#pipabeth fanfiction
cabinofimagines · 6 months
Pipabeth's ABCs
I would ask the anon to ask a lil more politely next time, but then again it did take a year and some to get to. Welp, not getting paid anyways. Pairing: Poly!Pipabeth x reader, Piper Mclean x reader x Annabeth Chase Request: could you write pipabeths ABCs if you already haven't thank Warnings: None Word count: 2k - Asnyox
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Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Both Annabeth and Piper really enjoy being active together, and love to take you with them. Whether it's training, a hike, or visiting an architecturally cool building or monument. Piper tends to whip out the more 'childish' activities- going to a playground or doing silly crafts, while Annabeth tends to prefer going to museums. And what do you bring to the table? That's up to you of course.
Beauty - What do they admire in their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Neither Piper or Annabeth have ever considered physical beauty as the most important in a person. Piper did at first consider how you looked, but it was quickly outshined by the kindness you showed to those around you. Annabeth tends to fall more for the moments of unconventional beauty- you waking up, safe in her arms, or after a fight, both Piper and you dirty. You couldn't be more beautiful than in those moments.
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Both of your girlfriends are amazing at comforting you, Annabeth has years of experience in dealing with bad emotions and Piper has learned a trick or two, not to mention her charmspeak working wonders. Although she has realized that charmspeak tends to not have you deal with your feelings, so they would come back later.
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Piper and Annabeh have rather differing dreams- Piper wishes to be free of responsibility and image, free to go whenever and travel around as long as she can. Annabeth wishes to make something permanent, because even if her suffering is forgotten, her buildings would never be. But, neither has taken the initiative to talk about it, they are aware that they clash, but for now being together is enough. Where the relationship fits in their own dreams they do not know yet, and they are scared to figure it out.
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Annabeth likes being in control, she knows what she wants and how to get there. Piper is less so, she doesn't mind following as it's sometimes easier to simply trust her lovers to plan things. It means less worries for her. It doesn't stop her from organizing impromptu activities, so be prepared for those.
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Fights would be rather explosive- not loud, but aggressive anyways. Annabeth has her pride she hangs on to and finds it hard to admit fault, unless it's glaringly her fault. Piper becomes petty about it, perhaps she walks away but keeps glaring, and does not want to talk to either of you. Forgiveness doesn't come easily in this relationship, and it will always take time for fights to truly get resolved.
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
They never let any help they get go unappreciated. Piper is very vocal about her thanks, and Annabeth likes to repay your favors by doing something in return. Either way, they are aware of what you do for them, as it always fills them with joy whenever you care for them.
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Piper finds it hard to keep secrets from either of you, she often shares it whenever something is bothering her and found that sharing means sometimes she can get help that she didn't know she needed. Annabeth has a harder time- she trusts the two of you, but she's been on her own for so long and sees weakness in sharing and strength in overcoming her own troubles.
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Annabeth is slowly learning to be less perfect, that her flaws are allowed and that she can depend on her lovers if she needs it. Piper is also coming to terms with who she is, and what her identity means to her. She has been working on it before you got together, but she has to admit that it's getting easier with your support.
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Once again Piper and Annabeth are opposites. Annabeth feels secure in the relationship and trusts the both of you with her life, along with her heart. However, she does love showing the both of you off whenever someone is getting too comfortable with you. Piper gets jealous more easily, she has lost things over and over and feels weird and bad to see either of you go. She hasn't admitted these feelings yet, but she is aware it's something she should work on.
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Piper, as a daughter of Aphrodite, has somehow a natural skill with kissing, and every kiss you share is amazing. Even the first kiss wasn't awkward at all, even if the tension was. Annabeth's kisses are less skilled but feel very good and comfortable whenever they happen.
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
It wasn't really planned, but Piper had taken the both of you out, not on a date, but somewhere midday she realized maybe she wanted it to be a date. Thus, she asked, and both Annabeth and you were surprised but agreed. It was nice and casual, with little overthinking.
Memory - What’s their favourite memory together?
There is not one memory either of your girlfriends hold dearer than the others. Every day is filled with new ones. Perhaps Annabeth will mention simply surviving the war, or Piper will tell you that it's the one time the three of you got caught in a storm and sheltered in a cafe nearby. Either way, any memory is a favorite one for them.
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Annabeth tends to have a teasing nickname for both of you, it's simply how she treats those she loves. Piper calls you by a cuter nickname when she feels like it, but she does so love the name of you and Annabeth and loves saying those.
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Piper flirts, it's almost second nature to her. She also tends to look for those she loves in a crowd or conversation, even when you're not talking. Annabeth shows her love by taking care of you, scolding you whenever you do something stupid.
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
They are both upfront about the relationship, but neither prioritize PDA as a way to show it off. Annabeth only likes holding hands, but always wants to have a hand free and Piper does enjoy shamelessly flirting with you both, but also likes the freedom of moving around. Neither cares too much if anyone is watching, it's simply their own comfort that has them refrain from doing too much PDA.
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Piper tends to adapt really well to what is needed to be done, Annabeth overworking herself? She makes an indoor date night and forces her to take a break. You're having excess energy? Let's go spar or go on a run! Annabeth actually is a great planner, she always manages to find a spot for a weekly date in each of your schedules, which with three people tends to be quite the accomplishment.
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Neither of them are good at making elaborate romantic gestures. Piper has some internalized disgust to her Aphrodite parentage, and refuses to take advice from her siblings and Annabeth just never learned how to be romantic and will be rigid about how romance should be done if asked to be romantic. But both of them are therefore way too romantic in random moments, without meaning to.
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Both of them are your biggest cheerleaders. Piper loves offering mental support, and Annabeth will do anything in her power to help you.
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Even though Piper would love to discover the edges of the universe, she does need structure in her life. She hasn't had a set schedule that was over her own making ever, and she would appreciate a structure in life. Annabeth simply enjoys structure in her life, because it keeps her calm, but she's open to a thrill every now and then.
Understanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
They are both really empathic but for different reasons. Annabeth has taken her time to learn each of you inside and out, and keeps that knowledge close to her heart. She reads you like a book, and she loves to read. Piper's empathy comes natural to her, she easily picks up on your mood.
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Your girlfriends are very ride or die- they put the relationship very high on their list of priorities, even if other things might suffer from it. Annabeth sees the relationship with as much value as her legacy, and Piper truly would do anything for either of you.
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
You started a tradition of going on painting picnic dates. You would pack drawing and painting supplies and then spend an afternoon on a blanket with snacks painting your surroundings. Annabeth prefers it if there are buildings nearby, but otherwise she'll simply imagine a building in the nature around you. Piper tends to paint close-ups of that which is around you. It's really sweet, especially since you tend to exchange the paintings between the three of you.
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
When it's simply the three of you it's all touches and cuddles. Simply draped over one another when it's the end of the day, and everyone is still busy doing work.
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
As long as one of you is around it's not the worst, they can deal with it together, but if it's the three of you split up you betcha you will have daily Iris messages. They won't admit it, but they will be missing you immensely, and often cope by simply trying to distract themselves.
Zeal - are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Both Piper and Annabeth would go to great lengths for the relationship- life has tested either of them again and again, and the Gods be damned they will wage war simply to stay together. It's nothing they haven't done before.
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star-dust-shark · 20 days
Start of my fanfic has been posted y’all
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stars-forever · 3 months
My Gift for the PJO Equinox/Solstice Exchange
Here is my gift to @onlyinitforthefandoms for the @pjo-equinox-solstice-exchange. I hope you enjoy the story. This is the first time I have ever written anything for Pipabeth and I can see why you love it so much. As soon as I read your prompt, I came up with this idea. It was only meant to be 1,500 to 2000 words, but I couldn't stop writing, and this happened.
If you would like I can gift the story to you on AO3, I wasn’t sure if you had an account. 
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noctarcanum · 1 year
new chapter up!
nb annabeth chase
platonic percabeth
pirates, prophecies and lesbians
james potter dilf era confirmed
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evanonpluto · 1 year
quick send me fluffy fic prompts!! (pairings + situations)
fandoms + pairings i will write for!
riordanverse (pjo, hoo, mcga, tsats)
-> frazel, percabeth, pipabeth, valzhang, solangelo, fierrochase, blitzstone, ruegard, beckengard, all platonic pairings
falsettos (2016 revival)
-> whizzvin, trindel, the lesbians from next door, all platonic/familial pairings!
osemanverse (heartstopper, radio silence, loveless, solitaire)
-> nick x charlie, tao x elle, tara x darcy, daniel jun x aled last, sprolden, pip x rooney, the teachers, all platonic pairings!
butterfly soup (story game)
-> diyamin, ppkm, hayden x jun-seo
legally blonde (musical)
-> elle x emmett, all platonic pairings
newsies (broadway musical)
-> jatherine, javey, all platonic pairings
stranger things
-> byler, lumax, elmax, ronance, all platonic pairings
be more chill (broadway)
-> boyf riends, stagedorks, all platonic pairings
i will never write smut!! i'm severely uncomfortable with writing nsfw content and i will never write it!!!
i'll try to get as many as i can, but i'm in school and it may take me awhile!
i like fluff, especially domestic fluff!
i try and keep my works more or less general audience friendly! my art is a safe space. there will never be any references to suicide, self-harm, suicide, eating disorders, or abuse.
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bluemoose86 · 2 years
What if I just…posted the snippets of fanfics I wrote while hyperfixating that will likely never be finished
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t1redr0b0t · 1 year
send pipabeth fic recs i’m trying so hard to find a nice long fic where they’re NOT just supporting characters please
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thatshadowgastwhore · 2 years
Chapters: 3/6 Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Annabeth Chase/Piper McLean, Nico di Angelo/Will Solace, Hazel Levesque/Frank Zhang, Jason Grace/Percy Jackson, Piper McLean & Leo Valdez, Nico di Angelo & Piper McLean, Jason Grace & Leo Valdez, Leo Valdez & Frank Zhang, Nico di Angelo & Leo Valdez, Hazel Levesque & Will Solace, Nico di Angelo & Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano & Frank Zhang Characters: Piper McLean, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Nico di Angelo, Will Solace, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Leo Valdez Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Streamer AU, twitch au, Mortal AU, Past Jason Grace/Piper McLean, Past Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, past annabeth chase/reyna avila ramirez arellano, Secret Relationship, jason and percy are playing out their own mini soap opera, nico di angelo is outed, percy nico and hazel are cousins, but no one else is related in this au, jason's manadatory gay crisis, bi!percy jackson, bi!annabeth chase, gay!jason grace, lesbian!piper mclean, ace!percy jackson, trans!leo valdez, jason has internalized homophobia Summary:
Piper McLean is the most subscribed to female streamer on Twitch. She's been streaming for five years, and though there have been ups and downs (her very public break-up with Jason being the latest) it's nothing she can't get over.
Except Jason's extremely talented, extremely pretty blonde mod maker.
 Updates on Wednesday because I need a deadline just to feel something
Jason’s gay crisis intensifies, Annabeth realizes that she may in fact have feelings the hot lady she’s nervous to talk to, and Will and Nico face a crisis
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accio-lo-ki · 7 months
Hii would you have any percabeth fic recs?? I'm just deprived 😭😭
Oh I have a LOT. If you’re as insane about this ship as I am, you’ve probably read all of them but I’m still going to list them down anyway. So, in no particular order:
Whiny Little Pitch by petersgwen - this fic literally made me scream multiple times. everything by this author is chef’s kiss btw. Sports au like no other + exes to lovers
Apartment 305 by waddled - a literal serotonin boost monster of a fic that i’m sure most already know about . i love percy and annabeth’s relationship here, and their characterization. It’s got college romance, olympic athlete Percy, and pipabeth bffism at its finest.
Five Times Percy Jackson Cheated at School by lammermoorian - man this one I reread a lot. I just love it so much. Academic!Percy, domestic percabeth, and just a whole lot of charm
Honesty and Promise Me by Darkmagyk, lammermoorian - never thought I would enjoy punk!annabeth until this fic. it has unexpected pregnancy but it’s so well done! fwb to lovers!
For Real This Time by captainjackson, timelesslords - anything written by this pair is a must-read, but this is one of their best! roman!percy and divorced annabeth! the premise is so interesting and the setting even more so.
Murkiest Intentions by inkncoffee - i feel like this fic shows my age, but when i tell you it’s a classic! jurassic world au (it sounds crazy but it’s so good) i’ve been rereading this since high school and it still holds up
Would it really kill you (if we kissed) by greenconverses - i mean, who hasn’t read this and all the author’s works? but it’s a classic in the fandom and it’s a classic for a reason
The Old Guard au by ananbeth, blackjacktheboss - this series is so well-written with such a solid worldbuilding you have to binge it this instant go
Love me, won’t you by ananbeth, blackjacktheboss - modern romeo and juliet with greece as a backdrop? sign me tf up
the sun stands by petersgwen- if you want pain this is it this fic is pain in fanfiction form
That crosses the white sea by husborth - another well-written masterpiece with percabeth in college
Voice on the radio by PastyPirate - another fandom classic! this one has me giggling kicking my feet everytime i reread it. soulmate au! musician!percy! and friendship bracelets!
The Heart is a Muscle by thebackupkid - I feel like this one is so underrated, but it’s so good and so interesting and distinct! it’s got magic and adventure and fantasy! the worldbuilding again is so good!
Impossible Year by bananannabeth - another pain in fiction form. but this time it has a breakup trope, which destroys me so much I always need years before i want to reread this again. but it’s a masterpiece and you should experience it at least once in your life!!
Game, Set, Match by ananbeth, blackjacktheboss - if there’s a classic percabeth sports au, it’s this. and it has fwb too and it’s just too iconic
Stucco Hearts by ananbeth, writergirl8 - another fandom classic, but this time it’s a soulmate au! this is so so interesting and one of my favorite soulmate aus ever. the worldbuilding is so interesting. another case of it’s a classic for a reason!
Puck It by bipercabeth, jasonmclean - hockey au + friends w benefits. again, another fandom classic. unfortunately i think this was discontinued by the authors but it’s still too good not to read!
Broken glass, no reflection by ananbeth, flyingcrowbar - another (potentially) discontinued fic that I still think about now. it’s a pacific rim au and it’s so. goddamn. good. read it now !!
kiss me once cause you know i had a good night by herecomesthepun - this one is pure comedic fluff and if you need a serotonin boost you have to read it. workplace romance with a twist !
slow motion double vision in a rose blush by herecomesthepun - ooh this one is a high school fwb secret relationship au with a punk percy and a student council president annabeth so basically it’s a classic
and they were roommates by bipercabeth - friends to lovers + college percabeth like no other. another fandom classic
Never Shall We Die by captainjackson, timelesslords - this pirate au series is INSANE it’s crazy good the worldbuilding is amazing it makes me feral actually
Wreck my plan, that’s my man by seaweedbraens - everything by this author is so good they’re a fandom icon but this one in particular i think about daily (tho it’s ongoing)
How to Seduce an Earl by sinfulindulgence - this is hella spicy but it’s also so addicting? i blame bridgerton (this author does so much stuff w this vibe that u should check out too! i liked Revenge of the Duchess as well)
Night at the Museum by lammermoorian - it’s so niche and crazy and camp but also angsty and fluffy and you need to read it right this second ! i LOVE this one
faster than a hairpin trigger by medeaa - this one is the quintessential percabeth fwb college au TO ME. unfortunately it’s (potentially) discontinued, but it’s still one of my favorites.
watch me fall at your feet by maydayparade8123 - this is a really well-written friends to lovers fic that realt explored how confusing it is to fall in love with your best friend like,, it’s a classic but also it’s so real !! this author is a fandom icon but i think they deleted / orphaned their accounts on ff.net and ao3
spellbound by writergirl8 - this is the percabeth hogwarts au. i dont make the rules.
home is where i want to be (but i guess i’m already there) by percivaljackson - fake dating + holidays! this is so well-written!
‘tis the damn season by captainjackson - regency au at its finest!!
This is way too long already lmao i dont have the time to list down everything (i have 700+ percabeth fanfics downloaded on my ibooks app 😭) but these are the ones that i can recall at this time !! Happy reading!
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Today’s dose of pipabeth fanfiction isss:
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It’s really engaging and beautiful- sunkelles has a lot of fantastic pipabeth oneshots on top of this one
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luxuriousmalfoy · 2 years
FTH: zeddmarker
I am so very excited to be participating in the Fandom Trumps Hate Charity Auction 2023!
Browsing Opens February 26
Bidding Window March 1-5
I am offering a fanfiction with a hard minimum of 5k words, for either Harry Potter [Ginsy, Ronsy, Dramione, Jegulily, Regulily, Remary, Marylily, Marypeter, Gen], Teen Wolf [Scallison, Stydia, Allydia, Scisaac, Gen], or Percy Jackson and the Olympians [Percabeth, Pipabeth, Gen].
For more specific information about what I am willing/unwilling to adress, check out my auction profile. To get an idea of my typical style, feel free to check out my AO3.
Click here to look around at the other participants and their auction profiles.
For more information on the project, visit @fandomtrumpshate
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forgle · 7 years
Five Weeks in Detention Chapter 2: The First Week
Read on AO3
Chapter: 2/6
Word Count: 2,786
Chapter 1 
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Piper actually woke up early.
She brushed her teeth, ate a healthy breakfast of Lucky Charms. And got dressed. She changed her shirt from her Jurassic Park tee to some tee shirt she found on the floor. She still kept the jeans she wore yesterday. And she remembered to steal her favorite jacket back from Drew.
She hopped in her car and drove to school like it was any normal Tuesday.
Throughout the day Piper kept rehearsing a potential argument with Luke. Every time she passed a boy who looked like Luke she glared and got ready for… something. If Piper was being perfectly honest, she had no idea what she'd do if she actually bumped into Luke. Probably yell, maybe punch him so this detention was worth it. Maybe she'd drag him to Annabeth and force him to apologize.
Piper went to English class. She hadn't found Luke yet. But she did find Annabeth sitting in the back. Piper didn't know they had any classes together, until now at least. She sat down in the middle of the class and looked back at Annabeth. Annabeth was looking at Piper through a mop of blonde curls that covered her face. Piper gave Annabeth a small wave and looked to the teacher. Piper wondered how she shared a class with Annabeth this whole time and had no idea who she was until yesterday.
After English Piper had French after that was lunch. Piper sat down at the table she always sat at. Seconds later, Leo - Piper's best friend sat down next to her. “What's new, McLean?” Leo asked, already starting his lunch.
Piper smirked, Leo instantly put her in a better mood. “Guess,”
Leo took a moment to finish chewing.“You finally got a girlfriend?”
Piper laughed and shook her head. “Keep dreaming. I got five weeks of detention starting today.”
“Of, course you did. Who'd you beat up?” Leo asked with a mouth full of potato chips.
“Luke Castellan, according to him, at least.”
Leo seemed genuinely shocked. “Wait you actually got detention for beating someone up? That's my girl.” Piper nodded and recounted yesterday's events. Luke groping Annabeth, Piper stepping in, Annabeth punching Luke, Luke accusing them both of punching him. Piper took bites of food between insults geared towards Luke. Leo kept stopping Piper to ask questions but waiting until she was done to ask. “Why didn't they check the security tapes?”
“That's a really good question I wish I had an answer to,” Piper said. She wiped her mouth with a napkin though she knew her face was clean. “Honestly, I'm surprised you don't have detention.” Piper joked.
“What did I do?” Leo asked.
“You're always up to something.”
Piper gathered her trash and stood up. “I'll be right back.”
She walked to the trash cans next to the doorway to the hall. They were filled with half-eaten lunches and notebook paper. There was trash all over the floor around them. 'Why can't people take five seconds to pick their trash up?' Piper thought.
Piper kneeled so she could pick up some of the trash. As she picked up a plastic fork she heard someone talking in the hallway. Piper peered down the hall. Sure she was nosy, but at least she was honest. Down the hall she saw none other than Annabeth Chase. She was on the phone, obviously distressed. “What do you expect me to do, Karen? There aren't any other options, you know there isn't a late bus.” Annabeth was silent. She quickly yanked to phone from her ear, leaned against a locker and buried her face in her hands. Annabeth let out a groaned.
Piper dropped the fork in the trash and stepped in the hallway. “Everything alright?”
Annabeth looked up. Her hair was a mess, frizzy and clearly unbrushed so it was almost a beehive. Between her hair and too big light blue sweater, she looked like she just stepped out of the 80’s. Piper wondered if she even knew.
“Yeah, I was just talking to my stepmom,” Annabeth said.
“I just wanted to make sure. You seemed kinda stressed.” Piper said, rubbing her own arm.
Annabeth laughed. “I am,”
Annabeth looked down at her shoes. “Well, my stepmom can't pick me up after detention. And since there isn't a late bus I don't really have a ride home.”
“I can take you. Where do you live?” Piper asked. Immediately regretting it. 'I just met this girl. That's so creepy.' Piper thought
“Oh, you don't have to, I can just call my friend - Grover - or something, don't worry.”
“It's really not an issue.” 'Oh my god, Piper you're making it worse.' Piper thought
“I live in Flint Creek, it's near Quartz Road,” Annabeth said.
“I'm not far from there at all.” Piper lied. Piper's neighborhood was about twenty minutes from Quartz Road, Flint Creek was probably farther. Piper just didn't want Annabeth to be stuck at school. Also, she liked to feel useful.
Annabeth was noticeably calmer, ”Okay, great thanks.”
Piper smiled. “It's no problem. I'll see you in detention.”
“See you in detention” Annabeth responded.
Annabeth walked towards the lunch line. Piper sat back down at her and Leo's table. Leo talked and talked about how he would hypothetically build a robot dragon if he had the right parts. Piper was pretty sure the lack of parts was the only thing holding him back.
After lunch, Piper had History and Math. After that, she would normally just drive home. Unfortunately, Piper's routine was disrupted and now included an hour and a half of sitting in a room while doing nothing.
Piper stepped into the classroom. It was just a regular classroom with grey walls. Piper usually thought grey was a great color. This shade somehow felt so different. There were only about five kids in the room, including Annabeth. Maybe more would arrive soon, detention technically didn't start for another seven minutes. Piper took the seat next to Annabeth and glanced over at her.
Annabeth's 80’s vibe was intensified by a pair of pink-tinted glasses that screamed Elton John. All she was missing was a jelly bracelet and maybe a scrunchie to pull it all together.
“I thought looking at the world through rose-tinted glasses was just a metaphor.” Piper joked.
Annabeth smiled, her tooth stuck out again. “They help me read 'cause I have dyslexia.”
“I didn't know you have dyslexia,” Piper said.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me. The glasses help the words stay in place.” Annabeth moved gestured to the paper as if to emphasize her point.
“And they're fashionable too.”
Annabeth smiled thinly. “I guess that's just an added bonus.”
“No more talking.” A voice said. Piper looked up and saw the teacher - Mrs. Dodds looking stern as hell. Detention hadn't actually started yet. What's her problem? In the next five minutes, about ten more kids entered the room. Piper didn't recognize anyone. She half expected Leo to have gotten detention in the past three hours. It wasn't past him.
Piper pulled out her French homework - cause it was easiest - and got started. Piper almost found detention convenient. It was much quieter than her house so she could focus better on her homework. Plus, there was something of a view just to her right.
The hour and a half passed and Piper was eager to get the hell out of there. She gathered her things quickly, not bothering to organize her backpack. Annabeth took much longer to gather her things since she spread them out on the tiny desk and did actually organize. Piper leaned against her desk, scrolling through her Instagram. Annabeth faced Piper, her backpack slung over one shoulder. “Ready?” Piper asked.
Annabeth nodded so vigorously her curls bounced all over the place. Piper smiled and they left the room.
Piper walked towards the exit and Annabeth walked beside her. Piper was a little messed up by this. used to people walking behind her because she walks so fast. Piper blamed Annabeth's (shockingly) long legs.
“What's your address?” Piper asked as she and Annabeth left the building. Annabeth told her and Piper was so distracted with typing it that she almost walked in front of a moving car.
Annabeth reached out a hand to block Piper from walking forward. Piper looked up, not because of the car, not necessarily because Annabeth stopped her. But because Annabeth's hand happened to be on her boobs. Piper looked up at Annabeth who was watching the car drive past. Annabeth looked down at Piper, she must've noticed her hand because her eyes got huge and she yanked it away.
“Oh my god, I'm sorry, fuck,” Annabeth hid her face in her hands.
Piper laughed and started walking towards her car. “It's okay, just buy me dinner first next time,”
Piper opened her car door and waved Annabeth over. Piper got in the car, quickly removed an old bag of McDonald's from the passenger seat, and tossed in the backseat, followed by her backpack.
Annabeth got in the passenger seat and put her backpack in the backseat next to Piper's. Piper buckled her seatbelt. She tapped “Start Navigation” on her phone and put it in the cup holder.
“What kind of car is this?” Annabeth asked.
“A ‘72 Pontiac GTO,” Piper said as she started the engine.
“It's nice.” Annabeth said as she put on her seat belt.
“Thanks, I stole it,” Piper winked at Annabeth as she turned to look out the rearview mirror. Piper backed out and began to drive to Annabeth's house, following the instructions her phone gave her.
“I'm sorry I grabbed your boobs,” Annabeth said a few minutes into the drive.
“Seriously, it's fine. No one has grabbed my boobs in a while anyway.” Piper joked.
“That implies that someone has grabbed your boobs before though,” Annabeth replied. Piper looked over and winked again (she was doing that pretty often around Annabeth,) before looking back at the road.
“Do you want to listen to any music?” Piper asked when they reached a stop light.
“Sure,” Annabeth said. Piper grabbed her stack of mixtapes Leo made her from the storage box between her and Annabeth's seats (Piper had no idea what it's called) and handed it to Annabeth.
“I think there's something from every genre except country in there,” Piper said.
“Why not country?” Annabeth asked.
“Cause country sucks.” Piper smiled when she heard Annabeth chuckle.
Annabeth picked up the top CD and stared at it a while before putting it bag down. “I can't read this handwriting.”
“My friend Leo wrote it. Just put it in and we'll see what it is.” Piper said. Annabeth put the CD in. Guitar and a male voice played through the speakers.
“I like it, this song,” Annabeth said.
“Me too,” Piper said They listened to the music and talked about nothing important. Piper tried to talk about urban legends, Annabeth kept coming up with reasonable explanations for them. The CD they were listening to followed a theme of British pop stars. Whenever they got to a stop light Piper would read the names of the CDs for Annabeth. Piper forgot they almost all have vulgar names.
“‘Gin on Your Nips?’ That's so weird.” Annabeth said.
“That's not the worst. I think the one we're listening to right now is called ‘Ice in Your Vagina.’”
“Leo sounds like a giant weirdo,” Annabeth said.
“He is, I bet you'd love him.” Piper joked.
“What’s this one?” Annabeth held up a CD with the title written in bright pink marker.
“Neon Musk,” Piper said.
“Is that a joke on Elon Musk?”
“Oh my god, I’ve been trying to figure that out for weeks! Thank you!” Piper exclaimed.
Annabeth replaced Gin On Your Nips with Neon Musk The sound of rock and British accents was gone and the speakers played Boys by Charli XCX. Piper couldn’t help but laugh.
Piper kept driving and Annabeth stopped shuffling through the CDs. Every song on Neon Musk was a girl a girl singer singing about some boy. It was an inside joke, Piper would always complain about songs like this, and Leo would make mixtapes of them all the time to spite her.
Piper pulled in to Flint Creek and took three turns. “It's the blue one,” Annabeth said, pointing to the blue house near a cul-de-sac.
Piper pulled up to the blue house. There was a grey minivan in the driveway and various Nerf guns and a soccer ball in the front yard. Annabeth reached into the backseat and grabbed her backpack. Annabeth opened the door.
“By the way, Annabeth,” Piper said while Annabeth had one foot out the door. Annabeth turned to Piper. “Just let me know whenever you need a ride home from school and I can drive you.”
Annabeth smiled, her tooth stuck out. “Thanks, Piper.”
Annabeth left the car and Piper stayed until Annabeth was inside. Piper typed in her address to her phone and started driving. She kept the music on. She'd never say it out loud but “Boys” was a damn good song.
When Piper got home her sister Drew was sitting on the couch, watching TV with a big bowl of popcorn on her lap. Her dad was probably still filming and who knows where her mom was. Piper sat down next to Drew, grabbed a couple pieces of popcorn and watches whatever the hell Drew was watching.
The rest of the week was the same.
Annabeth would approach Piper after English every day, wearing her pink glasses. She'd Piper if she could drive her home. And Piper always said yes.
There was almost an unspoken agreement that Piper would be Annabeth's chauffeur for the time being. Piper didn't mind, she was just glad to be helpful. Sometimes Annabeth looked guilty and Piper wanted to grab her by the shoulders and insist that she had no problem with driving Annabeth.
On Friday while Piper was driving Annabeth home (today they were listening to a mixtape called “Smoke Memes Every Day”.) They stopped at a light and Piper asked: “Do you wanna get some food?”
“Sorry, I just didn't eat lunch today 'cause the vegetarian option sucked.”
“I didn't know you're vegetarian,” Annabeth said.
“Yeah, I'm a hippie,”
Annabeth laughed. “Oh yeah, you just scream flower power and hallucinogens,”
Piper smiled. “Well, I am a Californian."
Piper drove to McDonald's and they sat outside with their food. It was cold outside so she and Annabeth were the only people outside. Piper didn't blame the people inside. It was windy too. And the metal table they sat at only made them colder. Piper's hand were warmed up by her coffee, even though the heat was less intense due to the copious amount of creamer she put in it. (It looked like something annoying white writers would compare her skin tone to.)
Piper ate a fry and opened her phone and started to make a new contact in her phone. “What's your phone number?”
“I don't know it off hand.” Annabeth's cheeks were tinted pink from the cold.
“I know mine, gimme your phone.”
“Why?” Annabeth seemed suspicious. She held her phone close to herself.
“I'll text myself and make you a contact in my phone.” Piper gestured
Annabeth tapped a thing or two on her phone and handed it to Piper. Already set up to start a new thread. Piper typed her phone number and thought about what she would send herself. While she pondered Annabeth received a text.
Thalia: I miss you, kiddo.
Piper didn't know whether to ignore it or to tell Annabeth about it. “Someone named Thalia said she misses you 'kiddo’,”
“That's my cousin.”
Piper sent herself a text from Annabeth's phone and her own phone buzzed.
Unknown: Hey gorgeous ;)
Piper handed Annabeth her phone back. She filled in the information in Annabeth's contact. She opened her camera and pointed it at Annabeth. “I need a picture of you for your contact.”
Annabeth held up a peace sign.
“And you call me a hippie.” Piper took a picture and looked at it closely. It was quite the image. Annabeth was bundled up in her red windbreaker, blond hair blowing in every direction. The peace sign was the icing on the cake. Piper set the picture as Annabeth's contact.
“Did you seriously call yourself gorgeous?” Annabeth asked.
“Technically you did,” Piper said.
Annabeth held up her phone, with the back facing Piper. “You need a contact photo too.”
Piper held up a peace sign.
Annabeth grinned. “Hippie,”
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ashilrak · 3 years
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Hello! In past fandoms I've held gift exchanges. I know I'm not super well known in PJO yet, but I thought I'd give it a try! All ships are welcome! :)
Information and sign ups can be found here on the ao3 page!
Sign up by January 15th!
Assignments will be given out January 16th, and fics will be due February 11th and revealed on the 14th.
Feel free to send any questions my way!
Please reblog to share (even if you're not participating)
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speedytherandom · 2 years
Fanfic List
All My Work Can Be Found On My AO3 (Speedy_the_Random)
↓ Direct Links to Fics Under Cut ↓
The Truth About Love
Fandom: General Riordanverse 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Romantic Pairing(s): Annabeth Chase/Piper McLean
Summary: Annabeth and Piper both saw love in different ways, but what if the truth of it all laid within each other?
Other Notes: Mortal High School AU
Lasting Moment
Fandom: General Riordanverse 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Romantic Pairing(s): Annabeth Chase/Piper McLean
Summary: Piper is a model struggling to get gigs. Leo is mad at her. Jason is heartbroken. Percy is a part time bartender. Annabeth is a photographer.
Other Notes: Mortal AU
What You Missed While You Were Sick
Fandom: General Riordanverse
Rating: General Audiences
Romantic Pairing(s): Annabeth Chase/Piper McLean
Summary: Annabeth and Piper both saw love in different ways, but what if the truth of it all laid within each other?
Other Notes: Mortal High School AU
Misery Loves Company
Fandom: Heroes of Olympus
Rating: General Audiences
Romantic Pairing(s): Annabeth Chase/Piper McLean
Summary: Nights on the Chase's garden shed roof are sacred to Annabeth and Piper. How could they not be, they have each other, right?
Other Notes: Mortal High School AU
The Unfortunate Issue of Having Older, Cooler, and Hotter Siblings
Fandom: The Owl House
Rating: General Audiences
Romantic Pairing(s): Amity Blight/Luz Noceda
Summary: The unfortunate issue with having cooler and hotter older siblings was that next to them you were mush in the eyes of the rest of the student body. At least that's what Amity thought of the whole ordeal. But the absolute worst thing was that they had ensnared Luz in their trap as well, and Amity kinda-sort felt like Luz had a crush on one of them.
Other Notes: Mortal High School AU, One Sided Crush/No Confirmed Relationship
A Sister! You Are She
Fandom: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare
Rating: General Audiences
Romantic Pairing(s): Olivia/Viola | Cesario, Olivia/Sebastian
Summary: Olivia deals with the ending of the play and who she ended up marrying as opposed to who she fell in love with.
Other Notes: Post Canon
Keeping Up A Shrine
Fandom: The Kane Chronicles
Rating: General Audiences
Romantic Pairing(s): None
Summary: Having a shrine dedicated to your dead mother in your grandparents house where you live was weird enough. Having them praise your mom like she was a goddess and curse your dad like he was straight out of hell was even worse.
Other Notes: Character Analysis More Than Anything
You’ll Always Know Me / I’ll Be Yours For The Weekend
Fandom: General Riordanverse 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Romantic Pairing(s): Annabeth Chase/Piper McLean
Summary: Piper has had a crush on Annabeth since they were seventeen, but now Annabeth is in LA living her shiny new life while Piper is back in their hometown missing her. / Annabeth comes to visit for the holidays and her favorite place in town is the apartment of her favorite person in town: Piper.
Other Notes: Mortal AU, Childhood Friends to Lovers
A Plan For Tomorrow
Fandom: Heroes of Olympus
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Romantic Pairing(s): Annabeth Chase/Piper McLean
Summary: “Do you ever think about it?” / “Think about what?” / “Kids.”
Other Notes: Mortal AU (maybe)
The Worst Possible Time And Place
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Romantic Pairing(s): Annabeth Chase/Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Summary: Rachel and Annabeth get caught on a very important mission to defeat Kronos.
Other Notes: Superhero AU
The Flour Fiasco
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Rating: General Audiences
Romantic Pairing(s): Silena Beauregard/Clarisse La Rue
Summary: When Silena asked Clarisse to come over to hang out she didn’t expect her girlfriend to arrive in ten minutes (a new record) and covered in flour.
Other Notes: Mortal AU
Just Some Saturday in September
Fandom: Heroes of Olympus
Rating: General Audiences
Romantic Pairing(s): Jason Grace/Leo Valdez
Summary: Even after seventeen years of knowing him, five years of dating, and three years of marriage, Jason still wasn’t over the way Leo looked when he worked on something he cared about.
Other Notes: They Are Married and in Love
Animalistic Tendencies
Fandom: Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Romantic Pairing(s): None
Summary: There’s something animalistic in him. Something that growls and bites and hisses when he’s upset and alone.
Other Notes: Magnus goes a bit feral. Drabble.
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Chapters: 2/11 Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jason Grace/Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase/Piper McLean, Nico di Angelo/Leo Valdez, Hazel Levesque & Frank Zhang, Percy Jackson & Piper McLean, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase & Jason Grace, Nico di Angelo & Jason Grace, Jason Grace & Leo Valdez, Silena Beauregard/Charles Beckendorf, Silena Beauregard & Piper McLean, Aphrodite/Poseidon (Percy Jackson) Characters: Piper McLean, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Nico di Angelo, Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque, Poseidon (Percy Jackson), Aphrodite (Percy Jackson), Athena (Percy Jackson), Silena Beauregard, Charles Beckendorf, Sally Jackson (Percy Jackson), Malcolm Pace, Grover Underwood Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Royalty, Arranged Marriage, piper and percy are half siblings, piper and silena are half siblings, but percy and silena aren't related at all, Poseidon is an okay Parent, athena is a bad parent, Lesbian Piper McLean, Gay Jason Grace, Asexual Jason Grace, Bisexual Leo Valdez, Bisexual Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Bisexual Percy Jackson, Demisexual Percy Jackson, low fantasy with maybe some magic, but it's not a big part of the story, it gives almost fey court vibes but without all the magic if that helps ig Summary:
Percy is the (bastard) heir to the Kingdom of Cyprus who doesn't want to get married. Piper is his legitimate half-sister who's been keeping him in the good light her whole life, worried at how he'll manage if she's forced to leave Cyprus for a marriage
Annabeth is the greatest shame of her mother, and illegitimate heir to Athens, forced to watch her younger brother inherit the throne, her only hopes to reclaim her honor in a political marriage.
Jason is the newly minted heir to Olympia, after his older sister ran off suddenly, just trying to navigate a life he's never been taught, but is expected to master.
When alliances are drawn, it's in the best interests of all of their kingdoms that they stick to the plan, but their hearts aren't with the program. They have a week to sort out love from royal responsibility, and two love stories that must end in two marriages, even if the lines are a bit squiggly.
Updates every Tuesday if I have my shit together
(Title from Hozier)
This week: Jason makes his entrance, Piper and Percy bicker over blonds, and Piper sets the record straight (gay?)
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kazledazzel · 3 years
fic masterlist because i’m sad about not being allowed to adopt the rescue kitten i wanted and some validation would help
(and it’s me trying to sell you my writing like it’s a dodgy instagram pyramid scheme)
Pink, Purple and Royal Blue - do you like Red White and Royal Blue, and wish there was a sapphic version? are you hopelessly confused about your sexuality and looking for a fanfiction to project onto? do you enjoy some quality dialogue? are you a fan of pipabeth? if any of the above, this may be the fic for you!
Alright, Evans? - *gasp!* a marauders fic??? that won’t send you sobbing into your pillow at three am???
Dearest Moony, - i have no selling points for this other than the fact that @axhicleos drew some amazing art for it that you should definitely check out!!! ill link it here. (seriously, it’s been months and i’m still not over the fact that someone made art for my fic)
Antisocial Behaviour - A pjo texting au that will be a percabeth slow burn when i get around to updating it. Swiftie Annabeth, Grover Appreciation, one liners like “i don’t need therapy i have coffee and the last thirty two seconds of the other side of the door (taylor’s version)”
So Watson Decided to Become a Shadowhunter - It’s Rafael Lightwood Banes birthday and and nothing else happens. Other than Kit and Ty reuniting for the first time after QOAAD. No biggie.
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