#one of the most hated characters in persona in general
circesastro · 3 days
Circe's Astro Observation #3
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Note: I am not professional astrologer so please take these observations with a grain of salt. These are just my own observations, ideas, thoughts and theories. This is just for entertainment purposes. Also, please be respectful of my observations! It is perfectly understandable to not resonate with some of my personal observations but please do not leave any disrespectful comments! Without further ado, enjoy!
**All photos are from Pinterest**
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✿ Aries Mars tend to have a quick reaction or just move very fast
✿ Men with Sagittarius placements tend to have a very active lifestyle. Also they LOVE to spend time in nature/outdoors 😭. Most of their hobbies include skydiving, hiking, camping, etc.
✿ Individuals with Virgo placements hate having leftover food sit in their fridge…
✿ Also, individuals with Cancer suns always seems so calm? Whether it’s true or not is a whole other story but they always seem like the shy and quiet upon first impression…ex: Ateez’s San, Seventeen’s Wonwoo, NCT’s Taeyong, etc.
✿ Virgos tend to do a lot of editing/proofreading before submitting anything (if they could change it afterwards, they would too)
✿ Sagittarius Mars on the other hand are on a whole other level of competitiveness like they’re out for blood…there’s Yuqi from G-idle, Gunwook from ZB1 and even Li Chen…. if you can't tell just watch running man china and you'll know what I'm talking about 🤣
✿ Remember the time when Seok Matthew (Cancer Mars) won an arm wrestling match with Kim Donghyun (6th best UFC Wrestler who participated in Physical 100/ Virgo Mars) but lost to Gunwook (Sagittarius Mars)? Yeah, out for blood
✿ I noticed that in many idol groups, idols with libra placements tend to get popular and praised for the way they act/their mannerisms and charisma…there’s something fresh and unique that they bring to the table that the audience loves (Ex: BTS’s Jimin, Aespa’s Ningning, Gidle’s Yuqi, NMixx’s Lily, SKZ’s Bang Chan, Monsta X’s Joohoney, P1Harmony’s Keeho, Shinee’s Key, etc.)
✿ There’s two types of Scorpio mars— 1) Relies on their strength and drive to get through things (ex: BTS’s Jungkook, Ateez’s San & Seventeen’s Dino) and then there’s 2) One who relies on their mentality and emotional strength to get through things (ex: BTS’s Jimin and Seventeen’s Jeonghan)
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✿ You know what is funny? Cancer mars won't get into a physical fight but they are strong??? Their strength is kind of unexpected because they don’t use it all that much.
✿ Aries placement tend to have the type of beauty that captures people’s attention first (ex: Hyunjin of SKZ have an Aries Mars, Karina of Aespa is an Aries Sun + Venus, Mingyu of SVT is an Aries Sun + Venus, Lisa of BlackPink is a Aries Stellium, Jackson Wang is an Aries Sun + Venus, Asa + Ahyeon of BabyMonster is an Aries Sun + Mercury, Cha Eunwoo is an Aries Stellium, Ryujin of ITZY is an Aries stellium, etc.)
✿ Leo placements and their hyperfocus on their hair is so real like my mom is a Leo sun and she always say to take care of your hair, my brother is a Leo Venus and he would always style his hair and use multiple different products before leaving the house and my friend is a Leo Venus and she would change hairstyle every other month….
✿ Pisces Mars women make excellent "gold diggers". I think its because they easily play into people's fantasies. (Ex. Sheraseven, Lauren Sanchez, and my aunt in law 💀.) Also they have this intuition to knowing what it is that the other desires so it may come easier for them to play into the "ideal woman" but before you know it you're trapped...point is I think they can easily bag up a provider.
✿ Pisces Mars women in general seems like the ideal fantasy women. I also notice that their "mask" slips easily but they make it up just as quick. They are the type of people to play a persona/character so well that they eventually end up embodying that energy. (Ex. Marilyn Monroe, Paris Hilton, Im Yoona) Not saying that they are fake, I am just saying that these people often make others fall in love with their personas.
✿ Adding on to the previous statement pisces mars can make great manifestors and I think they will benefit a lot from Law of Assumption. Congratulations 🥳🎉.
✿ This might as well become a pisces mars (both men and women) post but i think its a great deal of delusion + intuition + acting that pisces mars end up manifesting their dream life. (quite literally delulu until it becomes trululu...)
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tgirljoker · 11 months
okay final thoughts on sumire for the night yes i think shes a bit underexplored yes i think that she has a lot of potential but whats already there is done spectacularly given the time frame of third sem and by no means does her underutilization mean that shes a bad character or that she was “screwed over” by the writers. underutilization does not necessarily equate to poor writing. if you dont understand the difference between the two just listen to me talk about morgana for literally any amount of time
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thehmn · 10 months
We often say children aren’t born hateful, they’re taught hate, and this is one of the best examples of that.
A public library in Denmark put on a drag show for kids. The performers made these wonderful princess dresses for the occasion.
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And of course hateful people protested outside. But when I saw the protestors I could tell they were about the same age as me which meant they’ve been watching a “drag show for kids” their whole fucking childhood. May I present Vera.
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She’s a cleaning lady played by a male actor. Her makeup looks like that because that was the stereotypical look for lower class women at the time. She started out as a background character who’d claim to know all sorts of famous people because she cleaned their house and people loved her so much she eventually got her own show.
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And like, she looks like a drag queen character. I’ve seen drag queens with personas very close to this. Vera’s style of comedy was even very close to that sort of funny drag. A low class woman who acts feminine and then randomly does something like fix a wedgie.
And that’s definitely not lost on the younger generation. Just check out Ivan’s cosplay of her (LINK)
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And most countries have their own version of this and you just want to ask them “Remember this character from your childhood? The man in drag, yes. Please share the horrible trauma you apparently got from watching them on tv”
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tumblingxelian · 3 months
Near Uniquely RWBY - Main Characters
I was chatting with my sibling the other day and we were joking about the fact in 90% of the media I consume I generally don't like the main characters.
Not in the sense I necessarily hate them, but I generally don't find them to be the most interesting, engaging or enjoyable person on screen or page. Instead I tend to gravitate towards secondary or minor characters and even minor antagonists before any of the big names.
Some of this is rooted in my often rooting for what tends to feel more like a real underdog or characters that feel like they got dealt a bad hand by the author unfairly. But its also that in a lot of media the main characters tend to immediately, slowly or quickly go into personality lockdown.
Becoming less a personality and more the embodiment of expected tropes and themes, or they lose their unique edge or circumstances because the plot demands one benefits or personality changes be heaped on them to keep the tone and story going.
Some examples of this would include say:
Ichigo from Bleach, with him and his supporting cast being very unique and super interesting during the initial arc. But as Soul Society came in, he became a much more standard Shounen determinator a the expense of his personality and his supporting casts were largely watered down & left behind.
Or how in Naruto or Dragon Ball the whole underdog/hard worker aspect of the characters felt undercut by legacy power ups and an endless wellspring of natural talent, alien biology, ETC.
I know these are just two examples, but they cover the general gist of what I mean.
So, what makes RWBY different?
Well, off the cuff, is simply that the four main characters are women.
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I've often felt simply putting anyone other than a cis-het guy into the main character slot of say, a battle Shounen, or Isekai stands a good chance of making it more interesting by default. Even if the author does nothing with it the audience reaction would be different because the MC would be an exception to the norms.
In that vein, while one can call RWBY some sort of Shounen or adventure fantasy or magical girl show the main four are unique in how they manifest on screen at the very start. From how they participate in action, to how said action is structured and framed and the kind of adventures and topics they tackle.
But being unique alone is not enough, that would simply make it more interesting than the bog standard but what elevates RWBY is the execution and exploration of such elements and its characters.
Going into every aspect would be difficult, but in light of what I said above would be how each of the main four are initially presented as familiar archetypes, only to subvert or deconstruct them.
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Ruby is a peppy goth who just wants to be normal but has inborn powers from her mysteriously vanished mother and serves as a beacon of optimism to others.
Except Ruby's version of normal still involved fighting death monsters with a sniper rifle scythe and she is actually one of the more ruthless characters. Her peppy persona obscures that she can have a pretty vicious temper when pushed and has displayed strong bloodknight tendencies.
Her unrelenting optimism and desire to fix the world is a complex mix of true beliefs, coping mechanism for trauma and her grappling with positions forced on her against her will. Her inborn power is potentially useful but also not that much of a game breaker outside specific contexts & said power sure as hell didn't save her mom.
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Weiss Schnee is the Tsundere heiress of a powerful family, with a haughty attitude that hides her loneliness.
Except the "Tsundere" is more of a defense mechanism born of coming from an abusive home where every member of her family manifested a different trauma response. Freeze (Mother), flight (Sister), Fight (Weiss) Fawn (Brother).
Despite her upbringing & some projected trauma, she's far from ignorant as to the worst excesses of her nation early on, and her journey was more about overcoming the impacts her abuser had on her and finding a family in her team that let her be safe enough to let down her walls. Also despite being "The ice queen" she's actually one of the characters least inclined towards more ruthless actions and is extremely empathic.
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Blake Belladonna is a mysterious and silent rougish woman, something of a shrinking violet even, but she carries with her a wounded heart thanks to her old flame, the edgy Adam Taurus.
Or more accurately, Blake is the daughter of activists and politicians who represent the worlds main discriminated against minority. She spent her youth on the road as a protestor and where even her father could be nearly killed by a lynch mob. She was targeted & groomed by a man who claimed to want to fight the same injustice she did but who was only interested in using the movement to grow his own power.
Her initial aloof-ness was a trauma response to having spent years under his thumb and overcoming him and the idea she had to 'save' him was one of the main corner stone so her character. Also, despite the "Revolutionary fighter" backstory she like Weiss is much less inclined towards ruthlessness than her team in large part because her past experience with it.
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Yang Xiao Long, introduced as the fun loving big sister of Ruby & boisterous bruiser of the team who loves to party & flirt.
Except no, Yang was parentified as a child and forced to raise her own sister as their family unit fell apart. Her "Party girl" persona was outright framed as judging a book by its cover in her own trailer and something she put on or took off as she needed.
She became disabled over the course of the series run as well as entered a Sapphic romance with her partner Blake. Unlike the stereotype of characters with her design, Yang is actually an excellent student, fighter and engineer/mechanic. Plus much like her sister she tends to be of the more ruthless and pragmatic persuasion despite being from the "Normal" background.
Character Conclusion
So, all the characters break out of their initial archetypes, which already makes them more interesting. What's more, these sorts of characters just being oput together and made the main characters rather than circling a dude is in of itself unique.
But there are other aspects of the writing which endear me to how it handles the main characters and what keeps them interesting.
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Anger & Violence
See, while in various media women do express anger at times it is still often far less so than men. What's more, often women's anger tends to be presented in... Less flattering lights.
With the anger obscuring fragility while in a man it conveys strength. Or implying a sort of hysteria rather than an appropriate or controlled response. Or worst of all being demonized in general unless its rooted in or coming from traditionally feminine places.
The same tends to be true when it comes to violence with a lot of media either trying to find some way to make women in battle less... Brutal than their male counterparts. (More more like fanservice) Along with rarely letting women fight men, unless they are a special exception to the norm.
RWBY does not do this.
The main characters, hell, all the women in the series express a multitude of different forms of anger and violence. They battle men, they battle each other, they battle monsters all with no distinction nor fanservice shot in sight.
What's more though is that said anger and violence are not presented as, for lack of better words, wrong. The writers don't draw overt attention to this fact, they don't hang a big sign up saying "Girls can fight & shout too" or the like.
They just present these women with a range of emotions, motives and actions that are treated according to what fits the theme of the show rather than hewing closer to gendered lines.
This isn't to say anger & violence are lionized, but more that the experience and usage of them is not demonized or undermined because of the characters gender.
I suppose what I am saying is that CRWBY by and large lack double standards when it comes to exploring these things that I see so often in other media. The women in the main cast, among the villains, both sides respective allies and beyond can be flawed, or angry or do both good and terrible things.
But the writers are always treating everyone's pain as equally valid regardless of gender or situation. Which means that the situations that cause anger exist within a tone of respect that forms the depiction and framing of anger itself.
Which is just something I really enjoy.
Thanks for reading!
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flightofthejackdaw · 3 months
I just want to say how much I adore the women of One Piece, not just on a ‘holy moly these women are beautiful’ but also on ‘holy moly these women are so well written’
I love how many layers the lady’s have, even those who are not part of the main cast
Nami acting as the brains of the crew, but always being up to scrap with the boys and put them in their place, her fear of trusting and being betrayed being a core aspect of her character. WCI and Wano are pretty recent examples of this, with her anger at Sanji, and her belief in Luffy. I love how confident she is in her self, and how she is a little evil sometimes she’ll use everything at her disposal to get what she wants. How she knows that she’s needed on the crew and without her they would’ve all drowned along ago, and she’s beautiful and cute and she knows this. I hate people thinking that she’s less of a character post timeskip just because of her appearance, she’s so much more than that
Vivi’s love of her people and her country, her worrying nature and her desire for adventure despite her position. Her care for the crew despite the small amount of time she knew them. Also how she’s basically the main character of Alabasta, and how she’s the one saving her country
Robin going from someone who was always looking over her shoulder, always running and never having a real place to call home. To someone who knows she has a family who loves her and will protect her no matter what, and she can be her strange morbid self without judgement (other than from Usopp)
Viola and Rebecca, two ladies forced into a living hell under Dolfamingo. One humiliated by her own people and forced to fight for her life when at heart she just wanted peace, and the other whose soul was almost broken by Doffy but chose to fight against him even if she knew she wouldn’t win. Viola going to stab Doffy even if she knew she would fail shows her strength as she stood up against him even if it could’ve meant death because she wanted to do what she could
And there are so many others that are just as amazing:
- Big Mom: a major villain with a twisted idea of family and love. One of the most powerful pirates in the sea, all this strength but she’s still just someone that was abandoned by the world and became obsessed with filling that void
- Pudding: a woman twisted by the abuse she suffered hating herself and lashing out at others in turn. And how that persona comes crashing down when showed only a bit of kindness
- Boa: the strong powerful empress, who is deeply scarred and can’t show any weakness to her people. And just wants to be loved by someone who sees more than her beauty
-Reiju: the older sister that had to go along with her little brothers abuse, and helped when she could. But only when she couldn’t be the target, she’s flawed and distant but she loves her brother
- Bonny: a literal child who braved the seas to save her father and became one of the most wanted pirates of her generation in under two years, scrappy and tomboyish with a soft heart for her dad
These ladies are living breathing characters! And there are some many others that are just the same, they are all so well developed and different from each other in character. And none of them are just there to be, ‘the girl in the group’ or the ‘love interest’ (though Boa likes Luffy and Pudding likes Sanji neither are their main character traits and have story reasons for being in love)
I love them so much
I love women
A certified girl kisser wrote this at like 1 am
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feartoxinjelloshot · 6 months
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clipsverse SWAP AU! for fun! character elaboration under the cut because it gets kind of wordy:
selina's deal is pretty straightforward: she has the typical “saw parents die as a child" backstory, but she’s obviously not a millionare so she’s operating out of some kind of condemned underground parking lot... somewhere. authentic gotham grunge i guess. she’s a functioning alcoholic and i am obsessed with her. she's a hardboiled detective like batman, but tends to be a bit more cynical - sort of like if rorschach from watchmen was a normal person and also didn't hate sex. firefly is her "guy in the chair" similar to what alfred is to batman in canon, minus the surrogate parent part, obviously. public opinion is pretty split on if the bat is a man or a woman under there. i don't really have swap ideas for the robins ironed out, but i'm thinking that cass and stephanie are her robin and red hood equivalents (cass being dick, stephanie being jason). cass would have an allblack bird theme going on, so she might be "crow" or "blackbird" instead of robin. dunno what stephanie's red hood rendition is like. purple hood? i'll figure it out eventually.
bruce’s parents are alive, but he has a terrible relationship with them and with his own wealth so he mitigates the guilt complex by dressing up as a cat to steal and redistribute resources to people who actually need it. he could probably do that in daylight but there is something very wrong with him. i don't think his dumb slutty playboy persona is entirely genuine even without his parents' deaths, but he does lean into it more and incorporate parts of it into his vigilante persona over time. i think this version of bruce is just generally very lonely under the surface. he tries to be normal in his daytime life and he's very bad at it - theft aside, in a certain sense being the cat(man? woman?) is his own break for freedom; he felt a need to plunge himself far into the deep end of what normal society calls a 'freak'. ...writing it out like this, we're probably lucky he didn't start killing people. fortunately batman isn't really that kind of guy in any universe.
meanwhile on the other side of the rails: ivy! her deal is slightly unformed right now due to the fact that the hatter and the joker also swap places in this au - so the hatter is a dangerous, evil mastermind intent on controlling gotham to suit their whims, and the joker is... just a harmless silly little guy. yeah. i don't have swap-hatter's exact personality ironed out yet, so detailing his and ivy's dynamic would be difficult, but i can say that while she is his loyal second-in-command at his table of advisors, she is also plotting against him. ivy is a consistent loner in both mainline cv and here, and while she doesn't have the same tumultuous, antagonistic, emotional relationship with him as harley does with the joker, she is also frankly not interested in being his number one until the end of time. she wants to do it herself and she wants to do it right. this is an ivy who, in lieu of her own world-altering gift, is scraping tooth and nail to successfully supersede the most powerful entity she can her her hands on. the hatter is blissfully unaware of this - we can't all be perfect.
harley, for her part, is very tame in comparison. she mirrors ivy's canonical backstory pretty closely: an esteemed scientist studying stem cell relations who was denied funding, mocked, and forced to experiment on herself to prove a point, unwittingly connecting herself to a worldwide hive-mind of plantlife. this version of harley, while still dressed as a scientist, is far more surface-level emotionally volatile than mainline ivy, more impulsive and irrational, and probably willing to lean much farther into the classic poison ivy reputation as a villainous seductress, to varying degrees of honesty and success. it takes ivy an incredible degree of patience and control to maintain the mental and physical balance she strikes with the green, and this version of harley has far less of both. she lets it use her body as a conduit of earthly rage and she lets the poison infect her skin and organs until mottled and decaying. she's not unhappy, but she's not exactly stable, either.
jonathan is a mysterious, faux-sleazy lounge singer who lost his left arm to a snake bite infection as a child and thereafter became obsessed with the symbolism of the balance of life via games, tricks and questions - winning and losing, birth and death, etc. the ouroboros is a common symbol in his theatrics. he possesses a certain degree of social confidence that the mainline jonathan has never quite been capable of - while he doesn't have the same fervent need for attention as edward, he takes a compulsory delight in the mental influence he achieves on small crowds and will employ many avenues to get ahold of it. he's certainly not outgoing: he keeps almost entirely to himself offstage, uninterested in fame outside of his show persona. unlike mainline jonathan who views the scarecrow as a genuine self-inflicted diety, this jon sees his persona as more of a mantle or responsibility that he must take on in order to discover new truths about the world. like his canon counterpart he is asexual and uninterested in sex, but i imagine that he has less qualms about leading people on as an act to get what he wants from them. he's not terribly famous in his singing career, but he's become a bit of an underground legend for his resolute 1920s-inspired style and occasional genuine debonair charm.
edward in comparison is not nearly as ritualistically compelled as mainline scarecrow, but he’s far less cagey about his own machinations and his mental relationship to them: he lives in a tricked-out barn somewhere on the far outskirts of gotham, and he spends his time as a propmaster creating elaborate saw-trap-esque haunted houses and escape rooms to invoke panic in his “guests”. he wanders the halls of his own houses along with the guests, repairing and tinkering, or just scaring the shit out of them. he also makes a genuine living by making and selling cosplay props and other related objects online; he's developed a bit of an internet presence through this channel, though he's not as fixated on it as the mainline riddler would be. he still craves spectacle and attention, but he's more of a "quality over quantity" guy according to his own standards and is rarely happy with the work he creates, hence the endless roundabout of creation and reinvention.
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uyuforu · 7 months
What is Jungkook's type from his birth chart?
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Jungkook's DSC Persona Chart
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-> Hi! Thank you for your request and patience! So, technically, you asked to know jk's ideal type based on astrology, and I already did his Venus analysis, so I thought of talking of the DSC persona chart today! But don't forget it's not really possible to explain who is your best match based on astrology. Our partners are all based on what we like, there aren't really a best match. The closest thing would be his Briede Persona Chart that I already did and Venus Analysis :)
What is DSC Persona Chart?
Descendant Persona Chart is a Chart based on the Descendant. Also called DSC for shorter lol. It's a chart that represents the partners you tend to date so technically your type. Since we usually don't date people who are not our type lol. So we will study what is JK's ideal type is based on astrology.
A little reminder of all the romance based Persona Chart:
Venus Persona Chart= Individual's love style
DSC Persona Chart= What kind of person you tend to date/ go after
Groom/ Briede Persona Chart= FS
Boda Persona Chart= Wedding of the individual
Juno Persona Chart= Represents our soulmates, FS, destined love of our life
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Leo Rising, 17°
-> It represents how the individual approach their relationships, how their relationships appear to people. With this placement it obvious that it tends to be something people are curious about. It gives the vibe that whatever relationships he will be in, it will either be revealed to the public or people are just so into knowing it. Main character vibe. IT couple. It means he hates to hide his relationships, he would rather prefer to shine with his love in public, despite it may not be for the best all the time. JK tends to see his relationships as the most important thing in his life. He literally does whatever he can to put his relationship first. Generally, people (close to him) see his relationships as something he is very devoted to, and he literally shines in his relationships. You can see it literally makes him appear way more happy in his life when he is in one. He will tend to be more playful, suddenly burst of happiness. Cheeky. It also represents how the individual seem to be in a relationship! So for JK, it literally means he can be seen as a cheeky, courageous, proud, generous, but also a show off. He can tend to show off generally or just his relationship. He is a very devoted lover, maybe a bit dramatic sometimes. But the kind to always talk about how great his partner is, or how good his relationship is going. The 17° is also under leo so it's literally what it means lmao. He will tend to be more creative when in a relationship. His partners are his muses. He will also give the queen treatment in relationship. Not princess, Queen. This is extra placement lol.
Cancer Sun, 11H, 7°
-> Main theme of relationships, and how the individual act in relationship. Literally, three words here: home, friendship, romance. Here the vibes are Cancer, Aquarius and Libra. JK needs comfort in a relationship, so someone nurturing (idk how many times I said it before lmao), someone who can be his home. Someone who can pamper him, let him be dependent on them from time to time. Someone he feels safe with. So PDA is a big thing here too. He searches for that in his partners. So if his partners are searching for someone to totally depend on, move on to someone else girl! JK will tend to act like a baby who needs attention in his relationships, or cuter lol. Don't take it to the line, you must take it lightly. He will just act more cute, more childish in a way. He may also love to use a cute voice and cute nicknames while talking to his partner (and mercury is also in Cancer lmao). Eating with partner is a big theme lol. Loves to be cozy with his partners. So staying at home with them is his favorite thing. With the 11H placement, it makes me feel like friendship is very important for him. I wouldn't be surprised if he mostly dates his friends, in a sense he needs them to be friends before the relationship. And dating his best friend vibe. It can also reminds of social medias. So he may would want to post his lover on social medias. Pretty sure he wish he could. Showing off is part of how he loves don't forget! Love is important there as romance because libra is still there but Aquarius makes the relationships very friendly too. JK would love to feel best friend with his partners. Having fun, discussions about many different topics, talking and getting/ giving advices, etc. A real connection is needed. Feeling free also, not controlled. With libra, are you surprised to heart JK is a true romantic? Yeah, me either. Romance is needed here. PDA, cuddles, sweet gestures, lovely words, etc. JK will be the kind of romantic guy to suddenly offer flowers to his partner, or taking care of them. Fairness is important, if there is a feeling of injustice in the relationship or a cold treatment, it's not going to go well. Same as if the partner is too strict or controlling.
Virgo Moon, 1H, 6°
-> Emotional needs to feel satisfied in the relationship. How the individual will feel happy in relationships. How they express their emotions. This one conjunct JK's natal moon, which tells me it's literally the same as generally in his life. The 1H (Aries) placement makes me feel like being able to talk about him, his life, or even his relationship to others will make him happy. If he feels safe to talk about him, share details, then he is happy and comfortable. Otherwise he would never. If he can be a bit mean with his partner, like teasing, or even roasting each other, then it's love lmao. He would hate someone who literally takes everything bad. Someone who is strong enough to be roasted, who will roast him, and even can handle receiving criticism! Virgo placements often criticize their loved one "for their own good". In their point of view, they are giving you an advice about something you can improve to make your life easier. In the eyes of someone more sensible, you have been criticized hard lmao. If JK can express himself and show his flaws, then it's a win for them. If he shows what he consider his "bad side" (flaws) to his love, then he is happy. He hates people to see that in him, he feels the need to be perfect all the time. So literally him showing what he hates the most about him is literally a proof of love. Nothing much more to say lmao.
Cancer Mercury, 12H, 26°
-> How the individual communicate in relationships. The things you say, and how you say it. Conversations' topics. Literally what I said before: baby talk. I won't get to into this as I already talked about it. Topics can be about home, ways to make the home more cozy, activates at home, couple activities, childhood memories, etc. With pisces, it can be about art, spirituality, emotions, dreams. Often talking about the future. There is a gentle way to speak with the 12H placement. He very gentle voice, wanting the partner to feel loved and safe. With taurus placement (26°), talking about home decoration, money, fashion, beauty, food, good things of life, families, habits, etc. There is still a down to earth vibe here. Being realistic, helping each other with money, giving advices. Singing too, singing together. Writing songs. Just talking everyday as they never get tired of each other.
Gemini Venus, 10H, 5°
-> How the individual express their love in the relationships. How they want to feel loved. How to be happy in relationships. JK express love towards his partners usually with conversations. You know he loves to be with you if he actually stay there and talk. Spending time is a big thing. With his partners, talking can be big. Talking about many things, and learning together. He would love to learn from partners. And teaching too. Exchanging informations. Mental growth. I told before that words of expression isn't big for him but I feel like with this placement there, he would love someone who talks a lot, someone who can lead the conversations. He may be more of a listener. Also, someone spontaneous that can keep him on his toes. Someone who keep surprising him. He will be the same!! He wants to keep the love new, and keep that exciting feeling all along. In 10H, this placement makes JK be willing to work hard for the relationship to work, he is mature but expects the same. He hates laziness, so no effort= bye bye. Someone who is not consistent, someone who tells and does the opposite is a big turn off. He may lead the relationship or feel responsible to do so. He may also want to feel lead from time to time. With the 5° (Leo), def a show off omg. He wants someone that will feel proud to date him. He wants to be able to show off his partner. He is very romantic and loves big gestures. Gift giving can be a thing. Feeling creative in a relationships is important to him. He may also express his love this way. Writing a song, creating a playlist for them, painting something, drawing, singing a song in karaoke or serenading, etc.
Gemini Mars, 11H, 24°
-> Goal, motivation in relationship. Anger. What keeps the relationships drive. Learning & teaching each other stuff is important to keep the relationship moving. I said it before but if the relationship falls in a routine, it won't work out. If it becomes boring, then it's a no. JK needs to feel like he can't get enough of his partner. So someone he can talk with, and with the 11H, a friend, is important to him. Someone he can have fun with!! With 11H, he needs a unique relationship, just someone very unique, even if they can come off weird to others. He just doesn't want to feel bored and always excited to be with them. Friendship is very important and to judging each other. Softness, accepting emotions, spirituality could be a thing too. As for goals and motivation, the 24° can be helping each other doing shadow work, helping each other with addictions, helping each other with dreams and creativity. For the anger, communication over burst of anger is more important. JK doesn't want someone aggressive. He wants someone who can talk things though. Someone who wants peace and calm rather than a storm. So fights might happen quite almost never, only when really needed.
Pisces Jupiter, 8H, 27°
-> Where the relationships will be more successful. How to be lucky in relationships. Success with emotions shared! His relationships will be successful if both share how they feel, are not scared to express their emotions as it is, and even being each other muse. Keeping the relationships in their own bubble will also be a good idea. Both practicing spirituality! Listening to each other and being patient. Trying to help each other. Being intimate and not scared to be very passionate. If both feel obsessed with the other, it will go well? Very weird to say but the relationship will need passion, and devotion to work. They need to feel like the other love them so so much. JK will need this absolutely. TALKING. Talking, communicating is super big. If he communicates with his partner then it will go well. It means even talk about stuff that bothers him. But that means speak rather than bottle up, which can be very hards at time. Communication is a form of maturity.
Taurus Saturn, 9H, 1°
-> Lessons learned in relationships. Hardships. Lessons about stability. How to make a relationships stable, long term. It can also be related to different countries, languages, long distance relationships. Dealing with huge differences that make the relationships harder. Lessons about being more open-minded, patient and learning. Accepting the way you think isn't the only one possible. What you know isn't the universal truth. There are also lessons about committing too fast. Lessons can also be learned through non committal relationships (situationships). It can also mean hardships related to speaking to fast and not thinking enough. Not being patient enough. Acting more than talking. There is a need to be more calm and collected rather to act impulsively.
Sagittarius Pluto, 4H, 5°
-> Transformation in relationships. Struggles too. Learning about different cultures, different languages in his relationships. But it can also be a struggle for him. Def different languages in relationships. Long distance relationship can happen too, he may have experienced them or will. Different religions, philosophy, etc. Learning from the other without judging. He wants someone who can teach him many things that goes beyond what he already knows. Someone who can redefine home, someone who will teach him their countries' stories, usages, etc. Someone who will make him discover what they like and will transform his fame, what he loves, be a muse for him. But that also means snuggling with his fame with his relationships.
Taurus MC, 11°
-> Reputation and how the public view the relationships of the individual. For the Taurus MC, it means to me that it's still pretty private to me. Earth signs literally don't show off. It may be showing off less as possible, keeping things private to still have a stable relationship. Keeping things out of hands of the public, to keep the control. The public will maybe feel like JK has stable relationships, it's not just a random relationships, but a long-term one, even marriage. But with the Aquarius, it would appear strange, unique, surprising to them too. Like "??? her?? really?? okay...?" kind of vibe. People will def be surprised. For different reasons: his ideal type is right under so you will understand, and I keep seeing so any signs of potential foreigner wife lol. You know Koreans army (most of them) will not like it, and most of fans of the world will be super judgy. Most people think they are better while... gurl? You don't know the person. And move on! He choose unique partners because he loves iiiiit. Both signs makes me feel like PDA in public isn't big, it's quite reserved, or this is how people would see them. And things will maybe feel awkward? But Taurus makes them appear super charismatic and always well presented to the public (physically). Good manners and powerful couple vibes. Unique couple.
Aquarius DSC, 17°
-> The ideal type! It can gives off foreigner vibes. But mostly partners who are different. Uniqueness is such a huge turn on for JK. Don't be a sheep, don't follow anyone. He is not into people who wants to fade in the mass. People who stand out, who does thing as they want, free and are not afraid of judgment are such a thing for him. Friendly people, someone he can be friend with before dating (told you). Someone who will never judge him, always accept him as he is. A good listener. But he needs someone he can admire. Someone creative, someone courageous, someone who can say "fuck off" when needed. Someone confident, charismatic. Someone who literally attracts all attention on them. He might be into getting the one everybody want. He may feel like he won, he loves this feeling. Someone he can run after, or someone who will run after him. Kinda both? Someone who literally shine. Uranus conjunct the DSC so someone different is very important. Someone who are themselves and don't necessarily follow trends. They have their own unique style, own way to talk and expressions. Just themselves. Physically, he may love people with beautiful hair, thick hair, shiny hair. Just someone with beautiful hair. He would totally fall for someone who looks good it makes him shake in his knees. Someone who is not shy, introvert. He literally wants someone who can make him melt. And also someone who are so fun, he can be a child again, the cherry on top. He may love people who love to have fun.
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-> Main signs that may attracts JK (placed in the big 6* of a chart) based on DscPC:
*Big six= Sun, Moon, Rising, Mercury, Venus, Mars
Aries/ Taurus/ Gemini/ Cancer/ Pisces (all placed there because they were all equals)
Libra/ Sagittarius
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-> Main signs that may attracts JK based on his BPC:
Aries/ Pisces
Virgo/ Libra
Taurus/ Leo/ Sagittarius/ Capricorn
Cancer is not present much but it's the sun and also on his Natal DSC, so I'll also add it
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Thank you for reading!
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aroaceleovaldez · 3 months
thoughts on leo valdez? headcdanons? i
[stares at own url] ...I'll give you one for free, lol
Aro/ace Leo.... listen. He explicitly states that he plays up his false persona in aspects that he feels are lacking in his actual personality in an effort to make people like him more, and in his POVs we get a lot of him doing acknowledged-as-nonserious joke-flirting as part of his false persona. Guy who doesn't realize he's aspec trying to overcompensate for his lack of attraction by excessively hitting on people to hide that he doesn't feel attraction towards anyone? Him wondering if he's broken in a whole bunch of ways and trying to make up for it externally while having an identity crisis about that? Something something metaphor about him wondering if cause he's a Hephaestus kid he's a little too much like a machine/robot and can't feel love or The Right Emotions In General™ because of that cause he doesn't know about aspec stuff yet (or that he's autistic)? Can anyone hear me.
Related to that: Leo landing on Ogygia (island of unreciprocated love) and meeting Calypso, who (probably through love magic) actually seems to be attracted to him? And him trying to force himself to reciprocate because he figures that's just how it's supposed to go and maybe for once he's actually experiencing romantic love? And he's so desperate for someone to like him and to feel useful to someone (re: 7th wheel)? But it fizzles out almost immediately after they leave the island, because the heart-eyes wear off for Calypso, especially once she technically no longer needs him, and Leo can't keep up trying to make himself reciprocate (and can't keep up trying to put his mask back up for her, especially now that Calypso seems to actually care about it). I am literally always thinking about this.
Short king,,, I don't care what anybody says he is NOT 5'6" that is way too tall for him. My guy is 5'5" absolute maximum. I usually place him at 5'3". Tiny guy. Made of pipecleaners. Built like Bilbo Baggins...
I've mentioned it before in a couple of places (i know [here] at least) but I did not like his fake-out death in BoO. Also I'm just mad about his dropped character arc(s) in general. My ideal substitute is that instead of dying and being revived, Festus just crashes in the woods nearby and Leo has overexerted his powers too much a la Nico's shadow stuff and is nearly dead but once they get him to the infirmary he recovers and can start working on recovering from his whole depression arc too. Also maybe he loses a leg in the crash so he can match his dad just for funsies, and so that there's some amount of consequence to his sacrifice to make up for him not dying (not like in canon there were any consequences to him dying and being revived anyways...). Also something something accidental Hiccup HTTYD joke. Leo with a prosthetic is always fun. More Hephaestus kids with prosthetics.
I am very amused by the concept of Leo never having any romantic attraction to Hazel at all, possibly even negative romantic attraction once he finds out she dated his great-grandpa (especially since in canon like 90% of his thoughts about Hazel are just kind of appreciative and genuinely thinking she's really cool, if a little confusing at first), and Hazel pretty quickly gets over her side of things once she gets used to the fact that this is Definitely Not Sammy, he just Looks Like Sammy (and does not actually act like Sammy, that's just a fake persona that is eerily similar by coincidence. Real Leo is actually quite reserved and not so much of a vocal goofball most of the time). So they're just besties after their mutual weird Sammy vision and understanding the deeper sides to each other and are each other's person they're most comfortable letting their guard down around cause they've formed that level of trust. Except Frank's over in the corner seething cause he thinks this is a love triangle but he's the only one who thinks that. Leo just thinks Frank hates him for the general reasons he thinks everybody hates him (which is just an assumption he's kind of used to and expects from people, so he does not question it at all). Hazel knows Frank thinks Leo is trying to steal her from him but she's having trouble trying to keep the two of them from nearly killing each other. It's a very homestuck auspistice dynamic.
Leo and Frank eventually work out their stuff and become very good friends to meeee... let them bond over their mutual fear of fire and dead mom trauma! they have so many parallels and I want the two of them and Hazel to be a funky cute little trio!
Dragonkin Leo! That boy is a dragon!!!! I usually say his stuff is kind of spiritual origin (he doesn't really know how to explain it other than his soul is just a dragon) versus like Jason being a wolf therian with a more psychological origin (being raised by an immortal wolf pack rubbed off on him) (rip Piper being the only non-alterhuman in their trio LMAO). I imagine whatever type of dragon he is probably is very similar to Festus, which is part of why Leo clicks with Festus so quickly - he just sees himself in Festus and it's very comforting to him. He definitely makes himself some fun 'kin gear, like a nice weighted tail and wings and claws to try and help his phantom shifts feel a lil less wonky. Also him having dragon talon weapons just sounds cool. He also totally makes gear for any other alterhuman demigods.
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prince-liest · 3 months
Yo, I'm writing a pre canon fic in which young fanboy Vox gets assigned as Alastor's assistant by Lilith, any tips for characterising him?
I think you have a lot of room for leeway and playing around since you're working with pre-canon, but the main points that I tend to at least personally keep around as a scaffold for writing Vox are:
He's got a Charisma modifier of, like, +4. This doesn't mean he's always suave - in fact, he's pretty pathetic around Alastor in particular! But he knows how to put on a performance that appeals to his intended audience, whether that be a customer base whose trust he's winning over, or a fellow Vee that he's trying to wrangle into behaving. He switches between ridiculous showmanship and collected CEO, and this works for him despite both personas being rife with overcompensation.
Every single one of the Vees including Vox thinks they're the only normal, reasonably-behaving person in the room, it's wild.
He's smart, he's capable, he's manipulative. He's good at knowing what people want and how to leverage that to sell them those things. The general population thinks he's #goals thanks to the image he puts forth.
He's a piece of shit that has no qualms with Valentino's behavior with Angel Dust, Velvette selling date rape drugs, or abusing his own hypnosis ability to manipulate people into buying his products (which include spyware literally advertised to voyeurs). This is part of the fun of this character!!
I think he has a lot of very fun physicality to him (as do most of the Hazbin Hotel characters), and I really recommend re-watching some of his scenes to get the hang of how he moves and interacts with people physically because you'd be surprised at how much that can add to characterization even in a non-visual format like writing.
...I also genuinely think he's kind of a horny bastard, to whatever extent and rating your story could even use that, but that's me extrapolating from his behavior around both Alastor and Valentino. It's just a fun cherry on top of the "low impulse control around Alastor" thing, because he's got so much going for him on the intelligence front that it's really funny to me when he tangibly switches to thinking with his dick.
And, of course, on the subject of Alastor in particular:
He's obsessive, and Alastor makes all of his impulse control go out the window. I started using the "Vox's One-sided Psychosexual Obsession with Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)" tag for a reason, and it's that I think it's in fact really funny how much evidence we get in canon that Vox doesn't just hate Alastor and want to dominate him, he'd also probably roll right over into the affectionately wheedling persona he uses with Valentino if Alastor suggested he'd take it well.
We don't just see Vox wanting Alastor dead, we also see Alastor telling us that Vox first asked him to join him; the torn-in-half photo of them standing together; and Vox pretty much popping a boner over Alastor getting wrecked by Adam, nevermind how manically he jumps around to get a word in before Alastor even shows his face during Stayed Gone. Even his little "Fu-uu-uuuuuck!" at the end of the song is like 50% actual despair and 50% :pleading: emoji. He wants Alastor, obviously, and I think a lot of the anger that he's projecting at Alastor in canon is specifically anger at being rejected, which is frantically covering up the fact that he is still desperately, embarrassingly into the radio deer. If Alastor won't join him, Vox has to beat him.
Anyway, I love this funky little TV. This was by no means a comprehensive guide or anything like that, but I hope it helped share at least some of my personal thoughts on writing him!
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daenerysstormreborn · 2 months
Actually I’m making a separate post about this. Before you read, please understand that when I use the words “feminine” and “femininity” I am exclusively talking about the patriarchal stereotypes, aesthetics, gender roles, and other expectations ascribed to the female sex in a given culture. I do not mean “the intrinsic aspect of being female/a girl/a woman/however you wanna phrase it.” The concept of femininity is a construct. It’s a set of traits and roles and expectations and aesthetics that anyone can have. So when I say that some female characters are more or less feminine, I am not commenting on identity, I am commenting on presence or absence of traits ascribed to girls and women and conformity to sexist expectations. I am making this distinction because in the past it has been assumed that when I said that a girl was less feminine, I was saying she was less of a girl, which isn’t at all what I was saying. Anyway.
I have a knee-jerk reaction to the idea that the only reason Arya didn’t like “ladylike” activities is that she had bad experiences with them with Sansa, the septa, and her mother. Like the one exception to this is that I love the idea that she’d be good at embroidery if she was able to use her left hand. But otherwise I think it risks treading into gender essentialism. Like “the only reason a girl wouldn’t like and be good at “feminine” things is if she had bad experiences.” I know that’s not what most people mean to imply but I dunno I just think it would be really boring if it was like oh turns out Arya loved dresses all along like it gives Allison getting a makeover in Breakfast Club.
Like oh the girl who was insecure about not quite conforming? Well turns out that the answer to her insecurity is to conform! She just needed people to be nicer to her so she could become a feminine girl just like everyone else! No. There’s no power in that. The answer should be that social acceptance allows her to embrace who she is and have confidence in that! I want Arya to wear pants that allow her to run and play with children and a long cloak she’s embroidered with wildflowers. I feel like people generally understand that it’s sexist to have the resolution to the “I’m insecure because I’m not as feminine as other girls and have been mistreated for it” be “now that people have been kind to me I have become as feminine as other girls.” Like Chie in Persona 3. 
It undermines the criticism of the people who were doing said mistreatment. Like “You were right to be insecure! The answer is to change yourself! People bullying you for being different? Never fear! If you simply experience true kindness and acceptance, you can stop being different! No more insecurity because you can be just like everyone wants you to be and society itself doesn’t have to change!” There’s this dissonance in some fans where they can recognize that the way Arya was judged was wrong, but they still want Arya to end up being traditionally “ladylike.” And for me it’s just like. Why. That’s so boring. I don’t hate it as much as Arya growing up to be a ruthless killer but it seems like a betrayal of themes. My ideal end for Arya is that she’s home, she’s loved, she gets to be who she is. She has a family. She’s beloved by all the children in the Winterfell, not just her own. She teaches them about the wildlife and gives water dancing lessons to girls AND boys who want to learn. She braids her hair against her head to keep it out of the way and decorates the braids with flowers. It’s a very “happily ever after” sort of ending of course and not exactly what I think WILL happen (I do not have any idea what her endgame will be, to be clear, I’m just clarifying that I’m not theorizing I’m just imagining the best happiest ending for her I can think of that fits her character).
I just think that Arya doesn’t need to actually like dresses and be good at all the “feminine” activities and hobbies in order for her to be a beloved Lady, and it feels like that’s the undercurrent to the notion that Arya only dislikes traditionally “ladylike” pursuits as a result of trauma
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tallulah477 · 3 months
Below the cut contains my thoughts and feelings about certain issues that I've seen recently that I feel like need to be addressed including hate/bullying, the new Neteyam & Lo'ak rp blogs, and the general fandom as a whole.
CW:// Mentions of pedophilia, predators, racism, and homophobia
Over the past several months, and especially over these past several days, it's come to my attention that we as a fandom need to make some things abundantly clear.
I was a silent reader for a long time. I love Avatar and this fandom with my entire heart and I wanted nothing more than to be an active part of it and member of the community, but the thing that stopped me for a long time was seeing how hateful people can be and I wasn't sure if I could handle it. Obviously, I decided that my happiness and sharing my love for Avatar and the characters with other people who love it as much as I do is more important than any nasty messages I might get and I couldn't be happier with my decision. I think I can safely say that most of us here in the fandom can say the same (although I'm sure the feeling of happiness comes with endless ebbs and flows for all of us).
That being said, the amount of sheer bullshit that I've been seeing on here is ridiculous.
The amount of hate messages that I've had to witness my mutuals receive is unacceptable. The amount of hounding as to why someone unfollowed this person, why aren't they interacting with this person anymore, why would someone write something like this, why won't you write this, is crazy to see. I've seen racist comments, I've seen homophobic comments, and I've seen people being called a pedophile wayyyy to often now.
This is Tumblr. We are responsible for our own media consumption. We cultivate our own media experience.
That means authors write what they enjoy regardless of content as long as they are responsible and tag the work correctly. You as the reader are responsible for heeding those warnings.
This means that if two people who used to interact or follow each other all of a sudden don't or someone gets blocked, it is no one's business as to why it happened. They don't owe you an explanation and there's no need to publicize drama. Do not go into their inboxes asking for details because all that does is feed the flames.
This is supposed to be people's happy place. Our safe space. And instead it seems like there's something new happening every single day.
At this point, we've all seen the rp blogs that have popped up. I'm not generally someone who enjoys rp so I didn't interact, but I saw a ton of my mutuals and others having a great time with them. Despite me not liking rp, it was exciting to see at first. A live persona of one of my most beloved characters interacting with fics that I love? Yes, it's definitely exciting to see!
But then it got not so exciting to see. The responses seemed solely sexual and out of character for Neteyam, a lot of them were really dark and borderline violent. I like dark fics, and I love dark Neteyam. But there are warnings to every dark fic and you go into them knowing what to expect. For a blog that's rp-ing a character that's not canonically like that, it was concerning to see.
We've had issues in this fandom in the past with predators. And despite us all being adults here (at least we should all be), you can never be too careful when it comes to the internet. I am NOT saying that the people running these blogs are predators, but certain things I've seen have raised some flags to me. Rp can be really dangerous when people don't know who's behind the character, especially if things are sexual. Since then, both blogs have created 'About Me' sections which I think is good. So that's something I appreciate.
However, we've also had the opposite problem in which minors interact with us and our content. It's a huge problem that we are constantly trying to battle because while seeing/reading sexual content can be harmful for those who are underage, it's can also get us into a lot of trouble for interacting with minors even if we don't know they're underage. When the accusation that the rp accounts were minors came out, they were sent asks to confirm. One responded respectfully and one, in my opinion, responded not so respectfully. If you are ever asked if you are a minor, don't get pissed about it. It's an important question and you should understand and respect its importance. Just clarify.
I'm saying all this not because I don't think people should interact with these blogs if you want to. It's 100% up to you and I know a lot of people were having fun with it. You're all adults, do what you think is best. And I do think it would be really nice to have more guys in the community, whether they rp or not. My issue with them is more about safety than anything else.
Now back to the hate comments. For any issues I might have had with the Neteyam blog (again, no hate, just my own thoughts), I only ever saw the Lo'ak blog being respectful. Yet, I still saw someone on their actual blog, not under anon, telling him "can't you just leave?". Under no circumstances is it okay to say this to another person. Any one who is an active member of this community who posts fics or the like KNOWS what its like to receive hateful comments like this and you think its okay to say something like this to someone else? No way. I'm sure you know what it feels like to get comments like that and you decided to be nasty to another person anyway. You should know better. Anyone who can say something mean to or about another person should be ashamed of themselves.
For as much as I love this fandom, this is insane that I actually have to say this.
Be kind. Be respectful.
And if you can't?
It's called the block button, people. Use it.
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silkythewriter · 1 year
General dating headcanons for Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, and Alastor?
꧁General dating headcanons for Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, and alastor!!꧂
Summary: dating headcanons for our favorite demon boys!
Small warning!: sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes and Sorry if any of the characters are OOC!!
Small note!: Hi! I’m exited to be writing again for hazbin hotel I hope you enjoy these!!<33
Fandom!: hazbin hotel!
Daily song suggestions!:
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❤︎︎Angel Dust❤︎︎
He absolutely loves physical affection to be honest only thing is don’t do it without warning cause he could get quite startled. But other then that he loves when you hug or cuddle him <33
He never ever lets you get involved with his work though, even if you guys met at work or not he just doesn’t like bringing up work with relaxing time, also Valentino is a powerful man so he doesn’t want you getting involved with his shady business
I feel like he knows a lot of self care routines and he loves doing it with you!! Like face masks and stuff, he also likes showing you how he takes care of his fur/hair and chest fluff he finds it relaxing doing it with you and explaining the steps
He calls you and him the parents of fat nuggets ☠️ but honestly you don’t mind considering how cute they are!! He loves playing with fat nuggets and you, he even once did that thing where you put your pet on the ground and made them choose between you and the other person, fat nuggets went to you some how which angel was completely shocked about but accepted it 😭
This man can get very flirtatious at any given moment even when it isn’t appropriate, like that one time he started flirting with you as you tried talking to a friend on the phone ect. You always get flustered or flirt back, if you do flirt back expect a flirting war too Accor
He loves stealing stuff for you, of course he never out right says it but when you see a ring he gave you and see a name incrusted into it on the inner side you kinda just assumed it 🤷‍♀️
Overall this man is very affectionate towards you and absolutely loves you to death and back, and he can show it in many different ways if you know what I’m sayin 🧑‍🦯
Cherry bomb and you are great friends to be honest and honestly angel loves that, he absolutely loves shopping or blowing up and causing chaos together!!!
Has adorable nicknames or you like sugar, bunny, sweet cheeks, and my lil addiction <333
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People where honestly surprised with your guy’s relationship and how you made him fall in love with you- they always assumed he just hated the thought of dating until you came along
Please be patient with him cause he’s not the best with physical nor emotional affection he’s still getting use to it so please give him the poor guy some time 😭😭
Drinking buds for sure only if you really want to though, but don’t expect to get drunk easily. You’ll have a to wait a bit and dink wayyy more then what’s good for you just to see him tipsy
He doesn’t let you try drinking like him cause he does worry for you even if he doesn’t show you in the best ways.
Your guy’s relationship probably gets really rocky sometimes, he honestly doesn’t mean to do it but he’s just kinda getting use to the idea of someone caring for him so he can maybe make you cry sometimes because of he’s comments so if your soft hearted keep in mind he doesn’t mean it in a rude way!….most of the times….
He’s has a genuine fear of you leaving or you just breaking things off randomly cause he knows his behavior is hard to handle but he can’t really fix that
He does (surprisingly) cut back on drinking, this honestly took him a bit of will power but he did it for you so he doesn’t regret it one bit <3.
On the off chance he gets use to physical affection, he absolutely loves when you pet his fur/wing. Sometimes it leads him to purring iyour lucky but the other staff tease him about it a lot so he’d rather do it in private ☠️
Not one for PDA to be honest he has a rough persona and he has a hard time shifting/Changing that
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🐍Sir Pentious🐍
This guy is a piece of work honestly- he’s a big hand full
Whenever you guys are in public he’s a “bad boy” but trust once your behind closed door this man is all over you and can’t handle being without you😭😭🫶
If you complement one of his plans or inventions you bet he’s gonna be stuttering and blushing like he’s having a heat stroke- he feels completely embarrassed afterwards 😭😭
The egg bois love setting you guys up for random dates- sir pentious always said he hated it but secretly loves it cause you laugh and giggle at the silliness of the situation, he find your laugh intoxicating
You have to constantly make sure he isn’t hurting or accidentally killing the sweet eggs ☠️they are at constant thanks to your mercy and treat you as well as they treat sir pentious. They absolutely adore you<3
You have to make sure he’s okay after every battle he has that mostly contains alastor- you have a bone to pick with that deer boy but for now you have to focus on the hurt grumpy sack of snake infront of you
He has cute nicknames for you like angel!!, the ones he uses the most is my butterfly, tiny mice, and darling <3 he mostly uses them in private though cause he doesn’t wanna show any weakness to he’s enemies
Whenever you guys cuddle he loves wrapping he’s tail around you while he snuggles his head into your chest or you snuggle into his, sometimes he accidentally tights his grip a bit to much- but it manageable once you start getting use to it!!
He can be quite the drama queen sometimes- depending on the setting and situation. If you guys are in private you have to help him calm down by hanging out with him or just petting him and comforting him. But if you guys are in a public situation he’ll just make a big scene and just fight someone randomly-
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This man can be such a gentleman but smart ass at the same time 💀💀
People are very aware of you guys being together, which leads to people scattering or running off at your presents because their terrified of what would happen to them if they do one wrong move around you
He’s a complete gentleman to you, like opening doors for you, pulling out a chair, or kissing the back of your hand type stuff! Honestly it would be completely adorable to people if it wasn’t for his overlord status
He’s pretty okay with PDA! Just doesn’t really like overdoing it, he mostly keeps it to hand on waist and that’s pretty much it 💀he likes dong more interment stuff privately like hugging or cuddling
On rare occasions he might let you stroke his hair or touch his tail but it’s very rare 💀 he doesn’t like being vulnerable most of the time so don’t expect this to happen often sadly :(.
He loves seeing you wear he’s tie for some weird reason, he can’t explain why he does he just finds it adorable and humors it
OMG, he absolutely AODRES making Jambalaya for you, or just cooking and baking in general!!!, though he’s a bit worse at baking then cooking but he still finds it fun! It doesn’t Matter if you do or don’t know how to cook or bake it’s just for fun, he loves seeing you giggling or smiling while your clothes and face are covered with flower and such <3
He’s not overprotective to say just a bit… worried, is the best way to put it, of course he never breaks he’s undying smile but with how many powerful enemies he has he gets worried about all the worst possibilities, that’s why he keeps a close eye on you, also makes you guys wait awhile before being a bit public about your relationship but even then few demons know about it if they pay close attention. Which works in their favor cause they can quickly run away from you just incase the radio demon is lingering near you
Nifty is one who goes with you incase he can’t he needs to make sure your okay, or he just sends his shadow. Like I said he has many powerful enemies so being with him might come with some drawbacks but trust me after awhile it’ll be worth it!! <3
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THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST!!! I absolutely loved writing this😭😭😭😭🫶🫶🫶it was so fun I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!!
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townslore · 8 months
if you're comfortable, i would love to know more about the akechi npd headcanon. i think it's a rlly interesting take on his character and i wanna learn more abt npd bc i have bpd and ig im interested in what people experience with the other cluster b personality disorders? i just kinda wanna know why you think he has it and also maybe some of the mental stuff he has to experience with it. doesn't have to be detailed or personal i dont wanna make u uncomfy! i just cant stop thinking abt this hc haha :)
im actually on a mental health break right now, but this ask intrigued me so im answering it anyway. first off thank you for staying kind throughout the whole thing :)
its kind of hard for me to really describe why i think a character has/is something, because things like personality disorders are still a wide spectrum and every person experiences things differently, and i dont wanna make it seem like theres a one-way to have npd, but im gonna try anyway!
there is a site which helped me immensely throughout my self-diagnosis, so if you want to read more about the topic than what im gonna say here, here u go:
lets start simple and the thing that makes it most obvious to me: the engine room dialogue.
people with npd can heavily rely on other people for their self-esteem, because narcissists usually have a very low one. thats why they take on many tasks ("i was extremely particular about my life, my grades, my public image—so someone would want me around!") and might overwork themselves for more praise and acknowledgement ("you wanted to be acknowledged, didn't you? to be loved?") because its what they need to not constantly crash. a crash is something that happens when you dont get enough supply—which can be words of affection, praise, acknowledgement, etc—and you internalize it, doubt yourself, feel disgusting and generally you get to a really low point. this is just speculation, but i can see goro having a ton of those, especially during the time the phantom thieves get popular and he becomes public enemy nr 1. thats also why i drew him thinking "i really need supply rn but i'd rather die than ask for attention" because vulnerability is also a big thing people with npd can struggle with. we dont want to be seen as weak—our narcissism is essentially a shield, so we're seen as tough, when in reality, our egos can be very fragile.
one thing that the engine room makes very clear and also other interactions goro has with akira, is that hes very envious of others who have had it better than him. especially someone like akira, who was thrown away by society just like he was, was able to move past it, found friends and is acknowledged by many people. goro is jealous of it all, and thats the thing; people with npd can feel like they're supposed to be special ( and to me, with goro explaining how he got his personas, and how he often calls others stupid, its clear that he does feel that way about himself to a certain degree ) and anyone who threatens that status, anyone who seems much more special than we are is seen as a legitimate threat. its an ugly feeling and it can make us hate even those we love for some time.
this attributes to dysregulation of our emotions too. people with npd often feel their emotions, especially negative ones, way more intense than they actually should be and have difficulty calming down due to that. negative emotions often linger for a long period of time and its hard to move on so we hold grudges. now this might come to no surprise to anyone that goro is a very angry and sad person. especially in the engine room its clear that even after the others extend their hands out to him, its difficult for him to comprehend and he still acts rather mean and calls them idiots for trying to "save" him. when someone with npd is experiencing a multitude of negative emotions, it may cause them to avoid other people or act aggressive towards them because they feel trapped. theres many explanations as to why goro is the way he is in the 3rd semester, and i dont think only one of them has to be correct, but i do think that with the knowledge of whats happening ( like: being under the control of someone else again, or having to work with people who are unpredictable and who have seen you at your lowest point ) makes him act out to keep all of them, especially akira, at bay.
in the duel against akira—im sorry i cant really quote it, i just have a general idea of it in my head rn—i read what he says in a way that makes it clear that he struggles with a superiority AND inferiority complex, which sounds stupid at first i know, but its fairly easy to explain. like i already said, a narcissist's self-esteem is usually pretty low and we rely on others to know how to feel about ourselves. theres two traits of npd that are necessary traits to have: being self-centered and feeling entitled to good treatment, and seeking admiration from others/liking to be the center of attention. so there is some kind of superiority complex going on, at least thats what i would call it in goro's ( and my ) case. we can feel on top of the world in one moment, but once we have a crash or experience intense negative emotions, its back to being the worst human being on earth. i dont think its ooc to say that goro hates himself, as some like to claim he only ever thinks hes better than everyone else. i think that just attributes to harmful stigma. with everything goro experiences in life, coping with narcissism to hide a fragile sense of being just makes sense to me.
theres more i could probably add here but this thing is long enough as is. please do keep in mind that many of my headcanons for goro are me projecting—but that doesnt mean theres no basis for it in canon as well, as i've tried to explain here. at first i actually thought he could have bpd, but i dont know enough about it to really judge that—so it could still very well be that, or both, i dont really know how it works! im rather new to this as well, and at first i was scared of doing any research because npd is so heavily stigmatized. i wish there were more people like you, anon.
if you have any more questions feel free to ask them :)
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Can I ask for a general romantic concept of Bruce Wayne aka Batman? Just any version you want!
I kept it general, any Batman could fit this I think. Didn't really do too much character personality research for this so let's see how this goes. I hope I depicted a yandere Batman well, I love him but have no idea how to write him properly ;;
Yandere! Bruce Wayne/Batman Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Stalking, Threats, Manipulation, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Implied delusional behavior, Trauma, Dubious relationship, Isolation, Violence, Lack of privacy.
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Batman, or Bruce Wayne, would have a hard time connecting with his darling.
He is a man who never sees the world in a shade of gray... it's always either black or white.
He is dedicated to preventing others going through the trauma he's went through.
He would be a strange yandere to have.
He's technically a hero yandere, which makes him protective.
Yet his darling doesn't see him half the time in the beginning.
Yandere! Batman acts as a guardian to you from the shadows.
He may not kill, but he will threaten and manipulate others to "protect" you.
As his Bruce Wayne persona he'd act flattering to you.
His more romantic intentions are shown through Bruce Wayne, while during the night he shows his yandere behavior by watching over you.
It sounds romantic... but he eventually becomes a suffocating yandere.
Batman really does mean well in his obsession but he is blind if he does something "wrong".
He and his darling have very different world views.
It's like he's incapable of seeing the world in a morally gray view.
His darling most likely knows both personas at some point.
Let's talk Bruce Wayne.
He's flirtatious, a billionaire playboy.
He'd be caring and loving towards his darling, carefully hiding the fact he protects them at night until they do find out.
You may think he's just a playboy trying to seduce you yet he's more than that.
It's just the extent of his care is mostly shown while he's Batman, his persona in the day is meant to distance others from what he truly does.
Batman dedicates himself to your safety and protection.
Before you know that Bruce and Batman are the same person he deals with your safety differently.
He watches over you in the streets of Gotham until you get home.
If a crook tries to target you... he takes care of it quickly before you even see it happen.
When you do get home he watches from your window on a rooftop just to make sure you sleep well.
He hates leaving your side to deal with other crimes but his city needs him.
If you're in danger he'll always try to be there.
When he does save you from danger and gets to physically hold you and comfort you the best he can, Batman feels calm.
Your presence puts him at ease.
Carrying you to your home after a rescue is one of the best feelings to him.
He loves to keep you safe, it gives him peace of mind.
If you already know he's Bruce then he'll step up security.
He has the money to install a high-quality security system in your home to take care of you.
That or he offers to let you stay at the Batcave/manor.
He wants you in a safe place... it's a dangerous world.
Gotham is dangerous...
He'd be so torn if you were taken away from him.
He wants you to know that everything he does for you is because he cares for you.
He wants you to never forget that.
The security is necessary, him watching you is necessary, beating up "potential crooks/threats" is also necessary.
Bruce/Batman seems like the type to struggle with affection at times.
He'd reciprocate if his darling started it.
A kiss when he got home... an offer to cuddle and ease his nerves...
He accepts such invitations.
Starting them himself is difficult for him.
He seems like a yandere whose very closed off to that.
His obsession is mostly over seeing you safe rather than actually supplying you with affection.
How else should he show he cares for you than protection?
You are one of the safest people in Gotham.
With someone like Bruce, THE Batman protecting and obsessing over you... no one's getting close.
Unfortunately... what causes strain in your relationship is your lack of privacy and the feeling of suffocation.
It's nice to be so protected...
But do you need all the cameras?
The doors are always locked... no one can get in or out except Bruce.
Alfred tries to tell you his master is looking out for you since he loves you and you're his lover.
You begin to not feel like a lover-
You may not like having to initiate affection yourself...
That and Bruce ignores you at times to monitor crime.
Bruce is not the best with relationships.
Of any type, really....
He can't seem to choose between fighting crime and catering to you.
This fact drifts you two apart... if you felt love for Bruce before then it dwindles more and more now.
What's even worse is it's like he won't let you go, either.
If you tried to break up and tell him you need to part ways... he refuses.
It's like you have no choice once you move in with him.
He can keep you locked here for as long as he wants...
He just doesn't accept the break up.
"You need me in this world. Without me you could get hurt. The crime rate is high... it'll be better to stay."
Argue as much as you want, Bruce is stubborn.
The home you once loved to share with Bruce now feels like a prison, similar to the ones the criminals of Gotham would be sent to.
You can try to talk him out of it... you won't get far.
Bruce takes his role of protector seriously...
It gets to the point that he neglects his relationships.
Bruce tells you it's all to keep you safe.
Every beat down he delivers... every camera he sets up... every. single. locked door...
It's all because he wants to protect you, it's all because he loves you...
He may mean well... but he's blind to the fact this obsession only drives you further apart.
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hostilemuppet · 7 months
I apologize if I sound stupid, but what’s mangoball? I hope I spelt that right
cheater cheater (known as mangoball) is a satirical social media fanfiction by twitter user mangobaii written in 2021 about the internet personas of twitch streamers georgenotfound and dream getting together after georges ex boyfriend sapnap cheated on him with dream. on paper it sounds fucking abysmal especially with what we now know about all three of them (ie. they should be publicly stoned) but its more or less infamous for the surrealist humour and the way it acts as a time capsule for stan culture of late 2021. the characters are:
george. a very very stupid british man who paid to get into college. his boyfriend cheats on him and he takes it really poorly
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dream. a very very desperate american man who sucked sapnaps dick in a public bathroom and broke up his relationship. when he thinks things are over between him and george he runs away to disney land to become a goofy mascot, which george finds incredibly attractive
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sapnap. a very very unpleasant man to be around. cheated on his boyfriend and when its clear theyre not gonna patch things up he resorts to just hanging around the main group and in general being a dick
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now this is where it gets REALLY really good bc its unanimously agreed upon that while the dream team are really entertaining in this they dont hold a candle to the others
quackity. georges roommate. i would say he "favours the tough love approach" but that is putting it soooooo lightly.
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kyle. georges other roommate. the designated "straight man" in that he is like a normal fucking person put into this insane world of crazy people. the catalyst for most of the events of the story since he is the one who saw dream suck sapnaps dick, told george about it, and encouraged george to rebound with dream. thank you rival cartoonrival for telling me that i called karl kyle on accident. it really goes to show how much of a normal guy he is
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corpse husband (we dont know why he was included either). dreams roommate. hates that cunt and is actively praying on his downfall
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wilbur soot. dream and corpse's neighbour. initially introduced as "guy who keeps stealing his stuff (and also knows george from england)" gradually devolves into "batshit insane, genuinely a threat to those around him, involuntarily gets them involved in his crimes for a 'bonding experience'". also he is kind of in love with corpse but that isnt ever expanded upon
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tommy innit. a freshman that dream used to tutor for compsci (along with tubbo but hes not as relevant to the story as tommy is. SORRY TUBBO!) but he hated dream so much he started a space about it, which got bigger and bigger until it became a huge podcast (with individual episodes still named using space naming conventions) where he and various guests shit on dream. he doxxes dream. at one point it was sponsored by taco bell.
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badboyhalo. mysterious man no one really knows (except i think its briefly implied george dated him at one point) who doesnt go to their college yet keeps interacting with them like they are all best friends. is actually quackitys estranged father he never met
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there was also a christmas special where someone snitched on wilbur to the authorities and george got kidnapped and they try to figure out whos responsible while snowed in and unable to visit their families like they wanted
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tldr: modern art
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helido24 · 8 months
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Well... i finished both snootgame and volcano high, i needed to talk a bit about them
2:. . .jeez, it's so difficult talk about both games without making parallels or comparing them
SG is a very simpler visual novel with a... very questionable reason to exist to begin with, but even with that it surprises you with a very beutiful story of self development and young love in the modern times. The multiples endings all of them are EMOTIONAL DESTROYERS, even the obvious joke-shouting-super edgy ending 1, but just 'cause all the care and love you have for the characters, you feel it in a more deeply way and you suffer watching them like this, giving you strenght to do the best ending possible and. . .oof, that destroys you too, but in a different way
I love Fang an Anon soo much, i wish them nothing but hapinnes
And talking about the elephant in the room? Well... i don't think snoot game is anti-LGBT propaganda
"B-but it's about fang doing destransicion"
That's the take talking about SG in GVH wiki and i'm not with that
Yes, anon is openly an ashole about lgbt themes and always talked shit about it
And the game treat the whole fang(they/them) with humor. . .both of those things happens between the first hour and the bad ending
As the game progress and anon makes the RIGHT choises you can see him at least try to comprenhend the pronouns thing, and perhaps he makes mistakes about it,but he get that is something important to fang
And yes, there's an ending where fang simply leaves behind all that identity and becomes a generic femenine wife? That's not the true ending
The true ending actually respect that side of fang, with her still liking that style,style being like that, still being fang, the only thing she doesn't keep is the pronouns
To me at least, fang's story isn't just about being no-binary. But being a young person trying multipples sides of their persona and life to try and found itself, with the help of the ones who cares about them to grow as a person
Fang could be a She,a he or them, and i would be perfectly fine with any of those
But if at the end she found herself more happy in this new version. What's the problem? If precisely that's the goal with this theme right?
BUT.... snootgame have a very heavy sin to carry and is. . .it's a 4chan game, and is a parody made to make fun about an openly pro-LGBT+ game
Even with how good the story is, with how NG never attacks directly the community and the movement, it's very hard to believe there's no bit of bath fait in the people behind
We still have all this early shit-talking about this theme after all
But having all in mind. . .i just can't hate snootgame, with it short experience it turned those characters in a very big part of my life (at least for this month lol), and the story touched me in various levels 'cause personal reasons (let's just say i had a "trish" in my life)
And well. . .thank you cavemanon for this very beutiful experience, i'm hoping your next project can shine your talent even more without so much controversy around it
And talking about conteoversy....
Goodbye volcano high. . .with you i have less things to say but still they're important i think
First of all: its FUCKING UNFAIR what happened to this game. An openly pro-LGBT+ visual novel with "tumblr aesthetic" being the first fucking thing they show about the fucking ps5??
What the fuck
It was throwed to one of the most savage and closed-minded fandoms in all the internet: """hardcore gamers"""
And just when they're waiting to some assasins creed, GOW or any other super big HD IP with muscles in the muscles of the characters
I can't think about this choise as nothing but an homicide, forgive for the comparation but. . .this shit was taking your 8yo cousin of color to a place you KNOW is full of neo-nazis with guns and criminal precedents. You know what you're doing or you are extremely stupid
And then internet folks started all this controversy and harassement and hate to the game and the studio by a lot of sides and themes and. . .i feel so sorry for the studio and the people working in volcano high, as a snootgame fan i'm truly sorry for what you passed trought, im hope with all my heart this doesn't make you to give up this style of game, and i'll be waiting to see your next project with heart ^^
And now talking about the game. . .fuck
Fuck fuck fuck
I'm sorry,i know what i said but. . .volcano high is broken by so much sides
I really wanted to enjoy it, i really wanted to love this version of the characters and the story but. . .fuck, i can't
Almost all the characters are soo flat (personality i mean)
All and everyone of them talk about ona (1) thing that they like and never shut up about it, you can be talking about anything else and- OH here's comes trish to talk about her worm. . .again, or sage and their cooking, or fang and their band. . .i get it, they're character traits and you need to use them but... i don't know these people, i don't know at all these characters at all.
In the first hald of the game you need to at least try to tell me something about them, their relationships, their past and problems, give me a reason to give 2 and a half shit about them... and they try, but everytime they talk and seems to be about to give some context they start to just talk about that one and only thing they like, leaving me with nothing to work with
And that's the problem of volcano high in general to me. Is obvious there's a story, there's a background to these characters and there's real context to almost every conversation they have. . .but we don't know it, we can't see it, we don't KNOW these people and is frustrating. After the 2 hours i just shuted down my brain and every time this happend i just go "oh yeah,some cute experience we don't know about them)
The two musical montages (there's 2 right?) With photos of the group living their lives and interacting with each other. . .they're very cute and seems to be fun, but we don't live any of this. Fuck sake i WANTED TO BE SAD in the ending, i wanted to feel the characters and their lives sliping away at the end
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See al these beutiful and impactful moments? Well. . .i'd love to see them, to live them with them
But we don't. They're just a bunch of PNGs passing by at the end as the music continues. And that upset me a lot...
And what upset's me the most. . .you know why i care so much about the characters? Why i need to know their lives and feel something in this story?
They made me to care about fang and the gang, abour nazer, about naomi, about stella and rosa, i cared about this characters soo much that. . .i feel attatched to the GVH ones too. Even if volcano high do close to nothing to make me care for them at this level
It's to sad and so unfair, volcano high obviously was made with a lot of heart and they OBVIOUSLY cares about the characters a lot more than almost anyone in both fandoms, just the "memories" from above show it. But with the game story and characters as they are right now. . .i don't want to compare them so much, but honestly without NG being so important i wouldn't finished volcano high
And about the story itself? Well... is very rushed to say at least
As i said earlier they spent too much time trying to made us meet the characters (but without letting us know them)
To sudenly introduce the meteorite plot and. . .it feels zero important. Yeah it drives the characters to the harsh decisions they're making and how they interact with each other, but for half the game the meteorite is just there in the background and just mentioned over here and there as a reminder. Just to sudenly be the most important thing in the world at the last hour and half of the game.
Before that all the plot is about fang,the band and the battle of the bands (wich i hardly care about at this point)
But. . .fang and the band? Here they made it a very good work
Yeah, fang talk almost exclusively about the band as is their (1) personality trait, but still they manage to make me feel and understand how important is this to them, and. . .wow, i really felt how fang was feeling reed and specially trish leaving them behind and not taking the band seriously (and still having fang at the edge with promises of being a team but without helping them AT ALL)
I mean, there's no problem with reed and trish don't seeing the band as something more than some fun friends time after school and wanting to make something else for their life. The problem is they seeing fang talking 24/7 aboud the band their future together and openly taking life decisions about it and never saying "hey pal, i think you should focus more in a solos career, we don't want to live with the music but we're still friends" or something like that. . .and they do
Trish says this to fang. . .in the battle night, just in the most important night in fang's life, just to say that she's leaving the band in this very important moment and taking choises she never discussed with fang (as fang did talk with trish about theirs)
And the story insist on pointing out fang as the bad person here, who makes all the bad choises and burn all the bridges with everyone. . .but they doesn't
Even at the end with everyone crying and yelling each other, is fang who talk to everyone and says they're a horrible person and you can blame everything on fang because. . .reasons? Idk because with all the choises and talking options we taked at this point, we clearly made fang a very patient and caring person, but still there's one and only way the story was made and was with fang being constantly a bitch with everyone, so it doesn't matter if you take the bad or good options to talk about 6 hours, the dialogues are all about the bad ones almost constantly. And that's fucked and unfair for my dude fang the pterodolphin, i love them so much
But. . .not everything is bad with volcano high
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The background arts are beautiful and very colorful, a lot of cute dettails and i love them
The characters? Well. . .it's weird, i love them a lot and they're very unique, in the special images and animations they look soo good
But in the normal gameplay...
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They look kinda derpy all the time, and the few animations they constantly use for everything get repetitive after a short while (take a shot everytime trish does the eyebrow rise grin animation, tell me how you died)
((Btw perrito tacita epic cameo))
The art style in general of the game is very cute and i love it, but for the in-game animations they needed some more time to make them. . .feel alive and les akward
And the music?
Hell yeah this is good shit, i love fang's voice and definitely i'm gonna check more of their music soon
In conclusion...
I can see where all of this came from, if that leaked script is real it just makes soo much sence about how the final product ended,i can see every original plot being planted as seeds in the final game but never having the chance to grow or even blossom, just a little sapling in the dirt, and that make me so sad. . .
Even with all of that,they managed to launch the game,and leaving out all the controversy i think the game got very descent sales and everything was kinda worth, i really hope they don't give up again with this type of story
But Ko_On and cavemanon are full of talented people and they deserve a chance to grow and shine by themselves
Both without being a perhaps-bad-faith parody, or without so massive backlash from the wrong people who's not are even interested in the quality but the politics in the games
I don't make this kinde or post so often,but i had to speak my mind about something so important to me
Thank you very much if you readed it 'til here and sorry for the mess,i was typing things as they apeared in my mind lmao
Check it out my art, i just recently made this piece of fang and i really loved the result ^^
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