuses to come to the phone. It’s just like Hazel to be so stubborn. They’re doing fine, her mother assures her, and tells her to enjoy her only vacation in eight years. She just laughs, but promises to have as much fun as possible.
When she’s finished, she sets her phone back down on the desk and wanders back to the bed. Enji greets her with open arms and she rests her head on his chest. She listens to his heartbeat, letting it lull her to sleep.
Best getaway ever, is her final thought before she falls asleep.
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lovecanbesostrange · 3 years
Okay, for the poor people on the Ruby Lucas Harem Discord suffering because of this ask (x) on konako’s tumblr that lead to things (including this fanart x), I have this wild scene out of context.
Mary Margaret was sitting at her desk, updating her chemistry flashcards. Ruby was sitting on her bed cross-legged staring at her laptop screen, waiting for this English essay to write itself.
“Ugh,” Ruby groaned and let herself fall backwards. Out of habit she put her hands to her face, but winced when her fingers touched the band aid over her eyebrow. It’s been five days.
A knock on the door made them both turn. They usually could tell who it was by the exact sound of the knock. Like Charming had one hard knock followed by two quick ones or Mulan knocked four times in a specific rhythm. So whoever this was, was more than unexpected. Ruby drew in a sharp breath. She had heard back from the police yesterday that there would be no criminal charges, but they both knew something else would arise from this.
Mary Margaret looked at her, then turned her chair to fully face the door and Ruby got back up again. “Come in.”
“Hallo. Good, you’re here.”
“Mom!” Mary Margaret was up in a second and gave her mother a hug. “I didn’t know you’d be coming.”
Eva hugged her back, but despite the smile on her face, her voice already made them realize this was not a fun surprise visit. “I didn’t know I would be here today either.” The hug ended and she stepped into the room, her gaze landing on Ruby. “I got some news last night and suddenly I was in my car this morning.”
Mary Margaret glanced at the clock. It was a twelve hours drive with good traffic, so Eva must’ve gotten behind the wheel around 4am.
“Hi…” Ruby busied herself closing her laptop and didn’t look up.
“Honey,” Eva stroked Mary Margaret’s hair, “would you mind giving us the room? I want to talk to Ruby.”
“Sure.” Mary Margaret glanced between the two and then grabbed her things from the desk. “I’m down the hall in the common area.” When she passed Eva she whispered: “Don’t be too harsh on her, please.”
That made Eva smile. Her daughter knew exactly why she was here, but she looked out for her friend. These girls always had each other’s back and knowing they were loyal like that, dragging each other out of trouble, was certainly a good thing.
Eva took the vacant chair and rolled herself over a bit towards Ruby’s bed. “So.”
Ruby slowly looked up. Eva took in the bandaid and she could see a faint red line indicating that her lip must have been busted. Trying to hide one hand with the other was a giveaway that her knuckles were bruised as well. Eva had to breathe slowly. A part of her wanted to grab Ruby by the shoulders and shake the whole story out of her. She wanted to yell about irresponsibilties, the futility of violence and all the consequences physical assault could come with. The bigger part of her wanted to cradle her like the 9 year old she sometimes still saw, who confessed to lying about her home address, as if not having loving parents was her personal failing.
“I was at dinner with friends last night and suddenly got asked if I heard about the ruckus on campus. I was really surprised when I was shown this tiny article about a football player beating up another student. And it took me two phone calls to find out it was you.”
“I’m sorry,” Ruby murmured towards the blanket she was sitting on, playing with the seam of her sweatpants.
“For what?” Eva tried to keep her voice as neutral as possible. She had felt every emotion during the long drive and had played out many versions of this conversation. But sitting in this room she realized none of those would work.
Ruby furrowed her brows and finally looked up. “Beating up that guy, of course?” It was a bit more of a question than a statement. The question had rattled her. There was so much to be sorry for though. The beating, losing her temper at all, making Regina worry that night already, not doing so great in classes lately, clinging to Snow, making her team suffer… oh, wait. “Also for not calling… I guess…”
The board said that her mother, Anita, would be notified of this by mail. That was her home address, her contact, but maybe this was why Eva was here. The Blanchards had always cared, but now she was in college, she wasn’t a kid anymore, she had to do these things by herself. But maybe, just maybe they should have called. “I shouldn’t have put this on Snow alone… she should’ve talked to you…”
“Ruby, no.” Eva got up and sat down on the bed, gesturing Ruby to scoot over next to her. “Sure, I’m disappointed-”
The word stung and Ruby interjected immediately. “I’m sorry. I messed up, but I promise Snow wasn’t even there and I won’t-”
“Stop!” Eva took Ruby’s hands, now seeing the bruises already turning yellow, showing the passage of time already. “I am disappointed you didn’t call. And I’m glad to hear Mary wasn’t involved, but I wanted to know anyway. Because of you. I care about you. And this is serious. I know…” She paused and slowed down, knowing the next thing would hurt, but after all these years, Eva needed to say it out loud. “I know your mom doesn’t take good care of you, I know you feel like she doesn’t care at all and I honestly don’t know if she does. But I do. I am not your mother, but I care.”
The dam broke and Ruby started to cry. Eva took her into her arms and immediately Ruby clung to her. It was weird that Eva had seen the aftermath of Ruby crying quite a few times over the years, but rarely had she shed tears in front of her. Maybe Eva should have made her before, pushed her a little bit towards that to hammer it home that she cared and that she would be there for her. Just the same she had hugged Mary Margaret after break-ups, over bruised knees, bad grades, and other bad news.
“I’m sorry for everything”, Ruby got out between sobs. Her tears stained Eva’s blouse already. “I didn’t mean to… I don’t want to hurt people… I swear I want to be good.”
There was more, but it was hard to decipher it all and Eva let her cry, rubbing circles on her back. Getting the full story would take time, that was for sure. All she could do now was to reassure Ruby. “I know you’re good, you just made a mistake. People make mistakes.”
Eva looked over Ruby’s shoulder and saw her pinboard. A few pictures were on it and she immediately recognized one taken the time she and Leopold had taken the girls to Six Flags. They had ridden all the rollercoasters until they were practically green in the face. It had also been the day she had seen Ruby at her most carefree. There was one photo of Ruby with her Grandmother, a woman Eva had met only once. Anita was nowhere to be found on the wall.
A group shot looked nice. Eva recognized David from the pictures Mary Margaret had sent her, but couldn’t even guess who the others were. It was a bit sad living too far away to meet all these people, because she had made it a point to know Mary Margaret’s friends in school by face and name. Mulan, Belle, August, Robin, Jasmin, Anna, Aurora… so many names. She smiled at the picture in the corner that showed Ruby in her team uniform, helmet in hand. A candid shot, her elbow resting on the shoulder of another girl. Or maybe it was young woman now.
Eva turned a bit to catch a glimpse of Mary Margaret’s pinboard. Cluttered with far more pictures, flyers and notes. They shared a room, they had shared the most parts of their lives for the past 11 years and yet there still was such a noticeable difference.
Ruby started to calm down and when she let go, Eva leaned forward to get tissues out of her bag. “Can you tell me your version of the story now? All I know is that you were provoked and sent a boy to the hospital. The article said something about questionable self-defense.”
“There are no criminal charges,” Ruby said after blowing her nose. “He said something to my friend. Insulted her. And he wouldn’t stop, calling her… the c-word… and when he touched me, I lost it.”
“He was in the hospital,” she prompted.
“For a broken arm.” A pause. “A broken nose.” Ruby looked at Eva again. “He lost a tooth. And has some more bruises than I do. He was on the ground fast…”
Eva put a hand on Ruby’s shoulder. “I have no problem believing you would defend any of your friends like that. But you must have hit him pretty hard.” Ruby nodded, the shame was visible. “Tell me the truth. Has this happened before? Because what I can’t believe is that you would pound someone when he’s already down. Something else is going on and I want to know if that will happen again.”
Ruby pressed her palms against the mattress and slid away a bit. Eva could hear - and even see - her breathing pick up. This was almost all the confirmation she needed.
“I’m sorry.”
“Has it happened before, yes or no?”
Silence fell.
Eva closed her eyes. This was the thing she had feared. Because either Ruby had lost it very big time and the paper didn’t cover the big scoop behind it. Or something had been going on and she had been blind to it. And she needed to hear this from Ruby herself either way.
“Back in high school… it was… at junior prom…”
Eva scrambled her brain. She remembered Mary Margaret having a date and giving her one more motherly talk about safe sex that had left her daughter bright red in the face. She also remembered that date bringing her home even before curfew and that Mary Margaret had been not very talkative that night. She had sworn nothing bad had happened with him and Eva only suspected that they’d had a stupid teen argument. There was nothing too remarkable about that. Had she seen Ruby the next day? She couldn’t recall.
While she was thinking, Ruby went on hesitantly. “This boy Peter had asked me out… from the hockey team… but it… it was all a prank… some of those guys wanted to like… set me up for a joke… and... “ She quickly glanced up and right back down again. “It wasn’t as bad, he had bruises and a swollen eye. Snow was there to stop me and we all agreed to not tell anyone. I apologized to him though. And it all… it was… like now… just more… it wasn’t just Whale being a dick to my friend, it’s… everything is so much sometimes and I explode.”
This was less surprising to hear than Eva cared to admit. “Have you ever hurt somebody with intention?”
Ruby shook her head. Her voice was broken. “One time… but only one time… I shoved Snow… I swear it was only once… I yelled at her and shoved her and the second I had done that… I apologized immediately and I never ever intended to hurt anybody.” She looked at Eva again. “Least of all her. I swear.” For this she held eye contact as long as she could.
Eva reached out touching her hand that was clenched around the edge of the mattress. “Thank you for being honest.”
There were a lot of details Eva wanted to know about, but this had been hard enough on Ruby. And now they had time to figure things out. But she had revealed a bright spot. “No criminal charges, you said?”
Ruby nodded. “The police seem very uninterested. And any civil things… well, I need to worry about what the board decides. My… friend said her family will keep things on the down-low.” She squirmed a bit.
“Who is this friend?”
“Regina Mills.”
“Mills? Oh.” Of all the people to get in a fight for, this was probably the luckiest choice. Although it didn’t sit right with Eva that there might be things going to circumvent what law dictated. But she also knew that worse people got away with far worse behavior and Ruby deserved to have one strike with minimal consequences. Even if this was technically her second. “I have looked up a few therapists in town already. I nee-”
“I’m seeing the campus therapist already. But I blew off a few appointments and I get that I shouldn’t.” Eva looked over at Mary Margaret’s bed at that. “Yes, Snow made me. She went with me the first time even.”
“What else are you girls keeping from me?” That came out more judgmental than she meant to. “I know you’re growing up, but you’re still kids to me. I always thought you knew you can come to me with problems.”
Eva scooted closer again and put her arm around Ruby’s shoulder. “Enough with the apologies. I know you’re a good kid. I remember you kept Mary from starting to smoke, so that’s something.”
“You know about that?” Ruby looked at her bewildered.
“I am a mom after all and some things I do pick up. You didn’t like it, because you’re an athlete, right?”
“Yeah, it’s super shitty for your lungs and I told her it was uncool.”
Eva laughed. “Wish that would work on Leo and his cigars. But thanks for that. I know you two look out for each other. But I will have to chew out my daughter for keeping a few too many secrets.” Ruby tensed up a bit. “What? Something else I need to know?”
“No…” She dragged the syllable out, dragging her toes over the floor.
“Ruby, I just said you can tell me. That is all I want from you, the truth. And we can work anything out from there.”
“But… what if…” She crossed her arms in front of chest, bracing herself. “What if… I’m not who you think I am?”
“You’re Ruby Lucas. You’re the best friend of my daughter, almost more like a sister. You worked your butt off to get here and you work hard to be the best version of you. I know you even send some of that money home you make at the gas station. Because you care so much about people you love, like your grandmother. I know you are a good person, even though you keep way too much inside. But we can work on that now.” She gave Ruby a kiss on the head, like she would with Mary Margaret. “What could be so bad about you?”
“I’m… I think… I’m gay.” Ruby breathed out that last word and was one tense muscle in Eva’s half embrace.
Eva looked at the pinboard again. The picture with Ruby smiling while leaning on the other girl. It clicked. On top of everything else, this secret had weighed Ruby down. She sure had enough reasons to be angry at the world already. This wasn’t something Eva had prepared for, so she just brought around her other arm to pull Ruby closer. “I want you to be happy and in love.” Finally she felt Ruby breathe in again.
((I just have to stop myself here. This could go on and on and on and on otherwise. Because I already know Eva is gonna take them out to dinner, insisting on meeting David. She gets a hotel room nearby. Of course Snow offers to let her sleep in the dorm but “Honey, that’s kind, but no. So much no to sleeping in a dorm bed.” And she freshens up a bit and passes a book store, where her eye is caught by a pride display and she gets a bracelet with a tiny rainbow flag, two actually, she wears one and gives the other to Ruby, because well, she doesn’t know exactly what to say, but this will definitely not make her think less of her!! Eva is the silent MVP of the story.))
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justatinysprout · 3 years
Little List of Haikyuu Fanfics on AO3 [iwaoi edition]
To Be First, To be Best - chanyeol
Hajime is apparently something of a masochist, and as he stares down at the tie-dyed AREA51 T-shirt in his hands, he thinks “I’m totally in love with this asshole, aren't I?”
iwa realizing he is in love with oikawa. little angst but dear god why u so dense iwa-chan
words: 26,404 (1/1) 
The PDA Jar - orphan_account
“What is that thing for?”
“I’m glad you asked, captain. This… is the Public Display of Affection jar. Or PDA jar for short.”
“Now whenever you do something that may hurt our children’s innocence, you’ll have to put money in the jar as a punishment."
all fluff and protect kindaichi at all costs/ why are u 2 so dense. so adorable and oikawa and iwa not even not even realizing how in love they are with each other
words:10,480 (1/1)
The Great Photo Race - reginagalaxia
Oikawa realizes that he doesn't have a single terrible photo of Iwaizumi on his phone, and challenges the volleyball team to get the worst photo possible in a week.
tooth-rotting fluff we deserve/ iwa is too hot for his own good  
right person, wrong time (and how long it took for the time to be right) - bbkutosan
“If the first person you loved was standing in front of you, what would you say to them?”
Or: Iwaizumi finds himself being interviewed by two YouTubers and realizes that for some reason, Oikawa Tooru has changed his life far too many times.
mic guy and camera guy are some real mvps. they figure it out though. very proud of iwaoi. 
words: 5,070 (1/1)
inside, this place is warm & outside, it starts to pour - enisle
#1 - inside, this place is warm
But still. Texting Iwaizumi to come over shouldn't be terrifying—none of the things he's been doing with Iwaizumi for the past two weeks should be terrifying. And yet here he is, so overwhelmed with the knowledge that while he and Iwaizumi have always done everything together, there were superlatives they never dared to acknowledge, and being together in every sense of the word entailed an everything that was much more vast, much more limitless.
Oikawa is still trying to deal with the intricacies that come with dating your best friend.
words: 6,557 (1/1)
#2 - outside, it starts to pour
Or maybe, just maybe, it was simply Oikawa—the boy who cleaves the air with a swing of his arm and the friend who eats half of his lunch and the lover who makes him feel invincible and weightless and weak all at once.
Iwaizumi loves him. Iwaizumi loves him and it’s terrifying how that love consumes him just so.
Iwaizumi has had many firsts with Oikawa, but what's one more?
honestly pure fluff, deserved fluff dear good i love this. happy fluff, for a good day or a mood lifter
words: 9,906 (1/1)
I’m Cupid Stupid - OIKAWAHAJIME13
Oikawa Tooru (aka Cupid) and Iwaizumi Hajime (his loving husband) are tasked with getting four couples together this February. Needless to say, things do not always go to plan in the game of love.
they are married and this is so soft and sweet. It just makes my heart warm up at the thought. 
words: 8,737 (5/5)
From Your Mortal Enemy (with Love) - duskglow
He takes a step closer to Iwaizumi and says, “You’re going to have to pry this gym away from my cold, dead hands if you really want it, Iwa-chan.”
Iwaizumi leans in and grins without any humor. “Bring it on, Pretty Boy.”
Or, five-ish times that Oikawa Tooru has the grave misfortune of encountering the very annoying hot asshole of a baseball captain.
baseball player iwa is amazing and i love how slow kawa can be during this. 100% worth it. I love them. 
words: 11,272 (1/1) 
Blood Runs Blue - flourishstars 
“He’s got a gun!”
Oikawa freezes. He doesn’t want to turn his head for the fear of what he might see, but he does. As he turns his head, his heart nearly stops.
A group of people stand at the door, with masks covering their faces. Oikawa’s eyes trail down, and his heart rate quickens as he realizes that they’re all carrying guns.
Oikawa has never feared for his life, but fuck, he does right now.
(Or, publicist Oikawa Tooru assists a jaded detective in solving a case, but they’re up against the clock, because time is running out.)
ugh just *chef’s kiss*. stuppendous, flawless, oh i loved this. It’s a bit violent so be wary. Definitely check the tags. 
words: 27,623 (12/12) 
I Choose You - TripsH
There's a tiny clock on his wrist, bright red numbers. It's supposed to tick, supposed to move, supposed to tell him when he'll meet his soulmate. The time will run to zero when they've met, moving numbers will become stationary—the ticking that signified uncertainty transforming to the silent stability of forever.
Iwaizumi Hajime's clock hasn't ticked for as long as he can remember.
Honestly this is a bit angsty (okay maybe more than a bit) but it is honestly very worth it. It’s a really nice soulmate au and it’s fun watching them grow. Though you might want to yell at them a bit to actually talk. 
words: 9,315 (1/1)
The Lifespan of Asters - russianpotatofarm
20 Theme Challenge day 2: reading quietly “What do you need?” Hajime asks. The patient’s eyes light up. A little, anyway. He looks like he doesn’t have much left in him, and if he does, it’s either caffeine or heavy drugs. “Great! So, what does glioblastoma mean, anyway?” or, "god damn i never should have gone to med school," a novel by iwaizumi hajime (forward by yachi hitoka)
Okay so this does end with a Major Character Death so if that is not your thing don’t read it. It is very well written and I honestly had to stop and cry in my pillow for a bit. 
words: 7,813 (1/1) 
Shatter the Heavens - papaya_oyl 
“Hey Iwa-chan, do you know the legend that if you die, you become a star? Your soul flies to the sky and there’s a place for you to stay. Everyone has their own spot that's been reserved for them since the moment they’re born, and the galaxy extends to hold every single person. You stay up there to watch over everyone else forever.” Oikawa turned his head and looked into Iwaizumi’s eyes. “I bet there’s someone up there watching us right now.”
Oikawa and Iwaizumi have moved to Tokyo together for university, and are living their lives playing volleyball, and spending almost all of their waking moments together. Everything is perfect. Until it isn’t, and when everything starts to fall apart, it’s up to Iwaizumi to fix what is broken.
Iwaizumi gazed into the eyes that shone with tears, seeing the galaxies that sparkled in those beautiful chocolate orbs.
“Make it go away, Iwa-chan. Please, make the pain go away.”
The stars weep and cry. The heavens destroy and ruin.
I won’t lie about this, I began crying about a 1/4 of the way through this. This HURTS so so so much but it is written incredibly. Iwa and Oikawa’s relationship is so wonderfully built and I’ll say it the end kills you for more than the reason you think it should. (Does have a Major Character Death.)
words: 30,390 (1/1) 
Time - kylar 
"Time takes. Time corrupts. Time destroys. Time is greedy and ruthless and uncaring. It rips through your life and takes everything you’ve ever cared about. It ruins everything it touches. It doesn’t care about love, it doesn’t care about promises. It mocks, it taunts, it teases us with promises it has no intention of keeping. It wrecks havoc, and even if you can see it coming, you can’t stop it. Time is pain. So don’t tell me time will heal my wounds. Time gave me these wounds."
Alright this is written in a different way but it’s incredible. And yes I bawled like a baby. Though it might be because of the Major Character Death. But yes an amazing read and 100% worth the tears. 
words: 4,973 (1/1) 
How Iwaizumi Hajime Got A Boyfriend - beemother 
Maybe, just maybe, that hot pink dildo wasn't the worst gift.
or Iwaizumi finally tells his best friend that he loves him.
This is my shameless self plug. Yes it’s the iwaoi fic I wrote. 
words: 2,998 (1/1) 
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remmushound · 3 years
Rise/bay 23!! @brightlotusmoon @errorfreak88 @selfindulgenz
Donnie ran out of his room in an excited frenzy. His feet tip-tapped the happy dance he always did when he found a discovery. The light in his eyes, the flutter in his heart. The warmth overwhelming him. He ran right over to the cuddle pile, hesitating only to eye the strange scene curiously before prodding Donatello’s forehead.
“Mm?” Donatello’s eyes opened in an angry scowl at being disturbed.
“Hey!” Donnie was beaming, his eyes shimmering like dark pools of shiny chocolate, “Hi— here— here take a look at these!” 
Donatello grumbled through his sleep-heavy state and ignored the pictures shoved in his face, covering his muzzle with his arms to block out the light.
“Wha— hey, come on! I think I found your April!”
Donatello hardly heard him, and the fuzz of his mind wasn’t sharp enough yet to care. As the bickering continued with Donnie’s mouth running like a motor trying to wake up the sluggish softshell, Raphael opened his own heavy eyes and started to listen in. 
“Ugh! Make it stooooop!” 
Leonardo reached over and prodded Donnie where his tail would have been under the pants, making the box turtle yelp and fall forward. 
“There.” Leonardo snuggled back in against Raphael, “I found the off switch.”
Raphael was fully awake now and slowly started to untangle himself from his brothers. When he stood, the absence of his immense form made Michelangelo and Leonardo roll suddenly and slam into Donatello on either side. None of the three seemed to care. Raphael gave himself a minute or so to stretch and pop his joints before positioning himself behind his brothers, low to the ground. He sucked in a good deal of air, and then belched it back at his brothers.
The reaction was immediate. Screams of terror as the scent overwhelmed them and the panicked scrambling as his brothers tried to escape the stench. Their feet scrambled helplessly on the floor for a minute as the slick floor held them in place. Michelangelo was the first to find his footing, then Donatello, and lastly Leonardo. All scrambled to different corners of the lair.
“You’re up now, antch’a?” Raphael laughed. “Whatchu got for us Don?”
“What? I don’t have anything for you.” Donatello answered.
“He meant other Don, Don.” Leonardo nudged his brother in the side, “Maybe we should mark you with paint or something— Don 1 and Don 2.”
“Not funny, Nardo!”
“No, it is extremely funny.” Leonardo laughed continuing to prod Donatello playfully.
“Nardo, if you keep doing that I’ll—“
“You’ll what?” Leonardo stuck out his tongue and bounced between legs as he continued to poke Donatello and avoid his swatting hands.
“Eh, ignore them.” Raphael smiled as he rubbed his neck and turned to address Donnie, craning his neck over to look at the pictures the box turtle reluctantly offered. “You found something?”
Donnie squeaked at the closeness of the snapping turtle’s head to him and pulled away quickly, dropping the photos in his panic. Raphael picked them up and his eyes lit up once he located the reason for the images.
“That’s April!”
That simple declaration was enough to make the other three forget about their playful bickering and hurry to Raphael’s side. The mutant held the proof of April low enough for his brothers to be able to look comfortably. Cheers sounded off seconds later.
“That’s April!”
“Oh, she’s okay!”
“Looook!” Leonardo prodded a finger against the paper at April’s chest, “She’s got the orb!”
“Ohh I hope she’s okay!” Michelangelo piped, crawling to hang over Leonardo’s shoulder.
“Time stamps from an hour ago.” 
“Do you know where she is now?”
“Can we get a pizza on the way to find her?”
The smaller mutants started to swarm Donnie with their questions, but Raphael was quick to separate them and give the box turtle some space.
“This is the last I saw of her— she was heading into an alley and I can just kinda see her going up the fire escape.” Donnie said finally.
“Hey, isn’t that where dad was?” Leonardo pointed out.
There was a symphony of agreement.
“I didn't see her come back down though, so she’s probably still up there.” Donnie said, “Unless she found a different way down, which I don’t see why she would…”
Donnie gave yet another yelp as Raphael’s hand fell onto his shoulder. Raphael laughed.
“You’re a jumpy one arencha?” He gave Donnie a few comforting pats to try and reassure him, “Great work Don! You don’t know how much this means to us.”
Donnie’s eyes glimmered with astonishment at the genuine praise.
“Yeah, that big head is good for something after all.” Despite the insult, Donatello’s words came off as a good-natured joke as he circled around Donnie and leaned his head on the box turtle’s shoulder.
“You’re one to talk, peanut head!” Leonardo laughed, “Your head looks like Stewie Griffin’s in reverse!”
“Ha ha.” Donatello faux-laughed, “Very funny, Leon.”
Donnie shivered as Michelangelo scrambled up his shell, using the older turtle’s tech for hand and foot holds. “You’re so smart, other Donnie!”
“Uh— heh— thanks?” Donnie’s cheeks hurt from smiling so wide. 
Raphael whistled, and his brothers all dislodged themselves from Donnie to heed his call. “Come on, Mad Dogz! April needs us!”
Another uproar of agreement sounded.
“I have an ideeeahhh!” Donatello purposely exaggerated the last word, “Let’s take the turtle tank!”
That suggestion sparked a series of cheers. 
“You do have a turtle tank right?” Donatello asked, his brothers excited cheering still sounding behind him.
“Well— yeah— but—“
“Great!” Donatello didn't let him finish, and Donnie couldn’t help but wonder if it was on purpose.
“Wait— you’re not really supposed to…” Donnie’s voice only got softer as the cheers drowned him out and the other four set off searching for the tank, “Take it out of the lair without… oh never mind.”
Donnie followed reluctantly after them. 
When they finally found the room they had been searching for, Leo blocked their path before they could enter. While the rest of the brothers stared at Leo— Donatello annoyed, Michelangelo concerned, and Raphael confused— Leonardo was quick to confront the box turtle.
“Hey guy, we were trying to get through there you know.”
“I know.” Leo crossed his arms pointedly.
“What, you the new door? Cause I’m not really seeing any working handles.” 
Leonardo pretended to look all around Leo for a handle before returning to stand in a similar stance as the older shinobi, except more relaxed. 
“Waiiiiit~ Are you like the sphinx? Gotta answer a riddle to get past you and if we get it wrong you just stare at us disappointedly!” Leonardo said the last part of the sentence in a low voice that tried to mimic Leo, standing up a little straighter and making sure to be loud. “Waitwaitwait, lemme guess: What’s green and uglier than a half-drowned mutant mole rat? And the answer is you! What’s my prize?”
Leonardo cupped his hands together and batted his eyes innocently, standing on one foot as he posed.
Leo didn't even address the annoying slider. “Donnie. What are you doing?” He asked slowly.
Donnie’s head shrank slowly into his shell. “Sorry Leo… I tried to stop them.”
“He spotted our April.” Raphael explained calmly.
“And so you thought you could just bully my brother into taking you out to get her?” Leo pulled up to his full height to try and tower over Raphael, even if the difference was only a few inches.
“Wha— bully?” Raphael frowned, not flinching at the attempt at a threat and looking more concerned for Donnie than for what Leo could do for him, “I didn't mean to bully him— did— did I?” 
Raphael looked back at Donnie with soft eyes. Donnie was looking incredibly guilty, his eyes locked on the floor as he sniffled softly and adjusted his glasses. Raphael gave a long, almost mournful sigh and approached Donnie.
“Gee, I’m sorry. I didn't mean to press you into anything.” Raphael apologized, “I just really wanted to find our April.”
The rest of the collection of mutants muttered similar apologies, Leonardo even giving a bow to the box turtle. Donnie looked to Leo to make sure he wasn’t the only one made uneasy by this strange situation. Leo seemed to carry a similar sentiment.
“Don’t worry— we’ll go out and find your April.” Leo said finally when he was able to, “But you all need to stay here.”
“Stay here?” Leonardo shot back, “Why?”
Leo was more than happy to challenge the slider again, almost glad he finally got the mutants attention. “My brothers and I know this city better than you.”
“Yeah, and we know our April better than you! And you’re not my leader!”
At a simple touch on the shoulder from Raphael, Leonardo immediately calmed down. “We won’t get in your way.” Raphael addressed Leo.
“You better not.” Leo said after a hesitation, so used to an aggressive remark that a kind one threw him off guard for a moment. “Suit up Don. We roll out in five. You two as well!” Leo called across the lair to Raph and Mikey.
“What?” Leonardo turned to Raphael with a hushed voice, “You can’t be serious!”
“I’m not.” Raphael whispered softly out of the corner of his mouth. “I said we wouldn’t get in their way, and we won’t. Never said we weren’t going.”
Leonardo understood immediately and gave a soft laugh, punching Raphael playfully in the shoulder. “April, here we come.”
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