#not all of us can afford every streaming service
a-kinda-nerdy-girl · 2 years
I really hate that the tonys have made the first part streaming only it's so annoying
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ceasarslegion · 4 months
Whenever people criticize exploitative companies I notice that they tend to target consumers as if everybody using those services always have a choice in the matter, but im willing to bet that a massive chunk of the population that shops at walmart, orders from amazon, subscribe to disney+, etc, are poor/rural people who cant afford any of the alternatives. And what exactly do you expect them to do?
Disney+ is the cheapest option for reliable entertainment for poor parents with kids. Netflix is the cheapest option for that for most others. They still deserve to watch TV when they cant afford a cable package (and yes, pirating still has barriers attached to it. For one, you need to be able to afford the computer, just for starters). Not everyone who has a streaming service subscription is a bootlicker or supports the disney corporation or thinks netflix has the most correct working conditions.
Amazon is the cheapest option for shipping, well... almost anything. And in a lot of places, its the only thing that can reliably get there at all within the month. And when a prime subscription comes with free shipping and a streaming service? That cuts out one major expense AND the expense from the first point, too. Folks still deserve to be able to order things when they cant afford to pay for shipping fees or when they can only afford the cheapest possible option for the item they need. Not everybody with a prime subscription or who orders the occasional thing off amazon wants to personally suck jeff bezos's dick or thinks warehouse workers deserve to be worked to death.
Walmart remains the cheapest possible option for most people in north america, especially in the cost of living crisis right now where groceries cost more than your rent. Not everybody who shops at walmart thinks the workers deserve to be exploited or that unions are bad or that driving out small businesses is a good thing
And im gonna be honest, every single "alternative" ive seen from people acting these ways is WAYYY more expensive and unreliable to poor and rural people than the things theyre telling us to stop using. You absolutely should support small businesses when you can but i usually dont have small business money. I can either buy a few little things to eat that will last me maybe a week or i can get enough for the month for the same amount at walmart, and thats not MY fault.
What exactly do you want us to do here
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seat-safety-switch · 6 months
Stop doing what you're doing right now and go cancel a subscription. Chances are you're inadvertently donating money every month to a political party, long-dormant print magazine, streaming service, doomsday cult, or predatory mega-corporation. You are gaining literally no benefit from it. You probably forgot you even had it set up. That money could be spent better elsewhere, by cramming it into the mouth of your local weirdos.
All around you are folks trying to make something very strange. Maybe they're electrical engineers who are trying to build this thing they saw in their dreams, the humming menace that destroys the earth. Perhaps they're just some local artist working hard to make a mug that looks a whole lot like a cat's butthole. No matter what, you can afford to support these folks financially by simply reaching out and cancelling a recurring payment to some group of faceless assholes.
Conversely, those faceless assholes love subscriptions, for the precise reason you may have already guessed. People forget to stop paying them. Or, more likely, they've made it a huge pain in the ass to stop paying them. Don't worry. Here at Seat Safety Switch's Subscription Scam Scancellers (we couldn't come up with a good synonym, and Ted in accounting kept pushing really hard for "ceasers" without realizing that's A: not a word, and B: doesn't start with S) our job is to make sure that you get your five to nineteen dollars a month back in your pocket.
How do we do it? With machine learning, you ask? Take your R2D2 fetish somewhere else, freak. No, we do it the old fashioned way: by hiring people who are too salty to work anywhere else. Half of our employees are former stevedores and union electricians who got fired for swearing too much at work. They will absolutely not take "no" for an answer, and sitting all day on the phone yelling at customer service robots while they burn through a pack of Pall Malls and a flat of malt liquor is essentially a holiday for them.
So call on us today, and we'll get you hooked up. Of course, to get the best service, you'll need to be part of our "Premium Club," which involves a small payment of only $7.50 a month. Your first three months are reduced to $3.60 a month! You can cancel anytime you figure out how to.
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queeranarchism · 1 year
Hej, I just came across your post about carbon emissions and energy and may be I am wrong but it seems to me to be the entirely wrong approach to reduce consumption on the indivdual level. Because for instance I can't reduce my energy any further in a meaningful way with out compromising my wellbeing. Maybe if I shut down using my computer - which I can't for occupational reasons, plus it would isolate me for good. Well we can go of course the full way and declare electricity a mistake. Would inconvience a whole lot of people, kill plenty of them too and so on. But hey! there's been some emission avoided! Well that is just my opinion and may be I am just too negative
It is aboslutely 100% true that we can not meaningfully reduce CO2 emissions by reducing consumption on an individual level.
Of course we can do some things, like 'eat plant-based and local when possible' and 'don't fly' and 'repair instead of replace' but the impact of these things is minor compared to the total CO2 output and it isn't realistic for most of us.
Simply put: I can not get rid of my car if there is no bus service. I can not repair my phone if companies are allowed to deliberately make phones that can not be repaired. I can not eat local if everything is monoculture mass-argiculture for walmart. I can stop flying, but it is no good if all the private jets stay airborne. I can take shorter showers, but it's no use if the massive digital billboard next to my house is using more energy per month that i use per year.
The real massive reduction that we need requires a full societal transformation. Which means ending capitalism and going from a profit driven economy to one that is based on meeting collective needs while reducing CO2 wherever possible. Which means that when it comes to electricity and battery use, we prioritize human needs like medical care and accessibility devices, NOT the latest gaming platform or super car.
This will be a society without private jets, without fossil fuel mining, without advertising, without unnecessary plastic trinkets, without fast fashion, without mega-farms, without cryptocurrency, without bullshit jobs, without the military-industrial complex, without a constant stream of more wireless and battery operated gadgets. But it will be a society with broadly available and affordable public transport, with locally organized and sustainable food production, with medical care for all, with worker control over the workplace, with free repair-workshops everywhere, and more.
I can't imagine every aspect of that world because I am only one person with limited knowledge of all aspects of producing the things we need, but I know it starts with moving from a society organized around profit to a society organized around meeting human needs, including our very immediate need to stop climate change to prevent even more suffering than has already been caused by climate change so far.
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cl0ckworkpuppet · 5 months
time for my monthly mp3 player propaganda post!
yall. don't fucking stream music off of youtube or spotify. they pay their creators shit. the most generous estimate i could find was artists being paid $1 for every 200 streams (0.5¢ per stream), and unless you're listening to songs on an album thousands times in total, it helps tremendously more to just. buy their albums or subscribe to a patreon-like service for them
mp3 players are laughably inexpensive (you can get a decent one with bluetooth for like $40-50 and you can get away with even less if you forego some features), many of them are drag-and-drop, no ads, decent enough sound quality for the average person, unlimited skips, track selection, regular play and shuffle, playlists, being able to shut off your screen, and more importantly, ALL OF THIS IS AVAILABLE WITHOUT A SUBSCRIPTION. i've always been an avid hater of subscription models. there are some things where it's understandable, but you shouldn't lose access to basic QOL features just because you can't or won't fork over $10-15 a month.
"b-b-but $50 is so expensive!" WRONG. $50 (which is more than i've EVER spend on a single mp3 player) is the equivalent to 5 months on spotify premium without discounts. if you can afford that, it's worth investing into a device that can last you literal years if you get a good one and take good care of it
"but i don't wanna carry around another device!" fair enough, but these things are small enough to fit in tiny pockets (mine fits snugly in the watch pocket of my jeans) and are typically light enough to not be burdensome. if you can carry around your phone, you can carry around an mp3 player
"what if people think i'm weird for having outdated technology" let them. it's worth it in my opinion if it means i get to listen to music ad-free. the most I've ever gotten was "wooooah bro's got the dinosaur tech" and i just thought that was funny personally
"but what if the artist collapses without a constant stream of money!!! i'm not supporting the artist!!!!!" companies try to pay as little as they can get away with to artists. most of that money goes to the CEO and other higher-ups.
"but piracy is bad!" Piracy is a Crime. However, downloading youtube videos/audio for your own PERSONAL, NON-COMMERCIAL USE and NOT REDISTRIBUTING THEM is legal (generally, in the US, check your laws, i am not a lawyer, not legal advice, blah blah blah). besides, i never said you had to pirate your music. in fact, i encourage you to buy the albums of and support your favourite artists in other ways. some artists might even provide links for people to download their songs for free in high quality anyway
not gonna link products just in case someone thinks i'm a shill. but literally just look up "mp3 player" on your search engine or shopping site of choice and find something that doesn't look like it'll fall apart if you breathe on it too hard
seriously guys. if you listen to music more than like a few hours a week, and you don't get all of your music from livestreams or radios (although mine can connect to AM/FM radio), consider investing in an mp3 player. i tried out using one regularly in fall of 2021, and I haven't looked back. don't let companies drain subscription money from you
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Imma do this final vent and then I’ll shut up about it.
This was a dumb move, from every possible perspective.
In the og goodbye video, they really made it sound like they were doing the streaming service because they wanted to go bigger, make cooler videos, really see what they could do and let their creative vision take the lead.
Growing as an artist is what you do when you Already Have The Money To Do So. You don’t tell your audience “give me money and then I will use to it to make cooler bigger things”. That’s not a streaming service, that’s a kickstarter.
They didn’t have the numbers to pull a streaming service off either. “We think we’re ready for television quality content” no you don’t. Sorry, no you do not. Television quality content means 30-50 crew per project, means at least 4-5 production being worked on at the same time, and at least 4-5 productions being broadcast at the same time. Watcher has maybe 2 series they upload simultaneously and they have 25 employees TOTAL. Not even CLOSE to tv levels of content, who the fuck do you think you are???
Did they really think all 3 million of their subscribers were going to follow them on this? Including kids, whose spending is dependent on their parents? Including the casuals, who only subscribed for the occasional video? Including people for whom $6 dollars on another streaming service just isn’t an option? Why DIDN’T they poll this, was this being a surprise really that important??
AND why would you completely cut off another revenue? Even if YouTube is restrictive, it’s still another source of income. Cutting that off completely is… bold.
Especially since in the apology, they let it slip that no, actually, it’s because Watcher is on the brink of having to close up shop because they’re not making enough money with just the patreon, the merch sales, the ad reads, etc.
So… one of those is a lie. Or at least part of the truth.
But let’s assume they are in financial trouble, then this was still the dumbest they could’ve done.
Welcome to the entertainment industry where we follow 1 giant fucking rule: Kill Your Darlings.
Fellas, pals, amigos, bros, dudes. If your projects spend more than what they make, it’s time to downsize. Not upscale. Cut the shit that’s spending the most money, start concentrating on how you can conserve without having to fire your crew. Put the projects where you have to fly out and buy new stuff all the time on the back burner, you can get back to them once you actually have the money for them. Work with what you already have. You have a MASSIVE studio space, fuckin use it. You HAVE sets, you HAVE props, you HAVE talent and you have ideas. Start workshopping all the crazy and shit ideas you thought weren’t gonna work and start thinking how you could make them work with the lowest possible budget you can have. Your audience is there, they’ll watch whatever you throw at them. Now is the time to go crazy and see what sticks. You HAVE viewership. Collab. CONSTANTLY. Get it the fuck out there that you exist. A lot of people had no idea a patreon existed, mention it ALL THE TIME. To the point that it becomes annoying. Do it!
If your studio is becoming too expensive, get rid of it. Sorry, kill your darlings. Move some shit around in Steven Lim’s tesla garage, put up some green screens, this is where you work now until you can afford a studio in LA again, you dipshits. Editors can work from home, sound designers can work from home, writers and researchers can work from home, meetings can happen in someone’s kitchen or living room.
And finally: be transparent. Be honest to your audience and communicate. “We’re sorry to put Ghost Files on hiatus, however we can no longer justify the cost of traveling to locations.” The majority of your audience will understand and show patience. The part of your audience that matters will wait and enjoy your other wacky shit in the meantime. Hell, they might spontaneously start their own kickstarter because those who can, will want to support you financially, if you’re just hONEST WITH THEM.
As a business, you constantly have to choose between your financial stability and that of your employees, your vision and the future of your company and what you Want to do with it, and your integrity, the trust between you and your audience. (Especially that last one, businesses can’t pretend they don’t have a relationship with their audience, that’s not how business works, guys.)
When you’re in financial straits, one of those has to go. Watcher chose the latter, they should’ve picked the middle. Their grand television quality ideas can fucking wait, if money is a problem.
Look, I’m an artist too. I had a vision too. But it was either my creative vision or being able to afford food and rent. Creativity can wait, creativity will always be there once I can support it. Living comes ALWAYS first. Asking my audience to fund my huge artistic dreams though, with only the promise of something cool, NEVER even crossed my fucking mind. That’s what donations are for, that’s what the patreon is for.
They apologised. And good. But this was a dumb decision from the goddamn start. There were like 500 steps in between and they skipped all of it. And for what? For money? For grand ideas? For greed or for hubris? How many of their original subscribers are actually gonna come back? How much money did they lose with this stunt? If they really are in financial trouble, this MASSIVE risk -which is what it has always been- might just be their downfall. And it’d be 100% their own fucking fault.
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too-antigonish · 2 months
Hmmm....Which version of Endeavour am I watching?
Cut scenes? Different music? Turns out there are actually up to 4 different versions of every episode of Endeavour! 
What are they you ask?
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Here you go...
UK Initial Broadcast version: What went out over the airwaves when the episode premiered. In most cases this does not differ from other UK versions of the episode. However, certain pieces of music—such as Dean Martin’s song Sway in the S2E3 episode of the same title—were so expensive to license that the production was only able to afford the original song for that first broadcast. Repeats had to make do with a substitute piece of music composed to replace the original.  In the case of Sway, the replacement piece was at least specifically commissioned and written for the episode. It was not purchased as a generic composition from a production music library, which is usually what happen in this situation.
This version is only available if you recorded it at the time or know someone who did.
UK Version (Repeats and DVDs): The UK Repeats and DVDs are the definitive versions. Nothing is cut from the original broadcast and they have the soundtrack from the original broadcast—with a few exceptions, like the one mentioned above.
International Version with Cuts (PBS Masterpiece Theater version, both streaming and some DVDs): This version is what I would consider the “worst” option. First, each episode is cut for length by 5 to 8 minutes so that it will fit into the PBS time slot. Second, this version also uses the international version of the soundtrack. Most of the classical music from the UK version remains the same. However, most of the popular music (i.e. Rolling Stones, Kinks, Velvet Underground, etc.) was too expensive to license internationally and was replaced with generic production music. It’s a standard practice in the industry because music licensing is incredibly complicated and pricey, but it still sucks.
International Full-Length Version (Amazon Streaming, iTunes, etc.): These are at least the complete episode. None of the content is cut. The current exception to this may be S9, which is still only available on Amazon via the PBS streaming service. However, at this point, I’m not sure if PBS made the usual cuts to S9. For all other seasons, however, I know for sure that the version on Amazon is complete. It does, however, have the international and not the UK soundtrack.
Other stuff:
If you are looking to purchase physical DVDs, it’s important to be aware of 1) which version you want and 2) which version you can actually access. Most of the DVDs for sale in the US will only play in US DVD players and most for sale in the UK will only play in UK DVD players. If you want to be able to play DVDs from anywhere, you need to purchase a region-free DVD player. 
Even then, however, you need to be careful about which version of the show is on any given DVD set. In the US, at least, it can be very difficult to tell from the packaging or purchasing information whether or not a particular set is the full-length version or the one with cuts. The good news is that most of the DVDs are full-length. The bad news is that there are a few sets that are not and I haven’t gone through one-by-one to identify which ones those are—so just be careful.
As far as I know, the DVDs for sale in the US all have the international soundtrack. If you want to hear the UK soundtrack, you’ll have to get that region-free DVD player and the UK versions.
I think that’s it. If anyone knows of something I’ve missed or if I’ve made any errors, please let me know!
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sappholily · 10 days
my opinions on watcher tv
i don't want to sound like a parrot and repeat things others have said so eloquently, but i do have a lot of opinions and questions. i hope you don't mind this post.
first and foremost, i am an artist and creator just like the boys, just like staff at watcher, and just like many watcherinas. i understand everyone who says "we didn't ask for this high quality, overly-produced stuff, we just wanted you". i feel the same way. but as an artist, i would hate having to create stuff that i'm not comfortable with and don't enjoy, just because it makes me money. i would want the freedom to create whatever without having to worry about bills. don't we all?
if ghost files and the production value is what they are satisfied in, i can't then come in and say "just don't do that". it's a creative outlet for them, it's what they want, and it's their creative freedom.
on the other hand, however, i can't imagine how they're spending 100k on per ghost files episode. maybe if they broke it down, more of us would understand where they're coming from? i get plane tickets and hotel rooms are expensive, but if someone would've told me to guess, i would've said maybe 10k-50k per episode. still a lot, but certainly not 100k.
i also understand everyone who says "you have to pay an artist for their work". of course! i am willing to pay, like i said in another post. i've been saving up for a professor plushie for the longest time! but when something doesn't seem worth it, i'm not motivated to pay for it. to me, paying $60/year for a few shows is not something that is viable for me. what is and was viable for me was watching ads, even if they were annoying.
but also, when will the new shows come to their platform? if they're short on money, does that then mean that the new shows won't be on the platform for a while? what's the timeline?
for a big change like this, it would've made more sense for them to ease into it. if they really wanted to have their own streaming service, why remove the shows that we've had access to for years? (and i understand that they're not physically removing the shows, but they're putting every other season on this platform i can't afford). why not keep existing shows on youtube and have other shows (behind the scenes stuff, worth it, etc) on their streaming platform? or even created patreon-exclusive shows?
another big question i have is did they consider other options? right now, it feels like they didn't. they didn't ask "would you be willing to pay more on patreon?" they didn't tell us "hey this isn't financially viable, what would you like to see from us (merch, new shows, exclusive patreon shows)?" they didn't promote their patreon outside of the end of episodes of shows to promote bloopers. i wish they had kept us in the loop about what was happening. i wish they had treated us like the community that they said we were. that's maybe a little parasocial of me, but after all, they're creating content for us (per their words), so wouldn't it make sense to tell us what was going on? idk.
like i said in another post, i was once part of their patreon because i enjoyed the bloopers and behind the scenes. i eventually stopped for a couple of reasons, but mainly because i could no longer afford the $5/month. and this is coming from someone who does not subscribe to multiple different platforms (as i've seen others say; "if you can afford to have multiple different subscriptions you don't need..."). i only subscribe to things that i absolutely love, though for a few months now, i haven't been subscribed to anything because i can't afford it. most of the content i watch is on youtube. i'm not someone who watches shows on the regular, i'm not someone who tunes in to the newest show (still haven't watched euphoria, still haven't watched the new loki season, etc). so paying for something like disney+ would simply be ridiculous for me. i don't have a daily coffee spending budget, i don't subscribe to things, i don't spend money because i cannot afford it. i'm not the only one.
i'm sure they researched the different options, specifically between starting their own streaming service versus joining another existing service. what i feel like they didn't do is research their own audience. even one single youtube poll would've been great.
overall, i just wish they had gone about this differently and had warned us or told us "hey we're thinking of starting a streaming service, what do you guys think?" or something. it's very frustrating to feel like this came out of nowhere. so many watcherinas are coming up with so many creative ideas to make watcher more money, and i'm sure they would've gathered those ideas and taken them to heart had they asked.
but i'm also not going to wish they fail. i also understand that they are their own people with different needs, etc., so i'm not going to send them hate, and should they go through with this decision despite the backlash, i will support them even if i can't participate. it is what it is, and though i will be sad, i can't do anything about it, therefore i won't lose sleep over it.
i hate that everyone is putting the blame on steven. i understand the frustrations of not wanting to watch wealthy men parade their wealth during an economic crisis, then ask for money to do said activities, but he isn't the only one making major decisions. (unless he is and we just don't know?) but the blame shouldn't be put all on him when he had to greenlight it with the others (again, unless he didn't and we just don't know, though i doubt that a lot).
i really hope they succeed. i wish them all the best, i'm just mourning rn lmfao 😭
anyway, what do y'all think?
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acechill666 · 10 days
I’m curious how others use subscription streaming platforms. I always wait until the max amount of content I want to watch is uploaded then subscribe for one month (immediately cancel so I don’t forget and get recharged) I binge the content and repeat in another 5-6 months. I cant afford more than one streaming service a month at most so I try to get all the content I can.
Obviously I don’t think this would be ideal for watcher. theres people that are able to support the creators they enjoy and will pay continuously or annually, and if they can I don’t see anything wrong with that. But I don’t think that will be the majority of people who subscribe at all? $6 for every 4 new eps is a lot. More than buying 4 episodes of a tv show on apple tv or amazon prime. And most people will probably skip paying for months with shows they’re not interested in. I have no idea the numbers they will pull but I don’t see it going the way they hope.
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talisidekick · 5 months
I need your help...
If you don't know me, hello, I'm Accalia, I go by Tali Sidekick online on Youtube, Instagram, and on the rarest of occasions Twitch. I'm a 29 year old transgender woman from Canada, who came out and began socially and medically transitioning in 2021. I stream largely on Youtube and on the rare occasion I make videos (it's been over a year since I last did that).
I could use your help affording my legal name change. I've been trying to afford it myself but I'm unable to for reasons I'll get into below. The link is in my blog description, but I'll post it here:
Recently, while walking home from work (I don't make enough to afford public transit or my own vehicle or a bicycle) I got attacked by a middle-aged man in a dimly lit residential neighbourhood. I got away, and thankfully I didn't give him enough time to do more than grab me by the arm. However, I had to file a police report, which gave me two options: use my legal name which at current is my deadname (ie. a name I no longer wish to use) which would be distressing to say the least, or submit it anonymously. I chose the latter which unfortunately does little besides let the public know that someone dangerous with a vague description is in their area. I wish I could have put my name on that report but using my legal name as it stands now is ... I can't.
To add to this, I was saving up, but unfortunately the student loans I owe decided to charge me during an appeal process (they weren't supposed to) and when the charge partially bounced they denied my appeal (which isn't supposed to happen under the contract agreement I signed) because of "outstanding payments". The appeal process also only looked at my gross income for one month, specifically the month I got paid 3 times in (it happens only once a year) and decided to combine all three payments into an equal 2 and evaluated my paycheck at around 25/hr when I only make 16/hr and has thus denied me reduced loans payment (I'm working on this but it's adding to my stress). So at current, the $300 I had extra got eaten by the National Student Loans Services Centre (NSLSC) again and from previous experience even though I should be reimbursed once this is cleared up, I won't be.
I would have also had more (remember that extra third paycheck?) but my health insurance stopped covering me because despite being signed up to a provincial pharmacy program they decided I wasn't, and forced me to buy my hormones and ADHD meds out of pocket. They only -just- reinstated coverage, but getting reimbursed will take over a month possibly 2.
As such, I have exactly $48 in savings and $7 in my basic checking account.
I want to get my name changed, I've been trying for over 2 years, and it's been impossible. Every time I have the money to spare, the NSLSC eats it and doesn't give it back, some medical thing comes up, or some unforseen cost rears its head and consumes my meager savings. The cost averages out to about $450 because it requires Finger Printing for a background check, Notary Fees, Processing Fees, and Reprinting Fees for my Birth Certificate, Drivers License, and Marriage License.
And if the $450 goal is exceeded, any excess getsput towards affording the $6000 surgery cost of getting SRS/GRS (Sex Reassignment Surgery/Gender Reassignment Surgery). I have until December next year before my government will no longer cover the cost of the surgery supposedly.
If I can get help here, I really want all my legal doccuments to read "Llorelei Accalia [Lastname]". I'm so tired of having to explain to people that I'm transgender because the name, face, and (somehow) voice don't match.
Currently at:
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threadsun · 9 months
Anonymous Asks: "Can we have an AU where the SDJ boys and Bo are sex workers?"
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Ooooh yes, I'm a sucker for sex worker headcanons!! This is gonna be so self indulgent~
Content: honest discussions of sex work, femboy, chastity, sugaring, camming, full service sex work, survival sex work, escorting, bdsm dungeons, sadism, fetish modelling, pupplay
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Jack is a dungeon dom
He kind of got into it accidentally. He frequented his local dungeon to get out his sadistic urges, and ended up befriending a lot of the workers there
All of the submissives who work there have been dommed by him, so they're able to attest to his skills when he applies to be a full time dom in the dungeon
He does, of course, still have to go through the training process. He starts off as a submissive, and as much as he hates it (and hates that he enjoys it) he sticks with it
Then he moves onto co-domination, and finally full domination. His technically skills don't need much honing, so he manages to get through training pretty quickly
He's very popular with the more extreme masochists, given how willing he is to inflict any amount of pain, and how sweet and gentle he is with the aftercare
He actually really enjoys his job. It's satisfying, seeing a customer come in visibly stressed and leave visibly relaxed. Knowing that he helped them
He does a lot of talking with his clients as well. Listens to them vent about their problems, offers advice and a friendly ear. They tend to open up to him a lot during aftercare
He's got a pretty dedicated clientele who come to him regularly. He has a whole schedule for his regulars, and when they miss a week he worries about them
Generally, he finds his job to be the perfect balance between letting him indulge his own desires and helping other people enjoy themselves
Camming is his speciality
Specifically, femboy stuff as well. He wears cute skirts and thigh highs and a pink plastic chastity cage while fucking himself on camera for tips~
He has a small fanbase, but they're very generous. Lots of older men with plenty of money to throw his way, as long as he'll show off for them
His whole setup and outfits and toys are all pastels, especially pinks and blues. He has a wishlist that clients can send him stuff from that all matches the aesthetic too
He doesn't show his face. The highest he'll go is showing off his collars, and he might show himself from behind to show off some cute ear headbands or something. But no face.
He actually really enjoys the attention. He thanks his fans by name and will read and respond to the chat as he cams, and sometimes he even gives links to control some of his internet connected toys~
His shaky, nervous little voice is actually a huge draw. People love how flustered and discomposed he sounds, even before he's properly started his shows
He also has a premium snapchat that people can pay for access to, where he'll send little teasing pics throughout the day, especially before and after streams
If someone offers, he's happy to be a sugar baby too. It's not that he needs the money, but he enjoys acting and he enjoys being taken care of
He genuinely enjoys his work a lot! He blocks creeps very readily because he can afford to, and he doesn't mind keeping his fanbase small
Shaun does indie pornos!
He likes things with at least a semi-solid plot. Something more than just "oh haha the pizza man stuck his dick in the box." He likes crafting elaborate stories to film
He wants to get involved in every aspect of the filming. From the script writing to the set and costume design to actually acting in it, he wants to be part of it all!
His house is filled with various props and costumes and toys from the pornos he's filmed. He generally likes to use them to decorate his house, half because it's funny and half because it's cheap
He's very proud of his work, he'll sit all his friends down and make them watch his newest film with him. He'll talk through the whole film and everything, he's so hype!
He's won awards for his work, and big name porn studios have tried to hire him, but he prefers to be an independent creator because it gives him more control
He's also very adamant about the health and safety of the actors, so he makes sure to only work with people who care as much as he does. This also keeps him away from the big studios
He's saving up to try to start his own proper studio with full-time employees and a base of operations and everything, but it's expensive and he's not great at budgeting
Seriously, he can't help but buy any props and toys he thinks will go well in one of his films. He's got an entire shelf full of various fantasy dildos he plans to use one day
He has a lot of fun with his work, he genuinely loves what he does and is incredibly proud of it! He tells absolutely everyone about what he does with no shame
We already know he's a professional dom
He does a wide variety of things. He likes to experiment and doesn't want to pigeonhole himself as only one type of creator. His only limit is that he won't submit for work
He often collaborates with other sex workers. Whether it's doing photoshoots or videos, he loves the chance to see how others work and to make something fun together!
He's been doing it for long enough and is popular enough to have his own separate studio space. It's got all of his gear on display and plenty of fun furniture too
Over the years, he's amassed a pretty big collection of toys and gear. He has a whole wall covered in hooks dedicated to his leather cuffs and harnesses
He's got a handful of proper cameras and some really good mics. He's all about quality, and he's constantly working on making things even better
He takes a lot of pride in his work. He puts a lot of effort into his scripts and shoots and everything! Each set and video and audio is carefully designed by him
He really goes for the soft dom angle. Sure, he'll happily show his rougher side, but for the most part his fans are there for his soothing voice and gentle domination
He does a lot of voice kink stuff, especially JOI videos. He tries to keep everything as gender neutral as possible because he doesn't want any of his fans feeling excluded or left out
He takes a lot of pride in his job. He worked hard to get where he is, and he's a very vocal activist for sex worker rights. He also uses his platform to boost other creators
Joseph is a full service survival sex worker
He's picked up odd jobs that weren't sex work here or there, but he tends to fall back into it because it's something he's good at and it's a more certain income for him
He has some dedicated clients who often take him in for a few days or weeks at a time and pamper him, basically being his sugar parent for a little bit at a time
Most people want him to dominate them, so that's what he does. He works with a lot of wealthy people who care about their images, so they pay him well for his silence
He's definitely not above getting on his knees and sucking someone off in exchange for dinner. He spends a decent amount of time in dark parking lots waiting for clients
The local motel workers know him. He rents rooms there sometimes when he knows there's a conference or something going on and lots of people will be staying there
He's close with the other full service sex workers in his area. They all sort of help each other out where they can. Because he's so big and strong, he'll often protect them from dangerous clients
He doesn't mind doing sex work, but he sure does wish he could be doing it for the love of the job rather than for a roof over his head and food in his mouth
He gets harassed by the cops pretty often, but he hasn't been caught with enough evidence to charge him yet. He tries to keep the heat on him so the other workers aren't in as much danger
He doesn't mind getting picked up by the cops so much, just because at least when he spends the night in a cell, he's got a roof over his head. But he still hates them
He's a porn star!
He got into it as a fuck you to his parents, really. He was never passionate about it, he just figured it was a good way to fuck with their precious reputations
A big name actor looking to do porn? Yeah, he had no lack of interest and offers. Honestly, he spent a good long while looking through scripts to decide which one to do
He'd only planned to do one. Just enough to shock people and piss of his parents, and then go right back to his usual acting, riding the waves of media attention
But... well, he actually really enjoyed it. He's an exhibitionist at heart, and his co-stars were... so much nicer than what he's used to. It's weird, but he enjoys it
He became friends with a number of other porn stars just from hanging out on set between takes and talking to people. They were all so much more welcoming than he's used to
He felt really at home with it all. For once he was actually enjoying his work, and was interested in the final product. He was determined to make it good
When he finished that first one, he looked back over the other roles he'd been offered. He weeded out the ones he didn't care for, and then booked the others
Whenever he works with someone again, they always greet him with such excitement. It feels good to actually be wanted on set, rather than begrudgingly accepted
It started as a way to rebel, but he actually really found a home on porn sets. He even dabbles in writing and directing his own stuff sometimes, though he prefers acting
Rory is a male escort
He kind of got into it by accident. Someone at a bar confused him for an escort and paid for him to spend the evening with them. He just thought they were into him until they paid him
He's not one to turn down money! He was more than happy to pocket it and try to figure out whether or not he could do something like that again
It's the perfect gig for him. He gets to go out to all sorts of fun restaurants and events and whatnot, just being the arm candy for whoever's paid for his company
And then sometimes they bring him home to fuck him, sometimes they don't. He's not too fussed either way, as long as there's money in his pocket at the end of the night
For a while, he does it freelance. Just kind of waits around places, hoping to get picked up. Mostly because he doesn't know any other way of getting hired
But he runs into another escort who tells him about agencies and suggests he find one. He asks around until he finds an agency who want to hire him
He's a very easy-going worker, so he's very popular. He's not picky about his clients, and takes the people no one else wants to go with. He also picks up shifts from sick coworkers
He's pretty high in demand, being ginger and pretty and down to fuck anyone! He has a dedicated set of clients, and then an endless stream of one-off clients who like his look
He doesn't really get why people are weird about his job. It doesn't occur to him that it's any different from working an office job, so he'll talk about it proudly
Bo is a fetish model
He's another one who fell into his work by accident. Coming out of his game was a tough adjustment, and he didn't really have time to find work
But his look... well, it's unique. And definitely has the looks of a fetish model. I mean, the man's a walking dogboy with a collar on, can you blame people for the confusion?
He doesn't get why people keep asking to photograph him, but he goes along with it. Especially once he learns what money is and why he needs it
He finds it fun! He's used to showing off for people, trying to keep the attention on himself, so posing for a camera comes pretty naturally to him
He actually really enjoys trying on all the fetish gear and working with other people. He settles into the job well, and his pictures are received very well
He obviously specialises in pupplay fetish content. Bone gags, leashes, muzzles, cages, dog bowls... you name it, if it's pupplay then he's doing it!
He is a huge hit in the gay community, and he regularly gets invited to be part of pride events. He's also big in the leather community cause he models a lot of leather stuff
He avoids doing anything more than photo shoots just because he's still getting the hang of those and just... life in general. But he enjoys what he does
His face is in just about every 18+ magazine that has hot guys in it! You can't avoid seeing him if you're looking for fetish pictures, even just product pictures when you're buying stuff
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Corey C. from the call center (one shot)
Words: 4.5k | Corey Cunningham 🥹 x Fem!Reader
Sub!Corey,kinda. Shy, brooding, meowmeow!Corey, post-accident, pre-Michael.
Summary: You start talking to Corey when he's working at the call center and you call in. You invite him over for Halloween 💕. [In Halloween Ends, Corey's mother threatens to send him back to work at the call center when she thinks he was injured at Prevo]
You take Corey’s jacket and for the first time see his strong, expansive chest.  He notices you noticing, and he assumes he has something on his shirt.  He looks down at himself and brushes nothing off his chest then smiles shyly and tucks a wild curl behind his ear.  You welcome him to sit on the couch with you.  He sits upright, awkwardly.  You can tell he's going to need some encouragement. 
Tumblr media
You recently moved into your own little house.  It’s the first time you’ve lived on your own, and you’re far from where home used to be.  Right after college, you lived with a partner who would call the landline every day after you got off work to make sure you came straight home.  When that ended, you stayed with family for a while, then moved to Haddonfield for a fresh start.  The weather felt cold and bleak at first, compared to the deep South, but the town seemed to have a real sense of community, almost like perfect strangers were trauma-bonded.  
Still, you haven’t been fast to make friends, and sometimes you’re lonely.  You initially moved in with a roommate, but she moved in with a boyfriend and you hadn’t been able to find a new one.  Instead, you move into a little duplex you can afford on your own.  
Your internet hasn’t exactly been reliable, and you’re still getting used to managing your own utilities.  You haven’t called for help yet because the prospect of it overwhelms you, but you get tired of rebooting the router and finally call your internet service provider to troubleshoot your connection.   
You reach a polite young man named Corey C.  Corey has a deep, sexy voice and a Northern accent.  Northern accents are super hot to you the same way a foreign accent might be hot to someone else.   
“Can I get your phone number in case we get disconnected?”  You give it to him. 
“Tell me about why you’re calling today.” He follows the script, you give him the answers. 
“I lost the internet.”
“Are you near your router? Can you tell me which lights are blinking?” You tell him you don’t know what the lights are and he guides you through light by light.  You aren’t really listening, you just savor the sound of his voice. You could listen to Corey C. talk forever. 
“Ma’am?  Ma’am are you there?” 
“Yes, sorry.  The top one is blinking orange.” 
“Okay, I can reset the connection from here, it’ll just take a minute to reboot, okay?” 
“Sure.”  It’s refreshing how sweet and patient he is.  You were nervous to call for help, and he’s made it easy and even enjoyable.  
“I’ll stay on the line to make sure it works, okay?” You already want to hug him.  Sometimes you still feel so alone, and even though he;s just helping you through this tiny problem in the big scheme of things, it feels good to have someone sound like they’re actually there for you.  
“Sounds good,” you say.  “How’s your day going?”
He sighs.  “You know, it’s just another day.” Something sounds so sad in his voice. 
“Actually, you’re the first nice customer I’ve had all day.” 
“Sorry to hear that.” 
“That’s alright, it’s just the job.  How’s your day?” 
“Oh, fine, not too interesting. I was just streaming Euphoria when I lost connection.”
“Sorry about that.  How is that, by the way?”
“Oh it’s awesome, you should watch it.” 
“I don’t have Showtime, but it looks really good.” 
“You have an amazing voice, by the way, sorry if that’s weird, I just had to tell you.” 
“Uh, heh, well, thanks.” You can practically hear him blushing
“Do you get that a lot?”
“Um, no, not really, most people are just annoyed.  Their internet is out or their bill is too high.” 
“That doesn’t sound very fun, sorry.” 
“Well, it’s a job, my mom got it for me, so I could save for college.” 
“Oh, are you still in high school?”  He doesn’t sound young, but you feel like you have to ask.  
“Oh, no, no, I go to community college, I’m just saving up for engineering school.” 
“Well, you’re good at your job, Corey C. You’re patient and kind, and hey, it looks like you already fixed my issue.”
“Oh, heh, you can just call me Corey.”
“Okay Corey,” you smile.   
“Is there anything else I can help you with today?” 
“No, I think that’s all for today.  I hope your day gets better.” 
“Thanks.  You’re nice.  Give us a call back if you need anything else, okay?” 
You wish you could talk to him longer, but you let him go and give him five stars on the customer service survey.   
For the rest of the day, you can’t get his hot voice out of your head.  He’s earnest and sad and that just makes you feel more connected to him.  The whole time you’ve lived in Haddonfield, you’ve felt like an outsider.  It’s almost like people wonder why anyone would move to Haddonfield after 2018, and they never quite let you in.  You hear something similar in Corey’s voice.  You hate the thought of him getting yelled at all day.  
A few days later, you have the same issue and get Corey C. again when you call.  He remembers you.  You make conversation again, and at the end he says “It was nice talking to you, really.”  
The day after that, you call back just because, and you ask for Corey C. by name. He’s about to go eat his lunch. You talk about your favorite foods and drinks.  
Each time you call, you pretend there's an issue and give him five stars.  Corey tells you he's switching to a later shift and gives you his extension.  The late shift is pretty dead sometimes, so if you're ever bored you could give him a call.  Now you have his extension. 
You're listening to WURG in the car, and Willie the Kid is on about how Corey Cunningham is a killer. Corey Cunningham.  You always felt bad for him, but hadn't thought about him since you started talking to Corey C. on the phone.  
You go on YouTube to try to find old CourtTV footage, and there it is, that deep sexy voice.  You didn't know Corey Cunningham was hot.  You had a feeling Corey C. was though.  
Corey's hot voice paired with his sweet curly hair and glasses and the way he can barely make eye contact really pulls at your heart.  You also can't help but notice the way his prison garb hugs his body, and his thick neck, and his Adam's apple when he gulpsl. 
He's a gruff, sexy hunk of man wrapped around the sweetest saddest package and you just want to squeeze him.  
You call Corey on the late shift. can talk until he has another customer.  You talk about your favorite holidays.  Yours is Halloween but he doesn't like it.  You ask him his story and he tells you his full name and says you probably already know it.  “It’s cool if you have to go,” he adds, sadly.  You don’t, of course.  
You come clean about hearing his name on the radio and looking him up.  He doesn't mind.  He’s just relieved you still want to talk to him.  You tell him your full name and story, too. You tell him things you hadn't ever told anyone else before. He tells you about his home life.  You tell him how you came from a similar situation - in terms of feeling controlled and unable to live your life.  You talk for hours.  He only has one customer and calls you  back after.  
You call back the next night. 
"I wasn't sure you'd ever call back again," he says.  “After getting to know me more, I mean.” 
Your heart hurts.  "I called back especially after getting to know you. I wanna get to know you even more, now."
"Yeah? What do you want to know?"
"Do you have friends? A girlfriend?"
"Not really" 
"No girlfriend, really?"
"No.  The past couple years have been - it’s been tough. I wouldn’t want anyone to deal with this.  Plus, you know, I still live with my Mom.”
"Well.  You're sweet. And cute, you know that, right?" Secretly, you suspect he doesn't.  
"Heh. You don't have to say that.” 
"Really.  Very huggable, too.  I just want to squeeze you"
"You do?"  You wonder if he was even hugged as a child. 
"Yeah, is that weird?"
"No, not at all. Just unusual.  I mean, I can't remember my last hug. Is that messed up?”
He has another customer, but you tell him to text you later.  You know he already has your phone number from your file.  
You text throughout the week, and sometimes you talk on the phone because you like to hear his voice, still.  As Halloween approaches you worry about him, especially because it sounds like Joan has been acting even crazier now that he’s working a later shift.   Everything you learn about him intrigues you more.  He doesn’t drive.  He rides a bike.  He trespasses and hangs out at abandoned, bleak locations a lot.  He never really had a dad, but his stepfather is cool. 
Even pathetic things – like his mom still doing his laundry – only make you feel closer to him.  
Knowing how traumatic Halloween must be for him, you invite him over to spend the evening with you.  The whole night, if he wants.  
You watch your niece while her parents go to a Halloween dinner party and your sister picks her up right before Corey's shift ends.  The flow of trick-or-treaters tapers off.  When the doorbell rings, your heart races.
You answer the door and almost don't recognize Corey.  He looks so much bigger in person.  His hair is darker, too.   He's wearing a brown corduroy jacket, black and green flannel shirt, and black jeans that are too big. His glasses are different. Round, wire rim.  He's wearing old white sneakers. His bike is on a kick-stand behind him.  His curly hair is wild from the wind.  He’s even more unassuming and huggable than you imagined.  “Hiiii Corey,” you say.  You can’t believe he’s really here.  Your heart is fluttering.  “You can park your bike on the porch.” You get the bowl of candy and set it out on the porch for any late trick-or-treaters as he parks his bike.
“Hey, thanks for inviting me,” he says.  His voice is even nicer in person. 
You hold your arms out  for a hug before he's even in the door.  He walks into you with his arms hesitantly outstretched and you curl your arms under his.   His big corduroy arms wrap around you like a blanket, loosely at first, then you squeeze him around the waist and inhale, and he gives you the bear hug you really wanted.  His shirt smells like a wood shop.  His jacket has a faint hint of smoke.    And his skin - his thick, masculine neck, smells freshly showered, minty. 
You invite him in and lock the door behind him.  You have a big leather sofa with an oversized plush ottoman. Your TV is mounted on the opposite wall.  You’re going to watch Black Christmas and the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. 
You take Corey’s jacket and for the first time see his strong, expansive chest.  He notices you noticing, and he assumes he has something on his shirt.  He looks down at himself and brushes nothing off his chest then smiles shyly and tucks a wild curl behind his ear.  You welcome him to sit on the couch with you.  He sits upright, awkwardly.  You can tell he's going to need some encouragement. 
He faces the tv and you face him with your feet up on the couch.  You tuck your feet under his muscular thigh.  He puts his large hand on your foot and stretches his big feet out onto the ottoman. After twenty minutes like this, you say “Can I have another hug? The first one’s wearing off” and smile
"Come here,"  he says, smiling shyly and extending his arm.  He's finally relaxing.  
You settle in next to him, hugging him from the side, inhaling his masculine, minty woodshop smell.  He strokes your arm.  
Your skin is hungry for his.  You can't get close enough to him.  The closer you are, the closer you need to be.  You already have your arms wrapped all the way around him, and his arms over yours, and you still don't feel close enough. It's like your body has a magnetic need to be all the way around his.  Like an affectionate, emotional horniness. 
"Wanna lie down?" you ask?  "On your back." You wonder if that was too direct, but he takes off his glasses, then does it.  
He lies there, watching you curiously.  You climb on top of him, straddling his sturdy hips with your legs, and you slip your hands under his large arms.  You hug and squeeze him like a koala.  "Can I stay like this?" You ask.  “Like forever?”
He laughs softly at you. "Yeah, you can stay like that," he says softly. You love feeling his voice through his chest.  “I like it. Do you want to watch the movie like this?"
"Yeah," you say.  You haven’t been this close to anyone the whole time you’ve lived in Haddonfield.  
He’s very strong and solidly built, but not overly cut, which you love.  He’s unassuming and comfortable to lie on.  He’s perfect.  Your head is against his soft flannel chest, rising and falling with his breaths, listening to his heart pound.  Your knees are to either side of his hips.  You're straddling his meaty thighs and it's a stretch.  Your crotch is just below his, but they would be aligned if you got out of your koala posture.  You scoot your knees back a little.   You’re very comfortable.  His hand comes to your head and strokes your hair.  Your eyelids are heavy. 
"You're really pretty, you know," he says as your breathing grows steady and falls in rhythm with his against his chest. Your heart swells.  
His belt buckle digs into you. You pull your head up for a second and touch his belt buckle and say "can I?" He blushes and nods. You feel his cock twitch under your arm as you unfasten it and slide out the leather.  
As hot as he is, your awareness of his cock doesn’t distract you from your primary desire at the moment, which is just to be close to him.  You're so overwhelmed with affection for him that your number one priority is to hug him forever and never let him go and never let anyone hurt him again.  You pull a thick blanket over both of you and doze off top of him.  
When the movie ends, you wake up in the same position.  You look up at Corey and he's asleep.  You stretch out so you’re more parallel to him and lie on top of him with one of your legs falling between his.  Your hunger for affection is actively being satisfied, and now a different hunger stirs in your core. 
He looks so peaceful.  He stirs and you kiss him on the cheek, then the neck, then you lock eyes and kiss him on the mouth.  His soft lips embrace yours.  As he kisses you tenderly, you begin to unbutton his flannel shirt.  You feel him harden against your thigh and your clit is screaming for you to grind against him but you don't want to make any sudden moves.   You can take the lead if you have to, but want to savor every moment and resist the urge to rush things. You kiss affectionately as you finish unbuttoning his shirt. Meanwhile, you’re twitching with need for him.  
You spread your hands out, fingers wide, and trace his pecs through his tight, thin undershirt. His breathing changes when your palms graze his nipples and you feel him twitch against your thigh. He sits up on his elbows and you back off to give him room.  He takes his arms out of the flannel sleeves, revealing how his thick arms fill his thin undershirt.  
Corey looks like he’s trying to read your face like a book as he drops the flannel shirt to the floor.  He begins to wrap his arms around you again, but you slide your hands under his white cotton shirt.  His skin is smooth and warm under your fingers.  You meet his eyes with a hopeful look.  He helps you remove the shirt, then he lies back down and opens his arms for you. 
You take off your own sweater, and before laying back down on him, you take a moment to appreciate his bare chest.  His skin is pale and smooth and warm.  You hug him again like you were, with your cheek now resting on his bare, warm chest.  One hand strokes your hair while the other caresses your back.  His large fingers graze over your bra strap repeatedly, and you take that as his way of asking you to remove it, so you do.  His face flushes and you smile.  His eyes look back and forth between your nipples as you bring your chest to his.  There’s a magnetism between your bare torsos as they meet and your breasts flatten against him.  He rests his arms on top of you and strokes your skin.  You kiss his neck, then his cheek, then his mouth, and you’re making out again.  
You take in the feeling of his lips against yours, his skin against yours.  Your chests and arms together feel like they should never come apart.  You could stay like this for hours, do nothing else, and still consider it a good night, but you want all of him against all of you.  When you look him in the eyes, you’re certain he wants the same. 
“Your skin feels so good,” he whispers.  
“Yours too.  I want to feel all of it.” 
He slips a hand in between the two of you and you lift yourself up to give him some room.  Large knuckles graze your skin as he unbuttons, then unzips his pants.  You scoot yourself down toward his feet and begin to slowly remove his jeans, pulling from the ankles.  His briefs start to come with them, revealing some red pubic hair.  He doesn’t pull the briefs back up.  He’s breathing slowly, deliberately.  His thighs are muscular and fade from white to tan.  His legs have soft, auburn hair and a few scars lighter than his skin.  His feet are huge.  You leave his socks on.  You almost can’t believe how lucky you are to have him here in your house.  
You lie down again, cradled by a large arm, slowly squirm out of your joggers - you weren’t wearing any underwear to take off.  He watches you while you’re nestled against him.  Your entire naked body now lies against him.   He takes his free hand and nudges his briefs down a little more and you help him slowly pull them off with your hand, then your toes, not wanting to leave his side again.  He raises his knees one at a time to help.  You don’t look directly at his cock but you see enough to know it’s thick and getting thicker. 
You’re both nude. The room is just chilly enough that your body heat together will be enough.   You pull the blanket up so only your heads peek outside it.  You’re cuddled up so close you’re like one body with two heads.   You hook your bare leg over one of his and nestle comfortably against him.  You reach down and remove one of your socks, then use the toes of that foot to remove your other sock. You slip your big toe into the hem of his sock and he lets you remove them one by one and he giggles when it tickles. 
As you play footsie, you feel his cock harden against your leg, and you feel yourself moistening against his strong, hairy thigh. The contiguity of your bodies is intoxicating - the magnetism of his warm skin against yours.  
He kisses you softly on the forehead, then on the lips.  You close your eyes and inhale through your nose as you kiss, feeling his arms around you.  You’re cosmically absorbing him into yourself and at the same time transmitting yourself into him.  You want all his feelings and his fears and his trauma and his problems. You want both of you to carry them and yours together as one. 
His cock swells against you and his pelvis pushes into your leg and he whispers "sorry."
It stirs you from your affectionate stupor and you whisper back, "don't be.  It's natural."  You bend your knee and spread your legs, shifting yourself so his hardness is nestled against your warmth.  "And I like it," you add.  “I want more,” you purr.  He takes a deep breath.    
Corey’s expansive hands glide over your arms and his thick arms wrap around you tighter.  His hot, stiff, member rubs against your warmth.  You grind against him, bury your nose in his armpit, and inhale slowly. Your nipples harden as his musk fills your nostrils. 
He kisses the top of your head.  You look and he bows his head, a wild curl falling in his forehead, and his lips meet yours.  He pushes his rock-hard length against you harder as you kiss, and you feel pre-cum.  You tilt your hips, slickening his shaft.  He softly moans and pulses rhythmically there.  You badly want to be filled by him.  Your body inches upward on his.  Your legs spread for more direct contact and you grind your clit hard against his shaft.  You drag your warm, wet cunt against him.  Your hips tilt, offering your entrance if he wants to take it.  
The wet, swollen head of his cock slides against your folds and nuzzles at your soaking wet entrance.  You truly ache for him. You feel the pain not only in your throbbing cunt but in your head and in your chest.  
His cockhead nudges your entrance and you whisper “yes.”  
His hips rotate upward and the head of his cock pushes into you, unleashing a swarm of butterflies in your core.  He sighs.   He inches further into you, pleasantly stretching  your cunt.  Time stands still.  You feel his cock pulse and your hips start to move on their own.  As you roll into him, his hips jolt up, plunging his whole length into you.  
It takes your breath away.  You’ve never felt happier than this moment.  He sighs and you gasp as pleasure shoots through your spine and spreads to your nipples, your thighs, all your skin against his.  Your eyes feel weak like you might cry.  
Corey is still for a moment, both of you savoring the first moment his length was sheathed entirely in your warm, wet cunt.  You breathe with him, feeling your skin against his, your cunt around his cock.  You feel him pulse inside you, then he pulls back a few inches before thrusting into you harder.  He shudders as he fills you again.  Your chest is hot against his.  Your arms curl under his and his thick fingers dig into the smooth skin of your back.  
You bring your knees up and hug him like a koala again, rolling your hips into his, your throbbing clit rubbing against his pelvis, savoring the perfect feeling of his length inside you.  Your body has a mind of its own now.  Your hips let his shaft halfway out, then lower yourself back down hard, and repeat.  You drag your breasts down his chest a few inches then sit up.  He marvels at your body and his hands come to your  hips as you ride him.  He reaches for a breast and your nipple hardens against his wide palm.  Your pace quickens.  
Corey’s face is flushed and his eyes are dark.   His dark eyes sparkle as they gaze into yours.  His lips are slightly parted. “You’re so beautiful,” he says in a low, gruff voice.  “I love being inside you.” 
“I love it too,” you say as you keep riding him.  He closes his eyes and you watch his hot Adam’s apple as he swallows.  His breathing gets heavier.  His hands go from your breasts to your sides then beg you closer against him.  You kiss him deeply as you lower your breasts to his chest.  His lips are soft and plush but they kiss you hard this time, invading your mouth with his strong tongue, sucking you into him, consuming you as you ride him. 
Your hard nipple grazes against his and he softly moans into your mouth.  His hips rise and you slowly stop riding him, hovering half-on his cock, begging his hips upward into yours.  He thrusts upward into you and begins fucking you from the bottom and your cunt clenches around him.  You both breathe heavily against each other’s mouths, breathing each other’s breath.  
He starts to say something, “I–” but his own moan cuts him off.  You sense he’s about to come and as much as you want his hot seed to fill you up, you want to swallow it even more.  You want your body to digest him, millions of little versions of him, take little bits of him and turn them into you and you into him.
Your cunt is clenched around him but you beg it to release.  You lift your hips and slowly let his swollen cock slide out.  It’s ready to burst.  You grab it in your soft hand and scoot quickly down his legs, then bring your lips to the head of his cock.  You suck the head of his salty cock then open your jaw to slide your lips down his girth. Your strong tongue massages him and you suck from the back of your throat.  He strokes your hair and groans and says he’s going to come.  
His hips tense as his cock releases a huge salty load into your throat in waves.  You seal your lips around his shaft, not wanting to waste any of it at all.  You swallow after every pump, still sealed round his shaft.  Then, once he’s empty, you gently slide your lips off and replace them with your gentle hand, wanting to protect him from the cold as he deflates.  
He sits up and kisses you frantically, pushing you down onto the opposite end of the couch so you’re on the bottom.  His huge hand engulfs your cunt and his lips come to your nipple, then your neck.  His middle three fingers massage your aching clit and your hips roll up into his huge hand.  You can tell he’s desperate to make you come.  It won’t take much.  He begins to move his hand to your thighs, and you sense he’s getting ready to bury his head between your legs, but you’re too close to let him break contact.  You grab his wrist and force him to stay. 
His lips come back to your neck and he sucks you hard, biting you lightly, as his soaking wet hand pleasures you rhythmically. You feel the blood in your neck rising to the surface of your delicate skin.  Just a few more seconds and your back arches as pleasure shoots through your core, seizing your entire body, and through your final waves, you moan “Corey, Oh, Corey,” and your eyes well up, and his eyes water too as he kisses your lips again.  You collapse and hug him into you, on top of you.  
Corey nuzzles his curls into your neck and the skin of your chest tingles against his.  Your insides buzz with his cum inside you.   You would be content to stay like this all night.  Preferably every night.  
my smut list
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kannagms · 8 days
As someone who has been a fan of the boys since the beginning of Buzzfeed Unsolved when Ryan was doing his little PowerPoint presentations and reading from a single sheet of printer paper, this entire Watcher fiasco is insane and was definitely not on my 2024 bingo card.
Back when Ryan and Shane announced that they were leaving Buzzfeed to start their own entertainment company with Steven, I was excited! I wanted to see what new, fun, interesting, and creative content they would put out without Buzzfeed holding them back. I'm a huge fan of Mystery and Ghost Files, Puppet History, Are You Scared?, Too Many Spirits, Top 5 Beatdown. Loved Spooky Small Talk before it was scrapped. I watched every new ep that came out, even the ones I didn't like that much like Steven's food ones, and liked and commented because I wanted to support them as much as possible. I rewatch all my favorite episodes. I have a dedicated playlist of Ryan and Shane content because it helps me fall asleep at night. When I didn't have much I at least had Watcher to keep my smile on my face and continuous laughter going when I didn't feel much like going on.
I got the notification 3 days ago about a new Watcher video and was stunned at what I saw. Sure I can watch episode 1 of new shows and watch some trailers, but I'm gonna have to sub to yet another streaming service to watch anything more. A streaming service that doesn't even have an app, so if I want to add anything to my sleep playlist, I'm gonna have to leave my phone on all night.
Anyways, I immediately went and checked the boys' socials and see what they posted for any additional info. Thousands upon thousands of negative comments all saying basically the same thing:
I can't afford $6/month/not everyone has $6 laying around, and it can really make or break someone financially.
Been a fan since Unsolved, guess I'm not a watcher anymore.
This is a bad move.
From what I've seen across reddit, Twitter, tiktok, Instagram, and Tumblr, the negative far outweigh the positive. The only "positive" comments I've seen haven't really been "oh this is a great idea! I'm gonna go sub right now!!" It's really been more, "well it's their business, they can do what they want with it." Or simply bashing other people because they cannot afford $6 a month or $60 a year, which really comes off as boomer ideology. You know, the old "if millennials would stop eating avocado toast or buying Starbucks maybe they can afford a house!" While completely ignoring the global economic crisis we are all facing. It's completely out of check with the fact that there's so many of us not just in America, but in the world who are barely living paycheck to paycheck. That there are so many people who WISH they could get a Starbucks coffee in the morning but often times have to skip meals because they cannot afford food if they want to keep a roof over their heads, you know the ridiculous amount of money that we spend to rent a small space. Never gonna forget the one apartment I looked at that was $800 a month, no utilities included, no parking, no pets allowed, and I could lay flat on the ground and have my 5'4" length reach comfortably in every single room. Wasn't even a kitchen or room for a single size bed (mild tangent rant, I now pay $1300 for a 2 bedroom apartment, most utilities included, but bad parking)
And for Steven to say that anyone can afford $6 is just so factually wrong. Has anyone checked the foreign exchange rate for $6? Some threads I've seen on Reddit are insane. For some people 6 USD translates to someone's entire rent or a week's worth of food. If I recall the comment correctly, one person said that in their country, Netflix comes out to $2 USD, and is considered a luxury item that only the upper class/wealthy have.
Maybe I'm just being bitter. Maybe I'm just overreacting to a piece of content I loved and cherished being pushed behind a paywall. It just feels like a slap in the face to fans who have spent countless hours soaking in their content, recommending them to friends, making new friends over a shared interest, and now feeling like they didn't matter at all. That we were just dollar signs. To hear them going from thanking dedicated fans for helping them get to where they are to but now you gotta give us more money if you want to keep being fans and now we are going to ignore your backlash just feels disingenuous and heartbreaking.
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I just heard the fucking news about watcher, unsubscribed,
For anyone who didn't hear the news, Shane and Ryan are completely leaving YouTube and posting their videos on a streaming platform they made for 7$. It really isn't that serious but I needs to be talked about.
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Their streaming service is called watchertv.com, starting May 31 all their future works and videos will be seen only on this platform. So now. Why am I telling you about this? The main reason their leaving YouTube is because of, number one, the production value, and number 2, money. I'll be explaining these stuff and why they don't need to leave YouTube just for this. A quick note is that I am just explaining what I heard and understood about in the video so what I might say may or may not be wrong.
Number 1, the production value
What they explained in their video was that they do not know if they can handle the complicated production in the videos (the effects, the angles, the other shit, etc). They don't have enough money to keep making good production in their videos. First and for most, we fans do not care about the production of the videos, when we watched them back in their buzzfeed era, all they had was a black background with text, an office that looked a little like green screen (I'm not sure:p). The production didn't need to be great. I mean you can see that even if the video quality was bad we still watched it anyway since it wasn't the production we were chasing it was Shane and Ryan.
Number 2, not enough money
This makes me cackle since they're past the point where they can say that. You start to earn money on YouTube at least like 1000 subs or more. Shane and Ryan have 2.28m subs on youtube. I'm not sure how much they make on a daily basis but what from what I remember it was like 18$ for every 1000 views. They make more than 1000 views each video, their average a day is like what, 2 million? At least? I'm not sure. But it definitely is a lot at this point.
Okay so now for what I think. I think they shouldn't leave. At all. This decision making is genuinely bullshit, most of their audience cannot afford paying 5.59 dollars annually or monthly. I'm not saying that all of the fans are poor, I'm just saying that we do not have the time to just waste our money on like 28-36 minute video when we can watch it completely free without spending. You are still able to make money without making a stupid website to earn more money. I can barely afford paying for it. They say this is for us when it is GENUINELY NOT FOR US. Why do you have to leave YouTube when you have already such a big fan base from there? Was this really the best decision you guys ever made? It only seems like before when we supported you leaving buzzfeed just for you to end up just like them. So I hope I don't get hate for this since this is just what I heard of and my opinion, feel free to correct me if I said anything wrong or missed out on anything.
So the best decision right now is to unsubscribe until they come back
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whyismarvelpodcast · 7 months
Why are production companies pushing for the use of A.I.?
The main reason they give is cost. Apparently, it costs less for companies to pay an actor the minimum for one appearance and then pay for A.I. software to generate whatever they want from the scans and film of the actor than to pay an actor for the continuous use of their likeness.
We are not ones to discuss the differences in cost but the amount couldn’t possibly vary that heavily considering top quality A.I. software is quite expensive. And to be blunt these companies are so incredibly rich that it would take decades for them to go bankrupt, so it’s not like they can’t afford to pay actors for their work.
What these production companies don’t seem to understand, or are choosing to ignore, is that this is simply robbery. You cannot use someone’s likeness to make profit without paying them. And it should be not only illegal but considered, across the board, morally wrong to force people into a contract that 1) they don’t understand and 2) allows the company to exploit the signees.
A.I. is meant to improve the lives of humans everywhere. Instead billion dollar businesses are using our current version of artificial intelligence to take over creative fields. Which is an attack on diversity, representation, and expression.
What is also unclear is whether these big companies expect the A.I. enthusiasts to keep movie theaters packed and streaming services popular just to see artificial renderings or if they have forgotten that what makes people flock to a movie/show are the actors in it.
Every actor no matter their screen time is important to a production. They are the ones who bring the characters to life. An actor is who gives a character all the final touches to turn them from words on a screen to someone an audience can connect with, which is the purpose of film and tv.
So basically, the AMPTP wants to rob us of wonderful olympic extras like her.
They want to ignore how some actors deliver breathtaking intimacy which ends up defining the franchise.
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They want us to say goodbye to how some actors can preform a monologue without speaking.
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They want us to be okay with possibly never seeing what happens when an actor completely embodies a character.
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And don’t forget improv! You would be surprised with how many lead and background actors improvise the most memorable and stirring moments of a movie or show.
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romirola · 2 years
Headcanons for the Shaw Pack Members’ Favorite Electric Appliances
David: His slow cooker. David loves the way that using the slow cooker always makes the whole house smell like whatever he is cooking. It was one of the few things of Gabe’s that David kept after the accident. Despite its age, this slow cooker is a steady, dependable appliance. Whenever David uses it, he always thinks of the many times his father would double-check that he had set the slow cooker so that he and David would have a delicious, hot meal for dinner that night. No matter how demanding Gabe’s alpha duties become, Gabe always made it a point to sit down with his son over a nutritious, home-cooked dinner. David always appreciated that, but when he became alpha himself, he realized just how difficult it must have been for his father all those years. He always looks forward to sitting down with Angel and sharing their meal together. 
Angel: The shower-speakers. Music soothes Angel’s soul, so as soon as they had a day off from work, they took it upon themselves to buy and to install bluetooth speakers that are safe to use in the shower. Every morning, Angel sets the tone for their day by selecting a playlist (they have MANY) to jam out to as they shower. David claims that the shower-speakers are excessive, but he loves it when he can hear Angel sing along to the songs as he eats his breakfast. As Angel steps out of the shower and joins David in the kitchen, they don’t let on that they notice David humming the tune that had played during their shower while he sips his coffee. Once Angel realizes David is too stubborn to admit that his criticism was hasty and he does, indeed, like the shower speakers, Angel takes it upon themselves to queue up a playlist they made for David for his showers. 
Asher: His sunrise alarm clock. Asher is not a morning guy, but as beta, he cannot afford to be late. He sleeps through the radio and the shrill beep-beep-beeps of a traditional alarm unpleasantly jolt him awake so, on a whim, he gives the sunrise alarm clock he sees online a whirl. While getting up in the morning is still not his favorite thing, getting up with a clock that mimics the sunrise helps Asher’s body adjust to wakefulness better than he could’ve imagined. It helps him to feel refreshed, recharged, and ready to take on the day. Asher wonders if his inner-wolf positively responds to the sunrise-effect because it imitates the natural process of daybreak that would greet a wolf in the wild. 
Babe: The universal remote. Babe is a big fan of convenience. They love to take every opportunity available to them to save time because they feel like so much of their time is devoted to their work. The more time they save, the more time they can spend with the people they love. With a universal remote, Babe cuts down the chance of having to search through a million remotes to find the right one, which is something they see their friends do all the time. With just one remote, Babe ensures that they’re always ready to accommodate Asher’s ever-changing tastes for movies, streaming services, video games, and more. Plus, with one only one remote, there is significantly more room on the couch available for a pair of snuggly mates.
Milo: His SmartHome app. Milo loves the idea of having everything in his apartment connected to his smartphone. As soon as he heard about all the appliances you could hook up to the app, Milo sat down, installed every single one available, and set them up. No matter where he is, he can always check to make sure the stove is off, answer the door if someone rings the bell, see what Aggro is up to (and give him treats, when Aggro “earns” them), adjust the thermostat, and so many other tasks! Milo makes good use of the thermostat feature, often when he’s on a late-night security job and Sweetheart stumbles home late at night after a double shift. Some nights, they barely have enough energy to make it into the bed and turning down the heat for the night completely slips their mind. The SmartHome app gives Milo the ability to take care of his mate (and Aggro!) even when he’s not there with them. The app helps Milo feel close to his family and allows him to protect them from a distance. 
Sweetheart: Their GPS. Sweetheart has an incredibly poor sense of direction. They struggle to get around from place to place, even when it's a place they go every day. Without the GPS, they always joke they’d ‘never get anywhere,’ but for the longest time, no one could really tell because Sweetheart just never went anywhere. Sweetheart enjoys looking back at the history of their searches to check out all the places they’ve been, especially after they met Milo. What was a predictable, repetitive list that primarily consisted of D.U.M.P Headquarters, the grocery store, and their yoga studio became a record of all the places they went with Milo and, eventually, the rest of the pack. The Dahlia Zoo, the cinema, a handful of restaurants, the Art Gallery of Dahlia, and more. Sweetheart is thankful that the GPS liberates them from their endless wrong-turn hell, but they are even more thankful that they now have places to go and people to join them on their journeys. 
Darling: Their tablet. Darling has everything they could ever need on their tablet, which they always have with them. They use the tablet to read anything from breaking news to clickbait articles, to listen to music and podcasts, to doodle, and more. Everything on their tablet is precisely labelled, organized, and personalized. It is rare for Darling to have something they can call completely their own, so they cherish their tablet as if it is their territory. When Darling once gave Sam their passcode to check something when they had their hands full, Sam never felt more honored. 
Sam: The printer. Sam may loathe technology, but having a home printer is a convenience that even Sam appreciates. He prints out everything. EVERYTHING. Recipes, articles, even stupid buzzfeed quizzes that Vincent insists he takes. Printing things out lets Sam feel like he can participate in the fast-paced world of the internet on his own terms. He takes pride in knowing exactly how to change the ink, to add paper, and to fix a jam. Vincent playfully mocks Sam for preferring hard copies of reading material, but, as Sam often points out, as soon as Vincent needs to sign anything important, he always treks over to Sam’s place to print out the document.
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