#or when up brought me coffee when i was barely awake
babybearnini · 10 months
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ewyuzu · 11 days
sick day comfort
you, toji and little gumi
you can tell megumi isn’t feeling well the moment you step into the house. his usual energy is gone, replaced by a tired slump as he lays on the couch, wrapped up in blankets. you glance at toji, who’s sitting nearby with a worried frown, his hands awkwardly resting on his knees as if unsure what to do.
"he’s burning up," toji mutters, his deep voice softer than usual. "caught a cold or something. been like this all day."
you walk over to megumi, placing a gentle hand on his forehead. he stirs slightly, blinking up at you with half-lidded eyes. "hi, sweetie," you say softly, smiling down at him. "how are you feeling?"
megumi mumbles something incoherent and snuggles deeper into the blankets. you exchange a quick glance with toji, who scratches the back of his neck.
"i tried making him soup," toji admits, gesturing toward the kitchen. "didn't turn out so great."
you can’t help but chuckle. "let me guess—too much salt?"
"maybe," he grumbles, clearly embarrassed. "it’s not my specialty."
"why don’t you let me handle the soup, and you stay with megumi?" you suggest, heading toward the kitchen. "he could use some company."
toji looks unsure for a second but nods. as you begin working on a fresh batch of soup, you can hear the low rumble of toji’s voice from the living room. he’s talking to megumi, though his tone is hesitant, as if trying to find the right thing to say. you smile to yourself, knowing how much he cares, even if he’s not the best at showing it.
when you return with the soup, megumi’s eyes are closed, but you can tell he’s still awake by the way he shifts when you sit next to him. toji is now sitting on the floor by the couch, watching megumi with a look of concentration that almost makes you laugh. it’s like he’s studying his son, trying to figure out the best way to help.
"i brought some soup," you say softly, setting the bowl down on the coffee table. "think you can eat a little, gumi?"
megumi groans and shakes his head weakly, not wanting to move. before you can say anything, toji stands up, gently scooping his son into his arms. megumi barely protests, too tired to put up a fight.
"come on, kid," toji murmurs. "you need to eat something. just a little, alright?"
to your surprise, megumi nods, leaning against toji’s broad chest as you hold up a spoonful of soup. slowly, with toji’s gentle encouragement, megumi takes a few sips, though he looks like he’d rather fall back asleep. when he’s had enough, toji lays him back down on the couch, pulling the blankets up to his chin.
"you’re doing great," you whisper to toji, placing a hand on his arm. he looks up at you, his usual hard expression softening for a brief moment.
"yeah?" he mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck again. "i feel like i’m messing this up."
"you’re not," you assure him. "you’re here for him. that’s what matters."
toji sighs, glancing back at megumi, who’s now curled up peacefully. "i just... i’m not good at this stuff," he admits quietly. "taking care of him when he’s sick... i don’t know what to do."
"you’re doing fine," you tell him gently, leaning into his side. "he knows you care. that’s all he needs."
toji is quiet for a moment, his gaze focused on megumi’s small form. then, almost as if to distract himself, he starts talking—telling a story you’ve heard before, about one of his old missions. only this time, the details are funnier, more exaggerated, as if he’s trying to entertain both you and megumi.
you laugh softly, glancing down at megumi, who’s starting to smile despite his fever. even though he’s clearly tired, he listens to toji’s story with half-lidded eyes, occasionally giggling at the ridiculous parts.
as the evening wears on, toji stays by megumi’s side, telling more stories—some real, some made up—while you stay close, comforting them both. toji’s gruff exterior softens with each passing moment, and by the time megumi finally falls asleep, you see the faintest hint of a smile on toji’s face.
"you did good," you whisper, pressing a kiss to toji’s cheek. he grunts in response, his face turning a little pink as he pretends not to notice.
but as you settle in beside him, with megumi peacefully sleeping between you, you know that tonight, toji’s awkward but loving efforts made all the difference.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 9 months
Irresistible {3} || CL16
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!reader Summary: What was once heaven turns to hell with the unexpected arrival of a new house guest. Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, smut, cheating, kind of taboo (future stepbrother) WC: 4K F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Three || Four
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It was late by the time Charles entered your room and slipped into the bed. You had retreated to your room after washing the dishes from dinner, silently passing each one to Charles to dry. When there was nothing left to tidy, he sighed and decided he couldn’t delay the call that was inevitable.
“Are you awake?” he asked quietly as he curled his body around yours.
You felt his smile on your shoulder before he rolled you over to face him and brushed the hair back that fell over your face. “I think I made a mistake.”
It felt like a cruel joke but you had heard his raised voice through the walls, but the French had meant nothing to you. You were certain that after one argument he was cutting things off but you asked anyway, “Why’s that?”
“Because I don’t want to be in a relationship with her.” He pressed his forehead to yours and the breath you had been holding was released with a relieved sigh. “And she wants to come to the first races too now.”
You pulled back to see the pained look in his eyes and realised you had relaxed prematurely. “I thought you said she wouldn’t go to many.”
“She usually wouldn’t, but with the new race schedule it falls right into her school summer break.”
You huffed at the idea of having to share him and watch as she got to publicly flaunt him. Okay, maybe you were a little jealous - but it didn’t change anything because he could never be yours. “Does she suspect anything between us?”
“I am living with a beautiful woman that I am not related to, of course she is suspicious,” he stated with a nonchalant shrug. “But she won’t outright ask or she would have to give up on the idea that we are perfect for each other.”
Your fingers traced the shape of his beard that was due to be shaved again and your shoulders bounced with a quiet laugh. “Look at you, you have it all figured out.”
For a second his amusement faded away and vulnerability set in as he looked at your laced fingers resting on his chest. “You haven’t changed your mind about coming with me, have you?” His words were whispered like he was afraid of the answer.
“I don’t think I could if I wanted to,” you admitted seriously, before a teasing smirk lightened the atmosphere. “I think I would miss you too much, or a certain part of you.”
“Ah, of course,” he chuckled, grateful for the answer and a distraction, “you only want me for my dick.”
You ran your hand down his bare chest until it met the fabric of the grey sweatpants he wore and teased over his crotch. “I was thinking about your tongue but I would miss this too.”
“I feel used, really, I do,” he huffed but his cock began to stir beneath your palm despite the joking words. “I am just an object to you.”
“Yes, you are, but you are a pretty one,” you added with the sultry smile that always set his blood alight. “So are you going to let me use you?”
He grinned as he easily pulled you over his body to straddle his waist. “Always, ma biche.”
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Lockdown: Week Sixteen
“Hey Daveed, sorry about the stairs,” you apologised as you ordered yet another heavy item online knowing there wasn’t an elevator in the building.
It was an odd world that you found yourself in. You knew the delivery driver by name now, but you still hadn’t seen the bottom half of his face beneath the mask.
“What have you brought now?” Charles asked from the couch as he sent a wave to Daveed.
“I’ll show you if you help me move it.”
Curious, he got up and gently moved you aside so he could pick it up himself, his biceps testing the tensile strength of his shirt sleeves. “Where am I putting it?”
You rushed around the couch and moved the coffee table that was covered with your puzzle magazines before pointing to the space made. “I’ll get the scissors.”
Charles watched his floor space change from hardwood boards to the fluffiest shag pile rug he had ever seen. Everywhere he looked there was evidence of a woman in his home and he had to admit he loved walking into each room and seeing it.
You starfished on the rug after unrolling it and sighed happily at how soft and fluffy it was beneath you. “Lay with me,” you ordered Charles when you opened your eyes to find you smiling down at you.
Dropping down beside you, he stared up at the ceiling and stretched out, sliding his arm under your head. He ran his fingers through the soft material before those same fingers ran down your sleeve and pulled you closer to kiss your temple. “It’s perfect.”
The doorbell buzzed and you both looked at each other wondering who it could be. There wasn’t anything else that had been ordered and it wasn’t as if anyone could just pop around for a visit with the lockdown still under enforcement. You were still frowning at each other when the bell rang again, followed by a shrill call that made Charles stiffen.
“It’s Charlotte.”
You sat up in an instant and all but ran down the hall to your room, quickly snatching Charles’ pillow and tossing it into his room with the other random pieces of clothes that littered your floor. The security chain scraped open before the deadlock was unbolted and you scanned his room to see if there was anything of yours there but luckily most activity had been kept to your space. You hadn’t wanted to sleep in the bed he shared with her, that was about your limit in your morally grey code of ethics.
“Uh, hey, what are you doing here?” Charles asked as he opened the door, his shoulders blocking your view from the hall.
“I thought you would be happier to see me after four months,” Charlotte murmured as she walked around him and into the apartment. She was perceptive of all the changes and was obviously not impressed by them as she set her suitcase down. “My travel exemption came through today.”
Charles frowned at the large luggage bag but recovered enough to kiss her when she leant in. Your exemption had been emailed to him a few days ago so everything was set to go to Austria in two weeks time but that didn’t help him understand why his girlfriend had arrived at his place with the bag. “Are you going somewhere?”
“I figured since I was allowed to travel I would stay here, with you, until we fly out. I can finish my assignment here and we can catch up on lost time.”
Your stomach knotted at the thought but she had put Charles in a position that made an argument almost impossible.
“I would love that, but isn't it a little insensitive to Y/N? I don’t want her feeling like a third wheel in her own home.”
“This isn’t her home.” Charlotte rolled her eyes and you took a step back behind the wall as she looked around for you. “You said she’s just a guest you can’t get rid of because your mum asked nicely.”
You swallowed down the angry words that clawed at your throat and had to watch as Charles wrapped her in his arms, to comfort her.
Your silent steps retreated back to your room and you closed the door before you could hear anything more. Collapsing on your bed feeling displaced, you could smell Charles’ cologne clinging to the sheets and resorted to stripping the bedding off. Not willing to risk being caught in any small talk, you mounded the pile of sheets and duvet covers in the corner of your room and pulled a pair of noise cancelling headphones over your ears.
You drifted in and out of sleep all afternoon, waking once to decline dinner, telling Charles that you weren’t hungry through the locked door, despite the loud growls coming from your stomach. When you woke again night had set in and it was dark outside your window. The growls had turned to cramps and you couldn’t ignore the need for food any longer.
Thankfully the apartment was silent when you emerged from your room and crept down the hall. You could walk the whole house blindfolded if you needed, you knew because it had been a game you played with Charles a few times out of boredom, but you turned a small lamp on in the living room. The soft glow was enough to see in the kitchen and you found a note on the fridge door.
You smiled at the thought of Charles saving a plate for you and grabbed it from inside the fridge. It smelt delicious as you warmed it up in the microwave but one mouthful had to dumping it in the bin. Though your back was to the hall you could feel his presence like the kiss of the sun on your skin and you placed the empty plate in the sink to wash it.
“You should be asleep.”
His steps were quiet across the floor before his hands found your waist and his lips brushed over your nape before he whispered, “Can’t sleep without you.”
You turned away from the sink to face him but whatever command you were thinking of to send him back to his girlfriend was lost when he kissed you. You could taste the apology on his tongue, feel the regret in his touch as his hand slipped beneath your shirt and danced along your spine.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know she was going to show up here.”
His forehead rested against yours and his eyes closed when he felt your hands come to rest on his neck, your fingers feeling his pulse race beneath them. The silence was heavy as he waited for you to say something but you weren’t going to dwell on what you couldn’t change.
“You should be apologising for the pasta, I nearly broke a tooth.”
Charles stepped back with a quiet laugh and combed his fingers through his hair. “You know I am not good at cooking.”
“That wasn’t cooking, it was uncooked,” you corrected him with a smile. “Are you hungry?”
He nodded, having missed your cooking and took a seat on the bench where he could watch you quickly bring a delicious meal together. He never understood how you could do that, how you could look at what was in the fridge and the pantry and create a dish in your head. When he looked all he saw were the individual ingredients but you saw the potential each piece had, it amazed him every time.
The minutes quickly passed and it was effortless to chat with whispered voices while you worked, a complete dichotomy from how his evening with Charlotte went. Conversation with her had felt forced, like he was talking to a stranger, and he had asked how the weather was twice just to fill the awkward silence.
He barely even heard your words, recounting a humorous camping trip with your father where he forgot nearly all of the food. But you had managed to survive for three days inventing new ways to eat sausages. You paused when Charles didn’t laugh at something he should have found funny but he was staring at your lips in a daze.
“Are you okay?” you asked with a wave in front of his face.
He snapped out of whatever trance he was in and you thought maybe he had been falling asleep standing up. You nearly jumped when he suddenly pulled you into his arms and buried his face in your neck. “I love you.” You could feel his smile on your skin before he kissed the column of your neck, whispering it over and over as he made his way to your lips. “I love you.”
Your palms met his chest and gently pushed him back as you wriggled from his hold.
“What?” he asked, suddenly nervous and self conscious.
“You’re just having this revelation now? At,” you checked the time on the oven, “1:11 in the morning while your girlfriend is asleep in your bed.”
“I mean, I’ve kind of known it since the day we met…” He scratched the back of his neck and shrugged apologetically. “I think I loved you the moment you called me a bad driver.”
You balled up your fist and punched him in the shoulder. “You could have told me sooner.”
His forehead crumpled in confusion as he rubbed his arm. “What? Why?”
Stepping back into his personal space, you rose on your toes so you could kiss the corner of his downturned lips. “Because I love you too.”
His smile could have lit up the whole city and it made the unexpected arrival of Charlotte a little easier to bear. It was almost romantic eating dinner with a single candle burning on the table, if it wasn’t for the knowledge that there was an unwanted house guest in the next room. You probably should have eaten in silence to make sure it went undisturbed, there was always more you wanted to know about each other. Sixteen weeks together brought a lot of insight into the other’s psyche but there was still over 20 years of history to learn.
“Did Peter teach you to cook?”
Your laugh was a little too loud in the dead of the night and you shook your head. “He can only cook a steak, and you don’t get a say in how you want it either - it’s always extra well done.” You took a sip of the wine Charles had poured and giggled at the thought of your father teaching you to cook. “There was this old woman who did the payroll at dad’s work and after mum left Betty helped step in for all the ‘girly’ stuff. Make-up, cooking, boys.”
The corner of Charles’ lips kicked up in a smirk as he sat back in his chair and sighed happily with a full stomach and contentment he had missed all evening. “I imagine you were already a natural when it came to boys.”
You mirrored his amusement and leaned your head on his shoulder when he draped his arm over the back of your chair. “Of course, one insult and I had them wrapped around my finger,” you joked.
“Worked with me.”
“But you’re weird.”
Footsteps padded down the hall and you sat up before Charlotte arrived wearing a shirt of Charles’. She froze as she found the cosy scene and the sleepy haze lifted from her face. “What is this?”
You smiled and reached for the bottle of wine to refill your glass. “I was hungry, sorry, didn’t mean to wake you. Would you like to join us?”
She looked at the clock and you were surprised to see it was almost 3am. Time always seemed to slip by unnoticed when you were with Charles, he was captivating that way.
“No, thank you,” she politely declined as she held a hand out to Charles. “We are going back to bed.”
Charles let her lead him from the room but he looked over his shoulder with a pout and mouthed ‘I love you’ before saying aloud, “sweet dreams.”
You smiled as you mouthed the words back and promised, “I will.”
That was the last stolen moment alone. Charlotte seemed to sleep lighter and followed Charles everywhere he went in the apartment. He couldn’t even stream alone in his office, her ever present shadow was there in the background to gate keep him from you. At night, their arguments would keep you awake and your French understanding grew to know nearly every swear word they used. 
You could see the misery in the dark bags beneath Charles' eyes each morning at breakfast. Though he no longer sat beside you, there was one perk to facing him with the table Charlotte used as a barrier between you. Warmth ran up your leg and you fought not to react to Charles’ touch, it wasn’t much but it was his quiet reassurance that everything would be okay.
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Lockdown: Week Seventeen
You woke to a screech and rolled over to bury your head under your pillow. Unfortunately you weren’t able to block out her voice as it grew louder to the point she was yelling. Tossing your blankets back, you draped a robe around your shoulders and swept out of the room with a mission to find out why your sleep had been disturbed.
“Charles, can you please remind her what an inside voice is?” you asked quietly as you took a seat with him at his piano, watching the angry young woman pace around the living room.
“You live like a pig!” Charlotte growled as she picked up his dirty plate left on the coffee table. “And how hard is it to put the toilet seat down?”
You cast a side eye at Charles to see him struggling to hold a smirk in check. He was clearly enjoying himself but you were confused since he had always put the toilet seat down before, and cleaned up after himself.
“Why are there so many cushions in this place?” Her rant continued as she picked up the floral pieces you had scattered across the couch to bring colour to the room.
“I like cushions,” you answered her rhetorical question, drawing her attention to your presence.
“I know exactly what you like,” she sneered as her eyes darted to Charles before she stormed out of the room, dropping the plate in the kitchen sink as she passed.
“Where are you going?” Charles asked as he made to follow, sending a kiss your way.
You dropped onto the couch, enjoying the way your body sunk into the soft cushions, and listened to the rant continue while Charlotte packed her suitcase. You had to bite one pillow when Charles made a weak attempt to change her mind but then she was wheeling her luggage out the door.
Unfortunately her departing words left you little hope as she promised, “I’ll meet you at the airport.”
The door closed behind her and Charles leaned his back against it with a sigh. You cocked a brow at him before he slid the deadbolt home and all but jumped over the back of the couch, pinning you under his body.
“Finally, I have you all to myself,” he hummed happily against your lips but you tugged his hair back so he could see the confusion on your face. “What? I missed you.”
“You planned all that?”
He shrugged and dipped his head to capture your lips that left you needing more of his kisses and less of his clothes. “I was hoping she was going to break up with me, but I’ll keep working on that. PR can’t be mad at me if it’s her choice.”
You combed your fingers through his hair, feeling the soft strands that were in need of a trim again. “But what happens next? They’ll just set you up with another woman that fits their image for you.”
He shook his head adamantly and pressed his forehead to yours. “I’m done with that. I’ll tell them I need to focus on my career or something to get them off my back. There’s only one woman I want, Bambi.”
You tried not to let his promise affect you but the butterflies in your stomach turned to a burn across your cheeks and you buried your face in his neck. His deep laugh reverberated from his chest as he kissed your temple and started to climb off you.
“Hey, where do you think you are going?” you asked as his weight was lifted from you.
“I was going to bed,” he said with a smirk as he started to walk towards the hall. “Coming, ma biche?”
The cushions went flying as you scrambled to your feet and raced after him. It felt as if the universe had righted itself when you closed your door behind you and found Charles stretched across your bed. For a moment you just leaned back and enjoyed the view that you had missed, but only for a moment - you had better ideas on how to spend your time. 
“You’re wearing too many clothes,” you pointed out.
“Why don’t you come and change that?” he challenged with a smirk. Making himself comfortable, he tucked his hands behind his head but the movement tugged the bottom of his shirt up to tease you with the deep V lines you wanted to run your tongue along.
“With pleasure.” You untied your robe and let the material fall to the floor before you stalked him down and reached for his sweatpants. You dragged the soft cloth down and he lifted his hips to make it easier, not that it would have stopped you.
You dipped your head down, grazing your teeth over his hip bone and goosebumps prickled across his skin. His breath caught in his chest as the tingling feeling spread over his body and he chuckled at the sight of it. It was a reaction he had never had with anyone else, there was no one else who could possibly elicit such a feeling with just one touch. 
“Fuck,” he shuddered breathlessly when you lashed your tongue along one V line. He could feel your breath warm on his cock before it cooled as you climbed higher and he groaned at the smirk on your lips. You were playing with him. 
“Be patient,” you warned as you grabbed his shirt and tugged it up his chest. 
“It’s been 9 days, Bambi,” he gasped when you nipped his nipple before easing the sharp pain with your tongue.
“Exactly.” You peeked up his body from under your lashes and enjoyed the strained look on his face, his brows pinched together and his hands in fists behind his head. He was struggling not to take control and bury himself in you. “I have to make up for lost time.”
You pushed him to his limit as you nipped and sucked your way across his body from his neck to his thighs. “Please, ma biche,” he finally whined as his hard cock pulsed with the need to feel your wet warmth. 
“Since you asked so nicely…” You sealed your lips around the swollen tip and hummed in delight at the taste of him. There wasn’t a word that could describe it but it was an aphrodisiac of the highest strength. Need grew to a throb between your legs and your eyes fluttered shut as you clenched your thighs together. 
A deep groan had your eyes opening and you found a wild look in Charles’ before he reached for your arms. You let him guide you up his body thinking he was going to spear you down on his cock but he shuffled down the bed and positioned you over his face. “My turn, mon amour.” 
Your fingers clutched at the headboard as his tongue expertly found all the spots that made you see stars. Like you, he hadn’t forgotten how to drive you wild in the long days since Charlotte’s arrival. 
“Please, Charles,” you begged as he teased around your clit, keeping you dancing on the precipice of oblivion. He teased and he teased until a growl of frustration tore from you lips and you combed your fingers into his hair so you could grind your hips over his face, taking what you needed from him. 
Satisfied and smiling, you were flipped onto your back and Charles chuckled as he kissed his way up your body. “That was rude.”
“You love it,” you fired back with an equally daring smirk that fell away when your lips parted with a soft gasp as he thrust his hips forward and buried himself inside you.
“Fuck, I do,” he agreed with a moan. His breath heated your neck as he kissed your racing pulse, caressing your skin with his lips until he reached yours. “I love you.”
Click here for the next part.
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apocalypseornaw · 7 months
Not so Awkward
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Dean Winchester x Reader
Follow up to Awkward Dreams
Smut with feelings?
Your fingernails dug into Dean's back as he rolled his hips into your, enjoying the sounds he managed to pull from you. “Look at you sweetheart. You're so damn beautiful like this, all fucked out and taking me so damn well"
He brought one hand up to your neck, barely putting pressure but he wanted your eyes open “Look at me gorgeous” your eyes flew open and he smiled “There's my girl” before leaning down to capture your lips in a hungry kiss. When he broke away you gasped “Fuck I love you Dean”
“DEAN!” He jolted awake and realized he'd fallen asleep at the table. His now cold cup of coffee was still in front of him. You stood at the doorway with your arms crossed and a smirk on your face “You need a nap before we hit the road?” 
You didn't know what was up with Dean. Months had passed since he even attempted to get a woman's attention at any of the bars the three of you had stopped in and now he was falling asleep at random places in the bunker. Was he having nightmares again?
He wouldn't talk about something like that freely and it hurt your heart to think of him suffering alone. You loved both Winchesters, in their own way of course but Dean had a piece of your heart. If you were being honest with yourself you probably were in love with him but could never admit that for fear of losing him.
He shook his head at your question then glanced behind you “Where's Sammy?” You grimaced slightly “He's not going. I think he may have caught the flu. He's running a low fever so I went on an early supply run. He's set up with meds, there's soup and Gatorade. Just me and you on this one cowboy” 
You didn't miss the weird look that crossed his face before he schooled his expression and said “Well gotta admit you are better to look at” you rolled your eyes and motioned to the hall “I'm grabbing my go bag. Meet ya at baby?” He nodded “Yeah. Meet ya at baby”
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Dean was trying like hell to concentrate on the road but the dreams of you and him kept resurfacing. What was going on in his head? Yeah he'd admitted to himself some time ago that he was developing feelings for you but it was clear the only thing you felt for him was friends, same as Sam. The fact that he was having sex dreams about you and dreaming that you felt the same about him had nothing to do with anything.
He was fairly certain you'd fallen asleep until you turned in the seat to face him and smiled when he glanced your way. “Dean, you ok?” You asked and he felt his heart flip at the concern in your voice “Yeah I'm good. Just been having weird dreams” “Nightmares?” You asked so he shook his head “Not nightmares just weird”
You nodded then glanced down at your phone “We should be there in about thirty. I'm thinking motel first then medical examiner?” He nodded “Sounds good to me”
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Dean watched you walk into the lobby of the hotel from where he stood at the impala. From the sounds of it this was a ghoul case. Hopefully it would be a fairly small pack so it would go by quickly. He wanted to get back home to the bunker and not be in close quarters with you where he may let something slip he didn't mean to.
A few minutes later you walked out and gave him a tight smile “Good news or bad news first?” He shrugged “Bad news?” You held up one key “There was only one room left” he groaned inwardly but nodded “Good news?” You grinned "It's got two queen size beds!” 
At least there were two beds. If it was king you and him had shared beds enough you'd know something was wrong if he refused. “Well let's get on it” 
You could feel Dean's eyes on your back as you walked into the medical examiners office. He'd been acting a little off still but you'd never known lack of sleep or weird dreams as he'd put it to throw either Winchester off their game so you weren't too worried about the case. 
His hand brushed your lower back when he stepped in behind you so you shot a smile at him over your shoulder about the time the examiner noticed the two of you. “Can I help you?” You flashed your badge and Dean did the same “Agents Castle and Page. We're here about the grave desecrations”
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Your back slamming into the side of the mausoleum knocked the breath out of you. Dean ran towards you, skidding to his knees next to you “You good?” You nodded and took his offered hand to get back to your feet “That bitch that tossed me?” He nodded and you smirked “She's mine”
Dean watched you snatch your shotgun off the ground and couldn't help the smirk that slipped onto his own face. Even dirty, bloody and cussing a ghoul you were fuckin gorgeous. He shook his head to clear those thoughts before facing the ghouls that were chomping on his ass.
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You walked into the hotel room and wanted to just fall across the bed and go to sleep but knew you had to shower. Dean shut the door and you cut your eyes over at him to see the slice across his cheek was still bleeding. “I need to clean your face and put something on that” you said and he half smiled “If you let me check your back to make sure you're ok” 
You rolled your eyes but smiled “Sure. Sit down at the table” he did as you asked and walked over to the table while you grabbed the first aid kit out of your bag then walked over to him. 
You sat the kit down then stepped between his legs to get a good look at the cut. You touched the skin around it but he barely flinched, keeping his eyes on yours. “Why are you staring at me Dean?” You asked while you wet a gauze with wound cleaner.
He cleared his throat and shrugged “Those first aid classes shine through when you're patching us up. You're so focused, I just like watching you” you felt your cheeks threaten to warm at his words. Instead of saying anything you just reached into the kit for the liquid skin. “While the sting won't bother you, this crap is cold as hell” 
He grinned “If I say it hurts will you hold my hand?” His teasing made the worries you'd had about him lighten a bit. That was how he usually was with you, playfully flirting even if you knew he didn't mean it. You stepped closer before saying “You can squeeze my hip if it hurts” he raised his eyebrows and placed a hand tentatively on your hip “I'll take what I can get”
You shook your head but finished cleaning his cheek and blew on the cut gently to get the liquid skin to go ahead and dry. Once it was you stepped back and nodded “You're good Winchester” he motioned with his finger “Turn around then and let me check you”
You nodded because you had agreed. Without thinking you slipped your shirt over your head leaving you in just a sports bra. You'd seen him and Sam both in less and from injuries and they'd seen you in less as well so it wasn't anything new. You tossed your shirt on the floor next to your duffle and turned with your back to Dean. 
The way you focused on him when you were cleaning his cut to how close you were standing and letting him grip your hip had Dean's head spinning bad enough but when you slipped your shirt off and tossed it his mind immediately flew to every dream he'd had. 
He swallowed hard once you turned your back to him then stood. When his fingers first touched your back he noticed the trail of goosebumps that popped up but he told himself his hands were just cold and that was the reaction. You had some bruising already across your back but nothing seemed to be broken and you hadn't even flinched when he dug his fingers in a little to check your ribs. After a moment he tapped your shoulder “You're good sweetheart” you smiled back at him “Good. I'm gonna go shower first since I'm already halfway naked”  
Images of you straddling him in the impala flashed through his head and he cleared his throat again “Sounds good. I'll go after you”
Your skin still felt like it was on fire from Dean's touch. Christ you may need a cold shower just to keep your hormones in check. It wasn't fair the effect that man had on your body and heart without even realizing it.
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You weren't sure what woke you up at first. You sat up slowly, rubbing a hand over your face. You started to reach for the gun on the nightstand but realized quickly the noise that had woke you up was Dean. 
You glanced over at his bed and saw his hands were gripping the sheets and from the looks of it a thin layer of sweat was covering his face and chest. You tossed the blanket off your legs and started to climb out of the bed to wake him but froze when you heard him say your name. Was he dreaming about you? 
You quietly walked closer to the bed and he spoke your name again, wait no he moaned your name. The noise made a rush of heat go straight through you. Was Dean having a sex dream about you?
You were torn between waking him or going back to bed. If he was in fact dreaming about you wouldn't it be weird to wake him up and acknowledge it like that? 
Before you could make up your mind he jolted up, eyes wild and chest heaving. “Dean?” You asked quietly and once his eyes focused on you he looked down towards where the blanket had pooled around his waist and you felt your face warm when your eyes followed his and realized he was hard. 
He readjusted the blanket quickly then cleared his throat “Something wrong?” You shook your head “No, you were um dreaming and I guess it woke me up” 
You'd never seen Dean blush in all the years you'd known him but in that moment he did. He didn't meet your eyes when he asked “Did you hear anything?” You started to lie, you really did but something in you pushed the truth out of your lips “I heard you say my name?”
Now would be a good time for the apocalypse to kick back up in Dean's opinion. He'd rather face Lucifer a few times over than admit to you what his dream had contained. 
He slowly raised his eyes up skimming over your bare legs, the sleep shorts you wore to bed then the t-shirt you were wearing. It was tight over your chest to the point your breasts looked like they would burst out at the slightest movement. Your hair was tousled from sleep, your face was slightly flushed and he wanted nothing more than to show you just what he'd been dreaming about.
“I'm sorry sweetheart. I didn't mean to wake you” he'd hoped you'd take it at that and go back to sleep or did he?
You stepped closer to him and when you raised your hand he watched you curiously until you slid your fingers into his hair, nails lightly grazing the scalp underneath. It took every ounce of strength he had to not completely crumple under your touch. It was so damn gentle. 
“What's going on with you Dean?” You asked in all but a whisper as you let your hand slip from his hair before bringing it down to gently cup his chin, forcing his eyes up to meet yours. He wasn't used to this, you always seemed to take charge of things.Anytime anything was wrong with him or Sam you were the caretaker but this was different. This was intimate and made his heart flip having your full attention on him.
“Please tell me Dean” you begged and he closed his eyes and swallowed hard “I was dreaming about you. I've been dreaming about you” when he opened his eyes he wasn't sure what to expect to see in yours. Anger? Embarrassment? Instead your face had flushed even more and a smile had slipped onto your face “What happened in the dreams?”
You weren't sure where this rush of confidence was coming from. Maybe it was the way he was looking at you or how he leaned into your touch or hearing him moan your name but you weren't letting him brush this off. He'd been acting off and barely sleeping if you were the cause of that you wanted to know. 
That damn smirk that always made your stomach churn slipped onto his face “a lot” “Oh yeah?” You asked before moving your hand away from his face “Like what?” 
Dean wasn't sure how far of a line to cross but you were standing so damn close to him and his latest dream was still buzzing around his head. He wondered if you'd taste the way he dreamt, feel the way he dreamt. “I care about you a lot sweetheart, you know that” 
You nodded at his words but instead of moving you moved to sit on the bed within inches of his reach “I know but that still doesn't tell me anything about these dreams” 
He looked from your face down to his hands then back to your face. When had he ever been this shy around the subject of sex? Was it how much he cared about you? How long he'd known you? The fact that if he told you how he truly felt and what he'd been dreaming and you didn't feel the same he could lose you?
At his silence you moved closer and reached out to grab one of his hands “Talk to me Winchester” you teased and he groaned lightly. Fuck, the effect you had on him without realizing.
He had two options here, he could brush this off or take a chance of you actually feeling something for him. At the very least he knew if he could just get you in bed with him once he'd do everything in his power to make sure you'd want no other man.
You were starting to think maybe you'd imagined everything. The way Dean had been watching you since you left the bunker all the way to him moaning your name until he muttered “Please don't fucking punch me” before you could ask he dropped your hand then grabbed you by the hips pulling you towards him where you had no option but to straddle his waist, the blanket had fallen away somewhere and you could feel the strain of his hardened cock through the sweat pants he'd worn to bed.
You braced your hands on his shoulders, a gasp leaving you from a mixture of the sudden movement along with the feeling of him underneath you “You're everywhere in these damn dreams. Your scent, your taste, your touch, your voice. It's been driving me insane being so close to you and not being able to touch you. I love you, I know it's probably insane but I do. You don't have to feel the same but if you'd give me just this one night I know I can make you feel better than any other man ever has” 
You were silent and Dean was kicking himself. He'd ruined it, he'd lost even your friendship or so he thought until a smile slipped onto your face and you shifted your hips against his causing a groan to escape him. “Who says I don't love you Dean?” His eyes flew to yours and for a moment he wondered if he was still asleep. Had he dreamed all of this? As if you could read his thoughts you leaned forward and stopped with your lips just shy of touching his “It's real Dean. You're awake, I really do love you”
“Yeah?” He asked and you laughed lightly “Yeah” he closed the space between the two of you to catch your lips in a hungry kiss. Your hands gripped his shoulders tightly sliding up to his neck then finally burying in the hair at the base of his head. 
When you broke away from each other, chests heaving he searched your face for any uncertainty. When he found none he nodded towards your shirt and you leaned back just far enough to pull the material over your head and toss it back in the room. 
He caught your lips again, one hand coming up to catch your left nipple between his fingertips. You arched your back into him, a heavenly moan slipping from your lips. He broke away from your lips to kiss down your neck biting lightly at a few places noting to himself that he'd dreamt of the correct places to kiss you but damn this was better than any dream. 
When his mouth finally found your chest, using his tongue to roll one of your nipples into his mouth, teeth lightly grazing the sensitive bud you gripped his hair tightly moaning his name. Your hips rolled against his and fuck he could feel the heat coming off of you.
He pulled away from your breasts and smiled up at you “You sure about this? Sure about me?” You took a few breaths then grinned “I swear on everything Dean if you don't put your mouth somewhere on my body I may just fucking combust” 
“Wouldn't want that would be baby” he teased before flipping the two of you over so he was on top of you. His mouth found yours again and you felt one of his hands teasing the waistband of your shorts. Your legs fell apart to grant him access and he smiled into the kiss as his hand dipped into your shorts. 
His fingers teased your pussy, barely grazing it the first time but on the second swipe he ran his fingertips across your clit and you shivered under him. He slipped one finger into you, groaning “You're so fucking wet already” you tried to say something back but he added a second finger curling them both up until he hit that spot that had your back arching off the bed and praises of his name falling from your lips.
He worked you through the first orgasm, whispering into your ear about how sexy you looked coming around his fingers. When you finally came down from that high he held your gaze as he slipped his fingers into his mouth, licking them clean. “Fuck you taste good baby” 
He left a bruising kiss on your lips before adjusting his body where he could leave a trail of kisses down yours. When he got to your shorts he raised his eyebrows and you narrowed your eyes “Don't fucking stop there!” 
A laugh was the response you got before he was slipping your shorts off your legs. He didn't give you a moment to relax because he lowered his head to you and when the first lick made your legs quiver he chuckled lightly “Better than any damn dream” 
He added two fingers in with his tongue, working that spot inside of you and your clit at the same time. It didn't take long before you were shaking under him and all but screaming his name as you came undone again underneath him.
After a moment you weakly shoved his shoulders “Too much baby. Too much” he rocked back from you and grinned as he swiped a thumb across his lips “Did you just call me baby? I like that”
You grinned “Well in that case baby will get your damn pants off and fuck me already?”  He laughed “Yes ma'am” and stood off the bed to shove his sweatpants off his hips, kicking them away from him.
Your eyes widened at just how big his cock was. He was fairly long and thick as hell. “Like what you see sweetheart?” You nodded and curled your fingers at him “Come here” he kissed his way back up your body and when he got to your mouth he crashed his lips against yours letting you taste yourself on him. 
“I love you” he whispered against your lips as you felt him slide into you. You gasped against his mouth at the feeling of him stretching you. He groaned lightly at the feeling once he was completely inside of you “Fuck you feel amazing” once the stretch faded to pleasure and you could speak you pulled him into a kiss then said “I love you too Dean now fuck me like you hate me” 
He laughed and shook his head “You're so damn perfect” he left another quick kiss on your lips before pulling almost all the way out then slamming back into you.
Dean sat a punishing pace, snapping his hips into yours. The only sound filling the room was skin hitting skin and your moans mixing together. Your fingernails dug into his shoulders but neither of you cared as you clung to each other finally giving in. “Dean I'm so damn close” you managed and he nodded before slipping one hand between you. When his fingers found your clit he spoke with his lips against yours “Come for me sweetheart. Let me feel you”
You felt that building pressure threaten to burst right before you were shoved over that peak. Your vision went soft around the edges as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm. 
Once you came down from that high you realized his thrusts were starting to falter, getting a bit sloppy and knew he was close. You buried your fingers into the hair at the base of his neck and whispered in his ear “Let me feel you Dean. Please come for me baby”
He groaned, burying his face in your neck as his thrusts got harder and deeper. You hooked your legs around his waist, spreading them further to allow him a deeper angle and when you did the head of his cock hit that spot inside of you with every thrust.
“I love you Dean” you moaned and that seemed to spur him on even further. He snapped his hips into yours at a pace that had you seeing stars. When he finally came, slamming into you with one final hard thrust it pushed you over the edge again and you tightened around him about the same time your nails dug into his shoulders to the point you were fairly certain you drew blood but he didn't seem to care.
He caught your lips in a kiss that was a lot gentler but still passionate before saying “I love you too sweetheart” he pulled out gently then looked around and leaned over to grab his discarded shirt. He used it to clean you up the best he could then tossed it before collapsing next to you.
He pulled you over on his chest and you curled up with your head laying over on him. You looked up at him and gave a sleepy smile “That was fucking amazing” he grinned “Took the words right out of my mouth” you leaned up and placed a gentle kiss on his lips before saying “I expect you to sleep now. No more weird dreams” he grinned “Don't think I gotta worry about it. Reality is so much better”
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When Dean first woke up he almost worried that he'd dreamt everything but when he opened his eyes you were curled up on his chest fast asleep. You kissed the top of your head and you nuzzled into his chest then opened one eye and looked up at him. Both eyes slowly opened and smile slipped onto your face “Oh thank God I didn't dream that” 
He laughed and said “Nope. You're stuck with me sweetheart” you grinned “I can handle being stuck with you” he pulled you over on top of him and you braced your hands on his chest, feeling his fingers trail down your bare back “I love you Dean” “I love you too” he said before pulling you down flush against him and you felt his body react to you. 
You pulled back to look up at him and he grinned “I've been dreaming about you for a while” you laughed lightly “Then we need to make up for lost time don't we?” and caught his lips in a searing kiss “Tell me about these other dreams to see what we can make come true before we go home”
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chheolie · 28 days
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i think you might be a little disappointed that they are divorced, so here is the second part
it was a quiet morning, and the sun had barely risen on the horizon when you grabbed your phone to check the messages. as you swiped the screen, one notification caught your attention: "reminder: trip to the beach house - d/n’s birthday." your heart tightened as you read those words. the beach house had always been a special place, full of happy memories, but it also held painful ones, especially from the last trip where you and seungcheol were together as a couple. it was there that your relationship came to an end.
even so, you knew that this trip was important, especially for your daughter, who loved that place more than anywhere else. with a deep sigh, you decided to send a message to seungcheol, something you had been putting off for days, fearing what he might say.
"are you going on the trip?" you wrote, hesitantly, feeling the weight of uncertainty in your words.
minutes that felt like hours passed before his reply arrived. when the phone vibrated, you opened the message with a nervousness you couldn’t hide.
"yes, it’s important for her." his words were direct, but they carried a responsibility that both of you shared. although your marriage had ended, the love for your daughter continued to bind you together in an unbreakable way.
on the day of the trip, seungcheol arrived at your house to pick you up. your daughter, as excited as always, ran into her father’s arms with contagious joy. her smile upon seeing him left no doubt that this trip meant a lot to her. as you watched the scene, a mix of emotions washed over you. it was good to see them together, but his presence always brought back memories of what you had lost.
during the drive to the beach house, the atmosphere in the car was strange. your daughter talked nonstop, excited about the weekend plans, but you and seungcheol barely exchanged words. it was hard to ignore the weight of the past, especially knowing that the last time you were at that house as a family was also when you decided to go your separate ways.
when you finally arrived, your daughter ran inside the house, exploring each room as if it was her first time there. for her, that place would always be magical, full of good memories. you and seungcheol began unloading the car in silence, exchanging brief and uncomfortable glances. neither of you knew quite how to act. the silence was almost suffocating, and both seemed hesitant to say anything that might open old wounds.
the next morning, you woke up early, with the first rays of sunlight gently illuminating the house. there was a quiet stillness in the air, broken only by the soft sound of the waves. as you stepped out of the bedroom, you found seungcheol already awake, sitting on the porch with a cup of coffee in his hands. he seemed thoughtful, lost in his own thoughts. for a moment, you considered going back to the bedroom, but you decided to join him, feeling that perhaps it was the right time to talk about what you both had been avoiding for so long.
sitting beside him, you felt the weight of the silence between you, but also a strange sense of peace. the smell of coffee mixed with the salty sea breeze, creating a nostalgic atmosphere. it was then that memories of the last trip came flooding back. you looked out at the horizon, trying to find the right words.
"it was here that everything fell apart, wasn’t it?" your voice came out low, almost fearful, as if reliving that moment could bring back all the pain you had worked so hard to overcome.
seungcheol sighed deeply, without taking his eyes off the sea. "yes, it was here. and i still think about that day, about the things i could have done differently. not a day goes by without me asking myself where exactly things started to go wrong."
his words hit you in a way you didn’t expect. there was so much regret in his voice, a pain that mirrored your own. "i think about that too... about how everything could have been different. but i think that at the time, we were both so lost, trying to find our own way, that we ended up drifting apart. i felt so alone, even when you were around. like there was an invisible barrier between us."
he turned to you, his eyes showing a vulnerability he rarely let show. "i never wanted to make you feel that way, y/n. but i was so focused on work, on fulfilling all the responsibilities, that i ended up losing you in the process. i didn’t know how to handle the pressure, and it destroyed us."
before the conversation could deepen further, the soft sound of footsteps coming from the bedroom interrupted the moment. your daughter had woken up, bringing with her the vibrant energy of a child full of expectations for the day. seungcheol stood up with a smile, offering to take her for a walk while you stayed home, resting and processing everything that had been said.
hours later, when seungcheol and your daughter returned, you greeted them with a smile, noticing that they were carrying bags of food. your daughter ran up to you, her eyes shining with excitement. "mommy! look what we brought! we got your favorite dessert!" she exclaimed, barely able to contain her excitement.
you looked at seungcheol, who gave you a knowing smile, and felt a lump form in your throat. that simple gesture, but full of care, moved you in a way you didn’t expect. for a moment, all the repressed emotions came to the surface, and you found yourself struggling to hold back the tears. but it was useless. the tears began to fall, and you tried to disguise it, smiling at your daughter so she wouldn’t notice.
seungcheol noticed immediately and approached, concerned. "hey, are you okay?" he asked softly, his voice full of care as he reached out to hold your hand.
you nodded, though your voice faltered as you tried to respond. "yes... it’s just that... this means a lot to me. you both mean a lot to me."
he gently squeezed your hand, his eyes fixed on yours as if he wanted to say something but was choosing his words carefully. the moment was delicate, full of unspoken emotions and feelings that you both were trying to process.
the afternoon unfolded in a series of joyful and simple moments. you cooked together, played on the beach, and for a moment, everything felt like it used to. your daughter’s laughter echoed through the house, and you felt that maybe, just maybe, the weight of the past was finally starting to lift. the atmosphere was light, and it was hard to believe that just a few hours ago, you were so nervous about spending the weekend with him.
when the evening came, you prepared the small birthday party with all the love you could muster. your daughter was radiant, and the house was filled with laughter and music. the table was loaded with sweets and snacks that you had prepared together, and the cake, decorated in her favorite colors, sat in the center, waiting to be cut.
you sang "happy birthday," and the smile on your daughter’s face as she blew out the candles was the highlight of the night. she closed her eyes tightly, making a wish, and then, with a determined puff, blew out the candles. the applause and cheers of "hurray!" echoed through the house, and for a moment, everything seemed perfect. you and seungcheol exchanged glances during the celebration, and there was something in his eyes that you hadn’t seen in a long time—tenderness and affection that warmed your heart.
after dinner, with full bellies and light hearts, your daughter finally began to show signs of fatigue. she yawned and rubbed her eyes, making you and seungcheol laugh. "i think it’s time for bed, little one," you said softly, as you picked her up, feeling the comforting weight of her against your chest.
seungcheol followed you to her room, where you both tucked her into bed. she snuggled into the blankets, the smile still present on her lips. "it was the best birthday ever," she murmured before closing her eyes and falling asleep. you both stood there in silence for a moment, watching her sleep, both feeling a mix of emotions—love, nostalgia, and something more, something that was bringing you closer again.
when you left the room, the silence that followed was filled with tension, but it wasn’t a bad tension. it was a tension full of possibilities, of things left unsaid. seungcheol closed the door softly, then turned to you. "she was so happy today. thank you for this, y/n."
"i was happy too, cheol," you replied, the nickname slipping out before you could stop it. he had always been "cheol" to you, and in that moment, it felt natural to call him that again.
he smiled, a smile that warmed something inside you. "i missed you," he admitted, his voice low and sincere. "not just because of our daughter, but... you. i missed us."
his words hung in the air, and you knew the moment had come. everything that had been repressed, all the unspoken words and hidden emotions, began to surface. "i missed you too," you confessed, your voice shaky. "but i was so scared, seungcheol... scared that we’d make the same mistakes again."
he took a step towards you, stopping just inches away. "i know i made mistakes, and i’m sorry for all of them. but i never stopped loving you, not for a second. and today, seeing our daughter so happy, here with you... i realized there’s still something between us, something that might be worth fighting for."
you felt your heart race at his words, at the way he was looking at you with such intensity. "are you saying... you want to try again?"
"yes," he whispered, reaching out to gently cup your face. "i want to try again. i want to be a family again. if you still want that too."
tears welled up in your eyes as you nodded, unable to speak. instead, you closed the distance between you, leaning in until your lips met his. the kiss was soft, tentative, but it held the promise of so much more—a new beginning, a second chance. your bodies molded to one another with an ease that felt natural, as if all the scars and distances between you had never existed.
seungcheol pulled you closer, his hands firmly gripping your waist, and you found yourself sinking into that familiar, comforting feeling where the world around you ceased to matter. the warmth of your bodies, the feel of his touch against your skin, all of it stirred memories of times before the divorce, when you were inseparable, when the problems had not yet overshadowed the love you shared.
as the kiss deepened, the passion between the two of you reignited in an almost desperate way, as if you were trying to make up for all the lost time. seungcheol's hands traveled up your back, exploring every curve he knew so well, while you held his face, feeling the softness of his skin under your fingers. there was an urgency in his movements, as if he were trying to imprint himself in your memory, and you felt the same desire to make him understand just how much he still meant to you.
when you finally pulled apart, both of you were breathless, but neither of you moved away. seungcheol rested his forehead against yours, his eyes closed, while his fingers remained tangled in your hair. the silence between the two of you was filled with rapid breaths and the sound of hearts beating in unison, as if both of you were trying to absorb what had just happened.
"i love you, y/n. i always have," he whispered, his voice husky with emotion, the truth of his words echoing in the space between you.
you felt tears welling up again, but this time they were not of sadness, but of relief, of a renewed hope seeping into your heart. "i love you too, seungcheol. i always have. but i need to know that we won't lose ourselves again."
he opened his eyes, and what you saw there was a determination you had never seen before. his eyes, dark and intense, showed the depth of what he was feeling, the gravity of the moment. "we won't, y/n," he promised, his voice low but filled with conviction. "we'll do this right, together. for us and for our daughter. i won't let you fall again."
the intensity of his declaration made your heart pound harder. you were there, in a vulnerable place, but it was exactly what you both needed—to remember how perfectly you fit, how you were made for each other, and how, despite everything, that love still existed and was strong enough to survive.
the night continued, not with more words, but with gestures. you both let the feelings speak for themselves, rediscovering each other slowly and carefully. seungcheol's hands traced your contours as if he were rediscovering familiar territory, and at the same time, something entirely new. each touch, each caress, reignited something within you both, an old desire that had never disappeared, only lain dormant.
the intimacy between you was familiar, but there was a new layer of depth, an understanding that both of you had changed and grown, and that now you were ready to try again. the walls you had built, the hurts of the past, all seemed to vanish as you gave yourselves to one another.
when you finally nestled in bed, with seungcheol's arms firmly around you, something inside you settled. his chest was the safe haven you had lost, the place where all your fears and uncertainties seemed to disappear. the past was there, yes, but the future seemed brighter than ever, as if all the broken pieces were finally falling into place.
for the first time in a long while, you allowed yourself to believe that everything would be alright. seungcheol was by your side, and you knew that together, you could overcome anything. he kissed your forehead softly, and the warmth of his touch was the confirmation that this was where you had always meant to be.
i think you would like to be informed that the second part is available. thank you for your support and patience, by the way. ( @kkkthrn @coupsbestleader @minhui896 @bouclesdefeu @lanatheawesome )
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 6 months
11 / 2476 words / sequel to falling into bed with impolite soft dom gaz
The next morning, when you wake up, there's a feeling of dread in your chest. You can't believe you did what you did last night. You can't believe who you did it with. The things you said to each other. Was it too much? Were you too much?
Gaz is already awake, laying face-up with one arm folded behind his head. He seems to be thinking about something. Not a good sign. You mentally prepare yourself. He turns toward you slowly, lifting his head so he's looking over the top of your body. "Good morning, darling."
You swallow, your gaze pulled down to his arms, his chest, his abs, and lower.
"Hi. Um." You drag a hand over your hair, sure it's messy. Sure you just look like a mess in general. "So last night..."
His smile falters. "Yeah... last night was..." He shifts until he's leaning on his elbow so that you two are looking directly at each other. "It was really good."
Your heart skips. "It was?"
"Too good," he says, a playful note creeping into his voice. "You were way too good. You might be in trouble." He smiles at you, waiting for you to meet his gaze.
Your face heats up at his smile. Oh no, oh no. "I... I think this isn't how this is supposed to go. You're supposed to awkwardly offer to make me coffee but lowkey tell me to leave."
"Nah. I think I'll keep you around for a bit. I like you." His eyes are a little soft and a little wicked as he says it. "The way you were so eager to, to..." His voice trails off. He clears his throat and leans slightly away from you. "You're a... unique breed of woman."
You try and fail not to squirm under his gaze. "You brought out some things in me last night. I said a lot of things."
"Yeah, you really did. I don't think I've ever heard anything like it, to be honest. Made me feel like a king." There's a pause. Neither of you say anything. He's watching you, his eyes raking over every inch of your body. "You're my kind of woman."
Your heart beats even faster, and you have to look away as your cheeks go pink. You bury your face back into your (his) pillow with a groan. "Just tell me to leave. Please. At least then I know what to do."
He looks surprised, his voice growing gentle again. "Why would you feel better if I told you to leave?"
You smush your face more firmly into the pillow. "Cause... then I feel like you're being honest about it instead of being polite."
"Ah, I see. So I shouldn't be polite to you?" He leans a little closer to you. "Do you want me to be brutally honest, then?"
You peek at him and nod, face still red.
His look softens. He leans himself over you so that you have to look directly into his eyes. "I'll drag you back in the moment you try to leave."
You stare at him, struck dumb. He has no idea how dangerous he is. That smile, those muscles, that voice, and that personality... Christ.
You sigh into the pillow, feeling hot and fluttery and weak. "You promise?" you croak.
"I promise." His eyes flicker down to your lips, and he leans a little closer still, his voice low and husky. "I promise to ruin you. And if you don't listen, I'll tie you up again to make sure you stay put."
The way he says it... his voice dips into the same commanding tone it did last night, and your body responds immediately. You squeeze your thighs together under the covers. Another wave of heat passes over you, dizzying. "I... see."
"I'm glad you understand. And do you agree?"
"I, ah... if that's not too much. If I'm not too much."
"Are you too much for me? Is that what you're saying?"
You look away. "Sometimes I get carried away about everything and I've been told it's too much."
"Are you telling me I'm not man enough to handle you?"
"No!" you squeak. "You're man enough! Please handle me."
"Then don't ever tell me your needs are too much for me. Is that understood?"
"Yes, sir," you say quickly.
"Good girl." He smirks. "I'll never let you forget that it's my duty to give you exactly what you need." His voice drops again, barely above a whisper. "I'm not planning on letting you leave, and that's all there is to it. Do you have any issues with that?"
You practically swoon. "None, sir."
"Good, good." His voice softens again, fraying into a tease. "That means you're all mine, then. I own every inch of you until you say otherwise."
"Until I say?" you ask.
"Until you safe-word," he says. "Any hint that you want me to stop, and I will. Until then, you're all mine."
"I don't really know how that works," you admit. "I've never had a safe word before."
"It's whatever word you pick. If you say it, I'll stop whatever I'm doing and check in. It's basically a hard stop."
"Stupid question, but, um, why would I ever want you to stop?"
He grins in pure, debauched amusement, his chest momentarily swelling with pride at himself for making you say that. Then he collects himself. "Sometimes these things can hurt and you might want them to stop. Some people might get tired and need a break. You don't have to say it unless you really want to. But you do have to remember it," he adds, voice playfully stern.
You grip your pillow for a moment as memories from last night distract you. "Whatever you want it to be, I guess?"
"Then here's what it's going to be," he says in a firm tone. He's still close to you, leaning on his elbow so his face is right next to yours. "We're going proper old-school with yours. Your safe word will be 'red'. So if you tell me 'red,' I'll instantly stop whatever I'm doing and check on you. Fair?"
"Yes," you say immediately. At his amused look, you flush and scramble to repeat it. "The safe word is red. I don't have to use it, but I can if I need you to check in. Got it."
“Good girl.” He says, the amusement still in his voice. “It’s your responsibility to make sure you know it properly. Remember it. Can you repeat it one more time, just so I know you remember?”
"Red." You already get a little shot of dopamine just from doing what he asks.
He can't help but smile, which he makes no effort to hide. “Good girl.” His nose is almost touching yours as he says it, and he looks very close to kissing you. His voice is low. "I want you to forget this whole act of srhinking yourself down and pretending you don't have needs," he purrs, "and just let yourself have what I want to give you. No more playing it cool with me. Okay, sweetheart?"
A little bit of embarrassment picks at you. "Oh, um, was I being cool? Could you tell?"
“You're not fooling me, darling. I can see straight through that little front you put up. You’re not going to get anywhere by trying to make me think you're too demure to have impure thoughts.” At your abashed look, he smirks. "Just embrace your natural state, yeah?"
"My natural state being...?" You know you're fishing here, but you can't help it.
"A sweet, needy little submissive who wants to be taken care of." His smirk grows ever wider as  he continues. "Who needs me to pick her up and throw her into bed, hold her down, and have my way with her. You can enjoy that. It's only the two of us here, darling."
You practically melt into the bed at his words. "You don't think that's unfair? If you're doing all the work and I'm just... enjoying it? What could you possibly be getting out of it?"
"Control." His voice is still that low, quiet murmur, and he's still so close to you. "The control you give me by being so completely and utterly vulnerable and exposed. You have no idea how many men would kill to..." He takes a deep breath.
"Control? That's it? It just seems like it would be a lot of work to me."
His expression softens. "I live in a world where everything is chaotic and unpredictable, and it's my job to put order to chaos. I want to keep people safe. So when I see someone like you, all powerless and eager to depend on me, it's... validating." He chuckles, letting his knuckle ghost up your thigh. "You need me. It makes me feel like I'm providing you with something you can't get anywhere else. And I get to enjoy your body."
"Last night was really something. Had you ever done that before?"
You look away from him, shaking your head. "I've never been with a man who encouraged me like that. My last boyfriend just told me to tone it down all the time. He wanted me to act more confident. Like a pörnstar, I guess."
"But that didn't make you more confident, did it? Just made you self-conscious."
"I guess so."
“I want the opposite. I want you to become completely comfortable acting and sounding every bit as submissive and needy as you are, deep down. I very much enjoy that part of you. Do you understand?”
"I'll try. If you promise not to resent me."
“The only thing I’ll resent is if you don’t fully let yourself go and let me have power over you. When I give you instructions, you’re not expected to stop and ask why. The answer is that I’m in charge, and you need to trust me to take care of you. I know it's a bit selfish, but that's what I'm asking of you."
"You think you're being selfish?" You blink at him in surprise. "I thought you were giving me permission to be selfish. You're just making me feel good all the time. How is that you being selfish?"
He pauses for a moment like he's reconsidering things from your perspective. "I might be doing things that make you feel good, but it's about my needs, too. I might be taking care of you, but in return I get your complete attention. To the point of obedience. You depend on me to take care of you. When you're willing to submit to me because you need me to satisfy you... it's addicting. Would you do that for me?”
"Yes," you say immediately. "God. Yes. That sounds like a dream."
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, sir."
He leans closer again, looking as if he's about to kiss you. Instead, he gives you a small, teasing smile. "I certainly wouldn't mind hearing you call me sir in that sweet voice all the time. Anytime, anywhere."
"You mean, like, other than in bed?" you ask.
"Everywhere. At all times," he says, eyes molten.
"You mean you want to hang out together? Not just here?"
"Of course. This isn't going to be a one-time thing, is it? I've been wanting to have you. Now that I've got you, you're mine forever." He kisses your nose sweetly. "So I'd like it if you acted this attentive in public, too. Selfish of me. But you can just be my little girlfriend while we're out and about instead if you don't want to go that far."
"Your girlfriend?" That dizzy feeling comes over you again. "I am? In a real way, or?"
"A real way," he says softly. "Are you okay with that?"
A new wave of butterflies sweeps through you. You fall back into the pillow, feeling like you might pass out for real this time. "Yes."
"You don't realize just how adorable you are when you get flustered." He smirks down at you. His hand drifts down your arm and rests over your knuckles.  "You really have no clue, darling."
You shiver at his light touch. "As long as you think so."
"I know so. If you're gonna keep dismissing my compliments, I might have to do something about it."
You lean up to him immediately, eyes bright as you put your lips next to his and wait, hoping for a kiss.
His smirk grows even wider. "You're a quick learner. You should do that whenever you want my attention, by the way."
"Do what?"
"Look so eager to please me."
Your toes curl. "Yes, sir."
"Good girl." He brushes a strand of hair behind your ear. "You know what would make you even cuter?"
His voice is playful as he whispers back. "If you just begged, I'd be even more pleased. If you could just give a little push and beg me to take you, that would make for a very pretty picture."
You jump at the chance, your brain already half-empty. "Could you take me again? Please? Right now?"
Your words send a jolt through his system more powerful than anticipated. "You little tease. Get on your back for me. I'll take you just like you want."
You fall onto your back immediately and open your legs, staring up at him, shifting and scooting down for him as he hovers over you.
His eyes narrow as he leans back and looks you over, taking in every detail. Your cute, blushing face, your eager expression, and that submissive sparkle in your eyes. He wants you so badly.
“Should I beg like this?” you ask.
He swallows, staring down at you. "Be careful talking like that, love.”
“Why? I’m yours, aren’t I? You told me not to hold back.”
“I’m starting to worry I’ll never recover from this, to be honest. How am I supposed to maintain any sense of humility or decency around you?”
"So the more I boost your ego, the more you want me?"
"Absolutely. And a woman like you... you make me feel like a king. This is nothing but trouble."
"I can make you worse," you say instantly. "I can give you a god complex. If, um, you want me to."
His eyes darken with hunger, pupils blown out. "You catch on too quick. You know I'm not letting you out of this bed until you make good on your word."
"Yessir," you squeak.
"You are a dangerous little minx."
You bite your lip through your smile when you see how your offer affects him. "But I'm your dangerous little minx, right?"
"That you are." His voice is a low, sensual rumble. His hands slide over your palms, pinning them to the mattress, and his fingers thread through yours. "Mine and only mine."
part 1 / [part 2]
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pawnshopbleus · 10 months
The Morning After
Young!Coriolanus Snow x Fem!Plinth!Reader
Summary - After the events of On Top, Tigris has a talk with ​Coriolanus.
Warnings - mentions of sex, fluff, not beta read
Author's Note - This is going to be very short and sweet because Thanksgiving break is ending and I have school tomorrow (I don’t want to go back. Someone please save me.)
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The sun came up and shined over all of Panem. Its golden rays snuck through Coriolanus’s window, accentuating the curves of your body. Last night was one of the best nights he’s had in a while. He held you close, not wanting to let you go. He could stay like this forever. His skin could mend itself into his sheets and he wouldn’t care. As long as he had you by his side. 
You stirred awake a little while later. Even though the sun was up, Coriolanus’s room was still cold. You pulled the sheets closer to your body and yawned. 
“Good morning,” Coriolanus whispered as he kissed the naked skin of your shoulder. 
You let out another yawn in response. “Good morning. What time is it?” 
Coriolanus looked at the pocketwatch on his end table. “It’s ten in the morning.”
Your body shot up. You were supposed to be home two hours ago. Your mother had set up a meeting for you at one of the boutiques in the Capital. You’d expressed interest in working for your own money which made both of your parents proud. Little did they know that the money wasn’t just for you, but for your future with Coriolanus. 
“I have to go,” you said as you threw your clothes back on. Your tardiness wouldn’t be appreciated, but nobody would care. No matter how much you don’t like it, rules don’t apply to people like you. People who could afford to buy ten boutiques and still have money left over. 
You quickly kissed Coriolanus on the cheek before darting out of the Snow residence. 
Coriolanus sighed as he craved the warmth of your body again. He wanted to know why you left his home so fast, but you would tell him. You always tell him everything.
Coriolanus sat up and stretched his sore muscles and joints. He followed your lead and put his clothes back on. As much as he loved you, he didn’t want people to know what the two of you shared last night. Fresh scratch marks lined his back, serving as a reminder of what had conspired only a few hours ago. He hissed as he ran a hand down his back. He was lucky that you had barely missed his stitches. He loved you, but you could be reckless sometimes. 
He slowly opened his door, silently praying that Tigris and Grandma’am were still asleep. He checked around the corner and he couldn’t see anything or anyone. The coast was clear, or so he thought. 
Coriolanus walked into the kitchen with unmatchable swagger and a smug smile on his lips. But when he saw Tigris sitting at the kitchen table with two steaming cups of coffee, he knew he was in trouble. 
“Good morning, Coryo. Have a seat.” Tigris’s tone was calm as always. That eased his mind a little, but he hoped that she wouldn’t talk about what happened last night. 
“Where did you get the coffee?” He slid a mug closer to himself and observed the dark liquid in it. He hadn’t had coffee in a long time. He took a sip of it and let the bitterness settle onto his tongue. He could taste a faint trace of sugar. It was probably the last of the sugar they had in the cupboard, but as the sweetness hit his tongue, all he could think about was you. 
“It was in the basket,” Tigris motioned to the basket on the countertop. 
He remembered that Grandma’am had told him about the basket in passing. He hadn't registered that you were the one who brought the basket for them.
“Now, Coryo. We need to talk.” Tigris took one of Coriolanus’s hands into hers. Just like Coryo, Tigris has slim and bony hands. Their fingers interlaced and Tigris looked into his eyes. “The walls aren’t that thick. I know what happened last night.” 
Coriolanus closed his eyes in embarrassment. He couldn’t look his cousin in the eyes. Now it was evident that the Universe didn’t answer his prayers. 
“Hey, it’s okay. There’s no need for you to be embarrassed. I just want to make sure you’re being safe.” 
“Yes, we are,” Coriolanus said as he continued to avoid eye contact. Last night was the first time he didn't pull out. The two of you were clean and there was a low chance that you would get pregnant. 
“Good,” Tigris let go of his hand and continued, “So, did you do everything I told you?”
Tigris had always been there for Coriolanus. She was his number-one supporter and confidant. No matter what, Coriolanus would trust Tigris with anything, but sometimes Tigris would do and say things that made Coriolanus want to scream.
“Tigris!” Coriolanus hid his head in his hands. 
Tigris smirked at her younger cousin's antics. She was proud of him for finding someone to love him as he was. Coriolanus had so much to offer to the world, but not enough money for the world to take him seriously. 
The rest of the morning was spent with the two of them laughing and smiling as their conversation shifted away from sex. Even Though the universe didn't answer Coriolanus' petty prayers, he is glad for one thing though. He’s grateful that the universe brought him the most powerful, beautiful, strong, and caring women in all of Panem. 
@positivelyholland @klausluvshybrids I hope you guys liked it 🤓
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postmortemnivis · 6 months
spring was simon’s favourite season.
maybe because it meant rebirth, seeing the trees turn a vivid green again and the fields full of flowers and colours gave him hope. he loved to wake up and open his window in the early days of april, when the world was finally getting rid of the chilly morning breeze that always made him sick the first weeks of winter. every time he felt the air getting warmer, he couldn’t wait to change his heavy winter jacket into his windbreaker.
maybe it was because his birthday was in may, and despite not having celebrated it like he should’ve when he was a kid, he knew you would never forget to wake him up with a soft peck on the lips.
‘morning birthday boy.
if you asked him, he would tell you he liked spring better than summer because the weather was more enjoyable, not too hot yet not cold. spring’s light showers were his favourite noise to wake up to, after the one of the coffee maker he got you for christmas.
the real reason simon was so devoted to spring, almost as much as he was to you, were you. what did you expect from him?
he knew you probably couldn’t remember, but all those years back, you two met in early spring, after a particularly difficult winter.
simons life had been a deep, cold and dark winter for the past years. two, five, ten, who kept count anymore? his days would blend one into the other, seasons slowly bleeding into the next, he almost couldn’t tell the difference between august and february. seasonal depression was real, but somehow it lingered all around the year for him. that was before you.
you were the first shy sun ray that filtered through the clouds, quite literally. you, as fresh as the cold rain, and your heart, as warm as a late may afternoon, were all he needed to get out of his hibernation. you were what simon needed to wake up, the signal that spring and all beautiful things were on the way, that he needed to arise and get out of his hollow tree.
for the first time in years, simon’s eyes realized that spring was blooming everywhere around him, he was just too deep into his winter, blind, to notice; the flowers were blossoming, as beautiful as ever. he was grateful.
for you, for spring, for the sun finally caressing his face and skin and for your sweet kisses, each of them feeling like the first warm day after months of wind and snow.
“good morning, birthday boy.” you whispered as you kissed his lips.
simon squeezed his eyes shut before slowly opening them. he’d heard you get up, of course, the moment you started stirring in bed he was informed you were awake. you could try to keep the military out of the house, but the instincts followed him home, whether you liked it or not.
your bright smile was beaming at him, your hands on his bare broad chest as you sat on his hips, your thighs on either side of his waist.
“‘mornin’ beautiful.” he mumbled, resting a strong hand on your hip as he sat back, leaning against the headrest.
“breakfast’s in the kitchen,” you smiled, “i made coffee too.”
he hummed. “can smell it. i heard you too.”
you grinned.
“what’re grinning at?” he tiredly grinned back.
“want me to bring you breakfast in bed?” you said, “we can stay here in bed all day if you want to.”
he shook his head. “nah, love, i’m coming to the kitchen. i’ll be ready in a minute.”
you brought your lips to his again before getting off of him and caressing his cheek as you walked back to the kitchen, waiting for him.
his eyes followed your figure until you left the room, and he raised his gaze to the ceiling for a minute before shuffling his feet to the bathroom. he closed the door and stood in front of the sink, his hands on either side of the ceramic. his brown eyes, so dark they looked black, remained fixed on his reflection before he walked to the big window and opened the panes.
“simon?” you called. “baby, your coffee’s getting cold!”
his broad figure stood there, studying the nature outside. there was a small park in front of the flat, a little green heaven where mostly children went to play, he could hear from there the laughters and giggles. the trees, wild cherries and guelder rose followed the small street, their branches almost reaching the top floor where you lived.
“comin’ love.”
it was the middle of may, almost summer, and simon took a big breath of the fresh morning air before leaving the window open as he turned around and walked to the kitchen, right into his little piece of spring.
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waughymommy · 2 months
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Sunlight splashed into the bedroom and Rebecca started to stir awake. As she opened her eyes, she realized that Brian was still in the same position he was in when they fell asleep. He was still asleep and to her delight he was still suckling on his pacifier. She managed to wriggle herself free and made for the kitchen to make her coffee. The previous evening was coming into focus and she realized that she had a lot of work to do. Her home wasn’t equipped for a baby yet. She had much to prepare, so many things to get. First thing first was to make plans for a nursery. She started to daydream about all of her plans when footsteps crept up behind her. “Good morning Rebecca,” Brian said sheepishly. She whipped around, “Rebecca? Have you have forgotten last night already?” Her voice was steady and firm, but also lovingly maternal, “Can you tell me what you are wearing?” Brian turned his eyes to floor and fidgeted. So embarrassed, he could barely find his voice. “Brian, I asked you a question. What are you wearing sweetheart?” This time he managed to allow words to escape, “Im, Im wearing a……diaper.” The last word exited as a faint whisper. “What was that? I couldn’t hear that last word.” He nervously glanced up to see her face, but he couldn’t find the strength to look her in the eyes and once again focused on the floor. “I said a diaper.” “That’s so good sweetheart. I’m so proud of my baby. Now tell me whose diaper is it.” He closed his eyes, wishing he could be anywhere but here. “It’s my…my diaper.” “You are doing so great sweetie. Now can you tell me what you were suckling on when you woke up?”
 Why won’t she just let me go. Overcome with his embarrassment, he snapped. “Forget this whole thing, Rebecca. Can we just pretend like last night happened? I shouldn’t be doing this. I just need to grow up and forget this stupid fantasy.” He stormed back into the bedroom. Rebecca took it all in stride. She knew her husband too well. She knew he would refuse to let go. He would fight it, even though he wanted this so badly. He was never going to give himself permission to just let go. It was going to be up to her to regress him. She entered the bedroom, just as Brian was about to un-tape his diaper. “Do not touch that diaper, young man!” “You can’t tell me what to do, Rebecca.” The look in her eyes made him realize his mistake. She marched over and pushed him down onto the bed. She smacked the back of his thigh as hard as he could. He let out a cry much to his surprise. “Get over my lap. And if you disobey me, you will absolutely regret it.” The sheepish feeling swept over him again and he complied. She pulled down his diaper. She laid smack after smack over his cheeks. At first he tried to grit his teeth through the pain, but after a few minutes tears streamed down his face. Tears turned to sobs as snot ran down his face. What a sight. Here was a grown man in a diaper over his wife’s knee getting a full spanking. Rebecca let up and with that same forceful maternal tone spoke up once again, “Let’s try again. Now what were you suckling on earlier?” Brian heaved his chest to catch his breath after the uncontrollable tears. “A pacifier.” “That’s right honey. So you have your diaper and your pacifier. Who uses those?” “Ba…babies.” “Great job. So if babies wear diapers and suck on pacifiers, what does that make you?” He tried to wipe the snot from his nose. There was no way to pretend that he didn’t look like a baby in this moment. “I’m a baby.” The sobs started up again, “I’m just a baby. I’m so sorry mommy.” Rebecca wrapped her arms around him and brought his face to her chest. “That’s right sweetheart. You are mommy’s baby. Mommy wants you to be her baby. I know you feel embarrassed Brian, but there is no reason to feel that way. I want this too. But you need to trust mommy and listen to me. Mommy knows best. Let me take control and I will make everything all better. Will you do that for me? He looked up and just nodded. She reached over to his bedside table and grabbed his pacifier. She gently placed it between his lips. “Once you have calmed down, I want to you to get dressed for me. Mommy has a lot of work to do. So today, you will get to be an adult. I want you to spend the day as a big boy. Go have some fun. But I want you back here this evening and we can discuss your return to babyhood.”
To be continued…
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kenacoki · 18 days
Playing With Fire
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//Pairing// Eddie Diaz x Fem!Reader
//Summary// You and Eddie have never gotten along ever since you’ve joined the 118. When the two of you are forced to quarantine together after a sudden exposure to a possible virus while on a call, there’s only so much that can happen.
//Request// Smut prompts #1, #7, #12, #14, and #15
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//Word Count// 6.86k
//Warnings// MDNI (18+), smut (p in v), dirty talk
//Dividers// sister-lucifer
//a/n// This is my first time ever writing smut! If you guys have any constructive criticism feel free to let me know :)
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It was another early start at work. The fire station was rather peaceful during these hours; a few members were just waking up after late-night calls, and a few others were just finishing up breakfast.
As you arrive and head up to the loft, you can just barely make out the figure of a person hunched over in a chair at the kitchen island.
Eddie Goddamn Diaz.
He was half-sleep in his seat, slumped over on one arm and sipping on a quickly cooling cup of coffee, his eyelids half closed.
He didn't notice your approaching steps into the room for a few seconds, only stirring into consciousness upon hearing you get closer. Quickly jerking into a more awake state, he turns his head to look at you as you enter the kitchen.
"Oh, it's you." He mumbles.
His voice was low and rough from the early hour as he spoke, his eyes still partly closed and the look on his groggy face suggested he hadn't even registered his words properly. He yawned and took another small sip from his cup, before looking at you again.
"What time is it?" He asked in his half-conscious state.
“Time for you to go back to sleep,” you grumble, turning on the coffee maker and popping in a (f/f) coffee pod. “God knows you need all the beauty sleep you can get.”
Eddie lets out a low scoff as he hears your words, slowly turning his head to look at you. His brown eyes were half-open still, but he had mustered enough energy to form an annoyed expression.
"Haha, very funny." He responded dryly. "Maybe you should worry about your own face before commenting on mine."
Eddie takes another weary sip from his coffee, now eyeing you from across the kitchen as you get your drink ready.
It's been like this for several months now between you two, constantly butting heads and getting into small arguments at every opportunity. Everyone at the station has gotten fed up with the constant fighting by this point, especially considering both of you have to work so closely on calls.
But despite this, there was a part of both of you that actually enjoyed the arguing.
Each time you argued, something in the back of both of your minds enjoyed it. The tension between you both heightened with each heated exchange, and the adrenaline it brought felt almost...
He knew exactly how to push your buttons, and you knew how to get under his skin just as easily. It was almost a game to you both; to see who would snap first and give in.
But each time, nothing ever happened. The tension would rise and rise until someone was there to break up the argument, and both of you would be left to stew in the tension until the next time it happened.
It was like an endless cycle. You both knew the other's weaknesses and kept throwing little jabs at each other any chance you got.
“You know, sometimes I wonder if you were born an asshole, or if someone just hurt you so bad that—”
“Oh, here we go.” Eddie quickly cuts you off with a scoff, not letting you finish your jab at him. “I was wondering how long it would take you to start with your insults.”
He shifts in his seat, his muscles tensing just slightly in annoyance, "Can't you keep your mouth shut for more than two seconds?" Eddie retorted, an edge to his voice.
"And miss the chance to piss you off? Never." You spit with a smirk, leaning against the counter as you watch Eddie's tired expression.
Eddie lets out an exasperated sigh, running a hand over his face tiredly as he grumbles softly.
"Te juro que no eras tan atractiva—” He grumbles, the irritation building up inside him.
“I literally have no idea what you’re saying, so that literally affects me none.”
Eddie’s eye twitches as he hears your response, his annoyance shifting into anger.
His grip on his coffee cup tightens, clearly trying with all his might not to lose his temper. It’s probably a miracle that he hasn’t thrown it at you yet.
The tension in the room is almost tangible, both of you on the verge of another argument, even despite Eddie’s tired state.
“I swear to god,” He starts, his voice growing harsher. “If you don’t shut your mouth, I’m gonna—“
“Is it even possible for you both to not argue for once in your lives?”
You both jump in surprise to find Chimney standing at the top of the loft stairs, a mix of amusement and irritation on his face.
He crosses his arms and leans against the railing of the loft, eyes flickering between the both of you.
“It’s not even 8 a.m. and yet, and you two are already arguing like an old married couple.” He jokingly teases, a knowing smirk on his face.
Eddie’s eyes harden at Chimney’s words, while you can’t help but scoff at the comment.
“We are not a married couple.” Eddie retorts immediately, while you respond simultaneously.
“Yeah, to be married couples actually have to like each other.”
Chimney just chuckles and shakes his head, “Could’ve fooled me.” He pushes himself off the railing and walks further on into the kitchen, moving towards the coffee machine.
You stand there stewing about chimneys comment when the alarm on the side of the station wall starts ringing.
“Medic Unit needed…unconscious woman at Jameson Park.”
Chimney grins as he pours his coffee, “You two are handing the ambulance today—Bobby’s orders, not mine.”
You and Eddie share a look, “Looks like our shift just got started.” He mutters under his breath.
His tired demeanor quickly fades as he starts to move out of his seat, setting his now empty coffee cup on the counter.
The two of you quickly make your way down the loft stairs to the main floor of the station, Chimney watching the both of you leave.
“Please don’t kill each other before anyone’s been rescued!” He calls out to you both jokingly.
Eddie just rolls his eyes, not even bothering to respond to Chimney. The two of you climb into the ambulance, you hop in the passenger seat as Eddie starts it up. Swiftly pulling out of the station and driving towards the park.
The drive to Jameson Park is done mostly in silence, with both of you far too focused on getting to the scene to start getting snappy with each other. You can feel the remaining tension from your earlier argument bubbling beneath the surface, threatening to boil over at any moment though.
After a few minutes, the familiar area of the park comes into view. Eddie turns off the road and down into the park, the ambulance soon pulling up to the scene.
You immediately jump out, rushing over while Eddie quickly trails behind.
A small crowd of people gathered around a young woman sitting on a nearby park bench. She is sitting slumped over, looking dazed and confused.
Both of you quickly set to work, Eddie kneeling down in front of the woman to check her over while you start asking questions.
“What happened?” You ask the group, trying to get a general idea of the situation.
“We were just walking through the park, and suddenly she collapsed.” A young man in the crowd explains, his voice filled with worry. “She’s been kinda sick for the last few days, like uh a fever and some cramps but that—oh, and red eyes!”
You nod before glancing down at the woman.
“Are her pupils responsive?” You question, squatting down beside Eddie.
He glances at you from the corner of his eye as he checks the woman over
“They’re sluggish,” Eddie mutters, turning his gaze back to the young woman. “Ma’am, can you hear me? Do you know where you are?”
The woman raises her head slowly, her gaze unfocused and confused. She looks around her surroundings, her body swaying slightly as she tries to focus her vision.
Finally, her eyes fall on Eddie, and she looks up at him, her voice rough and raspy as she speaks.
“Huh…w-where I am?”
Eddie’s brow creases together in concern as he continues to check her over. It’s clear that whatever’s wrong with her is serious, and you guys need to act quickly.
“You’re in Jameson Park. You’ve just had a fall.” He responds, his voice firm. “We’re here to help you, alright? What’s her vitals?”
“Fever’s getting pretty bad…” You mutter, checking her temperature. “Blood pressure is through the roof, pupils are fully dilated and she’s struggling to focus. We need to get her to a hospital ASAP.”
Eddie nods in agreement, his expression tense, “Alright, ma’am, we’re going to have to take you to the hospital, all right? We need to get you checked out and taken care of.”
The woman nods slightly in response, her body still swaying as she struggles to stay conscious.
“I, uh, don’t feel very good-” She manages to mutter, her voice slurred and weak.
You two get her safely secured on the stretcher and roll her towards the back of the ambulance.
“I’ll sit back here with her.” You swing the door open, climbing into the back as you carefully pull the stretcher inside.
“Alright, I’ll drive.” He responds with a nod, heading up to the driver’s seat and starting up the engine.
You sit back with the woman on the stretcher, both of you strapped in securely as you watch Eddie begin to drive.
Eddie’s driving is even more focused than usual, weaving through traffic smoothly as he heads to the nearest hospital.
The woman’s breathing starts to become more labored, as both her fever and her heart rate continue to rise. You look up as the IV drips, gently placing the oxygen mask over her face.
“We’re almost there, okay? The doctors will be ready to help you.”
Eddie glances into the rearview mirror, noticing her struggling. He bites his lip, his hands gripping the wheel a little tighter as he focuses on the road.
"How's she holding up back there?"
“How about you just work on getting us to the hospital.” You snip at him, more than a little stressed from the current situation.
Eddie glares back at you through the mirror, an annoyed look on his face at your tone.
"I was just asking a question." He responds, his voice strained. "No need to be bitchy about it."
“I’m not being bitchy.” You retort, gesturing towards the woman on the stretcher. “I’m just a little bit focused on our patient if you can’t tell.”
You huff and return your attention to the woman, the air in the ambulance growing increasingly tense.
Thankfully, you see the hospital come into view through the front windshield. A sigh of relief escapes you.
Eddie pulls up outside the entrance of the Hospital’s ER, quickly getting out of the driver’s seat and pulling the ambulance bay door open.
Together, both of you quickly rush the woman into the emergency room, a team of doctors and nurses instantly descending on her to take her in.
You and Eddie stand a few feet back from the action, watching as the hospital medical team takes the woman in and starts to treat her.
Both of you let out a collective sigh.
Eddie glances at you, his eyes narrowing slightly as he struggles to hold back his comment. "So... you gonna apologize for earlier, or what?"
Surely he isn’t serious right now.
“And why should I?” you retort instantly, turning your gaze to look back at him. “Last time I checked, I didn’t have anything to apologize for.“
A mocking smile on your lips, your hand comes down on his shoulder as you start outside, “Don’t take everything to heart.”
Eddie scoffs, shrugging off your hand, his face hardening. “Are you kidding me right now?”
He steps closer to you, his voice low and pointed. “Why can’t you be professional for once and just answer a goddamn question without being a smartass?”
“Oh, so it's my fault you can't handle a simple answer?” You fire back, taking a step closer to him, your volume increasing. “And why should I be the one who has to be professional when you're always the one making snide jabs”
Eddie lets out a scoff, his eyes narrowing. “Yeah, because you’re always such a goddamn peach to work with.”
He moves even closer, practically towering over you now, irritation clear in his tone. “You’re the one who starts—”
“I am not arguing with you in the emergency bay of a hospital! Just, let’s go.” You storm past him, bumping his shoulder with yours as you climb into the passenger seat.
Eddie stands there for a moment, frustration and agitation written all over his face. He clenches his fists tightly, trying and failing to reign in his anger. After a moment, he lets out a huff and angrily stomps over to the driver's seat.
He gets in with a thud, slamming the door behind him.
The drive back to the station is done in complete silence, with both of you refusing to talk. The tension between you and Eddie is at an all-time high.
Finally, the station comes into view, and Eddie pulls the ambulance back into its space a bit more swiftly than necessary.
Both of you climb out of the ambulance, still refusing to even look at each other. The air between you is electric, full of anger and tension.
As you make your way towards the kitchen loft, you see Buck, Chimney, Hen, and Bobby standing around the island, watching you both with worried looks on their faces.
Bobby steps forward, his face etched with concern, "You two, can I speak with you for a moment?"
His tone is firm, making it clear that this isn’t a request. Both you and Eddie just glare, but neither of you argue, knowing he won’t take no for an answer.
He motions for you both to follow him, leading you to a secluded area away from the others. Both of you silently follow, clearly not wanting to talk but knowing you have no choice.
Bobby turns to face both of you, and his expression is serious, "Listen, I just got a call from the hospital.”
You and Eddie exchange a glance at that. Both of you shift in place, the tension still palpable, but now mixed with a bit of worry as well.
Bobby looks between the two of you, “The woman you brought in…it’s not looking good,” He continues, his voice serious. “They’re doing everything they can, but her condition is critical.”
Both you and Eddie go still at that, the tension in the air being replaced with a sense of worry and regret. Despite your argument, both of you clearly cared about the outcome. Both of you stay silent for a moment, struggling to find the right words.
“The CDC thinks she may have a new strain of Bird Flu.”
Both your eyes widen at that, the gravity of the situation suddenly hitting you full force.
Bird flu?
That’s…that’s a serious, possibly deadly virus.
You glance at Eddie, noticing his expression shift from anger to worry. Both of you stand there in silence, processing the information.
Bobby, noticing your reactions, continues, "The CDC requested blood work to be done on her to bring safe. Until we know for sure, everyone that came into contact with her during that call is going to quarantine as a precaution."
Both you and Eddie nod in understanding, the severity of the situation sinking in even more. If the woman does have Bird Flu, that means you and Eddie were directly exposed.
The tension in the air has shifted, now replaced with an uneasy feeling. Bobby looks between you two, "Until we know for sure what's going on, I need you two to be diligent. Watch for symptoms." He instructs, his voice serious.
“Now, that also means you two will be quarantined here—to minimize the risk of spreading.”
Your heart sinks at that. Being quarantined means being cooped up and separated from the world, unable to do anything except sit and wait. But to make matters worse, now you’re gonna be stuck with Eddie for god knows how long.
You glance at Eddie briefly, noticing the slight look of unease on his face as he registers the same thing.
Bobby continues, noticing your reactions, " I know this isn’t ideal, but this is for everyone's safety."
He pauses for a moment, looking around to make sure the coast is clear, "Listen, I know you two have uh, a complicated relationship. But I need you to set that aside right now." He lowers his voice even further as he says this.
Both you and Eddie shift uncomfortably, knowing exactly what he's referring to. Your argument from earlier is fresh in both of your minds, making the prospect of being stuck together even less appealing.
You nod in understanding, “How long are we going to be quarantined?” You ask, your voice laced with slight irritation.
Bobby winces slightly, knowing that the answer isn't going to be what you want to hear.
"I can't say for sure just yet," he replies, his tone sympathetic. "but hopefully just until the hospital gets her blood results back. I'll keep you both updated as much as I can."
You glance over at Eddie again, only to find his gaze already on you, the same resigned look on his face. He’s just as unhappy about this situation as you are.
“Alright then, come with me. There’s a room set up for you.” Bobby turns and begins to lead the way to the room that’s been prepared for your quarantine.
You and Eddie slowly follow behind Bobby, walking in complete, awkward silence.
As you two arrive at the room, you both give it once over. It’s not much, but it’ll have to do for the time being—
Why the hell is there only one bed?!
Both your and Eddie’s eyes widen as you see the single bed in the room, leaving no other sleeping option.
Bobby winces at your reaction, his hand coming down on your shoulder. “Trust me, kid, I tried to find another solution, but this is all I could manage on short notice.”
You exchange a glance with Eddie, a mix of annoyance and trepidation on both of your faces.
You’ve gotta be joking.
“I know it's not ideal," Bobby says, his voice sympathetic. “But you'll have to make do."
He glances between the two of you, his expression turning a bit more stern. “I don’t want any fighting or arguing in there, you hear me? You two need to get along and work together until this quarantine is up.”
You and Eddie glare at each other for a moment before silently nodding, knowing that you don’t have a choice in the matter.
Bobby gives a satisfied nod, “Alright then, I'll let you two get settled in. I'll come check on you both soon.”
With that, he steps out of the room, closing the door behind him.
The silence is deafening as both of you stand awkwardly on either side of the bed. The only sound is the hum of the air conditioning unit.
Eventually, you speak up, breaking the silence. “Hopefully we’re outta here before either of us get tired.”
Eddie lets out a huff, clearly still irritated about the situation, "Yeah, no kidding." He stands there for a moment, hands on his hips, looking around the small room.
You take a few steps of your own, trying to find something, anything to occupy yourself. You walk over to the window and pull out your phone. While leaning against the cold wall, you aimlessly scroll through your phone to try to pass the time.
Meanwhile, Eddie takes a seat on the edge of the bed, his face still showing his agitation. He’s clearly not happy about the situation either, but he’s restraining himself from saying anything. He rubs his hands over his tired face.
You glance at him out of the corner of your eye, noticing the tension in his shoulders. It's clear that he's fighting to keep his emotions in check, just like you are.
The silence between you both continues to stretch out, the only sound being the soft tapping of your fingers on the screen of your phone.
Tap…tap tap…tap
Tap tap…tap…tap tap
“Oh my God! Do you even realize how loud you’re being?” Eddie spits out
You look up at his sudden outburst, taken slightly aback by his irritation. You hadn’t realized you were being loud with your phone.
“Wow…excuse me, for trying to amuse myself.” You retort back, your annoyance rising. “It’s not my fault there’s nothing to do in this damn room.”
Eddie rolls his eyes at your response, his agitation growing further. “It’s like you’re purposefully trying to piss me off.”
You scoff at that, feeling your own irritation spike. “Did you just hear yourself? You actually sound insane.”
Eddie lets out a bitter laugh, the sound laced with contempt. “I don’t know. You seem to find pleasure in annoying me at every turn.”
“You are one of the most sensitive—” You volley back, your own irritation flaring up.
“Sensitive? That’s rich coming from you.” Eddie shoots back, his voice rising in volume. “You’re the one who’s always losing their temper and lashing out like a child.”
You feel your anger, at least you think it’s anger—to be fair, you can’t really focus on much when Eddie’s looking at you like this—reach a breaking point.
“Speaking of child—don’t you have one you need to call to inform of your condition—or did that just slip your mind.”
Eddie goes still at the mention of Christopher, his expression turning instantly cold. His jaw clenches tightly, a flicker of something unreadable flashing in his eyes.
He stands up in one swift motion, towering over you. “You really want to bring him into this?” His voice is sharp, laced with warning.
“I’m just saying, you have more important priorities than arguing with me.” You click your phone off and set it by the window, giving Eddie your undivided attention.
Eddie’s gaze hardens even further, his eyes like a storm. “I don’t need you telling me how to handle my own goddamn life.”
He takes a step closer to you, his body tense with anger. “You have no idea what it’s like to be me, so don’t you lecture me about talking to my son.”
You don’t even get the chance to speak before he continues, “—And, wha-what gives you the right to tell me what I should do? You’re not my boss, and you’re damn sure not my keeper.” Eddie’s voice is seething now, his anger palpable in the air.
You glare up at him, “I’m not trying to be your damn keeper, Eddie. I’m just pointing out that you need to handle your own life before coming at mine!”
You jab a finger into his chest, pushing him back slightly. “And if you don’t want me ‘poking my nose’ into your life, maybe you should stop being so damn infuriating all the time!”
Eddie’s expression turns cold, his gaze fixated on you. He looks...
“You want me to stop being infuriating?” He steps closer again, forcing you up against the wall. He cages you with his arms, his face just a few inches from yours.
Your heart is racing now, the intensity behind his brown eyes and the close proximity sending you into a frenzy. You’re hyperaware of everything:
The heat of his body…
The strain of his muscles…
The scent of his cologne…
He leans in further, his voice a mere whisper now. “Maybe you should find another way to shut me up.”
You can’t hold back anymore, the tension too high, “I’ll kiss you if that's what it takes to shut you up.”
Eddie goes completely still, the shock of your words washing over him. He stares at you intently, his eyes darkened and searching.
"Do it then." He challenges, his voice low, a mix of warning and need behind his words.
Your heart is racing even faster now, the challenge in his tone sends a thrill through you. You know this is a bad idea, horrible really, it’ll only lead to more trouble, but you can’t bring yourself to care.
You don't wait for him to second guess himself. You surge forward, your own need and desire taking over. You grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull his face down to you. Your lips crash against his in a hungry, urgent kiss.
Eddie gasps in surprise at your sudden attack, but he quickly recovers and returns the kiss with equal fervor. His hands grip your hips, pulling you closer to him, pressing you against the wall.
His mouth moves against yours with a mix of aggression and passion, his tongue slipping between yours to deepen the kiss.
The intensity between you both is like fire, burning up everything in its path. There's no more anger, no more animosity...just pure, unbridled desire.
Eddie's hands roam over your curves, seeking out every inch of skin he can find. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him even closer, tangling your fingers in his hair.
The kiss turns more frantic, more desperate. Your teeth nip at his bottom lip, and he groans in response, the sound sending heat straight to your core.
His hips press against yours, pinning you fully to the wall. His hands slide under your shirt, fingers tracing your skin.
You shiver at the feel of his calloused fingers against your bare skin. You gasp as his mouth leaves yours to trail down your neck instead, leaving a trail of hot, wet kisses down to your collarbone.
He sucks softly on your pulse point, his teeth gently nipping at the sensitive skin. Your head falls back against the wall, a moan falls from your lips.
His hands continue to roam over your body, exploring every curve and dip. He seems determined to drive you completely crazy, and it's working.
His mouth moves back up your neck to your ear, his breath hot on your skin. “You wanted to shut me up,” he whispers, his voice rough with desire. He nips at your earlobe, causing a wave of pleasure to shoot straight through you.
You whimper in response, your body thrumming with need and desire. “Yo-You’re an a-ass.” You manage to gasp out, desperately trying to maintain some semblance of control.
But it’s a losing battle, you both know it.
“You’ve got quite the mouth on you, ya know? Someone should teach you what to do with it.” Eddie spits out, his fingers tugging at the hem of your shirt.
Your heart races at his words, the implication behind them clear. But your own stubbornness flares up, refusing to give him the upper hand.
You stare up at him, your gaze just as intense as his. “Oh yeah?” You retort, trying to sound defiant. “I’d like to see you try.”
Eddie's eyes darken even further, the challenge in your voice spurring him on.
He grabs the edge of your shirt and yanks it up, pulling it over your head in one quick motion. Your (f/c) laced bra sticks out like a sore thumb to him against your flushed complexion. His eyes roam over your newly exposed skin, appreciation clear in his gaze.
“I’m going to make you eat those words.” Eddie growls, his hands roaming over your exposed skin once again. His touch is everywhere—hot and needy.
He dips his head back down to your neck, his mouth working at your sensitive flesh. He sucks and nips at your skin, leaving behind a trail of marks that will no doubt be visible later.
You gasp and moan under his ministrations, your body responding to his touch with a ferocity that surprises even you. You arch your back, pushing yourself closer to him, wanting-needing more of his touch.
His mouth moves down to your chest, his lips and tongue trailing over your collarbone
He pushes your bra straps off your shoulders, his mouth following the movement of the fabric. His hands cup your breasts, his thumbs brush over your sensitive nipples through the thin fabric.
You let out another gasp, your hands gripping his shoulders tightly as your body trembles under his touch. “E-Eddie,” you gasp
“What happened to that attitude of yours?” Eddie teases in your ear, his voice low and rough. “Where’s that sharp tongue now?”
“Bite me.” You snip at him
“I mean, if you’re offering.”
True to his words, he sinks his teeth into the fleshy skin of your left breast. The sensation shoots right to your core as you gasp out in response. He soothes the bite with his tongue, before moving over and repeating the same action on the other.
His hands continue their exploration of your body, fingers trailing over your sides and hips before toying with the button on your pants.
Your breathing is coming in ragged gasps now, your body on fire under his touch. Every brush of his lips, every bite of his teeth, stoking the flames higher and higher.
He finally undoes the button and pulls your pants down, leaving you in just your underwear. His eyes roam hungrily over your exposed body. “God, you’re beautiful.” He mutters, his voice thick with honesty.
He presses his body against yours, the heat of his skin palpable against your own. You can feel his arousal pressing against you, the evidence of his own desire making your own need even more intense.
“I’m going to make you scream.” He promises, his voice a low, dangerous growl against your ear.
You can’t help but shiver at his words, your mind unable to form a coherent response. Your body is completely at his mercy now, every nerve ending on fire.
He captures your lips in another fierce, desperate kiss. His tongue slides between your lips, tasting and exploring.
He pushes one of his thighs between your legs, applying pressure against your heat. The friction makes you gasp into his mouth, your hips rolling against him involuntarily.
His hands grip your thighs, holding you tight as he continues to kiss you, his mouth moving over your face and neck.
Eddie spins you away from the wall and shoves you down onto the bed, his body following close behind. He towers over you, his eyes dark and intense as he looks down at you.
He reaches back and pulls off his own shirt and pants, revealing the toned muscles and tan skin underneath. He lowers himself down on top of you, his weight pressing you down into the mattress.
You’re completely engulfed in him now. Surrounded by his warmth, his scent, his presence.
His hands roam over your body, his touch is rougher now, less restrained. He grabs your wrists, pinning them to the mattress above your head. His eyes are still dark, his expression filled with complete lust.
“I’m not done with you yet,” he mutters, voice low and dangerous. “Not by a long shot.”
He nips and bites his way down your neck, his tongue tracing the marks he left there. His hands move back down to your hips, his thumbs hooking into the waistband of your underwear.
Eddie looks up at you. “Lift your hips.” He orders, his voice making you shiver.
You obey, lifting your hips as he instructs. He hooks his fingers into your underwear and slowly—achingly slow—pulls them down your legs.
He leans back down, his mouth trailing along your inner thighs. His hands grip your thighs, spreading them apart.
He positions himself between your legs, his eyes locked on yours. “You’re mine,” he growls, his voice rough and possessive as it fans against your soaked center. “All mine.”
Eddie…Eddie dives in like a man who’s been starving.
He attacks you with his mouth, his tongue and lips claiming you with fervor. You cry out, arching your back as the sensation of his mouth causes your eyes to momentarily roll back.
His hands keep your thighs held firmly in place, his grip tight. “Oh god,” you gasp, your hands clenching onto the bed sheets. “Eddie, please! Ah, I can’t—”
“You can,” he mutters against your sensitive flesh. “You will.”
you can’t help but moan deliriously out as his teeth gently nip at your sensitive bud. Your body jerks at the sensation, your hips straining against his grip. “Ed—please. I need—” your voice trembles as you gasp out.
He pushes himself up, his body hovering over yours once again. “Tell me.” He orders. “Tell me what you need.”
You’re breathless, your mind reeling from his assault. You can hardly form a coherent thought, “Y-you,” you gasp out, looking up at him. “I need you. Now, please…please, Eddie…I can’t take it anymore.”
His expression becomes even darker, his eyes almost black with desire. “That’s all I needed to hear,” he growls out.
He moves quickly, pulling off his underwear as he leaves himself exposed to you. It’s not fair really—how it looks like Eddie was carved by Michelangelo himself. You feel your heart flutter in your chest at the sight of him.
He positions himself at your entrance, his eyes locked with yours. “Look at me.” He says, his voice a low command.
You look up at him, your eyes meeting his. His eyes are full of need, of desire, of a primal hunger that makes your body shiver. Not to mention his face is covered with your juices—that’s really, really hot.
“I’ve wanted you for so long. You’ve got no idea.” He mutters, his voice rough with desire. “You drive me crazy, you’re all I can think about. Even when I don’t want to.”
“Oh, fuck me.” You gasp out at Eddie’s admission
You hear him softly chuckle, his light stubble rubbing against your skin, “That’s the plan.”
He looks at you for a moment longer, his eyes dark and intense, before finally lowering his mouth to yours in a hungry kiss.
You respond immediately, your hands clutching at his shoulders as you kiss him back with all the fire and need coursing through your body.
You can feel him press against you, his body strained and tense. He breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against yours.
His breathing is ragged as he looks down at you, “Promise me something.” He mutters, his eyes suddenly serious.
“Anything,” you breathe out, your body thrumming with need. “Just tell me.”
"Promise me you're mine," he growls out, his voice low and rough. "I want you to be mine, and no one else's." He pushes himself against you, his body barely restraining its own need.
You look up at him, your eyes meeting his. You can see the raw emotion in his gaze—
“I’m yours,” you breathe out, your voice shaky. “I’m all yours, Eddie. No one else’s.”
His eyes flash with something that looks a lot like satisfaction at your words. “Good,” he mutters, his voice rough. “Because I didn’t plan on sharing.”
He wastes no time thrusting in, your eyes rolling back in pleasure as your walls flutter around him.
You gasp out at the sudden intrusion, your body arching up against his. “Oh god, Eddie,” you gasp, the pleasure shooting through your body. “Little warning next time.”
Next time…
He lets out a low groan, his own body taut with need. He buries his face in your neck, “You feel so good,” he mutters, his voice low. “Like you were made for me.”
His thrusts are deep and slow, but the need behind them is undeniable. He’s claiming you, marking you as his own, and it only intensifies the pleasure coursing through you.
“You’re mine,” he growls out, his grip on your hips tightening. “You hear me?”
“Yes,” you gasp out, your body quivering beneath him. “Yours, only yours, Eddie! Oh god, don’t stop!”
He doesn’t respond, his focus completely on you and the pleasure coursing through your body. He leans down and captures your mouth in another rough kiss.
His thrusts pick up speed, becoming rougher, harsher.
You moan into his mouth, your hands roaming over his body, before seeking refuge in his soft dark hair. Your body is on fire, your insides clenching and tightening with every movement he makes.
“Eddie! Ah, oh god…I’m gonna—”
“Not yet,” he mutters against your lips. “Not until I say.”
He changes the angle of his thrusts, hitting you in just the right spot. Your body jerks in response, a guttural moan escaping your lips as your hips roll against him. “Oh god, Eddie! Please, I can’t hold on much longer!” You gasp out, your body quivering with need. He looks down at you, his pupils dark and blown.
“A little longer,” he mutters, his voice strained. “I’m close, so close…Me vuelves loco, pero Dios, cuánto te amo.”
You have no relative idea what he said, but ho-ly shit…You think you’d pay money to hear Eddie speak like that again.
“Eddie!” you cry out, your body arching up against his.
He looks down at you, his eyes dark and intense. “Let go,” he growls. “Let go, and say my name.”
You come apart, your body tightening and clenching around him as the pleasure engulfs you. “Eddie, Yes, yes, oh god, Eddie!” You moan out, your words becoming unintelligible as waves of pleasure crash over you. Your body trembles underneath him, your vision going white.
Eddie’s close behind, his body tensing as he follows you over the edge, quickly pulling out and finishing your stomach.
“Ugh, fuck (y/n)…tan perfecto...todo mío.”
For a moment, it’s almost as if you two become one; your bodies, breaths, and heartbeat falling into an almost perfect synchronicity.
“God. you’re so good for me, look at how much you came.”
You lay underneath him, your body trembling and spent. He leans down and presses his forehead against yours, his body still trembling from his own release.
A few moments pass before he speaks, his voice rough. “You okay?” he asks, his eyes searching your face.
“Yeah,” you breathe out, your body still quaking from your climax. “That…that was…”
You can’t continue, your brain is too fried to form a coherent sentence.
He lets out a low chuckle at your response, pushing himself up to look down at you. “I take it I did alright?” he asks, a hint of cocky confidence in his voice.
“Shut up,” you playfully grumble, smacking his chest lightly.
He laughs at your response, his cocky smirk still firmly in place. “Oh come on, give me a little credit. You didn’t seem too disappointed.”
You roll your eyes at his arrogance, but you can’t help the small smile that forms on your lips. “You’re insufferable, you know that?”
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Eddie’s phone light up.
He follows your gaze, his expression becoming a little more serious. “Hold on,” he murmurs, rolling and reaching over to grab his phone off the bedside table.
He looks down at it, his expression becoming even more serious as he reads whatever message he received.
“It’s Bobby.”
“Everything okay?” you ask, sitting up in the bed. The mention of Bobby’s name instantly puts you on alert.
“Yeah, it’s just—” he stops for a moment, his expression unreadable. “The girl we took to the hospital, her blood test came back negative. We’re uh, we’re good to go.”
“Oh…well that’s good, right?” You nervously start, rubbing your hands together anxiously. “We don’t have to stay in here anymore—”
“I just,” he stops abruptly, his brow furrowing in thought. “I don’t wanna go back to how we were.”
Your breath hitches at his words. “What do you mean?” you ask, your voice quiet.
“I mean,” he looks up at you, his eyes dark and serious. “I want this. I want you. I don’t wanna just go back to pretending like nothing happened.”
Your heart leaps in your chest at his words, your (e/c) eyes widening in surprise. “You-you do?”
“I do,” he says, voice firm. “I’m all in. I want you. I don’t wanna keep running or pretending, or whatever the hell we’ve been doing. I wanna be with you, really be with you.”
Your heart clenches at his words, tears pricking at your eyes. “I…me too,” you murmur, your voice thick with emotion. “I want that too. I want to be with you, in every way possible.”
Eddie lets out a sigh, the tension in his body easing slightly at your words. “Good,” he mutters, moving closer to you in the bed. He pulls you into his arms, his hands running soothingly up and down your back.
You lean into his touch, your body relaxing at the feel of his skin against yours. You rest your head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.
After a moment of comfortable silence, you speak up. “Hey, Eddie?” you murmur, your voice soft.
“Yeah?” he responds, his hand still running soothingly over your back
“You don’t…you don’t think the others heard us…right?”
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happy74827 · 10 months
Christmas War
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[Harvey Specter x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: In what started as a harmless joke, turned into a full obliteration. And it’s all thanks to Harvey.
WC: 2893
Category: Mega Fluff
Since it’s now officially December, I thought I would start the holidays off right with a fluffy Harvey fic. Enjoy.
Harvey was many things: A partner, a best friend, a family member...But none of those things mattered as much as you did at this moment. You practically glowed like an angel as you slept soundly in his bed, his white button-up shirt laying over your bare chest like a blanket, protecting you from the slight chill that lingered in the apartment.
He felt a little bad, just slightly, for what he was about to do, but the idea was too embedded in his mind now for him to stop. So, he slowly lifted a hand to your arm, gently shaking you awake.
"Mmmm..." you groaned quietly, the sound soft and angelic. It sent a wave of heat through him that he wasn't sure he could handle, but he was determined to see it through.
"Good morning, sleepyhead," He said a little louder, and you finally blinked your eyes open. They were a little cloudy as you looked around in a daze, your mouth slack as you yawned.
"Morning..." You mumbled, blinking as Harvey's shirt slid down your chest a bit more. It took you a moment to register Harvey hovering over you in the dimly lit room, but as soon as you did, you sat up and quickly pulled the shirt through your arms, wearing it like you were supposed to.
That’s when you noticed the small tray in his hands. He had a plate of eggs and toast, some coffee and orange juice, as well as a large bouquet of amaryllis.
"What’s all this?" You asked as you tried to compose yourself. Harvey sat down on the bed next to you, placing the tray between you.
"I made you breakfast." He said simply, smiling a little at you.
"Yeah... I can see that. But why?" You asked, looking between him and the tray. "It's not even 7 o'clock, and I'm sure you haven't even been awake that long..." You glanced at the coffee. "Or had enough coffee to be up before me."
Harvey chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.
"Well, I figured since you’re big on that Christmas stuff, you deserved to have breakfast in bed, with flowers, just like the movies," he smiled and shrugged, "I thought it would be romantic, but if you don't think so... I’ll just..."
“No, no, I like it, I love it... Give it to me." You laughed a little, taking the tray from Harvey.
You picked up the flowers and brought them to your nose, inhaling their sweet scent. Harvey was always doing things like this for you, whether it be helping you with your writing or just spending a quiet night in with a book and some tea. You never felt more at home than when you were with Harvey, and he was always so kind and gentle to you, so it wasn't exactly surprising that he'd be a romantic at heart.
“Oh, Harvey, you shouldn't have..." you smiled at him as you set the flowers down, taking up your toast and a slice of egg.
"Yeah, well, I wanted to," he grinned a bit, "I like making you smile."
You chuckled a little, chewing on your food.
"That's good to hear," you said with your mouth full, "Because I like it when you do."
He gave you a soft smile, and your heart fluttered as he ran a hand through your hair. Soft, gentle fingers as he brushed your bangs aside.
"Good..." He whispered.
You placed your hand on top of his as he brought it down to your cheek, gently stroking it with his thumb as he leaned down to kiss you softly. You smiled against his lips, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you kissed him back. He pulled back to look at you, his brown eyes glowing as they stared into your own.
"Make sure to have a taste of that coffee while it's hot," he whispered as he rested his forehead on yours, "I made it just how you like it."
Your cheeks were rosy, and your heart was racing. You giggled a little and looked up at him through your lashes, opening your mouth to say something.
But he just shoved the coffee into your hand, taking your fork from you to cut up your eggs for you.
"And have some of this, too," he said as he cut up a piece of toast, "You’re going to need this after that…”
“After what?”
The question seemed so far off, but it was answered when you decided to finally take a sip of the coffee he made you.
You spat it out into the mug, coughing a little as it burned your throat. You wheezed as Harvey patted your back, laughing at you a little.
"What's wrong?!" He asked, sounding concerned, but you knew he wasn’t. He had that mischievous glint in his eye that meant he was up to no good.
You shoved the cup at him, scowling as he took it from your hands.
"I can't believe you..." you coughed, "I thought you were being serious."
Harvey's smile only grew as he sipped his coffee, humming to himself.
"Oh, I am," he said as he leaned down, kissing your cheek, "I think you’re just being a bit… salty."
You groaned in annoyance and tried to get up, but Harvey caught your arms in his hands, pinning you back down in place.
"Salt? Why would you—"
"Because you're always so sweet with your words... I thought it would be nice if you had a taste of what you put out… down there," he smirked, and you couldn't help but blush a bit.
"Harvey! That is so gross," you whined as you covered your face with your hands.
"Mm, yeah, but it's hot."
"Oh, my God..."
He laughed again as he pulled you close to him, and you sighed. You knew he wasn't going to let you leave the bed, so you just gave in to him, snuggling closer as you watched him take another sip of his coffee, the non-tainted one.
The warmth of his body seeped into yours, and the scent of his cologne surrounded you, and you felt at ease with him. He always smelt so good.
Your eyes traveled down his torso, stopping at the bottom of his shirt. You traced the outline of his waistband with your eyes, wanting to move further down, but you stopped yourself.
"You know what, this is war.”
He grinned and sat back, leaning against the headboard.
"Is that so?" He asked, holding out your cup for you to take. "I hope you're prepared to lose, then."
You smacked it away, causing him to laugh at you again, but you held determination in your eyes. You took a moment to compose yourself before you crawled over him, placing a kiss on his lips.
"You underestimate me," you whispered against his mouth, "You haven't seen what I'm capable of..."
"Oh yeah?" he grinned, "Then I guess I should take you down now while I can."
He wrapped his arms around you as you kissed him again, parting your lips as you ran your tongue along his bottom lip. You gasped softly when he pulled you closer; your bodies pressed together as you fell into the mattress, Harvey's body on top of you. The tray was long forgotten as he broke away from your mouth to kiss down your neck and chest, his hands running under the shirt he let you borrow.
You didn’t forget about the salt incident when that morning came to pass, though. The thought of revenge was engrained in the back of your mind that entire week, attempting to come up with the perfect plan—the perfect revenge. You had an idea, but you definitely needed help, so you called the two people who you knew would take every opportunity to ruin Harvey's life if they could...
And then the day came, the day just before Christmas Eve. Harvey, as usual, strolled into the firm, not a care in the world. At least, not until he came upon his office.
“What the hell is…? Donna? What is this?!" Harvey was standing in the doorway of his office, looking at his desk.
The once clean, neat desk was now covered in complete decorations, lights, tinsel, and a bright red bow on his computer. Not to mention how the desk was wrapped in several rolls of shiny, green gift wrap paper.
"A Christmas gift, obviously," Donna said, not even bothering to look up from her paperwork.
He walked inside, and that’s when he realized it wasn’t just his desk. It was everything. The walls were decorated with wrapping paper, some of the framed pictures on the wall had been taken out of their frames, placed into small red boxes and set on top of the filing cabinet. God, even his signed basketballs.
"Donna, what the hell is all this?!" He asked, a hint of panic in his voice.
"I told you. A Christmas gift." She replied as if it was the simplest thing in the world.
"Why?! When did you even—"
“Look at the ceiling; that’s my favorite part. The lights are so pretty!"
He looked up at the ceiling, his eyes wide. It wasn't just tinsel, lights, and wrapping paper.
It was Louis. Everywhere.
Louis’ face covered every inch of the ceiling. His mouth open in a smile with a Santa hat that was photoshopped on his head. It was the worst thing he could think of, and yet, somehow, it was the most impressive thing at the same time. It was a conundrum.
“That one was my idea.” Mike came in with his own grin on his face, taking a bite out of a donut, the red frosting dripping off the side as he held it in his hand.
"…You’re in on this? I can't believe you two..." Harvey dropped his bag to the floor, falling into his chair and just staring at the decorations.
"You do realize what this is, right?" Mike asked, looking up at the ceiling with humor in his eyes.
"This is me being punished,” Harvey sighed. He looked to the door, expecting you to pop out at any minute, but you never did.
Donna smirked a little and looked over at him, "It’s not over yet."
"I have a feeling I'm about to find that out," Harvey mumbled under his breath as she walked out.
"Merry Christmas, Harvey!" Donna called as she left his office, and he could only roll his eyes.
The day passed slowly, and Harvey couldn't take his eyes off Louis, who was smiling down on him all day, even if he was so far away. Every time he tried to do his paperwork, read, or work on a case, Louis' face was just there, staring at him. It was both horrifying and brilliant.
And yet, somehow, he kept going until it was just after 9. He was finishing up his work for the day, just as he normally would. He was almost done, in fact, but he heard the familiar click of Donna's heels coming up to his door. He didn't even have to look up at her to know she had you with her; he could practically hear the giggles.
"Come in," he sighed.
Donna opened the door, holding it open for you to walk in first, and then she shut it behind her, leaving you in the room alone with him.
You were wearing a long, black winter coat that was too large for your small frame, but it looked good on you nonetheless. Your hands were hidden in your pockets as you looked up at him, smiling and biting your lip.
"Merry Christmas, Harvey." You said sweetly, walking over to his desk.
"Yeah, Merry Christmas to you too." He sighed as he leaned back in his chair, taking a look at the clock on his wall. It was also wrapped in your Christmas paper, but this one had snowflakes on it.
“How’d you get Jessica to allow this? She’s usually so strict on this stuff."
You laughed quietly and shrugged your shoulders.
"She liked it. She thought it was a good idea," you bit your lip a little, "It was pretty easy, actually."
"You mean you begged her until she agreed to do this to me?" He smirked.
"That's right. But it was worth it, wasn't it?" You smiled, reaching into your coat pocket. You pulled out a small box of wrapping paper with shiny green bows on it.
"What is that?" He asked, pointing at it.
"I don't know, but I bet it's pretty amazing," you grinned, placing it down on the desk in front of him. “Guess you have to open it and find out."
Harvey slowly leaned forward, taking the box in his hands. He had a feeling he knew what it was before he even unwrapped it, and he could only sigh.
Sure enough, it was exactly what he figured—a small bag of the finest Epstein salt, just for him.
"So, what'd you think?" You asked with a proud grin, and he smiled up at you.
"I think this is the most elaborate, disgusting, amazing thing I've ever seen in my life."
“Just wait til you see the apartment. It's a Christmas wonderland," you laughed as you watched Harvey’s face turn into complete horror.
That face of horror returned the second he unlocked the keys to his apartment. You had taken him there to show him what you did before your dinner reservations, and you knew what was coming.
He opened the door, and you weren't lying. You had decorated every inch of the apartment, using decorations he wouldn't have expected, but you were so thorough that it was like every room had its own theme.
The living room, kitchen, bathroom, and even his bedroom had its own theme of Christmas decorations, and Harvey's jaw nearly hit the floor. You were able to get Mike during the day when he went to see Rachel, and he did the ceilings and walls while you went around all the furniture.
It looked like you were on a Christmas vacation, in fact. There was so much to take in, so much to see, so Harvey walked around in shock, not even bothering to remove his coat or shoes before he did.
"Oh, my God," he whispered, "Oh, my God..."
"Yeah, I know," you giggled as he walked to the kitchen, taking a look in. "We ran out of Louis pictures, though, so it's not as perfect as I wanted it.”
He glanced at you from the corner of his eye, smiling a little as you bit your lip, looking a little bashful.
"All this because of some salty coffee?"
"What can I say, Harvey?" You asked, walking up behind him. "I just can't let something like that go without retaliation."
He turned around to face you, and you had your arms already stretched out, ready to hug him, but he decided to chase you instead.
And once he had you, he wouldn't let you go. His arms were wrapped around you, your face pressed against his chest as he kissed the top of your head, holding you tight.
"I hate you," he whispered into your hair, and you looked up at him.
“I love you too.” You smiled sweetly as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
Unbeknownst to him, though, you had one final surprise that would knock him off his feet.
That night, you were cuddled up in bed with a book, waiting for Harvey to get out of the shower. Once he did and headed towards his side of the bed, you sat up and smiled. The book went out of your hands in a heartbeat.
He wore nothing but a towel around his waist, and his hair was still damp as he went over to his drawer to pull out some pajamas. You watched him quietly, waiting patiently.
"Can you grab me the bottoms on your side of the drawer?" He asked, pulling out his top drawer. His face was quick to turn into a look of confusion as he opened it. "What the—"
You sat up and walked over to him, pressing your finger to his lips as you watched his eyes look down.
His top drawer that consisted his underwear was now completely covered in the Christmas spirit. Every single pair that was in there was wrapped in green, silver, and gold. And to top it all off, that was where all the remaining Louis pictures were hidden.
“You just got Litt up.” You said with a smirk.
His palm pressed against his face as he groaned into it. He was most definitely disappointed in you, but you knew deep down that he was more proud than anything.
"You're evil," he scoffed, turning and lowering his head to look at you, and that look told you everything you needed to know. "but damn are you good.”
"Told you I would win." You chuckled and leaned up, kissing his cheek. “Guess you’ll have to try your luck next year.”
Harvey might always win in the world of law, but in his heart, he knew you always would be the winner when it came to the two of you.
And that was a loss Harvey could live with.
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nappingmoon · 1 month
I think the way to higuruma’s heart is through acts of service.
wc: 1.3k
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the first time you wake up in higuruma's bed is the day after you meet him. he's still sound asleep, and he looks like he needs it, so you let him rest while you get up. when confronted with the choice of slipping out the door or staying, you don't think twice. you make your way into his kitchen, and it's clean-- simple in a way that is just so him. you grab two mugs and get started on a pot of coffee.
you’re not too familiar with him yet; unsure of how he takes it, so you make a simple batch of black coffee and decide to wait to ask him, finding you like the idea of learning along the way.
when higuruma walks into the kitchen, still groggy and hair tussled, it takes him a moment to digest what he’s seeing. he blinks slowly, eyes adjusting to the light pouring in from the window. you’ve got a cup in your hands, full and still steaming, while another sits empty to the side.
“I didnt know if liked sugar and milk in your coffee, or I would’ve brought you some in bed, handsome.” you say, lips just hovering over the lip of your cup. you place it down softly on the coaster and stretch for a moment before grabbing his and turning around, filling it with the rest of the brew. you call out over your shoulder, asking for the instructions to his preferred tastes, but are met with silence. you turn.
“h-” he starts, but seems unsure of how to finish. “how did you figure out the coffee machine?” he asks, and you both know it’s not the question that was supposed to come out. why are you doing this? why are you still here? most of his other endeavors have always fled in the morning, the bed cold and the house empty by the time he awakes. he felt the connection between the two of you last night, but normally the people he pursue leave without a trace, and he’s gotten used to it. it’s what he knows. so why are you in his t shirt, sipping from his mug, and acting like this is normal? why does he find himself wishing it was?
“there’s only four buttons on here, and one is for the clock. you don’t think me so simple, do you?” you tease with a smile.
no, he doesn’t. quite the opposite, in fact. he thinks you’re brilliant. you had met at a bar downtown and talked and talked, the tension eased by a few fruity cocktails. taken by your wit and humor immediately, he found himself inviting you over to extend the night a little, maybe have a glass of wine or two. not entirely surprisingly, you ended up in his sheets, all giggles and sloppy kisses and passionate touches. he fell asleep, sated and content with his limbs intertwined in yours.
instead of answering your question, he replies, “just a splash of milk, please.” 
your quirked brow betrays your skepticism. "not even a little sugar?" he seemed to have had the largest sweet tooth last night, if you correctly remember the sweet drinks that were downed absentmindedly between quips, stories, and touches that lingered just long enough to be more than friendly.
he's sheepish when he replies "i shouldn't, right? i have to limit my sugar somewhere or later down the line I am going to have to see my doctor more often and I am trying to avoid that. she's a scary lady."
he's not finished with his sentence before you tip in a small dash of sugar. "you're still in your early thirties. give it another decade or two before you start worrying about your blood sugar." you bring the mug over, bare feet padding softly on his hardwood floor as you approach. "i don't think a little sweetness in your life will kill you."
as he takes the mug from your hands, his fingers brush over yours. he doesn't look away from you eyes as he lifts the mug to his lips, but just before he takes a sip, he murmurs, "it might."
you hum and walk back over to where your mug sits on the counter. leaning against it, you ask, "how'd you sleep?"
"better than I have in ages," he replies, and his tone is oddly sincere. "I wasn't expecting you to still be here."
"should I not have been?" though you try to sound confident and carefree, a light waver in your voice reveals the fear at the idea that you've gravely misunderstood him and embarrassed yourself to no end in the process.
your thoughts don't get to stray far, however, because he's quick to respond. "no, no. it was a pleasant surprise. you have been a truly pleasant surprise."
your cheeks warm and you suddenly find his cabinets fascinating. "you're not supposed to be smooth first thing in the morning, you know." you grumble.
he's closer now, directly in front of you, and he places his mug down, just to you right. as he retracts his hand, it comes up to tilt your chin back towards him.
he's so handsome it's unfair.
"i'm sorry, sweetness, can I make it up to you with some breakfast?" he asks, his voice entrancing and still thick with sleep. the gesture and the question leave you breathless, so you just nod affirmatively. he places a kiss to your temple before turning and digging around his fridge and grabbing the ingredients he needs to get started.
soon after that, you become a constant in his life. he hadn't planned on you as a part of his routine, but you just, fit. in the mornings he finds himself spending less time in the bathroom mirror fixing his suit. now he wakes up eager to get dressed and sit on the edge of his bed with his choice of tie, waiting for you to take your spot between his legs and tie it for him. seeing the furrow in your brow as you adjust it just right, fixing the collar and tugging on the lapels to make sure he's perfect, it all makes him swoon.
before you, his lunch couldn't even be considered a break. he would just pop open whatever prepackaged meal he had bought that day and eat it in between readings of contracts and reviews of cases. now, he leaves his office without fail, never missing the time to eat and listen to you talk about your day.
when his bouts of insomnia get worse, you're there to help him. the house starts to smell like lavender. you've got all kinds of melatonin gummies and you don't let him say no to a massage, first focusing on his temples and scalp, then laying him down to work the knots out of his back. he's snoring by the time you're halfway down.
when he gets really stressed and the pressure starts to get too much, he comes home to a quiet house. he finds you in the bathroom preparing a bath with salts and soaps. you usher him in, insisting on taking care of him- carding water and shampoo through his locks and providing him with a safer space than he's ever had in his life.
higuruma is a lawyer. he deals with people who spin words all day. lies, loopholes, and secrets are all imbedded in his quotidian conversations with clients and colleagues. you, however, don't ripen him up with flattery or kind words. you don't make promises you don't intend to keep and you don't mince and twist your words to use against him. you simply do what you think is right. your actions have captured him far more than any words alone could do. in return, to show you how much he has truly come to love and need you, he looks to what he knows best. contracts.
though, when he's down on one knee, the legalities of it mean nothing to him. all that is important in that moment, and for the rest of his life, his you.
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mynameismckenziemae · 8 months
When the Stars Align
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x Reader
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This is my submission for the International Bob Floyd Fucks Month (hosted by @attapullman).
Summary: You (call sign: Stealth) find out your boyfriend’s been cheating on you for months the night before you’re leaving for a camping trip with friends. Will you act on the feelings you’ve been trying to ignore? The answer is yes.
WC: 3.1K
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, smut, oral (both m and f receiving), p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), being called good girl 🤤, one bed kinda trope, mutual masturbation, etc.
“What’s up with Stealth?” Bob asks, nodding in your direction as you walk up the driveway. Your eyes are puffy like you haven’t slept in weeks.
“She broke up with Tyler last night. He’s been cheating on her for months,” Nat sighs, “I hurt for her, but I’m glad he’s gone. He was such an asshole.”
Bob’s heart races but he places it cool as he murmurs his agreement. It’s too soon, but his hope soars as he realizes he might be able to take his chance after years of silently pining after you.
“Hey guys! Sorry, I’m late. But I brought coffee!” You smile, juggling the tray of drinks, your sleeping bag, and duffle.
Bob takes your stuff, packing it into the van as you hand out the coffees.
“Thanks, Stealth,” Nat says, squeezing your shoulder. “You okay?”
You give a small smile and nod. “Yeah, actually. I’m tired, but I just feel relieved now.”
“Good. Maybe you can act on that little crush on Bob you’ve been harboring this weekend…” she replies, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Shhhh! I’ve only been single for like 12 hours, so it’s too soon….right?”
Jake interrupts before she can reply. “Alright, let’s get this show on the road. Campsite is 3 hours away, we’re burning daylight-hey!”
Bradley comes up behind him and slaps his ass. “Calm your tits, it’s barely 7. We can’t even check in until 11.”
“Well we have to account for traffic and bathroom breaks and…” Jake trails off as Bradley pushes him to the driver's seat as the rest of you pile into the van.
Javy and Natasha take the bucket seats, which leaves the back bench seat for you and Bob.
Bradley does a final check, making sure the tents and kayaks are strapped down before hitting the tailgate button and getting in the front seat before it closes.
No one notices that your sleeping bag fell out as Jake drives away.
It was a fight to stay awake not even 15 minutes into the ride; you were exhausted. Your now ex-boyfriend had been blowing your phone all night and you’d only gotten about 3 hours of sleep.
You drift off and soon your head lolls onto his shoulder.
Someone’s running their fingers through your hair. Bob, you think as you get a hint of his comforting clean-laundry scent.
“Hey, we’re here,” Bob murmurs, rubbing your shoulder.
You startle, quickly sitting up. “Sorry! God, I’m so tired. Did I sleep on you the whole time?”
“Yeah,” he chuckles. “It’s alright, I don’t mind. You don’t snore like Bradley.”
“Hey! I do not!” Bradley turns back, offended.
“Yes, you do,” everyone replies in unison.
“It’s okay babe, it’s cute,” Jake says, pressing a kiss to his cheek before opening his door and getting out.
“It’s not cute,” Javy mutters under his breath, following suit.
It’s late afternoon by the time everyone gets back to the campsite after your hike and it’s nearing dark by the time the tents are finally set up.
“So uh…we really didn’t think this through, did we?” Jake says, scratching the back of his neck as he looks at the 3 tents in front of them.
“It’s fine, you and Bradley can sleep in one, I’ll sleep with Stealth, and Bob and Javy can take the other,” Natasha offers.
“No, I know you and Javy hardly ever get to sleep by each other. Bob and I can share one. We’re adults and we each have our own sleeping bag. As long as you’re okay with that?” You ask, turning to Bob.
“Fine by me,” he answers, thankful it’s dusk so no one can see his flush.
“Perfect. Now, let’s have some drinks!” You say, opening the cooler.
“Are you sure?” Nat asks as you hand her a beer.
“I’m sure. It’ll be fine.”
It wasn’t fine.
“What's wrong?” Bob asks as he rolls his sleeping bag out on the queen-sized air mattress.
“I can’t find my sleeping bag,” you sigh, zipping the door closed. “It’s not in the van, Bradley’s snoring and it sounds like Javy and Nat are…preoccupied. It’s okay though, I can just use the blanket I brought to put under it.”
“Won’t you be cold?”
Yes. “No, I think I’ll be okay.”
“You sure? You can take mine and I’ll use the blanket.”
“Yeah, I’m sure. Thanks though,” you smile up at him as you cover up.
He turns to set his glasses down and your mouth waters when his lean, muscular back is revealed as he takes off his shirt.
You look away, hoping he doesn’t notice your blush when he turns. He flicks the lantern off and climbs in, and you accidentally roll right into him. Damn air mattresses.
“Oof, sorry!” You stammer, scrambling away.
“It’s okay, my fault,” he replies, chuckling nervously. ‘G’night Stealth.”
You. Were. Cold.
Shivering, teeth chattering cold. It was only in the low 60s, but you’d never handled being cold well.
Bob unzips his sleeping bag with a sigh and stands. “Hand me your blanket.”
“What? W-w-why?”
“Because you’re shivering. I’m going to put mine over us both and then we’ll put yours over it.”
“O-o-okay,” you agree, gasping when the cold air hits you. But it’s only for a second before the fleece-lined inside of his blanket covers you. He drapes your thin one over it and then gets under them both, drawing your back against his front.
“Just until you warm up, okay?” He murmurs near your ear, causing a different kind of shiver to roll through you.
“Mhmm,” you answer.
After a few minutes you’re finally getting warm, but you’re too comfortable to move and you drift off wrapped in his arms.
You wake up to his quiet, breathy gasps and a sizable hard-on pressing into your ass.
Your nipples tighten as arousal shoots through you, settling between your legs at the sounds leaving him. He mumbles your name and continues to rut. He’s still asleep.
As much as you want to stay right where you are and see if he finishes, you wiggle from under his arm and stretch with a yawn.
You smile as he sleepily opens his eyes, a flush creeps in when he realizes what’s going on under the blanket but you act none the wiser. “Morning, I’m going to shower before it gets too busy. Wanna come?”
His eyes flutter close at your unintentional innuendo but he catches himself. “Yeah, sure. Uhhh…let me get my stuff and I’ll meet you out there.”
“Sounds good.” You reply, turning your back to get your clothes and shower bag together before unzipping the tent.
To your disappointment, he put his tee shirt back on. But to your amusement, he’s got his towel strategically placed in front of him.
It’s thankfully a short walk to the bathrooms.
“I wonder if you’ll hear me sing,” you say, giggling at his expression. “I like to sing in the shower. Look, the bathrooms are connected.” You point to the 12-inch gap at the top of the wall between the bathrooms.
You wink and step into to the women’s side.
Bob barely gets the shower curtain closed before he’s fisting his cock, biting his lip to keep from groaning. He jerks himself quickly, so worked up and trying to hurry so you’re not waiting but he freezes when he hears your soft, feminine moan. Was…was that you?
“Oh fuck,” he grunts quietly, gripping the base to stave off his orgasm when he hears you again.
On the other side of the wall, you’re already getting close, so turned after months of mediocre orgasms from your own hand while watching mediocre porn; you hadn’t allowed yourself to think about Bob while masturbating when dating another man. Not to mention that the other man hadn’t ‘finished the job’ in over a year. But now you were single.
You grind the heel of your palm against your clit, and your core tightens as you teeter on the edge. You hear his soft curse and that’s all it takes for you to fall over the edge. A soft whimper escapes as the pleasure flows through you.
His answering groan has you clenching again but you sigh in disappointment when hear footsteps approaching the bathroom.
“You’re up early,” Nat calls from the shower beside yours.
“Yeah, I got cold. Hey, have you seen my sleeping bag?”
You give Bob a nonchalant smile as you greet him outside the bathroom. “Nat hasn’t seen my sleeping bag. I’ll check with Jake and Bradley get too, but I’m guessing it got left behind somehow.”
“Gotcha. Hey, so-“ he starts but is interrupted by Bradley cooking breakfast.
“How do you guys want your eggs?”
The morning was spent hiking and finished the afternoon kayaking on the lake. You caught Bob checking you in your bikini out more than once, but you were just as guilty, it was just easier to hide under your sunglasses.
You realize you hadn’t felt this light in years as you laugh around the bonfire later, listening to Jake telling a story about when he was a kid.
“I feel gross, I’m gonna hit the showers,” Jake says, slapping his knees and rising.
“Me too, I’ve got sand everywhere,” Bradley agrees.
Javy yawns, “I think I’m gonna hit the hay, Nat?”
She doesn’t respond as she’s already fast asleep with her hat pulled over her eyes.
A few minutes later it’s just you and Bob and the crackling of the fire under the stars.
“I never get to see the stars like this in the city, it’s so beautiful out here,” you murmur, eyes on the sky.
“Sure is,” he replies, eyes on you.
It’s cold your tent. Again.
You fail to suppress your shivers as Bob slides under the blankets.
“Jesus Stealth, your feet are like ice!” He gasps as he brushes them with his own.
“Sorry. I don’t handle cold w-w-well,” your teeth chatter.
“I can tell. C’mere,” he chuckles, drawing you to him.
“Bob?” You murmur against his bare chest a few minutes later as his fingers trace along your spine.
“I like you…and I’ve liked you for a long time. I was already planning on breaking things off with Tyler in person next month when he was going to visit, but he made everything easier when I found out he cheated. I wasn’t even angry or upset. I was relieved…and kind of excited actually because that I could finally tell you how I feel about you and see if you feel the same way about-“
Bob cuts off your rambling by pressing a kiss to your lips. “I like you too, Stealth. I have for years.”
You smile and bring your lips back to his. He kisses you slowly and meticulously, memorizing every reaction he pulls from you.
Ever the gentleman, his hands don’t leave their position from the curve of your waist and the hinge of your jaw.
Time to literally take matters into your own hands.
He pulls from your lips with a gasp when you reach down and palm him.
“Oh my God, Bob. You’re huge,” you moan as you slip your hand down the front of his pants and grasp him.
You push gently at him and once he’s on his back, you trail kisses from his neck to his chest, smirking at the way he jolts when your teeth graze his nipples and continue your way south.
Your eyes widen at the size of his cock as it’s revealed when you tug his pants down.
That’s not gonna fit.
“Yes it will,” he chuckles breathlessly. You’re thankfully it’s dark as you blush, not realizing you said it out loud.
You bend forward and flick your tongue over the precum beading, moaning at the salty taste before licking him from base to tip, finally sucking his head into your mouth when he breathes, “Please?”
You get a little over half of him in your mouth before you’re fighting your gag reflex and have to let up.
You take a deep breath and suck him sloppily a few times, letting the excess saliva as lubricant for your hand to stroke what you can’t fit in your mouth. He sighs when you finally get into a good rhythm and pulls your hair into a makeshift ponytail to watch you in the dim moonlight.
“Ah! Wa-wait, wait, Stealth! I’m gonna cum,” he pants, tugging gently on your hair.
But you shake your head as you continue, tears leaking as you resist the urge to gag when his tip kisses the back of your throat. His body starts to tense and your teary gaze meets his as your free hand cups his sac and gently tugs.
His eyes squeeze close and he scrambles for your pillow, holding it over his face to muffle his deep groan as cums.
Your arousal coats your thighs and you rub them together to get some sort of relief as swallow it greedily with a quiet moan of your own.
You give him a shy smile as he sets the pillow aside and the next thing you know you’re pinned under him with your shirt rucked up to your chin. He’s working you into a frenzy by alternating between your breasts, his fingers pinching and pulling at your nipple while he laves and sucks the other.
You need more. “Bob? I’m ready,” you pant, fingers combing through his hair, gently tugging to bring him back up to you.
“You really think I’m gonna let you blow my mind and not return the favor?” He chuckles lowly before pressing a kiss between your breasts then lifting himself to tug your pajama shorts off.
He settles back between your thighs, but you stop him. “Wait! You don’t have to do…that. I-I mean I’m ready to go.”
“Do you not want me to?” He asks, causing you to shiver as his warm breath caresses you.
“I don’t…know? Do you want to? Tyler only did it a few times when we first started dating but could never get me off, then he kind of just stopped and said guys don’t actually like doing it. Gave me a complex,” you laugh awkwardly.
“Another reason he’s a fucking idiot. Yes, I want to. If you’ll let me?” He asks, pressing a kiss to your inner thigh.
You nod, hesitant, but any nervousness is forgotten with the first pass of his tongue. Your head falls back against the pillow as he licks into you with his tongue. “Fuck you taste good,” he murmurs against your clit, flicking it gently with his tongue before he grips your ass and pulls you closer.
He doesn’t hold back as he devours you; the perfect variation of sucking, licking, and nipping. A strangled cry is ripped from your throat when he presses his fingers in and curls them against your g-spot.
“Stealth? You okay?” Nat calls sleepily from their tent 15 feet away.
You clench around his fingers, trying to still them as you try to reply steadily. “All good, j-just a dream.”
“Mmkay, G’night.”
“Night,” you answer just as an intense orgasm hits you. You taste the coppery hint of blood as you bite your lip to keep from making noise.
“Mmm,” Bob hums quietly as he works you through it, slowly only when you start to twitch from overstimulation. You whimper when he places a light kiss on your clit before moving back up your body.
“I’m going to lay you on my bed and do that for hours when we get back,” he murmurs against your lips before pecking a kiss to your lips.
“I can’t wait,” you whisper, reaching down to rub the head of his cock between your legs and lining him up.
“Shit, I didn’t bring any condoms,” he sighs, his head dropping to your shoulder in frustration.
“I didn’t either. I do have an IUD though, and I was clean at my physical a few weeks ago before we deployed. I haven’t slept with Tyler in over 5 months and we always used a condom. We could go without if you’re okay with it?”
“I’m clean too, are you sure though?” He asks, arms shaking as he holds himself back.
“I’m sure, I want you to fuck me bare,” you whisper in his ear with a nip to his lobe.
A strangled noise leaves him at your words and he presses forward.
“You’re so fuckin’ tight,” he grits out, pausing to let you adjust halfway In.
You force yourself to relax, take a few deep breaths, and nod, “I’m okay, keep going.”
He groans in your ear when his hips finally meet yours; you whimper in his as he withdraws to push back in.
“Good girl, taking all of me,” he pants, groaning as you clench around him. “Yeah? You like when I call you a good girl?”
You mewl and nod, unable to form words as he angles his hips so your clit gets friction with each thrust.
You sink your teeth into his shoulder when your orgasm takes you by surprise. His jaw clenches and his rhythm falters but he manages to fuck you through it, not giving into his own release.
“You still cold?” He asks when you come back down, still thrusting into you lazily.
“Huh? Uh, no I’m good,” you reply, trying to catch your breath.
He kneels on the ground and pulls you to the edge of the mattress, flipping you onto your stomach. The air is pushed from your lungs when he presses back in; the new angle allows deeper thrusts right over your g-spot.
“Fuc-mmph!” You start, but Bob’s hand over your mouth cuts you off.
“Shhh,” he chuckles quietly. His other hand leaves your hip to dip between your legs, gathering your wetness and coming back up to circle your clit. “Be a good girl and get there again for me?”
Your eyes roll back and you can’t control the moan that leaves you as your orgasm slams into you, thankfully somewhat muffled by his hand.
He chokes as you clench rhythmically and follows you over the edge. He bites his lip to stay quiet and drapes himself over your back while he pumps you full.
He helps get your pajamas on and holds your hand as you walk to the bathroom on unsteady legs.
“I’ll wait for you out here,” he says, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Mmkay,” you smile.
Natasha walks in with a knowing smirk as you’re drying your hands.
“Must’ve been a good dream, eh?”
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eoieopda · 2 years
Hi Jade 🫶🏻 I have a drabble request if you’re still taking them: Jungkook gets home from tour and is just the clingiest, cutest, softest bf 🙏🏻
yo this idea has me weak 🥲 i hope you like this!
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Judging by the clattering in your kitchen, your jet-lagged boyfriend had finally emerged from his seemingly endless slumber.
You’d been awake for four hours, and out of bed for three. It took longer than expected to carefully untangle yourself from the knot of his limbs, but he slept through your escape. And Bam’s excitement at having an awake parent to play with. And the unavoidable clang of pots and pans as you cooked a breakfast now finally in the hands of its intended recipient - at 2:00 in the afternoon.
You heard the floorboards creak as he shuffled out of the kitchen. His movements were incredibly slow as he padded up the hall to join you in the living room, like all the sleep he’d gotten hadn’t recharged his battery. Also audible was the faint crunch of newly toasted bread, which tugged the corner of your mouth into an involuntary smile.
Jungkook always needed a snack to hold him over until he brought his actual meal to a table. After all, he might waste away in the few moments it would take to make himself a place. You always joked that his stomach was a bottomless pit, but he maintained that he only ate this much when you were the one cooking. And when you scrunched your nose at his flattery, he’d kiss it until your cheeks turned into roses. Then he’d kiss those, too.
Laying on the couch with your legs stretched out across the cushions, your head rested on a plush, velveteen pillow. The heels of your hands were anchored against your chest as you propped up this week’s novel. You had to peek over the top of it to see Jungkook appear in the doorway.
Bleary eyes squinted against sunlight as he looked for you. The hood of his sweatshirt was pulled up over his hair, but you knew without looking that it was sticking up in every possible direction - which always confounded you due to how deeply he slept. Immovable, powered off completely. His shoulders still carried the weight of his exhaustion; and his cheeks puffed out as he attempted to chew what you assumed was - at minimum - half his slice of toast.
Of all the versions of him, this one was a hard-fought favorite of yours: the silly, sleepy, soft Jungkook. The one that stirred the butterflies in your stomach just by existing, too out-of-it to notice the effect he had on you.
He groaned as he bent over to put his plate on the coffee table. You expected him to take his usual spot at the end of the couch and pull your legs over his lap like he always did. This time, he deviated from the pattern. Not waiting long enough for you to set your book down, he wiggled his head between its bottom and your chest, and then let the weight of his body slump down on top of yours.
You giggled as he slid his hands underneath you and wrapped you up in his arms. With his chest pressed against yours, you could feel his deep, contented sigh as it left him. No longer accessible, you closed your book with an unseen smile and tossed it gently to the rug below. You couldn’t see how it landed, but you hoped it was graceful.
“You left,” He mumbled sadly with his face tucked under your chin. He breathed slowly through his nose; every warm exhale tickled the bare skin of your neck.
Your now-free hands settled into a familiar routine. One rested on his back; the muscles of which, you noted, had become much more defined since he left for tour ten weeks earlier. The other hand pulled back his hood in order to thread fingers through his soft - albeit messy - tresses. Fingernails scratching gently over his scalp, you chuckled, “You had your leg draped over me, pressing into my bladder. When I came back from the bathroom, you were spread out over the mattress like a sleep-deprived starfish.”
“I’m sorry, baby,” He cooed, squeezing you tighter. “The second-worst part about leaving is having to sleep alone. I forget how to share, and then you have to deal with the consequences.”
“Second worst?”
“The only thing worse than going to sleep without you is being awake without you,” he explained it casually, as if it wouldn’t make your heart do somersaults.
But it did, because this soft, sleepy man was yours - he was home - and he said things like that just as easily as breathing.
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envysparkler · 5 months
Of all the people Bruce expects to see on his doorstep on a Sunday morning, Talia al Ghul is very, very low on the list.  Frankly, he’s surprised she bothered to knock.
“Oh,” Talia says, lips pursing in disappointment as he looms in the doorway, “it’s you.”  She rocks on her heels, like she’s attempting to peer around him.
“This is my house,” Bruce says, half-offended and half-bewildered.  She’s not alone, there’s a child scowling up at him—they’re making League assassins smaller and smaller these days—but Bruce ignores him and focuses on the greater threat.  “I’ve already told Ra’s al Ghul that Gotham is off-limits—”
“Don’t be ridiculous, this isn’t about him,” Talia waves him off and saunters forward, stepping over the threshold and into the house like it belongs to her.  The child follows her, only pausing to sneer at Bruce, and Bruce is left standing on his porch, thoroughly dismissed.
Talia always did have a way of getting what she wanted, and damn anything in her way.  It takes a moment for Bruce to shake the old, lingering fondness and remember that a deadly assassin is inside his house.
Alfred is going to kill him.
“Wait!  Talia!”  He catches up to her near the kitchen, where she is surveying the cereal boxes on the counter with palpable distaste.  The child looks like he’s trying to test them for poison, or possibly poison them himself, but Bruce doesn’t have time to worry about that, because she’s found—
“Uh, Bruce?” Tim’s voice cracks high, out of his chair and holding both his cereal bowl and his spoon ready to throw.  “Did you forget to tell me you had company?”
“Timothy Drake,” Talia says, cold enough to create icicles.  She studies him for a long moment, skipping from his Superboy pajamas to his bleary face to the overfull mug of coffee on the table.  “You are one of Lady Shiva’s.”
The child’s scowl deepens.
“Yes?” Tim looks at Bruce desperately, like it’s a test and he’s looking for the answer.  Bruce shrugs.
“She mentioned you were passable,” Talia sniffs.  “For a boy.”
Tim looks a mixture of outraged and pleased, but Bruce is more concerned with why Talia is here, standing in his home years after she gave back his mother’s ring.  Talia only reveals whatever she wants to reveal, and while she does only ever tells the truth, she lets him draw incorrect conclusions from those truths all on his own.  It means Ra’s isn’t involved in whatever brought her here, but that could mean anything from the old schemer being dead to Talia being on the run, and Bruce is not nearly awake for an imminent League invasion.
“Where’s Alfred?” Talia finally finishes her survey of the kitchen and rests her cool gaze on him.
That would be the reason Bruce is barely awake.  He only managed to drag himself from bed with the reminder that there was an unsupervised teenager in his house.  Unfortunately, he’d got there too late to save the coffeemaker.
“What do you want with Alfred?” Tim asks, on the verge of hostile.  The child draws himself up like a hissing, spitting snake, and only stays still by virtue of Talia’s hand on his shoulder.  Talia, for her part, merely looks inconvenienced.
“Well, this would’ve been several times simpler had he been here,” she sighs.  “I could’ve dropped off Damian for a spot of tea and gotten on with my business.”
“And what is your business?” Bruce presses.
Talia heaves another sigh—this time dramatic and put upon.  It’s an act, Bruce can tell, but that doesn’t help him, not when Talia turns to him and widens her eyes, looking up through her lashes.  “Unfortunately, Beloved, your son takes after you in terms of vanishing skills, and I’ve finally managed to track him down here, so I really must get going before he infiltrates that sorry excuse of a prison and finishes decapitating that clown you keep alive for some unfathomable reason.”
There’s a lot packed into that statement, and Bruce is still untangling ‘your son takes after you in terms of vanishing skills’ with the knowledge that Nightwing is supposed to be safely inside Bludhaven and the growing horror that Dick might’ve accidentally started a war with the League of Assassins, so it’s Tim that inhales first, staring at the child in sharp shock and then up at Talia, before finally turning towards Bruce.
“You have a kid with Talia al Ghul?!”
Talia, of course, does not bother to explain anything.  She merely instructs the child—Damian—to behave before vanishing back out the front door, and Bruce’s attempt to follow her is met with a katana and a high-pitched demand for a duel.  It becomes apparent that Talia’s version of behaving doesn’t match Bruce’s, because it takes several minutes and one shallowly bleeding slice before Bruce can extricate himself.
The child—his child—Damian leaves him alone then, looking disappointed in his swordsmanship skills, and turns instead to badgering Tim, who despite favoring a bo staff—“a clearly inferior weapon unsuited to anything but sloppy pulverization,” comes out crisp and clear-edged, much like Bruce himself when he was younger and his only point of reference was Alfred—is judged a suitable opponent on the basis of Lady Shiva’s reference.
Bruce is maybe a little sulky that a child—his child—has dismissed him in favor of a teenager with a pillow crease on his cheek, but he suppresses the emotion to dart to the Batcomputer so he can ask Nightwing what the hell he’s been up to.
Unfortunately, Dick’s response is both confused and irritated, which means Bruce has to waste time explaining the situation lest his eldest give him the silent treatment again, and Dick signs off with a promise to drop by, clearly excited at the prospect of a new sibling.
Bruce doesn’t warn him that this one is more apt to stab him than hug him.  Dick can figure that out for himself.
But with that distraction out of the way, he’s left to ruminate on Talia’s words.  She wasn’t talking about Dick, and clearly not about Tim, and not Damian, and Bruce has no other sons.  The thought drives a pang through him, a loss he will always carry, and he finds himself in front of the case with Jason’s uniform, as though it can help him solve the puzzle.
Is there another child out there he doesn’t know about?  He’d swear that he doesn’t have another with Talia, but he has no idea when or how Damian was conceived, so it’s the most likely explanation. 
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xzerosparrowx · 3 months
The Guitar
Written for the @corrodedcoffinfest
Divider by @saradika-graphics
Day #1 - Prompt: Firsts | Word Count: 861 | Rating: T | CW: Use of homophobic language/slurs | POV: Eddie | Tags: How Eddie Munson got his first guitar, Wayne Munson is Eddie's Dad, Allen Munson, First Christmas, Christmas special.
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Eddie lays awake in bed, watching the weak winter morning sun cast its light across the unfamiliar room with tired eyes. He blinks back hot tears as he feels the chill around his ears, remembering the way Allen Munson pulled at his hair, the sound of the electric razor buzzing against his skin. 
Now he was here in his Uncle's trailer, a man he barely knows aside from the few times Al complained about him over the phone. 
“... Says I should stop stealing cars and get a proper job. Wayne doesn't fucking get it, man.”
“Why does he wanna look after that little queer?”
“... Just because he's got no kids, he wants to steal mine.” 
A soft little knock startles him, the shuffle of feet near his door. “Eddie, you awake?” Wayne calls out quietly, a nervous waver in his voice.
“Yea-yes, sir,” Eddie answers, sitting up but not making a move towards the door.
“I'm not- you don't have to call me that, Eddie. You can just call me Wayne,” Eddie hears him sigh, “I'm thinking of making pancakes or waffles, not sure which one you prefer. If you like something more savory for breakfast, I bought eggs and bacon as well.” Wayne rambles, and there is something sad and warm in Eddie’s chest, an old ache that he had now long been accustomed to that Wayne had stumbled upon and brought into sharp focus.
“I-I’m happy with whatever si- Uncle Wayne,” Eddie answers finally, getting up from bed and pulling on a pair of old sweats and a baby blue threadbare sweater. It’s large on his thin frame, a hand-me-down from Wayne, warm and comfortable. 
He hears his Uncle move away from the door and Eddie gathers his courage to step out of the room. A kaleidoscope of twinkling fairy lights meet him, the trailer lit in a beautiful array of colour and tinsel.
Oh yeah, it’s Christmas.
Wayne is standing in the kitchen, pouring a ladle of pancake mix on the hot griddle. Eddie rubs his eyes, forcing the tears away before standing near Wayne and watching him cook. 
“You know how to make pancakes?” his uncle asks, expertly flipping a pancake. Eddie shakes his head, the only time he ever got breakfast was if Al left him money for groceries, which was not often.   
Wayne pours another ladle in response, before handing the spatula to Eddie, “all you have to do is wait for the bubbles to show up. Once they pop, they’re ready to be flipped. See?” He says, pointing to the little bubbles in the pancake. 
Guided by Wayne, Eddie flips the pancake his uncle beaming down at him when it lands perfectly on it’s uncooked side, “I think we have Julia Childs in the trailer!” Wayne laughs and Eddie cannot help but join him, rolling his eyes good naturedly at his uncle. They continue like that, Wayne ladling the perfect amount of batter on to the griddle and Eddie flipping them with varying degrees of success. 
It’s the first time, since Eddie moved to the trailer a week ago, that living here feels normal. To realise that maybe Wayne is nothing like Al at all. They eat the pancakes in companionable silence, Eddie drowning his in maple syrup while Wayne sprinkles icing sugar and lemon.
“I have a present for you, go sit on the couch,” Wayne says, pushing his plate away and getting up before Eddie can think to protest. Eddie does as he’s told, feeling awkward and unsure again as he listens to Wayne move stuff around. 
“Alright, close your eyes!” Wayne calls and Eddie closes them, he fidgets with his hands, rubs his thumb over his fingers in a soothing back-and-forth. He hears Wayne place something on the coffee table and opens his eyes when Wayne gives him the ok. 
Eddie stares at the old, black acoustic guitar in front of him, lovingly stored in its case. There are scratch marks here and there, the leather strap flaking in places, but it gleams under the lights as if it knows that it is a well-used and treasured thing. 
“I’m sorry it’s not a new guitar, but I don’t really use this old girl anymore, so I thought maybe I’ll hand her down to you,” Wayne offers sheepishly, wringing his hands nervously, thumb over his fingers. 
“How- How did you know I wanted one?”
“I remember hearing you ask Al for one,” Wayne says this like it’s natural that he would remember something so small about Eddie, and Eddie breathes through that sad and warm ache in his chest. 
“That was two years ago, Uncle Wayne,” he manages to choke out, he can feel his throat starting to thicken, tears beginning to well up and he watches his uncle trying to fight off his own emotions. 
“Well, you’re a good kid. You deserve something that’s just for you.”
His uncle's arms are strong and comforting when Eddie leaps towards him in a tight hug. Eddie does not remember the last time Al hugged him, but if he closes his eyes he can almost pretend that Wayne had always been his Dad. 
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