#or maybe just because i like capes and hoodies
kaiserouo · 5 months
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wow hunters sure have a lot of cool looking sets
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natalievoncatte · 1 month
Alex worked the skin of her forehead with her fingers, angrily kneading the flesh in a vain attempt to suppress a pounding headache.
“I’m telling you, I’m fine,” Kara insisted.
She was not fine, damn it! Kryptonite exposure was serious, even if it had no apparent, immediate effects. The little chunk of vibrant purple rock was currently in a lead-lined chamber where Brainy was mercilessly prodding at its secrets, trying to figure out exactly what it did other than make Kara sweat profusely when she was within ten feet of it.
“I don’t feel sick. What’s the big deal?”
“Red Kryptonite didn’t make you sick at first, either,” said Alex. “You’re not leaving the Tower until I’m certain you’re not going to track down Cat Grant and fling her off the nearest roof.”
Kara, seated on her hospital bed in the med bay, crossed her arms and pouted theatrically. “That was one time.”
She sounded a little brittle, probably because they didn’t talk about that. Well, they did -Kara cried for hours- but afterwards the whole thing became a sore spot and it was clear they they weren’t going to talk about it again. Alex could hear the little crack in Kara’s voice, the touch of strain that signaled how on edge she was.
“Running off and hiding won’t make it any less real, kiddo,” Alex sighed. “Once we’re sure you can go, but no Supergirl for at least a week. I don’t know if what that stuff did to you, but I don’t want to risk your powers shutting off while you’re thirty thousand feet up, or something.”
Kara huffed. Fine.
It was an abundance of caution, to be sure, but the others could pick up the slack. Kara had taken breaks before, and the world didn’t fall apart. Sometimes Alex wanted to just grab her and shake her for all the good it would do. Kara deserved some time off. She deserved to be a person too.
“What’s going on?”
Alex looked up and tried to conceal her relief as Lena walked into the room. Alex liked this new Lena a lot more, the Lena who ran a charitable foundation and didn’t straighten her hair anymore and wore hoodies most of the time. This Lena was friend-shaped, as it were, and put her at ease.
“Kara was exposed to a new form of Kryptonite, and…”
And she was off the bed.
Kara was already on her feet. Her pupils were so dilated that her eyes were almost black, the blue almost absent. She was staring at Lena with such an intensity that Alex was afraid she was about to attack her.
Lena looked panicked, but not by the Kryptonian staring her down. “What? Where is it? I need to see it right now, what if…” Lena trailed off, her face going slack for just a moment.
Alex stared at her. What the fresh hell was this?
“Guys?” said Alex. “What’s wrong with… you…”
Kara stalked forward, walking in a hip-popping sashay that would have made a Victoria’s Secret model blush, surging into Lena’s personal space, and… sniffed.
Then sniffed again.
Kara was smelling her.
“Uh,” said Alex.
Lena looked up at her -in flat shoes she was noticeably shorter- and sniffed back. Alex’s jaw went slack.
“Okay,” said Alex. “I’m going to need one of you to explain why you’re doing… that. Like right now.”
They both ignored her. Lena slipped in close, ducking under Kara’s chin, and sniffed at her again. It looked quite a bit like she was about to press her mouth to Kara’s throat, which was both shocking and… seriously, five fucking years of these idiots shooting and missing was bad enough, but right in front of her?
“Hey,” Alex said, taking a step towards the door. “Uh, we good?”
Kara wrapped Lena up in her powerful arms and nuzzled her nose into Lena’s hair, her chest thrumming with a loud purring sound.
“I’m in the room,” Alex deadpanned.
“Alex,” Brainy called, rushing up the hall.
A powerful… scent, or maybe an odor, washed over Alex and she nearly gagged. Whatever it was, it was making Lena try to climb Kara like a tree. The moment Lena popped one of the snaps on Kara’s cape and it fell halfway off her back, Alex bolted for the door and yanked it shut behind her as she stumbled into the hallway.
Brainy was outside, snd Nia was with him.
“Alex, I have good news. The radiation from the lavender Kryptonite sample appears to be entirely benign, although curiously it seems to have activated some anatomical peculiarities that appear to be, so to speak, left over from the evolutionary ancestors of Kryptonians.”
Alex groaned. “Such as?”
“Scent glands, and a peculiar ability to-“
“Guys,” said Nia. “What is that noise?”
Brainy paused, focusing. “I believe that Lena just addressed Kara as…”
“Did she say ‘daddy’?” said Nia.
“Shut up!” Alex barked, slapping her hands over her ears. “I am not hearing this, tralalalalalalala I’m going to the bar!”
“Yeah, I’m coming too,” said Nia.
Brainy turned, listening.
“Evidently, so is Lena.”
“I hate my life” Alex muttered.
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mafuluzx · 6 months
Hello! Idk if it still doing requests but I just needed to get this idea out there: any of the ninja x magician reader where the reader just has the most riskiest performances ever and has people on the edge of their seats (idk it's just been in my head all day for some reason
Of course! I'm not very fast at writing and have a lot of oneshots at work, but I'll try to write this as best as I can. I really liked the magician idea, but mixing it with some 'dangerous' acts would have made this a bit boring. So I toned it down a bit, and took a more comedic approach to the act.
Also, I just couldn't get myself into the idea of having romance in this, because I liked it as just a platonic thingy, but I tried my best! I also chose Kai for the main focus of this thing, so I guess it kinda counts as a Kai x reader??? But mainly it's just a platonic thingy.
Kai x male! reader.
Set in very early season 1, You'll see why.
Better than magic
So here they were, all five of them. Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, and of course Little Lloyd Garmadon himself. He was the one who thought of this idea to begin with.
Right next to Mega Monster amusement park was now a huge circus tent and countless of stands were set all around it. There was something for everyone. It went from unfair and way too expensive carnival games to booths with shadow plays and even meet-and-greets with puppeteers and their puppets.
The little boy dressed in his favorite skeleton hoodie jumped up and down and led Zane, the one who decided to actually try to watch over the boy, by the hand all around the carnival.
Meanwhile the three others wondered why their Sensei even allowed them to come here in the first place. Oh well, if they're already at a carnival, might as well take it easy.
Jay and Cole for one were having fun.
"Oh my gosh!!! It's a Fritz Donnegan meet and greet!!" "And check out all these games! Hey, Jay, wanna go throw darts?" "Later, maybe. Wait for me, I have to go shake his hand!!" "Jay, look! A cotton candy stall!!There are so many flavors! Cherry, Blueberry, Popcorn-"
"Popcorn? Is that really a good flavor?" Kai wasn't really that excited. He had wanted to take the time to train, make sure he was in good shape. In the end he was still, against his will, dragged here.
"What? If you don't like popcorn, how about the chili flavor?" Cole asked, as Kai scrunched up his face in disgust.
"No thanks."
"Cole, Kai, look at this!!" An excited yell rang out as Jay ran back to the the two ninja. He lifted his hands up and shoved a picture of Cliff Gordon's face with the words 'For Jay Walker', written in fancy cursive letters.
"I got this from him! And guess what? I actually got to shake his hand!" The blue ninja acted like a kid with a sugar high.
"Nice..." Kai didn't even try to sound excited for Jay. Jay's happy smile turned into a pout, but before he could start whining, Cole spoke up.
"Hey, look at that." Cole said as he pointed to a crowd, a small crowd, but a crowd no less, surrounding a small show stage. It wasn't really much.
Jay immediately hopped over to the stage, as Cole walked after him. Kai let out a sigh before following after them, although reluctantly.
The three actually got to the very front, because there weren't many people around the stage. Some only stayed to watch for a second, before moving onto something else.
"Hey, you three!" A sudden voice called out to them from above, and the three ninja all looked up. Even Kai's eyes widened as he saw a boy, wearing a short cape and a top hat hanging upside down on a tightrope.
"Welcome, welcome! Enjoy the show!" The boy took his hat, which surprisingly didn't fall of his head on it's own, and lifted it off his head as a greeting.
The boy didn't stop to chat, as he noticed someone else joined the crowd, and called out to them, giving another greeting to them as well.
Right after that the boy lifted his hands onto the tightrope and pulled himself up and onto his feet on top of it. Standing up, he lifted his hat, before giving a bow to the few people watching.
"It's an honor performing here today! I've always wanted to perform with a tightrope, although my main strengths are, ah... are- Ah, Achoo!" The boy started off with a speech, before sneezing mid way, 'accidentally' making a dove appear on his hand. Some adults laughed while kids stared in awe.
"Sneezing doves, apparently." The comment just added onto the laughter, before the boy covered his hand with his top hat, and upon removing it, there was no dove in sight!
The boy did many generic magic tricks while walking left and right on the tight rope, nothing special. Well, that's what Kai thought, and his displeased face showed it.
Of course ordinary person could walk a thin tightrope just like that, especially while sneezing out doves and occasionally pulling bunnies out their shoes... I really wish I was kidding.
But it seemed like the boy had noticed Kai's boredom, and he smirked. Suddenly the boy stepped past the tightrope, falling off. A few kids gasped, but the boy caught onto the tightrope with one of his hands at the last second.
Although he was still much higher than the crowd, he was a bit closer to them, and his target, Mr. frowning-at-a-magic-show.
"You, wearing red." The boy pointed to Kai with his free hand, as Kai flinched in surprise.
"Me?" He asked as the boy nodded.
"Yeah, you. Wanna play a little game?" The boy asked, this time using his free hand to dig out a single coin from his pocket.
"No thanks, I'm not really into all this magic things-" Kai wanted to refuse, but his two friends quickly caught him off.
"Whoa, really? Kai, this kinda chance doesn't some often!" "Let's play! Let's play, Kai!" Cole and Jay pressured Kai until he ultimately had to agree.
"Great! It's easy, just guess which hand the coin is in." The boy showed Kai the coin, twisting it around to show there was nothing attached to it.
The boy's hold on the tightrope didn't loosen for a second as he threw the coin up, and caught it with the same hand as he had thrown it. Lastly, he blew gently onto his own clenched fist, before speaking up.
"So, which hand?" The crowd was confused, he had thrown the coin up, the caught it. His other hand hadn't moved an inch. It was impossible to get this one wrong.
"Your free hand, obviously?" Kai held in a scoff, as the boy smiled, and opened his hand.
"Correct!" The crowd was even more silent. But not because the magic trick sucked, but because there was no coin in his hand.
"Uh, where's the coin?" Jay spoke up, as the boy blinked, before turning his hand towards himself, before reacting like he didn't know what was going on.
"Ah! Where did it go? Did I drop it? Did you see where it went?" The questions he showed to the little kids in the audience, who shook their heads, not having seen the boy drop anything.
"Hold, on, I'll find it." The boy quickly spoke, before changing his position to instead hang upside down again, but only by his ankles. He even removed one foot and hung with only one foot as he checked his socks and shoes.
It brought a smile on people's faces, and adults and kids both chuckled before the boy's eyes suddenly fixated on Kai.
"Oh, hey, check behind your left ear, would you?" The boy said, changing back to holding on with both feet.
"My ear?" Kai let out, confused, but still raised his left hand to his ear, when he suddenly felt something cold behind it.
Kai stopped for a second, before pulling out a coin from behind his ear. He hadn't even noticed it was there. When had it gotten there?!
"Ah, thanks!" The boy took the coin from the shocked Kai as kids laughed at the red ninja, while an applause rang out for the boy.
"That was awesome!" "Totally! Too bad Lloyd missed that!" Jay and Cole laughed together as Kai finally broke free of his state of shock, and scoffed.
"It's just a magic trick, nothing special." But the boy had heard Kai's complaint loud and clear.
"Oh? Wanna see something better?" The boy spoke, having once again stood up on the rope. But Kai just scoffed again.
"Unless you can do a handstand up there, I don't think you can do any-" Kai was cut off as the boy jumped, grabbed the tightrope, and pulled himself up into a handstand using the slight momentum it gave.
"-better." Kai finished once the boy was in a completely still handstand on the tightrope. The crowd all clapped before (y/n) suddenly swung, and did an actual flip before landing on the stage, before bowing.
"I'll be here all day, so no need to worry! But I'll have to take a ten minute break now! I hope you enjoyed!" He spoke to the large crowd, who all gave an applause once more before they scattered, leaving to do something else.
"Oh, Kai, was it?" The boy asked when the three ninja were about to leave.
"Yeah. I really underestimated you, didn't I?" Kai finally admitted, as the boy gave a small laugh and a nod.
"It's fine, Magician don't usually walk on tightropes to begin with." The boy commented on his own performance as Kai noticed Jay and Cole take off to somewhere else. Probably the weird cotton candy stall.
"But thank you for co-operation, how about I do one more, just for you?" The boy offered, and took his hat off, before offering it to Kai, the bottom facing up.
"Put your hand in." Kai was skeptical, but the boy had been nice to him all this time, although he himself had been rolling his eyes and scoffing at his tricks.
Kai put his hand in, when he felt something, and grabbed it. Pulling his hand out, he saw the thing he had grabbed was rose.
"What's thi-?" Kai couldn't get to ask anything about it though, for he heard Jay and Cole calling his name from further away. The boy smiled, pulling the hat away from Kai and stepping off of the stage.
"My name's (y/n), by the way." The boy also put his hand into the top hat, digging out a business card, and shoving it in Kai's hands.
"Also, your friends are a good audience." (y/n) said, giving Kai's shoulder a pat before the boy left to go on his break.
Kai smirked, before running to his friends with a rose and a business card in his hands.
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bismuth-209 · 3 months
thoughts on the series 14 finale?
oh man. i loved this season. i really did. and for it to just end like this..
i think there's a good chance the Doctor is lying about some things because not everything adds up
like. Death times Death equals life was corny and i didn't love it but i'm willing to accept that's how it genuinely resolved. i have some doubts about the effectiveness of death by time vortex when that didn't kill him before.
but whatever. keep the option open for Sutekh 3 if you want and otherwise maintain that killed him
okay. so. Sutekh pretty much instakilled the whole earth. i'm guessing by the scene on that other planet that it doesn't have to affect a whole planet at once but considering everyone we saw in London died pretty instantly and the tardis has landed in the UK around the 2020s a LOT i . i think Louise Miller dead as a doornail OR he's kept her alive / she managed to not die because people were,, curious about her? and in that case. i feel he would've been able to tell who she was .
they imply Ruby's bio mum is alive right? SO WHY DOESN'T HE KNOW WHO SHE IS . why does he keep the doctor and ruby alive to figure it out
other things that make NO fucking sense if Louise Miller, regular human woman, is Ruby's mum:
her walking straight and upright and all of that when dropping Ruby off as a FIFTEEN year old who probably had zero medical assistance GIVING BIRTH about 10 hours prior
her having a cape instead of like. a regular hoodie or whatever. maybe she was going through a goth phase
the doctor was THERE when she was pointing. they do like a line about "well why was she pointing at you" "she wasn't pointing at me, she was pointing at the sign" okay but like. it's not like he was invisible though
YOU KNOW WHAT WASN'T THERE IN ANY OF THE PREVIOUS SHOTS OF THE SCENE? the fucking sign!! it MATERIALISED when the doctor said it was there
there is, of course, no way for anyone, save for maybe the Doctor, who was there, to know that she "pointed at the sign" to name her baby Ruby. and the Doctor clearly didn't catch on
the snow!! the snow materializing
the song in Ruby's heart thing that the Maestro is confused by
the memory changing
the doctor crying in the opening scene to church on ruby road when he knows who the mum is, but later not crying when he doesn't know who she is
the ambulance being unable to find any relatives for Ruby even though her parents did give DNA samples in 2046 (although maybe the ambulance was looking for currently alive relatives in which case, fair)
other things that make no sense that aren't directly related to Ruby's mum situation
"the one who waits is almost here" says the maestro. yea he's on a street a couple blocks away. kinda just sitting there though
metal becoming rare and precious in a post-death world. like, i would understand if wood and wool and such were deteriorating on account of having been alive or something . but metal? why would it be difficult to find metal?? the scene slapped though
why was the time window only responsive to Ruby, as well as colonel Chidozie only responding to her
the tardis being there at the church a second time but invisible?
Sutekh letting himself be dragged along with the rope
the stuff with Mrs Flood didn't make sense either but that's forgiven on account of they didn't pretend that made sense
i really hope there's more to some of what was "resolved" this episode because this ending felt cheap and kinda like .
so i like the message of "it's actually the unimportant that are important" but it felt kinda insulting to pull that after the whole season has been saying Ruby's bio mum and Ruby were important and unique, not just like. in the minds of the Doctor and Ruby but also tangibly in the world around them, like with the snow.
the reunion scene with Ruby and Louise was adorable though. it almost made me okay with the whole thing
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stabbyfoxandrew · 5 months
I hope I made it in time for wip Wednesday!!!! I'd love some of my darling angel neil please!!!
WIP Wednesday (4/24) | Guardian Angel Neil AU (Part 176)
When they get to the seasonal costume shop inside the mall, Andrew is a bit dismayed at the oodles of costumes still clinging to the racks. Because, knowing Nicky, it means they’ll be here all night. He sighs and follows the others inside, picking through the disaster area and finding nothing at all. 
Until his hand grazes a horribly-textured piece of white fabric. He pulls it out by its hanger, wondering what on earth it could possibly be. The photo on the tag shows what it’s supposed to look like and Andrew laughs so hard fears he might piss his pants.
Because... It’s an angel costume. 
A short, toga-esque thing made of shitty polyester, meant to be coupled with a pair of mangy wings and a plastic halo stuck on a headband. Each sold separately, of course. Oh, it is horrendous, funny as it is.
Andrew can’t imagine Neil… 
Oh, wait. He can. Andrew freezes solid at the thought of Neil wearing nothing but this glorified hand towel. Oh shit. It would be short enough to show off his legs and— Andrew glances back down at the photo— it would also expose half of his chest. Fucking hell. 
Andrew shakes his head. He’s not sure if he’d be able to function if his angel dressed like this. Maybe it’s a good thing that Neil is a hoodie-and-jeans sort of guy.
“Oh my god! Is that a sexy angel costume?” Nicky squawks beside him, breaking the daydream and surely doing permanent damage to his hearing.
“I suppose it is,” Andrew shrugs. It would be, but only if Neil was the angel in it. He goes to put it back where he found it but Nicky snatches it up before Andrew can blink. 
“Oh, shit. It’s too small for me,” Nicky pouts, dropping it onto the rack. The relief that flood Andrew’s entire being is short-lived when Aaron pops up behind them.
“They probably have other sizes. Just go ask.” Aaron suggests. Oh, the betrayal. Andrew wants to throttle him for the way Nicky’s face lights up.
“You’re right! I will,” Nicky beams and floats over to the checkout where a girl has been flipping through a magazine since they came in. Nicky returns a moment later, disappointed. “She said all they have is on the floor. No sexy angel for me.”
“Oh pity,” Andrew lies, thanking whatever higher power just saved him from being forced to see Nicky parade around in that getup at Eden’s. He shuffles away from his relatives to see Kevin looking at something that must be a vampire cape. It’s black and lined with red satin, fitting for a Raven. 
However, Kevin will never be a Raven again despite his tendency to gravitate towards their colors. As if reading Andrew’s mind, Kevin drops it like he’s been burned and even wipes his hands on his pants. Andrew gives his quiet approval and goes to find something cheap and simple for himself. He finally finds it in a bin marked $5. And he checks out quickly before leaning against the wall and watching the others scavenge.
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huiyi07 · 2 years
Why I think Layla might be related to Khaenri’ah !
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she’s the only other character who’s sitting down in their artwork aside from Kaeya, who, in theory, is sitting down because he’s sitting on his throne as a the heir to Khaenri’ah’s royal throne. Her hair and the tassels on her wrists as well as the back of her cape are the four-pointed stars we see on every Khaenri’ahn related character. Also her circlet, or crown (pointing to royalty) has some of the stars and the shading in her hair also is in the shape of the stars in a lighter, grayer color- like Kaeya’s streak of gray hair, or Pierro’s streak of navy hair. She shares a similar enough color palette to Dainsleif and Kaeya and Pierro and maybe even Albedo if you squint. What if she’s another member, or maybe even a sage, of Khaenri’ahn royalty- also sitting on a throne. Especially a royal sage or consultant of some sort, seeing as her pose looks like she’s advising someone to do something.
The four- pointed stars on Kaeya’s eye and clothes:
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The four pointed stars on her:
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The Official Genshin YouTube channel also posted this about her:
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So she’s a sleepy character who apparently has never experienced sleepwalk, and by a stretch, has never had a dream. In the Genshin trailer: Travail, way back, the one where they show a small glimpse of the nations, Dainsleif mentions that “there are those who dream of dreaming.” He also mentions that “Some say a few are chosen and the rest are dregs.” Now I’m really stretching, but what if what happens to her here in this description is connected- what if the stars descending on her paper was her being ‘chosen’- she also calls it “The star’s blessing”. Especially with the fact that she had just woken up from a restful nap- what if she had a dream during that nap, and as a Khaenri’ahn, allowed her to be blessed by these random stars???
ALSO @genshin-impact-updates said that her constellation is apparently called ‘Luscinia’ so i googled it and (copy pasted from wikipedia) Luscinia is a genus of smallish passerine birds, containing the nightingales and relatives. It also said this:
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Now who else do we know is one eyed-?? Dain, Pierro, and Kaeya- all of them not only related to Khaenri’ah, but related to Khaenri’ahn royalty. I googled what nightingales symbolize, and apparently they symbolize a LOT like creativity and nature and melodies and mystery even???
I’ve also never seen a nightingale in my life but apparently they sing a lot at night so maybe she’s really supposed to symbolize some sort of magic or dreaming or stars or whatever as a Khaenri’ahn. At this point I’m really stretching but MY POINT IS BABE WAKE UP NEW KHAENRI’AH RELATED CHARACTER JUST DROPPED
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Edit; I have something to add on the visual similarities between her and the other Khaenri’ahns we know. her hoodie/ veil is twisted to cover the right side of her face more than her left side. Just like Kaeya’s hair and eyepatch, as well as Pierro and Dain’s covered right sides. I think it’s a more subtle way of pointing to how Khaenri’ahns cover their eye just like their King Irmin mentioned in Hidden Strife.
Edit2: jk she can sleepwalk my bad Idk if she can dream or not tho
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
{ cpn } we need to talk about these sweets. 🍬🍭
mostly care of the captain bunny. he truly has labeled himself as the captain. i agree. lol.
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a few hours before we greet the lunar new year and hidden blade’s release day, let’s enjoy these treats! disclaimer, all are cpn. speculation/interpretation. for turtles only.
Well, let’s start with the interesting placement of GG’s photo grids. I saw some talking about this when the Gucci ones came out but I thought it was a coincidence and people were reading into it too much. but now we appear to have a second one so i’m accepting it. I don’t believe these things are entirely random. at the very least, these are arranged with aesthetic intention. the characters/letters being formed is just a bonus and spotted by turtles like us.
王 = Wang Y = Yibo
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some people are also noticing how his art signature of “z” looks like the character for “wang”. it’s still his own of course, but you can see the love of his life incorporated in it. i really like this cpn cause it’s genius and so gg! he likes to hide things in plain sight!
these photos were still allegedly filmed at amanfayun hotel and there is cpn there that i really don’t 100% believe. that they met up there. at this point, if you szd, it’s a given that all the wonderful things are happening behind the scenes and we will only see traces of it. I truly appreciate GG and his team doing these “batch” recordings for content. reminds me of how yibo-official ropes their boss into making multiple douyin videos in one sitting. lol. their studios have the same strategy too 😏 and similar words and style in using their words. how many times does this have to happen for us to just stop and accept the truth that ybo and xzs are dating. lol.
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no my favorite bit is the “rabbit warning” look GG gave on his douyin post. if you look at that, he is not wearing clothes from his previous shoot or this recent one. it’s the same place / time but i would imagine it’s more private. if you notice, GG loves to take private photos and videos from his shoots. either for his own memory or for *coughs* yibo *cough*. and sometimes, because he is gracious, shares it with us. the look brings us back to how he is when yibo says something particularly scandalous. you all know what it is and what those times are. ☺️
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this adds more fuel to the cpn that bobo was there. because who else will bully their boss like this? who knows if bobo was there saying things and that’s why GG reacted like that. or maybe it’s his staff throwing and bobo was just there cackling like a gremlin. all of it was done with the blessing of their little lethal boss. then that sweet smile at the end of the video was everything.
then we also have GG’s selfie set. with that mirror photo of him in a maison margiela hoodie. you can see the numbers 18 19 23 = yibo still love zhan. yes we know xiao laoshi, didi loves you. they might not be spending the lunar new year eve together, but i wish they can spend some time in the quiet moments in between this year. Add the winking captain bunny drawing with a mole, that heart and cape which is a reference to the little prince. also the style of adding characters in a photo, on the subject’s shoulder. finally, i was always “okay” with the finger cpn, but this comparison is too good to ignore. it’s one of those things that we will never know the answer to.
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A NEW CP WAS BORN TODAY TOO. 🖤♥️ the cool panther and captain bunny 🥹🥹🥹
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wrencatte · 2 years
just another robin!Jason & Bruce fic that will lead into a Red Hood!Jason & Bruce part. It's becoming a thing, i think....I hope that's okay XD XD
This one is: Jason is a nerd no matter how old he is. more family fluff and angst than anything else tbh.
The first time it happens, it catches Bruce by surprise –
He’s down in the Cave a little early, sorting through some evidence, when he hears a purposeful shuffle behind him. Bruce bites down the smile – Jason didn’t need to be purposeful. While he made it pretty far remaining undetected, he lost the plot somewhere halfway through. When he turns to his Robin – because the Cave means Bruce is Batman and Jason is Robin – he stops in mild confusion.
Normally, by now, Jason would be half suited up, just missing his cape and domino and maybe his gloves.
This time, the boy is dressed down in a Wonder Woman hoodie and some sweats, wearing socks because Alfred refuses to let any of them down here barefooted, and looking more unsure than Bruce has seen in a long, long while. Jason’s been gaining confidence by the truck load since their last talk and it’s bizarre to see him nervous now, peeking up at Bruce through his overgrown curls, hands stuffed into his hoodie pocket, rocking back on his heels before he realizes what he’s doing and forcibly stops.
“Everything okay, Jay?” Bruce asks softly, making sure to keep it that way. This set up could have Jason bolting in the worst way if Bruce approaches this any other way but understanding and open.
Jason’s head snaps up, eyes wide like he hadn’t noticed Bruce noticing him even though they made eye contact and that just makes Bruce more concerned. His gazes flickers sideways, and he pulls out a hand to scratch his cheek, smile small and wobbly.
“Heeeyy, boss-man,” Jason says, definitely avoiding eye contact now. “So. Question.”
Bruce opens up his body language, doesn’t get up because he doesn’t want to loom – he’s been reading more parenting books lately by order of Dick. (He can see why and had made a vow to start implementing those lessons on his first son too.). He keeps it obvious he’s paying attention and is curious, but makes sure he’s not too curious.
Interrogating Rogues is easier than this – he wouldn’t trade it for the world.
“Answer,” Bruce says, smiling. Jason’s smile gets a little less nervous at the easy tone. “What’s going on?”
“I have a project due. In English.”
“Do you need help?” is Bruce’s immediate offer. Not that Jason’s ever needed help with schoolwork except with the occasional math or chemistry problem, but those were saved for the truly mind-boggling questions.
“…No. I was wondering…I was wondering if I could stay home – from patrol…to work on it,” Jason mumbles, head ducking down.
Bruce stares. “Excuse me?”
His shoulders creep to his ears. “I just. I wanna get a good grade,” he continues to mumble and Bruce doesn’t stop him. He can hear him perfectly fine. It’s obvious asking this is a big step, Bruce just doesn’t understand why it’s a big step. “And I was just hopin’ to work on it tonight.”
Bruce blinks. “You want to skip patrol to work on a school project?”
And just like that, Jason’s squaring up, shoulders popping up, back straightening, chin jutting out in a stubborn gesture that Bruce has to keep himself from smiling at. He’s thirteen, not six. It really is the stance of a rebellious teenager, not the cute pout of a toddler, but it’s just so nice to see.
Jason had been all spite-fire and aggressive defense when Bruce first found him in that alley, three tires into the batmobile and no intentions of stopping, but after the initial meet up and spike of adrenaline, after – after the disaster (and subsequent first case) that was Ma Gunn, Jason had practically wilted. Still the snark and the stubbornness that could match Dick head for head, but there was something off.
Something like not really asking for things that he wants. Like he thinks he’s not allowed to have them, like Bruce or Alfred will tell him no.
Oh. Oh. Big step.
Bruce settles back in his chair. “Of course,” he says after a split second of silence. Not quite hesitation, but long enough for Jason to start to get defensive, the perfect counterpoint on the tip of his tongue if Bruce had said no. “Of course you can stay home from patrol, Jaylad. Do you…” Now he visibly hesitates and Jason’s giddiness at getting what he wants (such a small thing. He asked for such a small thing and thought Bruce was going to say no?) “Do you want me to stay behind, help out?”
Jason’s eyes widen. “What?” He shakes his head rapidly and blurts out, “No! No. You don’t, you don’t have to do that.”
“What if I want to?” Bruce asks.
His face flushes. “Gotham needs you,” he says in a rush. “I – It’s fine.” He pauses. “Plus. No offense, boss-man. You’re, like, really bad at book analyses.”
Bruce laughs out loud, and Jason cracks a smile before he laughs too.
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chaotic-super · 1 year
Joining The Superfriends - 20
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Read it on AO3 here!
Lena’s still glowing from her date with Kara by the time she walks into The Tower. A lot of that is to do with the fact that she never went home last night, instead ending up in Kara’s bed, the little spoon to a cuddly Kryptonian.
Kara has flown them both, Lena clinging to her the entire time, her eyes firmly closed and her grip on Kara’s caped shoulders tight.
Flying isn’t as scary when she’s being held close to Kara’s chest and her body is comforted by the feeling and the smell of the clothes she’s borrowed from Kara, some sweatpants, a t-shirt and a hoodie that is softer than any article of clothing Lena has ever worn before.
“Oh hello, lovebirds.” Alex greets them as they descend the stairs from the balcony. “I see you guys have had a good night, especially Lena if the particularly…careful way she’s coming down those stairs means anything.”
Lena feels her face flush, and she presses her lips together to stop her from saying anything that might further incriminate them.
“Alex, can you maybe not?” Kara rolls her eyes at her sister but doesn’t otherwise react, staying at Lena’s side as they wander further through the room, both aiming for the couch and dropping themselves down onto it when they’re within reach.
“I could but my little sister is finally settling down and that marks the end of the sister nights where I have to listen to you mope and complain about being alone for the rest of your life.” Alex turns in her chair so she can still face them. “I’m happy for you.”
Kara facepalms, partially from the embarrassment of having her secret sister moping sessions exposed to Lena and partially because Alex is being awfully presumptuous about her relationship with Lena.
“We’ve been on one date, Alex. Why are you talking like I’m about to get married?”
Alex tilts her head, her eyebrow poised knowingly. “Have you already agreed on a second date?” Kara nods. “Then my point still stands.”
Lena watches the sisters bicker, content to just listen and file away any new information on Kara she can, something she’s been doing since they met and something she’ll probably always do now. It’s intriguing how fast she’s become hooked on Kara, any little titbits of information she can get her hands on is like gold dust to her and she eats it up, starving for more and planning ways she can use the information to woo Kara the first chance she gets.
In the midst of her pining over how cute she thinks Kara is and being baffled over how such a beautiful, kind creature could ever be worried about ending up alone because she shouldn’t be having even a hint of trouble finding someone to spend her life with, Lena looks up to see both Kara and Alex staring at her.
Alex snickers. “I was just asking how the date went, that good huh?”
“It was amazing but I’m sure you don’t want to hear about all the ways your sister ravished me last night, do you, Alex?” Lena’s not about to let Alex win and she doesn’t appreciate being teased. Alex should know that about her by now, this isn’t their first rodeo.
As Lena suspected, Alex reacts exactly as she thought she would. Her hands fly up to her ears and her face morphs into an expression of pure disgust. “Ew, Lena! Why would you put that image in my head? That’s so gross, that’s my baby sister, the most she’s allowed to do is hold your hand!”
“She certainly did more than hold my hand last night.” Lena smiles as Alex’s face gets even more scrunched up like she’s trying to hide from the comments Lena’s making. “What’s wrong Lexie? Don’t you like it when you’re the one being made fun of instead of the other way around? Can’t take what you dish out?”
“I hate you.” Alex frowns, more so at being called Lexie than anything. “And if you call me that again, I might have to throw you off the balcony.
Kara’s arm wraps protectively around Lena. “Alex, that’s a horrible thing to say, apologize to Lena this instant, besides, I’ve heard Kelly call you that before and you’ve never said anything, or is that bedroom talk?”
“Ha! Alex gets called Lexie in the bedroom, that’s great.” Lena laughs, “I always knew you must be a pillow princess.”
Alex scrambles to her feet, a single finger pointed outstretched towards Lena. “You take that back! I am not a pillow princess!”
Kara jumps up between the pair of them when Lena stands up too, stepping closer to Alex and mimicking her finger pointing at her. “Woah, woah, woah, how about we all take a deep breath and stop acting like kids in a schoolyard? Sound good?”
Alex and Lena keep walking closer to each other to the point where Kara physically stands between them, a hand on each of the women’s shoulders, pushing them back away from each other.
“Stop!” She yells out and it actually startles her how loud she shouts. “You guys need to stop. I know you’re just messing around but I don’t like watching you fight so please, just stop.”
Lena backs up right away, her eyes suddenly wide and apologetic as she takes in Kara’s downturned lips and the crinkle between her eyes. “I’m sorry.”
Alex doesn’t back up but her head tilts towards the floor, her hands coming down to rest on her hips. “Me too, I took it too far, sorry Kara.”
“I took it too far too, we both crossed a line there.” Lena reaches out to take Kara’s hand. “We’re done, we’re not arguing now.”
“What she said.” Alex nods to Lena, taking Kara’s other hand.
Kara’s shoulders sag. “Somehow I always end up with a headache when the pair of you are in the same room together, you have a very interesting way of showing your love for each other and it’s the kind that is the equivalent of nails running down a chalkboard.”
There’s a brief silence in response to Kara’s words before Alex can’t help herself and says something. “I know that’s not a compliment, but it makes me kind of proud of us anyway.”
Lena fights the smile trying to break free across her face but Kara’s shoulders have only just released the tension they were holding so she instead turns away so she can sit back down on the couch. She then pats the cushion next to her to get Kara to come and sit next to her again, something that takes no convincing.
“Alex, are there any updates on the whole Lex fiasco that we don’t know about?” Kara asks, sinking into Lena’s side.
“Not really, he’s still being held in custody and there’s still a big investigation going on. Your article is doing amazingly well, it’s getting a lot of praise for how well-written it is. There is some bad news though.”
“It’s about me, isn’t it?” Lena guesses, suddenly exhausted and wishing she had stayed in bed with Kara instead, wrapped up and kept nice and snug and safe as Kara’s little spoon.
Alex doesn’t affirm her suspicions outright but the way her eyebrows pull together and her mouth twists to one side like she’s in pain tells her that she’s not happy to have to be the bearer of bad news.
“That bad?” Lena asks. Alex sighs at the question. “That means yes.”
“It’s not good. People think you were involved because there are records of you working for Lex from earlier this year. They are assuming that you still work there and because you’re related they don’t believe that there’s a way you couldn’t be involved. If only they knew about everything you did to stop him.”
Lena can’t find it in herself to even be angry. “I get why they think the way they do, I just hope that it dies down with time and that once the trial is underway they will see what’s actually going on.”
“I’m sure they will and we’ll keep you safe in the meantime, we’ll be with you whenever you need to go into a public space until we’re certain that you won’t be harassed by an idiot.” Kara rests her hand on Lena’s knee. “I’ll like having a grocery shopping buddy though.”
Lena forces herself to smile. She can get through this, she’s already gotten this far so what’s a little more?
Nia strolls into the room, her hands swiping at her deeply bagged eyes and looking absolutely miserable. “Hey guys, can I steal Lena for a little while?”
“Of course.” Kara takes her hand off Lena’s knee, scooting away from her a little and letting her up.
Lena meets Nia across the room and sensing that Nia doesn’t want to talk in front of the others, offers for them to go down to the lab, an offer that is very quickly accepted.
Nia takes up residence in the office chair in front of Lena’s desk, a new instalment since Kara got worried she’ll hurt her back from leaning over to mark out her blueprints on the table she does most of her experiments and building on.
She stares at Antonio, Lena’s succulent that has made himself at home in his new spot. “Lena, it’s getting worse and I’m so tired. I need your help because I feel like I’m falling apart and my head is going to split open at any minute.”
“All right, Nia. How about we start easy, a few questions and then we can go from there?”
Nia nods, wincing as the motion rattles her headache, making her feel worse.
“Ok, so how long have you been struggling to sleep?”
“A few days now.”
“And you aren’t sleeping because of your dreams?”
“I can fall asleep pretty easily but then I have this same reoccurring dream not half an hour later and then I wake up again feeling worse than if I hadn’t slept at all.”
“So the twenty-minute intervals I told you to sleep in haven’t been working either?”
“No, I fall into a deep sleep quickly so I don’t wake up for the alarms.”
“What are the dreams about Nia?”
Where Nia has been answering the questions quickly and effectively, she pauses at this one, unsure of how to explain herself.
“They’re about you. If I sleep long enough and get further into the dream Kara is there too.” Nia answers, an obvious lack of confidence in her words.
Lena pauses, not expecting that. “I see. What exactly is happening in your dreams that involve me and Kara.”
“It’s hard to explain,” Nia says, avoiding eye contact. “Things happen but I don’t know what it means. You are caught in a spider’s web and you keep twisting and trying to get out but the more you try, the more tangled you get. Instead of a spider, I can see some kind of worm crawling across the web towards you. It’s coming towards you but then the web sets on fire and it stops it from coming closer then Kara comes flying in, picks up the worm and drops it beside you. Suddenly I’m then in a forest and you’re both gone but the trees are all…wrong. There are cactuses mixed in with the pine trees and it’s surprisingly scary. I wake up in a cold sweat after that, that’s as far as I get.”
Lena blinks away her confusion. “Ok. Well, I guess we start by researching what each component of that means. You mentioned before that you have books on your dreams, right?”
“I do but I already looked and most of those things have no explanations.”  Nia looks miserable and all Lena wants to do is have a magic fix for her.
“How about we look again together and I try and find things similar to what you saw, we might just be able to figure it out through a little bit of scientific guesstimation.” Lena shrugs slightly, upset that she can’t think of anything better to offer to help her right now. “You can sit and rest your eyes and I can do most of the work, I’ll wake you up after twenty minutes so you don’t dream.”
Nia just looks at her sadly before shaking her head. “I think it’s best that we figure out the dream, maybe if I know what it means then I will stop having it. I don’t want to try and sleep just for you to not be able to wake me up and then have you feel guilty. That already happened with Brainy but I didn’t want to talk to him about it.”
“Why not?” Lena asks, a little bewildered that Nia is being so open with her about it but avoiding telling the others or Brainy. “Why have you come to me instead of him or Kara?”
Nia makes eye contact with her, turning the chair slightly. “I don’t like talking to Brainy about my powers because I’m not great at deciphering them and it hurts that he knows more than me. I know he’s a twelfth level intellect and it comes with the title but it makes me feel…I don’t know.”
“Yeah.” Nia’s voice is small. “It’s similar with the others. I know they would help but I don’t like to burden them with my stuff when they have their own powers and responsibilities. You don’t have any expectations of me. I know the others would help and wouldn’t mind helping but it just makes me feel better having you instead. Besides, you’re crazy smart, I’ve seen some of the things you’ve been working on and Brainy praises you all the time so I know you’re a safe bet for fixing this.”
“Well, just for the record, I’m glad you came to me. It means a lot that you’re trusting me to help you, it makes me feel like I’m part of the team.” Lena smiles, trying to reassure Nia the best she can and fully understanding now why she’s the one Nia is looking to for help.
Nia might be tired out of her mind and feeling vulnerable from sharing her feelings and her dream with Lena but she’s not about to let that comment slide. “Do you not feel like you’re part of the team most of the time?”
Lena wasn’t expecting to have the conversation turned on her. “Um, I guess not. I’m still new to all of this.” She gestures around, “I’m not a superhero or anything special, I’m just someone who’s good with computers and good at building things. Being around you guys, it’s probably only natural that I feel a little bit insignificant in comparison.”
Nia’s eyes are red with fatigue but there’s a softness to them that Lena can’t place. “That’s how I feel next to the others sometimes. They’re just so put together that it makes it hard to live up to them.”
“Maybe that’s our problem then, we’re comparing ourselves to them rather than focusing on ourselves.” Lena shrugs. “Anyway, let’s go and get those books and then we can start working on getting you to sleep, we can talk more about our insecurities when you’re not half asleep.”
Nia’s lips pull up into a tight-lipped smile. “Thanks for listening.”
“Always, it sucks when you’re not being heard.”
“The books are with my spare clothes upstairs, I’ll grab them and then come back.”
Lena places her hand on Nia’s shoulder softly, stopping her from standing. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll go and get them. You can keep Antonio company.”
Nia chuckles out a laugh when she realizes that Lena means the succulent on her desk, not taking her for the kind of woman to name her plants. “All right, I’ll be here.”
Lena walks slowly up to go and get the books, a little drained from the conversation she’s just had. The last thing she was expecting with talking to Nia was having a deep heart-to-heart about their mutual imposter syndrome thing they have going on.
The books are exactly where Nia said they would be. She piles them up and starts carrying them back, struggling a little under the weight of the heavy stack. There must be about a dozen books on the pile, maybe a baker’s dozen actually, and they are all quite thick. It’s going to take them a little while to go through them but hopefully, they will be able to fix Nia’s problem so she can get back to her bubbly self soon.
She’s not sure what to do when she gets back to the lab to find Nia fast asleep in her chair, head resting sideways on top of her arm across the desk.
For a moment she thinks about waking her but since she’s only been gone a few minutes, she decides to just wait a little longer, Nia won’t start dreaming for another ten or fifteen minutes so they have some time yet, she’ll attempt to rouse the girl soon, probably once she’s filtered through the books and figured out where to start her research.
Lena lies all of the books out on her tabletop across the room before flicking through each to see what kind of dreams they focus on. There’s a very interesting one about the different animals in dreams that she thinks might be helpful so she’s going to start there, maybe they can at least find out about this strange spider web-making worm.
Once that’s done she goes back over to Nia and starts shaking her shoulder, “Nia. Nia, wake up.” Her voice starts off quiet but she gets progressively louder and her shakes get stronger the longer Nia stays asleep, completely oblivious to her attempts at waking her up. “Nia, come on, it’s time to wake up.”
It becomes very clear that she’s not going to be able to wake her so Lena just prepares herself. Nia will have her dream soon and then wake up just like she described to her, the only thing she can do is be here when she wakes up. She might as well just use this time to start her research.
She moves a spare chair over beside Nia and grabs the book on animals in dreams, taking up guard at the Naltorian’s side.
Read the next 4 chapters early on Patreon here!
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somewhat related to what you were saying about clothes but not really just thought itd be funny to share. i imagine Matthew's clothing at Arthur's house vs Alfred's/his own house are night and day. with Arthur he probably wears very smart semi-formal clothing if not a full on suit and tie even to bed so as not to offend. but at Alfred's house or his own he's in only boxers and a stained tshirt. maybe socks with sandals if he's feeling a little under dressed
LMAO. It could also, arguably, be the opposite with the power imbalance. The mental image fucking sends me. Arthur preparing for some occasion of state with the ridiculous regal regalia all the furry hats and capes and crowns Matt just lurches into the room hair unwashed, reeking like hangover personified, waves at all angles, in yesterdays hoodie and boxers asking where that bottle of maple with the crusty lid Arthur usually has in the cabinet has gotten too. Matt gives not a single imperial fuck that the first sea lord or even the monarch and his father are discussing some incredibly important event. Arthur putting on one of those absolutely insane looking baronet crowns as he shoos Matt back off to the kitchen and to make sure he takes his happy pills and Matt's just like "yeah yeah I know, try not to snap your neck outside Westminster." because this has been, for most of his life, most of his world.
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ashersbraincell · 1 month
Things I think are needed pronto in Dress to Impress(but alas, I don’t think it’s going to happen with how well adding „new pretty dresses/shirts!!” is going for them popularity-wise:
•A toggle for hoodies to ACTUALLY have the option to go on your head
•might be a bit much to ask but I think people could do ALOT with a cape or two
•Other than that maybe don’t add any more new items and instead focus on making all of them compatible with the male body type(the lack of clothes available for men playing the game is EMBARRASSING. And there really shouldn’t be any reason for items to be exclusive to either gender. I’m aware it’s a layering issue of making them fit the body but it is something that could be fixed with extra coding and, well, work)
•Speaking of accessibility for masc-aligning players, for the love of god can we have some faces that don’t immediately make me want to laugh please, thanks
•the selection of male hairs is also pretty sad. Short hairs in general; there’s many up-do’s but I just wish there was more variety in short hairs. You could have messy, curly,(we already have straight bobs), wolf-cuts, etc. I’m tired of overusing that one specific one if ykyk
•again, might be asking a bit much but is inclusivity really that much of an ask? A more gender-neutral body type would be nice, but only if they, like with the male body type, made it work with all items
•for the love of god(and I know this may break some layering tricks but), can the jacket options not clip so much with so many of the shirts
•me yapping about this probably won’t do anything because they’re just cashing in on their popularity and know people are desperate to pay anything for gamepasses when a game is that popular, but the pricing of gamepasses in this game is utterly ridiculous. And I’m not speaking from a perspective of someone who’s never brought game passes, I used to play alot of fashion famous and while, obviously still high enough to be exclusive, the game passes there were nowhere near as absurdly high as this game, despite it’s popularity at the time
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this-is-chaos-magick · 2 months
Thinking about Wanda's Scarlet witch custome....
I know a lot of people say they prefer the WV custome....but in my Opinion this Custome looks better...I just wished the top looks more red
I really like the all black pants and boots honestly if Wanda returns if she's gonna have a new consume it doesn't have to be super "fancy" I think the top outfit should change a little and the Boots and pants should just remain all black
there's not much a different between the WV and dsmom suits (other than the sleeve and pants) but somehow dsmom suits have more "witchy" vibes maybe because of the all black pants.
also Wanda's attire have no reason to look like a "military* made outfit..a red long sleeve and a regular corset could literally work and just give her a cloak...I mean like a cloak not a simple cape..I want a cloak with a hoodie that wraps around her neck like a scarf and can be used also as I blanket lol
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I like the WandaVision outfit too...but it's kinda idk..not witchy enough? It looks like it's design in a lab and the pants design are kinda ehh also not a fan of the sleeveless design it looks incomplete...also her having a cape feels weird...big comfy cloaksss >>>> boring ahh cape.... Agatha's witch outfit kinda looks cooler than both of Wanda's Scarlet witch custome...
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slimylittlemaggot · 5 months
I would like to mention I actually get 7 suits based off the seven Deadly sins
So imma rank em before I even unlock them just because I can lol
Envy: 7/7, perfect in every way, it's a green hoodie with sunglasses! Literally the best
Lust: 6/7, objectively good but just not my style
Sloth: 5/7, I mean it's not great but not as bad as everyone says in the videos about it
Pride: 5.5/7, it's a bit much but I would see myself rocking that in Paris for the fashion show. Very reflective.
Greed: 3/7, over hyped, it's just gold, freelancer did it better and I can get that one for free. And the freelancer one has colors other than gold.
Gluttony: 3/7, I like the cape. Design is ass tho.
Wrath: 1/7, looks like shit. Literally. It has the same texturing and color as mud. Why would I wear this if not to punish my eyes. Abysmal.
Image I used for ranking (try to guess which is which. And maybe say if you agree with my ranking on them I guess):
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Lex luther
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Since you like analyzing fashion and clothes, I was wondering. What is your favorite element to each of the Witch's Heart characters designs?
OKAYOKAYOKLAY i acutally really like all of the designs .. ILL JUST DO THE 9 MAIN CHARACTERS BECAUSE ITS EASIER
FOR CLAIRE i really like her bow its super cute and its like her signature
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shes so true
for ashe i like that he wears a cheongsam because it shows that he travels around since hes not wearing a piece of clothing that originates in the area that the game takes place in (DOES THAT MAKE SENSE..)
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slso the color scheme is nice and fits his hair <3
for wilardo his pendant is pretty and also he gets it from gramps so i think its relaly interesting
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IT ALSO FITS HIS COLOR SCHEME.. maybe there is a common theme
actually forget what i said about that common theme because my favorite element of sirius' design is his moon earring
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this picture is so silly ANYWAYS ITS SO ICONIC and tbh gold goes nice with purple so ill say it fits
for noel i like the little blue bow he has tied to the collar of his shirt
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ITS SO SHINY and also it sort of shows his closeness to claire because htey both have blue bows + it fits his color scheme
for zizel i like her mismatching bows on her braids I HAVE NO REASON TO i just think theyre cute and one of her signature things
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for charlie their little cape thingy that attaches to the hoodie of her outfit is really cute
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going to steal ALSO I LOVE THE BOWS
umm for lime this is sort of specific but her eyes are really pretty.. like the eyelashes and the color of her eyes and everything
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also she has a very catlike face.. lik eyou could imagine her doing :3
ok finally for rouge i like the cosmetics she has (IS THAT THE RIGHT WORD??) like her lipstick and her nails
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THAT PICTURE IS SO TINY anyways i think it sort of shows her status as being the highest ranking demon in hell because she doesnt have to like do work or anything.. like she can afford expensive (??) things like having her nails and makeup done even though theres no like money it still sort of shows her status which is cool i think
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cinnamon-bunni · 2 years
Day 15: A Quiet Moment
alright this might be my best for this event. or maybe second best idk but i got to write some levi angst and thats always fun :))
Read it on Ao3! Word count: 1k
Shut up.
It was something Leviathan often told himself. No one wants to listen to you rant. Stop talking, no one cares. You just interrupted someone, you asshole. Keep your mouth shut and next time you won’t embarrass yourself.
Shut up shut up shut up.
Sometimes Leviathan thought he was going to die. It was a similar feeling to when he fell–the race of his heart, tears welling in his eyes, and the sound of everything burning around him, making his ears ring. It made him want to rip his hair out, to claw his eyes and ears out, to scratch and pull and puncture his skin with his long and polished nails.
Sometimes Leviathan wanted to die. He wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. Probably not, but try telling that to that dumb brain of his.
During times like these, he always ended up in his bathtub-bed. Always curled up on his side, legs drawn in as he relished in the cool feeling of porcelain against him. A blanket on top of him, blocking him out from the world. His headphones on, connected to his phone that played his “it’s dissociating time’’ playlist. He listened to the songs on loop, again and again, usually until he fell asleep or someone told him food was ready. 
And it seemed like today his little personal time was interrupted by the latter. He could hear it, just barely over his music. Leviathan decided to ignore it though; he knew he wasn’t ready to go back out there, not yet. Maybe tomorrow. Or maybe never–he was fine with either.
He squeezed himself into a tighter ball. The knocking that once was faint grew just a bit louder, no doubt the person on the other side yelling for his attention. Leviathan didn’t want to give it to them. Turned out, his plot worked, because at some point the noise stopped, and Leviathan was left alone again to sulk in silence and stew in his own pathetic self-hatred.
Leviathan was vaguely aware of his hunger. He wasn’t even sure what time it was, but he was sure by now both breakfast and lunch had passed. Hell, he might've even fallen asleep at one point, with all of his emotions tiring him, but he wasn’t too sure. It started to all become a blur to Leviathan.
Oh well. Maybe if he just stayed in there until the next day, things would be better.
But he didn’t want to. Well, not completely. A part of Leviathan had gotten sick of staying in the bathtub all day, with his back aching and his legs sore and his ears almost bleeding from how loud his music was for hours on end. But another part knew he wouldn’t last a second outside of his room, and it would be best just to stay. It was a constant back and forth between the two ideas, until Leviathan finally got the courage and stood up, and walked himself out of his room. 
He didn’t think about it too hard. He tried to focus on the goal at hand, for he knew if he thought about it too hard, he’d go running back.
And so, with a blanket in-tow to use as hoodie and cape, Leviathan walked down the quiet halls of the House, with one destination in mind. He knocked on the door, and didn’t wait for an answer. He was quick to enter and close the door behind. 
“Oh, so you finally decided to show your face.” Lucifer was always harsh with his words. Leviathan stared at him, watching his brother’s pen danced on top of paperwork. “I assume you’ve gotten dinner already?”
Leviathan shook his head. He wasn’t hungry–he felt like he would throw up anything that went down, and he didn’t want to take the risk of feeling any worse.
“What was that?” Right, Lucifer wasn’t even looking at him. He was probably so tired of Leviathan’s antics by now.
“No.” Leviathan hated how hoarse and sad his voice sounded. But after hours of sleeping and crying, it was only inevitable. 
“Of course not,” Lucifer sighed. “Let me guess, you’re not hungry, right?”
Leviathan nodded once more, and then added a quiet “yeah.”
“And that you’re too overwhelmed right now?”
“Yeah.” Leviathan didn’t appreciate all the questions. Maybe it would’ve better to just stay in his room, so Lucifer wouldn’t have to handle Leviathan’s stupid meltdown and Leviathan wouldn’t have to handle Lucifer’s stupid attitude. He didn’t want to be dealing with this, but this was the only place, other than his room, did he feel safe.
He could practically hear Lucifer roll his eyes. “And what do you suppose I do about it?” 
“Can’t I-” Diavolo, he hated how his voice sounded. “Can’t I just stay here for a bit? While you do work?”
His brother sighed. “I suppose,” he answered, “as long as you’re not bothering me.”
Leviathan ended up sitting on the floor, against the front side of the desk. He held onto the blanket tight to keep it as close as he could. He could’ve taken any of the seats in the office, but he wanted to sit as close to Lucifer as possible.
The room was quiet, sans the scratches of pen and the crackles of the fire. It didn’t leave Leviathan in a mess, surprisingly. He would say it even calmed him somewhat. The small noises were what kept him sane, it felt like. Much better than the music he listened to on loop–even though that helped him in the past, it seemed that this time around, a quiet room was what he needed. And his older brother’s presence, too.
“Once you’re done,” Lucifer started after a few minutes of silence, “I want you to eat dinner. There should be some leftovers for you in the fridge–that is, if Beel didn’t eat it like I had asked him to.”
“Okay,” Leviathan muttered in response. He clutched on the blanket tighter. “I’m sorry for bothering you.”
Lucifer’s scoff was harsh. “You’re not,” he said, then added, “as long as you stay quiet. I still need to work.” Leviathan could do that. Being quiet was easy for the most part. 
And so the third-born silenced himself the best he could, and let himself get lost in the smaller noises. He tried to let himself relax, and let himself get comforted by the fact that everything was calm and fine around him.
He let himself bask in the silence.
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thebluemango · 2 years
Devils in the Details
Day 11: “911, What’s Your Emergency?”
Makeshift Splint | Self-Done First Aid | Sloppy Bandages
No Capes AU
Whumptober 2022
Note: I took French in high school, all Spanish is Google Translate.
Could be read as slash, could be read as platonic friends --- up to you
            Dick woke up slowly, his eyelashes fluttered against his cheeks before he opened them.  He found himself staring at stark white ceiling paint. He was laying on a bed, that much he could tell. He could also tell it wasn’t his bed. He blinked a few times as he tried to get his barring, he turned his head to the left and then to the right before pushing himself up straight. White hot pain shot through his left arm, and he cried out, collapsing back into the pillows.
            “Easy there, Richie Rich, you’re going to hurt yourself.”
            Dick’s eyebrows shot up and he turned sharply toward the voice. Sitting in the corner of the room with a book propped on his lap was a man. He was wearing a brown leather jacket with a red hoodie underneath and dark blue jeans. 
            “Who’re you?” Dick tried his best to sound demanding, but instead he found himself squeaking out the words.
            “I’m Jason. And you need to lie down.” Jason popped a bookmark into his book and the dropped it onto the small table to his left, then stood up to stand next to Dick.
            “Is this a ransom thing?” Dick looked down at his throbbing arm. There was, what looked like, the end of a wooden broom, secured with white fabric splinting his arm.  In between the two rods was messy, stained red gauze, tapped to his arm with scotch tape. “What did you do to me?”
            The other man frowned at him and crossed his arms over his chest, “I didn’t do anything to you.  You have compound fracture of your radius and ulna. Which was, by the way, not from me.”
            Dick blew a strand of hair out of his face and grunted, “Why should I believe you?”
            “Believe what you want, but I’m trying to save your life.  Roy says we’re just going to go pick up a package for the boss, ‘I’ll take Jason and Tony’ he says. No big deal. I could use the extra money, man’s gotta eat. Then, we roll up to the diner on fifth and Richard fucking Grayson comes out. Next thing I know, Tony’s checking the ammo in his Glock and Roy’s unlocking the door and we’re shoving you into an alley.  You fell real hard, broke the fuck out of your arm, saw your bones, and then passed out.”
            “Okay, so where’s the part where you’re saving my life? Because it sounds like you and your buddies kidnapped me.”
            “We were supposed to kill you. But, I didn’t sign up to kill no body, definitely not the son of Bruce Wayne.”
            “Ex-Ward.” Dick spits back.
            “Ward-ever. Either way, we’re supposed to kill you to pump the breaks on the grant going to reform Crime Alley. Figure, Wayne isn’t going to pour money into the place where his son got killed.  The money is going to create legit jobs, push out a lot of the gang activity, and put emergency services in the neighborhood.” Jason looks at Dick, his eyebrows are knitted together into a frown. Dick looks back with his own confused frown,
            “Okay, so why didn’t you kill me then? Are you not… in a gang?”
            Jason scratches the back of his neck and shrugs, “No one wants to be in a gang, not really, but when you live around here, you’re either with a gang or you’re hungry—sometimes you’re both. I’ve lived here my whole life, yanno Crime Alley. I… I don’t want to pump the breaks on the grant.  It’s goin’ to help a lot of people; my friends and my neighbors.”
            “That’s… That’s fair.” Dick hums and runs his good hand through his hair, “So what now, Jason?”
            “I don’t know. I gotta get you to a real police station or maybe Wayne Enterprises. But, they’re lookin’ for us. We can’t just walk out of here. I don’t have my phone and neither do you.” Jason strides away from the bed to the window to crack open the blinds and peak out. “I give it a few more hours until they’re busting doors down.”
            Dick grunts as he pushes himself up onto his uninjured arm and then into a sitting position, “Then we have to go before they do that.”
            “Your arm is really broken!” Jason looks at him with wide eyes, his arms out in front of him as if he’s ready to push Dick back onto the bed.
            “If they’re going to start busting doors down, then people are going to start getting hurt. We need a plan before it comes to that.” Dick throws his legs over the edge of the bed with effort. “Is there anyone in this building who can let us use a phone?”
            “Everyone is scared, Richard.” Jason’s voice is low and serious. “No one is going to help us at the cost of their life.  Reform grant be damned.”
            Jason’s eyebrows fly up, “Excuse me?”
            “That’s what people call me, not Richard, Dick.” The older man shots Jason a crooked smile. “And there has to be someone who will help. People are braver than you would think.  Like you.”
            Jason’s cheeks visibly blush, and he runs a hand through his hair, “Okay, Dick, what do you think we should do.”
            “We’re in an apartment building, right? We need to make a phone call.”
            How Jason got roped into running up three flights of stairs with his red hood pulled over his face, he isn’t quite sure.  Regardless, he’s knocking rapidly on 23C with his mouth pressed to the seam of the door,
            “Carmen, por favor, soy Jason.” Carmen, please, it’s Jason. “Por favor.”
            “Tienes que ir, Jason! Ellos van a saber que estas aqui! ” No you have to go, Jason! They’re going to know you’re here.
            Jason presses his forehead to the door, and knocks one more time with a closed fist, “Lamento venir aquí! Necesito tu ayuda! Necesito usar tu teléfono!” I’m sorry to come here! I need your help! I need to use your phone!
            “Yo tengo una familia, Jason!” I have a family, Jason. His heart aches at the desperation in her voice, he knows she’s scared. He’s scared, too.
            “Una vida major para tu familia, Carmen.” A better life for your family, Carmen.
            There is silence on the other side of the door.  Jason’s shoulders hunch in defeat. That was it, she was the only one.
            Just as he is about to turn away and head back to his apartment to think of a plan B, the door is cracked open. He turns sharply to see a small hand pushing a cheap prepaid cell phone across the threshold. The woman looks at him with wide eyes,
            “Para mi familia, Jason.”
            “Gracias.” Jason nods in thanks, scooping up the cell phone and then taking long strides back to where Dick was waiting. He practically throws the door open and then slams it shut behind him, holding the phone out in victory.
            Dick throws him a wide smile, “I told you, Jay, there are always brave people.”
            “We can’t call Bruce. His line is secure, unknown numbers won’t get through.  We could call Wayne Enterprises, but you never know who’s going to answer or how far this goes up.” Dick taps his finger against the hard wood of Jason’s dinette.
            “People at W.E. want to keep Crime Alley a slum?” Jason frowned with confusion, what do rich people care about Crime Alley?
            “There are a lot of investors against it. They don’t want to put the Wayne Enterprises name on it, but shoving money into a community isn’t going to inspire change.  The support of WE is an essential part. The Wanye’s get the final say since we have the biggest share.  There are good people everywhere and bad people everywhere, Jason.” Dick pinches the bridge of his nose. “Who can we call who wouldn’t be tapped?”
            “Do you have a friend who could come get you?” Jason asks optimistically. “A friend with a bulletproof car.”
            Jason’s face morphs into confusion, “What?”
            “Someone to come get us. Or are you not going to get offed the minute your boss finds you?”
            Tony and Roy were probably singing like canaries about what Jason had done. He winces, “Okay, and Carmen and her family.”
            “Okay, we’ll fill up the hypothetical car. Let’s work on getting a car first.” Dick’s eyes light up for a moment. “We can call my brother.”
            “The one from TV? Isn’t he like seventeen?”
            “Unless you have a better idea.” Dick waits, looking at Jason with a knowing expression. The younger man just shrugs and pushes the phone towards him. Dick makes quick work of punching the numbers in and the both of them hold their breaths as it rings.
            On the third ring, the line opens up and there’s a heavy sigh, “I’m not buying whatever your selling—”
            “Robin.” Dick says sharply. Here is a moment of silence on the other line and for a moment, Jason worries that the boy has hung up.
            “For serious?”
            “As a heart attack.” Dick presses his lips together and waits again. There is more deafening silence before there is shuffling on the other end of the phone.
Then the line goes dead.
Jason looks at Dick with his mouth open in a surprised ‘o’, “That’s it? We risked other people’s lives for that. For you to say five words to some teenager?”
Dick glares at him and crosses his arms, “Tim will know what to do. We need to get to the roof.”
“This is just great!” Jason stands up abruptly, pushing his chair out from the table. “You rich people really live in your own little world, don’t you? What does it mean? Is it an extraction code or something? You don’t give a fuck about us!  You get to go home to your cushy life while we all rot here.  I bet you’re going to tell your dad to pull the funding, too! Do understand the sacrifice a woman might have just made to get us that phone? A woman with two kids. And you use that to call—”
Before he can finish, there’s a loud banging on the apartment door,
“We know you’re in there, Todd! Get your ass out here, with Wayne’s kid, or we’re going to kill your friend.”
            “Por favor no!”
            “Listen, Jason.” Dick uses his good arm to make Jason look at him, focusing his horrified look away from the door and to the older man. “I know it’s hard, I know you’re scared, but I need you to go out the fire escape and up to the roof.”
            Jason splutters, shaking his head back and forth, “They’re going to kill her!”
            “Hey!” Dick’s words are quiet but firm. “They’re going to kill all of us if you don’t do as I say.  It’s probably going to take Tim thirty minutes to get here.  When he does, because he will, the team he sends is going to need someone to be up on the roof.”
            “The roof? Dick what are you talking about? This isn’t a spy movie! I’m not just going to run away while they kill Carmen! I—”
            The banging continued. The door to Jason’s apartment was fairly sturdy and had good number of locks on it, but it wouldn’t stand for ever.
            “Remember that bullet proof car we talked about?” Jason nods. “Well, there’s no car. It’s going to be a helicopter and the guys in it are going to need to know exactly where we are as soon as it touches down.  If you stay, your friends outside are going to shoot you in the head, then your friend, and come look for me. It has to be you, Jason. I swear on my life, I’m going to do everything I can to keep your friend alive, but I need you to do what I say. Do you understand?”
            Jason gapes at him for a second, his eyes flickering between Dick and the shaking door.
            “Jason! Do you understand?”
            “Yeah, Dick, I understand.” Jason nodded quickly, turning to the small bedroom to escape out the window. He’s out the window and climbing up the first rung of the stairs when he glances back, just in time to see Dick open the front door and get thrown face first onto the floor.  He hears the older man cry out when his arm is grabbed as he continues up as quickly as he can.  He reaches the roof in record time, bringing up his wrist to check his watch.  Dick said thirty minutes. Jason tugs at locks of his hair, pacing across the roof. Dick could be dead in thirty minutes.
            As Jason turns to the bedroom window, Dick turns to the front door.  The four dead bolts that run down the seam are shaking as the person on the other side rams into it. Dick has half a mind to look through the peep hole, but the thought of getting hot through his eyeball keeps his curiosity away.
            “I’m coming!” He unlocks the door quickly, swinging it open to come face to face with four meaty looking men.  “Can’t a man take a nap without having the door busted down—”
            The man directly in front of him grabs him by the front of his shirt and throws him down onto the carpeted floor.  Dick can’t hold back the cry of pain that slips past his lips when his broken arm is wrenched up behind his back and zip tied there with his other arm.  The pain is white hot, and it travels up his arm to his shoulder, from where his nose is pushed into the rough carpet, Dick has to blink stars out of his eyes.
            He sees the feet of three other men stomp into the small apartment followed by a small, curly haired, Hispanic woman being dragged behind them. She has tear tracks running down her face and her arms are also zip tied behind her back.  As Dick feels guilt begin to swallow him, he is yanked up by his broken arm and forced to stand on wobbly feet between two bulky men.
            “Where is Todd, Richard?”
            “Dick.”  The man in front of him reeled back and punched him in the face.  Dick would have fallen over if not for the two men flanking him and taking most of his weight.  “My name is Dick god damnnit!”
            The man to his right huffed out a laugh but stifled it when the leader gave him a hard look. He then turned his attention to Dick, grabbing him roughly by his jaw and forcing him to look at him,
            “You’re going to tell us where that little bastard is or we’re going to kill the bitch and then her kids, and then everyone else in this goddamn shit hole, until we find that little traitor!” Dick wanted to flinch when spit flew from the man’s mouth but settled for morphing his face into that of disgust.
            “I don’t know where the other guy went.” He lied. “I woke up with a broken arm and some kid trying to ransom me back to Bruce. I hit him in the head and hid here.”
            The man threw a fist into his stomach, and he groaned loudly, “Wrong answer?”
            “Jason thinks he’s a hero: helpin’ old ladies across the street and giving food to the kids with cracked out parents. I don’t believe for a goddamn second that he tried to ransom you to anyone.”
            Dick laughed, “Okay, you got me. But I still don’t know where he is.”
            This time the punch hit his left temple, leaving his vision swirling with stars. He spit a mouth full of blood out onto the floor, blinking rapidly, “Look, man, whatever you think you’re going to get from this: you’re not. Bruce is going to pour money into this neighborhood whether you kill me or not.  It’s a done deal.  So, why don’t you rub your two little brain cells together and make the smart decision: get out of dodge.”
            The man’s nostrils flared, and he landed two heavy punches to his ribcage, Dick tried to double over but the two men at his sides held steady. He looked up at the clock, stall for fifteen more minutes.
            “You tell me where Jason is, I’ll let you live.”
            Dick snorted, “Fat chance.”
            The man sighed before pulling his gun out of the holster at his waist and jamming it up into the soft skin under Dick’s jaw, “Okay, Dick, how about you tell me where Jason is, and I kill you quickly?”
            Dick winced at the cold metal pinching into his skin relentlessly, “How about you kill me, then my dad has feds chase you down for the rest of your miserable life while he still pours money into the community.” Dick smiles, showing bloody, red teeth. “You don’t win. Doesn’t matter how this plays out, you Dick, you are going to lose.”
            The man releases the pressure on the underside of Dick’s jaw and slams the butt of his gun against the side of his face. Dick feels warm blood well up in the new cut on his face.  His vision goes black for five seconds, the two men at his sides let go of his arms, and he drops forward onto the floor heavily. Dick blinks slowly, trying not to let the ringing in his ears overcome him.  He can hear the man above him screaming at him, but the words are muffled. Dick rests his cheek on the floor and he’s in direct eye contact with where Carmen was sitting. Except, she wasn’t sitting there anymore. Instead, there was an open window behind where she should have been and the steady red blinking of a smoke grenade.
            The smoke grenade went off just as Dick’s eyes slid shut.
            Jason paced on the roof for exactly twenty-eight minutes before he heard the loud chopping of wind. He squints his eyes to find the source of the noise through the brightness of the sun.  When he sees it, his eyes are wide, he’s never seen a helicopter before. It lands on the other side of the roof and an eight-man tactical team pours out of the sliding door followed by a dark haired, scrawny looking kid, Tim his mind supplies, and then Bruce Wayne himself.  Jason gapes as the two Wayne’s make their way toward him.  Bruce reaches him first, reaching out a hand, which Jason shakes slowly,
            “I’m Bruce, this is Tim. You are…?”
            “Jason. Tell us what you know.”
Bruce listens with his lips pinched into a tight line. Humming in agreement once and a while and grunting in disagreement a few times as Jason explains the past twenty-four hours to him as quickly as he can.  He tells them exactly where Dick is, and then where Carmen’s kids should be. At the end, Bruce nods in thanks and turns on his heel toward the tactical team, leaving him and Tim looking at each other.
“Thanks for coming.” Jason says, mostly to fill the space but also because he is grateful.
“Thanks for not killing my brother.” Tim cracks him a smile and takes a sip of the coffee Jason didn’t even realize the boy had been holding.
Jason scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “Yeah, about that, am I going to get arrested after this?”
The two of them turn as the tactical team repel off the roof. Then, Tim laughs and shakes his head, “I’m sure Bruce would have you arrested. But, from what you’ve said, I’m sure it would be over Dick’s dead body… Hopefully, not literally.”
Jason winced at the bad timing of the joke, “I thought Wayne wanted to reform the neighborhood? Arresting twenty-three-year-olds isn’t very reformative.”
Tim laughs again, “It’s not Bruce who wants to reform Crime Alley. It’s Dick. He’s using his whole trust fund to pay for the grant, with Wayne Enterprise’s logo stamped on it.”
Jason gapes for the second time in twenty minutes, “Why would he do that?”
Tim shrugs, “His favorite diner is here.  He says he’s met a lot of good people here and they deserve a real chance at life. He thinks that the support of Wayne Enterprises is a critical part to real change.”
“What about his fortune?”
“He’ll still be rich. Bruce, Dick, Damian, and I all hold twenty percent of Wayne Enterprises, and the rest is split by investors.  He will be a lot less rich, like millions, but he will definitely still be wealthy. But Dick doesn’t care about money.”
            Jason stands silent for a moment, absorbing the information he’d just been given. Then, a second helicopter lands on the roof and Dick Grayson is being pushed through the roof access door. Bruce and Tim are at his side in seconds, asking questions and holding his free hand. Dick catches sight of Jason and pulls the oxygen mask down,
            “Thank you, Jason.”
            Jason doesn’t have time to reply as Dick is wheeled into the second, smaller helicopter. He just stares as it lifts off the roof and then moves toward the sun.
            Exactly two weeks later, Jason is standing at his kitchen sink listening to the news play behind him when there is a knock on the door.  He turns off the water and dries his hands. A generous donation to his landlord has his rent paid for the next two years, in addition to his bloody carpet replaced with a new, softer one and his broken door fixed.  He doesn’t bother to check his phone to see who it is, even though he could sine the same generous donation installed fancy camera doorbells and good locks on everyone’s door.
He pulls open the door and makes a surprised noise,
            “Dick.” He looks down the hall as if someone was going to jump out at him. “I… How are you?”
            Dick’s previously broken arm is wrapped in a black fiberglass cast and he has stitches running along his cheek, but his smile is bright as ever,
            “Howdy, Neighbor! I’m good! Just came over to say ‘hi’!”
            Jason frowned, “Neighbor?”
            Dick nodded, “I’m moving in next door.  Bruce put me in charge of a lot of the spending of the funds in the Park Row grant, so I figured what better way to put the money to good use than to integrate myself into the community?”
            Jason hummed, “Yeah, your brother told me somethin’ funny about that. Something about it being your money with Wayne’s name on it?”
            Dick rubbed his neck and smiled sheepishly, “He told you that?”
            “He didn’t tell me that you are the generous donor behind my two years of paid rent, my new carpet, all the doorbell cameras, and setting up Carmen and her boys in metropolis; I put that one together myself.”
            Dick chuckled, “Well, Bruce paid for your carpet.”
            “You throw an awful lot of money into Crime Alley. Why didn’t you say anything when I was basically calling you a stuck-up douche?”
            “Ah… You know, I never want my money to feel like a power play between me and my friends.” Dick smiles wider at the last word.
            “We’re not friends.” Jason huffs.
            Dick pushed past him and into his apartment, making himself at home and dropping himself on the couch with a sigh, “We definitely are friends. We spent a lot of time together a few weeks ago!”
            “Because I basically tried to murder you…”
            Dick snuggled deeper into the couch and smiled lazily,
            “Pshh… Details.”
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