#paper lily memes
ardentem-iustitia · 6 months
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back at it again except you can clearly tell who my favorite is (it's sai)
still figuring out cropping LOL. please accept my offerings (fanart coming soon!)
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mairient · 5 months
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Very sketchy meme i didn't even bothered to clean tbh. (I also didn't want to transfer the slides tablet-phone so i just posted em on tiktok and then saved em.)
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omgthatdress · 1 year
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Barbie made her debut in 1959. The way she was sold then is a little different than the way she's sold now. These days, individual Barbies come with their own unique looks & usually some kind of unique function or accessories. You can buy clothes separately, but those looks are still secondary to the expectation of buying a lot of Barbies. Back in the day, you bought the one Barbie and then bought her clothes separately. This is why back then Barbie came with a bunch of friends and always came wearing a swimsuit.
The oft-memed origin story for the classic Barbie is that she was modeled on a German sex doll named Lili, which is only partially true. In the 50s, most dolls available for girls were baby dolls that primed girls for being a wife and mother. Fashion dolls were a thing but they were generally more reserved for adults.
Ruth Handler, who co-founded Mattel with her husband and served as its president from 1945-1973 (#girlboss much?), got the idea of making an adult doll for girls when she'd see her daughters playing with paper dolls. Instead of playing with babies, they chose teen-aged and adult paper dolls and played fantasized versions of adulthood. Then, on a trip to Germany, Ruth saw a Lili doll in a store, and asked her daughters what they'd think of playing with a doll like that. Apparently, they liked the idea.
Lili the doll wasn't an inflatable fuck doll. She was based on a popular comic strip character Lili created by Reinhard Beuthien and published in the Hamburg-based Bild Zeitung. Lili was a buxom gold-digger seducing her way through the wealthy men of post-war West Germany.
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The comic was definitely adult-oriented, and the doll it created was a popular bachelor party gag gift.
The introduction of a doll with breasts did cause *some* controversy, but it was more pearl-clutching rather than tremendous cultural outrage. Barbie was actually an immediate hit. She fit in very well to late 50s ideals of femininity. I've heard it said before that parents liked her because she helped little girls get into the beauty, fashion, and level of grooming that she would need to catch a husband. IDK if that was intentional, but it seems to fit very well.
I don't want to get into whether or not Barbie is this huge feminist icon or not because, well, she's a toy. I think Ruth Handler was an incredibly smart businesswoman who saw a market demand and met it. Barbie is about the power of fantasy and imagination, and anything that people see in her are the things they want to see in her.
In her incredible multitude of careers, she also holds up an impossible and toxic standard of beauty. Mattel has always been very aware of Barbie's image. I'm pretty sure that the reason Mattel hated "Barbie Girl" so much wasn't because it was wink-wink sexual, but because it nailed the popular stereotype of the time that Barbie was this fake, plastic bimbo who was an unhealthy role model for girls (go listen to Aquarium, now!).
The recent years of Barbie taking on a more empowering, feminist, and diverse lean is because Mattel is simply correcting course and keeping up with the times. Honestly, they've done a very good job of it, but I'm not going to kid myself into thinking they're doing anything other than maximizing profits.
I love me some Barbie but I was always an AG girl, ngl. However, I think Barbie and her cultural context are still incredibly fascinating and worth taking a look at.
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sky-snz · 2 days
September Ballad (M, Cold)
Ok, time for a longer one (2.4k words :P). Here’s a fic with some busy autumn vibes, and cold that sneaks up on Jonah hard at work. xx
cw: mess
[A video recording. The Anderson Cottage attic, midday. Jonah squeezes the clamp of the black capo, and brings it down from the sixth fret to the third fret. His eyes drift toward the ground, and slowly, he begins to pluck out a melody on the guitar. In a soft voice, he starts to sing. ‘It’s her that brings me there She’ll say welcome back to earth It’s been far too long for me to bear…’]
It wasn’t quieter, just more chilly. Things in the world seemed to slowly acquire rougher edges - there was the rustling of trees and stacks of dog-eared papers that were important.
[‘Dig my body from the dirt, Gentle, so the roots wouldn’t tear…’]
The width of each day was gradually compressing. Their evening walks had been happening earlier to catch the sunset. And Lily was more often tired, and into September, Jonah tended to work late nights. It seemed he’d exchanged sunsets for a covered pot on the stove in the empty kitchen. Memes sent without additional text. A warm hand ran gently down the back of a thick sweater, a whistling kettle, and curated canisters of vitamins and such that mysteriously appeared on the cluttered counter.
“heeihhHh, HUHdt’EEISSCHHIEWWW!!!” 
Jonah’s long form bent double with a sudden violent, desperate sneeze. His hand quickly gripped onto the edge of the kitchen sink and held tightly, as the force of the expulsion shuddered through his shoulders and threw him forward. It was like a clap of thunder following far behind a streak of lightning - seeming to coming out of no where. He straightened and gave his head a small shake.
His perpetually rosy nostrils flared as he sniffed gently. His long, dark hair seemed to be behaving a bit more than it had just a few days ago, as the temperature subtly began to drop. And that was the bittersweet gateway to autumn. The end to one type of suffering, and onto various others - but with it, came a tradition of compiled solutions by humanity to maintain warmth. Life. Spirit.
He’d chalked up his usual congestion these days to the pollen, although it was trickier to tell for sure, since it had been rather cold. The temperature shift often gave his sinuses grief on its own. Nonetheless, he had work to do. One of his favourite parts of the day was making himself a tea before playing piano, which usually helped with the congestion.
“huht’JSCHH!!-unhh…” He muffled a sneeze into his shoulder, his hands occupied with a bottle of honey and a tablespoon. He sucked in a damp sniffle and sighed softly. 
This game of ‘is this a cold or allergies?’ was getting tiring. He supposed as long as he had the ability to get things done, he’d be fine. But still, “-Ah’TDSCHHhh-!!!” it might be kinder on his sinuses if he was able to tell which was the cause.
Shit. Honey dripped down the side of his mug of tea, as did his nose, dripping into his moustache and onto dry lips. He sucked in a harsh, frustrated sniffle, and reached for the roll of paper towel.
“Bless you.” Jonah heard Lily approaching down the stairs.
“*hsnff!* Thagk you.” Jonah set down the bottle of honey on the counter. As he gently wiped his face with some folded paper towel, he turned to see her enter the kitchen. 
“You doing okay?” she asked softly, lifting a hand and gently running it over his back.
“Just sdeezi’g,” he exhaled. 
“Ah, right on time.” Jonah gave a small, exhausted chuckle. Lily smiled, and reached up to brush his hair out of his face. “You had your meds?” she murmured. Her sea blue eyes stared into his earthy, moss-coloured ones. Jonah grew a bit flustered - every now and then he would forget, but this time he actually did.
“Yes, love,” he said with a gentle grin.
“Yeah? When’d you last use the nose spray?”
Jonah barked a soft, wheezy laugh, then tried to stop as she kept her strange, flirty gaze. He knew that she’d worry. Lily’s eyes ran over his impossibly handsome features. As she moved closer, his hands gently found her waist.
Jonah’s eyelashes fluttered as he gazed down at her. “This morning,” he mumbled hoarsely. 
“Take some now, it should be at least twice a day, right?”
“Once I’ve made my tea,” Jonah replied.
“Let me,” Lily said, gently touching his hand.
“Lil, I’ve got it,” he said gently, his hands still in the task of wiping the side of the mug.
“‘Kay,” Lily breathed. She ran her hand over his back once more, then went to get a glass for herself.
Jonah sniffled gently, but liquidly. The way he cleared his throat again, gruffly, had Lily’s spider sense on guard.
“What time’s the dinner tomorrow?” she asked, once she’d poured herself some water.
“Uh, *snrff!* Seved, I believe. *snrk!*” he said, turning to lean back against the counter.
Following a sip from the hot mug of tea, Jonah let out a soft, shaky exhale. Watery mucus ran down his upper lip, and he sniffled thickly. He held the breath, his chin turning to the side.
“Oh,” he huffed softly, and quickly set down the mug of tea. He lifted his other hand and pinched his sniffly nose, half-stifling a wet sneeze. “KGCHH-!! -unh, *snrff! sdrf!*”
“Bless you,” Lily breathed, and gently rubbed his back. 
“'Scuse mbe, thagk you.”
Lily wandered off to the study corner of the living room to double check her schedule. The dress she’d planned to wear was hung on the door of her closet. She hadn’t worn it in a while, and perhaps it had seen better days, but it was plain, elegant, and reliable.
[‘Eyes above the chasm where the golden hour illuminates her hair… And I’m stood there…’]
There was a heavy ceramic thud against the hardwood floor, the jingle of a teaspoon, and Jonah crying out at full volume.
“Ah-! Fuck…”
Lily straightened quickly like a meerkat, hearing Jonah’s muffled grumblings from the kitchen. From the desk chair in the living room, she tried to peek around the doorway to the dining room.
“Jonah?” she called. She stood and went to the doorway. “You okay, sweetie?”
“I’b fide,” he mumbled as she spotted him in the kitchen, crouching to pick up his empty mug and teaspoon from the puddle of tea on the floor. He had to reign in his temper, it was just a minor inconvenience…
“Oh,” Lily couldn’t help but say, her heart sinking a little. “Did y-“
“AAESSCHIEWW!! -ESSCHIEWW!!-sshieww!!” Before she could get a question out, he dissolved into another rapid, itchy spell of sneezes. “*snnnrgk!* EEEISSCHH!!! *hsddrff* God, I’b soh… *sddrffh!* I’b so sorry, *sdDDRFF!* Jesus,” he murmured hastily, struggling to sniffle back the abundance of mess oozing from his red, dripping nose. His expression was still hazy with desperation.
“Bless you, darling. Here, I got it.” Lily set the mug and teaspoon down in the sink, then tore some paper towels from the roll. She couldn’t help but continue to eye Jonah. “Are you hurt? Did you spill any on yourself?”
“*sdrff!* D-Doe, just… hh-! just- *sddrffh!* hh’just od by- hh’odbypadts-ISSCHIUE-!! HRR’ISSCHIEWWw!!” Jonah barely choked out an answer before the burning irritation overwhelmed him. He groaned softly, sounding stuffy and miserable.
“Bless you. Here, baby love, blow your nose, okay?” Lily offered him a spare handkerchief that she found in the drawer of the phone table. With bleary eyes, Jonah accepted the handkerchief, and rose up from crouching.
“Hh-haH-! Hehh!” Eyelids fluttering, he quickly leaned a hand on the counter before letting out a rapid, itchy triple. “HAAD’SCHHIEWW!!-sshieww!! ESSCHHIEWW!!!”
“Bless you,” Lily said soothingly.
“EEIY’ESSSCHHIEWWW!!!” Oh. Yikes, that sounded like it hurt. He bent double over the sink with that one, and let out a couple of chesty coughs.
“Bless you, love.”
“Thadk you…” Jonah mumbled wearily into the cloth. 
He turned and began to blow his nose. It was heavy, gurgling, sounding much needed. As Lily wiped the last of the spilt tea on the floor, she heard him pause for breath and blow again, producing congested honks. She felt sympathy as he panted for breath, sucking in several sniffles that didn’t seem to be moving much.
After a bit, he turned back around to find that Lily had finished cleaning up his mess.
“Oh,” he said softly. He stared at her, still making a few itchy rubs at his pink nose with the folded hanky. He let out a hoarse, timid chuckle. “Thagk you.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart.” Lily stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek, and lifted a hand to rub his back.
“I’b sorry, I’b such a klutz, *snrgk!*”
“You’re okay,” she said firmly. Lily switched to gently scratching his back instead. Jonah leaned down to kiss the top of her head. “Your poor tea, though. Let’s make you another one.”
“Hh’I- hhh’oh, I still deeh- huhh, Gods sakes, *gsdrff!*” he muttered breathily, turning away again. “haaH! HAAASSCHHIEWW!!-Ohh, hih-! RR’AASSCHHIEWW!!! -AASCHIEWW!! …haht’Chieww-!! … g’nhh. *sdrff!*”
“Bless you.”
“*snrgk!* Pardod be, thagk you, *snnrk!* Hold od,” he uttered with defeat, and went to the living room. 
More sad, honking blows could be heard as he walked away. Lily poured more water into the kettle. The switch made a satisfying click as she turned it on, and again, the pot began to heat up.
[‘Rendered speechless by silence of it all, And with it all, I’m taken-‘]
Jonah’s noisy, drawn out snores were interrupted by some itchy coughs, ones that came so fast that they startled Lily as she’d begun to nod off. His big torso expanded as he took a wheezy, shuddering gasp, then came a sneeze so vicious that it jerked his head and shoulders forward from the incline of pillows.
“hhHAAASSCHHIEWWW!!!” It was explosive, too - Lily could see the spray in the low light, and hear the wet bursting of thick mucus as the sneeze came at full force.
“Oh, bless you love,” Lily hummed, and reached over to rub her hand soothingly over his thigh.
“HAADSSCHHIEWWw!!!” Just as he was getting his bearings, another wet, thick-sounding sneeze forced its way out of him. 
“Bless you.”
Jonah rolled over, facing away from Lily and feeling dizzily around the bedside for the box of tissues, or a hanky, anything there to catch the sudden abundance of mess he’d just sneezed all over himself. His entire head felt heavy, and his sinuses were aching. Sitting up made his head hurt. He felt a hand on his shoulder. 
“Here, babe,” she said softly. Soon his long fingers were squeezing around a handkerchief.
“RRAAHh’CHHIUEWW!!!” Lily winced a little. The one had just sounded so wet, and any attempts to sniffle did nothing, leaving him to sigh and hurry to lift the handkerchief over his swollen, dripping nose. “AASSCHhiu!!-EEISSCHHhh!!”
“Bless you.”
Jonah sat there, panting. The poor thing. A bead of sweat rolled down his face. Lily could hear his weary, heavy breathing as he wiped his face. She lifted the backs of her finger to feel his forehead.
“-hhhh… hHehhhh… HAAAESSCHHHhh!!!”
“Bless you. Ohh, dear. Yup, that’s a fever.”
“HRR’AASSCHHIOOO!!! ....ngh..” 
“Bless you. Here. Breathe in for me.”
Jonah took in a tight, shaky breath. His sore, sensitive sinuses were burning. He needed to blow his nose badly, or his head was going to burst. The attempt at it made an awful noise - the congestion that sat heavily in his sinuses was restricting, and there was so much mucus, an ungodly amount. The handkerchief was damp by the time he finished blowing. 
“ahh’CHIEWW!!hhh….” God, he shouldn’t have blown that hard. The sneeze that it triggered was sudden and scraped across his throat. 
“Bless you, poor thing,” Lily murmured.
“*sngk!* D-Deed- hUHt’CHIEWWw!!!” He winced and rubbed at his nose with the hanky. “g’hh… h-heiHhh?? HAAEESSSCHHiuhh!!-’ISSCHH!!!-CHH!!-TCHHhh!!!”
Oh no. They were coming rapidly again. And they still sounded wet, if not wetter, soaking the humble handkerchief in his hands. Lily reached toward the bedside table and opened the drawer. She found a good, thick handkerchief and touched it to Jonah’s hand. He took it eagerly and shakily lowered the soaked cloth in his hands. Lily caught a glimpse of his red, chapped nostrils, which flared wide again before pitching forward into the fresh cloth.
“Bless you, sweetie.”
“*snrgk* Thagk you,” he barely croaked. He blew his nose again, cautiously, then emerged with a sniff.
Lily ran her fingers through his loose, frizzy curls. “Want ice?” she breathed.
Jonah nodded. Lily moved towards the other bedside table and reached for the thermos. She opened it and shook some ice into an empty cold pack she’d left there just in case.
“hdt!‘CHIUEWW!!! *snrk! snnnrk~*”
“Bless you.”
“rr’SSCHHIEWWw!! -nnh, *sddrff!*”
“EEEISSCHHIEWWww!!! *snNrgk!* ‘b so sorry, 'scuse be.” Jonah kept sniffling liquidly. His poor nose just kept running, gushing mess with each itchy sneeze.
Lily gave his thigh a small rub. “Shhhh, you’re okay.” 
He gave another thick, flooding blow into the hanky, and lowered it, panting softly. His eyes were still sunken and hazy with sleep. He looked ready to return to his slumber - then Lily turned to him with the ice pack.
“Here, hun.” Jonah snuffled softly and peeked over at her. “Lie down?”
He did just that, exhaling heavily as his back flattened onto on the mattress. Lily placed the small ice pack on his forehead, and watched his flushed features loosen.
“That good?”
Still panting slightly, he nodded. It felt so good that he could’ve fallen asleep then and there, but-
“I’ll grab you some Tylenol, okay?” Lily leaned down to kiss his warm temple. His bleary eyes followed her as she got out of bed. She came back to the bed and sat by him. “Here. Can you sit up?”
[‘I’m taken, taken, taken…’]
“It’s just a moment, and you can go back to sleep.”
A soft groan of effort tickled Jonah’s scratchy throat, as he pushed his aching body into an upright position. There was some ease as Lily’s hand touched his shoulder. Her thumb grazed over the fabric of his shirt as he downed the two pills in a wrenching gulp. 
Not saying much else, her hand moved to brush back his hair. She left a kiss on his clammy forehead, and murmured for him to lay back down.
[‘And it’s her It’s her that brings me there.’ Jonah looks up from the ground towards the camera. His lips muster a gentle grin, and he reaches over to stop the recording.]
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hxlcyon · 2 years
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❥ ❥ ❝ miss me already? ❞
ace trappola x gn!reader | wc: 6.8k~
summary: your boyfriend (of now approximately a minute and 47 seconds) makes a bet with you: “those idiots”—your best friends of first-years—won’t even notice a thing even if we weren’t dating.” and the funniest part? he’s probably right.
warnings: pure fluff! shenanigans! lots of cursing! friends (idiots) to lovers. one joke gendered term of milady but i think that meme is gender universal lol (coming from a masc nb)
a/n: this is for @dulcesiabits's “who is the prefect dating?!” collaboration on tumblr! thank you so so much for allowing me to write for ace, the little man, the stinky guy. also MAJOR shoutouts to lily and ct for wading through this mess, i appreciate you more than you know
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“Thanks for covering me.” Your sigh is accompanied by a satisfying crunch beneath your shoes, a stray leaf the unfortunate target of your latest frustrations. “Even if you were late to class.” It wasn’t like being caught on your phone by Trein was the worst of your worries, but a death sentence of papers and reprimands was, in fact, preferably avoided if you could help it.
“You owe me one.” Ace replies airily, slowing his stride to bump your side with his bag. “What’re you going to do without me?” Like he wasn’t the asshole who made you check your phone because of his sudden impromptu reenactment of an earthquake via spam text.
08:30 [ ace ]: fuck im late
08:30 [ ace ]: HELP
08:31 [ ace ]: distract him
08:31 [ ace ]: catch something on fire idc
08:33 [ ace ]: i cant believe ur gonna make me take the L
“Have an easier life, that’s for sure.” He makes a vague noise between a squeaky trumpet and a chicken, looking as if you’ve insulted generations upon generations of the Trappola bloodline with a single throwaway comment. “What was I even supposed to do?” Several expressions cycle on his face—focused, thinking, trouble—before he makes a decision and steps closer to you to ‘accidentally’ swing his bag into you again... only to eat shit as you retaliate and shove it back.
“Told you, catch something on fire.” However, the movement is enough to make you lose your footing and free fall to the ground; about to meet miserable, sweet, concrete Death before Ace grabs your arm and catches your face with his chest. “Not that.” Whatever you say next comes out muffled, noise and mind distorted by the smell of cherries?
But, the peace doesn’t last long, especially with Ace, as he pulls back enough for you to catch his lips twitching with another one-liner. “Oooh, can’t take your hands off of me.” He instantly catches your next fist, “if you like me this much, just say so.”
“Oh, Ace.” Time to switch tactics. You latch onto the front of his shirt, tightening your fists with enough force to wrinkle both his blazer and vest. “You’re totally sooo cool and don’t pick your nose and I am sooooo deeply in love with you that I just,” he begins cackling as you shake him, “can’t-help-but-choke-you-out!”
“What happened to boundaries? No safe word?” It doesn’t matter that he’s practically being rag-dolled for all of NRC to see, no matter how much you try to shake and activate that one brain cell of his, giggles continue to keep spewing out, taunting and delighted.
“I hate you—just! Shut! Up!!” You’re gonna throttle him. No one’s gonna find his body, not if you can help it.
“Wow, love you too.”
“Sure don't act like it!”
“What? I do!” You let up and he doubles over, gasping as he breaks into another fit of giggles. “How can I not?” He rubs his hand over his face, winded as he looks up at you, red eyes shining.
“What? Say that again? One more time for the audience in the back.” It’s meant to be an innocent tease, but for some reason, it sparks a knee-jerk wide-eyed reaction from him as a simple word slips from the depths of his very soul.
“What?” You repeat, squinting at him. “What you just said, right? Going on about how I’m so lova—”
He begins to bounce restlessly in place, words coming out harsh and forced. “I didn’t say that.”
“Are you seriously trying to gaslight me? In broad daylight?”
“No. That was just a normal thing, you’re making it weird. Geez.” His iconic smirk warbles and it almost seems as if the heart over his eye begins to grow runny.
“What does that even mean?”
“Definitely not what you’re thinking.”
“Ace.” His whole body is flushing. It’s enough that you can make it out from his ears to the sliver of skin at his wrist. “Look at me.” He refuses, half a second from booking it. “Do you—”
Then, suddenly filled with resolve, he faces you properly... only to cup your cheeks and squish them together between his palms. “Ooooh we’re never going to talk about this! Let’s move on~” The voiceover is the worst that you’ve ever heard, high and lilted with fear and cheap falsettos.
The sound of your palms practically patty-caking Ace’s face into a sandwich bounces against the statues of the Seven surrounding you (what a familiar place). He winces but doesn’t let go as you two proceed to stand in an awkward, competitive deadlock. “I’m not letting go until you tell me what’s up.” You manage through squished lips.
“You’re annoying.” He grits his teeth in irritation, staring straight at your forehead like he was weighing the outcome of embarrassment and pain if he head-banged you and ran.
“No, you.”
“You’re such a kid.” Ace wiggles under your grip, attempting to escape only to fail to your stubbornness. “It took you this long to notice my feelings? Sevens, how dense can you get?”
You roll your eyes. “If you want to actually go out, the offer is about to expire in approximately three seconds.”
“Wait.” His grip slackens.
“Three...” You begin counting. “You’re kidding me.” His lips twitch, throat bobbing as panic begins to settle in.
“You’re not going to really make me—” You finish off in a singular breath. “Twoone.” 
“Wait, that’s cheating—hold up!”
“Should’ve confessed your undying love for me.”
“You’re the worst. You’re literally the absolute worst.” His thumb traces hearts on your cheekbones, words coming out breathless as the tension finally drops from his body. “Is this what you do? Play with a poor man’s feelings? Heart breaker much?”
“Yeah yeah, let me go and hold my hand already.” He obliges, shaking his head disbelievingly as his fingers come down to intertwine with your own. His grip is tight, assured this time as his pulse drums loud and steady against your wrist. Without a word, he squeezes your hand, just once, unabashed affection making itself fully apparent with your permission.
Though, you only get four steps ahead before Ace interrupts, “You had a crush on me? That’s embarrassing.”
“Oh my God. I can’t believe I’m going to break up with you already.”
“Too late. You signed the contract, breaking it involves a fee of seven million madols by tomorrow.” 
“Did I? Did I really? You didn’t even ask me out yet.”
With his free hand, he crosses his thumb and pointer, winking at you as he brings your interlocked hands up and presses a kiss to them. “Milad—”
“No.” He snorts, dropping it to swing your hands.
You see his mouth move, and the possibility occurs to you that maybe, for once in this lifetime, he’s about to say something profound. What comes out instead is: “Wouldn’t it be funny if we pretended we weren’t? Dating, I mean. Just for a week.” The grip on your hand gets tighter as he quickly backtracks, bothered. ”We’re still going to date afterward—no it’s non-negotiable—but I bet the guys wouldn’t notice a thing out of place.”
“Why?” Wasn’t Ace the type to hold it over their heads? Or, at the least, take the opportunity to be obnoxious about it?
“They’re the types who won’t notice even if you write it on their foreheads.” Reward of the year for I-Love-My-Friends goes to Ace Trappola, without a doubt. “Wanna see if they have a chance of noticing if we don’t tell them outright.”
You think about it for a moment, “Bet you’re gonna be the first one to expose yourself.”
“Says you.” He takes the opportunity to lean into you, lanky arms taking up space at your sides. “I’ll even bet Deuce on it.”
Not very far off in the distance, Deuce sneezes into his arm (properly! just like his mom had told him). “Ah, am I getting sick...?”
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14:30 [ ace ]: “miss me?”
"What? Need me to say I do?” There’s an airy sort of tease to your tone, feather-light as it drifts down the empty halls. ”Down bad much?"
It’s entirely by accident that Jack—of all people—manages to overhear you as he scrambles to adjust his hold on a stack of boxes dangling precariously off of his arms. Did he just hear that correctly? The Ramshackle Prefect having a private conversation with... family (well, that doesn't make any sense considering your circumstances)? A long-distance friend...? Possibly?
“That’s not a no.” A lover?
“Loser, why wouldn’t I miss you?" His ears flatten with embarrassment, mentally cursing himself for having such good hearing as he presses his shoulder flat into the wall—a feeble attempt to stabilize the boxes. It worked, only temporarily, to slightly balance the cardboard already determined to give him several concussions.
After all, it’s not as if he could help the size of his ears or what they just happen to catch. It wasn’t like he meant to eavesdrop, especially on what seemed like such a private conversation. If he wasn't pressed for time or currently violating OSHA regulations, he would’ve absolutely upped and turned around to leave you to your privacy. You know... to be a good friend. But life (whoever said it was lemons didn’t consider it could be entire box fulls) was working against him. Dorm meetings, teacher favors, and the weight of the world practically rested in the room beyond—with you being the unintentional final boss blocking his way.
Whoever is on the other end seems to mirror his embarrassment, although for entirely different reasons. "Wow. It's almost like you like like me." The voice cracks, tinged pink as it trails off into a pathetic warble of a comeback.
"I mean... yeah? Isn't that obvious?"
The poor person on the other end starts to choke, "That's fucking cheesy." To each their own, but that sentiment was sweeter than it was cringe... at least, it was in Jack’s opinion.
Suddenly, something tips from a box and lands squarely on his head—right between his ears. The jarring sensation sends a jolt through him, lightning quick, and makes all his brain cells freeze to one singular thought: Wait. Like? Like... like? Can’t be. You literally said otherwise yesterday at lunch.
It was unclear how it exactly got from point “quit that, give my food back” to point “you ever think you’ll find someone here?” He really didn’t have any intentions, it was an absent-minded question. Really. But to say he wasn’t actually curious of your thoughts would be a complete lie.
“Relationships? At our NRC? Less likely than you think.” A fork hung from your mouth, suspended in your sarcasm. He distinctly remembers you squinting at him, huffing as your arms come out to gesture to the rest of the students surrounding you.
The fireplaces have exploded. A torrent of magic, roof high and smoldering, blazes unmercifully across students unfortunate enough to be close. There’s screaming. An entire portion of a half-eaten (and now charred) pastry lands directly on your lap. Someone breaks a window.
...All because a stray fire fairy in the kitchen got slop thrown on it. 
Your brow goes even higher as if to further contest his comment.
Fair enough. Jack had thought, handing you a napkin and ending the conversation at exactly that.
Did you suddenly change your stance? Was romance blossoming right under his nose?
And... doesn't that voice sound kind of familiar?
“Like you don’t like it.” He hears you laugh sweetly, “You gonna break my poor heart and pretend otherwise?” He can hear something akin to muffled cursing on the other end of the phone, rising in pitch, denial, and excuses. ”Eh? Did he hang up...?” 
There’s absolutely no way for him to prepare for the sequence of knob to hand to sheer, unadulterated pain as the door slams wide open and straight into your eavesdropper. "Jack?!"
Despite all his mental prayers to the Seven and a desperate grip, the boxes are knocked straight onto him and the floor, scattering an assortment of odd trinkets all over the ground. "Tsk—!" A broken bottle filled with some type of odd oil quickly spreads across the floors, making you both slip around and tumble until your knees pathetically hit the floor "Ow!"
“Jack... what the hell is this?”
Given up, no longer thriving, and lying face-down in the middle of the hall, Jack huffs out, “potion materials for Crewel.” His words come out loopy and muffled with a bit of a haze to them as his arm reaches forward and attempts to grab an orb spinning its way down the hall. He misses by just a hair and grunts in frustration as he begins to push himself up.  “Were you...” He starts before abruptly stopping himself, that’s none of my business.
You snatch up a stray pen rolling away on the floor and toss it into a box. “What were you saying?”
“Nothing.” He dismisses you with a shake of his head, clearing away some of the earlier haze. ”I just need to get into that room.”
“...Oh!” You have to avoid grimacing or slipping as the oil seeps into your clothes, but gingerly the two of you slowly manage to become upright once again. “Here, let me help then.” He beams at you in appreciation as the both of you make quick work of the scattered materials. Recovering what you can of several broken bottles, everything gets put back into place and Jack is sent back on his merry way to his dorm—only a minute pressed for time.
When he arrives, out of breath and with shirt sleeves stained olive oil yellow, Jack groans, unable to hold back his immense disappointment. Was the whole catastrophe earlier for nothing? Were they really having a dorm meeting about someone making “snowmen” out of people’s shedding?
Pause. Wait. That is really weird.
Several Savanaclaw students squabble, pointing fingers at each other while Leona lazily watches on uninterested. Jack begins to astrally ascend out of sheer disbelief, scuffing his foot into the floor as someone attempts to sneak away—only to have multiple shoes thrown at their head. Loud conversation floats vaguely in and out of his head, but something much more pressing catches his attention. The Prefect dating someone... couldn’t be, I’m overthinking it.
📞 [ call ended ]
Somewhere, on the other end of a phone, a certain someone throws an arm over his face now burned crimson—his thumb still hovering right where the screen blinks your name. "Fuck, didn’t mean to hang up but...” He slumps down further over his desk, wanting to melt in shame. “At least it's over phone, but argh—! This is lame." He drags his hand down his face, internally debating if he should jump out the window or just call you back.
“Ace. Your phone. Now.” Trein’s voice echoed from the front of the detention classroom.
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Epel makes a face like he's swallowed an entire handful of sour cherries. "What's got you looking at your phone so much?"
Your fingers stop over the keyboard, "Uh." With a very deep gravity, as if the answer was something he couldn't afford to hear, you reply in the gravest tone possible, "Your mom."
You practically have to throw your body out of the way to avoid the round-house kick Epel aims at your head.
You're out shopping together, juggling the assortments that you've gotten from Sage Island’s most popular tourist spots. With your hands full and mouth muffled by a snack, you order, "Camf fu sorch up wheof the fefenal," yeah, he has no clue what you're saying, "onmf phon?"
Phone. Got it. He digs your phone from your pocket and, with much difficulty, swipes it open after nearly butchering your passcode to lock point. "For Seven's sake, put yer snack down already and properly speak!" He grumbles, grabbing your thumb and pressing it to your phone to open the damn thing up and search the location for... fefenal?
Though, as he types it up, your past searches float and bubble up.
> why does my cat keep drooling on me
> if i boil an egg in gatorade does it taste like gatorade
> date spots
Cause yer cat loves ya dumbass... why in the Sevens would you even think about that... wait. Wait. Date spots? He looks at you, then at himself in a shop mirror, then back at you. No... you wouldn't force someone to spend hours debating fruit freshness for a date... right? Though, to be very fair, he was good at telling which fruit was ripe and the tastiest. But you'd do better than that for a date, right?
"What were you looking for again?"
Finally, you answer him with a clear mouth. "General store." He gives you a weird look when you return a "what?"
"...Wouldja go on a date for fruit?"
"I mean—" Suddenly, a notification flashes across your screen. "tomorrow at noon, right?"
"Huh?" You repeat.
Epel simply shakes his head, "Clown emoji... second place emoji? Just texted you that and n’ a bunch of flame emojis." You look at him confused. "...One of the hearts is on fire?"
"Oh... Oh! Can you send back an image from my gallery?" He obliges and looks through the first five images.
"What the fuck is this."
"Don't worry."
"Whose mouth is this? Why do you have 15 photos of the inside of someone's mouth?!"
"Ah."  Makes sense. He sends the grossest one. A ping later and he instantly sees... a chin photo of Vil? Epel snorts, barreling down as he chuckles louder. "Pfta! Haha! Like this? Serves 'em right to look ugly for a change!"
"Hold up, lemme see." You lean over and start to snort too, "What do you mean? He looks really good right there."
"Don't kid! He’d kill ya if he saw this!"
"Never!" As the two of you absolutely rag on Vil (lovingly... probably) and proceed with your day, the thought that had begun worming its way into Epel's mind lingers even as the both of you miserably pile crates of apples into a carriage: could’ve sworn the number under that stupid nickname seemed familiar... and what’s with that search history?
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It’s horrible that such a nice sort of day was spent preparing for the next interim level of Hell that Trein deemed fit to sentence everyone to during a lovely week that truly didn’t deserve such misery. After all, there was really only one way to make any possible preparations for the upcoming onslaught...
Studying. Oh, the… horror.
It was the three of you in preparation for Magical Analysis. Sure, Sebek and Ace seemed to have a knack for it, but it was a different matter altogether to apply it in practical form with a group.
Squabbling amongst yourselves, Ace, out of air from arguing, falls back onto you with a grumble. “Sheesh, it’d be so much easier if you just did it this way y’know.”
“And stoop to rewriting the work of an upperclassman’s past project? Of course, humans wouldn’t have any understanding of what dignity might mean.” His prattling continues as he sweeps his pencil over a scrap piece of paper in frustration. “Nevertheless, integrity.” Wow, he was really taking it out on that miserable little pencil—the eraser gone to the metal line.
Ace rolls his eyes and looks at you. Knowing him better than anyone, you can tell he wants to ditch or at least shovel more work unto Sebek in unwarranted revenge. Without even bothering to hide it, he mouths to you, “C’mon, if he wants to be so righteous, he can do this damn project himself.” You kick him under the table, but he easily defends himself with the flat of his shoe. “Loser.” He taunts, low enough for you to barely catch it.
Oh? So, it’s like that today.
By the time Sebek actually notices is when you finally go silent. He turns his head up in confusion to see your face fluster and Ace looking at you with smug victory that Sebek mistakes for rivalry. "Hmph! Children! Are you so dependent on one another that you can't separate?" Sebek grunts, peering under the table to where Ace's hand rests squarely on your calf, dipping under the fabric to firmly stop your attacks against his stomach as your legs—practically in his lap—kick at him to let you go.
Your voices reach him in almost perfect sync,
"Something like that."
"I’m twice the man he could ever be...!"
Sebek only scoffs and tears another sheet of blank paper out. “That simply proves my point. Two idiots make a pair.”
Ace snorts, pressing deeper into your leg to tip you slightly onto the ground. On instinct, you reach out, grabbing onto his neck in what would seem like a romantic interaction if it didn’t jerk his head and cause him to nose dive down straight onto the table. “Fuck!”
“Sorry! Shit, you okay?” You fuss over him, patting his face and forehead despite his wincing.
“If you really felt bad, you wouldn’t be smirking.”
“Oops, was I?”
He sulks and leans closer to you, reveling in the pampered treatment for a minute more... until he pulls out your chair and unceremoniously nearly drops you to the floor before childishly catching you last minute. “Ace!”
Sebek, exasperated, watches this all with a sigh, he wasn’t ever going to get anything done with you two, huh?
....But to his surprise, you guys do make timely work somehow and manage to finish everything with time to spare. Sebek doesn’t even give a second thought to your shenanigans nor how close the two of you were, opting to think: Seven, they’re idiots, completely unaware of Ace sneaking a kiss to your forehead in cheeky revenge.
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Deuce pauses, sniffing the air. "What smells like cherries?" Unconsciously, he brings his shirt up to his nose, double-checking himself as he sniffs the collar of his shirt. “Do you smell it too?”
"We're in the middle of the Gym, there’s a lot more smells than that,” you reply absent-mindedly. A ball idly rolls by your foot, remnants of the game only a couple minutes prior before the two of you were forcefully assigned cleanup duty. ”Maybe you smell something from the cafeteria?"
"It's not that." His hands squeeze around a basketball, confidence assured in his words as he spins it around in his hands. "The cafeteria doesn't serve cherries on Wednesday. That’s a Friday thing."
"Huh, really? Is that why Ace always drags us to eat there then?"
"Yeah, you never noticed?" He turns back, genuinely curious as he watches your reaction. "That's why he always gets so excited."
"I mean, we always eat cherry stuff every other Unbirthday though? Which is like, literally, almost every other day of the week. Don't know why he'd get so amped at the cafe."
"Maybe it tastes better...?"
"Better than Trey's?"
As the two of you ponder, Deuce's eyes settle on your jacket. “Huh? Where’d you get a Heartslabyul varsity from?”
“Stole it,” you say simply, much to the baffled—near horrified—expression that dawns on Deuce’s face. “C’mon, you think I stole it from Riddle or something?” He looks so stressed that you’d even suggest something so terrifying that he almost stops breathing. “Deuce! No! Think.”
“...Diamond-senpai...? He’s nice enough?”
“I mean, I do have some clips he’s given me. But no.”
“Clover-senpai? Maybe?”
“Wouldn’t it be bigger?” He squeezes his eyes shut, using all of the power in his singular brain cell to come up with answers—but to no avail, even as you walk away to grab a broom. It takes him until another class change that, when you finally leave the locker room and you’re bending down to retie your shoes, Deuce rushes to you to boldly and confidently announce, “ACE!”
“Took you long enough,” you sigh, rolling up your sleeves as the sun beats down hard. “Speaking of, lemme text him that we’re done.” You pull out your phone to go into your recents, a long log of clown emojis filling it. Eh...? It seemed like you called a... clown a lot? Did you get something with the circus? Before he can ask, a clown emoji pops up on the screen. “Speak of the devil.”
“Wait. Am I a clown on your phone?”
“Hey!” He looks to you, pleading for confirmation. “I am? Really?”
“I would never...! Probably.” You maneuver the phone to your ear where inaudible sounds from the phone continue, vaguely the cadence of ranting. “Oh, hold up, he’s asking me to meet him. I’ll see you later, Deuce.”
"The clown...?" He watches you go in confusion, mind spinning as he thinks about clowns and, weirdly enough, a recent complaint Ace had about missing clothes. He remembers a wry, affectionate smile on his face as he shut his closet doors and sighed. It wasn’t like him to lose things and he seemed to know who took them. So... really, that guy relented enough to let you borrow something from him? He grimaced at the memory of Ace letting him walk around with his bright pink leopard print jacket, jabbing him without mercy.
Well, whatever. You guys were all best friends after all. It wasn’t a big deal anyway. Maybe you’d ask to borrow Deuce’s leopard print soon.
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It is of the utmost importance that the highest council come together... for a sleepover to watch the latest horror movie that had appeared in home theaters. But, more than that, there was an immediate emergency of the highest level that needed to be addressed: drama. The tea needed to be prepped, served and spilled.
Or so Epel spits out (albeit in a much rougher manner), lifting his shoulders high in the air like he was ready to start his villain marketing monologue. "Is it just me or has the Prefect been weird lately? Not weird weird or nothin’, just that... ugh!" He shifts his eyes around, getting quieter with each frustrated syllable. Despite the fact that you were gone for a quick snack run, it still felt wrong to gossip in your house... place… dilapidated building. But he desperately needed to know he wasn’t going crazy.
"Really? They seem the same as ever to me.” Deuce chimes in, balancing a bowl of popcorn on his leg as he mindlessly picks off burnt pieces lining the top.
"They were searching some weird stuff—" Unconvinced, Epel spins toward Jack, gesturing to him and waiting like he knew the answer. "Ya think they're... fancying someone?"
“It’s their private business.” Jack settles firmly, replying with what he deemed as a solid, mature, and impartial response. “I’m sure that the Prefect isn’t interested anyway. Night Raven College is far too chaotic for romance.”
“Well, if that’s the case, then why’d the Prefect search up somethin' like date spots? Huh? What’d ya got to say about that?”
“If you’re on Sage Island, date spots are practically the equivalent to tourist spots. Maybe they’re looking for nice places. Don’t overthink it, Epel.”
Epel, more worked up than ever, smashes his hand into a bowl of gummies, stuffs them all in his mouth, and viciously proclaims in one go: “Then why’re they texting so much! Huh? Huh?!”
“...That’s just texting?”
“I think they made a clown friend,” Deuce unhelpfully adds. “I saw them calling a clown emoji a lot.”
“It was a clown emoji...” A lightbulb goes off in Epel’s head as he slams the table in front of him, shaking off bits of popcorn onto the floor that causes Sebek to promptly scowl. “Don’t do that to the popcorn!”
“Oh, shut yer trap. Big talk from someone who’s not helpin’ anyway.” Epel huffs, but leans down and scoops the pieces off of the floor, popping them into his mouth without a second thought. The jab works well enough though as Sebek straightens up, a twitch on his forehead.
“On the contrary,” he begins, voice loud and booming at a decibel that makes everyone wince, “they’re too focused on playing to be dating. When I worked with them and Ace, they were lolly-gagging around without a care! If they’re going to bother dating someone, it’d be Ace and we’d all know already.”
Everyone but Jack nods in agreement. Imagining the Prefect and Ace, of all people, dating? Nah. They’d seen you fill his shoes with spaghetti sauce once because he used up all your salt and left the container. It just... didn’t seem like you had that kind of relationship. "True, I really only see 'em with Ace all the time, maybe he’d know something?"
On the other side of the couch, Jack frowns, opens his mouth, and then promptly decides to close it as he quietly surveys the scene with a pensive, furrowed brow.
There’s a clue now, a distinct, visible connection: Clowns. Of course, it had to either be a potential relationship or your career plans. “But about that clown emoji... I think I remember the number.” It’s gotta be the former, Epel decides. If it was the latter, wouldn’t you have tried honking your nose or something? "I’m gonna call it." 
Jack puts his face into his hands, having a moral crisis as he mumbles, “...wouldn’t they think that you’re a spam number?”
“Doesn’t hurt to try,” Epel pops another kernel into his mouth as he chews it in thought. “Think it had a triple seven in it somewhere...” He slowly mashes a key string of numbers together, erases, retypes, cusses.
Peering over Epel’s shoulder, unable to hide his curiosity, Deuce points out, "Isn’t the first bit the Kingdom of Hearts area code? Are you sure you remember the right code?"
“How would the Prefect know someone from the Kingdom of Roses outside of NRC?” Sebek muses aloud, unable to help himself either.
"Shouldn't we respect the Prefect's privacy?" Jack attempts once more, seeming as if he was shrinking with every busy tone Epel got stopped at. Yet, he continues to be ignored as Epel only calls the number again... and again... and again. "Hey... it's not our business."
"I got it damn it!" Stronger than any military man, Epel, the lone soldier, continues to push forward in his self-made journey. "Just give me a bit!" He keeps typing away, accidentally calling up a pizza place that makes everyone collectively groan. "C’mon, I’ve just about got it."
"Even if the Prefect were hypothetically in a relationship. Okay. Courting takes much time and requires a substantial amount of effort and persistence. I have not seen hair nor signs of lovestruck gooey eyes. Trust me, my parents are disgustingly in love. I would know." The scowl on Sebek’s face deepens, "we would've caught the Prefect by now!"
Deuce startles up, wide-eyed and mouth gaping as he blankly stares at everyone in pure shock, “WAIT... what? The Prefect is dating someone?"
"It took you this long?"
"WHO?!" Sevens help him, Jack was going to come home with premature wrinkles at the age of 16.
After about ten minutes of furious tapping, Epel’s thumb slips over the worn keypad and lands on one. His eyes, hazed over in delirium, border madness as he maniacally shakes his phone in victory. "Got it! This is it! Didja see that one?!"
"You sure? Pretty sure your thumb just..."
"I swear if you try sayin’ somethin’ silly, I’m gonna take my—"
"Then... why's Ace coming up on the screen?"
"Huh?" He erases, squeezes his eyes really hard, and types in the number that he sees in his head again.
 It's Ace.
“Nah, that doesn't make sense.” Epel sounds nearly hysterical at this point. He calls again and goes straight to a cheery-toned voicemail that mocks everything Epel had ever known. 
Unaware of the literal red swirling in Epel’s eyes, Deuce, having calmed down, happily nods with complete confidence, "Oh, it's probably auto-corrected to his number.”
“Phones do that?”
Epel furiously spams the number anyway, not caring even if it was Ace. His frustrations were immeasurable, reaching an all-time new high. The levels were exceedingly dangerous, beyond over blotting with only one possible outlet it could vent to: Ace’s phone (and his dumb voicemail). In an effort to somehow abate Epel’s rage, Deuce gently puts his phone down and makes his own attempts at calling the number. "Maybe your phone is wrong, let me try from mine." Sebek, who looks very lost, does so too.
Through very pointed, timed coughs, Jack taps the table to get everyone's attention. “...ack. The Prefect should—uheum—return any minute now.” However, being the group of idiots that they are, it only brings about a different change, somehow switching to the topic of who it could possibly be. 
"Grim?" The little guy wasn’t around, somehow off meandering for the day or sleeping the evening away somewhere else in the dorm. "Maybe the Prefect's upped their pet pampering. Something like he’s being a grouch and they're having to give him more attention than usual."
“I wouldn’t be surprised if the Prefect succumbed to giving Grim a phone.” Would paw pads work on a phone screen though?
The answers quickly devolve, becoming more ludicrous as Epel casually brushes away Grim's possibility. "Think about it seriously won’t ya? If the Prefect is in love... No, Jack’s right—that wouldn’t make a lick of sense with...” He waves his hand vaguely around at the comfortable but still dilapidated state of Ramshackle. “What if the Prefect’s possessed? Having to step through life fulfilling the sad, unrequited love of a ghost..." It wasn’t as if the events of the whole ghost bride shenanigans were all that far away anymore—quite literally living in the walls of NRC. It was just yesterday that Idia, out of all people, was, for once, the most eligible bachelor of all the lands.
“Wasn’t that whole deal done and over with already?”
“Hm. Probably.” Epel concedes, still vaguely worried.
Sebek leaned forward on his knees, a perfect replica of The Thinker as he genuinely considered the possibilities. "I think... If we haven’t caught them, then it has to be someone who doesn’t go to the NRC. Perhaps it’s someone from RSA?”
“Like Neige?”
“Or, do you think it could—”
"Or maybe... you guys need to learn to quit it!" Ace, missing from the scene, all but tackles Epel as he shoves his phone directly into his face.
"It's important!" Despite his face mushed into a phone screen, Epel doesn’t hesitate to immediately throw fists as he scrabbles to knee the intruder. "We think the Prefect is datin’ someone and keeping it a secret!"
A look of complete incredulity passes over Ace's face. He momentarily stops squishing his phone into Epel’s forehead, twists his eyebrows, and then smoothly says with a shit-eating grin, "Yeah, you notice it too?
"SEE, I wasn’t goin’ crazy!" All is forgiven. Friendship? Restored. Epel, more than happy to present the evidence, drops his fists to recount the facts index to pinky. “They’ve been on the phone non-stop with someone.”
“Oh, yeah, that’s super suspicious. I bet they’re giggling and kicking their feet too.” Ace, grabbing a handful of Deuce’s popcorn with his other hand, pops it into his mouth and blinks doeishly while twirling his hair. “What else? Catch them making lovestruck eyes? Swooning? Are they writing love letters?”
“No. That’s the weird part.” Epel gets to his pinky, souring as he recollects your latest actions. “Searching up date spots...”
“Hm, really?” Ace, no remorse, continues to be a complete asshole, liar, and gaslighter. "Look, I think the cards are all on the table. The Prefect is head over heels no doubt. Sound agreement. Completely agree." He grounds his feet and pushes forward, back to his phone-spam vengeance mission, but Epel doesn’t budge. His resolve is only strengthened by sheer willpower and probably far too much adrenaline as he attempts to sock Ace directly in the throat.
Much to his chagrin, Ace dances out of the way snickering “sucker!” But the bated breaths of stars and divine karma decide, hey this guy’s a little too full of himself, and shake loose the grip on his phone.
“Oh shit.” It happens in slow motion, the cherry-colored phone spinning round and round until it slots perfectly in the middle of the table for all to see two perfectly immaculate coincidences appear. Ace’s phone opens—a beacon of undeniable guilt—to a sweet, innocent lock screen of him pressing a kiss to your cheek... in his varsity. Then, if that wasn’t enough, your conveniently timed texts appear, rendering Ace to repeat solemnly to himself, “Oh shit.”
18:16 [ y/n ]: hey can you open the door my hands are full
18:22 [ y/n ]: like. right now
18:22 [ y/n ]: you LEAVE prefect? you leave me in the cold? oh! oh! jail for boyfriend! jail for the worst boyfriend for One Thousand Years!
18:22 [ y/n ]: wait i didn’t mean it
18:28 [ y/n ]: babygirl please
Deuce can scarcely believe his eyes, barely registering the texts or the lock screen as he utters out a single, profound word torn out from the deepest depths of his soul. "WHAT."
Sebek, not registering the picture, reacts point-blank. "Did the Prefect call you babygirl?"
The most ardently passionate Epel stares and processes the new evidence quietly, “wait...” It clicks. “IT WAS YOU.”
"It was obvious guys..." From the very start, Sebek had even accidentally guessed it.
"YOU'RE DATING THE PREFECT?!" Et Tu, Ace? Just like this? Deuce had never felt such betrayal, never like this before. Such... deception!
"WHAT," Sebek’s voice steadily gets louder to match everyone else, baffled by the turn of events. “WHAT DOES BABYGIRL MEAN?”
Not knowing what to do with his hands or rage, Epel begins to put Ace into a headlock.
Jack leaves the room in second-hand embarrassment.
Ace, tongue in cheek and barely able to hold in his laughter, allows himself to be manhandled—but not without chaos. "Um? You didn't know? Wasn't it obvious?" He gives Sebek a smug smile in particular, "Didn't you catch my hands literally under their clothes?"
Sebek gawks, turning bright red as he flails, "ISN'T THAT NORMAL FOR YOU GUYS?"
The pieces all come together. It was the footsies in your study session, the recognizable jacket during gym, an eavesdropped conversation, a much-too-revealing search history.
It’s you finally coming in with the snacks—carefree as ever—opening the door with an "I'm back!" to only be blasted by a chorus of "YOU'RE DATING ACE?" 
You blink. The snacks drop. You’re out the door.
Jack reappears to pick up the snacks while Deuce knocks over the table and falls to the floor as Epel flies over his head to give chase—barraging you with questions of “Since when?!” and ”Why are you running?!”
"It's only been a week!" This little man is chasing you so fast oh my God how is he so fast. “Stop chasing me!”
Deuce finally breaks out of his stupor to go, "Now, wait just a minute...!" and slams his head up into Sebek’s stomach where he chokes on the popcorn. The two first-years groan, rolling around on the ground and couch as Ace makes eye contact with Jack, shrugs, and runs to catch up to the distant screaming (you) and threats that most certainly break the Geneva Convention (Epel).
Well, more like a light, easy jog as he arrives to Epel finding a spare branch and full-on frisbeeing it at your head, fully intent on taking you down without care of any possible casualties. It was war. If this was how you went, death via a guy whose parents really thought it was a good idea to name their son Apple™, then you mentally decided all of your meager earnings as a janitor and de facto therapist at this cursed college would go to Jamil. Sevens knows he deserves it.
“Epel!” So worked up on adrenaline, Epel’s head instantly whips around to face Ace... only to realize his mistake a second later as you kick his knees in and run, Ace close behind as he passes by and tussles his hair for good measure.
“This isn’t over yet!” Epel hollars, cussing you two out with every name under the sun. “Y'all ain’t seen nothing yet, I swear when I get to you—”
Ace’s lips curl with mocking delight as he throws his head back and laughs from the rush of your moonlit escapade. “Yada yada, he’ll calm down eventually... probably.” He was this excited to dupe his friends? "Pfft... haha! Sheesh, took 'em long enough!" Ridiculous. 
What a stupid, endearing idiot (your idiot). "Took you long enough. Where were you?" Ace’s hand is warm as it finds yours.
His timing is off by only a second before he replies, a little bit hopeful, “What? Miss me already?”
You think, for a long moment, before reaching up and pressing a kiss underneath his jaw. “No.”
In response, Ace's hand squeezes your shoulder as he pulls you closer with a wide, genuine smile. “Liar.” Keeping you close as the two of you escape into the night, hand in hand.
end a/n: hello! happy holidays!! i am also so late to the collab: i am so sorry—but i hope that this being longer makes up for it lmao. a lot has happened this year (not necessarily bad things!) but definitely. exhausting ones haha—so it made this piece really difficult to get out. BUT I DID IT. MA YA SEE THAT? I DID IT—so with all my heart, i sincerely hope that you enjoy this piece and maybe laughed a little. because ! that makes it all the more worth it! so, again, thank you for reading about this little foolish lil guy
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zeherili-ankhein · 3 months
Hello (。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。)
Intro Post... Everything under cut
Now that I have enough things my blog is dedicated to, I am posting this introduction post hehe...
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About Me:
◍ Just call me “Shaku” lmao.... T_T
◍ I'm a minor, 15 year old studying in 11th class from Kolkata
◍ Yes I am Bangali, (bati ami.. maa ghoti, baba bangal lol)
◍ A proud Slytherin 🐍
◍ Bengali literatures I have read
◍ Thakumar Jhuli fan since the day I started watching (which is as a fucking 2 and a half year old lol)
Favourite ones are - ofcourse Shakchunni, Arun Barun o Kironmala, Monimala, Shahasradal o Champakdal, Sath bhai Champa, Lal Komol o Neel Komol and everything else..
◍ Pandob Goyenda fan forever
◍ I love Chhota Bheem and Shinchan so much
◍ And I absolutely love green 💚
◍ If I could I'd become a forest witch maybe... or a blue lotus... or a snake perhaps..
◍ ornithophobic, ophiophile, selenophile and floraphile
◍ Kolkata biriyani is the best 🗿
◍ Official MohiniChanchal child (fight me if you dare deny it)
◍ Pinterest board for Hindu mythology aesthetics
About the blog:
✿ Jily playlist I made –
✿ Incorrect quotes for Chhota Bheem and Shinchan. (I only post when I get enough ideas about the quotes lol)
Chhota Bheem community invitation anyone?
✿ My OTPs — Jily, Hinny, DekiNobi, Ronmione, GiyuShino, Sanekana, Tankana, Zennezu, Inoaoi, ObaMitsu, GojoHime, ChosoYuki, BellaDolphus, VanMozhi, HashiMito, MinaKushi, Ikarishipping, DesimChiyuki and a lot more...
✿ Rp blogs I own
– @peoplecallme-netaji
– @hansome-est-godofwar
– @miss-lily-evans
– @pavbhaji-prabhakar
– @laddoo-hain-drugs-nahi
– @topper-sugi
And some more... But why reveal them 🤭
✿ “The Cult of Vasant 🌷🌸🌹🌺🌻🌼🏵️💐🥀🪷🪻”
Cult Rituals, Vasant goes ham at LakshmiNarayan wedding, Vasant and Kamdev, Vasant in Treta Yug, Vasant and Hanuman, Vasant in Dwapar Yug, Vasant urban legend lore, Vasant admirers, Vasant food choises, sun sensetive Vasant, Dance teacher Vasant, Vasant and Holi and everything Vasant
Vasant x Neto shipper all the wayyyyyyyy
✿ Yamraj appreciation, un-villainizing Indradev, defending Shri Ram, defending Draupadi, Arjun better than Karna truer, Behula and Lakhindar are my babies and many more...
✿ The Black Family is my Roman empire honestly...
✿ DADDYMON truer 🗿
— Doraemon Rp blogs
— An original Dekisugi lore, and a small fic written on it curtsey to @/nobita-ki-mummy aka @/hi-avathisside
— Doraemon moodboards
Doraemon moodboard
Nobita moodboard
Shizuka moodboard
Gian moodboard
Suneo moodboard
Dekisugi moodboard
Pippo/Judo moodboard
Riruru moodboard
✿ Mythology, Hinduism, memes, magic and anything and everything honestly...
→ Voices of the Gods part 1
→ Voices of the Gods part 2
→ Kartikeya Da Peacock Dance Master
→ Shatrughan da Ghoomar master
→ Hindu gods modern au
✿ I paint and draw... And do origami. Which I sometimes posts.. (I especially like painting sceneries and Hindu gods and goddesses)
෴ Paper flowers part 1
෴ Paper flowers part 2
෴ Other paper stuff
෴ Kartikeya with Paravani art (with og lore)
෴ Shri Hari (pencil sketch)
෴ Murlidhar (pencil sketch)
෴ silly landscape
✿ No place for homophobes, transphobes, pedophiles, racists, misogynists or any hateful people on my blog
✿ @/foreignink is my tumblr bestie... I know her irl too and I love her more than most of the things in this world... Donchu dare say anything to her 🔪
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loonsmoons · 2 years
The Marauders and how they’d react to/feel about spiders, because I had a meltdown when I found one in my room this morning :)
James: Freaks out. Screams for someone to get rid of it, but insists on not killing it (it is a living organism after all). “NO, PUT IT OUTSIDE, JUST PUT IT OUTSIDE! FURTHER AWAY, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? IT WILL CRAWL RIGHT BACK IN!”
Sirius: Freaks out as well. But it gets UGLY. You know that meme of that crying woman pointing at the white cat? That’s him pointing at the spider. He also does not care if it’s a living organism, he wants to see it DEAD. “I don’t CARE if it’s more scared of me then I am of it, KILL. IT.”
Remus: Doesn’t care about them, never has. He’s kind enough to take them outside for James and Sirius with that glass and paper trick, but not before pretending to accidentally have dropped/lost it on one of their beds. Because he IS an asshole.
Peter: Used to find them scary, but from the first time on when he came into the dorm and found James and Sirius standing on their beds/desks screaming, he became the knight in shining armour and took it out (not outside, OUT). (He became a little terrified again though the first time he saw one as a rat: “This shit’s GIGANTIC!” But then again, he thought of everything as gigantic … “And- and then Remus … Jeez, he looked like a fucking giant! And Sirius- … Well you were there too, ig”)
Lily: Very much not scared. Thinks they’re fascinating actually. If she finds one outside, crawling over her picnic blanket or smth, she’ll let it crawl over her hand and curiously watch it.
Mary: Will watch it with Lily, joking about being jealous of its long legs. And then she’ll insist on letting it crawl onto her hand as well, but as soon as it does, she’s all “Nonono, take it off. TAKE IT OFF”
Marlene: Very similar to Sirius, perhaps less tears and more aggressive screaming. “KILL IT, FUCKING. KILL. IT.”
Dorcas: Just … Does not care. She’ll find one in her room and goes “Okay cool, you live here now as well, ig” Occasionally she will talk to it like: “Jeez Timmy, you better know how lucky you are … Imagine just not having to write Transfiguration essays …” (Wait, you don’t, do you? Or are you an animagus? You better not be …”)
Pandora: Loves them. Even has a pet spider she’ll force everyone to cuddle with. She’ll occasionally lose it too, and everytime some brave soul brings it back to her, she’s like an old lady with her cat: “Tsk tsk tsk Garry, where have you been again, huh?” Just leaving, not even thanking the person that brought Garry back. So they stand there, awkwardly, as Pandora moves away like: “Always exploring the neighbourhood, aren’t you, lil guy?”
Regulus: Doesn’t really mind them either. Very similar to Dorcas, but he’s a bit more fascinated by them, like Lily. He will look through several books to find out what kind it is, and just … sit there and watch it, or draw it in his sketchbook
Barty: Says he’s all chill around them, until Evan next to him clears his throat and he’s reminded of last week, when he was screaming and crying and running from a leave that fell into his lap, which to him looked like a spider
Evan: Maniac. Will carry them out with his BARE HANDS. Just grabbing it off the wall. And unlike Remus he won’t just pretend to drop it, but actually drop it onto Barty’s bed. (He regrets that every time though, because for an entire week after, Barty insists on sleeping in the common room, even if the spider’s long gone by then). If he finds Pandora’s spider he’ll keep it for another day or two, playing and cuddling with it “What? I’d do the same if it were a cute lil kitten” “Well you see, it’s NOT a cute lil kitten … IT’S A MONSTER FROM HELL!”
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ATYD Characters As Stuff My Friends Have Said:
Sirius: Is it Arthritis when your heart clenches?
James: I’m pretty sure that’s love
Remus: No, that’s a heart attack
McGonagall, about the Marauders: I wanted to say no but they didn’t give me enough time
Remus, when asked about money: I have 1.90 plus a paper clip
James: Keep my dog’s name out of your barking mouth. Woof.
Peter: Is lactose intolerance ice cream phobic?
Lily: Pregnancy is not a birth defect, Sirius.
James, when asked about quidditch: Hustle. Slay. Repeat.
Grant, concerned: Remus is like thank u, next to my next life
Regulus: History is one big meme and we’re all fools in it
Regulus: Who’s drowning Debbie?
Regulus: wait
Regulus: that says downer
Regulus: nvm
Voldemort: I mean if someone’s drowning it’s gonna be you
Sirius: You’re gonna be proud of me.
Regulus: Doubtful, but go on.
*while doing a presentation*
Remus, just before a full moon: Lily, if you see anyone talking, throw your shoe at them.
Sirius, from the back: You sound like my mom
Sirius: *rapid French*
Peter: Si?
Sirius: I will sue my bloodline
Remus: I met 5 people today. I hated this experience. I’m an introvert.
Walpurga: What are you gonna sue me with?
Sirius: ….A lawyer.
Snape: It’s not racially motivated if you hate everyone equally
Peter: I’m attracted to cheese
Remus: I traded intellect for chocolate.
Chris: 10/10. I’m recommending it to the person who recommended it to me.
Grant, about Sirius: And that, my friends, is what we call materialistic.
Sirius, during PoA: This is animal abuse at it’s finest! *kicks rat*
Sirius to Professor McGonagall : Have you tried hop on?
Remus, holding up a scrabble tile: Stop giving me D!
About Fenrir: His favourite food is gay people.
Sirius, when trying to become an animagus: I have a condition in my hair where my mouth won’t move.
Lily, trying to explain muggle technology: Do you know what a gigabyte is?
James, completely lost: Gigachad?
Mary and James about English cuisine: Isn’t it ironic how you colonized places and started wars over spices but still have the blandest food ever?
Sirius: *kicks snow at James*
Remus, narrating: As you can see, the Cold War has begun
Sirius, drunk: J’ai no stupid
James: What does KFC stand for?
Sirius, to the tune of California Girls: KaliFornia Curls
Remus: *starts beatboxing*
Peter: *starts dancing*
Sirius: *raps about peppa pig*
Snape: Pigeons are fat and ugly.
Sirius: Look who’s talking
Walpurga: You can punt kids without legal repercussions.
Sirius: I’m gonna do what the Canadians did to the First Nations. *stabs someone with an exacto knife a wand*
Sirius: Applying cell theory to my hair to dye it…
Marlene, after meeting James' mom: GUYS I JUST MET A MILF
Dorcas: Lucrative! That's a big word for...
Barty: Elmo?
Sirius: *tackles James*
Pandora, about Barty: Evan! Talk some sense into this British goblin!
Sirius to Snape: I will drain your spinal fluid and shove it up your butt.
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lov3-sweet · 22 days
hey everyone!. The first chapter of Raz-zmatazz is done but I gotta finish revising it before it can be realsed,I'm going to practice my artstyle on paper to get a grip on it before turning it into digital art so im gonna draw Raz and Lili if they were in No Straight Roads a game I really like. Until then enjoy this spoiler meme
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ardentem-iustitia · 7 months
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paper lily fandom are these anything. hello. hello there paper lily fandom
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alis0vvs · 2 months
Yass Lily!! Love your comics
THANK YOU!!! Here are a few more of the paper drawings. One of them is a possible spoiler for what I want to do with them. I love this tiktok meme
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The Abyss: He's not that stupid, is he?
Juliano: *takes its deal while having a mental break and believing that if he does this, it won't affect anyone else he loves*
Abyss: *looks into the camera, eyebrows raised*
Juliano, watching shadows grab him: I'm about to do what's called a pro-gamer move.
Phobos, softly: Don't.
Luigi: Mario was banned from the chicken shack, so we had to go out of town to get some.
Mario: Well, they shouldn’t say “all you can eat” if they don’t mean it.
Luigi: Mario, you ate the kitchen.
Tulip, rummaging through her old desk: I remember when I was little, my mom said that I couldn't get my tetanus shot unless I got perfect marks on every assignment leading up to that day.
SMG7: What.. what did you do?
Tulip, tossing up papers that all have perfect marks on them: FUCKING STUDIED, I GUESS.
Melony: I slept for almost 12 hours, but I might still be tired, so let's go for 12 more just in case.
Meggy: Melony, that's a coma.
Melony: Sounds festive.
Luigi: Are you sure this is the right direction?
Bob: I'm as sure as I am honest.
Luigi: In that case, we're definitely lost.
SMG4: Lily, keep an eye on Coding today. He's going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Lily: Sure, I’d love to see LC get punched.
SMG4: Try again.
Lily, sighing: I will stop LC from getting punched.
Meggy: I'm so tough, I'm on alert even when there's no danger!
Dr. Avis: That's PTSD.
Dr. Pheobe: You often use humor to deflect trauma.
Juliano: Thank you!
Dr. Pheobe: I didn't say that was a good thing.
Juliano: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny.
SMG3: Do you really think they can handle preheating the oven?
Forum: I would hope so!
*The sound of the kitchen lighting on fire, followed by Domain's cursing and Meggy's shrieking, can be heard*
Forum: *slowly crushes the object he's holding* .. I have a sudden passion project for putting Meme Logic into an actual body, tying it up, and hitting it with a wrecking ball.
Irene: How do you usually get them all focused on something whenever you have something else to do?
Juliano: Watch.
Juliano, to the rest of the Avatars: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Avatars: *immediately begin arguing*
Irene, watching in horror: Oh, this. I don’t like this. I don't like this at all.
Lil Coding: I think Houdini did something like this once!If I remember right, he was out of the hospital in no time!
Cody, deadpan: Well, that's encouraging.
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
*clears throat, shuffles papers*
hi, yeah hi
rosekiller advocate here, i would like to ask about the horse riding au 😁
ahhh, i had to have some time to think about this one cuz i didn't really have a concrete idea, but i believe ive got something that i somewhat like
basically, Barty Evan, and a few others in the group such as Regulus, Pandora, and James, etc etc are all horse back riders, like the equestrian type of horse back riding,
they're all in a competition together, and everyone else is very friendly, having known each other for a while, while Barty, is basically a loner in the group
Evan, being curious, wants to invite Barty to hang out with them or whatever, but Barty is pretty stubborn and tells him to fuck off,
Obviously, Evan does not fuck off
from Barty's pov on the other hand, he has grown up horse riding and competing in competitions to make his father proud, and because of his dad and the mixture of being focused on the competition side of things, Barty doesn't really interact with other competitors
que a bunch of moments of Evan trying to get Barty to stop focusing on the competition so much and loosen up, maybe a few soft moments while their brushing horses, yk the stuff
i imagine once Barty (reluctantly) agrees to go out with the other competitors (maybe hes sneaking out or smth too) he meets everyone in the group, some he recognizes as his competitors and some he doesn't
and, as a fun little surprise, he recognizes one of the people who isn't competing as a childhood friend, Dorcas Meadowes, and theres a whole moment where they're kinda like: *spiderman pointing meme*
i don't really have anything else, maybe some small ideas like established jeggy & wolfstar, remus isnt a competitor but sirius, james, and regulus are, maybe pandamarylily with both pandora & lily being competitors & mary being their biggest supporter & dorlene with both them not being competitors but they're involved with the group anyway, etc etc, you get the jist
basically just Evan being an annoying fuck and Barty wanting to strangle him but then it slowly starts to become "fuck i want to kiss him now"
anyways, thanks for listening to my excessive rambling, and thank you for the ask 👏👏
p.s. i love your writing and i got very excited when i saw this lmao
(original post/list: socks fic ideas)
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hoshizorax · 15 days
Takeshi and lily for if they had a kid meme because??? We were already talking about it lmao
𝖯𝗋𝗈𝗆𝗉𝗍𝖾𝖽. ♬ @aeternxm ⸻ Takeshi.
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name: eito wakahisa
gender: male.
general appearance: standing at 6'2", eito looks very much like his father in every aspect. he has a few scars as it seems like he would get into fights while growing up. her lanky with a muscular build.
personality: eito is very peppy and looks to make people laugh, just like his father. he goes out of his way to help people where he can.
special talents: photography. he always wanted to be a photographer since he saw his dad's pictures he took of his mother. he's also good with a pencil and paper.
who they like better: considering he never got to know his father, his uncle takeo and mother are in this category.
who they take after more: takeshi without a doubt. he's basically a mini-me of his father.
personal headcanon: eito actually works under keres. looking to take over the business once keres passes away. even though his mother isn't too fond of him getting into that scene, she knew that keres would treat him well.
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neriyon · 3 months
For the WoL ask meme!
9. What's in your WoL's travel bag? Any trinkets? Any vital items they cant go without? Do they travel light and figure stuff out on the fly, or do they bring way too much with them? (Bonus points if you have images!)
Hawu'li's bags (the one on his person and the one on his chocobo) are usually very messy and filled to the brim. Mostly foodstuffs, but also materia, change of clothes, some potions of varying effects (possibly over their best before date), loose change, dyes, a cool leaf he found... There's also a beat up journal and his summoner tome sitting there, as well as some ink and paper for letters. Oh and treats for his chocobo, can't go out without those.
He never really leaves home without his staff (but that won't fit in a bag), and very rarely without the tome, and while they aren't usually in the bag either: his Menphina earring and white lily corsage.
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athenasparrow · 1 year
Top 5 sex tropes in smut
I've been saving this one for when I have time to go into it properly bc YUM!
Bed-sharing before they are together! Leading to all sorts of smutty shenanigans! One of my favourite scenes is from Jingle Holy Fuck and they share a bed and Lily gets herself off when she thinks James is asleep! Written by the lovely @theesteemedladydebourgh I also have a very smutty premise that's in my head, but not on paper yet (for a bed-sharing fic). 👀
Lily being a tease and making James more and more flustered! And then James snapping and being really authoritative and hot! OR Lily running the whole show. Either ending is fiiiiine by me xx
Prefects Bath...need I say more...?! The last chapter of Secret Keeper by MG was 🔥
Anatomically-impossible sex. Yeah...that's what fantasy is for people!
I'm also a sucker for one person catching the other wanking. Or admitting to a sex dream or SOMETHING!
Top 5! I'm also playing ask a reader meme now!
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