#not necessarily but its a little fruity
bornetoblood · 1 year
about the hunter paralleling laurence, do you think any of the characters in the game see that? or do you think they’re all too far gone to notice? like gehrman maybe? luv u content btw
Oh wow!! Thank you!!!
I think Simon, Maria and (of course) Gehrman are the only ones who really make that connection.
Simon in the sense that he sees the Hunter as a continuation of Byrgenwerth's curiosity and eldritch digging.
I just think it'd be funny if Maria is so adamant to prevent the Hunter from reaching the Hamlet because she took one look at this little freak and filed them under "Laurence II" in her mind.
And Gehrman... He has some cut dialogue that makes it seem like he's mistaking the Hunter for Laurence (and that he's really pumped to fight them to the death). Also, just the idea that Gehrman can't remember what Laurence looks like, yet is so desperate for him to return, he just starts pretending anyone like the guy is actually him.
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Welcome to another round of W2 Tells You What You Should See, where W2 (me) tries to sell you (you) on something you should be watching. Today's choice: 天国と地獄 ~サイコな2人~/ Tengoku to Jigoku: Psychona Futari / Heaven and Hell: Soul Exchange.
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Heaven and Hell: Soul Exchange is a 2021 Japanese drama about a headstrong cop, the shady CEO she suspects of being a serial killer, and what happens when they magically switch bodies.
With a premise like that, there are basically two tonal choices: You can make it a wacky comedy, or you can get real fucked-up and dark about it. This 10-episode series somehow manages the secret third thing of splitting the difference, so it's got a lot of deliciously fucked-up stuff in the setup, but it never quite has the courage of its convictions to go all the way. What that gets you is the kind of frustrating that you can't stop thinking about afterward, both for what it did and what it didn't have the guts to do.
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So! If you're interested in a story that's compelling and occasionally very funny, with just enough unrealized potential that your brain keeps batting it around like a kitten with a squeaky toy at 4AM, I have five reasons that you might want to give this one a shot.
1. Half-Trans: Full Trans Consequences
We're gonna hit this one right off the bat: This is a story where a girl and boy trade bodies, so you know it's got the genders.
Mochizuki Ayako is the only female cop in her department. She's headstrong, kind of obnoxious, a slob, and not particularly feminine -- so of course the dude cops hate her. In the process of investigating a serial murder, she comes across Hidaka Haruto, who's got that kind of smug sinister aura of a smart man who's clearly hiding some shit, though all his underlings love him. When they unexpectedly bodyswap with no idea how to switch back, they're forced to keep one another's lies going so they don't both wind up in jail, except she's still trying to catch him and he's still trying to get away with it.
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They work a very good contrast with the difference in their respective attachments to their genders. Despite her hardass demeanor and her lack of super-femme presentation, Mochizuki is without question a woman. She's deeply uncomfortable in a male body, and when someone calls her a man, her instinct is to deny it. Having to deal with a borrowed penis nearly gives her a meltdown.
Hidaka, on the other hand, is a fruity little guy whose first response to finding himself inside a woman's body is to get all girly and take it for a test drive. It's less that he's transfeminine and more that he just really doesn't seem all that attached to any gender. He's got boobs now, and boobs are what he's going to make work for him. Regardless of his sexuality -- and the show does leave that one a big row of question marks -- his gender is gay.
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There's also some fairly solid bodyswap acting! ...kinda. Both actors have unfortunately different interpretations of Mochizuki's character. If you're being charitable, it's true she's freaking out and having some kind of gender dysphoria the entire time she's in boy mode, which could explain why she's much softer and girlier when she's being played by the male actor, Takahashi Issei. If you're more inclined to nitpick, well, you're not wrong that the performances don't line up. That said, the actors both do a great job of switching characters, so it's pretty clear when they're being different people (even if it's not necessarily the same different person).
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Now, you should by no means assume this show is some conscious exploration of genderqueer existence in contemporary Japan. It is, however, way more thoughtful than I expected it to be. It leaves some very interesting silences, especially around what exactly Hidaka's taste in partners is and why Mochizuki's own body kinda gives her a lesbian awakening when someone else is in there. If you're the type who likes a trans-flavored imagination adventure, this is a spectacular starting point. You're going to have a blast.
2. The Mochizuki Support Squad
Nobody from Hidaka's side realizes what's going on with the swap; sure, the boss is acting weird, but they buy his explanations for it. Mochizuki, however, has exactly two people in the world who care so much about her that they figure out what's happened: her junior cop partner, Yamaki Hideo, and her roommate, Watanabe Riku.
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You have to love a character where their closest friends are like, either you've started suddenly acting polite and nice, or you've mystically swapped bodies with another person, and honestly, the bodyswap is the more likely explanation.
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This is one of those places where the show takes the goofier and more lighthearted tack. Leaving it so the only people who knew about the swap were Mochizuki and Hidaka themselves would be incredibly isolating and paranoia-inducing, especially for Mochizuki. Giving her (eventually) two buddies who know what's going on both gives her a cushion of support for her ordeal and creates a number of comic moments where these guys are looking at a stranger and seeing their friend -- and vice versa.
They're both kind of daffy sweethearts, too, which adds even more comic relief to the show. Yamaki is an easily flustered, mildly hysterical nerd who just wants his mean bestie back so she can go back to telling him what to do. Riku is a blue-collar himbo who would technically be a hobosexual except for how he both really does pull his weight around the house and (probably) isn't getting laid. They're willing to put themselves on the line and do what they can to make sure their friend is okay, no matter what body she's in.
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I actually like how the show has more than couple male-female dynamics where the people involved are just friends -- or, if things change so they're not, it's strongly implied that they could have gone on being just friends and that would have been fine or even better for both parties involved. Romance is not the endgame of every mixed-genital relationship! Sometimes people who love one another dearly are friends without further obligation! You can care for people a lot without wanting to fuck them! And that's great.
Besides, I know it won't shock you to learn that the real horny part of the show plays out as...
3. An interesting game of cat and mouse
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Mochizuki's got an interesting problem: She's a cop inside the body of a murderer, and as long as she's stuck here, there's a murderer inside the body of a cop out on the loose. She could, as Hidaka, confess to the murders and in a way that puts him physically in jail, but she doesn't know how to swap their bodies back. She's got to keep Hidaka appeased, or he, in her official capacity, might arrest her and just keep her body forever while she goes down for the crime. She could find a way to take them both down, but that would ruin her life too and is an absolute last resort. She could just let him go and cover up the crimes, but her sense of justice won't allow it.
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While Hidaka ... well, Hidaka's got a lot going on. I'm not even going to get into Hidaka's whole deal, because it's related to some late-series spoilers. The simple version is that he's got to be pretending to catch himself while actually trying to destroy evidence about the murders, all while having to dig into gendered expectations to play a version of Mochizuki capable of ingratiating herself with her asshole coworkers instead of alienating them.
And yeah, it's pretty darn horny.
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It's one of those delicious enemies-to-allies-to-grudging-friends setups where you've got two people at cross purposes who have to play nice with one another (while still being very mean to one another), and in that process they find things about the other person that are actually worth liking. Because this is a literal life-and-death situation, emotions are running high! Wanting to kill someone and wanting to save them are not mutually exclusive states.
The show makes a great decision not to have Mochizuki and Hidaka hook up, or even to acknowledge that their bond has any erotic component beyond whatever's inherent in borrowing someone else's genitals. This means that their dynamic is very intimate and physical without being textually sexual, which actually winds up making it way more sexual than it would have been otherwise. It's like horror, where what you don't see is almost always scarier than what you do -- with sexual tension, especially across ostensibly heterosexual pairs, subversion and longing are almost always much sexier than having things brought to completion onscreen. I mean, seriously, think of the number of things you've seen where there's pining, and pining, and more pining, and you ship it hard, and then they finally get together and it's a giant disappointment. Better to be left hungry for more of this almost-t4t goodness.
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There's also an incredible amount of lapel-grabbing and kabedon-delivering here, so if you're in to that, itadakimasu!
4. A Cop Are Bastard
There are a number of antagonists in this story -- I mean, not shocking, considering both the premise and the way the serial murder case at the heart of the story gets weirdly complicated. The most prominent and persistent of those antagonists, though, is not a serial murderer, but one of the cops.
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The character's name is Kawahara Mitsuo, but Mochizuki and Yamaki call him "Seku-Hara," as those are the first two syllables of each word in "sexual harassment." It's fitting. He's sleazy, arrogant, and an entire bag of dicks who talks like a gangster and is willing to do a lot of backhanded dirty-cop shit to get his way.
All this lands him firmly in the Love To Hate category. If you enjoy throwing popcorn at onscreen villains, pop some extra for Kawahara, because that fucker deserves it.
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Maybe the most interesting thing about him is how often he's actually right. When he's not being an asshole who's doing bad cop work, he actually does good cop work, and he comes to some pretty astute conclusions about what exactly is going on with the case. Despite Mochizuki and Hidaka's joint interference, he figures out a lot of what's the two of them are up to, even without ever picking up on the bodyswap angle. So he's not just a slimy buffoon -- he's actually a formidable opponent.
Also, did I mention he's hot in a gross way? I dunno, maybe it helps that I've seen Kitamura Kazuki be hot in a not-gross way in other things, like Nekozamurai, where he plays a handsome and noble samurai sworn to protect a very cute kitty. Here, though, he's not noble at all -- he's a thug of a cop with a cocky swagger and a deep voice, and I am not above admitting that I see the appeal.
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Like, fuck, I'm not usually into eyebrows, and I'm into his eyebrows. Those are some good eyebrows.
5. argh it's almost so good (but still pretty good!)
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I'm about to be slightly spoilery from this point forward, not about specific plot points, but about general narrative moves. If you'd prefer to remain unspoiled for such things, stop reading right now and go to either Viki or Netflix to watch the whole show. You're welcome.
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Still here? Great. See, where this show really lacks the courage of its convictions is with Hidaka's character. He starts off the series really evil! He does some very bad things! He's clearly quite sinister. Then about halfway through, the show starts to backpedal real hard and introduces another factor into the murder cases that makes him a much less outright bad guy than he seems at first blush.
...And that sucks! Because as the show first portrays him, he's deliciously kind of a fucker. He's not only confident and threatening, he's happy to take Mochizuki's body and do whatever he wants with it, regardless of her feelings. He reads as a straight-up two-faced psychopath who just wants to keep on ridding the world of bad people by straight-up grotesquely murdering them. But the show doesn't have the guts to either take him down in a blaze of glory or create a redemption arc for a guy who's got a taste for some pretty gnarly body horror, so it's got to find a way to convince you not to believe your lying eyes.
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However! I do not consider this a dealbreaker, because I find what the show does wind up doing actually pretty interesting. Just because it's not the ending to the story I, personally, would have told doesn't mean it's not a story worth telling. It's maybe a little artificially convoluted, but you've already suspended your disbelief for the bodyswap thing, right? So just roll with the rest of it.
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At the risk of belaboring the duality metaphor, I really do feel like this is a show constantly being pulled in two different directions at once. It seems like half the show loves to roll around in the blood and perversion of vigilante serial murder, while the other half wishes it'd picked a more innocuous crime, like art theft or securities fraud. Half of it wants Hidaka to be a right cold bastard who deals Mochizuki a lot of serious damage, and the other half wants to keep him always on the side of the line where he never does anything unredeemable. Half of it wants this to be a sexy queer exploration of gendered expectations through suddenly different bodies, and the other half wants to play a straight PG-13 bodyswap comedy. Half of it wants to be Hannibal, and the other half wants to be Freaky Friday.
And where it all lands is ... well, in the middle.
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Obviously my general disappointment with the show's eventual final form has not left me heartbroken. To the contrary, I've had a lot of fun thinking about it afterward, both pondering what was actually on the screen and having imagination adventures about how I would have done it differently. That, to me, is fun. I enjoy this. Like the Maxx said, the shows in my mind are almost always better.
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I might have been a little more put off by the lack of my ideal resolution if the show had required more of a commitment from me, but no, it gets things done in ten one-hour episodes, which makes it a great small-medium bite. You can knock this one out pretty quickly, and then have all the time in the world left for thinking about how things could have been different if the show had not taken the Goldilocks approach to its queer serial murder bodyswap setup. The Hump of Compelling Mediocrity strikes again!
Up for a watch?
As I mentioned earlier, both Viki and Netflix have this one!
No joke, I hope people read this, get enticed by the horny potential of it, watch the show, go a little feral for what fits into those silences I mentioned, and write some dang sexy fanfic for me to enjoy. There's only one piece of anything on AO3 about it! One! One is not a sufficient number of things! Especially not with this promising of a setup. Come on, fellow perverts. We can do better.
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Aw, look, they're so cute when they get to be themselves.
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johannestevans · 1 year
The Relief of a Queer Audience as a Fruity Stand-Up Comic
Explaining one’s existence takes up time.
On Medium / / On Patreon.
I’m a stand-up comedian.
Last week, I did some comedy at a queer-run, queer-centred open mic — suddenly, a twelve-minute set fit into six, because I was in a room full of queer people who knew exactly what I was talking about.
I didn’t have to take time to explain what bears, twinks, and otters are; I didn’t have to make sure everyone had a working understanding of what Grindr is; I could make puns and little quips that because of the sheer cultural gap, a cis straight audience just wouldn’t be equipped to understand.
In front of straight audiences, I often mention RuPaul’s Drag Race — in front of queer ones, I’ve never even thought about it.
There is an unfortunate rule in stand-up comedy that basically every marginalised stand-up comic has experience of, and knows that they often have to follow in rooms where they’re the minority, and even in many rooms where they’re not.
Comedy is the art of creating tension, and then breaking it. The essence of a good punchline lies in surprising the audience — they laugh because they didn’t see the joke’s culmination coming.
Because of the way marginalised people are treated in our society, when we are surrounded by those who are part of the majority of which we’re not a part, or when we are noticeably different in some way, our very existence creates tension.
As a gay man, and particularly as a gay man who’s very faggy and effete, who is most explicitly not interested in assimilating with cis-hetero society, I often find that my presence in some rooms can discomfort those around me. Straight men, particularly, often become nervous — people choose their words more carefully, or they clam up and don’t dare to speak at all.
Many of these people would say it comes from a fear of “offending” me, which is a polite way of saying they don’t know how to be normal when they talk to an obviously gay man. Either they’re ordinarily casually homophobic, or they say bizarre shit about gay people — and they feel quite comfortable saying things like that around other straight people, but when there’s a gay person right there?
Well, they might be called out on that shit.
They’re more comfortable with gay people when we exist in theory, and they can’t see one right in front of them.
Most people in 2023 do know other gay men and queer people, though, even if they don’t necessarily know one that’s as fruity as I am — as a trans man, though? That discomfort goes through the roof.
And I experience that as a white man who’s thin and isn’t visibly disabled most of the time. When I’m using my cane or wearing joint braces, it ramps up even further — friends of colour, especially people I know who are Black and darker skinned, especially who wear hijabs or other head coverings, or who have natural hair, experience all this discomfort a thousandfold, of people’s stares and discomfort, the questions that are building up on their tongues.
What does this have to do with stand-up comedy?
That discomfort that one feels when one walks into a room where one is outnumbered, where one is known to the room as Different, a Minority, and Marginalised… When you walk onto a stage, it becomes quite literally spotlit.
As I said, your existence creates tension.
People don’t often think of it like this, but stand-up comedy is a form of one-person theatre. You are in essence performing a monologue for your audience, and part of your performance is in making your monologue appear spontaneous.
As in any form of theatre, it’s important to engage with your audience. You don’t just practice in private, learn your work off-rote, and then do precisely the same thing in front of the crowd.
You listen for when they’re breathing. You pause when they need time to digest what you’ve said, or to let a particular line make its emotional impact. When they applaud, you might choose to hesitate a few moments before you go on, letting that applause dissipate — other times, you might shout over the noise.
Because the whole of the audience is fixed on you and your work on the stage, you control the room — you do this by creating a world, a narrative, that you are all sharing together.
When you start to tell a joke, you begin ramping up the tension. You are drawing your audience in, asking them to imagine the world you’re envisaging, to come along with you for the ride. The longer you talk for, the tighter you turn those screws, the more tension there is in the room, the more anticipant the audience is, the more they hold their breaths —
Then you tell the punchline, and that tension is broken as the audience (hopefully) laughs.
This process comes down to one’s theatrical skill. The audience needs to be able to understand what you’re saying and what you’re communicating, they need to trust that you’re leading them in a direction that will be funny, that you’re worth listening to, and worth laughing with.
Almost no comedian would start their set with a long joke that takes a lot of set-up to get to the punchline, because much of the audience wouldn’t listen to the set-up. They’d be irritated and impatient at all this babble that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere.
You tell a few shorter jokes at first — you break the initial tension between you, a stranger, and the audience. You let them learn who you are as a person, and trust that you’re funny, that you’re equipped to lead them on his journey and give them a few more laughs.
You might even hear comedians talking about rooms in terms of temperature, talking about a “warm” room or crowd, or a “cold” one, or an MC talking about warming an audience up — a warmer audience is more receptive; a colder audience is more shut down, disinterested. Even the funniest material won’t land if the audience is shut off and doesn’t want to hear it.
Sometimes an audience will shut themselves off consciously and purposely — for example, certain men might have a little tantrum when they see a woman comic walk on stage, and they might cross their arms over their chest and decide they won’t be laughing at anything she says, because they’ve already decided she’s not funny.
As a gay guy, I’ve absolutely experienced that from staunch homophobes in the audience, especially when I start making jokes about sex.
But some audiences become unreceptive not because they’re intentionally rejecting a relationship with the comedian — they’re distracted.
When I was performing as a comic before I passed as cisgender, I could often feel the audience telegraphing their “confusion” about who and what I was.
They weren’t listening to my jokes because they in their heads they were thinking, “So, is this a lesbian? Is it a man or a woman? Are they queer?”, and because they were so focused on that, they weren’t coming with me on the jokes I was actually telling.
If your identity requires any kind of “explanation,” you often try to address it in your opener, because until you break that initial tension, you can’t start building and breaking new tensions with your actual jokes.
If someone noticeably different, who’s a member of a marginalised community or is just from a background or community they’re not used to, walks on stage, a lot of the audience will wait for the punchline.
However subconsciously, the audience thinks of someone they consider different-looking — someone who looks very queer instead of straight, who’s a woman instead of a man, who’s Black or East Asian or Indigenous or otherwise not-white instead of white, who’s disabled instead of abled, and yeah, who looks like they might be trans — walking onto the stage as the set-up for a joke.
What’s unfortunate is that to get certain audiences on-side, they’ll stay shut down until in some way you assure them that you’re “one of the good ones” — if you’re gay, for example, they want to be told that you’re not one of those gay people.
(I’m not personally equipped to tell them that, because whatever negative connotations “one of those” has, I almost certainly deserve them.)
They want to be assured that you won’t say, for example, that the bigotry you’re treated with is bad — and if you must say that, you absolutely must not imply that the audience might have a hand in it, God forbid!
That’s the root of a lot of their discomfort. Audiences don’t want to be “preached” to, don’t want to hear about anything “woke”, don’t want to be called out.
Any marginalised person can tell you that a lot of the time you’re not doing any of those things — you’re just talking, and because the other person feels a lot of guilt about your existence, they interpret it as preaching or criticism. Sensitive sorts, these cishets.
Fuck me, the relief I feel when I’m in a queer comedy room, and I don’t have to explain anything.
Fuck explaining terms, or lingo, or the queer and trans cultural aspects that a straight audience might not be familiar with — in front of a queer audience, I don’t have to explain me. I don’t have to justify my existence, or footnote it, before I can get to the performance.
I can just tell the jokes I came on stage to tell, and enjoy the laughs that follow.
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mmollymercury · 1 year
I've been inactive for a bit... sorry abt that😭😭 and I've got requests that I've been meaning to post but haven't and I feel REALLY BAD ABT THAT AGGHHH SORRYYYY. But to end off a pretty good day, heres some of my fav shadow moments from the sonic comics because sega has forgotten how to write him💗😊😙 (i promise I'll be more active soon💕)
1st up to bat we have:
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Shadow actually has a soul guys I'm so sick of the SLANDERRR
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Girls, this is so lovely to see, this whole issue abt him wanting to find out abt his past and asking for help from sonic and tails was just.... MUAW chefs kiss. He's very vulnerable here, and his facial expressions vary a lot but despite all this, he's not out of character. HE IS A NICE GUY, HES JUST COMPLICATED 😭
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Idk I just like this drawing. Unleash your true power, king🙌🙌🙌👹👹👹
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OK, so I know this comic isn't necessarily "official" however, it was drawn by official artists,,,so its real enough in my book. Shadow was raised by an old man in the 50s so we can forgive that gender comment- RIGHT NOW LETS JUST FOCUS ON THE BABIES. OMG THEYRE SO SOFT AND CUTE, Shadow would definitely be like this with any little kid/person that reminds him of how it felt to be a sibling💕
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"I just wanted a girl's trip to the Maldives and now I'm playing fucking hero‼️‼️🤬🤬🤬"
More from the previous comic abt Shadow’s past questtt
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He ang😡
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Not Sonic's fruity hand tho-
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Shadow annoyed then entertained by sonic asking to race🙌🙌😵💘
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I couldn’t not mention this are u kidding me???-
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Snap crackle pop
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lucadrawss · 2 months
Do you mind Info dumping about Ai? I need to know everything about him.
Thank you for giving me permission to ramble about my beloved Zexal OC! :D
(I apologise this is so long)
Ai's 15 though people always tell me he looks older. He's about 6ft and stubborn as fuck. I'm aware that's tall for his age but he's a dragon so he's allowed to be tall >:(
His personality was originally a combination of Shark's, Astral's and Yuma's in his first design which I kept when I gave him his current design (I just like the thought of him being an ass but also being kinda nice).
I put alot of thought into his design and what parts of it could represent as I do with all my OCs, every single tiny detail has a reason.
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(I draw horns differently now)
I unintentionally gave him similar eyes to Astral but I kept it because it suits him in my opinion.
If you can't tell he's gay, super gay (asexual as well). I tried to make him look as fruity as possible.
Ai normally wears a jacket to cover his scars since he's ashamed of how he got them (bad home life) but at times will feel comfortable with them on show. The gloves cover some scars too, but he hardly takes those off.
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I attempt to draw him in platform boots but fail every time. Despite being tall af, he likes the boots so tends to wear them.
The earrings were actually passed down in his family, he got them from his father (who faked his own death basically) when he was 5 and almost always wears them as a comfort item.
Ai doesn't chose for his nails to be that long, they're claws. They grow back pretty quickly so he just gave up cutting them since they stop at a certain length, he just paints them now.
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Yes his hair colour is natural, his older sister has it too. He has a good relationship with his sister. (Her names Gi, she's 28 and a paramedic)
Obviously Ai is a duelist. I'm uncreative so he tends to use dragon cards mainly (I know I know boring).
With relationship stuff, currently nothing yet. @renaakabane ships him with Astral though. Idk I think its kinda cute but I'm not entirely sure yet. Though she has me considering it.
He has one friend, Shark. Eventually he ends up becoming friends with Yuma, Astral, the whiny bitch that is Tori, ect, but Shark was one of the only people he really trusted.
The guys a fucking dragon so obviously I'm gonna give him dragon features. He does have the ability for wings but I never draw them. I drew them once, in a sketch, it looks bad, I was exhausted. I have drawn them though for a thing showing the detail of his dragon type. These are his:
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The purple fade is because of healing, Ai tore both his wings at some point and thats basically them scarring. He doesn't know how to fly though so its fine. :)
This. I don't necessarily think these need much of an explanation.
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I'll explain the fire thing though. Ai's type of dragon obviously has the ability to create fire. Its difficult to do but they can light their sweat, plus they have a gland in their throat that releases an odorless and colourless gas which they can light by creating a spark with their teeth. They're fire resist to a degree so they can still burn and can stand more heat than the average person but again they can't entirely stand it.
His type of dragon can hide their features to appear more human, hence this image where he looks relatively human:
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He's a fucking dumbass though he is rather smart and strategic, he's a good student grades wise and is a good duelist too. Anything else? He makes dumb decisions and gets into trouble often. Dumb decisions include doing reckless stuff or eating flowers. Theres more dumb shit he does though.
I like drawing him like this:
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He curses so often, isn't afraid to insult people and will physically fight them.
I also tend to go into mental detail with my OCs. Ai has ADHD and anxiety issues (such as PTSD and often has panic attacks, because I base my OCs off of myself a little. All of them have at least some element that reflects myself.)
His hobbies include: drawing, music (guitar, he cuts his nails every time before hand), dancing and dueling.
Ai likes dresses :) (Oh god old art. I really need to redraw this its terrible.)
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My friends tend to go on about how its stereotyping because he's a gay guy and feminine but let a guy enjoy a dress come on, his sexuality is not the reason I designed him to enjoy that type of thing. I just wanna be able to draw him in a dress :(
Pretty sure I've gone through almost everything, I'll stop before it gets any longer haha. Thank you for letting me talk about him!
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emjiroki · 1 year
so um speaking of Alpha Isagi from that post a few days agi... what do you think his scent would be and um any other headcanons you might have to grace us eith 🤲
I'm so sorry I didn't see this sooner Anon!!!! How did ALPHA ISAGI SLIP BY ME?! I shall answer this right now
Disclaimer: I can and will make every single one of my favs have omegaverse headcanons and an assigned scent PERIOD. I have them categorized.
Warnings: omegaverse headcanons (Alpha dynamics), jealousy/possessiveness, scent marking, mentions of ruts (but no real smut) 18+ ONLY UNDER THE CUT
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Alpha Isagi’s scent is like a light fruity scent. Something you barely get a smell of once and are completely addicted. Definitely on the more subtle side, until its not. The moment his aggressive switch is flipped its morphing into something thick and almost molten like burning brown sugar, the musky undertones taking more of the sugary side away and living this rich scent you want to dig your teeth into.
To say Isagi is possessive is an understatement. He doesn't necessarily get jealous all the time but his aggression amps up x10 whenever his teammates are around. They're not good enough for you, no one is. Except him of course.
I feel like Yoichi gets a bit more clingy during his rut, he's not fueled by aggression most of the time when his hormones are surging; he just wants to be near you, on you, in you as much as he can. He's all hands and pleading tones begging you for anything you have to give and taking everything greedily with his thick cock.
He's the kinda Alpha that's going to worship the ground you walk on. In his mind, you were created on this earth to be spoiled and loved by him. Him getting hard when you pout if you don't get your way is only a plus.
Honestly though Jealous Yoichi is a force to be reckoned with. He gets that same crazed look in his eye like when he's on the field and he's immediately intimidating the other Alpha into the dirt; demanding to know where they got the audacity to hit on his girl or even look at his girl in anyway that wasn't just friendly. Did their mom drop them on their head as a baby? He's an aggressive mess until you call his name or lay a hand on his arm and it calms him instantly; turning you away to scent you enough to let anyone within 20 feet of you know who you belonged to.
These were really fun anon! Thank you for sending you ask sorry its a little late! Hope you see it
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alecmagnuslwb · 2 years
It’s My Fault for Being Famous
Read on AO3
Sometimes he forgets that his girlfriend is famous. She’s not like can’t go to the grocery store without the paparazzi bothering her famous, but she’s famous. John’s not sure what the lettered level lists of celebrity status exactly mean, but Zatanna is on one of them.
Not the A-List necessarily, but she definitely makes the cut somewhere. He forgets it when they’re off fighting some big battle for a long time. He absolutely forgets it when they’re in a different universe or off planet, which he hates, or trapped in some magical pocket dimension. He forgets it about 80% of the time, even when she’s off doing shows or on a long tour it kind of skips his mind that she’s got fan following for doing what she does so damn well.
“Sorry, to bug you,” a young girl says shyly walking up to the them as they lean against the small table they’ve commandeered in the corner of the bar. “But could I um have your autograph or possibly a selfie. Or just one of the two would be fine, no pressure.” She continues on nervously. Her eyes go wide. “Or like obviously neither would be okay too. Totally, sorry.”
Zatanna smiles at her kindly. “It’s okay, how about we just do the picture,” she says pushing off the table. The girl fumbles with her phone a bit before John takes pity on her and holds out his hand.
“Here, I’ll take it,” he says to her sticking his cigarette back in his mouth. “She doesn’t like giving autographs to strangers. It’s nothing personal,” he explains as she sidles up next to Zatanna. Zatanna looping an arm around her shoulders. “When you got a boyfriend like me that has a tendency to accidentally and intentionally sell away his soul, you get a bit touchy about signing things at random.”
The girl laughs at that while Zatanna rolls her eyes. “Just take the picture, dear,” she says condescendingly, but with a cute little twitch of her nose.
He does as he’s told. “Say abra cadabra backwards!”
Zatanna does so quite successfully with a wink that John catches in the photo, while the girl stumbles just a bit through it a bright smile on her face all the same. He flips her phone back to her when the photo’s done.
“Thank you, thank you,” she says jumping up a little looking at Zatanna with nothing but pure joy. “Tina is gonna be so jealous!” She rushes off after that back into the throng of bar patrons. John has no clue who Tina is and never actually caught the name of the girl in the first place, but he has a feeling Tina also rocks a lot of eyeliner, big letter earrings and a corset just like their favorite magician.
“Look at you with a little groupie,” he coos stepping back closer to Zatanna.
Zatanna rolls her eyes. “She was sweet.”
“Classic Zee would involve a cape and you know it,” she says picking up her drink and taking a sip.
“She was a super fan. Did you see that outfit? That’s a classic Zee look,” he says with an appreciative look at her from head to toe. She’s not wearing a corset tonight, but the deep red jumpsuit that’s unbuttoned down to nearly her belly button is quite the site to see.
“Mmm, the cape,” he hums warmly reaching out a hand to trail his fingers lightly along where the skin of Zatanna’s right arm is exposed. She smiles at him still sipping her drink. “I have good memories of getting tangled up in that beauty.”
“It had its uses,” she says wrapping her lips around the straw of her drink holding eye contact with him the whole time. He steps in a little closer, putting virtually zero space between them. She moves her free hand that’s not holding her drink and wraps it around his tie pulling him in and kissing him once slow and sweet tasting like the fruity little drink she’s been nursing all night.
“I forget you’re famous sometimes,” he says reaching up to brush her curly bangs from her eyes when they pull apart. “That you have a whole fanbase and everything.”
She just shrugs releasing his tie swiveling her straw around and around in her glass. “Being on the Justice League will get you a bit of a following.”
John scoffs. “Doesn’t have a thing to do with those wankers. People love you. The magic, the show woman, the keen fashion sense.”
Zatanna’s brush off smile gets a little bigger and she leans in quick to kiss him once again. John twists to grab his beer and take a sip leaning his back against their table while she presses up to his side. He wraps one hand around her waist keeping her close.
They listen to the music quietly for a while Zatanna playing with her straw while she kneads her fingers carefully into the base of his neck. An old injury leaves him sore there sometimes and Zatanna knows just how to move her fingers to relieve the tension sometimes.
She stays focused on the band while John eyes the crowd sipping his beer. A man across the bar makes eye contact with him, but John keeps his eyes moving. When he trails his eyes back in a split second pass he notices the man still staring.
“You may have to fight for my honor,” he mumbles into her hair where she’s started resting her chin on his shoulder. She tilts up her head meeting his eyes, her own filled with mirth.
“What honor?” she jokes cheekily.
“Ha, ha. I’m not joking there’s a somewhat handsome bloke over there’s who’s making eyes at me,” he says gesturing his head to the side. “You may have to guard my delicate sensibilities from unwanted advances for I am a taken man.”
“Okay there, you delicate flower,” she glances over to the man. “Maybe he’s checking me out?”
“Oh, he should be, love,” he says with what’s just about downright a leer at the lowcut of her suit as he squeezes her waist once. “But he’s definitely looking at me.”
“Pretty bold to be making eyes at a man with a beautiful woman pressed up against his side.”
“What can I say I have an effect,” he says noticing the man out of the corner of his eye standing and making his way over. “A very real effect seeing as he’s headed this way.”
The man clears his throat when he gets close. “Sorry to be a bother,” he says in an accent that sounds just like John’s own. “But you’re John Constantine aren’t you?”
“Um, maybe,” he says moving a bit to the side. Subtly eyeing the exit in case he owes this guy money.
“He is,” Zatanna says with an eye roll. John looks at her pointedly with a bit of panic in his eyes. She just shrugs him off patting him on the chest once condescendingly. He can hear what the gesture means ‘I’ll protect you, you big baby.’
“Oh, awesome,” the guy says very enthused. “I loved Mucous Membrane back in the day, you boys were wild.”
John lets the breath of worry he didn’t realize he’d been holding go.
The guy rolls up his sleeve showing a long well healed gash in his arm. “Got this in a mosh pit at one of your shows, one of the wildest nights of my life.”
“I’m sure it was. It’s rare to find a fan, we were pretty fringe and well, bad,” John says. He sits down his beer holding out a hand for the man to shake. The guy takes it giving a couple quick shakes.
“No way man, not to me. I still got the tapes and everything. You guys were one of London’s best in those days,” the man says with honesty giving one last shake of John’s hand before letting go. He steps back nodding his head at Zatanna with an apologetic smile. “Well, I’ll be off just wanted to say I was a fan. You two have a good one alright?”
“I’ll pass along the niceties to the rest of the boys,” John says as the man steps back. Well, he’ll pass it along to the one’s that are still alive that is.
Zatanna finishes off her drink placing it on the table before tapping her fingers teasingly on his chest.
“Well, well, well. Look who’s got groupies too,” she teases.
“One fan has approached me in like a decade,” he waves off finishing the last of his beer. He digs into his pocket with the same hand pulling out a few extra bills and tossing them on the table. “You get them much more often.”
“Yeah, but my fans haven’t bled for me,” she says biting her lip.
“Whatever,” he says snorting as he tugs at her waist. “What do you say we head out before the paparazzi finds us next then?”
Zatanna chuckles at that gladly following as he tugs her a little more right towards the door.
“We’re like the JLO and A-Rod of our worlds,” she muses.
“Didn’t they break up?” he says looking down at her.
Zatanna shrugs as they head out the door. “We have before so that’s fine.”
John laughs into the night as they walk out onto the street, happily both their own little levels of famous.
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jovoy · 8 months
hello scentblogger,.. I recently bought a body spray with main notes of tobacco and amber. it’s from a small local shop and I’m moving soon so when I eventually run out I won’t be able to get the same one. Do you know of any colognes/perfumes with that scent? maybe something high end/luxury as a treat for when I graduate next year? thank you in advance 🌸🌷🌹
hello lovely! i have a few recommendations for you i think!!!!!! you actually asked about the two notes i tend to despise most in this world especially together LOL resinous fragrances just tend not to run to my tastes but i think i can manage to think of a few things you might like :3
so number 1! serge lutens chergui obviously. when i think of ambery tobacco frags that is THE fragrance i think of. it is very rich and warm and resinous. it is also sweet and has a hay note its not necessarily a predominantly tobacco or amber fragrance its more of a witchy medicinal tincture smell of sorts. its vintage smelling and very lovely and may be up your alley!
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number 2! tobacco mandarin byredo! idk if youre maybe feeling a little fruity? byredo is a little hit or miss sometimes idk but this looks very nice and i feel like they do heavier fragrances pretty well and i especially love how they do leather. looking at this there arent any actual amber notes but it does hit that resinous sort of feeling that i think you may want! it may be worth sampling. the mandarin top note especially looks very intriguing and delicious to me personally. although this may have a little too much going on for you i thought it would be worth throwing in!
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number 3! volutes diptyque either the edt or the edp butthe edt has an amber note and seems to be more prominently tobacco so i would probably recommend that over the edp. i love diptyque and this looks lovely! seems to me to be fairly similar to chergui but according to reviews has the tobacco turned up a fair amount. i would def sample this one
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number 3 and prob my fav is jovoy pavillon rouge! this is the only one that i actually have a sample on hand so im wearing it as i type this. it is really to die for and i say this as someone who does NOT like ambery tobacco like i said. it has a very boozy spiced quality to it that i think is very cozy and elevates the tobacco tremendously 🙂 its super warm and inviting and not cloying at all! i think a lot of tobacco fragrances lean super sweet because honey tends to lend itself as a complimentary note very well. but they can end up a bit saccharine and this is not it at all. i would def sample this! its very lovely and my personal pick of the bunch.
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ok hope this helps!! good luck with your move mwaaaaahhhhh
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ranchthoughts · 1 year
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Visited a friend today...
Initial smell is: bath bomb?? Not like any specific bath bomb but that mysterious scent that all Lush bath bombs share regardless of their actual scents. This is not a bad thing but it is a baffling thing.
Further sniffs: it's musky but not toooo much. Sometimes "manly," "musky" scents can be really musky and heavy and too much (veering to far into Axe bodyspray territory) but this one is... fruity?? There's something about it. It's not quite spicy. Definitely musky but that isn't necessarily the first scent I would describe it as. Vaguely soapy?? As it dries down, I do get a bit of that musty/person smell, like I'm smelling it off a person and not a piece of cardstock. The musk increases over time.
It's specific. Very specific. I was expecting something a bit more neutral/everyman for a scent labelled "Original Musk" but it's definitely got a specific vibe all to its own.
Now to compare to other reviews, collected from this post: I would not quite describe it as stanky? Bold and a little sweet, yes yes. Pissy? No?? Crotch? Not really...
It's fascinating. So hard to describe. I do not regularly review perfumes, so maybe this is why I lack the words to convey the scent, but anyways.
I like the smell...? It's growing on me. I keep returning for sniff after sniff, trying to figure it out. I understand Pat better than ever.
(For context: this is what Aof says Pran smells like - see this post)
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romanticallyghosting · 11 months
fun little compilation of me being down bad in the GC because i just looked at it and think its hilarious and my friends were all just sorta ignoring this as i went on
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so yeah i am very very normal about him :) yep :) haha....
oh my god… bestie. you are gay. homosexual. fruity, even.
i don’t understand it necessarily but i support you <3 i do love his costume though
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spicylavender · 4 days
ok you know what, I want to be mean today. Time to list my negative Echo opinions from least to most controversial, I think that'll be funny
Echo project games track record with female character writing blows, and they mostly don't have the same excuse other fvns have of being mostly porn for gay guys, but that has gotten progressively better with each successive game (mostly)
Echo never handled Jenna's actually bad traits well and that's why fan reaction to her ends up so muddled. Her getting in universe pushback for her reaction to the Leo and micha situation and Flynn's read on her in the prologue are nothing compared to actually awful things she gets away with like the pranks involving Chase's arachnophobia
Brian is the least interesting antagonistic force in the first game, and his bump to main antagonist in arches didn't change this at all (though this is entirely a preference thing, torture porn isn't my preferred brand of horror)
the modern TSR au polycule does not seem built to last at all, and I would see a big split in the future for them if they weren't an indulgent fictional parody we get for dated millennial jokes. Still love em to death but it's carried hard by my own delusions.
Arches is, aside from its epilogue, the weakest of the echo trilogy and that's going to end up being entirely because of how early it was released imo. It would have gone extremely hard as the big finale to the series but instead we've still got two years of TSR updates lol
Cliff starts the story engaging with Samuel in the most exploitative way of all the main love interests, to the point where I think he's more comparable to James than he is the other route options, and I don't even think that's a far fetche'd read seeing as how his route is the one that literally contains the only illustrated James encounter (as of the last build I've read). Him being immediately indulged in his sexual tourism would be a bad outcome in any story other than a romance game
Will is a bad dad, bar none. Being closeted doesn't absolve him of the responsibility he took on and him finding happiness after leaving with a hunky puma guy is nice but he deserves any reckoning coming his way in his own route. Nothing major here, just hoping that God takes all of Andy and Hattie's pain, triples it, and gives it too my favorite fruity detective
Flarl is a boring ship and it's the rare occasion where I feel bad for Carl. After Flynn bounces off of Leo, chase, his delusions of a potentially grown Sydney and any random guy he could have met at The Smoke Room, carl ends up feeling like a lay of last resort
Related to point 7, Carls the worst member of the main friend group. Relatable stoner artist with depression yeah yeah whatever, I just have nothing to latch onto with the nepo baby. Even when Jenna is maybe hummed up? In his route and written as the bitchy harpy stereotype I mostly still agree with her.
Cameron and Devon does not seem like a relationship that would have lasted long without the crucible of echo trauma bonding them. Dev denying cam's mental illness in the prologue is also beyond the pale and I don't see how people moved on from that so quickly
people are extremely selective in which characters actions they excuse with the hum and possession and who they condemn immediately despite signs of reduced autonomy. Characters thoughts and actions not allowed to be their own is a major theme in the first game that I think echo handles pretty interestingly but more often then not the fandom just uses it as a cudgel in dumb character wars
The quality of writing and routes in echo ended up being very dependent on a single key factor I don't necessarily want to name because even I think it might be a little mean to say but you can probably guess it if you know even just a tiny bit of the developmental history of the game. I think this factor also applies to all of the games and the quality of their writing ends up dependent on the presence or lack thereof this particular factor.
This should be finished off with me admitting that this is just me giving cinema sins and I love all these games, just kinda wanted to write out a master post of thoughts I've had over the last year and a half. Also wouldn't hurt if this generated any sort of funny arguments in my mentions lol, i also do just enjoy being petty and arguing with people🤷
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inner--islands · 8 months
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Interview with Selaroda (November 2015)
1. What are some recent inspirations?
I visited my Grandma recently, and we had a party for her 99th birthday. Seeing her still able to get around and live on her own at that age is inspiring. Nature is a continual inspiration, as are good friends. Musically, I feel like I’m constantly listening to new things, which doesn’t necessarily mean new releases, just stuff that I haven’t heard yet. I love exploring music from other cultures, especially older recordings of traditional music. African, Indian, Cuban, and Colombian recordings are always in rotation, along with many others. I’ve been in a bit of a jazz phase lately, digging into some classic 50’s and 60’s favorites, especially Sun Ra, Duke Ellington, and a couple of Art Blakey’s large group drum-centric albums where pretty much everybody plays percussion. Also been enjoying a lot of relaxing ambient and electronic/synth stuff from contemporary artists such as Simon Scott, Panabrite, Channelers, Ant'lrd, Bitchin Bajas, John Davis, Guenter Schlienz, Braeyden Jae, Stag Hare, En, Kiln, Brian Eno, Inner Travels, Kyle Landstra, and Sunmoonstar.
2. If Selaroda was its own planet, what would that planet be like?
It would be a planet dedicated to music… creating it, listening to it, sharing it, and mixing different musical ideas and forms together. It would welcome all beings from anywhere in the cosmos to come and stay there to enjoy and create in harmony, ideally fostering many intergalactic musical collaborations. With a bunch open-minded musical creatures from throughout the universe, I’m sure we’d be able to create some really amazing music!
3. Is there something you find yourself anthropomorphizing regularly?
Not exactly… I believe that all living things are connected, but don’t necessarily think about plants having human traits or anything like that. Maybe some pets can be a little like that. I’ve seen puppies that are definitely a lot like hyperactive kids, and some older dogs seem a bit like grumpy old humans. Who knows, maybe dogs give humans dog traits in their minds.
4. How do you find music made in ‘just intonation’ affects you, if at all?
I really like music in that tuning. At first listen, it might seem a bit out of tune, but the resonances are so much more pure mathematically, and there is something really special in those vibrations that isn’t there in ‘well-tempered’ music. It feels more mysterious, a bit like an ancient ritual that you don’t quite understand but are fascinated by nonetheless. I wish there was an app that would transpose any piece of music to be in just intonation. I’d experiment with playing all kinds of stuff that way, and I imagine that most of it would sound really great.
5. Your connoisseurship in the realm of chocolate is well-known. What are a few bars you can recommend to those looking for a fine chocolate experience?
Ha! I knew you were going to ask about that… It’s true, I love chocolate, and really enjoy trying different kinds, including ones with unusual flavor elements. I especially enjoy chocolate from Madagascar, as the soil there is rich in nutrients that are unique to the landscape, giving it a really earthy, almost fruity taste. A couple of my favorite brands are Raaka, who are based in New York, an Ecuadorean company called Pacari, and Dandelion, who are based here in San Francisco.
6. Has your experience as a radio DJ affected the way that you approach making your own music?
Definitely! It’s been a huge influence on how I make music, for multiple reasons. One way is that I’ve had access to large collections of music to explore at two different college radio stations where I’ve been a DJ, both of which were massive in both size and scope. I’ve learned to appreciate so much music just by being around different kinds of music and the people who enjoy them. Perhaps even bigger in terms of influence is the DJ style I’ve developed over the years, learning to mix different kinds of music together by listening for similar textures, melodies, harmonies, and rhythms. I enjoy making connections and blending together material that isn’t necessarily that similar on the surface level, finding creative ways to mix things like ambient music and African drumming together, blending dub reggae and Cuban son, or electronic pop and Indonesian Gamelan… it’s all about finding ways to link them, usually via a simple crossfade at the right moment. That aesthetic is also a big part of my style as Selaroda, something that guides a lot of things I do, especially in terms of mixing… I really dig making stuff with lots of layers, swirling in and out of each other to create an epic journey for the listener.
7. You have an album titled, “New Eternity”. What do those words mean to you?
Yes, that was the first album I made as Selaroda. The world is a complex place, and I try not to get frustrated by things like injustice, inequality, and pollution, but sometimes it feels like our planet will come to a tragic and unnatural end, one precipitated by our own greed and carelessness. Rather than get bogged down by those kind of thoughts, I chose to imagine a world where people unified into a cohesive and collaborative entity, and were able to build a society that could sustain itself indefinitely. I composed “New Eternity” as the soundtrack to that imaginary utopian civilization, one that would survive through healthy choices and loving, peaceful treatment for all people.
8. Do you have a morning ritual?
I wish I could say that I do… I’d like to meditate more regularly, but I’m not that great at making time for it, especially first thing in the morning. Generally I wake up, start listening to music, and eat some blueberries. If it’s a work day, I take a shower and get ready for work. On my days off, I might do stuff around my apartment, meet up with friends, or just relax and work on music.
9. If you could have been raised in a different tradition of music, which would you choose and why?
I’d really love to experience them all, since I think there would be so much to learn from each one. I’m so drawn to traditional music from around the world, and love the rich history that is inherent in every culture. I sometimes wish that I grew up with something like that, and really learned about my roots through music, instead of just listening to western music on the radio. I think many folks in the US feel a bit of cultural disconnect, like we don’t really come from a musical (or cultural, or even spiritual) tradition, and that our lives are lacking in some way because we didn’t have that. That said, I know I wouldn’t be the same person if that were the case, but still I can’t help but long for something I didn’t get to experience. I do feel confident that I would have been a great African drummer, or that perhaps I even was one in a past life.
10. Words of wisdom you like to recall in times of need?
All things must pass. It’s a George Harrison album title, but it’s also true… life moves along, and so do we, eventually. Knowing that our time is limited, I seek to use my energies here on earth to share my love and gifts with others, whether that be through music, friendship, humor, or anything else that I see a need for, even chocolate. Especially chocolate!
Selaroda is Michael Henning, who just released a new album, viaje a través de sonidos transportative, available from the Inner Islands Bandcamp page.
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mystical-lemonade · 2 years
Hello! I humbly request this but with the vice dorm leaders.. thank you! 💖
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Warnings: vague mentions of Abuse, Blackmail(Jade), Allusion to Murder(Lilia)
Wordcount: 1,200
Pairings: Trey Clover & gn!reader, Ruggie Bucchi & gn!reader, Jade Leech & gn!reader, Jamil Viper & gn!reader, Rook Hunt & gn!reader, Lilia Vanrouge & gn!reader
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Trey likes to think of himself as a very observant individual, so he picks up on your habit of flinching anytime someone moves too quickly close to you.
He has a very strong idea as to why you react to those situations the way you do.
And he would never tell you this;
But he gets so god damned mad that you were ever treated so badly as to cause you to flinch at every sudden move
So he makes sure to be extra careful around you
Even explaining to the more excitable of your friends and his dorm members that they need to make sure to not move too quickly, lest they scare you.
Trey would 10,000% tell you that if you wanted or needed to talk about what caused your constant flinching, he'd happily listen
He would also help you seek out help for the situation in order to improve your life
Whether that help is finding a counsellor, support in talking to a parent or sibling or even (if applicable) talking to the police/lawyer about finding a way for the abuse to stop
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Ruggie grew up in a rough area, so he definitely sees you flinching due to quick movements and knows exactly whats up
He wouldn't necessarily do too much about it though
He'd certainly start telegraphing his movements around you so you weren't scared by him
Announces his presence and intentions if he's moving in what he knows is your blind spot
Would maybe tease you a little if he saw you tense up even when he takes preventative measures to make sure you feel safe
"Geeeeze Y/N. I mean Fruity Hoops aren't my favourite cereal either but making that face? I mean, its not like they taste exactly like baby puke."
Ruggie is a great listener so if you needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to vent at then Ruggie is your guy!
If you didn't want to talk then Ruggie wouldn't make you, unlike some other people he honestly doesn't see the benefits to pushing you like that.
He wouldn't press you to talk about your past but around vacation times he would definitely make sure to ask if you're safe at home
He and his Granny may not have a lot but if you're not safe at home then Granny Bucchi would have Ruggie's head if he didn’t at least offer to let you stay with them during breaks
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Jade is someone who enjoys observing people in his spare time
But despite this, it would take him a bit to notice your habit of flinching
When Jade does notice, he goes off to a quiet and private place to plot
Eventually he will find an excuse to get you away from everyone else without them getting suspicious
And then he will quietly ask you if the reason you keep flinching is because of what he thinks it may be.
Definitely ensures Floyd knows not to pull his normal stunts around you so that you don't end up spooked
Its really such a shame that the person who subconsciously trained you to associate quick movements with pain just.... disappeared from your life
Its really so very upsetting that they just couldn't take the guilt of their own actions anymore
No this sudden vanishing act has nothing to do with the literal box full of blackmail that Jade dug up on them, nope nothing at all.
Jade would tend to hover around you more often after finding out though, he just wants to make sure nobody else fucks with you
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Jamil notices something is off with how you act around people but he doesn't really understand what exactly it is
He most likely just thinks you're either spacey or generally high strung
It probably isn't until Kalim notices your behaviour and adjusts his own that Jamil realizes the connection between you flinching when he moves quickly wasn't you just being unobservant
No, you flinching was a sign of past trauma
It breaks his heart just a little to know you were hurting from some bastard's actions, potentially even years after the fact
Jamil absolutely makes sure to appologize for his assumptions and for accidentally causing you continued suffering
Makes sure he adjusts his behaviour immediately, letting you know what he's doing why he's doing it and just generally trying to make you feel safer
Lets you know that he would be more than happy to listen if you needed a friendly face to talk to
If there's even a hint of you being unsafe at home well... it wouldn't be the first time Jamil has used his Unique Magic to convince Kalim to give him what he wants
Not that it would even take that much, the moment Jamil says "Y/N isn't safe-" Kalim is already on the phone with his family arranging for you to stay in the Al Asim house
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Rook is a hunter, so after following you around for a while and observing you, Rook would notice you flinching from sudden movements
He would immediately be saddened by the implication, and he prays it just you being oblivious or high strung
As it is completely beyond him as to how anyone would be able to be so cruel to you
So like any good hunter of people, Rook would simply ask you if you'd be willing to tell him as to why you flinch so often
When he finds out the answer Rook wants nothing more than to wrap you in a blanket and whisk you away from the world forever
You're quite precious to him so he'd rather you feel safe
But alas, he can't just hide you away in bubble wrap, so Rook settles for just following you around
And threatening anyone who makes you flinch
Eventually the students will get the memo and will stop making sudden movements around you
Would absolutely encourage you to talk to a professional though, Rook knows its not healthy for you to be hypervigilent all the time
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Notices immediately, he is trained to notice even the smallest of microreactions in order to get the upper hand on an enemy afterall
So, honestly? Lilia's first response is to find out who caused this reaction in you and either terrify them into leaving the continent or...
He would straight up make them "disappear"
War Crimes Vanrouge does not play around when it comes to people harming those he cares deeply about
Lilia will absolutely ensure he makes himself a "safe person"
Someone you can be around and know he wouldn't even attempt to lay a hand on you or raise his voice at you
Definitely sits down with Sebek and Malleus to make sure they know what they can and can't do around you to make sure you continue to feel unthreatened
Is the first person to ask what triggers you the most
Finds ways to avoid those triggers constantly, you will never have to worry if Lilia is around
Will definitely make sure all your teachers and classmates know that if they even think of purposefully trying to make you flinch they will find out how truly devious Lilia can be.
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Greetings Dears, I hope this long awaited post lived up to your expectations. I honestly went a little more platonic with this post than I initially intended. That's why I used the '&' this time. But when reading you are welcome to interpret it as being either a platonic or romantic relationship between the characters. If you enjoyed this post please check out the original post for the dorm leaders.
If thats not quite enough of my writing for you then feel free to check out the previous wishes, or make a wish of your own.
Sincerely, Jupiter
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Summary: Hawks comforts you while you’re on your period
Content Warnings: Smut, mentions of period sex
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You find yourself just barely surviving on a bottle of ibuprofen as your uterus makes its monthly sacrifice to the gods. Thankfully, it was your day off, and you’d spent the last two hours curled up in bed, wearing nothing more than period underwear and one of Hawks’ signature black and gold t-shirt’s. He would be returning home from patrol at any moment. You’d yet to mention that it was your time of the month, but he always seemed to know, almost like he kept a secret calendar at his office or something.
Hawks excelled at spoiling you during your periods, probably because you rarely allowed him to do so otherwise. He was also the kind of guy who wouldn’t hesitate to go out and buy you chocolate and tampons. You knew that you were lucky to have him, though you weren’t necessarily keen on seeing him at the moment. You felt gross and bloated, and you instinctively pull your fuzzy blanket up over your head when you hear him enter the house.
You listen to the sound of his footsteps as he climbs the stairs, eventually making his way into the bedroom. “Hey kid, you awake?”
His tone is so gentle that you’d feel guilty for ignoring him, so you squirm beneath your blanket to show that you’re conscious.
“How are you feeling?”
You mumble something along the lines of ‘I’m fine.’
“I brought you this,” he says, and you peek out from your cocoon to watch him place your favorite brand of chocolate bar on the nightstand, “Can I get you anything else? Do you want cuddles? Or would you rather be left alone?” You notice how his wings droop at the mere mention of being sent away. He was like a puppy sometimes, in that there was simply no denying him.
You thank him for the sweets before adding, “Cuddles?”
A smile tugs at his lips, “Whatever you want, Baby Bird. All you have to do is ask.”
You throw your blanket back and wait for him to lay down behind you. Once he’s settled, he carefully wraps one arm around your midsection before nuzzling his face into your hair. He even emits the quietest, happiest little chirping sound, which melts your heart completely. He enjoyed being the big spoon and you enjoyed having him close enough that you could smell your fruity body wash on his skin, which he must have borrowed during his morning shower.
“How was patrol?” You ask while trailing your fingertips along his arm.
“Uneventful. Just the way I like it.”
You’re about to respond when a sharp cramp catches you by surprise. You flinch because it felt like someone was repeatedly stabbing you in the abdomen with a steak knife; ibuprofen be damned. Hawks frowns when he feels you tense, “Do you want me to find a heating pad?”
Instead of having him get up, you take his hand and place it between your hips, applying just a tiny bit of pressure, “No, this works.” You interlace your fingers with his and close your eyes.
Happy to be of use, he starts humming your favorite melody. The familiar sound, coupled with his warm embrace and the gentle rise and fall of his chest against your back, makes you sleepy.
“Get some rest, kid. I’m not going anywhere.” One of his wings makes a soft rustling sound as he wraps it around you. The last thing you remember before falling asleep is floating through a sea of crimson feathers.
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You wake roughly an hour later when your boobs start to ache and your cramps flare up again. There was nothing kind, or fair, about being a woman some days. You focus on taking deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth, all while resisting the urge to wriggle in Hawks’ grip. Having yet to fall asleep himself, he presses his lips against the back of your neck, leaving a tender kiss just below your hairline.
“What’s up, Song Bird?” He asks, sounding groggy.
You groan quietly, because making noise always seemed to help with the pain for some reason, “I’m just sore.” You untangle your hand from his in order to touch your breasts, which felt swollen and angry from having been squished together for too long.
Curious, he angles his head to look over your shoulder, “Uh, ‘scuse me, kid, but those tits are mine.”
You sputter a laugh as he snakes his hand beneath your shirt, determined to massage your chest himself. The moment his fingers close loosely around one of the sensitive mounds, an embarrassing moan escapes your throat.
“I love it when you sing for me like that,” his voice rumbles against your ear, making it difficult for you to think. You try, and inevitably fail, to remind yourself that you were supposed to be wasting away in misery, not getting horny. The gentle manner with which he kneads your breasts would have been enough to put you back to sleep if you hadn’t already been aroused. He takes his time, running his fingers across every inch of flesh before focusing on your nipples. You suddenly wished that he was using his mouth instead.
“You know, I think I read somewhere that having an orgasm can help with cramps...”
You look back at him with an arched brow. He was absolutely correct, but you were wary of what he was suggesting, “Period sex? Really?”
He snorts while leveling you with an equally skeptical look, “You think I’m scared of a little blood, kid?”
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Shark Week [Part 2]
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watch-grok-brainrot · 4 years
CQL Characters as Teas I’ve Had
This started because @needtherapy knows I'm a tea nerd and wanted an idea for what tea would lwj tell wwx he is... So pick a tea that suits the characters well she basically told me... and this spiral out of control... oops. sorry not that sorry. this is another tea post no one asked for... except maybe needtherapy. but she didn’t ask for THIS MUCH of it. 
Wwx: onyx -- this is a tea i got at a tea festival last year from a guy based in chicago. it’s made from a white tea cultivar but made into a black tea. it’s really yummy and pretty deep. unorthodox for sure but still rooted in tradition and well crafted. 
Lwj: aged fuding silver needle white tea -- if wwx is a onyx, then lwj is the traditional tea made of the same stuff. delicious. traditional. respected. 
Jc: a young sheng puer -- needs to mature a little. Astringent. Need time make the edges soften some. the astringency sometimes make me think of zidian. 
Jyl: lotus scented fuzhan - mellow, smooth, round bodied and fragrant. Same feel as jyl's steadiness and kindness (fuzhuan is a heicha, same category as puer) it’s a scented tea so sometimes tea snobs will look down at it. but it’s REALLY good so their loss (i’m looking at you ep 3-27 jzxuan)
Lxc:  aged white tea cake, over 25 years old. it’s respected and almost legendary but not necessarily pretentious. 
Nhs: ducksh*t oolong - amazing tea. Ridiculous name. The farmer probably named the motherbush to deter buyers. kinda like nhs’ YiWenSanBuZhi title. 
Nmj: muzha tieguanyin - strong flavor, took a little time to grow on me, classic though (not to be confused with anxi tgy, btw. very different teas. same cultivar though, iirc)
Jgy: hunan bloolong - this is a tea made from a cultivar usually used to make oolongs that was processed as a black. A named coined by harney and sons in nyc. While the tea might be decent and the concept good, it's inevitably tainted by the inexplicably awful naming. Just like jgy is tainted by his evil deeds even if he had lots of potential.
Jzxuan: jinjunmei - modern and well received. Quality but also very pricey. sometimes i wonder if it’s worth the price... 
Lqy/mianmian: farmer’s choice baozhong -- i get mine from a shop in seattle. it’s a light oolong that’s floral and refreshing. i love this tea. i love mianmian. it’s not a particularly rare and definitely not pretentious. but it’s good and definitely one i love to drink.
Wq: there is a tea that i get from a vendor in chicago called “Black Dancong Champion” that’s made from a Mi Lan Xiang (Honey Orchid Fragrance) cultivar and allowed to fully oxidize. it’s a delicious tea that’s won best tea award at a competition before. wq is the best doctor of qi shan and definitely not 100% traditional so i think this suits her. also the cultivar has such a pretty name which also suits her. 
Wn: so... this is a weird tea story but i have a tea that my dad’s high school buddy picked in yunnan. the best leaves were made into something i can’t afford. he had some cast-off leaves that he asked the tea master to process anyway. and then when we were in chongqing in 2017, he gave me about 300g of it. it’s PHENOMENAL tea but he kinda waved his hand at it saying it was second rate stuff anyway. that’s kinda what wen ning is. he’s amazing as a character -- loyal, interesting, sweet. but the cultivation world as a whole doesn’t appreciate him. it doesn’t make him any less good though!
Lsz: modern chinese lapsang suchong. The name suggests strong smoke (aka the Wens) but it's actually really soft and fruity.
Ljy: high grade jasmine green made from tender buds from an early spring harvest with jasmine flowers added and sifted out at least seven times. i love this tea even if it’s “flavored”. i like its personality! 
Jl:  pre-qingming dragonwell - soft green tea. maybe described as nutty in flavor? you don’t get too many brews from it. first flush (hence the early spring picking) and tender. i think in a lot of ways this tea shows how young the leaves are -- just like jl shows how young he is in many parts of the story. 
Oyzz: lychee tea blended with rose buds and honeysuckle buds. He's simple but delightful. (idk if this is a blend people can buy? i take cheap grocery store lychee and blend in rose buds and honeysuckle buds i buy when i’m in china... i really like a good rose and lychee combo but it’s a bit too sharp when blended and the honeysuckle does a good job of mellowing it out... this is also the ONLY tea i blend myself.. it’s just a thing for me. idk why)
Sl: aged glutinous rice scented puer - i like the texture of the tea and i also like how it ages well. 
Xxc: jinxuan/milk oolong -- a cultivar that makes a really nice round tea. it’s slightly creamy in mouth feel and scent. there are milk oolongs have have milk flavor added. THIS IS NOT THAT. This is WAY BETTER. 
Xy: unaged ripe puer - some people like it i guess? idk why. seems like a bad idea. 
A-qing: london fog (Earl grey latte with vanilla and sugar) -- soft and yummy but don't screw it up or it may not be good. also not actually pretentious tea. 
And for the antagonists:
Wzl: twinnings or bigelow earl grey. passible. doing the minimal work to get purchased. i don’t hate it but i also don’t love it. acceptable go to in hotels and restaurants when i forgot to/can’t bring my own tea. 
SuSh*t: lipton. He's not good tea. Passable cold brewed I guess. 
Jxzun: instant tea mix. >.> probably flavored. i’m not sure if i would even consider it tea... (i’m thinking a beverage like crystal light peach tea. i mean, i used to drink it and i’m not gonna judge people for drinking it but it’s not really a thing i would choose to consume anymore... but i’m a tea snob now...)
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its-ya-boi-autumn · 3 years
Can I request Morel meeting reader at a bar where they hit it off really well and hook up?
Yessss more Morel content~ I'm glad I get to write uncommon characters~ also I'm so sorry about this being a little later I ended up coming home and going straight to the gym (The gif decided to just not work but whatever I guess) I didn't know if you wanted in depth sexual content or not but I didn't have the time to write it before work, though I hope you still like it~
Word Count: 1566
Warnings: F! reader, intoxication, dubcon, suggestive
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The eyes burned the exposed space between your shoulder blades, causing you to shift uncomfortably in your seat. You'd been trying to ignore it for almost 20 minutes but the consistency unnerved you enough to nearly move entirely. Though when you had decided to turn around and greet your pursuer, you locked eyes with a man who you hadn't expected to. Morel Mackernasey, a sea hunter well known in the area. What he was doing here and of all nights when you'd finally decided to leave the comfortable confines of your home, you weren't sure, but it likely meant there was business somewhere nearby. You shouldn't interfere.
Instead of shooting your shot like you normally would have, you decided to simply turn your back to him again, completely blocking him out. Your attention was then focused back on your friend who hadn't even noticed you stopped listening a while ago, still chatting away at both you and the bartender. Morel's gaze still pierced through to you, making you glance at him again. Maybe you should go speak to him. He seemed interested after all and hadn't moved since you noticed him.
Before you could finish making your decision however, Morel interrupted the man in front of him, who was speaking rather quickly from what little you could overhear, and stood from his seat. Long stride made way towards you until finally he sat down in the seat behind you. You could quite literally feel his body heat from where you sat, the warm feeling suffocating. Morel is a rather large man and thought this was common knowledge seeing it in person was a different story. Broad torso, rounded biceps, long thick and now crossed legs, and hands the size of damn near dinner plates holding him up on the counter.
"Hey there gorgeous, noticed you seem to recognize me. Have we met before?" his voice was rough, the vibrations ringing through to your ears despite all the noise of the bar. It made you blush a little underneath your makeup.
"Hello, no, I don't think we have. Though I have seen you on tv here and there. You're Morel the sea hunter. Isn't that right?" you replied, turning your body to face him. Your friend wasn't too happy that you stopped listening this time, though when she noticed who was in front of you, she didn't say anything more, instead continuing to speak to the bartender in front of her.
"Well look at that, you know your stuff." he answered, switching out of the cross of his legs to manspread along the stool. His feet touched the ground easily, one on the bottom of the stool and the other planted firmly on the floor, elbow holding his weight against his thigh.
"Of course I do, even if I hadn't seen you there I'd of only guessed. You do give off that kind of energy I figure." you offered him a smile which he returned in kind. He laughed a little at your sweet demeanor.
"Well then little lady, what do you say we get to know each other some more over a game of pool?" Morel inquired. You took a glance back at your friend, hoping she wouldn't mind. To your surprise she wasn't even there anymore, possibly left for the bathroom without saying anything. Hopefully you didn't lose her somewhere, she was your only ride home after all.
"Alright then, since I guess my friend decided to leave I'll go play a game or two with you." you accepted, standing with him and walking over to the group of men and women standing around the pool tables.
Morel was quite the entertainer you had to admit. After a couple of drinks and some rounds of questionnaire pool, you had to hand it to him. He was pleasant, attractive, and charismatic, everything you could of asked for in a man. Once the music kicked up Morel pulled you aside to the dance floor and danced with you while still asking you questions about yourself. Your likes and dislikes, cats or dogs, where you thought a good date might be. His interest in you was more than obvious, though you couldn't necessarily complain.
Though at some point, the drinks had began to get to you. Your vision had become slowed and you could feel the alcohol taking its toll. You were suddenly so full of giggles along with the fact that your hands would wander every so often. You'd nearly forgotten you hadn't broken the seal until it came upon your poor bladder that you had to pee. Bad.
"Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom real quick." your speech was slurred, pushing off of Morel's chest to leave him. A strong hand grabbed at your wrist, tugging you back as gently as he could because of his size.
"Here, let me walk you, wouldn't want you to hurt yourself on the way there." he chuckled down at you. You weren't entirely inept, you could still stand just fine and walking wasn't too much of a problem. Though the more you thought about it the more you realized your sense of direction may have been off by quite a bit. You nodded, giving him the brightest smile you could muster. Morel held onto your waist as he guided you towards the restrooms, staying close behind you. His hands felt hot through your clothes, his fingers providing a harsh grip on your figure to be sure you stayed moving forward. The possessiveness made your thighs feel like jelly, or maybe it was simply the alcohol heightening your sex drive.
Morel stood by the door in wait for you, gesturing for you to go on in for yourself since it was a women's bathroom.
"You should come with~" the offer was rather bold of you, assuming that he would even be inclined to do anything with you. His eyes widened beneath his glasses, his face showing a bit of initial discomfort. You recloiled into yourself slightly, realizing your mistake. You'd only just met him and already you'd decided to be fruity. Hopefully he just thought it was the alcohol and not you trying to dig for gold. Instead, the corners of his lips turned up into a smirk.
"What? Don't trust yourself alone in the bathroom?"
"It's like you said, what if I get hurt? Or I fall?" you teased the questions out, wishing he'd just walk in with you. Considering the fact that you still had to piss really badly still. Morel shook his head, snickering at you.
"Are you sure you want me to go in with you? I could get into some serious trouble like that." he was right, but the burning between your legs egged you on to continue trying.
"But you're a hunter~"
"That doesn't mean I can just waltz into the bathroom with you sweetheart."
"Will you take me home with you then?" you bounced a little, the urgency of your bladder pressing down onto your crotch. His smirk widened into a smile.
"Sure, if that's what you want. You better use the bathroom before you piss yourself though."
"How do I know you're not gonna just leave me here?"
"I'm not going anywhere princess, just hurry and go really quick, I'm gonna be right here when you get out." he shook his head, leaning against the wall in wait. You groaned, rushing through the bathroom door to the nearest stall and pulling your pants down. Your panties had soaked a little at this point, stained with your arousal. You let out a sigh, hands gripping onto your thighs in need. It was gross you knew but you didn't even bother washing your hands upon finished, in way too much of a rush to get back out and see him.
He was still just outside the door like he'd said he would be, staring down at you with a sly smirk.
"Shouldn't you tell your friend where you're going first?" he said, placing a hand on your back to push you onward towards the front door.
"She'll be fine, I'll text her later tonight or in the morning." you said hurriedly, smacking around your jeans to find your phone. You unzipped your purse to find it sitting there, flashing up at you from inside the dark confines. As long as you knew you had it that's all that mattered right now.
Your body fell limp against the mattress of his bedroom, his hands immediately squeezing your thighs and prying them open. Your own hands ran up and down your legs, skin burning with the desire to be touched. Morel came up between your legs and met you face to face. HIs lips brushed against yours, emitting a soft moan on your part. Your hands grasped on his shoulders, pressing your nails into his shirt. You felt a sharp thrust against your clothed core, eyes widening at the strength he possessed. Now that you were below him and nearly ready to go you weren't quite sure if you could take him. Though you didn't make this concern vocal, wanting nothing more than to be taken.
"Morel, don't tease me tonight please, I need you." your words were still slurred, eyes closed to enhance the feelings of his body pressing up against yours.
"Don't worry sweetheart, I'll give you everything you need tonight."
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