#otp message
bulksmsbymsgclub · 1 year
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catoscloves · 6 months
there's something to be said about gale telling peeta that katniss will choose the person she can't survive without - a sentiment that katniss notices lacks any mention of love or comfort or affection, only partnership and practicality. because survival is the basis of gale and katniss's relationship - their relationship is the product of an oppressive regime where so many people starve and die and suffer. they built a partnership out of pragmatic necessity - friendship and affection and yes, even love, did spring from that, but nevertheless, survival was the foundation for them, and the fact that the majority of their dynamic is spent in the woods and this is the only place gale sees her happy is symbolic of that.
but her relationship with peeta is extremely different. he gives her laughter and comfort and joy no matter where they are. he balances out the temperamental and volatile nature (a characteristic she shares with gale as a result of their conditions) with peacefulness and an appreciation for beauty and goodness. they have a trust and camaraderie and friendship that extends far beyond the need for survival, a bond that connects them beyond merely the need to stay alive and protect their loved ones. it is with peeta that she truly lives and laughs and loves and betters herself. peeta notices and brings out the most wonderful parts of her cold, dispassionate exterior (mockingjay, suzanne collins), gives her an appreciation for beauty in life (dandelion in the spring, the pearl on the beach, etc). he's the calmness and peacefulness that she needs to truly live and feel free and safe, while gale is violence and storms and outbursts (which she may agree with, but his tendencies to choose violence don't satisfy katniss's emotional needs in a relationship like peeta does).
to gale and katniss, love and relationships and friendships and human connection come second to practical concerns and the mere desire to simply not die. for peeta and katniss, love and life are about far more than just survival, which is why they share an emotionally charged connection that's stronger than what gale and katniss have.
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corvase · 2 years
platonic soulmate prompts
these came from my heart and a past friendship of mine. enjoy and feel free to use :)
“you’re my sister, my love, and my best friend. thank you for existing.”
holding hands <33
hugs !!!!
long distance friendships </3
but if they’re long distance they can send each other packages n stuff
“you mean the world to me. did i ever tell you that?”
if one of the characters doesn’t have a father figure, what if their friend walked them down the aisle
“STOP LAUGHING I DONT KNOW WHAT TO GET YOU FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY.” “whatever you get me, i’m sure i’ll love it.”
“i love you.” “don’t make me cry.”
the moment they have their first real conversation and they’re both so much like “THEYRE JUST LIKE MEEEE” and they know right away this is going to be a forever friendship
“this is so weird to say, but i’m so glad i met you.” “that’s not weird to say at all.”
“you’re so freaking cool.”
“i feel like we haven’t talked in a minute. how are you?”
“i love you. i don’t think i can say that enough.” “i’m pretty fond of you, too.”
“i feel like, id give my heart to you if you were about to die.” “…….. id pour water on you if you were on fire too, i guess.”
“you’re a nerd.” “you’re a dummy. now what?”
giving each other life advice
^ “i know it may not help now, but honestly, what’s meant to happen will happen. what’s meant for you will find you.” “i guess that’s why you found me.”
“if you don’t go i’m not going.”
“you know that guy i was talking to?” “which one?” “STOP.”
them saying things at the same time and then being like TWINNNN
“i get to tell everyone my best friend is a [profession]… sounds like a win to me.”
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dumplingsjinson · 1 year
List of “letting someone down (aka: rejection)” prompts
“I… Don’t see a future with an us in it.” 
“You’re great and all, but I see you more as a friend than anything else.” 
“I’m sorry but I don’t feel that romantic connection between us.” 
“I tried. I really did, but I don’t see you that way. I’m sorry.” 
“You’re not that someone I want, and I’m so sorry if I ever made you feel like I might have wanted something more.” 
“You deserve better than me, and I know you’ll find that someone one day.” 
“I think I liked the attention more than I liked you.” 
“I’m just… Sorry.” 
“I feel like it would be selfish of me to want your company but not want you. So I think I should let you go.”
“I do like you! Just not in that way, you know?”
“It’d be unfair and selfish of me if I kept you around as a friend when I know you want something more with me, wouldn’t it?” 
“I would like you back if I could, but that’s just not how things work.” 
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blue-ravens · 9 months
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Cal x Merrin
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witchern · 1 month
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beautifulhigh · 10 months
It's me, hi, over-reading it's me
Welcome to today's "Jen is on her meta, spiralling bullshit" entry. I make no apologies for this - anyone who has followed me for more than two minutes will know this is very much my thing.
I get yelled at in a LOT of tags as a result.
ANYWAY. On my daily rewatch I had to pause at the hospital because it hit me.
"All right, what else? It couldn't have just been the conference... Oh my god it is. It is, isn't it?" "Don't minimise it." "How could I possibly? It's already as minimal as it gets." "It was my first foray into the world as a public figure and I was really scared, and you could have helped me and you didn't."
It isn't minimal though, it never was for Alex. The comment about it being his first foray into the world was something and enough of an explanation as to why Alex has held on to this resentment, but there is more to it, more he doesn't share in that janitor's closet.
But even though Henry dismissed it as "minimal as it gets", he shows that he accepts it wasn't for Alex and he apologises for being a prick, offering his own explanation for his actions. But not in the "so you should forgive ME" kind of way. Just in the "I hope this helps you understand me" kind of way.
Later, in a hotel bed in Paris, Alex will tell Henry how he wants to do more. How helping people, making a difference, using his platform and his visibilty means so much to him. Being the kind of person that his dad didn't get to see growing up. Henry will tell Alex that he's learning. And he is.
Later, Alex emails Henry and expresses his fears about letting his mother down while on the campaign trail in Texas, and Henry reassures him, tells him that he understands what he's saying (so he doesn't minimise them this time) and makes it clear how proud he is. Because he has learned that Alex's fears can consume him and they are very real and valid to him.
Later, in the gardens of Kensington Palace, a broken-hearted Henry will ask his sister if what they do makes any real difference. Because he has learned what this can mean to someone and how he has this gift in his position and his status.
Later, he will ask Alex for time so he can learn how to be brave, because he wants his love for Alex to be a part of his written history. Because he has learned that putting yourself into the world is a terrifying thing and sometimes you need to ask for help with that.
Later, the first thing he will ask Alex is if he is OK, because he has learned to ask, to not just focus on his own emotions. (Which given the Melbourne Climate Conference was literal months after Arthur's death, Henry is once again going through some Serious Emotional Shit™. But now he asks.)
Later, he will tell his brother and his grandfather that he is not going to hide who he is, who he loves, for the sake of maintaining the traditional royal image out of fear that he won't be accepted by the people. Because he has learned that there is love and support out there for him to be who he really is.
A moment after, he will take Alex's hand and walk out onto the balcony in front of the crowd waving the LGBTQIA+ flag. Because he listened and he learned and it won't be minimal to someone else.
Henry was so focused on himself and his feelings in Melbourne, and he ended up hurting someone that he came to love so deeply and completely. And while what he did during that first night party was understandable - grief is overwhemingly powerful and almost never gracious - he learns that what he does matters. How he is seen matters. How he interacts with people matters.
In a janitor's closet in a hospital Henry asks the question which changes the course of how he starts to see everything. He listens. He learns.
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explosiv-glasses · 3 months
One day, Gideon receives an envelope, the labeling on which indicates that it contains highly-sensitive information for their eyes only. Gideon opens the envelope, and inside is a short, affectionate, handwritten love letter from Kremy .
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pinkyjulien · 5 months
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Valentin & Mitch | 655/?? ▶ When the heat of the afternoon puts you in the mood 🔞
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simp-for-long-hair · 3 months
please click for better quality
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some more fanfic postage stamps ♡
• hanahaki disease • time travel • royalty au • idiots in love • academic rivals • found family • slice of life • secret relationship • mutual pining •
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waviermylove · 1 year
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Texts messages [part one]
blue: Wednesday
grey: Xavier
[part two]
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tim-lucy · 2 years
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cause they don't know about the night in the hotel they weren't riding in the car when we both fell
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agentnatesewell · 26 days
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I can’t lie this made me cackle. I am imagining Nate blushing when he realizes and laughing (and trying to find a place to hide it before the others find out and put the clues together)
It’ll be on the one year anniversary where Adam sees the cheeky yet thoughtful gift and realizes that his suspicions were right all along!
Thinking about it a little longer, and it is Suri that gives this to Nate on the anniversary. With a poem, of course, just to sweeten the sentiment
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cocoabubbelle-newblog · 3 months
This is Cocoa Bubbelle, for anyone who may recognize this blog below:
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If anyone has been wondering where I have been, I will keep this brief:
For some reason, the email I’ve always used for this app became invalid, making it impossible for me to sign back into my original account. Despite messaging Tumblr and going through the proper steps to attempt to regain access, it was determined for prevention of potential risk that my request for help was denied.
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Rather than waste time being frustrated over now no longer having access to content I created, liked, drafted up, and reblogged for about 2 years and developing connections with those of you who followed me (thanks so much, btw!), I am going to attempt to start anew.
I will reblog as much of my original content as I can for those of you that found me through them.
I will also try to make my blog more coherent and organized now that I have a slightly better understanding of how Tumblr works.
It will definitely take time for me to rebuild this blog again, but I will make sure it is worth it!
(Warning: will involve a little bit of reblogging, a little bit of reposting, and a whole lot of shenanigans)
Again, thank you all who have followed, liked, and reblogged my content!
I have no idea how I can reach out to and reconnect with you all again, and I am truly sorry if the last post I have ever made will be the last you will have heard of me. I sadly am not able to recover all notifications and information of who follows me to alert of my new situation.
For anyone who does manage to find me, feel free to reblog this post to anyone who might be interested or you know do follow!
PS. Bonus Scogue pic I was working on before I got kicked out!
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@withjust-a-bite @xlander @marvelshipper @nervouscolordeputypeach @flareonfury @therogue704 @light-miracles ( + everyone else I have not directly mentioned I promise it’s not bc I appreciate you less! I just currently do not have the mental capacity to find you all 😭) I will singlehandedly message my original posts if it is the last thing I do so my presence may be revived and that you can find me again mwahahaha)
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tophsazulas · 1 month
One thing I like about S8!Formciotti is that it’s canon and that Eric and Donna sent each other nudes.
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