#one day hopefully i will think of something
When I Say Run 1
Warnings: dark elements, such as chasing and kidnapping.
Note: I do appreciate all your feedback if you read this. I will hopefully have the next few part done soon. I don't intend this to be very much more than three or so parts.
Inspired by @navybrat817's Monday Thot
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You've seen the man before. Often the market is overcrowded enough that you rarely see the same face twice, but you recognize him at once. His deep blue eyes are hard to forget along with the grim shadow cast over his unaltered and unamused expression. You know him because he always seems to know you. 
More than once, you caught him watching you. At first, you convinced yourself he was looking past you, or through you, as it felt. But he doesn't look away that day, you do. 
You move to the next stall to examine some figs. You realise why you really noticed him. He doesn't belong. What it seems, by his fraying ball cap and canvas jacket, is that he is hiding from someone. 
The more you think about him, the more uneasy you are. How is it that you see him every time you come to the market? You come early and he is there, late and he is there. The coincidence feels too canny to be believed. 
Still, you aren’t convinced it is more than that. You get carried away and make up ridiculous hypotheticals in your mind. There are many who come to the market every weekend. You probably run into a dozen people over and over and never even realise it. Why then, does he stick out in your mind? 
You grab a carton of cherries and a couple of peaches. You pay and take your change, brushing against someone as you pull your hand back. You feel something fall on your foot and kneel down to help gather the dropped plums. The man’s gloved fingers touch the bruises on the skin and you hold back a gasp as you look him in the face. 
“Sorry,” you utter as you hand him a dark plum, “I didn’t see you there.” 
You stand as he takes the fruit and slip your own into your cloth bag. You sling it over your shoulder as he assures you it's fine but you don’t wait for a conversation. You hadn’t even noticed him get that close. Before, he was well across the plaza with a horde between you. That he moved that fast, so seamlessly is eerie. 
You enter a tent a few stalls down and pretend to admire the patterned china of a teapot. There is a putrid taste in your mouth, the rotten flavour of paranoia on your dry tongue. You check the tag on the pot and leave without purchase. 
You look around as you emerge back into the late morning sun, the heat of the crowd adding to the sheen of sweat over your brow. You clear your throat as you don’t see the man and keep your head down as you resign yourself to your light haul. You will feel better once you got home. 
You weave through the swarm to the edge of the market and dip down the side street as the hum of voices fades behind you. Your apartment is a few blocks down, nestled above a bookstore cafe. It's s humble and affordable, but you can’t complain. 
You pull out your change purse as you near the shop but as you reach the front door, it swings open before you can reach for it. It’s him. Again. The leather gloves, the vibrant irises, the dark shanks of hair that frame his squared jaw. He is striking in more ways than one. 
You thank him as he holds the door and enter the small shop. You’re nervous. You can get your coffee and wait him out. You don’t want to lead him back to your apartment just above. Or you could lead him on a chase through the city until you lose him and circle back. Your mind races as you try to convince yourself you’re overreacting but you just can’t. 
You order your cinnamon blend but the man once more curtails you. He hold a bill out to the cashier and grits for her to keep the change. 
“Sir, you don’t have to--” 
“I’d like to buy you a coffee,” he insists as he waves the bill at the cashier, “want something sweet to go with it?” 
His accent is subtle. He doesn’t speak your language naturally but he does it well. You shake your head and step away from the till. He follows you to the corner where you await your order. 
“You can have the coffee,” you say, “I’m not interested.” 
“Why not?” he asks. His bluntness makes you squirm. 
“I have a boyfriend,” you lie as you rub your neck, “here--” 
You unclasped your coin purse and he stops you, squeezing your hand until the clasp clicks shut. “No, you don’t,” he says, “it’s my treat.” 
“I don’t want it,” you recoil from him and repeat, “I’m not interested.” 
You make to brush by him and he catches your arm, “why not?” 
“Because,” you jerk away from him, “why are you following me?” 
“Following you?” he scoffs, “you feel special, don’t you?” 
“No, I told you, I have a boyfriend.” 
“You know, when you lie,” he says, “I can see it…” he hovers his finger along your throat, “right there. Your pulse picks up.” 
You push his hand away and sidle past him. You’re shaking as you hurry to the door and look back. He watches you but stays where he is. Your order is called and he turns to grab it. You leave under the chime of the door and peer up and down the street. 
You go to the left, heading for the market to hide among the sea of people. It will give you time to figure out what to do next. The station is on the other side of the plaza, you could probably get there without much trouble. That will scare him away. 
Your footsteps echo around you like a movie scene. You grip your bag on your shoulder and stop short as a figure appears from the alleyway. You can hear the market just ahead of you, just one corner away. 
“You forgot your coffee,” the man says as he blocks your path, “don’t you know that it’s rude to refuse a gift?” 
You swallow and back away, speechless. You glanc around. How did he move so fast? You spin on your heel and walk in the other direction. You listen for him behind you but when you dare to peek over your shoulder, he is gone. 
You quiver and hook around the next corner, hoping to loop to the west entrance of the market. He’s there too. He tilts his head as he grins and tosses the coffee so it spills down the brick wall. You retreat away from the splash and blink at him dumbly. The street is mostly empty but you hear someone else. 
You spin back and fight not to break into a sprint. That time, you don’t look back. You head back along the same way you came but turn down another street before you get to the alley. A metal rattle sounds from overhead as a blur drops down in front you from the rickety fire escape above. The man fixes his hat and chuckles. 
“I think you should start running,” he taunts. 
You nearly trip over your heels as you rear back. Fear bubbles in your chest and you fall into a run, spurred by his ominous timbre. The bag bounces against your side as you squeeze your change purse in your other hand, feet hitting the old brick road heavy and hard. You stumble as you glance back but find no pursuit. 
You slow as your chest burns and stop to catch your breath. It take a moment to get your bearings. You bend over and gulp. You straighten up and face the street behind you, searching for the man in the grey jacket. There is only a couple holding hands and a group of young boys giggling as they kick around a beaten football. 
You look up along the rooves of the buildings and the balconies. You don’t see anything. You shake your head and puff. Fucking creep. Probably just wanted to scare you. 
You don’t go back to your apartment right away. You’re too agitated for that. You can’t help but look around every few steps and peek down every alley and street before you pass. It’s a good forty minutes before you realise you're lost. You never come to this part of town. 
You swear under your breath and cringe. You should have gone to the precinct like you planned. You were so panicked you didn’t think. You were more focused on getting away than getting safe. 
You drop your change purse into your jumbled bag of cherries and peaches. You reach into your pocket and your heart drops. You search both pockets. Your phone must have fallen out when you were running. 
You resign yourself to a listless trail back home through the urban maze. You could figure it out, there has to be a map around here somewhere. You are sure you just passed one a moment ago.  
You start down the street and mourn the loss of your phone. That would take a while to replace with your lousy wages. Fuck. Why didn’t you buy the warranty? 
The roar of a motorcycle cuts through the din of the city streets and echoes all around you. You ignore it and follow the sidewalk as you squint at the street signs above. You try to find something familiar, something to find your way. 
Suddenly you're taken off your feet, a crushing grip knots the back of your shirt as you're hurtled forward. You scream as the brickwork hazes beneath you and suddenly the engine revs and you’re turned sharply with its motion. You float just above the ground, dangling from your shirt. 
You looked up in confusion, the strength of the man holding you with one arm sends ice through your veins. The twinkling eyes, the angle of his jaw, and the slight curve of his lips makes you wince. He thrusts you closer and bends you over the front of the motorcycle so that you're trapped between him and the tank. 
“Better tuck those feet in,” he warns as you're folded over the metal on your stomach, “I told you to run.” 
He veers suddenly and the momentum pushes you against him as you clung to the bike, wind whipping your face as it hovers before the dingy pipes of the bike. It feels as if you’ll fly off at any second. You reach to grasp onto the man's jacket as you clench every muscle of your body to keep from slipping. 
The engine rips through the air as your head spins. You have a choice; fall off and die or hang on and live. 
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rin-may-1103 · 1 day
The Wrong Robin Au (part five)
Previous | Next | Master Post
Danny sat back with a wince, watching as Bruce and his butler (The man introduced himself as Alfred) collected themselves. Jason's book was now sitting on a shelf, displayed for everyone to see. Bruce's desk was moved back into place, and the chairs were repositioned. There wasn't any evidence of what had just occurred.
"would you like me to get you a rag, young sir?" Alfred asked, turning to glance at Danny with a raised brow.
Danny lifted his hand and gently touched his nose, hissing when it stung and throbbed. Pulling his hand back, Danny found his fingers covered in blood.
Well, that was going to be hard to explain later...
"yeah, thanks." Danny finally agreed, moving his hand back to hopefully keep more of his blood from staining his hoodie. His ectoplasm was just begging him to heal it, but he held back, watching as Bruce turned to face him.
The man was no longer crying his little emo furry heart out or blinded with rage. Instead, he was standing still with a calculative gleam in his eyes. Danny just knew the man was going to do a background check as soon as Danny left. (Or when Danny wasn't paying attention, he was Batman after all. Who knows what he was going to do?)
It's a good thing there was nothing that connected him with Phantom. Besides the drop in grades and convenient absences, but that can be excused by the trauma of his accident and all the ghost fights. Otherwise, Danny would be screwed.
No one besides Jazz and Wes has been able to figure it out, and he'd like to keep it that way, thank you very much. He's retired now, or well, was retired. He might be getting back into the crime-fighting part again, but he was going to do everything in his power to keep from getting pulled back into ghost-fighting and dealing with the occult every day.
He could handle following Batman around at night and punching a few goons here and there, but the ghost fights? The world ending catastrophes? The annoying cult summoning? He didn't think he could handle it again. And sure, if there was no other option he would go out and protect the world. (It would be very shitty of him not to if he could do something when no one else could. He lived here too, you know.)
But that's not his job anymore. No, that's what the Justice League is for. (was for... He had forgiven them for not being there for him when it mattered. They were here now. So it was fine. No, it wasn't) They're the ones who are protecting Earth now. They're the ones who have to drop everything and help save the world. Not him. Not anymore.
Maybe he could think of this as a really shitty vacation? Then once he's sure Batman is stable and that Tim won't do something stupid, Danny could go back to Amity and figure out what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. Maybe he could even go to college?
"Why are you here?" Bruce asked, his calculated eyes still boring into Danny's head. Danny, having gotten used to ghosts popping up and speaking to him at all hours of the day, didn't flinch as he glanced back up at Bruce.
"To keep you from killing yourself, seriously dude. Did you not hear when I told you earlier?" Danny spat, pointedly wiping the blood off his chin.
Bruce barely even moved, but Danny could tell he had winced. Sensing people's emotions was going to become one of the more useful powers he had, wasn't it?
How long was his nose going to bleed, again? Didn't broken noses stop bleeding after a few minutes?
His core flared in annoyance, finally making him remember a very important fact.
He was half dead. As in his body doesn't heal or change without the influence of his ectoplasm. This means he's going to keep bleeding until he either doesn't have any blood to bleed or he lets his ectoplasm heal it.
That's not going to make Bruce suspicious at all. Nope. Definitely not.
Focusing on his nose, Danny let his ectoplasm rush to the area and start healing it, but held it back before it could do more than stop the bleeding.
Alfred entered the room not even a second later, "here you go, young sir. Just hold it there for a minute while I prepare my med kit."
Danny grabbed the rag handed to him and pressed it to his nose, ignoring the sharp pain. He watched as Alfred placed his med kit on the side table and started digging through it. After a few minutes, Alfred leaned back and pulled on some gloves.
"let me have a look," he demanded, turning to kneel in front of Danny. Danny sighed, removed the rag, and leaned forward to let Alfred get a closer look. The man clicked his tongue, but gently grabbed his face and studied the injury.
Bruce shuffled awkwardly in the background, looking like a child waiting to get scolded. Good. He was a grown-ass man for crying out loud, he should get scolded for breaking Danny's nose.
"Alright, this will hurt," Alfred said, moving his hands to gently rest next to Danny's nose. Danny, having dealt with many broken noses before, looked away from the older man and stared Bruce dead in the eyes.
With sure but quick movements, Alfred straightened his nose with a loud crunch. Bruce's eyes narrowed as Danny bit his tongue, keeping any other sign of pain to himself.
"There," Alfred sighed, "it was a clean break, so you'll only have to keep some gause on it until you go to the doctor. Master Bruce?"
Bruce grunted, before finally looking over to his butler. "I'm fine, Alfred."
"good," Alfred nodded, "then I shall put on some tea. In the meantime, I recommend you two have a civil conversation."
Danny leaned back, taking the wet rag Alfred handed to him, and cleaned his face. Now that his nose looked normal, Danny allowed his ectoplasm to start healing it. He didn't plan on seeing Bruce again anytime soon, so any bruises or swelling he should have, won't matter.
Alfred finished placing his medical supplies away and held his hand out for the rags, once Danny gave them to him, the man swiftly left the room. bruce will probably want to test his blood later now that Danny thinks about it. Well, that's definitely something Batman would do, Danny thinks.
Oh well, it's not like his blood would reveal anything. It's literally just his human blood. Now if he was bleeding as Phantom? This would be a whole other problem.
"Who are you and how do you know who I am?" Bruce grunts, stepping closer to Danny in an attempt to be intimidating. And it would have been if Danny hadn't just watched the man breakdown ugly crying not even thirty minutes ago.
Rolling his eyes, Danny leaned back in his chair and huffed, "I told you this already. My name's Danny. I'm here to keep you from killing yourself. And it's pretty obvious who you are if you just think about it." Because it was obvious. Once Tim pointed it out to him, that is.
He wasn't about to just tell Batman that though, Tim didn't deserve to have the man breathing down his neck just for being smart enough to figure it out.
Before Bruce could respond, Danny's phone rang once, twice, then stopped. Glancing at the clock, Danny found it was only six. This meant, it was either Sam texting him to figure out where he was (which wasn't likely, since he usually disappeared in the mornings) or it was Tim.
Grabbing his phone, Danny unlocked it and was met with a message from Tim.
TIM: thanks for listening to me.
Before Danny could send a response, another text came through.
TIM: when did you want to meet up and discuss a plan? DANNY: tomorrow, after you get some sleep. TIM: I did! I took a nap! DANNY: not a long one. TIM: I'm not tired though! DANNY: Then pretend to sleep or something, I don't care. Could you just make sure you sleep before I text you tomorrow? please, kid? TIM: whatever. you're not even that much older than me, you know that right? Danny: sure kid.
"Who is that?" Bruce suddenly asks, making Danny glance up at him.
Shit, uh... "The kid I'm babysitting later."
You know what? That works. And it's technically true.
Bruce just hummed, allowing Danny to turn back to his phone.
TIM: I'm thirteen! DANNY: Yeah? Well, I'm seventeen, almost eighteen. Anyone under the age of fifteen is a literal baby. which makes you? that's right. a child. and what do children need? Sleep. They need sleep, Tim. TIM: I'm not a child! and if you've forgotten; I still have all the evidence proving that you're Robin. I'm petty enough to release it. DANNY: Go ahead. If it'll make you sleep at night.
Tim left him on read after not responding for a few minutes. Bruce had wandered over to his desk to work on something, probably Danny's background check.
Sighing, Danny sent a text to Sam letting her know he'd be busy for the rest of the morning and to let Tucker know. Once that was done, he shoved his phone into his pocket and stood up. Bruce glanced at him for a moment before going back to what he was going, leaving Danny to look around the office.
Pictures were hanging on the wall, books covering the shelves, and random objects covering everything else. Basically, Bruce's office was filled with all sorts of things. Things that could give Danny an idea of who Bruce was as a person. Something he was going to need to know if he planned to stick around and help him. which he was. because he'd promised Tim that he would.
Reaching out, Danny picked up one of the photos and examined it. It was Bruce, Alfred, and some boy Danny didn't recognize, though they looked eerily like him. They could even pass as his clone if you squinted.
"Hey, Bruce," Danny started, "Who's this?"
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imaginespazzi · 2 days
I have a head canon where Paige has a realization during the overtime video with Jaden Owens that she wants to be with azzi forever and she’s ready for more commitment. Right when the video cuts off Jaden says “it’s like your sharing your life with your best friend”
Can you write a one shot where Paige has this realization after she says that and then she talks to Azzi about it? I’m obsessed with the way you write pazzi!
This is maybe shorter than you wanted and written in about the span of an hour (so unedited) but I kinda fell in love with this, so hopefully it's at least a little bit like you'd hoped for:
“It’s like you're sharing your life with your best friend”
It's been almost half a day since the podcast had filmed and Jaden's words are still echoing through Paige's head, as she lies on her hotel room bed, staring at the bright lights in the ceiling. That nagging voice in her head, exasperatedly telling her you already do share a life with your best friend, sounds a lot like Caroline, Paige thinks. It's not wrong. In between sharing closets and friends, and hopes and dreams, and spending every second they can together, the lines have merged so much that Paige's life feels a lot like PaigeAndAzzi's life.
All her life, Paige has been just a little bit scared of committing to anything except the ball in her hands and the court underneath her feet. She'd made as much clear in the podcast today too when the topic of marriage had come up. In the moment, she'd stuck to her default, that she needed more time, the same line she's been repeating to Azzi for god knows how long. Then Jaden had said those ten words, like it was the most simple thing in the world, and it had felt like Paige's whole way of thinking had come crushing down.
“It’s like you're sharing your life with your best friend”
And it should scare Paige, the realization that she already has that, something so deep, so powerful and yet so fragile, but instead she feels an unprecedented surge of calmness, her constantly moving body, suddenly finding a sense of stillness. If there was ever a feeling she could capture in a bottle, she thinks it might be this one, this feeling of knowing, she's found forever.
It takes about three rings for Azzi to pick up the facetime call. She's leaning against her headboard, hair pulled into a bun, eyes glimmering with sleep. Despite being clearly tired, the smile she has for Paige, just for Paige, is dazzling. And maybe that's why Paige isn't scared. Because if that's the smile she gets for the rest of her life, really it's all she could ever want.
"I thought you'd be out and about in town," Azzi says with a knowing grin.
"Nah," Paige shakes her head, "that's not the life for me anymore."
Azzi raises a questioning eyebrow at the phrasing, head falling back against her pink pillow, "is that so? No more party P?"
"Think I'm ready to settle down. Two kids, a suburban house with a big yard, all of that stuff you know?" and even if she says it with a joking smile, Paige knows that, that's the truth. Maybe not right now right now, but that's the future she wants and she wants it with Azzi.
"No pets?" Azzi asks, playing along as she squints at Paige through the phone.
"Well, I thought Stewie was a given," Paige says slowly and even through the scratchy connection, she hears Azzi's voice hitch at the meaning behind her words.
"Stewie-," Azzi bites her lip nervously, "you see all of that with Stewie?"
"Duh," Paige rolls her eyes dramatically but her heart is beating rapidly, "I can't imagine a future without Stewie. There's no house or two kids without her. Do you think-," it's the blonde's turn to chew at her lips as she stares intently as the brunette on her phone screen, "do you think Stewie would want that too? A life with me? Forever?"
It's been a long time coming, and Azzi has been ever so patient, maybe more patient than Paige had deserved. Maybe, maybe it deserves better than a long-distance facetime call and a conversation disguised using Azzi's dog's name but something about this moment feels right. And Paige wishes Azzi was here next to her, so she could kiss her feelings into the younger girl's skin, mark her with the words you're my forever.
Something wet shimmers against Azzi's eyelashes as the softest smile adorns her face, "I think Stewie would want that a lot. I think she's wanted it for a really long time actually. She was just waiting for you."
"I'm sorry I made her wait so long," sincerity is etched into every syllabus as something a little bit like guilt pools in Paige's stomach, guilt at having denied both of them the chance to just be happy.
"You were worth the wait."
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chukys-mouthguard · 2 days
14. “That was but a moment of weakness. Think nothing of it.”
jack has been pinning after quinn’s grumpy best friend and she won’t admit how fond she is off him and they finally kiss and she tries to play it off but jacks knows :)
Prompt: “That was but a moment of weakness. Think nothing of it.”
Note: I’m literally was brainstorming ideas for these prompt requests while driving to work today and literally making voice notes of my ideas 😂 this one ended up a little on the longer side i feel, but hopefully it’s still good :)
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“Well I know who you’re most excited to see.”
Glancing at your friend you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, knowing exactly who she was talking about.
“More like who I’m going to avoid at all costs.”
Your friend just shaking her head, she along with everyone in your friend group knew how you secretly felt about Jack. But you’d never admit it. Not even to Quinn, his own brother and your best friend for years.
You and Quinn met first, then he slowly introduced you to his brothers, knowing they could be a lot to handle when all together. Luke you didn’t mind, but something about Jack just got under your skin. His confident cocky attitude, the way he was literally good at everything he did, his adorable smile and the way his laugh lit up a room. No, y/n, shut up. Nothing about Jack Hughes was anything to blush over.
“Gonna be kind of hard when we all are stuck on a boat together. And when Jack looks like that.” Your friend pulling down her sunglasses to get a look at Jack, in just his swim trunks as he helped Quinn load up the boat.
Since Jack’s shoulder surgery you’d heard that he’d been hitting the gym pretty hard. And it was sure paying off, sure you admit that he looked good. But you didn’t dare tell him, not needing to boost his ego any further.
“Oh lord…just another thing for him to brag about.”
Rolling your eyes you took a deep breath, preparing yourself for the adventure this day would be. Trying your best to not be a total jerk all day and have some fun.
Quinn waved at the two of you as you approached the boat, Luke taking your bags and setting them on the deck.
“Okay, so Jack and I got pretty much everything ready to go. The only thing left to pack is the cooler, y/n do you mind going to pack that? You’re the go to bartender around here.”
Flashing a smile to Quinn you accepted the task and headed into the garage of the lake house. Eyeing up all the alcohol in the fridge and trying to decide what to bring.
After getting an initial idea, you scanned the room for the cooler, only to find it on the top shelf completely out of reach.
“How the fuck do the Hughes boys reach that? No way one of them got that thing up there.”
Rolling your eyes you tried to find anything that could help you reach, opting to try and stand on a few cases of beer. Only to still be a few inches short.
“Can I help?”
The playful tone of Jack’s voice echoing through the garage and making you cringe. Of course he shows up, loving the fact that you needed him when he knew the feeling was killing you inside.
“Nope, I can do it myself.” Trying to stand on your tippy toes, you swiped for the cooler, only to miss and stumble off the piled of beer boxes. Bracing yourself to fall face first, you shut your eyes tight, only to be caught by the arms of Jack.
His arms that were now much bigger than you’d remembered, his skin sun kissed from being out on the boat all morning, your heart racing from the fall, but also the closeness of the two of you.
“Are you okay?”
He slightly chuckled as he helped you back to your feet, his arms still wrapped around you as he smiled down at you. Sensing how nervous you’d become. Your heart racing as you looked back up at him, not noticing his face moving closer to yours.
Before you could react, he’d placed a kiss on your lips, nothing crazy, testing the waters more so to gauge your reaction. And when you didn’t pull away, Jack knew he’d gotten through your cold act you kept up with him.
“I’ll take that as a yes, and dare I say, I think I make you nervous y/n.”
Scoffing you quickly threw drinks into the cooler, flustered as you just wanted to get onto the boat as quickly as possible.
“That was but a moment of weakness. Think nothing of it Jack Hughes.”
Reaching for the cooler, your arm practically popping out of place at the weight of all the drinks. Jack laughing as he came over to help.
“If I help with the cooler do I get a kiss for that too?”
“You wish Hughes.”
Rolling your eyes you took your hand from the cooler, leaving him to carry it all by himself.
“Hey! What gives?”
“Well you’re loving showing off your new muscles, so I thought you could put them to work.”
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idkwhatever580 · 2 days
Hi would you write about Regina trauma and ed ?
Yes of course! I hope I do you justice :)
She knows.
Pairings: Regina George x reader
Prompt: Regina comforts r as they battle their ed and work through generational trauma.
Warnings: eating disorder, trauma, panic attacks, swearing.
A/N: I hope I do it justice! hopefully I don’t mess it up.
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Nobody’s pov
Regina put the pieces together after a few months.
First she started getting confused when you would quickly go to the bathroom after a meal and then come back exhausted.
She tried to leave it alone and blame it on you just needing the bathroom after eating.
Then she realized you stopped wearing clothes that fit you properly. You started wearing baggier clothes.
She brushed it aside when you blamed it on wanting to be more comfortable.
Then one day she was looking back at old pictures of you two and she noticed that you definitely looked healthier then.
You blamed it on the weather. Sometimes you just look different in the winter.
She went with it.
Part of her never wanted to even imagine it. But the other part of her was screaming that something was wrong.
The last thing she noticed was how you’d never let her cuddle you anymore. Until one day you had a panic attack and she had held you to ground you.
Unbeknownst to you, her eyes filled with tears when she felt how fragile and small you had gotten in her arms.
She felt horrible for not connecting the dots earlier. But now she had to do something. So she starts thinking of how to confront you without making you freak out or anything.
The next time she picks you up she decides that she’s going to sit you down.
Y/n’s pov
I get into the hot pink jeep after another horrible day.
I just wish I was skinny. Like Gina. She’s perfect. I’m not. I’m nowhere near her size. I can’t even go five minutes without seeing someone laughing. They’re probably laughing about my size.
Regina cuts into my thoughts by saying
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?”
I shrug and say
“Nothing. Just have some homework”
She nods and starts driving us home.
Once we get to her house I walk in and Mrs George smiles and goes to hug me but then stops realizing I’ve rejected her hugs for a while.
I send her a smile and Regina brings me up to her room.
“Can I talk to you?”
Regina’s sudden question has me a bit nervous. I nod my head and say
“Yeah. You can tell me anything.”
She sits down on her giant bed and pats next to her so I sit too.
Great. Here’s the “it’s not you it’s me” speech
She sighs and says
“Y/n. I’ve noticed a few things about you lately and I just wanted to ask if you’re okay?”
My face goes pale.
She knows. Of course she knows she is trying to get it out of me before she pries it out herself. Great. She’s gonna hate me and think I’m disgusting.
I didn’t even realize it, but when I got lost in my thoughts, my tears started building up and falling down.
“Hey hey. It’s okay please just tell me what’s going on?”
All of a sudden I feel a tightness in my chest. I start to panic when I feel this way because I’m feeling claustrophobic right now.
It feels like the walls are closing in on me. I can’t breathe.
Nobody’s pov
Regina widens her eyes when you start to hyperventilate.
She says
“Hey hey! It’s okay. It’s okay baby. You’re gonna be okay.”
Regina doesn’t quite know how to handle this situation so she asks.
“Can you hear me?”
You nod your head a bit and Regina says
“Do you want me to get my mom?”
You rapidly shake your head and she nods.
“Okay. Can I touch you baby?”
She immediately envelopes you in a hug and says
“Come on y/n I need you to breathe with me.”
She puts your head on her chest and works you through it.
It takes a few minutes for Regina’s breathing techniques to get through to you but you’re breathing alright.
Regina thinks
Okay so this is gonna be a lot harder than I expected.
She takes a breath to calm herself and says
“Can you tell me what’s happening?”
You nod you head and say
“I just- I don’t want you to leave me”
Regina looks at you with sadness.
“I’m sorry you ever thought I would ever leave you baby. I’m not going anywhere. We’re stuck together. And I mean it.”
You nod your head and look away.
You try to form the words and communicate to her that you need help but it just comes out in a sobbed
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry”
Regina hugs you again and helps you calm down before you finish.
“I didn’t think it would go this far. I just.”
Your tone lowers to a hushed whisper and you say
“I just wanted to be skinny like you”
Regina misses the last part and she says
“Hmm baby? I couldn’t hear you”
You huff and say
“I wanted to be skinny. Like you.”
Regina’s eyes widen gigantically. She just now realizes how stupid she is.
She’s always worried about her size. She didn’t even think once to remember about how it might affect you.
She snaps out of her thoughts and shakes her head.
“No honey. You’re beautiful. So so perfectly beautiful just the way you are okay? I want you to be healthy baby.”
You nod your head and Regina can tell you want to say something.
“Did you want to tell me something?”
You nod and quietly say
“Will you help me eat?”
Regina smiles hugely at this and says
“Of course! What are you in the mood for? I can make you anything. And if I can’t we’ll buy it”
You shrug and say
“I don’t know.”
Regina thinks and says
“Is that you don’t know as in you do know you’re just scared to ask? Or is it as in you actually don’t know?”
You smile at her knowing you and you say
“Can I try sushi? I haven’t had it in so long. I feel like I might be able to do that”
She smiles and nods her head. She then says
“Do you want me to make it or order it?”
You say
“Um order. Can we get that one place you took me?”
She smiles knowing what you’re talking about and nods her head. She whips her phone out and orders your usual.
When it arrives you sit down staring at it.
It’s as if it is challenging you.
But Regina sits next to you at the table and pulls you into her lap.
At first you get nervous but then you feel so warm inside at her holding you close like she used to.
She grabs a piece of sushi and takes a bite and looks at you and says
“Whenever you’re ready sweetheart”
You nod and pick up a piece. You dip it in sauce and take about half a bite and you let it sit in your mouth.
Slowly but surely you start chewing it. Regina rubs your hips and says
“You’re doing great hun. Just tell me if you need to stop okay?”
You nod your head and finally you swallow. It was so daunting but it felt like a small weight was lifted off of your chest.
She picks up the rest and feeds it to you when you accept.
Her smile is gigantic and she is giving you so much praise and appreciation for this simple task.
After about three pieces of sushi you let out a strangled sigh and Regina says
“Can you do one more bite baby?”
After contemplating for a while you nod your head. Determined to make Regina happy. You finish the last bite and tear up a bit.
She shushes you and comforts you so well.
“You did so good. So so good. You’re perfect. So so perfect. My baby”
You lean back into her as she finishes what you didn’t eat and then suddenly you say
“I’m sorry”
She furrows her eyebrows and says
“Why for? Are you okay baby? Do you need the bathroom?”
She’s ready to jump into action in case it was too much for you but you shake your head. And say
“I’m sorry I couldn’t finish it”
She shakes her head aggressively and says
“No! No baby. You did so well. I’m literally so proud of you. Honestly I didn’t expect you to do that much. And it made me so so happy.”
You send a slight smile her way and relax into her hold.
You’ve got a long way to go but it’s a start.
A/N: man that took forever. I hope it was good for you!!! I genuinely like died for a sec there and I couldn’t write at all. My brain was just like gone for. It was like fried lol. I hope you liked it! I’ve never written about this topic before so I understand if it’s sensitive.
@ilovesnat @ihartnat @marvelnatasha12346 @moistblobfish @justarandomreaderxoxo
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scribbledghost · 2 days
Back to back angst request- I won't be too specific on all of them because I want you to have some freedom but anyhow, fem! Simon shuts down emotionally after a particularly traumatic mission and her girlfriend struggles to break through her silence and help her open up
Simon hasn't spoken in five days.
When she returned home from her latest deployment, you'd known in an instant that this one had been worse than the others. She'd held a far-off gaze, breaking it just long enough to reach for you with a trembling hand. She'd stepped back when you'd tried to hug her, only allowing you to hold her hand.
That'd been almost a week ago. And not much has changed. In fact, if you were to really think about it, much of it has gotten worse.
So much so that when Simon retires to the guest bedroom (a very common occurrence now), you step outside and call Captain Price.
"I just don't know what to do," you tell him, trying to keep your voice down and level to hopefully not give away the fact that you've been crying. "I don't know how to help. She won't speak, won't sleep in the same bed, won't even look at me half the time. She's just completely shut down."
Price can't tell you specifics about the mission they just returned from, but confirms your notion that it had been incredibly traumatic for Simon in particular.
"I don't want to go into detail," he says. "That's for her to do when she's ready. And she will be ready, eventually. But it's probably going to take a lot longer than you're used to. Just... be patient, yeah? You bein' there is helping more than you think."
The conversation ends, and you return inside, immediately running into a wall of muscle.
"Shit, I'm sorry Simon," you say, "I thought you were in the spare room."
You look up at her, and for the first time since returning home, she gazes back at you. Then, she tilts her head. You don't need words to know what she's asking.
Who were you talking to? And why?
"I called Price," you say, and her expression remains the same.
You try to contain yourself, try to tiptoe around the reason you'd called her superior in the middle of the afternoon.
The restraint doesn't last long.
You end up explaining (perhaps over-explaining) how helpless you feel. How badly you want to help, but how you also don't want to push too much. How you want to be there for her, but don't know how. How you want to do something - anything - but you don't want to risk making things worse.
"I just..." you say, sighing as you scrub your hands along your face, "You're always there for me. You always know how to help, you always know just what to say or what to do. I want to be that for you too. I want you to feel safe here."
Then, in a much softer tone:
"I don't want you to have to go through this by yourself."
When you look back at her, Simon is still holding your gaze. Her expression still hasn't moved, and her slightly tilted head would be endearing if not for the circumstances.
She doesn't speak. Not that you'd expected her to.
No, instead - for the first time since she'd returned home five days ago - she hugs you.
It's crushing, the way she pulls you in; like she's afraid you'll slip through her arms and down through the floor if she's not careful. Her grip doesn't falter, and you lose track of how long the two of you stay like this, wrapped up in each other. You suppose it doesn't matter.
It's in this moment that you know Price was right. Eventually, she'll open up again. She may never tell you what happened, and that's okay. But for now, getting to hold her in your arms is more than enough.
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Azul Ashengrotto x GN!Reader
Summary: Azul plans to confess his feelings for you but things keep getting in the way between him and you. What is he supposed to do?
Notes: Reader is a sophomore and is not Yuu. Azul calls you sweetheart.
A repost from my old blog @escha-evenstar. Edited.
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Azul liked to think he was a man who had a plan for everything — always prepared and with a calm and confident facade. Yet he was put to the test when suddenly someone came along.
Someone who occupied his thoughts more often, making him ponder about things such as "What are you doing right now?" or "I wonder if you'd like the new menu I added."
Someone who tugged at his heartstrings whenever you'd greet him with a warm smile or engage in conversations with him, occasionally clinging on his arm.
Someone who changed something inside of Azul.
That someone was you.
He didn't expect to develop a close relationship with you. To have special moments with you. To still have you by his side despite who he was and what he did. Azul didn't plan for these things to happen. It just did.
Just like his first kiss you.
Azul's face flushed pink as he recalled that memory. Your body was pressed close against him as you held onto his arm. He turned his head around to look directly at you only to have his lips meet yours in an accidental kiss.
His slender fingers went to touch his lips as if to caress the area where you just kissed.
Your lips felt so soft and warm. I want to kiss you again.
Azul sighed. As much as he tried to lock away what was bubbling inside of him, it just couldn't be hidden away. He likes you.
No, scratch that.
He loves you. Deeply. Hopelessly. With all of his three hearts.
Azul decided he wouldn't be a coward anymore and hide away his true feelings. He was going to confess. He didn't want to stand by idly anymore while other guys took a chance for your affections. What if you accepted that person's feelings? The idea of you being in a romantic relationship with someone else did not settle right with Azul, the corner of his lips turning down into a frown and uneasiness pooling in his gut. He couldn't let that happen.
Azul wanted to be the man for you, and he was determined to make you his.
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The following day after the night of your accidental first kiss, Azul would finally confess his feelings for you. For this, he already got it planned.
Invite Y/N for dinner. Azul would take you out on a private, romantic dinner at the Mostro Lounge. He would be extra particular with his appearance, wanting to look attractive and handsome for you. He would also enlist help from the eelmer twins in cooking and serving the two of you with your favorite dishes.
Start conversation. Azul would strike up a conversation with you. He would start with giving you compliments, all honest words of praise of course, before conversing with you like usual. This would keep the mood pleasant and enjoyable.
Showcase self. Azul wanted to be deserving of you. As the conversation would carry on, he would subtly showcase his strengths to prove that he was the right choice for you.
Set the mood. After finishing your meal, Azul would take you to one of your favorite sections inside his cafe. There was this open space with a huge glass wall that showed the vast waters full of underwater life that surrounded Octavinelle. The unique subaquatic plants that swayed with the current. Different species of fish swimming in various appearances and colors. You found it all serene and mesmerizing to look at. And when the moment is right..
Confess. Azul would confess and ask you to be his. And then hopefully you'll say yes.
Perfect plan, right? It would have been if only he could actually ask you out.
How could he invite you when you were always taken away from him? Every single time he'd approach you, something or someone else required your attention and you'd have to leave.
He couldn't ask you out while on your walk to school since a classmate of yours sought you out regarding your group's presentation for the day.
"Y/N, good morning. I'm sorry to bother you so early, but could I get some help for our presentation later today?"
During lunch break, Azul was waiting outside your classroom. When you were about to leave the room, someone else arrived looking for you.
"Y/N! I apologize. I understand you're supposed to have your lunch break but I'm afraid we have some urgent matters to attend to. I have already informed your Prefect, Yuu. Grim too, of course. We'll need the residents of Ramshackle Dorm for this matter. But not to worry though, since I am oh so gracious, I shall provide the three of you with hearty meals afterwards. How generous of me as Headmage, right?"
When your eyes met with his, Azul felt a certain longing. You gave him a quick apologetic smile and wave before following after the Headmage. Azul gave you a smile of his own but the moment you turned around, his facial expression showed how annoyed he actually was as he glared at the Headmage. He let out a deep sigh, trying to keep calm.
Not to worry. We share a class this afternoon so that means I'll have another opportunity. I'm definitely going to ask you out!
The first subject for the afternoon class was about to start but you still weren't around. Your usual seat beside him was feeling cold and empty.
Where were you? Did something happen?
Azul wondered since you were always punctual in class. Soon, the class professor came in bearing news.
"Mx. Y/N has been excused by the Headmage due to.."
Azul couldn't focus on what else the professor was saying. He was starting to get extremely vexed.
That Headmage, why I-
He didn't finish his thoughts as he heaved another sigh. He needed to calm down. No matter, he'll see you after school. There's still time. He's not going to miss it.
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The last class with Professor Trein drawled on a bit longer than usual.
Why now of all times?
Azul sighed for the umpteenth time that day, his pen tapping impatiently on his desk. He glowered a bit as he waited for class to end. As soon as they were dismissed for the day, he immediately rushed over to your classroom. When he saw that most of the students from your class already left, Azul clicked his tongue in displeasure.
Did you leave already?
"Oh, hey Azul!" A bright, cheery voice spoke breaking Azul from his thoughts. "Are you looking for Y/N?"
It was Kalim who spoke.
"Hello, Kalim. And yes, I am looking for Y/N. Have you seen them?" Azul asked.
"Y/N was actually here a few minutes ago. They were waiting for you."
Upon hearing Kalim's words, Azul felt his heart race a bit faster.
"But then someone suddenly asked them out. They said they wanted to talk in private."
Wait. What?
"If you need them, they went around that way," Kalim said as he pointed to a direction where he saw them leave.
Azul thanked him and then briskly walked away to find you.
Upon arriving at the courtyard, he finally saw you. Your school uniform that accentuated your body and fitted you perfectly. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair fluttering with the soft breeze. And your eyes. Your beautiful (e/c) eyes that mirrored your pure heart and soul. You looked so ethereal in this moment that Azul thought of confessing right then and there.
Except there was another guy in the scene with you.
"I've always liked you Y/N! Will you go out me?" He said.
Azul felt something inside him snap.
Ever since this day started, Azul couldn't get ahold of your time and company. He just wanted to ask you out for dinner, was that so wrong? He sought you out all day long yet every damn single time someone took you away. Sevens, it's like they were testing him. Pushing him beyond his limits. And at this point, he was more than just frustrated. He was seething with resentment.
Azul has had enough and he's not letting anyone or anything get in his way.
With long, heavy strides, he made his way over to you.
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You were confused. One minute, someone was confessing to you. The next, you were suddenly pulled away by a different person and lead somewhere else. You tried to keep up with his pace as you recalled what just happened.
"Oh. Uhm.. I'm flattered you think of me like that.. but I'm sorry. I can't return your feelings," you apologized to the student who just confessed to you. He opened his mouth to speak some more when someone cut in, immediately holding you by your wrist.
"I believe your conversation is now over. We're leaving." It was Azul who came in, eyes glaring at the guy coldly before he proceeded to drag you away.
And now here you were in this situation. He'd been pulling at you for quite some time now. You asked him what was going on, but he'd only squeeze your wrist. It wasn't enough to really hurt you but it was like he was wordlessly saying "just follow me".
Is Azul angry? Did something happen?
You continued to follow after him, deciding to not speak momentarily until you reached your destination. Along the way, a number of students looked at the two of you curiously. With the way his cold, blue eyes stared ahead, and his walk, although slower compared to earlier (upon your request), still brisk enough as he tugged at you to follow him. When someone you knew would try to come close to you, you'd feel Azul tighten his grip on you.
I guess he doesn't want any interruptions. He seems to be in a rush and in a really bad mood.
So you'd just wave at them with a nervous smile as the two of you continued walking.
Azul lead you to Octavinelle, specifically to the Mostro Lounge. You also noticed he took you to your favorite spot.
He finally stopped walking and let go of your wrist, turning around to look at you. He wasn't saying anything though; he's just staring at you. When you looked at his eyes, the coldness that was there earlier was gone. Instead, you saw all sorts of intense emotions reflecting in them.
"Azul..?" You called out his name softly. "Uhm.. if there's something bothering you.."
A lot actually bothered me today.
You took a single step towards him. "Or if there's anything you want to say.."
There's a lot really.
You moved even closer, hands raised to touch his glasses. "Or if you need me.."
I do need you.
You stopped just a few inches from him and completely removed his glasses, looking directly into his blue eyes. "I'm right here for you."
The both of you looked fixedly at each other. Staring with such intimacy, gaze filled with love and tenderness.
"Y/N," He called out your name in his smooth, charming voice as he caressed your cheek. It made your knees feel weak.
"Y-yes?" You stuttered.
He slowly drew your body towards him; an arm wrapped around your waist, your chest in contact with his, as Azul's other hand cradled your face to look up at him. You felt the familiar heat rise on your cheeks, tinting them with a pink blush. Your grip around his glasses loosened as it slipped away, landing on the floor with a soft clink. Your hands unconsciously settled on top of his chest because of the close proximity. The two of you stuck in a staring contest.
It was like time was frozen. Your gorgeous (e/c) eyes that shone like the stars, looking so nervous. The blush dusting your cheeks. Azul thought you looked so pretty and cute he couldn't help but chuckle, causing your face to flush a darker shade of red.
"Azul," you whined, pouting. You thought he was teasing you again.
But the way you moved your lips like that made Azul want to do something. He started leaning down closer to your face.
Every second like this made your heart thump in nervousness, feeling completely flustered.
"Sweetheart?" He said so softly, his special endearment for you tugging at your own heartstrings.
"..yes?" You whispered with shaky breaths.
Azul's face was so close with your own you could feel his breath on your lips. With his eyes half lidded and his voice low and hushed, he muttered his deepest, most genuine feelings for you. "I love you."
Before you knew it, his lips crashed onto yours in a heartfelt kiss. Your eyes flew shut, kissing him back and savoring the feeling of his soft lips against yours.
The kiss felt sweet yet passionate at the same time. As if you were both conveying your ineffable, overflowing feelings for each other through the kiss.
Oh sevens, it feels so amazing!
Your hands gripped onto his uniform coat while Azul pulled you tighter to him, both not wanting to let go of the other. He kissed you with so much fervor you felt like you were going to melt from all the affection you were receiving.
A moment afterwards, you reluctantly pulled away and broke the kiss. The two of you stared at each other lovingly in silence. The only sounds to be heard were the heavy breathing and the loud beating of your heart.
"Please be mine."
You were rendered speechless. Azul's voice was laced with so much love and need for you. He wanted you. He desired you.
"I'll give you anything you want. I'll do anything for you. Anything! I love you so much, Y/N. So please.. stay with me and be mine."
You felt your eyes start to water from his words before tears escaped from the corners of your eye, dripping down on your face.
"Sweetheart?" Azul became worried.
Did I just make you cry? Did you perhaps not feel the same-
You held both sides of his face and pulled him down to you for another kiss. Azul was dazed for a second before he relaxed and eagerly kissed you back.
"I love you too, Azul. So much," you said in between kisses with tears of happiness pouring out of your eyes. "Of course I'll be yours."
When he finally heard you say those words he'd been yearning for, his eyes widened in shock. "You mean it?" He asked in disbelief to which you nodded at his question.
"You really do?!"
You giggled at his reaction. "Of course I do. You don't know how long I waited for you, Azul. And it makes me so happy to know you feel the same way." You stroked his cheek affectionately. "I'll always be yours, Azul," you said while beaming at him with your bright smile.
The corners of his mouth curved into a wide grin. Azul didn't like relying on luck but right now, he felt like the luckiest man in the entire Twisted Wonderland. Because someone like you loved him back with all of your heart. He gave you a sweet peck on the lips before saying, "And I'll forever be yours, Y/N."
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Earlier after classes ended.
"Jamil! How are you? You're later than usual," said Kalim.
"It's fine. Professor Trein's discussion for today was just longer than usual," Jamil replied. "Anyways, I saw Azul walking out in a rush. He also actually left class the same way. Did something happen between him and Y/N?"
"It's not what did happen. More like, what will happen." Someone joined in on the conversation; it was Jade.
"What do you mean by that? Is Azul up to something?" Riddle asked suspiciously.
"Hahahaha! It's nothing like that, Goldfishie," a singsong voice piped in.
Riddle's eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. "I told you not to call me by that nickname, Floyd."
Floyd just laughed away and ignored his remark. "Hehe~ Are you guys curious what's gonna happen?" A teasing smile graced his face.
"I don't think Azul will be happy if we told them," Jade said as if disagreeing with his twin brother, although his eyes meant otherwise.
"Bah! They're gonna find out sooner or later anyways."
Jamil spoke, "I couldn't care less what Azul does but if it's related to Y/N... what is it then?"
Floyd's eyes crinkled as he grinned. "Azul is.."
"Is what? Is what?" Kalim asked eagerly.
"..going to confess to Y/N!!"
There was a pause, before the three shouted in unison.
Riddle, Jamil, and Kalim were shocked, processing what they just heard.
"Well, I know that Azul expends a great amount of effort on everything that he does. If he will do the same in making Y/N happy, then I have no objections. But if he ever hurts her," Riddle said in a stern voice. "It will be off with his head!!"
Jamil sighed. "Well.. I guess as long as he treats her right, I'll be okay with that."
Meanwhile, Kalim was still silent.
"Kalim, are you alright?" Jade asked.
"Huh? Oh, yeah. Totally! It's just-" Kalim chuckled while rubbing the back of his head.
"I thought they were already dating."
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Masterlist here!
If you enjoyed this: likes, comments, and reblogs are much appreciated. Thank you for reading!
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jji-lee · 3 days
when they says something which ends up hurting you
did this in a different format so hopefully it's still okay - enjoy! ☺
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⟡ mark - tense silence
takes him a minute to even register what he said. seeing your face sadden he'll start to stutter, wanting to say something, but not knowing how to organize his thoughts. he'll just sit there for a minute scared that he'll say something wrong again. ends up muttering a short, "i'm sorry you know i'm not good with words, just give me a second okay" more awkward silence as he thinks, but he'll reach for your hand to give you reassurance as you wait. doesn't like to act without thinking, he needs time to gather his thoughts, please be patient.
⟡ renjun - stubborn comments after
when he sees your eyes start to water he'll immediately try to excuse himself, "you know i didn't mean it that way" "can you just listen to me" "why are you jumping to conclusions," which obviously makes you feel worse. he'll pick at his nails and straighten his sideburns, not understanding that he's making you feel worse. eventually he'll gently grab your face to make you look at him, "okay please just, you know i hate to see you cry, let me explain, please." it's hard for him to admit he's wrong, but he knows he needs to apologize eventually, excuse his slight attitude, he's trying.
⟡ jeno - immediate regret
as soon as the words come out of his mouth he knows he messed up. immediately grabs you and pulls you into his embrace. "wait, let me explain, that didn't come out right" you'd try to push him away, "jeno, let me go, i don't wanna hear it" but he'd just pull you closer dipping his head into your neck, "no, i'm sorry, please just listen to me" he'd force you to sit there with him hugging you listening to his explanations and apologies. best boyfriend to talk things out with, you don't need to explain whats wrong he always seems to know, pro at reading your body language.
⟡ haechan - begs for forgiveness
feels actually so bad that he said anything that would hurt you, feels worse that you think he would ever try to intentionally hurt you. eyes start to water seeing your hurt expression, feels like kicking himself. however, he has a little sass in him, he's haechan of course, and tries to wait for you to say something first. when he notices that you in fact are not going to speak to him, he gets up and kneels in front of your sitting figure. puts his head on your lap and pouts, "baby please i'm sorry, you know i hate to see you like this" kisses as an apology, hands, legs, arms, face, every inch of you kissed as he praises you. his main priority is to comfort you before trying to smooth things over.
⟡ jaemin - has read the boyfriend manual
nobody can convince me that jaemin is not the prefect boyfriend. you are as shocked as he is when you hear those words come out of his mouth. immediately reaches for your hands and kisses them, "i don't know what came over me please i'm so sorry" you're just standing there looking at him wide eyed as he pulls you in for a hug, "please say something, what's on your mind, lets talk about this" gives you any space and time that you ask for, watches how your body reacts to his movements and his words to see what he should do next. is the most patient boyfriend in the world and is not afraid to open up and express why he said what he said and explain how he plans of fixing his mistakes. treats you like royalty all night and makes sure you're comfortable enough to open up to him.
⟡ chenle - will apologize for the next couple of days
chenle is a bit stubborn, will just sit there for a bit and chew on the inside cheek, he's more "actions speak louder than words." he'll get up and leave for a while, making you feel worse, but he'll come back with a chocolate bar you didn't even know you had. "eat this, it helps release serotonin or whatever" watches you as you silently take a bite, his heart literally hurts seeing you like this. you'd be the one to speak first but he cuts you off, cause he know he's the one that should be trying to say something and apologize. "i'm sorry, i know i act impulsively sometimes, let me make it up to you?" at the time you didn't know what he meant by that but as the week goes by and you start waking up to breakfast, receiving flowers at work, and having candy bars snuck into your bags with sappy notes, you know just how sorry chenle truly was.
⟡ jisung - nervous nervous nervous
he will like start to vibrate, don't know if it's all the regret in his body, or the need to say something, anything, to make his last comment go away. he will start to fidget and play with his fingers while trying to say something to you, "wait baby" "y/n" "are you upset" "is it what i said?" knows what he said hurt you but wants you to tell him so he can know exactly what went wrong. once you tell him he'll try to calm his nerves and apologize for what he said, would never intentionally say something to hurt you. takes him a second to grasp the situation since he likes for you to explain things clearly before he makes his next move, but he's a great listener so you don't mind, don't be afraid to rant.
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karasuno-planet · 3 days
What would you do for a friend?
Kageyama x manager!reader w/ bsf Asahi <3
sfw but implied making out
Word Count: 0.9k
a/n: This one is high-key silly but plz enjoy
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After a long day of practices, one thing was on your mind. It had already been nearly a week since the team had arrived in Tokyo and you had barely gotten to see Kageyama outside of practice.
It wasn't long before you found yourself leaving your hotel room and walking down the hallway to your boyfriend's room. Then there was only one thing in the way.
A 190 centimeter blonde boy with glasses who seemed to be out for your blood.
You knocked on the door and before you knew it, Tsukishima answered. Not ideal, but you knew the first-years were sharing a room.
"Hey Tsukki!"
You paused for a moment, and he cut you off, "You want something. What?"
"Um...Is Kageyama busy?"
"Yes," before you could even process, he shut the door on you.
Okay, definitely not ideal.
You sigh, realizing there's no way you're getting into that room. Thankfully, only a few doors down you knew you would be perfectly welcome. You traipse your way to the third-years' room, and knock.
Soon you're faced with the long-haired anxious boy you've grown so fond of.
"Y/n! What are you doing here?"
"Funny story..."
"Oh. Come in and explain."
You take the invitation and walk into the room to realize you're alone.
"Where are the others?"
"They wanted to do a little cool-down after practice. I opted out of that one..." He explains, blushing a little at his embarrassment of skipping out of a work-out, but you were grateful to have him here. "Anyways, what's the occasion?"
"Actually, Tsukishima is puppy-guarding me from seeing my boyfriend."
Asahi chuckled at your bold statement, "Really? How unfortunate."
"Well, maybe that's where you come in."
"What?" Asahi looked completely puzzled.
"Um.. well, if you didn't mind being the best friend in the entire world...maybe Kageyama could come over here and enjoy your spacious bathroom with me?"
Asahi's face went totally pale. "Um, I don't know if I should be uh...letting first years do that in here..."
You blushed like a madman, "NO, NO, Not that!!!" You laughed. "PG-13. I swear. I just haven't gotten to be alone with him in like a week."
"Oh, alright...you promise? Kinda made it sound like tsukki was cock-blocking you there."
You burst out laughing at that sentence coming from Asahi's mouth.
"I swear."
Asahi's cheeks flushed a little pink, "Why not your room?"
"Yachi is like totally scared of Tobio..."
"Right. Okay, sure.. go ahead..."
"Did I ever tell you that you're the best?"
"Yep," He chuckled, sitting back on is bed and scrolling on his phone as you texted Kageyama the room number.
And as quickly as you had entered his room, suddenly Asahi was contemplating how he had gotten into the situation where you and your boyfriend were together in his bathroom. He was practically babysitting. At least he didn't hear anything suspicious, which meant hopefully you really did have pure intentions. He's not sure what he would do if you didn't.
Abruptly he heard a little click from outside the rom, and the door start to open. He held his breath for a second, but felt relaxed when he saw it was just Daichi and Suga. He could explain this.
"Hey, guys, uh... don't go in the bathroom."
They stopped dead in their tracks, confused.
"Um, why not?" Daichi inquired.
"It's just that, well, y/n and Kageyama are in there."
"What??" Suga asked.
Asahi sighed, "Wouldn't you do it for a friend?"
Daichi and Suga stared blankly at him.
"It's innocent, she promised. They're just like, I don't know, little kids who miss each other."
Daichi laughed, "Okay, sure. Why here?"
"Apparently Tsukishima is getting in their way? I don't know..."
Suga chuckled and started spilling the contents of his pockets onto the table and settling in. "Now that's a little hilarious."
Daichi shrugged and sat down as well. "You think y/n cares that you sorta see her as a baby?"
"Nah," Asahi smiled, "She totally owes me after this anyways."
And, just like clockwork, Asahi's phone buzzes with a venmo notification of $15 from y/n. He laughed and the door started to open. Kageyama walked out, wiping his mouth on his sleeve, and looked shocked at the room, now full of his seniors.
He turned around to you, "didn't know there was an audience??"
You walk out behind him, blushing a little, but smiling nicely at your upperclassmen.
You see a hint of pinkness creeping over Kageyama's cheeks as he turns around and faces the door. "better get back before Hinata spreads rumors."
"Sure," you laugh.
The door shuts behind him and you're left in the room with the third-years, a little embarrassed.
Daichi cuts you off before you can continue, "Yeah, don't worry, we didn't see a thing."
You sigh of relief and take a seat next to Asahi.
Three Months Later
During a classic training camp team-bonding exercise, the Karasuno team sits in a tight circle playing a truth-or-dare style game.
When Nishinoya's turn arrives, he stares dead into Asahi's eyes, making him nervous before even asking his question.
"Asahi, you're pretty tight with y/n, huh?"
He nodded his head.
"What's the craziest thing you've ever done for her?"
He stammers, "Well, um... there was this time in Tokyo.."
"NOPE-" You interject, silencing him. Daichi and Sugawara both exchange knowing glances. "Asahi, I will seriously kill you."
"Me first," Kageyama says, staring daggers into Asahi, flames practically bursting out from behind him.
"Uh- can I like, do diving drills instead??" Asahi pleads.
a/n: thank you for indulging me in that cheeky one <3, let me know what you think and reblogs are so so appreciated.
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blumisiu · 6 hours
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BOYNEXTDOOR….and where they like to be kissed! ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖
❀ 600 words. fluff! short blurbs. fancy a different story? જ⁀➴ the library is this way!
❀ authors note — just something short and sweet (hopefully)! enjoy my fairies! mwah (。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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sungho ; his shoulders
ᡣ𐭩 will literally melt when you leave soft pecks on his shoulders…the back of his neck will start to get all red and it’ll creep up to his ears. cutie pie <3 really loves when you kiss the spot right near his neck! let’s out the shyest little laugh and buries his face in his hands. “why do you do this to me” acts like he hates it but it’s his favourite thing in the world. whenever you’re out and about with him, one arm looped through his, place little kisses on the very edge of his shoulder and he’ll feel so safe and comforted <3
jaehyun ; his nose
ᡣ𐭩 has the cutest little puppy nose ever :( the perfect place for a kiss! he loves it when you rub your nose against his!! blushes so much when you do. you’ll often kiss him here when he’s being extra adorable, and after every kiss, without fail, he’s always looking at you with the softest gaze. on days he feels really upset, he’ll bury his face in your neck and nudge you like the puppy he is and you know that means he wants a kiss on his nose! “please, just one! it’ll make me feel soooo much better” such a pouty boy
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riwoo ; on the mole under his eye
ᡣ𐭩 when you first kissed it he was literally like :O … was so flustered and had no idea what to say but he did know that it was his new favourite thing. he especially adores it when you kiss all over his pretty face but linger on that spot and give it lots of attention <3 is a giggling mess. if you just give him a simple peck on the lips or cheek, he’ll always look at you expectantly afterwards like this •ᴗ•. won’t leave you alone until you’ve given him one (or multiple!!) pecks on his mole. gives you a phat smooch on your forehead as a thank you <3
taesan ; behind his ear
ᡣ𐭩 he looovesss it. is obsessed with how it’s such a secret little thing, and almost sensual too. whisper “i love you” in his ear before you do it and wooo he is on his knees. in my mind, he’s the slightest bit ticklish there so if you’re in a playful mood, give him a million and watch how he squirms and giggles <3 becomes your little bedtime ritual to ruffle his hair, whisper sweet things in his ear, and then give him the softest kiss right behind it. he goes to bed with the covers pulled up all the way over his face and the biggest grin on his face…literally teehee-ing and kicking his feet. thinks you can’t notice but you do, every time lol
leehan ; his dimples
ᡣ𐭩 don’t even get me started on that sweet, slow smile of his… i hate him (affectionate). usually he’s the one making you flustered but when you first noticed his adorable little dimples… how the turn tables. he was speechless when you leaned in and kissed one of them, out of the blue when he was talking and smiling at you. “wha—what?” regained his composure in no time though and was like “do it again”. was insufferable since then lol!! always expects a two little pecks from you when he’s laughing with you or you’re cuddling together and he’s all smiley <3 even when he’s not, like you two could just be sitting in silence and then he’ll smile and point to his dimples so you know what to do…and sometimes he’ll move strategically so you end up kissing his lips instead
woonhak ; his cheeks
ᡣ𐭩 actually the most cutie patootie boy to ever exist. might be cliché but he loves a good cheek kiss. he’ll definitely try and push you away when you want to give him one but his protests never last for long. is always like “ugh, fine” rolling his eyes slightly but he has the cheesiest grin on his face. praise him before and he’ll start malfunctioning. “you did so good today, woonhak!” kiss “i’m so proud of you!!” another kiss… omg where did he go? he’s a puddle at your feet <3
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☁️ taglist — @luv-y0urself. @lilriswife4life.
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eldritch-ambrosia · 3 days
Let me hit you with my Shade!Lancelot idea, keeping in mind I haven't seen that episode of Merlin yet. (This works for both established Arwen/established Merthur and Gwencelot/Mercelot in my mind so think of it whichever way you'd like but it does focus on Lancelot, Merlin, and Arthur.)
So! Morgana creates Shade!Lancelot using Lancelot's body and sends him back to Camelot to stir up trouble. Instead of trying to just break up Arthur and Gwen, he's meant to isolate Arthur and make him believe that he can't trust anyone except for Aggravaine.
So he flirts with Gwen, takes the knights out to have fun when they should be training/distracts them, and takes Merlin's attention away from Arthur as well, frustrating Arthur.
S!Lancelot and Aggravaine both place doubts in Arthur's mind directly as well and S!Lancelot realizes that Merlin betraying Arthur would be far worse than anyone else and sets his sights on Merlin instead.
So he keeps stealing Merlin away when Arthur needs him, makes comments about how he knows Merlin better than Arthur ever could and about how he knows Merlin sneaks away but he's loyal to Merlin over Camelot (which also upsets Arthur because that's one of his knights for god's sake!) and won't tell him where Merlin is going.
Arthur confronts Merlin about his sneaking away (magic things) and, when he refuses to tell the truth, Arthur thinks he can't trust him after all.
Merlin talks about having magic in front of S!Lancelot and, when he doesn't know what Merlin's talking about, Merlin becomes suspicious. He references something that didn't happen and S!Lancelot acts like he remembers that which confirms his suspicions but when he tries to sidle away out of the room to tell someone, S!Lancelot attacks him, attempting to choke him out.
Arthur finds them like this and S!Lancelot says that Merlin was sending information to Morgana so he had to subdue him which Arthur doesn't believe for ONE SINGLE MINUTE. Thus, they begin to duel as Merlin tries to recover his breathing and stop from passing out in the corner.
S!Lancelot attempts to kill Arthur and knocks him out, Arthur fading out with the last thing he sees being Merlin trying to push S!Lancelot's killing blow away as his servant stands.
Somehow (I'm thinking earlier in the ep Merlin finds a magical crystal that can hold souls released from the afterlife that Gaius is researching and Lancelot's real soul gets released during the ep and the crystal glows and maybe gets broken in the scuffle) Merlin pushes the Shade from Lancelot's body and his real soul is able to return to his body.
The Shade's form changes into a kind of Shadow Monster Lancelot and duels the real Lancelot now (who is very shaken and weak because he was just revived!) and, when he stabs the Shade, it does no damage. The Shade laughs and says that he can't be killed without magic and Lancelot says that then he'll just have to kill it like he killed the Griffin.
"You're a knight of Camelot and you're saying that you used magic to kill a Griffin?"
"No. I did." Merlin says, casting the same spell he did all those years ago on Lancelot's blade as he stabs through the Shade, killing it.
There's a beat where Merlin still isn't sure if it's the real Lancelot and asks him something only the real Lancelot would know, which he answers and they have a tearful/huggy reunion.
Arthur wakes up and they explain that it was a creature sent by Morgana and Lancelot is actually back with them now.
Later, when Merlin is getting Arthur ready for bed, Arthur tells him that he doesn't need to know where he goes off to because he trusts him. Merlin goes to tell him the truth but stops and thanks him instead, snuffing out the candles and shutting the door as he leaves.
(I want to hopefully write this one day but I will need to actually catch up and watch the episode first to get the vibes. Everything I know about it rn is from clips and gifs and such)
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gentaro-kinniecom · 2 days
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Jealous much?
Characters: Solivan Brugmansia/gn!reader
C/w: jealousy, friends to lovers troupe, reader helps Solivan with some bullies, Crowe and his feelings for the reader, Sol takes care of reader <3
A/n: I might make a sequel to this post cause..why not? I have at least 3 more works in progress of tkatb so stay tuned for more >:3. This was SUPPOSED to be more early but with graduation and my summer job its been hectic 😔 (not proofread)
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Rain drops fell gently onto the surfaces that it could. The cloudy and cold atmosphere bringing back unwanted memories for me. It took me back to when I was a happy child running around the fields that my family owned. Why did fate had to be this way? I couldn't relish in the sad moment for long, my life had changed, some may think for the better, but in all honesty, I've lost myself in it.
The city life was not for the weak, especially in this society that judges you based on your backgrounds. Hallways and classrooms were empty as I walked by, meaning another day where I would stay behind until the sun rised up, studying in the library. It felt depressing, well, it was. Even with all my friends who share classes with me, I’ve never felt a sense of comfort around anymore. Upon arrival, I sighed gently while scanning my library card, heading towards my favorite spot and to hopefully meet him again: Solivan Brugmansia, the same man who I aided long ago.
Some bullies had cornered him, if it weren’t for me, he could’ve gotten bruised up badly(or so I thought). Sol’s strength was enough to not be messed around with yet, he was always careful with me. His long, black hair with green stripes was noticeable from afar, a smile subconsciously appeared across my features, walking towards him with my books in one arm and a cup of coffee in my hand.
“Hi” I spoke, my voice a mear whisper as he smiled, kissing my cheek while allowing me to sit beside him.
“Hey..thanks for the coffee, I saved your seat in hopes you’d be here” His gaze remained on the hoodie I wore, a purple-ish one with some designs around it, though I could tell something bothered him.
“Aw, that’s real sweet of you Sol..!” Taking the vacant seat by the window, Sol’s eyes returned to the book at hand, analyzing the text while taking a casual sip or two after some pages. I placed my books aside, taking out my computer and working on some last details for an upcoming presentation.
“Is that sweater you’re wearing someone else’s?” The question caught me off guard while Sol closed the book, his attention returning towards me as I continued to type away
“Crowe made me borrow it, he said it would get cold during the night, even if I insisted it was fine” A glint of jealousy made his eyes glimmer with a bit of rage, directed towards Crowe who had the audacity, in Sol’s words, to lend me something of his. After the small talk, we returned to our devices while Sol’s cup inched close to me. Which I thought nothing of it until the, now warm, liquid splashed against Crowe’s hoodie.
“Sol! Ah..what am I going to do now?” My eyes widened as the panic settled in. Pouted lips looking down at the mess that occurred while Sol spoke.
“I can wash it, and hand it over tomorrow..if you don’t mind?” The offer was tempting, and besides, the washing machine at my apartment had broken down. It was like an angel had been sent down from the heavens truly.
“Really? Well, if you’re offering..” With a smile, Sol helped me take the sweater off, folding it and placing it in his backpack. Was he really concerned or jealous by me wearing it? After an hour or so spent in the library, my sleepy eyes gazed over at Sol’s figure that had finished his book a few minutes prior 11:00pm.
His eyes turned to stare at me, as if, he knew I was staring beforehand. The library air making goosebumps arise on my skin as Sol noticed. A small warmth wrapped around my body, making me sigh while laying my hand down onto the table, resting for a bit as he smiled.
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It was past noon when I woke up in a different place rather than the library. A soft, warm bed beneath me made contrast to the heavy rain pouring outside, making me groan and stretch my limbs, still remaining in the bed as the door suddenly opened. Solivan stood outside, entering shortly after while smiling, his body beside my own as I wrapped my arms around his waist.
“Mn, how did I get here?” Too tired to even acknowledge the strength he had to take me here, in his home, I was glad he did. The moment didn’t last long as I was now wide awake, staring up at the crimson eyes that gently creased while smiling
“You were tired and..we couldn’t stay at the library for too long, I hope you don’t mind” Room infused by Sol’s cologne made my heart flutter, it seemed he recently got out of the shower. Soft damp hair met my face as I buried it on the crook of his neck. Our actions were far too intimate to call this as “only friends”. Every reasonable thought left me as Sol wrapped an arm around my back, lips caressing my forehead and cheeks while smiling.
“It’s okay, you know I trust you Sol..” More rain could be heard from his room, creating a cozy and cold atmosphere around us. There was no one else I’d rather be with during these moments, so close yet…
“Are you hungry? I made some soup earlier..perfect for this weather, isn’t it?” I nodded, watching as he parted away from my body. Planting a kiss on my neck while walking towards the kitchen. The fresh and soft aroma of the miso soup he prepared made my stomach rumble with hunger
“You always make the best food Sol” Now reachinh the kitchen area, I sat by one of the bar stools, admiring the pink apron he wore. A bowl was later on placed in front of me, its contains making me smile as Sol spoke
“Mn? You really think so?” He asked, grabbing a bowl for himself. Standing in front of me while meeting my gaze, smiling as he enjoyed eating with me.
“Mhm! There’s no one else’s food that I’d enjoy then yours..” A hand was placed on my cheek, staring at Sol who leaned towards me, our lips meeting briefly as he smiled.
“Then..I wouldn’t mind cooking meals for you, my darling.” We shared another short but sweet kiss while smiling. Sol quickly went to wash the dishes, later returning to his bedroom, hand in hand. Warm touches graces my skin as Sol filled my embrace, kissing my face while sighing in peace.
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Sequel (coming soon)
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2aceofspades · 2 days
Me to Two:
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Gaw hopefully they make up, yeah...
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Fingers crossed 🤞🤞
Perfect opportunity for a lil Acey ramble sesh tho~
Spoilers for anyone who hasn't read EMD! Also this is gonna be long cuz I like to ramble sometimes. All of this is just me rambling my own thoughts and perspectives (:
In all honesty, I know I'm personally expecting there to be a lot of unresolved tension between the both of them if they get an opportunity to talk. I mean, I doubt their childhood was filled with apologies and making up and such. Their childhood must have been filled with them being pitted against one another in some ways. Their strengths have been both used and somewhat strained by Draxum to benefit the mission he placed on them. This has probably negatively affected their egos quite a bit, thus exacerbating that brutal sibling rivalry.
From the start, One hasn't been all too kind or honest with Two either. Although, it could be argued that Two's betrayal just stings more because One had spent every little mission making sure Two stayed safe, one way or another. That much is seen through One's internal monologue throughout the story. Two's betrayal also definitely hits more to One's autonomy, which is its own can of worms, of course.
But One also spent his time jeopardizing Draxum's orders for One's own personal goal of taking out Raph and Mikey...thus jeopardizing his and Two's success with their given mission. This must have been a pretty heavy blow to Two, who chose to do and not to do things for One because Two was under the impression that their mission was their sole focus. Thus, their perspectives play a big role in both sides of this broken trust and strain in their relationship as experimental child soldiers and brothers (in arms).
So, maybe Two had a similar perspective and goal. And I think this has been discussed that, on the surface, Two did what he did for the sake of the mission. In his eyes, his betrayal was justified and almost necessary for success. One was threatening their sole mission because of One's personal fears. So, in Two's eyes, shutting down One would thus secure their success. Right? Cuz, at the end of the day, isn't that what they're both going after? Success? It looks different for the two of them, but Two is following orders and One is taking out the experiments that he perceives as threats in order to secure his and Two's ranks in Draxum's command. They're both trying to succeed, both in the things they choose to do and not to do.
Additionally, maybe Two didn't expect One to take it so personally. Both of them were hurt by one another, betrayed by each other. I don't think it was ever one-sided. Cuz how could it be? One was trying to protect Two, but I think the same can be said for Two. He isn't the total bad guy. Their perceptions of each other and of themselves are skewed, off...and it makes sense. That's a major reason why I love this story so much. At least, for me, it's relatable in that way. Because when someone who raises you and is supposedly trying to protect you does things out of fear instead of love, your perception is off. Maybe it looks like love, but it doesn't feel like it.
For both One and Two, they do things out of fear. They were raised to be useful tools; that's how they're perceived by Draxum. Their strengths are useful, even their fear is useful at times. The things they can do are useful and they can be replaced if they are not 'good' tools. So, when something or someone threatens that perception, they do things out of fear of being useless, unsuccessful. It's difficult to not see yourself or others in that same way. That has been very relatable for me, in all honesty. And it's a repeating theme for both One and Two AND Draxum in the story, which makes sense.
Does all of this make what Two did okay? No. It just puts a possible explanation to why he did what he did.
Small circle back, One and Two would both need to take responsibility for the things they did and failed to do and rebuild their trust. Will that happen? I don't know, but I hope so :)
I love thinking up the possible timeline between them though. Both of them have certainly said and done some rather hurtful things to each other. Is that going to be acknowledged by either one or both of them? Mm...I dunno. I hope so, but they'd only really have that modeled from Raph and Mikey. It would be AMAZING if they have that finally modeled by Draxum though. I think that would open a door for all three of them that could introduce some real, nice healing. Will that happen? Again, I don't know, but damn do I hope so.
All in all, I am hopeful for both One and Two. They deserve to just be themselves, not just used as helpful tools, ya know? That's my two cents tho (:
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mandy-asimp · 4 hours
A game for two
Pairing: emily Prentiss x fem! Reader (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: teasing, profanity, smut, fluff(?),
Summary: y/n is the youngest agent with a TikTok account. And after video goes viral, people notice a connection between her and emily.
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"Come on Pen! It'll be a quick break. No longer than thirty minutes!" Y/n beamed as she dragged Penelope from her office.
It was a known scene for anyone to see. The youngest member of the BAU pulling someone or a few others with her to teach them a new trend. Posting on a page she ran and deemed the official BAU page, naming it bootylicious_BAUbaddies. Fitting.
"What even is the trend this time? You post like every single day, people are gonna think we don't do our jobs." The blonde grabbed the phone. It was a complex dance with a lot of camera work. "This is what you want to post onto the BAU page? You don't think it's a bit risqué?"
The word made Y/n laugh, "it's an unofficial page under my personal information. I can post whatever I want. Plus, you are the only one who understands camera work." That's when her eyes landed on Matt and JJ walking in. "Omg! Can you guys throw papers and be flashlights?!"
"Y/n...we just got home from a case. It's almost midnight." JJ sighed, putting her stuff down anyways to help out. "Is it another dance?"
"Another? You did one today?" Penelope frowned, had Y/n found someone else to film her?
"It was a rough draft of the dance. So I could critique it and work on it. I only learned it this morning. Spencer filmed...but he doesn't have your magic Penelope," she reassured. "Lights on the sides at all times, Penelope moves forward following me, and it'll be a one take if you do it right."
Emily watched the one take from her office. Amazed by how smoothly someone could move even after a long day of murder. But yet, there was Y/n. Stretching very lightly before getting in position. The faint music from the phone played as Y/n moved in ways that made Emily blush from her office.
"You had all this energy for that dance, but you didn't have enough when running?" JJ teased, putting her phone away as she collected her belongings. "Goodnight to you all, I hopefully won't see you till nine." She left quickly, needing to get home.
Everyone else was close behind as their day came to an end. Another case and dance completed.
What Y/n didn't know, was that dance would be the one to bring her page to light.
By the morning, when Y/n was on her way, she had checked. Laughing a little bit about is the video blew up, but she scrolled and found another little idea to do. It was something simple and sweet, giving a kiss on the cheek to everyone and seeing their reaction.
It truly was harmless since the team was used to her affectionate behavior. She made it known that she cares for everyone on levels they don't even realize. How she had made it a point to spend time with them all individually continuously.
By the time she got to the bureau she could spot almost nobody. Her eyes jumped to the round table room, frowning as they all waved her in.
She set her stuff down and trudged over, "one day serial killers will respect our schedule." She sat before looking at the screen. Her frown instantly becoming laughter as it was her video. "Thats what you all were in here for?"
"Well it's only been up for a few hours and it's already surpassed three million likes." Penelope dropped the tablet with the data pulled up. "You put the BAU as one of the top units now."
"Means we'll have a lot more attention on us, and as the unit chief I have to remind you, just because it's personal, doesn't mean it won't affect you. If something is posted that is not appropriate to share, there will be consequences. Use this freedom wisely Y/n." Emily bowed her head and walked out. Heading to her office, where she would watch the dance over a few times before getting back to work.
And that's how most the day was. Just another paper work day with Y/n going around and gauging reactions from everyone for her next video.
Penelope covered her face and kissed her all over, leaving bright pink lipstick marks and a blushing Y/n. They also recorded the cleaning up and retouching as a separate video.
Luke gave his classic smile, which only earned him an eye roll and a playful laugh as he spun her and dipped her.
JJ smiled and gave a wide smile. The two talked about how sometimes the trends Y/n did brought light to such a dark job. And JJ really appreciated that.
Spencer was taken aback and started spewing facts about germs as Y/n wiped off her lips gloss from his cheek.
Rossi thought the trend was stupid, but still let it happen. Never having a smile on his face, making the viewers think he wasn't a happy old man.
The only one left was Emily. And Y/n couldn't have been happier. She knocked lightly before waltzing in. Setting the phone down on the desk, already recording as Y/n pulled over a chair.
"And what is this trend?" Emily looked at the camera, more watching how Y/n fixed her appearance and reapplied lip gloss. She was so entranced by the young agent.
Her eyes then jumped back to herself, she had silver hair and a few wrinkles. She wasn't as young as she used to be anymore. "You are still beautiful for your age, Prentiss." Her voice broke in. Could she read minds? "No you forget I'm one of the best qualifying new agents in my generation. Of course I can read your mind when you space off."
"Right..." Emily whispered. "So the trend?"
Y/n beamed, "yes the trend! In short because I can't tell you too much, it's quick simple, and everyone else can tell you that if you need another backing source. Even Rossi took part."
Emily pondered over for a second, but overall agreed. "Ok. I'll bite."
And so the younger grabbed Emily's phone, having already pre sent her the audio before walking in. "You know, I'm surprised you even have TikTok on your phone. I figured you would've been apart of the group that thinks it's useless and a waste of time. But then when I got the little notification that you joined, I have to admit, I got a bit excited. I can teach you about it if you ever need. And teach you any trend you want to learn." Y/n rambled on. Not giving Emily a chance to say anything as the sound started.
Soft music began to play as the two sat there and Y/n just so suddenly turned and kissed Emily's cheek. Her lip gloss shining against her pale skin, that soon turned a light pink. Her world went silent as her heart hammered and she looked to Y/n with a stunned smile.
It was silent as the two just stared at each other. But it wasn't a friendly stare it seems, Emily was looking absolutely smitten and Y/n could see it. The thought that her boss could possibly like her making her grow a matching pink.
The sound ended and began to replay, but was lost upon deaf ears. Suddenly the room felt different. Did it suddenly get warm in here?
Y/n was forced to watch as Emily glanced down to her lips. Licking her own in the process. It made her blush even deeper. "Emily..." she barely got out.
The silver fox leaned in closer to her prey. Suddenly eager to get just a taste. Her hand reached up to cup Y/n's soft cheek, feeling truly how warm she was. Smiling down at the stunned agent.
She pulled Y/n closer. Just barely touching their lips. Emily enjoyed the small gasp that escaped as her eyes widen in shock.
However, the knock at the door ruined their moment. Emily grabbed her phone, turning it off to end the song playing on repeat. That's when she noticed the other phone still recording the whole moment. And she flashed a smile to the camera, her canine seeming to twinkle in the light.
"Come in," she recomposed herself. Hands folded on the table.
Y/n on the other hand, had composed herself on the outside. But internally she was a wreck. She never knew Emily would be so capable of making her a mess. Yeah, she's thought about it, but it wasn't anything like what just happened.
JJ poked her head in. "We just got a case....it's bad." The worry on her face being enough for both to snap into work mode.
The case was over in a week. A week of sleepless nights and too much coffee. Everyone was exhausted.
"I can not wait to be on that plane," Y/n groaned. "I swear I'm taking tomorrow off. I'm going to sleep all day long."
"Now that does not sound like a bad idea," Luke agreed, along with the others. "A nice little at home day. What do you say Chief?" He turned to Emily.
She took a good look at everyone's exhausted face, and her decision was clear but she took too long to observe and didn't notice Y/n walking over and hugging her.
"If you say no, I will make the world think you actually hate us." Y/n playfully threatened, smiling up to her boss and practically skipping back to her bags. "I mean it." She suddenly had a serious face on.
Emily knew it was just the sleep deprivation that was causing this much attitude. But a little part of her, felt that she really did mean it. "Fine, tomorrow you can all have the day off. It'll be Saturday anyways." She gave in.
They all cheered as they boarded the plane. Spencer spread out on the small couch, JJ across curled up into a chair, Luke and Rossi on the other side sitting horizontally from each other, Matt and Tara in the other seats across from each other. Then there was Emily.
Y/n figured she would've sat across her, keeping a small space, but she wasn't complaining when she sat next to her. "Switching it up on me?" She teased.
"Mm well, I figured last time we were this close we got even closer." She threw back, reminding the agent of their last encounter. "Did you ever post the video?"
Slightly stunned, she shook her head. Her ponytail brushing against the seat and reminding her of her headache. She went to reach for it, eager to pull it out.
"Here," Emily broke in quickly. "Let me," her hands were up by the black rubber band suddenly. Carefully pulling at it and the hair. Dropping the hair tie onto the table and taking it upon herself to scratch the others head. Her nails sending tingles all down Y/n's body.
And y/n couldn't deny it, Emily was good with her hands. She seem to suddenly know how to touch her in ways she didn't even know. She scratched in the right spot and she hummed a moan as her eyes were shut.
The team all looked over to the two of them. Questioning at first but then laughing. "So she finally gets the famous 'Prentiss scratch," Spencer cracks the joke.
"Have you all had one..." Y/n sharply inhaled when she got a new spot. "Ohmygod..." she whispered as her face contorted.
"Enjoy it while it last, you only experience it once. Mine was four years ago." Luke mentioned.
"Mine was for my birthday, I felt like my hair was thirty times lighter." JJ gave her experience. Soon everyone was talking about theirs.
And before she could process any words, Emily's hands were leaving from her head. "No, don't stop!" She protested, earning chuckles from around at the reaction. But her hands left anyways, and Y/n whipped to look at Emily. Her pupils blown wide.
It wasn't a reaction Emily thought she could get. Did her touch really work her agent up that much? A sly smirk crossed her lips as she shook her head and turned away.
"You can't just give us the knowledge of how good your head scratches are and then just rip it away! That's vicious!" She put up a fight. Hoping that it would get Emily to continue her actions. "I thought you liked us..." her eyes suddenly pleading.
"I'm with her on this one, come on Prentiss!" Luke played along. "It's a gift, those hands."
Y/n dropped her head to look at Emily's hands. They were stunning. How only a few rings decorated them, but they all matched perfectly. Matching the bracelet that wrapped her wrist. Then were her arms. Strong and yet so careful. Sculpted by the best.
"Those hands..." Y/n mouthed to herself. Her eyes snapping up to Emily's. Already finding hers staring back. With a huff and blushing cheeks, Y/n turned away.
Y/n woke up, but it was colder on the planes than usual. Everyone was asleep, and by best guess they still have four more hours. It was too cold to sleep though, she wanted her sweatshirt.
But she was on the inside, the window seat. It was either over and out or under or just climb over the sleeping woman.
"Do you need something?" Emily's eyes fluttered open. Her head rolling over to stare. Even waking up she was still beautiful.
"It's cold..." she mumbled. Hoping it wasn't to much to ask, "my sweatshirt is in my bag." But instead, Emily slipped out of hers and handed it over. Falling back asleep before any protest could begin.
She sat there with the sweatshirt in hand. Knowing there was nothing to do but put it on. And so she did, along with setting up her phone and grabbing the mic of her headphones.
The video began. "Hey vlog, or whatever...turns out, I read her ," the camera panned over to Emily. "Signs right! She gave me her sweatshirt and the video we made...guys listen I can't even add it in because of how intimate it is. Maybe I'm delusional though. Cause she's literally my boss ...I think I'm being crazy....nah, she definetly likes me. Emily Prentiss, I hope you're ready for what's next." And the video ended. Lasting a little over a minute.
But she didn't fall back asleep, she couldn't. Her mind raced with too much thoughts. For another two hours she had to weighs her pros and cons of going for it.
Eventually she rubbed her eyes and sighed. She leaned back and closed her eyes again. Counting sheep until she drifted off.
A few more hours had passed, leaving only an hour left until the landing. Emily had woken up know. Instantly feeling something on her shoulder. Slowly looking down, she saw Y/n peacefully asleep.
In her moment, she pulled out her phone and took a few pictures. Dropping it quickly as the other stirred awake. Lifting her head and peeling open her eyes.
"That was some good sleep, holy shit." She yawned. Her comment earning tired laughs from everyone else. She leaned over to Emily, "see how they all are followers? Waking up at the same time as me? Wannabes." She joked.
Emily shook her head. "I'm glad you got some sleep." She hummed. Checking her phone now, and when she opened it, the pictures were pulled up. She tried to swiped out of them, but Y/n had seen them.
Blushing madly when the woman met her eyes. It was a hard stare, causing feelings to arise when they shouldn't. Her legs squeezed slightly at the eye contact. "Was that...I'm sorry if I was leaning, I truly didn't mean to." The apology fell with a laugh following. It was genuine and still light. "You're a little weird though, Unit Cheif Prentiss. Taking pictures of your young sleeping agent."
Her comment was full of playfulness. Emily knew that easily. It made her smile slightly. "Can you blame me? When a cute agent as yourself is sleeping, it's no doubt I'd take pictures."
Y/n elbowed her arm and shook her head, looking down to her phone. "Be careful, if someone sees they'll think I'm your sugar baby." The joke fell without second thought.
It caught Emily off guard. How easy the joke was made. She didn't continue playing the game, silently pondering over the joke.
"Seems like someone can't handle being a sugar mommy," Tara teased from across the way. Having watched the entire interaction. "Should make it your lock screen, really sell it. It'll bring you in more sugar babies. Have one for everyday of the week."
Y/n scoffed with a smirk, "who says I wanna share my new found sugar mommy? I like the attention only on me."
The jet laughed. "You make enough to not even need a sugar mommy, plus, sharing is caring." Matt butted in now.
"Even if I don't need financial support, Prentiss is still attractive and also...I don't care." She gave a shrug, looping her arms with the woman next to her and leaning on her. "There's only room for one sugar baby in her life."
Emily couldn't believe the conversation she was hearing. The term they kept using. Sugar mommy. Would Y/n let her spoil her if she asked?
Then there was the physical contact. How she held onto her. Pushing her breast against her arm and holding on so possessively. Who says I wanna share....her words rang in Emily's head. She wouldn't want to have anyone else if she had her.
She took a quick glance down to the other, finding her completely unphased by the conversation. Instead she was scrolling through her phone, looking for a new trend to partake in.
It had been a few days now. Everyone was doing paperwork and trying to finish their day. That's when Penelope came rushing in towards Y/n.
"People are noticing!" She squealed as she put the phone onto the desk. There was an edit made between the young agent and her boss. Comments about how they look 'down bad' for each other. "You and Emily are becoming a very popular topic, fifth trending hashtag."
"That's hilarious. How much evidence is built against us now?" She scrolled through a few comments, them all making her smile. She took it upon herself to scroll further on the new hashtag. Over a thousand videos reacting to the edit and a few more edits.
"Just wait till they find out she's your sugar mommy," Tara came and took interest in the phone as well. "Looking at it now, you two do look like you're beating around the bush."
"Well that's cus it's only a one sided bush. Emily Prentiss does not want anything romantic to do with me." Y/n clicked off the phone, handing it back over. "She probably wants someone more wise and shit. I have a TikTok account with the term bootylicious in it."
Both woman looked down in disbelief. That when JJ came in. "I have know Emily for a while now, and I can tell you know, that woman let's you get away with more than she ever would've. There's definitely two sides of the bush."
The woman in question came out, looking over her team and being curious of what the women were all talking about. "What's the conversation?"
Y/n sighed, "we've become a trending hashtag. They're beginning to think we're more than just friends. Then Tara made the joke about when they find out you're my sugar mommy." She explained shortly. Leaving out the bush part.
"Oh? What are they saying?" Emily questioned, almost feeling desperate to hear more of this new information.
Penelope opened the phone and handed it over. The four letting their boss scroll a bit and read. A small smile cracking on her lips. "Yeah...wait till they find out you're my sugar baby." Emily joked as well.
Truly, she was hiding the sudden excitement. Was there a chance? Surely she had made enough moves for the other to figure it...right? She almost did kiss her the other week.
"I have a meeting though, if anything comes through just shoot me a text." She made her exit, the smile really growing as she couldn't stop thinking of the two together. The things that she would do.
But the thoughts got lost over the long day. Papers being filled out and turned in. By the end, everyone was just happy to be free.
Emily had walk out, her bag in hand. Confirming they were actually done.
"We so have to get drinks. We haven't had a day were we finished reasonably on time." Y/n groaned, stretching from her chair. "Plus I wanna do who we all think will be the drunkest."
"If it's a competition I'm so there," Luke agreed. "But you're so going down."
Tara scoffed, "you do not want to play any drinking game with that one. She reigns undefeated on girls nights."
"We don't know how she does it, she's held the title since the first night. We were all set up that night..." Penelope reminisced in the memory. How drunk they all were...
"But you're so welcomed to try, Alvez." She beamed in pride. "I say we all change and meet in an hour?"
They all agreed and began to walk out together. Emily noticed how Y/n walked over to Penelope's car. "I can drive you?" She offered. "I live closer than Pen does to you so she wouldn't have to go out her way."
She glanced to Penelope, her head now facing away from Emily. Giving the blonde a wink before turning back. "Sure, it makes more sense. Though, this is very sugar mommy esc of you, Emily." She joked as she walked over. Looking through her lashes with such an innocent look, "I bet you'll even put your hand on my thigh and help me pick what to wear, won't you?"
Emily stared down, her pupils dilating at the words. Her lips curled into a devious smile. Her mind running with possibilities.
She simply turned, leading back to her car. Opening the door for the other as she slowly rounded the car, the smirk never leaving her lips.
And for the entire drive her hand traced circled on the others thigh. Yet, Emily never got a reaction. Y/n played it cool and just scrolled through her phone.
Although, Y/n could hardly read anything on her screen. The burning sensation being the only thing she could truly think of. But she enjoyed the game, eager to see how much Emily could take before loosing it.
They parked and walked in silence next to each other. The teen in the main lobby giving a second glance at how the two looked. She had seen the edit and couldn't believe her eyes now. Quick to pull out her phone and film the two getting into the elevator. Capturing how Emily's right hand fell to Y/n's lower back and the two shared a look before moving. Disappearing into the silver box.
Y/n gave a small exhale once it was just the two of them. "Someone can't handle their own game?" Emily's words were quick. Her eyes already staring back and full of wonder.
"I don't know what you're getting at, Agent Prentiss" she tried to deny the grin but it was useless once she looked at Emily. The whole situation was just setting in to her.
It set in even faster when the silver fox had her against the elevator wall. Her right hand gripping at her jaw as the other held her close by the waist. "You don't seriously think you'll win, do you?" Her voice was vicious. "Y/n, you're so much smart than that." Her brown eyes scanned over ever feature, lasting the longest on the plush lips.
The elevator dinged, and in a blink Emily was off her. Standing as if nothing happened, but she was stunned when Y/n walked away...unbothered entirely.
Her hands fiddled with her keys before finding the one to unlock her apartment. Laughing lightly as Emily rested her hands on her hips. "You are handsy, I must say." She joked. As the door unlocked, her hips pushed back into the others, causing the hands to slip more forward. A playful gasp came, "maybe even too handsy!"
She broke from the grasp, entering the home and taking a deep breath. "It's nice to be home," she dropped her stuff by the door. Y/n disappeared around a corner, only giving the choice to follow.
When Emily obeyed, she was speechless. The view from the big window was insane. Being able to see over half the city and the bureau. "If you would like to pregame, I have a mean stash of dark."
"Trying to get me drunk already?" The older came closer, leaning against the cool marble counter. Once again, her answer was a mere laugh.
Y/n had this glimmer in her eyes. It's the same one she has every time she's about to say something unexpected. This time being no different.
She came close to her boss, leaning into her and pulling her down by the neck. "I don't need you to be drunk for you to sleep with me. I already have you and you didn't even notice, so much for a profiler." She backed off now, still housing that devious look. "It's a shame the teams waiting for us, would've loved to see where this went..." her voice trailed off as her eyes looked Emily up and down.
Y/n winked, leaving the guest in the living room as she went to her bedroom. At first not hearing foot steps behind her, then they were hot on her trail. Glancing over her shoulder, she couldn't help the rush of excitement at the frustrated Emily. Everything was going to plan.
Emily turned to shut the door, carefully and not slamming it. Spinning on her heal to really lay it down, but Y/n stood by the closet entrance fiddling with the hem of her shirt. Pulling it up slowly, but right when her bra shows, she turns. Entering the closet with a sexy sway in her hips.
She passed through her outfits, trying to find the new dress she ordered. As she was about to push the George Town sweater over, hands wrapped around her waist and a nose was burrowing into her hair.
She let it play out, continuing to search for the dress. Stepping over twice while the woman still held her. Her hand pushed the black formal dress over, finding just what she was looking for. She felt the felt of the hanger under her hand, but forgot everything by a new touch. Soft lips hovered over her neck, letting warm breaths fan over the skin. Skilled hands roaming up to her chest and cupping her boobs through the bra.
The moan was light, quiet. But the groan following from behind was deep, lustful. "Is that all it took? Touching you right?" Emily whispered against her ear.
Y/n wanted to cave in, she was ready to as well, but she knew just one more would win her everything. So, with a steady hand, she grabbed the dress and turned in Emily's arm. "And what would you know about touching me right? Do you fantasize about me? Is that how you know?" Her voice steadier than ever.
Emily let her tongue dart over her lips. "You have no idea..." she thought this was it. That drinks would be forgotten and she could finally have her.
But it's never easy with Y/n. "I can give you a sneak peak if you'd like..." she beamed up to Emily. Not giving her the chance to respond as the younger stood on her tip-toes to be next to her ear. Fake quiet moans falling from her plush lips, "oh...right there...yes Emily...yes.."
Her grip tightened on the other's waist as her breathing became erratic. "Baby, id make you scream." She leaned her lips closer. She was right there, lips practically on hers.
That's when the small laugh came, and Emily had no idea what was so funny. "I always win," was all she got out before breaking away and leaving Emily on the verge on loosing it.
She groaned again, this time in frustration. Her head was shaking as she tried to piece together what the next move could be. The dress, she figured.
Her eyes snapped up when she thought of the outfit. Hands covering her face as she tossed her head back. It hugged onto her so well, showing off enough legs to keep Emily busy for hours. The perfect amount of cleavage could be seen. And the flowy sleeves to give a little arm coverage. It fell right below her ass.
Emily swallowed thickly as she left towards the door. Trying to ignore the sound of laughter that followed her out. "Can't handle a little skin?" She teased as she brushed pass. Locking her door before looping her arm to Emily's and handing over her keys.
The action confused Emily. "Why didn't you bring a purse? I'm sure you had one?" They stood outside the elevator.
"I don't plan to come home tonight," Y/n hummed. She stepped a little closer to the woman, squeezing her arm just a little to bring her eyes down. "That is...if you give up first. Cause I can play this out all night. And personally, I don't think you can last all night."
"You have no idea what I'm capable of, bunny." She gave the new nickname. And it made Y/n's heart beat a little faster and her smile grow a little more. The blush dusting her cheeks as her pupils dilated a little more.
"Bunny? Is that because you're a silver fox?" Y/n joked, feeling excited at the new found name. The elevator opened and the two get on. Just them. Neither one stepping away or saying anything until they hit the eight floor.
The doors opened and in walked a man that seemed unfamiliar. He was fine as he was...until he gave a once over on Y/n, then one on Emily. The difference being the smirk he gave the first, then the disgusted he gave the second.
He seemed closer to Y/n's age, and that's what they assumed was the reason for his comment. "If you ever get tired of the old hag, I can support you." The words fell out and both agents seemed star struck.
"And what is it you do for a living?" Y/n asked, loving how the interacting had Emily pull her closer to her and wrapped her arm around to hold her hips.
"I'm a college professor. Youngest in my building." He flashed his smile. Enjoying the attention, but soon letting his mood fall when the woman shared a look. "And what does she do? Crochet and feed her cats?"
"She's the FBI's section chief....so I think she's got you beat..." Y/n shrugged with a mocking look. Getting a mean look as he got off on the fifth floor. Grumbling as he shook his head. The doors closed a few seconds after. "I told you people think you're my sugar mommy."
Emily scoffed and let the tiny smile spread on her lips. "Maybe you're the one who fantasizes...this whole sugar mommy talk. Would you like me to spoil you rotten? Is that what this whole game is?" Her hand sliding down from the hip to rest right on her lower back.
It was a quick motion suddenly. She pushed Y/n forward and let her arms wrap her up. Her left hand holding onto the left boob and her right hand gripping her right thigh.
Y/n's hips pushed back into Emily. "I don't kn-,"
"I don't know? But bunny, you do know. You know you want to give in and just let me have you." Her hand slid closer to her core. "We could have so much fun if you give in."
It was tempting, but she shook her head. They were at the second floor. Trying to ignore the hand slipping into her panties. How close she was.
The elevator dinged, and Emily was off in no time. Something she was so good at. Disappearing like a ghost. Leaving Y/n cold from her touch.
The doors opened and Y/n relooped their arms. Passing the teen in the lobby once again. Y/n flashing her a friendly smile as they left. Emily's car being right in the front.
It was about two in the morning, and the drinking battle was about to begin. With the entire bar watching, Luke and Y/n had ten shots of light, and three dark shots.
Matt stood behind him, cheering him on. Saying how the rumors were fake and she couldn't drink. And Y/n knew they were all drunk and just saying things cause they can.
Emily was behind her. Hands on her hips as she gave them a squeeze. "Put him in his place and make me proud, bunny." Her voice was seductive on all levels.
Y/n met Luke's eyes. Both having hands on the pool table by their first shot. "You're so fucked Alvez," she slurred. She leaned over to him slightly, "I'm gonna make her proud."
"Wait let's film this!" Penelope came up. Setting up one of their phones to capture both of them. Giving a drunk thumbs up as Tara stood on the other end.
She inhaled, "ok, I want it nice and clean. Ready.." the room went silent. "Set..." the two contestants glance at each other one last time. "Go!" Tara shouted.
It was a blur, truly. Shot after shot. They stayed close the entire time, but by the fifth, Luke began to slow by a millisecond. That was all Y/n need for a lead, and she jumped three shots ahead. Making it to the darks before he could get down his sixth. Cheering when she slammed down the last one.
Her arms in the air as the room cheered with her. "I told you Alvez! I make my woman proud!" She gloated around. Reaching and grabbing the two dark shots he never made it to and turned to hand one to Emily. Pleased when she understood and they shared the victory.
JJ laughed at the sight, "do you even have a limit?" She also grabbed an unfinished shot. Passing one to Tara and Penelope. Matt taking the last vodka shot and handing Rossi the dark.
Y/n shook her head with a wide smile. "I was the academies party animal. I had to be able to out drink everyone." She spilled her secrets.
"You're who threw the party that nearly caused a city power outage?" Tara furrowed her brows, enjoying the openness.
Y/n grinned, "that's me! I out drank Captain Johnson that night." She took pride in that achievement.
"Mmm as much as I would love to hear a drunk confession, we are closed. Your drinking battle was the last round I poured." The bartender came over and informed.
And everyone was out within half an hour. The team biding drunken goodbyes as they went their own ways. Everyone too drunk to notice Y/n and Emily leaving together.
Their drive back to the closer apartment being filled with humming and wind blowing through the car. They stopped at a stop sign, and Y/n stopped humming along.
A sudden realization that the night was almost over...and Emily had still yet to make the her move. "What's wrong?" Her voice rang through her head. "You seem upset now..." the worry laced her words, only to be countered with a cute pout.
"You're being stubborn." Y/n grumbled. The effects of how much she drank really getting her in the car. Which was new for Emily to be witnessing.
She figured that the passenger would be more submissive now, but that would be too easy. Y/n was the farthest thing from easy. Always throwing in a curve ball. This was her drunken curve ball.
While the light stayed red, she just acted. Grabbing Emily's jaw with her light pink nails digging just slightly into her soft flesh. She brought the older closer, tight to touching their lips.
"Why won't you give in?" She pouted. Eyes flickering down to her lips, then back up. "Do you not want me? Have you played me Emily?" Her voice was quiet and fragile.
A laugh nearly fell out of Emily's mouth, but she contained it. Grabbing the hand that held her face, "because I want to be able to do whatever I want with you." She pulled the hands away as the light turned green. Y/n huffed and crossed her arms. Looking away and out the window. "Pouting about it won't help your side, bunny. You could give in and we'd be over this game already."
"No," the response was instant. Her eyes wide and back on Emily. "I'll play this game forever until you give in. I know you want me in ways I can't even think of, so you'll be the one suffering. Especially since you can't do anything about it." She yapped. Her mind truly telling her that her plan was going to work.
Emily rolled her eyes as they pulled up to Y/n's apartment. Ignoring the questions of why they were here. She opened the passenger door, sighing at the agent who was acting childish.
"Y/n, let's go."
They got into a staring match. And Emily was just not having it anymore. It was late and she was tired just as much as the other was. So instead, she reached in.
"Wait no, stop!" Y/n tried to protest but the hold Emily had was too strong. She was thrown over the shoulder as she kept trying to get free. "Out me down! My butts gonna show!"
That's when a hand was placed over it. Holding the dress down and making Y/n burn red. As soon as it was there, it was gone and she was set down. Facing the elevator.
"You're no fun." She grumbled. Meeting the brown eyes in the reflection. It earned her a small laugh as the doors opened and she got nudged in.
"And you're drunk. If that's even possible." Emily joked. Her hands found home on the others waist. Holding her swaying body up and from falling. "But you did take thirteen shots in a row. Which I must say, is pretty impressive."
Y/n suddenly switched moods. Turning with a bright smile. "Anything to make you proud." Her eyes being genuine with each word. "Luke never stood a chance anyways."
"That confident from the start, huh?" Her brow arched in question.
Y/n shrugged, "I had you on my side from the start. Well actually I planned it and you fell right into the trap. But shhh that's a secret." Her index finger rose to her lips.
"Your trap?" Emily was full of curiosity now. What plan did she come up with? "Tell me about it?" But she shook her head, spinning to face the silver doors. "Please? What did that pretty head plan?" Still nothing. "Bunny?"
The doors opened and the younger was gone. Swaying while fidgeting with her keys for the right one.
It wasn't until Emily came up and carefully grabbed the keys. Getting the door open in only a few seconds. The accomplishment getting a loud cheer from Y/n, who was being directed into the apartment.
This did not set well with Y/n. And making it easy wasn't gonna happen either.
Before Emily knew it, she was chasing Y/n down the hallway. Scooping her up bridal style. "We do not need to be running around like this. Someone will hear us and file a complaint."
Y/n gave a chuckle, "we're the only ones on the floor," she pointed Emily's chest. Stumbling into the apartment and kicking off her shoes. She found her way to infront the big windows.
Emily moved in the silence to get a glass of water. She figured Y/n would stay by the window...but then again she just chased her down the hall.
Arms wrapped around her and a head hit the back of her dark silk shirt. The action was cute, she'd admit that, but she was also set to get some water in with all the alcohol.
Without thinking much of her actions, she turned and gently gripped the jaw. Tilting her head back and bring the glass to her lips. "Drink." Emily simply commanded. Watching at how easily she complied, tapping twice on her wrist to say she was done. "No. All of it. If you can do thirteen shots you can finish a glass of water."
Waking up, Y/n felt like hot garbage. She had to have been drunk last night for the consequences she would face. Especially once her stomach begin to turn. In a blink she was in the bathroom. Letting the night free from herself.
There was a hand holding back her hair and another on her back. And if she wasn't regretting whatever happened, she would've been in defense mode instantly.
"I'll go get you some water," Emily's voice rang in her head. Oh dear god. What happened last night?
She sat back and tried to recall anything. Not getting past roughly ten. She came home with Emily, then went out for drinks, then had said drinks.
The possibilities of what could've happened continue to haunt her. "Here," the voice broke her thoughts. She looked up to Emily, who was giving such a kind look almost always while looking at her and holding out a glass of water.
It made her feel less nervous. "Emily Prentiss, did you sleep with your sugar baby while she was drunk?" She joked about what she thought happened, taking the glass. She wanted to know what happened in the missing hours.
The comment made her boss flush pink, "no! No you were far too out of it for anything of that sorts..." She shook her head, pausing ever so slightly. "I'd want you to remeber screaming my name."
It was Y/n's turn to flush. "Well played." She downed the water and got up. "Unfortunately I don't remember much after ten...and seeing that it is well into the day makes me assume it was a long night?" She prepared to brush her teeth and rid of the lingering taste in her mouth.
Emily laughed at the confession. "So you would say you finally got drunk?" She teased, coming up close to the other. Y/n rolled her eyes and was about to walk away from the bathroom. But Emily grabbed her wrist and spun her back. Holding her firmly at the waist. "You didn't answer my question."
"Wouldn't you enjoy that? Me obeying you so easily?" Y/n was so easy to quip back. Never in the mood to back down. "And even if I did confess that to you, nobody would believe you."
Emily was surprised at the remark. "You think the team wouldn't believe me? And why's that? You have something to counter it?"
"If you as much say a word of me being drunk, you'll never get what you want. And I will make it only hell for you." She got closer, the two being nothing but a whisper apart.
"And what is it I want?"
"Confident much?"
Y/n answered with a smirk of many implications. Leaving the grasp to change into a different lounge outfit.
"Do you have any Saturday plans I should be aware of?" Emily sat on the edge of the bed. Watching as Y/n moved to collect a new outfit. Throwing each article onto the bed.
"Why yes, actually! I have a hot date coming over." She flashed a smile over her shoulder. "Wouldn't want to third wheel would you?"
Emily rolled her eyes and looked towards the window, facing away from Y/n. "Your date would be the one third wheeling." She was about to stand, but she was weighed down.
Y/n had made her way over into Emily's lap, straddling her and looking down to her. "You're right. Especially because you're my sugar mommy. If they touched you I think I would've lost it."
"So you admit it?" Emily had a hopefully grin. Hoping that maybe, just maybe, this was it.
"Admit to what exactly?"
"That you would let me spoil you. Be your sugar mommy?"
"Mm...no. I don't need your money. Plus, being a sugar mommy is an arrangement with no feelings involved. And if I wanted to put myself through a literal living hell than I would, but that's not on my bucket list. Not good for my mental state either." She answered truthfully without directly saying her truth.
Emily processed the words, slowly putting them together. Not realizing how Y/n began to form a smile and get up. Her head shaking while she thought in her own world.
"I don't have any Saturday plans. The most is finding some movie that I haven't seen before. Do you have any Saturday plans?" She began to get dress.
Emily was still in her own world with the words. And when she looked back to the now dressed woman, she was full of questions.
"So does that mean...?" Was all she let out, still not knowing if she meant was she meant.
Y/n laughed and came to stand in front of Emily. Hands on her shoulders, and Emily's pulled her closer by the back of her thighs. "You are the worst profiler in the entire unit," Y/n teased, a cocky smirk in her lips.
"But that whole little game you played? You're telling me you meant it?" Emily stared up, confused still by the idea of it.
Someone as young as Y/n having a crush on someone older. Old enough to be her mother almost.
"The idea is not that hard to grasp Emily Prentiss. I like you for you. I don't want you for some arrangement. I want you as my girlfriend." Y/n cupped her cheek, bringing her lips to be just a breath away. "But now that you mentioned my little game, just know I still plan to win."
The younger began to back up, making the mistake of turning her back on Emily. It was the second her back was turned, that Emily was moving. Spinning her around and pinning her between the dresser.
"I am not playing your game anymore. You're not going to tell me all that and then just walk away after a night of teasing." Emily's eyes were dark and swarming with emotions.
Y/n cupped her cheek once more, watching the woman lean into the touch. Turning her head to place a kiss to her palm. From her palm to her fingertips and back, the action caused Y/n to fail at comprehending anything. How delicate Emily's lips were against her skin. To be able to feel her lips pushing against her skin.
"Give in." Y/n whispered, knowing she was only a few seconds off from giving in herself.
"What is winning to you?" Emily kept placing kisses against her skin, trailing up her arm and to her neck.
They met eyes finally, a hair apart as they stared at each other. Y/n licked her lips, "everything." And that's when Emily closed the space. Kissing hungrily but softly. Tasting the fresh mint in a delightful way.
Y/n smiled in the kiss, putting just as much emotion into it as the other, if not more. How her heart was beating to a fast pace tune, her mind was silent with only thoughts of Emily.
The two stayed there for a little before the kiss began to get more heated. Emily dropped to scatter kisses all over the others neck. Taking Y/n by surprise with a bite to her pulse point, eliciting a gasp and a grip in the silver mane.
Y/n tried to push off the dresser, her back still digging into the edge, but it seemed Emily was lost in the moment and almost growled. The sound was deep and her voice came out gravelly. "I could practically eat you, you're so sweet. Letting me have you here."
Her hands slipped under the oversized shirt, feeling how soft and warm Y/n was in contrast to her cold hands. Her rings not helping as the metal touched the skin.
Y/n tried to push off again, growing eager to get to the bed. "Emily...the bed is right behind us." She managed out, eyes glossy as she scanned over the messy duvet. Her hand came up to her chest when she didn't get an answer, pushing her off slightly to break her trance.
Emily's breathing was erratic and her pupils blown wide. Her brows dropped as she was confused by the push. "You got a bit too lost there," Y/n blushed. "Is that really what I do to you?"
"Oh bunny you have no idea," Emily smirked. Throwing a look over her shoulder to the bed. "Are you sure about this?"
Y/n followed and glance over Emily's shoulder, looking at the bed. "Yes. But...I won Emily." She smirked up, watching the dread fill her eyes. "Oh trust me, you'll enjoy me being in charge. I'm full of surprises remember?"
The older groaned and took a step back. "What is it you want me to do?" She sounded almost defeated.
Y/n laughed and pushed her back to the end of the bed. Leaning over her slightly, "you make it seem like I'm going to torture you. You wait here for five minutes, I'll knock and you'll close your eyes and then I'll tell you to open them, m'kay?"
"That's it?"
"That's it."
"Fine." Emily agreed. Sitting for the two minutes on the edge of the bed, taking in every detail in the room. Hoping to see it again. The knock had came and Emily closed her eyes.
Y/n peeked her head in first, making sure they were closed. Before going in to set up her winning. She had changed into a cute lingerie set, one she knew Emily wouldn't be able to resist.
The outfit change taking five minutes. "Ok." She stood right in front of Emily. Entirely on display for her. "You can open your eyes."
And when Emily did, her mouth ran dry. Y/n looked absolutely stunning. "I don't.."
"Ruin me Emily Prentiss." Was all Y/n had to say before she was being pulled in and being covered in kisses.
Emily took her time covering every inch she could get with kisses. Leaving several hickies on her neck before scattering them all across her chest. To anyone else it would look like a whole different story.
Y/n's pants and moans spurred the boss on. She truly would start to believe Emily had fantasize about this for how she just knew where to touch. It made her squirm for more. "Mmm, Emily..."
"I'm going to take my time with you." She was nothing short of stating a fact. "You look so adorable in this set. Have you been saving it?" Her deep brown eyes bored down at Y/n. "Did you order it with that dress from last night? I never told you how good you looked." Her head dipped down and kissed over the hardened nipple. Sending a jolt of electricity through her body. "And then when you beat Alvez," a kiss to the other. "You truly are something special, Y/n."
Her hands slipped behind to unclasp the mesh bra. Freeing the boobs and watching them naturally be. Emily licked her lips once again, ducking to the right nipple first.
Her tongue swirling over it lightly at first, but then adding more pressure. Listening to the sinful sounds that rang in the room.
"Emily...please..." Y/n breathily begged. Not knowing if she was ready for what Emily was planning. But her answer was teeth grazing her chest. Earning a new sound from the woman above.
"Baby, best things come when you wait. I want to work you up so much that it's undeniable that you'll never want anyone else." Emily answered truthfully, continuing her ministrations.
Y/n was lost in the feeling, but it wasn't enough. And it was clear it wasn't going to be enough anytime soon.
And after minutes that felt like timeless hours, Emily began to move down further. Her hair tickling in her previous place. She was back to her loving kisses all across her thighs. Feeling the legs shake slightly.
"You're so easy to work up," Emily hummed against the inner thigh. Her eyes staring up at the beauty above her. Watching as her head shook side to side. "Really?"
"You're just better than what I imagined," Y/n confessed without thinking. Realizing her words too late to even take back, and she knew they fed Emily's ego like a three course meal.
She wanted more though. Emily pulled back and hovered over Y/n, a yearning look hidden behind all the lust. "You've imagine it? So you do admit it. You've thought about me in naughty ways, how perverted of you." A laugh followed out. Making Y/n suddenly feel small at the comment, and not in an enjoyable way.
There was no answer in return and that's when Emily could see through the clouds. She had crossed a line and potentially screwed everything up.
Without realizing, the silver fox backed off entirely. Moving to the end of the bed and rubbing her eyes a bit. "Y/n...I'm sorry if I've crossed a line."
The younger sat up, crawling over to the other. Grabbing her hands and holding them silently at first. Trying to gather the right words for this situation. "...it's ok, but just know you're dealing with a pillow princess in all honesty. I like to be treated highly, like when you call me bunny. I enjoy that very, very, much. Your stone cold demeanor is sexy at work, but I want the real Emily Prentiss. The one who knows what emotions are." She snuck her hand on Emily's cheek and leaned in. Kissing her softly and with unspoken words. "Now don't let this afternoon be ruined." Y/n whispered before slowly moving toward the middle of her bed.
Sitting on her knees with her back arched and pushing her bruised chest forward. Her eyes glistening for Emily to come finish what she's started.
And Emily was not going to miss her chance. She took a deep breath and her eyes were filled with lust again. Exciting Y/n on a new level. She made her way up, standing on her knees as her hands slipped around the smooth waist. Leaning in and claiming the plush lips as her own now, forcing Y/n to bend back as well. Emily sunk down with each kiss until she was eye level.
"Can I undress you?" Y/n fiddled with the shirt. Only now realizing that Emily was in her clothes. The shirt and sweats making her seem so at peace. But as her hardened nipples poked against the fabric, it was hard not to imagine the lack undergarments.
A small smile played on Emily's lips, "of course you can, bunny." The two stood and Y/n took her time. Trying to mentally prepare to see her wild thoughts with her own eyes now.
She played with the hem of the shirt, balling it up before pushing the fabric up. Showing of the freckles that adored her chest. Taking a moment to admire the skin details, eager to ingrain every spot into her brain.
Her eyes then jumped up to Emily, who was staring and focusing on every move. "You're absolutely stunning...." Y/n let the smile take over as she leaned in for a kiss. Their bare chests pressing against each other.
The warmth of Y/n clashing with the coldness of Emily. But together they balanced the other out. Cooling down the burning skin, and warming up the icy touches.
Pulling back only slightly, Y/n slid her hands down. Slipping her hands to push down the shorts. Revealing the simple black underwear.
"Those mine?" Y/n gave a playful laugh, figuring if everything else was.
Emily shook her head though, "no I went home while you were asleep. I had to change from last night's clothes."
Y/n furrowed her brows. "So then why wear my clothes?"
"So that even when you were asleep, I could still be surrounded by you." Emily answered so easily. Gaining blush from the younger.
Emily would've loved to stay in that moment, it was simple and the start of something new, but when Y/n stood there in nothing but lace panties, it was hard to stay there.
"I could be surrounded by you forever," Emily smirked before pushing the other back onto the bed. Not waiting to dive to where they both wanted her. She took a deep breath in, "you smell so sweet, do you taste this sweet?"
Y/n let out a giggle, "you could find out." She propped herself up a bit on her elbows. Finally seeing Emily between her legs, growing impossibly wetter at the sight.
Maybe it was the lighting, but the sparkle in Emily's brown eyes was enough to say she planned to. She littered a few more kisses, leading Y/n to believe that there was more teasing, but with the first swipe of her tongue, both knew how this was going to end.
It was like an instant addiction. One Emily would never get enough of and wouldn't want to try and quit. And maybe she got a little out of hand when she tore the panties right off. Causing a surprised gasp to echo in the room as she dived right back in.
The room being filled with Y/n cursing, panting, moaning, and lewd Emily's that slipped from her mouth. It had to be a crime how good she was.
"Mm..fuck Emily," her name came out broken on Y/n's tongue. Her head rolling into the comforter under her. Emily swirled around her clit, moving so smoothly.
The tightening in her stomach grew suddenly. But right as she thought she would find a release, Emily wasn't working her magic anymore. Instead, she watched as Y/n clenched around nothing before meeting her eyes. "I told you. And with how addicting you are bunny? God we're gonna have a fun time," she smirked. Her hands massaging at the pillowy thighs. "You're beautiful you know that? Anybody would be lucky to have you."
Her hands slid up to her waist. Squeezing it in her hands and humming. "You look amazing in everything as well. It would take an entire country to make you look bad. But even then, you'd still be the most beautiful." She kissed all over her stomach.
Kissing up between her boobs. Where she took notice of how ragged her breathing was. "To be able to share these moments with you, baby. I promise to never let you go. I'll make sure you're safe everyday."
Her lips pressed against her neck. Sinking into the already bruised skin and sucking. Listening to the moan. They drove her into a different dimension, she would swear on that.
Y/n choked on a gasp as two fingers slid into her, catching her once again by surprise. The burn of being stretched was tedious, but it melted into pure pleasure. "You..." she couldn't think as Emily moved her hand. Her mind drawing to a blank as her palm hit her clit as it went.
"Yes baby?"
"You...mmmph...do you mean it?"
"Every word."
Tears pricked in the corner of Y/n's eyes as the feeling drew her close again. She prayed her legs not to give her away, but they work on their own for Emily. It seems all of Y/n worked against her. They began to shake, trying to close around her hand and keep it there, but with Emily in between, it was useless.
"Please," Y/n huffed. Her back arching up off the cover. And when she was just one more thrust away, Emily was gone again. "You so suck." She panted while looking up at the white ceiling.
"Oh, is someone upset they didn't get their way?" Emily faked a pout. Leaning in close and placing a chaste kiss to her lips. "I've told you my plan."
"The working me up?! If that's the case I want to redo my reward." Y/n sat up quickly and crossed her arms.
"Oh yeah?" Emily laughed a bit, "and what is it you want now? Even if you change it all now, you're still all worked up and no release. Now who do you think is gonna give it to you?"
Y/n blinked a few times, really thinking it over. Emily was right. She was worked up twice and knew it wouldn't be the same now that she's had Emily. She pondered a little more before crossing her arms and looking away.
"Are you gonna keep pouting?" Emily tilted her head to the side. Not getting Y/n to look at her. She knew what the other was wanting, it was obvious. "You are one princess you know that?"
Y/n smirked over her shoulder. "I told you I was, remember? Right after you called me a pervert?"
"You gonna hold that over my head?"
"Till you're on your knees begging me, I will sit here and look away." Y/n looked away again. Letting the choice be up to Emily now.
And man did Emily enjoy this more than she thought. The brattiness wasn't over done and Y/n knew what she deserved. She still held more control than she let on. Emily could feel herself give in almost instantly too, but she held down for a few seconds.
Then, she pulled Y/n to the end of the bed and got down in front of her. Hands traveling up her legs and wrapping them around her own head. Emily now sat with her head between Y/n's legs and looking up to her.
She placed caring kisses to the thighs next to her. "Is this better?" Emily glanced through her lashes, meeting the others eyes.
"You're not begging." She had spoke down to her, a devious smirk pulling at her lip. "Why should I let you?"
"That's how you play?" A brief nod. A beat of silence. And a silent sigh of defeat. "Please bunny, I need to taste you again. You've denied me too long. Please, please, please, I need you." Her humorus tone disappears as as she spoke, turning into true desperation as she could smell the effect of her words.
Her hands held her thighs, her grip tightening. Y/n wasn't budging yet. She was holding out on her self just to watch Emily fall apart. "Y/n. Please. I can't wait long. Please."
Y/n gave a look, tilting her nose into the air a bit to look down. Opening her legs to give Emily access and wearing a winning smile. "That's so much better," her tone was cockier than ever. Even her moan as Emily took her first swipe again.
And even for the second time, Y/n still tasted just as addicting. She sounded even angelic with her sinful noises. Everything about her lured Emily further in. Almost loosing herself in the moment. Her mind could think of nothing other than the beauty on the bed.
"God, Y/n...." she hummed lowly. "You're just so delicious. So beautiful. So desirable." Her tongue picked up. Her thoughts of wanting to see the other fall apart becoming heavy. "Just like that baby."
Y/n gasped once more before her breath hitched in her throat. The knot in her stomach snapping without much warning. Her hand flew down to Emily's hair, nails scratching at her scalp as she rode out her high. Profanities running from her like no tomorrow.
Emily once again littered her kisses once more before coming up. Placing a kiss to Y/n's plush lips, but following as it turned into a soft make out.
"Fuck Emily." Y/n laughed. She couldn't help but to think of the moment that just happened. "You definitely had fantasies."
The silver fox shook her head with a smile, laying down and pulling the other into her. "You know how to lure someone in, it's hard not to think of you." She shrugged off her truth. "We still have the rest of the day....can I take you to dinner?"
"Aww, was I not fulfilling for you?" She joked one more time before kissing Emily. "I would very much like dinner with you. But....it looks like I was in a fight and lost..."
Emily sat up and looked down at the other. Scanning over the amount of love bruises that covered her. "That does seem like an issue, you don't have any makeup?" A shake of the head. "Well then I guess we're going on a run to get you makeup and something to cook for the night."
"We're gonna cook? Didn't you almost give someone food poising last time you cooked?" Y/n loved how the idea sounded, she was thrilled. "What'd you have in mind anyways?"
Emily let a nasty smirk take over again, and Y/n could hear the thoughts and laughed. "Something easy. Maybe pasta? Then after....who knows what'll be for desert."
The younger let out another laugh at the implied. "Fine, but I'll make it a deal. We make a video while cooking, and then I'm all yours again. But the video has to get at least 100 likes by the time we finish."
"And if it doesn't?"
Y/n let her smile grow even more, "then you get nothing."
A shrug was her answer, "I don't make the rules." She sighed, glancing to her bathroom. "I could go for a shower, couldn't you?"
Emily looked over to the bathroom as well, taking a second to process what was being implied. "I could, I really could!" The thought to see the woman in her arm dripping with water and soap worked her up all over again.
Monday had came again, and the team was back in the bullpen. Enjoying the paper work to the best they could.
Penelope however was walking at a dramatic pace to find Y/n. Eager to know about this weekend that was all over TikTok now. And she came in hot with her phone already being opened. "Y/n! Care to explain?" She shoved the phone in.
Y/n watched the cooking video, smiling at the time they had. "We spent our Saturday together. And maybe our Sunday too but that's all."
Tara laughed enough to let everyone know she was listening. "Cooking doesn't leave a mark on your neck though." She pointed out the hickey right below her ear.
The side eye she received was vicious, "I burnt myself curling my hair."
"Yeah ok," Emily walked in with a knowing smile.
Tara leaned over to JJ, "bet the curling iron was that Prentiss brand."
"All the way up to it seems," the blonde fed the joke. "And what did you cook?"
Y/n sighed, feigning hurt," you don't even follow my account? You've made like a gazillion appearances."
JJ shook her head, "I don't have TikTok. But let me guess, there was a deal within that video that only you two know about?"
Emily came back with her coffee in hand, and another for Y/n. "She didn't win."
Penelope had been standing there shock about how simple they made it seem. "So! What I'm getting is! You two?"
Emily and Y/n shared a secret conversation. Both letting an infectious smile appear, "yeah, us two." They said in union. Too busy getting lost within each other to listen to the blonde jump for joy.
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hey...im not really sure why im telling you this but i guess its because i have no one else to tell. i live in a small town, and recently a neighbor's goodra (who i usually see every day and get to pat and give treats to) went on some kind of frenzied rampage. the town had to call in some local rangers because even goodras trainer couldnt get her to calm down...i still dont know what caused it, since theyre still investigating but my neighbor got hurt in the crossfire (recovering thankfully). people and pokemon lost their homes. i was one of the lucky ones really, seeing as only part of my house got destroyed.
the support turnout has been really great and i heard goodra was safely returned to her pokeball and is being treated and studied to find the cause. the thing is, i feel so conflicted.
this goodra has never shown a hint of aggression in the years ive known her (she was a sligoo when we first met, but evolved not long after.) shes always been gentle and sweet, and caring towards everyone she meets. and i trust my neighbor has been taking good care of her. but i also was there in the middle of the night when folks dragged my neighbor out of her burning and collapsed home, and when a stray dragon rage hit my house.
i dont want to say im 'traumatized' by it, because that feels like it would be like admitting a pokemon i really cared for hurt me and my neighbors/town on purpose. and i know that cant be true. i know that goodra wouldnt have hurt a fly before that night. but i keep having nightmares about the flames and the screams. there was ash and smoke EVERYWHERE. i could barely breathe. it took all night and late into the morning to put out all the fires, and the extent of the damage was pretty severe. everyone who wasnt injured has been working hard to help others rebuild.even forest pokemon have come venturing out to help.
but i cant. i feel like if i walk outside im going to be back there again. everyone is helping except me. i was lucky i didnt get hurt. but i can barely stand to look out a window to see the destruction. im scared of my goodra friend, and that hurts worse than anything else.
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i am...very sorry to hear that, but i think you need therapy. this isn't something i can help you with. it's natural to be scared of a pokemon that attacks you, even one that was friendly beforehand, and overcoming that fear takes time and professional help.
as for the goodra...i hope she's alright, and i hope your neighbor is too. unfortunately bouts of sudden rage from a normally-calm pokemon are often the result of a neurological problem. hopefully her medical checkup comes back with something treatable. this is why it's always important to be careful around these powerful pokemon no matter how friendly they are- it just takes one freak accident for people to get hurt.
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oristian · 2 hours
The way Lucien and Elain are going to have the slowest of slow burns. I have a feeling that their book is going to be the longest one in the series. Equal parts Elain and Lucien working through the bond, and equal parts Lucien dealing with his plethora of plot points, and Elain finding both inner peace with herself and strength in her femininity.
The Seer and the male with the eye who can see through magic. Fox and Fawn.
I am currently working through a reread of the series and picking out all signs of foreshadowing and symbolism between them and I’ll have that posted here hopefully by the end of Summer (fingers crossed the announcement drops before then)
Something I caught in ACOTAR, chapter two, was Feyre painting foxglove on their table. I honestly do not think this has any ties/merit to the overall endgame, but it’s cute. Foxglove being two symbolic pieces of both Lucien (fox) and Elain (glove). It is just something cute to see—and their blooming flowers scream Day Court and Elucien.
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No one come for me and say I’m pushing this as canon for their endgame.
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