#please forgive my grammar I am so tired
mitsuki91 · 7 months
Please let's talk about the infamous quote about Tigris. Enjoy ALL the quote, first of all (thanks to @burntblueberrywaffles for the screen):
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Now. You can ignore the second half and take the phrase at its face value, as antis love to do, and think "omg what a horrible man, who thinks this things?! Monster!" and feel proud that you can read in the sense you can recognize the letters, put them together and see that you know how all the words and the word's meaning and applaude yourself. Congrats, you can read!
No, that's not how you read.
Welcome to "basic reading comprehension 1.0".
First of all, this phrase doesn't exist alone, it's not floating in a blank page. You have to read the several sentences before that to actually understand why this phrase was written in the first place. And this phrase is right at the start of the book so I promise it won't take long.
So, let's start. I don't have the english book so please bare with me when I explain you things without the actual quote, I promise it is what actuall happens in the book.
We first see Coriolanus Snow who force himself to eat cabbage soup. That he despises it but he knows he need it to prevent the rumble in his stomach. So, you see, right here in the first sentence you have one important details: Coriolanus is not worried about hunger per se, is worried about let other people know he is hungry. Just with this you can already understand one of his core value: the appearences.
And he tells us so in the next senteces. He has an important name and live in a fancy house (from outside) but he has nothing. He has so nothing that he is now worried about a shirt, because he has important stuff to do (later we discover that the Reaping is tied with the Plinth Prize he needs so desperately). The only hope for the shirt is his cousin, Tigris, who can sew and already save him more than once, but... Well, this time she has not a great start. The only shirt he owns is stained and burned and has only half of the buttons. It needs a miracle, he needs a miracle, and even the black market was no use...
They already tried, he tells us so. But no one wants to buy or exchange the shirt. Only... This morning, the morning of the Reaping, he can not find nor Tigris nor the shirt.
So he starts to worried. And he leads us to why he was thinking about a price for Tigris in the first place. Context, people. I will post the actual quote of the book (thanks to @xalonelydreamerx for the screen):
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They already try to sell/exchange something for a better shirt, and they have nothing. What is left? Tigris herself. WHAT IS LEFT? TIGRIS HERSELF, PLEASE READ THIS AGAIN.
So, we have an actual reason, a valid reason, he has to think about Tigris selling herself and people putting price on her.
Now after this come the quote, I paste again for you:
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And now we can read the FULL quote.
The first half: he uses this to describe to us his cousin, and he tries to mantain a "fair" and "external pov" for it, because he puts himself in the shoes of a man who can be interested in buying her. The "vulnerability that invited abuse" is a mere objective though and also serve the purpose to tell us reader that Tigris is sweet and innocent and maybe a little bit naive, or can be perceived like that from the world. And we know this is true. Tigris is sweet and caring, she takes care of Coryo, she always did. We will know better later, this is a mere introduction.
But the second half. The second half of the quote, you all. He feels disgusted with himself for the though and this is already a good start to understand that HE DIDN'T MEAN TO PUT A PRICE ON HER AND SELL HER, NEVER, but the actual most important word here is "helpless". HELPLESS. BECAUSE HE IS THE PROVIDER OF THE FAMILY.
He is the hope. We will learn about the Plinth Prize and what it means for the family. We will learn that everyone rely on him to win the prize and save them. We will learn that he was told, since the start, that he as 'the man of the house' has the duty of provide for his family.
He is happy in that role, mind you. Worried sick, of course, because it is difficult and he can count only on the Plinth Prize to achieve something, so he has to win and the pressure is huge. There are also complex feelings around the Snow names: the fact that he feels that it is his duty to protect the family image, masking the thruth... etc etc etc.
But the first information we have, the most important piece we have from the start to put together who is Coriolanus Snow at the core, is right here. In the first page. In a part of that sentence antis like to quote and simply forget to do it in full.
Coriolanus Snow has to face the realistic possibility, the realistic concern that his cousin might consider the idea to sell herself to help him provide for their family and he fells horrified and helpless.
Because 1) a Snow could never think such a thing, how humiliating, how a failure for their name; and most important 2) if Tigris will do it it means that he failed in the worst possible way and he is not longer able to provide for his family and so were is his own worth? When everything he learned since he was born was to take care of his family and his family's name, that it is his duty, because he is the heir (also little ps: we learn later that since he will graduate the little pension they have now for his father death will stop because he will be a man, so also Panem itself is telling him he has to be able to provide for his family because he will be 'grown up' and 'in the real world' now).
We learn that Coriolanus Snow never wants to sell Tigris, that he is sick at the mere though, and we learn just right here just in the first page what are the core value of him. What moves him and what he thinks of himself and his family.
We learn who Coriolanus Snow is, as if we never knew his name and he was just a boy at the start of his own story.
And antis always forget about this and take one sentence out of context and judge him with "president Snow tinted glasses" and just because this quote is at the start of the book they like to scream to everyone "See? This is it, he was always bad, from the start!". And they actually just tell us that they can not understand what they are reading instead.
Okay, I hope that this lesson was worth it. Reading comprehension 1.0. I hope some antis will come accross this post and take time to read it. It's not too late to learn how to understand what you read, after all.
And now I will go to sleep that I have a terrible headache 😂 bye!
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messylustt · 1 year
౨ৎ ‧˚
𝐞𝐥 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐨 (𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐥) — 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐮𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐧
miguel o’hara x fem!reader. 3.6k words
fic masterlist previous part pt six next part
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mentions of injury; miguel be fantasising bout you guys; miguel makes you say spanish sentences that you don’t know the meaning of (i don’t think this is a warning but oh well); please also forgive if there’s any grammar/spelling mistakes (I’m tired af) — after the incident you wake up at HQ, with a note saying your hired status. with confusion you go to speak to miguel. along the way there and back you get your friends acting suspicious. miguel finally begins to accept that he wants to keep you close.
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Your eyes slowly blink open, bright light invading your vision. At first you just lie there, no thoughts really occupying your brain.
As you go to sit up, having realised that you're lying on a bed, a hand suddenly rests on your shoulder. You turn to see Hobie. "Careful there, mate, wouldn't want ya knocking out again."
"What..." You drift off, brows furrowing as you rub your temples. "Knocked out...oh." Thoughts, or more so memories, begin to flood your brain. The different universe. Miles. The masked men. The running...and then...Miguel. You remember seeing Miguel, he had helped you, asking you to stay quiet.
You remember the instant feeling of relief when he had spoken, and then the droopy feeling of your exhausted body.
You go to swing your legs off the bed, as you gaze around the medical room. But Hobie keeps his hand on your shoulder. "You've gone through some stuff over the past couple days, take it easy."
"I'm alright...thank you." You nod, giving him a small smile. "Am I back at HQ?" Then you further mutter. "I thought he'd send me home."
"Yeah, me too...but maybe your act of defiance changed his mind." Hobie chuckles.
You go to shake my head. "I didn't mean t-"
"Mean to go, yeah don't worry we knew not long after you disappeared." Hobie interrupts.
You nod, but then your brows begin to furrow. "Wait, how did you know?"
"Miguel actually found out. He got pissed you left a day early. Thanks for that, by the way." Hobie nudges your shoulder gently.
You softly chuckle, though your thoughtful expression stays. "How'd he found out? I could've just gone home. I planned to just go home."
"I think he went to your universe." Hobie says, a sly grin forming.
You stare at him. "Why? To tell me I should have worked that day?"
Hobie shrugs. "Maybe."
You shift your body, so that you're somewhat facing him more. "What aren't you telling me?"
"Hm?" Hobie hums, acting innocent.
"Hobie don't have that expression if you're gonna stay silent." You wave your finger in front of his face.
Hobie stands, putting his hands in his pockets. "I don't know what you're talking about, y/n."
But he's already walking out he door. "Oh." He pokes his head back in. "There's some lunch on that table there. Be grateful I didn't eat it."
You stare at the note in your hand. It read 'You're not fired as of Tuesday'.
"Peter, hey. Have you seen Miguel?" You ask as Peter nears you, your hand now scrunching around the note. Another god forsaken note.
"Y/n, hey. Glad to see you look less pale." Peter smiles, but you're persistent.
"Apparently I'm not fired?"
"You got your job back, nice." Peter at first doesn't notice your blatant narrowed gaze. But when he does, his smile turns to a frown of confusion. "You don't seem happy about that."
"I'm confused. He isn’t one to mess with people…right?"
Peter tilts his head to the side. "Eh, part of me wouldn’t be surprised if he did." He mutters.
"I mean, not even a day ago he was wanting me gone. Not that much has happened to change his mind." You say.
"Actually a lot has happened."
"Yeah, but that stuff shouldn't change his decision about me working here."
Peter shrugs. "Maybe it did."
"Your elaboration there is great, Peter, thanks." Your sarcasm is clear.
Peter smiles, fixing the spider beanie on Mayday's head, as she babbles on about something. "Go talk to him. Most of the time I can't read him, so I wouldn't have a clue."
"That's why I'm trying to find him." You say, to which Peter answers with "I think I saw him heading to the top floor."
And so you make your way to the stairs to heaven (hell). You had just walked down them in an effort to find Miguel, now you were walking up them...in an effort to find Miguel. This fact only seemed make you even more annoyed with him.
Great, you got your job back, but at this point you needed to know why. You needed to know what made him change his mind that quickly. Nothing else ever has. Miguel has always been one to make final decisions, with not much there to sway him.
You think back to Miguel’s reasoning for his initial firing, as you walk up the steps. It was because of the attack. So why would he re-hire you because of another one? Or more so because of the same masked men who had attacked. Were they even the reason?
Does Miguel think you know something, and is wanting you back to tell him? No—you think to yourself. He wouldn’t re-hire you for that simple reason.
When you reach the top, your gaze gets caught up in a decision of what direction to take. None of his offices were up here. The only place you can think that Miguel would go is his room.
But you pause in front of his door. Did you really want to go in there? He’s clearly not working if is in there. God, but you had too many unanswered questions, so you knock.
It’s silent for a moment, besides your breathing and the distant chatter of spider-people. You go to knock again, but the door creaks open. It’s darker inside, the dim lighting reminding you of one of his past requests. You can remember the feel of his broad shoulders when giving him that massage. The small groans he would let slip.
You had pushed aside that memory, not liking the way it made your entire body buzz. “Miguel?”
Then he opens the door wider, staring down at you. His position was surprisingly relaxed, one arm leant against the doorframe, as he wore those monotoned clothes that brought out his red eyes.
Speaking of those red eyes, you caught them scanning your body, a little too slowly and for a little too long. You gulp, not meaning to come across so nervous.
You hold up the severely scrunched up note. Miguel shifts his gaze to it. “I see you decided to take your annoyance out on that this time.” He comments.
You narrow your eyes. “Why am I not fired?”
“I thought you’d be happy to see that note.” He says, relaxing more against the doorframe.
“No. I’m not happy to see any note.” You say, lowering your arm. “Why couldn’t you just tell me in person?”
“Because I wanted to avoid this.” He gestures to you in general.
“You can’t expect me not to be a little curious at the sudden change of heart.” You say, trying not to let your gaze drift down his body. When he had shifted his shirt rose a fraction, letting you see part of his hips and abs.
Of course he had abs. You weren’t blind to how built he was, but the small visual still seemed to make you blink too many times and your brain re-wire.
“You don’t need to be curious.” Miguel states, his tongue running along his fang as if he were bored, but the expression in his eyes begged to differ.
“But I am.” You say, tucking the note in your back pocket. “Look, it’s beneficial for you if I know the reason. Then I can work on what made you want to fire me and continue doing what made you re-hire me.”
“Don’t do what made me re-hire you.” Miguel quickly answers.
Your brows furrow. “You’re saying that like what I did was bad…Why would you hire me for something you don’t want me to do again?”
“You ask a lot of questions, you know that?”
“Don’t worry, I have a lot more in my head for you.” You smile.
Miguel shakes his head, looking away with a clench to his jaw. The tiniest of smiles edged the corner of his mouth, but with his turned away head you weren’t able to catch it. And when he glanced back it was gone.
“Can’t I do something without being questioned?” Miguel asks. “I mean, you got your job back, you should be happy…and any other sparkly emotion.”
“You should use those ‘sparkly emotions’ more often, O’Hara. You know people who can lead with positivity usually get more people on their side.” You tilt your head with a raise to your brow.
“You do realise going off track isn’t gonna make me tell you anything.” Miguel says.
Your smile falls as you press your lips together with a sigh. Miguel darts his gaze up your form again, checking your injuries. Your ankle was only partially sprained so no cast was needed, but his gaze kept on getting caught up on the small cuts that littered your body. Some faint, some more prominent, like the one on your bottom lip.
Before he knows it he’s grabbing a belt loop of your pants, pulling you slightly closer as he tilts your head how he wants. Your eyes widen at the action as your heart begins to pick a quicker pace. Two of his fingers stay under your chin—keeping your head tilted up—while his thumb hovers over your cut lip, his gaze narrowed in inspection.
“You should make sure that that doesn’t get infected.” He says in a whisper.
You scoff, though it comes out softer than intended, you having to gulp immediately after. You had been right—having him this close was going to give you a heart attack. “That’s rich coming from you.” Your voice has turned to a mere whisper also.
“You keep seeming to forget that you’re only human.” He mutters. “Weak.”
“You forgot annoying.” You mutter back. Miguel meets your gaze and you freeze. He was close. Too close. Because your mind was beginning to fog over as you stared at Miguel’s intrigued eyes.
Then suddenly he says “We’ll continue our Spanish lessons in a few hours.”
“I don’t think that’s necessary anymore.” You say, to which his eyes narrow, his hold still keeping your head tilted up.
“Really?” He sounds disbelieving. “So, you manage to say one Spanish sentence, and that’s it? you’re done?” He tilts his head his eyes darting. “I thought you were more determined than that.”
You narrow your eyes in turn. “And I learnt that sentence from my phone. So, yes, I think I’m fine.”
A small sneering smirk began to curve his lips. “I thought I took your phone.”
Your mouth opens and closes. “I…got a new one.”
“Or…you stole it back.” He counters, raising a brow.
“It’s easier this way. I don’t have to bother you with lessons.”
“But I liked getting something in return.” He answers smoothly.
“You were asking for things anyone could do.” You say.
“But I’d have to pay for someone to give me a massage.” He mocks sadness. “When you were there being oh so nice and generous.”
“I wasn’t being generous. It was apart of the deal.”
“And it still is.”
“No. You firing me, got rid of the deal altogether.” You say, moving to step away, wanting to breath in air that wasn’t getting mixed in with his.
But he pulls you back, tightening his hold on your chin a fraction, one of his fingers dragging to rest on the in-between of your jaw and neck.
“But I re-hired you, which means the deal’s back on.”
“What if I say no to the job?” You suddenly ask.
“Chaparrita, you’re not gonna say no.”
And you hated the fact that he was right. No matter what people said you did like this job, being around all these spider variants. It settled for an interesting life.
Miguel’s finger—that rested by your jaw—started to subtly caress back and forth. It had soon grown into a habit of his, when he got the chance to touch you.
There was almost something soothing about it for him. Being able to feel your soft skin against his claws, that he would usually only use for violence. A contradiction that silently said to him ‘Not everything about you is violent. Not everything has to be’.
And those words only seemed to come up in your presence. At first he had been annoyed by them and that fact. He doesn’t have time or the energy for “feelings” and such. He had to stay focused.
But over—especially—the past few days his annoyance had fizzled away, slowly but surely. Shifting to a feeling that he much preferred, one that made his body buzz with heat. And of course—only in your presence.
So, yes, maybe he did re-hire you so that the masked men wouldn’t be able to find you in your home, but maybe it was also for selfish reasons. Not liking the idea of not seeing you, even if his scowl was still present.
He liked being around you, even just listening to you talk. It all still confused him, but he finally recognised his want for you to stay. To make him feel settled, calm even.
At the end of the day, both his ‘reasons’ for re-hiring you are selfish and he knows it. He wants you close and in his line of vision, and he was going to make sure things stayed that way.
“Alright.” You say, finally agreeing to continuing this deal with Miguel. “But please don’t make me run around endlessly.”
“Have I been?” He shakes his head for you. “No. I’ve only given you easy tasks.”
You don’t why he has but you are definitely grateful. “Don’t use your phone again.” He suddenly says.
“Many people use phones for different thin—“
Miguel cuts in, sparing you an annoyed look. “For Spanish lessons.”
You finally manage to step back, holding in your sigh of relief until you were alone. Miguel watched you intently, catching onto the way your hand began to fiddle nervously with the very same belt loop he had been holding onto.
“I’ll uh…see you in a few hours then.” You say, beginning to step backwards down the hallway. “In the tech room?”
Miguel shakes his head. “It’s still being repaired. Just come back to my room.”
You ignore the flutter in your stomach, as you nod. “See you then.” Then you swiftly turn and head towards the stairs.
Miguel watches you go, his lips curving up into an easy smile.
A few hours later—those hours having been filled with back and forth thoughts—you were walking past all the different spider variants, heading towards Miguel’s room.
You narrowed your feelings down to nervousness, having gone in a roundabout of thinking ‘it’s fine’ ‘I’ll be fine’ to ‘im starting to sweat’ ‘why the hell am I starting to sweat?!’
“Y/n!” A voice stopped you, and you turn to see Miles, Gwen and Hobie.
“Miles.” You smile. “So sorry for practically leaving you back there.” You did feel bad.
“Please don’t. I would have told you to run anyway. Those men were scary.” He made a face which made you chuckle. “They had like….real large claws.”
“Yeah…would much prefer never to see them again.” You half chuckle.
“How are you?” Gwen asks, taking her hood off.
You nod. “Good. Better. Yeah…a lot better.” You glance down at your ankle. “Wish I wasn’t so accident prone though.”
“Nah.” Hobie begins, swinging his arm around your shoulder. “You jus’ have a running theme of bein’ in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“That makes me feel so much better.” You scoff.
“Where are you headed anyway?” Hobie asks you.
“Oh, just to Miguel’s—“ you pause. You were gonna say ‘Miguel’s bedroom’ but then realised how strange that would sound. “To speak to Miguel.”
“I thought you already did?” Gwen asks, brushing her hair from her eyes.
“Yes…but…we have more to discuss.” You nod.
“Like what? Does he want to talk to you about his strange display of worry the other day?” Hobie asks with a sly smirk.
You glance at him, brows furrowing. “Coz that don’t really sound like him.” Hobie continues.
“You’re doing that face again.” You say, narrowing your eyes.
“Am I?” He again prays innocence.
“Yeah, you are. And it’s beyond annoying.”
“Jus’ like I thought he found you.” Hobie mutters almost smugly.
In response Hobie just smiles at you, putting his hands in his pockets. You shift your gaze to Gwen, who is looking away.
“Why are you guys acting so suspicious?” You ask.
“We just find it…strange is all.” Gwen says.
“Find what strange?”
“Well…Miguel was the one to bring you in…which isn’t strange, but it was just the way he was acting.” Gwen begins, making your brows furrow further.
“I’m not following.” You say slowly.
“He didn’t really let any of the doctors touch you up.” Gwen continues.
“Then how….?” You’re confused. Because you had woken up with clean cuts and a fixed ankle.
“Ay, what are we all talking about, you guys?” Pav appears, swinging down from a different ceiling path.
“Jus’ about Miguel’s strange actions in medical.” Hobie says.
“Oh yeah!” Pav nods quickly. “He was acting really different. Wouldn’t let anyone near you, y/n.” He gestures to you, to which you raise your brows in disbelief. Then Pav chuckles. “It was almost like he was—“
But Gwen cuts him quickly. “He was just acting different. That’s all.” Gwen spares Pavitr a small glare.
“Okayyy.” You drag out, eyeing them all again. “Right now Miles is the only one seeming to be acting normal. Which I appreciate.” You had begun to back up down the path. Miles spares you a small smile in response.
As you begin to head to Miguel’s room, their words circled your head. What did they mean by ‘didn’t let the doctors touch you up’ or ‘didn’t let anyone near you’. They’re right—that is different from Miguel. So far different that you just can’t seem to believe it.
Maybe they were playing some prank. But even though you can see Hobie and Pav coming up with that joke, you can’t see Gwen getting in on it.
But those thoughts soon drift away as you near Miguel’s door again. You knock, feeling your palms increase in sweat.
Miguel opens the door. Upon seeing you he tilts his head, asking for you to come inside. You do, slipping past him and into the cozy, dim room.
“I hope you’ve come up with some helpful phrases.” You say turning to him. “Because I gave up my phone for this.”
Miguel pulls out a desk chair, taking a seat. You look around, seeing no other chair to occupy. “Use my bed.” He says, gesturing to his ruffled sheets.
You turn your gaze to it, holding down the small hitch of your breath. Why was it hitching? It was just a bed.
You walk over, carefully taking a seat at the edge, facing an already seated Miguel. “And yes, I am better than your phone.” He says, meeting your gaze.
“You sure?” You question. “My phone is pretty helpful.”
“And you’re saying I’m not?” Miguel asks with a small tilt his head. “That hurts.” His dry humour was something that had grown on you. Whether you liked it or not.
“Quiero ir a la feria.” It was a simple beginner question that you repeated effortlessly.
“Quiero ir a la feria.”
“It means ‘I want to go to the fair’.” Miguel explains.
After a few more simple sentences, a idea pops up in Miguel’s head. He probably shouldn’t execute it, but of course he still will.
“Me encantaría usar tu cama para otras cosas.” Miguel says, waiting for you to repeat it.
“Me encantaría usar tu cama para otras cosas.” You repeat, your flow having gotten a lot better.
Miguel’s breathing hitches upon hearing the words. You had assumed he got you to say something simple, along the lines of ‘I am a farmer who plants trees’. But he instead made you say ‘I’d love to use your bed for other things’.
And Miguel should probably stop and move on, but he doesn’t particularly want to. “¿No crees que me vería bonita atrapada entre tus sábanas, Miguel?”
“Aren’t you gonna tell me what the other sentence means?” You ask.
“Repeat it.” Miguel doesn’t budge.
You sigh. “¿No crees que me vería bonita atrapada entre tus sábanas, Miguel?” (Don’t you think I’d look pretty trapped in your sheets, Miguel?) You tilt your head, staring at him. All you know is that you asked him a question, but that’s about it.
Miguel breathes heavier, giving you a once over. “Tan bonita.” (So pretty.) He murmers.
“Do you want me to repeat that too?” You ask.
Miguel chuckles. “That’s fine.” Your words staying trapped in Miguel’s brain, seeming to repeat…over and over.
Miguel’s gaze kept flicking to your lips. Conflicting emotions resided behind this action. He could see your cut, which reminded him of the fact that you got dragged into a mess you didn’t particularly ask for, resulting in you getting injured and down right hunted.
The other emotion veered closer to his reasoning for getting you to say those sentences. He wanted to feel them. Lean closer…and see what they felt like. Maybe he wanted to soothe your cut with his tongue…
“Miguel? Are you gonna tell me what I just said?” You ask, leaning closer to get his attention.
Miguel meets your gaze. “I’ll let you try and figure it out.”
“That’s not very good teaching.” You mutter.
He just shrugs. “Then I guess you‘ll never know.”
“And don’t translate it on your phone.” Miguel says pointedly. “That would make you a bad student.”
You clench your jaw but nod. “Fine…” your gaze shifts to the window, seeing the dark sky.
You quickly stand. “I didn’t realise it was this late. I should go.” You begin to head to the door.
Miguel watches your every movement, until you glance back giving him a small nod. “Thanks for somewhat of a good lesson.”
Miguel just hums with a nod, as you turn shutting the door and leaving. Leaving Miguel to gaze back at his bed and where you were seated.
He had already begun to decide on what he wants in return.
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ok, this post isn’t letting me add the colours and now I’m sad
this part was a little less action, coz i wanted focus more on miguel’s fEeLiNgS. coz boy does he have them
taglist: @dangerousdreamkitty @ale-maral @inosukesweirdwife @flooftoof @cynicallyaestetic @silassinclair @mariiyoushi @ilovedilfjake @toastlover21 @wlellsl @k1rbbo @bitchotine @guacam011y @blnk338 @wolfiepirate @kurxxmi @corpsebridenightamare @ohantonia @yunonaneko @irenered-20 @z3r0art @sunflowercandie @perilous-pasta @gloriouskryptonitecrown @whyamistillhere78 @ritzzzsblog @mm1sta @tealcoloured-murder @aweebsimp101 @livelaughlaurv @s0dium @roguepancake @sunshiines-stuff @internal-soundtrack @oscarisdaddy69 @clairacassidy @captainquake42 @nanaloverz @ilyless @sindulgent666 @shine101 @thebadasssass @hibeejibees @nirishin @ily2lia @lillunna @cinnamoncattie @futuristicpandakid @maroonobserver @thatsopanu @edgyficuselastica @kittekat420 @stararctic @maxi-ride @renn-pumkin-head @scaraza @justanotherkpopstanlol @fauxizs @cloudsandrenoswife @ilmovor @larissa-lolll @elliemm @httpkiyoomi @j2warren @arquiiva @ilovemiguelohara @a-monster-can-filled-with-cum @fandom-gal44 @elwyn7 @albiebright
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chuuyasheaven · 1 year
“Mornin' ride” — Chuuya Nakahara
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“After a very, very rough night, you wake up on Chuuya's chest. He was still sleeping of course, which resulted into kissing him to wake up. Finally waking up, he returns those kisses only for it to lead no where but into a small soft but passionate morning ride.”
Tags: soft! Chuuya Nakahara / afab! Reader, soft sex, morning sex, pet names, lazy sex?, praising kink, short?, cockwarming at the end, slight teasing, might contain grammar errors, rushed, etc.
Notes: Please forgive me guyssss, i was being su1cidal and silly !!! Butttt DADDY'S HOME !! X3
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It was morning, the sun was up and was shining opon your sleeping form. As you opened your eyes you found yourself on Chuuya's chest with his arms hugging you. You rubbed your eyes and smile at seeing your boyfriends sleeping face. Then your eyes drifted onto his collarbone, the hickeys that you gave him last night were very visible. You tried remembering what happened and slightly blush. Yesterday, he was mean and rough with you, grabbing your hair and literally made you cum more than once.
Your eyes drifted back to his face, focusing on his lips. The urge to kiss him was strong, so you just gave in. Your lips touched softly while you were kissing him, your free hand went through his hair gently. You kept on kissing him, separating a few times to breathe. As you continue to peck his lips, you give him one last kiss, that one kiss waking him up. Chuuya's eyes fluttered open to see your tired smile. “Good morning, my love!”, you whispered, giving him another quick peck. He stretched his arms out and yawned, he smiled at you after. “Good morning, baby.”, he said in his raspy morning voice.
“How did you sleep?”, Chuuya asked you while his hand was sliding under your shirt to caress your back. “Fine,”, you responded, suddenly, Chuuya pulled you into another kiss. You didn't deny it, so you kissed him back, you hands cupping his face. Accidentally, you tried to get closer but you ended up rutting against his hips, making you both gasp into the kiss. Separating again, you tried to apologize. “Sorry, Chuuya, I didn't mean to—”, he only grabbed your hips and continued to make out with you softly. While grabbing your hips, he slowly moved them to grind against his crotch. As you were slowly getting turned on by this, Chuuya was getting harder by each grind.
After separating for the last time, he lazily smirked at you while removing your panties. He tossed them on the floor. "You don't mind riding me, right?", he asked in his morning voice, which was sexy and raspy. You nodded, fidgeting with Chuuya's waistband, trying to get past his boxers. When you finally got past it, you already had yourself positioned ready to take him. Since you were a little sore from last night you sank down slowly and gentle. Chuuya let out a deep grunt during the process, after taking him in fully you decided to wait to adjust. "You're still sore from yesterday?", "With the way you fucked me, yes, I am.", you replied, only to see another smirk forming back his lips. "But you liked it, didn't you, baby?", you blushed slightly at his teasing question. "Go slow if you need to,", that's when you adjusted just right, ready to start.
You started to slowly rock your hips, a quiet moan escaping your throat. Chuuya wasn't quiet either, a few grunts and whimpers left too. Yes, it was like 7am, but can you blame each other? You're both addicted to the feeling. "You need help, princess?", Chuuya asked while grabbing your hips to help you move. Instead of taking full control, he just went with the flow you created, gentle and soft. "Ch–chuuya. .", you whimpered softly, holding onto his shoulders. "That's my good girl,", Chuuya groaned into your ear, only helping you reach your orgasm faster. He was slowly picking up the speed, trying to release faster. "I'm getting— hah, c–close. .", Chuuya just kept quiet, his own climax nearing too. Both of your moans were filling up the room so early in the morning.
Soon enough, it washed over you, you gushed around his cock. "F–fuck.", Chuuya whimpered, making him cum inside of you. During your climax, Chuuya kissed you passionately. After coming down from your sweet release, you rested on top of Chuuya's chest again. "Want me to pull out?", you shook your head to signal a "no". He shrugged it off and kissed your forehead. "I'm tired.", you said before yawning, Chuuya just chuckled softly. "Lay down for a few minutes then. I'll wake you up later, sweetheart.", you closed your eyes, slowly drifting into sleep meanwhile Chuuya just held you close.
"—Sleep well, darlin'."
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soolh1k · 1 year
Skz ghosting you ! (pt 2)
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notes: english is not my first language so apologies for any misspelling or grammar. i hope u like it !! :))) this is only the maknae line
type: text post | narrated text
genre: angst w fluff
WARNINGS: swearing, a little bit angsty, mentions of ed, let me know if you'd like me to tag u :)
Maknae line pt1 | Hyung line pt2
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Han Jisung
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The days were passing, and you felt that things were worsening between the two of you. You never dared to respond to the message he sent you; you were deeply hurt, and all you could do was cry in your mother's arms. However, your mother was tired of seeing you in such pain, so she met with your boyfriend, they talked things through, and they prepared a small surprise for you.
One day, coming back from work, you found a letter placed on your bed. Curiously, you opened it and realized it was from your boyfriend.
To my love bug,
I deeply apologize from the bottom of my heart if my actions have caused you any pain. I sincerely regret any mistakes I've made and the impact they may have had on our relationship. Instead of simply seeking forgiveness, I want to express the profound love and affection I have for you.
I am incredibly grateful for your unwavering concern and care towards me. Your support and understanding mean the world to me, and I want you to know that my love for you is immeasurable.
Thank you sincerely, from the depths of my heart, for always being there for me. Your presence in my life brings immense joy and happiness. I cherish every moment spent with you, and I cannot imagine my life without you. I love you deeply and unconditionally.
My love for you knows no boundaries. It surpasses all limitations and reaches the depths of my soul. You are the one who brightens my darkest days and fills my heart with warmth and happiness. I love you with all my heart, and I want you to feel the intensity of my affection.
Words fail to adequately express the depth of my love for you. It is an overwhelming feeling that consumes me entirely. My love for you is infinite. I cannot envision my life without you, and I want to spend every moment by your side, sharing an everlasting love.
You complete me in ways I never thought possible. Your presence has brought immeasurable happiness and fulfillment into my life. I wholeheartedly love you with every fiber of my being. There is no doubt in my mind that you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.
Please understand that my love for you is unconditional. Regardless of the challenges we may face, I will always be by your side, supporting and loving you with all my heart. You are the most important person in my life, and I want to bring you happiness in every way possible.
I want you to know that my love for you is incomparable. It surpasses all other emotions and takes precedence over everything else in my life. You are my world, my everything. I love you more than words can express, and I am committed to making you feel loved and adored every single day.
I want to assure you that my love for you is not fleeting or temporary. It is a love that will endure the test of time. You mean everything to me, and I want to spend the rest of my life loving and caring for you.
Please accept my sincere apologies and my declaration of love. I am truly sorry for any pain I may have caused, and I promise to continually strive to become a better person for you. You are my greatest love, and I will do everything within my power to make you feel loved, respected, and appreciated.
Once again, I apologize for any mistakes I've made, and I want you to know that my love for you knows no limits. You are my everything, and I will love you wholeheartedly, with a love that knows no bounds.
With all my love, Han Jisung.
As soon as you finished reading the letter, you cried as if there was no tomorrow. It continued until you felt arms wrapping around you. You knew it was
him, so you let him embrace you. You knew everything was going to be better now. It was just the two of you, and nothing could ever separate you.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Lee Felix
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It had been about a week since you hadn't been eating properly, hydrating yourself, or getting much sleep. It was obvious that you had lost a couple of pounds, but that was the least of your concerns. You had lost your boyfriend, and that hurt much more than the hunger. You couldn't bear being away from him; it was really affecting you, and if someone didn't do something quickly, you could end up in a very bad state.
You were lying in your bed, staring at the ceiling when suddenly you heard the doorbell ring. But knowing how your friends were, it was probably them outside your house, pleading for you to come out and go eat. That's one of the reasons why you turned off your cellphone; you just wanted to be alone. However, they didn't seem to give up, so tiredly, you went to open the door, only to find the person you least expected.
"Oh my God, Angel, are you okay? What happened to you? Have you eaten? You don't look good at all!" Your boyfriend bombarded you with questions, clearly concerned. "What are you doing here, Felix?" you asked, surprised. "I came to apologize for how stupid I've been," he said, unable to meet your eyes. You looked terrible, and you didn't want this to be your first encounter after everything. "Let me apologize, please. Just listen to me, and if you want me to leave, it's okay, but please listen to me. I need you." You simply nodded and let him in.
“I am deeply sorry for the pain I have caused you by ignoring you. I regret my actions and the impact they have had on our relationship. 
I want to sincerely apologize for the times I neglected you and failed to respond to your messages. I understand now how hurtful and frustrating it must have been for you. Please know that it was never my intention to make you feel ignored or unimportant.
Your presence in my life is invaluable, and I deeply appreciate your love and support. I am grateful for the care and concern you have shown me, and I want you to know that my love for you is endless.
I acknowledge my mistakes and the hurt I have caused, and I’ll try to rebuild our relationship.
Please understand that my actions were not a reflection of my love for you. I have realized the importance of open communication and actively engaging in our relationship. I want to assure you that I will make every effort to be more present and attentive, and to show you the love and respect you deserve.
I understand that rebuilding trust takes time and patience, and I am willing to put in the necessary effort. I want to be the partner you can rely on and confide in, someone who values and cherishes you above all else.
Please accept my heartfelt apologies, and know that I am dedicated to becoming a better person and a better partner for you. I love you deeply, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make things right between us.
Once again, I am truly sorry for ignoring you and causing you pain. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and give us another chance. Our love is worth fighting for, and I promise to make you feel loved, and respected every single day.”
You were surprised; you didn't expect him to say that. He was truly sorry, and he didn't want things to end between you. You felt foolish for having thought such negative things.
"Oh my God, I thought I had lost you, Felix. I was really depressed. But I know that everything is better when we're together. I forgive you, and I always will, so please never leave again." You looked into his eyes for the first time, and that's when you realized how much you loved that guy. "No way am I leaving, nor am I letting you go. Please take care of yourself, my love. I need you to be well and healthy. I love you." He hugged you as if it were the last thing he would do, and you whispered back an "I love you" to him.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Kim Seungmin
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You didn't even want to see Seungmin, but as luck would have it, you ran into him at a café where you used to go together. It was obvious that your heart led you to that place, hoping to see him once more. You didn't want to lose him if you were honest, but your pride also prevented you from talking to him. You couldn't make a single decision.
"Blossom?" you heard someone say behind you. Your mind told you not to turn around, but your heart was stronger. "Seung?" you asked in return. "I thought I would never see you again. Can we talk?" Once again, your heart responded for you, and you simply nodded. You sat at a table, and he was the first to speak. "Just listen to me, okay? After that, I'll leave, if that's what you want, but let me apologize properly." You muttered a small yes, and then he began to speak.
"I regret allowing my fears and doubts to overshadow our relationship and cause you pain. I am truly sorry for the hurt I have caused you.
My insecurities got the best of me, and instead of opening up and communicating with you, I withdrew and left you in confusion and uncertainty. I understand now that my actions were unfair and unjustifiable.
Please know that my behavior never showed how much I care about you. In fact, it was quite the opposite. My fear of being vulnerable and the fear of rejection clouded my judgment and prevented me from expressing my true feelings for you.
I understand that my ghosting has left you feeling abandoned and hurt. I want to assure you that I am working on addressing and overcoming my insecurities. I am trying to become a better person for myself and for our relationship.
I apologize for not trusting in the love and connection we shared. You deserved better than being left in the dark, and I am truly sorry for the pain I caused you during that time.
I want to rebuild the trust we once had and make amends for my actions. I am willing to put in the effort to communicate openly, honestly, and consistently. Your feelings and needs are important to me, and I want to create a safe space where we can address any insecurities together.
Please accept my sincere apologies for ghosting you. I am working on myself and our relationship, and I hope that you can forgive me. I adore our connection, and I promise to be more present and transparent in the future.
I am truly sorry, and I want to make things right between us. Thank you for your patience and understanding." With that said, he stood up from his seat, but he couldn't even take a step when he felt your arms around him.
"You should have told me that earlier, you idiot. I thought you no longer loved me and just ignored me to end things between us. Seungmin, I will always be there for you through thick and thin. We promised to be together forever. I won't leave you alone in this. I love you, and my heart always will," you said, resting your head on his back as tears rolled down your cheeks.
"I won't let you go that easily, Blossom," he assured you, planting a kiss on your cheek.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Yang Jeongin
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It had been about two weeks since Jeongin had gone on tour. Being honest with yourself, you knew that each passing day was pure agony, and you could no longer bear the feeling of abandonment. Did things have to end so badly? You wanted everything to go back to normal, hoping it was all just a nightmare and that you would wake up in your boyfriend's arms. But every morning, you woke up in an empty and cold bed.
One day, as you were coming out of the shower, you heard the doorbell of your apartment. It was the receptionist informing you that a package had been delivered for you. It surprised you because you hadn't ordered anything, but you said it was okay and that you would pick it up. They told you that the delivery person was already on their way up, so you just waited for the knock on the door.
You were greeted with a large teddy bear, some flowers, and a letter. You signed for them, still in awe of the surprise. Just as you were lost in your thoughts, a phone call interrupted you. Without even checking who was calling, you answered.
"Did you receive my gift?" a sweet voice asked gently.
"Yes, Jeongin, what's all this?" you replied.
"Please read the letter first, and then you can scream at me all you want," he said.
You followed his advice and started reading the letter that came with the gift:
"I'm really sorry for the pain and confusion I caused by ignoring you. I thought it would somehow make me feel less lonely, but now I see how selfish and hurtful that was. I messed up, and I'm truly sorry for the distress it caused you.
I messed up by shutting you out and not realizing how important it is to communicate openly. I didn't mean to make you feel abandoned or unimportant. I know I betrayed our relationship and the trust we had.
Please understand that my behavior didn't reflect how I truly felt about you. In fact, it was the opposite. I was just trying to deal with my own emotions in the wrong way. I now realize that true strength comes from facing our challenges together, not running away from them.
I understand the importance of actively engaging with you, listening to your concerns, and making you feel valued and loved.
I feel really bad for the pain and confusion I caused, and I promise to put in the work to regain your trust. Rebuilding trust takes time and effort, and I'm ready to invest in both. I'll be open, honest, and consistent in my communication with you. I want you to know that I hear you and understand you.
I'm truly sorry for being ignorant and avoiding you. I want you to know that I'll learn from this experience and grow as an individual and as your partner.
I understand if you need some time and space to heal from what I did, but I hope you can forgive me and give us a chance to make things right. Our love is worth fighting for, and I'm determined to be the partner you deserve."
"Don't cry, doll. Forgive me, okay? I want to do things right this time. When I come back, love me more than ever. Love me as if there's no tomorrow, just like I love you," he said.
"I've always loved you, Innie, come back safe and sound. I forgive you. You knew from the beginning that I would forgive you. Thank you for all the gifts. I love you infinitely," you said, and you could even sense Innie's beautiful smile. Everything is going to be alright from now on.
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finnsbubblegum · 2 years
Will You Forgive Me? (Joel Miller x Reader)
Pairing: pre-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: 18+, minors dni, jealousy, possessiveness, smut, oral sex (f receiving), p in v sex, unprotected sex (wrap it up guys) (lmk if i missed any)
Summary: After a fight with Joel, you decided to go to the bar and got drunk. He got angry and apologized to you in his own way. 😏
Words count: 1.4k
A/N: Hi! I’m not a native English speaker so I’m sorry if I have grammar mistakes or the sentences come up unnatural, please be nice and I'm open for suggestions. I hope you like the smut I’m writing because I am inexperienced lol. I hope you enjoy it.
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You got in your car, hesitating to drive, hoping Joel would come out and stop you. But he wasn’t there. So you drove away and went to the bar called Ray’s where you usually drank with him. You found a seat and drank a lot. You started feeling tipsy and you decided to call him.
“Hey handsome, I take it back. We’re not breaking up. Ugh. No. I’m done. I don’t care. Uhm. I. Uhm. Don’t call me. Why are you calling me?” You were drunk and you thought he called you when you were the one who called him.
“Are you drunk? Where are you?” Joel grabbed his jacket and rushed to his car, and he was getting worried.
“Why do you care? You don’t love me.” You laughed.
“Tell me right now! Where are you?” He raised his voice and started to get angry. 
“You know where, here, there, at Ra- Hey! Did you just grab my ass? Fuck you!” You hung up and confronted the drunk guy.
“Fuck!” Joel started his car and drove as fast as he could to the bar. He guessed it's Ray's since your call was cut off and it’s the only bar you’ve gone to together.
His blood was boiling as he walked in the bar and found the drunk guy was hugging you as you tried to pull away. He came to you and pushed the guy. You gasped as Joel punched the guy. 
He gave a death stare and yelled, “You stay away from my girl!”
Joel grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the bar. His grip was very strong and it was hurting you.
You tried to release your wrist from him, “Joel, stop it, you’re hurting me, it hurts.”
He didn’t care. He kept dragging you and put you into the passenger seat of his car and slammed the door. You were scared, you have never seen him this angry before. As he got in the driver’s seat, he hit the steering wheel.
"What the fuck were you thinkin'?!" Joel clenched his jaw and stared at you.
“Oh! Now you care, huh?” You scoffed.
Joel growls. He didn’t say anything.
“My head hurts. Will you just take me to my house?” You asked Joel.
The whole way to your house was just silence. Joel parked his car into the driveway. You immediately got out of the car and stood in front of your door looking for your keys.
“Fuck! Where is it?” You were annoyed as you couldn’t find your keys.
Joel opened the door with the spare key you gave him. You rolled your eyes as you walked inside and Joel followed you. He pulled you to his chest and kissed you roughly while his foot kicked the door to close it.
“What are you doing?” You sounded irritated and pushed him.
Joel sighed, “I..Uhm..”
“Tell me you love me, Joel.”
Joel cleared his throat, not answering you.
“If you can’t say it then get out.” You were tired of him.
“I..I love you. I mean it. It’s just that..”
“Just what, Joel?” 
“I’m not good in expressin’ myself.” He let out a sigh. “I fuckin’ love you. You should know that.”
“Oh, Joel. I just needed to hear those three little words from you. I’m sorry I blew up like that.”
“No, it’s not your fault. I was wrong.” He said it softly as he walked slowly and closer to you.
Your eyes were getting teary and you looked down. Joel’s hands raised your chin to look straight into your eyes. He kissed you deep with his tongue caressing your lips then your tongue touched his. You moaned and put your arms around his neck while his hands on your hips. The two of you kept kissing as he raised your leg to his hips carrying you towards the stairs. He pressed you to the wall after walking up just a few stairs. The kissing never stopped. He held your weight with his strong hips and thighs. He slid his hand under your shirt, massaged your breast, and swallowed your moan. You felt arousal pooling between your legs. 
“Touch me, Joel.” You guided his other hand to your cunt and he palmed it with his big hands.
“Already wet for me, darlin’?” 
He kneeled and pulled your panties down. His eyes looked hungry when he saw your pussy shining with your slick. He kissed your inner thigh slowly and lovingly before he went to lick your clit. 
“Oh, Jooell.” You gasped. 
Your breathing was heavy and you pulled his hair which made him let out a moan. He kept licking and slurping you up and down. Your thigh trembled and you knew you needed him.
“Joel, bedroom, now.” 
Joel stopped to look at you. You held his hand and dragged him to your room. The kissing and touching continued as the two of you were already in your bedroom. You walked backwards and led him to your bed. You undressed yourself, naked and laid on your back. He climbed on top of you kissing your neck and his fingers played with your nipple. He was a lot bigger than you, his broad shoulder covered all of your body and you could feel his warmth wrapping you.
“Let me ride you, Joel.”
“Not tonight, baby. Let me make you feel good. Let me take care of you tonight, baby.”
You groaned as his words made you even more horny. 
“Okay, take care of me tonight, Miller. Fuck me till I can’t walk.”
“I will.” He growled as he stood up beside the bed and pulled his shirt and pants off letting his cock free. You can see a leaking pre-cum on his tip.
He climbed back on top of you, brushed his tip on your clit, covering his cock with your slick before he slowly pushed himself in your entrance. You moaned as it felt so good when he stretched you wide. He rested his hands beside your head to hold his weight and started to move slowly. He started kissing your breast and licking your nipple. He was so good that you loved him doing that to you. You shut your eyes enjoying the night and clenched your hands to his shoulder.
“Fuck! That feels so good. You’re so good, Joel.”
He didn’t answer. He rubbed your clit with his thumb and pinched your nipple with the other hand. He kept doing those moves you loved to please you. He started to think that this position was not enough for you so he shifted you to your stomach and started fucking you from behind. You moaned loudly.
“Can you move faster?” You asked Joel and his thrusts were getting faster. 
There was no other sound besides the sound of skin to skin, moans and heavy breathings. He clenched his hands on your hips. You whimpered, bit your hand as you felt you were close. 
“Joel, Joel, fuck!” It felt so good that you could only whimper and shout his name.
“Cum for me, baby.” He kept pleasing you.
You panted and felt your vision blurring. You squeezed your eyes shut, hands clenching on the sheets, and screamed his name. You felt your orgasm washed all over your body. You shivered and it felt like heaven. He has made you cum thousand times before but orgasm from makeup sex is your favorite. He let you catch your breath and came down from your orgasm as he laid down beside you. You tried to stand up to clean yourself but you couldn’t walk. Your legs were shaking. Joel really did what you told him to do. 
“You really did what I told you, huh?” You chuckled and looked at his face full of sweat.
“I told you I will do it. Fuck you till you can’t walk.” He sounded so sexy when he said that to you with his deep voice.
He got up and walked his way to the bathroom to get a towel and dampen it with water. He came to you and cleaned you up. After he cleaned you, he laid beside you again, pulled you closer to him, wrapped his arm around you, and put your head to his chest. 
“I’m sorry, baby. I love you. Will you forgive me?” He apologized to you and kissed your forehead.
“How can I not forgive you after all of this?” You laughed and kissed his chest. In fact, you have even forgotten about the fight with him. 
You thought to yourself, “Joel really knows how to apologize in his own way.”
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geonwooz · 7 months
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bf!woojin + bf!gunwoo x reader | wc : 0.9k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, major angst, established relationship, mentions of arguments, mentions of food, swearing, crying | request : hello. i was wondering if you could write something about an argument with hong woojin. maybe a headcanon or a scenario, whichever you prefer. thanks ^^ + your writing is so good 😭😭😭 please do how they would react to getting in a argument for the first time!!! have a nice dayyyy
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“baby, i’m home! i’m sorry i was late. gunwoo was hungry, so we went–”
woojin’s words fizzled out, a string of curses leaving his lips ever-so-softly as his gaze landed on the dining table.
his favorite foods were prettily plated, practically covering the table with how much food there was.
the cinnamon-scented candles he loved were lit across the room, making his heart melt because he knew how much you didn’t like them but still used them for him.
the curses only continued when his eyes fell on you, seeing the way you had fallen asleep while waiting for him.
you wore one of his hoodies over the red dress he bought for you, having opted for comfort to huddle on the sofa while you waited for his arrival.
his heart fell as he saw the tear stains on your face, realising you had cried. i’m fucking stupid. what have i done? he wondered as he looked at you, not knowing what to do.
broken between waking you up and carrying you to bed, woojin chose the former, not wanting you to go to bed without eating anything.
“y/n, my love...” he softly called, pulling you out of your drowsy state. “hey–”
your gaze set into a glare as you saw your boyfriend, shaking his hand off you.
your attempt to hide away in your room failed when woojin held onto your arm, pulling you closer to him.
“let me go.” your voice was barely audible, afraid it’d crack if you were to yell. “i want to be alone right now, woojin.”
“i-i know i messed up, babe.” he sighed, dragging his hands over his face. “i’m really sorry, and i promise i’ll make it up to you. let’s have dinner and talk, okay? please–”
you pulled your hand away from his grasp, twisting it free. “i’m tired of your apologies, woojin. every single time, it’s the same story. you forget, you apologise, and you expect me to forgive you,” you cried, the tears running down your face.
woojin stayed quiet, not knowing how to make things right. it was true. he was always forgetful of things, and it affected your relationship at times. he took a deep breath, seeing the way you cried harder at his silence.
“i went to my graduation alone. i went to your aunt’s restaurant's opening alone. you stood me up on our dates several times. it was just me doing things couples do for half of our relationship, and i never said anything!”
“y/n, truly, i am–”
“don't say you are sorry if you don't mean it, woojin.” you shook your head. “because if you really cared, you would've remembered that today was our three-year anniversary.”
you wiped away your tears, taking a deep breath before turning on your heel. you walked to your room, shutting the door behind you so you could break down in peace.
woojin sat outside, leaning against the door. he felt his heart break as he heard your pained sobs, realizing he fucked up majorly this time around.
even though he knew he didn't deserve someone as caring and patient as you, hong woojin wasn't going to stop until he did everything in his power to gain your trust back again.
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“jagiya, seriously. it’s nothing. don’t worry about it, okay? i’m fine.”
gunwoo assured, knowing he was going to have a hard time convincing you with his words as he saw your frown.
you crossed your arms over your chest, taking a deep breath. “it’s not boxing season, woo. bruises i can brush off, but those cuts i cannot. what’s going on?” you asked, trying your best not to raise your voice.
“don’t worry about it, really, jagiya. please.”
“fine. if you won’t answer my questions, then i won’t ask any.”
gunwoo’s brows furrowed, skeptical of your sudden change in response. he waited for you to continue, but you simply walked away, leaving him even more confused.
he didn’t want to leave you in the dark like this. he really didn’t.
but when president choi made him promise not to tell you anything, especially considering you were his granddaughter, gunwoo really had no choice but to keep quiet about his work.
as he stood in the middle of the room, occupied by his thoughts, gunwoo was pulled out of his trance when you walked out of your room, pulling along with you a suitcase.
“jagiya, what’s this?” his voice was an octave lower, brows raised as he looked between you and your luggage. “you aren’t really leaving, are you?”
you kept quiet, not even having the courage to look at his face. you knew you’d crumble down into tears the second you saw his face, and it’d definitely result in both of you crying.
“y/n … please. talk to me.”
“if you aren’t answering my questions, kim gunwoo-ssi,” you stated, making him wince at how you used his full name. “i don’t think i’d have to answer yours either.”
gunwoo watched you walk out of your shared apartment, tears filling his eyes as he fisted his hands by his side.
he wanted to run after you; he wanted to tell you the truth; he wanted you to stay.
but the reason he was hiding everything from you was for your own safety. he promised your grandfather he’d keep you safe no matter what.
and if keeping you safe meant letting you go, kim gunwoo would do so — even if it resulted in the two of you getting heartbroken in the process.
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pablitosgf · 1 year
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ! — pablo gavi x fem!reader
𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎 ! — you and gavi are on a vacation in jordan. later you both were interrupted by a couple who wanted photos. pablo quickly took them and before continuing on you two's adventure people kept asking him to take their photos.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ! — maybe some grammar mistakes and thats it.
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ! — first post thats not a smau?? crazy!!! lmk if u like it bc i lowkey hate this sm. also, feel free to give any criticism but please be nice i am a sensitive person! also send requests!
𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐓 ! — writing + social media
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You and your long-term boyfriend, Pablo, were currently on vacation in Jordan. As you and Pablo passed by, there were many tourists on the hike, just like you two. A sudden tap on the shoulder made Pablo turn around, and soon you. A couple had kindly asked if your boyfriend could take photos of them, which he agreed to do. Pablo kept instructing the couple to be in a certain pose, straighten their backs, or put their hands somewhere, almost like Pablo was a professional photographer, which probably could be due to him acting like one.
"My girlfriend taught me how to do this," he chuckled, making the couple erupt in a light laugh. But it was true; you made him take many photos for your Instagram. Whether it was for fun or for a simple ad, it was always him unless it was a very professional advertisement.
Even though the couple only wanted one picture, Pablo managed to take a couple hundred or more. The couple said a quick thank you before scurrying off, and soon after that, many other people happened to ask Pablo to assist them with pictures. It was about 45 minutes later, and Pablo was on his 5th client. You were so bored that you just scrolled on your phone, occasionally looking at what he was doing from time to time. After that, he looked tired from crouching and laying down to take good pictures.
"I'm so tired now, I don't even want to walk," he said, slowly dragging his feet against the sand. You pulled his arm, which forced him to walk faster.
"I told you I'm tired!" Pablo whined, trying to keep up with your rapid pace. He was about to say something else, but you gave him a look that made him shut up.
"Well, that's too bad!" you said, walking faster so he could suffer.
At the end of the day, you both plopped down on the hotel bed, your sore legs not so sore anymore. A relaxed exhale escaped, and you looked at Pablo who also appeared relaxed. You initiated a cuddle which ended up with you two sleeping wrapped in each other's arms for the whole night.
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𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐯𝐢, 𝐩𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐢, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝟑𝟒,𝟗𝟐𝟎 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 petra 🫶🏼
𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝟏𝟕𝟓 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬
𝐩𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐯𝐢 i dont forgive u
↳ okay??? 🙄
𝐩𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐢 slay mamas! (ur whole instagram gives me the ick!)
↳ thank you! (you're so trash at football!)
𝐩𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐢 @𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 bitch u better keep one eye open when ur asleep 🤬
↳ and wtf will you do? exactly. 🖕🏼
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angstysebfan · 1 year
Only Us (One Shot)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: You have an interesting relationship that Bucky keeps running away from. You finally confront him. Warnings: Some Angst, but lots of LOVE
A/N: Just changed a few small things with this one, but it’s another one of my favs. If you’ve never heard this song, look it up. It’s from Dear Evan Hansen, and when I heard it I immediately thought about Bucky.  If you would like to be a part of my new taglist please request. My previous one is now gone. All my stories were not edited or beta’d, so I’m sorry if there is grammar or typo errors.
You knew exactly where he was. The same place he always went to when he needed to think, but this time you weren’t going to let him get away that easy. You and Bucky had an interesting relationship, if you wanted to call it that. You were friends and partners on the field, but you both also had feelings for each other. One moment he would have you up against a wall kissing the hell out of you, and then in the blink of an eye he would be cold and ignore you. But the worst was when you had an amazing night of love and passion together, and then he has completely avoided you since. You knew he was scared, but you were tired of this back and forth game. You were going to confront him once and for all and make him understand that you are both meant to be, and there was nothing to be scared of. You stood in the elevator thinking about what you were going to say. You knew he was going to try and make a haste exit, but you had to stop him and make him listen to you.
When the elevator stopped at the roof, you exited and saw him standing at the railing, overlooking the Avengers Compound property. You slowly walked up to him, waiting for him to turn around. You knew he heard you coming, with the super soldier serum it was difficult to sneak up on him. You saw his shoulders tense as you came closer, causing you to stop.
“Bucky, we need to talk about this,” you say calmly. He drops his head then turns toward you still saying nothing. “You can’t sleep with me and then ignore me,” you say in frustration. “You make me feel…” you stop talking shaking your head.
“We can’t do this Y/N,” he says quietly.
You meet his eyes and see sadness. “Why? You need to give me a pretty damn good reason, because I am tired of this back and forth with you,” you say crossing your arms.
He shakes his head and starts walking toward the building. “I can’t talk about this now,” he says.
You step in front of him to block his path. “No! You can’t keep doing this to me!” You start poking him in the chest. “First you flirt with me, then you get cold towards me, then you kiss me, then you hide from me, then we spend the best night of my life together, and then you run again. I am done playing this game! I know you like me, but you are trying to talk yourself out of it. Why?! What is so wrong with me that you can’t let yourself be with me?!”
Tears are now flowing down your cheeks. Bucky stares at you, shock and regret in his eyes. “I’m sorry I am hurting you, but this is to protect you. I'm not a good enough man for you. I'm seen as a monster, and will bring you down with me with all my baggage! I'll hurt you in the end, and I'll never forgive myself if...when I do,” he says, tears now building in his blue eyes.
“But, you're hurting me now,” you say with a shaky voice. You hear him suck in a breath. You look at him and cup his cheek. “You don’t have to convince me. You don’t have to be scared your not enough, cause what we’ve got going is good,” you say.
He shakes his head sadly and tries to step back, but you take a step closer grabbing his face to make him look at you. “We don’t need more reminders of all that’s been broken. I don’t need you to fix what you'd rather forget. Clear the slate and start over, Bucky. Try to quiet the noises in your head, cause we can’t compete with all that,” you say with a breathy laugh. "Just let it be us and only us."
He smiles at you. “I never thought there'd be someone like you who would want me,” he says, tears now coming down his face. "So I'll give you 10,000 reasons to not let me go."
He grabs your waist and pulls you closer. “But if you really see me, if you like me for me, and nothing else. Then that’s all that I’ve wanted for longer than you could possibly know,” he says as he wraps his arms around you.
He leans his forehead against yours, as you slide your hands around his neck, brushing through the small hairs on his neck. You look at him with a smile. “So can it be us and only us. And what came before won’t count any more or matter. Can we try that?” You ask, as you caress his hair. 
He continues to look at you. “I’m scared. What if you change your mind?” he asks, and you see the fear in his eyes.
You peck his lips. “I won’t. It’s not so impossible, just imagine no body else but the two of us here,” you say.
He gives you a small smile. “You’re saying it’s possible?” he asks.
You nod, pulling him closer. “We can just watch the whole world disappear, till you’re the only one I still know how to see,” you whisper.
He smiles and kisses you passionately. When he pulls back he looks into your eyes. “It’s just you and me,” he says quietly. 
You hug him and whisper in his ear, “That’s all that we need it to be. The rest of the world falls away, and it’s only us.”
Seriously go listen to that song and tell me it doesn’t scream Bucky Barnes! Feedback is appreciated.
Permanent Taglist: @rebekahdawkins @marajade1974 @missvelvetsstuff @phillygirl77 @pattiemac1 @winterslove1917 @vampire7595
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Hey, it's me again! As you know, I was excited to write Dark!Charles, and these are some quotes from before he drown in the darkness of his conscience, he is fr fr an absolute lost cause.
None of those works are published yet, but it'll be on AO3 soon. I'm also will posting about other cherik FICS.
Once again, forgive my English, I also translated it with Google this time. Feel free to correct any grammar/language misspells.
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With a broken heart and a recent abandonment, Charles is tempted to be no longer fearing his own telepathy.
Some quotes:
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"I keep asking myself if there is something about me that makes everyone abandon me. If my love, my emotions and my words always show that I'm so desperate, that my mind wants to grab his, dig in my nails and turn them both completely into one, because only then my love could be understood."
"...But I liked it. I liked that because only then I can feel a pain so deep, that I certainly call it mine, and only mine.
Only in that way I can feel my heart being only mine, my mind only listening to me, and for a brief moment I only..."
"It hurted me, but he left as if nothing had happened, with his figure upright. I remember crying and complaining about the sharp, dull pain in my back.
My mind was desperately trying to reach his, but his direction was empty and quiet. But my projections never stopped, they were transmitted loud and clear only to Erik. Just...
Please, Erik, turn around, please look at me. Don't go, Erik, please. I love you, I love you, I'm sorry. Please don't abandon me, I can resist more, I will never complain, but stay.
Erik disappeared leaving a trail of red smoke like everyone else next to him, but my heart felt that Erik turned into ashes until his body mixed with the sand of the beach in Cuba."
"Maybe if I resist, in the end there may be a reward for me, a little more and maybe something will shine in front of my eyes.
Enduring so much pain, I can't give up now, just a little more and in the morning I will have a happy ending, and I will only be able to hear myself, and I will feel my own hands, I will feel my own skin, I will be loved and kissed, and I will like it, I will. . I will love, and it will tickle me, I am so sure. Just a bit more of waiting."
"I hate him.
Why it has be so difficult? I'm tired, and I really wonder if this is really necessary, if the times I see the love of my life again, it will be to be judged and led into a fight that I don't want.
Maybe it's best for us to say our goodbyes and bury our love, stay with our good memories..."
"Help your people, Charles. If you owe anyone anything, it's us. You can't keep defending humans, Charles! They plan to exterminate us!
I don't want to be anyone's hero, Erik. I... I'm serious, I'm tired."
"I don't owe anything to you, or anyone else, Erik. Why is so difficult to understand that for once I would like to be the one who can choose himself? Are you going to steal my life and the decisions in it like you stole my sister?"
"I never asked about this, I don't want it. I don't want to be the one, to rescue anyone, please, just... everyone go on their own."
And that's all, lol. Me on my way to give old men abandonment issues. Still not satisfied with the writing, but I'm getting better time to time, I'm getting there!
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valeriele3 · 2 years
I just love crossovers between games I like so..
You just got sucked into a portal that leads to another world but would you look at that? You dragged your dearest friend with you!
Genshin Sagau x Reader ft. Leona Kingscholar
Warnings: Bad grammar, ooc, cringe
Under a familiar big tree lies two idiots
"Look at what you just did you stupid Herbivore”
“Wha— I don’t mind you calling me a herbivore but, what do you mean ‘stupid’?!”
“FYI I am not stupid mr. Kingscholar”
“I’m serious! My grades are above average okay? Aboveeeee average!”
“Whatever..Wake me up when you find the way back..”
“Hey..Hey Leona..Leona~”
“Leona~ Wake up..! Psst..Psst! Leona!”
“Leona..! I know you can hear me and are awake..!”
“Get up right now. Or I’ll keep bothering you nonstop..!”
After a while Leona begrudgingly rose up from his slumber after having had enough of your constant annoyance(That’s a lie. He loves your voice) and the not so quiet whispers in the room
“Did you finally find the way back..?” He yawns like the lazy cat man he is
“Uh..No? Just..Take a look around the room right now..”
“Good night..”
“WAIT! DON’T GO BACK TO SLEEP! LEONA!!” You cry out(More like screech)
“A-Ahem..Your Grace..I don’t mean to be rude but if I may ask..Who is that lovely man beside you?”
“My husband— I mean friend..Best friend..My bestest friend bestie Leona”
“Hah? What do you mean “best friend”? I think I prefer the first one Herbivore” Leona smirks YOU BETTER WIPE THAT SMIRK OFF YOUR FACE SIR OR I WILL STRANGLE YOU
The crowd starts to whisper amongst themselves
One sweet archon is happy for you while a certain group and 3 archons are planning the death of our beloved lion..Honestly, everyone’s planning his death at the moment
“HEKWNAJ NO! No no no..! Leona isn’t my husband! We’re just schoolmates!” Said by a frantic you that’s trying to calm everyone in the throne room
“Wow..How cruel of you Herbivore..After everything we’ve been through together”
“After all the nights spent together, the dates, and the sneaking out..Whatever happened to “us vs the entire world”?” Leona feint hurt
“GASP so that guy really is Their Grace’s husband?!” - uninvited guests
“NO! Do you all not believe me? Your dearest creator? Do you all think I’m a liar?”
“Of course not Your Grace!”
“Please forgive us!”
“We didn’t mean to offend you almighty creator!”
‘Ehheheheheheheh yesss crawl beneath me my underlings HAHAHAHAHAH then..I shall conquer this world..! And the other worlds to come!’
‘That Herbivore is thinking about something sinister again..Whatever it is doesn’t concern me though so whatever..’
Leona goes back to sleep <3
That very same day lots of mortals and immortals tried to kill Leona but he just turned most of them to sand (He didn’t turn any of the playable characters into sand because of you telling him not to)
The people who managed to survive their encounter with Leona a.k.a playable characters (except the children) received a stern scolding that lasted for hours from you. Oh and they’re banned from your palace for a while as punishment
Sorry this is so bad..I had a plan and all but I got lazy and everything so take this trash..I’m so tired for whatever reason despite not doing anything the whole day
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drewsprincessy · 14 days
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about me
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about the writer: my name is Aliyah, but you can call me Lele. I'm 18 years old, and I work so yes, I will be busy, and some posts might take longer than others to be published, but eventually will be finished and posted!
will write smut, angst, comfort, fluff, dark smut, certain kinks.
will not write any kinks that I'm not comfortable with, or smut about minors on shows, YouTube, etc.!
side notes feel free to request!!! I will write almost anything and get back to u as fast as possible. I usually write for outer banks and stranger things mostly, but I do write for other shoes just not as often! There will be lots and lots of Rafe/drew appreciation on here.
!!! please don't judge if you see any typos, I tend to misspell words often, and sometimes my grammar isn't that great depending on the day and how tired I am lol. but I do usually proof-read my work before publishing it!
!!! please forgive me for my masterlists being so empty, i just started this account and I'm trying to be more active, but i have a bunch of drafts and upcoming posts! any reblogs and likes are very appreciated xoxo.
my main: maybanksprincess
please follow :)
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maybanksprincess · 15 days
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about me
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about the writer: my name is Aliyah, but you can call me Lele. I'm 18 years old, and I work so I might be busy a lot, not able to finish stories immediately, but they will eventually be finished :) my favorite animal is a giraffe, and JJ and John b r my favss!!
will write smut, angst, comfort, fluff, dark smut, certain kinks
will not write any kinks that I'm not comfortable with, or any super weird requests!!
side note: I want to write about wlw but I have no experience with it so if I do, bear with me lol.
!!! please don't judge if you see any typos, I tend to misspell a lot of words and sometimes my grammar is bad, depending on the day and how tired I am. but I usually do proof-read my work beforehand.
!!! please forgive me for my masterlists being so empty lol, I just started this account and I'm trying to be more active, but I have so many posts coming very soon!! any reblogs and likes are dearly appreciated :) xoxo
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local-boba-addict · 6 months
Im so damn confused, why are people staying silent about the genocide happening in Gaza? Isnt your religion against murder? Why are you staying silent about the very thing your religion is against? Its a very confusing thing to me. Are they just not white enough for you to care? Just because they are of different color, race, gender, religion and et cetera doesnt mean that they arent human. Us humans should be working together and at peace with one another (but I know that is almost impossible). I also cannot understand what is going on in the heads of zionists or those who side with Israhell. Why do you support murder? Why do you support the murder of innocents? Lets say you were in their situation, starving, thirsty, ill, homeless, and extremely tired both physically and mentally. You would be crying and begging for help right? So why arent you helping them right now? It doesnt matter how much you do, at least its better than doing nothing to help the situation. Like at least boycott or spread awareness, that is the least you can do yk? Please do what you can to ease the situation in Gaza and all the other countries suffering, like attend protests, donate, do your best to spread awareness, and boycott. I dont want to see anymore innocents in Gaza being killed for no good reason and neither do they want to see their loved ones being killed.
(Forgive me for any spelling and grammar errors, I am not so good in spelling after all. I also wrote this because it seems that my classmates are ignorant and silent about the genocide)
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vyvixen · 1 year
After the storm ✧
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ft ; - Kazuha Kaedehara x gn! Reader
warnings ; - fluff, slight angst, thunderstorms, passing out and light swearing!! ( do tell me if I’ve missed any )
summary; - Kazuha comes home, back to inazuma after a month of not hearing anything from him. 
notes; - guys its my first public writing and there may be a few spelling or grammar errors cause m writing this at 1 am with pure iced coffee in my blood 💀💀 forgive me if there’s any missed warnings, im pretty new to this :p ________---- ________---- ________---- ________---- ________---- ________-- A month.
A month of silence from your beloved boyfriend, Kazuha. No letters, no nothing, and you were getting agitated and tired. Heck, you’ve tried letters and even attempting to send a message through a dove but of course, no response.
Pacing around your room over and over, your mind was enshrouded with dark thoughts that were not meant to be there, you decided to head over to Ritou, maybe meet up with Thoma and chat for awhile to calm yourself down. But of course, fate wasn’t on your side today.
It started raining heavily, just as you were about to step out the miniature cottage by the sea that you and Kazuha shared.
Sighing in annoyance, you still decided to head out with an umbrella that was tucked away neatly in the corner of the cottage and left for Ritou. You weren’t even half way there when the rain got much worse, wind wrapping and pulling uncomfortably against your kimono. Thunder struck and fear pulled you in, bringing back the dark memories of the man you once saw as your brother, Tomo. Slowly losing consciousness, thick black fog blocked your view as large blobs of tears and sobs ran down your face uncontrollably as your vison started blurring away.
At least you lasted long enough to feel another strong but gentle gust of teal wind, and a mop of white-red hair before falling into a deep slumber.
________---- ________---- ________---- ________---- ________---- ________--
Slowly, you regained consciousness, eyes peeling apart to reveal the familiar sight of your shared bedroom. You looked out the open window and saw crimson red skies - one that reminded you way too much of your lover. Your heart squeezed tight as you recalled the recent events that took place earlier.  Wait, how did you get here? Just as you were about to pinch yourself to attempt to get a grip of life, you felt a warm hand gently grip your hand before you could inflict pain on yourself. Eyes widening in shock and disbelief, you looked towards the source and much to your surprise, Kazuha stood there, smiling gently.
“ Wh-WHAT are you doing here? “ you let out a surprised choked sob, holding back the wave of emotions that were about to burst.
“ My love, please let me explain. I am so, so sorry that I hadn’t contacted you at all and I must've made you worry a lot. Letters couldn’t reach me because of the wild violent thunderstorms.” Kazuha said with an exasperated sigh. “ Please, please forgive me. Heck- I’d do anythin-” Before he could say another word he was cut off with a desperate eager kiss. A kiss he has owed you for a month now, for making you worry so much. Slowly you both parted from one another, gasping for air. “ Idiot, you owe me a lifetimes worth of cuddles and kisses. You made me worry like hell! “ You pouted while folding your arms. “ Sounds like a lovely plan I’d never decline, even in a billion years. “ Kazuha chuckled.
________---- ________---- ________---- ________---- ________---- ________-- Notes ; - Took me 3 DAYS of procrastination and coffee to finish but I’ve actually done it :D not exactly proud but heyy its a first time thing HAHAA,, Dww ill write more in the future!! 
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yuu-tsuki · 2 years
A real, final goodbye
Author notes: Alright so this is my first fanfic on tumblr and it was inspired by @alekspected ‘s story. I would also like to thank them for allowing me to use their concept and ideas 🫣 I hope you guys enjoy. Also please forgive me for my subpar vocabulary and grammar since English is not my first language.
Warnings: Implied suicide, death
Here’s a song to set the mood :3
(о´∀`о)(*^ω^*)(●´ω`●)(๑╹ω╹๑ )(*^ω^*)(о´∀`о)
He turned around and smiled brightly “Hey thirteen! How are ya?”
Mammon… you’re not supposed to be here… but why are you?
Mammon pretends to not hear her question whilst turning his back towards her to look at the sea of candles all around the room. “Are ya busy these days? Must be hard having to guard and look over so many souls”
Mammon…stop. Answer the question! Why?! Why are you here?! I know very well that you weren’t supposed to be here…and yet here you are.
“Have ya eat-“ MAMMON.
He flinches at the voice raised against him, his smile falters slightly.
“I got into an acci-“
Don’t lie to me. Do not take me for a fool. My job is to oversee souls and know how EVERY soul dies. This also applies to demon lords such as yourself…I want to hear it directly from you. S-so why?
Thirteen could be heard sniffling behind mammon. He felt guilty that thirteen had to deal with him as a result of his decision.
“I felt that it was time for me to go. I saw that my job was completed and have served my purpose, if…I had any in the first place hehehe…I cannot burden them any longer, so I decided to be selfish one final time”
Mammon. Look at me.
He turned to face thirteen. A slight smile adorning his face.
Thirteen saw and understood why. The once bright shining blue eyes were dull and tired. His face was sunken and it was evident how thin mammon had become with the way his clothes hung loosely on him.
“Please don’t cry…I’m very sorry that you had to deal with me“ NO…don’t… please don’t apologize. Don’t degrade yourself that way…
Thirteen could no longer repress her tears and started sobbing harder. Mammon walked over and hugged her. She stayed in his embrace for a few minutes before pulling away and wiping her tears away.
What..what would you like to be reborn as? I could at least assign you an easier next li-
“That won’t be necessary.”
Wh..what do you mean
“I do not wish to be reincarnated.” His said with an unwavering smile.
“I have lived long enough and had seen what I wanted to see in life. Experienced many things, both good and bad. The memories I have made thus far is my greatest asset. All I can say is that I am at peace. I would like to part with just that”
Thirteen couldn’t help but feel sadder and depressed than she already was. Her heart clenched painfully as mammon said that.
But what about your brothers?
“What about them?”
“Manage…they’ll manage. They will be fine. I have raised them to be capable. So you needn’t worry”
No they won’t!!! How are you so sure?! You’re their brother! How will they manage when you’re gone. FOREVER. Even when a thousand or million years pass, the pain they’ll feel wi-
“You know thirteen…if they really cared as you have said…would I feel so worthless? So useless and pathetic? For so many years, since our fall, I tried my best to be of use to them. To care for them and make sure they’re happy. But no matter what I do… I never got a single thank you. I think you’re aware that I am a relatively simple demon with a very simple way of thinking. I’m not as mentally bright as my brothers but what I do pride myself is my ability to live and care no matter what happens to me. But look where that got me….”
She stood there re-evaluating and processing all the things that mammon has confessed. The the type of treatment mammon received from his brothers. Oh, how ignorant she has been especially when she was one of the key witnesses.
“So, can you let me go?”
Thirteen stared straight into mammon’s eyes and saw the continuing pain and lifelessness resulting from their conversation. Although, his face still bears his signature smile. She really couldn’t fathom how could someone so broken and tortured, continue to smile whilst saying all those things.
“Hmm?” Mammon hummed.
Are you sure that you don’t want to give it a more thorough thought?
Like I said, you don’t have to disappear completely. I can reincarnate you into an animal or better yet a human! With a wonderful family who would care and give you all the love that you could ever ask for!
“Like I said. I’m sure of it. A wonderful life like that shouldn’t be wasted on someone like me and my decision still stands”
IT IS NOT WASTED ON YOU! Please… please don’t say anymore horrible stuff about yourself. STOP CURSING YOURSELF.
FINE! YOUR BROTHERS TREATED YOU HORRIBLY AND POSSIBLY HATED YOU ENOUGH TO CURSE YOU but have you though about the others? Have you thought about Luke? Simeon? Mephistopheles? Me?
Have you ever thought about the impact of your death and decision to disappear forever would have on us? Don’t you think it’s selfish of you to think so when you have us by your side?
We care… so please don’t…
Thirteen then saw a tear sliding down from mammon’s eye.
“Thank you for all your love and care. I am sorry for causing all of you this pain and I’m grateful that you guys care but… I couldn’t any longer. The pain is too much. If you truly care, you’d let me go. So let me be selfish this one last time?”
Thirteen clenched her fists tightly and tried to stifle her tears. She felt frustrated.
Frustrated that she couldn’t do anything to change mammon’s mind. Saddened that the reason he was here in the first place was the result of him losing his fight with his own demons for so many centuries.
She knows that mammon never asked for anything prior to this. Instead, she is well aware that mammon was always the only one complying to everyone’s requests. Maybe it’s for the best.
Before I let you go…won’t you give it another thought?
Rubbing her tears away and swallowing the lump in her throat…she walks towards mammon’s already unlit candle and holds it in her hand.
“Thank you, thirteen. You have my gratitude.” Mammon bows as he slowly disappears into nothingness.
The candle has disintegrated. Not a single piece of the candle remain. However, what was left in place of the candle was a shiny piece of Grimm in her hand.
Don’t thank me you idiot….and happy final birthday, Mammon
She clenches her hands as the tears keep flowing nonstop.
How…am I suppose to inform the others?
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greenhound · 1 year
You guys do know that
The real fyodor went through a mock execution irl, and basically went through a moment where he almost died and got "resurrected" (mentally almost) he was sentenced to a mock execution for being a political criminal, and he truly thought he was going to die, until the very last minute where they revealed (the people in charge) that dostoevsky and everyone else sentenced to death that day weren't going to die and that they were spared. He was sentenced to death by Tsar Nicolas I, and was accused of doing many things including plotting against the tsar. Him along with 21 others. Then just before being shot an envoy from the tsar arrived and revealed that they're going to be sentenced to hard labor in Serbia instead. You can see what he wrote about this experience from notes from a dead house and this post.
He also spoke the last words of Jesus which someone else pointed out, and if you know anything about Jesus is that he wasn't dead for long, and he was resurrected (this is my phasing of it, please don't take offense).
Now that we know about this let me tell you about what I think is next:
- fyodor when he appears again, will be in a prison or some kind of environment like that again (mersualt or whatever you spell it).
- he would probably be revealed to be working for or with someone, after all he did quote Jesus (who is the son of God) and I assume the only person this could be is Leo Tolstoy cuz of his most popular work War and Peace.
Now note that Leo Tolstoy may not have any direct relations with Dostoevsky, however they did know of each other as this paper that states: "Nevertheless, when Dostoevsky died, Tolstoy wrote: “I never saw the man, and never had any direct relations with him, and suddenly when he died I realized that he was the very closest, dearest, and most necessary man for me.”
You are aware about how asagiri likes to fill things around, so in terms of relationships, they probably know of eachother or are closely related in bsd.
EDIT: it could be that "That man" fyodor was talking about Leo Tolstoy, after all there was some word about them being rivals ? "When Anna Karenina first appeared in Russia, Fyodor Dostoevsky put aside his feelings of rivalry towards Leo Tolstoy" I got it from this article, however I doubt how true the claim is. Still I don't want to throw this theory out the window.
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