#only she has the answers but she would rather avoid him. so instead of holding tauvane accountable for his suffering he would rather they b
sealrock · 5 months
Cactuar - What’s the fastest way to get you angry? When was the last time it happened? (for who you want!)
ask meme
answering for achille
24. Cactuar - What’s the fastest way to get you angry? When was the last time it happened?
most of my ocs have a rage button when it comes to their hang-ups or flaws if people intentionally bat at the wasp's nest, and they all react in various ways. but achille's rage button deals with his mixed heritage, his mother, and himself. he's the quickest one to anger, or at times, black out in extreme rage
he doesn't know his mother tauvane very well, as much as he tries to connect with her now despite of her unforgiveable crimes, and he doesn't know why she abandoned him, his adoptive father chiron never divulged the details of how he found him. don't even mention his birth father, achille has no idea who he could possibly be. achille grew up in the north shroud for the first half of his life and was subjected to bullying, discrimination, and ostracization from other children and adults alike because of his ears and his familial ties to chiron, an ala mhigan. he internalized what the adults would whisper about him, about the whore who was too ashamed to raise a child like him
he wanted to think that his mother gave him up out of love, but after she attacked him and almost ripped his eye out as a teenager, achille has had conflicted feelings about her ever since. so his childhood wasn't as great as achille led others to believe, but he doesn't like to talk about it. talking about it gets him riled up, and talking about it reminds him of how he can't truly fit in anywhere
achille has had a lot of moments where he couldn't hold back his rage he botled up inside, but the last time achille got truly enraged was more recent: when he finally met his maternal family in ishgard. he found out he had more family beyond chiron and his mother, and he was so excited to finally meet them and get to know them. but he was wrong
in the one time he visited ishgard, he'll never go back because tauvane's family treated him far worse than the childhood bullies he ran away from. to be rejected outright and lose the connections he could've made, the family he always dreamed of, tore him up on the inside. it got to the point where achille attacked his cousin apolloix for the degrading and racist treatment he received throughout the visit
achille doesn't like it when it gets angry—once he passes that point of no return, the jovial and cheeky achille his friends know and love is replaced with a stranger with bloodied fists, bared teeth and wild fury in his eyes
ty for the ask @oneiroy!
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sleepinthrumyalarms · 2 years
— mine to have
pairing: wednesday addams x fem!oni!reader
warnings: smut, lesbian sex, cunnilingus, possessiveness (non-toxic), hair-pulling, angry sex, all characters are aged-up
summary: xavier has been getting too close to wednesday lately, and your patience is running thin — a demon's jealousy is a terrifying thing
word count: 1.2k
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"What did he want?"
Wednesday looks up at you, big doe eyes wide open — she doesn't remember telling you about Xavier. It's not like she was planning on hiding it from you, rather how perceptive you always are, seeing right through her despite all the walls she has built and the masks she wears.
Should she tell you? Tell you everything about how Xavier keeps following her around, how he glances at her in class, and how he finally found courage in himself to finally tell the gloomy ravenette about his feelings... oh no. That won't end well for him.
Wednesday takes her time to answer, and you can see her eyes slide away from you — you don't like her hesitation. You get up from where you were sat, and advance towards the smaller girl slowly, like a beast on the hunt, gaze never leaving her face, and back her up against her desk.
Your aura is murderous.
"What the fuck did he want with you."
You're fuming — not exactly enraged yet, but you're almost there, and the prolonged silence doesn't help the case. Wednesday avoids your gaze, finds herself looking for the best answer that won't anger you even more... but there's none.
"I'm so fucking sick of Xavier." You growl, hands at the edge of the desk, claws sliding down the wood to leave deep marks.
"Why?" She asks, as if the answer isn't obvious — is she trying to spur you on even more?
"You know why," you snarl, teeth bare, seething, and your palms land on her waist with a possessive squeeze, "Do you want me to fucking elaborate?"
Wednesday's breath hitches when you grab her by her thighs roughly and sit her on the desk, your frame leaving no room for escape — not like she would wish to, anyways. Your hold is tight, claws sinking into her supple flesh, threatening to tear through the fabric of her stockings.
She has never seen you this furious. With anyone else, maybe, anyone trying to cross you, test you, or anyone stupid enough to provoke you. But never with her. And it makes her body flush with excitement.
"(Y/n), I'm not- "
"I'm so fucking sick of him. I'll kill him for you," your fingers move lower, to the fabric of her underwear, and there's no teasing — you don't linger your touch on her plush thighs like you usually do, instead choosing to hook your fingers on the garment and tear the lacy fabric of her panties in a single sharp movement of your talons, the sound wildly lecherous, and she gasps at the blunt display of strength, “I'll come to you drenched in his blood. So everyone else will know. So you know.”
You're mad — a hurricane of teeth and claws and angry snarls, seeing only red, red and Wednesday, sprawled out before you and caught completely off guard, the sight so unusual it makes you want to capture this moment forever. You grab at her thighs, manhandling her closer to the edge of the desk, — her skirt is still in the way, and you flip it in a hurry, — and dip your head to sink your teeth into the milky flesh of her inner thigh, and Wednesday shudders, a sigh leaving her dark lips. You don't linger there for long, licking over the mark you've left and moving closer to her gorgeous pussy, wetness glistening, and you almost salivate at how pretty and delicious she looks — you want all of her.
You open your tusked mouth and stick your tongue out slowly, slithering, the demonic muscle long, pointed and rough, one made to lick flesh off of bones, and Wednesday can't help feeling like your prey, a being for you to feast on as you glide it over your lips, over your teeth — and then lean in.
The first swipe of your tongue through her silky folds has the ravenette gasping breathlessly, and she clenches around nothing, hands reaching down to grasp at yours where you're gripping her thighs, the only leverage that's keeping her from going absolutely insane. You groan into her, vibrations sending more tingles of pleasure down Wednesday’s spine, and push yourself closer for a better taste — her thighs wrap around your head, but you force them apart with a growl, like a hungry animal getting aggressive over its meal. You look up, gaze meeting hers, and she groans at the intense warning in your slitted eyes — don't fucking do it again.
Wednesday could almost sob, her fingers carding through your hair and pulling at the (h/c) tresses, and she isn't sure if she wants to pull you away or closer, as close as possible, but she quickly chooses the latter, chasing the feeling of your mouth around her clit, of your tusks scratching at her velvet walls, making the pleasure almost unbearable.
Your pace never slows down, and it's like you don't even need air — the rage bubbling inside of you mixes with the taste of her heat, spurring you on like your personal aphrodisiac, and every inhale you take, you take right into her tight cunt, breathing her in. She's your air, and you'd gladly trade oxygen for her smell.
Juices trickle down your powerful jaw as your hot wet tongue slides in deep, and Wednesday can't hold back a whine, God, she whines, completely uncontrolled and carnal, and if you weren't feeling wild before, you surely are now, the sound a fuel to your own flaming desire. You're eager to bite — and the rows of your big teeth close around her pretty pussy, wanting to devour her whole, because she's yours, only yours, yours to have like this, to please and to drive to the brink of madness.
Her legs shake in your hold, and you know she's close, but your hunger is barely sated yet. You bury yourself even deeper, slurping at her arousal between puffy lips, lapping at her most sensitive parts — and Wednesday snaps, a hoarse moan tearing from her throat, her warm thighs finally catching your head to keep you in place, and you allow it.
Your lips leave her heat, and you nip at her flesh again, leaving a dark bruising slash of color on the pale canvas of her skin, and you think it's enough for now, for Wednesday looks beautifully spent, a sated mess, her arm draped over her eyes as her chest rises and descends with every heavy breath she takes.
You rest your cheek on her soft thigh — it's too early to go, and you feel at home between her legs, — and slide your tongue over your teeth, licking her syrupy arousal off your canines. A different thought crosses your mind, one you can't fight, because you're a woman addicted, the drug right within your reach, served on a silver platter.
Wednesday feels you wrap your arms around her thighs, putting her legs over your shoulders, and looks down at you through her thick lashes, her eyebrows knit.
"(Y/n)." She breathes, a silent plea, but you don't listen.
"Don't wanna waste any," you murmur lowly, the flames of your fury slowly dying down, making way for a much more tender but no less powerful feeling, "I need to clean you up."
You dive in again, and the beautiful arch of Wednesday's back almost resembles that of your grin.
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jamespotterismydaddy · 10 months
Lord Husband (Chapter 2)
AN: Thank you to everyone for all the love for chapter 1. I really wasn't expecting everyone to like it so much!
word count: 1,334 words
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You break your fast with the Queen every morning, but today, you are hesitant to go. For the past few days she has been trying to convince you to set up another meeting with Lord Stark. You show no interest in such an arrangement but you know it is no use avoiding your mother.
You have your handmaiden help you dress for the day in an eye-catching, sapphire gown. It’s low-cut but not in a way that wouldn’t be considered respectable. You may set many trends in fashion with being the only daughter of the Queen but you are still a princess after all. You have your hair done up elaborately and forgo donning your neck with jewels because you enjoy making the courtiers stare. You like tempting the men who will never be your suitors the most. Making your way to your mother’s solar, your gaze falls on a serving boy for perhaps a moment too long. He blushes. You think that you may call on him specially to serve your tea tonight; just because you won’t marry him, doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy him. Ser Erryk holds the door open for you when you get to the Queen’s chambers but an issue arises when you notice her guest.
“Lord Stark.” You attempt to put a smile on your face when you notice your betrothed dining with your mother. It comes out more like a grimace.
“Oh darling, I thought you would much rather break your fast with your betrothed today.” Rhaenyra smiles sweetly but you can see the pointed look in her gaze. She knows how desperately you’ve been trying to avoid Cregan Stark. “I’ll have my meal with the Dowager Queen.”
“Of course, mother. Thank you for the kind gesture.” You say through gritted teeth.
She exits the room, leaving you with only Cregan and a cupbearer. You stand, unmoving, near the door. He stands where he had risen from his chair in light of your presence. He awkwardly waits for you to take your seat so he may also be seated again. You make no signs of moving.
“Perhaps you would like to grant your feet a moment's rest, princess?” He gestures to the chair next to him.
You glare at him. “I do not need to be prompted by you in order to seat myself.” You decide to settle down in the chair across from him instead of the one he invited you to.
“Of course.” Lord Stark tries his best to not roll his eyes at you. “I was pleased when her Grace requested another meeting be set up between the two of us.”
“Were you?” You look at him, amused. You can’t imagine that the man still wishes to court you after your first encounter.
“I am pleased to have any chance to spend more time with my betrothed. Especially when she is as fair as you are, princess.” He says, turning up the charm all the way. “Might I also say that your dress looks absolutely ravishing on you.”
“I know it does. That’s why I selected it.” You say with a roll of your pretty doe eyes.
“A wise selection it was.” Cregan comments, somehow managing to stay courteous.
You fill your plate, taking your pick from the vast variety of fruits and you grab a single lemon tart at the end.
“Do you enjoy lemon tarts?” He says, attempting to keep the conversation flowing.
“No.” You say sarcastically before taking a bite.
“I take it that you still don’t care for conversation?” He speaks, his tone betraying him by revealing a hint of his annoyance.
“Not with any of the men that vied for my hand.” You answer shortly.
“I did not vie for your hand. The Queen gave it to me.” He seems almost offended by your words. You’re sure that a man like him has never had to compete for a woman before.
“Oh good. I’m glad to know that I am not a prize to be won but a gift to be given. What relief that brings me.” He cringes at your words.
“I did not say that and you know it isn’t what I meant.” He says firmly, his patience starting to grow thin.
“I’m sure it isn’t.” You say passively. As if the conversation isn’t worth your time.
“Princess, please help me understand why you seem to despise me so.” Your betrothed is clearly spiteful from the fact that he has been saddled with a woman that has next to no interest in him.
“I don’t despise you, Lord Stark.”
“Then tell me why you act as if marrying me is the worst fate the gods could have bestowed upon you.”
“I value my freedom, my lord.” You say simply.
“I do not intend to keep you prisoner.” He says, like it is the most obvious thing in the world.
He doesn’t understand. They never understand that being kept prisoner doesn’t always mean being held in a cell. Being free isn’t defined by your arms lacking physical shackles.
“I can see that this betrothal is not what you want but unity between the Starks and the Targaryens is what the realm needs.” He adds.
“I know what is good for the realm. My mother is Queen.” You say defensively.
He pauses for a moment and takes a bite of the pastry on his plate, washing it down with a sip of Arbour Red wine. He is clearly thinking about his words, wondering what to say that would upset you the least. “Of course, princess. So you evidently agree that your mother’s wishes, as Queen, must be followed?” You’re not really sure where he is going with this, if he has a point or is just trying to figure something out for his own benefit.
“Do you think I would be sitting here if that wasn’t the case?” you say condescendingly. 
Another pause from your betrothed. It seems that Lord Stark is considering his options. He then gives you a tight smile. “My house is very honour bound. You will have your freedom through Winterfell and I will never hurt a hair on your head, nor let anyone else bring harm to you. You may bring as many of your ladies in waiting as you would like and I will not bother you often if you don’t wish for it.” He lays it out straight for you, the benefits of having him as a husband. At this point, all he wants is for you to not be so bitter towards him.
You stare at him for a moment. You do seem to be a little enticed by the amount of control he is inclined to grant you. You consider being agreeable by simply giving him a nod of your head but that anger still tugs at the back of your mind. The fact that you will be wed to this man with or without your approval makes you sick. “I don’t require your protection. I have a dragon.” He sighs and looks almost disappointed.
“I offer you more than protection.” He says, firm in his beliefs that he would make a fine husband to you.
“Clearly because I get to bring my Ladies in waiting with me to the North. Hurrah.” You say with a straight face. “What shall you offer for me and me alone? Something that isn’t just for the progression of the realm?” You ask inquisitively.
“Well… I would like to make you happy.” He says carefully and you hope he doesn’t catch how you let your face soften for just a moment.
You have no idea how to respond to that. The sentiment seems so intrinsic and shallow and yet… you don’t believe that you’ve heard the words fall from a single suitor's mouth until him. 
“Oh.” The filler word falls stupidly from your mouth. The conversation does not continue on from there. You just pick up your lemon tart and eat with him in silence
taglist (comment to be added): General: @valeskafics @urmomsgirlfriend1 @girlwith-thepearlearring @darylandbethfanforever9 @lovellies @juhdoche @papichulo120627 @watercolorskyy
Lord husband: @feyres-fireheart @possiblyafangirl @hb8301 @marihoneywk @youn-jo @velvet-spider @janelongxox @ninastyless @nyctophilic0vitnir @m-a-s-h-k-a @delicious-xx @weepingfashionwritingplaid @happinessinthebeing @betelrus
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ellecdc · 2 months
single mom lily x fem!reader?
reader works in an ice cream shop and cute little harry (im imagining hes like 4/5???) absolutely adores the place so lily brings him in for ice cream all the time and falls for reader bc she is just so good with harry
ok here's my attempt 😮‍💨 thought this idea was so cute though!
single mum!Lily Evans x fem!reader meet cute
Lily was very lucky and very grateful that Harry had been a generally easy child. He was so much like his father that, whilst it didn't translate into the romantic relationship most parents wished to enjoy, led to a wonderful son and the best co-parent a woman could ask for.
And because Harry was such an easy-going child, she was trying very hard to stay patient with him as she frantically texted with James.
L: James Potter, where in the buggering fuck is this ice cream place that has ‘spiderman’ ice cream!? J: LOL oh god sorry. It’s on the boardwalk near the ferry. L: Thank you 😮‍💨 J: He making a fuss? L: I think we may have been moments away from a stage five meltdown. J: Thoughts and prayers 🫡
One meltdown avoided later and they were finally walking into the quaint, family owned ice cream shop on the boardwalk by the ferry, just as James described.
“Oh no!” Harry cried dramatically, holding his little hands to his face.
“What is it, Haz?” Lily asked, looking around to see what could have possibly caused such worry in a five and a half year old. 
“The man!” He explained.
Which explained nothing at all to Lily, still looking around the shop in confusion.
“What man?”
“The man with the spiderman ice cream! He’s not here!” Harry cried, turning to his mum with tears magnified by his glasses as they began pooling in his eyes.
She was racking her brain for something to say to the boy when a bubbly voice trilled from behind the glass ice cream displays.
“Hello there! What can I get for you two?” You greeted the pair with a beaming smile. If Lily wasn’t so caught up with Harry, she would have likely taken a moment to admire your radiance.
“The man!”
Lily watched as your smile fell only slightly and you tilted your head in confusion. “Which man, sweets?”
“The man with the special ice cream! He made it after my favourite superhero!” Harry cried with a stomp on his foot.
Lily pulled Harry towards her as she offered you an apologetic smile.
“I’m so sorry, he came here with his father last week and I-”
But like a beautiful ethereal angel sent from Lily’s own personal heaven, you waved her off with an easy smile. “Not to worry at all, love. My dad is the better ice cream server, so I understand your disappointment, little man.” You empathised. “But!”
Harry perked up at that, standing a little taller as he looked at you expectantly. “He did tell me that a certain hero may be coming in to look for some special spidey ice cream; could that be you?” You stage whispered the end of your sentence to Harry, causing him to squeal in delight.
“Oh thank goodness.” You said with a dramatic sigh. “I thought I was going to have to erase your memory for giving away trade secrets!”
Harry squealed in excitement again and shoved his face up against the glass casing to watch you start expertly scooping ice cream, completely unawares of his fingerprints and foggy breaths creating more work for his newfound hero.
“How many scoops, my man?”
“Uhm,” Lily interrupted, placing a conciliatory hand on her son's shoulder. “Maybe just two.”
“Mum!” Harry whined, but you just laughed.
“Sorry kid, mum’s the boss.”
Harry acquiesced with one more groan, but grinned when he saw the size of the scoops you were serving him.
“What about you, mama?” You asked after handing Harry his cone, watching as the boy made his way to sit at a table with his red and blue ice cream.
“Is it really spiderman ice cream?” Lily blurted instead of answering your very normal, professional, and polite question.
You barked a laugh, but Lily was pleased that your laughter was because you found Lily funny rather than at her expense. 
“Between you and me,” you whispered conspiratorially, resting your arms on the glass counter and your chin on your hands. “It’s just moonmist ice cream, but this batch used too much food dye, so instead of the normal light blue, pale purple, and pastel yellow, it turned out a little more…super.”
Lily looked back to her son, happy as can be with his super ice cream as he watched boats sail by in the harbour. 
“Brilliant.” Lily whispered as she turned back to face you, only to find you smiling softly at her already.
“Yes.” You agreed, though Lily wasn’t quite sure what you found brilliant. “So, what can I get you?”
“Oh.” Lily responded dumbly, looking hastily through the options before opting for two scoops of rocky road. 
“Fine choice, m’lady.” You said before scooping, once again expertly, the frozen treat onto a cone.
“Is that what you usually get?” Lily asked suddenly. You seemed surprised at her question as your eyebrows migrated to your hairline and you looked up to consider her.
Lily hoped to all hell that her blush wasn’t as furious as it felt.
You smirked before your eyes flit back up to hers. “I’m more of a strawberry girl, myself.” You replied quietly, shooting Lily a wink.
If her blush hadn’t been furious before, she was certain it was now. 
Lily paid and Harry shot you a “thanks ice cream lady!” as they headed towards the exit with their ice creams in tow.
“You’re welcome, little man! Stay super!” You said with a wave.
“I will!” 
“Hope to see you and your mum here again soon.” You said quieter this time, sending Lily a kind albeit shy smile. Lily was certain you’d be seeing the two of them here again.
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notelcol · 5 months
Kaz Brekker x asexual reader.
Mildly edited, apologies for mistakes✨
You had been a part of the crows for a while now. What surprised everyone the most about you was your relationship with Kaz. He would call you into his office and discuss future plans with you, plans that he normally kept to himself. You loved to hear the way his mind worked out those elaborate plans. The two of you constantly stole hidden glances and occasionally he would pass you tea, allowing his gloved fingers to linger against your bare ones. The first time it happened your heart nearly burst from your chest. You knew of his aversion to touch, yet this did not feel accidental. You looked at him to see if he was okay, only for him to remove his hand and walk away before you could see his face. Though you did manage to catch the red tint on the tips of his ears, matching your own cheeks.
Inej had seen your tea exchange one time and had teased you for weeks. She didn’t want to tease Kaz, for fear or scaring him away from you. He was a precarious personality, always one step away from doing something crazy. She did not realise how similar you were. Her teasing had made you realise your feelings. Love was something you had long told yourself you would never know. While Kaz had an aversion to touch, you had your own aversion. Over time you had come to learn that no man wants to stay with someone he could never lay with. So when you realised your feelings for Kaz, your survival instincts kicked in and you put up your walls. You made excuses not to go to his office and avoided the kitchen. You needed to purge these feelings, you believed it was for your own good.
Weeks passed and you had all just completed your latest heist. You were all dressed much too posh for the Slat, but it was just enough glitz to get the job done. While on the job, Inej had stopped you. She was tired of you being distracted during the fighting.
“You are being stupid.” She snapped. “You are running away from your feelings because you cannot give yourself fully to a man, when Kaz is a man who has no interest in such a gift.” She was absolutely right. You had been denying yourself the opportunity to love someone the one person who would not want you to change. You had to remind yourself of this conversation as you awaited the perfect moment to tell him. It came almost too quickly. As soon as you arrived home, Jesper left to parade his outfit around the Crow Club. Apparently it was a crime not to bless as many eyes as possible with his looks. Inej however, raced to her room. She wanted to get out of the fancy dress as soon as she physically possible. You watched Kaz go into the kitchen and decided it was time. You followed after him and started to make a tea. You put the water on to boil and turned around to grab your cup, only to find it being held out to you. You took the cup and instead of the usual gloved touch, you were met with the shaking bare hand of Kaz Brekker. It was a fleeting touch, he did not linger this time. But it drew you to his eyes all the same. For once he did not look away.
“You look beautiful tonight.” He stared into your eyes intensely. You could see the battle in his mind.
“Thank you.” You smiled. “You look rather dashing yourself.” This made him laugh.
“Dashing. Really?” He had never been described as such before. While some might find it funny to call Kaz Brekker a dashing man, you genuinely meant it. One moment with him undid all of your emotional repression. You were right back in it. You wanted to run away but the sound of the water boiling over brought you to reality.
“Why have you been avoiding me?” His words reminded you of his presence. You spun around and gave him an answer.
“Because I love you.” He took a step back at your confession. His eyes were full of love but his body looked ready to run. You knew how that felt.
“You shouldn’t love me.” He shook his head. “I can’t hold you close or kiss you goodnight. I could never….consummate. You deserve more than I could give.” Now it was your turn to shake your head.
“I do not want those things.” Gentleness graced your face as you took a step closer to him, tentatively filling the gap he made. “Love to me, is in the way you look at eachother, talk to each other and the experiences you share with each other.” You handed him his gloves from the table. “You don’t need to push yourself for me. Gloved touches are enough to last me a lifetime. Love is in the heart, not in the skin.” You hoped you had gotten through to him. His breath shook as he put his gloves back on. You did not know if he was ready to face this. You watched for an indication but he gave you none, then ran out of the room.
You were quite down about Kaz’ decision. But you tried to keep your head up, you knew it wasn’t for lack of feelings. You had been in his shoes countless times, terrified to give your whole self to someone and it not be enough. All you could do was hope he would see that you want him as he is. You stared out of the window at the street, watching the people go by as you tried to think of something else. It seemed the universe had other plans for you, as a throat cleared in the doorway. You turned to see Kaz, staring uncomfortably at you.
“Did you mean what you said?”
He asked. You nodded in earnest and gave him a smile, which to your surprise he returned. His was smaller and fell quickly, but it was there and it was for you. He slowly walked closer, cane clacking softly with each step, until he came to rest next to you on the windowsill. He let out a breath and visibly relaxed as you both watched the street together. You felt true peace as you sat side by side sharing gossip about each person that walked by for hours. The passer-by’s had become scarce as the night grew late and a quietness had befallen you. You lifted your head from the window frame when you heard Kaz moving. He was staring down at his gloved hand as it moved towards your own, as if he was willing it to move one millimetre at a time. When his pinky finger reached yours, he wrapped it around your own and chills filled your body. You both moved your eyes from your hands to each others faces. Neither of you could stop the contented smiles that showed prominently, and neither of your hearts had ever felt so full.
This one’s for all my fellow aces who may be struggling. Remember, love is in the heart, not in the skin. 🫶
This work hit home for me. I didn’t realise how much repressed feelings I had about trying to find love as an asexual. I have never met another person like me, but I know they are out there. I hold out hope that all of us will one day find the person who will take us as we are.💓
Thank you for reading🌷
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morninglarkspur · 14 days
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This took!!! Way too long!!! But I made refs for the eldest three Light kids!!!! Now all my old art is outdated but that's fiiiiiiine. These guys are probably the only ones getting a ref pic for each era of the AU but I do wanna do some refs for some of the side characters like Tempo and Bass!
Putting the info written on the sheets plus some added details below the cut
DLN-000 Blues Light/Breakman
Blues goes by Breakman for basically all of the Wily Era and skips right over Protoman to go by Blues. Due to how his relationship with Rock develops in this au it just doesn't feel right to try and slip Proto in. Break continues to be a name that Rock specifically can still call him even after the switch in names.
He's buster is on his right arm.
Instead of using his faulty core as leverage for getting him to kidnap Kalinka, Wily uses Mega as leverage. This means he doesn't learn about his core still being faulty until after the Wily Era. Haven't decided if he learns about it pre or post Decommission Era tho
Helmet got broken by Mega post MM4. It gets repaired when Dr. LaLinde repairs him after that incident. She also repairs the visor on it, no those are not just his sunglasses. I kept forgetting his sunglasses when drawing him so they just don't exist anymore sorry.
His eyes are visible when his bangs are neat.
Early into the Epilogue Era Roll fixes his core. She can't completely fix all the damages but he's no longer dying and is able to live a much more comfier life now that he's got access to proper robo-health care
Stays weaponized, but rarely needs to use his buster and armor.
DLN-001 Rock Light/Megaman
Answers only to Megaman while under Wily's control. He does respond to Rock when used by Dr. Light and Roll. Post Wily has him slowly re-learning to be Rock. He still always responds to Rock from Roll. By Epilogue he is mostly transitioned back to using Rock. Blues is the only one who can call him Mega without causing distress. Bass calls him Megs and is the only one who does.
During the Wily Era his eyes are capable of becoming blue again in certain situations even while infected. This ability is lost by MM5.
His buster arm is his left arm.
Post Wily has his Copy chip removed, however he refuses to get the virus removed.
His arm was blown off by Roll. He refuses to get it replaced. Dr. LaLinde repairs it to the point where a new one can easily be attached should he change his mind.
He does eventually get it replaced but tears it off himself not long after. When he is finally able to get proper repairs for this, it is permanently sealed. To replace the arm would require entirely reworking his shoulder.
Early into the Epilogue, he has the Megaman armor removed from him entirely and any remnants of his weapons system is also removed. He is entirely un-weaponized. He still retains the virus.
DLN-002 Roll Light/Gigawoman
Roll hates the name Gigiawoman. It is the name given to her by the public. No one important actual uses it so don't expect to see it mentioned often. (Shout out to my friend Axo for the name suggestion tho) She stops using Megaman to refer to Rock very soon after he got fully infected by the virus. She calls Blues Break for the Wily Era and drops it the first moment she feels like she can get away with it.
She loses her right arm to Mega when she happened to encounter him on their activation day. She insists that her arm be replaced by a weaponized one and Dr. Light concedes. Her right arm is her buster arm.
A lot of the choices going into her weaponization is based on avoiding a repeat of what happened with Rock. Her base buster is stronger and her copy chip is altered and given an advanced anti-virus built-in. She is capable of holding up to 3 weapons indefinitely and make it a point to avoid copying new Wily bots when possible.
Her hair got damaged during the same encounter she lost her arm in. She requested that it simply be cut/shaved rather than replaced so she could have a visual reminder of what she was fighting for.
She is the de-facto leader during the Decommission Era, every bot in their group acknowledge her as the leader, even those that give a hard time about who should be leader will default to her lead when it comes down to it.
She makes it a point to not wear her helmet around Rock, hoping that it'll help him readjust to being Rock again.
She remains weaponized but rarely needs to use her buster and armor anymore.
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dark-elf-writes · 5 days
I can't stop thinking about Clint with the Avengers in one emergency mission that is taking a lot longer than expected and Sally or Paul tries calling Clint and he has to shoot an arrow quickly so he hangs up while saying "Can't talk now, Steve duck!". And five minutes later Percy appears on Mrs. O'Leary, kills most of the bad guys and goes: "Hey, pa, you got mom and papa worried, please don't answer like that, mom had a bad experience with short phone calls because of me. Anyways, if you want to go home now, the casserole is still warm. Hi Nat! You can come too!" And that is how Percy meets his pa's coworkers.
After a couple of girl nights between Sally and Natasha they end up deciding that if Sally's baby is a girl, she will be called Natasha Estelle Jackson. Also Thalia starts leaving propaganda for the hunters in Percy's house in case Nat is interested
Clint pretended not to hear Stark, instead choosing to look Percy over. It wouldn’t have been the first time his hearing aid had gotten taken out in a fight after all. He was rather infamous for breaking them before Tony had taken over making them.
Percy was grinning, his hair tangled and a faint scattering of golden dust caught the light when he turned. Clint wondered if he had found the monster before or after charging head first into an Avangers Grade threat, then decided he didn’t want to know.
“Barton, you still show online. I know your ass can hear me.”
Clint thought about turning his hearing aids off, just to be petty, but Percy was turning, looking over his shoulder while he talked. “Mom and Papa are worried about you, just so you know. They’re kind of blowing up the group chat and I happened to be in the area so I thought I’d tell you.”
Before. The monster dust was from before.
“Perce, we talked about this…”
Percy flinched so hard at Stark’s sudden shout, in person now as he hovered roughly five feet above their heads rather than over comms, that he nearly tumbled off Mrs. O’Leary. Clint lunged to steady him, just barely grabbing hold of his leg. Sally and Paul would be upset with both of them if Percy got another concussion and ambrosia could only do so much.
(Not for the first time Clint wished he got more of his father’s talent for healing. It certainly would have made his life a lot easier, along with trying to keep up with Percy.)
“Stark,” Clint couldn’t keep the growl out of his voice, but Percy thankfully didn’t flinch again. “Stand down.”
“What do you mean stand down? That’s a hell hound! And a child! A demigod! Where the hell did you get a demigod child!”
Percy blinked, looking between Clint and Tony, then seemed to come to the conclusion that whatever was going on wasn’t his problem. “Well I told you mom and papa were worried so that’s my job done. Oh, and dinner is ready… which will be in the oven waiting for you when you’re done with all,” He gestured vaguely somehow managing to encompass mostly Tony. Stark let out an affronted sound. “Oh, hey Nat! Mom said you can come to dinner too. Well she didn’t but she will when I tell her! Love you! Don’t get ate!”
With a click of Percy’s tongue Mrs. O’Leary bounded off down the street, leaving Clint alone with the rest of his team who were all looking at him expectantly.
Clint turned off his hearing aids and wished he had his own hellhound to help him avoid this conversation.
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endereies · 3 months
Fuck it - Matt Sturniolo - Part 4
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Spotify playlist:
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Summary: Fem!oc x Matt Sturniolo
Growing up with parents who make her feel isolated, what happens when she meets Matt. A person who introduces her to new people, new experiences and new feelings.
Authors notes:
This chapter is my life rn fr
Warnings: Swearing
Word count: 2879
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
“Is this something we are meant to do?”
“Fuck it.”
Alyia Pov:
I was sat sketching in my last period of the day, creating small doodles around the edges of the sheets I got handed only thirty minutes prior. I had attempted to go to the library to focus on my work but it had the opposite effect. I had been sat here for half an hour and spent that time doodling eyes in the corner of my work accompanies by small starts and hearts. My phone suddenly vibrated in my pocket which caused me to be dragged from the comfort of my sketches. A loud sigh escapes my lips as I bring the screen towards my face which shines in near full brightness. The top of my notification bar held a text message from Matt, sent only a minute prior.
‘hey alyia, can we work on the project at my house today rather than yours?’
I tap the border of my phone, picking in the gaps of the phone case and the metal flicking between replies in my head.
‘yeah sure, any particular reason why?’
‘I just have some shit to do before hand and I don’t wanna go back and forth between places’
‘alr then, send me the address and time and ill come over’
‘sweet, can you be here for 7 ish’
‘see you at seven Matt’
I sit staring at my screen for a while, looking at the ‘online’ that lingered under Matt’s contact name. He finally leaves the chat and I follow suit to place my phone face down on the desk. I let my hands rest on the desk but my body leans back into the chair. I haven’t ever been to his house before and I was used to him coming to mine, I had no idea if his brothers or parents would be there. How they would react to me suddenly being in their house.
I didn’t get a chance to properly react or overthink due to the bell’s intrusive sound that emits from above on the library’s walls.
It had been an hour since I had gotten home and it was nearly time for me to leave my house if I wanted to get to his place on time. I had just finished building my outfit which wasn’t too casual but it wasn’t smart either. A long-sleeved top with a shorter-sleeved, thinner sweater onto covered a black shirt that hung just above my knee. A pair of black tights ran up my legs only being covered by some plain air forces which seemed too worse for wear. Even if the weather didn’t immediately call for it, I paired the outfit with a black jacket I purchased a few years ago. The arms of the jacket swung off the edge of the leather seat I threw it on to. I rummage through my desk drawers for my keys, vitamins, charger and any extra notes to throw into my backpack.
Their house looked so put together from the outside of it the designs being simplistic but appealing to look at. The car outside was one I recognised from the same parking spot at the entrance of the school which him and his brothers exited every morning. I noticed them walk towards the main entrance on my way to the music room most days.
I stand in front of their main door and I hesitate before finally hitting my knuckles onto the centre of their door making sure I avoid the blurred glass. A shadow emerges from behind that glass and I take a small step back not wanting to feel immediately intrusive.
“Hey, oh-“ my words fade when I realise Matt wasn’t the one who answered the door but instead it was a longer haired brunette.
“Alyia? Hey what’s up” he grabs a hold of the door frame and uses the rest of his weight to push the door open “Come one in”
I don’t respond right away, making note that Chris remembered my name perfectly. Either he focused on that detail when he first met me and barged into the music roo., or Matt has spoken about me to his brothers often enough for them to know. As unlikely as that was.
“Chris, hi.” I take a step inside, following Chris and shutting the door behind me which he ignored and left.
“What are you doing here?”
“Matt didn’t’ tell you” I’m only met with a slight shake of his head due to a lollipop he just placed in his mouth.
“Matt wanted me to come to his house to work on the project tonight” I slide my backpack down my arm, noting the loss of friction as it gets stuck on the folds of my sweater
“Really? Kid didn’t mention that to me.” I go to respond but another voice emits before mine does.
“Chris, who was it!”
“It was Alyia, Matt has invited her over for the English shit.” Chris walks past a corner and his volume in his voice decreases, so I follow him to listen to the conversation that now included me.
“Alyia is here?” Nick turns from the sofa and rests an arm on the back as he faces me directly.
“Hey guys... uhm hate to interrupt but where can I put this?” my backpack rests in my palm, causing my wrist muscles to flex slightly and after a few seconds it starts to ache further down my arm.
“Literally anywhere at this point, we need to clean up this weekend anyway.” Nick circles his wrist in a general location of the main sitting area.
I drop my backpack and use my foot to push it further to the side, so that no one trips up over it.
“So…where is Matt?”
“In the shower upstairs, but he went in 10 minutes ago so he should be out soon” Chris speaks, keeping his gaze fixed on his phone in my hands, slumping down next to Nick harshly.
I simply nod in response and start to sit next to them, creating a small distance between us. I follow Chris’s actions and pull out my phone and go onto random apps one after another before finally scrolling on Instagram for a moment. I few minutes of awkward silence go by before a loud voice echoes from up the stairs.
“Yo Nick, have you seen my pink shirt, the one with the bear on it?”
“Yeah, it’s on top of the table down here!” Chris yells back up to Matt upstairs.
I lift my head up from my phone, putting my attention onto the voices exchanging between each of the brothers. Footsteps approach and I see Matt walking down the stairs towards the three of us.
Traces of water track down the back of his neck from water that was adsorbed from the towel he now holds in his arms. Strands of hair cling to his forehead which appear darker, almost black. His lower body is hugged by a blue pair of plaid pyjama pants, sat on the bottom of his hips. His tattoos are clearly on show and I take this time to analyse them, noticing a few designs I hadn’t seen before. They traced around his arms and tracked the lines of his muscles alongside missed droplets of water. He brushed the strands from the front of his face backwards, parting his hair with his fingers slowly, not wanting any knots to remain. His tongue parts his lips slightly, wetting them briefly. He finally looks up from the floor and notices me sat on their sofa.
“Alyia...hey you’re here early” He reaches the bottom of the stairs and walks towards the vibrant shirt on the table.
I swallow harshly when he turns around, his back facing me as he lifts the shirt over his head and past his shoulders. His back muscles flex as he drags it past his chest and hips
“Uh, yeah, my car is being fixed so I had to take the bus... I just took the one that wouldn’t make me late.” I rub the back of my neck, trying to calm myself down.
“I guess that’s fair. So, you wanna work on the project now?”
“Yeah, about that.” Chris mumbles and drags out his words and Matt looks at him with a confused expression.
“Why can’t we Chris.” His tone is a little harsher and his voice raises in pitch as he grows more curious.
“Well. I didn’t know Alyia was coming over for one, so I invited Nate and Madi over...”
I hear a sigh from Matt from across the room and I look up at him.
“Nate’s that hockey player in our English class, right?”
“Yeah, he is” he stops looking at me and turns to face Chris. “Did you invite them to do anything?”
“I mean yeah. I do every time, games n shit. You guys can fuck the project for one night to hang?” Chris’s demeanour has relaxed and he cross his arms over his lower stomach.
“Alyia hasn’t ever spoke to Nate and Madi is that fair?” A voice from Nick emits for the first time in a while.
I sit up and put my arms weight on my knees, slouching over. “I can always leave if you wan-“ I suddenly get interrupted by Matt and I glance up to him, his expression making him seem deep in thought.
“You could hang out with us if you wanted. It’s not like these guys know you, it could be fun to know each other more.”
“I’m so down if y’all are?” Chris faces Nick, earning an eager nod. I get a similar eagerness when Chris turns his body to me expectantly.
“If you guys don’t mind, then I’m down.”
A few hours had gone by and we were all sat down on the floor onto of pillows and blankets playing an intense game of monopoly. Initially I was intimated by practically 4 new people in an unfamiliar setting but once we all sat down and started talking, I got used to it. I had found out that Nate was the captain of the hockey team and that Madi was working with fashion and was in Jenny’s class. Chris’s personality filled the room whenever intense moments happened and it was fun to be around. He was a bubble of energy and it felt like Nick had to reel him back down any time he yelled too much. Which seemed to be often. Chris was being a sore lower in monopoly anytime someone had to take money for him, only to celebrate moments later when he passed go and got $200. Nate was currently winning but Nick and I weren’t fair behind him money wise. Nick was winning property wise and already set in multiple hotels down.
“Oh, come on! Again!” Chris had started to complain again which made us giggle, especially Matt as Chris once again owed him money.
“Not my fault, I own Oxford Street and so...you owe me money.” Matt holds his hand across the board in front of Chris who simply rolls his eyes and begrudgingly slaps $1100 into his hand.
It was my turn to roll the dice and a number of 4 is added between them. I grab the dog character and move it across, landing on the same square that Chris did. I sigh and flick through my money and pull out $1100 and hold it out for Matt to take.
“Damn again, Matt you’re getting lucky right now I swear” Madi giggles along with Nate and Nick but Chris still sulks at his loss of money. Matt's hand reaches forwards and grazes mine as he takes the money with a weak smile.
“Damn it. I’ve fucking landed on Mayfair” I see Nick slam his money down on the board. Nate just responds with laughter as he takes the money from Nick.
I had lost a while ago, having to mortgage my property after I landed on Oxford Street again, I sat to the side talking with Chris and Madi who had lost to Nate.
“Honestly I’m glad that ended, it’s getting late” Nate mumbles before yawning.
“late? How late” I quietly speak as I pull my phone off the sofa behind me and turn the screen on, the screen a little too bright now that it was dark outside. “Oh shit.”
“Hey, you okay?” Matt stands up and faces me, leaning down to reach the board to help pack it away.
“Its like eleven right now, buses are gonna be fucked.” I frown at my phone screen as I pull up my bus times for the journey home.
“You could always stay over, it’s not like we have classes tomorrow.” Chris smiles at the suggestion Nick makes, facing me with a genuine kindness.
“Really? It wouldn’t be intrusive; I mean I’ve known you for one day.”
“We've heard enough through Matt to be honest; it would be nice honestly.”
“I appreciate it, but one problem. I don’t have any spare clothes on me” I look down at the outfit questioning if it’s suitable enough to sleep in.
“I have some clothes you can borrow...” Madi finishes putting the board game away and faces me with a wide smile.
“If that doesn’t fit since she is shorter than you, I have shit you can use for the night.” Matt reaches into the cupboard to place the box onto a high shelf.
“Uhm sure. If that’s okay”
“Of course, no worries.”
Matt pov:
I have showed Alyia to a spare room we have across from mine and carried her things into it and placed them at the foot of the bed. We haven’t had a chance to paint or fully decorate the room apart from the bare minimum but thankfully, she didn’t seem to mind. I return back to my room while I grab a few options of clothing for her to wear overnight. One of which is the same ransom tee I wore the first time Alyia and I met. I smile briefly while walking back towards Alyia’s room.
“Hey I picked out a few options for you”
“Thanks again for this, I appreciate it” Her demeanour seems more closed of than it was when playing the game less than an hour ago. She seems to hide herself, rubbing her arm in what I can only assume as a form of self-comfort.
“You, okay?”
“Hm? Yeah, I’m fine. Just don’t want to feel like I’m overstepping” She sits down on the bed behind her.
“Trust me. You aren’t, I want you here.” Those words come out a little too fast than what I wanted them to.
We smile at each other for a moment before I snap out of it and hand her the clothes that were draped over my arms.
“Thank you, Matt.” She gives me a small smile which I reciprocate before I even process it.
Her phone suddenly vibrates on the nightstand displaying the name ‘Scarlett Hawkes’.
“Sorry, I have to take this.”
Alyia pov:
“Hello mother.”
“Hello Ally, why are you not at home?”
“I went out with friends, I’m staying over.”
“And you didn’t tell me? I’m at home waiting for you and you aren’t here.”
“You didn’t tell me you would even be home.”
“I told you I would be home on Thursday, Ally”
“Mother it’s Friday.”
“Either way I expect you to be home tomorrow.”
I sigh and hang up the phone, not wanting to deal with the conversation any longer and I place my phone back on the nightstand.
“Sorry about that” I mumble quietly.
“Was that your mum?”
“Uh yeah, she is finally home and wondered why I'm not.” I speak slyly, hoping he doesn’t pick up on my attitude.
“I haven’t ever seen your mum at your home before...”
“She travels a load; she works in fashion and is constantly travelling and my dad organises her meetings and manages all her work. They try to be home when they can but it’s not often enough.”
“Fuck...well you’re always welcome over here if you ever feel lonely or something”
“Of course, you’re my mate and you get on well with my brothers and everyone, tonight was fun. I’m glad you stayed over.” He offers me a smile and I smile back, watching as he sits down next to me.
“Well thanks for inviting me”
“Don’t sweat it, the buses are awful at night and we have nothing planned”
I keep my smile as I look down at my hands, fidgeting with them quietly.
“Well...I’ll uh let you get ready and I’ll see you in the morning?”
“Yeah, thanks again for this” I meet his gaze, standing up holding the clothes he gave me a few moments ago.
“If you need anything, let me know, yeah?”
I nod to him as he leaves my room, pushing the door to. His footsteps fade as he walks to his own room, hearing the chair creak as he sits in it.
I flick through the few shirts he gave me and I pull out a ransom shirt.
The one he wore when we met.
@yuhayeee @melliflws @axolotllover225 @st7rnioioss @sturn-bugz @sturniolosmind @worldlxvlys @patscorner @breeloveschris @y0urm4m
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sanjuwrites · 7 months
wip wednesday
IM BACK! i have been gone for a hot minute because my life caught on actual fire, but im back and better than ever baby <3
to make up for it, i'm posting two different snippets from two different fics, one firstprince and one tarlos! enjoy! thanks to @alrightbuckaroo, @birdclowns, and @inflarescent for the tag!
agent reyes
TK greets him in the morning with a cup of coffee. 
The cup is made to perfection, and Carlos is seriously starting to doubt how much Paul is really involved in TK’s agenda here. 
Carlos murmurs a quiet thank you instead of screaming like he really wants to and approaches Marjan, who’s in a hoodie with the hood up, furiously typing. 
“Marj, have you even slept today?” 
“No sleep when we have a crime syndicate to take down.”
“Okay,” he says slowly, “but I have access to information that the CIA has spent years compiling. Why are you botheri- oh.”
Marjan flips her laptop around and Carlos is startled to find a clone of Sean Cunningham’s l staring back at him. “Marjan, what the fuck? How the hell did you – what?”
“Turns out Cunningham’s lackeys are kind of idiots because the video was sent from Cunningham’s main compound, where he stays. Really, the asshole apparently hasn’t ever heard of a firewall–”
Paul, who’s wandered over, interrupts her. “Marj, get to the point. You do this every time.”
Marjan rolls her eyes but continues. “I traced IP addresses back from the ransom video that was sent to TK’s email address and from there I hacked into his Wi-Fi connection–”
“Marjan, I don’t think any of the intel departments at Langley can do this.” Carlos is staring at her in awe.
She smirks at him, before continuing. “You fools need to stop interrupting me. Anyway, I just hacked through the four laptops hooked up to the Wi-Fi connection until I figured out which one was his. Voila!”
Carlos ducks down, pressing a palm flat to the table as he scrolls through the laptop. “Marjan, this is insane – we have data here that I could only dream of having.”
Marjan smiles tiredly, sipping at the mug of coffee Nancy hands her. “Babe, I think coffee is the last thing I need right now, but thank you. I love you very much,” she says while pressing the mug into Paul’s hands, “but Paul and Carlos are going to play now. We,” Marjan says, pulling Nancy close, “are going to go to bed now. ” Judd whistles from where he is in the kitchen, drawing a laugh out of everyone in the room. 
Nancy wraps her arms around Marjan in reply, “You heard her, gentlemen. I will be taking my girlfriend to bed now, and I expect no interruptions. My girlfriend needs her beauty sleep. It’s decaf, by the way!” she says, her voice faraway now.
alex runs for congress
“Politics hasn’t been my dream for almost twelve years, sweetheart,” Alex says softly, not really making eye contact with Henry.
“Alex, I know what happened with Richards and the emails was brutal, but we have nothing holding us back like that anymore and –”
“It’s not Richards, Hen, it’s you.”
That stops Henry cold, and he looks at Alex, mouth open in shock. “What do you mean?” Alex stays quiet, and Henry pushes further. “Alex, what do you mean?”
Alex continues to avoid eye contact with Henry as he starts talking again. “That night I came to Kensington Palace, you told me you wouldn’t trade one prison for another. You’re barely free from the Crown, Henry, and I don’t want to drag you into the circus of American politics, not when you hated being in the public eye so much, to the point that it almost cost me you. I refuse to let anything cost me you again, so I put all my dreams in a little box and locked it away, because I would rather live a quiet life with you and immigration law than a loud one alone in Congress. I was wine drunk at one of Mom’s fundraisers when I was talking to Erica about wanting to flip Texas again, and I didn’t think it would ever really come up again.”
Henry doesn’t answer, grabbing Alex’s face between his hands and pressing a featherlight kiss to his lips before resting their foreheads together. “Love, I didn’t realize you had that in the back of your mind, and that this was what is stopping you from entering politics. Listen to me,” he says, moving them so he’s looking at Alex eye to eye, “nothing is going to stop me from spending the rest of my goddamn life with you. You could lose your job, become a house husband, or go on to become the president of the United States, and I would not care.” Henry takes a deep breath, and lets it out slowly. “Do you want this, Alex? Like without the influence of anything else, deep down, do you want this? Do you want to run?”
i'm gonna tag @carlos-in-glasses, @catanisspicy, @theghostofashton, @welcometololaland, @rmd-writes, @paperstorm, @bonheur-cafe, @chaotictarlos and @lightningboltreader!
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bowbowis · 11 months
"Vae, puto deus fio."
Thinking on it, Dimitri's accusation that Edelgard intends to become a goddess herself is even more ridiculous in context.
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Dimitri asserts that there are people who need their faith to live. Edelgard responds that no matter how faithful someone is the Goddess will not actually help them, citing her own personal experience (which is true; the Sothis worshipped by the church - an omniscient, omnipotent, prayer answering capital "G" Goddess - no longer exists, if she ever did in the first place). Edelgard says this is why she must change the world "on behalf of the silent and weak." Dimiti then responds by accusing Edelgard of trying to become a goddess herself and "steal the power to act" from the people she "claim[s] to defend".
So what exactly is he accusing her of here? The only thing that makes sense in context is that he's upset that Edelgard is trying to take the role of the Goddess by helping the people who have nobody else to rely on (with the difference that Edelgard can actually produce tangible results) instead of letting them help themselves, like he's a damn Fox News pundit. This, of course, sounds like rank hypocrisy. In every other instance Dimitri is all about helping people, even reverting back to that stance in the same scene.
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But let's give him the benefit of the doubt. He did say it was not the rulers, but the people, who can change the world for the better. So perhaps its a power thing, the disaffected can help each other out, but when a ruler tries to help they're trying to play Goddess...
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Okay, maybe he can help in his personal capacity, but if he uses the power of the state that's going too far.
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Okay, so it turns out that he is Mr. Government Handout, to the point that AM's ending mural flat out depicts his soldiers distributing food to the common folk.
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Still, as long as he doesn't want to make the common folk dependent on the rulers to affect change; say by espousing a form of enlightened despotism where the rulers wield their power on behalf of the people, who have an advisory role, instead of the people being able to hold power in their own right. he's at least not trying to "steal power" from them.
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Well, at least he would never unilaterally make a major decision about his people's lives, wants, and needs without actually consulting them first. Right? RIGHT?
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Okay, so he's kind of a hypocrite, but that doesn't necessarily make him wrong about Edelgard. So where does she stand on things? She's trying to help people but is she stealing power from the people? Is she helping them in a way that would make her a "Goddess"?
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So, here we have the basics of Edelgard's ideology. Instead of Crests and bloodlines guaranteeing a person has power or excluding them from it entirely, Edelgard wants people to earn power by proving themselves capable of using it effectively. All positions of authority, including, Emperor, will be selected from the general populace. This alone greatly expands the power of the common folk rather than reducing it as Dimitri accuses Edelgard of doing.
There is a common misconception that Edelgard's ideal system is a form of social Darwinism where people either must succeed or get cast aside. This is untrue.
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This, along with other supports like her Houses supports with Linhardt and Petra paint a very different picture. Rather than a brutal, sink-or-swim version of meritocracy Edelgard takes an approach more suited to her humanist values, one that empowers people to stand on their own two feet, to choose their own path, and to become the best they can be.
In this way Edelgard actually avoids becoming a Goddess, even in the stupid and benign way Dimitri accuses her of. She doesn't want people to be dependent on her help, rather she wants to help reach a point where they can help themselves. Dimitri doesn't even start to consider that the people might need more than just charity unless he supports with Yuri in Hopes.
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In a way Dimitri and Edelgard reflect the old proverb: "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day; teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime." Dimitri aims to provide the people with fish each day, leaving them to rely on his generosity. Edelgard empowers them to provide themselves with fish so they won't need of her in the future.
It's pretty well summed up in their end cards:
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Edelgard is remembered as a liberator who gave the people their independence and stepped away when she was no longer needed.
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Dimitri is explicitly seen as a savior figure who focused on charity and lived his whole life letting his people be dependent on him.
Alas, Dimitri, I fear you may be becoming a god yourself.
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Marty is anxious the second he wakes up, but he does his best to push it down and not dwell on it. Emmett is out of bed before he is, and Marty follows him so he can cozy up to him while they brush their teeth. Doc presses a kiss and an ‘I love you’ into his temple when they’re finished, and Marty tangles their fingers together as they head for the kitchen.
He has no doubt in his mind that his boyfriend knows exactly what he’s doing, being clingier than usual, but Doc isn’t about to complain about a little extra clinginess.
Jennifer arrives as Doc is flipping the last pancake, and she busies herself with helping Marty set the table. Over the course of breakfast his nerves ease, and he relaxes into the conversation as Jennifer chats with Doc about her latest physics assignment.
She helps them clean up once they’re through eating, and gives Marty a parting squeeze before she leaves with a promise to call later to check in.
“You alright, future boy?” Doc asks softly, and Marty relaxes into the curve of his boyfriends chest as Doc’s arms slide around his waist.
“What if my mom answers?” he murmurs, gaze focused on the phone sitting neatly on the stand a few feet away.
“Then you hang up,” Doc replies, pressing a soft kiss to the curve of Marty’s jaw. “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
“I know,” Marty sighs, and when he steps forward Doc steps with him. The younger boy laughs when they stumble, and he holds tighter to the arms around his middle when they steady themselves next to the phone. “I want to talk to my dad though. I think.”
Doc laughs against his temple, pressing a fleeting kiss to his hairline.
“You think,” he repeats playfully, and Marty snorts a laugh and grabs the phone.
Doc falls silent but doesn’t release him, instead resting his chin on Marty’s head as the younger boy dials his home number. It helps immeasurably to have Doc wrapped around him while he dials; it keeps his hands from shaking with his nerves.
The phone only rings twice before someone on the other end picks up.
“McFly residence,” Linda answers, and Marty almost falls over right in Doc’s arms he’s so relieved that it’s not his mother.
“Linda, hey. It’s me.”
“Marty! Hey stranger, how are you? How’s Doc?”
Marty casts a sly glance at his boyfriends hands before he replies.
“He’s good. Listen- is dad home?”
“He is. I’ll get him for you,” she says. Marty thanks her, and mercifully she turns the phone away from herself as she shouts for their father. Once he’s coming, her voice sounds over the tinny speakers again. “Can I ask you something Marty?”
“Of course,” he answers, fingers nervously flexing around Doc’s hand.
“What happened at dinner? Mom and dad won’t say a word about it. Dave and I thought it was going well.”
Marty debates for a second whether or not he wants to answer that question. He’d been trying to avoid bringing his siblings into the drama his relationship had unintentionally caused, but he can’t deny that it’s tempting to tell her. He knows his siblings had accepted their relationship; they’d been no less welcoming to Doc after finding out than they had been before.
It’s that knowledge that makes him confess.
“I caught her crying in the kitchen,” he says, and he can’t even see his sister but somehow he knows that she’s frowning. “Saying I deserved better, and that Emmett and I shouldn’t be together. I guess I expected that, but I’d hoped it would be different.”
“I’m sorry,” Linda says sincerely. “Dave and I had no idea. We could tell she was a little uncomfortable, but we didn’t realize it was that bad. Has she said anything to you?”
“Not since dinner,” he replies honestly. “And honestly, I don’t want to hear anything she might have to say.” Marty pauses for a moment, and then sighs. “I’m sorry Lin, I don’t want to drag you into this.”
“You aren’t dragging me into anything. I’d rather you be honest with me than bottle this up,” she pauses, and the silence only lasts a moment before she breaks it. “Dad’s here, I’ll talk to you later okay?”
She doesn’t wait for him to reply. He hears shuffling on the other side of the phone, and then his dads voice sounds through the speakers. He sounds relieved, like he wasn’t sure before that Marty would actually reach out, which he supposes is fair.
“Marty, I was hoping to hear from you.”
“Hey dad. Are you free today? I think I’m ready to hear you out.”
“I’ll make myself free,” George answers instantly. “I’ll be there in an hour.”
“Alright, see you soon dad.”
George mumbles his agreement, and Marty puts the phone back on the cradle. He’s relieved that his father had agreed so easily, and he finds that the vast majority of his nerves have dissipated. He’s still nervous to know what exactly his dad is going to say, but it’s nothing compared to the anxiety that had gripped him before the phone call.
“Better?” Doc murmurs, no doubt feeling the way Marty’s entire body has sagged as his nerves relaxed.
“Better,” he agrees, turning in the scientists arms to steal a soft kiss. “He’ll be here in an hour. Wanna have a quick shower?”
Doc chuckles and kisses him again.
“Lead the way, future boy.”
“Lorraine, honey, can we push our rematch another hour or two?” George calls as he heads for the kitchen. His wife’s head pokes through the doorway a moment before he reaches it.
“Of course George. Is everything okay?”
“Marty called, and he’d like to talk to me,” he says, and something like anxiety flashes briefly through her eyes. “I told him we could meet in an hour.”
“Of course,” she agrees. “Send him my love.”
“I will, honey.”
George’s lips meet her cheek and then he’s heading for the door. Lorraine chews her lower lip, indecision warring within her, but when he reaches the door she calls after him.
“George,” he turns and arches a brow. “You’ll keep in mind what we discussed, won’t you?”
Something passes over his face but it’s gone too quickly for Lorraine to identify it. George nods once, and then steps out the door. In the wake of his departure Lorraine heads back into the kitchen to grab her breakfast, and joins Linda at the table.
“Is dad going to talk to Marty?” she asks as soon as her mother is seated, and Lorraine nods.
“Yes. Hopefully he can talk some sense into Marty and we can finally put this situation behind us.”
Linda’s expression turns guarded, pausing in the middle of chewing her bacon. After a moment she clears her throat and swallows her bacon.
“What do you mean?”
Lorraine blinks- she’d thought it was obvious. She titters a soft laugh and shakes her head as she stirs a teaspoon of sugar into her coffee.
“I’m sure your father will be able to convince Marty to put an end to this and come home,” she says as she lifts her mug to her lips. She freezes when Linda scoffs, and slowly lowers the mug again.
“Mom, you need to stop this,” Linda says firmly, her irritation growing at the surprise on her mothers face. “If you don’t, all you’re going to do is alienate Marty. What’re you going to do if he doesn’t come home? Call the police? There won’t be any coming back from that.”
Lorraine clears her throat, struggling to keep her voice even and polite when she replies. She doesn’t understand; she’d thought they were all on the same page about this- well, perhaps aside from George. But she’d thought at the very least her children would be on her side.
“Linda honey, you’re young. You don’t know what you’re talking about. You don’t understand what’s happening here-“
“Yes, I do,” Linda interrupts firmly, quickly standing from her chair. “We all do. I think you’re the one that doesn’t understand.”
She doesn’t wait for a response from her mother, instead turning on her heel and walking briskly out of the room. Lorraine sighs softly, her gaze falling to her untouched eggs.
She just wants what’s best for Marty- and what’s best for him isn’t Doc Brown.
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fllagellant · 5 months
11, 20, 27, 29 for giilvas (and the other two if you feel up to answering for more!) :)
this is gonna be long bc i’ ll answer for my three boys …. Grins . Find the questions here !
11) what are their best skills? arcana, history, sleight-of-hand?
Cracked open the game to gather the Stats ..
Giilvas has proficiency in Stealth , Nature , Animal Handling , Perception , Survival , Intimidation and Persuasion , with Intimidation and Persuasion as his highest .
Zerxes has proficiency in Arcana , History , Investigation , Nature , Religion , Medicine and Persuasion , with Arcana and Medicine being his highest
Seoras has proficiency in Athletics , Investigation , Nature , Insight and Survival , with Insight and Survival being his highest
20) does your tav have a best friend in the party? what's their dynamic like?
Giilvas would probably point to either Lae’zel or Karlach .
Lae’zel and him balance each other in very welcomed ways , both being rather headstrong yet in different ways . Giilvas appreciates Lae’zel and her willingness ( and skill ) to intimidate potential threats , and her support of when they do have to fight a battle that they may or may not have been able to avoid . Giilvas is her limiter , in this case , as well . Being the voice of situational pacifism , helping them progress in places that require bits of deception . Giilvas gets them in , Lae’zel gets them out . They both respect each other as warriors , and know that they both want the best for the other , even if the methods and words may differ from what they’ d expect .
Lae’zel also cannot play an instrument to save her life , so Giilvas having the skill to do so ( and to prance and sing as he does it ?! ) is something she admires , even if she does roll her eyes at him preforming for spare coin . Giilvas , similarly , sucks at strategy . His plan starts at “ get to place “ and ends there . How to get out ? What threats there may be ? Any potential complications ? Not his forte . He’ ll just hope for easy . Lae’zel doesn’ t . She knows what to prepare for , and how .
With Karlach , it was kinda bff love at first sight . Giilvas has experienced hunting for someone , only to learn it was a misunderstanding , so he didn’ t think twice about accepting Karlach with open arms and helping her instead of harming her . Both of them being the party’ s walls is another thing they connected on . Knowing they wanted to protect everyone , knowing they have the power to do so . ( With her calling herself Mama K , I can’ t help but picture her trying to give Giilvas a similar nickname . Mid-fight is when she tries them out on him , always ) Opening up later about her looming death , and Giilvas having something similar looming above him at all times , they kept finding things to connect on . They do sleep side by side on occasion , bedrolls close enough for one to reach for the other . Karlach gets nightmares , and Giilvas can easily scare himself out of meditation .
Karlach brings a bit of glee Giilvas almost lost , him realizing he became a bit of a nihilist at some point . Karlach holds out on hope , even when it seems near impossible . Giilvas is a bit of curiosity that Karlach is a bit too suspicious to act on , at times . He’ ll do the stupid thing first , and she can be sure that she can do it too , as long as he’ s in one piece after .
Zerxes would probably only say Shadowheart .
Both of them being Clerics , they have that bond near instantaneous . Their respective gods , at the beginning , harbour no love for each other . But they do not hate each other . They know that , if they started talking semantics and the ways their gods tell them to go about things, they would end up in an argument . But Zerxes follows Kelemvor for reasons outside of just agreeing with the principles that his god demands , and he’ s open to listen to Shadowheart’s reasons for following and worshipping Lady Shar . They make snide remarks to each other at times , mostly just to try and get a rise out of the other , but they’ ll protect each other from harm .
The Shadowlands do end up testing each other , seeing that they cannot fully escape their gods wills here , but they still sit together at camp . Even if they may have fought that day , they’ ll sit and say their apologies , they’ ll eat side by side to prove trust .
Later , when they both have all their cards out on the table , and they’ ve both come to terms with everything that they do and don’ t stand for , they take some time together . Drinking wine and discussing what they see in their futures . They both hope for the best things to come for both of them . And Zerxes makes a habit to hunt for night orchids .
Seoras’ top three are Wyll , Jaheira and Minsc
Wyll and him get along quick . He knows Wyll - he knows of the stories , and he knows that his family farm was aided by the Blade a few years back , but he never met the man- and he knows he can trust him . Learning of his Pact and the type of person Mizora is doesn’ t scare Seoras , he knows what people are forced to sacrifice to do good , and Mizora is just someone who took advantage of someone who wanted to do good . He just knows there has to be a way to beat her , and that Wyll won’ t suffer her forever .
They bond over swapping stories , Seoras shares things that happened at the farm or while he was selling in Baldur’s Gate , and Wyll tells stories of what sorts of heroics he would get up to before , and what sorts of things he wants to do in the future . They talk about places they want to go , things tjey want to try , and how they hope to return home soon . Finding Wyll’ s father is a top priority for Seoras , even with the suspicion that their bond may be rather strained .
Wyll promises to properly visit Seoras’ family farm , once everything is over
Jaheria and Minsc are people Seoras’ heard about growing up , folk tales and the type of people to aspire to be . Meeting them , and learning that they really are just people like himself and that they have their own flaws and lives outside of the stories he was told , made everything he had heard about them feel more real . He was nervous around them , at first , especially meeting Jaheria in the Shadowlands , but he settled down rather quickly .
Jaheria and Minsc are strange relatives , to him . Distant aunt and uncle that can tell some of the most hard to follow , but heartwarming life stories . They know the city well , having protected it before , and Seoras knows he can rely on them to help end this strange , strange situation he was pulled into .
27) how does your tav react to wyll's pact and patron? if they're a warlock, was there anything specific?
Giilvas is going to Kill Mizora . He knows the kind of conditions that make people take pacts , and he knows the sort of conditions those pacts demands . Having her show up , with Wyll hinting at a sort of punishment waiting for him when they return to camp , he makes it known that she isn’ t welcomed here . He does all but physically force her out , knowing that whatever he might do to her would end up being something that Wyll would be punished for later .
He doesn’ t harbour any ill will or feelings towards Wyll , pacts and bargains are things people keep hidden for reason that may be out of their control . He let’ s Wyll know he isn’ t upset , and that he’ s more prepared for her to show her face around their camp . He just wants to keep everyone safe , and wants to make sure Wyll feels safe here .
Zerxes feels like he’ s experiencing Deja Vu . He knows that Wyll’ s eye is a sending stone , and now he knows the face behind it . He and Wyll got off on a rocky start , Zerxes recruited Karlach first , and having Wyll show up that night with an intent to kill … it leaves a certain type of first impression .
However , seeing Mizora and seeing what she does to Wyll , he’ s reminded of his sister . Her taking a pact , hoping to better her life and to make things easier for the two of them . He sees her crying , once the terms of her pact reared their ugly head . He feels the exchange he and his sister had to undergo , the burn of his own skin .
He’ s enraged . Mizora shouldn’ t be here . And he wants to grab Wyll and shake him . Ask him why . Tell him he was a fool, that he should have ran from her . Instead , he sits with Wyll that night , and gives him some horn balm from his bag . Just like he did with his sister .
Like I mentioned briefly before , Seoras isn’ t frightened by her . He doesn’ t feel betrayed by Wyll , and he doesn’ t harbour anything over it . He treats Mizora … fine . He doesn’ t want to say or do anything that would keep her around longer than she should be . He doesn’ t yell , doesn’ t threaten . He just pushes her towards doing what she’ s planning to do , and hope she leaves fast .
He doesn’ t like her , at all . But he knows better than to try and test his own luck at that time .
He doesn’ t push Wyll for whys and hows , doesn’ t try to have him open up to him about anything ( he knows that Wyll probably can’ t , but he doesn’ t want him to feel forced to explain that to him ) , all he tells Wyll is that they’ ll get him out of the pact , and that he should try to get some rest .
29) after baldur's gate is saved, what will your tav do?
Giilvas’ very good three step plan is 1) Go to Avernus 2) Get married 3) Get revenge
Step one is simple . Go to Avernus with Wyll and Karlach . Raise hell IN hell , find a fix for Karlach’ s heart , beat Mizora once and for all ( and ransack her hell Barbie dream house she probably lives in ) , and maybe harness some cursed infernal knowledge while down there . This is going to take some time . A handful of years , kind of time . Giilvas doesn’ t care . He’ s committed .
Step two is the most difficult step . He and Wyll already wear wedding bands , and he keeps the proposal acorn in a pouch on his hip at all times , and in spirit they’ re an old married couple . But how does one get married ? How long do they have to plan ? What should Giilvas wear ? What traditions should they do ? Can they get everyone together for it ? Should they hold it in Baldur’s Gate or is that a bad idea ? Who do they even ask to properly wed them ? There’ s a lot of questions and a lot of answers and a lot of uncertainties . But Giilvas and Wyll are going to do it .
Get Revenge , the final step is rather self explanatory . Giilvas lost all his family and most of his clan to something that is still alive . And living . In the forest . It’ s hard to let go , when you see the children of the people that ran you out of home in Baldur’s Gate , knowing you cannot do anything yet . But , give it a few years down the line , and Giilvas will return to that forest with enough courage , enough sheer will and power , and one just as powerful husband , to settle a score .
Then , once these steps are completed … either they retire or they find some new lead to chase . Whatever comes their way first .
Zerxes’ and Seoras’ still have their posts games up in the air . Zerxes will probably return to his previous job , offering final rites and burying the undead . But he may end up staying with Gale and might end up aiding his lessons . There’ s also the matter of his sister , knowing she’ s out there . There’ s a few things in his future he has to sort out . Seoras wants to return to his family farm , but he knows it’ s likely gone after everything . He can see himself travelling with Halsin , maybe he’ ll settle into life as a proper druid . Who knows yet
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fe-fictions · 1 year
Kagetsu x Alear commission (Alear has been acting strangely the last couple weeks, and Kagetsu is very concerned ;;;)
There had been a strange change in your behavior, so naturally it was your husband who noticed it first. You were much more aware of the temperature of hte food you were eating, determined not to eat anything “too hot”, in terms of temperature. 
You also avoided hot baths, and you weren’t eating raw meat or fish the way you used to. Not only that, but you were no longer interested in your favorite perfumes anymore, either.
Whenever Kagetsu would ask you what was wrong, or why you weren’t enjoying certain things anymore, you just shrugged and looked away, a little smile on your lips.
It would have been cute if it weren’t so perplexing. And after about two weeks of your sudden shift in behavior, he was starting to get really worried.
“I am not sure what has plagued her, Princess Ivy.” Kagetsu confided in her during afternoon tea, looking more downcast than…well, ever, really. 
“Have you asked her about it directly, Kagetsu?”
“Of course, my lady! Many times. But she does not wish to answer me.” He says, “I fear it may be something very serious.”
“Hmm…” She smiles to herself, taking a contemplative sip of her chamomile. “Well, it isn’t something I would speculate on, myself, but I have a few suspicions as to what’s going on.”
“Please, milady, if you have any suggestions as to what is happening to Alear, I beseech you to tell me! The longer I am left to think about it on my own, the more frightening it is!”
“Oh dear, you’re frightened?” Ivy remarked with faux surprise, her eyebrows raised as Kagetsu nodded gervently.
“I do not wish for my wife to be ill, or worse….so if you have any suspicions as to what is  happening, I would be glad to hear them!”
“Well….my first thought was that she is extremely sick.” She confirmed, making his face pale. Kagetsu leaned bak ck in his seat, as though she’d just told him it was a death sentence.
“Y-you really…believe so?”
“I did at first, yes, but I think she’s got something more interesting going on. If she were deathly ill, she would have said so right awway. Not only that, but she’s smiling and laughing you off when you inquire for her heatlh, yes?”
“Yes…it is quite vexing.”
“Then that would lead me to believe that it is actually very good news, dear. Otherwise she would not be so coy.”
“Her new habits and her strange behaviors are a good thing?” His eyebrows drew together, absolutely unsure as to what was happening.
But Ivy just smiled. A coy smile that was just like the ones you’d been giving him. Now he was even more upset. 
“That is the very same expression that the Divine Dragon has been making! Please, Princess Ivy, you must tell me what is going on! You must not shut me out, too!!”
“Oh, dear Kagetsu, I have an excellent idea of what it might be, but….I’m afraid it’s not something I can tell you…not unless it was her will that I tell you.”
“Princess Ivy…I cannot believe you would betray me like this!”
“You must go and speak with your wife. I am sure she’s only held off telling you because she wanted to find the right way to do it.”
“Do what?!” He almost wailed, but Kagetsu was tactful enough to hold himself back. Instead he finished his tea and rose with slumped shoulders.
If he needed to confront you directly, then he would do just that. He wouldn’t let you slip away with a mysteriously jovial expression and the promises of telling him later.
He had to know!
Kagetsu made a beeline for the stairs, hurrying up to the sanctuary and right upt o your bedroom door. He started to knock, before remembering that he was your husband and this was also his bedroom, too. 
So instead he straightened his shoulders, steeled himself for confrontation, and opened the doors. 
“Alear! I need to speak with you about-” He immediately paused, finding you sitting on the bed with Vander, knitting needles in your hands and a rather poor excuse for a knotted mess in your lap.
“Kagetsu? It’s unlike you to barge in unannounced.” You commented quite calmly (much to his chagrin), “Is something the matter?”
“Y-yes, actually. Many things, in fact! Vander, do you mind if I speak with Alear alone?”
“Not at all, milord.” He stood quickly, bowing to the Divine Dragon and then to her husband. “My lady, shall we continue our lessons later?”
“I’ll let you know. Something tells me the surprise is about to be ruined.” You nodded towards Kagetsu, serving to perplex him more. Vander’s eyes sparkled with great mischief (an expression unbecoming of such a stoic man).
“Very well. Lord Kagetsu, I leave the Divine Dragon to you.”
Your husband waited until Vander exited before he bolted the doors shut. Slightly concerned by this, you tilted your head curiously at your husband.
“Kage, what’s the matter? You aren’t planning some sort of afternoon tryst when Vander knows we’re in here alone, are you?”
“As tempting as that would be, that is the furthest thing from my mind right now.” He said seriously, crossing the room to stand before the bed. You were blocked in- trapped. You weren’t getting out of this conversation if he had anything to say about it.
“What are you thinking, dear?”
“I want to know why you have been acting so strangely. You are not telling me what is wrong with you, and we both know that your behavior has been very different for a while! I have spoken with Princess Ivy, and it was her recommendation I ask you about it directly. I do not want to hear excuses or promises of telling me later, Alear. I am worried about you and I want to know what is happening to my wife.”
Kagetsu’s very direct speech left you somewhat surprised, albeit pleasantly so. You smiled gently at your husband, setting the needles and yarn aside. You patted the spot next to you for him to sit. 
“If it makes you feel any better, I’m not ill. The reason I haven’t told you what’s going on is because I didn’t want to ruin the surprise.” You explained, “I was trying to find the perfect way to tell you the news…which is good, by the way.”
“And just what is this news of yours?” His eyes narrowed, arms crossed. You  bit back a grin, and instead placed the yarn in his lap. 
“What do you think this is?”
“Yarn, Alear.” He held it up, eyebrows drawn. “Is it supposed to be a blanket?”
“No, actually. It’s just the front half. Vander has been teaching me how to knit clothes. Unfortunately, I’m still pretty bad at it.”
“I see. Ah, this must be part of a sleeve, yes?” He held out a particularly long, gnarled strip of yarn. You nodded, laughing sheepishly. “Hmm…it is quite small, my love. Is it supposed to be so little?”
“It is, actually. You see, it’s not for you. It’s for someone else.” You explained to him, “It’s for the same person who’s been causing my strange changes in behavior.”
“So it has been a person causing this?” He followed along slowly, “Have you been poisoned?”
“No, not at all. It’s nothing bad. It’s actually quite good, Kage. It’s…well, you see…that is supposed to be a sweater I was going to give you for a, um…a baby.”
“A baby.” He repeated, looking at the sweater again. It would indeed fit onto a baby, wouldn’t it? “And this baby…whose is it?”
You stared at him silently, watching his expression as he started to piece it together. He looked at the sweater, then back at you. The sweater again. You again.
Your hand was settled on your middle, and a wide smile crossed your lips.
“Kagetsu,” Your voice trembled, “I’m with child.”
His heart stopped.
Your husband’s mouth dropped open, the yarn falling from his hands. He gaped at you for a long while, as if he had utterly shorted out.
“W-what? You…you’re…!”
“For once, it seems you’re at a loss for words.” Your laugh was soft and sweet, waiting for the poor man’s brain to come back together.
“A-Alear!! Are you serious?! Are you absolutely certain??” He grasped your shoulders, and you could feel the quivering in his fingers. You nodded again, practically glowing.
“I’m exactly two months pregnant.” You confirmed. It was all he needed.
Kagetsu all but launched at you, throwing his arms around you and squeezing you tight to his chest.
“I can’t believe it-!! You’re pregnant!! Oh, gods, my Alear…!! My Alear is with child!!”
“Kage,” You laughed joyously at his sudden exclamations, nearly knocked over from Kagetsu’s enthusiasm. “Careful dear, you’re kind of smushing me.”
“O-oh!!” He immediately pulled back, holding you at arm’s length for fear of squeezing you too tightly. But when he saw your smile, it made all the joy rush back a thousand fold.
He couldn’t help it. Kagetsu pressed his lips to yours, cradling your face in his hands and kissing you dozens of times.
“Alear, my love!! My dearest Alear! I-I can hardly believe it…I cannot believe that you are pregnant!”
“I take it you’re quite happy, then?” You joked, covering his hands with your own. He stroked your cheeks with calloused thumbs, the tears welling in his eyes dangerously close to spilling over.
“Alear…Alear, Alear…I have never, ever been more happy in my entire life. Never did I imagine that…t-to think that I will be a father. That you will be a mother! That we will have a child together, and in such a short time!! It feels like a dream!”
“It does.” You confirmed softly, beaming at your sweet husband. Kagetsu touched his forehead to yours, “But it is real, my love. I promise. We’ll have a little one running around before you know it.”
“Oh, I cannot wait. I simply cannot wait!” He was grinning from ear to ear, even as you brushed away the happy tears dripping down his cheeks. 
The man was not sure what he expected, going into the room that day. But the outcome was quite possibly the greatest he could ever expect.
Aside from you being perfectly fine and just messing with him, which also would have been welcomed.
But no, you were pregnant, and you were expecting to bring your child into the world in seven short months. He simply could not ask for a more wonderful surprise.
He would spend the next few days with you and Vander, also learning how to knit so he could provide some warm socks, hats and mittens while you tried to finish at least one sweater before the due date.
The sweater would not be finished, but at least the baby’s little head, hands and feet would be toasty warm.
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Two planets both alike in dignity. The one seemed like a hellscape from the outside and to be fair the closer you got it didn't get much better in terms of looks however the people there liked it like that. The other planet, “insert name* thought that due to its look the people that inhabited it were filthy and awful people especially compared to them. Their planet appeared spotless with buildings of diamonds and modernity. They both thought ill of each other. Charlie Mornigstar ruler of the first planet, Junio didn't really consider herself a ruler and more as a protector. Charlie loved her people with all her heart but she was alone. On the planet Heras it was ruled by two instead of one, Lute and Adam. They had worked their way to the top, well, mostly Lute did. Adam did make most of the decisions although Lute was the only female opinion he gave the slightest concern towards. While the place looked modern the way that females were treated were the exact opposite of modern. These two weren't the only planets that interacted with eachother however for enemies they seemed to engage with each other the most, weird isn't it.
Chapter : A change
In Junion lied Charlie, alone. Om her skin she flet nothing but the blankets heavy fabric weighing over her. It had been so long sense she experienced connection. She then heard a loud crash outside, A turf-War. People here were usually really kinf but as anywhere all fights and arguments were impossible to avoid fully. Charlie sluggishly rolled out of bed and dragged herself to the front door. When she got there she was surprised To find no conflict. Three people stand there, two shaking hands with smoke blowing uo behind them. Another a tall man dressed in red who wore a bright smile. His skin tone and the way he illuminated made him appear to be from the Lunar colony. Charlie is mesmerized by his glowing appearance. They both walk Up to eachother
“ Did you jsut settle that yourself?” Charlie asks they mysterious Moon man.
He answers back “ why, yes, I did, does that impress you?” He said with a smug grin.
“ actually, yes, how'd you do it?”
“People are simple, they like to think their complex but you understand even the basics of psychology and even thr most ‘complex’ of situations can be solved, sometimes all it takes is a handshake” he replies as he reaches out for Charlie's hand holding it in Front of her. Charlie Slowly reaches out for his hand not because she's scared but rather Because it's been so long since she experienced touch especially after her fatehrs death. As Charlie continued moving her hand closer Alastor got impatient and quickly grabbed it shaking It vigorously. “ pleased to be meeting you princess Charlie, the names Alastor”. Charlie held up her hand as she felt the new sensations of touch run through her fingers.
“Alastor, how would you like to stay here”. Alastor was estatic he had gotten exactly What he wanted. He wants Power control and to be on top. Befriending the princess of hell was probably the easiest way to do that. As soon as he could get close enough to the princess he could take her out and he'd finally Be free. if he could just get his hands on her he could finally unleash the chains. If he failed he would die. This is the one shot at freedom he has and is determined to nit mess it up. He hummed as he stored his Chin and acted as if he was pondering. He likes to keep people on their toes even though he's someone Who's always extremely sure of himself.” Well I suppose I could stay and help you with a few things”. “Oh thank you alastor you won't regret this”. Charlie cried out as she wrapped her arms around his waist hugging him aggressively Alastors body and arms went stiff at the gesture.He wasn't used to pyschial touch most people thought that due to his demeanor he hated it but that couldn't be farther from the truth. Its been awhile since he's experienced any kind of compassion or affection at least to this degree. He used to have heartfelt interactions with his dear friend Rosie that he enjoyed but she'd been busy managing one of The Lunar colonies And they didn't get to see eachother that much. He would have reciprocated and held her back, at least do he could get her to trust him enough for his plan, but the sudden Suprie of human emotion Just left him there, motionless. “Umm, Well is there anything you need you need help with at the moment?” Alastor asked. Usually he'd never stutter or use Filler words like “umm” or “like. It ruined his perfect on top of the world persona that he wanted and did Display. He punished himself in hus head for such trivial Imperfections. Although to him any Imperfection might as well be the end, same reason he stitched his mouth into a smile. The stitches Were even sewn perfectly The only reason he was aware of them was because he was there when he gave stitched it. A chivel At that perfect image would make him crumble. “If you want to do anything I have a list on the fridge I'll give you first pick sense you're helping me, Oh wait you Just got here, don't you wanna go to Your room and get settled first?”
“Oh, you meant like stay here?”
“Yes, if you want I assume you're from one Of the Lunar colonies so I wouldn't want you to have to travel to far Everyday. I can show you to your room If you want?”
“Why I do suppose it would be umm difficult To travel So far everyday to help you”. Charlie then walked alastor Up to his room and left him to get used to the new setting. Alastor layed down and snapped his bags into The room. He could have just telephoned Everyday but his power was getting weaker and the princess doesn't have To know it. If he stayed here he cab Aldo get closer To the princess then Just helping her out everyday. While he feels remorseful for having to do such a thing to such a kind he soul he knows it has to be done. He's alone and can finally gather himself and pick himself back up to perfection. As he lied down sinking into the mattress, the pain Started lessening, not completely gone by any means but his pain was now bearable instead of the excruciating Experience he usually had. No one, not even God heard his screams of pain. Anyone else living through This would have () and so did alastor but with his dear he couldn't even get rid of the Pain he was in, he was trapped but this was usual and he did feel the comfort draped over him and fell Asleep comfortably. Charlie walked in the living room heading to bed she was so Exhausted she felt like she was about to collapse. All she did was lay in bed all day and she was still exhausted. Her brain tended to keep her up late. Charlie felt as if she couldn't walk anymore and then plopped onto the couch stretching her limbs out and almost immediately falling asleep. Keekee curled up on Charlie's Back ad she snored not even out of her formal attire.
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heronoegg · 11 months
What would their dynamic be like?
Bakusquad memeber: Momo
Bakugo nickname: Ponytail
Position: Shopper friend (will literally take the everyone out or buy something for them online)
Bad point: Emotional support
Jirou introduced her to the idea of being part of th squad so im not gonna include her it's about the other members
Bakugo- I feel like at first Bakugo didn't really care that she was quote un quote in their squad but i've read a couple of stories where i've seen Bakugo and Momo as really good and close friends it just takes Bakugo a minute to get used to her (as with other people) Bakugo can easily lift Momo emotionally cause Momo is like Deku in some ways where she lets things slide that shouldn't unfair treatment is not something Bakugo stands for and will defend her on every matter as will she be there to let Bakugo rant to her if Bakugo needs to
(It could kinda also go the other way but i feel like Momo doesn't rant she more of bottles everythiing up and says its fine when it's not and needs to be told she deserves to be treated correctly on any matter)
I also think Momo would go out of her way to do things differently for Bakugo cause i headcanon Bakugo needs hearing aids so she would rephrase instead of repeat what she says and if its super important stuff that Bakugo really appreciates but would never say so
Kirishima- Never really thought of how they could be friends but since he's the one who started the squad shes going to hold a high respect for him and consider him the leader even though it's called the Bakusquad i feel with his lacking intellect Momo would have a field day with Kirishima trying to understand why he does the things he does over all i feel like if she could get close to Bakugo she could get close to Kirishima too
I feel like when she finds out about Kirishima's depression she say "Does this offend you?" or "If i do this would that offend you?" alot and Kirishima would assure her it's find she doesn't have to ask everytime and if something is bothering him he'll let her know but she rather know in advance as to avoid even offending or hurting his feeling cause she has that Iida in her
I feel like she could relate to alot of things with Kirishima and they would talk all night long about what they think their doing wrong and how they could be better heroes and people in general they are both golden retriever friend
Kaminari - if Bakugo isn't busy helping Kirishima i feel they would alternate between being the study buddies of these two but Momo would usually end up with Kaminari and helping him out
the more time she spends with Kaminari and notices little things Kaminari does Momo would come to it by herself that she believes Kaminari has ADHD and she ask and Kaminari's like "Yeah i have ADHD" and shes like why didn't you tell me? the answer of all time "You never asked :p"
Momo absolutely loves to give Kaminari things so she buys alot of things for Kami like "I thought you might like this" or "This reminds me of you so i bought i hope you like it"
One of the funnier things is i feel like Kaminari can get away with bullying Momo into doing things she doesn't wanna do sometimes like when they can drive Kaminari will lock her in the car until she makes one of those disabled people things to hang int he car so they don't have to pay for parking and Jirou's so on board and just lets him do it and shes like "Yall are evil" or lock her in the closet until she makes something they could just go to the store and buy from her point of view
it's all in good fun (maybe not for Momo but its funny)
Kaminari would invite her to sit in front of the TV all day and watch stuff like regular show which she would find vulgar but sit through at least 3 eps before not wanting to watch it anymore where Kirishima or Sero would go until they they wanted to do something else like 10 eps in
Sero - Im honestly not sure but the only interactions i can see between them is when Sero said that the way her quirk works is like poop but i feel like they would be really chill
i headcanon Sero Latino and Momo British so maybe they could talk about food together but i feel like Sero would say the stuff Momo likes to taste bland and Momo would be like "You know Jirou said you would say that"
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bobombun · 5 months
Drakengard 1 characters and what FFXIV jobs would suit them
Caim - Warrior. He loses himself into battle constantly, and feels a burning rage inside him, and draws power from that fury. Turns on his tank stance only if told to, he's a DPS at heart.
Angelus - Dark Knight. She is aiming for her own goals and justice, no matter the cost. Honestly, both Warrior and Dark Knight suit Caim and Angelus both, but I had to choose. Again, neither of them likes tanking, but they make a weirdly good pair of co-tanks.
Furiae - Red Mage. She's the Goddess Seal, so she has to constantly bear with pain and holding herself back. Red Mages came to be after white and black magic had drained the land dry, and mages had to think of a way to balance their magic use without being heavily persecuted and without putting on too much stress upon the nature. The whole world in DoD1 needs a Verraise, and with Furiae gone (depending on the ending), there's not really anyone who can do that.
Leonard - Scholar. Not only does he have a fairy companion (though the faeries in FFXIV are much kinder to their summoners...) he seems like someone who would be interested in healing and staying back. I can't really see him as a DPS job. Besides that, being a shield healer suits him better than the more passive pure healer, since he seems to want to avoid problems and hurt before it has the chance to happen instead of simply taking up the clean-up job.
Inuart - Bard, though that feels like a copout answer, considering the clear importance of his songs. Once he gives away his songs as a Pact price, I'm not quite sure which job suits him. Something in me says Gunbreaker, but I don't know how to justify it.
Arioch - Dragoon. She's bloodthirsty, and has gone off the deep end. Dragoons battle with the dragons all the while fighting off the call of their draconic blood, especially if they've drank the blood of a dragon. Dragoons literally dress in spiked armour so that if a dragon were to swallow them, the armour would tear the dragon from the inside. They're not messing around. And besides, they get up in their enemy's melee range, and Arioch would love to be in melee instead of staying back at a safe distance, away from all the gore and blood.
Seere - Dancer. He's the heart of the team, keeping the mood up (relatively up, considering the situation) and being in a supportive role rather than actively going out there. Though my heart wants to assign Summoner to him, just for the Titan-egi being somewhat similar to Golem. Besides, imagine what kind of an egi he would be able to summon after DoD1 would be over (if he doesn't die). What would an egi based on the Furiae creatures look like, or what kind of properties would a Queen-Beast egi have? And uh, how much mental damage would summoning them cause to everyone around him. There's that too.
Manah - Black Mage. The connection to the Watchers somewhat resembles the connection to Voidsent (which not all BLMs necessarily have, but black magic and its origins in Mhach are heavily connected to the Voidsent). Plus I'm taking inspiration from DoD2, where Manah uses magic and a staff.
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