#ok so there MIGHT be another chap
tomioness · 5 months
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M | Oneshot | 6k "Show me how much you loathe me, Mudblood."
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choccy-milky · 4 months
Hi Darling! First of all.. OMG I REALLYYY REALLYYYY LOVE YOUR FIC ♥️♥️♥️! I've been a silent reader for too long and this is the first time I came to the surface to thank you for this amazing fic and art that you've made.
I also have gathered my courage to ask you this. But headcanonically (if that's even a word but wtv 😭) in your fic world. Did Sebastian ever court or interested in someone before Clora? I had a wild thought that he was into someone and had courted them but wouldn't last long because he had to take care of Anne and this lass he courted was tired of his rambling about Anne this and Anne that. Sebastian decided that they should end things because not appreciating Anne means not appreciating him.
And when he dated Clora. He met her again. She desperately wants him back and apologises (She does have another intention though). He declines because he's already ill with her and is now crazy in love with our darling Clora. He chooses not to tell Clora about this. But I wonder what happened if Clora knows tho.
AW THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME💖💖IM GLAD TO HEAR IT💖💖 AND OK its funny you bring this up bc i actually planned for sebastian to have a bit of an internal monologue in my most recent chap about the girls he's had a crush on (before clora--omg... B.C), but i ended up cutting it out because it was part of a deleted scene. but no seb has never actually dated/courted anyone before clora, tho he defs did have crushes....but if he WAS with another girl before clora....🤔🤔hmm🤔🤔 i guess it would depend when in their relationship clora found out? if it was at the beginning when clora was still really shy/nervous/self conscious, it would obviously make her even moreso, and she would have compared herself and wondered if she was good enough and if she was doing things right. and i feel like that early in the relationship, if that other girl DID come back and try and get with seb, clora might actually be worried they'd get together again, esp if she ever saw them talking (kinda like the lawley situation, but in reverse BAHA) if it was NOW though and clora just suddenly found out....LMAOO oh boy. she'd obvs be like why did u never tell me, and itd go something like this: seb: "it was brief enough that i didn't see any point in mentioning it--we hadn't even snogged." clora: "well, it just so happens that i was with a boy before you, too. but we hadn't snogged either, so by your logic, i guess you don't care." seb: ".........." seb: "........alright, point proven." (and then seb would be all worried and confirm that she hadnt actually been with anyone before him/that she was just messing with him, and shed be like LMAO YES IT WAS JUST FOR ARGUMANTS SAKE OBVS) anyway clora might be sad for a bit but she'd get over it pretty quick, since she knows seb is so devoted to her/hed make it a point to be a huge simp for her to show her he has no leftover feelings for anyone else LOL (like how he was after the relic incident & during her period) honestly its just hard to make clora jealous in the first place, bc seb is such a mega simp for her LMFAO. and aS HE SHOULD BE!!!👇🧎‍♂️
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rr311 · 1 year
𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙨 \\ 𝙜𝙤𝙟𝙤 𝙨, 𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙪𝙣𝙖 𝙧, 𝙩𝙤𝙟𝙞 𝙛.
¡ 𝙖𝙣; this took a little while but it’s okay! next chap gonna be spicy.
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- 𝘿𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧 2𝙣𝙙 2003 2:30𝙥𝙢 (𝙏𝙬𝙤 𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙠𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧)
↳ gojo summary. - you and gojo start getting close after the incident in your bakery. but after getting too close to you he starts to feel guilty of the secret he’s keeping from you.
It’s been two weeks since the incident with Gojo and honestly everything has felt very..weird? I don’t know if i’m just paranoid or anything but anytime i would go out to take out the trash or even walk home after closing i feel as if someone is watching me. Every night it feels that way whenever i walk down the street, sometimes i even get scared that i have to stay at the bakery for a few extra minutes before leaving (¬_¬). But again i might just be paranoid or something.
Today was a very busy at the bakery with a bunch of college students and workers filling up every seat inside and out. It was a beautiful day out today, perfect for a sweet treat to complete their days, I was turned around after taking a costumers order placing it with the rest of the receipt for my workers, grabbing some extra receipt paper to put in the cashier. While you were busy with that a familiar face had came in with a wide grin on his face going up to the front counter, “S’cuse me miss.” He said watching as you struggled to open the packaging with a small grunt holding a finger up, “I’m so sorry sir, just give me one moment.” You grunted again using all your force to tear the packaging opening, with one final tug you got it open sighing in relief quick to turn around to take the mans order, “Sorry I ran out of paper, but what would you li- Gojo?.” Your eyes went wide spotting him standing in front of you and this time he wasn’t bleeding all over the floor. Gojo chuckled at your reaction leaning against the counter keeping eye contact with you, “Long time no see doll face.” He winked making your heart speed up fast.
He was here. Right in front you. Oh My Gosh.
You clenched the computer screen opening your mouth to speak but you choked up on your words not knowing what to say. It was like you were stuck in a daze..lost into his eyes, you almost forgot you were running a business till your worker saved the day. (Random Name) looked over to see you frozen you with a raise brow “Yo (Y/N)! You got a customer.” They yelled instantly knocking you out of your trance, “H-Huh? Oh! Uhm..what can i get you?.” You stuttered clearing your throat as he chuckled in response with a hum. “Surprise me.” He said before walking away somewhere, you watched as he walked off feeling your heart beat go back to normal. You blinked shaking your thoughts away before facing forward prepared for another customer to come in..not before feeling something under your hand. You raised a brow looking down at a folded piece of paper, taking it into your hand to unfold it.
𝖬𝖾𝖾𝗍 𝗆𝖾 𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝖻𝖺𝖼𝗄 𝗈𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖻𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗄.
You clicked your tongue looking up to see if anyone was coming in but when you didn’t, you took off your apron throwing it onto the hook. “I’m gonna take my lunch!.” You yelled to everyone as they nodded saying ok’s going back to work. Before you went to the back you went to the display glass, sliding the door open to grab a few macaroons placing them in a nice cloth before tying it making your way to the back. You went through the kitchen and out back to where Gojo was waiting for you leaned up against the wall, when he heard the door open and close he turned to look your way spotting a tied cloth in your hand with a raised brow, “Is this my surprise?.” He questioned, turning your head his way feeling your heart increase again nodding your head lowly, “Yeah..just picked up a few from the display. It’s not much but i hope you like them, they’re homemade too.” You said with a small smile handing the cloth to him which he gladly accepted, untying it to reveal four macaroons laying there, he smiled tying the cloth back up making sure it was secured holding it in his hand. “What kind of payment do you take?.” He said reaching for his wallet before you shot your hand to his wrist stopping him, “No! It’s okay really, you don’t have to pay for them.“ You looked down avoiding his stare, shaking his head. “I don’t ca-.“ “It’s okay Gojo, keep your money.” …The way you said his name did something to him, it sounded cute..yet hot?!. He sighed in defeat putting his wallet away putting a hand up in defeat, “Fine fine..” He chuckled raising his hand down, “By the way you can just call me Satoru.” Satoru.
Satoru, Satoru, Satoru. You liked the way it rolled off your tongue, “Satoru..” You mumbled to yourself picking your head up to finally look at him, “Were on first name basis now?.” You questioned, Gojo shrugged. “To the girl who saved my life?, yes we are.” How could you guys already be on first names? You barley even know him! You thought once you helped him you would never see him again but boy you were wrong, “Why? Is that a problem?.” He questioned with a raised brow making you tense at the serious tone (Is what you thought), “N-No! It’s just- We barley know each other..and it’s weird calling you by your first name when i’m a stranger to you.” You said nervously fiddling with your fingers yet again avoiding his stare, Gojo chuckled at your shyness bringing his hand, picking up your chin to make you look at him, “If you feel more comfortable calling me “Gojo” go right ahead doll, i won’t force you.” You gulped that giant lump in your throat nodding your head into his hand hearing him chuckle releasing your chin stepping back from you.
“Now I gotta get goin to somewhere but i’ll catch you later, yeah?.” He raised a brow as you yet again nodded your head still stuck at the feeling of his hands on you. They were so soft..Gojo smiled at the lack of response turning around to walk out of the alley way, turning a corner soon disappearing. When he left you felt your heart slow down, falling against the wall with a big huff hands running down your face, mumbling into your hands
After that day Gojo has been non stop visiting you. Everyday he would come in to steal you from your shift to have a conversation or even eat some of your pastries together. It was all smiles and laughs as the days and weeks went by, by the time of it it’s been over three and half weeks of him visiting you ever since the accident. He’s grown interested in you, there was something about you that just intoxicated him, your soft skin, your scent, your beauty..he loved teasing and being playful with you it almost made him feel bad for keeping the other side of him a secret but he couldn’t tell you. Not now.
Not ever.
If you find out what he is and what he does you’ll be stuck around the world of violence and danger. He’s got so many people on his head as his position he can’t bare getting you involved with that, you were too kind and sweet as a butterfly yo enter the world of street racing. So as the days went by the more closer and trust was starting to build soon making you comfortable enough to start calling him Satoru- you even got waaayyy comfortable to give him a nick name! Today marked the “annual” anniversary of the day Satoru walked into your bakery almost half dead- Says it’s now your guys anniversary date or whatever he said. You don’t really pay attention to his non sense acts, rolling your eyes every time he would say something dumb. Sometimes if you feel like it you’ll even join in on the shenanigans, as the day went by and Satoru stuck besides you the whole day your workers started to question if that mysterious man was your boyfriend or not. Some ship it and some are suspicious of him, but overall you guys looked cute together.
The whole day went by and it was now closing leaving you, Satoru, and (Random name). (Random name) watched as you two laughed taking the left over pastries putting them into the donation boxes with a raised brow, when they saw you guys finish up they hummed looking back to what they were doing continuing to wipe down the tables putting chairs up. You and Gojo went to the back to grab your keys and bag, when you were packing up everything taking the stuff you needed with you. You didn’t notice Satoru was sneaking up behind you, “Satoru you really don’t have t-.” You we’re interrupted by your own gasp feeling flour get slapped on your cheek onto your face hearing laughs. You turned around to playfully glare at him continuing to wipe the flour off your face, “Satoru Gojo..I swe- Toru!.” Again you were interrupted by him throwing more flour at you laughing like a child, “we’re you saying something doll?.” He smirked seeing you huff wiping the powder off your face, “You’re wasting my flour!.” You whined spotting the new bag of flour opened that you JUST got yesterday, Toru smiled walking close to where you were spotting flour still on your face as you kept trying to get it off, he snickered grabbing a rag near by bringing it up to your face, “Here let me help.” He mumbled, dropping your hands as you felt the rag on your face wiping away the flour.
The closeness between me and Toru was making me nervous, we were so close that i could feel the small of his breaths hit my face as he continued to clean my cheek, i couldn’t help but stare at him as he did so. Up close he was so handsome and perfect, the concentration in his blue eyes that would light up every-time a light source would hit them. It’s like staring at the ocean getting lost into it. After a few more minutes of him trying to get the flour off my face he sighed setting the rag down, “Got most of it off..” He mumbled but stopped looking down spotting some bits of flour on the corner of my mouth, before i knew it he brought his hand up towards my face again, taking it into his palm using his thumb to wipe away the flour, feeling the sensation of the his finger rub against my lips.
They were so soft..my breath hitched feeling his eyes get lost into mines as I got lost into his. The feeling of his thumb rubbing against ky bottom lip had me thinking..are his lips as soft as his hands? My eyes flickered to his pinkish lips that just looked soft from the sight of it, the tension in the air was getting so thicc I could practically slice through it with a kitchen knife. I don’t know what happened but my body started moving closer as Satoru did the same, he leaned his head, I doing the same feeling each others breaths as my lips hovered over his. I let my eyes fall close..leaning in to- “Yo (Y/N)!.” (Random name) yelled making the moment between me and Satoru stop, when Satoru realized what was about to happen his eyes widened stepping back from you with a cleared throat, watching as your eyebrows furrowed watching a wave of sadness flash through your face.
You cleared your throat trying to keep your voice from shaking yelling back towards (Random name) “Yeah?.” (Random name) came towards the back instantly walking into a room with awkwardness, they raised a brow but shook it off. “I’m gonna head out for tonight. Be safe while going home.” They said before taking their leave, it was nothing but awkward silence in the back room as you stood their in embarrassment..did he not want to kiss me? Was it too early for that? Gosh (Y/N)! You’re such an idiot. You cursed to yourself from the moment that happened as Satoru just avoided eye contact with you, for a few minutes or so he cleared his throat, “Let’s get going before it gets late.” He said almost in a stern tone snapping your head up with a nod, “Yeah.”
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- 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙘𝙝 25𝙩𝙝 2003 9:30 𝙥𝙢 (𝘼 𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙠 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧)
↳ sukuna summary. - after the night of the race, he grown Interested Into you. after words going around of a new DK in the area, he stumbled upon you inviting you to one of his races, but you see one person you tried avoiding making you and sukuna grown closer.
It’s been a week since I left an impression In the parking garage. practically everyone in the racing community knew about me. They say I could possibly be the DQ..Drifting Queen, It amazed me of how quick the news got out. As for now they were calling me Ghost girl since they didn’t know my name and cause i appear when i wanna be seen. Whenever i go out to buy more paint for my car i over hear some people talk about me, “Have you heard of that girl that tied with the DK?” “Yeah dude! Who knew the DK would have competition?” And so on so fourth, I would always snicker at the name “Drifting Queen.” I don’t mind being called it cause well not to be too cocky it fits me better than any one else.
I was walking to a near by auto parts store to pick up some more bolts, I had my hood up with my hands in my pockets strolling my way to the store. I was humming a small tone to myself before It got interrupted by my own gasp feeling my body getting tugged down an dark alley way getting pinned to a near wall. I was about to say something but grinned seeing who the person was, “Well look who it is? Couldn’t get enough of me after one night DK?.” I questioned tilting my head to the side watching a grin of his appear on his face clicking his tongue in response, “What can I say?.” He shrugged, “You peeked my interest that night.” So i peaked the Dk’s interest huh? No wonder. I chuckled shaking my head a bit, “How’d you know it was me?.” Sukuna nodded down towards your shorts with a smirk, “the tattoo on ur leg gave it away doll face.” I crossed my arms leaning against the wall, “So you paid attention to where my tattoo was? It could’ve been anyone’s for that matter.” I tested him, Sukuna seemed to like this little game i was playing with him by the hum that left his mouth.
“That tattoo was only done by Tadashi. He’s the one who originally designed it for his own gig. He only tattoos it to specific people that are connected to him and seeing you have it done tells me you’re one of the people he’s close with. Am I right or wrong?” Cocky bastard. I clicked my tongue nodding my head, “Touché.”. I huffed once more nodding my head up, “Part from that, why do you have me pinned to a wall in a dark alley way at 9 o’clock at night? In my town this is considered harassment.” Once again he chuckled with a raised brow, “There’s a race tonight near the lake and i want you there.” He wants me there? “Why? So i can kick your ass again?” He scoffed with a snort, “You got lucky last time,.” You puckered your lips forming it into a pout staring at him, “Aww that just sounds like an excuse to me DK.” You said smiling in satisfaction seeing a frown, “If you wanted to race me again you could’ve just started off with that, but sure. I’ll come tonight, just be ready to lose..” You trailed leaning up against his ear whispering. “Again.” You smiled hearing a small growl leaving between his lips, glaring into your eyes,
“I won’t lose.”
You raised a brow as you walked through the crowd of people finding your way to where Sukuna was, you kept your hands in your pocket moving a long the crowd, as loud music was booming into your ears. Where the hell is he? You scoffed still trying to make your way towards the crowd but couldn’t, something had to be going on for the crowd to be like this you huffed. As you yet again try to make your way passed the crowd you were stopped by someone grabbing your hips tugging you towards the chest feeling a breath hit your ears, “Look what we have here.” The voice chuckled making you instantly turn around pushing him away with a scowl on your face, It was Satoru. “Gojo.” You growled as you spoke watching him form a grin on his face, “Miss me sweetheart?” You scoffed, “Ta! Like hell I did, honestly i thought you were somewhere else from here..maybe even dead.” You spat glaring at him as he again chuckled with a shrug, “Ouch, we all know you don’t want me dead.” He pouted, rolling your eyes in response. “Quit the games Gojo what the fuck do you want?.” You questioned with a raised brow standing far from him, Gojo raised his own brow. “No more calling me Satoru huh?” Again you rolled your eyes for the fiftieth time tonight, “That name has been dead for months the moment you decided to cheat on me.” Gojo snorted, “You’re still on that? Come on (Y/N), the past is the past i’m a changed man.” Changed man my ass you scoffed, “Of course i’m still on that because you wasted three years down the fucking drain!.” You yelled starting to feel that anger boiling inside you making everyone turn there heads to the commotion.
You glared at Gojo as he stared back you not realizing a certain someone also heard the commotion from everyone’s attention going to one place, Sukuna raised his head up from counting his money with a raised brow. He stood up to see for himself spotting you and the one bastard he didn’t expect to see tonight. He clicked his tongue stepping away from his car making his way towards the circle that surrounded you both. When the crowd saw the DK coming they started splitting a path for him towards the circle with hands in his pockets, when he came in to view Gojo’s eyes were the first ones to look up at him glaring straight through his red ones as he glared back at his blue ones. His eyes trailed with Sukuna’s as he watched him walk behind you sliding his hands to your hips pulling you back towards him putting his head on your shoulder. He scoffed to himself watching a sly smirk appear on his face, when you felt arms wrap around you, you almost pushed him away but when you saw those familiar tattoos on his wrist you relaxed a little bit, “This guy bothering you?” He asked glaring straight into Gojo’s eyes, your breath hitched a little feeling how connected you guys were, feeling his warmth engulf your own. You cleared your throat, “Yeah.” You mumbled avoiding the blue eyes that stared hard at you, Sukuna nodded his head double squeezing your hips leaning towards your ear, “Go wait for me over there.” He whispered nodding towards an area where his car was parked with stacks of money placed on top of it, you flickered your eyes to stare into his red ones before nodding your head. He let you go, turning around to walk away towards his car.
He clicked his tongue watching you walk off turning his attention back to Gojo, “Satoru Gojo, you got some balls walking into a terf that isn’t yours.” He said staring at him with a blank stare as Gojo snickered in response, “Last time I checked this didn’t belong to you. I’m free to roam wherever.” He was right, the lake didn’t belong to him ever since his parents feuded back then with the Gojo’s for the land. At first it was the Ryomen’s but ever since his parents lost control and died, it remained open to anyone and that pissed him off. Being in the same spot as this white haired bastard made him want to kill him on the spot but he knew if he made a move now his people were gonna have his head on the wall. Sukuna scoffed taking a step forward as Gojo did the same. they both stood at the same height, 6’1 staring hard into each others eyes. The tension between the both was so thicc you couldn’t even slice through it if you tried, Gojo and Sukuna have been rivals since the day they were born, they hated each other, despised each other, if you can find any other word for hate that would be it.
Gojo chuckled lowly stuffing his hands into his pants pockets staring behind him to see you leaning against a black car staring at the two of them, he looked back towards Sukuna, “You know, you shouldn’t interfere with something that has nothing to do with you..King.” He spat with venom leaving his tone, Sukuna laughed in response. “Anything that happens at my races has everything to do with me, I suggest you leave if you don’t want anything to happen like last time.” Ah, last time. How could he possibly forget about that? Gojo felt anger raise inside him but hid it by a snort, “Ah..last time, If you wanna bring up last time why not run it back eh?.” He challenged making Sukuna raise a brow, “You’re the DK right? Let’s show everyone a real show yeah?.” His eyes darkened at the challenge he set out, “Got a bet to put out?.” He said, Gojo glared at him then towards you, “Winner gets her.” He nodded, Sukuna turned his head to look at you with a small growl turning back towards him. “If you win I’ll back off, you won’t ever have to see my face again. But If I win, the lake and her belongs to me, If you ever show your face around here again you’ll be killed on the spot. So, we got a deal? DK.” Sukuna clicked his tongue thinking, if it weren’t for this feud he would’ve been killed him. He scowled at the bet but he never deny’s them, he took Gojo’s hand into his squeezing it hard glaring at him.
I had my arms crossed over my chest as i was deep into thoughts. How could he just pop up out of nowhere and act like nothing happened? Wasted three fucking years for some other girl because i couldn’t “provide” his needs. I scoffed clenching my hands onto the fabric that laid beneath them, what could have Sukuna possibly be saying to him? From afar i l could see Gojo’s face turn into a dark aura as Sukuna spoke to him. What was he saying? What was he doing? He couldn’t possibly be doing anything dumb could he?....But thinking back to him..ugh his warmth engulfing mine with his hands on my hips? I’m not going to lie to myself i missed the touch of his hands, those long..ha-..What am i talking about? You shook your head clearing your thoughts out, soon snapping up feeling his presence coming closer, you raised a brow looking at him who had a smirk on his face. What did he do. “What did you do?” You asked as Sukuna walked past you grabbing the money off his hood putting them in his car in the safe place, “Bastard set a bet out and I took it.” What? “You what? What was the bet?.” You asked again stepping closer to him as he grunted placing the last bits of cash in the glove box, “Winner takes over the lake and gets you.” He said giving you a small glance going back to securing the money, you froze on spot. Me? You scoffed at the answer clenching your hands together, of course he would put out a bet like that. Fucking bastard. Who does the fuck he think he is? Sukuna felt the tension switch to a tense one as he could practically feel the anger radiating off you, he didn’t like the idea of putting you as a bet in one of these things but Gojo knew exactly what to do to rile him up and it worked.
“All you need to do for me is to keep your attention on me pretty face.” He said taking you out of your thoughts, “I’ll win. I always do, don’t I?.” He smirked leaning against his car door staring at you, you tsked placing a hand on your hip rolling your eyes. “You better.” You said in a serious tone hearing him snicker, “What about this, let’s make a deal of our own yeah?.” Your ears perked up at the sound of that looking at him with a raised brow, “Like what?” He grinned, “If i win, which i am you gotta give me a reward.” Reward. You hummed, “What kind of reward?.” He licked the bottom of his lip staring at your exposed thighs then back up at you, “Whatever comes to your mind doll face.” He shrugged, you bit your bottom leg switching side feeling your body go hot being under his stare. You hummed, “What’s in it for me?” Sukuna got up from his car to walk towards you, grabbing the hem of your skirt, pulling you closer to his body leaning down to whisper in your ear, “If you be a good girl for me I might consider fucking you.” You looked up at him with a lustful gaze as he looked back, “Keep your word Ryomen.” He grinned.
“I always do.”
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- 𝘼𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙡 28𝙩𝙝 2003 11:30𝙥𝙢 (𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧)
↳ toji summary. - the night after you got forced to work for toji you made it your mission to tick him off as much as possible but after pushing one wrong button you were in for a surprise.
it’s been three days since the incident with him, three days since i’ve been stuck with this deal and now here i am. At the first race he put me in, I glared around my surroundings with a scoff leaving my mouth. Everyone and they mama were here, loud music booming through my ears, the smell of weed entering my nose i could practically puke. I was standing next to him as he talked to a guy with a scar on his face laughing and what not as I just stood there with arms crossed, when the fuck is this race? I wanna get this over with.
For a couple of more minutes you saw a guy standing ontop of a car with a big grin on his face before yelling, “Let’s start it up!” With cheers and whistles following behind him, from the corner of your eye you saw Toji turn his attention towards you with a grin of his own ”Hear that? You’re up.” He said rolling your eyes in response turning to look at him with a hard glare, “I have ears you jackass.” You said before walking past him bumping shoulders with him towards the car you’re gonna be racing in, Toji click his tongue unbothered by your pissy mood, “Be mad all you want doll. Make sure to win my money.” You flipped him off without turning around hearing his deep chuckle over the loud music. Even when there’s loud ass music his voice still appears clearly.
When you got the black car you couldn’t help but grin in satisfaction, “No shit..” You mumbled examining the car with heart eyes, there’s no way he got his hands on one of these- But am i really surprised?! You snorted at your own thoughts shaking them away, unlocking the car door before getting in starting the engine. You checked your mirrors and your surroundings spotting his men spread out everywhere, he’s really keeping an eye on me? You scoffed clenching the steering wheel feeling your hand tense hard. How the hell did i get stuck cleaning up my parents mess? If i even made a run for it his men knows my face and the car plate, It was no use to try to do it. If he found me at my apartment without a trace he can do it again, you sighed placing your head on the steering wheel.
You breathed out a heavy breath, sitting back up in the seat before starting the engine, hearing it roar in the back. “Let’s get this fucking over with.”
You pulled up to the starting line, lining up with three other cars that revved there engines seeing the starter girl take her place with a flag in her hand. Your opponents kept glancing at you, taking notice you were a new face around here laughing, you paid no mind to them not giving a damn of what they think, from the corner of your eye you seen Toji leaning against a car with three other men there with him as he stared hard at you. Almost like a warning stare. You glanced over to him seeing him give you a look that says “Win my money.” You grunted looking back to the front seeing it’s about to start. The starter girl grinned at all cars hearing them revving as she held up the flag, she twirled it in circles before pulling it down fast seeing the cars take off. You pressed hard on the gas pedal feeling the car jerk forward speeding down the straight road, from the corner of your eye you can see the other cars catching up.
You clenched on the steering wheel as you kept staring straight forward seeing the road coming to an end within a mile. You were still in first place as the black car was as fast as the wind, seeing the pinkish yellowish car catch up you pressed harder against the pedal moving the stick seeing the car fall back. When you seen the corner coming up ahead, you turned the wheel hard moving the stick down and lifting the break up swiftly drifting over the corner before quickly pulling the break down moving your stick back to drive.
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When you seen everyone coming back into view you kept your foot on the gas. You glanced over to where Toji was seeing a grin on his face, you scoffed “Win your own damn money.” Right when the finish line was coming up you smirked slowing down the car watching the other cars speed past you seeing that grin slowly come off his face. You were last to cross the line pulling up to the crowd that congratulated the winner. That night he had lost a 50 thousand yen bet and you didn’t know it.
You fucked up.
The moment you walked through those office doors you were thrown against his desk with your back against it and him standing in front of you with a pissed off aura. You really did it now. There was nothing but heavy breaths and silence in the room as you stood there, heart beating fast against your chest from the silence in the room. Toji cleared his throat after a few seconds, “Do you know how much you’ve lost me tonight.” He asked and you kept quiet not bothering to answer but when he didn’t get an answer your eyes widen feeling a harsh grab on your throat pulling you closer to him glaring into your eyes with a dark look. “You’ve lost me 50 thousand yen because you didn’t wanna follow simple rules.” He gritted his teeth squeezing harder against your throat, you scratched against his hand feeling your air way get trapped choking a breath. 50 thousand!?
When you heard that leave his mouth you knew how much you fucked up. Toji growled under his breath before letting you go dropping to the floor grasping you neck catching your breath, “Fuck around and you find out princess. You’re dealing with one of the most dangerous gangs alive and you’re playing games. We made a deal, remember? You race, I bet. Next time you lose me a race..” He trailed before harshly grabbing your jaw making you look up at him,
“I’ll kill you.”
{Lap 3} Coming soon…
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themultifandomgal · 6 months
Hey you! I just read that you take requests for peaky blinders and I’m wondering if you could maybe write something for John x reader? Like from s1 when he calls for a family meeting, that he wants to marry Lizzie. But reader is there maybe she works with Grace at the bar and has known John since they were young. She was in love with him but he married Martha, reader helped with their kids and her births and when his wife died she stayed around to help John. But he never thought she looked at him like anything more than a brother. But Polly knew and Tommy too, so when John asks them about Lizzie in front of you. They all tell him he’s blind to not see how reader loves him and his kids. She is really sad cause she thinks he’s going through with the wedding to Lizzie but when he gets home that night and she’s watching the kids he finally talks to her and asks her how she really feels. Like he would see her in such a loving way he couldn’t even consider she’d ever want a man like him. A real cute ending would be lovely
John Shelby- Tell Me The Truth Pt1
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I just realised writing this how similar to my last request this one is so this time I’ve used actual dialogue from the season 1. Might make this one into a little series. Hope you enjoy.
Also trigger warnings- swearing, talking about vomit, violence, the usual peaky blinders stuff.
“Oh for fucks sake” YN groans as a man vomits at the bar “I gotta clean that up now, fucking twat go ‘ome to ya wife”
“Why d’ya think I’m ‘ere love” the chap wipes the vomit from his mouth making YN shudder a little. Rolling her eyes YN goes to get her mop and bucket while she leaves Freddie and Tommy to talk, although knowing it may end up in someone getting hurt
“Hi YN” Finn, the youngest Shelby sibling says smiling at her
“Hey Finn, why aren’t ya at school” the boy shrugs his shoulders
“It may be borin’ but do ya wanna end up like ya brothers? an alcoholic, an other a deceiver, another married at 17 because he fucked some poor girl. Get yourself some juice then head back to school”
“Fine” the boy whines but does as he’s told, well kind off. YN doesn’t need to know that he’s took the juice and headed off home.
Walking back to the bar with a mop and bucket and some other cleaning supplies, she now sees Tommy and Freddie holding Danny up. Glass and chairs thrown everywhere
“Oh hell did I do it again?” he asks
“You did it again Danny”
“Miss YN I’m so sorry” Danny cries
“It’s ok Danny” YN says sympathising with him. She knows better than anyone how the war has changed so many people and families. She worked as a nurse to help the injured soldiers. Combat Fatigue, or shell shock is what they called it when men would return home, but they weren’t themselves. Unfortunately Danny, once a sweet caring man, now has moments where he forgets where he is. Just a noise could set him off. Knowing this YN knows that she shouldn’t be harsh on him. It’s not his fault
“Mr Shelby you have to do something about him”
“Damn right Harry. You pay the peaky blinders a lot of money for protection. Your the law around here now, aren’t ya Tommy?” Freddie say as Tommy takes a swig of whiskey
“And what would you suggest? Hm? Putting a bullet through his head? Kill an innocent man? Thought you would have done enough of that during the war”
“YN back to work” Harry says pointing at the girl
“Sorry ‘man’s business’ right? that’s a load of fucking bollocks and you know that”
“Harry get YN to drop the bill off at the betting shop. We’ll take care of this” Tommy says putting his cap back on and walking out of the bar
“I don’t know why you’re still involved with that lot” Harry mutters grabbing a broom. YN shrugs
“Grew up with John boy didn’t I. They’re family”
“Yet the man you love married another. I’d leave them before they break you” with that Harry gets to sweeping the floor. What Harry said hurt YN, not the part about them breaking her, no. They wouldn’t do that, the Shelby’s all treat YN as family. The part that hurt YN was that John married Martha, YN’s best friend. Tommy always said it was only because he got her pregnant and wanted to do the right thing, but YN always wondered if he hadn’t of got Martha pregnant would he have ever married her? Would’ve he and YN had a chance? Well it’s to late now. John married Martha and now is a widower with 4 children who YN had help Polly deliver.
Later that evening YN walks home, having to pass Johns house where she can hear the chaos that is bath and bed time. Going against her better judgement, YN finds her feet making their way to Johns house and knocking on the door. A disheveled John answers the door
“Oh thank god your here. I don’t know how Martha did this everyday” sighing YN gives him a weak smile entering his house
“Just get a glass of whiskey for me for when we’re done”
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chaosgremlinmunson · 6 months
April fools?...🫣😳
Minors dni, smutty funny content ahead, 18+ only please!
Eddie had a plan. He was sure it was going to either be hilarious or he was about to die by either Robin Buckley or Steve Harrington’s hand by the end of the day, but he had a plan. First thing was first though, he had to get Chrissy on board, and that, he was sure, was about to be a challenge. However, as luck would have it she also thought it was a great idea. Well, she thought he was hiding the eggs in the appropriate room, but hey, what she didn't know wouldn't hurt right? Right? Ok, so maybe his platonic soulmate might also kill him, but no one could ever say Eddie Munson didn't commit to the bit.
He strolled into melvads on Friday morning grabbing bags of cheap plastic eggs, and snickered when he saw glitter as well, thought why not and tossed it in his cart as well. When he approached the counter the teenage cashier just looked at him for a moment, rolled her eyes and rang him up. He bought a couple disposable cameras as well, and headed back to his van making his way to his and Chrissy's apartment. When he came in she was sitting in the armchair, near her leg was a couple bags from their favorite fetish shop out in Indy and she grinned at him.
“You think Robin will finally get the clue I'm into her after her Easter gift?” She twirled her hair around a finger, and reached into her own bag laying out a baby blue corset and pointed to his bag, “don't worry I got the things you wrote down for yours.”
Eddie laughed, coming to sit beside her kissing her temple, “I think if anything, she's definitely going to have some thoughts after this.”
((smut under the cut))
They made a night of it going full on fashion show, boudoir shoot. Eddie trusted Chrissy for the more exposed photos, he wrapped himself in nothing but a sunshine yellow ribbon, accentuating every curve, and giving a full view to the thick swollen present he wanted Steve to have most of all.
The photos were developed that weekend, a friend owing him a favor, asking no questions, and Eddie got set to stuff the eggs. Half with photos, the other half glitter bombs. He waited for Tuesday when they'd have their weekly movie night, the one night they all collectively had a scheduled day off and came to Steve's and while Steve showered he got busy hiding the eggs around the house. He had practiced acting innocent when he was anything but, so no one was any the wiser when they all gathered. Robin found the first egg as she and Chrissy went to sit on the loveseat.
Robin looked at the egg confused for a moment before opening it, falling sideways while screeching and throwing the egg at Eddie's head. Steve came rushing over, leaned down to pick up the egg and his face went crimson seeing Eddie in a leather harness and assless chaps. He gulped and looked up at Eddie, and walked back to the kitchen to grab their drinks and then screeched himself, finding another egg Eddie had hidden.
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry!” He said running out and handing the egg straight to Chrissy, refusing eye contact. She looked down to see the photo she's taken riding her toy in the corset, her face going red in embarrassment before standing up and tackling Eddie straight to the floor.
“Edward Nathaniel Kristof Munson! You said they would be hidden in their rooms and only Robin would see me, and that I would win my Birdy! You lied, you, dramatic, overgrown, wet cat! I'm burning your leather chaps, and your new yellow sparkle plug!” Chrissy had him pinned her hands gripping his hair not realizing the absolute bombshell she just dropped as Eddie yelped.
“Chris! Chrissy-bee, love of my life, queen of the world, most beautiful and wonderful best friend of mine, I did it for April fools! She still got to see! And at least this way you know she's going to see it!” He was wiggling under her trying to get away.
“I'm going to put bleach in your shampoo, I'm going to replace all your records with pop music! I'm going to tell Steve about the scrapbook!” She was screeching at him, her tiny frame hid how strong she really was and Eddie was starting to regret this idea. Then he realized, shit, they're still in the living room. All of this was said in front of both of their crushes. Dear God in heaven he did not think this through, at all. Chrissy seemed to come to a conclusion at the same time as Eddie did because they just made eye contact and both stared eyes wide before standing up slowly looking at the floorboards. Disaster gays, that's what they were. Jesus H Christ, Eddie just wanted to disappear and pretend this hadn't happened at all, but clearly now it was way too late. Steve grabbed his hand and his eyes went wide again as he led him into his room away from Robin and Chrissy, he pushed Eddie onto the bed and climbed into his lap pulling Eddie's chin up to look him in the eye.
“You couldn't just tell me the normal way huh? Had to be as dramatic as possible, had to be a little riot and get the blood pumping?” Steve emphasized the last bit by rolling hips down into Eddie's lap as he gasped, “I should make you wait for it. I should punish you for being such a bad boy and showing off. No one but me should have seen you that way.” He nipped Eddie's neck whispering into his skin, “As a matter of fact, I am. Robin is going to yours with Chris, and you Eddie, are going to go around this apartment and get every. Single. Egg. And you're going to open each one so that your photos end up only for my eyes, and Chrissy's will be set in Robin's room. Then you're going to clean my mess you make. And if you do a good enough job I might just let you have a treat.” He licked up the side of Eddie's face who shuddered and nodded, his hands gripping Steve's hips.
Steve slid off his lap and watched Eddie, an eyebrow raised in expectation before Eddie moved to start gathering everything. He opened every one over the trash, that way glitter didn't get anywhere and separated the photos like Steve asked. He rushed around cleaning the house, leaving everything as immaculate and clean as Steve typically had it and stood in the living room his hands clasped behind his back as Steve made his way through the house checking everything was done to his standard. When he came back to where Eddie stood he looked him over for a moment.
“On your knees.” He commanded and Eddie fell straight to his knees, thankful for the plush carpeting under his legs. His mouth was already watering as he looked up at Steve waiting for his next command, “open your mouth and stick out your tongue.”
Eddie rushed to comply and Steve placed his fingers into Eddie's mouth who immediately sucked them in as Steve inhaled shakily still keeping control, he reached other hand up to Eddie's mouth and brushed his fingers over his cheek.
“Was this what you needed? Something to shut you up, make you sink? Fall apart slowly?” He growled, he moved his hands up to Eddie's hair tugging at the strands before pulling him up to his feet and crashing their lips together. “Strip.”
Eddie hurriedly pulled his shirt off, he tripped over his pants but still rushed to get undressed and stood before Steve again who came up in front of him before making his way slowly around Eddie appraising him.
“You're doing so good for me. Such a good boy when you want to be, hmm?” He ran a hand up Eddie's thigh cupping his ass before smacking it once, “This what I need to do for you? Tell you what to do?” Eddie's eyes were fluttering and he was leaking down onto the carpet.
“I can be good for you, only for you. Please, Steve, please.” Eddie panted his hips quivering trying not to rut against the air.
“Do you think you've earned it?” He leaned into Eddie's space whispering in his ear tugging his hair again, “Do you think you deserve me to touch your pretty little cock yet?” Eddie whimpered, he knew he wasn't small but Steve being mean was making his skin light up in the most delicious ways.
“Please, I can earn it. I can be so good for you Stevie. Please, please, just tell me what to do.” Eddie whined.
“Bend over.” Eddie bent over the back of the couch where Steve had led him. “Use this, and open yourself up for me. Don't come until I say you've earned it. Be my good girl.”
Eddie keened high in his throat and got to work opening himself up in front of him, he arched his back and after a few moments was shaking, Steve pulled his hand away to look at his progress and put two of his own thicker longer fingers inside of him. Eddie screamed his name, his head whipping back and arching into the touch.
“So you can be good.” He said moving his fingers in and out quickly, just as he felt him clamping down close to release he stopped, all Eddie heard was the zipper of his light blue jeans and the schlick, schlick, noises of his pumping himself before he buried himself to the hilt bringing Eddie up against his chest, he placed a hand over his throat not squeezing, just resting and bite the junction just under his ear, “Ride me like a good girl Eds. Show me how badly you want it.”
Eddie groaned rolling his hips back against Steve as he felt him all around him, “fuck Stevie, I love you, fuck I love you.”
“I know Eds, I love you too. Now ride my cock like the whore you tried to be in your little photo shoot.” He squeezed his neck softly sucking his earlobe into his mouth rolling to meet his thrusts.
“Steve please, I'm so close, can I come please. Please, sir, please, please, please.” He begged, Steve growled and bit his neck, before slamming into him harder.
“Come on my cock, don't touch yourself.” He panted his rhythm getting sloppy but harder.
Eddie cried out clamping down hard on him, come painting across the back of the couch over the quilt Eddie had bought him for his birthday recently and Steve wasn't far behind.
As they came down Steve still holding Eddie in his arms as he softened he kissed over Eddie's neck, “You're still a little shit. But God, do I love you.” Steve breathed in between kisses, “I want you to be mine. Officially.” He said turning Eddie to face him.
“Stevie, I've been yours for longer than you've known.” He leaned and kissed his lips, “Happy Easter baby.”
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unnoticed-poison · 1 year
ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ! ᴅᴀʀᴋ! ᴍᴀɴʜᴡᴀ/ᴍᴀɴʜᴜᴀ ᴠᴀʀɪᴏᴜꜱ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ 【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟏 】
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【 𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖑𝖊𝖗 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕 】
【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟏 】
【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟐 】
Chapter 3 to 10 are posted on AO3, Wattpad and Quotev :3
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Read the trailer chapter before reading this one if you haven't (it's a mix between the story summary and a chap so you need to read it before this one)
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You just stared at the blue screen with a look of pure confusion and horror, not quite understanding the words the screen just said. "What?" you asked once again, still not fully comprehending the situation." run that by me again?"
You questioned while rubbing your temples as if to help you wake up from some crazy dream.
The system, whose name is Jin Xian, looked at you nervously before explaining once more.
You took a deep breath and tried not to lose it."So what you're saying is, there's a bug that's currently hiding in all the manhwas and novels I read for the last few years now and it's probably aiming to kill them all for some unknown reason?"
It hesitates before nodding slowly, "Yeah.. I guess you could put it that way"
"...And you want me to take care of it right?"
"...Y...Yes." It said awkwardly.
"And can I ask why you or whoever you work for haven't done anything about it until now?"
"We tried.." the system answered sadly, "But we just couldn't detect its exact location or even track down where it originally came from. There wasn't anything to pinpoint exactly. But then the people in charge decided that the best course of action was to let us deal with the situation ourselves while they search for another solution, so they decided to send the best world-hoppers to those worlds to try and stop it from spreading, those people are considered the best of the best, all their worlds missions were successful so far with a SSS ranking, of course only the higher ranking systems get those hosts while we low ranking ones have to look for temporary hosts with zero experience." it paused for a moment, before continuing, "So here we are"
It pouted as it said that sentence."Why do I always get stuck with the lowest rank?"
You raised an eyebrow at it." Because you're an idiot, you couldn't even get the right person to be your host, a simple task that should have been easy enough for systems of all rankings and you still failed, no wonder your rank is so low." you snapped in annoyance.
"...That... might be a tad harsh, miss..." it admitted sheepishly. it's been called a lot worse, especially recently, but it still hurt. it might be a robot but it has feelings ok?!
"So now that everything is clear, we need to start moving now! The more time we waste, the faster the bug will spread."
It was silent for a moment before you gave the cheerful Xian a small smile.
You stated with finality.
"...what?" the system replied in confusion." What do you mean no?"
"Look, as much as I want to meet the characters and go through the quests to get to the bug's location I can't, I have a life here and I'm guessing this mission of yours is gonna be pretty dangerous right?" you gave it a stern stare."So I'm sorry, but I like being alive and I'm not gonna risk it for some fantasy."
"But... but mis-" it attempted to explain, desperate to convince you, "You can't just-"it tried to speak, only to be cut off.
"This mission needs someone intelligent and dedicated, and I assure you I'm neither of these things." You continued to reason, ignoring the obvious pleading tone of your companion. You chuckled, giving the poor thing a comforting smile before continuing."tell you what, I'll pretend that all that happened today was a terrific fever dream and you'll go and look for an actual host that suits you, how about that?"
"Goodbye~! Have a good hunt!" you said as you grabbed it and throw it out the window and closed it shut."I wish you luck!" the room fell into silence again, only the whirring sound of the air conditioning filling the room.
You sighed in relief." Finally." you said, ready to forget the shit that just happened.
"I'm afraid I can't let you do that, my dear host." a cold voice sounded from behind you as a chill run down your spine.
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Didn't expect to actually write a chapter after the trailer one but oh well hope you like it 🌻
I posted this on Wattpad too and might post it on AO3 as well.
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moondirti · 2 years
Ok but like… catch Simon smoking one day and you just, sit on his lap, and kiss the smoke out of his mouth and it tastes like smoke and bourbon😍😍😍 mans would go feral I think
all i do is turn cute thoughts angsty. no i will not apologise i would recommend you read 'cigarettes out the window' before this. not entirely necessary, i just make references to it you might not understand otherwise. ghost x scout (reader) warnings: smoking, nicotine addiction, shotgun kisses
You find him on the roof, reeking of singed leaf and tobacco. Your lungs battle the frigid cold that pours through a sharp inhale; you desperately cling to the traces you can catch. It's a smell you're well accustomed with - an old friend that's quick to curl it's relentless grip around you. Even now, you lean into it.
Just when you'd gotten good at battling the urge.
He hates it when you smoke. Though it never stops him from frequenting the bad habit himself.
The thought filters, flares, then sinks to a faint nothing at the base of your skull. It's hard to focus on your shortcomings when he's this close - you digest the sight of him; imposing, a spill of ink against the backdrop of snow. In the never ending cover, you're barely able to make out the tendrils of grey that stream from a thin cigarette, clutched between thick fingers.
(Comical, almost. It looks like a toothpick in his clutch).
"So, you took my lighter."
His shoulders tense for a small moment - barely perceptible, you'd be the only one to notice.
But they do, of course. You have an odd habit of sneaking up on people.
"I told you I'd confiscate it." He doesn't turn to face you. Instead, he pulls another puff. You think you can feel it flood you. Head rush, buzzing adrenaline.
Or, maybe that's him. Almost eight months since Sudbury now, and you're still dizzy over the situation you've happened upon.
"I've been good, though." You whisper, almost whine, and come up behind him. He's sat on a ledge, his legs hanging off the edge. You wrap your arms around his shoulders both for the sake of it and the smallest fear that he fall off.
But Simon's a figure forged of resolute steel, tempered in some planet's core that far supersedes the burn of this world. Gunpowder. Nuclear fallout. Butane, swishing liquid inside the all-black lighter Soap had gifted you for Christmas.
It's all ye ever wear, Scout. Didnae know whit else ye'd like.
Nothing tips him over.
(You graze your lips on the cut of his jaw - bared, now, with the balaclava rucked to his nose - and feel as his muscles flex underneath several layers of cotton.)
"We both know you're not up here for me, pet." He growls, the depth of it registering tenfold in your new proximity. His voice, thick with a cockney diction, seeps like molasses and hardens on the gummy lining of your lungs.
Your pocket heaves with the weight of a new pack. He's right.
"Hm. No, not originally. Bummed a lighter from Price."
You kiss his jaw again, a week old stubble chafing over your lips.
"Then, God had other plans."
A gale moves in from the North, biting at your cheeks. You can't see it, but you imagine Simon's nose is red, blushed in that way only you got to see on a regular basis. You bury your face into his neck to hide the fond smile that threatens to crack your face.
Timbre. Wet rain on a campfire. That sandalwood shampoo he still insists on using no matter how many alternatives you buy him.
From the shift of his body underneath yours, you assume he takes another drag. But he doesn't shrink with an exhale, not for a while.
When you look up quizzically, his lips touch yours. Just barely, a soft graze of chapped flesh, cold and split at the corner from where he was punched just last night.
Your nose ignites, smouldering acridity, tarnished herbs doused in the aftertaste of bourbon. You don't know why you stumble - whether it's the kiss, the shotgun, or the terrifying relief of an old vice. All there is are the gentle cradle of snowfall on your lashes, half-lidded, and the behemoth that breathes temptation to your gut.
"Hope you're not too disappointed, pet."
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bbyquokka · 2 years
🥺 hey twinnie.. you know how it be with me rn.. just thoughts of getting fat hug from all the skz members, like how they all hugged chris during that lovers episode they did.
And I want a hug from you I hate distance rn 😭
group hug
warnings: fem reader, she/her pronouns used, ot8!, felix and reader are in an established relationship, mention of reader feeling grief. words: 0.7k ~ (707)
dont repost. dont translate. feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
you nuzzle under the duvet, broken hiccups in the form of sobs leaving your lips. curled in a fetal position as you hold the thing you treasure the most, close to your chest.
“why..” you whisper to yourself, heart shattering as you recall the events that's happened the last two days “just a bit longer. i thought we had more time with one another.”
tears roll down your cheeks, trickling down the bridge of your nose before landing on the mattress with a soft plop. your eyes are red, sore and puffy, lips chapped, throat sore. you have a headache and feel so tired, mentally and physically.
your body is heavy with grief, a piece of you feels like it's missing.
felix bites his lip as he stares at your closed door. you didn't mean to, but you snapped at him. he knows you're upset right now and that you didn't mean it, but it pains him to see you hurt and broken like this and not be able to do anything about it.
so he called the few people he falls onto when he is unsure of what to do - his members.
“she'll be ok.” minho softly says, noticing how the younger man is currently burning holes in your door.
“i know.” he sighs, playing with fingers. “i just wish i could do something, y'know.”
“she knows you're here for her, felix. we all are.” hyunjin gives felix a soft and reasuring smile.
“i just wish there was a way to show her that im here; that we're all here.” felix mumbles.
“sometimes it's best to leave people be during these times. maybe she doesn't want company right now and having company might make her worse?” jisung suggests, trying his best to reassure felix's mind.
“nah.. that's not like her.. she loves hugs and cuddles. loves skin on skin. we all know that with the way she clings to me!” everyone hums, nodding slowly.
“thats it!” chan says, slapping his thighs and pushing himself up off the sofa. felix watches chan approach your door, softly knocking with his knuckle.
“yn? it's chan.” he says softly. he pauses, listening to you sniffle and shift around.
“go away.” you choke out.
“you know i won't leave you, yn. felix is worried about you, as we all are!”
“chan. please, just leave me alone.” chan sighs softly, his stubborn side getting the better of him.
“im coming in.” he waits for your reply. silence. he opens the door and walks inside, the members watching and waiting; anticipating for you to scream at him to tell him to f off.
but you don't.
chan walks into the living area, your limp and tired body over his shoulder. you don't have the energy or willpower to fight him, he just scooped you up and put you over your shoulder.
“you can't isolate yourself, yn. not at a time like this.” chan softly states, placing you down on the sofa beside felix. you look down at your lap, tears threatening to spill down your cheeks for the nth time.
“watch me.” you mumble stubbornly.
“oh we will, doesn't mean we will let it happen.” seungmin hums.
“why though.”
“because we care for you and love you, yn. you don't have to do this alone. don't push away the people that are willing to help you. surround yourself with people that have positive energy, people that love you so much. it'll help lessen the burden.” felix says, gently taking your hand is his.
you look up at him, your vision blurred as tears spill. you grip onto felixs hand.
“i love you yn. you're not alone in this so don't push me or us away.” he gently strokes away your tears as you sob.
“i-im sorry. i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to.. it just, it hurts. it hurts so bad.” you babble, snot and tears free falling down your face.
“we know yn, but we're here. don't push us away. allow yourself to lean on us for support.” chan sits next to you, pulling your sobbing body into his chest. he hugs you tightly, the members all piling on top to surround you in hugs.
it's warm and soothing. its home.
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note: i wish i could give you a bigggggg squeeze rn, thats all i've been wanting to do since. ilysvm & im always here for you ‹3
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tags (open): not tagging because it doesn't feel right due to the nature of the fic/situation.
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spiderrrling · 2 years
You and lovesick Eddie cuddling in his van when you give him his first kiss ❤️💕🥰
i know i said i wouldn't do any more today i lied <3 i changed it slightly hope that's ok!!!
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his lips trailed down your neck, across your shoulder where his fingers tugged at your shirt to expose more skin to his starving lips
he longed for all of you, starved for all of you, kissing every available part of your body, your neck, shoulder, collarbones, arms, hands, cheeks, your forehead, the top of your head
anywhere he could reach
except for your lips, they were the one place he wouldn't venture, not until you would let him
he wanted to, every day the urge grew stronger but his respect still towered over any desire he might feel
he dreamt of it, dreamt of the feeling of your soft lips against his own chapped ones, imagined the feeling of his nose brushing yours, longing for the laugh that he was so sure he'd hear after the first time he'd kiss you
your back leaned against his chest, your legs tangled in front of you, hands covering his, chaste laughs fleeing your lips as loose whisps of his hair tickled your exposed skin
the back of his van, doors open wide, a blanket of stars covering the deep night sky
"Eddie... tickles" you laughed as you faked wiggling away from him, his lips brushing a particularly sensitive spot
"im sorry-" eddie mumbled into your skin, his arms tightening around you ever so slightly in a silent apology l
"you're not"
"you're right im not"
"hey Eddie..." you wanted to will the words to come out, but sitting there wrapped up in him you couldn't help but feeling shy... just ever so slightly
"yes?" his lips found your temple, pressing against it almost hoping he could read your mind
"do you... do you think you could kiss me?"
"what do you think im doing?" he knew what you meant, but he couldn't help himself, seeing you flustered, feeling you squirm at his words, you were the cutest thing he's ever seen
"you know what i mean-"
"do i?"
"are you sure?"
"never been more sure about anything"
the words shared between you were quick, hurried, spoken in hushes and whispers only meere millimeters away from one another
"shut up and kiss me"
eddie didn't need to be told twice, his hands softly cupping your face to bring you closer to him, his eyes sliding shut as his lips met yours for the first time
he hadn't missed many people in his life, but he knew it couldn't get better than this, every brush of your lips against his sent new chills down his spine
it didn't take long before your need for breath separated you
but there it was, the softest laugh escaping your lips just as he knew it would
"how was that?" his fingers brushed away stray pieces of hair in front of your face before pecking at the tip of your nose
"perfect... thank you"
"any time"
send lovesick! eddie thoughts!!
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lady-severus-snape · 4 months
My brain is on fire with headcanons/prompts/plot bunnies.
🌠after getting Potter the memories he needed, Severus let himself slip away into the abyss. Finally, he could rest.
🌠Lily appearing in his minds eye. "Severus, I'm so sorry for being a shit friend. It's OK, let go of the past. You couldn't have known it was me that the prophecy spoke of." "But Lily-" "No, Severus Snape, you have done more than enough. Gave more than should have been asked. I want you to LIVE. Fall in love and be loved in return. Go. All will be well, I pinky promise" Severus ends up back in his body.
🌠magic sweeps him away and deposits him in another area. He comes to, people yelling and screaming out instructions, machines are beeping. He blacks out from the pain.
🌠you start your shift at the hospital, there is a new patient added to your rounds. You get the report from the day shift CNA.
🌠he is handsome despite looking like he had been through hell and back. Something took quite a chunk from his neck. Though you wasn't aware of a snake big enough that would deal that kind of damage, nevermind venomous....around these parts anyways.
🌠every night you started with him, Mr. Silver streak and ending. While cleaning and changing him, you noticed a wide singular streak of silver hair leading from his temple into his blue black hair.
🌠Severus felt like was floating, the pain a dull throb. He shouldn't be feeling pain if he was dead, right? It was weird, he could sense someone near him, the darkness brightened a little each time.
🌠there was something about Mr. Silver streak that kept you coming back to see him often during your rounds. And you would spend your break visiting, reading or singing a tune or another. Talking to him about your day and what is planned for him.
🌠severus felt himself lighten, he didn't know how much time has passed but he felt lighter and less burdened in his heart. One day, he heard the sweetest voice. He couldnt see where it was coming from or even answer.
🌠Severus realized it was on a schedule. He would hear their voice in intervals. They would talk to him, read, and even sing. He could feel them touching him, no hesitation, no disgust, soft, firm, gentle. They were bathing him. Severus blushed when he realized the feel their hands in his hair. Oh how he wished to see them.
🌠 Mr. Silver streak was responding well to therapy. His neck was recovering beautifully. It would scar tremendously and he would perhaps have difficulty speaking. You start to tell him tidbits of the world. The date, time, what new book was out or about this song that you were listening on repeat because it scratched your brain itchies the right way.
🌠About 6 months into your care, as your washing his hair he opens his eyes. You are so happy and excited. "Hello there sir" by the gods his eyes were dark like onxy. They shown with intelligence and something else as he glanced at you. "You are in Community Hospital. I'm (y/n), your CNA for night shift".
🌠Severus was absolutely breathless at the beauty he saw before him. He finally had a face to the voice that kept him company in the black void. Their chocolate eyes, so deep and warm. The curls of their hair framing their face. Was it as soft as it looked? Glowy sun kissed skin. The accent registed as American. He tried to speak but his throat was dry and lips chapped.
🌠you gently shush him "hey, don't strain and don't move too much. You've got a nasty tear into your throat. Might be awhile before you can speak." Severus sagged into the hospital bed, that's right. Nagini chewed into his throat at Voldemorts order. His eyes scanned the room he was in, white sterile walls faced him with boxes that made beeping noises. A muggle hospital.
🌠From there on, y/n was the ONLY one that Severus would allow to provide personal care. The others made his skin crawl and it wasn't a good of job anyways. The doctors were amazed at how quickly he woke from the coma. They didn't think he would come back.
🌠As time passed he got stronger, his voice slowly returned though it would forever have a rasp and lack volume. His favorite CNA held many conversations and discussions over the course of their shift. "Hi Sev! Ready to get changed? I got a new book to share with you" y/n greeted.
🌠When he was able to walk again, the first thing he did was hug y/n fully, the way he had wanted to when his eyes first landed them. He had fallen in love with y/n. When the dreaded day came for his discharge he waited until he saw you to leave.
🌠you were so happy when you heard the news that Severus was finally able to go home after being your patient for a whole year. You cried happy tears for him. "Severus! I'm so glad you get to walk out of here."
🌠you gave him your number and address so he could call, write, visit. He is so cute when he admits to not having a telephone but promised to write once he got settled. You two become the best of friends, calling each other....you always called him right after your shift ended and talked until you got home ok.
🌠Severus decided to stay in the US after going to the gringots branch there. Thankfully he had locked down his vaults and all his priceless possessions had been sequestered away.
🌠He started a new life, no masters, no potter brat, no teaching dunderheads. Pure bliss and relaxation and working on potions to his heart content. He was in the middle of bottling up an order when the phone rang. Looking up at the time, it was to early for y/n to call. Dread pooled into his stomach. Answering the phone his eyes hardened. Y/n was crying on the other end distraught. Quickly he asked where they were.
🌠Severus packs everything away and gets a taxi (he was still leary about apparition, his magic was still wonky after the whole thing). Arriving to the parking lot where he knew y/n always parked, he spots them crouched by the car, muffling their cries. Not only were they covered in questionable fluids, but through coaxing, they tell him that they are being sued for 'medical malpractice/neglict)
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tailsbeth-writes · 4 months
Espresso martini, Henry and Liam. Hehehehe
I may write more about this in a Oneshot, it's actually given me some fun ideas! 😇
Henry will admit he's a little nervous as they walk to the bar. He might be clinging to Alex's hand like it's a life raft when they see Liam wave them over. Alex is grinning like the Cheshire cat though and it makes Henry's heart fuzzy.
‘ACD, bain of my life, how are ya?’ Liam drawls as he and Alex hug, slapping each other's backs. Henry can't help but think about them doing this as teenagers, after a lacrosse game. Match? Oh, mere details Henry can't bring himself to be bothered by.
They slide into the booth and Alex goes to order Henry's usual gin and tonic at the bar when he stops him.
‘Actually, make it an espresso martini. It's a special occasion, no?’ Henry cocks his brow because he knows it will drive Alex crazy, and by the way Alex bites his lip, it's working.
‘Make it two, I'm on vacation!’ Liam chirps in. Henry smiles at him and back at Alex who rolls his eyes and heads to the bar. Liam settles into the usual small talk with Henry, who is thankful when Liam gets into a long story about his flight to New York. They don't know each other super well, but Henry has managed much worse situations. If he can deal with a high tea with the Austrian ambassador who obsessed over clownfish, then this is nothing. When Alex comes back, he's got the two cocktails but is lacking a third drink.
‘I am so sorry but I need to run out. Work emergency, I would tell them to shove it but that would be six months do-’
‘Go, I'm here for a week dude. We'll catch up another night.’ Liam interrupts with a nonchalant shrug. Alex looks to Henry, who is playing with the anxiety ring June bought him to replace the signet ring.
‘Can you entertain Liam for this evening, baby?’
Henry takes a sip of his martini, he knows this is Alex’s polite way of saying ‘You can go home, it's okay.’
‘We’ll be fine, love. Go save the world or whatever it is you do all day.’ He teases before sliding out and giving him a parting kiss. Alex calls out a quick ‘be good’ with some finger guns and high tails it out the bar.
‘I forget how embarrassing he can be… how do you do it Henry?’
Henry barks a laugh and holds up his glass to toast.
‘To Alex Claremont-Diaz, the most idiotic man with the biggest heart.’
Liam clinks his glass with him and they gulp the deep brown cocktails.
‘He hasn't changed. Did he ever tell you about the time he brought the wrong underwear for after training?’
‘Tell. Me. Everything.’
*Several espresso martinis later*
Alex ❤️
almost home
did you get back okay?
Come drink with us!
Still at Martie’s.
Baby, its almost midnight
Dont you have a call at 8am?
Pez says
it's ok
Oh Henry how many have you had
only a few
The bartender gave us some free shots
Lovely chap
Coming to pick you up sweetheart 😂
Hows Liam?
But you've got me Alex
We're married darling.
You don't need to pick me up
So silly ❤️❤️❤️
Oh youre so gone
Liam is calling Spencer
He's going to propose when he arrives on Wednesday
How romantic!!
Wait he told you that?
He told me lots
I know all about your 'straight' boy days
I am never letting you two drink alone again
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hornyhornyhimbos · 1 year
so, so, SO sorry i accidentally sent this ask to your other account before fully reading the request rules! but i’d love a cake batter martini with spencer reid + an innocence kink! tysm in advance and have an amazing birthday!! :D
so... mayhaps i got carried away and now i have an idea for a full-on series... thanks i guess?
"The Bucket List" - Part One: The Taste Test
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pairing: spencer reid x fem!afab!reader
summary: you weren't sure what surprised you more—that spencer reid had a sex bucket list, or that he wanted you to help him go through it.
word count: 1,969
warnings: innocent!virgin!spencer x (implied) experienced!reader, oral f!receiving, fingering f!receiving, nipple play sorta, idk if i implied it hard enough but both reader and spencer are switches (we'll dive deeper into that in later chapters), explicit language, dirty talk that i failed miserably at writing, maybe more idrk
genre: fluffy, educational smut
extra notes: ok so as it turns out idrk how to write an innocence kink but i did the best i could and i'm happy with how it turned out. i hope you enjoy as well!!
birthday bash | filthy fridays | ask box
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spencer reid had a sex bucket list.
spencer reid, your innocent and nerdy coworker who probably had fewer girlfriends than the number of fingers on just one of his hands, had a sex bucket list.
what surprised you even more than that, though, was that he wanted you to be the one to help him go through said list.
sure, you'd been going on dates for a little while—nothing too official, just a few dinner dates and a trip to the movie theater together—but nothing that would've warranted this.
you weren't complaining by any means. spencer, despite his lack of fashion skills, was more than attractive. you were pleased to know that he already trusted you enough to tell you about the list, but it certainly didn't take off the edge of surprise when he expressed that he wanted you to be the one to help him cross some items off the list.
at the top of the list, unsurprisingly, was "perform oral sex." your legs clenched together at the thought as you glanced over the rest of the list, and at the idea of taking his oral virginity.
"i would love to help you out with this list," you admitted, want already dripping through your veins. "are you absolutely sure, though?"
he let out a nervous breath. "to tell you the truth, i don't think i've ever trusted someone the way i trust you, y/n."
you leaned in close, leaving a ghost of a kiss to his chapped lips. "then i say hell yeah. let's do this."
he dove back in for another kiss, clearly needy after the way you'd teased him with the first one. you hummed against him, bringing your hands up to meet the curls near his nape. he all but whimpered as you gave them a soft tug, his tongue dipping inside your mouth for a split second in desperation.
"spence," you said between kisses, one hand traveling down the expanse of his chest and abdomen, ending at the hem of his polo. "do you want to," another kiss, "take this to the bedroom?"
he pulled away, his eyes darting to the floor. if you didn't already know that spencer was a virgin, his apprehension and nervousness would've been a dead giveaway.
"what is it?" you asked, moving a piece of hair away from his face.
"promise you won't laugh?"
you took a deep breath, steadying yourself from how worked-up you'd already gotten. "i would never laugh at you, spencer. well, not unless it's one of your science jokes. then i might laugh to make you feel better," you teased.
he cracked a small smile at that, the air already feeling a little less tense. "i always imagined performing oral sex on a couch for the first time. i don't know, i just always imagined it would be frantic, like neither of us would be able to make it to the bedroom."
truth be told, aside from this conversation, that's exactly how you were feeling. "okay," you said gently, leaning up to kiss him again. "lay down on your stomach for me, yeah?"
you moved to sit at the end of the sofa, your back resting against the arm of it as spencer moved to lay flat in front of you. his eyes went wide as you spread your legs, no doubt revealing the wet spot that had formed on your panties and the tiny little shorts you had on under your dress.
his brows furrowed in curiosity. "so, do i just-"
you shook your head. "with me, you probably could because this whole experience has me turned on. but with most women, you definitely need to work them up, or else it won't be a pleasant experience for anyone involved."
"how do i do that?" he asked, his eyes meeting yours.
"depends on the woman, but universally, kissing and touching our thighs is a good way to go. and dirty talk is usually a good idea, too."
he nodded in understanding, leaning down to kiss your inner thigh. "how was that?"
"that was good, but you're welcome to be a little rougher if you'd like. i'm not made of glass."
he began trailing kisses up and down the length of both your thighs, alternating between sucking and pecking, even adding in the occasional nibble. he sucked over a particularly sensitive spot, and you couldn't help the moan that fell out of you in response.
"yeah? you like that?" he teased, doing it again. your cunt throbbed as he made eye contact again, this time with a harsh nip at the sensitive spot.
"fuck," you sighed, your hands finding his hair again. "yeah, i like that a lot."
his lips connected to you again, beginning their trail again, traveling up up up until they reached the band of your shorts, your dress falling around him. "while i would love to sit here and kiss your legs all night, i think there's something else i'm a bit more interested in kissing right now."
you couldn't say no to that, and the mindless tugging of your fingers in his hair was further proof. "where'd you learn how to talk dirty like that?"
"you bring it out of me."
without another word, you were lifting your hips and whimpering at the cold air as he slowly dragged the fabric down your legs. you pulled your dress fully out of the way, watching as spencer licked his lips at the sight in front of him.
"you like what you see?" you asked with a smirk, carding your fingers through his hair, much softer than the tugs you'd left before.
he nodded with sheer excitement. "i like that a lot," he repeated with the same tone you'd used earlier.
"feel free to get your hands involved if you want. this is all about education, so don't hesitate to get some hands-on experience."
he cocked an eyebrow as he looked up at you again. "is that your way of saying you need to be touched right now?" he asked, his tone clearly teasing.
"maybe," you answered truthfully.
a sly smirk pulled at the corners of his lips as he moved his hand up to your cunt. his index finger dragged slowly down the middle of your pussy, his finger surely soaked as he maneuvered it through your folds. a moan escaped your lips once again, your chest already heaving, despite just getting started.
"didn't know i could make someone this wet with just a few little kisses and a mere touch."
you were almost embarrassed to admit that he was right, but when that same finger moved to toy with your entrance, you couldn't seem to care less. "believe it, pretty boy, you did that."
he shook his head at the nickname. "while i love being called that, i was hoping you'd have a special nickname for me that only you use. how does that sound?"
you were getting desperate now, especially when he began to push the aforementioned finger inside you. "whatever you say, spencer, just please stop teasing me."
you could see that look of apprehension reappear, but he must not have cared too much. one second, he was dragging his fingers through your folds, parting your lips with glassy eyes, and the next, he was blowing hot air over you, his tongue slipping inside your entrance with ease.
a mewl fell from your lips at the sensation, tugging on his hair particularly hard. spencer must've enjoyed the action, moaning against you as he lapped at your cunt. you did it again, earning you a second noise, and a smirk tugged at the corners of your mouth.
you pulled him in impossibly deeper, his tongue brushing over that sweet spot you loved so much. "right there, angel," you sighed. the nickname practically flew out of your mouth, but if you had to be honest, it felt absolutely heavenly falling off your tongue like that.
heavy eyes met your gaze, his eyelashes fanning out in such a contrastingly innocent manner—a juxtaposition to the obscene act unfolding in front of you. "say that again," he instructed, leaving a soft kiss on your mound.
his tongue swirled in an agonizing circle around your clit, eliciting a profanity from you. "right fucking there, angel," you said with a moan. you fell back against the arm of the sofa, eyes screwing shut at the absolute pleasure he was providing you with.
"when you're in control, i want you to call me that, okay?" he said, his mouth meeting your bud for a harsh kiss. his lips latched onto you, practically making out with your pussy. a sneaky finger slipped inside you, flexing against your g-spot.
you were already close, oh so close. "please, angel," you practically begged. "i'm almost there."
he left a soft kiss to one of your lips, looking up at you again. "tell me what you need, ma'am."
the nickname had you inching closer to release, your legs beginning to quiver around him. he looked so pretty there, that innocent boy all laid out for you, pleasing you. "harder, faster, anything, just please help me out here."
spencer's opposite hand that wasn't buried inside you slithered up your body, palming at your breast through the dainty fabric of your dress. he nipped and sucked and mouthed at your clit while his finger was joined by a second. his middle and ring fingers thrusted inside you, brushing over that place that had you squirming.
with all the force you had left, you slipped your hand inside your dress, tugging at your neglected nipple as he continued his ministrations, his digits flexing impossibly harder inside you.
with one last harsh circle around your clit, you were coming undone, veins burning and heart thumping louder. you shook around him, eyes going glassy and crossed as he coaxed you along. you pulled at his curls with the hand that wasn't on your breasts, his moans and whimpers against your body only aiding your overstimulated senses.
you watched as his lips left your bud with a messy string of spit, trailing kisses up your body until he reached your mouth. his tongue dipped between your lips and coated your mouth in your own essence. it was sweet and dirty and euphoric all at once, and you wanted to stay there forever if he'd let you.
he came down from his aroused headspace, gentle eyes meeting yours as he parted from you. "how did i do?"
you let out a blissed-out laugh, slotting your fingers through his hair again. "you sure you haven't done that before?"
spencer's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. "does that mean i did good?"
your hands landed on spencer's cheeks, pulling him in for a gentle and slow kiss. the remnants of your essence filled your tastebuds, a warmth fluttering in your tummy at the sudden gentleness. "you did amazing," you sighed with a laugh, giving him another peck. "i hope that's only the first time you make me feel that way."
"the way you tasted, i think i could've suffocated down there and still been happy," he admitted with a shy chuckle, his cheeks heating up with a rose-colored flush.
"the way you made me feel, i think i would've been happy even if you'd suffocated," you laughed, resting back against the arm of the couch.
his fingers, still buried deep inside your overstimulated hole, flexed again, bringing back that previous state of painful pleasure. "so, you wouldn't mind if i did that again?"
you whimpered, teeth clamping down on your bottom lip. "give me a minute. then you can go again, yeah?"
he gave you a long and hard kiss, letting his senses become crowded with nothing but you. "i'll take you up on that, ma'am."
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-> taglist: @rupsmorge @writer-in-theory @broken-stardust @reidselle @dungeons-are-too-cold
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gardens-of-may · 2 months
ENTRY ONE - beginning to chap. 49
spoilers ahead
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aves and jamie are lit so cute together 
what the fuck is their wager??
so confusing 
ok daddy 
i’m ashamed
ummm anyway…
what’s stick up his ass doing here??
she’s traumatized 😣 
i feel so bad
i just want to hug her and cry with her
i’m gonna cry 
anyway what’s he talking about 😬
school 💀 
people thought he got burnt alive?
no he just crisped up a lil
ohhh on hawthorne island…
i already know the synopsis for tgg so hmph
what if… she was just a girl? 🎀
i kinda doubt it but anyway 
what the fuck is this bitch planning? 🤨
is that denial i sense?
oh her
why is he here?????
oh shit
what are they doing now??
i cannot handle mystery i swear-
another game fun
avery and jameson totally didn’t like almost die 
what the fuck
he was a bad boy he did some bad things 
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pookie don’t stare at him
omg he’s a poet
ugh bro ruined everything 😒
i want libby’s pajamas 😤
what is “mrs. laughlin” yapping about??
no thea
i’m confused again
pookie 👹
oh i’m stupid
i’m too stupid for these books
ok smarties
ohh takes the you’re adopted jokes too far
might have js spoiled it for myself BUT I DONT CARE 
i’m going to CRY
she’s serious now
i’m terrified 
wow he told what she already knew 
i think she likes him
oh my gosh hehehe 🤭 
oh poop not stick up his ass
i can’t handle this
they’re such boys
stop they’re actually fighting?
i hate them so much
nvm they’re sweet
what the fuck
i wouldn’t have survived that 
nash is one of the best brothers 
i feel so bad for avery
alisa gets it 🤭
what is this game????
he probably like staged his death
have we found another father??
i’m lowk kinda jealous BUT IT DOENT MATTER SKDNSN
jennifer when i catch you-
stick up ass is jealous 
i love xander 
tensions are high and it’s too casual so i’m ending this here
end of chap. 48
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uaremyjae · 8 months
Okay so I have read the summary spoilers this morning and oh boy, the title itself is funny like “ THE PEAK OF SEVERE STUPIDITY” like what’s that even mean oda???
Anyway I want to talk about the last part of the chapter where it’s says that there’s unknown party has pulled at egghead and destroyed Marines warship that going after the escape technicians & research teams of Egghead. And the Marine frantically asked to call for Admiral Kizaru and tell him that “ They’re heading to Egghead” ?? 👀 This unknown party must be a very huge threat that it requires for Admiral Kizaru attention.
Some people thinks of maybe Blackbeard Pirates, I was like nah Blackbeard helping escapees in a broad daylight? That’s very uncharacteristic of BB Pirates where they all go for sneaky & stealthy attack. Besides BB already at Egghead.
Some people said maybe it’s Neo MADS. 🤷‍♀️ I am not onboard with that idea but it could be a wild card who knows. I’m not Oda. Why I think it’s not Neo MADS is that Judge is not that stupid to come to egghead Island with his bigass snails 🐌 ship with potential catch strays along in the Buster Calls. It’s better for them to watch Vegapunk downfall since they both wanted that and get the chance to be hire by WG.
Revolutionary Army?
Ooh that’s what makes me feel like ITS POSSIBLE. Ok some people said “ RA is at Momoiro Island at the Grand line Paradise. There’s no way they can arrived at Egghead that fast.”
Seriously? Did everyone forget that Shanks pull up at Marineford from New World? When he literally stopped Kaido from coming a day before execution? 😬
And you think Revolutionary Army only resides at Grand Line? Ofc that’s their HQ and they must have their branches at every sea. See that’s what people forgot about the whole RA’s structure. And Dragon did mention before founding RA that he want to raise into a massive armed force scattered across the globe. Did he make it? YES!
You see RA’s has 4 captains for each blue sea forces. East Blue; Bello Betty, West Blue; Morley, South Blue;Lindbergh, North Blue; Karasu and each seas has their own team led by those captains. You are here telling me RA’s doesn’t have a team that resides at New World?
And the panel of where Vegapunk via Shaka ( RIP shaka mann 😭) talk with somebody that he can see that his death is about to happen and it turns out, it’s DRAGON who he is talking to. Another thing that seems possible is that Dragon asked Ivan opinion of where would Kuma heading to if a fragment of his true instinct still there. AND THE CLIFFHANGER THERE 🧐
I think He’ll— go where Iva? I think Iva knew Kuma will be heading to where his daughter is. Remember the exchange of how “ Child is Parents’ Weaknesses” from Dragon to Kuma? And with Shaka in contact with Dragon, there might possibility that Shaka inform him about Luffy & Bonney is on the island and the assassination planned on VP.
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Judging by how the latest ending chapter turns out, the chances that RA pulled up to prevent lives of Egghead become like Ohara is quite high. Like the whole reveal about how Dragon told Vegapunk he will create military forces that can fight back after Ohara incident on Ohara remains must be hint of the future moves that RA will do during this arc.
Regardless, who are going to be there doesn’t matter. But if the RA catch the words that the Gorosei is at egghead and also stayed at the island with Kizaru while the Buster Call starts , well dragon appear to assist the RA & took Straw Hats under their care temporarily might be it. Probably escorted them to Elbaf.
How about Straw Hat Grand Fleet? Well yes it’s possible too! At this point, im sure the news about the Straw Hats vs Navy has been reported by Big News Morgan and the fleet took notice about it. Here’s the thing about Straw Hat Grand Fleet, what has been reported that seven powerful pirate groups under Straw Hats but no names mention on which pirates. So it’s interesting to see what happened soon!
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orphic-musings · 2 years
Emotional & Elemental Reactions
Characters: Diluc, Ayato, Ei x gn! reader
Genre: Angst, distustingly cute fluff
Warnings: Diluc gets wounded (but what’s new)
Summary: Reader is a dendro user and an elemental reaction isn’t the only thing they cause with their lover. (denro vision! reader x various characters drabbles)
Notes: UHMM OK I GOT THIS IDEA FROM @desafinado THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE INSPIRATION! hope u dont mind the tag I might do this for more characters i kinda wanna give this another try IDK we’ll see! also i finished finals so i may or may not be more active 👀 no promises
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The moment was more than magical, the cool breeze of Monstatd bringing the sweet scent of flowers. But the only scent you cared about was his. His secure grip on your neck and waist. His chapped lips on yours. His perfectly flawed kiss. He had wanted to be gentle with you, to keep you away from him. His dangerous lifestyle and his unperishable flame within. But it seemed fate decided for you to both be here in this moment, on a tepid night made warmer by this burning passion.
You pull yourself away just enough that your lips separate, puffing out hot air.
“I don’t want this moment to end, or this feeling to slip away,” you whisper, eyes still stuck on his mouth. Diluc tilts your chin up so your eyes meet his, and the life within them almost startles you.
“It doesn’t have to,” he presses another quick kiss against you, and you feel your heart swell, “this doesn’t need to end today, or tomorrow.” His hand on your neck moves to the top of your head, and he runs it down your cheek and to jaw. Featherlight but searing. You are so brilliant and gentle, and everything that defines stunning, to him.
You lean more into his touch, letting his palm overheat your already flushed skin. The feeling flows all throughout your body, setting you alight, but you’ve never felt so alive, so in love.
A week has passed since that night, and many more memorable nights were spent. He would often show up on your doorstep, wounded or exhausted from his nightly affairs, usually both. Everytime you would nurse him back to health, and the next morning he would leave better than new.
“It must be your dendro vision,” he would say, “that makes you have such an invigorating and healing touch.” You poured all your heart and soul into everything you do for him, so he can carry parts of you with him wherever he goes. You had never fallen so hard or fast before.
And now he’s back again on your carpet, wound glimmering in the dark. He has fire in his eyes, and danger in his presence. It entices you, but it also breaks your heart.
“Sit right there, I’ll be right back.” You leave him on your floor while you fetch some medical supplies. To your dismay, you catch your reflection in the bathroom mirror, and what you see is not someone in love. You see a star, already long burned out. And Diluc sees it too, when you return with some bandages. In silence you mend him, and when it’s done you can’t find the words to fill it. You long for his touch, the one that set your heart on fire. He reaches out.
“What must I do to witness your affections again?” He whispers. You’re not even sure if he’s really asking you. Suddenly, he pulls his hand away from its delicate graze. It was cold. You don’t even notice how you shake your head at the thought, how you crack a sad smile. It’s not cold, Diluc was never cold. If the sun died out he would still be warm.
“I’m worn out, I’m sorry,” you say, never meeting his eyes. It was your skin that had lost sensation, nerves burned out. He gets up abruptly, but pauses at the door. You finally look at him. The fire is still in his eyes, and you realize now that he had always been too ardent, burning anything that gets close.
»»————- ♡ -————««
“Come, take my hand.” His smile is gentler than the lick of waves on the shore. Ayato waits for your hand to be placed upon his, and you take it, gladly. In the warm tint of dusk his hair and eyes become a palette of pastels. Together you appear like a watercolour, striding across the beach below the Kamisato Estate.
“I’m so fond of you, you know that right?” He asks, voice ever mild but strong.
“Of course I do. And I’m rather fond of you as well.” You glance up at him, and are met with a genuine smile. He stops walking and twirls you around, letting his playful side show freely. You laugh and fall into his embrace. And he holds you.
“My dear gardener…” he coos, earning more giggles from you. It had all been so fast. Fast enough to make you believe in love at first sight. You weren’t really employed to him, but as a stray traveler, and a dendro user, Thoma had managed to pick you up. He really did have a thing for strays. Ayato didn’t need a reason for you to stay, it was all his pleasure, but the way you so tenderly cared for his garden to make it up made his heart grow even more.
It was the worst possible thing he could do, really. Since he found himself wandering the estate while you garden more often than not. He witnessed in wonder the way you used your vision to nurture and encourage the fauna, and it truly livened the whole place up. Instead of working he would indulge himself in your presence, with the excuse that if you were caring for the plants with your vision, he too wanted to try watering them with his. But he would never regret the way his time was spent.
Not even a month later and he had you in his arms, exactly where he wanted you. It felt glorious. The golden brilliance fading into blue dark, while the waves teeter ever closer on the sand. The lullaby of their rhythmic cascade and the choir of crickets made a peaceful harmony.
I love you, his eyes seemed to say, as he gazed into yours. I love you, you replied, with a perfectly sweet kiss. And perhaps, the garden was not the only thing that bloomed when you were together.
»»————- ♡ -————««
“Darling?” Ei’s brash voice calls out, and you turn your head immediately. She always appreciated your attentiveness to her, even when she often requires patience from you. “Would you like to go try that restaurant you’ve been talking about?”
“I would love to!” You reply enthusiastically, joining hands with her. Whenever you two touch it feels electric, and it still makes you giddy each time. She smiles at your devotion, your open-mind and your open-heart, just some of the things she fell in love with. How the electro archon fell for just some dendro user is a mystery, even to her. But she’s found herself doing more and more things with you. Trying new experiences and indulging in feelings she had never thought much about before.
“You’re so adventurous these days!” You remark as the two of you walk down the brightly-lit streets of Inazuma City.
“Only because you embolden me my dear. With you I feel such vigor and curiosity I never have before. There is so much more I want to do, with you.” Her blunt statenents makes you flush, and you swear you can feel tingles surge from your intertwined hands.
“Ei!” She turns, but gives a lighthearted laugh upon seeing your flustered expression. She pulls you even closer, wrapping one arm around your middle and leaning her head slightly on top of yours.
“Ei!” You cry out again, ready to melt away from embarrassment.
“I simply want to be closer to my love, is tjat not allowed?” You don’t reply, and she smiles. “Your company is both exhilirating and calming, and I can’t get enough of it. If anything in this world were eternal,” she interrupts herself to kiss you, forcing you both to stop in your tracks, “I would want it to be this feeling.” She gazes at you and the pure adoration in it makes you fall in love all over again, as you lean in to kiss her again.
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gojokinni · 10 months
Ok so first of all hi lol, very first time posting sm so the tags might be confusing...
But I really needed to rant about something that was bothering me in the JJK fandom !
I continually see tiktoks or fanfic about how Suguru and Gojo left Shoko behind and I don't know why I feel like it's a really simple way to see how it happened isn't it ?
Let me explain myself... I do agree that, indeed Shoko's friendship with the boys was different in nature but I've never felt like she was left behind. That's literally how real relationships works yk ? No matter how idealistic you want to be you'll always be closer to someone, than another, or it can be multiple person idk.
Gojo and Getou were close because they were similar, they got each other etc whereas Shoko often stayed in the school because of what she decided to pursue.
It did not necessarily mean that they did not love her or see her as a friend ! Take an example : you are in a friend group, you love all of them no? But more often that not you'll feel better with one or two person in it, it doesn't mean you do not love the others, it do not mean you wouldn't defend them or sm else, it simply mean that you see yourself do sleepover or shopping with these "special" friends a lil more... There is nothing taboo, that's just relationship complexity ig ?
I mean I even saw ppl saying that Gojo and Getou deserved what happened to them ( chap 236 if yk yk...) Bc they left her behind, and TF ???? Nobody deserve that whether or not they did leave someone behind, which is not even the case here !
But anyway that's why I don't feel like they left her behind ...
And for the ones saying that Gojo wasn't as close of her than Getou I still don't see what's the problem of that lol ???? LIKE I SAID FRIENDSHIP IS MORE COMPLEX THAN THAT EVEN MORE IN JJK !!!!!
I also searched what sparked this whole thing and it's bc of this one sentence Shoko said : What about me?
Please do not take it out of it's context, she says it after Getou explained how nobody was there, so I don't really see the link between her status in this friendship and this lol
She clearly says this to empathize that she's angry Getou did not see her as someone he could talk to . She does not refer to his relationship with Gojo at any point ????
Anyway, it kinda pissed me off yk, cause I'm pretty sure that if the team was composed of Gojo, Utahime and Shoko everyone would laugh their ass off if Utahime banned him from sleepovers or from coming shopping, eating with them, EVEN THOUGH THAT IS BEING LEFT OUT
I swear I'm not trying to be sexist, I'm a woman myself but really this double standard sometimes riles me up lol
I'm not saying my interpretation is the whole truth tho so please do not insult me, I won't respond, I'm not a Shoko hater AT ALL, I love her, it simply shocked me how her fans could exaggerate a situation that even her do no acknowledge as existant 🤷‍♀️
Anyway love you all jjk fans 😭💘
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