#old man on old man violence
flambo19 · 7 months
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Archon Slumber Party
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plaguedocboi · 1 year
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Sadly the poll already ended but this is an intriguing question. Are they allowed to have weapons, or are we talking two insane 60-year old men fistfighting?
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disabledstraydogs · 2 months
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Bram and Fyodor are both wheelchair users
"I have this image in my mind of them sat next to eachother in their respective wheelchairs and thinking 'why aren't you dead yet?' while thinking of every way they could break the others wheelchair in vengence."
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Image ID: A transparent manga version of Bran infront of the wheelchair user flag by fantasy-store
The second image is of a manga Fyodor transparent infront of the same flag
The divider is the same flag but turned into a gradient
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schumigrace · 8 months
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fernando alonso | 2nd place | China 2007 | podium no.48
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ask-prismaknight · 1 year
Galacta knight proceeds to appear from a portal and beat the ever living hell out of sidia
Not galacta coming and beating up a senior citizen 😔
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oh emet-selch did nnnnNOT just passive-aggressively tell the exarch to try taking a nap
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lousolversons · 1 month
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE AMC S02E01 - What Can the Damned Really Say to the Damned
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thankstothe · 2 months
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warlenys · 3 months
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the tilted camera to get them both in frame
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...So that shot of his new bite super, huh?
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wherethelightrots · 3 months
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Psmd doodles in honor of me reaching the epilogue
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one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
I was in a library and there was a 90-something year old man very clearly out of it, so I went to him and asked him if I could help. He said he was fine, but I didn't really believe him so I stayed nearby. Suddenly, two more 90-something year olds appeared and started threatening me, then they stabbed the first man, after which they went on to float towards me while T-Posing to, presumably, stab me too. It was quite unpleasant.
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purplecatghostposts · 6 months
Bubby is the type of guy to go to an amusement park and see the biggest ride there and make a whole show of, “CLEARLY it’s the only ride worth going on!” But then the second he’s on the ride and actually approaching the first big drop, he very abruptly remembers ‘oh fuck im afraid of heights’
Naturally he’s screaming his head off the whole ride and Dr. Coomer wins him several carnival toys in order to make him feel better afterwards. Which is fine by him because Coomer is there to WIN regardless so this is just a plus, and maybe they go on a spinning teacup ride later if he’s feeling up for it.
And this happens every time they go to an amusement park. He never learns.
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ask-zerotrio · 7 months
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grief that runs deep
Clavell talks to Cyrano, after an AU where Clavell is the one who confronts the PPP possessed AI professors.
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Vincent Price as Paul Toombes
Madhouse (1974)
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sugar-grigri · 8 months
If Fumiko is monstrous then Fujimoto should start presenting her as such
Fumiko is written to remind us that Denji is a child, and I repeat, she is the symbol of a child's sexual trauma in all its horror and "paradoxes".
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Touching Denji without his consent, catching an adolescent who hasn't yet discovered himself off guard, is the most obvious way of proving the link between the theme of sexual assault and Fumiko, but it doesn't stop there.
The fact that Denji accepts only proves this point: it shows just how much he's someone who needs boundaries and protection. He passively listens to what he's told without question simply because Fumiko has the upper hand.
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She has one, but spends her time pretending she doesn't, in particular by disguising her age like a predator, calling him "senpai" when she's 22, and playing up her protective role as a "bodyguard" when she's only there to stop Denji thinking for himself
As can be seen in the dialogue between Miri and Denji, she positions herself as an interlocutor, standing in Denji's shadow, influencing his decisions and distracting the boy from the substance of Miri's message.
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But she's a complete paradox, still trying to make Denji believe she's protecting him, she refers to Chainsaw Man as a "child", which rather than demonstrating a good intention shows that she's well aware of what Denji is and that she's abusing him head-on.
Who protects a child by attacking him?
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Once again, I insist, these are two pages from the same chapter. Dare you tell me that Fumiko doesn't present any contradictions?
Above all, she makes it seem as if she only wants what's best for Denji, even when he hasn't responded to her pleas for help. Once again, there's a paradox: the predator blames her victim for not having seen her own vulnerability, whereas she’s only abusing those of her victim.
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Fumiko is a metaphor for the very dangerousness of sexual assault, gentle on the surface but insidious, its violence only made clear and felt after the event, rising like a tide.
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When Yoshida convinces Denji to give up his normal life, he leaves him in the hands of Fumiko, a public hunter, who symbolises the extent to which, despite the monster in front of them, danger also exists among men, and that the milieu of public hunters is a harmful world for a child.
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I think the reason Fujimoto doesn't immediately place Fumiko in a position of condemnation is to instil a feeling of frustration and powerlessness at seeing Denji unprotected, to make it clear that "he's missing something", a parental figure.
But I think that for the writing to be complete, the author has to take a clear stance on the subject, in his own way of course, but explicitly
Seeing Fumiko next to Denji makes me anxious, it's such a common form of violence that it pulls me out of my reading.
Fumiko is a monster, so I pray that Fujimoto will have fun explicitly detailing her dark side and her horror.
If he doesn't, then she'll remain an unfinished and confusing chimera, the result of lazy writing and a fear of commitment.
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