#platinum relics
engrm · 3 months
thinking about making a headcanon post about johnny and suffering from cyberpsychosis because it's not talked about enough. the mf is crazy.
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randomreasonstolive · 2 years
Reason to Live #8320
  To platinum relic every level in every Crash Bandicoot game. – Guest Submission
(Please don't add negative comments to these posts.)
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heirofnepeta · 1 year
Heyyyyyyyyyy do ANY of y'all who follow me play Warframe and by chance have an Octavia Prime Chassis blueprint you're willing to sell to me and if so what's the uh. price?
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love-fireflysong · 2 years
Well this is super upsetting. Just last night my ps4 decided to black screen of death me and it turns out that the issue is a hard drive problem and that needs to be replaced. Which isn't the issue, cause due to the fact that I had replaced my laptops hard drive last summer I hilariously enough have a spare 1tb hard drive laying around! And that's something super easy to fix.
No, my problem is that replacing my hard drive means that all my saved game data has just gone *poof*. And while checking my saved data on my roomies ps4 pretty much nothing was saved to the cloud so I can't even recover it... And because I'm having a bsod issue I can't even back up all that save data either 😭
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allofthebees · 1 year
I originally said I thought crash 4 was the easiest of them all but now that I'm actually trying to go for the 106% I. Understand.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 6 months
TotK DLC idea!
The screen is black. You don’t hear anything for a long time. Then, faintly, in the distance, you can hear it.
Link. Link. Open your eyes.
While the line echoes familiarity, the voice does not.
Or. Well. It does. Because while it isn’t Zelda, it’s a familiar man’s voice speaking gently, so gently you almost don’t recognize it because there’s no way he ever spoke like this in the main game.
But he is now. And instead of a golden light being the first image you see before the screen shows Link awakening… you see gloom floating in the air. The image cuts to a Hylian waking up who… doesn’t look like Link from TotK?? He’s different, still small in stature, with slightly tanner skin, platinum light blonde hair, and red eyes. But… something’s wrong with his forehead. There’s a weird line on it.
This new character you apparently are gonna be playing in the DLC blearily blinks his eyes open, clearly groggy and too weak to really move. But then that line on his forehead moves a hair, it splits apart, and you realize it’s a freaking eye, red and yellow and it’s like the ones on gloom hands and oh gosh what the hell is it doing on his forehead—
Link realizes something is off and his eyes blow wide, his hands reach for his forehead and he screams in agony and terror, only for someone to scoop him into a hug to soothe him.
And suddenly you realize why that voice was eerily familiar.
It’s Ganondorf. He resurrected you from the era of the Imprisoning War. You, who have a history with him and his family. You, who he wants to protect, who he views as his kid, who he calls a prince and says he’ll keep you safe by controlling your body with his dark magic if he has to.
Welcome to Tears of the Kingdom: Hero’s Shadow.
You have to play a long gone Hero who was resurrected. Ganondorf, who is still recovering his strength in preparation for killing the current Hero, tasks you with finding your betrothed, his daughter, as well as his wife. They’re buried somewhere in the Depths like you were. He wants you to find their burial sites so he can use his secret stone to resurrect them like he did you, and control them as well. Which is doubly bad when you realize his wife was the original Sage of Lightning. He gives you free reign to wander once you go through a tutorial (he tests you to see if you’ve recovered enough strength), because he knows you love wandering and collecting things. Your own personal objective, however, is trying to help Hyrule from the Depths, to break free from Ganondorf’s control, because Link would rather set himself on fire than let Ganondorf resurrect and control the love of his life and his mother-in-law. Your best hope is to find shards of the shattered Master Sword to try and stab the eye on Dark Link’s forehead and break the control Ganondorf has on you. Until you can, though, the monsters are your allies, you can teleport across the Depths by manifesting out of the gloom created by gloom hands (just like what Phantom Ganon does), and the world below is your oyster. If you get too close to sword shards when gloom hands are nearby, Ganondorf can see your attempt and immediately takes control of your body, and no matter what button you press Link just walks back to Ganondorf’s location and stays there until you get a chance to try again.
You start with three hearts, all empty looking like when gloom hurts you, and if you get injured they just shatter. Whenever they all shatter, you respawn at Ganondorf’s location because his gloom hands came and rescued you from dying. The only way you can get more hearts is by collecting poes and offering them to the statues in the Depths. You can communicate with the spirits of soldiers, who may give you combat tips or info about the area. If you gain enough of Ganondorf’s trust, he’ll let you command monsters, and he might even let you wander the Surface (under his supervision) during a blood moon.
You learn of Link’s and Ganondorf’s history through discovering ancient relics/texts that trigger memories. This connection between you and Ganondorf stems back to time before the war, well over ten thousand years ago. Link was engaged to Ganondorf’s daughter, but during the Imprisoning War the family fought against the demon king. Ganondorf did love his family, but he loved power more. Link sacrificed himself, letting himself get mortally wounded to save Rauru from a killing blow. Gan held him as he died, and it allowed Link to both beg him to stop and stab him in the heart with a light shard. The shard didn’t kill him, but it was what Rauru connected with when he hit him in the chest, allowing him to seal Ganondorf away. Ganondorf still wants the world, but his love for his family is still present, though now twisted, so he thinks he can control Link and everyone else with his dark magic in order to keep them safe and in line. Once the threat of the current Hero is eliminated, the world will be his, and his family will be safe. As such, he treats you, Link, the player, like a stubborn child, reeling you in, but does so in a horrific way, torturing Link by controlling him.
You have to break free of this and stop him, and the only hope you have is the distant call of a sword spirit…
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tasteoftaldorei · 6 days
I've been thinking about the Relics of the Red Solstice and other powerful items for endgame.
Orym has Seedling enchanted by the Wildmother
Dorian has Gambolcleft inherited from his father
Braius has the Truthbearer armor from the Platinum Sanctuary
Imogen has the Ring of Remembrance from the Arch Heart
Ashton and Fearne already have their shards, but I wonder if they'll get anything additional? Like what if Ashton gets a hammer upgrade? Or Mister gets more powerful?
I'm hoping Laudna will get a Relic of the Red Solstice from the Matron of Ravens. Also hoping that Laura gets to DM as the Matron.
And Chetney... has a fanclub.
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24-jay-42 · 23 days
Since the Bells Hells Are most likely going to be spending some time in Vasselheim talking to some gods, Here’s who I think It would be cool if each member of the bells hells talked too. I’ll only be listing gods that would be easily accessible in Vasselheim, so no Betrayers or lesser idols:
The Wildmother - We’ve already seen them interact and Her even bestowing him the first known Relic of the red solstice. But i wouldn’t exactly say no to more
Stormlord - Obviously the red storm, and that she’s already interested in talking to him. But I also think “Where does your strength Come from?” is very interesting and compelling for her. We’ve heard a few times how she feels tempted by the power Predathos offers. And she has already displayed her strength and force of will in resisting it. I’m hoping she comes up with an answer for herself that strengthens that resolve even further
Dawnfather - While I still the matron would be cool and make a lot of sense, I also wanted to propose the Dawnfather. The matron is very anti-undead and doesn’t like those who defy fate and death, Which Laudna is actively doing. The Dawnfather Has some interesting Things in his tenets about not forgetting the lessons of the past, and Laudna (and Chetney) Has always been the one to point such things out. The Dawnfather Represents the sun, renewal and rebirth. Laudna’s Connection to the suntree. Also, Vex was a champion of the Dawnfather, could make for some interesting story telling.
The All Hammer - Yes, The craft god for the craftsman. But when it fits it fits. And it goes beyond just their shard love of craft. The All Hammer’s tenants promote Leaving a Legacy. “To create something that lasts is to change the world for the better”. As as we know from Nanna Mori, That’s something Chetney wants and values. Moradin is also god of clan, Family and the home. He promotes Loyalty. Chetney is nothing If not loyal. Even if he sometimes speaks and acts in a way that seems a bit sketchy, (eg. just recently with the bright queen and not telling ashton) But in the end he is always loyal, such as when he choose to administer a potion in the otohan fight instead of drinking it himself. Moradin also tells his followers to remain Stoic and tenacious in the face of Catastrophe, And he proved that by asking about Molaesmyr straight to Ludinus’ Face and many many more times
This one’s a bit difficult. Because of recent experiences and his current mindset (which i don’t blame him for), i think he will find it difficult to approach a god. The arch Heart is a good pick, art god for the bard. Anti-lolth. But I can also easily see the Law-bearer. He is now the eldest Prince and heir of the Silken-squall. Some guidance might help him. But i’m not sure.
The Platinum Dragon - Sam and Braius have both said that since receiving truthbearer, this might be a sign. A chance for redemption. And honestly i don’t see the platinum dragon, The pillar of justice, protection, nobility, and honour discarding and condemning Braius for something that was barely his fault: Failing to stop an ultimately harmless Prank. One of Bahmut’s tenets is “Smite evil wherever it is found, yet show compassion to those who have strayed from the path of righteousness”. There is something so Raw and compelling about him keeping his Broken Holy Symbol. No matter what happens, his relationship isn't over yet. Braius is currently the Character with the largest connection to the gods so whatever he chooses will be interesting.
The Moonweaver - Not only do they match each other's energy perfectly: Fey trickery. Seizing your own destiny through your passions. “Walk unbridled and untethered, forging new memories and experiences” is just what fearne does on the daily. But also, Stealing Catha from the moonweaver is Literally Zathuda’s whole prerogative. It would be so Ironic if they instead worked together to steal Gloamglut away from him. absolute icon behaviour.
Ashton’s interesting. I obviously want him to talk to the Luxon and the Titan. But if i where to pick a deity.
The Changebringer - For F.C.G obviously. Ashton still has his change bringer coin that he took from the stone. But it goes beyond that. In my opinion The changebringer kinda suits Ashton better then FCG. Rising against Tyranny, change for the better. In terms of Luck Favouring the bold he can literally manipulate luck. Not to mention how tremendously lucky surviving that shard was. I in no way think he would ever become a follower, but I could see this as a sort of alliance. However reluctant.
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prideprejudce · 2 months
Also I always assumed the Alicent/Targaryans dynamics were supposed to be a metaphor for westeros and the targaryan take over- like the targs are not supposed to be in westeros with the dragons, they took over by force and held power via the dragons, but none of them are native to westeros and Dont Fit as rulers of the nation.
Alicent is the metaphor for westeros, and Aegon and Rhaenyra are two different targaryans who rely on targ exceptionalism, but arent getting what they want from her. Aegon will never be loved by Alicent like he wants, like a real son that she wanted, just like the targs will never be completely loved by westeros like true children of the country, bc they took it by force-just like Aegon was forced onto Alicent.
Rhaenyra on the other hand, can't marry Alicent, and cant get any closer to her bc they live by completely different rules, just like the targs will never be able to fully integrate their customs into the culture of westeros. Rhaenyra will always think of herself as a Targaryan closer to a God, and Alicent and westeros will always resent her for it.
I always assumed that was on purpose that the whole dance with Alicent/Aegon/Rhaenyra was a bit of a metaphor for the targs not able to really settle into comfortable harmony with westeros, always kept apart by something.
this is actually a great interpretation of the dynamics of the targaryens and the world around them
personally, I think the targaryens are a clan that were supposed to have died in old Valyria, like they were literally selected by nature to not survive the Doom and to be left into history and not at all apart of the rise in the new world of westeros. but since they have survived, they are now like relics of the past that have no belonging in the new world and are the black sheep of it (or platinum blonde sheep lol). ive even read some theories that say the targaryens are now forever cursed for going against nature and not accepting their original destiny to become extinct
I also always refer to the targaryen family as the snake eating its own tail, because that's essentially who they are. they remain in power and escape extinction through continuing to birth new targaryen members and dragons for generations, but they are also destroying their own family line by continuously inbreeding to keep the bloodline pure. this has, of course, led to targaryen members with severe personality issues and rumors of instability and insanity in the line. This also can show when some of their babies are born with "dragon like features" before dying. they are their own saviors as well as their own destroyers, with this being especially shown in fire and blood and hotd
overall i just picture them as old relics of the past being plucked out of their time and going against what nature had planned for them, and now suffer the consequences of being the odd ones out in westeros who are also rumored to be rotting from the inside out
that doesn't make me love them any less, they are my favorite family in ice and fire and the mysticism that surrounds them is the most compelling dynamic of the entire series
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littleeyesofpallas · 7 months
Just spitballing some random pokethoughts...
Eternatus and the Darkest Day happened in Galar 3,000 year ago, and at the same time AZ made the Ultimate Weapon in Kalos, again 3,000 years ago.
And the two events lead to Devon co. studying Mega Evolution to develop Infinity Energy, and Macro Cosmos studying Dynamax and Power Spots to develop Rose's power plant. "Eternal" and "Infinite."
And the Eternatus power plant logo strongly resembles the new logo in the Z-A trailer.
And in Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, the Infinity Energy was ultimately used to save the day by teleporting the Delta meteor into another universe. getting Mega Rayquaza to destroy the Delta meteor. And Eternatus fell to Earth on a meteorite (20,000 years ago).
Delta(Δ) being the mathematical variable for "Change," and obviously being a play on the Greek letter motif(ΩA). And of course Alpha and Omega as a pair are best known as the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet(and the biblical "Beginning and the End")
So, go figure, ΩA is a synonym with ZA, so the title ...Z-A can be understood as "(from)The End to The Beginning," the reverse reading of A-Z as "A to Z."
There are two kings who helped defeat Eternatus who apparently at some point shared a bloodline? (Did their descendents marry later, or were the two kings already related?) Tragically their bloodline produced the brothers Shieldbert and Swordward.
AZ was a former king of Kalos and is succeeded by a younger brother from whom Lysander is descended.
King Louis XIV was dubbed "le Roi Soleil":"the Sun King" and famously obsessed over sun motifs. His Palace of Versailles is the basis of the Parfum Palace in Kalos. The Parfum Palace was built by either AZ or one of his descendents.
The Parfum Palace garden has statues of Zekrom and Reshiram
Zekrom and Reshiram were split in two from their original united form by the Hero of Truth and the Hero of Ideals, forming Unova in the process.
The Twin Heroes built the Relic Castle in what is now the Resort Desert. The Relic Castle appears to have been built "at least 2,500 years ago".
Possibly also built the Abyssal Ruins? One castle dedicated to the sun and the desert, one to the dark and the watery depths?
The Relic Castle enshrines Volcorona, "The Sun Pokemon" said to have appeared at a time when ash blacked out the sky and saved people by acting as a replacement for the sun.
Eternatus' Darkest Day involved summoning dark clouds to black out the sky.
Alder, Champion of Unova, has a Volcorona as his signature pokemon, a backstory involving losing a pokemon and wandering the region in his grief, kind of like AZ, sans the immortality.
Alder also has a flaming mane-like hair not too dissimilar to Lysandre's.
Alder is the basis of an unspecified character design in Legends Arceus who appears to be a third, perhaps seminal or unifying factor in the Maxi/Archie ancestors' Diamond and Pearl clans. A Platinum clan? The Sinnoh people? Or just a unifier, a peace maker, a mentor, or a shared ancestor?
Cogita and Volo as members of the Sinnoh people have fixations on lore keeping/seeking. Something Cynthia sort of inherits
Cynthia is from Celestic Town in Sinnoh, where Drasna said she's from originally
Zinnia is a Dragon trainer and "lorekeeper" in ORAS
Celestic Town in DPPt has a shrine that uses the same model as the one in Ilex Forest for Celebi in HGSS
Terapagos is supposed to have an ability to alter or shift timelines, relating to the presence of the Paradox Pokemon
But Black City and White Forest also seem to exist as a kind of paradox around polar opposite futurism and primitivism
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anhilliator1 · 3 months
You look on some people comparing Warframe and TFD and it's so clear so many people have no idea how consumer-friendly WF actually is.
"Full of MTX"
Mentioning that you paid real money for anything that isn't Prime Access, Cosmetic Pack, or Tennogen is a very quick way to make other players think you're dumb. Also, Tennogen cosmetics are a special case given that the main reason it even is a MTX is due to the fact that DE splits profits with the creator.
"Premium currency"
Oh, you mean the one that's tradable? And before you point out you can buy it with money - first, refer to the above. Second, the only other way to get it is via trading Prime Parts and Mods - which are only ever obtainable by trading or gameplay. Platinum is ridiculously easy to get if you know what you're doing. (That said, avoid Trade Chat.) Yes, you can pay money for it, but the primary way majority of players will get their plat is by trading.
"Too intimidating"
I'll concede, but only partially. Yes, Warframe is intimidating. But you must understand, Warframe is a MARATHON, not a Sprint to endgame unlike literally every other Live-Service out there. There's no FOMO. The endgame's not going anywhere. Play at your own pace. Plus, community's super welcoming. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
"But Primes"
Are they slightly better? Yes. Do you have to pay for them? Hell no. In some cases, just grinding for the Primes from relics and plat trading is MILES less time-consuming and has less hoops when compared to the regular versions. Also, Prime Parts come from relics, and relics can only be opened by playing the game. Throw as much money as you want at the screen, those relics aren't opening unless you jump into a mission and play.
Also, "TFD is basically Warframe with fanservice"
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If I wanted to play Warframe with Fanservice, I'd still be playing Warframe.
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awyeahitssam · 7 months
Absolute crack.
Above all, Harry was an explorer. He loved to get lost in the labyrinth he called home, from the orchards to the forest to long-forgotten, dusty passageways and secret rooms. Indeed, he derived great pleasure from being so far into the unknown that he could no longer hear or see signs of civilization save those long passed. In his exploring he discovered relics of different times: a small, unbreakable glass-blown dragonfly; the preserved canine of a werewolf; a rune-inscribed well, dry as the bones that lay around it; a chunk of platinum from a time when such was still used as currency… yes, Harry was an explorer, a discoverer, and a collector, because what else was he to do without the company of others?
You see, Harry could not break past the boundaries of his home, nor could any other being. In fact, Harry had never met another living thing for all of his life. As far as he could remember, from the time when he was a youngling, all of his needs were attended to by magic itself. His nappies cleaned themselves, his meals prepared themselves, and, when he wished to learn, magic whispered and taught him. As a child it was a frequent voice, his nurturing companion, but as he grew it strayed to a silent presence and chalky hints against a blackboard; a floating book, perhaps, if he grew desperate in his desolation.
Still, Harry was content. After all he had never interacted with another living thing, and while conversing with someone might prove interesting it wasn’t as though he was ever particularly bored. He had an endless library, and the vast grounds and halls of his home to explore.
And so he looked, he learned, and he grew, by stumbling, by reading, by watching the meager hints magic let him see.
Of course Harry was far from normal, but he knew little of normalcy and so cared very little for it. He was used to an endless cycle of exploring, of cooking, of reading, cleaning, drawing, writing, speaking
Until one day, his cycle was broken.
“Who are you then?”
Harry startled so badly he dropped his book, wincing when it’s spine cracked against the hardwood floor. It was an older volume, worn by time, and Harry was always particularly careful when handling bits of history. But, well…
Harry stared at the thing across from him, astounded. It was taller than him, and looked much the same, which probably meant it was a human. That was a bit of a shame, as Harry had always imagined he would meet a creature, first: a deviously charming Fae, perhaps, or a quick and clever Naga. Still, he wasn’t too let down. He hadn’t imagined he would ever meet another living creature, so to meet one so soon was a delight!
What had the - human! - asked?
“Oh, er, hello there... human. I’m called Harry.”
The man's eyes narrowed. He didn’t seem to know quite how to respond to that, but that was okay. Harry had lots of questions - he could just answer those.
“How ever did you end up here, though? In my home?”
Perhaps he should have been offended - wasn’t that called trespassing? - but Harry was far too fascinated for that.
“Your home,” the man hummed, not answering even as his eyes lingered on Harry, on his bare feet and long hair and wide, fascinated green gaze. Maybe he didn’t know that was rude? At least, Harry thought so - then again, magic ignored his questions often enough… though magic was honestly a bit of a bully, no matter how sweet and nurturing it could be.
“Naturally,” Harry nodded. “I don’t think you’re supposed to go around barefooted in other people’s libraries, though I might be wrong on that. I’ve never exactly been.”
The human frowned at him. “No, that’s right. You’ve never - Harry.”
Harry blinked at the abrupt use of his name. “I’ve never… Harry?"
Was that a question?
“Your name. What’s your surname?”
Harry frowned, tapping his chin thoughtfully. “Not sure. Magic’s probably told me before...”
“Magic’s told you?”
“Well, yes,” Harry nodded, unsure why the other sounded so surprised. This wasn’t at all what he had imagined. Then again, he hadn’t really imagined much of anything. “What’s your name?”
For a moment the man's face looked odd, almost conflicted, and then he said, “Tom.”
“Tom,” Harry pronounced slowly, really wrapping his mouth around it. “Okay, Tom. How did you get here?”
“That’s… a long story.”
Harry lit up. “That’s all right - I love stories!”
They sat in that library for several hours, and in that time Harry learned of the Dark Lord Voldemort.
Of how he subjugated magical creatures, witches, and wizards. Of how he slaughtered his own kind as indiscriminately as muggles, and in his fool heartedness, exposed wizards to muggles.
Tom spoke of a war, terrible and long. He spoke of a dying planet, and of Voldemort’s undignified end at the hands of the very muggles he thought so worthless.
Then, he spoke of a second chance.
Voldemort was, by all accounts, a villain. And Harry—well, he had always liked villains the best.
“You’re in your redemption arc!” Harry enthused. “If you do things right I bet you can become an antihero.”
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Good morning headmage
I was wondering if you and the other teachers went to the museum with your students this year to celebrate its 100th anniversary ?
If so what did you like there , do you have a favorite artwork ?
Have you been there before 👀?
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Enter; An Unkindness of Ravens.
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"Why, of course we teachers accompanied our students to the Land of Dawning's National Museum of Art. It would be highly irresponsible of us to allow children to travel to a foreign land without chaperones!”
Crowley perked with pride. Prestige—the acknowledgement of it—tended to have that effect on him, pompous man that he was.
"Not to mention... It's an honor for us to be invited to this centennial celebration! This is a wonderful opportunity for us teachers to appreciate art alongside our young pupils—though I myself have already visited numerous times. Ah, but that is what a long lifespan and a deep respect for history does… Sharpens the mind and the spirit!”
Somehow he ended up circling around and feeding his own ego again.
You walked alongside him, tactfully staying silent and letting the headmaster ramble.
Famous faces passed by, relics of the past unearthed. Stories, centuries in the making. History coming to life around you.
Click, clack, click.
Crowley’s polished shoes and cane alternated, echoing sharply in the gallery.
“This solemn, almost reverent atmosphere is rather pleasing. It grants one the space and time to properly admire and reflect on the artwork on display.”
He raised a hand, his golden claw-shaped rings upon each finger shining under the museum’s lights. Crowley gestured to the paintings that lined the closest wall. You followed where he led your gaze.
Platinum frames, seven in total. Each held an illustration of a familiar figure—you recognized them from the stone statues lining Main Street.
“I find myself gravitating toward the classics. Perhaps I am sentimental, fufu. My bias is clear.”
The Queen of Hearts.
She looked on from up high, posed with a gavel behind a banister and flanked by card soldiers. Her face was kind and rounded, but her expression was stern. Hands folded in her lap and her hammer raised to deliver justice, she was the picture of dignified grace.
The King of Beasts.
He reclined in a dark cave, bones scattered around him. The King stood out from the others of his kind--body lanky, a scar knitting one eye, mane a deep black, and with an unmatched feline poise. He toyed with a skull in one paw, his mouth twisted into a contemplative smirk.
The Sea Witch.
She danced, tentacles curling, in an anemone garden, lilac arms outstretched to cuddle her beloved pets: two moray eels that adorned her arms like a living boa. Pinkish light spilled onto them, emanating from her bubbling cauldron. Another potion brewing to fulfill some poor, unfortunate soul's wish.
The Sorcerer of the Sands.
A thin man with a long face and a goatee pieced together a golden scarab, its light piercing the starry night. Particles of sand and glittering magic kicked up, scattering across his black and red robes. The wings of the scarab, flickering rapidly--as if about to take flight.
The Beautiful Queen.
She triumphantly held up a goblet of bubbling liquid, her radiant face reflected in it. High cheek bones, skin smooth as china, full lips, long lashes, a gown that clung to her hourglass figure. Her beauty was every bit as deadly as the poison in the glass.
The King of the Underworld.
He beamed in the painting, showing sharp teeth. Various tabletop games surrounded him, and he seemed to take great joy in maneuvering a chess piece across a board. No opponent was in view--the man was a lone player.
The Thorn Fairy.
She loomed in her spiked throne, her calm face cut severe by the gathering shadows and green candlelight. Briar crept around the tattered hem of her cloak, waiting for her next command. One word, and you felt as though they would come to life and rush at you.
The Great Seven together dominated the hallowed halls of the museum. In awe of them, you felt yourself shrink back. If was as though your body instinctively knew to kneel in the presence of such raw power.
Crowley, too, quietly bowed his head to the Seven. He held his top hat to his chest, his dark lips pursed into a serene smile.
"What visionaries! We must all strive to the same heights as they."
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warframestuff · 2 months
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The gilded helmsman, Sevagoth Prime, along with his full armada of Prime Weapons and signature Accessories enters Prime Access on August 21! Get instant access for a limited time with Sevagoth Prime Access, including Boosters, exclusive Customizations and much more.
Before this master of the Void rides the hype wave into port, we wanted to tell you more about what you can expect from Sevagoth Prime. Choose between the Weapons, Prime, Complete or Accessories packs that best suit you, or earn Sevagoth Prime and his signature Prime Weapons in game by cracking Void Relics!
Sevagoth Prime
The gilded helmsman emerges from the tempest, his shadow a lure for doomed souls.
Epitaph Prime
Send shivers down your enemies' spines with this wrist-mounted sidearm. As the signature weapon of Sevagoth Prime, it deals additional headshot damage when wielded by him.
Nautilus Prime with Verglas Prime
This brave deckhand defends his crew with Verglas Prime.
Sevagoth Prime Accessories featuring:
Maginav Prime Signa
Navic Prime Sentinel Bundle
90-Day Affinity Booster
90-Day Resource Booster
Exclusive Sevagoth Prime Glyphs
Get the best of both worlds with the Sevagoth Prime Access Complete pack, which includes all the Prime Warframe, Prime Weapons, Prime Accessories, as well as Platinum!
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love-fireflysong · 1 year
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It is done 😤
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hazelcephalopod · 1 month
I desperately want to know more about this Platinum Saint thing. What’s the canonization process like? Is there an official one or is it more just “enough people agreed”? Can you be a living saint or just post death? Do they keep relics (they do, it’s Matt)? Do you pray to the Saints? Will they intervene or advocate for you to PlD? What function do they serve? Does it do something special to them in the afterlife? Do they have their own religious orders?
Tbh it sounds like Matt would just let everyone do whatever. I still want to know. You tell me your guess/hc. I say yes to everything. It is not a contradiction if there’s multiple sects or even just “lay folk sometimes just do what they want and the church organization can’t stop them”.
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