#ok. gonna find a way to give her the note. gonna do that . yes
m0chisenpai · 22 hours
Hi, could you do a Louis x Fem!reader x Armand? Like something where they are both obsessed with her and maybe she a little oblivious even tho they give her what ever she wants. I love your others too by the way.🫶🏼
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desires of the heart
˚。⋆ louis de pointe du lac x black!fem!reader x armand
in which she has two immortals wrapped around her little finger
Author note: this sounds similarish to a loumand fic I got previously so I’m gonna build onto that one
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Time in the penthouse seems to move slower. The days and nights felt blurred from adjusting your schedule to the ‘vampires’ Daniel interviews. And with each passing day, more and more do the vampires find themselves falling deeper into your heart.
You had their own dead ones in the palm of your hand yet you remained so oblivious to it.
But on top of this you find yourself spending your time less in your room and more in their company.
“Those books, are the older ones right?” You watch Armand hover above in the collection looking for more pictures of Claudia for your personal “research”.
“Yes, some of these are beyond your time,” he looks down at you slowly allowing himself to settle in front of you. You push your frames back up the bridge of your nose so you can properly look at the elder vampire.
“Can I see them?”
Louis watches amused from his seat as Armand holds you close to show you the books. Slowly he glides back u with you in his arms following your direction till you pick a small stack to sit with Louis and look through.
These are older photographs from his years in New Orleans.
"Aw what happened to the fro?" you pout as Louis pulls a family picture out.
"Times were different," Louis rolls his eyes as you scoff. You page through the album carefully.
"Is that him?" your eyes settle on a duo picture, him and his brother side by side. Louis can only nod, his lips pressed in a line as you stare. "He was handsome. Sweetheart, I can tell by how he's looking at you here in this one."
Before Louis can respond one f the workers has entered. Interrupting your bubble of peace. "Mr.Molloy has requested you in his room."
Armand's face immediately ices over into a glare, his response fiery. "Tell Mr.Molloy if he wishes for his help to return he can come and get them himself. She is not a dog."
"It's alright, the old fart does this all the time in the offices." You go to stand stretching your arms overhead and quickly rubbing your forearms for friction. You're cold, Louis observes the goosebumps across your freckled shoulders from the slouch neck sweater you wear.
When you are are out of ear shot Louis speaks to the worker.
"Have the shoppers come in tomorrow morning for Mr.Molloy's intern. The girl needs proper clothing."
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Much to Daniel's distaste. you are like a child in a candy shop pointing to sweaters from Ralph Lauren's upcoming fall collection. But he hides his distaste giving you a smile when you happily show hi the sweater that was 'giving Rory Gilmore but I wear it better.' Armand sits watching as you soar through racks and picking your items of choice.
You hesitate when a woman approaches holding a cases of lenses, "we offer these in prescription of course."
"Oh no these are fine."
"Pick one." Armand finally speaks up. When you look at him he is now sitting up, but the way he sits with his legs crossed, an arm draped across the back while the other rests atop his knee. His eyes a show of dominance, as if daring you to say no to him.
You settle on a thick marbled brown pair. But he stands to move in front of you, picking up a few for you to try. You try on several till you are pushing his hands away.
"The jade green ones as well as the golden wired ones for her," you grumble watching as he picks up the two for the woman to box. "We will have your prescription sent as soon as possible."
"Thank you but, this a bit much for a few days stay."
"We have no issue providing you your comforts whilst you work on the novel."
"Ok but-"
He raises a bro that silences any opposition. When you offer no more pushback, Armand places his hand on the small of your back, guiding you to the women who begin to drape you in abayas and scarves for your hair.
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You're nearing the end of the interviews. You can tell cause they spend any bit of time of the days glued to your side. You don't bring it up, you accidentally mentioned it in passing to Louis and his entire demeanor once so warm and gentle became...rigid.
He sits beside you on the couch now. Watching you listen and take notes.
These days he's more brazen in his affections. Sitting closer, allowing his hand to linger when he passes your chai, playing with the baby curls at the nape of your neck. But there is something even more intimate as he sits across from you, watching you.
"Gonna keep staring me down like a creep?"
His lips perk up, "sorry cher. Just memorizing your face."
Your fingers stop typing, your train of thought halts for a second till they both return at the steady pace you had going.
"Can a vampire love?"
"I believe we feel immensely. Everything feels...deeper. Almost too much."
"But if your entire being is dead, what is it that allows you to feel again?"
Ah, that mind of yours. Louis loved it deeply. His eyes flicker to his joined palms till they return on you.
"I've heard stories, seen elder vampires that lived many lifetimes take their life because of the loneliness. At times, I myself felt it. Had our feelings died with us, then I do not think they would put an end to themselves."
You nod, pausing for a moment again.
"I feel it too," you pause for a moment, "it's the worst."
Though Louis respects your boundaries, he feels the buzz in your bones. A desire sitting on your lips. “What do you need?” It comes out as a whisper, yet it feels so loud.
And your response is just as quiet, “can you hold me. Please.”
Louis is beside you in an instant. The laptop shut and atop the table, and he is holding you close. Your eyes slowly fall shut as you wrap your arms back around him. He pulls you atop him.
You feel complete again, so whole.
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princesssascha · 9 months
Get all your desires within a week
Have you been having trouble manifesting? Are you sick and tired of waking up everyday in your current reality and it feels like you tried every single possible manifestation technique out there yet nothing seems to work? I have come up with a 7 day challenge for you.
How do I know this works?
The universe doesn't give you what you want, it gives you what you ARE. By doing this challenge you will be matching the frequency of your dr which will allow your cr to transform.
This is a very powerful technique. Please make sure you know exactly what you want.
So, here are some of the rules:
You identify your desired reality as your current reality
You do EVERYTHING you would do in your dr, even if uncomfortable (for example, if your desired self(ds) goes to the gym at 5am everyday that's exactly what you're gonna do. It's only a week.)
Your "Cr" is your past. It is not your reality, it's imagination. Your dr is your only "correct and real" reality. After all you're doing everything you would in your dr, so that makes it your current reality.
You do this for 7 days. No cheating!
Feel free to add your own rules for yourself!
Now for the process
1.Write down your goals
What does your desired reality actually look like? Think about it and write it down. Yes, WRITE it down. Don't just think about it. Whether you do it on your notes app or on a piece of paper, write down clear habits of your ds. Some examples:
Goes to sleep at _ and wakes up at _
Works out
Works on her business/skills
Etc. anything. It doesn't have to be something important. Anything you can think of that you desire.
2.Identify your blocks
Now it's time to be brutally honest with yourself. WHY do you think your desires aren't here yet? What is blocking you from receiving your manifestations. This is the part that most people fail at, which causes them to not get their desires. Releasing those blocks can be difficult, but without it you are literally blocking your manifestations. I suggest you really research this topic, but here are some of the most common ones:
You see your 3D as your REAL reality.
You keep stressing about getting your desire NOW.
You have a lack mindset.
You don't trust yourself.
You check your 3D for your results.
3.Find the difference
Now that you know what you want it's time to find the differences. Now it might seem obvious, but again, you need to write it down. Since you already have what your desired reality looks like, here's how I do it in the easiest way. You write down your desired reality on one side and compare your current reality to it on the other side. For example: (let's just act one is on the left side and one is on the right side).
Dr: Wake up at 7am.
Cr: Wake up at 10am.
This will make it easier to change your habits later.
4.Act like you're in your dr
Now that you know what your goal is and what the difference is you are going to switch. Your desired reality is your new reality. Your current reality does not exist. It's your past. You are now in your desired reality and you KNOW that. Do everything you would do in this reality. From waking up to going to sleep. The whole day. Does your ds wake up at 5am and goes to the gym? Good. That's exactly what you're gonna do because it's your current reality. You are your dream self and your dream self is you.
5.Ignore your reality.
Now it's time for you to decide that your current reality is just a mindset. And you need to switch that mindset. You want the best for yourself and you will get it. You just need to allow it, so, from now on your only right reality is the reality you created for yourself. All the outside noise doesn't change that, because it is your reality now.
Ok, when will I get my results?
Immediately. The moment you start doing this and actually believe and persist that's the moment it becomes your reality.
But when will I see it in my 3D?
Once you accept you really have it. You need to actually believe it, and when that happens, you won't be looking for your 3D to confirm that. That's exactly when it appears in your 3D. It can be the same day, same week, same month, same or next year. You decide when you trust the universe. This is just an exercise to help those who keep stressing about their 3D. And it works magic.
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blippymilk · 9 months
Brozone (+ Poppy & Viva) x Touch Starved Fem! Reader
Ok the request is that the reader is a touch starved, easily flustered, insecure yet passionate female. Her hair can change based on how she’s feeling. She likes to rant and info dump a lot. She likes drawing herself and her loved ones, and gives small gifts as a form of affection or to make them feel better. There will be a friend and s/o version.
(I’m also really sorry if this is not to the liking of the request, I kind of struggled while making this 😭)
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John Dory:
- As your friend he’s a little concerned for you
- Like he knows your fine but sometime he worries 😭
- But nothing JD can’t handle
- Genuinely enjoys your little gifts but he never makes it obvious at first
“Hey JD look I made you a little gift.” :)
“Oh that’s sweet. Can you put it on my desk? I’ll look at it later.”
- One day him and his brothers were rough housing around while you Poppy, and Viva stood by cheering them on. Bruce gets a little too rough with him and knocks something out of his jacket, it was your gift
- This man stops everything
- Like everything
- Like everyone’s frozen in place no matter what stance they’re in
- And picks it up and places it gently back in the pockets inside his jacket then lectures the boys about how he could’ve gotten his belongings crushed 😭
- Still worries about you even after being together
- Sometimes the way your emotions change with your hair startles him
- And that’s mostly because your emotions can change rapidly
- But he also finds it really funny
- So prepare for his scare attacks
- Your hair gets so spiky, and you get so mad
“Oh come on I was only playing around babe. Tell you what, I’ll find a better way to mess with your hair.”
- And he did, which was by flustering you with comments that boost your confidence
- Your face turns red and your hair poofs up then falls around your head
- You’re always muttering a lot just like Viva and Poppy and JD finds it hilarious that him, Branch, and Clay are in the same boat (not saying Clay and Viva are not dating jus to clarify 😭)
- Loves having a friend that’s the complete opposite of him
- He’ll listen to you rant all day
- With feedback on every question and statement
- Also finds your hair amusing but won’t abuse it’s power on purpose like John 😭
- Shocked by your passion to draw
“Is that me and you?”
“You know it.”
“I love it.” 🥹
- Absolutely head over heels for you
- Still would be into listening to you rant but he’s helping you calm down a bit more
- Now your drawings had a more romantic reference behind them and he loved them even more
- No matter where he goes he always has one of your pictures on him
- He carries it around and values it like cash
- And absolutely none of his (little) brothers are getting their hands on it (yes he’s aware that they’re all adults now)
Spruce Bruce
- He’s an expert on hair so he’s not too shocked or anything
- I mean look at that fluff on his head
- Seeing as Bruce could handle so many kids in the movie I believe he could deal with a ranting partner just fine
- He knows how to avoid frustration with you
- Finds everything you do cute (c’mon it’s Bruce)
- He loves your arts & crafts
- Probably more than you
- Just like John he likes to you see you flustered with that big frizz on your head
- Your hair is constantly poofy because this man never stopsssss
“Hey (____) did it hurt when you fell?”
“When you fell. From heaven?”
“Bruce you’re litteraly gonna kill me and my hair…”
- Definitely helps you get the knots out afterward 😭
- He hangs around Viva so the rambling is nothing new to him
- Always tries to hide you from Viva because he knows you two would be a unstoppable force ( plus poppyyyyy?!?)
- Hates when you feel insecure in any kind of way possible
- So just like you leave him little sketches, he leaves little notes of affirmations for you to read
- And makes you read them
- Outloud
“I am so pretty, beautiful, smart, talente- Clay do I have to keep-”
“Keep going.”
“Ok but-”
- Extremely intense eye contact
sighhhhhhhh “I am talented, I am kind, I am loyal…”
- One of the most respectful boyfriends in the world
- Eventually gives in and let’s you and Viva mingle (possibly a bad descion!!??)
- Astonished by what your hair is capable of (can’t show his excitement tho cause he’s not a fun boy anymore right?)
- He is a words of affection (and physical touch sjejkemsjks) kinda guy so as your boyfriend he’s all you could ask for
- So now your attached to this man like glue and it’s kind of his fault
- Has to pry you off sometime but he will never stop loving you the same
“I love youuuuuu.”
“I love youuuuuu too.”
- Just like Clay he’s friends with Poppy so he’s used to the talking behavior (no Boppy in thissss 😔)
- You guys didn’t exactly hit it off at first either
- You met him during his “no color” era so that makes most of the sense
- ntgl when he first finds out about your hair he’s thrown off
- And the other trolls had so much fun with it that he considered you a distraction from the bergens soooo he wasn’t too fond of you
- And it takes a while but eventually you both become inseparable
“You hated me for no reason, and now I’m your favorite.”
“Yeah yeah.”
- He’s growing as in character development
- So now instead of getting upset he uses your hair to read you
- He never really knows when he’s doing anything right or wrong as far as the relationship so he depends on your hair to know which path to take
- Your info dumping soothes him, wether he likes it or not
- He plays it off subtly but he knows how to fluster you and he takes pride in that (*AHEM* SINGING)
- Doesn’t even realize that you’re rambling cause she’s doing it too
- You both are a special duo that at one point drove Branch up a tree (no pun intended)
- As much as the trolls like you, they don’t realize how actually dangerous you two could be together 😭
- And you can imagine the fear on Branch’s face when he finds out Viva and Poppy are sisters
- Everyone knows Poppy is a scrapbooking master so when she begins to receive little arts and crafts from you she’s in love
- Like she’s bouncing off the wall excited
- Literally (it’s Poppy)
- She’s superrr touchy-feely so your living your best life
- Your hair is so fun and amusing to her
- Like JD she might try to scare you a couple times to see your hair spike up for fun but cuddles you after
“I’m sorry sweetieeee you know I can’t help it. Your hair is just so fun!”
“Poppyyyy you say that everytimeeee!”
- Basically Poppy’s doppelgänger so what can you expect?!
- Always rambling but somehow always manages to do it more than you
- She might just be you plus Poppy times five
- Clay tried to help you hide your hair for the sake of you and Viva
- Unfortunately she popped up out of nowhere startling you both and causing your hair to go erratic
“So so sorry guys I didn’t mean to…OMG YOUR HAIR!”
- Everything you could ask for from a girlfriend
- Like she literally could not have given you anymore
- She loves your art works
- She loves to hear you talk and join in with you
- She loves the touchy-feely type
- She literally can’t find a single flaw in you whatsoever
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ilwonuu · 8 months
𖥔 ͙ࣳ hate the club. k. mingyu
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this fic is inspired by this song so pls listen to it <333
“tired of going out, scared ill run into you”
“damn you know i hate the club, but i came cuz i know you’d show up”
summary 𖡼 your friend group goes out every friday. you never feeling up to joining them. you always find an excuse not to come. but now you’re sitting at home with nothing to do. so why not drink a little and hangout with your friends at the club?? what could go wrong? seeing your ex could definitely happen..
warnings- ex to lovers!!, alcohol consumption, smut with semi plot. switch!mingyu, switch!reader, oral sex f.receiving, fingering, riding, pet names- baby,princess,unprotected sex(don’t do it), creampie, multiple orgasms, lmk if i missed anything pls<3
authors note- i read over this like once so if theres any spelling or grammar errors pls let me know!!! i hope u guys love this i loved writing it!!!!
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you feel bored with no company tonight. not loving the presence of nothing of your apartment and stuff animals as you usually do. sending seungkwan a quick text telling him you’ll be joining him, seokmin, and chan tonight. getting a sassy text back as usual
kwannie😓- what the fuck. girl don’t play????
kwannie😓- u better not be lying because seokmin and chan are actually gonna be the death of me.
kwannie😓- be ready at 9 ok.
you- im not kidding hoe and yes i am already ready ish???
kwannie😓- ok ill be there at 9 😘😘😘
you smile to yourself continuing to get ready. checking to see if you have a good amount of time to finish your hair. happy to see you have enough time with it only being 8:15.
finishing everything you need to do finally making your way outside after getting a text from seungkwan saying that they have arrived. walking to his car somewhat nervous about what the night has in store for you. you never know you could meet someone? or see someone you absolutely hate.
getting into the car immediately being greeted by your best friends. “y/n!!!! i feel like im seeing a ghost you never fucking leave your house” chan says laughing causing you to send him a glare. “shush be happy im here for once okay”
“no seriously i thought my eyes were deceiving me when i read your text” seungkwan says quickly starting to head to the club they always go to. “ok guys thats enough let her live she doesn’t have to come out with us every time.” seokmin says giving you a slight smile.
“thank you seokmin. the only one who appreciates me” “okay but yes of course she doesn’t have to come out everytime. but she doesn’t come out anytimes!!! this is her first time in like 10 years” chan says laughing with seungkwan as he also finds chans joke hilarious. causing them both to receive a glare.
“very funny chan!!! i will get out of the car and walk back home.” you say looking at him threatening him playfully. “you’re dramatic” kwan says finally pulling into the parking lot of the club.
“im also very nervous to be here.” “if we see anyone we don’t like it’ll be fine y/n we don’t have to interact or anything” chan says knowing exactly who you were thinking of getting out of the car having the rest of you follow his lead into the club.
“yea you’re right..” you say slowly walking behind them into the loud crowd of people dancing. “ok first things first drinks!!!!” seungkwan yells dragging you all to the bar. chan seokmin order vodka shots happily, quickly running to dance in the crowd of people. “can we just get two shots of tequila each?” seungkwan asks for the both of you. smiling at the bartender when his drinks are set in front of you two. “okay lets drink these then lets dance!!!” seungkwan smiles at you quickly taking his shots now waiting for you to do the same.
you nervously take the shots making a grossed out face after downing it with a sip of water. seungkwan pulling you towards the crowd as soon as you were ready shortly finding seokmin and chan. “how do you guys get drunk so fast?” you laugh at seokmin and chan completely lost in the song dancing dramatically. “they are fucking lightweights” seungkwan says causing you both to laugh at them.
“i fucking wish. i only feel a little tipsy” you say scanning around the club with your eyes. “do you want to get more drinks or wait a bit then??” seungkwan asks while pulling you close to dance with him. “nah we can wait” you say over the loud music.
you are really trying to have a good time but this isnt really your thing. you were hoping that the drinks would losen your nerves up a little bit but you were so wrong. now you are dancing completely soberly with seungkwan. trying not to ruin your best friends night. “im gonna go to the bathroom real fast kwannie” you whisper to him before disappearing to find the bathroom. you quickly use the bathroom heading back over to the bar to get a couple more shots. “fuck why did i do this to myself” you say under your breath quickly downing the shots without water this time. feeling a little better making your way back into the crowd searching for any of the three boys you arrived with.
pushing through the crowd trying to find them. you accidentally push someone a little to hard quickly going to apologize. “i am s-so sorry.” you say realizing exactly who you bumped into having them turn and look down at you. “jesus you push fucking h-“ mingyu immediately freezes after seeing you. “fuck y/n? what are you doing here?”
“well this is a public place and a club so i would assume we’re here for the same reason.” you say sarcastically while trying to push past him. “well what are you doing by yourself?” he asks concerned stopping your movements. “where is seungkwan?” he looks around the club quickly scanning seeing if he sees anyone who looks like the boy. “well actually im not sure so if you’ll excuse me i will be continuing to look for my friends.” you say finally trying to push past him again.
“wait just let me help you look for them. it’s kinda depressing being here alone.” he says once again finally letting you push past him to continue looking. he follows behind you slowly. “so uh how have you been?” you scoff stopping to look at him. “are you serious right now? i really would rather not pretend to like you right now okay? just help me find seungkwan and then you can go back to whatever you were doing.”
you say sighing going back to looking for you friends. mingyu doesn’t say another word and just follows you quietly. “why don’t you call him?” he suggests. “i left my phone in seungkwans car like the bright fucking person i am.” you say getting more annoyed as the situation goes on.
“shit you wanna use my phone then? i still have his number from you know..” he says nervously handing you his phone after clicking on seungkwans contact. “y-yea thanks” you take his phone letting the memories wash over you. you patiently wait as the phone starts to ring and shortly someone picks up. “seungkwan??? where did you fucking go??” you are now getting more uncomfortable with the fact that you lost all of them in the span of 10 mins. “um what the fuck mingyu you sound like y/n also why the hell are you calling me?” seungkwan slurs over the phone questioning you. “seungkwan ur drunk. also this is fucking y/n im using mingyus phone dumbass!!” your voice sounding annoyed more now. “girl what? why are you using his phone? are you guys…? um back together?” he asks loud enough for both you and mingyu to hear.
you sigh looking at mingyus eyes go wide at what he just heard. “s-seungkwan can you just fucking tell me where you went? you know what fuck it im just gonna get an uber home okay im tired.” you say slightly tearing up at the stressful situation. “we just went to the bar upstairs y/n. are you sure you wanna leave already we’ve only been here for like an hour.”
seungkwan asks through the phone sensing that something is wrong. “do you want me to send seokmin with you? he said he will come with you.” he offers. “kwannie its fine ill just order it off mingyu’s phone. will you just drop off my phone tmr? i left it in your car.” you say finally after ending the call after hearing his okay.
“mingyu do you mind if i use your phone to order a uber?” you turn to mingyu hoping he will say yes. “yes of course y/n. but you don’t need to do that. cheol said he was here to pick up me and shua but im guessing shua is with some girl so cheol can just drop you off.” he says smiling at you. “okay um let me make sure i have my keys and fuck i don’t they are also in seungkwans car.” you say realizing as you feel your pockets. “wanna just stay at my place tonight?” he blurts out quickly. “mingyu- i- what?” now your confused, tired, and annoyed. “just come sleep at my place. its not that weird y/n. what’s the chance seungkwan is gonna come unlock his car rn? come on i’ll drop you off in the morning i swear.” “its not weird to you? we haven’t spoke in like a year.”
this was not a great idea. you and mingyu ended on somewhat bad terms. he wasn’t willing to commit to you. he ended up treated you like shit because of it. you know this has nothing to do with what he asked but it’s obviously on your mind. you are now confused, tired, annoyed, and overwhelmed.
“y/n i kinda need a answer now. cheol is outside.” he says snapping you out of your thoughts and back into reality. “u-uh okay yea lets go” you say immediately regretting it. mingyu smiles grabbing your hand making the way out of the club to cheols car. quickly getting into the back seat.
“whats up mingyu. hey y/n. y/n????? oh shit hi” he says now realizing that is is actually you. “hello cheol nice to see you” you say softly laughing. “yea you too. um are you guys back together?” he asks out of the blue. “nope!!” you quickly say hoping he doesn’t ask anymore questions. “just drive cheol.” mingyu says and mentally thank him because cheol didn’t ask anymore questions driving silently. you two make it to mingyu’s house after a 10 minute car drive. “ah fucking finally these heels are literally the worst” you say walking into his house kicking them off as you go. “you can borrow some clothes. i think i even have your old pjs in my room.” he says taking off his shoes as well. “im surprised you even still have those.” you say making your way to his room. the memories coming back as you seen his room looks the same way it did when you guys were together. you grab the pajamas making your way to his bathroom quickly changing heading back into his living room. “you want to take my bed? i can sleep out on the couch.” he says throwing a pillow and blanket onto the couch. “no mingyu its fine i can take the couch. you can have your bed.” you say laughing at him slightly going to sit on the couch. “or you can sleep in my bed with me.” mingyu says looking at you cautiously. now leaving you pressured at what he is offering right now. “mingyu. what are you doing? you know that isn’t a good idea. we aren’t together anymore.” you say laying down getting comfortable. “i know we aren’t. but fuck y/n have you not been thinking about us at all? or anything that we had. i miss it. i miss you.”
you look at him with a blank expression. what the fuck do you say? of course you think about him and your relationship. more than you should. “mingyu i do okay. i never stopped really but im not in the mood to get hurt again okay.” “i fucking promise you i will never treat you the same way i did okay?” he moves to sit next to you on the couch moving to grab your hands. “let me make it up to you? let me show you i can be there for you. i want to be the boyfriend you deserve. will you just give me a chance?” you think for a couple seconds.
he seems genuine. you did miss him a lot. a chance doesn’t hurt right? “okay mingyu. i will sleep with you in your bed okay. but i swear if you do anything like how you did before the break-“ he kisses you softly shutting you up. “i promise.” he says holding his pinky up
you wrap your pinky around his smiling as he lifts you and carries you to his room. softly throwing you onto his bed and climbing next to you. “you don’t know how much i missed you. i thought i was never gonna see you again.”
“yep that was the plan until i saw you at the club.” you state not wanting to lie to him. “well im so glad i saw you.” you smile at him. “can i make it up to you? ill make you feel so good y/n if you let me please.” hes already begging and you guys haven’t even done anything but a kiss.
he was always like this. he would immediately get needy after one small touch. mingyu was definitely a fucking switch. most of the time he loved being in control and seeing you beg for him. but everyone knew mingyu always leaned towards the subby side. he will listen to your requests always. if you’re happy he’s happy.
you nod softly at him watching him quickly shift between your legs pull down your shorts and underwear in one swift movement. kissing up your thighs slowly making your breath hitch under his touch. “fuck you’re so wet and i haven’t even touched you baby.” slowly moving his fingers up your slit inserting a finger in. his fingers immediately hit your g-spot causing you to already squirm until his firm touch.
“fuck you’re so tight. i can barely move my finger babe.” watching you closely as he inserts a second and third finger quickly watching as you get wetter from his touch. “g-gyu please more i need more.” you beg him hoping to add something extra to get you closer to your high.
“shh baby let me take my time i promise you’ll get everything you need okay?” he says sweetly pulling his fingers out of you with the noise of your squelch filling the room. “you hear yourself baby? you’re making a mess on my bed already hm?” he coos at you shifting so that his head is in between your legs. gently grabbing your thighs to spread your legs. “i bet you taste as sweet as i remember hm? could eat you for fucking days.” he immediately dives into eating your pussy. licking your slit as he slides one of his fingers back inside you.
“g-gyu oh my god.” eyes rolled back having your back arched as he absolutely devours you roughly sucking your clit fucking his finger into you quicker. looking up at you through his eyelashes not stopping his movements. not even to praise you. he is too pussy drunk and doesn’t want to stop anytime soon. grabbing a hold of his hair pulling on it when his finger hits that spot again making you go crazy. “m-mingyu i’m gonna cum please don’t stop.” and he doesn’t he sucks on your clit harder keeping up his pace with his finger. you come all over his tongue and his fingers. fucked out completely as you watch mingyu lick up your cum and hum.
“you taste so sweet princess. fucking delicious baby.” he smiles at you again moving up to kiss your lips. tasting yourself on his lips.
“what do you want baby? i will give you anything you want.” pulling his shirt over his head looking at you waiting for your answer. “can i ride you? g-gyu please i need you so bad.” he nods quickly. “m’course you can” he moves so he’s sitting up against the headboard of the bed. watching as you move onto his lap.
you have never seen mingyu take his pants off quicker. immediately pulling his dick out pulling your face closer to peck your lips. smiling into the kiss lining up his dick with your entrance slowly sinking down onto him.
mingyu is always more subby with this position immediately begging and pleading for your touch. “f-fuck y/n please move i need it so bad please baby.” he begs you trying not to fuck his hips into you.
you slowly rock your hips into his moaning at the feeling holding onto his shoulders for support. “you’re so tight im gonna cum so quick. i-i’m fuck i’m sorry” grabbing ahold of your hips to move you quicker on him. “i’m so close baby fuck.” he says feeling you bouncing on his dick now trying to chase your own high. “m-me too.” he groans lowly feeling his dick twitch inside of you. “f-fuck can i cum inside or where do you want it?” “inside p-please.” he doesn’t have to be told twice immediately cumming inside of you throwing his head back lost in the intense pleasure
you don’t stop bouncing on him. “babe i’m so sensitive fuck.” he says to you still fucked out holding onto you.
you nod. “i know baby but please you can last a little longer right? for me right? my good boy.” you try to turn him on with your words knowing it will go straight to his dick. he moans at your words pulling you into a quick kiss. “y-yes i’m so good for you.”
you smile at him quickening your movements now really needing his shoulder for support as you feel yourself coming. “f-fuckkk look at you c-creaming on my cock oh shit im gonna cum again.” you feel his cum shoot immediately into you. moaning at the feeling riding out both of your highs.
slowly climbing off of his lap laying next to him. “i missed you so fucking much.” he says pulling you under the covers with him kissing your forehead. “i missed you too but i don’t miss how you think i just want to lay here feeling your cum leak out of me.” you say playfully shifting to show him the puddle that is now under your crotch.
“its fine baby we can shower in the morning. plus what if we fuck again. you’ll just be full of my cum again.” he says with a straight face. you roll your eyes burying your face into his neck.
“i guess we’ll have to explain to seungkwan and cheol why we told them we weren’t back together…” you think out loud before falling asleep in your boyfriends arms.
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k1ngdom-of-thieves · 1 year
A Twisted Wonderland request: Yuu (female) turns invisible by accident, and decides to be sneaky by giving her crushes a kiss on the cheek (they wouldn't know who kissed them till Yuu becomes visible again). My chosen boys are Deuce, Jack, Jamil, Malleus, and Leona (my actual character crushes).
Thank you!!
Thank you for sending an ask!
Deuce, Jack, Jamil, Malleus, and Leona + reader that gives them a kiss while invisible!
Deuce Spade
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This was all Ace’s fault. Instead of waiting for Professor Crewel’s instructions, he decided to “speed run” the assignment so he can go on his phone all class.
That obviously didn’t work and after a very loud bang, you were nowhere to be seen. As everyone started to look for you and as Ace was getting the scolding of his lifetime you stood there in shock as everyone kept walking past you.
Since there wasn’t much to do, you decided to make the most of your little predicament. You walked up to Deuce and waited for him to hold still.
It took a minute but you were able to catch him sitting down to look at his notes. You quickly came down and gave him a peck on the cheek. As you pressed the kiss, you opened your eyes to see a shocked Deuce looking right back at you.
“Huh, Y/N?! I’m glad you’re ok but.. did you have to do that in front of the whole class?” He liked it dw, he just knows Ace and Grim aren’t gonna let him hear the end of it.
Jack Howl
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Jack had noticed that there was someone nearby, but he wasn’t able to tell exactly where. He looked around from where he was at the gym but still couldn’t see anyone there.
As he was looking around for anyone near him, he felt something warm place itself on his cheek. It felt like… a kiss?? But that was impossible, right?
He sniffed the air and noticed that he smelt something very familiar; you. Now he knows he’s losing it, there’s no way you’d be able to pull something like that off; you can’t use magic!
He continues to stand in confusion until he heard a laugh behind him. He prepares himself to see nothing there, but is beyond surprised when it’s you he sees instead.
“H-hey! I had a feeling that was you! Give me a warning next time, ok?” His tail was wagging so he’s not that upset with you.
Jamil Viper
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Jamil had heard about something happening in one of Professor Crewel’s classes, but he didn’t think much about it. He was way to busy making sure that Kalim didn’t cause the same incident himself.
While he was packing Kalim’s things, he felt like he was being watched; which was weird because he should’ve been the only person in the Scarabia lounge. He just shrugged it off thinking that Kalim was stressing him out more than usual lately.
As he finished putting all of Kalim’s things in a bag, he felt something warm on his hand. It kinda felt like a kiss, but that couldn’t be possible. Wouldn’t it?
As he was looking around again to see if anyone was there. He honestly didn’t expect to find anything so he was scared shitless when you appeared right in front of him.
“OH SEVEN- oh, it’s just you. What made you think you could get away with that?”
Malleus Draconia
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Malleus, like Jack, noticed that there was someone near him. But he couldn’t tell exactly who; the magic level was too high to be an animal but too low to be a regular student.
Could he just have used his magic to reveal who ever it was? Yes, but that’s boring and he was very curious to see what they were planning.
As he sat in one of the lounge’s chairs he felt a fleeting warmth on his horn. Then on his temple, and finally, his cheek. Kisses? How cute. Malleus thought to himself.
When the potion wore off and it revealed that you were the one behind the random kisses, he couldn’t help but laugh. Of course you’d be the one to give him a kiss when given the power to get away with anything.
“I must commend your bravery for committing such an act. However, I’d recommend you just ask next time.”
Leona Kingscholar
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Leona knew that there was someone else in the room from the moment you walked in. He tried to ignore the fact that someone was there but that proved to be challenging when they started tripping on things that he had thrown across the floor.
When he got up to scare off whoever was there, he was caught off guard when he didn’t see anyone. Even more so when he sniffed the air around him and couldn’t find the trace of magic.
Then, Leona just sighed to himself and tried to go back to sleep. This was too much of a headache over something that probably couldn’t harm a hair on his head. He was about to fall asleep when he heard a loud WHAM on the floor, inches away from his face.
He angrily shot up and felt something soft touching the middle of his forehead. A kiss? Seriously? That’s what this was all about? He was about to use magic on whoever interrupted his nap until he saw your face looking back at his.
“I should’ve known it was you. You didn’t have to do the whole sneaking around thing, you know. One more thing, did you really trip on my pen?”
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amethxxt · 4 months
i'm ranting about descendants again and this is a long one
Alright, I talked a little bit about this on twitter literally yesterday (https://x.com/amethxxt/status/1798768561613361458) but I wanted to do it here too, so here we are!!
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I think everyone has seen these pictures by now. It's from Descendants new book "The World of Auradon: Royals & Villains".
Now, at first, I got really excited (in a way, I still am) because it'll probably give me more material to use in my fics. Also, Uma looks absolutely stunning, so I immediately began reading her page and... Well, it's not the nicest things, right?
Like I said on twitter, I can't be the only one who sees the majorly different ways they talk about Uma and Mal.
With Mal, they start saying she's a "confident natural leader", and like- no, she's not, far from it.
I think the best version we got from Mal was on D1. She was such a good character and that's when I think the writers succeded the most with her - I believe it was hard to find someone who actively disliked or simply hated her.
When D2 came out, things went slightly downhill. Mal's inner conflict of not being the picture perfect Lady of the Court and feeling that the odd one out because she wasn't doing well in Auradon when compared to her friends is very realistic.
The pressure that she was feeling to be perfect and all the new things that came with being the King's girlfriend makes you understand why she was so anxious and wanted to leave. Now, I think we should all understand that this makes Mal a very insecure person.
She's insecure, she's flawed and runs away the first chance she gets because everything becomes too much. And if they wrote her like that, how is she a confident natural leader?
When the Core Four and Ben go after her, it's when things begin to change. Mal has a few moments in this movie: running away and leaving just a note to her best friend, claiming Dizzy was going to be fine when Evie felt sorry about leaving a child in the abusive place they all grew up in, betraying Uma's trust. Yeah.
I'm gonna make it very clear that I really like Mal as a character. I criticize her a lot because the writers started putting her in a pedestal, overpowering her and trying to erase anything that could be seen as bad.
Why would they have Mal apologize for using a love spell on Ben when they make such a cute couple and would be endgame anyways?
It gets worse in D3. I remember watching them announce that Hades was Mal's father and being like "No fucking way" because you want this girl to be not only half-fairy but a half-god?? Was this the only way to have his ember in the story?
Well, I think we got used to that plot after a while, but then - Oh, Mal's also Lady of the Court, she'll be a part of the decisions that concern the Isle of the Lost and a voice for the other VKs.
Yes, Mal is "a confident natural leader" who turns her back on her people and comes up to the idea of closing the Barrier for good to protect Auradon citizens.
Why do they refuse to bring up the fact that it was her idea?? Nevermind the fact that her and Ben weren't married yet, she was not the Queen and had absolutely no power to make that decision. They make Ben so useless, a King with no voice because he's not the main character, right?
So she makes a decision that's not up to her and proceeds to lie to all of her friends, makes empty promisses to both Celia and Uma, and when shit hits the fan, nothing happens.
Having Evie confront her about it is one of my favorite scenes, but what are the consequences? I understand that it was the final movie, but it's so rushed that makes everyone else feel out of character.
Mal and Evie can be the best of friends, but you can't tell me Mal would be like "I was wrong, I have to be a voice for everyone and I shouldn't have lied" and Evie would be just "Ok, perf".
And what about the opposite? When Mal betrays Uma for probably the third time, Uma has no trouble forgiving her? Of course they don't mention what happens in the books, they don't mention Mal trying to hurt Evie (or even get her killed lol) and they don't mention the "shrimpy" incident with Uma.
They don't talk about Mal's wrong doings the same way they talk about Uma.
Uma, according to the new book, is a "confident and resourceful VK with a major mean streak". Sorry, Uma has a mean streak? I don't think so. What Disney and Descendants keep doing is use the definition of a villain for a character who's an antagonist.
Villains have malicious intentions, they are evil. You're gonna tell me the girl who simply wants for all the children to get off the Isle, a place they were forced to live in along with murderers and other criminals, some of those who happened to be their parents, all while surviving off of the garbage that came from Auradon, is the evil one?
That is not to say Uma doesn't make mistakes or does bad things. Mal and Uma have the common point of using a love spell on Ben, which is awful and should be acknowledged as that, but they only do it in Uma's case.
"When Mal and her friends successfully freed Ben, Uma took it one step further by putting Ben under a magic love spell" x "She [Mal] used spells to mess with other students, to convince Ben that he loved her, and to change herself in order to fit in as Ben's girlfriend. But once she realized she needed to ditch the spell book and learn to survive without magic, she was able to become the queen she was always meant to be"
Those... are not the same to me. They detail every thing Uma does during D2, making it clear that using a love spell was worse than the previous actions of kidnapping him, but with Mal it almost feels like they excuse her actions because, eventually, she learned that magic wasn't the way to become who she was meant to be.
Also, what do you mean Mal felt guilty about the other VKs who were left behind? Mal didn't even look sad when her and Evie were leaving Dizzy behind! Evie was the one to come up with the idea to bring more children to Auradon, and when that magically turned into the VK Day (my arch-nemesis plotline along with Merlin Academy), she didn't look worried at all that it would them so long to free all the kids if they were going to pick 4 each time.
And again, her idea to close the Barrier for good (with no way in or out) would mean that eventually, everyone left in the Isle would die. I know it's Disney, and they would never make that happen, but if you're not going in to even leave your trash there (aka their food source), yeah, they're all dying.
Now, with Uma, they point out how she wanted to escape and get revenge on Mal, but like...... not really? Of course she mentions in D2 how she wants Mal's new turf and tries to make a deal with her to leave with her crew, but when she's actually free and we get into D3, it's been months (I think) and while Auradon's scared she's going to do something, we find out Uma spent all that time looking for a hole in the Barrier to get the kids out.
When she makes another deal to help Mal, all she asks for is the guarantee that every kid who wants to leave the Isle is able to do so. Who breaks that promise? The "villain" with the major mean streak or the confident natural leader?
I'm not saying that Mal is real villain, because she's really not. But she's far from how they describe her and if you're gonna tell me she's a natural leader, I better not see her bringing down the Barrier, letting both the kids and villains out, and acting like it's the right thing to do.
VK Day wasn't the answer to free the innocents, but bringing down the Barrier isn't it either! Mal doesn't "help convice Auradon citizens to accept all VKs into Auradon Prep" she just decides to do that lol
And again, that decision is not up to her, she had no legal right to do it. She was just Lady of the Court and nothing else.
Like I said on twitter, Disney and Descendants like Uma because she's a fan favorite, she was one since they announced her as a character. But they insist on the idea that Auradon changed her for the better, as if she was never someone who fought for what was right. She's not perfect either, but they can't write about her in a way that makes her look better than Mal.
How did Mal stop her at the end of D2? Mal didn't do anything, they were fighting, Ben made a speech, Uma turned around and left. That was it.
How did Auradon transform her? Of course they are implying that because of Rise of Red and her becoming the new principal, and even though this plot still kinda confuses me, it still seems like all the wants is for Auradon to be a fair place that doesn't discriminate against anyone.
I now this is getting too long, but I really like ranting about descendants. It's my comfort franchise but there's so many things wrong with it lol
And I also know I'm probably looking too deep into it, but I don't think I'm the only one who sees the ways Disney has always treated Uma and Mal differently.
I want to get this book and see if there's anything else about them. I really wished Disney and Descendants treated Uma better, though.
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midnightsnyx · 1 year
girl at home | mat barzal | part 3
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pairing: mat barzal x fem!reader summary: you’re eighteen when you find yourself pregnant after Mat leaves for hockey. nearly eight years later, Mat finds out about your daughter and you have to deal with the consequences of not telling him about her.
warnings: not edited, mentions of pregnancy, alcohol, some cute fluff and as usual, as much angst as i can fit into a chapter <3 word count: 2.2k authors note: OK well not gonna lie, i cried writing the ending. i keep saying happy things are on the way and they are we're just slow getting there, ok? anyway i hope you all like this chapter & if you wanna, feed my writing soul and give me some feedback <3 i do have a tag list if you'd like to be tagged, there is a form below or you can leave a comment or dm me & i can tag you in the next part. thanks for all the love on this little story <3
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Co-parenting with Mat is interesting to say the least. Although, you’re not sure if you can even classify it as co-parenting because Nora still has no idea who Mat really is. She just knows that he now tags along with the two of you most places you go and she’s thrilled. Her questions for him are endless, asking about anything from hockey to what living in New York is like. She’s always been inquisitive, but this is a whole new level, even for her. 
You have mixed feelings about this because while you are happy that they’re getting along, you’re worried what will happen at the end of the summer when Mat has to return to New York. There’s no way you and Nora can follow him, and co-parenting between Vancouver and New York? Impossible. 
You’re sitting with Mat, both of you watching Nora play with some other kids on the playground. He’s been quiet but you can tell there’s something on his mind. Even though it’s been eight years, you still know Mat like the back of your hand and you know when he’s trying to decide whether or not to bring something up. You’re curious though, so you bump your knee against his and raise an eyebrow when he turns to you. 
“What’s on your mind?” you ask and he smiles sheepishly. 
“I was wondering if I could see some baby pictures,” he says quietly, and then adds, “of Nora,” as if he needs to specify. You were wondering when he was going to ask because his parents and Liana have already asked to see and asked for copies of all the pictures. Mat has been a little more reserved about most of it though, not asking questions about your pregnancy or for pictures of Nora as everyone else had.
“Yeah, of course,” you tell him, pulling your phone out and adding him to the shared album that his family is already in. 
A smile tugs at the corner of his mouth and you watch him swipe through pictures, pausing at certain ones although you can’t see which. You’re a little nervous because there are ultrasound photos and pictures of you throughout your pregnancy. You don’t know how he’ll react, because he still hasn’t really expanded on his feelings about you not telling him about her other than what he said at the coffee shop. He’s spoken to his parents, you know that much from Liana, but he hasn’t said anything more to you.
“She looks like you,” he eventually says, “got your nose.” 
“She has your eyes,” you counter and he smiles. 
“Yeah,” he whispers and before he can say anything else, Nora plops down on the bench next to him and peers at his phone.
“Hey! That’s me!” she exclaims, pointing to the picture of her from Halloween last year.
“Really?” you pretend to be surprised, smiling when she rolls her eyes dramatically. 
“Yes, mama. See? You said my eyes look like my dads.”
Mat tenses next to you. You’re sure he’s going to say something but instead he just smiles at Nora. 
“They’re pretty nice eyes,” he agrees, ruffling her hair before she ducks out of his reach with a giggle. 
“Mat, come push me on the swing!” she begs and he lets her pull him towards the swings without hesitation. You can’t help but grin at the pleased smile on Nora’s face and the way Mat does exactly what she wants without complaint. You know he would’ve definitely been the easygoing parent when Nora was younger and it makes you upset when you think too much about it because he should’ve been there for all her milestones and firsts. He should have been there when she crawled and then walked for the first time. He should have come with you when you dropped her off on her first day of Kindergarten and pretended he wasn't crying with you. 
There are so many firsts that he should have been next to you and it’s slowly eating away at you because you took that away from him.But it was the right thing to do. 
At least, that's what you tell yourself when you go to bed every night.
. . .
“So, how’s it going with Mat?” Jaxon asks, taking a sip of beer and giving you a knowing look. You regretted talking to Jax about your struggles the minute he started asking you the questions you didn’t want to hear. Your best friend is a little too observant sometimes and it always backfires. 
“Fine,” you say shortly, staring into your wine glass. Nora is staying at your moms tonight, so you decided to invite your friend over, hoping to get some advice that would help you feel better instead of feeling like you’re being interrogated. 
“Right,” he drawls, “that’s why you sent me a cryptic text and haven’t said anything else since “beer or wine?” right? I could be home with my boyfriend right now but you seemed like you were going to spiral and we all know exactly how that ends.” 
“Things are fine,” you grumble. “He’s been absolutely perfect with her.”
“Alright, then what’s bothering you?” 
“It’s just, I feel guilty, okay? Mat’s being better than I ever hoped to even think about and I feel like I shouldn’t have taken away his chance to be in her life before she was even born,” you say in one breath. “I keep thinking about the things he’s missed, and I feel like-”
Jax cuts you off before you can say anything else, holding up a hand. “Look, you did what you thought was best at the time. Was it necessarily fair? No. You can’t go back though, and you’re going to drive yourself insane if you keep thinking like this. You can’t change the past, but if he wants to be in her life now, and you’re okay with that, you need to make peace with your choices.”
Your shoulders deflate at his words, and you drink the remaining wine in your glass. He’s right about all of it and you hate that. You hate that he’s right and you hate that you can’t accept it.
“I need more wine,” you mumble, standing up and making your way to the kitchen. You don’t usually drink, definitely not since Nora, but you let yourself indulge every now and then. Besides, Jax has always been a bad influence. 
You’ve just finished pouring the glass when there’s a knock on your door. You look at the time on the microwave and frown, unsure who would be knocking at eleven o’clock on a Friday night. If anything was wrong, your mom would have called and you don’t have many friends that would make a late night visit. 
Abandoning your wine, you walk to the door and open it and come face to face with Mat who looks nervous and definitely like he would rather be anywhere but here. 
“Uh, hey?” you say but it sounds more like a question. He doesn't seem to be drunk and you don’t know what else would warrant a late night drop in. 
“Hey,” he says and just because you have the best luck, Jax decides that now is the right time to follow you to the door. 
“Your phone is ringing, and it’s your mom,” he says, freezing when he sees Mat standing there. He looks uncomfortable, and when you turn to Mat, all you see is fury. 
See, the problem is, despite nothing romantic going on between you and Jax, relationship talk wasn’t something that you and Mat had brought up. He didn’t bring up his girlfriend, and so far, nobody besides your mom has been around when Mat was with you and Nora. Also, throw in the fact that you’re sure Mat has no idea who Jax is, it’s easy to make assumptions. 
“Nevermind,” Mat says shortly, “I’ll leave you to your night.”
You grab his wrist before he can leave, wanting to clear all this up even though it shouldn’t really matter if you were dating someone. 
“Wait,” you say and he stops but keeps his back to you. 
“Nora woke up and wants to talk to you,” Jax says, breaking the silence and you hesitate, not wanting Mat to leave but knowing you need to talk to your daughter. He seems to sense your dilemma, because he hands you your phone, slips his shoes on and squeezes past you and Mat, calling out "I'll call an uber”, before walking down the hallway of your apartment building. 
You feel like an awful friend, and you’ll definitely be making it up to him but you pull Mat inside, shutting the door before holding the phone up to your ear. 
“No,” your mom says softly, “I’ll put her on now.” 
You thank her quietly, waiting until you hear your daughter's voice. She’s sniffling, and tells you about the bad dream she had, asking if you can come pick her up. Your mom is trying to comfort her on the other line but it’s no use because she’s set on coming home.
You glance at your wine glass sitting on the counter and curse yourself because this is exactly why you try not to drink. 
Mat, as if he is reading your thoughts, says “I’ll go pick her up and bring her here.”
He still looks irritated but his expression softened since he heard Nora. You wouldn’t take him up on his offer but you know how much your mom hates driving in the dark so you just nod, watching him shake his hand out of yours and your face heats up when you realize you hadn’t let go. 
“Be back in twenty,” he says before leaving. 
“Mat’s on his way to get you, sweetie,” you tell Nora. “He’ll pick you up and bring you straight home, okay?”
She sniffles again and says a quiet, “okay,” before presumably handing the phone back to your mom who you tell that Mat is going to pick her up. She doesn't say anything, but you know she wants to. You realize she probably thinks that he was here with you and your instinct is to correct her but you don’t bother. You thank her and apologize, before bidding goodbye with a promise to let her know when Nora and Mat make it back home. 
You clean up while you’re waiting, dump your glass of wine down the sink and start making the couch up so Mat can just sleep here instead of going all the way back to his house after making the trip to pick Nora up. 
It’s not long before you hear the door open and close quietly and you look to see Mat carrying a sleeping Nora inside. 
“She fell asleep on the drive here,” he explains. “Didn’t want to wake her.”
You nod, pointing him in the direction of her room before sitting on the couch waiting until he comes back. You want to have whatever conversation the two of you need to have even though you know it won’t be a good one.
He’s quiet when he walks into the living room and hesitates before sitting on the couch next to you. You both sit in silence for a minute until you sigh, dropping your head into your hands. 
“Jax is a friend,” you mumble. “But even if he wasn’t, you have no place being mad about it.”
“I wasn’t mad,” he argues, “I was caught off guard. I didn’t know you were dating because you hadn’t brought it up.”
“I’m not dating,” you repeat and he sighs.
“I know.” 
Another minute of silence before you raise your head and look at him. 
“What about you? What happened to your girlfriend?” you ask, even though you know she left. 
He shrugs, “she left. Said she wanted no part in raising a child. Not that she would have had any place in Nora’s life if I had a say.”
“Of course you have a say,” you say. 
He looks at you with an unreadable expression on his face. You forget sometimes how good looking he is and it’s probably the alcohol that makes your brain fuzzy but all of a sudden, you just miss him. It’s not just physical attraction either, you can’t help but remember how considerate, loving and caring he was when you dated. You were both young, but it always felt like the two of you would be together forever even though you always knew in the back of your mind that he would have to leave one day and you wouldn’t be able to follow him. 
Despite doing your best to forget about him, to get over him the past eight years, the love you felt for him never went away. 
“Do you ever think about us? About what could’ve been?” you ask quietly.
“Always,” he says gently with a softness in his eyes that you’ve only seen directed towards Nora since he came back into your life.  
“Me too,” you whisper. 
He hesitates before lifting a hand and brushing a piece of loose hair that’s fallen in front of your face, tucking it behind your ear. His hand lingers for a moment, fingertips just barely brushing against your cheek. Your eyes close and you let yourself have this one moment, one minute where you can imagine that you’re seventeen again, laying on your bed with Mat’s arms holding you, whispering empty promises about forever to each other. Just kids in love, thinking forever was possible.
But you’ll never be those kids again.
tag list: @literatureluster @dasiysthings
if you asked to be tagged & it didn't work send me a dm.
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gimmeyourlovepls · 11 months
Earth 42! Miles Morales x Reader Headcanons <3
a/n: hi guys! sorry ive been gone for a hot second, my mental health is declining just like my grades 😍 anyway, enjoy!
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ok, i know that miles would act so stoic at first but he'd show his affection in little ways
like anything from a good morning note to chocolates, your gonna get at least one a week
even though he doesnt write his name on the gifts, you always know its him, and you make sure to give him a little hug or kiss :)
ok, so ive had this thought in my head for a while, but miles would totally have glasses
like, you see how much he's working on tech and junk, you know his eyesight is gonna be at least a little bad
but he doesnt wear them because he thinks theyre nerdy
until you find out :0
"hey miles, are these your glasses? how come ive never seen you wear them? can you put em on?"
from then on, you start begging him to put them on, but he always says no
until one day, when you are lying on the couch, asking him to put them on, when he finally says yes.
he puts them on, smiling at you slightly, and you just start attacking him with kisses
"mi amor, calm down!" "nah, my man looks too handsome"
from then on, he finally wears his glasses (at least when hes alone with you)
and everytime you bombard him with many, many kisses (which he doesnt mind in the slightest)
you two are so in love
but sometimes it leads to jealousy
not only from miles, but from you
one time he saw you chatting to this boy and as soon as you two were alone he wouldnt let you go till he was sure you were his
the boy you were talking to was literally your cousin 💀
but if it meant getting extra kisses from miles, you were not complaining
you've had your fair share of jealous moments too
like when miles was partnered with this girl for a project
she was being a little too nice with him
so you walked over there, hair swaying behind you, and sat on miles' lap at the table they were working at
you kept rubbing his arm and pressing little kisses on his cheek until their working time was over and they finished the project
and you walked outta there on miles' arm
you and miles had a talk after that, and theirs not that many of those moments anymore
however miles is DEFINETLY jealous and happy at the same time at the relationship you have with his mom
because he wants his mom to like you, duh
but when you and her are talking like you've known eachother since birth, he gets a little left out
dont worry tho, he loves u and your mom, you two are his favorite ladies
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a/n: i hope you enjoyed! i have homework to do, but i might do a part 2 if yall want. pls give me requests for writing! ilysm, have a great life!
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traveler-at-heart · 9 months
Finding Home - Part 2
Summary: This is a series imagining what it was life for Natasha after joining S.H.I.E.L.D. Warnings: Mentions of violence, PTSD, nightmares. Read Part 1 here. It was still dark. A quick glance at the clock on your nightstand told you it was indeed 2:30 am.
With a groan, you stood up from bed, walking into the living room, the penthouse pitch black.
“Jesus, Natasha!” you jumped as the lights revealed her sitting on the couch. Staring at the door. The redhead didn’t even flinch when you shouted. “Hey, is everything ok? Did you hear something?”
Now you felt bad for snapping at her like that. Surely, she had a good reason to be up.
“I don’t understand why they’re not here”
“Who?” you kneeled next to her, so you were eye level. With a pang of guilt, you noticed the bags under her eyes.
How long had this been going on?
“The KGB and Dreykov’s people. It’s only a matter of time. And when they come, I don’t… they can’t hurt you. I wouldn’t forgive myself”
“Nat” you said, squeezing her hand until she finally looked at you. Your hair was a mess, and your eyes struggled to focus on her face, but still, you pushed the words out.
“We are protecting you. SHIELD has eyes and ears everywhere. They won’t come for you, they won’t hurt you. Clint won’t let it happen, Fury won’t let it happen. And I certainly won’t let it happen”
There was a beat of silence, and then Natasha shook her head no.
“I’m not worth the risk”
“Yes you are. Clint thought so when he didn’t shoot that arrow. And I think so too. You’re worth it, and that’s not up for debate”
With a resigned sigh, you sat on the loveseat next to the couch and stared at the door.
“What are you doing?” Natasha asked.
“Well, if we’re taking turns watching the door, I’m next”
“Don’t be ridiculous, go to sleep”
The commanding tone made you smile. Slowly, but surely, Natasha had become more open and more herself in the way she interacted with others.
She wasn’t afraid to show she knew better than all of you.
“You go to sleep, Romanoff”
The redhead rolled her eyes, annnoyed at how amused you looked and then turned on the tv, browsing through channels, until she settled on a documentary about chimpanzees.
Fifteen minutes later, she was sleeping, gently snoring.
Back at the headquarters, Natasha was showing Maria and Fury some of the technical details of the widow bites she used.
You took the opportunity to pay a visit to Doctor Taylor.
“Agent” she greeted. “You know the rules, you gotta make an appointment”
“It won’t take long, Doc. It’s about Natasha” you scratched the back of your neck, feeling like you were snitching on her. “She’s not sleeping well. Keeps thinking the KGB is showing up any minute now to take her back”
“I would be surprised if she was able to sleep at all. I can prescribe something…”
“Yeah, she’s not gonna take it. Don’t ask me how, I just know it” you shrugged your shoulders. “This is more of a visit to ask for sugggestions. Is there any activity that might distract her?”
“Well, has she even been outside the Penthouse?” the woman asked, glancing at her notes, obviously aware of the answer to the question.
“No, unless we count this lovely government building” you looked down, feeling ashamed. Idiot. Keeping Natasha locked up, of course she’d feel agitated.
Doctor Taylor said your name, your attention snapping back to her.
“Natasha doesn’t know who she is; she dind’t have a childhood or a life. You could… give her choices. Help her figure out what she likes”
“Like her favorite ice cream flavor?”
“Sure, that’s simple. Start there”
“Alright” you straightened your stance, thinking about the day ahead. “Thanks, Doc”
“For what is worth” she said as you turned to open the door. “Natasha’s making progress. Slow but steady. And that’s thanks to you as well”
You nodded, smiling before leaving her office.
“It’s this way” Natasha pointed at a street, and you kept driving. “You missed the next exit”
“So now you know how to drive in New York City?” you said, ignoring her comments.
“Yes. I can drive motorcycles, cars, all kinds of helicopters…”
“Cool, congrats. You’re still not driving this car”
“Ass” she mumbled and you chuckled.
The drive was silent and as you found a place to park, Natasha looked around trying to find your destination.
“Ta-da” you sang and she turned back to you.
“Holey cream?” she read the sign above the door, in a very unamused tone.
“Build-your-own donut ice cream sandwich. Doesn’t that sound fun? There are tons of choices. Come on” you looped her arm with yours and practically dragged her inside.
You ordered first, hoping it would give Natasha enough time to decide what she wanted. However, as you got your donut, she was still staring at the ice cream flavors and toppings.
“Have you decided yet?” as she shook her head no, you offered your own donut. “Come on, try it. It’s homemade chocolate peanut better”
Rolling her eyes, she finally agreed and took a bite, modestly covering her mouth as she chewed.
“Too sweet. I think I’ll have the Java Guatemala”
“Holy holey” you muttered, thinking about the amount of caffeine she’d eat. “Strong flavor for a strong woman, am I right?”
“Is the sugar making you hyper?”
“Maybe” you opened the door for her, walking side by side as you took bites of your donuts.
You kept walking, glancing at the restaurants and shops littered on both sides of the street. As you read the menu of an Indian place, Natasha looked at the window of a clothing store.
“Oh, that leather jacket is beautiful” you admired, following her eyes. “Wanna go inside and try it on?”
“Come on” you ignored, pushing her.
The store clerk greeted you, while Natasha stood awkardly next to the jacket.
“Try it on” she rolled her eyes, but did as she was told. It looked perfect on her, but then again, Natasha managed to look stunning even on training clothes. “It suits you. Do you like it?”
“It’s fine” she shrugged her shoulders, the same way she did when you cooked something that she didn’t really like. As if what she thought wasn’t important.
“Natasha” you said and the woman looked at you. You raised your eyebrows and smiled, encouraging her to say what she really wanted.
“Yes, I like it a lot. But I don’t have any mo…”
“Miss? We’re taking this jacket”
Busy with paying the woman, you missed the way Natasha pulled the jacket close to her body, smiling as she saw her reflection in the mirror.
“Article 212, subsection B” Natasha asked.
It was a lovely day, so you were enyoing the sun on Central Park. She insisted on studying for her test, which was honestly overdoing it. Natasha memorized Shields rules in a week.
She was siting, the manual on her lap, while you were laying, your head close to her knees.
“Uh… something, something, paperwork” you answered, getting lost in the warm sun and the blanket where you and Natasha rested. “Are we still catching that movie later today?”
“Yes. And don’t change the subject” she gave you a small tap on the forehead and you frowned.
“Natasha, you memorized it weeks ago. And I already passed my test so…”
“I like it when I can hear you say it” Natasha interrupted you, her voice getting smaller. “I know all the words, yes. But hearing you say it makes it make sense. And I can also learn more about pronunciation. I still have my stupid accent”
“Ok” you nodded, sitting up to face her. You shook the leaves that got stuck in your hair and answered the question.
Natasha nodded when she was satisfied, flipping through the pages to continue.
“And for the record, your accent is not stupid. It’s cute” you said.
You were too busy looking away to hide your blush, so you missed how Natasha’s cheeks were red as well.
After that day in the park, you saved a time after dinner to read to Natasha. It was a way for her to improve what you already thought was a perfect English.
“A Scandal in Bohemia. Your very first Sherlock Holmes. Aren’t you excited?”
“Why that one?” she looked up at you. As usual, you were sitting at the end of the couch while she laid her head close to your lap, but never touching your knees.
“Because, you’re just like Irene Adler”
“Well, let me read and you’ll find out”
With every story about mystery, Natasha always commented on how the detectives approcahed the case. But this time, she remained quiet as you read the tale of Holmes and the only woman who outsmarted him.
Once you finished, you looked down to find Natasha sleeping, her usual frown replaced by a soft expression. The image of her head resting under her clasped hands brought you back to the words on the Red Room report.
The girls slept handcuffed to their beds so they wouldn’t escape.
If Dreykov wasn’t already dead, you’d gladly kill him yourself.
On impulse, your hand reached out to touch her own, while the other moved a strand of red hair out of her forehead.
What happened next was completely unexpected.
Natasha woke up instantly, throwing you from the couch and you landed on your front, out of air from the force of her movements. The woman climbed to your back and placed your neck in a headlock.
“Fuck, fuck, Nat, it’s ok. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I didn’t think, I’m sorry. It’s me. You’re safe” you said, trying to control your breathing and keeping your voice even.
You could feel Natasha’s heart beating wildly, her breath ragged against your ear.
It wasn’t her and she wasn’t trying to hurt you, that’s all you could think about as she kept you in place, with just enough pressure to make sure you didn’t move.
Little by little, she began to calm down and all of the sudden, let you go.
You coughed and moved forward, allowing yourself to breathe and feel a tiny bit of panic at what could have happened.
Not to you, but to Natasha.
“I’m…” she looked at her shaking hands, tears welling up. Natasha got up and walked to her room, slamming the door shut behind her.
“Nat. It’s ok. Natasha” you knocked several times, to no avail.
She stayed in her room for the rest of the night.
The following days were hell.
You went back to training alone. Natasha barely ate, let alone look at you whenever you had to go to SHIELD.
How could you have been so reckless? Of course she’d react that way, living her life in a perpetual state of fight or flight.
The silence took a toll on you. And worse, one day it made you snap.
During the drive to SHIELD, you asked Natasha if she was up for watching a movie at the cinema.
There was no answer, which was to be expected.
The hurt came after, when you caught her chatting with Clint as if everything was ok. Feeling as if someone had punched you in the gut, you looked away.
Maybe everything would be better if you left Natasha alone.
You walked up to them and dropped the keys to the car on the table.
“Here. Take the car”
“But, I thought…”
“I’m walking” was all you answered, turning around to leave the building.
You felt a combination of guilt and anger. You hated how you snapped at her, how your response to her trauma was to be vindictive and unreasonable.
But you also felt tired and way over your head. It wasn’t like you’d been an agent for that long.
Maybe someone more experienced would do better, like Barton.
You found a bar and stayed there for a couple of hours, drinking on an empty stomach. You came back when it was too cold to wander around the city.
The alcohol had hit you harder than you thought, because when you opened your eyes it was noon.
Natasha was long gone by then.
The sight of pancakes on the stove and a note with your name made you want to cry.
You didn’t even know what you were doing at SHIELD headquarters that morning, but still stepped out of the cab and into the building.
“Agent Y/N” Fury said as you walked down the hallway.
It was the last voice you wanted to hear, sporting a massive hangover and a guilt ridden heart.
“Director Fury” you turned around, trying to sound composed.
“There’s a mission”
Missions were at the bottom of your list right now.
“Ask Maria” you snapped.
You fucked up.
“I’m not asking”
“I can’t leave Natasha now”
“She’s joining the mission”
“I don’t think she’s ready” you panicked, imagining her getting hurt over your mistakes.
“It’s been three months. I have to know if she’s at least worth the groceries we’re buying for you in that fancy penthouse in the Upper East Side, Agent” the door behind your back opened. Fury looked at you one last time and then nodded. “That would be all”
As you turned around, Natasha’s eyes met yours.
“I didn’t know if I should wake you…”
“It’s ok. I’m sorry, I slept in. Thanks for the pancakes. I’ll go back to the penthouse… I don’t know why I came here today”
“Ok. I have to stay and go over some stuff” she explained and you nodded.
“See you later”
Back home (it wasn’t really home, was it?), you headed straight for the gym. Correction, bathroom, to throw up, still hungover and then to the gym.
Natasha joined you an hour later, waiting for you to finish punching out your frustrations against a boxing bag.
“I’m sorry” she said, after a particularly hard punch that made you grunt. “I understand if you asked Fury to leave”
“Leave… what?” you turned to her, confused. “And why are you saying you’re sorry?”
“You know why” she said, looking down.
“That wasn’t your fault. None of this is your fault, Natasha. I should have known better. I should have protected you. You should feel safe and I’m failing”
“You didn’t fail” she insisted. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I have. All my life, I’ve hurt and killed. But you know all that, you know it and you’re still not mad. Why aren’t you mad? Why don’t you think I’m a monster?” she said, looking anywhere but you.
“Did you have a choice?” you asked softly. She didn’t reply. “All I know is, the first time someone gave you a choice, you did the right thing”
“And I still hurt people”
“Yeah, our line of work isn’t really black and white, Natasha” you felt relieved when she finally looked at you, though her eyes were reddened. “If you had a choice now, what would you say? ”
“I think… I’d like to help people”
You smiled, not surprised by her answer. Of course she’d want to help. How you wished Natasha could see herself in the way you saw her.
“Good. Because Fury is eager to send us on a mission. Maybe this is a chance. You can save lives, do what’s right”
“I’d like that”
“You have a choice, know that. If you don’t feel ready, I will fight tooth and nail against Fury. Rip that eye patch if I have to”
Natasha smiled at that, and you could float with how relieved you felt. Maybe things could be better after all.
“I’ll start working on dinner” she offered after a beat of silence and you nodded.
Quietly, she exited the gym. The room felt empty again. And as much as you wanted to reach out to her, hold her hand or be closer, like you were before, you’d let her be.
Maybe one day, she’d meet you halfway
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crowleysgirl67 · 4 months
Rescuing Romance P2
Author: @crowleysgirl67
Word Count: 1044
Parings/Characters: Reader x Bobby, Buck, Hen, Chim, Maddie, Eddie
Warnings: show warnings, plane crash,    
A/N: Thanks for reading!  
“Yo Cap. What's with the cakes?” Chim asked, looking at the four different types strewn about the table. 
“Help yourselves.” Bobby threw the dish towel over his shoulder and turned to face Chim. “You remember that Doctor who was hanging via the railing on the twelfth floor a couple months ago?”
“Uh yeah, (Y/N) right? No pain meds for that broken leg. You’ve mentioned her once or twice since then.” he answered, taking a slice of the chocolate cake.
“They’re from her as a thank you. The cakes are labeled with what they are and their ingredients in case any of us were allergic to anything in them.”
“Oh cool!” Buck exclaimed, jogging up the stairs to see the desserts. He looked them over before settling on an Apple turnover cake slice. “Damn this is amazing! It's just like a turnover but in a spongy moist cake!” 
“The cakes are from that Doctor lady a few months ago.” Chim chimed with a mouth full of cake.
“(Y/N) made these? She’s so awesome.”    
 Bobby made a hum of agreement and was about to take a slice of his own when the bell rang through the house. “Duty calls.”
“Ok Ma’am the paramedics are here. Keep breathing.” 
“(Y/N)?” Hen questioned upon seeing you. 
“Hey Hen, Chimney. We’ve got one female, twenty-five weeks pregnant. Seems to be preterm labor. I’ve run a line and delivered some medication to slow that until you’re able to get her to the hospital.” you grabbed your bag and moved out of their way.    
“(Y/N)?” you heard your name and turned.
“Oh hey Bobby. Or should I call you Captain Nash, you’re on duty after all.” you smiled.
“Bobby is fine. What are you doing here?” 
“Oh I was on my way into work when a car a few cars ahead of mine veered sharp enough to cause a minor accident. So I pulled off to help.”
“That was kind of you. Here let me take your bag.” he hoists your bag onto his shoulder, before walking you back to your car.
A loud rumbling caused you to look up, just in time to see a smoking plane flying way too low and headed straight towards the area.
“9-1-1 What’s your emergency?”
“Our plane it’s on fire! We’re going down.”
“I’m sorry did you say your plane is on fire?” 
“Yes!” coughs 
“Ok Sir. Are you the one flying the plane?” 
“No, I’m a passenger. It’s my buddy's 6 seater cargo plane.” coughs “Holy shit we’re headed straight at a freeway!”
“Bobby!” Buck shouted indicating the incoming disaster. 
“Get down!” Bobby pulled you to the side of your car and hunkered down with you.
The plane crashed 50 yards from where you were.
“Are you alright?” Bobby asked, helping you stand and doing an assessment of the damage unfolding. 
“I'm good. Go. I’ll grab my gear and follow behind you. We’re gonna need all hands on deck and you’re down two sets until Chim and Hen are back.” 
He gave your arm a gentle squeeze and headed over to his crew to start giving the orders. You grabbed supplies and threw your pack on before going over to help. 
“We need to find a way to get the truck down there.” Eddie says
“So we start tapping on cars. If they’re uninjured and able to move they need to get out of the way.” Buck states.
“Going car to car is going to take too long. We don’t have that kind of time.” Bobby looked around.
“I’ve got a bullhorn in my trunk. Would that help?” you ask
“Actually yeah that might.” Bobby nodded 
“Cool. Buck, ask me questions later.” you note his confused look as to why you’d have something like that in your trunk.   
“Right. I’ll go get it.” he jogged off towards your car and came back with the bullhorn and handed it to Bobby.
“If you are uninjured and can move your cars we need you to make a hole!” Bobby began walking and announcing this over and over. 
Slowly people were able to move and make enough of a hole to get the truck close enough to the site. They started with their jobs while you started treating and triaging people the best you could. 
“Looks like you could use a hand.” 
You looked up at the sound of Chims voice. “Hey you’re back.”
“Looks like we missed the start of this mess.” Hen joined the two of you.
“By a few minutes yeah. I’ve got a system going. Green cards are good/ minor injuries. Yellow is a little more than that. Reds are urgents, and black are deceased.” 
“Ah old school I see.” Chim nods 
“Why change what works?” 
“True that. We’re gonna head in closer to the site.” 
“I’ll keep trying to clear the surrounding area.” 
They nod and head in closer to the plane to start helping there.
It took several hours and any available hands to help clear away the accident.  
“Hey. How’re you doing?” Bobby asked, approaching you after you finished up with another person at the scene. 
“Hell of a first day back to work. And I haven't even made it there yet.” you replied tossing your used gloves into the trash sack you had at your waist. 
���That wasn’t an answer.” 
“I’m ok. It’s a lot but that’s what the job is.” you gave him a small squeeze on his arm, “How’re you?”
“I agree it’s a lot.” he sighed softly, surveying the ongoing aftermath.   
“118 come in 118.” Bobbys radio goes off.
“This is Captain Nash from the 118.” Bobby answered
“Captain Nash, you and your crew are relieved.”
“Copy that Chief.” 
“Looks like you get to go home.”  
“Come on, we’ll give you an escort to the hospital.” he offered his arm.
You smiled softly and took it as he walked you to your car. He rode with you as the team followed in the trucks. 
“I’m probably going to pull a 24 or 48 hour shift.”
“Raincheck on dinner then?” 
“Unless you want to join me in the hospital cafeteria. I don't have a predictable lunch schedule but I can give you a text or call when I’m free.” 
“It’s a date then.” 
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chrisgetsmewetter · 6 months
Agora hills
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pairing: switch!matt x famous!black!fem
summary: You and matt go to a fancy restaurant and make a really important decision, but end up in the bathroom.
Warnings: Smut, pet names (mama, ma), hair pulling, public sex. i think that’s it..?
word count: 7.7k
Authors note: Guysss my first fic, this is for @annamcdonalds67 song writing challenge😍🩶 if you pay close attention lyrics from the song happen in the fic so that’s cute. but don’t judge this is my first one, feedback is always appreciated🩷🩷 but yea i hope y’all enjoy (:
Mattyy🩷😍- hey mama, lemme take you out to dinner to take your mind off everything?
wife🩶- yea really need to clear my mind😭 when u need me to be ready?
Mattyy🩷😍- whenever, i’m not gonna rush you today is for u
wife🩶- thx matty i’ll text u 10 minutes before?
Mattyy🩷😍- bet. love u mama
wife🩶 loved this message
you get up and look in your closet and find the sluttiest black dress you can find and put on your black furry boots. you sit at your vanity mirror and curl your fresh silk press.
as you walk outside you see matt close his door and walk over to the passenger side.
“you look gorgeous mama, i love this dress on you” matt says as he opens his arms to hug you “thank u matty, i love ur jeans and tee” you laugh
matt hugs you then slaps then takes your ass in his big hands “stoppp matt” he laughed lightly then closed your door for you then went and got in the drivers seat.
Fast forwarding to the amazing restaurant matt took you to you guys sit down and order. “princess how are u feeling about the whole situation?” matt shifts in his seat a little “well i had some time to actually think about it and ion really give a fuck what yours or my fans think about us. now, i feel like we should come out about our relationship”
“i feel the same way. i hate that nick can’t post those cute pictures he always takes of us for the photo dumps.” matt reaches his hand to mine and holds it and you look at them because you’ve always loved his tattoos.
“me too matty, you know i value pda so much and it irritates me that i can’t embrace it as much as i want.” you sigh a little. “but if you really wanna do this you gotta understand your name is gonna be in the streets and my fans are gonna be looking at you and judging your every move”
niya looks in matt’s eyes for any type of regret or fear. “i don’t care what anybody has to say about us mama, i love u and we’re gonna make this last.” matt leans over the table to give you a ki-
all of a sudden a blonde waitress slams the plates on the table startling both of you. “aren’t you matt sturniolo? not to sound childish or anything but i love the videos you make. i actually suffer with anxiety and depression.” she claims and messes with her hair
you and matt both share a sideye. “uh thanks i appreciate the support.” she then turns her attention to you.
“oh! hello i didn’t see you there..” she says as she looks you up and down
“can you leave now. we have our food and we don’t need anything else.” matt says keeping an angry expression on his face. “um i was just being nice but ok.” she storms off
“thank you matt, i know how hard it is for you to respond to awkward shit like that.” you smile and walk to his side of the booth. “thanks mama, she was just doing too much and i didn’t like how she was looking at you”
1st pov
i kiss him and slowly lower my hand down to his bulge. “ma cmon we’re in public..” he shifts his legs
“it’s okay matty we’re in the back corner and everyone is in the club section. lemme thank you”
matt lets out a relaxed sigh as i go under the table. i unzip his pants and palm his hardness making it grow a bit in his boxers.
“fuck mama, please” i look up at his pretty face and smile while i pull down his boxers
his shaft pops out of his boxers. tip already leaking precum “you gonna be a good boy and be quiet?”
“yes mommy i’ll be a good boy, just touch me please” just when he said that i slammed my soft hand down his throbbing length hearing some gentle whimpers from matt
when he least expects it i shove all of his dick down my mouth earning a loud moan from him
i slowly take it out your mouth “matt what did i say about being quiet?”
“i’m sorry mommy it felt so good” i pull his boxer up and get from under the table to sit on his lap to straddle him
“mama please can we just go to the bathroom i need to be in you” he pleads looking in your eyes “yea cmon hurry up”
i pull his pants down and trail my tongue by his ear..down his neck..and down his arm and kiss every one of his tattoos.
“mommy please please” just as he says that i shove his dick down my throat and start bobbing up and down “ohhhh fuckkk faster mama”
just as i feel his dick twitch in your mouth he pulls out and bends me over the sink “can i?” he says as i look at him through the mirror and nod my head
then he slams his length in and me moan loudly “you like that mama?” he grunts. i nod my head not wanting to speak because of how good he feels
matt grabs my hair softly but quickly and pulls my head up so i can look in his eyes “you need to use words ma before u regret that shit” he says as he starts to go slower in pace and pulls my dress all the way up so he can cup my titties
“yes baby i love it please go faster” i beg and he smiles and kisses my lips “yes ma’am” just as he speeds up his pace there’s a knock on the door..
matt pulls out slowly and mouths to see who it is. “matt what the fuck i don’t wanna do it you do it!?” he rolls my eyes “the faster u answer it the faster we can finish.” i sigh and open the door and see the waitress from earlier
“yes?” i say opening the door which matt is behind, and not showing my bottom half of my dress which he pulls up and gently grazes my heat with his thumb
“you’ve been in there for almost 10 minutes what are you doing?!” the waitress says trying to peak in the bathroom. right as she says that matt slides in two of his long slender fingers and i sharply inhale.
“well if you don’t leave soon then i’m gonna have to kick you out. not matt tho because he isn’t in here i guess.. where is he by the way?” she smirks at me
matt speeds up his pace and adds in his tongue. “ahh.. matt.. is in the mens. restroom. can you leave him the fuckkk… alone he does NOT want you” i say slurring my words a little but trying my hardest to make it unnoticeable
i can feel matt smirking against my heat but goes faster. “ugh i didn’t want his ass anyway. you guys are both ugly. his dick is probably small too” the waitress smiles and walks off
you take a deep breath and thank god she’s gone and you slam the door shut. “fuckkk matt i’m gonna cum” matt gets up and plops you on the sink and gets back to work…
he turns you around and bends you over the sink again going at a ungodly pace while placing his hands on both sides of your ass. you feel your high just as he says “fuck mama i’m gonna cum” you lift your head making him to kiss you and he sticks his tongue down your throat then you feel him whimper which lets you know he’s close
“cmere mama take it down your throat” matt pushes you to your knees and grabs the back of your head and thrusts his dick in your throat.
“mama i’m cumming fuck fuck fuckkk” he lets out a thick load of warm cum in your mouth “swallow it all baby” he smirks and kisses you after you do.
you too walk out of the bathroom and see the waitress staring you both down “we didn’t even get to eat.” you pout “i’ll buy you chipotle on the way home mama i’m sorry”
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helplesslypurple77 · 1 year
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Day 8-Mori/Reader with prompts Fingering and Doctor Kink
Notes: Mori was getting dangerously attractive in that Yosano flashback…and obviously your ob-gyn should absolutely never do anything our doctor Mori is gonna do, this is a fanfiction, so, fiction. Anyway, enjoy(also im totally glossing over some of the less sexy bits of a normal appointment lol)
The familiar tickle of the bell welcomes you as you enter the familiar lobby of your Gynecologists. You check your watch, noting that you're a little early, so you set your purse on the coffee table and scroll through your phone absentmindedly. The office is surprisingly empty, only one other person sits in the lobby, a middle aged woman who smiles kindly in your direction, before Anne, the receptionist, calls her over with a wave. She’s definitely not new, you’ve known Anne since she started working here, and she’s still as pretty as ever, with long red hair and green eyes. She sends you a wink and a smile, and you smile back. 
You fiddle a bit with your necklace, bored. It's a new one, a classy thin gold chain with a single, red ruby. It winks prettily between your collarbones, drawing all eyes. You paired it with a white blouse, and a dark red skirt, as flashy as you could get away with at work, anyway. Your boss liked it when her employees quote unquote, ‘expressed themselves’, although you still got written up occasionally. Although it was probably Brad, your boyfriend, still salty about the shopping spree you had gone on when you found he cheated on you.
You're so bored you find yourself staring around at the familiar decorations for the thousandth time. The familiar fake flowers on the table, the tabloid and other magazines, the chairs around the front office, the pictures on all the walls. Your favorite one is a watercolor painting, naked fairies and female elves dancing around an enchanted forest. It was just so whimsical and pretty it had always fascinated you. 
“Miss Name Last-Name?” The receptionist smiles when you look up, gesturing at a pretty blond Nurse with a clipboard. She’s also young, maybe early thirties and she smiles as she leads you back into the room. Janet, the Nurse’s name she had informed you, quickly and efficiently takes care of the weight and height measurements, before she gives you a small smile and nod, and leaves the room. It's the same room you’ve been to before, ever since you were sixteen.
It's embarrassing but you've lived in the same town for most of your life. Your parents had moved you and your siblings here when you were seven years old, because your mom wanted to be by the sea and your father loved your mother a bit too much perhaps. But they were your parents and you loved them, no matter how embarrassingly lovey dovey they insisted on being. 
But anyway, this was your hometown. You had gone to school here, made lifelong friends here, and all of your doctors appointments had been in this town, including the Gynecologists. Your ob-gyn, Maya, had known you since you were young, and was a kindly middle aged woman, an old friend of your moms. It would be nice to see her again. You're sitting on the chair, legs not hooked but swinging in front of you when a knock on the door sounds and Nurse Janet peaks her head in. 
“I'm sorry miss Name, but Maya, your usual isn't available.” You frown in concern. “Is she ok?” The nurse steps in completely, her clipboard clutched to her chest. “Yes, she just has a cold. I can either reschedule your appointment or assign you another doctor temporarily. What would you prefer?” The way the nurse speaks is a little peculiar, but you just brush it off. A new doctor, temporarily at least. You're tempted, just out of comfort to reschedule, but , and you've already driven here and gas prices are so high nowadays, it just feels like such a waste. You nod, coming to your decision. “I'll proceed with the appointment.” Janet nods, checking her clipboard. “Alright then, Doctor Mori will see you in about ten minutes.” The door closes and she’s gone.
Doctor Mori. You’ve heard the name, Maya has mentioned him in passing. And if Maya recommends him he has to be good, you have a lot of faith in your old friend. Your phone rings, loudly and with tha familiar ringtone that signifies your sister's calling. You check the clock on the wall, you have about even minutes, and quickly answer the phone. 
“Leila, i'm in the doctor's office.”
Your sister giggles. “I know.” She says, yelling over the chaos you can hear faintly in the background. “I'm calling because mom told me to tell you that Maya is out with a cold. So you should reschedule your appointment for next week or something.”
You sigh, as usual your mothers a little too late. “Um, it's too late for that. Couldn't you have told me like yesterday or something?” 
 “It's not my fault, blame mom.” Your sister scoffs.“So did you reschedule?”
“No, I decided to see another doctor, at least temporarily.” You pick your nails, checking the clock. Five minutes. “The new nurse called her Doctor Mori? You know, the other doctor that shares the building with Maya.”
“Oh yeah, I always remember Maya talking about him.” You can faintly hear your mother yelling in the background, and then your sister yells back, pulling the phone from her ear. “What mom? He? What? Just come here and tell her yourself!”
“Honey? That you?” Your mom’s voice interrupts your sister. “How are you honey?”
“I'm great mom.” You sigh. “Why didn't you tell me about Maya earlier.”
“Oh you know, i forgot.” Your mom giggles, shouting over the Bob Marley playing in the background. “Anyway honey, your sister told me you decided to see Doctor Mori?”
You check the clock. “Yeah, it seemed like a waste to just leave. And you gotta hurry mom, I'm almost out of time.”
“I see, I see.” Your mother makes no attempt to hurry, but then again she never does. “Well, Maya introduced me to Doctor Mori one time, and honey, he’s very handsome!”
“Yeah, yeah ok.” You check the clock one more time, you need to go. “Well I gotta go mom, i'll see you later then.” 
“Yeah, see you later Honey. Say hi to Anne for me. Oh, and tell her congratulations on her marriage.” And with a click, she’s gone. You sink back into your seat with a sigh, and then, something your mother said finally clicks. He. you shoot up in your seat, just as the door creaks open, and sure enough and man makes his way into the room. 
Your mother was right, he is handsome. His hair is slightly long and slightly messy with loose strands falling around his face. The dark strands tickle his neck, just barely brushing his shoulders. He’s clothed in a lab coat for some reason, underneath which is a gray purple button down and a slightly loose black tie. His eyes are dark, and slight wrinkles at the corner betray his age. He has a pair of small, rimless glasses hooked on his collar. 
“Miss Name? I'm Dr. Mori, I'll be filling in for Dr. Henderson today.” He blinks at you with a slightly absent smile. It feels unreal honestly, of course your replacement is a handsome older man who, in a few minutes, is going to have his hands all over your pussy. You curse every evil god who put you in this situation. And you hope, pray or anything else you can do that you won’t get wet. You sigh.
“It’s nice to meet you Dr, Ma-er, Dr Henderson has mentioned you before.” You smile, wishing that you weren’t currently at a gynecologist appointment with a man who was probably married who you were definitely thirsting over. “Although I thought…never mind.”
“You thought I was a woman?” You nod and the doctor laughs a little. “Yes, I’m not surprised. I’m actually partially retired, I just do Maya the occasional favor now and then.” Mori puts on his glasses, squinting at a clipboard. You try to subtly look at his hands, checking for a wedding ring.
“It looks like Maya took care of most of your checkups a few weeks ago?” He says. You nod. “Yes, we just ran out of time for the last few. She was going to do them today but…” The doctor nods, confirming your thought. He flips through the papers on the clipboard, before setting it down on the small desk next to a picture of a pretty blond girl with blue eyes, the doctor next to her in the picture. “Dr. Henderson already did most of the necessary tests. Looks like you guys didn't quite get around to the physical?” You give him a nod in responds and he smiles. “Alright, well I'll step out for a moment, can you please take off your underwear and hook your legs up in those—well you know what to do. I'll be back in a few minutes.” You give him a nervous little nod and laugh combo, and he steps out of the room, closing the door behind him. You sigh, standing and rolling up your tight office skirt, and ridding yourself of your boring white panties. This is going to be so embarrassing, because you just know you're going to get at least a little damp. It's very different to have a fifty ish woman who you’ve known for years poking around your vagina, versus a finely aged dilf, with no wedding ring to speak of. You sigh again, climbing up into the strange reclining chair and hooking your knees in the stirrups. With your skirt rolled up like this, you can feel the cool air brushing your bare pussy, and you shiver a little. 
The door opens and Mori steps back in, noting your position on the chair with a nod. “I see you're ready to begin?” The doctor has a pair of plastic gloves on and he’s hooked his reading glasses back on his collar, the tie somehow slipping even more. You give him an affirmative, doing your best to nip any problems in the bud by focussing your thoughts squarely on your pet Cat. And it works too, as the doctor's gloved hands begin to feel surely on your pelvic bone, dancing around the lips of your pussy. Then, he starts to talk, distracting you from the cat.
“So, Miss Name, seems like you’ve known Maya for a while, huh.” He says. “Yep,” You reply, still trying to think of your cat. “I've had her since I was about seventeen. I assume you guys are old friends as well?”  
“Yes, we used to work together.” The doctores sure fingers pull at the lips of your pussy, and he squints. “That was until my ex-wife decided she didn't want me touching other women all day long, even if it was my job.” Your ears catch on ‘ex-wife’ and all thoughts of your cute pet cat fly from your mind. Your thighs twitch slightly, and you change the subject quickly. “That must be your daughter then, in the picture? Sorry if I snooped.” You bite your lip and avoid eye contact, it makes it all worse when you watch him prod at your pussy. Thankfully, for now at least, his fingers have left the more sensitive areas and are now poking at your pelvic bone again. 
“Yes, my little girl Elise. She’s pretty isn't she?” You nod, and he continues. “What about you? Any kids?” 
You shake your head with a laugh. “No, not quite yet anyway. I just broke up with my boyfriend actually.” Your tone turns a little resentful, you can't help yourself. “He cheated on me.” Mori makes a noise of surprise, cocking his head up to meet your eyes. “He cheated on a girl as pretty as you, huh. Spread your legs a bit for me darlin.” You almost choke, ninety nine percent sure you misheard. That damn pet name, Darlin’, and the complement? God you're doomed. The doctor chuckles at your silence, his dark eyes leaving your own as they dart back to your pussy. One hand spread your pussy lips apart, and two gloved fingers poke at your hole, pushing in slowly. You bit your lip, hard. You can hear the slight squelching his fingers make, and you literally want to die. Maybe if you pretend nothing is wrong, he will spare you the humiliation. 
“So, do you miss your job?” You clear your throat as his fingers reach deeper, pressing around looking for something. 
“Oh, a little.” The doctor's other hand goes higher, pressing down slightly on your lower stomach, feeling around. “Although, I usually don't get such pretty patients to work with. You're making this old man blush.” Oh, he knows, he’s definitely noticed how wet you are and he’s teasing you. You still can't quite tell if he’s flirting or not. He can't be, right? He’s a really handsome man, he must have a girlfriend or something. 
He withdraws his fingers from inside you, and you sigh with relief. But all your embarrassment comes rushing back as he reaches for the familiar speculum, slowly inserting it into your pussy with a squelch. You blush at the sound, but the doctor doesn't bat an eye as he ever so slowly opens it, peering inside for a few long, agonizing seconds. And then, he’s pulling it out with an embarrassing sound and placing it on a tray beside him. 
“Well, looks like we have no problems.” He takes off his gloves, balling them together and placing them on the tray beside the Speculum. “Everything looks good and you're plenty…” He pauses. “…Sensitive.” You blush, way too embarrassed to even complain. He clears his throat a little, dark eyes still darting back and forth between your pussy and your face. His eyes are dark, and they have a strange shine as they meet your own again. With a leap of faith, you decide to throw caution to the winds.
“I don't know doctor, you might need to check a little more thoroughly.” He eyes you for a moment, and an embarrassing silence fills the room for a moment. And just as you're about to backpedal, Mori stands, and with a click, locks the door. “You know…” He says, a new kind of gleam in his eye. “Maybe I should. Do you have any particular concerns?” This is absolutely crazy, and you love every minute of it. 
“Oh, I don't know, Doctor.” You shoot him a flirty little wink. “Maybe you should feel around in there some more, check for any irregularities?” 
“That's a good idea Darlin.” He pulls a stool over, and hangs his coat over a nearby chair, rolling up his shirtsleeves. “Well, I'll start with an oral check up, then maybe use something a little longer to really check you out, that sound good?” You nod, your reply dissolving into a moan as he leans closer, the flattened length of his tongue coming in contact with your clit. He starts out slow, flattening his tongue against your clit, dancing around the edges of your hole, teasing you with his little smirks. He looks way too hot like that, face buried in your pussy, your hands tugging at his hair. 
“You know Doctor,” You choke out, as the naughty slurping sounds fill the room. “My insides feel a little tight, maybe you should check those out.” Mori pulls away from your pussy, shooting you a spit slicked feral grin. “I was just thinking the same thing.” And then, he slips two fingers inside. Your head falls back against the chair, as his head disappears again, tongue licking your clit. He had his fingers inside you before, but it feels different now that he’s really trying to make you lose it. He scissors his fingers open, prying your hole open for future activities and your going to lose it. You need him inside you, right now.
“Doctor.” He looks up at you, fingers pausing inside of you. “I need you inside of me. Now.” 
Mori chuckles at your enthusiasm, withdrawing his fingers from inside you with a squelch, and moving to the cabinet. He pulls a foiled package out, and waves it in your direction. You giggle, playing with your tits through your shirt. “My my doctor, do you always fuck your patients?” 
“Nope, you're this old man’s first in a while.” He offers as a reply, unbuckling his pants. “We give free condoms to teens, to encourage safe sex.” He doesn't even pull down his pants, just pulls his erect cock out and strokes it a few times. You watch, licking your lips as he slides the condom down it. It's big, and you know he’ll stretch you out nicely. Maybe another time you would like to have it down your throat. But for today, you need him inside you.
Mori seems to share your enthusiasm, as he hurriedly lines his dick up with your hole, and with one last look of assurance, starts to slowly push in. The stretch is a lot, but with all that preparation it just barely stings. It also helps that he goes slowly, allowing for you to fully adjust to his hardness. He grips your thighs with his big hands as he fully shields himself inside of you, pulling out and using your thighs to pull you right back onto his dick. Your voice comes out in little pants and moans, joined by his grunts. 
“So doctor, everything alright?” Your voice is far from steady, but you can't really bring yourself to care. “How does it feel?” 
“Heavenly darling.” Mori’s mouth crashes onto yours, practically inhaling your face. He kisses with a wild kind of desperation, so different from the unhurried tone of voice he had taken up before. It's hot, the juxtaposition. And you can feel the coil of an orgasm curling in your stomach. “I'm close.” You pant out, as Mori nuzzles your jaw, his hair tangling with your own. “Same.” The doctor pants out, his steady rhythm speeding up a little, and you moan out especially loud as his calloused thumb works at your clit, rubbing little circles into it. 
The tangle of orgasm is building now, and then, the tip of his dick hits that spot, the spot that makes pleasure explode though your body. You shudder, and cum around his dick, gripping his shoulders and moaning out a garbled mix of his name and some moans. He continues thrusting, working you through your orgasm and just as you're about to come down he thrusts one more time, and with a small little moan in your ear, he withdraws. 
“So doctor.” You pant, leaning back against the chair. “Everything healthy?” 
“Very.” Mori says, disposing of the condom in the garbage and doing up his clothes. He scratches his neck awkwardly, watching you put on your underwear and roll down your skirt. “So, Miss Name? Do you maybe want to get coffee together or something?” 
You grab your purse, and turn, planting a bold little kiss on his lips, and pressing your business card into his hands. “I’d love to.” And with a ‘call me’ you close the door behind you.
End Notes: It's been a long time since i had an appointment lol, the details are hazy at best. Also barely got this one done in time
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intimacyequalsdeath · 7 months
Bo with the prompts 5, 11, and 14? 😶🩷
Of course you can! Thanks for the request and I hope you enjoy what I whipped up for you! <3 The prompts chosen for this request are as follows: Prompt 5: "You're not wearing that" Prompt 11: "Eyes on me" Prompt 14: "Maybe I need to remind you who's in charge"
For future requests the prompt list is HERE
Notes: Minors DNI, NSFW, No specific character descriptions or pronouns used. TW: Sexual themes. Reader wears a sundress but isn't ever labeled as AFAB nor do they use she/her pronouns.
"Bo come tell me what you think of this outfit!"
You called out from the bedroom as you looked at yourself in the mirror. In your recent trip to the next town over for supplies you had gotten to go along and pick something out for once. You were delighted to find that a small clothing store was having a sale and the cutest sundress you had ever seen was on sale.
You had went with Lester so Bo had yet to see the garment you had chosen and he really didn't even know you bought it. You had rushed back to the house when Lester pulled into Ambrose nearly bouncing off the walls with excitement to show your new purchase to Bo.
"Darlin' you know during days like today I'm busy, I can't just-"
Bo's mouth snapped shut as he walked into the bedroom and laid his eyes on you. The dress fit you perfectly, leaving little to the imagination when it came to your body.
"Do you like it? I bought it when I went to town with Lester!"
You grinned at him before turning and giving yourself another once over in the mirror. Bo stood in silence, just staring at you from his spot in the doorway. His face was unreadable as he stood in silence.
"Bo? You ok?" You finally asked, confused.
"What did ya get that for darlin'?"
"I got it to wear around here silly, duh"
"You're not wearing that"
"What?! Bo I just bought it! What do you mean?"
"I mean you ain't wearin' that! Don't want anyone to look at ya like that besides me"
"Bo Sinclair, It's literally just you, me, Lester and Vincent here. Who's going to look at me?"
"I don't care darlin' if you think your leavin' this house lookin' like that you got another thing comin'"
"Fuck you Bo, You can't tell me what I can and can't wear"
"Watch your mouth when you're talkin to me'"
"Why should I? Who died and made you head honcho Bo?"
"Maybe I need to remind you who's in charge"
You rolled your eyes at him, knowing that he was mostly just blowing hot air cause you had pissed him off. Your eyes moved back to the mirror to check yourself over once more before putting the finishing touches on your outfit.
"Nuh uh darlin' Eyes on me"
You turned back to him to give him an unimpressed look.
"Yes Bo?"
He pushed himself off the door frame and began to stalk toward you. Once he got close enough that you could feel his breath on your lips he kept his eyes on you as he spoke.
"I'm not gonna ask you again darlin' change your clothes"
You smirked, loving a good challenge. You pressed a quick kiss to his lips before making your way over to the door.
"If you want me out of these clothes Bo, your gonna have to catch me"
You said before turning and hurrying down the stairs. As you did so you could of sworn you heard a dark laugh coming from Bo as like you, Bo Sinclair loved a challenge, maybe that's where you got it from.
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cutestbow · 4 months
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Notes: this blurb is apart of an au if anyone is confused
:Hi guys thank you so much for all the likes and follows, and I am so grateful to tell you that im going to be uploading a lot more frequently I have a lot of ideas in mind!!!!, also remember that my requests for this au are always open so if you have any ideas pleaseeeeeeee request themmmm!!!<33
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It had been a week since they had all been at the lake house, and usually around that time the boys would invite their friends and have little get together parties.
So there Penelope sat on the back patio watching all the interactions around her, her eyes roamed before they landed on Luke
He had been talking to someone with a beer in his hand, she couldn’t quite make out who exactly due to people walking in front of her, she sat up attempting to get a better view ignoring marks confused remarks.
Once the crowd dyed down and she got a good view her movements stilled, he was talking to a girl, she was blonde with these ocean blue eyes, penny had never seen her around before but she thought she was beautiful.
She sat back grabbing her water and slumping in her chair before turning her head towards a smirking mark
“What?” She Said furrowing her eyebrows
“Her names grace I think Luke’s been talking to her for like two weeks now” he spoke suddenly
“I wasn’t looking at them” she tried to laugh off bringing the bottle to her lips
Mark just rolled his eyes in response deciding to drop the subject
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The more later it got the more people left, the sun had set and it had just been the three brother and couple of their friends sitting at the patio, and grace.
Penny watched as she easily laughed at whatever unfunny joke Luke had told her, she watched as grace would hold his arm Every time she laughed
Penelope was quickly snapped out of her thoughts when mark tapped on her arm, “here” he said handing her a blanket that she wasted no time wrapping her self in
She sat there taking in the warmth before looking up and locking eyes with Luke.
She managed to give him a tight lip smile before looking down again suddenly finding fascination in the blanket she’d been wrapped in
But really it was just an excuse to look anywhere but the way Luke held grace, penny wondered if they’d been dating, it didn’t matter if they were she didn’t care she told herself
Penelope sat in silence muting all conversations around her and letting her thoughts take over before she was snapped out of her thoughts for second time that night,
“what?” She responded harshly at the person, annoyed in that moment
She quickly grew embarrassed as all eyes landed on her, “I just asked if you were ok?” Quinn spoke lowly making penny feel bad for the way she responded
“Oh I’m sorry, yes I’m fine” she apologized , penny rarely got angry or frustrated at anyone so she didn’t understand what’s gotten her so irritated now.
She watched as everyone went back to what they were originally doing and penny saw that as a sign to leave, she quickly got up bidding quiet goodbyes to some of the umich boys and mark before walking inside to the kitchen, sitting at the island resting her head on the cold surface closing her eyes
She had let her thoughts take over again making her enter a tired state, before she knew it she had fallen asleep.
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It had been three in the morning when luke suddenly woke up, walking down the stairs after deciding he wanted water
Luke’s steps faltered as he walked into the dark kitchen seeing a very much asleep penny, Luke sighed at her state, had no one seen her down here?, why did no one come and get her?
He walked over to her, hesitating before gently shaking her, seeing that she didn’t wake up he shook again getting the same reaction he did before.
He sighed “what am I gonna do with you” he spoke quietly rarely above a whisper moving a loose strain of hair from her face
gently he picked her up from her position and left the kitchen, walking up the stairs and into her specific room in the house
He softly layed her down on the bed pulling the covers over her, turning the lamp next to her bed off
Luke turned around once to glance at her before leaving
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loveandmurders · 1 year
A new killer is born (Sinclair daughter!reader)
Hello @lupinlovr!! I know it has been almost a year since you commented one of my fic saying:
"what if reader brings her bf home and her parents actually love him (they are still very protective, especially Bo) and the bf finds out what they do, but supports it and wants to help out?",
But today is the day I finally post for it (the proof even miracles can happen)!!
Hope you'll enjoy <3
Warnings: no proof reading, killing, blood, very morally grey boyfriend and reader, slight angst, fluff
Your boyfriend had always been very eager to meet your parents, because he strongly believed in family and he didn’t have any.
You had explained to him that your parents were quite intense, and you weren’t too sure it was a good idea, especially because they were very protective of you.
But because you also thought he might be the love of your life, and that he might be able to understand the family business, you wanted to give it a shot. 
You were at at family dinner.
“So” you started and your dads instantly looked up at you “I’m currently with someone” you said and you saw Bo’s jaw clenching. “And he'd really like to meet y’all” you finished. 
“Why that?” Bo asked
“He’s a family man” you replied, knowing it would please your father “But he doesn’t have any relatives, so he’d like to be one of us”
“Ya’re plannin’ on gettin’ married then?” Bo asked again
“Well... why not. I really love him and he really loves me” you replied
“I’ll be the judge of that” Bo hummed, but he noted you weren’t against the idea of getting married, which was new
“So ya’d be ok with him comin’ here?” you asked and Bo shrugged
“We’ll have to be careful for him to not notice anythin’. What do ya think Vince?” he asked his brother
Are you sure it’s a good idea? Vincent questioned you. Is it only what your boyfriend wants or do you also want him here?
“Well ’m always a bit nervous to introduce people to ya because ya're intense…” you started
“We’re not intense, we just want the best for our daughter” Bo cut you and you rolled your eyes at him
“Yes, father, I know that. But I really think… I mean ’m gonna be the head of the Sinclair family one day, but I can’t be the head if there’s no one else in the family, can I? He knows how to use a gun and he doesn’t mind violence that much… He’s obeyin’ me well too. He definitely has potential to be one of us” you explained and the brothers exchanged a look.
“So ya’d like to have kids with him too?” Lester asked because so far you had never talked about family that way
“Why not” you replied again and the twins arched an eyebrow at you.
“That’s new” Bo commented “Well, bring him here, but..."
“But if ya ain't findin' him suitable, ya kill him?” you asked and the three men nodded at you. You sighed “Alright then”
Your boyfriend was very excited when you told him your parents were eager to meet him as well.
As you drove to Ambrose, you noticed your boyfriend looking around, and he seemed a little bit surprised to realise how empty things were.
You finally arrived in town and you parked in front of Bo’s garage, like you often did.
Bo exited his garage to meet the two of you. He smiled at you and you gave him a hug. You then turned around to introduce your boyfriend.
Your father inspected the boy in front of him before shaking his hand.
“Welcome to Ambrose, I guess” Bo hummed and you rolled your eyes
The fact Bo didn’t kill your boyfriend right away was actually a good sign though.
“It’s really an honour to be here. Your daughter always talks about you and Ambrose with so much love and passion” your boyfriend said. Bo smiled and kissed your temple
“Yeah, she’s a good girl to her family” Bo commented and you smiled back at him. “Hope ya’re good to her too” Bo hummed, his blue eyes piercing through his soul.
“Of course!” your boyfriend exclaimed and he sent you a look for your confirmation
“Of course, or he wouldn't be here” you replied and you smiled reassuringly to both of them. 
You were about to add something when you saw Lester’s truck coming in. He parked close by and exited his truck, going right to you. He gave you a bear hug and you giggled at the attention. 
You also introduced your boyfriend to Lester and as you had planned it, Lester was nicer.
He shook his hand and asked him how the travel was and did all the small talk that helped put your boyfriend at ease. You were grateful for that.
The four of you kept talking, even if Bo was more observing than participating. You leaned against his side and he wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
“He’s not half bad” he whispered into your ear and you smiled, “Don’t believe I won’t kill him if he displeased me though” he quickly added and you nodded.
“How ‘bout ya prepare us some lemonade, girl?” Bo finally said, knowing that his twin also wanted to have a closer look at the young man you brought home.
You quickly nodded and left Bo’s side. You grabbed your boyfriend’s hand and guided him towards the house as Lester and Bo stayed at the garage to exchange their first impressions on your boyfriend.
You entered the house and you gently asked your boyfriend to stay in the kitchen. You reminded him he was about to meet the masked twin and that he really needed to not stare at Vincent or it would upset him.
And no one wanted Vincent to be upset.
Your boyfriend nodded, without knowing how close to death he was going to be.
He stayed in the kitchen as you knocked at the basement door before going downstairs. Vincent was in the middle of some project but he put his tools down when he saw you. You smiled at him and removed enough of his mask to kiss his cheek. You told him your boyfriend was upstairs, even if Vincent already knew that.
You felt he was really reluctant so you tried to reassure him. What did the trick was that you told him it was okay if he needed to kill your boyfriend. You really loved him, but between him and your family, you would always choose the last one.
You were a Sinclair before anything else.
Your boyfriend actually handled pretty well the first interaction with Vincent and things went smoothly. You even had a family dinner all together. Vincent removed his mask to eat, which was a big proof your boyfriend had done pretty good so far.
You all had a good time and the four men around you relaxed a lot, and you did too.
Bo even let your boyfriend sleep in your room!
(Vincent checked on the two of you in the middle of the night, and you were cutely sleeping, all cuddled up into each other's arms).
But the next day, things seemed to go downhill. A group of tourists came and you weren’t too sure what to do to prevent your boyfriend from noticing anything or from asking questions.
And you couldn’t do much when you heard gunshots.
You wanted to stop your boyfriend, but he was quick and ready to protect his people. He found a knife in the kitchen and you grabbed one too.
You saw your father fighting with a man and you started to run towards him.
Your boyfriend was quicker and he grabbed the man and stabbed him without a second of hesitation. Both you and Bo watched him in pure surprise.
“More fuckers ran away. Vince must be takin’ care of them. But better check out and help” Bo said and your boyfriend nodded.
The three of you started to look through the whole town and you got rid of the last tourists.
Once the job was done, you found your boyfriend in the House of Wax, with Vincent. Their knives were covered in blood and they both were pulling dead bodies behind them.
“Hey, babe, I can explain” you started as you walked to them.
Your boyfriend shook his head “No, no need to explain anything, love. If you kill people here, then I'll start killing too. What do we do with the dead bodies though?” he asked with a tilt of the head.
“This” you replied and you gestured towards the wax statues surrounding the three of you.
“Oh” he hummed “This is smart” your boyfriend continued “I’m eager to help in any way” he said
Vincent signed something for you to translate to your boyfriend. You brightly smiled.
“Welcome to the family” you translated as you leaned to passionately kiss your future husband (Bo was going to make sure of it).
Taglist : @kawaistrawberry21
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jo-harrington · 2 years
Corrective Action (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Reader and Eddie have been hanging out for a little while and a lot of people seem to think it’s ok to voice their opinion around her.
Previous Part: Interview Prep
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. Mutual pining and slow burn (yes still, always). Bullying, manipulative/helicopter parents, ACAB, all around shitty people that might trigger some things. Thick skinned reader who is sick of said shitty people. Sad boy Eddie. Hurt/Comfort. Pinky promises.
Note: I really hope this one is good guys, I feel like I wrote half of this in an airport wishing I was actually drinking (I did and I was, but I'm sober and kind of currently wishing I wasn't). If this is me fishing for compliments...I guess this is just yummy bait.
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager (in chronological order because I’m chaotic and I’m not gonna stop writing this way) and all of my other random Eddie Headcanons.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
It started with Stacey at work.
You were sitting at the little desk in the stockroom, working out payroll and the next schedule, when she came to clock out.
“Hey, good job today on upselling diamonds,” you told her, incredibly proud. While she was great at customer service, she really had a hard time getting customers to add to their basket. You had worked on coaching her and she was quickly becoming your best sales associate. “I’m proud of you, you’ve been doing so great!”
“Yeah thanks! All of these rich PTA moms I swear to god,” she rolled her eyes. “I guess my mom was only a hard ass if I asked her to buy me things though. If anyone else tried to sell things to her, she always caved.”
She continued going on about her mom getting all the upgrades when she got a new car.
“…Mr. Harrington almost started singing when she finally signed the lease.” She laughed but then sobered up, glancing around the stockroom to see if anyone else was around. Stacey cleared her throat. “Hey I’ve been meaning to ask…”
“What’s up?”
“Are you, like…dating Eddie Munson?”
It would have been an innocent enough question if not for her tone. Or the way she grimaced and scrunched her nose, as if just saying his name put a bad taste in her mouth.
Eddie had been wary of your interactions with Stacey from the beginning, you recalled. And when you had asked him why later on, he beat around the bush a little before giving in.
She was someone who had been in his classes for as long as he could remember, she was not a cheerleader but certainly one of the popular girls, and when her jock boyfriend got a job at the local insurance office after missing his chances at getting an athletic scholarship, she stayed behind too and made all of the local gossip her business.
And for some reason, even if he swore he never remembered saying more than two words to her at any given time, she made rumors about him her specialty.
You’d been at a loss. On the one hand, you knew Eddie dealt with bullies and rumors even if he never outright admitted it to you. But on the other, you had no reason to distrust Stacey. All you knew about the people you worked with were just what they told you and what you were able to witness while working together. And you knew Stacey engaged in all sorts of gossip. But Eddie’s name had never exited her mouth.
Until now.
“What?” You were so shocked at the entire scenario that you didn’t even realize she would take that as an invitation for her to continue.
“Well he’s been hanging around the store and I’ve seen you guys sitting together sometimes. But like…well, haven’t you heard?” She got closer and sat in the chair next to you. “He, like, sacrifices virgins in the woods and has, I don’t know, summoned demons before. He’s a Satanist, a freak.”
You bristled at the name-calling and the accusations.
”And you’re new so of course you don’t know—“
“Stacey I’m gonna stop you right there,” you held up your hand and she immediately shut up and sat up a little straighter. “First of all, it is incredibly inappropriate to ask me about my personal life. About any aspect of it, outside of what I willingly share with you. I am your boss, I’m not your friend, this isn’t high school. We are all entitled to privacy and I am incredibly uncomfortable discussing this with you.
“Second, again not that you need to know, but no. I am not dating Eddie. Eddie works here in StarCourt and you make friends with people when you work at a shopping mall. That being said, Eddie is not only an employee at StarCourt, but also a human being and a neighbor to all of us—”
“Ew no he isn’t. He lives in that—“ she started but you weren’t having any of it.
“And because of that he deserves some respect. Calling someone a freak and spreading rumors isn’t respectful. Which leads me to the last point.
“One of the values of this company is integrity. Doing the right thing, even if it’s hard to do. And I’m sorry but bullying, under any circumstance, is not the right thing to do. So even though you are off the clock, you are still on company property and you are certainly not operating with integrity. I’m incredibly disappointed that I have to have this kind of conversation with you, but I will consider this a warning for next time.
“If I hear talk like this coming from you again, there will be disciplinary action,” you concluded. “Do you understand?”
You hated to do it, you hated to put on the manager pants. You hated that Stacey’s eyes welled with tears the longer you talked and that she trembled as she finally nodded. But even if Eddie wasn’t your friend, you wouldn’t condone this kind of behavior. You held your team to an incredibly high standard and this wasn’t it.
You sent Stacey home and got back to the schedule with a sour taste in your mouth.
The next time, you were actually out with Eddie.
He had told you that the sunrise at the old quarry was second to none and when you confessed that you had never actually watched the sunset or the sunrise before, he immediately figured out the best day for you to go together.
He had put together a picnic with all sorts of breakfast foods, because apparently no one made pancakes, bacon, and eggs better than he did—
“Got an A+ in home ec, thank you very much. Didn’t help me get my GPA up but Wayne is pretty happy when I have breakfast waiting for him after a double shift.”
—and treats from the gas station since he insisted that you needed to experience all of the convenience food he loved. There was a thermos full of coffee and a boat load of blankets in the back of the van. He picked you up at your apartment, ringing the bell at ass o’clock in the morning looking way too energetic for someone who woke up so early.
“What do you mean? I never went to sleep!”
The radio was low as he drove you towards the outskirts of town; he’d also surprised you with a replacement of your old Boston cassette that you had nearly played to death, and he hummed along and tapped his fingers against the steering wheel along with Foreplay.
You reached a certain sign on the road signaling the quarry was up ahead, only for the tell tale lights and “whoop whoop” of a squad car to sound off from behind you. Eddie cursed and pulled off to the side of the road.
“Sweetheart can you grab me, uh” he motioned for the glove box. You’d already popped it open and dug through to find his registration as he pulled the wallet from his pocket. “Thanks.”
The crunch of gravel caused Eddie to look at this side mirror and groan a low, drawn out “fuck.”
“Munson,” the officer greeted roughly once the window was rolled down.
“Callahan,” Eddie replied. “Hopper got you on traffic patrol now huh?”
“Very funny,” Callahan deadpanned. “You know why I pulled you over.”
“Actually I don’t,” Eddie chuckled dryly. “License plates are up to date, I wasn’t speeding, and that tail light you busted last time you pulled me over is fixed.”
What the fuck?
"I don't like the tone you're taking with me, kid," Callahan spat. "Not a respectful bone in your body, any time I have to pull you over. It's for your safety after all. And the safety of the entire town."
How many times had this guy pulled Eddie over? 5? 10?
“Anyway, we just broke up a party over in Loch Nora about an hour ago, lot of kids high and wasted,” Callahan continued and there was no way you could have guessed the words that were coming out of his mouth next. “I know how you like to hang around parties like those, do a few deals. Maybe you decided to take advantage of some pretty girl who doesn’t know where she is.”
Callahan leaned down a little further and shined a flashlight into the van, directly at you.
“How you doing tonight miss? Can you tell me your name please?”
Your world was shaken to the core.
“Excuse me?” You scoffed, clenching your fists.
“You got your wits about you, or do I need to call an ambulance or something? Maybe your mom, if she needs to come pick you up?”
“I’m fine, officer, but I don’t like what you’re implying about my friend here.” You responded harshly. “Or about me. I am a grown woman, I am in this van of my own volition, with full mental capacities other than the fact that I’m maybe a little tired because I just woke up 20 minutes ago to go see the sunrise with my friend.”
Callahan stumbled over his words for a second, immediately backtracking as Eddie sat speechless in the driver's seat.
“We were never at a party in Loch Nora. Eddie didn’t kidnap me. Neither of us are drunk or high. So I’m pretty sure this is an unlawful traffic stop officer,” you concluded.
Both officer Callahan and Eddie looked at you with dumbstruck expressions.
“What, it’s true. So unless you have another reason to have pulled us over, officer?” You asked. “Can we be on our way now?”
He cleared his throat and handed the license and registration back to Eddie.
“Must have seen another van outside the party. An easy mistake to make,” he replied. “Got yourself a smart girlfriend there, Munson. Don’t fuck it up like you usually do ok?”
Callahan did another “whoop whoop” before pulling away and heading back to town, but Eddie continued to sit stiffly, refusing to move.
“You ok?” You asked, putting a hand on his arm.
“I can’t…he didn’t…” Eddie stumbled over his words. “I’m not like that ok? I don’t…I don’t take advantage of girls at parties. Fuck. Please don’t think—”
“I didn’t,” you assured him.
“Callahan always has it in for me, man,” He explained. “I don’t even know what I did. Caught me smoking weed on school grounds with the guys one summer way back and it was like a permanent target was placed on my back.”
“Small town cops with a big ego,” you explained, knowing fully well how douchebags like that were. “And you’re the resident bad boy.”
“You gotta stop calling me that,” he groaned in, what you believed to be, embarrassment.
And it kept happening.
Whispers when you went out for pizza, eyes watching you at the grocery store with pity or disgust, you didn’t know for sure. The one time you both stopped in Montgomery Ward on lunch to get a new dress (and for Eddie not to spend his lunch alone) and the saleswoman kept hovering as though you were about to steal.
Well, not you. Eddie.
No one usually dared to say anything to your face but you could still hear it. “She hangs around that Munson boy. Ugh such a troublemaker. Poor girl. Someone should tell her. He’s a trickster, that one.”
And no, you knew it wasn’t everyone. Just the busybodies who didn’t know what they were talking about.
You’d usually roll your eyes and continue on with your day. You could take whatever was thrown your way—some people just sucked and they couldn’t keep their mouths shut—but you knew how it affected Eddie. You could see it when you were with him, how deflated he became.
Your friend, one of the best people you knew, regardless of your stupid crush on him. He became distant, shrunk like he wanted to take up less space in the world.
You just about had enough of it.
And it all came to a head one day, a week after you hired Chrissy Cunningham as a part-time associate.
Her mother dropped her off after Cheer camp one day and wanted to see the new store.
You had a pretty solid parent policy that you made known to your teenage associates, just as your old store manager did when she first hired you at 16. Parents could come in and visit, shop, sure. But they weren’t going to interfere with the business. No calling to complain if the schedules conflicted with family nights. No calling in sick on their kids behalf.
“If you’re old enough to take on the responsibility of a job, you’re taking all of the responsibilities, ok? Even the not so nice ones.”
Chrissy, just like the others, understood.
Chrissy’s mom, on the other hand, had a bit of a problem with that.
You were nice enough when they first got in, getting to hear how the whole family was so excited about her first job, how it would look great on college applications come Fall. Chrissy, of course, had told you all of this in her interview; she was a sweet kid who clearly was trying to take on a lot and once you met her mom, you understood where the pressure was coming from.
Your mom was like that too, in her own way. Picking and picking and picking.
“Oh actually,” Mrs Cunningham started and from her tone you knew it was just going to be the beginning of a whole to-do. “I was meaning to ask if Chrissy could change her schedule? I saw you had put her on Saturday afternoons. But there’s a junior cheer team at the park district that she helps coach and they have meets on the first Saturday of the month.”
The too-big, overly-whitened smile was an unspoken threat of “you’re going to give me what I want or else.”
You explained that weekends were a mandatory availability for your associates who were still in school, but it didn’t mean they would always be scheduled. You had already told Chrissy that you would give her the days of her meets off, if she let you know the dates at least 2 weeks in advance. It was only once a month, after all.
That smile fell, like it always did, when someone like Mrs. Cunningham, like your mother, like all the other Stepford-wife types in town, didn’t get their way.
She tried once again to explain, this was important to Chrissy and she could trade Saturdays for another day. Maybe Thursday afternoon? Only if she didn’t have too much homework, of course.
But there was no way to know that when you were writing the schedule two weeks out, you argued.
"Then I guess you'll just have to find a replacement for her shifts if she can't come in," Mrs. Cunningham argued.
“Ma’am, I leave the responsibility of schedule and availability to my associates when I hire them,” you explain. “Not their parents. You said you were excited for Chrissy to have a job. It’s only been a week. If she thinks she can handle Saturdays—or even if she doesn’t—I’ll leave it up to her. School hasn't even started yet; let's just give it some time before we try to make changes ok?”
And as one does when they feel attacked, she went after low hanging fruit.
“I wouldn’t expect you,” she sneered, “to know a whole lot about responsibility…or planning ahead for the future. You work in this little shop; it's not even a real job. I’ll bet you didn’t even go to college.
“And Chrissy said you’re friends with the Munson boy right? That he shows up sometimes to talk to you. He’s never known a day of responsibility in his life. He’s…he’s a drug dealer, a troublemaker—”
“Alright that’s it,” you interjected. “This is a place of business—my place of business—and we’re getting busy, so I will have to ask you to leave Mrs. Cunningham. Unless you want to stay for a piercing, I do have paying customers to tend to. I will discuss the schedule again with Chrissy. I promise.
“But for now, thanks for stopping by, it was so nice to meet you.”
“God she was such a bitch,” you complained as you watched Eddie throw cardboard boxes into the bailer.
This was typical for lunches spent together. You would both run trash down to the loading dock and complain about work while Eddie smoked—allowing you to luxuriate in his secondhand smoke for a little while—and then you would head to the food court to eat and just…spend time together.
Listen to music, talk about movies or books or whatever else came to mind.
This friendship was still new, there was plenty to talk about.
You kind of hoped there would always be something new to talk about. And that you two would be talking and having lunch together for a long time.
Best not get your hopes up though.
Currently, you were recounting the interaction with Mrs. Cunningham, purposefully leaving out the way she brought him into conversation.
What he didn't know wouldn't hurt him. Right?
“Poor Chrissy,” you sighed.
“Poor Chrissy?” Eddie scoffed. “Yeah, really sucks to be on top.”
“You know, she might be on top at school—”
“And her family might be rich, and she might live in a big house, and she might only need to work so it looks good on college applications. See where I’m going with this?”
“—but it sucks to have a parent constantly shitting on you. Even if they do it for ‘your benefit...'.”
“Why can’t you do anything right?”
“I stayed at home with you kids and this is the thanks I get?”
“I can’t make you respect this family. But don’t you have any self-respect?”
Maybe you were just projecting...
“Speaking of Queen Bee, here she comes now with her lover boy,” Eddie said, batting his eyelashes dramatically, and then he made a gagging noise. You were exiting the service corridors and spotted Chrissy, who had clocked out for the day, walking towards the food court with a very clean, athletic-looking blond boy.
“Now if you wanna talk about a bitch, look no further than Jason Carver.”
He proceeded to tell you all about how Jason and Jeff were neighbors, how they used to be friends as kids. How they stopped talking once Jason started up with sports, and he started picking on Jeff once he made varsity.
“He had some macho, roided up growth spurt last year, and that paired with the self-righteous bible thumping meant that Hellfire was an easy target. Those meathead jocks picked on us before, sure, but…I dunno, Jason is a whole other level of cruel. 
“And he doesn’t hesitate to beat up the younger kids, but if I’m around…well needless to say they’re a little scared of me, they don’t want to take a chance that I’ll put a curse on them or something.
“I’ll do whatever I need to, I’ll be their villain, if it means keeping those kids safe.” He rubbed the sleeve of his flannel against his nose and sniffled lightly. “But it’s not like there’s anything I can do aside from that. I have to just sit there and take it, let my friends take it, because if I don’t…if I don’t, then I become everything they say I am. Angry, dangerous, a menace, a criminal.”
“Eddie that’s terrible,” you grumbled, Chrissy’s mom and your own troubles forgotten. "You don't deserve to be picked on like that."
Eddie hummed in contemplation for a moment.
“Ok enough of them, do you want to share chili cheese fries?” He diverted. You hesitated, not wanting to drop the subject entirely, but also not wanting to push him. Eddie flashed you those big, pleading eyes, though, and you caved.
Asshole knew exactly what he was doing.
“Sure,” you smiled.
“And you’ll let me buy today,” he continued, holding his hand out before you could argue. “Because you feel bad for me you’re gonna let me do it.”
“What logic is that?!” You exclaimed. He giggled maniacally and motioned for you to find a table before he practically skipped to the line to order.
He was lucky that he was cute.
Chrissy approached you the next time she had a shift together; you were planning to pull her aside at the end of her shift to double check that she was sure about her availability and to go over the parent policy once again. It was kind of a relief that she took the initiative instead.
“I’m sorry about my mom,” she began timidly. “She shouldn't have come in here just to interfere. It's just that I do have a lot going on, and when I told her I wanted to work at the mall too...well, she just..."
"Chrissy, I understand," you interjected. "Really I do, you don't need to explain. I knew when I hired you that you had a lot on your plate."
"Thank you again, by the way."
"I just want to make sure that you're sure this is the right move. Do we need to look at your availability again?" you asked. "If your mom comes back to have this conversation again, I'm not going to stand for it. I need employees who are responsible for their own time."
"No I know..." she sighed. "I'll talk with her. I really do like working here."
"I like having you work here," you reassured her. "You're doing a really great job so far."
"R-really?" she smiled, eyes getting a little glossy. "Thank you. I'm trying. My mom...never seems to be happy with anything I do. If it's not what I do, it's how long it takes, and if it's not that, then it's how I look, and--" She was starting to breathe a little heavily and you sighed.
"Hey listen, I get it," you said gently. "Mom's...well, sometimes they can be the worst. They know exactly what buttons to push. And I don't want to sound insensitive because I want you to know you can talk to me any time, I'm here for you. But we are on the sales floor.
"I know your shift is almost over, if you want to take a few to go in back and settle down before you leave, you can," you encouraged her. It wasn't a busy day; you could afford to give her a few extra minutes to herself.
"You're sure?"
"Yeah, Mindy will be back from lunch in a few and I can come and grab you if I need you."
Chrissy gave you a watery smile and then headed back into the stockroom.
There were a few minutes of restocking bracelets before the shop bell rang as a new customer walked in.
"Hey! Welcome in!" You greeted brightly, mindlessly, before looking up to find Chrissy's boyfriend standing there. He smiled and nodded in greeting.
"Hey, I'm here to pick Chrissy up," he explained.
"You're a little early," you laughed, trying to be cordial despite Eddie's words about him echoing in your mind. "She's just in back finishing up. I'll let her know you're here."
"Nah, that's ok," Jason shrugged. "I wanted to talk to you really quick."
You frowned at him and narrowed your eyes.
"Boyfriends unfortunately don't qualify for the employee discount," you stated lightly, hoping that this was the only thing he had to ask. "So if you have a little sister or something--"
"No, it's about Eddie Munson," he continued. "You really need to stay away from him."
Yeah. That was exactly what you were afraid he would say.
Ugh, you were really getting tired of this.
And it wasn't just that you were sick of people meddling, it was this boy in particular who was really rubbing you the wrong way. Gossipy sales associates with jock boyfriends, useless troublesome cops, nosy housewives, and well-meaning grandmas were one thing.
But a high school boy who was still wearing a letterman jacket in July, with a too nice smile and the audacity to have a savior complex when he was the one tormenting other kids?
That was where you drew the line.
You just wondered if you were willing to lose your job because of him.
“I'm telling you this for your own good. The crowd he’s a part of…,” Jason leaned closer as though it was a secret. “They’re a bunch of wastoids, listening to that devil's music, trying to lure virgins into the woods to sacrifice. And if you want to sit with the right crowd at lunch when school starts--”
You barked a laugh at this, right in his face, and he backed away looking confused.
Ok, so this wasn't "lose your job" worthy.
You mentally pulled on both your Disappointed Older Sibling and Angry Store Manager pants to gear up for this fight.
"Ok kid, real talk," you started, clapping your hands like a coach would. "I'm not in the business of yelling at teenage boys. And as flattering as it is that you might think I'm still in high school, there is no way a teenager would be managing a store. So there's point number one. Number two, don't assume a lady's age ok? At all. In either direction. That's a life lesson I'm gonna give you for free.
"Number three, and not that this conversation isn't...just really lovely, I need to get a point across and I'm sincerely doubtful you're gonna listen to me anyway. I just need you to understand that...like, whoever is hanging out with who, or going where, or doing what, is generally none of your business. Especially your girlfriend's boss. It's really disappointing that a nice boy like you is gonna cause his girlfriend to lose her job because he can't mind his own business."
And that was the punctuation at the end of the sentence to make him look nervous and a little sweaty.
You felt a little bad saying it, because no, you weren't going to fire Chrissy because of this dumb boy. But hopefully this would be a lesson learned.
"E-e-eddie was hanging around Chrissy the other day," he stuttered, looking extremely out of his element. Never been the person who had to face consequences before; you knew the type. "I saw him in here when I came to pick her up. She said...you were his friend and he was just waiting for you."
"I'm sure he was waiting for me."
"He always had crushes on the cheerleaders," he explained. "He was sniffing around this girl Julie a few years ago and she found out he was into this satanic stuff...I figured either you or Chrissy were next..."
"Oh buddy," you sighed. "And you figured if you came in here and told me not to hang around him, I would be spared...and Chrissy would be too?"
"See? You get it."
"Except that's really not how things work in real life or at a shopping mall, kid," you said. "Everyone is allowed to go wherever they want and talk to whoever they want. And I, as one of the managers in this building, am able to assess what is a danger to myself and my employees and Eddie certainly isn't one of them. Except for his corny jokes, he is harmless.
"You on the other hand," you continued, savoring the moment Jason's eyes got a little wider. "Approached me with a very distinct and threatening energy. So unless you want me to call mall security and make sure you are no longer allowed on the premises, I will need you to...re-evaluate your tone of voice and your intention of visiting.
"So, what was your name again?"
"J-Jason Carver, ma'am."
Ew. Ma'am. Ok you weren't that old. But you could deal with it.
"Jason Carver," your tone changed immediately, back to the sickening Store Manager voice you defaulted to on a regular basis. Eddie had called it unsettling before, to hear you go from your regular tone of voice to that. Jason's eye twitched and you grinned maniacally. "It's so nice to meet you. Chrissy was telling everyone it's your anniversary coming up?"
His eyes shifted slightly, and he laughed nervously.
"Ye-yes ma'am," he agreed.
"And what are you planning to get her as a gift?" you asked. He froze again. Ok, no gift; Chrissy definitely deserved better than that. "I think a necklace would be really lovely. Not from here, I can see you looking at the jewelry wall. But there's a really nice jewelry store downstairs that has birthstone pendants and stuff. I think she would really love something from there."
"I-I think that's a great idea," he nodded vigorously.
The door to the stockroom opened and Chrissy walked out with her bag in hand, ready for you to check it.
"Ok, I'm all set to go then, thank you so much for--Jason!" Chrissy smiled when she saw her boyfriend. "I thought you were going to wait for me downstairs."
He cleared his throat and composed himself.
"Figured I would come up and surprise you," he grinned smoothly. "Met your boss, she's...really cool, just like you said."
Nice save.
Ok maybe he wasn't as stupid as you originally thought.
Chrissy waved goodbye as they left, and Jason had the right sense to keep his mouth shut.
You waited outside Tape World as the mall started to slow down and get dark. There was a little coin-operated horse right outside of the store and you leaned against it and wondered, if it was a real horse, how fast it could take you and Eddie out of this shit hole of a town, away from all of the people who said horrible things.
You had nothing to complain about though. Eddie had to deal with it for years. He did so much to protect his friends...all you wanted to do was to protect him too.
The gate opened up and Eddie ducked underneath, grinning at you once it was locked and he was upright once again. He muttered a quick goodbye to the associate who closed with him before he approached you.
"Hey, it's only Thursday," he laughed. "Did I forget we had plans? I thought you opened."
"No, I was a mid," you shrugged. "But I stayed because..."
Should you tell him? You didn't want to upset him, or have him pull away from you, like he always did whenever talk of his reputation around town was mentioned. You wanted your silly, carefree, wonderful best friend not to have to suffer because of narrow minded people anymore.
"Beeeccaauuuuseee." He hums for a moment. "Because you knew that I was planning a Little Debbie taste test for Sunday and that all of the snacks were in the van right now?"
"What?" you laughed. "Oh my God."
"You said you were more of a Hostess person. I am trying to change your allegiance to the Dark Side of the Force." He stood taller, theatrically trying to mimic Darth Vader. "What better way than with a joint or two and a shit ton of snack cakes at the lake."
"What? Don't tell me you have never smoked before," he said in mock offense. "What rock have you been living under? I'm going to have to call your parents, young lady. They did too good a job raising you."
You stared at him for a minute as he laughed and you couldn't help yourself; you quickly closed the distance between the two of you and wrapped your arms around his waist. He went stiff for a second before placing one of his arms around your shoulders and his other hand on the back of your head.
"What's wrong?" he asked quietly. "I mean, I know I did good with the Little Debbie, but you don't have to smoke if you don't want to. I was just kidding."
"No, it's not..." you sighed.
Hugging Eddie was nothing like hugging a girl friend--all squeezes and giggles over something silly and stupid--or hugging a relative--stiff and a little cold, your family not really ones for outward affection to begin with. He was just the right hug shape, his arms at the right height, the right length to wrap around you. His cheek at the right height to rest on the top of your head if he really wanted to (which you really hoped he did). His stupid waist that was perfect for you to wrap your arms around and soft enough that you could squeeze a little bit and he would actually give instead of just stiff and there.
An Eddie Hug was a perfect hug.
And hopefully your hug was perfect for him too, so that it wouldn't hurt him or scare him away as you told him...
"You remember last week?" you began. "You said Jason Carver is the biggest bitch I'd ever meet?"
"Y-yeah," he replied hesitantly, getting a little stiff in your arms, but he did nothing to pull away from you.
"Well, I met him and he is," you continued.
"What did he do?" Eddie asked, irritation evident in his voice. "If...if he did something, said something to you, I swear to God I--"
"I handled it," you cut him off. "He tried to scare me away from you. He said...well, it doesn't matter does it?"
"I'm sure it's what everyone says about me."
"And I told him he could get fucked," you said.
"What?!" Eddie finally pushed you away from him, hands gripping your arms tightly, as he laughed. "No you didn't."
"No I didn't," you shook your head. "But I might as well have. I think I scared him."
"Did you do the creepy voice?" he asked.
"Yeah," you giggled.
"I fucking hate that," he shivered.
"One day, Eddie Munson, you will answer the phone with a 'y'ello' and you will forever be turned to the Dark Side too," you mimicked his Darth Vader impression. "Just you wait and see."
"Never, I would sooner die!" He threw an arm across his eyes dramatically and turned away from you. After a moment had passed, he stood up straight again, hands fidgeting at his sides. "So, uh, are we cool?"
"Why wouldn't we be?"
"Because everyone tells you to stay away from me," he shrugged. "That I'm no good. That I'm a freak. I've been hearing it all my life. But I don't think I could stand it if I heard it from you too."
"Eddie," you started, worrying at your lip for a second. "I know how soul crushing it is to constantly have to hear how bad you are, how you're never gonna live up to whatever expectations others have of you. But listen to me, and listen good: you are absolutely wonderful.
"A wonderful neighbor, a wonderful coworker, a wonderful friend. Who cares what other people think about you; who cares, even...what I think about you?"
"I care," he shrugged.
"But it doesn't matter how many people tell me that you're bad, I'm never gonna think that about you ok? You're so many things but you're also just...good. Ok?"
"Ok," he nodded, eyes getting progressively more watery by the second.
"And don't you start with the self-deprecating shit around me anymore either," you weakly swatted at his shoulder and his torso, and he laughed. "I can't take it. Only one of us can be a miserable piece of shit, and I'm older, so I have dibs."
"You're not a miserable piece of shit," he chuckled. "You're wonderful too."
"No more of this...sad sackery then? From either of us?" you asked and held out a pinky to him. "You can't break a pinky swear."
Eddie wrapped his pinky around yours tightly.
"No more. Upon punishment of death."
Next Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.04
Tag List (can I call you guys the Sales Associates? OMG, that's what it's gonna be): @gaysludge @storiesbyrhi @tayhar811 @spookybabey @word-wytchh @maidenofartemis @dreamlandcreations @wickedbelle
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! I'm sure I missed some tag requests, but I have been out of town with shoddy internet access so blame that, not me.
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