#ooc: but also maybe change/add a few
Hey love! ♡♡♡,
I'm curious, what is your grandad like? How was it growing up with him around?
(Also, because of course I should ask this as well, do you think he'd like me-?)
Darlinnnnnnnnnnnn~!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
*pounces on you in a hug*
My favorite Heartslabyul-shaped Diasomnian! 😹
As for my Grandpaw… I didn’t just grow up with him around, I grew up with only him around. I don’t really remember my parents. They were unfortunately lost to what every Cheshire willingly and lovingly makes their worst enemy, so I was raised by my Grandpaw!
He is very fun! I still haven’t guessed his first name, even after all these years, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out eventually! 😼 My Grandpaw likes to tell lots of stories and you’ll never know if they’re true or not… sometimes the ones you’re so sure are the lies are the truths.
One time, he told me a story about this giant egg man sitting on a wall that was so well-to-do that a KING gave him a cravat (or was it a belt? 🤔) as an Unbirthday present and promised to fix him if the egg man broke his shell. I was pawsitive my Grandpaw was just telling tall tales with that one… nope! Learned years later that it did happen… in a different universe. Grandpaw is just sneaky like that! 🤭
He’s great with kids - he’s who I want to be when I am as old as he is. He was always so patient with teaching me how to appear and disappear, teleport, and [REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED]. I don’t know where I would be without him. 🥰
And I think he would adore you, Darlin! You’re important to me, which means he’s already going to like you, but also? You gave me earrings. And I’m wearing them. He’s gonna know that means I really like you. So that means he won’t just like you as an accessory to me, he will sit you down and get to know you so he can say fur sure that he likes you. 💜
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obbystars · 2 months
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Drown in the Deep
Synopsis: Drown your sorrows away into the deep dark ocean where it can’t be found. Feel its cold embrace and let the water in. Maybe then, you’ll see him again when you no longer feel anything.
CONTENT WARNING: The reader very much intends to die/get themself killed, detailing how they’d love to drown in the abyss.
Notes: Sebastian Solace x GN!Reader / Spoilers for Sebastian’s backstory / Possibly OOC / Established relationship, can be interpreted as either married or not but they are living together / Angst (Hurt w/ eventual comfort) / Death + blood (not the reader despite the synopsis and content warning) / Not really a happy ending honestly
(This is VERY self-indulgent I love hate Sebastian. Also a bit of experimentation and playing around with his character. I’m not so good on romance stuff, so I hope what’s here is to your liking. Also rewrote some parts A LOT due to idea change/read up on lore and realized things didn’t add up here. I think I’ve got most of it covered though. Anyway I love how a few runs of playing Pressure for the first time, I died to A-60 HAHAAAAA kill me.)
Credits: Dividers by @cafekitsune
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A chance to be freed from your criminal record, and a reward worth to last for a very, very long time. As they always say, “High risk, high reward,” and the risks were certainly high. You could very much die. It was a chance anyone crazy enough would take.
But you didn’t sign up for this for the reward. You didn’t care about it in the slightest. To you, this would be an easy way out. An escape from this dreadful life fate had decided for you. So here you are, sitting in a submarine with three others in silence. There’s no telling on how deep you’re going, they never bothered to tell you how exactly far it was nor the possible dangers you’ll be facing. You’ll welcome anything if it means you won’t wake up again.
Still, you wondered why things went the way it did. Everything was fine until your partner was framed for a murder he didn’t commit. Nine murders, to be exact. You were there for the trial. You saw and heard everything. You kept your cool throughout all of it. You were hoping, praying to whatever god is out there to show them he was innocent. None of it mattered in the end.
After the trial, you went straight home, not even bothering to listen to your family who was also there. By the time you entered your shared home and locked the door behind you, you stood in silence for a while. You didn’t know what you were feeling at that very moment. You felt hot tears beginning to swell up, and your vision beginning to blur. Your legs eventually give out and you fell to your knees. You muffled your sobs with your hand as you curled up on the floor.
You couldn’t get yourself to calm down for a while. You don’t even know how long you were laying there once you feel your tears dry up and the sound of your heart beating rapidly leaves your ears. You don’t know what to do.
He was imprisoned and sentenced for execution for the nine murders you know he didn’t cause, but that didn’t matter. You weren’t there when it supposedly happened. You couldn’t prove anything. You were powerless to do anything.
Many early mornings were spent struggling to even leave the house, let alone the bed itself if you even managed to drag yourself to bed. You were too exhausted to even try for most. When you did manage to begin your day, you quickly became aware that everything is so much more irritating. People talking to you, certain noises you hear, how your food tastes… You just wanted to go back home and waste away.
As for majority of your nights, they have been spent just curled up in bed and crying until you eventually exhausted yourself. Gripping anything that resembled or had traces left of him and holding it close, hoping just the mere fleeting scent of him lulls you to sleep. Feeling the cold and empty space beside you and being reminded he’s gone, as if the reminders from your family weren’t already enough.
You know your family has been trying to contact you, sometimes even coming to the house, but you’ve ignored them every time. You don’t want to see them. You don’t want to talk, to hear, or to even think about them. You just wanted to be left alone.
A few years had gone by since then but you didn’t feel any better than before. You weren’t sure if you felt worse. Maybe it was because you felt numb nowadays.
Before you knew it, you soon find yourself behind bars. What you did, you don’t know. If you really did it, you didn’t care. You don’t know how long your sentence is, but you don’t care. You don’t know if whatever you did caused any deaths, but you don’t care. You don’t care anymore. You just wanted to drown in your despair, and this… “job offer” seemed promising. Retrieve a crystal deep inside a facility hidden in the deepest parts of the ocean.
To be so deep underwater to where the sun does not shine, to drift endlessly as water fills your lungs and it becomes so unbearably cold. To where you can’t feel anything anymore, not your body nor your emotions. To just feel the cold water and see nothing but darkness as the water pulls your body to wherever it so desires. Perhaps your remains could become the next meal for whatever lurks in the ocean’s abyss. Your body would never be found. You’d be gone without a trace.
So you signed up, knowing they don’t expect you to return. You don’t either. You don’t plan on getting that crystal, and you don’t plan on returning alive.
The shotgun shell directed at your neck on the diving gear given to you seemed promising as well.
If there is an afterlife, maybe you can see him again there. That sounded nice. You just wish you weren’t sent down with three other people. You never thought it’d be so hard to die in a place where risks of death were incredibly high. Perhaps it was because they wanted to use each other to get the reward for themselves, so they kept each other alive as long as possible. Covering each other’s eyes when the shark was outside the window, turning off another’s flashlight when an odd black figure appeared in the dark, saving each other from the creature inside the lockers… They weren’t going to let such easy bait be killed so easily, not this early.
Still, you strayed close behind as they often checked if you were still there. You kept your head low, until you heard another pair of footsteps from behind you.
Strange… The other three are already in front of you… And they’re just looking through drawers for anything useful.
The footsteps are getting louder and faster. You turned around just in time to see a strangely humanoid, armless figure running at you. It yelped the moment you locked eyes on it, immediately turning tail and running away.
“What the hell was that?!” One of the other expendables exclaimed.
Both of you walked back into the previous room to see where it possibly came from. There was a hole in the wall, shaped exactly like the creature they just saw.
“So they’re really in the walls, huh…” they then lightly punch your shoulder, “Hey, good job. I didn’t even hear it until it made that weird sound before it ran off,”
You say nothing.
“Come on, let’s keep going,”
You looked at them as they rejoined the others then back at the hole. You wished you didn’t turn around.
After a few more doors, the lights suddenly flickered. The one closest to you grabbed you and had you hide in a locker. Maybe they picked up on what you’ve been trying to do. You did willingly look into the eyes of the shark just outside the window, and they had to cover your eyes and drag you along with them. You also opened a locker that was already occupied by a strange creature coated in black and, what you assumed were, purple eyes. You hoped they’d leave you behind to be devoured by it, but you were pulled out and was patched up as best as they could do it. The damage wasn’t too severe, but still. There just had to be a spare medical kit in the room.
Maybe you weren’t being so discreet about it.
There were only three lockers in the room you were currently in and none in the room prior. They pressed on to the next door ahead. You were about to open your locker to step out into the path of the oncoming creature, but it zipped by you in an instant. It was much faster than what you’ve been dealing with.
You hear the others leave their locker followed with a quick flash of the flash beacon. You slowly step out of your locker and follow them into the next room to meet up with the other person. The one in front of you pulled out their flashlight, but ended up tripping over something. You stopped walking as they shine their light over what made them trip.
It was the one who ran ahead to find a spare locker. There was no blood or any signs of injury, but they weren’t moving and their eyes were still wide open. The other two tried to get them to respond, even shaking them, but they remained unresponsive. It was almost like they were just left an empty shell.
You restrain yourself from speaking as you would’ve called them an idiot for giving up a hiding spot in favor to make sure their bait stayed alive for a little longer, only to get killed in the process. Only 27 doors have been opened. Surely not all of you can survive much longer.
By the 35th door, one of them had used a code breacher to open a door without the keycard. Once the door slid open, a large creature with a smiling grey mask was seen on the other side of the door. Before they could react, it lunged towards them and instantly killed them on the spot before retracting their hand as it gets caught in the door while it was sliding shut. The blood splattered all over the floor and even reached you and the other expendable beside you.
By the 47th door, the lights flickered as you searched through a room off to the side. You can hear what you can describe as a distorted chorus faintly echoing down the hall, and soon a loud scream followed with multiple banging against a locker. The noise stopped as you walked to the door leading back to the path you’re supposed to take and you only see the aftermath. A fresh pool of blood and a destroyed locker. There was no body. The creature responsible is no where to be found.
You were alone now. Finally.
You kept your head low as you continued on, not bothering to search through the drawers for anything. Your body is starting to ache at this point. You opened the 50th door leading into a dimly lit corridor.
“Need to stock up?”
You looked up as you see the vent’s cover fall over. You turned around, then back towards the vent. You can see the next door ahead that requires a keycard, but you can’t find it from out here. You didn’t have a code breacher either as the others you were previously with had used them up.
“Come on, I won’t bite,” the strangely familiar voice beckons.
Had he not spoken twice, you would’ve thought you were hallucinating. Or maybe you are right now. A sort of “false hope,” so to speak. Not to mention how you can just barely recognize the voice. You’re having a hard time processing it after everything.
With no where else to turn, you walk to the vent and slowly crawl through. The room was dark, but lit up as you made it to the other side. You managed to get a good look at him, not exactly expecting some sort of fish-human hybrid.
“Ah, there you-” you see how his smile quickly disappears and his eyes widened once he sees you.
You only stare at him, tilting your head slightly to the side. He looked like he had just seen a ghost which wouldn’t be so far off considering what you had to witness for the past 49 doors, but why was he looking at you like that? He cautiously lowered himself down, close enough to your height but still far enough for some space.
You instinctively, though slightly, moved away as his hand moved closer to your face. That was until he finally spoke.
You stepped back upon hearing your name leave his mouth. You narrow your eyes at him, “How do you…?”
Then it finally registered in your head. You’re not just hearing things, that voice was his.
Your eyes widened, now feeling his cold hand against your cheek, “S-Sebastian?“
“Yes…! Yes!” He nods, smiling widely, “It’s me!”
You couldn’t hold back your tears at all. The moment he confirmed it was really him was what finally broke down your walls. The last time you had cried this much was when he was to be executed. You had to hold onto his hand to keep yourself standing. He seemed to sense that as his third limb pulled you closer to him and held you in a tight embrace. You buried your face into his shoulder and sobbed until his grip on you got a bit too tight.
“W-Wait, Sebastian-!” You cried, “Let go!”
He gasps, immediately pulling away. You winced as you gently rubbed your arm. You looked up at Sebastian again and smiled.
“You have no idea how happy I am to see you’re still alive. I have so many questions. Can I-?”
Sebastian stops you there, “Hang on. Before I get to answering your questions, I have one tiny question for you,” he suddenly towers over you as he yells, “How the hell did you get here?! And why the hell did you sign up for this?! Didn’t they tell you the risks? That you could very much die?”
You jumped at his sudden change in tone and almost fell back. His tail had went to cover the opening of the vent in case you ultimately decided to make a run for it. What do you even tell him? That you signed up just to die? No other reason. How could you tell him that?
“I-I… Well, yes, they did. I just- It’s because…” you don’t know what to say.
“Tell me the truth,” he demands. You swear you heard a hiss in his voice, “Of all people, why did you have to end up here?”
“I signed up for this because…” you paused, “Specifically because I wanted to die. I knew what I was getting myself into, Sebastian. They didn’t tell me anything specific,”
“Of course those idiots didn’t…” He scoffed, “They don’t expect you or the others to return,”
“I never planned to. I couldn’t care less about this so called crystal they told me I was supposed to retrieve,” you looked away, “Honestly, I don’t even remember what I did to end up here… Maybe I did something that killed a few people, or maybe I was framed like you,”
Sebastian calmed down a little and had moved back as you spoke. He repositions himself so that his back was against the wall and his tail would nudge you towards him.
“You said you signed up with the intention to die here,” he then says, “Why?”
You sit beside him as his tail slightly curls around you, “You were sent for execution and confirmed to be dead. I just couldn’t live with the fact that I couldn’t see you,”
His looks at your bloodied clothes and noticed bandages through some of the holes in your uniform. He points to it, “Are those..?”
“It’s from this weird black tentacle creature in a locker. It’s nothing too serious, if that’s what you’re wondering,”
He muttered a name you didn’t quite catch and he quickly moves on, “And the blood?”
You shake your head, “It’s not mine,”
He lets out a sigh of relief at that. It was finally your turn to ask questions.
“Sebastian, how did you survive?”
“Was picked up by Urbanshade before I was supposed executed. Guess they decided it’d be better if I was officially declared dead,”
“And you became this during that time?”
“You could say that. It’s, uh… It’s a long story,”
He doesn’t want to discuss it and you knew that was the case. So, you didn’t question it further. You have a good feeling you may have an idea now that you noticed a document on the table. Whatever was in there might have the answers to most of your questions, but you’re not sure if you even want to read it if he lets you. The mere thought of what could be mentioned in there makes you sick.
There’s still one other that you desperately want an answer for.
“We’re… not leaving this place, are we?” You questioned, not looking at him, “At least, I’m probably not thanks to this diving gear… One shotgun shell pointed directly at my neck, and if I even try to take it off, tamper with it, or leave this place,”
You stopped there. Both of you knew. Sebastian didn’t say anything for a moment, “I can get both of us out of here. I just need more time,”
More time. How much more time before your body can no longer keep going? You want to believe him, you really do, but you really might actually die here.
How ironic. You came here because you wanted to die. You watched the others die before your very eyes without much of a reaction. All of a sudden, you feel your stomach drop.
You’re afraid to die.
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sakurology · 4 months
sinister ♡ suo hayato
+ virgin!freader. smutty, aged up as always- mid 20s, NOT OOC (y'all don't know him like I do), suo has a thing for virgins, implied virginity loss, implied trophy taking, kind of implied manipulation, but I did write in condom use so be very proud of me
daisy says: this has been rattling in my brain's little cage ever since I saw him- I had to get it out. I have lived long enough to see myself become the villain (I need him so bad and no longer wish to live in denial).
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He was nice. He was charming. He was respectful. Those are the three characteristics you could always use to describe Hayato Suo. Or you could say enigmatic, worldy, kind of a flirt... It’s also not a bad choice to add ‘Smells like Bleu de Chanel in the spring and Tuscan Leather in the winter.’ The fact of the matter is, he was a chameleon, the perfect definition of adaptable. And that’s what made him so sinister. 
The first few dates were great. A lavish dinner or two with great wine and a well of conversation that seemed to never run dry. On your third night out, there was even a little nightcap at a late-night teahouse that served as a speakeasy after hours. But, ever the gentleman, he would drive you home, walk you to your door, and gently peck you on the cheek. 
“I had fun tonight,” he would hum the words low and into your ear, interlacing his fingers as he looked over you, his frame casting a shadow in the doorway. 
“You can come in if you want…” Your voice was soft, timid. 
“It’s late, but maybe… if we… go on another date?”
He raised an eyebrow, placing a kiss to your hand, then one to your lips. 
“I’d like that,” you smiled. 
As he let go of your hand, he shot a glance back your way. His eyes had a way of seeing right through you. You could never forget that gaze. There was something in it, something you could never quite put your finger on. 
That next date came. It came and went and once again there you stood, his frame once again towering over you on your doorstep.
“You can come in if you want.” It rang out of you like every other time before. But call it a change in the wind, call it the stars aligning, call it what you want- this was different. 
“Would you like for me to come in, Y/N?” It was sticky sweet but equally coated in a spicier innuendo.
“I thought you’d never ask.” 
Another thing about Hayato Suo you could now add to your list- he was a good- no,  an amazing kisser. It was as if he studied your every move before you could make one; the way his lips ebbed, the way his tongue slid against yours, he could knock the wind out of you and give you the jaws of life simultaneously. Your mouths hit one another’s and moved in complete sync as he pushed you through the threshold of the softlit apartment. Your teeth briefly clattered together as you discarded your purse and jacket, keys falling to the floor of the entryway as you never once broke or separated yourself from each other. The tension built between your bodies over the past month or so of barely-there encounters was apparent and falling away just like every piece of clothing between you that was being strewn about the hallways leading to your bedroom. 
You started to come to your senses as your head hit your mattress, leaving you to gaze up at him longingly, staring with widened eyes while he worked at the buttons on his shirt. You bit your lip, scooting back and pressing your thighs together. Here you were, practically naked, save your matching bra and panty set- in front of a guy. Granted, he wasn’t just any guy- but the fact of the matter stood- you’d never been here before, never this close to the opposite sex, let alone- having sex. You wanted to, of course, but you had no idea what you were doing or even what to expect. 
“Wait I- ahhh- mhm, Hay-” he cut you off. 
“I’ve told you,” he laughed.  “It's okay to call me Suo.” His lips stayed pressed at your neck, slowly detaching as he craned his own neck to look you in the eyes. 
“You shouldn’t be so formal with me, Y/N, especially not now.”
“I’ve never- I…” the words got caught in your throat. 
“You’ve never done this before,” he finished for you. 
“I know. Don’t worry I’ve got you.”
How did he know? Not important- There it was again. That look. The look into you that bored right through your body. The liminal space between you was filled by barely there touches and feathering kisses down your neck, chest, and stomach. He worked his way down, stopping just between your thighs now, the heat present near your core practically calling him in. Carefully nipping at your hips, Suo caught the thin band of your underwear between his perfect teeth, tugging you out of them before tucking them in his back pocket- his new prize safely locked away. The sting of his cold hands titillated the skin at your thighs. Slowly, he ran his hands down to your knees, parting them to reveal your already glistening slit. He licked his lips as you shuddered in anticipation.
It felt as though he was barely there, fingers lazily lingering inside you, slowly inching toward the spot you needed them the most, but with no release in sight. the teasing sensation of them moving at all leaving you trying to rut yourself into him further. You weren’t strong enough for him, even with one hand. 
 “How badly do you want it, baby, hm?”
He wiped the side of your mouth, lolled open with drool from your dizzied state. He added a third digit to your already messy, helplessly needy hole, your walls immediately tightening in response. He was deadly as a nightshade- and you were just another flower growing in his garden, petals bright pink and ready to be picked. The quivering in your lip told him all he really needed to know, and still, he kept stringing it out, keeping you there on the brink of explosion.
“Just say you want me to fuck you and I'll do it. Say it now."
“W-want you to fuck me, please, I wan’ you to…” Your words trailed off yet again as you reached toward him, quickly pulling him down to loom over you. You had never seen him like this, but you wanted him to stay there forever. He moaned into your mouth, swatting your hands away to fumble around in his pockets for the condom he put there before leaving tonight. 
You’ll never know, but he planned it this way. He was always going to be your first… he knew that, but you didn’t- you didn’t need to. 
Sinister, indeed. 
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pomefioredove · 5 months
Hello!! Hopefully I'm not bothering by sending this, but can I request hurt/comfort headcanons with Deuce and any other character you choose with a gn!s/o who's recently gotten glasses and is feeling particularly insecure/self-conscious about it? (Totally not because I just recently got glasses-) There's no pressure to do this though, your health and happiness are what's most important overall ^ ^. Also, your writing is so fudging good, short to read so it doesn't clog up everything while still being really descriptive and fun to read through!! But anyways, stay safe and healthy 💜💜!!
HI ANON! first of all thank you so so much <3 I've needed glasses since I was in middle school, I totally get how weird the experience is. I've been wearing contacts for a few years now tho :)
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summary: an s/o with glasses type of post: headcanons characters: deuce additional info: romantic, established relationship, reader is gender neutral, reader is not specified to be yuu, this is short, maybe a little ooc
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his first thought?
"Oh... cute"
glasses are pretty attractive on their own, but on you, it's like a whole new level of endearing
it's hard for him to put into words, but something about them just... highlight your best features
they make you look interesting, elegant, pretty...
and so, yeah, he's more than surprised to hear you're feeling insecure about them
he doesn't... really get it at first?
it honestly might take him a little time to understand, but after talking to you, he starts to see it from your perspective
it's a big change, plus, it can alter your image
...as in, the way people perceive you
(he knows a thing or two about that)
so he totally gets where the stress comes from
first, he reassures you that he doesn't think of you any differently
(and, if anything, he actually likes the look quite a lot)
and then he makes sure to add that if anyone tries to give you trouble, they'll have to go through him first
"But, um, not like that! I just meant I'd talk to them about it!"
and he'll provide you with all the comfort and reassurance in the world until you're feeling more confident
he takes his boyfriend duties very seriously, after all
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Hey me again ☾ ! Hope you're still up for asks cause I really like your writing & I got some ideas >:) (the obsession with this game is real yo). Do you think you could write something with a MC who enjoys cooking and testing recipes + making the LI taste their dish please ? 👀👉🏽👈🏽
We know Vere likes cooking too so maybe some interactions with him would be cute (Him and MC being an absolute menace in the kitchen but still managing to make a tasty meal bwahaha).
Thanks & have a great day <3
This came exactly at the right time— BRO THE WRITING SLUMP IVE BEEN IN?? Siiigh, it’s been tragic. (Also I get the brain rot, the hold this game has is crazy) also i’m so happy you like my writing 😭 and I hope you have a great day too !!
this did take me awhile because uHHHHH I don’t know anything about food. When I do remember to eat it’s usually cottage cheese and chocolate (not together, obviously- I’m not crazy 🥺)
Here was my plan okay
I have a huge map in my room and I stared at it like this: 🧍🏻‍♀️ and picked about 17? Countries and put them in a spinning wheel. I chose a TS LI and then span said wheel—and whatever it lands on, MC a makes a dish inspired by the meals there (does that make sense ??)
I might’ve made it too complicated but it was fun-
Warnings: None, vere is just vere. Very possibly ooc, creative liberty.
Notes: Fluff, GN mc. Not proofread and finished at 1 am.
Ais(Boeuf bourguignon (Beef burgundy)
ALR SO, this was originally Vere’s, but I was having creative difficulties—so I changed this to Ais’. This dish is from France!
So, this one, I think Ais is already hanging out with you (he’s lonely ): )
He’s been having a ROUGH time okay, and so you decide to try out a new recipe on him
One you think he’d like.
Instantly, this man is sauntering into your kitchen, hugging you from the back as he watches what you’re doing. He’s quiet for the most part, just curious as you mix and add ingredients.
He snatches a few as well, and you let him until you’re going to be short on ingredients.
As you stop his hand from picking a chopped carrot, he looks nearly comparable to a scolded dog that was caught counter-surfing.
“Wait just a moment, I’m making this for you, you know.”
Smirking, he reaches for the carrot again. “Ah, should be allowed this then,”
As you swat you wooden spoon at his knuckles, he quickly steals one last carrot before offering his hands up in surrender.
You banish him to the counter, where he returns to watching, (he’s the pretty girlfriend that sits on the counter as you cook omg)
Once you’ve finished, you serve the red stew along with some boiled potatoes, placing it in front of the ever so patient Ais (who definitely didn’t find a way to sneak a bit more snacking in)
You eat in silence for awhile, before you notice how Ais’ eyes keep flickering to you. A brow furrowed.
“Something wrong? Does it taste funny? I thought I followed the recipe—“
He lightly shakes his head, swallowing a mouthful of the stew.
“No, not that. It’s…good, really good.”
“Then what’s the matter?”
He draws a hand over his chin, pondering his words. Or, deciding whether or not to say something. “There a reason you made it for me?”
You didn’t expect him to catch on. You commonly make things for him, for everyone, really. But today was different. Special. You had been noticing the drop in Ais’ mood, the added weight to his steps and the tiredness in his eyes. You made this in hopes to cheer him up, but also to see if it’d get him to talk about what was bothering him.
“You’ve just…you look like you’ve been having a bad day.”
He lapses back into silence, chewing on another spoonful. “I don’t want you to think you need to take care of me.”
You freeze, readying a retort before he continues.
“But…thank you.”
You stir your stew, swallowing. “You’re welcome.”
Another silence, before Ais chuckles. “Stew could’ve used more carrots though.”
He’s such a brat, I love him.
ALR, Now unto Leander !
Leander/Kjøttkaker (Meatballs) sided with Brunost(Brown cheese)
Alright, Leander got Norway. I was originally just going to go for meatballs, but then I saw this brown cheese ?? And though it’s not cheese cheese, I thought it’d be fun since Leander likes cheese platters.
You’ve been feeling rather ambitious lately, and decide to take on your biggest task yet: cooking for all the bloodhounds.
It didn’t seem like a bad idea, since you’ve always loved cooking for people. But it’s already proving to be a harder task than anticipated, as Eridia certainly doesn’t seem to be the home of the freshest ingredients.
One morning searching through rotten vegetables was enough to get you discouraged. You managed to find scraps of fresh-enough spices, but if you wanted more, it would come down to stealing from one of the richer streets. And you definitely weren’t in the mood for that today.
All you really wanted to do was take a bath and get that rotten smell off you.
Popping your back, you sigh before stepping into the bar, avoiding the bustle of the bloodhounds as you make for the stairs.
Turning around, you spot Leander, waving at you from the bar-counter. And that’s when you see crates of crates of vegetables, milk, cheese, and meat. Stunned, you walk over, fingers picking through the vegetables—they’re fresh, fresher than you expected from this place. And the meat, milk, cheese—
“How did you?—“
You had told Leander you wanted to make dinner tonight, before you left- you didn’t expect him to go looking for ingredients.
“—how did you get all these?” You finish, picking up a jar of pearly white milk.
Leander only smiles, leaning forward on the counter. “I know somebody. Will these be enough?”
Avoiding the truth, you had grown to expect that from him. If you had more energy you would’ve prodded. Instead, you put down the milk and run a bandaged hand across your face. “Yeah, I think so—well,” you glance around at the full tables of bloodhounds, all probably starved from work and life down in low-town. At your furrowing brows, Leander straightens, looking ready to March back out the door and come back with another crate.
“No, never mind. This is perfect, thank you.”
Thankfully, it was enough to manage. And with Leander’s help, you were able to go up to bathe as he watched over the food. To reward him, you decide to also make brown cheese. And though it’s not cheese cheese, it was enough to get Leander’s face to light up. Especially when he managed to convince you to unwrap your bandages and feed him a slice or two.
Though, you’re still rather confused on where he got everything 🤨 and why he didn’t get you earlier so you could’ve avoided searching through rotten veggies. Thankfully, your hard work also came with the entire bloodhounds seeing you as some holy entity after finishing dinner.
Kuras: Cōng yóubǐng (Scallion Pancake)
Kuras got China, and with this one—I was able to find a few videos on it. And now I want to eat it—though I cannot cook whatsoever <333
So so so so, with this one, I imagine you get the idea because like…people have brought this up before—but does Kuras even like…eat? Do angels…need to eat?
And maybe you notice how very little, or not at all he seems to eat. And how much he just -works- and goes off into places you can’t follow and comes back from the wastelands. Does he even sleep either?
So one day, you decide to make something for him. You’ve made things for others before, your friends, maybe family, before things went wrong. You don’t really know why you hadn’t made him anything before. But hey! Now’s better than never.
You settle on something not too filling, and something he could snack on during the day. Something he could take out to eat in between patients and with him wherever he goes and refuses to tell you.
Scallion pancakes. You wake up earlier than usual to make them, once finished, instantly rushing over to his clinic so they’re still warm when he eats them. The early morning sends a chill down your cheeks—shivering, you wrap the swathe of cloth holding the pancakes into your cloak, praying it doesn’t get cold.
You narrowly miss a patient exiting the door, looking dull and tired. You nod your head in acknowledgment before rushing inside. “Kuras?”
You find him in the process on shutting the door, golden eyes widening slightly in shock before softening. “MC, are you well?”
You nod, unraveling your cloak to reveal the swathe of cloth. “I…uh, made you breakfast.” Holding it out to him, you watch as his expression turns mildly perplexed. Warm hands closing over yours as he slowly takes it from you.
Like it’s some kind of curious artifact, he unwraps the cloth and stares at the stack of flakey pancakes. He lifts it to his nose, taking a few sniffs. Humming, he then gives you a small smile.
“It smells delicious.”
He then doesn’t eat it, instead, the silence stretches on as the two of you stand there. After a few moments, you awkwardly shift on your feet.
“Is there something the matter?” Kuras asks, tilting his head.
“I didn’t poison it, or anything,” You say, gesturing to the stack.
He lets out a small, quiet chuckle. “I would hope not.”
“So uhm…you can eat it.”
blinking, Kuras raises a brow, golden eyes piercing the dim light of morning. “Eat it?”
You nod, feeling more confused. He recovers quickly, slowly putting it to his mouth. Then someone sneezes behind you and you whip around to see a patient, red-eyed and sniffling.
By the time you turn back, Kuras is wrapping the pancakes back up. “I’ll be right with you,” he says, giving you a nod as his hand comes to your shoulder. “Thank you for bringing me Breakfast—are you in need of anything else?”
You blink, feeling a little frustrated. “No, that was all.”
Though it didn’t go as planned, later that day when hanging out with Ais, you hear about how when he was helping around the clinic, Kuras would take a few bites of a stack of some kind of garlic-smelling pastries.
You would receive a thank you note also requesting another stack the following day.
Mhin: Vitumbua (coconut rice pancakes)
Mhin, got Tanzania :D and with this, I wanted to find something still sweet since they like desserts! Thus, Vitumbua! Also these look so good, I want them so bad )): (I also wanted to add that there’s different kinds of these !! Made in different countries with different names and such, these are just specifically Tanzanian coconut rice pancakes.)
Also I apologize if this time around I seem more scattered-this writing slump is eating me alive 🤗
Okay okay, this one actually makes me so happy cause I think it’s cute- these are also kinda pancakes—and you made them for Mhin to take with them on their patrols.
Every moment making you think of them more.
How they’re doing, if they got enough sleep, if they’re even sleeping and not out killing soulless. You hope that somehow, these make things easier for them. And remind them how much you care. Especially since you’re losing sleep baking for them.
Once the heavy dark night is lifted into a sulking grey, you stack the rice pancakes into a box and head for outside.
Before Mhin can leave, you catch them, offering the cute little box, wrapped with bow and all. You had been up all night baking them, along with a caramel sauce to top it all off.
“What is this?” They ask, tentatively reaching for the box.
You scrub at your eyes, trying not to yawn. “Just a little something warm to remind you of me~” You sing-song, wiggling your brows at them. Chuckling as a blush skates across their pale face.
“I don’t…need anything,” they mutter, glancing away. Shy rays of morning light casting shadows over their features.
“Of course you don’t, but I thought you’d like it anyway.”
Grumbling, they hide the box in their cloak. “…Thanks.”
You cup a hand over your ear, humming. “Huh, what was that?”
“I said…thanks.”
“Hmm, sorry, seems something is plugging my ears!”
They clear their throat, “I said—“ they stop, eyes narrowing. “Don’t press your luck.”
Laughing, you fold your arms, trying to ignore the chill. “Alright, alright. If you end up wanting more, come get me okay? I can show you how to make them.”
They open their mouth, evidently going to ask what ‘them’ are, but you’re already heading back, stretching your arms over your head in a loud yawn. “Have fun on your patrol, say hi to the kitties for me!”
Once you’ve left, Mhin gives the box one more curious look before peeling open the lid. Inside, are ten golden, round pastries resting alongside a jar of bronze sauce.
Gingerly lifting one with their fingers, they take a slow bite. The chilly air of the dreary morning melting in a blooming sweetness. Swallowing, they feel a blush creep over their neck.
You were right, they really were warm.
Somehow, even when killing soulless, or after an annoying, unwanted conversation with Vere, one bite of the rice pancakes made them feel a bit lighter.
And, though they would never admit it, it reminded them of you.
Vere(Spaghetti/Caprese Salad)
So like I said with Ais, this was originally his— but I switched them. These dishes are from Italy!
Okay okay, so something I think would be really cute is Vere not only tasting your new recipes, but helping you to prepare it
Like for spaghetti sauce, maybe you prefer to peel your tomatoes first, and Vere, who was on his way to annoy you, caught the curious smell of fresh vegetables, (or fruit, since uhhh tomatoes) and spots you carefully peeling the ruby skin
Your face is locked in concentration, unknowingly sticking out your tongue as you gingerly avoid cutting your fingers.
It’s such a goofy expression Vere can’t help but stare at you with a hand covering his chuckles—until of course, he can’t resist the urge to scare the crap out of u 😇
Too caught in your work to notice anything amiss, Vere skulks closer until peering over your shoulder, lightly grazing his jaw over the side of your neck. He opens his mouth to whisper something in your ear but—
Taken by surprise, you yelp, squeezing the life out of the tomato you were peeling. It explodes over the both of you, shooting it’s guts very impolitely across your faces.
Vere reels back, a hiss of disgust escaping his lips as he blindly searches for something to clean the tomato remains off his face. He reaches for you and you swat him away.
“Idiot,” He seethes, finding an abandoned wash cloth.
“You were the one that scared me!”
“Still jumpy, hmm? I don’t know how you’ve lasted so long in this pig sty.”
Flicking tomato off your face, you snatch the wash cloth from his fingers. “With you constantly breathing down my neck? It’s a mystery to me too.”
Though you sound irritated, your hands still carefully reach for his face, gently wiping away the spots he missed. When he flinches, you soften your expression. “I forgive you. Come on, you got some on your neck.”
Slowly, but softly, Vere relaxes, though he still watches you with that same confused look he gives every time you offer affection.
It doesn’t take long for his fingers to caress your cheeks, sweeping off the tomato juice and then licking it off his fingers. Eyes taking on a devilish glint.
Hand it to Vere for making cleaning tomato guts off your face seem sensual
Eventually though, you do return to cooking. Vere helping you with peeling, chopping up basil, (sneaking extra spices into the sauce) and stirring the noodles.
Once everything is made, including an extra salad, you find a secluded spot to eat everything. Vere’s eyes watching your face the entire time.
“Do I still have tomato guts somewhere?” You ask, lifting a hand to check your cheeks.
Vere props his chin on his palm. “Did you know you stick your tongue out when you’re focusing?”
“I do not.”
“It’s so cute,”
“You’re just making stuff up so you can make fun of me.”
“I don’t have to make things up to do that, sweetheart.”
You toss your napkin at his face.
Alr, we have reached the end. I am, so so sorry for taking two thousand centuries. Again, thank you so so much for the ask <3 though I took forever, these were fun !!
I hope you take a really good nap, eat your favorite snack, and try something new !! (Also you should totally search these dishes up, they all look so good !!)
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Self-Aware BSD meet the Internet. Short № 3
Description: After BSD gand gain an acsess to the rest of your phone, they also gain the acsess to the internet and YouTube. Unknown to you, they accompany you while you serf the Internet.
Slight Crack. OOC. Some dark humour in the A/N.
Self-Aware! Nikolai Gogol, Self-Aware! Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, Self-Aware! Platonic! Alexander Pushkin, Self-Aware! Katai Tayama
Dazai, Akutagawa, Yosano, Ango and Junchirou cameos.
[Y/N] are watching this video:
In your phone/ BSD Mayoi app.
Dazai: Why? Why our dear Guiding Light are looking at that creature?
Akutagawa: *huffs and glares at the pug* If they have a real dog, I hope, it could be trained and it won't bother us.
Yosano: Maybe our dear [Y/N] just love animals. Be easy, you two.
Junchirou:*thinks for a moment. Then spoke loudly* Hey, everyone, I have an idea. Let's add a new card to the game with someone of us will hold a pug. I will use Light Snow to create a pug illusion.
Everyone agrees. They start discussing, who will be on the card. Suddenly, Pushkin steps in.
Pushkin: I was browsing the Internet earlier and found a story about Pushkin and Gogol from [Y/N] world. Something about their world Pushkin giving a pug to their world Gogol. There also was a merchant in that story. Let's recreate it. Gogol and I, plus Fitzgerald on the background.
After some discussion, gang agree.
They were ready. Pushkin was handing a pug to Gogol. Nikolai looked surprised. And Fitzgerald was standing on the background, smiling. Ango took the photo. Then him and Katai add new SSR card in game and send it to your Gift Box.
[Next day]
In BSD Mayoi app
BSD gang heard you.
[Y/N]: New gift? Okay, let me see.
Suddenly, you became silent. BSD gang became nervous. You start Google something.
[Y/N]: Why, devs? Just why?
Everyone was confused. Why you didn't like the card?
Katai: *who was monitoring, what you were looking at* Um... Pushkin, have you read the whole story about the pug?
Pushkin: *shake his head* No. Why? Certainly it wasn't something aful in the story, right?
Katai: *instead of answering, he turn on the screen, where everyone can read, what you were reading*
When they finished reading, Pushkin was nervous, Fitzgerald and Gogol was angry.
For the next three days, Nikolai Gogol were a noisy neighbor to Pushkin. While he wasn't playing music or singing, he made so much noise, that others started thinking, that Gogol really was making sacrifices.
Gogol calmed on his own. Fitzgerald's help wasn't needed.
As for you, you do like the card. But, you were wondering, why in the world Pushkin's sprites has bags under their eyes.
A/N: Story about Gogol's pug. It never happened in reality.
Gogol loved his pug Josie very much. She was a gift from Pushkin. When the dog died (Gogol did not feed the animal for weeks), Nikolai Vasilyevich became really sad.
Gogol began to have nightmares. Once, in a dream, the pug told Nikolai Vasilyevich that he was the Master and High Priest of the Ecumenical Order of the Octagon.
From that day on, the life of Nikolai Vasilyevich changed dramatically: every night an incomprehensible sacrifices began to take place in his apartment. These events were accompanied by ritual dances and singing of the choir.
A few days later, Nikolai Vasilievich's neighbor, the merchant Skorobeinikov, beat Gogol up. The hallucinations stopped the same day.
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Info post about the au
(If characters seem OOC ((Out Of Character)) it's beacause I'm going off of my own interpretations/headcanons/fandom versions. So please be aware of that)
More info under the cut (Info is subject to change at any time. Info may be added to as well)
(TW: Mention of murder)
-Jobs in the group: Protection of the base, fighting Wraiths, scouting, hunting
Weapons of choice: duel wielding large bones, bladed knuckle duster, any gun he can get his hands on
-Head canon voice: ???
-Goes by He/Him, but isn’t too picky on pronouns.
-Went to prison and when the apocalypse hit he escaped with Killer. Someone had murdered his brother so he had taken it upon himself to get revenge, ending up going on a killing spree taking out anyone associated with his brother's murderer. (He had blacked out, and didn’t realize he killed his own brother. Didn’t understand when people were accusing him of killing his brother and these random people he killed)
-Haunted by his dead brother? Or maybe it's a hallucination, he isn’t sure, nor does he care, if it means his brother is still with him then so be it. 
-Doesn’t talk much, normally just stands there quietly, may use ASL (American Sign Language) to communicate, might even use his phone or paper to note things down for others to read. Would much rather do those things over speaking. Ink has given him a few random blank books to use to write in. 
-Has a high magic reserve, and struggles to maintain normal levels, so is often looking for ways to use his magic, even if it’s just goofing off with his magic.
-Always has his hood up, has different clothes to chill and sleep in, but there's always a constant hood on his clothes. No one has ever seen his face, not even a hint of glowing eye lights. One time Killer had turned a torch on Dust, despite there being a light shining on the inside of the hood it still remained dark, like the shadow absorbed the light. To add to this Killer is the only one in the group that has actually seen his face. -hands are in his pockets relatively on the regular. If they’re out he needs to be doing something with them. Will hold onto people e.g. holding onto a sleeve, when around people he likes, gives him comfort to see that they’re real because he can touch them. 
-Before joining the group, Nightmare was the one in the group that said to give him a chance. Nightmare treated him normally, which he is grateful for. Nightmare got put in charge of him after that, but Nightmare had made it clear to him that he can do his own thing, as long as no one is harmed. 
-Likes to lean on people he likes, either that be leaning his arm on Horror’s shoulder when stood together, or basically cuddling with Killer when sat down. Luckily the ones he gets along with don’t seem to mind this. He just likes physical contact with others.
-Has set the kitchen on fire trying to make food before, he just stood there and did nothing about the fire though, just watched it burn. From then on Horror took over making food.
-Doesn’t really like people touching Paps scarf, only the ones he likes gets away with it, providing they’re not rough with it.
-Will curl himself as small as possible when he sleeps, this includes if he sleeps next to anyone, he just curls up into their side, good luck trying to move him, the equivalent of Sisyphus’ rock.
-Likes to fight Wraiths, it's a way for him to let out some energy (whenever he has any) and a way to express any anger he feels. As well as a way to use his magic. 
-Most of the time he doesn’t have the energy to do much, mainly spending the majority of the day sleeping, but is awake mostly during the night. Even then he doesn’t have energy to do much. 
-Due to him being so quiet, even having quiet footsteps, he tends to accidentally sneak up on the others, especially during the night, since it's not like anyone can see any eye lights either, so he just kinda appears next to the others with no warning. To add to this his voice is also very quiet whenever he does speak. 
-Mainly hangs out with Night, since Night spends a lot of time up during the night too. If he’s not following Night around like a lost puppy he’s following Horror or Killer around. 
-Really observant, very good at quickly getting to know how other act, is able to tell when someone is lying, not feeling well, etc just by watching their movements and the way they speak. Will also remember things about others, either it be things they did or said. Though the others don’t know he does this. 
-To add to the point above, is really good at finding patterns in things, being able to predict behavior (not just in people), and can make multiple plans to react to things that might happen.
-Is actually really smart, but since he’s so quiet and tends to play dumb most of the others don’t actually know how smart he is. He’s scarily smart and shouldn’t really be messed with. But since he doesn’t really want to scare anyone off from him he plays dumb, it just makes things easier for him.
-Dust likes to be able to plan ahead for things, including basic interactions, he likes knowing what's going to happen, not liking things to get out of control. Doesn’t really like it when others deviate from this script in his head. The ones in the group/around the group that he struggles to predict are Ink, Fresh, Geno, Reaper
-Will leave the ones he likes little trinkets that he collects when he goes out of the living area. It’s one of his ways of showing he cares. 
-Sometimes smokes, but tries not to around others, unless they’re okay with it. May share cigarettes with anyone who asks.
How they feel about:
Nightmare:  Likes Nightmare, likes how he can just be chill with Nightmare. Sees Nightmare as a really good friend of his. Nightmare was one of the first people to befriend him when he joined the group. Due to the others knowing he’s a murderer they tended to avoid him, whereas Nightmare treated him like a normal person. Doesn’t like it when people talk back to Nightmare normally sticking up for him and putting people in their place since he knows Nightmare won’t do it for himself. Also knows that Nightmare has a crush on Cross, but hasn’t told Nightmare that he knows.
Dream: Likes him, Nightmare talks about him often, always saying good things, knows Dream is unsure of him though. Often leaves little gifts for Dream outside Dream’s room, doesn’t let Dream know it's him doing it though. Whenever he ends up being around Dream it's because Dream came to hang out with Nightmare.
Cross: Wants to get along with Cross, since he knows Nightmare has a crush on him, also knows Cross is crushing on Nightmare back as well. Nightmare told Dust that Cross likes anime so often while he's out he will pick up anything anime/manga related to give to Cross in an effort to befriend him. Is aware how Cross feels about him, but he’ll keep trying to befriend him.
Blue: Gets along with him, Blue sort of reminds him of his Paps, so views Blue as family, not so much as a brother, just family, he cannot pinpoint exactly what Blue feels like. Gives Blue star related things.
Ink: Doesn’t really like them, thinks they’re too strange. Despite being really good at reading people Dust struggles to get a read on Ink, and can’t really plan ahead for interactions with Ink. Which frustrates Dust.
Horror: Sees Horror as a good friend, Horror often letting him lean on him or be at his side when sat down. Often when going around with Horror he’ll hold onto Horror’s coat's sleeve. Horror tends to take care of him, making sure he’s eaten and that he’s mentality okay. Knows that Horror has murdered people. When out Dust tries to collect things for Horror’s cat, Fig. He also adores Fig and often cuddles with Fig when he can’t hold onto someone else.
Killer: The guy he escaped prison with when the apocalypse hit. Sees him as a good friend, even if straight after getting out Killer had attempted to attack him. But they’re good now, and Killer doesn’t question things he does. Killer surprisingly has been a good friend once he chilled out, Dust has been able to crack jokes with Killer, even if these jokes are mainly done through showing written notes and stuff to Killer rather than speaking.
Error: Error seems to like him, so he likes Error back. Error is surprisingly patient with him, giving him time to write down notes to show Error. He might hang out with Error once in a while, but normally brings something for him to hold onto since he knows Error doesn’t like to be touched. Likes watching Error knit or sew things, Error has given him a few knitted sweaters with hoods. In tern Dust tries to get fabrics/wool/etc for Error whenever he comes across them (splits the fabrics/etc between Error and Lust). 
Lust: Lust treats him with respect, so he also treats them with respect. He doesn’t know too much about Lust, only really tends to see Lust whenever Lust is around Horror or Nightmare. Lust once gifted him a tamagotchi after hearing about how he needs to be doing something with his hands. Is unsure really what to fully get Lust as gifts, so tends to get Lust fabrics/wool/etc (which he splits between Lust and Error).
Fell/Edge: Unsure on him, doesn’t like how he can be rude to Nightmare, but at the same time Fell hasn’t really done anything that bad. All he has to do really is be around and just stand there and Fell will get super nervous and become on the defensive. Even if Dust wanted to have a normal interaction with Fell, Fell doesn’t seem to like him that much.
Geno: Same case as with Fell, Unsure of him and doesn’t like how rude he can be to Nightmare. And that being around Geno makes Geno nervous. 
Outer: Doesn’t really interact with Outer, so doesn’t really have an opinion of him, feels slightly bad when he’s around Outer though as Outer gets uneasy. 
Sci: Glad that Sci decided to trust Nightmare’s judgment about him, and letting him join the group. So whenever Sci asks him to do anything he will do it no questions asked. 
Reaper/Death: Plays board/card games now and then with Reaper. He will listen to Reaper talk about the past. He’d say that they get along well, but despite hearing so many stories that Reaper tells, he still feels like he doesn’t know Reaper at all.
Fresh: Fresh had scared him, normally he's the one sneaking up on people, but Fresh managed to sneak up on him. Which spooked him, and he tried to stab Fresh on instinct. He doesn’t really like Fresh for that fact. Doesn’t want Fresh near him, and also hopes Fresh doesn’t tell anyone he nearly stabbed him. 
Gans/Echo: Sometimes smokes alongside Echo, neither of them talk, the only time Echo may talk is to offer a cigarette or a light. Dust wouldn’t call him a friend, but doesn’t see him as an enemy either. 
Chief: Thinks he’s bossy but organized, does appreciate the fact Chief tries to also keep him organized too. But normally Chief bothers him when he has no energy, leading to him not really wanting to listen to him.
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alexanderwales · 4 months
Book Review: Metropolitan Man
[content warning: sexual violence]
It's been 10 years since I wrote Metropolitan Man, and last night I read it for the first time in almost that long. Since writing it, I've written over 4 million words, and hopefully, grown as a writer. I've also forgotten parts of the story, so was looking at it with as fresh of eyes as possible. These are my overall thoughts.
I should say, before I start, that I've read tons of comments and discussion on this story over the years. I don't know how many of these thoughts are my own, or how much I've internalized things that people have said.
Writing Style
There were lots of changes I thought about making while reading, but people hate change, and this story is about ten years past when I wanted to be making editing passes on it. In many places I kept thinking of little extras I would add, things that would make the dialogue pop a little more, or provide characterization. I had this idea for a line where I describe Lois typing out two letters like she was letting loose with both barrels of a shotgun. There's dialogue to clean just a bit more, a few places where words are repeated or something is just a bit awkward, and where it could have been tighter or more clear.
The biggest thing that stood out to me was how little time got spent on scene setting and how short some of the snippets were, just five paragraphs to get a scene across before we're onto the next thing. I might have webserial brainrot, but those are definitely places where today I would give a little more breathing room and maybe use the same amount of words to describe something in a more oblique and stronger way. One that stood out as a clear example was a private investigator going home with Jimmy Olsen even though she was done pumping him for information, which could have been twice as long and benefitted from it. Another was a brief little thing about a Superman spotter on the roof, where I'd now describe everything he was doing, and only get to the conclusion of "he was a Superman spotter" at the end of the section to let the reader have this mini mystery of what they're being shown and why.
I would describe things more if I was writing this today, trying to get those nicely tight and evocative descriptions and ditch the stuff like "she wore a white blouse", but I often feel that way about stuff that I'm revising from last week, so it's not surprising.
The plot is very tight, which is good. I tend to prefer my plots tight, but it takes work, and webserials aren't conducive to it because it's difficult to know when you're writing a scene whether it's really pulling its weight as far as moving things forward. The initial idea for MM was to move as cleanly as possible through a series of events: Superman -> Superman is invincible -> Superman is Clark Kent -> Clark Kent grew up in Smallville -> the ship is in Smallville -> the ship has a Kryptonite power source -> Kryptonite can kill Superman -> Superman is dead. The only thing that would make it any faster would be if we dropped the Lois Lane subplot, but that's like half the novel.
Superman is OOC
I've gotten tons and tons of comments on this story over the years. If I hated myself, I would go back through my email and count them up, but there are some death threats and "kill yourself"s in there, and I prefer not to reread them. The major thing that people hate is the ending, which I don't care to talk about, but the other major thing is that Superman isn't Superman.
In this, I largely agree, but then, I'm pretty sure I've always agreed. That said, Superman has had a ton of interpretations over the years, and there's a wide range of acceptable behavior from "a Superman", even if we're not counting the really out there variations like Red Son or some of the alternate timelines.
... but I still would probably make him more like a canon Superman if I had to do it all over.
There are a few things that raise red flags at the beginning, which is where I think they're inexpertly placed. Superman takes Lois off the roof and flies her around, making her very afraid, and this is fine, I think, a misunderstanding that might be stronger if we got his insight into what was happening before we got hers to help bridge some of the disconnect there and characterize them both better. But there's a little note after that, where Clark makes a joke about "Superman's girlfriend Lois Lane" that I think is a HUGE red flag, and which probably comes too early in the story. It would be better as a joke someone else made that Clark laughs along with, which raises the red flag to half mast.
The other major moment I would change is when the bombs start going off. Superman pulls back, unsure whether he's actually immune to mustard gas, and I think this is one of the moments that most goes against the character of Superman. Canon Superman would just say "welp, guess I gotta find out whether I'm immune to mustard gas in a hurry". Superman making the argument that he doesn't know the bounds of his powers and so should exercise caution reads as either cowardice or as him being way too bitten by the rationality bug.
This would then obviously have to change the plot of that section a bit, because in the novel as it stands right now, Superman is convinced by Lois Lane that he can't just sit on the sidelines for game theory reasons. Better to either scrap that section or have Lois convince Superman that for game theory reasons he should offer to have testing carried out against him in a way that doesn't harm civilians, which canon Superman might submit to if it saved lives. Then the rest of the plot can proceed as normal, because Superman is immune to everything and that's the whole plot beat anyway.
I'd definitely clean up some of Superman/Clark's dialogue to nail the character voice better, but I don't think it's that bad, and it's mostly a few places where the wording is off. I think in particular the points where he's feeling anger go too far, and are not how someone internally conflicted about the anger might talk.
And then, oh yeah, Superman punches a guy's head clean off, which I think is the biggest sticking point for most people.
I've thought about that scene a lot. I personally like it. But if I were ever trying to sell this story to DC, it's one of the things I would almost certainly change. Superman doesn't kill, except in that one movie that came out just before this story was published where Superman snapped a guy's neck.
The change I am most happy/comfortable with is that Whitman, the governor whose children were [REDACTED], is the one to kill Calhoun. This happens just outside the courthouse with Superman watching and not intervening in the slightest, or maybe catching the bullets as they go through Calhoun so no bypassers get hit.
I don't know, as I type it out, it doesn't have the same weight to it. It's not cool. It's not a watershed moment. Maybe there's a plot thread to pull there, where Superman has tacitly endorsed other vigilantes, and it would be a great time to pull in other mundane street-level heroes ... but that's an entirely different story at that point.
Another option is for Superman to simply fly off with Calhoun and put him away, but that lacks punch too, and gets talky, and ... it's about the rage, right? The feeling of injustice, not just at Calhoun, but at the entire world, and it's not just an unhappy side effect that there's blood everywhere, all over the clamoring press, that's part of the point.
Social Justice
I really enjoy how wide-ranging the novel is, and how many things it touches on. Good job me. There was a line I had completely forgotten about where Lois asks "Why doesn't Superman stop abortions?" that I had completely forgotten I had ever written, and which brought a big smile to my face (but no wonder some Superman fans hate this story).
There are a few other things that I raise my eyebrow at a little bit, at least sitting here in 2024. There's a particular line that Superman gives when talking about this whitewashed mural of the past they're walking by, and he says "It's easy to forget that slavery ever happened, you know?" Now, I will grant you that this is a part of a conversation where he's saying that maybe he should have been a better student of history, and is saying this as a white guy in 1934, but I wanted him or someone else to tear that statement apart. It never really happens.
"It's easy to forget that slavery ever happened [if you and your people have not been affected by slavery]". The novel takes place ~70 years after the end of the Civil War, which means that when Clark was growing up there would have been freed slaves who were in their fifties, probably many of them in Kansas, though Smallville is (notably) small. I don't know, it wouldn't have been historically accurate for them to have a discussion of privilege, but there's way more meat on that bone, and it's all left as subtext.
Also probably the case that if I were writing it now, I would pay more attention to race in general, but that I'm less sure on, because it would mean some major structural changes to be done well. There's a single black guy in the whole thing, who is barely a character and has no speaking lines: the farmhand Ma Kent has before he gets lured away with the promise of being an actor. I have never felt that any novel needs racial balance to it, but if you're going to be talking about slavery and whether Superman would have done anything about it, you start to make black people look like props, which is not a good look.
I mean look, I think it's fine for a given story to not actually take a stance on political issues or have a diverse cast, but this story goes from abortion to the Equal Rights Amendment to Prohibition to Nazis to the death penalty, and then despite being set in 1934 sort of talks around the subject of how shitty race relations were. As a white guy, I never feel comfortable talking about race, but I think it would have been appropriate to have here in more than the cursory way it was handled. But the cast is just not that large, and the way that modern Superman stories handle that is usually making Jimmy Olsen black and then not actually talking about the fact that he's black so it's just a palette swap, which I don't think would work here, especially since Jimmy is such a bit character, and also it's 1934.
Sexual Violence
Alright, I will say it: there's too much sexual violence.
Chapter 7 is when the two Whitman kids get kidnapped. Their driver gets his throat slit, the boy gets dismembered, and the girl gets raped. I knew it was coming and I was still horrified by it.
I would not remove this part. I would foreshadow it better with a few scenes with Calhoun, the brutes, etc., and I might change some of the details to be a bit less awful and gruesome, but I don't think I would remove it. There are a few core ideas here that I think all work:
The better class of criminal has left the city now, and all that are left are the worst of the worst, the people who will not respond to incentives or symbols or rational thought.
If you cannot strike at Superman's physical self, you strike at his mind instead, and one of the ways to do that is psychic damage. In Calhoun's case, this is irrational, a pure desire to hurt Superman in any way possible while his empire collapses.
The amount of evil in the world is enormous. The pain and suffering cannot be comprehended. I love what Superman says, that this isn't really unique, that these things happen to children all the time. He's upset about not being able to save them, but they're a drop in the bucket.
I think you have to be careful with sexual violence, whether it's depicted or hinted at or just briefly mentioned. There are tons of people who are not on board with that in their media, and even of those who are on board, it has to be handled carefully and can feel very cheap, as though you're just going to the worst and most transgressive thing you can think of for the shock value. People will see it as lazy and trivializing and making entertainment out of this horrible thing.
I think the world is shit. I think terrible things happen. I have always felt both oppressed by the weight of evil in the world and powerless to stop it. I think that's the thing that I'm gesturing at here, and it feels weird to me that sexual violence would get put on a pedestal as the one thing too horrible to mention, even though we're mentioning all the most horrible things.
How do Superman comics and shows and movies deal with this? My impression is that they don't. Surely Superman must be stopping rapes from happening, but I cannot think of a single time I've seen it happen. I'm actually having trouble thinking of a time it was implied to happen. I think this is probably a good idea on the part of the people who make these bits of media, but it's absolutely not realistic if you're thinking about how Superman would operate in the "real world". Sexual violence happens, child abuse happens, and I guess we just sort of assume that these things are dealt with by Superman off-screen.
Though ... I mean it impacts the characters, right? Does Superman not have a trauma response? Does he have a superpower where he can bottle it all up? He's definitely too late to stop certain crimes, and he definitely can't make things better for some of the victims, and I guess in the comics when he shows up to a burning building he generally has a 100% success rate and people come out with only minor injuries, but ... alright, this is definitely the sort of thing that led me to write this fic in the first place.
It's a question that the fic doesn't have an answer for: how do you go on living when you know that there's so much evil in the world?
I think dialing that particular scene back is, maybe, fine. But it's the sort of thing that would feel like I was being less authentic in a way, as though I wanted to grapple with the big questions but not that one, wanted to consider ethics and morality but silo myself away from things that actually are on my mind. I see the point of blunting that scene, and I rebel against it because I don't want to be blunted, I want to be sharp.
I would, however, remove a lot of the earlier references, or blunt those, because they didn't need to be sharp. There are, before the Whitman stuff, about five references to sexual violence, and maybe even just using "sexual violence" would be enough, rather than "rape". One of these references is to what crimes Superman is statistically most likely to stop, another is to a plot to besmirch his name, both can be massaged or they can go.
I don't know if I think about these things differently because time has passed or I've had a bunch of discussions about these issues, or whether it's just having the outside view. It's weird to think about what a conversation with myself would look like, if we were working on the story together.
I understand why Superman fans sometimes hate this story. There's the Superman OOC stuff, sure, but there are also a lot of questions about Superman that apply to canon equally well, and people hate that. Superman is a fantasy, maybe the ultimate comic book fantasy. He stops crimes and bullets bounce off him! You're not supposed to think about his stance on abortion rights. You're not supposed to look at the Clark Kent mask and say 'huh, that's strange'. I mean it's media, you can do whatever the hell you want, but if Superman is a fantasy, then there are a lot of questions that are fantasy-ruining.
I stand by the story as written about 80%, which is higher than I thought it would be, though there are certain things that I stand by more than others. There are certain structural changes and many line-by-line changes, and I'm glad that I didn't have the story open in edit mode, because it would have taken me three times as long to read and when I hit "save changes" people would grumble about archives or bad changes or whatever, because you can't please people.
About five years ago, I started writing A Common Sense Guide to Doing the Most Good, which was meant as a companion piece to MM. It ended up being all mechanics, no plot, and the plot that I wanted it to have was divorced from the center questions it wanted to answer. It didn't feel as grand, I guess, and the cats were out of their bags a little too quickly.
One of the Answers that MM gives is that the thing you should do in the face of overwhelming evil is to grind relentlessly, grind until your bones are scraping the grindstone and there's nothing left of yourself. The story does not believe this answer, but it's one of the places I ended up ten years ago, and am still sort of at now. The other answer is to live as best you can, be aware of the evil and do what you can against it without letting the idea of it (or the battle against it) consume your soul.
When I was finished reading, I kind of wanted to write an uncritical Superman comic. Something where Superman can be as his most loyal fans see him, someone who is Good and doesn't often have to grapple with what Good means, where the thorny edges of moral quandaries never come to light and the hero is always there in the nick of time. Where Clark Kent is a bold and noble expression of humanity rather than a deception and a mask. Maybe I will go do that.
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roroswitherose · 1 year
HAD ME @ HELLO! - lee Heeseung
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SYNOPSIS: verse’s school of arts, a very popular and hard to get into academy, holds a dance competition a few weeks before the start of the new school year. the prize being a free scholarship to the arts academy. enhypen, a popular dance crew signs up, and they win. Heeseung watches as his captain Jungwon bumps into a girl while he was celebrating and heeseung immediately feels drawn to her. 
It's weeks later and school is about to start and Heeseung still can't get the pretty girl out of his mind. After his first day, he checks his phone and sees the enhypen group chat blowing up, and the last thing he expects to see was the pretty girl going viral…for being Jungwon’s ‘sister.’ 
PAIRINGS: dancer! lee heeseung x dancer! female! oc 
GENRE: smau with written chapters, fluff, humor, small bit of angst, college au, dancer au, strangers to lovers, dance crews, 
FEATURING: all of enhypen, mark jeno jisung & haechan (nct dream) yeji chaeryeong (itzy) soul (p1h) wooyoung (ateez) seulgi (red velvet) chaeyeon, more as the story progresses. 
WARNINGS: cursing, some kms/kys jokes and the stupid twt humor, kissing, mentions of alcohol, characters maybe ooc, inappropriate jokes, heeseung is in love with oc and ofc is kinda oblivious, wooyoung gets teased a lot but he’s loved, I will add warnings at the start of each chapter. also ages will be changed.
STATUS: ongoing! I’ll update whenever i get the chance, started = June 29th
ROROS NOTES: hello! omg this is my first smau ever, and I’m kinda nervous because I still don’t know what I’m doing ☺, so please bear with me. this is a work of fiction, and all the characters are not in any way connected with their actual selves, I do not ship these idols irl, this is simply just for my fic. also! lowercase is intended! Please ignore the time stamps! I hope you guys enjoy this, comment if you would like to be added to the taglist! 
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atoms dance crew enhypen dance crew the extras
act one 🍂
CHAP 1 - cotton candy & mystery girls 📝
CHAP 2 - i’m multitasking fucker
CHAP 3 - sugar crash on the first day
CHAP 4 - jungwons sister is heeseungs gf?!
CHAP 5 -
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team-unveil · 1 year
Hello everyone 😊
Welcome to Team Unveil! We're a very dedicated group of hackers and investigators, and I'm you're lovely admin, Blaire ✨️
We don't discriminate! Anyone and everyone can be a target of ours. We strive for neutrality!
If you don't have anything to hide, then we shouldn't be a problem 💖 Wouldn't the world be so much nicer if everyone was open and honest?
If you want any details on someone or have some interesting information, don't be afraid to reach out! Thank you!!!
While I'm an only mod, this blog operates as if they're are many people involved!
If you want to have an OC that's apart of the team, feel free to reach out! You can also DM me at any time for plotting reasons, you want a post taken down, or if you want to make sure I've received your post.
The purpose of this blog is so people can share private messages, photos, recorded conversations, ect. without having to post it themselves OOC, pretend that it was accidental or any other reason as to why this leak in privacy is happening!
Maybe your crappy rotom phone ratted you out, maybe you were hacked, or perhaps someone shared private information you trusted them with, whatever the reason, this blog got a hold of it and is sharing to the world.
Submission Rules/Info:
If I feel like the rules aren't obeyed, I have the right to toss it out.
PLEASE USE THE SUBMISSION BUTTON NOT THE ASK. Asks are for questions, "leaks" need to be sent to me using the submission button.
I do not have the ability to change submissions to be anonymous! This is annoying, I know, but it's not something I have control over. This blog will operate where we are "blind" to the "submitted by" portion.
You can, however, submit things anonymously if you go into an incognito tab! I don't believe you can add images that way, but you are welcome to DM the images to me! I have the ability to edit submissions, so I can add them in! It will ask for your email, and I cannot see this 🙏
Please keep submissions PG-13! This means sexual content cannot be explicit, just suggestive and vague, and violence is fine, but gore will need to be censored. However, regardless of how vague it is, I will reject anything involving incest, pokephilia, pedophilia, and sexual abuse.
*new rule, but I'm not very comfortable posting things involving abelism or ridiculing people for mental health issues.
When submitting a leak, please add instructions! Tell when to post it! What day, what time (give me your timezone or translate to EST). I can delete said instructions, just clearly mark them with an OOC or // .
That being said: do NOT send me something that needs to go up immediately or within a few hours. I work and sleep! Give me time to see and get it ready please 🙏
Do not God Mod. God modding is when you control someone's character without their consent. If a leak has been shared about your character and you did NOT approve it, I will take it down!
You are free to submit leaks about canon characters! Someone having a canon character as a muse does NOT make them off limits. However ! If you are @ ing their blog specifically and they did not consent to it, it will be taken down upon request.
Post your submission as if you are the hacker or someone sneakily giving me intel! You can be as extravagant or minimalist as you want.
It seems that @/blog was lying about their relationship status with @/blog2
[Insert here a romantically involved chat log]
If not a hacker or someone ratting out information, you can post as if you're paparazzi or a stalker. Stalker posts will be properly tagged as such!
You can create fake chats, draw and edit things as you wish! Or you can just use image descriptors and plain text. The formatting is totally up to you. Anything official from Pokémon is free game, but you cannot use someone else's fanart or edits without permission.
And lastly, this should go without saying, but this blog is NOT intended for real drama and call outs. You should not be using this blog to try and get back at someone and hurt them. Everything here should be fictional.
Please @ the involved blogs, this will help knowing who is being talked about.
Use the tags!!! When you make a submission, you have the ability to add your tags. Please do so to add appropriate warnings.
I'm an adult! I run @pokeblr-confessions and @belamew. Those two characters have ZERO relation to Blaire.
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aspens-dragons · 4 months
hey hey hey! i'm not like super into purple tbh but also like it's the closest to my current like little streak soooo yk how it is lol
Hey! My name's Aspen (he/him 👍) and I'm a junior at Naranja-Uva Academy! (i'm typing this with like proper grammar and all that cause like readability lmfao but that isn't how i normally type unless its like an essay or something) Right now I'm in the STEM track with a primary focus in veterinary sciences and a secondary focus in battle studies. And I'm vice-captain of our Cyclizar racing team! If you haven't noticed by now, I like Dragon-types. I really like Dragon-types :D
Other than my Cyclizar (her name's Spitfire!) I have two Pokemon, my Alolan Raichu (named Chip) and my Dreepy (named Zeppelin). AND in addition to those three, I have five other Pokemon, but they're kinda retired and live in Alola with my parents, but they're Pebble (Lycanroc), Jitters (Golisopod), Chloro (Lurantis), Grampy (Drampa) and Hibiscus (Kommo-o). I call Chip and those five the Big Six, 'cause they're the Pokemon I used while on my Island Challenge.
Speaking of my Island Challenge though, I was born in Nimbasa City, but I moved to Alola when I was... I wanna say maybe two or three? I dunno, I don't remember the moving part. Also, I've got an older brother and a baby sister.
Anyway, I've talked a lot, but I think that's just about it! See ya around :D
OOC under the cut!
Things to know!
Last updated: 09/03/2024
Hey, welcome!! Likes and follows come from @aster-pkmn-irl-real!
Current Arc(s): Patchwork Sanctuary, Victory Road Previous Arcs: The Schedule Switcheroo
Mod and muse are both minors! Please be mindful of that when interacting. This means no NSFW. The occasional dick joke is fine, but keep it PG-13.
Aspen exists in a timeline shortly after the events of Scarlet and Violet. He knows very little about what occurred during The Way Home.
Sentient Pokemon, eeby deebys, slow eeby deebys, chosens, legendaries, etc. are all welcome to interact, though Aspen may be skeptical about eeby deebys, legendaries, chosens, and evil teams!
Pelipper Mail/Malice, Musharna Mail/Malice, and Magic Anons are OFF.
Other than the rules above, feel free to send in asks :D
All posts prior to 06/05/2024 are not canon to this blog.
Regarding the above point! For some context, Aspen has actually existed for over a year at this point, and has had a blog just as long. I was originally using him on the blog this post was made on. In February (2024) I decided to create a main blog that I would use Aspen on instead, but in the past few months, I've been feeling kind of stuck about Aspen and it just hasn't been fun to RP as him. As a result, I've soft rebooted this blog (and a few blogs connected to him have also been soft rebooted for similar reasons). If you knew Aspen before this reboot, please be mindful of that fact that since he's been rebooted multiple aspects of his lore and backstory have changed and might continue to change over the course of this blog. This is why all posts from before June 5th are no longer considered canon to this blog!
Aspen's older brother might show up on the blog sometimes, so look out for that!
Aspen has a RotomPhone named Lithium, who will be talking with orange text!
#clanging scales ⇌ posts or reblogs from Aspen (where he has something to add)!
#dragon dance ⇌ reblogs from Aspen (without anything added)!
#breaking swipe ⇌ answered asks from Aspen!
#devastating drake ⇌ Aspen-centric angst!
#wormhole link ⇌ off screen posts!
#fickle beam ⇌ posts to pay attention to! these might provide clues or foreshadowing!! Here is a link to all the #fickle beam posts in chronological order!
#blind spot ⇌ posts that cannot be seen by certain blogs connected to this one, those being @jaimemes, @espers-n-espurrs, @yveltalreal, @vulgrados-best, @rock-n-rolycoly. if only one or two characters cannot see the post, the character name will be tagged as well (ex. #blind spot: jaime would signify that jaime cannot see that post). everyone else, regardless of if they’re an anon or a blog, will be able to interact and comment.
#ft. suriya ⇌ Anything and everything from Aspen's brother!
#bzzt! ⇌ Anything and everything from Lithium, Aspen's Rotom!
#Da Beast ⇌ posts mentioning/about the New Client (see #Patchwork Sanctuary)
Posts pertaining to certain arcs (for example, 'The Schedule Switcheroo' and 'Patchwork Sanctuary'. ) will be tagged with the name of the arc. Here is a link to a post with descriptions of each arc!
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highlordofkrypton · 2 months
1- Which of your fics would you keep the basic plot of but rewrite completely?
9- Thoughts on cliffhangers.
24- Thoughts on flashbacks/flashforwards.
26- What would you describe as OOC?
I would love to hear all of them!!!!! Especially on the OOC one because I feel like that is one that we all have different interpretations on based on individual interpretation of the character
OMG prepare for RAMBLES (maybe???)
I'm also gonna copy you and link the ask game.
1. Which of your fics would you keep the basic plot of but rewrite completely?
Definitely one of my DC fics. I have quite a few that I started as a weekly writing exercise, but I wish I had more of a structure. I feel like the chapters don't hit as well when I'm writing off ✨vibes✨.
If I had to pick one, it would be my crackship the sun & the sea -- it's based off my roleplay with my partner. I wanted to add the scenes in between that we didn't get to write and bind it for her, but it doesn't make sense without the roleplay parts. I would like to re-write it as a proper fic.
9. Thoughts on cliffhangers.
As a reader, REEEEEEEEE!
As a writer, EHEHHEHEHEHE. I love cliffhangers. I think I do too many cliffhangers? I don't know if they're actual cliff hangers, but if the scene needs to end there, then it will end there.
I view cliff hangers as a writing tool as punctuation and stylistic writing. You're telling your readers to pause here, and you're making them process and take in what they've read. Especially in a world where binging is more and more common, cliffhangers allow specific plot points to sink in. Not that they don't normally, but readers are forced to sit with it now hehhehehe.
24. Thoughts on flashbacks/flashforwards.
I don't like flashfowards because I'm too dumb to understand the time jump and I feel like they're... spoilery? I only really use flash forwards for opening scenes and then we take it all the way back.
As for flashbacks, I prefer to segment them with italics, some kind of formatting break or their own chapters because it's so easy to lose your reader if you haven't executed the flashback well enough. Visual media can rely on cues like younger actors, and setting, but as a writer you need to be detail-oriented enough to write all that out. I am notoriously lazy as fuck so... I don't do them. I don't mind reading them tho.
26. What would you describe as OOC?
I like this question a lot because as someone who lives outside of canon more often than not, I usually write crackships or take characters out of their canon worlds into new ones. For example, my greatest master piece with my writing partner is set in a The Boys x Supernatural universe (so their rules), featuring Geralt (the Witcher), Lambert (the Witcher), Lilith (Diablo 4), Erwin (Attack on Titan), Clark Kent (Superman), Gojo Satoru (JJK), Arisma Kishou (Tokyo Ghoul) and Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars). It was the single most EPIC story I have ever read and written lmao. THAT SAID, I firmly believe that there are base values that every character has that defines them, whether mental, physical or anything else. These are what 'anchor' the character. If it's a original story, then there are events that inform the character. Think big details, not small details.
From a fandom perspective, usually, the fandom will agree on the aforementioned base values. For example, Superman is kind, just and generally wholesome. People can put him in different situations, but you can still recognize the character. This is what differentiates good writing from bad writing; if you can change the character's name, upbringing and current occupation and you still can recognize the character from their inherent values and the way they act, that's totally in character for me.
If you're writing a character and you break the 'base value' rules without justifying it in the narrative, then that's OOC. For example, there are versions of Superman who kills or becomes a world ruler, but there are events that lead up to it so it makes sense.
So to me, pretty much everything is fair game if you can justify it in the writing (and not by telling me, it's gotta be earned).
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sarah-cam · 6 months
It’s true that Jenny has a tight lock on that set because we haven’t seen anything since filming started 2 weeks ago. All people are doing is speculate based on casting calls and some set photos so I will give you a little sum up and you can take it with a grain of salt.
1. They are adding the Jeremiah is a frat boy story line (remember: Belly hated Jeremiah’s fraternity and was a source of constant fights between them). One of the people living in the neighborhood where they filmed the frat party scenes posted the pic. There’s also a bar scene but no one knows if it’s them or maybe another character.
2. They were filming Conrad medical lab scenes last week because one of the cast call pages on the place they are filming was asking for people on medical clothes to look like students.
3. Rumor has it Belly herself is joining a sonority and yesterday they were filming scenes with Belly there - a girl confirmed with a pic in what looks like a sonority set. And a couple days ago they were asking for a lot of girls for scenes. This is interesting if we consider Belly hated that lifestyle and in the books she even lies to Jeremiah about not having enough money to join a sonority when he asked her to join one. People speculate that this will be Belly’s attempt at “fitting with Jeremiah’s world” and kind of make it up for the denial that she’s been under to make it work between them. This adds up with Belly’s people pleaser behavior and how in the books she keeps saying she barely has a life on her own because she doesn’t even have friends on her own that aren’t Jeremiah’s. And it could also double down on her and Laurel’s issues because Laurel was concerned Belly was changing and limiting her college experience to Jeremiah’s. And people think this is how she’ll meet Anika (and potentially Lacie too??).
This is the deb ball 2.0 - a thing she never wanted to do because it wasn’t her style but did because she was trying to please Susannah and only Laurel and Conrad called her out for trying to be someone she’s not. Seeing Belly losing herself as a justification for the cheating plot and the decision she made will be so sad to watch but necessary for her own growth.
4. They were filming on the beach of a resort a few days ago and people on Reddit thinks this is location for the Cabo storyline because it looks very much like Cabo with the setting. And they were even asking for beach goers too.
The first two episodes will definitely revolve around Belly being in denial about her relationship with Jeremiah. Joining a sonority to please him while he does whatever he is doing with his own fraternity and the Cabo storyline. Meanwhile, a few scenes of Conrad studying at Harvard here and there.
I think they are trying to film as many outdoors scenes as possible to get into the more private sets to avoid spoilers.
belly joining a sorority is so ooc but i can't wait to see how much she hates it and how much she's trying to change herself to be with him 🤡
also can't wait for this --
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azulas-daddy-kink · 7 months
Since I've gotten a fair few asks about the Tyzula ship (some of which are still sitting in my inbox) during my time on this site, I have decided to outline my reasons as to why I do not ship or like Azula/Ty Lee, in a similar way to what a mutual of mine has done regarding Zutara (you may or may not know who you are, just wasn't sure if you would be okay with being tagged!).
So here goes....
Reasons I do not ship or like Tyzula from a canon perspective:
There's just nothing there. I'm not seeing anything other than friendship. Never once does either character, or the narrative, even hint at the fact that it could be something more.
It essentially ruins Ty Lee's character arc. The entire point of her arc was learning to stand up for herself, be independent, and prioritize her own happiness. This includes not letting Azula run her life anymore, and tell her what to do.
Azula, in her current state, is not ready for a romantic relationship with ANYBODY. Leastways, certainly not a healthy or functional one.
There is no evidence to suggest that Azula OR Ty Lee is attracted to the same sex. In fact, canon shows us literally the exact opposite. Both express and display romantic interest in boys, granted Azula's interest is more limited.
Ty Lee is literally not even on speaking terms with Azula post-canon. And for that to change, Azula would have to do some serious introspection and growth as a person, and make amends for how she mistreated those close to her. Even then, Ty Lee very well may decide she wants nothing to do with Azula, which is actually perfectly rational.
Reasons I do not ship or like Tyzula from a fanon/fandom perspective:
It's EVERYWHERE. You cannot avoid it, no matter how many tags or blogs you block, and it's annoying.
The majority of Tyzula shippers don't even seem to like Azula or Ty Lee as individual characters, independent of each other. And it shows. All they think about is how they can relate a post, headcanon, or piece of art to their ship.
Tyzula fics and headcanons are laughably OOC, and misrepresent both characters horribly - especially Azula. Look, I understand that we all have to change or add some things to make our respective ships work but there are limits. Personally, I draw the line at Azula repeatedly beating and raping Ty Lee but maybe that's just me.
Tyzula shippers have just been absolutely, unrepentantly nasty to me (and to some mutuals of mine) on a personal level. I have been bullied, harrassed, forced out of fandom spaces, lambasted as a lesbophobic bigot, and told to kill myself for the crime of not liking the ship, preferring to ship Azula with men, and criticizing this behavior on my own blog. That being said, seeing posts or art about this ship literally makes me want to puke, or just flat out makes me angry.
Semi-related to the above point, Tyzula shippers just refuse to stay in their own fucking lane! They go out of their way to make stupid comments on art or posts promoting other ships, and pick fights with people who disagree with them (also anyone who disagrees with them is automatically dismissed as being lesbophobic).
When you ask people in this fandom to explain why they see Azula as a lesbian, they either say something to the effect of """vibes""" or scream at you for oppressing them and hating lesbians.
(If you all have anything else to add, I would love to hear your thoughts!
Unless you're just a salty Tyzula shipper who feels like telling me off or calling me lesbophobic for the 323467th time, don't waste your time because you will be blocked immediately and no one will entertain your stupidity).
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livebeginning · 9 months
Ok I wanna talk more about my OC Mio from my fic Pretty Little Pet where I ship him with Raphael. So under the cut I'll put:
Art!! (mostly picrews and one drawing by me)
Mio's life before Raphael bought him
Raphael buying Mio
How Raphael treats Mio and his motivations
About Mio being Raphael's pet
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First of, I intentionally never described Mio's appearance in the fic, because I kinda wanted the reader to imagine their own version of Mio. So if you read my fic and are now going "Wow I thought Mio looked really different!" That's totally valid! He can look however you want! (Also please tell me how you imagined him, I'd love to hear about it!)
The first picture I drew myself, but it's heavily referenced off of the picrew in the second picture.
The second and third pic are basically a timeline of how Mio changes throughout the story (and the different outfits he wears). The other picrews are random outfits and based on vibes haha
Picrew for the second pic
Picrew for the third pic
Picrew for the fourth pic
Picrew for the fifth pic
Picrew for the sixth pic (lost the link, will add later)
Picrew for the seventh pic (lost the link, will add later)
And the 8th pic is my attempt at making him in BG3, he's a half-elf here because I didn't like any of the male elf faces ^^'
Before Raphael
Mio is a male high elf in his 30s, living with his parents. Mio is his child name, as his parents have not yet given him an adult name.
His parents are criminals, although Mio isn’t aware of that, thinking they also work regular jobs. They mostly commit petty crimes but still dream of one day running a criminal empire. Every time something goes wrong they just skip town. The few times one of them gets caught and released for [money] they blame it on their lack of finances, making Mio feel guilty for not working enough.
Mio was definitely not planned and he often feels unwanted. His parents treat him like a child and while they aren’t physically abusive, they will berate him for the slightest mistakes, send him to bed or work without letting him eat and are just generally pretty shitty.
His parents make him work regular jobs like waiting tables, cleaning and other work that requires little education. He’s their only reliant source of income. Despite this, he has no control over their finances, all money going directly to his parents.
He has little contact with other people, working most of the time and leaving town before he could make meaningful relationships with his coworkers.
Mio is generally shy but polite, pretty much in customer service mode at all times. He has learned to just do whatever his parents tell him to, to avoid getting yelled at or going hungry yet again. Since his parents often tell him that he’s still a child by elf standards, his only real aspiration is to reach elven adulthood (generally around 100 years) and receive his adult name, so that he may leave his parent’s household and become independent. (Most elves in his position, living in mixed society and working,  would have already left their parent’s household. Mio’s parents intentionally keep this false worldview around him so that he’ll stay and keep working for them.)
Raphael buys Mio
Mio’s parents have the brilliant idea to get the money they need to start their criminal empire by selling their son. They seek out various options until Raphael answers. They sell their son for just a few hundred gold coins (Mio is unaware of this). We know from the game that Raphael has bought people before, so it’s not OOC for him. Mio is still considered a child by elf standards so that’s why his parents are able to legally sell him. (Also Gortash could sell Karlach to Zariel no problem and she just worked for him, so the rules on who can sell people are a bit weird anyways.)
 Raphael doesn’t really need Mio, he mostly accepts the offer to see how his parents will fail spectacularly at trying to make a criminal empire and have a bit of fun with that, maybe even profit from the chaos they cause doing this or make another deal for their souls down the line.
Raphael still wants to put his new purchase to work and tries to determine how Mio could be useful for him. While they talk in his office Raphael shows Mio his cambion form. Mio is enamored by his form, and Raphael is not immune to flattery. Raphael also notices that Mio is easily flustered, blushes a lot and is very touch starved.
Raphael enjoys all of these reactions Mio has for him and decides to have some fun with that. He makes Mio the offer to become his pet, with the caveat that only Raphael is allowed to touch him.
Mio is aware he’s dealing with a devil here, who literally owns him and could just decide to torture him instead, so of course he accepts. Generally Mio knows that he has to do what Raphael tells him to and keep him happy, or risk making Raphael angry and getting killed or tortured. While their relationship gets more relaxed later on, Mio is always aware that Raphael is the one in control and he often has anxiety over accidentally doing something that might upset Raphael.
At this point, Raphael doesn’t have any concrete plans for what he’s going to do with Mio, he just thinks he’s cute and wants to see if he can turn him into a loyal and obedient pet by just showing him a bit of kindness. And if that doesn’t work out, it’d probably be still fun to just torture him.
Raphael’s treatment of Mio
Raphael treats Mio generally pretty well, because I believe Raphael can be a reasonable person. Korilla says she likes working for Raphael and the archivist and Nubaldin seem to be at least content working for him. Devils are also lawful evil, so I think they appreciate it when their rules are being followed. Of course, rules can also be intentionally set up to be impossible to follow, so they have an excuse to punish those who break them. 
When Mio breaks the “Only Raphael can touch him” rule, it’s mostly because someone else touched him without his consent. He still gets punished for it and Raphael enjoys making Mio suffer, although he only hurts Mio to an extent he knows he can handle, not wanting to actually break him. Raphael praises Mio for accepting his punishment willingly, which gives Mio conflicting feelings about these punishments. He doesn’t enjoy being tortured, but he likes the praise and attention he receives afterwards and he knows that Raphael enjoys hurting him and wants Raphael to be happy.
By Mio’s standards, Raphael treats him pretty well. He gets his own room and new clothes, much better quality and style than his old clothes. He gets access to the servant’s baths and kitchen (I’m making the HoH way bigger than it is in the game btw) and he can eat as much as he wants. Raphael even tells him to eat at least three meals per day (Mio is used to less so he only eats two when he first arrives).
Raphael makes him work at first, telling him to clean the archive. He does this in part because he wants Mio to keep busy but also because he wants to know if Mio is the kind of person who would try to take a look at his things without permission. The archivist has secret instructions to keep an eye on Mio and report to Raphael on his behavior. Mio isn’t really aware of this test and just cleans the archive as instructed. Later, Raphael has him clean the halls and eventually Mio doesn’t have to do any work anymore, as he has other stuff to keep him busy.
Mio being a pet
Raphael is a devil (technically a half devil but whatever) and I think devils generally see mortals as beneath them. So it’s not uncommon for devils to treat mortals similar to how we would treat cats or dogs (though devils tend to be a lot less nice to their pets).
As his pet, Raphael has Mio sit by his side while he reads or works and strokes his hair or touches his skin. Mio enjoys being pet because he received very little affection before. He also can just relax during these petting sessions, he’s technically not doing anything but he’s still being useful, so he doesn’t have to feel guilty about doing nothing.
Raphael enjoys these petting sessions because he likes how receptive Mio is to him, Mio makes a lot of little noises and leans into Raphael’s touch. Also he has something to occupy himself that isn’t too distracting from his reading/work. Mio essentially functions as a fidget toy for Raphael. Also, petting your pet is just nice!!
Occasionally, Raphael will take Mio to parties or meetings. He likes to dress him up for these events, which Mio also enjoys. It’s a way for Raphael to show off his wealth and style, Mio is essentially an accessory in these moments. Raphael will also sometimes ask Mio to do things just to amuse himself or others, to show how obedient his pet is.
Ok I ended up writing a lot more than I intended and I didn't even get to talk about Haarlep and Mio's relationship with sex yet!! Guess that'll have to wait for another post. If anyone has questions or wants to talk about Mio or Raphael, my ask is always open :)
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hellishradio · 6 months
✦ O O C B L O G . 📌
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SO SO SO sorry for so much ooc blogs recently i promise i'll make less after the blog goes back to running normally but i'm implementing some new stuff for you guys !!
also thank you for 150+ followers!! the list of listeners are growing so fast HAHA
✦ under the cut !!
due to a lot of positive responses i'll be doing art dumps of hazbin hotel stuff sometimes!! it may include doodles i do in my freetime or fully shaded art with colour haha
this blog only featured responses to asks until now but i will be sometimes reposting content from other blogs (like fanart, other ask/rpblogs, etc) and make alastor react to them!!
and also post "vlog" formatted things of how alastor's day is running and maybe a few podcast things like recent news, music reccomendations, etc!! it will be tagged #hellishradio!podcast
i receive a lot of questions through asks and dms so i thought i'd just answer them all here!! though most of the answers are in my rules and info :')
any other questions, please ask me in the comments!
— " i don't think my ask got answered! "
most common question i receive nowadays but! it is most likely that your response is in queue and will be automatically posted in the span of a few hours to a few days. i'm sorry that they get posted late but unfortunately i receive so much asks daily and don't want to spam the tags nor the account :')
this is mostly only relevant to the event but art and writing will take longer!! and it is selective because i can't get through all these writing and art reqs, please understand!
— " can we roleplay? "
unfortunately i can't do more than simple interactions. anything with a lot of plot, i won't be able to do. yes i can do simple action sentences but anything that's too long is where i draw the line due to my busyness!!
you can still send asks in character, and you are free to send long paragraphs, but don't expect me to do the same </3
— " do you follow back? "
I REALLY WISH I COULD. i didnt know this account with gain so much fans when i created it, so i made it a sideblog instead of a main one :') and my main blog doesn't have any (like i mean 0) content so 😔 though that MIGHT change in the future?? maybe??
— " can we be friends? "
yes we can!! shoot me a dm and we can talk anytime <3 you aren't bothering, i promise!
— " can i take inspo from your blog! "
absolutely! go for it! no need to ask or credit, i don't own these types of layouts so you're free to do whatever!! though if you did credit, thank you anyways <3
— " where do you draw? "
i'm really sorry to break your bubble but.. the doodles i do when i respond to asks are not done with an art app haha.. i drew those in a notes app that i use while taking notes from a lecture.. though if you're still interested, it's called collanotes!
the actual art apps i use for my serious art (which has not been posted yet but shh it's coming i promise) are procreate and ibis! usually i draw on procreate and add some extra effects and do fixups on ibis.
i use an ipad 3rd gen pro and an 2nd gen apple pencil!
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