#originally I was planning a much darker comic
reds-skull · 6 months
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Christmas comic in October? It's more likely than you think.
Also I would die for young Kyle and Simon
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molinaskies · 8 months
Sonic and the Mirror of Trauma: Scrapnik Island
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Scrapnik Island is by far the most intriguing and impressive IDW Sonic miniseries so far. Daniel Barnes wrote an excellent story about recovering from trauma, struggling to escape your past, and facing the setbacks that come with both of those, and Nathalie Fourdraine and Jack Lawrence produced some beautiful art.
On its surface, the story has the potential to be a cheeky, cliché one-off akin to a spooky Halloween story (that started in December… hehe). But, when you look deeper at the plot and some of the tropes, and once you remember that it takes place between issue 56 (which I’ve crucially discussed at length) and issue 57, it suddenly becomes so much more important.
Mecha Sonic is a version of Sonic who has been forced to address the pain of his life and dabble with the consequences, and he represents the moment that Sonic has to face his own trauma—and that scares him.
Scrapnik Island sets off with the Scrapniks pursuing Sonic to help him, but Sonic, of course, has missed the memo. Mecha Sonic is hottest on Sonic’s trail, which stands out to me as not only is Sonic visibly afraid of Mecha (both from his sudden presence and from his memories of their last encounter), but he’s actively running away from his trauma, his past, his fear.
Even after Sonic’s been set straight on the Scrapniks’ deal, he’s still put off by Mecha Sonic’s silent demeanour and their history. So, Sonic treats him coldly, and this animosity triggers something deep within Mecha that he fights to starve off.
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There is lots of visual storytelling to indicate that Sonic and Mecha Sonic are meant to be literary foils, but below is my favourite example. A flashback of a decommissioned Mecha Sonic fades into a present shot of Sonic “taking it easy,” but more so getting fed up with his situation.
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Sonic is also particularly distrustful (and afraid) of Mecha Sonic, compared to the other Scrapniks. However, as time runs on, Sonic comes to an initial understanding of Mecha’s changed ways and wants to make peace. However, right after this, Mecha Knuckles attacks, Mecha Sonic defends and, in a way, sacrifices himself for Sonic, and things fall apart from here.
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After Mecha Sonic is triggered during his battle with Mecca Knuckles (after a forceful encounter with Mecha Sonic’s past that sends him down a path of relapse), Mecha Sonic loses his ability to starve off Eggman’s primary programming. He turns on Sonic once again, but instead of serving Eggman, he strives to serve himself. While Mecha is falling victim to his traumatic past and coping mechanisms, the unfortunate thing about this is how it all reads to Sonic: another betrayal of his trust. It all calls back to Mr. Tinker, Metal Sonic, and Surge.
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Mecha Sonic’s plan is to swap bodies with Sonic so that Mecha can use Sonic’s speed to escape the island, but the Scrapniks attack before the transfer can complete. This leaves Mecha and Sonic in an in-between state where they hear each other thoughts and feel each other’s feelings.
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Even though Sonic states that the anger and sadness in his head is not his own, he’s still clearly shown to be feeling those feelings. They don’t originate from him, but their presence mingles with his own emotions to produce something darker and more irritated. Their presence also acts as a gateway of sorts, where the latent anger and sadness that Sonic can’t suppress makes it harder for him to put away his own feelings. Couple that with his physical pain from his sprained ankle (on the same leg he busted up a few issues prior), and soon, Sonic snaps for the first time in the entire IDW comic’s run.
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I love whenever Sonic’s anger is allowed to shine because he is never enraged for petty reasons. Sonic has an attitude that often leads him to cranky comments, but Sonic is genuinely angry here because it hurts him to see someone speak so lowly of themselves, to have been hurt by the world so poorly. Mecha Sonic is also yet another person who has been created by Eggman’s terror specific to oppose Sonic. It’s another example of Surge’s “I will kill you or die trying” with the added complexity of Mecha’s attempt at redemption being corrupted by the trauma of Eggman’s influence. This puts pressure on Sonic because these impositions put Mecha, Surge, Kit, and others like them in direct opposition to Sonic for reasons entirely of no fault of his own—and that angers him. All Sonic strives to do with his life and his gift is help people, and to have so many people come out of the woodworks to say that the only thing he can do to help them is to kill himself is absolutely devastating to him. Not only because he believes in the direct opposite—that the only person who can give one purpose is oneself—but because it threatens to strip his own purpose away from him whenever these notions are unearthed.
Sonic isn’t angry at Mecha, personally. He’s angry at the system created to hurt them both.
The most important thing to remember is that, unless I fully missed something*, that strange mind-link thing between Sonic and Mecha Sonic is never undone. After Sonic cries Mecha Sonic’s tears, the story cuts to Tails officially deprogramming Mecha Sonic and Mecha Knuckles from Eggman’s directives, but it’s never explicitly stated that Mecha Sonic’s and Sonic’s mental link was reversed.
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It can be reasonably assumed that it occurs off-screen (off-page? Outside of what is shown to the reader) because that would make general sense, but then again, so did the reprogramming, and that was explicitly mentioned. Further, it’s a general rule in writing for media that if you want something to be known about your story, it needs to be shown to the audience if not alluded to or directly referred to having happened. So, this is either an oversight, or it’s entirely intentional.
* The only way I can imagine this being accounted for is that the machine that linked Sonic and Mecha’s brains, the Egg Noggin, is (obviously) an Eggman device. Thus, whenever Tails removed Eggman’s programming from Mecha Sonic and Mecha Knuckles, perhaps it also restored Sonic’s brain to normal. This, however, feels like a bit of a stretch because we never see or hear of Sonic needing or receiving any treatment, but I am willing to consider it to be a viable reason. Either way, I think the point I’m about to make still stands as either a physical change or an emotional change in Sonic’s character.
This experience, this sharing of minds in such an intimate way where they can both so clearly hear each other’s hearts, taught them something. I read this as some sort of floodgates being opened, where while Mecha Sonic can more easily feel compassion and listen to the good in his core, Sonic now more clearly feels his anger and has a harder time suppressing his emotions. Whether there is lasting physical damage left in Sonic or he’s simply reeling from the depth of his emotions felt in this adventure, there’s been a clear impact.
Even if Sonic isn’t fully delving into things just yet, he’s taken a lesson away from all of this.
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(From the IDW Endless Summer One-Shot, set between issue 64 and issue 65 and after the 900th adventure one-shot)
If nothing else, Sonic clearly understands trauma better now. Sonic is absolutely traumatized by his experiences with Eggman and other high-stakes adventures, but again, due to his tendency to push away his darker emotions, he hasn’t processed much of this. Sonic puts all his sadness and rage and fear and confusion into box after box after box before shoving everything onto a big, cluttered shelf, never to be seen again… until now. With such a clear look into the mind of someone actively reeling through trauma, a trauma so like his own, that shelf has collapsed, and now everything is spilling onto the floor before Sonic, quick as can be, can stop it.
Sonic is finally starting to understand the bigger picture, but I don’t think he’s fully on the path of self-awareness. I think there’s more boiling under the surface, more than even he realizes. And if Sonic keeps taking these micro-risks (instead of his usual Hail-Marys) that are fueled by his anger, like storming the Eggperial City too soon, then something will have to give.
Scrapnik Island is incredibly important to the IDW storyline because it showcases not only Sonic learning the depths of his pain and the pain of others but also yet another nail in Eggman’s coffin.
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nopanamaman · 10 months
Is there any character you feel has changed the most since you developed them for PAFL? Or have they all mostly stayed the same throughout their history? Follow up question!!! Are there any characters you wanted to add to PAFL originally but scrapped for some reason?
I'd say the general idea and progression of the characters have remained the same, but they became more nuanced.
For one, Yura was less sympathetic and in general much easier to antagonise. Sanya was a significantly simpler character (though even now, the darker aspects of her personality are yet to be shown). Sergei was even more emotionally withdrawn.
The biggest changes have been regarding secondary characters. For example, Nikita's initial role as cannon fodder has been expanded, with him playing a much bigger part in Kazarins' lives and the events leading up to their acquaintance with Yura (which is explored in the prequel comic).
Kolya's role has been expanded similarly.
Sanya's Dynamo gang has seen a lot of changes, even though they are purely background characters. I think Arthur has changed the most, going from the least to the most developed member of the group.
These days I'm even a little sad the story I have planned doesn't really have room for the gang, since I find their current iteration very compelling in its own grounded way.
As for your second question, I've written about a scrapped white-haired mutant antagonist on this blog before. He didn't have a solid role in the story, and the idea of him existing at all was phased out completely by the time Punch It Punk came out.
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genericpuff · 3 months
I'm not sure if you've answered this question before but what were some of the things that made you interested in Lore Olympus in the past and at what point did you lose interest?
I adored the art in the beginning, and just like, the really warm-feeling romance that just had me feeling so giddy reading it. There were some red flags in the beginning like the age gap, but I kinda fell for the same mindset of "well they're gods so what does it matter" (obviously I can't in good faith use that argument anymore because if the age gap didn't matter then it either wouldn't exist or wouldn't be brought up in the first place lmao but it took me a while to realize that).
Now, to be fair, LO was also one of my first introductions to webtoons as a format, prior to that I had read mostly manga and left-to-right indie webcomics (i.e. comics that were hosted on their own site) and I was still in the early years of my own development as a writer and artist (I still feel like I'm early in that development tbh) so of course there were undoubtedly a lot of obvious flaws that went over my head (and I was younger and inexperienced so I wasn't as critical of what media I was watching / reading as I am now) but that's been half the fun of catching them now - it's given me a lot more perspective and helped me hone my own skills in my writing by analyzing what's wrong with LO and brainstorming on how those problems can be avoided.
But then there was the Act of Wrath plotline and I was completely sold on it being gold. Anyone who's read my original work knows how much of a SUCKER I am for "dark alter ego" plotlines, I eat that shit up like junk food. But what I like about the dark alter ego tropes is when they're used to explore the subconscious, question one's morals and true identity, etc. That was what I was hoping for and expecting with the AoW plotline in LO - that her "dark self" was gonna be a reflection of how she felt "held back" by her circumstances in the Mortal Realm, and her wrath being something she could use for retribution (in a "do no harm but take no shit" kinda way). Especially with how naive and innocent she was in the beginning, I loved the idea of her slowly coming to terms with her "darker" side and learning not to suppress her emotions until they had nowhere else to go and exploded (which was how I interpreted the AoW).
So when it didn't do that, or even explore an ounce of nuance regarding her relationship with her wrath, I was very disappointed to say the least. When Eris was revealed to be the one who "blessed" her with wrath, that was when the rose colored glasses started to fall off and I realized "wait, does Rachel not have an actual plan for this whole Kore vs. Persephone thing???" And now her wrath is literally just there to... give her the power to bully people?? It just feels so disheartening to see such potential squandered.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna chastise a story if it doesn't go exactly where I want it to go, there would be no fun in that anyways (and that's what fanfiction is for lmao). But when a story is leaving very interesting but connectable breadcrumbs that are VERY clearly leading you somewhere and then just... doesn't, that's when it's disappointing and unsatisfying. LO feels like a "creator vs. the reader" story in the worst way possible, where it's constantly leaving breadcrumbs, getting pissed when the audience "figures it out", so then it overcorrects and tries to "subvert" itself to keep the readers "on their toes"... but the problem is that all it really does is punish the readers for paying attention and investing themselves in the story by giving them a worse story. It's like Rachel's getting mad at people for figuring out a story that she's writing and hinting towards.
And this has been going on for YEARS now, it's like a Shepard tone where it sounds like it keeps getting higher and higher in pitch but then doesn't actually resolve so your brain is just scrambling trying to figure out what in the world it could be "building up to".
There's nothing. It's not building up to anything. It's just constantly putting down new plot threads that are slightly altered versions of previous plot threads and expecting you to keep following along while it makes a mess of itself. It feels like you're going somewhere but you're actually still just running in place. It's just Rachel never learning how to progress past the middle school writing level of "and then this happened and then this happened and then this happened". Not only is it disorganized writing, but it's just... it's so boring. Nothing's exciting or interesting anymore when it keeps distracting itself with shiny new plotlines and characters that never get resolved.
It's like when you were a kid and thought "man , when I grow up, I'm gonna eat nothing but chocolate cake and ice cream every day forever!" and then you get older and you realize you were being silly because eating nothing but chocolate cake and ice cream every day 1.) isn't good for you and doesn't feel good, and 2.) the appeal and novelty of it wears off if you can have it any time you want, it doesn't feel as special anymore as it did when you were a kid and having those things was a treat.
To compare this back to LO, none of its "reveals" feel like treats anymore, they feel like just another half-assed attempt to keep people interested. It's clickbait.
And don't get me wrong, you CAN totally subvert the breadcrumbs you put down for your audience and go in a completely different direction than where the audience was expecting, but it takes a shitload of skill and thought to do it well. Attack on Titan is one of the best recent examples of a story appearing to completely throw out its original script halfway through, only for that script to actually still be relevant in a very complex and thought out way. Especially when there ARE hints towards the big "twist" that make you go back and rewatch it and realize "WAIT, THEY'VE BEEN GIVING US THE ANSWERS ALL THIS TIME?!?!"
(it would be TWO MORE FUCKING SEASONS before this ending would make sense, that's fucking GENIUS foreshadowing and in the CREDITS SEQUENCE LIKE ?? IT'S SO BLINK AND YOU'LL MISS IT HOLY SHIT-)
Evidently Rachel does not have that skill and is not willing to put in that thought; maybe she could some day, but I don't think she's learning it on the job as well as she thinks she is.
And it's disappointing as fuck because it could have been so much better than this. Rachel is literally the only one getting in her own way of LO being something truly great.
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age-of-moonknight · 23 days
Thank you for pointing us towards the Moon Knight vs Shroud issue in your tags. Much appreciated! I'd be curious if you have any other information on the Shroud and any other times he and Moon Knight have crossed paths. Besides his appearance in the Avengers Unlimited arc, I am not terribly familiar with the character. Thank you again for all you do - I look forward to your commentary on the new release every month.
Hello!!! Thank you for submitting an ask as it’s always great to hear from you! :D Unfortunately, I wouldn’t consider myself a Shroud expert (although I would be fascinated to meet anyone who does???), with most of my experience with the Shroud coming from brief encounters with other characters while reading through their comics.
What I do know is Maximillian Coleridge has a rather Batman-like origin (common criminals gunned his rich parents down in front of him and he consequently dedicated his life to fighting crime), but instead of learning from the League of Assassins, Max threw in with the Cult of Kali. The graduation for that group however involves getting a forehead mark that grants extrasensory perception at the expense of one’s eyesight. The cult booted Max out after that and he seems to have spent most of his career since on the darker side of gray, with one of his first plans to make a name for himself as a hero, for example, being to just straight up assassinate Doctor Doom (oh and he also has his own means of shadow travel, make of that what you will). One reoccurring theme for him seems to be getting involved with criminal or villainous organizations to subtlety manipulate them into doing good. That brings us to how him and Marc meet, by the way! In Solo Avengers (Vol. 1/1987), #3, Max is leading a villain group called the Night Shift and sets up a test of combat to show that Marc should be the group’s leader (although he fails to tell Marc this until only after Marc has thoroughly trounced him and nearly smothered Max with his own shroud).
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Looks like Marc called in what he owed as Max then helped Moon Knight wrangle Taurus for the West Coast Avengers in West Coast Avengers (Vol. 2/1985), #29.
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Since then, they haven’t interacted much! They were in the same Heroes for Hire network in Heroes for Hire (Vol. 3/2010), but I haven’t found any instances of them interacting on-panel there. Also, as you mentioned, they had a brief team-up in the Avengers Unlimited infinity comic (issues #33-36 specifically for anyone curious), but while friendly, it was a pretty utilitarian team-up that focused mainly on Jessica Drew and Moon Knight and the Shroud only had the most surface-level interaction.
But I guess that first meeting really had an impact on Max (I mean, me too, but wow)! Again, I’m no character expert, but it seems that Max tends to cycle through periods of great violence and/or mental/emotional volatility (his wiki page straight up calls him a sociopath which….hmmmm….), so while I have very little faith that that was handled with any care in past comics, I look forward to seeing what Mr. MacKay might do with his character.
Fun fact: Max was however in the Bar With No Name when Mr. Knight strode right in and made one of my favorite proclamations of all time in Moon Knight (Vol. 9/2021), #7.
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twistedtummies2 · 3 months
Year of the Bat - Number 16
Welcome to Year of the Bat! In honor of Kevin Conroy, Arleen Sorkin, and Richard Moll, I’m counting down my Top 31 Favorite Episodes of “Batman: The Animated Series” throughout this January. We’ve reached the halfway point of the countdown! TODAY’S EPISODE QUOTE: “Fear’s a prison, you see, and I’ve just broken out!” Number 16 is…Never Fear.
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Out of all the Scarecrow’s appearances in B:TAS, this episode from the TNBA era is generally considered to be the best. It’s one of several stories taken directly from the comics, too, as the episode is (somewhat loosely) based on the comic tale “Fear For Sale.” The original comic was published in 1987, and was chiefly created by writer Mike W. Barr, and artist Alan Davis. While that story is really, REALLY freaking good – seriously, one of the Top 5 best Scarecrow comics, in my opinion, without question – I honestly think the Animated Series adaptation is even better. Not only that, but in some ways – despite the fact no one actually dies in this story (though several come awfully close) – I would argue the cartoon is darker than said comic, as well. Wrap your head around that! The premise focuses on the Scarecrow returning to Gotham City, presumably after a long dormancy, with a brand new form of his Fear Toxin: instead of the usual method of installing fear in people, causing them to hallucinate violent apparitions and have horrifying visions of their greatest phobias and traumas, this new gimmick TAKES AWAY people’s fear. Now, one may wonder, why is that such a bad thing? Well, here’s the thing: fear is a rational human response, intended to keep us out of danger. We run away from things that scare us, or stay alert for trouble in times of distress, for self-preservation’s sake; we avoid doing certain things at least partially because fear reminds us of the consequences of those actions. If you REMOVE fear…then a person has no restraints, no cares, and quite possibly no conscience. This is where things get interesting: while going undercover to try and figure out Scarecrow’s plans, Bruce gets a dose of the Anti-Fear Toxin himself. Batman becomes impulsive, thrillseeking…and, most alarming of all, homicidal. It’s therefore up to Robin to keep Batman from going down a path he must not travel, while also trying to stop the Scarecrow’s newest bid for power. The first thing most people talk about with this episode is Scarecrow himself, and for good reason. The character is given a brand new voice, provided by Jeffrey Combs for this outing, as well as a brand new look, which most people agree is far superior to the one from the first three seasons. While the Scarecrow is great in those earlier seasons, I do agree with the apparent majority that the version found in “Never Fear” is a superior rendition, simply because he’s much more creepy to behold and to hear. I was never really scared of the Scarecrow himself in his earlier outings, but this version is a whole new story. The uniqueness of his plan in this story is also worth commending, whether it’s based on an already-published comic or not. However, I think a lot of people underestimate what a good episode this is for Batman and Robin, as well. I may or may not have said this in an earlier entry, but I actually preferred Tim Drake as Robin over Dick Grayson, at least in the Animated Series. This episode is a great example of why. Robin really takes the spotlight and initiative here, as it’s ultimately really Tim that saves the day. There’s this great scene that I absolutely love, where Batman – under the influence of Scarecrow’s toxin – tries to convince Tim, after Robin ties him up to keep him from hurting people or running into trouble, to let him go. Kevin Conroy’s performance is so convincing, it almost tricks the viewer, as well as Robin himself, but Tim doesn’t take the bait. The two really do feel like partners here, in a lot of ways, and it’s a great tale for both. Whether you love it for the heroes or the villain, “Never Fear” is arguably the pinnacle of Scarecrow storytelling in the Animated Series. I say “arguably” because of one other episode I’ll get to later in the countdown…but that’s another story.
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Tomorrow we move into the Top 15! Hint: “Kids these days. No respect.”
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co-mixed · 2 months
Daredevil by Ann Nocenti
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I was planning on a short review but the more I read, the more details and elements kept popping up and I knew I would be wrong to not point them out. So here it is, a fully detailed review.
Take Your Time
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Nocenti took over the title after Frank Miller (and if memory serves me right, several guest writers). It was not going to be easy, especially after the massive Born Again arc, in which after having his life completely shattered by Kingpin (and Miller), Matt returns to Hell's Kitchen to live happily ever after with Karen and opens a legal clinic/addiction hotline. He can't legally practice law, she is definitely not qualified for any psychological help, what could go wrong? Oh well, he's also still Daredevil and Karen still hates it, so there is that. Nocenti had a pretty tough task to rebuild everything and at the same time deliver good stories.
At this point, I notice when a new writer on a title is struggling for the first few months, while they try to establish their own take and find their footing. Once that's out of the way, everything goes smoothly (for most, anyway).
Nocenti's run gets a little chaotic in the beginning, while she starts to set the rules and draw the neighborhood around Daredevil and Karen. And if you expected her to go easy on the characters, you can rest easy knowing that she's put DD through hell. Literally.
Building Hell's Kitchen
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Right away she involves some neighborhood kids and gives them all slow-burn arcs. In fact, she includes children in a lot of stories, and they provide a reflection of the dark and complex adult world. They react, they mirror the grown-ups and the things happening around them affect them in an unpredictable way. The arc of the kid who slowly, in the span of several issues, discovered his darker side and ended up being killed by a mob member, is something you barely notice happening at first. And then he keeps coming back, making a small but ultimately wrong choice, which eventually brings him to his demise. All that adds a sense of responsibility and urgency to Daredevil. Something he may have always experienced but didn't necessarily watch happen. Not to imply that no one has suffered from his misguided actions before (RIP, Heather). And not to say that he was responsible for the kid's choices, but said kid came to Matt repeatedly and Matt missed all the signs. If you want to direct the issue back to the kid's parents, I have to point out that most of them were ill-attended. The other kid story is Bullet's son Lance. He doesn't have much to do with DD but he's a reflection of how an impressionable child due to lack of attention can develop a full-on phobia. That's not something that I've seen in superhero comics that often. This darkness is fully developed by Nocenty and if you look closely, has its roots in Miller's stories.
The Origins of Evil
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There is a series of one/two-issue arcs with guest stars and seriously messed up villains. And I don't use messed up lightly, I didn't necessarily expect this much darkness from the 80s (which is funny, since I've seen it before). In each story, there's a social issue mixed into the arc and exaggerated to the extreme. Nocenti doesn't just throw a bunch of villains at the hero. Even her minor [evil] characters usually have a rich backstory, which she isn't afraid to share. They can be victims of injustice, bad parenting, or circumstances. And then she gives them a voice and in some cases, it starts to sound reasonable before you actually see where they went off the rails (Not sure if Neya can be called a villain though).
The Main Event(s)
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But all these additional stories more or less revive around two main arcs - Typhoid Mary and Mephisto. Mary's arc is very impressive, and not just because it gives tons and tons of drama. Okay, mostly because of that. The worst way for a hero to lose everything is when they get hurt by someone they trusted. But also, Matt walked into this nonsense all on his own (with a little help from heightened senses, sure, we buy that). I've seen Mary before but never really got familiar with her backstory, aside from encountering her in the latest X-men runs when she married Kingpin. But here it's introduction time and literally the best possible way to know all there is to know about Mary. Her two personalities are interesting in her relationships with other characters (she mostly interacts with DD/Matt and Kingpin but only as Typhoid). But arguably the most definitive element is her parts trying to coexist or rather push each other out. Typhoid is a wild, unpredictable, manipulative, and murderous woman, while Mary is a wallflower, sort of like early Karen. They despise each other, obviously. One's qualities are incompatible with the other's. Typhoid manages to almost kill Matt, but ironically, Mary accidentally delivers the final blow. At this point, Matt's mental stability is shaken to the point from which he can't return on his own, so in true DD fashion, he skips town, reviving the Lone Stranger arc from Miller's run. It doesn't help that before he leaves, beaten and humiliated (rightfully, I might say), there's Inferno going on in New York, as in a literal Limbo opening. It takes an encounter with Mephisto and Inhumans to force him to find himself again and go back to New York. But overall, both stories are some of the greatest examples of how to properly torture a character.
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I liked Ann Nocenti's take, it was brutal and harsh with the world showing its ugliest colors. She doesn't shy away from a righteous message and she delivers it in a way that resonates. Nocenti also doesn't reduce her female characters to mindless damsels in need of saving. She even outlines it in the arc of Number Nine. In fact, she didn't paint one or the other as the ideal, both Nine and Brandy learned something from each other.
The Big Picture
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In my short review of Born Again on Instagram, I mentioned scaling, specifically Miller inviting the Avengers to deal with one of the villains Daredevil couldn't necessarily handle. Nocenti does a similar thing but again, brings it a step further - she lets Human Torch walk a day in Daredevil's shoes. While at first, he believes it's easier than his job in the Fantastic Four, since they deal with Galactus and other massive dangers on a daily basis. But quickly, he finds out that things aren't that simple. What Daredevil deals with, the famous "street level" is different from saving the world, but that doesn't mean it's easier. Saving one neighborhood with limited resources is something he can't handle. This is bringing value to a character that could easily be considered second-tier. Something that's both necessary and impressive.
Other Pictures
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But if I get into this, I might end up rehashing everything that happened in the run. That is if I haven't done it already. I want to sum it up, and of course, it wouldn't be even acceptable without pointing out John Romita Jr's art, he was the main artist for the majority of the run and stood out too. It was dynamic and added the perfect amount of emotion to every character and the interiors that surround them.
All in All
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See, when I read the first few issues by Ann Nocenti, I was sure I wasn't going to like it. I thought I was missing something so many people saw. But I kept reading and when it ended, I saw exactly what was there and what made it so unique. It's a perfect follow-up to Born Again, in every sense, and it manages to destroy the seemingly indestructible life the characters created for themselves. The best stories are all like that.
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emerxshiu · 4 months
kinda spoilers for magolor epilogue
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did this at 2am, it was gonna be a animation but i knew i wasn't gonna be able to keep up doing something like this for like, 10 frames or more, so i just left it like a drawing. lately i wasnt really liking anything i was drawing but damm do i really like this one, now all thats left is for me to like my next drawing and not open 30 canvas and only finish one.
i was trying to make my interdimensional magolor gijinka, he doesnt really change that much, except for the ripped parts of his cloak and cape. the energy sphere he has is also a bit broken, but i forgot to add that when making the drawing. my magolor wears one energy sphere, like a necklace, he says it's because its the brightest energy sphere he has, wich, is a lie, but im thinking of explaining this unnecessary headcanon i had come up with just because i thought it'd look cool on him and then decide to give a reason to on another post (i wanna do a comic abt it), if you are wondering about the sclera, i forgot to add it but i was already used to this drawing not having them so i just left it like that.
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i also made three versions, this one is my favourite by far, but thats just because im a sucker for bright colors in drawings like these. honestly i was kinda surprised that i liked it, i usually dont shade like this, well, i do kinda but it doesnt look like this, its a bit more messy and usually combined with cell shading at the same time, i dunno how to explain, also my lineart tends to be a bit(? more cleaner (most of the time) but i really like this one drawing of magolor, probably one of my favourites on digital, and i might start shading like this more on other drawings.
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i also made a desaturated one, dont really have much to say for this one, i had a vision of how i wanted the animation to look but i couldnt get it right, in fact i was originally just gonna have plain colors, no shading, but i coulnt help myself. i planned for this like, bright background and character with more darker colors, as in contrasting, but it kinda hurt my eyes when i did the background (it was a very bright yellow) and as i said couldnt get the look of magolor how i wanted. but i still like the image, all of the versions.
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close up of my favourite version
sorry for always writing an entire wall of text when i post
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ghostlycoze · 9 months
i am askng about your rw ocs :eyes:
:eyes back:
you have blessed me by giving me the opportunity to ramble about these little idiots thank you very much >:D
claps hands together
The lore of Ever Changing Fates is a total mess rn but it's very fun to just kind of mess with
I kinda like throwing ideas out there and just bouncing off people and seeing what they come up with lmao
The general deal is:
Fates is a newer generation iterator, probably around the same age as Pebbles. Long after the Ancients vanished, he kind of just went.
"Fuck it. Fuck all of this, I hate all of this. I hate being in a damn cage, look at that weird little cat. It looks happy. Why can't that be me? I wanna be a carefree little creature. >:(" (but in a more lighthearted joking way, as he always is.)
And then immediately proceeded to hatch the most unhinged plan and experimentation process ever.
As a result, his local group......... wasn't impressed. (I will detail more about his group later!)
He did not take the discouragement and lack of support well, and ended up isolating himself to continue his work without their constant messages trying to convince him to stop.
This totally didn't have lasting affects. Totally.
He succeeded, he managed to make alterations like the ear-like antennae casing (used to protect the fragile antennae, as well as used for communication and bonding with the scugs), and the tail (for storage of neurons and whatever else he may need).
Those went well. The removal from his can...... less so. (I do have some rough sketches of it, but I may leave it as a little surprise if I ever get around to writing a comic or little drawings as responses to asks maybe?)
Needless to say, as energetic and bouncy as this little guy is, he has some secrets he's hiding. And he probably needs to rest and take care of himself far more than he would like to admit
Lucky for him, he has his two scugs to take care of him!
They were originally designed as messengers, both with skills based on stealth to allow them to travel back and forth without having to worry about fighting predators much.
The white scug, inspired by white lizards, was created first; though after an injury, Fates created another to help; the black scug.
After seeing how dangerous the path was, he designed the black scug after a mole lizard to help it work best in a new path through the darker regions of his local area, which seemed to be less inhabited. It worked well!
And, after detaching from his can, the two sort of just became guards for him.
(They don't have names yet, but I'm slowly working on it!! Suggestions are totally welcome lol. I'm thinking "Light Refracted, Countless Hues" for the white scug? Not sure for the black scug though)
Aaand not only that, but there is another companion who joins Fates on his adventures!
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So this is Silent Observation (a prototype design of them at the moment), an iterator oc my friend actually made!
For some info on them, Silent is an iterator who was not part of Fates' group, but a neighbouring one. Fates stumbled upon their can, and managed to convince them to join him. Silent isn't great at resisting curiosity.
Silent is an interesting little character, who is almost always mute after their vocal systems were damaged by a group of scavengers who tried to take over their can. Silent often uses overseers to communicate simple messages, and can still make little beeps and humming noises, but not much else. They CAN talk, and
sometimes do, though it is quite painful and tends to break and skip over itself. So, they usually let chatty Fates do the talking.
And yes. Gay robots. They're lovers and we've dubbed their little ship name as clairvoyance (yknow, perceiving (observing) the future (fate)? credit to my friend for that great name idea!)
So yeah, after Fates vanished, chaos ensued— is he dead? Is he alive? Is he hurt? Where is he???
And then the sightings began. Clusters of slugcats, rushing by. One always slightly taller than the rest, built slightly differently—with garments, clothing. Purple, in green robes.
It couldn't be...
Yeah, he became a cryptid. The talk of the town, if you will. I'm sure Unparalelled Innocence was LOVING the gossip.
Especially when reports of a second creature joined; antennae, familiar robes, familiar markings.
Imagine someone suddenly sprouts wings, teaches one other person to sprout wings, and then starts flying around in front of you.
Naturally, absolute chaos. It was like Sliver of Straw's death all over again—but instead of it being about death, ascension, it was about the opposite. Life, descension, yet freedom.
Groups were divided; Those who believed it was them, and they had found a way to free themselves. Those who did not believe it was them, but it was something to be concerned about, to investigate. And those who did not believe it was anything of note at all.
(Note: this is set in a sort of AU where they find a way to slow Pebbles' rot, to stabilize Moon to a certain degree, and the group is talking again but still. Not doing the best, panicking and trying to find ways to help the two. Fates' big background-event could be the lightbulb above one of their heads to suggest the idea of tearing Pebbles and Moon from their cans to save them from their own dying bodies. Thanks, Fates lol
This AU doesn't focus on the main group much, more just my OCs. However the idea of them interacting is very fun, and I'm sure Fates' actions reach back to the main group and begin an off-the-string streak or at least have some kind of big effects lmao)
But yeah! That's a not-so-quick rundown of the beginning of this little group's adventures. I'll probably share more and detail how their lives go, how their relationship is and dynamics and certain scenes I've written about them—if I receive more asks maybe I could even try a little interactive thing I've seen others do (though I am. not much of an artist so we'll have to see lol). Regardless, I am so grateful for the excuse to talk about them a bit and I'll probably add some more on the others in Fates' group later on >:)
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mrs-lockley · 6 months
I know you said you don’t have much ideas for it, but maybe tell us about Once Upon a December? :>
ohohoho thank you for asking this! I started it back in 2020 while we were still in lockdown. Hades & Persephone have always been one of my favorite myths and mythological couples, and while there is controversy over the origin of the myth, isn't it fitting that we're still continuing the oral tradition? It's hard to pinpont the "original" because there are so many different versions, and I always found that interesting and am open to all versions of it.
Once Upon a December is based on my favorite song from Anastasia, and since Persephone returns to the Underworld in the fall/winter, it was fitting that it would be based on that song.
I was also inspired by this comic, which is a darker take on the myth. Credit to Katadesmoi for the beautiful comic linked here.
I don't have much. Originally I was going to use First Order!Poe because he was popular at the time, but now I think Miguel O'Hara is so fitting. The Spider Society is like his Underworld- he's the one in charge of keeping the peace. With his obsession of canon events (even if it means the death of loved ones), isn't that also the god of the dead, the King of the Underworld? It is what it is, it's just the cycle of life to keep things in balance. We all have our time, and he's not one to intervene if it's been seen over and over and over.
I'm planning a slight AU and magical realism with it. While I'm still working on the kinks, I had this idea recently "what if Miguel is older than he looks? What if the Society, in a way, is the Underworld? Destruction follows him when the souls come to him, and imagine the irony that in order to keep the balance, he marries a woman who somehow has a link to the creation of different universes?"
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yourlocalartsonist · 1 year
PSST! The fanfic is officially out now! Read it here <3
Hi uh I decided to start a ROTTMNT fanfic ;w;
So it kinda started out as just random “what if” scenarios of me and the turtles interacting but then got out of hand when I officially started developing my self insert character a bit more and giving them a backstory and creating an overarching narrative, blah blah blah. And then it just got more set in stone when I ended up actually writing an entire chapter and having way too much fun doing it. I wasn’t sure whether or not to announce this now or later when the chapters actually start going up on AO3 but I got too giddy to just not say anything so here we are :D
Introducing my dumb little rise fanfic: Moths Fly in Packs!
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So this story is meant to take place a few months after the movie events. In my head canon, the movie takes place in August 2020 and the story starts March 2021. I’m not sure how long it’s gonna be yet but I know for sure it’ll cover a few years of their lives since I want the dynamics to seem believable and not hilariously rushed
SO! I actually had two versions of this story planned out. One is just continuing the Rise series in general with the turtles being the main characters and this fanfic’s MC being more on the level of April or Casey. That whole stuff I wanted to save for a future comic series if I ever get to it with a more similar tone to the show. The fanfic is showing that story from MC’s perspective, having them be the main character and following the events of her life with the turtles and the tone being SLIGHTLY darker than the main show. It doesn’t feel too different though since I think the show kinda already nailed the blend of fun and trauma that I love, just increased the trauma a teensy bit. Oh also cursing I guess
Speaking of MC, here’s their design! :D
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Salena Moni :D she/they
LOOK AT MY DARLING BASKING IN ALL HER GLORY! She’s half Japanese half Bengali and is actually (unknowing to her) part luna moth Yōkai and I’m not gonna talk more about that as it would spoil parts of the story. She’s the same age as Mikey, both 16 in the story, and yes this is gonna be some turtle x oc shipping since I’m a simp for Leo and I’m not wasting an opportunity to create a fictional relationship with him <3 Aside from that, Salena is sweet, spunky, and chaotic, wonderfully fitting in with the rest of the gang. Of course, she has her dose of trauma and baggage too since it wouldn’t be a rise fanfic without that! Their weapons are mystic sickles and their powers are still in the works
For any of my fellow character design nerds: I tried putting some luna moth elements into her design. Her color palette is inspired by the green, pink, and yellow palette of luna moths and the spots on her sickles are meant to resemble the spots on their wings. They’ve got gold earrings in the shape of feathers to emulate the cute fuzzy antennas on luna moths. The bag isn’t related to moths, it’ll get explained in the story it’s a pretty sweet moment I don’t wanna spoil. There’s probably more but I’m forgetting that right now ANYWHO
Um yea I think that’s everything? Apologies if I sounded like an awkward dork, it’s because I am and still not used to posting on tumbler. I’m really excited to share this story since I think it’s a lot of fun and just a really sweet found family story. It’s kind of my little comfort fanfic as a lot of the original characters are inspired by people I knew in my life and a lot of the events are a mix of things I struggled with and the potential life I would’ve had if certain events ended more tragically than they actually did. I struggle with feeling lonely a lot and this story lets me breathe in another universe as a character who eventually finds their true family despite the things they’ve been through. A family that accepts them for who they are, weird quirks and all. It’s a wholesome ride and I can’t wait to share it with y’all
As in literally can’t wait, I might honestly just put the first chapter on tumbler instead of waiting for my AO3 account to activate since there’s APPARENTLY A WAIT TIME FOR THE INVITATION but anyway enjoy a little fluff drawing I did of Salena and Leo that’s now my homescreen
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sheegons · 8 months
how do you feel about dami’s robin 2021 run?
i have a lot of thoughts let's all sit down. this is gonna be a random dump instead of anything really organised I'm just gonna say shit off the top of my head:
It's not my favourite damian run, that's definitely still robin: son of batman in every way shape and form but oh my god is it freeing having a damian story that's pushing him away from his rebirth characterization.
it does still have its issues i still don't like the al ghuls being terrorists at all
i don't like slade as a character let alone as a SYMPATHETIC ANTIHERO and a lot of this story centers around him but i guess someone else might enjoy that but not really me, but i guess that's because it had to finish of the...teen titans story line...that everyone loved and cared for. (SARCASM)
i did not care much for the characters in the Lazarus tournament on the first read which made my enjoyment a bit perturbed. it took a second read for me to slowly gaf abt them
also batman vs robin and the lazarus rain events were nearly objectively snoozefests for Damian
not fully related but i also dislike how his skin tone gets lighter at a random point in the story for some reason??? the artist also drew him darker in their own personal art of Damian...which...is definitely...giving me odd feeling about DCs editorial.
but overall I'm glad that it's more of a pre rebirth damian and not anything like his dcau variant.
I'm excited for what the writer has in a story that is more focused on Damian and not a large ensemble of characters since i feel they had to tone him down to give the other characters more of a spotlight.
i also like that they made him a shoujo fan.
the story had entertaining segments even if i didn't like the characters aside from Damian at first, it still kept me entertained.
OH and i like talia coming back from before her 2004 "Death and the maidens" character assassination arc slightly and being a LITTLE more true to heart to her original.
she is a good mother in the way Bruce is a good father and i like that they had her be genuinely nice to Damian, that's what she ALWAYS should've been (REBIRTH SUCKED. SHE SHOULD'VE BEEN NICE AFTER RSOB.)
i also liked the ra's design. that shit ROCKED and I'm sad they got rid of it later.
also giving Damian more friends was nice, maybe one day it'll make Damian fans escape the "he has no friends except jon and his pets" notion. hopefully.
Happy that Goliath came back and i also heard that maya was planned to be there in the story before it was split into multiple comics so HOPEFULLY she comes back in batman and robin (maybe even with suren if I'm hopeful)
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rphunter · 29 days
🌌 Hello! I am 18+ looking for an 18+ rp partner for a Marvel Comics, MCU or X-Men roleplay. I am relatively rapid-fire but can go up to threeish paragraphs or a lot of small ones. I am only looking for CC x CC and am only willing to do CC x OC if you already have an original character to use, I don't tend to create my own. I am usually more likely to do mxm or mxf, but I have absolutely no problem with nb characters and may be open to fxf if we have a really good plot/idea.
What I Am Looking For (my preference in bold):
Rictor x Shatterstar (PLEASE please please I love them so much and I am DYING to play them, I'm willing to reread comics, find new ones, and explain, anything)
Comics/Movies Professor X x Magneto
MCU Quicksilver x Hawkeye
Anything to do with Loki (I specifically will be playing Agent of Asgard Loki)
I am not looking for NSFW but am completely fine with darker topics especially since a lot of these characters tend to have darker backstories that I don't plan to ignore. I love making AUs but also anything with canon. Feel free to ask if there are other characters/ships you are looking into as well. :) Interact and I'll reach out.
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velvetiivenus · 2 years
Evolution of Miraculous
Hello! This post is basically the evolution of Miraculous, from The Mini Menace Ladybug in 2005 to the current show today! I'll be explaining each "generation" of the show's production, the fandom surrounding it, and where to find more information. I hope you enjoy! 😊
Edited 30/12/2022: I posted an updated version of this a few months ago, as at the time I didn't have the version of Tumblr installed that allowed me to edit posts. Now I can, so I have updated this original post. I've also edited some parts that are written in a way that annoys me and fixed any spelling mistakes :)
The Mini Menace Ladybug- Version 1 (2005)
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Thomas Astruc first came up with the ideo of Ladybug when he was working on animating the show W.I.T.C.H and met a women with a ladybug shirt. They started passing notes, and one of them was a drawing Astruc made of her as a ladybug-themed superhero. This insipired Astruc to make more fake comic book covers, and he was originally going to make it into a comic book series similar to Spider-man. I don't think there were going to be any magical girl elements at all.
Marinette was actually named Marietta, and the series was going to be much darker, as we can see from covers like "Insecticide". Marietta was probably an adult (in an unamed cover, she is seen driving a car) . She probably didn't hide her superhero identity (her car is literally red with black spots...). Cat Noir's design looked much more similar to Snake Noir's from Miracle Queen. Then Astruc met Jeremy Zag, who was interested in making a cartoon about this concept, which leads on to the next generation. Sadly, there's barely any information about the fake comic book covers out there, and all I could find was the Miraculous Wiki page and a small paragraph on Wikipedia. I don't think there's much of a fandom out there, if at all. Moving on...
The Mini Menace Ladybug- Version 2 (Unknown)
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This is the most unknown era of development. All we really know is that Ladybug and Chat Noir were aged down. This, along with around 2 other covers, is all the information we have on this version of Miraculous.
Miraculous Lady Bug (2010)
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Around 2010, plans started to be made for a movie (and possibly a spin-off series) about Ladybug (at the time named "Lady Bug"). This is when Jeremy Zag first started to work on Miraculous. The movie would have been part of a trilogy and there were even plans for a comic book series based on these films. It's unknown if Chat Noir even existed in this concept, and I don't think Tikki and Plagg existed since they were probably introduced by Toei (who probably also introduced the transformations and all the other magical girl stuff). Félix didn't exist, and instead we had a character called Nathan. There is no concept art or information about Nathan apart from his name and that he was part of "the gym club", and since we don't know if Chat Noir existed in this concept he probably wasn't Chat Noir. I don't think there's any information on this era in the Ladybug Artbook, all I could find was the picture above and a page on the Miraculous Wiki.
Super Lady Luck/ Early Development Era (Unknown, probably around 2012?)
So this one is kind of hard to explain, since it overlaps with later stages of development a lot. The concept was very vague, but this is when we first started seeing Félix...
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Once again, since this overlaps with other stages of development a lot, I can't really explain it. Information on this "era" is even harder to find than on The Mini Menace Ladybug. There's actually much more information/concept art/whatever out there, but it's really hard to find. The two main sources for information about this era are the Ladybug Artbook and the game Super Lady Luck. Sadly, Super Lady Luck (also known as "Miraculous" or "Ladybug Adventures") was Flash-based and became unplayable in 2020, and the Ladybug Artbook is only available in Korean and is extremely hard to find (SAMG said they'd publish an English version in 2017, but they never did).
Quantic Kids (2012)
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The Quantic Kids (also known as The Quantic Squad or The Quantic Team) was an early concept where Ladybug and Chat Noir were part of a team of superheroes. Originally the team consisted of Ladybug, Chat Noir, Melodie (a music-themed superhero), Mercury (a superhero with super speed), and Sparrow (who was brought back in the New York Special). Later another member, Gavroche, was added, and Sparrow was replaced by Kid Mime. The concept didn't help sell the idea to producers, whic resulted in Ladybug and Chat Noir staying as a duo. The Quantic Kids actually have a small fandom, with many people coming up with headcanons for their civilian identities. Once again, most information about this era comes from Super Lady Luck and The Ladybug Artbook.
Miraculous PV (2012-2013)
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This is probably the most well-known stage of development. Two trailers were released, one in 2012 (the one that everyone knows!) and one in 2013 (basically the same as the original, but in a different order, with added text and new music). Funnily enough, the original leaked video was never referred to as "Miraculous PV"- it was actually titled "Lady Bug Japanese Version". This was going to be much darker than the current show. Félix wasn't actually related to the PV version of Hawk Moth, Papillon (also known as The Butterfly or Monarch). The concepts of the miraculous were good luck (sometimes called "pure luck" by some sources) and bad luck, instead of creation and destruction. Félix wasn't originally in love with Ladybug- he was cursed with bad luck, and the only way to get rid of it was by getting Ladybug to kiss him- but eventually, he would end up actually falling in love with Ladybug. Sadly, this version was never produced because of worries that it wouldn't sell, and animation problems, like Ladybug's spots. Obviously, the best source of information is the original videos, but there's lots of info in The Artbook, as well.
(Also, Bridgette was never actually a character. It was Marinette all along. I'm not hating on Bridgette, I love her as a fanon character, just thought I'd point this out).
Later Development (2014)
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Around this time it was decided to switch to CGI, and we got this cute, alternative CGI-style transformation (if you want to watch it, you can find it on YouTube, but I forgot what it's called). Around this time, Félix was replaced by Adrien, because he came off as an "anime cliché" and it was thought that Marinette would never fall for someone like him.
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Originally Adrien was supposed to walk with a cane, but this was scrapped as the writers didn't trust themselves to write him well. This era has the smallest amount of information on it. Apart from the CGI transfirmation, the only other information we have is a very short trailer in the alternative CGI style and a few pages of The Artbook.
Current Show (2015-Present)
I'm not going to say much here, since I'm assuming you already watch Miraculous if you're reading this post! 😁
I hope this post helped explain the basics about the development of Miraculous!
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jimmycarterghostland · 5 months
The Flaws of VE Schwab's novel "Vicious"
Before I begin, I need to say that I loved Vicious. But I hated the sequel book, Vengeful. And as much as I like Vicious, nothing is without flaws, and I want to bring up my dislikes about Vicious. Maybe some of my opinions about it haven't been discussed by anyone else before.
What I didn't like about Vicious:
1 The overly comedic tone. I'm not a fan of comedies. I prefer more serious works. Comedy can be great, but sometimes, it can make a piece of fiction suffer. It's hard to take something something that should be serious seriously when there's a noticable comedic tone, which Vicious has.
In Vicious, there's humor in pretty much every chapter. And all of the characters are funny and witty in a way. It makes the quality of the novel suffer, because the characters are too similar. Plus, the dark tone in Vicious would've been darker if there was little to no humor. It would've made the novel better. The series is called Villains. But the Marvel's Cinematic Universe type of tone in this series ruins it a bit for me. You never want to make all of your main characters be funny.
One comic relief character is fine, but the excessive amount of humor in Vicious is very "try-hard". It's forcibly witty. Which makes it annoying. In my opinion, Schwab should've given all the jokes and humor to the character Mitch. Everyone else should've been more serious, especially Sydney, who should've been more depressed, considering she got shot by her sister's boyfriend. Her own sister tried getting her killed. Sydney should've been more sad throughout this novel.
Basically, Vicious has a Joss Whedon sort of tone. And I'm not a fan of that kind of humor.
If I had written Vicious and wanted to insert some comedy, but not too much of it, I would've made one comic relief character. I can tell Mitch is the main CRC. So, I would've given him all the jokes in his dialogue and his narration. Only his chapters would've had the humor, though. This is actually how I tend to insert humor in my creative writing these days. I only make the designated comic relief characters say jokes and have humor in their POV chapters. The characters who aren't CRCs rarely joke around. With my method, you get humor, but never too much of it.
I wish Vicious were more of a grim novel. I would've enjoyed it more if the characters weren't cracking jokes like too many fictional characters do these days. Especially because of the influence of the humor found in the MCU. Vicious had too much humor in it. It reminded me of a Reddit post I read once, where the original poster was clearly trying too hard to be funny. There was a lame "joke" in just about every other paragraph. It was irritating.
2 Sydney and Serena's parents. It bugs me how they're rarely mentioned and don't matter to the plot at all. Apparently, they were those emotionally neglectful sort of parents.
Regardless, I hate that this book didn't include them or explain why they're neglectful to their daughters. It's not so bad that Victor's doesn't get fleshed out or anything, because he's an adult. Sydney is a child. Her parents not being concerned about her is "hand waved" away. They think she's still with Serena. So, no need to check on her.
This whole thing just feels weird. Schwab could've done something with this. It gets worse in Vengeful, because the parents are absent in that book too. I don't remember them looking for her or anything. The absent parents trope is heavy in this series. For everyone. It's like nobody in this duology even has parents. Bizarre.
Sydney and Serena having neglectful parents was a cop-out. It was also a case of bad writing, because it presents some issues.
3 Victor's plan to kill Eli. Victor had no actual plan to kill his immortal, self-regenerating former friend. He wanted to kill him, but he had no real method of doing so. What exactly was Victor's plan in that final battle between them? He knows he can't kill Eli. But he wants to. The whole thing is ridiculous, because Victor pointlessly tries to kill Eli. He never has a real plan to do it, either. When Batman wanted to kill Superman, he used kryptonite. As far as Victor knows, Eli doesn't even have a weakness. His ultimate goal was always to kill Eli, though.
The quality of the book goes down because of this. You would think Victor is smart enough to not fight Eli without a plan, but that's exactly what he does anyway. And it gets him killed. Another instance of bad writing. Victor trying to kill Eli when he knows he'll just heal is something that doesn't make sense when you think about it.
4 Are ExtraOrdinaries all over the world or just the area Eli is in? The way the book makes it seem, people with superpowers(EOs) only live within driving distance from Eli. He's clearly not murdering the ones who should be in China, Alaska, Mexico, etc. Like Victor, Eli has an unrealistic plan, and the author tries to hide it from the reader by not mentioning how the plan is unrealistic. More bad writing.
5 Serena's jarring change of mind. In one flashback chapter, Eli wants to kill Serena's sister, Sydney. She doesn't want him to kill Sydney. We are never shown Serena deciding that maybe Sydney should die. It's jarring, and the fact it wasn't expanded upon is terrible writing. We get the reasons why Serena believed Sydney needed to die, but we don't see the transition from her wanting to protect her to her being okay with Eli killing her. This should've been expanded upon. Sadly, it wasn't.
6 Serena controls people's minds, but when she tells Eli to "wait", he shoots Sydney anyway. There's no excuse for this one. What Serena tells people, they will do it. Eli should've waited. This is an annoying plot error. Schwab broke the rule of her own superpower system.
7 Detective Stell is hesitant about believing Eli is a hero, even though Serena tells him to believe it. This is another instance of Schwab being inconsistent with Serena's power. Stell shouldn't have been able to delay his agreement that Eli is a hero. He should've nodded right away.
8 Sydney should've been more depressed that her older sister tried to have her killed. Sydney doesn't seem all that bummed out that her sister's BF put a bullet in her arm during an attempted murder attempt. It's weird. I understand fiction can suffer when a character is being overemotional, but there's such thing as being underemotional. Sydney treats the murder attempt like it was a minor inconvenience. Strange.
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vdragon-creations · 2 years
Sup Everyone! And I'm here once again for more OC Dumping! Today we have an OC that I've had for a VERY long time!
Meet Sasha The Cheetah!
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Now, to answer the obvious!
Yes, all of these are the same OC!
However, all these versions of Sasha have differences between them, despite having similarities! Each one has her own Backstories, Personalities, Age in some cases are very different (depending on the version), and powers.
The baseline thing they all have in common is that they're all Female, are Cheetahs, and that I ship her with Donatello. (But you'll see that each has their own twist on the relationship as well. But we'll get to that soon!)
But without further delay! I'd like to introduce you all to each version of my special little Cheetah Lady! (Starting in chronological order from OG TMNT to Current TMNT versions!)
Also, here's a link to the ToyHouse folder I have for all of them if you wanna read more info on all of them, since I'm not sure if I'm gunna get to cover everything in this one post!
And I feel the need to go ahead and warn you, Not all versions of the TMNT are very PG! I know right, shocker! So keep in mind that not all of these Sasha's are gunna have stories that are cute and happy! So a Trigger Warning is in place for Mirage Comic Sasha, IDW Sasha, 2014-2016/Bayverse Sasha, and Batman VS TMNT Sasha! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
First cat we have is Mirage Comic Sasha (A.K.A The OG Black & White Comics!)
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Like the OG Mirage TMNT, This Sasha is by far one of the more darker and more serious versions of herself! She was part of a failed Mutation that was ran by a bunch of Foot Clan Loyalists who's main goal was to get back at the Turtles for killing The Shredder! This mutation was supposed to make her Bipedal, make her even faster, and the most important feature, give her a jaw strength so intense that she could crack a Turtle shell in one bite! But, they also tortured her during the experiment. Causing her to have some pretty crazy anger issues.
And the only reason the plan failed was because The Turtle's found out about it all, and put a stop to it! And while trying to free Sasha, Leonardo accidently injured her back left foot! This only made Sasha fly off the deep end and kill everyone in sight, as the turtles took off to safety! However, thanks to them, Sasha's mutation wasn't complete! Sure she could Run much faster then before, but with an injured back leg it would only get her so far before becoming too painful. And her Jaw Strength truly was something quite terrifying! But now....she's a monster! To the world and her own kind! And it was those Turtles who where to blame!
Basic Info:
Name: Sasha (Name given to her by Donatello)
Sex: Female
Age: 15 (In cat years)
Personality: Cold, Cruel, Violent, Irritable, and Strong
Species: King Cheetah
Race/Ethnicity: African (Was kidnaped by scientists and brought to a secret Lab/Facility in the wooded areas by NYC)
Relationship Status: Single
Orientation: Acesexual
Relationship W/ The Turtles: Hates all of them, but will only "Hear out" Donnie on any matters that might concern her. But she won't hesitate to threaten or hurt them! Should the need arise.
Powers: Super Speed (Though it's limited because of her injury), Super Roar (Basically a roar that's so loud that it can stun others), Enhanced Strength, Sentience/Speech, Night Vison, Powerful Jaw/Bite, and Enhanced Sense of Smell.
87 Sasha is our next Cat! From the good old 1987 Series by Fred Wolf!
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By far the bubbliest and silliest versions of Sasha! And is also the weakest, her role here is more or less to be a support for The Turtles AFTER fights! (And she's usually another damsel in distress for The Turtles to save) She's also the first out of three of her versions to actually be a human before being a Mutant!
Originally Sasha was a teenage girl volunteering at The Central Park Zoo as part of a School Program, with dreams of becoming a Vet! Well, one day an accident with a strange Oozy substance in the office turned her into a Cheetah Mutant (as she was working with one of their cheetah's at the time). Well, now with her life turned completely upside down, Sasha got into a bit of hot water with the law by shoplifting several stores in NYC under the cover of darkness! With her speed, she was pretty slippery and was able to avoid capture by The Cops. And the News was having a field day with this so called "Cat Burglar Creature", including Channel 6 News! And it wasn't long before April come to The Turtles about this information.
While trying to apprehend her however, Sasha accidently scratched Donnie's cheek up and was able to escape. However, they did finally catch her, and upon taking her back to their lair and questioning her, they realized that she never really wanted to be doing any of those things at all. She just....wanted to survive. she apologized profusely for what she did and even wanted to help treat the wound on Donnie's cheek! After all, she was gunna be a Vet, and hurting animal (Mutant or otherwise) wasn't something she ever wanted to do. And after showing that she was more useful in their hands that behind the bars of some jail or lab, they decided to let her live with them so she could prove herself, and help treat them after fights!
Basic Info:
Name: Sasha
Sex: Female
Age: 14-15
Personality: Happy, Bubbly, Helpful, Kind Hearted, Affectionate, Loyal, Naïve, and Weak (Especially in a fight)
Species: Cheetah (Formally Human)
Race/Ethnicity: White
Relationship Status: Single (But has a very clear and obvious crush on Donatello, that is reciprocated)
Orientation: Straight
Relationship W/ The Turtles: Get's along with all of them pretty well! Raph and Mikey will usually pick on her a little. And Leo respects her for all the help she provides for them. Donnie has a pretty big crush on her, which she returns in full. Basically, He's her Knight in Shining Shell!
Powers: Speed, Charm (She can use her "cat like" charms to soften up a villain), Medical Knowledge, Teeth & Claws (Despite her not being much of a fighter and not wanting to fight, Sasha can use her teeth & claws to cause damage and to escape traps), Stealth (Being a cat, Sasha is capable of being very sneaky), Acting & Disguises (Her knowledge of human life makes it pretty easy for herself to blend in with humans. Provided she has a good disguise!), Enhanced Sense of Smell, and Night Vision
Next is technically the first version of her I ever made! She's been through SEVERAL rewrites, and she holds a special place in my heart, cause she was part of the first version of TMNT I saw! That's right! It's time for 2003 Sasha! Let's fucking go! Her story taking place between "The Ninja Tribunal" Arc and the "Fast Forward" series.
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This Sasha is probably one of the more "Well rounded" versions of herself, as in addition to having her own moments of strength, she story and personality tackles some struggles that bare some similarities to my own struggles with Self acceptance, loneliness and trusting others. Sasha started out her life as a small Cheetah cub left abandoned by her mother. She had fallen into a small watering hole that had a strange glowing ooze floating around inside of it. After she started crying for help, she was rescued by two other cheetahs! An elderly Female Cheetah and a young adult Male cheetah! Neither of them where related by blood, but seemed to behave like family, and it soon became obvious why! They took her back to their master who was a wondering Nomad who seemed to possess strange powers, joined only by a coalition of Cheetahs that fallowed him everywhere. And they adopted Sasha to be one of their own. However the ooze that contaminated Her, the other cheetah (her "Grandmother"), and the young male (her "brother"), started to slowly change their bodies as they began to become more human like. But unfortunately, their master wouldn't live to see them completely changed, as the exposure to the ooze caused the man to get sick. But he left those three with one final wish and a gift for each of them, "Carry on the duties that I haven't been able to complete. This world and those beyond are all counting on you. And so am I. I love you my children." He handed the three of them three Crystals attached to ropes that where tied around their necks.
Now, without their master, the coalition split up with each cheetah going their own way. Except Sasha, Kenai (Her brother), and Imara (Her Grandmother). Their mutation granted them the ability to walk around up right like their master before them, and soon they started speaking to each other in their native tongue. As years went by Sasha slowly learned more and more about what her master's job was from her Grandmother, as she was one of his first Cheetah pets. According to her, he was a great protector of magic who used the powers of the world around him to keep those that would use magic to throw the world into chaos at bay! Kenai later left the two of them to start the final stage of his training and go to the high mountain ranges in isolation to learn the secrets behind his powers! (Something her grandmother did wit their master, and something Sasha would have to do later in life.)
Only one problem, by the time Sasha turned about 5, Sasha's opinion about who and what she and her family were began to skew a bit. They had to kill things to eat like all hunters, but the thought of doing so made Sasha feel sick. She started eating more plants, fruit, and bugs instead of hunting with her Grandmother. And once she got her powers, her opinion of herself got even worse! Sasha was a girl of science and logic, and here she was. A creature that was beyond any science or Logic! They really were freaks. But Sasha wasn't gunna give up her "Quest to be less of a freak", and so at the age of 12 she rejected her Grandmother's teachings about magic and her responsibilities to carry on the duties her master needed them for. She ran off and ended up leaving all by herself closer to the southern areas of Africa!
There, Sasha ran into something even more bizarre. Humans! Aside from her master, she had never been around humans before. But her grandmother warned her many times that humans were dangerous, and for creatures like themselves, they just wouldn't understand them. So, while keeping her distance, Sasha observed any humans that she encountered, learning so many more things then she ever thought possible. Eventually setting up a small camp out in the dessert by a small cave, using a tent and spare cloth she gathered from the humans who left them behind. And probably the most amazing thing she discovered was their technology! She was absolutely amazed by their machines and the sheer amount of them, each for their own purposes! Eventually she was able to get ahold of some of their scraps and start playing with them, and slowly learning how they work and trying to make new things out of them. Two items in particular are her Tech Spear and Gauntlets! Both items used to help her mask and wield her electrical powers more effectively.
And finally, after about two years of living in isolation, Sasha pretty much gained her independence from her Grandmother, though she did remain in contact with her via letters. And for the most part, Sasha almost felt normal, refusing to use her powers much for anything. Until, Sasha started finding Poacher Camps littered around the desert! She had heard stories about these kinds of humans and knew they where extremely dangerous, but.....against her better judgment, she decided to do something about them! After all, being a natural hunter herself and being disgusted by the act of killing for food, the fact they did it for sport and profit just....made her furious. So....she started planning!
Now, going in guns a blazing was a very bad idea, and Sasha really had to plan for all possibilities. First, she would arm herself with her spear as a weapon, and while she had no intention of killing anyone, she would if she needed to. Second, she needed to make sure they couldn't see who or what she was! So, she made herself a Full Desert Cloak and Scarf with a very fine Black Mesh vail covering what little of her face would be exposed, including pants, boots, and gloves. And the final touch she needed was a way to not only cover her tracks and make her harder to identify, she needed something that would made the poachers fear her more! So, despite her distaste for her mystical powers, she used her wind abilities to help make a small sandstorm around herself as she approached and while she attacked. And in addition, after scaring and/or killing them, she would then go to any animals that where held in the camps that where still alive and let them go! And any small and injured animals, she would take back to her home, and try and nurse them back to health before letting them go!
After a while of doing this, word soon spread far and wide across Africa about a mysterious being that roams the desert and protects the lands from those who would take advantage of the creatures that inhabit it! A being of great power, who lives in the sandstorms! Eventually earning a name! The Desert Dragon!
And for many more years, Sasha kept up her crusade, eventually getting a pretty bad scar on her left leg saving a three-legged Tortious, who she named Plato and kept as a pet since he really wouldn't be able to survive on his own ever again. And then one day, after raiding another poacher camp, Sasha noted some of the strange tech they had on hand! Along with their equipment having a very odd symbol on it resembling a Dragon's Claw. Sasha couldn't shake the feeling like these weren't just some average poachers and decided to do a little research into it. And after a little bit of digging on the internet, Sasha found that the symbol belonged to an organized crime group called The Foot Clan. Normally they ran mostly in Japan, but apparently they have operations in The US as well! In New York mostly! And even more curiously, it appeared that New York has been through quite a strange amount of happenings! Both Alien and Magical, with this organization right at the center of all of it!
Call it her teachings about the importance of her job as a Mystical Protector of sorts....but something in Sasha's gut was telling her that she NEEDED to get to the bottom of all these occurrences, and why they where in Africa! But before she could do much more digging, her computer was hacked, and a voice came though the screen that sounded...inhuman. The voice introduced itself as The Fugitoid and asked her what she knew of all these occurrences and if she worked for The Foot or even someone else. Sasha denied it of course, telling him that she truly knew nothing but had seen the symbol on some tech in a camp in Africa, and had a feeling it meant something bad!
There was a moment of silence before he asked a strange question, "Are you by chance not human?"
Sasha was hesitant at first to answer, but she told him that yeah, she wasn't human. At that point the screen flashed to show a.....Robot of some kind. He spoke kind and properly, seeming quite thrilled to see that she was a mutant, and behind him was a very very tall mutant who when he bent down to see the screen too, it was a large Crocodile mutant, calling himself Leatherhead! The three of them talked for hours about science, and about the stuff Sasha had seen in the desert! These talks went on for weeks! This was the first time Sasha had made a real friend, and they both seemed to be into the same things as she was! And after a while, Sasha learned from them that they have more mutant friends too! Four turtle brothers actually. Telling her about all the crazy and strange things that they have seen and been through.
And that's when Leatherhead had a crazy idea! If she could get to New York, he and The Fugitoid would make a place for her to live with them. Her skills would be useful to not just them, but The Turtles too. She'd get to meet them, and maybe, they could find out why The Foot where in Africa.
Basic Info:
Name: Sasha
Sex: Female
Age: 16-17
Personality: intelligent, Energetic, Motherly, Self Conscious, Determined, Independent, Can Get Lonely, and Curious
Species: Cheetah
Race/Ethnicity: African
Relationship Status: Single (has an ongoing mutual crush on Donnie, but don't go through with a full relationship, due to their lives being so....complicated)
Orientation: Straight
Relationship W/ The Turtles: She views them like family! Especially Leo, as he reminds her a lot of her big brother! Mikey is peak little brother to her, and she does enjoy listening to him tell stories about The Silver Sentry and watching movies with him. Him being the first one to introduce her to pizza! Though he does have a habit of poking fun at how close she and Donnie are. She and Raph get along more then one might think. Sure the two argue, but both have issues with inner demons, and Sasha's not afraid to hear him out since she does the same with Leatherhead all the time. Her and Donnie are defiantly much closer then "Just friends", as the two of them understand one another on a whole other level then anyone else. He was the one to teach Sasha how to warm up to Humans, and she idolizes him for his mechanical skills.
Powers: Speed, Zulu Stick Fighting, Hunting (Sasha's natural abilities make her a very skilled hunter and tracker), Technical Knowledge (While not as Mechanically gifted as Donnie, Sasha is still able to keep up with him on projects), Sōjutsu (A Japanese style of Spear Fighting), Multilingual (Sasha speaks Swahili and English fluently! But also knows Japanese, Spanish, Italian and Latin), Elemental Mystic Powers (Sasha, thanks to the gift from her former master, now has the two of the six main elements of the earth: Wind and Electricity. Because of these two Sasha can summon Lightning Storms and use large bolts of lightning on foes, Increase her speed to almost light speed, create winds to help her jump farther, Use her electricity to power machines or make herself a fuzzy Stun gun, and shoot electrical missals that burst into electrical dust that can stun others!), Mystical Powers (And aside from her elemental powers, Sasha also has other powers that she, her Grandmother, and Brother all have! Like Creating portals that can carry her and others large distances, Potion Making, Light spells, and Crystal magic), Roar (Sasha and her family can roar unlike most Cheetah's), Enhanced Strength (Sasha, being a carnivore, is already much stronger then The Turtles. But in addition to that, Sasha was a wild animal to begin with rather then a human pet.), and Intellect.
Our next kibby is the 2007 Sasha, her story taking place a year after the TMNT film!
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This Sasha is an interesting one, as unlike some of the others, her story doesn't take place at all in NYC, but rather has The Turtles traveling to Africa.
A pandemic hits NYC that starts spreading super fast, proving to be extremely fatal. And April gets sick with it. Splinter shares the story of an ancient Artifact in Africa, said to be item of great healing. and under his directions, The Turtles go there and find themselves landing in thick Jungle. While wandering around lost for a while Donnie falls off a steep drop and hits a bush covered in thorns. But these thorns are unlike any normal plant they've seen, and Donnie starts to feel dizzy and on the verge of passing out. His brothers get him out of the thorns, but by the time they do, Donnie is already tripping pretty hard and can't see for shit. When they are ambushed by what seem to be natives of the Jungle, surrounding them with spears. But it seems like these guys aren't humans.....they mutants like them.
A tall native, a very large male cheetah approaches them, and he asks why they are here. Leo pleads for them to help them as they're lost and their brother is hurt. The cheetah looked at all of them, then the injured brother. And he agreed, saying that his sister would tend to him while he talked to the other three.
Hours later, Donnie wakes up, noticing that his brothers are nowhere around and more importantly, he's in a hut somewhere. When we turns his head around he sees a mutant cheetah staring at him in awe, a female from what he can tell with his blurry vision. "Are you an Angel...." he slurred. She laughs and tells him that she's afraid not, and he's definitely not dead. They introduce themselves a little, finding out her name is Sasha, and that her Big Brother, Kenai, was the one who brought him to her along with his brothers.
After a bit of talking with both the cheetahs, The Turtles find out that this tiny tribe of mutants are all protectors of the artifact they're looking for! The Turtles plead with them to help them find it since they know where it is, and that it will help save their friend, and by extension, the world. The two agree, but warn the four of them that if they're laying, or doing this for selfish reasons, the artifact will take their life forces in retaliation. Sasha came along to 1. Help them appeal to The Artifact. 2. She's the chosen vesicle for some of the Artifacts healing powers, so it will most likely need her to carry out their needs if it agrees to help. 3. Donnie maybe able to walk now, but he got a nasty dose of that plant's poison. And as a highly skilled and devoted healer, she wasn't just gunna leave a patient without proper care.
During the journey, Sasha got rather close with The Turtles. As a devoted healer and Protector of The Artifact, Sasha hasn't had much of an opportunity to make or keep friends. And the most of the folks she meets are ones that need her healing, but are beyond her powers ability to help too much. However, Donnie is the one she got the closest too. He was super knowledgeable about "The World Beyond The Trees" and loved asking questions about it. She had seen humans before, and had seen the strange equipment they used, and she wanted to know more. Know more about New York! The world! And....him too.
Eventually Sasha and Donnie separated by a group of strange men who came to try and take The Artifact, and Sasha used her healing powers on herself to save Donnie's life. This caused her to loose her powers, as the powers gifted to her by The Artifact forbid her to use her healing magic on herself. In addition, it left her feeling very weak, as the downside to using her powers at all was that it would take power from her own lifeforce. Meaning that she would keep getting weaker and weaker by the second. Meaning.....The Turtles would have to make a choice. Save April and The World....or save Sasha....
As much as it pained Her Brother and The Turtles....they had to choose The World. So, carrying Sasha to The Hidden Temple, they finally found The Artifact. The Turtles pleading for it to help save The World from the pandemic! A very deep and booming voice from The Artifact that is neither male or female spoke. Noticing that Sasha was in the temple, and that she went against her duties to save Donnie, it asked if they where sure with their choice. They all agreed, and suddenly a flash of light engulfed the temple.
They all received a vision of a beautiful wave of golden light engulfing the world. And then....they awoke outside The Temple. Confused they all looked around only to see Sasha standing beside them, smiling at them. She explained that thanks to their sacrifice, The Artifact decided to have mercy on her. That said....The Artifact had to occupy a living host in order to do what was asked. And it chose Sasha.
Basic Info:
Name: Sasha
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Personality: Curious, Intelligent, Cautious, Caring, Serious, Graceful, and Motherly
Species: Cheetah
Race/Ethnicity: African
Relationship Status: Single (Has feelings for Donnie that are reciprocated, but two are unable to have a normal relationship due to distance.)
Orientation: Straight
Relationship W/ The Turtles: She's absolutely fascinated by them, as they are the first real friends she's ever had! And feels like she can learn a lot from all of them! She finds Leo so be a very kind and noble leader, much like her Brother. Raph is a little rough around the edges, but means well and cares so much about his family. And Mikey is so lively and adores his spirit, even if he is a bit silly. As for Donnie, she adores him. The knowledge he has of the outside world is so fascinating, and his ability to just....make things is just incredible! she also finds his obvious nervousness around her endearing and kinda cute!
Powers: Healing (Sasha has the ability to heal, however it comes with quite a few set backs and limitations! She can't cure terminal illnesses like Cancer. She can't help someone regrow a limb, she can close a wound, but that's it. She can help speed up a healing, but she can't bring anyone back from death or keep them from dying. The most she can do is help ease their pain. And even then, using any of these powers drain her lifeforce, making her more likely to die sooner then she would naturally.) Plant Knowledge (With her Healing being so limited, it is important that she knows how to use traditional medicines and medical practices in order to serve her patients! One of these is gathering the correct herbs to make remedies for them!), Speed (Sasha's speed, while impressive for a cheetah, she still can only sprint before she needs to stop. However, living in the jungle instead of the Desert like most of her kind, she has learned to have killer reflexes when it comes to dodging obstacles even at top speed.) Vine/Branch Surfing & Vine Swigging (Sasha, having lived in the Jungle her whole life, learned from a very young age how to tread the terrain quickly over long distances. Usually using Branches and thick vines as slides or swinging from vine to vine like Tarzan.)
Our next Cheetah is probably the most complicated to explain, but i will try! Let me introduce IDW Comics Sasha!
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This Sasha's story actually begins with the story of a Goddess! She was the Goddess of the earth and life itself, and like most other gods, it was part of her job to keep the powers and magic of the world in line, and to make sure it never came into the wrong hands! But like all things, this plan went sideways and rouge magic user was hungry for power, and unfortunately, The Goddess of Earth was a target. And the easiest way to get these powers, was to kill the host of said powers. And unfortunately....they succeeded! The Goddess of The Earth was killed, and her powers were up for grabs! But....The Goddess wasn't gunna go down so easily without a fight!
Being a god with a very important job to do, did her best to keep doing her work! However, without a living host to house her soul and power, she couldn't exactly do so safely. And it's not like finding a host was very easy, as only those with pure hearts and bodies would be viable candidates. So for many years, The goddess was left to roam the world in search of a host to carry on her tasks, eventually having to split her soul and power into three pieces to make herself harder to track.
And one day....she found the perfect host! Or rather Hosts! They were three Cheetahs! An elder female, A young adult male, and a small female cub! But unlike most animals, something strange had happen to these three! Due to some human pollution in the African Jungles, these three had been exposed to some strange chemicals, causing their bodies to become more humanoid, and their brains beginning to function more like that of a human. True, they where primitive, but they where pure of heart, and now had the bodies to wield her powers! So she possessed all three, but something....strange and unforeseen happened. Apparently during the time that her soul had separated, parts of her personality became weakened, and due to this it allowed for her hosts to have parts of their personalities shine through! This didn't hinder too much however, as this Allowed the goddess to choose which of her powers would go to which cheetah, and who would wield what better!
Kenai, the young male Cheetah, showed himself to be a devoted protector of his family. And while mostly calm and collected, he also had a switch that would make him incredibly angry and fierce when needed! For this reason, Fire and Water where the perfect elements for him!
The oldest Female, Imara ,having more life experience then the other two, made her a lot more cold are hardened to the unfairness of the world! But this also made her quite resourceful and willing to change her circumstances to fit her needs! After all, she and her two younger cheetah's all started living in the jungle instead of the desert like the kind because it was easier to find food here! And it was cooler during the day! For this, Earth and Ice where good matches for her!
Leaving the youngest....Sasha left! Unfortunately due to her age, she didn't have much of a personality outside of a child's general curiosity and carefree nature! Which was refreshing for the Goddess, as for as long as she could remember, she was made for the soul purpose of serving the world as one of it's protectors! And she never had a choice to be anything else. And this was like a breath of fresh air! Getting to experience so much more from a perspective that was so different! This made Sasha's powers of Electricity and Wind and easy match for her!
But these elemental abilities where not their only gifts however! They where being controlled and possessed by a god after all, and thus gained plenty other powers as well! Seeing things normal beings can't, knowledge of other universes realms of reality, Teleportation via portals, and even immortality to some degree. See...after having her previous body destroyed in such a harsh manner, the goddess decided that these new vesicles would not be allowed to die unless it was by natural causes. In other words....old age!
So for many years, Sasha, her brother, and grandmother spent their days honing their god-like powers, traveling to far lands to rid the world of those who would disturb the balance of magic, and learn how to deal with the changes of the world as time went on. Sasha had started growing fond and was fascinated with the modern world! All the technology, culture, and beauty it had to offer was just so....tempting. But....alas....she couldn't really be a part of it. Being a mutant already put a bit of a damper on that, but having to perform her duties as a meat puppet for a god made getting time to herself to spend on hobbies almost impossible. and she was starting to dislike this quite a bit. The Goddess could tell this too, and while she'd love nothing more then be able to let these three be their own people, she couldn't just....let them go. They were now bonded till their inevitable expiration dates, an nothing could change that.
Well as time went on, Imara, The Grandmother, fell very ill. She soon wouldn't be long for this world, and The Goddess would have to be one body short and have further possess the remaining two. Allowing them to gain her other powers. But before passing on, The Grandmother asked the two of them to complete on last task for her, as her final wish. The two agreed, and then the Grandmother presented the two of them with an empty glass canister that had been smashed open, with the letters TCRI printed on the side.
"Find this place, learn all you can about our rebirth. And please, support each other, fallow your hearts, and when all seems lost remember that I will be with both of you, and i will help you find your way. I love both of you my cubs...."
And with that, she passed on, her body dissolving into golden dust and slowly absorbed into Sasha and Kenai.
With her last words in mind, the two of them quickly started trying to figure out more about that TCRI canister. And while meditating on it, the two of them received a vison of a tall building above a sea of more tall buildings, with the letters TCRI on the top. As a flash of Sasha's lighting is seen shooting up from the top of the building, and the vison then fades away. Trying to find out more info, Sasha and her brother started spying on some of the local cities to see if they could get anymore information on the location of this building. And they where eventually lucky enough to over hear a conversation from a traveling business man saying something about TCRI.....in a place called New York City....
Deciding it would be better to save their energy and cause less of a scare if they just....showed up in New York with a portal, they snuck onto a cargo plane and started heading to their next stop!
But the ride didn't go so smoothly however! As while just before reaching the mainland, their plane started to become unstable and they ended up having to jump from the air craft, but while Kenai was able to portal himself safely onto the dock, Sasha was far less quick to react and ended up hitting the water hard, and blacking out.
Sasha later awoke with a jolt, spitting up water and coughing. And after bit, realized that she was on....well not dry land, but was no longer in the water. From what she could tell, she wasn't on the docks, but rather underground and in what looked to be big man made caves with water flowing through them. The walls being made of metal and stone, along with the overwhelming stink of humans, gave Sasha the impression that she defiantly wasn't where she needed to be. So, she started wondering the dark tunnels looking for any sign of her brother....or the TCRI building.
And after a long time of wandering around, Sasha came into a large chamber, with huge pipes high on the walls slowly having water run out of them into a large pool of swirling water blow the center of the room. Suddenly, bubbles came up from the water as a large spikey turtle like creature emerged and crawled it's way over to her, before standing on it's hindlegs, and charging at her, large sharp claws and fangs ready to tear her to bits! Using was godly awareness she had, Sasha could tell this creature was a mutant like herself, but for more primitive! And Clearly more violent, and while she had no want or need to kill this creature, she wasn't exactly gunna just let it hurt her either. The fight didn't last too long, and eventually, Sasha was able to land a good solid punch to the middle of the creature's beak, knocking the beast out cold, but a sudden voice from behind her made her jump, as it was English being spoken, and she had thought she had been seen by humans. But....she was mistaken! It was actually....more mutant turtles. But unlike the other one she just fought with, these four were much smaller and wore strange combat gear, and small colored masks over their eyes. Each on holding a different weapon. She didn't know if these ones where related at all to the previous one, but she wasn't gunna stick around to find out, and she angrily hissed at them as she quickly jumped and insanely high jump and escaped threw one of the pipes above them.
And after wards, eventually found her way to the surface! Poking her head out of a grate, she quickly took cover in an ally way and started trying to get a better view of the city, and hopefully find her brother. After climbing the side of the building quickly, she made it to the roof and was immediately floored with how beautiful it was! The moon shone brightly over the city while the stars in the sky mimicked the way the lights in the streets danced about! She had never seen anything like this in the many years she had been around! And that's when she spotted it! The TCRI building, standing tall and proud against the light of the moon!
Making her way from roof to roof, eventually, Sasha made her way to the top of the TCRI building. And after realizing that it had been several hours since she and her brother had been separated, and she was starting to get worried. Especially after that mess with those turtle things underground. She had to come up with a plan to find him, and then she remembered her vision, and that beam of her lightning coming out of the top of the building.
It was a risky thing to do, knowing that this would pretty much draw WAY more attention then what she really wanted, but.....she had to find her brother!
So she gathered what energy she could and began to shoot a consistent beam of lightning straight into the sky! And now, all she had to do what hold it, and hope that it would be enough to catch her brother's attention.
Needless to say it worked, Kenai eventually saw this beam of lightning and rushed to the TCRI building. Sasha heard her brothers voice behind her and she stopped shooting off her bean and ran over to him relieved, giving him a hug. But then, she saw those same four turtle things standing behind him. Immediately hissed, letting go of her brother and backing away, her teeth bared and fur standing on end. She shouted at them in her native language (Swahili) and Kenai tried to calm her. Claiming that they found him and where trying to help him find her.
But before they could really start to talk everything out, an arrow shot out from the shadows and hit Sasha in the leg. The six of them turned to see Karai and other foot ninjas surrounding them on the roof. Karai briefly mentions that she knew she sensed some powerful energy in the city, sarcastically thanking The Turtles for helping to find the cause, and now they'll be killed too. Two birds with one stone. A fight soon ensued, and The Turtles along with Kenai started fighting off The Foot Ninjas, keeping Sasha from being attacked while her leg was injured. During the fight, Sasha kept an eye on each of The Turtles. Sure, it was fair to assume that they didn't like these other Ninjas, but....after the fight, then what? Could they be trusted.
At some point in the fight, Sasha saw as one of the Turtles was being knocked down, noticed an aura around him. Something familiar. Before more ninjas had the chance to swarm him, Sasha used what strength she had left to defend him. Swiping away the attackers with her claws. But despite this, Sasha's leg had begun bleeding so much, that she started to pass out, and soon blacked out, the last thing she was her brother starting to create a wall of fire around all of them.
When Sasha finally awoke again, she could definitely tell she was no longer on the roof of the TCRI building, but rather in some...makeshift medical room inside of...what looked like another underground chamber. Her leg was wrapped up and she noticed some strange electronics attached to parts of her body, along with some tubes with needles strapped to her wrists!
Needless to say, Sasha was more then a bit panicked, not seeing her brother anywhere around. Believing that she had been captured by those Ninjas.
And so, she started trying to move and get out of the bed she was in, but thanks to the injuries on her leg and the amount of blood she had lost, she lost her balance while trying to get up and feel to the ground causing a lot of the machines she had attached to herself hurt her and start going off. Suddenly she heard someone enter the room and it was one of The Turtles, the same one she had saved during the fight. He looked worried and was trying to approach her but Sasha growled and started using her electrical powers to make her body spark and crackle, making the machines she was attached to start to malfunction. He tried to plead for her to stop and just relax, but soon more people entered the room. The other three Turtles and Kenai entered the room, seeing her brother made Sasha stop sparking but she remained backed up against the wall and obviously feeling threatened.
Her brother gently explained that these four helped him find her, and that they weren't going to be a threat to her. The Turtle that she had saved even added that he was the reason she had been hooked up to those machines, apologizing for scaring her. Sasha reminded silent, but The Turtles gently stepped forward, noting that her leg wound has probably opened up again after her fall, offering to keep helping her. She looked at her brother and the other Turtles, before nodding, giving him permission.
After getting her situated back on the bed and the others leaving the two alone for a while Donatello worked silently on getting her leg back in working order, trying his best to stop the bleeding. All the while feeling extremely awkward. After all, even her bother hadn't told him or his brothers what the two of them where yet, And they just watched as Kenai had shot fire from his paws, Sasha shoot lightning, and she protected him from The Foot without knowing anything about him. And on top of that, it seemed like her eyes where laser focused on him the whole time, and normally he would have chalked this up to her just being cautious of him, but....it almost seemed like she was both deep in thought and studying him at the same time.
Eventually he asked her why she was staring at him, and her answer was a bit....surprising.
"You're a being who has touched death before too. Haven't you?"
Donnie had no clue how she knew this about him at all! The only clue would've been his metal shell. Sasha explained that, with her and her brother having the abilities of a god, they can see things others can not! Sasha had noticed that Donnie had an aura around him, his brothers didn't have such an aura. This aura was a sign that a particular soul had been in Limbo before, which could only happen if the host had died. Something she too had done at some point in her mortal life, just not through natural means, there for the goddess didn't allow her to parish. Being the technical and skeptical turtle he was, he tried his best to rationalize what she was telling him, but Sasha cupped his head with her paw, giving him visons of her and her brother's lives as hosts for the soul of a god. That got him to believe her a bit more, and afterwards, he asked her why she and her brother where in New York to begin with.
Her brother walked in and answered the question, that they where sent by they're late grandma to find out the secret behind the TCRI canister that held the chemicals that made them into mutants. That's when The Turtles filled them in on there own experience with TCRI, and it became pretty clear that these Turtles had been through the same things as them. This cleared up their questions about TCRI, but now they where faced with a new problem. If The Foot now want The Cheetah's dead for their power, then that means it will be even harder for them to get out of New York without being fallowed where ever they went. Their God-like powers being a bit hard to hide, and they couldn't stay cause otherwise they'd fine The Turtles lair! But they wouldn't get too far with Sasha only having one good leg at the moment. Teleportation would be the perfect option, but they needed to do so in a place too far from The Foot that even if they did sense their power and start trying to chase them down, they wouldn't reach them in time.
This lead to Donnie inventing a device for the two of them to wear that would hide their energy, something that greatly intrigued Sasha. Finding it quite amazing that he could create such a thing from almost nothing, kinda like a god in his own little way! (A sentiment that Donnie was a little embarrassed by, but flattered nonetheless.) After that, The Turtle's asked for April to take them to her Family's Old Farm house so that they'd be far from the city while Sasha recovered and so that they could use their powers. Without the Foot tracking them.
Eventually Sasha was able to heal up quite while, given her abilities as a god, her leg healed up with nearly no issues. But....during this healing time, she became more and more close with these Turtles, and their master. And after hearing the story of their past lives from both Splinter and Leo, she gained an even bigger admiration for them! More so for Donnie, as not only did he seem to be intrigued by her knowledge of other worlds outside of this one and her abilities (especially her teleportation and telepathy), buy his love of machines and science was so new to her and he was willing to teach her so much about the modern world. Mikey doing so as well, but more about pop culture and slang, which confused Sasha, but she tried her best to understand it all. (While sounding a bit awkward doing so.)
But all good things must come to an end, as after healing up, Sasha and her Bother really hand to go back home and get back to their God Duties. And while they wouldn't be able to visit too often due to all the work they had to do, Sasha promised them that she and her brother would try to visit when they could and would do their best to stay in touch!
Basic Info:
Name: Sasha (Though Vitia is the name of the Goddess who's soul possess her body.)
Sex: Female
Age: Unknown (Physical Age is 2 human years, making her 30 in cat years. And her God Soul has no real set age.)
Personality: Curious, Motherly, Protective, Loyal, Stoic, Loving, Wise (When it comes to Fighting, Magic, and World of Nature), and Naïve ( At least when it comes to Pop Culture, Modern Science, and Socializing. Due to having been isolated her whole life and forced to be a Magical Peacekeeper)
Species: King Cheetah
Race/Ethnicity: African
Relationship Status: Single (Not by choice. And would love nothing more then to have Donnie as her mate.)
Orientation: Pansexual
Relationship W/ The Turtles: Being a Goddess of Life and The Earth, Sasha feels connected to The Turtles quite a bit. And after knowing of their previous lives, she can't help but empathize with them. She gets along well with Leo, him being more connected to spiritual stuff makes him easier to talk to. Sasha enjoys sparing with Raph, as he doesn't tend to hold back when he fights. She also finds the relationship between him and Alopex to be super sweet. With Mikey, Sasha adores him like a little brother. And he likes showing her all his comics, movies, and skateboards! He even let's her try different human foods, which she enjoys to a degree. She and Donatello quite smitten with each other, but due to her duties as a God, it makes hanging out a lot pretty difficult. When they are together, Donnie will often times show her all the newest inventions he's made! And Sasha will bring him back gifts from her travels as a God, usually strange and foreign mystical items. And she even granted him the ability to communicate with her Telepathically. In case he ever got himself into trouble.
Powers: Elemental Powers (Sasha has the powers of both Wind and Electricity! And after the death of her grandmother, she gained her powers over earth. But rarely uses them), Telepathy (being a God, Sasha can communicate with other beings through their minds. Though they can only hear her and can't talk back directly, unless she grants them the ability to do so.), Teleportation, Partcial Immortality (Sasha, along with her brother are both Immortal to an extent. They age and will eventually die of old age one day, but till then, the Goddess that possessed them is unwilling to let them die before then. Meaning if they are killed in any other way then old age, they will just come back to life.), Healing (Sasha is capable of healing pretty quickly from most injuries.), Speed, Claws & Teeth, Sixth Sense (Being a God, Sasha can see things that others can't. Spirits, other gods, and gateways to other worlds. She can also sense the life-force of others.
And now onto our next kitten! Unfortunately she is my least favorite to write for as she's for my least favorite version of the Turtles, but I will still show her love, cause she a baby! Welcome 2012 Sasha!
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This is one for the other three versions that was human first before being a mutant! She's also the only version that has no real technical knowledge at all, unless it pertains to her weapon and gauntlets. And unlike a lot of her other versions, she's far more quiet and shy!
Sasha was born in Japan, to mother who was Japanese and a father who was an American. And around the same time, Oroku Saki had just started trying to get his revenge on Hamato Yoshi by taking every thing he loved from him! Sasha's family was caught in the cross fire as her grandmother happened to be a pupil of Yoshi's making her and her loved ones a target as well. Unfortunately for her, her daughter and son-in-law was killed. Leaving behind their small child behind in the process!
The grandmother took Sasha and they fled to America, to try and escape Saki's wrath! And it appeared to have worked!
For several years Sasha and her grandmother lived together peacefully in New York City with no real issues! But, her grandmother still feared that Saki was still out there, and didn't want Sasha to be in any danger. So, from a very young age, Sasha was taught ninjutsu! And using what her grandmother learned from her former master (who she never named), Sasha became quite a skilled fighter. Though, despite these skills, Sasha was a very....shy girl. Having been warned about an enemy of her grandmother's former mater, and that he could still one day come after them, Sasha kept to herself most of the time. As to not draw any unnecessary attention to her or her grandmother.
That said, Sasha's Grandmother had to have some way to pay the bills and decided to open up a small martial arts studio, where Sasha helped tutor some of the younger kids in the class. But this ended up being a huge mistake!
One day some strange men in suites that moved a little too strangely, broke into the dojo while Sasha and Her Grandmother where closing up for the evening! They had weapons that neither of them had seen before, and quickly overpowered both Sasha and her grandmother. And once they where done, they took Sasha and left the Grandmother alone.
These men happened to be robotic bodies for some strange brain-like aliens calling themselves The Kraang, and after taking Sasha away, they started to mutate her slowly into a Humanoid Cheetah. Sasha hated this! All of it! She already felt like a bit of an outcast as a human, but now.....she truly didn't belong anywhere anymore! According to what little info she could get, they had been asked by someone to take her specifically due to her skills as a fighter and her age. They intended to use her as a weapon against....from what she could gleam, other mutants! And The Kraang really had no intention on just letting this other client keep her forever. Since after taking out this mutual mutant problem of theirs, they planned on having Sasha fight on their terms next and help them in getting rid of the client.
Unfortunately for them, the whole brainwashing thing didn't exactly work as intended, and Sasha wanted nothing to do with either of these two sides! So, for now she laid low, and behaved. Until the day finally came when she was to be delivered to the client. They met in a warehouse and when Sasha was let out of her containment chamber, she was surrounded by tons of what looked like Foot Ninjas, something that made her heart drop. These where the same dudes her Grandmother warned her about, and then she saw their boss. A very tall man, wearing a suit of armor that very closely resembled a Samurai. This had to be The Shredder. And next to him where two more mutants like herself! One a giant Fish and the other a Dog.
The shredder ordered her to prove her strength to him and take on his two henchmen. And after the cuffs on her hands and feet where removed, Sasha took her opportunity and began fighting the two while finding a way to escape, and she almost didn't make it. Buy before all seemed lost, a few smoke bombs where dropped in the warehouse allowing for Sasha to escape out of a skylight, having to jump on the head of one of what she thought was one of Shredder's ninja's heads to get the extra boost!
For the next few hours, Sasha did her best to stay hidden in the roof tops from both The Foot and The Kraang! Eventually, she took shelter in a storage closet of sorts, and soon she heard a noise. But....it wasn't the sound of a Foot Ninja or a Kraang bot. She stepped out of closet and fallowed the sound just a few feet away from her hiding spot and noticed what looked like another mutant. This time, he was a giant...turtle. Somewhat taller then her and looking at some strange phone looking thing in his hand. He didn't look to be part of The Foot or The Kraang, but regardless she watched him closely from a distance. But this ended up not working out so well as just a few hundred yards away from him, some Kraang bots started showing up from the horizon and started shooting at him! Causing him to make a break for it....HEADING HER WAY! Sasha quickly ducked back into her storage closet hiding spot, and then figured...if The Kraang where shooting him, then he had to be a good guy! So she waited till she heard his footsteps get closer before quickly grabbing him and dragging him quickly into the closet! Clamping her hand over his mouth to keep him from screaming.
The Turtle struggled for a moment before Sasha quickly shushed him, as the two could hear The Kraang Bots chittering as they walked by. After a bit more waiting in silence, Sasha gently cracked open the closet door to have a peek outside, letting The Turtle in her arms finally get a look at her face. Finally, Sasha let The Turtle go and the two of them came out of the closet, finally taking a breath of fresh air. Sasha was just about to leave The Turtle behind, but before he could stop her, a Throwing star was tossed in-between the two of them!
The Foot had surrounded them both and it didn't seem like they where too interested in talking! So Sasha and her new Turtle "Friend" made quick work of them! Sasha noting that his fighting style seemed pretty similar to her own. After the fight was over, she and The Turtle exchanged a few words of gratitude and The both of them making the safe assumption that neither of them worked for each other's enemies. And Sasha assuring him that she had no intentions on hurting him or his brothers, so long as they don't hurt what she was trying to protect! And before The Turtle could ask what she meant by that, she took off into the night!
And for about a week, Sasha didn't see him again! And she spent those days hanging out on a rooftop, not far from her and her grandmothers apartment. Sasha figured that if those guys when to all that trouble to take her specifically, then it was highly likely that they would now try to target her Grandmother! After all, if they couldn't use her, then they could either use her grandmother as leverage or mutate her too. And there was no way in hell she was gunna let that happen. But....it pained her! To have to watch her Grandmother form a far! After what those freaks did to her....
She was....a monster now! There's no way Sasha could just walk back up to her grandmother all normal like? She couldn't let her grandma see her like this! It was....heartbreaking....and it really made her feel all alone.
But one night, while she was sulking, she started hearing sounds coming in her direction! So, Sasha quickly hid with her Tech Scythe at the ready! Finally she jumped one of the intruders only to see that it looked like the Turtle mutant she met a week ago, only....different. This one being a bit shorter, with a crack in his shell, and wearing a red mask. He screamed, and as he did so, three more turtles showed up! One of them being the one she had already met! The one with the Blue mask, who's name was apparently Leonardo, convinced her not to hurt his brother. Eventually they explained to her that they where the ones that helped her escape the Shedder, by dropping those smoke bombs in the warehouse, Raph getting a bit pissy at her for jumping on his head to get up to the skylight.
After a bit of convincing, Sasha agreed to go to The Turtles lair to meet their master, after seeing who she was trying to protect. They figured that with Splinter having been formally a human too, could talk to Sasha about upping her confidence to go and finally talk to her Grandmother again, despite her new form. During this meeting, Sasha learned rather quickly that Splinter was in fact Hamato Yoshi, her Grandmother's former master. He urged her that despite appearances, she should still go to her Grandmother and let her know that she is alive! That no matter her form, a caregivers love will never waver. After all, he as a rat still took care of The Turtles.
Sasha was then escorted out of the lair, but on their way out, Sasha noticed that the TV on their Living room was showing some news feed. It looked like they where reporting on a fire happening in an apartment building, and soon, Sasha's heart sank when she heard the name of her and her grandmother's building. But by the time The Turtles and Sasha made it back to the building, it was too late! After the firefighters and cops disappeared, The Turtles and Sasha both investigated the remains of the apartment. Hoping to either find out if Sasha's Grandmother was killed in the fire, the cause of the fire, or if she made it out ok.
And to Sasha's horror, she noticed two things! Their former apartment looked like a tornado had ripped right through it. Indicating that a fight had defiantly went down in there! And two, there was absolutely no sign of her grandmother in there! No scent! No body! No ashes! Nothing! And then she found the sheath to her Grandmother's Katana, but no blade in sight. Her worst fears had been realized! The Kraang took her.
With the help of The Turtle's, Sasha was able to break into the Kraang's HQ and rescue her Grandma! Sasha did try to stay behind to hold off The Kraang, and was hoping to sacrifice herself as a form punishment for letting her grandma down and getting her kidnaped. And in her mind, her grandma didn't need to be worrying about how to deal with a Mutant Granddaughter. But Donnie wasn't gunna let her do it, and had her back in the fight, getting her out before it was too late!
And while it did take a bit for her grandma to accept what had happened to Sasha, she still loved her and promised she would do her best to try and keep her as comfortable as possible! That said, Sasha still stayed with The Turtles occasionally, mostly to keep from being a burden on her Grandma. But she also wanted to learn more from Splinter, since she had mastered most of what her Grandmother had taught her for years! (And she'd be lying if she said she didn't like getting to see Donnie more often.)
Basic Info:
Name: Sasha Tachi
Sex: Female
Age: 15
Personality: Quite, Shy, Serious (Mostly When in Combat), Hopeless Romantic, Self Conscious, Caring, Protective, and Dedicated
Species: Cheetah (Formally Human)
Race/Ethnicity: Asian (Raised in America)
Relationship Status: Single (Has a mostly One-Sided crush on Donnie, that eventually becomes mutual)
Orientation: Straight
Relationship W/ The Turtles: Sasha has a great amount of respect for (most of) The Turtles. Her relationship with Leo is a bit complicated as at first, he was a bit jealous of her ability to catch onto Splinter's lessons so quick. But then this turned to respect, as she proved to be very helpful in battle and made a very skilled sparring partner. Then very slowly he gained a small crush on her in a way, but never made any moves as it was pretty clear to anyone with eyes that she was into Donnie, even if he didn't like her back and was too into April. He felt pretty bad for her and just wanted to help her move on, but couldn't bring himself to say anything. This is way when it finally came to light how Sasha felt about Donnie, Leo snapped at Donnie trying to downplay the confession. Her and Raph argue a lot and compete in a LOT of things! Since he's basically besties with Casey (who likes to challenge and make fun of Sasha any chance he gets), the three of them are often facing off in some kind of Sport related activity. She and Mikey get along very well, They both like comics, music, and dancing! The two of them even making up little routines to do when they come back from a successful mission. And even though he might be a blabbermouth, he's the only one who Sasha has directly admitted her crush on Donnie to. A secret he keeps successfully for quite a while, mostly because he knows that Sasha's not the best at hiding how she feels anyway and basically everyone knows already. Everyone except the turtle himself. Donnie is almost painfully oblivious to Sasha's feelings for him, to the point where he will actually confide in her his feelings and frustration about his one sided crush on April. Not realizing the pain he puts her through. He sees her as a fellow "Mutant who wants what they can't have", since she admitted that she had a crush on classmate she had while being human, but never got the guts to say something. and now that she's a mutant, her chances are all but dust now. Despite this however, Sasha still cares deeply for him and will protect him no matter what, cause in the end she just wants him to be happy. Even if it doesn't involve them being an item.
Powers: Speed, Sonic Sprint (Sasha can charge up a very powerful sprint that lets her basically rush through most obstacles, nearly reaching the speed of light! Though this doesn't last very long and usually leaves her very drained after, so it's only for emergencies), Bilingual (Sasha speaks both Japanese and English fluently), Tech Scythe and Gantlets (When she was captured and mutated by The Kraang, they made her a custom weapon to use against The Turtles. This is a retractable Tech Scythe, and the blade can be opened when the gauntlets on her wrists senses an increase in heart rate. The gauntlets also allow her to attract the Scythe back into her hands if she's ever disarmed.), and Enhanced Senses (Sasha's Sight, Hearing, and sense of smell are VERY strong!)
The next kitty is probably one of my favs! Give it up for the one and only Bayverse/2014-2016 Sasha!
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Making this Sasha was probably the most fun I've had in a while! I had to Think like Michael Bay in order to make her LOOK like she belonged in The Bayverse! What what are they most known for besides the uses of Lens Flares, Explosions, Car Chases, and Shitty writing? Overly sexualized ladies! Now I didn't wanna get too overtly sexual with her, as I figured with her being a bit more on the nerdy side, she'd probably be a bit more modest. I also had to go with a more realistic and complex design for her, given what they did with The Turtles designs.
Her story takes place a year after the second movie, and her birth takes place a year before The Turtles creations!
Years ago, when Eric Sacks and The Shredder started work on Project Renaissance, they built many branches off of their work incase they needed a Plan B of sorts. Project F.A.N.G.S (Frontal Assault Non-human Genetic Squad) was a side venture to create potential Mutant Soldiers out of some of the most dangerous animals they could get their hands on! This Branch was kept as a tight secret from the rest of the project and went through some illegal means to obtain these animals! One such method involved bribing the owners of The NY Central Park Zoo to let them take a few of their "problem animals" off their hands! Taking a Male Hyena, a Female Timber Wolf, a Female Fennec Fox, and finally a Male Cheetah and a Female Cheetah Cub.
This Female Cub was an interesting case for a few reasons! In addition to being younger then the others from the zoo, she was also the only one to not show any aggression at all. Which seems odd since they wanted the most viscous animals for the project. However, this was part of another side experiment. Every good squad of soldiers needs a brilliant Technical and Strategic officer, and she was the perfect candidate as they needed someone younger and who could be easily manipulated.
And so the mutation began, and it didn't take very long at all for the little cub to show signs of becoming more intelligent! While, yes, she still couldn't talk, she had learned how to communicate with the doctors using certain sounds, gestures, and even started beginning to understand written words too! She would also sometimes use Morse Code to communicate by tapping on the table or glass of her cage to ask for things! The doctors where amazed by her progress, but became worried when it seemed she was communicating with the other F.A.N.G.S experiments too. And in particular, worried that their violent behaviors would imprint on her too. So, they separated her from the others to continue her learning!
Eventually, Sacks had heard about the progress she had made and had an idea. If the The Turtles from Project Renaissance could be made into weapons like The F.A.N.G.S subjects, they'd have the perfect Squad for The Military! (And a way to make more money.) But first, he needed to see if Sasha and The Turtles could be compatible, after all they'd be taking orders form her and she is carnivorous. They didn't need her trying to eat them.
So, one day Sacks ask Mr. O'Neil and his daughter to meet up with him in a private Testing and Observation room set up to look kinda like a police interrogation room with a One Way Window on one side of the room with door next to it. Sacks had lied to Mr. O'Neil about Sasha's true purpose and had told him that he had wanted another mammal aside from Splinter to be used for Project Renaissance! And he had asked for April to bring him one of her pet Turtles in for the experiment!
"Choose one that will be nice to her! She's lonely and could use a new friend!"
And so, April ran off and grabbed Donatello from his tank and brought him into The Test Room, Where she sat him down on the opposite side of the table from Sasha and then hid in the side room with her Dad and Sacks to watch what happens. And the three of them where stunned when Sasha started approaching Donnie, and getting spooked by him when he poked his head out from his shell. She was so curious about this "New Rock with A Head", gently batting at his shell to watch his head duck back into his shell a bit. Giving him a quick lick, only to notice that he tasted terrible and shake her head in disgust. And accidentally knocking him over onto his shell and rolling him back over.
And he in turn was very interested in her! She was SO much bigger then him, his brothers, or even Splinter! She smelled different, sounded different, and felt so warm and soft! Unlike his tank that was cold and wet. So, when Sasha sat in front of him to watch him some more, he stepped over to her and buried himself into her chest, enjoying the warm and soft fur, being relaxed by the sound of her heartbeat and purring. Soon Sacks told April to quickly run and bring he other Turtles in too! And it was amazing! April ran over to Sasha and Donnie, putting the other Turtles on the table in front of her, introducing herself and The Turtles! The Five of them took to each other very well! Leo watched the cheetah intensely, Mikey joined Donnie in cuddling her fur, and Raph took a small nibble of her tail.
But like all good things, this too had to come to an end! And it would be the last time Sasha would see those little turtles again. Sacks took Sasha back to The F.A.N.G.S Lab, and later on that same night, Sasha was awoken by the smell of smoke! The facility was on fire and there where no doctors around! Sasha, through some trial and error was able to escape her cage and ran over to The other Male Cheetah's cage and opened it up for him. As soon as she did this, he picked her up and started running off out of the Lab, passing the other F.A.N.G.S Subjects. Sasha made him stop, and convinced him to help her save them too. After doing so, the five of them escaped out of the lab and fled into a quiet Subway station.
For a few weeks, these five wondered around the subway lines of New York, before making to an almost uninhabited part of the city, finding a huge abandoned Subway station. A perfect home for them!
For fifteen long years, that's where Sasha was raised! The F.A.N.G.S now acting like one big unit! A pack! A.....family! Sasha was the youngest out of the five of them, mostly seen as the baby and was usually protected by the others, though she did show that she was capable on her own a few times in her life! Despite never being aggressive or violent like her fellow Pack Members, she was far more resourceful and was fond of using her Wit, Cunning, and inventiveness to aid her! Kenai, while not blood related to her, still treated her like his blood sister. And he was defiantly the oldest out of the five! Luna and Harry where the same age, but Harry was defiantly the bigger out of the two. His size alone would be enough to scare most threats away, with a temper to match! Luna had a mean streak too, but was a tad bit more on the sassy side, rather then angry. With Tori being the same age as Sasha, though being a Fennec Fox, was still much shorter then all of them! But she was no less resourceful, as her size was perfect for sneaking around and her ears being extremely useful for hearing threats before they'd show up!
As for Sasha, the controlled mutation had done wonders for her intelligence. She showed real skill with her hands as she made all kinds of gadgets and weapons for herself and her Packmates to use! She even equipped the Den with all the nicest comforts from TV's to AC hookups! The only real downside to this was.....she could still remember everything that happened in that Lab that created them! While the others only had flashes of memories, they couldn't really comprehend the events of every day they spent in there. This ate away at Sasha for a few reasons, but the most important of which was because....those little itty bitty Box Turtles. The day the lab caught fire, was the same day she met them. They where nice, and the only other subjects in that lab aside from her and her Packmates. She hated to think that they might have perished in the fire, but seeing the way April cared so much for them, she had faith that....some how, she found a way to save them.
In all honesty her packmates didn't believe her, that there were other subjects at the lab! Or that they'd even be alive. And to prove she wasn't crazy, Sasha built a small machine (that she admitted she got the idea from Meet the Robinsons) that would let her see her memories! And display them for the others. And while it did convince them that, yes, they existed. It didn't prove weather or not they where still alive.
As the years dragged on, Sasha and the others had to admit, they where starting to become a little resentful of humans. Each one of them really wanted to do more with their lives! Kenai wanted to work with Wildlife conservations! To keep more animals from becoming lab rats like they where! Harry wanted to get into MMA fighting, to show off his strength and finally use his full skillset as a fighter! Luna and Tori wanted so badly to be Rap/R&B artists! Sure they didn't necessarily need to be seen to do that, but to go on tour, they would have to! And as for Sasha....her reasons where a tad bit more on the nose! One, she wanted to use her technical knowledge to help better society! And two....she wanted to find love! Sasha had spent years watching sweet and beautiful loves stories in anything from Movies, to Shows, to video games. And she wasn't gunna lie, it looked like fun! Seeing two people lock eyes with one another, and seeing the sparks fly as they'd kiss! It made her sweet nerdy heart melt! But.....she'd never be able to experience that for herself.....not while she looked like this.
That's when Sasha had an absolutely crazy idea, if the mutagen that was used on them turned them into humanoids, perhaps they could use they're blood, take out the mutagen, and reengineer it to make them all human! Sasha pitched the idea to the others, and they all agreed that this was they're quest!
However, they swiftly hit a roadblock on this path, as while Sasha was able to get enough samples from all of them to get enough mutagen to create the serum that would change them....there where noticeable gaps in their Mutagenic codes! In other words, the mutagen from their blood wouldn't be enough to complete the serum. They'd need blood from every test subject that was involved with Project Renaissance. Meaning they needed those Turtles.....but....they where long gone. And it seemed all was lost for them.
This was, until one day, the huge spire at the top of Sacks Tower was destroyed, it had fallen into the streets along with Shredder! He and Sacks where both taken into custody, and their plot to infect the city with a deadly toxin was reveled to the public. The news had stated that a man named Vernon Fenwick, who was apparently a Channel 6 News Camera Man, stopped Shredder and The Foot from completing their task. Calling him Vern "The Falcon" Fenwick. This was a crock of shit, and Sasha and her fellow Packmates weren't buying it one bit! But...they had no real proof as to what really happened.
This didn't stop Sasha though, as she kept looking for answers! She even asked her Packmates to set out small security cameras in different locations throughout the city to try and see if she couldn't catch something on them! Anything! And finally, two years later, she caught something! On top of Madison Square Garden, just as a Knicks game was about to begin, Sasha caught a very blurry glimpse of what looked like four very large figures sneaking into an air vet on the roof! Sasha's heart practically skipped a beat seeing this! Could it be those Turtles? Did they survive somehow? Where had they been this whole time?
That same evening, hours later, The shredder was being transported to another prison. But the mission was unsuccessful, as The Foot where trying to break him out of police custody. But with the help of a very strange Garbage Truck intervening with the operation, they where slowed down. Until a weird portal opened, dragging The Shredder inside it, and then disappearing! Sasha was able to watch a lot of the action through some more of her hidden cameras. In particular, she took note of all the strange weapons on the Garbage Truck. And the name on the side.....Tartaruga Brothers....
It had to be them! It just had to be! And she HAD to meet them again!
So, she pulled her Packmates aside and asked them to please be on the look out for The Turtles when they'd go out. If they met them face to face, try to convince them to come back to the Den. So that she could see if they'd be will to help them make the serum they needed to become human. And even make some for them too, if they so wanted. Her Packmates promising that they would do so, but ultimately thinking to themselves that the day would never come, and that their younger Packmate had finally lost it. But after the Technodrome appearing over the city, and then it suddenly being sucked back through the portal it came out of, Sasha was even more convinced that she wasn't crazy! Especially after hearing April's words on the news, "Do we need to give our hero's a name and a face? Or is it enough to know that their out there watching over us, from the Shadows?"
Basic Info:
Name: Sasha
Sex: Female
Age: 18 to 19 (Just slightly older then The Turtles by the time of their mutations.)
Personality: Analytical, Compassionate, Stubborn, Gentle, Self Deprecating (especially when she feels she's screwed up big time.), Honest, Sassy (Usually done in response to stupidity or ignorance.), Passionate, and Romantic.
Species: Cheetah
Race/Ethnicity: American (Was born in captivity as part of a breeding program)
Relationship Status: Taken (Begins a serious relationship with Donnie)
Orientation: Straight
Relationship W/ The Turtles: Sasha met The Turtles when they all where just babies, including herself! Thanks to her mutations, she was able to still remember them years later! She holds them all very close to her heart, as they where her first real friends, even if it was just for a moment. When finally getting to meet them again after years of thinking they where gone, she was overjoyed, almost star struck! Sasha respects Leo, as he acts like her older brother does, and she can tell he truly cares about his family! He's kind to her, and has a pretty good amount of respect for her, as he can tell she genuinely cares about them. He sees a lot of Donnie in her, and while he may not understand all that comes out of her mouth, he trusts her. Sasha doesn't tend to interact with Raph much beyond the occasional potshots at one another, uselly caused with Raph tries to poke fun at her. But side from this, they actually make a pretty decent team. And he respects his brother, so he respects her to a degree. Mikey and Sasha get along pretty well. She can get fed up with his stupidity sometimes, usually leading to her going into Sass Mode. But for the most part, she treats him much like a little brother, which is new considering she's the baby in her family. And finally, to say that she and Donnie where smitten with each other would be an understatement. While he may not remember their first encounter, he could tell something familiar was in her eyes. The two are very much alike and enjoy science, technology, and anything in-between, always putting their heads together to build the most amazing things! Constantly learning new things together! Though thick and thin (in the sheets and out) they look out for one another, as any good couple does!
Powers: Genius Intelligence, Enhanced Memory, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Strength, Spear Fighting, Engineering Skills, Enhanced Senses, and Stealth.
Our next version of her is probably one of the most fun to draw versions yet! ROTTMNT Sasha!
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The last Sasha that was formally a human, and probably one of the most interesting versions of her! She's not like most of her versions, as her attitude is a far cry different from all the others! She's a true queen of sass, and loves to let others know it! But.....she wasn't always that way....
Sasha was born into a small middle class family, and while nothing was really all that wrong with Sasha, most folks including her parents seemed to think she was quite the strange. Sasha had a very strong attachment to Animals, Plants, Nature, and anything really having to do with the great out doors. So much so, that she would purposefully sneak into neighbor's yards to play and feed their cats when she thought they where lonely! This caused her to get in trouble on more then one occasion, however this didn't really make her bitter at anyone at all and she was still the same old quiet weird kid on the block. Until one day, Sasha had managed to break into another neighbor's house to see if their pets where ok, only to then be chased and bitten by the dog.
Her parents finally had enough and sent her off to a girls only boarding school, where they would no longer have to deal with her odd behavior and hopefully she'd grow out of this strange phase. But this did the opposite. Thanks to her behavior and being the new kid, Sasha was picked on a lot by the other girls in the school, causing her to only immerse herself more with animal work. Though now she had a severe fear of dogs.
This interest of hers lead her to being asked to help the school out in their Science department, helping to care for the various plants, Insects, and Small animals they used for the classes. And for a while this made Sasha very happy, though, she did start wondering way some many people seemed to hate her. Even her own parents didn't seem to like her. But why? What made her so different? They where all human? So why was she so hated?
Sasha began to try and act more....normal. First, she started by trying out for sports, getting into the Track Team as a result! Then she tried getting into things like Dancing and Music, as all the girls seemed to be really into it and would talk about it all the time! But, even with all these things, Sasha was still pretty quiet and still got picked on by her classmates. And it was starting to seem like no matter how hard she tried to make herself more acceptable, she was doomed to be ridiculed.
One day though, Sasha was approached by a group of some of the most popular girls in the school, and they seemed to be genuinely interested in her work with the lab animals. Thinking that they were wanting to be friends, Sasha was overjoyed and excitedly showed the girls all the animals they had. Eventually, this seeped into other parts of her life. The girls was go to Track practice and watch her run, they'd listen and dance to music together, and Sasha would even start being more vocal and confident sounding in the way she spoke. All she needed where some people who seemed to care about her.
Little did she know, this was just a plot to play a cruel prank.
One day, during an important Track Competition with the whole school and others watching, the girls decided to put their sick plan into motion. During their time together, the girls found out about Sasha's fear of dogs. So, when it came time for her to compete, the girls set free a few dogs onto the field. And of course, Sasha panicked! Sasha started hauling ass down the track in blind fear, knocking over the barricades as she did so! Finally, one of the dogs caught up to her and made her trip on one of the hurdles.
Sasha was scratched up pretty bad from the fall but the dogs surrounding her made her freeze in terror. Meanwhile the sound of the girls who she thought where her friends laughing at her suffering, felt like knives being dug into her back and through her heart. And soon, a good amount of the students who where watching started laughing too.
And that's when it happened!
A strange green glowing mosquito landed on Sasha's leg and jabbed her with it's needle. Sasha hardly had time to react to the pain of the bite before her body began to quickly change! The crowed stopped laughing and watched in horror, as they watched their classmate start to turn into a monster, and the dogs start to run away from her! When Sasha stopped changing, she looked down at herself! Her skin was now covered in spotted short fur! Her hands and feet where now replaced with paws and claws! And she turned to see a tail now sprouting out of her backside!
The students all screamed and ran, Sasha was horrified herself, and did the one thing she knew to get away. Run!
In this new form, Sasha speed seemed to be unstoppable, and she booked it as far away from the city as she could! Eventually, Sasha made her way out to the Long Island Woods. But not long after making it there, the exhaustion of everything that happened to her that day, her injuries, and now the rain starting to pour down, Sasha finally ran out of energy and collapsed.
When she awoke she had now idea where she was!
She appeared to be laying down on a doctor's examination table, but this certainly wasn't a Doctor's office. And as she as processing where she was, Sasha started to smell the familiar and terrifying smell of dog everywhere around her. Sasha looked around frantically for a way to escape, but before she could try and get up, the door to the room she was in swung open and in walked a short and stubby humanoid creature with blond curly hair and mustache, brown fur, large buck teeth, a pink shirt and blue jeans, carrying a tray of lemonade. Sasha screamed when she first saw him and hid under her covers. It took a bit of convincing, but after the creature assured her he wouldn't harm her, she poked her head back out.
The creature turned out to be a mutant capybara who's name happened to be Todd. He explained that he found her laying out in the rain and just couldn't leave her there, especially with all those wounds on her body. After a few short introductions, Todd asked Sasha what happened to her. And he listened to every word she said. He seemed to genuinely care for her well being, unlike those fake friends of hers. After explaining everything, Sasha asked if she could leave. Todd didn't ask where, but figured that must wanna get back to her family, though he was skeptical about how well that would go, given the mutant thing. And truthfully, she didn't know how it would go either. And as she was being escorted out of the Puppy Shelter, she was lost in thought, realizing that this meant she really truly had nowhere to go. Once she left Todd, then what? She wouldn't be welcome back at school, and she damn sure couldn't live in the city amongst humans now!
Not even her own parents wanted her....
She was all alone....
But then, before they get to the gates, Sasha's ears flicked into the direction of a whimpering sound. Sasha looked up and off to the side, to see a small shack with a door cracked open. And after straining her ears, she could tell it was a puppy in distress. And despite her fear of dogs, Sasha felt compelled to go and investigate.
Sasha walked into the shed with Todd fallowing behind, and found a few puppies who where sick. They looked so weak and helpless. Without thinking, Sasha started helping to tend to the sick pups, and it wasn't long before they where up and better then ever.
After this, Todd convinced Sasha to build her own place close to his. And while Sasha was still very afraid of the puppies, she offered to help with any sick or injured pups, in exchange for helping her get back on her feet. They became fast friends, and finally Sasha found a place she truly belonged!
Basic Info:
Name: Sasha
Sex: Female
Age: 15
Personality: Confident (Usually used to hide how insecure she was when she was human), Proud, Egotistical (without realizing it), Companionate (when things get more serious), Witty, Sassy, and Dedicated
Species: King Cheetah (Formally Human)
Race/Ethnicity: American
Relationship Status: Single (Develops a Love/Hate Relationship with Donnie)
Orientation: Demisexual & Bisexual
Relationship W/ The Turtles: Sasha didn't have the best encounter with the Shell Heads! Their first time meeting was because Todd recommended that she could help them with a mission. Sasha refused in the beginning but was convinced by Todd to help. This ended up with her having to bail them out of a bad situation. Needless to say, she doesn't like them much in the beginning. Though she eventually warms up to all of them the more and more she hangs around. She and Leo definitely didn't start off on the right foot, not helped by Leo's need to impress her with is "Mad Skills". Sasha just found him annoying, but after a bit of hanging out, the two found that they actually two things in common. Making fun of Donnie when necessary/unnecessary. And being fabulous without trying! Sasha likes Raph quite a bit, sees him like a huge teddy bear. And she's always down to cheer him on when he needs it! She enjoys Mikey's company, and while he can be a bit much at times, she likes to watch him make things! She even grows herbs for him to use in his cooking, and he in turn will draw her nice picture to help decorate her Biodome! Sasha is everything Donnie loves and hates in one big fuzzy cute but mean package! The two share so much in common but so much not that its a wonder how they can stand to be in the same state without going to war! Sasha can't stand his ego, not that she has much room to talk, and Donnie can't stand having her ever beat him at anything! they compete in many things, DDR being the biggest thing they do so in. But despite all their bickering, the two actually work very well together with on missions or fighting. And weather they notice or not, they actually do hold some care for one another. And in rare cases are able to open up to one another about things they can't with others. And they hold that sacred between them. From Frenemies to an unstoppable couple, Sasha and Donnie will always give it their all.
Powers: Super Speed, Acrobatics, Archery, Capoeira, Botany Knowledge , Astrology Knowledge, Mystic Knowledge, Electricity (Sasha's Mystic Power is electricity! She can use it help her move much faster, even for a cheetah.), Electrical Spots (Sasha spots store electrical energy and when she plucks one off of her body, she can then use it as a projectile! Be it a bomb, an arrow, or a spear. Once it makes contact, Sasha can make it stun a target, or make it explode with static energy. These spots come back after about five minutes once removed, but if she takes too many off at once, her energy is drained more and more.), and The Thunder Bow (A mystic weapon Sasha stole from some thieves! It's used to help her when shooting her spots like arrows with more accuracy and power.)
We're finally at the last Cat in our line up! A CW is in place for this one, as this version includes some pretty heavy topics (Implied SA, Murder, Sex Work, and Child Abuse), so please keep this in mind if you choose to go forward. And if you do, please welcome Batman VS TMNT Sasha!
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This Sasha is the only version of herself to not be an earthling and is rather from a different Dimension. She is also probably the most violent of her versions, with an even darker story behind her too. So, incase it's needed again, CW is in place for some very nasty subjects!
There wasn't really a point in Sasha's life where she had a say in what she wanted to do with it. She was born into Royalty, rulers of The Shibet Empire, and was raised to pretty much just be a pretty face for others to look at. She didn't know it at the time, but her parents where falling into debt, and needed a way to stay afloat. That's when a corrupt and evil businessman/politician approached them with an offer they couldn't refuse! Their young daughters hand, for all the money they could ever need.
So, her 10th birthday came along and Sasha's mom and dad introduced her to the man, Darius Dunn. He claimed to take an interest in Sasha's mystical studies, and was suggested by her parents to give him a "tour" of her personal library. Unfortunately, they didn't do much talking once the doors closed behind them. Sasha went to her parents later that night about what happened to her, but she eavesdropped on a conversation between the two of them where they talked about it like they knew it was gunna happen. It was a way of letting Dunn "test drive" her to see if she would be suitable for him and his needs.
Up to this point in her life, Sasha had always been the ideal little girl! Well behaved, pretty, kind, and graceful! But, the second she realized that the ones who where supposed to protect her only wanted to use her, something clicked within her. That Night, Sasha snuck out and ran away, stealing a bit of money from her parents to help her.
Eventually she made her way to the nearest city. A pretty slummy place, and certainly no place for a 10 year old. But....she couldn't go back to that hell hole! So she found a slum lord who was more then happy to sell this child a rundown old shack at the edge of town. And this worked out for a time, but Sasha knew that this fight wasn't over. Soon word would get out that the Royal family's daughter was missing, and it wouldn't take a lot for someone to put two and two together and find out who she was.
And one night the Landlord saw such an announcement, and came to the same conclusion. It would be so easy for him to sneak by into the house he sold, and take her back to them for a handsome reward! Oh....if only he was right. Sasha didn't wanna do it, but this was survival! She didn't let the Landlord leave alive. And Sasha on some deep level....enjoyed the kill.
Now that she didn't have to pay rent and she was safe from getting captured for now, Sasha could use the left over money she had for food. But of course, about 3 years later it was drying up, and Sasha was gunna need a way to make more money. So, she had to find a job! But the problem with being a pretty girl looking for a job in a scummy city is, the only men willing to hire her for anything were huge creeps that wanted "something extra" for the deal. Sasha went everywhere, but no one wanted to hire her for a normal job thanks to her age and sex. And just as all seemed lost, Sasha over heard a few men talking about a special Night Club, where the women where super strong and didn't let the men push them around! It was called "The Hunt".
This sounded like a good fit for her, so she tracked down the place. And at first, the owner was ready to give her the boot immediately thanks to her age, but....she saw something in her eyes. A need for survival, and strong fire in her soul. So, she was hired, only to work in the kitchen at first as a dishwasher, waiting until she was old enough to work on the actual floor serving food and taking orders. Once she was 16, she started doing just that, and she got to see what those men where talking about!
It was basically a more sophisticated Strip Club, where the girls would dance, and at the end would choose a costumer or two to take back into they're private rooms to "entertain" them. But if any of the guests got out of line or upset one of the ladies, they had no problem disciplining the guests themselves! And the ladies made Sasha feel safe too, making them all feel more like family to her! And while working there, Sasha started saving the money for a side venture of hers! See, while working for the club was fun and paid the bills, until she was old enough to become a dancer, she really wouldn't be making the big bucks. And she really wanted to get that rush of violence that always nagged at her. She had heard some of the men and even the ladies at the club talk about hiring Assassins, and it sounded like the perfect fit for her.
She had been buying up equipment to make potions that would aid in things like travel and healing, and an outfit that would hide not only her identity, but her gender as well! Along with a mask that would cover her face, with a voice changer built in to hide that fact that she was a woman. And to top it all off, a beautiful sword, a dagger, and some custom made gloves with strong titanium nails on the ends of the fingers! Now, all she needed to do, was get her name out there!
Finally the day came, and Sasha was finally able to start Dancing at the club, now being 18! To start off, she needed to choose a theme and a Stage Name! Deciding to go with "Desert Heat", with an Egyptian Queen theme. Fitting, considering her roots! And while Sasha was in the back filling out her paperwork for the boss, she heard a commotion coming from the floor outside! Sasha peeked out the back to see something that made her blood run cold!
There was a gang of four to five men in the dinning area being waited on by some of the dancers. They where being loud and rude to everyone, even the other guests. Sasha recognized them as friends of Dunn and her Parents, they were extremely dangerous people who wouldn't hesitate to kill the dancers if they fought back. And if they spotted her, she'd be forced back to her "life" as Dunn's plaything. And calling the authorities came with it's own line of risks, so....the only thing left to do, was fight...
Sasha quickly ran back home and got her equipment and suited up, then she went back to the club. As she walked in, her appearance alone spooked a few of the guests, but she wasn't there for them.
It was quick, Sasha approached the men and told them to leave as it seemed like they weren't welcome. That's when they thought it would be a good idea to start tryin to fight her. It didn't really end well in their favor as Sasha quickly killed two of the men, severely injured the third, and felt the leader alive to warn him that if he ever caught wind of him or more of his flunkies in this part of town again, she wouldn't hesitate to finish the job. And then she kicked them out. But before leaving, the owner asked her (him) who he was, and why did he help?
He merely said he was a close friend of Sasha's, and that she ran to get him for help. And as for his name, he only said to call him Mirage, and that if he was ever needed again, just let Sasha know.
Basic Info:
Name: Sasha
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Personality: Charismatic, Cold, Serious, Sarcastic, Hard To Get, Protective, Loyal, Flirty, Passionate, Merciless (mostly in a fight), and Secretive.
Species: Cheetah
Race/Ethnicity: (Was born in a different dimension then Earth)
Relationship Status: Taken (Starts a very LONG distance relationship with Donnie after they meet and part ways)
Orientation: Straight (But won't shy away from serving Female clients at the club. Or possibly Flirting with ladies in her Assassin Identity)
Relationship W/ The Turtles: The Turtle met Sasha when they came to her dimension to help The Batman in his search for an Interdimensional Criminal named Torbin Zixx. (This taking place at least 2 years after the movie) Through some investigating, they found out that he had been getting help from an Assassin named Mirage to pull off a huge job. If they found Mirage, they could find Zixx. And their only lead on Mirage, was a dancer at a Club, named Desert Heat! Leo is skeptical of Sasha at first, but she does prove herself to be an honest person, despite her occupation and personality. Raph was defiantly cautious of her, especially after seeing her flirt with Donnie. But like Leo, he learned to trust her a bit more. And after finding out that she was Mirage, the two actually gained a respect for each other and bond over their love for violence. Sasha treats Mikey almost like a child, which technically he is. But he finds her Assassin's costume so damn cool and her mystic powers even cooler! Donnie was smitten with her at first sight, and Sasha was taken by his charms. She has a thing for the nerds, and working in a place were most of the man don't always act with the best of manners, Donnie's gentlemanly manners really set him apart from the rest. And after finding out she was Mirage, he listened to her story, being the first one ever to hear about her true identity as a Princess.
Powers: Magical Abilities (Sasha is one of the few of species in her dimension who is capable of using magic without items, however she never completed her training for them, so she still uses items.), Potion Making, (Sasha can make potions that do a vast amount of things, but she normal sticks to Portal Creation, Healing, and Bomb potions.), Sword Skills (Unlike her other versions, this Sasha is a very gifted swordswoman.), Speed (Sasha is a cheetah, and has extremely quick reflexes!), Stealth, and Strategic Knowledge.
And that Does it folks! That's all the Sasha's! I'm sorry that it took so long to finish this, but I've been trying to go back in a fix grammar and spelling here and there! But that's a wrap! If I feel the need to ever make another Sasha version, especially if I feel the new Mutant Mayhem coming out next year is good enough, I'll go back in and edit this post then!
But for now, Thank you for reading about my lady! And I hope to share all my cringe art of her soon!
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