#penelope 'penny' blake
baubeautyandthegeek · 10 days
Emergency Healing - Penelope 'Penny' Blake/Rose
A/N: Back to Grey's Anatomy for this weeks @flashfictionfridayofficial
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Lights and sirens were all part of the job, still when Rose glances up at the incoming mass of teenagers, she moves quickly to scrub in and be on hand for whoever needs her. Penelope Blake, a flash of green-blue eyes and tucking copper hair firmly under the scrub cap, is a revelation. The girl is quiet but swift, checking what is needed on the surgery list before beckoning her on. She’s silent as she helps Penny take control of the bleed, stepping up when the student next to Penny makes a sound of distress and steps away from the patient, her hand steady even as she moves to clean the surgery area of excess blood, allowing Penelope to see what she was doing. It's only later, fresh sirens sounding even as the clean down and prepare for the next that Penny spares her a look and a smile. “Thanks, nice to have a steady hand by my side.” It's honest, Rose thinks, in ways most surgeons or trainees would never be, but she can’t help smiling in response. Penny is, deep down, a good soul and seems warm. Warm enough that when the shift is over and Penny invites her out for a drink, she agrees.
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milfsincrime · 10 months
penny: i hacked the cctv to see my lovelies going about their day, i don’t think they’re upto anything, i just want good candids of them lookin’ fine and furry
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 9 months
In the Penelope au can it end on penny taking a picture with both her dads jaune and her builder
~Several Weeks after returning home, with as much R&R as could be afforded, with many, many hugs, tears, and promises made~
Blake: So ... What was that Kiss you gave Jaune, Weiss?
Weiss: I ... Don't know what you mean.
Yang: Really? Miss "Mature~" Doesn't know what Blake's saying?
Weiss: *slightly flushed* Not at All!
Blake: Hey, We're just teasing. I think you to would be good for each other. There's no Judgement from us.
Weiss: *Blushing* ... Thanks Blake.
Yang: Yeah. You both deserve each other with how far you've both come from Beacon.
Weiss: Thanks You ... really. That means a lot. I'll broach the subject soon with him
~~~~~ Neo: *Knocks on a door*
Nora: ... What do you want?
Neo: *holds Up a tray of pancakes, Tea, and Oatmeal cookies*
Nora: Did you steal those?
Neo: *Shakes head*
Nora: ... really?
Neo: ... *Places tray down, Starts signing* I tried to steal them, but Jaune Caught me and made me pay for it. It was humiliating.
Nora: This doesn't fix what you've done ... But You listened to Jaune, and that's a good start. Thank you.
Neo: *Nods, smiling slightly*
Penny: The Camera is set up! Are you Ready!
Pietro: Yep!
Jaune: Yes, Penny.
Penny: Sensational! Say 'cheese'!
J+P+P: Cheese!
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snarkylinda · 1 year
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I know he is more there that here, but the lil appreciative smile at them watching over him changed my brain's chemistry forever.
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asadfangirlbitxh · 1 year
I probably said this before but Penny didn't deserved to be treated like that. They all were doctors, where the fuck is the empathy
I hated that plot line so fucking much
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priea01 · 1 year
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violetrainbow412-blog · 10 months
Hi! I have a few ideas for Spencer Reid x Reader romantic fics that you could use if you would like. I was thinking about a Hogwarts au with BAU as friends at Wizarding school or where they are adults and work at Ministry as Aurors (analyzing behaviour of dark magic users?).
Or a Star Trek au and them being a team at the ship or a storyline with Spencer being Vulcan and experiencing Pon Farr (Vulcan mating ritual).
Thank you in advance!
First of all, I really LOVED this request. I belong to both fandoms but I write a little better for Harry Potter. I thought about placing them in the school because I wanted to give it a more cheerful tone, but if you're interested I could write about the second suggestion later (where they work in the ministry of magic).
The houses where the characters are assigned are courtesy of this publication and the reader does not have a defined house, so you can imagine it in yours. I hope you enjoy! 🤍
wc: 3.2k
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Visits to Hogsmeade have always been the best part of winter, partly because of all the delicious hot drinks you can have and partly because of being able to spend time with all your friends.
Before entering Hogwarts you could not consider yourself a very sociable person, however, as time went by there were certain people who managed to welcome you until you were a group solid enough to win the admiration of students and teachers. After all, seeing so many youths from different houses getting along was not a common thing.
Right now you were walking with Emily and JJ, two exceptional Slytherin girls who, breaking all kinds of stereotypes, were quite sweet. You were going to meet Elle, Penelope and Kate, from Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor respectively, at The Three Broomsticks to drink something delicious and catch up on many things that you couldn't discuss during the break.
“Do you think Professor Gideon will give us an extension for the lessons we have to deliver tomorrow?”
“Gideon? No way! I could understand it from Professor Rossi, but he…”
“Do we have homework from Professor Rossi?” Em asked absently and you two laughed at the same time.
“Good morning, girls.”
“Morning, Professor Blake,” you sang in unison, after seeing the woman crossing the street accompanied by Professor McGonagall.
The Three Broomsticks was packed with people moving around, laughing, and sharing drinks. You managed to distinguish, from the higher grades, some prefects gathered at a table and two of them greeted you with a smile: Lewis from Ravenclaw and Hotchner from Hufflepuff. You had seen them a couple of times due to sneaky night visits with your friends, but nothing went beyond that.
You walked a little further and finally caught a glimpse of the table with your friends. They weren’t alone, because in the same place there were four boys that you were very used to: your friend Luke and the charming Derek Morgan from the lion house, the kind Matt who was chatting with his housemate, Penny, and sitting in silence was that sweet boy who made your heart race...
“Hey!” Derek was the first to greet them and everyone started squeezing themselves against the old couches so that the three of you had room.
Emily purposely pushed you first to take the place next to Spencer and when your shoulders collided with his, you saw him smile sheepishly.
“How nice to see you. I didn't know you'd be here."
“Neither do I,” he smiled at you. “Morgan brought me here, he told me we would probably find you.”
You had met the boy through your potions classes, when the two of you had to sit together due to lack of space at another table. Even so, the incident hadn’t gone completely bad because you discovered that he was a great boy, it was just that his shyness prevented him from actively participating in everything related to the social aspect.
When you discovered that Derek was a mutual friend, he didn't hesitate to start inviting the brunette to watch his Quidditch practice and sometimes you kept him company so he wouldn't feel bored. You discovered that what you had in common was a fascination with the dark arts and criminals, a passion that would later unite your entire group, and over the years your friendship consolidated into what you saw now. But as time went by you grew up and by this point Spencer was already too handsome and gentlemanly to ignore. Spending so much time with him inevitably gave you a small crush on the smartest guy in the entire room.
During visits to Hogsmeade it was common to see Spencer in bookstores or quieter places, so you were happy that they had taken him out of his routine so that he ended up with his leg stuck to yours, with barely any room to move.
Once you were there, the entire table became a tide of murmurs and laughter in which you participated from time to time, especially when you had to corroborate one of your housemates' anecdotes.
“Do you want me to order you something to drink?” Spencer asked cordially, as a waiter came over to ask if you guys wanted to order anything else.
You had never discovered if the Ravenclaw next to you reciprocated your feelings, but actions like that caused you a certain illusion that you didn't want to pay too much attention to.
“Huh, Butterbeer?” You responded with a smile and he took care of passing the message to the clerk, making sure to also slip a couple of galleons into his hand to pay “So the tutoring went well, right?” you tried to joke.
Your friend had found a prosperous activity by offering tutoring for those who needed it and although he only accepted donations, many rich children preferred to pay an excellent salary to have a private teacher's class 24 hours a day, which assured them a good grade. He was always willing to help anyone at the table at no cost and he was undoubtedly the head of his house's favorite, but everyone pretended not to notice it.
“I could say yes”
“But I'll only let you buy me one,” you threatened while he smiled and shook his head, possibly planning to buy you everything you asked for despite your complaints.
“Have you heard what happened in the prefects' bathroom on the fifth floor?” you all heard Elle say, who always got the best gossip from who knows where.
When the entire group leaned in to listen better, your cheek was almost touching Spencer's and in that position it was not the best idea to turn to look at him, because when he did the same your lips were about to touch and by instinct you moved away to avoid it, cheeks flushing in response.
Even though everyone was paying attention to Elle's story, you could feel Spencer shift slightly uncomfortably in his spot and you hoped it wasn't your fault.
“But hey, the really important question here is…” Kate began, taking a long gulp of her hot chocolate just for dramatic effect “Do you guys have a date for the Yule ball yet?”
The yule ball, you had almost forgotten about that. You had received a few proposals, but you hadn't responded to any of them yet and a part of you was hoping that with this Spencer would have the courage to invite you, because you didn't want to go with anyone else but him.
Emily was the first to tell her plans to invite none other than Prefect Aaron and you all burst into mocking boos at your friend's brazen plan. JJ would go with another Hufflepuff boy named Will, Penelope would go with Morgan like the best friends they were, while the rest had partners that you didn't know yet but that they would make sure to introduce you to.
When everyone talked about their plans they looked in the direction of Spencer and you, as if they wanted to hear your plans too.
“I have received some proposals, but I still don't know who I should say yes to”
“I'm not going”
Hearing Spencer say that made your heart drop and although you tried to maintain your composure your friends couldn't help but notice the disappointed expression that you tried to hide by drinking your Butterbeer.
Why didn't Spencer want to go to the ball? You had already imagined him wearing a nice gala suit with those well-combed golden locks and a corsage the color of your dress, but your hopes seemed destined to die there.
“Come on, Reid! "Everyone's going," Luke murmured, but the man just put on a tight-lipped smile and looked away.
You didn't even want to look at him or you knew your eyes would give you away, so you tried to focus on something else.
Seeing that he wouldn't offer any more reasons, the talk continued and when your beer was finished you felt Spencer lean a little closer to you, until his lips were at the height of your ear. Out of inertia you tilted your head a little to get into a position that involved the closest possible approach.
“Do you want to go for a walk?” he asked softly, sending a shiver through your entire body.
You wanted to lean closer until you melted into him and, with any luck, the movement would force him to kiss you on the cheek.
“I would love to,” you managed to respond when you finally shook off those fantasies and he smiled next to you while he got up from his place.
"Where are you going?"
“Outside, for a walk,” you informed. The same mischievous smile crossed Elle and Derek's faces.
"Oh, sure. Have fun walking, lovebirds,” she murmured while the man simulated exaggerated kissing sounds.
"You guys are idiots"
You grabbed your jacket while you heard everyone laughing and even with that sound in the background you started walking with your friend towards the exit, trying not to pay attention to the romantic advances they were making.
As soon as you got out of there you noticed the severe change in weather and rubbed your hands against each other while blowing air on them in hopes of keeping some heat. The white snow covered the entire town and it was quite a beautiful sight.
“Peace and tranquility,” your friend sighed, after taking a deep breath, and you laughed.
“Were you that suffocated in there?”
“I don't like it when everyone talks at the same time. Too much noise"
You knew that Spencer was a little different from the others and sometimes he could feel uncomfortable with social situations, but most of the time when he wanted to get out of there he asked you to accompany him. Was that some kind of sign or were you just misunderstanding things?
“Have you bought anything at Honeydukes yet?” you asked to open the conversation.
You didn't know whether to put your hands in your pockets or keep them crossed to protect yourself a little from the cold air, so you just kept rubbing them together.
"Yes a while ago. Buy acid pops, frogs, and jelly slugs”
“We buy Bertie Bott’s every flavor beans”
“Since the time I tried one that tasted like rotten eggs, I can't even look at them without gagging,” he confessed while wrinkling his nose, a gesture that you had long ago discovered was common for him.
“Emily says she once tried one that tasted like cat litter, but I don't believe her. And if I were to believe her it would be very disgusting because come on, how would you know what that taste tastes like if you haven't tried it before?”
Spencer's laugh had always been a sound that melted you from the inside out, one you could listen to for hours without getting tired.
You continued along the cobblestone path chatting pleasantly about some academic matters, a little about the future, and sometimes about the most trivial things, until you were far enough away from the hustle and bustle of the town.
There was a little desolate bench next to the road and both of you silently agreed to head over there so you could sit for a moment.
You could see his mismatched socks underneath the robe and the obvious height difference made you able to move your legs back and forth. There was just a space between you where you rested your hand, your pinky almost touching his.
“Did you know that all snowflakes are symmetrical? They have six sides and always reflect light as if they were precious stones. I read it the other day in a book.”
The comment was about the fact that, of course, small flakes of snow had begun to fall. You smiled from ear to ear and stretched out your tongue to capture one, while Spencer watched you sweetly from the opposite side.
“When you were little did you play in the snow?”
“My mom never let me do it. I was a sickly child.”
“And now you're not?” you asked softly.
Just when he was about to respond, your hands reached up to his neck to adjust his two-color scarf and Spencer held his breath at the closeness, while he focused on your cheeks flushed from the cold.
You were the prettiest girl he had ever met and he was afraid to tell anyone, because he would know that when a secret was told sooner or later it ended up reaching the ears of whoever he was trying to hide from. Although he believed that probably all of Hogwarts could tell that he liked you just by the way he sighed whenever you were around.
“Are you sickly now too?” you asked again and he felt stupid for getting too nervous to forget what you had just told him.
"A bit"
"Well, I hope so. Come"
You took his wrist to guide him out of your seat and led him to a blank space on the floor, where in spring it was probably full of grass, immediately throwing yourself with your gaze towards the sky.
"What are you doing?"
“Lie down, we’re going to make a snow angel.”
Spencer looked hesitant for a second, but then he knelt next to you, imitating your position somewhat awkwardly. When you started to move your arms and legs he thought about regretting it, although in the end he didn't, and very soon the two of you were already laughing out loud at how clumsy the situation was.
At some point you stopped and turned slightly until you were face to face, looking at each other's flushed skin and bright smiles. Looking at him you thought about how happy it made you to be with him, more so than with any of your other friends, although you didn't know if it was due to the boy's calm nature or simply your feelings for him reflecting back.
“We're definitely going to catch a cold,” he observed intelligently as he sat up and shook the snow out of his brown hair, which only made you laugh more. “Come on, I don't think snot matches your future dress.”
You took the hand he was offering to help you up and knew that if you didn't take advantage of that opportunity you probably wouldn't be able to talk to him about it again.
“You're really not going to the ball?”
You were sitting next to him, too close for the boy's poor nerves, and there was a clear tone of disappointment in your words. As if that weren't enough, you still hadn't let go of his hand.
“Huh, I don't think so. I don't like that kind of environment” he excused himself, making a small face. You nodded with understanding, but evidently discouraged “Besides, no one has invited me.”
“And why haven't you invited a girl?”
Spencer looked away at your question and cringed a little from his spot, as if he were afraid to answer you. You waited a minute for him to think.
“I just want to save myself the embarrassment of them saying no.”
“Why would anyone say no to you?” you immediately asked in genuine disbelief.
“Because I'm not handsome! And because I spend my time in the library instead of training quidditch and I'm not even athletic and... I don't know, because I'm weird."
“Oh, shut up, Spencer” the stern tone in your voice surprised him, but before he could say anything you continued talking “You're a great guy, you're dedicated and studious, you're kind. You're not weird at all. Well… maybe a little bit, but not as a negative trait, but as something that makes you stand out”
"So you think?" He asked and you nodded effusively. “I still don’t think there’s anyone left for me.”
“Come with me” you breathed out without thinking.
You had wanted him to come with you so much that you didn't even care if you invited him or he did, you just wanted to dance with him and have a valid reason to hold his hand. Even if you were doing it for no reason right now.
"Go where?"
“To the ball, genius!” You laughed nervously. “I don’t have a partner yet.”
“But… you said you had several invitations,” he reminded you, clearly confused. He had dismissed the idea that you were interested when you had said that, contrary to the idea you wanted to give him.
“Yes, but none of them are as charming as you.”
You didn't even know where you had gathered the courage to flirt with him but luckily it seemed to be working. Spencer was quiet for a moment and although you couldn't tell it he was fighting to keep his brain from spontaneously combusting.
Were you really offering him the chance to be your date?
“Unless you're not interested…”
"No!" he interrupted you. In his eyes you could see the shine of the snow and a certain enthusiasm that calmed you greatly “I would love to go with you.”
The smile that crossed your face wasn’t normal and you wished you could better hide your joy at his response, but no matter how hard you tried, you knew it would be impossible.
“It's probably a bit bland and superficial, but I think we can have fun.”
“Did you know that balls were initially used for courtship? In Victorian times they were the social space where a gentleman could look for a lady he wanted to marry and there were certain dances, protocols, and rules”
“Luckily we don't have all that rigor now,” you exclaimed. “You just have to take a couple of classes with Professor Gideon to know how to behave.”
“I thank Merlin that Professor Blake was there to help us because otherwise it would have been most embarrassing.”
“I want to see you dance,” you said in an excited tone, while you gave his hand a light squeeze. Against all odds Spencer used that grip to pull you in his direction until he wrapped you in a hug.
“You're not inviting me because you feel sorry for me, right?”
You gasped almost annoyed.
“For a Ravenclaw you're sometimes quite an idiot, you know that?” you murmured against his chest, which then vibrated with a nervous laugh.
You wished you could confess to him how much you had wanted to achieve this and erase all those pointless worries with everything you thought about him, but you knew that if you had you would probably have to confess how much you liked him and you weren't ready for this yet.
You were silent for a moment until you dared to separate a little to look him in the eyes and then speak seriously.
“Never think that I invite out of pity, Reid. I invite you because you are my friend and I really like being with you.”
He had to hug you again until you saw his face or somehow you would have discovered more than you should about his true feelings towards you.
“I'm glad to know that,” he sighed, resting his flushed cheek against the top of your head.
Spencer didn't know if his hopeful heart could handle the wait to see you in a beautiful dress and dance with you all night long, but for now he would have to settle for the warmth he felt from having you in his arms, smiling like a fool just for you.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove @instabull @rhiannonhippiegirl @r-3dlips @missabsey @olivia’s-25 @liptonsbabe @moonbutterflyx
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foundfam2754 · 2 months
S17e9 live reactions!
i can't believe we're so close to the season finale - i'm gonna be sad in august
i feel like voit's been puppet mastering damian/ jade and the bau the whole time and the whole finale is going to be something like: everyone's been doing what voit told them to do and it's gonna end up fucking them over and getting him out of jail
because, think about it, the whole season's been about conspiracy theories. so though there may be truth in stuart house and gold star and bad people doing bad things in all those scenarios -- they've only happened because elias orchestrated them to be. he was the first person to utter the words "gold star" and the reason they're even investigating
how does jill know about their agreement?? she like psychic?
"i've named her penny" "penny the algorithm" god i love PG
hehe i like that tyler is basically a bau team member now
OMG it's the fucking bunker MY POOR BAU TEAM
where's blake or spence when you need them to analyze people's language or wording cos jade wtf does that mean
pen's outfit is sooo gorgeous!
dave's 2010 ringtone is everything
oooohh is the scene from the promo with all of them standing in front of the pictures and bunker
angry dave is hot dave
okay but zach gilford in a suit >>>>
man i don't trust rebecca
"rizz" omg
i like the fact that jill and dave have like a telepathic connection; it speaks to their friendship, their history
my god how do they do this job without penelope
i like hearing luke swear 😍😋
ew i really don't need to see rossi and jill kiss no thank you
lol i love how emily's so chaotic and funny even in a scary situation
why do i feel like one of the team members is gonna hurt omg
OR oh my god are dave and emily gonna get kidnapped, they hinted at it before right
oh god someone's gonna GET HURT OMG OMG OMG
wait she's gonna fake her death or something i think, they hinted at that too
what the heck was that last shot
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Quick thoughts on two person ships that I've seen in the fics I like or read fics for in both HP and RWBY
Percy x Penelope: I like it it's cute. Ginny catching them snogging would probably have a greater impact on canon if Penny was someone the Weasleys had a vocal opinion of.
Percy x Audrey: It's cute in fanfic. In canon though, it suffers from the thing of canon Audrey is just a name.
Percy x Oliver: This fits into so many of my favourite tropes, it's kind of hilarious. I think this was my first Percy ship.
Percy x Marcus: Character I love shipped with a charater that absolutely would go to hell and back for the other is probably the quickest way to get me to ship two characters and Flintley isn't any different. This is my favourite Percy two person ship, hands down
Percy x Anyone in Harry's year or Ginny's year: Not getting into specific ships because this is the most common theme of Percy ships that I end up filtering out. Personally, I only see it happening post second wizarding war after both members have left Hogwarts, and I have to be in a really specific mood to read fics for these types of ships. However, depending on who Percy is shipped with, it can be cute
Penelope x Audrey: I love these two together in fanfic and I love the versatility. If you thought Perciver fit a lot of tropes, then this ship can fit more because again canon Audrey is just a name.
Penelope x Fred: I think my enjoyment of this ship heavily depends on how Fred is characterized. These two in a ship read to me as Bookworm x Prankster, and I'm really not a fan of that trope. It absolutely doesn't help that the twins are tied for my least favourite (I don't hate them but I like the other siblings better) of the book Wesley children.
Oliver x Marcus: I like the ship, and I think it's a good rivals to lovers ship. I'm pretty sure the only reason I've dropped a FlintWood fic is because I didn't vibe with the non-Flintwood ships in the fic
Ruby x Weiss: White Rose I think is partly as popular as it is because of the thing of pair off the spares. However, unlike a lot of couples I've seen with that thing, their canon interactions are pretty cute. On the other hand, their canon status of getting partnered during initiation does help their cause.
Ruby x Blake: I know I've said it for basically most of the other ships on the list but it's cute. I think I got into this ship with either a Team RWBY poly fic or a Beauty and the Beast retelling that used Ladybug
Ruby x Jaune: I like their friendship and I think a romantic relationship would be fine. I don't really ship it myself but I can see the appeal.
Weiss x Blake: I like it. However, I think it would be better in the later seasons rather than when they were in Beacon.
Weiss x Yang: Freezerburn, my beloved. I know with recent events, it's absolutely not going to be canon, but imma just vibe with their dynamic with fanfic
Weiss x Pyrrha: I think this is my favourite Weiss ship. There's a possibility of one-sided rivalry to lovers while in Beacon, and I think that's my favourite trope the ship could fall into
Weiss x Jaune: Personally prefer a friendship between the two but the volume 9 white knight moments were cute
Blake x Yang: It's cute. I'm glad they got made canon, and I want to see more cute canon moments between the two if the show does somehow get another volume. In the meantime, I will be chilling with fanfic.
Blake x Sun: Like Bumblebee, its cute. I also don't want to see discourse between it and Bumblebee.
Blake x Adam: The exception to my Blake ships that I've read are cute. The stuff I've read have sometimes had this as a past relationship for Blake and it should stay a past relationship.
Yang x Neo: Would be an interesting friendship post s3 but I don't feel comfortable shipping them romantically with recent canon events even with the Neo age discourse I've seen.
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atlasthegreatest · 1 year
- Atlas Masterlist - [Requests are open]
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▪️Male reader
▫️Female reader
🔲 Gender neutral
🔳 Male/ Female Oc
Avatar: The Legend Of Korra:
Asami Sato:
🔳 - War of Hearts- I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, XI, X , XI
Avatar Korra
Lin Beifong
Iron II
Suyin Beifong
Percy Jackson:
Annabeth Chase
Percy Jackson
Jason Grace
Thalia Grace
Piper McLean
Leo Vasquez
Hazel Levesque
Nico DiAngelo
Sally Jackson
Silena Beauregard
Drew Tanaka
Harry Potter :
Hermione Granger
Harry Potter
Narcissa Black
Lily Evans
Bellatrix Black
Narcissa Black
Ginny Weasley
Fleur Delacour
Penny Haywood :
- Baby Problems
James Potter
Cassandra Vole:
▪️- Unexpected Surprises
▪️- Tme Wrap: Bizarrely Adventures!
Sirius Black
Sidney Prescott :
- ▪️ Flight or Figth
Tara Carpenter
Gale Weathers
Sam Carpenter
Fairy Tail:
Erza Scarlet
Natsu Dragneel
Grey Fullbuster
Lucy Heartfilia :
🔲 - Friends…? Friends.
Mirajane Strauss
Laxus Dreyar
Juvia Lockser
Irene Belserion
Attack On Titan:
Mikasa Ackerman:
-▫️ Fake It ‘Till You Break It - I
Eren Yeager
Historia Reiss
Annie Leonheart
Pieck Finger
Jean Kriestean
Sasha Broast
Hange Zoe
Marvel Universe:
Natasha Romanoff
Laura Kinney
Jean Grey
Emma Frost
Wanda Maximoff
Maria Hill
Cindy Moon:
▪️ The Bat, The Spider, and The Mutant
Gwen Stacy
Felicia Hardy
DC Universe:
Cassandra Cain:
▪️The Bat, The Spider, and The Mutant
▪️The Super’s Bats
🔲- Silent Glances and Secret Smiles
🔲- Shadows of the Past — Birds of a Feather pt.2
Helena Bertinelli
Barbara Gordon
Dick Grayson
Poison Ivy
Kara Zor-El
Wonder Woman
Cassandra Sandsmark
The Vampire Diaries/ The Originals:
Caroline Forbes
Katherine Pierce
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hayley Marshal
Bonnie Bennett
Hope Mikaelson
Davina Clare
Freya Mikaelson
The Witcher:
Cirilla of Cintra
Geralt of Rivia
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Feyre Archeron
Nesta Archeron
Elain Archeron
Throne of Glass:
Aelin Galathynius :
- 🔳 In Each Others Arms
Rowan Whitethorne
Manon Blackbeack
Elide Lorchan
Navier Trovi :
- 🔳 Honor me of this dance
Penelope Eckart
Samantha Wilkins/ Atom Eve
Mark Grayson /Invincible
Fate: The Winx Saga
Choi Namra
Daphne Blake
Iori Utahime
Laura Croft
Haley Carter (Stadew Valley):
🔲- Daylight
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baubeautyandthegeek · 4 months
A Pleasurable Spanking? - Abi Borin/Penny Blake
A/N: A second fic for @storiesofsvu 's birthday bingo. Second GIF made for me by @whoreofthecottage
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Impact play had always been something that faintly confused Abi Borin, but the more she watched Penelope Blake dealing with the aftermath of it, the more she understood what it was that made people so interested in it. All she needed now was the confidence to ask... which she didn’t have.     In the end it’s Penelope that handles the subject, asking if she’s actually interested in impact play or not, smiling just a little when Abi shakes her head, admitting she may be in time, just not yet. They would face the future when it happened. For now, knowing that they could if they wanted to was enough.
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radiant-reid · 2 years
You know what I’ve always thought Spence would name his kids Penelope Morgan Reid, Aaron Jason, Esmeray Rose
JJ sitting in the corner like 🤔
I’m going to give my unsolicited opinion on which team member he’d name his kids after
Morgan- i can only see Morgan Reid being a girl, that’s how it makes sense in my brain. Maybe just as a middle name but I think it could work as a first name because it’s Derek’s last name
Aaron- middle name only but i love it because almost no one calls Hotch Aaron so it’s a good mix of honoring him without it being obvious
Grace/Gracie- I just can’t see him going with Penelope, to me it’s too obviously her name, like you wouldn’t want to be taking someone’s name. However, her middle name is fair game and i think it would work really well
Aspen- Penelope adjacent because then her nickname could be Pen or Penny
Emory/Gemma- similar to aspen but then her nickname can be Em like Emily
Jason- definitely could see this being a thing but only as a middle name
Ethan or Blake- in honor of Alex, I could 100% see this
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 9 months
Branches whipped by as Penny ascended through the canopy of the Tree, carrying Jaune in her arms. They reached Weiss, Blake, and Yang still in combat with the Cat, who kept summoning falsifications of their friends and enemies. The girls were clearly getting worn down from the constant onslaught.
Jaune: HEY CAT!
The Curious Cat whirled around to see the Rusted Knight Once more, with that annoying Doll that followed him like a lemming
Yang: *Punching the Cat in the Face* FUCK YOU!
Blake: *Taking out Glass Clones* Less Talk More Fight!
Jaune: *Getting set Down* Penny, We need to get the Cat out of Neo if we want a chance at beating them!
Penny: Understood! I will attempt to Restrain them!
Penny Began Laying Fire out, brilliant Bursts of Green from her swords vaporizing the glass clones, Slowly closing in on NeoCat
Smaller branches had fallen, some being set ablaze and burning rapidly as the Cat focused on taking out the one who had bothered them for so many years, crying over his 'Friends.'
CC: *Raising Claws to strike* I'M TAKING YOU OUT IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!
Jaune: *Catching CC's claws* That's Exactly What I'm Planning on!
Jaune Dove Into a pile of fallen branches and leaves, taking the Cat with him.
NeoCat Coughed, and hacked until the Cat was ejected from Neo, fell to her knees, dazed and confused by what had been happening to her.
The Cat immediately leapt, dodging one of Penny's lasers.
Penny: You are not Getting to Remnant. You three go save Jaune.
CC: None of you are STOPPING ME!
The Curious Cat Grew to their large, bipedal, black-and-white form while WBY ran to get Jaune.
The Cat leapt into the air, interrupting the charge of full-array blast, sending forcing Penny to spiral, spinning the swords in front of her.
She retaliated by bringing the blades around and slashed at the Cat. They dodged backwards, taking a smaller four-sword beam to the face.
Yang: *Grabbing a Dazed Jaune by the shoulders* JAUNE! JAUNE ARE YOU ALRIGHT?
Jaune: *Hack! Cough* Wh- *Cough* Why aren't you helping Penny?
Weiss: And the Cat's Danger Close to her! I- I'm sorry I knocked you off earlier!
Jaune: You can apologize later! Weiss, Can you box the Cat in?
Weiss: Y-yeah! We are talking about this later though!
Weiss began forming Glyphs around, cutting off routes and slowly making a cage around the Curious Cat, before they leapt at Penny. Yang Threw Blake at the cat, and Dragged them to the ground.
The Brightest, largest beam of a Fully-Charged, Full-Array Blast, that enveloped the Cat.
When it eventually faded, The Cat laid in the burnt crater of the branch serving as the battleground. They had been reduced to their small, Blue and Magenta state, struggling to their paws.
CC: U-Useless ... Stupid ... Beasts ... This-
At the sound of a gunshot, the cat was scattered into powder, shard of bullet and branch spraying up from the ground.
Ruby: I was so Tired of them.
Jaune: Ruby!
Yang: *Rushing to her* RUBY!
Penny: Friend Ruby!
Ruby: Guys- ACK!
Yang: *Hugging Ruby tightly, Crying* Ruby! URby I-I'm sorry- I- I-
Ruby: *Hugging Yang back* No- Yang- I
Yang: *Puling back slightly, cupping ruby's cheeks* Dont- please please PLEASE never do anything like that again-
Ruby: *Beginning to Cry* No Yang, I Won't! I'm Sorry!
Weiss: *Swallows thickly* I'm- I'm glad you and Ruby are Back, Penny.
Penny: I am glad to be back!
Jaune: Ruby was always going to come back.
Weiss: And you!
Jaune: Uh Oh.
Weiss: Don't you Ever- EVER Jump into Fire again!
Jaune: The Fire form the Leaves isn't That hot, and my Aura could take it!
Weiss: Would you have jumped into the fire even if your aura was broke?
Jaune: ... No?
Weiss: ... *Walks over to him, cups his cheeks* Jaune, Don't. Nothing like that ever again, alright?
Jaune: O-Okay. I'll try.
Weiss: Good. *She Kisses him on the cheek* I don't want you to leave us anytime soon. You've come too far to be lost now.
Jaune: *Smiling slightly* Okay Weiss. I'll do that. Hey, Penny-
Penny: Thank you for giving me my Choice. B-Back on the Bridge. It has been ... a very long time, hasn't it? Since then?
Jaune: yeah, But it's ... It's been on my mind a lot.
Penny: Well, I am deeply, truly thankful you did as I asked, and proceeded to take care of some form of myself here in the Ever After.
Penny: I am also unable to apologize enough for *Gestures vaguely, both at him and in general* This. I wish you didn't have to suffer alone with the weight of what happened to me on your shoulders.
Jaune: ... you and me Both Penny. Thanks for thanking me, I guess.
Blake: Hey, Uh, What are we gonna do with her?
Neo Stood at the crater the Cat had been in, glaring at it before realizing attention was on her. She strode to wards the edge of the branch and looked over into the darkness.
Ruby: *Standing up, wiping tears form her eyes and handing a still weeping Yang to Blake* Hey, Neo ... You don't have much to live for do you?
Neo: *Cocks head, Shakes head*
Ruby: Well ... You're pretty strong. We could use your help back home.
Ruby: Going down there means you'll probably lose yourself, especially since you don't want to be yourself.
Ruby: Uh- Roman's last words, before the Griffin got him and the Airship crashed were, to me. Over sending you down.
Ruby: "You want to be a hero? Then play the part and die like every other Huntsman in history! As for me, I'll do what I do best: lie, steal, cheat and survive!"
Ruby: I- Obviously- Everyone Dies. My Mom Did. Penny Did. Pyrrha Did. Roman Did.
Ruby: If you go down there You might not die. You might find yourself, who you really want to be. But you might not remember who you were. You probably won't remember Roman.
Ruby: So come with us. So long as you don't double-cross us, we- won't have problems with you. We're gonna stop Salem, and that means getting Answers from Cinder. We can't kill her, not unless she's actively trying to kill us. Other than that ... We'll just ask you not to be selfish and steal things from poor folks. Other than that, I'll defend your right to be free, and who knows, maybe if you help us stop Salem, you'll be pardoned for your crimes.
Ruby: So ... What do you say.
Neo: *Looks over the edge, looks at Group, staring in question*
Ruby: You want to know what they think?
Neo: *nod*
Yang: You've tried to kill me. You've tried to kill Ruby, and also drove her to what amounts to suicide. I can't just forgive like that ... But ... I trust Ruby, and so long as you don't try anymore stuff, and keep away from me whenever possible, then You can join us. I'll bite my tongue on it.
Blake: Many hands make light work. I wouldn't mind having another person on our side.
Weiss: You have caused a lot of issues, Neo. Keep your hands out of other's pockets and weapons away from other's throats, and I won't complain about you.
Penny: Miss Neo, You are a highly wanted individual, with one of the largest bounties on Remnant. Your life there will always be dangerous, with many, many criminals wanting to put a knife in your back, with many, many people that will refuse to help you.
Penny: Personally, I do not like you either.
Penny: However, Ruby seems to believe you capable of avoiding most further violent crimes, and as such, if she is willing to extend a hand to you, I will back her up as her friend.
Jaune: You hurt me and My Team really badly last we all met. You stole the relic of knowledge from us and have been the worst kind of outside pain. You've helped Cinder and hurt a lot of the people I care about, but ...
Jaune: You're a good fighter. Going just off of my Gut tells me ... Yeah. You'd be a good ally. Not a chance you'll ever be an upstanding citizen, but maybe you won't be the worst.
Neo: *Looks across them all, takes one last glance down the Tree*
Ruby: So, What's your choice?
Neo: *Stares at Ruby, questioning*
Ruby: You're Aimless. If I had to guess, Roman gave you the friend you needed. Someone to believe in, to care about. I'm willing to be that for you. Let's call it an apology to him. I can't replace him, but I can act in his stead.
Neo: *Thinks for a moment, Takes Roman's hat off, studying it*
'Roman': Hey. I think She's Gonna Join you.
The false Roman Looked to Neo, who plucked the feather out of his hat, and handed the cap to him.
'Roman': Thanks. I was missing this. Goodbye Neo.
And 'Roman' Stepped off the Branch, dissolving into the shards that made up the illusion of him.
Neo: *Places Feather on her chest like a brooch, stands a little away from the group*
Then, with one last look to each other, the group walked into the Portal in the Tree. Jaune was made Young again, they learned the truth of the Brothers, the origin of the Ever After, and what will become of Little and Juniper and eventually made it back to 'when' they are needed most.
They looked across the Vacuan Sands, seeing the city in the distance and the swarm of ships in the sky.
They'd made it home. All alive, and in time, Well.
Who knows what will happen next?
~The End~
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cornerofhell · 7 months
The ScreamRedeemed!AU cast! ♥️
Billy Loomis x Stu Macher x Nancy Downs
Sam Carpenter (She/her)
Lilith (Lily) Downs (She/her)
Tara Carpenter (She/her)
Jason Michael Loomis (He/him)
Dennis (Denny) Norman Loomis (He/him)
Penelope (Penny) Octavia Loomis (She/her)
Sidney Presscott x Randy Meeks x Sarah Bailey
Tobe Andrew Meeks (He/him)
Cassandra (Cassie) Taylor Meeks (She/they)
Martha Meeks x ?
Chad Meeks-Martin (He/him)
Mindy Meeks-Martin (She/her)
Gale Weathers x Dewey Riley
Matthew (Matt) James Riley (He/him)
Tatum Riley x Rochelle Zimmerman
Harley Blake Zimmerman (They/Them)
Bonnie Harper x Mickey Altieri
Lucas (Luke) Ethan Altieri (He/him)
Zachary (Zach) Lee Altieri (He/him)
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sixofpomegranates · 2 years
The Dove and the Agent | Ch. 31
🕊 Story Masterlist  | 18+ | AO3 | Wattpad 🕊
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🔙 Previous Chapter
Chapter CW: Mentions of anxiety/food-alcohol+consumption, jealousy, pining, exes, friends with benefits, Van Gogh,
A/N: Hi! Sorry that it's been so long! As you may have hurt: I published my first NOVEL! (Big thanks to those who told me to unalive myself for publishing it) The Link is in my profile!!
I hope you enjoy the new chapter, and tell me how you like the new cover!
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"Do you know that it is very, very necessary for honest people to remain in art? Hardly anyone knows that the secret of beautiful work lies to a great extent in truth and sincere sentiment."
— Vincent Van Gogh
✿ Dove's POV ✿
Today? A total success — I mean, as much as a funeral can be one...
Spencer seemed so happy at the end, even dancing to a song. Not even to mention that he said that I was now his favorite person.
I did not cry because of it, but I definitely wanted to.
I had never been somebody's favorite anything before. I like to think that maybe I would've been Ellie's, but she never understood what I meant with the whole "favorite person" notion of mine... To be fair, I overthink all of it too much anyway.
When the guest had left, and solely the team and I were left at the funeral home, we helped clean up. Afterward, as we actually wanted to go home, Rossi invited us back to his mansion since tomorrow Alex Blake, Aaron Hotchner, and Kate Callahan would be leaving again.
I was a little tired, my batteries drained from all the human interactions, but as I saw how excited Professor Reid seemed, I agreed to it.
It was a lovely, warm evening, so we sat outside in the garden, Penelope and Krystall mixing cocktails for us. I sat next to my Professor, simply listening to the ongoing conversations.
"Here, Kitten," Penelope said, handing me a deep red drink in a sugar-rimmed glass.
"Thanks," I chirped in reply, feeling Spencer eyeing the cocktail. I held it to him, offering him a sip, but he instantly declined, mumbling something about something that red, not seeming healthy.
"So, Dove. You're still in college?" Blake asked me as the previous conversation had died down.
I wasn't exactly excited about having to talk about myself since it wasn't like I had anything interesting to tell, but I nodded, "Yeah. Uhm, I will graduate in July and then directly start my FBI training."
Hotch raised his eyebrows, asking fatherly, "You already got some firearm training?"
Shaking my head, I began fidgeting with my fingers, a little embarrassed, "No. B-But Professor Reid said he'd take me to a shooting range."
As my nervous gaze met Spencer's, he scrunched his nose and grinned at me.
The former BAU Chief nodded, "Okay, the first thing you should learn is not to be afraid of the gun in your hands while also treating it with the uppermost respect. It may be just an inanimate object, but in this job, it is also your partner." While taking a sip from his scotch, he snickered, "Spencer needed years not to get scared by his gun. He even failed his firearms qualification exam in the beginning."
Licking his lips as all laughed, Spencer said, "And now I carry two guns and am an excellent shoot."
Drinking from my cocktail, I was hit with a nice sweetness through and through. It was probably one of those cocktails that hid away just how alcoholic they were—dangerous stuff.
"You like it?" Krystall asked, and I nodded. "It's Pomegranate syrup," Penny explained to the group so everyone having a drink would know.
Leaning over, Spencer whispered into my ear, "Careful, Sweetheart, else you might end up having to spend six months a year in the underworld."
I giggled, looking at him, "Say what you want, but Hades and Persephone had the most unproblematic relationship in all of the Greek pantheon."
He shrugged. "It's not like Zeus made that a difficult task."
Nodding, I giggled, "Yeah, Zeus's a slut." He looked at me, appalled. "Dove." "What? Am I wrong?" I asked, blinking innocently, making him chuckle.
"Who's a slut?" Penelope asked loudly, having parts of our private whispers announced to the whole table.
I quickly shook my head, cheeks starting to become hot as hell. I didn't have the means to explain my unfunny jokes. "Oh, no one. It's nothing."
Tara raised her eyebrows and Emily asked teasingly, "Were we interrupting the fun?"
I quickly shook my head, physically scooting a little away from Spencer while taking a sip from my drink. The awkward silence solely seemed to be noticed by me, but God, the moment was awkward.
Spencer seemed to catch a glimpse of my discomfort, asking Alex quickly, "How's work going?" Turning to me, he explained, "Blake is a professor at Harvard."
"Harvard?" I asked, surprised, feeling my silly little heartstrings being pulled by something I couldn't describe as anything other than melancholia.
The brunette nodded. "Linguistics."
"I always wanted to go to Harvard; they have a great art program," I overshared.
"Can't imagine a smart girl like you didn't get accepted," Aaron said.
I quickly shook my head. "Oh, I did. I actually got accepted by a couple of Ivy League Colleges. I- I just went to Georgetown so I could study with my cousin together."
Ellie. A stinging in my heart, that most certainly had shown in my voice, reminded me so suddenly of her.
Why didn't I think of her lately? What friend was I to just live my life as though my best friend didn't die only a couple of months ago?
Spencer's hand wrapped around my thigh, squeezing it. That guy was reading my mind, I swear.
"You switched majors at Georgetown too," he said, directing the subject into safer waters before I would drown. "Only the final exam was missing to get your title of Master of Fine Arts, right, little bird?"
Kate frowned. "I'm sorry, but how did you go from art to psychology? Not really understandable for me."
"Oh, Uhm, my mom wanted me to change majors because she worried being an Art Major wouldn't get me a real job."
"You know, if you really had all your hours and exams until that, you could ask if you can take the finals with the other students at the end of the semester and get your diploma," Alex informed me.
"Really?" I asked, intrigued and surprised. "Doesn't- Doesn't that mess with my other exams?"
"Only if it's too much for you to learn."
I quickly shook my head, laying one hand on Spencer's and wrapping the other around his wrist.
He chuckled softly as I giggled. "Oh, no. I know that stuff by heart."
"187?" Kate asked. "126," I replied.
"Do you want me to write the dean about it?" my Professor suggested.
I had always wanted to be an artist... Yes, painting and creating art still made me one, but there was something so special to me about having a diploma in the one and only thing I had ever chosen for myself.
My whole life was built on the unsteady ground of academic pressure. My worth was my grades. My hobbies were studying to improve my grades. My mother always discredited my art as a waste of time.
My hobby now academically titling me an artist would prove my mother wrong. It would be something solely for me, something she could never attribute to herself.
This title would be mine.
"Yeah," I whispered.
Spencer smiled. "Sure?"
I nodded. Mom would either don't care or absolutely hate this. She liked to be involved in my academic decisions. "Uh-huh. I want that."
"Look at you, making decisions for yourself," he praised me gently. "Gonna talk to the dean first thing on Monday. Promise."
We smiled at each other, and he squeezed my thigh again. Alex cleared her throat, making us look at her. She took a sip from her beer, smiling at my Professor. "So, Spence, are you seeing somebody at the moment?"
Spencer quickly removed his hand from my thigh, licking his lips which parted into a coy grin. I knew he had no girlfriend, but my wrongly-wired brain still felt anxious about his answer.
He chuckled. "No. No, not at all."
"And you, Dove?" Alex asked.
A very loud laugh escaped me, startling me completely. I quickly shook my head. "Sorry, I- No. No, no chance. I am unfit for any human relationship."
"She's also Franz Kafka," Spencer snickered towards his friend.
"I just relate to that quote," I speedily spoke to my defense.
He nodded teasingly. "Yeah. And you have an awful taste in man. Logan is definitely the blueprint for idiots worldwide."
"Yeah, so? I- Jake's nice, though," I stammered, making him raise his brows. "I was just teasing you a bit, little bird," he said."I didn't know you were still talking to Jake..."
I shrugged, staring down into my drink. I needed to have it sound casual, normal. "I- We're still talking... Kinda. At least once I have the guts to reply to his texts."
Yeah, now that wasn't a dipshit answer at all. I legitimately sounded like a thirteen-year-old.
Penelope looked at me, surprised. "What did he write?" she asked, quickly taking my phone as I held it out to her.
The table became silent, everyone now seeming to be up in my business. Penny cleared her throat dramatically.
"Hey, Dove. Haven't heard from you since our date, and classes switched back to home office. Hope everything is alright. Wanted you to know I had a blast at our date; maybe we could do it again? - J"
I hadn't thought I'd hear from him again, to be honest. I had been awkward and ended up staying with Spencer and the guys, joining their gentleman's night, but apparently, Jake had a blast.
"Aw," Penelope squealed, looking at me. "Why haven't you written back yet?
I shrugged, embarrassed and red-faced.
I mostly didn't write back because I was lost for words. What was I supposed to write? As I'd learned, it takes me ages to build up relationships in a romantic type of way, and I hadn't thought there was a connection between us, even after I'd let him kiss me... So I put it off.
"You want me to tell him off?" Spencer offered promptly.
I shook my head. "N-No," I said, taking my phone back. "I... just need time to figure out what to do."
"If you don't wanna see him again but are too scared to tell him, just let me do it," he insisted.
"I don't know if I don't want to see him again."
My Professor's jaw clenched, and both his eyebrows shot up. "Oh," he said in a suspiciously neutral tone. "Okay."
"It was a nice date," I said.
"You said you two didn't connect." His answer had come so promptly that it threw me off.
"Well, that probably just takes some time. Demisexual and all that, remember?"
"He left you behind at that bar," Spencer frowned, almost disgusted. "Didn't even bother to take you home."
"He left me with you, Derek, Luke, and Matt, because I wanted to stay."
Okay? Was I missing something? Jake was a nice guy, and although at times a little petty, Spencer had no reason to be that upset.
As he shook his head, I asked, "Why don't you like Jake?"
"I don't dislike the boy. I just think someone like you shouldn't date a guy like him," my Professor let out, annoyed.
I furrowed my brows, "Someone like me?"
"A smart, beautiful woman that has options. You could have anyone, so why settle for someone that doesn't sweep you off your feet every second you're together?"
"Yeah, because the guys willing to date me are piling up on my doorstep," I deadpanned.
"Dove," he pressed, making me giggle with a snort.
"No, I'm serious," I insisted with all the sarcasm I had to offer. "It's getting hard opening the door to my apartment. Any more guys, and I'll have to buy a super long ladder and climb in through the window."
"Dove, I am serious." "Well, hi, Serious. I'm Dove."
He looked at me, that one vein on his forehead so much more prominent than usual. "I really don't understand why we're arguing over Jake... It's not like I'm criticizing your relationship with – what's her name? – Max."
"Max is my ex. You can't compare that," he exclaimed, making me answer him just as loudly. "And Jake is a guy that took me on a date ones. See? I told you this conversation is ridiculous."
"I'm just watching out for you, Dove." "Well, don't. I think Jake's a nice guy, and I don't care if I can do better in your opinion."
"Dove," he said as if this talk-ending voice of his had ever made me shut up. "Spencer," I replied, watching the vein on his forehead pulsate.
"Guys?" Kate interrupted us.
We both looked at her and then at the others at the table. Derek looked like he was having a blast. Aaron was pinching the bridge of his nose, still smiling however.
Tara and Emily were snickering something behind their hands; then they applauded us. "Brava," Emily said, lifting her glass in our direction. "Encore," Tara chuckled.
Spencer and I shared a look; both embarrassed over others witnessing our nonsensical bickering.
"We should start charging money for this bit," he sighed, resting a hand on my back and starting to rub circles. "I'm sorry, okay?" he said. "I'm backing off—no more overprotectiveness."
It was annoying but sweet that Spencer was overprotective. I nodded, grinning at him. "It's okay. Old habits die hard, I guess."
"I trust your judgment, Sweetheart. When you say he's a good guy, I'll try not to have Penelope stalk his ass."
Derek let out a deeply amused chuckle."Imagine one of us would've overreacted that much when pretty boy had his first little tête-à-tête."
I tilted my head, some of our friends laughed. "Excuse me?"
I was certain I had just misheard that. Spencer wasn't one for flings... Right?
"Everyone has some adventures in their youth. We only know about Reid's because he joined the BAU so young," Aaron said.
I nodded. "So, you know Spencer for quite a long time now?" He smiled. "Since Gideon got him to join the FBI at twenty-two."
Nodding again, I took another sip of my drink. I wasn't a nosey person... No. Not me.
"You wanna hear that story, don't you?" Derek grinned.
My professor answered faster than I could. "No, she doesn't."
The table went mostly silent, ready to let go of the subject unless I'd say something.
"I'd actually like to know," I mumbled.
Spencer groaned. "No, Sweetheart. Don't be nosey."
"I'm not nosey," I answered. "It's just that everybody else seems to know, and I feel left out."
Sighing, Spencer leaned back against his chair, signaling to our friends to tell me the story.
"Okay, so, you know Lila Archer?" Derek asked. I nodded. Who doesn't at this point? "Good. When she starred in this beach-teen TV show, before the Rom-Com with Dean Havans, she had a stalker."
"Yeah, her friend from Julliard. Mom watched Lila's interview with '60 seconds' on the news when I was five or six," I said.
"The BAU was working on that case, and Spencer was her bodyguard," Aaron added.
Feeling my cheeks heat up, I said, smiling, "Okay, yeah, right. Now you're just messing with me. Got it."
I knew jokes like that; my parents made them all the time. It was funny to them telling me lies and having me fall for them. It was like a party trick for them.
"Nah-uh, pretty girl," Derek said.
Penelope handed me her phone. There was an old cover from a gossip magazine.
'A Mystery Man In Lila's Life?' it read. On it: a very, very young Spencer Reid kissing nonother than Lila Archer.
Derek continued the story. "Me and Elle, a former co-worker, caught a very invested paparazzi taking pictures in the bushes when those two were having a little something in Lila's swimming pool."
"The girls in college would have a field trip with this," I said, voice coated in humor. "I mean, Lila Archer? Seriously."
She was so pretty; it actually felt like a kick to the stomach as my brain involuntarily compared me to her.
I held the screen in Spencer's direction, noting a deep blush on his cheeks and how he avoided my eyes. "It was just a kiss," he insisted.
"Uh-uh. Those hickeys said something else, Spence," a woman joked as she stepped out into the garden accompanied by Portia, who'd come home and seemed to have let her in.
The stranger was pretty, around the same age as my friends. Her almond-shaped dark brown eyes gazed teasingly at my Professor, who jumped up and pullied her into a hug.
One after another, my friends left the table, greeting the dark-haired woman. Her arm was still slung around Spencer's waist; his arm was laid over her shoulders.
I got up as well, to be polite, I assumed. A smile was plastered on my face as I joined them.
Why the fuck were they so touchy with each other?
"Dove," my Professor said. "This is Elle Greenway."
Elle. Okay. I had contacted her via mail days prior but never got an answer.
"Hi," I said, holding my hand out to Elle... Purposefully so she would take her hands off Spencer.
Like, seriously, get a room. Just don't get a room, you know?
She shook my hand, smiling. "Hello."
"Dove's one of my students," Spencer told her half-heartedly while walking her to the table and offering her his seat. "I can't believe you are here. It's been two years, minimum."
One of your students... Uh-huh. Spencer, you're missing a few things. I am not only your student. I'm also:
Your colleague.
And your neighbor.
And your friend.
And your fucking favorite person?
I sat down at the table again, not liking that I had to sit next to this woman I didn't know. Emptying my drink, Penelope quickly replaced it with another, winking at me.
"Don't be jealous, Kitten. They're just old friends," she whispered while I watched Elle running her hand through my Professor's curly mane.
"Not jealous," I whispered back, a little insulted, starting to drink my new, more alcoholic beverage.
After two more glasses, it was fair to say that I was tipsy. Elle was nice, one of those bad bitches who didn't take shit from anybody, having completely encaptured Spencer's attention... Making me annoyed.
I wasn't jealous. I was annoyed.
"I totally saved your life," my Professor insisted as they discussed an old case in which a magic trick performed by him had saved the day.
Portia had joined us shortly after Elle, and since then, I sat between her and Penelope.
"Green's not your color. Take a shot," the blonde said, filling mine, her, and Penny's shot glasses with tequila again.
"I look good in green," I informed her, pouring the burning alcohol down my throat and scrunching my nose at the taste.
Rossi had already decided that we were all going to stay the night. Yet, with Alex, Kate, and Aaron here as well, we needed to share the rooms.
I couldn't stop my face from scrunching up as Elle rested her hand on my Professor's thigh. Way too high up on his thigh, actually. Flirting-territory high.
Standing up and grabbing the tequila bottle, Penelope announced, "Okay, Kitten, Portia, let's go upstairs, fill the air mattress, and change into our jammies."
I was going to stay in a room with Penny and Luke. Where Spencer was going to sleep was a mystery to me since he was too busy catching up with his friends, but that wasn't my problem... Just didn't know if I could sleep without my white-noise koala.
Portia pulled me to my feet, and we walked inside. In her bedroom, Penelope and I sat on the bed while the blonde searched through her closet.
She threw short hot pants and a tank top at me. "You think Spencer and this Elle are doing it?" she asked, making me choke on the sip of tequila I had just taken.
"No," I said, irritated. "He- He just came out of a relationship a couple of months ago."
"As far as I know, they're just friends," Penny said, changing into the pajamas from her go-bag she kept in her car.
"They have that energy between them, though," Portia said while I turned my back to them to change into the clothes she'd handed me. Looking me up and down, she added, "That looks hot on you."
In the mirror in the far left corner of Portia's bedroom, I inspected the scratches on my throat. I was a lot of things, but hot wasn't one of them.
We walked into the guest bedroom and let the electronic air pump blow up the mattress while we continued drinking.
"So, you snatched yourself a Luke Alvez," Portia started. "How's it going?"
Squealing happily, Penelope chirped, "Amazing. Like, I knew he's a great man, but now I know know he's a great man."
"Sounds awesome, Penny," I said, having her pet my knee.
"I'm sorry, Kitten. I didn't want to rub it into your face."
"You didn't?" I told her, confused, taking another sip of tequila. "I'm really happy for you and Luke. You're my friends."
"You sure?"
"Absolutely," I assured her. "No matter what my situation is, I would never not be happy for you out of envy."
"Okay, then..." Penny said with a dramatic pause. "We're thinking about moving in together."
"Already?" I asked, surprised.
"Yes. Luke has two dogs, as you know, and my apartment is too small... So now the question is if I move into Luke's house, or we buy a new one."
"That's great. I- I'll help on moving day if you want," I offered. "I hope I'm one day as in love as you two are."
"Can't believe you're single," Portia said. "You are so cute."
I shook my head. "I'm basic at best, and my trauma didn't even make me funny, only weird."
"Don't say shit like that," the blonde scolded me. Penelope agreed. "You are amazing, smart, pretty, and kind."
They passed the bottle between them, and I asked, "Do you really think Spencer and Elle have something going on?"
"So you are into him," Portia said, but I shook my head.
"N-No. I don't really feel things like that. Also, is Spencer, my favorite person, and having any non-platonic feelings for him would ruin that," I explain, blushing.
"What's a favorite person?" Portia asked, making me shrug while thinking of how to explain it without seeming like a crazy person.
"It's like a comfort person, I guess. Somebody who knows that you're broken but still stays. Somebody who makes you feel like you're worth the effort."
The silence between us was broken when Penny said, "Okay. That just killed me." She wiped a non-existent tear from her eye. "Does Reid know how you feel about him?"
I nodded. "I- I don't know if he fully grasps the concept of the title, but he lives up to it as though he does."
"I say that's love," Portia announced. As I shook my head, she added, "That level of feelings is love. Platonic or romantic, doesn't matter."
Taking the last sip from the tequila bottle, I said, "The thing that bugs me about all about Elle is just the same as with Max, JJ, and Lila fucking Archer. They are so pretty and confident and have their shit together. Why is that his type? I'm really starting to get an inferiority complex."
"Two things," Portia said, holding up three fingers but quickly collecting herself. "First, stop comparing yourself to others. No matter how beautiful you think a person is, some will always disagree with you. Secondly, you're scared that Spencer could like anybody more than you."
"Because if he has a girlfriend, he'll stop spending time with me. I bet she wouldn't be the biggest fan of me sleeping in Spencer's bed or him calling me Sweetheart, either..." I said, guilt filling me. "I'm selfish. He deserves to be happy, but it legitimately makes me want to vomit."
"Yeah, it's selfish," Penny agreed. "Thanks," I answered sarcastically. "But Spencer is no better. Why else do you think he doesn't like Jake?"
I shrugged, making Penelope give Portia a quick rundown of who Jake was.
"Oh," Portia laughed at the part where Penelope shared her theory of the migraine Spencer had gotten last week being actually jealousy induced. "He is so jealous. You two are literally matching that one Ariana Grande song."
Both started singing Boyfriend, absolutely motivated and completely off-key.
Wanting to take another sip, I noted the empty bottle. "Not drunk enough for this shit."
"You know what that means," Portia laughed. "Let's go downstairs and get another bottle."
We walked downstairs, about to enter the kitchen, when Penelope stopped us. There were two people inside, talking. One was Elle, and the other person, standing with their back in our direction, was Spencer.
"I'm sorry things didn't work out with Max," Elle said.
Spencer sighed. "Well, what can you do? At least we didn't end entirely on bad terms. You're sure you wanna go back to the hotel? You could stay here."
"Why?" Elle asked. "You offering to share a room with me?"
Stepping closer and rubbing her hand over his chest, she said. "It's been a while. Why don't you just come with me, and we spend the night as we would before your relationship?"
Oh. Portia had read the signs right. I swallowed roughly, sharing a look with the two blondes. Maybe we should spy on them.
"Let's go back upstairs," I whispered, tugging on Penny's arm. "Eavesdropping is a shitty thing to do."
Spencer leaned down closer to Elle, and that was when Portia grabbed my hand and dragged me back to mine and Penelope's room.
Fuck. It shouldn't even bother me as much as it did. Spencer was a single man who was allowed to have as many casual flings and fuck buddies as he wanted to. It was none of my business.
Drunk Dove truly was a jealous bitch.
♜ Spencer's POV ♜
"I can't," I told Elle, taking her hands off my chest and holding them in mine.
Of course, never when I was in a relationship, but Elle and I had made it a habit of seeing each other casually whenever she was in town after leaving the FBI.
Now that I was single, it was more than fair for her to assume I would take her up on her offer and fuck her silly to get rid of pent-up tension, but I didn't feel any interest in her anymore.
She was still a friend, and I had been thrilled to see her since she wasn't the most reliable person when it came to keeping in touch, but my body held no desire for her since my heart already lived elsewhere.
"Can I ask why?" she questioned calmly.
"Dove," was all I said.
"Your student?" "She's so much more than just a student," I said, holding back the urge to brag about my little bird.
Elle tilted her head. "I didn't know you two are-" I interrupted her. "We aren't."
A grin spread on her lips. "Spencer Reid, are you in love?"
I nodded, cheeks burning. "Very much so."
"Haven't heard you say that since Maeve," she said. "Too bad I didn't get to talk to her much."
"Dove's shy and today probably very drunk, thanks to Portia and Penelope."
We both chuckled.
"How bout us having some lunch before I leave tomorrow? You could bring her along," Elle suggested as I brought her to the front door, a cab already waiting outside.
"I'll check if she's up for it. Else it'll be just the two of us," I promised her, holding open the door for her.
"Stop talking to me like that, or I'll take you back to the hotel with me," she warned jokingly, hugging me goodbye.
"Back off, woman. I told you I'm devoted to another," I joked back.
I waited until Elle was in the cab, then returned to the kitchen, where Dove and Portia were in the midst of stealing some snacks and alcohol.
"Oh. Hey, ladies," I greeted them, Dove looking at me shortly with a tight-lipped smile.
"Hi," she mumbled, continuing to unpack frozen pizza pockets and putting them on a plate.
Portia looked me up and down with a smile. "Where's Elle?" she asked, something in her voice almost sounding like an allegation.
"Drove back to her hotel," I answered casually.
Portia nodded. "Didn't think she's your type, tbh, but like, good for you."
"We're just friends," I told Rossi's stepdaughter. "Did I do something to upset the two of you?"
Dove elbowed the blonde gently, them exchanging a look, and then she smiled at me. "She's nice... From what I could see, I mean," my little bird rambled. "Didn't really talk to her a lot; she also never answered the mail I sent, but yeah... Nice."
"Glad to hear that, Sweetheart," I answered, hoping she wasn't being passive-aggressive right now. "She actually asked us to have lunch with her tomorrow before she leaves."
"Us?" Portia asked, laughing teasingly while taking the pizza pockets from the microwave. "Don't think Dove's into threesomes."
I watched Dove become pale instantly. "I'm not into sex in general," she informed her new friend, taking the bottle of tequila from her. "Tequila makes you aggressive."
The blonde looked at her. "Tequila makes me woke."
"Nobody using the word 'woke' is actually as aware of things as they believe to be," Dove giggled, taking one of the pizza pockets. "Why don't you go upstairs with the food and the wine?"
Portia nodded, trying to grab the tequila again, but Dove moved it away. "Uh-uh. I'm cutting you off before you end up in a fistfight."
As we were alone, I asked, "Did I do something to make her hate me?"
Doce shook her head, blushing. "W-We might've overheard you and Elle talking earlier."
No. Fuck.
God, please tell me Dove didn't hear me say I'm in love with her.
"Oh, I- uhm... What did you hear?" I stammered.
"Nothing," my little bird smiled.
"You're lying."
"Just to make you feel better," she assured. "We shouldn't have spied on you."
I stepped closer. Did she know?
"You look pale," Dove mumbled, hand reaching out to my cheek. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Just a little tired," I lied.
She quickly withdrew her hand, brushing some of her white-blonde mane behind her ears. "Are you leaving soon?"
I furrowed my brows. "Why should I leave? We were going to stay the night."
"Oh. Oh, yeah. Okay... Guess I just thought you'd leave with Elle because..." Her voice fell silent as she broke eye contact.
"Can you tell me what you overheard?" I asked as it dawned on me that the picture she had of me right now wasn't the best. "From favorite person to favorite person?"
"Just that you and Elle are... You know," Dove said, quickly looking at me. "I- I'm not judging. Elle is very pretty, and you seem to get along well. I just thought you'd take her up on the offer to drive to her hotel together, and yeah, guess I was wrong."
She thought I was having sex with Elle... Which wasn't entirely wrong, but she definitely missed the most crucial part of it all. Herself.
Elle and I? We were in the past.
Now I just needed to convince Dove about it without dropping the "I love you"-bomb on her.
"Elle and I, we-"
She interrupted me, smiling. "You don't have to justify yourself. It's also none of my business who you're hooking up with."
"We're not hooking up," I said. "We did... In the past, but not anymore."
"So you're just friends now?" I nodded, making her tilt her head. "I don't get that. How do you turn that kind of emotions just off?"
"It was just sex, no love," I chuckled.
Dove shrugged, taking a sip of tequila straight from the bottle. "Guess that's the demisexuality for me 'cause I can't separate those two things. Casual sex is so weird to me. I mean, sex in general because but, yeah... You know what I mean."
I nodded. "I know what you mean, Sweetheart."
She shifted her weight to her other side, wobbling.
"How drunk are you?" I asked, making her giggle.
"Pretty drunk," she answered, breaking her pizza pocket and handing me one of the halves.
I took a bite, burning my tongue. "That is so hot," I exclaimed, gulping firey tequila to save my tongue.
"It's fresh out of the microwave. What did you expect?" Dove giggled.
I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her against my chest, pressing a kiss to her temple.
"Can I tell you something?" she asked quietly.
"Portia asked me what a favorite person is because I mentioned that you're mine, and I had a pretty hard time explaining it..." she started. "Do you know what I mean when I tell you that you're my favorite person?"
I nodded, "I think I do."
Her big blue eyes stared at me. "Can I try to explain it to you anyway? Just to make sure?"
"Of course," I said.
I held the title of favorite person dear to my heart. I was sure to know what she meant, but there was no harm in hearing it come from her heart-shaped lips.
"I'm all ears," I cooed.
"My favorite artist is Vincent Van Gogh," she said.
"Something within me resonates with him ever since I was little. He struggled with his mental health, his parents didn't understand him—even asked him to move out, he was often treated like he was crazy, and he couldn't keep a job although he wanted nothing more than to be needed and do good.
"It already started off wrong when he was born. There were expectations put upon him he just couldn't fulfill. His still grieving parents named him after his older brother, who died at birth the year prior, with whom Vincent even shared a birthday..."
Dove shook her head, wavy white-blond her framing her face. "I'm sorry, I'm rambling. What I want to say is: Vincent Van Gogh had a brother named Theodorus—or Theo for short. He actually had five more siblings, but bear with me here," she said gently.
"Although Vincent had a good relationship with all his siblings... his and Theo's was special. Theo was four years younger, but he was sort of taking on the big brother role. He encouraged Vincent to start painting as he wanted to be an artist but didn't dare to, he bought him paint, he financially supported him.
"Theo would say that he was able to sell Vincent's paintings at his job as an art dealer and gave him money, yet what actually happened was that nobody wanted those paintings. So Theo lied and secretly hoarded all the paintings at home because he believed in Vincent and knew that one day the world would appreciate his brother's art as much as he did.
"He was there when Vincent needed to be institutionalized and made sure he was allowed to continue painting in there. He could've just let Vincent rot there as so many did back in the day with mentally ill family members, but he didn't.
"Theo said that loving his brother was hard at times as it felt like Vincent was torn between two different personalities, but his unwavering love for him always stayed strong.
"When Vincent then was on his deathbed, Theo wasted no time traveling to him and sat next to his brother until he died."
Taking a deep, shaky breath, Dove blinked away some tears. "Shortly after Vincent's death, Theo lost it, having to be institutionalized. He died only six months after this brother, some saying he couldn't handle the loss of Vincent as he was his only friend. It was simply too much. His wife Johanna made sure they could be together in death, burying the brothers side by side in a commune in France.
"Vincent was Theo's favorite person and vice versa. I never loved anybody like that except for Ellie. So, when I tell you that you're my favorite person, I mean that you are the Theo to my Vincent. That I know, I can trust you to be there for me even when I am too broken to be loved."
Dove wiped away her tears; I helped her while blinking away mine. Her explanation was so personal, raw, and vulnerable. I didn't wonder that she struggled to define it to Portia.
I still hadn't thought about how I would go about my feelings toward her. I didn't know if she would ever romantically return them, but I was okay with this.
Pure, unapologetic love.
Her words explained it better than I ever could. Seeing the other's most ugly self and still loving them was special and a deeper form of love than I'd ever experienced.
Dove loved me as her Theo, and would never stop, even if I'd turn into Vincent.
I wiped some tears from my eyes, knowing that I would go through all the hardships my life had given me one hundred times again if this would be where I would end up.
"I love you too, little bird," I promised her. "Always will, as much as you'll need me to."
I respected the wobbly line of platonic love between us, but how platonic was love between soulmates? Was it even to be separated in platonic and romantic love, or was it so much more than any of our simple-minded human words could describe?
Dove smiled at me, stating, "I need a hug."
Within seconds I had pulled her into one. Pressing her face into my chest, she mumbled, "I miss Ellie. Don't know why, but today it hurts again."
I gently rubbed her back. "It's okay. I understand it."
"I know. You always do," she said. "You're my person."
She pulled away from the hug, looking at the cold pizza pocket and the open tequila bottle on the kitchen counter.
"Are you staying with Penny, Luke, and me? We could share the air mattress on the floor," she asked, making me kiss her forehead.
"Of course," I said. "But just be warned that I'm getting too used to us sleeping in the same bed.
She giggled. "Ditto. We're so co-dependent."
"So, does my favorite person come to lunch with me tomorrow?" I asked, making her forehead crease. "You do not have to, Sweetheart."
"Only if you promise I won't see you flirting with Elle," Dove finally said, sounding a little jealous. "That would be so awkward. Don't wanna be the third wheel."
I chuckled, promising her I wouldn't.
How should I even look at another woman if my heart had already arrived, anyway?
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httpsbrie · 2 years
criminal minds sexuality and gender identities <3
if you don’t agree or say something about canon, kindly shush. These are my headcanons so what I think, not what the show portrayed.
Jason Gideon : okay so I know we see him written like a straight man, but in my heart Jason is gay. He just doesn’t let it define him, him and Rossi deffo had a thing at the start of the BAU and it took him awhile to come to accept himself as fully gay. Could also see him as a trans man, but not as much as I see him as a gay man.
David Rossi : omnisexual. I will take no criticism on this, he doesn’t care how you identify if he is attracted to you. He is attracted to you. As stated above, him and Gideon also definitely did it.
Aaron Hotchner : Hotch loved Hayley, I hate their relationship later on in the show. But you cannot say he didn’t love her. However, he had so much tension with Blackwolf in the S1 episode ‘The Tribe’. So, I don’t see him as fully straight. Until I find a label that better suits him either Unlabelled or Queer.
Derek Morgan : unlabelled or bisexual but due to Buford he is more reluctant to engage in a mlm relationship, I think he has accepted his sexuality but will probably be more reluctant to start a physical relationship with a man unless he fully trusts that man.
Emily Prentiss : lesbian.
Elle Greenaway : lesbian or bisexual, but with a female preference.
Jennifer Jareau : hear me out on this one, in the bar scene where she is having a drink with Will and she was building up to telling him something, I was so ready for her to come out as lesbian. There were small hints, and honestly I could see her as a lesbian. However, that didn’t happen and instead we had Will and JJ and I admit they have grown on me so. Before the relationship between Will and JJ was developed or even hinted, lesbian however I can see her as a bisexual woman.
Spencer Reid : bisexual possibly trans man, if not trans, agender or non binary at the least. Could also see him as a purely gay trans man, and would love that but he does work well with a woman as well. So if it is the bisexual, more with a preference for men. His tension with Ethan is undeniable.
Penelope Garcia : pansexual trans woman. Penny is my little queer baby, I can imagine her realising young that she was trans and her family being like super supportive.
Luke Alvez : gay. Luke is a gay man, that doesn’t understand what’s so important about who you are attracted too. He was a bit scared to come out, as I imagine him in a religious home but his family were supportive. His abuela, was just like “I know.” But I imagine him realising high school, but not coming out too his full family until about 18 years old.
Dr Alex Blake : bisexual.
Dr Tara Lewis : lesbian. No explanation needed.
Kate Callahan : unlabelled. If she likes you, or is attracted to you she just is. She’s never fully looked into all the different labels so, she just says she is attracted to who she is attracted to.
Ashley Seaver : lesbian, however she also labels herself as demisexual (she needs to have a bond before she can find you sexually attractive and want to sleep with you).
Jordan Todd : lesbian. Always thought she had tension with Emily, but she definitely isn’t straight.
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