#please spare yourself the absolute shit that's posted on there
whichwitchami · 1 day
This is a Sigyn appreciation post
per a conversation with @hiddenhearthwitch yesterday, I felt there needed to be more Sigyn appreciation here on Tumblr (within the Norse Pagan community as a whole)
There's so much talk of Loki and his confinement, his role in the bringing of Ragnarok etc. Loki deserves the spotlight.
But there's not enough talk of Sigyn. About how we know little to nothing of her except her devotion and dedication to her family. Can we please appreciate the heartbreak and physical pain she must be experiencing?
To recap: Loki's punishment for killing Baldur is to be bound by a chain made from the entrails of his son with a snake above his head dripping poison onto him. Sigyn then dutifully stands there, holding a bowl to catch the poison, only leaving to empty the bowl and return to her husbands side.
Her arms have to be killing her. Her legs must want to give out at some point. She's enduring so much physical discomfort to give Loki a scrap of comfort in his torment. Not to mention the emotional/ mental trauma of having her own child's entrails be what binds her husband, and having to hear Loki's screams when she has no choice but to leave his side for a moment.
Some would probably say Sigyn is doing this because she's 'traditional' where a wife has to stay by her husband's side no matter what. I think its more about her own love though. In my experience working with the Norse Pantheon, there's a ton of agency and advocacy for setting boundaries from the Gods, which leads me to believe Sigyn absolutely could walk away if she wanted to. She's not held down by 'tradition'.
I think she stays out of love, out of a devotion so deep it's painful, and nearly impossible to understand. Who can fathom putting yourself through such physical and emotional pain to protect your loved ones? She's choosing to stand there, to save Loki from as much pain as she can spare him from, because every drop she collects is a moment of reprieve in his torment.
I think the only way she endures is through nostalgia, as Faye eloquently put it "the kid you get enraptured in and it feels so beautiful and then suddenly there's a pang in your chest and you're at a loss for words"
How can Sigyn endure the physical and emotional pain? She dissociates. She has to. In my belief she handles everything by disappearing in her mind to simpler times, to remembering the beauty of her life with her loved ones before everything went to shit. It doesn't matter to her why things went to shit, or whose to blame for it. What matters is things suck, her husband is in pain, and she loves him so much she'll do anything she can to help him.
Maybe she should walk away, but at the end of the day its her choice, and I think there's something hauntingly beautiful about making the choice to stay.
If you want to understand the kind of nostalgia, listen to this song and picture Sigyn holding the bowl, trying not to show her own pain while she remembers lying in a warm sunny field, enjoying a simple, peaceful moment in a different time.
Just, show her some love, because she's giving everything she has to Loki, and she's doing it because she loves him.
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jahanmp4 · 7 months
I'm seeing a lot more people talk about the QSMP fandom situation over on Twitter and let me tell you :
It's not worth it.
Twitter can be as amazing and creative as it is a cesspool of all the worst people ever. Talking about wanting eggs (basically kids) to die getting 7k likes like it's nothing and then saying "Calm down it's just blocks". Spare yourself the pain of going on the bird app for QSMP. I only go there to check out fanarts and then move on, it's better for your well-being I'm telling you. People are much better at having civilised conversations over on Tumblr <3
Also, the block button is an amazing feature (in both apps but I'll focus on Tumblr here). Nothing personal, sometimes you don't want to see some people talk about topics that annoy you, it only takes a few clicks. I know I'm not learning y'all anything new but a reminder that you should be kinder to yourselves and curate a timeline that's pleasant for you. Take care, think of your fav egg or cubito in a flower field okay ? :D
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halucynator · 9 months
Red Wine
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x fem!reader
Warnings: cursing, kissing lmk if there are anymore
Summary: where your best friend, Pansy, "accidentally" spills wine on Mattheo at a Slytherin Party and volunteers you to help him clean up.
Hope this is to your liking 💕
Reader is Slytherin x the divider is by @firefly-graphics xx check them out for more!! This is their post with the dividers x
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You entered the Great Hall and walked up to the Slytherin table. The table was filled with chatters about the Slytherin Party happening this very evening. Your head was kinda hurting so you decided not to go. Until...
"Y/n darling! You can't turn down an invitation to a party! Especially not a Slytherin one!" Pansy said appalled at your decision as you sat in your dorm.
"Pansy my head is throbbing." You replied trying to convince her.
"No way. You are going to that party. Mattheo will be there! And I know how much you like him." Pansy said far too loud.
"Louder Pansy. I don't think they heard you over at the boys dorms." You said irritated at the fact that she spilled your secret.
"Sorry." She muttered slightly taken aback. "Please come! I promise I'll make it worth you while."
"Ok fine. Wait what do you mean?" You asked.
"You'll see." She smirked to herself.
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You got into a green body fitting dress, exaggerating your curves. You had to admit you looked stunning. You paired it with black heels that Pansy let you borrow and silver snake earrings as well as a necklace. You had your hair in a bun with a few strands out at the front which you curled.
"Wow! Darling you look amazing!" Pansy said as she saw you all ready.
"Thanks!" You replied smiling at her.
As you and Pansy walked down the stairs, your friends stared at you in shock. One of them being Mattheo.
Pansy was daring so her response didn't shock you.
"I know we're hot but you might want to close your mouth before your jaw falls off." She said making you chuckle and lightly smack her arm.
"Pansy!" You exclaimed as you giggled.
"You look nice." Mattheo complemented you.
"just nice?" You joked.
"I mean, very nice. Like gorgeous i-" Mattheo said flustered.
"I'm joking. You don't look too bad yourself. Turns out you clean up way better than I expected.". You cut him off before he had a crisis. He softly smiled at you as you noticed he was... blushing?
You and your friends sat in the back corner of the room as you usually did. None of you were heavily into the dancing and the lights. You were just there for the alcohol.
You and Pansy went to grab drinks. Pansy got red wine which you found weird since she never was fond of it.
"I didn't know you liked red wine." You said.
"Does the job." She replied.
"Wh-" you began.
"Careful, your drinks gonna fall!" Pansy exclaimed as she saw you tilting your glass unconciously.
"Oh shit! Thanks." You replied.
You walked back to the table where your friends were sat. You saw Pansy pull a face as she gulped down the wine. You sat down next to Mattheo. As she went to take the seat next to you, she tripped due to the table leg and spilled her red wine all over Mattheo's white suit.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Pansy exclaimed.
Mattheo took a deep breath before responding.
"It's fine." He muttered. "Unfortunately all my white shirts have just been washed so I don't have any spare."
You stared at Pansy in disbelief refusing to believe it was an accident. You saw right through her little facade. Pansy gave you a look to say something, but in that moment you had no idea what to say.
"Y/n has some spare oversized shirts she could lend you?" Pansy suggested. "Don't you y/n?" She nudged.
"Uh... yeah yeah! I have some spare oversized shirts, if you can just follow me to my dorm." You said realising Pansy's endeavour.
"No it's fine I don't want to bother you." Mattheo replied.
"Don't worry about it!" You said. Mattheo gave in and followed you to your dorm.
You took a towel and wiped off the red wine before reaching in to your cupboard and grabbing the shirt.
As you turned around you saw Mattheo unbuttoning his shirt and your jaw dropped. You almost dropped the shirt in your hands on the floor.
His abs, his arms and his hands were perfect. He was perfect.
"I know I'm hot but you might want to close your mouth before your jaw falls off." Mattheo repeated Pansy's exact words, smirking as he did so.
"Sorry I- I should probably turn around." You said flustered.
"No, I don't mind. Unless you do, that is?" Mattheo questioned.
"Looking at those abs? Fuck no, I don't." You said half joking as you turned around still blushing. He chuckled.
When Mattheo was fully dressed you suggested that you both go down back to the party before anyone got suspicious.
"Will they be wrong?" He asked.
"What do you-" you started. Before you could finish your sentence his lips were on yours. The moment was surreal and you wished it would last forever.
Fucking Pansy and her red wine.
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moodyhaaze · 11 months
❛ when you run into your ex… ❜ pt 1 — older bros
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synopsis. it’s been years since you’ve seen your ex. but on an excursion to your hometown in the human world with your boy, you run into them…
tags. headcanon | slightly NSFW | gn!mc
a/n. this is the first thing i’ve written in a hot minute due to depression,,, so here’s to hoping it’s not dogshit ! if it is, please have mercy on my soul | part 2 with younger bros coming soon, dateables soon there after
< part 2 - younger bros | part 3 - dateables >
would no doubt pull you close to him with a firm hand on your waist, making sure to keep his hands on you at all times, even leaning down multiple times to place kisses on your cheek and lips. Maybe he even slips his hand over your ass and gives a tight squeeze right in the line of sight of your ex. Lucifer loves the way your ex’s face contorts into anger. But they know they can’t say or do anything because, well — just look at Lucifer — he’s an absolute unit and scary as hell. He never says anything to your ex, barely spares him a glance, but feels his pride swell as he walks away with you on his arm, knowing your ex is watching. Absolutely fucks the hell out of you when you get back to HoL just to remind you that you’re his.
would get utterly pissed. But like, not immediately jumping to throwing hands. But, like, laughing, taunting, hurling insults about what a lowly and sorry sack of shit your ex is, all the while keeping you tucked tightly under his arm. You can’t help but laugh at the situation yourself, but are quick to shush Mammon since he’s really beginning to make a scene, his horns now slightly visible through his hair, and you’re worried it could escalate into an actual brawl (or Mammon just beating the shit out of your ex, is more like it). When you’re finally able to pry his stubborn ass away from the situation, you both get home and curl up on his couch and watch a movie. He kisses the top of your head as you rest on his chest, drifting to sleep. “Mine,” he whispered as he tightens his arms around you.
would probably become pretty dejected at first, really eyeing your ex up and down, thinking about how they must have tons of better qualities than him. But then he think about their hands roaming your skin, them kissing your body all over, holding you… Now Levi is mad. Infuriated, even. So infuriated he’s in his demon form in seconds, eyes dark with rage, his tail wrapped tightly around your waist, keeping you hidden behind him. It takes a lot to calm him down and to keep him from summoning Lotan to drown your soon-to- be very sorry ex. When the two of you get home he’s quick to pull you into his room and snuggle up to you in his tub, shyly nuzzling into your neck as he mumbles a quiet sorry for losing his cool. Give this poor baby some love, rub his head, tell him how precious he is.
© moodyhaaze | 07•10•23 — do not repost, modify, plagiarize, or translate my writings. likes + reblogs appreciated.
cross posted on ao3.
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blushedarmybunny · 1 year
After his Shadow || Jeon Jungkook x Fem Reader
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♡ Pairing: Athlete!Jeon Jungkook x fem reader
♡ Word count: 2.6 k
♡ Genre: Angst (m), toxic relationship.
♡ summary:
He is the most loved athlete in Korea, and you are just his girlfriend until after four years you decide to leave him and is the best and at the same time the worst thing you could have ever done.
♡ a/n: I hope you like it, anon that requested this piece i made it angsty bc that is the vibe i got, idk but I maybe write a part 2 please comment if you want.
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There is no feeling to describe how dysfunctional your personal relationship with Jeon Jungkook is and how it casts so many shadows on your own personal demons. You can barely recognize yourself even when you are detoxicating from all the shit you had to put up in the past 4 years. After breaking up with him you supposed to feel free but instead a sense of dread crept out behind you every day leaving you with lack of sleep and shakings all over your body, or as they call it anxiety.
You’d been hiding from everyone, deep rooted in your grandfather lake house which you had the spare key, that’s where you had been laying in bed for the past week and a half, just answering your mom’s text and eating less to not have the necessity of going out for groceries. Yes, you were far from Korea but you know that they will find you, they always find you.
The press, the obsessive fans or just about anyone that follows up the sports stars in the world of football, because Jeon Jungkook is big, more than that he is a superstar well loved by the public especially, his fans. He is very young but also very talented and has too much fame and power to the point he is almost untouchable. In his own country he is almost a god, no Korean football player can dream to become as big as him, whenever he is outed somewhere the traffic literally stops while crowds of people gather following his pace, after all he is the team leader who brought South Korea their first world cup, his team mates were now globally famous because of this and after the absolute pandemonium that was taking the glory to his country Jeon Jungkook became an athlete legend.
Every girl would throw herself at his feet, so everyone was shocked when he publicly announced his relationship with you four years ago, you had no idea what were you doing back them, all you can do now is regret your naivety. You had some idea that your new boyfriend was wealthy but everything progressed fast, too fast, to realize the extend of his fame. You suddenly were kissing for the first time and next thing you know is him posting on his insta that you two are boyfriend and girlfriend and then it hit you. You blame yourself for not google him before accepting going out with him after a casual party in a bar, it was so stupid but not more than the face the press photographed the day after the post, you were cluelessly walking down the street trying to grab some coffee and then some people run to your side with cameras in their hands, flashing lights all over, such a confusing situation that you ran back to your apartment and demand explanations from him.
From there it was a wild ride, crazy calls from every person you knew, your 3-digit following account rising up to the six digits on the same day, Jungkook stopping by so casually that it must have raise an alarm inside you but it didn’t, it fucking didn’t.
So that brought your path to what is your life in this moments, a full grown women hiding under the blankets deleting every picture on her phone, dried eyes, no tears just dark circles and a undecipherable expression. Suddenly you came across a blurry picture from way back, cheeks fuller and a bubbly smile, it was cute at the moment but the people had tore apart every single detail of your face that you can’t  longer find anything nice about that moment of your life. That’s why you didn’t bother to check any of your socials, the aftermath of the breakup was too ugly and you were the villain, you were always the villain.
Because Jeon Jungkook was Korea’s national treasure, not only nationals but his fans all over the world would defend him before anything and anyone, fame was a weapon that could be used against you and he realized that very soon into the relationship, you did something that made him upset? He can post some pathetic tweets leaving some hints. You try to push back from his ‘love’ and ‘protection’? he misses goals at an important match and points out to press after that he has been feeling ‘emotionally unstable’. God forbids you ask to take some time from the relationship because he would cancel a match making a social media circus and you being guilt tripped and publicly shamed back to him.
All of that just to everyday being gaslighted by everyone in how lucky you truly are for being his girlfriend, it was a sick joke.
“And what the fuck is this? Are you out of your fucking mind, Yn?” Jungkook yelled at you while he showed you a picture of you in your best friend’s boyfriend birthday, you had know him since uni, your best friend and him were engaged, you had known him for so many years that you greeted him with a hug  and that was exactly what you were doing in the picture, but the angle, oh that damn angle made you look like you were kissing each other.
“You tell me you are in a trip with your friends and this is what you fucking do? I look like the biggest fool in the news!” Jungkook sentenced while you look at him with concern.
“I was just hugging him!” you fight back, his eyes made an imponent statement at your direction.
“Why are you hugging another man? How is that proper, tell me?” his ironic tone made an echo through your head.
“You really baffle me, I hugged him because he is my friend and because I wanted to? Who you think you are to control me?” you snapped back at his rhetoric but he didn’t seem pleased at your response.
“You rub your tits in another man’s chest and when I don’t like that you are the one who gets mad? You truly are something…” Jungkook scoffed  “Can you see that you and your so called ‘friend’ is making me look bad?”
“This is so fucking tiring, what are we exactly discussing here? I told you I was hugging a friend end of conversation”
“Is that so? You don’t care then? When people laugh in my face and later call you a slut?” Jungkook said bitterly, he was mocking you, because he knew how things worked in his world.
“You know this is exactly why I think we don’t make sense, you seem to take pleasure in making me doubt myself and making everyone dislike me!” you can feel the tears wanting to come out but have to be strong.
“You need to know your place, Yn, you know you are in the wrong when the crowd it’s calling you out, if they are calling you a slut then…”
You hit him across his face, it was no use because your strength could not really hurt him, but it did caught his attention.
“it’s not fair, and never will be, they are on your side always and you know that!” you exclaimed clenching your teeth, Jungkook at the sight of your frustration he smiled.
“that’s right it’s not fair, knowing that information and you still dare to slap me? Don’t you know my next match is in two hours I have to leave this apartment in a few minutes and when they see the pictures leaving this apartment upset, a mark on my cheek and later a low performance on the match, what they will think of you?” Jungkook asked still smiling, you gasped in horror.
“Yeah exactly, now apologize to me and I will consider to put a mask when I go outside” there he  was being in control again, he had you cornered, he made you small.
“I’m sorry” you murmured, his hands grabbed your face making you look up to him, his eyes scanning yours, he leaned over and kissed your lips, you move your move lazily corresponding to his more passionate kiss.
“That’s right, baby, I know you are sorry”
You rolled over bed and kept deleting all you could, the memory has left you with a bitter taste in the mouth that quickly made you nauseous you run into the bathroom to throw up, while you wash up you look at your pathetic reflection in the mirror the same pathetic expression of that time when you actually tried to left him thanks to his very public indiscretion.
The aftermath of all that mess is threatening you with a head ache but the mind still goes to that specific place.
“How dare you, huh?! You bark at any man that glances at my direction but you go to a fucking yacht party kissing every model on sight!” you throw the tabloid at his face, he looks up with his big doe eyes, parting his mouth like he was just exposed without any warning, he blinked a few times perplexed “You pathetic scum I should had neve-“
“I know you are mad” he simply said and you can feel your eye twitching in disbelief. “Can you calm down a bit”
“Calm down?!”
“Look I’m sorry okay, it won’t happen again it was a stupid mistake” he brushed off the whole situation like it was nothing and you were starting to lose it.
“Mistake? Are you fucking kidding me? There are videos, Jungkook, you seem pretty fucking chill while those bitches are sitting on your lab…”
“Then you kissed them like it was the most fucking natural thing to do…”
“Oh my god, stop, it’s not that big of a deal, I apologized!”
“And you expect me to accept it?”
“Those girls nobody knows them, but you are my girlfriend, aren’t you?” he asked with an irritated expression.
“I don’t understand you, Jungkook, I really don’t, let’s just break up that way you can kiss all the models you want” you responded completely tired of his bullshit.
“You are still mad, I see” he said standing up and walking towards you.
“Don’t go near me!” you warned him but he keeps coming close until he is in front of you then he takes your hips and pulls you down while he takes a seat in the couch, you end up in his thigh.
“I know baby, you must be angry” said affirming you in his leg, you were only wearing a skirt so your underwear was the only barrier against his muscular thigh, you got nervous. “You don’t have anything to be jealous about, you want this don’t you? You saw me in the video doing this and now you want me to take you in that way?” he asked looking at your eyes and your lip trembling he grabbed your hips and move you hitting that precious spot making you pant.
“that’s right baby” Jungkook said an erection forming in his shorts “I know you want to move” he said to you with a cheeky smile you closed your eyes and nodded you felt how he spank you with dry sound, the wetness now lubricating Jungkook’s thigh, he always looked good in uniform.
“how do you call me?” he asked while pulling up his shirt showing his abs and taking out his growing cock jerking it a few times, he spanked your ass once again when you didn’t respond.
“…Daddy” you managed to say between moans, now fully moving your hips in his thigh while he jerks up, you did not last much longer and while you had your orgasm the grin that Jungkook gave you was enough to sink you after your high, back into humiliation.
“You fucking slut, ugh you’re so hot” he said between his heavy pants, his seed spilled all over his abdomen soon enough when you were washing up in the shower, he turned you over to wash your hair with shampoo then he suddenly whispered in your ear:
“While I’m right here taking care of you I still can’t bother to remember those girls names or faces” he said while he continued to massage your head “ you have nothing to worry about” you closed your eyes trying to believe in his words, that’s all you wanted in that moment.
Your stomach growled screaming for food, you walked to the kitchen making the laziest thing you could and swallowing it, then back to bed, that has been your routine the past week, you felt disappointed in yourself, at the end of the day that’s what Jungkook has done to you, he left you so empty.
Because of both of your natures your relationship continued to be unstable and the public was right there to enjoy the circus, every single time.
It didn’t matter how many more indiscretions Jungkook had, the media crucified you no matter what, not attending to his matches was more than enough to enrage his crazy fans. You didn’t have the basic right to be mad whenever he doesn’t do his part.
Jungkook just likes to take and take from you, his jealousy was a problem but his cheating was not.
His sexual needs mattered but your emotional needs were ignored. He acted like the perfect boyfriend in public just to treat you like you don’t exist every time his friends call him on the weekends.
Being in a relationship with Jeon Jungkook was a state of constant confusion. And it all did not make any sense on why he kept insisting in continuing the relationship, he would do anything, get mad, act upset to the public, put at risk an important match, even cry whenever you tried to bring up your need of wanting out, but with his actions Jungkook has made very clear he wasn’t done toying with you, and you had no say on it.
At the end you hit the bottom after four years of this so called ‘relationship’ and once you snapped back out of your submission you did not look back. Took your stuff and while he was busy in another freaky party in Japan, you flew back home taking serious steps into going incognito. Yes, Jungkook called you like a thousand times but nothing that a block can’t resolve. You announced him your break up  in a letter that you send him via text before blocking him, then you made it public via twitter simply putting:
Jungkook and I are not in a relationship anymore, please respect my privacy.
And after that you had been trying to hide from the rest of the world, you had a vague notion of how the rest of world reacted at least in the first days, Jungkook fought with a photographer outside of a bar completely drunk, he made very alarming tweets, it was all over the news, but you did not know the details or bother to dig deeper, his fans almost throwing a celebration party but at the same time blaming you for everything wrong that is happening to Jungkook.
You did not judge yourself on how you ended things with him either, you were kinda running away, but it was the best option in where he didn’t get to manipulate you or black mail you.
At the end of the day you were the only person who can pick yourself up from the ground, and make whatever you want your life to be, and with Jungkook out of the way, who can stop you?
There is only one way up, right?
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burden - jj maybank
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summary - jj always feel like a burden to his girlfriend when she has to clean him up after he gets into a fight.
warnings - fluff, angst?
word count - 804
a/n - sorry if this isn't the best, i've never wrote anything like this before, but i'm trying my best. also, this ended up being a lot longer than anticipated, but oh well.
post number - 1
reader - she/her, fem!
add yourself to my taglist here
after a difficult eight hour shift, at the local walmart where she worked,  yn made her way back to the château, the place where she practically lived at this point. it’d been a busy night, with multiple new customers coming in every minute or so, and then piling onto the register, that she was working on, five minutes later. given that she was the only one working on the registers after six pm, it was a very stressful night.
but she could forget all about that and relax once she got back to the château and could sleep all of the stress away.
once yn got to the château, she went straight into the spare bedroom, which her boyfriend had claimed as his own, expecting to see him in bed already, either waiting for her or already asleep. mildly surprising yn, jj was nowhere to be seen. however, she didn’t worry; instead she assumed he’d gone out to smoke, or for a late surf or walk.
she climbed into the double bed and immediately melted into the soft mattress. she leant against her silky, white pillow to check on her unread messages that she’d gotten since last time she’d checked. while reading her messages, yn saw a blonde haired boy enter the room in the corner of her eye. she didn’t remove her eyes from the screen as she assumed that jj would just join her in bed momentarily, which he did. 
jj climbed underneath the duvet and moved over to where yn was sitting, before he dug his head into her stomach and snuggled up to her.
“hi, baby.” she said softly, still not looking away from the screen, running her hands through his soft blonde hair, “where’ve you been?”
“got caught up at the club.” jj mumbled into his girlfriends shirt, which previously belonged to him.
he repeated himself, “caught up at work.”
“your shift finished at eight… it’s on. what kept you there for so long?” yn asked, growing slightly suspicious, finally looking at jj.
“nothing, don’t worry.”
“jj..” her tone changed. yn knew when something was wrong with her boyfriend.
“it's nothing.”
yn tugged jj’s hair softly, to make him look at her. his face was covered in small cuts and bruises, and he had a crimson liquid dripping from the largest cut on his face, which sat just below his right eye. yn took jj’s face in her hand.
“baby.. what happened?” she ran her thumb across his cheek.
“nothin- it’s nothing.” he brushed it off.
“jj, don’t lie to me. what happened?”
“nothing. me and rafe just sorta got into it at the club. don’t worry about it.” he pushed yn’s hand off, before going to his own side of the bed.
“why? did he say something again?”
jj sighed, knowing there was absolutely no way she was letting it go, “he said something about me being your bitch, and about how i’m a pussy when you’re not around. i-” his voice got stuck in his throat, “i just lost it. i’m so sick of him. he treats us all like shit because his daddy has money and ours don’t.”
by this point, yn had noticed the tear rolling down jj’s face, and his voice breaking in between words. she wiped the tear from his face, “please don’t cry, love.”
“sorry- he just really gets to me.”
“i know. let’s just get you cleaned up, and we’ll talk about it in the mornin’, yeah? i can tell you’re tired.”
“i’ll be fine. let’s just go to sleep.”
“jj, these could get infected. they need to be cleaned, baby. please just let me help you.”
“it’s fine.”
“i said its fine!” he snapped, shocking yn slightly, “i’m sorry- i’m just sick of burdening you all of the fucking time. every time i get into a fight, there you are; having to clean me up like i’m a fucking child! you’re probably so sick of me.”
“jj maybank, don’t you dare think that again.” she cupped his face, “jj, you are my boyfriend, you are not a burden to me in any way whatsoever. the fact you would even think that hurts me a little.”
“sorry. but rafe isn’t wrong. everytime i fight, i come running to you for help-”
“you don't come running to me.” yn interrupted, “i help you because i want to help you, and i like helping you. that’s what girlfriends are for.”
“right. i know that, but he gets in my head.”
she smiled at him softly, “well don’t let him. his opinion means fuck all.”
he chuckled, “i love you, yn”
“I love you too, jj.” she pressed her lips against jj’s cut ones, softly, making sure not to hurt him anymore than he already was, “now let's get you cleaned up.”
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gallavichthings · 9 months
Writer's Spotlight - Rita
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This interview is long overdue and has been long in the making! I'm super pleased and excited to finally present a friend and my right arm on this blog, Rita aka @sickness-health-all-that-shit aka whatyouandihave on AO3, author of Lifeline, Possiblities, Short&sweet and several other fics, and some great gifs too!
R: I grew up in a small-ish town, dreaming about going to university, finding a job I loved, and living on my own with a cat as my companion. I'd say my 13-year-old self would be pretty happy with how my life turned out! I've always been into tv shows and films, plus languages and literature (that's what I mainly studied at uni) and I've managed to find a job that combines those things, which is the absolute dream! I translate and adapt lines into Italian so that dubbing actors can replace the original dialogues of movies, tv shows, documentaries and the like. Besides reading and writing and watching shows, I love travelling, enjoying good food and spending time with my family.
GT: Oh, that's a great job! It looks like you're living your dream, and I'm very happy for you! I assume you must watch all kinds of shows for your job, but what do you watch in your leisure time?
R: Yeah, for work I've had to watch plenty of children's cartoons, anime and lots of unscripted programs like reality television, cooking competitions and things like that. All stuff I would not watch in my spare time 😁 Some of my favourite shows are Btvs, Doctor Who, Breaking Bad, The Office, Outlander, Derry Girls, Peaky Blinders, Dexter and Shameless. I also watch a lot of British comedy panel shows (Taskmaster, QI, Big fat quiz of the year etc) and stand up comedy.
GT: Oh, some of my favorites on this list! Do you read/write fics for these other fandoms as well?
R: Nope! I actually came to fanfic pretty late, despite all the years spent lurking in fandom spaces. I only really started reading fics about 4 years ago, and that was after the Ian and Mickey prison reunion, having binged the first 8 seasons of Shameless a few months before that. I had read a couple fics for other fandoms over the years, but I honestly wasn't that interested. I was content with just rewatching the shows I loved and maybe making up my own headcanons, but nothing more. I guess you could say Ian and Mickey have made a fanfiction convert out of me!
GT: What was it about them that you think made you want to write your own fics, especially coming into the fandom late, as you said yourself, when there were already a lot of fics written.
R: Honestly, it just looked like so much fun to play around with them and all the themes you could explore through their story. When I first started reading fics, it opened so many avenues in my mind (I was so convinced I wouldn't be into AUs at first. Wrong!) and I was also reading tons of meta that had been posted on Tumblr over the years, which I had a lot of thoughts about. I think part of it was about needing a creative outlet at that point. I hadn't really written fiction before, and definitely not in English, but I think I'd always wanted to try and write stories. Building a world and creating characters from scratch would have been way too daunting, but playing around with my Ian and Mickey 'dolls' was instant, cathartic fun. There's just so much potential there, so much history and emotional depth to these characters and their love story that keep me coming back to them over and over.
GT: Do you tend to write more from Ian's or Mikey's pov?
R: I alternate a lot depending on the vibe of fic, but I guess maybe Ian's? The longest multichapter I have up is almost entirely written in Ian's pov, and one fic I'm writing at the moment that's gonna be longer than my usual is also from his pov. I have a lot of fun with Mickey's, but I really love exploring Ian's inner world in depth.
GT: What do you consider your forte when writing fic, the thing that comes to you more easily? And what do you struggle with sometimes?
R: I love writing dialogue the most, and I think I'm pretty good at making it sound in character for them and nailing their voice. I definitely struggle with descriptions and maybe pacing. I'd love to write a slow burn but I don't think they're for me. I get too impatient lol
GT: What kind of fics do you write the most? 
R: I mostly write one-shots, but hope to work on more multichapters in the future. I've also posted a series of short ficlets. Lots of fluff, some angst, though always with a happy or at least hopeful ending. Maybe someday I'll try my hand at some smut? Who knows. A lot of my fics tend to be either canon compliant fill-ins that expand on canon scenes or different first meeting AUs, especially meet-uglies. I also like including Mandy and exploring her friendship with Ian and sibling relationship with Mickey. I love writing banter and sprinkling in humour in my fics.
GT: I'm a huge sucker for meet-uglies! Which of your fics are you the proudest of?
R: Oh, the one I'm most proud of has got to be The stranger in my brother's bed. It was my first stab at a multi-chapter, my first AU and a chance to play around with different POVs and an unfolding plot. It's also still my most popular fic to date. It's very sweet and fluffy and warm. When it comes to one-shots my favourite I've written is probably Unexpected, a dialog-heavy meet-ugly with lots of banter and flirting. And then there's Caught me by surprise, my second attempt at a multi-chapter that's still currently a WIP. I do hope to finish those last two chapters someday, but I'm proud of it all the same. It's the longest thing I've written and I got to have fun with tropes like Fake dating, Secret relationship and Bed sharing.
GT: Are there any tropes or ideas you haven't had a chance to explore yet but you'd like to someday?
R: I'd like to write some fill-ins for the early seasons, especially exploring Mickey's pov. Of course a lot of amazing fics like that exist already, but it'd be a chance to expand on my headcanons and do some interesting character studies. Other than that, I have a few ideas for plot-heavy stories that sometimes I think might be too ambitious for me but also can't get out of my head. If I ever write them, they may feature tropes such as Childhood friends, Soulmate AU, Private investigator AU, and even a Genie AU, though fantasy is definitely not my go-to genre. I'd also love to write an angsty Enemies to lovers or a classic Roommates AU. And maybe some canon divergent stuff.
GT: Where do you get inspiration from?
R: Movies and tv shows I watch, stories I read or random posts I see on Tumblr are all potential sources of inspiration for me. Sometimes I'll get particularly obsessed with a line a character said in canon or a certain scene and a story just forms in my head around it. And when all else fails, I go looking for a prompt that speaks to me to get things going.
GT:What about motivation? Do you force yourself to take time to write or do you wait for motivation to strike randomly?
R: I'm still trying to find a balance that works when it comes to motivation, to be honest. I've gone many months waiting for motivation to strike, and getting more and more frustrated and disappointed the longer I waited in vain for it to come. Other times I'll try to force it, but end up convincing myself I have lost any ability to write I once had 😅 I definitely work better with some sort of deadline and 'peer pressure'. That's why I'm trying to participate in as many fandom events as I can at the moment. I struggle with anxiety, so I used to think it would be too stressful for me, but I need some structure in order to be productive. And sometimes it is a matter of getting yourself to write a little bit (almost) every day, just to move things along and keep the momentum going.
GT: What's your writing process like?
R: If it's something long or plot heavy I'll prepare a bit of an outline first, but I'm not generally big on outlines. When I go to write, I'm usually sitting on my bed or couch with my laptop. I tried having music on or ambient sounds, but honestly I work better in silence. I think of the scene I want to describe and the thoughts and feelings I want to convey and watch it as a film in my head, hearing the characters voice the dialogue. Then I put it all into words, if they behave that day and just come to me 😁 I first do a rough draft, trying not to edit too much as I go but just keeping going until I reach either the end of the story (in the case of a short-ish one-shot) or a good stopping point. Then once it's done I start editing, filling in details I left out, double checking things online and making various changes until I'm reasonably satisfied with it. At that point I'll send it over to my beta reader.
GT: Do you write about other characters or ships as well? If not, would you someday?
R: No, not really. Even if I include other Shameless characters, the focus is always on Ian and Mickey and their relationship. And I don't think I'll ever write about anyone else. I have a bit of a one-track mind when it comes to ships and fandoms. I can only really focus on one at a time, and even if I love lots of other shows and media, I don't feel the need to create for them, or be all that involved. I think that, beyond my fascination with Ian and Mickey as characters and as my all-time favourite ship, this fandom space and the community I share this passion with has a lot to do with my continued participation in it. I don't think I'd be still writing and posting fic if it wasn't for all the wonderful people that create and enjoy fanworks about Ian and Mickey alongside me. They're a huge part of what inspires me and motivates me to keep creating.
GT: Definitely. It's incredible to me how much the fandom has grown and changed, while still being welcoming.
What about OCs, do you have any? Do you create them based on real people or just whatever you need them for?
R: I only occasionally create OCs for specific purposes, though most often I try to cast other Shameless characters in the roles I need if possible. I had fun with Mr. Binckley in my most recent fic for GGE, The Ghost of Christmas Fuck You, and last year, again for GGE, I created two OC children for How I met your dad. I don't see myself using them for other fics in the future, though I really admire writers who can create fully fleshed out OCs and have them recur in more than one of their stories.
GT: What about reading fics, what makes you choose something to read (and what would make you give up on reading something)?
R: I usually trust authors I already know and love, and who tend to write the sort of fics I go for anyway. But I'll give any story a chance if the premise sounds intriguing. So a good summary will draw me in, for sure. I love any kind of meet-cute or meet-ugly, and enemies or friends-to-lovers. I'll read fluff, smut or angst depending on my mood, but always with a happy ending. I like any sort of AU, but I steer away from fantasy in general, and prefer things set in the present day (though I do enjoy science fiction as a genre so space, time travel, etc. might attract me to a fic). I don't read a/b/o, mpreg or mcd. I'll give up on reading something if it's just a wall of text or riddled (and I do mean riddled) with typos. Also if I feel that something is written way too out of character to the point where I barely recognise them as Ian and Mickey.
GT: Can you name some of those authors you already know and love?
R: Sure! @goodkwuestion, @beckyharvey29, @damnnmilkovich, @gallavichy, @jellovich, devovitsuasartes and @crazynadine are some of my all-time favourites.
GT: What about some favorite fics?
R: You can bite me by Shamelessquestions, all comes down to you by BeckyHarvey29, Bad Date by @thevioletjones, the Southside Forever series by proval, You make me feel human by Dragona, Two of your earth minutes by @the-rat-wins, So Sleeping fucking Beauty, right? by @cjmarlowe, sideways by @whaticameherefor, Maintenance by devovitsuasartes, Love is a ballfield by and_i_take_it. There are many others, but these are some of the ones that have really stayed with me.
GT: Do you ever reread fics?
R: Oh yeah, I've definitely reread some of the ones above. I've been in a reading slump for a long while now though, which is why the fics I've mentioned are almost all older ones, and a lot of those writers aren't active anymore. There are so many amazing new authors writing brilliant fics at the moment, but often I end up just reading snippets of their work or their drabbles on Tumblr, so that's why I haven't mentioned them here. I've got so many incredible fics to catch up on! But brains are weird like that, you know?
GT: Oh, I totally get that! What about your own, do you reread those?
R: Not often. I tend to publish something and then not look at it again, focusing on the next project instead. There's a little bit of a cringey feeling for me when I think about rereading my own fics, but then when I do happen to read a bit of one I'm like 'Hey. This is good, actually. I do not remember writing this, but wow. Good job, me.' 😆
GT: You make gifs too, right? Have you ever made a gifset for a fic, yours or someone else's?
R: Yep! I've made a single gif for my most recent fic, The Ghost of Christmas Fuck You, and also for an older one, Ready to do this. I really want to make gifs/graphics for my fics more often in the future, actually. And I once made a gifset inspired by a quote from Cooperative gameplay by grayola.
GT: Do you make moodboards or playlists when planning a fic?
R: Hmm not really. I sometimes look up images to help me visualise a particular scene, but it's not a regular habit of mine.
GT: Let's talk about Shameless. You said you binged the first 8 seasons? That must have been a wild ride.
R: Haha oh, yeah. I remember watching the first 5 seasons in just one week, then slowing down considerably for s6 and s7, and I think season 8 took me a full month to get through. At that point s9 was a couple of months away, and I alternated between a faint hope for some kind of reunion between Ian and Mickey and just bitter disappointment for the state of the show such as it was at that stage. I absolutely died when the prison reunion happened. I watched that scene on a loop for days, and when I came back up for air I went looking for all the fics I could find. Especially ones set in prison or detailing their life after prison, since I was so convinced they were off the show for good. But of course that's not how it went. What a wild ride indeed! Those days were so crazy for me lol
GT: How did it feel to come into such a large, albeit somewhat asleep at the time, fandom?
R: It was weird because I wasn't on Tumblr at the time. I'd had a blog before but then left for a few years and once I got into Shameless I didn't immediately come back to it. I looked up news about the show on Reddit of all places. Then around the time I started reading fic, I found a little blog called gallavichthings ❤️ where I caught up on all the meta that had been written over the years (and gifsets and art and everything else). I only made my new blog when s10 was about to start, right around the time I posted my first fic on AO3. And at that point the fandom was being revived by I&M being on the show again and by the news that they'd be getting married by the end of season 10. It was my first real experience of being active in a fandom like this, so it was pretty wild for me. It was definitely not as nice and chill as it is nowadays, that's for sure.
GT: Awn, I'm glad to be part of your Gallavich journey. 
Are you able to select a favorite season, seeing as you saw them kind of all together?
R: Oof the earlier seasons are all so special in their own ways. But when I got to season 4, the grip this show had on me had reached the highest levels. Despite Ian being gone for so much of it, or maybe because of it, since his absence was so deeply felt and instrumental for us to see sides of Mickey we hadn't seen before. I'm a sucker for some good pining. And then the second half of the season was such a rollercoaster of emotions... Ugh. Plus it was also an amazing season for the other characters (Fiona especially, who I love so much). So dark and intense, and it felt like a more 'adult' season than previous ones. It just hurt so good.
GT: What's your favorite episode overall?
R: It's hard to choose a favourite, but I think ep 4x11, Emily.
GT: Oh, that's a fantastic one! What about a favorite scene?
R: Maybe the s5 dugouts scene in 5x10. The way it's filmed, the lighting, the music, the rawness of the emotions... it hurts like hell to watch them hurt each other, but then there's that sense of release, and of new hope when they're finally on the same page again and happy... and then it gets taken away from them, because we can't have nice things. But that scene is such a little gem, and it never fails to make me feel all the feels.
GT: If you could go back and change only one thing about the show, what would you change?
R: The quality drop in the later seasons? lol. Honestly, as happy as I am that we got to see Ian and Mickey get married and be husbands, the show was just unrecognisable by the end. So I'd have it end sooner. Have the s7 finale be the final episode of the show, but with a happy ending for Ian and Mickey, obviously.
GT: Speaking of, what did you think of the ending?
R: I wish I could say I was satisfied with it, but yeah, no. It was way too open ended, I only liked where they left things for Ian and Mickey, and I should count myself lucky for that, really. The parallels they tried to do with the pilot and season 1 mostly fell flat for me, but then, like I said, the show was a shadow of its former self by that point. There was too little left to enjoy for me. I don't think I would've watched s10 and 11 at all if it wasn't for Ian and Mickey.
GT: How do you headcanon Ian and Mickey's life together after the ending?
R: I think they live in that apartment for a couple years, then get a house closer to where they grew up. They keep in touch with family and spend holidays with the other Gallaghers. They get a pet or two, and eventually adopt or foster kids, a few years down the line. Mickey takes over the security business, while Ian finds a way to use his medical training again to help the community. They'll be happy, safe and in love for the rest of their lives. ❤️
The happily ever after they deserve.
GT: Well, that's it from me. Thank you so much for your time! Now leave a message to those reading this.
R: This was great, thank you! And thanks to everyone in this little corner of the Internet. Whether you create or simply enjoy creations and support them, you are a vital part of something really special. Thank you for being on this ride with me, and here's to another year full of ideas, events, collaborations, and lots and lots of fun!
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sprintingnight · 4 months
fake asota d&d post simulator
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🐈 bloomingflowers Follow
yeah okay i feel like everyone's overreacting over the blood in the hallways. missing students aren't exactly a problem, people drop out of school all the time. it's literally not a big deal
🎵 snakefreak Follow
didn't you get a callout post a few months ago for getting caught eating a human arm in the girls bathroom
🎵 snakefreak Follow
whof the fuck is knoucking at my dorm room entrance in the middle of the night .
427 notes
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🐕 chickengirl Follow
excuse my language but i don't know how the FUCK to get out of this ice maze???????? any experts know what to do when your head starts spinning and you cant see right??? i think the reflections did some shit to me
⚔️ knightonpatrol23 Follow
op have you considered looking up the effects of low iron
🐕 chickengirl Follow
hold on i will in a second there's this weird crunching noise in the room ahead
🐕 chickengirl Follow
by the blight and the bane this can't be happening
#THE FUCKING MAYOR??? #hen.txt
2,674 notes
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☘️ liadons Follow
does anyone know the best fertilizer for my venus flytrap? im not too sure how to keep its roots healthy while also giving it the flies it needs.
🐈 bloomingflowers Follow
where is my rock rael
☘️ liadons Follow
what the fuck? how did you find my tumblr?
🐈 bloomingflowers Follow
give it to me rael
🐈 notheath Follow
give it to me rael
☘️ liadons Follow
please stop harassing me. this prank isn't funny. im going to report you to staff.
🐈 notheath Follow
how resistant are you to fire attacks
23 notes
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☀️ evvyblackbloom Follow
Hello, students of Alamaz. I know we're concerned about the rampant disappearances, and reports of some of our students coming back to school covered in blood, but there's absolutely nothing to worry about. Please remain calm during your stay here and make sure to lock your dorm rooms if you feel the need to.
☘️ liadons Follow
hey op arent you the one with the corpse pile in her basement
☀️ evvyblackbloom Follow
i have access to your student files, home address, family information, and authority over your brother, rael liadon
☘️ liadons Follow
5,972 notes
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🐈 bloomingflowers Follow
hey guys sorry abt the absence i was in jail for a bit :/
📚 bookworm87 Follow
how the fuck do you land yourself in jail????? arent you like. your bio says youre 16, what the hell did you do?
☘️ liadons Follow
dont ask stupid questions
🐕 chickengirl Follow
dont ask stupid questions
🎵 snakefreak Follow
dont ask stupid questions
#eboblogs #i hope nobody notices when bookworm87 mysteriously stops posting
50 notes
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🐕 chickengirl Follow
that girl down by the interrogation station was pretty nice, i wonder if i can get in contact with her again :)
🐈 bloomingflowers Follow
🎵 snakefreak Follow
im sorry catboy did you think i was the only one to get my crush swept away by some fucking golden retriever girl. the reckoning is upon you and if you think youll be spared its not going to happen.
🐕 chickengirl Follow
please get off my post
#hen.txt #i swear i need to like block these two off my blog or something #every time there's a blow up in my notifs #it's always them.
5 notes
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☀️ evvyblackbloom Follow
im so hungry i could eat a
☀️ evvyblackbloom Follow
☀️ evvyblackbloom Follow
i shant say
📚 studentswag Follow
um. my classmate went missing about an hour or two before this was posted
#....this cannot be connected i think im going insane
563 notes
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📚 studentswag Follow
alright this needs to be settled
#if youre already initiated you cant vote #your bias will show lmao #looking at a certain student whos name starts with d #and ends with aemus
7,836 notes
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🌕 mooncrying Follow
i miss my home so fucking much. why couldnt things have stayed the same? why couldnt i be happy? it cant end like this for me.
🐈 bloomingflowers Follow
have you considered getting used to it
🌕 mooncrying Follow
#im so FUCKING SICK OF TABAXI!!!!!!!!! #ESPECIALLY THIS ONE!! #why are we giving heath a platform like #i know its "funny" to "observe him in his enclosure" #but hes gone TOO FAR!!
30 notes
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laz-laz-ace-pilot · 2 years
Clones and life-limiting illness
I know it’s nearly the end of Disability Pride Month, and its taken me most of the month to work out how to properly articulate what I want to say, but here goes nothing!
So there’s a common trope in the Clone Wars fandom and writing spaces of creating a cure for the clones’ accelerated aging, and while I can totally understand why people would want that – its natural to want an easy solution! – I’d just ask people to be mindful of how much importance you place on needing a cure, and whether your story really needs it.
Because the reality for me, and for any people, is that there is no cure. And if you don’t live with or know someone with a life-limiting disease, you might not be aware of how much stigma is attached to it. So I’m going to try to break down some tropes to be aware of – not that you can’t use them, but just think critically about how and why you are using them.
-          Hopefully this is obvious, but not every moment of our lives is tragic. Yes there are sad, tragic and traumatic moments, but that’s equally possible in an abled person’s life, and there are so many brilliant moments of joy and happiness, just like in an abled person’s life! This is possible in the clones’ lives too.
-          Relationships – so apparently this is a surprise to some people, but its common for people with life-limiting diseases to be told you can’t (morally) have a relationship with someone, and there’s an echo of this in fiction. There is an expectation that its ‘noble’ or ‘moral’ to avoid initiating relationships to spare your partner the ‘burden’ of your disability. Let me say this now – this is absolute bullshit! People will tell you that its cruel on your partner to be with them, or that you should ‘out’ yourself on a first date so they can make a choice about being with a disabled person – this is ableist shit and please avoid these people at all costs. They do not have you or any partners’ best interests at heart.
-          Adding on to this; our lives have worth throughout our lives – whether before or during severe illness. I’ve seen so many fics where the clones are only considered ‘dateable’ or ‘attractive’ (or even people) while they are still young and abled-bodied – please think before you write off the latter parts of their lives. There are plenty of accounts from real people talking about how their relationships with their disabled partners actually improved while undergoing treatment or in palliative care – if you get a chance, I really recommend watching/ reading some.
-          The ‘noble death’– please don’t romanticise the idea of someone ending their life to avoid being a burden on their loved ones. Again, not only is this weirdly common in fiction, but is often parroted to life-limited people in real life.
-          ‘Being a burden’ – this is a huge problem that many disabled people are encouraged or forced to internalise, and while it’s highly probable that the clones would also internalise this, it doesn’t make it true. Disabled people are not a burden, and many loved ones want to support and help, and enjoy doing so! There are so many opportunities for character growth and happiness and connection in the midst of illness – please don’t discount this part of our, or the clones’, lives.
-          People have complex relationships with their life-limiting disabilities – there can be anger, frustration, denial (and a lot of internalised ableism) but there’s also acceptance too. Please don’t only characterise us as constantly angry and bitter at the world for our ‘misfortune’.
-          And hopefully this is obvious, but please don’t place all the clones’ worth on whether they’re ‘hot’ or not. I get it, people want to write smut and things that appeal to them, but not only does this fall into many of the racist and fetishist problems surrounding clone depiction, but it also reinforces the idea that once someone becomes ill/ old/ disabled, then they’re unattractive.
I know this is a long post, and thank you if you’ve read this far, but I really needed to voice this. This isn’t an attack on anyone whose written clones being cured or avoided writing older, less abled clones, but rather a call to really consider why you think these things are necessary and whether you’re writing the disability out of your characters.
PS. This is not an invitation to ask me about my disability. If you take this as an opportunity to attack me or anyone else discussing disability, kindly fuck off.
Thank you to @clone-bar-79s for helping me sort my thoughts out on this and listening!
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So now that the prologue has been released, I want to give my brief thoughts on Project: Eden’s Garden. I’ll try to avoid spoilers, but if you wanna go into this fully blind, now might be the time to check it out yourself. The prologue has been released for download, the playthroughs are up on the main channel, and SHSL Blaze has uploaded their playthrough of the prologue as well. Others will most likely be coming out fast as well. So get on the train while you can to avoid Spoilers. 
If you really don’t know if you should check it out or not before reading this, I urge you to please go and see the prologue through to its entirety. You will not be disappointed. 
With that, follow the Read More for my brief thoughts on this game so far. 
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So to get the negative out of the way, I do think that the controls themselves need some work. Mostly I wish we had the option to adjust/toggle controls so that we can adjust it to our comfort, or at least perhaps something that could show us immediately what the basic controls were on the main menu when you first start the game. I struggled to get the controls working even with the download instructions and experimenting. In the end, I had to shut it down and opt for the let’s play instead, which is a rare issue I don’t often have with starting up a game I intended to play. I’ll try again on my next day off when I have more time to really devote to it, but if the problem persists, that might be an issue going forward. 
That being said, for a fangame with a very small team doing all this for free in their spare time? It’s honestly still an amazing feat and the team deserves a round of applause for all their hard work on getting the controls to work as well as they did based off what I saw in the let’s play. I think if they give themselves some more time in between the prologue and the first chapter to playtest things and maybe work out the kinks in how the controls are set up, we’ll have something really good in terms of playability.
Also, this might become a bit of an unpopular opinion going forward as more people play the game/watch let’s plays of it, and I do understand that this is just how he is now that the game has only just started and there’s the character development we have to wait for, but I really, really, REALLY do not like Damon as the protagonist as of the date of this post. I do like the idea of a character like Damon being the protagonist, and I have seen it be used effectively in other games and novels. But there were many times where his inner monologue and things he’d say to others made me dislike him more the further in we went, and I was half tempted to just close it out and wait until the first chapter was released (I pushed through because of the rest of the cast). By the end of the prologue, I began wishing that Wolfgang, Desmond, or Toshiko were the protagonist instead. Going forward, the writing for Damon is going to have a lot of work cut out for it to make me enjoy him as a protagonist. Or at least tolerate him as the player character.
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And that’s all I really have to say by way of genuine negatives because this is all positive going forward. 
Starting with the art and UI because HOLY SHIT. If you didn’t know better, you’d think this was an actual, official Danganronpa game, and I honestly would not be surprised if someone at Spike eventually sees this and goes “hey, we need this team on our payroll”. The design of the characters are fantastic, all of the sprites are dynamic and expressive and on par with some of the best in the franchise. The backgrounds are GORGEOUS and the interface is sleek and clean and easy to look at. The colors are vibrant and it all is very beautiful. AND DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON THE MUSIC BECAUSE I WANT TO EAT IT. IT IS THAT GOOD. Honestly, the art, music, and design alone make this worth checking out. 
And don’t even get me started on the voice work because BY GOD. It’s absolute perfection. I don’t think there’s a single voice I don’t like. Mty favorites have to go to Eloise, Grace, Toshiko, Desmond, Wolfgang, Jett, Wenona, and of course, Tozu. 
SPOILER: As for the mechanics, they’re more or less your standard Danganronpa fair for the most part. You have the Climax Reasoning, the Nonstop Debates, and the parts where you answer questions via multiple choice. I do also really like that the team decided to do make the purple text something you can utilize as absorb statements. The Pathos Statement mechanic is a true gamechanger and I hope to see it implemented in future projects. 
Now, for my brief thoughts on the characters. I will go in the order of how they appear in the VA cast video. I have some thoughts that’ll be more elaborate later, but this is just a brief overview. 
Damon Maitsu: I already said it in the negatives section, but just a recap of it is “I hope his character development makes me hate him less”. Good for what he is, but will be a deal breaker character for some people. 
Eva Tsukuna: You are either going to become my best girl or my worst nightmare and I cannot wait to see where your character goes. There is something off about you and I need answers. I don’t like you, but I also don’t hate you. You’re in that weird grey area where I need more before I can really decide. 
Desmond Hall: We haven’t seen much yet, but from what little we got, I am excited to see how he interacts with the rest of the cast. Please survive at least past chapter 2. 
Eloise Taulner: I WANT YOU TO HAVE THE WORLD SWEETIE YOU’RE DOING AMAZING. She better survive or I will be very very very sad.
Toshiko Kayura: I was so, so prepared to list you as my least favorite character and right now I want you to survive to the end. Toshiko my dear, you’re phenomenal. 
Wenona: To quote John Mulaney, “MY WIFE IS A BITCH AND I LIKE HER SO DAMN MUCH!” Seriously, Wenona is so much fun as the antagonistic character so far. 
Ulysses Wilhelm: Someone get this man a lavender scented candle and a cozy blankie. He needs to SLEEP. I love him.
Mark Berskii: You are either going to be very very lowkey or you’ll make a massive splash. I hope you do a concert.
Diana Venicia: I will be so sad if you die. You are absolutely the definition of a cinnamon roll. 
Wolfgang Akire: Oh. Oh, there’s some TRAUMA here. I can sense it. So far, Wolfie is my favorite. I love him so much. I want him to have a big crying breakdown. 
Kai Monteago: “If you didn’t like me from the start, you’re never gonna like me-” HOLD IT! I like you. I didn’t expect it and honestly thought I’d hate you, but so far I do in fact like you. You pathetic little meow meow you. 
Jett Dawson: Jett, my dear, my darling. You are on par with Akane so far. I want to see more from you. 
Ingrid Grimwall: I don’t know if I want you to make me a sword or take my soul and make me into a sword. Your kind heart is as big as your arm muscles. I adore you.
Grace Madison: I expected to hate you, and yet, you are my favorite Asshole in this entire show. You’re the fun kind of Asshole. I love the fun ones. 
Jean Delamer: You’re like if Sakura, Nekomaru, and Kaito fused into a single person. You’re as amazing personality wise as your muscles are huge. I wanna see more. Gimme the FTEs now. 
Cassidy Amber: Oh, you and Wenona are gonna get along like water and oil and I am READY for it. 
Tozu: .....I feel like you’re about ready to jump to the top of my “favorite villains of all time” list and your voice is so..... I just.....I want Tozu to read audio books.
I’m honestly surprised because with ONE exception, I don’t dislike this cast. With the official games, I always have a total of three characters minimal I either absolutely dislike or am absolutely indifferent to. But I think this game has one of the strongest casts in any fangan project. Or hell, in any story I’ve come across as of late. 
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And that’s about it that I really have to say at the moment. So far, Project: Eden’s Garden is shaping up to be one of the best Fangans in history, and I would honestly not be surprised if it got picked up to become and official Danganronpa title with its quality. 
If you haven’t checked it out yet, or you’re still debating on if you should, please do yourself a favor. 
You won’t regret it. 
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huggingtentacles · 2 years
Many people in an attempt to paint Malenia as less skilled than Radahn and thus a sore loser, fixate so much on the bloom. They ignore the fact that he was already incapacitated after being impaled by her but BEFORE the bloom. He couldn't even muster up the energy to glare at her. He couldn't do anything as she slowly pushed her sword deeper and took about 10+ seconds to bloom. He also couldn't react in-time to her jump-stab whereas she never slowed down when her arm was being cut off.
Re-reading this made me realize that I'm just rambling. It's very badly written and borderline incoherent. So my arguments might be bad. Also I want to point out that I am very biased. No I do not care. If you disagree that's fine, write your own post. BUT if you're the Lore Person and you know some of the answers to the questions I have, or you have your own additions, by all means, please add them. So anyway.
I was gonna point that out in my post about why Malenia totally owned Radahn but whatever I'll write it here.
Basically in Radahn Vs Malenia debate whoever wins depends on your opinion of what qualifies as a "victory". Since they were fighting a war, some would look at it from a militaristic standpoint, in which case you gotta define why they even fought, and that's not even clear. Was it for the great runes and the status of godhood? Well, Malenia probably didn't care about the runes, because she did spare Godrick. Was it just a war of conquest? Well, I'm from Ukraine and I know a thing or two about wars of conquest. There wasn't any occupational force anywhere else in the lands between, so it probably wasn't for the territory. In fact, it seems like Malenia deliberately went for Radahn. Maybe she just fucking hates Radahn's guts for some reason. Maybe their minds were just tainted by the great runes. I do not know what was the military objective. But in a war, like in any other war, there is no victor. In that I would agree that it's a loss on both sides. I can make a case though, that whatever was the military objective of the battle of Aeonia, it was something that was worth sacrificing yourself to an outer god for. Malenia's last attack reads to me as extremely calculated. Run in, sack your arm which would suprise your opponent because he probably didn't fight many people who would keep fighting after losing an arm, leap forward, incapacitate him in one hit and also damage yourself enough to trigger the scarlet bloom. Perhaps driving him mad and stop him from achieving something was the goal. That is up to interpretation.
But in their own personal duel, like, outside of everything else, just straight up a battle to the death... Malenia just won. Like, it's just hard to argue with this. Radahn was one of the mightiest demi-gods. And what state do we find him in? Fucking Ohio. Pathetic. This dude is so fucked he might as well belong to Dark Souls 3. Don't get me wrong, he is still really fearsome, don't hold a festival of war for someone who is weak. But when he is just Not Doing Well. If we came a few months later I think he would go so mad he would've eaten his horse. He's in a really sad state, he just doesn't read like a winner to me.
Malenia though? Well let's put aside the fact that she absolutely wrecks shit for a moment. When we meet her she's just chilling, you know? If Miquella wasn't kidnapped, I would imagine he would find something to cure her from the rot. She had all the chances of just brushing it off. And honestly if our Tarnished wouldn't invade the Haligtree, she might've figured something out. I don't really understand why she didn't go out looking for Miquella, but I would believe she would do that eventually. But maybe it was because of the loss or eyesight. Like yeah maybe fighting is just second nature to her, but navigating an area wouldn't be easy. Or maybe she waited for him to return because he had some sort of plan that was interrupted by Mohg?
In any case, Malenia not only crushed whatever Radahn was trying to do, she also had better recovery from the battle.
Also let's talk about that final hit. In PvP, taking damage on purpose to deal damage to your opponent is called trading. A good trade is used to either win over initiative by dealing more damage than your opponent and staggering them. It's difficult to argue that in technical terms Malenia won that trade. Radahn ended up a fun side-quest for some NPCs and Malenia is literally The Hardest Boss From Software ever made.
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inkedbantam · 1 year
TW: Abuse talk/mention. If this is a topic that bothers you, please go and spare yourself the hurt, your well-being is more important than a post online. It's okay.
I think it's time to have a very serious talk about this because personally I am feeling some very strong emotions right now as of late.
And for the record: this is targeted at people who fling "abuser" and similar words around over small fucking things or being held accountable for their actions. My post is not directed at fellow survivors of abuse nor will it ever seek to disrespect all the same.
I am an abuse and CSA survivor. I have survived horrible unspeakable things that for the sake of personal comfort will not disclose because of the nature of such things. I have almost died several times in my life and survived so much shit in my life that I did not deserve to have to go through.
I did not have a childhood because of the abuse I had to endure, physically, emotionally, etc. In my adulthood I have been trying to reclaim all the things I have lost in my life and trying to still heal from everything I have endured.
Every time.
Every. Goddamn. Time. I see a person pull the "abuse" card every time they are forced to take accountability for their shitty actions, there is a fire that absolutely makes my goddamn blood boil and the rage I feel is indescribable.
To sum it up:
It is extremely goddamn disrespectful and insulting as a abuse survivor for people to fling around serious fucking terms just because they can. I said what I fucking said.
You do not get to fling around serious terms like they are buzzwords. You are invalidating actual survivors of abuse and traumatic events and minimizing their experiences just because you were being held accountable or had a minor disagreement you took too personally.
The Father of Cockatrices is tired y'all.
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OH JESUS CHRIST, HE ADDRESSED IT (and I just found it).
CW: transphobia
(mostly in the additional information/context I include below than in the actual video posted here, but even in this video it is still implied)
"I'd like to sing you all a very sad song, indeed. And I actually have to sing this song from a woman's point of view. And you may ask how I can manage that! But you'll never know what I get up to in my spare time. [cheeky grin] But I make more money than I do doing this. [another COMPLETELY CHEEKY-ASS GRIN]"
Not to get serious or anything (ha-ha. Yeah, HA HA...), but it kind of annoys me that he says "I actually have to sing this song from a woman's point of view" because (I'd love to say to him), HEY BITCH! YOU ALSO WROTE THE FUCKING SONG FROM A WOMAN'S POINT OF VIEW. HELLO? DID YOU FORGET THAT? YOU WROTE IT. So what's this nonsense about "I have to sing this from a woman's point of view" like you didn't fucking write it intentionally that way, along with "Chance" and "The Seer" (which are more written about women than being their perspectives in those songs, yet their perspectives are still treated as valid and valued), in the first place!
SMH. I know he just said that for ~attention~ (please imagine how mockingly I am saying that) but he didn't need to make a fucking capitalistic joke out of it. Babe, if you want to cross-dress or be trans in your spare time THAT'S FINE, NO ONE'S JUDGING YOU (or if they are, then they can go fuck themselves!), but that's kind of a gross, exploitative joke to make out of it!
Sounds like someone needs to get pegged about it.
I also just realized that at fucking Hammersmith Odeon in 1989 he made a joke about this song (I can only find an audio recording of it - honestly, THANKFULLY because I do not want to know the exact context for this) in his introduction of it: "For this song, something absolutely amazing has to happen before your very eyes: I actually have to have a sex change operation live, on stage." That would be radical (and NOT A BAD THING) if it wasn't also obviously a fucking joke. Although I didn't really hear the audience laughing or anything so maybe that's a good thing? I can only hope that they mostly didn't. It also fucking sucks that he said all of that unnecessary shit before playing the fucking song because that cover of it in particular is GORGEOUS. And now it's ruined because of the way he introduced it. I ruined it for myself. Haha. FUCK. 😠
Clearly what would have been the most radical thing was if he hadn't addressed that this song is from a woman's point of view at all, because it's not like he ever did in "Chance" or "The Seer." Like, oh my god, just say it's a sad song or whatever; what it's ABOUT, and don't drag your personal hang-ups and insecurities into it, for the love of god. (Again, @ Stuart:) YOU WROTE IT, apparently without too much hemming and hawing over it, so just fucking introduce it like a normal person would and get over yourself! Damn. Do I need to say the Grace Jones quote!!!? DO I NEED TO SAY IT!? I WILL SAY IT. Or...if I must be empathetic all the god damn time...if it's such a big, scary/uncomfortable thing for you to sing from the perspective of a different gender, then SAY THAT AND BE HONEST ABOUT IT without making it into a big ol' fuckin' joke that transphobic shitheads would just love to run with.
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litres-of-cocaine · 1 year
i hate hate hate hate how morally superior some people act when they don’t like certain books. you are allowed to not like it without it being a flaw PLEASE grow up.
and this isn’t me saying people criticising the presentation of gender, sexuality, masculinity, etc. as harmful or living up to stereotypes is bad, because that’s often a key part of any literary analysis or review. but this insistence upon moral outrage makes me want to crack someone’s head open like an egg.
if you are claiming to analyse a piece of work then trying to virtue signal with ‘’hey this is bad!!! this is so so bad and i am such an activist and good reader for noticing it please praise me for pointing it out!!!’’ at the same time then what is the actual fucking point. we should absolutely be calling into question how texts are subverting or reinforcing harmful beliefs and ideologies, not only does it make an analysis better but i’d say studying and understanding literature in this way is an obligation for any kind of person claiming to understand a piece of fiction on an academic level. but spare me this degree of condescending bullshit where instead of pushing an interesting and critical examination of a text you want to make a point of how great a person you are.
it comes across the same as the phony male tiktokkers who pick up the most basic aspects of liberal feminism to get online applause.
analysis doesn’t have to be objective, or unemotional. in fact, i don’t think it should. and if somebody wants to make a post saying hey i hate this author because their work makes me uncomfortable!!! in like a casual way that’s cool and valuable and genuine. it’s real. but what makes me so fucking mad is when we’re trying to discuss a piece of work with any kind of literary depth and it’s not about the book at all it’s about sounding smart and feeling superior because the novel/poem/whatever contains a narrative choice they didn’t enjoy or prejudice.
like, often the fictional imperfections are just things an individual personally doesn’t enjoy, and if there is bigotry that needs to be addressed/criticised stop making it about yourself. stop using the worst parts of art to frame the conversation about how you are so so set apart from these values instead of about the problem itself.
this self-righteousness is absent from casual conversations about drawbacks of certain writers and their work. it’s absent from sincere breakdowns of literary techniques and themes. it’s just fucking there when people don’t give a shit about books and want to dismiss anything if it can make them look better.
CEASE and DESIST. please for the love of god before i kill someone.
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hi love! me again. i really was not able to not answer your answer (?) because it did make me cry and kick me legs bc you're so cute i can't. hope you'll get rid of your acne breakouts and cleaning your room won't be as terrifying as it can be. i'm glad to know my ask (?) made you happy! and to know you're working on the part 2 (and 3 maybe)! please don't overwork yourself, though!! yeah you're absolutely right! you're the law here and i love your laws! no one's dumb! especially not you! (but i feel your concerns so much ;) i use so many trops, symbols and shit like this in anything i write that no one understands it and i'm like ;;) so yes never know) but still your writings are GORGEOUS!! still this delicious moment with aegon coming out looking like a kicked puppy?? heartbreaking but tears taste so good) i'll try to read part 2 as soon as possible! i think you made my daemon obsession great again) and kissing your brain was the closest to how grateful i am to you!! thank you sm for answering! swear i couldn't sleep checking tumblr for it! good luck! see you soon! <з
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LOL idk what you mean about not answering my answer when you answered it 🥴 (woah thats confusing) but its all good its all ok i love you
And i am cute aren't i 🤩🤩🥰🥰🥰 love that for me
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every ask i get makes me happy and i have been blessed enough to have a lot of them that are all out of love 😭😭😭😭💗💗💗 there's actually so much for real and though my panicky brain gets anxious when i dont reply quick enough i hope you and everyone else knows how grateful i am to be a celebrity 😎 HAHHAH NAH but in all seriousness i appreciate each one of you so much.
i tooted my horn too hard tho 😔 since i didnt post p2 of fic today yet lahsfhashf but its fine trust me im not overworked cos yall cant make me write smth i dont wanna T_T ok ok the inner people pleaser in me begs to differ, but i swear im genuinely genuinely so invested in this fic i swear i swear i love what i did and you're gonna love it (i hope you love it)
i love my laws too 😃🤠BONK AHHAH im glad you dont think im dumb 😖😌 cos only a genius can write like me 🤪🤪🤪🤪 also im so glad you can relate with the symbolisms and tropes and hoohaa. you like me for real. and the fact u understand it and think my work is gorgeous ?!??!?!
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im so glad you liked aegon. i love my modern!aegon so very much i keep him in my pocket. ur gonna like what im gonna do with aemond then i think HAHHAHAHHAHAHH (i hope you do)
also "heartbreaking but tears taste so good" 💀💀💀💀💀💀 you like me fr fr T_T HAHAH
my daemon obsession never died because ever since i watched the show ive been writing fanfics for him like its my job HAHAHHA i have no idea when season 2 will come out but it better come out RIGHT NOW i nEED MORE DAEMON
lemme kiss your brain too <3 mwah mwah mwah i love you
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the fact you thanked me for answering you T_T of course id answer T_T thank you for coming to my inbox again! <3 you have a cozy seat next to my 4am nonnie cos i named you too lol. i actually saw your inbox as soon as you sent it i think, cos i was in the middle of writing something and i saw the notification then i read it then hyperfixated on writing the p2 of the modern!au after reading your message, (then i did the things i said i did in your first ask) i don't always reply soon because my brain is overwhelmed by the process of replying because i dont ever want to miss a detail that was said to me T_T i feel bad that you fixated on tumblr so much that you couldn't sleep T_T i'll try to do better T_T
I hope you spare me another ask on your thoughts when i post p2 🥺👉👈
I love you honey
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gothamitelove · 2 years
Ohhh I loooooove the Arkhamverse! Assistant post, girlie.
Do you have anymore Arkhamverse! Dork Squad relationship headcanons?
aw thank you!! here are some gen relationship headcanons for our boys!
arkhamverse!dork squad relationship headcanons
jonathan crane
you guys read together all the time, and yes, he will read to you if you ask. his voice is really soothing and honestly he just likes that you're enjoying yourself so he goes along with it
OH also sometimes you read the same book at the same time and then talk about it... something something the romanticism of book clubs...
do you like tea? well, he does, so if you're ever interested, he'll definitely make some for you too. (speaking of, he will make you hydrate. got a spare moment or two? have some water.)
he will kiss you first thing in the morning. morning breath? we don't know her
won't admit it but is touch-starved like you wouldn't believe. please give him lots of hugs, he needs them
if you have him as your phone wallpaper, expect some weird looks from people behind you in public places. just as a heads up. ("why is that dude who threatened to fear gas the shit out of the city your background?" "mind your own business!")
edward nygma
edward is severely touch-starved too, but is even less likely to admit it! he will protest when you hug him, but he'll calm down in about two seconds flat. he'll practically be purring
will say various things like "i don't like you" or "you're the bane of my existence", does not mean any of them. often he says stuff like this while doing nice things for you, and it fools absolutely no one
he acts like an above-it-all asshole, but if you tell him you love him or give him one (1) compliment you'll put him out of commission for the rest of the year.
seriously. he'll splutter and turn bright red and it'll be hilarious.
will panic about any health problems you may have because he's either panicking or utterly unhelpful in some other strange way ("you're overreacting." "I WILL PUNCH YOU.")
a relationship with edward takes. a lot of work, and even more patience, but trust me, if it works, it works. he's bad at showing it, but he's utterly devoted to you.
jervis tetch
constant affection. all the time.
he has eight million nicknames for you, will call you most of them in a couple sentences.
is genuinely so interested in the things you like??
like, if you say you like some tv show, he will pull multiple all-nighters to finish it just so he can talk to you about them.
he's just so happy to be with you. he brags about you all the time and simply does not stop talking about you to anyone who'll listen.
makes grand, sweeping romantic gestures all the time. i mean roses, releasing a bazillion doves, renting out an entire restaurant for dinner, the whole bit. he does this completely unapologetically, too.
if anyone hurts you, they conveniently disappear, and their body turns up about a week later. it's not a pretty sight, and jervis pretends he knows nothing about this. his badly-suppressed smile tells you everything you need to know about his involvement.
hope you liked these, anon! <3
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