#not sure if this has a ship name i haven't really seen any content for it but. i Absolutely have a type when it comes to ship dynamics
thegrumpydockworker · 5 months
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Stupid, sexy Barnabos
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
The bt fandom is absolutely having a melt down of scary proportions
They had and posted a 4 hour Oliver stark Lashing video meeting just absolutely saying the most disgusting and horrible things about him because of last night and for not liking Lou
They are going through all of the pages Ryan follows on Instagram and looking for any post they can say is problematic and saying Ryan personally thinks and believes it and is responsible for them just because he follows the page.
They have been dragging Kenny’s name over some Paris convention that removed Lou’s name from a poll after learning about the issues he’s caused. And dragging Ryan into it even though the entire convention had nothing to do with 911. It was about swat.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Aisha is their next target at this rate.
I wish I could say I'm surprised by any of this but I'm not. I honestly think it's going to get worse with some of them once they realize B/T isn't going to be the big endgame ship they thought it was and even more so when they realize Buddie is happening.
I really think our fandom needs to try our best to distance ourselves from them. I'm talking about the more fanatical abusive people in their fandom. We really need to stop engaging with them. It just makes our fandom look bad and they're not worth the effort. They want to be pissed off because they saw Buck kiss a guy twice and think that meant they were soulmates let them but don't fall for the bait when they say something offensive online. I've been really guilty of that myself even making posts with their content trying to show how bad they've been but it's only been giving them attention so I'm trying to refocus on what matters.
I genuinely feel like this is going to be the season Buddie goes canon. I mean I don't know for certain 100% (I don't work for the show) but everything seems to be lining up that way. It's a really exciting time for our fandom and our ship and the show and we all should be focused on that and not some ship that won't even matter all that much soon.
Oh also about Ryan.
Putting this under the cut cause it got long.
The B*mmy's can say whatever the want about him but what happened was his ex fiance used the n word in some old tweets. When they were brought up and she was called out (after Ryan was on 911) he tried to defend her. But later issued multiple apologies :
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At the time Oliver and Aisha were clearly upset about this because both of them put out tweets and there's other stuff that was going on behind the scenes to indicate Ryan had a falling out with them. But he's clearly worked to repair the damage because since then he's been a guest at Aisha's wedding and has spent a lot of time with the cast outside of work.
As for him being anti-vaxx or Republican, as those are other things the B*mmy's try to claim about him, I'm not even sure where they get some of that from. I think one of it was because he shared something about Covid from Joe Rogan (during Covid) but a lot of people were scared and confused during that time and there was tons of misinformation going around. The idea that celebrities are immune to that just because they're rich and famous is just ignorant. Also show me where he's shared other vaccine and or health related misinformation because sharing one thing during a really confusing time doesn't make him an antivaxxer.
Also during Covid no one could film on the show without getting vaccinated (this is why Rockmond Dunbar was fired he refused). And since Ryan was a big part of s3 and s4 he clearly was vaccinated. If Ryan was as staunchly antivaxx as B*mmy's make him out to be he would have left the show before getting vaccinated. He's a more well known actor than Rockmond he could have found work elsewhere.
They try to use accounts he's following on insta as proof he's far right but I haven't seen any that are blatantly far right. We also don't know when he started following these accounts or who followed them. His ex could have used his account to follow people when they were still together. I'm also following a ton of accounts on my insta that I don't even remember or interact with anymore this could be the case for Ryan since to my knowledge they haven't found likes by him just that he's following.
One of the accounts in particular they're using as a gotcha for Ryan is this one:
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Ryan is following them but I haven't seen any posts of theirs he's liked. It looks like an account about home schooling and living off the land but they do have at least one transphobic post I've seen (about pronouns). Here's the thing though immediately when you look at the front page of their account they aren't marketing themselves as anti lgbtq. Ryan is not responsible for what they're posting. And given all of their other content he likely started following them for one reason and didn't know about their more transphobic views. It's also unrealistic to assume that a busy actor is on social media 24/7 monitoring every single thing that the accounts they follow are posting. If that was an obvious alt-right anti trans account I could understand but it's just not the gotcha B*mmy's are trying to make it out to be.
I'm not excusing that account or their transphobia btw. And I don't think anyone should be following them just that there is nuance to a conversation like this. B/T stans try to say Ryan following this account is the same as Lou having posted an obvious racist post about Nicki Minaj's skin color is the same thing. It's not.
It's pretty hypocritical of them to say we should excuse Lou's old insta posts but yet we're going to hate on Ryan for accounts he's following but isn't even interacting with.
And again I don't know where B/T stans are getting that Ryan is a Republican. He's repeatedly posted anti Trump stuff:
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This is from 2016 ☝️and it's because Trump has repeatedly talked about deporting Mexican people.
And like everyone has the right to see feel however they want about what Ryan said in the past (especially bipoc people). But knowing that Ryan is no longer with his ex who I think wasn't the best influence in his life. Seeing him take accountability for what he said and did. Seeing the cast forgive him. That's all enough for me to continue to be a fan of his.
B*mmy stans don't have to like him but they don't get to keep attacking him for stuff he's done in the past. Lou on the other hand has never apologized for his insta stuff even when called out about them. You'll also never get me to believe he was hacked when he responded with that spitting on blind children thing on twitter. Plus him minimizing T*mmy's racism and homophobia down to teasing.
If Ryan was still doing messed up stuff I'd call him out too and expect others to do the same. The problem with B/T stans is no matter what Lou does they'll defend him. It's part of why they attack Ryan. They want to get the attention off of Lou. But they can't sit there and say how dare you defend a racist and then defend every single thing Lou did even just this year.
Sorry this got so long anon. I've just been seeing people (one account in particular) attacking Ryan on twitter recently and I'm so over it. If you made it down this far I love you forever. ❤️
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sunwarmed-ash · 2 months
Brothers- Tumblr exclusive snippet
Hank x Gavin x Connor (main fic ship) Hankvin scene
@sweeteatercat @tentoriumcerebelli Alright so I saw this scene the other day in my head so here you go haha it should be in the next chapter which is still taking foreeeeeeeeever to write itself
🔞,canonical violence, adult content
Since Connor left for work, Gavin and Hank haven't spoken a word to each other. Not as the result of a fight or anything, they were just- each lost in their own thoughts. Mostly about the tin man and the ongoing mystery of the party. Hank needed to talk. That was obvious by the fact he was currently hand washing their week’s worth of neglected dishes even though they have a perfectly functioning dishwasher. Don’t get him wrong, Gavin is glad he’s chosen hand washing dishes over Black Lamb and a revolver, but, well, now that Connor’s out for the night, maybe they can actually talk through some shit.  “Hey Hank, you good?” Gavin asks, knowing the answer well before its spoken. “Absolutely fucking not,” Hank huffs, tossing the sponge into the bath of warm bubbles before turning around, “I’m worried outta my fucking mind!” “Yeah, I know,” Gavin sighs, he gets it, he’s feeling it too. He’s been feeling it since Connor fleed the party then came back looking even more traumatized. Connor hasn't brought it up again. And neither have either of the humans. Til now. “Want a beer?”
Hank sighs and turns back to the sink to rinse suds off his hands. “Got any of that weed left?” Hank asks instead. Gavin’s eyes raise in surprise but he nods.  “Yeah, actually. Gimme a sec.” Hank nods.  “I’ll make us some coffee.” - The beginnings of their mutual high is just what the two of them needed. They haven't taken one second to prioritize self care over the past three weeks and the wear is evident.  This shared joint is doing the job wonderfully. Gavin can feel muscles in his body that have been tight for years finally relax.  They smoke in the shared silence in the kitchen until they finish their coffee.  They don't talk again until they move to the bedroom, and Hank says what they've both been thinking.  “We're not really gonna let that asshole get away with it, are we?”  “Which one?” Gavin asks. Because in reality they still don't know any additional details of Connor’s potential assault last night. And from what Connor exposed to Gavin, neither does he.  “Reynolds,” Hank answers, anger clenching his jaw tight and turning the end of the name into a hiss.   “Fuck no,” Gavin growls, “I got half a mind to finish what you started as soon as we get back. I know I’m a quicker draw.” “Gav,” Hank sighs and Gavin really doesn't know what Hank expected him to say.  “Come on Hank, you know he deserves it!” “He deserves to have his dick cut off and fed to him. But, well, there's a right way to do things and a wrong way. Revenge is the wrong way. Or so I’m supposed to believe.” “Yeah?” Gavin scoffs hatefully, “then what the fuck is Justice then?” Hank sighs, nodding his agreement.  “Restoring order, not, furthering chaos. It only makes shit worse.” Gavin snorts.  “I think you're going insane trying to be the civil, level headed monk you’ve had to be the last three weeks. That’s not you Hank. You may have convinced Connor but I’ve known you too damn long.” “You're right. Which is why I need your help to make sure we don't get caught.” “Fuck yeah, there he is,” Gavin chuckles before biting hungrily into Hank’s lower lip.  - Gavin really didn't expect the premeditated murder of a coworker to get them both worked up like this, but neither of them were particularly well adjusted individuals.  He's grateful for it, because Hank’s fucking him hard. Harder than they have in years. He’s seen Hank fuck Connor like this, but he has yet to have his own turn with this brand of Hank.  “Phck, come on,” Gavin gasps, holding onto their headboard for some illusion of stability as Hank gripped his hips harder and doubled down. “Hank…” Gavin begs, gaining only a warning bite into his neck for his trouble.  “Try again,” Hank says, licking over the wound before biting another claim into his throat.   Gavin swallows in a desperate attempt to get his breathing under control. In addition to Hank’s teeth that are driving him insane, Hank’s huge hand is wrapped around his cock now, the tip of his pointer finger running across the piercing and making Gavin delirious with pleasure.  “Daddy,” Gavin pants, fingers itching to touch but his throbbing throat reminds him he’s not in charge. “Phck- phck, please.” “There’s a good boy,” Hank growls and Gavin is warm putty in his hands. It never takes much. Hank Anderson has always been one of his biggest weaknesses. Hank’s other hand goes into his hair and grips it, yanking it back until Gavin’s back is flushed with his sweaty, hairy front.  “Phuuccck,” Gavin wheezes, “come on, I can take it, fuck me,” Gavin’s ass clenches hard around the thick muscle, taking pleasure in the fact Hank’s following moan is as strung out as he feels.  ”Yeah, you can. Always been able to. Almost like your ass was made for me.”  Each of Hank’s hands engulfs Gavin’s hips again. His only warning is a single squeeze before Hank angles Gavin’s hips where he wants and snaps into him.  Gavin chokes for more reasons than one.  “Maybe I was,” Gavin whispers before another series of thrusts have his tongue unable to form anything but moans.  “Yeah, maybe you were baby.”
I'm obsessed with Hankvin okay? I will not apologize.
follow me here #sinful sunday, and on ao3, I post new stuff every sunday!
buy me a kofi?
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arcadekitten · 4 months
Hello! Before I ask anything, I just want to say that I really adore your games. I've been interested in INMIMB since I saw Gloom's playthrough a  couple years ago, and I just really enjoy them in general. I've been searching everywhere for places to play them but I can't find them (I've only played  INMIMB, and it was sooooo good) so a little advice would be nice. I have a few questions (mostly about Embry bc they're my favorite and i love them sm) You don't have to answer anything if you don't want to, but it'd be nice if you did since I love you and your content and I think you're awesome :)
Okay, so a few questions:
1) I've seen someone ask if Dr d light had a favorite flower and I remember you answering sunflower, so just wondering if Embry has one?
2) is Embry's middle name confirmed or do we have to theorize about it forever? (I wouldn't know if you've talked about it since I only joined Tumblr a few days ago and it's tiring to scroll through blogs lol)
3) What's your opinion on Embry x Ryo as a romantic pairing? I'm asking this one for very personal reasons and I really don't want to make you uncomfortable by shipping it because I relate to Embry a lot and them having a partner just gives me a sense of comfort. Like it makes me feel warm inside.
4) Is Embry more of a chorus kid, a band kid, or an orchestra kid? (This is based on the context of my middle school where we have to pick a certain type of music for the whole damn year. I don't know if other schools do that but it's what I'm used to, and personally, I see them as a chorus kid because like I said, I relate to them a lot and I am a chorus kid.)
5) Does Embry have a specific preference with clothing, as in fem or masc, or do they just wear whatever? Just asking because I see them more often in masc outfits than I see them in fem.
6) are there any confirmed specific ages for any of the characters? I get the general idea that the tricks n treats group is all kids and the cemetery mary cast is all adults, but I'm just curious if there's anything specific.
7.  Dr d light's color scheme is very close to the pansexual flag (like literally you could take away the black and white and boom) so I'm just wondering if that's a coincidence or not.
Sorry that this was so long! You don't have to answer any of these (especially number 3 if it makes you uncomfortable) but I just wanna let you know that I think you're really amazing and even if I haven't played all your games yet, I'm positive I'm going to enjoy every single moment of every single game and I hope that makes you as happy as it makes me. So just....you're awesome, your games are awesome, and I'm really excited for the answers to these questions if you feel comfortable answering them.<3
(also one more thing: what are your fans called? Like Taylor swift has swifties, but what do you call us? Just wondering:))
Thank you! I'm so happy to hear you enjoy my games so much!! ♡ All of my games are available to download (for free!) on my itch.io account here: arcadekitten.itch.io
I will try to answer your questions the best I can!
Not sure! Maybe something purple or white like the kind of flowers they'd grow with their mom, but I don't have anything exact yet. ---
Nothing confirmed but I don't think it has to be a "theory" thing either. It's just a name beginning with G and there's nothing more complex to it than that! ---
I don't answer questions about ships unless they're ships I've explicitly shown interest in already (Ex: Mary x Reginald, Capella x Most Circus Members, etc). You can read more about why this is on my FAQ: https://arcadekitten.tumblr.com/faq ---
I don't think Embry is a music kid at all! They are more of a gardening + artwork kid! ---
I feel like Embry's style of clothing is heavily androgynous and it's just that androgyny is sooner associated with masculinity than femininity. Sometimes their outfits might lean more one way than another but in general I keep them pretty androgynous. ---
Nope! I don't do specific ages, just age-ranges. ---
Entirely coincidence! He currently has no confirmed orientation + sometimes colors just look nice together
Thank you very much again for your kind words!! You are terrifically sweet and I do so hope you enjoy my other games as well whenever you may have the chance to play them or interact with them! ♡
Also, I'm not really concerned with fan names! I think someone could just say they're a fan of my work and that's good enough!
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melishade · 25 days
Number 48?
This ask game
asked so far.
Optimus caught in a rather sweet predicament with the Warrior Cadets in the Dark Timeline
"Hey, Eren," Reiner walked up to the other titan shifter. He still felt a little uncomfortable addressing him by name. He was still getting used to the fact that they were on speaking terms. He expected Eren to greet him with venom, but Eren waved a simple 'hello'. He smiled even. It probably helped that Optimus was back on his feet again. Everyone couldn't help but be worried for the titan's health.
"Have you seen Gabi and her friends by any chance?" he had asked Eren.
"No." Eren shook his head as he wiped his face with a towel, "I just finished training with Megatron."
"I just haven't seen Gabi and she needs to rest and take her medicine. Do you think you can help me find her?" Reiner asked.
"Sure," Eren agreed as he put down the towel, "We can always ask Optimus, since she seems to be attached to him."
"I just...find it weird," Reiner confessed, "That Gabi would adore a titan of all things."
"Well Optimus tends to have that effect on people," Eren shrugged, "C'mon. Let's ask Hanji. They saw him last."
"I told him to take a break," Hanji explained, "He's been trying to go above and beyond without actually recovering from his injuries."
"Do you know where he could have gone?" Reiner asked, "I really do need to find Gabi and Optimus might know where she is."
"Well...," Hanji pondered the thought, "If Optimus did take my advice, he might be at his library?"
"Library?" Reiner questioned in surprise.
"The library's been closed since we heard about Shockwave," Eren recalled.
"Well, Optimus cares too much about that place, and knowing him, he'd reopen it to the public to give some people joy," Hanji reasoned, "Try there, and if you can't find him there, we'll call Buckethead so he can drag Optimus back to the neutral ship."
Reiner and Eren had arrived to the building Eren described on horseback. Both jumped off of their shared horse and Eren tied the reigns to a tree.
"So...this is it?" Reiner asked.
"Yep," Eren answered before noticing Optimus' alt mode sitting there, "And Optimus is here too."
"Why does Optimus have a library?" Reiner asked as they walked up to the door.
"We gave it to him as a gift," Eren explained as he opened the door, "Optimus misses his home, so we thought that we could bring parts of his home to him."
"He can't go back?" Reiner asked.
"Before he couldn't," Eren answered, "But with Wheeljack and Arcee's help, he-!" Eren paused when he heard a familiar voice from an open door down the hall. Eren quickened the pace, forcing Reiner to follow after him. When both titan shifters arrived, they were met with the sight of the library, cleaned from top to bottom. There were a few books on the ground, but also on the ground, was Optimus' holoform. His back was propped up against the front of his desk and he was reading aloud to his audience.
Said audience consisted of the Warrior Cadets, who were cuddled up against each other and against the Prime. Falco was propped up next to Colt, while Colt's head rested on Optimus' right shoulder. Meanwhile, Udo and Zofia rested next to each other on Optimus' lap. Many of them had fallen asleep to Optimus' narration of the book except for Gabi. The girl clung to Optimus' left arm and snuggled close to the Prime. She tried to keep herself awake to listen to Optimus speak, but her eyes were starting to droop from exhaustion.
Reiner couldn't help but gawk at the sight of the Warrior Cadets being so comfortable around Optimus. He turned his attention to Eren, but he noticed that he looked so relieved to see Optimus so well-rested and content. Reiner wanted to say something, but he decided to let it go. The Warrior Cadets needed this moment of peace.
(64 has been asked! For what's left, we have: 42, 51, 52, 55, 57, 62, 63, 65-69, 74, 76, 84, and 85)
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malt-rants-and-stuff · 7 months
Hiii malt :3 ask game time… thoughts on shirashiro (shirahama tashiro) GO! And any other shirahama ships you feel strongly about :3
SUNNYYYYYY HIIII okay okay i feel like we all know i have unending thoughts and ideas about shirahama kyouji and his relationships right this is common knowledge now. shirashiro is so... i have feelings about them
in canon context. mmm i love them but i cannot see it but also it does definitely compel me. ive entertained the thought of them before but for me it just comes down to them being more fun to think of as platonic. howeverrr, if they were to be together or at least if they were to like each other? well then there would be thoughts I could have.
like, say you have this friend. and for the purpose of this thought bubble we will say that this friend is named something that starts with a T. so say you have this friend and youve known each other since middle school. you are both close and arent, best friends yet acquaintances, you know what i mean.
say this friend who's name ends in ashiro goes to the same high school as you and you drift apart for a little bit. he has his friends and you're content just existing. but then one day you suddenly find yourself hanging out with them and things spiral. say you find yourself liking his friends, opening up to them in the strange trying-to-be uncommitted way that you do. say your friend invites you to join clubs with him and you are there to watch him amble around through life trying to find a Something for himself. say you watch him and you realize just how well you know him. accidentally of course. you'd never go out of your way to know someone like that who isn't a girl you're trying to date. obviously. but you find yourself recognizing what he's doing and why he does it and you try to help but there arent really words to say about this sort of thing.
say you think about the high school experience, growing and growing and somehow changing in ways you didn't expect. say your friend joins a certain club and you arent too into it but you come along just to see how things are. and while youre there you see your friend, who you have know for a good amount of time, act in a way you haven't really seen before. and you know that to anyone else it wouldn't be too out of the ordinary and to be honest its not that big of a deal but you still find yourself noticing it anyways. and you both want to quit that same club. for the same reasons (for sure, definitely) and you get to quit and leave and he's still there and he stays and it sticks to you.
i was going a lot of places with this but halfway though i went outside and became normal again and also kinda lost my train of thought so forgive me im just gonna explain where i was going with this in a not neurotic way (lies)
so shirahama. that guy. i like to think he would have a crush on tashiro in middle school that you can only have on your best friend. i think he would be seeing everyone around them dating and falling in love and go "i want that. how do i get that?" and then find himself falling for tashiro. i think tashiro has no thoughts about dating shirahama until second year (and give me a moment on that one.) and i think that shirahama forces himself to move on from his crush to "grow up" so to speak in between middle and high school. i think that even then he never lets himself forget about it and it haunts him and he can never get a date because he wants it to keep haunting him. shirashiro join the ping-pong club, two go in one comes out. absolute bloodbath. and in the end shirahama gets what he wanted. his friend is somehow a lot happier in his weird little Club with his weird little Thing that he has with the president ("previous president!" shirahama gives him a look that says the distinction doesn't really matter to him but the look thrown back makes him realize it should) and vice president. and you see now here is where i come back to that part about second year.
because. the thing is. well. tashiro does think about shirahama. maybe not in the same way all the time or as often or as deeply. but he does. he thinks about everything and everyone, really, so it shouldn't really stand out so much but it does. second year comes and relationships bloom (or he thinks they do) and festivals are had and its... fine. and then it just sort of happens. like it jumps into him mind "oh wouldn't that be something." and he acts like it wouldn't be and that he never thinks about it again but he does and its hilarious. a grand old comedy show. shirahama walks out stage left and tashiro has forgotten where he was supposed to stand. it can never happen at the right time and their feelings chase on the tails of one another and its just a fun time. tashiro kind-of-sort-of-not-really gets over it by third year but then oops, what's this, he's grown taller and shirahama cant help but notice the little ways tashiro has changed since way back when and now he's back in the pit. cue laugh track.
and yeah that's kinda how they are in my mind. but now if you want to get into other shirahama ships... well hold on i will continue in another reblog
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kookiecrush · 1 year
Jokers living up to their names and doing it in an alternate reality as usual. 😂 I'm sorry, but it's so pathetic to come to a Taekooker blog after Jimin makes a birthday post to brag about Jikook thriving and Taekook "giving" us nothing in the time of solo era/2023 when there have been more significant Taekook moments than any single year since I started following their story in 2016. We've seen Jikook together four times when we know they were filming company content, and Weverse/TikTok interactions...and that's pretty much it. Taekook is Thriving™, so I can see why they'd want to swap narratives. Multiple confirmed hang outs before leaving on trips and after arriving back in SK (including when Tae was only back for a couple of days in between schedules), Paradise Hotel, Busan beach late night, bowling (multiple times confirmed), attending a musical, the Dream premiere, arriving late to Yoongi's concert together and leaving together, wearing the matching sweetheart shirts on the same day despite Tae being in SK and Jungkook being in LA at the time which is one of the most insane boyfriend things they've ever done, Tae sneaking into Inkigayo to support Jungkook's first solo performance there, Jungkook proudly wearing the Wooga ring which tells us he has officially been folded into Tae's closest social circle in a significant way and of course his closest friends have been outspokenly supporting his bf's hit song including Bogum and one of Tae's best friends from high school. This is just what I could think of off the top of my head, my mind has actually been blown by how much has happened in the last year. Everything makes sense given what I believe to be the nature of their relationship, I just feel incredibly blessed. Never expecting anything, but always grateful for what they share. That's where I'm at. I've actually never been more sure of them. I don't give a single f about who posts what on social media, I never have. They can call each other. Taekook literally live within walking distance of each other. They can hang out whenever they want without anyone knowing, and I'm sure they do. Being boyfriends and all. I just think people in the fandom in general are unaware of a lot of what Taekook do because I remember seeing posts after the Dream premiere from ARMYs saying "I feel like it's been years since I've seen them!" And some people very intentionally try to avoid seeing what they're up to together. It's cool. You just look like an idiot when you come to a Taekooker blog and say nonsense like what that anon sent. 😂
They love to come and brag on taekook blogs, and it really is pathetic. Any little j*kook interaction is seen as another chance for them to get "one up" on us, which is very immature. It's not a competition 🙄
You're right. There have been PLENTY of pretty significant taekook moments this year, but j*kookers are blind to them as usual. Even with all the taekook going on, j*kookers still claim it's a "dead ship."
To be fair, as I said before, we don't always know when the members hang out with each other, so j*kook could quite possibly have hung out together more than what we already know, but certain comments from them, and the fact that they haven't known each others schedules or what the other has been doing recently makes that seem more unlikely. And j*kook filming company content is not a "romantic outing," despite how much they want it to be 🤷‍♀️
I think taekook makes them feel insecure at times, which is why they try to diminish their interactions. There's no denying at this point that taekook are incredibly close (romantic or not) and that they spend a whole lot of time together. If j*kookers are really as unbothered by this as they say they are, why are they always so desperate to rub any little j*kook moment in our faces the second it happens?
You listing all those taekook moments really made me realise just how much taekook content there has been in the past 8-9 months! They really are thriving. Taekook don't have to DO anything for me to keep believing in them, but they keep showing us in little, subtle ways where their priorities lie. "Never expecting anything, but always grateful for what they share" is such a great way to put it. I don't expect anything from them. I'm not entitled to their private life or relationship, I just enjoy observing their love from afar.
I think a lot of the fandom is very unaware of the extent of taekook's bond and their interactions. We look for and notice things about them that they never would. They don't pay attention to noises in the background of their lives or them wearing the same t-shirt on the same day. Most of what makes us believe in taekook isn't common knowledge amongst army because if you're not looking for it, you won't see it. They're not exactly flaunting their relationship. I do feel like they leave us a few clues every now and then, though 😉
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charkyzombicorn · 11 months
is Sun's Personality still going on?
also, one piece but with mechs for an idea if you want to do something new to do
I take input for any of my aus at any time (except rn because my inbox got unruly so it's down for a few days) but I tend to have phases where I post a lot abt one au before forgetting abt it for a while, so short answer: yes SP au is still a thing I just haven't been thinking of new content
That would be so cool-- okay
I haven't seen anything mech-related so I'm not really basing anything off a specific show BUT
Luffy's has a monkey-theme
I might roll this into a scifi au prompt actually
It's like 2319 or smth, human population is almost all living on ships because earth is essentially a mandated 'No-Poach Zone', been like that maybe 5 or 6 generations, and kinda like an exaggerated version of what happens to astronauts, humans bones are more spread out and thinner because there's less gravity. But scientists still needed to check on earth - make sure the scars left by humans aren't affecting the earth too too badly, make sure the planet will still be habitable if need-be. Their solution? MECHS. Large enough to properly depressurize the person inside, precise enough to sample a single pine needle from a tree, a modern scientist's solution to not getting their organs crushed like a tin can. Sadly, the army heard 'science equipment' and heard 'upgrade', and then tech companies heard 'profit' and suddenly anyone with enough money can buy a clunky old bot and explore one of the planets that the human race is starting to terraform, or one of the ones they couldn't. Of course, humans did what humans do. Now there's always a nut job who sold their house for a nice mech, police patrol in shiny metal muscle, underground mech fights kill at least 100 people a day, people use their mechs to get to other ships illegally, if you don't have a mech you're nobody.
Luffy was born in a small colony, a small ship branched off a much larger one, a few hundred people, almost never any strangers. Most of them spent their whole lives on the small branch. But Luffy wanted more. Garp offered it to him, when he visited in his shiny silver mech. Luffy didn't want that, either. Then his colony was invaded by pirates. Pirates were an epidemic, ever since mechs entered the market, but even more after a man named Gold Roger claimed he'd found a paradise planet with everything anyone could want. Shanks mentioned him, a few times. He also told Luffy about the galaxy waiting for him, and Luffy would have done anything to have Shanks take him with him. Tried to, but then some thugs with a mech they fixed themself tried to test it on him after he failed to punch their boss, and Shanks lost an arm getting him out of the blast. And he told Garp he wanted to be a pirate, so Garp dragged him to earth kicking and screaming, ignoring pressure change warnings even when Luffy's eyes started bleeding and his leg broke under his own weight. Garp could stand it, so Luffy had to.
Luffy was taken to a group of "earth poachers", people who hid so they wouldn't be forced into ships. People who were raised with 9.8 newtons of force on their backs that could breathe the air and stand up straight without any mechs at all. Garp introduced Luffy to a boy a bit older than him and said they were brothers. The boy did not seem pleased
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allthefujoshiunite · 1 year
Hello... can I ask a link to your review on anime, "Buddy Daddies"? Sorry I can not find them, or are you writing them in your twitter? I just finished the anime, and now I can say it's one of my top favorite anime ever....! Can I ask for your BL recs that have the same vibe as Kazuki/Rei, please?
Also from Sk8 between Reki/Langa and Joe/Cherry and Adam/ Tadashi, who are your favorite ship? And why? Whichever your answer is, can I also ask BL recs that have the same vibe as them?
Sorry if I ask too much, please feel free if you want to answer them or not....Thanks for sharing your recs and reviews, you are my best guide on BL manga/manhwa...... I knew you first time from your A to Z BL challenge and then I found your blog. I hope you know that founding your blog and tumblr means so much to me.... Please just answer (if you want) any time you want whenever you're free....🙏
Hi again! I answer these asks whenever I have time & energy, so no need to apologize. ^^ Time to recommend some BLs and answer your questions!
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As to why you couldn't find Buddy Daddies (BD from now on) review on my blog; because I haven't reviewed it. Neither on my blog nor my Twitter. When I was about to finish the seasonal first impressions (I had two reviews left, BD and High Card), the major earthquake happened and I took a break. After that, the political climate and the economy have been so bad that I didn't have the energy to spare for my blog. I still write reviews (mostly of books, on my Instagram, but in Turkish) and occasionally talk about stuff on Twitter but that's it. One other minor reason that made me feel reluctant to write on BD was because my thoughts on the series is quite negative. I didn't finish it, and not sure if I ever will. But I did like Kazuki and Rei together, the mighty "sunshine x emo" trope, and happy to hear that you've found something you felt so passionate about!
I'll recommend 3 titles that have a similar pairing. I'll also add my reviews from my blog, you can head there to find additional information such as the publication status, where to read, screenshots etc.
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It's Just a Dream... Right? by White Eared: If you like supernatural elements, are okay with reading ongoing, mature content, then I highly recommend this one. I've reviewed it before, you can check it out here.
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The Neighbor I Desire by Makoto: If you like the "I just can't leave you alone, I have to take care of you!" trope and when characters share a table, eating together, this might be up your alley. Another title I've reviewed for my Friday BL corner.
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Oh! My Assistant by MILA & AngryMonster: You said you've found me through my A to Z Challenge so you've probably have seen this but in case you haven't. Another puppy seme with an uke that's not exactly an emo, but fails to convey his emotions. Here's my review, but Tapas has removed this one from their library and now it's on Lezhin. You can find it here (All Ages) and here (Mature).
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As for Sk8. It was a fun show to watch but I wasn't deep in their fandom. I can understand the appeal behind Adam/Tadashi and found Joe to be really cute ~ Joe/Cherry have that enemies to lovers vibe that starts off as something strictly physical. Hence, I can recommend Glasses Cloth & Playlist. I know the name is weird but it's short & completed, and I highly recommend it. You can find out more about it here in my review.
That's all I have for you! Hopefully you'll find something that suits your taste and my recommendations were at elast close to the vibe you're looking for. Enjoy, and let me know what you think of them if you ever get to read one!
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hi stormy!! You once told us that you watched bts contents with your partner and you just implied that two members of the group are may be romantically involved and he somehow guessed the members you're talking about? 😂 I'm not sure if i remember correctly but i remember reading that post intensely and with huge envy 😭 i so relate to that tweet: "my love language is watching bts contents together" i always tried to watch bts with my mom and sister (because I'm single af duh) but they sometimes indulged me but it's quite rare. They just don't like seeing me in hyperfixation mode. I'm also lucky enough to have got one of my friends to watch gcfintokyo with me but she was not that impressed 😌. She has the same reaction when i excitedly rambled to her JK LENT HIS STUDIO FOR JIMIN TO DO HIS BIRTHDAY LIVE, but then i guess maybe because she didn't know jk and jimin like us and why is it significant. So far, she only has watched bts bon voyage with me. Even with her calm reactions, I was so thankful to have at least someone to talk about my favourite boys. Sometimes I'm clearly aware none of them will have the same reactions as me and i know it's not their fault. They just were not interested. So I'm terribly jealous of you 😭 you both are so cute btw and I'm more than interested if you talk about your personal love story. I'm just rambling my immature feelings 😂 sorry if this is annoying and sorry for my english too. Also stormy, if you can, will you suggest some old contents that i should watch? Whenever i have free time to watch bts contents I'm always indecisive. Which concert or shows do you think is a must-watch for army?
I do watch some concerts with my partner! Not all, sometimes when I say I'm waking up at 3 am to watch the BTS concert he looks at me like I'm crazy and is like "okay babe, well I love you. Enjoy. Wear headphones please" 🤣 but if it's a rewatch (like PTD on Disney+ or just older concerts and he is free at the time) he will sit and watch with me and so will our kids. Same if the concert is happening at a more reasonable hour our time. Lol or will we all sometimes watch MVs, or Dance practices or run bts together. Not all the time, but it's nice when it happens!
And yes, lol I don't remember at all now what we were watching when it came up, since it was a long time ago. I hadn't mentioned before anything about shipping at that time, but i remember saying something about how even though shipping is so weird, sometimes it seems like there could be something there between 2 of the members. And he just went "oh yeah, you mean Jungkook and Jimin right?" And I said "why did you say them??" And he just made some off hand comment about how it seems like they act around each other from the little he has seen in ways that make it seem like they love each other the way he loves me. So for him if someone in the band was dating each other, it only made sense (in his head) for that to be jikook. For extra context, he is a Hobi bias, JK bias wrecker. And Jungkook was the first member he noticed and paid attention to in the group too. The hickey sealed the deal for him. He is pretty darn convinced at this point lol
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Absolutely watch all of Bon Voyage or Run BTS if you haven't already! As for shows or concerts, you should go back to the beginning and see those if you can too! Their red bullet tour! The live Trilogy tour from 2015 too! Literally pull a concert tour name out of a hat for them and you can't go wrong honestly. LYSY concerts are INCREDIBLE. Any of those would be a really really good watch. 5th muster was EXCELLENT and should definitely be watched in full. I mean like honestly, pick ANYTHING and you'll have a good time! If you need help finding links to anything let me know and I'll try to help!!
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jaydekarios · 8 months
People You'd Like to Get to Know Better
tagged by @oldanimefan ! thank you for the tag <3
*Fave Ships*
i have so many hyperfixations this list could be like a mile long. i'll try to be brief..
rdr2 - vandermatthews (hosea/dutch), charthur (charles/arthur), arthur and a healthy dose of antibiotics, marybeth/kieran. nbc hannibal - hannigram (hannibal/will), jimmy price/brian zeller (do they have an official ship name?) bg3 - i dont really have any solid ships other than my tav/characters but i've seen some gale/lae'zel content that has me thinking... of course there is bloodweave but i think they'd murder each other. the walking dead - richonne (rick/michonne) until the day i die, connie/daryl (fuck leah), aaron/jesus, going out on a limb and saying shane/rick (look that one scene where shane is wiping the blood off of rick .... they definitely experimented is all im saying.) call of duty - i have been a firm ghostsoap shipper since the early 2010's i was writing fanfiction about them on FANFICTION.NET ! ghost/roach (yes roach was the playable character of mw2 and has no speaking lines but i love him), keegan russ/logan walker (again yes logan was the mute pc in ghosts but i love him.) batman/dc - batjokes, jason todd/roy harper
*Last Film*
the last film i watched was saltburn! all the fuss about the movie really drew me in but oh my god it's so much more than barry keoghans penis, i swear. not nearly as weird and horny as everyone was making it out to be but there are definitely some weird horny moments in there (big fan personally). really really loved the 2000s uk vibe too, im pretty sure they filmed on actual film too? loved it.
*Last Song*
well the song im currently listening to is poison poison - renee rapp, but the last new song i listened to is fire down below - ye banished privateers. look im a big fan of pirate music its so fun (it may or may not have helped inspire a new oc..)
*Currently Reading*
currently not reading anything fun unfortunately. im knee deep in 'understanding and using challenging educational theories' by karl aubrey and alison riley. absolutely riveting read.
passing it to @hugefatballs (missing you brother), @scarfacemarston, @selkiewizard, @tripleyeeet and anyone else who wants to do it ! i just tagged a bunch of mutuals i cannot remember who has already completed this and who hasn't so my bad if you've already done this, or if i didn't tag you and you haven't done it !
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deffonotsimping · 3 years
Hiyaa~ okay soo..
I saw your first post with genshin impact tags and I found your blog kinda interesting on #venti smut but if your accepting to do request rn..
Can you do an au about the reader as an 5/4 star unit and they're shipped with an certain character (the character the reader requested for) (headcanons about the reader and the character's interaction that made them a lovely ship). (Pure Fluff because I don't really know what to think if its NSFW headcanons, but you can add NSFW hc if u prefer to ^^)
- side note : I know some of you guys don't really like the reader as an side playable character imagines being shipped cuz I have a really weird idea. (im not here fishing for compliments sorry.)
Anyways I also don't really know how Tumblr works so ur not alone 😔
OMFG I LOVE THAT ACTUALLY!! watch me work on that and that only for the next few weeks, this sounds amazing (kinda exaggerating, I'll do other stuff too but this idea.. 😳 yo.)
I'll definitely try to post more things regarding this since the reader would be more like an oc in this? kind of at least, it would be hard to make reader a character without giving them certain attributes like their vision, where they're from, ....
maybe I'll even make multiple "readers"?? so everyone has something they like? we'll see!!
for now, this is a work in progress and just some thoughts on how the headcanons could be like! this is nothing that'll 100%ly stay like this, I might change some things so be aware of that when reading! :)
so, in the honor of the new banner dropping I'll start this with our dear Arataki Itto and Gorou! (I love them)
content!! minor spoilers for Itto's story quest; spoilers for Gorou's hangout event; some spoilers for the archon quest; gn reader
-> Masterlist
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Arataki Itto
Even if many people ship Itto with Kujou Sara or even Gorou, most of them enjoyed seeing him with you way more.
Like?? The way you lit up when the Traveler asked you if you knew Itto in his story quest?! Shippable. 100%ly shippable.
In the quest, or more so the beginning of the quest, the Traveler has to ask four people about an oni called "Arataki Itto", of course the players have already heard from him, seeing as his trailer got posted a while ago and how there were leakers literally everywhere.
However, even if you have already appeared briefly in Gorou's hangout event and in the archon quest, they didn't know much about you yet, so seeing you again was both surprising and amazing.
Most of the people had wanted you for a long time already and even if they didn't even know your vision yet (just some slight speculations), they didn't care anyway, you were cool and even without knowing anything other than that you're a close friend from Gorou and have been well acquainted with Itto, they wanted you.
Anyway, back to why exactly so many people started shipping you.
"Oh, Traveler! You wish to know of Arataki Itto?" Your character took in a thinking pose. "I'm not sure if I can quite trust you with any kind of.. private information. Wouldn't want you go screaming around 'bout it, would we?" Your character laughed. "I'm kidding! He's a good friend of mine, I'm actually here to meet him again, I haven't seen him in a good while."
And that was literally it. Please shippers are so desperate these days, they got "Ittoder" (Itto x Reader) trending in only a few hours. They went wilder than when they heard Ayato's voice in the trailer, and that is saying something.
Later in the game though, you will have more interactions that fans fawn over, mayhaps you'd like to shoot me an ask and request some? ;)
Now with this one, the shipping didn't start until at one point where you called him "good boy" for trying to make progress with dealing with yae miko in his hangout event.
Bro. The shippers went WILD. Fanfictions for you two, fanart, cosplay, you name it!
The way his tail started wagging behind his back during that scene had your fans in tears (me too. Gorou x Reader nation rise.)
In the hangout, one of the ending pictures even feature you in the background, kind of like a little easter egg since it's hard to actually see your form.
During the archon quest, you're next to Gorou when they approach the traveler after they had just fought Signora and when the raiden shogun tries to attack, his first reaction was to push you back slightly behind him with his arm.
You literally have fans squealing over you 24/7, every little crumb of content is celebrated with a feast. 🙏
And his voice line about you. don't. let. me. get. started.
"Oh.. them... ahem! They're an admirable fighter, It's good seeing them put their all into something..! I wish to always be able to fight alongside them, I just know they have my back just as I have theirs!"
Love is in the air. Trust me, once that voice line got leaked, people were flipping out.
"Someone be the Gorou main to my future Reader main <3" The amount of times you can see that exact same signature‼️
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god, this was clearly Gorou favoritism OOPS??
well, I guess it happens, hm? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this?? I tried and it's been a while since I've last written anything so I'm fairly proud of this! :)
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jaijaitbinks · 2 years
Alright, it's rant time.
This one corner in the DBH fandom fucking sucks.
The amount of targeted harassment someone gets for calling someone out on their bullshit, or, hell, even just having a separate opinion, is fucking revolting. The amount of people (this is particular in the shipping corner) who fetishize Connor, or more recently, Hank is... gross. Really goddamn gross. And the amount of ignorance they have is through the goddamn roof.
I've seen this firsthand and have friends who've experienced it. It's disgusting how a person tries to explain their opinion or reasoning behind something, and they get shut down or ignored in favor of the other person screaming at them.
This has happened to a couple of people, recently including an author on ao3. I personally don't know much about them aside from their works, but a friend had given me a summary. The author orphaned their works due to harassment on posting, being dragged into drama, and completely pulled back from the fandom (I'm assuming. Haven't seen anything from them since). Again, I don't know much, so I don't know if the person/people behind it are the same person I'm about to reference below.
One person in particular is guilty of all three of the things I listed prior. Fetishization (which, for those about to say something, isn't exclusively about race), harassment, and ignorance, as well as multiple other things like hypocrisy, slut shaming (I don't care if its towards Connor only or not. It's shaming), being polyphobic, absolutely hating on and/or blocking people who like Reed900 (And I mean they lose their mind about it, not just disliking it. They'll burst a blood vessel about it at/about you for it)- I could go on, but talking about them already leaves my mouth tasting sour.
They... I want to say singlehandedly, but there was someone else who joined in and slammed the nail into the coffin. But they, as well as this other person, pushed my friend into contemplating whether or not to remove most, if not all, of their content (particularly YT content, because that in and of itself is a cesspool of hate I don't wanna get into on this post) because of the targeted harassment. Which I'm sure the person will deny, but idgaf. They harassed my friend, plain and simple.
On top of the fact, my friend had told me that they feel ashamed to ship HankCon because of this person and the things they do in regards to the ship. Multiple people feel this way, and truthfully, I do too. In their words, it "feels like we should be in the closet about loving HankCon", and I cannot agree with that more.
It's so sad to see someone I genuinely admire as a content creator, especially for this fandom, wanting to delete loved content and content that took so long to create because of other people being absolutely stupid. It sucks that ANY creator in this fandom that's been affected by people would feel like they need to or should remove work they enjoyed and spent time on. It's so upsetting.
I wanna say I'm sorry for being harsh, but I'm not. This had needed to be said for a while and I'm already pretty upset with these people and the situation in general.
And I'm not removing this post. I've seen the hate and harassment someone had gotten after making a post themselves, and they've since removed it because of it. But I care too much about them, other (good) members of the fandom and shippers, and the fandom/franchise itself to delete this. I'm pinning it and it's staying.
(And before anyone comments that I should name the people I mentioned in this post, no. That'll bring heat onto them and, for the people affected by this behavior, they neither need it nor deserve it.)
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kanmom51 · 2 years
Hi Kanmom! I've come to you because I know you are a safe space, and I have a small rant and also a question.
Look, I'm a seasoned SM user. I'm 43 for crying out loud. And I thought by going back to Twitter so I could see cute Jikook moments, especially from their concerts, was a good idea. Boy, was that a mistake. Nothing but vitriol and now Free T from JKKers is trending, and the hypocrisy of it all disgusts me. I'm so over it and regret even getting back on that app. And how a certain group are shouting how TK are the biggest ship in Korea...I'm just going to sign off and get my content from original sources, tumblr people I trust (like you), and that's about it. Rant over, LoL.
Now to my question. Do you think we've seen another shift in dynamics between the Seoul concert and Vegas concerts? In Seoul, the love between them was so sweet and adorable and endearing. Now they're in Vegas, and that's all still there, but I also sense now a bit of smugness? Especially from JK. I just wanted your opinion on that. Thanks!
Hello anon. :)
SM is kind of a hell on earth, lol.
But there is a lot of good there too. You just need to sift the bad out, report, block, limit the accounts you follow. This would be right for any form of sm.
Those who's name shall not be mentioned, they are not known for truth telling, nothing new. Just report when needed, block and try to steer away from them.
Now to your question.
I don't think there has been a shift in their dynamics between Seoul and now. I think the biggest shift in dynamics we saw of late was around August-September 2021, after memories 2020 and MOTS ON:E dvd dropped.
We saw it ever so clearly at the TMA's beginning of October (there is something about those to and the TMA's).
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We saw it in JM's birthday live.
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We saw it when they were in LA.
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There is an aura of confidence surrounding JK and a giddy shyness to JM.
And then they took a break, and we didn't see them for 2 months. We have no idea what they were up to most of the time, and especially from JM and JK we had radio silence (zero interactions online driving the WHOLE fandom crazy).
But end of January JM got sick, really sick, hospitalized sick. Operation sick. And covid sick. Meaning isolation. JK went quiet until the day that we were notified JM's being released from hospital, and boy did he let us know how he is feeling.
And then came the Seoul concerts.
And we were in awe.
They were free, they were happy, and they were loud.
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The feeling was that maybe JK going through whatever it was he did when JM was sick, had him or maybe even both of them come to realisations, and make some decisions.
And that feeling, well it's been kind of amplified since the second JK first opened his mouth in LV.
Is it something in the air in that city? Who knows. But they are happy and allowing themselves freedoms we haven't seen before. Pushing boundaries in ways that I'm not sure that elastic band of deniability will hold (metaphor).
They have been all sorts of wilding.
JK has been uncharacteristically verbal.
Almost no holding back (that butt grab, no words...).
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They are telling us, showing us, that they are who they are, they are happy and unashamed, and well, you only live once (a realisation you sometimes come to after a traumatic event).
So, has there been a change in behaviour?
Yes, I think there has been.
But has there been a change in dynamics?
No. I don't think so. Not since that JK confident JM shy change mid-late 2021.
Their dynamics are the same since then. It's what they are showing us that has changed.
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sergeantsporks · 3 years
I know a lot of the Hunter ships just feel weird to me because 1 he has never interacted with any of the people that he is shipped with and 2 a lot of them act like Hunter is in a relationship with X character, his issues are now fixed when that isn't how relationships work. Friendships don't even work like that. But a lot of the ship fics act like Hunter will just be magically fixed and that more issues won't arise. Like boy is a people pleaser, at least to those that are important to him.
That's it!!! You've hit the nail on the head of my issues with fandom culture and shipping!!! I'll be apparently the first sign anyone has seen of an aroace Hunter headcanon because everyone would rather ship him with someone he's never met rather than look for an option that doesn't involve romance, and then someone feels bad about enjoying the headcanon bc he's popularly shipped!!! And no one thinks this is weird, or wrong, or unfair!!! That's just fandom culture, baby!!!! You know how there will be those narratives where everyone gets paired up in the end regardless of actual chemistry, and it's really annoying? Fandom basically does that by immediately extrapolating romance from nothing for any characters not neatly put in relationships by canon, but it's okay now bc it's queer, so like. Duh. Superior.
Okay, in all fairness. There are PLENTY of Hunter-centric fics out there that explore familial relationships and no romantic ones, I'm sure. But I unfortunately have to sift through fifty billion ambiguously-tagged ship fics and filter out 15 different ship names/ways of tagging the relationship to find them, and THEN I still have to filter out fics with content/writing styles that bothers me. It's... not worth the effort for me. I'll just write my own.
And YEAH, not to get back into the amatonormativity/allonormativity thing (I am fooling no one, you've enabled/set me off, and I'm totally enjoying venting), but that's also, like. So common. For them to be like "Yeah, well, love will fix them!" (To quote Lilith Clawthorne: Vomit). And that's just. Hrngh. it bothers me. Because romance isn't a cure all, and "love will fix them" comes DANGEROUSLY close to "you just haven't met the right person yet" in my personal aroace opinion, especially when I hc the struggling person in question as aroace. I think a lot of the angstier ship fics actually do explore the relationship struggles Hunter will probably have, but... it always feels more like it's for the Relationship Drama™ than for any kind of actual exploration of Hunter's character. Which is FINE, okay, it ACTUALLY IS. I've been kind of anti-this for this post, but actually, fanfic writers who do this: It is YOUR fic, and just because I personally would not enjoy reading it, doesn't mean that it has no value. Not everything has to be deep, sometimes a ship fic can BE a ship fic without having to be deep, we write fanfiction for fun. Heck, half of the writing requests I do don't make sense in canon context. I wrote a whole story where they had an evil laugh contest, and relationships were assumed, past therapy was assumed, you don't HAVE to set all that up. Sometimes people wanna write some fluffy date fics for a character where no one has any issues, and you know what? That's okay. Creating a scenario where it's assumed that the issues have been fixed and these two can have a healthy relationship is fine. Sometimes people wanna write Relationship Drama™ that just uses character flaws for drama and not heavy character exploration, and you know what? That's okay. "'Yeah, well love will fix them' is a dangerous concept when exclusively used" and "It's okay for writers to not always explore each relationship in all of it's entirety when they just wanna write a lil fic" are statements that can coexist.
That got away from me, sorry. To summarize:
- Amatonormativity and allonormativity bad
- Fandoms are overly obsessed with shipping to the detriment of aros, aces, demis, etc.
- "Personal issues go away when you're in a relationship" is ultimately a harmful concept when overused, but it's okay to create scenarios where the issues have already been resolved.
- Narrative that needs to neatly pair everyone up is annoying and it's just as annoying when done in fanon.
- I will die on the Aroace Hunter hill, Dana, I'm begging you to at least not put him in a canon relationship.
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avinaccia · 3 years
hi, can you please expand what you meant with "! I've noticed there's been more of a shift towards fruk (or maybe that's just been in my circle), especially as England's characterization in the fandom has shifted" i haven't been around much, so i was wondering what has changed about england's characterization around the fandom? sorry to bother!!
[For reference, this comment was from a post about the prevalence of USUK in the Hetalia fandom]
Never a bother anon! I’m always happy to answer asks like these :)
I suppose I need to preface things by saying that, as far as the manga and anime are concerned, England’s character has not changed. What has changed is the fandom’s perception of his character, which has developed gradually over time. 
Back when Hetalia was first kicking off and gaining popularity (2008-13), representation of all the characters in fics and artwork and other posts was largely reflective of the characterization given to everyone in the anime, so think old Studio Deen animation and humour from Seasons 1-4. The English dub was EXTREMELY influential in this regard as well, as unlike most other anime, the Hetalia fandom was more knowledgeable about the English dub than the English sub, and quite frankly the dub is like a 100 on a scale of 1-5 in terms of craziness in comparison with the original Japanese version. 🙃
Putting it bluntly, the first few seasons of Hetalia were a raging stereotypical clusterfuck and OH BOY did the fandom latch on to this. This is where you get France saying ‘honhonhon~😏🌹🍑🍑🍆’ every second sentence, Prussia talking about his ‘awesome five meters’ and how he’s going to invade ‘invade everyone’s vital regions’, Hungary and Japan being huge yaoi fujioshis, Russia being a creepy sadist, sw’d’n n’t ‘s’ng v’w’ls - I could go on about this for weeks but I’ve already given myself whiplash so..
Now we get to England, who quickly became a paragon of the tsundere trope in which he yelled ‘I..it’s not like I like you b..baka’ every 30 seconds and was often pictured expressing himself with the characteristic ‘tch’ so beloved by fic writers. England was shipped with two people primarily: America and France, though usually any fic involving France involved France pouncing and attempting to ‘steal Iggy’s innocence’ until the heroic America jumped in to save the damsel in distress. So then England’s primary characterization was that of a more feminine, prickly little thing who was actually just really bad at expressing his feelings and totally had the hots for America (also he always bottomed...like almost exclusively).
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Starting around 2016, when the World Stars manga was put on hiatus, a fandom made a major shift from canon content to fanon headcanons and the like (because we had to supplement ourselves with content somehow lol), which started to change the perceptions of many of the characters, and usually for the better as people starting creating complex character studies and delving into national history to make these really awesome narratives that far outstripped the canon.
England’s character shift was absolutely hilarious because, while he too became more complex, he also became an ABSOLUTE BASTARD™. Like we’re talking stinky rat bastard who sleeps in the trash; has 20 kids whose names he forgets, a drinking problem, and anger management issues; thinks that the puke-coloured sweater vest he bought in the 80s and tan corduroys are the pinnacle of fashion; old man jenkins dislocates his hip every Tuesday; and “just remember no-one can hate you more than you hate yourself” sorta guy. All in good fun of course, but his character did a COMPLETE 180 which is frankly the funniest thing I’ve seen.
It’s been a wild ride anon, I’m sure there’s many a person who would be more than willing to volunteer up more examples because lord knows there’s more 😭
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