#obligatory fruit tag
lemememeringue · 17 days
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tiny lemon
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the-august-axolotl · 1 year
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Day 1: Flowers
Ink made them a lil surprise painting <3
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didn't know laughingstock was a thing for the longest time but I have never been more quickly on board with a ship in my LIFE
(get it? on board? ship? im so funny)
yeeHAW welcome aboard the SS.Laughingstock, it's in a constant state of nearly sinking but not quite! there are no lifeboats!
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flugame-mp3 · 2 years
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(softly) dont...
0 notes
Oh look another chapter
We'll I'll be damned.
Mihawk has yet to grace us with his presence here, but I always love writing Garp's unhinged unpredictable ass, and I'm quite enjoying portraying Bogard for the first time as well. There's just something about a tall mysterious dude with a signature hat that I'll always enjoy.
A few notes this time:
I've determined that Mihawk would be around 28/29 years old in this timeline.
I'll be operating under the assumption that zoan-type devil fruit users aren't able to communicate with actual animals.
Can't find any actual source regarding Bogard's Marine rank. There is speculation that, by his coat, he is likely a vice admiral himself in the canon timeline. I'm operating under the assumption here then that, as Garp's right hand, he was likely promoted after Garp, so at this point in time I'm going with Rear Admiral, one rank below Garp. If anyone knows otherwise for a fact, please tell me so I can correct it, because I'm a chronic canon-junkie.
Reader is 21 years old; having consumed a devil fruit at six years old, and fifteen years having since passed.
It's not specified exactly when Mihawk took up residence on Kuraigana Island, from what I can tell. I could be wrong, and there could be some slight deviation from canon in that respect, but I'll let that slide this time for the sake of narrative. At this point he's not necessarily living there, but he has already used it as a hideout and is considering the idea. So while it's not exclusively his territory yet, he's essentially the only person who's bothered with the place.
This is looking like it's going to be more than three chapters for sure. Maybe five or six? I can at least promise that Mihawk will be in the next chapter.
Inserting obligatory Mihawk gif for tax reasons
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dreamy sigh
what was I doing...?
o right uhhhhm
Flight Risk
Young!Mihawk x Marine!AFAB!Reader
Ch. 2 of like five or something idk
Previous Chapter Link , Next Chapter Link
SFW for now, but not in later chapters
Possible trigger warning for bullying. Possible future trigger warnings for imprisonment, mild torture (definitely psychological, maybe physical)
Tags: Enemies to lovers, eventually NSFW, idk maybe more later
Word Count: 3,794
♫♬Shotgun Shoes — The Fratellis♬♫Well I don't need your or your psychosisI can get to crazy by myself
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You weren’t given any further details just yet. At your firm acceptance of what was perhaps the most insane idea you had ever heard, Garp immediately placed a call back to headquarters to inform Fleet Admiral Sengoku, quite smugly, that he would be going forward with Project Macaw. Still feeling borderline delirious, you barely heard yourself saying something about how gray parrots weren’t technically classified as macaws before Bogard, pinching at the bridge of his nose, jerked his head toward the door, indicating for you to follow him out of the office. It was difficult to truly wrap your head around the gravity of the situation yet. None of it quite seemed real.
Bogard pulled the door shut after them in the hallway outside, muffling Garp’s jovial gloating. For a long moment Bogard frowned down at you, arms crossed, clearly far less pleased. Several seconds passed before expelled an irritated sigh.
“You’ll need to pack your belongings immediately, cadet. Come on,” he said, turning on his heel and heading down the hall, not bothering to glance back and see if you were following. You had to force yourself to move, your feet feeling as if they had been replaced with lead weights. “Should any of your comrades ask, you are to tell them no more than that you’re being transferred to another base for reasons you are unable to disclose.”
“Can…I tell anyone where?” you asked. He did glance at you at this, his gaze sharp. “Not—just—my mom. She writes to me every week.”
“You are being transferred to a base in the Grand Line, where you will be receiving special training to hone your devil fruit powers,” he said curtly. You nodded quickly, not keen on pressing the subject too hard when the officer was already clearly annoyed. “She will be able to write you once we’ve arrived there. Should you release any information to anyone regarding the nature of your mission, you will be discharged from service at best.”
“A…and…at worst…?”
“You could be charged with treason and executed.”
You opened your mouth to respond, but all that left your throat at first was a strangled sort of squeak. The matter-of-fact way he had just told you that letting any details at all slip could lead to your untimely death didn’t help the surreal feeling that this was all a ridiculous dream. After pulling in a deep breath, you managed to force out weakly, “Understood, sir.”
Silence fell as you followed Bogard in the direction of barracks. Most of the other cadets would still be in the mess hall for dinner at this hour, and that left you with at least the comfort that you wouldn’t have to contend with too many questions—or too much taunting. The closer you drew to your destination, the more that surreal feeling seemed to float away to be replaced by the horrific weight of reality. You had been enlisted for only a few short months, made into a laughingstock when your fellow cadets discovered your devil fruit powers, and now you were being carted off to use those exact powers to assist in bringing down one of the deadliest men in the world.
A small part of you felt a degree of pride at the prospect that, for once, someone thought you might be remotely useful, but that part was a tiny whisper among the screaming terror occupying your head. Even once you reached the blessedly empty barracks and set to quickly and haphazardly packing your few personal belongings, as Bogard loomed silently beside the door waiting with his arms crossed, you couldn’t shake Garp’s reasoning for all of this coming down to that one ridiculous claim.
Let’s face it—pirates like parrots.
You swallowed as you stuffed your spare uniforms into a trunk, glancing toward Bogard, drawing up enough resolve to speak to the tall, imposing officer.
“I…is the vice admiral always so…”
“Barking mad?” he offered dully, and your mouth snapped shut. You weren’t sure whether to agree with such a harsh statement about such a high ranking Marine. Bogard saved you the trouble. “Yes. He is.”
“Ah. Right. Great.” You swallowed, turning your attention back to packing your belongings. You had nearly finished now and there would be plenty of time for questions later once you had gathered your thoughts. Right now, it was better that you try to finish before—
The door to the barracks opened and you froze for a moment in folding your dress uniform, your eyes darting to the door as a few other cadets filed in. They spotted you immediately, taking no notice of Bogard’s statuesque form standing to the side, already snickering as they approached the side of your bunk.
“What’s this? They finally decide to send you packing, bird brain?”
“Figures. We missed you at dinner. Brought ya some snacks.”
You only rolled your eyes as one of them pulled a small pack of crackers from their pocket, opened it, and crumbled them over top of the contents of your trunk.
“Aw, cat got your tongue, Polly?” You still held your tongue as he pulled your trunk across your bunk, rifling through it.”Where the hell are you going, anyway?”
“Your fellow cadet is being transferred to the Grand Line at the request of Vice Admiral Garp.”
The three of them froze when Bogard spoke up behind them, before slowly turning their heads to look over their shoulders. You had to bite your tongue to keep from laughing as they all immediately turned around and stood at attention. Bogard didn’t budge an inch, arms still crossed, still leaning against the stone wall beside the door, his sharp eyes flashing between each of them from beneath the brim of his hat.
“I’m afraid none of you are of high enough rank to be provided further details,” he said in a clipped tone. “Nor likely will you ever be, should you continue to treat your own brethren with such blatant disrespect.”
They remained speechless as you closed your trunk, looking rather as if their souls had evacuated the premises of their bodies. Bogard stepped away from the wall, straightening out his posture as you dragged your trunk off of the bunk mattress.
“Come along, cadet.” He was already turning toward the door. “Garp doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”
You hurried after him without a glance back at them, dragging your trunk along behind you. You only looked back over your shoulder once you were several feet down the hall—and, at the sight of the idiots standing in the door, whispering amongst themselves and watching your departure, you quickly turned your gaze forward again. Even with your things now packed, none of it seemed real. As much as you would have loved to derive some pleasure from their stunned expressions, you found it impossible with the way your head was spinning.
You remained silent the entire way back to the door of the office. Bogard instructed you to wait there before stepping inside and shutting the door behind him, and you could do nothing more than stand there with a dumbfounded look on your face as you stood there in the empty hallway, still wondering what the hell sort of mess you had gotten yourself into.
How it all stemmed back to that day fifteen years ago, when you and a couple of your friends had ventured out to look for a crow with an injured wing that had escaped from your mother’s aviary. When you found it at the edge of the woods, pecking at a strange fruit with a swirling pattern across its skin sitting at the base of a mango tree, and the three of you speculated how it might be a devil fruit and spent the afternoon daring each other to eat it after returning the bird home.
How you had been the one to finally pick the thing up and take a bite out of it to end the argument.
How nothing had happened for almost a week, until you were startled by a particularly surly cockatoo attacking your hair while you were helping feed the birds and, to your mother’s horror, promptly transformed into a gray parrot.
It had taken some time for you to learn to control your ability to transform, largely for the simple sake of not turning into a bird every time you were startled. You had found little use for the ability otherwise, apart from pulling the occasional prank on your mom or your friends. The ability to fly was definitely a perk, but apart from that it really had seemed to be an absurd ability to gain in exchange for the curse of forever being unable to come into contact with the sea.
You jolted a in surprise, startled from your thoughts when the office door opened and Bogard emerged. You had taken a seat on your trunk while you waited, looking up at him as he shut the door quietly behind him.
“Garp will be with us shortly,” he said shortly. You nodded, watching him lean against the wall next to the door, lowering the brim of his hat over his eyes and crossing his arms once more.
You lowered your own gaze to your knees, your stomach churning as your thoughts returned to the here and now. Swallowing, wringing your hands in your lap, still trying and still failing to wrap your head around the reality of all of this.
“Your abilities were leaked by Petty Officer on base.” Your breath caught when Bogard spoke up amid the silence. You glanced up, but his eyes were still concealed in the shadow of the brim of his hat. “He’s been bumped back down to the rank of Seaman as punishment for divulging confidential information.”
“O…oh.” You weren’t sure of exactly how else to respond. You had assumed that something of the sort had happened a few weeks ago, when everyone was suddenly privy to your powers. “That’s…a pity.”
“You’re not interested in who it was?” His tone remained short, level, and you lifted your eyebrows. Of course you were curious. You had wondered since it happened. But at the same time…
You shook your head, lowering your gaze again and huffing out a small sigh. “It’s not important,” you said. “I figured it would happen eventually anyway. Doesn’t really matter who spilled the beans.”
 “And you have no interest in revenge?” Your eyes shot back up to the imposing officer at his blunt question, widening.
“N…no,” you said, shaking your head quickly. “That...wouldn’t accomplish any…”
Your mouth turned down in a frown as you carefully considered your words. The past few weeks had been hell, sure. You had considered giving up more than once, going home, forgetting that you ever even bothered trying—but you had forced yourself to stick it out. You hadn’t enlisted to make friends, you had enlisted because you wanted to make the world better, safer for everyone. The same reason your father had enlisted.
“I don’t care about a few morons throwing crackers at me and calling me stupid names,” you said finally, shrugging a shoulder. “If I wanted things to be easy I wouldn’t be here. I would have stayed home and helped my mom.”
“I take it you’re close with her.” You swallowed, giving a short nod. “According to your file you have no other family. You’re aware that should you die in the line of duty, she will be—”
“I know,” you interjected before he could finish, flinching as your reminded yourself that you were speaking to a superior officer. “I—sorry, sir, I—” He waved a hand dismissively, and you heaved a sigh. “I…knew that when I enlisted. So does she. It doesn’t change anything. If I…if I die in the line of duty, at least I lived for long enough to try to make the world better.” You slowly lowered your gaze, closing your eyes. “My dad always said there was a difference between living and surviving,” you continued on quietly. “I…guess I’m starting to understand what he meant.”
His short hum betrayed no more emotion than his brief and curt manner of speaking, and it remained the only communication between you for some time. Long enough for you to realize that no matter how much you had hated enduring the endless ridicule of your fellow cadets, no matter how terrified you were of this mission, that there was no room for doubt. That you could have declined without any consequence, and you hadn’t. That given the opportunity to change your mind, you wouldn’t.
You would do everything in your power to help take down Dracule Mihawk before he could further his career of bloodshed and terror, even if it was the last thing you ever did.
“Then perhaps the old moron was right.”
You glanced up at Bogard at the quiet statement, but before you could so much as wonder what he meant, the office door flung open and Garp, the old moron himself, stepped out into the hallway. He stopped in front of you, looking down, grinning as broadly as he had when you first accepted this mission.
“On your feet, cadet.” You quickly pulled yourself to your feet, straightening your posture into a salute. He gave an amused snort at the display, clapping you on the shoulder. “We’re bound for the Grand Line.”
You had to nearly jog, dragging your trunk along behind you, to keep up with the vice and rear admirals as you wound through the corridors of the small base you had come to briefly call home over the past few months. They spoke amongst themselves in hushed tones as they walked ahead of you, occasionally glancing back to ensure you were keeping up. You mostly kept your head down, your heart racing in your chest the whole way out to the docks, onto the deck of Garp’s distinctive battleship, with its canine figurehead that so many pirates had come to fear.
You were told that the journey to the base in the Grand Line would span the better part of a month, shown around the ship, given a rundown of your duties and your new training schedule. It felt no less surreal as the ship left the dock, as you sat at the edge of your bunk in the ship barracks and stared at the opposite wall, barely registering the slow swaying of the vessel beneath your feet as it sailed west.
After a long moment, you pulled your trunk open, digging past the cracker crumbs and uniforms, finding a pad of paper and a pen, steadying your hand and your mind the best you could to write something coherent.
Hey, Mom!
How are things going? I’m being transferred to a new base for special training around my feathery little problem. I can’t really say much about it, but I’ll be sure to give you an address once I have it. It’s on the Grand Line. I’m a little nervous, but I feel like things are going to be a lot better now. Like I know what I’m really here for.
And I won’t have to deal with the idiots anymore, so it’s kind of a win either way.
It’ll take about a month to make it there. I’ll write you any time I can. Tell everyone I miss them.
Love you, and miss you most.
You signed your name at the bottom, tearing the paper off and folding it, staring down at the brief letter for a long moment before standing to make your way out of the barracks and send it off.
You hadn’t expected your duties to cease or lessen simply because you were traveling, and you were right in that assumption. Between regular daily drill and duties aboard the ship, you spent the vast majority of what would have been your free time training in both combat and studying espionage. You were expected to be awake hours earlier than the rest of the crew, to fall into your bunk hours past when everyone else had gone to bed for the evening. Most mornings you felt dead on your feet, but you persevered, reminded yourself that this was the easy part.
The hard part would be the mission itself.
Beyond exhausted at a few weeks into the journey, averaging less than six hours of sleep a night. The last thing you wanted to deal with was being unceremoniously awoken before morning.
And yet, at the sound of your name being spoken sharply, your eyes snapped open.
You squinted against the dim orange light bathing your corner of the barracks, barely registering for a moment that it wasn’t the light of the morning sun creeping in through the rounded windows. The sky outside was still inky black and speckled with stars, and you frowned as your eyes found the source of the light—a lantern. A lit lantern, which Bogard was holding up, looking no less disgruntled about being there than you were at being awake. You grunted as you rubbed your eyes, sitting up.
“What time’s it…?” you grumbled.
“Late,” he said. “Vice Admiral Garp has requested your presence on the quarterdeck. No need,” he added over you groan of protest, when you reached down toward your trunk to grab a uniform to throw on over your tank-top and shorts. “This isn’t for training.”
“What’s he want, then?” you said, grabbing a pair of sweats instead. “Does he even sleep?”
“I’ve worked alongside Garp for the better part of two decades,” said Bogard, leading the way out of the barracks. “I still have no idea what goes on in that thick skull of his most of the time.”
You couldn’t help but wonder whether anyone did.
The main deck was empty save for the handful of Marines working the graveyard shift, all but silent with the exception of the rolling waves below as the battleship cut through the relatively calm waters. You wrapped your arms around your torso when the chilly night air hit you, rubbing at your arms as Bogard gestured for you to go ahead and left you to whatever business Garp had cooked up for you. You yawned as you climbed the stairs to the quarterdeck, where you found the man standing at the port side railing, staring out toward an island in the distance.
“Kuraigana Island,” he said as you stopped next to him. “Ever heard of it, cadet?”
“Ah…no, sir,” you responded blankly, looking out at it yourself. It was difficult to gauge the distance in the dark, but it had to be at least half a mile away, if not more. The landscape appeared to be covered largely in dense forest, but standing above the dark treetops was an old castle, silhouetted in the silvery moonlight.
“I guess not many have,” he said. “It was home to a small kingdom until recently. They had little contact with the outside world so it’s hard to say what happened. Most likely a civil war wiped out all the previous residents. Only supposed inhabitants now are a race of violent primates that attack anyone who ventures into the forests.”
“O…kay,” you said, slowly, wondering where this was going.
A small part of you wondering if you were about to be dropped off on the island to see if you could fight your way through. Your ability in combat had improved over the past few weeks of grueling training, but the mental image of being surrounded by an army of angry gorillas still flashed through your mind and caused you to give a wary glance toward Garp.
His gaze remained fixed on the island.
“We’ve received a few of reports about a small vessel anchored near the shore on a handful of occasions,” he said. “One matching the description of Hitsugibune.”
You froze, your eyes widening as your gaze slowly turned back toward the island. A few weeks ago, the name would have meant nothing to you. Now that you had learned more about the target of your mission, you knew exactly what Garp was referring to—the small, coffin-shaped, one man vessel of Dracule Mihawk. You swallowed, nodding briefly when you found yourself unable to speak.
“We’re not sure what the situation is,” said Garp, “but there’s a fair chance he’s using the ruins as a hideout. I suppose if anyone could get past the apes…” He leaned forward against the railing, scratching at his beard. “Well then. Think you’re up for a test?”
Oh gods, here it comes…
“Do I have a choice?” you said, and expelled a resigned sigh at Garp’s bark of laughter. “What do I need to do, sir?”
“That’s the spirit,” he said, straightening out, crossing his arms and looking down at you with a grin. “How far d’ya think you can fly with your devil fruit powers?”
You were suddenly a great deal more awake now.
“Further than I can walk,” you said slowly, lifting an eyebrow—you weren’t sure of exactly how far, but flying expelled a great deal less energy than walking.
“In that case,” he said, gesturing toward the island, “go get us a bird’s-eye view. See if there are any signs of life. I’d focus around the castle. Avoid flying too low over the forest for obvious reasons.”
“For obvious reasons,” you repeated in agreement, grimacing—the last thing you wanted was to be snatched out of the air by a pissed off gorilla. “Right…” You rubbed the back of your neck, looking out toward the island. “Should I go right now, sir?”
“No time like the present,” he said, grinning.
There was nothing else for it, then. Garp took a step back as you transformed, shrinking down into a gray parrot on the quarterdeck of the ship. “You’re to be gone no longer than half an hour, or I’ll have no choice but to send in reinforcements,” he said, looking down at you, watching you flap your wings a few times and fly up to the railing, perching there as he relayed the orders. “Should you see Dracule Mihawk, you’ll keep your distance. Fly over and return immediately. Reconnaissance only, no contact. Understood?”
You nodded, and lifted one of your wings, moving it to your head to mime a salute. He gave a snort of laughter at the sight.
“Good bird,” he said dryly, and made a shooing motion. “Now go ahead. Get moving, cadet.”
Before a single thought of trying to find some way out of this nonsense could form in your mind, you lifted off from the port side railing, and circled around in the air until you were heading out toward Kuraigana Island.
Previous chapter link again, for your convenience
Next chapter link again, for your convenience
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fanficfish · 4 months
explaining Hetalia character badly: highschool edition
Honestly this is prob just gonna be "if Hetlaia was MHA" but bigger and mixed with some American archtypes lol....just imagine they're in some weird highschool anime!
this is the same format as my Family Reunion explaining post. i'm just make this a tag.
also not affiliated with W Academy!
Germany: Class Prez. Who you watched struggle with the milk carton from the cafeteria. And the vending machine dispenser.
N. Italy: The class idiot. Every good class has one, you don't know how they're here but OH GOSH WHEN DID HE LEARN TO USE A SCYTHE LIKE THAT-
S. Italy: The one in the back of the class that gets surprisingly decent grades but also has a potty mouth. You know who I'm talking about.
America: Thinks he's the main character.
Canada: Knows he's not the main character.
Estonia: Is the main character and doesn't realize it until he realizes he's in a love triangle, keeps adopting random animals off the street, has an archnemesis that actively tries to murder him, and somehow survives things he definitely shouldn't have survived.
Lithuania: The one with the highest GPA but everyone thought he was a delinquent.
Latvia: The one with the second-highest GPA that everyone knows is a delinquent. Mostly because he was selling test answers out of the janitor's closet.
Russia: The school bully every good school has.
Belarus: The popular girl every school has that can't decide if she likes the "main character" or not.
China: The guy that acts like he's actually 70 and not 17.
Japan: The quiet kid that knows everyone's dark secrets.
France: Of course he's the obligatory French dude in the Japanese anime. Actually what's up with that? Seriously, all the big amines have either a French guy or a super short person (the best ones have both)....
Lichenstein: She's the short one.
Switzerland: Aaaaaand there's the one in the corrner of the cafeteria scheming how to make the most out of the Job Fair.
Austria: That one weird kid that's got a full ride to Juliard and is the reason why your underfunded school has a MUSIC ROOM, HUH-
England: The guy that somehow got himself class monitor, and does a mostly decent job. Unless you ask him about That Clique.
The Clique: aka, the jocks who miiiight also bully the class monitor by flaunting popularity points a little. Just a little. -Denmark: Clique ringleader, acts friendly with everyone so he's popular but you KNOW you're not getting in on the real action unless he invites you to one of his legendary house parties.
-Norway: Clique leader's second in command who's some introvert the clique leader got attached to. Y'know, as extroverts are required to do. Usually has his face in his phone.
-Finland: Popular on his own, the one person in the clique who doesn't understand that in a clique you generally don't socialize outside the clique. Is the reason the main character gets character development through a house party halfway through the series.
-Sweden: That one jock in the group who looks like a jock, talks like a jock, sometimes acts like a jock, but has the highest GPA out of all of the jocks. He's the one that knows Genovia's official fruit but not the name of the fictional kingdom, if you've seen the meme.
-Iceland: Someone's brother who got absorbed into the clique.
Hungary: The girl campaigning that everyone should do the same kind of pushups, that girls can compete with guys and making presentations on the gender gaps in atheltics. Ofc she's the jock that falls in love with the nerd (Austria).
Ukraine: Bakes everyone treats
Netherlands: Bakes everyone treats but makes everyone pay for them
Luxenberg: Your obligatory rich kid., riding to school in Gucci glasses, a Mercedez-Benz, and a jacket with a high-end brand splashed across the pocket. Also has the latest iPhone.
Belgium: Student council rep, joined fifty clubs.
Greece: He shows up, but usually late, with Starbucks, and sleeps through class.
Romania: He shows up every other day, and bribes the class monitor to mark him present. Does show up for Halloween though.
Bulgaria: You show up?
Spain: Complains about the cafeteria food to anyone who will listen.
Australia: Resident jock #1
Cameron: Resident jock #2
Cuba: Resident jock #3
Portugal: Don't mind him he's in a goth phase. The skulls lining his locker will pass. Probably.
Seychelles: The one that secretly brought all the girls flowers from the fundraiser during Valentine's Week despite not knowing what the fundraiser was for.
Poland: The one on the student council who is the reason everyone is wearing couple outfits for School Spirit Week and the theatre club is doing Legally Blonde.
India: The guy who everyone asks to copy his homework because he sure isn't the most popular but damn does he actually know what's going on.
Turkey: The guy that tried to punch a guy, got punched, then turned around and punched the other guy's bullies. Basically he's That Kid That Got Detention For Trying To Be Helpful, though he did start the fight sooooooo
Egypt: Recorded the fight. For historic purposes of course.
idk i ran out of ideas i'm gonna sleep and fix this if i remember who i was gonna put where lol
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cinderella-ish · 4 months
Fruits Basket Ao3 Media Tags Poll Results, and Some Thoughts on Ao3 Fandom Tag Wrangling
Over the past few weeks, I've put out a few polls to find out how other Ao3 users are using the different Fruits Basket media tags. Here are the results!
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(Obligatory disclaimer that a tumblr poll by one user with fewer than 50 followers is hardly scientific data)
For writers, it looks like most of us (52.6%, or 10 out of 19 respondents) are tagging more than one media type every time, and an additional 10.5% are sometimes tagging multiple media types (total of 63.1%, or 12 out of 19). 31.6%, or 6 out of 19, are only tagging one media type. I believe the person who selected "other" hasn't posted Fruits Basket work yet, but indicated they'd be likely to tag all three.
Of note: even though far more works are tagged with the manga tag than either anime, including when I excluded crossovers, the 2019 anime had the most works updated since January 1 of this year excluding crossovers at 25 (vs 4 for the 2001 anime, and 12 for the manga).
For readers, it looks like most of us (46.4%, or 13 out of 28) are filtering by relationship or character. (Sometimes I think I must be the only person who will read fics for any relationship or character if the premise is interesting!) For those who search using media tags, the manga tag is by far the most used at 17.9%, or 5 out of 28.
Then, 50%, or 14 out of 28 readers don't expect anything different between the three media tags. And that number raises to 78.6%, or 22 out of 28, if you include people who only expect minor differences between content found at each of the three tags.
So, why did I do these polls (and what are my thoughts on how these tags should be wrangled)? More info below the cut!
At some point between when I joined Ao3 and now, the tag "Fruits Basket" went from being a metatag that contained all 3 Fruits Basket media to being made a synonym of the manga.
In practical terms, what this meant for me was that I could no longer sort or filter all Fruits Basket works at once. I would instead have to go to all three media tags separately, and would have to repeat searches for all three media tags if I was looking for a specific trope. Additionally, I didn't actually realize this change until a couple of months after it occurred. I almost missed one of my now-favorite fics because of this change!
Worse still, it means that when I filter out crossovers, any works that are tagged with more than one Fruits Basket media are considered as "crossovers." If I want to filter out actual crossovers, it needs to be done by manually clicking all other fandoms under the "exclude" option.
So, I sent a support ticket to Ao3 asking them to either reverse this change, or add a similar "All Media Types" sort of tag.
They responded after about 12 days, letting me know that the Archive is no longer creating "All Media Types" tags, and is actually dismantling them where possible. The goal is for users to be able to find what they're looking for, and to avoid confusion, which apparently "All Media Types" tags can cause, both for creators and browsing users. They pointed out that searching by relationship or character would allow me to see all works across media tags with those characters (although this doesn't solve my problem).
(Note: no shade to this Ao3 volunteer - I'm not upset at this answer, and they were only communicating Archive policy and were very professional and gave me good and important info!)
Anyway, this confused me, so I sat with it for a bit. I did some searches of the Ao3 blog, the Reddit and Tumblr, and some tag wrangler's Tumblrs where they talk about tag wrangling, but couldn't find anything about dismantling "All Media Types" metatags. So, I decided to get some data. Hence, the polls.
Other than my continued surprise at how many people search by relationship (multishipper problems...), the polls basically aligned with what I expected. So, if I'm using the tags in a similar way to most other users, this can't be the best way for these tags to exist.
I sent a followup request outlining some of what I shared here, then decided to browse Ao3 fandoms outside of Fruits Basket to see how other fandom tags, especially anime/manga fandom tags, were generally canonized.
On the Fandoms page, several "All Media Types" tags are present (Star Wars, Les Mis, Newsies, Batman, and Captain America, to name a few). Additionally, several "& Related Fandoms" tags are also present.
But this might not be a fair comparison. Star Wars has had movies, TV shows, comics, novels, video games, audio novels, radio adaptations, theme park rides, and more. A broad metatag makes sense for that fandom.
Or maybe the Archive just hasn't dismantled those "All Media Types" tags yet?
So, what about other anime and manga? Well, several (including the extremely popular BNHA and Naruto, as well as the shoujo that's always being compared to Furuba, OHSHC) are canonized as (Anime & Manga). Some (like Haikyuu!! and AoT) are canonized so both the manga and the anime are synonyms to the overarching fandom name.
And what about a manga that had two adaptations? Well, Fullmetal Alchemist has an "All Media Types" tag, which acts as a catchall for the 2003 anime, the live action, Bluebird's Illusion (which is apparently a fan-made game?), and a single tag combining the manga and Brotherhood.
So then, I did another search for information on how the Archive is handling "All Media Types" tags.
That search led me to a Tumblr post on tag wrangling guidelines from way back in 2013. Obviously, that post was out of date, but it led me to a handful of other posts, and eventually to the tag wrangling guidelines on the Ao3 website.
I actually didn't know the wrangling guidelines were publicly available before this, so this was exciting! After some brief searching, I was able to find some relevant policies:
Wrangling Guidelines - Metatags still mentioned "All Media Types" metatags in their guidelines, so perhaps those guidelines are out of date? Or instead, they're for those exceptions where "All Media Types" tags make sense?
That page led me to Wrangling Guidelines - Fandoms, which was MUCH more informative.
Under "Base Rules" > "Shared & Similar Names/Multiple Media" > "General Disambiguation Suffixes" it says:
General Disambiguation Suffixes are a legacy disambiguation format and last-resort disambiguation options for fandom tags that could not be easily separated into specific media. Fandoms disambiguated in these ways are no longer being created and are being removed where possible.
General Disambiguation Suffixes includes "All Media Types," "& Related Fandoms," and "Ambiguous Fandom."
Under "Fandoms With Multiple Media" it says:
Existing "All Media Types" tags may have new subtags added beneath them, but should no longer be created. The different existing media tags can be made into subtags under this metatag, as they are added to the Archive. There is no need to make an "All Media Types" metatag just to connect fandoms. Such fandoms can simply sit separately.
Bleh. I guess my hopes have been dashed.
But wait!
Under "Anime and Manga" > "Disambiguation Between Manga, Manhwa, Manhua, & Anime" it says:
Anime and manga fandoms should be canonised separately as much as possible. For fandoms where the completed manga and anime canons overlap enough to be considered one unified canon, or the user-made works do not specify whether they are for the anime or the manga, the disambig may be (Anime & Manga), with the terms in alphabetical order.
If canons do not overlap and users make tags for the separate canons, disambiguate with (Anime), (Manga), (Manhwa), or (Manhua).
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So, I guess the tag wrangler(s) for Fruits Basket consider the manga and the (unspecified which) anime to... not overlap? Or not overlap enough? Again, this confuses me. The 2019 anime covered all of canon and only had extremely minor changes, and those were mostly done just to make it work better in animation instead of print. The 2001 anime only covered the first third or so of the story and had some bigger changes, but nothing outside the realm of what a fan might change in a fanwork for the manga.
So, what do I think would be the best outcome for the Fruits Basket media tags on Ao3?
When I think about it, I could see people who had only seen the 2001 anime benefiting from being able to search only for works relating to the 2001 anime. And I could see people who have read the manga/seen the 2019 anime being annoyed if the major changes of the 2001 anime were referenced on works tagged to the manga/2019 anime. But I can't really see that happening between the manga and the 2019 anime. Those changes were so minute, I doubt they'd be relevant most of the time.
So, with the caveat that I'm only one user, and I don't know for sure if my opinion is the one held by most users in the Fruits Basket fandom, here are some potential solutions that would work for me & (I believe) for most users in the Fruits Basket fandom:
bring back "Fruits Basket" as a metatag for all 3 media types, or
make the manga tag synonymous with the 2019 anime, with the new canonical reading [Fruits Basket (Anime 2019 & Manga)], and make the 2001 anime a subtag of that new combined tag, or
make both anime tags subtags of the manga tag
Anyway, if you wanted to know what I've been doing instead of writing over the past few weeks, this is it. 😅 I'd really love to hear what you think of my proposed solutions, and if the change caused problems for you as it did for me, or if it actually made things easier.
Info about another tag wrangling issue for Fruits Basket coming soon in a separate (much shorter!) post!
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cuoredimuschio · 1 month
wip weekend 🎶
tagged by the wondrously lovely @thefreakandthehair, thank you lex!!! 💜💜💜💜 (give me a moment to be selfish and encourage everyone reading this to send lex some wip weekend asks so i can enjoy more snippets of her incredible upcoming fics!!)
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post.
the wips:
a stout heart (steddie big bang)
line of apsides
wound up
just the three of us (you, me, and this brick wall between us)
snippet from a stout heart below the cut:
Across from him, Kas attacks his portion with perhaps even more ruthless enthusiasm and vigor; he hunches—much like the snarling gargoyles atop the royal temple—over his food and shoves handful after handful of nectar fruits and almonds into his mouth, with no room left between to breathe. The comparisons to a gorthokian boar suddenly ring that much truer. It’s a miracle, frankly, he hasn’t yet choked. Or maybe it’s the opposite; Steve’s dilemma would resolve itself rather tidily if he were to simply suffocate with a hunk of bread lodged in his throat.
But his luck continues on its downward trend: Kas announces the completion of his meal with a raucous belch and dusts off his hands before stretching them toward the sky; the nectar berries have left sordid purple stains on his fingertips. His eyes slide shut as he holds the pose, his body spread taunt, his shoulders pressed down, his head tilted back. It would be so easy, too easy, to draw a clean slit across the pale column of his neck. Such incautious vulnerability, in front of a stranger, an enemy. How has he possibly survived this long when he is so thoughtless toward his own safety? Or is it arrogance? A lethal delusion of immortality imbued by the legends?
Perhaps Steve’s luck isn’t quite as poor as it appears.
Kas’ arms drift back down to his sides, and his chin lowers, lashes fluttering.
Steve hastily shunts his eyes off to the dirt and finishes off his final bite. Crude as it may be, he wipes his mouth upon his sleeve cuff. His mother isn’t here to chastise him, after all. “How did you know my name?”
It ought to have been the first question he asked, had he the capacity to form a single thought at the time. He’s no stranger to the social scene in Hawkins, but he strongly doubts Kas had been frequenting the same galas and functions he had.
The fox rouses from her nook beneath the tree. An echo of her unwilling benefactor, she extends her paws out, toes flexing, and bows her head. Her eyes squinch shut too as she presses back into the stretch, her tail rising, flicking up over her back. Unhurried, she traipses along the wall of false fire, nearly camouflaged against the flickering flames.
“Because I know you, Steven Joseph Harrington.” A dagger lands in his stomach with every syllable, spilling bile, blood, and bitter curiosity. “Believe it or not, we’ve met before.”
not sure who's been tagged yet so we just gonna do a few (non-obligatory, as always): @kkpwnall, @starryeyedjanai, @patchworkgargoyle, @fragilecapric0rnn
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p-eleles · 7 days
hi I love your new kalim-centric fic and im so happy there is leokali. haha who is the one person who everyone will see as a threat but who they cannot dare try to declaw… that’s right. i know leona isn’t even in the story yet but im already imagining with the preface of the first chapter set in, it’s such a refreshing perspective on their relationship; that kalim will pursue leona for the sincere want (visceral need) of having something or someone no one can take away or dare to impede the development of. how leona responds is an interpretation that can vary depending on what aspect of his character you lean into but “leona is bad with feelings” tag gives me so much love in my heart that leona and kalim will be treated with care as characters. im so excited for this thank you for spawning this fic into the ao3 void
You did it. You've cracked the initial nature of Kalim's interest and desire to pursue Leona in one ask! What can I say? Kalim loves his big cats. The more likely to snap at him, the better. I don't think Leona might like candied fruits, but the prospect of eating from Kalim's hand is tempting (  ̄- ̄)
One thing (one of many, honestly) that I find very interesting about Kalim is, to paraphrase, when he showed genuine delight and joy at him and Jamil fighting because it was the most genuine interaction they'd had... ever. Kalim is naive, born from his optimistic outlook of life that itself was granted from the position he was born in, but he's not stupid. He's aware that many of his relationships are built on unequal ground—Jamil is his servant first and foremost; he's the dormleader of Scarabia (and sure, he got the position fair and square, but he wouldn't even be in Night Raven College if his parents hadn't bought his way in); he's not just rich rich, he's rich with prestige. Kalim's family name is a title all of its own.
He's clear that is the reason behind why people, if they don't like him, are at least obsequient. It's why his dream in Book 7 is incredibly fascinating. Kalim wants to truly be friends with Jamil without the weight of their respective roles hindering them. He desires people's honesty. Yet he's never anything but nice and sweet and loving when it comes to this, even in the privacy of his dreams.
And you know, obligatory Disney references all around: Kalim is twisted from the Sultan, but he's also a very Jasmine figure, desiring earnest connections and having Jamil/Jafar as something of an obstacle in that aspect. And also being good at throwing hands, for some reason (RIP Kalim, you would've loved Desert Scourge!Jasmine. Not).
Canonically, Leona likes Kalim. In his own particular way of liking people, but still. He recognizes his strengths and, most importantly of all, trusts him. And Kalim likes him back! Their dynamic is pretty limited compared to other characters, but the similarities between them have me in a chokehold. They're both characters best summed up as "I'll hold all my emotions here, and then one day, I'll die," except in vastly opposite directions. Plus, there's also the whole "disdained second born prince" vs. "beloved heir" and how Kalim's magic brings life while Leona's only destroys. He doesn't sugar coat what he feels or thinks–though he's king of obfuscation when he wants–and to Kalim, that earnest nature would be incredibly refreshing.
I feel like I can't write about a romance with Leona and not tag that he's bad at feelings. Kalim is in for a ride, but he's also horrifically bad at vocalizing his true desires. It's a very steep learning curve here, folks.
There's so much I want to say that I can't put to words in this ask because exactly! Kalim is driven by a desperate need to know he's genuinely loved, not because of who he is, but just because. Bro wants to be loved on purpose, not the uncertainty of a life where he's only given so much because he was born first!
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penwrythe · 1 month
Just posting this for the Palestine Donation Tags
Since there's a uptick on donation asks I been receiving recently. But, I don't have many followers here (I have around 150~), so I want to post the links from my pinned in their own post so that these donations asks and reblogs get more eyes on them beyond my following.
Note: I don't vet the gofundmes, I only try to reblog and answer donation posts with information if they were vetted or not. My goal is to get as many eyes on these as possible, but with a low follower count, this is not enough. So, hopefully with this posted in the related tags, these donations posts and resources will get spread further.
The Palestinian donation reblogs on my page are under the tags "Palestine", "Gaza", and "donations". I recommend browsing "Palestine" and "Gaza" tags for these posts, the "donation" tag on my blog has donation/commission posts from non-Gazan users.
Click here some tagged Palestinian donation posts/asks on my blog!
More donation gofundme's reblogs by 90-ghost
Donate Esims for Gaza!
More on How to Help Palestine - Resources by sulfurcosmos!
Also, here's so GoFundme lists!
Operation Olive Branch
The ButterflyEffect
Bees and Watermelons (B&W) Campaigns
Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundraiser List
Will be repost these links in a new post next week for the algorithum. This post will be reblog queued for the remainder of this week.
Thank you for reblogging and sharing!
~Obligatory tag keyword relevant thingy here!
Cats are cool
I like star trek
Minecraft more like ...minecart
Watermelons are the best fruit
Olympics is Oat pics
Elden Ring Bling Bling
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tomorrowsgardennc · 3 months
garden update // july 2nd, 2024
so i have a worm conundrum...
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my dad built the world most amazing worm towerTM that can withstand a tornado. it's filled with worms, and food scraps and shredded m̶e̶d̶i̶c̶a̶l̶ b̶i̶l̶l̶s̶ paper, but like... it's been almost 12 month since i started it and the worms just seem to be all meh about everything i add??? i am getting small amounts of vermicompost to use but i would assume that after 12 months i would have a worm empire and rule the neighborhood with my abundance of worms and worm poop. anybody here a worm expert?
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my cantelopes are starting to show flowers! they actually don't seem too bothered by the drought and have been growing like crazy. they are minnesota midget - a dwarf heirloom variety that produces "personal sized" cantelopes. if any vegetable or fruit has both dwarf and heirloom as a tag then i'm all over that. hope they're delicious, too!
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my obligatory daily harvest photos don't look like everyone elses. overripe tomatillos and tomatoes for seed harvesting, viola and nasturtium seeds, and the last of the blueberries this season.
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which reminds me... the chinese pink celery seeds need to be harvested. finally finished processing the silver dollar plant seeds - much to may's delight - and next are the lettuce seeds... tomatillos and tomatoes... still got kale and cabbage seeds waiting to be processed... oh boy, the list keeps getting longer!
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our first year attempting to plant a "wild" flower patch at the curb is in full swing, at least. it's not the greatest, but i learned what needs to be done so next year's is a more grand display. hope that can be put on the to-do list next month.
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lemememeringue · 6 months
🍋‍🟩 <- lime emoji!
my tablet now has a lime emoji; however, all of the other citrus is whole and the lime is sliced 🤨
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justice for limes.......
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Hey, I’ll send in a Milgram related ask too! To drum up some Shidou intrigue, what do you think about the theory that Shidou decided to steal organs from his kid to give to his wife?
If you aren’t aware, it mostly stems from the scene at 1:48 of Triage when he hands his son one of the fruit tags. The idea would be that if both the kid and the wife were in a vegetative state, Shidou decided it was worth it to kill his kid for sure in order to have a higher chance of saving his wife (matching genetic structures and all that).
Given that I’m not even certain it’s scientifically possible, I’m on the fence, but I’d love to hear if you had any input on it!
(Damn, this blog really is 90% asks huh. Well I do enjoy answering them so)
Hey! It's an interesting idea, especially considering the guy is paired with Mahiru, but I'm not sure it works all that well. I'l give my reasoning for that conclusion and then I accidentally made a theory about what the scientific purposes of Shidou's work were oops.
CW: Murder, organ harvesting, human experimentation.
For one, it really seems like Shidou loved all his family, not just his lover.
(T1) Q3: Is there anything you treasure?
S: Family.
Family, not romantic love.
(T2) Q10: Do you like children?
S: Of course.
This one's a bit vaguer, but still.
But the main thing which makes this theory extremely unlikely in my eyes is this:
(T1) Q14: If you could bring someone back to life, who would you choose?
S: I can't choose anyone.
Since we know there are people he'd like to bring back, the idea that Shidou can't choose who to bring back to life implies he has multiple people he would want to save from death. The issue there is that taking organs from his child/children would very directly mean he chose his wife over him/them, which is inconsistent with this answer, and his general attitude towards everyone in his family.
If you want my interpretation of that scene, well, let's look at the line said as Shidou hands his kid the tag.
Those cards of promise I discarded They were retribution for my incessant taking
Note that "cards of promise" might refer to the death tags. The "promise" would be that Shidou keeps the braindead people alive, and he discarded the cards because he killed a bunch of people without worrying too much about it. But now he's getting the "cards of promise" as retribution, because his own family has met a similar fate to the one of the people he killed. The first line makes it a bit more clear.
Those cards of promise I discarded Were they retribution for my incessant taking In that case, I should have been the one That’s the correct answer, but then why
So he feels he should have been the one to die.
That does sorta make it sound like, by giving his kid the "card of promise", he's killing the child, but I actually think it's the other way around. Note that the card first falls from the air, then Shidou hands it to the kid, sorta implying it's someone elses. If you look at Throw Down, the death tag of his wife seems to come directly from her, it doesn't just fall from the air.
(And yes, that is his wife. Even beyond what the flower figure looks like, the death tag has XY crossed out while XX is left alone. Since all death tags have both sets, it can be assumed the corpse at the end of Throw Down is meant to be a woman by sex because chromosomes)
Thus, I think what this scene might be trying to show is that Shidou wasn't taking organs just for his wife, but for his children too.
Or maybe child.
This is the obligatory part of my posts where I go insane. The kid is still alive and standing in the scene, so what this could imply is that Shidou began killing for this child before the pressumed accident.
This is where I bring in the fact that Shidou claimed in his 2nd VD that he also took organs for scientific purposes, and from his Voice Reveal jumbled quote, it seems to have happened before shit went down.
Shidou: [Cackling] Not dead... Yeah, she's definitely not dead... I finally understand the value of what I've been robbing people of...
So he's been robbing people of their braindead family members before his wife became braindead herself.
So, here's what I think. Shidou's child, the one from this scene, had some sort of illness of some kind, and Shidou began experimenting with organ harvesting to see if he could cure it. Don't ask me what the hell he was actually planning to do, but that's the idea. The whole science side of this storyline feels to me like it isn't meant to be 100% accurate to reality, but that's just my opinion.
This could also explain why his Voice Reveal thingy only mentions a she (or a name of three letters I guess, seeing as it's all blacked out, but you know), and why we only see her in Throw Down, without having him kill the child to explain the Triage scene in question. It's possible both his children died instantly in whatever accident they got into, but his wife survived in a vegetative state. And in that moment, Shidou began trying to use what he learnt from his experimentation to save her by harvesting more organs.
I think this works decently enough, even if like you said, the actual science is questionable at best. I mean, it clearly didn't work, so.
Is this something? I feel I'd be more confident if I could scan the damn QR code in the death tag of that scene, but I assume it just takes you to the Judge page like the ones from Backdraft.
Anyways, hope that answered your question! Take care!
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callsign-phoenix · 2 years
I wrote this as a part of my advent calendar fics, I hope you like it!
It is a Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x gn!reader imagine.
Thank you @marvelandotherfandomimagines for proofreading!
Day 5: Christmas market
Warnings: none
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Bob was always in a Christmas mood, but he especially loved doing Christmas activities with you.
He spent all the time he could decorating the house or making sure you had Christmas themed food and drinks in the house, he loved rewatching Christmas movies and the cozy feel of being at home with you.
As such he highly anticipated going to a Christmas market with you, and his excitement was barely tameable when you got in the car.
Bob wore a giant winter coat with a fake fur hood that framed his pale face beautifully, the blush on his cheeks from excitement and the cold omnipresent this time of year.
Bob was a safe driver so it took you a while to get to the market and find a parking spot, but when you did you could see the gleam in his eyes.
The first thing you did was get yourselves some roasted almonds, with Bob holding them as you walked along the stands.
The warm lights of the lamps and candles all around and the smell of cold, wet pavement mixed with the scents of your almonds, warm pretzels and all kinds of Christmas drinks filled your hearts with warmth that easily withstood the cold temperatures.
You walked past stands that sold handmade soap and little trinkets, wooden stars and paper stars and all kinds of Christmas ornaments and decorations, until you reached a small shop almost at the end of one of the busy streets.
Bob stopped walking all of a sudden and you turned to see what he was looking at, finding an ornament of an F-18 that had Santa sitting in it as the object of his interest.
“Baby, look!” He exclaimed softly and you moved to stand beside him, wrapping your arms around his waist to show your full presence and support.
“It’s an F-18, isn’t that cool?” He asked, and you let out a chuckle as you nodded quickly.
“It’s very cool, and it would fit perfectly in the decorations on our tree,” you answered and moved to kiss his cheek.
Bob winced slightly as he felt how cold your skin was, but that didn’t dim his excitement.
“How much is it?” He asked the vendor, and before you knew it you had bought a small F-18 for your Christmas tree.
You went around the market finding small things for your home and heart, and getting some cotton candy and warm soft pretzels along the way.
You had gotten some cream that smelled like orange and cinnamon for your hands because they dried out quickly in the cold and you had bought a decorative paper-star to put over a lamp and drench any room in comforting and warm lighting.
The last stop you made, with your bags of pillaged goods hanging from your arms, was getting some obligatory mulled wine.
Bob was excited as soon as he saw the stand and he found a nice spot for you to wait before he rushed to get the warm drinks for the two of you.
Bob didn’t usually drink often so you were surprised to find him carrying two cups of steaming hot liquid as he made his way towards you.
His smile was bright, warm and infectious and you returned happily, taking one of the steaming cups from him and immediately feeling the warm relief it gave you just by holding it in your hands.
Your gaze fell from your boyfriend to the cup in his hands while your eyebrows raised in a question that he already knew without you having to ask.
A broad grin appeared on Bob’s face and you could see how happy he was, the steam from his cup slightly fogging his glasses.
“I got fruit punch,” he said gingerly, and you laughed at his wholehearted and childlike excitement.
You spent the evening taking a walk through the market.
Getting back to your house happy and satisfied, the F-18 ornament found its rightful place in the best spot on the Christmas tree.
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tagging: @wildbornsiren @mayhem24-7forever @green-socks @hederasgarden @letsfvckingdance @shadeds-library @a-reader-and-a-writer @yespolkadotkitty @whateverbagman @neptunes-curse @sweetheartlizzie07 @top-gun-rooster @iloveprettyboysblog @ateliefloresdaprimavera @imjess-themess @littlebadariell @angstyjellybean @marchingicenotes7 @midget713 @supernaturaldawning @gspenc @adorephina @gigisimsonmars @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @bespinnn @softromantist @malindacath @aerangi @kassieesworld @oliviah-25 @kwanimations @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @glowingtree @natasharomanoffisbaebby @luckyladycreator2 @blue-aconite @tipsykeen @airedale17 @iangiemae @uwiuwi @princessofglitterland @ycarlii @teti-menchon0604 @butaneandthebeast @call-sign-hurricane @eggscrambler84 @mavericksicybabe @kendra-rose @desert-fern
(please tell me if you want to be added to the taglist, or use this link)
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sunsrefuge · 1 year
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Asura Appreciation Week - Day One "Talk about one of your asura OCs! Who are they? What's their Deal?" [hosted by @asura-appreciation-corner ♥]
of course im going to bring up my favorite little rat, Liifa!
Just a funky mischievous little guy, carrying a book of demons and shuffling his tarot cards in weird places!
Originally from Quora Sum before its fall, yes he's old and yes he has very special feelings (derogatory) about Primordus. He also managed to gain a personal, mutual vendetta with Joko. He spent the majority of his 'normal' life in the Crystal Desert with the Sunspears, and after accepting a book of Demons associated with Abaddon (the Binding, in my headcanon!) he was promptly, you know, kicked out!
He had a little bit of a pirate stint before taking to the life of wayward traveling. He's done a lot of odd jobs over the years and very often sticks himself into situations that he has no business actually being in - especially larger happenings, like the Pact's Campaign!
he's very normal, i promise, he absolutely totally definitely didn't accidentally make himself a lich while reviving his sister from a fatal wound -- don't mind the fact that he's been alive for over two centuries, he's definitely not a lich! :) prommy. (obligatory sarcasm tag; he's absolutely a lich and hides it from everyone lol)
He ends up stuck in Gandara with Eliana, a plant girlie, for most of LWS4, and after getting out thanks to Joko getting turned into a dragon fruit snack, they stick with the Commander's team! So per my personal AU, he's gotten to see Primordus up close again :) he hated it a lot <3 and thanks to his experience with demons, he's definitely getting dragged into SotO! ♥
okay that's all i'm going to ramble about for today thanks byyyye
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localceilingdevil · 1 year
buggie • any pronouns • artist + animator • multifandom
spam likes + reblogs OK!! [silly tags are very welcome]
youtube || artfight || toyhouse
oc content (inactive woops)
currently obsessing over ocs
hey!! just someone online happy to share whatever I draw. that's all! thank you for stopping by :]
some fandoms I'm into would include rainworld, sky: children of the light, chainsaw man, genshin impact, omori, and especially zelda!!
inbox is always open and welcome to everyone. feel free to ask questions or send me silly stuff!! (doodle requests OK!!)
obligatory tags:
#rw spoilers - be sure to block if you don't want to see spoilers of any sort!
#buggies skycotl posting - block if you're just here for the rainworld content!
#art - all the cool art stuff i do i guess
#rw downpour - silly downpour content
#animation - all the cool animation stuff i do !!
#doodles - low effort pieces, usually drawn in class
#buggie answers - silly ask stuff and whatnot :]
#reblog - not often do i reblog but it's just more cool stuff.
icky people DNI (you know who you are)
specific tags:
#guts - NOT MONK!! this is the silly yellow dude i like to draw every now and then. he is his own slugcat!
#twobits - little blue dot slugcat that is normally drawn with his red lizard friend named doom
#risk - guts' brother. white with a little spot on his right eye. throws hands with lizards on the daily and is littered with scars
#six myths (sm) - the orange iterator with a leaf cape running around my blog sometimes [she/they]
#hope among the winds (hatw) - purple iterator. she makes masks and is super sweet [she/her]
#flare of shards (fos) - flare!! red guy. hotheaded. anger issues :] [he/him]
#fields vast and fruitful (fvaf) - FIELDS. FIELDSSS. green iterator. he gives off chill gamer dude vibes i love him so much. [he/him]
#boundless prosperity (bp) - purple iterator with star-themed EVERYTHING. [she/they]
#buggies rainworld oc rambles - planning to use this tag in the future to rant about rainworld lore that i have for my iterators and slugcats. probably in the form of simple comics :]
#meteorite (he/him) - goofy hat guy with a bird. sometimes can be seen rocking a scar and earrings
#asteroid (she/they) - sibling of meteorite. they too have a scar on their eye and can be seen wearing their hair down. uses a sickle
#darkstone (he/him) - beloved guide of eden! gratitude mask and antlers. firework staff
#lune (he/him) - brother of darkstone. another guide :] gratitude fox mask and glasses over said mask.
#starlight (she/her) - sister of darkstone. also a guide ! she wears the weasel mask and cute shoes with socks
#whale (they/them) - forest elder hair and fabric covering nose and mouth. very bulky
#eel (they/them) - top dog of the valley racers. braids. sometimes wears gold tusk earrings
#fire (he/him) - also a beloved valley racer. flight hair and tufted sideburns. ultimate gift flight feathers and abyss military cape
#monowing (they/any) - valley racer. moth hair, earmuffs, scarf and a snowboard. owl cape
#north (he/him) - not necessarily a racer but he's friends with them. long silky hair and earrings. paints on his cheeks with glue and glitter.
#branch (she/her) - little gal. two braids and withered horns. leaf cape
#bird (he/him) - little dude! emo hair swept over one eye and juggler cape and pants. carries a guitar with him
#buggies skycotl oc rambles - self explanatory lol. I'm very passionate about them so who knows, maybe I'll start talking about them more in the future
#buggie's coliseum junk - coliseum is an original storyline filled with my non-fandom characters. a hobby!!! and the subject of many many years of fixation
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