#please i need the lego kit please
poisonhemloc · 9 months
hey y'all there's a new outer wilds lego set up on the lego ideas page- its at 792 supports as of right now and needs 10k.
We got the last one to 10k, and this looks a little better built and there's more too it, so uh. Please support? You do have to make an account (or recover the one you used for the last attempt)
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iloveacronix · 3 months
Doodles of my bbgs before I sleep. @yourlocalkitkat GOT ME INTO THE HETEROCHROMIA HC FOR CYRUS💪😈
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Also some random pics of Kit and I playing the goofy ninjago roblox game and pony town together(for once the ninjago area was PACKED)
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beelmons · 1 year
Hotch being like Garcia and Morgan whenever they call each other. Oh imagine it during the case✨😮‍💨
Hotch: what have you got sweetheart?
R: *chuckling*……this my soon to be husband
This just a came out of nowhere, i gotta say I literally L O V E your writing.
Change it However I like
I Hope that botch sides of your pillow are always cold. Bye<3
cw: hotch x fem!reader, link on the text lead's to my wife's fic 'honey bun' since it's a reference to her work!!! read it!!!
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You loved helping the BAU out, you didn't often have the chance to, but every once in a while, when your poor friend Penelope was overworked, you would be assigned to help out with data analysis. You were forever thankful for that annoying day in which you first aided the BAU, ever demanding of new information, since it allowed you to meet Aaron Hotchner, fall in love, and end up engaged with just a couple of days to go for your wedding.
But there would be time to dwell into all that later, since today you had to be top of your game; they were getting close, and you were certain they would ask for information soon. And at last, the phone rang.
"This is future Mrs. Hotchner speaking, how can I be of help?" you said with a wide smile on your face.
His subordinates expected a scowl, or at least a reprimand for your unprofessional behavior, but they were pleased to see that, instead, their boss's lips had curled up into a smitten crescent.
"Mrs. Hotchner, we need information on Javier Perez's bank account transactions." halfway through the sentence, his tone had gotten back to the stern one he was accostumed to. "Coming right up, sweet cheeks," you paused for a second as you clicky-clacked your way through the bank systems "Seems like little Perez has been up to some naughty deeds. He spent around a hundred dollars in a hardware store, ropes, tape, your usal beginner kidnapper kit, and— Oh, my, my," you exclaimed in surprise, catching their attention.
"What is it?" you heard Rossi ask from the other side of the line.
"He spent about five hundred dollars at a place called Ms. Honey Bun's Toys For Adults. And I'm guessing they don't exactly sell over-complicated legos." you clarified.
They all exchanged amused looks at your statement, everyone but Hotch who simply kept his eyebrows furrowed.
"Anything else?" the boss finally asked.
"Nothing relevant, my love. Hope that helped." you said, your tone going back to professional since his seemed to be so as well.
"Swetheart, you always know how to help me." his tone had switched unpromted to a flirty one, indicating that there was a hidden meaning behind his words "And while you're free why don't check around if Ms. Honey's store has a website?" he indicated.
You beamed in your place and exclaimed a quick 'on it' as you hung up the phone.
On the other side of the line, Hotch kept hopelessly smiling at the speaker that had recently gone dead, with his particular i'm-not-really-smiling face that he so stubbornly wore at the office. He was too entranced to notice the entire team had gone quiet, simply staring in his direction. He finally raised his sight and realized he was the center of attention, which caused a confused look out of him.
"Honeymoon preparations?" Derek asked with his usual teasing tone.
Aaron had to clear his throat, trying to impose his authority again, before he spoke. "Everyone get back to work."
Needless to say, after Morgan texted the entire exchange to her, Penelope was very proud.
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hatelangdon · 1 year
Modern day! Post death! Tate headcanons
(For my own joy we're gonna pretend he didn't do any of the bad stuff he just has deep seeded mommy issues)
Drabble bc I was bored ~ Warnings (talks of stabbing briefly )
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- He is a music elitist through and through. He's definitely the "name 5 songs 🤓☝🏻" guy if he sees you wearing a band shirt.
- secret swiftie, we all know he would cry to mirrorball & right where you left me, especially if you have the songs on vinyl. He'd listen over and over in your room while you're not with him.
- he literally doesn't need water, yet he's always drinking from your water bottle/Stanley cup. He loves it
"It's our emotional support water bottle"
- he also doesn't need to eat but guess who's always asking for "a little sweet treat" when you go out? 🤨
- back to music, he loves tvgirl, Alex g, & the 1975. He thinks that makes him so special 🙄
- he always claims that his stomach hurts because he wants to be held and coddled by you.
-if he actually does get sick, he'll start whining for his mother if he gets delirious enough. She was always sweet to him when he didn't feel good. You know not to get her though, it never ends well.
- he's very very touchy and very very sensitive and petty. If you push him away he will put a knife through his own heart just to scare you (he's fine the next day)
- the world's biggest crybaby, needs constant reassurance that you love him, he's comforted by your presence.
- Tate would love those Lego flower kits, he'd want to help you put them together.
- even though he is dead he appreciates the sentiment when you celebrate his birthday, he doesn't like counting the years but if you just bring him a cupcake or make him birthday pancakes with a few candles, it will make him feel loved.
- he's very sleepy, despite being a ghost. He recently discovered weighted blankets and he is constantly going in and out of consciousness
- this is not new info but he is always the little spoon. You could be napping on the couch by yourself and somehow he has ended up in your arms or on top of you.
- he still harbors a lot of trauma, please just listen to him and comfort him and don't open the door for Constance.
- for someone stuck in a house all day you think he'd straighten up, but no. He is messsssy there's sweaters, books, and other things thrown around the room by the end of the day
- he spends all day writing, drawing, and listening to music. He likes to leave his writing in places around the house for you to randomly find.
- scratching him behind the ears and rubbing his face with your thumb is the key to helping him when he's having a bad time.
***I forgot to add this but Tate would also love lil peep with 0 shame despite him thinking the "90's was the best era of music 🤓☝🏻", some of his songs are so Tate coded.
he'd be the biggest stan, he's probably his favorite modern artist.
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sleepyowlwrites · 1 year
hey, rioters and gentlefolk, a thought.
so the reason I dislike all those "you should be writing" posts and always scroll past them with an eyeroll is that I fundamentally disagree. mostly. if you write fulltime and it's your job then yeah, probably you should be doing that over just scrolling, but most of us here in the writer's-tumble-down-wip-mountain-blr are doing it as a hobby, for FUN, because we enjoy it. yes?
my dad's main hobby right now is building lego kits of various planes and other vehicles. he enjoys it. but if he's scrolling on whatever site he frequents instead of doing that, he's not in the wrong. he doesn't need to devote a certain amount of time every day to building part of a new lego sculpture. it's a hobby. he can do it when he wants to.
so like, when I'm off work, sometimes I like to write, because it's my hobby and I enjoy it, but sometimes I like to do many other things that are also for fun, because I enjoy them as well. and I don't consider it lost time or a waste of that fun just because I wasn't participating in my MAIN hobby.
there are a select few of us to whom those posts apply, and even then they're on thin ice. I don't think we have to scold ourselves publicly - even as a joke - for not partaking in this fun thing we all do at all free hours of our lives.
and I realize I'm posting this on my writeblr, on my blog supposedly dedicated to my writing. I also think it would be beneficial for me to offer myself some more structure and follow-through on my projects, just for my own contentment and brain function.
I feel like we can all too often slip into perpetuating this cycle of yelling at ourselves for not keeping up with our writing, as if this hobby we choose to do willingly is screaming back at us from the closet we've shut it in. it may seem all in good fun. but sometimes it isn't. sometimes we're letting ourselves feel discouraged for no good reason, because again, this is for fun. we do this for fun. right?
so if you see this, sure, you could be writing. but there are no great powers up on top of the wip mountains ready to strike you with lightning if you're not. be kind to yourself, even your writing self.
please. <3
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help-an-alter · 2 months
I donknow mi name im fore - six yeers old I lik diynosoors andplshies im a boey taht oll i now ples helpe thankiy yoow! 😄🌈
[Translation by caregiver: I dont know my name, Im 4 years old I like dinosaurs and plushies, Im a boy. Thats all I know, please help, thank you!]
hello love, happy to help!!
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names ~
fin, dee, mateo, dawn, ash, gabe, maddox, dusty, juice, beetle, spencer, toby, red, aster, minmi, dizzy, kit, tango, max, reed, milo, wes
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pronouns ~
claw/clawself, hug/hugself, re/reptself, squish/squishself, roar/roarself, small/smallself, scale/scaleself, button/buttonself
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comfort ~
museum building games (tap! dig! my museum!, animal crossing, etc.), sand-structure building, drawing, plush collecting, kaiju movies (caretakers: make sure they aren’t too scary for him if he wants to watch these <3), dino nuggets, busy books, legos
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hope these helped hon, always feel free to come back if you need anything else!
~ mod lei
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danceswithsporks · 9 months
Calm- Part 6
Part 2 of 6 in the Complete Series
Wrecker x Seamstress!Reader
Parts 1 2 3 4 5
Authors note: Coming in under the wire!! I wanted to get this out before the end of the year and talk about cutting it close!! This one isn’t as long as my other ones but I truly hope you enjoy it all the same.
This will be my final post for the year! It’s been an amazing year getting to write for all of you and develop this series! It’s still so crazy to think that I started out the year with barely any interaction and now I actually have you wonderful ppl waiting to read my work! I seriously can’t thank you all enough for your support!
I will be taking the first two weeks of the year off from all writing to give my brain a break. Between 5 different fics, 3 that aren’t Star Wars related, I’m starting to wear thin. I have a bunch of Legos to build and a back log of video games to play so I’ll totally not be productive at all. Which is what I honestly need lol.
I sincerely hope you’ve all had a lovely Christmas and a happy holidays. Have a safe and fun new years and I’ll see you in probably a month!
Without further ado, please enjoy Part 6 of Calm!
Chapter About: a month has gone by and some things are coming to light.
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Calm was the only way to describe the night compared to the chaos that had been the day. Chai had left that morning. Unable to handle being on the island anymore. How could you blame her? She’d lost the one her heart had been yearning for. The one that made her warm all over. In the back of your mind, just barely visible behind the terror of stepping foot on a starship, you’d thought about the same thing if Wrecker hadn’t returned. Your aunt had been begging for you to visit Coruscant and you would learn a lot working with her. But you’d been lucky, your warmth and security had returned to you. Her’s hadn’t.
It had been a month since he’d returned to you and what a month it had been. You were, for lack of a better word, exhausted. Between your day-to-day work, caring for Omega, and being there for Wrecker, you’d barely slept. Most nights started the same, everyone would settle after dinner and you’d put time aside to brush Omega's hair and talk with the girl before going to Wrecker's side. The two of you would sit beneath the night sky and watch for shooting stars. Wrecker would tell you stories of his life before Pabu, of the adventures he’d had with his brothers. Even tales about fighting alongside the Jedi. He’d even discovered the name of the Jedi that had saved you.
Kit Fisto.
He’d asked Echo about the Jedi when he’d checked on his brothers a few days after they’d returned. Echo had served with two Jedis who had worked with Jedi Master Fisto on a few occasions. From what Echo had told Wrecker, he had been amazing and kind. All the more reason you never believed that they’d turn traitor against the galaxy.
As for how his brothers were doing, it seemed the one they’d saved, Crosshair, was having a hard time adjusting to his new life. Wrecker, being the joy and light of the group, had taken it upon himself to try and help his brother adjust. A decision that weighed heavily on him. You could see it whenever the two of you would go silent at night. He’d stare into the stars and you could see the sadness peeking through the happy mask he wore.
But it was at night when the darkness wrapped its cool arms around all of you and lulled the island to sleep, did you see the true depths of how much the two you cared for so fiercely were suffering. If it wasn’t Omega suffering from night terrors and screaming herself awake, it was Wrecker tossing and turning in his sleep. You wouldn’t tell him that he kept you awake at night, that he spoke and mumbled about that day in his sleep a lot. That when you weren’t lying with Omega and stroking her hair until she was asleep once more, you were laying beside him listening to his words. Listening to how his heart ached from the pain and knowing that every morning he woke up and masked it all for the sake of his siblings.
So every morning, for the last month, you woke up before him and Omega, then got dressed and made them all breakfast. You’d pack three extra breakfasts and lunches for Omega to drop off at the inn as she headed to school and Doll would handle dinner. She’d send some fresh market supplies with Omega as she headed home for the three of you and you’d make dinner for your small family. During the time that she was in school, you would do your usual work around your shop and Wrecker would help you with whatever he could before checking on his brothers. The three of you would share dinner as Omega told you two about her day, watch a holo, shower, and then bedtime for Omega while you and Wrecker spent time together alone. Tackle whoever was struggling in the night and get whatever sleep you could manage. Rinse and repeat.
The routine had become almost second nature to you and through it all, you felt as though you were hiding your exhaustion pretty well.
Except you weren’t.
Wrecker had noticed your exhaustion pretty early on. But never could he pinpoint why you were so tired. Sure, every once in a while he’d be woken up by you holding him and telling him everything was ok. But it wasn’t enough to make you exhausted every day, was it? Most nights when he woke up, you were peacefully asleep next to him. That was until a few nights ago when he woke up to the bed empty, a night terror scaring him awake. In the darkness of the night, he’d followed the soft sound of your voice to see you sitting in Omega's bed with the girl's head in your lap. You gently stroked her hair and told her a story as she drifted. The next day as they both walked to the inn, he’d asked her how often you did that. When she revealed that it was nearly every night and that sometimes she heard him calling out. He realized that you’d been up every night taking care of them. On top of everything else you did for them and his brothers, it was no wonder you were so drained.
He’d made a vow to himself that day, that he’d do his best to wake up to Omega the next time she called out.
His chance came only a few days later.
You’d felt yourself beginning to drift when the familiar sound of Omega crying out echoed down the hall. With a quiet hum, you threw your legs over the side of the bed and began to get up. Wrecker's warm hand landed on your shoulder and pulled you back into the warmth of the bed instead. You hadn’t even realized he was still awake. “Wrecker? What are you doing?” Your name echoed down the hall from Omega's room making your heart ache to go to her side.
“I got her tonight. Get some sleep. sarad.” He leaned over and gently kissed your cheek before standing from the bed.
“But you need to sleep, Wrecker.” You savored the gentle show of affection from the clone. Aside from a few kisses here and there and the cuddling you did outside every night, the two of you hadn’t been intimate. You were far too exhausted at the end of every day to be in the mood and somehow you felt it was the same for your clone. The only difference was that his exhaustion was emotional while yours was physical.
Wrecker shook his head while standing in the doorway. “Tonight, you need to sleep, my love. Please, let me handle Omega.” You opened your mouth to speak once more but he heals his hand up to stop you. “Please.”
That beautiful pleading eye was enough to make you nod slowly to him. “Ok.” You couldn’t argue with him when he looked at you like that. He smiled at you and blew you a kiss before turning and disappearing into the dark hall. You could still hear Omega crying out and it made you worry that he wouldn’t be able to handle it. But soon his deep voice could be heard speaking to the young girl. Sighing softly, you leaned back in the bed and rested your head against the headboard with your eyes closed. With how exhausted you were, it would be easy for you to fall asleep, wouldn’t it?
Wrecker returned to your room thirty minutes later expecting to find you peacefully asleep. Instead, he found the light turned on and you sitting up, staring at the datapad in your hands. “Mesh’la,” he said with such sadness that it made you feel guilty for still being awake. “Why aren’t you sleeping?”
You chewed your lip as you watched him step around the bed to your side. Kneeling beside you, he took your hand between both of his large hands. “It’s hard for me to sleep when I know she’s struggling.” Not to mention you had a good deal on your mind.
A soft sigh left the giant as one of his thumbs stroked your hand. “Thank you for taking care of her…and me. I’m sorry I haven’t said that enough this past month.”
“Wrecker, you don’t…” a thick finger was pressed against your lips, shushing you gently.
“Please, let me speak?” When you nodded slowly to him, he continued. “I’ve spent the last month lost in my thoughts and problems. Trying to juggle my feelings while helping Cross and keeping Omega as happy as I can. I was so distracted I didn’t realize that it wasn’t as hard as it could have been because you were ahead of me taking care of…” he shook his head in disbelief. “Well…all of us. Especially myself and Omega. You take care of my brothers, sister and I like we’re your family. You hold me and her nearly every night and soothe us from our demons. You make food and clothes for all five of us and still run your shop. All on very little sleep.” His eyes shifted to the datapad in your hand that had a holo of yourself and Chai on it. “And through all of that, you held yourself together when your dearest friend left the island. You’re…Stars, you’re so much stronger than me. I don’t know how I managed to get so lucky to have ya in my life. But thank you, Sarad. Thank you for taking care of me and Omega. I’m sorry I didn’t say that sooner.” He kissed the back of your hand with gentle lips while you squeezed his hand that was still in yours.
Reaching down with your other hand, you cupped his cheek and turned his face to face yours. “You don’t need to thank me for anything. Nor do you need to apologize. I don’t mind taking care of you. You’re going through so much right now. Losing a family member, especially one so close, isn’t easy and I want to be the support for you that I also had. I love you so much, Wrecker. I love Omega so much as well. She’s like the little sister I always wanted. Knowing what you’re going through and the pain you both must feel makes all these long nights worth it. If I had the choice, I’d do it all the same. I wouldn’t change a single moment of this last month.” You gave the hand that was still holding yours a slight tug, motioning for him to join you in the bed. With a nod, he stood and crawled into the large bed next to you. You repositioned yourself so that you both were looking at one another while also making it so he could see your datapad. “Chai leaving…hurts. She was a dear friend and trying to think of life on the island without her is…hard. But I have you, Omega, and Doll.”
Wrecker watched and you changed the holo to one of you, Doll, and Chai on the beach. “Would you have gone with her? If I hadn’t come back?”
You swallowed a large lump in your throat. “I’ve asked myself that question a lot today. Asked myself if I was in her shoes, if I’d lost the one I loved, would I leave?”
“And?” Wrecker watched you carefully, wondering what you’d say.
“I don’t know honestly. I want to say that I’d stay here for Omega. She’d need someone to help her through all of this through the loss of you. But at the same time…” you sighed softly while placing the datapad down and nuzzling into his chest. “Being here without you? It sounds like torture.”
His strong arms wrapped around you and pulled you close, a kiss being placed on the top of your head. “It’s hard to imagine my life without you. If I lost you I’d leave.”
“It’ll never come to that, thankfully.” Your eyes shut as he kissed the top of your head.
No. It wouldn’t. Wrecker would sacrifice his own life before allowing anything bad to happen to you. “Get some sleep, Sarad. Tonight it's you who should be held.” His arms remained tight around you as you began to drift. Tomorrow he’d make it all up to you. Pay you back for the month-long care you’d doled out to him and his vod. He whispered a gentle ‘I love you’ before pressing the light control beside the bed and plunging the room back into darkness.
You were confused when you woke up, the sun already high in the sky and your room glowing brightly from the rays. Why hadn’t your alarm gone off? If the sun was that high then it had to be well past morning meaning you were late for a lot of things. “Wrecker?” Pulling yourself out of the bed, you continued to call his name while heading out of the room. You found him in the kitchen. “What time is it?”
Wrecker turned and smiled at you, a pair of oven mitts very tightly on his hands. “Good afternoon, Sleepyhead.”
“I take it that means it’s past midday?” When he nodded, that big goofy grin on his lips, you sighed softly. That grin was contagious and even though you were upset about sleeping in so late, you smiled back. “Something tells me you have something to do with my alarm not going off?” You watched as he walked over to you and handed you a cup of coffee.
“Ya deserved to sleep in. Don’t worry, sent Omega off with food for the others like you do.” He watched you take a sip of the warm liquid and close your eyes in bliss. Good, you liked it.
You’d forgotten that he knew what he was doing in the kitchen. You’d done all the cooking since he’d been back. “You did? Thank you.” Wrecker stepped forward and took your hand carefully in the oven mitt. “These feel a little small.” You playfully squeezed his hand and the gentle giant laughed brightly while leading you towards the table.
“Might need to get some bigger ones.” He wiggled his free hand at you in the blue and green mitt. “Also told ‘Mega to take her time coming home today.” When you raised an eyebrow at him, he kissed the tip of your nose. “Was hoping you’d do me the honor of being my date tonight.”
“Your date? What’s the occasion?” To your surprise, he pulled off the mitt with his teeth and let it fall to the ground. The mug of coffee in your hand was placed gently on the table and with a smirk, he leaned in and kissed your soft lips. You could taste something sweet on his lips, perhaps from whatever he was cooking. Whatever it was, you enjoyed it. A hum left you as you enjoyed the sweet moment with your clone.
Wrecker ran his tongue across yours for a few moments before humming and pulling away. Your lips looked nice and plump for him as he licked his lips. “The occasion is that I’ve been home for a month and haven’t treated my girl to a single special night. Instead, she’s been working that cute ass of hers off taking care of me and my family. It’s time for me to take care of her instead.”
“Wrecker, you don’t have to do anything special for me. I don’t mind taking care of all of you. You’re all my family now.” To your surprise, he chuckled softly while shaking his head. “What’s so funny, strong man?”
“Just how you think you don’t deserve the galaxy on a platter for how amazing you’ve been. I don’t think there’s nearly enough I can do to show you how thankful I am for you.” He reached up and held your chin between his thumb and forefinger, enjoying the way your beautiful eyes sparkled. “But I’ll spend the rest of my life doing what I can.” He kissed you once more before pulling away and standing. “Starting with today being a relaxing day for ya.”
Stars, he knew just what to say to make your heart flutter. “That’s sweet of you, Wrecker. But I can’t just take the day off from my shop. I have shipments coming in. Plus, chores around the house that need to be done, alterations on Crosshair’s pants that need to happen, and…” his finger rested against your lips shushing you once more. It seemed to be the theme of the day.
“Shipment already came in and I moved it to the back of your shop. The old ladies are gonna keep an eye on things for the day and Magda has already started on Cross’s pants. Already did the dishes and made lunch for ya. I can handle some sweeping and laundry.” He’d done all these things himself growing up on Kamino. Surely it wasn’t that different here? His hand slid and cupped your cheek before running his thumb across your cheekbone. “Please, just relax today. For me.”
He was giving you the cutest puppy eyes ever right now and how could you resist that luscious brown eye? A small giggle left you while nodding “ok, ok. It does sound like you’ve got everything under control right now. But what do I do?” You weren’t exactly used to this much downtime.
Wrecker chuckled before kissing your cheek quickly. “Eat, first off. Then let me help you relax.”
The comment made your eyebrow raise. “And just how will you do that?” He’d started to head towards the kitchen to no doubt grab your food when he suddenly stopped and smirked over his shoulder to you. The look made excitement race through your entire body. It had been nearly a month since you’d last felt this feeling.
“Don’t worry, Sarad. I still have a few secrets up my sleeves.” He watched you bite your lip at the implications of his words. Good. It had been far too long since he’d been inside you. Something he’d realized that morning as he watched you sleep peacefully, the hem of your sleep shirt riding up and revealing your cute ass to him. He’d failed a lot when it came to you this past month. There would be every intention of making it all up to you now and boy did he have a lot planned.
“W-Wrecker! Ah!” Your head tilted back as tiny gasps left your lips. The clone between your legs grumbled something you couldn’t understand making your clit vibrate. His deep voice rumbling against your heat was driving you crazy. You were so grateful that Omega would be in school for another two hours. The last thing you needed to happen would be the girl walking in on her brother devouring your pussy. Though the chances of being caught by someone were still very much there. Magda and Sue could easily walk over from the shop at any moment and see you here with your legs wrapped around the head of the large clone. His face covered in your first release and no doubt soon, your second.
He could easily listen to you make these sweet little sounds all day. The way your body arched against his mouth and those sexy pants and cries of yours. Damn did they turn something inside him. Breaking away from your heat, he looked up at you through hooded lids. “Any louder and the grandmas in the shop might start to get curious.” You cried out a cute ‘it feels too good’ making Wrecker chuckled deeply while blowing his hot breath against the sensitive nub. “Good. I want my girl to feel as good as possible.”
His hot lips returned to your clit once more, making you whine and wiggle against him. “Please, need you inside me.” This felt good, really good, fuck it felt downright amazing, but you needed him inside you. You needed that closeness more than you needed air right now.
It was so damn cute when you begged. Wrecker broke his lips from you once more before moving your legs from his shoulder and down to his hips. He slotted his place between them and pressed his still-clothed bulge against your soaking core. Leaning over your body in a protective cage, Wrecker kissed you deeply. “Patience, Goddess. Can’t rush the best part.” Came in a rough whisper between kisses.
You could taste yourself in him and realized that you’d never tire of the mixed taste. You squeaked as a large digit found its place on your pearl and quickly you were crying out against his lips. “F-fuck, I’m gonna cum again.” His lips found your throat as your head fell back, a long moan of pleasure leaving you.
“Good girl. That’s right. Cum for me again.” He rubbed his bulge against your heat and sighed at the way you moaned his name. Did he want to fuck you into the couch right now? Maker, yes. But right now it was about treating you to the most amazing day possible in thanks for the past month. His pleasure would have to wait until later. For now, it was all about you. His other hand made its way to your heat, dipping into your soaked core with ease. “Look at that, taking three fingers today.” Looked to him like your pussy was ready for him now. Hopefully, that would hold throughout the day.
You nearly came at the feeling of the three thick fingers inside of you. It felt nearly as thick as him, just barely matching the girth of your lover. “N-not as good as your d-dick.” Your hips rolled against his hands as you tried to chase your release. So damn close.
“True.” Wrecker moved his lips to your ear and growled deeply. “We can compare later tonight when I fuck ya into the bed.” You cried out against him at the words. His fingers twisting as you did so hitting the spot inside you that would have you covering his hands. Rough lips pressed against the smoothness of yours as he swallowed your screams of ecstasy. Yes, your release tasted amazing to him but your breath as you peaked tasted even better.
Pants of exhaustion rolled from your lips as you rode out your release. The lewd sound of his fingers squelching between your now-soaked thighs filled the air, as did the unmistakable scent of sex. If anyone was to walk in now then they’d have a clear idea of what had just been done. “S-still want you.” Your eyes shut as exhaustion began to take you over. While your energy had been zapped, you were positive that you could find some extra stores to enjoy him. To your surprise, he shook his head no and pulled away from you. His fingers slipped from your heat making you whine softly. Brown eyes stared into yours as his fingers slipped into his mouth and he licked your release from the digits. A long sigh left the clone as he savored the taste and the heat that had just left your body and returned once more. “Please, Wrecker.”
The clone chuckled as he watched your cute little body wiggle with exhausted need. “Now, now.” His hand wrapped around your soaked thigh and squeezed it gently. “Gotta be patient. You’ll get this later.” He rubbed his bulge against your core before finally pulling away and closing your legs. “Give ya something to look forward to.” Wrecker winked at you before moving to get something to clean you up with.
“So is that a promise for later activities?” You leaned back on your elbows and watched him smirk at you before he disappeared down the hall. You took a moment to try and think about how you’d gotten into this position. How you’d gone from cuddling on the couch watching a romance holo to him wearing your thighs like earmuffs. You honestly couldn’t seem to pinpoint the exact moment. The last two hours had been spent in happy bliss with the clone running around cleaning while you watched patiently from the couch. The lunch he’d made you had tasted magnificent and you’d made a mental note to allow him to cook more often. The remnants of which sat on the small table in front of your couch. He’d made you a quiche Lorraine with a delicious salad on the side. It tasted magnificent and you’d found yourself falling for him even more. After you’d finished eating he’d thrown a load of laundry into the wash and pulled you into his lap to show you the holo his brother had recommended. What the premise was had been lost to you quickly as Wrecker had started his teasing. Now here you lay waiting for him to return to you. If this was what was in store for the day then gods help you survive.
Wrecker returned to your side within moments with a warm rag in his hand. Down the hall, the sound of the shower running could be heard echoing against the stone walls. He’d set up everything you’d need for a nice long shower. You’d told him one night before he’d left how your favorite thing to do was take a long shower where you got to just enjoy the warmth of the water running over your body. He’d pull a warm towel from the dryer once you neared completion of your shower to wrap you in. Then cozy clothes and off to your date. Leaning down, he kissed you sweetly with a playful twinkle in his eye. “It is.”
You looked up at the imposing ship before you. The Marauder. The ship that had brought your love to you and had taken him and his brothers away only to return with one less on it. It terrified you. The ramp was down and the clone you spent every night dreaming about stood in its entryway with his hand outstretched towards you. You shook your head free of the hundreds of worry-filled thoughts racing through it and stared at him. “W-what?”
“I asked if you would join me inside.” He watched you carefully, watched the way you shifted, and fidgeted with the hem of your shirt. He’d had a feeling that this would be how you’d react, it had been a gamble to decide to do the date inside the starship. But he wanted to help you with your fear. Because if you could get on a starship then he could show you the beauty of the galaxy outside of your world and take you to some of his favorite planets. Planets that you’d only dreamed of that he knew for sure existed out there. Wrecker walked down the ramp and stopped in front of you with his hand still outstretched. “The ship is off and I have no intention of turning it on. The door will remain open if you want.” He lowered his hand and sighed softly while moving a strand of your hair behind your ear. “We can sit in the doorway and eat if that’ll make it easier.”
The way that deep brown eye was staring at you was making your heart flutter. How could you say no to him when he'd thought this all through? “C-can we go slow?” He nodded to you and you slid your hand into one of his. “O-ok.” Wrecker turned and led you to the bottom of the ramp, waiting for you to take the first step. Your foot met the metal of the starship ramp with a soft thunk at the same time a lump began to form in your throat. Your heart raced with each ascending step until you were halfway to the door. It was starting to get harder to breathe. The world around you felt like it was caving in and soon the ground would open up and swallow you whole.
“We can stop here, Stitches.” Wrecker stood only two steps behind you, watching every one of your movements. He knew that if the roles were reversed then he wouldn’t want someone pushing him too much to face his fear.
You quickly shook your head while taking another step. “I can do this. Like you said. It’s not even on.” Stars, why did the air feel so thick? It was like you were breathing through a straw! Your foot raised to take the next step and suddenly it felt as though lead was tied to the bottom of it. Why was this so damn hard? It had only been…a year since the last time you’d stepped on a starship. It had been a lot longer than you’d realized. You forced your foot down and froze as you stood in the entryway to the ship. It was a lot smaller than you thought it would be.
The slowness with which you walked up the ramp worried Wrecker. This was too much for you. It was clear you were struggling. “Sarad?” He reached out to you, making you jump suddenly. You turned and uttered ‘I’m sorry’ before burying your face into his chest. “Shhh, it’s ok.” He rubbed your back gently, doing his best to calm you. Stepping back with you still in his arms, Wrecker tried to lead the way back down the ramp. But you stopped him, your foot raised as though you were trying to step backward into the ship. Perhaps he could help you? Take your mind off of the worry by distracting you?
“My love.” He placed his finger under your chin and tilted your face up towards him. “Have I ever told you about the first time I saw a nebula in person?” Your head shook slightly against his touch. “It was…breathtaking. Like staring at all the greatest works of art at once. Tech once broke down how a nebula was formed and what it was made of, but I didn’t listen. All I knew was that the way the colors danced together was mesmerizing. It was the first time I’d ever understood the meaning of true beauty.” He looked down at you and ran his thumb across your bottom lip. “But then I met you.” Wrecker leaned down and kissed you deeply. “You’re far more beautiful than a nebula. I want you to see one in person and truly understand how beautiful you are. One day I will take you to see the same Nebula.”
“I can’t even step foot on a starship. How can you be so sure that you’ll take me to see it?” You pressed your lips against his once more and savored the way they molded into yours. This man, this magnificent man, always knew how to speak to you. How to make your heart beat fast and your head spin.
“Because.” He whispered while pulling away from your touch. “You’re already part of the way there.”
“What?” You looked around and realized you were standing in the center of the starship. How had he done that? “H-how?”
Wrecker hummed sweetly while moving around you towards the little table with your dinner waiting. Behind you Gonky chittered as he slowly hobbled his way out of the ship and down the ramp, giving the two of you privacy. “You're easy to distract, my goddess.” He pulled a stool back and motioned for you to take a seat. “We can leave at any time.”
He’d distracted you so well that you’d easily backed into the Marauder without realizing it. Now that you were inside of the ship, it wasn’t too bad. How long that feeling would last was unknown but you’d try your best to enjoy the time that you could. You walked over to him and placed your hand against his chest, taking a moment to allow the feeling of his heartbeat beneath your palm to calm you. “Thank you.” You weren’t sure how many times you’d thank him during this. But something told you it would be a lot. You took a seat on the stool and felt Wrecker easily slide you forward.
“I hope ya don’t mind, but I used that roast you had in the fridge for our dinner.” He pulled the cover off the container that held your dinner to reveal the still steaming roast surrounded by potatoes and root vegetables. It was the first roast he’d successfully cooked, he hoped it tasted good.
Your mouth watered at the sight of the food before you. “Not at all. It looks amazing, Wrecker.” It smelled wonderful too. There was a chance he was a better cook than you. Perhaps you could have Omega be the judge of that. Though you did have the feeling that the girl would choose her brother's food over yours. Wrecker smiled that adorable crooked smile at you as he began to cut a piece off the roast for you, pride flowing off of him in waves. Gods, he was adorable. You took the moment to look around the small space you were in, getting your first real glance at the ship. It was small and compact. Towards the back, you could see a few bunks as well as a curtain at the top of a small ladder. You stood from your stool and walked towards the curtain. “What’s this?”
Wrecker looked up from the roast to you standing at the base of the ladder. “That's where Omega sleeps when we’re traveling.” He placed the utensils in his hands down and walked behind you. Reaching up, he moved the curtain to the side and motioned for you to climb up and take a peak. “Don’t got a lot of space here. So we made do with what we could.”
You carefully climbed up the ladder just enough to peek into the space. It seemed to be the perfect size for the young girl. A few curtains had been hung up to give her privacy with string lights being added for a warm feel. Her pillows and blankets were stored to the side while a few little trinkets funk doubt from their travels lay next to the pile. “Is this all she has?” Omega had arrived at your place with very little.
“We fled Kamino in a hurry. She wasn’t able to grab much. None of us were.” But they’d saved each other and AZI and that was enough for now. He watched you climb back down the ladder and turn to look at him. “Ain’t got a lot of space here so we try not to buy too much.”
“Oh.” Well now that they were staying here with you and she had her room. Maybe it was time to take her to one of the bigger islands for a shopping trip. Your eyes fell on a larger lower bunk. “Is this your bunk?” Moving around the large clone, you sat on the stiff material. It seems stiff and uncomfortable was the theme when it came to army-issued materials.
Wrecker rubbed the back of his head and nodded. “Y-yeah.” He should have cleaned up more before bringing you here. “Sorry bout the mess.” He motioned to the bundle of blankets at the bottom of the bunk and the few pieces of scattered clothes.
A familiar dark bag peeked out from behind the pillow as you looked around the bunk. “You kept it very close, didn’t you?” With a playful grin, you rolled onto your stomach and reached for the bag, only being stopped by two large hands around your waist.
“Kept it close enough to smell it every night that I slept. Might need to update it before our next trip.” The sight of you like this on his bunk was doing something to him. He’d seen you on your knees in front of him a few times now and while it was hot as fuck, it was never this hot. “Mesh’la, we better get back to dinner.”
His grip on your waist tightened making you hum and rock back towards him. “Dinner can wait, I'd rather be filled a different way first.” Besides, eating after a workout was always good for the body, right?
A low growl left Wrecker as he rubbed the growing bulge in his pants against your ass. Now that he thought about it, if he fucked you here then he’d be the first to fuck someone in the Marauder. A tantalizing notion that was far too good to pass up. Watching his head, he leaned over and pressed his body against yours with one hand on your waist and the other snaking its way around your throat. “I’m gonna need to lock the door then. Can’t have anyone ruining your meal.” He nipped at your earlobe while pressing into your ass. “That ok?”
Fuck, was there anything hotter than him asking for your consent? Maybe the sight of him naked? It didn’t matter. You nodded quickly as your kind filled with all the delicious positions you could try out on the ship and in his bunk. You’d never fucked on a starship, how interesting and new it would be. His lips pressed to the side of your neck as he hastily kissed your skin before quickly moving to shut and lock the door. Its hiss filled the ship and for a moment that tightening pressure on your chest began to return making you feel like the walls were closing in. But then he took off his shirt so you could see those delicious muscles and the feeling began to dissipate. It seemed Wrecker was just the distraction you’d need to get through this. “Where do you want me?”
His deep brown eye watched as you turned and faced him once more. That sly and mischievous smirk on your lips. Your arms crossed in front of you and in one swift movement, your shirt was removed revealing a dark green bra. His mouth watered at the sight of the material covering what he wanted. “That bunk.” He motioned to the one across from his with a devilish smirk. “On Hunter's bunk.”
Hunter stared at the Marauder with a look of confusion on his face. He could have sworn he’d left the door open. It was Pabu after all. It wasn’t like someone was going to steal the ship and after the last time it had been stolen, Tech had put in a new system where their datapads would need to be in the cockpit for it to turn on. So why was the door shut?
“Gonk Gonk Gonk Gonk”
“Gonky?” Echo tilted his head as he stood next to his vod. “What are you doing out here?”
“Gonk Gonk Gonk.”
Amber eyes squinted as Echo translated out loud for Hunter to hear. “Wrecker asked you to give him and Stitches the space for dinner?”
“Huh, thought Wrecker said she was terrified of starships.” Hunter shrugged while walking up the ramp towards the door. When it didn’t automatically open, he frowned.
Echo followed close behind and noticed the way Hunter's head tilted from side to side. “Maybe he’s helping her work on it? Speaking of which, we should find a way to thank her for all the food she’s been sending.” And the custom-tailored clothes as well. Echo watched Hunter place his ear against the cool steel and close his eyes, no doubt listening to see if it was a good time to enter.
“Ah, W-Wrecker. Fuck!” Your voice carried through the steel as well as the little pants and whines you were making.
“fuck you’re so damn pretty when you make that noise. Such a good girl taking all of me.” Wrecker’s deep bass of a voice was hard to miss as it mixed with your pants.
Hunter felt his cheeks flare at the sounds coming from inside the ship. Why him? Why did he have to be the one with enhanced hearing? He pulled away and headed back down the ramp. “Come on, we’ll grab the chip later.”
“Wait, what? Why?” Echo stumbled after the leader of their group. “We came all the way over here. If we have any chance of breaking the encryption on that datapad then we need Techs chip.”
“Trust me. Echo. It can’t wait until tomorrow.” There was no way Hunter was going to explain why they needed to come back later. He honestly hoped that Echo would figure it out on his own.
“What is stopping us from sneaking in right now and grab… oh.” The way Hunter was looking at him had suddenly made things a lot more clear. “Oh.” His eyes went wide. “oh!” Echo needed to wash his ears and eyes and maybe his brain now. He should have just listened to Hunter in the first place. Shaking his head and shivering slightly, he followed the bandana-wearing clone back towards the inn. “Better not be on my bunk.”
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askthechronoverse · 2 months
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So a few things for those of you who just know the Lego movie and don't understand the evil Richard reference:
Evil Richard is technically a separate character from regular Richard. He was in 2 episodes and to me? Didn't seem that evil. He was more the embodiment of the phrase "aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you just want to go apecrap?"
What anon isn't telling you about is that Richard has committed arson and other crimes to get himself arrested. That's more the selling point we need to go with here.
So we're basically pretending that she was somehow raised by Richard in his crime days and Rex Dangervest. Yes please.
So I think she would be Kit Dangervest and would more be manipulated into doing the things that would be considered evil. Rex would show her respect like his raptors, of course. But we can't deny that Rex was also a pretty darn good manipulator when push comes to shove. She would think that she was doing the right thing and would be more than willing to fight for her parents, no questions asked. Kindness would become a weakness and she would show no mercy. She would do anything for her parents' approval. She would also inherit Richard's cunning nature, making her a real threat when coupled with Rex's raw power.
Eventually, she would move on to probably conquering parts of the Systar System to be an evil princess who's kingdom seems utopian, until you look deep in the surface and realize that everyone is miserable except her.
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furretsden · 1 year
Hello hello! Need any help? You've come to the right place! 🌾
Otherkin, otherhearted, therians, fictives, fictionkin, conceptkin, constelic, comfort characters and others are all welcome here!
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❧ About me
I'm Furret otherhearted! You can call me Furret and I go by any pronouns! I'm an adult, but I'll take requests from anyone, just take note of it!
This is a carrd of my types!
Pfp by @iwcecweam606!
❧ Request types
Canon calls, care kits, colour-picked pride flags, fashion kits, icons, kin calls, moodboards, name suggestions, Pokémon teams, stimboards, Tumblr layouts, userboxes, wallpapers, words of encouragement
❧ Sources
These are the sources I know something about. If your source isn't listed don't worry, I can always do some research!
Bendy and the Ink Machine, Chikn Nuggit, Deltarune, ENA, Everhood, Five Nights at Freddy's, Friday Night Funkin', Littlest Pet Shop, Madness Combat, My Little Pony, OFF, Pokémon, Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario, Team Fortress 2, The Amazing Digital Circus, The Amazing World of Gumball, The Lego Movie, Undertale, Utauloid, Vocaloid
Blacklisted sources: Attack on Titan, Eddsworld, Harry Potter, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, MCYT, MFKZ, Miraculous Ladybug, Moral Orel, Obey Me!, Pizza Tower, Poppy Playtime, Rick and Morty, South Park, The Coffin of Andy and Leyley, Welcome Home, Your Boyfriend
List will be subject to updates
❧ Request rules and other info
Try to be as specific as possible when requesting and don't forget to cite your source!
I have the right to decline requests I find uncomfortable. Also please send me one request at a time!
I can do inbox checks!
You can sign off as anon! I'm willing to make a list :>
I figured I should tag the requester's blog when not on anon, but tell me if you don't want to be tagged!
I currently post one request a day!
Ask box will remain open at all times to answer questions and chat!
Anon tags list!
Basic stuff {racist, queerphobic, xenophobe, terfs, transmed, MAP/p*do, radqueer, xenosatanist, ableist, sexist, fascist, zoophiles ect.}, proship, anti-xenogender, anti-neopronouns, ace/pan exclus, anti-system, factkin, anti-furry, pro-ed, NSFW blogs, kink blogs, fetish blogs, tech bros/support AI art and NFTs, JKR supporters, Trump supporters, if you treat the term queer as a slur, discourse blogs in general
List may be subject to updates
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Thank you for reading! Have some treats! 🥞🍪🥧
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julieverne · 4 months
I'm not... I'm not good with people.
There's too much of how I was treated in how I treat myself. And I don't want to direct that at other people.
I was raised not to ask for help, because help never came. I'm very self-sufficient; I can go a week without speaking to another person, even on the phone.
But sometimes I do need help, and I offer Lego and stickers and incentives to my colleagues if they step up and help me because it feels so wrong to ask that I need to bribe them.
But when I come into the office, there is a Lego city on my desk, and various other kinds of toys and books and things people have left me. A cockatoo, a matchbox car that someone runs over my knuckles as I type, a writing kit, some hard to find peach treat, an energy drink. A note ending with a trail of x's, a thank you card.
And people crowd in next to me, ignoring the little Lego detour signs, and they show signs of being pleased to see me.
I'm not good with people, but my colleagues are good with me.
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screamerop · 1 year
Hi everyone!
My name is P and I’m new to the transformers fandom and looking to make some mutuals!!!!
Please don’t hesitate to message me or send me stuff!
Here are some things about me
- 21 years of age
- Trans man - He/Him
- recently into transformers my faves being Starscream✨, Rodimus🔥, Bumblebee 🐝, and Knockout 🏎️
- I love legos, especially Star Wars sets
-I am a early childhood teacher (3 year olds)
- I have 3 red eared slider turtles and two dogs
- I’ve recently gotten into model kits and my collection is steadily growing
- I love collecting things, figures, stickers, trinkets, keychains, books just things in general
-I have twitter, TikTok, and discord let me know if you want any of them!!!!!!
(Optimus prime that I colored just because)
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Can you please do something with Yandre! Peter Parker and a reader who just fully accepts it? I reader your general headcanons and loved like the sweet side of things lol. Like she thinks she’ll hate it but she hasn’t got to do anything and can research stuff she’s interested in (like History), and then Peter comes home and she just gets love and someone cares for her. idk, hopefully my message is put across well lol. Thank you!
Yandere! Peter Parker With Accepting Reader
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Hopefully this is adequate for what you requested. I hope you like it. Also, I just wanna explain that I imagine this to be the Peter Parker who’s living in his own apartment at the end of the last movie. 🕷♥️
Ooo I love this idea. But you’re right he would be really sweet. I think the only times a yandere tendency would come into play with him is when you were in potential danger of harm by someone else, in potential danger of being taken by someone else, and when he’s had a bad day and just wants to indulge in you.
I see that last one happening a lot with the work he does. But I’ll come back to that later and just go in chronological order; by events.
When he first takes you and you begin to heavily hesitate, he understands. He’s not a delusional yandere. He would know this is a big change for you that you had to get adjusted to and he’d do whatever you want to make that more comfortable. (Except for going back home that’s out of the question)
He would definitely try talking to you about things first. Your worries about the situation, things to make the transition easier, rules, punishments with an emphasis on how he’d never physically hurt you though because he never wants to see you upset.
“Well we can go over everything to maybe ease your mind.”
“Um.. not right now but if I know I can trust you then later you might can talk to your friends and things.”
“I’m sorry.. I don’t want to make this miserable for you. Is there anything I can get you that you like that’ll make it easier to be in here? You like history facts? Ok, I’ll pay for the history channel and get some books for you. What kind of history do you like? Heh, there’s a lot of it”
“well I do have some basic rules that I have to go over with you but again, they won’t be permanent if I know I can trust you.”
He would get a part time job to fund everything he needed for you. You ask and you shall receive!
After the tension has settled down between you two and you become more open to the idea. He would slowly introduce new aspects. He’ll come home showing you his new Lego set and asked what you found out about history that day. Spending general time together makes him, well, giddy.
He would think about introducing physical touch but was still weary of how you would react. He knew you were probably still adjusting but.. he just wanted to hold you.
“Hey uh.. can-can I hug you? If not I understand I just..I want to.”
If you said no, he’d totally respect it and wait til you guys felt a bit closer to ask again. But if you said yes, prepare for cuddles!
Remember when I said he’d want to indulge in you after a bad day? This is where that comes into play. I 100% can imagine him coming in with cuts and bruises and those puppy eyes just wanting to cuddle. He’d deny any treatment you’d offer at first. He’d just want to wrap his arms around you and nuzzle his head into your neck or even lap. Very golden retriever, this guy.
“I’ll get the first aid kit in a minute, I just… can I lay with you for a little while.. please?” 🥺
He would cook breakfast for you before he left, have a mini fridge with drinks and snacks for when he’s gone, and would come home to make dinner for you. He didn’t know much about cooking before, he learned to cook just because of you.
He’d clean the room as well and would ask you didn’t do anything too strenuous. Leave it up to him. That’s what he wants. He wants to take care of you any way you’d let him. If you one day asked him to comb your hair, he’d almost jump with glee then calm down enough so he can be incredibly gentle when combing. He did not want to tug on it or hurt you so it would take him a while and he’d go really slow. If you asked him to hand feed you, he’d love to and make sure to blow on each bite before feeding it to you. He’d get a little anxious not knowing if what he was doing was good enough though. If he was combing your hair and there was even the slightest tug, he’d gasp and ask if he hurt you. Or if he was feeding you and you grimaced or your facial expression faltered, he would turn into: 🥺 that emoji with the puppy eyes and ask if it was too hot, cold, or if you didn’t like it. So, in other words, he’s extremely, if not overboard in his attentiveness.
But it’s all for you and because he loves you. He just wants the best for you!
After your relationship developed and he could completely trust you, he’d allow you more freedoms. He’d at first allow you to text one, just one, of your family members of your choice just to take it slow for now. He will also be watching over your shoulder. He’d gradually allow more freedoms with who you spoke to. He’d then allow you to go out into town with him once your family knows you’re okay and that, “you just needed time alone.” Although you had to by with him every time you went out in town but he would buy you absolutely anything you wanted. One of the big freedoms he’s kind of scared to give you is to see your parents again because of course, he’d have to be there and that means he’d be meeting your family. What if they don’t like him? What if they try to take you away from him? He would express these feelings to you and ask what you thought as you knew your parents and what they’d accept in their daughters partner.
Also, quick note. He acts very much in the dating phase but in his head he thinks (knows) that marriage and kids are going to happen with you guys at some point. Like it is just natural information in his mind. So while he’s easing you both into more scenarios/freedoms/situations, he already sees you as his wife. He always had. He is committed to you and nobody but you.
Hopefully everything went well with your family and friends and they all got along with Peter. Otherwise you might “need to take a break” again. Contact via cell phone would still be open with them, but no way in hell were they going to separate you both. Unless you can convince them to think otherwise.
He just wants to be with you. Nothing is going to change that from happening. As long as your friends and family accept that, you’re life will be lived happily ever after.
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Random Things Dr. Iceberg Has Said While Hunched Over His Desk Asleep
Dr. Julian Iceberg is many things. Touchy, sarcastic, a fan of bad ninja movies, a sucker for good pecan pie, and... kinda funny as a sleeptalker. Since he's really gotten up a lot of noses, and Dr. Gears likes me, it's our frosty sourpuss's turn to get teased. Big Boss spilled plenty of iced tea on the subject.
"Wait... since when do we have whoopee cushions as part of our kit?"
"Big banana boy." Repeated ten times, we have no banana anomalies of any kind, as far as I know.
"Silk hose? Really? This the modern age, or the pirate age?"
"I'm gonna keyhaul him right into a volcano."
"No, no, no. No. No. Nein, nyet, non, not happening. I do not get paid enough to paint 682's nails. Ask 053, he likes her. Oh? Why didn't you just ask to borrow my blue polish?"
"For 343's sake, Bright! Naked yoga is an in-quarters only activity! O5 told you this!"
"Dyo. Wash. Your. Bits. I'm getting blinded by your blinged-out dong."
"Why are they green?"
"You're gonna need a bigger gun, Alto." A pause. "Bigger. Like an AC 130 big. Well, don't ask me then. Sheesh."
"Since when did lasagna get on the menu?"
"You have a choice: put on clothes, or get the hose." Long pause. "Gender appropriate clothes. No one wants to see you in a miniskirt."
"Run. Faster. Go faster. Clowns are coming, must go faster."
"Choke on a Deagle, Insurgency bastard!"
"I WILL SHOVE YOUR HEAD SO FAR UP YOUR ASS YOU CAN WATCH ME BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU! DON'T CALL ME 'JULIE'!" No idea where that came from, but that was at 3 am on a Monday. When Iceberg.exe crashes, he crashes hard. He was there for hours, I heard.
"Hey, 076? Settle a bet, please? You wear the loincloth because it's cooler than pants, right?"
"My feet are NOT happy."
"For the ninth and final time, PUT ON SOME PANTS! I want to see a dong, I'll call Dr. Bright."
"Huh. This a cupcake, or the stone 073 used to kill 076-2 the first time?"
"Pffft. So you got a jar of dirt. We have literal God and Foundation funding on our side, my good sir."
"Finally, something Mabel made that doesn't taste of Styrofoam." (aggressively chews file folders) "These hotcakes need some syrup."
"There is no Dr. Iceberg, only Zuul!"
"Dad! Bruce is sitting on me. Again."
"Jack. Get YOUR head out of MY ass."
"No... not the pink snowball suit! I'll be good, Boss, I promise! I don't want to be a snack cake!"
"You don't scare me. I've seen Dr. Gears angry."
"Do I look like I know what's going on?"
"No. Grape. Soda."
"Uh... didn't think Jello shots involved firearms, but your party, Alto."
"This is the weakest coffee I ever had. This isn't even coffee, it's the ghost of Java past. If I set this down and walk away, I bet $100 4999 pays it a visit."
"Eat this, you big ugly undead asshole."
"Leather pants? Hope you powdered yourself, otherwise... ouch."
"Duck. I mean... Duck!" A pause, then laughter. "And now you have literal egg on your face. I told you there was a duck."
"I'm allergic to peanuts. I'll skip "Peanut Butter Jelly Time", thanks."
"Uh... why is there A GIANT FREAKING BUTTHOLE in the Astrophysics Labs?"
"Bugger off, it's my panini."
"Leggo my Lego, Bright! That's my bloody X-Wing, I built it fair and square!"
"Touch my boots, I'll freeze your hands off."
"Coffee. Black. Never mind the mug, I'll drink it straight from the carafe."
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notthemonthbutmarch · 2 years
I don’t know if this will reach anyone but please I need this out in public I can’t be the only one with brain rot about this.
Arthur and John with LEGOS.
PLEASE it would be so funny, and they can get one of the “adult” kits where its like a map or something instead of the Death Star (though that would still be sick for them to make) or some shit.
I don’t care it’s the 1930’s, I want John and Arthur to have LEGOS they deserve one nice thing.
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eyeoftheaxolotl · 1 year
another important time of year to know about that begins in june is hurricane season.
if you live in an at-risk area, make sure you have all the supplies you need. i live in miami, so you bet your ass we're getting all the batteries, non-perishables, emergency supplies, etc. that we need.
do not wait until a storm is approaching to prepare. panic may ensue after a storm is announced. items may become hard to find. get them now while there is not much going on.
here's a list of items to stock up on. ill also put it here bc if you dont read any of the links from this post i want to be sure you at least read this. this is (in no particular order) the list from Ready, the site NOAA has linked:
water. Ready recommends a gallon per person per day for several days; get what you can. be sure you also have water for pets if you have them.
food. have several days' worth of non-perishable food. again, be sure to get food for pets as well if needed. if the food is in cans, make sure you've got some way of opening them, i.e. manual can opener. dont rely on an electronic can opener. (optionally, extra plates, utensils, etc.)
radio, etc. ESPECIALLY if you're in a risk zone, your power can go out so fast. so can cell service, etc. know which devices work without power, which require a charger, and which can work without internet.
flashlight. generally a good thing to have anyway. harbor freight has rly bright ones for cheap, theyre by the front counter
first aid kit. again, generally a good thing to have in or out of hurricane season.
covid preventative measures. especially if you're living with other people — you may end up in close quarters for days at a time or longer, and that's gonna get really bad really fast if you don't have some way to ward off the virus
MEDICATIONS!!!! i can say from experience that hurricanes and even just storm surges have a very real chance of messing up your ability to get your prescription. all it takes is a power outage and the pharmacy to be like oh :( sorry cant give u ur meds now :( computer isnt working :( and you can get screwed so easily. also, check up on your supplies of any over-the-counter stuff you may need to use, especially if regularly (for example, ibuprofen and similar that might be needed for menstrual cramps)
menstrual products (pads, tampons, etc.). you will want to have enough of these for a while. make sure to account for anyone else you're living with who needs them too.
baby care products. Ready specifically lists formula, bottles, diapers, wipes, and diaper rash cream.
diversions for kids. Ready lists this too, and i can say from experience — being trapped inside without power during a hurricane as a kid is not only terrifying, but also boring as all hell. you don't really understand what the adults are talking about, you just know that you're possibly in danger and that your games arent working because of it, and it sucks. i highly recommend legos, but even a silly board game can be enough for a couple hours.
batteries. yes okay sure maybe you have batteries. but please double-check — are they the right kind? do you have enough for the things you may need to use them for? also keep track of batteries for devices such as hearing aids, which you are less likely to be able to find batteries for from a neighbor
whistle to signal for help. you can get em for like 3-4 bucks
dust mask for contaminated air. i tried to find whether this can be a covid mask, but no dice. lmk if you know! in the absence of any evidence that the two are completely interchangeable, i would recommend to get a separate dust mask just in case. harbor freight sells em in packs of 10 for 3-4 bucks. also keep in mind that not all dust masks are designed for use against covid
plastic sheeting and duct tape. this one is to seal up the walls in case of danger outside — here's how to do it. (Look at the section titled "Sheltering in place".)
wet wipes, garbage bags, plastic ties
wrench or pliers to turn off utilities. here's how to do it. be sure you know which tools can be used for what BEFORE you have to go do it yourself. while you're at it, check if you've got any tools you need to repair damage to mobility aids, etc.
maps of the area. if you dont know your area, if you're dorming or rooming and don't know what's around, whatever your situation — trust me, you do not want to have to rely on an electronic device to get to where you need to be. know what you're looking for in advance if possible.
phone, charger, etc.
other important supplies based on what you might need:
glasses + lens solution. once again, this is pretty much just a thing that's generally good to have. but also remember that a lens wipe can only do so much if your glasses are covered in large particles or particles in a large amount
cash, important documents, etc. preferably in a waterproof container. Ready specifically lists insurance policies, identification and bank account records.
blanket or sleeping bag for each person. yet another instance of something that is generally good to have.
full change of clothing + shoes. if you can get good, sturdy shoes — great. but if you have a pair of extra shoes, that's fine too.
fire extinguisher. i'll be honest — i've never included this in the kit, and i don't have one, but Ready lists it as an item some people might need. idk. if you feel like you might need one, you can look into it — they do seem to be among the pricier items on the list, though.
this list will show you your evacuation zone if you live in the eastern/southern US:
this shows flooding zones in the US and Puerto Rico:
please feel free to add on any other resources you know of!
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rosetheex-editor · 9 months
[Video transcript begins.]
[The transcript begins with the camera up against a pillow, everyone in frame with a doorway close by as a small child sits in a red wagon with a lego set. A woman with long curly brown hair is sitting next to them.]
?: You ok Sparrow?
[Voice identified: Rose Elizabeth Henderson.]
?: [Muffled.] Kinda.
[Voice identified: Sparrow.]
R: Oh uh… What's wrong?
Sp: I miss Cassidy.
R: Oh… Guys? Help?
?: I… don’t know how.
[Voice identified: Edgar.]
?: ...kid, is there..anything we can do currently to help? Within, ya know, reason?
[Voice identified: Will.]
Sp: I just want Cassid-
[Just then, Sparrow is cut off by someone humming a song identified as “Frosty the snowman” as a medium length black haired woman walks in frame holding a teenager with medium curly blue hair and a blue suit.]
[Voice identified: Mari.]
R: For fucks sake, what random employee did you drag here this time?
[Mari doesn't respond, instead smiling at Rose.]
W: Mari. Is that... a kid?-
[In frame, Will already is standing up, trying to quickly navigate the closest medical kit available.]
M: Technically a teen. But yeah! Why?
W: Where did you get a teen from? Like, is that a regular employee you just grabbed?
[Mari spins around revealing the teens face, three big gashes on their face barely missing their eyes.]
W: oh fuck! On it!!
Sp: … C- C- I…
[Sparrow looks at the person in Mari's arms for several seconds while Rose and others struggle to find a first aid kit.]
W: Kid? You Ok?
Sp: I know her.
R: Mari we leave in three fucking days! Is it really necessary to grab another employee.
E: Mari, please explain who this is. You can multitask.
[Sparrow looks at Mari very annoyed.]
R: Get the stuff to the kid before Sparrow murders Mari please.
W: Way ahead of you!
[Mari bends down and sets the kid on the floor with their head propped up by a pillow.]
W: Are they conscious? Any responses?
W: SHit, okay..uh. Do we wanna risk cleaning the cuts?
?: They ain't that deep thankfully. Mask got it the way… Should be fine.
[Voice identified: Delilah.]
W: Right, okay, that's..that's good. Edgar? You okay?
E: [Startled.] Huh? I– uh, yeah. I’m fine. Yep.
R: You sure?
W: You don't... seem it? Hopefully that isn't rude.
E: Yeah! No, I’m all good! This was just a little… unexpected, you know?
W: Yeah, thats fair!
E: Mhm, let’s… focus on helping them.
R: Mari. Are you sure it's a good idea to add another person to our escape?
Sp: Excuse me.
E: We, uh… kinda have to now, don’t we?
M: IT'S GOING TO BE FINE! Rose quit screaming. Sparrow don't have a tone. Edgar… I don't know what your issue is. But stop.
W: [Quieter.] They can take my place if you’re worried about space. I’m of least concern out of all of us.
?: [Muttering.] Quit screaming… Owie…
[Voice identified: Cassidy…]
W: Rose, Hush. I’m gonna bandage these up now, we can talk about it later.
R: You fucking matter. I don't wanna hear it.
W: Didn't say i didn't. Just said I'm the lowest priority, ‘tis all.
[Will is wrapping plasters onto the gashes, with wound-cushioning to protect them from being infected.]
R: There is no fucking ‘lowest priority’.
M: Technically Sparrow and now Cassidy are top priority. Meaning all the rest of us are the lowest priority by default.
W: Sounds logical. We should probably lower our voices, though, head damage can be a bitch for headaches.
De: Ruby did drop her head on the floor too so that probably doesn't help.
R: Ruby… Oh.
W: Oh shit.
Sp: …
[Sparrow looks at everyone in the room, seemingly upset.]
E: Um… Merry Christmas?
Sp: … Yep.
R: Sparrow knock it off, it's fine.
W: Rose, how about you knock it off. They have a reason to be upset. [Will’s head turns towards Sparrow, before continuing.] You can tell us, kid, nobody should be angry or upset with you.
Sp: Quit being worried. That's my sister. And you're all too busy being worried, or talking about ‘lowest priority.’ while my sister is bleeding on the floor.
W: Sparrow, I’ve done all I can for the cuts. We just need to keep monitoring them now. And, i don't think we should be focusing on a priority list in the current moment either.
C: [Muttering.] Egg… Car..?
E: Wh– hello?
[The child can roughly be seen blinking.]
C: [Muttering.] H- Bappy hirthday?
W: ..close?
C: [The Muttering lasts until said otherwise.] Owie… H- Head go owch.
E: Uh, what do we do…? I’m… usually the one with the head injury. I don’t…
R: Let her rest.
Sp: Cassidy..? Do you… Remember your name?
C: C- Cassidy? Me thinks.
E: What else do you remember?
C: Squib… Icing… Egg Car…
E: Mhm? Anyone else?
C: … N- no?
W: With the mask, that is expected, and with..well head trauma.
R: Squig also apparently had blocked a lot of her memories.
E: Um. That’s… not good.
W: Well Yeah, that. Would do it.
C: S- Spaghetti. is fubby..!
W: Thats. worrying.
Sp: Cassidy probably just likes spaghetti.
C: h- Help me sit round.
W: Can try?
Sp: Up. I think she meant up.
W: Yeahh, I think so too.
[Cassidy sits up slowly, holding her head. Before looking straight at Edgar.]
E: Uh.
C: You. Here. Why?
E: Er. At the mall? That’s… a very long story.
C: You.
E: What?
[Cassidy begins spinning her arm around, walking and then slowly sprinting over to Edgar before trying to spin and tries to punch Edgar in the stomach. Only for no effect.]
E: … uh.
[Cassidy stares at Edgar, Mari can be heard snickering in the background.]
[Edgar realizes slightly too late what she was trying to do, and attempts to react accordingly.]
E: Ow. That… 100% hurt. Ouch.
[Emphasis on the word attempts.]
W: They’ve got a fighting spirit, that's for sure!
R: Yep.
E: I’m going to guess that’s for me being here. Sorry.
[Cassidy grabs her head in pain, holding her forehead while she continues.]
C: You said you were going to live happily with your family. This isn't happy.
[Edgar looks off to the side.]
E: … Sorry.
M: On the bright side she doesn't know WHY you're here.
[Mari waits multiple seconds.]
M: I shouldn't have said that.
E: [Slightly irritated.] Yeah, maybe.
C: Oh he shot himself I remember that. That's why.
[Cassidy pats Edgar on the head. Smiling.]
C: I was gonna do that as well.
M: How do you know that?
C: I remember what happened when I was masked.
R: Please don't bring that up Cass.
C: Sorry.
W:...fuck, man.
E: [Muttered.] That’s not even the full reason. [Regular volume.] Anyway, welcome back, Cassidy.
C: Can I give you a hug? You seem… Sad.
E: Sure…? I feel like there’s some other people you should hug first, though.
C: Hm?
[Sparrow looks down at the floor of their wagon, seemingly sad.]
W: Someone missed you.
C: Uh… I'm sorry? I genuinely… Don't remember most of y'all?
Sp: … Oh.
W: Oh. Oh, fuck..Sparrow..
Sp: I'm fine… I'm fine… I'm fine…
C: I'm sorry? Did I accidentally do something?
[Edgar glances around awkwardly, unsure what to say.]
W: It's not your fault Cassidy. Nobody to blame but Squig and Iris.
Sp: You… Don't remember me at all..?
[Sparrow looks at Cassidy.]
C: N- No? S- Should I?
[Sparrow looks back down, sobbing.]
R: Kid I…
C: Should I remember?
[Will hesitates, glancing at the others.]
C: I could try! Really really har-
[Cassidy grabs her head again.]
W: Hey hey hey! Don't strain it Kiddo, they come back with time, okay? It'll just hurt more if you try to force it.
M: Kinda hurts the same honestly.
[Will shoots a look at Mari that reads: “not the time”, before looking back at Cassidy.]
C: Uh… What's everyone's name? I know Edgar. But you guys?
W: Will. I'm Will.
R: Rose.
M: Mari, that [Mari points at Delilah.] is Delilah.
[Sparrow doesn't speak.]
R: The kid is Sparrow…
C: OOOO I LIKE SPARROW'S! Very pretty birds!
[Everyone seemingly sits around after Cassidy finishes speaking, the mood somber in a way. This lasts for 15 minutes before the transcript ends.]
[End transcript.]
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