#persecution authors
tai0miemi · 5 months
For you, my favorite moralists♡
Caution! The topic of dark content, transophobia (as it seems to some), double standards and hypocrisy
English is not my native language, I express myself as best I can, OK?
This post is dedicated to all the freaking moralists who, because of fake characters, bully real writers and people who read what they like.
Are you worried that a child/teenager will see inc*st/r*pe topics, but for some reason you think it's okay not to put tags in works where there are trans people?
The authors of dark content set an age limit in bold text, write a bunch of tags and warnings so that your delicate brain does not deteriorate, at the same time as the authors writing about trans!reader × character or trance!character does not put anything at all most often.
I'm tired of you. I don't want to read the work and in the middle realize that a female reader has a d*ck. I don't want to read a work where a biologically male character turns out to have a vag*na. PUT IT DOWN. FUCKING. TAGS. So that people can just block you and not read it.
I'm not opposed to your writing, I just don't like it and that's okay. We're all different people and we like different things. However, I am fed up with moralists that in every tag that they do not like they make a tragedy of universal scale and then humiliate the authors who write it while they do not care about such a topic with trances. Seriously? Do you think that if a child sees these works, then it's ok? If you're against it, then you're fucking hypocrites. Leave the authors of dark content alone.
And here's another thing. I really "like" when they write "mention of female anatomy" in job warnings. Hmm, I wonder who it is? I don't even know if this creature is called a WOMAN. And leave your comments about the sex change, an artificial hole between the legs is not a biological vag*na, OK?
Do not write comments, do not like or reblog. This post was made with the sole purpose of attracting attention and adding kirosine to the fire♡
UPD: Thank you all for promoting the discussion, thanks to you, as many people as possible will see the post!
UPD2: You can call me transophobic all you want, but your brain missed the point of this post. No matter what you say, you have no right to poison other people just because you personally don't like something. Trans people is a specially chosen topic so that you can look at yourself from the outside, how stupid you sound from the outside. Congratulations you got caught :P
UPD3: For fans of protecting trans people: Do you think that no one has an injury related to this? Maybe a person made a sex change and regretted it, maybe someone was raped by a trans person and for them this is content that they want to avoid. However, you protect some, and wish death to others.
You are shifting responsibility for the crimes to the authors. Much more innocent things can encourage a person to commit crimes.
I sincerely believe that no matter what dirt a person writes, if it does not go beyond fan fiction, then everything is fine. The harassment of authors is much worse than any violence in literature!!
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aleksanderscult · 4 months
Leigh Bardugo should become universally criticized just for the fact that she presented a victim of persecution and his actions as worse and more important to deal with than the genocide that takes place in that world.
She really said: "It's not the genocide we should worry about. It's that man and his efforts to stop it".
And people applaud her for it instead. Wow. You're all seriously fucked up.
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sweetybaty · 24 days
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i have a historiographical quibble with how the antisemitic campaigns in the soviet union in 1948–1953 are often framed as an extension of the holocaust in the scholarship rather than being fully considered within the context of the soviet nationalities policy. except when i'm applying for funding from institutions that do holocaust studies. then i'm fine with it
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kevin-the-bruyne · 6 days
the problem is that a lot of fanfic writers won't use a cut, will use tags like 'fandom x reader' or 'character x reader' and not just 'x reader' so people have to fucking filter out every single individual x reader tag. I'd personally just love go be able to go in any character tag and not just see the same garbage x reader bullshit where my favorite character is completely mischaracterized as a daddy dom because people want to fuck them so bad. now get the fuck off your stupid high horse. your dumbass shit about pinterest like fuck off.
thank you so much for this ask - i didn't even add that fanfic authors are persecuted simply for existing in my tags and yet you come into my inbox and demonstrate this point for me with bells and whistles.
so you admit that length and lack of cuts of fanfic posts is only a fraction of your issue with fanfic authors. what you really want is for all those cringefail imagines losers who are correctly tagging their fics to get their dirty degenerate fanfic off your character tags. Just pack up those cringefail imagines losers and send them off to ao3, right? A site that is an archive and in no way has convenient socmed/comms features? And me suggesting that aesthetics bloggers should opt for the aesthetic bloggers website and not the fandom website is offensive to you? Was that my high horse that offended you? Well, I love my high horse and every cringefail imagines loser and i sincerely hope the person writing their daddy dom character imagines are having a wonderful day and blessed with the motivation to write ten more daddy dom imagines and that you die mad about it ♥️
[@pinkkop I really appreciated that you made such a good faith response to the post I reblogged and I tried to leave it be since we are mutuals but yeah...longpost discourse is not what the fanfic discourse is ever really about, is it?]
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altschmerzes · 8 months
one of the wildest like, tertiary characters in my online experience is this one really pissy asshole who pops up every so often on posts about comments on ao3 who is like, really really really upset about how there's a generally accepted fandom etiquette rule that you shouldn't just dump unsolicited criticism on people's fics. this person insists this is ruining fandom, obsessively replies to blogs like longlivefeedback whining at them about it, and insists it is uh. everyone else. who is sensitive and entitled. it's amazing to me every time i'm reminded they exist, but they just keep showing up lmaooo.
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commonsensecommentary · 2 months
The weaponization of the government is a real and growing threat. It is impossible to overstate the grave threat this poses to our Constitutional rights and freedoms. This continuing abuse of government power and authority to punish political opponents is eroding the legitimacy of our Republic. We cannot allow this to continue.
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asterdeer · 2 months
not vagueblogging in a mean way but in a "this is tangentially related to a post i saw but not nearly enough to leave it in the tags of the post", but it's like. so fucking incredibly important to me that the cemeteries of amalo is not a series where the main character loses their religious faith and finds new faith in a secular source. like of everything i care about in literature right this moment, at the very top of the list is "thara celehar not being beaten and bullied by the narrative out of his faith in ulis." this was not even a concern to me at first because it seemed unthinkable but the longer it takes the tomb of dragons to come out, the more the possibility scares the ever loving shit out of me. like no one is allowed to be religious in spec fic even though that's the easiest place to have religious characters, much less religious AND gay AND mentally ill and none of those things are like, canceling each other out -- they are all braided together and inform each other and build his character and like. to me the whole character falls apart if you take faith out of that braid. i know that people fall out of faith and that's valid and fine but can i please have one character. ONE. one character. who stays. pleeeeeease katherine addison i'm begging you. let me keep this one.
#there are so many characters who are like 'actually fuck this' re: religion and that's fine and good#that's many people's experiences i get it#but can i have one!!! please!!!! one!!!!!!!!#one of many reasons i love merle theadventurezone tbh though he isn't really what you'd call. like. devout#lmao but the religious wish fulfillment of hearing God say 'i'm not your god but you're my follower'.........that's the shit#like between fictional characters' arcs revolving around the loss of faith + the de-faithification of real religious figures#(joan of arc feels like the most notable one)#i would just. like. i don't want to be a stereotypical whiny entitled xtian i don't want to take away characters that mean to ex-religious#but also One Queer Religious Who Stays Religious. just one. right now all i am asking for is one.#aster chat#and when i say 'no one is allowed to be religious' i don't mean in a xtian martyr persecution complex way#i mean the insistence on so many writers of writing ALL religion out of spec fic#i want more people of all faiths in spec fic i want more queer people of all faiths in spec fic#i want bullshit fantasy religions and far-flung future versions of real life religions#(esp with no less than two tor authors literally replacing any kind of meaningful religion with. talk therapy.)#(i.e. the tea monk concept from monk and robot and the 'temple aunts' in gold and iron)#(such a gross misunderstanding of what religion actually provides people who have some kind of faith lmao. and for what.)
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bicheetopuff · 2 years
So I made a post some months back. It was my most popular post for a while, not sure why but, it was. But in light of the new chapter I wanted to bring it back up.
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At the time, this post had shippy connotations and still does but, I want to talk about the bigger part of the post. I’m sure we can all agree that the picture that chapter 370 is painting is far more important than any possible canonicity of a fanon pairing. I got a lot of reblogs on this post talking what I put in tags so I’d like to extend my point.
I saw people talking about how this chapter is boring and not important and I felt disappointed… but I realized why they feel like that. Because this part of the story isn’t relatable to everyone. It’s the same reason people call Deku a bad MC. The same reason most of the western audience reduces Uraraka to just a love interest. The reason why people find it hard to empathize with and understand Touya or Bakugou. They can’t relate and are only here for the fight scenes. Which is fine. We’re all products of our environments and experiences so yea it’s okay to not find a certain plot line relatable but to say that it’s boring and “not important to the story” is saying that you’re unable to make out the bigger meaning and you’re kinda invalidating the real people that have actually experienced persecution.
The biggest conflict in mha arguably is the way people of authority treat others based on their looks, quirks, and talent. And we can take Bakugou and Hawks as examples for why mindless praise and ego strokes at such a young age can be just as bad as being looked down upon and bullied. They’re different experiences but both resulted in toxic mindsets about themselves and changed the mindsets of the people around them as well (the hero commission seeing hawks’ talent and training him to be a warrior essentially [like nagant but her experience started much older], bakugous friends and teachers praising him to the point where his ego inflated and causing the people around him, including his parents, to believe that he’s an untouchable force that never and shouldn’t need help [minus deku, which is where their conflict came from]).
The mutant rebellion is just a more obvious way of telling what’s been going on for the entire story. Which goes back to the tag in my original post:
I think the morals of the story is why it’s [mha] is more attractive towards POC, the lgbt community, those that have been looked down upon for being different, or people that have experienced having expectations they couldn’t reach being thrown on their shoulders…
What’s being explained in this chapter isn’t just some plot device. It’s a moral that’s applicable to real life and you saying it’s not important makes you look like a prick. And it’s not just an issue amongst individuals, it’s an issue highly influenced by celebrities and government officials. Making it a systemic and societal issue, just like it’s being portrayed in mha.
If you can’t relate to anything that’s going on or being said in the recent chapter and you don’t like it, shut the hell up and skip the chapter. Let the people who can relate gain a little bit more respect for Horikoshi for even thinking about addressing an issue this blatantly.
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llycaons · 3 months
ancillary justice notes
I hadn't realized it at first because it just sounded like there were a lot of women in the setting, but I think the language the protag and the empire uses only has one pronoun, and it's 'translated' to english as 'she'. The protag talks about the relative complexity of addressing other characters in different languages when she needs to recognize their gender identity and other social identifiers (i.e. age, relatedness to other characters) in order to speak properly to them. She specifically identifies several characters as male and says she addresses them correctly, but since the narrative is told in that imperial language, what WE hear is everyone being called 'she'. Binary gendered pronouns (and the ocasional 'they') tend to be treated as universal in english writing since thats how conventional english works and anything outside of that is treated as as alien, so it's neat to see this linguistic approach in an english language novel. This author's previous book the raven tower featured an extremely unique pov so it's really cool to see another creative approach from her re: language.
the narrator is pulling out the most random accents. like I can barely understand her. I have NO idea where she is getting these
The main character's closest supervisor, a local imperial governor, is being depicted as fairly sympathetic to the discriminated-against minority of the planet they conquered. Obviously in real life no place was perfect before colonization but conquerers were more likely to use pre-existing prejudices to pit colonized peoples against each other, not swoop in and deliver them all equal rights and guaranteed food. It's a strange choice for member of a canonically genocidal military force.
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greensaplinggrace · 11 months
“but the otkazat’sya are suffering too!” girl the otkazat’sya have one thousand safe havens to choose from. because it is their entire country and they are the privileged majority. they never have to fear that they are alone or isolated or vulnerable in a land that caters directly to them. do you understand. the grisha have one safe haven in a land that fucking hates them and seeks to strip away their basic human rights at every second. they are not the same.
Wdyt about Israel Palestine
i think that anybody trying to bring a real life attempt at fucking genocide into petty fandom bullshit maybe needs to take a step back a little. what the fuck is wrong with you people.
i think that i don't know nearly enough about the situation to make a statement about anything, but it's pretty damn obvious that israel is making an attempt at wiping out palestine. next person to bring this subject into my ask box as fandom discourse is getting blocked by the way. there are people fucking dying out there right now.
i also think that it's fucking ridiculous to take a statement out of context and try to spin it in some accusatory direction, considering the context is that the otkazat'sya hold irrevocable power within this fictional universe and seek to cull the grisha despite their safe haven. which is genocide. last I checked genocide is bad. it really shouldn't have to be stated that this is fucking fiction versus reality, though. literally what the fuck.
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Got a 1 star review for "Homeschooling on a Budget," because I'm Pagan.
I was also denied a booth at the great Homeschool Conventions for it as well (though they won't tell me directly).
It's so funny how both the right and left attack anyone who doesn't fit their box. Conservatives are much more diverse than they get credit for. We have people from all walks of life out there supporting traditional values, but if we attack each other like the left does with cancel culture, then we won't get any further.
I've never hidden my faith, nor have I ever suggested homeschooling parents use my belief system in their teaching practices. because I know every family is different and faith is a personal journey.
Thankfully, the more I write the more I hear from people who are sick of division. That's why I keep going. because no matter what hate extremists try to spread people are just people; and most of them are full of love and understanding.
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in-sightpublishing · 1 month
Humanists UK condemns far-right violence
Publisher: In-Sight Publishing Publisher Founding: September 1, 2014 Publisher Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada Publication: Freethought Newswire Original Link: https://humanists.uk/2024/08/05/humanists-uk-condemns-far-right-violence/ Publication Date: August 5, 2024 Organization: Humanists UK Organization Description: Humanists UK is the operating name…
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smultronviol · 3 months
Tfw you get back into stand still stay silent only to realize that yeahhhh the author kinda delved into religious extremism in a way that i don't really feel comfortable having her art as my icon anymore lol
Gotta change it to Toph Time instead
#rediscovering ssss as an old hyperfixation is so weird#its like walking trough the ruins of a recently dead civilisation#there are so many good fanartists and writers whose name i still remember#and i can go back trough their tags and slowly watch their interest deteriorate#from passion to hesitation/pointing to issues within fandom to pointing to issues with the author#many seem to have developed alternate tags as to not boost the main tag+thus the comics popularity#and then they kinda finally dropped off#idk its just. so fascinating#the characters still mean a lot to me (even tho. in hindsight. some development was more thanks to fandom than thanks to minna)#but yeah. jesus. i DO want one of the youtube ppl i like to do a deep dive bc its just. such a trainwreck#the narrative of it all is just so interesting. beloved comic. super active community#some cracks starting to show but being mostly discussed within/fought about within fandom#then. traincrash trainwreck#everything just imploded#ngl my conspiracy theory is that the racism accusations (and minnas inability to just accept them+apologise)#was the beginning of her white fragility persecution complex that eventually led her into the arms of whatever weird#christian right wing persecution complex extremist cult she joined#like. had she gone the graceful route and reconsidered her biases and like. just include some goddamn background characters of color#and not done that goddamn chinese slur page (which. as a nordic person. i DO think she was well aware that kind of joke would be on thin ice#esp when there's already talk abt racism BUT)#but if she'd just taken the criticism and grown (and she could have! she had a lot of goodwill with the fans atp#no one was out for her blood she was quite well-loved)#if she'd just accepted the criticism and grown insteaf of taking it as a personal attack and getting defensive#she might not have ended up on the cult slippery slope#ANYWAY#stand still stay silent#now its Toph Time bc i love her
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sayruq · 7 months
An unprecedented number of countries and international organizations are expected to participate in the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) oral hearings on Israel’s occupation beginning February 19, 2024, Human Rights Watch said today. Fifty-two countries and three international organizations will participate in the oral proceedings, more than in any other case since the world’s highest court began functioning in 1946. The broad participation in the hearings and the many written submissions reflect growing global momentum to address the decades-long failure to ensure respect for international law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. “The International Court of Justice is set for the first time to broadly consider the legal consequences of Israel’s nearly six-decades-long occupation and mistreatment of the Palestinian people,” said Clive Baldwin, senior legal adviser at Human Rights Watch. “Governments that are presenting their arguments to the court should seize these landmark hearings to highlight the grave abuses Israeli authorities are committing against Palestinians, including the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution.”
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clothlog · 2 years
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