#people tire me out and request too much emotional attention that i can't really give me
audaciousacolyte · 11 months
Hi lovely! First of all before I request.. How are you? How have you been? And also, I seriously enjoy your writings, keep up with the good work and ignore all the haters! They're not worth your precious time.
As for the request, could I pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee request Oswald the lucky Rabbit, Bendy and Cuphead x female reader? Like, how would they be as boyfriend or husband head canons. I hope it's not too much darling! Take all the time you need!
Have fun and have a lovely day/night/morning/evening!! <33
♡ My own Mr. Loverman ♡
Oswald the lucky Rabbit, Bendy and Cuphead x reader romantic partner headcanons (separate)
AN: 《|| Hello!! Thank you so much for requesting!!! I'm doing quite well, but I have been busy trying to figure out what exactly I should write. I'm relieved that you enjoy my silly rambling, and I will gladly bring you more in the future!!! However, I'm terribly sorry that I don't post too often. Please be patient with me ;w; ||》
(Boyfriend/husband headcanons)
♡| Cuphead is not exactly what Someone would call boyfriend material…at first.
♡| He's brash, arrogant, and quite literally has zero self control.
♡| However, the thing that makes him boyfriend material is that while it might not seem like it, he's actually a really sensitive guy.
♡| Cups likes to hide behind bravado and anger, but underneath, he cares deeply about the people around him. He just…doesn't really know how to express that.
♡| By the time you are dating, he will definitely try to communicate this… kinda.
♡| (You had thought he was mad at you for the longest time, but no. He's just awful at communicating his emotions.)
☆| Nobody knows how he managed to land you as a partner, but Bendy theorizes that there may have been witchcraft involved. (Felix disagrees, but only because he thinks that you know something that everyone else doesn't…which like, he's not wrong??)
♡| When he does announce that y'all are dating, it's at the most random moment possible. No context, no elaboration. Just.
♡| Y'all are dating now. 🤷‍♀️
☆| (Boris nearly had a heart attack when he first said it, because he genuinely did not expect it. However this was not as bad as when Mugs demanded that he was to be Cups' best man at the wedding.)
♡| Very spontaneous. I would expect a lot of last minute dates to places neither of you have been before.
☆| (Bro once took you to a monster truck rally for your anniversary. He said it "seemed cooler than I thought it would be", when you asked him about it)
♡| He is not only one of the most loyal men on the planet, but he's also incredibly attentive! Any attention you want is given to you, and Cups is more than happy to cuddle up with you any time of the day.
♡| Casually (cough cough he's so nervous please help cough cough) proposes during your 4 year anniversary with a genuine diamond ring. Literally cries when you say yes.
♡| The best boyfriend ever. Send Post.
♡| I'm serious though, Bendy is the sweetest boyfriend to have.
♡| Having a bad day? He'll make sure that you get whatever you need to unwind and feel better.
♡| Want to spend some time together? Of course! He'll go set up a movie for the two of you to watch
♡| Can't open something? Don't worry, honey, he can open it for you (♡♡♡swoon♡♡♡)
♡| Whatever comes, through sickness and in health, Bendy will stay by your side for as long as you allow him to.
♡| Can, will and has done everything in his power to give you everything he thinks that you deserve in a partner. Anything you want, you are going to get it.
♡| (The day he proposes is also the day that Boris got tired of listening to his brother gush about you at 4 in the morning and forced him to go get married or he'd tell Felix their tragic backstory (read, he'd tell Felix to sign the damn adoption papers already))
Oswald the lucky Rabbit
♡| When he does propose, it's at a mega-fancy restaurant, and with an intricately carved golden ring. He won't cry when you say yes, but he gets REAL close.
♡| Whether you realize it or not, the two of you have practically been married for like, ever.
♡| Ever since y'all met, you act just like a married couple with how domestic y'all are with each other.
♡| Love at first sight? Nah, MARRIAGE at first sight
♡| Oswald does not notice this at all. He considers you his best friend, and he (loves you) cares about you a lot, but c'mon guys! there is NO WAY he can be in love with you! He's already in love with Ortensia, you know,HIS WIFE?
♡| (Polyamory exists for a REASON Ozzie)
♡| Ortensia would actually be the one to sit him down and talk to him about it, because you and I KNOW that our poor, sweet, dumb bunny boy won't do anything about this.
◇| (Again, like I've said in Oz's general headcanons, she'll be happy if Oswald's happy and if Oswald wants to start a polycule because he's head over heels for his bestie, then she’s okay with it.)
♡| When he does ask you out, and y'all eventually start going steady, he is such a sweetheart. I am a firm believer in hopeless romantic Oswald, and I will die upon this hill.
♡| Any bit of affection is met with really loud purring, and foot thumping.
☆| (Did you know that rabbits can purr? Yeah, neither did I.)
♡♡♡| He and Ortensia team up and propose to you at the same time with matching silver rings, each with their name carved on the inside. They both tackle-hug you to the ground when you say yes
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cactus-cuddler · 3 months
»»————-★𝑩𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕★————-««
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x gender neutral reader
Word count: 2,4k
Plot: After joining a protest against the monarchy you find yourself imprisoned alongside Loki, who is dealing with his own inner turmoil. Despite initial animosity, you both bond over shared experiences of suffering and loneliness. As you spend time together in the cell, a friendship blossoms, providing solace and understanding in the midst of despair. Together, you navigate grief, redemption, and the possibility of finding happiness even in confinement.
Genre: Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Imprisonment, grief, emotional distress, references to loss of family members, themes of redemption and self-forgiveness
Author's Notes: My first language is not English so sorry for any mistakes! I hope you enjoy it and if you have any requests don't hesitate to ask me! I greatly appreciate any feedback and criticism is welcomed.
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It's a cold and cloudy day. The wind bites at your skin, and the clouds overhead threaten rain, matching the gloom that has settled in your heart. You can't imagine a worse day. As you wrap your cloak tighter around yourself, your thoughts drift back to the article you read this morning about the protest against the crown.The article detailed the people's anger and frustration with the monarchy's constant lies and deceit.
You had no choice but to join the protest. How could you stay silent? Your family had paid the ultimate price because of the king's actions, and their deaths had been covered up to protect the king's reputation. The memory of your family's laughter and warmth now contrasts sharply with the cold, empty feeling inside you.
You find yourself swept up in the crowd as you march towards the castle. The banners wave high, and chants of rebellion fill the air. As you near the castle gates, your heart pounds with a mix of fear and determination. You can't let your family's sacrifice be in vain. The guards are already lined up, their armor glinting dully in the weak sunlight, ready to attack if the crowd doesn't retreat.
The tension escalates, and you watch as one by one, the protesters lose their nerve and disperse, leaving you alone at the front. The sight of the armed guards before you would have once made your knees shake, but now, the overwhelming grief and rage within you give you strength.
"All my family died! While the king sits there on his throne getting drunk and not caring about his people, there are people like me who suffer every day because of him," you scream at the top of your lungs, sobbing. They still seem interested in attacking you, but you are not afraid; at least you will be able to hug your parents again.
"Take her," says a guard, and two tall men with long hair lift you bodily to carry you inside the castle. You struggle, you try to resist, but it's all useless. They throw you into a cold and damp cell in the basement, and you remain in the position in which they threw you for a long time. You hear the footsteps of the guards walking away and some whispering to each other phrases like "did they really think they had any hope of doing something?" and your anger increases and you punch the wall, hurting your knuckles. Your suffering and anger make you feel crushed by the world and everything around it.
Before, you had lost everything you loved. Now you have lost your freedom too.
You realize that you are not alone only after a few hours in which your tears have found a permanent place. You are in a cell with Loki, the adopted son of King Odin. You look at him with hatred. People like him cannot understand the suffering of ordinary people and simply don't care. He is sitting in a corner of the cell, reading a book with extreme attention. For someone who will spend his entire existence in a cell, he is far too calm. After less than a day, you feel oppressed and tired of not being able to go out or simply eat when and how much you want.
"I didn't think criminals read," you say sarcastically. You had every intention of not talking to a royal, but you can't resist anymore. You need to talk. You are a person who speaks as soon as the opportunity arises, in life you have not been lucky enough to always have someone who listened to you so for this reason every time there is someone with you you feel the need to talk to them while you can.
"I didn't think that a person who just shouted against the monarchy would talk to a member of the crown," he answers you with an arrogant tone. But you expected it; Loki is also famous for his long tongue.
"Do you know that I read that book too?" you tell him, pretending not to have heard his sentence.
"I'm not interested," he replies, and you absolutely find him a boring and unpleasant person to talk to. You understand that it will be a very boring stay.
You start talking to him about all the things you liked about the book and start criticizing the ending given by the author. In the book, you found that the villain had more valid and solid motivations than what the "hero" should have had; you felt represented by the antagonist rather than the protagonist.
"All reasons are valid; otherwise, we would not have made the choices we made. This book puts you in the position of not being able to choose a side because you know the dynamics of both sides. In reality, we judge without knowing what pushed the criminal to do what he did, and simply no one cares. So it is hypocritical to take the side of the villain when in reality everyone cannot see beyond the despicable actions of the villain," he tells you, and you listen to his monologue without saying a word.
"What drives Loki, son of Odin, then?" you ask him.
"No one has ever mattered," he simply says. An answer that covers a lot: on one hand, you see a wounded child who has never accepted affection from those around him, and on the other, a person who doesn't give himself the chance to have his own happy ending.
After that chat, you never tried to have a conversation with the God of Deception again. Every now and then you glance at him, being careful not to be noticed. Sitting there reading, you can see something similar to sadness in his gaze, and you think you have understood the cause.
"I'm interested," you tell him, approaching him and sitting next to him. He puts the book down and looks at you confused, thinking of something to say to make you stop talking but finds nothing. You're just a chatterbox like him.
"What?" he simply says. He is afraid and at the same time hopes that someone is interested in him and his story. Everyone has always been excited to hear about Thor and his long, silky hair. Not that his curly black hair can't compete, of course. Almost no one was excited to hear his successes, except his mother, but she died, and with her also the only light that guided Loki to something similar to "good."
"I'm interested in knowing what drives Loki," you reply, taking his hand and shaking it with yours. Ever since you were little, you've had the power to perceive other people's emotions, and that's why you've always been scared. The more you tried to talk to people, the more they were intimidated by you. Not everyone is happy to know that there are people who can understand their fears and weaknesses with a simple look. Loki realizes you are reading into him, so he stands up, dropping the book he was holding on his thighs. He is in awe of you and your power.
"Don't touch me," he says simply and walks away from you like the others always have. He awkwardly reaches down to pick up his book and moves to the opposite side from you. You've never felt more alone.
Your powers have awakened in Loki what he feared would make him delirious. He wasn't used to dealing with the pain that oppresses him, but you awakened it. In every way, he is trying to repress it again, but before your eyes, he trembles and whispers phrases that you don't hear.
A week have passed. Loki doesn't eat, so you eat both your portion and his; you haven't eaten this well in years. If you had known before, you would have gotten yourself arrested years earlier.
You no longer tried to communicate with that God; you simply observed him from afar. He seems to have calmed down since you read his emotions, and this makes you feel better about yourself.
"I call myself the great Loki when in reality I am worth less than a star that ceases to exist," he tells you. "You said you were interested in knowing more about me, right? I will satisfy you." He tried to belittle himself by comparing himself to a star; you think you should teach him to make better metaphors.
"I am a person who has always lived in someone else's shadow. First in that of my brother and now in that of a character that I have built for myself but which continues to fail. I need to feel superior to other people by forcing them to venerate me as a king and as a god to hide my weakness. I know, I may seem pathetic, but patheticness raised me."
You try to carefully approach him. You don't want him to push you away again, but this time you know he won't. You put your arm around his shoulders and let your warmth make him feel like someone and make him understand that there are also good feelings in the world.
Normally he wouldn't have opened up so much, but you found Loki in a delicate moment in his life. He recently lost his mother, and therefore he is weaker than usual. He would have liked to speak like this, with his heart in his hand, to Thor, but you arrived before him, and it was good for him.
Loki is allowing you to get to know him better day after day. You have constructive discussions about the books he brings to read (obviously, being the prince, he gets preferential treatment even in his cell), and you are building a beautiful relationship brick by brick. You too, after he opened up to you, talked to him about yourself and your suffering, and with him, you understood that your life didn't end when you lost your family but will continue on. And it will continue with a friend by your side, even if in a cell in the basement of a castle. Understanding it earlier would have been definitely better; maybe now you would have found yourself doing a decent job, but in any case, you are happy with your choices. They let you meet Loki and dance with him in a cell. You didn't think he was a good dancer (neither did he). Since you don't know what to do in your cell, you have little fun! You hum popular songs and create a choreography with them, play games, and have fun. You look like two children, but you don't mind; on the contrary, you like it. You couldn't be a child when you were young, and now that you are adults, you have to make up for the lost years.
“Can I ask you something?" you ask him softly, you are lying next to each other and there is something you would like to ask him and although you have built a solid relationship, you are afraid to ask him.
“Obviously" he replies. He has noticed something in your tone of voice that worries you so he is worried about what you might ask him.
“You are the great Loki, we all know a cell has never held you so what drives you to stay here? Two years have passed now and I've always been afraid that you would leave me here, in this cell alone but you never did..." you start speaking to him cautiously, you don't want to touch some sore point. "Why you're still here?"
"I want to show you something," Loki tells you and you find yourself in front of a cliff during a sunset.
"Wow, that's great. I haven't seen a sunset in months," you say, excited and happy to be able to see such a repetitive yet magical event every day.
"When I want to unplug, I come here and watch another day go away, leaving a dark blanket," he says, stretching and then sitting down to admire the view. "I've never brought anyone before today," he adds in a low voice, as if he's afraid someone might hear him. You smile sweetly at him and sit next to him, resting your head on his shoulder.
"Here I can explain it to you more calmly" he begins in a low tone of voice “Trying to find my place, I made mistakes. Grave ones." Loki pauses, as if weighing his next words carefully. "When I lost my mother, something inside me broke. She was the one person who saw me for who I truly was, who believed in me despite my flaws. Without her, I felt untethered, lost in a world that didn't want me."
"Allowing myself to be imprisoned, it was my way of punishing myself. A way to atone for my sins, to reflect on the person I've become. In here, I can't run from my thoughts, from my regrets. I face them every day." You reach out, taking his hand in yours. "But you don't have to do it alone," you say softly. "Everyone deserves a chance at redemption, Loki. Even you." Loki squeezes your hand, a small, grateful smile appearing on his lips. "Perhaps," he says, his voice barely above a whisper, "perhaps you're right. And perhaps, with you, I can find a way to forgive myself.”
You stay in that position until the sky turns totally black, showing its stars above your head. He points to a particularly bright one.
"That must definitely be my mother," he says.
You follow his example and in the sky, you try to find those who could be the members of your family when you see some stars all close together that seem to be looking at you. You smile, seeing in those lights the people you lost long ago, and a tear slips from your cheek.
"Those are my family," you whisper, and the god holds you tightly. "Now they must be proud of you, you're trying to turn a monster like me into something beautiful" you smile at him. Everything's perfect. He is perfect.
"Let's go and take our chance to have a happy ending" you tell him, determined to change your life and his once and for all. You want your redemption, you know that you deserve to be happy too. You touch his cheek and push him to look into your eyes, you want to feel what he feels in that moment. You gently caress his face and feeling your heat and your cheeks getting warmer you couldn't be happier to know that Loki is feeling the same emotions as you.
"Do you understand?" he asks you shyly, kissing your hand on his cheek and to answer him you move closer to him. You kiss passionately as if in your entire existence you have waited for nothing else.
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I still have a little idea to end this story so let me know if you'd like a possible part two (and definitely the last one). Sorry again for any errors and remember to let me know if you liked it!
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Hello !! I’d love to request a matchup for mha, pjo, & haikyuu <3
- I use any pronouns & identify as genderqueer
- I am polyamorous, queer, and on the aromantic spectrum. I don’t really experience romantic attraction but I’d be with someone of any gender. For me, I’m just happy being close to those I love whether it’s in a romantic or platonic context. I also enjoy typically romantic stuff like dates and all that :^)
- I am a Gemini & INFP (I think ?)
- I am 5’10, pale, lanky & built like a cereal box. I have freckles and dark circles under my eyes. My hair & eyes are both dark brown, my hair being streaked with white and usually kept down & cut sort of in a shag around my shoulders. I also have a nose that’s kinda big with a bump. I’m almost always wearing glasses & have a wardrobe of long flowy skirts, cute grandma sweaters, graphic t shirts, & fun socks.
- I’ve been told that at first glance I’m a very shy and closed off person, sometimes coming off as cold & like I hate everyone. I’m naturally awkward & socially anxious whenever I’m around people I don’t know well which makes me clam up and rarely speak unless spoken too in which case I’m still soft spoken. It can take a while for me to open up but over time I become a lot more talkative & outgoing around my loved ones. My personality is usually described as dorky, very kind to a fault, a little awkward, and a daydreamer. I would describe myself as very emotional, I’m a huge crybaby, a huge dork, introverted, friendly, and very giggly 24/7. I make a lot of bad dad jokes/puns & will laugh at basically anything. I love rambling about my interests & am very enthusiastic about it.
- I love reading & writing, I have my own worlds that I’ve created in my head and would love to share with anyone who’ll listen. I like reading fantasy & mythology, specifically Alaskan myths because I’m Alaskan. I play peaceful games like stardew valley & animal crossing. I also like sweet things, dnd, music, & animation.
- I dislike big social events & loud music because it overwhelms me. I also don’t like school since it does not work well with my anxiety, ADHD, and (probably) autism. Too much social interaction can tire me out and cause me to shut down & stop speaking until I can recharge.
- My hobbies include writing, drawing, skateboarding, jigsaw puzzles, & crochet.
- My love language is gift giving & time spent together !! I give my loved ones things I’ve made for them like stuffed animals, bracelets, or other art & will buy them snacks or something that reminded me of them. I like spending time with my loved whether we’re talking or just existing in comfortable silence.
I think I included everything I want to !! Thank you very much in advance <3 👾
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! I hope you like your matchups!
In My Hero Academia, I match you with...
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You and Shoto are like the cold-at-first-glance-but-actually-really-nice couple of UA!
You're one of very few people who has heard Shoto genuinely laugh. I see him as someone who loves dad jokes so please tell them to him! He's going to have the best time.
Enjoys listening to you rant about your interests. He doesn't really say a whole lot but be rest assured he's listening attentively.
Similarly, he'd love listening to you talk about your fantasy worlds. He thinks you're very clever to be able to come up with such amazing things.
Shoto also doesn't particularly like loud noises or places so he'll help you avoid them if at all possible. He can't do much about the rest of 1A though. There's no one who can make them quiet down.
Please teach him how to crochet! He'd love to have those sort of skills and has been meaning to try knitting for ages so he'd also love crocheting.
Quality time is also Shoto's love language, so you'll be spending a lot of time together in comfortable silence. Whether you're reading, crocheting, or doing a puzzle together, he just loves your company.
In Percy Jackson, I match you with...
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The main man himself! Percy is the most supportive partner you could ever hope for.
Loves skating with you! Percy Jackson is definitely someone who knows some cool tricks on a skateboard and he'd love to have staking dates with you.
Definitely wants to train with you. The best way to make sure you can defend yourself, demigod or not, is to see for himself how strong you are.
Always wears the bracelets you've given him. Yes, he knows he's wearing seven bracelets on one arm. So what?
Another one who loves listening to you ramble about your fantasy worlds. He can't believe you can come up with such creative things when you already deal with all of Greek mythology on a near daily basis.
Super respectful of your dislikes. The minute you walk into a noisy environment, he's scanning to see where a quiet spot is and as soon as he sees you starting to shut down, he's gently pulling you over there for a break.
He'll stay there with you as long as you need, wrapping an arm around you and sitting in comfortable silence.
In Haikyuu, I match you with...
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Hinata would love to teach you how to play volleyball. But only if you can teach him skateboarding!
Please teach him skateboarding. But make sure he's wearing a helmet and guards on his knees, elbows, hands...basically everywhere.
He's going to fall over a lot until he gets the hang of it (and still a fair bit after than as well) but he's loving every minute of it.
Keeps everything you've ever given him. Whether he's wearing your bracelets or hanging a crocheted keychain from his volleyball bag, Hinata likes the little reminders of you.
Loves listening to you ramble. And loves rambling to you as well. No one else can get a word in sideways when you're both in the zone.
He can be pretty loud but he'll always try to be more mindful when you're around. He's told you a few times that if he's being too loud, just hit him (or get Kageyama to do it).
Hinata would enjoy relaxing with you after a full day of volleyball. He may have almost inexhaustible reserves of energy but even he needs a break sometimes. Those are the moments when he just wants to relax with you in comfortable silence.
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karomiiz · 2 years
why is it so hard talking to humans 🙃
#sometimes i do wish i didn't have like any best friends and only had shallow relationships#i'm not good at these types of things#people tire me out and request too much emotional attention that i can't really give me#and then there's the constant trying not to be rude and overstep boundaries and whatnot bc the more you know about a perosn#*person/the easier it is to upset them bc you know what makes them tick#you have to figure out ways to not upset people all. the. time. i hate it it's exhausting my introvert shell is coming back in#because people really are just so tiring right now#probably bc i am back home but gosh#are all people this exhausting?!#like as soon as you get super close to them why does it feel like such a chore to be around them#literally every person i am close to irl it's just so tiring like having to keep up with them talk to them and whatnot#shallow friends are easier bc i don't have to talk to people all the time#i don't have to take care of them or give them emotional attention#they take care of their own life i do the same#this is why i so firmly believe that romantic love is a waste afdasdfasdf#i do not think it's real alas bc all relationships whether familial platonic and romantic are hard work#and i work enough as it is i don't want to work more in a relationship that i have yet to find is worth putting up with all this work#i put up with family bc i still live under the roof but the minute i don't have to there dead in all aspects but physical to me#i put up with best friends bc we have baggage and shit that we haul together so i am essentially trapped#like jesus this is all so much work#are all relationships supposed to be this draining 24/7?#like why do people even have friends or relationships if that's the case humans sure do like pursuing these that have very little realistic#gain bc i mean honestly i see people as data and that's my worse habit i know but like#if you can't be pragmatically something worth keeping than i don't see that point of you being there#which is how i view my family as well i mean if i were to run an analysis and find that most of the things are negative than positive#than in my eyes i will associate with you but won't have any#thoughts about you like you've just diminished#anyway time to go soak in a bath and reset my brain
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Prompt: You say to Yandere BTS "Oh my god! Just shut up!"
A/N: Couldn't sleep, so I wrote this laying in bed. I hope it's not some sleep-deprived nonsense ^-^
Trigger warning: Yandere themes, violence, emotional manipulation, choking, non-con, D/s themes, examples of a bad D/s dynamic.
Alpha! Namjoon
"Oh my god! Just shut up!" You scream it through your bedroom doorway. Storming to the railing of the stairs, you lean over and scream again. "Shut up!"
The sea of people on the ground floor go quiet. Only the music dares to keep making a sound in the background. You skulk back to your room, slamming the door loudly behind you. You had had a long, disappointing day. You were tired and grumpy, and moody and sad. But the dozens of uninvited pack members couldn't care less as their party raged on into the night.
Not allowing you enough time to even climb back into bed, Namjoon storms after you to address your outburst.
"Y/n, go downstairs right now and apologize." He orders.
"No." you mope. Feeling it's a wildly unfair request. All these people are in your house making so much noise when you're trying to sleep. How is it you that's in the wrong?
"Do you think I am asking you? I'm telling you. Get downstairs now." He says sternly. His strict tone making you even more emotional. You just wanted him to be on your side for this.
"But- But I," you sniffle, with tears in your eyes.
"No," Namjoon cuts you off. "I've asked you all afternoon what's wrong. And you wouldn't tell me. So right at this moment, I don't want to hear it. You have been disrespectful to me and my people. So you are going to put some more clothes on and cover-up, and you will go out there and apologize to every single person." He growls, leaving no room to argue. "And you will do it sincerely, or I will give you something to cry about."
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King! Seokjin
You didn't say it to his face. You would never be that stupid. But still, you clearly weren't smart enough. While gossiping to a friend, someone you thought was a confidant, you're complaining about a seemingly endless, boring meeting you had to serve today.
"And I just wanted to tell all of them; Oh my god! Just shut up!" You laugh. 
But hours later it's no longer a laughing matter.
"How did you enjoy serving me today, Princess?" Jin asks his tone giving nothing away of what he already knows.
"I enjoyed it. Thank you, your Majesty" You politely smile, thinking his question to be a kindness.
"I often find these meetings so dull. Many of the Lords do like to ramble on. Sometimes I would enjoy telling all of them to just shut up." He speaks the words so purposefully that you know at once you've been exposed.
"My Lord, I-"
"If you are smart you will not say another word." He speaks softly, with a grin on his face. "I want to thank you, Y/n.  I have an endless supply of other people I can hurt. Each one of them is freely at my disposal, but you are my favourite toy." He fills the space in front of you. "However, I am a man of my word. I swore to you that you will be unharmed if you are obedient, and I would not dare to break this vow. Of course, I have sorely missed playing with my beloved little dol, though."
Towering over you he sets off your instinct to get to your knees and grovel, begging his forgiveness for your carelessness. But that would only be a wasted effort.
"So thank you, Princess, for giving me the possibility to hear your pretty cries of pain again. I will make sure to use this opportunity to its fullest."
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Assassin! Yoongi
He had been in a hyper mood for 2 days straight. His energy and enthusiastic interaction was something you always craved, but you had never dealt with it this long before and you were losing your sanity and your composure.
"Oh my god! Just shut up!" You shout at him as your last nerve snaps.
"Okay, Y/n." He gives little to no reaction. "Remember you said this in a month from now when you're begging me to speak to you."
But it didn't take a month. In two weeks you were in tears apologizing. He left you free to roam the house, but he revoked all communication from you. The only times he gave you any attention, was when he forcibly made you stop doing something he didn't like. Or when he wanted you for sex. But still, he wouldn't utter a single word, only bending you over to take what he wanted.
After 5 weeks, just as you thought you'd never hear his voice again, he finally broke his silence. Only to break your heart.
"Listening to you these past few weeks, I realise how much you talk. It's time you take your own advice and shut up. Y/n, I don't want to hear a sound out of you until I say. 5 weeks was easy enough for me. So let's start with that, and then I'll see if I want to hear from you yet."
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Vampire! Hoseok
Hoseok was always so animated. Normally it didn't bother you, but he was talking and reacting through yet another movie and you were sick of it. It might have been because you were PMSing or maybe because Hoseok had forgotten to feed you all day, but when he yelled at the TV, you yelled at him.
"Oh my god! Just shut up!" And right away you were teeming with regret.
"I'm sorry baby. Am I being too loud?" He laughs with an unexpectedly harmless reply. Playfully but roughly slapping his hand on your thigh. "I'll keep it down."
You're not dumb enough to think that your eruption would go unanswered. So you sit tensely, anxiously waiting to see how he will repay you.
"Baby," he whispers in your ear, after sitting in silence for 20 minutes. "You know I have very strong hearing right?" You nod nervously. Chewing your lip. "Well, your breathing is too loud and very distracting. I can hardly hear the movie. Can you please fix that?"
You know this is going to lead to something horrible, but you have no choice but to do as he says. For the next 10 minutes, you're completely distracted trying to inhale and exhale as softly and shallowly as possible.
"Hmm baby, it's really too much. I can't concentrate on the film." He stands, pulling his belt off. "Here let me help you."
He wraps his belt around your neck, pulling and setting it so tight that it's biting into your skin. Your throat constricting, barely letting you breathe.
As you wheeze and splutter and cough, he holds the end like a leash. Sitting back on the couch, he turns his focus back to the movie without letting you loosen the strap or get away. Your whole body is shaking, your eyes starting to roll back as you struggle to inhale. The belt is cruelly not tight enough to have you pass out though. Only allowing you to sit in your suffering. The sound of your gasping filling the room.
"Ahh, there you go baby. That's much better. Don't worry, it's just while we're watching movies. And there's only two more left in the trilogy."
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Playboy! Jimin
He was telling you over and over how sorry he was. How he didn't mean to kiss that girl. That he was drinking. And that she kissed him. It was every excuse and lie he had spouted 100 times before.
"Oh my god! Just shut up!" You yelled at him. And for a moment it worked. He sat in stunned silence. But as you got off the bed to leave, taking your car keys with you, he chased after you.
"Where are you going?"
"Out Jimin. I need some time alone to think." You scowl.
But he refuses, blocking the door. Holding his arms to either side to barricade you in.
"No, you can't leave! I said I'm sorry."
"Fuck off Jimin, your apologies mean nothing." You say shoving him.
He doesn't accept that. With a roar, he grabs your shoulders throwing you down onto the bed. Quickly straddling you, using far too much force to keep you pinned beneath him. Tearing off the pillowcases, he makes some shoddy but effective restraints. Tying you to the bars on the headboard.
Ignoring your screams and how you struggle he starts to kiss down your neck, pulling at your clothes, rubbing his hands down your body.
"I'm gonna make you feel good Y/n. I'll show you that I only want you, then you'll have to forgive me." He says sounding desperate and unhinged.
You cry and yell for him to stop, trying to buck him off you, but his hand covers your mouth, his other successfully tearing down your panties from under your dress.
"Don't fight me, Angel. Just let me in. And I'll prove I love you the most."
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Dom! Taehyung
Finally, Taehyung had agreed to spend some time with you in a social environment. He and you went out to a movie and dinner with some of your friends. They were vanilla friends though, so as an exception, for the day he loosened a lot of the restrictions and formalities you normally had in place.
You, however, you were getting a little too relaxed. While you joked with you're friends, you started to speak to him the same manner. As you and he were playfully arguing about trivia facts you realized you were losing the debate.
"Oh my god! Just shut up!" You joke. But in the company of your friends or not, Taehyung was not about to let you disrespect him. Even in jest.
"Is that how you should talk to me girl?" He asks loudly and in front of everyone, bringing the group conversation to a grinding halt.
His change in tone and his use of the possessive pet name, right away have you back in your place.
"No," you whisper. The sting of embarrassment hot upon your cheeks.
"No, what?" He pushes it.
You can't stand to look up. All of the attention is on the two of you. And even in your peripheral, you can see your friends looking at you judgementally, wide-eyed and in shock.
And he was making it worse by having you use his title around them.
"No, Sir." you surrender, your head hung low.
"Shouldn't you also apologise to the other people at the table? For interrupting our night with your rudeness." He keeps piling on one shame after the other. Stretching out the ordeal.
"No, it's fine." One of your friends tries to laugh off the awkwardness and speed the discussion away from this point. "She doesn't have to."
"Y/n," He prompts you, disregarding what your friend had said.
Thoroughly humiliated, you can't imagine how you are going to repair these relationships or explain this treatment away.
"I'm sorry for interrupting the night with my rudeness." you swallow heavily, hands shaking.
"Good girl. Now mind your mouth. Before you make me embarrass you further."
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Mafia! Jungkook
"Oh my god! Just shut up!" you say in a hushed voice. More of a prayer said to yourself than an actual demand you expected Jungkook to hear.
"What did you just say to me?" he lowers the phone, gawking at you.
You really didn't mean to, it just slipped out. He was talking on the phone, going into too graphic detail about how he and his men dealt with a threat recently. You couldn't handle the gruesome details he was recanting anymore and the words just fell out.
"What did you just say? Did you just tell me to shut up?" He repeats again through your nonreply. His tongue running through the inside of his cheek, his jaw and muscles tensing. His voice jumping rapidly from stunned to aggressive.
You're at home alone with him, so you weren't paying much mind to what you were saying. But this afternoon he's been dealing with work. And right now he isn't Kookie, no the person in front of you is Jeon Jungkook. The temperamental Mafia head, who would as likely hit you as he would speak to you.
"I'm sorry," you squeak.
"You're sorry?" He scoffs, slamming the phone down. "If you had said it and meant it, that would be one thing. I could respect that. But you really just can't control your stupid little mouth can you."
"I-" you start a defence, or more a plea for mercy.
"Shut the fuck up!" He growls leaning forward in his seat making you flinch back. Darting his hand out he grabs you by the hair, pulling you back to where you were. "Don't flinch. I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm gonna help you." He smiles.
You wriggle in his clutches, mewling the same trifle apologies under your breath.
"Shhh, my brainless little Kitten. I'm gonna give you a gift." He smirks. "For your own safety, you don't need to talk for the rest of the day. I just need you to come when I call. Sit on my lap when I tell you. And purr for me like a good little pussy." Grabbing your arm harshly, he yanks you off your chair and onto the ground. "There you go, where you belong." He laughs. "You think you can remember to do all that? I know you can. Otherwise, I'll buy you a kat collar to remind you how my Kitten should behave."
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barsformars · 4 years
reaction: when you bite them out of the blue; ateez
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req: can I request for a ateez reaction where you randomly bite them and then giggle if they get surprised? :D thank you!
a/n: thank you for requesting! hope you enjoy it even though they are more like word vomits rather than reactions. also i tried working the giggling part into some but some don't have it, hope you're fine with that!
taglist: @closer-stars @jeongyunhoed @fairyofdusk
genre - fluff, suggestive | pairing - ateez x reader | warnings - food mention (yunho), bathing together (mingi), mention of a possible zombie apocalypse (jongho)
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⭒❃.✮:▹ seonghwa
you were on the subway with seonghwa after a long day doing whatever couples do and you were just, plain exhausted. seated right next to your lover, and with his broad shoulders poking into your 'territory', you had two choices in your mind.
do you want to lay your head on his shoulder, or do you want to chomp on it? unfortunately for seonghwa, you find resting your head on shoulders rather uncomfortable. so, without a care in the world for the other commuters around, you leaned down and caught the edge of your lover's shoulder with your mouth, causing him to jump a little in his seat, his attention now drawn away from his phone.
"what are you doing?" seonghwa didn't mean it in a hostile way, he was just surprised, and very rightfully so.
"im tired," you answered with a slight giggle. this made the boy furrow his eyebrows in confusion, which only caused you to giggle even harder, turning some heads in your direction.
"are you trying to eat my shoulder to gain some energy then?" seonghwa laughed, finding your actions rather adorable.
you shook your head. "no, im asking for some attention so i don't fall asleep right now." seonghwa rolled his eyes playfully at your reply, knowing just exactly what you meant, and went in for a peck on your lips. he would stay there for a little longer but it would be rather rude for the people witnessing it.
"now, that should keep you awake."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ hongjoong
hongjoong's always busy. if he's not in the practice room dancing to the same few tunes up to ten hours at a time nearing comeback week, then he would be in his studio pressing on the many buttons that even after months you still can not tell apart its functions. if even that was not it, he was in his dorms, cooped up in his room, either playing around with some old clothes at the corner of his closet or reading a new book he had picked up at the bookstore down the street of where he gets 45% of his fashion accessories from.
"so when do you have time for me?" you asked with a pout, rather upset that even after inviting you to hang out in his studio he was still caught up with work.
"just five more minutes, i promise," hongjoong said, cupping your face with both of his hands, the cold metal rings adorning his slender fingers almost causing you to shake him off.
"you said that five minutes ago." you shot a glare at him before turning your head slightly to the side, and without warning, bit gently on the fleshy part of his right palm.
his eyes opened wide at you, that was the last thing he would ever expect anyone to do. "babe, what..." he tried to pull his hand out but you refused to let go, not until you heard what you wanted to hear.
"okay, okay, im sorry. ill stop work now," hongjoong finally relented. your bite wasn't painful but he would rather you not. he sighed as he saved his work and got off his chair, extending out his hand to help you off the couch.
"next time i want something, im using that back on you."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ yunho
you and yunho have a movie night together once every two weeks, regardless of what the both of you actually get down to that night, the movie night will always happen. usually, yunho would grab a few snacks and drinks from the convenience store just right below the company but he had completely forgotten that it was movie night until he was already on the way back to his dorms. so not only was he late to arrive at your place, he also came empty handed.
"im hungry," you whined, your stomach growling. you couldn't focus on the movie like that, but you didn't have any food at home and the nearest convenience store wasn't really at a convenient distance.
"im sorry about that, let's get food delivered." yunho was quick, his food delivery app already opened, the wide array of choices displayed on the screen.
"i might just pass out from hunger by the time the food arrives," you sighed, laying your head on his abdomen. it was currently the peak hour for food delivery.
yunho was just about to pat your head lovingly when you went ahead and bit down on his lean abs, surprising yunho so much so that he pushed on your forehead so that you were now staring at him in his eyes. "do that again and you might pass out from something else."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ yeosang
yeosang was scrolling through twitter while you were on tiktok, watching videos after videos of horror tiktoks. you can't say that you aren't deathly afraid of them, but you're always too intrigued to not watch them. yeosang, on the other hand, would just prefer seeing what his fans were up to. but being as sweet as he is, he offers you a hand to hold as emotional support. said hand went from simply being held, to getting squeezed, then pulled, dug in with your fingers, all as they slowly travelled up to your chin. he doesn't mind, after all, he likes it when you fiddle around with his hands.
but what he didn't expect at all, was for you to bite on his fingers. it was definitely a mistake on your part, you had meant to bite on your own fingers but forgot that you were holding his hand. yeosang yelped out in pain, quickly pulling his hand away from you, who was looking at him quite guiltily.
"oh my god, im so sor-"
"oh my god." yeosang stared down at his phone screen, eyes even wider than when you had bit him as his pupils dart around, unsure of what to do now.
"what's wrong?"
"i liked a fan's tweet by accident...." this was exactly why you had told yeosang to stop using the official ateez account.
"quick, unlike it!" you told him as you burst into laughter at his carelessness.
"hey! it's your fault, you don't get to laugh!"
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⭒❃.✮:▹ san
with his hair being too long to be let down comfortably, san has started to tie it up into a little ponytail whenever he can. you find it adorable, there really was a reason why people call it the 'apple hair'. everytime you walk past him when his hair is up, you can't help but to smack the ponytail. you have done it so many times that san has absolutely no reaction to it anymore, just letting you do as you please.
however, while walking pass him today, you felt this urge to bite, not the hair, but his head. don't ask questions, it happens. you hesitated for a moment, wondering if you should just do the usual and then leave. but once you saw how his little ponytail shook, you couldn't stop yourself. you leaned down and bit on him softly.
now, that, that gave san the shock of his life. he whipped his head around and gave you a questioning look. it didn't hurt, but..."why did you do that?" it made you giggle.
"nothing, i just wanted to." you shrugged your shoulders before patting him gently at the spot you had bit him. right as you were about to leave, he gripped onto your wrist and pulled you back.
"you bend down," he ordered, his other arm holding onto the chair as he twists his body towards the back.
"w-what?" but you bend down anyways, only to feel a bite on your head as well.
"i wanted to as well," san said as he broke into a smile, the corners of his eyes lifting up to resemble a cat eye eyeliner. "nyam."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ mingi
"hey, would you scrub my back for me?" mingi asked rather shyly, handing you the body scrub without turning back too much.
"yea of course." the two of you were too close to even be shy over something like that, but leave it up to your soft-hearted giant to feel so.
once you were done helping him, you passed the body scrub back to mingi so that he could place it on the shower rack, pressing your chest onto his back. "you smell so good," you told him, burrowing your nose into his neck as your arms wrapped around his waist.
"good news is, you smell the same," mingi chuckled, his hand going up to caress your face as he tilts his head to rest it on yours.
"i wanna see you."
well, if he doesn't want to turn around, you will make him. with that, you gave him a quick bite on his shoulder, one that wasn't too hard but enough to leave a slight impression on his skin. it made him yelp out in pain, and more importantly, whip his head around to see what you were up to. then, you swooped in and landed a wet kiss on his plump lips. you merely saw the opportunity and took it, he can't blame you for that.
"i-" he was at a loss for words and that made you giggle, the giggles becoming louder the more he struggled to form sentences.
"oh no, you're going to get it from me, babe."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ wooyoung
you have been eyeing him since this morning, and if you think he hasn't noticed, then you're the stupid one here. wooyoung also knows exactly why you were staring at him like a predator to its prey. he was wearing a tank top, his biceps on full display. it has become a more common sight in their recent stages but he never wears them around you, whatever his reason was.
"you want to touch it, don't you?" he said in a teasing tone as he flexed his arm muscles right in front of your eyes. it took every ounce of energy in you to not nod, not wanting to give in to him that easily. he would never stop teasing you. "you're acting indifferent but you looked so, should i say, hungry, the whole day."
"i have better things to do than to stare at you." you turned away from him and his muscular arms. it was the best thing to do right now, for both his and your sake.
"better things as in, imagining how it would feel, i bet."
"jung wooyoung,"
"bring your arm closer."
"see, i knew it." no he didn't, because he almost sent a punch to your face when you chomped down on his biceps. and he probably would have if you weren't looking at him with such innocent eyes.
"that's what you wanted to do?" wooyoung asked in disbelief. he had totally underestimated you and your, 'thirst'.
"okay, pay back time. give me your arm."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ jongho
"are you busy right now?" you asked as you entered his room, not knocking since the door was already wide open.
"not really, just doing some online shopping," he replied, his eyes still not leaving his screen. he has been stuck in his seat for a few hours already. you shook your head, not knowing how he could even shop for so long. "do you want to get something too?"
"no. and that's lame-" you dragged his chair away from his desk-"come do something fun with me." jongho narrowed his eyes at you, your definition of fun was not the same as his. you tend to have some bizarre ideas on how to entertain yourself. but he couldn't refuse you, besides he probably should get out of his seat by now.
"what do you need me for?"
"just stand back facing me," you directed before you went on to explain. "so i was watching some zombie apocalyptic movies, right?" jongho already had a bad feeling about this but he won't even try to question it. "we have similar pain tolerance, correct?" he nodded. "okay good, i just want to know how painful my death would be in a zombie apocalypse."
jongho really wanted to put you on pause and question just what was going through your head at the moment but you were too fast, already biting down on his shoulders, more specifically his trapezius muscles. it hurts, and it hurts bad. you did not show mercy at all, it was as if you had turned into a blood hungry zombie yourself.
"what the f-" he held himself back from spitting vulgarities out at you. because he has a much better plan on how to get back at you.
"i want to try something out as well...." oh no, you better run for your life.
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arllenn · 3 years
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Staring down at Ruri- no Chime is his name, before you, you can help but feel tired. None of this is making any sense it’s all too much at once.
Bonderev, one of the dickheads behind what happened at black swan bay, had apparently been alive and living well enough to the point where he could give lessons on morality in his final moments. Imagine that! HIM a man who BLEW UP an ORPHANAGE and who had personally shot you and Renata, what he persumed to be, dead! And he had the nerve to ask you to, no- TELL you to protect his son, to not let his actions get in the way of YOU PROTECTING his SON! You’re so frustrated to the point where you’re not sure if you want to burst out into maniacal laughter, break down and cry or just destroy everything in your sight the same way that dickhead had done to you and your family all those years ago.
He had gotten everything and more. A family, a happy life, power and he was freed from all the consequences of his actions. So what about you what did you get? A permanent fear of trusting anyone because “hey I’ve already been used as a genetic experiment by the man I considered a father who then proceeded to blow me, everyone and everything I’ve ever loved to kingdom come! But sure thing nice stranger who I just met let’s be besties!” Makes so much sense. Oh, oh! What about stealing years away from your life! 20 to be exact, man you could’ve been married, had a family, gone to the capital and achieved everything you had wanted to! But no instead what you’re doing is standing here, the same 18 year old who couldn’t do anything to save your friends, your family, as you watched them die in front of you. You’re the person who even in her last moments Renata had to look after and protect. And wow doesn’t that smart, doesn’t it hurt to look down at Chime to see how weak he is, with a voice that trembles and eyes that seem one glare away from overflowing with tears, doesn’t it hurt to look at him and see the worst parts of yourself reflected back at you? The parts you wanted to bury so deep down inside that they’d be forgotten by even you. But here they are, loud and angry and demanding your attention.
Your throat closes in on itself, the hand on your hip tightens. It’s a painful squeeze that’s only purpose is to remind you that, no you can’t cry here, you can’t let anyone see you like that, you cant let yourself be like that, not here. Not in front of people who you should know, who you should trust but who you don't You've spent more time running around for them then with them. It's mean and the ugly cloying feeling that rises up from your chest makes you look back at your relationship with 'your' uperclassmen. Were you even close enough to be called comrades? friends? Most of the time it felt like you were just there. A living phone running to deliver messages from one of them to another. Running errands, throwing yourself into danger or just escaping death for what? People who, people who you- people who you... what even are they to you? Right now your upperclassmen feel miles away from you, both emotionally and physically.
Your nails were starting to dig into your skin in a way that was more then painful. You could feel the moment the skin on both your hip and the palm of your other hand broke. Pulling your lip in between your teeth you try and tune back into the conversation waiting for the right words, for your upperclassmen to throw another request at you so that you can leave, preferably go outside and beat the shit out of one of the trash cans out back before running off into danger once again to fulfill their orders like you always did. And wow, isn’t that something... even now, even now, you’re still just blindly following people’s orders, never asking questions, never saying no. What... what is wrong with you? Hadn’t you learned your lesson already? Hadn't you learned after Herzog that you don't, you can't, just do that. Last time you did that you grabbed onto a rotten rope, a horribly, disgustingly, rotten rope.
"Promsing to protect somebody so recklessly is a foolish thing... nevertheless... thank you." Chime's retelling of his life comes to an end at a convient time. It's perfect really, and so you take that moment, the lull after his thanks, to leave.
You walk out into the lobby of Takamagahara the slow calming jazz music a horrible contrast to the thoughts and feelings that are swirling inside you right now. You make it two-thirds of the way to the bar when you're met with an extremely unpleasnt sight that has you cringing for more reasons then one.
Crow and Yasha are sitting the bar, resting most of their belegirantlty drunk weight on the actual contertop instead of on their chairs. They're demanding extra achoul, Crow shouting about how he can't take something anymore who knows what. And yikes heres a thought, Chime Gen is in the VIP room right behind them, those two who, even if they are drunk out of their minds, are Chisei's aides. They find Chime or even gain the smallest inkling of an idea that he may be here and you'll have more to worry about then cleaning up the counters from their drunk cry fest. Normally you'd step in here, and take over for Quinton the poor bartender on duty who always seemed to get the worst of the costumers but you really aren't feeling up to it today.
Just as you're about to turn around to give the trashcans outside the beatings of their lives Crow says something that you can't help but stop at. "You know I like Sakura don't you?" It was a question directed at Yasha who was only able to groan out what he thought was a response. You debate staying for a second. This isn't something that you particularly care about, nor is it something that really concerns you. But it just, you just want to know a little bit more about what Sakura was like before she became another one of Herzog's victims. Its with that flimsy excuse and the puppy dog look that Quinton gives you once he notices you're there that has you stepping closer, leaning against one of the pillars that trap the bar in its own seprate space.
As Crow continues to slur his feelings out Yasha seems to sober up a bit, it's not by much but its to the point where you're no longer worried about him getting into a bar fight, more just what taxi service to call for him when he inevetably passes out and where to send him afterwards.
Yasha leans over the bar apparently ready to give Crow some type of advice when the following happens. 1) he trips and stumbles over his words "Don't.. Don't worry. We are brothers. I... will never... mock you." sweet right? It would've been if not for 2) The fact that he lurches over its a face you recgonize all too well.
"Quinton get out of the-" 3) Yasha hurls all over Quinton, your words left to hang just as Yasha's icky face goop is left to hang off of Quinton. And now you're royally pissed. Sure you were pissed before but this is the type of rage that can only be quelled by you being left alone to stew in it. Its not the emotional type of rage that you felt earlier when you wanted to smash every glass surface you came across no this is the cold type of rage that leaves nothing but apathy in its wake. because as much as you've been trying to ignore it theres so much more that you had been trying to ignore, so much more that had been pushed to the wayside that you're angry about. You look up at Quinton whose looking at you like a lost kid in a mall that had mistaken you for their mother. Running a rand through your hair you harshly scratch at your scalp. "Quinton," you let out a frustrated sigh, "Take the rest of the night off, you'll be paid regularly and you can take extra pay if you wake up sick tommorrow." You turn to him and start to walk behind the counter switching places with him.
“Right thanks a bunch, manager." He rushes out. Turing towards the staff area most likely to change into his extra uniform instead of going home covered in puke. Staring down at Yasha's mess which was covering most of his area of the counter as well as the floor under his chair your annoyance hit an all new peak. It's not the chunky kind of throw up that can be easily cleaned up, its a mush that resembles watery baby food. It's obvious that this wont be a quick clean and that both mops and floor wipes are just going to push this stuff around instead of soaking it up.
Today just can't get any worse can it? Pushing your hand back into your head you aggitatedly rubbed at your scalp, pushing and pulling at the skin there. You’re pissed off. To come back after fighting against Herzog, let’s not forget HERZOG WAS THERE TOO! HE WAS THERE, HE WAS THERE LIVING AND BREATHING, AFTER ALL THAT HE HAD DONE, HE HAD THE NERVE TO GET UP ON THE PEDESTAL THAT HE HAD CONSTRUCTED, DESIGNED AND BUILT HIMSELF THROUGH EXPLOITING THE INNOCENT TO TEST HIS FREAKY DRAGON DRUGS ON, HE HAD THE NERVE TO TALK DOWN TO YOU! ACT LIKE YOU WERE STUPID OR SOME KIND OF PREDETERMINED FAILURE! You get back from that battle exhausted , emotionally drained, and wanting to destroy yourself to find Finger leisurly drinking with Humpback! After you thought that he died you thought that you had lost another person, only for him to be there and fine. It was reliving yes, but just fucking horrible at the same time. So when you stare down at that mess and the first thing you see when you look up is the VIP room that the others are in you felt like you were justified in deciding that you would be acting on your tiredness and handing off this task to one of your upperclassmen like they do to you so often.
Actually you retract your earlier statement today can in fact get worst. Crow and Yasha have apparently had enough to drink both uncoordinatedly slamming down the money to pay for their drinks, you really don't care wether or not is correct you just want them gone, they BOTH step into Yasha's puke tracking it out the door with them. Yeah, no- you're not cleaning that up nope, nu uh, never. You blow out a heated breath and start to walk towards the VIP room careful to avoid all of the face mush on the floor. Pulling on the curtains that served as the door to enter you called out to the occupants.
"Right, sorry to ruin the fun but I just had two costumers who puked and tracked the throw-up everywhere so I need one of you to go out and clean it up preferably like," You looked down at your wrist as though you wore a watch. Truthfully it was just to hide the annoyed look on your face, "right now please." You glanced up at them Before clarifying "Chime I'm not asking you to clean it up, just focus on resting." Because as much as you wanted someone to clean that nonsense up right away you were also specially tuned into just how draining it could be to meet Herzog like that. "Cool thanks guys!" You clapped your hands together and prepared to leave the room when Luminous started complaining.
"Aw, come on no way newbie, I don't wanna clean something like that up!" He put his hand to the back of his head, a tick you had noticed he did when he was complaining, nervous or worried, "Come on can't you do it? You were already out there.." And there it was normally you would excuse that tone as just being something that made Luminous, well Luminous but today the whiny tone was grating on your ears and you were two steps away from man handling him like you used to with Anton when he was being uncooperative. The thought of him hurts. Witnessing his final moments, being there when they happened, it was both the same and different then the others. Sure you had watched all the others die but Anton's had always stuck with you in a way that was far too painful for someone who you really didn't like. And now the urge to cry was back, you felt your eyes burn with unshed tears that were a culmination of too many of your emotions to name.
Caesar brought a hand to rest on his chin tapping away at it, before he even got the chance to talk your anger had already started to peak "Luminous is right newbie, theres no reason for us to do it, you were already out there and knew the areas that needed to be cleaned. This just seems like a waste of both yours and our time." Yeah, yeah, you seriously contemplated grabbing Caesar by his ponytail and using him as a mop for a second.
"You just cleaning it up would've been more efficient." Johann unhelpfully chimed in. Yeah, maybe you would use Caesar as the mop and Johann as the counter rag.
"Yeah freshie! Everyone knows that newbies do all the grunt work, you can't expect us to do it can you?" Fingers nasally voice made you want to throttle him the more he continued to talk. Sure he may have meant it as a joke but you really weren't at the point of caring. In fact you couldn't care less about anything right now. The anger that had just been building had condensed into a vengeful apathy that demanded the souls of those around you.
Once again Caesar spoke this time however you decided to cut him off. "That's right newbie, using my authority as team leader I order you to-"
"Damn I kinda don't care," You said scratching at the back of your head in an obviously exaggerated way. "Yeah actually..." you started mimicking Caesar's earlier stance, "If you're invoking your team leader rights then I'm invoking my manager rights."
"Hey wait-" Luminous tried to interject.
"Yeah as your manager I order you all to have that throw-up cleaned within the next half an hour." A bit long of a time slot, sure, but really who cares as long as it gets done.
"No way newbie team leaders out rank managers, which means my order still stands." Caesar's stubbornness in this situation could be something to praise if not for the fact that a) you don't care and b) you're two steps away from bringing your thoughts of using him as a mop to fruition.
"Team leaders outrank managers when we're out on the field sure, but right now we're in Takamagahara not battling death servitors, which means your team leader status is moot." You made a slicing motion over your neck. "You may be the leader appointed by the college but right now that means nothing, were not fighting and this isn't reconnaissance, we're working."
"That doesn't change the fact that Caesar is team leader freshman." You can always count on Johann to speak up for what he believes in. Too bad you're not here to praise your upperclassmen but instead get them to work.
"Cool! And I'm still the manager. Right now you all are technically on the clock at Takamagahara which means what I say goes. Caesar may be the team leader and you may be my upperclassmen but that doesn't change the fact that right here right now what I say takes precedence in all matters that aren't dragon related because I'm the ma.ne.ger. " You smile your best costumer service smile and speak in the same tone that you do with costumers when you say this. Then you turn on your heel and walk out calling out behind you that "I expect to not wake up to puke covered floors in the morning! I'm going to bed good night."
And well if Finger chose not to comment on your behavior because he watched you break down in the elevator through the security cameras then that will remain with him. And if Caesar and Johann chose not to speak on it because they heard you sobbing from outside your room that night then thats something that stays between them. And if Luminous caught a glimpse of the empty look in your eyes that night when you left your room for water then he definitely held that as a close secret to his heart. Choosing not to comment on it. And if you noticed that your seniors were just a bit more gentle with you or asked for your input before sending you off on recon missions when they didn't before then you don't comment on it.
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butteraway · 3 years
when time runs out | ii
⋆ summary:  A young girl has fallen deeply ill with an unknown disease in her, so with all her free time spent in an empty hospital room, she spends it online playing video games. That's until she meets her cousins friends, one spiking her interest with his extremely vulgare language.
pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader
word count: 2.1k
warnings: small mentions of suicide (I’ll put a star ‘⋆’ on top and below the paragraph so you can skip over it if your uncomfortable, you won’t miss anything too important so dont worry!)
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"Bro, honestly I still can't believe that you of all people made it into the elite, number one hero school in the country."
"Waahh, I'm telling you! I'm the real deal Y/N!"
"So, how's your summer been? School's gonna be starting soon, are you excited?" Denki could only smile and sigh as his character was finally killed off.
Said girl chuckled as she heard Denki's voice rise through her headphones as they continued killing zombies in front of them. She grimaced as a zombie attacked her from behind her character. Geez, I never get a break in this game.
"Well, to be honest, nothing big really happened besides me getting my acceptance letter from U.A. Just me training and hanging with the fam." He laid back in the comfort of his bed, headphones still on in order to hear his cousin.
"Aah, already training, hero boy? That's why you haven't been visiting me lately." Y/N pouted and crossed her arms as her TV screen turned black, returning her to the main page of the game.
"Man, we suck at this game!" Denki laughed out loud as he saw how long they lasted in the last round. Y/N smiled and let out a small giggle of her own as she placed down her controller.
"Yeah, how long have we had this game for? It still feels like it's our first time playing this." Denki cracked a smile, even though Y/N couldn't see him.
"Hey, sorry for not being able to come to the hospital. Getting ready for U.A. is no joke, haha." Denki rubbed the nape of his neck, eyebrows scrunching up with regret. 
"Nah nah, it's fine! I understand that you have things to do. You have big plans for the future." Y/N brushed a strand of her hair away from her face, looking down at the needles that were plunged into her arms. Her eyes were clouded with an emotion she often felt when talking with Denki. She always felt guilty whenever the feeling came around.
"Must be nice to be able to achieve your dreams." Jealousy. She hated the feeling she got every now and then, but you couldn't really blame her. She lost everything in only a couple of months. Silence passed between the two teenagers, Y/N finally realizing what she said.
"Uh s-sorry about that! I didn't mean to say that alou-" Y/N was cut off by Denki's soft voice.
"Y/N, it's... okay to feel like that. I don't understand what you have been going through, but I know that you shouldn't bring yourself down for something you can't control. You're such an amazing person and to be honest. . ." Denki paused as Y/N's eyes began to glaze over.
"I'm doing this for me and you. You always encouraged me to take any opportunity by, as you like to say, the neck. I-I wanna make you proud, y'know? I wanna make it feel like you're a part of this crazy world, even if you're not really here, walking with me through it all."
Y/N’s lips wobbled as she let out a watery laugh. She hunched over, small tears falling down her face. To someone else, this would've boosted their ego, but to Y/N, those words meant the world to her. No one had ever said that to her before. She felt like she had a purpose in this wretched life of hers. She sniffles were heard by Denki
"H-hey! It's okay, p-please don't cry!" Y/N heard shuffling coming from Denki as he reassured her to not cry.
"I mean it. I only wish you could be there though, it would be so much cooler!" Denki smiled, trying to lighten up the mood. Y/N's sniffles slowly quieted down as she let out a soft laugh that made his heart swell with joy. At least he can make her laugh.
"I'm s-sorry, but no one has ever told me t-that." Small hiccups came from the girl as she calmed down, taking deep breaths to slow her heart rate. Won't want doctors to come rushing in just to see her crying over something so small.
"I-I'm just really happy you said that." Denki's heart clenched at those words, his chin trembling every now and then. He knew that Y/N wasn't happy with where she was. She had even admitted that she had urges to rip out the needles and slowly lose her life from there. Denki spent the rest of that night talking to her after. To say he was concerned was an understatement. He was terrified when she told him.
"I think us being able to play games together is already enough!" They both laughed and talked for a couple of minutes before deciding to to hang up. 
"Y/N, I mean it when I say I want you to be happy, okay? I hope you feel better tomorrow. Buh-bye!" Y/N said her goodbye to Denki, hanging up and closing the laptop that sat on a movable table. 
Her smile slowly left her face, leaving her staring blankly at the pure white wall and mirror in front of her. When visitors were gone, her window would turn to a mirror so no one would disturb her. Y/N took a good look at herself and only sighed. Despite being as healthy as she could get, she looked a bit on the thin side, this complimenting her skin. Running a hand through her hair, she untangled the little knots that had formed there.
"Geez, what happened to you girl? You look like a zombie." Y/N looked at the zombie game and cringed.
"Literally."  Just then the door to her room opened and shut quickly, the air filter turning on when a female doctor entered. Y/N watched her carefully as she checked the IV that connected to her arm. The protective suit never made Y/N feel better about her condition.
"Are you alright, Ms. L/N?" The light, stern voice rang through her ears as she looked at the woman in front of her. Y/N gave the doctor a grin.
"Never been better."
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It had been an hour since the doctors had turned the lights off, but Y/N didn't feel the slightest bit of exhaustion. She had been sitting in the pitch black room for the time being and was really debating on turning on the TV.
"Ahh, fudge it." Instinctively reaching out for the remote, she turned on the TV and winced as the bright light hit her.
Looking back to the screen, she chose the option of going online and waited for other players to join. While waiting, a new character popped up next to her and she could only smirk at their username. Tapping on her mic, she decided to make conversation with them to see if they also had a mic.
"Now, what to play. What to play..." Y/N had settled for playing OverWatch since she didn't feel like playing any story type games. No cliffhangers tonight, Y/N thought. As the game loaded, she laid back and began thinking about cheesecake. When was the last I ate strawberry cheesecake? Great, now I want some. Thinking about eating cheesecake made her excited about the next day.
"Well hello, dear ol' '​​​​​King Explosion Murder_1.' Nice name you got there." Y/N chuckled as she said the name out loud, seeing another player enter.
"Hello 'Tape Dispenser?' What's with the wack name?" The girl’s eyes crinkled as she smiled at their name, hearing the user chuckle through her headphones. '​​​​​​King Explosion Murder' still had yet to reply, but that didn't bother her. They're either using the bathroom or don't have a mic. 
"The name was inspired by my quirk. But what's up with '_DeathGirl_', huh? You good?"  Y/N could only laugh at what he said. She should really send him a friend request.
"I’m honestly great, a little tired, but great! I just gotta make up a name, y'know? But your quirk has to do with tape? I don't know if that's wicked or useless." The boy laughed while Y/N laughed as well, losing her grip on her controller. That was until a gruff voice interrupted their laughing session.
"Shut the fuck up, your annoying ass voices are giving me a damn headache." Finally, after being silent, 'King Explosion Murder_1' spoke up.
"Aah, so you do talk. I don't know why you didn't say anything sooner Mr. Explosion Murder." The other player could only sneer at what she said, hitting his desk with his fist. Another player had joined, Y/N only noticing.
"Ah, hello 'Sleep Deprived Controller!'" Said player made their character wave, making Y/N chuckle. While they had their interaction, 'King Explosion Murder' was shouting at her, now realizing that she wasn't paying attention to what he was saying.
"Hey! Listen to me when I'm fucking talking to you, emo bitch!" Y/N’s eyes widened, soon rolling her eyes, watching the game load as they were placed into a match. What's his damn problem?
"Hey man, no need to go calling people names now." 'Tape Dispenser' nervously chuckled as he heard the other player growl. Y/N sported a shocked face as she heard this. What is he, a dog??? 
"Outta this conversation, extra!" Tape dude could only deadpan at what he was just called. Who calls people extras?? I’m not an extra, in fact I think I’m- 'Sleep Deprived Controller' listened with an annoyed expression on their face, wishing they could shut their shouting teammate up. Damn, wish I actually had a mic.
The game began as all the players separated, going their own way to kill their enemies. Everyone was in the zone, getting items and yelping every now and then if they were attacked. The first to go down was 'Tape Dispenser', then 'Sleep Deprived Controller', leaving both Y/N and 'King Explosion Murder' left on their team. Y/N smirked at their winning team, only one player was left on the other team. Just as the game was going to end, the opposing player shot down 'Explosion Murder', killing him.
"FUUUUUUUUUUUUU-" His mic cut off, causing the two players with mics in a cackling mess. Y/N calmed down, remembering she was still playing, trying to hunt down the last player. Finally, after many curses by a certain player and cheering from another, she located her enemy. 
"You better fucking win this or I'll kill you." Knowing he didn't mean that last part, she only focused on the first part. You better win this. Those words echoed through her head as she stopped aiming for the player. She hated being told what to do.
"Ah, so you're one of those people." Not knowing what she meant, they only watched with wide eyes at what she did. Y/N jumped down next to the enemy, shooting them twice with her weakest gun, signaling them that she was there. Quickly, the other player shot her character down, killing her. They lost the game.
"THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?! WE COULD'VE FUCKING WON!" Explosion Murder wasn't taking defeat easily like the other two were. Y/N could only give a grunt of disapproval towards the loud player.
"Ha, why did you just give up right there? You could've easily killed him." Tape Dispenser was just as confused as the other two players, slightly disappointed at the loss. Y/N sighed as she rubbed her forehead.
"Sorry not sorry, but this dude really thought he could get away with telling me what to do. I'll make my move when I'm ready, sorry to disappoint you guys." She sighed as she rubbed her neck, ready to hear the disapprovals of her teammate. But what she heard and saw made her smile.
"Nah, it's fine. It can get a tiny bit annoying with Murder yelling in your ear." Tape Dispenser reassured her, with Sleep Deprived's character giving her a thumbs up. Though, the annoyed sigh caught her attention back to him. Her eyebrow twitched. What is it now?
"I'm done with this fucking sappy shit scene. I'm out." Those were Murder's last words before he disconnected, leaving them in an awkward silence before Y/N stifled a giggle.
"I have a feeling that won't be the last time I'm seeing him." Tape Dispenser chuckled while Sleep Deprived's character shook their head, making Y/N softly laugh. After sending friend requests to both people, she bid them both fair well and left.
Y/N turned off her console and tv, putting the controllers on the table near her. She laid down in the comfort of her bed, thinking about her interactions with the people she met. She smiled, closing her eyes and drifting into a dreamless slumber with only one thought in mind. 
King Explosion Murder is such a weird name.
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mashup-writing · 4 years
If only you were here; Hwang Yeji (ITZY)
Summary: Yeji was the leader, she couldn't afford to be seen being anything less than perfect for the role. No crying, being sad, or feeling any kind of negativity. But she's only human, and being human means letting your emotions run through you.
Requested? ☒
"Miles away from seeing you."
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She was exhausted. Today's schedule was nothing but hectic, from interviews to filming for music videos. All Yeji had wanted to do was be with her girlfriend, to have her take away the stress, to run her fingers through her hair, to hold her like doing so was the only thing keeping her together. But with Y/N visiting her hometown? The best she could do was a facetime.
She loved her job, her members, and their MIDZYs. She really does. But sometimes the high life takes more from you than it gives. Lately her girls have been facing prejudiced hate from a bunch of ruthless people online. Lia was being branded as "Lazy" and it made the leader's blood boil, among all five of them Lia was the one who spends the most time in the practice room, especially when she has trouble with some of the choreography. She remembers a memory of theirs that included Lia almost passing out of exhaustion in the practice room, Yeji herself wasn't enough to pull the pale and sluggish girl out of there. If Yuna's maturity and hidden stern-ness hadn't reared their heads then she has no doubt that Lia would've ended up in a hospital bed.
Chaeryeong is under fire for "Being Ugly" and all Yeji could do was scoff at the stupidity of the false accusation. Despite Yeji being Y/N's girlfriend, Chaeryeong was the latter's bias. This information had her shocked, Chaeryeong smug, and worst of all: It gave Ryujin a field day. Which resulted in getting the other three members in on teasing her. "Anyone who catches Y/N's eye is fucking beautiful" she mutters to herself. Not to toot her own horn but Y/N has an eye not only for gorgeous looking people, most times those she ends up liking are great people with great personalities. Your ex, Ahn Hyejin of Mamamoo is a damn great example of that.
Another one of her members under fire is Yuna, the baby of their new little family. Knets had a field day when it was found out that the Maknae wasn't originally planned to become a part of ITZY. Jumping on the chance to poke at the youngest's insecurity, thry took to saying that she wasn't good enough to be with them, much less have debuted at all. That's bullshit, and she won't leave room for argument. Yuna is the glue that holds them together, the friend that they can't imagine not having even when they've been a group for less than a year. She stands up to Yeji without being disrespectful when the leader is being too strict or controlling. She pulls Lia out of her workaholic state whenever it starts to become detrimental instead of beneficial. She is the one carrying Ryujin's ass whenever the latter thinks her dad jokes are funny. She's the one to calm Chaeryeong down backstage whenever the latter is feeling nervous, anxious or on the verge of a breakdown.
Ryujin's a reliable friend through and through, but if the fate of the world was decided by the rapper's ability to tell a funny joke? Yeji bets that they all would've died ages ago, she's better at joking around with actions than she is with words. Which leads to some people labeling some of Ryujin's actions as "Bullying". Yeji admits to herself that, yes. To the untrained eye it does seem as if Ryujin's the type, she has the face of a villain when she wants to look intimidating after all. But the rapper is also the softest person she has ever known in her life, testified by the one time they had a pillow fight in the dorm. In the heat of the moment, Ryujin's slipper got thrown and it knocked a Lizard dead off their wall. The pillow fight abruptly ended with four members trying to make her feel less guilty over the critter's untimely death.
Lia interjected that had the moment been captured on camera, some MIDZYs would be making a meme of how they'd like to be that "Lucky" lizard. Ryujin cried harder, because the lizard was not at all "Lucky" in her opinion.
Yeji was so lost in her own thoughts and so fatigued that she didn't even realize that she had finished changing from her performance outfit to the clothes she wore before clocking in for work. It was only when she had closed the door to her dorm room did she realize how tired she actually was. She was thankful she had been given her own room instead of bunking with someone else again, she's not too sure she could make it up in a bunk bed if she was still roommates with someone.
She crashes onto the bed and pulls out her phone. Most days she would get some shut eye and just facetime her girlfriend in the morning, but at the moment she thinks she'll end up in a mental ward if she goes another second without hearing her Y/N speak. So despite the fact that she can't feel her legs anymore and that her eyelids are growing heavier by the second, she calls.
You're pulled from the coziest and most comfortable sleep you've fallen into for the night by a constant ringing. You rub your eyes and turn towards your nightstand where your phone is located. "Who in their right fucking mind would be calling at this hour?" You grab your phone and the caller photo snaps you out of your mood before you even see the caller's name.
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You hurriedly turn on your lamp on the nightstand and then proceeded to hit answer. "YEJ- whoa, not that I'm unhappy to see you but you look like you should be asleep instead. You look tired as hell Yej. Did you eat yet? How about water? Please stay away from dehydration and be sure to drink regularly." Yeji smiles at you, with her eyes drooping every now and then. "Yeah, I should be asleep but I just missed you so much I couldn't sleep without seeing you first."
You sit up and lean against the head board instead of laying down, your worry increasing tenfold. "What's wrong?" Yeji knows how to prioritize her health first and she never calls you half asleep because she had always claimed that you deserved nothing less than her full attention. She never calls you half asleep unless she's alarmingly close to losing her composure. Her eyes widen as soon as the question leaves your mouth, and a sniffle makes its way through the line. She burried her face in her arm and struggles with wanting to tell you and wanting to fake being strong with you.
You sense the dilemma within your girl and you refuse to let her carry this alone. "Hey, I'd never force you to spill. But I am always gonna be here to listen to your troubles. I already know how strong you are, you've got nothing more to prove. Let it out and I'll be here to support you." Yeji's resolve crumbles and she cries as she tells you everything that's been weighing her down today. She cries because of the unfairness of it all, she cries about how she can't protect her girls, she cries about how she wants nothing more than to wrap them up in a hug and not let go until they're all better but the girls just like their leader want to seem strong and untouchable for each other.
Yeji cries about how she wishes she was with you instead of working, she cries about how guilty she feels for sometimes wishing that they never had to go through the unfairness that the idol life had to offer, she cries about how she feels like she's disappointing the MIDZYs for feeling as she feels. She cries because it's just the start of their journey and she's already so tired. She cries because it's the only way she knows how to get rid of the stress, even if it's just a temporary solution.
What hurts you the most is that she doesn't look at you as she says this. You're a MIDZY after being Yeji's girlfriend and it you don't miss the way she chokes up even more when she said she feels like she's disappointing the fandom. You let your girlfriend let it all out before taking a moment to pull yourself together, and then you speak.
"I can't and I won't tell you that I understand how you feel as an Idol because I'm not one. But as a MIDZY, I can and I will tell you that you were born to be the leader of ITZY, no one else could step up to that role as well as you do even if they tried. Tell the girls I told you to let the haters run their mouths, because we MIDZYs know that each and every one of you brings something special to the table. ITZY isn't ITZY if it doesn't have Hwang Yeji, Choi Jisu, Shin Ryujin, Lee Chaeryeong and Shin Yuna as the members. You girls are a fucking unit and you are all strong enough to knock those bitches speechless."
You stare at Yeji the whole time and notice that although her body has stopped shaking, her tears are still making their way down her cheeks. You take in every detail of her face and wish with everything within you that you were there with her to wipe her tears and hold her close. In your opinion, words aren't enough but you suppose due to the distance between you two that you've gotta work with what you have at the moment. Right now all you have are feelings and words.
"Now as your girlfriend." Yeji's head adjusts enough that you could see half of her face, but the other half still remains buried in her arm. "I'm telling you that you can never disappoint me." She chuckles in humor before turning her gaze away from her phone. "You don't know that, I'm not perfect-"
"I never said you were."
Silence sits between the two of you. Not once in your whole relationship had you intentionally interrupted Yeji when she was speaking, you strongly believed that everyone deserved a chance to speak their piece. But that had exceptions. Such as now. "I never said you were perfect, because you're not. You're human and you have your flaws but believe me when I say that you could never disappoint me, despite the fact that humans weren't designed to be perfect you still work on yourself everyday trying to polish all the rough edges, trying to better yourself not for anyone or anything but yourself because you really want to be better than you were in the past. How could I be disappointed in someone as noble as that?"
You notice that she's now actively fighting to keep her eyes open and you smile. "You okay for now?" She nods and you continue. "Then go to sleep, God knows you both need and deserve a good night's rest. I'll call you back tomorrow when you wake up, so you can tell me about everything else your sleep addled brain forgot to tell me tonight."
Yeji uncovers the other half of her face and eyes stare at her screen that shows your face, now more than ever she wishes she was there with you, to thank you and hold you for everything you've said and for the way you've calmed her down. She promises herself that once you meet back up in person, she'll make it up to you. But for now words will have to do.
"Thank you Y/N. I love you."
Your smile grows wider and Yeji swears she's ready to make a fool out of herself just to ensure that that smile never fades away from your face. You take your a moment to memorize the candid details of Yeji's face before replying. "I love you too Yeji. Good night." Both of you wave goodbye and as heavy of an action it was, you take the initiative to end the call because you know that if you left it up to your girlfriend she would never hit that End Call button.
Yeji places her phone on the nightstand by her bed.
Y/N lies back down properly on the bed.
The two stare straight ahead of them, eyes unfocused.
They take a deep breath before closing their eyes, ignoring the need that courses through their hearts.
"I'll be with her soon enough."
A/N: I think this is the longest fic I've written on this app? Why the hell is there too little ITZY content on this app? it feels like drought istg 😭😭
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rikiflrts · 4 years
— ꒰‧ 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐲'𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 ༉‧₊˚✧
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after what seemed like forever, i finally made my own prompt list! if you wish to request for the prompts that you’d like to use with a certain member, then feel free to choose any of the numbers displayed and tell me about them in the ask box (^^).
also: please be specific with the genre that you'd like to imply with your chosen prompts, thank you~ ♡
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1.) "i just wanted to give you a hug"
2.) "dumbass we're lost now thanks to you!" " i already got lost in your eyes from the moment i met you but you don't see me complaining."
3.) "please don't talk to me right now, im not in the mood"
4.) "how are you so beautiful?"
5.) "my hoodie looks great on you"
6.) "how could you..."
7.) "i trusted you"
8.) "i didn't tell you to trust me."
9.) "you're leaving? just like that?"
10.) "no stop you're making me blush"
11.) "and if i am?"
12.) "just shut up and let me play with your hair"
13.) "so this is what falling in love feels like"
14.) "how are you even real..?"
15.) "are you being for real right now?"
16.) "...did you just sniff me?"
17.) "if you're that mad then why don't you just take it out on me?"
18.) "i don't mind"
19.) "you dumbass, i said i like you!"
20.) "i used to have this huge crush on you (laughs)" "used to?" "well, yeah.. i dont really like you anymore"
21.) "can i hold your hand?"
22.) "are you nervous?"
23.) "less talking, more working!"
24.) "im in love with an idiot"
25.) "but you promised me that we'd get married!!" "for the love of god, ____ we were 5 when that promise was made!"
26.) "but i still love/like you.."
27.) "this reminded me of you"
28.) "his/her/their smile is really pretty.."
29.) "just confess already!!"
30.) "you're an idiot." "yeah. your idiot."
31.) "are you even paying attention?"
32.) "does it look like i care?"
33.) "i don't really care"
34.) "it's been a while since i last smiled like this"
35.) "oh crap im starting to feel the butterflies again"
36.) "I'm scared, okay?! i can't do it"
37.) "what are you so scared of?"
38.) "im scared of falling.." "dont be, i'll catch you."
39.) "promise..?" "promise."
40.) "i guess promises really were meant to be broken."
41.) "you made a fool out of me!"
42.) "im sorry, its not you.. its me."
43.) "what about our promises??" "what about them?"
44.) "please dont go"
45.) "is/are they/he/she all you're ever going to look at?im already right in front of your attention is still focused on them/him/her."
46.) "that's it..?"
47.) "cuddle with me"
48.) "no."
49.) "his/her/their eyes were like pools; so deep. I fear that if I fall, I might never come out and reach for air."
50.) "i love spending time with you"
51.) "let's just be friends"
52.) "im sorry, im afraid of commitment"
53.) "im afraid of it too. why don't you just take this risk and overcome your fears with me?"
54.) "if its you, then i dont mind."
55.) "i love your smell"
56.) "what's that supposed to mean?"
57.) "first love really never does die huh"
58.) "hey, you look really familiar" "oh, really?" "yeah. you look like my soulmate."
59.) "if you like me so much then just marry me already"
60.) "wait i can do that?!" "your gullibility really amazes me sometimes."
61.) "are you dumb? be honest"
62.) "im not in the mood"
63.) "are you okay?"
64.) "you look horrible" "oh wow gee thanks for pointing that out sherlock"
65.) "what's in it for me?"
66.) "do you..like me?"
67.) "do you like him/her/them?"
68.) "but i wrote you letters.."
69.) "they mean nothing to me."
70.) "wow! i haven't seen you in ages, how have you been?" "we literally just saw each other 5 hours ago."
71.) "wipe that smirk off your face, its annoying"
72.) "aww, why? are you perhaps threatened that you'll end up falling for me?"
73.) "i think im going to puke"
74.) "are you blushing?"
75.) "aren't you tired of comstantly running in my mind?"
76.) "i can't get him/her/them out of my head"
77.) "your laugh sounds really pretty"
78.) "i love how your eyes sparkle whenever you're invested in something"
79.) "im falling"
80.) "oh no im catching feelings"
81.) "do you ever stop talking?"
82.) "let me get that for you"
83.) "its okay, i can pay for myself" "no. i wont let you" "but i have my own mone-" "shut up and let me spoil you!"
84.) "i refuse to stay in the same room with the likes of him/her/them!"
86.) "it was pretty obvious.."
87.) "come here."
88.) "stop doing that to yourself!"
89.) "you deserve better."
90.) "just leave. i dont want to see your face anymore."
91.) "i hate you." "the feeling's mutual."
92.) "didn't i tell you to leave me alone?!"
93.) "was it so wrong to love you..?"
94.) "if you really love me then just stay away from my sight."
95.) "you feel like home"
96.) "i love hugging you, it makes me feel safe"
97.) "i could kiss you right now!" "you're very welcome to do it."
98.) "i can't keep playing pretend"
99.) "let's put an end to this.."
100.) "i think im actually catching feelings"
101.) "this is getting dangerous.."
102.) "give me another chance"
103.) "give me one reason why i shouldnt leave."
104.) "im going to do it! im finally going to confess to him/her/them!"
105.) "you've got to be kidding me.."
106.) "i knew what i signed up for. im not surprised."
107.) "he/she/they has/have stars in his/her/their eyes and im captivated"
108.) "i love you" "nice try, but im not falling for that"
109.) "is it that hard to fall in love with me?!"
110.) "well if you put it that way, then yes."
111.) "you look happy"
112.) "you look happier without me."
113.) "can you guys please change the dare"
114.) "who gave you the right to toy around with my emotions like that?!"
115.) "i got played.."
116.) "stay out of my sight."
117.) "you're an eyesore" "you're an eye candy"
118.) "why are you still here?"
119.) "why..?"
120.) "stop making fun of me!" "make me."
121.) "was i just some kind of sick joke to you?"
122.) " i really like you "
123.) "i don't know how to express my feelings that well but i just want you to know that i'd take a bullet for you"
124.) "i'd do anything just to see you smile like that again"
125.) "what are you staring at?"
126.) "i think i have a crush on you" "you think? you're not even sure?"
127.) "take my hand"
128.) "let's get out of here."
129.) "you should wear my clothes more often"
130.) "i can teach you how"
131.) "I'm here for you"
132.) "you can use me to forget about him/her/them"
133.) "even if the world turns againt us, as long as we have each other, then we'll be alright."
134.) "you're all that i need"
135.) "you're all that i ever wanted"
136.) "you're all that i have"
137.) "please don't leave me"
138.) "I'm sorry."
139.) "look at me."
140.) "look at me and tell me that you don't love me anymore."
141.) "you're an idiot."
142.) "i don't love you anymore."
143.) "did you just drink from my cup?" "and if i did?"
144.) "im going to kill you!" "you don't scare me"
145.) "stay with me a little longer"
146.) "i knew it.."
147.) "i should've known.."
148.) "are you jealous?"
149.) "i made you a playlist"
150.) "when will you ever look my way..?"
151.) "im fine with looking at him/her/them from afar"
152.) "he's/she's/they're out of my league"
151.) "im scared of getting rejected"
152.) "back to square one"
153.) "I'm tired"
154.) "what do you like about me?"
154.) "i'd rather starve than spend time with him/her/them."
155.) "if i'm an idiot, then you're a coward"
156.) "i dreamt about you last night"
157.) "it was a nightmare"
158.) "it's the little things that he/she/they do/does that drive me insane"
159.) "i like you more than i should"
160.) "be mine"
161.) "it was too good to be true.."
162.) "i had a crush on him/her/them"
163.) "i never really thought that i'd end up falling for you"
164.) "you're adorable"
165.) "you mean the world to me"
166.) "you meant the world to me"
167.) "what happened in the past stays in the past"
168.) "careful, you might end up falling for me"
169.) "very funny, mister lover boy"
170.) "lets go out on a date"
171.) "i'm so lucky to have you"
172.) "where are you going?"
173.) "sometimes it really just gotta be like that"
174.) "hello good afternoon, what's your order?" "hell- oh wow.. you please" "im sorry, could you say that again?" "wait no! i meant- uh..oh dear.."
175.) "he's too good for me"
176.) "stop giving me mixed signals"
177.) "i guess it really just wasn't meant to be"
178.) "im not interested in you"
179.) "i cant get him/her/them out of my head"
180.) "where is/are he/she/they?"
181.) "you took my pillow so im going to use you as a pillow"
182.) "why are you avoiding me?"
183.) "did i do something wrong?"
184.) "please talk to me"
185.) "im not even his/her/their ideal type"
186.) "it wouldn't hurt to try"
187.) "you smell like me"
188.) "i like my scent on you"
189.) "that sounds weird if you put it that way"
190.) "can i call you tonight?"
191.) "you should smile more often"
192.) "i hate it when people tell me what to do"
193.) "lets wear matching outfits!"
194.) "im arresting you." "why? i didnt do anything wrong" "yes you did, you stole my heart and i want justice!"
195.) "i guess i got too caught up with my fatasies to notice that he/she/they never really liked me back in the first place.."
196.) "you're the answer to all my prayers"
198.) "you should go home."
199.) "let me come with you"
200.) "run away with me"
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last updated: 12/30/20
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toutallyahoe · 5 years
Things We Need More ~ Gavin Reed (DBH)
Requested By: --
A/N: how long have I not touched dbh again? far too long apparently.
fun fact? this chapter is around seven months in my damn drafts.
and this is also my first uploaded one shot for this asshole? asdfghjjkl
anyways, here's something nice because a certain darling of mine needs something for their exams
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Also, he may be an asshole but he's our asshole
More: warm hugs
The brunet detective let out a grunt as he flopped himself on the couch, grabbing some of the couch's cushions and groaned on it to muffle the sound while his lover merely looked at him with amused [Eye color] eyes. Arms crossed as he rosed a brow at the brunet male who just laid there.
"Okay, what happened now?" The [Hair color] haired man had asked as he uncrossed his arms and walked towards his brunet lover who let out another groan.
"Robbers... attack... child... t-that's what happened..." Gavin had said as he took the cushion away from his face and placed it on his stomach and stared blankly at the ceiling as [Hair color] haired man had sat beside the brunet's legs.
"And?" Gavin grumbled out some curses as he maneuvered himself to face his lover, rolling his eyes as he did. The brunet had stayed quiet for a bit as his mind went back to what had happened hours ago. Gavin just blankly stare at his lover who's amusement slowly diminish. After awhile of not getting an answer, [Name]'s lips formed into a frown as he looked at Gavin with worried [Eye color] eyes.
"Gavin?" [Name] softly called the brunet who slowly began to shake. Sitting up as his hands instantly found themselves on his face as he began to explain.
"There was so much fucking blood..." The brunet detective had quietly muttered to himself as he then continued. "S-so much fucking b-blood..." Gavin had muttered. [Name] furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at his lover confused and worried. He couldn't understand Gavin's quiet mumblings and he was curious on why his brunet lover started to act this way.
"What? Gavin I can't hear you." The [Hair color] haired had said as Gavin began to quietly mutter again which the male, once again, did not hear. "Gavin, please I need you to speak up a bit louder."
Again, the brunet merely let out quiet mumblings to himself which frankly, slowly made the [Hair color] haired man was a bit annoyed. What was Gavin so glum about? Did Hank piss him off again?
Sighing, [Name] tried again. "Gavin, can't you speak lo--"
The brunet had snapped as he glared at his [Hair color] haired lover who seemed to be surprised from his outburst. Despite the guilt he felt on it, Gavin couldn't stop himself but let out all the pent up emotions of the day take over his thinking. "There was a fucking robbery and they left nothing but a fucking corpse of a fourteen year old boy with a bullet wound in his fucking head and a four year old girl who's skull was fucking cracked open!" Gavin had yelled as he felt the tears fell down his eyes.
"A fucking four year old [Name]! T-they fucking killed her without mercy unlike her older brother!" The brunet had shouted as his mind went back to the scene. The brunet almost vomit on seeing the young girl's corpse, face barely recognizable by her parents.
"She fucking died feeling the fucking pain of her head being bashed repeatedly on the fucking floor unlike her brother who was immediately fucking shot in the head! She fucking died suffering [Name]!" Gavin cried out to his lover. The corpses of the two too young children to die was so painful for the brunet detective. Especially the little girl's where she suffered greatly before death embraced her.
"S-she died p... painfully [Name]..." Gavin had quietly muttered as he sobbed. "S-she was too young... they were t-too young..."
[Name] could only hug his broken lover as Gavin clung onto him. Crying on his chest as the brunet had clutched his shirt. The anguished sobs of his lover made the [Hair color] haired male mutter things to comfort him.
"T... they d-didn't deserved t-this..." Gavin muyyered through his sobs as he felt his lover rubbed his back to soothe him. [Name] brought his lover closer to him as he muttered onto Gavin's neck, "I know love... I'm so sorry for you to witness this..."
"I-I couldn't e-even f... find t-the people who did this to t-them..." [Name] hugged Gavin tigher as he felt his lover shake in his arms. "Shhh, you will love. You'll find these fuckers and have them jailed..." Embracing the brunet tighter in his arms as he consoled Gavin.
More: good sleep
For the past few nights, the brunet haired male couldn't sleep. He felt a bit miserable each night he slept alone in their large bedroom without the comforting embrace and the warm body of his [Hair color] haired lover beside him. For three days or so, the [Hair color] haired man was too busy doing work and would often come home late, more so in around twelve or past two in the morning. It also doesn't help that the brunet male as that haunting scene of the case he had weeks ago was still fresh in his mind.
The brunet male let out a tired sigh as he looked at the empty space beside him where his suppose to be lover lay. Gently patting the empty space with his hand as he wished the other male was right beside him now. Gavin wanted his lover's arms wrapped around him as he get pulled closer in a warn embrace. The feeling of his [Hair color] haired lover just there, embracing him and always affectionately mutter sweet things to his ear that sometimes he felt embarrassed about. He missed [Name] dearly. But he couldn't do much but just imagine the male was there beside him.
After awhile of just mindlessly looking at the empty spot of the [Hair color] haired male, Gavin finally felt himself succumbed to the tiredness he had felt as he slept soundly. Not really noticing the door to their bedroom slowly opened for the very male he was waiting to come in.
[Name], the [Hair color] haired male had some small bags underneathe his eyes from the late shifts he was working through and despite how tired he felt, he softly smiled when he saw his brunet lover sleeping soundlessly on their shared bed.
Slowly, the man had unbuttoned his white dress shirt and putting it on an office chair they had in the room, he then proceed to take his black dress pants off and mindlessly kicked it on the floor. Going through his closet to find a grey sweatpants and a black wifebeater to wear, he then proceed to go over to sleep beside his lover.
[Name] wasn't surprised when as he laid down beside Gavin, the said man had immediately shifted and pressed himself on the [Hair color] haired man's side. The [Hair color] haired man couldn't help but smile softly as he watched his sleeping lover cuddle on him as he slowly wrapped his arms on the brunet, pressing a soft kiss on the male's head as he then closed his eyes. It didn't take long for sleep to take his conscience.
The two slept well that night as Gavin was in his lover's arms. Not a nightmare of that horrid case to be found.
More: adventures
Day offs were the best. That is where he and his [Name] could agree on, other than coffee is the best early in the morning. Gavin would spend his day off just laze around his and his lover's shared home, watch a horror movie and midlessly pet their furry baby, Donut. The fat orange tabby cat who they adopted when Gavin and [Name] moved in with each other and had decided to just sit on the house's back porch to enjoy the calm day a few years back.
Gavin was laying his head on [Name]'s lap. The [Hair color] haired man stroking and playing his brown locks. A donut in Gavin's hand as he ranted about a suspect on a case he had few days ago. Talking animatedly as [Name] looks down at him with ove in his eyes and a smile on his lips. Listening to Gavin talk and comment at times.
The two were having a peaceful time with each other when a meow was heard and before the brunet knew it, an orange blur passed by him and saw that it had took the donut in his hand. Gavin let out a cry as he immediately sat up, almost hitting his head with [Name]'s if the other man had not been startled and reeled back because of Gavin's cry and actions.
Gavin, having to sat back up and frantically tried to look at the culprit who took his donut. A bit enrage because it was his favorite one and was planning to hit whatever thing that took it-- only to see a few feet away from him and his lover was seating at, close to the fence was a tabby cat, consuming his donut.
After that, [Name] had caught the furry rascal and immediately fell inlove. The [Hair color] haired man silently pleading Gavin on taking care of the cat but the brunet didn't agreed. His reason was that the cat took his donut. His favorite and last donut.
The brunet male was ready to come inside and hopefully find another snack to eat but when he looked at [Name] who was holding the fat cat... he gaved up. He was stubborn and very against it.
Until the two-- [Name] and the cat-- pouted and gave him a pleading look. Both looks made the brunet cave in and that was when they officially had their first "baby".
A fat, lazy, furry, annoying baby who craves attention. Especially from the [Hair color] haired man. The detective swear that the cat gives him the smuggest look a cat can do when [Name] pets him and switch his attention from Gavin to Donut. Cooing and smothering the orange tabby cat with all the love and affection while Gavin silently fumed in rage as the cat-- a fucking cat had the audacity to look so smug when it looked at him while his own lover was cooing and showing affection to it.
That was where Gavin realize how much he loved yet also hated cats.
"I will call you Donut-- no [Name]. I will name this little shit rug right here. No. You forced me to adopt with this little asshole and I have the power to name him. Now, where was I? Right. I will call you Donut, because HOLY SHIT, I DO NOT FEEL LIKE SEEING YOUR DUMB SMUG LOOK ON YOUR FACE YOU FUCKING LITTLE ASSHOLE-- OH MY GOD! [NAME] LET'S THROW THIS ASSHOLE IN THE POOL!"
More: interesting conversation
It was a hot day and the two lovers stayed inside for it. Just lazying around. Gavin, again, had a day off and he just spended it with him and [Name] in the livingroom.
Gavin had taken on lounging himself on the coach and was playing away with Donut that was laying on his chest. Not really minding the tabby cat as he played with the cat's orange fur. This was one of the few occasions the cat actually lets him be affectionate to Gavin since the tabby cat mostly preferred [Name]'s attention.
Gavin's head laid on [Name]'s lap as the latter was reading on an old book. Paper books were rather rare nowadays and [Name] always loved them than the tablets. He felt like a child when he reads. Remembering back in his childhood where his parents would buy him books to read.
"Would it considered be incest if you fuck your own clone?" Gavin had abruptly said. Tone laced with boredom as he had continued to mindlessly run his fingers on Donut's fur. The cat purring, happy with the affection he was getting.
Gavin's comment made the [Hair color] haired almost choke on his spit as he had paused his reading and looked at the male.
Gavin giving him a unwavered determination on his face when he had looked at the male in the eye.
"What...?" [Name] asked, confused and rather perplexed with what his brunet lover had just said. Destroying the silence and making him ponder if Gavin finally lost his mind.
"Why... explain," the [Hair color] haired had sighed as he had placed a bookmark on the page he was reading and closed his book. Putting it down on the coffee table beside the couch as he returned to look at Gavin.
"Like... well... doesn't your clone carry your dna or some science bullshit? So, isn't that how incest works?" Gavin explained. Making some hand gestures that amuses [Name].
"Just... it is incest to fuck your clone!" Gavin had continued as he made made a face that seemed to be mix with anger and realization. "Wait... it is also kinda gay too, like, right?"
[Name] bit back a laugh threatening to leave his lips as he shake his head with Gavin rambling on about more about clones and if you would have sex with one.
"Gavin... you are gay," [Name] mused as the brunet detective send him an unamused glare when he had chuckled.
"Well, yeah I am shitlock. I am dating your dumb ass," retorded Gavin as the [Hair color] haired laughed. "What I mean is..." Gavin trailed off as he madly gestured something invisible that only seemed to see. It was amusing to [Name].
Leaning down toward's Gavin face, [Name] placed a soft kiss on the brunet's lips.
"Honestly, your adorable," mused [Name] as he parted and went back to his comfortable position on the couch as Gavin sputtered out incoherent words.
More: laughter
Gavin rolled his eyes as he saw [Name] play with Donut. The [Hair color] haired man and the orange tabby cat were on the floor. Donut was laying on his back, his tummy exposed to the [Hair color] haired man that [Name]'s [Skin color] hand would tickle the cat's tummy then raise it fast enough for the cat not to grabbed. [Name] laughing and enjoying his time with the feline as the cat was also enjoying aswell. Purring and meowing with content. This made Gavin a bit irritated.
"You pay more attention to that damn cat more than me," Gavin had grumbled out of a blue as he strutted towards the two as he then plopped down beside [Name] who didn't seemed to mind him.
"Oi," Gavin pouted when the [Hair color] haired man did not turn to greet him nor give a single glance to his person.
"[Name]," the brunet whine as the said man merely hummed as he played with the tabby cat. "[Name], talk to me," Gavin whine as he dragged the 'e' in the last word for higher annoyance.
"Yes, dear?" Hummed [Name] as he picked up Donut and raised it towards his eye level. The tabby cat looking at him in the eye and sticking his pink tongue. The cat's actions made [Name] chuckle as he nuzzled his nose towards the tabby cat's ones.
"Such a cute kitty you are," [Name] praised as Gavin let out a loud groan. "[Name] pay attention to me you dick," Gavin whined.
The said man did not do as what Gavin had whine which made the brunet huff in annoyance. After awhile of the [Hair color] haired cooing at the tabby cat. Gavin finally split.
"Give me the cat," the brunet had stated. [Name] seemed to pay attention now to what he says at the [Hair color] haired man turned his head away from Donut who meowed and looked at Gavin.
"What now?" Asked [Name].
"I said give me the damn cat," Gavin had commanded as he saw [Name] rolled his eyes but nevertheless, gaved the cat to the angry brunet. Placing the tabby cat gently on the brunet's hands as Gavin immediately raised it towards his eye level like [Name] did awhile ago and glared with the cat's eyes.
"You," Gavin started as Donut looked at him in eye with its own version of an annoyed glare. Clearly the cat was not hapoy to be taken away from his quality bonding tine with his [Hair color] haired owner.
"Fuck off you damn pussy-- he's fucking gay," Gavin had said.
Donut was an intelligent cat. Well, cats are more intelligent creatures that humans give them credit for. But Donut was really an intelligent one. He seemed to know what his brunet owner was saying and in return for Gavin's angry words. Donut hissed in Gavin's face and wiggled out from the brunet's hold.
Due to Donut's abruptly hissing and wiggling his body, he successfully got out of Gavin's hold which made the brunet yelp from the hissing. The tabby cat had landed in all fours as he then dashed back to [Name]. Leaping at the [Hair color] haired man's lap as the orange tabby cat then made himself comfortable there.
[Name] laughed at what he had just witnessed as he mindlessly patted the cat on his lap while he watched Gavin swear at everything.
"Mother fucking cat! Suck ass bitch like what the fuck that mother fucker--" and the curses go on and on and on that made the [Hair color] haired man laughed out more. Honestly, why was Gavin always like this? He doesn't know but he loves it.
Gavin let out a few more string of curses as he angrily glared at ther feline until he directed his glare at the laughing [Hair color] haired man. "Stop laughing dumbass," grumbled Gavin as [Name] rolled his eyes and chuckled.
"Sorry but Donut really do not like you," [Name] had said as he took a quick look at the purring cat on his lap. Gavin seemed to catch his words which caused the brunet to roll his eyes.
"You think?" Gavin sarcastically had said. The [Hair color] haired man merely sent him a grin.
It took a second for Gavin to realized [Name]'s words again.
"Did you just... you..." Gavin had said as he look at the other man who sent him a beaming smile.
"What? Cat got your tongue?" Gavin groaned at the joke his lover had said as he slapped his hand on his forehead. Despite it though, there was a smile on the brunet's lips.
"God, you are such a fucking dumbass," Gavin had said to the man as the other merely shrugged.
"You love this dumbass though," the [Hair color] haired commented as Gavin rolled his eyes but laughed.
"Dang right I do!" Beamed Gavin as the [Hair color] haired man shakes his head but softly smiled. Leaning towards the brunet and placed a soft kiss on Gavin's forehead.
"You are such a dork," [Name] softly said as Gavin sputtered out incoherent sentences with his surprise affection. Gavin's reaction made the [Hair color] haired man laugh again.
More: happy dances
Gavin groaned as he stiffly sat up straight. The brunet trying to fix the collar of his suit as he sent [Name] a glare when the man chuckled at his discomfort.
"Having a great time gents?" A voice piped up from behind them. Gavin didn't have to look to know it was one of his older sisters. Specifically, the one who wore a white wedding gown with a cheeky smile on her lips.
"I would if this would be fucking over," grumbled Gavin as [Name] elbowed him but sent the older female a charming smile.
"Oh course we do, Delilah," he said as Gavin rolled his eyes sister.
"When will this be over again?" Gavin asked as he saw his sister sent him a small glare but then pouted. His comment had made the [Hair color] haired man sitting beside him elbow him again. Making him grunt in pain.
"Fine, fine," grumbled Gavin. "I am having a blast with the part Del! Such a marvelous party it is, oh yes it very is!" The brunet sarcastically and dramatically had said as Delilah sent him another pout and turned to the [Hair color] haired man.
"Ugh, I'm so sorry you have to date his ass, [Name]," Delilah had said as the [Hair color] haired man shrugged.
"I'm sorry for myself too," [Name] commented which earned him an angry "hey!" from the brunet and a chuckle from the woman dressed in white.
"Anyways, off to mingle with the other guests now!" Delilah said with a clap of her hands. She send the two men smiles again and even ruffled Gavin's hair which gotten her some curses from the brunet. "Have fun you two!" She said as she walked away. Finding herself talking to another pair of people.
"Honestly," huffed Gavin as he crossed his arms on his chest. "She is still that annoying shithead of a sister," he had said.
[Name] only chuckled as he shakes his head. "You're still happy she's married though, right?"
"Not really," Gavin answered honestly which earned him a raised brow from the [Hair color] haired man. Not that he could see anyways. "I mean... that asshole better treat her right or I swear to God, he'll be framed for murder or some shit," sweared Gavin underneath his breath and the man beside him still caught it.
The [Hair color] haired merely shake his head and a fond smile on his lips as he looked at Gavin quietly grumbling uncomfortably in his seat. The two did wore some formal suits for it was Delilah's wedding. Gavin being a sibling is definitely invited while [Name] was his plus one and date. The two, of course, being lovers and all.
It was quiet-- save from the occasional grumblings from the brunet-- as two merely minded their business. Already finished eating the food that was catered by the wedding caterers and all.
After awhile, the large speakers in the area began to boom some songs. A song appropriate for a slowl dance in fact and it made Gavi perked up for a bit as he looked around. Watching how Delilah and her now-husband dancing in the middle and then some few guests aswell.
[Name] seemed to noticed his gaze on the dancers as he softly smiled. Standing up from his seat, the [Hair color] haired walked around his seat as he then offered his hand to Gavin who had looked at him with a raised brow.
"Care for a dance?" [Name] said with a charming smile that made Gavin roll his eyes but nevertheless, took the offer with his own grin.
"Let's show these motherfuckers how dancing is!" Gavin had said as he heard [Name] chuckle and helped him stand up from his seat. With hands holding, the [Hair color] haired man lead them both to the dance floor. With that, the two faced each other and placed their hands in the right order. Gavin placing one of his hand on [Name]'s shoulder while the other man placed a hand on his hips. The other hand holding each other as they looked one another in the eye. And they danced.
"You know, I thought you'd refused for a dance," [Name] confessed as Gavin sent him a small glare.
"I won't back down from this," muttered Gavin. Hearing his comment made [Name] smile.
"Well, that's good to hear... because I want to dance this song to with you," the [Hair color] had said with a smile as the bruney rolled his eyes yet a grin on his lips.
"Stop being sappy you dick," commented the brunet with a smile as [Name] laughed.
"I will if you change your last name to mine," came the retort as Gavin took a second to process what the other had said while [Name] smiled.
"Wait... did... did you just... what?" Gavin sputtered out as [Name] twirled him.
"Let's just enjoy this dance, alright?" The [Hair color] haired man innocently had said as he gave Gavin a smile. Gavin seemed to think for a second but nodded. A grin on his lips.
"You better come and proposed when I'm in the middle of my damn sappy congratulations to Delilah's marriage or so help me, I wont say yes," Gavin joked as the [Hair color] haired laughed at it.
"And get the attention off the newly wed? How evil," the [Hair color] haired man teased as Gavin rolled his eyes but smiled.
"Fuck them, I am an attention hoe and it's my revenge for making the two of us come here," Gavin replied as he felt [Name]'s hand squeezed their intertwined ones. "We could have fucked by this time god damn it."
"Let's see, shall we dear?" [Name] said as he spun Gavin around again. Then bringing the brunet close as the song slowly ended.
"Also, my answer is fuck yes," [Name] smiled at Gavin's words.
"That's great to hear."
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bluealmondpie · 4 years
ho ho ho me and my love for side characters has struck again~ the coaches are all so underrated and it is not fair so here is some love for our wonderful swan coach
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bf!akira (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
* the picture of reliability
* this man knows. he is observant to details
* totally can tell when you're angry or upset or excited. he pays a lot of attention.
* i imagine he would be nervous on the first date, and it might b a lil over the top? a nice restaurant and an uncomfortably dressed (see: formal) akira with flowers. it's adorable (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
* he is easy to tease. cute reactions. he usually will gently rebuff after being surprised or shocked, but he doesn't mind on the inside. actually it's q obvious he doesn't mind so you can keep teasing him if u want he will tease you back, and it's an enjoyable sort of push and pull
* nowadays dates are more chill, usually hanging around his apartment (you've practically moved in at this point) cooking, watching movies or reading together
* akira is p laid back. a little short of happy go lucky, he goes with the flow most days. his easy going nature makes your relationship really comfortable. it's such a cute little relationship filled with domestic scenes and just so... simple and sweet ugh.
* imagine: he's late home because of volleyball practice. he comes back to see you asleep on the couch with lukewarm pudding on the table, and just softly smiles. the tiredness melts away. he puts the pudding in the fridge and gently lifts you up to move you to the bedroom. akira? you mumble, your eyes fluttering open. mm i'm back, he says softly. rest, i'll join you in a bit. you pull him closer and he kisses your forehead to seal the promise as he places you under the covers. he washes up quietly and slips in next to you, and you curl into his chest. he wraps his arms around you and closes his eyes. you both drift off to sleep.
* i imagine he likes plants but he's not v good at taking care of them. you've set up the reminders on his phone to water the different succulents he has (just two, because he's killed enough to make him sad. you bought the first one for him when you were out grocery shopping and you noticed him staring at the little baby succulents. when it passed away he admitted he wasn't good at taking care of plants and you replaced it, setting up watering alarms for him. the other was a gift from a student.) he's feeling a lot more successful about this recently. the succulents are on his phone lock screen. you are the home screen.
* when you're sick he will take you to the doctor's. he will bring you warm porridge and feed you. he will sit beside you while you sleep and read or watch game tapes on headphones. one of his hands will be holding yours.
* when you're angry he will get flustered. he will send flowers and cards and balloons. he doesn't want you to be angry, and he's usually p observant so it's probably pretty rare for you to be angry at him.
* if you're angry about work or something he will rub circles on your back while listening to you rant. will totally buy you bubble tea (or your choice of favourite drink) so u feel better. he thinks you're cute when you're ranting
* the shiratorizawa kids don't know he is dating. tendou has an inkling, but he hasn't said anything cos he cannot confirm. washijou sensei doesn't know either, but anabara knows. maybe anabara introduced you two, bc he thinks that saitou needs more female friends. he probably didn't think you two would hit it off so well. in hindsight he thinks he should have seen it coming.
* i've said he is easygoing, but he isn't a pushover either. the emotional support pillar of shiratorizawa, he is the teacher they look up to because he is fun and so relatable. washijou obviously knows this and leaves the rapport up to akira. you think it's cute how he stays up late to reply to tendou's strange and silly life questions or giving comments on the latest shounen jump, or teaching goshiki calming down strategies. sometimes you think he puts in too much effort since he gets really tired staying up late, but he is happy doing that so you hold back your criticism and just make sure he gets more rest on his off days.
* i imagine the team finds out one fine day after they've all graduated. tendou is especially excited to know more about your relationship. akira will be flustered, but it will be okay. you've heard enough about them that you know who is who before they introduce themselves. the boys will find it heartwarming to know that their coach loves them enough to talk about them with you. you secretly want to adopt all of them. akira will oppose they have families! we can't tear them away /ahhh but you want to, don't you, you tease him.
* domestic dates! imagine 2: it's sunday evening and you're both hungry and decide to cook dinner. there's no food in the apartment as usual (he usually goes out or gets takeout) so you both head to the nearby super. you argue lightly about how to tell fresh produce apart and which is the cheapest/most value for money deals. the cashier mistakes you for a newly wedded couple. akira laughs, blushing slightly. neither of you correct the cashier. the walk back to his apartment is filled with quiet expectation. akira wonders what kind of rings you like, and what kind would look good on you. he glances at your interlaced fingers and smiles. he can't think of any better than a wedding band.
i know haikyuu is one of those mangas with a huge huge cast and even tho people consider hinata/kageyama to be the main mcs and to a certain extent karasuno as main also and therefore all the other teams are side characters, but this makes our coaches truly the most sideline characters ever. but still they are all quite well written support characters and so ive always wanted to give them a little more fleshed out stories. also domestic akira is so cute they r also so underrated. the young hq coaches all deserve our love! ukai obv but so is our coach saitou here and let's not forget mizoguchi and naoi. anabara is a lil older than them i would think~ (i'm a little annoyed at those people saying that they like older men but they only talk about keishin like oooook sure idk maybe but have u considered that u just like bad boys with a soft heart and not older men??)
requests are open, rules are here ♪( ´▽`)
masterlist here (♡-♡)
next hq!bf post will only have the same team tagged, cos there's so many to link now (;-;) please click on masterlist~
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
Hello!♡ Could I please request a character ship (👥) for Spike (from Buffy), Pietro Maximoff (from Marvel, The Avengers) and Newt Scamander (from Fantastic Beasts) ? To be true, I'm really boring and my personality is extremly paradox. I always feel like I don't belong anywhere, that's probably why I have a soft spot for anyone and anything different. I suffer from autism and depression. I admire people who are bold and straight-forward with their feelings. Because it's hard for me to express my own and, sadly, I usually don't sense or see others. And, even though I'm not at all funny, I like people who are. My ideal day would be spent with cuddling, listening to music, watching movies, having in-depths conversations and drinking tea on a rainy day and to take a walk in the rain. I'm extremly loyal and I honestly try to be as kind/polite as possible. Music is very important and therapeutic for me, I could never live a day without it. I always try to act against injustice, even if being the center of attention makes me uncomfortable. I'm not at all dominant, but that's not a problem to me. My favorite colours are green and black. I have a big problem with authority and I'm not afraid to speak up against them (which is surprising to most people because I'm usually very shy, insecure and quiet). As a quiet person, I like talkative people because they are willing to do the talking themselves and don't expect me to keep up my end of it. I have a kind heart and I see the good in everyone. I'm only wearing black and I don't like bright colours. I secretly crave affection and attention, but I feel like I don't deserve it. I'm barely able to make eye contact and am sometimes painfully awkward. Nevertheless, I love animals and I'm more comfortable with them (they are far easier than humans). I'm a feminist and anarchist. I don't know if it's true, but I think I annoy people. I'd love to live one day in the UK (if I could choose my heritage, it would be britain). I really struggle to say what's on my mind, sometimes I can't even build the easiest sentence (and that annoys me greatly). I think that one of the best feeling is that of a hug or cuddling, but I could never ask anyone for one. I'm probably the clumsiest person. I only judge people for what I experience, so it doesn't matter to me what is said about that person or what their heritage/beliefs are.
Wow, that is pretty long! I hope that's not too much? And I'm sorry for any errors, english isn't my native language. But I would be incredible thankful if you'd do that!♡
Hi, thanks for requesting a ship! Hope you like it :)
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💖 You and Spike both feel like you don’t really belong and are drawn to anything different for that very reason. For that reason as well, you ended up becoming close. You appreciated how unique the other was and you felt like you could understand each other on a deeper level.
💖 Spike doesn’t really mind being the center of attention, so he does it for you when you need it. You are quite similar deep down, but when it comes to your differences you really compliment each other like when it comes to how talkative he is and how quiet you are.
💖 It doesn’t happen often, but you do speak up when you come across injustice. When things like these happen, Spike always gives you the heart eyes. Not that he would voice out his emotions just like that, but he can’t help being impressed and enamored by you then. Even more so than usual.
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💖 Pietro is so supportive of you in anything and everything you do. He loves how you’re always trying to help people and how you try to get over your timidness in order to do that. He’s also always ready to step in if you need his help and won’t have a problem if he has to talk for you.
💖 As much as he’s constantly teasing you and flustering you, Pietro adores you and isn’t afraid to show it. He’s super affectionate and is always hugging you, kissing you or at the very least putting an arm over your shoulders or around your waist. What’s great about this is he knows you love the affection too, even if he might tease you a little more and playfully say you’re blushing or something.
💖 With Pietro you don’t always need to talk. He pays attention to you, to what you do say even if you say it once, but also to your facial expressions that he knows how to read so well. If you’re uncomfortable or sad or tired, Pietro knows and will be a sweetheart about it. He will ask if you want to leave, or if you need a hug, or if you want him to do something. And 9 out of 10 times, he will know exactly what you need.
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💖 In a way, you and Newt have very similar personalities. You’re both extremly shy and introverted and sometimes you struggle to even make eye contact. That was one of the reasons why you got along so well so fast.
💖 The other main reason why you’re so close was your shared love for animals and fantastic creatures. When he introduced them to you, he saw a change in you since you suddenly forgot about your shyness and became a different person, you actually were yourself. Just like this, you realized Newt was truly himself around his creatures too. And he realized then, he was also himself around you.
💖 Newt truly admires how brave you are when you speak up against authority. He might do so sometimes too, but it’s terribly hard for him, and you make it look so easy with how passionate you are to fix things and make the world a better place that you inspire him in a way.
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shibalen · 4 years
Hi! I’m so sorry about the earlier request! I misread the rules (._. ) I’d like to request from Akatsuki No Yona and Haikyuu. I prefer a romantic type of matchup. I’m a Capricorn and infp. I have a fairly large social circle and quite talkative with others. But there are times I prefer my own time and silence. I trust people easily and am loyal to my friends. I’m a left hander. My hobbies are writing, reading and watching anime. I listen to various types of music. It depends on my mood. (😁)
I’m a literature student and love to learn about technology. I have three cats and one dog. I adore animals, even insects but not spiders XD. I like dark colours and dark themed movies and stories. My ideal type of date is chilling inside a cafe or walking along a forest or a silent place talking with each other. I’m into carefree guys who get serious in the time of need. (😁)
The type of a guy who would dance around with me in the kitchen and jam to songs with me in the car and also be there when I have a breakdown. I’m an impatient fellow and tend to lose my focus easily. I’d like to request music box and dark box uwu. That’s it! Thanks! And sorry again for the earlier request! Love your blog! (😁)
♡︎ matchup for 😁anon
heya howdy doodle doo! how're you? i hope you didn't get too tired of waiting and actually see this. hehe. i gave these results lots of thought so i'm happy if you like them too!
akatsuki no yona: i match you with . . .
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jae-ha !!
• you guys match so well i can't— your zodiacs, mbti, personality and your type of person are simply pointing at Jae-ha with a big red arrow!
• Jae-ha is chill and social by nature. that paired with your love for talking with people makes you a really social couple. i can easily picture the two of you being the life of most conversations.
• also when there's a crisis or any more serious situation going on you're both usually the ones to calm others down. your presence makes them feel at ease and honestly Jae-ha admires that so much in you ♡︎
• he knows he can trust you with his burdens and count on you to be there for him. he may not always voice them out loud but you know he needs your comfort when he silently lays his head on your shoulder.
• of course this goes both ways and he will never let you be alone during a breakdown. somehow he always finds the right things to say or do to help you find yourself again. his voice is deep and soothing and he will happily put it to use if it makes you feel at ease.
• though he does have a sharper intuition when it comes to strangers and therefore makes sure nobody takes advantage of you. however there was definitely one time where he let you buy something extremely overpriced just to tease you about it later
• the worse the scam the more poisonous the words he speaks to them with that lazy smile. then he escorts you away while waving a hand.
• "you have to be more careful, flower. i don't want some guy eventually making you give your heart away too, " he flirts
• "too late," you respond. "this one green-haired guy with stupid jokes already has it."
• ahem.
• at first you thought he was the worst case of a womanizer, and you preferred your possible partner to reciprocate your loyalty. unfortunately otherwise he was just your type so you couldn't help but be drawn to him.
• Jae-ha was attracted to you too from your smart and fun personality to your hobbies and taste in music. he loved how you stood your ground yet how flexible you were with your likes.
• obviously he didn't give up on you despite your little façade. he proved his loyalty runs deeper than most when he's fallen for the right person. you're his special, dear person and won't let anything or anyone come between that.
• will wear matching dark outfits with you! claims it's not his style but likes it surprisingly a lot. you might do ridiculous poses just to embarrass Hak.
• can be heckin annoying when it comes to your writing though. "are you going to write me into your story? of course you are ;)" "is the main character me?" don't get him wrong, he adores your writing and that's why he gets so excited about it. other times he does it on purpose to get your attention smh
• overall, light-headed teasing is something he will always do just to see you flustered. it's so adorable he can't help it. leaning in extra close to you while you're cooking together, highkey boasting about you to his friends, starting and winking at you, plus all sorts of cheesy one-liners.
• but Jae-ha is smart and knows when to give you space. when you're ready to interact again he's already prepared for a date!
• Jae-ha is romantic even on daily basis, bringing you flowers or small trinkets that he knows you like. just seeing you smile at his loving gestures makes his cheeks warm and heart beat fast (though he tries not to show it)
• please listen to him playing the erhu, he does it especially for you. when you're out on a rooftop on a moonlit night he'll serenade you with his songs.
• your dates include: walks around the outskirts of towns, moongazing, him leaping through the sky with you securely in his arms, dinner at different inns and travens with music and parties or by a bonfine and you two just being silly. also creative activities like pottery and sketching ♡︎
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❦︎ ink box
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— this happened before your relationship even started, back when Jae-ha first realised his feelings for you.
— you wouldn't expect it, but he struggled with these emotions a lot. this was the first time he had ever felt this way towards anybody, after all. his natural reaction was to distance himself from you because he was scared, whether he admitted it to himself or not.
— he was afraid of being tied down and tying you down. he knew love required commitment and you valued loyalty. he dreaded he wouldn't be good enough for you, instead becoming the source of your pain. you deserved much more than he was, and he was a coward.
— there was also the problem of putting you in danger because of the group's mission. any injury you'd get would be his fault and that was too much a thought to bare.
— he thought he was being smooth avoiding you, preparing for his leave without hurting you. he thought. but you were smarter, you knew Jae-ha was kind. he wouldn't do this to hurt you—not after all those fun memories you'd made together!
— refusing to beat around the bush, you tried confronting him. however, by that time he'd already set out to the next destination. he had left, without a word of goodbye.
— thankfully, Zeno was the quickest to notice Jae-ha's broken demeanor. it was heartbreak which he himself knew too well. he pulled the green dragon aside the next evening as they were gathering wood and stubly hinted Jae-ha shouldn't do anything he would regret for the rest of his life.
— the rest of the gang was quick to join after Kija happened to overhear the conversation. they all (even Ao) swore to take care of you if Jae-ha wouldn't be able to.
— you were halfway up the mountain chasing after him when Jae-ha landed directly in front of you. he was out of breath and dishevelled but the desperate glint in his eye shone brighter than any star in the sky.
— you embraced and shared a sweet kiss under the night sky. he apologised more times than you could count but after almost shattering your heart you didn't let him off the hook that easily. well, he had the rest of his life with you to make it up to you ♡︎
♡︎ runner up: Hak
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
haikyuu: i match you with . . .
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rintaro suna !!
• Suna is a little different from the previous match but my instincts told me to put you together regardless! i think your personalities balance each other out while sharing the same core basics.
• you're both laid-back and have no problems interacting with people but still like your alone time. as in infp you seek new knowledge and Suna, being the smartass he is, will never bore you. he can be both silent and talkative, whichever you prefer.
• will definitely join you in being social but in a subtle way. he'll stand/sit next to you with an arm around you while you're talking to your friends. really chill but also knows how to hold a conversation and chime in with a clever comment.
• once he notices you becoming tired he casually steers you away from the rest, saying you two have to go now. how is this guy so smooth? really though he just wants to be alone together with you.
• you guys met when your social groups came together. it's that 'friend of a friend of a friend' chain and thus somehow you ended up going to one of his games because a person you knew didn't want to go alone.
• they knew Kita so y'all went to congratulate him on the win later. he then introduced you the team and therefore, of course, Suna.
• you thought he was pretty and you chatted a bit but nothing much happened. it was through these continuous meetings afterward that eventually pshed you two together ♡︎
• you had so much to talk about! stories, technology, hobbies, music, a little gossip. he liked how opinionated you were and how much you knew, then found it amusing how easily distracted you got.
• his advances were really subtle yet continuous and efficient! though some of them were kind of teasing. made sure you were comfortable with your friendship first before stating his exact feelings for you.
• Suna isn't afraid of pda and if you are too, he'll be holding your hand, having you sit on his lap, giving you kisses on your face and hand. yet although others mifht see, it feels as though every touch is a secret language meant for bust the two of you.
• his advice is quite blunt but he does it out of love, plus his actions are much softer and really patient when you're at rock-bottom. i assure you anyone neglecting your feelings is not safe.
• you're both into dark-themed stuff! y'all go to movies, festivals, bookshops and alike looking so hella aesthetic, i swear. what a beautiful couple (☆ω☆)
• your pets love Suna after they've gotten used to him. sometimes when he comes over the cats will come chill around him. it's like he's one of them and it's hilarious. you have a bunch of pictures on your phone of him and your dog.
• you like showing those photos off to his teammates because they're just that good, but instead of getting embarrassed Suna will either just agree or jokingly ask why haven't you made it your background yet.
• overtime he's learnt how to keep your focus from going too astray, though you can't say he's always vigilant himself. he slacks off during boring lectures and would much rather talk to you. the teacher had to seperate you pfft—
• can and will jam to all times of music with you in the kitchen, even if just ironically. one time his little sister caught the two of you vibing to an opera preformance and homeboy just shrugged it off and continued because you both thought it was funny.
• your dates include: going on hikes especially after a stressful period (Suna most definitely did not look up the best places near your home and prepared your favorite snacks), cat cafés, staying at home and cooking a meal cause this boy probably only knows how to pour water over noodles, and long drives and blasting music ♡︎
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♫︎ music box
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— I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys
— Caroline by Crash Adams
— Blinding Lights by The Weekend
— Your Dog Loves You by Colde
— Hey Boy by Sia (what you'd jokingly lip-sync to for him)
♡︎ runner up: Atsumu Miya
thank you so much for requesting and i apologise for the huge delay (ಥ﹏ಥ) still, i hope you enjoyed! have a lovely day and please stay safe ♡︎
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