#people need to know how weird sun bears are
best part about the whole “the Chinese government is filling their zoos with guys dressed like bears” thing is, as soon as I saw the headline this morning, I went “hah bet it’s a sun bear” and I was not disappointed
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majestyeverlasting · 2 months
𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭
Pairing Rockstar!Eddie x Reader | friends -> lovers
Summary Eddie comes back to Hawkins during a break on his national tour, and realizes he lost touch with someone he cares about deeply: you [angst and fluff]
Word Count: 2.7k
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Above, a blue sky melts into orange, bearing a falling sun that makes Lover’s Lake shimmer. Tree branches rustle in the breeze. Until Eddie showed up at your door, whispers of his return to Hawkins had been just that. If you were still in the habit of calling each other regularly, you reckon you would’ve been the first to know. There’s no skepticism now, as the two of you sit on the tailgate of a cherry-red F-150. It’d been a gift from him to Wayne that he had on loan for the outing. This is a spot where campervans usually staked out for the view, but the universe must’ve known the evening belonged to you two. 
There were so many things you told yourself you were going to say when he got back from the road, but the words were hard to find. Elation and confliction had decided that your heart would be the grounds for their tug-of-war. Time had a habit of doing that, muddling feelings. Blurring old lines.  
“Does it feel weird?” you ask. They’re the first words you’ve spoken in a while. It takes Eddie a second to realize you’re talking to him. 
He straightens up in apology. “Does what feel weird?” The hole in his jeans gives sight to the bruise on his knee. You study it, imagining the many ways it could’ve formed. Knee-sliding on stage, most likely. 
“Being back in Hawkins,” you say, meeting his gaze. 
The immediate answer that poses itself on the tip of his tongue is no. Then it occurs to him that what you’re really asking is if it feels weird to be back with you. To that, there is no concrete answer. No such thing as black and white. There’s only technicolor when it comes to you, so vivid and complex that he wished it was as simple as a binary. 
“I don’t know if I’d use the word weird.” 
“Different?” you supply. 
He lifts a shoulder. “That’s a little more like it,” he says. “Coming home always is.” 
You hum, twisting the gold bracelet around your wrist. There’s a silver one around his own and his fingers are adorned with bulky steel rings. More tattoos have found a home beneath his skin as well. The longer you study everything new about him, the more a look that hauntingly resembles grief blooms on your face. As if something that once belonged to the two of you had been lost to the passing of time. When the same sense begins to swell within his own chest, he tries to snub it out the best way he knows how, beckoning whatever levity may be waiting in the wings.  
“But a lot of things stayed the same. Like Mike,” he starts. “I thought he would’ve called it quits by the time I got back, but he’s still kicking around at the auto shop. I was more surprised to see him than he was to see me.” 
After teaching Eddie the little his father failed to teach him about cars, Mike Summerdale gave him his first steady job the summer before his senior year. Working at Starcourt hadn’t held up, neither did Family Video or any other ‘boring’ employment. Mike’s Tire & Auto Shop was the only gig he sustained before the world had bigger plans. Eddie was the type who needed to move around, work with his hands, be challenged. Mike was one of the only people who’d been keen enough to discern that. 
Working at the shop not only gave him a sense of stability, but it also gave him you. The evening you came by for a last minute oil change on your parent’s Peugeot 504—ten minutes before closing—was the day he learned you were even funnier and more down to earth than what he’d gathered from within the stuffy halls of Hawkins High. 
A smile starts on your own lips. “He was probably ready to put his best man back to work,” you say. “Your hands are all pretty now.” 
Scoffing, Eddie turns his palms up as if he’s prepared to prove you wrong. There’s calluses on his fingertips from playing guitar, but not much else. His hands are nowhere near as rugged as they were when he was a mechanic. Back when you’d finally had enough of his indifference, you remember getting him a special cream and even rubbing it into his hands yourself when he puppy-dog-eyed his way into it. Some nights, long after you were supposed to have been back at your parents place, you’d be sitting in his living room with the TV glow illuminating your faces as the scent of eucalyptus lingered in the air between you. 
Eddie follows your hand as you reach over to run your fingers over his palm. “If I gave you a socket wrench right now, you probably wouldn’t even know how to use it.” You’re shamelessly teasing him now. It feels good. 
A genuine smile pulls on his lips, eyes brighter as he looks over at you. Even in his amusement, his next words are thoughtful. “Some things you don’t forget.” 
Sobering words, more like. Memories begin to roll in one by one until they avalanche and you can’t help but relieve yourself of the pressure by shoveling it over to him. 
“Do you remember the night we met?” you ask. “After that we were together all the time.” 
Back when time was all you had. Twenty-four hours wasn’t the same anymore. There were more responsibilities to fill it with, different relationships to entertain. For a while, the only thought ticking in your minds was when you’d get to see each other again. When the phone calls stopped, the care never went away. Neither did the curiosity, the stress of not knowing how the other was doing or where they were in the world. Those concerns continued to ring on and on, reverberating down the hallways of want that built themselves within your hearts. 
The rouge tear that streams down your cheek is the pioneer of more to come. Eddie swallows the lump in his throat when he sees it, hand twitching once in his lap. The next time, he doesn’t stop himself from reaching out to wipe your tears with his thumb. It’s a gesture meant to distract him from the fact that he’s the reason behind them. There’s no escaping the tidal wave of guilt that rushes in to drag him out to sea. You sniffle and shake your head to let him know that it’s okay, but his head is already under water. 
“I do remember,” it comes out quiet, thick. “The night we met—everything.” 
“Then what happened? What did I do wrong?” The wind is knocked out of him at that. “I know things changed so fast, but did everything before you left just get resigned to a spot on a timeline? Something for you to talk about to Rolling Stone?”  
Eddie tries to swallow around his guilt, but ends up choking on offense. 
“I never asked for any of this,” he asserts, hopping off the truck bed. “I may’ve begged God when I was a kid, but that’s ‘cause I didn’t know any better,” he says. “You don’t know what it’s been like. You don’t get to suggest that I stopped giving a shit.”
“Then what did you do, Eddie? Because that’s what it feels like.” You don’t mean to raise your voice, but there’s no way to reel it back in.
You can see the moment his stomach drops. It’s in the way his body grows tense, the faint color that rises to his cheeks, the light that wavers in his eyes. “You’ve been right here in Hawkins with all your friends and family three steps away. I’m the one who’s been in a new city every other night, cameras flashing wherever I go.” His voice remains level, but he talks with his hands like he always does. 
“I’ve been on autopilot for the past three months to make it back here with a semblance of sanity. So I’m sorry if I stopped picking up the phone to call. I was too busy trying to breathe with a goddamn elephant on my chest.” He paces away from you to run his hands through his hair. When he faces you again, he looks small. “This is all new to me. If you could just extend some grace.” 
Every word hangs heavy in the space between you. Which feels like miles. Eddie doesn’t huff or move or make any rash decision he’ll regret. He averts his gaze to refocus his attention on the lake. Its stillness feels like a mockery. There’s a dull thud as your feet meet the ground, followed by footsteps as you head into the woods. Despite every inch of you that wants to, you don’t look back. The feeling of his gaze is enough. 
He follows a few minutes after you’ve disappeared. The whole way, he wonders if his words were too harsh, if he’d gone about expressing himself the right way. The earthy crunch of his footsteps are soft as comes up behind you. You’re standing at The tree. The one everyone in Hawkins manages to come across in a lifetime, even if they decide not to leave their mark. The stories you heard about it growing up made it out to be a relic. 
Wound-Bearer was the name it had been given by a man from the class of ‘66, meant to immortalize the proof of love, romantic and platonic. Or at least bear a sign that it once existed. Looking at it now, more initials had been added since you and Eddie contributed to it your senior year. The carving stood out more than the rest, not because it was particularly noticeable or impressive, but because it was yours. Eddie stops a few paces away and spots it in seconds as he looks over your shoulder. 
Both of you hold your breath until you give in. 
“I didn’t mean to sound selfish. I’ve just been scared, Eddie.” You’re ashamed as you turn around to face him. “Scared that you didn’t want to talk anymore. That our friendship was fading away,” you say, scoffing a second later. “Now I sound like we’re in a movie.” 
A tenderness settles in his eyes that you don’t believe you deserve. “Our lives are a fucking movie,” he says, breathing out a chuckle. 
Things began to take off after he got scouted by the agent who’d flown out from California to visit family. You remember the dreams that had filled your head, each one of them somehow including you—you tagging along on the road, sitting front row at his shows, being right off camera during interviews. Reality proved itself to be nowhere near as sweet as your imagination. Later, when he signed to a label and was set for a national tour, the sacrifices of the limelight revealed themselves as pressing and real. 
Joining him in that new stage of his life meant leaving everything you’d ever known, bypassing university, being subject to thousands of eyes that just wanted to gawk. That’s why the day he left Hawkins was the day he left you behind. Even in his own mind, you not being his personal assistant was for the better. Him losing a sense of stability to chase his dreams didn’t mean you should be strapped to his side and subject to the same. 
At least you had a shot at creating a nice life for yourself. You were smart, talented, and someone worth building a life with. Music was all he had going. Leaving Hawkins was his only shot and it meant walking through the fire. 
A surprised sound escapes him when you crowd into his space to wrap your arms around him like he’s a soldier home from war. It’s the same type of hug Wayne had given him earlier that afternoon. It felt like love, like safety, like home. He melts into you, and the two of you stand like this until you remember that embraces aren’t meant to last forever. 
Tonight, Eddie Munson takes it slow for the first time in his life. The speed limit signs on the side of the road dare him to go their limit. There’s hardly anybody on the roads to give him trouble for it either. It’s nice, the long way home always is. The radio plays low as the warm night air flows in through the widows. Eddie drives with his right hand, left arm hanging outside the truck. 
“Fuck, you’ve gotta be kidding me,” he grouses as he brakes for a stop sign. There’s enough earnestness in his voice to make you startle as you track his gaze. 
On the opposite side of the street, the old location for Scoot’s Scoops sits idle with boarded windows and a dimmed sign. 
You heave a sigh. “They just relocated,” you assure, rubbing your chest to calm down. “You almost gave me a heart attack.”
Eddie’s eyes are apologetic as he looks over at you. “I damn near had one myself. Sorry.” He reaches over to squeeze your thigh before his brain catches up to his body. It’s a fleeting touch that warms your entire being and stuns you into a brief stillness as if he was electric. 
He shifts in his seat and clears throat. “Maybe we can go to the new location tomorrow. Get some ice cream.” 
You blink a few times, mind still fuzzy. “Yeah, that’d be fun.” 
The remainder of the ride is quiet. When he pulls into the parking lot of your apartment complex, you’re swift to gather your things into your lap, still buzzing. “Thanks for the ride back,” you say, biting on your lower lip as a loud silence stretches. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
He wants to walk you to your door, but he fears he’s already overstepped. “Yup. G’night.” 
Eddie curses under his breath as the door snaps shut behind you. After running a hand down his face, a tube lipstick catches his attention in the passenger seat. It takes him a few seconds to grab it and follow after you. By then, you’ve already made it inside and up the short flight of stairs. When the door of the complex closes behind him, it cuts off a cacophony chirping insects. 
Upon making it to the second floor, there’s something intimate about seeing you standing under the dim, humming lights fiddling with your keys. It isn’t until you get the door open that you regard him. 
His smile is sheepish, unlike him in every way. “You forgot this.” He reads the label as if he hadn’t committed it to memory during his short trip up the stairs, “Strawberry Crush, New Hydrating Formula.” A boyish smile buds on his face as he holds it out to you. 
“Oh my gosh, thank you so much.” Contrary to your words, there’s no inflection of surprise in your tone as you take it from him. Forgetting hadn’t been a mistake. His eyes flit inside to get a glimpse of your apartment. “Maybe I can give you a proper tour tomorrow after ice cream,” you offer. 
Eddie shoves his hands into his pockets. “Sure, I’m down.”
He waits until you’re inside to walk back to his truck. You rush to peep out your living room window to watch him climb into the truck. He doesn’t pull away like you expect him to. Instead, he stays parked. Headlights shining, attracting moths and other flying things. The urge to see him one last time overpowers your better judgment in a fight that lasts all of five seconds. 
In record time, you’re back outside. He rolls down his window as you approach. 
“Forget something else?” 
“I did, actually.”
You rest your forearms on the window sill and he instinctively leans towards you, warm eyes searching your face trying to get a read. In another life, he sees your next move coming. In this one, it seems too good to be true: a kiss as soft as they come to the sounds of the night.
Any and all interaction appreciated. I see you <3
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 1 month
older brother touya au, quirk training is mentioned but no quirk mentioned for reader, abusive todoroki household, endeavous is a piece of shit, angst, kinda rough hyper fem reader (you push shouto at one point), lmk if i missed sum else !!
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shouto, lately, has been showing up to school with bandages on his arms. and touya knows others find that weird.
for a while now, their father’s training had been more grueling than ever. touya recognizes it in the sounds of screaming and pillars breaking and the coughing of his younger brother as he holds back a sob. not like you could hear it over the sound of enji todoroki’s booming voice yelling at him to get up anyways.
touya recognizes himself from before he was deemed a failure. he recognizes the coughs and wheezes but he thinks his were slightly different from shouto. his tiredness left him sore and unresponsive, complaining about muscular pains that touya never complained about himself. maybe because he ignored them until they were too painful to bear, all to please his father. to be his perfect creation.
but he isn’t, shouto is. and the boy doesn’t like it one bit.
his little brother comes to him most nights sniffling, clinging to him and pleading for touya to let him stay the night in his room. and he always says yes, of course he will, cus he’s his little brother. who’s just a little weird, but who he cares about deeply.
shouto sniffles about how he doesn’t like training with father, how he wishes he could spend time with his older siblings again instead. touya’s eyebrows furrow and he squeezes his brother harder. because he doesn’t like it either.
“if dad ever pisses you off, you can come to me, yeah ? i’ll be there.” shouto chastises him for swearing as he calls it, but touya doesn’t care, cus it made his little brother giggle a little even though he barely does. and it makes him chuckle too.
he remembers what training with his dad felt like when he still had potential. he remembers it was kind of like a father son experience. his dad would look at him proudly when he managed to pull off a new move, praising him in the only way he knew how to and encouraging him to keep aiming higher, to make his fire burn stronger. that he’d even surpass him.
but then the burning started to hurt. then the training started happening less often, and when it did it more desperate than anything. nothing was ever good, he had to keep pushing, keep burning. harder, stronger and faster. because he needed to surpass him.
it didn’t feel like a father son anything after that, it wasn’t fun and his body hurt. but the sudden change in demeanor was jarring, he remembers. it hurts to remember how his father had gone from this to simply just..giving up on him. but he thinks it must be horrible for shouto to immediately go through the tyrant that is endeavor at such a young age, rather than at least liking it at first like touya had.
of course he wouldn’t like it, touya doesn’t like it either.
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“sho, i think we should get married.”
shouto’s laying on the grass with you when you suddenly speak to him. his eyes widen just a bit and when he turns his head to question you, you’re smiling like the sun. he likes that about you.
“why ?”
you jump up, leaning over him a bit, everything else is blocked out but you, shouto thinks he prefers it that way.
“cuuuuuz,” you sing “it’d be fun, right ?”
“to get married ?” you nod. shouto blinks at you. and when he keeps looking you shyly look away.
he figures you’re somewhat right, though. in the movies he watches with fuyumi, people seem to have a lot of fun during weddings, they seem happy. shouto wants to be happy with you, as simple as that, so he responds with the first thing that comes to mind.
and if he thought you were the sun before, he’s proven wrong immediately because the smile you send him blinds him. he hopes you’ll smile like that again every single day, it’d make him happy. you squeal and pull him up to you to squeeze him tight, the sudden move hurts a bit, but he doesn’t mind. it doesn’t hurt like his father does and it’s you, so he doesn’t mind and let’s you squeeze him to your hearts content.
“we’re engaged now, then !” you tell him, “so that means your my fiancé. when we’re grown ups, i’ll ask you again, okay ?” you ask giddily, you stand up because you can’t stand still anymore and you pull him along with you. shouto readjusts your fingers so he’s holding onto your pinky (he likes it that way) and he nods. “okay,” he answers again.
natsu-nii told him that he should speak more once, because people think that one word answers are rude sometimes. but he doesn’t like talking to people, and he doesn’t care if they think he’s rude and you get so happy when he speaks to you. you’re the only person he wants to talk to and you’re happy, so why should that bother him ?
shouto can’t wait until he’s a grown up. he’s sure when he’s a grown up, he won’t have to listen to his dad all the time, he’ll be stronger and will be able to fight back. but now, he can’t wait to be a grown up so you can get married for real.
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apparently, shouto’s getting pulled out of school.
he hears touya angrily talking with his nanny about him. they can’t see him from where he's hiding behind the door. shouto can't remember a time where his older brother had sounded so mad, not even when he gets mad at him for being a brat. touya always seemed the angriest when their father was involved.
he keeps swearing, calling something bullshit. but shouto realises that if he gets pulled out of school, he won't be seeing you anymore.
so, just to be sure. when training is over and his father has ordered him to patch himself up, he asks.
"are you going to pull me out of school ?"
shouto holds back a flinch when his father stops in his tracks and turns to look at him slightly. all he responds with is "who told you ?" shouto only shrugs. enji stays quiet before finally responding.
"it's what's best for you. you are meant to surpass me."
shouto doesn't like talking to his father, it makes him nervous. he misses when his mom was here to comfort him, to tell him it was okay to be scared sometimes. shouto picks at his bandages, his mom had told him to stop one time, because it makes them come loose. but he's nervous.
"but..i have to got to school.." he utters quietly, he clenches his fist to keep it from shaking. "i'll get you a teacher." his father responds easily, he doesn't understand. shouto bites his lip.
"but..my friend at school.." shouto keeps his eyes to the floor, he knows his father is looking down at him and he doesn't want to look back. "yn..will wanna know where i am..'cus she wants to get married.."
enji todoroki huffs loudly, grumbling to himself. "what do you know about marriage.." he scoffs, and he keeps it at that. walking off and before he slides the door shut, he reminds shouto to patch himself up.
shouto doesn't jump when the door slams. and now that he thinks about it he doesn't know much about marriage.
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"i don't think we should get married anymore."
you're usually always talking, shouto likes that about you. but now you just blink at him.
"..what ?"
you're always smiling at him, shouto likes that about you. but now you're frowning at him.
shouto swallows, it feels hard to "i don't want to get married anymore."
you're frowning at him, it's hard to swallow. you like sitting on the swings with him, and shouto likes that you taught him to go on it by himself, but he thinks he's ruined it for you now.
"why not ?"
you sound sad, shouto doesn't like it. he wants you to be happy all the time. but he won't be able to go to school soon, he won't see you anymore. and that'd make you even more sad. he doesn't know what else to do.
shouto can't bring himself to respond because he doesn't have a reason. he wants to be with you, he wants to hold your pinky and he wants to marry you. he wants you to smile at him so hard it blinds him. but he doesn't know anything about marriage. besides what he's seen on tv and from his own mom and dad. and his mom doesn't live at home anymore, because his dad had sent her away. when you get married you have fun and you're happy but his mom never was. you're always happy and he doesn't want you to be sad like his mom was, because you're the nicest person in the world.
so he just shrugs. natsu-nii had told him that people would find that rude once, and he thinks maybe he should've listened. you abruptly get up and stand in front of him. he looks up at you and wishes he'd never had because you look so sad. you want him to think you're angry, but he can tell with you.
"so you lied to me ?"
he wants to say no, because he doesn't mean it. but in your mind he probably did, he looks away. he can't look at you anymore because your lip is wobbling like you want to cry. angrily, you push at his shoulder, shouto trains with his father almost every day, he has the bandages under his sweater to prove it. but this hurts so much more.
"i hate liars !" you yell at him, shouto's never heard you yell besides that one time you'd punched tanaka in the face and ended up at the nurses office. you push him again and your voice is wobbly when you tell him you hate him before you run away. you're leaving without him. shouto can't move from where he's still slightly swinging on the swing. he doesn't like it anymore, but he can't go anywhere, because you're not holding onto his pinky and he can't readjust it to hold yours better.
shouto feels colder suddenly now that you're away, but he can't move as he grips the bars of the swing tighter and his lip wobbles.
touya, for the first time in a while, sees his brother come back home completely clean. and extremely sad.
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i didn't want to end this part so sadly but i couldn't help myself yall im sorry, i hope yall still love me !!!
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desparaic · 6 months
Imagine Rengoku's son traveling to the past
Rengoku X Fem! Reader
I’m sorry, I never really do this kinda stuff before, but this has just been rotting my mind
read part 2 here
So, imagine Rengoku's teenage son traveling to the past when trying to fight a demon.
He is confused by the fact the demon just used his BDA and ran away just like that. He looks around and even checks himself, nothing.
Tf this demon do?????
Sun is almost up. Weird. He swears it just set only a few hours ago.
He tries to chase after the demon but with the thick trees, it’s hard to see where he went.
Defeated, he decides to go back to the corps headquarters, maybe visit the estate and go see his mother again
Imagine his surprise when he finds that things are a bit different than the last time he left the hq
I’m sorry what do you mean the current oyakata is Kagaya??? Isn’t that Kiriya-sama’s late father????
wait is that Uzui-san????? He has both of his eyes???? And he’s back being a slayer now?????
And why does everyone look at him weird????? Wait, where are his friends????
He has to take a double take when he sees the news post near the garden and realizes the year of the news is set in 19XX, more than 15 years back into the past.
He swears it’s a prank
it isn’t lol
After a liiiitttlee panic attack and existential crisis, he realizes he’s in the past
Down side, he doesn’t know how to get back and what this means
Upside, he can see his mom in action as a hashira!
She retired when he was born, so he didn’t get to see her in action aside from training sessions.
Excited (as if he wasn’t just panicking about this lmao), he rushes all over the place to find his mother
people be staring at him
who is this carbon copy of the flame hashira and why is he running
Eventually finds her just about to take off for a mission
I’m sorry huh?
You look at the kid surprised. Not only is he look exactly like your husband, this kid just called you mom.
I’m?????? Did Kyojuro have a secret love child???? or a relative he never told you about?????
Your future son is just so hyped seeing you in your uniform the first time he almost forgot to explain himself LMAO
When he quickly introduces as your son you’re just there like 🧍‍♀️
This kid needs to find a physician quick
Well, turns out he isn’t lying, especially after telling you an intimate detail that only a few people know.
You’re flustered, surprised, bewildered, but most importantly…
You’re excited to see him! You and Rengoku have always talked about having a family, so you’re so glad you both eventually do!!!
Immediate bond. Get along super well. Almost like y’all are related dang who would’ve thought
You excitedly say, “Oh, I can’t wait for Kyojuro to meet you! I bet He’s excited to see his son from the future! You look just like him!”
his genes do be strong
but as soon as you say that, your son’s smile fades.
Your motherly instincts tell you something is wrong.
“Is everything okay?”
You didn’t miss the way he furrows his eyebrows and lift the corner of his lip in annoyance, even if it was just a split second.
He only smiles (though your mama bear instinct is like “no, no, this kid definitely hidin’ smn), “no, nothing’s wrong.”
”Oh! Can you show me your breathing technique, Mother? You never get to show me your breathing style!”
Huh. Weird.
Okay gonna write a part 2 because this way too long brother
UPDATE: aight here it is part 2
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helios-writings · 1 year
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I Drank Dry the River Lethe
Osamu Dazai x gn! Reader
wc: 1.2k
Warnings: none
Dazai is in love with you, he has no idea. He just knows that you make him feel…weird.
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Dazai doesn’t know what’s happening to him, as far as he’s aware, you don’t have a special ability. But, that has to be the only explanation for how his heartbeat quickens whenever you walk into the room, how his breath is stolen every time you smile. How every accidental touch makes him yearn for more, like a siren song he can’t get out of his head, even if he were to jump overboard.
You were always so kind to him, a far cry from Kunikida who you claim to be best friends with. But it’s Dazai who you always hand a cup of coffee to, Dazai who you always save a pastry for. He can’t bear it, your kindness. Like he doesn’t deserve it. He’s sure you know, and yet….you still smile at him. Your smile is so bright it could rival the sun, and Dazai wouldn’t mind burning in its ultraviolet rays.
He’s staring at you now, as you sit on the corner of where Atsushi is sitting, talking animatedly at him, gesturing so wildly with your hands you nearly hit yourself in the face. You laugh, embarrassed. It’s like music to his ears, he wants to record the sound and play it on repeat over his headphones so he never forgets it, so it's ingrained into his brain.
“Dazai,” you say, “want anything from the shop?”
He blinks, taken out of his thoughts by the lilt of your voice. “What?”
You're next to him now, the scent of your body spray nearly intoxicating to him. He wants to press his nose to your throat and drink it in.
“The shop, I’m going to pick up lunch from there. Do you want anything?”
He stands, stretches and yawns. “I’ll just come with you.”
You roll your eyes, but smile still. “Well, don’t make it sound like such a chore, I could’ve offered to get you nothing.”
Dramatically he leans against your shoulder, hand over his forehead, feigning a sorrowful swoon. “And starve me to death? How cruel, even for you.”
You laugh, Dazai loves making you laugh. He craves it, almost, wants to keep doing it.
“You’re so dramatic, but alright, come along.”
He’d follow you to the ends of the earth if you asked, but for now, the shop down the street would do.
You say hello to a bunch of people as you pass by, almost all of them complete strangers. You even hum as you walk. He’s so content watching you, that he almost runs into a lamppost.
You pull him away just in time and frown. “It’s not good to have your head stuck in the clouds all the time. What if you got hit by a car?! Dr. Yosano wouldn’t have been able to heal you!”
“Awe, you’re worried about little old me?”
You let him go. “You know what, actually? Next time you daydream I’m letting you hit the pole, and I hope you get the ugliest bump on the middle of your forehead. And when you beg and plead with me for an ice pack, I am going to say I told you so.”
You let the silence linger for one moment. “And then I’ll get you the ice pack.”
He laughs, absolutely enamored with you. “I knew you enjoyed my company.”
“Of course, that’s why I get gray hairs trying to keep you around. Now, come on. I’m starving and I want to grab a good onigiri before they’re all gone!”
You grab his hand and pull you along and oh. He thinks this is the first time you’ve touched him on purpose, the feeling of your hand so impossibly warm in his he doesn’t know what to think or feel. He wants to pull you into him, wrap you up in his arms and never let go. He could die in your arms and nothing else would ever be more perfect.
Dazai knows what he feels when he looks at you now, the shortness of breath, the skipping heart. It is no spell, no special ability.
He is in love with you, drawn to you like a moth to a flame, a nail to a magnet.
Suddenly, all he wants to do is tell you, the need clawing his way to the top of his throat, being stopped only by sheer will. He will not tell you this in a shitty convenience store, where anyone could overhear. No, he won’t do that. Dazai has some semblance of romance after all, even if Kunikida thinks the opposite.
“What do you want?” You ask, observing the onigiri with a seriousness that otherwise would’ve made him chuckle, had his very being not been shaken to the core.
His eyes land on the first bento he sees and he grabs it. “This is perfect.”
You raise a brow. “Are you okay? Did you actually hit your head and I didn’t see?”
Dazai rolls his eyes. “I’m just really in the mood for….salmon.”
He absolutely was not in the mood for salmon, but you shrugged and continued perusing for the items the rest of the ADA had asked for. He even managed to regain some state of being long enough to help you carry the bag back to the agency.
You grin brightly as you enter the office. “Lunch! And I can say with one hundred percent certainty that nothing got crushed. Except for Dazai, almost.”
“I’m telling you, I could’ve avoided any oncoming traffic.”
You roll your eyes, but smile at him in exasperation. “Okay, okay. You’re tough as nails.”
Dazai shoves the whole piece of salmon in his mouth to prevent the feelings from spilling out. He nearly chokes.
You hand him a glass of water, eyes crinkled in the corner from amusement.
It’s just you two in the office at the end of the day. The atmosphere is almost stifling now that he has the perfect chance to confess.
It’s funny, how easily he was able to proposition other people that he thought were perfect candidates for his dream. But now that it was you, someone he knows, that he cares for….he almost can’t get the words out. Everyone he’s ever propositioned pales in comparison to you, you have wholly ruined him; there’s no one on earth like you.
You’re nervous as you turn to him. “I know why you're acting weird.”
“You do?” Shit.
“You found out about my feelings for you. I knew I was too obvious.”
Dazai blinks. “Huh?”
Realization that he didn’t know dawns on you and you rush to leave, but he grabs your arm and pulls you into a desperate kiss, like if he didn’t kiss you in that moment he would explode.
Your lips against his are a religious feeling, something to worship. He wonders if he could get amnesia so he couldn’t experience them for the first time over and over again. Wonders if, perhaps, he’s already dead and this is his eternal heaven.
Knows he’s alive once you pull away and laugh, eyes shining in disbelief and joy. He kisses you again. You smile into it.
Dazai spends a lot of time doing that until he’s certain he’ll never get tired of it.
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stupidlovergirl · 1 year
How Their Love Feels
Feat. Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan,Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor Dateables Version
not edited
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Lucifer’s love is turning into an old married couple. It starts subtle and then all at once. Lucifer wants to make sure you mean it, he is a man who has raised all his siblings, even if he wasn’t consistent day to day with it. He knows relationships take time and effort, and he doesn’t always have the ability to give it with his loyalty to Diavolo. He needs you to know that he won’t always be able to be in bed when you fall asleep, or be there when you awake. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you, but sometimes he doesn’t even go to sleep, the piles of paperwork get so high. Just reassure him, be patient and kind. It makes him love you even more than he already does.
Mammon’s love is wild. He’s attached to your side, dragging you into schemes and problems that he doesn’t always mean to cause. You can always laugh and say that there's never a dull moment. Yet when the night ends, and you snuggle together in bed, all the words of adoration that he gets too nervous to say because he is such tsundere, come out. He tells you how much he loves you, how life with you is so much better, and how he hopes he’s your number one like you are to him. Mammon’s love is wild, and it always makes you feel breathless in the best way.
Falling in love with Leviathan is just like the water. It’s a push and pull. He can’t always give you his everything, his anxiety sometimes gets too much for that. Sometimes the only love he can show you is through texts, as any more would make him panic way too much. Yet just like the water, it comes rushing in. His love overflows, and nothing can stop him from adoring you. He gets embarrassed after these events, but it’s so cute that you can’t help yourself and end up teasing him. Levi is happy you chose him, sometimes he can barely believe it. That he will wake up from this glorious dream. Just give him some kisses and cuddles and force him to believe your not going anywhere.
Satan’s love is like the old romance stories. He is a romantic at heart, and can’t stop himself from loving you like the stories he has read do. Beautiful hand crafted letters, dancing in the kitchen when you both can’t sleep, hushed whispers in your cuddle chair in the library, and so much more. He gets angry, and he has to walk away during these times of weakness, and you have to remind him that you don’t think any less of him for it. It makes him feel a little bit better, and pushes him deeper into the depths of his love for you.
Puppy love is kinda the way to describe your love with Asmodeus. Obviously it’s a little bit more mature, but not really. PDA is through the roof, always mentioning each other to people when you are apart, giggles and nuzzling while people gag at you, all of it. You put middle schoolers to shame sometimes. It’s because he isn’t used to someone loving him for him. It always feels like what he can give them, be it his strength or body. You don’t want that from him though, and it makes him feel so different, like he is discovering something completely new and wants to jump in head first. Just, laugh off some of his weirder comments, he is still a demon who says weird things as affectionate terms. (Have you SEEN some of his lines???)
Beelzebub’s love is like the sun. He shines so brightly, you can’t help but look. He shares his food with you, makes sure you're safe, and cradles you so softly. He is a big teddy bear, letting you cuddle into him whenever you please, he has a lot of experience working around people because of Belphie. You can come running full speed at him and jump and he’ll catch you. He loves being able to carry you around, it doesn’t matter what size you are. Loving you with a warmth that you don’t think you have ever experienced. He loves you with his whole heart, and wants to show it in all the ways he can. He is just a big softie, and wants to give you the entire world. (Spoiler alert, you just need him)
Belphegor loves like a BRAT. Just kidding!!(kinda) Belphie loves like the stars. It is soft, and you sometimes have to see in between the lines to fully grasp the largeness of it. He feels so guilty sometimes, thinking of what he has done to you. Just reassure him that it is fine, that you do not hold it against him. He tells you the stories of the stars from both the Human world and the Devildom. Creating a nest just for you two(sometimes three with Beel). Drawing on your body little pictures and even notes for you to find in the mirrors when you change (maybe even a tiny mark). It’s the little, almost completely silent things when it comes to him. He might be a little mean, but he never makes you feel unloved.
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trashcanfanfics · 2 months
Part 2 Of Vigilante!Reader
Part 1 ^
It's been a while since Jason had seen you. No fighting on the rooftops. No seeing you in the distance. No banter. Nothing. It was driving him crazy. He hadn't seen you in weeks. He wondered what could have happened. Did you get hurt? Why did that hit him in the gut?
"Jaybird!" The voice made him groan and grapple off the roof to another. "Wha-! Aw, c'mon!" Dick followed him for the next few buildings until Jason gave up and stopped. He turned towards Nightwing.
"What?" He growled out. Dick raised his hands and his smile grew wider. He didn't like that smile. It irritated him and made his sour mood worse. Jason grit his teeth.
"I just came to say hi!" The older man shrugged. He seemed extra bouncy tonight. Maybe it was just Jason being on edge. "Oh, and to tell you about this new vigilante." Jason's heart jumped at the mention. Was it you? That'd be a coincidence. He was just brooding over you.
"New vigilante?" He tried not to sound too eager. Knowing Dick, he'd grab hold of that and run with it. "What's the name?" Nightwing's smile switched to a smaller, less energetic one. Just a friendly, non bouncy one. Jason really was tense tonight.
"Yeah." He said your alias. Jason's chest felt tight. "They were just over near the edge of your territory. We talked, they seemed nice." Jealousy rippled under the Red Hood's skin. Dick got to talk to you tonight and he hadn't heard your muffled voice in weeks. It boiled his blood. He hardly noticed Damian joining them on the roof.
"Are we discussing the new vigilante?" Even Robin knew who you were. "They seemed competent enough." Of course the brat talked to you too. Was everyone going to talk to you before he could even look at you again? He swore if one more person came up on the roof, he'd kick them off it.
You were avoiding the Red Hood. It became too complicated for you. You started to feel giddy at the thought of seeing him. That was dangerous and stupid. You didn't even know who he was under that mask. And he's killed people.
"Fucking stupid." You muttered to yourself, climbing into your window and taking off your mask. Your patrol went perfect, well, almost. You ran into Nightwing and Robin earlier. Separately, which was weird considering the latter usually had someone with him. You entered your room and took off your gear. The sun was rising and you decided to go to the convenience store on the corner to get something to eat. You were craving a doughnut.
The door dinged as you entered and went to the pastry case. Someone was already there. A tall man with black hair, a white streak falling over his eyes. He wore a red hoodie and black sweats. Why do those boots look familiar? The florescent lights haloed him. He was beautiful. You recognized you were staring and quickly laid your eyes on the bear claw in the case. The one the beautiful stranger just grabbed. Dammit.
You moved to the case, making the stranger look at you and move out of your way. He took the last one. Motherfucker. You sighed and grabbed your next choice. The stranger looked down at his hand that held the bear claw and back to you. He shrugged to himself and walked to the register. That ass knew what he did. Your blood pressure rose. You almost tripped him out of habit. Why was that a habit with this stranger?
"Would you like a bag?" The cashier's monotone voice pulled you back to the moment. You stood in line behind Mr. Dickface. He finished his transaction and looked back at you for a second before going to leave. The cashier looked at you. "Is this everything for you?"
"Yeah." You noticed the stranger stop and turn his head back towards you. You kept him in your peripheral just in case he tried something. Though, you think if he wanted to rob the store he would've done it already. "No, I don't need a bag." The cashier gave you your change and you turned towards the exit. That was still blocked by the stranger. He exited and held the door open the door for you. You thanked him and walked out, still keeping an eye on him.
"I'm Jason." He held his hand out to you once you were out of the door. You looked down at his hand then back to meet his eye. He offered a small smile. You tentatively reached out and shook his hand, introducing yourself. His smile widened slightly, face briefly showing recognition before going back to a neutral politeness. It put you on edge.
"Well...Thanks." You turned around and began walking to your apartment. He didn't follow you but you made sure to take the long, complicated way home. You even used the fire escape in the alley instead of going into the building. Weird, beautiful stranger.
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black-lake · 2 years
astro observations 2
more observations today for ya? this time both signs and aspects. 🦊 
Should I call it the Aquarius post? 🤔 I mentioned Aquarius too many times, sorry I relate too hard, bear with me. 
Highlights: aquarius, MC, IC, sun, virgo, capricorn, gemini, sagittarius, jupiter, mercury, moon, scorpio, aries, uranus
🦋 Aquarius placements especially sun, moon, mercury, mars, MC and ascendant are PROS at ignoring your texts until they want to answer. It's like they either consciously ignore your text to rebel against what others expect them to do and do exactly what they want at that time, or unconsciously rebel in the same way desiring complete "freedom". My bestie is aquarius sun and I'm aquarius MC, we answer each other's texts days or weeks later and are okay with it 💀 oh, the answer is also too irrelevant it makes you want to throw your phone at a wall yay 😻
🦋 Fire moon + fire/air mars and anger issues 🤝
🦋 Virgo moons, you had a critical mom or parental figure, you internalized her voice, you criticize without knowing. Your words can make someone self conscious even if you think it's innocent judgment 🥺 Your words can also make some's day because you are trusted! (applies to gemini moons and mercury too). Don’t take it for granted. Until you know how to use your judgment for good, with balance and kindness you become the warmest most looked up to friend.
🦋 Capricorn moons are such complex individuals, their trauma is unique to them, they can endure and have endured a LOT. They are extremely caring or deadly careless no in between. Keeping it professional is what they're good at. Each one I met is so much different than the other, they have similar but different stories, but they all have this grounded energy that can make them even seem heavy energetically. Once evolved, they can be the wisest people to talk to.
🦋 Aquarius MC individuals might have been too emotionally attached to their family at a young age, especially their mom (with leo 4th). They had so much passion and love for their mom and realized it wasn't equally reciprocated, they were manipulated (hits home). They also might have been jealous and needed the love and attention all on them, but they dgaf anymore. 😎 At a certain age, their family broke their trust and they became completely detached. They learned to be emotionally secure and set strong boundaries with people which shocked everyone. They stopped giving energy to their family or anyone else. They ran out of f*cks to give so soon.
🦋 Aquarius MC/IC they were and always will be seen as weird and different from their family and everyone else (hell I'm seen as controversial and questionable even when I sit still and do nothing). love that.
🦋 Also if you have Aquarius MC, IC or Ascendant check when saturn transits 4th or 10th or aspects the nodes/mc. This indicates the end of karmic cycles with your family related to your self concept and self expression. You will have a chance to break cycles and be more individualistic. It may be painful but hold on. 🥺
🦋 Gemini and Virgo ascendants can be introverted or extroverted, mostly introverted, unless they have planets in the 1st, much air or fire energy. They always have a way with words tho no matter what, and they always are nervous, their minds never shut down, they keep thinking and rethinking lol. These individuals break social norms, research and discuss topics much more profoundly than what has been done before. They have topics to talk about that were forgotten or not discussed enough.
🦋 Sagittarius moons and placements, feeling the need to laugh at the wrong, very wrong time. LOUD laughs . Laughs that make others stare with a look of concern. Making jokes when it's time to get serious. Repeating jokes as it gets more serious. Making more jokes when someone tells them to stop. Laughs at people not laughing at their jokes. Laughs at their own joke before they say it. plz I admire. 
🦋 Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn, Aries, Leo, Scorpio mercuries intrigue me the most, they got something impressive about them, the way they talk and their words are powerful, can equally be destructive and toxic. People can take them the wrong way. What they have to say should be heard period. Watch your speech if you have these signs, you don’t want to hurt people or yourself.
🦋 Now I don’t like to talk about how Scorpio and Aries mars are seen as "sexy" because it's been said trillions of times (even tho I like to read them because I'm a scorpio mars 💀). But hear me out, the most prominent thing about all scorpio mars individuals is that they like to move in complete silence, like they don't exist, like you will never catch them. Every decision they take in life is private, because that's the only way they can shock you with their big success and revenge on all people that didn't believe in them. They want to keep you guessing and never give you answers but will show actions and accomplishments only. Their biggest dream is to come out on top once everyone has forgotten about them (or not), but to see your jaw droppin is their wet dream loool.  
🦋 Mercury conjunct Uranus? and all aspects for that matter, but especially the conjunction. You cannot convince me that these individuals are not geniuses, no matter how dumb they act. Take care of your mind, it's something special gorg. Also your voice must be so unique, it stays on someone's mind and is so vivid when they think of you. 
🦋 Mercury conjunct Jupiter, the philosopher. You just like to talk about abstract and broad topics. Spiritualist at heart, rational to deny it often tho. You have sooo many interests it's insane. You are the jack of all trades. People expect you to know things? You come off as a know it all, even if you don't mean it (yea I have it I relate). You have lessons to learn and teach those around you especially about their concept of life and beliefs. Any compliment you give can mean a lot to people. Your positivity is infectious. 
🦋 Mercury aspecting Jupiter, especially conjunctions can give a lot of optimism, this applies to neptune positively aspecting chiron as well. I see it in charts of people that have heavy saturn, pluto or chiron energy, to balance the darkness, their ability to think positively is healing to them and others because likely other things are destroying them in life and they already have many wounds. Your optimism is not an illusion, it's a gift from the universe. Life gets better as you spiritually evolve. 
🦋 Moon opposite/square mercury, such a hard aspect. A constant mental and emotional conflict. You don't know whether to trust your thoughts or emotions. You don't know when you're trusting either. There is a direct and strong influence of thoughts on emotions. Now that means your thought can hurt you or elevate you so be careful. Especially at a young age your thoughts and others' thoughts have hurt you deeply, as you grow you learn how to balance it out, to not give a f*ck. The good thing about this aspect is that these people pick up on their thought patterns easily and have potential to manipulate their minds to their benefit. Mental health is important to these individuals. Don't let your mind run wild especially in a negative direction. It's also important to surround yourselves with positive people. Music might be important for you to process emotions. 
🦋 Conjunctions are far from being "neutral" aspects imo. They are powerful natural talents and gifts in perspective, confidence, expression and skills. These aspects are always positive, even to challenging planets, if they act negatively then there are likely other challenging aspects to the same planets, the native might have not learned yet how to work with this energy or hasn’t realized their potential. Conjunctions are the highest and strongest potential any two planets can reach. The planets don't become "one", they rather meet eye to eye, acknowledge their qualities fully and work out their differences beautifully which manifests in the form of talents and potential. Yes like all aspects they got their negatives too but their positives enormously surpass the negatives. Conjunctions are highly positive aspects, it's unfair to call them neutral.
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steviewashere · 4 months
Want to Go Home With You (Bring Me a Home)
Rating: Teen and Up (May Change With Future Chapters) CW: None, at least for now Tags: Alternate Universe - Mermaids, Hurt/Comfort, Dialogue Heavy, Took Canon Out Back And Pulled an Old Yeller, Mer!Steve Harrington, Fisherman!Eddie Munson, Soft Steve Harrington, Confused Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Steve Harrington Wants to be Loved, Mermaids with Animal Like Instincts, Future Propositioning, Lowkey Might Involve Some Omegaverse Aspects in the Future (Not Sorry)
This is chapter one of ????. Also this takes place in Oregon because that's what I know and the idea of a merman living in an Indiana lake-beach is odd to me. So...bear with me. This is my first like actual alternate universe, completely separate from Stranger Things, so be nice.
Also, I've written Steve here as a merman who's had no contacts with humans—his English is choppy and his understanding of basic human communication is weird. If that's a turn-off for you, turn back now.
Read Part Two Here
Can also be read on AO3
🧜‍♂️—————🧜‍♂️ Fishing wasn’t the ideal career to be going into after high school, but Eddie had to do something while he waited for his dreams to kickstart. Granted, going into this business was easy because his uncle owned the local bait shack. But it didn’t make the job any more appealing in the end. Not even the many beaches he had the chance to truck out to. There was Cannon Beach and Seaside’s, but he stayed close to home in Newport’s.
The beach wasn’t anything super spectacular. Sure, there were parts of it inhabited by the native seal population, some of the areas overloaded with crab shells. And it was damn near majestic during the summertime. Eddie, however, didn’t see the gist of spending time there, though. Maybe it had to do with how every single one of his work days would go, the hours spent sitting in the serene stretches of water. But nothing was intriguing or worthwhile about spending his time there.
That is, until one particular early summer day.
June isn’t a busy summer month for Eddie and his uncle. It was the right temperature, but there was still the risk of storms. Heavy duty kind of storms. Business didn’t stop, though. He woke up at 5:30am, when the sun was still acclimating to the baby blue sky, and readied himself in coveralls, thick and tall rubber boots, and a bucket hat that protected his lopsided mop of curls. His hair remained back in a bun and his skin was doused with paste-like sunscreen. In one hand he carried a red fishing rod and in the other, an old black lunchbox transformed for tackle.
He went out to the docks. To the few run down boats. And climbed aboard his uncle’s tried and true, S.S. Lenore—a tiny thing, made for up to four people, overrun with nets and crusted muddy footprints, and equipped with a singular cooler. The engine always took a few pulls to start up, jostling and crunching like food run through a garbage disposal, but it did the trick. And then he was off.
Eddie always took the chance to float out for a handful of minutes. Sometimes fifteen. Sometimes ten. Set himself up stagnant in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nobody, with no chance in hell he’ll be interrupted. Today he just needed to get a cooler full of trout. Rainbow trout, to be more exact. They’re easy fish to gut and debone, good for baking in the oven, and stuffing full of herbs for marinated fish stew. He’d gone out previously to hoist in mackerels and herrings. This was the last trip he’d need to take for a good two weeks, but he was going to do a damn great amount of work for it.
“This should be good,” he mumbles to himself, just barely breeching the edge of his boat. The ocean underneath him moves in subtle pushes, rocking him lightly against itself. Its color is bright and shining—bluer, somehow, than the last time he visited just a few days ago. He can see schools of trout idling underneath the sheen of the water. And so he rigs one of his nets, tosses it over the side of his boat, and slowly sinks it into the water.
And he waits.
It isn’t until half past when he came out that the net begins to rustle. Tugging and splashing, but it doesn’t settle the way it does when it’s some regular trout. No, this threatens to topple Eddie straight into the cold depths of the water below. To sink his boat and turn it over of all its resources.
He grips to the ropes holding the damned thing up. Pulling at it hard enough to give him the starts of burns on his soft palms. And he heaves. Groaning with it. Panting unrelenting in the face of this thing trapped inside his net. Whatever he caught is surely not some common fish for his soup, this is something more—maybe even more dangerous. And he hadn’t thought to bring anything with him to ward off danger.
There had been one time where a shark got caught. Eddie happened to have a knife on him that time. He gave in, cut the ropes on the net, and let it free—which cost him the equipment, but luckily saved his life.
This is a time where having that knife would be spectacular. But as he hefts the net, he realizes that this creature caught is no ordinary thing. It’s not a shark. Not a seal. Not a school of fish. However, through the floundering waves around him, he catches on a fish-esque glimmer. Scales of some sort shifting with the catch of light breaking through.
He wrestles with the net for a few minutes more before eventually getting a good enough grasp to tie it down. Pulling up the rest with his hands, he’s met face to…tail with this creature. It has scales—pearl white and baby pink and pastel yellows—they shine iridescent in the high rise of sunlight. The end of the tail sports two fins, both of them crescent shaped, thicker towards the base of the tail, and spindly where it faces Eddie. Before he can stop himself, he’s poking at the scales, where they taper into absence at the creature’s fins. It’s then that the creature really notices him.
In one fell motion, grand and heaving, the boat rocks. Teetering into flipping. The creature turns its head to him and…hisses. Like the guttural bubbling hiss of a harbor seal. It rocks in the net again, as it lunges towards Eddie.
Immediately, Eddie pulls his hands away and steps as far back as the boat will allow him. Granted, it’s only four feet in width, but that puts space between him and this thing. The thing that he calculates slowly with his eyes. Tail—yeah, he already knew about that. But then he rakes up to the torso of the fish like creature, where his tail is ombre with the glistening, golden skin of a nude torso.
“That—That isn’t right,” Eddie finds himself stuttering, surveying the torso once again. Sure enough, there’s skin. Dotted with moles and freckles. Dark brunette chest hair that could almost be mistaken as black. Toned arms and big, veiny hands. At the ends of this creature’s fingertips are short, curved towards the palms, white claws. Gills where its ribs are. And then Eddie goes to its head. Square-ish jaw, more freckles and moles, smile lines and baby crows feet. Thick eyebrows, triangular nose with a bridge that angles slightly to the left. Ears that threaten to point at the tops. Brunette hair that swoops to the right, falls to its collarbones, wavy and stringy with saltwater.
And its eyes.
Human eyes. Hazel, glowing honey in the sun. Long eyelashes. Drooping eyelids. Pupils that are pinpoint small, dilating with every hiss that leaves the creature’s throat.
A mermaid.
Eddie Munson is looking at a fucking mermaid.
Or…merman? It doesn’t have the seashell bra like all the mermaids he’s heard tales about, but maybe that’s just fable. He’s played all kinds of fantasy games, but he never thought what he described would be looking at him. Wild eyes and baby shark-like teeth, though without the second row. Hissing.
It struggles in the net again, lunging. Wrapping its hands on the edge of Eddie’s boat, squeezing at the metal material. The force of this merman’s grip enough to cause the edge to creak. Eddie’s stomach drops.
“Woah! Alright, okay!” He exclaims, hands up and placating. Briefly, he wonders if it has a good sense of smell and hearing. Like it can scent the excretion of his sweat even in the cold air. Or how his heart beats like the galloping of a race horse. “Easy! I ain’t—I’ve got no reason to hurt you!”
It seems to know what he’s saying, as it relaxes in the net for the first time. But it shoots him a pitiful, pleading look. Petulantly whining at him, though the sound is gargled.
Eddie wipes his sweating palms on his coveralls and takes a tentative step forward. “Easy,” he murmurs, “I’ll free you, but you have to stay calm.”
But the merman shakes its head. “No,” it croaks, “No free.”
Okay, so the guy speaks. It knows English. Even as choppy and awkward as it sounds.
“No free?” Eddie questions, “You don’t want me to free you?”
It shakes its head again. Whines, gargling again in the back of its throat. Its hands grip to the boat again, this time lugging some of its weight. As if it’s trying to…climb in.
Eddie startles back once more. “Hey, no,” he barks, “no climbing in. You can’t come onto my boat.” Though he wants to take it all back the moment he locks eyes again. If it didn’t have scales and gills, Eddie would almost think it was a sad puppy hybrid. He can almost imagine the droopy tail paired with the glistening, fearful, and pleading eyes. “Why shouldn’t I free you? My boat isn’t your home and I can’t take you back with me. You belong in the water.”
“Home,” the merman echoes, croaking. “Your home…warm?”
“Uh—“ What the fuck, he can’t help but think, exasperated. “—uh, sure. Home is warm. My, uh, home is warm. I live by the sand with my uncle, selling worms and cooking fish. The sun hits my skin every morning.” He doesn’t know why he’s answering the guy, but something in its stare, the broken words—Eddie’s allured. “Can you please answer my question? I’d like to go home. So, why shouldn’t I free you?”
The merman points a clawed finger at itself. “My home not warm. Cold.” Eddie nods along because—of course, duh, the ocean is cold. But it murmurs, “Love.” And now Eddie’s confused all over again.
Its voice is soft and sweet, curious. “You have love?”
Eddie shouldn’t be indulging this. He shouldn’t. But maybe the merman is a siren with how he’s drawn to answer. “I don’t have a partner, if that’s what you’re asking. But my uncle loves me. And I love him. That’s—I have love like that.”
It nods like it understands. Looks away over its shoulder, to the cold, salty water. And visibly shudders before facing Eddie again. “No love,” it says, pointing at itself again. “I no have love. No warm.” It tries to climb in again, even as Eddie’s moving to pry its hands away, but it holds tight and hisses again. “Want warm. Go with. Want to go. Go now,” it demands in a low timber.
And even as pretty as this merman is, Eddie has to refuse. He shakes his head softly. Gently, he says, “You can’t. I—I don’t know you. And…I don’t have an ocean in my house. You’ll die if you come with me.”
“Steven,” it mutters.
What? “What.”
“Know me—Steven,” it says. “Know you? Name?”
Tentatively, Eddie relaxes again. Realizes that this won’t be an end all conversation. “My name is Eddie. It’s short for Edward,” he answers, “but I like Eddie more.”
It hums, observing. “Eh-die,” it sounds out. “Eddie,” it whispers. Without warning, it trills at him. High pitched, chirping and bubbling from the back of its throat. Smiling with the sound, squinting its pretty honey eyes. Something in Eddie stirs. “Like that,” it chirps. “Short and easy. I want.”
“You want a short and easy name, too?” Eddie clarifies. It nods at him, squeaking an affirmative thing. “How about…Hm, what’s a good name for Steven?” He ponders as the merman continues to look on at him, eyes bright and curious. “How about Steve? Is that good enough for you?”
“Steve!” It crows. Trilling again, higher pitched than the last, squirming again in the net, closer and closer to heaving itself into the boat. “Easy, easy, easy,” it says at him.
Eddie can’t help but chuckle. “So…Steve, am I able to call you a he? Like…His name is Steve?”
He nods at Eddie. Wriggling again as if he can’t contain his excitement.
“Well, now I know you, huh? It’s a shame I still can’t take you to my home.”
And now Steve frowns, eyes saddening again. “But…My home is cold. You have warm,” he says solemnly.
“I know,” Eddie murmurs, “but I don’t have space for you, Steve. Your home is in the water. If I take you out of the water for too long, you’ll die. You need the water.”
“I will see you again?”
Eddie shrugs. “If you see my boat again, you can visit me. How about that? And…what’s special about that, is that I can bring you things that aren’t in the ocean.”
“Man’s stuff?”
Befuddled, Eddie asks, “What are man’s stuff?”
“Stuff I see from up here. From Eddie’s home,” Steve answers. “I find and I keep and I hide. Nobody knows. Just Eddie. Eddie is nice, though. You make me happy.”
Humming, Eddie assesses Steve again. Smiles softly. “You’re nice, too, Steve. Even though you scared me earlier. But you were scared, too, huh? Caught in my stupid net.” He takes a careful step closer, standing over where Steve rests in the net still. He places a hand on one of Steve’s, tentatively, but purposefully. “But if you see my boat again, you can come visit. Maybe next time I’ll bring some fish soup? Do you eat fish?”
“Fish are tasty,” Steve says as a response.
Eddie chuckles again. “Okay, Steve. I’ll bring you fish soup. Tomorrow, though. I have to free you and go home, okay?” He reaches down for the ropes that he tied down earlier. Tugs on one of the knots and frees one side. Steve yelps.
“Promise you come back?” Steve meekly asks.
“Promise,” Eddie murmurs intensely, unraveling the last of the rope. “Look for Lenore. She’ll bring you back to me.”
🧜‍♂️—————🧜‍♂️ If you'd like to be tagged in future updates, let me know. Taglist for this is open <3
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gloomyluvr · 1 year
in which miles needs a break
fem!reader x miles morales
lowk angst
warnings!: atsv spoilers, miles parents are ooc (sorry), written with a spanish speaking reader in mind!
a/n: hi!! i truly just wanted to get this one out of my drafts. honestly this is just a stand in while im writing the requested fics. this one sucks, so so sorry. 
y/n slowly made her way through the crowd of people on the roof. they were huddled around rio. her voice echoed through out the roof. 
“excuse me. sorry!” y/n apologized as she made her way to the front of the crowd trying not to squish the pink box in her hands. jeff cut her off, and rio looked around as if searching for someone.
“and to my son!” jeff raised his glass, looking for miles. awkwardly he cleared his throat and said a couple more words before ending his speech. music started playing and y/n walked up to rio.
“¡sra. morales!”. rio turned around and her face lit up. 
“¡ay! hija!” she exclaimed through the music playing. rio hugged y/n and kissed her on the cheek. 
“i brought the cake!” y/n opened the box to show her the cake. 
“oh it’s lovely! jeff, y/n brought the cake!” rio called out for her husband who came up to them. 
“y/n! nice to see you! how’s everything?” jeff also engulfed y/n in a bear hug. 
“hi! congrats, captain! everything’s good schools just kicking my ass.”
“hey! don’t jinx it!” jeff chuckled.
“i hope you like the cake. miles asked me to get it last minute so, sorry if it’s underwhelming.” y/n awkwardly chuckled as jeff took the box from her hands to see the cake.
“miles made you get it last minute? ay ese niño.” rio shook her head. “do you happen to know where he is?” 
“i assumed he was already here?” 
“nope. still hasn’t arrived.” jeff butt in. 
“para ser honesta, he’s been failing on us lately. today we found out he’s been missing classes. ¿lo puedes creer?” jeff rubbed his wives shoulders to help her calm down. just then, miles bumped in to y/n. 
“y/n! hi!” miles hugged y/n. that’s when he noticed who was behind her, his very angry parents. 
“y/n can we talk to miles alone?” jeff sternly asked. y/n nodded and looked at miles mouthing sorry. regardless of how loud the music was, y/n (and literally anyone else) could hear the conversation between miles and his parents. once they themselves were aware that everyone knew what was happening, miles walked away. 
“wait miles! ¡miles espérame!” y/n chased after miles. she followed him into his room. he kicked off his shoes off and tossed his jacket on his bed. the sun coming through his open window created shadows on miles’ face.
“2 months” he scoffed, “i’m spiderman, can’t get grounded” miles sat on his bed, not even looking at his girlfriend. y/n sighed and stood in front of miles. she caressed his face. 
“ya sé. but they don’t know that cariño.” she sighed, “you have to eventually have to tell them, papi.” miles shook his head. 
“not right now. got this new guy on my ass y’know?” miles finally looked up at y/n, “has like weird spots that help him teleport. i literally couldn’t stop him.” he sighed. miles pulled y/n closer to him. he wrapped his arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck. the couple stayed like that for a while. y/n could feel miles breathing against her.
both wished they could stay in this moment forever. just without the circumstances and difficult conversations.
“your parents are worried about you, love.”
“i know.” miles groaned. y/n was about to say something else but miles cut her off, “not right now, mami. please? i don’t wanna talk about that right now.” miles let go of his grasp on y/n and laid down on his bed. y/n sighed and was about to leave his room but miles cut her off, “stay? i just wanna be with you.” y/n took her shoes off and laid beside him. 
she positioned her leg over miles’ lower body and faced miles. miles shifted on to his side, facing y/n, he nuzzled his face between her neck. y/n knew miles was hurting. she knew she could never understand what miles was going through. and the only people who could he hadn’t seen in over a year. but for now, as they laid in each other arms, she hoped she could bring him some peace of mind.
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butcherlarry · 3 months
Weekly Fic Recs 68
I am back from my travels and I come bearing fic recs :)
Also, today is the LAST DAY to get your prompts in for Superbat Week 2024! Here is a link to the prompt submission form:
We also have a discord!! There are many awesome people there and there is constant chatter about our beloved superhero husbands. Follow the link in this post if you are interested in joining:
You can also get updates to the event by following @superbatweek2024 tumblr blog as well :)
Now onto the fics!
Bells will ring, the sun will shine by Anonymous - Superbat, complete. Kryptonians survive and make it to Earth! There are some people (*cough cough* Amanda Waller *cough cough*) who think the Kryptonians are up to no good and ask Bruce Wayne to go check it out and meet up with one of them to gather intel. In Las Vegas. Anyway, they both end up drunk and some how married :) Shenanigans ensue.
third act twist by pomeloquat @pomeloquat - Ghostbat, Superbat, complete. A fascinating look at Bruce's past relationship with Khoa and future relationship with Clark.
Patchwork Pod by Ktkat9 @ktkat99 - Superbat, Batfam, wip. More mer Bruce! Clark is out of the hospital, hooray!!
carry me when you go forth by Anonymous - Superbat, complete. This author's note says it all: "boss makes a dollar i make a dime that's why i write superbat macro/micro pwp on company time" There is also some lovely art that @januariat created based off this fic and another fic on this list (Exponential).
I Proti Fora by Spartypants @sparkypantaloons - Batfam, complete. Jason and Bruce go on a lovely vacation to Greece :)
The Antithesis Of Magic by Ghxst_Bird @ghost-bxrd - Batfam, wip. An update to Redhood Jason adopts a child Bruce from another dimension. Lorge gremlin man taking care of smol gremlin child, I love it :D
Love and Hope Endures by littlechinesedoll @brucietales- Superbat, complete. This fic has everything that I love! It's omegaverse! It's mpreg! It's set in medieval times! It has mystery! It has the King (Clark) falling in love with a commoner (Bruce). I love it so much 💖
Little J by LilLayneeLoo - Superbat, complete. Another mpreg fic :) A very pregnant Bruce thinks he can have his child by himself, no problem. Shenanigans ensue.
The Valley of the Shadow by FabulaRasa - Superbat, complete. Bruce gets terminally sick. Clark is there to help.
guilt is a useless emotion by TheResurrectionist @frownyalfred - Batman, complete. Fic based off this post. Bruce and Hal continue their argument into the showers. Clark endures.
Don't touch my weird brother by Speechless_since_1998 @mylifeisfruk4ever - Batfam, complete. An excellent sibling fic. The only one allowed to pick on Tim is his brother, Jason. Fuck those other guys.
dead man's party by TheResurrectionist - Batfam, wip. More of the Jason sees ghosts fic!
Exponential by unbreakabledawn @unbreakabledawn - Superbat, complete. The other superbat micro/macro fic I referenced above :)
Mission: seducing Superman by Speechless_since_1998 - Superbat, wip. More of Battinson trying (and succeeding! somehow) to seduce Superman. So many shenanigans happening!
The Only Son of Themyscira by mitzvahmelting @mitzvahmelting - Superbat, complete. Clark goes to train with the Amazons after he comes back to life. Bruce deals with his emotions the best way he knows how (ignoring them).
eye in the sky by TheResurrectionist - Superbat (kinda), Batfam, wip. An update to the fic where Bruce is a prisoner of the Regime and trains other metas! Duke has finally met Clark and is not creeped out by him at all :)
Everything Will Be Just Fine by lonelynpc @lonelynpc - Batfam, wip. Goth dad Battinson being the best Goth dad he can beeeeeeee!!!!!!
willing the door open with your need by sunsh4ne - Bruce x2 (!!!!), complete. Omegaverse! Omega Batfleck somehow gets in the same universe of Alpha Battinson. Sexy times ensue :))))))))))
Exobiological Toxicology by Briarwitched - Clark & Conner, complete. After a successful mission, the League goes to an alien bar to celebrate. Clark and Conner experience the joys of being drunk for the first times in their lives. Shenanigans and family bonding ensues.
Super...Baby? by LilLayneeLoo - Superbat, complete. More mpreg fic! All of sudden, Bruce is developing the same powers as Clark. I wonder why...
prelude by TheResurrectionist - Lex Luthor, wip. Dan the Alpha my beloved. Part of the a room full of coral series. Lex goes into heat and runs into an Alpha on the property line of Lake House :)))))))
Happy reading!
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inchidentally · 10 months
Write a list of all the landoscar concepts u want to read 👀
oh fuuuuuck anon
ok so bearing in mind I'm still way behind w fic reading so if these already exist pleeeaaaase link me up (and ofc if anyone writes these link me!!):
there's the vestal virgins thing I blurted out
vamposcar AU and this could go the way of it being more like a minor health condition that results in lots of daytime sleeping/sun sensitivity/needing blood during duress like races but Lando is ??? when he finds out, or full-blown immortal Oscar who keeps having to remember to act like a normal young man and not a highborn son from Renaissance Italy and Lando makes the realization during a stream when chat jokingly suggests Oscar's a vampire, basically I want lots of horny Lando and trying-to-hold-back-fangs-Oscar
EDIT: @nyoomfruits has this delicious and funny and beautiful vamposcar fic I’ve Tasted Blood (and I want more)!!
fae-but-doesn't-know-it Lando was actually found as a magic baby in part of an ancient forest near his family's Somerset home, nestled among bluebells when his brother wishes for a little brother - they raise him as normally as possible but have to hand-wave how often he gets hurt but heals super quickly and only Jon is informed for Lando's protection - Oscar being the first person outside the family circle to pay close enough attention to Lando and notice a few odd things: the strange light that seems to follow Lando wherever he goes even in the dark, the way the gold specks in his green eyes sometimes move around, the way certain metals make his skin rash up, how Lando isn't just a fussy eater he can somehow sense where food he hates is being stored even if it's out of sight, how he's wary of cats because they react strangely to him, and the way Oscar sometimes has to avoid looking directly in Lando's eyes because he's actually falling prey to Lando's instincts to trap and keep him. I'd love a scene where Oscar approaches Lando about it in private and does a little experiment he found on the internet where he intentionally hurts himself and Lando freaks while Oscar keeps telling him to "fix it, you know you can fix it" and hey presto! Lando has a lot of questions for his parent because he just healed Oscar with his hands and some weird glowing light came out?? EDIT: @lemonadedino has begun a fic for this!! and here's the finished fic!!
Lando who everyone assumes has been with guys but hasn't who then finds out that Oscar who has been with more guys than girls (Oscar having to talk Lando through a whole lot of realizing things)
Oscar adores casually sucking dick with no feelings attached and has blown just about every guy in racing that he could - except when he asks Lando he's unexpectedly excited and Lando is snorting a drink out of his nose in shock and oops has Feelings when Oscar gives him the best head of his life
Lando loves making straight men crazy for him and collects them like beaded bracelets but when it comes to Oscar he has an attack of guilt and can't work his usual wiles. Oscar assumes Lando is just especially not interested and ~miscommunication~ ensues
eternal-dork-complex Oscar has no interest in his own appearance and just kinda hopes the people he dates/sleeps with will be game but also lets a lot of hotties slip by because he doesn't bother - oops that's the case with Lando who Oscar assumed would be out of his league so he friendzones himself. Lando perceives this as Oscar somehow ?? not finding him smoking hot ?? what is wrong with this guy ?? but Oscar is also so incredibly kind and funny and attentive to Lando and his best teammate yet. he assumes it's that Oscar is just not interested bc it's not like being straight has stopped guys when it comes to Lando but ohhhh it hurts more and more that Oscar is the one to not be head over heels for him. lots of inside Lando's poor confused head POV and he ends up back in his apartment in Monaco all alone and wanting to cry every five minutes because Oscar just hugged him goodbye in Abu Dhabi and went off without a care in the world! texting miscommunication where Max F checks in worried and Lando spills it all out but through his blurry wet eyes he accidentally sends it to Oscar who had texted at the same time asking about the Autosport Awards videos they'd recorded. Lando falls asleep miserable and jetlagged and only wakes up hours later to the building's security guard pounding on the door saying that a Mr. Piastri has been asking to get in for the past hour but ofc Lando has missed all the texts and calls and intercom buzzes. Oscar is finally allowed in and he's frantic and rumpled with his little backpack and so adorably confused that Lando has to kiss him. LOTS of communication and feelings ensue etc.
ok that's all I could do for now but I'm gonna keep this to update anon, thank you for making me do this bc I had no idea I wanted all of this aslfjlashfljhf
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laismoura-art · 1 month
I love the Guaraná plant!!! It's so weird and somewhat freaky!! It doesn't even look real! I want one so bad! 😂 You don't only have amazing myths, you also have an amazing fauna!
You have a really cool take on Delia's godhood, especially her rise towards it. It's a good callback to her OG status as a normal edenian to her new one as a goddess.
I wonder if the hordes of darkness she and the other sorceresses had to face were a result of Shinnok somehow. I mean, he is the Elder God of death, darkness and corruption after all.
This got me wondering about your god hierarchy because from what I get, in your AU there are only gods, not elder gods. So does Shinnok exist? Is he still a god and Cetrion's brother? IIRC, his amulet appears in MK1 but only because it was brought from another timeline and I wonder what Liu Kang did to Shinnok (was it said???) because you can't just erase death y'know?? 😭
Hi Rasta! Thanks for the ask!!💕
YEEEES! Guaraná is a true national GEM!💚
And we gotta love a hard-core backstory, like, "grown out of a dead child's eyes and watered with mourning tears??" Who gave this little plant the right to be this edgy??😂😂
If you're interested in a taste, Guaraná makes a delicious soda! (You can find it in France (I searched))
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And if you're also interested in our folklore, I highly recommend the series "Invisible City" on Netflix! It, unfortunately, only had two seasons but it's great to get to know some of our myths!
My absolute favourite character is Inês, the Cuca! Her myth comes from this lullaby:
"Sleep little baby, that the Cuca is coming to get you. Father went to the fields and mom left for work. Bogeyman, get off the roof, let the little baby sleep soundly."🎶
She's also a powerful witch with an alligator's face! Though in the series, she has a regular face and a butterfly motif rather than an alligator's. But the most important is: She is a QUEEN!
She steals the show and will steal your heart! 👑
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Alessandra Negrini rocked in this role!💕💕💕
Ok, back to Delia!
I was so hoping the Brazilian folklore inspired origin would catch your eye and I'm so glad it did! 💚💛 I highly appreciate you reading through my walls of texts and finding amusement in them!
In general I'm glad you liked the result!!🥹❤️
And now, regarding the Gods/Elder Gods:
There are two types of gods: The ones who are born Gods, such as Argus and Cetrion. And the ones who ascended into Godhood, such as Delia and Asgaarth!
Godly-borns spawn into existence according to their realms necessities. Outworld lived in darkness, so the God of Light and Fire was born and Earthrealm needed to bear life, so the Goddess of Life, Light and Virtue was born!
Meanwhile Ascended Gods were once mortal beings who sacrificed themselves for their people and were gifted Godhood. Their godly blessings allow them to offer their people what they need the most to survive and prosper.
Delia's people needed a more constant light and protection from the hordes of darkness, so she was gifted the sun and through it, she helped her people.
In life, Asgaarth was the advisor of the First Edenian Queen, Mimh (who's soul nowadays rests in the oldest tree of the Living Forest), he ascended after dying protecting a group of wanderers. He became the God of Wind and Patron of Travellers and graced the wanderers, who had accepted him as one of their own and also pleaded the gods to take him, with powerful wings (and other bird features) that would allow them to travel far and safe!
It is an unspoken rule that Ascended Gods have a closer relationship with the mortals and get to handle their affairs more often. Godly-borns tend to keep a safe distance as they lack a certain empathy only mortals possess.
The only exception is Cetrion, who tried to be a more present Goddess and directly serve her Realms residents.
I've been pondering for a while on how much of the previous timeline and Kronika Cetrion remembers, and through her redesign I think I got my answers! She remembers everything! And she's doing her hardest to go against her mother's desings for her (like I said, it's her rebellious phase, lol)
Which is why she decided to stay closer to the Ascended Gods instead, to learns from them and ultimately grow closer to the mortals under her protection. Acting as such granted her the trust and devotion of the Shirai family and all the women who would become the Order of Cetrion!
Liu Kang is an Ascended God but he pretends to be a Godly-born, because he doesn't want risk anyone finding out about his past as Time Keeper. Cetrion knows, obviously, but she keeps secret. She also knows about Geras still being around and helping but both avoid each other cause they aren't yet ready to talk about their past with Kronika.
Gods may be called "Elder Gods" but not because they rank above other Gods, but because they are literally older, lol! It's the same as calling an elder "sir/mr/mrs" it's just a formality (though when Cetrion calls Argus that, she means it in a derogatory way, lmao)
No God, Ascended or Godly-born, is above other. They are all equals!
Regarding on whether Shinnok is alive or not:
I'm not sure about canon, Liu said Shinnok’s Amulet "wasn't supposed to exist" and it could imply either that Shinnok specifically doesn't exist (and maybe there's a new God of Death) or that he hasn't turned evil yet!
Personally I like both ideas and could be open to either! But my main idea is that Shinnok himself doesn't exist as a deity but parts of his being are still present and manifesting in other ways, such as the hordes of darkness! (Because indeed, ou can't just erase death)
Plus, I have an old theory that the New Era also suffers with Canon Events 🎸 and as much as he tries, Liu can't just erase certain things and they end up manifesting in other ways (the Tarkatans, the Shirai Ryu vs the Lin Kuei, Hanzo and Takeda as Shirai Ryu, Tomas as a Lin Kuei, etc, etc) some things are just inevitable and they will happen one way or another, you know?
Okay, that's what I have for now! Hope it answers your questions (and raise some more cause I love to talk about this AU) and more importantly, hope you enjoy the reading!💕
@mikka-minns @thedragonholder @orbitinytheworld @madamealtruist You girls would like some godly lore?👀
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astrologanize · 6 months
april 2024 sun sign horoscope
aries sun: it's one of those months where whatever you have in mind...trash it! let life lead this month. there will be a lot happening so enjoy the ride
taurus sun: a big time for practical self-care as you slowly but surely get your shit together. don't get overly invested in anything this month because things will be redirected. you need to take any dissatisfaction in your life and let it inspire you to do what you need to so that you can improve your circumstances
gemini sun: some things are not going to go your way this month but they won't be too major, it'll be more like 'eh that sucks' and then you go about your day. there will be nostalgia happening and you will still be reminiscing on the things you're unwilling to let go of but ya gotta get out of the past and away from what you think something should be. try to have self-discipline and understand that new chapters happen when you're open to them
cancer sun: there will be setbacks and/or you will be voluntarily taking a step back this month and prioritizing emotional matters/close ones. there may be something you are entering into as a beginner this month or you may just be taking the backseat on something instead of feeling the need to steer. i'm seeing important conversations that have the potential to be healing, try to say what you truly want to say as considerately as possible - try to avoid mindlessly running off at the mouth
leo sun: aw, your month is pretty cute! you're going to need to lean on others this month, or you will be learning how important it is to have people in your life. your pride may try to get the better of you but don't let it, try to let your guard down and understand that you can't & shouldn't bear everything on your own. if life has been tough then know that you have people/can find people who are there for you. be a lil needy this month
virgo sun: hm you seem to be feeling like you're in the waiting area of something, it's like you are open to life and things are moving in a different direction for you but for whatever reason you aren't able or you feel like you aren't able to arrive at the destination yet. try to avoid feeling inhibited, allow yourself to indulge, take things softly, let things flow as they may
libra sun: ah, there will be opportunities for you to demonstrate lessons learned, so you will be catching yourself in situations where you're like 'hm i've been here before...what can i do this time so that i don't repeat a lesson'. have the confidence and assurance in your capabilities to adjust and choose better for yourself
scorpio sun: your head is down...mindin’ your business...no showboating here because there is a focus on job & work. there are insecurities and a low energy that you're going to be experiencing. you're in the process and unlearning something that wasn't serving you and that is hard for a scorpio to grapple with. seek out clarity, be comfortable with the feeling of unknowing-ness, and expect a mildly bumpy april
sagittarius sun: surprise, surprise, a sag is gonna have some luck and have a 'win' or 2 this month. there is a situation that is going to rule in your favor somehow and by the end of the month you're going to feel free of something. this is a time to ~stand on business~ so stay assured in your standards and plans
capricorn sun: i see you're feelin' yourself, there is a sense of preparedness, you're like 'okay yeah i got this'. you may be taking the lead on something this month and it seems that your plans are able to pan out but try not to get too ahead of yourself. you will definitely be getting things done but there is a need to take a step back & see the whole picture - step by step. you do got this! just pace yourself
aquarius sun: weird month...it's like you have awareness this month for what it is you want in your life and what works for you but you're going to be such a child about it tbh, like a demanding diva. you need to pay closer attention because you may overlook something(s), there are issues/feelings that you need to work through, you are going to have some keen expectations that may set you up for disappointment, you need to not dramatize situations and make things bigger than they are
pisces sun: i cannot emphasize enough how much discomfort this month holds for you - but that is where growth lies. you are not going to be thrilled, you are going to be out of your comfort zone in a very not fun way, it's like getting thrown out of the house and having to grow up real fast. whatever is going to be happening, you're going to want to have a breakdown and be erratic and just go balls to the wall about it, or just straight up flee and run away from it all - but let's not do that no matter how tempting. let it be, healthily detach and leave it alone. it could the inverse though, like getting rowdy at a bar and subsequently getting kicked out. either way you need to take a chill pill
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aliypop · 6 months
Return To Sender
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Word Count: 2,155
Writers Note: Meet Cece's new soon-to-be friend Natalya Dyer who's totally not based off of my great friend @sissylittlefeather the Jerry in my life ....
Warning: Sexual content and Language
Pairing: POC OC x Elvis
Plot: It's 1968 and Natalya Dyer a divorcee and single mother is tasked to interview Elvis and Cecelia Presley at their humble mansion Graceland about their spicy relationship only to learn more about them as people.
Chapter 2
Memphis August 1968
" I think that's all of it, ma’am." One of the movers said, placing the last box in her home, the biting smell of her cigarette flooding the room as she took a deep breath. Her long dark brown hair was unraveling from its beehive. She sat down. Her son Jericho would be home any minute to tell her about his first day at school. Of course, she knew that if it was one thing a mother needed was mai tai, some music, and a nice relaxing day,
"Damnit. Who's calling me now..." She groaned, walking towards her teal rotary phone, "Natalya Dyer speaking,
" Who's this?" Holding her cigarette in the other hand as she waited for the voice to speak, 
"Nat, how's everything in Memphis." It was her boss, Mrs. Moon, of the juicy gossip magazine Moon and Sun. "It's not California." Natalya smiled, her radio playing softly in the background as she took a deep drag of her cigarette. It wasn't that she didn't like her job. She knew she was destined for great things, like being an author or owning a company. But Natalya might have started considering a new job based on her thoughts about being destined for her boss's words to her, 
"Well, that's great hun. Listen, we want the juicy gossip between Hollywood's greatest couple."
"Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski?" 
"No, Elvis and Cecelia Presley." Natalya knew that the magazine was known as a crummy rumor and sex magazine amongst the stars, but she couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity. Was there anything to report? "Alright, Mrs. Moon, any leads?"
"Nope, I'm just your messenger today. You've got to do the rest of the work." Although she had been considering a new job, the twinge of curiosity seemed to have won her over, and it looked like she'd be doing the rest of the work to get the scoop on the couple. 
"Mama!! Mama!!!" 
"Well, Tata dear." Mrs. Moon hung up, and as she did, Natalya put all her attention on her blonde-haired blue-eyed son. "Hey, Jer-Bear, how was school!" Natalya asked as he hugged his mother,
 "It was good. I made lots of friends, and I think two of them are related to the Presleys." 
"That's good," Natalya smiled as she then zoned back into what he just said, 
"Why's that honey?"
"Well... One's got blue eyes and dark hair." 
"Every white boy who's got dark hair and blue eyes isn't a-"
"And his last name is Presley, and his sister asked if we could come over tonight for dinner!" Would it be this simple for her to get this job done? She wondered to herself, 
"Did they give you a number?" She asked. Natalya had hoped these kids weren't playing a cruel joke on her son, but then again one could never know for sure. 
"They did!" Jericho smiled, handing her a piece of a cupcake wrapper with writing on it. Although, it was weird, as a journalist. She's handled much worse. Natalya dialed the number as she waited. This couldn't be real, she was calling the house of the world's favorite stars, it had to be a- 
"Hello, Elvis Presley speaking?"
"Prank..." She mumbled. "I-I mean, uh, Hi!, I'm Natalya Dyer, and my son, I believe, befriended your children?" She said, trying to remain calm. She was talking to Elvis! A man whose movies she's watched religiously! A man, who she's had posters of!
"Mhmm, One moment." Elvis looked at his son Jesse as he looked up at his dad, "Did you invite a friend over?" He asked as Jesse nodded,
 "Was I not supposed to..."
"Buddy, you gotta ask me and your mama first." He ruffled up his dark hair, 
"Can he still come over?" Elaine began to bat her eyes as Elvis smiled, bending to his daughter's will, "Oh alright," He winked, "Uh, Mrs. Dyer, ya still there?" 
"Mhmm..." She nodded trying not to scream,
"Could you come by say 4:30? My wife should be home then," Sometimes it did indeed pay to have a kid, Natalya thought, "Of course, we'll leave now." Natalya hung up as Jericho came back down, 
"Can we go!"
"Mhmm!" Bringing her notepad and a pen, she got her keys and her son and took off. Driving down from her house on Audubon to Graceland was beautiful. There were trees and long stretches of land, a beautiful rustic feel that was different from California and different from her messy life. As she was driving down towards the house, she saw a 68 pink Mustang cruise beside her, as she looked over to see who it was. Her eyes caught a glimpse of who she thought was. "Cecelia Presley?" She mumbled but then shrugged. Maybe it wasn't her, and she was getting herself a little too excited. 
"Mama, look!" Jericho pointed towards the gates as he grinned, 
"Holy shit..." Natalya gasped driving toward the driveway, "Excuse me Ms. may I help you." There was a man at the gate with brown shaggy hair and a warm smile,
 "Natalya Dyer," She smiled as Jericho waved at the man, "Come in, E and C are expecting you." Driving up the driveway. She saw a woman with jeans on and her shirt tied standing next to her pink Mustang,
 "El!" Cecelia smiled, "Oh! Hi!" She turned to face,
"Uh... Natalya Dyer." She stuck her hand out as Cecelia stole a glance at her. She was beautiful and built like Sophia Loren, 
"Nice to meet you, and who's this little cutie!"
"JERICHO!!!" Jesse ran out of the house, Jericho hugged his friend as Natalya laughed,
 "My son,"
"Well come on in, can I get you anything to drink?" Cecelia asked as Natalya nodded,
 "Got anything to make a Mai Tai?"
"Rough day?"
"Just moved in today..." Natalya shook her head, She watched as Cecelia made her drink and smiled, 
"Where from?"
"California, though I'm from Tulsa Oklahoma." She mentioned as Cecelia snickered, Natalya didn't find it funny until she remembered whose house she was in. 
"Is there a Mr. Dyer?"
"No...No... I'm going through a messy divorce. It's just my son and I living in Audubon." Natalya shrugged, 
"Say, uh, I don't wanna make things weird, but," 
"You wanna interview Elvis and me?"
"How'd you know?"
"The pen and pad in your pocket." 
"Touche..." She laughed as Cecelia smirked,
 "Mama, can I have a fancy drink too!" Natalya heard a small voice say as she looked down and saw a little girl who looked like Cecelia. "Of course, sweetheart." She made her a mocktail and sent her on her way,
 "That's our daughter Elaine."
"She's beautiful,"
"She's a minute younger than her brother,"
"Cece is that you?"
"In the kitchen!" She shouted back, 
"Is that..."
"Mhmm, in the TV room, " The two walked down as Cecelia led her down the stairs, Elvis had been watching Football, the news, and a game show. He hadn't been wearing anything too spectacular except for his wedding band, but for once he looked like a normal guy,
 "Whatcha watching..." Cecelia asked, her arms around his shoulder as he kissed her hand, "My damn teams losin again." He huffed as she shook her head, 
"What about you how was your day?"
"Stressful, but enough about that..." He kissed her nose as she blushed, "We have a guest, Ms. Dyer,"
"We spoke on the phone," He got up and introduced himself to her, "Lovely home!" She squeaked, 
"She just moved to Audubon Drive today?"
"I used to live there, it's a nice suburb if you don't hang your laundry on a clothesline," He grumbled, 
"Explain's the price for it." she mumbled, "Well don't be a stranger Nat come sit, turn the TV onto whatever you watch!" Elvis smiled and she felt warm inside, like he was a familiar friend, 
"May I interview you two for Moon and Sun Magazine?" Natalya asked as Elvis shrugged,
 "Don't see why not," He responded as Cecelia sat next to him.
"Alright, I warn you... These questions are a bit uh... raunchy cause Moon and Sun, like that kind of thing," 
"Shoot." Elvis winked,
"Alright, uh... What's your favorite time of day t-to," Natalya couldn't believe she was going to ask her two favorite artists this question, but here she was, 
"To what?" Elvis asked, his eyebrow quirking up, he couldn't lie and say he didn't read Moon and Sun magazine, it was one of the many things that kept the spice in his life going. 
"To have sex...", She got quiet as Elvis and Cecelia paused, the couple thinking for a while as Natalya gulped, 
"I-I don't know, Cil and I are like rabbits sometimes ya know." Elvis laughed as Cecelia blushed, "I'd say early mornin, it's something about hearing the birds chirp that makes it romantic." She grinned as Natalya wrote their answers down, 
"I agree." Elvis winked,
 "And why's that?"
"Well, it's when it's just us and the early morning glow on her skin. It makes her look like a goddess." Elvis mentioned as he shrugged, Natalya nodded, she could remember when her husband was romantic like that, "Get as dirty as you want hun," Cecelia poured a glass of Fanta Orange, 
"You sure?"
"You want people to buy this don't'cha," Elvis smirked as Natalya nodded,
"So what was it like the first time you two fucked," Natalya asked as Elvis lit up a cigarillo, "Mind lighting my cig?" She asked as Elvis leaned to light it. 
 "It was bad," Cecelia giggled,
"You said it was good." He playfully glared at her as Natalya watched them, "Well, it was good then, I mean we were 20 and it was on a tour bus, which is hot, but."
"Not romantic," Natalya added as they both nodded, "We were so awkward, Couldn't look him in the eye." Cecelia laughed, 
"I see, I see, so speaking of that how big is it..." Natalya asked as Cecelia smirked, "Now we're talkin," Elvis went red as he coughed, "I'll be outside by the door..." He smiled,
"So... Is the king packing a scepter..." 
"Mhmm... Think a Cola bottle and a quarter," Cecelia smirked, Natayla gasped, 
"And you take all of it..." 
"So... did you like suck it the first time or,"
"Second time, and..."
"It was the best damn head I ever had." He walked back in,
 "Glad to see you're back. Cause, I got a question for you." 
"Did you go muff diving?" She smirked, "I mean it is all the rage now," 
"Course I did," He smirked, "Always do, she got me used to it, "
"I did?" Cecelia blushed, as he winked, Natayla liked the conversation she was stirring, but she wanted to know more, something that wasn't so sexual,
 "Say, tell me about that Christmas Special coming up?" 
"Well, I should let Cece tell you that, I'm just the singer, for singer, but Cece directed it." He gave her praise as he kissed her, "Correction second unit director, Binder directed it, and if I must add, without my help, it would have been shit..." 
"Tell me more," Natalya realized she was interviewing the wrong person really, "I mean as a woman, and of color that had to be tough," She sighed, 
"Well Binders team and my team had a vision, and that vision was Elvis, nothing less nothing more." Cecelia looked at her husband as he kissed her cheek, "Not to mention while taking care of the kids." Elvis chuckled, "But this woman here, is amazin, she won't talk about herself, but I will, My wife put that damn show so ahead on its train tracks all I had to worry about was what location and what outfit, she's a genius she's an icon and she's my hero." He looked into her eyes as Natalya's heart yearned for what they had, "I did nothing except organize and yell action," Cecelia joked, " I mean am I force not to fuck with yeah, but I'm a wife and a mother and-"
"And an amazin artist and songwriter and writer, and guitar player," He turned to Natalya, 
"Man, I wish I had my magazine... I'd cover stories like this you know." 
"Then come up with a business proposal and we'll make it happen." 
"She means it," Elvis winked, 
"You'd do that for me?" Natayla asked, "I mean you two barely know me and-"
"Nat, you're good people, I've never seen our sun that excited unless his grandpa's grillin'"Elvis chuckled, 
"Hey C where's the band-aid's" 
"I'll show you." Natalya looked up and she saw him, the guy from the gate, her brown eyes meeting soft gentle blue ones, 
"Actually, Elvis you wanna come with me..." 
"Hmm?" Cecelia nudged him, he then looked between the two, "Oh... Oh! " He took his wife by the hands as they left, 
"Jerry Schilling..."
"Natalya Dyer." 
Do you think I should make a part 2? LET ME KNOW?
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wanderingblindly · 5 months
⭐star⭐  - dealer's choice to yap -- wiz
Bless you for enabling me and my urge to Yap constantly 💖💖 I think I wanna talk about on of my weird lestappen fics, I Know Your Name (But Not Who You Are).
This fic, though slightly less viewed, is genuinely one of my favorites I’ve ever written. I set out to capture a really specific sense of self-imposed loneliness, an aimless wandering in order to avoid feeling pulled back into your past, and I think I did that.
It’s a rare sentiment, but genuinely every scene in this is precious to me; I can’t pick a favorite on my own. So instead, I’ll pick some of my favorite lines to talk about:
And Max will win, as he always wins.  And Charles will pay, as he always pays.   And Max will smile at him, the smile that always makes the sun feel like it’s close enough to burn.   And the chocolate on his tongue, warmed by Max’s hand, will taste sweet. 
I love the rhythm of this line more than anything, and I think its impact is twofold. First, as a childhood flashback, I wanted the line to feel evocative of a children’s story — perhaps a nursery rhyme; when I read this aloud, I can almost hear it in a mother's voice, I can almost hear the sound of someone turning the thick page of a children’s picture book. Second, the easy flow of it mirrors how natural these events felt to past-Charles. It doesn’t need to be over explained or lingered on, because it just… is how it is. It’s a simple fact of life.
“I know it.” Max always sounded assured, like he alone controlled the universe. His destiny. And maybe he did, maybe that’s why he hated Charles so much on the track – because he took that from him.   Maybe that’s what made Charles special to him.  
This line is a favorite because of its characterization. It succinctly explains so much about the two of them: the inherent tension of Charles's being something of a disruptor in Max's life, Max being something stable and strong, etc. etc.
I also like that it establishes their personal relationship through the context of racing. There's something poignant about that to me.
“It’s ok.” Max says, like a moment from so long ago. A moment reversed, a moment outside the track, tucked behind his father’s van. A moment knee to knee, just like this. “It’s ok that you changed, Charles.” He’s whispering, the contrast to Charles’s outburst nearly painful – the intimacy even more obvious.  Max’s hands are still on his, holding him like he can’t bear to let go again.  “I didn’t want to.” Charles’s voice cracks, the honesty painful on this tongue. 
Listen, I have a lot of favorite lines, but I'll stop myself here.
I love this exchange because it feels like the thesis statement of the entire narrative; change is some inevitable thing, and sometimes it's done to you even when you don't want it.
Charles, in his mind, would have been happier still living in Monaco with Max, Arthur, and his parents. He would have been happier if nothing ever happened, if he still walked to the same stores and talked to the same people. And maybe that's true, maybe he would have been happy. But the fact that that reality couldn't happen, that's not something he has to blame himself for; it isn't some moral failing for life to sculpt you into a version of yourself you didn't expect.
The entire fic was Charles grappling with the idea that he'd been forced to become someone he never envisioned. And meeting Max again felt like trying to push together two halves of a different whole -- it was incongruous. I think, in this scene, it's Max trying to softly tell him that they can make a new whole -- that who they are now doesn't mean they can't have what they did then.
Idk it makes me soft. I like the dialogue too, very stylized and simple.
If you've made it this far, feel free to ask me about any of my fics :)
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