#otp: a partner i can be proud of
buttercup-art · 2 months
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cinderella-ish · 6 months
My evolving thoughts on who Yuki should've ended up with, and fanfic's role in changing my mind
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So, I want to talk about Yuki Sohma.
Yuki is the member of the main trio in Fruits Basket with whom I most identify. I have little in common with both Tohru and Kyo, and it took me several watches and read-throughs to start to understand their characters/arcs. (I love them, don't get me wrong! I just didn't fully appreciate the depth of their characters/arcs until maybe my third time through the series.)
Yuki, on the other hand, not only had many external qualities in common with me, but the way he grew mirrored some of the ways I changed in early adulthood. His arc felt true to my life, and so he was my favorite character from my first exposure to Fruits Basket.
When I started reading fanfic, I initially limited myself to canon compliant or limited canon-divergence fics, but eventually, I dipped my toes into some alternate pairings. Interestingly, while I truly can't see Tohru with anyone but Kyo, and I can only see Kyo with someone other than Tohru in very specific circumstances, Yuki seems to work with almost everyone he gets paired with. I mean, Yuki and Machi are my OTP, yet I have probably read (and bookmarked) every Yuki/Kakeru fic on Ao3, and some of the most beautiful fanfic I've ever read is Yuki/Kyo.
This confused me at first. Deeply. If Yuchi is my OTP, why do I devour every Yukeru and Yukyo fic?
Well, I think that's because Yuki's arc is, among other things, one where he rejects compulsory romance. This is made explicit in the Cinderella-ish story (why yes this is my favorite part of Fruits Basket, why do you ask?), where he quite literally rejects the role of the prince - the role that's been put onto him by others through the series. I think his arc would have been complete without him ending up with Machi, but there are things about their relationship that make his ending so much more satisfying. In stories where he ends up with Kakeru or Kyo, Machi almost always appears as an important friend for him. I think, for him, having strong bonds outside the Sohmas that he forged on his own was the point, rather than ending up in a relationship.
Anyway, with that out of the way, here are my thoughts on the five most common Yuki pairings on Ao3!
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Yes. I love them. 1000/10.
Okay, so the one criticism I have of Yuki/Machi is that Yuki is strongly gay-coded throughout the series, and it would've been awesome to see that play out in the way it was set up. I think that's a huge part of why I connected with Yuki - his arc definitely reminded me of my own experience coming to terms with my own queerness. For more on this, see this exceptional post by @yunsoh
But there are so many moments between them that make me swoon. The chalk scene, first and foremost. I used that scene to talk to my partner about how to support me when my OCD or ADHD is bad. Then there's scene where Yuki figures out why Machi destroys things, then asks to make footprints in the snow together (and tells her he's proud of her! and sees how hard she's worked!). The way he bought her Mogeta memorabilia or figured out she likes red or understood her intent when she chased him around the school to give him a flower and just ended up getting angry at him. The way he understood she bought Tohru a bath set because it's what she would want, just because Kakeru made a similar remark. The way he lit up when he saw Machi's trashed apartment - "the sea of despair."
And the way Machi understood and empathized with Yuki. The way he lit up and started laughing when she called him an airhead. The way she said it took someone like him to notice someone like her. The way she opened up to him and always sought him out. The way Kakeru shipped them. The way he knew she would miss him if he were to disappear, and the way being a support to her was something he needed for himself. The way she accepted him as he actually was, and not the way he thought he was supposed to be. The way she broke the door down with a chair when Yuki was trapped in the storage room. The way he teased her!
They've both been put in seemingly desirable positions within their families, yet those positions are responsible for so much of their pain and trauma. They get each other at a deep level. There's a mutuality to their relationship that Yuki desperately needed. I love them so much!
PS: if you also love Yuki/Machi, come find me on Ao3! I'll be posting some Yuchi content later this week!
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They have a fantastic and fun dynamic, and they are always touching each other. Kakeru is Yuki's confidant and someone who makes Yuki feel safe in being himself, flaws and all. They help each other grow - Yuki helps Kakeru be more empathetic, and Kakeru helps Yuki become more comfortable with himself. I think this pairing would have also been a satisfying end for Yuki, full stop. I love them, and I will read all your Yukeru fics, please and thank you. (Also, lots of Yukeru writers are just really good writers, so there are some gorgeous works for them.)
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So, I didn't get why this ship was so popular at first, but then I was reminded that Yuki's first thought when he met Kyo was "pretty!" They both secretly admired each other, they're written as foils for each other, and there's a reason enemies to lovers is so popular (and it's called sexual tension).
There's a Yuki/Kyo fic that I'd credit with showing me what fanfic can really do - especially in the ways it expanded the universe, found its own way of handling the curse, and developed the relationship between the two boys in a way that also grew their characters. That fic is The Pursuit of Repeating History by @mistergrass
I do think that Yuki ending up with someone outside the Sohmas is more satisfying for his character arc than someone from the Sohma clan, but his relationship with Kyo is such a key part of his arc that this could be satisfying in its own right.
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I absolutely love the relationship these two have in canon. I love how Haru looks out for Yuki, and I love how he drives Yuki a bit crazy. I love how Haru tells Yuki the things he needs to hear, like that it's okay for him to focus on himself for a while, and I love how Yuki braves the Sohma estate to check on Haru. I also love the way Haru can read Yuki like a book.
Haru's words to Yuki about finding someone who will appreciate his fragility and kindness are always so touching. Haru is almost a mentor to Yuki, in a way, or a fairy godmother. (Or a long lost sister?) The fact that he was the one who got Yuki out of isolation at the hands of Akito, or that he was the one person who would check on him just speaks to the strength of his loyalty to Yuki.
I take Haru's statement of "Yuki was my first love" seriously, because he tells Yuki he is serious when Yuki warns him people will take him seriously when he says that. I know there's an argument to be made that Haru is just being his weird self, but that gives me and they were roommates vibes.
Unfortunately, most of the Yuki/Haru fics are dubcon with Dark Haru, which is not something I enjoy reading. What I'd really love to read is an AU where they're together in high school or later, or something that explores Haru's early feelings for Yuki, or just something that explores interesting sides of their characters that are brought out when they're together.
I don't think this would be a terribly satisfying end for Yuki, but I do really love their dynamic.
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Okay, so, full disclosure: I was #teamyuki when I first watched Fruits Basket. Yet now, they're the only pairing on this list that I don't like. Why? Well, as I said above, Yuki's arc is much about rejecting this specific compulsory romance.
Compulsory how? Well, from the beginning, the series seems like it's setting up a love triangle, but kind of tells us (more and more explicitly as the series goes on) that things are not what they seem.
I think the series does a phenomenal job of making the reader/viewer complicit in placing this compulsory romance onto Yuki. A brief aside, making the reader/viewer complicit in the thing a story is criticizing is one of the most effective ways to criticize something, IMO, because it doesn't let the reader/viewer off the hook. We don't get to say, "Look at them, they're so foolish!" We're forced to examine our own expectations and acknowledge that we were made a fool of, too.
I totally got tingles at the spa scene (pictured above), even though upon rewatch, it's obvious how much of an act it is on Yuki's part, and how uncomfortable it makes Tohru. In fact, many of their most "romantic" moments, where the shojo bubbles appear and everything, are when Tohru is acting in an explicitly motherly way to Yuki, and he awkwardly tries to flirt because he's either misinterpreting his feelings or in denial about them.
I also thought his line, "that isn't what I want!" when he tells Kakeru about his true feelings for Tohru is one of the most powerful moments in the series. It's the moment he's finally letting go of being the Princely character and choosing to be himself, for himself, because he deserves to be known and accepted - something he'd never fully believed until that moment.
I think part of why I was initially #teamyuki was because I came to Fruits Basket through the anime first, where much of the development of his relationship with Machi was cut. Also, as I said above, I didn't really get the characters of Kyo and Tohru right away, and I think that prevented me from seeing the power of their romance. The True Form arc was a key moment that I truly didn't understand until several viewings/readings later.
So, all of that is why I don't care for this pairing. I get why people do, but I do feel it undermines Yuki's agency and his character arc. It's a pairing that makes me sad when I see it, as if this character I love has taken a step backward.
(Incidentally, I've been wanting to write a fic where the True Form arc plays out differently and Yuki takes longer to realize the nature of his feelings for Tohru. I truly wonder how he would've come to that understanding without witnessing her running after Kyo. Would he have tried dating her? Would it have been a total disaster?)
Other pairings and larger relationship structures
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Out of the other pairings I found, the only one I'm genuinely curious about is Yuki with Saki Hanajima. I'll have to go read those fics. They are each the "cold" half of a "hot/cold" duo (the "hot" halves being Kyo and Arisa, who are basically the same person). I'm very curious what led people to pair them in the handful of fics about them!
(Interestingly, I think it's possible to read Saki and Arisa both as having a bit of sexual tension with Kyo, but not with Yuki.)
The others include Akito, Ayame, Hatori, and Shigure - all pairings that would have a noncon/dubcon element due to Yuki's age, and that's before you get into the specific traumas that these characters have inflicted on Yuki, or the inherent power dynamics between them, or the close familial relationship with Ayame, etc...
The trio relationships are all intriguing and full of possibility. Yuki/Tohru/Kyo? Obviously. Yuki/Kakeru/Kimi? Potential for lots of wackiness. Yuki/Kyo/Haru? Could be the next Mabudachi trio.
(No shade to anyone who enjoys fics with the pairings or tropes I don't like! This blogger believes in "don't like, don't read.")
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thevulturesquadron · 4 months
"I imagine that ‘some things are deeper than skin’ is the line they wanted to get out of it. (For me that fell flat and overall I think once again Rogue drew the short straw just to accommodate her relationship with Remy but that’s a different conversation all together)."
Okay, here i was reading this ask in the tag and saw this. Now you've piqued my interest. When you've got the time i'd love to know your thoughts on this. 😯
hey there traveler! 🌠 I said that? Oops, might have thought that one out-loud. Silly me. 😶 Well, we’re here now so we might as well drive this one home. 'Some things are deeper than skin' was a shallow take on the situation for the trio, imo. It felt like a sticker placed on top of a damaged car. Some things are definitely deeper than skin. So are Rogue's feelings for Erik. So is what her time with him inspired in her. For someone who was a terrorist, who presented drastic solutions to the world, not once did he try to push that onto Rogue. On the contrary, it was made clear that, in the time they spent together in TAS, he taught her to see her powers not as a curse but as an essential part of who she is. He spoke to her about what it really means to embrace her identity, about building a future that makes her feel proud of who she is, about her powers creating a sense of belonging instead of discomfort, shame, and alienation. His presence in her life taught her not to fear who she is, not to put limits on what she can do, it taught her to be a part of the world she wants to see herself living in. THAT is why she fell in love with him. That is the Erik that Rogue loves. The whole 'touch' only came in later. We already see her falling in love with him before they even considered the possibility of touching. I love Gambit with all my heart, but in that scene he didn't consider a single thing of what Rogue had to say about why she wanted to be part of Genosha's future. He literally went ahead and did the opposite of what Erik had done - he made Rogue revert into herself and feel the pain of her inability to touch for the sole purpose of romantic and sexual gain. That line was ultimately used to show that Remy was in the right, to frame him as the one that's been hurt, with close to no consideration for Rogue and what she wanted from life. He says 'some things are deeper than skin' and it feels off coming from him, someone who has the privilege of sharing a connection based on touch with others. It makes Remy come across as not listening to what's being said. And I know his words in that interaction can be read as romantic in the sense of 'we can overcome anything'. It's a valid interpretation, but it doesn't work for me. I'd rather two partners try and understand each other and listen to each other than dismiss it with a 'we'll find a way'. Especially when one of them is deeply affected by it. It just isn't my jam. So having Rogue echo the 'some things are deeper than skin' fell flat because it only addressed part of the reason why her and Erik shared something. I think there is love in Rogue for both men and, unlike Magneto, Gambit is just not willing to accept it. It has to be him and only him. All this when he's had a lifetime prior to Rogue of experiencing intimacy, touch and relationships and understanding what he wants and what he values. In this instance it just feels like he's indirectly manipulating Rogue's emotions, making her sink into guilt and self-doubt (very important to note here that he's not doing it on purpose, but as an instinctive reaction to his own emotions - because this speaks both of his qualities and his flaws). So when Rogue says ‘Remy was right, some things are deeper than skin’ I think that is her guilt and insecurity talking.
I grew up with ROMY as my OTP but then, in time, that flame died and my view of the ship shifted. Part of the reason is because I started seeing a pattern in their relationship where often times Rogue would end up being the one pulled down, having to accommodate, accept and even apologize for things. And I was just not vibing with it anymore.
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artebris · 3 months
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
- Mommy, mommy, how did you understand you’ll marry daddy?
- I heard him snoring next to me, sweetheart. Choose a partner whose snoring can make you fall asleep, not otherwise.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Arlene would not say bullshit. And Ominjs snores like a tender god. 💤
Well, anyway, I got my tablet finally and waiting for pencil for it to come! So I managed to draw this little tiny sketch with my holy damn one finger with crying blood tears. It’s my first time. 🌸
I know it’s messy, but that was hella fun, exploring new possibilities! And I finally know how to make those videos and make them so comfy, omg.🦄
Personal achievement post with my silly OTP. Posted to track progress. I am hella proud of myself. 🌚
Have fun out there! ✨
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Notes: It’s been a long time, baby. Life has been kicking my ass but I still think of this universe constantly. Adore you @blainesebastian <3
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liked by ashleybee and 15935 others
enews Elvis star Austin Butler had his leading lady on his arm at Cannes Film Festival. The couple looked stunning and more in love than ever with Butler encouraging her to pose for some solo shots. More pics of the two of them in the link in our bio
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austinnb have you guys seen the video that dropped 😭 he couldn’t take his eyes off her as she posed !!!
y/naustin she was so shy and he still had her take some on her own jsgsh
sheilableu Everything I see about this couple I enjoy. Very in love and genuine I see them lasting.
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liked by jillian.mua and 62953 others
tmz The best girlfriend award goes to? Austin Butler’s lady has been sure to show her support for Butler through the release of the Elvis film. She as well as his sister accompanied the Elvis star to his debut interview with Jimmy Fallon. Fans were chanting her name as she entered. Pics and videos at the link in our bio
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paparazzi1 when the fans of heart throbs like you, you’re in it for the long run. was lucky enough to meet them and they were so kind and graceful
ccgfan her style is TO DIE FOR
butlerrr She looks like the star and Austin is the supportive boyfriend lmao
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liked by rileykeuogh and 936910 others
hollywoodreporter A cute moment on the Golden Globes red carpet shared between Elvis star Austin Butler and his longtime girlfriend 💕 Butler spent a few seconds frantically looking around for his beautiful date but when he spotted her posing on the carpet he couldn’t help but erupt in joy and rush to plant a sweet kiss on her. Video on our TikTok and at the link in our bio 
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louisemarie they called me single and said im gonna die alone i can’t handle their cuteness
butlerbot siri play ‘can’t keep my eyes off you’
presleyfan her little giggle 🥰 austin is so baby
rileykeuogh This is so real. One of the first things I noticed meeting them is how in love he is. 💗
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liked by ashleybee and 1539761 others
coffeegirl I’m so proud of you, babe. I witnessed you pour your heart and soul into this role and there’s no one more deserving. Love you so.
comments on this post have been limited
ashleytisdale THAT’S MY BEST FRIEND!!!
catherinemartindesigns All that coffee must have helped, darling 😉
bazluhrmann No words to express the pride I feel in this guy and the work he did. Unreal.
oliviadejonge 🌹🙌🏼
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liked by jillian.mua and 72641 others
ccgupdates Reaction during Austin’s BAFTA winning speech. “… to my girlfriend, the best partner, my best friend, I thank my lucky stars every day I have you by my side. If it wasn’t for your constant love and support, for all the coffee, most of which I only ordered to see you on long set days*laughs* for the oreos and ginger ale — you’re the best part of my dreams coming true. I love you, baby.”
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presleyfam They both got teary eyed and he choked up I can’t -
mccall OTP. CRYING.
austinelvis Ok did anyone else also spot Brendan crying during Austin’s speech too? Austin had everyone teary eyed, he’s so genuine
ashleybee ❤️
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liked by ashleytisdale and 96210 others
austinbnews Austin and his girlfriend leaving the Oscars before heading to the Variety after party.
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butlerbot It’s so good to see him smiling 😭 I know it’s because he has her with him thats why I love her she makes him so happy
austinfan the Oscars were rigged but I’m happy he has her!!!
sharonbleu True love ❤️
ccgupdates They are each other’s favorite win, as long as they have each other they will always be happy and smiling and in love.
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tinyapplejuice · 1 month
Lawriecolt headcanons pls? 👀
•Lawrie’s the type of guy to deny that he likes Colt and even admit that he hates him but cannot spend a single day and every second where he doesn’t think of that pretty man and kissing his lips. Lawrie beats himself up for this.
•Lawrie gets easily nervous just by the slightest mention of Colt so everytime he sees Colt, he turns red. And Colt finds that really funny not like ‘aww he’s adorable!! ^^ teehee!’ no, it’s more like ‘hah he looks really goofy’. Bonus Lawrie tries to play it cool and it may or may not work BECUASE he doesn’t want Colt to tease him.
•Lawrie STARES like I truly mean it, whenever he sees that man. He will be quick to look and relish his beauty even though he despises it.
•Colt’s good luck, charisma, and gun tricks definitely caught Lawrie’s attention and that was probably how this rabbit hole started. It was probably a small encounter but he fell in love at first sight.
•Could I confess that Lawrie first probably brushed the thought of Colt before he started to think of him almost everyday and that turned into hatred before falling in love? UGHH HES SUCH A LOSER!!!!!!! LOSER ALERT!!!!!
•Colt is an absolute drama queen when he gets one small cut on his face, Lawrie is annoyed by it everytime whenever he hears Colt complain but that small cut doesn’t change his perspective on him.
•Lawrie may never admit but he respects Colt, I mean their jobs are similar. Colts a sheriff and he’s a cop and they basically get bad guys. I do think Colt takes his job somewhat seriously and doesn’t goof off. So Lawrie may regard him for his job but not his personality.
•Oh Lawrie hates Colt’s personality but at the same time, he gets butterflies from him! That charming smile, that little laugh whenever he’s proud of himself, that makes Lawrie go crazy!!!
•I could see like Colt teasing Lawrie whenever he does something better and that causes Lawrie to immediately go angry and red. He wants to rip that man to shreds in a loving way!!! But also in a non loving way.. Colt is definitely the one to push Lawrie’s buttons.
•Larry, sigh… he’s the victim of Lawrie’s rants.. he tries to reassure Lawrie that he’s going to be fine and such but he just has to witness his brother go in a love and hate relationship with the sheriff.
•Lawrie grits his teeth and it looks like he’s mad but he’s not. He’s just mad flustered because the very thought of Colt had appeared in his mind.
•Whenever Lawrie blurts out a compliment by accident, Colt will look at him and says something along the lines “hehe, I know right?” with a smirk.
•It will be both interesting and sad if their love is one sided. Like Lawrie is obsessed with Colt and truly loves him but Colt doesn’t mind or notice and just say that he’s a silly guy. UGHHHHH like Colt probably think Lawrie is just a somewhat decent guy to hang out with instead of having an actual crush on him…. GRRRR
I may or may not be a sucker for Larry and Lawrie ships (minus the weird and inappropriate ones) it’s not my intention to my ship headcanons but I JUST LOVE LARRY AND LAWRIE LIKE I DONT CARE IF ITS NOT MY OTP I WILL EAT ANY MEDIA OF THEM!!!!
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oKaY listen! Jegulus is my OTP and I LOVE me some Bartylus too, but REGULUS & PANDORA 🥹🥹🥹
My babies!!!
Just that they understand each other in a way nobody else can and and and AHHH
1. Okay first of all: SHIP NAMES
Their most common one is Regdora which - kinda boring? Like it’s not bad, but when we have names like STARCHASER or NOBLEFLOWER or FLOWERPOT for other ships that just won’t do. Therefore my suggestion:
Because Star - Regulus (no explanation needed) and like gazer as kind of a synonym for seer?? Alternatively I have Starseer or Waterbox (Water for Reggie like in Moonwater + Pandoras Box yk), but Stargazer just sounds so Stargazer.
2. I OBVIOUSLY love them as an „Arranged Marriage I don’t want AT ALL (why are there butterflies in my stomache??) trope“, BUT also as the „we are queer best friends and jealous of each others partners, but idk why” trope!!
Also how many AMAZING Dynamics they have??
- Grumpy x Sunshine
- I hate everyone, but you and you love everyone, but you love me the most
- Soulmates
- Best Friends to Lovers
- ENEMIES TO LOVERS (Arranged marriage trope)
3. The DENIAL the both of them would have (especially when they are both seers) like:
„I saw a prophecy that showed me and Reggie in a Cottage with a child that could be related to us - MUST BE BECAUSE HES THE GODFATHER“
„Had a Dream abt Panda standing in front of me in a wedding gown - GOOD TO KNOW IM GONNA BE HER BEST MAN“
or the Arranged Marriage Trope??
„Dream Abt making out against a door with Regulus - HOW WEIRD”
“Wow Pandora looks like a goddess in that dress, her glare makes me feel fuzzy and I want to smooth the frown on her forehead with my fingers while she looks up at me - IVE GOTTA REALLY LIKE THAT DRESS TO THINK LIKE THAT”
4. Once they ACTUALLY start dating they would literally be inseparable. They would cuddle and kiss and talk 24/7! Even their me-time they both need turns into us-time and is just as effective. They would start to panic if they don’t see each other for more than a DAY. Also their dates would be sooo cute!! No matter whether it would be the cozy queer cafe around the corner or the flashy pureblood dance balls. They would have such a comfy aura and nobody would mind their pda cause they would be so comfortable with each other.
Sometimes they would just spend a day in absolute silence but a COZY COMFY DOMESTIC ONE yk???
Also the “I hate physical touch except for when it’s you” trope!!
5. Just then going to a pride parade together with matching outfits in like their 30s, already married and a bi flag on Reggie’s cheeks and a Pan one on Dora’s and they would be so PROUD.
Or just the courting process in the arranged marriage trope PEAK!!
6. They are love. They are soulmates. They are Stargazer (or Waterbox still unsure bout that one)
This got WAY longer than I originally intended but oh well :)
you don't understand how much I adore them. I love love love them. they're my everything's <3 my hunnies <3 my sweet little babies <3
okay so, 1. I actually don't mind the name regdora, but yes, it's blant and ugly compared to everything else. personally, I know them as fairyseeker, which is what you can find them under on my blog lmao. stargazer is a GORGEOUS ship name... though I think of regularly every time I hear it lmao
i LOVE the name waterbox. idk why I just adore it
2. yesssssssss!!! istg they have the best troupes (next to bartylily). them as arranged marriage partners sounds so fun. imagine they're just kids when they first meet, and they're told they're supposed to get married when they grow up to combine the rosiers/lestranges
at first, they don't mind (they're tiny and have no idea what being married even means). they start hogwarts, and both realise that they're into their same gender people (once again, i bring up my mtf dora + ftm reg). so both spend a lot of time just convinced they aren't into each other. reg is a lesbian after all, and pandora is gay... then they come out as trans and both are like: oh-
3. grumpy x sunshine is so them omfg
them bith as seers???? Christ. them being so fucking blind is just so fitting. they never even consider that they might like each other
them as oblivious little fuckers so true. they are in deep denial fr. regulus is foaming out the mouth at how pandora is, but it's completely platonic
All they need is each other. they're always together, getting one of them alone is impossible. you can try, and you will fail
that trope is SO them. it's insane
5. they would definitely love their time at a pride parade. they're having the time of their lives and they've been happier
6. I love it when asks go this long. it just sucks because I usually can't add anything on because you guys are just so correct already 😮‍💨
thank you for sharing your brain with me. I appreciate it a lot <3
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windsweptinred · 1 month
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Hello @bobbole me dear. Thank you so much for the amazing asks. 💖 I'm going to split them into two answers as there's two different ships. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to waffle on about two of my most beloved otps. ❤️❤️
OK first, Desunity (Desire x Unity Kinkaid). 
6. What is their favourite feature of their partner's?
I couldn't decide whether to answer this in terms of a physical feature or a personality feature. So, I've done both. 😅
Desire's favourite feature about Unity? Easy, her innate contentment. Unity isn't a creature of avarice. She's brave and loving, and has the phenomenal ability to take whatever fate throws at her and embrace it. She doesn't bemoan the years lost to her and wish her youth back. She's content, is thankful for her dream life and the family she has found on the other side of it. Imagine Desire, forever craved, forever wanted for what they can in turn promise. Always twisted and shaped into the object of another's greatest lust. Imagine them presented with a rare creature such as Unity, peaceful and fulfilled. Who wants nothing from them. And in turn learns to love them, the true them. Possibly the first being ever to do so besides their beloved twin. How truly precious this must be for them?
Desire's favourite physical feature? Well, this is a very self indulgent headcanon. But in every AU Unity lives on in the Dreaming I've envisioned, I've always pictured Unity as an ageless being, who can appear both young and old as she pleases. But always, always with those beautiful, aged, silver locks, a symbol of the years that have passed. A permanent reminder of the dream life she and Desire have lived together in a timeless realm. It would be permanent proof of a period of contentment for Desire. And I think they'd covet those tresses more than anything in existence. 
Unity's favourite feature about Desire. Well, I personally think she loves Desire's balkiness. This is Unity (take no prisoners) Kinkaid. Who looked upon the lord of the Dreaming for the first time and verbally laid the smacketh down five seconds later. (Desire must have been so proud!) Unity is 40% heart/ 40% sass and 20% giant gonads! She's more than a match for Desire at their peak brat and I can definitely see their foreplay being a fiery verbal tit for tat. Would Unity be an overall good influence on Desire? Sure. But she loves them for them. And that includes that razor sharp snark. I can just imagine Unity admonishing Desire for a particularly brutal put down, while simultaneously smirking at them with pure pride in her eyes. I pity the poor fool that tries to take them on as a unit.
As for physical, well we all know that. It's those resplendent golden eyes. 
26. What would be their theme song?
I know I've answered this one before. Possibly more than once I think. 😅 I've gone with something from the roaring twenties, as it's a decade I intricately connect this couple with. I've gone with ‘Once upon a Dream’ before… for obvious reasons. But you know what, honestly and truly the song that always makes me think of this beloved ship is Freed from desire by Gala. Considering what I said about the Unity...
“My love has got no money
He's got his strong beliefs
My love has got no power
He's got his strong beliefs
My love has got no fame
He's got his strong beliefs
My love has got no money
He's got his strong beliefs
Want more and more
People just want more and more
Freedom and love
What he's looking for
Freed from desire
Mind and senses purified”
One pure joy in my life is getting ready bounce my heart out and Na-na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na like no one's watching while thinking of them. 🤣
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nanayuz · 1 year
so... hz ships.
right now, they’re kinda nameless. well, not exactly, with the use of japanese portmanteaus being popular. but, just to be a bit more ‘mainstream’ at least in pokémon, they deserve ‘_shipping’ names.
how about we give them some?
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i did not make all of these ship names. i made some of them, but some were taken from my friends or may have gotten usage already. 
let’s start off with, from what i’ve seen, one of the most popular ships in horizons, ameliko. since i don’t ship this, i’m unfamiliar with the fandom, and have no idea if they already have a name. but i’ll still give them one: pendantmissionshipping. i don’t really like it, since it’s probably not gonna end up a huge part of their characters like it is now, but it works.
next, let’s do likoroy, or royliko as some people call it. let’s start off with the fact that it literally cannot be horizonshipping. it can’t. the name’s taken, it’s been taken since the old bulbagarden shipping list. so, there’s the alternative newhorizonshipping, and it’s probably the most similar that we can get since ‘horizonsshipping’ just sounds stupid.
alright, ann x liko. it was the most popular liko ship during hz001 and hz002, but recently it hasn’t been as popular compared to other ships. the recommended one is aiboushipping, ‘aibou’ means partner in japanese. sidekick, one and only. i think it fits quite well.
the last ‘main’ liko ship is dot x liko, which i don’t really have any idea for. i do like the name ideas of superfanshipping and guruminshipping, and i think those fit best out of the ones i’ve seen recommended. i’d love to find better names for them, since i do enjoy them as a pairing.
since there aren’t many ‘main’ roy ships besides likoroy, let’s move onto my favorite platonic soulmates, furiame. the recommended name for them is freedexplorershipping, which, oh my god, fits perfectly. it’s both obscure but not absolutely ridiculous, and it’s literally perfect for them.
one of the other friede ships, friede x murdock, is one i did make a name for, which i’m very much proud of. capncrunchshipping surprisingly isn’t a taken name, and it makes sense for both characters and their jobs on the ship. rn, this may jst be my horizons otp, half because of the name. airfryershipping is another name i enjoy.
orla x mollie is definetly the most popular yuri ship in horizons up to this point. they’re just.. oh my god. i suggest the name heartstruckshipping for them, since it again, makes sense for the characters’ jobs. and it’s just a gorgeous ship name, they deserve a gorgeous name.
there are other ships, like friede x mollie, or amethio x spinel, or one of the many rarepairs i’ve already made, but the last ship i’ll talk about is zir x conia. since the name ‘explorershipping’ is taken, explorersshipping could work, as i’ve seen recommended. it doesn’t sound as goofy as ‘horizonsshipping’, and it works for them.
but, i really wanna see what other people think could be their ship names!!
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gay-yosuke · 6 months
dont know if anyone sent him yet so shadow yosk :]
ahhh that nasty little snipe.
favourite thing about them: THAT HES WHAT YOSUKE FEARS HE IS. like. hes cocky and snarky and abraisive and selfish. and yosuke fears that he's all those things and more. hes just so. bites on his arm.
least favourite thing: i just kinda dont like how transformed s.yosk looks its like. cool youre frog but youre kinda lame . do something more fun.
favourite line: I HAVE A LOT. "Dithering around like that is so you! I'll take over from here on!" "A moth flying into the flame, huh? I'll crush you." "This... this is it! Destroying everything is what I live for!" "Use those brains you're so proud of, shorty!"
brOTP: hmm. well hes a nasty little bitch. i think he gets along with shadow chie of course, and maybe shadow yukiko.
OTP: its shadow shiromura again. you know it is. i love the way they hate each other. shadow yosuke wants to be stronger and better so he can beat his partner and shadow naoto is going to abuse that trust that he's putting in him to instead do some fun experiments. both would kill each other but its like. obviously gay.
nOTP: once again if you arent shipping shadow shiromura youre just kind of wrong. dont ship him with teddie ill kill you.
random headcanon: shadow yosuke's got sharp teeth and REALLY likes biting. mostly to hurt people. he uses underhand tactics to gain the advantage but he'll whine and call foul if you use them back against him.
unpopular opinion: i actually really like when people make him act like a bratty little prince. i dont know if thats unpopular but thats my opinion.
song that reminds me of them: long time friends by the living tombstone!
favourite picture of them: see this nasty man.
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onewingedsparrow · 1 month
4 & 15?
Hi Lou! 👋 I am realizing only just now that I probably should have said "send me a fandom to go with the ask" since I am a proud multifandom Nerd 😂 If you want to know about a certain fandom in particular, just let me know! I'll gladly re-answer. For now, I went with TLoZ since it was a safe bet :) For this ask game 4. Say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc) I do not ship Malink...but it did pain me to see so much bad blood (in years past, at least; we can yet hope that it's maybe possibly theoretically better now) between the Malink shippers and the Zelink shippers. So, here, I shall say this nice thing about Malink: I think Malink is cute because both Malon and Link really love music and horses and would absolutely sing duets in harmony as they work hard on the ranch; because Malon would live her dream of falling in love with a knight; and because Link would find a peaceful refuge at Lon Lon Ranch, filled with animals he loves, after he can no longer go back to the Kokiri Forest. 15. The character that always makes you smile Ooh, let me think. Well, obvious answer is Prince Sidon. He is the embodiment of the :D emoticon to me, lol, and I treasure his deep friendship with Link. He makes me smile every time I see him. I would go to Zora's Domain just to say hi, even when the dialogue options ran out for everyone and they had nothing new to say. I LOVE THAT YOU CAN PLAY AS HIM IN AGE OF CALAMITY AND I LOVED FIGHTING ALONGSIDE HIM IN TEARS OF THE KINGDOM. Sidon is a gift. My AoC co-op partner can attest to this...another character who always makes me smile is Sooga from AoC, lol. HE'S JUST SO COOL so every time he came onscreen I exclaimed YES! YES! I GET TO FIGHT HIM! and I grin-smirked the entire time. After witnessing my mischievous elation, my fellow fighter was always gracious enough to let me have the honors of fighting Sooga, lol.
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Welcome to Danni's Den!
You know, if anyone wants an office tour! 😄
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Is it a proper office? No. One makes do when one lives in an apartment and only has so much space. (Especially when one is sharing space with a fellow nerd!) Because Eddie and I don't use a dining room, we converted the dining area into my office! So if you see peaks of the kitchen/living room/entrance, that's why! It's not much, but it's all my own! 💛
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Eddie installed some hooks for where my mugs used to hang. I have better mug storage now, so hanging above the entrance I put this ornament I picked up while in New Orleans back in August 2022! Gay mermen? C'mon. I named them Henry and Sebastian btw.
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This is my non-HP witchy section. Mostly astrology books. A few miscellaneous witchcraft books on the bottom shelf. And my crystal collection on top!
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I mentioned "mug collection" right? I love them! 😍 Though it might be worth noting that I have other mugs in the kitchen cabinet. 👀 And a small holiday collection I bring out during the holidays. I don't have a problem, I swear.
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Aaaand my cubes! My Sorting Hat. Some fandom and astrology themed candles (most from various Etsy shops.) Various HP figures. Cubes for storage (mostly notebooks and notecards and things.) I have quite the collection of tarot and oracle decks in one of the open cubes. A little chest full of decks, and a few more decks in specific deck boxes (cuz my chest is too full 🙈) I also have 2 bound fics, and a HP word search book (I looooove word searches!) Mostly the cube organizers are for various knick knacks and such.
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My specific HP shelf! For mostly books. I also have 2 owl plushies, 2 niffler plushies, 2 pygmy puff plushies, and a fwooper plushie. They all have names, yes.
Francine the Fwooper
Oist (white owl) (the tag said "owlette" and Eddie made a joke about naming her Oist...like "moist towelette" but "oist owlette." It stuck. Oops. She probably deserves a more dignified name but Oist made me giggle, so there we are.
Archibald (brown owl)
Nemo (black niffler)
Eva (gray niffler) (both Nemo and Eva are named after Nightwish songs, because I love Nightwish.)
Pippa (pink pygmy puff)
Puck (purple pygmy puff)
The cabinet attached to the shelf is storage. Things I don't want on display, or can't have on display right now. Miscellaneous knick-knacks from Etsy sellers or from our trip to Universal in 2017. All the HP foreign editions Eddie gifted me. Character wands (that aren't displayed) and the empty boxes for the wands I do have displayed.
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And THIS is where the magic happens, baby! My desk. An absurd amount of colored pens. All the books I'm most likely to consult while writing (poetry, symbolism, mythology, philosophy, etc.) My Snarry art on the wall!!!!!! 😍😍 (I need more frames so I can hang MORE SNARRY ART.) (A gal always needs more Snarry art, y'know?)
Then between my desk and the HP shelf I have PILLOWS because I'm too restless to stay in one place and position for too long. I also have a lap desk tucked away so I pull that out and hop into my pillows to keep writing! (My lil bee is named Beatrice, btw.) (Queen Bea! 🥰🥰)
This space seriously brings me so much joy, and so much inspiration. To have a space dedicated to writing, and my fandom, and my BOYS. Being able to have Snarry out and proud and all around me???? 🥺🥺 I'm all in my feelings. (Seriously, though, need MORE.) And not just a representation of my OTP, but of other creators who inspire me! The bound books being writers and bookbinders. My embroidery by onbeinganangel!! And some of the artists I love! A great reminder of all the talent in fandom and how much love and passion there is out there!!!! And I have pieces of it HERE WITH ME???? I am blown away and very in love.
I am very grateful to my partner. It was his idea to split areas so I'd have this one for myself (he has his own space now, too, for Magic the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, Brandon Sanderson, etc.) (Oh and his monstrous dice collection.) But I was lamenting how I was running out of room on my one little wall for Snarry art. My desk used to be on the little wall where my witchy shelf is. And it was Eddie's idea to make the whole room mine. And he and I worked hard not only rearranging to have our own areas, but decluttering and reorganizing the whole apartment! This man found the time and energy to make my life happier even when super busy and stressed from work. So in its way, this space also represents his love and thoughtfulness and dedication for me. Which makes it all the better! (And really, he had to do all of the heavy lifting, I am tragically weak.)
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tessa-liam · 2 years
Christmas Traditions
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Book: TRF AU
             With snippets from The Royal Holiday
Summary: It’s the annual holiday festival in Lythikos and Olivia is hosting members of the Royal court at her keep. New relationships are nurtured; family and friendships are celebrated.
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!MC Riley Brooks-Rys, OTP LiRi
Secondary Pairings: Drake Walker x F!OC Delaney Leigh, Leo Rys x Amalas (past pairing Leo Rys x Olivia Nevrakis)
All characters belong to Pixelberry, except Delaney Leigh
A/N1: @choicesflashfics Week#10 Prompt 3 “Is there any particular reason as to why you’re getting drunk on a Tuesday afternoon?”
A/N2: This is the 3rd chapter in my TRF AU
Rating: 18+ 🍋 🍋 🍋
Word Count: 2182, Read Time: 16 minutes
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House Nevrakis, Lythikos, Cordonia
Gliding to the center of the frozen lake, the crown princess gracefully transitions into an arabesque spiral, displaying her newly learned skating move to her proud mama.
Watching Ellie skate brought bittersweet memories back for Riley of her own childhood, skating with her parents in New York’s Rockefeller Center at Christmas. The picture of 5-year-old Riley, standing by the huge Christmas tree with her father, was taken by her mom. The framed portrait now sits in her study, back home at the palace.
That would be the last Christmas she would celebrate with both of her parents. Her father, a firefighter, died in the 2001 collapse of the twin towers, 10 months after that picture was taken. Her mother passed 13 years later.
Riley’s reverie was interrupted when Ellie skated to a stop, taking her hand.
“Mommy...look!” she pointed to her friend, Micaela, with her mother waiting at the edge of the lake.
Queen Amalas and princess Micaela were visiting Lythokis to join in the celebrations of the winter festival and were staying with Olivia at the keep. Amalas and Olivia were friends, intimate partners that for the most part were hidden from the world.
As they skated back, Riley dabbed her eyes with a gloved finger. Clearly, her emotions were in overdrive with all the pregnancy hormones; feeling melancholy with her memories. Tomorrow, Liam and Riley will share this joy at the press conference scheduled to be televised in town at the winter festival.
“Ellie!!!” Micaela excitedly called to her friend.
“Hi Micaela! Ellie gracefully came to a stop, then jumped onto the snow to hug her friend. After changing into her boots, Ellie, with her friend in tow, ran towards the estate, followed by their guards.
“Riley, it’s so good to see you,” Amalas smiled.
“Hello, thank you for coming out to the festival.” As Riley stepped onto the snow, she hugged her friend and smiled, “Leo has been waiting for your arrival, for some reason. Hmmm, I wonder why?”
Amalas laughed, shaking her head ‘no’. After Leo moved to Monterisso, he spent more and more time at her palace, attending royal functions hoping to run into their queen. To be more than friends.
As they walked to the huge estate, Amalas explained, “It is nice to get all the attention from your brother-in-law, but...” Amalas paused, looking up to the sky, “I feel so conflicted. I know that things are complicated with Olivia and nothing more can come of it, but...”
“The charming older Rys brother, is opening up new possibilities,” Riley candidly explains.
“...yeah, I know that you understand the effect Leo has on me. It feels so amazing receiving his singular attention. I don’t have that with Olivia. Being with her is exciting and hot, but at the end of the night we always go our separate ways. The connection always abruptly ends.”
“Well, this is going to get awkward very quickly. Have you broken things off with Olivia; what is your intention here at the festival? Leo has been talking about you...a lot!”
Amalas sighs, “I know...I shouldn’t have come here. I was telling myself I had to come, because Micaela wanted to be here with Eleanor.”
“...and Olivia wanted you here for the holidays.” Riley side eyed her friend. Amalas kept looking forward, avoiding answering that comment.
As Riley and Amalas move into the foyer, attendants are eager to greet them with Lythikos nog, as they take their coats and accessories to the closet.
Moving into the great room, they see the huge talon tree sitting beautifully decorated in the center of the room. Olivia had gone all out decorating for the court visit. The estate was resplendent.
“The moment of truth is upon us; are you ready for this?”, Riley asks.
Amalas sighs, not answering, and moves towards the bar where Olivia was waiting for her arrival. Riley, meanwhile, puts on a Santa hat, and grabs a sprig of mistletoe from a table arrangement.
Liam and Leo are sitting by the fireplace, each in a wingback chair lost in an intense discussion; Riley sets about her husband and positions herself on his lap.
Holding the mistletoe above his head leaning close, she brushes her lips against his ear and whispers...” Hello, your majesty.”
As she Innocently kisses his cheek Liam surrounds her waist with his arm, pulling her close to his chest. “Let me warm you up from all that outside activity, my queen,” snuggling her neck.
“Really, you two? Get a room!” Leo admonishes his brother, snatching the mistletoe from Riley.
 Secretly wishing that one day he will find that connection with someone in his life for the long term, he decides it's time to set things into motion. Leo stands and saunters over to the bar.
Amalas, watching Leo as he approaches, starts to demurely smile, purposely turning towards him, crossing her legs.
Olivia sighs, knowing that she couldn’t publicly pursue her in front of members of the court, had her suspicions about Leo, but was hoping that she was wrong. She reluctantly stood up to give him her space to sit down beside Amalas.
“So, when does Walker plan on joining us?” Leo questions Olivia, trying to ease the tension he feels as he sits down.
“He is coming up with Maxwell, Bertrand and Savannah, and they are bringing a friend of Drake’s as well,” Olivia answers with a smirk, grateful for the change in subject.
After checking on their children, Riley and Amalas begin to peruse the hors d’oeuvres on the sidebar. Riley looks up when she hears Liam greeting his best friend, entering the foyer.
“Ah Drake, welcome; I am glad you joined us here for the festival.” Clapping him on the shoulder, he pulled him forward for a quick hug.
“Thanks, my brother, I wouldn’t miss spending the holidays with you and Brooks. Liam, I would like to introduce you to Delaney Leigh; my friend from Austin, Texas.”
Delaney dips down to curtsy to the King, “Your majesty, it's an honor.”
“Laney, we talked about this....no formalities are needed,” Drake sighs.
“...but he is the King! Now that I live here in Cordonia, I need to show my respect,” Delaney blushes.
Liam chuckles, sighing, “it’s wonderful to meet you, Delaney, welcome to Cordonia. Please, ‘Liam’ is just fine for my friends and no formalities are needed.”
“See, what did I tell you? Drake responds to Delaney.
After greeting Maxwell, Bertrand and Savannah, Liam crouches down to shake Bartie’s hand.
“Hey, are you hungry? Ellie is in the dining room if you’re interested.”
“Thank you, Uncle Liam”.  Bartie smiles and Savannah takes her son’s hand and walks him to meet with the other children.
“Everyone let's move to the great room. Drake, I will leave it to you to introduce Delaney to the group.”
Drake, sipping whiskey by the large floor to ceiling window was looking at the falling snow. Once Riley found out that Delaney was a fellow American, they were huddled together talking like long lost friends. Not surprised at all, Drake knew that Cordonia’s queen would embrace her and be welcoming.
 He smirked at the recent memory of Delaney’s expression when Riley told her she was Liam’s wife. She was so nervous after that, thinking that she had to follow decorum.  It didn’t take long till Delaney felt comfortable and Drake was appreciative; thanks to Liam and Riley, they were down to earth, not pretentious at all.
“You're looking happy over here, Walker.  How many of those did you put away already?” Leo chided.
“Ha, this is my first one, Rys.”
“Really, Drake? Then it must be that strawberry blond that you are watching,” Leo winks and laughs.
“Is she the one that kept you busy the other day after the poker game? Ya know that day you wouldn’t answer your calls or messages.”
Drake replies, grinning, “maybe."
“And, you were pretty out of it when you finally answered.”
“Is there any particular reason as to why you’re getting drunk on a Tuesday afternoon?”
Leo notices that Drake was beyond happy and relaxed.
Drake finally replies, “Sure, I had one drink...but I wasn’t drunk. I had an epiphany. Brooks would be so proud of me if she knew!”
Delaney met Drake’s gaze from across the room.
“I found the love of my life.”
The night passes in a whirl of laughter, food and drink.
Olivia raises her hand and calls to get everyone's attention. “Let’s celebrate the evening with a toast”. Servants carrying serving trays of flutes of champagne circulate the room.
Olivia continues, “It wouldn’t be the holidays without the joy that friends and family bring. May you never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten. Cheers!
After making eye contact with Amalas, Olivia turns and walks toward the staircase, then up the stairs to the staterooms, alone.
Witnessing the silent exchange, Leo looks at Amalas, placing his hand on top of hers, whispering, “stay with me tonight.”
The rest of the night passes all too quickly in a blur of laughter, music and champagne.
Liam and Riley, returning from their midnight stroll around the lake, noticed that more nobles had arrived while they were out. Before they go in, Liam turns to Riley and deeply kisses her. The chill of the night is temporarily forgotten as she lets the kiss deepen.
 As Riley started to turn into the great room, Liam gently pulled her back into his arms.
“Let’s get into the spirit of things and enjoy some time alone before we go back to the capital tomorrow evening. It can be our own, private holiday tradition.”
Riley breaks away from Liam’s embrace and flashes him a coy smile. “Let’s go, now!” Racing hand in hand, they run up the stairs and down the long hall and into their stateroom, breathless with laughter.
Liam turns to lock the door behind him and starts towards his wife with a predatory gaze.
Riley slowly moves backwards, her heart beating quickly, warmth pooling between her legs from his intense stare.
As the back of her legs touch the side of the bed, she falls back onto the plush bedding.
Liam’s eyes stay focused on her as he begins to remove his jacket, his tie, and then his shirt. He steps between her legs, her breath catching as he slides her dress up to her waist and off. He lightly skims his fingers along the inside of her thighs, hooking his finger around the band of her thong and pulls it down.
His hands encircling her waist pressed her body tight against him.
He pulls away suddenly, smiling mischievously. Riley raises one eyebrow in question.
Reaching for his tie, his voice deep, “I want to deprive you of your sight tonight, make things more pleasurable.”
“Anything you wish to do to me...I am at your mercy.” Riley seductively replies.
Not wanting to waste any time, Liam binds his tie over her eyes to blindfold her and begins to kiss her neck, moving down between her breasts. His teeth grazing her skin sending shivers coursing through her, all the way to her fingertips. Riley tries to tangle her fingers in his hair, but he shrugs her off. Taking full control, his head travels lower, placing kisses, nipping her skin with his teeth.
Fisting her hands in the sheets, she bucks her body up, while Liam pushes her down with one hand, his other unbuckles and removes his pants.
He resumes his attention to her body, flicking his tongue at her center. Fingers intimately stroking and entering her body. As his mouth encircles her sex, he growls her name, the vibration flows from his lips to your thighs. “oooooooooooohh, oh Liam,” Riley moans.
Liam moves back up her body, placing soft kisses along the way, marking her neck with his teeth.
Finally at her lips, the passionate, deep kiss instigates her pleasure to bloom. Swallowing her moans, he presses her body with his, between her legs.
Riley wraps her legs around his waist, allowing Liam to go deeper to her core with the new angle. 
Blissful moments later, he succumbs to the pleasure as well.
Wrapped in his arms, the new morning dawns and Riley awakens and kisses Liam to start their day at the winter festival.
@txemrn @bebepac @ao719 @peonierose @phoenixrising0308 @queenmiarys @karahalloway @twinkleallnight @703cowbarn @mom2000aggie @malblk21 @queenrileyrose @indiana-jr @winkyluxhumanoid @rubiwalker @harleybeaumont @kingliam2019 @marietrinmimi @imashybish @angelasscribbles @isha26 @sfb123 @cordonianredruby @tinkie1973 @belencha77 @honey358luv @jared2612 @urfaveaesthetic101 @xpandass420x @kyra75@late-to-the-fandom @sammiiieeevaaans @lsvdw-blog @
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zuzsenpai · 4 months
How many works do you have on AO3? 39
What's your total AO3 word count? 844,252
What fandoms do you write for? Right now? Currently only for Ace Attorney and Digimon Adventure/02
Top five fics by kudos:
Turnabout Dishwasher (Ace Attorney
Glass Walls (Ace Attorney)
Thought Provoking (Ace Attorney)
Dragon’s Hoard (Ace Attorney)
On My Level (Ace Attorney)
Do you respond to comments? I was great at keeping up with them for years, but I had some mental health issues early this year that slowed everything down. I have SO MANY comments to respond to and it’s really overwhelming. I love everyone who sends comments to me though. It always means a lot and makes me smile.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I mostly write romcom so this one is hard. It is probably my Digimon fic called “It’s getting late and I cannot seem to find my way home tonight”. Even though it has a happy ending, there’s a really sad/angsty scene about Digimon partner loss in it.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? It’s Turnabout Dishwasher. It’s always going to be Turnabout Dishwasher. If you love an Ace Attorney character I can almost guarantee they have a happy ending in that story.
Do you get hate on fics? Not often. I had a troll once or twice (someone was homophobic about Daiken on my fic once and I was like ??????). The biggest example was when someone read Turnabout Dishwasher and told me my portrayal of Franziska von Karma was “wrong”. It really got to me because I actually thought I wrote an older Franziska really well. Fuck that person (can you tell I’m still salty about this lmao)
Do you write smut? Oh yeah. I believe the first smut I ever wrote was Daikeru, and I was really proud of it. Since then I’ve written a LOT more Daikeru smut, Jyoumi, Jyouchi, Daikenkeru…. You would think I would have written Ace Attorney smut at some point, but nope it’s all Digimon.
Craziest crossover: The only thing close to a crossover I’ve ever written is my Digimon Buzzfeed Unsolved AU. It’s really more of an AU, since I didn’t include any actual BFU people in it.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? No, but if lore.fm ever has any legs, I guess my fic could get used on there. It’s adjacent to being stolen. But no, I’ve never had anyone plagiarize me that I’m aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No I have not.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have! I co-wrote two Ace Attorney fics. One of them was with two other people, which was REALLY hard to coordinate. I miss those people dearly and I hope they’re doing well. Incidentally, if someone ever wants to co-write a Digimon fic with me, I would be delighted and honored.
All time favorite ship? Oh dear this is NOT easy. For over 15 years my OTP was from the series that shall not be named. I was sad but I’m over it. Here’s what currently stands:
Daikeru (Daisuke/Takeru from Digimon)
Blackmadhi (Simon/Nahyuta from Ace Attorney)
Rocketshipping (Jessie/James from Pokémon)
Touya/Yukito (from Cardcaptor Sakura)
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Oh man, I feel bad but it’s a fic I wrote when “Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning” came out in theaters. The fic is called “The Universal Language of Friendship”. I was working on it during NaNo 2023, but ran out of steam quickly and have no interest in picking it back up. I liked it when I was writing it though.
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue for sure. I am known for my video game style text box gimmick that allows for most of my stories to be heavily dialogue driven. I’m also told I’m good at comedic writing.
What are your writing weaknesses? Pretty much anything that doesn’t have a lot of dialogue. I’m trying to get better at descriptive language and scene setting. I’m also weak at writing tragedy and angst. But I’m working on that and hopefully getting better.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I only know English, so I imagine if I try anything in another language I would be pretty terrible at it.
First fandom you wrote in? It was Pokémon back and I was 11 or 12. I used to publish self insert Pokémon fic on forums. Also I co-wrote a TON of self insert Pokémon fic with a friend of mine, and we published it on our own tripod website back in the day. I guess this could be counted in my co-writing answer, but I’m too lazy to add it up there.
Favorite fic you’ve written? You would think I would say “Turnabout Dishwasher”…. But the actual answer is my Explicit Jou/Taichi (from Digimon) fic called “The Secret of Us”. I felt so inspired writing that story, and I believe it came out as something beautiful. It’s an incredibly rare pair, so not a lot of people have read it. But it’s one I go back to and reread and am like “yes this story is by me and for me”.
Tagged by: @gr8stoneddragon (I love you my friend thank you for tagging me, this was fun to do on a day when I really needed it!)
Tagging: @sloanerisette if you are interested!! And if any friends see this and want to do this, please please do it and tag me so I can read it.
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hargrove-mayfields · 1 year
tag game, stranger things edition!
i was tagged by @thatgirlwithasquid and @intothedysphoria, thanks y’all, I really appreciate it! 💕
1. ride or die ship/otp : Hellcheergroveton! every combination in this ship is adorable and it has all my favs too ☺️
2. most annoying ship : m*leven. I am beyond tired of watching a young disabled girl be taken advantage of and have it be treated as romantic. El deserves to live partner free, and M*ke deserves to go in the whole garbage can.
3. second favorite ship : Hollogrove. Since it’s not part of the core hellcheergroveton relationship, I’ll branch out a little and bring in my girl Heather. I love her and Billy I’m a relationship and can totally see them spending the rest of their lives together ♥️
4. favorite platonic dynamic : Billy and Max, or Dustin and Steve. Or Steve and Gareth. Cause I headcanon Gareth as becoming Steve’s caregiver after the events of the show leave him with cognitive and physical disabilities
5. underrated ship : Hollogrove, Cunningway, Pompompineapple, Stonathan, Cheerscoops, Calicheer, Rockie, Stargyle, Cammy, Kegboys, Steather, Argilly, and so many more but I’ll stop there.
6. overrated ship : Any of the fruity four (it makes me wanna gag just typing it) ships. I haven’t looked in the fandom tags for a year because it’s oversaturated with passionless, factory produced, carbon-copy fanworks that look like Harringrove fics put through ai to be rewritten as St*ddie, or Buckleway into r*nance. I’m sick of it. It’s boring. I’ll come up with my own steddie content, thanks.
7. one thing to change in canon : Everything. Not even joking. I’m going blorbo shopping and bringing all my favs back to my dollie house to play fix-it.
8. something canon did right : Um. I guess letting actors put in feedback and details of their own. Like Millie choosing for El to touch Billy’s cheek, Dacre giving us backstory on Billy’s mom and also on Billy’s disability (BPD), both he and Joe Keery refusing the original scripts, Joe Quinn improvising Eddie’s crush on Chrissy, and so on. All of the actor choices are the only good things about the show at this point.
9. a thing I’m proud of creating for the fandom : @disabledbillyandsteveweek! There's more information about the event over on the blog, but basically it’s an event starting in about two weeks meant to highlight Billy and Steve as disabled characters, through all kinds of fan works and different ships!
10. a character who is perfect to me : Christine Renée-Beth Cunningham. Nobody compares to my cheer girl.
11. the most relatable character and why : Also Chrissy. She reminds me a lot of myself, especially how I was when I was still in highschool, being timid and struggling a lot with my mental health. I wish she could have grown and gotten help and felt better since I’m on my journey to doing so right now, but I’m forever grateful to have seen a character with an eating disorder and an abusive family on screen, portrayed in a heartfelt and generous way- all thanks to miss Grace Van Dien
12. character I hate most and why : Neil, Karen (actually just the Wheelers in general except little Holly), Brenner, Owens, the lady that shot Benny, literally so many of them. Anyone who intentionally and unabashedly hurts other characters without remorse.
13. something I’ve learned from the fandom : To be patient, because even when things seem tough or impossible, we can make it. Together, with friends who understand us, and who share our pain, we can fight and keep going! Especially because this community will always have folks who understand and have our backs, we just have to find them ❤️❤️
14. three tags I seek out on ao3 : I actually don’t read fic on ao3. The extreme amounts of severely triggering content hosted on that site is just too much for me and I can never seem to avoid it. I only post to ao3 because I know people find it easily accessible, but I had one too many mix-ups that led to me being in a terrible state of mind, so I discontinued using the site.
15. a song I strongly associate with otp and/or favorite character : I’ll never shut up about “Time in a Bottle” by Jim Croce. Conveniently off the same record as Hop has on Vinyl and Cassette, it’s my favorite song ever because it’s so tender and loving and even though it’s old people music yall should give it a listen. It applies to any ship, but especially packs a punch with Harringrove. Also “Magic” by Olivia Newton-John.
I’ll tag: @eddie-munsons-guitar86 @honey-tongued-devil @martianclown @hephaestn @jaylikesrainbowtigers @denkiddo1 @enchanted-day-dreams @stranger-themes-blog @ratbastardbilly @thinger-strang But there’s no pressure to do it! You absolutely don’t have to if you already have or if you just don’t feel like it! <3
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apexulansis · 1 year
Tumblr media
TAGGED BY: @dynamoprotocol who did this a while ago but maybe fixed the @ because i Just Now got the notif for it thank you!
Vindaka with @vin-robles obviously!!! That ship is literally the entire reason Ardaka even exists. Probably why Kariians are they are right now exist as well, since I might not have bothered to split them off from their original fandom-related stuff were it not for this particular dynamic. They're very dear to me. :')
In large part, it's pretty dumb to try and apply age gap stuff to aliens who live hundreds, thousands, if not an indefinite, number of years. So a literal age gap is inevitable and kind of always will be. Obviously I don't mean this as a way to excuse gross shit but when it comes to adults, yeah, the age can vary by literally millions of years in some cases.
It gets uncomfortable when the other muse is more comparable to a teen than an adult. As Earth years equivalent I'd say anything younger than 22 would be Uncomfy.
(But again, doesn't always apply. I mean, one of Ardaka's partners is an A.I. and they most definitely do not mature the same way that organics do. So.......)
When it comes to writing with me, you'd probably just know it when you see it. I don't like to jump right into NSFW territory, I'd rather allude/suggest to it first — and the post would be tagged 'SUGGESTIVE CW' or something.
If it's the very first time things creep into NSFW territory with someone, I will just give them an OOC heads up so they know, and we can go from there. Sometimes people don't want to write those things out, in which case I'd like to know that so I can fade-to-black accordingly.
As for my personal opinion — I kinda just think of the meaning of NSFW, as in Not Safe For Work. If I wouldn't want to be caught reading it at work/in public, then yeah, it should be censored or tagged.
Yes lmao. I don't just want IC chemistry, I want OOC chemistry too, and that can be kinda hard to come by on this site. I don't really like shipping with people (Emotional Character Relationship kind of shipping, not just 'they fuck sometimes') if I don't consider them a friend. Honestly, the rapport being good OOC is almost more important than the IC connection to me. Like... if I don't add you on Discord, it's safe to say I'm not gonna ship with you.
When the IC/OOC chemistry is Just Right, then no, I'm not selective. If I've already established a ship with someone, I'm pretty willing to do Whatever since I already trust in their writing skills.
Other than Ardaka / Vin....
Ardaka / Two / Xaallo with @precognitor and @xaallo. I love them as an OT3 but also as separate ships on their own right. The chemistry of these three is always good, but it definitely changes depending on whether or not Ardaka is with both of them, or just Two, or just Xaallo. It makes for a very dynamic relationship with a lot of variety. It's been one of my favorite things to write over the past year or two.
Ardaka / Sliske with @ohshadow. Sometimes I think about the interactions of their original canon counterparts and it's wild. It's wild how far they've come now. Channy and I haven't gotten too many chances to write them but it's great when we do. I just feel so!!! Proud!!! Of where we've both taken our characters. I love the way Ardaka and Sliske banter of course, I just feel a lot of OOC contentment for it. It's been so many years since we've known each other, and I think it's pretty cool where we're at now.
Ardaka / Malphas with @guildoffarah. One of the few ships I can't exactly call slow-burn even if there is a good amount of development behind it now. Their chemistry was just Immediate. Also one of the only relationships Ardaka has where his species/identity isn't a barrier he has to overcome at some point, so that has a lot to do with it, I'm sure. Anyway, Farah has been a joy to know and write with!
Ehhhhhhhhh? Probably not? It's beneficial to confirm it later down the line sure but if the ship happens naturally in writing then so be it. I don't really like controlling the relationship direction much OOC, I just want it to progress naturally. If it happens, then it happens.
I don't want to just be asked straight up for a ship. Someone can suggest a scenario in which our muses could bond, but I don't want to plot the outcome of such a thing, if that makes sense.
Obsessed but only with the ships that develop naturally or for ships with already established shipping partners. I have NO idea how people can just make posts that say "like this post and we'll ship together". Shipping calls? I think it's weird, cannot relate at all, sorry.
Not in a fandom. I don't really like picking a one favorite anyway; they're all good ships! I like them all for their own reasons!
Write with me. If we're mutuals, I am open to the possibility of it happening. We would just have to find out how it goes IC!
If we're already shipping partners, it's as easy as just suggesting a potential other pairing in passing and we can shoot the shit about it.
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