#people are *trying* to sell it for a lot more but you always gotta check the 'sold for' button
teaboot · 3 months
I'm the lowest level licensed security you can hire
I work foot patrol for shit like wet cement, construction sites, malls, libraries, outreach centers, and local events
My job is, essentially, human scarecrow
I am not permitted to carry a gun.
I am not permitted to carry a taser.
I am not permitted to carry pepper spray.
I am not permitted to carry a baton
I am not permitted to carry a knife or any multitool containing a knife
I don't have a plate vest
I'm not permitted to make any physical contact outside of administering first aid or in self defense, which must be made in minimal force required to ensure personal safety
I escort employees to make bank deposits, ask aggressive or violent people to leave, and take notes on safety hazards in patrolled areas
If someone bleeds, throws up, or takes a dump somewhere they shouldn't, it's between me and the custodian to make sure nobody slips in it bay bee
It is none of my business if someone is doing drugs. If they aren't an active danger to themselves or others then they're golden
If you're selling drugs in clear view I will ask that you please do that elsewhere, ideally with more discretion. End of interaction
If you are using drugs in clear view I will tell you *exactly* where the property ends so you can smoke your bong 3 feet outside of that line where I can't do shit if someone complains. End of interaction
Site Security is not police. It is not LPO. Someone could point you out as you run off the site and say "I saw him shove a microwave down his pants and walk out" and it would be approximately none of my business.
Overdose in the bathroom. I will verbally check twice that you are conscious, and if I get no response I will warn that I am coming in to check on you. If I find you on the ground I will again try to speak to you, warn that I am touching your shoulder, and give you a jiggle. If I can't wake you up I roll you into recovery and wait for paramedics.
Threatening or harassing staff. You cannot make passes at the highschooler operating the pretzel stand. You cannot tell the bank teller you'll "track him down eventually". The lady at the nail salon said she didn't want to marry you six times now and now I'm your problem
Abuse, endangerment, or neglect. If you leave your baby on the sidewalk so you can shop by yourself then I will be the jerk who ruins your day. If you hit your kid I will become very much your problem. If you locked your dog in the car with the windows rolled up six hours ago and it isn't getting up when I tap the window I'm gonna be the biggest pain in the ass you'll see all day
Safety hazards. Don't shoot off a bottle rocket in the parking lot. Yes it's very cool and you probably won't hit anything important but there's a pretty big empty lot like six blocks away man, what if you nail a kid or something. If you wanna take your bearded dragon to the food court, keep him in your coat or in a carrier. Climb the telephone pole on Tuesday because thats my day off
Client complaints/concerns. Boss says you've been here living in your car for three days and it's time to move on. You and I know it's been a month but between us if you switch locations every couple days around the lot she won't catch you again till at least May. As long as you don't leave a bunch of trash laying out we're good.
If you have tattoos on your face, throat, or hands and you wanna pull something you gotta be so incredibly discrete, is so incredibly easy for Law Enforcement to track you down you have no idea. I know like 3 guys with face tattoos in town, one of them's been my buddy since highschool and the other 2 were introduced to me like "watch out for a guy with a star on his cheek, his name is Patrick Sturblish, he's 43 years old and I saw him pocket a redbull once".
Always assume someone is operating the cameras live.
The courts are so insanely overwhelmed all the time, if you nab something small and vital like bandages, tampons, underwear, whatever and don't have a long list of priors usually even a cop won't bother trying to charge you. If I can't tell you not to steal for the consequences then at least don't get cocky about it
In my own experience if you walk into a big store and straight up tell someone "I don't want to steal but I need this very badly" then usually someone will find a way to get it to you
If someone tells me you're stealing on camera I will let you know that someone caught you and it's your last chance to put stuff back before they do something
If you pull a weapon on me or someone else while I'm working then I'm required to inform police so please don't do that thank you
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emilypemily · 2 years
i could sell the trading card holder itself for like 20 quid on ebay but i will not <3
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strawbby-shortcake · 8 months
Dating Tyler Durden! ♡︎
Tyler isn't one to wait around with his feelings, so he's very open and honest when it comes to you. He knew what he wanted, so he went to get it.
Honestly though, he doesn't take rejection well. So if you refused him the first time, you'll have to do it again and again until you give in. He'll display grand gestures to prove that he's the man for you.
If you didn't refuse, great! You're now with an anti-capitalist that kicks ass!!! He's not so bad once you get used to him though.
Tyler is a mix between talking a lot and not talking at all. He likes to talk to you about society and how he's going to change it for the better because you actually listen to him.
When he goes quiet, it usually means his mind is at work or he's focused on a task at hand. That doesn't mean he wants you to leave him alone though. He would rather you be by his side while he's planning.
When he starts Fight Club, you're the first one to know. He makes you promise three times that you won't say anything about it to anyone.
You are NOT allowed to fight, but you can watch him beat people up or tell them that they are "not their fucking khakis."
If you really wanted to fight though, Tyler would only allow you to fight him. Of course, he wouldn't hurt you or anything, but he'll get to see how strong you are.
Every member of Fight Club/Project Mayhem is super kind to you and often steals you things from stores. Whether it's because Tyler told them to do it, or they just wanted to, you didn't know.
For example, one day you were out with Tyler and a few of his space monkeys, and they noticed that you were staring at an item from one of the store's windows.
We all know how Tyler feels about consumerism, BUT he makes an exception for you. Plus, it's not like they're going to pay for it *hint hint*
The next morning, you wake up and see the item placed on your bed with a sticky note that has smiley face on it.
You often hear Tyler yelling at the members, but he never yells at you. He's quite respectful towards you.
Tyler takes you with him to all his odd jobs. You help him splice frames of explicit images into family films. When he has to work as a waiter, he seats you at a table and brings all the clean food you want. He gets distracted by you though and goes to your table far more than the actual customer's tables.
HE MAKES AND HE SELLS SOAPPPP!!! So that means you get to help him out and watch! Be prepared for late night liposuction clinic dumpster runs.
The first time you went with him, you threw up because of the smell. Tyler forced himself to throw up too so you didn't feel embarrassed.
If you have a complaint about anyone or someone is bothering you, there'll be a missing person report on the news within the same week. Tyler does not mess around.
Tyler doesn't force you to smoke, and if you don't like the smell of it, he doesn't smoke around you. In fact, if you really wanted him to, he would attempt to quit. It would be near impossible for him though, but you gotta give him credit!
He loves going into alleyways, hotels, or apartment buildings to dance with you. He doesn't care if anyone is watching. He'll probably have several of the guys to keep watch near the building though, just for safety reasons!
He likes to go thrifting with you. He will pick the most non-matching shirt, jacket, and pants and do a whole fashion show in the store and then walk out with it on. No, he didn't pay. He might borrow your clothes too if he sees something he likes.
Smashing cars around town at midnight? Check. Going to Lou's Tavern multiple days a week? Check.
He'll ask you to play with his hair all the time. He loves it when you do because it relieves tension and makes him sink into the floor.
Makes you special bars of soap with your name on it in different colors.
You get to try on all his cool glasses that he owns.
You'll always be protected no matter where you go.
He's extra cautious when he's out since he doesn't want to die without coming home to you. He could be bleeding out or have a limb ripped off, but he'll manage to come home to Paper Street just to see you one last time. But don't expect that because he's not going to die any time soon.
He shares his gum with you.
He's a great listener when you need him to be.
If you tend to his wounds or scold him when he gets hurt, he doesn't complain. He just sits there, grins, and leans in, knowing you'll kiss him afterwards.
He doesn't say "I love you" super often, but when he does, it's genuine.
Teaches you all about glycerin and the wonders you can do with it.
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brxkxnhxxrtsclxb · 2 months
i wanted to make a list with tips for those who have recently discovered monster high and love the dolls and wanna partake in the hobby in starting a collection 🖤
for starters: i wanna say you do not need to watch the show / media attached to it if you don’t want to or don’t have the time. you can still enjoy the dolls cuz at the end of the day, they’re dolls and you can do whatever you want with them :3 they’re for play so create your own lore and enjoy it however you please 🖤 also, if the show wasn’t for you, that doesn’t make you less of a fan. you can still enjoy the dolls and hobby 🖤
also: MONSTER HIGH IS FOR EVERYONE !! it doesn’t matter if you’re male, female, nonbinary, straight or queer, you can partake in this hobby !!
to start, find the dolls / characters that interest you most
whether you want to collect only dolls of one character or multiple of any and every character, it’s up to you to decide :3 it’s okay. there’s no right or wrong way of collecting. narrowing down the dolls you like best helps to get started. you wanna be sure your first doll(s) is special and really speaks to you 🖤
if you like several dolls and are undecided on certain ones, feel free to wait it out and see how you feel about them in a few days, a week, a month or however long you need
sometimes it’s best to wait and contemplate so you don’t end up regretting a purchase. of course if you do, or loved the doll at first but then changed your mind, it’s okay. you can always sell the doll later. you might be holding onto someone’s grail there !!
if you find you like a doll that has been available for a while but can’t decide between that one and a newer doll, go for the older one (this is specifically for G3 since that’s what we currently have widely available)
dolls have a shelf life of about a year. eventually lines start being phased out (currently SS3 is slowly being phased out) and we have no idea how much they’ll go for in the resell market (see SS1 and SS2 draculaura)
if you wanna collect G1 dolls, check out ebay, mercari, facebook marketplace and your local thrift stores. you never know what you may find and sometimes there’s good deals !!
when it comes to G1 dolls, you have to play the long game and have LOTS of patience. many of these dolls go for hundreds and that’s not okay imo. you don’t have to dump these amounts of money on them, especially since bills and other necessities gotta get covered first !! again, patience is key !! eventually you’ll score your grails
speaking of secondhand market, be careful and make sure you read the descriptions and ask questions. don’t be afraid to do so
unfortunately there have been a surge of scammers flooding the MH community. these are easy to spot. they will either use someone else’s photos for the listing, have zero reviews or refuse to answer questions and provide more pictures. sometimes it’s a combination of all. also know they’re not entirely honest about the condition of the dolls. some will not say they’re a smoke friendly home. please ask questions !! also, request them to add a photo with their username written on a paper to add to the listing to further verify they do in fact have the doll
do not purchase from scalpers
i know, kind of contradictory to say check the secondhand market and then say do not buy from scalpers. of course, it’s your money and you can do what you please with it, but if you can, try not to buy from them. it’s the reason they keep bulk buying the entire stock leaving fans without a chance at grabbing a doll they love and why they keep pricing what they price. if people stop buying from them, they’ll have no choice, but to lower their prices cuz no one is buying them and they don’t wanna sit with a stock of dolls they obviously do not want. so if you can help it, try not to buy from them. as stated before, it’s about patience and good deals do show up. also, wait from buying collector dolls on the aftermarket. the hype needs to first die down before they are lowered in price (happened with bride of chucky, creature from the black lagoon and addams family skullectors)
watch out when shopping online from walmart or / and amazon. sometimes other sellers will list a doll (G3) for an inflated price while they’re currently available in major retailers
you do not need every single doll
only buy the dolls you love. i know it can be devastating to love a doll and see everyone hating it, but don’t let that deter you !! with everyone sharing their personal collections and mattel pumping out dolls so frequently, it can be overwhelming and think you must have every doll. that’s simply not true. don’t feel bad for missing out on collector drops you weren’t fully in love with. and if you don’t really love a doll, it’s okay to opt out if you feel it’s the best choice. it’s also okay to purchase and sell later if you truly didn’t like the doll after receiving it
check for sales
i’m not sure about other countries but in the US, retailers will have sales and many dolls end up on sale. amazon does this too. check frequently. you never know when a doll you want may be on sale !!
check the community (get involved if you feel comfy enough to do so)
i encourage to check reddit, instagram, twitter and other forms of social media to keep up with doll news and leaks. it’s also a great place to make friends, ask questions and help each other out when drops happen. if you make good friends with someone, we can also use each other as proxy services if we live in different countries and grab each other certain exclusive dolls we have no access to :3 some dolls / lines don’t make it to certain countries
it’s okay to take breaks
mattel pumps out dolls frequently and the market can be so saturated, it’s overwhelming. it’s completely fine to feel that way and to take breaks when needed🖤
these are all the tips i can think of at the top of my head
collections are personal and there’s no right or wrong way of doing it. whether you’re an in-box or out-of-box collector, the most important thing is to HAVE FUN !!
i hope this was helpful !! enjoy your collection and welcome to the community!!
anyone can feel free to add any other tips they have to help a new collector out 🖤
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miss-tc-nova · 11 months
Hunted - Leona Kingscholar & "Yuu"
My piece for the Twst Horror Zine. I had a lot of fun thinking of the possible terror and re-watching one of my favorite horror movies.
Premise: Backpacking around Twisted Wonderland goes bad
Words: 2,962
Trigger Warnings: implied death, stalking, isolation
Art done by the incredibly gifted HoKeki on Twitter!
October 23, 20XX
I’m not sure how to start this, so here goes.
Welcome to my journal! Over the next several months, my friends and I will be backpacking across Twisted Wonderland, taking in the sights and cultures across the world. This is going to be my first excursion and I thought it would be fun to document it.
As anyone who knows me might guess, I’m bringing Ace and Deuce along, though I’m not sure how they came to agree on it when they never seem to agree on anything. Even right now, Ace is badgering Deuce about all the stuff he’s bringing. I agree Deuce might’ve overpacked a bit, but I don’t know how Ace thinks he’s going to be fine with just two sets of clothes and his pajamas. At least I don’t have to wear them. So I’ll be spending a lot more time with these dummies, but I’m excited it’s my best friends I get to share this adventure with.
Our first stop is going to be Sunrise City in the Sunset Savanna. From there, we’ll probably go east to the Shaftlands and then maybe up into the Kingdom of Heroes. The great thing is that we get to decide as we go. I was pretty adamant about starting in Sunrise City though. I’ve always wanted to visit since I learned about its culture and how intermingled it is with the wildlife. Also, being directly south of the Queendom of Roses made it an easy choice to start with.
Tomorrow can’t come soon enough. It’ll be a struggle to keep my excitement in check enough to get even an hour of sleep. Though I should probably finish packing first. Thank goodness Riddle isn’t here or I’d never hear the end of my unpreparedness. But that’s part of the fun, right? The spontaneity and not knowing what adventure the next day will bring. It’s the surprises on the horizon that I want to experience. Even the mishaps—because you know that’s gonna happen with the three of us.
I better cut it here. Ace is about to get punched in the face and I still gotta pack.
October 24, 20XX
We finally made it! It took so long the sun is already starting to sink in the sky, but we’re here! Our plane was surprisingly small. In fact, the port here is more rural than I was expecting. It feels a lot more wild—like a safari.
Still, it’s absolutely breathtaking. Clear skies shine bright and the plains ripple like liquid gold in the breeze. Only the captivating local culture could stop me from staring at it for hours. The people are really kind. Most were obviously trying to make money off us, but even they were nice. And it all looked so amazing we had to drag Ace away from a shop selling “Bone Cookies.” This is literally our first day and the temptation to spend money is strong.
Right now, we’re in a cozy guest cabin. Some government officials questioned us about the purpose of our visit, where we’re going, all that stuff. When we told them we planned on taking the scenic route to the capital, the radio chatter started. They insisted we find another route, but the golden plains are one of the “Must See” views of the Sunset Savanna. Plus, we don’t have the money for fancy transportation. I’m sure we’ll be fine with a three-day walk, especially when there are rest stops that have some of the best hospitality.
In the end, our names, details, and contact information were taken. They even took pictures of us from different angles. It’s as if they’re expecting something to happen.
Some of the locals acted odd too, after we told them we were heading through the plains. Some gave us extra food, one gave us a discount, and one strangely gave us a compass—all with the same weird look. Still, I wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Anyway, it was an exciting start but I can’t wait to get trekking. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.
October 25, 20XX
Waking up to Ace and Deuce arguing is going to get old real fast, but I should probably get used to it. They are “best friends” after all.
After the commotion, we prepared to head out. The locals again reminded us not to get distracted. Explicit instructions told us that there were to be no detours and no delays. Honestly, it started to kill the excitement. However, it’s going to take three days to reach the capital—one day to get to the first camp, one to get to the second, and one to get to the city—so it’s probably just proper precaution.
A single step into the gold plains was all it took for the grass to dwarf us. Elephant grass is notoriously tall, but I couldn’t have prepared for just how small we were. It felt like being thrown into a maze; yellow grass, the dirt under our feet, and the blue sky above were all that could be seen. It became intimidating along with its wonder and beauty. Fortunately, there’s only one path.
Not long after we began, Ace started talking tales of some banished prince. He heard the story from a shop owner he bought cookies from after being kicked from the cabin earlier. The reason I hadn’t heard anything was because of how recent it had been. Supposedly, just days ago, he tried to overthrow the king and murder the heir. People called for his execution, but the king didn’t have the heart to kill his own brother. Instead, he was exiled. But while being transported out of the country, he was set free by his followers—his jailers’ bodies were found maimed beyond recognition. Now the rumors say he’s hiding out to the east in the Shadowlands.
I didn’t want to hear any more, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell Ace to stop. Instead, he just kept talking, probably trying to scare us. And yet I think he also scared himself. It didn’t help that we could hear things rustling in the grass. I thought I saw something once, but couldn’t say for sure. Even though the locals said most wildlife would ignore us, it’s unnerving not to see what we can hear.
Despite the spooky stories, we made good time. The rest stop was within reach well before the sun started to set. Camp guards ushered us inside the fence, demanding our names, birthdays, reasons for travel—the same information we provided at the outpost. It must’ve been to check that we were on the list of expected visitors, which is a little strange considering I noticed ours were the only names on it.
It’s a small campsite. There are a few cabins around the clearing. A massive ring circles the whole place, dotted with devices that appear newly installed. Deuce says they’re for magic defense. Nobody can use magic in the camp and magic can’t get in. For all the security, that’s probably why we were instructed to arrive before sundown.
Well, I better get some sleep. Another long day of walking awaits tomorrow.
October 26, 20XX
A member of the camp staff woke us early this morning—the sun hadn’t even broken the horizon. All color had forsaken his face as he rushed us to dress and pack. No answers were offered to our question, only echoes that we leave immediately.
And again, as we stepped foot into the wilderness, we were warned to stay on the path and stop for nothing.
On our way out, the ruckus could be heard. They found something unusual at one of the barrier projectors. It would make sense to get us out of the way so they could focus on repairs. Yet I can’t help wondering if the hole being dug on the outskirts of the campsite had something to do with it. What was it for? What happened last night while we were all asleep? Did something get in? Where was it now?
That must be my imagination talking. It was early so it would be easy to misunderstand the whole thing. Besides, we needed to leave earlier since today’s trek was longer than yesterday. The sun would be long gone before we reached the next camp otherwise.
If only the boys could’ve kept their mouths shut. They argued the whole way. Ace sulked about not getting to sleep in and Deuce’s phone was missing. He demanded that Ace give it back, but Ace denied having it. The accusations probably come from last night’s teasing over Deuce messaging his mom, but I think he misplaced it in a different pocket. Hopefully he finds it soon or he’ll have to spend some of that souvenir money on a replacement.
Their fighting slowed us down, delaying our arrival at the second camp until just after sundown. Our reception by the staff was rough. After being jerked inside and held under duress, the interrogation went on until they could confirm we were the names on the list of travelers. So much for the hospitality.
There were no apologies as they put us in a cabin for the night. That’s where everything in Ace’s pack got dumped out and it still wasn’t enough to convince Deuce about his phone. So the arguing continued, even as I left to get a break from it all.
This second rest stop is much like the first. Cabins and staff equipment are scattered around. Though people are quiet at night, I could hear animals beyond the barrier. I think I even saw one. It was big, maybe the size of an antelope. It’s crazy how comfortable the wildlife is so close to settlements like this.
Well, I’m tucked in now and Deuce and Ace are pouting in their own beds. We’ll set out again in the morning and, by sunset tomorrow, we’ll be in Sunrise City.
October 27, 20XX
We messed up.
Ace really didn’t have Deuce’s phone. But neither did Deuce.
Like the day before, we were woken up early and sent on our way. Camp staff barely gave us time to pack before shoving us out. There was no time to question the hasty behavior and it left a sour taste in everyone’s mouth. Still, we went on our way as planned.
After noon, Deuce made us stop, yelling at us to be quiet. I thought he was crazy, but then I heard it too.
It was his mom’s ringtone.
Coming from the elephant grass.
We couldn’t stop him. He just took off. It was a blind run as Ace and I tried to keep up. We never would’ve caught up if he hadn’t stopped. In his hand was his phone, still ringing yet entirely useless. The screen was shattered and the frame bent. It was a miracle it could still even ring. How it got there and how it got destroyed is a mystery—one made worse by the fact that we couldn’t find the path again.
No one could say for sure which way we ran and the grass gave us nothing to find our bearings. Our phones were just handy clocks with no service in the middle of nowhere. Only the compass gave us any consolation. Surely heading south will get us out of here.
To make matters worse, night fell sooner than we anticipated. Making camp was the only sensible solution, no matter how badly we want to get out of here.
Now here I sit, in our little tent, listening to things creeping all around us. I have this nagging feeling that, whatever they are, they’ve been following us and I don’t know if it makes me feel better or worse that I can’t see them.
It’s probably just my paranoia. If we keep going south, we’ll make it out of here tomorrow. By now the savanna guides must realize we’re missing and be looking for us. We’ll be laughing about this whole thing in Sunrise City by lunch, except Deuce who will have to buy a new phone. Because of course this is the kind of trouble we would get ourselves into.
Everything will be fine.  
October 28, 20XX
Maybe my paranoia last night wasn’t just paranoia.
None of us got any sleep at all. Whatever was sneaking through the grass lingered all night, getting louder and louder with their cackling and snarling. When we finally ventured out of the tent this morning, we were greeted with the destruction of our supplies. Everything was scattered, either destroyed or altogether missing. Here and there were pieces of the map, unsalvageable, and the compass was gone. Our bags were placed right outside the tent because keeping food inside is frowned upon for this reason, but now we have no food, no directions, and maybe half our belongings.
There was nothing to do but pick up what we could and continue walking.
Ace’s pessimism didn’t help. He’s convinced it was the banished prince at our camp, but all we could tell from the flattened grass was that they were large creatures. Still, the constant talk of our doom began to bother me and Deuce. I just hope whatever they are, they realize we don’t have anything else and leave us alone.
I don’t know how, but we must’ve gotten turned around somewhere. We tried to follow the sun, but each step was just more and more grass, hiding the unknown, letting us hope that the end is just one more step. Now the sky is black and we’re still here. We’re exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally. So we set up camp to spend another night in this place.
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October 29, 20XX
I’m getting really scared now.
Our tent was shaken by a fight just outside last night, but we were all too scared to make a sound. In the morning, not a word was said as we walked. Only this time, we knew the noises in the grass were them. They are following us. No, stalking is more accurate. I can hear them snicker and growl. I’m sure if I reached into the grass, I would touch one.
But they have nothing on the banished prince.
I’m not sure how, but I always knew it wasn’t him stalking us but his hyena henchmen. They’re destructive and menacing, but he’s a monster hiding in the shadows. He’s behind this.
I don’t remember when I spotted him, but I could feel his gaze on me, different from the other beasts. His growl shot through my heart and it felt like I had his claws at my throat. Barely veiled by grass, he wanted me to see him. Fangs eager to tear gleamed in that grin. Behind his gaze was nothing but malice, highlighted by the ink dripping across his skin. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t scream. I couldn’t even breathe. I was so certain that those bloodthirsty green eyes would be the last thing I ever saw.
And then he was gone. He wasn’t really gone, only gone from sight. There’s no doubt that he and his pack are watching us even now. We’ve been sentenced to death and they’re just toying with us.
We’re never getting out of here. Even if it weren’t for the monsters hunting us, we have no food and no more water. I don’t know if we can survive another night out here. I regret everything. I never should’ve suggested this trip. Because of me, we’re going to die out here. I’m sorry. I’m sorry to Ace and Deuce. I’m sorry to Deuce’s mom and Ace’s family. I’m so sorry I got your boys into this mess. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.
I wish this nightmare would just end.
October 30, 20XX
We lost Ace today.
Tension was high. We’re being hunted. We know we’re going to die. The fear of what’s in store for us is sickening. Unlike yesterday, Ace and Deuce couldn’t stop arguing. A fight was inevitable. When Ace knocked Deuce to the ground, he took off. We tried to find him—spent hours calling his name. But we never found him.
Long after the sun had gone, the grass finally parted. At first, we were excited. I think I cried. Then I realized where we were.
Rocky, barren land laid before us. Towers of stone loomed above, colder and less forgiving than the grass we escaped. An eerie fog hovered, concealing both new and old monsters. It was bad. We found the Shadowlands. Sunrise City was meant to be south of the port we started at. Those beasts managed to manipulate our path away from our destination and far to the east. He led us here to be slaughtered.
This is where we found Ace’s magic pen.
Nothing else.
We considered our options. The grass gave us no visibility and muddled our sense of direction. On the other hand, the Shadowlands were the prince’s territory. Both were bad choices, but we chose not to go back. At least in the Shadowlands, we had a chance. We knew where we were and how to get to where we needed to. Maybe Deuce and I could still find our way to Sunrise City. Maybe we could send a search party back for Ace.
Maybe this terrible journey will be over soon.
October 31, 20XX
We were wrong! We should’ve gone back!
If anyone finds this, stay out of the Shadowlands!
They took Deuce! They dragged him out of the tent! I can’t hear him scream anymore!
If you see this RUN!
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talesfrommedinastation · 10 months
My redneck neighbor Doug on 'Tribe'
When not turning his home into a giant light hazard for Jesus's Birthday or getting into yelling fights in the alley with Bobby Lee (another redneck neighbor who is a DIE HARD 'Bama fan) about SEC football, Doug's been randomly texting me things about the Jedi.
I'll update y'all on that soon enough. (Plo Koon = Sexy Shrimp Daddy?!)
Meanwhile, here is his review of his favorite episode of Season 2 of The Bad Batch...TRIBE, or as Doug calls it 'Chewbacca Junior and the Weed Business'.
Yes, a random fetch quest one in which Clone Force 99 helps out a random Wookiee kid. His favorite. Don't ask.
Need a Doug refresher? Check it out under Doug Talks Star Wars here.
TW: Doug Doug's as is his Doug-like wont. Hold onto your butts. A little calmer since Daddy Warcrimes is MIA in this one.
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So we got Daddy Rambo and the gang making counterfeit licenses for underage drinkers or whatever. You gotta do what you gotta do, I guess, and Daddy Rambo will do a lot of things, but obtaining gainful employment ain’t one of them. 
Ryan-from-Accounting is smug as hell about his counterfeiting operation. You’re so smart, Ryan-from-Accounting, why don’t you go to law school and start practicing corporate licensing? At least you can get equity there, ya dingaling.
And Little Orphan Blondie runs away because she’s embarrassed to be seen around them. I get it, kid.
Woah, it’s Chewbacca Junior! Are the lizard and robot people trying to sell him to the circus or something? Oh, he’s a Jedi?! When did this happen, this is awesome! I loved Chewbacca! I love Wookiees! AWESOME!!!
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And Little Orphan Blondie is protecting him, go Little Orphan Blondie, go! 
I hope they adopt Chewbacca Junior and get him a collar and a nice bed on the floor of the HMS Search Warrant. They need a pet. Little Orphan Blondie can brush him and put bows in his hair! Do you think he uses a litter box?
They’re taking him home, and look! Little Orphan Blondie is giving him her Lunchables. I’m proud of the Dad Batch, they’re teaching Little Orphan Blondie good morals. Oh, poor wee Chewbacca Junior, he has no family and when he talks it sounds like Jimmers when he’s treed a squirrel*.
But Ryan-from-Accounting can understand him! Ya know, I wonder if his helmet can translate Bitch and that’s how Ryan-from-Accounting talks to his Bitch Wife Laura. 
It would be awesome if they adopt Chewbacca Junior and he attacks people with his lightsaber. He’s like a pet version of an MR-15! Imagine the DAMAGE his furry ass would do on the battlefield! 
Ooh, they made it to Wookieeland! Ya know, it always reminded me of where Jenny and I used to camp in northern California. I wonder if there’s a brewery nearby? I bet Toaster Strudel needs to throw back, that man needs a beer and a restraining order from Daddy Rambo. 
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Oh SHIT, looks like the bugs from Klendathu made their way down to Wookieeland. Somebody call the Starship Troopers! Oh, wait, they can talk to those things like Dougie Houser did? Woah. Neat. 
Looks like the Empire found the Wookiee weed farm and torched it. Poor Wookiees, they’re just trying to make an honest living growing herb. Leave ‘em alone!
Which planet makes meth, my money’s on Tatooine, it looks like New Mexico and that place is meth Disneyland, there was a whole TV show about it. 
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(Above is...Tatooine?! - Dr Meat Muffin)
Oh man it’s Houma-BBQ-Bitch’s shitty brothers and they’re burning the whole weed operation to the ground. Guess they work for the DEA.
Kick their asses, Wookiees! Now they want Chewbacca Junior, but the Dad Batch is saying FUCK YOU! 
Go Dad Batch go! Fire ‘em up! Destroy the tanks! GO JULIO GO! It’s like Apocalypse Now with Bigfoot!
More Wookiees! And they’re riding giant monkey-cats! AWESOME. Man, I feel stoned just watching this episode. Why can't I stop giggling.
Granny Wookiee says come on in and have some weed! Oh, shit, are they doing ayahuasca? Toaster Strudel ain’t having it, but Julio’s down. Julio’s down for anything, he’s probably gonna stick around, use his pipe laying skills, and get some free ganga out of the deal. Man, we all need a Julio in our life. Love him. 
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Oh, poor Chewbacca Junior can’t find a home. Come on, Granny Wookiee, just let him crash with you guys! He can clip weed on the side, he’s got that lightsaber, let ‘em have it. But first, let’s talk to the trees! Did they take mushrooms before this scene, Jesus Christ this really does take place in Humboldt County, doesn’t it.
Ah, nevermind, the gators that run the DEA are here. With Stormtroopers. Oh shit, are the gators wearing Wookiee pelts while fighting Wookiees? That’s some Silence of the Lambs shit right there.
Welp, time for fire fights, Smokey the Bear does not approve of this episode, especially as one of the lizard men chases Chewbacca Junior and Little Orphan Blondie into the woods with a flamethrower. 
Oh shit, there are the bugs! Shit, am I actually cheering on the bugs from Starship Troopers? What is going on here, I’m so confused. Whelp, they’re eating Houma-BBQ-Bitch’s brother, good for them.
Back to Granny Wookiee’s Pot Palace, where Toaster Strudel and Julio throw back her questionable moonshine and smile at each other. If they end up with Wookiee girlfriends, it will be weird, but I will be happy for them. 
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And Little Orphan Blondie and Chewbacca Junior are talking to the trees, again. Just watching this episode makes me wanna go back to Electric Forest. Except I don’t think Oceana County has wookiees, but it does have crazy people in the woods I guess. 
*=Jimmers is Doug’s extremely handsome poodle mix dog. His full name is Jimmers Jimothy Jimerson III and they found him as a stray when he was eating trash behind a bowling alley in Nacogdoches. 
Where my Doug fans at? @amalthiaph @eyecandyeoz @merkitty49 @sued134 are the biggest, but let me know if ya wanna be tagged in the next installment!
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futurewriter2000 · 8 months
Astrology observations - pt. 2
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A/N: You really liked part one, so here I am posting part 2 as well because why not. Also, it doesn't have to apply to you personally, it's just my personal observations.
Find part 1 here!
I don’t care what people say CAPRICORN PLACEMENTS ARE ALL ABOUT MONEY!!! Don’t lie to me! They’d choose working for more money rather than anything else! They do be disciplined tho… can’t relax tho…
Gemini Risings- the funniest people ever. They just crack the most random shit- like they won’t even be trying, the way they say it is funny. Man, I love them entertainers.
Leos, leos… I try to be on your side. I really do… I still am but sometimes it’s good to stay quiet and not hurt peoples feelings.
Aries are my second weakness after Scorpios. Aries ARE MY TYPE OF PEOPLE!!!! They just get the vibe, you know. They can always roast you better. They will always have ready a better comeback- lil fuckers. I can never win but they just get it. They're the best.
Air moons- we are the smartest and the dumbest people sometimes, you know. Like we know a lot and we are SO SMART but we can be so slow in some situations and do the stupidest things. Like we think smart but we do stupid things.
Not like Earth moons, they will think smart and be smart. Tactical lil manipulators, you are. Oh, I know earth signs. Yall be starting drama (Taurus I'm look at you) and then disappear in the background, watching it from a far. Yall, how many times did Taurus say something and then just drama started happening around that- I know yall be grinning.
Virgos do be suffering a lot. I know that. Not as much as Aquarius- nobody can beat an Aquarius in that competition but like Virgos (appereantly- read this in a book)- us Virgos are like surrounded by karma and our thing is appereantly to suffer a lot with people pleasing and watching other people win and what we gotta do is like not people please so we can win. Weird but I kind of relate to that.
Where the fuck are Pisces. I swear, this sign just diappears on me sometimes. Like, I wonder what stupid thing they'll do now. Did you sell your house, build a boat, go skydiving, get yourself a girlfriend/boyfriend you'll break a heart to or are you just lying in bed doing nothing? I gotta check on my Pisces people soon. Hope he didn't fuck up his court thing.
How do Leos... they just... they have people doing their work for them and I'm like... how do you get other people to do that and then I remember they're leos and those people are probably in love with them.
Gemini like rap- obviously because they can never shut up so they start music about not shutting up.
Aries... how's that anger management going? You still taking it on other people by roasting the shit out of them?
Capricorns have this empty stare... you know. They just stare at you. I think I mentioned that before but do you ever realise how you stupid you feel when they start to stare at you like that. Like I don't know what to do? WHAT DO YOU WANT?! Probably to rule the world but you know...
Have you ever realised Leos and Capricorns be hating on children but then be super good with their nephews or babies in general?
Libras are so fake but somehow I want to be their friend just for the gossip. Lmao. They be so toxic but the kind you want more.
Taurus- OH MY GOD YOU PISS ME OFF!- I love you though but you tickle that part of me that makes me want to throw shit at you.
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Kalim, Azul: Silver Spoon, Golden Boy
Kalim my beloved sun spot... 🥺 Also, gotta love that classic Azul ass-kissing to the wealthy/j ashdaisdbasfiba I DON'T KNOW IF THIS WAS JUST ME, but I wonder if Kalim not knowing where the cash register was is a subtle nod to Princess Jasmine not knowing she had to pay for fruit (during that scene where she snuck out of the palace and into the bazaar)?? Maybe I'm overthinking it!
A Boy in Bloom, and his Blossoming Future.
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"How do you spend your days off?"
"I dunno!" Kalim replied cheerily, not a care in the world. "I do lots of stuff, it depends on the day!
“I'll throw a banquet if there's something to celebrate or if there's someone that's feeling down. Sometimes I'll play with the animals—Scarabia has a whole menagerie—or I'll take magic carpet out for a ride! Sometimes I'll chill with Cater and Lilia, or see what Silver's up to in Diasomnia."
"My, my, you're quite sociable, Kalim-san," Azul crooned, simpering and sweet. "It's good to keep oneself busy, but it’s even more important to build and maintain relationships, wouldn’t you say? You manage to keep abreast of them both so effortlessly.”
“Aw, thanks a bunch!! I love hanging out with my friends! I’ve actually been trying to go out more lately instead of bringing people back to Scarabia. It makes Jamil upset with me when I bring over unannounced guests, so…”
“He said that?” Azul pretended to look taken aback. “How rude! I would certainly never do such a thing.”
“No, he didn’t say it. I can just tell. His face turns into this mask you can’t read, or he sighs and tells me off a little. But even if he’s not happy with me, Jamil always does what I ask. Always. For so many years.” Kalim’s smile dimmed, a slight sadness creeping onto his lips. “I don’t want to cause him more trouble than I already have.”
Azul frowned, his flattery faltering. Something genuine pushed out instead. “… Kalim-san. Your compassion for others truly is remarkable. Jamil-san may not voice his true thoughts, however… there is a part of him that notices your efforts and appreciates them.”
“You think so?” Hope welled in the birthday boy’s voice.
“Fufufu, of course. I’m a businessman—and if nothing, I know of people’s hearts.” Azul pushed his glasses up, the sunlight momentarily catching them in pure white. “Now then, please continue to be hat you were saying before. You’ve been going out more as of late?”
“Yeah!” He perked. “The other day, I went shopping with my dorm.”
“Shopping!!” Kalim affirmed with a nod. “Usually I’d have people do it for me, but getting to do it myself was like a whole new world! I want to try and be more independent, so I thought this would be a good first step.”
“Well… yes, it is. Baby steps, I suppose.” His interviewer quirked a brow. “And how did that trip go?”
Surely he couldn’t have run into any excessive issues. He was still accompanied by dorm members, so they should have kept him in check.
“It was so cool seeing the places that sell things! I thought that stores would be more like the bazaars back home, with everyone mostly selling one thing. The fruit vendor, the fish monger! Like that!
“It turns out that stores sell lots of stuff all in one place. I got excited seeing it all, I had to grab a little of everything!! Um... then I stood around!"
"... What for?"
"I didn't know where the cash register was!!" Kalim easily laughed it off. "But my dorm mates were nice enough to help me out! They showed me the way and helped bring over the stuff I wanted to buy.
"It was a lot of work hauling it all, so I got them thank-you gifts for the trouble! Then I saw something really amazing while we were checking out!!"
"Oh? And what might that be?"
"Carpet cleaner!"
"... I beg your pardon? Carpet cleaner?" It certainly wasn't the first thing Azul would have imagined to capture the eye of such a wealthy boy.
"Magic carpet wasn't able to make the trip into town with us. I thought he'd feel sad if he didn't get a souvenir... so I hope 50 boxes of carpet cleaner make it up to him!
"Magic carpet loves taking baths! I know cuz Jamil's let me take over scrubbing magic carpet down. His fabric gets all covered in bubbles and he gets all relaxed. It's like he's getting a good massage!"
Azul patiently listened—and internally, he boggled at the mental arithmetic. “A little of everything” plus a thank-you gift for every Scarabia student and last-minute carpet cleaner quickly added up to a monstrous sum. He had no doubt that Kalim had fumbled at the cash register, trying to pay for a simple transaction in several thousand thaumark bills.
That’s one part of Kalim-san that won’t be changing anytime soon: his generosity.
If the octopus was lucky, he, too, would be graced with a smidgen of it. But Azul did not think himself a betting man. Every ounce of energy dedicated to the day was to up those odds.
"I see now. I'm glad to hear that the trip went off without any hitches!" Azul gushed. "You've learned so many new things this year--and I know you'll only continue to grow from here on out! I'm most honored to be your peer.
"You're broadening your horizons with each passing day. You're not the same Kalim-san from winter break. No--even back during the cultural festival, I sensed something different in you."
"Gahahah! You remember that." His garnet eyes softened with both fondness and sadness. "VDC was so much fun! It was also the first time I realized... all my life, I've been given everything I've ever wanted. I never really earned it, did I? I got it just for existing."
From the moment he had been born, there had been a silver spoon in his mouth, and he was golden. The future bright, a guarantee for him. Never questioned, never challenged.
His heart quivered.
"I got used to it, and I expected it. I never thought about what would happen if things changed. Then Jamil was picked as a lead vocalist--and I was so happy for him, but also so frustrated with myself. I knew... I couldn't stand at the same level as him. We didn't shine the same.
"Things can never be like they were ever again. Not until I earn that spot for myself! Not until I can stand on my own two feet at shopping and washing carpets and singing! That's my goal: to make my future golden myself."
"Kalim-san..." Azul pursed his lips. A second later, he let his words go. "Are you aware of how diamonds are formed?"
"Hmm? No, why do you ask?"
"Simply put, diamonds are the result of common carbon deposits being exposed to considerable heat and pressure. It takes billions and billions of years to form a single gem... and even then, a diamond is not always perfect. They can be too small, too rough, any number of things which may make it undesirable to consumers--but a diamond is only a diamond because of all the time and energy spent to form it."
Azul smiled, lowering into a bow. "Kalim-san, you are still in the process of becoming a diamond yourself. When that day should finally arrive, you will be a splendid one."
His hat and glasses were almost knocked off from the impact of Kalim colliding with him. Arms wrapped around the merman and squeezed, the embrace like a single drop of sun unfurling into a great spotlight.
“Thanks for believing in me!" Kalim cried through watery eyes. "I promise… I promise I’ll make you guys proud!!”
Azul chuckled. "I'll prepare my standing ovation when the time comes. Any plans to enter VDC as well next year?"
"Maybe when my singing's up to snuff! I've gotta cram in lots of practice until then!"
"Ah, yes. Best of luck then--but do let me know if you are ever in need of any musical accompaniment! I play piano quite well if I do say so myself, and I would be more than happy to lend a helping hand to your efforts."
"Gee, thanks, Azul!! You're so kind! I don't know why Jamil tells me to watch out for you. We should totally jam out sometime."
"Fufufu, why indeed..." Azul glanced up, shading his eyes against the sun, and smirked. "Speaking of Jamil-san, we wouldn't want to keep him waiting. I'm sure he has prepared a grand feast in honor of your special day."
"Oh crap, you're right! I gotta get going!!" Kalim scrambled for his broom, handling it like a hot potato. When he had, at last, clumsily mounted it, he cast a look at his classmate. "See you at the party, Azul?"
"I will be there to support you."
"Cool, see you there!"
With only one hand clutching onto the handle, Kalim took off on his broom. Gold and blue sparkles trailed behind him, white petals spiraling in the vortex of magic.
Even he rose higher and higher, Kalim didn't hesitate to look down. Filled with adrenaline--that oh-so-familiar rush, an indescribable feeling--he excitedly waved farewell to his friend.
He was off to see unbelievable sights, to visit dazzling places he never knew, to learn more of them.
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hawkogurl · 7 hours
As a staunch defender and lover of all female spider man characters, if you all won’t like them that’s just more for me, I do wanna briefly ramble about one specific thing that’s mostly a raimiverse fanfiction thing as far as I’ve seen.
I’m not gonna say you gotta like Harry with Peter or MJ, I myself pretty much only read Harry and MJ platonically and I have written many things where Peter is more useful to me platonically, but I feel like I’ve developed some weird sense of sort of resigned dread whenever Raimi Harry gets shoved with Gwen or a version of Liz.
For those two specifically, I think a lot of it is rooted in the fact that people are rarely writing Raimiverse Harryliz or Harrygwen because they really like it—a lot of people in this fandom are only tangentially familiar with Liz to begin with—and Harry only gets written with them because a lot of the time, there’s an assumption in the cultural consciousness that singleness is unhappiness or even if not that, that being with someone is completing or more happy than being single. As a result, it becomes some sort of thing that even when a character isn’t being focused on in a romantic capacity, a romantic relationship is part of the checklist for a happy ending. It’s something that should happen for a person to be Happy.
Most of the time that it happens, people are writing these things for the sake of Harry ending up in a relationship. It’s a relationship for the sake of a relationship. And even then, I don’t know if I would find it to be that big of a deal even if it would still sort of annoy me.
However, the fact that essentially means using these female characters only for the happy ending of a male character can raise some concerns for me. There’s rarely any attention given to these women—one of whom has an established personality and character in these movies and one that has decades establishing who she is as a person in the comics. Half the time, they barely appear on the page and they do very little and have very little personality when they do. If he needs to be in a relationship for how people perceive happiness in the long term, I can live with it, but it always puts a bad taste in my mouth when they don’t have personalities or active characters. They don’t really matter, they literally are just the check mark on that part of the checklist. What the hell is the point of this when nothing would actually change if he wasn’t with someone? And I mean that, I don’t want to see kids or things like that as an excuse, adoption exists. What actually changes about this if you just make him single? And that’s not just a matter of necessity, it’s also a matter of how damn misogynistic it can feel to use a female character solely for this purpose, especially one’s that historically have their own identities, their own conflicts, their own stakes.
If nothing else, I want to see some effort put into it. At least try and sell me on it, at least give these women some semblance of their actual personalities and try and tell me why it would work with his. Don’t make Gwen Stacy or Liz Allen of all characters into sexy lamps. At least try and make it make sense as a relationship.
And even putting the semi misogynistic treatment of women in this context aside, I’m still not done here. What is actually the point of putting him in a relationship here? If you’re not writing a relationship between two characters with personalities that can be used for development, if it’s not for the sake of liking them together, if it’s just to check that box, does that box actually even really make sense for him? I’m not talking about sexuality, and this can be rather variable, but being in a relationship isn’t gonna automatically fix someone with this many issues. It’s not going to be a convincing patch to use this as a substitute for working out the problems in this dude’s life that would—and in 616 canonically have—make it so hard for him to be happy in the long term. This guy is canonically divorced in 616.
This version of Harry, if he survives the third movie, is implied to be schizophrenic, historically poorly coping with trauma from Norman existing, recently traumatized in a half dozen new ways, struggles to maintain the connections he already has, has very little independent identity outside of wanting his father to love him and an even worse sense of self, and recently endured multiple severe and disfiguring injuries. Under what circumstances is any relationship he enters actually going to end well, even with a person that would be absolutely perfect under any under circumstances. Because whatever person you shove him with, they can’t fix him, and if you’re using Gwen and Liz it’s gonna feel a little misogynistic to try because they still only exist for him in these cases. It’s already pretty generally true that someone shouldn’t be in a relationship if they can’t be happy and complete alone, but this is more true for him than for everyone. Does Harry need another person to project his massive need for validation from onto like he did for Norman? Does he need to substitute finding his own identity with molding what little he has for another person to like him? Will he really benefit at all from another connection when he’d be trying to figure out how to rebuild the ones he already has? Realistically, him getting into a relationship without at least trying to deal with all that is just going to stunt him in trying to fix all that, because he’ll have something to fill all the holes with instead of dealing with it. And if you try and avoid that, it’s still going to risk being rather unsatisfying because there’s the hazard of just making him Suddenly All Better Now for the sake of a relationship that might be misguided in its very existence.
And on top of that, Harry has, in these movies, dated all of one time. And it didn’t necessarily seem like it was for someone he liked, more so to impress his father. Generally, though it is a matter of opinion, he doesn’t seem to want a relationship as much as he wants to be in a relationship. In a way ironically similar to how this is written much of the time, he’s fixated on the concept of dating for the sake of dating someone rather than actually really wanting that sort of connection with someone. A lot of the toxic masculinity he’s written with sort of manifests in this regard. He wants to be dating someone, but does he actually want to date someone? Should he? In many cases, especially ones where it’s not with a more tangible character that can be used for development independently, I don’t know of the answer should really be yes. It seems more satisfying for his character to be comfortable alone. Additionally, there’s little reason to me that platonic connections should be less valuable for him when they’re the most important ones he’s written with. He doesn’t need to be dating someone. In most cases it’s worse for his character if he is. The people who say he’s a playboy are lying to him and his casting has deceived you.
But also god if you’re gonna make him date someone at least sell me on it and make it mean anything at all.
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call-me-tk · 1 year
Beetlejuice the Musical - an Analysis/My Favorite Parts
Prologue: Invisible
“Grown-ups wanna fix things. When they can't it only fills them with shame, so they just look away." 
The Whole “Being Dead" Thing
“Rodgers, Hart, and Hammerstein”
"How you doin'? Oh, not good! *scats*"
“If you die while listening to this album, it’s still gonna keep playing”
“Blah blah Bible Jesus Magic”
Ready Set, Not Yet
When Adam waits a beat after his fast bit before saying “ready set” because he’s not as confident as Barbara ahhhhhhhh
When Barbara sings the word "terror" like "terra" 
“Hiding away so you don’t have to face being a bad mom” whoever wrote these lyrics is so mean
“Oh… NO”
The Whole "Being Dead" Thing: Reprise
The pause after “Hi!”
“Jesus I can’t spell”
“Eh, worth a try”
“I’m the bio-exorcist, giving houses enemas”
Dead Mom
“Daddy’s moving forward, daddy didn’t lose a mom”
“A plague of mice, a lightning strike, or drop a nuclear bomb”
Fright of their Lives
“Drop your panties”
“No. What fills you with RAGE”
“Being mean to a pet” MOOD BARBARA
BJ’s soliloquy, he’s so over it, so DRAMATIC
“Uch, these dopes are both hopeless”
Ready, Set (Reprise)
You can just SEE the shoulder bump with “I’m sure we can haunt our own halls”
“I gotta get right outside my comfort zone” 😬
No Reason
“What’s happening, GURL”
“Buy more crystals”
The windchime during “put a little alright in the world”
“Where good people die” “NO”
“Cuz you’re bored” FLUTE SOLO
“Meaninglessness and alone” “NONONONONOOOOOOoooooo~” the talent it takes to pull off that vocal riff is ridiculous
“Is this still about me?”
The harmonies in the last note
Invisible (Reprise)/On the Roof
“Somebody’s on the roof” always has me cackling
“I, Lydia Deetz” *BIG SIGH* “will be gone”
Say My Name
The musical style?!?!?!?
This is my favorite song in the entire show. And it was not an easy choice.
“What?” “Nothing”
Nice Moana reference
“Beetlejuice?” she says, like “what a dumb fuckin name”
Including the music change
BJ being like WHAT and SO frustrated every time she psychs him out
In the production I saw Lydia said “I just metcha” and I like that better
“I may be suicidal but Beetlejuice it’s not as if I’ve lost my mind” OOF
“That was possession” lol he’s so proud of himself
Love love love the rhyme: “Pretty much, any ghost’ll do, sure” “Then Beetlejuice, what do I need you for?” and the subsequent WOAH WOAH WOAH
The instrumental hit right after she sings “Yeah I got game” is my favorite 
This whole song just slaps idk what else to tell you
“I’d have to… check my pay stubs”
“Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy” as he pops up out of the table he had to hide in the whole scene
Dad finally saying Lydia’s name as he’s swept away
“It’s our house now, kid”
Girl Scout
The piano during “my heart is defective” A+ score writing
*dramatic music* JAMBOREES
*nervous laughter after meeting Lydia*
“By selling cookies *BIG BREATH* four dollars a box”
Also. FOUR DOLLARS A BOX?!??!?!?! Jealous.
“Pedophiles” 😇
That Beautiful Sound
“He is so weird”
Love the smooth jazzy style
“Time for a few OH MY GOD”
“How many… people… live here?”
Lydia’s laugh after “nice moves Lydia” is so pure
“Pfah, holy moly, lotta people come to this house”
“Yes, I hear that sooooooooooound” he’s so happy
“No more condescending adults hanging around”
“Daddy’s leaving me the hell alone”
Barbara 2.0
“It’s the stuff of our lives, and all of it’s shit.”
“Okay, that wasn’t as much fun as I thought it would be.”
“Buhreak it”
“The new Adam is wiserrrrrrr”
What I Know Now
“I went to parties a lot…” *sniff* “You know?”
“Niche was right, you know? To live is to suffer, bro”
“Life is short but death is super long”
I really like this song because if you ruminate on it long enough it’s a good song to talk you into living life to its fullest even if things suck.
I love that this is a reprise but also the whole theme of Lydia’s character - that her mom is home. But then she finds out that she can have a home with a (very dysfunctional) family and not forget her mom either.
Her little laugh when she says Delia’s name
Creepy Old Guy
“I’m a creepy old guy!!” 
“Girls may seem disgusted, but we’re actually just shy”
In the show I saw, Lydia goes: “Even on the inside, he- he’s disgusting” which I liked better than the recording
“A dance break on an album? Amazing.”
“L’chaim” is pronounced correctly, thank you Alex
“God be glorified” in a fucked up key
The whole company going “I can’t believe some cultures think this kind of thing’s alright” in unison
Jump in the Line/Dead Mom - Reprise
A perfect song to end a perfect show.
“I adore huh”
“Mama if you’re listening, doesn’t this just blow your mind?”
Shake shake shake senora in the background UGH MY HEART
She’s home (I’m not crying you’re crying)
Overall thoughts:
Alex doing the Beetlejuice voice throughout THE WHOLE SHOW
The rhyming throughout the whole musical is just. A+
Lydia’s songsssssss
Honestly all the vocal parts are real hard
And so is the book for the pit
There’s like 8 different genres of music throughout the show and it just WORKS
I had no idea this show existed until the start of this year and now it’s in my top 3 favorite musicals. 10/10 amazing incredible perfect
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ranger-rai · 10 months
Hey ranger! I have spent my entire life in Paldea region and as a traveller I have decided to start my journey from my actual ancestral regions; Unova and Kalos. And I would love to know about your experiences in Unova and Kalos. Especially if you have any incidents with the fire type pokemons of those regions!
Thank you!
Well, congrats on your journey and heading out to your ancestral land.
I've been able to visit where my mom came from in Johto, but we still don't know much about my dad's past, but Sinnoh has been my home my entire life.
A lot of people want to learn about Kalos lately, and I definitely have had some experiences in Unova.
Let me start in Kalos:
It's a beautiful region with a rich and deep history. I've been there a couple of times, and I'm always amazed at how refreshed the place feels and how content the people seem to be (unless it's the fashion world, then it's chaos)
I've helped the local rangers out there a couple of times, once protecting the Sundial out there from vandals and thieves who wanted to sell pieces of it.
I'm also always amazed at how they advertise their regal culture, a lot of people can become "honorary sir or maams" so easily, so if you want to experience the deeper culture I'd really do research for the authentic experience.
Kalos doesn't have too many serious fire types but if you're traveling in the hills and mountains you should watch out for Pyroar, especially the females, as they are super protective and the superior hunters compared to the males.
Also, you should watch the sky for Talonflame. They can be territorial, and they will dive bomb people who get too close to their nests.
Other than that, Kalos is a really beautiful place.
As for Unova:
It's a very loud and busy place, almost the polar opposite of Kalos as it has so many big cities and towns with so many people.
That's not to say that Unova doesn't have its culture, but you'll definitely want to do some research to experience the true culture of Unova and how it was built up on the shoulders and backs of some serious hard work.
Unovan people may be a bit assertive and in your face, but they are resilient and go above and beyond when protecting something they care about.
I've been there several times to help the rangers and for habitat restoration projects. We managed to help the, at the time, dwindling Tympole population problem.
Unova is also unfortunately a hub for people doing smuggling and illegal activity due to how many people come and go, so we usually end up intercepting criminal activity there or en route to there.
Besides that, the culture and food are something else that you gotta try, and about the fire types, the only fire type you NEED to check out are the Darmanatan and their impressive Zen Mode meditation meetings in the desert, they aren't too aggressive if you don't surprise them, in fact they are pretty helpful to people stuck in the sandstorm.
All in all, you have quite the journey ahead of you, and I'm sure you will have a great time.
I hope to hear more about it someday!
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weebsinstash · 1 year
sorry if weird question but as a lil innocent bby I never smoked weed or did any drugs and I was wondering how did you start? where did you even source it in the first place, did you just happen to know a guy who had it or is there a secret store? spill the tea for us innocent bbys pls 🙏
Not a weird question, i can understand being curious and I do mention weed in my prompts every so often
Well first and foremost I wanna be a responsible 26 yo adult and say that, really, anything can be addictive. A lot of people don't realize addiction issues can even be genetically inherited, like it isnt JUST a battle of willpower, you can be biologically wired to get addicted to stuff easier, so weed definitely isn't as harmless as some people make it out to be if you already have a predisposition for bad impulse control. There have been studies, some pretty damning, suggesting smoking raises your risk of dementia, and of course there is COPD and weed can also negatively effect your stomach, as well as making you agitated. Different strains and THC/CBD percentages in weed can really change your high, too. There has been bud that gets me really giggly and happy and other kinds that made me HELLA paranoid and kind of strung out, so, it's not always a pleasant experience. It can also totally be your biology too, I knew a guy once who couldn't smoke at all because it would make him borderline hallucinate and it was extremely stressful for him
Like really to be blatantly honest with you, I'm a daily user to the point where I can have significant amounts and won't feel as "psychedelic" as I used to. Like you definitely build a tolerance after a while, but you can take a break for a while and it'll come back. But you can definitely fall into a trap where you smoke too much "trying to feel as high as you used to", chasing the memory of the fun feeling, and it just makes you tired and then you sleep and it's wasted, whereas for example when I went to watch Spiderverse in theaters, I stayed clean for a few days, just like 4 or 5, and when I smoked again it felt aweeeesome 😩❤️ like definitely, personal restraint can mean EVERYTHING with weed, for your tolerance, for your munchies, for how much you spend, you gotta find your limits and stick with em I guess
It's definitely sort of a time and place thing. I started smoking on my 17th birthday when my sister got me into it, and she was introduced to it by a boyfriend. It really does feel like it can be a matter of where you live or knowing the right person. For example one time after my mom and I had moved, we didn't have a hookup and we smelled weed on one of the mover's jackets and asked him in a really chill way if he knew where to get a hookup (it was him lmao, he was a dealer)
But anyways, it really depends on your state or country, but even if selling outright bud and flower isn't legal, sometimes selling THC products is. Like for example I'm in Minnesota and we have it medically legal (we're actually in the middle of implementing it being legalized recreationally) and I couldn't go to a smoke shop and buy bud yet, but I CAN buy synthetic weed and thc gummies. Also really cannot stress enough that you should really never touch synthetic drugs for anything; fake weed/spice has been proven to be especially bad, like, do not cheap out thinking you'll be safer with synthetic, it is arguably significantly more dangerous than the normal stuff.
Really cannot stress enough that this is a "check your local legislature before doing this" thing, but for example these are a brand of THC gummies that I bought in a smoke shop and can personally vouch for being able to get you high (thc is the high ingredient, CBD is the medical pain relieving ingredient) and they say you can purchase them online. I really am not sure where the law stands sometimes because it's like "oh we won't let you buy weed but we'll let you buy this processed product that contains the literal ingredient in weed that gets you high". Like for example that brand is Torch and when you go to their website they're also selling THC cartridges but they're also based in California so, do they only ship in California, is it safe country wide, you really have to do your own research for where you personally are
I would say maybe avoid ordering online because I just personally think that's a big risk unless you have confirmation it's ok where you're at. If you wanted me to give you my advice, I think a "surefire" way to find a hookup is to just go to a smokeshop and start up a conversation with someone. It can literally go "oh hey what do you buy that for?" "Oh I use it for pain, I don't like smoking weed and these gummies work good" "you know, if you think bud is too harsh on your throat, I got an edible guy--" like not even joking me and my mom went to buy screens the other week and we talked to this really nice girl for like over an hour and got her number cause she had all kinds of hookups and shes the one who recommended those gummies. A lot of dealers are selling weed as a side hustle and every customer they can get is good. It's good to have a plug you're loyal with but having options can be good in case anyone becomes unreliable or falls through or you find someone who sells for cheaper.
There are also multiple ways to, you know, do the deed. There's regular bud, which typically has to be ground up or cut up, and you can roll that into a blunt or use glass, which is my personal preference, I own some glass pipes and a bong, and I should mention I use smoking screens to avoid getting ash in my mouth but deadass, the vapors coming off of lighting that metal are probably Mucho No Bueno for my lungs so I've just been rawdoggin it, and there are also pens, like thc and cbd oil, and my recent method of preference is using an edabber pen and doing wax, which is a concentrate, although you can also do dabs with a glass rig and a butane torch but I got a thing against open flame haha
I think smoking weed is probably definitely less harmful than alcohol but it's probably a case by case thing as well as purely perspective. It can be fun as hell but you definitely have to watch yourself, and also, like, munchies can be fun, but it shouldn't be undersold how powerful munchies can be. I've literally eaten myself sick before. Eating becomes an activity in of itself and you'll have a full stomach and go "well I just ate something salty, now I want a sweet"
Anyways long answer is long but, yeah, my biggest piece of advice is, look at yourself as a person and try and figure out if it's even safe for you to try it, because if you have impulse control issues, someday down the like you may end up like me where you basically want to smoke before every activity to try and make that activity more fun and you wind up smoking so much you just need a nap, and when you wake up you're smoking again 😅 moderation is key!
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gbaspgamer · 2 years
I just finished Armored Core (PS1)
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I've been curious about the Armored Core series for a while now. I've already enjoyed Daemon X Machina, so I really wanted to check out the series that inspired it, and the announcement of Armored Core VI finally gave me the push I needed.
The game starts with basically no explanation, wanting you to destroy two targets that can relatively easily kill you under a time limit. The beginning was rough, but once I got past that and got to customize the controls, I started having a lot of fun. It has kind of a steep learning curve, but once you get it, it's really not too hard.
Customizing your AC is a big part of the game. You can change various body parts, internal parts and weapons. They all have a weight stat, so you gotta be careful to not make your AC to heavy for your legs to carry. If you need more parts, you can always visit the shop to get some more or obtain them from missions. And if it turns out you don't need them, you can just sell them and get all your money back. That way you can freely experiment without fear of losing money.
Missions have a lot of variety. Sometimes you have to defeat enemies under a time limit. Other times you have to protect an item in a warehouse, or retrieve some supplies from an enemy base. Some of these missions get pretty messed up. The literal first two missions you get are about fighting against workers fighting for better working conditions and people occupying an abandoned warehouse. It's clear pretty early on that we're not working the good guys.
Unfortunately, one mission stood out as particularly bad: the final mission. Not to spoil too much, but it contains a pretty long platforming segment that's a nightmare to complete with this game's physics. It's like trying to stop a cannonball in midair and wanting it to land in a specific spot. The final boss was also kinda annoying without cheesing it, but that might just be down to my preference for heavyweight ACs.
Overall though, I really enjoyed Armored Core. It holds up surprisingly well and makes me even more excited to try out Armored Core VI when that comes out. If you're looking for a fun mech game, I highly recommend it.
Played on PlayStation Vita (PS1 Classics)
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princess200417 · 2 years
Hello, Firstly love your blog and your posts.I saw your ask are open so here i am.Ever since I found this loa, I thought I could easily get everything I wanted, but my life circumstances don't quite allow it. I have a very poor and bad home life, my family is abusive and I am bullied at school , to be honest I'm a really ugly person and I don’t have like a funny nice personality, I'm not saying it for attention or anything, it was always like that, people would ask me out and then make fun of me and tell me that I am poor and my family is going to sell me or stuff , the school is not very helpful in this regard, because my school is in a secluded place and nobody cares, they don't care about me and they try to get rid of the problems and to be honest I am sick of this.After finding loa, I felt like I had a purpose in life because whenever I look at those quotes, posts and successes, it makes me very happy to think that I can easily change my life and finally get what I want and be happy, but whenever I apply it, I don't get results and I burst into tears.I try so hard and do my very best, focus on 4d and affirm and meditate but still. My faith in it is decreasing day by day and I am facing bad thoughts.I don’t know what to do anymore.I feel horrible. I will be very happy if you reply to me or give any suggestions.Thank you, have a nice day!
Hello, I'm glad you like my blog
Well first of all it's not your fault for this life,these people are terrible
But now that you know about loa you are responsible for your life,all you gotta do is affirm daily as much as you can your Affirmations, I would suggest you to start a routine,ex: affirm for 10 minutes in the morning,then Affirm while taking a shower,affirm before bed etc...it could be anything you want
also I would advice you to check out Indigo detry and Electra soul on YouTube
Try not to react to the 3d,bc it's just a reflection of the 4d, Affirm daily that you have all of your desires and don't go back to the old story
The 3d is just a mirror and breaking a mirror in order to change your face is pointless
All you gotta do is Affirm and persist and never ever write me or tell me or anyone else the old story,what you basically told me was reaffirming of the old story
Plus all circumstances are created by us so there is no such thing us circumstances don't allow me
When you Affirm for smth it literally means that creation is finished and that you have shifted into a reality where old story) circumstances have faded away and you have everything you want
Only you can limit or help yourself
You are no exception to the law
Plus throw away logic science and time and try to stay away from viewing things that don't align with your new story and when you feel discouraged or burned out eat your fav snack or go out for a walk and Affirm to your self that you are god and that you have it all and that you always manifest instantly
You got this!!! It's always thoughts first and then "reality"
Pls watch Electrasoul video's about being god(she has 2 parts)and her videos about living in the 4d(she also has two parts)
Negativity,fear, doubt etc are just illusions/fake
You are one with your higher self, you are perfect
Sending you lots of love and one more tip don't overcomplicate law and overconsume information bc there is no magic formula, secret, best advice to the law, your dominant thoughts manifest
as long as you Affirm only for what you want many times you will see it physically as well
Start AFFIRMING for self concept too bc it helps a lot
Honestly manifistation is too easy and too simple you don't need to believe affirm 24/7 feel happy or even feel your Affirmations while saying them,just say them and boom it's all over 💖😍 that's literally all
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Can you tell me about Paris I live not far but I've always been curious, I picture coffee shops and quirky buildings and lots of books. Or maybe I watch too many movies 🤔
[NOTE: Long post!!]
Hello, Anon! <3
Hmm well I can only speak from my own experience, and my perspective will be that of a foreigner bc I did not grow up in France, and currently I'm not there (gonna try moving again maybe later in the year when I save more money), but there are a lot of cafes around central Paris (however, the famous ones are ridden with tourists and due to that are crazy expensive). There are international chains too like Starbucks or McDonalds for food, but I'd rather pay the same money on a coffee from a real cafe than on Starbucks, but that's just me lol. Imo it might be difficult to find a cheap but good cafe in central Paris because so many tourists visit them, so you have to search around a bit more if you want a good deal. Lots of boulangeries around too, and the prices are usually okay (not sure how expensive food is there now, but they were fine at some point I was there lol).
The buildings are more or less as pretty as they look in photos, but only in old Paris. A lot of boring-looking apartment buildings are around as well. Also if you're ever in an old apartment building, sometimes you have to really search for the hall/staircase light at night lol, otherwise you gotta use a torch to go up/down. But that might be normal in all of France idk, I haven't been in apartment buildings in other cities there.
Anywhere that is a tourist attraction though (of which there are many in a place like Paris) is OVERWHELMED by tourists. Like, if you lived in the area during peak holiday season (for example the Trocadéro near the Eiffel Tower), you will see a lot of visitors and may have to really weave your way through crowds if you have to get to a place quickly lol. But Trocadéro is fun in the summer if you can find a spot to chill out in the sun imo (just remember to wear sunscreen bc one time I didn't think it was THAT hot and I got a pretty strong lace-patterned sunburn through my top lmao).
There are theatres and cinemas EVERYWHERE which I ADOREEEE <3333 Nightlife culture is very good - there is almost ALWAYS somewhere to go or something to do, if you felt like it. There are underground jazz clubs, hidden bars, and at one point (not sure if they do it anymore post-covid pandemic) there used to be raves thrown in abandoned churches. Those things are certainly more fun with a friend or group of friends, imo. Lots of restaurants everywhere too, but ofc some are more expensive than others.
There are many bookshops too, and little stalls dotted along the Seine that sell old books and artworks (not sure how expensive they are, but they would probably have some nice books!). One time I was going to the theatre for a show and saw this second-hand bookshop still open and I ended up leaving with a first edition of Jean Giraudoux's Sodome et Gomorrhe.
Paris is somewhat like what is shown in the movies, but you need to give the city a reality check -- no city is perfect. Like many other cities, there are dodgy areas you'd wanna avoid sometimes, you may see people begging for money, there might be litter in some places (unfortunately), strikes make it more difficult to move around, and if you planned a visit that coincided with a big protest, then you probably won't get the picturesque and squeaky-clean experience of Paris that movies always try to show off. Also, if you're ever curious to visit and if you're not a fan of huge crowds, I *HIGHLY* recommend visiting in the winter. Less annoying swarms of tourists lol.
Paris is what you make of it tbh!
Hope this helps! <3 And if you made it this far into the post, here is some cake for you 🍰
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songbirdtayler · 2 months
Im posting this here since no one will see it and I don't want my brother to find it in my journal. I still want to die. I keep thinking about it every day. It's been this way for months on end and it's at the point where I'm not scared to die. I already have things mostly planned out. I know when and which day would work best, Im gonna write a will soon and then letters to everyone and maybe do some videos in case the letters are unreadable. I just need to get that all done and choose how to go out. I do want a bit more money before I go so my family has less to worry about but they can sell all my stuff im not giving to people. They won't have to worry about another mouth to feed or the upstairs being too hot, they can move my fans downstairs to help keep things cooler and hopefully make the electrical bill go down some. They also won't have to worry about another person getting COVID. I won't weigh them down anymore. I won't weigh anyone down. I won't ever have to be in pain or cause anyone more pain again. It will be my last act of pain. Sure it's a big pain but they'll be okay. Everyone I care about has people there for them. They won't see me become a bigger monster, they'll be able to have some good memories of me. I don't want them to have more bad memories of me. I don't want to hurt them anymore. I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't want to hurt. Everything hurts so much. My heart hurts so much. I'm not strong enough to keep going on. I'm so tired of being hurt all the time. Things just keep getting worse. I've managed to hurt my best friend so much that he doesnt even love me anymore. We're still friends but it hurts ya know. And it hurts more knowing that I'll never even be close to the one he likes. I can't make him comfy anymore, I can't make him happy or laugh or support him etc. I just hurt him it seems like:/ he used to really love me but I ruined that. I ruin everything I touch. That's the other reason why I gotta go. I don't want to ruin more things. I just want everyone to be happy and okay. I don't want to make the world a darker place. I think I've done all I can, I don't see what Im needed here for anymore. I don't think I really matter. Its hard to see why I would. How can a monster matter ? Not only that, people don't really talk to me...I'm ignored a lot so I stopped really reaching out. I'm pretty lonely most of the time tbh. I'm not someone people really check in on or want to spend time with. I'm just here. Im not even good at what I used to be good for so I don't even have people really reaching out for those reasons now. It's pretty funny people always tell me they love me and care but they don't really reach out or try to talk to me one on one yet they always will for other people. I can't even be treated kindly when I'm clearly worried about someone else yet they love me. The irony of it all. If you care then why don't you try with me!!! Do you see why it's so hard to see why I matter? If I matter why don't people try..I don't get it. People know I'm going through a rough time yet they still don't even reach out. IM NOT THAT STRONG IVE BEEN THROUGH THE RINGER OF PAIN I NEED SUPPORT AND CARE GODDAMNIT. So I gotta be a monster it's what makes sense. Maybe I would have been stronger if I had more support and if things stopped getting worse all the time. But I don't have either of those things. All I have is more pain and suffering and loneliness and seeing myself further descend into being a bigger monster. I try so hard to do good and be kind and happy and a good friend but I keep fucking up. I can't even do something simple. I was too greedy letting myself live this long. If I was gone noone of the pain I caused would have happen and I wouldn't have to experience all this pain. I would be at peace and people would be happy but I'm foolish and hopefully. I won't let that get the best of me now tho. I'll be gone before fall. I don't have enough strength to make it to my bday.
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