#or he's just. hiding. for reasons. lol. lmao even. :3
magicalgirlmascot · 1 year
extremely funny bit of KNPS lore(?) that I just realized is that if Kopaka wants he can just. make it be a snow day. like he wakes up one morning with a headache and is like "I just really don't want to deal with kids today" and just makes it snow really hard for a few hours
the question is how many times can he get away with it before the Turaga realize what he's doing and call him out on it? my guess is twice (Nuju figured it out the first time but also he did it a few times when he was a Toa and didn't say anything)
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sweetkpopmusings · 2 months
hyunjin coworker headcanons <3
a/n: i am determined!!! to finish this series of hcs asap asap asap...so hopefully that happens lol. truly obsessed with the idea of coworker!hyunjin, so i hope you are too :-) pics not mine <3
content: fluff, nonidol!au | wc: 0.9k | warnings: none really! | pairing: coworker!hyunjin x gn!reader | requests: open
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office heartthrob!!!
who is a painfully huge dork <3
you learn this immediately. like so quickly that you get whiplash lol
on your first day you witness someone looking absolutely magnificent as they strut through the office
but, right before you can be properly intimidated, he trips on the carpet and acts as though he is having a heart attack even though he catches himself before he falls
who said being dramatic is unprofessional???
not hyunjin that's for sure 
you’re torn between laughing hysterically and asking whether he’s okay, and because of the first-day jitters, your brain manages to construct “you’re funny and okay?”
hyunjin just stares at you, and you’re ready to pack up your things, change your name, and move to a brand new city because why was THAT what i said?! 
then hyunjin cackles, managing to confirm that he’s okay once he wipes the tears from his eyes 
needless to say, 9:30-9:35 a.m. on your first day was quite eventful
from that very first interaction, hyunjin thinks you’re the funniest person on the planet 
the number of times he has fallen out of his chair after you made a joke has convinced the whole office of your comedic genius too :,-)
if hyunjin hears one of y’all’s coworkers repeating your joke, he’ll immediately step in and correct their delivery if it falls flat compared to yours which, in his opinion, it always does
you try to convince him to stop because people could get annoyed, but hyunjin stands firm in the fact that being the most annoying person in the office is worth it because he’s defending your honor :-(
like seriously he’s so dramatic for no reason but it’s his charm <333
it’s lowkey an office tradition for people to buy custom paintings from hyunjin around the holidays
he doesn’t mind the extra cash and he loves getting more practice, especially since people will request things outside his comfort zone
seeing as you’re special and “cooler than everyone else here, except for me, of course,” hyunjin gives you one as a surprise because he’s so thankful to have you at work and in his life <3333
hyunjin practically melts into the floor when he sees how excited you get after unwrapping it :’-)
you obviously display it proudly at your desk for everyone to see and be jealous of
and hyunjin blushes a bit and smiles really big (even if he tries to hide it) every single time he sees the artwork on your desk :,,,-) he’s simultaneously so proud and so honored
trust and believe that any gift you give him will be enshrined on his desk FOREVER
even if it’s a napkin with a drawing from a time you two went to a nearby coffee shop on your break, hyunjin cherishes it more than anything 
he gets it framed so it is protected from “the elements” whatever that means in an office lmao
sometimes he tries to correct you if you’re working on a project together and gets SOOOOO smug and then after fifteen minutes of gloating you look at him and quietly say “hyunjin…”
and he’s standing there like 🤨
when you tell him what the actual answer to the question is,  the man is CRUSHED to find out that he was wrong
almost every time he says, “there goes my dream of being the smartest person in the office”
as soon as you remind him he’s the most stylish and gorgeous person in the office, his pout disappears and he looks at you like 😁and boom! embarrassment at being a little dumb is gone forever
speaking of stylish
hyunjin loooooooooooves shopping with you for work clothes
weather’s changing?? hyunjin has sent you a calendar invite for a post-work shopping trip! work event coming up??? hyunjin has booked a conference room during the workday for you two to plan out your outfits!
he’s down to shop at any store you want, whether it’s high-end or thrifting
even if you can’t find clothes you like, there’s nothing more fun than putting together outfits for each other and cracking up during your fashion shows
any time hyunjin wears an outfit you helped him to create, he mentions it every 5-10 seconds
like so much so that people are coming up to compliment you for your fashion taste 
and you’re just sitting at your desk like ???? thank you ???
it all makes sense when you see hyunjin wearing the sweater vest with teddy bears you begged him to try on
if you’re wearing something he picked out for you, he will walk around to literally everybody and ask, “wow! doesn’t y/n look amazing today?”
he’ll also say to you “whoa! whoever told you to get that has impeccable taste”
you always tease him by saying you can’t remember who you bought it with LOL
he feels so proud to know you that he brags about you all. the. time. 
not just about your fashion–hyunjin thinks absolutely everything about you should be celebrated
there is a y/n fan club at your work and hyunjin is the founder, president, and outreach specialist <333
while he mostly expresses it by teasing you, he thinks you are incredibly smart, talented, kind, funny, beautiful, and perfect in every way
on the morning of your 1-year work anniversary, you find your favorite drink on your desk with a card next to it
in the card is a handwritten letter from hyunjin, outlining all the moments he has loved spending with you over the past year, as well as messages of encouragement and wishes for many more special, shared moments to come 
while you two met because he almost fell flat on his face, hyunjin can’t think of a better thing that has ever happened to him at work because, if he wasn’t so clumsy, he may never have bonded with his favorite person in the world (you <3333)
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cheekinpermission · 6 months
I wanna talk about the scene in the museum with Azul...
During Ch. 38 of Book 3, Azul and Yuu have a short conversation post-overblot in the underwater museum place. I always felt that this bit of dialogue was weirdly charged? The whole scene felt very intimate to me (and the soft music in the background doesn't help lmao), but I never knew WHY since nothing said was inherently romantic.
So, I went back and re-read through every post-overblot and realized that Azul is the only who who has a one-on-one conversation with Yuu after their overblot??
It's rare enough to have one-on-one conversations between Yuu and another character, but then Azul goes a step further. He's the only one to open up to Yuu about his problems:
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Some of the other overblot boys talk about their problems, but not to Yuu specifically. It's more of a declaration than confiding in someone, you know? (E.g. Riddle talking about how he prefers milk tea even though the rules stipulate lemon tea)
We, the players, are shown flashbacks of the overblot boys to explain how they reached this point but I can't recall if Yuu is privy to this information as well. (It's theoretically possible since Yuu already has visions / dreams of the Great Seven, but no one ever mentions it so who knows. I'm personally on the side of Yuu NOT knowing because it feels a bit invasive that they'd have this knowledge of people who weren't ready to share it.)
Regardless of whether Yuu can or cannot see those flashbacks, Azul is the only one to willingly talk about his motivations to Yuu. For Azul, this is especially important as he's so protective of his image as a clever and upstanding housewarden, and yet here he openly admits to Yuu that he was a bit of a loser as a kid (his words not mine!).
I guess you could argue that he felt there was no reason to hide it anymore since Yuu already saw him as a chubby octopus baby, but he didn't have to talk about it at all if he didn't want to. But he did. On his own. With no prompting. (Really, though. Yuu can either say they want to make sure he puts the photo back or that they're worried about him, and either way he drops his lore on them lol) And then Yuu tries to help him feel better??
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To my knowledge, Yuu doesn't do this with any of the other overblot boys, either. I could have missed it during my research, but if they did it wasn't nearly to the same extent as with Azul.
I still don't know why Azul felt like opening up to Yuu. He didn't have to, but maybe he wanted to? Maybe he wanted to try his hand at being genuine for once and felt Yuu was the least intimidating person to do it with (the magicless human that they are). Who knows? I wish there were more scenes like this. It makes Yuu feel more included in the story. I also think it shows a lot of growth on Azul's end to open up about his problems to Yuu of his own volition.
I'm not sure what I wanted to say with this post, only that I wanted to get my thoughts out there about this scene because it always stood out to me. I felt there was always an undercurrent of something and I think it's because this was the only post-overblot private conversation we got with Yuu and an overblot boy, plus the added encouragement from Yuu at the end.
I'm curious to know if anyone felt the same way about this scene or if I'm just imagining things. I'm also interested in hearing any theories why Azul suddenly felt the urge to open up to Yuu, if you've got them!
Thanks for enduring my rambling!
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Azul's so funny for trying to play it off all cool like he isn't doing flips and princess twirls in his head rn. Yuu laid it on THICK. We all know he's freaking out internally.
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genericpuff · 6 months
Persephone has a very nasty habit that needs to be talked about.
Have y'all ever really sat down and observed the when of Persephone's actions towards others?
There are three actions specifically I want you to recall and try and remember what happened preceding those actions:
1.) Persephone turning Minthe into a mint plant
2.) Persephone cornering Tori at his job
3.) Persephone invading Leuce's home with barn animals and low key threatening her life
Think very hard for a second about the when of those events. What happened leading up to them?
First, Persephone turning Minthe into a mint plant. This happened right after she made out with Hades at the shopping mall, but more specifically, this happened while she was hiding out in Hades' home from Zeus, while also fearing the worst of her situation with Apollo.
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Second, Persephone cornering Tori at his job. This scene came right after she saw the "Apollo for President" sign in Olympus.
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And third, Persephone invading Leuce's home. This came shortly after she had felt insecure over Hades calling Hera 'Bunny', which for some reason she pinned on her own "jealousy" instead of calling out the elephant in the room.
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It also came right after the Zeus/Dionysus incident and Demeter trying to force her to stay in the Mortal Realm, but I think the Hera incident is the most damning because it's the most related to Persephone's clear insecurities that are being compounded by dating / being married to a serial cheater.
What do all three of these things tell us about Persephone?
It shows that Persephone has a bad habit of projecting all of her problems onto other people that have nothing to do with the bigger issues.
Minthe ratted her out, yes, but she was still running from her inevitable trial, attempting to use the Underworld's policies to play the system and get herself off as scot-free as possible. I mentioned this already in a previous post, but these aren't the actions of a person who claims to feel as guilty as they do over committing mass manslaughter. Point is, she would have gotten caught eventually, and she still had to answer for her crimes. Minthe was an easier target for her anger and frustration than Zeus.
Tori gossiped about her in college, yes, but it came from a very real incident in which Hades ripped out his roommate's eye and beat him half to death. Tori wasn't even gossiping at that point, he was deadass just telling his side of the story and warning people that Persephone was affiliating herself with an abusive man. None of what he said about her being "Hades' dark concubine" was untrue, but he had the unfortunate luck of being at the bank right after Persephone was triggered by the Apollo sign. Tori was just an easier target for her anger and frustration than Apollo.
Leuce attempted to 'seduce' Hades, yes, but she was manipulated by Thetis in an attempt to get her planted just like Minthe and I think a lot of people forget that. Not to mention, Persephone says that she had "ten years" to make the moves on Hades, but like... no she didn't, because Hades was either possessed by Kronos or in a coma for those 10 years, and then he got married to Persephone like 5 days after that LMAO (not saying that excuses her trying to seduce him, I'm just wondering when she was supposed to find the time in those 10 years to talk to him LOL). And finally, and most importantly, Hades had already rejected her advances. She was already embarrassed. She clearly wasn't going to attempt it again. She is of no threat to Persephone, the now wife of Hades and Queen of the Underworld. So Persephone raiding her home was purely just for her own entertainment and, again, to satisfy her own insecurities. Leuce was just an easier target for her anger and frustration than Hades and Hera.
Point is, instead of actually dealing with the root of her issues, seeking legitimate help for her trauma, and/or learning any amount of self-care techniques to manage her frustration and refocus herself on the bigger issues, Persephone is instead relegating herself to a bully who takes out all of her issues onto people weaker than her, oftentimes people who have nothing to do with those bigger issues or have no real bearing on her life.
I'm sure now that I've written about this (because I'm not 100% convinced Rachel isn't reading this lmao the odds are low but never zero) there's gonna be some arc where Persephone goes "aw, I saw the bigger issues but now I'm a different person so life goes on!" without actually doing anything to make up for how she's harmed people (there already is sort of a 'twist' like that in the newest FastPass and it's uh... yikes) but until that happens (again, odds are SEVERELY low but never zero) Persephone is literally the worst person in her own story. She doesn't need a sugar daddy, she doesn't need power, she needs some bitter doses of reality and, most importantly, help.
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Its 2am have more scar headcannons/imagines
Characters: Razor(platonic), Kaeya, Xiao, Tighnari
Sorry these are probs subpar cuz my writing style varies depending on the bpd mood lmao. Bear with the redundancy of these, there are only so many ways to write the same action.
If youre the anon who sent me an ask im replying to your ask with the inverse you talked about. Stay tuned <3 (its probably gonna take another 6 months but welp)
Not spell checked or proof read sorry lol
Razor (platonic)
Wolf boy has a lot of scars as we can all tell. I feel like he probably doesnt get the point of lotion. Probably says it smells bad, like chemicals. His scars are all really improperly healed. Probably has keloid scars (overproduction of scar tissue). The sheer size of the ones on his arms lead me to believe he never got stitches or bandages of any sort, which makes sense considering his story. Regardless, that shit looks painful lmao. (Lighthearted imagine to start us off)
“Razor!” You yell, damn that kid was way faster than you. You nearly trip over a log as you run after him.
“Razor, stop running dammit.” You continue to shout after him, hoping anything you say might just make him slow down. Lord knows you could never catch up to him.
“It's just lotion. It'll make you feel better!” Your lungs start to sting from the chase and your legs drag behind you. You stop to catch your breath and Razor slows down in front of you.
He approaches you slowly like he's afraid you’ll catch him if he gets too close. “Smells bad,” he says and you all but roll your eyes.
“Sometimes things that are good for us smell bad.” You explain. Razor waits for your breathing to even out before he gets within arms reach of you.
“Like soap?” He says and you laugh at the memory of trying to get him to wash himself with soap instead of the occasional dip in the river.
“Yes, like soap.” You sigh and he frowns. Tentatively he holds out his arm, he looks at you expectantly.
“Finally.” You say under your breath and open the bottle of lotion. You can practically feel Razor's eyes watch your hands cautiously. He doesn't move as you spread some against the skin of his arm.
“Cold.” He comments and you huff a little laugh.
“See.” You say when you finish. “Feels better right?”
Razor finally relaxes and smiles at you. “Yes.”
You're just glad he stopped running.
Not gonna go the obvious way and say his eyepatch because I'm different lmao. I think his knuckles are scarred. I think kaeya seems like the type to cope with his feelings through violence. I think kaeya probably hates himself. When everything gets to be too much he just starts coming out swinging. The kind of person who punches a wall without really thinking about it. But yeah I think he used his fists too much when he was younger and now he wears the fingerless gloves to protect/cover the scars. (Sorry if this is weird or seems ooc, it just makes sense to me idk why)
You first see them when he gets the new outfit in sumeru. Everyone around you seems to disregard them, or maybe just not notice. But you can sense the way he subtly hides the scars, the way he walks with a hand behind his back, one covering the other. Its easy to not notice if you arent always watching closely. Maybe the only reason you noticed was because you seemed to always be staring at him. Kaeya catches you looking more than once and in typical kaeya fashion he deflects with flirting or jokes.
Later, when youve returned home to mondstat you ask him about it and he explains after some persistence.
“Its nothing to be shameful of.” You murmur, a hand holding his, looking at the dry scar tissue.
“Its one thing to have scars from braving a battle, a complete other thing to have them from your own stupidity.” He looks away from you and the eye you can see seems far away. Like he’s recalling something from his past.
“But it wasnt stupid, it was a way to cope. How can anyone think of something like that as not brave?” He doesnt answer you, only frowns slightly, a face youve never seen him make. “Do you atleast take care of them?”
He still doesnt respond. You sigh, exasperated, and pull out your endless bag of goods to find a lotion to help with the dryness.
“What are you doing?” He asks, and you all but cringe at the thought of him not knowing you have to moisturize scars.
“I’m helping you.” You half expect him to make a witty comment but the situation proves to be too heavy and he goes back to staying silent. The whole act goes without words, you spread the lotion over his knuckles, rub it in gently. He doesnt say anything until you slide his gloves back on.
“Thank you.” He says and before you can say anything back he adds, “For your actions and your words.”
You press a kiss to one of his gloved hands. “Your welcome.” You thnk you see his cheeks tint the slightest shade of red before hes back to normal again.
“And here I thought I was the romantic.”
I always liked the images of the karmic binds/shackles so I like to imagine his wrists are scarred from straining(?) those too much. I mean considering Xiao is an Adeptus physical wounds wouldn't leave a scar so maybe these more mental-type wounds would. Like the more karmic debt he has the worse the scars get in condition, the less debt the more they fade. Maybe the lotion helps soothe the debt more than anything. Maybe the act of something so comforting and intimate with you lessens the pain. Food for thought I guess.
Every morning, at dawn, Xiao enters a room in Wangshu Inn so his lover can put lotion on his scars. This morning is no different.
“Good morning, Xiao.” You say like always, same pretty smile on your face every day.
“Morning,” Xiao mumbles and frowns as if this isn't his favorite part of the day. He avoids your eyes as he takes off his gloves. As many times as youve seen his wrists, he still gets insecure about them. It's no secret Xiao hates being vulnerable, even around his most trusted companion.
“I saw zhongli yesterday.” You say quietly as he sits down on the bed next to you, lotion in hand. “He was with that harbinger.”
“Tch. Useless scum.” Xiao comments and you laugh.
“He seemed happy, Xiao. Try to be tolerant of his friend.” Xiao just rolls his eyes and rests his arm in your hand. You continue to talk about your day as you open the bottle of lotion and start to spread it out against his wrist.
Xiao stays quiet during this, as he always does. You think he must enjoy your voice because he's always been intent on listening to you speak even if he usually prefers silence. He absorbs your words so soaked in affection and the ache in his body seems to lessen. Pain becomes distant, horrible and intense feelings become easier to push away.
It's over before he realizes it, you've put the lotion away simply holding his hand now, savoring the feeling of his skin against yours. He leans against you and you hum in content.
Maybe this is healing for the both of you. Mutual comfort.
I know a lot of people like the idea of him having scars from getting struck by lightning so i'm just gonna play off of that. Lighting very rarely leaves scars but the scars it does leave are burns. The electricity also causes nerve damage so you'd have to be very gentle and careful when handling tighnari’s scars. They're probably on his neck/back so itd take a lot of trust for him to let you see him so vulnerable. He probably already has lotion he puts on himself but its very hard to reach your own back so eventually he asks you for help.
You've seen him put lotion on his scars many times, watched him wince at the pain of it. You refrain from asking him if he wants your help. Tighnari is independent, he doesn't need anyone's help. But maybe itd be less painful if he didn't have to strain his muscles to reach the scars.
He doesn't say much when he asks the first time. Just tells you to be careful. He starts to list the ingredients of the lotion he's made. How he found it, what the weather was like that day.
No matter how gentle you were he’d still pause in the middle of sentences, and with his back to you, you never saw his winces but you knew they were there.
“Okay,” you say when you've finished and you know he's relieved it's over even if it was a more pleasant experience than him doing it himself.
But he thanks you anyway, and he’ll ask you to do it again the next day.
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bronx-bomber87 · 2 months
Hello lovely fandom and happy Wednesday. Wanted to get this review out sooner than the last. Since I was delayed and late last week. With good reason I know but Wed was my original goal. So wanna stick to it for this next one.
Ahhh the 100th ep. Had we had full seasons in 1-3 would’ve been last year. But that is neither here nor there HA. Also it's our ILY ep ❤️ This is a PACKED ep for them. So did my best per usual for gif space. They had wall to wall moments which is amazing but daunting for reviews ha The gif puzzle was a hard one but I got it worked out. Do love a challenge. Anyways let us begin.
6x02 The Hammer
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Our couple starts up still icy and tense af. I relate to Tim so much in this first scene. Shocker I know. I’m very much the kind to be like. 'It sucked, I noted it sucked, I was upset and now we’re moving on.' I hate beating a dead horse if I feel the subject has been talked to death. Now that isn't this situation but it is the jist of the scene for Tim at least. Lucy asking if they can talk Tim says yes BUT there’s nothing to talk about. Now, where I am like Tim in wanting the expedience of a situation to be over, I'm not in how he handled the end of the scene above. Just avoiding it completely. I have grown quite a bit due to therapy thankfully.
So this is where he and I differ in this tiff. What he's doing used to be my M.O. Where as now I still want it over quickly but I now I follow it up with how I recognize how I can be better. If I’m in the wrong that is. I ask what I can do moving forward so doesn’t happen again? Asking what I could do next time to make sure they don't feel that way in the future? Or if I’m the wronged party explaining what I need so this doesn’t happen next time. As we know our boy is pre-therapy Tim atm so he does none of those things….Communication as we know not their strong suit.
Lucy wants to talk it out more in detail. Seeing their fight as another bigger fight to come. She isn’t wrong at all. First time I've agreed with her in this prolonged fight. It totally is a pending issue. Lucy tells him just wanting to move on isn’t healthy. Definitely isn't. And he is riled up from the insinuation. Tim just wants to shove it into a box until that issue comes to light again. Which again isn’t the healthiest approach to what she is aiming at. The reality is right or not Lucy hurt him deeply. He clearly isn’t over that and it’s reflected in their convo above. The start to the ep is a fraught one for them.
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Lucy meets up with Angela to go over 'The Hammer.' Which she is more than happy to help her out with. What she doesn’t know is she’s about to step in the middle of a lover's quarrel. Which is going to make her even happier tbh. LOL This is one of those 'Angela is the fandom moments.' Where she’s just sitting back and enjoying the show. Her face while she watches the chaos unfold is everything. Look at her above. She is gleeful she lucked into this fight.
Their bickering has reached astronomical married levels. It’s written all over Angela’s face as she watches them argue. With their pot shots, passive aggressive comments, and the fact they’re fighting like she’s not even there anymore. Lastly just the all around husband and wife banter they're displaying for her. The 100th ep delivered in so many ways. This scene is one of them. Our on screen shipper is having the time of her life with this. Not hiding her delight in the least.
She signed on for help then got popcorn and a show to go with it. They don’t even notice her presence till she interjects ‘Let what go?’. They’re so wrapped up in their fight they had forgotten she was there. Angela wouldn’t be Angela without shooting off a snarky reply as they take off. 'Maybe I'll go too. Grab some popcorn on the way for the show.' So bummed couldn't get this one in gif wise. But I’m dying of laughter when Tim says she isn’t funny. Her firing back to 'She’s hysterical. Ask Wesley' LMAO
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They arrive at the Hammer's apt and Tim is trying to give Lucy the rundown. Attempting and failing to be clipped and professional with her. But this is Lucy so that was never gonna happen. lol He mentions his real name is Billy Bob Bennett. Lucy touches his arm like she does so naturally and laughs. Asking if that’s really his name? That no wonder he goes by his nickname. Trying to lighten the vibe. Sadly her touch does nothing to soften his annoyance. Tim is still in grumpy mode and didn’t find this funny in the least.
Asking if he can just finish his good news/bad news? Lucy apologizes and say knock yourself out…Not wanting to fight any further on the subject. Tim continues on saying he has a felony warrant. So they could kick down his door if they wanted right now. Which is the good news. Lucy mentions he bought the ring legally though… Which is the bad news. So he has no reason to give them the ring. That he won’t be any more inclined to give it to them when they arrest him.
It’s here we watch Tim hesitate and it’s hilarious. Lucy is watching him with amused eyes wondering why. Has the look of a man who's seen things. haha Tim explains he loves to fight but more importantly he loves to fight cops more than anything. Hence the nickname. It’s the gentle way he pushes her toward his front door after his 'Ladies first.' line LOL I was laughing so hard. She’s smiling even mad she loves this goober of a man. Who says chivalry is dead eh?
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When the Hammer opens the door he looks agro af. I love them being in-sync with putting their hands up. Even in a fight they are simpatico in the field. Lucy explains the situation with the ring while hubby nods along. This scene is gold. Hammer mentions the ring was legally bought. This is where she offers him the deal. That if he just gives them the ring they’ll give him a head start. Give him 20 minutes to grab the future misses and go to ground. They won’t start the hunt and call back up till then.
Of course living up to his reputation that’s not enough to get him to bite. He rather fight it out. Want's a fair fight. One on one. They win they get the ring and he gets arrested. Hammer wins he keeps the ring and they arrest him. I remember getting a flash back of the Pilot in this moment. Tim telling her she’s gonna have to fight him lmao Just like last ep the massive different between now and then is he’s in love with Lucy.
She tells him one will care what he looks like tomorrow LOL That she has to be beautiful and in a dress. I mean she isn’t wrong. But also I very much care about what he looks like at that wedding haha Lucy gives him all the heart eyes when he concedes and says ‘Let’s go.’ Even though she can handle herself no way he'd actually make her take this bullet mad or not. Do love her saying 'You got this.' before the fight begins. Ever the supportive wifey.
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First off I cannot believe there isn’t a gif set of this fight. (Not that I could fit it in ha but still)There's one of Lucy’s reactions to the fight. But not of the fight itself. Which is a travesty because it’s sexy af on Tim’s part. The song running through the scene is perfection per usual. Second watching this fight makes me cringe at first. Not cause I don’t think it’s amazing. I love it. As stated earlier it's sexy af and impressive. What makes me cringe is having the back issues I have now and Tim having them as well. Hurts to watch for that reason. Hammer wipes floor with him at first. Idk how he isn’t tore up from the floor up after this lol
Lastly I do adore Lucy’s reactions to this. Worried wife mode has been activated. Mad as she is it pains her to not step in. She wants to at first and Tim stops her. Gesturing his hand to not intervene. Couldn’t fit that part in but I adored it. Hammer wanted a fair fight, and being the honorable man he is, Tim will uphold that. He knows Lucy can hold her only with the best of 'em. But Hammer would’ve been pissed had she jumped in to help him. Still I know it was killing her to watch him get tossed around like he did. Tim was NOT winning at first.
Now back to why this fight is sexy. It’s the way Tim holds his own. He gets tossed around like a rag-doll at first. Then learns how the Hammer moves and adapts. If you don’t think him launching himself off that bed and power kicking into his chest isn’t incredibly sexy, we can’t be friends. LOL It's insanely attractive how he took his ass down after that move. Holy hell. Look at those biceps in action. Bulging and sinfully delicious *fans self* I need some ice water. He could put me in a hold like that anytime....Lucy looks so relieved when he gets the ring and Hammer is passed out cold. Her reactions through out were primo though.
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Next comes the best part of the scene. Tim staggers over and grabs the ring. Panting and completely out of breath. Damn near ready to pass out. Now this portion of him being on one knee as he hands her the ring. *screams into a pillow* This is foreshadowing at it's finest folks. Alexi wouldn’t have put this in there if he wasn’t gonna cash in on it one day. I truly believe that. The looks they share as well are so damn loaded. Look at the shared looks as he holds up the ring. Oh my lord.
Especially Lucy’s as she accepts the ring and looks down at him. Feeling all the feels we were in the moment. I remember A.H. saying there would be a moment that would launch a thousand gifs. He wasn’t wrong. This was an iconic moment in an episode full of them for our ship. Lucy is riddled with emotion and can barely choke out ‘Good job.’ You know she wants to marry this man. Stubborn streak and all. In that brief moment when he’s staring up at her that hits her. Stuns her a little too honestly. Melissa does a wonderful job conveying all that.
I remember seeing a great set for this. Had him kneeling on one knee from 5x17 when they're in sally port. Then 6x02. The caption read ‘Third time is the charm.’ In my heart of hearts I believe that. Next time he’s on one knee it’s going to be to ask Lucy Chen to marry him. To be his wife. What a beautiful day that’ll be. *dreamy sigh* That being said this moment was meant to be foreshadowing no doubt in my mind. The way the shot was framed and everything screamed that. It is funny to cap it off with Tim passing the hell out after it all haha Along with Lucy’s ‘Oh.’ as he collapses. It's hilarious. Poor Tim.
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We move onto the unconventional bachelor/bachelorette parties. Because yes even though our ship is the best part of this ep, there is still a wedding to be had LOL I loved how this was written and shot. How it bounces back and forth between both parties. And how it’s about Chenford for most part not John/Bailey. Cause let’s be real. Ain’t no one watching this ep for their actual wedding. Also loved how this had that amazing rom-com vibe all over it. Made me very happy and I was here for it.
This portion shows us what we already know. They both got issues and aren’t confronting them. Celina’s comments crack me up. She’s new to shipping Chenford but is a shipper none the less. Basically being like you guys are what I’m striving for in my love life. So please work it out haha Tim noting they’re great when she’s not accusing him of made up transgressions. I mean he’s got you there Lucy....
Once again I’m on Tim’s side with this back and forth dialogue. Yes he was deeply traumatized by what happened with Isabel. But she is projecting onto him in this instance. Because she isn’t ready for all that comes with UC/detective. Chastity has a solid reply to Lucy about UC. A mic drop one really. We all know she is actually dreading what might happen now that she has him. Chastity trying to get Lucy to confront she's scared. Breaking News. She doesn't...She throws it back on Tim instead unfortunately.
Said this before just because you are good at something doesn’t mean it’s your destiny. Having to leave him for possible months at a time is shaking her. Also with how dangerous it is. That it increases the fact she could not come home to him. The detective exam makes UC a legit reality. One I don’t think Lucy really thought about because it was a distant future. Now that it’s closer she’s hitting the panic button HARD. Not only that but projecting onto Tim with this fight they’re still in. She’s in massive denial and it’s all over her in this scene.
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Lucy breaks off from the party. She is meeting Tim at the station but she’s not sure why. I love how cute Tim is just waiting for her. So pleased with himself for this solution. Looking mighty yummy in his black shirt all wired up. Telling Lucy she can ask him whatever she wants. Just like the last ep he’s desperate to proof he’s on her side. That he’s truly rooting for her. Lucy gets excited asking if she can ask him anything? Tim is confused and says the point was to ask him about detective/UC….
I adore how Lucy instantly throws him off. How she crowds him and flusters him in the process. Saying they should be 'Thorough' as she scoots closer to him. Madam you aren't here to turn him on haha The way she approaches him says otherwise. Look at that man’s reaction. He’s so distracted he almost forgets why he’s wired up. Even after being together awhile she still takes his breath away. Look at the way he inhales sharply when she gets closer. Encroaching on his space.
Makes my shipper heart so damn happy. He’s a little turned on by her descent on him. How she pulls up nice and close. Not only that but scoots in and brackets his leg with her thighs. She knows what she's doing and is very aware that man loves her thighs. Tim is shook in the best way ahha I bet his heart rate spiked on that machine LMAO The way he looks her up and down. Floored by this woman in front of him. Hell of a way to start this scene.
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Lucy wants a baseline so she starts with the bug question. Honestly it’s the best way to diffuse the tension before it gets real. Such a cute married moment this portion. Asking if he really releases the bugs she traps for him? Idk what’s cuter. Tim indulging her by taking them out to “Set them free.” Or Lucy asking him to do so while low key knowing he wasn’t LOL Marriage thy name is Chenford. His sigh before he admits he doesn't is so funny. That 'No' is hysterial.
His bemused face while she see's his answer is true is precious. The hilarious way he’s like yeah. I didn’t cause they’re bugs lol This is Grumpy X Sunshine personified for them with this part. I loved getting this look into them outside of work. When they’re just at her place being them. Clearly it's something that's been going on for a long time and I’m dying. Tim pretending to do so cause he loves her.
But he’s still him and isn’t gonna save a bugs life lmao Cause well. Tim. The fact he’s been killing them and lying to spare her feelings. That’s love ya’ll. Deep down she knew haha But needed to get the proof while he was wired up. Amazing. Damnit I love these two sfm. This episode is a treasure trove of goodies. Also just more proof how pure Lucy is. Wouldn’t hurt a fly literally. Pure sunshine this one.
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Lucy gets a little more serious. Asks Tim if he loves her? Now it’s subtle and our ship is so good at the subtle goodness. I adore the slight shake of his head first. The way he looks at Lucy before he answers. Like how is this even a question? He feels every part of his being, every action he does, how he's opened up for her screams how much he loves her.
Like of course I love you, Lucy Chen. His heart eyes are off the charts adorable. I love the way he meets her half way. Needing to be closer to her when he says this. Does that deep breath first. Leans in with the biggest in love smile and tells her 'Yes. I love you.' *swoon* I could hear him say that all day.
You know his deep breath before he replies reminds me of 5x08 when he took a leap of faith. Took a deep breath and went for it. The sweet smile when he says he loves her. *squee* Nothing makes more sense to him than being in love with this woman in front of him. It’s written all over his confession and beautiful face. He couldn’t be more in love with her if he tried. Lucy’s knowing smirk is everything below.
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I do remember there being a debate if this was first time he said that to her or not. I mean I’m not sure still tbh. Months later and I'm not 100% either way tbh. I mean how she looks at him when she asks him makes it seem like it is. Almost like she's holding her breath waiting for the answer. But then her reaction above is a knowing smile of someone who already knows. Like she's heard it from him before. And is using hearing it to ground herself in this moment.
Needing to hear that reassurance that he loves her. Because the next question is the biggie. But I could totally see this being the first time as well. It's one thing I'm not confident on which is very rare for me with them. Anyways no matter what camp you fall in this scene is fantastic. We got a love struck Tim Bradford telling Lucy he loves her. Nothing better than that you ask me. Not only that but with the biggest in-love grin we could ask for. So either way the scene is a massive win for us. I also can’t hear Tim say he loves her enough. Wanna hear it on a loop.
Makes me squee and simultaneously want to pass out from the glee. Unfortunately the lie detector detects its first lie in him being ok with her going UC. Even Tim is shocked by it. He truly thought he was going to pass that question with flying colors. Lucy isn’t shocked but Tim is. Why? Because the man as I’ve stated before would die rather than not support her. He is floored it's a lie. It does cause some good self reflection from him later at the wedding as we will see.
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They sadly arrive to the wedding separately. Tim showing up looking like an absolute snack though. I love this vertical shot. Giving us a glorious look at him dressed to the nines. Tall drink of water I would like a sip of. Hot damn. Chicken or steak? Neither. I’ll take Tim Bradford wearing the hell out of that suit please and thank you. Also we know that man didn’t pick that suit out. Has Lucy written all over it with how they match. I can only imagine them going shopping for it and Tim protesting the entire time haha
Tim is actively seeking his person out as his eyes scan the crowd. Even mad he needs eyes on her. They lock eyes across the courtyard. Lucy looks excited to see him. She takes in how good he looks then remembers she’s mad at him. Doesn’t maintain it long after that sadly. Angsty goodness right there ooof. I’m here for it.
The wedding happens after but I don't really care about that TBH. The looks continue in the afterparty. Tim drinks at the bar and watch's his girl have fun on the dance floor. Lucy’s gaze a little softer this time around as she looks back at him. *sigh* Does crack me up Celina asks Aaron if they'll be ok as she watches them long for each other haha Girl is seriously worried about them. I love it.
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE Tim being the one to bridge the gap. He's reaching out to her and is ready to talk this out. He doesn't even acknowledge Luna when he walks up. Only has eyes for his girl. Sorry Luna LOL He can’t be away from her any longer. Tim extending his hand asking her to dance wordlessly. That silent communication of their's in full force. My heart.
I adore how Luna is looking at them when Lucy gets up. Lucy looks back and gets her nod of approval. Like go make up with your man honey. Love Lucy’s smile knowing how Tim coming to her is a huge deal. My god how this man has grown. Makes me happy to no end. The music once again *chef kiss* This song is glorious in it's perfection for this scene. I'll never hear this song the same way again that's for sure. It'll bring me right back to this moment.
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From here on out it is all hands hands hands. I saw someone make a tag of *pterodactyl screeching* for this scene. Made me cackle. If that isn’t the fandom in this moment. Eric and Melissa are so good at the little things that make us lose our damn minds. The way he softly takes her hand in his. How she can’t keep hers off him from minute they hit the dance floor. I don’t blame her my hands would be all over him too. I love how they get lost in one another instantly. Looks at those smiles above.
These two couldn't be happier to be near each other. Their time apart has really made that craving to be close increase ten-fold. Despite the lie detector scene they’ve been apart physically since 6x01 if not longer than that. Probably pre-6x01 but post 6 weeks in his office. Haven’t really been affectionate since then either. They’re being drawn back in like a moth to the flame when they're reunited. Like they're coming up for air for the first time in forever. Been trapped in this fight for far too long.
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They get so lost in being together again they almost forget they’re still in a fight. I love this so much. The one above has me swooning the most. Look at them. The way she runs her hand down his chest. The smile on his face is everything. Just so happy to have her in his arms again. How Lucy is looking at Tim. phew lord. That is a loaded look. Mixture of sheer happiness and wanting to take him to nearest closest tbh. Seems like such an intimate gaze she's throwing his way.
He's reciprocating with his own fiery intensity. *fans self* Forgetting they are indeed in public. I love how they sway in perfect tandem together. Gah if you wanted to know what utter perfection and chemistry looked like. Go no further than this gif. Look at these stunning humans just exuding their attraction for one other. Beautiful thing to behold. Saying so much with just their incredible physical chemistry. Sweet lord we are so lucky to have Eric and Melissa helming this ship.
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Tim is the one to break the silence. Finally admitting after episodes of sheer frustration last year, he isn’t ok with her being UC. That he’s more conflicted than he realized. He truly thought he was ok enough about it. Enough that he could pass a lie detector test. He wouldn’t have done it if he thought it would’ve proved him wrong. In his heart of hearts he thought he was ok adjacent lol
His suppressed feelings for months coming out in his answer. Lucy is very kind in her reply to him. Letting him know it’s understandable. That it was so horrible how could be possibly be over that? I love her fingers climbing up and down his lapel the entire time. Gripping it when she needs it. Almost as if touching him constantly is going to ground her in this moment. Which I think it is. Being near him always been a comfort to her.
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I couldn’t be prouder of him if I tried in this portion. Tim growth moments are my fav moments. To not only tell her 'Hey you were right.' but to admit to being wrong. Tim Bradford just admitted to being wrong. Man must be in love baha Tim being even more amazing in growth won’t take the out she's given him.
Stating it’s not fair to her. That he needs to deal with it. He takes it even one step further. Telling her that her dream shouldn’t have anything to do with his issues. What a man. How Lucy doesn’t pull him into the nearest closet/room for make up sex right then and there idk haha Has more will power than I would.
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Lucy is touched by his honesty and owning his part in this UC fight. It’s written all over her face when she says ‘Thank you.’ The ‘hands hands hands’ continues and I’m all but squealing. Look at her fingers at back of his neck/head and all over his hair. Her other hand coming up to stroke his bicep too. I’m dying here of cloud 9 happiness.
The way she strokes the back of his head while she’s comforting him. I cannot you guys. It’s so soft and cute. I’m dead. Here lies Caitlin- Cause Chenford was off the charts cute and she imploded. Happily take that death all damn day. The way she tells him they’re gonna get through this. My heart. She truly would’ve gone through ANYTHING for him. Thought they truly could recover from any conflict. Weather any storm as long as they're together.
Look at Tim and the way he's smiling down at her in that second gif. He believes it too because she does. Ugh. Makes what happens in 6x06 hurt all that more. But let’s not think about that too much. I wanna live here for awhile and avoid that until I literally can’t and we’ve reached 6x06 lol I can't get over her fingers in his hair you guys. The way she is sweetly caressing his neck and arm. Some fanfic goodness IRL. My damn heart. I'm not crying you are.
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If this scene wasn't amazing enough we reach Lucy's ILY and it's GLORIOUS. The way she searches his face and makes sure he can see it. That it’s splayed all over her face how much she loves him. Her heart eyes on full blast for him. She once again is caressing the back of his neck as she says it too. Then we get the sweet kiss to follow it *heart clutch* I’m weeping at how beautiful this scene is. The writers really did us justice with this moment. Eric and Melissa knocked it out of the park and then some. Always elevating the material given to them in so many ways.
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Her hand on his face as they continue to sway in tandem. Her thumb running down his jawline tenderly. The way he’s looking down at Lucy gets me in the feels hard. Like he can’t believe this beautiful woman loves him warts and all. He’s in complete awe of her in this moment. So happy this incredible woman has chosen to love him. The vulnerability he is displaying here is a sight to see. Truly proof of how she obliterated his wall and then some.
The sweet smile he gives her at the end. *squee* He’s ecstatic she loves him despite their issues. Despite his issues. Constantly blown away by the woman in his arms. Lucy returning his expression in kind. Looking up at him like he's the best thing that's ever happened to her. Because well he is. Her loving smile while looking up at him. I'm dying. It's why the man is puddle right now.
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Wouldn’t be Tim if he didn’t follow up with a goobery joke though. Because she brings that side out in him like no other. Let us also enjoy how Lucy still can’t keep her hands off his lapel btw. Or him in general really. I can’t stop focusing on the hands and how they’re all over each other. His crack about the lie detector is pretty damn cute. A great way to finally end the tension between them.
It’s the way Lucy laughs and slaps that same hand, with her DOD ring on his chest, that gets me. She loves this ridiculous goober of a man so much. Their physical chemistry is unreal. Never seen any other like it. Tim is beaming down at her. So happy to have made her laugh the way he did. Her laughter is music to his ears. Mine too. If you weren’t grinning ear to ear after that joke you’re dead inside LOL This part is so sweet I’m diabetic.
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Aaron sadly ruins the moment with his drunk ass. We immediately see soft, funny, and light Tim disappear instantly. Fierce protector Tim emerges as he pulls Lucy close to him. Never letting his hand leave her waist as he scolds Aaron. Pulling her closer and closer as he does. And uses his other arm to keep Aaron away from Lucy. I love it so much. Once again it’s the little things our captains do so damn well. We eat it up like candy haha
Celina takes off after a call solo. Idk why she would after everything happened with Aaron in 5x22. But Nolan is her T.O. So… Thought we made it a review without a Nolan pot shot didn’t you? Well I snuck one in. #noregrets
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Anyways we watch our couple emerge from an unseen area. Smiles for days on Lucy's face. Which we all took as they had make up sex and we’re seeing the afterglow of that heh. It’s where all our minds went and I love it. D is writing a fic based on that. Idk when but I cannot wait for that. *cough* please write it next bestie.*cough*. They all go into cop mode like the BAMFS they all are about Celina. Except Aaron he’s sidelined by Tim for being hammered. Poor sweet Aaron is a struggle bus.
They save Celina and our ship looks amazing as they do it of course. Didn't have room for that great shot of them. Gives me all the feels Lucy showing up to the scene with Tim in his truck. That little things theme continues. Also Tim in his tie and badge showing? Yum. Gimme. To quote ZZ Top ‘ Cause every girl crazy bout a sharp dressed man.’ Mmm. And that concludes the ep Chenford wise.
Phew that was a doozy to write. Their content heavy ones always are I hope did it justice had fun writing it. They beyond delivered with this 100th ep. It’s memorable for so many reasons and we got loads of moments from it. Something did wanna touch on that I didn’t love during their dance. I didn’t love the blame squarely being on just Tim for their fight. Lucy had a hand in it too. Tim deserved an apology too. Other than that its perfect. Now I’m wondering if they’re gonna touch on her mental health stuff more in S7. Because there was a lot of build up to it in this entire season. I’m hoping they do cause they put her through damn ringer this season. Gotta have a pay off or some sort like Tim’s did.
Thank you forever and always to those who read, comment, like and reblog these reviews. They do my heart real good when you do. You are the reason I do them. So thank you. Shall see you all in 6x03 :)
Side notes- non Chenford
The cold open LOL It’s fantastic. Cop cutie is so funny I love it. Nolan’s reaction is hilarious. Just walks away ahaha while Celina jams out.
Harper telling Lucy to ‘run.’ at the bachelorette party had me rolling. Mekia has great dead pan comedic timing. I adore her for it.
I love Nyla looking out for Celina with Aaron. She’s such a good mentor. Telling her Being Aaron's only support is a slow poison. It's true I've been there.
They all looked amazing for this wedding. We have the most beautiful cast. End to end.
The music at the wedding primo. John Mayer, Young MC and Alicia keys. Solid af. Good job James haha
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chickpea0 · 5 months
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Pet/animal regressing SAS trio moodboards inspired by @roseyposie-agere's headcanons which are here! I thought they were really cool and I just got a really vivid image in my head (which I tried to recreate lol) so here they are! I also have a few headcanons + bonus board myself which are under the cut :>
Growing up, they always played all kinds of games together. Hide and seek, pirates, tig and "animals" was just another activity they enjoyed. At least that's what they and everyone else assumed.
Eventually they outgrew many of their other games (though they still do remain healthily playful) they hadn't seemed to drop it like the others. It wasn't quite the same as it was before and there was a sort of break for a while
but I think one day, as preteens or young teens they were sitting around talking about whatever and suddenly one of them brought it up like hey, remeber when we did that? I don't want to forget about that. And there was a quiet understanding :) they're all pretty in tune with eachother.
Anyway, these days they love to use it not only to destress and decompress but as an act of a sort of rebellion!
Yeah they're gonna spend their free time in the woods together! Yeah they're gonna be themselves! And they're not gonna be quiet about it. Well, Abigail and Sam at least.
For Sebastian, he feels it more inwardly. When he regresses it feels more like a fuzzy warmth, like being indoors during a thunderstorm. His dream day while regressed would involve being cosy with his two favourite people, a nice sashimi dinner, a TV marathon running in the background and maybe a few head scritches or two. I feel like he's more open to touch while kitty. He's also less standoffish towards others outside his group but still reserved.
Abi loves to chew on things. I think. You can some times tell when she's feeling a bit wolfish when she starts nibbling the end of a pencil. Sam and Seb gifted her some chewelry once which she was really greatful for. Now she has a shoebox full of it along with some other "wolf-time" items. Has to constantly fight back the urge to playfully bite her friends lmao. I also feel like she might ocasionlly resonate with Springer Spaniels when she's feeling a bit lighter. She's also Very protective. Is even more head strong :)
Sam!! No specific breed and I feel like the "blond loveable character = golden retriver" is a bit tired but I think it quite suits him. Becomes even more goofy when he's regressed. I feel like Sam out of all 3 of them has less sepperation between him and doggy-him. While none of them really have to try hard to hide it, already being in their own world, they still generally like to avoid others, Sam fully embraces it. He even goes to work a bit puppy-ish. That's just Sam!
Regressing also helps them more grounded, and more connected with the natural world :)
They all have their own specific reasons as to why they turn to it. Abigail often feels quite detatched from her family, she enjoys having the stability of it as well as how tough (yet also valuable) it makes her feel. Seb as we all know deals with a heaviness with him; he's a child of divorce and struggles with keeping a healthy balance of things (smoking, distancing himself, being drawn to risky things like his motorbike) so he finds it easier to take care of himself and let others care about him. And Sam has a lot of anxiety with his father. I also believe they are some flavour of neurodivergent so. Projecting here but more "unique" coping methods form lol.
As for frequency I think it really fluctuates! They might go months or more without that familiar feeling or they might go through patches where it's every other day. Depends on each one of them and what they're going through at the time. Probably was more frequent when they were younger, but it was mixed with pet dreaming a lot as well back then.
I think regressing also helps keep them so close, partly. They're growing up and maturing and it is really easy to detatch from your friends and get so wrapped up with stuff on your own. They're able to be their own individuals and learn perfectly fine, but now they have something quite special that let's them be so open :)
Also! Also! I headcanon that they spent a lot of time on the abandoned farm before the farmer arrived! They loooved how out of the way it was and how the overgrown property was so fun to explore. They were actually kind of disapointed when they heard someone was moving in but lucky for them the farmer is quite quick to catch on, and they don't mind a patch of their land being used as a hangout. Afterall they already have so many animals around! What's a few more? Especially if they're willing to help out.
Sam LOVES helping around the farm, he's like a little herding dog. You can practically see his tail wagging. Seb and Abi prefer to watch most of the time though lol
Also. They have pushie version of each others animal!
So yeah! That's it! Brain dump finished! Phew...
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Tagging @theregressionlibrary to enter for Pet Takeover event!
[divider by saradika]
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creek-ink · 2 years
hello hi !! i love your art <33 do you think you could drop any nina hcs you have ?
hello and thank u!! here's some art from earlier today of my versions of nina and jane <3
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as for nina's hcs,, well I honestly haven't thought too much on her place in my lil fan storyline I'm making.
so let's see what I can make up on the spot!! kisdbsjhdkdsk
Nina's "origins"
like most creepypastas, I don't like Nina's original story. (lol) so here's my just as shitty version.
nina, in my world, was still a jtk fangirl. she heard his story on the news and was captivated by his mugshot. (definitely the type to romanticize true crime) she began emulating his chelsea grin with makeup and posting abt her infatuation w him on her social media.
this fixation on Jeff opened a door to the slenderman, which it gladly stepped through. like any edgy teen being stalked by an eldredge horror would, she began to document her experience w the monster on her verious social media outlets.
to prevent further exposure of the proxies n what not, nina was due to die. in the midst of her kidnapping, she expressed her interest in working alongside the monsters that stalked her.
in a rather sitcom-y way, nina was now a part of the problem, if u will. working w her fav serial killers </3
her style
apart from being engrossed in the emo/scene culture, her clothing style is heavily influenced by the early 2000s. she loves all things gaudy and over the top, often resulting in a hot topic explosion.
most likely influenced by her style, her interests in angsty media should be noted. she's an avid reader of johnny the homicidal maniac, death note, and other media in the like. her fave bands include- sleeping w sirens, get scared, msi, and blood on the dance floor.
(while on trips into town, she makes it a point to stop by the local nerd shop to stalk up on (rob) her favs.)
crime: (lmao)
let's just say she's very reckless. she leaves behind crums of evidence everywhere she goes. at this point, she's stopped making an attempt to hide her tracks.
she gets a little too into the killing thing- often being playful and flirting w her victims. she sees it all as one big game and definitely believes she's invincible.
-jane is her person, the perfect amount of balance and authority that counteracts her crazy. jane sees nina as a person in need of guidance and maybe a bit of parenting. nina sees jane as a big sister of sorts and often comes to her for advice and to confide in.
-toby is her bestie. point, blank, period. those two get into a little too much trouble together. they became close via the long drives that resulted from their extensive missions. at first, nina had the hots 4 toby but soon grew out of them infavor of his friendship.
fun lil tid bit- they like to sit in eachothers company while they read. nina reads her manga/comics and toby his books.
-jeff,, well jeff, for obvious reasons, isn't too found of nina. he finds her annoying and tiring, which is rich coming from him. he does his best to avoid her, but when the unavoidable is unavoidable, she ignores him. they say never meet ur idols and boy, they weren't kidding. all that time fantasizing abt her prince rly didn't match up to the sleazy prick she now works w. let's just say they don't get along.
-as 4 the majority of the creeps, there seems to be a consensus that nina is annoying af, and shes to be avoided. (rip nina)
so this was kinda shit! but either way, I hope u enjoyed the read. I may revisit this someday and flesh it out. or just scrap it all together pff!! lemme know what u think and lemme know any of ur guy's-s hcs or suggestions! i love reading what u have to say. (even if what u have to say conflicts w what i have to say)
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l3viat8an · 1 year
I have not been able to stop thinking about play fighting with Luci !!!!!!!!!!
*deep breath*
Ok so like imagine all the bros are outa the house and it's just you and Luci and he's in the kitchen doing a bit of cleaning and you sneak up behind up behind him to poke his side and he just brushes your hand away. And you try again and he just keeps brushing your hand away and it's like a little game.
But then he turns around to glare at you as if he's annoyed but for some stupid reason he cracks a smile and starts to chuckle as you continue to try and poke him. Your little game escalates until Luci is literally chasing you around the house and you're jumping from one hiding place to another trying not to get caught.
Then after some time you turn the tables on him, tackling him and knocking him backwards onto the couch obviously because he let you, there ain't no way you would have overpowered him lmao (he's a softie for his lil mc)
He's pretending to try and get free, groaning about how you're 'too strong' or 'too cunning' and that's when the bros come home to find Luci writhing underneath you and you on top of him giggling mischievously. And they all just stand there like (°o°)
It takes a hot minute for Luci to notice and when he does he swiftly lifts you off of him, clears his throat and heads to the kitchen to start dinner
Nsfw alternative - The bros come back and catch you grinding on top of Luci who's all flustered and still pretending like you 'caught him' (spoiler: he didn't know the bros were there for a hot minute. He only found out they were standing there when Beel's stomach growled)
(side note: this is a poly!OM bros hc, I just wasn't sure if that's relevant lmaooo)
This is so perfect I can’t omgdjgs
And even better!! Imagine Lucifer letting out extra little groan and gasps when he’s underneath you~
Like you’ve actually got him pinned down and he can’t get away XD (it’s all for dramatic effect lol he’s gotta be soft ‘n sweet to his human <3)
Either way the other find you two the teasing at dinner is going to be horrible!!!
The other boys are all so jealous that Lucifer got pinned down by you and not one of them-
It’s just not fair!! So they’re all going to go on ‘n on about how ‘The big bad Lucifer got beaten up by a human!’ ‘And just think about how great he used to be.’ ‘It must be the old age gettin’ to him’ you get the idea-
(and then to really rub it in Lucifer takes you back to his room and keeps you all to himself for the whole night~ that’ll teach the others not to tease him ;))
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ryuichirou · 2 months
A lot of replies! A bunch about a Florid Prison Warden AU comic from yesterday, a couple about other fandoms, one about antis, a bunch of shippy stuff (Falena/Leona, Lilia/Silver), some spicy stuff etc.
Anonymous asked:
Prison Warden au is back!
Yes!! After almost a year... I am amazed that so many people remember this AU. Thank you...
Anonymous asked:
How long can Floyd possibly hide Riddle in his cell? Also, how did he knock him out to begin with?
Riddle is currently far away from the prison, he was knocked out pretty much for the entirety of Floyd’s escape and has no idea where he is. He is technically in a cell right now... but in a different kind of cell.
Knocking him out wasn’t that difficult, Floyd just went ahead and squeezed him very tightly~ Until Goldfishie fell asleep...
Anonymous asked:
So what will they do to Riddle now?
Anonymous asked:
So Riddle got kidnapped after Floyd escape? Now I wonder what happened.
Well, for now Riddle will stay at an undisclosed location in the middle of nowhere in some dark room, and Floyd will have to take care of him. How the turns have tabled, eh? Now Goldfishie is the one being locked up <3 These two will have a lot of fun during Riddle’s stay! And Riddle is going to end up being traumatised for sure...
But they probably won’t be able to keep him there forever, so who knows what will happen next?
Anonymous asked:
You have made Sukufushi art before??? Omg why was I not aware of this
Hehe yes!! It was ages ago, but I used to draw these two a lot. We didn’t post the majority of my jjk sketches though because we didn’t really post very often back then + didn’t think anyone really wanted to see them, which was kind of true lol
Anonymous asked:
I'm the one who asked about Bobobo.  It's a very silly, nonsensical, random show.  An evil empire is trying to make everyone bald and a man fights them with his armpit and nose hair.  There's also a guy who fights with farts.  It's been awhile since I watched it but I think there were a few serious, dark moments, though most of it's a lead up to a joke.  I wondered if you and Katsu would like it cause the reason I watched Gintama was cause it reminded me of it and iirc you've Gintama
Oh god, so it’s this kind of show (in a good way)!
Dark and heavy moments that are a lead up to a joke is honestly one of my favourite ways to treat comedy+drama, this is why we love Gintama so much (and also Osomatsu-san and also South Park lol). Bobobo really does sound like it has this same vibe.
I don’t know if we’ll watch it anytime soon, but I’ll definitely keep it in mind. Thank you, Anon!
Anonymous asked:
Regarding the sneezing HCs, do you think Malleus will spit fire and roast everything in front of him when he sneezes? Bro has pretty bad control over his magic after all LMAO
Hoo boy, just imagine Malleus feeling like he is about to sneeze and Lilia running from the other side of the dorm to grab his nose because he knows it never ends well.
Anonymous asked:
About the response talking about antis, yeah it's hard for me to look for fics and fanart because I'll often run into antis...
I feel like part of it might be that they don't look at who a game is for or what genre it is apart from RPG/visual novel/ect, I don't think they know what joseimuke is (and I'm a still lil confused on the target audience of those as well, but I think it's mainly women with a disposable income?) and they think the target audience's age = casts' age, so since the cast is teens, then it's for teens by their logic...even though shows like South Park exist and I ain't showing that to a young kid.
I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt that they genuinely think they're helping people/doing good things/ect since a lot of them aren't adults, but I can't.  I just can't get that impression from them at all.  The "nicest" I can be towards them is that they're young and dumb and will hopefully grow out of it or they need therapy but can't get it for some reason and this a kind of cry for help
Let’s be honest: if they weren’t dicks about it, no one would even care. We all understand that people don’t like some things, and all of us don’t like certain categories of people in our own fandoms, this is just a human experience. Minding your own business is what matters, and this is what they can’t do.
The majority of them are young and dumb, and a lot of them will grow out of it (or switch their aggression elsewhere because they’ll lost interest in fandom stuff) though. Some won’t, but there always are immature people that are much older... this is where they’re coming from lol
Maybe some of them really do believe that they’re doing the right thing and genuinely don’t know better, but I think for a lot of them finding a convincing enough reason to shit on others is the entire point of fandom experience. So even knowing what joseimuke is won’t stop them, only them losing interest and moving away from these spaces will.
All we can do is shrug and wait... and block people left and right lol
Anonymous asked:
What kind of hentais does Idia read or know of? Does he play eroges? If so what kind?
I think Idia knows every single hentai there is, even if he hadn’t read/watched/played all of them. Alright, maybe not every single one, but quite a lot lol But at the same time, he strikes me as someone who would be into it art-wise and would legit watch porn for the plot. So his favourite eroges are the ones with engaging stories and good character writing... I guess asking for that from a hentai game is a tall order, but Idia would argue and rant about some of his favourite titles if he was told “it’s just porn”. It’s not just porn, it’s an entire experience, the buildup that makes the porn good!
I know a part of me wants to say that he would play “oniichan” kinds of games, but I think he would ironically stay away from those... it feels weird to him somehow... too embarrassing.
He also doesn’t mind really fucked up tropes and scenarios. He could look at a tentacle hypnosis scene or a scene where someone is pushing out an alien egg and say “heh classic”. Truly, the greatest enjoyer of art.
Anonymous asked:
Hello! So I’ve been wondering of all the TWST tops, who’s winning the girth-and-length off?
Personally it could go either for Jack, Rook or Sebek. the Octatrio kind of cheats tho? their merform could pull these off easily.
anyway very curious to hear your thoughts!
Anon, this is such a good answer and I agree with you, even though I did write a post about peen sizes at some point, and I had a bit of a different top3 lol
To us, the winner is Lilia both because we are very committed to this joke + apparently for bats dick-to-body proportions are insane, so I guess there is some meat (heh) to this joke after all.
The second one was Floyd, and I still think the Tweels are one of the hugest, but... Jack and Sebek are absolutely up there, and I think they’ll grow bigger and girthier. They’ll become the biggest ones in a year or two.
I agree that Rook is big, but I think Trey is longer than Rook while still being quite girthy.
I am also 100% sure Yana has a list for this that we will never see...
Anonymous asked:
Firstly, I’m new to your blog and I LOVE YOUR ART AND HCS SO MUCH! They’re beautiful and amazing and it’s incredible seeing a blog being so unabashedly problematic with no shame!
That aside, I’m not sure if you ever talked about him before, but what do you think about Falena. Specifically for Falena/Leona?
I’ve seen some works (all super incredible, of course) of Faleleo stuff in Leona’s perspective, so I was wondering how do you think Falena would be like in the situation he’s loving his little brother a bit too much? We all know Leona’s gonna be a tsun about it but what about niisan?
Anon! First of all, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay. Second of all, thank you so much for appreciating our stuff and being supportive of our self-indulgent selves! lol
We love Falena/Leona in theory; we haven’t dived into them because we haven’t seen much of Falena + don’t care much for Leona. Still, we are 100% supportive of this ship! Every time we rewatch The Lion King, I get more and more into Mufasa/Scar...
Regarding your question, it’s interesting because I think the default really is to think that it’s Leona who is obsessive over Falena, and Falena might not even have a clue about it (or have a clue but still choose to be a proper future king instead of fooling around with Leona). But it’s entirely possible for him to also be very into Leona, it could even be more fun this way.
I feel like Falena has always been an adoring brother and Leona greatly underestimates just how much Falena loves him. Not only he worries about his future and cares about him (that’s a given), he also is genuinely impressed by his wit and intelligence; I wouldn’t be surprised if Falena talks about Leona all the time lol Maybe he gets as excited as Cheka sometimes, which is endearing at first, but then feels like Falena is um... a bit too much into him...
Falena also feels like someone who would rationalise his feeling by thinking that him being a king and having a wife and a son is one thing, but being with Leona is another thing, their private special thing that could actually still improve things for the entire Kingdom: if Leona is by his side and works together with him, they will be unstoppable. This is something that Falena wants the most... even if it’s just a way to justify his desire to have access to Leona (and his body) all the time. He needs to give Leona some attention, right? He wasn’t able to do it lately, right? This has to change.
I also wouldn’t be surprised if they had a bunch of “iffy” moments when they were younger. A sudden closeness during sparring, a hug that lasted longer than anticipated, a bite that was meant to be playfully teasing but ended up being too sensual and dominating. That tension existed for a very long time, and it only gets stronger with time.
Anonymous asked:
God... I am enraptured by Them. Completely obsessed with those first days Lilia started playing with Silver. You think he went slow with touches and inappropriate kisses, or just one day told him they're doing something new and put his whole dick inside him at once??? Silver couldn't have gotten so good at handling anything without trial and error... Have there been times Lilia overestimated him and left him overwhelmed and SOBBING sobbing, like he had to stop immediately or his kid wouldn't be the same person again kind of overwhelmed. Ughhhh I'm obsessed with them and their awful history
Anon, I am so happy you like these two this much. I feel like this awful history is such an obvious but tasty and amazingly working trope for them, it just works.
I guess it’s fair to say that Lilia went slow with his inappropriate behaviour, I honestly think that Silver didn’t even notice the switch, as if it was never there. He’s always been his father’s cute boy. Of course it’s just the way he remembers things... But he does remember the first time he had Lilia’s whole dick inside him!
But also yes, of course there had been a bunch of times when Lilia got too excited and overdid it with Silver. Even though Lilia did try to pace himself, I think he completely broke Silver all over like 10 times; and sometimes he is amazed that he turned out okay with what he went through. But he got better very fast! A miracle of true love <3
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Disney Hades x Reader NSFW Headcanons (All in one)
I used to have these in like 3 different parts, but felt like that was just kinda confusing since they’re all kinda supposed to be together, so I decided to add them all together in one big post. I’ll keep the links to the old posts, but I’m debating on whether I should delete them or not and just keep this one lol
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
He is indeed a god and built like one, so his package is long and girthy.
And don’t worry he’s not impossibly long, it’s a reasonable amount of long, like 9-10 inches.
It also has a bit of a curve, so it’s really good for reaching that sweet spot.
He’s got a “fire patch” down there, so literally anyone that can be hurt by his fire powers can’t really get busy with him unless he “shaves” (don’t ask me how that works because I have no idea lmao).
Oh and he’s very proud of his body, he may hide it all under that baggy chiton, but he’s gorgeous underneath and he knows it.
And when he gets in the mood, he LOVES to show off.
His dick and prostate aren’t super sensitive, so he can hold on for a while before cumming.
But if you wanna go multiple rounds he’s totally down for that, he has excellent stamina (he is a god after all).
Even after reaching his climax he can get it up again quickly and cum as many times as you want (the perks of being a god).
He’s a very kinky god as well, so he’s honestly down for anything and everything.
Please don’t be afraid to tell him what you’re into because he really wants to know what your kinks are and what turns you on.
His favorite kinks: dom/sub, biting/marking, risky sex, and pegging.
He also has a breeding kink, but he doesn’t realize he has one until he settles down and marries you.
If you don’t want kids (or can’t have kids) that’s totally fine, but (if you’re comfortable with it) he may want to “breed you” occasionally so he can indulge in his little hidden fantasy.
His favorite place to do it is on his throne (when Pain and Panic aren’t around to interrupt of course), it makes him feel kinda powerful.
Also if you give him head on his throne he will get such a big power trip off of that.
Speaking of oral, he has no preference giving or receiving.
But he is EXCELLENT at giving oral, that mouth does more than schmooze if ya know what I mean. 😏
He also loves face sitting if you’re into that.
Like please let him worship you and use his face as your throne he would love that so much.
Oh yeah, and if you wanna eat him out he’d be into that too, like I said he’s pretty kinky.
He’s also into body worship, he will take his time and make sure to kiss and touch every inch of you during foreplay.
He can become needy when you’re away from him for a while, so yes, he does masturbate.
He loves to fantasize about you while he jerks off.
If he’s feeling extra kinky he might even use his tv (Tartarus Vision) to spy on you while he pleasures himself.
Despite what most think, he really is a romantic god.
He’s amazing whether he’s pounding you into the sheets or making slow, sweet love to you.
He really enjoys fucking you senseless tbh, but if he’s like, head over heels in love with you then he’ll want to take it slow and make love more often just to express how much he loves you.
Please let him know if you’re uncomfortable during sex though.
He knows sex is supposed to feel good for the both of you and doesn’t want you to be unhappy or uncomfortable during the process.
However, if he’s really horny and worked up it’s kinda hard for him to stop, so you’ll need to come up with a safe word with him just in case.
Btw, feel free to tease him and edge him as much as you’d like, but just know you’ll be getting the same treatment from him afterwards, it’s only fair right?
Fun fact: he flares up when he cums.
You know that scene in the movie when he’s all flared up when he learns he’ll be able to take over the cosmos and goes “Yeah! Aw, Hades rules!”? Yeah, that’s what it’s like when he cums lmao.
He also flares up when he’s horny in general, but it’s a lot when he reaches his climax.
So yeah, if you’re susceptible to getting burnt by his flames then just be very careful when he cums lol.
Speaking of cumming, he LOVES watching you cum, it really gets him going.
Sometimes he’ll grab your face and make you look him in the eyes while you cum on his cock.
His cum is pretty much normal, but since he’s a god (with fire powers) it may be a bigger (and warmer) load than an average mortal.
As for volume, he’s not super loud during sex.
I mean, it’s a lot of grunting, panting, and dirty talking from him.
And he‘ll usually have his head buried into your shoulder or neck so only you can hear him.
But if he’s really enjoying himself or getting close then he’ll get louder.
However, if you want him to be a little louder during sex then just ask, he’ll moan like a whore for ya, babe.
He loves it when you’re loud though
It lets him know he’s doing his job right and it really turns him on.
Like I mentioned before he has a risky sex kink, so knowing that somebody could hear you both getting it on gets him excited.
Also, if you moan his name during sex he’ll go crazy.
Like it makes him soooo horny hearing his name coming out of your mouth while he fucks you.
Another surprise: he’s an aftercare king.
He’ll do it all: clean you, cuddle you, tell you how good you did, bring you any refreshments, he’ll even run a nice, hot bath for the both of you so you can relax.
He’s totally down for having sex with more than 1 person, but if he’s in a serious romantic relationship with you then he doesn’t like to share.
He gets very jealous and possessive with the partners he’s in love with, so he isn’t too fond of other people touching you.
He’ll fuck somebody and let you watch or he’ll fuck you while someone else fucks him, but if someone else is fucking you and he’s not…he’s not too crazy about that lol, you’ll have to do a lot of convincing for him to go for that.
Like, he wants to be the only one that gives you immense pleasure like that. Not someone else. You’re his special someone, so sex is gonna be sentimental to him in a serious relationship.
His favorite sex position is cowboy. He gets the best view watching you ride him or holding onto you while he fucks you in his lap.
His turn ons: seeing you angry/anger sex, stripping/strip tease, calling him by an authoritative name like “sir” or “my lord/king” or “my oneness”, and wearing lingerie
His turn offs: mentioning anyone in his family during intimate times, being a jerk to him during sex (personally insulting and degrading him, being rude to him, etc.), nonconsensual sex/partners that are uncomfortable, REALLY gross and nasty kinks
He loves to get you flustered in public. If you’re at some kind of party or social gathering and he’s feeling aroused then he’ll definitely try to catch you off guard by whispering something dirty in your ear or what he wants to do to you later.
And yes he will most certainly leave a party early just so he can fuck you, even if it’s some silly Olympus get together.
If you have female anatomy, then he ADORES making you squirt (only if that’s something you’re into). Seeing you moan and writhe in pleasure while he finger fucks you (or just fucks you) drives him wild.
Also, if you have tits of any kind then he will be grabbing them and putting his mouth all over them.
He’d also be down for tit fucking if you’re into that.
Don’t think I mentioned this before, but he is a switch. Likes to to be a dominant top more than anything, but he’s totally down for being a submissive bottom too, though he does have the tendency to be a bratty power bottom lol.
Also forgot to mention that he growls a lot when he’s super horny (or when having anger or stress relief sex) lol.
Oh and yeah, if he’s had a hard day of work and he’s pent up (if you let him) he’ll let all of that go during sex and release all of that tension and stress and anger while he fucks you silly. He probably has a lot of that type of sex with ya lol, the underworld is not easy to run, especially when you have henchman like Pain and Panic working with you lol.
He’s cool if you wanna use toys in bed, he’s not super into using toys on himself when he’s alone, but when it comes to the both of you then he’s totally down.
As mentioned before, he has a biting and marking kink, so he’ll try to leave love marks where people can see to sorta “mark his territory” so to speak.
And he’s cool if you wanna hurt him a little during sex.
Bite him, spank him, choke him, etc. he’s into it lol!
He is definitely the type of god to do something really romantic and sexy when he wants to make love to you.
He’ll get a bottle of the best wine and leave a trail of rose petals leading to bed. Mood lighting and maybe even some mood music to really pull it all together.
If it’s your first time then he makes sure to be super careful with you (even if you don’t need him to be).
He’ll most likely be constantly asking you if you’re doing okay or if he’s hurting you.
He tries not to be too rough or overdo it with difficult positions during your first time because he doesn’t want you to get turned off or overwhelm you.
He’s actually really flattered and honored to be your first btw. Like, you chose him to take your virginity out of everybody in the cosmos? That’s a big deal to him, so he does his best to make you feel as good as possible during it all.
Oh and don’t worry, he’s cool with wearing protection if you want it, he’s not the type to refuse that (though, he honestly loves to go raw lmao).
Sleepy morning sex? Yes please!
Don’t be surprised if you find yourself waking up most mornings to him grinding his morning wood on you or practically dry humping you lol, this god’s a total horndog lmao.
Sex is the best way to wake up in the morning in his book (coffee is a close 2nd).
It takes a little while for him to start dozing off after sex.
As mentioned before, he has a high stamina, so he’s ready to stop when you are and when he notices you getting sleepy that’s usually when he starts to settle down and start aftercare.
The only times he actually falls asleep kinda quickly is if you cuddle with him, he’s had a long day of work and he’s pretty worn out, or if you both go multiple rounds all night.
He loves a good post-sex cigar lol.
He also loves looking at you covered in his cum whether it’s on your face, your ass, your belly, or just dripping down your legs.
Whenever he pulls out and he sees his cum dripping down your thighs, oh honey, he’ll most definitely wanna go another round with you, that stuff gets him going!
He doesn’t care if you shave or not.
Legit, he’ll still eat you out (or suck you off) even if you’ve got a bush down there.
Also, if you’re not in the mood for sex, he totally understands. Even if he’s horny at the time, he’ll find a way to take care of himself.
He will ALWAYS respect your needs and boundaries when it comes to sex.
(Was gonna add these to the x Pregnant Reader headcanons, but I wanted to keep those sfw)
He’s totally down for pregnancy sex as long as you’re in the mood and comfortable.
At first he didn’t even know if it was possible for you both to have sex, he didn’t know if it would affect you or the baby.
But he knew, despite being pregnant, you were feeling needy and he loves you so much, he doesn’t want you to be unsatisfied. He feels awful that he can’t please you.
He had to sheepishly ask Hippocrates about it, but once he got the okay from the doc he was so ready to hop in bed with you lol (he probably could’ve asked Hera since she’s the goddess of marriage and family, so it’s most likely that she knows about that kind of stuff, but he wasn’t gonna ask his sister-in-law stuff about his sex life with his partner lmao).
It honestly really feeds into his breeding kink lol.
He loves kissing and holding your baby bump while he makes love to you.
He doesn’t like getting too rough in bed while you’re pregnant because he’s scared he’ll hurt you or the baby.
He will be a little rough if you ask, but not as rough as he usually is.
He’s gonna make sure you’re comfortable at all times during sex (as if he doesn’t already when you’re not pregnant lol), lots of pillows to rest on and constantly asking if you’re okay or need to switch positions.
Also, he knows you need time to recuperate after the birth of your child, so he won’t ask for or attempt sex during that time period.
And he knows there’s gonna be nights where one (or both) of you is exhausted from caring for the baby, so he knows your sex life won’t be as frequent as it used to be for a little while.
And yeah, he knows there’s gonna be some late night feedings and diaper changes once the baby arrives, so he won’t try to have frequent sex.
So, all in all, he’s not the type of guy that believes your love and sex life “goes downhill” after having kids.
But once your child is a little older and there’s not as many late night interruptions or issues then he’s totally down for making another baby if you want lol. 😏
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kimkhimhant · 6 months
ok i have a kimchay ask and it’s kinda two fold
when you first watched kp did you expect kimchay to be together at the end, or had you already accepted they werent gonna be endgame? and then also, what’s your biggest headcanon/favorite idea about what happens to kimchay post canon? when it ended and they werent together, did you have a first thought of like “i’d really like them to meet like this” or “i think they’d meet like this” or even “they’re never gonna be together”?
best wishes for getting back into fic writing mode!!!! 💝
i definitely did not expect them to be the couple with an open/unhappy ending :') the distress i experienced – little kim-hyperfixated me... i was a wreck. i've been a kim apologist from day one, so i was also really distressed over the reactions from so many people in the fandom lmao (i still am.. oops) but anyway. my immediate reaction was like.. "that's it? kim sent the song and chay cried and we don't get to see what happens next?" i am a firm believer of that moment being the turning point for them to slowly make their way back to each other.
i've written a few kimchay reconciliations by now, and i think my biggest headcanon is pretty consistent: that they come back together, but its different and better and also harder this time, because it's more genuine but also comes with all their baggage – Chay has anger and trauma in the aftermath of everything that's happened to him, and Kim doesn't have the Wik persona to hide behind, so all of his traumas and secrets are thrown into the mix.
honestly, when the show first ended, i was a little upset, but after thinking about it more i realized that something like this was essential in their relationship, in order for them to progress to a healthy place. Chay's idolization of Kim/Wik as an ideal had to be broken – Wik was a dream, on a pedestal in Chay's mind, and clearly him ghosting Chay repeatedly wasn't enough to disrupt that, but after everything that happens, Chay is forced to adjust his perception of Kim, and see him more as a person, with faults and flaws and fears and all. it's essential for a multitude of reasons – for Kim and for himself – because it balances out their power dynamics. Kim isn't an idol whose value is above Chay anymore – Chay has just as much worth – and also Kim isn't an emotionless god anymore – he's just as human and imperfect as Chay.
meanwhile, Kim is forced to confront his own mistakes and aversion to honesty and intimacy. he's forced to put in work to dismantle his own emotional walls and acknowledge his feelings and desires, because he can't just be Wik now, and because Chay isn't so naively enchanted by him. he has to be real and honest and let Chay in in order to keep him.
So i think, they'll absolutely end up together, in the end, no matter when it happens, and i think it'll be better than it was <3
thank you so much for this ask! i maybe got a little carried away on that last bit but i have a lot of feelings about it lol
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Sharing more ocs again it’s my enrichment hours 🤭
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Lore for them under the cut! Tw for mentions of self harm and incest (which is kinda there in asoiaf but still). If you can’t handle these topics that’s more than alright! I just recommend you don’t read for the sake of your mental health. Love y’all <3
Allyria Ladybright: I don’t have much on her tbh, but she’s one of my favs already <3 basically her story is that she witnessed Baelor’s whole hostage return/Aemon rescue at around seven years old, and that rocked her shit so hard she became a religious fanatic and was convinced from that whole event that King’s Landing was some incredible holy land. She’s a lesbian and acknowledges it but still thinks it’s a sin so hurts herself as a form a repentance whenever she has a gay thought. She’s part of Myriah’s royal retinue and was super excited to finally see King’s Landing only to get really sad when she realizes it’s kind of a shithole and the royal family are incestuous freaks. These are mostly scattered thoughts but she’s been banned from the Great Sept for confessing her absolutely graphic gay sex thoughts so kinda just prays in private, she idolizes all the seven worshipping Targs but immediatelyyyy starts crying if she ever gets put in Aegon’s presence, so she moved to Daeron and Myriah’s social circle until they thought it best she just… go back home. So anyway she goes back home and builds a little sept in her family seat and becomes a pseudo-septa before walking out into the desert and never coming back, yippee <3
Rowan Tully: Probably the one I have the least amount of info on, honestly her whole thing is that she’s the middle child of four daughters and was my other oc Naera’s former friend/kinda lover? She’s really jealous and hated it when Naera would flirt with any other girl even though she spent years simping for the sexy st. Sebastian-esque painting of Criston Cole she saw exactly once. She gets married to a Mallister guy but they don’t like each other so she just stays locked away in Riverrun making really nice clothes for her extended family. Has probably pushed for her older sister to support the Blackfyres out of spite, didn’t succeed in that though since the Tullys did end up pledging to the Targs. Honestly idk how she dies, maybe I’ll be nice and say she got to he geriatric and died of natural causes but I’ll take any suggestions lmao
Laenys Blackfyre: Ok I’ll be honest she’s my real favourite lol. She’s the oldest child of Aegor Rivers and Calla Blackfyre, and took her mom’s last name in order to push the Blackfyre agenda. Girlie’s charismatic as all hell and has absolutely won support from important figures in the free cities, but definitely has a more cruel side that she likes to hide behind closed doors. A little weird about relationships because she fully believes in the whole incest practice but is also a lesbian so she’s only psychosexually obsessed with her younger sister and is incredibly controlling over everything she does. Kinda believes herself to be the family’s real heir because she’s super committed to the cause and is the reason why they still have some support and when one of her brothers tried to argue that she had him “taken care of”. Anywayyy tho all her connections kinda fall apart once she gets assassinated in front of all her political allies, people think Bloodraven might’ve done it but nobody can prove it so the Blackfyres kinda just…. Brush Laenys’ whole legacy off to the side and keep trying to fight their wars. Rip queen.
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sungbeam · 1 year
jacob bae x gn!reader
0.9k words, fluff hehe, bulletpoints, barely proofread lol
a/n: we knew this was coming, everyone. don't act too surprised now õ_ó lmao thank u @justalildumpling for reminding me how to write bulletpoint hcs 🤡😭
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jacob bae, boyfriend material™, my beloved sweet canadian angel boy—(bear with me 💀)
acts of service!
my reasoning behind this is incredibly justified okay 😩 if u haven't seen the picture of his response to a deobi about what he's looking for in a partner, he basically said for one of them that he'd like to be the one taking care of them instead of the other way around
completely justified; very jacob bae of him
this man would literally never let you lift a finger when you're with him. he would always insist on driving you places so you wouldn't have to take public transport by yourself, or he would def take time out of his day to go with you on public transport. if you had to, say, take the metro alone, he would facetime or call you the entire time so you weren't truly alone and someone knew where you were in case of an emergency
he'd probably even share his earbuds with you while sitting together so u could listen to the same music (communicating without words (´Д⊂ヽ)
you can def expect him to be cooking dinner for the two of you, even after a long day. all he wants is to make sure you know you are loved and that you feel loved. he's not blind to the purple eye bags beneath your eyes, and even though he's tired, he knows you'd do the same for him
when he stays up late for you, you wake up early to prepare things for him in the morning
quality time!
if you don't live together, he would call you while studying or working so he can still be in your presence somehow. he's kind of quiet most of the time, but it's just cuz he's a great listener and wants to hear what you have to say instead.
we know that the poor thing is kind of a scaredy cat, so when the two of you are watching movies and he gets scared, he clings onto you and hides his face in your shoulder or your neck ><
when the two of you first started dating, he would try to pretend like he wasn't scared, but then when you noticed him curl up around a pillow or raise his blanket a little higher, you moved closer and let him hold onto you instead
can you imagine daily walks with him? maybe like taking the time each week in the evenings to hold hands and take a stroll through the park?
maybe you'd both scout out places for a picnic, and the two of you would giggle as you spread out the blanket and laid on top of each other beneath the shade of an oak tree, and he would have brought his guitar
SPEAKING OF HIS GUITAR!! (we all knew this was coming pls) when you expressed wanting to learn, he would be super excited to teach you
you're sitting between his legs or on his lap on the couch in his apartment, and he's just got his hands over yours as he shows you the right fingerings and patterns for certain chords
man likes to praise you and let you know you're doing a good job; has his chin settled on your shoulder and his mouth close to your ear as he murmurs "you're a natural at this, babe"
late night drives with him: it's like 2am and neither of you can sleep, so he takes you out to drive around the neighborhood, then stops in an empty parking lot to sit together and quietly talk about life, love, and each other. it's very romantic and soft, just as he is, and he just holds your hand while he drives, his thumb running gently over your knuckles to assure you he's listening
misc! 😋
when you don't kiss him goodbye or good night he's just 🧍🏻‍♂️ with this little pout on his face like HUH.
would actually share his cereal with you; it's his love language
he may be an angel or whatever, but that just means he gets away with stuff easier !! i think it was implied somewhere that he plays pranks on people, and i can def see him hiding your car keys somewhere and giving you that angelic look like "it wasn't me" "cobie, i can see my keychain sticking out of your pocket" "you can have it back if you give me a kiss then"
in your first apartment together, you guys don't have a lot of furniture yet, so he sets up his laptop and gaming stuff on a couple moving boxes and coke cans 💀 but he's like "baby, my hair is getting in my eyes!!" while he's gaming and you come to his aid and tie his hair back or clip it back with one of your hair barrettes hehe
at pool parties with the other boyz, he goes shirtless (ofc) and every time he wraps his arm around you, you have a heart attack (as you should)
when beach volleyball starts up in the pool, the two of you end up on opposite teams and it's like the only time everyone sees the two of you so competitive, but it's only cuz you're both pretty good 🥴
but as soon as kyunyu challenge everyone to a chicken fight in the pool, you're both back in the other's good graces and you hop on top of jacob's shoulders to absolutely destroy everyone
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a/n: lmk who u wanna see next! might end up doing kev or kyu next tho tbh lol
tbz m.list
permanent taglist: @tayunji @im-a-big-mess @honeyhuii @crazywittysassy @seomisaho @stopeatread @enhacolor @rnjfy @jaehunnyy @kpopjackie @spiderrenjunfics @soobin-chois @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @mingiholic @ja4hyvn @vatterie @yogurteume @justalildumpling @hyunjaespresent-deobi @hongyangi @pxppxrminty @nerdypastacalzonespy @kflixnet
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sapphicdib · 3 days
i wantchu to know my only experience with iterator shpping to this point has been Pebbles/Suns (i guess. whats even the name for that one? idk). But you have opened my eyes here. Lilypad is just so compelling in a way thats hard to describe. Adds so much depth to the whole Hunter Slag Keys thing!
You have just activated an unskippable cutscene LOL
Suns/Pebbles is called sunstone, which I think is very cute ^-^ Most rw ship names are pretty cute tbh :3
ANYWAYS. YES. Lilypad is so so so good…I really like it because Sig seems to actually be a little more emotionally vulnerable with Moon than she does Suns, implying they were closer than Sig and Suns are. Not to mention, Sig barely mentions Pebbles (or acts pretty standoffish) when he does mention Pebbs.
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These are two messages it sends to Moon, but it seems to imply he’s sent more, considering “it’s me again” and the fact that there are more than one we are shown. They could have only made one just to show he was worried, but the devs chose to put more than one, just to drive the point home. It shows a panic that Sig is unwilling to reveal to Suns.
And then we have this.
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Sig is basically telling Pebbles he hopes he wallows in regret for this. While Sig does express her general disdain for Pebbles’ attitude with Suns, he still makes a point to be understanding, saying “I think a lot of us were like that in the beginning.” Meanwhile, in this broadcast, none of that empathy is present. She is angry, to a point he refuses to reveal to Suns.
I believe that Sig’s biggest fear is being alone. He describes their situation as being “locked up in a box”, and comes up with the idea to use slugcats as messengers in an attempt to make sure when the comms systems degrade, something everyone else seems to have just accepted as a grim inevitability. So it’s pretty understandable Sig would be pissed at the person who took away one of the few remaining friends she had left. If you wanna read my other massive essay that goes more in depth to this point, here it is!
The fact that you can find the green overseer in outer expanse and subterranean during the Hunter, Monk, Survivor, and Gourmand campaigns is also shows how desperate she was to help Moon. If it was only around during the Hunter campaign, okay sure, that’s probably just him looking for her, checking if she made it to the void sea. However, the fact that it stays, likely long after she knows Hunter’s time is up, means he’s probably searching for any sign of activity from Moon. Still waiting and wondering if her plan was all in vain. The reason I think it doesn’t appear during Rivulet is because of the destruction of OE and just…age. Unfortunately, Sig might just not have the ability to send an overseer that far.
Lastly, the pearl he gives to Moon. This seems to contradict my first point, doesn’t this seem like he’s hiding her emotions behind humor again? Well, my interpretation of this is that: Moon just woke up from what is essentially a fucking coma. Giving her a message that’s like “OH MY GOD I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU AHHHHHH” would probably not be helpful to someone who is likely in a ton of pain, disoriented, and scared. She knows not to overwhelm Moon right now.
And…yeah. Sig seems to hold a lot of genuine adoration for Moon, and looks up to her kindness. I think his jokiness stems from him wanting to emulate Moon’s uplifting nature. He cares about her a lot and also I just love doomed yuri LMAO. SIG AND MOON LESBIANS FOREVER AND EVER.
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venusbby · 1 year
lazy day? lazy day
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☆ chigiri hyoma x reader, fluff
+ wrote this because im just not having the best day today lmao. but i was really excited to write for chigiri at the same time so here u go <3 its so short sorry lol
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"what are you staring at?"
you continued to stare despite saying that you're not. chigiri hummed at that, giving you a pointed look from across the room, carrying on with the task of brushing through his hair as he checked his appearance in the mirror.
from your comfy position on the bed, it was truly a beautiful sight. you could see his reflection in the huge mirror that he stood in front of. you didn't feel your lips curving into a smile as you took in the details, your mind completely surrendered to what you observed. your lover had given up on what he was doing by that time, trying to figure out what you were thinking. his eyes followed you through the mirror as you swiftly stood up and made your way over.
"let me do it." you mumbled, taking the hairbrush from him and he let you.
chigiri's effort in holding back his grin went to waste. he just found it really adorable that you wanted to do it even if it meant that you'd have to crane your neck to look up. "is that the reason you were staring?"
his teasing tone was enough to bring warmth to your face.
you drew your fingers through his smooth, crimson strands. he sighed. it had been a while since you did that.
i had been a while since you both did anything, really.
the entire week was exhausting for the both of you. from his constant matches to your constant work projects, there wasn't really a day where you got to spend time together without some sort of interruption. but today was not that day and he's so glad because he could finally enjoy your presence.
"have you ever put your hair in a bun?" you asked, trying to recover from his knowing eyes boring into yours from the reflection. you could easily hide behind him so he wouldn't see your face, but you couldn't just give up.
before answering he shifted, placing his feet far apart so he could come down to your height. you cursed, obviously annoyed that he found this so funny, causing him to laugh.
"i have," chigiri answered sincerely, as if he isn't standing in front of you looking like an idiot with his legs so far apart. you shook your head and grabbed a hairtie from him, gathering his thick hair in one hand and slowly pulling it into a low bun.
it took a few more rounds of the hairtie, and once you were done you took a few steps back.
he just keeps getting prettier.
chigiri turned around, not in that ridiculous position anymore, which meant he was towering over you a little. you smiled, adjusting his hair from the front as well.
"thanks. now i can do what i want to do without my hair in the way."
"..do what exactly?"
his eyes trailed to your lips for a small second before he leaned in while pulling you closer at the same time. your boyfriend didn't like wasting time when it came to these things. your hands locked around his neck as his travelled from your waist to your face, lips connecting in a sweet kiss that made your grip on him tighten.
yes, he didn't like wasting time, but he was also a tease.
so he pulled away just as quickly, winking. "don't mess up the hair now, love."
you lightly smacked his chest, rolling your eyes. "whatever, my job is done. im going back to lazing around."
"and im joining." he replied.
"rock paper scissors over who gets to be the smaller spoon?" you asked while walking back to the bed.
"hell yeah."
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