#pearlina fanfiction
Request guidelines
I figured I should actually make a post about writing requests and what I will accept! So here are some basic guidelines for anyone requesting something for me to write :3
Ships - note that these are my personal faves but I can accept requests for others! - Pearl x Marina (Pearlina) - (Captain) Agent 3 x Agent 8 (Agent 24) - Marie x Agent 4 (M4rie) - Shiver x Frye (Shye)
Genres/Content - Fluff and romance - Angst - Hurt/Comfort - AUs - Trauma and other mental health related issues - Dark themes such as kidnapping and torture - Canon typical violence - Suggestive and intimate themes, keep it PG-13 DO NOT REQUEST  - Graphic violence, g*re, or body h*rror - In depth descriptions of medical procedures or injury - Descriptive smut or k!nks
If you would like to request something that you do not see anywhere here then go ahead and send me a question about it! I can answer it privately if you like before you make an actual prompt request! For the most part I will try to write as many requests as possible <3
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sploon-fic-fan · 3 months
reblog with your side order aus, headcanons, theories, interpretations, and fics!
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Take it With You -- A Pearlina Fic
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[Read on Ao3!]
Rated: T Relationships: Pearl/Marina Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion Content Warnings: Standard Octarian Propaganda stuff, Knives in kitchen context. Words: 3.8k
Summary: Even after all the time she's spent up here, there's still more than a few things Marina finds strange about Inklings. Even when she thinks she understands everything, Pearl finds a way to flip her world upside down. (Now that Pearl knows everything Marina's been hiding, maybe that's fitting.)
Inklings were… strange, in their pride. It was one of the things Marina found herself endeared by from the start. 
When she’d been in training, when she’d been working, designing— it was all in service of the Greater Goal. The work had been glorious, their task virtuous… but the technicians? Their value was defined by what they could produce, for the sake of their future. 

Inklings weren’t like that, and Marina was enthralled. Oh, they were vain and selfish, she had known that from the start. Octolings were everything Inklings weren’t, Marina had heard growing up.
“There’s no in-between. You are one of us, a righteous Octoling soldier, and they are Inklings.”
Even the name itself was an insult, when spoken in the right mouth.
“Where they are lazy, we are diligent. Where they are scattered, unorganised and listless, we are driven, unified.”
Yes, yes, just as she’d been told.
But with laziness came freedom and relaxation. A lack of unity could just as easily been seen as a beautiful cocktail of different ideas and expressions.
Startlingly, Inklings were self assured. That, Marina hadn’t been prepared for. Inklings were bold and brash and bright. Inklings could be wrong , all the time, without a care in the world. They’d laugh and joke, no regard to their errors beyond a minor correction, if any. It took a while for it to sink in for Marina, but to be wrong was no failure, no stain on an Inklings pride. Shame instead, came in different ways. One’s appearance was important, as was skill in turf, general “vibes” so to speak. But mainly, an Inklings pride came in the same thing that drew Marina to them in the first place.
It was so starkly different to what she’d been accustomed to. A pride you chose for yourself? Unthinkable.
“You must wear everything you do with pride, ours is a noble cause, our work as a collective.”
The flooders weren’t Marina’s to be proud of, so much as her teams. Not that she was all too proud of those things nowadays…

To do whatever you want, whenever you want. There would be no one to answer to, and nothing to hide. Was that what it meant to be an Inkling? Everything about yourself was to be flaunted, everything you do something to be proud of, or at minimum entertained by.
 Inklings simply… did as they wanted. 

Pearl shone so brightly in that regard. She never apologised. She never backed down from her desires, from displaying herself in the most vivid manner possible. Pearl was always doing whatever she wanted, how she wanted, when she wanted. 
It was strange how Marina found she didn’t mind it, mainly. 
Inklings were selfish, yes, but Pearl was selfish in a way Marina couldn’t help but admire. And Pearl, her Pearl? Her selfishness was pure in the end. How could anyone fault her for living as she pleased? Even otherwise, it would be hypocritical to say a thing. At least, in Marina’s eye.
Wasn’t it her selfishness that pushed her here? The call for more, for the sun on her face and a thousand new colours she’d never seen before?
That same selfishness caused her to be ever enthralled by Pearl’s own. 
All’s to say, Marina had seen Pearl apologise maybe twice in the three years she’d known her. Always a casual, though sincere thing, quick and easy and done.
That’s all there was to it… but .
Now, Pearl knelt at Marina’s feet. Head down, voice muffled, the only words she spoke were simple.
“I’m sorry.”
At that moment, the first thought that struck Marina hit her straight through the chest.
“Oh. She really means it.”
Quickly followed, naturally, by Marina’s own flustering reply.
“W-what for? Pearlie, stand up, it’s– what are you saying? Come inside at least!”
Tentacles brushing against the door frame, Pearl looked up to meet Marina’s eyes. Despite this, her posture remained the same, body pressed against the floor.
The edges of sunrise settled on her back, lighting her up in rosy hue. Had it really been that long? A full day then, since Eight had surfaced– 24 hours. Marina could’ve sworn it hadn’t been that late she’d been working, but the night was quickly slipping away from her grasp.
Pearl didn’t say anything, biting the edge of her lip. Slowly, she brought herself up to standing, though wavering still in the doorway.
Despite her height, Pearl’s figure shielded Marina from what little sun shone in. A soft ring of light surrounded her, blurry at the edges.
“You sure?” Pearl asked, tentative.
Marina opened the door wider, as far as it would go.
“Come in, let’s... let’s talk over breakfast.”
The kettle hissed and whined on the counter, but Pearl remained silent, perched up on the bar stool at Marina’s kitchen island. Marina busied herself, fretting around this way and that. A fruit might’ve been good, if she had any left that weren’t starting to rot. Maybe some muffins were left over? No, all gone…
The past few days had been a whirlwind, As Eight grew closer and closer to the surface, Marina’s time became more and more consumed by her rescue.
Now, she could breathe easy knowing Eight was breathing fresh air. That she’d made it safely, fully and completely free. With their dedication, all of theirs, Eight was safe. Inkopolis was safe.
...But Marina’s kitchen hadn’t been quite as lucky.
Tip-toeing around the counters, Marina swept up crumbs and shuffled about cutlery, trying to make things look ever so slightly more presentable. It helped very little, but at least Pearl would see her making an effort? The last thing she wanted was to look lazy in front of her...
Pulling open the fridge, she fished out the last two apples, and set them on the island behind her. She shut the door with her body, leaning against it as she moved towards the drawers. From the top, she retrieved two knives, serrated. From the second, a large wooden cutting board, heavily marred with jagged lines.
These followed the apples, gently set down beside them.
Dragging over another stool, Marina sat herself across from Pearl, pulling the basket of oranges set on the table's edge between them.
“Alright.” She said, taking a deep breath, “How about you take the oranges, and I’ll cut up the apples?”
Pearl nodded, quiet, and took an orange from the basket, alongside one of the knives.
Content, Marina took the remaining knife, and placed her apple down on the cutting board.
“So...” Marina began, carefully cutting her apple exactly in two, “What’s wrong?”
Pearl seemed startled for a moment, tearing her eyes away from the orange and over to Marina.
“...Inklings don’t usually come apologising on hand and knee at daybreak because things are going peachy,” Marina said, ‘and you don’t usually come apologising at all.’ She thought, but kept the rest of it to herself.
From the way Pearl shifted in her seat, Marina almost wondered if she’d heard it anyway.
“I... it was just– Earlier, there was more important shit goin’ on. With Eight, and all the helicopters and... you get it.”
Marina nodded quietly. Methodically, she began to slice her apple halves into thirds, a total 6 pieces.
“But I wasn’t gonna just... Worm my way outta apologisin’!” Pearl’s thumb dug into the slit in the orange she’d created, tearing open a seam.
“For what?” Marina asked, voice faint.
Pearl made a quiet noise, neither a groan nor a breath. Just something… caught. By now, a sense of dread had begun pooling in the back of Marina's throat. She could tell where this was going, but she was still hoping she might be wrong. If she played dumb, then luck might favour her. She could delay this a little longer.
“For chattin’ ‘bout you with Cap while ya weren’t there.”
Just a little longer... even a few more moments.
“And lookin’ through that file,”
Even if she’s only lying to herself, only pretending things could stay the same...
“Digging into all your past junk. Everythin’ you didn’t wanna tell me ‘bout.”
Please, don’t say any more. Don’t say it.
“Finding out you’re an Octoling. And that you used to be in the military, I guess? And all of it. I really am sorry, Marina.”
Now she’d done it. The facts spilled out and sticky, laying on the table between the apples and the oranges.
No more going back.
“You’re sorry?” Marina asked quietly. She pulled an apple slice forward, singling it out from the rest. Cupping it in her palm, she began to score the surface of the skin.
“Hell you take me for?! ‘Course I am! I’d already made up my mind I wasn’t gunna go digging into ya shit if you weren’t gonna tell me yourself, then I find out all this stuff anyway. I shoulda kept my mouth shut or sumthin’.”
Marina shook her head, tentacles bouncing lightly.
“No, no, that’s-- I can’t blame you for that. You weren’t digging into anything, it all just kind of... happened.”
Pearl rolled her eyes.
“Sure, I guess. Feels like ya cutting me way too much slack.”
Chunks of orange peel began to pile up on the counter, Pearl’s peeling the furthest thing from even.
“I couldn’t… It wouldn’t be fair to blame you for that. Not for just… reading the information you were given. I- you don’t have to worry about it.” Marina’s voice had grown to a whisper, somewhere along the way.
“I wasn’t worried ‘bout that!” Pearl bit back, a frustration audibly growing in her throat as she half rose out of her seat. Calming herself just as quick, she sat back down, “Gaah, you’re so off. You’re too nice, ‘Rina… It wasn’t that. I just…”
Pearl sighed, dropping her partially peeled orange onto the counter. She leaned over the table, propping herself up by the elbows and leaning her head in her hands. Staring towards the marble countertop, puddles of orange juice reflected her expression.
“You were so skittish when we met. Can’t tell if ya remember that. Back when you were new here, new to the fucking– surface, I guess. Cod… You were so eager to learn about all my shit, everything about Inkopolis and Inklish and whatever junk. But whenever I asked you about your stuff, your town or family or whatever…”
Pearl’s palms shifted forward, covering her face as she finished speaking.
“Your expression… it broke all my hearts, I guess. Like, a little sad and sorta scared? I hated it every time. I never wanted to make you feel like that, so I just– stopped asking. Was never my business anyway.”
Pearl took a deep breath, pulling her hands back to reveal her face once more. She looked over towards Marina, seeking her eyes. Marina remained focused on the apple slices in her palms.
“I meant what I said an’ all.” Pearl continued, “Back in the chat with Cuttlefish, but like… when we met, too. I don’t care where you’re from or what you’ve done. But still, I’m sorry. For finding everything out that you didn’t want me to know.”
Marina cradled an apple slice in one palm, carefully running the knife up under its skin.
“It— it’s not like I didn’t want you to know, exactly… It’s just…”
She trailed off again. The feeling infuriated her even as the words remained caught on the tip of her tongue.
“’S’cool.” Pearl mumbled, “I get it an’ all. It’s my bad anyway, even if I don’t know what I did exactly. Just… I’m sorry— ”
The strain of the past few days was audible, Pearl’s voice unable to withstand the weight of her words.
“I’m sorry you didn’t think you could trust me with this.”
With that, finally, Pearl was entirely silent, satisfied.
The orange lay long forgotten on the table.
“I trust you!” Marina pleaded, her voice cracking ever slightly, “Pearlie, I promise I do.”
Her fruit was quickly abandoned, callously dropped from her hand as Marina reached across the table. Towards Pearl’s hands, towards Pearl .
“You don’t have to!” Pearl replied, but it sounded less confident than she had hoped.
“You don’t have to,” She repeated. “I just… never wanted to make you feel like you couldn’t— ”
“Pearl! ”
Marina snatched up Pearl’s hands, yanking them close. Pearl jolted forward, nearly bumping heads with Marina over the table.
“I never thought I couldn’t trust you. It isn’t your fault. It’s all mine.”
Pearl only looked at her, face unreadable.
Marina squeezed Pearl’s hands for a moment.
“At first, I just didn’t know how to say it. Forget the right way to explain, I could barely string an Inklish sentence together properly! But after that, I started to… I started putting things off. I was never scared of what you would say, Pearlie… I was scared– I.”
Marina grit her teeth, looking away from Pearl’s face and downwards. Staring at the discarded fruits on the table, she whispered,
“I guess I was scared of me.”
She didn’t look up at Pearl, but she felt her grasp tightening, a deep tug at her. Pearl remained silent, as Marina began to speak again.
“Seeing everything up here, being up here, with you and the light and everyone. It felt so fresh. Inklings invent themselves again and again, everyday! We— I never thought I had that, I guess. It felt like a dream, becoming someone entirely new. Someone loved for her music , someone who spent every day in the sunlight, someone who was partners with someone like you…”
Marina teared her eyes away from the table, and back towards Pearls. If Pearl saw the tears edging Marina’s eyes, she didn’t say anything.
“If I told you everything, I’d break what I built here. I’d have to admit everything I was, everything I did. A-And not just that… I didn’t want you to pity me. I didn’t know if Inkopolis would still like me, if I would even be safe…”
Marina’s breath hitched for a moment, but her words just kept tumbling out of her mouth without her even thinking.
“Once you leave, you can’t ever go back. I betrayed everyone by leaving, my friends, my family, all of them. And the worst part is I would do it again, without a second thought. But even if I knew you would stand by me, no matter what… I just didn’t know if I could, too. I’m sorry, Pearl.”
Marina heard her hearts pounding in her ears louder than anything else, all her words coming out in a rush. Everything she’d been afraid of saying aloud, of even thinking about for so long; everything all unravelled before the sun had even fully risen.
She took a breath, focusing on the feeling. Absentmindedly, her fingers stroked Pearls, still held in her grasp. Pointed tips skimmed against blunt edges.
“Cod, ‘Rina… how long have you been holdin’ onto that? Well, actually never mind, I get it. Just...”
Pearl’s fingers ran along Marina’s, repeating her motions back to her.
“You know I’ll accept ya, no matter what. But that’s not ‘cuz like, I think you’re some perfect angel, or something. Where ya came from, what you’ve done, that shit matters , yeah? But like, it matters cause it’s part of you. And I love you. So it’s… fuck, I’m not good at this kinda thing.”
Pearl bit her lip, pulling Marina in closer.
“It’s just you at the end of the day. I like the you in front of me the best outta all of them. I like that you’re a perfectionist, even if I also kinda hate it sometimes. I wanna know shit about ya, cause it’s you. But you’re still fucking you , even if you’ve done a bunch of stuff, or been through a bunch of stuff. Probably both. You’re still my ‘Rina, who has awful taste in movies and drools when she sleeps, even if you were ‘Combat Engineer Iida’ before.”
Marina leaned in further, closing the gap and pressing her head against Pearl’s, eyes closed.
“And I’m glad you’re here. I don’t care if it’s selfish, I want you up here with me , making music and goofing off. If your family and friends are anywhere near as nice as you, I bet they’re glad for ya. That you’re up here, doing what ya want and being happy. …I mean I think you’re happy? I hope so.”
Pearl sighed, and Marina could feel the air brushing against her face.
“If you don’t think you can forgive yourself, you don’t haveta. I’ll always love ya enough for us both. I think Lil’ ‘Rina deserves to catch a break though, so maybe give her that. If it wasn’t for her, I mean, I never would’ve gotten to meet the you I have today. And you today is fucking awesome, so she must’ve done something right.”
And that was what ended up breaking Marina, so when the tears began to streak down her face she was so close against Pearl’s that they ran down hers too.
“Aw ‘Rina,” Pearl murmured, “That can’t be the thing I say that makes you cry, that’s gotta be one of the lamest compliments I’ve ever given you…”
Marina laughed, still slightly starved for air, still crying. She pulled back, leaning away from the table.
Pearl mirrored her, a soft smile on her face.
Without words, she opened her arms up, inviting Marina closer.
Stumbling slightly as she slid off her stool, Marina tiptoed around the island. Gently, she walked into Pearl’s awaiting arms, still standing as Pearl perched on the seat. As Marina made contact, Pearl’s arms pulled her in close and tight.
Marina rested her head on Pearl’s shoulder, and Pearl tilted her head against Marina’s.
“Thank you,” Pearl whispered in Marina’s ear, “For telling me that. You never have to but— thank you.”
Marina squeezed her tighter.
“Oh, Pearlie… I really never wanted to hide it all from you. But I wouldn’t trade being up here, being with you— not for anything. And if being on the surface means letting go of my history, I was more than ready… if I can only have one, I chose you.”
Pearl scoffed, warm breath against Marina’s back.
“Well that’s stupid, who told you ya had to do that? ”
Marina suddenly froze.
Who had told her that? Who had gotten it so ingrained in her mind, created this inalienable truth?
It had been just another part of growing up, hadn’t it? A fact as true as the cruelty of Inklings, the unobtainable sun.
But a stream of sunlight glittered through Marina’s window just to get in her eyes. Pearl's grip around her was warm and comforting.
It wasn’t true, was it?
“No one, I guess. Or everyone. Inklings and Octolings are just… too different… they don’t mix. You were either a noble Octarian working for the cause or… or…”
And she’d known it, all along she’d known, but never before had she really said it aloud. Let herself believe it.
“Or you were against them. A traitor.”
The words she’d been afraid of didn’t sound scary anymore. Even as she spoke them, Marina didn’t find herself believing them.
Pearl laughed, sharp and biting.
“The biggest thing you could do to betray them would be to go against that black-n-white style in the first place. We got a whole rainbow of colours to work with!”
And Marina knew it, because she'd truly seen light for the first time when she’d come here. But Pearl had been the first person to really show her a rainbow.
Overcome with emotion, Marina lifted Pearl right into the air, still clinging onto her tightly.
“Whoa– ‘Rina!”
On instinct, Pearl clung tighter, wrapping her legs around Marina’s waist. In tandem, the tentacles on Marina’s head enveloped around Pearl, winding around to support her back.
“You are nothing like they said you would be,” Marina said, smiling down at Pearl.
“Hard to capture this much greatness in words, I know,” Pearl smiled back.
A beat. Only the call of birds in the distance as the sun crept further into view. The rhythm of heartbeats, 6 all in unison.
“We alright?” Pearl asked.
“We’re all right. We’re wonderful.” Marina replied.
Pearl sighed heavily in relief.
“Well thank Cod for that. Don’t know what I woulda done if I’d really hurt ya like that.”
Marina’s smile shifted to a smirk.
“Mm~? Cried maybe?”
Pearl blushed ever slightly, ink crowding her face before she could hide it. She tore her gaze from Marina’s.
“Nu-uh! Don’t say that, you’ll ruin my image.”
Marina spun around in place, twirling Pearl along with her.
“Hmm~?” Marina said, bouncing on her heels, “I think you’ve already done quite a bit of that yourself, no? I mean, apologising to me on hand and knee right at sunrise?”
Pearl shrugged.
“That’s the way Octolings do it, ain’t it? Or did Cap steer me wrong?”
Marina leaned forward, kissing Pearl on the forehead.
“Exactly how we do it.”
Pearl tilted her head up, pecking Marina on the cheek as she pulled back from her own kiss.
“You know me, always acin’ it first try.”
Marina’s tentacles wrapped around Pearl tighter, bringing her in ever closer.
“Wanna put that to the test? Now that everything’s out in the open, there’s a million things I’ve got to share with you~”
“Mm, looking forward to it. But uh… first… Much as I hate to say it,” Pearl glanced over towards the island.
Long since abandoned orange pieces lay atop one another in a pile, alongside half carved apple sea-bunnies. Apple and orange blended together into a sizable lake of juice on Marina’s kitchen island.
“Should we finish up all… that?”
Marina took in the mess on the counter, surveying it alongside the general disarray of her kitchen.
Dust particles sparkled slightly as they drifted through the air, gliding through a beam of light coming in through the kitchen window. Pearl shifted slightly, holding onto Marina tightly with seemingly no intent of leaving her arms soon.
“Let’s leave it. I’m sure Eight would appreciate some company for their first proper breakfast on the surface. We can introduce them to waffles.”
Pearl sighed contently, “Sounds good to me. But let’s be real, Eight definitely gonna be a pancake kind of gal.”
“Ha! You wish. We’ll just have to get both and let her choose.”
“Should we throw some toast in there to be safe?”
“Let’s give ‘em a full buffet! Bring Cap and Three along too, it’ll be fun.”
Words exchanged and punctuated with laughter echoed in the apartment as Marina and Pearl headed out the door, Pearl still clinging onto Marina just for the hell of it. A vibrant selection of colour danced across the early morning sky as they proceeded out, a dozen hues of pinks, purples and oranges. Ebbing and flowing, no colour stayed quite the same for long, all mixing and merging before streaking out in distinct colours. Climbing ever higher, the sun cast brightly upon a new morning in Inkopolis.
As Marina and Pearl headed out to greet it they left discarded fruit and cutlery in their wake, alongside a singular, merged shadow.
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jemaniacreates · 3 months
Me: *Chilling*
Also me: *Checks the last time I posted art*
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How do I love fictional characters more than any other real life band? Why am I complaining?!
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nipotazzi · 3 months
“We found her! she’s hiding in the pipes!”
“Use the scanner!”
There was no other escape route for Marina. She tried to use her swim form's minute size and squishiness to fit into the pipes of the sewer, and hide until they passed on, but with her injuries, and them having her DNA signature, she didn't have either the strength, nor the chance to run away anymore.
Oh, the irony, in the fact that they were hunting her down with the exact technology she helped to create herself. She remembers explaining to the warfare committee that “No marked target would be able to escape, guaranteed one hundred percent!”, and it wasn’t an exaggeration: she could even be on the other side of the world, or the moon, for all that matters, and they would still be finding her.
They were going to kill her, and there was nothing she could do about it.
Two troubled souls, bound together by fate, thanks to an Inkantation: Marina Ida, a deserter full of regrets that tries desperately to discover herself in the new world that is the surface, and Pearl Houzuki, a bratty rich kid who wants to prove to the world that money can’t buy talent. This is the story of how Pearl and Marina tuned each other's instruments, life, and souls up, ready to face the world, and let it Off The Hook!
Reblogs are always appreciated, and feedback is too.
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hauntaku2 · 3 months
Marina: What do you think about my girlfriend? Isn't she the cutest little cupcake? Pearl: You're way way cuter than me, 'Rina. Marina: Aw!~ Thank you, Pearlie! But there's no way I can compete with you. Pearl: Don't count yourself short, 'Rina. I'd be nothing without you by my side. Shiver: Is that so? Well, I believe my girlfriend Frye is hotter than the both of you combined. Pearl: No way. Frye: Hey, what I know is that my partner Shiver is way cooler than both of you. Isn't that right, Shiv? Shiver: That's correct. Facts are facts. Pearl: Oh, yeah? Shiver: Yeah, definitely. Without a doubt. Frye: Got a problem with that? Marina: You really think you're even half as cute as my dear Pearlie? Pearl: I bet they do. They're not. But I bet they think they are. Shiver: Is that a declaration of war? Frye: Ooh! I love a good fight! Pearl: 'Rina's gonna show you who's boss. Marina: Pearlie's gonna kick you to the curb! Big Man: What did I miss? Shiver: These two washed-up idols think they're better than us. Frye: They've got moxie! Big Man: Is that so? Pearl: They started this fight by dissing my girl 'Rina. That's a death sentence. Marina: Whoa! Pearlie, you don't have to go that far for me. Pearl: I'd walk across the entire ocean just to see you smile, 'Rina. Shiver: You want to fight to the... death? That's uncalled for. Frye: We're not gonna kill each other. Let's be civil here. Big Man: Yeah, how about just a regular turf war to settle this once and for all? Pearl: To the death it is. Marina: PEARLIE! No. You can't kill them just because they said a few mean words. Pearl: Fine. But you three got lucky that 'Rina doesn't want me to go all out. I'm still gonna make you suffer for this. Shiver: Why do I feel a chill? Frye: Pearl needs to cool down. Big Man: The pressure is getting too much for me, I'm out. Marina: Pearlie...
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t1meslayer · 4 months
By Moonlight
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What happens when you mix she/they Napoleon with an autistic tech nerd who has hobbyist sleep deprivation?
A fanfiction I'm finally getting around to write because of Side Order hype :) You're welcome, Pearlina fans.
Fandom: Splatoon
Pairings: Pearl/Marina
Summary: Pearl is awoken by a strange piano melody in the middle of the night. Nobody could have anticipated the knock-on effects this late rendezvous would have for Off the Hook's future. Rated 'Teen' cause Pearl's in their undies — but also Marina's shirt.
Click through the Read More below to get a preview of the latest story. Thanks for reading <3
"It's an artifact of Old World music culture raided from a holdover Kamabo facility. The way this thing was preserved is incredible!" The irony of how tightly Marina clutches the book to her bosom is clearly lost on her. "Between all the plastic and air-tight storage, there's hardly any mold on these pages!"
She opens it to double-sided lined sheets like any other, headlined in barely legible Octarian scribble over completely illegible typography: "Moonlight Sonata."
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missnatzooie · 3 months
Pearl will help Marina if she's having a particularly bad meltdown, Pearl will put on some soothing sounds from her phone while she does breathing exercises with her, encouraging Marina to take deep slow breaths, she may also start gently tapping on her crown or lightly shake one of her necklaces to help.
Pearl will hold Marina's hand as the Octoling will slowly start to fall asleep, with her head resting on Pearl's neck, having recovered from her meltdown and feeling better.
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mailboxfish · 2 years
The whole pearlina tag on ao3 right now:
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gobblinhours · 3 months
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vindextra · 4 months
Pearlina week 2024
Marina's been out on the surface for a few days now, and figures that climbing that mountain is probably the best place to go.
Don't mind me sliding right into the end of this event. Even though my focus has been elsewhere this week, I still wanted to get something done for @pearlinaweek.
It's nothing crazy, just a short scene of Pearl and Marina meeting for the first time on top of the mountain. It's not that much, admittedly, but for a scene written in a single day I think It's solid enough.
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Chapter seven :D
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nonepizzaleftgirl · 4 months
Out of Order - chapter 4
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A grip on my left hand. Or rather, what is left of it; I can’t feel my fingers anymore, so it must be no more than a stump. The sensation startles me so much that the rest of my hand almost dissolves out of shock, but some part of me recognizes this grasp as the lifeline it is. Better to be back in the domes than dead. Probably. With one strong pull, I get yanked off the precipice and back onto solid ground, landing on my knees due to the lack of my left foot. Now that the imminent danger is gone, or rather it has come so close that it is inevitable, I notice the irregularity in my breathing. I try to slow it to a more reasonable pace, but I find myself desperately gasping for air and coughing up ink when I try. Two arms wrap themselves around my torso, and it is only then that I manage to regain a bit of my grip on reality. The person is talking to me. Has been talking to me. Not Octarian, but nonetheless familiar, somehow. It finally hits me just what they’re saying, and the words begin to parse in my brain, albeit slowly. “You’re okay. You’re alright. Deep breaths, okay? Just stay with me. I can call for help; get you an ink ░░░░ so you can ░░░░░░, alright?”
Heyyyy before Side Order comes out. Blasts you with my Pearlina beam.
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tereox · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Splatoon Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Marina/Pearl (Splatoon) Characters: Marina (Splatoon), Pearl (Splatoon) Additional Tags: Fluff, Bonding, Turf War (Splatoon), Switching weapons, They protect each other, it's very sweet 
Summary: Marina and Pearl switch weapons. Will it end in disaster or will they help each other out?
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nipotazzi · 2 months
Simphony in Fortissimo Agitando - Chapter 1
And all at once, Marina effortlessly and slowly raised herself, or rather, lifted herself, without any help from her hands, or legs, or anything at all. She was floating, higher than the Pearl drone, with her limbs dropping like a dead weight, mimicking the ones of a doll.
Before they could say anything, her suit turned on like it had been filled with LEDs: a shiny and bright neon color covered the octoling’s body. With a smooth synchronized motion, Marina placed her hands in the air, open palms upwards, and fixed her position in space to face them. She looked like an ascended being, almost religious figure; a familiar pose that all of them recognized from the battle.
The drone started losing height, until its propellers were stuck on the sand, but Pearl did not care in the slightest about it. 
Eight couldn’t say anything, thinking in despair that her entry for this day in the memory book was going to be longer than she had previously imagined.
Acht thought that her “friend” was seriously getting on her nerves now, with every single thing happening inside of this place being her fault, and now even this to grind on her gears?! Gimme a break…
Marina wasn’t either thinking, or feeling, or willing to speak (unless prompted to do so) anymore. There was no longer any need to, for her mind already knew what to say, as it was programmed to perfection.
“Agitando unit… online."
Fandom: Splatoon
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Marina/Pearl (Splatoon), Agent 3/Agent 8 (Splatoon)
Characters: Pearl (Splatoon), Marina (Splatoon), Dedf1sh | Acht (Splatoon), Agent 8 (Splatoon), Order | Smollusk (Splatoon)
Additional Tags: Splatoon 3: Side Order, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, References to Canon, Angst with a Happy Ending, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Inspired by Tumblr, I think that they had it too nice in canon, Nightmare Fuel, Female Agent 8 (Splatoon), Traumatized Agent 8 (Splatoon), Marina and Pearl Adopt Agent 8 (Splatoon), Smollusk has been adopted
Marina has been rescued from the top of the tower, everyone is "fine", and even if this new AI seems threatening, it's not their problem to deal with. Eight and Pearl have just saved the day... right?
Sorry, but the Agitando begs to differ.
Reblogs are always appreciated, and feedback is too.
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Superjumpintomyheart Masterlist!
Here you can find most of my works, organized by ship! I will do my best to keep this as updated as possible as I create more content and I will especially include my longer fics here for easy access. 
Last updated: [1/8/23]
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~ Pearlina [Pearl x Marina]
-> search #pearlina
- “Love” / fluff and angst / fic - “Sweet Dreams are Made of This” / hurt/comfort / fic - “Thunderbolts and Lightning” / angst and hurt/comfort / fic [TW: kidnapping, torture] - Squid Sisters find out about Pearlina’s relationship / fluff / drabble - OTH conspiracy theories / fluff / drabble - Marina is bilingual / fluff and hurt/comfort / hc + drabble - Pearl meets Marina’s extended family / fluff / drabble - Pearlina’s day at the park / fluff / drabble - Soul crushing angst / angst / drabble - Marina cheers up Pearl / hurt/comfort / drabble - Marina gets a haircut... / crack / drabble - Pearlina’s wedding / fluff / headcanons - Marina day headcanons / fluff / headcanons - Marina fell in love first / fluff / drabble - When Marina infodumps in octarian / fluff / drabble
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~ Agent 24 [Agent 3 x Agent 8]
-> search #agent 24
- “Oh Captain” / fluff / fic, also available on ao3 - Eight accidentally holds Three’s hand too hard / fluff / drabble - Agent 24′s wedding / fluff / headcanons - Effects of Three’s trauma / hurt/comfort / drabble [cw weight gain, body image issues]
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~ M4rie [Marie x Agent 4]
-> search #m4rie
- Lunch date / fluff / drabble [Masc agent 4] - First date / fluff / drabble [Fem agent 4] - Living together / fluff / headcanons [GN agent 4]
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~ Shye [Shiver x Frye]
-> search #shye
- Shiver tries to stay cool asking Frye out / fluff / drabble - Giving Frye forehead kisses / fluff / drabble - Shiver confesses / fluff / drabble - How Shye would ask each other out/ fluff / headcanons - Shiver is shorter than Frye / fluff / headcanons - Frye picks up short Shiver / fluff / drabble - Deep Cut hangs out with the Squid Sisters / fluff / headcanons - Shiver tries neopronouns / fluff / drabble - Shiver is a dork / fluff / drabble - How did the squid make the octopus laugh? / fluff / drabble - Singing alone in an empty theater / fluff / drabble - Frye knows Shiver inside and out / fluff / drabble - Random Shye thoughts / fluff / headcanons - Frye practices henna on Shiver / fluff / headcanons - When Shye first met in school / fluff / drabble in the style of headcanons
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~ North California [Nori (OC) x Callie]
-> search #north california and #nori x callie for various posts relating to the ship that are not full drabbles/fics/hcs etc
- Nori and Callie discover their ship name / fluff / drabble in the form of headcanons - Callie introduces Nori to her family / fluff / headcanons - Nori is always happy with Callie / fluff / drabble - Octavio knew about NorCal crushing / fluff + tiny angst / drabble - Callie wants to sleep in / fluff / drabble  - Nori’s time in the military / angst / drabble - Musician (au?) Nori / fluff / drabble - Nori discovers Squid Sisters merch / fluff / drabble - Friendship bracelets / fluff / drabble - One splat = one kiss / fluff / drabble - First Christmas / fluff / headcanons - Their house / fluff / headcanons
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~ Mariver [Marie x Shiver]
-> search #mariver
- Random Mariver thoughts / fluff / headcanons - Pining for each other / fluff / headcanons and a tiny drabble
~ Callie x Frye [ship name in progress]
- Random Callie x Frye thoughts / fluff / headcanons
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~ Multi-ship
- Favorite places to kiss each other / Pearlina, Agent 24, M4rie, Shye / headcanons - Big Man relationship headcanons / Big Man x Anyone / headcanons - How would each character react to their s/o being bullied? / all ships / headcanons - When will you make her your wife? / North California, Pearlina / drabble - Idols react to s/o calling them cute / all ships / headcanons - Idols/Agents sexualities / all ships / headcanons - Acoustic versions of DC and SS songs / North California, Shye / drabble - What the idols call their s/o / Pearlina, Agent 24, M4rie, Shye / headcanon
~ Non Ship
- About the Agents / informational / headcanons - Meet Nori (OC) / informational 
- “Celebration” / Deep Cut, gen fluff / fic posted to ao3 - Marie and Deep Cut bond / fluff and hurt/comfort / drabble - How did Deep Cut meet? / fluff / headcanons - Splatfest cake shenanigans / fluff / drabble  - How Nori and the agents feel about each other / headcanons - Random Shiver thoughts / headcanons - Captain 3 uses sign language / silly scenario / drabble - The idols and their fave Barbie movie / headcanons - Neo 3′s past / headcanon with a tiny drabble
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