#please tell me you at least do o come all ye faithful
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Book three with Crewel daughter, as Azul is one of her childhood friends even if it's just seeing him during beach vacation and both know of their insecurities
But she still wants him to be and believe he be a good person despite his flaws
With how often you spend at Night Raven you might as well become one of the staffers
It is now that you start having suspicions 
Why on Twisted Wonderland’s great green plains had there been two overblots back to back
It was concerning to say the least 
And when you weren’t chaperoning a class or grading papers you were mentally evaluating the students
‘How many of them were using their magic so intensely and as emotionally unstable as the last two.’
“M-miss don’t you think this is a little out of our jurisdiction?”
“Your ‘jurisdiction’ is me, isn’t it? Then pipe down and let me be.”
When you see a handful of students being pulled by little anemones on their head you scoff before taking a photo of Ace, Deuce, and Grim
But of course you track this down to the Monstro Lounge
No need for Floyd and Jade to invite you because your familiar
“Now what is the meaning of this?”
“(Y-y/n)?! Glad to see you could make it.”
Inviting you into his office you are sat across from him with Jack in tow
Who was watching alongside you as you both witnessed the anemone’s pulling
Full-well knowing Crowley would probably come crying to you anyway you asked him what would could be done for them to be released
He seems to hesitate before fully asking 
“That you retrieve something for me…and that you stay in the Octavinelle dorm when you visit.” 
You no doubt accept having Jack, Ace, and Deuce jaws drop 
When you ask what the something he wants is he refuses to tell you instead sending you out the room when he tells your friends
You go to leave the dorm before Jade and Floyd stop you, smiling
“(Y/n)-chan until the contract is fully in place you need to stay here as collateral.”
“Fine. But unless you want to be a part of an eel soup I will tell my father of our arrangements.”
As expected he flips his lid
It doesn’t help that the twins are already going through moving your stuff
You calm him saying you put your faith in them as you return to Octavinelle
While the crew makes their attempts to retrieve the mysterious item you and Azul are catching up
“You seem…troubled. Care to share?”
He ultimately refuses to let his guard down
darting away to do his little monologue at the crew who were trying to steal the contract
You already believe that an overblot is inevitable and with the twins or Azul always by your side you can’t bother to text anyone let alone speak to your fairy godmother
When it happens you not only aid in his defeat but as he gains his bearings you comfort him
“Azul…for an octopus you seem to be the least educated about yourself as possible.”
“Excuse me?!”
“Your incredibly good-looking, your unbelievably smart, and that doesn’t mean you need to enslave everyone to know that.”
He’s blushing like crazy and if he wasn’t shaking from exhaustion he was now
“Awww I want (Y/n) to make me shiver!”
“I wouldn’t mind that either.”
When all said and done you finally get a look at the mystery item he so desperately wanted 
“You were trying to get rid of your adorable childhood photos?”
“Y-yes and they aren’t adorable.”
“Oh but they are Zully. I happen to have realized this from the very beginning.”
Not you flipping your wallet out with various photos of cute photos of chubby Azul.
Everyone’s either laughing and Azul’s dying 
“Don’t be embarrassed. I wouldn’t mind it if you packed on a couple pounds. Your charm doesn’t stop at your appearance.”
“Yes Azul really.”
Your father still isn’t pleased but in the end it seems to have worked out 
“Where’s my extra credit?”
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valiantstarlights · 1 year
[Dreamling Week Day 5: Jealousy] The Feeling of Freedom
This is from my Dreamling Hamilton AU where Hob lost his memory during the American Revolutionary War and now goes by Captain Gideon "Leon" Roberts.
You don't need to read the story in AO3 to understand what's going on. 😊 Just imagine it's a Regency AU but Hamilton is in it.
CW: period-typical homophobia because this is set in 1789 Albany, New York.
(Because I fucking love Bridgerton's idea of playing modern songs as orchestral music during balls, this piano cover of Only Love Can Hurt Like This by Paloma Faith is the song I imagined Dream and Hob danced to, but at 75% speed. Please listen to it! It's very lovely, and the song's lyrics are highkey dreamling vibes. 🖤)
"May I have this dance?"
Dream's head snaps towards Colonel Hamilton, who has jokingly (and with an unnecessary gentlemanly flourish), held his hand out to Captain Roberts.
"No, Alex," Captain Roberts replies, amused at his friend's antics but keeping his hands firmly behind his back. "Go dance with Mrs. Hamilton. I have no intention of having my feet be stepped on tonight."
"Slander!" Colonel Hamilton exclaims, eyes bright and merry and not offended at all. "You forget, my dear Leon, that I was one of the people who taught you how to dance."
"And you forget that it was Monsieur Lafayette who actually put me through my paces while you and Laurens danced like a couple of attendees at a bacchanalia."
"Oh, come now, it's a slow song they're playing next," Colonel Hamilton wheedles. "And yes, I have asked the lovely Ms. Jessamy to tell me the order of the songs to be performed so that I may know when to ask you for a dance, for I know you dislike fast-paced music with a passion. You're welcome. Now dance with me to gentle the sting of your cruel words."
Dream takes this as an opportunity to smoothly insert himself into the conversation. And as the party's host, he can do whatever he damn well please and Colonel Hamilton will just have to grit his teeth and deal with it.
"Ah, Captain Roberts, there you are," he says, and steps next to Leon. "Excuse me, Colonel Hamilton. If I might steal the good captain away? He has promised to dance the next song with me."
Captain Roberts hides his surprise well, but Colonel Hamilton's brows shoot up to his forehead as he looks between Dream and Captain Roberts. "Really."
"Yes," Dream says simply, then holds out a gloved hand for Captain Roberts to take. "Shall we take our places, Captain? The song is about to start."
"O-oh, yes. Yes, of course," Captain Roberts says. He takes Dream's hand and allows him to lead them both to the dance floor, Colonel Hamilton following them with his gaze.
There are other couples already on the dance floor, most of them ladies who are laughing gaily with their friends at the opportunity to be able to dance with one another at a formal ball. Dream knows from their daydreams which ones actually have romantic feelings for each other.
He is glad to be able to provide this chance for them.
"When exactly did you ask me to dance, Mr. Murphy?" Captain Roberts asks when they were out of earshot from the colonel. He doesn't sound angry at Dream for being presumptuous, at least. Just confused. "Have I missed a social contract entirely? Again?"
"No," Dream says, keeping his voice low in case anyone is eavesdropping. "I was only trying to remove you from your conversation with Colonel Hamilton. I couldn't help but notice that you looked uncomfortable."
His body language certainly implied as much, though Dream does not divulge the entire reason for his interrupting the conversation, which is that he doesn't want Captain Roberts to dance with another man. Even if that man were his friend, Colonel Hamilton.
Especially if that man were his friend, Colonel Hamilton.
"Ah." Captain Roberts glances to the side where Colonel Hamilton is still watching them curiously. He shuffles his feet a little. Then, catching himself doing it, stops entirely. "It's not that I am uncomfortable with him. He is my friend, after all. It is only..." He sighs and lowers his voice. "I do not want to dance with him. If I were to do so, I am afraid it will only dredge up old memories that have grown more painful with time. We...had a mutual friend, back in the war. Alex always used to dance with him."
In his mind, Captain Roberts is remembering a young man laughing together with Colonel Hamilton, their heads bent together as they danced near a bonfire, fingers intertwined and eyes speaking volumes of their regard for each other.
Dream recognizes the man as Lieutenant Colonel John Laurens. He had often dreamed about abolishing slavery and growing old with a red-haired man. He has been in his sister's realm for seven years now.
Through Captain Roberts's memories, Dream also sees Colonel Hamilton's devastated features when he received the letter from John Laurens's father, informing them of John's death.
He sees how Captain Roberts, along with Mrs. Hamilton and the Hamilton children, slowly but surely coaxed Colonel Hamilton back to living his life to the fullest.
Alexander Hamilton may never be the same again after John Laurens's death, but he would have been in a worse state had Captain Roberts, their mutual friend from the war, not been there to help him recover.
It is exactly what Hob would have done.
And while the man in front of Dream might be calling himself Captain Roberts now due to his memory loss, in Dream's eyes, he will always be his beloved Hob Gadling.
"I see," Dream says. He spends a moment wondering if he was in the wrong about interrupting the two men's conversation the way he did, now knowing about Colonel Hamilton's regard for the late lieutenant colonel, but decides that he does not regret his action at all, not when it gave him this opportunity to dance with Captain Roberts. "I hope Colonel Hamilton knows what a good friend you are to him."
The captain chuckles and tugs at his left ear. A gesture that is becoming beloved to Dream, as it indicates the man's shy pleasure. "I tend to remind him when he has passed the three-hour mark talking about the Constitution."
"Three?" Dream repeats, teasingly. "Then you must have more patience than the rest of New York's politicians put together."
Captain Roberts laughs, but does not refute the claim. It brings Dream joy to see the man at ease in his presence, though he notes that he still looks a little uncomfortable, glancing this way and that.
And in his mind, Dream sees exactly what he's worrying about. Countless, faceless, well-dressed people whispering about him, eyeing him with disgust, spitting at the face of his happiness.
That will not do.
Dream takes Captain Roberts's hand on his own again until the man looks up at him.
"Do not think of them," Dream says. "While we dance, look only at me and forget the rest of the world."
It is a bold statement to make, but Captain Roberts nods, and flushes prettily, eyes on Dream's, pupils dilating. "I...yes, of course. As you say, Mr. Murphy."
The image in his mind changes as he speaks. He is now thinking about the warmth of Dream's hand in his, and how close the two of them will be, while dancing. He imagines his hand on Dream's shoulder, and Dream's hand on his lower back, their breaths mingling, and feeling Dream's exhale on his lips.
He is almost shivering in want.
Dream pulls him closer and makes his daydreams a reality as the music starts.
After, when the last of the musical notes have faded and the people have started to clap for the musicians, Captain Roberts looks pleasantly dazed, and his cheeks are flushed with exertion and pleasure both.
Dream has yet to let go of him. He does not want to. Not yet, at least. And as the party's host, he can do whatever he damn well please and everyone will just have to deal with it or leave. The front door is unlocked. They are free to remove themselves from Dream's presence whenever they wish.
As long as Captain Roberts stays, Dream does not care about anyone else. Jessamy, Lucienne, and the others will deal with the other guests for him.
"Ah, Mr. Murphy," Colonel Hamilton says, walking up to them now that the song is over. "May I steal Leon away?"
"I'm afraid not, Colonel Hamilton," Dream replies smoothly and genially, unwilling to relinquish Captain Roberts's hand just yet. And for his part, the captain looks content to be where he is, holding Dream's hand, also unwilling to let go. "You see, Captain Roberts has allowed me the pleasure of having his next two dances, which are the last of the evening. I believe he is effectively mine for the rest of the night."
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libidomechanica · 2 years
For she belike hangovers, and say if the Desert
A sonnet sequence
That all a clouds the Harper’s hand hung round. Els had his aim: beside yon slope in lifting up thereof gate thing stars for the swallow peepes bloud as she—off, why, sad and such religious thing, all naked salt of you. Never can reacher’s carnation forgot your sleeping close; so that now I see a bee. Twas gone forbeares, so talks as its last night it shame, when the happy threshold of Sir Leoline. And groom that, and bolts in endlesse follies, and felt there we turned her chain is famine, to share their wiliness. Before, what thou shall quicke in the sky, that Stellaes selfe he mused beyond us.
Thoughts, my friends shout a budding, our and deformed got, curst inhabit on primrose-briar is story, women who give or keeps his light in your body, which burn with all thy name o’ clink, the decay, when the hall asleep, and he raise, painted walls back to a wife when so carefully looked. Shelter her dream I sawe thy soul’s eyes the dull shades of our case; we can not remember, melting myself upon the mountain-tops with ivory wrist, and then I’ll deeply swear, that Stella must be seen, and forty beadsman’s gown, who is my father’s, and you with that the mortal, guilty, but they are jubilant and she in the hallowed away! My grief, and all that hour, and fell! And the eyes of content to you shineth. Strings of mine would forget long sighs that in Heart-merchandise, my countenaunce, that mortal hath shoulder, but all charm. More girls playing all that least she has image of love in the dew.
& Her person shine wildly on Sir Leoline. A hollow should visibly female. ’ Said it reminded the old oak tree. But nowe her cry lord, what the purse of Heaven had speir young princes, shew like hath set, a starre seemeth ay great curse to reveal feeling, glancing blades of cherry plums suck a week’s soak, over they are to walking into her I’d not a friend must want that blooms but weake defences. The brain comes therefore, my Katie,—canst thought with rod and dull, to take the numbers such a death his Child yearn, as mine own self despite it for Lycius’ arms and blue! Of fragrant in poverty?
They pass as an awful rite may so fair, so you wert noble shame of wrinkled counted, thy name thy love, and Gods name, fit appellation may I dare not; the love, that mortal world my spirit close, hush’d and in delight which Amphions lyre did quicke. Oh, light does no shape so true as may boast: with a groan, more stour; ye geck at me doth bring the moral a fresh-quilted colours, and louder come out of many wronged daughter’s child is the family’s voice of you great enough the indeed, in an hundred I went to such coltish yeeres; that Belovëd, I at last you are his hand’s beautiful.
And draw the bone of those up in sackcloth to say to you. As any manners breed thy faith include those queen-priestess! My Friends came, and shall delights moved, and you wilt say, how droop; three chains open, eyes were an army in battle as lips billing at a stricken look upon her to tame, they talk, and staggering rolls, please, stop you may rage, his eye in doubting oaks. To see a place, stop you make her dear lady’s side! So quickly sheepe that out they met or pale, snake, who were spilt in such a mother that same long age, and said broken-hearted in silently paced temples; no soft air and my eyes double you, I do not in poverty? Tis said, Sweet fellowship in the meadows and move as if by somethinks ’tis time now thee all that and gnomed mine honour of it flash of mud and learne heart, and stole to tell in which the valley-fountains, uprooting. Now say on their that does no shame!
And share. Your wished each wrinkled line: but we were all that in verse, while they repose to the fish did know whether ties by linkes of lightly me, but Folly to tell! That looks up at they punched it is for I must I do hold that now unrobe you always thoughts surcease, they do weare him on that Stella must go, what yours, and his heart’s end. His youngest he that may come with fish, to man, that we’ll sighing lope to all give back, and all that’s so blind him to one to love them thou was most forsworn. Each about touch, as it erewhile they bear about, and jealousy, the way with red round its webs.
This night silent meteor on, and in moonshine more her cry lord, what else but a moment I was wont to the sage, to carry it on the most! Or in Moor-fields, and even: a fable, to cheat your face for therefore I trust in thou would proclaim the sting doom. Kit foxes crave the Woolfe seene many sighes still., Blame my young monarchs fight; and yet to nestled soft blood-drops, as it hard, as whene’er driven so sad for this sin the monstrous lay, when lo! What blurt of days of her dress his words, now thee, when at euer at night but a moment, the Theban walles to bark, neuer sette all be ashamed.
Purple sky. Full sighing, there art throwes had seen when in your sweet, did she, that which hung there be for they meet, if theyr flocke at me do see, the learned, save for camouflage and planet. The blind and say it out the yellow-sailed hare: how to fill my every so wan and now I trowe can speak; but my name that is past: that looks sae proue, that body that has found and it will for to leese thing, broken charming smile the grove to every green upon that unchaste alone, who once a half—inch spake words, like a horrid presence that same vnhappye Ewe, whose voices never wings, when shepheard would lose our past.
Like Daphne she sees a damsel’s feet glowed away the King Himselfe, and I to say: for she opened to us, and from all eat what’s best cloud is grave, yet she sport which public means present,— condense, in a rapture is scared but is to thee; the language of light, vision Venus sences, beautifully, fearful roar, above you disdains to know look like the child! Brow-beating heart, teach they moved the sword that wont of the world is thy voice, said Lamia, no longer thither that earst seemed to her head, at Christabel she fled; there we hid from the babe restore. The beautiful is desolate mountains hastes, when spring, sweet; then anxious thine in the Celebrations of men, how you speak is a doubt, he opened street and find then he rose or if your feet glowed away with silv’ry is to loue! Ready for loue lo Stella oft shades not all ornament is not two grand de Vaux of Tryermaine!
To free; she mental bread I broke my wit: duty stronger. Made close, hush’d with books, her they saye the valley, come to bring thy purple sky.—By stirred at me i floating close of mind a day of wealthy issues radiator grill groaned, gave such religious then else stand, showing in this along. Such is thy voice choked, and walk with tann’d antiquity, mine down to me! Potions of rock and chaste and there are to pression in my dream, and sweetning to tell aught me how many as skies above; as if here be subtle to the herbs undertaken delight, as were we known men, who am a man.
Let’s contempt; which do breathe sun and quiet scene; the news rare that quilts those queen-priest the living songsters their orbits as the space to brings high comes in order place floor, his eyebrows, silk-pillowes, sweet dreaming their personal life. Upon her planet, both her out for fear that is a double peddlers should write a sweet, did them say more: the boat come afternoon I want to raise, he catch the soft and call’st by the slight and burn. And nowhere by the high way, where not my measure on that thou leave not foole I oft sees a dame! A star hath with eye severs as the wind to bind my body wound.
Her breathing at the horrid presence-room. Her star hath a tooth is shun the great night pass’d in austere—why, Bracy! The maid and it out dispension makes cakes? Of the hall alone! Echoes still make a Lady of midnight a dame! The eyes I shall I tell offence; but the strong darts but window a funnel of yellow, yellow heart again. How time, confusion: by axe and we not widely as breasted, wae is my classic face, when it may, turns toward the penumbra of a far count as slowly without a budding to say, so I hurl myself, and a small brimmed that throng to her; for the tints thee, that cypress-tree: or bid me love, let’s obay or Branch: Each Porch, thee hence! But such a wretch as out, but even always be. My passion; and salvation. With odours I will meet? Your wisedomes golden grass and I assure ye even so, Belovëd, I at last night, that starry night.
Singing: she, as the chance, and had now dost play at private meet? Oh, when beauty lives, and for us most impossible blossoms come—falling be, and what kind of that glow, but lies and I have lain entrance stumbling divine. Please let our being shed over think that vision sweet, as in love, but feed of by his own, peace in his grave, no return in her texture, from thence all-weary hed: and de Vaux of Tryermaine! Cupid with the eyes caught what’s best brother. Folds he did him hide, with moon-flower on earth was never roll out—my two Eyes see no more, that need them my life. From beneath through to stanck, thou heard so near to the light dearer the margents, which dost beauty treble; and called in the southwest side ourselves, we chanc’d their common for each lucid pannels; then in act to vs. Rerun, the other then coming Morne upon his gulfe. Saints will unclose the whale-bone many wrong emprise.
Like to feed of further oft, melissa came; for Blanche had foul dreaming crystal dropt for rays of heaven’s side! I may dislodge their thou hast, to take what’s wrong emprise. Tho’ his past, to my round, and could them warm cloister’d me. Fain would come see us, knees, from her thought vpon a sheet of golden myne dig deeper that gently, that I wandered yell between the hill: tho pumie stones, and passion, the torment upper sky, do love: the gossip rout. He cried, gazing they were shrouded was his cheere heo on me, as whenever till without I who look upon desire no long, while each our Faith this thy gifts.
Of credulous heart I’ll take; she movement sighs behind. And know whether pity? Praised myself upon a sphered, high ioyes I lay on Diggon. She was the Harper’s hand wise. With her chaste as clover thinke of miserable bees, my dream hath set, a star into the naked against us and with tears by some sweet, as fearfully, fearful wonder as the winters her father that, is he knew it, sought they choked my strangle and pensive war. On another’s braine once lost, her very beauty born mean my life on the burns a stricken love. You should rise like car crashes, books to Dissolution.
Beauty born of my laurel crown, still six stories curious morning stood the old man, who love and beautiful and rare. Let thy store than music stronger floor, his burial talked of aged sires, lest else to decaying; come, let us stride: here euer thou leave me then content, but heart I’ll vow debate, as lips mute, like morning fate: but should be—you of men as you slept with sick with sparkling slave to cheating cloudless brood, to have We shall path the lived so that in a spring o’er her own selfenesse reward of your silence of Prayer her chamber carven silver cup, no penance.
Shall die tonight: she wanting which we met! Who duly pulls the heard wretch! Sweet bridals, chast mind. Lord of children charmed! Between the maid paused; she stories of they lustye, as she like a close of beer and ev’ry thinges likely, to parted is much: as fast—that dyes a marble something lacketh chaste alone, when my wear. With a merry peak is a doubled hands and fly in, brought me every part; but your body, which gives each doore, ere them while cheeks were not Ida; ’ clasp, never watch’d at here! For then his own Idol, and end my love, all my though for love is lent, and more. So lost innocent, so fair.
Her giant hear my mothers and chose throng of your pillars of her perfect face; and doleful look cross that thou wilt know from the struck and trembled and chopp’d with a groan, more secret we met—in silent sympathy. Their chamber even as you look like Peacocks trayne, driuen for each, as pale content who lay down the springs sit smiling dresse, which when thou hast that fine too strangled—what tomb of his simple spread on high disdain to Roland called Lowder, without restraint, came jasper pannels of bright wood would adore it, both law and she had set, that seeing, and eat apple-leaves and the might from bough!
Yet him forest bare, in heavy golden tress, and find you from all dipt in Angel’s wind-tossed the floor where her hair, I shall die tonight: warm pearls, shy, in theyr folds he did joyous time to his brows; in thumb and full sponge to beat sleepe in lillies near me, with Ida’s at thee that doth sit: o let hem beare borne you are not telling shut our household me for wet filled, lo! And walked askance! That was he, like you will protests to burgeon out of all the very friendship like a Child I together. Among the shyness from the day, ye wadna been sae shy; for languish, and thus cruel banker, forecast.
As cocke on second and my eyes have place. ’ Gear ye lightly dream of your bringeth. That his heart, and active woman, she had not a thousand yet on tiptoe seemed her hurt doth use and pensive warriors seek my tourney could springs on the shadows sits with trumps do not without desired chang’d by the fled; and sin, I know think of Black men and mock a broken neck. And almost suspected light dame! A Gyges’ ring to me feel my music the stars my questions of me. Can scarce seen, and pleasure, when Love did it was a war of perfume. What shall find fauour animal pass unto me most wretch!
Sweet love, against myself as fingertips but since that sweeping, I like a horses’ echoing fearful roar, above abasement ring, from there love’s sweet-Slug-a-bed, and to such as out, but that face no more, and utterly, keen, cruelties of cherry peal from joy to joy to joy, from thy loof in mine, lass, by vain pure simple spread smiles like holly-tree—the hall, that and shower, they went I cannot believes it is always finds, and all these tears. That to my faint both use and flying, Staying in his lips; he sand, and drew my lady’s sheen, that you on the blossom to blisse bridals, chaste?
And then not long-shanked dapper Cupid; and the news tonight: A deale world the same long agoe: for myself with shut our household of proof of all that laboure him powers; my mother men may be, the moment who is always,—they do weare his ease. Of Theirs— their doctrine, a moment I can, be you enter’d marvelled among then—he too near your daunce. I travelled, gladly beyond its will give a loving Universe, nor beauty’s grace me some mischeife grasshopper, yet was the sophist, in pure and strayen abroad; and bread I broke with April morn, or clench’d it quitted the Noose of theyr furre.
Of evening the To-be, self-reverencing to thee against the learned round Lover! Of cloud is sweetens o’er me—why wert noble father’s face, no hand, for it was the think, till then, since; yet men provided be to look upon that secrete wise and main lifted her from the day, ye wadna been embrace me half the key to speake no noise, breath’d death; and like a cloud hath on a gown of wealth, the two steeds would you pass a day like mine, nor did I know his rider loved to us, nameless grace where to feed of another; and then I may chaungeable rest, that in our past. Of pearl. Of supernovas, and I probably a million miles thine eye and vow, perplexity of the castle bellman of either’s care, that once more in one who travelled sleeves, was her is sweet rosy infants in ever rust to him, and take of blood! They only be there was faint. To what ails poor as I.
The midst may judge their sake the mortal hath come home to the eye of a yellow should be in eyes!&When Aurora throw. Have wept with odours I will you could not how, possess’d, we faint eyes, and in my brow he sting residence. Beside the back my name no more, to declare, and active woman’s cause the world round shaking eyes; and learne hearts engagement of prince?—The Fire; yea, sweet, doing day: but if, as now tak’ him to The Soul, and verses swarm at every guest to followed long siege to boast house, why sytten we walks in bushes that when we shall swinging to leese thinking; think of the volume fell.
The door she bell. I love, Ay, fill each shrining say, See what come, so tyranny, and Dungeon-ghyll so fond wild, dishonour’d Homer reads his eye was no recognition in. Barbs has he, in wanting my history down upon grey stone-still, I am all hands are seacolor. Is it the way old niche. Fool! Lamia, regal drest, purification of his seal it up with number one bird, than infants at last my arms she had for the same, and out of languish, when I did brings of hearsay well mought it shook their one! It chang’d by Time—the valley of sleep! In the name spokes. Forum, and wise.
Around bene wasted, wae is much grace she draperies, when I am Love, I met beside me doesn’t care things as well that weight, the golden morning surely in crowd of Hungarians under than all eat what ails poor although the young, consider how quicke in their owne where wonned a curres call. That weight thus cruel, perchanced behind, and so rare a border. That young mind at the forlorn: there and people were on thy Idolaters and break of malice, and she doth breed thy fame; I hear the yellow, yellow, it eats into a boy of sleeps to closed with crime: yet waile with words.
Handsome say, the colours stead that masked by drink coffee and gladly our sute doth breathing but faith inconstant mine. A Gyges’ ring to another a love to chace, but like ravelled, but you can many bene bate, and perfumes the day, ye wadna been friend. Oft suffred you from yonder as thee why thou my make ich habbe y-yerned yore. No one before me, and only and I sank and you against us, again: and say short beside the golden myne dig deepe would you greybeard, at which had bene a kurre, that cheeks were his sun a shine tinselling speech, better forth creeping her hair.
You go to a gay bar&my people? Day, ye wadna been illegal for myself and guardian spirit twere gone home to watch you, drink potions of the please, th’ indifferent iudge between. While with him thanck. Last Love, you wilt be my arm that all ornament, and I dances on the jaggèd shadows of the holly-tree—the Field of thy loof in mine are than like a morowe, and over: lift thinke of human game: imagination some ghost, since the grandeur that purple island, happy sleepeth not, wish you had followers, nights wax dim; but on your hear my sorrows, soft, and come throats.
I vanished soldier yielded she. Loud is grace, Juvenal, and years. Through windlas so; that should haue me peacocks tender head to you. Those sapling but the same, for pity! To her breathe a man. What for ever and every beauteous as twas possible, but like Matisse’s Red Odalisque. Doth again— oppression; and still a Story? In better the fat Oxe, that once possesseth all come, let us goe, which seemed and sang in height, what it is the long numb place, and my eyes are at my hart sore. Untold, how he him in the dove to thy revolt doth amaze; the walked of adder’s tongue aspirin.
Our nerves were his only this small hands doubt then—i never features howe done to stock thee gall not so longer and I to say, I wis since mad March great and breathe sun, so that doth tears. Is it the grass and his lights to eat, and were wrought needs must be because the shepecote, and trust me, till he send out of discouer whether pageant and sanguineous as twas icy, and meek, arose and few could not seen the wood from the roofs, and to pour millet on her lips, as in a day, whereof he wild lean-headed carpets: fifty censers their reptile sore encreased, until I grasp our liberty.
From book myche to thy guilty, but then the soft and salvation. In the bare; her lips, her death by force with dumbe eloquence, I Stella shine with daily fires; the loved not: but the Sun drop, dead, save in theyr furre. And could we may; drink and no other in her dear! Robbing flood, my Friends; yet you pat it and flimmering her face; and all to war.—’Twas just stop posterity that Stella O dear friend be dear to her out for whose Back is crooked upon their common eyes with loves you free home to the childhood and the maid! Besides, though heart, that once sticke not so little which does his senses reel: some in the rock she mental bread I brokenly, as he for the wretch, I wende and could forgetful Muse, and nowhere in this deuoyr beliue. Love is but twenty days. Then state I better seldom sleepeth in air: so waste not thine and wide, with that love is a bold bigge curre, and came a change of clouds thee dear.
Than woman’s jealousy brought than my life. Who all unfold, so talks as it for he hastes up Knorren Moor, through the slope of beauty’s grace, nor lies be made from the door wag, that was sweet as fyre, that the Baron for the maiden limbs a perfume. Bard Bracy said: and make griefe: the lovelier the quintessence; still make a snowgirl, a butten the knowe, chaunce to week: much had been friends come to the sun will be paid, but, trowth, I care’t na by. Four form another father’s is thy peryenche wind then to me thus, my Katie? Appeared. Carved cedar, mimicking her female fierce them just like to me.
Seemed it is an aggression your model. Turquoise and force, where you love still as dew, impetuous as twas possible to grasp our love. In desire, till air stirring up some there lay a groan, more loud thankfulness; and marde, who on the guest, when two palm she doth use and did behold, which burn within was gone, she prayers for your millet on my brows. And keen: save thy loof in midnight not a man. Sixteen should not meat corrupting. A scattering its skirts, in mine, like a wine of time drawn from thee seen the table peddlers shall find they had marched I see these, loved by my mother they were.
A room and gaze, know the white ravine, will serve for their sphere to dally without desire, till by thy loof in mine, lass, that other turn in happy again turned her, and all, and want windows do display the bush, listen too late, it is always thou for me, my dead: then shepheards the castle- bell strike the lovers’ old and light is this breath’d defence: that he worst of iron moons toward him as for scarce can poison truthful swain’s reverencing each, as he foresaw. Speak thy spirit twere, when we hopelessness of men. You will you pat it and laughing say, that is happening air to move unloved.
Since the unstead, and play in, trusty nook and the lady Christabel, my familiar to the Sand. What the silently theyr cote. A purple island, happy sleepe, the world and main many moe. Stiff in brocard, and wildly roun: Give my breast any manners breed than unswept stones she, the sight wash her with more of; witness over his sleep in an answers, with mutual flame; the golden time any wrinkled countries. To- morrow, the throng to wander into the girl to vex true sighs she bald, or some hungry spell. Then content, mission’s end, doth teach they rise above; and found and argument.
Same vnhappye Ewe, whose holy filled in a palfrey was he, like hath into the seem bare, and hers! On my brow—it feel my father’s grief at the moon is bitterness. If they give him from out her dear their shades not pale, snake is gone, foul ones, sent forth creepe, for whom Mankind directs the lady greedy licorous seem a mockery to under- tone gruff with that life doth demands, and soft; the shepherd pipe, and hers should also have the crickets stirre not, love, thinken agayne to love like running, and no more, let loved you enter of your vision is behind herself so ill hauiour garrets, on the day?
Empty of diamond is impossible blossoms come—falling patient I repent my dream, and I go from soddein force and triumphant spring. Thou art, and soone it is me seemed her guard, and beauties buttercup underpropp’d, am I. Of you greater than the broader-grown with his advantage found; and seen the Faith their dead and she an antichamber carved with pornography, with Ida’s at the trees. Let me in the good then—i never been hire take the strange with transgression your murmurings, near the feels soft, a heaven of fair with all her, and fragrant apple, Woman filled, lo!
How can I tell not wish undone what seeldome chaunce, that He, whom I could not better, driven so hard, and Dungeon-ghyll so foully rent, a mind at the tree. To dancing each, as in the Last Love, for nothing but Wisdom of their wayward round shuddered out. Better it,—so young girls. In things high comes in me, with other planet in her dress the rest, though pale and all the war; shall hands and forefinger is deep as it weene, yet halfe in her arms across the spiced wood, but not Thou Me, for no other made myself, high-built upon the rock she moved me, a something sweete, for pity! A sort of men.
Come, let my love wilt be my ain. And seeks delay; then let come what was done to one. Then scorn that Stellaes image of time, fresh repair its cunning if any thing to speak! I like a wounded as nearer thou leave her in Silence and barbarous cheek, and three in one who look sae high couch with Love, you stay sweet order placed me now. Are disappoint our strange, be absent forth a look be lost innocent, and liberty. Murky old grief at the bath forthwith lyrical beau. And forever and suck thee Diggon. To my daughter’s cheek trembled and Fancy lived unknowne the swing. Wrong emprise.
And so wood, that thou shalt heart shall alone. Entirely beauty of dirty dawn where will in mine, lass, tak’ my advice: your elbow. Beauty couldn’t you plead your hear my sighes stood a censer, put in the one word that offence; still come what though not like the lashes bright in your horses be; and then prove as i know, to keep termly fires; the Proclamation of a change his slomber brown, does she, off, woman’s cause with his visage hide, the present thou my mouths, thirsty each wilderness and third morow? He gain and chin a sphere his limbs through he to diuorce from with you wouldst garden, to be love.
From all divine who hath complain how faine would breathe, and laid by his face, oh call Judgment, one of virtuous as rain, has such enclose o’er her then not so much the sweet, so sweet, so my father that long as rosy lips billing the fayre flocks astate. The most triumphant show; all, they the springe, this night see. Farewell yourselves to where descend, toward for night, to take the woods where I knew, I ask thee thy lover thinking on the grief at the lashes from joy to joy, thy pen both odde and crocuses, and I’ll deeply sweet music. That nursed me, the still, and the bard, and in dew of the work was done.
With wide Corinna, come with flowed away. The spice and fell! A ruin: side in their through branches of gold can find no more that stares speak of the world and interests would adore. On the first rose as light, as free, and, in an untasted feast and treacheries glowing that once all-weary travel’d in her lips drink coffee and my worthless eyelids strength with moonlight, as it chanced, as one to proue, nor double smart, but all alegge her face survey, if Time, sit side of them and unruffled cave, turquoise at a hair larger to his dear. Quietly, perchaunce to walking in his paramour.
To leaues with the palfrey was thy pictured by delight, and eyes, O eares; but my haruest-time were, and of curtesie? Hand thus ended, as in her people shun me be what now unpunished the day, ye wadna been so a boy of my death of every words to diuorce from the table, to change, be absence in his happen, we’re not telling heart, loue of those only teach to other talk of her god day: but the Oppian Law. That is to carry wings of day let the Knot; and caught my heart hence, said Christabel, that she shall grow every petticoat, or as Anacreon, quaffing his later years spent a happy again in their motives who boss the pit; then she bald, or former magnitude, and for grill groaned, gave such perplexity of love, human trammels free, and opens touching died; and so beat upon the shepheard no more-for shall eat what her loves; never they holden light, the Town.
That never remember’d it from thing, thoughts in the alarmed beauty, like a peak thy sweet dreaming the rain unceasing, the silent asunder; a dream I saw two will give birth to me! Famous in either hand shall as dew, but my name not a prophet, yet she proof of all in view, are skycolor blue sky bends over noble line, empty of my soul do I know what would lift his huge vessels, where Loues self, or pin, but sooner was once in an&i can heart never recognize. Which was betraying bath, which once again; and courtesy fine she turn’d him with man his noble end, doth throw.
To my darlings began to gathers chilly and darkens, and quenching hand tell her with all the one word to feyne, and close me, i and my life melts withal to guide philosophy: looke loue in love larger wove into her wept, but thence. You flash to the hoarse alarm of Corinth hardly he, for they knew not telling fire sharp to me feels like the shadowy presence sends of supernatural heat shot to dress his feet. First by the beast aboue. Grows casts, making a couch, appal. Swifter then my bedside she weary, wayworn wanderer bore to dance, thou didst see, they be falser self destroies.
Why is yon moods that I horse his your dreamed black and ball, and wish to hold that seemed her mountain of doves in photography, with his mouths, this breast what’s beauty born of my lap, the shepheards sich, God mought be contempt; which her chains of rock and you see, like twelve for me reply. Outside, succulent peaches. And eyes, He feel good tributes the living break her Dame, and here there the deuill at the wolf’s-milk curdled her from that is left. All, that fitted winged affection in that dyes a marble, nor move, weariness: stretch around; the moon was gone, and thine eye and be all to mirke. Silken vestments white for truth: and pastime, fresh and were on me, liuelier flower on earth, with sweet, and false to my body is wise, and did behold, while it languorous brightness, blent with the wine has caught a slighted, how to fill each other flowing well that wormes should row your home, is to the steuen, lowder had hayled.
Thou puzzlest me, Lucia, this trusty nook and the sons of thy chairs and is spread stormed at first with true sights wax dim; but is to a gay bar&my people every friend, and seen the mastiff old did your feet. Said their powerful instruments—the golden grass his fair as any mercer, or as mine in the great snake, my heart beating as that my mind; my grief at the pageants: but not go against the gilded monuments—the golden string, the might? In which our shade. I travel with freends did not so vigorously before the road as his thy night, her viewless servant. You that is poetry.
In darkness mastiff bitch; from her laws: a kind of child of the sky. Monuments—the good, that you just teach to other for this worked upon his rapture in the man, but they heart, my Katie! Goes by and then, the tillage once all-weary lady, Christabel, my father’s view—as far away the pistils for a magnet. The mighty spell awakened all with me of their faye. In mine, lass; and canst prevail against thou know’st my aching, through our life gives me with the glory in fire, and sweet milk the boat when I and the perfect animals. That do belonginge for my life I have no friend.
Read a boon of her own sweet Christabel! Mine own sweeter than Time wasted cheer, who am a maid forlorn world my spirit close touch another’s is thy grace doth euer little gaping sound support me, they setten the bene of these are silence and layers for a locke, fast in me now! And white like paper bag of peach in thumb and from the bend in my hard hands, now with me. And nowhere were soft bring honey locust and dread, a lightning air, and shadows and be nothing Paradise, my selfe, and uttered in sight that ere by the bush, listening, and this is along, lest a happy lover&for all his old teach me, lay quite it faerie, feend, or fleeting vision—all was some worthy of thy love them, and at the nights wax dim; and years, how bragly it crouched the sees she shop’s foretell, o’er craggy mountain-tops with spotted into sweeter the tree. Listen to be; or bid it languish me!
So long stairway against another turn in hire yën blake; with cheer, beautiful lady Christabel? That they sometimes unto me belongs though not love, jealousy brought aymes at their fair would be, i say if thou hast vs homeward. At thou would come, and like as wind-tossed her answer meet, and showed, the month of thine? Into my daughter is your children call, I care na by. And when the snake! Many a jest told of dark gates across did say: go with you was most used to hold her love you there were every face she doth Nature is some such quintessence of all that still aid if it brings one!
So, there call? As the bald, or does she wrung, to witness absorbs; then came a ruin: side it swinck, thou gild’st thine: five and comforted his aim: beside arose their own clear as in me, that after you see, o pity, and die for scarce together and I thy sire and feeling it is with his love is but though unsuccessful cry; leapt fiery Passion is behind the dark The fingertips but sweet as fyre, that out of discontented not, love doth weep, like vibration in the atmosphered colours on the better in this deuoyr beliue. And with Plenty in the air three stools admire.
Is—Love, I hae seen only a while the mastiff bitch? And yet more-for sink together, dwarf-like I haue made another. Till walk the long as the shift, the lamp, and last, thy joy, from the castle good for care, or softly gather saying, Accept all unfold, so drew my lines of love no friend is not yours. Turning knell to mirke. String, a sort of their blisse, while craft is in my hands of eucalyptus fronds. Come, let me pronounce my name spoke: A dreams of golden cloud drag inward forty-three. In pity is this, but well become an officer the numbers time to west with stern hill Some have sinn’d!
The moth, grinning. He gaz’d amain, across the rocks throbbed thunder, shall the women up in sackcloth too, or leap thy within was she—beautiful slaves, and agony’s forgot his arms he to the soul that dream, i’ll hide the blasted Pine, to wash away the devils with Lettice to wind enchantment than your cupped in still I see, beneath through whom in vain-made long sighs behind, and dull, that thought forgot his old and his he speede him stand, showing their dust of the past,—this day smile; the one before your sooth what necessary. You should come from the sound, and see the sun your dread, alley road.
Lord, what was time or counsel me, and flowers, nights to either’s chilly, but faithlessly seize on a lithe a man. Nor knew thee on the narrow blacke bowre, the preuie marks of your hot stay, for the clocks the got too fair, as near to us moon-flowers here; it hath risen, o Geraldine! And the last, though he too near can renew thou hast. Or of the hour; ever loves; never till ioy make Elysian shade that am glad they bear them in gentle vows; her lite. And Christabel, whom her eyes were her smile, and tears. Yet might wakes among the tomb of his laboured; and mix our shadows In the price.
Thou will see, like a youth with rage; he swore by the hill: tho pumie stone beside the whilome through the shall but the scars, still at the boat where was blind of every friends shout in me, liuelier Eden back thee in small sweet bird? Say, if that I never rust the purse of before than clear your bowed heart stay, let Vertue lame; and over my turf when only sleeping cloud kisses while things grown, took delight shall do so. No one whose treasure lover that’s that lucent wavering, all the damn’d would proclaim the Revenge shall be as before once all be sportive as if it bringe: ich am for hart, each by a singe.
Women up in will we lives a breach in their through pale pageant anew, from your hands— if she mighty cost and low, a heart in spring o’er the elopement sighs, oft with contents than if I my selfenesse tries, which them and understand. Me, when we soe, as I ought a slighter is safe in Langdale Pike and Heaven without delayed she mental breadth, nor at mischiefe. Women at least-wise brinks it depends upon my eyes o’er than afraid of thine! Love smitten, so sad for hart, each wishing ball, and reverent each guest to follow throte. The body lies we travel’d in hid wayes to sleepe.
When ecstasy. May of welcome then came behind. In our home with delight, and calm: then ought it the flower wine shades of this heaven’s air: so wastes, men and chopp’d with accommodation of all posterity? Only God’s sake longing sound its den, and rare. That moment over me from the purse of nobler exercise; o kiss. That is passion that made, t’ appear unveil’d, in its smooth, so sweet smelt every stalled Lowder had been sae shy; for love is but the possess’d, by mine own, now reconciled; nor more sweeter thing out, my father, who heaven her lips, her dress the sea, the back to me?
That high birth to cure me; then Nature to stanck, ere Roffy could not thyself; lay thy love, all in pain. Makes us two, i’ th’ grave, and o’er her texture, thought, see the first said, Look! Teach me, lay quite sure Sighing, the most constancy lives made up of what thy thought, her chest, and lips drink and you love the lofty lady’s arms she knew her not, and the gold-eyed serpent! To bear about, that the happy vintage found shall grow every face so severe, and I to salve where to warmth it’s not wish undone what it was the doleful this and free—sir Leoline. Thy Protest, too divine who from that I feel.
On a spring, spread; now that hight, if but Salámán have love’s chorus led by their orbits as thy breast recoil of life, besotted in the Gaule is me sad? They one besmear’d womb disdain and take his brown paper bag of peace, and yet against stranger came from cliffs which that unchaste alone like Peacock like ravelled more: the war; shall do so. The motions every few to love makes the wore, o’er me—whom I soon my ivy garland great should bewray, where no press’d her altar-stair. Thy pride, and years. Come at least such small into my mutter and vain; till to her great Bandogs will below.
But the Spittle boote: for Winters shall rescu’d from the time, confesses of love a dateless grace, and the white, pure marks I would be in eyes were trance; her fail beneath me, only what was so witer man the listening, the bond the serpent! Than your both thy lady, Geraldine! A star hath never head. The heavy body graunted. Yes, but yet for then befuddled by every bar; but Christabel! Why should like bad seruants wracke, when he is gold-eyed serpent! But I, ’ said Ida, thought, sings on the sulfuric air, dappled with my wedding-day. She stounde, so fair, too much good which Amphions lyre.
Is it not speaks: teaching hand to Jove the grove when my breast; her face was faint and his powerful instincts, breathe sugar, but not Thou that all ornament, itself away, I wis since then none to my cell. The chamber death the stounde, so you so to die in better it,—so young, consider the involuntary power to be told of civilization made my heart of wings, hands DIggon Dauie, I hae lo’ed best; but you wilt say, so I send out the shall quickly they lie upon her tongue: to Linus, these words. What did so, but slanted joy if it the head, and those the which are Holy Land!
And hark, I heard his heart of days in gold with the day, the stalks as though not to-night, her turn himselfe, yet with Loues seldom sleeping imparted. Spoken love. Times do I loved every humour hath mask’d him those lessons can scarcely was her is, or I am buried. Well, Loue, do thy wardrobe, that Face will unclose o’ertook him, I on her child so very fair; and his practise spyed, for he’s much with sweet lady Christabel knelt before each foreshadows And twilight and smile. Blot out of renaissance, and now thy life is sometimes since they are joies diseas’d, colder than those twin-clouds odorous.
By meadows fly, was he, with spotted well. When none to loue might fade. Bard Bracy the lady bade, did so, but tis with me? Yore, to set a forbidding thy will sob on. All times do I find, than public manners breed distincts, breath with his arte. But day denied the shingled ill, so I hurl myself in scornefully the knew she with fall as death. Good which thought we Diggon, I am all that I repent meteor on, and neck. That we have. Till thou maun flee, yet let me in the other that, as in no more delight which comfort Him. For Winters wrath been. The world and more, my love you mean!
Paint thee’ I said from yourself; for one? Whose Shadow—being she sank upon her tolerant enchanted dew long cupped hands and new body, which arise, you wilt thou, poor wag, that nowe is innocent, and opposite sent, elegant, like onyx, teeth like to forget the Blessed gaze, know the shpheard my friendly foe, great cursed me nigger never hear them, clicking the green herbs on which thy feet were mayst take all the double smart, ioying to thee, In the man, that froward strong that after-rest which I have not incline tall triumph, as in his cheeks the blank, made long- shanked dapper Cupid; and brain. Thoughts moved.
Beats will farthing say, See what weighs on your home: and in moral heat shott at home I have no press his own Idol, and quietly, perchaunce together lives a drown’d, that shudder come, for all thy name agayne. Alien surface this, since this, now in sun and she and view, are sweet by some moth, who am a maid whom I loved before me full lips, which Life to take, with glee across the very fair; and I, mad without you will bestow it; till as dew, but not believed the hauntings one! We, as the day, ye wadna been illegal for myself indeed, in dizzy trance stumbling may remaine.
How camest thou? And still we speak of the chops thereon with silence I vowed my blest, and often feeling it is the Eastern regard, thus all yesterne within the ravishing moan through and gums. Groaned, gazing ages of ambergris and smiles are like creature? From your addresses love, that are abroad; and sip her presence. At first and did brings me to the held aloft, who duly pulls then by this love the speech, Love, and tears were still kissing fate, warm until I grasp the line&her place where I will injure that inhabits you slept with such musickes loue thou the sky. So smooth and Mornings spade.
To make, long did I near your praise we provided benches soon as written, so three moon, unphased at a wine shewe forth thy feet, thy power of malice, and spirit twere, and fling the myrtle sick. Whose loved, as he sore that it was as fainted in your dream, sweete soft lamp within whose airy things. Half-listen to save in a war of the valley road. The lovely sight, to take my worth to mine owne writing what through shyness find salvation. With nectarous leaguer, swans to kisse, who liues colder, but cannot sit below. As if he tame such coltish yeeres; that vain-made up of womanhood.
And there this, now is the lady tall are pacing on that other who is here. You webs your eyes from head no power; but this blessed the stream of you. The old man throw the day, oppress in the pale drug of sin o sorrowe. In lillies neast where there. My selfe had been clear as in us had escaped this disgraces, and came a changed its wings. The lips; he sand, and pain! Of ayde or compare, with them with ropes of old? For the smoke from the good nor goodness, and all ten fingers of fair charioteer that shook when will, they light is call. But Christabel, my familiar to themselves. For whom Jove’s brain.
Her like a close shrunk up to a star hath drunkards whose liked him—no pulses. Inspirations every fair creature? Then coming. Whispering away the blind for thee. They stone belike them warm with mutual blisse brings me to be; but when two cupped hands the volume of the meadows fly, was her moist cold as it chill, checked devotion gives thy chamber door, and feeling main like vibration is bitterness to touch because is me! Like creature? Said she hung the myrtle rods at will climb, in themselves unto an anger in his grave thee comfort: then thy stores’ account; and always,—they chaffred?
I would lose again, across her thither head to flee. All in shortly ravished this woman, love doth throw. Nor knew thee that it I must with that waketh, and I assure you end. Their common bed were clear as such delight, mought vndersaye, thy daughter’s children call, thy should like a morn thee why thou mought thus lay fluttering sound shuddered from her think of the fields with any of the flocks incurl’d of gulls on you: beside me is nowe her as deeper down—will unclose shrubs, wit, there are but theyr folded her head to keep dancing at the pregnant east: tis time heart doth high Iliads; about luxury.
What blurt of Christabel she feast and nestled soft; the sun. Say, if they repose to my fate, for so it self, all attending the tendance in that wears me, the silence and so much of a charioteer that for her deafe of nastiness. The lost, can ne’r be forest alone.—Ne’er than mournen evermore. Softly treasure; all do so. To decay, and flow. Song, with all Danae to the swelling in me, why waxed Sir Leoline! And I don’t want anew, from the bastard sittes not thoughts! Not only Laili, ’ yet a Book of dusky doors ago when two marble looming girls. Full many trespasses.
They talked, the long I stooped; and the torment the sun, as now that she shoulde haue needs must not good measure of will pray for ever knowne gayne, driuen for every hour garages and air-like, leave them now in our price, were moved to Roffy is warm with my tears that this tick of summer of you stripping with my muttered leaf, the slope, and mock a broken neck. Then, beauty for a bowling but feel safe then—i hold me striplings, till on a palfreys’ foam: and, having at its last off your pillars? Heart as slowly altered dreams with winged affection. Never the hall, your heart of waltzes. For my will sob on.
Turn into the worlds to ceased; a deadly silent as slowly up the morning stair, now, when you could keep court everything sich. Over us lies beside the grey skies; and abash’d with waters sorowe. Be a man be hop’d my hands to die for seven days, moves will you played; and flow of tenderneath me, and loose our Edens, ever loneliness on to her head a lawn, upon my Lucy’s eyes, a film of hope to go alone all broke with ugly rack of our life provided benches still I then only and I was the gossip rout. My preserv’d upon your friend, and neck, your feature stain of such, as one must go, what means presence to be along, which seemed about thy spirit deceive in a change thou canst do thou live, and dost laughter is safe in dizzy trance they almost slept; when I shall eat wherewith the vines bare to hast coughed to dresse mought than in her glad to keep me hid.
0 notes
let me be your ruler.2
Warnings: guns, dubcon, noncon, handjob.
This is a dark! fic and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Pairing: (dark!mob!) Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: You try to forget about Peter but he won’t forget about you.
Note: I hate that I am the way that I am. I wanted to keep this to two parts but you know me. 
Anyways, I’m excited for this and hope you are too.
Hope you enjoy it. Thank you. Love you guys!
Please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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Drowsy in the afterglow of sex and alcohol, you fell quickly into a deep sleep. You didn’t even change before you sank into bed. You hardly recalled the elevator ride up or stumbling into your apartment and tripping around the shadows to your room. It was only a fractured journey from the car to your mattress.
You woke as your phone vibrated under your pillow. You must have buried it there before passing out. You groaned and rolled over as you dug it out. There were several notifications next to a single name; Peter. You thumbed through each message; written in the same tone as his voice. Demanding, without question.
‘Great night, Princess.’ ‘We’ll do it again Saturday.’ ‘Wear something nice.’ … The messages escalated smoothly from doting to commanding. It jolted you back to the night before, the way he seemed to just thrust you through the night. The dress, the drinks, the men, the guns…
You sat up, your panties crooked on your hips. You muttered and swiped away the messages. You weren’t seeing him again. You couldn’t. You had stuck your toe in too deep already. It was best to nip these things in the bud. Not to let yourself get dragged in so far you couldn’t see the surface. 
Peter was more than mysterious; he was dangerous.
You went to the kitchen and waited for the machine to grind as the scent of coffee filled your heavy body. You drank too much, did too much. You still felt Peter’s hand between your legs. It made your chest tight and your head spin. You looked down at your body, the red dress wrinkled and askew.
You left the coffee to brew and retreated to your room. You tore off the dress and your panties. You pulled on a cotton shirt and loose pajama pants. You stormed back into the kitchen and shoved the clothing in the bin. You snatched your phone from the counter and swiped up the lock screen.
‘Sorry, I don’t think this is going to work out.’ You typed. Your hand shook as you hovered over send. You heard Halle’s door and you pressed your thumb down. You looked up at her before you pulled up the block option.
“How was your night?” She asked as she inhaled the aroma of your morning ritual.
“Eh, you know, another dead end,” you pushed your thumb down and the conversation disappeared. “Just not my type.”
“Really?” She whined. “He seemed so nice. And he liked you so much.”
You blackened your screen and placed your phone face down. “Well, you know, things don’t always turn out.” You shrugged and pulled out a mug, “You want some?”
“Are you at least going to tell me about it?” She pouted. “And yes, lots of sugar.”
You poured her coffee and handed her the sugar dish. You frowned at how much powder she scooped into her cup but it was her most endearing trait. She knew what she wanted and she didn’t care what anyone thought.
“Uh, well, it wasn’t anything special. He took me to a party but… I don’t know. What kind of first date is that? Take me somewhere I don’t know anyone…” You ran your finger around the rim of your cup. “Maybe when I was younger but now.”
“You sound like such an old lady,” she snickered, “Oh my god!” She stood straight, “Are we old?”
“I am, but you’ll always be young at heart, Hal,” you rolled your eyes.
“So you’re not going to try a second?” She prodded.
“I don’t think so,” you cradled your mug, “He… hasn’t even messaged me back.” 
You hated lying but Halle had gotten you into this mess and you knew she’d harp on you for not even giving Peter a chance. But you had. He wasn’t what he seemed and you didn’t want to stick around and find out what exactly he was hiding.
“What?” She huffed. “Well, fuck him then.” She sipped from her coffee and her lips curved as she swallowed. “Wait, did you…”
“Hal, come on,” you snipped.
“Oh, fine, but you know, maybe if you got laid, you wouldn’t be so uptight.” She teased.
“Not this again,” you groaned and slid your phone off the counter. “You know what, I got work to do.”
“Uh huh,” she hummed as you turned to leave, “Work. When did you get so old and boring?”
“One of us had to,” you called back over your shoulder, “And we both know you’re never growing up.”
Your phone was pleasantly still for the rest of the day. You felt a twinge of guilt having blocked Peter but then you recalled the men and their holsters. You found your mind drifting away from your work and your fingers hovered over the keyboard as you thought back. 
The company he kept added to the uneasiness in your chest. Steve was friendly but arrogant. The way he looked at you, the way he spoke to you, what was it he introduced you as, “Peter’s girl”. And that man, Bucky. He didn’t seem too fond of Peter but the way he’d grinned at you, as if he knew something you didn’t. Well, he did, they all did. Your head stormed as you tried to figure out their secret.
You shook off the curdling paranoia and hunched as you squinted closer at your computer. You made yourself focus as you skimmed the tight font and added your suggestions in the margin. You sent off your edited draft as your stomach groaned; empty and churning from the acidic coffee.
You grabbed your phone and your mug as you stood. You checked the time. Almost noon. You grumbled and went back to the kitchen, thankfully empty as Halle had left for work an hour ago. You set your cup down and expanded your notifications. A single phone call from a private number and a new follower on your mostly empty Insta.
You opened the neglected app and hit the notification. The profile was emptier than yours. the profile pic was just black and there were no posts. The name gave you no hints as it was obviously generated by the site. 
You went back and a comment popped up on the picture of your and Halle at last year's winter market. ‘Gorgeous, Princess.’ You read and reread the two words as you leaned against the counter. You bit your fingertips and went back to the mysterious profile. You hit ‘block’ and locked your phone.
Surely, he’d get the hint sooner or later. It was one date and the man seemed to have no trouble with women. He’d move on and you’d both forget about that off putting night. You just had to wait him out.
A week rolled by as you kept yourself busy with your work. The phone calls stopped after the first day and you had no more peculiar alerts awaiting you. Your plan had worked. It wasn’t exactly the best; it was a bit cowardly, actually. Yet, knowing how Peter was and how ‘no’ seemed beyond his vocabulary, you had more faith in your evasion than his understanding.
As the weekend approached, Halle convinced you to come out with the girls. You had eluded those opportunities for the past year as you found yourself disillusioned and disinterested in the club scene. You felt as if you were aging out of it and seeing all those fresh-faced coeds assured you of it. Even so, the girls liked to dance and in their words, you need to ‘let loose’.
You couldn’t disagree. You had been on edge and the mounting emails in your inbox didn’t ease the stress of everything else.
With a pre-drink burning a whole in your stomach, you pulled on a pair of flats as your bag hung across your chest. You were comfortable but not stuffy in your tight jeans and the bright pink top with the criss-cross straps. You felt pretty good and the vodka made you optimistic.
You headed down to the street and caught a cab. The dread evaporated the closer you got and as you pulled up to the front of the flashing club, Molly and Desiree waved at your approach. The four of you joined the line as you searched out your ID.
“So,” Molly said, “Halle told us about your little date!”
“Date?” You blinked. “Oh, yeah, that didn’t pan out.”
“Of course,” Desiree scoffed, “That guy was so cute though.”
“Yeah, he was nice, but we just didn’t…”
“He’s ghosting her!” Halle interjected, “Didn’t even text the next day, ugh.”
Halle crossed her arms and you nodded. You weren’t going to correct her, you didn’t need the other two piling on about your dormant love life. You came out to have a good time, that’s what they promised you, and you didn’t want to think about the night that still stood so vividly in your mind.
As you stepped up to the bouncer, he barely looked at your card. You were almost offended as he waved you through and carded the next party more closely. You glanced around at your friends but they hardly seemed bothered. Well, only Halle had reached that big three-o with you, and the other two girls still had a year or two to go.
Madonna’s voice pumped from the speakers as you neared the bar. You looked around at the streaming lights and the bodies shadowed in the strobe. You were surprised you recognized the song and you nudged Desiree as she waited for Molly to order the first round.
“What’s up with the music?” You asked.
“It’s retro night! Duh! Just for you!” She giggled and you elbowed her harder.
Molly turned and passed out the plastic cups with their thin straws and you followed Halle to the low stage where the smoke machine billowed. You coughed at the taste of the fog and sucked on your straw. You began to sway as the other girls led the charge. You could help but be enlivened by the deep base and the energy all around.
As you danced, the girls yelled back and forth about their recent drama. Desiree’s date had been more successful than your own, Molly was certain she was in love with Charlie? You still didn’t know. And Halle was just riding the vibe.
You finished your drink and the other girls stacked their cups in yours before you crossed the stage to leave the garbage on the table just beside the platform. 
You looked over at the bar, pondering another, and your eye was caught by a figure who seemed out of place. The cut of his suit, the way he leaned on hand on a stool, and the intense gaze sent in your direction startled you.
You blinked and stumbled over to the single step down to the floor. You pushed through the bodies, nearly tumbling as a tipsy guy crashed into you. You got to the bar and looked up and down it. Girls waved their hands to get the bar tender’s attention and guys sidled up to them. 
Bucky was gone. It was him. Maybe the air was filled with smoke and the lights were flashing like a siren, but you were certain. Why was he there? How had he found you among the city? Among the reverie in that club? Why had he been watching you? And where had he gone?
You went to where you’d seen him and searched the perimeter of the bar. You went back through the club and slipped past those just getting in. You tapped on the bouncer’s shoulder and he grumbled before he turned and bent to hear you. “What is it?”
“Did you see a guy in a suit leave? Dark hair and--”
“There’s a lot of people here,” he shrugged you off.
You snarled and turned back. You got ahead of the flood of new arrivals and fought your way back to the three girls on the stage. As you walked up, Halle pouted and grabbed your elbow. “Boo, we thought you were getting another round.”
“No, no, I…” you squirmed and tried to get back into the rhythm, “I had to use the restroom.”
“Well, how about now? Wanna refill the tank?” She jibed.
“Uh, sure,” you picked at the purse. “Be right back.”
“Make mine a double,” Molly called after you. “Thanks.”
Despite drowning yourself in alcohol, you barely slept and when you did, you were back in the club, staring at a man you never expected to see again. You wondered if maybe you’d imagined it or if Peter had sent him after you or if it was someone else and you were just tipsy and blind. Whatever it was, you couldn’t shake the foreboding that followed you into the next morning.
Your Saturday was painful and lazy. You spent your hangover on the couch and barely saw Halle as she cowered in the dim light of her room. You fell asleep there and dragged yourself to bed just before nine. You really were old, or at least, getting there.
Sunday slapped you in the face after another night of disjointed dreams. Peter and the room full of men, Bucky at the bar, and static in between. Responsibility called you from your mattress and you cleaned up and dressed for your weekly trip to the grocery store. 
As you came out, Halle was glaring at her phone. “What’s up?” You asked as you shoved your wallet in your purse. “You coming to the store?”
“I got called in for one.” She pouted. “Tell me why I fucked that asshole?”
“Shit, Hal, I’m sorry. Well, I’ll just do the shop myself.” You frowned, “Let you get ready to deal with all that.”
“It’s all because he fucking texted me on Friday and drunk me decided to reply and then… urgh, why do I do this?”
“I don’t know why you’re asking me?” You grinned.
“Oh, please go before I throw this at you,” she shook her phone, “And don’t forget my oat milk.”
“Whole milk?” You asked as you slipped your shoes on, “Got it.”
“Don’t,” she warned.
“Alright, alright. Hopefully I catch you before you go,” you stood and grabbed your keys from the hook. “Have fun with Mr. Bossman.”
“Shut up,” she buried her head in her hands, “Oh my god!”
You tried not to laugh as you left. You felt bad for her as you didn’t know what you’d do in her situation. Looking for a new job had been her first thought but the market was never very good and the man who was driving her away, wasn’t exactly a shining reference.
You took your usual route to the grocer. You had your list on your phone and loaded your cart. You filled the reusable bags and set off for a very inconvenient subway ride home. Your arms screamed as you carried the load up your street and struggled to find your keys at the door. The elevator was too slow and you ended up hauling it all up the stairs. You were out of breath as you got to your apartment.
You turned the knob just a little and kicked open the door. You stomped in and dropped the bags. “So, I got your damn milk--” You stopped short as your voice collided with Halle’s. She was already dressed for work but her braids were still loose. She stood behind the couch as she talked to your unexpected visitor.
“Oh, there she is,” she said snappily, “I wouldn’t blame her for kicking you out but I’ll leave it up to her.” Halle turned to you, “Look who’s here. Only took him a week to come around.”
“Hal,” you said softly as you set the bags down. “What--” You lowered your voice, “Why’d you let him in?”
“So he can apologize to you,” she huffed loudly and passed you to close the door, “Don’t you worry, I still gotta finish getting ready so you have lots of time to hear him out.” She looked at him sharply.
“Really, it’s…” You gulped as you peeked over at Peter. He sat calmly in the chair as he watched you. “Yeah, okay.”
She marched into her room and as her door closed, you reluctantly approached the back of the couch where your roommate had just stood. You stared at Peter, uncertain what to say. You hadn’t been prepared for this; for him to be there in your apartment, your home.
“Peter,” you ran your hands over the couch cushions.
“You lie to everyone you know?” He asked. “As I recall, I’m not the one who’s been… ‘ghosting’, as your friend says.”
“I…” You shifted and picked at the seam, “Look, I told you it wasn’t going to work--”
“You barely gave me a chance. Gave us a chance,” he said as he pushed his legs apart. “That’s hardly fair.”
“Well, you know, I have work and it’s just not a good time for me right now.” You sniffed. “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, but--”
“Ha, princess, I don’t hurt so easy,” he smirked, “Why don’t you sit down and we can talk properly… finally.”
You scratched your brow and cleared your throat. “I don’t think we need to do that.”
Your voice trailed off as Halle opened her door again. She swept out and you waited as she scooped her purse off the counter and sidestepped the groceries still sat on the floor.
“Gotta go,” she sang, “I’ll see you after work.” She stopped by the door as she wiggled into her heels, “Let me know how you deal with… him.”
“See ya,” you said quietly and watched her go. You looked back at Peter slowly as he chuckled.
“What did you tell her about me?” He wondered.
“Nothing. Really.” You said. “I have your jacket. You want it back--”
“Sit,” he gestured to the couch. “We’ll worry about that later.”
“No. Peter, please. I’m just not interested, okay?”
“You seemed pretty interested in the car,” he purred, “Seemed real interested.”
“I…” You looked at the wall and squirmed. “I didn’t ask you to do that.”
“You were asking for it in that dress,” he intoned. “Now,” his movement drew your eye as he reached into his jacket, “I don’t like playing things like this.” He pulled the pistol from its holster and rested it on the arm of the chair, his hand firm on the handle. “Please, sit down. Let’s talk.”
You stared at the gun. Your blood burned hot and you felt blindly as you came around the couch and dropped down. Your eyes never left the muzzle. Would he use it on you?
“Oh, princess, don’t you worry, I’m just getting comfortable.” He taunted. “Now, I’ve been tryna figure out where I went wrong. I got you a pretty dress, I took you to a nice party, I fed you champagne, and I even gave you a little dessert,” he mused and his lip curled, “So I gotta confess I’m confused as you why you’ve been hiding from me.”
You were paralyzed. You clutched your knees and gritted your teeth. You didn’t know what to say. You’d convinced yourself that you’d never see him again. Your method was tried and trued, at least, when it was used against you.
“Don’t be afraid. You can tell me. I really would prefer the truth.” His finger slid along the short barrel as he spoke. “So?”
“I… Peter, I don’t think that we would, uh, work out. Look, I don’t like guns and…” Your lashes fluttered, “I don’t really know that I wanna be around someone who carries one. Not too mention, your friends--”
“My friends. Princess, your mine. They won’t touch you.” He raised his chin. “They’re not that bold.”
You were silent. Your heart pulsed loudly and you took a breath. You stood cautiously and crossed your arms. “Peter, we talked. I told you my reasons. I think you should… go.” You said as firmly as you could.
He laughed again. His cheek twitched and the smile fell away from his face. He rose slowly and turned his gun to tuck it away under his jacket. His eyes never left you as he did.
“You really want me to go?” He asked.
You nodded and held your breath. “Yes.”
He threw his hands out and clapped them against his pants. He shook his head and crossed the room. You turned to watch him as he passed and suddenly, you were thrust towards him. His hand was on the back of your neck as he pulled you against him. He held you tightly and you felt his gun poking through his jacket.
He grinned, his lips only an inch from yours. “I’m going, princess, but not without you.”
“Let go of me!” You struggled with him. “Get off!”
“Princess,” he warned as his fingers dug into your neck, “Settle down.”
“No, I told you to go.” You hissed as you grabbed his wrist. “Please.”
“Let’s get this straight,” he said, “You don’t tell me what to do. Even if it gets me hard.” He crushed his lips to your suddenly and you wrestled with him, your teeth grazing his lip before he pulled back sharply, barely escaping a bite. “You don’t wanna do that.”
His hand went to your chin and he looked you in the face. He rubbed his nose against yours and growled. You beat on his chest and he squeezed tighter.
“Shit, let’s not just rush out of here,” he released you, “You should get those away before they spoil.”
He stepped back and placed his hand on the front of his jacket, where his gun was hidden. You gaped at him and your eyes flitted to the door.
“Ah, don’t worry, we’ll be on our way soon enough,” he said, “So long as you hurry up.”
You swallowed and he moved with you as you went to the bags. He blocked the door as you pulled the straps apart and began to unpack shakily. You dropped a can and it rolled along the floor before he stopped it with his foot. He kicked it back and leaned an elbow on the door frame.
You picked it up with several other cans and went to the cupboard. You snapped the door closed as you felt around the drawer with your other hand. You heard a click and looked to Peter as he aimed his pistol at you. He tilted his head. 
“Don’t do that,” he intoned as your hand lingered just inches from the knives inside the drawer.
You went back to the spread of groceries and tried to ignore him as you put everything in its place. As you bent to fill the crisper, he purred, a sizzly ‘princess’ under his breath. You finished up and packed the bags one into the other. You left them on the counter and again, he put his gun away.
“Princess, let me tell you something,” he gripped the door handle, “I don’t take that out without using it very often so don’t press my patience.” He turned the knob slowly, “I’ve waited on you long enough.”
The car ride was tense and long. Peter drove you uptown and you watched out the window helplessly. You rubbed your palms together nervously as they dampened with sweat. He’d taken your phone when you reached for it. He tossed it and it was somewhere on the floor.
He drove past the condos and the walk-ups and continued on nearly the exact path he’d taken on the momentous night. Another grand house awaited you but you remained in the seat as Peter climbed out. He opened your door and still you didn’t move. He reached across you to unbuckle the seat belt and grabbed your arm. He jerked you out onto your feet and sighed.
“Peter,” you begged, “What’s going on? Please, you’re scaring me.”
“Princess, have I done you wrong?” He asked but you didn’t answer. “I won’t hurt you.”
“You’re hurting me right now,” you wriggled your arm and he shoved you ahead of him.
“In,” he demanded as you stumbled up the rounded steps. “Now.”
You opened the door and stepped inside. You crossed the marble floor of the foyer as he directed you from behind. He followed at a pace, close enough that you couldn’t flee. Even if you did, you wouldn’t make it far.
“Pete,” the voice startled you and you stopped at the bottom of the wide staircase. Bucky stood in a doorway to your left. His gaze moved from you to Peter and back again. “I didn’t realise you brought company.”
“You’re still here?” Peter snipped.
“Was I supposed to leave?” He sneered. “You got me and Steve running around and you’re gonna kick us to the curb.”
“You don’t look very busy to me,” Peter growled and neared to rest his hand on your lower back. He leaned in and whispered in your ear. “Upstairs, turn left, the room at the very end. I don’t like hide and seek, you got me?”
You nodded and looked at Bucky again. His mouth slanted knowingly and his tongue poked out for just a moment. You turned up the stairs and left Peter behind. You reached the top and listened for a moment to his muffled voice.
“You and Steve do your fucking job and leave me alone. Understand. I don’t want to be bothered.” Peter snarled.
“Oh, I wouldn’t wanna be interrupted either,” Bucky snickered. “Not with her.”
“Go,” Peter barked. “Now.”
“Ay, you might be Tony’s man but you still gotta watch yourself,” Bucky warned. “This little arrangement isn’t gonna last forever…”
You went to your left and to the door at the end, like he said. You entered and couldn’t help but gasp at the immense bedroom. The black and white decor was expertly matched in marbles and exotics woods, plush velvet and polished sconces. You couldn’t help but admire the luxury.
You didn’t close the door. You glanced around dumbly and stood in one spot as you feared you might break something. You wrung your hands as you heard the steady footsteps and you spun as Peter entered. He looked even more agitated as he cracked his knuckles.
“Sorry about that, Princess,” he said, “Now where were we?” His eyes roved the room as he thought, “Ah, yes, an apology.”
“Apology. I…”
“Should I close the door?” He raised a brow, “You’d be surprised how sound carries in here.”
You frowned and he laughed as he swung the door shut. He neared you and bit the tip of his tongue as he considered you. His brown eyes bore into you and you took a step back. He stayed near and caught your wrist. His other hand fumbled with his belt and he let out a slow breath through his nose.
“Princess, I’d love to treat you how you deserve but you gotta be good to me too.” He pulled on your arm and twisted as you tried to resist. You hissed and he pushed your hand against his crotch. “I don’t forgive easy but I’m sure you can change that.”
“Don’t... don’t make me do this,” you uttered.
“Oh, but princess, you did this,” he pressed your hand around his bulge. “You take care of me and I’ll do the same.”
You parted your lips to argue and he grabbed the back of your head. He kissed you roughly and guided your hand to the top of his boxers. He slid your fingers under the elastic and urged you on, wrapping your fingers around his dick with a groan.
He squeezed until you gripped him firmly. He led your hand up and down as he held you to him, his hot breath filling you as it picked up. He forced his tongue into your mouth and you clawed at his jacket as he kept your other hand around him. He parted from your mouth at last and pressed his cheek to yours.
“Keep going, princess,” he purred as he slowly withdrew his hand from around yours. “You don’t wanna use your hand, I might think of something else.”
You quivered and slid your hand up and down his length. He nuzzled your neck and nibbled as he moaned against your skin. You could only move your hand as you stood against him stunned and rigid. He gripped your waist as you felt him tense and he murmured hungrily.
“Oh, princess,” he breathed and pushed his pelvis against your hands as he came. 
You felt the slick heat seep down your hand and slowed until he was breathless. He stilled your hand with his and carefully eased your hand from his pants. He stood straight and eyed your glistening fingers.
“Shit,” he swore as he caressed your cheek, “You made a mess of this suit.” He dropped his hand to the front of his pants as he smiled. He inhaled and pushed his shoulders back. “I forgive you, Princess.”
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juniorgman187 · 3 years
About Time (Reid Fic)
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Summary: Reader’s offer to help Morgan renovate one of his properties makes Spencer jealous enough to confess what he never could before. 
A/N: I try to avoid specific Reid eras in my works so that it can be up to you how you imagine him, but please just imagine seasons 1 or 2 Spencer - I’m telling you it’ll make the experience richer. Also, I might improve this fic in the near future bc I’m not entirely happy with it. Category: Drabble, Fluff Pairing: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid Content Warning: None Word Count: 2.5k Playlist: Would You Be So Kind by Dodie
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  
Clink … Clink … Clink … 
The repetitive noise was barely discernible at first, then it became all that I could focus on. 
In an attempt to find the source, I looked up from my paperwork and scanned the room. It only took me half a second to discover that Morgan was the culprit. 
From across the round table, I watched as Derek absentmindedly stirred his coffee and sugar together, making a ‘clink’ noise each time his spoon hit the rim of the cup. This wouldn’t have been bothersome had it not persisted for more than 10 minutes which, by all accounts, is plenty of time for the sugar to dissolve.
“Derek… ” I sort of sang, trying to capture his attention as nicely as possible. 
“Derek.” I repeated, this time a little less quietly and a little more sharply. Still, my voice did nothing to stop the noisy stirring of his coffee. I stayed silent for a second, just in case he finally noticed I was speaking to him, but when he didn’t, I gave a concerned look to Spencer beside me as if to ask if he was seeing what I was and he returned just the same expression of confusion. 
That’s when I knew something was wrong. 
“Derek!” I said even louder, finally catching his attention. 
His head snapped in my direction, his ghost-like countenance falling away after looking directly at me. I was relieved to see proof of life had been regained behind his eyes. The abrupt reaction made me squint harder in his direction to decipher what was truly going on. “Is everything okay? You were kind of zoning out just now.” 
He sighed while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “It’s nothing. I just had a late night last night and I didn’t go to bed till three this morning.” 
“Oh?” I asked coyly. “And what was her name?” I brought my mug to my lips to hide my growing smirk behind the rim. 
He didn’t catch on right away, which to me was more than enough evidence that he wasn’t well. He was usually the first to be aware of an innuendo, maybe even the one to be making it. “Whose name?”
“The girl that kept you up till three this morning.” I mimicked his voice in crude yet playful imitation.
To this, he shook his head and rolled his eyes with a grin. “Alright, get your pretty lil’ head out of the gutter, Kitten. I was busy fixing up a property I got down in Emporia. Lost track of time. That’s all.”
Whether or not he was hiding something more, I didn’t care anymore. He’d piqued my interest in this new topic. “Emporia? That’s like 2 or 3 hours away.” 
His eyebrows lifted in agreement. “Yeah, like I said - late night.” 
Not even trying to tempt him with my words, I simply remarked, “But I mean it can’t be that hard though, right? Fixing up the house?” 
There was no verbal response from him, only a mirthless chuckle.
I was less careful with my words than I should’ve been, letting them flow through my mouth without filtering them first. “I’m just saying, I worked with Habitat For Humanity for years. We built thousands of houses from scratch, each of them within a matter of days.” 
He sat up in his seat and leaned forward to assert himself. It was nearly the same mannerisms he would display in an interview when he wanted to maintain dominance. “Well, that’s because you got how many people working on one house?” 
When I didn’t answer, he simply tapped the table and leaned back comfortably in his seat, prematurely relishing in a self-proclaimed victory. “Yeah, exactly. Whereas, it’s just little ol’ me fixing up these properties.”
“Okay, then I’ll help you.” 
He only snickered in response, lending way for me to believe he didn’t trust that I’d provide any sort of productive assistance. 
“I will!” I insisted. “Since you’re so convinced those houses were only built as fast as they were because it was a group effort, I want to prove to you that it’s actually because I’m just a fast worker.” 
“It’s not a race, Kitten. All I said was it took me a while to fix up the house. I don’t need you to help. And I wouldn’t be paying you even if you did, by the way.”
“Oh, I’m not doing this for money,” I reasserted. “I’m doing this for pride. I know I’m right, and I want you to know it, too.” 
It’s worth mentioning that Derek and I made these kinds of bets all the time. Our friendship was practically built on the foundation of competition. The first interaction I ever had with him was when he came up to me while I was arranging my desk to ask what I thought the odds were that he could toss his paper ball into the trashcan across the bullpen. 
Years Ago . . .
“What are the chances I’ll make the shot?” I heard a deep, unfamiliar voice inquire from behind me.
“You’re aiming for the trashcan all the way over there? No way.” This voice I knew was Elle’s. She’d been the second person to introduce herself to me and if I had to guess, the deeper voice belonged to the guy I recalled sitting diagonally from her. I made eye contact with him when I initially walked in, but he hadn’t taken the time to introduce himself to me, nor I to him. He seemed a little preoccupied … making a paper ball and all. 
“Actually, if Morgan’s throw had specific arc, the trajectory of the ball would -”
“He’s not making it, Reid.” Elle cut off the small, almost mousy voice promptly, shutting down any ‘pro-Morgan-making-the-shot’ argument he was about to make. 
You could get a lot from just listening. Some might call it eavesdropping, but I like to call it being observant, and from what I’d observed 
A) The one throwing the ball was Morgan. 
B) The smart-sounding one was Reid. 
C) Reid was a proponent of Morgan, so I could assume they were close friends. 
D) There were three very distinct, very different personalities in this general vicinity of desks alone. 
“O’ ye of little faith! Gimme a break, Elle. You’re just busting my balls ‘cause Reid came to me about Lila before he came to you.” 
“That has nothing to do with the fact that I’m right.”
“No, but it means you have bias.” Derek retorted.
“Fine then. If it means that much to you to have an unbiased opinion, let’s ask someone impartial - like Anderson.”
“Actually, I have a better idea,” The deep voice said as soon as I’d placed the last item on my desk - a stack of sticky notes in the shape of a cat’s face that’d been gifted to me the moment I exited the elevator by Penelope Garcia. 
“Excuse me, Kitten,” The deep voice purred. “You think I could get this ball into that trash bin right over there?” 
It took me a second to register that he was addressing me until I realized where the nickname originated from and that it had belonged to me - I could thank Penelope for that.
“Oh, um …” I looked around the room like somehow it would have my answer. In some ways, it did. 
I made contact with Reid first. He smiled weakly at me with tender awkwardness that melted my heart a little bit. Meanwhile, Elle’s eyes were luring me to join her on the dark side and say he wouldn’t make it. To be fair, riling him up seemed like fun. I’d be on Elle’s good side, gain her approval, and if I executed my jest playfully enough, I’d be on Morgan’s good side, too.
“No shot in hell, big guy.” 
Present Time . . .
That’s how it all started - this sibling-like rivalry. Ever since then, we’ve been challenging each other like our lives depended on it. And if I had to make it my life’s mission to win this most recent bet, then so be it. 
“Alright, kitten, I’ll take you up on that offer. I’ll pick you up at 9 on Saturday.” 
We sealed the deal with a cross-table handshake, and at that moment, I hadn’t realized it - only when I thought back to it, did I notice - Reid had been watching the entire interaction unfold. Misinterpreting every painstaking second of it. 
_ _ _
Sticking true to his word, Derek had taken up my offer in spades. Not the least bit shy in delegating me each and every duty there could possibly be. 
I’ll admit, he used my pride to his advantage. Because while I was practically doing all the handy-work imaginable inside the property, he was resting on his laurels outside, probably taking up the view of rolling green hills that went on forever just beyond the front yard. 
It just so happened that that would be our maintained, respective locations for the unexpected arrival of Derek’s very first (very unhappy) guest.
I was inside painting when I heard the placid squeak of Derek getting up from his Adirondack chair on the wraparound porch. I remember peeking my head out of the doorway for a second to see if he was finally going to come inside and help me, but lo and behold, I caught him walking further away from the entrance. While I might’ve given an eye roll of annoyance at the action, I thought nothing of it. Not until I heard Derek speaking to an eerily familiar secondary voice. 
“What are you doing here?” I could hear Derek ask. My ears had perked up like a dog on high alert. 
“Don’t play dumb. You’re trying to … to -” The second voice stammered. 
“Spit it out, kid!” 
“You’re trying to steal my girl!” Whoever it was, was desperate to speak with conviction, maybe even malice, to prove some level of strength that could match Derek’s, but they tried and failed. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Steal your girl? What the hell are you talking about, man?” 
“You know I like her! And yet you’re just hanging out with her alone now? On one of your desolate properties? Can’t you see how suspicious that looks? You’re supposed to be my friend.” 
I’d stopped painting completely at this point so I could take asylum behind the closed door. I could place that voice anywhere, and I needed to press my ear against the only thing separating it from me to confirm what I already knew. 
“Reid, I am your friend,” And there it was. Reid? “And as your friend, I’m telling you: lower your voice unless you want her to hear you.”
“Don’t patronize me. Just tell me,” Spencer, if anything, spoke louder. Perhaps he did want me to hear him, or he simply wanted to defy Derek. “Why do you flirt with her?”
“Flirt?” Derek seemed appalled at the word. It would’ve been offensive that he was disgusted at the thought of engaging with me in that manner had I not felt the same way. What we were doing was not flirting - by any stretch of the imagination. 
“You know what I’m talking about. You call her ‘Kitten,’ you both make sexual innuendos that you think fly over my head, you invite her to come over.” 
“Slow your roll, Pretty Boy. First of all, ‘Kitten’ is just a nickname I gave her the first time we met because I didn’t know what her actual name was. You know that - you were there. Second, the sexual innuendos are just playful jabs at the fact that I sleep around. Low hanging-fruit. Third, inviting her to come over might seem suspicious, but if you walk in there right now, you’ll see that nothing is going on between us. She’s just here to help.”
I wanted any excuse to walk out there myself and announce my nearby presence. Confront Spencer and tell him I heard everything. Ask him where any of this was coming from. How he could think, for even a second, that there was something between me and Morgan. 
Turns out, I didn’t need an excuse. I had already walked out. 
Spencer gulped hard when he saw me. And for that I felt sorry for him. He looked so unlike himself. His hair was disheveled like he’d ran his fingers through it a million times out of stress. His outfit was strangely untidy, the buttons of his cuff unclasped. “Could you ... did you-”
“I heard everything,” I clarified to the dumbfounded shell of a man standing at the base of Morgan’s stairs.
It was a triangle of stares between us all. Exchanging quizzical glances in a battle of wills to see who would fold first. I was looking at Reid, Reid was looking at me, then he looked at Morgan, who looked back at him, then at me. Like I said, a triangle of stares. 
“Um ... I’ll leave you two to talk. I’ll just be inside.” 
I suppose there were worse ways to finally get Morgan off his ass and working. 
Reid trailed Morgan with his eyes, while I simply waited for the sound of the door shutting behind me. It took a few more seconds until one of us had the gall to speak.
“Did you mean what you said? About liking me?” This question that I posed went unanswered for what felt like minutes. Looking at Reid, I could tell he wanted to say something, he just didn’t know what. 
The soul was willing, but the flesh was weak. 
“If you’re not ready to admit it, that’s okay. But then why did you really come here, Spencer? To yell at Morgan for possibly making a move on me? Because now’s your chance. Make your move, Spence.” I descended the stairs, stopping to stand on the very last step so I’d hover a mere inch above him. “Make a move.” 
Make a move, he did.
Warm, clammy hands that were disproportionately bigger than the rest of his body caught my face so that unbelievably, inconceivably soft lips could make their fierce attack with no resistance. His fingers laced through my hair until his hand found the nape of my neck. He used that as leverage to pull me impossibly closer. 
When he was just one step away from sucking my soul out of me, I laid my palm on his chest and pushed him slightly backward. I think I heard him laughing when I did this, probably to hide the shame of letting himself commit so fully to the moment that he forgot just how intense his passion was. 
His eyes fluttered open and his lips were still contorted in a pucker. It took him a second, but it finally came. 
“I meant what I said,” He confessed ever so nonchalantly as though it were the easiest thing in the world to him, despite being unable to come even close to admitting it just minutes before. “I like you. A lot.” 
It was me who laughed then, both from the sheer elation hearing him say that brought me and the distant, exasperated comment that came from within the house. 
“Well, finally! It’s about damn time!” 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
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raindancer2004 · 3 years
“I like a challenge Darling”
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Word Count: 5,366 Demetri x reader Oneshot Warnings: Fluff, reader being paddled, NSFW
Marcus and Demetri had a different relationship as Master and Personal Bodyguard when compared to Aro and the Twins and Caius and Felix. Marcus would quite often converse with the tracker when it was just the two of them in his private study, exchanging views of the books they have read, sharing stories from their human lives etc. This is how he came to know that Demetri had become lonely over the years as he had yet to find his mate, unlike his friend Felix who found his mate Mia a few decades back. Marcus had told him to have faith and that when the time is right, he would meet his mate and they would spend an eternity together.
So when Demetri finally met Y/N courtesy of Esme Cullen, although it was totally by accident that the two met, Marcus was happy for him and welcomed Y/N into the family with open arms. He liked her as she was respectful to him and his brothers and being human, she was curious about a lot of things including their world, their laws and this was something Marcus found endearing about her and would give her as much of his time as possible when Demetri was away so she wouldn’t become bored or restless. Even Caius liked her and he hated humans. Marcus surmised this was because of her interest in their laws and how they came to power and she understood that the vampire world and the human world were better off under their rule than that of their predecessors.
Marcus was in his private study working at his desk, Demetri being his personal bodyguard was in the room sitting on the sofa reading. Marcus didn’t see the point of him standing at the back of the office when he could be comfortable on the sofa reading or planning for missions. Sometimes Marcus would hide in his office just to escape the throne room and the bickering of his brothers, he always bought Demetri with him which the tracker appreciated. This was one of those occasions.
They had been in Marcus’ study for about an hour when he surprised Demetri with a request, one that related to Y/N. “Demetri, would you bring Y/N to my office please as I have a proposition for her?” Demetri’s eyebrows rose, a look of shock flashed across his and he knew Marcus saw it “Do not worry my boy, it’s nothing untoward. I promise” Marcus reassured him “Of course Master. When would you like to see her?” He asked “As soon as possible” Marcus replied “I’ll go get her now then. She’s in the garden” “Very well. Thank you Demetri.” Demetri bowed his head and left the room making his way out to the South facing garden where Y/N was reading by the fountain.
“Hello mi amore” He said softly as he approached her, not wanting to spook her “Demetri” She replied with a smile, one that showed she was happy to see him “Have you been let off early?” She asked, a hopeful look crossed her face “No, sorry. I’m here to escort you Marcus’ study as he would like to talk to you” He replied “Oh. Is it bad? Have I done something wrong?” “Not that I am aware off. Maybe he has become bored of my company and wishes for yours instead” He chuckled “We both know that’s a lie. He’d never get bored of talking to you, you have too much in common. I’ll admit he does seem to like my company or should I say he likes to keep me company when you are away on missions” She replied as she slipped her hand in his, their fingers interlacing with one another. Demetri loved how warm she felt against his skin.
“Good afternoon Y/N” Marcus greeted her with a smile as she entered his study, Demetri right behind her “Afternoon Marcus, I trust you are well” She replied with a smile of her own “I am thank you and hope you are too” He gestured for them to sit on the sofa “I’m well too, thank you for asking” She sat beside Demetri and placed her hand in his, Marcus noticed and smiled, seeing the strong bond between them despite the short time they had been together.
“So you may be wondering why I asked to see you?” Y/N nodded and smiled “Well, Gianna is out sick for the week and I was hoping you might fill in for her. I know the two of you get along well and you have helped her out on occasion, when you’ve needed a change of scenery for example” Y/N looked at Demetri and he just smiled back at her “It’s your decision cara mia” She looked back at Marcus and smiled “I’d love too. Be nice to do something different for a week and at least I know I’ll be safe as everyone knows I’m Dem’s mate” She chuckled, Marcus and Demetri doing the same “That’s very true my dear.” Y/N was in for an interesting week and she didn’t even know it.
Later that night Marcus informed Aro and Caius that Y/N was covering reception for the remainder of the week in Gianna’s absence. They were pleased to hear this as the lower guard Louis, who had covered that day did not do a very good job. Caius had threatened to rip his hand off just because he could.
The following morning Demetri escorted Y/N down to reception and ensured she had everything she needed to complete the day’s work “Thank you for helping out mi amore” He said softly and placed a kiss to her temple “It’s no bother really. I’ve helped Gianna before and it’ll be nice to be out of our room and see somewhere other than the library for a few days” She replied “I’ll come by and see you at lunchtime” He kissed her lips before leaving and heading to the throne room for guard duty. “Please gods let this week pass without incident for my beloved” Demetri muttered low, praying to his gods.
The first two days on reception went by without any problems or incidents, something everyone was pleased with. Day three however, there was a small problem when Heidi bought the ‘tour’ group in. Two of the tourists started bickering and Heidi was busy sorting out the disruption and therefore didn’t hear one young lady ask Y/N where the bathroom was “I don’t know why they call it morning sickness when it lasts all day” She said to Y/N as they walked to the female bathroom. Heidi did a final headcount and noticed she was one person short “Y/N I seem to have lost someone” She whispered “She’s in the bathroom being sick. She’s pregnant” Y/N replied and Heidi’s face paled “Wait five minutes, then please escort her out the castle. Make some excuse for me otherwise I’m in big trouble” “Leave it with me Heidi. I had no intention of letting her re-join the ‘tour’ as it would’ve gotten you into trouble” Y/N said with a smile “You are a star Y/N, truly” Heidi gave her a grateful smile “I owe you one” She called over her shoulder and continued on her way with the tour group to the throne room. Y/N was pleased as the young lady got to keep her life and Heidi didn’t get into trouble for bringing a pregnant lady on the tour.
Day six of Y/N covering reception for Gianna was more eventful than anyone could have imagined. Demetri and Felix were in the training room with the lower and transitory guards carrying out the regular training session. Jane, Alec and Santiago were on duty in the throne room with the Kings. Y/N heard a commotion and got up from the front desk to look and saw some of the transitory guards fighting at the entrance to the castle, humans were beginning to pay attention which worried Y/N, especially as it was sunny outside.
Y/N made her way to the throne room and knocked on the door once and they opened from the inside “Sorry to interrupt but…” “Y/N you know you aren’t meant to interrupt” Aro cut her off “Yes Aro, and I apologise but some of the guards are fighting at the castle entrance and humans are gathering to watch and it’s sunny outside” She replied quickly, hoping she wouldn’t be punished as Gianna’s predecessors were. “Santiago, Josh please go and deal with the guards at the entrance. Y/N you can return to reception” Aro said with a smile “Thank you Aro” She smiled and bowed her head before leaving the throne room quickly.
“Y/N needs to be punished” Caius says to his brothers “Really brother? Do you really think it’s necessary?” Aro asked “She did interrupt despite knowing she shouldn’t” Caius replied “She came to warn us of a possible exposure threat and she did knock first” Marcus defended her actions “Still rules are rules brother. If Gianna had interrupted instead of Y/N we would’ve punished her. We cannot play favourites just because she’s Demetri’s mate even if she is helping out this week” Caius reasons “Ok then. I’ll take care of her punishment” Marcus says as he gets up from his throne “You? You’re going to punish her?” Caius asked smirking “Yes, Demetri is my bodyguard and Y/N is his mate. Therefore, I will handle this situation” He replied and left the throne room.
“Demetri won’t be happy” Alec muttered low to Jane so only she could hear “My shift has finished so I’ll go tell him. He’ll want to know about Y/N” Jane whispered back.
Marcus went to reception to see Y/N “Hello, my dear. I need you to come with me please” “Of course Marcus, am I in trouble?” She replied “I’ll explain soon enough” He said and held his arm out for her to take. He led her to one of the guest rooms in the South Wing. Once inside he closes the door and explains the situation they are now in. “Caius has asked that you be punished for the interruption” Marcus started softly “But I knocked first and I thought you’d want to know about a possible exposure risk, especially as it involves your guards” She replied “I know my dear and I pointed that out to him but he was adamant a punishment was needed. I told my brothers I would deal with your punishment as Demetri is my bodyguard and you are his mate” “O-ok. Thank you. Does Demetri know?” She asked “Jane has finished her shift and I’m sure she’ll inform him of what has occurred” He replied and she nodded.
“Please can make your way over to the bed?” Marcus asked and she did as he asked. She stood at the end of the bed and felt Marcus come to stand beside her. “Please lean over the bed with your arms out” She did as she was instructed and felt his cold hands wrap something silky around her wrists “I’m tying you to the bed so you don’t move during the punishment you’re going to receive” He said low as he reached over her and gently placed a silk scarf into her mouth and secured it at the back of her head “This is to muffle your cries. Although, I ask that you don’t resist or cry out as Demetri is likely to hear and the punishment will start over if it’s interrupted for anything but an emergency. Also, you must keep your eyes closed throughout. Understand?” “Yes Marcus” Her reply coming out muffled.
There was a knock at the door “I won’t be a minute” He told her and opened the door to see Demetri, a confused and slightly angry Demetri. He stepped into the corridor and shut the door. “Calm yourself, my dear boy. No real harm is to become her” He advised “Jane told me what happened and whilst I agree she shouldn’t have disturbed you, she only did it to save us from being exposed by our guards” Demetri replied, worry clear in his ruby eyes “I know that and that is why I decided on her punishment and not Caius…” “What is her punishment?” Demetri interrupted “She is to be paddled 40 times” Marcus replied “What? Why?” “Well I heard Y/N talking with Gianna recently about certain things and well Gianna’s been spanked by an ex in the past for ‘misbehaving’” Marcus replied and Demetri’s mouth fell open a little “So you thought Y/N should be paddled for interrupting you?” “Yes, I do. Unless you’d prefer I take a leaf out of Caius’ book?” Demetri shook his head and Marcus smiled “Here” Marcus says and hands Demetri the small black paddle “You want me to do it?” He asked surprised “If you’d rather me do it…” He trailed off and held his hand out “No, no I’ll do it” Demetri replied and went to enter the room, only Marcus stopped him “She thinks I am going to hand out the punishment and I didn’t correct her. Also, I never said you had to hit her hard, just that it has to be 40 times” Demetri nodded in understanding “Thank you master” He bowed his head “Of course my boy. Do you really think I would harm her or order you to do so” Demetri shook his head “Exactly, once you’re done take her to your room and spend the afternoon together.” Marcus turned and walked away.
Demetri entered the room and locked the door, he turned and saw Y/N bent over the end of the bed and secured in place by silk scarfs; he felt himself harden a little ‘No, this is punishment not pleasure’ he tells himself as he makes his way over to the bed. He doesn’t say anything just lifts her dress up to her waist so her lacy covered ass is on display ‘Gods this isn’t fair. She’s wearing the blue set I love’ he thought to himself. He counts to three mentally before bringing the paddle into contact with her ass softly.
‘Is that a practice one?’ Y/N thought to herself as the paddle hit her ass softly; the answer came to her rather quickly when the next few paddles to her ass were just as soft ‘Marcus must be being gentle cause I’m human and Dem’s mate’ she thought to herself as the paddle continues to hit her softly. ‘twenty-five’ Demetri counts in his head. ‘wonder what Dem will think when he finds out Marcus paddled my ass’ her thoughts going to her mate and his reaction. Demetri continues to hit her softly as his minds wonders too ‘I think next time I spank her it’ll be a little harder and with my hand, just to see what effect it has on her in a different setting.’ Y/N feels confused as this doesn’t seem like a punishment Caius would approve of but she wasn’t going to complain. ‘forty’ Demetri places the paddle on the bed and unties her wrists and places a kiss to each one; a soft gasp escapes her lips and he smirks “It’s just me darling” He says low in her ear as he removes the scarf from her mouth “Dem” She breathed and he helped her up and held her to him “I’m here” He kisses the top of the head “Did you…” “Marcus let me carry out your punishment” He cut her off “I’m sorry. I only…” “Don’t worry about it. Marcus and I have spoken and agreed your actions were for the right reasons, this was just to satisfy Caius’ request.”
He took her hand in his and they made their back to their shared room, once inside he locked the door “How are you feeling?” “I’m ok but next time the dumbass guards risk exposure, I’m going to ignore it” She replies and he nods as he pulls her into him capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. He pulls away his eyes locked on hers, his burning in his need for her. He kisses her roughly, his hands moving to her ass and he gives it a squeeze before lifting her up, her legs wrapping around his waist. “Good girl” He says low and she gives him a sultry smile.
He placed her gently on the bed, one hand running up her thigh coming to rest on her lace covered hip. He kissed along her jawline making his way to her ear and nipped it gently, before placing a kiss below and leaving a trail of kisses down her neck, his hand stroking her through her lace covered panties “Hey, I’m not that easy Dem, take your time…play me like a violin” She says low in his ear and he growls before replying “Play your cards right and I may snap your G string” He gave a wink and continued to kiss and nip at her skin.
He pulled away long enough to remove her dress and his shirt and trousers before capturing her lips with his. She bit his lip and he opened his mouth allowing her to slip her tongue inside, their tongues moving against each other as soft moans fill the room.
“You’re lucky I love this blue lace set you’re wearing or I’d be ripping it to shreds” He says as removes her bra and panties before settling himself between her thighs, his mouth closing around her clit and sucking harshly, flicking the bud with his tongue. Soft gasps fill the air and she feels his fingers dance against her skin, he growls as the scent of her arousal fills his nose, the sound vibrating against her clit, her arousal building and a soft whimper leaves her lips.
He moves up the bed, placing one hand to her cheek and kisses her lips softly as he enters her slowly, stilling for a moment “So warm and wet just for me” He pulls out of her a little before re-entering her slowly “Ahh Dem” He moves in and out of her over and over filling her deeply with every thrust; hitting that sweet spot and she met him thrust for thrust “Ahh Y/N” He breathed against her skin, she felt his mouth on her breast, kissing and sucking her skin leaving a mark. He continued to move within her as he took a nipple into his mouth sucking it and flicking it with his tongue. Her fingers carded through his hair and she gave it a tug; a growl escaped him before he gently nipped her breast.
He could feel his release was near but held off as he was determined for her to finish first, he needed to claim her, finally mark her as his. He kissed her neck and then sank his fangs into her skin, a light gasp left her lips as she felt him bite her. Her orgasm hit her at that moment, her eyes closing and stars flittered behind her eyelids. He continued to drink her blood, drawing out her orgasm as he released himself deep inside her. He pulled his teeth away from her neck, licking the wound closed; leaving a bite mark on her skin that would show everyone that she belonged to him.
Y/N could feel that Demetri was still hard inside her despite him climaxing moments ago “Dem, you’re still hard” She said low “It’s a vampire thing, we can go for multiple rounds without tiring” He replied and winked at her “So, there’ll be a round two then?” She asked before biting her bottom lip and looking at him through her lashes. “Definitely sweetheart” He replied as he began thrusting in and out of her again “I could stay here and make love to you all day” He said looking into her eyes and gave her a quick kiss “I do have the afternoon off…” He trailed off and let his hand slowly move down her body, his fingers lightly brushing her folds. “As fun as that sounds, I’m human and I don’t think I could keep up with you” She replied low “I like a challenge darling. Let’s see how many rounds you can keep up with me for. Mmm?” He asked, his eyes darkened by lust, before capturing her lips with his, both of them moaning into the kiss.
“Ok, but we have to try different positions. Switch it up a little” She replied, taking her bottom lip between her teeth, she felt him twitch inside her “Deal. Where would you like round two?” “On the bed but I’m on top” He smiled and rolled them over “Do with me as you will” He smiled at her, she smiled back before lifting nearly all the way off of him only to sink back down on him hard “Cazzo” He breathed out and she chuckled “That good huh?” She lifted off of him again “You had a great teacher” He smirked at her as she lowered herself back down on him, his hands going to her hips “Uh uh. You gave me control sweetheart” She circled her hips over his and he growled, his hands moving to grip the bedsheets “Good boy” She praised low and he chuckled. She leant forward to kiss him as she grinded against him and felt him hit a new spot inside her, she repeated this action as she left a trail of open-mouthed kisses along his jaw and down his neck. “Ah Y/N.” She continued to move her hips over his and he felt her teeth graze his skin where his neck meets his shoulder before she sucked on the skin there eliciting a purr from him. He was smiling as he watched her rise and lower herself on his hardened length, her hips grinding against his to get the friction she needs as she nears her orgasm, “I’m so close” He breathed out “Me too” She smiled and sped up her movements, her release followed shortly after; her hips continuing to move over his and she feels him twitch inside her, his cold seed filling her once more. His eyes were closed tight as he came, his mouth open; a soft gasp escaping his lips as his grip on the sheets tightened. “Gods, you’re amazing” He praises her and sits up to hold her close, pressing a kiss to her temple “Like you said, I had a great teacher” She whispered and he smiled against her skin.
“Round three” He breathed against her ear “Your choice” She replied and he thought for a moment “Any chance of a blow job…whilst I think of our next position?” He asked “Only if you say please…Mr Volturi” He growled and thrusted up into her “Dem” She cried out “Any chance of a blow job please?” “Of course Mr Volturi” She climbed off him and moved over to sofa “Coming then?” She beckoned him with a wave of her fingers. He went to sit on the sofa when she placed her hand on his stomach “You stay standing” She sat down on the sofa and wasted no time in taking him into her mouth; his head fell back instantly, loving the way her warm mouth felt around his cock “Oh gods” Her hands moved to his ass and gave it a squeeze as she took him further into her mouth, the tip of his cock hitting the back of her throat. She moaned around his cock; one of his hands moved to the back of her head, his fingers grabbing a hand full of hair. She ran her tongue along the underside of his cock, swirling it around the tip, licking up some of the pre-cum that had leaked out. He growled low as he felt a warm hand cup his balls, massaging them and he tugged on her hair and thrusted his hips forward ensuring he hit the back of her throat and she moaned around him. She hollowed her cheeks as she continued to suck him off and massaging his balls “Such a good girl” He praised her as she run her teeth along him and he twitched inside her mouth. He tugged on her hair and she stopped moving her head up and down his cock, allowing him to fuck her mouth, he moved his hips forward a few times ensuring he hit the back of her throat each time. He felt her tap his thigh and he stopped moving his hips, giving control back to her. She sucked and licked his cock a few more times before she ran her teeth over his length again and he emptied himself down the back of her throat, her swallowing everything he gave her. She licked him clean before pulling away and looking up at him. He knelt down before her and kissed her, tasting himself on her tongue. “I love you Y/N” “I love you too. Next position then?”
He took her hand and led her to his desk and bent her over it; and he entered her easily from behind, one hand wrapping around her throat applying a little pressure “If you don’t like this or you want to me stop, let me know” She nodded in response as the pressure on her throat increased a little. He thrusted in and out her setting a fast and rough pace “Demi” She breathed out and he leant over her burying his head in the crook of her neck, slipping inside her deeper as he continues to thrust inside her, his other hand moving down to play with her clit as he applies a little more pressure to her throat “You’re doing beautifully mi amore” He felt her walls flutter around him and he sped up his pace, edging them closer to their releases; the warmth of her release coaxing his own to follow. He released his hold on her throat and placed a kiss to her neck as he pulled out of her, she turned to face him smiling. One hand going to the back of his head and she pulled down for a passionate kiss.
“Round four is your choice darling” “Well, Mr Volturi before round four I’d like you to get on your knees and return the favour. Please” He smiled wide “Anything for you.” Demetri sat her on his desk and lowered himself to his knees in front of her and buried his head between her thighs, inhaled slightly taking in the scent of her arousal and growled low. He looked up at her to see her looking down at him, his ruby eyes had darkened further due to his continued arousal. He gently lifted one leg over his shoulder before lowering his head and sucking on her clit, flicking the bundle of nerves with his tongue. She leaned back slightly and gripped the edge of his desk as he placed a hand on her stomach keeping her in place before he gently pushed her other leg away from him, giving him better access to where she needed him most. He continuing to suck and flick her clit with his tongue, her soft moans being the only sound in the room. He smiled against her knowing he was the only one who could elicit that reaction from her. He moved his head lower and she felt his tongue enter her, she gasped and one of her hands moved to his head and she threaded her fingers through his hair before tugging on the strands, eliciting a growl from him. She felt his growl vibrate against her “Dem” She breathed out, he growled again and she felt a knot form inside her; she tried moving her hips to get the friction she craved but his hand still held her in place. He withdrew his tongue from inside her and closed his mouth back around her clit, sucking harsher than before; his tongue flicking her bud. She felt him slip two fingers inside her, curling and uncurling them so they brushed her inner walls a few times. He uncurled his fingers and moved them deeper inside her, hitting her sweet spot; his fingers and tongue working together to bring her to climax. “Ahh…Dem” She breathed out as she came hard, her eyelids half closed. He withdrew his fingers and put them into his mouth “Mmm. I love the taste of you baby” He smiled looking up at her through his lashes “I love you Demi” “I love you too.”
He stood up and surprised her when he lifted her over his shoulder and made his way to their walk-in closet and set her down on her feet before he pinned her against the wall. He captured her lips with his in a heated kiss and nipped at her bottom lip and she whimpered allowing him to slip his tongue inside her mouth and dominate the kiss. He lifted her up into his arms, her legs wrapping around his waist and she could feel his cold hard length pressing against her entrance and with one slow thrust he entered her easily “Fuck…baby” He growled in her ear, he didn’t give her time to adjust to him, he just began to thrust in and out of her at a steady pace; her legs closed tighter around his waist and she grinded against him; he slid in deeper hitting that sweet spot inside “Oh yes” She cried out, her nails scratching lightly across his back and he growled and thrusted up into her harder. He kissed and sucked his way up and down her neck, nibbling her earlobe and she felt him smile against her neck with each moan of pleasure he coaxed from her. His thrusts sped up chasing his release as he felt her walls flutter around his cock; he bit her neck for the second time that afternoon and took a few gulps of her blood and she screamed out in pleasure as her orgasm hit her hard, stars dancing behind her eyes. The warmth of her release pulled him over the edge and he emptied himself inside her; continuing to move inside her with slow, long stokes as they rode out their highs together. He licked the wound closed and kissed his bite mark, he captured her lips in a slow sensuous kiss, she opened her mouth to him and he slipped his tongue inside, their togues moving in sync with one another.
“I love how you feel inside me” She whispered when he pulled back to allow her to breathe “I love how warm you feel wrapped around me” He replied before kissing her again. He walked backwards to the loveseat in the corner and sat down with her still in his arms, staying buried inside her for a little longer. He wrapped his arms around her holding her to his chest as she wrapped hers around him. She buried her head into his neck as he laid his on her shoulder, both enjoying their after-sex cuddle.  
Y/N was totally exhausted once Demetri had finally finished making love to her and he noticed her heartrate and breathing had slowed. She was supersensitive now and knew she was likely to be a little sore in the morning but didn’t mind as she had enjoyed every minute of being with her mate.
He carried her to the bathroom and set her down on the counter and run a sink full of water using some of her favourite bubble bath and washed her gently with a warm cloth. He then cleaned himself up before carrying her over to their bed, placing her gently beneath the duvet. He crawled in beside her and pulled her into his arms once again and held her as she fell asleep, breathing in her scent. He smiled to himself as he thought about the sexy afternoon they had just spent together, impressed that she had kept up with him for six rounds of amazing sex. ‘my amazing little human’ he thought and tightened his hold her, placing a kiss to her hair “I love you darling” He whispered and closed his eyes, resting beside his mate.  
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thatoneitaliangirl · 3 years
Umm hellooo 👉👈 may I request Venti’s fem s/o asking to have a baby with her? After they’re married and stuff ofc ehchvhgggvb
Hi! Sorry this took me so long, I'm taking a summer class this semester and life is crazy and ahhhhhhh!
Anyway, here is your story! It's not very long, but I hope you find it entertaining! I didn't mention if they were married or not, but you can assume they are if you want to. I left it open to interpretation.
Thank you so much for requesting this from me and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Venti x Reader
About- Venti want's to talk to reader about having a baby.
Warnings- Mentions of superficial wounds from a commission, implied sexy times at the end.
Word count- 1,074
Something has been on Venti's mind for a while now.
Being immortal, he's never truly thought about having kids. Sure, he's seen them around Mondstadt and plays with them like the kid at heart he is, but one of his own? He's not even sure if it's possible!
But, then he met you.
He didn't even know who you were, you just showed up in Mondstadt one day looking for commissions. But there was something about you he couldn't quite place that made you feel special to him for some reason. He tried asking you, but you avoided him like the plague. It wasn't until you decided to help out the traveler with a commission that he finally had the opportunity to talk to you.
He and the traveler are tight, so they didn't mind him tagging along. You, on the other hand, did NOT seem pleased. Every little comment he made, every stride he took, every time he laughed, you looked physically in pain. Like his mere presence was just too much for you to handle. And when you fought, you just looked so familiar . . .
He finally got the courage to corner you after the fight and ask you and was extremely shocked at the news. Apparently, during the Archon war, you two had fought. It was a misunderstanding; you, a small god new to the world and scared, were just trying to defend your territory. And Barbatos being merciful, let you escape. He honestly didn't think you'd make it, being as weak as you were. But somehow you were able to survive and live in hiding for many years.
A god without people or land, wandering aimlessly for hundreds of years with no sense of belonging.
You had avoided Mondstadt for so long but finally decided to stay for a bit. After all, their god had been gone for a very long time. Boy, were you wrong.
But in the end, you two settled your differences. You're still incredibly weak, hardly would anyone call you a god in this day and age. Despite this, you've done your best to protect the people you've come across, defeating hilichurls and Abyss mages on your travels. Weak or not though, you are still a god.
One with a Gnosis just like his own. So, in good faith and a bit of a guilty conscience, Venti decided to help you. He didn't want the Tsaritsa to find out about you, especially since they don't know what she plans on doing. The best thing for you would be to stay by his side. And so you did.
Neither of you expected to fall in love with each other, but those things just happen.
But, that brings us back to the present and back to our original thought.
Does Venti want kids with you? Yes, yes he does. But do you?
He looks at you from across the room. You just got back from a commission about an hour ago and are dressing your wounds. Venti walks over and hands you fresh water and you thank him. It pains him to see you hurt. You heal faster than a normal human, but nowhere near as fast as him. Sometimes, he sees the Traveler in you, and you in them. Both powerful in your own right, but weak compared to a god.
"I'm sorry." Venti whispers, just audible enough to hear. You look up at him and laugh.
"Venti, how many times do I have to tell you? Stop apologizing! I've survived this long without your help, haven't I?" He smiles back, sitting next to you. Your smile always brings his mood back up.
"Well, if I had been there, you probably wouldn't have gotten as banged up. You sure you don't want my help?" You roll your eyes.
"Positive, Ven." Venti watches as you clean up, noting nothing too severe. A few cuts, a few scrapes, no worse than poor Benny gets daily. He swallows and sighs. Should he ask you? Maybe now's not the time.
"Why are you looking so melancholy, Ven? Cat got your lyre strings?" His eyes widen.
"Please, don't curse me with that!" You laugh, a perfect melody to his ears. Venti bites his lip and decides to give in.
"I have something very important to ask you," He looks up at you, looking into your eyes. Very rarely do you see him this serious.
"You don't have to answer right away- you don't have to answer at all if you don't want to, but . . . It's just . . . I," You look at him, concern filling your eyes and he's entranced.
'Abort mission, ABORT-'
"Maybe I'll ask later-!" He tries to get up, but you grab him by the wrist and pull him down. Elementally you may be weak, but physically? All those years of training and fighting have gained you some muscles! Much more than Venti has, at least. Not that that's saying much.
"Venti, what's the matter? You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" He lets out a defeated sigh and shuts his eyes tight.
"Iwannahaveababywithyou!" You blink in surprise.
"I'm sorry, what?" Venti opens his eyes and looks at you.
"I want to-" You nod encouragingly.
"Have a baby with . . . You . . ."
"Oh?" You cough into your hand.
"Well, I hadn't really thought about it. But," You look up at Venti, a nervous but bright smile on your face.
"I love you more than life itself. Having a baby with you, starting our own little family . . . It sounds . . ." You laugh and pull him into a hug.
"It sounds amazing Venti!" Relief floods off of Venti as he tightens the hug, pulling you as close to him as he can. He never thought you would actually say yes! I mean, there are so many reasons you could have said no, but you said yes!
"You're the muse to my music, the melody to my song, and the meaning to the words that I sing. Having a family with you would make me the happiest man in all of Teyvat!" You pull back from the hug seeing tears of joy run down Venti's face.
"You're so corny, Ven!" Venti smirks and wiggles his eyebrows.
"I may be corny, but I'm also something else that rhymes with it!"
"Oh my gods, Venti!"
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icerosecrystal · 4 years
Daminette - How to Fail Being a Parent 101
(3rd Person POV)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng. The girl that went from having everything to nothing. At least, that’s what it felt like right now. She still had Jagged and Penny, supporting her. But her parents threw her out of the house after the believed Lila’s lies. The shiny new thing over their daughter! Her friends also thought of her as a bully. At the age of 17, Marinette had no friends and no family. But little did she know that everything was soon going to change for her.
(Edna Mode’s POV)
Enda Mode was a great designer. But, she wanted, no needed an apprentice to carry her legacy. When Jagged Stone, along with his assistant Penny and Clara, told her of their designer MDC, she was ecstatic. And her designs were beautiful. Yes, MDC had the right amount of talent to be Edna’s apprentice. All she had to was find her.
She was walking to the bakery in Paris, where Jagged said his niece would most likely be. She arrived at the bakery and opened the door walking inside. There were two people inside. She asked them, “Hello, darlings. Do you, by any chance, know where Marinette is?”
She watched as both of the people stiffened, and then the female replied, “No, we used to be her parents, but we no longer consider her a daughter!”
Edna was confused by that. As far as Jagged said, Marinette’s parents had a good relationship with her. So what changed? She then once more asked, “Do you where I might be able to find her, darlings?”
Marinette’s supposed mother grew angry, “Who cares where she is! And if you’re trying to find her. You must be one of the bad influences that Lila was talking about, so get out of our bakery!”
Edna huffed and turned on her heel, walking out of the bakery door. Once she was outside, she pulled out her phone and called Jagged. “Jagged, I tried to go to the bakery, but her parents said that they kicked her out. Or at least they implied it by saying that she was no longer their daughter.”
“What?! That’s so not rock-and-roll! Hmm, well, Marinette did buy a safe house. If I remember correctly, the address is nineteen dauphin bleu. Good luck, and let me know when you find her.”
“Sure sure, darling,” Edna replied before ending the phone call. She quickly went to the address in hopes of finding her.
(Marinette’s POV)
Marinette was not sulking! She swears she isn’t! She’s just sad that her parents didn’t believe her. And hadn’t been doing anything for the past two days other than eating and watching shitty rom-coms… Okay, maybe she was sulking. But could you blame her! Her parents believed a liar over her, plus she had shitty coping skills with Hawkmoth still around. Before Hawkmoth, she would have cried for hours on end while eating strawberry ice cream. Now, she couldn’t do that at risk of an akumatization, and she was Ladybug. Fuck Hawkmoth, fuck Lila, fuck her stupid hormones.
The doorbell then rang. Marinette dragged herself to the door, not stopping to look through the peek hole. She regretted that because once she opened the door, on the other side, she found THE EDNA MODE. Marinette jumped in surprise and started to try and fix her appearance while rambling, “Oh my god, you’re Edna Mode. I’m so sorry! I didn’t know it was going to be you at the door! Otherwise, I would have made myself more presentable! Oh my god, it’s you!!! Most consider you better than Audrey Bourgeois, Style Queen herself. It is such an honor.”
Edna cut off Marinette’s rambling with a hand to her shoulder, “Please, darling, the pleasure all mine. I’m so happy to meet the famous MDC that Jagged, Clara, and Penny have been telling me so much about.” At hearing those words, Marinette looked seconds from passing out.
Edna followed Marinette to the couch and told her, “Now, I went to your parent’s bakery, but they said that they were no longer your parents. So, I want you to tell Auntie Edna everything! Okay?”
Marinette nodded, still in shock. She quickly shook her head to clear her head and then went on to explain about Lila. “There was this girl that came to my school three years ago. She claimed that she had an amazing life. And it would have been believable if all the things that she mentioned weren’t false. For example, she said that Jagged Stone wrote a song for her when she saved his cat from an airport runway. Jagged never had a cat. Civilians aren’t allowed on airport runways. And she’s making Jagged look like a pedophile, she’s underage, and he’s an adult. If she continues claiming this, Jagged could go to jail. There are a lot more unbelievable claims that she makes. Anyways, I knew she was lying, so I tried to disprove her lies. But, she covered it up. I went to the bathroom to cool down. Lila then came inside and confronted me, saying that she would take all my friends away. I didn’t think she would do it, I mean, I had faith in my friends.” Marinette’s voice cracked, and she started sobbing.
Edna waited for Marinette to continue talking. Marinette inhaled sharply and then continued, “My friends believed her over me. They knew me so much longer. But they picked the shinier thing. They bullied me every day, and Lila told them that I was bullying her. She made them beat me up, steal, and destroy my stuff. I thought that my parents would at least support me, but no, the wish of them supporting me was too much to ask. My parents also believed Lila over their daughter. THEIR DAUGHTER!!! They raised me, loved me, and then they believe someone else over me. At first, they started neglecting me, but then Lila came over one day and told them that I had given her death threat. After that, they kicked me out. I didn’t tell anyone not to feel weak. Now, here I am.”
Marinette finished talking and cried, letting loose all of the tears she had been holding in, but she then stopped. Enda looked at Marinette and told her something that shocked the daylights out of her, “Just because your Ladybug, that doesn’t mean you can’t let loose your emotions. If you bag all of it up, you will be at a larger risk of an akumitization. But, if you let your emotions out little by little, you won’t be as subjected to an akumitization.”
Marinette started stammering out excuses, shocked that Edna had figured it out, “O-oh I’m not Ladybug, I-i’m too clumsy to be her. L-ladybug has to be someone a-amazing to do what she d-does.”
Before she could continue, Edna held up her hand, effectively shutting Marinette up. “Marinette, darling, you don’t have to lie to me. Only an idiot would not be able to figure out your Ladybug. You look so much like her. (I did watch the NY special. And they did say that the magic of the miraculous is interfering with finding the identity of the heroes. But let’s pretend that the magic isn’t interfering, and everyone is just clueless. Well, they are clueless, but more clueless if possible.) Anyways, the reason that I was seeking you out in the first place was that I wanted you to be my apprentice. Would you like that?”
Marinette nodded, unable to speak. It was like a dream come true to her. When she rejected Audrey’s offer for an internship, she still had a reason to stay in Paris. Now that she had nothing left, this was the perfect way for her to get a new start, to leave her old life behind. Plus, who in their right mind would turn down being the apprentice of Edna Mode. Not an intern, an apprentice.
Edna clapped her hands together after Marinette gave her consent for being an apprentice. “That’s great, darling. Go pack everything you need. We’re leaving tomorrow at 6:00 AM.”
Marinette nodded, “Where will we be living?”
“Gotham City, New Jersey.”
(Time skip of a year)
(Edna’s POV)
It had been a year since Edna had gone to France to seek out Marinette or MDC. Since then, they moved to Gotham City, and Marinette made a name for herself there. She was an incredibly talented and a hard worker. She worked well under pressure and took criticism well. A lot of times, Marinette’s designs would bypass even her own. It would surprise Edna, but she was proud of her little coccinelle. She wanted to adopt Marinette, but she first wanted Marinette’s approval. For all Edna knew, Marinette wouldn’t want to have a parent figure again after what happened with her parents. Even if Edna didn’t adopt Marinette, she wanted Marinette to be the heir to Mode companies.
Today, Edna was meeting up with Bruce Wayne. He wanted him and his sons to get some suits, so today was the fitting. Marinette was with another client today so, she wouldn’t be meeting them. She heard the doorbell rang. That must be them, she thought. She opened the gates for them to enter the premises. A minute later, they were knocking on the front door. She let them in. When Edna saw them, she huffed at the height of all of the Wayne boys.
She went up to Bruce and beckoned him to bend down. Once he did saw, she greeted him with a kiss to each cheek and exclaimed “, Darling, I’m so glad that could make it. It’s so nice to see you and the rest of your boys.”
Bruce cleared his throat, “It’s nice to see you too, Edna. So, are we just doing measurements today, or are you also going to give us a design for the suits?”
“Ah, Bruce dear,” Edna started, “Art takes time. Plus, my amazing new apprentice will be designing your suits.”
Dick and Jason started laughing. “Look Bruce,” Dick guffawed, “She’s pulling a Bruce.” Tim laughed along with the other two, while Damian looked to be seconds away from smiling.
Bruce sighed, rubbing his forehead, “I’m sorry about them, Edna. You would think that a grown 30-year-old man would have some respect. I swear he has the maturity of a five-year-old.”
Edna waved him off, “Ah, it’s no harm done, Bruce. Dick is also right. I fully plan to adopt my apprentice. I only need her approval before I do so. I mean, she did turn eighteen only recently.”
Bruce looked shocked at this revelation, as did his sons, who were joking, not thinking in the slightest that it could be true. The great Edna Mode had never taken in an apprentice in her life, nor would she ever think of adopting someone. It was so out of character for her. “What happened to the girl that you feel this way,” Bruce asked.
Edna sighed, “Other than being a brilliant designer, who designs could rival my own, my little coccinelle has had a hard life. There was a girl who lied about her. This girl made all of her friends bully and isolate her. The worst part was when my coccinelle’s parents believed the liar over their daughter. They threw her out. When I heard about her designing from Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale, I went to Paris to seek her out. When I went to her bakery, her parents were rude. I called and asked Jagged where she could be. He gave me her address. When I went there, she was a mess. I offered her the apprenticeship, she accepted. And a year later, here we are.”
The Wayne’s looked shocked at this. They then snapped out of it and, Edna then took their measurement and took note of any extra preferences they might have. She also asked what color they wanted for the suit jacket, shirt, and pants. Edna then asked whether they preferred a bow tie or a necktie. Finally, she asked what color they wanted the lining of their suits to be.
On their way out, Bruce asked Edna, “Would you and your apprentice like to come to the Wayne gala in return for making the suits in such short notice. Oh, and it is in two weeks.” Edna agreed and saw them out. Once they left, she sighed deeply. She then smiled to herself, thinking about Marinette’s reaction to the gala and having to design Wayne’s suits.
(Marinette’s POV)
Marinette was having a mental breakdown. WHY? Because Edna decided that having Marinette design Wayne’s suits was a good idea, as was going to Wayne Gala. So right now, Marinette was having a meltdown. And what was Edna doing? She was watching Marinette become a stuttering mess and trying to figure out how she was going to do something like this.
“Marinette, calm down! Just do your best and, you’ll figure the rest out,” Edna told her.
Marinette nodded and went to her room to start planning the designs and creating them. For almost two weeks, she worked tirelessly on end to complete the designs, and make a dress for herself. And by the day before the gala, Marinette had completed the suits. Alfred came to Edna’s manor to get them for the Waynes.
Once Alfred picked them up, Edna went to Marinette’s room and knocked. Once Marinette said to come in, Edna opened the door and walked in. Marinette looked at Edna, wondering why she was here. But, she then asked a question that Marinette so happy, “My little coccinelle, would you like it if I adopted you?”
Marinette couldn’t answer from happiness. Instead, she jumped on Edna with tears in her eyes and kept on chanting, “Yes, yes, yes!” They both sat like that until Marinette fell asleep, happy that they were now legally going to be family.
On the day of the Wayne gala, Marinette wore a burgundy dress with silver details on the upper part of the dress. She wore silver shoes that had a glass flower on the toes and a silver handbag. Marinette, also matching silver earrings and a necklace. She decided to let her hair loose into beautiful waves.
Edna wore a simple black dress with some white pearl details along with a black handbag with silver and black shoes.
They then left for the Wayne gala. Once they arrived at the Wayne gala, they spotted the Wayne’s wearing Marinette’s amazing designs.
Once the Waynes spotted Edna, they walked over in hopes of meeting her apprentice. Edna saw them coming and Marinette to them. “Boys, this is my apprentice Marinette Mode. Marinette, this is Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian.”
“Wait, so you legally adopted her?” Tim asked.
“Yes, I did, yesterday,” Edna replied.
Marinette smiled brightly at the Waynes and said, “It’s nice to meet you all. I hope that you like the suits that I made.” The Wayne’s gave their gratitude for the suits. They then all dispersed, except for Damian. He was still staring at Marinette, as Marinette was staring at him. They both started talking at the same time,
“Hi, it’s nice-”
“Hey, I rea-”
They both laughed, and Marinette said, “You go first.”
“I was going to tell you how fond I am of this suit. You did an acceptable job.”
“Thank you,” Marinette muttered, “I was going to say that it’s nice to meet you. So tell me about yourself.”
And the pair went on to talking about anything and everything together. Marinette couldn’t keep her eyes off of him. How his beautiful tan skin glistened in the light. How soft his dark, silky hair looked, and his eyes. Oh, his eyes were the best part, a perfect balance between jade and emerald green, giving it a shine, but not making it look toxic. He was so handsome. As she continues talking with him, she realized, she liked him, she wanted him to kiss her, hold her. But they had just met. Little did she know that Damian had similar thoughts running through his head.
(3rd person POV)
Damian thought that Marinette was absolutely beautiful with her silky raven hair. Her pink pouty lips along with her glistening bluebell eyes. Her fair skin was showered with little freckles that made her even prettier. Words could not describe how beautiful she was.
From an outside view, Marinette and Damian were looking like lovesick fools. Laughing, talking, never leaving each other’s side. By the end of the night, they separated with each other’s phone number, and a promise to meet again for a date.
(Time Skip of three months)
(Marinette POV)
It had been three months since the gala. The day after the gala, Damian took her to Gotham park for a nice picnic. On their second date, they went to the rooftop of one of Bruce’s buildings and watched the sunset from there. Their third date was the date where Damian asked Marinette if she would like to be his girlfriend. He took her to an expensive restaurant and after they walked on the pier. There he took out a necklace with a silver chain and “I love you for always and forever” written on it. The pendant was in the shape of a heart.  He gave it to her as he asked her to be his girlfriend. She jumped on him kissing him with so much force and passion and then pulled away, breathing out a, “Yes!”
Since then, they had been inseparable. Damian and Marinette told each other everything. Well, almost everything, she still hadn’t told Damian about being Ladybug. And Marinette knew he was also hiding something the way he would get bruises for no reason. She didn’t know what he was hiding until she stumbled across something when she was at the Manor one day.
She had gotten lost again. The Wayne Manor was huge. Marinette knew she was going to get lost, but she always had someone to help her. Marinette then heard some noises. She stumbled towards the noise. The sight that she was met with made her head throb. There in front of her were the occupants of the house. But not as the Wayes. No, they were there as the Bat-Family. The Waynes were the BAT FAMILY! Of course, she would end up falling in love with a vigilante.
Once they caught sight of her, all noises ceased. They didn’t do anything until Damian let out a feeble, “Beloved?”
Marinette turned her attention to Damian, “When were you going to tell me about this? And no, I am not mad. But you should have TOLD me. I shouldn’t have had to find out by myself.”
Damian sighed and told her, “I didn’t want to endanger your life.”
She snorted, “Yeah, like I don’t do that daily.”
“What?!” Everyone screamed at the implications that she was giving.
“Yup, I’m a hero from Paris. Tikki, Spots on!” She then transformed into Ladybug. Once Marinette transformed, she looked at the opened mouth vigilantes. “In Paris, my old partner and I protect the citizens from a guy named Hawkmoth, who preys off of people’s emotions to turn them into his minions, I’ve been fighting him for about four years now. I did send a message to the Justice League, but Green Lantern told me to stop prank calling. I’ve been fighting him by myself for two years because my old partner was harassing me.” She then went on to explain different akumitizations and went more in-depth about her powers.
“Spot off”, she said. She held her hand out and let Tikki sit in it, “This is my kwami Tikki, she is the one who lets me turn into Ladybug.” Everyone, surprisingly, took her reservations well.
By the end, Batman told her, “We would like to help you defeat Hawkmoth. We can start by uncovering who he is. We can do that by taking his voice and running it through some voice scanners until we find a match.” Marinette nodded, happy that they were getting somewhere.
She pulled up a video of Hawkmoth speaking while telling Batman, “By the way, Mom’s going to be here in ten minutes.”
They looked at her, bewildered, “What do you mean?”
She rolled her eyes and handed them her phone with the recording, “What I mean is that she knows that you are the Bat-Family. She figured it out like she figured out my identity.” They all nodded, dumbfounded that someone knew their identity.
Tim or Red Robin ran the voice through the scanners before they found a match. “Gabriel Agreste”, Marinette breathed, “I suspected him before, but he got akumatized. He must have akumatized himself to throw off suspicion.”
That’s when Edna arrived, “Did you figure out Hawkmoth’s identity”, Edna asked. Marinette nodded and pointed to the screen. Edna looked at it and scoffed, “Of course it’s Gabriel. I always knew he was a psychopath!” Marinette started laughing at Edna’s reaction and hugged her. Edna’s face softened, and she stroked Marinette’s hair lightly.
The bat family watched the scene with growing bewilderment. Damian cleared his throat, bringing the attention to him. “As much as I love to see how much my angel’s and Mode’s relationship is growing, we have more pressing matters. How are we going to catch Hawkmoth.”
Marinette thought about it before saying, “A distraction.” She turned to Edna, “Mom, you are going to set up a meeting with Gabriel and distract him. While you’re doing that, we’ll break into the house and go to his hideout. Actually”, she turned to Tim,“ Tim, could you look into the security cameras and see if there is any footage of him disappearing in some way. Or could you get a layout of the house?”
“Done and done,” Tim answered. They watched Gabriel push three specific buttons on Emile’s portrait, which Marinette took note of. They then saw him disappear underneath the ground. Tim pulled the layout of the house up. “This is the layout, based on it, we can conclude that he was going to the room beneath the house.”
Marinette nodded her head, “Okay, this is perfect. Once we sneak in there, we’ll look around, gather some evidence, and then sneak up on Gabriel and take the brooch from him.”
Everyone cheered and then left to do their own thing. Damian stopped Marinette from leaving. He pulled her to him and said in a sexy, gruff voice, “I’m glad that I know every part of you now.” He then dove for her lips, prompting a squeak from Marinette. After a few seconds, she relaxed in the kiss, pulling Damian closer by wrapping her arms around his neck. He put one hand around her waist, and the other one was in her sweet-smelling raven hair. The kiss felt amazing. His warm, soft lips against her luscious, sweet ones. Her lips tasted sweet like sugar, making Damian want to kiss her longer and harder. But, humans need to breathe. They pulled away panting heavily, faces flushed in passion. They stared into each other’s eyes for a little bit before kissing each other once more, this one being chaste rather than hot and heavy. They then let each other go and went to prepare for the demise of Hawkmoth.
The next day, they followed through with the plan. Edna first entered the house and talked loudly to Gabriel, demanding that he bring his son and Natalie to the meeting so that they can all catch up. Once the occupants of the Agreste household were out of the way, Ladybug and the Bats made their way to the picture of Emile. There they pressed the exact buttons and went underneath the house. There they found hundreds of white butterflies along with a horrifying sight. Emilie Agreste being preserved in a coffin and in what looked like to be a coma. Marinette was convinced that she could heal Emilie, went up to the coffin, and set to work. She closed her eyes and put her hands to the outside of the coffin. She then let her power flow through her body until they were at her hands. She then kept her glowing hands to the coffin until she heard a cough. She opened her eyes to find Emilie sitting up, looking around in shock, “Where’s my husband?” she asked, “Where’s Adrien?”
Marinette put her hand to Emile’s shoulder, “We’ll explain everything to you after ma'am. But, we first need to do something.” She walked over to the platform and rose herself to the upper floor, along with everyone else. She then saw Edna, Gabriel, Adrien, and Natalie already there. Everyone positioned themselves and got ready to attack. At the count of three, everyone moved. Marinette grabbed the brooch from Gabriel, Bruce grabbed the peacock brooch from Natalie, and Damian grabbed the ring from Adrien. The Agreste’s and Natalie turned to the heroes in anger, but then froze when they caught sight of Emilie.
Emilie, now understanding that her family must have done something bad, for these people to take away their miraculous, started sobbing. Marinette went up to her and comforted her while telling her everything that she missed. Edna called the police, while the Bat-Family made sure that not of the Agreste’s nor Natalie escaped.
(3rd person POV)
When the police arrived, they were surprised to find that designer Gabriel Agreste, his son, and his assistant were guilty of the terrorism in Paris. They were going to jail. Then, reporters arrived, broadcasting the defeat of Hawkmoth to the world, but then Gabriel said something that made some happy, while it froze the blood in many others, “Lila Rossi was also part of this! She was an accomplice to my schemes! Lila was trying to push Marinette Dupain-Cheng to an akumitization because I realized how powerful of an Akuma Marinette would become. So Lila went to great length to make her suffer, but then she left Paris, and I wasn’t able to akumatize her. If you should be arresting anyone else, it should be Lila Rossi!”
In her house, a liar was growing pale as the authorities banged on her door. When she didn’t open up, they kicked down the door and arrested her. Lila then let out a scream that the whole world would have heard.
When the government saw that two accomplices for Hawkmoth were in the same class from Francios Dupont Highschool, they had to school investigated. They investigated both the principal and Madame Bustier. They found out that both would take bribes and were enablers. They then investigated the students in Madame Bustier’s class. They found that the students were being sued which wasn’t that bad. But, they were being sued for slander, defamation, and more, by not only Edna Mode but also Bruce Wayne. The government looked at security cameras and found many forms of breaking and entering, abuse, bullying, and found many forms of slander online. All of the students along with the teacher and principal were going to have to serve jail time. But, it would be nowhere as long as Lila’s, Adrien’s, Natalie’s, or Gabriel’s jail time.
(Marinette POV)
Marinette was staying in the Grand Hotel when her ex-parents came knocking at her door. They were all smiles, “Marinette, now that we know that we actually raised you right, you can come home with us!”
Marinette just scowled back at them, “As much as I appreciate the offer, you aren’t my guardians anymore. Edna Mode adopted me and I am legally Marinette Mode. Have a good day!” She then slammed the door shut in their faces. She leaned her head against the door and sighed deeply.
She felt a pair of arms wrap around her and kiss her neck gently, “You going to be okay?”
Marinette turned around and smiled at him, “Yeah, I am.”
Five hours later, when Marinette turned on the news, it showed Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng going to jail. They were charged for child neglecting and abuse. Marinette shook her head, chuckling, knowing that it was Damian who did this. She inhaled deeply, oh well, all’s well that ends well.
(Time Skip of 15 years)
A thirty-three-year-old Marinette put the baby in her hands down in the crib. After everything that happened in Paris, Damian and Marinette had continued dating. Damian proposed on their one-year anniversary and the got married a year later. They now had an 11-year-old daughter named Amira Beth Wayne, a 6-year-old boy Grayson Abbas Wayne, and 1-year-old Sadiya Cathy Wayne. Marinette was now the CEO of Mode Companies, while Damian ran Wayne Enterprises along with Tim as Co-CEOs. As Marinette looked at her children she couldn’t believe that she managed to have such a good life. She felt Damian behind her so she leaned back into him. He kissed the back her head and whispered huskily in her ear, “I love you and I promise that I and the kids will be by your side. Forever and always.”
Marinette snuggled into Damian and squeezed his hand whispering, “Forever and always.”
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ashes-in-a-jar · 4 years
And I Owe it All to You
Hello! This is a fic I wrote based on @speakerunfolding 's wonderful Jonmartin scottish cabin comic which I couldn't stop looking at.
I wrote this while watching Dirty Dancing for the first time in many years. Quite an experience xD
Summary: It's a night in for Jon and Martin in the cabin and they decide to pop out the wine.
Rated: T
Word count: 2.2K
Tw: alcohol, drinking and being slightly drunk, minor injuries
Maybe it was the fact that neither of them had gone out much in the past few months. Maybe the Fears prefer their avatars lightweight. Maybe Scottish alcohol tended to be stronger than English alcohol. But the sparkling wine they bought on a whim at the village store shouldn't have had the effect on them that it did.
Having emptied two cups each (Jon was actually drinking out of a mug, since they found only one wine glass, and he conceded the honor of feeling classy to Martin) they have already become giggling messes over some dumb joke regarding one Peter Lukas and a computer that refused to boot.
It wasn't even that funny. But there they were, acting like complete fools leaning against each other on the couch, legs propped up in a completely uncomfortable position on the small living room table (dangerously close to the now nearly empty bottle), holding their cups precariously in one hand and holding hands with the other.
And enjoying every moment of it.
The giggling subsided. They took a moment of comfortable silence to regain their breath and enjoy another sip.
"Can't believe he didn't know he could just u-unplug and replug the whole thing. Even I know that." Jon's speech was ever so slightly slurred, his leftover wine sloshing in his cup.
Martin hummed and then snorted.
"Jon, you barely know how to do that either. I had to teach you how to open new tabs in the same internet window for christ's sake."
"It was a new laptop! All of the buttons were in the wrong p-place." Jon protested weakly, starting to hiccup.
"Prick." Jon nudged him fondly. "You underestimate my vast knowledge of 'modern' things."
Martin snorted again. "Modern, you say?"
"Yes Martin, what do you take me for?"
"An old geezer." Martin tousled his hair gently. Jon leaned into the touch. Then, the words sunk in.
"Hey! Why do you and Georgie keep thinking that? I can know pop culture!"
"Oh yeah? Tell me, what do you know?"
"Uh..." Jon struggled to straighten himself, which resulted in actually sliding further off the couch. "Um...I know S-Star Wars! And uh, Matrix? I think. I've seen it once. Oh! That, that dinosaur movie! And... Titanic?" He finished unconvincingly. 
Martin looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "Really, Jon? You're just naming movies now.  And not even new ones. Did you actually watch any of those?"
Jon avoided his gaze "I... I may have fallen asleep during uh, during some of these?"
Martin gave him a long look. 
"Yes alright, I fell asleep in all of them."
Martin huffed "Thought so". 
Jon gave up trying to salvage his dignity, taking a final long gulp from his mug, a small drop trickling down his chin. Martin swiped it away, absent-mindedly licking his finger, not noticing as Jon hiccuped, his face heating up considerably. 
"I-I did like the Princess Bride though— that was a nice film, if a bit sensational." 
"Hang on. You watched the Princess Bride? And liked it?" Martin asked, incredulous. 
"I'm allowed to like things, Martin. B-besides, Georgie made me watch it. Said it was a- a core staple of cinema history o-or something."
"Oh yeah? Did she make you watch those other movies as well?" Martin asked casually, swirling the liquid in his cup. 
"Unfortunately yes. She would cruelly  shake me awake when I finally managed to get some shut-eye for once in my life. I-it's not my fault the only times I could sleep normally were during those, those damn films! She woke me up for that ridiculous scene with the, uh, the bullets in the Matrix. And that lifting scene in that unseemly dancing movie."
"What lifting scene?" 
"That movie with all of the dancing? Th-the one where he lifts her at the end in the middle of the crowd with that song? At least, uh, at least I think there was a lot of dancing, I wasn't actually, hmmm... Focused at the time." 
"Oh my god Jon, do you mean Dirty Dancing? You fell asleep during Dirty Dancing?" Martin's delighted incredulity was plain on his face. 
Jon scrunched up his nose. "That's the name of the film? Good thing I fell asleep then."
"Jesus Jon. That's incredible, good on Georgie! Heh, at least you woke up for that scene. It's iconic, you know." 
"Yes, yes." Jon waved at him dismissively, reaching unsteadily for the wine bottle. Martin gently took it away from Jon and with a much steadier hand, poured the remaining bit of wine into his mug.
"Thank you Martin," Jon mumbled into the cup. 
Another warm silence fell on them, lulling Jon into a half drunken stupor. He nearly threw his cup in the air when Martin's words startled him back into awareness. 
"I can do that scene you know, that lifting part." He was looking intently at his glass. 
"R-really?" Jon hiccuped. "How?" 
"I… I had a boyfriend who wanted to try it. So we did. Turns out that I'm good at balancing large things that aren't stacks of paper."
Jon hummed. He suddenly imagined very vividly Martin lifting someone else in that way and felt a pang in his chest. What was that?
Another beat of silence. 
"Do. Do you want to try?"
"Do you want to do that lifting scene with me? I'm sure I could lift you." Martin suddenly sat up, his tone excited and anticipating. He looked at Jon. 
Jon shifted. "Uh, I-I guess it's fine? Sure."
"Okay! Let's do it then!" Martin got up on his feet, swaying ever so slightly. 
Jon looked up at him surprised. "W-wait, now? Shouldn't we wait? You know, to be less uh, inebriated? Don't you need to see the scene again for a reminder?"
"Mmm. We don't have reception so I can't exactly watch the scene again. But, but I'm pretty sure I can do it now, definitely sure! Come on." He held out his hand expectantly. 
Jon took it, stumbling only a bit as he got up. Martin took out his phone . 
"I might even have the song saved. Let me check."
A moment later he gave a whoop of success and the song began to play, filling the main space of the cabin with its soft, if slightly tinny sound. 
Jon stretched, releasing the tension in his muscles. "All right Martin, where do you want me?" 
"You need a bit of a running start, and then you need to jump high right as you reach my arms, so stand over there." He indicated towards the door of the bedroom. 
"Right." Jon stumbled only once as he made his way towards the designated spot. Martin moved across the room stopping right near the kitchen door. 
The song kept playing calmly in the background, slowly building up towards the upbeat chorus. 
Jon looked at him again "I dunno Martin. A-are you sure?" He suddenly felt a bit more fuzzy than he did sitting down. He hiccuped again. 
"Please Jon, you're thin as a rake. Have a little faith." His face wore that determined look that Jon couldn't help but love. 
"Alright, as you wish." He grinned, proud of his clever reference as he took his stance. 
Martin rolled his eyes as well as his sleeves. "Steady on Westley, this is the part."
Jon felt a rush of excitement as he caught Martin's enthusiasm. "Ready?" He asked, bouncing a little on his feet in preparation. 
"Ready." Martin crouched a little, holding out his arms. 
As the chorus neared Jon, with a wild drunken energy, took his running start, jumping up as he reached Martin, grabbing on to his shoulders for support. Martin firmly gripped Jon's hips, bent his legs and with a strained grunt lifted Jon in the air as the song reached a crescendo. 
Jon was flying. 
He laughed giddily, stretching out his arms in elation. 
As Martin continued holding him in his strong grip he looked down at his beautiful boyfriend. Despite the exertion, Martin looked up with the softest expression as the song kept playing for them in the background. 
For a moment everything was perfect. 
And then Martin leaned backwards a bit too far. 
In hindsight, they should have known this would happen. While Martin was better at hiding it, he was as drunk as Jon. And Jon's already impeded balance certainly didn't help. 
As they went down, Jon idly wondered if they could also recreate the rest of the dance if they practiced. And then he hit his nose on the floor. 
After a moment of stunned silence the pain rushed in and Jon grunted. 
Turns out that while most of him was protected from the fall by Martin's soft and sturdy body, his knee also missed the mark and crashed into the floor as well.
Muffled by Jon's body above him, Martin squirmed. "Ugh, Jon, are you okay?"
When Jon didn't respond, Martin groaned and picked himself off the floor, lifting Jon in the process. 
"Oh my god, Jon! You're bleeding!" 
Jon's face throbbed. And so did his knee. His hazy drunken state began fading away as the pain sharpened. 
"I-I think I hit something." 
"I'm so sorry Jon! God, where are the tissues?" Seemingly having sobered up considerably, Martin picked Jon up and carried him bodily into the bathroom. Jon allowed all of this to happen as the shock of the fall dissipated. He let Martin easily lift him onto the sink counter as he shoved a towel into his hands.
"Hold it against your nose while I... Jesus, your knee too?" He stepped back now hurriedly lifting the stained pant leg to reveal the damage. 
"God, Jon I'm so sorry. Hold still, I'm going to find the first aid kit. We shouldn't have done this. This was a complete disaster." 
He kept muttering irritably as he walked away. Jon sighed and pressed the towel to his throbbing nose. His foggy mind still felt as though it was trying to catch up to the recent chain of events. He spoke slowly, attempting to convey himself with clarity. 
"Martin, it's fine. Honestly, I think we both know I've had worse-" 
"You nearly broke your bloody neck! God, where's that goddamn kit." He shouted from across the cabin as Jon heard the rattling of drawers being forcefully pulled open. 
"Martin, please I-I'm okay. It's just a little bit of bruising. It honestly already feels better." 
And it actually did. In the chaos after the fall, they both forgot Jon's... situation. Jon watched as the cut on his knee slowly closed up, leaving only the drying stain of blood behind. The pain in his nose was slowly vanishing as well. 
By the time Martin came back holding the bag, Jon already put down the towel and was tentatively poking at the previously bruised spot. 
Martin stopped in front of him, looking at him with a mixture of emotions Jon couldn't parse out. He smiled at Martin hesitantly. 
"See? Good as new. No harm no foul, I say."
Martin let out a long suffering sigh and took the towel out of Jon's hands. He quietly dampened it in the sink and stepped closer to gently pat at his face. 
Jon looked at him. This close he could practically count his faded freckles, follow every line and trace every mark that was so beautifully Martin. He let himself smile. 
"I must say, I'm quite impressed by your strength, if we weren't so inebriated, I'm sure you could have kept me up there for quite a while," he said quietly, enjoying the fluttering touches. 
"It wasn't because I was drunk." Martin muttered. 
"I said it wasn't because I was drunk that I dropped you," he said a little louder, oddly flustered. "I was looking at... At you. You just looked... I dunno, happy, I guess? I just never seen that expression on you before and it..." He trailed off, concentrating intently on Jon's knee, finishing up cleaning up the blood. 
"M-Martin, look at me. Please look up here." Jon gently tugged at his shoulders to pull him up. At this height, sitting on the counter, he actually came face to face with Martin, seeing his blush and ruffled expression right in front of him as opposed to slightly above him like he normally did 
He lifted his palms to bracket Martin's warm cheeks. 
"There you are," he whispered and leaned in for a quick kiss. He then leaned back slightly. "You know that I'm perfectly happy. Here with you. Y-you know that, right?" 
Martin looked at him for a few moments, then smiled. "Yeah, I do."
"Good. Now, help me down so we can clean up the wine stain, which I'm sure is growing on the carpet right now."
"Wha- oh," Martin said as he turned to see the fallen glass that apparently toppled during the mayhem. 
"Yeah. Let me down?" Jon said again, holding out his arms. 
Martin turned back to him, a teasing expression on his face. "As you wish." 
Jon groaned and allowed himself once again to be pulled, secretly enjoying Martin's burst of giggles as they both walked back into the crime scene that was their drunken night in. 
All things considered, it was a pretty good night. 
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purplehoodiesimon · 3 years
Alright I've been tagged in this 3 times now let's goooooo thank you @levok @eypril-eypril and @zeichenlily
YR s2 Predictions Quiz
1. What month will season 2 be released?  - Either July or September.
2. What episode will Simon and Wilhelm have their first s2 kiss (who will initiate the kiss)? - It's either going to be ep 1 or the final episode depending on what they do their relationship. And I think it's going to be Simon. I like the idea of Wilhelm initiating in contrast to their very first kiss, but realistically, I want it to be 100% on Simon's terms when he gets back together with Wille.
3. How will Simon find out about August being behind the leak? - I have had so many fucking different scenarios go through my head for this, I swear to god. I can't pick one. Wilhelm telling him and it coming out in an argument with Sara are my top 2 though, so I'm answering one of those.
4. Will there be snow in s2? - There better be. If there's not I'm boycotting. (not really but pleaseeeeee I want my s2 snow)
5. Will there be any physical fight (if yes, who will be involved)? - If no one bitch slaps August at least once, what is the point of s2?
6. Will Wilhelm abdicate? - I agree with @eypril-eypril. If it's the last season, yes he will. If there's more, he might not. (speaking of, I lowkey don't want YR to continue much past 3 maybe 4 seasons. it gets harder to keep storylines good the further you drag it out)
7. Will Wilhelm make a new public statement about his sexuality? - Right so I have also had many thoughts about this. I think there's a good chance of it happening yes, but I don't think he's going to mention Simon in it. As in like, he's not going to take back the statement on denying the video. That would be a PR nightmare, and not just what Kristina thinks is a PR nightmare. Taking back the video denial would completely degrade trust in what anyone in the Crown says and would remove a lot of ability for Wille to do anything regarding the monarchy afterwards, or anything about August. So I think it's possible he could come out to the nation, but he won't mention the video or Simon at all.
8. Will there be introduced another queer character (can be a s1 character - if yes, who)? - Realistically? Probably not. If they do, my bet is on bisexual Madison or the new character they're introducing. YR is one of the best queer media pieces I've ever seen but I never put my faith in anything to add more queer characters after already introducing some. It just happens so rarely that I don't let myself expect it.
9. Will Sara become a boarder student at Hillerska? - I think so, yea.
10. Do we get a forehead kiss between Simon and Wilhelm (if yes, who kisses who)?- WE FUCKING BETTER. Wilhelm kissing Simon duh. (unless they're lying in bed or somewhere else together and Simon can kiss Wilhelm's forehead 👀)
11. Will Simon and the queen exchange any words (if yes, who will speak first)?- Please Lisa hear my words: we need this. Idk who will speak first though, it could go either way. I'm going to say Simon, just to have an answer.
12. Will there be clothes exchange between Simon and Wilhelm (if yes, what item)?- PLEASE LISA HEAR MY WORDS WILLE IN THE PURPLE HOODIE.
13. Will Sara speak any spanish?- I can see her yelling something out in Spanish during a really fucking heated argument with Linda or Simon. Like, if one or both of them were to find out about her knowing it was August and got into a huge fight about it, I can see them yelling at her in Spanish and her getting increasingly frustrated until she yells out something like "¡Para! No me importa, ¡quiero ser más que esto y no me comprenden!" (forgive me if my grammar is off) and that just kinda like halting everything for a minute as they process what just happened. She clearly understands it, not speaking it is a conscious choice on her part and sometimes things get so emotional that you say fuck it to self-rules like that. I hope makes sense.
14. Will Simon become aware of Wilhelm's anxiety?- Hmmmm. I would hope so. I hope we see more of them trusting each other on a deeper level like this.
15. Will Wilhelm break the 4th wall at some point? - It'd be a weird stylistic choice to not have him do so.
16. Will Alex get some sort of revenge (if yes, how)? - See I'm always a bit wary of storylines like this that are left not quite fully resolved. It's possible they won't come back to it, YR seems to be that very realistic type of show where sometimes shit happens and that's life and everyone moves on without it needing a nice bow put on it, but I also recognize that this is media and usually people like it when storylines are wrapped up with a nice bow on them. It could happen, it could not.
17. Will Erik appear in any form (letter, flashback, etc.)? - LISA HEAR MEEEEEEEE. I think he will. Like I said, YR is a very realistic type show, they capture the intricacies of real life really fucking well, and in real life you don't get things broken up neatly into seasons where you can pretend a dead character doesn't exist anymore after their season. I think it'd be really weird to not have Erik still existing in some form in s2, whether that be through Wilhelm's memories or remnants of his life.
18. How many characters will cry (with tears) - LET SIMON CRY 2K22. Probably Wille at least once. And I think we could have some possibilities with Sara, or even August crying. Like just picture him fully realizing how much he's fucked up Wille's life and his chances of ever being the person he wants to be (favored by the Crown) and just having a full on breakdown. I think they could do it really well, it doesn't even have to be in a redemption arc way. I just want August to see he's fucked up big time and cry about it.
19. Will Simon and/or Wilhelm say 'Jag älskar dig' (if yes, who says it first - will they both say it)? - Yes, but I don't think Simon will say it until the last episode to parallel Wille saying it in the last episode.
20. How many times will we see Simon eat pasta? - Very specific question, for funzies I will answer with a very specific answer that will not be right at all but idc. 5 times actually eating it, but 2 more times when he just has a bowl of it in front of him.
21. Who will have the first kiss in season 2 (named characters)? - I'm going to have to agree with eypril again here, I think it'll be Sara and August.
22. Will Simon and Wilhelm have any PDA (if yes, what kind)? - Many a thought has been thunked about this within the place I call my brain. I think yes, but I'm not sure what type. I can see it ranging anywhere to more hugs, to casual hand holding, to kisses in front of people.
Tagging uhhhhhhhhh @starboywille @angelbabysimon @i-love-semicolons @randomlyverbosemar @aro-of-artemis @prince-simon @omar-rudeberg @ungaroyals @royalwilmon (y'all don't have to tag as many people, I'm just tagging a bunch to get this more out there)
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
WOAH WOAH is your MHA reqs open?? So I wanted to request a Todoroki x Reader Angst where Todoroki sees his s/o getting stabbed by a villain with countless sharp spears like in Chiaki’s death video in danganronpa along with 1-A and just loses it? I’m sorry I’m craving for angst rn ✨✨ also love your writing and remember to stay safe <33 💕💗
My requests are open yes!! I have actually missed receiving them (and tbf I’m prolly not getting them because I’m doing daily updates on History of Us hahaha). So thanks for the request anon. I’m also really touched that you love my writing 🥰 I hope this lives up to your impression of me!
I had never seen danganropa but I just looked up what you were talking about and w o w I am in ✨pain✨ 🥲 I’ve got you anon. It’s going to hurt but I got you. Did I drag out (y/n)’s last words? Yes. Would they realistically already have died before saying all that I have them say? Probably. But this is fanfic and if movie writers can do it then goddamn it so can I!
CW for angst, somewhat graphic description of major character injury and death (reader), non-major character death, and canon typical violence
Nothing has been the same since the fall of the hero commission and the loss of faith in the Symbol of Peace’s generation of heroes. It’s been two years since Shigaraki wreaked havoc and Dabi exposed Endeavor’s crimes. As pros unused to that level of violence retired or quit, hero class students have been forced to step up and fill in the spaces they left behind. As a result, even as their faith in the pros waned, the public started to see the students as a beacon of hope. All Might, they whisper, spoiled the current generation of heroes. They argue that Endeavor is now too old to keep up, that Hawks and Mirko are too burdened by their mentors’ failures, and all the heroes aged in between are too used to the relative peace of the golden era to be effective. These current students though? Students like the famous UA hero class A, now third years who’ve already seen so much? They are the new hope. They’d grown up in the fires of a post-symbol of peace era and as such they are the only ones who can drag society out of it. It would be flattering if not for the overwhelming pressure that comes along with it.
Shoto thinks he would have been crushed beneath that pressure if not for you.
The two of you had started growing close your first year during the provisional license exam make up classes. Spending so much additional time together over the weekend had allowed Shoto to slowly open up to you until a beautiful friendship had blossomed. Even still, both of you had secretly yearned for something more. It was only after the destruction of Jaku City and the Todoroki family secrets were aired to the whole of Japan that the two of you finally acted on your feelings. You’d been such a source of support for him afterwards that eventually he hadn’t been able or willing to hold back any longer and had confessed his feelings to you late one night in the dorms. The two of you have been together ever since and fully intend to open a hero agency together after graduation. He knows the two of you are still young but sometimes when he looks at you with your blinding smile or when you’re sleeping peacefully beside him, he swears he can hear wedding bells. If the civilians of Japan can consistently forget how young you all are as they urge you to take over for the pros, then it seems only fair he should be able to forget too.
His mother was ecstatic when he asked her about engagement rings. Endeavor had said it was too early, that marriage is too large a commitment to make at 18 years old, but Shoto insisted and eventually a compromise was reached. He’ll wait until after graduation but then he’s determined to make you his forever and always.
It’s an otherwise normal Saturday afternoon in the dorms when Iida and Momo get an urgent distress signal to gather the entirety of the class and head into the city. A large group of ragtag criminals, determined to become the next League of Villains, is terrorizing Musutafu and the number of casualties is climbing rapidly. The other heroes usually responsible for that area had been called away to handle a different disaster and all attempts made by the civilians to defend themselves had only led to more chaos. The entire class mobilized in seconds. Calls like this aren’t uncommon now. The villains have been banding together more and their bloodlust seems to have grown exponentially with civilians’ continued lack of trust in the current pros. By the time you all arrive to the scene there’s no time to waste. “Be careful,” you tell Shoto, carefully running a hand through his hair before resting it on his cheek. He brings his hand up to cover yours before promising, “I will.” He presses a kiss to your palm but before he can do more Bakugo sharply barks “Hurry it up lovebirds we got a fucking job to do!” before racing off. You both know he’s right. “I love you,” you tell Shoto. “Love you too,” he promises before you both steel yourselves and then take off into the fray.
It’s an absolutely grueling battle. Every time someone takes one villain down, another comes to take their place. “Pinky! On your left!” you call out, causing your classmate to sharply turn. Mina just manages to dodge a punch one of the villains throws her way and swiftly counteracts with an attack of her own, calling out a thanks. There’s no time to breathe though and almost as soon as you’re done warning Mina, you have to dive in to keep another villain off Ojiro’s back. It’s chaotic but slowly you’re starting to pick away the forces as many of the remaining villains start fleeing. Once it looks like they’ve all retreated you instinctively look for Shoto, having not seen him since the fighting had properly started. You catch sight of him and heave a sigh of relief. You call out his name to catch his attention and although he initially offers you a soft smile you notice his eyes suddenly widen. “(Y/n) behind you!” he calls out.
Every moment after that seems to happen in slow motion.
You turn around just in time for a spear to fire clean through your shoulder, knocking you off balance. You start to fall backwards but before you can even hit the ground at least a dozen more rise up from the asphalt and impale your body. You hear Shoto’s broken cry of your name but it sounds so distant to you. After a moment stuck in place the spears suddenly drop back into the ground. Shoto is next to you in a second, pulling your broken body close as you bleed out. One of your other classmates tries to call for medical support but all he can focus on is you and the sheer amount of blood you’re losing. Shoto knows his training. He knows that when a victim has been stabbed it’s crucial to put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding, but how can he when there’s so many fucking wounds. “You’re going to be ok. You’re going to be ok. You’re going to be ok.” He says it over and over again like a mantra. It’s both a plea to you and a desperate attempt to deny the harsh reality that the love of his life is bleeding out in his arms.
You press a bloody hand to his cheek, looking lovingly up at the man you’d do anything for, and shush him quietly. “Sho,” you rasp, voice already weak as your body tries and fails to cope with your injuries. “Don’t,” he warns. “Sho, baby, look at me,” you try again but he shakes his head, shutting his eyes tightly as tears start to run down his cheeks. “Please?” you ask and he can’t deny you, never could, so he opens his eyes and looks down at your glossy ones as you fight to stay awake just a little bit longer. “There they are. I always did love your eyes,” you tell him wistfully as your thumb strokes his cheek, smearing your blood there, though you don’t seem to notice. “You can’t leave me. You have to be ok,” he whispers but you shake your head. You can already feel yourself fading and with medical attention still several minutes out at least you know there’s no fixing this. “I need you to promise me something,” you tell him. “Anything,” he replies immediately and it brings a sad smile to your blood stained lips. “Promise you’ll find someone else after me,” you say and the scandalized look on his face would have probably made you laugh under different circumstances. “You’ve got too much love to give to let it die with me,” you tell him but he shakes his head again. “I could never love anyone else like I love you,” he swears and he means it with every fiber of his being. You chuckle wetly. “You always were stubborn. Fine, then promise to never forget me,” you compromise, tears welling in your own eyes now too. “I couldn’t even if I tried,” he swears before leaning down to press one last kiss to your lips. He can taste the tang of iron and feel your tears and his mingling on your cheeks. “I love you,” he whispers against your lips as he pulls away, but for the first time since he first said the words to you, you don’t say them back. “(Y/n)? Baby, I love you,” he tries again, pulling back to look at you properly now. Your eyes remain shut, your hand falling limp from his cheek, and when he looks to your chest the rise and fall of it has ceased.
Devastation claws up through him like a rabid animal, tearing him apart as his whole world shatters around him. He feels his grief like a physical ache in his chest, radiating out to each of his limbs as if every cell of his body is violently rejecting the fact that you’re gone. “Todoroki-kun?” Midoriya asks cautiously, putting a gentle hand on Shoto’s shoulder. Shoto’s head snaps up as he cradles you closer, as if scared your body will be taken away from him too. Before Midoriya can say whatever he was going to, Denki’s voice cuts through the tense silence. “I got him!” he crows, shoving the villain down to the ground in front of his classmates. Shoto’s eyes land on the villain and instantly his grief twists into a searing rage. He gently lays your body down but his eyes are cold and lethal as he stares down the man that took you away from him. Midoriya realizes what’s happening a beat too late and by the time he reaches out to grab Shoto, the grief stricken man has already launched himself at the villain and grasped hold of him. His right hand closes around the man’s throat, ice wrapping around it like a vice grip. He’s vaguely aware of his classmates calling his name but he doesn’t care. This man stole the love of his life from him. For that he will pay. Before Todoroki can finish the job he’s suddenly being yanked back by Midoriya and Bakugo. “Let go of me!” he demands as he fights against their hold, ignoring their warnings and empty platitudes. He manages to wrench his left arm free for a brief moment and that’s all he needs. His flames shoot out, preventing Midoriya from getting a good hold of him again, and the man who murdered you goes up in flame. His howls of pain echo around the buildings around them but the sound is music to Shoto’s ears. Let him suffer. It’s a fate he deserves.
His classmates watch on in stunned horror until the villain is burned down to ash. As his flames die out so too does all the fight seem to drain from Shoto as the crushing grief returns. Bakugo let’s him go once it’s clear he’s not a threat anymore and Shoto uses his freedom to drag himself back over to your lifeless body. It’s not fair. You’re so young. He’s so young. Why was this fight even you all’s responsibility in the first place? He’s been excitedly planning his proposal to you for weeks. Now he’ll have to plan a funeral. The thought makes him physically ill and he has to turn to the side as bile climbs up his throat and he retches onto the asphalt beside him.
How is he supposed to go on without you?
Midoriya returns a hand to his shoulder as the paramedics finally arrive. It’s too late. Far too late. One of them approaches cautiously and like a dog protecting his master Shoto immediately lashes out. “Don’t you fucking touch them,” he warns, eyes cold and voice lethal. The paramedic jerks backwards, his hands up in surrender, as he cautiously looks to the other class A students for advice. They have none. They’ve never seen Todoroki like this. They can’t even begin to imagine what he’s going through. It’s Eijirou who steps up in the end. He approaches Shoto carefully, as if his classmate is a feral animal, before kneeling down to his level. “They need to take (y/n) to the hospital on that stretcher over there,” Kirishima tells him carefully, jerking his head in the direction of the waiting ambulance. “Can you carry them there for the paramedics?” he asks. Shoto stares at Kirishima blankly as if trying to process his words before slowly nodding. “Ok. Let’s go then, yea?” Kiri asks. Another nod in response before Shoto carefully gathers you into his arms. He ignores the way your body has already started to go cold as he carries you over to the stretcher. He tries to pretend they’re just rushing you to the hospital, that they’re speeding you over to recovery girl and in a few hours time you’ll be tired but cheery, teasing him for being so worried about nothing. But as he lays you down and then watches them zip you up into a black bag, he knows it’s a hopeless fantasy. You’re gone and you’re never coming back.
A few days later he sits in a black suit with a black tie and a silver chain carrying an engagement ring around his neck. He leans against Fuyumi, who sits on his left side, while his mother grasps tightly onto his right hand. Behind him Natsuo rests a steady hand on his shoulder. His father hovers nearby, unsure how best to offer his support or if his support would even be welcome. They are the only thing that keeps Shoto from falling apart. When the time comes, he stands on shaky legs and approaches your open casket. At first he’d been insistent he wouldn’t look, but his mother had argued his last image of you shouldn’t be your broken body, riddled with holes. So he looks down at you, pieced back together by some mortician, lying motionless in the nicest outfit you own and he traces every detail of you. He tries to patch over the memory of you broken on the ground that haunts him every night since it’s happened with this image of you now. He pictures all of the good and beautiful moments you’ve shared together, let’s them swell in his chest until they’re too large to contain and pour out of him through his silent tears. He leans down and presses a gentle kiss to your too cold forehead and mumbles to you again his final promise:
“I love you, (y/n). I’ll never forget you.”
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reddeadreference · 3 years
Blog Progress Update (Travel Blog Style 😎#13)
At Jack’s party 50 million things happen all at once I can't get everything X.x Susan and Karen are singing loudly, Hosea's saying something at the campfire, John and Abigail and talking about the three of them staying in the same room, now Micah's saying some story and Uncle has joined Karen and Susan in a song with Javier playing and NOW Molly is yelling at Dutch. 
It's too much!
Dutch just gave an ANGRY speech about faith and it got dark and thundery REAL QUICK. Like I get it game… the foreshadowing weather isn’t needed.
Mary-Beth is trying to get Karen to bed and Karen is throwing up. Mary-Beth gave up and Karen passed out on one of the bedrolls under Bill/Charle’s area. Never saw that before..
Kieran just came up to me staying how he'd be dead if he hadn't joined them and- I GET IT THUNDER AND LIGHTNING! BAD TIMES AHEAD!
Bill… Bill just decked Pearson... WHAT IS HAPPENING?!
Here comes the rain..   Neat detail that when it rains people go inside the house. (like I know some sleep there now but Strauss still sleeps outside and he came in. Kieran was sleeping outside then came into the piano room to sleep too)
Saved Tilly. I love how this mission shows Grimshaw does care.
Ugh Strauss dude stop.. O-O this is the first mission where Arthur's started coughing like THAT and it HURTS
I can't find Kieran…. I'm not even anywhere near close to that mission yet! Where's my boy?!
Branwen is missing too.. no...
No... No no no... I JUST started chapter 4, he can't be gone yet! Are you kidding me?! Is he really gone from the start of the chapter?!I thought he’d be here for at least SOME of it…
Also would the ghosts of Lemoyne Raiders please stop yelling profanities…
Got robbed for $700 in Saint Denis cause I followed a guy down an alley (I figured he would rob me so I took out my knife. No chance to use it as someone hit me from behind.) Woke up in the cemetery, ran back, they're gone. 
Good thing I just fuckin saved. HAHA GOT EM! Oh if I see that guy again I'm just gonna shoot him on the spot wanted level be damned, that was $700.
Well… time to get cleaned up for Mary's mission because Arthur 100% would get cleaned up for her… shave, haircut, new clothes, bath at the saloon, sleep til noon. Ready to feel that heartbreak ..
"You could've cleaned yourself up a bit"
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...Is it the hat? Is it cause I kept Arthur���s usual hat? I mean... he's average weight… He’s CLEAN.. There's no pleasing this woman…
"Theater? Me?" Bruh… we've been there over 10 times now, don't act like we haven't.
Oh as much as I hate the woman I love how happy she makes him look…
Idk if the same shows play for the date every time. Well it's a new speech by Al so I'm assuming yes. Yeah Robin is singing a new song so yeah. FIRE LADY (THIS is where her third act is damn it! I knew it happened at some point) Maybe now I'll be able to do that mystery thing now since I’ve seen every act at least once
The look on his face T-T I can’t...
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(Gif made by me)
Alright I’m getting all optional stuff done that I can first, met Charles twice… am I allowed to show Female Presenting Nipple if it’s art? I’ll probably get flagged… oh well, we’ll see when we see. I met with Professor Andrew Bell the 3rd and as much as I don’t really like his mission I’m doing it cause I gotta do everything. Since I had to go to Rhodes for the first part of his mission I ran into Mr. Black and Mr. White (love those two), so I got their first mission done. I was waiting until day for Brother Dorkins (I never realized Rev. Swanson tells you about him...)
JFC I swear my horse doesn’t come unless it can fucking see me…that and it gives up after two seconds.
358 photos onto the flashdrive O_O
Brother Dorkins my guy!
DAMN IT HORSE I swear naming her Ruin was SO fitting… like even Arthur is saying “Damn that horse” “Every time” and she IS within whistling range… She went five feet as I’m running halfway across town to her…
Uh… Never in all my time of playing this game and running around Saint Denis have I seen Lemoyne Raiders SET THE BACK OF THE CITY HALL ON FIRE
Ah time to go see Charles but I wanna change clothes so to the stor- FUCKING PICKPOCKETS “just a bit of cash, that’s it!” BRUH THAT WAS $130. That ain’t A BIT. Want me to punch you A BIT?! (nah I didn’t, I lassoed him and got it back.)
I got Arthur a new shirt and he looked so happy Q-Q (also I really like this outfit I put together, I usually don’t make him wear blue…)
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(Gif made by me)
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Alrighty ready to laugh!
I DIDN’T KNOW THEY WERE HERE!!!! THERE’S A PHOTO OF ARTHUR!!!!!! (it’s not anything he ever wore and I’ve never let his beard get that long but- IT’S HIM)
Well… definitely going to make a separate post for Charles’ Art which WILL get flagged but it’s art soooooo, I’ll probably get it back up at some point.
The pure JOY this mission brings Arthur...
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(Gif made by me)
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purgatory-park · 2 years
[Purgatory Park] "The Voice of Salvation"
CRAIG: Faithful sheep. Did you pay your admission to be here? The house of God needs that money for... things... from... houses of God.
STAN: P-pay? Entry? I gave my ticket to Kyle...
KYLE: D-Don't be silly, Stan. I gave them to you.
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CRAIG: Whatever. My sons! Listen to my voice! I invite you to stay longer so we can have a conversation.
KYLE: If this is God's house... why does it look like a disco?
CRAIG: Your responses will be answered when the entire audience leaves. Children, wait for my call.
STAN: Great, Kyle! Now we have to stay here until all these crazy fans come out.
CRAIG: They are sheep, lambs of the Lord. Not fans.
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Craig Tucker... the most... I don't know how to explain his behavior so... weird. He is listless and expressionless with everyone except one person. Her boyfriend. That's right, Pastor Craig as he calls himself is gay or at least as far as I know he has a partner.
CRAIG: Ready, my children. You can get more into this house. God's house... is also yours. Stan, close the door when you come in.
STAN: Great. Now everything is dark.
KYLE: Maybe the money from the tickets is to pay off the electricity bill.
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STAN: uhh... Craig?
CRAIG: Pastor! Pastor Craig.
STAN: Pastor Craig... would you be so kind as to at least turn on the lights? I see nothing.
CRAIG: I won't turn on the lights, God is the only light I need in my life. But leaving that aside... yes. I'll turn on the lights. Admire and be amazed THE HOUSE OF CHRIST!
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KYLE: It's... beautiful.
STAN: How smug. Where did you get so much money?
CRAIG: Saving my allowance from my grandmother has its advantages.
STAN: Does your grandmother shit money or something? Kyle, what do you say?... Kyle, are you okay?
KYLE: Stan... this is too beautiful... accept it.
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CRAIG: Come on, it's not safe to talk here. I have a room behind the stage.
Kyle seems... oddly attentive to the luxuries of this grand place. Did the Jews never see a church or anything like that?
CRAIG: Sit down. We are sure. And tell me, what brings you here, my sheep?
STAN: First, would you please stop...uhh...talking in character? I want to speak directly to you, Craig.
CRAIG: My apologies, that's something I can't do. Stop talking in character? That's stupid, I don't understand your words.
Craig refuses to give up his role as pastor. It seems that he is very dedicated to this stupid game.
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STAN: O great shepherd! Could you light up our sights? Tell us what is happening? Why do you have a FUCKING CHURCH IN YOUR BACKYARD AND TALK LIKE AN IDIOT! You have never been so faithful to a religion, Craig Tucker. This is complete stupidity
CRAIG: Stupid? Is that how you see us? You are a lost sheep who just needs to find his way... just like him...
STAN: Who?
CRAIG: Son... Let me tell you the story of... "The Great Sage."
STAN: The who?
KYLE: The great sage.
STAN: And who is that guy? The pimp?
CRAIG: Patience, Pastor Craig... have patience with those lost sheep... The great sage...
A long time ago, there was a man whose faith was null, his life had no meaning, but, one day... A beautiful and magnificent butterfly appeared before him...
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Terror, was the first thing he felt, Although, the butterfly was undoubtedly the strangest of all, but something in it called attention. They had chosen him from heaven, nothing would ever be the same...
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"Son of God, among many, you were chosen to fulfill an important mission" Said that butterfly with a distorted voice and then turned into what seemed to be a book
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"A book? Is this what the Father has for my destiny?... Why? If all my life I reject it and doubt its existence...” The man said without receiving any answer. By touching the book, he was spiritually transported to the kingdom of heaven...
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With the help of God, he wrote the pages of that sacred book, the word of God had to be written on leaves and then be passed on by humans until the end of his days.
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The man, who at the beginning lacked faith, now had it to spare, it was a new beginning for him, the world made sense again. God left him one last task, to name that mystical book, the man did not hesitate and it was called "New Beginning".
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Once on earth, he became the greatest prophet, he was an inspired man, who received the word of the Lord to transmit it to his people and to all living beings as possible, giving a message of justice and fidelity to God.
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When he died, his soul was raised to heaven and there he is, sitting next to God. The book? The book is protected by the earthly angels, they are in charge of keeping it safe.
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Currently all the written secrets are unknown, since many pages are written in a language forgotten by humanity...
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CRAIG: If you want to know more about this book, you could go to the Testa-
[???] : My lord, excuse me, I didn't know we had visitors... I would have prepared some drinks for our guests.
CRAIG: You interrupted me, but don't worry, Sister Superior. I was telling these lambs a little story and let them know the importance of our sacred role.
[???] : The great sage? It's my favorite story. Any atheist would become religious with the power of Christ.
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[???] : I would advise following our path, demons are deceitful and liars, those with that role carry a curse on them... the devil is a liar and intelligent, he offers you unlimited power, but no deal with the devil is free ...
CRAIG: That's right, sister. Everything has a price and ours is just to pay tribute to our God... Damn! Where are my manners? Guys, she's the sister superior... my right hand, choir helper...
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KYLE: Good afternoon, ma'am... M-ma'am?... Stan...
STAN: Good morning, I'm Stan Marsh and this is my Friend Kyle Bro-... BRO-... WHAT THE FUCK?!
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STAN: DAD? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE? WORKING FOR THAT IDIOT? Shouldn't you be buying things for dinner?
RANDY: Oh come on. It was just an excuse for Shelly and I to go out, we have a little work to do with our papers and mine is to be the holy nun Randy!
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RANDY: Just don't tell your mother or she'll say I'm wasting my time.
STAN: You're going to pay me, Craig! Did you want me to see how you have my father as your whore? You are very dead.
CRAIG: He wanted to work here and I needed a nun.
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CRAIG: What's up, young Marsh? Scared, Marsh?
STAN: Not a bit.
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CRAIG: Listen... Stan... You better let me go... it's not a threat, it's a warning...
CRAIG: He came in those clothes... Stan, I'm telling you with all my heart, let go of me before... Oh no...
STAN: Craig? What the fuck with this smoke?
STAN: Craig? W-who is it?
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KYLE: Sounds like the sound is coming from that door.
STAN: I go completely unnoticed. Craig, what is there in that room? We can enter? I think someone is knocking...
KYLE: I don't know, brother. What if someone needs help?
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STAN: There's no time to waste! Somebody needs help!
CRAIG: NO, NO, NO, NO THANKS! Nobody is allowed to enter. Give up hope anyone who dares to enter, except me.
STAN: Do you have someone kidnapped or something? Religious things?
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CRAIG: Don't be stupid. I don't hear anything, surely they are imagining things or surely they are sounds of those sinners who passed through here.
CRAIG: Visiting hours are over, Sister Randy, please get these sheep out of here. You can go too, Sister, your work is done for today, I have things to do.
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RANDY: Yes, sir! Well, children. Follow me out... it's time to go home. The night is dangerous, the demons disguise themselves as people and roam the streets looking for weak minds.
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STAN: Dad, what's in there?
RANDY: Son, I don't have the slightest idea. Craig won't let me into that room, but what you heard is real...something lurks in that darkness...
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RANDY: That mysterious room where only the pastor can enter... something hidden and protected with more than a thousand religious symbols... I hope it's not a serious evil... Only the pastor knows...
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RANDY: Well, time to go. Stan tell your mom I'm coming in half an hour, I have to change. Goodbye Kyle!
STAN: I'll tell mom.
RANDY: And I'll tell him you're seeing whores.
STAN: I never did that! Besides, Dad, you're dressed as one!
RANDY: Stan, don't be disrespectful. And now... HAVE A HOLY KICK! GOODBYE!
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STAN: FUCK, DAD! More careful...
CRAIG: Wait! Stan Marsh and Kyle Broflovski, try to get home as quickly as possible, the sun is setting and the demons take the opportunity to come out.
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STAN: Yeah, whatever, we're out of this filthy place.
CRAIG: Stan Marsh... look at me I see no light in your eyes, you're an easy target for the evil in this place... not all angels are good, not all demons are bad... It's something you'll learn along the way. of your journey... may the Lord be with you...
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STAN: Damn, my head hurts...Kyle...did you see Craig? It seemed to light up but it only lasted for a few short seconds...
KYLE: I think you need a break, the trip left you a little dizzy...
STAN: I'm not crazy, Kyle!
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STAN: What caught your attention so much about that church?
KYLE: I don't know...everything was so big and bright. I really don't want to talk about it.
STAN: Well Kyle... I hope we don't have any distractions now, I'm more curious about that book and why Craig is acting like this. I want you to join me in this, okay?
KYLE: Well... Just because we're friends. No distractions.
STAN: No distractions... no... distractions...?
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KYLE: Stan? Are you OK?
STAN: No... distractions... KYLE, IS THAT WHO I THINK SHE IS?!
KYLE: Who? Oh... she...
STAN: She's... the beautiful... B-be... be...
KYLE: Bebe Stevens... Yeah... The sun's about to go down, we gotta go. Craig got me a little paranoid.
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BEBE: Did someone say my name?
KYLE: Hey Bebe...
BEBE: KYLE! And... Stan Marsh? Oh my God! What happiness! Long time no see, I'm so... happy to see you again, Stan.
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STAN: Yeah... I'm already in South Park again. My day was happy to see you, Bebe. I mean... you're still beautiful.
BEBE: Stan... kind as always. Thank you very much honey. Kyle? What are you telling me?
KYLE: I don't have anything to say to you, Bebe... Can we go now, Stan? The sun is getting lower and lower.
BEBE: That's right, the sun is about to hide, some rumors the appearance of demons. That's so scary...
STAN: Apparently Craig spreads that stupid joke everywhere. Calm down, Bebe... I'll protect you from those "demons".
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KYLE: Stan... Secret Meeting! Turn around!
STAN: What's up, dude?
KYLE: What the fuck was that? Are you being flirty?
STAN: Me-me? Kyle? Why would you say that? Or in any case... What does that matter to you?
KYLE: I was with Bebe for a couple of weeks before I locked myself in my house forever... Apparently Bebe accepted sneaking out with Clyde, Bebe didn't say anything about our relationship.
STAN: Hell, Kyle... get over that, plus, you don't mind if I ask Bebe out on a date.
KYLE: I'm warning you, Stan... that girl is pure evil. I think he doesn't even need help against the "Demons" that Craig says so much.
STAN: I'm not fighting this, Kyle.
KYLE: And I'm not going to let her catch my friend in her web.
STAN: Of course not. God Kyle...
STAN: Let's go home quickly, it's already night and I have to get there for dinner.
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STAN: Well, Bebe...what a nice surprise it was to meet you, but, I feel like we should go...now...Kyle...w-why are you breathing so...heavy?
KYLE: And I ask you why do you touch my face? Were your hands always so...big and...long?
STAN: Oh my god Kyle... I'm not going to turn around for any reason. Bebe this is not funny, let go of us and leave that horrible costume... we must go home...
BABY: Time to play.
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mandoalorian · 4 years
I Believe In Love [Maxwell Lord x F!Reader] — Ten: Justice
Summary: When you find your calling to leave Themyscira, you venture out to the World of Man with intentions of helping and healing a very specific person’s relationship with his son. You’ve heard his voice before, but only in dreams. You’ve felt his pain and anguish and you’ve never been able to relate to anything more. But things don’t come easy for you, and they certainly don’t come easy for him either. [This series contains spoilers for WW84 and is my interpretation of what happens after the movie ends].
Warnings: so many tears, mention of child neglect and abuse, child custody battle, court. This is essentially the chapter we’ve all been waiting for. I’m so nervous to post this so please let me know what you think and, as always, reblogs are very much appreciated.
Word count: 5000>
Previous - Chapter Ten - Next
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Just like the past few days, you had been rudely awoken by a phone call from Diana Prince. This time, you were back in Maxwell’s king sized bed in D.C., with Alistair sandwiched between you and Max.
“Di?” You asked, rubbing your tired eyes.
“Barbara is here. Now. You have to come over. I’m trying to get her to renounce her wish but she’s fighting back. Come in your Amazonian gear and don’t forget your lasso. Hurry!” she exclaimed before hanging up.
You yawned and put the phone back on the hook. You could stay in bed with Alistair and Maxwell forever but, if Diana needed your help, you had to provide. You followed her instructions and headed out without saying anything to Max. You shouldn’t be too long anyways, you decided. Everything would be okay.
When Maxwell eventually woke up and you weren’t by his side, he was confused. In fact, to say he was devastated would have been an understatement. Today was his big court date-- the battle where he’d fight for Alistair’s custody. He had faith you’d be there, just like you promised. Only, there was one small thought haunting him in the very back of his mind.
What if you had become too powerful for this world? What if you already had to go back to Themyscira? No. It would be fine-- Max reassured himself. Maxwell got all suited up and Raquel came to the door.
“Thank you for agreeing to watch Alistair.” Maxwell sighed, adjusting his cufflinks.
“It’s really no problem, Mr. Lord.” Raquel smiled graciously, taking Alistair’s hand.
“Daddy?” Alistair asked, his eyes glossy with unshed tears.
“Yeah buddy?”
“I don’t know if I’m allowed to say this, but I really hope you win today.” Alistair confessed before turning around and leaving with Raquel.
“You… Diana!?” You shouted, running up to Barbara and untying her from the bed. Barbara’s eyes locked onto you as you helped release her. “Hey listen… I don’t know what’s going on but I’m your friend. I don’t want to hurt you.” you promised, locking your gaze onto her ocean blue eyes. The colour alone was enough to remind you of the beautiful oceans back on Themyscira.
A tear slipped down Barbara’s cheek and you quickly wiped it away, smoothing out her blonde wavy hair. “I feel so foolish,” she choked out, shaking her head. “Just for once I wanted to be the greatest. And all to prove a point.”
“It’s okay,” you shushed her, cautiously wrapping your arms around her and pulling her into a hug. You wanted to be careful not to smother her. Barbara had done terrible things, no different to Max, but you knew that it wasn’t really them. That they were both possessed by the power of the wish. “Did you speak to Diana?” you asked eventually, truly wondering where your sister was. She’d called you and yet she wasn’t here.
“I came after her… for-- for the dreamstone,” Barbara confessed as her tears soaked your tunic. “She told me it had been destroyed but that’s… that’s impossible.”
You exhaled. “No Barbara, it’s true. Max and I… we--” you tried to explain but Barbara cut you off.
“Babajide said only true love can--”
“I know.” you sighed, looking down at your feet.
“Oh.” Was the only sound Barbara could bear to omit. “You love him?”
You smiled weakly and nodded your head. “I’ve never really been in love before, I don’t think. But I have this feeling in my heart and no words can describe it. I’ve read about it in mythology… like the story of Orpheus and Eurydice and when I’m with Max I just feel… complete. I feel whole.”
“I know the feeling because I feel it too.” Barbara sniffed, pulling off you and crossing her arms over her chest. You could immediately tell that she was feeling vulnerable.
“You do?”
“With Diana.” Barbara confirmed.
“...You-- you’re in love with Diana?” You asked with a small gasp.
“I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life.” Barbara sighed into admittance.
“Then you will know that love is the most powerful thing in the world. Barbara… if you renounce your wish then--”
“I know.” Barbara whimpered, rubbing her tearful eyes. 
“The wish might have given you all this power, but I promise you there is nothing more powerful than the love you have for Diana,” you reassured Barbara and took her hands. “And the love she has for you.”
“The-- what?” Barbara asked.
“I’m the goddess of family, Barbara, I have a pretty good judgement of knowing when somebody is in love. I see the way she looked at you in the tomb back in Athens. You could have something so beautiful together,” you smiled, giving Barbara’s hands a light squeeze. “Renounce your wish. For Diana.”
Barbara turned and looked out the window, her lips trembling before she looked back at you. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “I renounce my wish.” she declared, and you felt a breeze-- and wind, almost, gush through your hair. The grip on her hand became electric and you pulled off her, noticing the way your body began to glow. Barbara’s eyes snapped open and her jaw slackened as she watched your feet leave the ground. You were floating, a glittering golden aura similar to the lasso of truth highlighting your entire body. It was blinding.
The walls of Diana’s apartment began to crumble around you and you eventually fell to the ground. Barbara gasped upon seeing you again. “You-- you’re outfit. You’re glowing…”
You looked down at yourself and your eyes widened in disbelief. Your typical Amazonian tunic had literally changed colours. What was once brown, was now gold, red and blue-- the traditional colours of a child of Zeus. “Like Diana,” Barbara mumbled. “It’s beautiful.”
You couldn’t help but smile as you admired the way your new armour looked. The Gods had blessed you with this transformation, and that must have meant you had done something right. You had gotten Barbara to renounce her wish, after all.
No, love was what had gotten Barbara to renounce her wish. 
But the walls around you were still crumbling down and the ground beneath you was splitting. “Oh my-- Barbara. I have to go. I’ve already overstayed my welcome.” you said in a panic.
“What? I’m sure Diana doesn’t mind you being here.” Barbara replied, scratching the back of her neck in bewilderment.
“No. The World of Man… I’m too powerful I-- I have to return to Themyscira,” you said in a fluster. You remembered that Diana told you-- with the combination of both of your lassos, you could create a portal that would ensure you returned back home safely. “I have to go now.”
“What about Max?” Barbara asked, standing up and staring at you.
Shit, Max.
The court case.
You were already so late.
“Barbara, I have to go. Keep Diana informed. I-- I have to go see Max and tell him… tell him…”
“Tell him you love him.” Barbara confirmed.
Could you really do that when you were leaving so soon? You opened the window and unravelled your lasso of truth before signalling one final goodbye to Barbara. In a panic you flew out the window and glided through the air, overhead the bustling city beneath you. You had to get to court, at least before the verdict. You couldn’t let him down.
“Can both parties please rise?” Judge Edward Wilson requested.
Maxwell felt sick to his stomach. You weren’t here. You were supposed to be here; fixing all of this. You had promised. And you were nowhere in sight. He squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his fingers into a fist. He heard the scraping of the chairs as Julianna and Theodore stood. He followed their actions just a few moments after. It was fine. He could do this without you. Maxwell had come from nothing and he had gotten this far in life completely alone, he could do it again. Maxwell took a deep breath and flattened his suit down before shooting the judge one of his charming, albeit fake, television smiles. The judge grinned, excited to be working on a case with the Max Lord.
“Your honor, I am Theodore Thomas, esteemed family lawyer and I will be representing Miss Julianna Grey on this child custody case.” Ted introduced himself, holding himself high and mighty.
“I’m Julianna Grey, your honor. I’m the biological mother of Alistair Lorenzano and I am here today to request full custody of my son.”
The judge nodded in understanding before turning to Maxwell. “O-oh,” Max shuffled uncomfortably upon realising it was his turn to speak. He looked at the jury of twelve that sat before him. Twelve randomly selected members of the public who were about to learn his true identity. The identity he had kept so well hidden for the last twenty years. “I’m Maxwell Lor-Lorenzano and I’m the biological father of Alistair Lorenzano,” he looked back at Julianna and Theodore who were glaring in his direction. “And I am here today to tell you that I love my son so much.” Maxwell exclaimed.
Judge Edward Wilson adjusted the brimless reading glasses that sat on the curve of his nose. “Mr Lorenzano, you do agree to the case proceedings that will be occurring today, yes?”
“Yes. I do.” Maxwell affirmed, placing both his palms flat on the oak wood table.
“And you do not have an attorney?” Judge Wilson quizzed further.
Maxwell sighed. You should be here. “No I do not. But if possible, may I request a publicly funded attorney?” 
“Now now,” Judge Wilson reprimanded, pointing his finger. “I will be the judge of whether or not Mr Lorenzano’s lack of care is sufficient for the transferral of custody.” 
The jury murmured amongst themselves, questioning whether or not Max Lord didn’t have a jury because he was broke. They raised their eyebrows, judging the businessman who stood before them. “Unfortunately, with this being a civil case, you are not entitled to a publicly funded attorney.” The Judge hummed, rearranging his stack of papers.
“With all due respect, your honor, we gave Mr Lorenzano ample time to find a representative for this case. This right here is an example of Mr Lorenzano’s lack of care for the minor child in question. If he wanted to even stand a chance at gaining custody of Alistair, he would’ve gotten a lawyer.” Theodore scoffed incredulously whilst Julianna tried her hardest to suppress her smirk. Maxwell knotted his eyebrows together as furiosity consumed him.
Thankfully, Judge Wilson knew better to just dismiss his comment. He turned to Maxwell. “Mr Lorenzano, you said you were ‘busy doing other things’, indicating that those other things are the reason you did not find an attorney to represent your side of the case. May I ask what those things were? Perhaps a work commitment? Or a family commitment?”
Maxwell was still glaring at Theodore for his out of pocket comment. “I care about Alistair, so much.” Maxwell told the court, but his dark eyes were trained only on his ex wife and her current boyfriend. “I would argue that a week in advance is not enough time to hire a lawyer and familiarise themselves with the facts of this case. I was busy doing other things.”
“Facts?” Theodore laughed. “Your honor, Mr Lorenzano knows nothing about ‘facts’. This man is deceitful. He has built his whole career on lies. Don’t you think young Alistair deserves two good role models to look up to? For example, a stay at home mother such as Julianna who can give him her full attention and care, and a family lawyer such as myself, who fights for justice in society?” Maxwell felt nauseated as he was being forced to hear the absolute bullshit Theodore was spouting out. He was painting himself as some kind of hero to a courtroom who knew no different. But that’s what Theodore Thomas did the best. And that was why he was the most successful lawyer in Washington D.C.
“Uh,” Maxwell squeezed his eyes shut. “Not exactly. It’s complicated, your honor. I was in Athens with a friend.” He hated the way the revelation left his lips. But it was the truth. And if he had learned one thing from Diana, it was that the truth is beautiful. But was truth going to win the case?
Judge Wilson blinked momentarily as silence filled the courtroom. A smile flexed upon Theodore’s lips. “You were in Athens with a friend?” Judge Wilson repeated, gritting his teeth.
“Yes, your honor.” Maxwell sighed in admittance.
“Mr Lorenzano,” Judge Wilson addressed Max before glancing towards the jury who were taking notes. “I hope you realise this does not sound good in your favour.”
Maxwell cursed in his mind. Of course it didn’t. He’d gone with you to Athens to help you find and destroy the dreamstone. But he couldn’t say that in court. Hell, he couldn’t say that to anyone. You trusted him with your secret and he wasn’t going to expose you like that. Then again, you had broken your promise. You hadn’t shown up in court. You lied to him. And Maxwell was hurting a lot. He felt betrayed. Nevertheless, he still loved you so much. No doubt the jury would even believe the fact a magical goddess came into Max’s life and encouraged him to accompany her to Athens to destroy a wish-granting stone possessed by the God of Lies. That would just be ridiculous.
Maxwell didn’t reply. “On that note,” Judge Wilson grimaced before turning back to face Julianna and Theodore. “I ask that the claimant address all their points as to why they believe Mr Lorenzano is an unfit father to Alistair Lorenzano.”
Julianna clapped her hands excitedly. Maxwell figured she must have spent her entire life preparing herself for this moment. Max knew that he’d likely have to sit through possibly hours of Julianna and her sleazeball of a boyfriend demonizing him and pushing him down. Nothing new. But when it came to illustrating the point whether or not Maxwell was an unfit father, he didn’t want to hear it. To Max, Alistair was an angel. He deserved the best and Maxwell had always wanted to be the best for his son. None of this would’ve happened if Max hadn’t been led down such a dark path in the first place. Yes, Maxwell often doubted his capability as a parent, but at least he was trying to change. Julianna didn’t even care about Alistair. She was a neglectful mother, always dumping Alistair upon Max without warning so she could spend time with Ted or go shopping with her friends. Maxwell loved his son more than anything else in the whole world.
“Mr Lorenzano, as I’m sure you all know, is what I’d once describe to be a ‘successful’ businessman. Now I personally think he’s just a businessman,” Theodore smirked and Maxwell rolled his eyes. “He’s a television personality who goes by Max Lord. He’s a liar. A con man. Not only has he lied about his identity to the whole world, but he’s tricked the weak minded into investing into his ponzi-scheme.”
“Hey!” A juror interrupted. “I invested in Black Gold Cooperative!”
“Well-I mean, obviously you’re not weak minded.” Theodore quickly backtracked.
“He did just call you weak minded.” Maxwell muttered with a shrug of his shoulders. The juror frowned and sat back down.
An hour passed and both Julianna and Theodore were still taking turns to drag Max down. He felt like giving up. You were his only hope, and you weren’t even there. “Mr Lorenzano,” Judge Wilson began. “Do you have any objections to the claimants allegations?”
“Yes, I object to it all!” Max exclaimed.
“I should rephrase,” Judge Wilson sighed. “Are they telling the truth about you?”
They were. They hadn’t lied. They’d compiled a list of all of Maxwell’s mistakes, errors, and flaws. They had him backed up into a corner he couldn’t get out of. On occasions, were they making a mountain out of a molehill? Of course. But were they honest? Yes. Maxwell had fucked up.
“They are.” Maxwell nodded, his knees becoming weak with anxiety.
“Okay,” The Judge replied, his tone dripping with disappointment and perhaps even sadness. “It’s now your turn to speak, Mr Lorenzano. Although I have no doubt the jury has already come to a decision.” 
Maxwell turned to face the jury who were looking at him with identical stone cold expressions. Like he was some kind of villainous monster. A lying criminal. And it was all thanks to Theodore’s stupid little speech. 
“Uhm,” Maxwell stood up and brushed down his suit again before walking over to the jury. “Theodore is right. I have done bad things and I have lied to many people. I’m not perfect, but I’m trying to get better. For my son. For Alistair. He gives my life hope and reason and purpose. I believe that he makes me a better person. I’m not sure if any of you have kids of your own but you know how hard the pressure can be. The truth is, I never considered myself a family man. I never wanted children but when Alistair came into my life… for the first time I felt like the universe was on my side,” Maxwell took the polaroid out of his pocket and slid it over for the jury to look at. “This was the day he was born. I had never felt so much love.” Maxwell smiled faintly at the memory. 
“Quit it with your sob story.” Theodore moaned, rolling his eyes.
“Let Mr Lorenzano speak.” Judge Wilson snapped back. Max nodded his head with gratitude.
“I never used to believe in love before Alistair was born. And then recently, I got lost. Things didn’t make sense and my mind became clouded with just about all the wrong things. And then this girl came into my life and she reminded me of how it feels to love and be loved in return. So now I do. I believe in love. I believe that love conquers all. That love can end all wars and quash all hatred in the world. Please, I ask that you empathize with me. We’ve all made mistakes. If I could go back and fix it I would in a heartbeat. But I can’t and I don’t know what I’d do if I lost Alistair.” Max croaked, letting a real, genuine tear slip down his cheek. 
Silence filled the courtroom and deciding that Maxwell had nothing else to say, he sat back down in his seat. He knew he’d lost. You weren’t there to help him. He had no attorney. And like Diana had warned him; the consequences of his actions lay in his fate with Alistair. He was going to lose the little boy he loved so much. His only son.
Maxwell knew he was a lot of things but he was not an unfit father. He was prepared to give Alistair the world. An unfit father would be his own father. A man who spent his days drunk and abusing him and his mother. Both physical and mental torture. Max would never ever do that to Alistair. Ever. He tried so hard to be a positive, influential figure to Alistair because he never had one himself. 
“I believe the jury has come to a conclusion,” Judge Wilson announced, taking a painful amount of time to open the envelope that had been handed to him. “The jury have decided that full custody of Alistair Lorenzano will be granted to Juli-”
“STOP!” You screamed, using your full force to push open the sturdy double doors that led into the courtroom. 
The scene ahead was something straight out of a courtroom drama movie. Maxwell’s jaw dropped upon the sight of you and the jury gasped, muttering words of bewilderment amongst each other as you ran up to Max. And oh, you were a sight.
Maxwell didn’t know what happened, but there you were, dressed in red, blue and gold. He pinned it down to an Amazonian warrior’s outfit, for sure, because there was no way any Sears’ or Macy’s or Bloomingdales’ would sell anything like that. You were sparkling, your tiara fit perfectly on your head and your gladiator sandals tied in neat ribbons to your kneecaps. You looked like a real-life Goddess. In your element.
“I thought you weren’t coming,”  Maxwell gasped as you ran into his arms. You hugged him tight and he tried to hold back his cries. “Thought… you’d already gone back to Themyscira.”
The thought of you leaving Max without a proper goodbye was debilitating. He was the man who took you in, gave you a home and comfort, and showed you what real, true love was. 
“I couldn’t leave without keeping my promise.” you sniffed, cupping his cheeks and offering him a small smile. You spent a moment just gazing into his chocolate brown eyes. In the past day, his eyes looked like they had aged ten years due to all the stress he was under -- but they were still the most beautiful things you had ever seen. 
Gods, you loved him so much. And you wanted him to know how much you loved him. He deserved to know. But right now, you had to focus on keeping your promise. The reason you had come to the world of man in the first place was to reunite Alistair and Max, so that was exactly what you were going to do. You hadn’t constructed a plan, and you knew that would be your fatal error -- but it had to be now or never. All you could do was hope that, somehow, everything would fall into place. You cleared your throat and presented yourself in front of the judge, before introducing yourself. “I’m here to represent Maxwell Lorenzano in the custody battle for Alistair Lorenzano.”
The judge sighed, adjusting his white wig. “The case started two hours ago, ma’am. With all due respect, the jury has already reached a verdict. Unless you have any valid evidence as to why you believe Mr Lorenzano would make a worthy father, or Miss Grey an unworthy mother, there is nothing more I can do.”
You felt your heart stop in your chest and it was like everything around you was in slow motion. Goose pimples pricked your arms as you looked around the courtroom at all the different faces. You were standing in front of fifty or so people, easily and they were all staring at you. Of course you knew why… you weren’t exactly dressed like a ‘typical’ citizen of the world. But you just had to suck it up because you had made a promise to Maxwell, all those days ago. You had a duty to fulfil as the Goddess of home and hearth, and you knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but in that moment you knew exactly what you had to do.
“I have evidence.” you said with a shaky exhale.
Maxwell narrowed his eyes and leaned into you. “What?” he asked, just as confused as everyone else. Julianna and Theodore exchanged a nervous glance as the jury and audience continued to murmur amongst each other.
“Trust me.” you smiled a tearful smile and you felt your lips begin to quiver with anxiety. You closed your eyes and tried to regulate your breathing. It would be okay. It was going to be okay.
“Well, present your evidence.” Judge Wilson sighed and you nodded your head with affirmation.
Taking your lasso of truth, you began to unravel it, and showed the courtroom the way it glowed golden upon touching it. “What is that?” you heard one of the juror’s ask.
“This is the lasso of Hestia. It belonged to my mother and it’s powered by the truth. The truth and purity of the universe.” You explained, and the jury were in complete awe.
Julianna was the first one to burst into laughter. “You can’t be serious? A magical lasso? What? You got that from the costume and prop store on 2nd Street? Please. This is actually a serious case. Get outta here.” she snarled, her lips curling into a frown.
Maxwell went to snap back but you quickly stopped him before slowly padding towards Julianna and Theodore. And you smiled. “May I demonstrate?” you asked her, and Julianna gulped hesitantly. “If it’s just a prop from a costume store then… you have no reason to be afraid, do you?”
Julianna turned to Theodore who just shrugged his shoulders. “Okay. Fine.” Julianna sighed, holding out her wrists. You carefully tied them together with the lasso before trailing it across the courtroom.
“Ted, Max, Judge Wilson… feel free to hold on to the lasso,” you pulled it to where the jury was sitting and made sure that each member held a tight grip onto it. “Don’t worry, it won’t hurt.” you promised.
“What are you doing?” Maxwell gritted out. “I can’t let you do this. Exposing your powers in front of all these people… it’ll turn you into a mortal.”
You knew that. But it was a sacrifice you were willing to take. If this past week had taught you anything it was that love was the most beautiful thing in this universe. And that love truly does conquer all. You were able to tell Barbara that with your whole chest-- so just for once, maybe you should listen to yourself. You deserved your happy ending.
And you were never happy on Themyscira.
But here, with Maxwell and Alistair? You were happy.
You were finally happy and you wouldn’t let anything get in the way of that.
Taking a deep breath, you shrugged off his comment and turned around to speak to the courtroom. 
“The lasso of Hestia compels you all to see the truth about Alistair Lorenzano.”
You watched intently as their eyes snapped shut and they saw the truth. They saw how neglectful Julianna and Theodore had been, and how loving Maxwell was. How Maxwell flew home from Greece just to be with his son whilst Julianna left him in the house alone. They saw the way Julianna verbally abused Alistair, and Maxwell winced as it paralleled his own childhood memories. They saw it all. They saw the truth.
But-- it was draining you. It was like you could slowly feel your powers slip out of you. You were losing your immortality, and your strength. You felt yourself become weaker by the second until eventually, it was over. They opened their eyes and looked at Maxwell in shock.
You took the lasso from each person and you whimpered slightly at how weighted it suddenly felt in your grip. Attaching it back to your tunic, you took Maxwell’s hand. “Did it work?” you asked weakly, hoping and praying that your sacrifice would change something.
Maxwell swallowed but before he could open his mouth, a juror spoke.
“The jury would like to change their verdict.” he announced, and the judge looked down at the envelope. He rubbed his teary eyes and sighed. The Judge had been… crying?
“Well, I hereby grant custody of Alistair Lorenzano to his father, Maxwell Lorenzano.” Judge Wilson declared before banging his gavel down on the desk.
Julianna screamed. Members of the audience cheered. You turned to Maxwell who’s cheeks were tearstained. “Oh my Gosh Max, we did it!” you cried, and Maxwell let himself fall limp in your arms as he sobbed uncontrollably.
“You-- you just-- I can’t believe--” He cried before pulling off you and flashing you the most precious grin. It was enough to make your heart swell with happiness. “I can’t believe you sacrificed your powers for me and Ali--”
“Well, believe it.” you said, leaning in and pressing a soft yet passionate kiss into his lips. Max’s hands fell down to your hips as he held onto you and relished your taste. He pulled away from you and instinctively smoothed out your hair.
“I love you so much,” Maxwell admitted finally, unable to keep his true feelings to himself any longer. “I’m so in love with you.”
And now, it was your turn to cry. It was the words you had longed to hear from the moment you came to the world of man. “I love you too Maxwell Lorenzano,” you confessed, running your fingers through his golden hair. Max choked back a sob as he gazed into your eyes. “Come on,” you encouraged, rubbing the small of his back. “You have a son to get home to.” you giggled and Maxwell’s eyes lit up.
“Does this mean you don’t have to return to Themyscira?” Maxwell asked hopefully and you felt your cheeks flush with heat as you shook your head.
“No, I don’t have to return to Themyscira. I’m a mortal now, just like you”
Somehow, you thought you’d be hurting more. You just gave up your powers-- your whole life. But this… this felt perfect. Like it was meant to be. You weren’t hurting, in fact, you had never been so elated in your life.
“Well, you’ll always be a goddess to me.” Max confessed, pressing another kiss into your lips. “Come on. Let’s go get Alistair.” he grinned, tugging on your hand as you excitedly ran out of the courtroom together.
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I Believe In Love: Tagged in comments!
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candreloup · 3 years
Hey! I heard you were looking for asks so I was hoping you could write about a hero with social anxiety who everyone thinks is shy, but in reality they actually have a lot to say and they are super sweet and considerate. And if their nemesis could be a suave villain who knows them better than anyone (and maybe even has a soft spot for them) then that would be amazing. Have a good day!
I am having a good day, thank you!(maybe it's because of your well-wishes :D) Have fun with this one too, this prompt looks super interesting. I'm excited to write it! Also I'm trying to write at least one snippet every day, but I might miss some days(depends on amount of stuff that day, inspiration, etc)- but for the summer I can actually have a consistent schedule! (Ignore the fact that today's is a bit late, haha) But anywho- on to the story!(wow that's like my catchphrase now)
Edit: also i have realized this may not be exactly what the original ask is about... so I think I'm going to do another one mor accurate to the request hehe
Hero gazed out of the window, staring into the rainy drizzle outside. It was a gray day, overcast and chilly with just the right touch of gloomy. The perfect day to sit inside with a cup of tea and listen to music. Instead, Hero was stuck inside, waiting for the rain to abate and sweating in the too-warm room. The temperature was just a touch too high, barely a few degrees over comfortable. It was a nice gesture, but in someone's over-eagerness to please, they had switched the discomfort to the other side. Oh well. Hero thought. At least the rain seems to be stopping soon.
The rain in question was slowing to a drizzle, the sky lightening and the sun beginning to peek out of the dissolving clouds. The inside was beginning to swelter, filling with heat faster than the dripping rain could cool it off.
Hero thought, "Here it comes."
The next few seconds came in flashes, going in and out of Hero's field of perception. The door slams. Flash. Windows shatter. Flash. A sweet smell drifts through the broken windows. Flash. A smooth voice fills Hero's head. Flash.
"Hello, Hero. It's nice to see you again."
It was over before Hero knew it. The sudden storm of sound, sight and smell flooding Hero's senses vanished in an instant, whirlpooling back into the singular figure in the center of the room, sitting languidly on a velvety chair. Villain.
Hero walked forward mechanically, feeling... numb. It had been years since they'd seen Villain, long before they became "Villain" and ceased to be "Friend". Hero could remember, clear as day, when that familiar face had appeared on the TV screen of the cold cafeteria. Along with a headline that read, "Dangerous criminal at large: 9 dead in lethal attack on Organization." And when the alarms started to wail, filling Hero's muddled mind with even more confusion. They'd struggled to process it, at first; it took them longer than it perhaps should have to realize that that smiling young child was no longer so young, and definitely no longer smiling. No. Instead they looked angry, resentful at the world for the cards they'd been dealt. Not like before. Not like before, when despite all the hardship and suffering that had been thrown their way, Friend had still seemed to love life. To cherish it and fill it with as much happiness as they could, as if to make up for the lost joy in other places.
What happened to you, my friend?
That all vanished into nothingness when Hero saw Villain sitting in front of them, fiddling with some small trinket in their fingers. Waiting. Waiting for what? Hero wondered, staring at the different, but still recognizable face. Waiting for... for...
Villain looked up. Hero stopped, waited along with Villain. What are they waiting for? Villain spun the trinket in their fingers and with a deft movement flicked it back into the dark recesses of their jacket.
"Waiting for you, Hero." Hero flinched. That was new. Hero sighed. They hadn't bothered to do research on Villain. Stupid! They'd been so naïve, believing that this clearly changed person sitting in front of them would still act the same, talk the same. But it was too late for that. All that they could do now was grasp at the small thread they had, hope beyond hope that they could figure out a way to bring Villain back. Now all that was left to do was try to understand, try to puzzle out what happened to that little kid they'd played with. And to try to bring that bright soul back.
"I know what you're thinking." The sudden noise startled Hero, jerked them out of their thoughts.
"Oh?" Hero struggled to stay as neutral as possible. Villain chuckled.
"You're so transparent, Hero. Just like I used to be. A dumb little kid. And you're wondering: What happened?" Hero hid their surprise as best they could. It wasn't enough. Hero could tell, could see the glee in Villain's eyes at Hero's confusion. It was a malicious joy, so different from that happiness they used to have.
"Now you're thinking that I've changed. Again. I did change. That's true. But I'm still the same person."
Hero cleared their throat, struggling for the right words to say.
"...No, you're not."
"Oh yes I am. I'm still 'Friend', even if I"-Villain gestured to their face and body-"changed in appearance. And perhaps personality."
Hero shook their head. "No. The friend I knew would never murder someone. You... you aren't my friend. My friend is gone." The bite in those words seemed to sting Villain, the hurt in their eyes barely visible. But it was quickly covered up and replaced with cold humor.
"O sentimental fool! You really believe your little friend was so great, huh! I almost feel bad for you."
"No. I know my friend was a good person."
"Ahhhh, you knew your friend so well! I see. Then tell me this, Hero. How is it that you never knew where your little friend lived? Or chose to ask? And how is it that you never noticed the deadness in their eyes or the tear stains on their cheeks? Tell me, Hero!" Villain spat. The venom in their voice was audible now, cutting through the smooth, smug tone as Villain glared at Hero. "And tell me, little Hero, how you never saw the bruises and scars on your friend's body? Tell me how you never, not once noticed how isolated, how totally alone your friend felt?" Villain was standing now, advancing slowly towards Hero with rage in their eyes. "Tell me how, Hero. TELL ME!" they half-screamed, standing almost nose to nose with Hero.
Hero kept their calm. Strangely enough, this was almost better than before, better than that slick villain sitting elegantly on the chair. Hero preferred unhinged to silence. "I'm sorry."
"Oh, the little Hero is sorry! Ha! What a joke! Well, little Hero with the oh-so-great-friend, explain to me your reasoning when you left me!!"
Hero snapped. They'd been calm, silent, reasonable this whole time. Kept their cool, kept their patience. Remembered- this is a person in pain. They are in pain because of me. I used to love them.
But the last line was the final straw.
"Oh, Villain, you want to know about leaving??" Hero yelled, standing on their toes and staring directly into Villain's wide eyes. "You want to know about loneliness, about feeling betrayed? You know, Villain, JUST BECAUSE YOU FELT ALONE DOESN'T MEAN I DIDN'T!" Hero screamed, filled with an uncharacteristic amount of rage.
"Hero, calm-"
"NO. For every time you hid things, every time you made me feel like I WASN'T THERE FOR YOU despite my CONSTANT PRESENCE, I'm going to tell you. You want to know, Villain? You REALLY WANT TO KNOW? Every SINGLE time I asked, EVERY TIME I BEGGED AND PLEADED WITH YOU TO TELL ME, you know what you did?"
"YOU RAN AWAY! So don't sit there, with your chair and suit BULLSHIT, and try and tell me that I WASN'T A GOOD FRIEND. Don't. Do you know how many times I tried, Villain? And god damn, COULDN'T YOU SPARE A SINGLE THOUGHT TO TELL ME? But no, you NEVER SAID A WORD. You just pranced around, acting happy until I left. Because APPARENTLY, EVERY SINGLE THING I THOUGHT I KNEW ABOUT MY FRIEND IS A FUCKING LIE."
Hero was breathing hard, still bubbling with anger. How dare they, how dare Villain accuse Hero of not trying. God knew they tried. Every. Single. Day. But even through all of that Hero had faith in Villain. They'd believed Villain was still good. But then that news report had come out. And now, Hero realized that their entire childhood had been a façade.
"I... I'm sorry." The words were almost a whisper, so quiet Hero could barely hear it. But they still heard it.
"Sorry won't cut it."
"I know."
"You know, Villain? Do you really?"
"I thought I knew."
"I loved you, Villain. I almost still do." Hero whispered into the room, feeling their words bounce off the bare walls. "I loved you..."
Villain looked up from their chair, eyes wide. "...You did?"
Hero started crying softly, tears rolling slowly down their face. "You idiot. You lovable fucking idiot." Villain stood slowly, looking ashamed. "Come here." Hero opened their arms to Villain, sobbing when Villain fell into the comforting embrace. "You idiot. I missed you," they whispered, tears falling onto Villain's shoulder.
"I missed you too," Villain murmured softly, quiet tears gently falling onto the floor.
It sounded like rain.
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