#otherwise i wouldnt have bought
lwieserce · 7 months
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What do we do now
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whoviandoodler · 2 years
just found abt zlib and genuinely in shock...
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spiceywawa · 17 days
@boolger <-
I couldn't help myself and had to try doing this shite again and write my little idea inspired heavily? by their fic.
Current -> Next
John price moved from the city and bought a farm with all the works. Cows, pigs, chickens, etc. He previously considered getting a hybrid kitten along his other hybrids but never did due to living deep in the city with not a lot of room. After his abrupt retirement, John decided why not to help make the farming/food industry just a little better.
He decided to start his farm, and funny enough, the farm came with its own kitty hybrid. A beautiful stone Grey short haired kitty that took care of rodents and smaller predators. Kitty would laze wherever they pleased and previously had the freedom to come and go around the property and house as they saw fit.
John never minded them, and on the listing for the farm, the hybrid was in the description as a poor kitty that was left behind. It took quite a bit of time to get the skittish kitty used to him and even let him close enough to smell him. It's not entirely surprising the cautious and skeptical looks kitty gives him because while their owner left kitty, and the seller forgot to mention the many working hybrid dogs they owned went with them Abandoning poor kitty, leaving them all alone with not one to cuddle with at night.
Sweet farm kitty hybrid only met John price at first, but little did they know John had his own three dog hybrids. All retired from military after many years of admirable service. Before John thought you were ready to meet his three boys, he set up your own room and safe spots around the giant farmhouse. Giving you your own designated space when you decided to stay in the house with him. Of course, at some point, when john gently lured you into your new room, it was somewhat of a shit show. You went as far as deciding using the window to the roof to come in, and out of the house was a better option than using the actual doors.
You eventually settled and decided the room was better than the hay loft and tried out being a couch potato. When you quietly and cautiously joined John on the new couch for the first time, he immediately froze to not deter you from approaching him. He watched you out of his peripheral lay next to him, resting your head on his thigh. Only when you relaxed and began quietly purring did he attempt to stroke your head, petting your fuzzy ears watching them flick at his gentle touch. After that encounter and many positive moments, john decided it was time to bring the boys home for good.
The boys often dog piled in John's room, so separate rooms for them were pretty much unnecessary unless they asked for it. They had freedom to roam and wouldnt be allowed in your room without permission, he doubted you would so he would make sure the boys knew if was off limits until otherwise said. But considering they had all the space they needed and john has the biggest room and bathroom amenities in the house, the boys had their own section of the room, including a corner cubby with their stuff and combined beds.
Of course, after being out of a strict military environment for so long the moment the boys arrived when they got a whiff of your scent, johnny and gaz scattered trying to find you and simon ended up chasing after johnny trying to get him to quit it. Gaz beat johnny to the punch, chasing you up above the fridge on top of the cabinets. He was leaning against the fridge, wagging his tail sniffing the air, trying to get closer to you, curiosity and excitement emanating from him. When johnny heard the commotion, he wriggled away from simons grip toward gaz. John yelled stop, and all his hybrids looked at him.
You were less amused than the three behemoths before you. Johnny and gaz both whined, saying they only wanted to meet their new friend, and simon was glaring at the two having more self-control of his instincts and curiosity. John cringed at the poor first introduction. The low growl in your throat brought everyone's attention back to you. John shooed the three away simon, grabbing the two by their harnesses being the most dominant out of the three.
You glared at John as he began trying to coax you in getting down. "It's alright, my pretty girl. You're ok. Those two aren't gonna get ya, I promise." He coos at you. In John's defense, he told the three to behave simon was indifferent, but gaz and johnny were the ones he was worried about. You watch him with your ears pinned down and tail flicking rapidly in annoyance as he is trying to get you down with treats and your favorite toy your, very first toy ever. But you don't budge for a solid 20 minutes. "Come on, sweet kitty, there are all a bunch of big ol teddy bears they aren't gonna hurt ya." He says to you, running his finger down the bridge of your nose as you won't let him pet you.
Johnny and Gaz are sitting a few feet away patiently waiting for you to come down and allow them to scent you and say hello, their tails swishing excitedly behind them. They are all definitely German Shepard or a mix of one you can see that much, and they are all ridiculously large compared to you.
Simon is standing next to John, watching you with a curious expression. You eye him, taking in his scared face and equally battered fuzzy ears nestles in blond hair. Much to everyone's surprise, simon reaches up and grabs you gently, taking you off the fridge and into his big arms. You freeze from shock as simon settles you against his chest, holding you with one arm. You latch onto him to prevent yourself from falling, watching his face suspiciously.
Simon traces the scars on your face and arms from fending of other critters around the farm. "That's simon Kitty." John says, trying not to laugh as your frozen form clutches to simon. You frown as johnny and Gaz laugh, simons low chuckle vibrating through you. "You're a stubborn little thing." Simon says as he sits down next to the other two, positioning you in his lap, keeping a protective distance from gaz and johnny.
His tail swishes behind him as you let him hold you, unsure if you're gonna bolt or stay. You settle to johns surprise, holding onto simons arm, watching the other two scoot closer. You did miss your pack mates, so you tolerated the curiosity for a bit unsure if this was even gonna be permanent. Simon watches gaz close as he scents you first, seeing as he did find you first. He sniffs for a bit, his nose gently bumping your chin as he sniffs higherup your neck, simon lets out a low growl, telling gaz that's enough. Johnny takes that as his cue that it's his turn and bounds in face first into your neck. Simon reaches for johnny, pulling him away. "Careful with the lil thing, johnny. Don't wanna break em do you?" He shakes his head rapidly tail going a mile a minute. John chimes in watching this interaction unfold. "Gentle boys." He says, watching your face for any discomfort.
The only feeling you have is confusion. Have they never seen a cat hybrid before? And why are you letting them so close so quickly?
Simon lets Johnny's scruff go, and he gently smells you for a bit. Then simon tells them you're done, and it's his turn. He breathes in your scent, enjoying the sweet, subtle scent holding you closer
You sigh, giving up, seeing as much simon claimed you technically it seems they all did, and this is your life now. It doesn't seem so bad, really, you could get used to this.
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t3ag3rs · 6 months
g e n s o - 0 1.
↪element is translated to genso in japanese, therefore y/n's nickname/future hero name is "element"
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"wait up you guys..!"
the h/c haired girl yelled out of breath. "you're running too fast!" you stopped and put your hands on your knees steadying your breath. those two boys are so fast..! i cant even keep up!
"genso! hurry up! we have to be first in line for the new all might action figure!" exclaimed the ash blonde boy, katsuki bakugou, otherwise known as kacchan. "im coming!" you exclaimed picking up your pace to be beside him and the other green haired boy, izuku midoriya, otherwise known as deku.
"im so excited to get the new figurine!" deku exclaims happily, you laugh in agreement. the trio slow to a stop as they go inside the shop and find the display. "mommy! lets get it! pleaseee? i wont ask for anything else!" you begged, pointing at the shelf as deku and bakugou walked to the register with their moms following close by, getting ready to purchase the toy.
m/n grabbed the toy, "i dont see why you shouldnt get it" you smiled widely and gave her a hug repeatedly thanking her as she bought the toy. you and the two boys were smiling out of happiness, "hey kiddos lets take a picture!" exclaimed mitsuki holding up her camera. you got in between deku and bakugou and let out a big smile as the two hugged you.
well... more like just bakugou. he wouldnt even let poor deku wrap his hands around you. to him you were all his and no one else could be with you.
whats bakugous, will always be bakugous.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
"genso!" you turned and looked at bakugou, "my mom said to invite you and your mom for dinner tonight" you smiled enthusiastically, "really?? i'll tell my mommy!" you ran over to your mom and told her what bakugou told you. she smiled and agreed, so you ran over and told him you would be coming. "well.. we best head home now kacchan so I can shower and come over, i'll see you in a bit. byebye!" you wave and grab on to your moms hand walking away.
bakugou smiled triumphantly, "hey old hag! genso's coming over for dinner with her mom tonight!" he yelled, "KATSUKI BAKUGOU IF YOU DON'T STOP CALLING ME THAT I'LL PERSONALLY GO RETURN THAT FIGURINE" she screamed, unfazed at how he had invited you without her permission.
it wasn't the first time anyway.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you rang the doorbell and waited eagerly for bakugou to open the door. "oh hi there y/n and m/n! please come in!" mitsuki stepped aside and you walked in. you took off your shoes and placed it neatly in the corner, "wheres kacchan?" you ask looking around. "the brat should be around here somewh-" "GENSO!!" bakugou came running up to you and hugged you, taking both you and both parents by suprise.
you blush slightly, " h-hi kacchan..! " you hug him back, he pulls away and grabs your arm dragging you to his room. "lets go watch some all might footage!" you smile as he drags you away.
"looks like my little brat has a crush on your daughter m/n.." mitsuki chuckled, m/n just sighed and added "young love.." which caused both parents to laugh to themselves.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you sat with bakugou on his bed watching the footage and making comments about how awesome all might is. "im gonna grow up and become a no. 1 hero just like him!" bakugou commented while punching his hand up in the air. you giggled at his action, "me too!"
bakugou turns to look at you, "your so lucky you got your quirk early! i can't wait for when i finally get mine!" you grin, "well whatever it is, i'm sure it'll be great!" bakugou jumps out of the bed, "wait here, i have something to give you!" he opens his drawer and pulls out a bracelet he made with the colors from all mights costume. you gasp, "you made that for me?" he nods as he puts it on you.
"theres the letter of your first name, a heart, and a 'k' for my name to show that i made it for you!" he exclaims, you blush and give him a hug. "thank you kacchan!" he blushes and stutters, "y-yeah, yeah.. whatever idiot..!" he pulls away and grabs another bracelet and puts it on himself. "now we can match!" he smiles and you giggle.
soon after a bunch of all might footage, mitsuki and m/n walk into bakugous room to find you laying on bakugou as he hugs you. both your parents look at the adorable sight and take photos to show you two later. "look at their wrists!" pointed m/n, "so thats why the brat was making bracelets!" smirked mitsuki, she prepared to tease him about it whenever he woke up.
m/n gently picked you up and grabbed your shoes. "we'll be going now.. thanks for the food mitsuki.. tell bakugou we both said bye!" mitsuki walked your mom to the door and waved bye as you two walked away.
her brat had a crush on you!
"oh that brat wont ever stop hearing about this!" she chuckled.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
a couple years later.. (12 yrs old)
you stand there shocked holding your acceptance letter from icaru private junior high academy. i actually got in..!
your mom and your dad congratulated you, and started texting all your relatives to tell them the good news. you were happy.. of course you were. you had just gotten into the academy you've wanted to go to for years! but that meant you wouldnt be able to go to school with bakugou and deku anymore. the amount of stress on the academics would also leave you with no time for hang outs with them.
you sighed as you facetimed both of them, mentally readying yourself to deliver the news. "why am i in a call with pathetic deku, genso?" snarled bakugou, you kept your mouth shut. it bothered you how much he had changed just because deku didn't have a quirk. "i need to tell you two something.." you paused.
"i got accepted into that academy i've been ranting about" deku smiled, "thats great y/n! congrats!" you smiled, "thank you izu..!" you looked down sadly, "but that's not what i called about.. you see, i won't be able to go to school with you guys and hang out as much now..."
bakugous eyes widened, "what?! are you kidding me genso!?" you shook your head sadly, "oh no.. y/n.." muttered deku. "i just felt like i should've told you two before i left.." you fiddled with your nails. "my last hang out will probably be this saturday, if you guys arent busy please come, okay..?" you let out a sad smile.
"of course y/n..! anything for you!" you smiled and deku left the call, leaving you with just bakugou. "and you..?" you asked. he had been concerningly quiet during the entire conversation. "i'll come but it'll be after fucking deku leaves." he ends the call, and you sigh out, blinking back your tears.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
deku came by with his mom and gave you a all might plushie to remember him by. he stayed for an hour and left after giving you a hug and wishing you luck at your new school. you sighed out, one friend down... one more to go.
bakugou came by shortly after that with his mom. you opened the door and was immediately brought into a bear hug by mitsuki. "good luck at your new school hun'. i know you'll do just fine, you're a sweet girl, anyone will like you." you smiled and pulled away looking at bakugou.
you waited for mitsuki to walk away and took bakugou up to your room. he sat down on your bed and stared at you. you sat there in quiet until he finally broke it, "do you really have to go..?" he asked quietly. you sat next to him, looking at your hands, " my parents want me to go.. i need to make them happy bakugou.. "
he handed you a printed photo. you grabbed it and your eyes started watering.
it was the photo of younger you and bakugou sleeping on each other with the matching bracelets on your wrists. "i thought you should have somewhat of a reminder of us before you go.." he mumbled.
you turned and hugged him, crying into his shirt. "i don't wanna leave you guys here and be at a new school by myself..!" he just hugged you back, trying not to show how upset he actually was. "i don't want you to go either genso.. but this is what's better for you and that's all i want."
"HEY BRAT WE GOTTA GO!" screamed mitsuki from below. you wiped your tears and stood up. "genso" he called, "promise me you'll get into UA so we can be friends again." you looked at him, "i promise i will" you repeated.
you both walked downstairs and bakugou and mitsuki left, leaving just you and your parents there. "i'm gonna go back to my room.." you mutter, heading upstairs. you sit on your bed and look at the picture of you and bakugou.
right there and then you swore to yourself you would work yourself tirelessly until you got into UA.
and that's exactly what you did.
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previous part(s): pt. 00 next part(s): pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 / pt. 05 / pt. 06 / pt. 07 / pt. 08 / pt. 09 / pt. 10 / pt. 11 / pt. 12 / pt. 13 / pt. 14 / pt. 15
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diodellet · 8 months
Hiya big fan of your work so I’m zooming to send this in!! Can I ask for prompt 15 with jamil and azul+reader with a poly spin to it?
In which jamil and reader are ranting abt azul as a way to cope with the absurd reality that they both having a crush on azul (azul overhearing them begrudgingly accepting their fate lmfao)
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💌Jamil Viper and Azul Ashengrotto (poly) + Prompt #15 (Ranting about how insufferable they are, but your friend thinks knows otherwise. Bonus points if the subject of your conversation overhears Everything.)
Flight Class was brutal.
Well, that was to be expected with a musclehead like Coach Vargas. But there was just something about today that got under Azul’s skin more than it usually would have. Specifically, two sets of eyes burning holes into his back as he painstakingly trudged through the aerial drills.
On a different day, he would have taken your and Jamil’s attention as a positive sign towards roping either of you into a contract with him, but today? The unreadable looks on your faces, coupled with what he knew were snide remarks shared between the two of you… it all affected him more than he could brush it off.
Though, what could he do about it? Nothing, really. That was the frustrating part. 
Azul had bigger—no, more important things to worry about. He should forget about it. He approached the shed where the rest of the flight brooms were kept.
“—so obvious.”
“Excuse me, you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him either.”
“It’s because his form is dreadful.”
Speak of the devil. What a cruel set of circumstances Azul has found himself in. His better instincts bring him to hide and eavesdrop.
“Suuure. The one day that he doesn’t bother recruiting you into Octavinelle, and you’re almost worried, you mother hen.”
“Please, Azul’s flying is an accident waiting to happen. And who’ll be responsible for coaching him when that happens?”
“Oh? So why do you look excited at that?”
“I’m not. It’s burdensome.”
“Incorrigible as he is, you’d have to admit he’s…quite the looker when he’s not blabbing away.”
Did Azul hear that correctly?
Jamil doesn’t say anything—probably doesn’t have a rebuttal prepared, his silence could almost pass for begrudging agreement.
“Ha. I knew it, you’re just as bad as me. Can I have a drink from that, by the way?”
“...You should have bought your own.”
No, Azul won’t reveal the fact that he overheard the two of you just yet. He decides to leave his hiding spot, plaster on an oblivious facade as he puts his broom away, interrupting the tail-end of your conversation.
(For now, he can revel in your spittake-turned-coughing-fit and Jamil’s panicked expression.)
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a/n: BIBI.... U FLATTER ME... M'BLUSHINGH... i realized very quickly that a drabble wouldnt be enough words to put a resolution to the scenario but lets face it...... i think these three are meant to stew in their feelings for each other until they cant ignore the tension anymore 🤧🤧NE WAYS happy valentines oomfie, thank u for sending in a request 💕💕
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 month
Can you do Costumes, Excitement, and Scary Movie for Loona? Ideally for Male Reader. Thank you, I love your writing!
Costumes, Excitement, Scary Movie w/ Loona (fall prompts)
juggling between writing normal posts and prepping for flufftober while also drawing while also brainstorming ideas for halloween art while also getting silly with my current hyperfixation is starting to take a toll hisshiss i think what i might do as deadlines come up is dedicate a day or two to write a bunch of stuff just so i have uninterrupted time to finish flufftober... just 11 more fics!! we are so close!! prompts: costumes, excitement, scary movie notes: reader is male cws: none
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shes not that big on dressing up actually, including costumes for halloween
at most you might be able to wear one of those really simple costumes... maybe you could get away with putting a witch hat on her
she just generally seems uninterested in the idea, however if its something that means a lot she will make some level of effort to match with you! even if its not some elaborate costume, its still something!
store bought costume, as well
assuming she doesnt have to work, shes looking forward to spending the night with you! she may not be insane for the holiday like you might be... but its nice to have some down time to relax with your partner
neither hates nor dislikes halloween, shes just not much of a holiday person in general
sometimes doesnt get what the hype is about even if you try to explain...that said she wouldnt intentionally make you feel bad for liking the holiday
can definitely see her being the type to try to appear unphased by the movies on the outside but on the inside shes just the slightest bit tense
oh she hates jumpscares- she thinks theyre cheap, plus hates the sudden noise... you catch her ears flattening against her head everytime
does like some of the themes and vibes some films give off, though, even if otherwise the genre isnt her cup of tea
work doesnt allow her to watch them with you all month- ignoring that shes likely slacking at work- so you guys are going to be confined to weekends
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sucker4sixx · 5 months
Recycled from 2023!
Plot: unlike def leppard nikki makes promises he cannot keep
Warnings: mental breakdown, smut
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Another friday night. You spent the day at home cooking a lovely meal for nikki, he was always disappearing to have a drink with his band but this time he promised to come home, it was different from all the other promises because this time he said he ment it.
You cooked you both a huge chilli, his favourite. And set it out by 7pm. He finished work at 5 but you didnt expect him to come home straight away, that was completely fine. Just aslong as he was home before nine.
8pm. You ass was getting sore from the uncomfortable wooden seat that you waited on and the candles where halfway done. Yeah sure you where nervous but its not exactly like hes done anything wrong, theres still time for him to arrive. You thanked the stars you put the plastic containers over the plates or otherwise they would be cold.
8:30. You where growing impatient, the tight black dress you wore starting to itch. No matter how much you checked your phone you wouldnt call him. Its his job to keep a promise. He is an adult.
8:50. Tears started growing in your eyes "ten minutes nikki. You got ten more minutes" you whispered to yourself.
8:59 *ping* your phone buzzed
Contact name: "nikki"
"Hay baby foing to be a lirtle late back hime tonight, lobe you so much x"
That same message you got almost every second day, your eyes pouring of tears now.
"Fuck you."
Not exactly mature but your brain was racing and it was all you could muster up. Instead of doing what you would usually do, cry in your bed. You picked up the two, well made, plates of food and threw them on the ground.
Screaming all hell. The wine glasses filled with that extremely expensive wine he bought you? Smashed against the wall. You would crush the candles but they had already completely melted.
Your phone rang and rang as you lay on the kitchen floor covered in cold chilly, pieces of glass from the wine glasses leaving tiny scars on your arms. Anyone wouldve thought you where manic, but you thought this was too tame compared to how he really made you feel. You cried your eyes out as if you had no neighbours and you where in the planet completely alone, thats how you felt anyways.
10pm, you didnt move from your position, the melt down slowing but the crying becoming more dramatic.
"How could he do this to me? Im such a great girlfriend. I cook home made meals, i dont expect much of him" you though, only seeing red.
You look over to see nikki standing at the door way, looking at you like you where some sort of monster "babe? Ive been calling you like crazy! What have you done!" He scolded you, walking towards the 'crime scene' as few might describe it. "You have no fucking right to be scolding me!" You screamed back, standing up, feeling light headed from crying and screaming so much "every week, i slave in the kitchen over you" you pointed to the chilli on the ground "baby i promise ill come home tonight you just go cook a fucking meal that will take you fucking hours so that i can stand you up!" You mocked him. You walked towards him slowly, grabbing onto his shirt leaving it covered in chilli "ive fucking had it with you nikki" you said weakly, crying "i-" "dont talk to me right now" you walked upstairs, a trail of chilli staining the white carpet.
You ran a shower and locked the bathroom door so that he couldnt come in. The water pelting against you as you sat down made the feeling go away, the deep feeling of being stabbed in the back. After your long shower you got out and put on your pjs that thank god you remembered to take them in and dried your hair with the hairdryer that sat on the counter.
*knock knock*
You turned round to look at the door where the knocks came from. "Honey?" god he knew you loved when he called you that "what is it, nikki?" "Let me in please" he winced, almost like he was crying "i cant" he just huffed and sat against the door "i know i failed you multiple times" you sat against the door too feeling your eyes tear up "but god if you only knew how much i love you. God if only i could show you then youd know forever" "nikki ive heard it before. Your never going to change" you heard him crying softly "baby please" he pawed at the door, the alcohol becoming more evident. You reluctantly opened the door and he looked up at you like a lost kitten, propping himself up with one hand, eyes bright red and puffy. You both stayed still for a minute untill you got onto your knees, his gorgeous eyes scanning your face for your next move. Softly you kissed him and he brought his hand up to hold your face.
Without warning nikki slowly started backing you up onto the floor, his other hand behind your head. When you where fully on the ground, his hands traveled down to your pj pants to pull them down to your ankles while you undid his tight leather jeans. Soon you where both stripped as nikki sat inbetween your legs, kissing you on the neck making you whimper softly. He grabbed onto your hands tight "please dont leave me baby" he whispered, your hand coming up to tangle your fingers in his hair making him whimper too. He sat up, left arm resting by your head, legs spreading yours to give him more access and his right hand holding his dick. He dragged his tip through your folds painfully slow, knowing how to tease you right "nikki hurry up!" You laughed, you laughter was cut off by a gasp as he pushed into you. He moved down slowly since there was no foreplay, both groaning as he did so "fuck honey, your so tight"
You grabbed him into a tight hug as he finally got right into you, stopping to let your pussy adjust. "Are you okay baby?" You pulled him back in, making his dick go in further, you moan softly "i missed you" as a response nikki started moving out of you and moving back in before he was fully out. Your back arched on the cold tiles as nikkis pace quickened, still in a tight hug. He peppered your face with kisses making your face blush even more"im so sorry baby, im so sorry" he mumbled speeding up, your sweat mixing and the sound of his skin hitting yours becoming louder. You trailed your tongue up his neck making him moan and rest his forehead head on the cold tiles. You brought your hand down to play with your clit noticing that nikki was unintentionally getting more out of it than you, your other hand coming up to tug on his black scruffy hair.
Five minutes later he started thrusting sloppily and you felt the knot in your tummy tighten as he started to hit the g spot, you let out a loud moan and nikki figured you out, pushing in and out harder the exact way he did making you almost cry his name "baby...im going to cum" you winced feeling your vision blur and nikkj picked up his pace"let yourself go honey, cum around me" it was odd not hearing nikki swear and dirty talk but then again it was odd having soft sex and even odder having it on the bathroom floor. Your thighs shook as you felt the knot undo. Nikki moaning loudly when he felt you tighten around him "oh fuck baby, where should i cum" "on my chest" with that he pulled out fast and pumped himself a few times, making deep eye contact.
After a second or two his warm cum splatted on your tummy and rolled down your sides, he let out a struggled moan, hanging his head low.
None of you moved for a minute or two. Your back lay against the cold tiles gasping for air and nikki stayed between your legs gasping too. Both covered in sweat. Eventually he got some toilet paper and cleaned you both up, after, he picked you up carefully and carried you bridal style into the bedroom laying you down gently, no words spoken at all. "Are you alright darling?" He looked down at you "i just need you to be here then ill be alright" you felt your eyes tearing up, he got in next to you, staring at you sympathetically "ill be home tomorrow night i swear on it, ill try even harder" you couldnt help but frown, hearing the same speech again and again was getting tiring "yeah." "what did i say?"
"What you say every day" he stopped to think for a minute "ill try harder this time, ill tell mick. You know him he wont let me stay i swear, I want to be better for you baby i mean it" you felt your cheeks glow but stopped yourself from thinking of any change actually happening.
Saturday night. You spent the day at home cooking a lovely meal for nikki, he was always disappearing to have a drink with his band but this time he promised to come home, it was different from all the other promises because this time he said he ment it. Again.
You cooked you both a spaghetti, your favourite. And set it out by 7pm. He finished work at 5 but you didnt expect him to come home straight away, that was completely fine. Just aslong as he was home before nine.
8pm. You ass was getting sore from the uncomfortable wooden seat that you waited on and the candles where halfway done. Yeah sure you where nervous but its not exactly like hes done anything wrong, theres still time for him to arrive. You thanked the stars you put the plastic containers over the plates or otherwise they would be cold. No matter how much you checked your phone you wouldnt call him. Its his job to keep a promise. He is an adult.
8:30. Tears started growing in your eyes again *CLICK*
"hey baby im home!"...
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sciderman · 8 months
Usaually I don't bother, but I'm writing to you because i have looked up to you for a long time. I don't need you to respond, maybe even prefer if you won't, but your last post was a big blow for me.
I'm an israeli.
I was born here. My mother was born here. Her grandmother was born here. My grand grandmother fled here after the holocaust.
And you knkw what? You don't have to agree with the israel goverment, i mean if you'd look it up you'll see that almost no one here supports our current goverment. I wish i could sit with you and talk about the conflict and explain that it's nit really black and white as tumblr would like to believe, but i don't think that's a possibility.
But writing that we are "white settlers" is just... god. It's a lie. Not even just antisemtic lie, becuase 20% of israeli citizens are actually arabs (both muslims and christians). most of jewish populations are not even "ashkenazi" jews.
The interent currently is not a very reliable source of history (like, i've seen people claim we should call tel aviv "ahuzat bait" since it is its arab name. It's not. It's in hebrew, and the name of the first street if tel aviv when it was legally bought)
And if you ask why not let all the middle east countries participate in the eurivision - actually they let them. They just decided the quit when israel joined.
Again, I'm writing becuase I'm hurt. You can dissmiss it if you want, but i wish you wouldnt. Again, you dont need to post it or respond, i just wish you will think twice about what you hear or learn about a war the happens to other people, and doesnt affect you at all (some of us - on both sides - are actually afraid of dying).
Peace, love, and mostly peace.
oh bless you anon - i hope you're okay with me posting this, because i wouldn't be able to respond otherwise. i admit entirely i was being reductive - i haven't spoken a lot about this issue here because i'm afraid of letting emotion get the better of me, when i know how morally complex this issue is. i was being reductive - and i absolutely know there are a lot of israeli-born jewish people who are native to the land. and i know there are a lot of jewish people in israel who are against the occupation. and i know there is a huge population of israeli citizens who are against their government because the government is lying to their citizens just as much as they're lying to world.
but there is an image that the leading powers in israel want to paint to the world - the one they show in eurovision and any media presence (which they pour ungodly amounts of money into) - and it's of a very western, palatably white israel. i really would like you to know that when i refer to "israel" i refer only to the ruling powers that govern it - not the citizens that live there.
israel doesn't want you to see iraeli-born jews who are critical of their government and actually have been living peacefully alongside the muslim and christian population of the land for hundreds of years before the occupation. israel doesn't want to showcase that narrative, because that would show that actually the nation could've been peaceful and have equality for all it's people the whole time (because they've been doing it for HUNDREDS of years prior) and there was no reason to expel palestinians from their homes.
in eurovision, wants to show that israel has established this land and made it pristine and beautiful and countries should invest in this cosmopolitan utopia and new western culture that is so divorced from it's native people and it's history. palatable. marketable. clean. no war crimes here.
there's an unfortunate power imbalance in the world - and that's that some nations have the money and the power to curate and maintain a spotless public image - and other nations can't afford to keep the lights on in their hospitals.
i really love and appreciate you for coming into my inbox, anon. i think it's really brave and i really appreciate your voice and appreciate people like you. i know israel is a terrifying place to be right now - particularly for people who are critical of the government, you're under threat from both sides - you're distrusting of your own military, and there's the very real threat of hammas too. and i'm so, so sorry you're in that place and in that situation. and as someone who's born there, and your family being there for generations, the question of escape isn't as simple as settlers who can come and go freely. but i really, really hope you're safe and can stay safe. i'm so sorry your family went through all that you did, and that your family escaped one horror for another. this isn't the kind of world you should live in - and i'm praying that positive change will hold the israeli government accountable, and force them to prioritise their people.
not their "image", not how much power and money and land they hold. people. people - both israeli and palestinian, deserve to feel safe and heard and have a government that will protect them. it's the duty any power in the world should have to their people. and i feel like - if we deprive israel of their magical power to appear good and pristine and progressive palatable and clean of all blood in the eyes of the media - if we rob it of that, then they'll be forced to address these real problems within their government. they'll be forced to make amends. forced to apologise, and gain the world's favour again through real positive change.
i'm praying you're staying safe, anon. i really, really hope you and your family are safe. thank you so much for your message, and i'm sending you so much love from across the borders of the world.
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Stede gives me the vibe that in a modern world, Mary would dump him, he’d realize he doesn’t like women. Abd then just not act on it because “it’s too late to come out”
im assuming in this modern au mary is telling stede that she's dumping stede because he's gay, because otherwise i dont know if stede would figure it out on his own.
however. if modern au stede realizes he's gay before meeting ed i think he would act on it. this is the same guy who, when he realized he didn't like the life he was living, bought a boat and ran away to be a pirate. this is the same guy who, when he realized he was in love, immediately started planning a way to get back to ed. stede bonnet commits and commits hard, no matter how insane his goals are.
but stede wouldnt act on it by trying to go out and date and meet people like a normal person. obviously. he'd fucking open a gay bar or a drag bar or go straight into trying to dom at a gay bdsm club or some shit. he'd google "gay orgies near me" and show up to an address he got from a listing on craigslist dressed like he's going to senior prom. he'd be in public somewhere and see a stranger sitting on a bench with a gay pride pin and just walk over and be like "hello! i see you're gay. me too! any idea where i can find more of us?" and that's how he meets lucius. his first attempts at hitting on people will just be describing his entire situation ("i was married to a woman until quite recently, when she realized i was gay. she had to be the one to tell me! ive never been with a man before but i am very interested in gaining experience. would you like to have sex with me?") to complete strangers and he thinks the reason everyone keeps saying no is because he's unattractive.
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AITA for asking for my fathers help hauling some wood? my (27NB) father (53M) and mother (48F), who i live with, divorced when i was a child. he was extremely abusive to her and to me. I wouldnt say ive made peace with it, but ive accepted that he's never going to love me the way i need and have settled for having whatever surface level relationship with him isnt too unbearable.
recently i bought myself a new bed frame off of amazon and its very plain. i had the idea that i could build some under bed storage and a daybed headboard to go with it, so i could double my room as a living space as well. i asked my father if he'd go with me to lowes, as he has a trailer and lowes card that would get me a discountand make it easy to get the wood back to my house
my mother found out about it this morning and got extraordinarily pissed at me. she said she doesnt see why is bedframe is important enough to even talk to him, and that she doesnt want him in her house. i said i had no intention of inviting him in, and she said she didnt want him even in the driveway. She made a huge fuss until i texted him and told him i changed my mind.
so, aita? she has trauma, and that sucks, and i dont think she should have to be around him just because ive chosen to and i also have trauma so Its Fine NowTM, but also its my house too, and my bed, she never would have even seen or spoke to him, and i have no way to otherwise haul the wood. and frankly, i cant change the fact that he's my father. if want a relationship with the rest of that side of my family, i have to at least occasionally acknowledge that he exists and interact with him.
What are these acronyms?
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emleeeeeeeeee · 4 months
chaps 500-501 sorry im late guys
okay so first thing even though it might be obvious i feel like vin and taejin have had such a parallel life if that makes sense? like obviously taejin was bought up with everything and anything that he wanted (and taught that everything was his) and we did see at the start that he was decently kind(?) to vin as a child, but only bc he viewed vin as his property. we do see this like attitude start changing as he grows up tho, where he doesnt see the need to treat his 'property' aka other ppl well anymore (rip sujin) and really just takes what he wants from them. he also really just wants everything to be his at this point, as seen when he's like excited at his father's death bc it means that he has more power. so vin has obviously had like a very traumatic childhood, but somehow vin and taejins lives still seem very in parallel
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especially in that scene bc its like showing their attachment(idk how else to describe it) to cheonliang, but for starkly different reasons. wait more like how they're both fighting for cheonliang, but while vin(and the other ppl sry idk what theyre called) are fighting purely for the memory of sujin and seongji(rip), taejin is fighting so that he can claim it as his AS SEEN WHEN THE LITTLE BITCH SHOWS UP WHEN THEYRE DECIDING THE LEADER.
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OMG THE DISRESPECT I CANT. I WANT TO PUT HIM INTO A FUCKING MEAT GRINDER. (writing this i have to keep reminding myself that the way he acts is a result of his upbringing BUT STILL DOES NOT JUSTIFY HIS ACTIONS RIUGSDFHJKNXMCSDFJKX)
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okay ive literally never hated goo more than in this moment. like yes i knew he was a fucking psychopath that didnt care abt anyone other than himself but ykkkkkkk i was hoping it wouldnt apply to characters that i cared abt??(this is how im going to get into a toxic relationship and end up on a true crime podcast)
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behold the queen herself mary kim. also possibly the best female character ptj has written imo (maybe zoe as well)
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OMG THE TANGHULU BOUQUET ISTG ONE OF THESE DAYS I WILL MAKE TANGHULU THEN MAKE A BOUQUET AND GIVE SEONGJI A FUNERAL (help i think im getting too obsessed i have work to do and im here doing this)
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OUR FRESHLY GLOWED UP MC IS BACKKKK. i honestly cant tell if its his new or old body at this point someone pls tell me its not just me
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thats a bit interesting. i still think that goo is going to be the one to die (but im not as attached to him anymore cuz otherwise taejin would be dead IF NOT FOR HIM) but gun definitely looks kinda depressed in this frame after the whole yk chaps 479-480 soooo idk whats gonna happen. even tho chap 502 is out im just gonna finish my work first and get back to you guys. but cheonliang arc finally ended!!!! and now we hopefully get to see jake kims brother who is like fiiinnneeeee (and a cannibal but whatever im colourblind i dont see red flags)lmao i love how this post just started with like an essay opening and dissolved into shitposting. anyways love you guys prob gonna post again sooooonnnn <33333
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cordcorvid · 5 months
hi! i hope this doesnt come off as a bother or anything . but do you have any mask making tips or tutorials you could reccomend ?? (like for materials, jaw movement, and how to see out of there) im planning to do a raven named Goose :D
ive been finding some resources here and there, but i thought it wouldnt hurt to ask !!!
Absolutely not! I'd love to answer all your questions. :D I have not looked at that many tutorials, I mostly looked at pinterest pictures of raven costumes to see what I can come up with. One that really inspired me to get things going is actually another Tumblr user I found on there who has posted some helpful tips that I followed along with! They too have a raven costume and they got their resin base from the same manufacturer (Crystumes, they have a website where you can shop for their blanks) Since this post is awfully long, I'll do a read more from here on:
The tutorials I followed the most is this one by Rah-Bop:
Rah-Bop has some tips about adding feathers, making foam-feathers, adding claws to your gloves, making gloves or feet. In terms of material: I used the hinged resin base by Crystumes which by itself cost me +/- 200USD, they sent me a pair of customizeable glass eyes and a tongue.
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Crystumes has some additional tutorials specifically regarding their masks on their website! Crystumes also lists some of the materials on their website that I used and where to get them (Like the apoxie clay to do the eyelids, the glass eyes etc.) I did mess the eyes up though the first time I did it so I had to order them from delviesplastics.com (As suggested by Crystumes) Since I ordered the base with hinges I'm not sure how to do them myself but I will have to figure it out for the second fursuit I'm cooking! In terms of other material I bought some long rooster feathers and hair jewelry off of Etsy. I bought a pair of long faux leather gloves from Ricardo (which is a swiss second hand online shop) but you can buy the gloves anywhere else or even sew them yourself by tracing your arm and hand on a piece of paper, then trace the pattern twice on any somewhat stretchy material like faux leather or spandex and sew those two together for one glove each. I bought black fur in another Swiss textile / sewing shop named Alja (not sure if it's actually Swiss) since it's cheaper (around 60$ for 4 yards) than to ship fur from America to Switzerland (Which amounts to 100-200 for the same amount). But if you can afford it: Take a look at Howl's Fabrics or Big Z Fabric. Both websites offer samples! I personally don't buy from them as the shipping costs for me are devastating. I suggest looking at general "furring" tutorials or "how to fur a fursuit head" tutorials on youtube. Most of them will tell you to make a duct tape pattern on your base, draw on the patterns then cut those patterns out on fur, sew the fur together then glue to the base. Crystumes once made a twitter post about it as well I think but I'm not sure I'll find it. When cutting fur in general just make sure you keep the scissors as close to the backing as possible to avoid cutting any fur fibers in the process, it will be visible otherwise. I made a fur top / shirt by tracing one of my long sleeve t-shirts onto the fur I bought and went with that. For the back of the head I used an 80s Mullet/Rockstar wig I bought from another Swiss online store. Other fursuit makers mostly sew fur even to the back of the head but my personal Raven fursuit is literally just a mask with a wig to cover the back. Which in turn makes the whole mask less hot. To keep the mask ON my face and to keep it from slipping down I used the adjusteable part of a biking helmet or climbing helmet. and attached it to the mask by using a lot of hot glue, I eventually had to use some stronger glue as it kept falling off. Since the mask was fairly big when I bought it and rather uncomfortable I used thick felt sheets and glued them inside the head as padding material! Foam works as well, whatever floats your boat. I went with felt since I could easily cut some feather patterns into them as a nice easter egg. Not sure anymore what exactly I used to cover the holes by the beak that I see out of, but it was some kind of very fine dark and flexible grid that I bought from the swiss equivalent of home depot. In terms of being able to see: The crystume base has holes between the beak and the eyes that you can look out of or you can even look through the mouth, both works pretty well and the mask allows for a lot of visibility from within- Out of all my fellow furry friends I'm the only one that doesn't necessarily need a spotter since I can see pretty well. In terms of clothing I pretty much sewed nothing by myself and only assembled a bunch of my own outfits that would fit the raven costume. Sometimes I did buy some costume specific stuff from online clothing stores or went into the thrift shop to buy some costume specific clothing pieces. In general, for your first raven costume just go with the flow and try to keep it budget friendly, as your first will unlikely be perfect. And that's about it! Not sure if I missed something but I tried to cover everything as much in detail as I could. Hope it helps!
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whoviandoodler · 19 days
hot take but pirating books serves the same function as watching game playthroughs
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puppypeter · 26 days
RAAAHHHHHH your most recent bottom!Roy post is just *chefs kiss* PERFECTION!!!
I am endlessly fascinated by super masculine Alpha male type characters getting to bottom, and while slutty!Roy is a stroke of genius, I also LOVVVVEEE first time bottoming!Roy, because maybe its something hes always been peripherally interested in but because of his public persona/sports politics/internalised homophobia/internalised sexism, no one ever really ASKED, and he probably wouldnt have felt safe enough to try with a casual hookup even if they had.
I do believe in my soul that Roy is a Dom, but I do think the intimacy and vulnerability of bottoming with Jamie would be something Roy would definitely be willing to explore. I think it would probably be super emotional and cathartic for Roy (and probably Jamie too, because could you imagine how overwhelming that kind of trust would be?), but both Roy and Jamie would really have to work up to it, because internalised homophobia is a complicated beast, and you can think you're not super effected by any ingrained ideologies until all of a sudden you're having a panic attack mid-Coitus.
There WILL be crying for both of them when they do finally work up to it though, that I know for absolute certain.
I still think Roy bottoming would probably be very rare though, even just purely because of how emotionally fraught the whole ordeal is, but I do think it would really be the kind of thing that just reaffirms how serious RoyJamie are about each other. Romantic sex that simultaneously unpacks our individual internalised issues, my absolute beloved ❤️
yay someone in my inbox screaming about bottom roy kent is what dreams are made of! 🥰🥰🥰
I agree with everything, there's many different ways it could be explored. Either as him becoming more and more stuck in his ways about sex too, like no I can't go back to that or even sadder, having a bad experience with someone, maybe a casual or not so casual partner making some comments that hurt deeper than they think and which make him swear to never trust someone that much again.
I also do love them being together, snuggling all warm and flushed and talking about the more vulnerable stuff and he (a little pouty and playing with his hands in a nervous manner in a similar fashion to jam tartt) wonders why would jamie assume he'd top though :( and he expect maybe jamie to laugh in a mocking way (like cmon have you seen yourself) but jamie just giggles and admits that he was just eager to selfishly have roy in him but he'd of course love to die a different death too
Also, while technically nobody's business, I can see the locker room talk around the topic and everyone straight up assuming Jamie bottoms cause I mean have you seen him (and the cake on him lol) so they're all a bit surprised when they somehow find out otherwise
I think my obsession comes with mostly Roy looking absolutely delicious when he's all flushed and he gets those rosy cheeks (Jamie 100% jokingly lovingly calls him doll), the thought of beefy baby Jamie looking after him in s.3 like he's so eager to court him and make sure he's got what he needs (sticks his hoodie on him, brings him tea, ice pack, hugs him from behind and kisses his shoulder like he did at the gala with keeley 😭). Ok this is not a post about roy kent bottoming anymore, it's about roy kent having equal rights to be looked after and treated like a prince by his boyfriend (whose mum and stepdad have made sure knows how to) and Roy being absolutely gobsmacked at the treatment because what the fuck is going on this is so nice I'm not used to this oh flowers? for me? but I am cooking you dinner Jamie shut up, you remembered the washing powder that doesn't irritate my skin? you bought me something because it reminded you of me?
(ok I'm self projecting on roy again and healing my inner child via him but as someone that also sees roy as a the post child for childhood emotional neglect i can see him being both overly touched but also thrown off by someone taking care of him and puttint his needs first, there's so much i want to say about that it would take a million words)
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juni-ravenhall · 7 months
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i bought this horse for saved up free sc at the bazaar on my middle east alt acc... wouldnt have bought it on my main bc its one of those with bland animations that feel not-alive to me (some horses like the appaloosa, jorvik wild, feel like they have thoughts behind those eyes like an intelligent living animal. its prob usually nomi's horses but im not sure 100% which horses were made by who. praying the new fri they mentioned will be as amazing as the appaloosas and not stiff and plastic like lippizaners)
anyway this mc is called "princess snowing" and ive been going with a princessy and silver-black-white theme, and this elegant dapple fit pretty well. except now i got this dress from a quest and am wearing that but it still kinda works.
i do like the brown eyes (certified blue eyes hater due to nordic trauma) and the soft way the coat was painted while still having pretty details and variety is actually really nice, and i love the pink nose and the socks (hidden by rainbows). some of the recent horses coats are way too plain and plastic-y for me but this one is good. i dont like the bwb manes in general bc i prefer long manes, but it worked out with a button style for princess. basically just a horse i wouldnt have had enough reasons to buy otherwise, but ended up enjoyable on my alt.
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seariii · 9 months
Orchid, sage, and chamomile!
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
oh thats a difficult one.... home by cavetown probably... musically feels great, the lyrics is touching, and its mv helps it wrap it all up nicely.... it always gives me the chills.... there are other songs that i adore with my whole being, but right now thats the one that came to mind
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
music definetly!!! well... visual stories like videogames or anime make me cry, and that can also be considered art.... but going with traditional meaning of art, music!!! music gives me so many feelings and lets me experiment worlds that otherwise i wouldnt... sometimes music has themes that i would otherwise never get close to, and sometimes music tells you stories without even words... or without really understanding them!!! there was this one time... that a friend was introducing me to bts and made a playlist and i was listening to it with them, and two songs, one i told them i saw a flower floating down a river, and on the other one it felt like hot like the dessert, and funny enough, he said that on the music video the second one does have a dessert and the first one had a beautiful story that had to do with flowers.... i cant remember exactly what all was, but i thought that its impressive that even without understanding any words, that music managed to pass through a message.... i dont know, i love music
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
oh!! another fun one!!! anything!!! you see, one of my love languages is gift giving/receiving. it doesnt mean that im materialist or anything like that, tho.... to me, what matters is the thought. literally, that you thought of me while you were getting/buying/making the drawing, thats what makes it valuable for me.
maybe its a little silly from the outside, but ill use a story that happened. we made a secret santa with some friends, but the person who organized it got it wrong, placed a person twice and didnt put me in the options. so when the day came, i was the last one, and the second person who hadnt given the gift to the repeated person, ended up giving it to me. it was basically the same that i asked for. but..... they didnt think of me when they bought it, it wasnt for me.
thats why... you can give me a flower you found on the side of the road, or an amiibo, or a drawing, or a lollipop from your candy bag, or anything really. because what matters to me is that you thought of me.... i hope that makes sense hahahahaha
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