#or even just... make me feel bad sometimes. bored even. if that's what their artistic intent is
wowitsverycool · 4 months
please i don't want my video games to be toys. if the point of your game is to frustrate me by god please do that.... i feel sometimes that games are held back as an artform by their need to be. like. Products. in the sense that they're expected to be entertainment first and art second, yknow? a game will get praised for its wonderful story, but only if that story supports a Fun gimmick. it's like the art in games is seen as a vehicle through which gameplay is delivered, and when gameplay exists in service of artistic intent, it makes that game a Failed Product.
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inkskinned · 2 years
i love my therapist but i hate being in therapy. 10 minutes before my appointment, i'm in a meeting with my boss - we discuss my artistic choices; my boss recommends i artistically choose less. 10 minutes after therapy, i wash my hair and think about everything that was said, and then i have to switch it off, like a lamp, and go back to work again.
i was on a walk the other day and someone had the perfect combination of his cologne and whatever-else. it was almost exactly his scent. i fucking hate that. after all these years, i remember that? i tell my therapist - i feel like a fucking wolf. try telling a middle-aged blonde lady. oh i scented him on the air. i'm 30, and i'm having a panic attack over something that would be a plotline in the omegaverse.
what they don't tell you about mental illness is that if you are lucky enough to survive it into adulthood; it becomes a weird slice of your life. because you do, eventually, have to build a life. i realized in a panic somewhere around 22 - oh. i don't know what i'm fucking doing, because i always assumed i'd just go ahead and die. i didn't die, and i'm grateful for that, and i'm very happy about that choice. but it does mean that i am an adult in an apartment, living with my conditions side-by-side like. oh, that's my roommate, adhd. ignore the glass, bytheway, that's ocd.
so you pick your stupid life up by the scruff of the neck and you're, like glad for it (so much laughter and light and friends you would have never thought possible, when you were in the worst of it). but it feels so strange to be dancing around these odd little microcosms, these patchwork moments of your symptoms. if you have a panic attack at night, you still need to wake up and walk the dog in the morning. if your depression is making everything boring, well, you don't have any sick days left, and a job's not really supposed to be that exciting anyway. your ocd tears out each individual leg hair, and then, an hour later, you sigh, patch up the bloody bits, and go get dinner with friends. and the life is kitten-quiet, mewling and pathetic, but it's also like - it's yours, so you're fond of it.
and it's like - you're real. so you still enjoy pushing the shopping cart really fast and then riding on the back of it down an empty aisle. and you're not, like, so sick anymore that when you accidentally drop a mug you burst into tears (except for the days you do that. which are bad). and no, you're not allowed around certain items anymore. oops! but you've learned to be good about brushing your teeth most days of the week. and yeah sometimes in the middle of the day you have a little freak-out about how fucking unfair it all is, how fucking hard, how other people can just do this without having to fucking hurt the whole time. and then you sigh and force yourself to sit down and fucking journal about it so you can tell the nice middle-aged blonde woman yeah i had a hard day but i practiced grounding. you still sometimes want to burst out of your own skin, but you force yourself to eat kind-of healthy and to take your vitamins. you let yourself chop off all your hair in the sink in a dramatic poetry of control and relief - and you also have developed good hobbies that help you move your body more frequently. you feel helplessly behind, lost in the shuffle - but you also practice gratitude, taking stock of what you have garnered. because you're trying. even if you're never gonna be normal, you have something... close enough.
and the little kitten of your life, this mangy, starlit tigercub, this thing you expected to rot so young: in your arms, it turns itself over, belly-up. exposing this new soft part, all the organs and guts. like it's saying i trust you now. you won't give me up.
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faggy--butch · 5 months
is it just me or is the "trans guys are just some boring guys and they make lame music and trans women are cool and interesting and make loud music" jokes almost like. an excuse for why theres not that many trans guys who are popular content creators or musicians or actors or authors or what have you. like blaming the invisibility of trans men on being "boring" and therefore not doing anything rather than oppression.
not to mention the example of music being that people have heard of one singular trans guy who works in a genre they dont like [people really love to act like cavetown is like specifically bad or cringe but thats just what most indie pop/rock/folk sounds like] and theyve heard of a handful of trans women who make hyperpop that they already like [and laura jane grace of course] and its really telling on themselves. theres trans guys making hyperpop and trans women making ""lame ukulele music"" and both of them and nonbinary people making music of tons of other genres. like. cmon. it reminds me of xkcd 385.
also i dont think these jokes are intentionally malicious or anything [most of the time] but it also feels sort of weird to be joking about how boring a group of marginalized people are. im not going to act like its the biggest deal in the world but its sort of low level bullying, innit? and i imagine having this weird expectation to be "cool and interesting" isnt fun for trans women either. its nice to get to be lame sometimes.
Yeah it's super weird, especially because it's repeated over and over, that part is the suspicious part. I even saw it on reddit a few days ago in one of the ftm subs. I do think it's like blaming the lack of trans men artists on trans men being "boring" instead of, you know the bigotry, the erasure, the inequality I think it's also a weird expectation that we all HAVE to live up to what other people think of as "cool" like if we're all not making hardcore metal and being as "SICK" as humanly possible, we are failing at transgender music and therefore are the reason trans men aren't represented as artists enough, which is ummm. okay.
why can't we make soft love songs about being bugs, or whatever. What happens to trans women who don't live up to the metal hardcore aesthetic? Look at Dylan Mulvaney. She made a dumb cutsie girlypop song and everyone acted like she is the founder of misogyny herself. So not only are we ridiculed for the music we make, we're trapped in transphobic expectations of what music we can or should make.
If you expect all trans women to make metal, you'll only see trans women who make metal, if you expect all trans men to make soft music, that's all you'll find! because that's all you looked for! Another thing is like, Oh all trans women music is cool and hardcore rock and roll, but trans men music is dumb and cutsie ukulele music? I wonder what gender those genres are normally associate with? Uhoh we're doing a sexism maybe the person making the joke doesn't have malicious intent, but the joke itself sure does.
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lunaa007 · 7 months
Astrology observations #3
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These are my personal observations and should be taken in the context of the whole chart, never isolated 😊
Some of this is 18+, no minors allowed
♦️Mars-Uranus aspects can indicate a liking for risky activities and extreme sports, like motorcycling or base jumping. They can even like to put themselves in danger as they need the adrenaline. Routine is super boring for them, they need to try new things very often. They should be careful to release this nervous energy with sports, work they're passionate about or things like that or it can backfire. This aspect can be tempered down with Saturn aspects or a lot of earth energy in the chart.
♦️Venus square mars aspect: can often be mean to the person they like, classic "if he pulled your hair it's because he likes you" stuff. Can be very passionate, might have difficulty to separate feelings from lust. They might have talent for artistic sports like dancing or ice skating. For women, they might like a more sporty fashion style.
♦️Sun-saturn aspects: especially for harsh ones, this can really change the expression of the sun sign. I know someone with sun and several planets in Leo, but they are all square to Saturn and you could never tell she's a Leo; she is very reserved, shy and restrained in life. But as with all Saturn aspects this can change with age, the personality coming through more and more while keeping an amazing sense of discipline, wisdom and grounding.
♦️Moon-uranus aspects: with harsh aspects (conjunction, square, opposition), the mother might have been emotionally cold during the childhood, and she might have been a bit erratic and unpredictable. This could have showed up as frequently moving places, or having a mother considered weird or crazy by society. With soft aspects like trine or sextile this could show up as an untraditional family, maybe having two fathers or two mothers, or parents very into technology, but this was not hard on the person and it helped them develop their individuality and independence.
♦️Taurus mercury: these people can learn much slower than other people (this does not mean they are not as intelligent, their rhythm is just different). At school they might have felt behind their schoolmates or felt like they didn't have enough time to finish their exams/homework. It is important that they don't feel bad about this and take the time they need to do their work. This might be less strong with Uranus influence on mercury. ♦️ Aquarius moon natals and their need to always read and watch self-development content without ever actually feeling their feelings 🙃
♦️ Venus conjunct moon: these people are so kind, they have such a big heart and do not wish harm on anyone, please stay mindful of who has access to you as many people might want to be in contact with this energy but sometimes also energy vampires.
♦️ Mercury conjunct/square pluto and their dark humor! I have this in my chart and one of my colleagues actually said to me three days after she started: "your jokes can be really dark sometimes" 😂 it gets worse when I'm tired as I don't filter my jokes so much before saying them. These aspects might also think a lot about death and dark themes, they can be the type to think "what happens if I die tomorrow", or "I could die if I do this" but not in a worried way, just thinking rationally about what is possible.
♦️ Leo mars women and their secret backup plan of becoming a stripper or an exotic dancer 💃 these women often have a talent for dancing, and performing can make them feel desired and confident.
♦️ Aries moon/mars placements and their road rage! Both my parents have these placements and my god the number of stressful rides to school I had when I was a child 😂 this can also apply to the other fire mars.
♦️ Lilith conjunct ascendant: these people often provoke reactions everywhere they go, they rarely go unnoticed whether it is positive reactions or negative. The women with this aspect might get sexualised a lot, and the men with this aspect might attract animosity from other men. ♦️ Sun-jupiter and moon-jupiter aspects: they might always see the bright side of things, "it will get better", "this is temporary", seeing the glass half-full. A lot of optimism, faith in a higher meaning, maybe too optimistic sometimes and too trusting that things will unfold in the right way.
♦️Mars square pluto women often attract creepy men on the street, interactions with aggressive men might be unfortunately common. It is important to not repress their anger and channel their power in something like martial arts.
♦️Gemini moon/IC: they might love to talk with their loved ones at home, a lot of communication and learning in their private life. If they live alone they might be a lot on the phone or always have music or tv or radio on.
♦️Mercury square saturn: they might doubt their intellectual abilities when young, their learning style might not fit the classic school system. It is important that they are encouraged by their family, and with time they will gain confidence and master the learning techniques that fit them best.
♦️Mars in virgo might care too much about pleasing their partner in bed and have a hard time receiving pleasure without giving anything. They might also feel self-conscious if they do not feel "clean" like not fresh out of the shower. It is important for them to practice letting go of their thoughts and doubts and be present in their body. They deserve pleasure as much as everybody else!
♦️ Jupiter in the 2nd house might have a very good self-esteem, if the moon and venus are not too afflicted. And if it is the case it helps the native deal with the harder aspects.
♦️ That's why it is so dangerous to interpret an  aspect in isolation of the rest of the chart, a challenging aspect might be very beneficial in a chart and less in another one. For instance moon conjunct saturn might be more challenging for a Capricorn moon which is already quite controled and closed off, but in the sign of Aries it might help the native tame their impulsivity and control better their emotions. 
♦️ Or moon square Uranus might be beneficial for a Capricorn moon or a Taurus moon as it might help them break out of their routine and become more adaptable and flexible to change.
Thank you for reading!
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itaipava · 1 year
— lando norris falling in love with you
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he is actually timid about liking you and tries to treat you like just another friend because he doesn’t want to be too obvious; but the more he tries to hide that feeling, the more he feels.
he gazes at you a lot; he looks at you with his eyes shining because for him you are the most beautiful artwork ever. he never tires of admiring you. and he also likes to learn your little quirks and habits, and he finds them so, so cute and unique. but he quickly looks away when you look back at him.
he loves making you laugh; making silly faces from across the room, or making comments in your ear about something he noticed. he laughs along with you or stares at you with major heart-eyes while you laugh until your cheeks hurt. he also always laughs at your jokes — whether they’re good or bad.
he becomes more talkative and tends to ask a lot of questions about you. he tries not to overdo it but he’s just genuinely curious and interested about you; and he genuinely loves to hear you talk, it could be about anything, he puts his chin in his hand and looks at you fondly, encouraging you to say more and more.
he also hangs on your words. one day, you casually complimented him by telling him that he looks good in blue and you were pleasantly surprised to see he wore different shades of blue for the next whole week. even when you make a passing comment that you want to go to a certain artist’s concert, he goes online to check and secretly buys two tickets in advance so that he can surprise you.
he becomes more physically affectionate. there’s a sense of innocence in the way he touches you, whether it be something small like; touching your hand when you walk side by side, or knees touching under the table or a playful, casual pet on your head
he also tries to find excuses to hold your hand; subtly holding your hand a little longer after a high-five or asking for your hand so he can “read your palm” or compare the size of the hands for the hundredth time, or also to draw a small heart on the palm of your hand - letting you do the same to him later, so you guys have the same ‘tatoos’
he likes to look at what you’re listening to on spotify or what you’re saving on pinterest; because that way he learns a little more about your favorite things. and whenever he gets the opportunity, he starts talking to you about it, and he’s completely in love with the face you make when he asks you about your favorite band or something.
he also tries to like the same things as you, to understand you a little more and so that you have more to talk about; he always gives another chance for that movie or song he hated but you said you loved.
he constantly includes you in his future plans. he wants to hang out with you more and in hopes of you sticking around, he makes plans in advance, sometimes a few days in advance, sometimes a week, sometimes a month, sometimes even a whole year as he talks about about how he’ll help you decorate the christmas tree next december. and he’s always so conscious about whether you’re having fun to the point it seems he might be trying a little too hard and when you bring it up and reassures him, he sheepishly says, “i don’t want to bore you i guess, i want you to keep me around,“
he starts wanting you to stay the night. and he starts holding your hand more because although words may not leave his mouth, he really wishes for you to stay — to stay the night, to stay with him, beside him. and he holds your hand a little tighter each night and starts developing a habit of squeezing your hand before every goodbye.
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the--rebel--fae · 7 months
A/N: You my friend, caught my attention first because of such an adorable response. So ask and ye shall receive! Here's hoping I do Alastor justice.
(This is an adorable request btw)
Pairing: Alastor x Fem! Reader
Tw: None! Just pure fluff!
Word count: 745
The Hazbin Bunch
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Ever since you came to the Habin Hotel, it felt like everyone was a little family. You were an older demon, having died back in the forties. So you have been in hell for quite some time. 
When you first saw the TV commercial you wanted to see what it was all about. Especially since you heard that your old friend Alastor was involved. You haven’t seen him in years. Seven to be exact. And to know that he was back sent butterflies in your stomach. You never told him, but you always harbored feelings for the eccentric radio host. You never had the guts to tell him though since you feared messing up your friendship.
Little did you know, he had feelings for you as well. Alastor was already intrigued with you when you first met. Just the way you carried yourself and treated others. It was also a plus that you hated that infernal TV just as he did. Plus, you were a great conversationalist and probably the only one who could keep up with him when you had the time to dance.
Soon enough, Charlie, Vaggie, Husk, Angel Dust, Nifty, and even Sir Pentious became family to you. Almost as if they were your children. 
“Nifty my dear, if you truly want to kill those little bugs I suggest you swing your knife in a diagonal direction instead of a perpendicular. That way, they have less of a chance to escape.” You told the little red-headed cyclops girl as she chased around a few stray roaches.
Nifty paused briefly and looked up at you from your seat at the bar. “Ooh! That’s a great idea! Less chance for them to escape hehe.” She giggled creepily and then started back on her roach hunt. 
You shook your head and smiled fondly at the girl. Then turning back to Husk you regarded him with a warm smile. “Well, since I’m here I mine as well indulge in a small drink. What do you have in mind for me today Husk? I do so love the different drinks you concoct. If you worked at a bar back in my days on Earth, you’d be regarded as an artist.”
Husk chuckled as he started up your drink. “Weren’t you alive durin’ prohibition times though?”
You just waved your hand nonchalantly. “Ah, semantics. Besides, you know what they say. Nothing fun ever comes from following the rules.”
“How right you are Cher! Why if people followed the rules, things would be so terribly boring.” Alastor said as he popped out from seemingly nowhere.
Husk handed you your drink and you smiled as you took a sip. “Oh, hello Al. How was the radio show today?”
Alastor’s eyes lit up and his smile shone brightly. Most people would find it off-putting but you personally loved it. “It went splendidly, my dear! Thank you for asking.”
You were about to say something more, but then Charlie came down the main stairs drawing your attention. “Charlie, my dear! How are you, sweetie? Do you feel any better since the latest meeting with that infernal angel? Ad-what’s his name? The first man, I guess?”
Charlie met your gaze and smiled. “I’m doing a little bit better (y/n), thanks. But you don’t have to worry so much. That meeting was a month ago!’
You just chuckle. “That may be so, but I can tell how stressed you’ve been hun.”
Angel Dust clicks his tongue as he takes a seat beside you. “You know toots, sometimes it seems like you're the mom of this place with how ya act.” He then glanced at Alastor who unbeknownst to you was gazing fondly at you. “An if you're the mother of this joint, that’d make ol smiles here the dad.”
“Haha! You know, that doesn’t sound too bad Ma Cherie. I’d consider myself lucky to be assumed to be your husband.” Alastor said as he put a hand on your shoulder.
Instead of commenting, you could only blush furiously. Feeling the heat crawl all the way up to your ears, you tried your best to compose yourself and hide your growing smile behind your glass. Almost hoping that Alastor didn’t catch how much his comment made your long-dead heart soar. But he was no fool, he could see that beautiful smile of yours even as you tried to hide it behind the crystalline glass. 
Perhaps you truly were like a little family after all. 
Hope you enjoyed the story my friend! I gotta say, this was an adorable request. I had a lot of fun with it!
And if you guys want even more stories--like maybe your own personalized several page long one shots or even a multi-chap fic take a look at my Etsy Shop! I do commissions! I even have listings for Hazbin Hotel!
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cutiecutedoll · 1 year
my guide to wonyoungism, improve your life, glow up, be THAT girl:
🎀 have a routine: this is something I learned from being on therapy for so long. It is really important to have a routine because if not you can have bad sleeping, be tired all day, get bored easier, you won't be able to finish your responsabilities, it can bring you bad self esteem and in general is a complete mess.
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🎀 work out: always do what's best for you and do what you feel comfortable doing but please! work! out! I'm such a lazy person and at some point it was really hard for me to have motivation to do anything, but once I put my mind into it, and force myself a bit and started with 10 mins of pilates everyday (since it was something easy to start with) my life and my self esteem improved a lot. Working out is another way to have schedules and a routine, also improves your self esteem by making you feel capable of doing stuff, and ofc is good for your body.
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🎀 have a good skincare routine: first, do some research about your skin type and see what products can work better for you (you can also go to have a skincare treatment and ask the beautician or search on internet) but always do what's more comfortable and affordable for you, don't use stuff that influencers recommend bc you can alter you skin type based on the products you use too (as a beutician I know) Also don't DON'T do it everyday, some products can be used everyday like the cleanser but others not. As I said just do a good research. Besides skin stuff it's really interesting!!
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🎀 improve your diet: with diet I don't mean to specifically have a diet, actually I'm a bit against them, since being strict about what we eat can cause stress and guiltiness, it's really important to have a balance, eating healthy at the end of the day means nothing if you don't enjoy it. And you can enjoy it by having fun creating new healthy recipes, doing a journal about your fav healthy recipes, buying new cookware (pink plates, pots, pans, etc) or eating a hamburguer, a chocolate cookie sometime
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🎀 journal: this is something I do since 2014 lol it's without doubt one of the best things the human has created. It has helped me to improve my writing skills, to get to know me better, to vent about stuff idk how or whom to talk about, also make it fun! In my journal I vent and write about my feelings,fears, dreams, goals, etc but also write down my travels, concerts or fav kpop artists, decorate with stickers, a piece of confetti, even dried flowers!
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🎀 hobbies: this is something I also learned recently on therapy, I mean we all had hobbies from time to time but do we know about the importance of having them? I spent this whole year doing nothing since I can't work or study, and without hobbies I can tell you life is too boring, and it can lead you to bad self esteem too I mean, I kinda got crazier for spending so much time alone with literally nothing to do. So find new and fun stuff to do just for the pleasure of doing it, you don't have to be the best at it. I bet you can find hobbies ideas on YouTube as well.
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🎀 be more femenine: this is ofc an optional step but I think it can be important, since always either wonyoung or it girls usually look very femenine. Don't forget to make it a fun thing to do! Finding your aesthetic, maybe trying a new one, enjoy going shopping..you can be femenine with your clothing, with your skin care routine, with your jewlery...this is just about feeling beautiful and also powerful.
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🎀 improve your behaviour towards other people: with this I mean basically being more open. To meet new people, to make new plans...also fixing your body gesture (at least mine is shit and It always end up hurting my back and shoulders)
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🎀 affirmations: good affirmations are a thing, this I learned in therapy too. The way you talk to yourself is important and changing the mindset too. If you tell yourself "I won't be able" then for sure you won't. This is not an easy thing tho I know, but is a necessary thing. Forcing yourself to change your mind every time a negative thought pass by is a hardwork but is well payd, cause the price is your happiness. For this is VERY important to have some help and work things up in therapy. But to give you a little tip, surround yourself with good energy, put some pictures of good affirmations in your room, as background of your phone, even on a shirt!
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🎀 enjoy and trust the process: as I kept saying in each step, making it something fun to do it would help you to don't feel it like an obligation cause it's not. It's ofc a responsability to improve your life so you don't fall in depressed behaviours for example, but by making it something fun, then you won't feel guilty if someday you don't feel like functioning and need a lazy day in bed. And by trusting the process, we keep motivated to keep going.
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🌼hope this works for you, please let me know if so, have a great day and a great life! 🌼
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mcflymemes · 5 months
CHALLENGERS (2024) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary.
who says i want somebody to be in love with me?
i don't want to fuck you to prove a point.
fuck me because you want to.
are you gonna do it or not?
tastes even better than it looks.
i just told you i missed you.
i really want to kiss you right now, but i'm worried that if i try, you'll think i'm the worst friend in the world.
you know, it hurts me sometimes how little you believe in yourself.
decimate that little bitch.
let's be honest, you gotta feel bad for the kid.
you're not a spring chicken anymore.
dude. he's a pancake. you're gonna flatten him.
how's this feeling?
we're ready for you.
so obviously this isn't the result you wanted today.
you choked.
i don't want you to embarrass yourself.
i'm just a little rusty. it's a confidence thing.
get your fucking confidence back. i can't do it for you.
i'm so sick of you using this as an excuse to have a fucking meltdown.
you said we could watch a movie.
you're evil.
i'm gonna quiz you on it tomorrow.
sir, i don't know who you are.
i don't think we have much more to talk about.
i haven't spoken to you in five years.
i was just taking a little nap.
move, or i'm calling the cops.
you were really something back then, huh?
we always talked about how amazing it would be to win this together.
i'm a crazy person.
any predictions about how that's going to go?
can you do me a favor? can you not, like... demolish me tomorrow?
shut the fuck up.
if it matters to you so much, i can just give it to you.
i need it to look like i really beat you.
don't guilt me with your dying grandmother.
she's the hottest woman i've ever seen.
you were... fucking incredible.
baby, we've got to get going.
i'm not going to that party.
are you that threatened by me?
we can't both just go in there, dicks swinging.
i'd let her fuck me with a racket.
hey, do you smoke?
of course they will remember you.
see, that's your problem. you think you're like an artist or something.
you just want to win because you love it when people tell you how talented you are.
are you on facebook?
i told you tennis was boring.
you just got this crazy look on your face.
are you on a date?
i don't kiss and tell.
why did you want to have dinner with me?
i think you might be the worst friend in the world.
i didn't know you were so concerned about my feelings.
of course you still have a thing for her.
we just had what i'm assuming is the best sex of our lives.
i fucked your brains out?
what do you think you need? a cheerleader? a fuck buddy? a girlfriend?
you're talented, you're charming, and you've got a big dick.
excuse me for inconveniencing you.
don't expect to sleep here tonight.
stop going easy on me.
i'll be whatever you need me to be. i'll fuck off if you want me to.
i need you here, actually.
you're referring to when i declared my love for you.
you're not in love with me anymore?
i've been dreaming about this for five years.
i'm gonna propose something to you, and it's gonna make you angry. it's gonna make you very angry. but you have to hear me out, okay?
i'm finally ready to listen to you.
how dare you fucking ask me that.
do you think it's cute what you're doing? do you think it's funny?
that's the stupidest fucking thing i've ever heard.
i've always wanted you.
you didn't do anything to me. i did it all to myself.
i think i've reached the limit of my willingness to have this conversation with you.
do you understand how embarrassing it is that you're here?
you've never beaten me.
tell me it doesn't matter.
will you just hold me?
i'm not here to fuck you.
i miss watching you play. you were so beautiful.
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charliedawn · 7 months
Hey this is some stupid fear I have but how would some slasher ( whoever you want. ) React to a nurse who is young like in 20s and isn't scared at dying at a young age or isn't scared of dying like any time, but it's scared to grow up? It's really a stupid fear I have personal.
P.S you don't need to do it tho.
( sorry for the bad Grammer, English is my second language. )
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"Yeah. Growing up is scary, kid. I won’t lie to you. But, guess what ? It is part of the process." Pennywise hesitated before patting your head. "Cheer up. Being mortal isn’t all that bad. Living forever is a bore honestly."
Pennywise’s throat tightened as he realised that you would grow up. He knew it was a process and that in the blink of an eye…You would be gone. He waited a few seconds before surprising you by pulling you into a hug. Your eyes widened as you realised that he was shaking.
"Pennywise…" You uttered in a whisper before sighing and hugging him back.
He didn’t say anything. Truth was ? He was scared too. But, he didn’t want to tell you with words. So, he hugged you and hoped you’d understand that he was scared too…but that he was happy that whatever little life you had left, he’d be right next to you until the end.
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Penny lost so many people in his life that he asked Pennywise to erase his memories of the people he used to love. When you shared your fears with him however, he tilted his head and seemed to ponder on it for a moment before shrugging.
"I could make you live forever. Would you be happier if I did ? Make you immortal ?"
You started thinking about it.
Living forever ? You smiled sadly and shook your head negatively.
"Thank you, Penny. But…I don’t think I would like to live forever. Life is meant to be precious…It is not meant to go on forever."
Penny tilted his head and looked puzzled, but he didn’t say anything. It was odd. He had never seen his life as precious when he was alive. But yours ? His jaw twitched slightly. Yours. He valued.
Vincent Sinclair:
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Vincent is an artist. He sees beauty in everything.
When he heard that you were scared of growing up, he just started taking as many pictures as he could of you and showed them to you. He then told you in sign language that you’d live forever—in his camera.
And that if you were scared ? Well, you just had to look at the photos and remember that that was how he would remember you forever. He then started stroking your hair and pressed his forehead against yours to calm you down.
Vincent knew he would eventually have to say goodbye.
But, to him ?
You would always remain a masterpiece.
Five Hargreeves:
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"Growing up is scary. But, being stuck as a child is even worse. Children never get heard. I would know. I was a child. Twice."
He said and looked down. So many years spent in solitude. So many years wasted. He lived for decades and yet, Five never thought that he was truly alive. He was feeling better with his siblings, but he never actually had any moment in his life that he could say that he felt like he was enough or enough. Sometimes, he even wondered if the world would have been better without him.
It was only when he was admitted in St Louis that he realised he wanted to be something more and make his life a good one. It wasn’t until he met…you.
He looked at you and smiled.
"You gave me a life. And even when you get older and start forgetting about how you changed everything for me, I’ll be there to remind you. Every single day."
Jason Voorhees:
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Jason never had a real childhood. He was bullied as a kid and his overprotective mother never allowed him to get out of her sight. When she died, he had no one to look after him and felt lost and lonely. He tried to reach out to people, but he could never create attachment with anyone.
So, he just kept killing and making sure people stayed away, because it was better than to get hurt.
And then, he met you.
He started caring for you more than he’d care to admit and soon enough, he wasn’t feeling as lonely anymore.
Jason *hugs you tightly*
Jason started looking up to you and even though he was also afraid of what will happen when you get too old to keep him company, he still wanted to keep you close to him—no matter how sad he would be once he would have to say goodbye.
Brahms Heelshire:
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Brahms looked at you and shook his head—as if he didn’t believe you.
"Y/N…Never going to grow old. Will stay young forever. Young forever with Brahms."
He hugged you and closed his eyes.
Deep down, he knew that you’d eventually grow old and disappear. But, in his mind ? You’d always be perfect. No matter how old you get or how afraid you get.
Brahms : "Don’t worry, Y/N. Brahms is here. Brahms will stay with you…"
He held back tears and just hugged you tighter.
Norman Bates:
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Norman: "…Darling. Listen to me. I am the oldest slasher to have ever existed. I was born in 1932. I am old. Very old. But…I would give up a whole eternity just to be with you. So, it is not about having a long life, but a good one. A worthy life. And just meeting you made mine worth it. And if I was to die tomorrow ? I can say…I lived a good life." He smiled and stroked your cheek affectionately with his forefinger. "You should do the same. Stop worrying about when your time is gonna run out or because of the few wrinkles on your face. Just remember to have fun and enjoy your life. Take the advice of a man who’s seen it all."
He then put down a tray on the table.
"Now, tea ?"
Jack Torrance:
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"Old ? Ah. Don’t you worry, sweetheart. You’ll be one hell of a cute old lady, if you get there." Jack never got the chance to grow old. He secretly misses being alive. He would have loved to grow old with his family and be a father to Danny. But, he never got there. He died—frozen and alone. He then came back as some sort of ghost who feeds on fear. So, no. Growing old isn’t something he would find scary, or losing you. Because he knows that when you do grow old and eventually leave this world, you will go to a nice place—unlike him. And if you don’t ? Well, you’d be trapped with him. Either way, he knows you’ll be alright. So, he isn’t worried.
"You’ll be fine. I know it. Now, stop worrying and come have a drink with me."
Hannibal Jr.:
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"You will always be a Hannibal in my eyes. No matter how old or wrinkled you get…You will always be my beloved daughter." Hannibal Jr. told you when you shared your fears with him. He stroked your cheeks and smiled. "Always."
You smiled at him and hugged him tightly. He returned your hug and whispered in your ear.
"You will always be part of this family." He then kissed your forehead. "No matter what."
Ghostface (Eddie Munson):
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"…Don’t worry. We will grow old together. It will be less lonely." Ghostface told you and smiled at you. Unlike the other slashers, Ghostface can grow old. He is not exactly a slasher. It is more of a multitude of people taking the role with time. Eddie won’t be Ghostface forever. Once his mission over, he will start growing old as well until he just gives his mask to someone new.
Ghostface *scoots closer to you and wraps an arm around your shoulders* : "I bet we will be the coolest old people ever…" *smiles*
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les4elliewilliams · 7 months
Ellie is away... // e.w
Chapter 2 - 2003, Freshman year college
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a/n: part 2 wooohooo. anywho tysm for the reblogs and likes on part 1, ilysm (reblogs and comments highly appreciated thank you:')) wc/cw: 900+ (ik its short as hell, next one is gonna be longer). swearing, mention of jesse hitting his head as baby (dina's a bully), ellie being a meanie. no smut but still MDNI. summary: time flew by and you had to leave your hometown and everything you knew for college, including your friends. they promised you nothing would changed once you moved away and that they would still annoy the shit out of you in a way (that way being either phone calls or messenger).
➥ part one, three
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brickmaster has signed in. brickmaster: yn hey :)
ynshere: Elsss hiii :)) ynshere: watcha doinnnn??
brickmaster: oh nothing really just playing this new videogame i got brickmaster: what about you?
ynshere: nothing just homework and talking to you ynshere: what’re you playing?
brickmaster: it's called gta vice city brickmaster: you would love it
ynshere: mannn i wish i was there ynshere: so how are you liking art school?
brickmaster: it's soo boring brickmaster: i don't know what i expected when i came here brickmaster: it's not bad but it's not as fun as i expected it’d be, you know?
ynshere: yeah i get it ynshere: i'm struggling with some classes right now ynshere: it feels like i haven't learned anything so far
brickmaster: yeah exactly brickmaster: that's how i feel brickmaster: sooo got any plans tonight?
ynshere: gonna hang out with a few friends tonight
brickmaster: damn replacing me already? brickmaster: and here i thought i was your one and only
ynshere: never. ynshere: you are my one and only.
brickmaster: lol good. I better be brickmaster: so what are y'all gonna do?
ynshere: just a movie night or something like that ynshere: what are you doing tonight?
brickmaster: Cat’s gonna be out with her friends so nothing brickmaster: i'll just hang out in my dorm i guess
ynshere: Cat who?
brickmaster: Cat from high school, remember her? brickmaster: we’ve been dating for a few months now
ynshere: oh ynshere: so she's your girlfriend now?
brickmaster: that's generally what dating means, yes
ynshere: no i meant like ynshere: i thought you said you didn't like her?
brickmaster: that was before i got to know her
ynshere: whatever. how did you even get together?
brickmaster: remember the party Jesse threw last year? brickmaster: Dina ended up hooking up with Jesse, you left early so i was all alone brickmaster: Cat was there and i don't know...we just hung out, smoked together brickmaster: After that party we kept talking and we realized we were going to the same school
ynshere: oh yeah right, she was also into art
brickmaster: yeah brickmaster: she's pretty cool, she's soo talented brickmaster: she wants to be a tattoo artist, so cool
ynshere: so are you ynshere: how comes you never told me about her? ynshere: like you didn't tell me you two were talking
brickmaster: i don't know i guess i didn't think you’d care brickmaster: or that it was worth mentioning
ynshere: yeah my bestfriend getting into a relationship isn't a big deal after all ynshere: well, what is she like? brickmaster: sorry sorry you're right brickmaster: she's funny, smart and she really understands me brickmaster: sometimes she gets a little too jealous and possessive but other than that she's good
ynshere: you guys argue a lot because of her jealousy?
brickmaster: yeah we do but we always make up so it's fine
ynshere: Ellie you know that's not exactly healthy right?
brickmaster: what do you mean brickmaster: is it because you don't like her or
ynshere: it's not that. all i'm saying is that it's not healthy to argue a lot ynshere: i don't know, sounds like a toxic relationship to me ynshere: you deserve better than that
brickmaster: don't be a drama queen brickmaster: arguing is normal and you’d know that if you were into a relationship
ynshere: i know i'm not exactly like a relationship master but i can recognize a toxic relationship when i see one
brickmaster: just forget it brickmaster: she makes me happy
ynshere: i just think that you should break up with her
brickmaster: dude brickmaster: who are you to tell me what to do brickmaster: it's not like you know anything about relationships anyway
ynshere: jeez i'm sorry ynshere: i just care about you
brickmaster: i can take care of myself brickmaster: weren't you gonna hang out with your friends?
ynshere: yeah. I should go
brickmaster: talk to you later then
ynshere: k bye
brickmaster is away.
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dinathedrummer has signed in
ynshere: dude did you know Ellie's dating Cat?
dinathedrummer: oh i'm fine yn, missed you too. school's going just fine, i love it thanks for asking
ynshere: lol sorry ynshere: hi Deedee ynshere: how you doin gorgeous?? ynshere: how's school going?
dinathedrummer: better. dinathedrummer: i'm doing alright. hate school though
ynshere: yeah i feel you ynshere: so back to what i was saying ynshere: fucking Ellie is dating Cat
dinathedrummer: absolutely fucking not dinathedrummer: why Cat out of all people
ynshere: right? and she treats her like shit ynshere: she can't even see it ynshere: i tried telling her but she won't fucking listen she even got mad at me
dinathedrummer: just Ellie being Ellie dinathedrummer: would've been weird if she actually listened to you
ynshere: true but still ynshere: why her
dinathedrummer: you sound jealous
ynshere: excuse you ynshere: didn't you like hate her guts? ynshere: how am i being jealous
dinathedrummer: come on yn. dinathedrummer: you think i'm stupid? dinathedrummer: even Jesse could see how you would look at her back in high school dinathedrummer: and we're talking about freaking Jesse, the same Jesse that hit his head when he was just an infant ynshere: stop bullying my man Jesse ynshere: and no, it's not like that ynshere: i just care about her ynshere: she's my best friend
dinathedrummer: and i'm not? dinathedrummer: why don't you just admit it to yourself dinathedrummer: i'm telling you, she feels the same
ynshere: how do you know that ynshere: she's dating Cat anyways
dinathedrummer: won't last long
ynshere: if you say so ynshere: anyways i gotta go, talk to you later?
dinathedrummer: talk to you later baby girl ;)
ynshere: ew.
dinathedrummer: that's just me being affectionate and supporting my bestest friend
ynshere is away.
dinathedrummer: forget i said that.
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¡! daily click・palestine masterpost・do not buy any game from naughty dog, neil druckmann is a zionist・more daily clicks. ¡!
taglist: @readbydayana @onlinelesbo
263 notes · View notes
misseviehyde · 10 months
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Melissa had never thought she would meet the love of her life, fall instantly in love and get married so quickly, (especially after being single for so long) - but all her dreams had finally come true.  Dan was gorgeous - a well-read and well-spoken gentleman who had an impeccable taste in fashion and interior decoration and was the CEO of a small, but successful limited company.  
Melissa was a piano teacher, and she'd met Dan when he came for lessons.  As he brushed back his sexy hair and grinned at her with his confident smile, she'd felt her stomach flutter and known she had finally met the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Her heart had sank when she'd seen the wedding ring on his finger, but he'd blushed at her gaze - almost reading her mind.
"I... was... married.  She died in an accident.  I still wear the ring, though I don't know why.  My former wife... well she wasn't a very nice person.  It wasn't until she died that I realised she'd been dominating my life, gas-lighting me into thinking everything was my fault.  She had me totally under her heel and treated me very poorly.  Sorry, I shouldn't speak so ill of the dead, but I'm glad she died, I finally feel free.  That's why I'm having these lessons, I want to live - I want to finally do all the things I should have done when I was married to Cassandra."
They'd hit it off immediately and begun dating a week later.  A year later and they were married - and Melissa was finally moving into Dan's amazing mansion home.  She didn't care that he was rich, or that he'd lived here with his evil ex-wife... all that mattered was that she was finally with the man of her dreams.
Still - as they passed into the house, Melissa couldn't help but shiver.  The house still bore the marks of Cassandra's spoiled influence.  The more Melissa had learned of the evil, manipulative, vain and cruel Cassandra - the more she was glad she had never met the bitch.  She wondered how Dan had ended up with such a bad girl - or why he had allowed her to gaslight him for so long.  Dan had told him that Cassandra had even fucked other guys, but somehow made him feel it was his fault for being an inadequate lover. 
"She gets into your head and makes you her puppet," he had sighed sadly.  "Sorry - I mean, got into your head.  You know... it's funny, but sometimes I almost feel like she is still here. Crazy I know! Just ignore me, I'm being a fool of course."
That had really made Melissa shiver.  The thought that Dan's ex-wife might be haunting the house - watching them like some malicious purveyor really made her feel uncomfortable.  Good job she didn't believe in ghosts. 
"This is our home now baby," she had smiled. "We're going to be happy here.  Now forget all about your ex-wife and lets start our new life together."
In the dark corners of the bedroom an evil spirit gloated as it watched Melissa innocently unpack her things. At last - a woman was here.  A weak, willed, goody-two-shoes of a woman.  A foolish little slut with no idea of the transformation she was going to undergo. Cassandara smiled as she drifted close to her victim and tasted her innocent spirit.  Sustained by spite and bitterness, the spirit of Dan's former wife looked appraisingly at Melissa as an artist might look at a piece of clay.  So much potential... so much fun to be had.
Melissa shivered and she turned her head, almost as if she sensed something.  Weird, it felt like she was being watched.  For a moment the tension seemed to stretch out and then Melissa shrieked and nearly jumped out of her skin, as with a clatter, something fell from the top of the wardrobe... almost as if it had been pushed off.  Regaining her composure, Melissa convinced herself the object had fallen naturally and walked over to pick it up.  It was a jewel case containing a DVD.  Why it had been hidden on top of the wardrobe, she wasn't sure.  
"What the hell is this?" she mused, walking over to the bedroom TV and sliding the DVD into the player beneath. It whirred up and Melissa sat on the bed to watch.  To her surprise when the screen came on, it showed a video of the very bedroom she was now sitting it, only it was at night.  Red candles and soft lighting lit the room, and the sheets were white satin.
Melissa gasped and her hand went to her mouth as she saw two figures on the bed.  One was Dan, only slightly younger looking - the other was an amazing looking woman with a perfect, toned, body and firm full breasts.  Her body oozed sensuality as with a moan of pleasure she lowered herself onto Dan's cock and began to ride him.
Melissa watched in horror as the woman in the video fucked her husband.  Fucked.  That was the only way to describe it. When she and Dan had sex it was gentle love-making, this was like watching a porn video.  Dan's face was a mask of ecstasy, the woman on top of him moaning as she thrust her hips obscenely like she wanted to suck his dick up into herself and she took his straining cock deeper and deeper inside her.
"Oh Cassie, fuck me," he moaned... "I need you so badly."
"That's right Dan," she hissed, "my pussy controls you - only I can make you feel this way.  Say it."
"YES! OH YES, CASSIE, your pussy owns me - you're better than every other woman.  Only you can make me feel this way."
"Mmmmmh, good boy - I will ALWAYS be in control of your life."
Melissa felt sick to her stomach, yet she couldn't stop watching.  Cassie bounced on top of Dan with hot wet slaps, moaning and laughing as she squeezed her tight pussy around his dick and made him hers.  Dan was shaking, his uncontrollable lust for his bitch wife clear to see.  His eyes shone with devotion and with a wracking sob, Melissa realised he had never looked at her like that.  
"Oh my God Dan, why did I have to see this?" she sobbed.  "I thought we had a special connection, but now I see what you were like with her... you'll never need me like you needed her.  I can't believe this, I can't compete with that bitch!"
Hearing movement downstairs, Melissa quickly turned off the DVD, ejected and hid it under the bed.  She used some tissues to quickly blot her tears and put on a fake smile as Dan entered the room.  He walked over and put his arm around her lovingly.  "Everything okay baby?"
"Of course," she lied, "everything is fine."
It was hours later and Melissa couldn't sleep.  She couldn't stop thinking about the DVD and what she had seen.  The scene seemed to replay in her mind again and again and again.  As she lay in the bed, tossing and turning, with Dan snoring next to her, she wanted to scream but she couldn't.
Grinning maliciously, Cassandra floated over to Melissa and took a position up behind the bed-head. Reaching down she slid her spectral fingers towards Melissa's brow and sighed pleasurably as her phantasmal digits slid into the other woman's head.  She'd tried this before, but Melissa's unconscious mental defences had been too strong.  Now her mind was wide open.
Melissa groaned in relief as a sudden cool sensation seemed to slide into her head.  After hours of restlessness, she suddenly felt drowsy, and though the sex scene in her head continued to play - it no longer made her feel sad.  Instead she began to feel horny as she watched the lovers fuck.
The memory became a dream, and as she watched the lovers rutting - Cassie's face seemed to melt like wax and then reform.  With a gasp of astonishment Melissa realised she was now watching herself riding Dan - only, with a body like Cassie's.  Melissa couldn't believe how good her face looked on that bitchy body, all tanned and perfect.  She felt her heart beat faster and a sudden yearning to be like the woman in her dream and make this fantasy come true began to fill her mind.
Why not become more like Cassie?  Why not see if you can make Dan lust for you like he used to lust for her?
Melissa sighed happily in her dreams as strange thoughts and whispers filled her mind and her lips twisted into a unfamiliar smile.  Finally she slept, and her dreams were sooooo naughty that night...
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Dan blinked in surprise as he walked into the kitchen to find Melissa on a stool whistling and doing her makeup.  For a second he was struck by deja-vu then he realised why.  
"Melissa, are you wearing my ex-wife's clothes?  What the hell? I packed all that stuff away in the garage months ago!  Did you go unbox it?"
Melissa looked at him in confusion.  "Baby, I found this stuff in my wardrobe, I thought since you'd left it out, you wouldn't mind me wearing it.  I never thought of wearing clothes like this before, these leather pants feel really nice. Don't you like how they look?"
Dan had to admit that Melissa did look good in Cassie's bitchy clothes... he felt his cock twitch. There was something kind of hot about nice girl Melissa being a bit more like his nympho-ex, but why was she lying to him?  
"Melissa, tell the truth - I never left those clothes out - you must have got them from the garage."
Melissa frowned, "Dan - I promise you, they were in my wardrobe when I woke up this morning.  Are you accusing me of being a liar?"
"Of course not," he said reluctantly - but full now of spite, he snapped - "They don't fit you anyway, you'd need to lose weight and tone up to pull those off."
Melissa scowled. "Maybe I will then!" she snarled, stomping off back up to the bedroom.
Dan immediately regretted being mean to Melissa, but he was too proud to go apologise, so he left her to fester.
Cassie smiled as she invisibly watched - it had all played out exactly as she had known it would.  Floating through the wall into the bedroom she smirked as she floated behind Melissa and slid her fingers into the other woman's head.  They slid in easier now, like Melissa's mind was embracing their touch - almost pulling them in.
Melissa's eyes widened slightly and a lovely relaxed feeling throbbed through her body as Cassie's evil influence pulsed into her body.  The clothes seemed to pulse with the same corruption, Melissa was now encased in Cassie's bitchiness and it was starting to transfer into her body.
He's right - you do need to tone up and shape up - and you will.  You know you deserve to wear these clothes and you only want to dress like this.  Throw away all your old clothes, go to the garage and take all of Cassie's things - replace your entire wardrobe with hers.  Dan will only lust for you if you become more like Cassie.  Do it...
Melissa moaned as her brain pulsed with pleasure.  Standing up she walked to her wardrobe and with a sneer, began to rip her old clothes out.  It was time to upgrade... and join a gym.
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"Yes, this is more like it," smiled Melissa as she admired herself in the mirror a few weeks later.  The amount of weight and toning up that she had achieved in such a small amount of time was incredible. In fact, it was almost supernatural.  If she didn't know better she'd say that some outside force had been assisting her - speeding up her physical transformation from a slightly frumpy housewife into a toned and athletic looking hottie.
Dan had certainly noticed, but not complained - their sex becoming more ambitious and his pleasure in her superior body noticeable.  Melissa had almost completely stopped playing the piano or taking lessons in order to shape up and Dan hadn't objected when she had told him she wouldn't be contributing to the finances this month. 
In truth, he felt guilty that he had told Melissa she needed to shape up, and his guilt gave her power over him. Power Melissa was starting to enjoy.
She walked into her bedroom and sat on the bed.  All at once the delicious tingling throbbing feeling she got in her head whenever she was in this room came back and she smiled happily.  She always had her best ideas in the bedroom - it was almost like someone was projecting ideas into her head and the more she relaxed and welcomed it, the faster the ideas seemed to come. 
"Yes, I should try on some of the tighter, bitchier, clothes that Cassie used to own. I can probably fit into them now," grinned Melissa as she opened the wardrobe where she had put all the naughtiest clothes she had found - but had not quite been able to fit into - in.  Now she was about the same body build as Cassie though, it should be easy.
Melissa shivered as she stroked the latex clothing, faux-fur, leather boots and bougie jewellery on display.  Could she really wear this stuff?  It seemed like something some sort of slutty bad bitch might wear.
"Hurry up and try them on... you're going to feel sooooo fucking hot and horny in those clothes.  Haven't you seen how Dan has been responding to your physical improvements, next you need to start acting like a bad-bitch.  He enjoys being bullied and pushed around, it actually turns him on.  Try it. Put on an outfit and go tease him."
Melissa shivered and nodded.  Sometimes it felt like there was a voice in her mind whispering such deliciously evil things to her, but she had to admit - everything the voice told her to do worked.  With shaking hands she reached out and chose a bitchy outfit.
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It was tight - far tighter than anything she had ever worn.  A tight black one-piece black and white bodysuit.  It was funny how the suit seemed to squeeze her tits up and out - she was sure they seemed bigger these days.  High heels shoes also pushed her up - her feet felt smaller and more arched since she moved in with Dan and a generous application of expensive makeup made her look like a total bitch.
She was immediately aroused and she felt hotter and more powerful than ever before.  With a confident stride, she clip clopped around the room, smirking at the feeling of power Cassie's clothes gave her.  It felt like the old her was being smothered and something cruel and bitchy was taking over.  She loved the feeling and wanted more.
Striding next door, Melissa felt arousal as Dan gasped at her outfit.  His eyes lustfully drank in her body and she smirked to see the effect she was having on him.  He came towards her, but she disdainfully pushed him away.  "You'll spoil my makeup, keep back.  You've been pissing me off lately, so if you want a piece of my ass, you're going to have to start treating me better."
For a moment Dan looked like he might object... then he licked his lips nervously.  "Yes... dear, whatever you say. I'm sorry."
Melissa felt her pussy tingle and her nipples get hard.  Wow - making your man do what you wanted, felt really good.  "Good boy, perhaps later, if you're good I'll reward you - but for now I'm going shopping and I want to spend some big money.  You don't mind do you dear?"
"Of course not baby," muttered Dan.  
Melissa was acting more and more like his old wife every day - yet somehow, that was really turning him on.
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Cassie looked around the shop in delight - her hold over Melissa had grown strong enough that she was now finally able to leave the house.  A thin cord of energy, steadily growing thicker and heavier was growing between them and Cassie could feel her influence pulsing into the other woman, feeding Melissa's lust, ambition and cruelty. 
Melissa's body had changed so much in the last few weeks and the stupid bitch hadn't even questioned how her tits had got three sizes bigger.  Instead, she was proud of her sluttier body and thanks to the constant corruptive thoughts Cassie was sending into her protegee's head - she was getting worse by the minute.
"Yes, I deserve nice things and for Dan to pay for it all," hissed Melissa in glee as she tried on a pair of $500 boots that felt so nice over her latex bodysuit. She knew she didn't need the boots but she wanted them, so she took them.  It felt great to get what she wanted and be a spoiled bitch.
Melissa admired herself as she passed a mirror.  She'd been for a full body-wax this morning and her perfect abs, big-booty and huge tits were straining to break free of her super tight bodysuit.  She looked amazing and she revelled in feeling the hungry stares of men and women alike as they passed her.  "I'm a fucking Goddess," she laughed as she strutted down the street in her new boots, heading for home.
Entering the house, Melissa found Dan in the living room and beckoned him with a finger.  "Come with me. I'm horny and I want you to fuck me."
They entered the bedroom and Dan excitedly unzipped Melissa out of her latex suit - her smooth, naked body ready to be ravished.  She smiled excitedly as she pushed him onto the bed and drawing the curtains lit a number of candles.  There - now things looked exactly as they had on the DVD.  Dan seemed confused, but also turned on as Melissa straddled him and with an excited gasp lowered herself onto his cock.
"Oooooh, yes," she groaned loving how good it felt to finally be the bitch of her dreams as she began to gyrate her hips and ride her husband, just as she'd seen on the video. 
"Oh my God Melissa, your pussy feels so tight... it's amazing," groaned Dan.  
"I've been working out," purred Melissa as she fucked her man.  "Tell me that you like the bitchy new me, tell me how much you love that I've become more like your ex-wife."
"Ohhhh yes, I love what you've become, I don't know why or how, but it turns me on so much."
"Good boy," purred Melissa as she increased her bounces.  "I love what a bad girl I'm turning into and it feels like there is still so much more for more to do."
Cassie watched proudly as Melissa took control of Dan and made him her pussy slave.  Corrupting the other woman had been so much fun and there was still so much more to do.  A bit more gas-lighting and Melissa would be even bitchier.  Cassie was wondering if eventually she could even make the other woman worse than she had ever been.
It was definitely going to be fun to try...
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EPILOGUE (Weeks later)
Ghosts don't sleep - but they do fade in and out from time to time. Cassie had been somewhere else when she was suddenly rudely pulled into reality.
She was in a room - her living room - only there were candles lit everywhere. This wasn't something she had planned... what was happening?
In the middle of the room around the table sat Melissa and Dan. They were holding hands and Melissa had her head thrown back as in rapture.
"Hear me... spirit of this place. I summon thee and bind thee. Thou shalt obey me."
"Honey are you sure this is a good idea? You don't really believe there is a ghost do you?"
Melissa's lips twitched into an evil smile. "Oh yes honey. There is a ghost and I know who she is. But don't worry - I know how to deal with her."
Cassie felt a flash of panic and admiration. How had Melissa learnt of her existence - she thought she had been careful.
"Oh spirit of Cassie. I bind thee and summon thee into my body. All your bitchiness, all your knowledge shall be mine. I absorb thee and consume thee. Make me even more powerful!"
Cassie tried to fight, but her spirit was being pulled towards Melissa. She screamed as she was sucked into the other woman, her personality and consciousness unravelling as Melissa greedily sucked her up and consumed the concentrated evil.
Melissa screamed in pleasure, her tits swelling up even bigger and her body becoming hotter and stronger as she absorbed all of Cassies power, knowledge and memories.
In moments it was done. The ghost was no more and now only the fully evolved bitch Melissa remained.
"Mmmmh," she giggled stretching her slutty body with pride. "I love how it feels to be such a fucking bitch. Now I have ALL the power."
"Did you banish the ghost my love?" stuttered Dan.
"What ghost?" smirked Melissa fake innocently. "You must be imagining things. There was never any ghost and if there was - well she isn't a problem anymore."
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Laughing cruelly Melissa strode off leaving her pussy whipped gas lit husband to tidy up the room.
She was the only bitch around here now and she wouldn't be manipulated by a ghost.
She was the gas-lighter now... and she loved it.
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godessanonymous · 9 months
DR3 - Reminder
Request: No. Pairing: dom!daniel x bratty!reader Genre: just filthy ass smut thats all Summary: You and Daniel have been in a relationship for a while now, at a gala you decide to tease him a little, so he reminds you who you belong to ;) Warnings: use of bad language, toys, bondage, overstim, semi public sex.
Not proofread - 4.3k Words I have nothing to say for myself. This is filthy, like baaaddd but oh well hope yall enjoy.
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You had started to work for Alpha Tauri about a year ago, that’s when you met Daniel Riccardo for the first time. A tall dark haired mystery of a man. You could never tell what his intentions were, mixed Signals all around. It started out with some harmless comments mostly complimenting you, then it turned into caring gestures like bringing you water after long Work hours in the paddock, getting you food when you didn’t have the time to do it yourself and at some point even driving you home. While you said you were friends neither of you could deny the tension that never actually left when you were around each other.
You had gone out to dinner a couple of times before but that was mostly with the team or just as friends. But this time it was different, Daniel had approached you after the race, he looked a lot more shy than his usual bubbly self made him seem. He politely asked whether you would like to go out with him that evening, you just looked at him confused before answering yes. His face lit up just enough for you to notice it, he said to pick you up at around 7.30 that evening and just sprinted off.
You were in your room at the hotel now, a pile of clothes stacked up on the bed from you deciding what to wear to tonight, you were still not sure, was this a date? How pretty did you have to look? After staring at yourself in the mirror for a bit you decided to go with something classic but not too over the top. You quickly did your makeup, since your outfit was simple you made your makeup look extra pretty.
Not too long after that he picked you up and took you to a cute restaurant not too far away. It was beautiful and that’s when he finally worked up the courage to talk to you about hist feelings toward you. You had to say you agreed, the way he looked at you, the way he was always so caring towards you made you slowly but surely fall for him. The night ended with a faint goodbye kiss and plans made for the next date.
All that happened around 6 months ago and Daniel had surprised you with a lot of things, but the most interesting thing was probably his preference when it came to sex. He was kinky, always down to try new things. He loved being in control. You had never done anything like that so a little hesitation came up in you when he proposed the idea of trying something new in bed. Despite feeling hesitant at first you quickly discovered how much you enjoyed his kinky fantasies, the more you tried the more things you found out turned you on extremely. Falling into submission gave you a form of freedom and forgetting about other struggles, even though you would eventually you also liked to be bratty, make him work for it. Sometimes even doing it in public just to get him worked up a little. He was insanely good at communicating what he wanted and what you were okay with, big on consent which is insanely important in these kinds of dynamics.
There came a day where you and him had attended a gala evening. A lot of influential people were there and it was a beautiful show to see all the artist and awards. You got a little bored tho, looking at the mad sitting across from you in a perfectly fitting black suit sipping on a glass of red wine. You had been throwing in little comments all evening, not listening to him and doing your little thing.
The show finished and you decided to go to the club/bar area for a bit and have another drink before going home. So you walked over to him. “ ill head over to the bar for a bit, tag along or come get me when you are ready love.” You whispered in his ear, he looked at you with his big brown eyes. “Sure, maybe ill come over later, just behave please.” You just smirked at him and walked away, Kika and Charlotte right by your side.
The bar was amazing, the drinks were too good not to drink  more and soon you got a little too excited and hit the dance floor with Kika. Soon someone stole you from Kika and an arm snaked around your waist, you didn’t recognize the man that was suddenly taking up your view but you certainly didn’t mind it. You decided to hit him with the “ I’m taken” right from the start. He just chuckled at responded “Don’t worry, I just wanna dance, my friends are making me feel single.” Nodding his head in the direction of a pair dancing. You chuckled and decided to go with it, making Danny just a tiny bit jealous would surely lead towards a pleasurable night for the both of you right?
The guy was nice but once you spotted Daniels eyes basically piercing through your body you said goodbye and returned to the bar to order another light drink. You were a little drunk but not too much to lose control. You chatted with a guy sitting next to you a little bit before an arm draping over your shoulder made you look up into the face of a fired up Daniel. “Lets go home, looks like someone needs to be reminded who she belongs to.” He hissed into her ear just loud enough for her to hear it. Her heartbeat fastened and she awkwardly excused herself from the bar. Daniel was holding onto her waist tightly as they made their way through the crowd of dancing and chatting people.
He had called a uber and roughly pushed you down in the black seats of the car when it arrived. Once on the way to your destination you decided to throw caution to the wind and placed you hand on his thigh, slowly moving your way up. His big hand enclosed around yours and lifted it of his leg. “Oh love don’t do that, you’ve been working me up all night, hope you are ready for what is waiting for you. I’ll have you begging soon enough.” He said quietly and it made your heart jump in excitement.
The door clicked shut behind you and it took less than a second for his hands to grab your wrists and pin them above your head. Your breathing started to speed up as his body pressed you flush against the wall and his breath lightly caressing over the delicate skin of your neck. “You have no idea how much trouble you’re in pretty…” he said as his teeth sink into the skin of your neck. “What… I was having fun, nothing happened, I had a great time. Why should I be in trouble?” you asked innocently. He let go of your hands, one moving to your throat and one to your ass instead. He put just the slightest amount of pressure around your air way. A breathy whisper: “you know exactly what you did baby, you wanted this, so game on let’s see how long you can keep that attitude up little lady.” Shivers of anticipation ran down your spine. Hand still on your neck he slowly guided you towards the bed. He gently placed you in the middle of it. “Stay where you are. Clothes off.” Is all he said before he disappeared into the walk in closet to retrieve some goods for the night.
You decided to comply to a certain extent, dress off but the lacy underwear staying on your body as you moved under the blankets covering up your half naked body, acting like you were gonna sleep. It took a second before he returned, a box in hand. Seeing you didn’t follow his commands made a little fire light inside of him, he shot forward pulling the blankets off you before deciding you were not anywhere close to behaved tonight. Quickly grabbing your wrists cuffing them to the a bedpost rendering your hands unable to do anything. Daniel stood back up admiring your body laying on the perfectly white bedsheets. “So, since you seem to want it so bad, lets have some fun. But firstly color baby.” “Green”, “Game on the love.”
The tall Aussie settled between your legs, hand on your  lower stomach to stop you from moving under his touch. He began trailing kisses down your body, hands following with the lightest touch.
You were already starting to get desperate for him feeling the stubs of his short beard rub against your skin. Trying to spur him on a bit you stuck out your chest a bit, he chuckled, finally moving on of his hands to slowly massage your breast making a soft moan escape your lips. “Already turned on huh love” he said stopping right above your belly button just hovering there for a second before moving up the length of your body in one quick motion. One hand lingered on your throat the other was now drawing small circles up your thighs.  His lips crashed into yours dominantly making you gasp for air every chance you got. Daniel used the opportunity to enter her mouth with his tongue eagerly exploring it. You spilled a small moan into him has his hand moved over where you needed him most. Light fingers stopping on your clit, slightly pressing down, just enough to make you need some friction badly. The position didn’t allow you to do so, your lips escaped a tiny whimper. His weight lifted off your body as he sat up and dragged your pretty red panties down your legs. They flew somewhere to the ground next to the bed. The driver dragged a finger through your wet folds making you squirm. “Already all wet for me? So easy…” he murmured, wetting his finger and suddenly pushing it inside of you. His grip on your hips was impossible to move against holding you down. Quickly followed a second finder and you could already feel the knot in your core starting to build as he started moving painfully slow, curling his digits in just the right places. Your legs wrapped around his waist trying to relive some of the pressure you felt. A soft “Please” escaped your lips. “We have barely even started yet and you are already a whimpering mess, for that big attitude its surprisingly easy to have you in shambles don’t you think?” He responded with a grin on his face, you were slowly getting closer to the edge. That’s when he pulled out, you whining at the sudden loss of sensation. The weight on the bed shifted as the Aussies reached over to the box still resting on the bedside table and pulled out something you couldn’t quite identify, It looked like a bullet but it was a little too big for the ones you had seen and used before. He didn’t waste any time as he took the small vibrator and pressed it into you, it had a weird shape, one side resting fairly deep inside of you the other moving up around to your clit in a u-shape. Its small nature making it easy to slide in, yet it still took you off guard feeling it.
Danny held up a remote and smiled as he pressed a button making the device come to life. You gasp, it felt so good stimulating two spots at the same time. The Pleasure was insane. You were close again quickly not being able to form a coherent thought. As you were just about to release the buzzing stopped, making you let out a frustrated groan. Meanwhile Daniel got off the bed and freed your hands from the cuffs, keeping them together. He tossed a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie in your direction. You were confused what on earth was he planning on doing. “Get dressed. We are going on a walk.” As it slowly dawned on you, your punishment was not getting to come, you hated it so much. His dark eyes looked at you warningly as you reached between your legs. “leave it where it is” Your eyes widened. Hesitantly you got up and put on the clothes he had tossed your way.
He lead you to the elevator and down onto the sidewalk of the road along your building. It was almost 12AM on a week day so no one was around this area anymore. You could still feel the u shaped vibe between your legs and you started walking, Daniel didn’t say anything so you just followed him. After a couple of meters he finally started talking. “So I have a challenge for you hun. We are going to take a walk and ill have some fun with our little friend here, if you manage to keep walking and not be loud maybe ill rethink my decision on not letting you finish today.” He smirked. “Color baby” “Green”.
He started on the lowest setting, it was pleasant, stimulating but nowhere near strong enough for you, every corner you passed he went up a level. At level 4 is when it started to be a challenge, the constant friction of your walking and the vibration between your legs making it hard to not atleast breath heavier. You knew he route the two of you were walking in the cold breeze, you’d do this a lot when you were in need of fresh air, it wasn’t long but you still had a good bit to go when the knot started to build in the middle of your core. Reaching level six you were struggling to keep up with Daniels Pace, desperately clinging to his arm as you passed another corner, you only had 2 to go, your breathing got heavier and Daniel gave you a challenging look as you gripped his arm even tighter as the pressure increased. You were approaching the door of the building as you felt your legs starting to give out. You bit your bottom lip trying not to make any noise. Daniel just watched you enjoying your struggle. Your nails dug into his skin as you reached the door, letting out a heavy sigh once you were inside. “Good Girl.” He whispered into your ear and you couldn’t help but feel proud that you had managed. Or so you thought. The buzzing hadn’t stopped. It just went down to a pleasant humming, not allowing you to get any further in your need to finish.
The ride up to the apartment was quiet, too quiet. He pushed the door open and closed in a quick motion hungrily biting marks into your shoulder as he pushed you onto the bed, stripping your clothes of in the process. “Time to teach you manners kitten.” He said reaching for you arms and you could feel the semi soft rope slowly tighten around them as he started to form a harness around your entire body. You wanted to move, be bratty but you were too deep into submission already to stop him from doing what he does best. Hands locked in place behind your back, legs spread and secured by a rope connecting to your back you were unable to move anymore, enjoying the feeling of anticipation of what he would do next.
He rid himself of his shirt, you admired the muscles of his chest in awe. The wonderful sight was soon taken from you as a blindfold slipped over your eyes, vision going black. “Before I go on with making you regret being bratty, do you remember your safe word love?” He asked with a beautiful gentleness in his voice. You nodded. “I need you to say it.” “Tulips” “Good Girl.”
You heard the box moving and the U Toy leaving your body in the same second, you were about to protest when the emptiness was replaced by a lubed up dildo pressing into  your middle. You couldn’t hold the loud moan escaping your lips as he pushed it in inch by inch. You wondered how big it was, you couldn’t see it so you never saw it coming when it started vibrating making you scream in surprise. It had bottomed out by now, hitting everything deep inside your core. Moving it a little bit Daniel started to kiss your tense body all over, you were trying to move with the pressure getting too much but your restrains simply didn’t allow you to. Daniel moved to your breasts starting to suck on one of your nipples, you whimpered at the pleasure spreading through your body. “Danny- Please… please can I come.” That’s when the buzzing stopped and he pulled of your chest. You let out a whine. “You know the rules, only good girls get to come. Why don’t you apologize for your actions first.” The toy came to life again and you let out a scream. You tried to form words but couldn’t get them out. “Use your words.” He said teasingly, turning his attention back to your boobs. “im- i- Im sorry okay Danny, I wanted to make you jealous-“ is all you could say before the pleasure took your ability to speak again. “Is that so?” You were one second away from falling over the edge when he pulled completely off of you. “UGRH you dick I was so close.” “I know, but I have to finish preparing you properly, don’t I? And don’t give me that attitude if you expect to finish today.” He said, his voice dropping and the tone not leaving any room for argument. You swallowed heavily. You were so desperate.
His hands moved down your body once again as he loosened the knots around you ankles giving you a little bit of your freedom back. He rolled you over onto your stomach placing a pillow below your hips to make it a little bit more comfortable for you. Knees pressed open to your sides Dann had perfect sight of your third hole. Instead of working something in like you thought he would you screamed at the stinging sensation as his hand lands flat against your ass. You screamed, Tears pooling in your eyes. “One..” SLAP “two” … “Ten.”
By the time he was done you were a sobbing mess, the pain feeling equally as bad as good. His rough hand slowly moved across your sore cheeks making you whine even more. “You took that so well. I think its time to move on to something more fun.” He said, sliding a finder up and down your middle.
You already new it was coming, but you still jumped at the sudden sensation of the metal plug against your slit. Moving up and resting on your asshole. It was a little bit cold but you liked that as a contrast to your burning, sweaty body. “Do you think you can do it?” Daniel asked. “Yes Sir, I can.” You answered now fully committing, no more games. He pulled the blind fold off your eyes, squinting trying to ajust to the half lit room. “I want you to look at me while I work it in.” he said  already massaging the tip of it in. You forced your eyes to stay open and on the gorgeous man behind you. He had pulled his shorts down along with the boxers and you could see his hard length as he stroked it while working the plug at the same time. He took it slow, the stretch burning impossibly hard as he slowly made his way in. A loud moan escapes your lips as it slides home the big of it resting inside you now. Daniel whispers a quiet fuuccckk before sliding the dildo back inside you moving it in and out at a good speed now. You moaned his name as the fake dick pushed against the metal in your ass with every time it slipped in. The vibrations jumped to a all time high and pleasure got almost to much to take. “Danny please can I cum?”
 “you know what mouse, ill give you a choice, either you stand your punishment like this and get to cum once later, or ill let you come but ruin you till you cant come anymore. Hm? Take your pick, you’re gonna be a mess in the end anyway.” He said, knowing both options were going to be torture in the best way for you. You couldn’t even get your mouth to open and Daniel to decide for you as he slammed the toy in all the way. Making you come on the spot, it was the hardest you ever released. You screamed his name in pleasure and you body wanted to move so bad but the firm hand on your ass and the rope around you body kept you from doing so. The high of our O made your mind foggy and make you feel floaty. The male didn’t stop moving, he worked out all the way through the orgasm making you moan even louder with the overwhelming sensitivity of your body. He slowed down for a second as you began to come down from your high. “How many do you think I can pull out of you today? Lets do 4 more shall we?” That is when you realized what you had gotten yourself into, if they were all this intense you wouldn’t make it past number 2 without passing out.
He loosened the rope and it fell of your body as he rolled you back on your stomach. “Stand up.” He commanded, you gave your best to comply standing on shaky legs. You still had strength but the slight aftershocks of your orgasm where still rocking through you. He sat on the side of the bed and tapped on his thigh signaling you to sit down. You comply glad not having to stand anymore. “You wanna cum kitty, go ahead, get of on my thigh then.” He said, looking at your desperate eyes. Slowly you start to move against him, his flexed thigh muscles giving you the perfect pressure against your clit.
You were breathing heavy , trying to get enough air in your lungs to recover after your forth orgasm of the day. Quiet pleas falling from your lips. “I need you Danny” you whispered. “You will get me love, I cant wait any longer. Color?” “green” you pant, you were a mess, body hurting impossibly but the pleasure was bigger than your urge to rest. You needed him inside of you. He wanted to come as well. Not wanting to wait any more he fished a condom out the box and covered his hard cock with it. Back on your stomach he moved one of your knees over his shoulder basically folding you. Without further waiting he slipped inside of you, despite all the preparation of today he still stretched her far, he finally bottomed out and slowly started to pick up pace the angle making the feeling of him even more intense, he was rough, demanding and you could feel he was close. His fingers found your already overstimulated clit and started drawing slow circles around it, you were so close again and you felt him twitching as well. “please Danny, I need to come” you panted not sure how long you could hold on anymore. “Beg for it love, beg.” He said, even though he was impossibly close as well. You looked at him with foggy eyes, “please Daniel, ill be good- please- I need you-“ You whimpered. “together…fuck” he moaned realizing he cant put it off any longer as your walls clenched around him and he combusted shortly after, both your bodies shaking. “Oh my baby I love you.” You said as your body started to slowly come down from the overwhelming last high that left you almost light headed. Your body went limp.
He pulled out of you panting heavily. Before you could fall limp against the pillows he flipped you over and swiftly and painlessly as possible pulled out the plug that had rested there for the night. It hurt but not bad, you felt empty without the toys in you. but you appreciated the calm As you rested against his sweaty chest. You stayed like this for a couple of minutes until he got up grabbing two towel from the bathroom as well as a bottle of water. He returned to bed starting to clean you up, even the soft touch of the towel making you squirm a bit. “You did so well love, well done.” As he cleaned you up and lifted the water to your lips while cleaning himself up. You were thankful for the cool liquid making your throat feel so much better. You passed it back to him as he got up again and quickly washed off the toys before returning back to bed. Your mind was still all foggy and with the little you had left in you, you moved closer to him, his arms closing around you protectively while he whispered praises in your ear. Kissing you softly. After he noticed you returned to reality a little bit more he asked how you were doing, you just smiled at him and said “that was amazing dan, so Great but everything hurts” He couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Yeah that’s the point. Are you gonna behave now?” You shook your head and both laughed. His hand was stroking your hair and you slowly fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.
As much as he liked being rough, and dominant he also loved taking care of you after, its what you both needed.                                                                                                                                          
i told you... if you made it to the end, congrats your mind is as dirty as mine. As always feel free to request any driver x reader pairing. im open for anything.
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jealousy, jealousy || Hyunjin x f!Reader
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Summary: A guy hitting on you leads to an argument with Hyunjin, which leaves you completely confused, because nothing about that conversation made sense to you. And it takes you a little while, but the two of you eventually manage to work it out.
Word count: 5.2k
Genres: college AU, established relationship, smut
Warnings & Tags: hurt/comfort, jealousy, implied past toxic relationships, smut (vaginal sex), smut with feelings, lowkey sub!hyunjin but it's not super explicit
series masterlist
A/N: this is the same couple as in you're so gorgeous it makes me so mad, but both works can be read independently. Enjoy!
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It’s sometimes hard to fathom how different you and Hyunjin are. You’re night and day, really. He’s famous on campus, loved and admired by the people around him, and you’re anonymous and unnoticed in any crowd you’re a part of. He’s light, joyful, an artistic soul; you’re cynical, a bit of a downer, and you live and breathe numbers. He’s also a people-pleaser, and a bit of an actor, a performer if you will, where you’re honest to a fault and what you see is exactly what you’ll get. He’s the softest soul you’ve ever met, and you’re all sharp edges.
And, well, when you want to support him, you go to see him dance and dazzle a fascinated crowd. When he wants to support you, he comes to see you logic the shit out of someone else at a mathematics olympiad.
Yeah, you’d told him not to come. He had insisted though, and he’d been in the audience, getting his fair share of looks, which you didn’t blame people for. How could you.
You hadn’t gotten much of a chance to speak with him, since your team had been busy from start to finish — which had earned you first place, by the way — and you could only hope that he hadn’t been deathly bored, though that seemed unrealistic. You appreciated the moral support, but you still couldn’t figure out why on earth he would have wanted to come in the first place.
It’s as you’re looking for him in the lobby that you’re approached by a guy that you recognize at first glance. Hyunwoo, if you’re not mistaken, one of your rivals in the competition. He’s smiling wide as he makes his way to you, revealing slightly crooked teeth.
“You were really impressive in there,” he comments, speaking a little too fast — shy, maybe?
“Thanks,” you say, “you weren’t bad either.” And it’s true, he’d been a worthy opponent.
No match for you and your team, sure, but good enough.
His smile widens and he shifts his weight nervously from one foot to the other.
“So, uh, which university do you go to again?”
You answer, but the question has you raising an eyebrow. That's been announced over and over again throughout the competition, so it’s a weird way of making small-talk. Unless he’s stalling for—
“Oh, that’s cool, I’m not that far from there, maybe we could s-see each other at some point?”
Aw, yeah, he’s hitting on you. That sentence came out all in one breath, and he seems very relieved to be done with it. Which, honestly, you find kinda sweet, cute even. You don’t really date within that crowd, didn’t even before Hyunjin — your experiences with men from that field have been… questionable —, so you’re definitely not interested, but you’ll—
“She’s taken,” an icy voice announces from behind you.
Ah, Hyunjin’s found you. You feel him against your back as he wraps you up in a hug in an unusual display of possessiveness. It throws you off a little bit, actually. Not that you mind, you very much don't care, but he tends to avoid being affectionate in public. He likes to keep things private, with much of his life being subject to gossip around your college even without any of that. You crane your neck to look at him. You were just about to tell Hyunwoo that you were taken, and based on the way he’s flushing, cheeks and ears and neck turning bright red, he’s already horribly embarrassed by the situation.
You’re opening your mouth, intent on letting him down gently, when Hyunjin’s eyes flicker over him, taking in his appearance — he’s not exactly looking stylish, but hey, you guys were here to be smart, not look good —, and then he sneers “What makes you think she’d be interested anyway?” with such a disdainful tone that you almost flinch.
Hyunwoo splutters an apology and flees the scene, but you tear yourself from Hyunjin, staring at him in disbelief. You know that he can get agressive when he’s angry, words coming out before he’s truly thought them through, but he’s not cruel. And that was— that felt completely uncalled for to you.
“You were great,” he starts telling you, just as you go “What the hell?”
Confusion flickers on his face. It’s like he doesn't even remember what just happened, and you’re at least as confused as he is.
“He was flirting with you,” he says. In other circumstances, you might have noticed the softness to his voice as he spoke, but you’re not really paying attention to that right now, searching his eyes instead for any discomfort, guilt, whatever — which you're not finding.
“Well that’s not a crime,” you reply, shaking your head. And what you mean by that is that flirting with you is not really deserving of getting your self-esteem crushed by someone who’s as attractive as Hyunjin is. You know all too well what it can do to you to finally gather up the courage to go talk to someone, only to be humiliatingly rejected. It does shit to you that you don’t think Hyunjin would understand.
He takes a step back like you’ve slapped him, folds his arms defensively against his chest.
“So I should be fine with someone flirting with you?” His voice is at a higher pitch than usual, and you don’t know what to make of it. You— What the fuck is happening to this conversation, exactly?
“I was going to tell him I wasn’t interested, and it’s not like he knew I was taken,” you say. You don’t know why you need to point that out. Obviously you weren’t going to entertain that.
“Well I told him first,” Hyunjin says, clearly growing more defensive by the second, and again, you don’t know why.
“Yeah, Hyunjin, but that was completely unnecessary. I mean, it was just—” you search for the right word for a second, don’t find it, “—overkill.”
He’s staring at you, chewing on the inside of his cheek.
“Sorry if I don’t stand by while dudes hit on you,” he finally says, anger — you think? — seeping through in his tone.
“That’s not what this is about,” you say, because it isn’t. What are you doing wrong? What part of what you’re saying isn’t coming across the way you want it to? “My point is that you didn’t have to be so—” Again, you try to pick your words carefully. ‘You didn’t have to be such a dick about it’ is the formulation that comes to mind first, but that’s not something you would call Hyunjin, ever. That’s a line that you refuse to cross. “—mean about it.”
It comes out sounding weirdly insincere, maybe because it’s not as strong as what you’re trying to say, maybe because your sentence has lost its momentum by the time you finish it. Either way, it seems not to reach Hyunjin at all. His jaw’s set, his shoulders tense, and again, you have no clue where this went wrong.
“Fine,” he quips, lips now a straight line. “I guess I’ll just be mean elsewhere.”
And then he turns around and walks away, and okay, the two of you rarely argue, but this is such an unusual way for one of your conflicts to resolve, an almost childish one, and again, what the fuck?
“What happened there?” Seungmin asks, appearing next to you.
Boy, would you like to know.
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“So,” Minho says in the middle of lunch, “what’s the deal with you and Hyunjin?”
You groan. A few days have passed since Seungmin asked you that very same question, and you’re still clueless.
“If I murder him because he’s too depressing to be around, I’ll make you help me hide the body,” Minho adds nonchalantly. He’s also a dance major, which means he’s been around Hyunjin way more than you have these past few days.
“Please stop threatening to kill my boyfriend,” you sigh.
Still, you don’t know what to answer. You and Hyunjin have been texting, you’ve seen each other around campus, but things have been… stiff. Awkward. Things are never awkward between the two of you. You know you’ll have to talk about it but it’s— You just wish you understood what was going on, so you could prepare yourself. As long as you don't, you want to avoid the talk, but without the talk you don’t know what’s going on and—
“I have no fucking clue,” you finally mutter. Seungmin glances up from his food. Usually he doesn’t care much for interpersonal drama, but he seems a little concerned this time.
“Explain,” he says.
Yeah. Maybe laying the facts on the table and trying to figure out a course of action is the best thing to do.
“A guy hit on me at the Maths Olympiad,” you say, “from one of the rival teams. Asked if I’d want to see him around but, you know, he was interested. And then Hyunjin arrived and was all ‘she’s taken’, which is fine, but then he said,” and the words are still clear in your mind, “’what makes you think she’d be interested’. And he looked at the guy like— You know.” Just one glance at Seungmin tells you that he does. You don’t look at Minho, because you doubt he has a clue. “Like he was repulsive or something.”
“So?” Minho says, and you sigh while Seungmin rolls his eyes.
“So it was shitty. The guy didn’t know I had a boyfriend, and having someone like Hyunjin tell him that probably made him feel like shit. It’s not easy for people like us to make the first move. No offense,” you add, nodding at Seungmin, and he grimaces in response. You know he agrees with you, because, well, he made no move whatsoever to get in his current relationship. It’s just this delightful mix of lack of self-confidence, social anxiety, and awkwardness that makes the process so fucking complicated.
You’ve dated more than Seungmin has, but you’d figured out early that people outside your branch of interest found you weird, too passionate about your niche interests, and then that the men within your field were pretty misogynistic for guys complaining about never getting girls, and then you’d stopped dating. So it hasn’t been great on your front either.
Seungmin’s nodding his head. He clearly sees your side of the argument. Minho, on the other hand, has leaned back in his chair, and he goes “Hm.”. So he’s about to tear you apart.
“It sounds like he just got jealous,” Minho says, and you almost laugh.
“Jealous of what?” Outside of the looks, this was a less than five minutes conversation with a guy, during which he made eye contact maybe once. There was no agressive flirting, barely any flirting actually, and certainly no physical contact. You’ve dealt with far worse — actually, you deal with far worse at almost every event you go to with Hyunjin.
Minho shrugs. He clearly has an idea, and he’s clearly not going to tell you.
“Think about it from his perspective. A guy hit on you, and you got annoyed at him for intervening.”
“I don’t care that he intervened,” you snap, “the issue was the way that he—”
“He might not know that,” Minho shrugs. Both you and Seungmin exchange a doubtful look, but it dawns on you that this might not be something Hyunjin would know about. You doubt it would happen to him in that way. You’re well-aware that he’s had shitty dating experiences, but this, that specific way of making someone feel completely undesirable, isn’t one of them as far as you’re aware.
So, as Minho stares at you intently, you sigh.
“Fine. I’ll clear things up.”
He nods, and you can feel his relief immediately. For someone who’s constantly threatening to kill Hyunjin, it’s kinda sweet, how much he cares for his well-being.
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You're still trying to figure out how you're going to broach the subject with Hyunjin when, at eleven that night, there’s a knock on your door. You make your way there cautiously and pick-up the base-ball bat that you keep there — because this could be a psycho, ‘cause who shows up unannounced at 11 pm in the middle of the week —, but one look through the peephole has you putting it back down immediately.
Because when you unlock the door, you’re met with the sight of your shivering boyfriend. It’s pouring outside, so he looks like a drenched cat, soaking wet but still handsome.
“I-I wanted to—”
“Hyunjin, come in, don’t stay out in the cold” you interrupt him, hoping your voice comes off soft instead of demanding. “I’ll get you a change and a towel,” you add once he’s hesitantly made his way inside.
It doesn’t take you long to find a t-shirt and sweat pants he’d left at your place, while he stands awkwardly next to your kitchen counter. When you hand them to him, he thanks you, hesitates a second, then gets into your room to change. It feels a little weird, to see him do that, a weirdness you’re sure he’s felt too, but you suppose it would be just as strange if he didn’t do it, because things have just been— different, these past few days.
You’re waiting for him with the towel when he comes out.
“Come here,” you say gently, reaching for his hair.
You put the towel over his head, rubbing it gently against his scalp. Small droplets of water run down your arms, but you’re not really paying attention. Hyunjin bends to give you an easier access, face coming just inches of yours. His eyes are looking at you almost pleadingly, and you can’t help but notice that they’re slightly puffy, possibly from crying. That’s confusing to you, too — this was one argument, not a particularly intense one either, and in no way relationship-threatening, as far as you’re concerned. You know kissing him won’t fix anything, but you’re not trying to fix things, you’re trying to let him know how much you love him, how much you care about him, how much you’ve missed him.
So you do kiss him. He gasps into you, inhales like a drowned man finally coming to the surface. It’s his turn to get closer, body pressing against yours, and oh, he feels like coming home. Your fingers card through wet hair, pulling on it slightly, and this time it’s another sound he lets out. As tempting as it is to jump him right now, you know you have to put a stop to this if you want to have a productive conversation first — which would be the reasonable thing to do.
Still you can’t resist prolonging the kiss, pulling his lower lip between your teeth in a way that has him whimpering. His hands grab onto your waist with a bruising grip, and you feel his tongue brush against yours, hesitantly at first, like he’s not sure he should, then more daringly, pushing it into your mouth.
You — thankfully? unfortunately? — still have the presence of mind to interrupt the kiss before it gets any more out of hand.
“I’ve missed you,” you tell him softly. You see his eyes go wide. Like he's surprised. Shit, someone must have really done a number on him, huh?
“I’ve missed you too.”
Taking his hand in yours, you gently pull him towards the couch, where the two of you sit, though you don’t break physical contact. Instead, you sling your legs onto his lap and put your chin on his shoulder, not letting go of his hand. Hopefully he knows, that way, hopefully he feels safe, hopefully he can tell how much he means to you and that this— disagreement, or whatever this is, means far less to you than he does.
For a few seconds, he just stays there, unmoving, almost frozen, long black hair still dripping a little onto his shoulders and sticking to his neck, while you rub soothing circles on his skin.
“I’m sorry,” he finally blurts out. He’s not looking at you, instead staring at his hands on his lap.
“About what?” you ask gently, not moving an inch. The two of you had been mad at each other, but you don’t think it warranted this kind of reaction.
“I’m— I didn’t mean to be controlling,” he mumbles. “You can talk to whoever you want to, and it’s— I-I mean, there’s nothing harmful in flirting, and I trust you, and—”
“Hyunjin,” you interrupt him, and this time you take his face in your hands, cradling it. “I don’t care about that.” His eyebrows knit in confusion. “I don’t— I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you being upset if someone’s hitting on me, but more importantly—” You press a kiss to his lips, chaste and brief, then another, then another. “You’re the most important person to me. You know that, right?”
He nods, though the motion is hesitant. You’re well aware, by now, of how sensitive he is to any action that he perceives as a rejection or a form of disinterest. You’ve gotten past a lot of his previous issues, when even you saying you couldn’t make it to one of his shows could make him question things, but some things he remains fragile on.
“I would never do anything to hurt you on purpose. Of course I would shut down someone hitting on me, babe, I just didn’t have the time to do that.”
It seems to soothe him for a few seconds, and a deep sigh leaves him, body briefly relaxing, before he tenses again.
“Then what—” Now there’s a hint of fear in his eyes. “What did I do wrong?”
Okay. You need to handle this carefully. You lean back slightly, going back to holding his hands. The last thing you want is to make him feel like this is a battlefield, which is how you know some of his exes treated their relationship. You want him to feel safe with you, even when you have a disagreement.
“You know, people are constantly saying that you’re out of my league,” you say. His eyes widen, mouth opening to protest it, but you shake your head. You don’t lack self-confidence, but you know no one’s jaw’s dropping when you walk into a room. It doesn’t make you ugly, it just makes you, well, not Hyunjin. You're fine with it. There’s more to you than your looks, and you wouldn’t want people to be interested in you just for that anyway. You’re all too aware that a good half of Hyunjin’s issues in relationships come from that. “I don't care, but I got that before we were together, or—” Hm, this is getting into memories that sting a bit more. “Well, before I met you.”
Hyunjin swallows. It’s his turn to squeeze your hand, and the gentle attempt at comfort makes you smile. It encourages you to keep going, knowing that he’ll probably get it, and if he doesn’t, he’ll definitely try his best.
“Some guys I was, uh, interested in turned out to already be dating.” You shrug one shoulder. It’s not a big deal in and of itself, it’s something that definitely happens, especially if they’re people you run into at college parties. “So, some of their partners felt that had to make it clear to me that I was delusional to think I even had a chance with them. And it wasn’t just to let me know that the dudes were taken, it was to just— humiliate me.”
And it worked, too, at the time. Makes you want to give a hug to your former self, just thinking about it.
“So what I don’t get is why you’d want to do that,” you say, finally looking at Hyunjin again. “I know you, you’re never cruel to people. I wish you were less nice to some of the people around you. So why— why would you do that to a guy who, clearly, wasn’t a threat to you whatsoever?”
You find him staring at you, but he immediately looks away from you, cheeks and ears turning red.
“I’m sorry,” he says for the second time.
“I’m not mad,” you reply patiently. “I’m just trying to understand.”
He clears his throat, and runs a hand through his hair, which have started to dry by now. He opens his mouth, like he's ready to talk. And then he closes it again.
You tilt your head to the side. Okay. This is unexpected.
“It’s not like he wasn’t a threat,” he finally says under his breath.
Wait. Minho had a point? Hyunjin was jealous?
“What are you talking about,” you say more than you ask, trying not to sound like you’re in total disbelief — though you very much are.
“It’s—” He turns his head in the other direction, very much, very clearly blushing now. “He would get what you talk about, you know? What you do in class, your projects, your contests. He’s—” and he lowers his voice even more, muttering the last word like it’s personally offended him “smart.”
You can only stare. You almost want to laugh at what is, to you, an utterly absurd conclusion, but you, thankfully, manage to hold yourself back.
“Hyunjin, babe, do you think I don’t find you smart?”
There’s the hand in the hair again, as he lets out a frustrated sigh.
“No, it’s just— I don’t get it. When you talk about it with Seungmin, or— or when you try to tell me what you’ve been doing, or— you didn’t even want me to come to the Olympiads.”
“Because I thought you’d be deathly bored.”
Somehow, most of the previous tension has evaporated now that the issue's out in the open. You feel impossibly relieved, and you realize how much this had all been weighing you down. Hyunjin seemed to be the same, his hand now coming to casually rest on your thigh. The two of you finally feel like you again.
“Because I wouldn’t understand,” he mumbles.
Ah, precious, dearest darling.
“So, what, do you think I would dump you for a dude who can integrate without a calculator?”
The blank stare Hyunjin gives you almost makes you crack.
“Hyunjin, darling, apple of my eye, light of my life, you might be the best person I know.” You shift on the couch, and it only takes one quick movement for you to be on top of him, legs on either side of his and arms around his neck. His breath hitches, and it makes you grin. “You’re a incredibly talented artist, you see things about the world that I don’t even notice exist, you’re capable of moving in a way that I can't even dream of, you’re kind, you’re loving, and yes, even if you're not the greatest mathematical mind to walk this earth, you’re smart.”
He looks up at you, lips parted, staring like you’re the only person in the world. You’re not the type to say these things much, usually trying to convey it with physical touch and other shows of affection. Right now, though, it seems like he definitely needed to hear them.
“Hyunjin,” you say, again, never getting tired of how his name rolls off your tongue, “I love you. There’s nothing about you that would make me doubt that.” Nor is there anything that should make him doubt that.
You’re not sure if you kiss him or if he kisses you, but you know that the kiss that follows is harsh, urgent, desperate. His hands grab onto your hips, dig into your skin, his mouth bites at yours feverishly, pushing himself up to meet you. Your hands are in his hair, pulling his head back to give yourself better access to his mouth, and you let him take charge of the pace, his tongue dancing with yours tantalizingly.
It makes it even more delightful when you roll your hips against him and feel him suddenly losing control. He grows hard under you in just seconds, and when you pull away his eyes are wide with need.
“Oh, you did miss me,” you can’t help but tease, though your voice is still soft. You feel lighter after the conversation, but it might still not be the time to get too intense.
Hyunjin whines in response, pushing himself up to kiss you again. Fuck, he’s hot.
“I’m gonna take good care of you, baby,” you whisper with a very intentional shift or your hips, straight onto his hard-on.
You get up to get rid of your short and panties, and during that time, Hyunjin pushes his own pants down, cock standing to attention, precum already forming at the tip. Usually, you’d take the occasion to tease him, play with him a little bit, but you know that he’s not going to last long, and you want to give him everything tonight.
So you climb back onto his lap, kiss him again, and your hand makes its way down your body. You’re wet, too, but Hyunjin’s big, and you want to prepare yourself a little. Just as you’re about to insert a finger, a pleased shiver already running down your back, Hyunjin stops you, and you bite your lip to hold back a whimper when he presses his palm against your clit.
“Let me,” he whispers.
“Anything for you, baby,” you reply, though this is for you too, because when Hyunjin’s long finger push inside of you, spreading you open, you throw your head back and a moan escapes you.
Hyunjin works diligently, slowly pumping in and out of you. His thumb comes to brush against your clit, rubs against it with gentle movements, sending pleasure through every fiber of your body. His hands gets coated in your juices as he pushes a second finger inside, then a third. He’s quiet as he does so, but his other hand keeps tightening on your waist, and his cock is growing redder, leaking more and more precum by the second.
You finally wrap your hand around it, returning the favor, and immediately he loses his rhythm, letting out a whimper. He hunches forward, his head coming to rest in the crook of your neck.
“I can’t— I can’t keep going if you do that,” he mumbles, beautiful eyes staring pleadingly at you. Again, there’s that urge to tease him, and again, you resist it.
“Just wanna make you feel good, baby,” you whisper as you give a slow pump around him, only providing light pressure because you don’t want it to be too much just yet. “And you’re already doing so, so good for me, it’s okay to stop now.”
You’re pretty sure you can take him already, but you keep him just there, fingers moving erratically inside you, as you set a slow pace around his cock. Moans and whines keep spilling past his lips as he buries his face in your shoulder, music to your ears, and you start pressing kisses against his neck, teeth grazing against the skin. Hyunjin gets louder — his neck’s always been sensitive, and when your tongue brushes against him just right, his hips jump up into your hand, which seems like the perfect signal.
You grab his wrist to stop his movements, and he takes it out of you, eyes meeting yours once more in expectation.
Hand around his cock to guide it, you let yourself sink onto him with a pleased moan. He always fills you so well, makes you feel so full— Fuck, either he’s a sex god or you’re really fucking whipped, because sex with him always makes you feel so good.
Hyunjin’s head rolls back onto your couch, hair spilling all over it, eyes closing as his mouth falls open. The sight’s perfect, but it’s also lewd, like the sound of your bodies together wasn’t enough for that.
“Mind if I move, babe?”
Okay, yeah, you’re teasing, but he just makes it so tempting for you.
“Yeah, hm, please— please do.”
A brief laughter escapes you at his broken plea and you push up in order to kiss him again, delicious, delicious friction forming between your legs at the movement.
“You’re perfect,” you purr against his mouth.
Then you start moving, hips rocking gently at first, and Hyunjin’s letting out high pitched whimpers. After a few seconds he manages to push himself from his position, head falling between your breasts. He lifts your shirt, which you hadn’t bothered taking off, and his hands come up to cup them, massaging them softly and carefully. A moan you’d been careful to hold back leaves your mouth then, but it’s only when he wraps his mouth around one of your nipples, that they start falling uncontrollably. He glances up at you, and with one look at the sinful sight that is him with one of your breasts in his mouth, you’re gone.
Things get more frantic after that. You start moving quicker, chasing your own release as much as trying to give him his, and Hyunjin wraps both arms around your waist, no longer kissing your breasts. Instead, he buries his head in your neck again, erratic whimpers music to your ears. You hold tightly onto his shoulders, and though you don’t do it on purpose, you suspect you’re going to leave a mark there.
You come before he does, back arching with a loud cry as you do, but you don’t stop moving. You ride your orgasm with him still inside you, rubbing just right against him, then keep going though slower as your legs start shaking under you, but Hyunjin’s mostly too far gone to notice. You go back to kissing his neck, knowing with absolute certainty that if you flick your tongue against him just so—
Hyunjin comes without a warning, surprisingly quiet, mouth opened wide against your shoulder. You feel him spilling inside of you, whole body shaking underneath you. You keep kissing his neck, whispering soft words against him. How good you find him, how perfect, how much you love him.
You collapse onto each other. You rest your head on his chest; his fingers start absent-mindedly tracing patterns on the small of your back. You should move, should clean up, but fuck, you’ve missed him, you’ve missed this, you’ve missed the way his body feels against yours. You’re so lost in the post-orgasm bliss that you almost miss Hyunjin calling your name.
“Hm?” you reply lazily, glancing up at him. He’s purposefully not looking at you.
“I love you too,” he says. You tilt your head. He’s blushing again, like after all that’s just happened, that was the harder thing to admit. “I didn’t say it earlier. I love you.”
You know that. All the same, flowers bloom in your chest and despite feeling tired, your heart finds it in you to start beating faster. You love him. You love him so much you fear it will consume you sometimes.
“I love you more, babe.”
You believe it whole-heartedly when you say it, too. Hyunjin shakes his head, playful pout forming on his lips, and it hits you that he probably feels just the same.
And in that moment, everything in the world is perfect.
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i think this is one of my favorite pieces i've written for this series, so hopefully you liked it too! exploring complex emotions is one of my favorite things to do in writing. i know i've said this in every piece, but please reblog this if you enjoyed it! it boosts my motivation a ton to see people liking my stuff, and so if you like my writing, commenting/reblogging is the best way of making me write more. i'll see you all soon for changbin's piece!
Skz taglist: @lethallyprotected
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komohx · 1 month
Usopp & Sanji Age Regression Headcanons
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Starting with Usopp! ⚠️Mention of anxiety attack
Usopp is definitely a little kid and big kid regressor, sometimes he can slip to 2-4 years old, but also regresses between 5-8!!
Most of the time he regresses due to his anxiety. When it gets really bad, he slips younger and sometimes has anxiety attacks
He has a habit of chewing on stuff, either the sleeve of his shirt (or someone elses sleeve), so he uses teethers alot
Has nicknames for everyone on the crew. Luffy is Lulu, Nami is Mimi, Sanji is Jiji, etc
He love love loves to tell stories when he’s little. If someone else on the crew tries to tell him a bedtime story or just a fun little tale, halfway through it’ll switch to where Usopp is just telling the entire story and now the other person is the listener
Also with telling stories, if him and Sanji are both regressed during playtime, he gets INTO it. He takes playing very seriously—doing all the voices and getting into character
Usopp loves to collect little bugs and plants everywhere he goes, and always manages to scare Nami and Sanji with them
“Look!! Mimi!! I found another friend!” Usopp exclaims, running over to the small tangerine grove with a small bug cupped in his hands.
“Oh, Usopp—“ Nami sighs, recoiling a bit at the tiny creature Usopp presents to her. The other little sitting in her lap gives him a small glance, before shrieking at the sight of the bug. The navigator huffs, quickly moving to calm Sanji.
“What have I told you about bringing friends to me and Jiji?” She scolds, but it clearly doesn’t do anything as Usopp just giggles and starts showing the bug off to Sanji, who clearly wants nothing to do with it.
Always likes to help Robin in her garden, naming random plants and helping her water them!!
He is also very artistic. He loves to draw, usually coloring with Luffy, and he also likes to help Franky with inventions. Sometimes he does crafts too!!
Very giggly and playful when he’s regressed, and adores any form of physical touch. Hugs, head pats, cuddles, he loves it all
He doesn’t really have a main caregiver, but when Sanji isn’t regressed the cook is usually the one watching him. Since Sanji understands what its like to be regressed, and what a regressor needs
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Sanji headcanons!! ⚠️Mention of cigarettes
Normally regresses between 2-5 years old, but on rare occasions he can regress younger
He mainly regresses due to stress and trauma. Whenever he has nightmares he’ll usually wake up regressed, and if he overworks himself/gets too stressed he’ll slip!
He loves petnames. Honey, baby, sweetheart, it doesn’t matter. He loves petnames
Also has nicknames for everyone on the crew, sometimes he calls Robin and Nami Mama/Miss, Zoro is called by his usual nicknames like Marimo, Mossy and Mosshead, but when Sanji’s little he also likes to call Zoro by his actual name
“Mama?” Sanji whines, shyly coming up to her in the library. Robin raises an eyebrow, setting her book down to shoot him a smile and pat the space on the couch beside her.
“Yes, sweetheart?” She asks, as Sanji plops down beside her and snuggles into her side.
“Can I stay here? Mossy fell asleep n’ now i’m bored.” He whispers, peering down at her book as Robin laughs softly and nods. “Of course.” She says.
He always gets sad when he isn’t big enough to cook, so usually someone on the crew makes him food to make him feel better (or he reads a children’s cookbook for fun)
Always has to have something in his mouth, a pacifier, his fingers, just something—mainly to replace his cigarette when he’s little
Zoro is actually his main caregiver, and he is always a huge softie for Sanji when he’s little. The crew usually finds them all cuddled up together, Zoro feeds Sanji at mealtimes, plays with him and even uses petnames. He also gets very protective of Sanji
Very nervous and shy when he’s little, but also the cutest thing ever. Usually holds peoples hands or shyly begs for hugs when he’s really scared
Sanji loves to play with Usopp when they’re both regressed, even if Usopp takes over the storyline, Sanji loves to listen.
He loves to listen to Brook’s music too, just like Usopp’s tales
His favorite places on the ship are the aquarium and kitchen!! He likes to watch the fishies in the aquarium swim around
Ahh!! I love them both, and some of these headcanons are actually incorporated into my series learn to trust, before you tumble on ao3!! (that hasn’t been updated in forever lol)
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lunels · 1 year
Hi, hope you’re doing well 💘 would I be able to request headcanons about what ellie’s ideal girl would be?
hii thank u! & thank u sm 4 requesting you're my first one!!! i hope you like :) also sorry i wrote a little too much..
ellie's ideal girl headcannons
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automatically. she would luvvvvvv someone who is a badass. LIKE. confident, has some confidence. someone who isn't afraid to speak their mind or voice their opinion. i think of dina for example, who’s a little bit of a flirt. made it known that she liked ellie, who went and kissed ellie first. orrr riley, who was impulsive and willingly brought ellie along w her sometimes to show that she wasn’t afraid to join the fireflies. who showed she was determined to do what she thought was right. ellie is def into those types of women.... and more! hold on.
she'd love someone who could match her level of wittiness and have an even smarter mouth. sharp minded individuals!!! she would find that veryyyy attractive. someone who can have her a little speechless or gets her gears turning. like damn... okay, shit.
someone who doesn't take a lot of things seriously. WHO KNOWS HOW TO CRACK A DAMN JOKE. like come onnn we already know ellie is a big jokester !!!! she's a sarcastic girl. she would grow bored of someone who doesn't know how to have a little fun.. yk??? a little frisky.. a little..... yk???? just have SOME sense of humor and you're good. you make her laugh. you're married.
SOMEONE WHO ISN'T GONNA GET BORED OF HER TALKING AND RAMBLING AB THE STUFF SHE LIKES...... sorry to keep yelling at you. so sorry. 😇 just someone who listens to her!!!!! who is genuinely interested in learning more ab her interests!!! basically hearts in her eyes. she will love U 4ever.
someone who accepts her flaws regardless of what they are. she's an insecure girl. she would grow fond of someone who can accept her all, bad or good. who will stay after seeing her bad moments.
she'll neeeeddd someone who is the type to be reassuring when she feels like she's drowning and who makes her feel wanted. ellie is def the type to doubt herself and be heavily insecure in a lot of her abilities. feeling as if she's not good enough. she will feel drawn to people who see something in her and aren’t shallow. willing to show her that she is enough. that she is everything and more!!!
someone who is also, if not equally artistic as her. im not hating on the no hobby girls or the sleeps all day and stays in their room girls because thats also me! but i feel like a relationship w ellie or just a friendship in general would mesh very well if you had a handful of interests that you indulged in. bonus if youre into the same things!!! (she's already scribbling ab you in her journal) she’s THE clingy type but would like a bit of independence. don’t get me wrong for the sleeps all day girls, she’d love you too. promise. being in that gogogo mode and all that overworking she does to herself will backfire on her. just keep doing yo thanggg & she'll come thru
hate to say it but. someone who is motherly. idk how to explain it!! i hope that's not weird. like a nurturing person. she's been pretty much absent of a mother/mother figure her whole life and being friends/dating someone who nurtures and cares for her in a motherly way would have her HOOKED. she would be surpised at how good it feels to be taken care of for a little bit. she's not used to the being taken care of acts. or the just because kisses. or the long hugs when you notice she's off. or the frequent how are you feeling? how was your day? what's got you so worked up? dykwim?? does someone know what i mean???? just yeah. that.
alsoooo also idkkk but somebody who is the type to initate things. i know alot of ppl write/see ellie as the one to start everything and be on top and blahblahbalah and i do too sometimes! butttt she also second guesses she's nervyyyy she's veryyy much in her head. she will stand there and look at you with nothing behind her eyes screaming in her head wondering if you think of her the way she thinks of you UNTIL you just say i like you!!! wanna go out sometime?!?!? and you're set. done. she might as well just kiss you right there. if you go out of your way to show that you're interested, she'll do the rest. maybe. probably.
and that’s all i can think of thank you 4 requesting <3 xoxo, butterfly 🦋
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confusedmothboy · 2 months
hear ye, hear ye! not every demon slayer character is hot, the mangaka is just bad at drawing different faces
while im on the subject of rants and just being on here in general is this a safe space to say that very few men in demon slayer are ACTUALLY that hot and its just because the mangaka has the worst case of same face syndrome ive ever seen. no, shinjuro is not attractive. he's a violent drunk deadbeat but because hes drawn with the same eyes, proportions, and that STUPID FUCKING COPY PASTE NOSE people willingly admit to finding that thing hot. lemme just. hold on.
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like look at these four. chose em randomly, they arent related, notice how the only variation in their faces is eyes/eyebrows, and expression? same face shape for all of em. same general proportions. you could switch around the faces from head to head and itd still look like them. "oh but rengoku's eyes are so unique!!" his whole family looks like a copy paste factory to the point the only thing distinguishing shinjuro from senjuro is a few extra lines on his face. thats not unique thats just bad design. ive never seen a show that does such a bad job at distinguishing ages as this one. it's infuriating because what do you mean a 13 year old and grown demon lady share the same face.
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its actually ridiculous how people dickride all the male characters cause theyre "so hot" yeah man its the same face on ALL of them. eyes and hair are not enough to make a character distinct. its infuriating seeing people going "hold on a second why is genya's dad kindaaaa" dude of course he is the artist doesnt know how to make adults look their age with distinguishing features.
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dont even get me started on the background characters. this is the same boy drawn with four different haircuts.
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youre telling me that when these two infiltrated the entertainment district inosuke was immediately swept away by a house but zenitsu was given away for free because hes just that ugly??? THEY HAVE THE SAME FACE.
and then people get pissy when artists with semirealistic styles draw the characters and they don't all look the same like sorry man im not drawing zenitsu and tanjiro with the same face because guess what!!! real people have variation! and saying its just the style of the show is a dumb excuse. hantengu and gokko have the most realistic features and literally even that doesnt stop them from looking really similar to everyone else. i love this show but i rarely interact with the fandom because i never see people calling out how boring they look sometimes. give me a character with a hooked nose! a babyfaced character that isnt just 5 years old! make their eyes smaller! add freckles and other small unique traits! give them different face shapes for the love of god im begging you. i feel like im the only one who realizes that as beautiful as the art is it lacks the unique character designs because at the end of the day a character design is more than their haori, eyes, and hairstyle.
this started as a lighthearted rant about how fans will blindly simp for the background character of the week (cough cough muichiro's dad) but it kinda turned into incomprehensible thoughts on same face syndrome in the show. my bad yall.
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