#not to mention were coming up on my very close friends DEATH ANNIVERSARY is coming up very soon
skeletxr · 1 year
Doing all this self reflection then being around my family really is making me more and more self aware how much of it is learned behavior and what I need to improve on.
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spacexseven · 1 year
Fyodor would be a family man that’s good at hiding his true intentions from his family such as the decay of angels and rats house along with his s/o just nurturing their son and having a peaceful side along with Nikolai being a family friend who would entertain Fyodors son. One happy family
anon i could kiss you senseless rn...literally one of the best things i've ever had the honor of seeing in my inbox. this idea has ruined me i swear it's Perfect
fem reader, reader is married to fyodor and has a son w him
cw: yandere character, deceit, manipulation, mentioned murder
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fyodor dostoevsky makes for a wonderful husband—loving, ordinary, almost suspiciously so, but you married him knowing that he was an ordinary man. you loved him knowing that he was an ordinary man.
an ordinary man with some extremely unsettling secrets, none that you knew about.
the fyodor dostoevsky you knew and loved was the man who kissed the palm of your hand, and if he was feeling particularly affectionate, your forehead, every morning before he left for work, with a half-smile on his lips and a fond gleam in his eyes. you weren't quite sure what he did, except that he worked for a company of some kind, but you didn't like the way his face hardened when you probed, so you left it at that. it didn't matter what he did, anyway, so long as he came back to greet you every night, safe and unharmed.
the man you married was the one who'd come home to greet you with a tired nod and a warm embrace, entertaining your son's excited rambling over dinner. he held you close when he read before sleeping, stroking your hair with a light touch. as far as you were concerned, he was an amazing husband and lover.
though he was not necessarily a good person otherwise.
you were so easily blinded by the tender warmth he showed his family, that you hardly cared for his uncharacteristic slip-ups. like when he scowls, ever so slightly, when the news broadcasts some detective agency receiving an award, or when a ghost of a smile lingers as you wonder out loud how a casino could be floating in the sky.
you never once questioned the times he came home in an entirely different coat from when he went out, or when he was away for days on end, not calling you or leaving you a single message. was it because you trusted him wholeheartedly, or because you were afraid of what the truth really was?
but even if you had your own suspicions, it would have never even come close to what fyodor was really doing. how were you to know that the same lips that whispered sweet songs of praise to you with a coquettish smile were the same ones that uttered a death sentence to his countless victims? and how were you to know that the steady hands that caressed your body so intimately had also touched numerous corpses? the husband that spoiled you on anniversaries and birthdays could not be the same man that was actively planning to cover the world with the blood of sinners.
for the most part, you liked nikolai too. he was a little odd, considering his getup and his tendency to seemingly pop out of nowhere, but he was good friends with your husband—dos, as he called fyodor—and your son loved playing with him. he didn't tell you what he did, either, though he let it slip that he worked very closely with your husband. he refused to explain fyodor's unexplained disappearances, though he would often stop by to show your son a new magic trick when fyodor was gone for a little too long, just to reassure you a little.
nothing really gave it away; not the amused expression when you told him to stay safe on his way, nor his eccentric coworkers. you were just happy that your husband always came home to you, and never failed to remind you that he loved you. there were, perhaps, more things that should have worried you. the way fyodor insisted that you keep your social circle small, or the frustrated look in his eyes that was beginning to appear more and more often. even the peculiar things he was beginning to tell you.
you're lying in fyodor's lap, mind drifting between sleep and consciousness as he looks at you with an unreadable expression. then, perhaps noticing that you weren't completely asleep, a little smile appears on his face. "tell me," his voice is soft, but every word feels strangely heavy, "will you ever leave me?" you frown slightly, and he chuckles. "even if i did something you don't agree with?" you shake your head, "what's this about?" his smile widens, and he gently pinches your cheek. the look in his eyes is unnaturally cold. "it doesn't matter. either way...you don't have anyone else to turn to."
and you could have continued the way life was, with your mostly ordinary husband and your wonderful family. at least, until he turns up at your door after an especially long period of disappearance. you would be thrilled, normally, but you're much too shocked at the sight of your husband in what looks like a prison uniform to feel any relief.
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retrospacejelly · 3 months
A Western Vendetta
Pairing: Ex-outlaw!Miguel O’Hara x Fem!Reader
Summary: A look into Miguel’s past, and why he was given the title, El ángel vengador.
Warnings: Angst, Guns, Mentions of the devil’s tango, typical cowboy things, language, death/murder, gore, alcohol
BEFORE YOU READ: This chapter is very dark! It is a huge contrast from the last two chapters so please read with caution!
Part: 2 ½ /?
Part: 1, 2, 2 ½ , 3
Not proofread
A/N: I had this idea brewing for a while, and character AI helped push the plot!  (Thank you Monstera for letting me expand on the plot!)
Reach out if you want to be on my taglist!
Red. Red was all he could see.
“Mamá…? Papá…?”
A young Miguel, only eighteen, had just finished work for some extended family in another town. He was delighted to be back home. 
“Mamá, Papá?!”
He runs through the house, stopping suddenly at the sight before him.
In front of his eyes, the bodies of his parents lay lifeless on the parlor floor. The stench of iron flooded his nose, and his stomach churned. He looked around. Except for a tossed chair, nothing seemed to be out of place.
Miguel stuck the shovel into the cold dirt, makeshift headstones staring back at him. Reciting a quiet prayer, he turns to make his way back into the house. 
He had walked throughout the house, looking for anything of value that might be missing. 
Money that was kept in his father’s nightstand and safe was untouched. His mother’s jewelry was still organized in her cedar jewelry box; an anniversary gift from his father. 
When he opened her jewelry box, he took her beaded rosary and a copper ring. He smiled sadly at the copper ring. Shoving them into his vest pocket along with some money, he made his way to the parlor.
Whoever had done this was going to pay. Whoever had done this would meet the wrath of Miguel O’Hara. 
Miguel snatched his father’s trusty pistol from its spot on the mantlepiece. As he made his way to the front door, he slipped on his cowboy hat and set off for the town. 
He first made his way to the saloon, its bright and cheery atmosphere a stark contrast from himself. He quietly made his way to the bar, ordering a whiskey. 
He needed to come up with some sort of plan. He couldn’t just go around asking people if they’d seen any suspicious folk. He didn’t even know who he was looking for.
His thoughts were cut short by the sound of loud, boisterous laughter. Moving his head to the side, he noticed two seemingly drunk men four seats down from him. He shook his head, annoyed.
“...Yea, that bitch squealed like a damn pig, I tell ya! Had it comin’ too.”
Miguel’s attention was piqued.
“Don’t ya…don’t ya think killin’ ‘er was a bit much, though, Butch?” his friend asked.
The man named Butch scowled at his friend. “Hell nah! She made a damn fool ‘outta me when she turned me down at the market. I’m fuckin’,” he hiccups, “Fuckin’ Butch Wyatt. And no one makes a fool ‘outta me!”
Butch slams his glass down. “Planned on jus’ killin’ ‘er and leavin’ the body for ‘er husband to see. But that Bottom-Feeder came home early. Had to kill ‘im too.”
His friend tries to calm Butch down, not wanting to cause a bigger scene. But Miguel had heard. Oh, he heard well. He had to set his now empty glass down so as to not shatter it with his hand.
He watched as they made their way out of the saloon, swaying drunkenly out the doors. They wouldn’t make it far. 
After a couple of minutes, he stood from his seat, placing some coins down by his glass. Nobody seemed to notice as he made his exit.
The street was silent save for the drunken laughter of the two men and Miguel’s heavy footfalls following behind them. 
He watches as they turn into an alleyway, and speeds up his pace. His blood starts to pump faster as he closes in on the two. He slips the gun from its holster and calls out to them. 
“Hey, Bastardos.”
They turn around, their eyes slowly trailing up to his own.
“Whatdya jus’ call me…?” Butch blurts out, reaching for his gun. 
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Senor,” Miguel answers, his dead eyes trained on Butch. Butch’s friend tugs his arm, a look of dread on his face. “C’mon, now Butch, you don’t know who he is?” he asks.
Butch looks over to his friend. “Am I supposed to know who he is, Casey?”. Casey leans in. “That’s Miguel O’Hara, I’ve seen ‘im doin’ work around town…”.
Butch lets out a laugh. “O’Hara?! Yer’ the bitch’s son?! What? Come ‘ere to seek revenge, boy? It’s two against one, ya know.”
Miguel doesn’t respond.
“Yer’ mother was a fuckin’ whore. When I pointed that gun at ‘er, boy was she-”
“Squealin’ like a pig. Yea, I got that.” 
The sound of a gunshot rings throughout the alley, Butch’s body slumping to the ground. And before he knows it, he aims at Casey and shoots.
The sun had risen just above the hills, and roosters crowed from their perches. 
The Mayor’s wife was taking her usual morning walk with her mutt, Captain, humming happily to herself. She always awoke before the town to get a peaceful walk in.
She sees something hanging from the square’s stone statue (the statue being her husband of course). The sun blinds her vision of the statue as she squints to get a better look.
She walks closer, bringing her hand to her forehead to shield her eyes from the sun.
And then.
Her shrill scream alerts the homes nearby. She drops Captain’s leash as she covers her mouth, sobs racking her body.
Joshua, the storekeeper’s son is the first to stand by the wife’s side. When he looks at the statue, he retches. 
As more and more townsfolk gather in the square all hell breaks loose. Shouts of fear and surprise fill the air but are soon quieted down as the Mayor makes his way through the crowd.
Looking up, he gasps, horrified.
There, hanging from the Statue’s arm were the mangled corpses of Butch Wyatt and Casey Brown. 
And as Miguel stands at the top of a hill overlooking the town, mounted on a stolen horse, he can’t help but smirk as one of the residents shouts, “El ángel vengador!”
From that day forward, Miguel O'Hara would venture from town to town seeking retribution on other outlaws. Word spread fast of an Avenging Angel making its way throughout the West.
Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for the people of Miguel’s hometown to figure out just who this Avenging Angel was. Word of El ángel vengador’s identity spread even faster and soon wanted posters of Miguel O’Hara were posted on every surface throughout every town.
Some argued that  El ángel vengador was helping towns that were being terrorized by outlaws while others argued that vigilantes had no place to go around killing people. 
As the years passed, Miguel made a realization that killing outlaws wouldn’t bring his parents back and would only make the reward for his head higher. 
As he sat on the small bed in Y/N’s guest room, fiddling with his mother’s rosary, he thought to himself.
It had been a decade since the end of his murders, and five years more since the death of his parents. Even after all these years, he is still considered a wanted man, although the hunt for him has simmered drastically.
He couldn’t help as a tear escaped his eye, bringing the rosary up to his lips. 
Tomorrow would mark the anniversary of his parents' deaths.
This was a dark segment! A huge contrast from the previous chapter, I know. There might be some confusion, so here’s some clarification on age:
Miguel is around 33 when he meets Y/N. His parents were murdered 15 years ago, but he quit his murders 10 years ago.
Y/N is around 26. Her ex-husband cheated on her when they were both 21. 
Reach out if you want to be on my taglist!
@codenameredkrystalmatrix @slushycoookie
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andreafmn · 8 months
Running in Circles | Chapter 10
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Word Count: 2.7K Warnings: mentions of death, religious trauma
Summary: (Y/N) Rossi is following in her father’s footsteps by joining the BAU team as a profiler. The girl genius knew almost everything but she could have never predicted falling for Aaron Hotchner, her boss, and her father’s friend. in their world mutual feelings are not enough to push them together. Will all the adversities and obstacles they face pull them together or push them apart forever?
A/N: a few days behind is better than a whole year 🫣 anywho very sentimental chapter ahead
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Winter had come at full force that December, and maybe that was the first sign of all that was to come. But for (Y/N), it only signified the anniversary of her mother’s death.
Just like she had done every year before, she had taken that day off, knowing her mind would be elsewhere, and her body would want to be there. Even if it fell on a weekend, she had to be sure that no calls would disturb the day. The monsters could wait one more day.
She looked herself over in the mirror. The turtleneck she had chosen felt particularly choking, her pants hung too low for comfort, and her mother’s necklace stood out too brightly against the dark clothing. Nothing was right. Nothing would ever be right. She pushed her hair behind her shoulders and sighed. That was as good as it would ever get.
She slipped her coat on before she left her house, and she wondered what her mother would have thought of her home. Would she have wanted her closer to the family home? Would she have liked the décor? Would she have poked fun at how messy the house could sometimes get, or would she not have cared at all?  Those were answers she would never get. At least not from the one person that mattered the most.
Her father’s car was waiting outside for her, his face wearing a similar solemn look to the one she had. It was the same routine every year. He’d come to pick her up, they’d go to the cemetery, and when David would tell stories of Iris, she would listen. Because she had none to share of her own. She had no memories, no stories, nothing to know of her mother that was her own.
“Hey, dad,” she said as she jumped into the SUV. “It’s a cold one today.”
“It really is,” he chuckled softly “I brought you some coffee and a butter croissant. Something tells me you didn’t eat breakfast today.”
“You know me too well, dad,” she snickered, taking the warm cup between her hands to heat her freezing hands. “Did you eat already?”
“Had myself a bowl of oatmeal with berries and bananas like your mom used to like,” he replied. “Washed it all down with some coffee and came here.”
“That’s good,” she croaked, forcing a smile. “Were you able to get the flowers? My local shop was closed when I went by yesterday.”
“Yeah. I’ve got the bouquet back there,” he smiled. “Peonies, irises, roses, lilies, and baby’s breath. All the ones she liked.”
Every time her father said things like that, her heart broke just a little more. He didn’t know it. She would never say it. But the fact that he had lived a life with her mother when she didn’t even know what she sounded like hurt. It pained her to miss a person she never had a chance to remember.
“Do you know it was your mom that would call you little bird?”
“Did she?”
“She said you were always jumping around and fleeting from flower to flower when you were outside, just like a hummingbird would. That’s why she got that necklace made for you,” David chuckled at the memory. “Even when you were just a little baby, you always seemed to calm when you were with her in the garden.”
“Well, her garden has to be the best one in all of Virginia. Even to this day.”
“You have Emile to thank for that,” he laughed. “If it had been up to me, it would have died so many years ago.”
“And I guess I inherited your lack of a green thumb.”
“That you did, little birdie,” he said. “But you did inherit her good taste. For your third birthday, the last one with your mother –may God have her in his glory—you insisted on having a garden fairy party. Iris asked you what flowers you wanted everywhere, and you said peonies. Well, at the time, you called them peenies.”
“I… I don’t remember that,” she stammered. “I wish I did.”
“That’s okay, little bird. We have the pictures, and I’m sure there’s a VHS somewhere with the video. Just have to check in storage, which might take a bit more than it should.”
“It wouldn’t if you let me organize it, dad. I’ve told you many times that you need to set up a system so things don’t get lost in all the junk you still have from the olden days.”
“Hey! You learned a lot from those olden days,” he pouted. “Those olden days paid for everything we have.”
“Doesn’t mean it’s not disorganized.”
By the time they had reached the cemetery, they were a mix of laughter and sadness, coupled with the most beautiful bouquet they’d brought to date. There was a thin blanket of snow covering the ground, a cold breeze whistling through the air. It was a horrible day to be out, but they wouldn’t miss it for the world.
(Y/N) was expecting the bad weather. And although her coat did nothing to warm her against the wind, she hugged it closer to her body. What she was not expecting was to find Hotchner and Jack waiting on a bench right in front of her mother’s grave.
“Aaron,” David called out with a smile that alerted the father and son to their presence. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”
Once they were near enough, Jack took off on a soft run toward the woman. “(Y/N)!” he called as he reached to hug her. “You said we could come, remember?”
“Of course I do, buddy,” she smiled softly. “I’m happy to see you.”
“This is your mom, right?” The boy led her to her mother’s tombstone by the hand. “Iris Jensen.”
“That’s right,” she said. (Y/N) knelt down and ran her hand across the picture of her mother, tears already building in her eyes. “This is my mom.”
“She’s very pretty.”
“She is, isn’t she?” (Y/N) chuckled as her body betrayed her. Tears fell down her eyes before she could stop them, warming her skin before turning freezing under the weather. Jack quickly reached into his jacket, pulled out a blue handkerchief, and handed it to her. “Thanks, kid.”
“Jack, why don’t you join me on the bench, and I can tell you about her?” David said. “I’ve got some great stories.”
“Is that okay, (Y/N)?”
“Of course, Jack,” she smiled. “Go ahead.”
As the kid ran to her father, Hotchner wrapped his arms around her. Normally, she would have grown flustered at the interaction, but at that moment, she needed the comfort. “You okay?” he asked quietly. “This must be so hard.”
“I don’t know why I’m like this,” she muttered. “It’s been years already. I barely even knew her.”
“She was still your mom, (Y/N). It’s only natural that you feel this way.”
“I don’t even remember what she sounds like,” the woman sniffled. “I don’t even know what kind of mom she would have been growing up.”
“I… I’m sorry, (Y/N). I don’t know what to say.”
“It’s okay,” she smiled softly as she let him go. She got on her knees and started cleaning the tombstone, removing all specs of snow regardless of how futile it may have been. “There’s not much to say.”
“All I know is that I wish I had met her.”
“Yeah,” she chuckled. “Me too.”
Aaron left her by herself then, allowing her the space to tell her mother about the year that had passed. She told her about her cases, told her about her friends, and even told her about her ever-growing feelings for an unmentionable person. But, most of all, she told her about how much she missed her.
But it didn’t go over her head how she missed someone that much without really knowing who they were. She carried inside an emptiness that wasn’t easily filled, and as hard as her father tried, never would be. And David tried, in his own way. He had his own grief to carry, and she knew that. She knew he hurt and wished Iris was still with them. But he’d found solace in the time he had shared with her while (Y/N) yearned for even just a second more with her mom.
“I wish you were here, mom,” she cried as she stood. “I see videos of you, and I can’t tell if that’s what you really sounded like or if your voice is too distorted by the camera. I wish you’d had more time, mom.”
“You and me both, little birdie,” her father said as he joined her. “But she’s in God’s glory now.”
(Y/N)’s blood boiled at that moment. She had never been religious, much to her father’s dismay. More than just the deity not fitting into her scientific mind, she couldn’t believe in a god like her father did. Normally, she didn’t mind his religious interjections. They were a part of who he was, and she didn’t want to belittle his beliefs. But that day, something inside her couldn’t stand it. Much less when he started to mutter a prayer.
“I’ve asked you to please not pray aloud when we’re here, dad. Do you mind?”
“No, dad. I really don’t want to listen to you talk about your god or ask to have mom in his infinite mercy. I don’t wanna hear about it!” Her tone came out harsher than she intended, but she couldn’t contain herself. Years and years of bottling up her feelings had her at her limit, and it was that moment that they had chosen to spill over. “Just, keep it in your head.”
“I don’t understand, (Y/N). You never minded before,” David muttered. “There was a time you used to believe in God. You even used to ask me to pray with you.”
“Jesus, dad, I did that for you.” As she exclaimed Hotch told Jack to wait for him in the car, that (Y/N) needed a moment to herself. Hesitantly, the boy followed his father’s instructions and walked the short trail to the van. All he could understand was that (Y/N) was upset. Once Jack was gone, she continued. “How could I ever believe in a god that took my mother away before I could even remember what my name sounded in her voice? I only went along with it because it seemed to make you happy, but I can’t anymore. I can’t listen to another word of how your god is merciful and how it was all his plan. He took my mother from me. How could I believe in a god that would take a mother from a child? All the memories I have of her are from behind a screen or moments lived by other people. I don’t remember anything about her that’s mine only, dad. You always tell me how you would love to have a second chance with my mom, and I didn’t even get one.”
(Y/N) crumbled to the ground once more and suddenly felt arms around her. Instantly, she knew who it was and found herself sinking into Hotch’s embrace. He tried his best to calm her, telling her that everything would be okay and that she wasn’t alone. She was normally the strong one. She was always the one who kept it all inside and helped others. But too many years of that had her shattered on the ground of the cemetery.
It took a few minutes for her sobs to finally subside, Hotch’s soothing circles on her arms working overtime to calm her down. They had ended up sitting on the cold ground, the snow slowly making its way through their clothes, but neither seemed to care. All that mattered was the comfort and the presence. Nothing else.
“You okay?” Hotch whispered as she finally seemed to calm. “Feeling better?”
“I don’t even know,” she chuckled weakly. “Your pants are dirty now. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry, I have a washer,” he joked. “But how are you feeling? I know this must be a very overwhelming situation.”
“I don’t know what I’m feeling, honestly,” she sighed, sinking into the warmth of Hotchner. “It’s the first time I’ve ever blown up like that toward my dad, and I don’t know why I did. It’s been over twenty years that we’ve been coming here, and I’ve never acted like this.”
“I think it’s safe to assume you’ve been bottling up all these feelings for all that time. They were bound to come out one day or another.” 
“Don’t profile me, Hotch,” she pouted. “But you’re right. I mean, he lost the woman he loved, and even though I lost my mom, I felt bad for him because he’s the one who had all the memories with her. I never wanted him to feel bad or guilty for the fact that I had to grow up without her. Still, every time he says something like her death was god’s plan or that he has her in her mercy, it just sets me off.”
“Have you ever thought that religion is the way that he copes with her death? Maybe thinking that she is in heaven or that it was her time is his way to come to terms with the fact that she is gone.”
“I guess a part of me does understand that. But there’s a side that doesn’t want to,” she sighed. “But I guess I have to apologize for the tantrum.”
“Your feelings are valid, (Y/N). It’s just the way you express them that could be hurtful to others. But your dad’s a big boy,” he chuckled softly. “He’s at the car with Jack. You ready to go over there?” 
“As ready as I can be.”
Hotchner got up first, waiting with his hand extended until she needed it. And with another glance at the tombstone, she took the hand and stood up as well. The man walked beside her the entire time, his presence alone was enough to keep her grounded. As much as she wanted to break down and fall apart, she needed to keep it together.
“And she could spend days in her studio just painting, forgetting that hours passed. She would just lose herself painting and painting,” her father smiled as he talked to Jack. “She would have been there the entire day if I had let her.”
“Do you have any of her paintings still?”
“Of course! All over the house,” he chuckled. “Would you like to see them, Jack?”
“Yes! Can we, dad?” Jack asked as he noticed his father’s approaching figure. “I wanna see the paintings.”
“If it’s alright with Dave, then it’s alright with me.”
“Of course!” the man exclaimed. “The more the merrier. We’ll see you there.”
David and (Y/N) walked to the car in silence. Not saying a single word until they were inside. “I’m sorry, dad,” she finally muttered. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you like I did. You don’t deserve that.”
“I’d say it was long overdue, kid,” he smiled softly. “You like to keep the peace and keep everything in. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened before. You have nothing to apologize for, little bird.”
“But I do, dad. I shouldn’t have yelled at you regardless.”
“Your mother used to say that yelling is the way the soul speaks,” he said. “When you can no longer keep anything in, it comes out fast and unmeasured. Words come out with thorns and spikes. And much like a flower, they don’t mean to hurt you, but it is in their nature to protect themselves. It’s okay to let it out once in a while. Doesn’t matter how it hurts. If my beliefs hurt you, mia bella, all you have to do is tell me. I will try my best to keep it to a minimum.”
“And I will try to talk about how I’m feeling instead of yelling it,” she smiled, taking her father’s hand in hers. “I love you, dad. And I’m still sorry.”
“I love you too, little bird,” he beamed. “And you can make it up to me by helping with dessert tonight. We’re making your mom’s favorite.”
“Tiramisu,” they chorused.
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hunterevie · 1 month
I don’t think this is my best work but it’s very very cute.
I also wanted to share for Misha’s 50th. Happy Birthday to him, I’m sure he’ll have a blast.
Story - Cas’s first birthday
Pairing - Castiel/Dean Winchester
Rating - Teen
Word Count - 2179
Summary - Dean and Cas have been in a committed relationship ever since they saved Cas from the empty. They’re happy in their new found lives as boyfriends, and enjoy every moment together. However, Dean feels there is something missing for Cas.
A birthday.
He decides to throw his boyfriend a birthday party, believing it’s only right now he is living among humans. But he has an ulterior motive for that special day as well.
“Dean, what the hell are you doing?” Sam asked as he wandered past for a third time with a new box. His actions seemed to be annoying his brother’s attempts to do research. After walking past with the first box, Sam peered at him, head resting on his hands, pen tapping on the page until he had left the vicinity. The second, a huff of irritation that he disturbed him again. It took only three boxes for him to finally speak out.
The man really did have a low tolerance sometimes.
“Getting ready for the party.” Now Sam sat up a bit more, focus no longer on the book but his brother instead. Wondering what the hell he was talking about. Their gaze held for a moment.
“Party? What party?” Finally, he asked the question rather than continued to stare at him like he was a weirdo who had lost his senses.
“Cas’s birthday party.”
“Why are we having a birthday party for Cas when he doesn’t have a birthday?” Of course Sam would let a little detail like Cas not being born ruin the whole birthday party idea. Sometimes he just didn’t know how to have fun.
“Because…he’s my boyfriend and I wanted to do something nice for him.” It wasn’t enough. The response was a raised eyebrow, before Sam shifted a little. Relaxing against the back of the chair, arms folded as if awaiting an explanation.
“Okay, but why a birthday party?” Why not? Why shouldn’t he be able to throw the man he loves a birthday party? Yes, he wasn’t born in the traditional sense, but he’s been reborn several times after his deaths. It was only right that he received some kind of celebration.
“He always showers me with gifts on my birthday and I can’t do the same for him. So, I wanted to give him a day that was all about him.” There seemed to be a softening of Sam’s eyes when he said that, as if thinking it was quite sweet. But it was true, ever since they begun their relationship, Cas had been such a loving boyfriend. He would always ensure that his birthdays were memorable. Loads of gifts; his favourite food and drink; all his friends gathered in one place. It was only right he did the same for him.
“That’s lovely Dean. Why today though?” The fact Sam forgot the importance of the date upset him a little, then again, he guessed it was always more important to him.
“It’s…the anniversary of when we bought Cas back from the empty.” There was a realisation in Sam’s eyes, making them go wide. Now he was sitting forward, running his hands through his hair as Dean looked away and down to the box. This was exactly why he didn’t mention it to Sam. Firstly, because he thought his brother would call him an idiot. Secondly, because he knew he’d feel bad about remembering the anniversary of them saving Cas. Now he thought about it, maybe this whole endeavour was a bit silly. Did Cas really want a birthday party? Or even to have a birthday.
“Maybe this was a mistake.” Before he was able to turn back and take the box back to Baby, his brother sprung up. Closing the distance and grabbing the item out his hands.
“Nope, this is a nice idea. We’re doing this. Come on, I’m going to help you.” Sam was moving towards the kitchen as he spoke, the research he had been working on suddenly forgotten. Dean held back, wondering whether this was really the best use of his brother’s time when there were monsters out there ready to be found. Realising he wasn’t following, Sam turned back, head cocked as he looked at Dean. “Don’t worry about the research. I needed a break anyway, and nobody is in any immediate danger. Let’s go throw Cas an awesome party.” Fears assuaged, Dean smiled at his brother and followed him. Happy to know that the younger Winchester was on board with his plans.
They worked throughout the day. Sam decorating the kitchen and the dining areas, whilst Dean focused on making the cake. Whilst Cas was still an angel, and often didn’t eat as it wasn’t something that he needed to live, there was one thing he did enjoy the taste of.
For some reason the sweetness of the food was addictive for his boyfriend, and he would often have it. So, Dean resolved that would be the flavour of his cake. In his searching he managed to find a Greek Honey Cake recipe with Honeyed Ice Cream, perfect for his boyfriend.
As the day drew on, their guests begun to arrive for their small gathering. Helping Sam with the rest of the decorations, getting the plates and cutlery together. Helping to put out the food for the humans who would need to eat. It was quite late in the afternoon when there was a buzzing on his phone, a message from Cas.
“Guys, he’s just outside. Get into your places.” Dean announced to the room after checking the message. When he spoke to Cas earlier in the day, he asked him if he could use the bunker door like a normal person. Although his boyfriend was a little confused as to why, Cas ultimately agreed. Which Dean was thankful for. The surprise would be ruined if he randomly popped into the kitchen without any warning.
Well…it would be more of a surprise for them rather than him.
“Okay, hiding places. Jack, you know what to do with cloaking everybody.” Thankfully, Jack had agreed to help try and hide everybody from Cas. Although his powers had been squiffy since coming back from the empty, he still had concerns he would still be able to hear the guest’s physiology. Thankfully Jack could stop that.
After turning off the lights, he left the kitchen. Heading towards the entrance of the bunker. The loud clunk of the door opening and shutting made Dean redouble his efforts, wanting to get to Cas before he got too close to the kitchen. As he ascended the spiral staircase, his boyfriend stopped, looking down at him, a tiny hint of confusion in his eyes.
“Hey sweetheart, how was your trip?” Once he was finally at the top with him, he threw his arms around Cas’s body, pulling him in so they could share a gentle kiss. The angel reciprocated, hands holding onto his sides tightly, but no longer too hard so they would bruise. It had taken a while for him to realise his strength, but thankfully he now understood enough to not accidentally hurt Dean.
“It was okay. I didn’t find anything of use out though.” The response as they pulled apart. Those beautiful blue eyes went soft as they stared at one another. “I missed you the whole time though.” That made his heart melt, he had missed his angel to. Every minute they were apart he would just ache to be in his arms again. Wishing that he would be home soon, and this trip was no exception.
“I missed you too sweetheart. You know I always miss you.” They lips met again in another slightly longer kiss, before they drew away. Wrapped in each other’s arms, foreheads pressed together as they just enjoyed their moment for a little while longer. “You’ve had a long day, let’s get downstairs.” After they pulled apart, Dean grabbed Cas’s hand and led him down the stairs. Thankfully, Cas didn’t seem to have been tipped off to what was happening, which he was grateful for. Maybe he’d be able to pull off this surprise after all.
As they made their way further into the bunker, Dean dragged his boyfriend towards the kitchen. He could feel a slightly tensing in Cas’s hand, almost as if he was silently asking what Dean was doing. But rather than argue, he allowed himself to be led there. As he turned on the lights, their small group of friends jumped out from their little hiding places, yelling surprise at a perplexed Cas, who looked over to Dean for clarity.
“Dean, what is this about?”
“It’s a birthday party. I wanted to celebrate the year anniversary of bringing you home, so what better way…than a birthday party. For your…rebirth.” Those gorgeous blue eyes went so tender as Dean said that, a thin film of moisture covering to make them almost look crystal. Cas wiped away a tear that had decided to escape, turning away from Dean, laughing briefly before giving his boyfriend that eye contact, he adored most in the world.
“This is wonderful Dean, I love you so much.” They connected again, lips meeting in a chaste kiss before Cas turned to his family. A broad smile on his lips. “Thank you all so much.” All concerns that Cas wouldn’t want the party were gone at that moment. Really, Dean didn’t know why they hadn’t done this sooner for his Angel.
“So erm…let’s get some cake and have some fun.” A cheer followed as Sam said those words, everybody in the room on board with the idea. Cas held Dean’s hand, bringing it up to his lips, kissing gently before mouthing ‘thank you.’ They shared one last tender kiss, before turning their attentions to their guests.
It was a couple of hours into the party, after Cas had opened his presents, and everybody had eaten and drunk too much, that Dean stood up in the middle of the room. Tapping a spoon against his glass to get everybody to pay attention. Eventually the murmurings in the room died down, the gaze of all turning to Dean.
“I have a speech to make on Cas’s first birthday.” In the corner, he heard Sam muttering to Jack, claiming that ‘this was going to be good.’ The hard glare he presented to his brother was enough for the younger Winchester to hold his hands up, a silent apology for being a bit of an ass. As he turned back to the room, he could feel the perspiration start to leak through his shirt as he became more nervous.
But he was determined to get through it.
“Castiel, when we first met in the barn all those years ago. I have to admit, I found you so weird.” There was a slight chuckle in the room, his boyfriend smile softly also. It calmed him down a little. “There you were, telling me you were some angel of the lord, and I didn’t know what to think. For a long time, you infuriated me. Always popping in when you wanted; getting in my personal space; not getting any of my pop culture references,” briefly he stopped, remembering those times. How adorable he found him, even if he was also annoying at the same time, “but then, something changed.
“Every time you left, I…I ached for you to come back. To visit me and spend time with me on hunts, or to watch stupid films. I always missed you when we were apart. When you died…” Again, he paused, unable to continue for a second. The idea of Cas’s death too much for him. It took a couple of seconds for him to settle enough to continue. “When you died…my heart shattered, and it only ever repaired when you came back to me. Each time you came back from your death, my love for you just grew with every heartbeat.
“Cas, I will always love you, and when we got you back that final time from the empty, I knew I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life. So…I’m asking you today, will you do me the honour of becoming my husband?” As he sunk to the floor, box in hand, it felt a long way down for his 45-year-old body, somehow he managed it without making an ass of himself. Once there, he opened the box, a beautiful white gold ring with turquoise gems sat in the centre. Cas’s hand went to his mouth, as if shocked that this was really happening to him.
“Yes, Dean…yes. Yes, I’ll be your husband.” In his happiness, Dean jumped up off the floor, pulling Cas in for a bruising hug as the angel cried into his neck. Holding on tightly whilst their friends made adoring noises in the background. After the initial embrace, Dean grabbed Cas’s hand, sliding the ring onto his finger, a sign of their everlasting commitment to one another. Before they shared a loving kiss in front of those they loved most in the world.
From that moment on, the 20th August would forever be Cas’s birthday, a reminder of the date he was saved from his eternal hell in the Empty. But it would be remembered for more than that. It would be remembered as the day Dean finally gave himself to the angel for the rest of the eternity.
And Cas finally found his true happiness.
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kimberlyannharts · 8 months
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So I may have been slightly hyped for this book the past few months
For the three of you who haven't heard about this, MMPR: The Return is a story set in the future of an alternate universe of the MMPRs; one where Jason, Zack, and Trini didn't give up their powers upon the eve of the Peace Conference, and thus the team stayed together even after high school. But fast forward twenty-two years later, and the team has broken up due to some sort of tragedy - we know from the Re-Imagine prologue in the 30 Year Anniversary book, Zordon and Alpha were destroyed by Zedd and Rita. But other stuff seems to have happened too. What is that stuff? I guess we're about to find out!
Oh, and I should mention this was written by the original Pink Ranger herself, Amy Jo Johnson. (and her partner, Matt Hotson.) That might be important to know.
It's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #1!
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= Three pages in and Jason's already getting his ass kicked. You're forty-five years old, man, you should be at the club
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= I know this was debated a bit when the book was announced - how it would line up with Thuy and JDF's passings, especially after coming off the heels of Once and Always, where the focal point was Trini's daughter taking up her powers after Trini's death. (For what it's worth, this book was first conceived pre-pandemic, long before OaA. Making comics takes a long time.) And while Tommy is still a bit up in the air (despite what we'll see in a few pages) Trini does seem to have definitively passed due to illness.
While I definitely get the frustration of Thuy's passing essentially sealing Trini's fate - especially in a comic book, where you don't have to worry about actor restrictions - I'm a little more generous towards it here because Amy and Thuy were close friends and she actually dealt with her death personally compared to how the OaA writers, well......didn't. And this issue is clearly paralleling Kimberly's motivations and feelings to Amy's real-life ones, so this just feels like another part of that.
(Also to contrast OaA's handling of Trini - a) her passing here isn't caused by a graphic onscreen explosion, proving the whole "well they HAD to show it onscreen for more impact!!!" was bullshit b) her friends AND THE WIDER COMMUNITY are actually grieving and talking about her impact on everyone as well as using the non-actor-restriction to SHOW it and c) The book actually gives her a JOB. TWO jobs!!!!!!! Yeah OaA why the fuck did you send ZACK to Congress WHEN IT CLEARLY SHOULD HAVE BEEN TRINI
also I like her middle-aged design. prettyyyyyy)
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= onto lighter topics HEYYYY IT'S THESE GUYS!! Bulk and Skull are married and you just can't see the ring through Bulk's gloves, it's real and true
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= speaking of which this whole flashback is adorable and nostalgic but I want to point out some background details
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= Ernie is just trying to run a fucking business here
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= go white boy go
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= ZACK/KIM HAS FINALLY COME BACK TO ME MY FUCKING BELOVEDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God, when WAS the last time they actually talked one-on-one in the main series
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= FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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= so along with some other stuff I'm definitely taking this as foreshadowing that Trini wasn't cut off from Kim like the boys were. That's the power of WOMEN (and also if we get Aunt Trini flashbacks with Olivia I'll fucking CRYYYYYY)
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= Absolutely obsessed with Billy's face here
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= D:
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= So besides the Trini stuff I want to the keep the Once and Always comparisons to a minimum but it's very funny how both storylines involve Billy using a company as a front for his embezzlement schemes. At least his telecom company PROBABLY isn't war profiteering
= also Alpha's rose <3
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= so anyway Jason's gone rogue and was pretending he's the main character until he suddenly went missing, as shown in the first few pages. And Billy and Zack want to become Rangers again to try and find him.
= but the thing is guys, Kim has won the idgaf war. She's depressed, she's traumatized, she spent twenty-two years raising a child with Tommy's genes all by herself, she's tired. She does NOT want to be wrapped up in Jason's midlife crisis drama
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= Zack getting so mad and wanting to risk it all for Jason hell yeah those are my Jason/Zack crumbs
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= Mysterious shadowy figure watching the old people drama from a distance, you are just like me fr
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= OLIVIA THAT'S FUCKING OLIVIAAAAAAAAAAAA and she already sounds so CUTE. If you go back to the diner scene you can see the phone constantly buzzing until Kim finally puts it away. She's like mom. mom. mom. MOM
= also just because the tragic Tomberly family storyline already makes me want to kms do you think that ring is kind of small and plain because Tommy and Kim were so young when they got married and it's all Tommy could afford. And Kim still wears it to this day. I want to die
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= It's already been confirmed that Selena is indeed referring to Sylvia here, so I won't talk about that. What I DO want to talk about is Kim's casual momwear. Those sweatpants!!!!!!!!!!
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= It would be really funny if Kim just. immediately slammed the door shut
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vdragon-creations · 4 months
Meet Kenai The Cheetah (2003 Version)
Heyo all!
I figured it was about time I formally introduced Sasha's older brother! I keep mentioning him in Sasha's lines for my fics, so what do you say we put a face to the name!
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A little of his info his already written out on his sheet here, but just in case, I wanna run down a few facts about him with you folks!
Unlike Sasha's Kenai isn't in his teens, in fact, he's 26. Making him about 11 or 12 when he, Sasha, and their Grandmother where mutated.
Like Sasha, he had mystical abilities too. He can cast spells, make portals, and can control two elements of his own. Fire & water.
The one thing he can do that Sasha and His Grandmother can't is that he can see dreams. Sometimes this is on purpose, but most of the time he has no control over it. But he can only see the dreams of those he's close to.
Like Leo, Kenai is a sword boy! He's skilled with the Twin Gurades, but has trained with many swords.
Sasha describes Kenai to Leo as a mix of himself, Raph, and Mikey. Kenai is mostly an upbeat and easygoing guy. He's firm in his training and with his friends while helping them train, but he's always in the mood to have a good time. However, when he's serious, it's truly unnerving. When he's like this, he has the chance of snapping at whoever he's around. Thankfully, this isn't at all common.
He's a major show off, be it his musical talent, fighting skill, Dancing feats, or even showing off how awesome his friends or sister are! The man feeds of the awe of others, and loves to entertain when he can.
Kenai is highly skilled in magic, being a pretty high raking Magic Keeper. Which is pretty uncommon for someone of his age with no "Proper Training".
There's only one day a year that Kenai goes completely quiet and tried to fall off the grid, and it the anniversary of the death of his first and only lover.
He was the first to teach himself how to completely hide his "Savage Strength". He called it "Savage Taming", and has passed it down to his friends, hoping to keep them from making the same mistakes he made years ago.
He hasn't seen Sasha in years, but keep regular contact with her and his grandmother through letters they send back and forth via magic.
When it comes to his duties as a Magic Keeper, Kenai sorta does them reluctantly. Like Sasha, he resents the culture of the job and how it fucked up their lives. But unlike Sasha, he's accepted this as part of him now.
He's not related to Sasha or his grandmother by blood, he was found as a fresh adult cheetah by his Grandmother and her Coalition after he had been abandoned by his original Coalition.
He's very tall and big compared to the turtles and Sasha, proudly standing at a massive 6 feet tall.
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Kenai didn't like the situation he or Sasha where put into after they were mutated, but he knew they couldn't really fight it. So, for years, before leaving to go out on his final training mission, he did his best to try and teach Sasha how to accept herself and be more confident.
He unfortunately had to leave behind and went out on his journey, where he would be training all by himself for 10 years in many different countries. While on said journey, he actually met other mutants like himself. they were lost and looked for guidance on who and what they were. Kenai taught them how to fight, and even a few mystical incantations. the Magic Elders tied to call them his disciples, as it was common practice for high raking Magic Keepers to eventually gain these fallowers and use them. But Kenai refused to see them like that! They were his friends, and they would always be that.
Eventually, after Sasha was forced to come back to Africa to complete her Magic Keeper training, Kenai made the case for himself to be her teacher. He really didn't want their grandmother trying to teach her as it clearly didn't go well originally. And maybe him and his friend could help her train much faster! Mostly so she could hurry up and get back to New York! (And be with that cute Turtle she seemed to gush over in her letters to him.)
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That's really all I have for now, I'll talk more about his other versions later on, but for now, I hope you like him!
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hand-picked-star · 1 month
The 13th Anniversary Arshi Fiesta
Moodboard : Historical AU
Whispers of the heart | Chapter 22
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DISCLAIMER: The story is set in the early 20th century. While I have made efforts to capture the essence of the era, there may be inaccuracies as this is a work of fantasy. I do not own the characters Arnav and Khushi, and this story is purely fictional with no relation to any real individuals, living or dead. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental.
WARNING: 18+, MATURE CONTENT (Trigger warning-mention of r*pe and murder)
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Chapter 22
"You know who I am, right?" Arnav asked softly to the little girl hunched down in her bed, clutching her knees to her chest. Her mother had died in the early morning, leaving 11-year-old Amelia in the hands of a complete stranger. Arnav saw the little girl bobbing her head slowly.
"This is my wife, Khushi," he said, drawing Khushi close and clutching her hand tightly. "We are going to take care of you, okay?" Arnav said, trying to sound reassuring. The girl raised her head to look at her brother."I know it's going to be very hard for you. but we are here for you, Amelia"
"Amy," she said softly. When Arnav looked at her questioningly, almost missing her remark, she added in her sweet trembling voice, "Only people call me Amelia when they're angry."
On the last Monday before they were scheduled to leave for India, Natalia passed away as her condition deteriorated considerably. Although Arnav had made arrangements for Amelia to be escorted safely to India by a friend in the event of her mother's death, but it was better that they were bringing her to India with them.
After Arnav decided to adopt Amelia and take care of her himself, he and Khushi discussed the details of bringing Amelia into their home. They decided to keep Amelia's parentage a secret from society, as growing up in a foreign society would be challenging enough for her. They didn't want to burden little Amelia even more. They would only reveal her parentage to close family members, such as the Rajputs and Anjali. Arnav did not want to lie to Anjali.
Her heart broke for the little girl as Khushi watched Arnav gently guide Amelia into their home in Delhi. Amelia's eyes were wide with a mix of fear and curiosity. The sight of Amelia's small, trembling hands clutching her frock stirred something deep within Khushi. The shadows of loss and uncertainty in Amelia's gaze mirrored the ones Khushi herself had once known all too well.
Amelia clung to Arnav's hand, her steps hesitant. Arnav's calm and reassuring voice broke through her reverie. "Khushi, why don't you show Amy her room?"
Khushi nodded, extending her hand to Amelia with a warm smile. "Come with me, Amy. Let's get you settled."
They reached the small, sunlit room Khushi had asked Gauri Ji to prepare for Amelia. "This is your room, Amy," Khushi said gently, leading the girl to the bed. "You can decorate it as you like. We'll go to the market tomorrow to buy some things, okay?"
She watched as the little girl looked around with a lost expression and nodded slowly. After a few moments, Khushi introduced Gauri Ji to Amelia. "This is Gauri Ji. She'll be with you all the time."
"Hello, Amy ji," Gauri Ji greeted Amelia awkwardly and in return, she received a forced smile from Amelia.
Together, they unpacked Amelia's few belongings. That evening, they were invited by the Rajputs for dinner. Arnav and Khushi decided to reveal the truth about Amelia that night. Khushi prayed for everything to go smoothly, but things did not turn out as hoped. As soon as Anjali learned about Amelia, she got up and locked herself in her room.
Arnav tried for several minutes to get her to open the door, but she did not respond. After much persuasion, she finally opened the door and went straight to her bed, sitting down with her back to Arnav. With a deep sigh, Arnav sat beside her.
After a long silence between the siblings, she said in a soft voice, tears evident in her tone, "How could you do that, Bhai? How could you betray Mamma like that?"
"It's not about betraying Mamma, Anjali. The girl had nothing to do with whatever happened between our parents."
"But why do you have to bring her here to remind us of that horrible incident for the rest of our lives?"
"She had no living relative except us. Imagine if Mamaji and Mahindar Chachu didn't help us when Mamma died. " Arnav said, looking down at his folded hands. "Hume sab kuch bhulake aage badhna chahiye."
"You can take care of her all you want, but please don't expect me to accept her anytime soon."
"You don't have to."
The siblings sat there silently, thinking and reflecting on their lives. "You know, I am so jealous of her right now," Anjali finally said.
"When I was young, I missed you so much. I always wished you didn't have to go to boarding school so I could have more time with you," Anjali said, lost in memory. "Now, she will have you with her all the time, time that I didn't have." She ended with a melancholy tone.
Arnav turned her around and hugged her shoulder sideways, and she rested her head on his shoulder. "You will always be my little sister, Anjali, even if I got a hundred others. I'm sorry I wasn't always there for you."
Meanwhile, Khushi took Amelia to her childhood room. Little Amelia was on the verge of crying.
"What happened, Amy?" Khushi asked, kneeling in front of Amelia as she sat on the bed. "Why are you crying?"
"I am causing problems, ain't I? Are you going to send me back?"
"Oh, sweetheart, no," Khushi tried to reassure the little girl. "We are a family now. We will take care of you always."
Khushi took a deep breath and started again. "Anjali Bhabhi didn't know about you earlier. That's why she's sad. Arnav is talking to her. Everything will be alright," she reassured Amelia, squeezing her small hand.
Then to cheer Amelia up, Khushi conjured up all of her excitement and said, "I have something for you." She opened her almirah and retrieved an old rag doll, a cherished toy her mother had made for her before she died. She lovingly caressed her childhood favourite toy. She gently handed it to Amelia, hoping the cherished toy would bring some comfort and joy to the little girl.
"This was mine when I was little," Khushi said, pointing to the rag doll. "My mother made it for me. She died when I was eight." Amelia looked at Khushi with surprise. Khushi offered her a small smile and continued, "When I got scared or felt alone, I would hug this doll, and everything felt better. I want you to have it." Little Amelia clutched the doll with her tiny fingers, hugging it tightly to her chest. She began to cry softly.
"Come with me," Khushi said softly, leading Amelia to the window. "My aunt used to say that when someone dies, they become a star....See that big, twinkling star? That's my mother, and the next one beside her is my father.... They always watch over us from above." Amelia's little face searched the sky, trying to find her own mother among the stars.
"Arnav lost his parents when he was about your age as well," Khushi added, still looking up at the sky. "I know you miss your mother very much. But, Amy, I want you to know that you're not alone. We're here for you, and we understand what you're going through." Khushi whispered, clutching Amelia's hand tightly.
Feeling a presence behind her, Khushi turned to find Arnav standing in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed with a soft expression on his face. Khushi extended her hand, inviting him to join them. He walked over and wrapped his arms around both of them from behind and the three of them watched the stars together.
As the days went on, Amelia slowly adapted to her new life. Each night, they enjoyed quiet dinners together. Khushi watched Arnav interact with Amelia, his patience and kindness evident in every gesture. In these moments of quiet connection, she realized how much they had grown and how far they had come from their painful pasts. It reminded her of her own childhood, when Arnav was her saviour, her only confidant. She came to understand that she didn't mind sharing him with Amelia at all. But seeing Arnav with Amelia ignited a new yearning in her-to see him with little versions of themselves.
Arnav's work schedule after returning home was intense. Being new to the field, he had to invest a significant amount of time and attention into his job. His expertise and reputation grew gradually with each successful case, but he was propelled into popularity as Delhi's best emerging criminal lawyer when he bagged the Singhania double murder case and won it.
Meanwhile, Khushi focused on establishing her charitable foundation, "Little Happiness," for orphaned children. She envisioned expanding it into an orphanage and school for underprivileged children, but securing resources proved challenging. Though NK and La joined as benefactors, Khushi struggled with the foundation. In addition, Khushi and Arnav began working on their new haveli. Khushi was jotting down ideas and designs, outlining everything she wanted in their home. They were actively searching for suitable land, and once they found it, they planned to start building their new home.
One day while Arnav was at the office, a lawyer named Mr. Arjun Mittal arrived with some property papers. He informed Arnav that his only uncle and his two sons had died of tuberculosis, and according to the law, the haveli had been transferred to him. Arnav was taken aback by this unexpected turn of events.
"What do you want to do now?" Khushi asked Arnav as she lay in his arms with her head resting on his chest.
"I don't know. The haveli doesn't hold much importance to me," Arnav said, lost in thought. After a moment, he added, "Khushi, how about you use the haveli for the foundation? It has seen many horrible things, and maybe these children could bring some good fortune to it." With this idea, Khushi found a new direction for expanding the foundation, allowing her to achieve her vision.
Everything was going smoothly, with each piece falling into place, until Arnav was appointed as the public prosecutor for "The Crown vs. Mohan Rajjani and 8 Others: The Tiwari Family Attack" case. Arnav initially thought little of it, viewing it merely as a high-profile case. However, as he began investigating and studying the case, all the past dirt started coming to light.
Mohan Rajjani was the accountant-slash-manager of Delhi's renowned businessman, Shyam Manohar Lala. His association with Mr. Lala complicated the case even more. The Police had been aggressively pursuing the notorious Delhi Thuggee group, which was responsible for a series of dacoity attacks in the area. As a result, Mohan Rajjani and 8 others were caught red-handed during an attack on the Tiwari household. The attack led to the deaths of 25 people, including the household staff and also included the brutal r*pe and murder of a ten-year-old girl.
By far, their modus operandi involved killing their victims through suffocation, typically using long fabric, most likely the 'gamchas' that were confiscated from each member of the group. This group remained pretty tight-lipped despite multiple tortures and interrogations by the police, very unusual for a regular dacoit gang.
It's a pretty much open-and-shut case, but the problem was with Mr. Rajjani. According to Mr. Rajjani and Mr. Lala, Mr. Pankaj Tiwari, the head of the Tiwari family, had sold Mr. Lala some of his lands and asked Mr. Rajjani to come to his house to retrieve the property papers on Mr. Lala's behalf. The same property papers that had been confiscated from the crime scene. According to Mr. Rajjani, that's why he was there and just happened to be present when the attack occurred.
"Sir, do you think Mr. Rajjani is innocent?" Rakhesh Roy, Arnav's assistant, asked him curiously.
"Umm, 98% no," Arnav replied. Then, after a pause, he added, "Why is he still alive when 25 others are dead? The remaining 2% scenario is that he's either extremely lucky or extremely persuasive." Arnav shut the file. He needed to interrogate the accused as early as possible, but before that, he needed to gather more information.
"Mr. Roy, please fetch all the files of dacoit attack cases from the last 10-12 years in Delhi," Arnav said, addressing his assistant.
"Sir, I have made notes. There are more than 15 cases. Should I fetch all of them?"
"Hmm, no, narrow it down to the cases where r*pe was involved."
When Mr. Roy returned with the files, there were only five cases he had come up with. He, alongside his assistant, began to study the cases. All of these cases involved the r*ping of a girl child ranging from 8-10 years old and then killing by suffocation. Among all the dacoity events that occurred in that area, these were also the only cases where the entire family was completely wiped out. There was a distinct pattern in the way this group operated.
"Why did they only r*pe the child instead of any adult female in the household?" Mr.Roy couldn't help but ask aloud.
"We are dealing with a very mentally sick individual with an equally sick preference," Arnav remarked in response to Mr. Roy.
Arnav wasn't quite satisfied with the development they made so far. They didn't have any solid proof, only speculations and theories. He reached for the last file, but the name on it made him stop in his tracks.
The Gupta Family Dacoity and Murder Investigation
Arnav never knew the intricate details of Khushi's parents' murder, as he was not in Delhi at that time. He only knew that the dacoit had killed her parents. As he opened the file, his hand trembled slightly, as he had a suspicion of what he might see written inside.
His whole body went numb as he saw the bloody details of the murder while reading Madumati ji's statement from 12 years ago. He snapped the file closed, his entire body trembling with rage. Hastily, he left his office, instructing his assistant to keep making notes.
Arnav only intended to take a short stroll. An incident from that morning kept replaying in his mind like a tape recorder. At the breakfast table, after the meal, Gauri had served him tea but instead of leaving, she lagged behind, clutching the tray tightly in her hands as if to say something.
"Yes, Gauri?"
"Kya aap Rajjani ji ke khilaf lad rahe hain, bhaiya?" Arnav was taken aback by her question and only nodded.
"Bohot bure admi hain, bhaiya. Aap unko zaroor saza dilwayiega," Gauri said before leaving without saying anything else.
His short stroll became long enough to lead him to the gate of the former Raizada Haveli, now marked by a signboard that read "Little Happiness Foundation."
He watched her from the corridor of her office, sitting at her desk, talking animatedly on the telephone with one of her associates. She always radiated light. It was hard to imagine the darkness of horror she had endured.
And just as she always seemed to know when he was near, her eyes met his instantly, and her whole face lit up. She stood up, coming around her desk. "What a pleasant surprise, Mr. Raizada! How can I help you?" she said smiling widely.
Arnav's hand immediately went around her waist as he pulled her closer, burying his face in her neck. His height made Khushi stand on her toes as she instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck. Khushi's two assistants, who were working on some accounts, left the room, red-faced, watching Mr. Raizada's actions.
"Is everything alright?"
"Can't I hug my wife without any reason?"
"Yes, but here? In front of everyone? What will people say?"
"People will say that Mr. Raizada loves Mrs. Raizada very much." Khushi's face softened at his words as she entangled her fingers in his hair, massaging his scalp lightly. He hugged her untill he smelt like her and then taking a deep inhale of her scent, he set her gently on her feet.
"What happened?" Khushi asked, cupping his face.
"Nothing," he said, kissing her palm. "Just a case... I have to go back to the office." He nudged her nose with his. "Thanks for the hospitality, Mrs. Raizada." He kissed her forehead before leaving her office.
Then Arnav went straight to their house. He had some business he needed to take care of.
"Yes, bhaiya?"
"I need two men who can guard Raizada Haveli as long as Khushi stays there, and then escort her back and forth. Can you arrange that?"
"Yes, bhaiya."
"How long will it take?"
"Arrange them as soon as possible. It would be better if you could have them ready by tomorrow."
"Thik hai, bhaiya."
"I'm going to my study. Ask Gauri to fetch me a cup of tea."
Hariprakash hurried inside to convey Arnav's message to his wife.
A timid knock on the door alerted Arnav to Gauri's arrival. He wanted to talk to her, actually interrogate her; the tea was just an excuse.
"Your tea, bhaiya."
"Take a seat, Gauri. I need to talk to you."
"Yeess, bhaiya," she stammered, uncertain of what her employer wanted.
"What did you mean this morning when you said Mr. Rajjani was a bad person? Did he ever do something bad... to you?"
Gauri's breathing quickened, and she started to sweat. Her hands trembled as she fidgeted in the chair.
"Gauri, trust me. Nobody will know if you don't want them to."
"Hari doesn't know... I... I didn't tell him."
"He won't know."
"My mother used to work there, and I did too when I was little."
"How old were you?"
"I was eight. We lived in the servant quarters. Rajjani ji used to come there at night. He would clamp his hand over my mouth and carry me to his study. And there he... he..." Gauri started sobbing quietly. "My mother knew. She told me not to tell anyone or no one would marry me."
Arnav's lips pressed into a hard line, suppressing his anger.
"Were there any other girls besides you?"
"Yes, bhaiya. There were two other girls working with me. Nobody said anything."
"Okay, Gauri. You can go now.....one more thing..... you should talk to Hariprakash. No relationship can stand on the basis of a lie."
Gauri nodded solemnly and left Arnav to ponder over the recent developments in the case.
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@featheredclover @arshifiesta @phuljari @chutkiandchotte @msbhagirathi @jalebi-weds-bluetooth
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stellamancer · 2 months
niku just as you predicted i would want you to write an established relationship of infinite loop. maybe with an argument. and reader is the one at fault. and maybe has to make it up to gojo. maybe.
don't perceive me posting this like months after getting the ask.
but damn sel, you really chose violence with this prompt.
okay so it's honestly hard to imagine infinite loop couple getting into serious arguments, even pre-relationship. it's really a lot of bickering (mostly from reader), but gojo is just so laid back about things… like they've only really had two real and true arguments (read: things that actually bothered gojo). but they are still friends!! maybe I should write more fics where it's more obvious…
anyway, I had an idea for this but every way I tried to pitch it in my head just didn't work: it either didn't mesh with gojo or infinite loop reader or both to the point that I was frustrated with both of them and their whole dynamic. LMAO.
so I ended up looking at old fics to see if there was something I could work with there and like. infinite loop reader is… very independent? and there have been multiple times, both seriously and in jest where gojo has told them that they can rely on him. and it's not like they make the active decision to not rely on him, it's more that they just automatically default to their own tendency to be self reliant and think that they are totally fine and don't feel overwhelmed.
which is… probably mostly true.
anyway, I think that pre-relationship gojo realizes that there's a limit to how much reader is willing to depend on him as a friend (which is way too low in his opinion). that being said, once they start dating he thinks that reader will rely on him more, but that doesn't happen. it's not like an argument per se, but more like…
“you could stand to rely on me a little more, you know,” gojo says, mouth forming a wry smile.
it’s almost impossible to miss the bitter note in his tone, dissonant amongst the otherwise light hearted sound of his voice. it makes your chest ache in a way. you hadn't meant to hurt his feelings; asking for his help had genuinely slipped your mind. “i… I know.”
you mean to apologize, but somehow the words get stuck in your throat on the way out and instead all you offer gojo is a strangled silence.
he understands though, or at least you think he does, as he leans down and presses his forehead to yours. “don't forget next time, or else I’ll have to punish you.”
you gulp, suddenly nervous to have gojo’s face so close to yours, breath warm on your face. it sounds more like he’s trying to seduce you than threaten you, but given that it’s gojo, it’s practically the same thing. “o-okay.”
gojo hums, seemingly satisfied, but he doesn’t move. your heart rate starts to pick up speed as he lingers. is he going to kiss you? is he going to demand the apology you surely owe him as a kiss? that seems like something he’d do, but he pulls away and you finally exhale.
you hadn’t realized you were holding your breath.
gojo tilts his head and grins in amusement. “disappointed?”
“...no,” you answer, but it feels like a lie.
i mean i suppose reader could have apologized then and there but I doubt that would satisfy you so… so, soon after this gojo goes on a weeklong mission in kobe, and while he's gone reader goes to kyoto to visit their father's grave for the anniversary of his death. it very briefly occurs to them to maybe mention that they’re in the area to gojo, but they ultimately decide not to because they think it'll distract him from his mission (technically true).
so they get to the grave, but when they do they find that someone else is there and to their dismay, it's their mother. i’ve never talked at length about infinite loop reader's backstory, but they do not have a good relationship with their mother (or their mother's side of the family at that). reader debates whether or not they just want to leave and come back later to avoid dealing with their mother, but before they can she notices them and comes over to them, all cheery and smiles.
reader is just like ‘well shit’ and lets their mother drag them over to the grave while she chatters about how happy she is to see reader and how glad she is that she ran into them and reader kind of tunes it out but then—
your mother glances past you, her gaze expectant before looking back at you in mild confusion. “where is the gojo boy? is he not with you?”
her question makes you nearly choke. why is she asking about him? then again it's not like your relationship is a secret and with how much of a blabbermouth gojo is you wouldn't be surprised if the whole country knew that you're dating, not just the upper echelons of jujutsu society. “he's on an assignment.”
she clicks her tongue in disappointment. “too bad. I was hoping to see him too…”
hilariously, while gojo’s blabbermouth is why their mom asked about him, it's not exactly for what they think, but that's another story for another time.
anyway, reader's mother rambles on and eventually reader is just like ‘why are you even here?’ and infinite loop mama tells them that she cared about infinite loop papa too and that she tries to visit every year but she's glad that she finally ran into reader and this whole time reader is kinda just seething but since they don't say anything infinite loop mama is none the wiser and is just like ‘shall we clean up your father's grave together?’
infinite loop reader just wants to tell her off but thinks that their father would be happy if reader and their mom got along so they're just like “okay fine” and they go off to rent a bucket from the temple near the gravesite to use to wash the grave while infinite loop mama starts taking care of the weeds around the grave.
as reader is filling the bucket with water they're thinking how much this fucking sucks because they don't want to spend the day with their mom, but they remind themselves that they're doing it for their dad because it would make him happy. once the bucket is full they start to head back to the grave and nearly run into someone and almost spill the contents of the bucket on them and as reader is about to apologize they realize that the person is none other than gojo. he makes some smartass joke but reader is just like ?????? because wasn't he supposed to be on a mission? why is he here? he’s super casual in his answers as he takes the bucket from reader and asks them to lead the way but reader doesn't move cuz they're all confused.
“why did you come?” you ask. your mother is one thing; they were married at one point, loved each other at one point, but gojo…. he only met your father once and you doubt he even remembers that.
“your old man was important to you, right?” he answers, tilting his head. “it'd be pretty rude of me to not introduce myself as your boyfriend.”
“since when have you ever cared about propriety?”
“why, i’ve—”
“don't even try to lie about it.”
gojo merely laughs. “okay, okay maybe you got me there…”
reader ends up showing gojo the way and when they get back to the grave infinite loop mama is there and she looks super happy to see gojo, happy he showed up after all. reader is surprised to see their mom actually made quick work of the weeds and starts lather up a towel to wash the grave but as soon as it's saturated with water gojo takes the towel from them and starts to wash the grave. reader protests but ofc he ignores them and so they reach for another towel and this time infinite loop mama takes it from them and says she'll do it.
from then on both gojo and infinite loop mama refuse to let reader help with anything and it's all very weird to them because it almost seems like gojo and infinite loop mama are competing to see who can do a better job of sprucing up the grave. so reader just stands there going ?????? while gojo and their mother scrub at the grave stone. the two of them might just take pot shots at one another because they are indeed trying to see who can curry more favor with infinite loop reader lmaoo.
when it's all nice and clean both gojo and infinite loop mama are puffing out their chests wanting praise and reader is just like ‘uhhhh great job.’ which prompts whining from both, wanting more specific praise and for reader to say who did better but reader tried to dodge and say they should light some incense and just as infinite loop mama is about to say something some little maid comes running up saying that it's time for infinite loop mama to come home and she's all huffy about it but tells gojo and reader that they should come visit some time before being ushered away.
reader is super relieved once she's gone and mentions that they didn't expect her to show up either. gojo wonders if maybe they both had the same idea or something (show that they are dependable figures in infinite loop reader’s life but gojo wouldn't tell them that). idk LMAO. but they light the incense and reader tells the grave that they're doing well and their dad doesn't need to worry and then gojo interjects saying it's because he's here for reader and then he actually says some heartfelt stuff about how he knows that reader is very independent and can take care of themselves but he still wants to do everything he can to support them so that he can be not only a good friend but a good boyfriend. reader is a little flabbergasted because it feels weird for gojo to be so straightforward with… anything. when he's done talking he gives reader a little wink, maybe asks if they've fallen in love again and they're just…. Idk a little embarrassed.
so after this gojo asks if reader is heading back to Tokyo right away but reader tells him they're staying overnight because they thought they were going to basically be tending to their dad’s grave all day and gojo asks where they're staying and reader is just like ‘oh I was just gonna stay in a capsule hotel' and gojo is like ‘lol no’ and drags them back to his hotel room even tho reader insists there's nothing wrong with a capsule hotel and gojo is just like ‘we can't share a bed at a capsule hotel!’
at the hotel reader and gojo end up having a little heart to heart when reader asks if he was serious about what he said and he's just like ‘ofc I was!!! why would you think I wasn't???’ and at that point reader apologizes and says that maybe they just weren't taking gojo and his feelings seriously and that even tho gojo said he wants to be a good bf they haven't been a good partner for him and they apologize again and gojo is pretty chill with it ig and is like ‘just do what you can, just meet me part way and i’ll fill the gap’
or something like that. I think I veered really far…….
but at any rate after that they make out. maybe they bang. I don't think I want them to fuck yet tho. LMAO.
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the-soulofdevil · 11 months
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Pairing: Frank Castle x reader. Tony Stark x Steve Rogers.
Theme: Dark
Genre: Marvel Horror Au
Warnings: Manipulation, gore, death mention, spooky, horror themes, mention of smut. 18+
Prompt: The Mysterious Neighbor Your neighbor's house always seemed normal until Halloween night. You notice something strange and decide to investigate.
Note: It's been a while since I participated in a challenge. Hope i could do justice to the challenge. It was an honor to participate in the lovely challenge you hosted @jtargaryen18
Anthony Howard Stark was not only your roommate but also a childhood friend. You were practically siblings at this point as both his parents were too busy for him and he spend nearly all day with you. In college you sure lost contact but after you reconciled, there was no drifting away again. You lived on your own until your landlord kicked you out. Tony insisted you live with him and his boyfriend Steve Rogers. Living with them was interesting, Steve was quite the opposite of Tony. You shared similarities with Steve more than you did with Tony. Their anniversary was coming up and hence you and Steve decided to throw a big surprise party.  Nothing better than to align the party with that of Halloween. The plan was simple, Steve will take Tony out for a long extravagant vacation while you would stay back to decorate and plan for the Halloween anniversary. It was a perfect idea. Costumes, sweets, drinks and celebration of love.
As planned three weeks prior the Halloween Steve took Tony to Paris. Tony being Tony he wanted you to join and was quite adamant until you played I feel so single with you card. You began by simple decorations. You some flowers to begin with. While you coming home your attention was captured by the neighboring villa.
You hadn’t seen anyone but the house seemed clean. You had always tried asking about the owner but Tony brushed you off. Today for some reason you felt drawn to the house. You placed a flower by the main door and left whistling away a tune you had caught not paying attention to the shadow that moved.
You began working on the flowers and other simple DIY projects. The movement outside the kitchen window though caught your attention. A guy was working in his backyard. It was strange considering you never saw anyone. Curiously you went out and called out for the person.
“Hi! Um... I never saw anyone work here.”
The guy stopped for a brief moment and turned towards you.
He smiled. “I am Frank. Frank Castle. I own this place. My timings of work are different and maybe that’s why we never ran into one another. I like working outdoors, so on my day offs I work here.” He offered another smile.
You smiled back. He looked handsome. Sweat covering his body and yet he looked mesmerizing. He had tattoos. By his built he looked like he was in army or in similar line of work.
“Do come over if you feel like. You do look like you could use a lemonade.”
Frank chuckled. “Surely. Wouldn’t decline such a sweet offer by a beautiful lady.”
Your face heater up. You offered a smile and quickly went in preparing the drink. Frank knocked at the back door soon after. He took in the interior and overall kitchen décor.
“You have an elegant taste.” He complimented.
“Oh all this is Tony. He is very good in making any place look royal and luxurious.” You said admiring your friend’s work.
“Lucky husband Mr. Tony.” Frank said with a stone cold face.
“Oh no, we’re not married. He is with Steve. They’re the couple I’m just an awkward third wheel who they adopted.” You said jokingly. You surely missed them being around.
And just like that, the smile and spark returned Frank’s eyes. He mirrored your smile. “Still lucky to have you.”
For a brief moment you looked in one another’s eyes. A shy smile hugging both your faces. It was near close to a beautiful moment when your phone rang.
“Oh this must be Steve!” you exclaimed.
You began talking to Steve missing the look on Frank’s face.
Frank was immediately enchanted by you. You were the fresh breath of air he desperately needed. A ray of sunshine he lost years ago. He wanted to have you. He wanted to have you with all the passion, desire, lust and love he had inside of him. And he was going to get you.
“You guys should enjoy and not worry about me. Our lovely neighbor is here for a drink. He’s very sweet and I’m sure you guys will like him. Now I gotta go. It’ll be rude to keep him waiting.” You hung up leaving Steve in pit full of questions as to how did the poor old bedridden Fury managed to come in for a drink.
“They worry about me. Steve and Tony. It’s after a long time I’m going to be living alone without them for 3 weeks. They’ll be back on Halloween.” You rambled.
“Oh good. We have plenty time to get to know each other.” Frank smiled.
The following days were spent decorating and talking to various bakers and restaurants who would be available for catering. You insisted Frank to join you in the taste tour but he declined every time. He was reserved and denied meeting anyone other than you, you figured. If you were not decorating you were spending time with him at either your place or his. Eventually you began spending nights in each other’s arms.
Frank whispered sweet nothings in your ears as he made love to you. At a point you thought it was too early to be doing this, but then, Steve had always said love hugs us out of nowhere and it the most comforting thing. So may be this was it.
Maria hill was a nurse appointed for Mr. Fury. She would at times come at your place for a quick chit chat and even had an extra key of your place. And like every time, Maria used her key, except this time she wasn’t greeted by your bubbly self. She called out your name.
You were upstairs kissing Frank when you heard Maria. As usual Frank quieted down.  You grabbed his shirt and went down to greet her.
As soon as you arrived Maria’s smile faded. She gave you a weird look and was about to ask you something but your usual self, distracted her.
“You are invited to Halloween Anniversary party!” by now you knew Frank got uncomfortable when you told about him to people. It seemed little unfair but you knew what he might feel. You yourself were shy person until you met Tony. Because of him you opened up a little and eventually you were more open to meeting new people. You hoped you could be same for Frank.
Maria had never seen you this happy before. Sure you were happy, but this time you were content. She ignored everything and you both engaged in conversation as usual. She left leaving you alone with Frank.
“When should we tell them?” you asked pulling him close.
“Anniversary night? Sounds good?” He smiled, kissing you.
You smiled back.
Halloween day
Tony and Steve were to arrive in the evening you were busy with last minute preparations. At this moment you were not thinking about Frank. You were excited to meet and celebrate with Tony and Steve. You had called everyone around 6 PM so you still had half an hour before the guests arrived. And Tony and Steve’s flight was late so they were to arrive by 6:30 PM. For the last time you were checking if everything was in the place and your eye caught Frank’s house. All the lights were out. You remembered him telling he didn’t like decorating his house for Halloween but just because you had carved a pumpkin he decided to keep it on his window. That pumpkin was missing too.
You tried calling him but the no response. In fact the lady said the number you’re calling is switched off. You were worried and hence you decided to go look for him.
To your surprise the front door was locked and so was his back door. Million thoughts ran in your head. But you remembered him showing you the secret passage to his house that opened in the backyard. You went in through the passage. It was dusty and filled with cobweb. As Frank had told you the passage opened in his basement. Although scared you found a way upstairs. You didn’t expect what you saw.
The inside looked like no one lived there for over a decade. No cute sofa covers, no decorative no nothing you witnessed with Frank. The walls had mold, furniture was broken and there was a peculiar sting. Nothing you remembered was there. It was like you hallucinated the three weeks. You were shivering and sweating at the same time. Your eyes watered and lips quivered. Suddenly the basement door behind you closed making you jump in fear.
A part of you wanted to run. A part of you wanted to find answers. You choose the latter. You roamed around the house looking for some sense of familiarity. Looking for answers. The sting grew stronger now. You opened the door only to be greeted by horror.
On the bed lay Frank. Half decomposed wearing the shirt he often wore claiming to be his favorite one.
Your screamed was silenced by the sight before you.
Your feet somehow dragged you back but you tripped and fell down the stairs losing your conscious. You woke up to greeted by the darkness. Your first instinct was to grab the phone and call for help. Your blurred vision was strong enough to let you know your phone had died. With a thumping headache you tried to get up on your wobbly legs. When the memory came back to you, you made a run for the door. You ran out from the main door towards the gate only to re-enter from the backyard. Your head was still woozy you thought. So you ran in the house, again to the main door from there to the gate. Once more you ended up coming to the backdoor.
You began crying. But you decided not to give up. You went up to the backyard wall you shared with your house and tried climbing up the wall. Jumping on your side of the yard you still ended up being in Frank’s yard. You did it again and again and again until you gave up and cried in frustration.
You were trapped.
“I know the feeling.” Came Frank’s voice.
You looked up at him. He was standing before you in flesh and bones. Although his face was mutilated. Like his head was shot with a gun.
He came close to you, giving you a hand to get up. You flinched moving away from him.
“Please just let me go. I won’t tell anyone. I promise.” you begged.
He only chuckled.
“Can’t do anything munchkin.” He called you by your pet name. “This...” he gestured around. “Is not me.”
Frank began walking back into the house. “You can stay there all night running in the circles or you can see your friends for the last time.” He said as he walked off.
You were confused now more than ever. You followed Frank. “What do you mean?” you asked angrily. “Answer me!” you demanded when he didn’t give an answer. “What did you…” your eyes fell where Frank was standing.
Your body was been taken away by paramedics. While Steve and Tony hugged each other and cried. You looked outside there was ambulance, police and all your friends who were supposed to attend the party. Tears filled your eyes. You tried hugging both your friends for one last time but all they could do was shiver. Steve held Tony in his arms and walked away. You walked with them till the gate. Where you heard the cops tell them the death was due to falling down the stairs and impact on your head. You cried harder knowing no one will hear you. You tried following Steve and Tony but they moved ahead leaving you entering the backyard again.
Your legs gave up. You hugged yourself and cried, Frank being the only one to hear you and comfort you. As much as it broke him to see you like this, he was happy he wasn’t going to be alone. He had you. And eventually you would accept your fate just like he did.
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booklove22 · 1 year
Nace Mutual Pining Wishlist
I’ve been thinking a lot about the next few episodes and how we’re going to have to deal with the people-who-shall-not-be-named plotline soon. And as much as I don’t want to see it and wish we weren’t wasting our LAST SEASON on this rude interruption to the Nace endgame, I do think the potential for ongoing romantic angst for Nace is actually really high and COULD be really rewarding if done right.
After the season 3 finale, I wrote about the angst I wanted to see and a lot of it still applies now. I’m rehashing some of that post here, but also adding in a few more things and refining others because of what we’ve seen in the first 3 episodes.
Before we get to that though – I need to explain my headspace and why I think we could actually get a lot out of high-quality Nace content out of these eps despite the other love interests.
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It all rests on their last exchange and Nancy saying  “I can’t go back” while Ace says “I can’t go forward” – which highlights one very important thing: they are in a different place than they were before the curse. Ace thinking they could go back to being friends and “manage” by shoving the feelings back down because they did it before just isn’t realistic. That only worked before because they both thought their feelings were one-sided. They didn’t have post-curse honeymoon plans; and confessions of years-long feelings; and jealousy admissions; and the most epic of first kisses between them when they were shoving those feelings down. So, I mean, no offense Ace – I see what you’re trying to do here, but to quote another TV show “you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube.”
Which leads me to the belief/hope that what we are about to witness (the ick-factor of other love interests aside) could actually be a level of mutual pining like we’ve never seen before. Keep in mind this is purely a wish list on my part, but these are the things I’d love to see while we wait for the Nace pendulum to swing back in the right direction.
Mutual Pining Wishlist
The entire Drew Crew, but mainly Nancy and Ace, all dressed up for some event and having one of those silent "god he/she looks amazing"     longing moments with their eyes.
A dance at this same event. THEY DESERVE A DANCE. Like where they didn’t intend to  dance together but like somehow they awkwardly get pushed together and its just pure tension and awkwardness at first but bleeds into something comfortable and sweet
A  "stuck somewhere together/in trouble together alone" episode to     really ratchet up the tension to peak levels. Bonus points if they are tied or cuffed together. Jesus. But I’ll take anything where its literally just the two of them against the evil of the week.
Someone on Twitter mentioned this ages ago so I can't take credit but... Ace going "absolutely feral" on someone who tries to hurt Nancy. Honestly, now that the image is in my head, I can't shake it. Like he didn’t give up being with the love of his life just to lose her through some other means, you know? I want to see him scared. Then I want to see him absolutely FURIOUS AND VIOLENT.
I already mentioned Ace stitching Nancy up in another post but revisiting that here. The idea being that Nancy gets hurt or has to use her blood in a ritual and Ace uses his newly learned suturing skills to stitch her up.  Think about how close they’d have to be. How he’d apologize if he was hurting her because “the people I do this on aren’t usually alive”…like a tension filled mirror image of the Sigil painting scene.
Nancy openly proud of Ace’s new job/expertise. Like I just feel like he would really want that praise from her. Even knowing that she never thought he was “lacking” (and I mean REALLY knowing that now), I still feel like he  still has baggage about his own self worth.
Ace being the one to be there for Nancy on the anniversary of Kate’s death. Alternatively, maybe Ace’s mom dies (is that heart problem going to come back around???) and Nancy being there for him as the only other person in  their friend group to know what its like to lose a mother. It would be SUCH an amazing bonding moment for them and really showcase how, curse aside, they are each other’s person no matter what the circumstance.
I don’t  know, but I really need some sort of high school flashback now. It feels out of reach honestly. Or maybe a case takes them to Keane High at one point and the tension of knowing that’s where Ace first had feelings for her…like…cmon. GIVE IT TO ME.
And I mean….what would mutual pining be without a sharing  a bed trope? Do I think they’ll go THAT far? No. But honestly, ever since Kennedy posted her “Season 4 emoji hints” tweet and it included a tent emoji…I’ve had an absurd amount of thoughts about the two of them somehow ending up in a sharing a tent situation. Maybe very survival driven. And it’s cold in Maine, you know, so maybe they also need to share a sleeping bag for body warmth. I’m probably way off but like…a girl can dream.
Please add more. I literally can’t stop thinking about Nace and I need the distraction of all the potential pining. Like I think we know there will be jealousy, but pining is where its really at...
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jonghyuns-husband · 2 years
(CW // Dec 18th, suicide, victims of harassment, violence, mental health talk)
Since I want to spread this hashtag more, I would like to talk about the Shawols that I lost over the years and bring their voices up.
Clem was a friend I met on Wattpad back in 2015 when I was 11 and she was 14. She was one of the closest and the first online friend I’ve ever had. She loved to make SHINee stories for fun and she also helped me to write better. She was an amazing writer who took great passion for her work as well as her being a big advocate for the LGBTQ+ community according to her sister who came out as lesbian a year before we met.
Unfortunately, Clem was bullied at her college and her workplace, including on her online accounts. This would occur about 1-2 month after the death has been announced. On the 15th of December 2018, 3 days after Jonghyun’s first anniversary, she couldn’t take it anymore and took her own life. She was 17.
Sam was a girl in the secondary school who was 2 years older than me. I remembered talking to her once and that was it. She also really loved Jonghyun and Onew and was a BIG fan of the group.
One day, she stopped coming to class. There was a rumour going around saying that Sam took her own life after being hate bombed for posting about Jonghyun positively to cope with the pain. The last time she was in class, a guy mentioned his passing without warning which triggered the girl to stand up and leave. Ever since then, she was never seen again. The guy thought that it was his fault, but it turned out that she was going through a lot recently and couldn’t take it anymore. If it was true, then she died on the 9th of January 2018 aged 16 years old.
Ayami was a close friend of mine since Year 1. Interesting fact, she was actually born in Japan and then came to the UK when she was only 4. That summer, she enrolled in my school where we met on the first day. She didn’t speak much English, but luckily I knew a bit of Japanese so we were able to have a connection together. She was a sweet girl that would look out of anyone who looked like that needed help. She even loved to cook and wanted to start her own sweet shop one day where she would make sweet treats such as cakes, cupcakes, brownies, cookies, etc. Fun fact, my blog @yutassweetshop is actually based on her childhood dream and yes NCT bias was also Yuta! It’s a sweet (no pun intended) tribute to the one I called noona, and yes I’ll never stop calling her that until the day I die. Never mind, she’ll still be my noona anyways.
Although yes she had been harassed around his passing when we went to school together, there were other stuff in her life that really pulled the trigger on her head. I could make a separate post talking about Ayami and what she had went through so you would know, but to keep it simple, her father did some horrible things to her as a kid that when she found out, she took her own life out of fear. She was 14.
The reason why I mentioned her was the fact that Jonghyun’s passing was one of the chain of events she had to go through in her life, and you never truly know what someone has gone through already. Even though she didn’t die over it, that still doesn’t make it ok regardless. It’s still an awful thing to do to someone who is grieving by acting like they are complete strangers and treating them like they had never once seen the man before.
Those 3 girls didn’t took their lives because they were obsessive fans, they died because they were HARASSED to suicide. I know a friend’s friend who was also a blinger that took her own life and her family thought it was because she was sad over the passing of Jonghyun. That wasn’t what happened. She was beaten up at school and was told to kill herself ever since she came back from the Christmas holidays. She ended up doing so in her room and she was so close to celebrating her 16th birthday. It was the same as Jonghyun’s. She took her own life 2 days before at age 15.
There were some people in my cousins’ lives that killed themselves too, but I don’t know them very much, but all of them will be missed. Any Shawols that I’ve missed, please leave their names below and tell me one thing you loved about them. You can even talk about their favourite song or albums.
This tormenting K-Pop fans thing needs to stop. I don’t care if you think teenage girls screaming about their BTS biases are cringe, this needs to end. It’s not funny anymore and it’s claiming lives. I could of lost my friend that I met last year just because of the dumb messages of them saying that he was disrespecting a “deadman.” It just seems so tone deaf that really, they’re actually doing the disrespecting and not him.
This is already a difficult month for all of us and I just beg, PLEASE DO NOT HARASS ANY SHAWOLS. Not just in this month where it’s his anniversary, but WHOLE FUCKING YEAR. Please treat us like human beings and stop making us change for someone who barely even knows about the guy until the news broke and now you want to be the fucking hero when you’re not.
Why don’t you do all of us a favour and just fuck off. I’m sure most of us would want that now. This is why some Shawols like me haven’t yet stopped grieving because of how badly people treated us over the years. It has been 5 years, instead of telling us to “let him rest in peace”, how about you let us “grief in peace.”
It’s like what they say, “don’t give his family condolences if you aren’t going to respect his fans.”
Never mind, I did.
Rest in peace to Clem, Sam, Ayami and everyone else who took their lives due to these kinds of people either in real life or online. Rest in peace to the main guy himself, Kim Jonghyun. Thank you so much for taking care of those lost souls for us. Trust me, this was never your fault. Don’t ever blame yourself for any of this. Disgusting pricks like them (the people who harasses Shawols) has always existed since the beginning of time.
Please don’t cry because of the Shawols that went your route but be happy since you made their dreams come true. 
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your-next-daydream · 2 years
hellooo, may i please request an obey me leviathan fic where he attempts to comfort an mc that's mourning the death of their younger brother? ^^;
i apologize if you're not comfortable w/ this T_T ; feel free 2 delete it if u arent!
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Nope, I am completely comfortable doing this! Though please forgive me if I can't get the mourning part spot on. I have a hard time with emoting properly so I'll do my best. And once again I'm still not that far in the game so if there's something I got wrong please let me know and I'll correct it. One more thing you didn't clarify how the brother died so I just made something up- and I also didn't want to use the anniversary death troupe so I just made something up.
Content warning: sibling death, car accident, survivor's guilt
Leviathan always wondered why you got so sad when a younger brother was ever mentioned. He always thought you looked like you were missing something he just couldn't figure out what it was. For example whenever Luke was around you'd look at him as a friend but Levi always thought you looked like an older sibling to him. When he brought it up to you as an anime troupe you looked at him and laughed but it didn't reach your eyes. I mean was there something you weren't telling him? He's your boyfriend you know you can trust him right?
He'd been walking back to his room his nose in a new manga he was absolutely engrossed in. "I'll have to ask MC to come over later and re-read it with me, they'll like this one!" He was about to open is door but he heard crying within his own room. He slowly pushed open the door and there you were in his bathtub holding your knees to your chest. He was taken a back for a moment before coming in closing his door dropping the manga on his desk before stepping over to the edge of the tub. "M-M/C? Are you okay?" He said in a whisper watching as you looked up at him with wide eyes at being caught. Reaching out his arms he allowed you to make the choice of if you wanted him around.
You grabbed his hand pulling him in the tub with you curling into his side. "when'd ya get here?" You muttered in between hiccups. "I didn't mean to disrupt anything I'm sorry..." You trailed off into a babbling mess about how you were sorry and didn't mean it.
He tilted his head before taking one of his hands and shakily wiping the tears from your face. "y-you're fine there's no need to apologize. Can you breath for a bit and then tell me what happened?" He watched you nod your head and he pulled your face into his chest. It nearly broke his heart when you gripped on to the t-shirt he was wearing as if he'd leave you.
It took you a while to calm down before finally grabbing the courage to speak about your problem. "Today Luke called me his older sibling and I am really glad about that, but he reminds me quite a lot of my actual little brother." You paused stifling another sob before continuing. "And my little brother died in a car accident...that was my fault." You couldn't stifle your cries this time latching on to Levi once again.
He widened his eyes not even aware of this. "M/C it's not your fault! All things happen for a reason as horrible as they can be." He pulled you away looking you in the eyes. "I don't care what your head or anyone else tells you it isn't your fault." He said with a passion trying his best to make you feel better.
You looked at him and let out a broken chuckle. "I can always rely on you to be here for me. I love you so very dearly." You pecked him on the lips watching the pink form on his cheeks wrapping your arms back around his middle. "It kinda was my fault though if I hadn't distracted dad by talking he would have seen the car coming towards us. Then he'd still be here."
It sounded muffled from where you had your face squished against him but he understood most of it. "that is nothing to blame yourself for. What do you call it? Survivors guilt I think is what you have. You simply speaking doesn't give you a reason to blame yourself for a life you didn't take." He was trying is best to convince you but to be fair he didn't know how long you'd been carrying this for.
Nodding your head you sniffled before looking up at him. "Thank you for being here for me Levi, though I am sorry about ruining your shirt." You let out a broken chuckle wiping your eyes.
Looking down he also let out a small snicker. "No no it's fine I'd do anything to make you smile and laugh again. My shirt was simply a necessary plot point I suppose." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"well either way I'm still thankful for you." Leaning up you pressed a kiss against his cheek smiling at him. "You help me so much wether you are aware of it or not."
Pink burst across his cheeks his normal embarrassed personality finally rearing it's adorable head. "W-well it's whatever y-you need you'll always have your l-lord of the shadows or whatever." He looked away a pout on his face.
Reaching a hand up you pulled his face towards yourself. "Of course and you'll always have your Henry by your side."
I am so terribly sorry with how late this is! I have had like no motivation lately so that is completely my fault. I hope this finds you well and is up to your standards.
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myfictionalbtch · 2 years
Her memory
Bucky Barnes x female reader
summary - Telling one of your closest friends you killed her mother almost 2 decades ago seems to be harder than it sounds. Bucky could talk about it.
warnings - mention of murder, sadness, a bit fluffy
Word count - 1,2k
a/n - hello, this one is quickly written, but I hope you enjoy it.
“I just don’t understand it, I guess I’m just too old,” Bucky grumbled as he shifted on the other side of her couch, glaring at the tv.
“Oh come on, you just weren’t watching,” she bumped her foot against his bicep in warning, and he settled down.
She watched for a few minutes before he grumbled. Again. She got annoyed.
“Bucky c’mon, just try for me please, this was my mom’s favorite movie, I just want to do something she liked,” she begged sadly, making him stop in his tracks. Frozen, he unglued his eyes from the tv.
“Why today?” He knew.
“Oh, it’s the anniversary of her death, I just wanted to remember her with something nice,” (y/n) shrugged like it was nothing. He knew she sometimes had problems with showing her emotions.
“She was killed when she was working, an accident they said, but what kind of an accident is being covered by the government, I don’t know,” she smiled sadly. The weight of the notebook in his pocket was a million times multiplied as the words of truth sat on the tip of his tongue.
“I just wish they would at least tell me, I mean, how big of a deal is the death of a cashier to the government,” too focused on the frustration written on her face, he didn’t even register the words that escaped his mouth.
“She wasn’t a cashier,”
He knew he fucked up. The moment the last letter left his tongue, he knew he lost her. His closest friend, the only person he had in this, for him, absolutely foreign world.
“What do you mean Buck?” She asked.
“I-” he stuttered. He couldn’t possibly tell her He killed her mother because she was working for the SHIELD and was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
“James,” she threatened.
“I haven’t told you something important about my past,” he started. The notebook burned his skin through the thin material of his sweatpants. He took it out and handed it to her shakily.
“What is this Buck,” she asked confused.
“There is a page marked, open and read.”
“List of amends? Buck why would I care about people you wronged…” she stopped talking.
“Why is my name written in here bucky?” The desperation in her voice made his heart ache.
“I- I just want you to listen, and listen carefully. I know that after what I tell you you might never want to talk to me again, but I need you to listen to me until I finish talking,” he pleaded. She wordlessly nodded, not knowing what to expect.
So he started. He told her everything. Like the fact that he was truly old, and the jokes weren’t actually jokes, what HYDRA did to him, he showed her his arm for the first time. He told her about the mission from 15 years ago. How he was tasked to intercept an ongoing S.H.I.E.L.D. investigation that had come too close to ruining hydra, and how he had to destroy evidence and kill anyone who could say even a word of it.
He told her how he almost didn’t find her mother, she was hiding in one of the cabinets, but her heart beat too loudly, and he tracked her down.
At the end of his rant, tears were streaming down his cheeks, and he was desperate to hold it together, not to break down and beg her not to walk out of his life. He was selfish, but he couldn’t do it without her. It was as if she gave his life a new meaning after he was pardoned. As if he was whole again, after so many years of suffering.
She was quiet, her eyes wide with fear, horror, and sadness.
“Please,” he croaked out. “Please say something,”
“How were you planning to make amends with me? We’ve been friends for 8 months,” she mumbled, sniffling slightly. He chuckled humorlessly.
“Honestly, I have no idea. Before you, I didn’t take the list very seriously, most of the people on there were corrupted people who wronged hydra and I was sent to punish them by doing something worse than killing them,” Bucky shrugged. “But then, you came along. And for the first time, since I started therapy, the list became important to me. Maybe it was because I got the corrupted people done quickly, and left people like you, good people, to deal with later.” He looked at the notebook in her hands.
“I’m almost done, you know?” He chuckled. “There are 3 people left, If I’m not counting you,” he sighed sadly.
She looked at him for a while, studying him with her gaze. He should’ve felt tense, but right there and then, he didn’t. That’s where he felt the safest, the most himself. Under her gaze, in the confines of her cozy apartment.
“Do you remember everything from that day?” She peeped out, voice rough from the strain she put on herself not to break down. He nodded. It was his curse, all the memory wiping, and the only thing he could vividly remember were the faces. The horrified faces of people he murdered in cold blood.
The two of them sat in silence. Looking at each other from time to time, coming to terms with and realizing what had just happened.
“And he is gone. Completely? The winter soldier I mean,” She questioned curiously. Bucky nodded in reply.
“Yes, totally gone, nothing can trigger me, the words they used as a trigger are wiped, I spent some time in Wakanda because of it,” he explained. He saw her visibly relax.
“I’m sorry,” she murmured. He almost jumped back.
“Why the hell are you apologizing?” He furrowed his brows.
“Because it’s unfair, I should be angry or horrified, or sad, or whatever, but I’m not, because what you have gone through is horrible, and terrifying, and I could never be angry with you because It’s you we are talking about,” she breathed out.
“Which sounds really weird when I think about it because, Bucky, you killed my mother, but at the same time it wasn’t you, and I’m rambling, and I- I just don’t know what to do,” she threw her hands in the air.
Bucky thought about it for a while.
“Would you want some space between us, like not seeing each other for a while?” She shrugged.
“I don’t know, I just- I need some time to think,”
“I’ll go then, call me when you are ready,” Bucky smiled sadly. She got to know him well enough over the past few months that they’d been friends to know, he was in agony.
She caught his hand as he went to stand up from the couch.
“I want you to know I don’t hate you, and that it was not your fault. I’m not angry, I just need some time to process. So please,” she pleaded. “Please don’t beat yourself up about this, I’m thankful you told me, it brought me the peace I haven’t known in over a decade,”
He nodded wordlessly, feeling just a little better about the situation.
“I might need some time so, please, give it to me, and when I’m ready, I’ll be back with you,” she squeezed his hand.
“I promise,”
He left her apartment with a small smile. He hadn’t lost her. And even if she needed some space right now, he was soothed by the fact that she would be back in his arms.
if anyone by any chance likes to read Harry Styles fanfictions, I have a separate blog, so go check it out. I made this one so I wouldn't mix fandoms when I feel like writing for someone else other than Harry.
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spidey-stark · 3 years
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary - Reader and Peter are having a sleepover and when he wakes her up from a nightmare their true feelings start to come out. 
Warnings - Mentions of blood 
Word Count - 2,178
Authors Note - The amount of Peter Parker content I have saved in my drafts is unreal and yet I’m still not tired of writing for him yet. If you have any requests please send them my way! For Peter or for other characters! :) Hope you enjoy! 
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Sleepovers weren’t exactly an uncommon thing for them. 
After all, they had been best friends for years now. Where one went the other was always following close behind, one right after the other. But in the past the sleepovers had always been more of a fun thing, a planned movie marathon filled with junk food and Star Wars. Or sometimes they were just happy accidents, one of them happening to fall asleep on the others bed and neither wanting to leave the comfort of the sheets wrapped around their bodies. They weren’t like that anymore though. They were almost a necessity now--both of them knowing that neither would be capable of sleeping without the other nearby. 
When Peter became Spider-Man they both thought that it was this amazing thing; who wouldn’t love being or knowing a real life superhero? As time continued to pass they began to realize all of the baggage that came with him putting on that mask. All of the trauma. All of the loss. 
Peter had been through so much. Nights spent bleeding out on your bed and wondering if he would heal before he bled out. Memories of falling off of buildings or being injured by whoever(or whatever) he was fighting. And then there was the guilt. The overwhelming soul crushing guilt. 
He would never get used to watching his best friend suffer due to his new secret identity, constantly shoving you in harms way no matter how hard he tried to avoid it. The countless encounters with death as you found yourself stumbling right in the middle of danger, each time making him feel like he was getting closer and closer to losing you. 
And even with all of that aside, there was also the guilt that came from knowing all that you had lost from knowing him. 
Tonight was one of the nights where that guilt weighed heavily on him. 
It was the 6 month anniversary of your mother’s death, a casualty during one of Spider-Man’s fights. A death that he knew he would never be able to forgive himself for failing to prevent, even if it wasn’t truly his fault. 
“You’ve gotta be more careful.” You spoke lightly, eyes focused in on the cut on Peter’s abdomen, dabbing a cloth against it to try to clean up some of the blood. “Otherwise I’m gonna be really pissed when you stain my new comforter.” 
Peter winced at the pressure being applied to the tender skin. “Don’t worry, next time I’m stopping a carjacker I’ll be sure to avoid getting stabbed only for the sake of your comforter.” 
"That’s very thoughtful.” You teased, placing the cloth on the bedside table and pulling open the drawer to reveal the numerous first aid items you kept on hand for Peter’s late night trips to your room. 
He sat in silence as she unwrapped one of the several large bandages, placing it over the wound and carefully smoothing it out as best you could without hurting him. His eyes stayed glued to you as you stood up, collecting the trash from the bandages and grabbing the bloody cloth, walking to the other side of your room to throw everything away and get rid of any evidence that you were Spider-Man’s personal nurse. 
“How are you holding up?” He had debated on whether or not he should even ask the question, but it fell out of his mouth before he could even decide if it was a good thing to ask. 
You hadn’t spoke much of your mothers death since it had happened. At first you were a mess, as expected, but after a couple of weeks you just stopped. Stopped crying. Stopped hiding away in your room. Stopped talking. And it was impossible for Peter to fight the thought creeping around in the back of his head that maybe you were avoiding it because you didn’t want him to feel bad--or responsible--for causing the pain that you were in. 
You turned to face him, offering a small smile. “I’m okay, Pete. Honest.” 
He cocked an eyebrow at you, making it clear that he still didn’t quite believe the claims. “You sure?” 
Nodding in response, not saying a single word, you walked back over to the bed and pulled the covers back, quickly sinking into them. 
“Alright-” Peter raised his hands up in defeat, “Just remember I’m here for you. Always.” 
“Thank you.” 
“That’s what best friends are for.” 
You lifted the blankets on the other side of the bed, patting at the mattress. “Now come lay down. It’s like, one am, and I don’t know about you but I am exhausted.” 
Peter didn’t bother speaking another word, knowing that even if he had the perfect thing to say it wasn’t going to make you feel any better right now and it wouldn’t make you open up to him. So instead he carefully crawled towards the top of the bed and slid underneath the blankets beside her. 
He felt like he had just barely been asleep when he was already being woken up by a strange gasping sound. Leaning up slightly in the bed, propping himself up on his elbows, he turned to glance at Y/N through squinted eyes. The sight was enough to make his heart break instantly. 
You were practically curled into a ball, your arms tightly wrapped around your body and your face stained with tears. As far as Peter could tell you were still asleep, and clearly you were still suffering from a bad dream. 
This was why the sleepovers had become such a necessity for the both of you. It seemed one of you was constantly taking turns taking care of the other as they woke up in another fit of terror, plagued by all of the traumatic things that had happened to you lately. 
Peter bit down on his lower lip, trying his best to fight back that wave of guilt that began to build up in his chest. He shoved the thoughts back as best he could, scooting a little closer to you and pulling your body into his arms, bringing one of his hands up to gently brush your hair out of your face. “It’s ok,” he whispered against your ear, trying to quietly wake you from whatever nightmare you were stuck in, “I’m right here, okay? I’m here, Y/N. You’re safe.” 
He continued to reassure you, his lips lightly brushing against you as he spoke, until eventually he felt your body begin to relax as you started to wake up. 
“What was it this time?” 
You were barely fully conscious, your hands quickly reaching to grab Peter’s arm as it was stroking your hair, bringing it to your waist and practically forcing him to hold onto you a little tighter. “Hey,” Pete spoke again, a comforting smile on his face as he squeezed you, “you’re safe. You know I’m not gonna let anything hurt you, Y/N.” 
“I know.” 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” 
That was the usual routine when this happened. You would usually both stay up talking about what had happened in the dream, the other one trying to find ways to ease the fear that it had caused until eventually the conversation would shift to something else entirely, putting them both at ease until you’d fall back asleep in each others arms. 
“You died.” 
The words fell out of your mouth so quick and so blunt that it caught him off guard. 
“Oh, cool.” He joked. “Nice to know that you’re killing me in your mind.” 
“I had to watch you die, Pete.” Y/N stated, clearly not in the mood to begin joking about it just yet. “It was terrible. You got hurt--like really hurt--and I couldn’t do anything to help you. I couldn’t save you. I just had to sit there and watch you die. And then that was it. I was just left there. All alone.” 
Dreams like that weren’t exactly unfamiliar to Peter. Actually, the majority of his nightmares revolved around not being able to save you. Watching you bleed out in his arms from a fight gone wrong or even dreams of you plummeting to your death, him being just a few seconds too slow. But this was the first time that you had ever talked about having a dream about him dying. 
And he knew why. 
You weren’t left with much after your mom died, a few friendships that just barely survived the stress of losing a parent and a father that you didn’t really have a relationship with. The only meaningful connection you had left was Peter, and he didn’t doubt that the six month anniversary of losing her was at least partially the cause for this dream of losing what little support you had left. 
“Well you can’t get rid of me that easy, Y/N.” Peter reassured her. 
You shook your head at his words, suddenly sitting up and lightly pushing his arm off your waist. “Really? Cause last I checked I was just patching you up from a stab wound a couple of hours ago.” 
It was hard to have much of a response to the statement, both of them knowing that you had made a good point even if it was a little bit unfair. Being Spider-Man came with its perk, but neither could deny the very, very obvious downsides. Both of you were always picking up the pieces of what him being Spider-Man had destroyed, and he couldn’t blame her for thinking it was just a matter of time until he jumped out of her window and didn’t come back. 
“You know that I’ll always do my best to come back to you. I’m not going to leave you alone.” 
“What if that’s not your choice Peter?” When you turned your head to face him it suddenly felt like a hole had been punched in his chest, seeing the tears that were welling up in your eyes. “I don’t know what the hell I would do if something happened to you. I’ve already lost so much. So much. And I really don’t think that I can survive losing you too! I just don’t want to have to keep worrying about whether or not you’re gonna be alive at the end of the day.” 
“I know.” He placed a hand on your back, rubbing small circles in an attempt to provide some comfort as the tears began streaming down your face. “But I can’t just stop. He means too much to people. Those people out there need Spider-Man.” 
“And I need Peter Parker.” 
As soon as the words left your lips you immediately felt guilty, knowing that you were putting him in an impossible position right now. Because as much as you hated to admit it, Peter was right. People needed Spider-Man. 
“I know that Spider-Man is a part of you that I can’t just erase, ok? I know that. But I hate watching you put on that suit everyday and throwing yourself right into danger every time you go. And I get it. I promise you that I get it! People need Spider-Man and they love him-” you hesitated for a moment, struggling to decide whether or not to continue, “but all I can think about anymore is that no matter how much I love Spider-Man I will always love Peter Parker more. And I can’t lose him.” 
You and Peter had exchanged those words before, several times actually, but only ever as friends. But right now you could both feel that they had finally grown into something different, something bigger. 
Peter adjusted himself so that he was sitting right beside you now, his hand coming up to rest on your cheek and force you to look at him. He knew that once again there was nothing that he could say that would ease any of your worries, nothing that would take away the risks that came with who he was and absolutely nothing that would assure assure you that he would always be by your side. But, the one that he knew for certain was that he was here right now. In front of the girl he had been stupidly in love with for longer than he could even remember. And he wasn’t planning on wasting another moment with you. 
You barely even had time to process what was happening before his lips came crashing down onto yours--urgent, like he had been waiting years for this very moment and couldn’t wait a second longer--but at the same time incredibly gentle. He kissed you in a way that felt like his life depended on it, his hands venturing along your back and grasping at the fabric of your shirt as though he would lose you if he didn’t hold on tight enough. 
When you finally broke away to take a breath he rested his forehead against yours. 
“I love you too.” 
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lotus-flowerz · 3 years
hello hello I love your writings so far sobs I couldn't help but do an ask myself aa (it's my first ask ever help hwkajd) could I request perhaps gn reader that flinched away from the boys by reflex? (preferably with Diluc, Kaeya and Kazuha but you can add or remove someone if you want to!) like they were hanging out and reader was lost in thoughts and suddenly when they see in the corner of their eyes how the boys raise their arm for smth reader quickly raises their arms above their own head to protect it- how would they react and how would they comfort the reader? I hope it's not too much or if you're uncomfortable with it you can ignore it if you want to whaaaa
AHHH TY IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE MY WRITING! i actually do this too, some of my old friends would make fun of me for it, so i hope that my writing here is accurate >.<
i also added beidou in here, hope you don't mind, i just had to since she's my favorite character <3
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The cherry blossoms fell silently from the trees under which you and Kazuha were sitting. Those had remained unchanged since you and Kazuha were children. The beauty of the pink blossoms falling towards the green earth without a care.
It had remained the same through the vision hunt decree, through the war, through watching Tomo get killed by the shogun, through both of you getting injured during said fight. Kazuha's hand was burnt from Tomo's vision, and your body had a large scar running from your knee to the side of your neck from a stray bolt of lighting from Tomo's divine punishment. If not for Kazuha's determination to not lose another friend and Beidou and her crew caring for you, you would be dead.
These days, although you and Kazuha both carried the same trauma, he seemed to be doing leaps and bounds better than you were. Your eyes flitted to Kazuha, who was writing poetry. The only sound that could be heard was his pen gliding across the paper, filling it with his eloquent words that always seemed to flow so smoothly.
You were deep in thought, when out of the corner of your eye you spotted something coming towards your face. Instinctively, your hands flew out to shield yourself, leaving a very confused Kazuha, who was only scratching his head, looking at you with concern in his eyes.
"Dove.. did you think I was going to hurt you?"
You slowly lowered your arms, guilt washing over you.
"No! It's just- sometimes, when movements are too sudden.. I.. you know, I try to protect myself because uh.."
His eyes drifted to your scar, then looked up at your face, only to find it tilted to the ground. He put a finger under your chin, bringing your eyes up to meet his, then kissing your forehead.
One hand snaked around your waist while the other traced lightly over your scar, sending shivers down your spine. You wrapped your arms around him as well, putting a little of your weight onto him.
He kissed your lips, squeezing you tight against him.
"I'll never let anyone hurt you again. I promise."
"Kazuha, it's not-"
"I know it's not my fault. And I know I couldn't have prevented it. But I promise you, you're safe now."
He brought his hand up to cradle the back of your head as you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
"Thank you." you said, squeezing him a little tighter.
"No need to thank me. I love you, Y/n."
"I love you too, Kazuha."
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You had been a part of Beidou's crew for just over a year now, after meeting her in the wharf of Liyue harbor after finally finding the courage to leave your abusive and toxic partner. You didn't have a place to stay and you were clearly distraught, so when she asked if you were okay and you immediately began to cry, she offered you to come on her ship. You trusted her, since she was the well-known captain of the Crux. After you had explained your situation, she offered you to join her crew. You agreed, and began dating her about six months after joining the Crux.
Because you had been aboard the Alcor for a year, you knew the crew was loud and prone to get drunk. You had never liked to drink, preferring to quietly sip a small glass of dandelion wine while sitting next to Beidou while she drank a few beers and talked with her crew.
It was now the one year anniversary of when you had left Liyue Harbor, and conveniently, the Alcor was anchored there for a bit for a supplies run, imports drop off, and exports pickup. While out and about with Beidou, you had seen your ex in the wharf. They were about to come and talk to you, when you had pointed them out to Beidou. Beidou had slipped her arm around your waist, glaring at your ex, who glared back and turned heel to walk away.
Now, you sipped your wine beside Beidou, deep in thought. The loud atmosphere wasn't helping your anxieties, and you couldn't get your ex's glare out of your head. You didn't even realize you were completely zoned out until Beidou raised her arm to sling it around your shoulders, after she noticed you were zoned out.
Your arms flew up to shield yourself, and you spilt wine all over the both of you. The cup clattered to the floor, but luckily no one else noticed what just happened.
Beidou's face dropped and she quickly picked up the cup, setting it back down on the table.
"Men!" she called out. "Y/n and I are turning in early tonight! Make sure you scallywags have this cleaned up by the morning!"
The crew cheered their goodnights, raising their beers to their captain and her first mate. Beidou smiled, slipped an arm around your waist, and led you back to your guys' shared quarters.
"Alright doll, what happened just now?"
She closed the door behind her and sat on the bed next to you, looking at you with a certain softness that made you melt.
"I'm.. I'm sorry, I was just thinking of my ex, and how we saw them earlier, and I couldn't get their glare out of my head.. and I left them exactly a year ago.. I don't know why I flinched away from yo-"
Beidou cut you off by taking both of your hands into hers.
"Y/n, don't say sorry! You know, your ex wouldn't stand a chance against even my weakest crew member. They will never hurt you again."
"I don't doubt that for a second," you said, a small smile growing on your face, "Thank you for taking me in, Beidou."
"No, the pleasure is all mine. I couldn't ask for a better first mate. You're safe now, okay?" she smiled, squeezing your hands.
You looked into her eyes for a moment before throwing your arms around her. She squeezed you back, kissing your head.
"C'mon, let's shower and get this wine off of us." she giggled.
You laughed. "Yeah, let's."
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Kaeya had told you his backstory, but you never mentioned yours. You just weren't ready to talk about it. Your parents had never been great, you always walked on eggshells around everyone, and everyone was all too rough with you, emotionally and physically.
You had met Kaeya in the tavern one night, while trying to drink away what you were feeling. Kaeya had noticed how obliterated you were and let Diluc know he was taking you to stay at the Knights Headquarters, and would keep an eye on you. The rest was history, and now you and Kaeya had been dating for a little over a year.
Kaeya had told you his backstory on Monday. That same day later on, you had a run in with your parents at Blanche's, where they had yelled at you for deciding to become a Knight, and proceeded to pick you apart from your very core.
In turn, you had been drinking a little more than usual for the entire week. You seemed more withdrawn and just not fully there. And it all came to a head when you were laying in bed next to Kaeya.
He went to put his arm over you, a loving gesture, but your arms came up on instinct to shield yourself. He sighed loudly.
"You're scared of me."
"Oh Archons- I didn't mean to- no, I swear it isn't-"
"You've been acting all angry and cold ever since I told you about my roots. I thought you would be the one who didn't leave me after I told them."
"No, Kaeya- please, just let me explain!"
"I'm listening."
You began to hesitantly tell him about your parents. His face grew angrier and angrier every time you told him another thing your parents had done to you.
"I'll kill them. I had no idea that that happened though. I'm sorry for assuming."
"It's alright, Kaeya. I didn't even consider that you might think I was acting weird because of where your confession."
"I swear they'll never get near you again, alright? You're safe now. It's alright."
He pulled you into him, wrapping you up in his strong arms and putting his legs over yours, making you feel protected and safe.
"No one will hurt you, not on my watch. I love you, Y/n."
"I love you too, Kaeya. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."
"No need for apologies, you were gonna tell me when you were ready. Now let's get some sleep, that dandelion wine I downed earlier is starting to get to me."
You giggled, burying your head further into his chest.
"Alright. Goodnight, Kaeya."
"Night, prince/ess."
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You and Diluc had been dating for a few months now, you had met when he had needed to hire a new bartender, and you volunteered your mixing skills to the Angel's Share. You had caught his eye immediately, and he had asked you out on a date soon after you began your work there.
Your ex wasn't a kind person, to say the least, so you had been hesitant to say yes. You assured Diluc that this was just because your ex was unkind to you, but you had never mentioned physical harm. You hadn't wanted to worry him.
You were sitting on the couch with Diluc, his arm slung over your shoulders while you stared into the crackling flames of the fire burning before you. Diluc wasn't paying attention, as he was reading a book in his free hand.
He raised his arm up, attempting to adjust to a more comfortable position, but you misread this. Your arms were shielding your face in an instant, and Diluc was looking at you with a shocked and concerned face that quickly morphed to anger.
"I'm going to kill him." he growled/
You lowered your arms and looked down, avoiding looking him in the eye.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that."
"Did he hit you??"
"I, um, didn't want to worry you."
"Barbatos.. and this domestic abuser is just, what, roaming around Mondstat? No punishment for the pain he put you through?"
"I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want him to come and hurt me. I also didn't want to cause any trouble."
Diluc rubbed a hand over his face, before wrapping you in a hug.
"You're safe here, alright? I will never lay a hand on you to hurt you. I won't let anyone else hurt you either, okay?"
"Thank you.." your eyes welled up with tears, "I thought you would be upset that I didn't tell you."
"No, never. It's a hard thing to talk about. If you'd like, I have connections. We can have him arrested."
"I don't want to cause trouble.."
"You won't. He won't be able to hurt anyone else this way. But we can discuss this later. Would you care for a cup of tea?"
"That'd be nice. Thanks, Diluc."
"You're welcome, angel. Tell me if anyone hurts you again, alright? I'll protect you."
"Will do. I love you."
"I love you too."
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