#not a hate post i genuinely just forget he exists like. all the time </3
taiyami · 2 years
Yeah it sucks being a Hisagi fan but at least my favorite character isn't Chojiro Sasakibe ..
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TMNT Fanfic Complaints
As this blog is mostly a space to vent, and I am currently obsessed with pretty much every iteration of the TMNT, I thought I'd throw together a list of things that make me close a fanfic instantly. If you like any of these things, then that's totally fine, but for the most part, any of these things will have me dropping a fic in minutes. A few of these are aligned with posts I've made in the past, but I am noting them down anyway as this is a way of me getting out a lot of my major complaints at once 😅
No.1 Having all the brothers be abusive (particularly towards Mikey), with bonus points for any crossover that will then have one version of the turtles chastising the others for the way they treat their brothers. It just doesn't work, every set have very specific dynamics, but none of them are abusive.
No. 2 Crossover fics that make it impossible to tell who is who. This can occur in a few different ways. One of which is that the authors completely fail to differentiate different universes, making every single version of the turtles talk and act in the same way. Another is when a fic gets flooded with nicknames/pronouns/usernames, without a decent key. If you have a crossover fic with even just 3 or 4 universes, but every single turtle has multiple sets of pronouns, multiple nicknames, and multiple usernames, you really need a way to make it clear who is who.
No.3 The 'poor baby Blue' phenomenon in which every version of the turtles seemingly forgets all of the horror they have suffered because of what the Rise boys have gone through, particularly Leo. I honestly hate it when I am reading a crossover fic and all of the trauma from every series is disregarded in the face of the Rise Shredder and Rise Krang, which brings me on to my next point...
No.4 Essentially an extension of No.3, but can we all finally drop the idea that the Rise Boys had the scariest villains? Sure, their Shredder and Krang were intense, but for the most part, their villains are all pretty much played for comic relief. Either 03 or 12 had the scariest villains. And before anyone comes at me like 'Oh, Rise Shredder was a demon, the Rise Krang managed to take over the world, etc', may I remind everyone that 03 also had a demon Shredder who took over the world (and multiple others including the one who took over in SAINW), and the 12 Triceratons straight up destroyed the Earth with a black hole?
No.5 Fics that give away traits from one turtle to another e.g. making any of the other turtles better at science/math/tech etc than Donnie. Each of the turtles has their own thing, and Donnie will always be the smartest academics wise. It annoys me to no end when people try and make any if the others, usually Rise Leo or 12 Mikey, out to be a genius like him. I actually once read a fic where Rise Donnie asked Leo to help someone with a chemistry question that he couldn't handle. It's ridiculous, and usually carries over from the headcanon that Rise Leo is the medic (is there genuinely any evidence for this in the show besides Leo having a pouch? Because the only time I can recall anything medical related being brought up was when Donnie mentioned Raph's allergies). I have also seen people talk about Rise Leo loving to dance more than Donnie, even when the show explicitly states on multiple occasions how much Bootyyyshaker9000 loves to dance (also making Leo a massive theatre kid when Donnie breaks into songs and dance numbers on multiple occasions.) Or when 12 fans make Mikey the artist when it is actually Raph.
No. 6 (people will probably be mad at this one) Stop making everything about Leosagi, please! He doesn't even exist in the Rise verse, yet the entire fandom is absolutely swamped with Leosagi content. It's annoying when you are reading a Rise fic, and then out of nowhere it all becomes about Leo's relationship with Usagi. These fics also tend to make Usagi the most bland character in existence, with his two defining traits being samurai and Leo's boyfriend. They even do this to Bayverse!! Or bizarre crossover ships that start taking over everything (Why is Mikey being shipped with pretty much all of the spiderman iterations now??(
No. 7 Any fic that has all of the Donnies despise each other. I don't know if this is bias, but I feel like most of the Donnies would enjoy having people on their level to discussbthings with, people who would respect their boundaries and listen to each other's rants. And before anyone brings up their egos, most of the Donnies are shown to be able to and even enjoy working with others who are around their level (Aprils, Leatherhead in 03, Fugitoids etc). I actually think that, aside from the Mikeys, the Donnies would probably get on the best.
No. 8 One of my biggest pet peeves (that I have complained about before) is acting as if any version of the turtles is far superior to the others in terms of intelligence, fighting skills, etc. The Rise boys do not solo every verse. If they had had more training, then yeah, they would be probably some of the strongest characters. But they haven't had the training of the other verses, and mystic powers cannot compensate for everything (considering the fact that they got absolutely bodied by their Krang, you think more people would realise this). The other iterations pretty much all have more formal training, more experience fighting a variety of opponents (Bayverse and the 90s are perhaps an exception to the greater variety of opponents here, but as Bayverse Raph alone can yeet a shipping container singlehandedly with no powers, I think they're good). In no universe should the Rise boys be giving any of the other characters fighting tips.
I will probably write more of these at some point, this was pretty cathartic 😅 I also promise that I do not hate Rise, I just have more issues with the wider Rise fandom than most of the other shows.
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throne-for-queens · 3 months
Somebody go tell the very bright souls bringing up the clip of him saying "Megan became like the sun to me" (in Life in Pink) that he always described his significant other using the metaphor of the sun. It's all so frustrating to see, changing the past to fit their narrative.
1) He did call Hedi/Hedieh "his sunshine" when he captioned their first Instagram official picture, the deleted one of her in green between his legs with the caption Ain't No Sunshine When It's Gone.
2) He also called another ex of his, his angel of light and thanked her for always bringing the best out of him and being there in his darkest times (possibly his BM).
3) He also had literal sunflowers in Swing Life Away music video: he buys a bouquet from a homeless man to give sunflowers both to the actress playing girlfriend and the little girl on a bike.
4) the sun might also possibly remind him of an ex who allegedly loved Van Gogh. He both quoted the Starry Night in the 2013 interview with Evi Siskos for the Latin MundoFox TV Channel and generally referenced Van Gogh in Downfall High (when Fenix cuts his ear). Now that I think about it, even the Museum of Cleveland is very famous mainly for having real Van Gogh pieces (and also having Cupid and Pysche).
5) He also previously mentioned years ago the song My Only Sunshine, the song The One That Got Away (by Katy Perry, the music video ends with Johnny Cash rendition of My Only Sunshine) and only recently worked with Mod Sun to co-write his recent song where he sampled My Only Sunshine.
But yeah, let's ignore all of this and base the whole thing on Megan as if we have not been doing this for the past 4 years... as if when he said those words he did not know it was ending in a scripted documentary in the height of his relationship being so public. A documentary released few months after their (currenltly called off) engagement where everybody looked like they were required to say at least one nice thing about Megan (I love Rook, he really tried but couldn't hide his expression while... lying?).
Lastly, the rest of the song does not apply for her. So far she never showed she sees any good in him (she made him look like an abuser) and never seemed to grow flowers in the darkest part of him, quite the opposite.
I remember the whole "sun thing" going wild in blogs (I don't know if those sites still even exist) when he first posted Hedi using that caption. Boy, It's feels like mid-2010s all over again. Almost a decade passed, new fans came in but almost nothing changed, they still change and delete his past to fit their narrative :). So tired of this bs.
Honestly I wouldn't pay most of those fan pages any mind. They are just pandering to the masses so that if by the slight chance Kells views their page then he can see their undying "support." But I feel like the same way he sees support, he can also sense inauthenticity. If you've always liked her great, but don't fake it for some clicks and views. Because doesn't Kell's also hate fake love?
As for the song, even though I'm under the impression that Kell's does most things with a reason behind them. I genuinely think he only covered the song because he liked it. Maybe once upon a time he could relate it to someone special, but there are many songs that people like just to like. However I do appreciate the various different examples that you provided, because I think people tend to forget or just be plain ignorant about the fact that colson lived a life before Megan stepped on the scene.
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the-overgrown-states · 5 months
What family hcs do you have for the states?
Throwing my own in here, I see Pennsylvania as Gov and Kentucky's father :3
- 🦷
this one was kinda hard cause I don’t have many- most of these are stolen from others/popular ones I’ve seen
Maine & Mass are brothers, and Mass had to raise Maine from a young age
So he’s biologically a brother but is seen as a father figure
Florida and Georgia have the same relation
Georgia disowned Florida when he started dating Louisiana - Georgia has his reasons
but that’s for a different headcanon post this would get to long
Alaska and Hawai’i have a brother/sister relationship but aren’t actually related
They were both just randomly yoinked from their homes/colonized
They bonded over that, so now they have a heavily dependent brother/sister relationship
Like when you grow up in a bad household and you know your sibling is the only one who will understand what you went through
Texas and Oklahoma have a complicated relationship
Building on someone else’s headcanon
Oklahoma has had two personifications - one died though
And Texas saw that one as a brother
So now Texas and Oklahoma basically hate each other
Texas hates him for replacing his little brother
and Oklahoma has no memories of Texas, so this random guy just hates him for no reason, so he hates him back
This next one is a big sibling relationship mess
This stems from Alta California’s time
This isn’t a commonly used headcanon for us, but we also. need to fill space so I’m adding it cause I like it
California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico
Theyre all siblings
In age it goes Arizona and New Mexico (twins), Colorado, Utah and Nevada (twins), Wyoming then California
That’s not historically accurate I’m aware but i promise there’s a reason
It’s the reason everyone hates California too
His family was already struggling, then California appeared, and his appearance made everyone else hate him and look down on him for worsening their situation
Similar situation for Wyoming, but once California was born he was generally forgotten about/ignored/neglected by the others
He hates California the most
Unlike California, Nevada and Utah still paid attention to Wyoming
They often fought over him cause Utah and Nevada always had very different beliefs and interests
The two used to be very close, and then Utah became mormon and started scolding Nevada for his lifestyle
Colorado left as soon as he could to live on his own
He’s only close with New Mexico and Arizona
He forgets his younger siblings exist most of the time
Over time he’s gotten closer to them, mainly Nevada because of both of their lifestyles
Arizona resents everyone younger than Colorado
New Mexico loves all his family, and desperately wants them to all get along
North Dakota and South Dakota are twins
Their hate for each other is mostly just a show
They do genuinely love each other, theyre just used to seeing all other state siblings fight, so they think they have to as well
North Carolina and South Carolina are also twins! They hate each other sometimes
but are still inseparable other times
Virginia and West Virginia are dad/son
West Virginia doesn’t really like Virginia
But Virginia loves WV, and desperately tries to make up being an early on bad father
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ahoyimlosingmymind · 6 months
ok im curious do you have any jason todd headcannons
These are (all) mostly angst, so be forewarned
Idc where the autopsy scar came from, but I like the idea that the LOA did experiments post resurrection bc Ra's is so obsessed with immortality.
I don't hate the 'pit madness' trope, so long as it feeds on already existing emotions and it's temporary after getting out of the pit. Kind of like it's this voice at the back of his mind that is amplified and urges him to do things he would typically hesitate to do. But it's still well within his power to resist or give in.
Jason would hide non-perishables all around the manor for the first two years living there and genuinely believed he was one misstep from being kicked out the whole time
Kinda related to ^ (TW: Food issues) he has really bad issues with food insecurity. He has a habit of switching between scarfing food/binge eating, and then storing things for too long because he's afraid of running out and having empty shelves ever
Sometimes he forgets how old he is and his knee-jerk reaction is to answer "15" when someone asks
He ran a bicycle gang with other kids on the streets when he was homeless. Mostly to steal food and help each other out. But Winter typically picked them all off one by one, some would get taken into the foster system, kidnapped etc... so it didn't last.
He can't stand needles
He hated galas as a kid bc of the obvious classism, and the expectation for him to mask his 'roots', mannerisms, accents etc
of course, that didn't stop people from commenting and comparing him to the first Wayne Ward.
He could have his pockets lined with gold and still always chooses the cheapest option when he's out shopping for food/necessities. He never lets anyone else pay for him, and if for some reason someone does, he picks the cheapest thing he can find
He needs his bedroom door locked at all times
Can't sleep without a night-light, but he'd take that info to his grave
Learning to shave and drive were incredibly emotional experiences for him, because he was on his own and just really wanted Bruce to help him
He was the first to call Bruce 'Dad' normally as Robin, (aside from Damian, but he calls him 'Father' which is just different to me) and Jason had the most 'dad & son' relationship with Bruce out of all the robins. This is part of the reason he can't reconcile the Bruce he knows now, with the one he left.
He is often the only one to call Bruce 'dad' to this day, and it's more subconscious than anything. It slips when he's really emotional or drugged up and he hates himself for it
He's an angry crier (most emotions make his eyes burn)
He used to really want to get married and have kids, and some part of him still does, but he's terrified of damaging his kids bc of all his own issues and he can't imagine ever meeting someone who would put up with him
He can't stand to be in the manor for too long but he will hangout with his brothers and the girls outside of it. Typically these hangouts only work if it's kept light/surface level
He loves all of them and would kill and die for them, but this is not common or expressed knowledge. It's in the subtext.
He wants to be close to all of them, and Bruce- but there's just too much trauma and bad-blood to ever really fix it all. He knows it will never be fixed, and he's not willing to compromise his beliefs for it.
He wants to go to college
and is working on getting his GED
and lastly: I lowkey vibe with him and Stephanie as a ship if it was given the care and attention it deserved
Canon ship wise though, I HC Rose is the only girl he's ever genuinely seen a future with and she feels the same about him which is why they're terribly avoidant of each other
sorry this was legit all angst <3
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ladyhindsight · 1 year
I want to say it really ticks me off when this fandom (and Cassandra Clare to some extent) acts like TMI isn't for children. I've seen posts comparing Cassandra Clare's work to Colleen Hoover. As far as I know Colleen Hoover is an adult novelist who basically makes abuse fetish smut so like great comparison to a YA author guys in the fandom!
Clare's choosing to include things like normalizing abuse (Maia and Jordan) and incest are really terrible. Clare always hides behind the fact that the reason the incest existed in her story was "symbolic" for like how love can make us do evil things. But children can't understand something that complex and Clare does NOT do a good job at making this theme clear in the story and SHE DOES romanticize their incestuous relationship as so bad it's good (Clare fans go reread the scene in book 2 where clary has to kiss Jace in front of everyone and then go reread book 3 where they're constantly kissing and cuddling and sleeping in the same bed in a romantic way) and it's just really upsets me because I've witnessed first hand (I've been in this Fandom since 2013) child fans normalizing and becoming attracted to incest fetish because of these books. I've seen so many children normalizing incest because of Clare's continual refusal to JUST APOLOGIZE! She literally writes these LGBT books with incest fetish and rape fetish tied into it and eventually a conservative is gonna find these books and it's gonna be all over for Miss Clare and the LGBT community will probably be blamed for her bullshit because we're always blamed for gross books like these.
I also wanted to say (and you don't have to post this ask if it's divulging too much I don't want to offend anyone) but I'm an incest survivor. I read these books when I was thirteen years old (they were in my schools library listed for my age and up) and they really really hurt my recovery because at the time I thought what had happened to me was normal and when I read these books I thought it was totally okay and normal what happened to me. I won't go into any more detail than that but these books made it so hard to seperate the "love" from the "abuse". I've talked to others in this fandom and many other girls have said that these books normalized abuse to them because Jace is so controlling and abusive to Clary and she does nothing to stop him. The abuse is also normalized by the Fandom too I see posts all the time joking about how "Jace isn't a hero who helps people he's a hero who helps his girlfriend!!!" And "haha Jace doesn't let clary have her own tooth brush or space or any friends! Sooo kawaaaaiiii!!!!!" Or "if clary died Jace would be worse than sebastian lol so smexyyy!" Like as if that isn't disturbing and disgusting to normalize to MINORS!
I just wanted to take a moment to talk about the people who suffer the most from Cassandra Clare's continuous deflection of any wrong doing. You wrote these books about incest Clare, and children read these books and cannot understand your "complex" symbolism for how incest is bad but it's oh so good. It makes me want to burst into tears sometimes but instead I'll just send this ask and forget about it.
Fuck you Cassandra Clare for writing a Trump supporter female character who is against incest to try and say all the people who hate incest are Trump supporters or conservatives. I am a victim of a serious fucking trauma and I am not a fucking conservative because I want you to be held accountable for your fucked up books. You have spit in the face of rape victims time and time again and I genuinely hope some day you get torn to shreds by the public for everything you've perpetuated to CHILDREN.
Every once in a while I think about this interview Clare once gave that I saw on YouTube. She said that her readers often told her (at the time of the interview) that they are older than they consider the target audience of her books to be, and Clare commented something along the lines of, if you read her books, no matter the age, you are the target audience. Which is a nice thought, but the tonality is still very juvenile—even in her later works that are supposedly new adult genre. They differ in no way in style or tone from those works that are categorized in young adult fiction.
Colleen Hoover? Yuck. Perhaps it tells something about the mentality of those readers who liken Clare to Hoover.
Clare’s writing, tone, and capacity to handle serious and complex matters have always sucked. Each topic is handled with surface-level attention or used as a vehicle to ruminate and moan over the main couple and their obstacles in love. The writing has never went into any great length to realistically include themes such as incest (societal or personal level approach and attitudes) or abuse because the characters’ need to be liked and loved and be above the characters that are only used as a fodder for ridicule and betterment of the main characters in comparison. All while Clare tries to create a guise of them being “complex” because of the fact. It’s one of the reasons I have found comparing G.R.R. Martin’s style of implementation of different themes to Clare’s meaningful (as there have been convos about this some time back on the blog) because they are not nearly the same even though it is an easy comparison her readers like to make.
When it comes to idealizing abusive behavior, similar attitude within the readership can be seen in Isabelle’s character when she thinks Valentine is hot for being a villain. Young adult literature is littered with characters exactly like Jace who do not face responsibility for their abusive behavior because that is what the author chooses to prioritize and coddle, simultaneously failing to realize the impact that kind of behavior realistically has on others around them. Jace’s behavior isn’t acknowledged because others are meant to serve him and conform around his needs. Even Clary, who is the protagonist and heroine of the story. It’s never really about her—even her pain—it’s about Jace.
When I read TMI for the first time, I was incredibly conflicted with feeling the way I did (hateful and uncomfortable with many decisions and characters) because authors know better, right? This is how it is supposed to be, right? This isn’t supposed to be about anyone else than Clary and Jace, right? So why anything would be done different or better or given more attention to?
Fuck that. And also fuck Zara Dearborn because we know what Clare’s doing. And it’s embarrassing.
I am incredibly sorry that you had to live through such a horrible thing. I can’t even imagine the pain and confusion you’ve had to endure and work through. There isn’t much I can say but I hope you are faring better today and had good and trustworthy people around you to support you during the recovery (and still do). How could you offend anyone with your thoughts when you’ve survived it and know the destruction it causes? Never apologize for that. I wish you happiness and all the best in life.
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angelsdean · 1 year
What bothers me with DeanLisa is that Sam pushes Dean toward Lisa because of something Dean fantasizes about... 40 years earlier. Before the Apocalypse, before knowing angels and God exist, before being tortured 30 years in Hell (and spending 10 years torturing)... Sam, being oblivious, doesn't take any of that into account. Dean has changed too much since he dreamt about this for their relationship to work (I think DeanLisa could have worked if they were both in the same mindstate than s3 but)
yea there are a lot of reasons why deanlisa was never going to really work out in that context. i think if circumstances had been different then maybe. but i just have a lot of issues with deanlisa, they're not my fave and i can't get over how plot device-y they are, but that's an issue with the writing and i don't actually hate lisa as a character or anything. i know a lot of multishippers like deanlisa so i don't wanna step on any toes and i think in fanon, giving them more depth than the narrative ever did helps make them more interesting and complex. but when i'm like putting my analytical hat on and looking at what the text actually does and critiquing what they actually gave us versus what they didn't give us or what they could've done it's well :/ like narratively she, and ben, are presented as this ready made family fantasy and that's about it. that's their sole "function" and lisa never gets much depth or complexity to her character and it's just very :/
i think dean has a huge heart, and i while i def question him showing up out of the blue to move in with a woman he knew collectively maybe 2 weeks out of his life, i do think dean IS the kind of person who "falls in love" a little bit with everyone he meets that treats him with genuine kindness and affection. and i think there are different degrees and shades and intensities to that "love" and it's not always the kind of One True Love definition of love. like he also only spends about 2 - 3 weeks with cassie but says she was his first love. and that love is important and meaningful but also very different from say, his love for cas which gets 12 years to grow. but neither is "better" than the other, they're just different! so like, i think he definitely cared for lisa and loved her in some way, and maybe if, like you said, circumstance had been different, they could have worked out and maybe grown to really love each other deeply. but in the circumstances they were in it always felt a little doomed. (here's a really good post about this).
as much as we can debate whether dean really loved her or not, i think dean would probs Never have sought her out if sam hadn't pushed him toward her w/ is "dying wish" of dean being a happy little suburban man. i don't think dean was thinking abt her all those yrs or holding a torch for her. and dean might've wanted that fantasy family life at one point but yea for dean those dreams were a long time ago. i think by the end of s5 dean doesn't really think that life is in the cards for him anymore.
my reading of the situation is: dean is numb with grief. dean has lost nearly everyone (bobby's still around but that's about it, and they don't seem to be in contact). dean is trying to honor his brother's "dying" wish. except sam isn't actually dead! (i forget who brought this up but i saw it recently and!!!!) sam literally isn't dead when he goes into the cage !!! he's spending eternity being tortured by the devil as far as dean knows. i think that would cause dean a great amount of stress / worry / anguish on top of his grief. i don't think dean would be able to just move on and play happy family forever. so, he's numb, depressed, going through the motions, and holding on to this one (1) thing he now has, this perfect little family. and it's what he should want !! it's what he used to dream about !! but so much has changed. and he cares about lisa, he does. she's great and she's trying to help him. and ben is a great kid and dean loves him too. but it was never going to work, not really, because dean's issues are SO huge and all encompassing at that point AND this life wasn't really his choice. it's not what he would have chosen if sam hadn't nudged him in that direction. he's there, and he's trying, but it's not enough. he's got unresolved hell trauma, unresolved grief, probably constantly thinking abt sam being tortured in hell by the devil after dean very recently spent 40 yrs !! in that place. he's also lost cas, his best friend, who in dean's eyes abandoned him for heaven. based on past and future behavior he's probably also feeling like he doesn't deserve to be alive, possibly is passively suicidal. he's got a lot going on, and of course you don't have to be perfect or have your shit together to be in a relationship, but i don't think dean was in the right place to be in a relationship or to be playing the role of suburban dad and husband. and i think that's kind of the point, i think the narrative wants us to see that friction and see the cracks in the fantasy.
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leojurand · 4 months
so i'm watching the walking dead (kinda for the first time, i watched the first 3, 3 and a half seasons back in the day, now i'm on s10) and it's taking over my life and the issue with that is that i actively look for opinions, character rankings, analysis etc.
and it's an issue because i've discovered that the fandom really doesn't like maggie. and the reasons why make no sense to me like, at all, and they make me feel crazy
that means ofc that i need to rant about it
first: s1-s6 maggie. i think most people say they like maggie just fine in these seasons, or they just don't care about her that much. everyone complains about her forgetting about beth in 4b-5a but i mean. the general consensus is that that's shitty writing and not maggie being an awful sister (tho i have seen that opinion as well lol).
but the most common complaint i've seen about her character in this era is: maggie and glenn's characters are all about their romance (specifically from s2 to s4 i think). and i agree! i've always liked maggie but this is why i wasn't super invested in her character early on. the problem is when people say "maggie drags glenn down". but not the other way around? it's like they only see her as glenn's love interest, while glenn is a character on his own and he can't have more interesting storylines because he's stuck in this romance (a romance most fans love btw that's not the problem). i guess this is because glenn was introduced first and existed in the story before maggie but like. that was like 6 eps and it's not like he was getting a crazy character arc.
so yeah, it does feel like misogyny when someone blames maggie for this when it's a problem for both characters.
now, post s6 is where most of the maggie hate comes from, and they have plenty of reasons to dislike her, or her arc (and i disagree with most of them):
- "maggie isn't/doesn't deserve to be a leader, maggie's leader arc feels forced": okay this one is genuinely baffling to me because i love this arc. it starts in s7 (arguably 5b, i'd say maggie becoming deanna's counselor is the actual beginning), and that's important because s7-8 are generally agreed upon to be not well-written. in fact, most of my faves from prior seasons get the short stick during this era imo: rick, carol, daryl. that's why maggie was such a highlight to me; i was so invested in her rise to leadership in hilltop. it made complete sense to me because she started getting a more "political" role in 5b, and she was the one who made the deal with gregory in s6, and saw his incompetence first hand. it was not only compelling, but very natural for her character. it also makes sense with the trajectory the rest of the group was taking: once they get to alexandria, several of them start to get placed, or put themselves in, positions of power. it happens with rick, glenn, and abraham. but maggie is the one that feels forced and undeserving... why?
- "maggie is nothing but a widow after 7x01/maggie's character becomes all about negan": obviously i don't see the logic in this statement because she becomes the leader of a community in this era? she cares about people, she makes hilltop a better place, she calls out gregory's bullshit and gives him so many opportunities he doesn't even deserve. she does what needs to be done, but still listens to the people she loves. not once, in all of s7, does maggie mention negan or her need to take revenge. she bonds with sasha over their shared grief (something they'd already done in 5b, the arc that keeps on giving, but their dynamic started in 4b!), and sasha and enid take care of her; she befriends jesus, and he becomes instantly loyal to her because he sees all her qualities; he knows what an incompetent leader is like, and knows that maggie is perfect for the position. maggie never stops mourning, but all of these relationships aren't about glenn or negan. but no one cares about them enough to remember or appreciate them i guess ://
- "maggie betrayed rick": this is actually so stupid and definitely one of those instances when people hate on character for disagreeing with/going against their favourite character. rick was wrong when he spared negan. he was wrong for deciding that on his own, for not consulting anyone, for disregarding the feelings of maggie and daryl and everyone else negan had hurt. and rick did for selfish reasons! he wanted to honour carl, and so he betrayed his friends and he acted like that was the only choice. like what he wanted was what mattered. maggie (and daryl) had every right to go behind his back and try to kill negan. rick didn't respect her wishes, didn't keep his word after he said he wouldn't stop until negan was dead, so why should she obey him? it's crazy that there are people who feel that way. if carl had died during the line up, maggie would never have stopped him from taking revenge, even if for some reason glenn believed that to be right. it was an awful thing to do to her, right when she thought she could finally end it and find some peace of mind. team maggie and daryl for life dpmo!!!
related to that, maggie was also right about not wanting to follow the rules rick and michonne were planning to establish, and doing what she felt was best for her people. she was right when she didn't want to give food to the saviors, she was right when she suspected them, she was right when she let the oceanside women execute arat. no one has ever been more right in the history of television.
and this is kinda related too, but i've seen michonne fans boast about michonne always being calm and collected and always making the right decisions (which is not true, thankfully michonne is more complex than that). i bring it up because unfortunately i often see twd fans use their love for a female character to insult the other women in the show. which is really tragic, but in this case i also can't see why that's something to boast about. i like that maggie is angry and resentful, i like that she makes mistakes and irrational choices because of that anger and grief. i like that she doesn't let go of all those messy feelings in order to be calm and therefore more palatable. yes, fans call her whiny and say she should just move on, get over it (fucked up if you see what she went through, but whatever). but i don't want that. female characters are always expected to get over things quickly, to deal with their problems quietly, because if they don't they're whiny and annoying and insufferable. if they make bad decisions they're useless, they're getting people killed. male characters are allowed to have those ugly feelings, to snap, to be cruel and violent because they're hurting. that makes them more compelling, more layered. but not female characters, not maggie. sure, fans also blame daryl for his impulsive behaviour, but that doesn't stop him from being the most popular character. maggie has many moments when she's super cool (when she makes the deal with hilltop, when she hangs gregory) but those are never hyped like every single small moment when a man is a badass. or when they do the bare minimum tbh, people don't need much to stan a male character.
tl;dr: i absolutely adore maggie, and the fact that she has the best arc during the worst part of the show made me so invested in her story. all the hate she gets, and the reasons people give to justify hating her, are completely nonsensical to me. "we didn't watch the same show" levels of nonsense. i sincerely hope she's as unbearable as everyone says she is when she comes back. i hope she's nasty and i will love her even more for it!
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orange-peony · 1 year
20 questions for fic writers!
Thank you @artsyunderstudy for tagging me in this game!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
65 works, one active WIP and several works in the making.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,365,752 (wowsers, I am very verbose)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly HP and Carry On, but I used to write in loads of other fandoms back in the days.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Constellations on your skin (drarry, 56k, E) Feather (drarry, 35k, E) New Slang (drarry, 25k, E) Graceless Heart (drarry, 132k, E) The birds and the bees (drarry, 32k, E)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I usually do because I like thanking people for their kindness. Receiving a comment usually gives me a spark of joy, so I feel like replying is the least I can do. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with a particular fic, and I end up not replying, but I still read every single comment and cherish even the ones with an emoji.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I only write happy endings, sorry.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them? I've been told that some were sappy, but I genuinely can't say which are happier than others. For me they're all just as they should be.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes, sometimes. I used to get upset, but now I just reply with an a "write your own fic, then" or delete and move on.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Always and the emotional kind (hopefully).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have only written one, and I've deleted it from AO3. It was a snowbaz story set at Hogwarts, so an HP crossover. I had a lot of fun writing it!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Hopefully not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, only once because I don't usually allow translations of my stories.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have for a fest, and also did it ages ago with friends for fun.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
This question is way too hard! Drarry and snowbaz. Don't make me choose because I can't.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have quite a few that are in the planning stage but are kind of languishing at the moment. I don't want to jinx it, but there's a very angsty malepreg drarry fic that I don't think I have the heart to write (I can't put them through that much drama) and the snowbaz where Baz writes fics, because someone told me it already exists and it has shitloads of kudos, which put me off the idea because my brain went "why bother?".
16. What are your writing strengths?
No idea. Feelings? I pour a lot of them into the mix and somehow people find some kind of resonance.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. I suck so much at describing places and things. Always have, and I do try to describe more, but I just forget to. I'm bad, I know...
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've done it, and it was a lot of fun.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Gosh, that was a million years ago. I want to say Lord of the Rings, but I am not sure.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I can't pick one, but I've got my favourite five here:
Broken (Snowbaz, 43K, rated E) - Lady Chatterley's Lover AU, so many feelings. There's star gazing and a Simon with a fever, plus Buckle the dog. Monster (Drarry, 71k, rated E) - my first collab with the wonderful @pato-roldnart. Such an amazing experience! Featuring Veela + werewolf Draco and an extremely touch-starved Harry. Chilly Feet (Drarry, 13k, rated E) - soulmates AU with soulmarks that are not there. Draco knows so many facts and is possibly a little bit on the spectrum in this one. He's one of my very favourite Dracos. On your skin (Snowbaz, 30k, rated E) - tattoo parlour/flowershop AU that I posted before My Rosebud Boy came out, so it felt very special. I love these Simon and Baz an awful lot. Graceless Heart (Drarry, 132k, rated E) - I've recently re-read it and decided that I really like it. I poured an awful lot of myself into this fic, and it still feels quite raw, but I like how it turned out.
Tagging @crazybutgood, @bubble-gumhead, @avenueofesc, @rockingrobin69, @larkral, @facewithoutheart, @martsonmars, @hushed-chorus, @captain-aralias, @cassiaratheslytherpuff, @m0srael, @toast-the-unknowing, @vukovich and anyone who fancies doing this.
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jaymesyourplaything · 5 months
If you want my input? By all means, Dump has every right to feel hurt about not knowing your Jim blog and Blurry's were related, and to cut contact. I'm no psychologist or anything but it does come off as a bit of an overreaction? Blurry was just trying to explain and apologize, literally made multiple posts to clear up that the character and the mod are separate entities. Only reason I see that they'd react like that at first is being called the r word set them off. Again, no shade if that's the case, even if someone can reclaim a slur that doesn't mean everyone is alright with being called such things. One must respect that. Don't have the context for the Moriarty's post part. Womp womp. And yet when someone else apparently tried to explain you both were a part of a dissociative system, that's apparently demonizing mental illness? Oh dear, your existence is a demonization of OSDD? I guess we'll have to cancel you. :/ - 🖤
yeaaaah, i tried to point out that in their perspective "i" came out of nowhere and slurred them, like that's intense. kin tried to explain the best he could he didn't mean offense, that that's blurry's shtick lol, and even agreed they won't interact with them. so we were honestly confused that dump was still bummed about it, when we did our best to not interact when we found out they didn't want to interact with [kin] "anyone in the "system"."
kin and i both find using the r slur appropriate in certain contexts, especially since we're on the spectrum ourselves. this is another point of confusion in general though, as it's in question. neglect and OSDD are signs we're not actually on the spectrum and are stunted due to our abuse. i feel our r-slur pass has been taken away from us </3 granted i try not to use it, but i'll say anything in character. that's what playing a character is. (if there's something i'm uncomfortable with, i likely wouldn't be playing that character. ) (so yeah, reclaiming is fine, but not everyone has to be okay with it. kin uses the f slur too but we have friends who hate the f slur. )
but the crazy thing was dump blocked and unblocked kin a total of 3 times, so after the second time kin blocked them back. kin had to unblock them to take that screenshot but had seen they had unblocked again at some point. now blocked again. they seemed confused themselves on if they genuinely wanted to forgive and forget, but if someone blocks kin then he will block to make sure people don't do that flip flop thing we saw dump do here. john does that a lot too, he'll block you and unblock multiple times over the course of a day for some reason.
i personally prefer to be seen as separate from kin, we don't even use "system". we prefer to say dissociative disorder, admitting to OSDD is still very scary to us, especially because we've had a few people cut contact with us since discovering this. it's very difficult and brave of people to be themselves and understand that, but it's far too new to us and it's so scary still. it's so overwhelming because we never knew how to talk about this stuff, so when john outed us we were thrown into deep water suddenly. i don't mind if people don't want to talk to either of us, but we did everything we could to be respectful of their decision (we didn't tell them we both "are in the same system" but just continued with the decision of "not interacting". from their perspective, we pretended we weren't, in one conversation. but from our perspective, we found out they blocked each other so i stopped interacting. nothing crazy, idk. )
so yeah i agree with you, it's valid of dump and their feelings, but strange they're so closed minded and can't understand it was just a misunderstanding. i didn't know, when i found out, i stopped interacting. so manipulative lol
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knickynoo · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
(Thanks to @mythical-bookworm for tagging me!)
How many works do you have on AO3? 11
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 184,491
3. What fandoms do you write for? Back to the Future and Family Ties
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Despite the Distance
In Case of Emergency
Reflections of a (Not So Mad) Scientist
Under the Mat
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do my best to respond to every comment I get because it really means a lot to me to get them! Sometimes, I do genuinely forget, though.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably "Because of the Barriers". I mean, the ending isn't particularly angsty, but the whole point of that fic is angst, haha. That's my "troubled version of Marty who grew up in a timeline without Doc" fic, and it leads into the events of "Despite the Distance."
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think that award would go to the final chapter, "Sunset," I did for Doctober. I really wanted to end that project on a happy note.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, I never have, though I have gotten one or two comments from people telling me things like, "This would have been better if ______" and "Good fic, but the ending felt like it was missing something," which aren't hate comments, of course, but they are kind of weird ones for someone to leave. Just seems unnecessary, lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I did a Family Ties and BTTF crossover chapter for Doctober!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I did have someone contact me once because they wanted to translate one of my fics into German, but I don't know if they ever did it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Maybe?? My friend and I like to toss around fic ideas and write snippets of scenes on Discord, and a good deal of those ideas have made it into recently posted fics, so... I guess that counts?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I'm not a big ship person and usually don't focus too much on them, but I guess Marty and Jennifer? Alex and Ellen, too.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Hmmm...a while back I wrote a chapter or two of a post-trilogy BTTF fic where something goes wrong in the continuum since Doc is vacationing and running all through time. Since he's "spent too long" away from the year he's supposed to be living in, the continuum kind of starts to "erase" him from people's memories? Except for Marty's, since he's protected by the time bubble and all that. Anyway! Marty starts mentioning Doc, and everyone thinks he's losing his mind. Consequently, he starts to think he's losing his mind because nobody around him can remember a Doc Brown.
Also, Marty starts to legitimately hallucinate Doc (he pops up and talks to Marty and gives him advice), not because there's anything actually wrong with Marty's mental state, but because the timeline is going haywire trying to reconcile a guy who existed, but who's being erased, but who is still remembered by Marty.
It's an odd one. Not sure what was going on there, but I had fun writing it!
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I do well with dialogue. When the characters are really engaged in a conversation, it flows easily for me.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Setting the scene. I have a very hard time describing surroundings and making it feel "alive." Also! When I just have one character alone and have to focus entirely on their own thoughts, that leads to a lot of writer's block.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
That'd be fun, but I only speak English, and I don't trust Google Translate to translate things accurately.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ok, um... Big Time Rush, lol. I never posted any of it, but that was the first fandom I was in when I was younger that made me truly aware of fanfiction. I remember sitting there and realizing, "Hey, I could do this, too! I could put these guys in situations!" I wrote stuff based off of the show just for fun, but I credit it for starting my love of writing and helping me to develop a lot of my skills.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Oh, this is so hard. I think I'm gonna have to go with "Despite the Distance". That one was challenging, emotional, and fun to work on. But I also have a very special place in my heart for "So, Your Brother's Befriended a Mad Scientist." I love writing about Dave McFly being a wonderful big brother and also looking at those early weeks of Marty and Doc's friendship.
Tagging @fourth-dimensional-thinker, @rose-of-pollux, @daryfromthefuture and anyone else who wants to do this!
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thatoneguy031 · 1 year
Can I talk about something? Out of character, I mean.
It's a long post, but you don't have to read it if you're not interested. It's more of a vent post than anything else.
I've been having a hard time with this blog. Not in the popularity sense, this is what I expected from this kind of thing. I mean like... I don't know what to do with it. I've experimented with a few things(You can go way back in my post history if you want to see what I mean), but those ideas sorta fell flat, no?
This was originally meant to be a storytelling blog. I wanted to share my little synopses of my characters and plot points or whatever, because I was genuinely proud of what I've done so far.
Then I resorted to trying to be a comedian. I would try to post something funny under most reblogs, leaving them be if I couldn't come up with a remark of any kind.
It wasn't until recently that I decided to turn this into a Pokemon IRL blog, and I'm not even doing that well with this. That, and I'm afraid that I come off as self-centered, so I cut any posts that give that kind of vibe. Heck, I even tried doing a playthrough series, but I keep forgetting about it, and when I do remember that it exists, I just postpone the next update to oblivion.
I really want to keep this blog going, and trust me when I say I'm going to, but it's not going anywhere, and I feel like nothing is happening. At first, I thought it was just Tumblr having boring days, but I realized that I'm just not doing anything entertaining. My blog just turned into a pool of reblogs with the occasional Pokemon-related post or rant. And I mostly wait for either @the-one-from-dres or @drizzileiscool to bring up the occasional topic that I might have enough insight to talk about. Sorry for @'ing you guys, by the way, I just need folks to know who I'm talking about. Y'all the goats.
Once I got my drawing tablet, I thought that I could do a bunch of art stuff, but then it devolved into the same potential self-obsession problem, where I would just draw that one character(which is literally just a Samurott with anxiety and a Goku complex, let's be honest with ourselves here) over and over again. I have other characters I can draw, and I'm even taking free art requests. Granted, I haven't gotten any requests yet, but the option was still there.
And that's how we got here. I have to retake my Regents in literally under 24 hours, and I'm bitching and moaning about how I'm not getting anywhere in my ha-ha internet blog, which everyone already takes as a joke anyway.
If anything, I think my problem comes from a lack of communication. There was this like, 4 day period that I didn't hear a word from Dres, and I thought he hated me for something I did, until he involved me in 3 back-to-back reblog games literally the next day.
I still feel awful about it now, it was so petty of me to even think that way. For context, Dres might as well be my day one, and he's inadvertently taught me the ins and outs of Tumblr, like how to use tags and things like that. Hell, we even played DnD together once. No exaggeration, he's the closest thing I've had to a real friend in years, and I'm convinced that's only the case because he hasn't seen me in person.
I love him deeply, and only wish the best for him. To think that he'd leave me after I did basically nothing, I've really hit a new level of desperate. He likely had his own things to do, while I'm still stressing about things that probably don't even matter in hindsight.
Back to my original point, I want to do a lot more on this blog, and I also wanted to make it a chill place.
That's one of the reasons why I don't talk about politics myself. I don't want to get involved in things like that at all, because I want people to live without worry. The furthest I go with that kind of thing is "Stop being dicks to each other. We're people, deal with it." I know it's more complicated than that, but at this point, I'm almost scared to get involved in that kind of thing. I don't even know what a terf is. I didn't know Rowling was a bad person until recently when Drizzile was talking about her.
And it's like, I don't even know why it's so hard to talk to people for me. But at the same time, I think I really have something wrong with me, but I'm too scared to get it checked out. And, while I'm not getting into personal details, I don't have the right circumstances to even have that happen in the first place. That's the out of character reason why I say I might have ADHD, instead of outright saying I have it. I literally can't get it diagnosed myself if I wanted to, and I don't do the self-diagnosis stuff because I always get paranoid and think my problem is worse than it is. For example, I've convinced myself three times within the past year and a half that I had appendicitis, because I would get this really specific pain in my stomach. Guess who I told about it?
No one. I was terrified of wasting someone's time just for it to be me freaking out over nothing, and if I'm being honest, I still am. At this point, I have a plethora of things wrong with me, I know that now, but I don't ever get them checked out. I'm doing well so far with them, why worry about it now.
I just don't want to offend anyone. All I wanted to do was make a place where I and other people could have fun.
This is still going to primarily be a Pokemon IRL blog, but I'm doing something different. Please, if there's anything you all want to see on here, let me know. Stuff for Guy, art stuff, whatever floats your boat besides the obvious. And I'll do my best to keep up with my stories and fanfics or whatever. Once I get my stuff settled again, obviously, but I don't want to make it seem like I'm doing this for myself.
I don't want to turn this into a pity party. I really don't. At this point, I'm sick of having people worry about me. Whenever they do, I feel like I'm being an attention hog, and it sucks. If you did read this, thanks for listening. I just needed to get this much off my chest.
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babyrdie · 5 months
i feel exploitative asking you to just draw things so I come here with a different type of ask while you draw odypen since a couple must be more difficult than a single person
your favorite female character
your favorite male character
a female character you hate
a male character you hate
a popular character that you don't get that vibe
a hated character you like
your favorite F/F ship
your favorite M/M ship
your favorite F/M ship
a ship you hate
the deity interests you most
Hey! No need to feel exploitative! But you're right, odypen will take more time.
By the way, I'ill ignore deities in the answers as much as possible. So I won't mention which divine couples I like and things like that. I'ill focus on the mortal characters, except a few moments.
1. Favorite female character
I don't have a supreme favorite! But I really like Medea, Clytemnestra, Circe, Antigone and Helen. They all have a lot of personality, although they're different. They're also very interesting because, except for Antigone, they all have gray/questionable morality.
In the case of Medea and Clytemnestra, I also like how they subvert gender roles (especially depending on the version) because I think that's an interesting approach. In Antigone's case, I like how she's balanced between strength, determination, love and loyalty. For Circe, I like her duality as a fearsome goddess and a knowledgeable helper. And for Helen, I specifically like her portrayal by Homer!
I'm not going to explain more than that or this post will be huge! In case you're wondering about Penelope, she's in the "characters I like but aren't favorites" category.
2. Favorite male character
FAVORITE is a strong word, so I guess just Patroclus and Achilles for now. Jason from "Argonautica" and "Medea" is a favorite too, but I haven't read his other myths yet to solidify it. I think Perseus, Orpheus and Cadmus have GREAT potential for me to really like them too!
There are other male characters that I simply like, but they aren't my favorites. For example, I like Paris, Hector, Antilochus, Great Ajax, Oedipus, Tiresias, and Cadmus…but they aren't favorites. As for Perseus and Orpheus, I just haven't read enough of them yet.
3. Female character I hate
None? I think my least favorite is Calypso, but I don't really hate her. Not because I find her complex or interesting, simply because I don't remember her as much as I would a character I genuinely hate.
My problem with her character is that she is…basically just that? Like okay, she kind of helps Odysseus later, but still…? Hermes had to threaten her to do it anyway, so I don't think Calypso is that complex. She doesn't have much else interesting about her, she only has the part where she imprisons Odysseus for 7 years. So she's pretty uninteresting, It's as if Calypso's character was pretty much just abusing Odysseus. Idk maybe there's another myth about her that I'm missing, but for now there are times I don't even remember her.
4. Male character I hate
Just like with female characters, there are none that I HATE. Only the ones that are uninteresting or annoying.
Little Ajax is certainly despicable, but for me he fits into the same category as Calypso: his story is so uninteresting that his most distinguishing characteristic is that he's an abuser and that is why he's most hated than other characters who are also abusers. Like Calypso, he's not much more than that, and so I can't sympathize with them. I often forget he exists, and that's precisely why I don't consider what I feel as hate. For me to hate him, I would have to remember him.
Perhaps I could consider Creon of Thebes. He was UNBEARABLE with Antigone, belittling her all the time and often being dismissive towards her because she's a girl, and with Ismene it wasn't much better. He also only worsened the conflict between Eteocles and Polyneices, and not enough did he make that law prohibiting the burial of Polyneices. Creon was also very opportunistic towards Oedipus, and very insensitive towards his own family. So yes, even though he has considerable "screen time", he is simply unbearable.
Polydectes isn't a nice guy either. He harassed Danae endlessly and then tried to make her son die because that way he could remove Perseus as an obstacle to being with Danae. And like Little Ajax and Calypso, he doesn't have much else to remember besides his harassing behavior.
5. Popular character that I don't get that vibe
There are a lot of characters that I'm indifferent to, but most of them aren't popular. I think that of the popular characters, the only one that is indifferent to me is Cassandra. I don't dislike her, I just don't have any attachment to her. Okay, this is a hugely unpopular opinion and I know it!
As Cassandra is very popular and talked about a lot, I read it hoping there would be more of her in the myths, but in fact she has a less active role compared to other popular characters (note that "less active role" is not the same as "she doesn't has personality". I know she has personality, but that doesn't make her have an active role). Most sources have her as more of a mention or quick explanation, with "Agamemnon" and "Trojan Women" being the ones she has the most visibility on. Practically all of them are about her suffering too (curse of Apollo, rape situation with Little Ajax, enslaved by Agamemnon and murdered by Clytemnestra and Aegisthus) and I was kind of hoping that there would be something of her outside of this context of immense pain.
There's also her kind of romance with Agamemnon. Even though it's not made explicit, it was kind of obvious to me that they're supposed to be a couple. Except for Euripides' Cassandra, she seems to at least like Agamemnon. And I'm not really here for master vs. slave, so not my cup of tea.
Again, I don't dislike her! I just don't really like her either. Except for the moments of sympathy, she's very indifferent to me.
6. Hated character I like
Even the ones I like who receive A LOT of hate also have A LOT of fans, so it's more of the balanced type than the unquestionably hated type of fandom (Achilles, Circe, Medea, Clytemnestra, Helen). If you asked me the opposite question "a character most people hate and you don't", I actually have an answer for this ask. But "hated character I like"? Nah
And so you don't have to send me an ask like "who is the hated character that you don't hate?", I'll answer: it's Agamemnon. To be honest with you, I DON'T like him, but I think the hate on him is exaggerated. Like, dude DIDN'T want to sacrifice Iphigenia, for the love of god stop talking as if "oh so Agamemnon went AND KILLED HIS OWN DAUGHTER" as if it had been something simple. If it were simple, it wouldn't be a sacrifice for him. There would be no conflict in the myth because the Achaeans would want to sacrifice and so would he and that was it, the story was over. And yeah, I also found him UNBEARABLE in Book 1 of The Iliad, but I like ACHILLES who also made me very angry at certain moments, so! Yes, he has slaves, but then has Patroclus, Achilles, Odysseus, Great Ajax, etc. The reason I don't say I like him is that he only interests me as a background for other characters (Menelaus, Electra, Clytemnestra, Helen…), but I definitely don't think he's a nightmare incarnate.
7. Favorite F/F ship
Sincerely? As far as I've read, Greek mythology doesn't have much F/F potential.
I know there is Callisto x Artemis, but it seemed to me that Callisto was the only one interested and Artemis didn't reciprocated that feeling. Not because Callisto is a woman, but simply because Artemis seems mostly uninterested in the spheres of sex and romantic love and this is a defining characteristic of hers. I was avoiding mentioning gods in the answers, but F/F has so little that it basically left this myth.
I know Helen x Cassandra exists and when I read Homer I saw the potential, but reading the other sources…sorry guys, but Cassandra is EXTREMELY straight to me. Like, the straightest of the straight!!! I can see a little of her in the straight women I know, but I couldn't see her as sapphic. I can't see her actually liking a woman romantically. I'm okay with this ship, I just don't share it. There's Clytemnestra x Cassandra too, but that goes into the thing about me not liking master x slave… okay, Cassandra's master is Agamemnon and not Clytemnestra, but still.
I actually can't quickly think of a canon F/F relationship and fanon ones are almost impossible because the female characters are usually clearly male-oriented. When I say "male-oriented" I don't mean that they do everything for men and there's nothing else about their characters beyond that, I mean more in the sense that there's simply no place for sapphic romantic interests in the narrative.
Like, who am I going to ship Andromeda with? Her story is divided between her being an unfair sacrifice and her being with Perseus. Penelope? Her plot is literally about Odysseus and Telemachus. Medea? She is obsessed with Jason. Eurydice? Her story is her romance with Orpheus. Ariadne? Both relevant periods of her life involve men, Theseus and Dionysus. Suffice it to say that female characters in Greek mythology in general are very obviously straight to me, so I'm unable to do even an F/F headcanon with them.
8. Favorite M/M ship
Predictable answer alert! It's Patroclus x Achilles.
But it's also because I think their type of relationships really resonate with me as an aroace person. Maybe this gets weird because you might think what the hell does Patrochilles have to do with aroace… and believe me, it's not because I headcanon them like that! In fact, for me they are both allo! No, it's for another reason. It's the same situation I have with Enkidu x Gilgamesh, actually.
Basically, it is precisely how they're brothers in arms, cousins, squire and prince, best friends and possible lovers at the same time that gives this interest. They don't fit into a traditional role. Truth be told, if they were JUST lovers, it wouldn't have been so special to me. I like how they're in a kind of limbo when it comes to describing their relationship, because no description alone is enough…there has to be more. Just "friends" doesn't express it well, just "lovers" doesn't express it well, "just squire and prince" doesn't express it well…it has to be all together!
It's this situation of being nothing and everything at the same time, of having a type of affection that doesn't fit into a specific relationship label, that resonates with me as an aroace person. More specifically, like aroace that isn't a-gray. I've never felt attraction, whether sexual or romantic, but I would actually love a queerplatonic relationship. Something that wasn't friendship, but wasn't dating. Something trustworthy, comfortable, warm, loving, even if it wasn't what other people were doing and what they expected me to do.
That's why it irritates me when people say shipping them is just "liking two guys having sex." I don't understand why when shipping M/F couples you do it for all about complexity and feelings, but at the moment it's an F/F or M/M couple it's CERTAINLY because of a fetish. Like, no, they're my favorite because their lack of a traditional relationship label resonates with me as aroace who wants a queerplatonic relationship whereas canon M/F relationships are very obviously allo and amatonormativity to me and I don't identify with them. It's just that, my god! Does this mean I don't like conventionally amatonormative shipps? No, I even mentioned some in this ask!
Also, I like Diomedes x Odysseus too because of how they are in The Iliad, and I also like Diomedes x Odysseus x Penelope. They're not my favorite and you won't see me posting about them, but I like them. I've seen Odysseus x Agamemnon, but for me Agamemnon is the straightest man to ever walk the earth. Most of the notable myths involve a woman (Clytemnestra, Chryseis, Cassandra) and the only male characters he is consistently portrayed as having a deep bond with are…well, Menelaus and Orestes, who are family. I've seen shipps with Menelaus and I can see the bi potential in him, but at the same time I don't have a specific M/M shipp for him (I've seen the shipp with Paris, but that's not my cup of tea).
And that's it. Most of the canon M/M shipps don't appeal to me because of pedophilia and kidnapping. I know there is Apollo x Hyacinthus, but I haven't seen their sources, so I don't have an opinion.
9. Favorite F/M ship
Medea x Jason! Yeah, I know they're not a healthy relationship, but it's part of what makes them so them. Their charm is that it's not healthy on ANY side! Medea isn't the only asshole nor is Jason the only asshole, both are assholes but to different degrees.
I like the idea of Deidamia x Achilles in the versions where it's consensual too. But to be honest, it's more about my headcanons than about the myths, since Deidamia is a character that has no Greek sources showing her having lines or anything like that. I like Helen x Menelaus, but it basically only works for me as a favorite in the Homeric version.
10. Ship I hate
I have immense discomfort with any shipp with a slave x master dynamic, so Achilles x Briseis, Agamemnon x Chryseis, Agamemnon x Cassandra, Ajax x Tecmessa, Patroclus x Iphis and such are not for me. "Ah, but the myth says the master treated the enslaved person well" or "ah, but the master says they loves the enslaved person", I don't care…it's still very uncomfortable for me. That's where I draw my line.
I can understand why using Tecmessa as Ajax's girlfriend and same with Patroclus and Iphis in a modern AU for example, but within canon impossible. I've seen people write Agamemnon cheating on Clytemnestra with Chryseis (very consensually) in modern AU and that's okay for me. It's really more about shipping them in canon than putting such a relationship into a modern AU for story sense/reference.
But I think this is the opinion of the majority, so nothing surprising.
11. Deity interests me most
It depends on what you are considering as deities. Do nymphs count? If so, Tethis! I'm obsessed with Thetis since The Iliad, the part about her mourning in the Odyssey was painful and then I read the Argonautica and I was lost…If nymphs don't count, then I guess Dionysus!
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eddieydewr · 6 months
I'm not trying to be a negative nancy but i do genuinely worry that the noah hate train won't calm down by the time s5 comes out. I just worry about noah and his family as well as the s5 experience for us fans (i hope that doesn't sound selfish). I want this to be enjoyable for EVERYONE but with ppl being so hateful it's hard, especially for noah, i mean no wonder he purged his socials. Just by looking at the comments on kalemyname's post, it gives a clear vision of how ppl just want to be hateful and act like sheep. Now don't get me wrong there were some things noah did that kinda make me raise an eyebrow at first and things i still dont quite understand, but this situation is complex and i personally feel it's pretty clear noah isn't who the internet is trying to make him out to be.
Of course, ppl are talking bad about other cast members now for being friends with noah or not speaking up about the topic (as if they will unfriend someone they have PERSONALLY known for 10 years just because randoms on the internet can't get a grip) meanwhile others act like other cast members can't do any wrong like you said in another post (no hate to the other cast members at all). I just worry about everything this will affect (maybe im getting ahead of myself but yeah). It's good to see more positive comments and it's an unfortunate fact that ppl will hate no matter what (like how ppl have recently hated on Millie for her accent, or back then bc she was a talkative kid who said "cringy" things) but i still worry. I hope this ask doesn't stress you out or anything i just needed to get this out i suppose. And I apologize if you've got 50 asks like this before.
if season 5 is released in october or november next year and the hate train continues then i’m sorry but those people need professional help. i doubt the i/p war is going to last that long. people on both sides are running out of money and patience. and there’s an election in the US later this year. pro palis will get bored eventually, they’ll move on after the war ends as they always do every time there’s a conflict between israel and palestine. so the noise around noah will die down, it has to. it’s only logical. people can’t hold on to this performative anger for… what, 3 years?
will noah haters continue to exist? yes, just like before every time he did a “controversy” and they’ll be like ummmm did y’all forget the time he said this and did that whenever there’s a pop crave tweet about him 🙄 but when the cast like millie and finn are consistent with mentioning noah, if noah comes back to social media to promote ST, when we get to see teasers and trailers and we’re all excited about new content and will byers!!! the stupidity will die down, save a few genuine haters with nothing better to do.
also, the kalemyname drama makes no sense because there’s a video with noah on feb 21 and most of the comments were nice but the latest one, peoole were foaming at the mouth?? i just don’t get it. but we can say the hate train isn’t exactly linear.
i do get similar asks like this but it’s ok! let it out <3 look at my prev ask and see what noah’s mum said: he’s ok, just taking a break from social media but is happy to be back on set :) also it’s not selfish wanting to enjoy the experience without pro palis screaming to boycott the show. people in real life don’t behave like this. but if, god forbid, people are still insane then i’d mute words and block accounts? idk. curate your internet experience! 💚
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sleepy-bebby · 3 years
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Just binged watch all of SVTFOE. Tl;dr S01-02 good, S03 meh, S04 bleghh. And yes, I’m aware this show ended a couple of years ago. This is mostly a Tom-deserves-better post.
Also, I find it funny that Tom is apparently based off the creator’s evil exes but ends up being the best character of the show. He shows genuine character growth, is loyal to the detriment of his own well-being, and proved time and time again that him wanting to be a better being was not just lip service.
And of course because he is the best character but not the main character, the creators treat him like shit by:
1. having Star and Marco cheat with the kiss.
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2. Then he was told about it not by his GIRLFRIEND, but by Marco, his best guy friend who backstabbed him by kissing Star. Also it really broke my heart that Tom still came back and sacrificed himself for Marco, because he couldn’t believe his best friend and his girlfriend would do that to him. He genuinely wanted to believe the best in them and was betrayed like that.
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3. THEN Star gets mad at Tom about it when it is suppose to be the other way round?? Am I living in crazy town?? She thinks she has the right to be mad??
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4. Then she strings him along when they were suppose to go on a planned trip together until he finally dumps her after going on that trip alone to do some soul searching. And she has the audacity to act like a victim when she cheated lol. Then tries to love-bomb him with food and a rare cat.
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5. And then they go to the realm of magic where they straight up forget poor Tom (even after they’ve regained sanity) and leave him there to be corrupted by Dark Millhorse until he is fed pudding. They straight up forgot he exists even though he was one of the oldest and supposedly closest friends in the group.
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God I hate what the writers did to both Star and Marco’s characters. And honestly, by the end they’ve become shitty enough that Star and Marco deserve each other with how they acted in the last season. Mama Lucitor was right in being wary of Star. Tom deserves way better, and she should’ve stomped out the asshole when she had a chance.
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starglitterz · 3 years
cynosure. (viii)
─── chapter 8 ! ~ this is how to be a heartbreaker.
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summary; you and xiao are genmates under the famed streamer company genshin impact. the chemistry between the two of you is undeniable, and your fanbases absolutely love your collaborations. but when you both start meeting up offline more and more, your connection starts to deepen past just harmless flirting and playful banter. with these real feelings starting to affect both your job and reputation online, how will you two react when your relationship becomes the internet’s cynosure?
a/n: HI I MISSED CYNOSURE SM I JUST TOOK AGES TO WRITE THIS BC OF IRL STUFF AKJWDKJSD BUT IM BACK NOW YEAHHHH aLSO this is quite a long chapter, so strap in for a rollercoaster ride >:) !!!!
as always, reading order is; 1 2 3 4
warnings; angst, hate comments, threatening
please reblog ! it helps a lot :)
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@.kunikuzushi's latest video is #15 on trending; XIAO AND Y/N AREN'T AS PERFECT AS YOU THINK - HERE'S WHY!
without wasting time on clickbait rubbish, let's get right into the video. we all know the internet's current favourite 'it-couple', aka xiao and y/n from genshin impact's liyue third generation. however, i'm here to tell you why they are the most awful and toxic pairing to exist in the streamer fandom, and i've literally been shipped with tartaglia. speaking of which, go check out my other video on why his views have been declining recently! but anyways, before we delve into the deeper stuff, don't forget to hit the subscribe button and click on the bell to get notified whenever i post new videos - you wouldn't want to miss any, would you?
well, now that that's over... i'll start off by saying to please not send hate to any parties involved in this video. kidding! i genuinely could not care less whether you do or don't. as long as you don't say it's from me, you're in the clear, and that's just because i seriously don't want to get demonetised again.
i'd also like to mention that i'm a pretty diehard fan of xiao. that's a lie, i'd never heard of him before he was hired by genshin. but! i did some digging, with some assistance from my talented friend who prefers to be known only as 'the crimson witch', and found his past life. if you're unfamiliar with streamer terms, that's just slang for a persona a streamer used to play before they either retired or signed up to a company. i doubt any of you know who xiao used to be, as it's considered bad taste to doxx a streamer's previous character, but fun fact; i don't give a [####]! ah [####], now i've got to cut that out so i can still get ad revenue.
xiao's former life was as none other than part of the five famed yakshas! this is basically his tragic backstory, which then led to him signing up for genshin and being catapulted into worldwide fame and fortune; jeez xiao, save some main character moments for the rest of us! he used to go by alatus, and in case you don't know what happened to the yakshas, here's a quick summary. while they were famous for creating content as a group, one of the girls was accused of having a relationship, and the internet went wild. i'm talking mass unsubscribing, hate comments, dislike bombing - and not just on her account, on all five of their accounts and their shared account. things only got more heated when a respected updates channel, guess who? if you guessed yours truly, you're absolutely right! if you guessed anyone else... why are you even here? anyway, i posted a huge video about it, which actually kickstarted my career, and well, basically ruined theirs.
the entire internet hopped on a giant bandwagon of hating on them until finally, the group could no longer tolerate it, and the five yakshas were disbanded. nobody knew what had become of each of them, at least until now! i've solved the grand mystery of who xiao is, and now i'll get into why he shouldn't be with y/n.
first off, i pity xiao, okay? i made that video for clout and it actually worked, i didn't expect the yakshas to dissolve because of it. and so i want what's best for xiao, because he deserves some happiness after such a terrible sobstory. therefore, i believe that he shouldn't be with y/n at all! how long have we known her? only around a couple months, which as confirmed by venti's interview, is the same amount of time xiao's known her. yet in that short duration, y/n's been proven countless times to be a terrific flirt, constantly buttering up others in collabs with stupid pick-up lines and flirty expressions. honestly, the second-hand embarrassment i get from some of her videos is almost overwhelming. xiao, meanwhile, is the polar opposite; he's quiet, reserved, and barely does collaborations. y/n is hanging onto genshin impact by the skin of her teeth with the collabs, while xiao can hold his own in terms of content. at least his is watchable and doesn't make me want to bang my head against the wall.
xiao deserves better, because even if he's mooning after y/n, she doesn't even bother giving him a second glance. she treats him the same way she treats everyone else, like objects - another reason why you shouldn't support her. xiao is probably pretending to like her, which is understandable considering how many views their collabs get. human fall flat, valorant, gartic phone with the entire third gen, it's all great business sense, really. people are suckers for the grumpy boy sunshine girl trope, and they know that and make the best use of it. it's just a ploy to get more money from you, both from ads and superchat donations.
overall, xiao and y/n suck together, mainly because of how their relationship is obviously being faked for views. however, it seems like xiao might actually be catching feelings, which is also horrible because he deserves someone more caring and loving than the playful and childish y/n. especially after his backstory, that boy must have severe trust issues, so it's better for him to be saved from this before things get messed up and he ends up heartbroken.
that's it from me, scaramouche, hope you enjoyed the video!
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phone call !
outgoing call to y/n at 6.14 p.m.
xiao: y/n, are you with hu tao and yanfei now? are you safe?
y/n: hi xiao... yeah i'm with them at the mall. i'm waiting for them outside wanwen bookhouse, and then we're going to xinyue kiosk for dinner before heading home.
xiao: thank the archons, i was so scared for you. i was seriously contemplating driving out to help you somehow but i had no clue how. i was worried my presence might... exacerbate the situation.
y/n: aw xiao, thanks for being so caring. it's fine though, i'm still in one piece!
xiao: but that's the problem, y/n. it isn't fine.
y/n: what are you talking about?
xiao: it isn't fine that you were threatened with a knife outside a grocery store! by one of my fans, which makes it worse!
y/n: xiao, i told you it's okay. things like this happen when you're famous.
xiao: that doesn't make it right and you know it. this wouldn't even have happened if i didn't interact with you.
y/n: xiao, you can't blame yourself for your fans' actions. you don't control them, they're functional humans who make their own choices.
xiao: either way, the fact remains that you nearly got hurt because of me.
y/n: how is it because of you?!
xiao: my fans got jealous because i've been spending so much time with you, so they nearly attacked you! the blame can't fall on anyone else for that besides me.
y/n: and what about the fan? isn't it their fault?
xiao: yes, obviously it is. but we don't know who it is and i doubt we ever will. as an influencer, this is exactly why i'm supposed to stay away from problems like these.
y/n: problems like these? and what do you mean by that, xiao?
xiao: this entire thing between us!
y/n: you're saying all the time we spent together was just 'a problem' to you?
xiao: no! i mean- yes, but not in that way.
y/n: in what other way could that mean, xiao?
xiao: i mean that i enjoyed hanging out with you! i like you, y/n. a lot more than i should considering our jobs.
y/n: well i like you too, xiao! so who cares about that?! our fans, the good ones at least, will be over the moon if we become official.
xiao: and what about the bad ones? whatever happened today to you could happen ten times worse and next time you might not be so lucky.
y/n: that's a risk i'm willing to take.
xiao: i don't want you to be at risk! i can't let it happen again.
y/n: let what happen again?
xiao: nothing. look, y/n, i'm really sorry, but we've got to end this.
y/n: xiao, come on-
xiao: no. i need you to be safe and okay, even if that means distancing myself from you. i can't lose another person i care about.
y/n: by doing this, you're already losing me. please, xiao, just try to-
xiao: i'm sorry, y/n. it's for the best. i'm cancelling the collab we were supposed to have next week, and i'm not going to be interacting with you on social media or real life. at least not until this entire mess is sorted out, i can't endanger you further.
y/n: we can make this work, xiao, please.
xiao: goodbye, y/n.
call cut at 6.37 p.m.
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a/n; scaramouche is so fun to write for gn JKDAKWJDKJAS,,, also angst moment 😍HAHAHA i promised angst and here is the delivery, i hope u all enjoyed it! i, personally, am absolutely DEVASTATED over the end of xiaoyn 😞 but i'd love to hear yalls theories for what will happen next, especially since we've still got a ton of chapters left LOL ok anyways im too tired to write more for this a/n except im sorry for the long wait between chapters ! school is kicking my ass 😭 but ily all take care mwah !
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© starglitterz 2021. do not repost or modify in any way.
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