#om creative
nocreativityfornames · 7 months
Solomon: As a human--
Lucifer: *scoffs* Human?
Mammon: I don't think you count as a human anymore, dude.
MC: Stop!
Satan: Huh?
MC: Stop saying Sol isn't human. 😑
Asmo: Hun, come on. He's an incredibly powerful sorcerer who's immortal and has 72 demons under his control--
MC: My ancestor was a fallen angel.
Belphie: How does that--
MC: When I went to the Celestial Realm in the past you guys couldn't tell that I wasn't an angel. And when I went back in time in the Devildom you idiots didn't even consider the fact that I could've not been a demon.
Levi: Uh--
MC: Whenever we get in some sort of trouble and end up cursed or hit a weird spell it rarely ever affects me even though the magic works on everyone else: demon, human, or angel.
Mammon: Okay, that's a good point but--
MC: When I first got here Lou put a spell in the attic so a human wouldn't be able to see Belphie even if they got up there. I went to the attic and I was still able to see him.
Everyone: ...
MC: 😑
MC: If you wanna dismiss Solomon's humanity because he's "unusual" compared to the average human, you'll have to dismiss mine too.
Beel: I think MC is right here...
MC: Thank you, BB.
MC: Now c'mon Old Magic Man, let's go. *grabs Sol and leaves*
Everyone: ...
Satan: ...MC has become rather protective over Solomon ever since they came back, huh?
Lucifer: Yes, they have...
Mammon: I don't like that.
Asmo: Well, I think it's sweet.
Levi: Guys, I think we're focusing on the wrong thing here--
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kierancaz · 1 year
I need more juicy juicy angst of the twisted wonderland and obey me mc’s that has nothing to do with romantic relationships between them and other characters or them dying.
Give me Yuu breaking down from all the stress they’re under between school work, Crowley’s never ending tasks, overblots, and the fact that Grim is failing which means they’re also failing because they’re counted as one student.
Give me Mc having traumatic flashbacks to their literal death and occasionally not feeling like they can be around Belphie because the trauma is so ingrained in them even after being brought back and spending years with him.
Give me a Yuu overblot that is actually the most horrific thing to witness because the blot doesn’t come from a magic pen like it did for everyone else. Instead it bleeds through their shirt from where their heart is, leaks from their nose and eyes and mouth, they choke on it and it and pools around their feet. There’s no actual transformation like the others had but instead it just looks like they’re melting into tar from the inside out.
Give me nightbringer!mc having the most horrific panic attack when Belphie starts walking towards them after finding out that they’re human. Immediately their throat starts to close up, their vision becomes blurry and they can’t even hear the words that are being said around them or to them because all they can think of is the feeling of their bones being crushed, if being tossed down the stairs, of Belphie crushing their windpipe with the most vile look in his eyes that, even after they’ve forgiven him they’ll never truly be able to forget. They collapse to the ground, choking on their own tears as they curl up with their hands over their head and their forehead bent down to touch the ground whispering an almost incoherent stream of “not again, not again, not again”. Clarity and a bit of calm only coming after Solomon makes his presence known to them. Because even with all the other demons in the room, even the ones who hadn’t ever attacked them, they didn’t feel safe with anyone but Solomon in that moment.
Idk I just don’t think these things are touched on enough 🤷🏼‍♀️
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1-siracha · 11 months
me when I don’t see any gay best friend asmodeus and lesbian best friend mc fanfics where they just hang out and asmo cheers on mc as she talks abt her love for thirteen:
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shodoshima-camera · 8 months
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OM SYSTEM PLAZA Creative Wallでの、小豆島カメラ10周年の写真展(2024年1月4日〜15日)を終えて、振り返りとイベントのレポートを、OM SYSTEMのnote「わたしのまちとカメラ」にて公開中です。どうぞご一読ください。
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Om Mani Padme Hum
O ut stretched arms of empathy M ay this embrace be fruitful
M olding minds into precious A ltruistic conduits N ear-perfect jewels gleaming I ridescence
P ink lotus with your eightfold bloom A waken sleeping wisdom D ivine and enlighten M e to the truth in E mptiness
H armonizing minds into U nifying M elodies
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intolerable-sushi · 5 months
this is apply for the prompts of single mom beta and pregnant beta with an alpha and a omega
Betas not have the instict or needy of nesting than omegas and when they are pregnant say they not need it despite how tired and aching is pregnancy for them
So once their omegas enter in the protective mode they make little nests as a surprise for they respectives betas
I think instead of outright nesting betas would want to find a hiding space to feel safe. If the abuse of betas has been happening for 100s of years than betas would gain the instinct/trauma to hide away during their pregnancies.
So while the omegas are trying to get the betas to nest in the nest they made for them, the omegas are also trying to combat the beta's instinct to hide in the closet or in the car. They would probably compromise by buying some kind of tent or curtain to put over the bed so the beta feels safer and can be in the nest where the omega can take care of her.
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resuri-art · 2 years
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Bakura hates Ryou's clothes but since he's not the one paying he has no say on the matter.
Also Ryou knows all about Bakura's not so secret dates with Marik.
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the more i find out about AI, the more im scared to fully turn to digital art as a career
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sleepyone2three · 2 years
I've been thinking a lot lately about MC coming out as asexual to Asmo. How would he react/handle this? Personally, I want to believe he'd be respectful about it but I also think he'd be really disappointed on some level (especially if MC was also sex repulsed) over that aspect of a relationship not being important and/or existent them.
I just picture Asmo bringing MC to his room for a sleepover and trying to take things to the next level. MC stops him and sort of mumbles they aren't interested in anything like that right now. Asmo giggles and tells them that he can help with that issue, only for MC to respond with silence as they look away. Asmo, clearly noticing that something is wrong, backs off and asks MC what's on their mind. MC is quite, trying to decide how best to tell him.
In my mind, the only person MC has come out to at this point is Simeon since they knew he wouldn't make fun of them or not take them seriously. And they'd really only confided in him about it because they weren't sure how to handle the brothers constantly bickering over them/clearly wanting to take things further at some point. So they went and talked to someone who'd known the brothers for a long time and hopefully wouldn't laugh at their predicament. It hadn't yielded much in the way of results, but at least MC knew they had someone who'd support them no matter what.
After enough time of MCs quiet contemplation, I think Asmo would begin to pout and whine that he thinks MC doesn't love/trust him enough to be open with him. It'd be sniffles, fake tears, and guilting until MC figures out something that's either believable enough to convince Asmo or shocking enough to shut him up. So they tell him the truth.
At this point, I see Asmo blinking and saying something like, "MC, darling, I don't think I heard you correctly. I must need to clean my ears out because there's no way you said you aren't turned on by me!"
"I didn't... I said I'm not sexually attracted to other people..."
"Soooo... you'd rather be with my demon form then? Why didn't you say so! That's an easy fi-!"
"N-no! That's not what I meant!"
"Oh? Then what can I do to help put you in the mood? I know lots of tricks I bet you've never even heard of~"
"You're not listening to me... forget it, I knew this was a bad idea."
MC then turns away and moves to gather their things. Asmo looks at MC, confused to what he did that could've upset them; he's only trying to help after all. He tries to stop them from leaving and asks them what bad idea they're talking about. Is it that they really don't like him anymore? Or is he just being too pushy? He'll slow down if that's what MC really wants, he only wanted to make them feel as amazing as they make him feel. And the best way, in his mind, is to use the skills he's acquired over the years.
MC looks back at him, clearly holding back tears at this point and says point blank that they're asexual. This then turns into them quietly admitting that they hadn't wanted to tell him because they're worried he won't like them if he knows. That he would toss them aside and move on when he inevitably found out they wouldn't be good for that aspect of his life. That all the brothers would think they're weird or childish. Every sexual activeness based insecurity finally begins tumbling from within and, by the end of the confession, MC is an absolute mess.
I think it would take a few moments for Asmo to process what's being said, but seeing MC so distraught throws a lot of his confusion out the window. He quickly wraps his arms around them and does his best to comfort. He tells them he'd never toss them aside and that he loves them for how wonderful of a person they are. That his brothers would never belittle or abandon them over something like this.
Asmo would more than likely be fairly gloomy about the discovery at first, maybe moping around or making off hand comments about it being a waste/unfair twist of fate. He doesn't actually mean anything by it, he's just not sure how else to process his feelings outside of being a drama queen. MC would have to let him know if the comments/behavior hurt them, because it won't stop for a good while otherwise.
All the other brothers find out pretty quickly as well, seeing as Asmo would probably brag about having a intimate heart-to-heart with MC as well as his moping. Either way, it might be best to just rip the band-aid off and let all of them know over breakfast. Asmo probably gives a pep talk before hand and encourages the choice, as if he wasn't the one to suggest a dramatic breakfast reveal in the first place. I think most of them would be pretty chill about it once the surprise wore off.
Levi might joke that there's finally someone more awkward than him and compare it to some anime or game he's recently binged/played, but he's just happy that his Henry feels comfortable enough to be honest. Satan's probably read something that covers sexualities so he takes it up on himself to help educate his brothers (except Lucifer because Lucifer) on the proper terminology. I honestly get strong ace vibes from Beel and somewhat from Belphie as well, so the brothers might already be on the same page as is. Mammon is going to obnoxiously tsundere about it, seeming disappointed and then blushing furiously before denying that he even cares about it in the first place. They all love MC regardless, so everything pretty much stays the same except they tone down their physical advances. It's up to MC to set new boundaries/their comfort level, the brothers will all respect them to varying degrees and Lucifer will dole out punishments if he catches any of them making MC uncomfortable.
I think Asmo and MC would eventually come out of this with a stronger relationship from all of this but that Asmo would have a hard time remembering to not get too handsy. He'd still demand cuddles if MC is okay with it, but the two of them, if in a romantic relationship, would have to have some serious conversations regarding this new development. I don't see Asmo as ever being able to go fully celibate and he might try occasionally suggesting the two of them at least try it. But I also think he'd back off if MC was made uncomfortable by this.
If MC is truly sex repulsed, I think there would be room for discussion of an open relationship on Asmo's end for the physical aspect of it. I don't see demons as commonly big on monogamy in general, so I think it would be up to MC at that point with what they're comfortable with. If MC is okay with it, Asmo will be thrilled but also honest that anything outside of their relationship is purely physical; after all, he couldn't ever love anyone like he loves MC.
If the idea of Asmo being with someone else truly hurt MC, I don't think he'd be as keen to satisfy his own sexual appetite with somebody else. I do think the latter would result in him having an even harder time keeping his hands from wandering though and a fair amount of pent up sexual frustration on his end. Asmo is Asmo after all and I don't think toys would be enough to satisfy him at the end of the day. He's needy af and that's not changing anytime soon. If anything, Solomon might be accompanying the two of them to breakfast more often depending on the arrangement.
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0erpro · 1 year
Just a Lil Fruity
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Wallace is so fruity, you have no idea!
Sketch below!
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nocreativityfornames · 7 months
I like the idea that demons and angels don't need water to survive and most of the cast was deeply confused by MC drinking it so often because "it didn't taste good" and they couldn't wrap their heads around why MC was so "obsessed" with it.
And then they found out that water is crucial for a human's health and humans DIE if they go for a few days without it and suddenly a whole new fridge was installed in the kitchen filled with just water bottles, MC started getting "h2o deliveries" completely unprompted throughout the day, texts from all of them reminding them to hydrate, etc
"MC, here's your water."
“Oi, have you had yer life juice yet?”
"Remember to hydrate."
"I still can't believe you humans depend on this to survive. How stupid is that?"
"MC, do you need some water?"
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haresvoid · 11 months
💋 smooches one (1) tentacle
❛[ SEND 💋 TO KISS MY MUSE ≻ old prompt but accepting!
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'HANDS UPON THE SENSITIVE LIMB WAS ENOUGH TO HAVE MUSCLES CONTRACT. Careful eyes and psionic feelers try to detect reasoning // FINDING NOTHING OF ALARM (BUT WHAT WAS THE CAUSE COULD NOT BE DECIPHERED WITHOUT DIGGING FURTHER THAN INTENDED). Omeluum resisted the creeping desire in the wake of its curiosity, letting the vampire explain by word or action. It let the body part be moved without resistance-- - A CURIOUS MIND DESIRING TO LEARN THE CAUSATION // AND WHATEVER RESULTS WERE SOUGHT. Mouth brushed close to nerve ends caused the tissue to ripple underneath rubbery skin-- - a more direct placement a noise to leave the creature (A RARE INSTANCE OF VOCALIZATION FOR THAT WHICH USED TELEPATHY). Something scratchy and inhuman-- - the illithid expected to feel the sting of teeth and the breaching of blood // KNOWING WHAT THE OTHER WAS. When seconds surmounted upon each other with no change, it broke silence with a quiet mindvoice. “&– - If you intend to feed, you have permission-- - I understand the need of hungers others do not.” Displaying its conclusions OPENLY // WILLINGLY (FOR WHAT ELSE WOULD BE REASON?). // @laceratiio
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abogwitchnamedsage · 2 years
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sapphyreopal5 · 2 years
Hinduism themed piggy bank
A Hinduism themed piggy bank I made for myself (name is Ellie in Sanskrit influenced writing)
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jonbinary-archive · 2 years
ouuugh am doing some proper worldbuilding havent done that shit since i was like 16. building a little galaxy in . my brain :}
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dalkyeom · 2 years
Class starting and all I can think about is Joshua Hong in the white prince outfit from their BeTS Japan tour
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