#ok I lie maybe it will affect one thing
mfdragon · 10 months
Just read A Glitch in Time and while I liked it, I do prefer your take on Vlad’s redemption. Though to be fair AGiT did have the unenviable task of having to build off Phantom Planet.
This is obviously very flattering to hear UwU 💕
The book had an incredibly difficult and fundamentally bad episode that it needed to fix in only so few pages. It juggled a lot of characters and it told a complete journey that explored a lot of things while still keeping it fun and highlighting some badass and emotional moments. It did it’s job excellently and beautifully; but inevitably some things will be left out or feel rushed.
I loved the ending; never in a million years would I have thought it would have ended like that and it leads to so many interesting, fresh possibilities!
It’s also thankfully not influencing how my comic goes in any way so I can easily continue dissecting Vlad as much as I want and finish the small story I want to bring you all ✨
Thanks again for the compliment 👌🏻 👍🏻
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tamagotchikgs · 1 month
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i am so filled w love rn i am so ,,,,, Something. & maybe i am allowed to be comfortable w someone for the first time ever mayb i am safe...... i keep saying this because i never thought i would b. but it only feels more true,,, more possible as time goes on n that is wild 2 me
#when did i get here how did i get this how did i get the best thing in my whole life#they r so fucking cool they r everything good in the world#& i adore them w my whole soul#i dont even know how 2 convey it#i dont deserve any of it but god does it feel so good. to just. be able to give love n receive it n it feel .Real#feel like maybe i can fit n exist n have a place even if it's with a single person#not only a place where i belong but where i am allowed 2 love#because like !!!!!! holay molayyyy !!!!!!!!!! i love !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! them so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i dont even know how to show it but a !!!!!!!!!!!!! it is in there n it is bubbling every second n i . every moment spent w them is nourish#nourishing my soul#straight lasagna in that bad boy#there has never been anything more important or interesting 2 me i have ever come across in the world than them#yea i still get nervous or . self-conscious w them sometimes because o boy they deserve the world but. it feels so different#it's different to the one i feel everywhere else#im not gonna lie the strong emotions i get because of how much i care can b.. agonizing when it's the bad ones#but the good outweighs them so hard#and ive never had that#usually the bad hits n it takes me down n thats it#i keep going down#but here i get down n then. hey wait. here is good#here is sosoososos much good#n i cherish them for the way they can handle my shit so much HBJABH...#on top of already loving them#instead of . me being a problem it's ok#they grab my shit n twist it#it's like i can be a person if im with them#and the experiences i have had n continue 2 have build onto me#like i am a person. and i can see it. which i never have been or could before#but more than any of the ways they affect me i just love them for . the fact they r them#standalone they r so fucking incredible. n i want them to know that i want them 2 feel that too
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p4nishers · 3 months
rocking back and forth. i love you. i know. abed played han another time and he kissed annie (as leia) as a romantic gesture. troy doesn't remember telling abed he loves him. annie wanted his brother to move in bc troy was like a brother to her and abed wanted his girlfriend to move in bc. well. i love you. i know. im seeing real lava because you're leaving, it's embarrassing. you may notice side affects, like a compulsion to come back. cool. cool cool cool. that's a lie. i love you. i know. we can't stop, this is the last thing we're ever gonna do together. knowing that doesn't feel like enough anymore. i know you hate when people do this in the movies. i love you. i know. no one gets abed, but i got him a little. the darkest timeline is the one where troy left. i miss abed so much. you weren't supposed to think those things about me. happy valentine's day. it is now. still best friends? yeah, still best friends. i missed you so much, buddy. you know i'd do anything you did. abed, think of something safe. i love you. i know. i don't think the lava's here because you're leaving, i think it's here because i won't let go. we can never stop being friends. you were out there somewhere and you weren't looking for me? just checking on abed. making sure he's okay. just, you know, make sure he stays comfortable. i worry for him when i'm not around. maybe all relationships are made up of logical inspectors and emotional constables and we need both to make space and time a better place. yeah, troy will find me. what if abed wants to replace me? it makes me so angry and sad all at the same time. you know for the first time in my long history of being locked inside things, i knew someone would come. i haven't exactly been a whirlwind of entertainment since troy left. it has to be ok for it to get on a boat with levar burton and never come back. because eventually, it all will. i love you. i KNOW.
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whyse7vn · 28 days
“You know….” Jin looks over to Yoongi he’s sprawled out on a black couch thats sits in middle of the room they’re both in mindlessly scrolling through his phone. “It’s almost time to renew our contracts”
“So?” Yoongi replies his full attention still being held by his phone.
“Well, don’t tell her” Yoongi pauses “I told you this but y/ns been kinda on the fence about it all”
“About renewing her contract?”
“About being in the group all together”
Yoongi’s phone falls flat to his chest. Jin bites back a smirk.
“Again don’t tell her i told you this but she said being in the groups gotten a little suffocating that we all argue too much and tha—”
“I’m not joking you know she comes to me about stuff why would i lie?”
Yoongi pauses for a moment. Why would Seokjin his good friend of over 10 years lie to him?
There are many reasons actually like that one time he took that sandwich out the fridge that was clearly labelled “JINS DO NOT EAT” and ate it right in his face or that other time when he tripped Jin up during rehearsals for no reason at all or that time—
“Trust me she was like really serious about it and—”
Yeah Yoongi doesn’t believe him, not one bit.
“So why are you telling me this shouldn’t you go talk to Joon about this stuff?”
“You know how Namjoon is can’t say no to her like… ever she would be gone before we know it and i thought about bringing it up with Jungkook but you also know how he is..”
“What about Jimin? Hobi? The fucking company, why me?”
“It’s just ‘cuz she said- never mind it’s not important forget i mentioned this”
“What did she say?”
“Nothing… i just i- i don’t want you to think it’s your fault or anything”
“So it’s my fault”
Yoongi now sits fully up right on the couch he was once slouched on with his eyebrows furrowed and gaze locked on Jin.
Jin bites back another smirk.
“No! not at all she just said some… stuff don’t worry about it!”
“What did she say” It’s not a question anymore.
“Well just that maybe you could uh.. be nicer or something?”
“Nicer?” Yoongi is now fully stood up one fist clenched and a head full of questions.
“Me? …Nicer?”
“That’s what she said” Jin shrugs.
Yoongi knows he isn’t the best to his fellow members often rejecting their various displays of affection and saying somewhat mean things to them on occasion. Sure he might of ‘lovingly’ punched a few of them a couple times called them some unkind names but not you! well he did call you a bitch once … or twice but you knew he was joking right? And he says sorry… sometimes, so Yoongi’s not even that mean, not at all, like it’s tough love or whatever. Yoongi can be nice. Yoongi is nice.
Yoongi stares back at Jin.
“Do you… think i could be nicer?”
There’s a pause.
Oh. Ok maybe Yoongi isn’t as nice as he thought he was. But it wasn’t that bad.
“…just considering she wants to leave the group because of it…”
Right. It’s is that bad.
Yoongi’s gaze drops the floor momentarily. He notices his phone that once held his attention now resides ontop of the fluffy carpet beneath his feet, but that’s the least of his concern right now. He feels a little sick and a whole lot embarrassed.
“Did she uh say anything else… about me i mean” He looks everywhere but Jin another wave of embarrassment taking over him as the question leaves his mouth.
Jin cocks his head at Yoongi in clear amusement, Not that Yoongi could catch onto it anyways too caught up in his own mind at the moment.
“How about we discuss this over coffee my treat! I think there’s a way we can sort this all out”
part 2 HERE
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @blairebangtan @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @k4ngelz @jmnscutie @threeopossumsinacoat @cynicalyoongs @lightningpussy54 @eunthv @gigiiiiislife @lowkeykin @elissasimp @socksfirstalways @knjlvr06 @lailaisarmy @thvkives @xstfudaisyx @xxxanimangxxx @solstice34 @ml8dy @hoeforseoks @futuristicenemychaos
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minimallyminnie · 9 months
Poly Scarabia where…
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You’re always interlocked arms with Kalim on one side and Jamil holds your hand on the other
Where you wake up and see Jamil holding Kalim by his waist, digging his face into his back while the white haired holds your waist
You tease Jamil while he’s cooking and end up getting into a flour fight later on
Riding with Kalim on a magical carpet ride, he laughs while you hold onto him, looking at the sights
Daily messages from both of them when they have a break from their duties as a regular student…
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Well…maybe more than a little text from Kalim…
Definitely having multiple hugs and kisses from Kalim and words of encouragement from Jamil. They both provide words and affection for you.
If you have an awful day, be prepared for both of them. They want you to know they care a lot :)
Kalim makes chai for you and grabs all the fluffiest, comfiest pillows for you. Jamil grabs water for you and adjusts you so your body won’t hurt later on
If you want the silence, then they won’t talk. Tiny headcanon of mine but they’d probably talk to each other using sign language instead while they hug you from both sides
‘Should we get them anything else Jami?’
‘I think they just want us by their side right now.’
‘Ok! Got it!’
When you sniffle and pull them in tighter, they hug you back just a tight tenfold
If you want some verbal comfort, they got you too!
Kalim showers you with encouragement and compliment after compliment. He’s learning and improving on what’s too much so he knows what’s the limit.
Jamil tells you how happy you make him feel. How you saved him from doing something he’d regret for his life when he overblotted.
They couldn’t see your face, you were still crying but instead of your lips being abused by your teeth, on your face was a small smile
The Serpent of the Sands would still be plagued by guilt from his overblot
Frequently, there’s nights where his hold on you and Kalim is incredibly tight
You two instantly wake up when Jamil sits up immediately, hyperventilating from his nightmare. His hands grip his hair at the roots as he tries to calm himself
Kalim hesitates on comforting him so he just stays quiet or goes to get hot milk or tea for him
You on the other hand stay close to him and ground him
He takes deep breaths along with you and just melts in your touch
When he gets back to a normal breathing and a properly functioning mind, he scrambles his other hand for Kalim’s
The other comes in the door, carefully holding a cup for Jamil and you can feel the relief
Despite his sharp words, he truly loves both of you
We can’t forget about Kalim either can we?
He’s skilled in hiding his own feelings so when you three got together, it was incredibly difficult for you AND Jamil!
But over time you can tell now. He wakes up stiff and unmoving
His hands grip hard on whatever they’re on and he bites his lip to mute himself from both of you
He’s independent! He can deal with this on his own! By himself!
That’s a lie. You think as you held Kalim to your chest while he cries
Jamil makes some tea and sets it on the side table while you take him in your arms
When Kalim is willing to, he lifts one of the arms he had from his face and holds Jamil’s
The three of you are a strange bunch but it works!
Kalim doesn’t mind PDA as long as it’s not overwhelming and huge which is ironic considering his personality for being huge on things. Kisses on the cheeks, lips, or his hands are welcomed for sure! It’s not uncommon to see Kalim leaning into your side as he rambles about something. Behind doors, he much rather be more intimate than what he handles outside. Longer, more loving kisses and cuddles on the bed.
As for Jamil, he does have stricter boundaries about PDA than Kalim. Chaste kisses on only his cheeks or lips, hand holding, and side hugs are alright. But nothing else than that. Behind the doors, Jamil loves kissing you and holding you tightly. His embraces are filled with adoration and affection for you. He doesn’t speak very often when he’s like that, his actions speak louder though.
Sometimes you still side eye Jamil when Kalim’s not looking. It’s just something that stayed after what happened with his overblot.
Jamil has that body pillow in his room right? He definitely rolls over to cuddle you two when he sleeps.
Kalim is usually in the middle and he’s the victim of both cuddling attacks
Even if he needs to go to the restroom at night or something, he will will himself into not moving because you two are hugging him
When you give them warm embraces and needed words, they automatically fall harder for you
It’s more evident when you can read their thoughts but…
The snake who got the warmest hug from you just melted in your arms. A content smile on his face as he relaxed and hugged you. His head limp on your shoulder as he took in your hug for as long as he could.
The prince who got reassuring words about himself had tears in his eyes. His heart overflowing and craving for more of the understanding words after being so used to cutthroat words. His tears ran down his cheeks as he smiled happily
They provide you both in exchange. You deserve a whole lot better than them.
You three had a rough get together actually because, Kalim ran away from you two the minute you confessed
Jamil found him later and you two found out how he was scared. Scared to be the dumb one of the relationship and how he didn’t want to take something away from his friend? Retainer? Whatever they were again.
Well…guess who took Kalim’s first kiss…? AND IT WASN’T EVEN YOU—
You three got together after that with a here a now rocky road
Both you and Kalim go straight to Basketball practice when you have the time to
Watching Jamil play against Ace and Floyd is entertaining considering the multiple times you have gotten hit by a basketball in the face
You both cheer for him at his games and always bring some sort of refreshment for the team, to which everyone on the team approves!
Until someone throws a pack of food at someone else…
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Jamil audibly sighs when you’re walking back to Ramshackle with them
“I told you, explicitly written and spoken, not to bring food for the team.”
“Uh huh. Yeah.” You nod as you look at his undone bun, crumbs stuck in it as well as stains on his Jersey and his jacket.
Kalim let’s out a laugh and crosses his arms behind his head “Ace got a headshot on you [Reader]!”
You groan and roll your eyes. “He’ll get what he deserves tomorrow when I won’t share the homework answers with him…”
You break your sharp expression and break out laughing when Kalim attempts to muffle his giggles
Jamil smiles softly at both of you before he kisses you two…and then pinches your foreheads.
“Ow! What was that for?!” You cried out rubbing your head. “Making a huge mess.”
“Jami! That hurt!”
“Oh no, I didn’t know.” He gives a smirk before it’s replaced by panic from you pushing him into the grass besides Ramshackle, he grabs your hand which in turn makes you grab Kalim’s. Falling onto the grass, the three of you are silent.
Only the sound of crickets before laughter erupted from you and became contagious to Kalim and Jamil
They both came close to your sides.
Yeah. They’re really lucky to have you.
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salty-says · 4 months
Ok wtf the post went away but the lovely @amortentiaz asked for monster trio + Shanks reaction to reader that was previously involved with other pirates romantically!
Monster Trio + Shanks
• When Luffy first saw you, he instantly knew you had to be a member of his crew. You are strong and carry yourself quite confidently. When you helped him out reluctantly in a scuffle with Marines he asked you to join and absolutely didn’t take no for an answer.
• You quickly got along with the rest of the crew as you already had proved yourself greatly by helping them out in a tight pinch.
•Luffy didn’t really understand his attraction to you at first as he never felt something like that for anyone else. He was confused as to why he felt differently about you than the rest of the crew.
•He finally admitted to you that being around you “feels like he’s going into Gear 2” as his heart starts pumping rapidly and he feels stronger.
•Soon enough you reciprocated his feelings and he was overjoyed. He treated you very special and because of this he let you nap with him and “share” some of his food (the crumbs).
•One day Robin was reading the paper during breakfast and mentioned that Sir. Crocodile had been prosecuted into Impel Down. Immediately you froze and asked to see for yourself.
•You couldn’t believe your eyes when you saw that he was in fact in Impel Down. After not hearing from him in years this was certainly a shock.
•Usopp watching this questioned your odd behavior but you tried to hide it best you could. Robin being the second in command to Crocodile during her time with Baroque Works interjected, “Did they not tell you that they had a ‘thing’ with Crocodile?”
•Immediately everyone in the room froze. The tea Sanji was pouring splashed onto the ground, Usopp’s jaw fell to the floor, and Chopper’s eyes looked as if they popped out of his head.
•You looked down and blushed shamefully not knowing how to even recover from that. “Is that true?” Nami asked. All you could do was nod your head in response.
•Then they turned to Luffy who was still gouging his way through his meal, and stealing the forgotten food off of the others’
• “Are you going to say anything about this Luffy?” Usopp asked. Luffy paused his eating momentarily and quirked a brow. “What do I need to say about it?” Nami shrieked at Luffy, “Do you really not care that they had a personal relationship with Crocodile? Remember the one that stuck his hook through your body?”
•Luffy only furrowed his brows in confusion, “Why should I care who my partner was romantically involved with. It’s their past and I don’t have any reason to pry in out of them. Plus it’s over and they like me so.”
•Your eyes widened as you looked at Luffy. You smiled and blushed knowing you hit the jackpot with the captain.
•Zoro didn’t care much for relationships, believed that they were merely a distraction. But when you came along he decided that maybe something casual wouldn’t hurt.
•He was blunt with it, telling you his feelings. Doesn’t do much physical affection until it’s night and he uses you as a personal teddy bear. He doesn’t need constant reassurance of your feelings for him and that’s what he likes most about you
•One night as you were up in the crow’s nest with him after her just got out of the shower you mustered up the courage to ask how he got that giant scar on his chest.
• “Battled the world’s greatest swordsman when I really shouldn’t have” He simply responded looking for his shirt. “And he did that to you?” You asked. “Yeah, I got owned by Mihawk.”
•You paused before your eyes widened and you turned to be face to face with Zoro, “Mihawk did that to you? The Dracule Mihawk?” Zoro furrowed his brows, “I’m pretty sure there isn’t any other master swordsman named Mihawk. Why do you ask?”
•You paused debating to tell him. “Oh, nothing…” Zoro knew this was a lie and kneeled in front of you gripping your chin and turning it towards him, “Tell me.”
•You sighed and pulled your legs to your chest, “You’re going to hate me if I tell you.” Zoro smirked, “Is that so? I want to know even more, now.”
•You exhale and look away once again, “I had sex with Mihawk.” You said swiftly hoping he wouldn’t catch all of it. Out of all the things to confess he never believed you would say that. Zoro paused and stared at you in disbelief. After a bit he squeezed his eyes shut and breathed in deeply, “How long ago?”
•You looked in his general direction but avoided his eyes, “Honestly, the last time was like a couple weeks before I met you guys.” Zoro’s eyes shot open, “A couple wee-…?! Did you just say ‘last time’? It happened more than once?!”
•You squeaked a bit, “Are you sure you want to know the answer to that?” “YES!” You bit your lip, “I don’t even know like a lot. And I mean a lot. He may not show but goddamn he can get quite passionate, and it-”
•Zoro put a hand over your mouth, “Before you ask I’m not mad. But I do have to ask, was he bigger than me?”
•Lover fucking boy Sanji. When you came along gosh he felt so many emotions rushing to his body. Instantly fell in love but it felt different than the love he felt for anyone else.
•Gives little treats to spoil you, makes you specialty dishes and constant hugs. Gosh he just loves you so much and you can’t help but love him back.
•Feels so genuinely in love and lucky to be with you. Doesn’t fully understand why you chose him but tries not to think about it to often. Loved when you join him during his meal prep time. You guys talk and he makes you try different things to see if you like it.
•After a meal one night you offered to help him with dishes and even after him rejecting your offer countless times you still managed to wiggle your way over to the sink. He compromised by letting you dry to dishes and you rolled you eyes and obliged.
•After you guys finished Sanji lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply. He released the smoke out and sighed contentedly. You smiled mischievously and grabbed it out from his lips and took a drag yourself.
•exhaling the smoke you managed to keep back the coughs that wanted to escape your throat. Needless to say Sanji was very shocked at this sudden new revelation.
•He took back the cigarette in his hand and took a drag of his own, “You never told me you smoked.” A small cough escaped your throat and Sanji quirked a smile, “I haven’t in a while.”
•Sanji raised his brow, “You used to?” You smiled slightly shifting on your feel noticing the conversation shifting in a direction you hadn’t told him about yet. “Yeah, but only once in a while. My ex smoked cigars more than 8 times a day.”
•Sanji nodded and his heart raced nervously as this was the first you had mentioned anything about your ex to him, “That doesn’t sound healthy, I mean I know I’m not one to talk, but more than 8?! He’s basically asking to die.”
•You chuckled and shrugged your shoulders, “Well they can’t actually hurt him, believe it or not.” Sanji’s head cocked in confusion, “How’s that?”
• You sighed deciding now was the best time to tell him, “Devil fruit. Guy was actually made of smoke.” At this Sanji inhaled too quickly and started a coughing fit. You panicked and rubbed his back trying to soothe him through it.
• Once he regained his compuse, “Sorry, mon ange, but you’re not insinuating that you ex is that marine captain Smoker, are you?” You went silent. “Are you?!” He asked more impatiently.
•You looked down and nodded, knowing it was shameful for a pirate to ever be involved with a marine. You looked up to meet Sanji’s flabbergasted gaze, “I know, and I’m sorry I never told you. It’s not fair to you. I understand entirely if this changes your feelings for me. I will not hold anything against you if you don’t want to be with me.”
• At this Sanji straightened up and regained his composure. Quickly putting out his cigarette he cupped your cheeks softly. “Oh mon ange, my feelings for you could never change. If you think this silly thing is enough to stunt my love you are truly mistaken. I love you so much! Something like this, yes, is surprising. However, you’re with me now and I’m the luckiest man in the world to be able to call myself your boyfriend. Do you understand me, ange?”
•Tears filled your eyes as you launched yourself into Sanji’s arms. “I love you.” Sanji smiled and held you close, “I love you too.”
(I know Smoker is a marine not a pirate but I thought he was a good character to put)
•Shanks met you on an island and knew he had to take you with him on his adventures. You were a proud member of the Red-Haired Pirates and the proud partner of Red-Haired Shanks.
•Shanks loved to party and get drunk with you. Loved laying sloppy booze tasting kiss to your mouth. And absolutely lost it when you sat in his lap as the rest of the crew partied around you guys.
•You a more on the light-weight side always got giggly when you were drunk. As you sat on Shank’s lap you told him the most random things from your life. Tonight you decided to tell him about one of your old romantic conquests.
• “You wanna know s’mthin crazy Shanks?” You lazily asked him, your head resting on his shoulder. He smiled down at you, “Yeah, what’s that?” You giggled into his neck, “I once dated a clown. An actual fucking clown. You ‘leive that?!”
•Shanks paused for a moment before images of his old buddy Buggy resurfaced. Shanks smirked and looked down at you, “Let me guess, his name was Buggy?”
• “Nuh Uh. You’re s’upid. His name was Bugg- wait how’s you know?!” You sat up quickly.
•Shanks had never been more amused in his life, “I’m just really good at guessing.” You grimaced, “Are you mad at me because I dated someone ‘fore you?”
•Shanks brought you in for a quick kiss, “Nope!” You looked at him shocked, “Really!?” He kissed your nose, “How could I be mad when I dated the clown too?”
• You sighed and went back to resting against his chest, “Feel better now…WAIT WHAT?!”
(I know Ace was supposed to be in here but I truly don’t know how to write for Ace bc I have a shallow understanding of his character and I didn’t want to give a shitty one so I simply just didn’t include him)
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barcalover86 · 5 months
The unheard story.
A never-ending friendship.
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Chapter One
"Sweet 18, love!" your mom smiled at you seeing the clock hitting midnight.
"Thank you."
You went to hug your parents and little sister tight, feeling more emotional than you would have wanted to.
You couldn't lie, you were scared.. really scared to turn this age. It wasn't much different than 5 minutes ago when you were still 17, but it felt like right now it was more pressure on your shoulders.
You weren't a kid anymore.
You are now an adult who has to manage things on her own and be able to overcome any challenge life will subject you to.
You were an independent girl even since you were little, so having to do things alone wasn't a big problem for you. It's just the pressure to disappoint your family that affects you badly.
On the other side, turning 18 had its goods.
Tomorrow you'll travel with your best friend, Bia, to your most beloved city. Barcelona.
Since you were kids, you two were big fans of football, going to every game you could attend to. Of course, it wasn't the same to be on a small stadion like the one from your town, or to be on Camp Nou.
You could imagine how much of a big difference it would be.
And you couldn't be more excited that now you will be able to make a dream come true. Just like you and Bia planed for years.
Travelling to Barcelona.. just the two of you.
You absolutely hated to wake up early in the morning, especially when last night you didn't have a great sleep.
All kinds of nerves were starting to be fueled in your body because of how nervous you were.
But before you entered the plane, you promised yourself that this journey would have to be memorable.
"Are you ready to begin a new chapter, birthday girl?" Bia asked you with the biggest smile on her face.
"I think I am." you replied, taking her hand in yours.
Now.. let's be for real. Summer in Barcelona doesn't sound that bad. Right?
The day you arrived in Spain was a really hot one, so you couldn't do much, but to stay inside your hotel room until the night will come.
Now come one, you expected to have a hot summer in Barcelona, but you didn't imagine that 45° C were even possible.
And of course, you didn't check the weather before. You always forget to do that.
You were chatting in your hotel room until you started to be hungry. You couldn't eat in the building, because you decided to book something that had no lunch, so that you could enjoy your visiting more, but now all you could do was go outside to grab something, because you were starving.
After minutes of choosing an outfit, you and Bia arrived into the new world.
A lot of people were walking outside like the weather was perfect, and you were so shocked by that. They must really hate cold, then.
After walking for some minutes, you decided to go to a terrace to eat a pizza.
"So, it's still available that tomorrow we go watch the game?" Bia asked you, and you instantly nodded.
"Where do you want to book the tickets? Sector A, or no. I've heard that many people recommend Sector H."
"Bia.. what about we go to the VIP Section?"
"What? Do you know how expansive it is? 1200-1300 euros per person! We will go outside of our budget, y/n!"
You look down.
"Look, it's our first game at Camp Nou. Let's make it special. Money come and go, but experiencing a Barca game for the first time right at the vip section is unforgettable. We'll manage to get the money back, but please, Bia.."
She thinks for a second, before she agrees.
"Ok, maybe you're right."
"Thank you!!" you hugged her, being really excited. "You won't regret it."
The day has come, and even if there were 7 more hours until the game begins, you two started to get ready.
Taking a shower, doing your hair and makeup, and, of course, choosing the best outfit.
You didn't have an original Barca jersey, but when you were 15, your best friend made two white hoodies with a big Barca sign on its left.
Maybe it was cheap, but you loved it!
So, as an outfit, you chose the hoodie, with nothing underneath because it was really hot outside, and some black jeans.
As shoose, your favourite white nikes.
With a simple makeup and your natural straight hair, you were ready to attempt the game.
"I'm so excited, you have no idea."
"Me too, I can't believe that- wait."
She looks at you confused.
"If we're standing at the vip section, it means that cameras will also be on us."
"Oh. We'll be famous then!" Bia laughs.
Everyone was pushing everyone, and it was really hard to walk through the crowd, so you had to take your best friend's hand so you could stay together.
As a vip culer, you could enter camp nou more easily, but of course, you had to take a lot of pictures, especially since the sunset was luminating your faces so well. You were truly beautiful.
When you stepped into the stadium.. man.. it was more beautiful than you ever dreamed of.
"Bia, we have to take a lot of photos!!!! It's so pretty out here!"
Your best friend was out of words. Finally, you got to see Barca play live together. It was all you ever wished for.
You were so happy that you started to jump around and to sing the anthem, without realising that the players were coming to warm up already.
All of them looked at how happy you were, and even some of them chuckled at your excitement.
"We have to enjoy our time here, y/n. Who knows when we'll be here again."
You started to laugh hard at how silly you two were acting.
"Look, that's Fermin!!!! Sexy boy!"
"Shhh, someone might hear you, Bia!!"
"Who cares??"
"Me?? You're embarrassing ourselves!" you started to laugh again.
"Look, y/n!! Your boy, Gavi." she said like she didn't listen to me at all.
"Right next to Lewandowski, at his right. He has the ball on his head."
You look carefully, searching for the footballers, and when you see Pablo Gavi, you immediately blush.
"Look who's got all red." she started to tease you, which she loved to do so.
When the players went off the field, you looked at Gavi to see that he was having some nerves.
When they came back 5 minutes later, you shouted loudly, "Good luck, boys. I know you can do it!"
Every player looked up to see you, and they all smiled at you and some of them like Balde and Araujo, even waved at you.
But your eyes were only fixed on Gavi's. And not to be delusional, but you kinda saw that he smiled at you.
The game versus Mallorca began and you all sat down to watch the boys play.
The atmosphere was purely amazing, and you felt like you belonged there. People cheering on Barca affected your mood a lot, and you started to feel much better and alive.
At first, you thought that Mallorca wasn't a big 'enemy' for Barcelona, but the game was so intense that you just couldn't get bored.
A lot of yellow cards were given to players from both teams, and even a player from Mallorca got a red one.
It was minute 90+3 when Cancelo scored the winning goal, and everyone was standing up, shouting happily.
"No way, I love you, Cancelo!!! My boyyy!" Bia started to laugh hard.
Oh, how happy everyone was.
In the end, the anthem began again, and now you started to sing like it was no tomorrow.
The players came close to you to sign people's jearsies and to take as well some photos for the fans.
"C'mon, let's go, y/n. I want a picture with Fermin too."
You laughed, but inside, you felt really nervous.
When Lewandowski came to you two, he smiled and took a picture.
"Thank you so much. Congratulations on the win." Bia said.
"Thank you for being here, culers. Do you want me to sign something for you? A jersey?"
"We don't have a jersey, but thank you." Bia also replied, because you were really shy now.
Lewa took his off and gave it to your best friend, which she happily accepted, before he asked for Gavi.
"Gavi, come here quick."
After signing some last shirts, the boy came to where you were standing, confused.
"Do you want a photo? Let me finish there first and I'll come, ok?"
"No, no, Gavi. Can you please give this girl your jersey. She doesn't have one, and I already gifted mine."
He looks at you and smiled.
"What's your name?"
"Ok, y/n. I remember you from the beginning of the game when you wished us good luck, so I hope this will also bring you luck." he said before taking his jersey off to give it to you.
You couldn't not stare at his beautiful body, and he saw that, asking you if you wanna take a photo together.
After you three took it, he signed his jersey, before freezing.
"Oh, wait. You'll have to wash it because it's all sweaty so I can't sign it for you. I'm sorry."
"Don't be, it's ok."
"No, no. The next game will be on Wednesday. Wash it, and we'll meet here so that I can sign it for you. I'm suspended because of my yellow card today, so I will be just here. Is it ok for you?" he asked.
"Yes, it's ok." you replied too quick and he went back to sign some other shirts.
"Y/n!! Look, I'm really happy that you got his jersey, but we don't have the money to come here next game too!"
Bia was really frustrated, and you understood her. But it was your chance to talk again with Gavi.
"I know, Bia, but please! Just this time, and then we'll get the cheapest tickets after."
"Y/n, with this vip ticket we already spend the money for 1 week!"
"I am capable of no eating for 4 days.. please.."
She takes a second before she replies.
"Just because I love you."
You smile and hug her.
"Thank you so much, Bia. It means the world to me!"
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bubblebbg · 1 year
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 (𝐚𝐫𝐞).
Upon popular request, part 2 of this post.
Miguel O'Hara x reader
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It's just like old times, the two of you finding respite on the rooftop and away from the party. Miguel is glad to have you back, if not only for a moment. Unbeknownst to him, you're ready to return to how it was permanently, to do away with the obstacles of the present. Miguel is just as eager to accept you and turn back time together.
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As things are starting to fall into place, he can't help but think about how all of this suits you. The warmth of your hand as you lead him up the fire escape and to the roof, the breeze in your hair, the way your laugh travels in the air. God, he's missed this, the way you smile, the light in your eyes, you and him. It's enough to nearly send him into a daze, that is until you sit on the roof's edge, beckoning him to sit with you. "You know," you say, and the familiarity of the way you speak has his full attention, "I'm sorry. I guess I didn't really think how much this all affected you. I've only really been thinking about myself."
You look at him apologetically, a timid smile on your face. He's not sure if he's supposed to have let go of your hand by now, but he doesn't want to. So he keeps your fingers interlaced, speaking softly in that tone reserved for you and only you. "That's not true. You've made time for me whenever you could, even if it hasn't been as much time as before. I didn't think you'd walk out without seeing your boyfriend."
You sigh, "I didn't think I would either."
He pauses, watching your expressions as you turn your gaze to the city again. Anyone else might think the slight shine in your eyes is the gleam of streetlights, but he knows you. Knows you like the back of his hand, and knows you're biting back tears. Miguel whispers, his hand leaving yours to tentatively wrap around your waist, "What do you mean?"
You take a moment, eyes searching windows and cars in the distance as if they might provide the answers, the words to say.
"It's funny, how things suddenly become clearer to you. This necklace," your hand goes to trace the silver gift around your neck, "The flower? I mentioned it once, almost a year ago, and you remembered it. And that made me so happy. So I thought -"
You breathe deeply, the tears breaking the surface despite your battle to keep them in. Miguel's hand instantly comes to wipe them, concern evident in his features. You let him, head resting on his shoulder.
"I thought to myself, when was the last time anyone else made me this happy? Or remembered anything? My boyfriend," you chuckle through the tears, amused and disgusted at your choice in partner, "He doesn't remember shit. I've been telling him about this birthday party for the last month and he still didn't take the time off. I bet you right now that the gift he has is something he picked up last minute that I don't even like. He's pathetic. I haven't been happy with him this entire time. And it's all clear now. I'm so, so stupid."
"Hey," Miguel soothes, "Don't say that."
"Miguel, don't lie. I'm stupid and you know it."
"Ok, maybe you're a little stupid," he teases, earning him a jab to the ribs as you both laugh. He smiles, rubbing your side while you lean into him, sniffling and giggling. "I don't think you're stupid for wanting to be loved though. It's human."
"I'm just stupid for not realizing it was supposed to be you."
His eyes widen in shock, sputtering and looking to your face with his cheeks turned red. "I-I.. you - huh?"
You laugh at that, eyes turned to your phone as you get a text notification. You show him your phone, and his already racing heart beats faster. It's filled with replies from your now ex-boyfriend, angry and scolding you for dumping him. "I broke up with him. Texted him with one hand and held yours in the other."
Miguel's smile widens, eyes meeting yours, "While we were going up the stairs?"
"You're ridiculous."
"You love it."
You're leaning into him, face only inches from his. He reacts in a moment's notice, eyes flickering from yours to your lips before meeting you halfway, a hand coming to cup your cheek. Your lips are softer than he imagined - and he'd never admit it, but he imagined them many times - and that warmth you exude fills his body. He all but melts into you, a weight lifting from his shoulders that he wasn't aware he had. Slowly, you part, lips still close as he mutters, "I do."
The way you look at him, riddled with the telltale signs of post-kiss afterglow (rosy cheeks, lidded eyes, glossy lips and all), it has Miguel nearly at the altar already. He's not sure how it's possible, but you've managed to make his devotion to you even deeper than before. His best friend, the person he'd gladly die on hills for, who he's watched from up close and afar: you. He's not sure when friendship become something more, but now the tenderness of your confessions sit in your hands, alive and beating.
Carefully standing up on the roof's ledge, you hold out your hand and he knows immediately what to do. He falls in place next to you just like in the past, guiding you as you step along the cement, his firm hold assuring you that you're safe. You won't fall, not with Miguel there to catch you. The two of you walk like this in a comfortable silence, savoring the sweetness of what's happened, the certainty of each other's touch.
Suddenly, there's a commotion on the fire escape. Your heads snap to look at each other and you both know what's happening; you're angry ex-boyfriend is ascending the stairs, no doubt in pursuit of some argument, maybe to ignorantly throw a few punches at Miguel and call you names (a horrendous mistake, but he's dumb enough to try). Miguel rolls his eyes. "I'll handle him," he says, turning to help you off the ledge. You don't budge.
"Don't. I've got a better idea." You pull him up onto the ledge.
"Oh," he smirks, "Are you sure? Last time we did this you nearly pissed yourself."
It's your turn to roll your eyes. "Shut up, I've changed. Come on, let's go."
"Hold on, I want that bastard to see something."
Miguel wraps his arm tight around your waist, pulling you into his chest. As your ex makes it to the top, eyes furious and jaw dropped in disbelief, Miguel kisses you again. You can feel his smirk against your lips, can hear your ex screaming. But none of that matters right now and you really couldn't care less, not when you're wrapping your arms around Miguel's neck, not when you feel safe like this.
Miguel leans back and you're both falling from the top of twenty five stories, a hasty descent for the ground as he holds you close. His chest swells with pride as the two of you watch your ex leaning over the edge in disbelief at the apparent leap of death you two have taken. The wind blowing against you, Miguel shoots out his red webs, swinging away from the building with one arm. You laugh heartily, and maybe you really have changed, your face fearless and joyful as he weaves through the cityscape with you. Different, but still you. Still his.
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 6 months
oh ok, then I'd like to request phony by tsumiki (I think?) with furina, wanderer and childe
idrc abt whatever else is in the fic, it could be fluff or angst (maybe that's more for furina or wanderer since the lyrics are abt not knowing their purpose/who they are)
I think that's all I need to write to request-
thank you <33!!
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.·:🎼¨༺ Songs from the heart ༻¨🎼:·. | Phony
Characters: Wanderer, Furina, Childe
Song: Phony by Tsumiki
Warnings: Angst, identity crisis
A/U: Self aware genshin AU
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You were doing a domain with Childe, obviously because you loved fighting in domains with him. He was doing really well, hitting high numbers, but the world around him paused. He knew this wasn’t a normal pause as you open one of the various menus of the game, but it was him having a sudden realization. Childe was used to you playing music as you fought during domains, but this one particular song struck a chord within him. You had thought you game broke because Childe was just standing still, but wasn't taking any damage.
“The rain of despair pelts my umbrella and. Dampens my bangs and the hidden side of my heart”
That one lyric out of this whole song made him snap. All of a sudden you had control over him and his numbers were a lot higher. Childe was putting a lot more force into his attacks. You didn't notice, but this song was heavily affecting him. That one lyric connected to him more than anyone else, and the fact that it was coming from you made it even worse. He tried to think why this one lyric hit so hard to him. 
This feeling hit him like a tidal wave, not knowing what to do or say. After you exited the domain, he just stared at you. He had this feeling that you were punishing him for hiding so much from you. The previous times where he hid the truth, not revealing who he truly was or what his intentions were. He hated himself that he had to lie to you, the deception he subjected to you.
He was sincerely remorseful about ever deceiving you, but it was for the greater good. If you had known, he was sure that you would have hated him. You just had Childe stand outside the domain, trying to figure out what you needed to do next, while Chide was having an anxiety attack. His eyes were shaky, and his hands were trembling as he couldn’t still his racing mind. He was sure that you must have hated him.
“I’m sorry I didn’t try hard enough to hide my truths from you.”
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Wanderer may have seemed annoyed that you had him on the field to do boss fights, but deep down he was very prideful and proud about it. Of course you chose him out of all the others that you had, he was the best out of all of them anyway. Wanderer had this smirk on his face after every boss he had defeated, but that smirk disappeared as he heard a song play. This was normal, you obviously needed background noise, but this one song cause Wanderer’s mind to spiral. He didn’t know what to do as he felt trapped, but one lyric made it even worse.
“I can’t understand even the simplest of things; what even am I?”
He paused in the middle of his attack, the wind he was using quickly dissipated from his hand. All his memories came flooding back to him, as he tried to compose himself. Wanderer thought he was over this, he already confronted his past. So why was it all coming back to him so suddenly? It didn’t make any sense to him, especially since it was triggered by that one lyric. It was true, he didn’t understand anything, even after all the work he had done to understand humans.
He internalized this lyric and started to think it was how you saw him, but it didn’t cross his mind that it was how you saw yourself. You noticed that Wanderer wasn’t fighting anymore, thinking it was odd, so you decided to move him to a teleporter. You didn’t know if it was the game glitching or what, but you just let the game run on its own, hoping it would be fixed by itself. Wanderer started to cry, he didn’t think such a simple song could affect him and cause him to have a panic attack. He looked at you, hoping you would notice his pain in his eyes.
Wanderer kept his sole focus on you, trying to make sense of the purpose of the song that was playing. Were you trying to give him a sign, perhaps, or were you simply telling him you didn’t see him as what he wanted. His mind spiraled as he kept thinking on why you played that song, and if you even chose to play it. Wanderer didn’t want to accept the reality that he wasn’t real to you, that he was just a mere puppet with no emotions. As the screen dimmed, you still waiting for the game to fix itself, his eyes stared on with disbelief.
“Am I even real to you, creator?”
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Furina was skipping, even if you couldn’t see it through the screen, as you explored with her. She loved that someone as prestigious as you thought of her to be good for the job. She hummed to herself, seemingly enjoying the music that was playing in the background. You were fighting some monsters in Fontaine, and she was more than delighted to reign victorious, even if they were easy enemies. That delighted feeling got sucked out of her the moment she heard the song change to one that she couldn’t help but connect too.
“I cried, still unable to say even goodbye, phony phony phony. Tangled up in lies, I am a phony”
She felt tears well up in her eyes instantly. She couldn’t stop herself from crying, as she froze in front of the items of the fallen enemy that was just defeated. Her eyes were darting everywhere, trying to not focus on this one lyric. Furina instantly came to the conclusion that you saw her as a phony. She couldn’t blame you, however, since she felt like one herself. She wasn’t the true Hydro Archon after all, so what was she meant to be?
Tears feel onto the sand that she was standing upon, causing it to clump together. Her eyes stayed away from you, she couldn’t bring herself to even see you looking at her. She felt so much guilt and fear that you didn’t see her as anything but a phony. Furina tried her best to pull herself out of this negative spiral. She fell to her knees, more tears overwhelming her vision.
You hadn’t noticed as you became distracted with the music playing. Furina had held her hands as if she were praying to you. Her eyes were wide as she was fighting herself in her mind. Her breathing became labored as more tears fell around her. She started to yell out to you, hoping you’d hear her pleas.
“I’m not a phony! I’m not. I’m not. I’m not! Why won’t you believe me, oh great creator?”
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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koqabear · 1 year
there’s nothing hotter to me than taehyun knowing he’s smarter than his sexual partner and being cocky abt it 😭 is that weird omg - 🐼 anon
Pay Attention
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1.7K, smut, f!reader, warnings listed below; unedited
Taehyun seems like the type of guy that looooves to tease when he has an advantage over u. I’m talking anything and everything— height, intelligence, strength. Of course it’s all light-hearted and would never do it to put you down but MAN. imagine study sessions with him????? GODDD HEAR ME OUT. 
(smut warnings: degrading, thigh riding, choking, dry humping, overstimulation, cockwarming, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, creampie, manhandling, pet names)
It’s a class you’ve generally had difficulties with, maybe your professor is really bad or the subject isn’t your forte, but it definitely would be Taehyun’s, trust! Is kinda confused when you ask him to study, he’s like “what do you mean that class is an easy a” but takes pity on you nonetheless and tries to help you with study sessions 
but one problem… it takes you a long time to get a good understanding of the materials. Like it doesn’t matter how good of a teacher Tae is, you’re just so confused and disoriented that he ends up teaching you slowly, patient even though you’re literally about to cry and pull your hair out. 
but it also doesn’t help that Taehyun is talking to you with his soft little voice— leaning in, praising you and encouraging you even though you get every single one of his questions wrong. You can’t help but notice how nice his hands look as he points out how to do things, more of a visual learner as he writes things down and explains concepts for you. You’re getting antsy, shifting in your seat and clenching your thighs whenever he calls you his good girl, your face feeling hot as you feel his stare burning into your skin— but you refuse to look up, afraid that he’ll be able to tell what you’re thinking the moment your eyes meet his. 
but of course, he’s too clever for his own good! He notices right away— and he gets mean about it too. You’ll be so jittery and restless, bouncing your leg as you clench your thighs together for the umpteenth time; you freeze immediately when he puts a firm hand on your knee to stop you. 
“what’s wrong baby? You seem distracted.”
He’s so condescending about it, he knows exactly what’s wrong and what you’re thinking about, but he’s just staring at you patiently while he’s massaging your inner thigh, fingers lightly drumming on your skin as you curse yourself for wearing those thin sleep shorts that drive him crazy. 
“Nothing, I’m not distracted,” you both know that’s a lie, yet Taehyun pretends to remain oblivious to your state as he nods innocently at you; you’re trying your best to pretend that the way he leans back in his seat and spreads his legs nonchalantly doesn’t affect you, but you know Taehyun can see right through that. 
“Come here,” is all he says, patting his thighs as he smiles softly at you. You’re hesitant, not because you don’t want to, but because you know you won’t be able to control yourself the moment you climb onto his lap. He knows this as well, taking in the way you remain silent, glancing back at the material in front of you as you gather up the will to resist him; instead, he leans into you, sliding an arm around your waist and pulling you back to him.
And god he’s strong, it’s so easy for him to manhandle you into his lap and it drives you nuts, resisting the urge to whimper pathetically the moment he seats you on his thigh perfectly. You’re dizzy and hot as Taehyun locks you in, pitying the way you squirm at his touch as his arms encase around your stomach, his firm hold around you making you gulp as he lays you back against his chest and rests his head on your shoulder innocently. 
“You’re so warm,” he mutters, hands already wandering as his fingertips sneak under your top; his hands are cool against your skin as you try not to flinch at the ticklish feeling, pretending as though you’re listening when he asks you to solve the example problem in the textbook. 
Your hand is shaking as you pick up your pencil; it’s hard to focus when Taehyun has become set on proving a point, shifting you on his thigh as your pussy begins rubbing on his strong thigh, the position perfect as he begins to bounce his leg mischievously. It throws you off immediately, your teeth sinking into your lip as you also become set on proving a point; you won’t let Taehyun get the satisfaction of watching you become desperate for him so easily.
So even though you feel yourself becoming wetter, even though Taehyun’s firm hands are now on your hips, subtly guiding your movements as he watches the way you rock on his thigh, you remain silent. The most he’ll get is your shaky breaths, your vision blurring as it becomes harder to focus on what’s in front of you. 
Taehyun finds your front amusing; he can feel you growing needy by the second, and he knows for a fact that you’re not paying attention to a single word in front of you.
“Is my baby too stupid for this problem too?” He coos in your ear, rubbing your thigh soothingly as you immediately fall apart in response; you’re just not strong enough, especially with the way he keeps flexing his thigh against you so nicely. He takes pity on you, condescending words flowing out of him as he watches you ride his thigh— at some point, he simply sits back and watches you make a mess on him, his gray sweatpants becoming stained as you leak uncontrollably onto him. 
“Poor thing can only think of cock, hmm?” It’s no surprise when Taehyun begins to take your shorts off, lifting your hips as he leaves you completely bare within seconds; you’re facing him now, teary eyed and needy as he simply sends you a cocky smile. 
“Come on, show me how much you want it,” he smiles, placing a loose hand on your hips as you’re back to straddling him; your hands are on his chest, head tucked into his neck as you whimper in shame, feeling how hard he is as you begin humping him mindlessly, your mind gone blank as you only think of reaching your release.
It’s all so amusing to Taehyun, eyes drifting back to your abandoned work before he sighs; you feel so good against him, so desperate as you continue to rock against him, able to feel the clear outline of his cock against you as you whine pathetically. 
“Thought you wanted to get work done?” He asks, knowing it makes you embarrassed that you get so needy for him so easily. At some point, Taehyun pushes you to sit up, cupping your face and pushing your cheeks together softly as he forces you to look at him; your dazed look only makes him laugh at you in pity. 
It takes you a second to process his words— you’re teary eyed and pathetic as you nod, still drunk on his cock as you rock your hips subtly. It’s then when his strong hand finds its way down to your throat, pressing softly as your head spins at the action; his other hand is placed firmly on your hips, preventing you from moving as he glares at you.
“Stupid little slut doesn’t care, hmm?” In a blink of an eye, you’ve shifted positions again— you’re back to how you were before, his firm chest pressed against your back as you now hover over his cock; he’s scoffing at the way you’re practically dripping on him, flushed tip rubbing against your folds as he forces you to listen to the wet sounds that come from it. It’s all so degrading; he’s reduced you to nothing but a cock hungry whore, the sight driving him mad as you whimper and beg for him to fuck you. 
The moment he finally enters you, your mind goes blank; he’s so thick and knows all the spots that could make you melt against him, and you’re practically begging for him to fuck you stupid when he places his hands on your hips, strong grip preventing you from moving an inch. 
“Solve this problem first.” 
Oh god, you’re screwed. You can’t and he knows it, watching the way you’re still determined to do so by the way you pick up your pencil shakily. But you’re stuck and he sees it; you’re reading the words over and over, unsure of what to do as you whimper pathetically; you try to move your hips subtly, you’re literally dripping down his shaft and leaving a mess on the chair as you clench around him helplessly, but all it earns you in return is his hands tightening and more filth escaping his mouth. 
“Stupid little thing, this one’s so easy,” he hisses into your ear, watching the way you struggle against his hold, too needy to think straight, “I could do this in seconds, were you really not paying attention to me at all?”
You’re ashamed to admit he’s right; even more so when he laughs in disbelief, ever so cocky at the fact that you simply can’t resist him, begging uselessly for him to let you come as he rolls his eyes in response. 
“You don’t get anything until you get this right.” 
He takes enough pity on you that he’s back to tutoring you for a second, guiding you through the problem until you finally get it right— lucky for you, your prize is him bending you over his desk and fucking you until his name is the only thing you remember. 
The moment you’re cumming around his cock, he makes you sit down again; he gives you a whole page of problems, and you think you might cry as he tells you to solve the whole thing. 
“You wanna come? Then show me how smart you are.” 
He feels so good inside you, you might just go crazy; it doesn’t help that with every problem you get right, he makes you cum, your wishes coming true until you’re too fucked to even hold your pencil right; you can’t count how many times you’ve orgasmed and been filled by him, your pussy a mess as he refuses to pull out the entire time. 
“Thought you wanted to come, didn’t you?”
By the end of it, you’ll be so filled with cum that you’ll be leaking all over the chair— but Taehyun will make sure you’ve got the material down, trust! 
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xjulixred45x · 2 months
Can I please get HCs for Young Gojo and Geto with a boiling isles witch reader. Wherein both of them are utterly slacked jawed when they see her in action for the first. The context is Yaga was the one who enrolled them and acts like their guardian in the human world
This is kinda strange (? But okay! Whatever i love The Owl House so-
SatoSugu x Boiling islands! Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings: some spoilers from Both series(JJK Hidden Inventory mostly) but nothing too relevant. Reader is a Witch. Fluff. Mainly comical.
OK! Taking what you said as a reference, I imagine that (reader) is a Clawthrone, and that is precisely why she had access to a door that led to the human world.
(although this may only be an option because it is canon that there are not only witches on the boiling islands, but on other islands, so it will be more ambiguous from now on)
but in general (reader) she was something like a reject from magical society (probably for not wanting to join a coven, like a boss) and that's why she started using the door constantly.
because 1- she could get human products that helped her survive and 2- if they chased her for too long she would simply go to the human world for a while.
Fortunately her magical abilities were not affected by the new world, yes, she was weakened, but she was still strong.
Besides, it's pretty cool to be "interesting" in an unknown world when in the world where you're known you're a juvenile delinquent or...a nobody...
Although in general I think that (reader) would end up staying for an indefinite period of time in the human world living as a vagabond precisely because they wanted to force her into a coven.
So now she's in the human world trying to adapt.
In general (reader) only used her magic if a quick escape was necessary or, even if she knew it wasn't the best idea, when there was a human-related emergency.
Let's say that (reader) realized that there was something strange with the country she was in...something familiar but at the same time VERY dangerous...
That's how Yaga found her.
He had followed several reports about a mysterious woman who used "magic" to prevent incidents, heal injuries, even fly on a kind of stick (Palisman).
At first Yaga thought it was simply an unidentified or unlicensed sorcerer, but she realized very soon that (reader) really didn't exist anywhere, no matter where she looked, there was nothing about her.
Besides, the way she used her "magic"...was definitely not sorcery. He had to know what it was.
It would probably take Yaga a little while to get (reader) to trust him, he probably lost her the first few times he caught her, but the more they interacted the more (reader) gave in.
and eventually decided to learn "sorcery" from those of the human kingdom.
(Let's say that Yaga was scared when she saw the living conditions she had (reader), even if she told her that it was fine like this and that it was only temporary, that only made her grab her pointy ears and give her a lecture about hygiene😅)
Yaga tries to learn as much as she can about (reader's) magic before sending her to the academy, to see what things can adapt to her fighting style and what can't.
there is a lot of trial and error😅
But is it worth it.
(reader) still uses mainly the fighting techniques of a person from the Boiling Islands (a witch) but now she also knows the basics of sorcery, so she will be able to easily pass the entry topics.
Now, when she knows the group she was assigned to, I'm not going to lie...
They laughed in his face.
Although well, she doesn't blame them, if she hadn't had the door and had visited the human world several times before, she wouldn't believe any of this either, but she definitely got quite angry with that reaction.
to the point where he did a spell in which he made plants grow on their heads... and maybe some abobinables...
It wasn't until Yaga arrived that things calmed down and were better explained.
Gojo was the first to laugh.
although also the first to get confused.
yeah, right, like those things happen-- and before he knew it his seat was being lifted by some kind of...purple golem??
Geto doesn't want to laugh. oh really.
but you can't really ask him to take this seriously.
although he is definitely surprised when out of nowhere he gets trapped in a vine that appeared OUT OF NOWHERE in the living room.
When Yaga explains the situation, that (reader) is not lying and that she really comes from another realm, they demand to see the portal. There has to be proof...
and when they take a look at the world of the boiling islands...Bonesburg (they had to pinch each other to know that this was real and not a collective hallucination)..well, they definitely believe him now.
Although definitely when they return to class they feel a little bad for having laughed at her in her face, so they try to ask her things about her.
It definitely doesn't work at first, but little by little you can see that (the reader) is losing her bitterness.
Both Geto and Gojo try to help (reader) adapt to a "more normal" school environment where doors don't bite you and your locker doesn't eat your books.
Speaking of which, they are quite curious about the "cultural differences" between worlds.
Gojo definitely wants to get on a flying boat. or see the giant skeleton that the boiling islands are on (although Geto questions how hygienic that is).
Imagine the reactions of both when they find out that the Giraffes are from the Boiling Islands but that they were banished by the ancestors of the witches 🤣
or that opossums are considered myths and not real! (reader) definitely goes crazy when she sees a real one.
Geto LOVES (reader's) Palisman, plus he seems to gravitate toward the natural one when he's feeling sad :')
Geto definitely wants to know how (reader's) magic works on a technical level (I don't think he can use glyphs, but maybe adapt some of the reader's moves into his fighting style).
Gojo wants to learn to do poses solely and exclusively for PRANKS, fortunately Geto avoids this.
Geto is more interested in the culture of the islands, more than anything when they both learn about the "coven system" of this "Emperor Belos" and why (the reader) did not want one despite it being dictated by law.
Let's say they understand it.
Geto strongly suspects that more than a security measure, it is more a way to limit power, which he can tell with certainty from (the reader's) level of strength even when weakened.
Speaking of which, they both have a difficult time with (female reader) at first.
whether due to illusions, unwindings, roots, etc.
All this without mentioning fireballs or snow coming in all directions or large constructions that look like something out of Fullmetal Alchemist.
the three of them flying! Geto in the rainbow dragons, (reader) with his Palisman and Gojo with his infinity.
If things end well (with Geto not turning evil, Amanai still alive, etc.) they are like a chaotic trio.
I highly doubt that island magic can be taught in the human world without glyphs, but it can definitely be taught as I mentioned before, by adapting movements.
Geto still has a great friendship with (reader)'s Palisman! and it makes him happy to know that the little friend will easily live longer than him :,)
Gojo is somewhat jealous of the Palisman, it seems like they compete for the attention of their partners and Satoru definitely LEGITIMATELY says that the Palisman blames him for things (sometimes yes, sometimes not).
Although I think they would both protect the palisman with their lives.
They are affectionate couples, and I think that together they manage to empathize better with (reader).
especially if you are homesick.
so they could take a vacation getaway to the boiling islands!
and it's actually pretty fun.
Gojo doesn't stand out in the slightest for once in his life and it's a little strange at first, but he gets it after 15 minutes on the busiest street.
Geto and Gojo now understand (reader's) strange tastes in food. Do you have anything to eat here that doesn't have eyes?...or guts?
They go to places of historical importance to understand a little about the culture of the islands, they avoid scammers, they go to eat somewhere that has food that Suguru and Satoru can digest, they avoid more scammers, they see the emperor's palace from afar, etc. .
(aunaue definitely seeing the place gave them BAD YIKES)
BOTH ALMOST DIE FROM BOILING RAIN, or when Gojo wanted to dive into the water without knowing it was also hot😭
They would both appreciate it FOR LIFE.
In general, these types of experiences help them to better understand each other mutually. and it also happens the other way around.
They have gone several times to the Thousand Red Doors with (reader), who, being (reader) wanted to go through ALL
They saw the old Buddhist temples, the trails, some mountains.
Although the cherry trees are definitely the best, especially when the three of them are alone and (the reader) uses magic to make the trees even brighter and more beautiful.
definitely a beautiful view...
In general, they appreciate the literally otherworldly beauty of their partner, they really love how unique she is and they wouldn't really change anything about her.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Thanks for the Request ❤️
I don't like writing for SatoSugu THAT much, but this was fun🥰
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Hi, could you do a bayverse tmnt x teen sibling reader (gn pls) where they catch their sibling vaping/smoking?
I feel like Raph and Mikey would be a bit okay with it (probably if it’s vaping) while Leo and Donnie would be freaking out about it
Just like to start this off by saying, don't smoke kids! Lung cancer isn't cool, and as a teenager with a dad who smokes, the one thing he constantly tells me it was the worst mistake of his life.
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Oh boy.
I can't really think of how you'd get caught,
Maybe Leo found your vape or your cigarettes.
Immediate freak out,
"(Name)! (Name), you have 10 seconds to explain what the hell this was doing in your room. " he holds up the pack of cigarettes/vape.
Leo wouldn't be angry, just worried and dissapointed that you'd do something like that.
Donnie is surprisingly the one who's pissed.
He'd go on and on about the dangers of smoking, the life long side affects, addiction, "I though you were better than this." etc. etc.
Once again, Raph is upset you'd lie about it.
I don't think he'd be very happy about the smoking either, but the biggest thing for him is the constant lying.
Mikey is so worried about you.
Why did you start smoking in the first place?
Stress? Anxiety? Peer pressure?
He's trying to understand your reasoning for the bad desicion, he just wants to make sure you're ok :(
You have constant eyes on you now.
The boys decided the best way to make you quite was to cut you off cold-turkey,
So now one of them always stays behind to watch you., and make sure you don't try to start again.
Yeah, now you're irritable and pissed off, but it's what's best for you.
They'll try to find you more healthy ways to cope, meditation, figit toys, chewing gum, and stuff like that.
And Leo, Donnie, and Raph probably won't trust you for a while.
Donnie is so fucking petty about it too.
"I'm going to school! See you guys later!"
"I'm testing you for nicotine when you get back! And don't even think about using gum, that won't hide shit!"
*Very loud, and very angry teenager door slam*
It's just 'cus he cares :(
Mikey and Splinter pretty much turn into your therapists.
Splinter makes it a point to leave you bowls of sliced fruit if your having a particularly irritating day.
No matter how pissed off you are, you could never bring yourself to snap at your dad.
You'll thank him for the fruit, and he'll sit with you for a while.
Just to keep you company.
Mikey is also spared from your wrath.
Most of the time.
Sometimes if your cravings gets bad enough, you'll snap at him.
But you always go back and apologize.
Your family will stay with you up untill your completely sober.
All the way until those cravings for that bad bad nicotine go away!
I'm just going to end this by once again saying, don't smoke kids.
It isn't good for your health, and addiction is no joke. If you're an adult, you do you, but kiddo's and my fellow highschoolers, at least wait until it's legal to do. Wait until you're older to make a desicion like that.
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uchihaharlot · 2 months
Soooo, Madara fan is here, thanks for your last head canon about him. ^^
Can I get "what if Madara falls in love with the girl who is much younger than him (let's say he is 35? And she is 18 or 19). 😔🙏
Hello my little Madara nymphomaniac 🥵🥰 I did not forget you!! ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥 Sometimes inspiration finds me at awkward times.
NSFW; mild grooming; age gap fuckery; consensual; he brings all the girls to the yard; obsessed.
— Madara is definitely the kind of man to go for green girls. The younger, the better. Though he won’t touch one that’s not an adult. He’s a pervert, not a pedophile.
— It’s not something he seeks out either, these types of situations work best if the girl comes to him. He is always accepting the warmth of a woman, especially if she’s fawning over him and such.
— Absolutely loves, loves, loves fucking them into stupid little babbling idiots. These are the kind of girls who just broke up with their first boyfriend and never had a real man inside of them. Probably never had an actual orgasm until he rearranges their pussy. H O L Y Mackerel, when he does lobotomize them with pleasure.
— Now this particular girl though, she’s fiesty and demanding. Knows what she wants. Rocks the boat just as much as he does. Actually has Madara on edge before he’s even ready to cum. And it’s not that she’s different from most girls her age, but damn if she isn't liquid katon in his palms and on his cock.
— Edging him to his heart and cocks content until he flips her over and fucks her rotten into his mattress. The sounds she makes are sweeter than any sakura tree in bloom. Filling her soft cunt to the brim until she’s panting his name over and over. With no end in sight, they fuck like they had been well acclimated to one another for years.
— At the end of their little tryst, Madara can't decide who is more desperate for more. Him or her? Several rounds ensue until the late early hours of the morning. By the time he wakes up she's gone, which is unusual. Madara will typically spent the next several hours coaxing these young girls out of his bed and off his cock. But her?
— She just door dashed his cock and slipped out under the radar. There's something arousingly unholy about this situation. That unregistered fear of missing out kicks in and, well, he's an Uchiha. They tend to fuck hard and fall fast—usually on their terms, but damn she got him good. How aggravating it is to Madara that the seemingly obtainable has slipped through his fingers. Its not that he really wants her, but he feels slighted by her ability to fuck now and talk later never.
— Ok, maybe he is a bit jaded. More than jaded, actually. Since feelings are like the common cold to an Uchiha, he goes about waiting it out...not today old man. For some reason, it's not his cock that aches for her return, but a deeper throb. One right underneath the ribcage that makes his throat lump up with a sense of forlorn and abandonment. So, with this...uncharacteristic and intrusive as hell mindset. Madara searches for her.
— Elicits the help of friends, under the guise that she stole something valuable of his (his poor Uchiha heart). Which, to him isn't necessarily a lie....but not the full truth. He's mad with lust, would be ignorant enough to call it love almost. But that's too soon. His corneas don't make this any easier, he replays their salacious night together over and over until he has every curve and speckle on her skin memorized. 10/10 jacks off to it.
— When they finally do cross paths again, the unfamiliar squeeze of his heartstrings is nearly as taut as when she had came all over his length those some nights ago. Madara will act as indifferent as he can, but fuck if he doesn't look like dog on the street. Eyes ravaging her fully clothed form as she stands before him.
— If falling into this sort of thing for her is something she will agree to, there is not a single place on this earth she can ever hide that Madara's affections won't follow and swallow her whole. She's basically going to be treated as acting Uchiha royalty, for as long as she is by his side. No other girl dare crosses paths with this woman and Madara is finding his feelings easier to accept than he initially imagined.
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xvxnux · 1 year
(⭐) today is my birthday and i thought i'd post this pac about "what you shouldn't accept?". intuitive tarot reading and maybe not resonate with everyone, hope you enjoy this.
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for pic one i see it's important that you don't allow any more emotional abuse. i see that you can have someone of influence or power (it can be a mother, father, boss) that directly affects your emotional and with that overloading your mental causing you to have heavy crises of anxiety and even depression. i see that it doesn't just stop there and that this person makes you feel diminished. it's important that you see the best way to work this out and try to get out of this pic one situation, unfortunately they do this to you out of pure evil and not because they want you to learn something. definitely that person has personal issues with you but I don't see a deep reason for that person to do that. it was probably things based in the person's own head and it's reflecting some kind of HER frustration on top of you.
random: i see that this person can attract fights and arguments to you, and i see that you are unwilling and unhealthy to face them. i also see that you will find some way to feel more peaceful and with that the fights and arguments will not affect you as much as now because you will be with inner peace. meditation, listening to your favorite music can help you. if you are asking for a spiritual direction i see that this north is about to be revealed to you and regardless of what the only thing you need to do is take the opportunity and move on, taking yourself out of this suffering.
first of all pic two is not true! everything people say about you is a lie! the people around you (some friends or relatives) have only one function in your life at the moment: to let you down, to say that you can't do it, to say that you won't make it and that you shouldn't even try! the point is that you urgently need to cut these people out of your life. these people have no consideration and at least respect for you, people are cruel and spit any shit on you. honestly pic two people do this because they know it's easy to manipulate you, your ideas and your ideals. you are definitely a super open person and you trust these people, and the more you believe that you are everything they say the more you believe in people... you are sinking.
you may be afraid of being alone, and as much as you know yourself deep down and love the fact that you are like that, all that changes when you have to deal with people. Is it easier for you to believe in people, sinking like this just in exchange for a shitty friendship or company? not. you won't be alone, pic two, but you need to get these people out of your way or at least get the influence these people have on you.
random: you may be neglecting someone. not giving the real value that person deserves. there's someone wanting to get close, but you don't let that person in because of sheer arrogance and bad influence opinions. be careful not to become the people who hurt you pic two, that way you will definitely be alone!
i see injustices of other people towards you, actually a person. i see that apart from this injustice you already have a big problem with yourself. this person can hurt you even though you know you have other issues that make you feel bad. It's been a while since you've felt a little happiness, right? i understand you. this pile can serve the people who chose pic one. this person is sapping your energy more and more, is a person who can be dramatic and blame bad choices on you. it's a person who sneaks up on you and hurts you when you're okay... ok, i get it. this person waits for you to recover to destroy you and with that you are in an infinite loop! this person who commits these cruelties against you is an immature person and uses a sharp tongue knowing that it will not have great consequences but it's time for you to turn against this person, you need to put him in his place!
you can refuse to impose yourself due to lack of patience or even avoid conflict, but it's better to get into a big fight where you have chances to attack than to be in a constant fight where you just get beaten. no matter how much you spare yourself i see that nothing will change. unfortunately you will have to go against it.
random: i see you are going to receive a gift, a very good opportunity. this can be a work or study opportunity, i see that with this opportunity you will have great financial gains.... it will be your chance to get out of this situation! but make no mistake, pic three, as long as you hide from the conflicts you will remain in the same situation.
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monstersandmaw · 4 months
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First time romancing Astarion, and I'm all aboard the ace-spec interpretation of Astarion that I've seen floating around. As someone who's ace, I definitely resonated with him in this scene anyway. That hug reaction from Astarion. Oof.
And the fact that if you also romance Halsin, one of the dialogue options Astarion can give you is to say something like: 'it's not because... we haven't... in a while... is it?'... My heart cracked painfully at that, I'm not going to lie. I have spoken almost exactly that sentence before, worrying that just kissing and physical affection is not enough for someone who's not ace. To have that validated by Astarion was really special for me.
(aka, I really didn't get to know Astarion very well in my first playthrough because he didn't approve of my absolute doormat of a Tav (Kaerlyn the drow) and I didn't spend much time with him, but now with my sassy monk...? I get it. I totally get why you all love Astarion so much).
EDIT: additional dialogue from Raphael talking about Cazador indicates that it might be linked to vampirism (my own headcanon for vampires anyway is they can't get aroused without having fed recently, not just BG3 vamps, but in general)
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[some poly-ace-astarion thoughts under the cut too]
I'm not 100% convinced that Astarion is really ok with the consensual poly situation in-game, because he famously doesn't say what he actually wants and is the king of manipulating others, especially in sexual situations (e.g. what Cazador sent him out to do, and how). I'm not sure if I'll reload a save and just have Halsin as a friend...
The dialogue when you check in with Astarion before the Halsin scene is... strained? Odd??? Maybe it's just me over-analysing it. He sounded strained though - his tone high pitched and more grandiose than he'd been in previous cut-scenes, where he was more softly-spoken. It sounded more like early-game Astarion to me...
Also, my dialogue options may have been totally randomised the next time I approached Astarion after a steamy night with Halsin, but they sounded kind of strained there too, and I got the 'I can never say no to you' one, which set my ace people-pleaser alarm bells ringing...
As someone who's poly-romantic but asexual, I can project/imagine here that Astarion has come to care for Tav a lot (more than he ever expected, for sure), and he genuinely wants Tav to be happy. He trusts Tav enough to know that Tav respects his autonomy and right to decide things for himself, and values Astarion for who he is, so Astarion is intellectually/conceptually happy for Tav to get something from Halsin that Astarion is not providing (sex), but perhaps emotionally that additional fact and dynamic is harder to deal with.
That could totally be me projecting though, because that's how I'd react if my husband (not ace) and I (ace) were in that situation (we've discussed it between us, actually XD). Feelings of guilt and inadequacy around sex itself are apparently very common with us ace folks, even in very healthy and happy relationships.
Anyway, that turned into a ramble I didn't intend on a rainy Sunday afternoon. I'm not looking to start any discourse about this though. If you don't see Astarion that way, or had a different experience and interpretation, that's all totally valid and I'm not trying to invalidate it in anyway.
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elizakai · 3 months
omfg i love you i’m jumping at the chance to look at dust x reaper i better see some art somewhere in this fandom OUGH ok
well, dust’s died like how many times now, lets just assume they’ve ENCOUNTERED one another yeah?
reaper feels bad for him. he isn’t even allowed to actually die, just experience death over and over, only to be thrust back into this torturous cycle.
imagine dust dying in the hall, he’s stumbling away and he just. sees the grim reaper. and he’s like oh shit. well then. *gets thrown back whenever they decide to reset*
reaper visiting a lot because, well, he’s dying a lot, he’s probably gotta. imagine a scenario where they actually get to talk. but its so so brief, dust is never dead very long, and reaper probably shouldn’t interfere otherwise…
(he’d also, be witnessing the deaths of the aus other residence, which. interesting. wonder what they have to say about things. and what reapers response may be.)
(of course this is assuming they interact after death, which i think makes sense with common depictions of the reaper at least)
dust probably chalks him up to a vision he’s having, or hallucination, when he dies, but maybe when he’s given more time, they can have broken up conversations.
like hey, mid sentence he gets thrown back into the land of the living, but HEY! next time he dies, just pick up the convo like nothing happened. “Anyways as i was sayin-“
Another thing to think about is just how SIMILAR dust is to geno. and most of us are afterdeath junkies i think💀
like, dust and geno have VERY similar motivations and go to similar lengths (think of error even)
i think of reaper could come to respect genos desires and motives, he’d feel the same towards dust. reaper always strikes me as a really lonely person, and dust is too for obvious reasons.
i’m imagining a scenario where reaper is just. real bored of just watching. so he starts like following dust around so he can see him. and dusts like ah. cool. fucking phantom ass to add to the list. i’m imagining reaper telling him like no, i’m very real dude, and dust is like haha ok, lemme touch you then
…for obvious reasons he can’t let him touch him💀💥 but that would probably make dust assume he is in fact a hallucination. but that’s ok. he’s an ODDLY nice hallucination.
maybe he even reminds him of the river person🤷🏽‍♀️
anyways, reaper just having convo, dust finding he likes it, it’s pleasant chatter to listen to, and then he’s like damn i really am sick, why am i so attached to this weird ass hallucination
(i’m just idea dumping so hard i apologize.)
reaper would find his conviction kinda cute, if not slightly frustrating. like bro, out here denying my existence, wtf💔
i wonder, if reaper can touch him when”” when he’s in the space of death, temporarily.
that would be cool :,))
if reaper doesn’t show up for a while and comes back dust just, getting happier, he’s got someone to talk to again that isn’t a dead friend or relative he’s killed multiple times.
i imagine dust has seen “death” enough times that, in life, he can “see death” (reaper)
they gain this weird little affection for eachother ok💔 a selfish part of reaper hopes dust will always get reset…so he can come talk to him
but part of him is also disgusted by the hope that he’s able to just. be laid to rest. what can be done yk?
and dust is actually on his way to wherever you’d go when you die
imagine, reaper just. guiding him away to whatever afterlife or lack thereof, carrying his soul away and having to let him go. no more coming back.
or yk, we can imagine a scenario where dust gets out of the loop, and they continue to see eachother and have their weird little friendship (?)
dust is like “i’ve seen death, he’s over my shoulder as i walk, whispers in my ear as i lie awake at night. death awaits my presence, and i deaths. i’ve felt the touch of death, and it was unbearably sweet , a feeling i will forever long for”
*horror from whoever he’s speaking to*
meanwhile reaper is just like, telling stupid jokes in his ear and giggling over someone’s stupid outfit, gossiping about the other gods and making dust look crazy laughing at stupid shit
i wonder if reaper could potentially see dusts phantoms, it’s a fun idea. they aren’t REALLY there, but dusts magic is kind of projecting them i imagine, and reaper has seen them when they die. i just imagine him shooing them away for dust, and he’s like naw man pay attention to me instead *slutty little strut*
you could interpret the way death even works a million different ways and have a bunch of different potential even. what if dust were to die and reaper…DOESNT guide his soul away. what if he keeps him. maybe dust wants that. they could “be together”.
maybe there’s an afterlife, and reaper is able to cross the gap. who knows. lots of potential.
they both have hoodies >:3 idc if that doesn’t mean anything
i feel like reapers dark humor would almost comfort dust lmao, it kinda lightens the load for him. reaper can assure dust that their souls are…ok. they’re at peace.
reaper is just happy to feel so validated and seen all the sudden
he can help dust understand how life really works
ironic huh. the essence of death being the thing that gives you a will to live.
just imagine in a time he’s died, reaper not being able to help himself. he just comes in for a hug. and both of them need it so badly. when dust is alive, he CANT touch him.
they both think about that hug a lot <//3
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