#or playing dnd
yeehawpim · 9 months
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a comic about different types of storytellers
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calamitys-child · 11 months
Adhd will have you too burnt out to eat or shower but give you the hubris to decide you can homebrew an entire d&d system on the back of a receipt
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mzcain27 · 11 months
I think game studios should just release their character creators online. For the times when I don’t wanna play the whole game, just the lil dress up part
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lopsidedspecs · 2 months
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BG3 art dump⭐️
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queerasflux · 10 months
man I wish people understood how much it sucks ass to be neurodivergent and trying to find the middle ground where people like/tolerate you. like, I'm either "boring" (trying to wait my turn in conversations, holding space for other people, taking a back seat to let others get some spotlight) or "too much" (too loud/talking too much, getting excited to share, trying to participate in group conversations/activities). No one really talks about how much of being neurodivergent is just sort of trying to make yourself palatable.
I feel like so much of my life has been spent trying to find this effortless sort of middle ground everyone else seems to automatically already know, and I'm always swinging too far one way or the other. I'm lucky to have neurodivergent friends who grok me, but goddamn I wish that I could just like, exist without the constant background script in my brain that's like "you're being too loud. You're not talking enough. you're being self-centered. you're being boring. you're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong." I feel like I'm back in high school trying to make friends but stuck as the eternal "weird kid"
it's just... lonely and sucks bad.
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anotherdarkiboi · 10 months
List of Astarion's Terms of Endearment
This is for the fanfic writers haha. Tell me if I'm missing any so can add it in!
Darling (his most used)
My love, love
My sweet
“You sweet, generous thing”, “you sweet little thing”
My dear, a dear, dear
Cheeky little pup
My little treat ("-with their cheeks all flushed")
You wicked little thing (affectionate)
"You're a sweetheart", "you sweetheart"
Delectable little pet (not directed towards Tav but it easily could be)
My friend (yay, we're his friend)
My favorite traveling companion (not a pet name but it's nice to be his favorite)
My leaking blood-bag (technically you refer to yourself as that first and he calls you his one after, but it counts)
You little scoundrel
Edit: Thank you everyone in the comments for adding the Dark Urge ones!
Bhaal-babe (I'm dead, this silly pun I swear)
My sweet, bloodthirsty friend
My precious little Bhaal-babe
My conflicted villain
My dagger-happy friend
Bonus: Ascended Yandere Astarion
My pet, pet
Little love
Precious thing
My treasure
My consort, My Dark Consort
My favorite spawn
Insolent little- (the Dev's notes say that the full line is "you insolent little brat" which, um...)
Insolent little pup (the line was in EA, although I’m not entirely sure if it’s Ascended Astarion. Full line: “you are an insolent little pup, aren’t you?”)
"You ingrate" (When you try to break up with him. It's not really a pet name, but-)
"Property I cherish, but still my property" (his thoughts)
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chikkenhawke · 6 months
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enraptured by the shape of this beast 🐣
get stickers etc -> here
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5ftboy · 1 year
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How is Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves different from other blockbuster action films?
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shaniacsboogara · 10 months
liking dnd is so funny because yeah you play the actual game sometimes but mostly you just think about the game and watch other people play the game and slowly go insane thinking about how much you wish you could play the game and hoping that buying more shiny rocks will fix everything
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clover-mouse · 1 year
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the grassy gnoll had me thinking about a mossy rock … mossy .. statue?
so here is a gargoyle i’ve doodled up. he’s my son
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camishroom · 5 months
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hmmmmmmmm gortash and durge??? I love them
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keeperofthebees · 1 year
the d&d movie was so good. they captured the energy perfectly. exposition and character building and meeting that takes 10 minutes. travel across 3 countries in like 5 minutes. bullshit plans that work so hard. a dragon for no reason other than its a fuckin dragon. Chekov's gun but it's Chekov's arsenal. A paladin's autistic swag. nat 20 on the potato. crying. a very quick "where are they now" segment. everything.
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assassin-artist · 10 months
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owlyjules · 2 months
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"Hmm...Thats a weird dog."
Little fantasy illustration for myself before I go back into way too many projects.XD
(Maybe this guy will reappear...He might be a friend of a certain blue bird Monarch...👀👀👀)
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thechekhov · 1 year
TTRPGs really looked into the universal playground issue of “I hit you with my super special arrow-shotgun and kill you!” “No you didn’t, I dodged it!” and solved it by giving us some math rocks to roll about it, huh. 
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listen I expected literally Nothing from the D&D movie okay, like I can't make it clear enough that I expected the most soulless money grab with a good cgi budget imaginable, I went in having already gone through every stage of grief and landed on acceptance and LISTEN
I fucking CRIED during this dumb RPG movie. it wasn't just "not terrible" it was objectively good with a clever plot and compelling characters and sincere emotional beats. this movie loves D&D so fucking much and it NAILS the "a bunch of goobers try to be cool and accidentally discover The Power Of Friendship And Also Great Violence" classic D&D party vibe. their barbarian's last name is fucking Kilgore and my entire family cried in the theater.
I hope they make twelve of these motherfuckers.
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