#otp: you make everything better
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❝ It just seemed so obvious that I loved him. That I was in love with him. ❞ ❝ How could I be around Daisy Jones and not be mesmerized by her? Not fall in love with her? ❞
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guinevereslancelot · 2 years
babe would you still love me if we were superheroes and you were in danger and i went absolutely bonkers and crossed every moral boundary imaginable to protect you at literally any cost?
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ceruleanmusings · 2 months
in sickness and in health - mickames
summary - when learning she's sick, james takes care of mickey in the best way he knows how.
tag: @myloveforhergoeson @partiallypearl @witchofinterest @raging-violets
"What are you doing here?" Mickey asked. Or at least tried. She had to stop and start a couple times due to the rounds of coughing that plagued her at the sight of him. James. Sitting outside her window on the fire-escape, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
"Kelly said you're sick," he said.
She blinked owlishly, nearly blinded by his smile. Or the sun. Her watery, half-lidded eyes couldn't handle more than the darkened room she'd been confined to for the last few hours, buried beneath her blankets until she heard a strange series of taps outside her window. Now she really wished it was just a dream. "No, I mean what are you doing here? How did you find the apartment?"
"Oh. Well, Logan—"
"Goddammit, Logan!" Her curse would've had much more effect if her words hadn't turned down in volume halfway through, leading her to clear her throat a couple times until it came back.
Her pointed a red cylinder at her. "You should've known it was only a matter of time."
Mickey made a face. He was right. The Boys were strangely persistent when they wanted to know, have, or get something. It was a blessing and a curse. Mostly a curse, which is why Aunt Kelly worked hard to keep them from learning where they lived. The only address they had was her last apartment. They'd moved to this one soon after for the space and told her and her sisters to keep quiet so they wouldn't find out where it was. They're destructive, she explained. This is a nice place. I want to keep it that way. As if they needed the explanation. They'd seen their whirlwind first hand. They didn't need to be told twice.
"Shouldn't you be at—" she tried asking four times before giving up, body nearly holding in half as a rapid-fire series of coughs bulleted her elbow. Huffing, she flopped back against her pillows and focused on getting her breathing back to normal. Her head pounded, or was those her sinuses? Her throat was scraped raw and she didn't know whether to keep wearing the large hoodie or take it off. It should be illegal to feel hot and cold at the exact same time. "Why?" she finally managed to ask, motioning to him out the window.
He shifted from his previous position—sitting cross legged—to lean his arms against the windowsill. His elbows touched either end of the frame. "Being sick sucks," he said, resting his chin on his arms. Then he tilted his head to the side, eyes swinging upward. "Being sick alone sucks even more," he added a few moments later, an afterthought.
Her mouth twisted to the side. That look in his eye, the tender tone to his words, the feather-soft sigh, they lasted only for a second until he pulled his veil back down but she knew sad musings when she saw it. People thought nostalgia was the bitter pill to swallow, of nothing being the same anymore. Nothing being like how one wished had to be even worse.
"Thermos?" She rasped, pointing to the red cylinder in his hands. Her tactic worked, quickly putting the light back in his eyes.
"I brought you soup." He passed it through the window. Their fingers brushed and she frowned. His skin felt ice cold compared to hers. Setting the thermos next to her, she grabbed the half empty bottle of hand sanitizer off her nearby nightstand and held it out to him. With a small pout, he rubbed the quick-drying liquid on his hands. And she thought he was terrible about sunscreen. "I don't care if you get me sick."
"Uncle Gustavo would," she said.
"I'd be out of his bald for a few days. He'd thank you."
Her mouth opened to protest then she shut it a second later. He was right. Uncle Gustavo would probably throw a parade in her honor for getting one of the Boys away from him. Not that she'd show up for it. Crowds and too much attention was her own personal nightmare. Probably should've thought of that before getting in a band.
"What kind?" Steam wafted past her nose once the seal broke. Something thick and creamy sloshed along the inside of the thermos. She wished she could smell it. At least the heat would help soothe her throat.
"It's Bubbe's Penicillin Punch. Guaranteed to make you feel better in no time. And don't worry, I asked Mama Knight to make it."
"That's probably safe." Her raspy chuckle made her sound like an eighty-year-old smoker. "Since you can't boil water." And the last time she ate something he made, her face was up close and personal with the toilet for two hours. He'd held her hair back; that was nice.
James grumbled about being able to boil it, just not knowing he had to watch it while Mickey poured the soup into the cup of the thermos. It slid out smoothly, chunks of carrots, celery, corn, noodle, and chicken bobbed along the surface. Throwing her head back, she downed half the contents in one swoop.
"You don't want a spoon? I can get you one!"
She shook her head, blocking her mouth with her hand and she quickly chewed and swallowed. The minced food and brother slid down her throat, giving her a flash of relief. "Takes too much time." Plus, the last thing she wanted was for him to launch himself off the fire escape just for cutlery. She dragged her tongue along the edges of her mouth, catching the slow dripping beads of soup before she dropped her hand. "Noodles need to be appreciated to the full extent of their noodle goodness."
"You said noodle twice."
She nailed him with a look. "You bet I did."
Her raspy laugh returned when his mouth opened and closed in rapid succession, like a fish gasping for air. Finally he draped his arms through the window, fingers lightly flicking the panda-shaped sticky note stack that had fallen onto her blankets at one point, and pressed his cheek up against his arm, looking right at her. Heat crawled up her neck, which she knew had nothing to do with her cold. "Marry me!"
"I need a diamond first."
"I can give you my last name!"
She took another swig, blocking her smile with the small cup. "You said this was your bubbe's recipe?" He nodded. She mimicked him, savoring the taste on her tongue. "Thanks for sharing her with me."
James' eyes crinkled in the corners, a bashful smile curling his lips. he pointed his chin inward. "What're you watching?"
She settled back into against the pillows, "A League of Their Own."
At least she was. Last time she checked. She had blinked, just blinked, but when she opened her eyes the light in the sky had turned to a setting golden orange, the shadows on her wall tilted and stretched, and her window sat empty. Frowning, Mickey rubbed her wet, crusted eyes and sat up straighter.
Low chatter, running water, shifting pots and pans, and wafted in through the cracked door. Sammi's shoe cubby had every space accounted for. Her mint green messenger bag hung off the post of her bed.
Realizing it was later than she thought, Mickey pushed out a yawn, stretching her arms into the air. They landed unceremoniously in her lap and she spotted the panda sticking to her side of the raised window. Humming, she plucked it off with two of her fingers.
Didn't want to wake you. Hope you feel better! xJames
She traced a finger along the x before his name.
With a full belly and equally full heart, she definitely did.
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lover-of-mine · 1 year
You know, something I can't stop thinking about is the way 911 is trying to show us that Eddie is as comfortable in Buck's place as Buck is at his. Like, we knew he had a key, presumably since when Buck moved into the place, but most times we've seen Eddie in the loft before this season there was a crisis: Buck was down over the blood thinners, Eddie is feeling bad because Chris was fighting with him, Chim just punched Buck. I'm pretty sure the only somewhat casual thing that happened between them at the loft was the "you wanna go for the title" but even then, there was a crisis, considering Eddie's fight club era and Buck's guilt over the whole thing. But then this season they made a point of putting both Eddie and Christopher at ease over at Buck's, they are playing games while Buck makes them dinner, they are hanging out after picking Chris up from school. And I think that's very interesting in showing the balance between their connection. It's not heavier in any end. None of them is asking for more space than the other is giving, Buck is as comfortable with Eddie as Eddie is with Buck. All around.
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all-class-darling · 1 year
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backpackingspace · 2 years
Okay but like Matt's motivation makes perfect sense to me. Like if you walked past someone being hurt in someway you stop and help. Matt just hears it happening instead of seeing it. King can't help that he can hear all of new york.
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ei-mugi · 1 year
i enjoyed getting heated over something silly for fun but im just now seeing some past distress ppl had over the poll on the blog & i feel a little bad haha i dont actually have any problem with ii or its fans like ive said i was one myself in the past
#being familiar with both ships though i still do prefer wataei#my 'complaints' were in the context of knowing about both of them and the shock of these 2 interests ever intersecting#i dooooooooo have a lot of opinions on ii as a show but none of them are like. 'you shouldnt like object shows cuz theyre dumb'#i got enough of that said 2 me by other people at the time#fan still sucks tho. worst character. microphone best character she deserved the win#when they go back to finishing season 2 in a decade's time they BETTER make the pickle/taco reunion happen in the next episode#the poll prompted me to watch like an episode of season 3 just to see what was up w it#and it was like fine. i watched episode 9. but i cant say it still holds my interest like it used to#especially not since s3 is an au and none of the plotlines are continued there#lol i remember when s2e12 p2 came out there was so much controversy#cuz paintbrush was eliminated that episode but it was also when they came out as nonbinary#i hope they make transgirl lightbulb canon still. that would be cool#paintbulb may not be my otp but they are t4t#all in all the thing about the osc (object show community) is that honestly its just a really sweet place over all#like its really lovely for so many kids to have a community where theyre encouraged to be creative and stuff#duh a lot of the shows arent gonna be good theyre being made by kids. but thats whats great about it#i like laughing over some stuff but i always feel the need to like say stuff like this cuz i think it sucks that people make fun of#stuff kids like to do so much esp as an autistic kid who was always made fun of for everything i liked#cringe culture definitely seeped into my bones a bit but i try to combat it
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
Angel Dust: "How come Niffty put ME in the angel kill on sight group and not YOU, toots?!"
Vaggie: "No idea. Maybe she just likes me better?"
Vaggie: "Or uh, likes you better. So much she want's to stab you."
Angel Dust: "Niff- DOWN! Sheesh! Go look to ya right- go get Vag-gay over there!"
Niffty: (giggling) "ANGEL STAB! ANGEL STAB!!!"
Angel Dust: "GEEZE! Like sure my name's Angel an' whatever, but I ain't an angel?? I don't even got the wings for it! YOU look jus' like an extra bitch with your wings and eye so what the fuck! What gives!!"
Vaggie: "Wow... That's, actually a good question, Angel Dust."
Vaggie: "Hey Niffty? Why are you hunting him and not me?"
Niffty: "Charlie told me not to~"
Vaggie: "She told you not to... what?"
Niffty: "Hunt you like an ANGEL! Because of the TRAUMA, right??"
Vaggie: "Uhh, the-"
Niffty: "You're already SUFFERING and if I stabbed YOU for being an angel you'd just feel lame and sad and boooo like you deserved it even though you don't. BLEGH!" (pouts) (sticks out tongue) "Boooooring!"
Vaggie: "Yeah?" (smiling) "Charlie said that, huh."
Niffty: "She's so nice~ She didn't want me to waste my time~"
Vaggie: "Yeah. She. She really is the nicest person ever."
Niffty: (SIGH) "I guess you two match. You're not a very good BAD GIRL are you? Even with having been an exorcist! What a WASTE!"
Charlie: (hugging gf from behind) "I know right? I love hugging her around the middle! She has a very lovely everything!"
Niffty: "NO!!!! NOT WHAT I MEANT!"
Vaggie: "Waste as in wasted bad girl potential, babe, not hug zones."
Charlie: "Oh!"
Niffty: "A tragedy." (heaves sigh) "Oh well..."
Niffty: (turns) (lifts knife) (Grins) "Ohhhh Angellll Dusssst~"
Angel Dust: (SCREAMING)
Vaggie: (softly) "Charlie..?"
Charlie: "I don't think she can really reach him up there... Hm?"
Vaggie: "Thanks. The... the angel thing..."
Charlie: "Shhh." (squeezes) "You are NOT the stabable kind of angel. Even Niffty gets that. See?"
Chaggie: (watches a gleeful knife waving niffty bouncing around under a terrified and dangling angel dust)
Charlie: ".... um."
Vaggie: "Damn she's catching air."
Charlie: "And Angel Dust's grip is a bit less than I thought it'd be. Do you think you should maaaaybe use your pretty angel wings to save him?"
Vaggie: "Fuck no. Let Husk do it."
Charlie: "Husk??? Why would Husk be the one to-"
Vaggie: (pats charlie's hand) "You've got your ships babe and I've got mine."
Charlie: "Oh please- I kow you think Pentious being sweet on Cherri is cute too! I've HEARD you give him tips!"
Vaggie: "Those? Just survival tactics."
Charlie: "More like how to survive liking a girl tactics."
Vaggie: "Well I guess me and you are in the same boat there anyway... Aren't we?"
Charlie: "A ship not a boat and always, Vaggie. Always."
Vaggie: "...."
Charlie: "So where's his Husk in shining armor?"
Vaggie: "Sloshed armor. I never said it was a good otp, sweetie."
Charlie: "I'll check the bar. You?"
Vaggie: "Will make sure Angel Dust doesn't end the night with more holes than he started with."
Charlie: "I'm gonna miss hugging you the entire time I'm gone~"
Vaggie: "Me too. Hurry or I'll leave our porn star to his fate."
Niffty: "You FIRST!!! MUWAHAHAH!"
Charlie: (slowly letting go) "The things we do for our friends..."
Vaggie: "Hey, look on the bright side. We can have another heartfelt make out session once we're meet back up again."
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jjsmaybank20 · 1 year
hiii 😊 i have a request!
celeb!reader x jenna pretty please
reader and jenna unfollow each other on socials and everyone’s confused because they think they broke up, but in reality jenna beat them at uno or wtv (something simple)
& reader goes live and everyone’s like “oh em gee did u and jenna break up” blah blah blah
that’s all i got my brain can’t think of anything else
thank u! and i luv u! 🤭
Celebrity News
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Jenna Ortega x GN!Reader
Summary: Everyone thinks that you and Jenna broke up, but in reality, she's just a sore loser.
Warnings: literally all fluff, and my shitty writing
Word Count: 757
A/N: This is for u, bby! Pardon my shitty pic editing, ur much better at it than I am.
Swear to god I thought I posted this yesterday, but I guess not. Enjoy!
navigation  celebrities (romantic) masterlist
 This past weekend, fans of Jenna Ortega and Y/N Y/L/N were shocked when the couple unfollowed each other on social media. The couple (who had been going strong for almost a year) have earned a special place in fans hearts, making this news even more heartbreaking. We still don’t know why they have unfollowed each other, but it can’t be good. 
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JennaOrtegaNews: I can’t believe they broke up! They seemed so in love. My heart is broken right now.
y/ns_lover: Noooo! They were my OTP!!!
Scream47: Maybe Jenna will date me now
Bebop218: You’re funny Scream47
ChristianMom: Good riddance. Those two were actively against God. Finally some balance has been restored.
y/n&jenna4life: Get ur homophobic ass outta here
JennaOrtegaWifey: Gonna miss them so much. Hope they’re doing okay.
You sit on your bed, bored out of your mind. Jenna was in the kitchen making some food for the two of you. You think about doing a livestream, and you walk towards your girlfriend to run the idea by her. When you enter the kitchen, you see her dancing around, making you smile softly to yourself. 
You wrap your arms around from behind, making Jenna jump slightly before melting into your arms. You sway with her for a second before pressing a kiss to her temple, which makes her turn around so that she can press a soft kiss to your lips. 
When you break apart, you finally remember why you came into the kitchen in the first place. “Baby, do you want to do an Instagram live with me?” She nods her head and says, “As long as I can keep cooking.” You grin at her before setting up your phone. 
Jenna is out of the frame when you begin the livestream, making you realize that you want to surprise the fans. You signal for her to stay as quiet as possible and stay out of frame, and she nods in understanding. You watch the number of people watching shoot up faster than it ever has, catching you slightly off guard.
“Did something happen?” You mutter to yourself, trying to catch some information from the comments speeding past. Finally, a couple of them slow down. I can’t believe you and Jenna broke up! You choke on your spit when you read that, now really confused. 
“Who said we broke up? Where’d you hear that?” The comments continue to stream past, most of them interpreting your reaction as not knowing that the news of the break up had gotten out. Really though, you were just lost. 
Finally a comment stops on your screen that explains everything to you. You two unfollowed each other on Instagram. Didn’t you break up? You let out an exasperated sigh, realizing what had happened. You glance over at Jenna, who is still occupied with her baking, none the wiser as to what is going on in the livestream.
You pick your phone up and point it at her, making the viewers become extremely confused in the comments. “This little shit was mad that she lost at Monopoly, so she unfollowed me on Insta. I unfollowed her in revenge.” Finally Jenna realizes you’re talking about her, and when you say this, she turns around with an offended look on her face.
“You liar!” She then snatches the phone from you and shoves her face right up in the camera. “This liar actually cheated at Monopoly, and that’s a fact. It’s the only way she could have beaten me.” You roll your eyes, easily taking your phone back. “Or maybe you’re just really bad at Monopoly.” 
Jenna thinks about it for a moment before shaking her head and turning back to the oven. “Not possible.” You laugh before finally turning back to the livestream. Messages of relief and amusement are flooding the screen, and you have to giggle at some of them. 
It’s okay y’all! Mom and Dad are fine.
That was a close one! false alarm. 
Yeah, they’re okay. Fighting like 8-year-olds again.
Finally, you decide to sign off of the livestream. “Thanks for checking in, you guys! Jenna and I are fine, no worries. Hope you guys are doing great and have a wonderful day!” When you shut it off, you turn to Jenna and wrap your arms around her. 
“We almost started some massive celebrity news by accident, babe.” Jenna giggles to herself, making you smile. Yeah, you would have to be an idiot to let her go.
@lovelyy-moonlight @pnsteblnme @MrsLillithy @alotofpockets @theenglishswiftie
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❝ Everything that made Daisy burn, made me burn. Everything I loved about the world, Daisy loved about the world. Everything I struggled with, Daisy struggled with. We were two halves. We were the same. ❞
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carpbread0 · 1 year
NPC Life is the best
(Genshin Impact x gn reader - sagau)
(second person pov)
Prologue —> part 1 —> part.2
After being tossed into the world of teyvat, you start to make your way down starsnatch cliff. Unlike what you had previously thought, the winds were quite gentle and gave you a sense of serenity that some what soothed your aching head. It was about sunrise when you had landed here so it shouldn’t take until sunset to get to mondstat.
the dirt path was a great aid to the city and in all honesty the walk down the cliff was quite nice as you got see the lovely sights of windrise and a ancient four winds temple.
there were a few adventures out and about but they paid you no mind. It was better that way. as you slowly approached the small cooking pot set almost right outside the city you decided it be best to test a few things.
Grabbing a small left over sack from the wood stump, you took out a small pocket knife sheathed in leather. Taking the small knife out you looked around to see if anyone was there. to your relief there was no one besides the pigeons on the bridge.
gently holding the knife you proceeded to make a small cut on the side of your wrist.
quickly after your discovery you use the bandages in the small bag to cover it up. Wouldn’t want someone to see that..
gently holding the sack you found you thought it’d be best to keep it. It’s free no? Smiling happily with your newly found possession you started to walk across the large bridge.
a few characters you decided were best to avoid were obviously venti and kaeya. Venti was an archon so it was already a big no even if he didn’t know what you looked like. Kaeya is from khanria so who knows what he could sense. Both of them have visions so both of them could possibly recognize your aura.. even though venti uses a fake one, it’s still likely that as an archon he would recognize your aura regardless..
well that is if they decide to believe in the strange aura of yours. There’s a chance they won’t even bother tracking you down.
gathering your thoughts together you make your way into the city nodding at both of the guards as a sign of respect. To your surprise they didn’t even stop you from going in without a small questioning.. you guess it’s because they barely get any respect *snorts*.
walking into the city, you realize it’s about 9 o’clock and your a bit peckish after the long walk. Why not treat yourself to a delicious fisherman’s toast? looking around you as you make your way up to Sara, you find that the city is more crowded than what it seems to be in game. People by the fountain, merchants flocking the side of the paths, and even little kids playing with what looked to be a yo-yo. In all honesty it put a smile on your face. Everything was so beautiful.
making your way up to the counter of good hunter you spot a familiar sight, amber and Eula were eating at good hunter too! ‘Oh god it’s my otp AAAAAAA’
‘Calm down y/n..’
‘Calm down’
afraid of staring at the pair for too long, you glance away not noticing the strange look Eula shot at you.
after waiting in line for a little bit you manage to finally order your beloved fisherman’s toast. Using the mora inside your (stolen) bag you pay off the fisherman’s toast and find a spot to enjoy your crispy delight.
“Why hello there” a familiar but suave voice calls out to you.
“I haven’t seen you before, are you perhaps an outlander like our dear honorary knight?”
god.. it was kaeya
“Hm? Oh I’m actually from liyue.” You lie trying to maintain a calm demeanor.
“Oh? I Must say, you don’t dress like someone from liyue, I apologize for my assumption.” He looks down at you with a sly smile and inquisitive look.
“It’s no problem, really” god you never realized how hard it was to act.. you should’ve taken up those acting classes from your aunt.
“If you say so” he smiles again. “Enjoy your stay in mondstat I’d love to show you around some time traveler”
“Oh no, i mustn’t take up your time”
“Oh but I insist. Whats your name by the way lovely traveler?” He says with a confident look on his face.
“Y/n, you must be the suave Calvary captain that all the ladies in mondstat have been chatting about.” You tease him slightly to get the attention off of you
“You flatter me Y/n. Your quite the smooth talker yourself” he chuckles and smirks.
“Well it was nice getting to meet you, I must be on my way now, even though I would’ve loved to stay and chat”
“It’s no problem Kaeya” you smile softly and wave off to him as he walks away.
‘Holy fucking shit’
You felt as though your life flashed through your eyes as you finish up your fisherman’s toast. Hopefully he didn’t see through your facade.. he might’ve noticed your aura but probably dismissed it as something else. well he’s gone now so there’s no need to worry to much about him right now.
the thing you should be worrying about is going broke after all.
what job would suit your NPC like needs..
carp bread- brain vomit
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cutielando · 6 months
hiii could you please do dating head cannons with ollie bearman? ❤️
dating headcannons | o.b.
my masterlist
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sweetest boyfriend ever
so supportive of him in everything that he does
you would take time off of school to be able to attend some of his races
his family always includes you in everything they do, his father always asking you to make sure to keep Ollie under control when they couldn’t be there
besties with everyone at Prema
you would be his biggest cheerleader
he would take you out on dates every chance he got
he didn’t have that much money to spend on you because he was only in F2, but he would take every chance he got to buy you things
he was apprehensive of introducing you to his fans at first, but was very glad when he finally did
everyone loved you, they could see how happy you made Ollie and how down-to-earth you were, automatically helping keep your boyfriend grounded amidst the chaos
you guys were still young, barely 18 years old, but Ollie already knew that he was going to marry you one day
he was down bad, but you were just as deeply in love with him
you were still new to the motorsport world, so you haven’t got used to the stress that came with watching Ollie drive at ungodly speeds every other weekend, hoping that the race would go smoothly and nothing would happen
yours and his parents made everything better, always eager to help ease your nerves whenever you needed them to
you were with him in Saudi Arabia when he was pulled away from his F2 race to drive for Ferrari in F1 in Carlos’ place
when he got the call that morning, it didn’t feel real to either of you
it was a huge step for him, having only driven an F1 car on a couple occasions before, and this was really on short notice and out of the blue
you were very worried, to say the least
the jump from F2 to F1 was very big, F1 being a lot more demanding, hard and dangerous altogether
you knew Ollie could handle it, but you still couldn’t help the anxiety settling deep into your veins as you watched him from the Ferrari garage along with his dad
despite your concerns, Ollie managed to finish in the points, which you swore made your heart burst with excitement
he treated you and his father to a very nice dinner that night, grateful to have two of the most important people in his life with him during those moments
you guys would be a very sweet couple, young, sweet and innocent
but even though you guys were young, that didn’t mean that your love was anything other than serious
you really loved each other
and everyone on the grid loved you
OTP and favorite girlfriend, all the way
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comments and re-blogs help us grow!
much appreciated!!
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fure-dcmk · 2 months
FINALLY WATCHED THE MOVIE first impression rambling >>>
HEIJI WAS SOOOOO COOL. HANDSOME. TERRIFIC. the first 20 minute is just me losing my mind from all the heiji details
>> heiji and kid bantering about fairy lips in the intro. kid going your fault for not noticing hmmp! <- huh? are you a tsundere heroine
>> 4 new outfit from heiji that fits him so well... handsome guy
>> a fairy lip redraw. i died
how the hell did heiji brought his bike with him all the way in HOKKAIDO. you can almost way osaka to tokyo is only half of the travel to hokkaido how many day trip would it take to reach that far. also a jp tweet i read once brought to question how a high schooler was able to use the high way. did he brought kazuha with her in this extreme trip? with the excuse that he's going for a kendo tournament... when his bigger agenda is to confess. everything about the bike being there doesn't make sense but i give it a pass for being cool 😁👍
and the heikazu scene.,.. i came there fully expecting to not care at all but they actually made me invested. ran was SOOOO CUTE her excitement directly influenced me to also want to see heiji succeed. heiji asking if the legendary 100 million night view is better than big ben and ran agreeing just to placate him for the sake of her otp 😭
THE STUN GRENADE! the fact that kazuha immediate reaction is to protect heiji ears.... her self sacrificial nature a call back to mermaid island in the most subtle way 🥹🥹🥹 heiji shocked eyes was so cute. and heiji confession speech isnt cringe and is actually cute! shocker! (sorry trauma from heart anniversary lines its so awful im dnfuebdjfjf) devastated such an ideal confession scene was wasted. but its from kazuha trying to save heiji SO FORGIVEN
need to make sure ppl know im a momiji enjoyer. all her faults are forgiven purely cuz she is funny. let a rich girl be delulu !
also loove how they keep cannonizing her keen hearing from m21 THIS IS THE APPEAL OF KAZUHA THEY GET IT
touichi gifting a lost national treasure to his little brother yuusaku for winning the macademy award, as well as keeping in touch with him and gifting various trinkets.... meanwhile keeping his own son completely in the dark that he's alive this entire time...
conclusion 1: worst parent award goes to kuroba touichi 🥳🥳🥳
conclusion 2: ah he's definitely a brocon huh
kills me that everyone is dejected that the katana with the star shaped guard is a lost treasure. meanwhile its quitely sitting in kudo yuusaku's store room cuz his big brother gifted it to him LIKE SDJDJFF!? turning your justice leaning lil bro into an accomplices. the gag potential here is so made for me
shoutout to sonoko who took up haibara's usual information provider role. every scene with her was animated so cutely IM SHOCKED m27 doing excellent job at showing off her cuteness. there is a fun parallel to think about, sonoko was the first person heiji went to to get information on kudo's whereabout, and now heiji is also going to her for information ♥️ heiji-sonoko friendship crumb thank you for the food
this movie really play a lot with the crumbs from kendo school tournament arc. heiji-ran friendship makes me want to cry, ran efficiently karate chopping hijiri to make sure theres no distractions for heikazu 🥺😭 ive been convinced on okita's cuteness the past 3 month cuz if the okita fanart boom in my corner of jp twitter but watching it for myself... he really have it bad for heiji LMAO wdym "it's boring if hattori ain't here~" how much did you say this for kaitou kid to catch that its a good trait for an okita disguise. im glad this movie give a good balance of real okita and fake okita, m10 still makes me so sad for having ZERO real hakuba 🥲 kid's dosu e~ is so moeblob
ah i still got so many word vomit on this movie it seems to be never ending 😭😭
my final review of the movie is this is my no 1 fav conan movie of all time, 2nd place is bride of halloween. i still havent rank anything below that properly. im truly entertained by this movie it got so many characters i care about with a lot of bombastic scenes. as much as i want to say my ultimate fav is m7 and m21, both of them are kinda... slow with all the deduction talk. im here for eye candy after all 😔 mixing kid's energy is doing wonders for the tone of a heiji movie. heiji's presence is also doing wonders for KID as well cuz gosh!!! KID has never emit this much childlike moe blob energy. heiji and conan being the straight man to kid's prank is the dynamic really help to emphasize his whimsical energy
and the final theme i caught; parallelism where hijiri is willing to do anything to protect his father's legacy only for us to find that its all for naught.... now why does this sound familiar 🤔🤔🤔
rewatching the movie tomorrow so ill probably do another ramble on it
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all-class-darling · 7 months
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a concept.
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secondbeatsongs · 5 months
when you're into the Big Ship™ in a Big Fandom™, you have the luxury of having an OTP - a real One True Pairing, where you can read about just them for ages, and you will never run out of fics, and everything is perfect and beautiful and nothing hurts
but when you go to a smaller fandom, you'd better pray to whatever god you worship that someone else in this room ships the same thing that you do, and that if they do, they're writing more than late-night crackfic, because you're on thin fucking ice!
and how small is your small fandom? is it less than 100 fics? maybe even...less than 20 fics?
welp, then it's time to make peace with that god and either open up a text document or learn how to ship everything, because it's swim or drown babey! and your ship is sinking fast
anyway all of this is to say that after hanging out in small fandoms and shipping less-common pairings for a while, going back into a Big Huge Fandom™ is wild because suddenly it's like...wait, why didn't I ship these people again? I don't remember. why was I only sticking to one ship in this fandom?? boring of me, honestly. these guys should make out.
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youneedsomeprompts · 2 years
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requested by: anonymous
Feel free to use and reblog!
OTP meets accidentally at the hospital because they both accompanied someone else there
A has to stay in the hospital & doesn't want B to leave because they're scared
"It's gonna be alright. I'm sure the doctor will be here in a minute."
waking up in a hospital bed & not knowing how they got there
"Hey, look at me! Stay with me! No, no, don't close your eyes!"
B is panicking much more than A who got committed to the hospital
"It doesn't look too bad, right?"
B is trying to distract A when they need to get an IV because A hates needles
"Do you hear me?"
A, who actually works at the hospital, turns out to be a lousy patient
"Deep breathing."
B is getting mad waiting in the hallway and imagining countless scenarios of what might be wrong with A
"I told you, you need to take more care of yourself."
B wants to be there for A but they can't see blood
"Is it broken?"
B offers to bring A some stuff if they have to stay overnight
"Your partner can stay if you like." "Oh, they're not... actually, that would be nice."
B is stroking over A's brow
"You scared the shit out of me!"
"Do you need anything?"
A refuses to stay at the hospital because they're 'not sick'
"Everything's fine! Leave me alone!"
"Why won't you let anyone help you?"
getting dizzy from all the countless examinations and tests
having a medical/health-related secret
trying to be strong for everyone
"You're what?" "... pregnant..."
"It's just a checkup. You can go home." "You came here with the ambulance. This is no checkup. Now stop downplaying it!"
being excited to get a cast everyone can sign
"Stop fussing!"
B feels guilty because they have been arguing right before A got committed to the hospital
"Don't leave me!"
seeing how uncertain everything is in life, they realise they have to confess their feelings
"I won't spoil you just because you have been so careless to injure yourself."
B neglects their own needs as they stay by A's bedside continuously
B can't stop holding A's hand
"You're very brave."
B kisses A's bandaid
"Does it still hurt?"
"Don't worry! We'll make sure you'll get better very soon."
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